Occasionally, cuneiform sources contain references to transient celestial phenomena
such as comets (sallammû), meteors or the aurora borealis.
Classical sources suggest that some Babylonian astronomers believed that comets,
like the planets, moved in fixed orbits and made periodic appearances. Around AD 63, the Roman
philosopher Lucius Annaeus Seneca wrote:
“Apollonius of Myndos says that the Chaldaeans place comets in
the category of planets and have determined their orbits; Epigenes, on the contrary, says that the
Chaldaeans have no understanding of comets but that to them comets seem to be on fire from some
sort of turbulence in aroused and twisted atmosphere” (Naturales quaestiones
VII 4.1).
The following passage in the Babylonian Talmud has been quoted by some as evidence
that Jewish rabbi’s may have been aware of the periodical nature of comets:
[R. Gamaliel II and R. Joshua b. Hananiah] once
travelled on board a ship. R. Gamaliel had with him some bread only, while R. Joshua
had with him bread and flour. When R. Gamaliels bread was consumed he depended on
R. Joshua's flour. Did you know, the former asked him, that we should be
so much delayed that you brought flour with you? The latter answered him, A certain
star rises once in seventy years and leads the sailors astray, and I suspected it might rise and
lead us astray. (Horayoth 10a).
- Talbot, Henry Fox, “Notice of a very Ancient Comet, from a Chaldean Tablet”,
Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archaeology, 4 (1876), 257-262
(*) summary in: The Academy: A Weekly
Review of Literature, Science and Art, 8 (1875), 633
[nr. ???]
[Periodicals Archive Online link] assumed it to be an earlier
return of the comet of 1680 (“Newton’s Comet”) observed around 1130 BC
during the expedition of Nebuchadnezzar I against the Elamites.
- Packer, David E., “On an Ancient Comet Recorded by Nebuchadrezzar I. and on its
Identity with the Great Comet of 1811”, English Mechanic and World of Science,
77 (1903), 569-570 [nr. 2002] linked the same comet to an earlier return
of the Great Comet of 1811 (C/1811 F1) – for a critical note, cf. W.T. Lynn
in ibid., 78 (1903), 14-??.
- Lynn, William Thynne, “A Supposed Ancient Comet”, The Observatory,
26 (1903), 422-423 [ADS link] an improved reading of the cuneiform text by
T.G. Pinches suggested that it could also refer to a meteor.
- Leibovici, Marcel, “Présages hittites traduits de l’akkadien”, Syria,
33 (1956), 142-146 (*).
- Walker, Christopher B.F., “Halley’s Comet in Babylonia”, Nature,
314 (1985), 576-577.
- Stephenson, Francis Richard, Yau, Kevin K.C. & Hunger, Hermann, “Records of Halley’s
Comet on Babylonian Tablets”, Nature, 314 (1985), 587-592.
- Stephenson, Francis Richard & Walker, Christopher B.F. (eds.), Halley’s Comet
in History (London: British Museum Publications, 1985) with contributions by Hermann
Hunger, Francis Richard Stephenson, Christopher B.F. Walker & Kevin K.C. Yau on ancient
records of Halley’s Comet.
- Stephenson, Francis Richard & Yau, Kevin K.C., “Halley’s Comet and Babylon”,
Spaceflight, 27 (1985), 360-???
- Stephenson, Francis Richard, “The Babylonians saw that Comet, too”, Natural
History, 94 (1985), nr. 12, 14-20.
- van Soldt, Wilfred H., “De oudste waarnemingen van de komeet van Halley”, Phoenix:
Bulletin uitgegeven door het Vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Genootschap Ex Oriente Lux, 31
(1985/86), 11-21 (*).
- Walker, Christopher B.F., “Halley’s Comet in Cuneiform: The First Recorded
Observation in Babylonia”, Bulletin of the Society for Mesopotamian Studies, 13
(1987), 1-20 (*).
- Chadwick, Robert, “Comets and Meteors in the Last Assyrian Empire”, in:
A.F. Aveni (ed.), World Archaeoastronomy: Selected Papers from the 2nd Oxford International
Conference on Archaeoastronomy held at Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, 13-17 January 1986
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989), pp. 186-194
- Koch, Johannes, Neue Untersuchungen zur Topographie des babylonischen Fixsternhimmels
(Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1989), pp. 142-154 [chapter on Halley’s Comet].
