! Example script to make plot of monthly MOC values for production run from year 79 - 96 ! read in data file use MOC_prod_run_monthly_means_y0079-0096.nc ! define time axis 'tmonth' define axis/calendar=noleap/edges/t="1-jan-0079":"1-jan-0097":1/units=months tmonth ! make sure time axis is oke by interpolating to the 'tmonth' axis let tmta_p = tmta[d=1,gt=tmonth@ASN] set mode metafile ! command necessary for making .ps file go bold ! make sure everyhing is bold ! Mat's maximum method let maxmoc = tmta_p[l=1:216,z=500:5750@max,y=@max] ! Save data to ascii file; column 1 = time, column 2 = maxmoc list/nohead/clobber/file=maxmoc_monthlies_y79-96.dat T[GT=TMONTH,l=1:216], maxmoc ! Make the plot plot/nolab/sym=21/line=1 maxmoc ppl shakey ,,0.13,,,,,,,, ! 0.13 is size of colorlabel font ppl labset,, 0.15, 0.15 ! 0.15 is size of axis labels font (x and y axis) ppl ylab Moc (Sv) ppl title year ppl plot label/nou 4 6.5 0 0 .20 Maximum Atlantic MOC (Sv) below 500 m cancel mode meta ! now the metafile is created for .ps file sp Fprint -l cps -p portrait -o atl_maxmoc_monthlies_y79-96.ps metafile.plt ! this command creates the .ps file ! Also make a gif file frame/file=atl_maxmoc_monthlies_y79-96.gif