Blok 1, 2024/2025 (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)
LECTURER: Marius Crainic.
THE WERKCOLLEGES (devoted to solving exercises from the lecture notes, getting feedback for the homeworks, and/or asking for help/discussing aspects of the course that you did not understand):
TEACHING ASSISTANTS: Anna Fokma and Sven Holtrop.
Each homework will be corrected taking into account also the mathematical quality of the writing, which will count for 25 percent of the mark. If you score low on that, you have the chance to improve your writing (hence also your mark) by submitting your homework a second time (but please do not abuse, otherwise we have to put an upper limit on how many homeworks each one of you can resubmit).
F= min{10, max{(4 E+ 6 HW)/10, (8E+ 2H)/10}+ B}
rounded off to an integral number up to 6, and to a half integer above 6 (to the closest one). The requirements for passing the exam are: H and E have to be at least 5 (before rounding!) and F has to be at least 6. Please be aware that there will be no automatic rounding up for marks below 5 (e.g. 4.95 will not be a passing mark but, in such borderline cases (if any).
Blackboard photos of lecture 1.
The exercises for today's tutorial are:
read the lecture notes containing the reminders on Topology and Analysis and start having a first look at the definition of manifold.
Blackboard photos of lecture 2.
The exercises for today's tutorial are:
1.24, 1.38, 1.53, Example 2.3, Example 2.4, 1.44, 1,48, 1.54.
Homework 1 (to be handed in by next Wednesday, by the start of the werkcollege):
Blackboard photos of lecture 3.
The exercises for today's tutorial are:
2.37 (check that this implies 2.178), 38, 39, 49, 54/55 (point 1 and 3), extra: 2.52.
Blackboard photos of lecture 4.
The exercises for today's tutorial are:
Chapter 2: 185, 74, 26 or 28 + Continue working on exercises from previous weeks.
Homework 2 (to be handed in by next Wednesday, by the start of the werkcollege):
Blackboard photos for this lecture.
The exercises for today's tutorial are:
2.31, 52, 2.213, 2.215, extra: 2.214.
Homeworks 3-4 (to be handed in by Monday, October 7th, by the start of the werkcollege).
Blackboard photos for this lecture.
The exercises for today's tutorial are: Fill in the details for the proof of Lemma 2.108 and do 2.110. Then the very important 2.114 and 2.121. Do also the following old homework from 2023 (but do it as an exercise, not as homework. Notice that some of the first questions are already covered by the previous list of exercises). More exercises may be give to you by the TAs; they will be announced on the "blackboard" page of the course.
Homework 3-4 (to be handed in by Monday, October 7th): see above.
Blackboard photos for this lecture.
The exercises for today's tutorial are: 2.189, 191, 198, 200 and 204 (want more practice? have a look at 2.111 or 188).
Blackboard photos for this lecture.
The exercises for today's tutorial are: 3.17 (hint 2.111), 3.22+3.23+3.24, 3.20, 3.25.
Blackboard photos for this lecture.
The exercises for today's tutorial are: 3.28, 3.32, 3.33, 3.31. See also this blackboard.
Blackboard photos for this lecture.
The exercises for today's tutorial are: 3.64, then do item c of Exercise 3.103 and also compute all the integral curves of V, then 66, 67, 68.
Blackboard photos BUT, this time, the writing on the blackboard was far from ideal ... certainly worse than in the previous year ... both the blackboard available was worse, as well as the teaching was worse due to some emergency which made me be late and rather disorganized .... and, for that reason, I am attaching here also the the blackboard photos from the previous year .
The exercises for today's tutorial are: 3.76,80,88,92 and 93.
Blackboard photos for this lecture.
The exercises for today's tutorial are:
Homework(to be handed in by next Wednesday, by the start of the werkcollege):
Blackboard photos for this lecture.
The exercises for today's tutorial are:
Blackboard photos for this lecture.
The exercises for today's tutorial are:
Homework(to be handed in by next Wednesday, by the start of the werkcollege):
Blackboard photos for this lecture.
The exercises for today's tutorial are:
Blackboard photos for this lecture.
The exercises for today's tutorial are:
Homework(to be handed in by next Wednesday, by the start of the werkcollege):