Gil Cavalcanti’s webpage
Gil Cavalcanti’s webpage
If I am teaching you a course or if you are interested in information on a course I am teaching or have taught, please follow the links teaching and past teaching in the menu at the top of the page.
My area of research is differential geometry. The particular objects I work with are generalized complex structures. These were introduced by Nigel Hitchin in 2002 and are a simultaneous generalization of complex and symplectic structures. They are also physically relevant, as several objects which appear naturally in string theory arise naturally in the generalized complex world.
I am also a board member of the GQT cluster.
Since September 2021 I am the chair of mastermath, the national master programme.
Contact details:
Physical Address:
Office 607
Budapestlaan 6
Mathematics Department
Utrecht Univesity
3584 CD Utrecht
The Netherlands
phone: 0031 30 2531512
Postal Address:
Gil Cavalcanti
Department of Mathematics
Utrecht University
P.O. Box 80010
3508 TA Utrecht
The Netherlands