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Author name code: altschuler
ADS astronomy entries on 2022-09-14
author:"Altschuler, Martin D." 

Title: Obituary: Ludwig Friedrich Oster, 1931-2003
Authors: Sofia, Sabatino; Altschuler, Martin D.
2003BAAS...35.1468S    Altcode:
  Ludwig Friedrich Oster died at the Anchorage Nursing and Rehabilitation
  Center in <P />Salisbury, MD on 28 February 2003, of complications
  from advanced Alzheimer's <P />disease. He is survived by his wife
  Cheryl M. (Oroian) and his two children by a <P />previous marriage,
  Ulrika and Mattias Oster. He had a distinguished career both as a <P
  />researcher in solar physics and as a science administrator in the
  National Science <P />Foundation. <P />Ludwig was born on 8 March
  1931 in Konstanz, Germany and emigrated to the U.S. in <P />1958,
  acquiring American citizenship in 1963. His mother and father were
  Emma <P />Josefine (Schwarz) and Ludwig Friedrich Oster. He got a
  BS degree in physics at the <P />University of Freiburg under the
  guidance of Prof. K. O. Kiepenheuer in 1951, and a <P />MS (1954)
  and PhD from the University of Kiel in 1956 under the guidance of
  Prof. A. <P />Unsold. From 1956 to 1958 he was a Fellow of the German
  Science Council at Kiel and, <P />upon his arrival to the US in 1958, he
  became a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the <P />Physics Department
  of Yale University. He became an Assistant Professor of Physics <P />and
  Astrophysics at Yale in 1960 and five years later he was promoted to
  Associate <P />Professor. In 1967 he became an Associate Professor
  of Physics and Astrophysics at the <P />University of Colorado
  and a Fellow of the Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics;
  <P />he was promoted to Full Professor in 1970. In 1981 he was a
  Visiting Professor at Johns <P />Hopkins University, and shortly
  thereafter became a National Research Council Senior <P />Associate at
  NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD, where he worked on
  <P />solar variability. He joined the National Science Foundation in
  1983, where he became <P />the Program Manager for the National Radio
  Astronomy Observatory in the Division of <P />Astronomical Sciences
  of the Foundation; he remained there until his retirement in 1996. <P
  />His early work, started in Germany and continued at Yale, concerned
  radiation <P />mechanisms related to solar phenomena. His works on
  cyclotron radiation, plasma <P />oscillations and bremsstrahlung
  radiation have become classic publications in plasma <P />physics
  and they continue to be referenced in the current literature. During
  this period he <P />started his student mentoring work that led to
  the awarding of several PhD degrees. <P />At Boulder, he extended his
  work on solar and plasma physics to the newly discovered <P />quasars
  and pulsars. He loved to study and understand the mysterious and the
  puzzling <P />phenomena, which the Universe so generously provides. <P
  />While at Goddard, he joined the effort to understand the variations
  in total solar <P />irradiance then recently discovered by the Nimbus
  7 satellite and the ACRIM experiment <P />on the SMM satellite. He made
  significant contributions to that problem, particularly <P />regarding
  the ultraviolet radiation component, and continued to work on it after
  he had <P />joined the NSF as a science administrator. He published
  his last scientific paper in 1983, <P />after having joined NSF. <P
  />Ludwig was a great teacher and an even greater friend. He taught
  courses including <P />electromagnetic theory, relativistic theory of
  radiation, quantum mechanics, solar physics <P />and radio astronomy
  among others. He wrote an introductory textbook in astronomy that
  <P />was translated into several languages. He directed PhD theses
  in a variety of topics. Best <P />of all, he instilled in his
  students a sense of curiosity and confidence that lasted for a <P
  />lifetime. He used to say, “if what you think disagrees with the
  opinion of well-known <P />astronomers, do not simply assume that
  you are wrong and they are right. It may well be <P />that you are
  right! Think carefully about it." That advice has served all of us,
  his former <P />students, well. We will miss his cheerful disposition,
  his friendliness, and his never- <P />ending curiosity.

