Practicum 1, March 2,
1. Install your personal copy of the MATLAB solver for
Filippov systems:
(a) copy the file
to the Desktop.
(b) unzip the just copied file (right-click on
it and select WinZip -> Extract to
here). The folder FilippovSim will
be created that contains all necessary files.
(c) start MATLAB by selecting Start -> All Programs -> MATLAB ->
-> MATLAB R2009a and choose
FilippovSim to be your current folder.
(d) add the current folder to MATLAB Path (via File -> Set Path -> Add Folder).
2. Study the Relay Feedback Example:
(a) examine files in the subfolder RelayFeedback; consult - if
necessary - SECTION 4.1 and APPENDIX A in the paper by Piiroinen & Kuznetsov
(b) run MATLAB script run_relay.m in the subfolder RelayFeedback to reproduce Fig.5 of
that paper.
(c) reproduce the right panel of Fig.6 there.
3. Use the solver to simulate other Filippov systems:
(a) verify that a Filippov system given in Section 3.2.4 of the
paper by Kuznetsov, Rinaldi
& Gragnani
(2003) has the bifurcation diagram equivalent to II_2 in Fig.12 of that
(b) simulate the dry-friction oscillator
studied in Section 6.1 of the paper by Dercole
& Kuznetsov (2005) and reproduce phase portraits in Fig.8 of
that paper.