The following Western-Islamic calendar converter is based on the Islamic calendar of Turkey and is valid from 1 Muharrem 1318 AH (1 May 1900) to 29 Şaban 1449 AH (26 January 2028). Outside this interval, the converter will give erroneous results.
Dates for the years 1318 AH to 1449 AH (ILN 15805 to 17384) are based on data provided by
the website of the Turkish Presidency of Religious Affairs (Diyanet İşleri
When this web page is loaded the calendar converter will output the current date and the length of the current month according to the Islamic calendar of Turkey. The date can be manually set to any other date between the limits given above by clicking on the ± buttons.
Note that the Western dates given by this date converter are the post-midnight equivalents. As the Islamic day begins at sunset, the given Western dates should be reckoned from sunset on the previous day, i.e. about six hours earlier.
Also note that before 1 March 1917 (Gregorian) the Julian calendar was observed in the Ottoman Empire. The dates given by this calendar converter are all in the Gregorian calendar.
As in all religions which trace their origin back the patriarch Abraham, the first day of the week corresponds with the Sunday.
Turkish | Arabic | Persian | Western | ||
Name | Translation | ||||
1 | Pazar | Market Day | Yawm al-Aḥad | Yekšanbe | Sunday |
2 | Pazartesi | Day After the Market Day | Yawm al-Ithnayn | Došanbe | Monday |
3 | Salı | Third Day | Yawm al-Thalāthāʾ | Sešanbe | Tuesday |
4 | Çarşamba | Fourth Day | Yawm al-Arbāʿāʾ | Čāhāršanbe | Wednesday |
5 | Perşembe | Fifth Day | Yawm al-Khamīs | Panjšanbe | Thursday |
6 | Cuma | Day of the Gathering | Yawm al-Jumʿa | Ādine | Friday |
7 | Cumatesi | Day After the Day of the Gathering | Yawm al-Sabt | Šanbe | Saturday |