General Literature
- Burkett, Walter, The Orientalising Revolution: Near Eastern Influence on Greek Culture in the
Early Archaic Age (Cambridge [Mass]/London: Harvard University Press, 1992).
- Dalley, Stephanie (ed.), The Legacy of Mesopotamia (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998).
Transmission to the Eastern Mediterranean
- Brown Jr., Robert, The Phainomena or “Heavenly Display” of Aratos (London: Longmans, 1885) – review in: The Academy: A Weekly Review of Literature, Science and Art,
28 (1885), 137-138 [nr. 695] [A.H. Sayce]
[Periodicals Archive Online link].
- Brown Jr., Robert, “Etruscan Divinity-Names”, The Academy: A Weekly Review of
Literature, Science and Art, 32 (1887), 323-324 [nr. 810]
[Periodicals Archive Online link].
- Brown Jr., Robert, “Etruscan Moon-Names”, The Academy: A Weekly Review of
Literature, Science and Art, 33 (1888), 173-174 [nr. 827]
[Periodicals Archive Online link].
- Brown Jr., Robert, “The Etruscan Sun-Name “Usil” ”, The Academy:
A Weekly Review of Literature, Science and Art, 33 (1888), 260 [nr. 832]
[Periodicals Archive Online link].
- Brown Jr., Robert, “The Connexion between Babylonian and Greek Astronomy”, The
Academy: A Weekly Review of Literature, Science and Art, 46 (1894), 379-380
[nr. 1175] [Periodicals Archive Online link].
- Brown Jr., Robert, “Greek Coin Types and the Constellation Figures”, The Academy:
A Weekly Review of Literature, Science and Art, 48 (1895), 231 [nr. 1220]
[Periodicals Archive Online link].
- Brown Jr., Robert, “Phoenicia and the Ancient Constellation Figures”, The Academy:
A Weekly Review of Literature, Science and Art, 50 (1896), 351 [nr. 1279]
[Periodicals Archive Online link].
- Brown Jr., Robert, “A Greek Circle of Late Times showing Euphratean Influence”,
Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology, 23 (1901), 255-257.
- Cumont, François V.M., “Comment les Grecs connurent les tables lunaires des
Chaldéens”, in: G.C.C. Maspero (ed.), Florilegium ou recueil de traveaux
d’érudition dédiés à M. le Marquis Melchior de Vogüé à
l’occasion du quatre-vingtième anniversaire de sa naissance (Paris: Geuthner, 1909),
pp. 159-165 (*).
- Bezold, Carl & Boll, Franz J., Reflexe astrologischer Keilinschriften bei den
griechischen Schriftstellern (Heidelberg: Carl Winter’s Universitätsbuchhandlung,
1911 [= Sitzungsberichten der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften,
Philosophisch-historische Klasse, Heft 7])
- Cumont, François V.M., “Babylon und die griechische Astronomie”, Neue Jahrbucher
für das klassische Altertum, Geschichte und deutsche Literatur und für Pädagogik, 27/28
(1911), 1-10 (*).
- Haskins, Charles H., “Nimrod the Astrologer”, The Romanic Review, 5 (1914), 203-312
- Levander, Frederick William & Knobel, E.B., “The Sea-Goat”, The Observatory, 37 (1914), 261-262
[ADS link].
- Maunder, E. Walter, “The “Sea-Goat” ”, The Observatory, 37 (1914), 292-293
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- Evershed, M.A., “The Sea-Goat”, The Observatory, 37 (1914), 322-323
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- Weidner, Ernst Friedrich, “Babylonisches im Buche Henoch”, Orientalistische Literaturzeitung, 19 (1916),
74-?? (*).
- Fotheringham, John Knight, “Cleostratus”, The Journal of Hellenic Studies, 39 (1919), 164-185
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– see also the postscript in ibid., 40 (1920), 208-209
[JSTOR link]
& 45 (1925), 78-83
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- Webb, E.J., “Cleostratus Redivivus”, The Journal of Hellenic Studies, 41 (1921), 70-85
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- Ungnad, Arthur, “Babylonische Sternbilder oder der Weg babylonischer Kultur nach Griechenland”, Zeitschrift der Deutschen
Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, 77 (1923), 81-91 (*).
- Cumont, François V.M., “Le patrie de Séleucus de Séleucie”, Syria, 8 (1927),
83-?? (*).
- Eisler, Robert, “Babylonische Astrologenausdrücke bei Demokrit”, Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 31
(1928[?]), 52-54 (*).
