/* There are three kind of spaces in content: Generator (G), Mathematic (M), and Visible (V) spaces. 1. G-space, a space in which a generator computes points. Curves in this space are called paths. 2. M-space, a space to which each G-point is mapped. For each G-point there may be several M-points. The map G -> M x M ... x M is defined by generator- dependent decoder. Curves in this space are called traces. 3. V-space, a space visible in windows and to which M-points are mapped by a set of user-defined functions. Curves in this space are called shifts. */ #include "visual0.h" /* typedef enum {...} VisualSpecAction migrated to common.h */ Global(void) VisualizerSpecial(VisualSpecAction vsa); /* Color and ColorPtr migrated to common.h */ extern Global(Uint4) defForeground; extern Global(Uint4) defBackground; #include "document.h" extern Global(MenuDesc) WindowMenuDesc; Global(void) BuildWindowsList(Int2 i); Global(void) DestroyWindowsList(void); Global(void) lInvertColors(void); Global(void) llString(Int2 x, Int2 y, CharPtr str, float PNTR hardcopy); Global(void) lPaintOval(RectPtr r); Global(void) lFrameOval(RectPtr r); Global(void) lPaintRect(RectPtr r); Global(void) lFrameRect(RectPtr r); Global(void) lPaintPoly(Int2 num, PointPtr poly); Global(void) lFramePoly(Int2 num, PointPtr poly); Global(void) lMoveTo(Int2 x, Int2 y); Global(void) lPoint(Int2 x, Int2 y); Global(void) lLine(Int2 x1, Int2 y1, Int2 x2, Int2 y2); Global(void) lString(Int2 x, Int2 y, CharPtr str); Global(void) SetCurrentPen(DrawAttrPtr attr); Global(void) PalDrawProc(PaneL pnl); Global(void) ClearAllWindows(Int2 index); Global(Boolean) CreateWindow_Status(Int2 index); Global(void) DeleteWindows(DataLibPtr arch); Global(void) NotifyAboutNewInitPoint(void); Global(void) SaveVisualAttr(DataLibPtr dl, ByteStorePtr from, ByteStorePtr to, Boolean freemem); Global(void) RestoreVisualAttr(DataLibPtr dl, ByteStorePtr from, ByteStorePtr to); Global(void) PushVisualAttr(Boolean freemem); Global(void) PopVisualAttr(void); Global(void) CreateButtons(WindoW w, GrouP gt); Global(void) ReadPalette(void); Global(void) FreePalette(void); Global(void) ColorSet(Color index); Global(Int2) ColorNumber(void); Global(long) ColorOut(Color i); Global(Color) ColorIn(long rgb); Global(Color) ColorAsk(Color InitColor); extern Global(FloatHiPtr PNTR PNTR) IndirectValues; Global(void) CompileWindowsFunctions(Boolean UnlockOld); Global(void) GetNameAndDim(Int2 class, Int2 var, CharPtr PNTR name, Int2Ptr dim); Global(Int2Ptr) GetClassDim(CharPtr Class); Global(Uint2) GetClassId(CharPtr Class); Global(Int2) GetNthRelevantClass(Int2 Class); Global(Boolean) GetClassNameAndId(Int2 Class, CharPtr PNTR name, Uint2Ptr id); Global(void) ClassAddVar(CharPtr clas, CharPtr var); Global(void) EnumClasses(LisT List, ProcClassPtr proc); Global(void) EnumVariables(LisT List, Int2 Class, ProcVariablesPtr proc); Global(Boolean) IsClassBasic(Int2 Class); Global(Int2) IsClassRelevant(Uint2 realId); typedef enum {EA_NO,EA_DO,EA_DONT} ExpandOp; Global(CharPtr) ExpandClassDef(CharPtr p, ExpandOp ExpandArrays); Global(void) ClassTableReset(void); Global(Int2) ClassTableSetPtr(CharPtr clas, VoidPtr ptr, Uint2Ptr id); Global(Int2) ClassTableMaxIrrelevantDim(void); Global(void) ClassTableSetIrrelevant(VoidPtr ptr); Global(void) ClassSaveIndirect(void); Global(void) ClassRestoreIndirect(void); extern Global(Int2) VCnum,VCsep; extern Global(CharPtr PNTR) VCptr; extern Global(Boolean) VisFull; Global(void) ActivateVisualizer(DataLibPtr arch); Global(void) DeactivateVisualizer(DataLibPtr arch); Global(void) ReadVisibleNames(void); Global(void) FreeVisibleNames(void); #if DEB_VIS Global(void) SnapWindowDescriptors(Int2); Global(void) Debug_VisualList(Int2); #endif Global(void) VisualizerInitGCurve(void); Global(void) VisualizerTermGCurve(void); Global(void) VisualizerInitMCurve(void); Global(void) VisualizerTermMCurve(void); Global(void) VisualizerProcMPoint(void); Global(void) VisualizerFreeCurve(FilePtr fp); #define Par(string) GetParam(SFS_VISUAL,string) extern Global(int) textwidth; /* width of DialogText control to edit functions */ extern Global(int) numwidth; /* width of DialogText control to edit numbers */ extern Global(int) lines,linelen; /* dimensions of list box with visible names */ Global(void) ShowHiddenWindows(Int2 index); Global(Boolean) ShowHiddenWindow_Status(Int2 index); Global(void) PauseItemsAll(Boolean enable); extern Global(Color) BlackIndex; extern Global(Color) WhiteIndex; Global(void) ReadPsFonts(Int2 num); Global(void) FreePsFonts(void); Global(void) WindowsExport(DataLibPtr arch, FILE PNTR out); Global(void) WindowsImport(DataLibPtr arch, FILE PNTR in); Global(void) ExportVisualAttr(DataLibPtr dgm, FILE PNTR out); Global(void) ImportVisualAttr(DataLibPtr dgm, FILE PNTR in); Global(void) VisualizerReevalGDim(void);