- Chadwick, Robert, “Identifying Comets and Meteors in Celestial Observation Literature”,
in: H.D. Galter (ed.), Die Rolle der Astronomie in den Kulturen Mesopotamiens:
Beiträge zum 3. Grazer Morgenländischen Symposion (23.-27. September 1991)
(Graz: rm-Druck & Verlagsgesellschaft, 1993 [= Grazer Morgenländische Studien,
nr. 3]), pp. 161-184.
Meteors, Meteorites and the Aurora Borealis
- Lehmann, Carl Friedrich, “Ein Meteorstein keilschriftlich erwähnt?”, Zeitschrift
für Assyriologie und verwandte Gebiete, 2 (1887), 214-218.
- Böker, Robert, “Babylonische Beobachtung des Perseidenradianten”, Die Sterne,
30 (1954), 178-181 – suggests that the annual Perseid meteor shower was already
observed in the Ancient Near East.
- Bjorkman, Judith Kingston, “Meteors and Meteorites in the Ancient Near East”,
Meteoritics, 8 (1973), 91-132 [= Publications by the Center for Meteorite Studies,
nr. 12] [ADS link].
- Krupp, Edwin C., “Hard Rain: Could a Constellation Symbolic of Precipitation play Host to
Occasional Swarms of Meteors?”, Sky & Telescope, 100, nr. 5 (2000),
93-95 – suggests that the annual Taurid meteor shower was already observed in the
Ancient Near East.
- Stephenson, Francis Richard & Willis, David M., “The Earliest Datable Observation of
the Aurora Borealis”, in: J.M. Steele & A. Imhausen (eds.), Under One Sky:
Astronomy and Mathematics in the Ancient Near East (Münster:
Ugarit-Verlag, 2002 [= Alter
Orient und Altes Testament, nr. 297]), pp. 421-428.
- Stephenson, Francis Richard, Willis, David M. & Hallinan, Thomas J., “The Earliest
Datable Observation of the Aurora Borealis”, Astronomy & Geophysics, 45
(2004), nr. 6, 15-17
[Blackwell-Synergy link].
Catalogues of Cometary Observations and Orbits
- Riccioli, Giovanni Baptista, Almagestum novum astronomiam veterem novamque complectens
observtionibus aliorum, et propriis novisque theorematibus, problematibus, ac tabulis promotam,
in tres tomos distributam (Bologna: Haeredis Victorii Benatii, 1651), vol. II,
pp. 3-23 [Gallica
link] lists 154 comets from 480 BC to AD 1651.
- de Lubienietz, Stanislaus, Theatrum cometicum, ???
(Amsterdam: Franciscus Kuiper, 1666/68) lists 415 comets from the Deluge up to 1665.
- Hevelius, Johannes, Cometographia, totam naturam cometarum [...] exhibens [...] acc.
omnium cometarum historia, notis et animadversionibus locupletata, iconibus aen incisis illustrata
(Dantzig: S. Reiniger, 1668).
- Zahn, Johannes, Specula physico-mathematico-historica notabilium ad mirabilium scuendorum
(Nuremberg: ???, 1696), vol. 1,
pp. ???-???
lists comets from the Deluge up to 1682.
- Pingré, Alexandre-Guy, Cométographie ou traité historique et théorique des comètes
(Paris: Imprimerie royale, 1783/84), 2 vols.
- de Guignes, Joseph, “Catalogue des comètes connues et observées par les Chinois depuis
l’an 613 avant J.-C. jusqu’en 1222 après J.-C.”, Mémoires de mathématiques
et de physique présentés à l’Académie des sciences par divers savants, 10 (1785),
- Biot, Édouard, “Catalogue des comètes observées en Chine depuis l’an 1230 jusqu’à
l’an 1640 de notre ère”, Connaissance des temps ou des mouvements célestes, à
l’usage des astronomes et des navigateurs, pour l’an 1846 (Paris: Bachelier, 1843),
Additions, pp. 44-59.
- Biot, Édouard, “Catalogue des étoiles extraordinaires observées en Chine depuis les temps
anciens jusqu’à l’an 1203 de notre ère”, Connaissance des temps ou des mouvements
célestes, à l’usage des astronomes et des navigateurs, pour l’an 1846 (Paris: Bachelier, 1843), Additions, pp. 60-68.
