Since the earliest days of Assyriology, the ancient observations of lunar and solar eclipses, planetary
configurations and other celestial phenomena reported on cuneiform tablets have been studied and employed for chronological
purposes. In many cases these observations can be dated to the exact day and hour and are thus of the utmost importance for
calibrating the various king and ruler lists of Mesopotamia.
Ancient Near Eastern
Chronologies (all years are BC)
Historical events |
High (Long) |
Middle |
Low (Short) |
Ultra-Low |
First Dynasty of Akkad |
????-???? |
2334-2154 |
????-???? |
2200-2018 |
Third Dynasty of Ur |
2161-2053 |
2112-2004 |
2048-1940 |
2018-1911 |
First Dynasty of Isin |
????-???? |
2017-1793 |
????-???? |
1922-1698 |
First Dynasty of Babylon |
1950-1651 |
1894-1595 |
1830-1531 |
1798-1499 |
Reign of Hammurabi |
1848-1806 |
1792-1750 |
1728-1686 |
1696-1654 |
Reign of Ammisaduqa |
1702-1682 |
1646-1626 |
1582-1562 |
1550-1530 |
Fall of Babylon |
1651 |
1595 |
1531 |
1499 |
However, the interpretation of these early reports is not always straightforward. Not every obscuration or
darkening of the Sun necessarily implies a solar eclipse. In some cases, a darkening of the Sun that was first interpreted
as a solar eclipse is now believed to have been caused by a meteorological phenomenon.
The ancient Mesopotamian observations also provide useful information on the secular variations in the
Moon’s orbital motion and the slowing of the Earth’s rate of rotation.
Of these reports, the chronologically most important are the following:
The Nineveh Eclipse
Mentioned in an Assyrian limmu (eponym) list, a list of yearly-appointed high officials, as:
“Bur-Sagale of Guzana, revolt in the city of Aššur. In the month Simanu an eclipse of the Sun took
The report is assumed to refer to a (total?) solar eclipse seen from Nineveh during the 9th or
10th year of Ašurdan III. The identification of this eclipse with that of 15 June 763 BC makes it
possible to anchor the list in time, thus providing a very precise chronological baseline of Assyrian history reaching back
as far as 910 BC.
Cowell (1906) claimed that this eclipse had also been seen by the prophet Amos (Amos 8:9).
- Rawlinson, Henry Creswicke, “The Assyrian Canon Verified by the Record of a Solar Eclipse, B.C. 763”,
The Athenaeum: Journal of Literature, Science and the Fine Arts, nr. 2064, 660-661 [18 May 1867].
- Oppert, Jules, “La chronologie
biblique fixée par les éclipses des inscriptions cunéiformes”, Revue archéologique, ou recueil de documents
et de mémoires relatifs à l’étude des monuments, à la numismatique et à la philologie de l’antiquité et
du moyen age, nouv. sér., 18 (1868), 308-328 [Gallica link] & 379-388 [Gallica link] dates the eclipse to 13 June 809 BC.
- Smith, George, The Assyrian Eponym Canon; containing Translations of the Documents, and an Account of the Evidence,
on the Comparative Chronology of the Assyrian and Jewish Kingdoms, from the Death of Solomon to Nebuchadnezzar
(Bagster & Sons Ltd., London, 1875).
- [Anon.], “The Nineveh Solar Eclipse of B.C. 763”, Nature, 15 (1876), 65.
- von Oppolzer, Theodor Ritter, “Über die Sonnenfinsterniss des Schu-king”, Monatsberichte der Königlich
Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin aus dem Jahre 1880 (Verlag der Kgl. Akademie der Wissenschaften,
Berlin, 1881), pp. 166-185 [Akademiebibliothek link] briefly discusses the Nineveh eclipse on pp. 184-185.
- Sayce, Archibald Henry, “The Assyrian Chronological Canon”, in: A.H. Sayce (ed.), Records of the
Past, Being English Translations of the Ancient Monuments of Egypt and Western Asia (Samuel Bagster & Sons Ltd.,
London, 1889), New Series, vol. 2, pp. 110-124 [Brainfly link].
- Cowell, Philip Herbert, “On Ancient Eclipses”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,
66 (1906), 473-475
[ADS link] & 523-541
[ADS link].
- Millard, Alan R., The Eponyms of the Assyrian Empire, 910-612 B.C. (Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project,
Helsinki, 1994 [= State Archives of Assyria Studies, nr. 11]) reviews in: Bulletin of the American
Schools of Oriental Research, nr. 297, (1995), 93-94 [T.C. Mitchell]
[ASOR link]; Zeitschrift für Assyriologie
und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 89 (1999), 296-297 [D.O. Edzard].
- Holloway, Steven W., “Biblical Assyria and Other Anxieties in the British Empire”, Journal of Religion
& Society, 3 (2001),
link] on the importance of the Eponym List in the early days of Assyriology.
Solar Eclipse in the Religious Chronicle
A total solar eclipse supposedly seen from Babylon and mentioned in the so-called Religious
Chronicle [= BM 35968 = Sp III, 504]. First identified by L.W. King, who proposed the following
translation On the 26th day of the month Sivan, in the 7th year, the day was turned into night, and
fire [was seen] in the midst of heaven.
Calculations by Cowell (1905) showed that the solar eclipse of 20 June 1070 BC was only
partial for Babylon; the solar eclipse of 31 July 1063 BC could have been total for Babylon. Later calculations
by Simon Newcomb suggested that other possible candidates were the solar eclipses of 18 May 1124 BC or 28 June
1117 BC.
The text is assumed to refer to the Babylonian king Simbar-Shihu, who is believed to have reigned from
1024 to 1007 BC. Brinkman (1968) & Grayson (1975) doubt whether the text refers to a solar eclipse and suggest
that the darkening was caused by a meteorological phenomenon.
- Cowell, Philip Herbert, “On the Secular Acceleration of the Moon’s Longitude and Node”, Monthly
Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 65 (1905), 861-867
- Cowell, Philip Herbert, “An Elementary Explanation of Recent Researches on Ancient Solar Eclipses”, The
Observatory, 28 (1905), 420-422 [ADS link].
- Maunder, Ernest Walter, “The Eclipse of B.C. 1063”, The Observatory, 29 (1906), 287-289
[ADS link].
- Nevill, Edmund Neville Neison, “On the Early Eclipses”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical
Society, 67 (1906), 14-17 [ADS link].
- King, Leonard William, Chronicles concerning Early Babylonian Kings (Luzac & Co., London, 1907),
vol. I, pp. 212-240 & vol. 2, pp. 70-86 & 157-179.
- Winckler, Hugo, “???”, Orientalistische Literaturzeitung,
10 (1907), 592-???.
- Crommelin, A.C.D., “Note on the Ancient Solar Eclipses discussed by Mr. Cowell”, Monthly Notices of
the Royal Astronomical Society, 68 (1907), 18-19
[ADS link].
- Fotheringham, John Knight, “The Babylonian Calendar”, The Observatory, 32 (1909), 141
[ADS link].
- Rowton, Michael B., “Mesopotamian Chronology and the Era of Menophres ”, Iraq, 8
(1946), 94-110 (*).
- Brinkman, John A., A Political History of Post-Kassite Babylonia 1158-722 B.C. (Pontificium Institutum
Biblicum, Rome, 1968 [= Analecta Orientalia, nr. 43), p. 68 [n. 345].
- Grayson, A. Kirk, Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles (J.J. Augustin Publisher, Locust Valley [NY], 1975
[= Texts from Cuneiform Sources, vol. V]), pp. 36-39, 133-138, 285 & plate XXI [=
Chronicle 17].
Eclipse of Esar-Haddon and the Eclipse of Susa
- Nevill, Edmund Neville Neison, “On the Ancient Eclipses of the Sun”, Monthly Notices of the Royal
Astronomical Society, 66 (1906), 404-420
The Venus Tablets of Ammizaduga
First published in 1870 by Henry Creswicke Rawlinson and George Smith as tablet 63 [“Tablet
of Movements of the Planet Venus and their Influences”] in the third volume of The Cuneiform Inscriptions of
Western Asia. Its significance for chronology was first recognised by Franz Xaver Kugler in 1912, when he could
identify the “Year of the Golden Throne” with the 8th regal year of Ammizaduga, the grandson of the
Babylonian king Hammurabi.
- Hincks, Edward, “On a Tablet in the British Museum, recording, in Cuneatic Characters, an Astronomical
Observation, with Incidental Remarks on the Assyrian Numerals, Divisions of Time, and Measures of Length”,
Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, 23 (1859), 31-57.
- Hincks, Edward, “On some Recorded Observations of the Planet Venus in the Seventh Century before
Christ”, Report of the 30(?)th Meeting of the British
Association for the Advancement of Science (???,
???, 1860), part II,
35-?? (*).
- Hincks, Edward, “On certain Babylonian Observations of the Planet Venus”, Monthly Notices of the
Royal Astronomical Society, 20, (1860), 319-320
[ADS link]
– dates
the Venus observations to around –685.
- Hincks, Edward, “Schreiben des Herrn Edw. Hireks [sic] an den
Herausgeber”, Astronomische Nachrichten, 63, (1864), 221-222
[ADS link] – correction to
the next paper, revising the dates
of the Venus observations between –750 and –743.
- Hincks, Edward, “Series of Observations of Disappearances and
Reappearances of Venus, recorded on the Tablets in British Museum, marked K 160”,
Astronomische Nachrichten, 63, (1864), 223-224
[ADS link] – dates
the Venus observations between –758 and –752.
- Johnson, Samuel Jenkins, “On a Probable Assyrian Transit of Venus”, Monthly Notices of the Royal
Astronomical Society, 43 (1882), 41-42
[ADS link]
– appears to be based on an early and speculative translation from the BM copy of the Venus Tablet of Ammizaduga.
- Schiaparelli, Giovanni Virginio, “Osservazioni ed effemeridi Babilonesi sui fenomeni del pianeta Venere
scoperte fra le rovine di Ninive, ed oggi conservate nel Museo Britannico” unpublished paper
written in 1904/05 that formed the basis of the following paper and which was first published in: Scritti sulla
Storia della Astronomia Antica (???, Bologna, 1926 [reprinted in
1998 by IsIAO/Mimesis, Rome/Milan]), Tomo III [Parte seconda: Scritti inediti], pp. 121-233.
