How to use my name
My surname is van Dobben de Bruyn (not van Dobben or de Bruyn). This is a Dutch name, so the middlefix van is neither capitalised nor alphabetised.
Strictly speaking, Van should be upper case when it is not preceded by first name or initial. I do not currently follow this practice.
For sorting purposes only, my name should be parsed as
Dobben de Bruyn, Remy van.
That is, it is always filed under D and never under V or B.
The most creative I have seen: my name pushed all the way to the end of the alphabet, because of a sorting algorithm without case folding. Don't be that person.
BibTeX reads names as
{First} {Von} {Last} {Junior}.
It interprets {van Dobben de Bruyn, Remy} as
{Remy} {van Dobben de} {Bruyn} {}.
To fix this, write {van Dobben {de} Bruyn, Remy} in BibTeX, which is parsed correctly as
{Remy} {van} {Dobben de Bruyn} {}.
If your citation style uses Last instead of Von for sorting, this means I will appear in the correct place.
My name also broke the arXiv. Because of the two middlefixes van and de, the arXiv parses my name inconsistently. As a result, clicking my name from any of my papers gives no results.
I sent a note to the arXiv administrators a few years ago, but it has not been picked up yet.