\% ******************** \% * Numeric window * \% ******************** \% ********** Numeric window ********** \topic kh_NumWin {numeric window} {\bf Numeric windows} are used to represent the coordinates of computed points in numerical form. During computation of the \jump kh_CurCurve {current curve} coordinates of each computed point are updated in the window thereby overwriting the coordinates of the previous point.\par You open a numeric window with the \jump kh_menuWindow {Window|Open|Numeric} command in the \jump kh_MainWin {Main window.}\par There are following components in the numeric window.\par {\desc 15 {\bf Component\>What it does or is used for}\par {\bf Compute}\>\include kh_ComputeSubmenu \par {\sb 0 \li 1 \bf Forward}\>\include kh_ForwardItem \par {\sb 0 \li 1 \bf Backward}\>\include kh_BackwardItem \par {\sb 0 \li 1 \bf Extend}\>\include kh_ExtendItem \par {\bf Window}\>this menu contains commands which manipulates the window.\par {\sb 0 \li 1 \bf Redraw\+diagram}\>\include kh_RedrawDiagramItem \par {\sb 0 \li 1 \bf Redraw\+curve}\>\include kh_RedrawCurveItem\par {\sb 0 \li 1 \bf Clear}\>\include kh_ClearItem \par {\sb 0 \li 1 \bf Layout}\>displays the \jump kh_NumWinLayout {layout dialog box} where you set options which control the layout of the window.\par {\sb 0 \li 1 \bf Hide}\>\include kh_HideItem \par {\bf Help}\>\include kh_HelpSubmenu \par {\sb 0 \li 1 \bf This window}\>displays the description of numeric windows.\par \% {\sb 0 \li 1 \bf Index}\>displays \% the contents of Help information.\par {\sb 0 \li 1 \bf Search}\>\include kh_HelpSearchItem \par {\bf Numeric\+area}\>is where coordinates of points are printed. Use the {\bf Window|Layout} command to display the \jump kh_NumWinLayout {layout dialog box} where you specify which coordinates will be displayed in the area.\par } To destroy the window use the {\bf Close} command from the {\bf System} menu of the window.\par \end \% kh_NumWin \% ********** Layout dialog box ********** \topic kh_NumWinLayout {layout dialog box for numeric window} The {\bf layout dialog box} for numeric window is where you set options which control the appearance of the Numeric area of the numeric window.\par You display the dialog box by the \jump kh_NumWin {Window|Layout} command in the numeric window. Note that the options affect only the window from which you perform the command.\par The following are components in the dialog box.\par {\desc 14 {\bf Component\>What it does or is used for}\par {\bf Window\+title}\>allows you to modify the title of the window.\par {\bf List\+of\+names}\>is a two-level list of names of coordinates. The first level lists the groups of names, e.g. {\bf Phase variables, Eigenvalues,} etc. To see the names from a group click its name. Then choose the names of the coordinates you want to be displayed in the Numeric area by clicking them: selected (highlighted) coordinates will be displayed while unselected coordinates will not be. To return to the first level (list of groups) click the first line in the list. The following buttons facilitate selection and deselection:\par {\sb 0 \li 1 \bf Select\+all}\>selects all the names.\par {\sb 0 \li 1 \bf Deselect\+all}\>deselects all the names.\par {\sb 0 \li 1 \bf Reverse\+selection}\>reverses selection of each name.\par {\bf Options}\>is where you specify how numbers are converted and printed.\par {\sb 0 \li 1 \bf Precision}\>gives the number of significant digits. {CONTENT} always converts numbers by the C {\bf sprintf} function with the {\bf g} format specifier where this number is used as the precision. \par {\sb 0 \li 1 \bf Right-justify}\>specifies that the numbers in the numeric window will be right-justified if this box is checked (they will be left-justified otherwise).\par {\bf Sample\+of\+window}\>displays a sample of the window in accordance with the current settings.\par {\bf Buttons}\>\par {\sb 0 \li 1 \bf Ok}\>closes the dialog box and rebuilds the {\bf Numeric area} of the numeric window in accordance with the options you have set.\par {\sb 0 \li 1 \bf Cancel}\>closes the dialog box without changing anything.\par {\sb 0 \li 1 \bf Help}\>opens the \jump kh_HelpWin {help window} which displays the description of this dialog box.\par } \end \% kh_NumWinLayout