- Schiaparelli, Giovanni Virginio, “Venusbeobachtungen und Berechnungen der Babylonier”, Das Weltall:
Illustrierte Zeitschrift für Astronomie und verwandte Gebiete, 6 (1906), 371-378 & 7 (1907),
17-25 reprinted as “Osservazioni e calcoli dei Babilonesi sui fenomeni del pianeta Venere” in:
Scritti sulla Storia della Astronomia Antica (???, Bologna,
1925 [reprinted in 1997 by IsIAO/Mimesis, Rome/Milan]), Tomo I [Parte prima: Scritti editi], pp. 3-27
dates the Venus observations to either 868-845 [or 876-853] BC, 812-789 BC or 657-634 [or 665-642] BC.
- Virolleaud, Jean Charles Gabriel, “De quelques textes divinatoires: VII. K. 137, Recto. Présages tirés de
la planète Dil-bat”, Babyloniaca: Études de philologie assyro-babylonienne, 3 (1910), 197-199
[UMDL link] & plate X
[UMDL link].
- Schoch, Carl, “Das Venus-Tablet Ammizaduga”, Astronomische Nachrichten, 222 (1924), 27-30
[nr. 5306] [ADS link].
- Schoch, Carl, Ammizaduga (Selbstverlag, Berlin-Steglitz, 1925), 12 pp.
- Schoch, Carl, “Die erste Dynastie von Babylon”, Klio: Beiträge zur alten Geschichte, 20
(1926), 107-109
[Periodicals Archive Online link].
- Langdon, Stephen Herbert, Fotheringham, John Knight & Schoch, Carl, The Venus Tablets of Ammizaduga: A Solution
of Babylonian Chronology by Means of the Venus Observations of the First Dynasty (Oxford University Press, Oxford,
1928) reviews in: Orientalistische Literaturzeitung, 32 (1929),
913-926 [O.E. Neugebauer]; Babyloniaca: Études de philologie
assyro-babylonienne, 11 (1929/30), 217-218 [Ch.-F. Jean]
[UMDL link].
- Schaumberger, Johann Baptist Clemens, “Die Chronologie der Hammurabi-Zeit nach neueren Forschungen”, Biblica,
10 (1929), 332-362 with an appendix [pp. 361-362]: “Chronologie der Könige von Ur”
review in: Orientalistische Literaturzeitung, 33 (1930), 622-???
[E. Mahler].
- Ungnad, Arthur, Die Venustafeln und das neunte Jahr Samsuilunas (1741 v.Chr.)
(???, Leipzig, 1940 [= Mitteilungen der Altorientalischen
Gesellschaft, nr. 13.3]) reprinted in 1972 by Zeller
Verlag (Osnabrück).
- van der Waerden, Bartel Leendert, “Plaudereien zur babylonischen Astronomie: I. Die Venusbeobachtungen
unter Ammisaduqa”, Die Himmelswelt, ?? (1943),
Heft 10/12, 1-7 (*).
- van der Waerden, Bartel Leendert, “Die Berechnung der ersten und letzten Sichtbarkeit von Mond und Planeten und die
Venustafeln des Ammisaduqa”, Berichte der Mathematisch-Physikalischer Klasse der Sächsischen Akademie der
Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, 94 (1943), 23-56 (*).
- Cornelius, Friedrich, “Die Venusdaten des Ammisaduqa”, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische
Archäologie, 48 [= Neue Folge, 14] (1944), 146-151.
- van der Waerden, Bartel Leendert, “On Babylonian Astronomy [I]: The Venus Tablets of Ammisaduqa”,
Jaarbericht van het Vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Genootschap Ex Oriente Lux, 10 (1945/48), 414-424.
- Weir, John D., The Venus Tablets of Ammizaduga (Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut, Istanbul, 1972
[= Publication de l’Institut historique-archaéologique néerlandais de Stamboul, nr. XXIX])
review in: Orientalistische Literaturzeitung, 72 (1977), 477-480 [J. Oelsner].
- Weir, John D., “The Venus Tablets: A Fresh Approach”, Journal for the History of Astronomy, 13
(1982), 23-49 [ADS link].
- Gurzadyan, Vahe G., “The Venus Tablet and Refraction”, Akkadica: Périodique bimestriel
de la Fondation Assyriologique Georges Dossin, 124 (2003), 13-17
[ link].
The UR III Eclipses
A set of lunar eclipses mentioned in the astrological omen series Enûma Anu Enlil (tablets 20
& 21) that appear to be linked to historical events during the Third Dynasty of Ur. The possible chronological importance
of these eclipses was first noted by Morris Jastrow Jr. in Die Religion Babyloniens und Assyriens (Giessen,
Some scholars, however, doubt that they refer to actual historical events.
- Schoch, Carl, Die Ur-Finsternis (Eine Hypothese!) (Selbstverlag, Berlin-Steglitz, 31 December 1927]),
2 pp. – reprinted in Astronomische Abhandlungen [= Ergänzungshefte zu den Astronomische
Nachrichten], 8 (1930), nr. 2, pp. 6-8.
- Schoch, Carl, Die Chronologie der Dynastie Ur III (Selbstverlag, Berlin-Steglitz, 1928), 1 p.
– reprinted in Astronomische Abhandlungen [= Ergänzungshefte zu den Astronomische Nachrichten], 8
(1930), nr. 2,
pp. ?-?.
- Schaumberger, Johann Baptist Clemens, “Die Mondfinsternisse der Dritten Dynastie von Ur”, Zeitschrift
für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 49 [= Neue Folge, 15] (1950), 50-58.
- Sollberger, Edmond, “Sur la chronologie des rois d’Ur et quelques problèmes connexes”,
Archiv für Orientforschung, 17 (1954/56), 10-48.
- Schaumberger, Johann Baptist Clemens, “Astronomische Untersuchung der “historischen”
Mondfinsternisse in Enûma Anu Enlil”, Archiv für Orientforschung, 17 (1954/56), 89-92.
- Cornelius, Friedrich, “Die Mondfinsternis von Akkad”, in: F. Wendel (ed.), La divination en
Mésopotamie ancienne et dans les régions voisines: XIVe Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale (Strasbourg,
2-6 juillet 1965 (Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 1966 [= Travaux de Centre d’Études
Supérieures spécialisé d’Histoire des Religions de Strasbourg]), pp. 125-129.
- Huber, Peter J., Sachs, Abraham Joseph, Stol, Marten, Whiting, Robert M., Leichty, Erle, Walker, Christopher B.F.
& van Driel, G., Astronomical Dating of Babylon I and Ur III (Undena Publications, Malibu, 1982
[= Occasional Papers on the Near East, vol. 1, nr. 4]) – reviews in: Archiv für
Orientforschung, 32 (1985), 114-115 [M. Kudlek]; Archaeoastronomy: The Journal of the Center for
Archaeoastronomy, 7 (1984 [1985]), 136-137 [A.H. Aaboe]; Orientalistische Literaturzeitung,
83 (1988), 554-558 [J. Oelsner].
- Huber, Peter J., “Dating by Lunar Eclipse Omens with Speculations on the Birth of Omen Astrology”, in:
J.L. Berggren & B.R. Goldstein (eds.), From Ancient Omens to Statistical Mechanics: Essays on
the Exact Sciences presented to Asger Aaboe (University Library, Copenhagen, 1987 [= Acta Historica Scientiarum
Naturalium et Medicinalium, nr. 39]), pp. 3-13.
- Huber, Peter J., “Astronomical Evidence for the Long and against the Middle and Short Chronologies”, in:
P.F.K. Åström (ed.), High, Middle or Low? Acts of an International Colloquium on Absolute Chronology held
at the University of Gothenburg 20th-22nd August 1987 (Paul Åströms Förlag, Gothenburg, 1987/89 [= Studies
in Mediterranean Archaeology and Literature, nrs. 56-57 & 80]), vol. 1, pp. 5-17 [discussion in
vol. 3, pp. 19-24].
- Tuman, Vladimir S., “Astrological Omens from Lunar Eclipses as a Source for Babylonian Chronology, Confirms the
Long Chronology”, in: P.F.K. Åström (ed.), High, Middle or Low? Acts of an International Colloquium
on Absolute Chronology held at the University of Gothenburg 20th-22nd August 1987 (Paul Åströms Förlag,
Gothenburg, 1987/89 [= Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology and Literature, nrs. 56-57 & 80]),
vol. 3, pp. 33 & 197-206.
- Gasche, Hermann, Armstrong, James A., Cole, Steven W. & Gurzadyan, Vahe G., Dating the Fall of Babylon: A
Reappraisal of Second-Millennium Chronology (University of Ghent and the Oriental Institute of the University of
Chicago, Ghent, 1998 [= Mesopotamian History and Environment, Series II, Memoir 4]) reviews in:
Revue d’assyriologie et d’archéologie orientale, 92 (1998), 187-188 [P. Amiet];
Archiv für Orientforschung, 46/47 (1999/2000), 287-290 [P.J. Huber].
- Gasche, Hermann, Armstrong, James A. & Cole, Steven W., “A Correction to Dating the Fall of Babylon: A
Reappraisal of Second-Millennium Chronology (= MHEM 4), Ghent and Chicago, 1998”, Akkadica:
Périodique bimestriel de la Fondation Assyriologique Georges Dossin, 108 (1998), 1-4.
- Koch, Johannes, “Neues von den UR III-Mondeklipsen”, Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires
(N.A.B.U.) (1998), nr. 132 [pp. 126-129].
- Gurzadyan, Vahe G. & Cole, Steven W., “Ur III Eclipses Revisited”, Akkadica: Périodique
bimestriel de la Fondation Assyriologique Georges Dossin, 113 (1999), 1-5.
- Huber, Peter J., “Astronomical Dating of Ur III and Akkad”, Archiv für Orientforschung,
46/47 (1999/2000), 50-79.
- Gurzadyan, Vahe G., “Astronomy and the Fall of Babylon”, Sky & Telescope, 100 (2000),
nr. 1, 40-45 [ link].
