/* Data area of continuator. Comments with '$' as the first letter describe appearence of parameters on the screen. */ /*$t Continuer*/ typedef struct { void * X0; /* First point supplied by a starter */ /*$ -1 | - n | "0" */ void * V0; /* First tangent vector supplied by a starter */ /*$ -1 | - n | "0" */ char * ActiveSing; /* Activeness of singularities supplied by starter */ /*$ -1 | - n | "0" */ int * TypeTestFuns; /* Types of test functions */ /*$ -1 | - n | "0" */ int * ZeroTestFuns; /* Test functions that have to be zeroed at the first point */ /*$ -1 | - n | "0" */ char * ActiveUserTest;/* Activeness of user test functions supplied by starter */ /*$ -1 | - n | "0" */ /*$t Continuation data*/ double h0; /* Initial step */ /*$ 1 | + n InitStepsize | "0.01" */ double hcur; /* Current step; the user cannot change it */ /*$ 1 | + o CurrentStepsize | "0.01" */ double hmin; /* Min step */ /*$ 1 | + n MinStepsize | "0.00001" */ double hmax; /* Max step */ /*$ 1 | + n MaxStepsize | "0.1" */ /*$t Corrector data*/ int maxit; /* max number of iterations */ /*$ 1 | + n MaxIter | "10" */ int maxnewt; /* max number of Newton iterations */ /*$ 1 | + n MaxNewtonIter | "10" */ double epsx; /* variable tolerance */ /*$ 1 | + n VarTolerance | "0.00001" */ double epsf; /* function tolerance */ /*$ 1 | + n FuncTolerance | "0.0001" */ double epsz; /* test function tolerance */ /*$ 1 | + n TestTolerance | "0.001" */ int IterTestFuns; /* max number of iterations for test functions */ /*$ 1 | + n MaxIterTest | "20" */ /*$t Stop data*/ int maxnpt; /* max number of points in one direction */ /*$ 1 | + n MaxNumPoints | "100" */ int nclosed; /* number of points between closure check */ /*$ 1 | + n BeforeClosureCheck | "10" */ int nadapt; /* number of points between adaptation */ /*$=h 1 | + n BetweenAdaptation | "1" */ /*$=lp 1 | + n BetweenAdaptation | "1" */ /*$=bt 1 | + n BetweenAdaptation | "1" */ /*$=cp 1 | + n BetweenAdaptation | "1" */ /*$=zh 1 | + n BetweenAdaptation | "1" */ /*$=dh 1 | + n BetweenAdaptation | "1" */ /*$=gh 1 | + n BetweenAdaptation | "1" */ /*$=lc 1 | + n BetweenAdaptation | "3" */ /*$=pd 1 | + n BetweenAdaptation | "3" */ /*$=hom 1 | + n BetweenAdaptation | "3" */ /*$=pde1 1 | + n BetweenAdaptation | "1" */ /*$=ns 1 | + n BetweenAdaptation | "1" */ /*$ 1 | - n BetweenAdaptation | "0" */ /*$t Output data*/ int outlevel; /*$ 1 | + n OutLevel | "0" */ } ContData, * ContDataPtr;