Title: A Fast Technique for Improved 3-DIMENSIONAL Mapping of the
    Solar Corona
Authors: Perry, R. Michael; Altschuler, Martin D.
1989SoPh..119..301P    Altcode:
  To obtain improved maps of the coronal electron density distribution we
  have devised an iterative technique in which an approximation of the
  unknown distribution is successively modified to reduce discrepancies
  with the original data. With this technique we can now map the corona
  to a much finer resolution than shown in our previous papers, without
  greatly increasing the computational cost. The series representation
  of density may now contain more than 23 000 terms compared with
  previous limit of 128. This results in a fourfold increase in linear
  resolution, so that features about a tenth of a solar radius in width
  are now separated. The iteration algorithm can be adjusted to apply a
  mathematically `optimal' correction to a given approximation of the
  density. Although this correction minimizes noise levels, a cheaper
  version of the algorithm yields a better result.

Title: Solar physics applications of computer graphics and image
Authors: Altschuler, M. D.
1985NASCP2374..441A    Altcode:
  Contents: Introduction. Overview of computer graphics and image
  processing. Computer graphics as a tool for solar physicists. Setting
  up a graphics and image-processing facility.

Title: Search for optimal three-dimensional mapping of the solar
    corona from K-coronameter data
Authors: Perry, R. M.; Altschuler, M. D.
1981STIN...8212017P    Altcode:
  An iterative technique was devised in which an approximation of the
  unknown solar electron density distribution is successively modified
  to reduce discrepancies with the original data. With the technique the
  corona can be mapped to a much finer resolution than shown in their
  previous papers without greatly increasing the computational cost. The
  series representation of density may now contain more than 23,000 terms
  compared with the previous limit of 128. This results in a fourfold
  increase in linear resolution, so that features about a tenth of a
  solar radius in width are now separate. The iteration algorithm can
  be adjusted to apply a mathematically optimal correction to a given
  approximation of the density. Although this correction minimizes noise
  levels, a cheaper version of the algorithm yields a better result.

Title: Reconstruction of the global-scale three-dimensional solar
Authors: Altschuler, M. D.
1979irp..book..105A    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Open magnetic structures on the sun.
Authors: Levine, R. H.; Altschuler, M. D.; Harvey, J. W.; Jackson,
   B. V.
1977ApJ...215..636L    Altcode:
  High-resolution harmonic analysis of the solar magnetic field has
  been used succesfully to calculate the geometry of open magnetic field
  lines in the solar corona. Comparison of the loci of open-field-line
  footpoints with solar X-ray photographs shows that all the coronal
  holes during two solar rotations are successfully represented, including
  details of their evolution. Some open magnetic configurations derived in
  the calculations precede by up to one solar rotation the manifestation
  of coincident dark areas on the X-ray photographs. The only other
  areas that contribute open field lines to the corona are separations
  between active-region loop systems. By varying the radius at which
  field lines are forced to be open in the calculation, it is possible to
  reproduce more closely the surface configuration of particular coronal
  holes. Comparison of the size of X-ray holes with the fraction of the
  solar surface covered by open field lines leads to the conclusion
  that a significant part of the area of coronal holes must contain
  closed magnetic fields. Comparison of open field lines which lie in
  the equatorial plane of the sun with solar-wind data indicates that
  eventual high-speed solar-wind streams are associated with those parts
  of open magnetic structures that diverge the least.

Title: High resolution mapping of the magnetic field of the solar
Authors: Altschuler, M. D.; Levine, R. H.; Stix, M.; Harvey, J.
1977SoPh...51..345A    Altcode:
  High resolution KPNO magnetograph measurements of the line-of-sight
  component of the photospheric magnetic field over the entire dynamic
  range from 0 to 4000 gauss are used as the basic data for a new analysis
  of the photospheric and coronal magnetic field distributions. The daily
  magnetograph measurements collected over a solar rotation are averaged
  onto a 180 × 360 synoptic grid of equal-area elements. With the
  assumption that there are no electric currents above the photospheric
  level of measurement, a unique solution is determined for the
  global solar magnetic field. Because the solution is in terms of an
  expansion in spherical harmonics to principal index n = 90, the global
  photospheric magnetic energy distribution can be analyzed in terms
  of contributions of different scale-size and geometric pattern. This
  latter procedure is of value (1) in guiding solar dynamo theories, (2)
  in monitoring the persistence of the photospheric field pattern and
  its components, (3) in comparing synoptic magnetic data of different
  observatories, and (4) in estimating data quality. Different types of
  maps for the coronal magnetic field are constructed (1) to show the
  strong field at different resolutions, (2) to trace the field lines
  which open into interplanetary space and to locate their photospheric
  origins, and (3) to map in detail coronal regions above (specified)
  limited photospheric areas.