- Hunger, Hermann, “Uses of Enûma Anu Enlil for Chronology”, in: J.A. Armstrong & D.A. Warburton
(eds.), Just in Time: Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Ancient Near Eastern Chronology (2nd Millennium
BC), Ghent 7-9 July 2000 (Fondation Assyriologique George Dossin, Brussels, 2000 [= Akkadica: Périodique
bimestriel de la Fondation Assyriologique Georges Dossin, 119/120]), pp. 155-158.
- Gurzadyan, Vahe G., “On the Astronomical Records and Babylonian Chronology”, in: J.A. Armstrong &
D.A. Warburton (eds.), Just in Time: Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Ancient Near Eastern
Chronology (2nd Millennium BC), Ghent 7-9 July 2000 (Fondation Assyriologique George Dossin, Brussels,
2000 [= Akkadica: Périodique bimestriel de la Fondation Assyriologique Georges Dossin, 119/120]),
pp. 177-186 [ link].
- Warburton, David A., “Dating the Fall of Babylon Once Again”, Akkadica: Périodique bimestriel
de la Fondation Assyriologique Georges Dossin, 116 (2000), 1-5.
- Michel, Cêcile, “Nouvelles donnes pour la chronologie du IIe millénair”, Nouvelles
Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires (N.A.B.U.) (2002),
[nr. ??] (*).
The Eclipse of Muršili II
Problematic interpretation of a solar omen, reported in the 10th year of the Hittite king
Muršili II during his campaign against the Azzi in North Anatolia (KUB 14.4 [= VAT 6165 = KBo 111.4
= BoTU 48]). Initially dated by Carl Schoch and Emil Forrer to 13 March 1335 BC; later scholars have
suggested 24 June 1312 or 13 April 1308 BC. Others have suggested that the omen may refer to a halo or
another meteorological phenomenon.
- Schoch, Carl, “[Über die Boghazköi-Sonnenfinsternisse]”,
in: E.O.G. Forrer, Forschungen 2. Band, 1. Heft: Astronomische Festlegung des Soppiluljomas, Morsilis
und Amenophis IV (Selbstverlag von Forrer, Berlin, 1926), pp. 5-6 reviewed in: Isis,
15 (1931), 269 [A. Pogo] [JSTOR link].
- Friedrich, Johannes, “Zu AO. 25,2”, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie, 37 [= NF,
3] (1926), 177-204 (*).
- Götze, Albrecht, “Forrer, Forschungen”, Orientalistische Literaturzeitung, 30 (1927),
568-570 (*).
- Götze, Albrecht, “Zur Chronologie der Hethiterkönige”, Kleinasiatische Forschungen, 1
(1930), 115-119 (*).
- Forrer, Emil O.G., “shakija(kh) = “verfinstern”!”, Kleinasiatische Forschungen,
1 (1930), 273-285 (*).
- Götze, Albrecht, “Nochmals shakija(kh)”, Kleinasiatische Forschungen, 1 (1929),
401-413 (*).
- Wente, Edward F. & Van Siclen III, Charles C., “A Chronology of the New Kingdom”, in:
??? (ed.), Studies in Honor of George R. Hughes
(???, Chicago, 1977 [= Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization,
nr. 39]), pp. 217-261 (*).
- Boese, Johannes & Wilhelm, Gernot, “Ashshur-dân I, Ninurta-apil-Ekur und die mittelassyrische
Chronologie”, Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Mörgenlandes, 71 (1979), 19-38.
- Wilhelm, Gernot & Boese, Johannes, “Absolute Chronologie und die hethitische Geschichte des 15. und
14. Jahrhunderts v. Chr.”, in: P.F.K. Åström (ed.), High, Middle or Low? Acts of an
International Colloquium on Absolute Chronology held at the University of Gothenburg 20th-22nd August 1987
(Paul Åströms Förlag, Gothenburg, 1987/89 [= Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology and Literature,
nrs. 56-57 & 80]), vol. 1, pp. 74-117 [discussion in vol. 3, pp. 63-67].
- Beckman, Gary, “Hittite Chronology”, in: J.A. Armstrong & D.A. Warburton (eds.),
Just in Time: Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Ancient Near Eastern Chronology (2nd Millennium
BC), Ghent 7-9 July 2000 (Fondation Assyriologique George Dossin, Brussels, 2000 [= Akkadica: Périodique
bimestriel de la Fondation Assyriologique Georges Dossin, 119/120]), pp. 19-32.
- Huber, Peter J., “The Solar Omen of Murašili II”, Journal of the American Oriental Society,
121 (2001), 640-???
[JSTOR link].
The Ugarit Eclipse
A problematic report of a solar eclipse(?) mentioned on a cuneiform tablet (KTU 1.78 = PRU 2.162
= RS 12.061) found in 1948 among the ruins of Ugarit (Ras Shamra, Syria). A possible translation of this enigmatic
report is “The day of the Moon of Hiyaru was put to shame: the Sun went in, (with) her gate(keeper), Rashap
First linked by Sawyer & Stephenson (1970) to the solar eclipse of 3 May 1375 BC on the
assumption that it had been total as viewed from Ugarit. A later analysis by de Jong & van Soldt (1987/89) re-dated the
report to 5 March 1223 BC. More recently, the text has been linked to the solar eclipses of 21 January
1192 BC and 9 May 1012 BC. Other scholars question whether the solar eclipse was total or whether the tablet
actually refers to an eclipse at all.
- Virolleaud, Jean Charles Gabriel, “Les nouvelles tablettes de Ras Shamra (1948-1949)”, Syria,
28 (1951), 22-56 the supposed eclipse report is nr. III [pp. 25-27]
- Eissfeldt, O, “[???]”, Archiv für Orientforschung,
21 (1952), 119-???
- Aistleitner, J, “[???]”, Acta Orientalia Academiae
Scientiarum Hungaricae, 2 (1955), nr. 1/2, 22-??
- Gray, J., “[???]”, Palestine Exploration Quarterly,
87 (1955), 180-182 (*).
- Schaeffer, Claude Frédéric-Armand & Virolleaud, Jean Charles Gabriel, Le Palais Royale d’Ugarit. II:
Textes en cunéiformes alphabétiques des Archives Est, Ouest et Centrales (Imprimerie Nationale Klincksieck, Paris,
1957 [= Publications de la Mission Archéologique Française: Mission de Ras Shamra, nr. 7]),
pp. 189-190.
- Sawyer, J.F.A. & Stephenson, Francis Richard, “Literary and Astronomical Evidence for a Total Eclipse
of the Sun Observed in Ancient Ugarit on 3 May 1375 B.C.”, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and
African Studies, 33 (1970), 467-489
[JSTOR link].
- Stephenson, Francis Richard, “The Earliest Known Record of a Solar Eclipse”, Nature, 228
(1970), 651-652.
- Dietrich, Manfried, Loretz, Oswald & Sanmartín, J., “Sonnenfinsternis in Ugarit PRU 2, 162
(= RS 12.61): Das älteste Dokument über ein Totaleklipse”, Ugarit-Forschungen: Internationales
Jahrbuch für die Altertumskunde Syrien-Palästinas, 6 (1974), 464-465.
- de Jong, Teije & van Soldt, Wilfred H., “Redating an Early Solar Eclipse Record (KTU 1.78):
Implications for the Ugaritic Calendar and for the Secular Accelerations of the Earth and Moon”, Jaarbericht
van het Vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Genootschap Ex Oriente Lux, 30 (1987/88), 65-77.
- Walker, Christopher B.F., “Eclipse seen at Ancient Ugarit”, Nature, 338 (1989),
- de Jong, Teije & van Soldt, Wilfred H., “The Earliest Known Solar Eclipse Record Redated”,
Nature, 338 (1989), 238-240.
- Mostert, Richard, “Dating of the Ugarit Eclipse”, Nature, 341 (1989), 112-113.
- Dietrich, Manfried & Loretz, Oswald, Mantik in Ugarit (Ugarit-Verlag, Münster, 1990 [=
Abhandlungen zur Literatur Alt-Syrien-Palästinas und Mesopotamiens, nr. 3]), pp. 39-62 &
282-286 [“Astronomische Ueberlegungen zu dem ugaritischen Text ueber Sonne und Mars KTU 1.78”,
contribution by W.C. Seitter & H.W. Duerbeck] (*).
- Pardee, Dennis & Swerdlow, Noel M., “Not the Earliest Solar Eclipse”, Nature, 363
(1993), 406 – interprets the text as a reference to a heliacal setting of the planet Mars.
- Wyatt, Nicolas, Religious Texts from Ugarit, 2nd ed. (Sheffield Academic Press, Sheffield, 2002 [=
Biblical Seminar Series, nr. 53]), pp. 366-367.
- Dietrich, Manfried & Loretz, Oswald, “Der Untergang von Ugarit am 21. Januar 1192 v.Chr.?: Der
astronomisch-hepatoskopische Bericht KTU 1.78 (= RS 12.061)”, Ugarit-Forschungen:
Internationales Jahrbuch für die Altertumskunde Syrien-Palästinas, 34 (2002), 53-74.
- Wagenaar, Jan A., “In the Sixth Month: The Day of the New Moon of Hiyaru. Text and Interpretation of
KTU 1.78: A New Proposal”, Ugarit-Forschungen: Internationales Jahrbuch für die Altertumskunde
Syrien-Palästinas, 34 (2002), 913-919.
The Mari Eponym Chronicle Eclipse
A recently identified darkening of the Sun in the Mari Eponym Chronicle has been linked to the
total solar eclipse of 24 June 1833 BCE.
- Michel, Cécile & Rocher, Patrick, “La chronologie du IIe millénaire revue à lombre
dune éclipse de soleil”, Jaarbericht van het Vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Genootschap Ex Oriente Lux,
35/36 (1997/2000), 111-126.
Lunar Eclipse mentioned during Campaign of
Sargon II
Weidner, Ernst F., “Keilschrifttexte nach Kopien von T.G. Pinches,
aus dem Nachlass veröffentlicht und bearbeitet: 2. Anfrage an Šamaš und Adad
wegen einer Mondfinsternis”, Archiv für Orientforschung, 11
(1936/37), 360-362.
Weidner, Ernst F., “???”,
Archiv für Orientforschung, 12 (1937/39), 144-???
