Jason E. Frank (Hutchinson, Kansas, USA 1970) is Professor of Numerical Analysis at Utrecht University, where he was appointed in 2013. His research addresses modelling, analysis and computation of ordinary, partial and stochastic differential equations, with applications in atmosphere/ocean/climate dynamics, nonlinear waves, and complex systems. In particular, much of his research focuses on geometric integration and structure-preserving numerical methods. Frank earned B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in aerospace engineering from the University of Kansas in 1992 and 1994. In 1995 he worked as researcher in the mathematics departments at U. Kansas and at CWI, Amsterdam. From 1996 through 2000 he completed PhD studies in numerical analysis at Delft University of Technology and CWI (PhD, T.U. Delft, April 2000) with a dissertation on parallel computing methods for ordinary and partial differential equations. From 2000-2013 he was employed by CWI, Amsterdam as researcher in the department Modelling, Analysis and Computation, and leader of the research group MAC1 - Computational and Stochastic Dynamics. From 2010-2013 he was appointed Full Professor at the University of Amsterdam in the Chair for Numerical Analysis and Dynamical Systems. From 2018--2022 he was Head of the Department of Mathematics and Director of the Mathematical Institute at Utrecht University.contact
Mathematical Institute Utrecht University P.O. Box 80010 3508 TA Utrecht the Netherlands |
office: 418 (Budapestlaan 6, 3584 CD Utrecht) tel: +31 30 2532549 fax: +31 30 2534947 e-mail: |
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- Professor, Chair of Numerical Analysis, Mathematical Institute, Utrecht University.
- Board member, National Mathematics Cluster NDNS+ (Nonlinear Dynamics of Natural Systems)
- Board member, Werkgemeenschap Scientific Computing - Dutch Scientific Computing Community
- Steering committee member, Complex Systems Studies, Utrecht University