Global Lunar Crescent Visibility Maps for the Current Islamic Year (1446 AH)

The following world maps indicate the visibility of the young lunar crescent for the current Islamic year (1446 AH).

This yearly overview nicely shows the seasonal shift of the latitude from where young lunar crescents can first be seen. This latitude depends on the inclination of the ecliptic (or more precisely, the apparent lunar orbit) with the local horizon at sunset and favours northern latitudes around the vernal equinox, southern latitudes around the autumnal equinox and equatorial latitudes around the summer and winter solstices.

Global lunar crescent visibility maps for Muḥarram 1446 AH (pdf)

Day of conjunction
[5 July 2024]
Day after conjunction
[6 July 2024]
Second day after conjunction
[7 July 2024]
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Global lunar crescent visibility maps for Ṣafar 1446 AH (pdf)

Day of conjunction
[4 August 2024]
Day after conjunction
[5 August 2024]
Second day after conjunction
[6 August 2024]
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Global lunar crescent visibility maps for Rabīʿ al-Awwal 1446 AH (pdf)

Day of conjunction
[3 September 2024]
Day after conjunction
[4 September 2024]
Second day after conjunction
[5 September 2024]
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Global lunar crescent visibility maps for Rabīʿ al-Ākhir 1446 AH (pdf)

Day of conjunction
[2 October 2024]
Day after conjunction
[3 October 2024]
Second day after conjunction
[4 October 2024]
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Global lunar crescent visibility maps for Jumādā ʾl-Ūlā 1446 AH (pdf)

Day of conjunction
[1 November 2024]
Day after conjunction
[2 November 2024]
Second day after conjunction
[3 November 2024]
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Global lunar crescent visibility maps for Jumādā ʾl-Ākhira 1446 AH (pdf)

Day of conjunction
[1 December 2024]
Day after conjunction
[2 December 2024]
Second day after conjunction
[3 December 2024]
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Global lunar crescent visibility maps for Rajab 1446 AH (pdf)

Day of conjunction
[30 December 2024]
Day after conjunction
[31 December 2024]
Second day after conjunction
[1 January 2025]
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Global lunar crescent visibility maps for Shaʿbān 1446 AH (pdf)

Day of conjunction
[29 January 2025]
Day after conjunction
[30 January 2025]
Second day after conjunction
[31 January 2025]
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Global lunar crescent visibility maps for Ramaḍān 1446 AH (pdf)

Day of conjunction
[28 February 2025]
Day after conjunction
[1 March 2025]
Second day after conjunction
[2 March 2025]
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Global lunar crescent visibility maps for Shawwāl 1446 AH (pdf)

Day of conjunction
[29 March 2025]
Day after conjunction
[30 March 2025]
Second day after conjunction
[31 March 2025]
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Global lunar crescent visibility maps for Dhu ʾl-Qaʿda 1446 AH (pdf)

Day of conjunction
[27 April 2025]
Day after conjunction
[28 April 2025]
Second day after conjunction
[29 April 2025]
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Global lunar crescent visibility maps for Dhu ʾl-Ḥijja 1446 AH (pdf)

Day of conjunction
[27 May 2025]
Day after conjunction
[28 May 2025]
Second day after conjunction
[29 May 2025]
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