Oppenheim, Leo, “The City of Assur in 714 B.C.”, Journal of Near
Eastern Studies, 19 (1960), 137-???
de Meis, Salvo, “Astronomical Dating of Sargon II Letters and an Esarhaddon Inscription”, Archiv
für Orientforschung, 50 (2003/04), 346-347 – criticizes the
papers by Tuman (1987) and Iwaniszewski (2003) to astronomically date events
during the reigns of Sargon II and Esarhaddon.
Jupiter Omen at the Begin of Esarhaddon’s
On Jupiter’s conjunction with the Sun in the summer of 679 BCE,
coinciding with the begin of Esarhaddon’s reign.
Weidner, Ernst F., “???”,
Orientalistischer Literaturzeitschrift, 16 (1913), 211-???
Schnabel, Paul, “???”,
Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und ???, 35 (1924), 311-???
Borger, Riekele, Die Inschriften Asarhaddons Königs von Assyrien
(Selbstverlage des Herausgebers, Graz, 1956 [= Archiv für Orientforschung,
Beiheft 9]), p. 17.
Tuman, Vladimir S., “Astronomical Dating of Essarhaddon’s Stela”, Griffith Observer,
52 (1987),
nr. 1, 10-19 (*).
de Meis, Salvo, “Astronomical Dating of Sargon II Letters and an Esarhaddon Inscription”, Archiv
für Orientforschung, 50 (2003/04), 346-347 – criticizes the
papers by Tuman (1987) and Iwaniszewski (2003) to astronomically date events
during the reigns of Sargon II and Esarhaddon.
Eclipses in Biblical (Old Testament) Sources
- Mahler, Eduard, “Astronomische Untersuchung über die in der Bibel erwähnte ägyptische Finsterniss”,
Sitzungsberichte der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu
Wien, 91 (1885), II. Abtheilung, 987-1001 interprets the 9th plague inflicted by the god of
the Hebrews on the Egyptians (Exodus 10:21-23) as a solar eclipse which he dates to 13 March 1335 BC.
- Mahler, Eduard, “Astronomische Untersuchungen über in hebräischen Schriften erwähnte Finsternisse:
I. Theil. Die biblischen Finsternisse”, Sitzungsberichte der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche
Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Wien, 92 (1885), II. Abtheilung, 939-966
interprets various Old Testament passages as solar eclipses.
- Mahler, Eduard, “Astronomische Untersuchungen über in hebräischen Schriften erwähnte Finsternisse:
II. Theil. Die prophetischen Finsternisse”, Sitzungsberichte der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche
Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Wien, 92 (1885), II. Abtheilung,
1102-1121 interprets various Old Testament passages as solar eclipses.
- Holladay, John S., Jr., “The Day(s) the Moon Stood Still”, Journal of Biblical Literature,
87 (1968), 166-178.
- Sawyer, John F.A., “Joshua 10:12-14 and the Solar Eclipse of 30 September 1131 B.C.”,
Palestine Exploration Quarterly, 104 (1972), 139-146.
- Stephenson, Francis Richard, “Astronomical Verification and Dating of Old Testament References to Solar
Eclipses”, Palestine Exploration Quarterly, 107 (1975), 107-120.
- James, Cary, “Joshuas “Standing Sun” at Gibeon: Biblical Archaeoastronomy?”,
Archaeoastronomy: The Bulletin of the Center for Archaeoastronomy, 5 (1982), nr. 4, 10-19.
- Merritt, Robert L., “Joshua at Gibeon”, Archaeoastronomy: The Journal of the Center for
Archaeoastronomy, 6 (1983 [1984]), 20.
- Yousef, Shahinaz M., “The 1st of April 2470 BC Total Solar Eclipse Seen by the Prophet Ibraheem”,
Romanian Astronomical Journal, 9 (1999), Supplement, 37-??
Other Reports and General Discussions
- Lepsius, Richard, “Über den chronologischen Werth der Assyrischen Annalen und einige Berührungspunkte mit
der ägyptischen Chronologie”, Philologische und historische Abhandlungen der Königlichen Akademie der
Wissenschaften zu Berlin aus dem Jahre 1869 (Buchdruckerei der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin,
1870), 25-66
[Akademiebibliothek link].
- Hind, John Russell, “Historical Eclipses”, Nature, 6 (1872), 151-153 discusses
the Nineveh eclipse (15 June 763 BC), the eclipse of Hezekiah (11 January 689 BC), the eclipse
of Thales (28 May 585 BC), the eclipse of Xerxes (17 February 478 BC) and several later
eclipses mentioned in classical and medieval sources.
- Talbot, Henry Fox, “On an Ancient Eclipse”, Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archaeology,
1 (1872), 13-19 & 348-354 (*) dates a solar eclipse
observed during the reign of Assurbanipal to 27 June 661 BC.
- Bosanquet, James Whatman, “On the Date of the Fall of Nineveh, and the Beginning of the Reign of Nebuchadnezzar at
Babylon, B.C. 581”, Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archaeology, 2 (1873), 147-178.
- Bosanquet, James Whatman, “Synchronous History of Assyria and Judea”, Transactions of the Society
of Biblical Archaeology, 3 (1874), 1-82.
- Bosanquet, James Whatman, “Chronological Remarks on the History of Esther and Ahasuerus, or ‘Atossa and
Tanu-Axeres”, Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archaeology, 5 (1877), 225-292.
- Boscawen, William Saint Chad, “The Canon of Ptolemy and the Babylonian Tablets”, The Academy: A Weekly
Review of Literature, Science and Art, 11 (1877), 439-440
[nr. ???]
[Periodicals Archive Online link].
- von Haerdtl, E., Astronomische Beiträge zur assyrischen Chronologie (???, Vienna,
1884 [= Denkschriften der ??? Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Wien,
nr. ??]).
- Hommel, Fritz, “Zur altbabylonischen Chronologie”, Zeitschrift für Keilschriftforschung und verwandte
Gebiete, 1 (1884), 32-44.
- Mahler, Eduard, “Zur Chronologie der Babylonier”, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und verwandte Gebiete,
1 (1886), 447-449.
- Bertin, G., “Babylonian Chronology and History”, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society,
New Series, 5 (1891), 1-52 [Gallica
- Lynn, William Thynne, “Assyrian Eclipses”, The Observatory, 14 (1891), 285-286
[ADS link]
discusses the Nineveh eclipse (15 June 763 BC) and two eclipses during the reigns of Esarhaddon and
Assurbanipal (possibly in 699 and 661 BC).
- Oppert, Jules, “Les inscriptions de Pseudo-Smerdis et de lusurpateur Nidintabel fixant le calendrier
perse”, in: Actes du huitième Congrès International des Orientalistes, tenu en 1889 à Stockholm et à
Cristiania: Deuxième Partie (Section I. Sémitique et de l’islâm) (E.J. Brill, Leiden, 1893),
sous-section b, pp. 251-264.
- Oppert, Jules, “???”, Revue d’assyriologie et
d’archéologie orientale, 1 (1894), 69-73 (*).
- Mahler, Eduard, Zur Chronologie der Babylonier: Vergleichungstabellen der babylonischen und christlichen
Zeitrechnung von Nabonassar (747 v.Ch.) bis 100 v.Ch. (Staatsdruckerei, Vienna, 1895 [= Denkschriften
der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Classe der Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften, nr. 62])
- Oppert, Jules, “???”, Zeitschrift der Deutschen
Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, 51 (1897), 157-???
- Weissbach, Franz Heinrich, “???”, Zeitschrift der
Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, 51 (1897), 661-???
- Weissbach, Franz Heinrich, “Über einige neuere Arbeiten zur babyloninisch-persischen Chronologie”,
Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländische Gesellschaft, 55 (1901), 195-220
- Schmidt, Orlando P., “Egyptian Chronology verified by an Eclipse observed at Babylon”, Biblia,
16 (1903), 74-??
- Laves, K., “New Light from Old Records”, Popular Astronomy, 14 (1906), 276-287
- Monck, W.H.S., “Ancient Eclipses”, English Mechanic and World of Science, 83 (1906),
505-506 [nr. 2154].
- Weissbach, Franz Heinrich, “Zur neo babyloninischen und achämenidischen Chronologie”, Zeitschrift
der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, 62 (1908), 629-???
- Schnabel, Paul, Studien zur babylonisch-assyrischen Chronologie (J.C. Hinrichs’sche
Buchhandlung, Leipzig, 1908 [= Mitteilungen der Vorderasiatischen Gesellschaft (E.V.), Band 13,
Heft 1]).
- Kugler, Franz Xaver, “Darlegungen und Thesen über altbabylonische Chronologie”, Zeitschrift
für Assyriologie und verwandte Gebiete, 22 (1909), 63-78 (*).
- Kugler, Franz Xaver, “Zwei Kassitenkönige der Liste A”, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und
verwandte Gebiete, 24 (1910), 173-178.
- Kugler, Franz Xaver, “Chronologisches und Soziales aus der Zeit Lugalanda’s und Urukagina’s”,
Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und verwandte Gebiete, 25 (1911), 275-280
- Kugler, Franz Xaver, “Bemerkungen zur neuesten Königsliste”, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und
verwandte Gebiete, 27 (1912), 242-245.
- Sayce, Archibald Henry, “Babylonian Chronology”, Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology,
34 (1912), 165-172 – contains a discussion of Kugler’s astronomical dating of the kings of the
Amorite dynasty.
- Dittrich, Ernst, “Gibt es astronomische Fixpunkte in der älteren babylonischen Chronology?”,
Orientalistische Literaturzeitung, 15 (1912), 104-107 (*).
- Sidersky, D., Étude sur la chronologie assyro-babylonienne
(???, Paris, 1916) (*).
- Forrer, Emil O.G., Zur Chronologie der neu-assyrischen Zeit (J.C. Hinrichs’sche Buchhandlung,
Leipzig, 1917 [= Mitteilungen der Vorderasiatischen Gesellschaft
(E.V.), Band 20, Heft 3]).
- Weidner, Ernst Friedrich, Studien zur assyrisch-babylonischen Chronologie und Geschichte auf Grund neuer Funde
(J.C. Hinrichs’sche Buchhandlung, Leipzig, 1917 [= Mitteilungen der Vorderasiatischen Gesellschaft
(E.V.), Band 20, Heft 4]).
