There will be a small workshop on infinity operads and related topics from June 11 to June 14, organized by Gijs Heuts, Lennart Meier and Ieke Moerdijk. It will be held at the conference center Bergse Bossen in Driebergen-Zeist, close to Utrecht. Space is limited, so please contact one of the organizers as soon as possible if you are interested in attending.
We also want to bring the Kan lectures to your attention, which will be held on June 14 and June 15 by Eric Friedlander.
List of speakers and titles
Pedro Boavida: Presentations of configuration categories
Lukas Brantner: Formal Moduli Problems via Partition Lie Algebras
Michael Ching: Day convolution and infinity-operads in Goodwillie calculus
Hongyi Chu: Presheaf models for algebraic structures.
Javier Gutierrez: On N-infinity operads and a conjecture by Blumberg and Hill.
Rune Haugseng: Infinity-operads via symmetric sequences
Hadrian Heine: A monadic approach to Lie theory
Geoffroy Horel: Formality of the little disks operad with torsion coefficients.
Joost Nuiten: Cohomology of higher categories
Markus Spitzweck: Infinity categories with genuine duality and hermitian K-theory
Tashi Walde: 2-Segal spaces as invertible ∞-operads
Michael Weiss: The truncation spectral sequence for spaces of derived maps between topological operads
Titles and abstracts