Previous Teaching Experiences
I have in Utrecht worked on the following courses
2021: Lectures and Super teaching assistant Field Theory in Condensed Matter
2019-2020: Super teaching assistant Statistical Field Theory
I have as a lecturer in Maynooth given the following courses
2018<-2017: Lecturuer Certificate in Physics
2016<-2015: Lecturuer Classical Meachanics
2016: Lecturer (Second half of lectures) Solid State Physics
I have during my PhD-studies been involved in the following courses:
2013: Teaching assistant in Quantum Field Theory -- 15 hp.
2013<-2012: Corrected the exam in Mekanik.
2013: Teaching assistant in Mekanik.
2012: Teaching assistant in Quantum Field Theory -- 7.5 hp.
2012<-2009: Teaching assistant in Kvantfenomen & Fysik.
2011: Corrected written assignments in Relativistic Field Theory.
2011: Teaching (last minute substitute) assistant in Electrodynamik I.
2011<-2010: Corrected written assignments in Quantum Field Theory.
2010<-2009: Teaching assistant in Basåret: Fysik A & B.
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