Title: Solar sources of the interplanetary magnetic field and
    solar wind
Authors: Levine, R. H.; Altschuler, M. D.; Harvey, J. W.
1977JGR....82.1061L    Altcode:
  Open magnetic field lines, those which extend from the solar photosphere
  to interplanetary space, are traced in the current-free (potential
  field) approximation using measured photospheric fields as a boundary
  condition. It is found that (1) only a relatively small fraction of the
  photospheric area connects via open field lines to the interplanetary
  magnetic field; (2) those photospheric areas which do contribute open
  field lines lie beneath coronal holes and within the boundaries of the
  holes as projected onto the photosphere or else between loop systems
  of an active region; (3) the interplanetary magnetic field in the plane
  of the sun's equator, essentially the field in the ecliptic plane, may
  connect to photospheric regions of high latitude; and (4) the fastest
  solar wind streams are correlated with those magnetic flux tubes which
  expand least in cross-sectional area over the distance between the
  photosphere and the coronal height where the solar wind begins.

Title: Open Magnetic Structures on the Sun
Authors: Levine, R. H.; Altschuler, M. D.; Harvey, J. W.
1976BAAS....8..326L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Source of the solar flare energy.
Authors: Altschuler, M. D.
1976SoPh...47..183A    Altcode:
  Recent Skylab and magnetograph observations indicate that strong
  photospheric electric currents underlie small flare events such as X-ray
  loops and surges. What is not yet certain, because of the non-local
  dynamics of a fluid with embedded magnetic field, is whether flare
  emission derives from the energy of on-site electric currents or from
  energy which is propagated to the flare site through an intermediary,
  such as a stream of fast electrons or a group of waves. Nevertheless,
  occurrences of: (1) strong photospheric electric currents beneath small
  flares; (2) similar magnetic fine structure inside and outside active
  regions; (3) eruptive prominences and coronal white light transients
  in association with big flares; and, (4) active boundaries of large
  unipolar regions suggest the possibility that all phenomena of solar
  activity are manifestations of the rapid ejection and/or gradual
  removal of electric currents of various sizes from the photosphere. The
  challenge is to trace the precise magnetofluid dynamics of each active
  phenomenon, particularly the role of electric current build-up and
  dissipation in the low corona.

Title: Tabulation of the Harmonic Coefficients of the Solar Magnetic
Authors: Altschuler, Martin D.; Trotter, Dorothy E.; Newkirk, Gordon,
   Jr.; Howard, Robert
1975SoPh...41..225A    Altcode:
  Tables of spherical harmonic coefficients for the global
  photospheric magnetic field between 1959 and 1974 are now available
  on microfilm. (These are the same coefficients which were used to
  construct the maps of the coronal magnetic atlas.)

Title: Magnetic fields and solar flares
Authors: Altschuler, M. D.
1975iafe.rept...25A    Altcode:
  It is proposed that the nonpotential magnetic fields (or electric
  currents) responsible for solar flares are generated in the photosphere
  itself with little or no magnetic flux contributed from deeper
  layers. The solar photosphere and earth's troposphere are compared to
  show that pressure differences, magnetic fields, and velocity fields in
  the former constitute a strongly interacting system, or 'meteorology',
  for the partially ionized visible solar layer. The possibility is
  considered that magnetic fields are generated in the photosphere at the
  boundaries of convective cells by either large nonparallel gradients in
  electron pressure and density or turbulent flows acting on preexisting
  magnetic fields. It is also suggested that the photosphere rids itself
  of a magnetic field as fast as it is generated, that magnetic fields
  are generated continuously in certain photospheric regions, and that
  solar activity occurs when too much magnetic flux is produced in a
  given region. Observational evidence is examined which indicates that
  flare loops, surges, erupting prominences, and other manifestations
  of solar activity are associated with the ejection of chromospheric
  or photospheric electric currents into the corona.

