Climate as a Complex System

Analysis beyond observation and simulation

TAOC (Tipping of the Atlantic Ocean Circulation, ERC-AdG), 2022-2027


Faure Ragani, A. And Henk A. Dijkstra Physical characterization of the boundary separating safe
and unsafe AMOC overshoot behaviour, Erath System Dynamics, submitted,

Elian Vanderborght, René M. van Westen and Henk A. Dijkstra, Feedback Processes causing an AMOC
Collapse in the Community Earth System Model. J. Climate, submitted.

René M. van Westen, Elian Vanderborght, and Henk A. Dijkstra, A Saddle-Node Bifurcation is Causing the AMOC
Collapse in the Community Earth System Model, Earth System Dynamics, submitted.

René M. van Westen, Michael Kliphuis and Henk A. Dijkstra,
Collapse of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning
Circulation in a Strongly Eddying Ocean-Only Model
, Geophysical Research Letters, submitted.

Soons, Jelle; Grafke, Tobias; Dijkstra, Henk, Most Likely Noise-Induced Tipping of the Overturning Circulation
in a 2D Boussinesq Fluid Model, J. Fuid Mechanics, submitted.

Bailie, J., Krauskopf, B. and Dijkstra, Henk. A detailed analysis of the origin of deep-decoupling and
deep-coupling oscillations. Chaos, submitted.

Andrew Keane, Alexander Pohl; Henk A Dijkstra; Andy Ridgwell Stabilising millennial oscillations in
large-scale ocean circulation with a delayed feedback due to a circumpolar current, Physica D,


See paper list (under heading Papers) with label TAOC at end.