- Fotheringham, John Knight, “The Indebtedness of Greek to Chaldaean Astronomy”, The Observatory, 51 (1928), 301-315
[ADS link] reprinted with minor
modifications in Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte der Mathematik, Astronomie und Physik, Abteilung B, 2 (1932), 28-44
- Bork, Ferdinand, “Zur Vorgeschichte des römischen Kalenders”, Archiv für Orientforschung, 6 (1930/31),
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philologie et d’histoire orientales, 3 (1935), 41-89 (*).
- Cumont, François V.M., “Les noms des planètes et l’astrolatrie chez les Grecs”, L’antiquité classique, 4
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- Eisler, Robert, “Das astrologische Bilderbuch Salmê Shakanakkê”, Orientalistische Literaturzeitung, 38
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Wis- en natuurkundige afdeeling, 50 (1947), 536-547 & 782-788 (*).
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- Sarton, George, “Chaldaean Astronomy of the Last Three Centuries B.C.”, Journal of the American Oriental Society, 75 (1955),
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d’histoire, nr. 13]) – an expanded edition by Michel Tardieu was published in 1978 by the Institut d’Études Augustiniennes
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Gesellschaft Zürich, 105 (1960), 97-144 (*).
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?? (1972), 5. Abhandlung (*).
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the sixth century AD., calling Bêl demiurge, or Creator.
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in Arab World, 42 (1986[?]), 64-67.
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4 XVI (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2001 [= Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, vol. XXI]), pp. 195-244.
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- Rawlins, Dennis, “Aristarchos & the “Babylonian” System B Month: The Empirical and Calendaric Bases of Ancient Astronomy’s
Prime Parameter”,DIO, 11 (2002), 4-9 [ADS
link] also published as “Aristarchos and the ‘Babylonian’ Month”, in: J.M. Steele & A. Imhausen (eds.), Under
One Sky: Astronomy and Mathematics in the Ancient Near East (Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 2002 [= Alter Orient und Altes Testament, nr. 297]),
pp. 295-296.
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(2002), 10-19 [ADS link].
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81 (2004), 270-302.
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Archäologie, 95 (2005), 104-121.
The Babyloniaka of Berossus of Babylon
The Babyloniaka (“Babylonian History”) of Berossus
of Babylon was dedicated to the Seleucid king Antiochus I Soter (ruled 281 to 261 BC).
His work is only known from quotations by later authors (Pliny the Elder, Flavius Josephus,
Athenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, Eusebius Pamphilius, Georgius Syncellus, etc.). According to
later traditions, Berossus founded an astrology school on the island of Cos.
Berossus may perhaps be identified with the Babylonian temple official
Bel-re’ušunu, who, between 258 and 253 BC, served as šatammu (head
of the temple organization) of the Esagila, the temple of the Babylonian supreme god Marduk.
- Richter, ?., Berosi
Chaldæorum Historiæ quæ supersunt, cum commentatione (Leipzig:
???, 1825).
- Cory, Isaac Preston, The Ancient Fragments; Containing what Remains of the Writings
of Sanchoniatho, Berossus, Abydenus, Megasthenes, and Manetho (London: William Pickering,
1828) partial online version based on the 1832 edition
[SacredTexts link].
- Lenormant, François, Essai de commentaire sur les fragments cosmogoniques de Bérose
d’après les textes cunéiformes et les monuments de l’art asiatique
(Paris: Maisonneuve, 1871).
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[etc.], ?? (1874),
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Babylonian, Egyptian and other Authors: A New and Enlarged Edition; the
Translation carefully Revised, and Enriched with Notes Critical and
Explanatory, with Introductions to the Several Fragments (London: Reeves & Turner, 1876),
pp. 43-70 [Internet Archives link].
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Transactions of the Second Session of the International Congress of Orientalists, held
in London in September, 1874 (London: Trübner & Co., 1876), pp. 46-50.
- Whitehouse, F. Cope, “Berosus Genesis”, The Academy: A Weekly Review
of Literature, Science and Art, 22 (1882), 86 [nr. 534]
[Periodicals Archive Online link].
- Brown Jr., Robert, “The Ten Patriarchs of Berosus”, The Academy: A Weekly
Review of Literature, Science and Art, 43 (1893), 485-486 [nr. 1100]
[Periodicals Archive Online link] & 44
(1893), 56 [nr. 1106] [Periodicals Archive
Online link].