Title: The Large-Scale Solar Magnetic Field
Authors: Altschuler, M. D.; Trotter, D. E.; Newkirk, G., Jr.;
   Howard, R.
1974SoPh...39....3A    Altcode:
  The large-scale photospheric magnetic field, measured by
  the Mt. Wilson magnetograph, has been analyzed in terms of
  surface harmonics (P<SUB>n</SUB><SUP>m</SUP>)(θ)cosmφ and
  P<SUB>n</SUB><SUP>m</SUP>(θ)sinmφ) for the years 1959 through
  1972. Our results are as follows. The single harmonic which most
  often characterized the general solar magnetic field throughout the
  period of observation corresponds to a dipole lying in the plane
  of the equator (2 sectors, n = m = 1). This 2-sector harmonic was
  particularly dominant during the active years of solar cycles 19
  and 20. The north-south dipole harmonic (n = 1, m = 0) was prominent
  only during quiet years and was relatively insignificant during the
  active years. (The derived north-south dipole includes magnetic fields
  from the entire solar surface and does not necessarily correlate with
  either the dipole-like appearance of the polar regions of the Sun or
  with the weak polar magnetic fields.) The 4-sector structure (n = m =
  2) was prominent, and often dominant, at various times throughout the
  cycle. A 6-sector structure (n = m = 3) occasionally became dominant
  for very brief periods during the active years. Contributions to the
  general solar magnetic field from harmonics of principal index 4 ⩽
  n ⩽ 9 were generally relatively small throughout this entire solar
  cycle with one outstanding exception. For a period of several months
  prior to the large August 1972 flares, the global photospheric field
  was dominated by an n = 5 harmonic; this harmonic returned to a low
  value shortly after the August 1972 flare events. Rapid changes in
  the global harmonics, in particular, relative and absolute changes in
  the contributions of harmonics of different principal index n to the
  global field, imply that the global solar field is not very deep or
  that very strong fluid flows connect the photosphere with deeper layers.

Title: Representations of coronal magnetic fields including currents
Authors: Levine, Randolph H.; Altschuler, Martin D.
1974SoPh...36..345L    Altcode:
  Coronal electric currents are superposed on the calculated large-scale
  current-free (potential) magnetic field of the solar corona and
  the new magnetic configurations are mapped. The results indicate
  that relatively large coronal electric currents are required before
  significant topological deviations from the potential magnetic field
  configuration can be noticed. Thus any agreement between coronal
  observations and calculated potential magnetic field configurations
  should not be interpreted to mean that coronal electric currents are
  necessarily absent or insignificant.

Title: Magnetic Structure Responsible for Coronal Disturbances:
Authors: Altschuler, M. D.
1974IAUS...57....3A    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Nonlinear Acceleration of a Magnetic Disturbance in the
    Solar Corona
Authors: Altschuler, Martin D.; Smith, Dean F.; Swarztrauber, Paul N.;
   Priest, Eric R.
1973SoPh...32..153A    Altcode:
  The simple form of Ohm's law (SI units)J = σ(E+ v × B)is valid for
  high density magnetofluids (where the mean free path for collisions
  is less than the Larmor radius) but is not strictly valid for the
  tenuous solar corona. We examine the nonlinear evolution of a magnetic
  disturbance using a more general form of Ohm's law which includes
  the Hall term. The Hall term dominates MHD development in the corona
  when the product of the magnetic scale length and the square root
  of the density is small enough; in particular when (1) the electron
  density is less than about 10<SUP>13</SUP> m<SUP>-3</SUP> and (2) the
  scale length is less than a few hundred meters. For these parameters,
  a magnetic disturbance may carry electrons at a drift speed in excess of
  the Alfvén speed. We believe this nonlinear phenomenon may be important
  for the impulsive acceleration of charged particles in the solar corona.

