\% ************************* \% * Scroll table window * \% ************************* \% ********** Tabular window ********** \topic kh_TableWin {tabular window} {\bf Tabular window} is used to represent points of a \jump kh_Curve {curve} as a scroll table. Each line of the table corresponds to one point and may contain values of coordinates and/or expressions.\par You open tabular windows with the \jump kh_menuWindow {Window|Open|Scroll table} command in the \jump kh_MainWin {Main window.}\par There are following components in the tabular window.\par {\desc 16 {\bf Component\>What it does or is used for}\par {\bf Compute}\>\include kh_ComputeSubmenu \par {\sb 0 \li 1 \bf Forward}\>\include kh_ForwardItem \par {\sb 0 \li 1 \bf Backward}\>\include kh_BackwardItem \par {\sb 0 \li 1 \bf Extend}\>\include kh_Extend \par {\bf Window}\>this menu contains commands which manipulates the window.\par {\sb 0 \li 1 \bf Redraw\+diagram}\>\include kh_RedrawDiagramItem \par {\sb 0 \li 1 \bf Redraw\+curve}\>\include kh_RedrawCurveItem \par {\sb 0 \li 1 \bf Clear}\>\include kh_ClearItem \par {\sb 0 \li 1 \bf Layout}\>displays the \jump kh_TableWinLayout {table layout} dialog box where you set various options which control the layout of the window.\par {\sb 0 \li 1 \bf Hardcopy}\>displays the \jump kh_TableWinHardcopy {hardcopy dialog box} where you specify various options for the hardcopy of this window.\par {\sb 0 \li 1 \bf Hide}\>\include kh_HideItem \par {\bf Help}\>\include kh_HelpSubmenu \par {\sb 0 \li 1 \bf This window}\>displays the description of tabular windows.\par \% {\sb 0 \li 1 \bf Index}\>displays \% the contents of Help information.\par {\sb 0 \li 1 \bf Search}\>\include kh_HelpSearchItem \par {\bf Scroll\+area}\>is where numbers are printed. Use the {\bf Window|Layout} command to display the {\bf table layout} dialog box where you specify which values and in what form will be printed in the area.\par } To destroy the window use the {\bf Close} command from the {\bf System} menu of the window.\par \end \% kh_TableWin \% ********** Layout dialog box ********** \topic kh_TableWinLayout {layout dialog box for tabular window} The {\bf table layout dialog box} is where you specify options which control the appearance of the {\bf Scroll area} of a tabular window. You display the dialog box by the \jump kh_TableWin {Window|Layout} command in a tabular window. Note that the options affect only those window which you perform the command from.\par There are following components in the dialog box. They are listed in accordance with their positions in the box, from the left to the right and from the top to the bottom.\par {\desc 15 {\bf Component\>What it does or is used for}\par {\bf Window\+title}\>allows you to modify the title of the window.\par {\bf List\+of\+expressions}\>is where you specify a list of expressions whose values will be printed in each line. The expressions are constructed from names listed in the {\bf List of names} list and must be separated by commas. The expressions will be actual parameters of a call to the {\bf sprintf} function. {CONTENT} assumes that all the expressions are of the type {\bf double.} It determines the number of columns and builds the format string for the {\bf sprintf} function automatically.\par {\bf Options}\>is where you set options which control the layout of the Scroll area.\par {\sb 0 \li 1 \bf Number\+of\+lines}\>specifies the maximum number of lines {CONTENT} will keep in the Scroll area. Only the specified number of last recently produced lines will be kept. Don't set this number too large because {CONTENT} keeps the lines in the memory until you clear the window or start computation of the next curve.\par {\sb 0 \li 1 \bf Precision}\>gives the maximum number of significant digits. To increase the number click the right arrow; to decrease the number click the left arrow.\par {\sb 0 \li 1 \bf Show\+heading\+line}\>when checked instructs {CONTENT} to create heading line as the first line in the table. For each column the heading line shows the expression whose value is printed in the column.\par {\sb 0 \li 1 \bf Right-justify\+numbers}\>when checked means that the numbers in columns will be right-justified (they will be left-justified otherwise).\par {\sb 0 \li 1 \bf Mark\+special\+points}\>when checked instructs {CONTENT} to label each special point. The label is placed at the right end of a line corresponding to a special point. The label and color used to print the line depend on point's type and may be changed via the \jump kh_SpecPointWin {attributes of special points} dialog box.\par {\bf List\+of\+names}\>contains two-level list of names you can use in expressions. The first level contains groups of names. Click the name of a group to see the names from the group. Click a name to insert it into the {\bf List of expressions} field. To return to the first level of the list click the line which contains two dots (just like {\bf cd\+..} returns you to the parent directory).\par {\bf Sample\+of\+window}\>displays a sample of the window in accordance with the current options.\par {\bf Buttons}\>\par {\sb 0 \li 1 \bf Ok}\>closes the dialog box and rebuilds the {\bf Scroll area} of the tabular window in accordance with the options you have set.\par {\sb 0 \li 1 \bf Cancel}\>closes the dialog box without changing anything.\par {\sb 0 \li 1 \bf Help}\>opens the \jump kh_HelpWin {help window} which displays the description of this dialog box.\par } \end \% kh_TableWinLayout \% ********** Hardcopy dialog box ********** \topic kh_TableWinHardcopy {hardcopy dialog box for tabular window} The {\bf hardcopy dialog box} is where you specify options for a hardcopy of the tabular window. The hardcopy is an {\bf ASCII text} which contains a copy of the window's Scroll area. The heading line (if any), vertical bars and labels of special points are not printed. Hardcopy is intended for further computer processing and is always written to a file.\par You display the dialog box by the \jump kh_TableWin {Window|Hardcopy} command in a tabular window. There are following components in the dialog box.\par {\desc 10 {\bf Component\>What it does or is used for}\par {\bf File}\>is where you specify the name of a file for hardcopy.\par {\bf Browse}\>displays the list of available files which allows you to choose a file without typing its name. The name of the file you choose is put into the input field.\par {\bf Copy}\>these radio buttons allow you to choose curves:\par {\li 1 \sb 0 \bf current\+curve\+only}\>click this button if you want only the \jump kh_CurCurve {current curve} be written into the file.\par {\li 1 \sb 0 \bf all\+curves\+...}\>click this button if you want all the curves from the \jump kh_CurDiagram {current diagram} be written into the file. Note that curves whose names begin with {\bf %} or {\bf !} character are ignored when this button is checked.\par {\bf Buttons}\>\par {\li 1 \sb 0 \bf Ok}\>closes the dialog box and produces the hardcopy in accordance with the settings you have made.\par {\li 1 \sb 0 \bf Cancel}\>closes the dialog box without producing the hardcopy.\par {\li 1 \sb 0 \bf Help}\>opens the \jump kh_HelpWin {help window} which displays the description of this dialog box.\par } \end \% kh_TableWinHardcopy