- Chambers, George Frederick, “Comets: An Account of all the Comets whose Orbits have not been
Calculated”, The Intellectual Observer: Review of Natural History, Microscopic Research and
Recreative Science, 3 (1863),
97-???; 4 (1864),
218-???; 5 (1864),
218-???; 6 (1865),
131-??? & 8 (1866),
- Williams, John, Observations of Comets, From B.C. 611 to A.D. 1640: Extracted from the Chinese Annals.
Translated, with Introductory Remarks, and An Appendix, comprising the Tables necessary for reducing Chinese Time to
European Reckoning; and a Chinese Celestial Atlas (London: Strangeways and Walden, 1871)
[Internet Archives link] – reprinted in 1987
by Science and Technology Publishers (Hornchurch) – review in: The Astronomical Register, 10
(1872), 9-10 [ADS
- Lersch, B. Max, “Notizen über Kometenerscheinungen in früheren Jahrhunderten”,
Sitzungsberichte der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der
Wissenschaften zu Wien, 89 (1884), II. Abtheilung, 767-801.
- [Holden, Edward Singleton], “Ancient Comets”, Publications of the Astronomical
Society of the Pacific, 4 (1892), 266
- [Holden, Edward Singleton], “Ancient Comets”, Publications of the Astronomical
Society of the Pacific, 5 (1893), 53-54
- Galle, Johann Gottfried, Verzeichnis der Elemente der bisher berechneten Cometenbahnen
(Leipzig: Engelmann, 1894).
- Holetschek, Johann, Untersuchungen über die Größe und Helligkeit der Kometen und ihrer
Schweife (Vienna: Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1896-1917), 5 vols.
- “I. Die Kometen bis zum Jahre 1760”, Denkschriften der
Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu
Wien, 63 (1896), 1-258.
- “II. Die Kometen von 1762 bis 1799”, Denkschriften der
Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu
Wien, 77 (1905), 1-107.
- “III. Die Kometen von 1801 bis 1835 und auszugsweise auch noch die Helleren bis
1884”, Denkschriften der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe der Kaiserlichen
Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Wien, 88 (1913), 1-116.
- “IV. Die helleren periodischen Kometen”, Denkschriften der
Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu
Wien, 93 (1916), 1-105.
- “V. Die minder hellen periodischen Kometen”, Denkschriften der
Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu
Wien, 94 (1917), 1-114.
- Holetschek, Johann, “Bemerkungen und Berichtigungen zur Cometenliteratur und namentlich
zu den Bahnberechnungen einiger älteren Cometen”, Astronomische Nachrichten,
143 (1897), 113-122 [nr. 3416]
- Yamamoto, A.S., Preliminary General Catalogue of Comets (Kyoto:
Kyoto Imperial University, 1936 [= Publications of the Kwasan Observatory, 1, nr. 4]).
- Baldet, Fernand, Liste générale des comètes de l’origine à 1948 (Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1950 [= Annuaire du Bureau des Longitudes pour l’an 1950,
pp. ??-??]).
- Baldet, Fernand & de Obaldia, Giselle, Catalogue général des orbites de comètes de
l’an –466 à 1952 (Paris: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1952).
- Vsekhsvyatskii, S.K., Fizicheskie kharakteristiki komet (Gosudarstvennoe
Izdatel’stvo, Moscow, 1958) – also translated into English as: Physical
Characteristics of Comets (Jerusalem/Washington: Israel Program for Scientific Translations/National Aeronautics
and Space Administration/National Science Foundation, 1964).
- Ho Peng-Yoke, “Ancient and Mediaeval Observations of Comets and Novae in Chinese
Sources”, Vistas in Astronomy, 5 (1962), 127-225
- Ho Peng-Yoke & ???, “Chinese
Astronomical Records on Comets and ‛Guest Stars’ ”, Oriens Extremus,
17 (1970), 63-99.
- Mucke, Hermann, Helle Kometen –86 bis +1950: Ephemeriden und
Kurzbeschreibungen/Bright Comets –86 to +1950: Ephemerides and Concise Descriptions
(Vienna: Astronomisches Büro, 1972) – a corrected 2nd ed. was published in 1976.
- Barrett, Anthony A., “Observations of Comets in Greek and Roman Sources before
A.D. 410”, The Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada,
72 (1978), 81-106 [ADS link].