- Weidner, Ernst Friedrich, Die Könige von Assyrien: Neue chronologische Documente aus Assur
(J.C. Hinrichs’sche Buchhandlung, Leipzig, 1921 [= Mitteilungen der Vorderasiatisch-Aegyptischen
Gesellschaft (E.V.), Band 26, Heft 2]).
- Albright, W.F., “A Revision of Early Assyrian and Middle Babylonian Chronology”, Revue
d’assyriologie et d’archéologie orientale, 18 (1921), 83-94.
- Kugler, Franz Xaver, Von Moses bis Paulus: Forschungen zur Geschichte Israels nach biblischen und
profangeschichtlichen, insbesondere neuen keilschriftlichen Quellen (Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung,
Münster in Westfalen, 1922) – reviews in: Biblica, 4 (1923),
395-??? [A. Fernández]; Revue bénédictine, 35
(1923), ???-???
[D. DeBruyne]; Verbum Domini: Commentarii de re biblica, 3 (1923),
350-??? [L.G.F.]; The Catholic Historical Review,
?? (1924), 296-???
[???]; Theologische Revue, 23 (1924),
385-??? [???];
Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie, 48 (1924), 112-???
[J. Linder]; Theologische Literaturzeitung, 51 (1926), 393-???
- Mahler, Eduard, “Zur Astronomie und Chronologie der Babylonier”, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie
und verwandte Gebiete, 34 (1922),
- Smith, Sidney, “The Chronology of Philip Arrhidaeus, Antigonus and Alexander IV”, Revue
d’assyriologie et d’archéologie orientale, 22 (1925), 179-197.
- Weissbach, Franz Heinrich, “Zur assyrisch-babylonischen Chronologie”, Zeitschrift für
Assyriologie, 36 [= NF, 2] (1925), 55-65
- Meyer, Eduard, Die ältere Chronologie Babyloniens, Assyriens und Aegyptens
(???, Stuttgart/Berlin, 1925) review in: Babyloniaca:
Études de philologie assyro-babylonienne, 10 (1927/28), 242-243 [Ch.-F. Jean]
[UMDL link].
- Weissbach, Franz Heinrich, “Zur neubabylonischen Chronologie”, Studia Orientalia, 1 (1925),
- Cavaignac, Eugène, “Le début de l’ère des Séleucides (311)”, Revue d’assyriologie et
d’archéologie orientale, 23 (1926), 5-11.
- Thureau-Dangin, François, “La chronologie des trois premières dynasties babyloniennes”, Revue
d’assyriologie et d’archéologie orientale, 24 (1927), 181-198.
- Schoch, Carl & Neugebauer, Paul Victor, “Zur astronomischen Chronologie”, Astronomische Nachrichten,
230 (1927), 57-64 [nr. 5499] [ADS link].
- Neugebauer, Otto E., “Zur Frage der astronomischen Fixierung der babylonischen Chronologie”,
Orientalistische Literaturzeitung, 32 (1929), 913-921 (*).
- Macnaughton, Duncan, A Scheme of Babylonian Chronology (Luzac & Co., London, 1930).
- Cavaignac, Eugène, “La chronologie des Séleucides d’après les documents cunéiformes”, Revue
d’assyriologie et d’archéologie orientale, 28 (1931), 73-79.
- Neugebauer, Paul Victor, “Eine Konjunktion von Mond und Venus aus dem Jahre –418 und die Akzeleration
von Sonne und Mond”, Astronomische Nachrichten, 244 (1932), 305-308 [nr. 5847]
[ADS link].
- Sidersky, D., “Contribution à létude de la chronologie néo-babylonienne”, Revue
dassyriologie et d’archéologie orientale, 30 (1933), 57-70.
- Fotheringham, John Knight, “Two Babylonian Eclipses”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical
Society, 95 (1935), 719-723 [ADS link].
- Cavaignac, Eugène, “Appendice à la chronologie cunéiforme des Séleucides”, Revue d’assyriologie
et d’archéologie orientale, 34 (1937), 140-143.
- Olmstead, Albert T., “Cuneiform Texts and Hellenistic Chronology”, Classical Philology, 32
(1937), 1-14 [JSTOR link].
- Sidersky, D., “Nouvelle étude sur la chronologie de la dynastie Hammurapienne”, Revue
dassyriologie et d’archéologie orientale, 37 (1940), 45-54.
- Parker, Richard A., “Persian and Egyptian Chronology”, The American Journal of Semitic Languages
and Literatures, 58 (1941), 285-301
[JSTOR link].
- Neugebauer, Otto E., “The Chronology of the Hammurabi Age”, Journal of the American Oriental
Society, 61 (1941), 58-61
[JSTOR link].
- Parker, Richard A. & Dubberstein, Waldo H., Babylonian Chronology, 626 B.C. - A.D. 45
(University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1942 [= Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilisation, nr. 24]) –
extended to A.D. 45 in the 2nd ed. (1946) and to A.D. 75 in the 3rd ed. (1956) with further corrections
in the 4th ed. (1971) – reviews in: Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 2 (1943), 125-130
[J. Morgenstern] [JSTOR link]; Bibliotheca Orientalia, 6 (19??),
16-?? [B.L. van der Waerden]; Zeitschrift für Assyriologie
und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 49 [= Neue Folge, 15] (1950), 329 [A. Falkenstein];
Revue d’assyriologie et d’archéologie orientale, 51 (1957), 208-209 [E. Dhorme].
- Dubberstein, Waldo H., “Assyrian-Babylonian Chronology (669-612 B.C.)”, Journal of Near
Eastern Studies, 3 (1944), 38-42
[JSTOR link].
- Goetze, Albrecht, “Additions to Parker and Dubberstein’s Babylonian Chronology”, Journal of
Near Eastern Studies, 3 (1944), 43-46
[JSTOR link].
- Nougayrol, Jean, Note sur la place des “présages historiques” dans lextispicine
babylonienne (École Pratique des Hautes Études, Melun, 1945 [= Annuaire dÉcole Pratique des Hautes
Études, Section des Sciences Religieuses 1944-1945]).
- Cavaignac, Eugène, “Les listes de Khorsabad”, Revue d’assyriologie et d’archéologie
orientale, 40 (1945/46), 17-26 & 149-150.
- Goetze, Albrecht, “Historical Allusions in Old Babylonian Omen Texts”, Journal of Cuneiform Studies,
1 (1947), 253-265 [JSTOR link].
- van der Meer, Petrus E., The Chronology of Ancient Western Asia and Egypt
(E.J. Brill, Leiden, 1947)
revised edition 1955.
- Goetze, Albrecht (ed.), “Debat sur la chronologie hammourabienne”, in: Compte rendu de la seconde
Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, organisée à Paris du 2 au 6 juillet 1951 par le Groupe François
Thureau-Dangin (Imprimerie Nationale, Paris, 1951), pp. 35-48 with contributions by E. Cavaignac,
P.É. Dhorme, G. Dossin, A. Falkenstein, H. Frankfort, A. Goetze, G.M.C.A. Goossens,
E. Laroche, A. Parrot, ?. Posner, C.F.A. Schaeffer
& W. von Soden + edition of a lunar eclipse observation on a Mari tablet [cf. also further contributions on
pp. 67-72 by C.J. Gadd, P.É. Dhorme, A. Goetze, G.M.C.A. Goossens, F.R. Kraus &
S. Smith and on pp. 101-102 by Kemal Turfan].
- Dossin, Georges, “Lettre du devin Asqudum au roi Zimrimlim au sujet d’une éclipse de lune”, Actes
de la IIe Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, (???,
???, 1951), pp. 46-??
- Rowton, Michael B., “Tuppu and the Date of Hammurabi”, Journal of Near Eastern Studies,
10 (1951), 184-204
[JSTOR link].
- Schmidtke, Friedrich, Der Aufbau der babylonischen Chronologie (Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung,
Münster, 1952 [= Orbis antiquus: Schriften der Altertumswissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft and der Universität
Münster, heft 7]) – review in: Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 14 (1955), 64
[I.J. Gelb]
[JSTOR link].
- Kraus, Fritz Rudolf, “Ungewöhnliche Datierungen aus der Zeit des Königs Rim-Sin von Larsa”,
Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 53 (1953), 136-167
- Nougayrol, Jean, “Une ère d’Alexandre le Grand en Babylone”, Bibliotheca Orientalis,
9 (1952), 166-??? [addenda in ibid., 10 (1953),
76-??] (*).
- Cornelius, Friedrich, “Die Chronologie des Vorderen Orients im 2. Jahrtausend v. Chr.”,
Archiv für Orientforschung, 17 (1954/56), 294-309.
- Schaumberger, Johann Baptist Clemens, “Die neue Seleukidenliste BM 35663 und die makkabäische
Chronologie”, Biblica, 35 (1955), 423-435.
- Cavaignac, Eugène, “Les deux listes royales assyriennes: Conséquences chronologiques”, Revue
d’assyriologie et d’archéologie orientale, 49 (1955), 94-97.
- Cavaignac, Eugène, “Sur deux dates d’Antiochus le Grand”, Revue d’assyriologie et
d’archéologie orientale, 50 (1956), 73-84.
- Rowton, Michael B., “The Date of Hammurabi”, Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 17
(1958), 97-111
[JSTOR link].
- Rowton, Michael B., “Tuppū in the Assyrian Kings-Lists”, Journal of Near Eastern Studies,
18 (1959), 213-221
[JSTOR link].
- Hallock, Richard T., “The “One Year” of Darius I”, Journal of Near Eastern Studies,
19 (1960), 36-39
[JSTOR link].
- Rowton, Michael B., “The Date of the Sumerian King List”, Journal of Near Eastern Studies,
19 (1960), 156-162
[JSTOR link].
- Finkelstein, Jacob J., “???”, Proceedings of the
American Philosophical Society, 107 (1963), 461-472 [JSTOR
- Goetze, Albrecht, “The Kassites and Near Eastern Chronology”, Journal of Cuneiform Studies,
18 (1964), 97-101 [JSTOR link].
- Sachs, Abraham Joseph, “Absolute Dating from Mesopotamian Records”, in: T.E. Allibone et al
(ed.), A Symposium on the Impact of the Natural Sciences on Archaeology (Royal Society, London, 1970 [=
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, ser. A, 269]), pp. 19-22
[JSTOR link].
