• About me: I work in the Mathematics Department at Utrecht University and I belong to the Utrecht Geometry Center. Here you can find my contact information, my colleagues, the Institute calendar and some of my friends/collaborators. And here is me via Google Scholar Profile, via MathSciNet or via the Mathematics Genealogy Project.

    Brief CV: I did my bachelor at Babes-Bolyai University (Cluj-Napoca, Romania), then I moved to The Netherlands where I participated in the MRI Master Class of 1995/1996; I received my PhD in 2000 (Utrecht University), then I was a Miller Research Fellow at UC Berkely, then I returned back to The Netherlands as a Fellow of the KNAW. Since 2012 I am Professor at UU (Differential Geometry), leading the Poisson geometry group at UU. I am also taking part in the dutch GQT (Geometry and Quantum Theory) national research cluster. In 2016 I was elected member of KNAW (The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences).

  • Our team: inside the Utrecht Geometry Center, together with some of my colleagues (most notably Gil Cavalcanti and Alvaro del Pino), our students and PostDocs, we form a "research group" that focuses on the study of various geometric structures (symplectic, Poisson, generalized complex, contact, Engel, etc). The group is changing continuously, you can have a look at some of the former members while here you can see the present ones. A constant of our activities is the so-called "Friday Fish seminar" that I have started almost 20 years ago (usually devoted to the education/training of our PhD students and interactions with our visitors). We have also organized the Poisson 2012 here in Utrecht, with about 200 participants in the two weeks (part of the biennial Poisson conferences). We are also involved in the UGC seminar. For talks in these seminars, and not only, please have a look at the Institute calendar.

  • Research interests: geometry and topology, especially differential and non-commutative. More specifically: Poisson Geometry and related areas (symplectic and contact, foliations), G-structures, Lie pseudo-groups and groupoids and, more recently, the geometric study of PDEs.

  • My papers: in MatSciNet and ArXiv.

  • Recent book: M. Crainic, R.L. Fernandes, and I. Marcut, Lectures on Poisson Geometry, Graduate Studies in Mathematics 217, American Mathematical Society, 2021. (see also the AMS Web Page where you can order a copy).

  • Supervision: PhD, Master, Bachelor, Research orientation seminar.

  • TEACHING: teaching in Utrecht (bachelor/master) or various minicourses.

  • Around the world: the Erwin Schrodinger Institute in Vienna ESI, the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley MSRI, the Mathematisches Forschungs institut Oberwolfach MFO, Le Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques Luminy CIRM , The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics ICTP Trieste, the Banff International Research Station.

  • Events:

    Last modified: September 18, 2021.

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