Henry Prakken's PhD students.
Floris Bex
(University of Groningen 2009):
Evidence for a good story: a hybrid theory of arguments, stories and criminal evidence
Susan van den Braak
(Utrecht University 2010):
Sensemaking software for crime analysis
Martin Caminada
(co-promotor, Free University Amsterdam 2004):
For the sake of argument; Explorations into argument-based reasoning
Pieter Dijkstra (University of Groningen 2012):
Automated support of regulated data exchange: a multi-agent systems approach
Rolf Hoving
(University of Groningen 2017).
Betrouwbaar deskundigenbewijs. Een rechtsvergelijkend en theoretisch onderzoek naar de omgang met deskundigenbewijs in het strafproces
(in Dutch).
Hylke Jellema
(University of Groningen, 2023):
(Im)probable stories. Combining Bayesian and explanation-based accounts of rational criminal proof
Rudolf Rijgersberg (University of Groningen 2009):
The modern state and transnational interdependence: implications of globalization for democratic constitutional governance examined through the lens of the Internet
Mirnah Scholten
(University of Groningen 2021): Bewijsmotivering in strafzaken: een motiveringsmodel voor de rechter bij de bewijsbeslissing (in Dutch).
Sjoerd Timmer
(Utrecht University 2017):
Designing and Understanding Forensic Bayesian Networks Using Argumentation.
Eric Kok
(Utrecht University 2013):
Exploring the Practical Benefits of Argumentation in Multi-agent Deliberation
Charlotte Vlek
(University of Groningen 2016):
When Stories and Numbers Meet in Court. Constructing and Explaining Bayesian Networks for Criminal Cases with Scenarios
Tom van der Weide
(Utrecht University 2011):
Arguing to motivate decisions
Remi Wieten
(Utrecht University 2021):
Bridging the gap between informal sense-making tools and formal systems. Facilitating the construction of Bayesian networks and argumentation frameworks.
Dennis Craandijk
(Utrecht University)
Daphne Odekerken
(Utrecht University)
Joeri Peters
(Utrecht University)
Marcel Robeer
(Utrecht University)
Wijnand van Woerkom
(Utrecht University)