- Rowton, Michael B., “Chronology. II: Ancient Western Asia”, in: I.E.S. Edwards, C.J. Gadd
& N.G.L. Hammond (eds.), The Cambridge Ancient History, 3rd ed. (Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, 1976), vol. 1, part 1, pp. 193-239 (*).
- Sachs, Abraham Joseph, “Achaemenid Royal Names in Babylonian Astronomical Texts”, American Journal
of Ancient History, 2 (1977), 129-147 (*).
- Grayson, A.K., “The Chronology of the Reign of Ashurbanipal”, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und
Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 70 (1980), 226-245.
- Brinkman, John A., “Chronologies of the Near East 3500-2000 B.C.”, in:
??? (ed.), The Sixtieth Anniversary Symposium of the Oriental
Institute (The Oriental Institute, Chicago, 1980 [= Annual Report of the Oriental Institute 1979/80]),
pp. 55-62 (*).
- Jones, Wilbur Devereux, Venus and Sothis: How the Ancient Near East was Rediscovered (Nelson Hall, Chicago,
1982) a popular account with two chapters on the role of astronomy in calibrating the chronology of the
Ancient Near East.
- Hallo, William W., “Dating the Mesopotamian Past: The Concept of Eras from Sargon to Nabonassar”,
Bulletin of the Society for Mesopotamian Studies, 6 (1983), 7-18.
- Brinkman, John A., “Istanbul A. 1998: Middle Babylonian Chronology, and the Statistics of the Nippu
Archives”, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 73 (1983), 67-74.
- Naaman, Nadav, “Statements of Time-Spans by Babylonian and Assyrian Kings and Mesopotamian Chronology”,
Iraq, 46 (1984), 115-123 (*).
- Hallo, William W., “The Concept of Eras from Nabonassar to Seleucus”, in: E.L. Greenstein,
D. Marcus & S.J.D. Cohen (eds.), Ancient Studies in Memory of Elias Bickerman (Jewish Theological
Seminary, New York, 1987 [= The Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society, nr. 16/17 (1984/85)]),
pp. 143-151.
- Brinkman, John A., “BM 36761, the Astronomical Diary for 331 B.C.”, Nouvelles Assyriologiques
Brèves et Utilitaires (N.A.B.U.) (1987), nr. 63 [p. 34]
[NABU link] – LBAT 196
mentions the defeat of Darius III and the triumphal procession of Alexander the Great in Babylon.
- Kraus, Rolf, “Note on Modern Computational Errors in Astronomical Dating”, in: P.F.K. Åström
(ed.), High, Middle or Low? Acts of an International Colloquium on Absolute Chronology held at the University of
Gothenburg 20th-22nd August 1987 (Paul Åströms Förlag, Gothenburg, 1987/89 [= Studies in Mediterranean
Archaeology and Literature, nrs. 56-57 & 80]), vol. 3, pp. 160-162 [discussion in vol. 3,
pp. 61-63].
- Hallo, William W., “The Nabonassar Era and other Epochs in Mesopotamian Chronology and Chronography”,
in: E. Leichty, M. de Jong Ellis & P. Gerardi (eds.), A Scientific Humanist: Studies in Memory of
Abraham Sachs (Kramer Fund, Philadelphia, 1988 [= Occasional Publications Fund, nr. 9]),
pp. 175-190.
- Mitchell, Wayne A., Ancient Astronomical Observations and Near Eastern Chronology, Journal of the
Ancient Chronology Forum, 3 (1990), 7-26
[??? link].
- Na’aman, Nadav, “Chronology and History in the Late Assyrian Empire (631-619 B.C.)”,
Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 81 (1991), 243-267.
- Ben-Menahem, Ari, “Cross-Dating of Biblical History via Singular Astronomical and Geophysical Events over
the Ancient Near East”, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 33 (1992), 175-190
[ADS link].
- Wallenfels, Ronald, “30 Ajjaru 219 SE = 19 June 93 BCE”, Nouvelles
Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires (N.A.B.U.) (1992), nr. 46
[pp. 37-??]
[NABU link].
- Tuman, Vladimir S., “Astronomical Dating of Observed and Recorded Events in the Astrolabe V R 46”,
in: H.D. Galter (ed.), Die Rolle der Astronomie in den Kulturen Mesopotamiens: Beiträge zum
3. Grazer Morgenländischen Symposion (23.-27. September 1991) (rm-Druck & Verlagsgesellschaft,
Graz, 1993 [= Grazer Morgenländische Studien, nr. 3]), pp. 199-209.
- Depuydt, Leo, “ “More Valuable than all Gold”: Ptolemy’s Royal Canon and Babylonian
Chronology”, Journal of Cuneiform Studies, 47 (1995), 97-??
- Yamada, Shigeo, “The Editorial History of the Assyrian King List”, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie
und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 84 (1994), 11-37.
- Depuydt, Leo, “The Date of Death of Artaxerxes I”, Die Welt des Orients, 26 (1995),
86-96 – a reinterpretation of cuneiform & Greek sources suggest that Artaxerxes I died in the period
7-19 February 424 BC.
- Horowitz, Wayne, “An Astronomical Fragment from Columbia University and the Babylonian Revolts against
Xerxes”, The Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society, 23 (1995), 61-67.
- Zawadzki, Stefan, “A Contribution to the Chronology of the Last Days of the Assyrian Empire”,
Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 85 (1995), 67-73.
- de Meis, Salvo & Hunger, Hermann, “Astronomical Dating of “Observed” Events in the Star
List V R 46”, Archiv für Orientforschung, 42/43 (1995/96), 208-209 –
criticizes the early dating of this tablet by Tuman (1993).
- de Meis, Salvo & Hunger, Hermann, Astronomical Dating of Assyrian and Babylonian Reports (Istituto
Italiano per lAfrica e lOriente, Rome, 1998 [= Serie orientale Roma, nr. 81]).
- Gerber, Manuel, “Die Inschrift H(arran)1.A/B und die neubabylonische Chronologie”, Zeitschrift für
Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 88 (1998), 72-93.
- Tuman, Vladimir S., “Astrological Omens from Lunar Eclipses as a Source for Babylonian Chronology”,
in: H. Erkanal, V. Dombaz & A. Uguroglu (eds.), XXXIV. Uluslararasi Assiriyoloji Kongresi,
Istanbul, 6-10 Temmuz 1987 (Türk Tarih Kurumu, Ankara, 1998 [= AKDTYK Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayinlari,
XXVI. Dizi, Sa. 3]), pp. 609-628.
- Banjevic, B., “Some Astronomical Dates in Ancient Egypt and Babylon”, in: L.C. Popovic &
M. Dacic (eds.), Proceedings of the XII National Conference of Yugoslav Astronomers and International
Workshop on the Development of Astronomical Databases, held 19-21 November, 1999 in Belgrade
(???, Belgrade, 1999 [= Publications of the Astronomical
Observatory of Belgrade, nr. 65]), pp. 153-???
- Boiy, Tom, “Dating Methods during the Early Hellenistic Period”, Journal of Cuneiform Studies,
52 (2000), 115-121 [ASOR
- Gerber, Manuel, “A Common Source for the Late Babylonian Chronicles Dealing with the Eighth and Seventh
Centuries”, Journal of the American Oriental Society, 120 (2000), 553-569
[JSTOR link].
- Gerber, Manuel, “The Influence of Astronomy on Neo- and Late Babylonian Historiography”, in: R. White
& R. Sinclair (eds.), The Inspiration of Astronomical Phenomena: Edition Malta (Proc. INSAP2)
(???, Qormi, 2000),
pp. ???-???.
- Vallat, François, “LElam du IIe millénaire et la chronologie courte”, in: J.A. Armstrong &
D.A. Warburton (eds.), Just in Time: Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Ancient Near Eastern
Chronology (2nd Millennium BC), Ghent 7-9 July 2000 (Fondation Assyriologique George Dossin, Brussels,
2000 [= Akkadica: Périodique bimestriel de la Fondation Assyriologique Georges Dossin, 119/120]),
pp. 7-17.
- Warburton, David A., “Synchronizing the Chronology of Bronze Age Western Asia with Egypt”, in:
J.A. Armstrong & D.A. Warburton (eds.), Just in Time: Proceedings of the International Colloquium on
Ancient Near Eastern Chronology (2nd Millennium BC), Ghent 7-9 July 2000 (Fondation Assyriologique George
Dossin, Brussels, 2000 [= Akkadica: Périodique bimestriel de la Fondation Assyriologique Georges Dossin,
119/120]), pp. 33-76.
- van Soldt, Wilfred H., “Syrian Chronology in the Old and Early Middle Babylonian Periods”, in:
J.A. Armstrong & D.A. Warburton (eds.), Just in Time: Proceedings of the International Colloquium on
Ancient Near Eastern Chronology (2nd Millennium BC), Ghent 7-9 July 2000 (Fondation Assyriologique George
Dossin, Brussels, 2000 [= Akkadica: Périodique bimestriel de la Fondation Assyriologique Georges Dossin,
119/120]), pp. 117-116.
- Colbow, Gudrun, “Middle, Low or Ultra-Low?: The State of Research into 2nd Millennium BC Chronology, with Special
Reference to Syrian Glyptic Evidence”, in: J.A. Armstrong & D.A. Warburton (eds.), Just in Time:
Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Ancient Near Eastern Chronology (2nd Millennium BC), Ghent
7-9 July 2000 (Fondation Assyriologique George Dossin, Brussels, 2000 [= Akkadica: Périodique bimestriel de
la Fondation Assyriologique Georges Dossin, 119/120]), pp. 117-135.
- Veenhof, Klaas R., “Old Assyrian Chronology”, in: J.A. Armstrong & D.A. Warburton (eds.),
Just in Time: Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Ancient Near Eastern Chronology (2nd Millennium BC),
Ghent 7-9 July 2000 (Fondation Assyriologique George Dossin, Brussels, 2000 [= Akkadica: Périodique
bimestriel de la Fondation Assyriologique Georges Dossin, 119/120]), pp. 137-150.
- Reade, Julian, “Absolute Dates and Assyrian Calendars”, in: J.A. Armstrong & D.A. Warburton (eds.),
Just in Time: Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Ancient Near Eastern Chronology (2nd Millennium BC),
Ghent 7-9 July 2000 (Fondation Assyriologique George Dossin, Brussels, 2000 [= Akkadica: Périodique
bimestriel de la Fondation Assyriologique Georges Dossin, 119/120]), pp. 151-153.
