Past teaching

Here is a list of course I have taught in Utrecht in recent years:

Undergraduate courses:

  1. Analysis in one complex variable, 2019/2020 (block 4).

  2. Wat is Wiskunde — 2018/2019 (block 1).

  3. Wat is Wiskunde — 2017/2018 (block 1).

  4. Geometry and topology — 2016/2017 (block 3).

  5. Geometry and topology — 2015/2016 (block 3).

  6. Geometry and topology — 2014/2015 (block 3).

  7. Differentiable manifolds — 2014/2015 (block 1).

  8. Geometry and topology — 2013/2014 (block 4).

  9. Differentiable manifolds — 2013/2014 (block 2).

  10. Differentiable manifolds — fall 2012.

  11. Differentiable manifolds — fall 2011.

  12. Group theory — fall 2010.

  13. Group theory — fall 2009.

  14. Group theory — fall 2008.

Master courses

  1. Seiberg--Witten invariants seminar — Spring 2021.

  2. Differential geometry (mastermath) — Fall 2018.

  3. Differential geometry (mastermath) — Fall 2017.

  4. Complex geometry (mastermath) — Fall 2016.

  5. Differential forms in algebraic topology seminar — Spring 2016.

  6. Characteristic classes seminar — Spring 2012.

  7. Riemann surfaces (mastermath) — Spring 2012.

  8. Riemann surfaces (masterclass) — Fall 2009.

  9. Special Lagrangian manifolds (symplectic geometry, really) (masterclass) — spring 2008.