Professor Theoretical Physics
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Marcel Grosmann 16 Award, for his persistent devotion to the study of the quantum field theory boundary conditions at the black hole horizon”.
Progress in my personal research (1) On the origin of quantum mechanics as a doctrine for describing atoms, molecules, sub-atomic particles and more. Aim: write models that reproduce quantum behavior such that they can run on a classical computer. Question: how can one mimic quantum interference effects in a classical computer? Thought to be impossible, but the mechanism described in my latest paper works! For me, quantum mechanics is no mystery anymore. All one has to understand is:Quantum clones inside black holes, ArXiv number 2206.04608.
A response to C. le Pair: "EEN MOOIE TOEKOMST NA EEN 'DIPJE'"
Deterministic Quantum Mechanics: the Mathematical Equations,, Subm. to the Article Collection: "Towards a Local Realist View of the Quantum Phenomenon", Frontiers Research Topic, ed. A.~Casado et al.
My latest paper on the quantum black hole, in lecture note format (Version 2)
The Niels Bohr Institute Medal of Honour, Copenhagen, 30 November 2016.
Appointed as Adjunct Professor in Physics, at Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bandung, Indonesia,
from November 2, 2016 to December 31, 2020.
Laureated by Carlo and Karin Giersch through the Stiftung Giersch as:
FIAS (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies) Senior Fellow Laureatus, Frankfurt, September 28, 2016.
Several of my pages have been "translated" into languages I do not speak myself. I doscovered that
these often turn out to be unreadable robotic translations; they just wanted me to give them a link from here, to make themselves
pop up high in Google. I erased all such links now. If anyone has a genuie translation and wants me to add a link, please
provide support from a respectable physicist.
When I was a student, I was often inspired by marvellous scientific
discoveries, and then I asked the question whether I were in any
position to reproduce such discoveries. As a kid, I tried to measure
the speed of light, and Newton's constant of gravity. Both attempts
were hopeless failures. But the phenomenon of phase contrast, yes,
that I could reproduce that in my own microscope.
Here is the explanation.
( Ik werk thans aan de
Universiteit Utrecht )
In vroeger tijden was het verplicht minimaal 10 "stellingen" toe te
voegen in een dissertatie. De stellingen moesten wetenschappelijke
onderwerpen betreffen maar niet direct op het proefschrift betrekking
hebben. Hiermee kon de promovendus aantonen dat zijn wetenschappelijke
belangstelling verder reikt dan alleen het onderwerp van het proefschrift
(daar is nu natuurlijk geen tijd meer voor),
maar stelden opponenten die niet de gelegenheid hadden gehad het uiterst technische geweld van het
proefschrift in zich op te nemen, ook in staat om interessante
vragen te stellen.
De Nobelprijs chemie van 2014 ging naar E. Betzig, S.W. Hell en W.E.
Moerner voor de ontwikkeling van super-resolutie fluorescentie microscopie.
We lezen in de officiële toelichting van de Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien
dat de gebruikelijke formule voor het oplossend vermogen van een
microscoop luidt: Δ = λ / 2n sin α ; in 1992
werd door Bobroff, en in 2002 door Webb, benadrukt dat die formule kan worden
verbeterd: Δmin = λ / (2n sin α√N
waar N het aantal gebruikte fotonen is. In de jaren 2002 - 2006 werd
de hoge resolutie fluorescentiemicroscopie ontwikkeld waar deze formule op
van toepassing is.
Stelling 8 van mijn proefschrift (1972) luidde:
De onzekerheidsrelatie Δx ≈ λ in de optika is niet algemeen geldig indien de
waarneming met veel meer dan een foton wordt gedaan. Zij moet dan worden vervangen door
Δx ≈ λ / √N
N het aantal fotonen is dat nodig is voor de waarneming. In de microscopie kan men in
principe hiervan gebruik maken."
(De factor 2n sin α is in deze discussie minder belangrijk)
Het spreekt vanzelf dat ik geen idee had hoe deze vaststelling in de praktijk zou kunnen worden
toegepast; dit is wat de Nobel laureaten van 2014 hebben ontdekt.
- Birth Grandson Benjamin Leendert van Deutekom, 3855g, 51 cm. October 7 2015.
- Artificial Anthropomorphic Intelligence, an
- Nederland in Ideeën
- Lucas Ellerbroek, "Planetenjagers" (Prometheus / Bert Bakker) is aan te
- Opvattingen over:
godsdienstextremisme als besmettelijke ziekte.
- Een
skeptische verhandeling over sommige amateurs in de natuurwetenschappen (in Dutch)
- Long review paper on the "Cellular Automaton Interpretation of
Quantum Mechanics, A View on the Quantum Nature of our Universe, Compulsory or
Impossible?", where all arguments concerning entanglement, superdeterminism
and conspiracy are displayed at length, besides numerous models. See
Page " How to become a GOOD theoretical physicist
" has been replaced. The website is back in a good shape and is being maintained by Navaneeth Gaddam.Family:
G. t Hooft is married to: A. A.Schik, MD, formerly anesthesiologist, Arbo-arts (medical doctor for company personnel). Now retired. Two daughters:
The inconveniences of life, such as modern software, see my Fulmination Pages (mopperpagina's): food, software, powerpoint, printers.Past events:
June 5, 2012: Honorary Doctorate from the National Polytechnical University of Odessa, Ukraine.
General interests:
Boek van Lucas Ellerbroek, "Planetenjagers" (Prometheus . Bert Bakker) is
aan te raden.
For alternative views concerning the question "what is science, and what isnt?",
see this
link Nobel Prize
The 1999 Nobel Prize in Physics has
been awarded by the
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences jointly to
Gerardus t Hooft and Martinus J.G. Veltman. The Academys citation: "for elucidating the quantum structure of electroweak
interactions in physics."
See also
Robert J. Langs Origami science.
More papers that were never published can be obtained
Het Platform Bèta Techniek,
met alle Bèta
Meer weten over natuurkunde? Zie de site Kennislink.
A web site for all ambitious starting theoretical physicists, featuring a complete list
of all mandatory topics in mathematics and elementary as well as advanced
theoretical physics. See:
How to become a GOOD theoretical physicist. Don t wait until
you enter the University. Start now.
Comments are welcome.
See also:
How to become a BAD theoretical physicist.
Support the heroic
Rationalist International, an activity based in India.
Check the logic of your opponents arguments
My autobiography
was published by the Nobel Foundation.
Gerard t Hooft receiving his Nobel Prize from His Majesty the
King Carl XVI
Gustaf and Mrs t Hooft
The Nobel Prize Diploma
The Medal
A frequently asked question:
Can Theoretical Physics explain
paranormal phenomena? You do not want to hear about it. So
do NOT click on
A sober
explanation (in English) , or Poster op
het Skepsis-congres (in het Nederlands) , 8 mei
Special message to those who wish to mail
to me their new revolutionary theories: Please first check your Baez
index , and/or consult Warren Siegel .
Another "experiment" was recently
reported in which paranormal signals were claimed to be observed. Probably the
flaw is an incorrect handling of the statistics, where unintentional bias was
difficult to exclude. I am prepared to challenge these and any other serious
investigators with a bet. See here
the conditions.