Getting the planes aloft... and keeping them there
...takes a barrage of figure work, for accurate, speedy
figures are essential to design, build and man the modern
weapons of war. That's why behind the fleets of planes,
ships, tanks, you'll find fleets of Monroe machines
providing faster figures for faster production.
Our first duty is to fill this war demand and to meet
the requirements of our Government. Under these
circumstances, we appreciate the cooperation of all our
users, whose interests we are doing our utmost to serve.
There are Monroe machines for every kind of figure work; and
150 Monroe-owned branches stand ready to assure
uninterrupted figure production everywhere. Ask the nearest
branch for facts about Monroe utility, speed, economy, or
write Monroe Calculating Machine Company, Inc., Orange, New
Invest in Victory (and Your Own Future Buy Defense Bonds
and Stamps.
Because of our long experience in building precision
machines, Monroe has been selected to produce special
munitions equipment where extreme accuracy and dependability
are vital.
Machines for Calculating, Adding, Bookkeeping,