- Hasegawa, Ichiro, “Orbits of Ancient and Medieval Comets”, Publications of
the Astronomical Society of Japan, 31 (1979), 257-270
link] – erratum, ibid., 829
- Hasegawa, Ichiro, “Catalogue of Ancient and Naked-Eye Comets”, Vistas in
Astronomy, 24 (1980), 59-102
- Jansen, Jon & Doyle, Robert J., “Additions and Corrections to the I. Hasegawa
Catalogue”, Vistas in Astronomy, 34 (1991), 179-186
- Yeomans, Donald K., Comets: A Chronological History of Observation, Science, Myth, and
Folklore (New York: Wiley, 1991) pp. 361-424 contain a list of naked-eye comets
reported up to 1700.
- Kronk, Gary, Cometography: A Chronology of Comets (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
1999-..…), 2 vols. [4 vols. projected]
- Zhentao Xu, David W. Pankenier & Yaotiao Jiang, East Asian Archaeoastronomy: Historical
Records of Astronomical Observations of China, Japan and Korea (Amsterdam: Gordon and Breach Science
Publishers, 2000 [= Earth Space Institute Book Series, vol. 5]),
chapter 5 [Comet Halley].
Ancient Observations and Orbital Motion of Comet 1P/Halley
Of all cometary orbits, that of Halley’s Comet is one of the best known.
Each return since 240 BC has been observed from Earth and the returns of 164 BC and 87 BC
have also been recorded in cuneiform sources.
Several investigations have been published linking the orbit of Halley’s
Comet with Chinese observations before 240 BC but earlier returns have not been confirmed due
to the lack of reliable observations. As the orbit of Halley’s Comet is influenced by
non-gravitational forces, numerical integrations of its orbit become increasingly unreliable as
one recedes further back in the 1st millennium BC.
The following table lists the dates of perihelion passage of Comet 1P/Halley as
calculated by various astronomers in the past. The dates of perihelion passage are expressed in
the YEAR/MONTH/DAY format. The year is given in astronomical notation, i.e. –11 is
equivalent with 12 BCE, etc.
Cowell &
(1908) |
(1917) |
(1961) |
(1978) |
& Kiang
(1981) |
(1982) |
(1986) |
(1988) |
1 |
–11/10/08 |
–10.23 |
–10.23 |
11/09/27 |
11/10/10 |
11/10/08 |
11/10/08 |
11/10/08 |
2 |
–86/08/15 |
–85.42 |
–85.42 |
86/08/15 |
86/08/06 |
86/07/10 |
86/08/05 |
86/08/03 |
3 |
–162/05/20 |
–161.71 |
–161.71 |
162/01/20 |
163/11/12 |
163/06/22 |
163/11/08 |
163/10/23 |
4 |
[–239/05/15] |
–238.04 |
–238.04 |
239/08/02 |
239/05/25 |
240/11/30 |
239/05/24 |
239/03/22 |
5 |
–312.70 |
–312.70 |
–314/12/06 |
314/09/08 |
–316/10/15 |
314/09/09 |
314/02/13 |
6 |
–389.70 |
–389.70 |
–390/12/08 |
390/09/14 |
–392/04/22 |
390/09/15 |
391/12/15 |
7 |
–465.73 |
–465.73 |
–465/09/02 |
465/07/18 |
–467/07/16 |
465/07/17 |
466/12/02 |
8 |
–543.95 |
–543.95 |
–539/11/01 |
539/05/10 |
–543/04/10 |
542/04/13 |
9 |
–621.04 |
–621.04 |
–614/07/01 |
615/07/28 |
–619/10/05 |
619/10/16 |
10 |
–700.1 |
–689/12/20 |
–689/01/22 |
–693/11/01 |
–694/12/04 |
11 |
–777.2 |
–761/01/11 |
–762/08/05 |
–768/05/13 |
–770/10/10 |
12 |
–855.6 |
–833/03/12 |
–835/05/09 |
–844/12/29 |
–845/05/26 |
13 |
–931.8 |
–907/06/27 |
–910/05/20 |
–917/10/31 |
–922/08/06 |
14 |
–1008.9 |
–982/08/17 |
–985/12/02 |
–992/03/15 |
–999/10/13 |
15 |
–1084.3 |
–1056/03/07 |
–1058/12/03 |
–1068/07/13 |
–1074/01/22 |
16 |
–1161.3 |
–1128/04/03 |
–1142/04/15 |
–1151/07/09 |
- Halley, Edmund, “Astronomiæ Cometicæ Synopsis”, Philosophical Transactions,
Giving some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies and Labours of the Ingenious, in
many Considerable Parts of the World, 24 (1706), 1882-1899 [nr. 297 (1705)]
JSTOR link] postulated that the comets of 1531, 1607 and 1682
were the same comet and predicted its next return around 1758.
