! RD: Description of *->OR starters & generators &methods - Implicit Euler | Crank-Nicolson &helpD - method_EU | method_CN ! Starter & generator &callD rd__o(o_Starter) rd_int1(ie_OrbitCont) | rd_int2(cn_OrbitCont) ! Types of special points detectable along the equilibrium curve &types D ! Names of classes of visible variables &names Time *Space *Phase Par UserFunc ! Data structures &dataD rd__o.h !starter rd_int1.h | rd_int2.h ! Functional parameter to be passed to starter ! It uses vectors from standard linea algebra package &stafuncs _rdalg(rd_PrintMatrix) =(rd_Init) =(rd_Term) =(rd_CreateMatrix) =(rd_DestroyMatrix) =(rd_CopyMatrix) =(rd_GetRowNum) =(rd_GetColNum) =(rd_ClearMatrix) =(rd_MultiplyMatrixVector) =(rd_AppendMatrixVector) =(rd_GetMatrixA) =(rd_GetMatrixB) =(rd_GetMatrixC) =(rd_GetMatrixDelta) =(rd_GetMatrixP) =(rd_GetMatrixFi) =(rd_der) =(rd_Solve) =(rd_Decomp) =(rd_GetMatrixData) =(rd_SngSolve) =(rd_TransposeMatrix) =(rd_CopyMatrixBlock) =(rd_CharPolyCoeffs) =(rd_dbalan) =(rd_delmhe) =(rd_dhqr) =(rd_EigenValues) =(rd_NormOfVector) ! Functional parameter to be passed to generator &genfuncs _linalg(PrintVector) =(CreateVector) =(DestroyVector) =(GetVectorDim) =(CopyVector) =(ScalProd) =(NormOfVector) _rdalg(rd_NormOfVector) _linalg(NormalizeVector) =(AddScaledVector) =(CopyVectorElements) _rdalg(rd_PrintMatrix) =(rd_CreateMatrix) =(rd_DestroyMatrix) =(rd_CopyMatrix) =(rd_MultiplyMatrixVector) =(rd_AppendMatrixVector) =(rd_Solve) =(rd_Decomp) ! Defining function &deffuncs rd__o(o_DefStadyState) =(o_JacDefStadyState) ! Jacobian matrix of defining function ! Test functions &testfuncs rd__o(o_TestDummy) ! Proc Func &procfuncs rd__o(o_ProcDefault) ! Adapter &adapters rd__o(o_Adapter) ! Decoder &trans rd__o(o_Decoder)