Invited Talks
- Het effect van nosocomiale verspreiding op het resistentieniveau
in de extramurale populatie. 2003. SWAB
Symposium, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Infections in the hospital: Relative importance of infection
routes. May 19, 2005. Staff Colloquium Mathematical Institute Utrecht
The relative importance of the components of the dutch
search & destroy policy for MRSA. May 23,2005. Colloquium around
Controlling MRSA: Now and in the future. May 11,2006.
HPA London, UK seminar series.
Estimating transmission parameters for infectious diseases
in small hospital units. August 7, 2006. Kolloquium Medizinische Biometrie,
Freiburg, Germany.
MRSA: Options for control. November 9, 2006. Warwick Business School,
University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom.
Mathematical models for transmission and control of MRSA.
November 10,2006. MRSA Symposium Brighton, United Kingfom.
Three aspects of the spread of antibiotic resistance: hospital re-entry,
multiple acquisition routes, multiple colonization sites. Friday April 13, 2007.
Workshop on antibiotic resistance, Kräftriket, Stockholm, Sweden.
Modeling of the transmission dynamics of Methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Wednesday October 10, 2007.
"Dynamic Analysis" seminar of the mathematical department of the Free University
of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Modelling of antibiotic resistance: R0 for MRSA and options for control. Tuesday October 23, 2007.
"Workshop on Mathematical models for the study of the infection Dynamics of Emergent and Re-emergent Diseaeses in Humans (22 - 26 Oct 2007),
IMS/NUS, Singapore.
Control of antibiotic resistance: The use of mathematics. Friday, 26 October 2007.
Department of Medicine, National University Hospital, NUS, Singapore.
- Control of antibiotic resistance: The use of mathematics. Friday, 26 October 2007.
Department of Medicine, National University Hospital, NUS, Singapore.
- Estimating Acquisition Routes of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria in
Hospital Settings. SHEA, Symposium Epidemiologic Methods, April 7 2008, Orlando,
Florida, USA.
Nosocomial infections. Tuesday, September 16, 2008.
Tenth International Summer School 2008. Infectious Disease Epidemiology.
Modern Surveillance, International Dimensions and Public Health Control.
Infectious diseases transmission
27th Annual
Meeting of the European Society for Peadiatric Diseases, Brussels, Belgium.
Nosocomial infections. Tuesday, September 8, 2009.
11th International Summer School 2009. Infectious Disease Epidemiology.
Modern Surveillance, International Dimensions and Public Health Control.
Wiskundige modellen voor infectiepreventie. December 10, 2009.
Afstudeersymposium AAIDF: 'Outbreak' - Infectieziekten in het ziekenhuis, Breda,
the Netherlands.
Vectorial Behavior of Healthcare Workers. Sunday, March 21, 2010. Fifth Decennial Internation
Conference on Healthcare-Associated Infections. March 18-22, 2010, Atlanta, GA, USA.
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last updated: November 10, 2009