- Huber, Peter J., “Astronomy and Ancient Chronology”, in: J.A. Armstrong & D.A. Warburton (eds.),
Just in Time: Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Ancient Near Eastern Chronology (2nd Millennium BC),
Ghent 7-9 July 2000 (Fondation Assyriologique George Dossin, Brussels, 2000 [= Akkadica: Périodique
bimestriel de la Fondation Assyriologique Georges Dossin, 119/120]), pp. 159-176.
- Manning, Sturt W., Kromer, Bernd, Kuniholm, Peter Ian & Newton, Maryanne W., “Anatolian Tree Rings and a New
Chronology for the East Mediterranean Bronze-Iron Ages”, Science, 294 (2001), 2532-2535 –
an analysis of dendrochronological data from Anatolia favours the “Middle Chronology”.
- Brown, David R., “Babylonian Observations”, in: H. Rickman (ed.), Highlights of Astronomy, Vol. 12,
as presented at the XXIVth General Assembly of the IAU 2000 [Manchester, UK, 7-18 August 2000] (Astronomical
Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, 2002), pp. 313-316 (*).
- Veenhof, Klaas R., The Old Assyrian List of Year Eponyms from Karum Kanish and its Chronological Implications
(Türk Tarih Kurumu [Turkish Historical Society], Ankara, 2003) – review in: Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und
Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 94 (2004), 304-306 [D.O. Edzard].
- Steele, John M., “The Use and Abuse of Astronomy in Establishing Absolute Chronologies”, Physics in
Canada/La Physique au Canada, 59 (2003), 243-248.
- Steele, John M., “Applied Historical Astronomy: An Historical Perspective”, Journal for the History
of Astronomy, 35 (2004), 337-355 [ADS link].
Secular Acceleration of the Lunar Motion and the Lengthening of the Day deduced from
Ancient Reports of Lunar and Solar Eclipses
“And if any curious Traveller, or Merchant residing there, would please to observe, with
due care, the Phases of the Moons Eclipses at Bagdat, Aleppo and Alexandria, thereby to
determine their Longitudes, they could not do the Science of Astronomy a greater Service: For in and near these
Places were made all the Observations whereby the Middle Motions of the Sun and Moon are limited: And I could
then pronounce in what Proportion the Moon’s Motion does Accelerate; which that it does, I think I can
demonstrate, and shall (God willing) one day, make it appear to the Publick.” (Halley, 1695)
- Halley, Edmund, “Emendationes ac Notæ in vetustas Albatênii Observationes Astronomicas, cum restitutione
Tabularum Lunisolarium ejusdem Authoris”, Philosophical Transactions, giving some Account of the Present
Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in many Considerable Parts of the World, 17 (1693),
913-921 [nr. 204; published in 1694]
[Gallica link;
JSTOR link].
- Halley, Edmund, “Some Account of the Ancient State of the City of Palmyra, with Short Remarks upon the
Inscriptions found there”, Philosophical Transactions, giving some Account of the Present Undertakings,
Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious in many Considerable Parts of the World, 19 (1694), 160-175
[nr. 218; published in 1695]
[JSTOR link].
- Dunthorne, Richard, “A Letter [...] to the Reverend Mr. Richard Mason F.R.S. and Keeper of the Woodwardian
Museum at Cambridge, concerning the Acceleration of the Moon”, Philosophical Transactions, giving some
Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in many Considerable Parts of the
World, 46 (1749), 162-172 [nr. 492; published in 1750]
[Gallica link;
JSTOR link].
- Costard, George, “A Letter from the Rev. Mr. George Costard, Fellow of Wadham-College, Oxford, to Dr. Bevis,
concerning the Year of the Eclipse foretold by Thales”, Philosophical Transactions, giving some Account of
the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious in many Considerable Parts of the World, 48
(1754), 17-26 [Gallica
JSTOR link].
- Costard, George, “A Letter from the Rev. Mr. George Costard to Dr. Bevis, concerning an Eclipse
mentiond by Xenophon”, Philosophical Transactions, giving some Account of the Present Undertakings,
Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious in many Considerable Parts of the World, 48 (1754), 155-160
[Gallica link;
JSTOR link].
- Stukeley, William, “An Account of the Eclipse predicted by Thales”, Philosophical Transactions,
giving some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious in many Considerable Parts
of the World, 48 (1754), 221-226
[Gallica link;
JSTOR link].
- Baily, Francis, “On the Solar Eclipse which is said to have been Predicted by Thales”, Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 101 (1811), 220-241
[JSTOR link].
- Oltmanns, Jabbo, “Ueber die wahre Epoche der grossen von Herodot erwähnten Sonnenfinsterniss am Flusse
Halys”, Abhandlungen der mathematischen Klasse der Königlich Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
zu Berlin aus den Jahren 1812-1813 (Realschul-Buchhandlung, Berlin, 1816), pp. 75-94
[Akademiebibliothek link].
- Zech, Julius, Astronomische Untersuchungen über die Mondfinsternisse des Almagest (Weidmann, Leipzig,
1851 [= Preisschriften gekrönt und herausgegeben von der Fürstlich Jablonowski’schen Gesellschaft
zu Leipzig, nr. 3]).
- Zech, Julius, Astronomische Untersuchungen über die wichtigeren Finsternisse, welche von den Schriftstellern
des classischen Alterthums erwähnt werden (Hirzel, Leipzig, 1853 [= Preisschriften gekrönt und
herausgegeben von der Fürstlich Jablonowski’schen Gesellschaft zu Leipzig, nr. 4]).
- Airy, George Biddell, “On the Eclipses of Agathocles, Thales and Xerxes”, Philosophical Transactions
of the Royal Society of London, 143 (1853), 179-200
[JSTOR link].
- Hincks, Edward, “On the Eclipse of the Sun mentioned in the First Book of Herodotus”, Report of the
29(?)th Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of
Science (???, ???, 1859),
part II, 27-?? (*).
- Hansen, ?., “Extract of a Letter [...] on an Ancient
Eclipse”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 17 (1857), 55-56
[ADS link] on
a solar eclipse supposed to have occurred during the life of the Roman poet Ennius.
- Airy, George Biddell, “On the Eclipse of Agathocles, the Eclipse at Larissa, and the Eclipse of Thales.
With an Appendix on the Eclipse at Stiklastad”, Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, 26
(1858), 131-??? [summary in Monthly Notices of the Royal
Astronomical Society, 17 (1857), 233-235
[ADS link]].
- Airy, George Biddell, “On the Eclipse of Agathocles, the Eclipse at Larissa, and the Eclipse of Thales”,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 17 (1857), 243-244
[ADS link].
- Airy, George Biddell, “On Oltmann’s Calculation of the Eclipse of Thales”, Memoirs of the
Royal Astronomical Society, 27 (1859), 31-??.
- Hartwig, Ernst, “Berechnung einiger alter Finsternisse mitt
Hülfe der Hansenschen Sonnen- und Mondtafeln”, Astronomische Nachrichten, 51 (1859), 33-40
[nr. 1203] [ADS
- Hartwig, Ernst, “Berechnung der Monfinsternisse des Almagest
mittelst der Hansen’schen Sonnen- und-Mondtafeln”, Astronomische Nachrichten, 52 (1860),
257-264 [nr. 1241] [ADS
- Main, Robert, “Remarks on the Controversy respecting the Secular Acceleration of the Moon’s Mean
Motion”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 20 (1860), 222-225
- Adams, John Couch, “Reply to Various Objections which have been brought against his Theory of the Secular
Acceleration of the Moon’s Mean Motion”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,
20 (1860), 225-240
link] & 26 (1866), 183-189
- Martin, Thomas-Henri, “Sur quelques predictions d’éclipses mentionées par des auteurs anciens”,
Revue archéologique, ou recueil de documents et de mémoires relatifs à l’étude des monuments, à la
numismatique et à la philologie de l’antiquité et du moyen age, nouv. sér., 9 (1864), 170-199
[Gallica link].
- Newcomb, Simon, “Researches on the Motion of the Moon: Part I. Reduction and Discussion of Observations
of the Moon before 1750”, Astronomical and Meteorological Observations made during the Year 1875, at the
United States Naval Observatory (Government Printing Office, Washington, 1878), Appendix II, 1-280
[ADS link]
the second part was published in 1912.
- Ginzel, Friedrich Karl, “Astronomische Untersuchungen über Finsternisse: I. Abhandlung. Über die
zwischen 26 und 103 n.Chr. stattgefundenen Sonnenfinsternisse im Algemeinen und die Finsterniss des
Plutarch insbesonders”, Sitzungsberichte der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe der Kaiserlichen
Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Wien, 85 (1882), II. Abtheilung, 663-747.
- von Oppolzer, Theodor Ritter, “Note über eine von Archilochos erwähnte Sonnenfinsterniss”,
Sitzungsberichte der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu
Wien, 86 (1882), II. Abtheilung, 790-793.
- Schwarz, Bernhard, “Astronomische Untersuchung über eine von Archilochus und eine in einer assyrischen
Inschrift erwähnte Sonnenfinsterniss”, Sitzungsberichte der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe der
Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Wien, 87 (1883), II. Abtheilung, 763-776.
- Ginzel, Friedrich Karl, “Astronomische Untersuchungen über Finsternisse: II. Abhandlung. Grundlagen
aus historischen Sonnenfinsternissen zur Ableitung empirischen Correctionen der Mondbahn”, Sitzungsberichte
der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Wien, 88
(1883), II. Abtheilung, 629-755.
- Ginzel, Friedrich Karl, “Astronomische Untersuchungen über Finsternisse: III. Abhandlung. Ernittlung
empirischen Correctionen des Bahn des Mondes”, Sitzungsberichte der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche
Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Wien, 89 (1884), II. Abtheilung, 491-559.
- Newcomb, Simon, “Remarks on the Value of the Secular Acceleration of the Moons Motion derived from
Observations”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 44 (1884), 236-237
[ADS link].
- Oppert, Julius, “Die astronomischen Angaben der assyrischen Keilinschriften”, Sitzungsberichte
der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Wien, 91
(1885), II. Abtheilung, 894-906 on eclipses mentioned in cuneiform sources.