- Meyer, Eduard, “Das chronologische System des Berossos”, Klio: Beiträge
zur alten Geschichte, 3 (1903), 131-134
[Periodicals Archive Online link].
- Lehmann-Haupt, Carl Friedrich, “Die Dynastien der babylonischen Königsliste und
des Berossos”, Klio: Beiträge zur alten Geschichte, 3 (1903), 135-163
[Periodicals Archive Online link].
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(Berlin: Peiser, 1908 [= Mitteilungen der Vorderasiatischen Gesellschaft,
vol. 13, nr. 5]).
- Lehmann-Haupt, Carl Friedrich, “Berossos’ Chronologie und die
keilschriftlichen Neufunde”, Klio: Beiträge zur alten Geschichte, 8
(1908), 227-251 [Periodicals Archive Online
- Cavaignac, Eugène, “La première dynastie araméenne de Bérose et les documents
contemporains”, Revue d’assyriologie et d’archéologie orientale,
18 (1921), 79-81.
- Schnabel, Paul, Berossos und die babylonisch-hellenistische Literatur
(Leipzig/Berlin: B.G. Teubner Verlag, 1923) reprint Georg Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung,
Hildesheim, 1968 (*) includes the Greek
text of the known fragments of the Babyloniaka with a German translation – review
in: Archiv für Keilschriftforschung, 2 (1924/25), 32-36 [E.F. Weidner].
- Lehmann-Haupt, Carl Friedrich, “Neue Studien zur Berossos”, Klio: Beiträge
zur alten Geschichte, 22 (1929), 125-160
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- Kuhrt, Amélie, “Berossus’ Babyloniaka and Seleucid Rule in Babylonia”, in:
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Transmission to the Indian Subcontinent
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Indian Texts”, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und verwandte Gebiete, 35
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Transmission to the Far East
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Empire”, The Academy: A Weekly Review of Literature, Science and Art, 20
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- Terrien de Lacouperie, Albert Êtienne Jean Baptiste, “The Chinese Mythical Kings and the
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- Terrien de Lacouperie, Albert Êtienne Jean Baptiste, “Traditions of Babylonia in Early
Chinese Documents”, The Academy: A Weekly Review of Literature, Science and Art,
24 (1883), 334-335 [nr. 602]
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- Terrien de Lacouperie, Albert Êtienne Jean Baptiste, “Babylonian and Old Chinese
Measures”, The Academy: A Weekly Review of Literature, Science and Art,
28 (1885), 243-244 [nr. 701]
[Periodicals Archive Online link].
- Edkins, Joseph, “Babylonian Origin of Chinese Astronomy and Astrology”,
The China Review, or Notes & Queries on the Far East, 14 (1885), 90-95
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Queries on the Far East, 14 (1885), 104-105
[HKJO link].
- Edkins, Joseph, “When did Babylonian Astrology Enter China?”, Proceedings
of the Society of Biblical Archaeology, 9 (1886), 32-39 – also in 8
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The Academy: A Weekly Review of Literature, Science and Art, 30 (1886), 91-92
[nr. 744] [Periodicals Archive Online link].
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and Art, 31 (1887),
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& Queries on the Far East, 16 (1888), 371-372
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- Bertin, George, “The Babylonian Origin of Chinese Writing”, The Academy: A
Weekly Review of Literature, Science and Art, 34 (1888), 13 [nr. 844]
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- Terrien de Lacouperie, Albert Êtienne Jean Baptiste, “The Old Babylonian Characters
and their Chinese Derivates”, The Babylonian & Oriental Record: A Monthly
Magazine of the Antiquities of the East, 2 (1888),
nr. 9,
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- Terrien de Lacouperie, Albert Êtienne Jean Baptiste, “Origin from Babylon and Elam
of the Early Chinese Civilisation: A Summary of the Proofs”, The Babylonian and
Oriental Record: A Monthly Magazine of the Antiquities of the East, 3 (1889),
- Terrien de Lacouperie, Albert Êtienne Jean Baptiste, “The Zodiac and Cycles of Babylonia
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& Zhang Erhe (eds.), Proceedings of the Fourth Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting of the
International Astronomical Union (Beijing/Oxford: Science Press/Pergamon Press, 1988 [=
Vistas in Astronomy, 31]), pp. 829-832
link] originally published in Acta Astronomica Sinica, 29 (1988),
272-277 [in Chinese, English abstract].
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Astronomica Sinica, 31 (1990), 342-348 [in Chinese, English abstract]
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