Title: Coronal Magnetic Fields and the Variation of Geomagnetic
Authors: Oster, Ludwig; Altschuler, Martin D.
1973BAAS....5R.278O    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Evolution of a Magnetic Disturbance in the Solar Corona With
    a General Ohm's Law
Authors: Altschuler, M. D.; Smith, D. F.; Swarztrauber, P.; Priest,
   E. R.
1973BAAS....5S.268A    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Flare-Produced Coronal MHD-Fast-Mode Wavefronts and Moreton's
    Wave Phenomenon
Authors: Uchida, Yutaka; Altschuler, Martin D.; Newkirk, Gordon, Jr.
1973SoPh...28..495U    Altcode:
  The propagation characteristics of MHD fast-mode disturbances, which
  can emanate from flare regions, are computed for realistic conditions
  of the solar corona at the times of particular flares. The path of a
  fast-mode disturbance is determined by the large-scale (global) coronal
  distributions of magnetic field and density, and can be computed by
  a general raytracing procedure (eikonal equation) adapted to MHD. We
  use the coronal (electron) density distribution calculated from daily
  K-coronameter data, and the coronal magnetic field calculated under
  the current-free approximation from magnetograph measurements of the
  photospheric magnetic field. We compare the path and time-development of
  an MHD fast-mode wavefront emitted from the flare region (as calculated
  from a realistic model corona for the day of the observed Moreton
  wave event) with actual observations of the Moreton wave event, and
  find that the Moreton wave can be identified with the rapidly moving
  intersection of the coronal fast-mode wavefront and the chromosphere
  (as hypothesized in our previous paper); the directivity (anisotropic
  propagation), as well as other characteristics of the propagation of
  the Moreton wave can be successfully explained.

Title: Improved Three-Dimensional Mapping of the Electron Density
    Distribution of the Solar Corona
Authors: Perry, R. Michael; Altschuler, Martin D.
1973SoPh...28..435P    Altcode:
  Three-dimensional maps of the distribution of coronal electron density
  can now be computed with two radial functions in the series expansion
  for the density (rather than with only one radial function as shown
  in our previous paper). With the improved maps we can determine the
  topological variation of the electron density with radial distance, and
  thus can (1) distinguish coronal condensations from coronal streamers,
  (2) trace the structure of a streamer as a function of height, and (3)
  determine the non-radial orientation of a streamer. We summarize the
  previous work in concise mathematical notation, show examples of the
  improved maps derived from two radial functions, and discuss in detail
  the expectations and limitations of the method. Of great utility are
  computer-simulated pictures showing the solar corona as it would appear
  if veiwed from above the north (or south) pole.

Title: Coronal Holes
Authors: Altschuler, Martin D.; Trotter, Dorothy E.; Orrall, Frank Q.
1972SoPh...26..354A    Altcode:
  Coronal holes are extensive regions of extremely low density in the
  solar corona within 60° of latitude from the equator. (They are not
  to be confused with the well-known coronal cavities which surround
  quiescent prominences beneath helmet streamers.) We have superposed
  maps of the calculated current-free (potential) coronal magnetic field
  with maps of the coronal electron density for the period of November
  1966, and find that coronal holes are generally characterized by weak
  and diverging magnetic field lines. The chromosphere underlying the
  holes is extremely quiet, being free of weak plages and filaments. The
  existence of coronal holes clearly has important implications for the
  energy balance in the transition region and the solar wind.