- Dunthorne, Richard, “A Letter [...] to the Rev. Dr. Long, F.R.S. Master of
Pembroke-Hall in Cambridge, and Lowndes's Professor of Astronomy and Geometry in that
University, concerning Comets”, Philosophical Transactions, Giving some Account
of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours, of the Ingenious, in many Considerable Parts
of the World, 47(1751/52), 281-288
JSTOR link] observations of the comets of 1106, 1264 & 1301.
- Burckhardt, Johann Carl, “Bestimmung der Bahnen einiger ältern Cometen”,
Monatliche Correspondenz zur Beförderung der Erd- und Himmels-Kunde, 2 (1800),
414-418 – discusses the comets of 539, 1097 & 1351.
- Burckhardt, Johann Carl, “Fortsetzung der Untersuchungen über ältere Cometen”,
Monatliche Correspondenz zur Beförderung der Erd- und Himmels-Kunde, 10 (1804),
162-169 – discusses the comets of 565, 568, 1301 & 1362.
- Laugier, Paul-Auguste-Ernest, “Note sur la première comète de 1301”, Comptes
rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des sciences, 15 (1842),
949-951 [Gallica
- Julien, Stanislaus & Biot, Édouard, “Note remise [...] pour répondre à la demande
faite pour l’observatoire à M. de le conservateur des manuscrits chinois de la
Bibliothèque Royale”, Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des
sciences, 15 (1842), 951-953 [Gallica link] Chinese observations of the comets of 760 and 1301.
- Biot, Édouard, “Recherches faites dans la grande collection des historiens de la Chine,
sur les anciennes apparitions de la Comète de Halley”, Connaissance des temps ou des
mouvements célestes, à l’usage des astronomes et des navigateurs, pour l’an 1846
(Paris: Bachelier, 1843), Additions, pp. 69-84.
- Laugier, Paul-Auguste-Ernest, “Notice sur l’apparition de la comète de Halley en
1378”, Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des sciences,
16 (1843), 1003-1006 [Gallica link].
- Hind, John Russell, “On the Comets of 1556 and 1264”, Astronomische
Nachrichten, 21 (1844), 193-198 [nr. 493]
[ADS link].
- Hind, John Russell, “Elements of Several Ancient Comets”, Astronomische
Nachrichten, 21 (1844), 279-282 [nr. 498]
[ADS link] orbital elements of the comets of 568, 574 & 1385.
- Laugier, Paul-Auguste-Ernest, “Mémoire sur quelque comètes
anciennes”, Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des sciences,
22 (1846), 148-156
link] orbital elements of the comets of 568, 770, 1337, 1433, 1468, 1472 & 1506.
- Laugier, Paul-Auguste-Ernest, “Mémoire sur quelques anciennes apparitions de la comète
de Halley, inconnues jusqu’ici”, Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de
l’Académie des sciences, 23 (1846), 183-189
- Hind, John Russell, “Schreiben des Herrn J.R. Hind an den Herausgeber”,
Astronomische Nachrichten, 23 (1846), 377-378 [nr. 551]
link] orbital elements of the comets of 568, 574, 770, 962, 1385, 1433 & 1490/91.
- Hind, John Russell, “Schreiben des Herrn Hind an den Herausgeber”,
Astronomische Nachrichten, 27 (1848), 157-160 [nr. 634]
link] orbital elements of the comets of 66, 1092 & 1457.
- Hind, John Russell, “On the Past History of the Comet of Halley”, Monthly
Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 10 (1850), 51-58
- Ångström, Anders Jonas, “Sur deux inégalités d’une grandeur remarquable
dans les apparitions de la Comète de Halley”, Actes de la Société royale des Sciences
d’Upsal, sér. 3, 4 (1862),
summarized in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 23 (1863), 116-118
[ADS link].
- de Pontécoulant, Philippe-Gustave Comte, “Notice sur la comète de Halley et ses
apparitions successives de 1531 à 1910”, Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de
l’Académie des sciences, 58 (1864), 706-709
[Gallica link], 766-769
[Gallica link], 825-828
[Gallica link] & 915
[Gallica link].
