A complete but rather expensive facsimile in original format of the Harmonia Macrocosmica, after a copy of the 1708 edition in the British Library (London), was published in 1987 by Archival Facsimiles Ltd. in Alburgh (Norfolk).
The British Library (London) and Pomegranate (San Francisco) issued an inexpensive reprint of all the plates on postcard format as Celestial Atlas of Harmony: Andreas Cellarius Book of Postcards (1993). This reprint was based on copies of the 1660, 1661 and 1708 editions in the British Library.
A limited edition (50 copies) of the plates in a reduced size (21 × 30 cm) from an uncoloured copy of the 1661 edition in the Biblioteca Braidense (Milan) was published in 2000 with an introduction by Felice Stoppa by Ulrico Hoepli Libreria (Milan).
In the autumn of 2006, the German publisher TASCHEN (Cologne) published a large-format facsimile of all the plates from a copy of the 1661 edition in the University Library of Amsterdam with a commentary in English, German and French. A booklet in the same format with the texts translated into Italian, Spanish and Portuguese was published in the spring of 2007.
A partial reprint of the Cellarius plates in original format was published in 1963 by the Brussels publisher Intermills. It consists of a set of 12 plates (nrs. 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 11, 13, 17, 23, 24 & 28), reprinted from a copy of the 1661 edition in the Royal Library of Brussels with an explanatory text by Henri Michel (and Chantal de Hemptinne?).
In the early 1960s the German publisher Kalle Aktiengesellschaft (Wiesbaden-Biebrich), a subsidiary of Farbwerke Hoechst AG (Frankfurt am Main), published an attractively designed portfolio entitled Den Freunden unseres Hauses gewidnet: Zehn Sternbildkarten aus dem Weltatlas Harmonia Macrocosmica des Meisters Andreas Cellarius which contained ten plates (nrs. 3, 7, 11, 13, 19, 24, 25, 27, 28 & 29) in original format from a copy of the 1708 edition. The portfolio, which includes a booklet with a brief introduction and commentary by the German astronomer and science-historian Wolfgang Gleissberg (1903-1986) entitled Wissenschaftliche Expertise über die Karten aus dem Weltatlas Harmonia Macrocosmica des Andreas Cellarius, was part of a media campaign by Farbwerke Hoechst AG to promote a novel high-quality printing technique based on Ozasol printing plates (and possibly also to commemorate the centennary of the firm in 1963). Each print has a short commentary in German printed on a flap on the right that can be folded away for displaying in a picture frame.
In 1967, the Dutch subsidiary Hoechst Holland N.V. produced a Dutch version containing the same plates in a similar-sized portfolio. The flap texts were translated into Dutch but no Dutch version of Gleissberg's booklet was included. Other foreign subsidiaries of Farbwerke Hoechst AG may also have produced similar editions around the same time. The Library of the Free University of Amsterdam possesses two reprinted plates from the 1708 edition (nrs. 25 & 28), similar to the Dutch edition, but with flap texts in Spanish.
In the late 1960s reprints of apparently all the Cellarius plates were made by the firm Edizioni Ponte Vecchio in Florence (founded in 1938). Several map collections, including the Library of the Free University of Amsterdam and the National Library of Australia (Canberra), possess reprinted Cellarius plates of an undeterminable date which are marked Ediz. P.V. (measuring 31 × 36 cm) or Ediz. P.V. Fiorenze (measuring 20 × 24 cm) and a number corresponding with the original plate number in the lower right corner. So far, I have seen references to nrs. 1-4, 6-7, 10-11, 13, 16-17, 19, 21-22, 25-26 and 28-29 from these sets.
Four plates of the Harmonia Macrocosmica (nrs. 22, 25, 26 & 29) were reproduced in Traudl Seiferts Dokumente zur Geschichte der Kartographie (Verlag Walter Uhl, Unterschneidheim, 1973) from an uncoloured copy of the 1660 edition.