Title: On Determining the Electron Density Distribution of the Solar
    Corona from K-Coronameter Data
Authors: Altschuler, M. D.; Perry, R. M.
1972BAAS....4..377A    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Atlas of Magnetic Fields in the Solar Corona
Authors: Newkirk, Gordon; Trotter, Dorothy E.; Altschuler, Martin D.;
   Howard, Robert
1972SoPh...24..370N    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Solar Activity and the Variation of the Geomagnetic
Authors: Oster, Ludwig; Mariska, John T.; Altschuler, Martin D.;
   Trotter, Dorothy E.
1972BAAS....4R.389O    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: On Determining the Electron Density Distribution of the Solar
    Corona from K-Coronameter Data
Authors: Altschuler, Martin D.; Perry, R. Michael
1972SoPh...23..410A    Altcode:
  The electron density distribution of the inner solar corona (r ⩽
  2 R<SUB>⊙</SUB>) as a function of latitude, longitude, and radial
  distance is determined from K-coronameter polarization-brightness
  (pB) data. A Legendre polynomial is assumed for the electron density
  distribution, and the coefficients of the polynomial are determined by
  a least-mean-square regression analysis of several days of pB-data. The
  calculated electron density distribution is then mapped as a function of
  latitude and longitude. The method is particularly useful in determining
  the longitudinal extent of coronal streamers and enhancements and
  in resolving coronal features whose projections on the plane of the
  sky overlap.

Title: A Moving Type IV Radio Burst and Its Relation to the Coronal
    Magnetic Field
Authors: Dulk, George A.; Altschuler, Martin D.
1971SoPh...20..438D    Altcode:
  A moving Type IV burst, observed with the Culgoora radioheliograph on
  1970 April 29, moved out to about 3 R<SUB>⊙</SUB> and attained high
  circular polarization before fading. The appearance of the moving Type
  IV source suggests an isolated, self-contained, synchrotron emitting
  plasmoid. Magnetic field maps of the corona derived from photospheric
  observations indicate that the plasmoid moved almost radially outward
  from the flare region along open field lines. To explain the observed
  source structure and high unipolar polarization, we suggest that a
  ring of electric current was ejected from the low corona and guided
  by coronal magnetic field lines; the radio emission was synchrotron
  radiation generated by mildly-relativistic electrons trapped in the
  poloidal magnetic field of the ring current.

Title: The Dynamics of a Toroidal Magnetic Ring
Authors: Lilliequist, Carl G.; Altschuler, Martin D.; Nakagawa,
1971SoPh...20..348L    Altcode:
  Solving the nonlinear partial differential equations of
  magnetohydrodynamics numerically, we examine (1) the time
  development of a purely toroidal magnetic field (a magnetic ring)
  and (2) the interaction of a magnetic ring with a poloidal magnetic
  field. Axisymmetry and incompressibility are assumed. Parameters
  are chosen to correspond to photospheric conditions. In case (1),
  the magnetic ring contracts to the axis and then splits in two with
  one ring travelling up along the axis and the other down. In case
  (2), a large toroidal velocity field is generated which has opposite
  direction of flow above and below the magnetic ring. The magnetic
  and flow patterns of case (2) may persist with little change for a
  relatively long time. We conjecture that toroidal magnetic fields may be
  involved in the bright rings of sunspots or in the dynamics of spicules.

Title: The Dynamics of a Toroidal Magnetic Ring and Their Implications
    in Solar Phenomena.
Authors: Lilliequist, C. G.; Altschuler, M. D.; Nakagawa, Y.
1971BAAS....3..442L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Motion of Type II Radio Burst Disturbances in the Coronal
    Magnetic Field
Authors: Dulk, G. A.; Altschuler, M. D.; Smerd, S. F.
1971ApL.....8..235D    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Geometry of the Coronal Magnetic Field
Authors: Altschuler, Martin D.
1971S&T....41..146A    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Stimulated comption effect in very compact radio sources
Authors: Oster, Ludwig; Altschuler, Martin D.
1971Ap&SS..10..431O    Altcode:
  Expressions for the stimulated Compton effect are derived that are
  complete to order γ/ge/μ, where ɛ is the photon energy in the
  laboratory system, and γμ=γm <SUB>0</SUB> C <SUP>2</SUP> is the
  electron energy. Explicit formulas are given for the energy flow between
  a relativistic electron and a radiation field that obeys a power law so
  that the number of photons is proportional to ɛ<SUP>-m-1</SUP>. The
  amount of energy gained by an electron per second is then numerically
  calculated for conditions suggested by very compact radio sources as
  a function of the width of the spectrum, the spectral index, and the
  electron energy.