- Ginzel, Friedrich Karl, “Über einige historische, besonders in altspanischen Geschichtsquellen erwähnte
Sonnenfinsternisse”, Sitzungsberichte der Königlich Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin.
Jahrgang 1886 (Verlag der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin, 1886), Theil II,
pp. 963-981
[Akademiebibliothek link].
- Ginzel, Friedrich Karl, “Über einige von persischen und arabischen Schriftstellern erwähnte Sonnen- und
Mondfinsternisse”, Sitzungsberichte der Königlich Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin.
Jahrgang 1887 (Verlag der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin, 1887), Theil II, pp. 709-714
[Akademiebibliothek link].
- Stockwell, John N., “On the Secular and Long-Period Inequalities in the Moons Motion”, The
Astronomical Journal, 10 (1890), 25-31 [nr. 220]
[ADS link],
[ADS link] & 33-40 [nr. 221]
[ADS link].
- Stockwell, John N., “On the Great Eclipse at Rome B.C. 187 July 17”, The Astronomical
Journal, 10 (1890), 85 [nr. 227]
[ADS link].
- Stockwell, John N., “On the Rectification of Chronology by means of Ancient Eclipses”, The
Astronomical Journal, 10 (1891), 185-189 [nr. 240]
[ADS link].
- Stockwell, John N., “On the True Date of the Battle of Pydna”, The Astronomical Journal,
11 (1891), 5-6 [nr. 241]
[ADS link].
- Stockwell, John N., “On Chronology and Eclipses”, The Astronomical Journal, 11 (1891),
28-30 [nr. 244]
[ADS link].
- Lynn, William Thynne, “Ancient Chronology and Eclipses”, The Astronomical Journal, 11
(1891), 43-44 [nr. 246]
[ADS link].
- Stockwell, John N., “On Eclipses and Chronology”, The Astronomical Journal, 11 (1891),
57-59 [nr. 248]
[ADS link].
- Lynn, William Thynne, “Ancient Chronology and Eclipses”, The Astronomical Journal, 11
(1891), 82-83 [nr. 251]
[ADS link].
- Stockwell, John N., “Supplement to Recent Contributions to Chronology and Eclipses”, The
Astronomical Journal, 12 (1892), 121-125 [nr. 280]
[ADS link].
- Lynn, William Thynne, “Ancient Chronology and Eclipses: A Reply”, The Astronomical Journal,
12 (1893), 156 [nr. 284]
[ADS link].
- Stockwell, John N., “Chronology and Eclipses”, The Astronomical Journal, 13 (1893),
73-74 [nr. 298]
[ADS link].
- Lynn, William Thynne, “Ancient Eclipses and Chronology”, The Astronomical Journal, 13
(1893), 86-87 [nr. 299]
[ADS link].
- Lynn, William Thynne, “The Total Eclipse of A.D. 1030”, The Observatory, 18 (1895),
[ADS link].
- Dreyer, J.L.E., “The Eclipse of A.D. 1030”, The Observatory, 18 (1895), 363-364
[ADS link].
- Stockwell, John N., “Eclipses and Chronology”, The Astronomical Journal, 16 (1896),
89-92 [nr. 372]
[ADS link].
- Lynn, William Thynne, “Eclipses and Chronology”, The Astronomical Journal, 16 (1896),
118 [nr. 375]
[ADS link].
- Stockwell, John N., “Eclipses and Chronology: A Reply to Mr. Lynn”, The Astronomical
Journal, 16 (1896), 175-176 [nr. 380]
[ADS link].
- Lynn, William Thynne, “Eclipses and Chronology: A Final Rejoinder”, The Astronomical Journal,
17 (1896), 6 [nr. 385]
[ADS link].
- Brown, Ernest William, “On the Theoretical Values of the Secular Accelerations in the Lunar Theory”,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 57 (1897), 342-349
[ADS link].
- Newcomb, Simon, “On the Use of Statements of Ancient Solar Eclipses for Correcting the Elements of the
Moon’s Motion, with Special Reference to Prof. Ginzel’s “Specieller Kanon der Finsternisse”
”, Astronomische Nachrichten, 154 (1901), 197-202 [nr. 3682]
[ADS link].
- Newcomb, Simon, “On the Eclipse of Agathocles”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical
Society, 65 (1904), 181-183
[ADS link].
- Cowell, Philip Herbert, “On the Secular Accelerations of the Moon’s Longitude and Node”,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 65 (1905), 861-867
[ADS link]
analysis includes the eclipse of Babylon (1063 BC) and the eponym canon eclipse (763 BC).
- Cowell, Philip Herbert, “On the Value of Ancient Solar Eclipses”, Monthly Notices of the Royal
Astronomical Society, 65 (1905), 867-869
[ADS link].
- Cowell, Philip Herbert, “On the Secular Acceleration of the Earth’s Orbital Motion”, Monthly
Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 66 (1905), 3-5
[ADS link].
- Cowell, Philip Herbert, “On the Ptolemaic Eclipses of the Moon Recorded in the Almagest”, Monthly
Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 66 (1905), 5-7
[ADS link].
- Newcomb, Simon, “Note on the Astronomical Value of Ancient Statements of Solar Eclipses”, Monthly
Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 66 (1905), 34-35
[ADS link].
- Cowell, Philip Herbert, “Reply to Prof. Newcomb’s Note”, Monthly Notices of the Royal
Astronomical Society, 66 (1905), 35-36
[ADS link].
- Newcomb, Simon, “On Mr. Cowell’s Discussions of Ancient Eclipses of the Sun”, Monthly
Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 66 (1906), 470-472
[ADS link].
- Cowell, Philip Herbert, “On Ancient Eclipses”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical
Society, 66 (1906), 473-475
[ADS link] &
523-541 [ADS link].
- Nevill, Edmund Neville Neison, “The Early Eclipses of the Sun and Moon”, Monthly Notices of the
Royal Astronomical Society, 67 (1906), 2-13
[ADS link].
- Lynn, William Thynne, “The Eclipse of August 31, 1030”, The Observatory, 30 (1907),
64-65 [ADS
- Cowell, Philip Herbert, “The Position of Agathocles during the Eclipse of B.C. 310 August 15”,
Nature, 75 (1906), 10-11.
- Munck, W.H.S., “Ancient Eclipses”, The Observatory, 30 (1907), 135-137
[ADS link].
- Cowell, Philip Herbert, “Ancient Eclipses”, The Observatory, 30 (1907), 137-138
[ADS link].
- Cowell, Philip Herbert, “Ancient Eclipses”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,
67 (1907), 508-511
[ADS link].
- Cowell, Philip Herbert, “On Ancient Eclipses”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical
Society, 68 (1907), 109-110
[ADS link].
- Fotheringham, John Knight, “Historical data for the Secular Acceleration of the Moon”, Monthly
Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 69 (1908), 26-30
[ADS link].
- Newcomb, Simon, “Comparison of Ancient Eclipses of the Sun with Modern Elements of the Moon’s
Motion”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 69 (1909), 460-467
[ADS link].
- Fotheringham, John Knight, “Note on Professor Newcomb’s Paper on “Comparison of the Ancient
Eclipses of the Sun with Modern Elements of the Moon’s Motion” ”, Monthly Notices of the
Royal Astronomical Society, 69 (1909), 467-469
[ADS link].
- Cowell, Philip Herbert, “On Ancient Eclipses”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical
Society, 69 (1909), 617-618
[ADS link].
- Fotheringham, John Knight, “On the Accuracy of the Alexandrian and Rhodian Eclipse Magnitudes”,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 69 (1909), 666-668
[ADS link].
- Newcomb, Simon, “Researches on the Motion of the Moon: Part II. The Mean Motion of the Moon and other
Astronomical Elements derived from Observations of Eclipses and Occultations extending from the Period of the
Babylonians until A.D. 1908”, Astronomical Papers prepared for the Use of the Astronomical Ephemeris
and Nautical Almanac, 9 (1912), 1-??? [part I]
the first part was published in 1878.
- Fotheringham, John Knight & Longbottom, Gertrude, “The Secular Acceleration of the Moons Mean
Motion as determined from the Occultations in the Almagest”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical
Society, 75 (1915), 377-394
[ADS link].
- Fotheringham, John Knight, “Note on some Results of the New Determination of the Secular Acceleration of
the Moons Mean Motion”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 75 (1915),
395-396 [ADS
- Fotheringham, John Knight, “The Secular Acceleration of the Sun as determined from Hipparchus
Equinox Observations; with a Note on Ptolemys False Equinox”, Monthly Notices of the Royal
Astronomical Society, 78 (1915), 406-423
[ADS link].
- Jeffreys, Harold, “The Chief Cause of the Lunar Secular Acceleration”, Monthly Notices of
the Royal Astronomical Society, 80 (1920), 309-317
[ADS link].
- Fotheringham, John Knight, “Note on the Secular Accelerations of the Sun and Moon as determined from
the Ancient Lunar and Solar Eclipses, Occultations, and Equinox Observations”, Monthly Notices of the
Royal Astronomical Society, 80 (1920), 578-581
[ADS link].
- Fotheringham, John Knight, “A Solution of Ancient Eclipses of the Sun”, Monthly Notices of
the Royal Astronomical Society, 81 (1920), 104-126
[ADS link]
analysis includes the eclipse of Babylon (1063 BC) and the eponym canon eclipse (763 BC).
- Fotheringham, John Knight, “A Neglected Eclipse”, The Observatory, 43 (1920), 189-191
[ADS link].
- Sandbach, F.H., “The Date of the Eclipse in Plutarch’s De Facie”, The Classical
Quarterly, 23 (1929), 15-16
[JSTOR link].
- Fotheringham, John Knight, “Two Babylonian Eclipses”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical
Society, 95 (1935), 719-723
[ADS link]
analysis of the solar eclipse of 26 September 322 BC (tablet Sp. I. 192, Rs. 18) and the
lunar eclipse of 9 October 425 BC (tablet CBS 11901).
- van der Waerden, Bartel Leendert, “Secular Terms and Fluctuations in the Motions of the Sun and the
Moon”, The Astronomical Journal, 66 (1961), 138-147
[ADS link].
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