- Packer, David E., “Comet Halley: Was its Periodicity Known to the Ancients?”,
English Mechanic and World of Science, 77 (1903),
[nr. ????].
- Schoux, Antony, “La Comète de Halley”, Annales de mon observatoire [Lucien
Libert], 2 (1903), nr. 6, 21-24
- Crommelin, Andrew Claude de la Cherois, “Note on the Approaching Return of Halley’s
Comet”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 67 (1906), 137-140
- Cowell, Philip Herbert & Crommelin, Andrew Claude de la Cherois, “The Perturbations
of Halley’s Comet”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,
67 (1907), 174 [ADS link], 386-411
[ADS link] & 511-521
[ADS link].
- Cowell, Philip Herbert & Crommelin, Andrew Claude de la Cherois, “The Perturbations
of Halleys Comet in the Past: Second Paper: The Apparition of 1222”, Monthly
Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 68 (1908), 173-179
- Cowell, Philip Herbert & Crommelin, Andrew Claude de la Cherois, “The Perturbations
of Halley’s Comet in the Past. Third Paper: The Period from 1066 to 1301”, Monthly
Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 68 (1908), 375-378
- Cowell, Philip Herbert & Crommelin, Andrew Claude de la Cherois, “The Perturbations
of Halley’s Comet, 1759-1910”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,
68 (1908), 379-395
- Cowell, Philip Herbert & Crommelin, Andrew Claude de la Cherois, “The Perturbations
of Halley’s Comet in the Past. Fourth Paper: The Period 760 to 1066”, Monthly
Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 68 (1908), 510-514
- Cowell, Philip Herbert & Crommelin, Andrew Claude de la Cherois, “The Perturbations
of Halley’s Comet in the Past. Fifth Paper: The Period B.C. 240 to A.D. 760”,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 68 (1908),
665-670 [ADS
- Hirayama, K., “Halley’s Comet in Japanese History”, The Observatory,
33 (1910), 130-133
- Chambers, G.F., “Halley’s Comet in 1301”, Journal of the British
Astronomical Association, 24 (1914), 263-264
- Vil’ev, Mikhail Anatol’evich, “Issledowania po teorii dwizhenia komety
Galley’a”, Izwiestia Ruskago Obszczestwa Lubitielej Mirowiedienia, 6
(1917), 215-219 (*).
- Tsu Wen Shion [= Chu Wên-hsin], “The Observations of Halley’s Comet in Chinese
History”, Popular Astronomy: A Review of Astronomy and Allied Sciences, 42
(1934), 191-201 [ADS link].
- Kamiènski, Michael, “Researches on the Periodicity of Halley’s Comet: Part I.
Determination of the Average Period of its Revolution”, Bulletin de l’Académie
Polonaise des Sciences et des Lettres, Sér. A [Sciences Mathématiques],
?? (1949),
101-140 (*).
- Kamiènski, Michael, “Researches on the Periodicity of Halley’s Comet: Part II.
The Past of Halley’s Comet Preliminary Results”, Bulletin de l’Académie
Polonaise des Sciences et des Lettres, Sér. A [Sciences Mathématiques],
?? (1951),
34-38 (*).
- Norling, G., “The Date for the Construction of the First Temple of Jerusalem and its
Probable Connection with an Appearance of Halley’s Comet”, in: Actes du septième
Congrès International d’Histoire des Sciences
(Jerusalem: ???, 1953),
pp. ???-???
- Schove, Derek Justin, “Halley’s Comet; I, 1930 B.C. to A.D. 1986”,
Journal of the British Astronomical Association, 65 (1955), 285-289.
- Schove, Derek Justin, “The Comet of David and Halley’s Comet”, Journal
of the British Astronomical Association, 65 (1955), 289-290.
- Kamiènski, Michael, “The Probable Apparition of Halley’s Comet in
2320 B.C.”, Acta Astronomica, 6 (1956), 3-23
- Schove, Derek Justin, “Halley’s Comet and Kamienski’s Formula”,
Journal of the British Astronomical Association, 66 (1956), 131-139.
- Kamiènski, Michael, “Researches on the Periodicity of Halley’s Comet: Part III.
Revised List of Ancient Perihelion Passages of the Comet”, Acta Astronomica, 7
(1957), 111-118 [ADS
- Kamiènski, Michael, “Comet Halley in 1163 BC and the Fall of Troy”, Acta
Astronomica, 8 (1958), 62-70
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