In 1982, the Hansen Planetarium (Salt Lake City), now known as the Clark Planetarium, reprinted four plates (nrs. 5, 13, 26 & 29), based on a copy of the 1661 edition in the J. Willard Marriott Library (University of Utah, Salt Lake City), as a colourful set of astronomy posters. Reprints from the same original copy were also published by The North American Merck Company (date unknown) at the moment I know only of one plate (nr. 11) of this reprint, but there may be others as well. Plate nr. 11 was also reprinted by Rand McNally & Company (Chicago) in 1957 and again in 1970 I do not know whether the latter reprint was also made from the same original.
In 1990, the British Library (London) and Pomegranate (San Francisco) (San Francisco) issued an attractive portfolio with eight plates (nrs. 1, 4, 5, 6, 11, 23, 25 & 27) on reduced size reprinted from on a copy of the 1660 edition in the British Library.
A much more expensive set of 14 plates (nrs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 24 & 27) was issued in 1999 by 1451 Museum Editions. This reprint is based on copies of Cellarius editions in the British Library, the Victoria & Albert Museum (London) and the Vatican Library (Rome).
Recently, several reprints of plates from the Cellarius atlas have appeared on the market which contain the legend Joannes Janssonius Anno 1660 or Henricus Hondius 1661 in the lower right corner. Especially the latter legend is remarkable as Henricus Hondius (1596/97-1651) passed away ten years before the first printing of these plates. One such plate (nr. 25) was reported by a previous owner to have been acquired in 1950 in Milan. These reprints appear to be identical with reports of plates (nrs. 24, 25 & 28), reprinted on paper with the watermark of Van Gelder & Zonen and sold at the book shop of the Museo Naval e Oceanográfico of Rio de Janeiro and other places which have the initials M.M. printed in the lower left corner.
A wall calendar based on the Harmonia Macrocosmica with a commentary by Maria G. Firneis was published in 1988 entitled 12 Blätter des Andreas Cellarius: Atlas Harmonia Macrocosmica, Astronomie-historischer Kalender 1989 der Veitscher Magnesitwerke A.G. (Druck- und Reproduktionsamstalt H. Dolezal, Vienna).
A number of plates from the 1708 edition (nrs. 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 17, 19, 22, 23, 25 & 27) were reproduced in the wall calendar Der Himmelsatlas des Andreas Cellarius von 1660 / Kosmographischer Atlas Harmonia Macrocosmica / Ein Kalender auf das Jahr 1993 (Dr. Wolfgang Schwarze Verlag, Wuppertal) for the Bund der öffentlich bestellten Vermessungsingenieure e.V.
The Italian old books and prints dealer Galleria Antiquaria Il Planisfero (Seriate) issued a large wall calendar for the year 2001 entitled Antiche Mappe Celesti XVII° e XVIII° secolo, with plates from the Cellarius editions of 1660/61 and 1708 (nrs. 5, 11, 15, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28 & 29).
The British Library (London) and Pomegranate (San Francisco) issued a wall calendar for the year 2003 entitled Andreas Cellarius: The Celestial Atlas of Harmony with plates from the Cellarius editions of 1660/61 and 1708 (nrs. 3, 8, 10, 15-19, 22, 24, 27 & 29).
The German publisher TASCHEN (Cologne) published two wall calendars for the year 2008 entitled Celestial Maps from a copy of the 1661 edition in the University Library of Amsterdam. The smaller calendar is based on plates 1, 3, 5-6, 11-12, 19, 22, 24-26 & 28; the larger calendar is based on plates 1-6, 10, 11, 19, 22, 24 & 26.
I am grateful to Henk Bril, Nicolas Fournier, Kurt Kruger, Charles Malkiel, Guy Meynell, Lida Ruitinga, Felice Stoppa, Phil Stover, Ute Weigle and Armin Zenner for providing details on several of the above-mentioned reprints and facsimiles.