Title: Time Evolution of the Large-Scale Solar Magnetic Fields
Authors: Altschuler, M. D.; Newkirk, G., Jr.; Trotter, D. E.;
   Howard, R.
1971IAUS...43..588A    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Stimulated Compton Effect in Very Compact Radio Sources
Authors: Altschuler, Martin D.; Oster, Ludwig
1970BAAS....2T.290A    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Magnetic Fields and the Solar Corona. III: The Observed
    Connection between Magnetic Fields and the Density Structure of
    the Corona
Authors: Newkirk, Gordon; Altschuler, Martin D.
1970SoPh...13..131N    Altcode:
  Coronal magnetic fields calculated by the methods developed in Paper I
  (Altschuler and Newkirk, 1969) and the empirical description of the
  solar corona of November 1966 derived in Paper II (Newkirket al.,
  1970) are combined in order to investigate what connection exists
  between the magnetic fields and the density structure of the corona.

Title: Magnetic Fields and the Structure of the Solar Corona. I:
    Methods of Calculating Coronal Fields
Authors: Altschuler, Martin D.; Newkirk, Gordon
1969SoPh....9..131A    Altcode:
  Several different mathematical methods are described which use the
  observed line-of-sight component of the photospheric magnetic field to
  determine the magnetic field of the solar corona in the current-free
  (or potential-field) approximation. Discussed are (1) a monopole
  method, (2) a Legendre polynomial expansion assuming knowledge of the
  radial photospheric magnetic field, (3) a Legendre polynomial expansion
  obtained from the line-of-sight photospheric field by a least-meansquare
  technique, (4) solar wind simulation by zero-potential surfaces in
  the corona, (5) corrections for the missing flux due to magnetograph
  saturation. We conclude (1) that the field obtained from the monopole
  method is not consistent with the given magnetic data because of
  non-local effects produced by monopoles on a curved surface, (2)
  that the field given by a Legendre polynomial (which is fitted to the
  measured line-of-sight magnetic field) is a rigorous and self-consistent
  solution with respect to the available data, (3) that it is necessary to
  correct for the saturation of the magnetograph (at about 80 G) because
  fields exceeding 80 G provide significant flux to the coronal field,
  and (4) that a zero-potential surface at 2.5 solar radii can simulate
  the effect of the solar wind on the coronal magnetic field.

Title: Magnetic Fields and the Structure of the Solar Corona
Authors: Newkirk, G.; Altschuler, M.
1969BAAS....1Q.288N    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: A Possible Acceleration Mechanism for a Solar Surge
Authors: Altschuler, Martin D.; Lilliequist, Carl G.; Nakagawa,
1968SoPh....5..366A    Altcode:
  We examine a non-linear mechanism for a solar surge in which plasma
  regions of high electrical conductivity and macroscopic dimension
  can be rapidly accelerated without diffusion of magnetic field. The
  mechanism is suggested by Rust's observations, which show that surges
  occur near sunspots in regions of reversed magnetic polarity. For the
  purposes of numerical calculation, we replace the magnetic field near a
  polarity reversal in a sunspot by magnetic fields of current loops. The
  relaxation of the magnetic field generated by two antiparallel coaxial
  current loops in an incompressible plasma is traced by computer. The
  results suggest that plasma in the form of a vortex ring can be expelled
  at the Alfvén velocity from active solar regions.

Title: Concerning the Origin of Evershed Motion in Sunspots
Authors: Altschuler, Martin D.; Nakagawa, Yoshinari; Lilliequist,
   Carl G.
1968SoPh....3..466A    Altcode:
  The non-linear, partial differential equations of magnetohydrodynamics
  are iterated simultaneously by computer to determine the time
  development of a single sunspot. Axisymmetry and incompressibility are
  assumed. The initial conditions are (1) zero velocity everywhere, and
  (2) the magnetic-field distribution of a ring current embedded in the
  photosphere. The initial magnetic field is then allowed to relax by
  magnetic diffusion and by the creation of a velocity field. It is shown
  that (1) Evershed motion outward from the sunspot will develop from a
  wide range of reasonable initial parameters, and (2) the growth rate
  of the magnetic configuration depends on the strength of the initial
  magnetic field.

Title: A Possible Mechanism for A Solar Surge.
Authors: Lilliequist, Carl G.; Altschuler, Martin D.; Nakagawa,
1968AJS....73R..68L    Altcode:
  A primary difficulty in our understanding of the acceleration
  mechanism of the solar surge is that all reasonable estimates of
  electrical conductivity indicate excessively long time scales for
  the reconnection (or diffusion) of magnetic field lines (Parker,
  Astrophys. J. Suppl. 8,177,1963). We examine a nonlinear mechanism by
  which plasma of high electrical conductivity and macroscopic dimension
  may be accelerated in short time scales. Electric current loops in
  a highly conducting plasma medium accelerate one another by means of
  velocity fields created by JXB forces. Computer calculations concerned
  with the interaction of two coaxial current loops in an incompressible,
  conducting fluid indicate that under suitable conditions plasma in
  the form of a vortex ring might be expelled at the Alfven velocity.

Title: Influence of Magnetic Fields on the Structure of the Solar
Authors: Newkirk, G.; Altschuler, M. D.; Harvey, J.
1968IAUS...35..379N    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Concerning the Development of the Evershed Motion in Sunspots
Authors: Altschuler, M. D.; Nakagawa, Y.; Lilliequist, C. G.
1968IAUS...35..193A    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Electrical Conductivity Gradients in Sunspots
Authors: Altschuler, Martin D.
1967SoPh....1..377A    Altcode:
  Recently E. H. Schroeter showed that the electrical conductivity of
  the sunspot umbra, at least in the upper photospheric layers, is about
  ten-thousand times less than the value used by Cowling. This result
  implies that electrical conductivity gradients near sunspots may be
  relatively large. Upon taking such gradients into consideration, we
  find that the photosphere is current free and that current rings might
  encircle the sunspot, under suitable conditions, both in the lower
  photosphere and in the chromosphere. Plasma motions are neglected in
  the calculation.

Title: Autocorrelation of Solar Activity
Authors: Altschuler, Martin D.; Sastry, Ch. V.
1965Natur.206.1035A    Altcode:
  IN this communication we examine the autocorrelation function R of
  various indexes of solar activity over time-lags,τ, of 1-200 days. Four
  indexes of solar activity were used: the daily relative sunspot number
  (Zurich), and the mean daily fluxes from Nagoya at the frequencies 1,000
  Mc/s, 3,750 Mc/s and 9,400 Mc/s. The data were analysed for the years
  1957-58 (more than 700 days) and for the years 1960-63 (900 days),
  thus comparing the highly active years of the solar cycle with the
  less-active years. In addition, the relative sunspot numbers for the
  years 1947-48 and 1937-38 were analysed for comparison.

Title: Electromagnetic Radiation From Plasma Oscillations
Authors: Oster, L.; Altschuler, M.
1964NASSP..50..377O    Altcode: 1964psf..conf..377O
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Theoretical Model for Type III Radio Emission from the Sun.
Authors: Altschuler, Martin D.; Oster, Ludwig
1964AJ.....69R.530A    Altcode:
  A model is suggested which can explain the excitation of type III radio
  bursts from the sun. The physical picture is a stream of fast charged
  particles that induce electric fields (polarization) in the surrounding
  corona. These electric fields will accelerate the electrons in the
  neighboring coronal regions which in turn emit a spectrum that consists
  of a weak (bremsstrahlung) continuum and a superimposed resonance line
  just above the plasma frequency. The resonance emission is thus able
  to propagate out from the corona. Its spectral characteristics depend
  crucially on the speed and other physical properties of the exciting
  charge cloud. Predicted spectra for various possible physical situations
  are shown. This work was supported by the National Aeronautics and
  Space Administration.

Title: Interaction of Fast Charged Particles with the Coronal Plasma.
Authors: Altschuler, Martin David
1964PhDT........21A    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS