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Author name code: amari
ADS astronomy entries on 2022-09-14
author:"Amari, Tahar" 

Title: MOVES - V. Modelling star-planet magnetic interactions of
    HD 189733
Authors: Strugarek, A.; Fares, R.; Bourrier, V.; Brun, A. S.; Réville,
   V.; Amari, T.; Helling, Ch; Jardine, M.; Llama, J.; Moutou, C.;
   Vidotto, A. A.; Wheatley, P. J.; Zarka, P.
2022MNRAS.512.4556S    Altcode: 2022arXiv220310956S; 2022MNRAS.tmp..872S
  Magnetic interactions between stars and close-in planets may lead to
  a detectable signal on the stellar disc. HD 189733 is one of the key
  exosystems thought to harbour magnetic interactions, which may have
  been detected in 2013 August. We present a set of 12 wind models at that
  period, covering the possible coronal states and coronal topologies of
  HD 189733 at that time. We assess the power available for the magnetic
  interaction and predict its temporal modulation. By comparing the
  predicted signal with the observed signal, we find that some models
  could be compatible with an interpretation based on star-planet
  magnetic interactions. We also find that the observed signal can be
  explained only with a stretch-and-break interaction mechanism, while
  that the Alfvén wings scenario cannot deliver enough power. We finally
  demonstrate that the past observational cadence of HD 189733 leads
  to a detection rate of only between 12 and 23 per cent, which could
  explain why star-planet interactions have been hard to detect in past
  campaigns. We conclude that the firm confirmation of their detection
  will require dedicated spectroscopic observations covering densely the
  orbital and rotation period, combined with scarcer spectropolarimetric
  observations to assess the concomitant large-scale magnetic topology
  of the star.

Title: HiRISE - High-Resolution Imaging and Spectroscopy Explorer
    - Ultrahigh resolution, interferometric and external occulting
    coronagraphic science
Authors: Erdélyi, Robertus; Damé, Luc; Fludra, Andrzej; Mathioudakis,
   Mihalis; Amari, T.; Belucz, B.; Berrilli, F.; Bogachev, S.; Bolsée,
   D.; Bothmer, V.; Brun, S.; Dewitte, S.; de Wit, T. Dudok; Faurobert,
   M.; Gizon, L.; Gyenge, N.; Korsós, M. B.; Labrosse, N.; Matthews,
   S.; Meftah, M.; Morgan, H.; Pallé, P.; Rochus, P.; Rozanov, E.;
   Schmieder, B.; Tsinganos, K.; Verwichte, E.; Zharkov, S.; Zuccarello,
   F.; Wimmer-Schweingruber, R.
2022ExA...tmp...21E    Altcode:
  Recent solar physics missions have shown the definite role of waves and
  magnetic fields deep in the inner corona, at the chromosphere-corona
  interface, where dramatic and physically dominant changes occur. HiRISE
  (High Resolution Imaging and Spectroscopy Explorer), the ambitious new
  generation ultra-high resolution, interferometric, and coronagraphic,
  solar physics mission, proposed in response to the ESA Voyage 2050
  Call, would address these issues and provide the best-ever and most
  complete solar observatory, capable of ultra-high spatial, spectral,
  and temporal resolution observations of the solar atmosphere, from the
  photosphere to the corona, and of new insights of the solar interior
  from the core to the photosphere. HiRISE, at the L1 Lagrangian
  point, would provide meter class FUV imaging and spectro-imaging,
  EUV and XUV imaging and spectroscopy, magnetic fields measurements,
  and ambitious and comprehensive coronagraphy by a remote external
  occulter (two satellites formation flying 375 m apart, with a
  coronagraph on a chaser satellite). This major and state-of-the-art
  payload would allow us to characterize temperatures, densities, and
  velocities in the solar upper chromosphere, transition zone, and inner
  corona with, in particular, 2D very high resolution multi-spectral
  imaging-spectroscopy, and, direct coronal magnetic field measurement,
  thus providing a unique set of tools to understand the structure and
  onset of coronal heating. HiRISE's objectives are natural complements
  to the Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter-type missions. We present
  the science case for HiRISE which will address: i) the fine structure
  of the chromosphere-corona interface by 2D spectroscopy in FUV at
  very high resolution; ii) coronal heating roots in the inner corona by
  ambitious externally-occulted coronagraphy; iii) resolved and global
  helioseismology thanks to continuity and stability of observing at the
  L1 Lagrange point; and iv) solar variability and space climate with,
  in addition, a global comprehensive view of UV variability.

Title: Necessary Conditions for a Hot Quiet Sun Atmosphere:
    Chromospheric Flares and Low Corona Twisted Flux Rope Eruptions
Authors: Amari, Tahar; Luciani, Jean-Francois; Aly, Jean-Jacques;
   Canou, Aurelien; Mikic, Zoran; Velli, Marco
2021AGUFMSH12B..05A    Altcode:
  The issue of relevant scales involved in the heating of the solar
  atmosphere is an important one. Since the temperature already reaches 1
  MK a few megameters above the photosphere, observations made by Parker
  Solar Probe will be able to explore those at larger heights but only
  indirectly at those lower heights, where small scale coupling between
  sub-photospheric, chromospheric and coronal structure and dynamics
  occurs. While Solar Orbiter will be able to bring such observations,
  modeling appears a complementary interesting approach to interpret
  those observations Taking a sub-surface dynamo and a sharp realistic
  VAL- like scale profile from photosphere to corona, with a fixed
  temperature profile in time, we investigate the necessary conditions
  implied on the structures and dynamics of the atmosphere to keep this
  thermal structuration, as well as their implication in the energy
  budget of the atmosphere. Under those hypothesis we show that :i)
  the transverse photospheric field below 100km plays a major role;
  ii) an associated scale of one megameter activity naturally results
  to produce a zone above the photosphere with high confined electric
  currents, which then expands into the chromosphere and releases energy(4
  500 W/m2) through small-scale eruptions driving sonic motions; iii)
  meso scale structuration, leads to the formation of larger coherent
  twisted flux ropes, and associated eruptive like activity in a way
  similar to large scale eruptive phenomena, as result of cancellation,
  emergence, and convergence motions. Finally a wave dynamics is also
  naturally driven in core corona associated to above 300 W/m2.

Title: Models and data analysis tools for the Solar Orbiter mission
Authors: Rouillard, A. P.; Pinto, R. F.; Vourlidas, A.; De Groof, A.;
   Thompson, W. T.; Bemporad, A.; Dolei, S.; Indurain, M.; Buchlin, E.;
   Sasso, C.; Spadaro, D.; Dalmasse, K.; Hirzberger, J.; Zouganelis, I.;
   Strugarek, A.; Brun, A. S.; Alexandre, M.; Berghmans, D.; Raouafi,
   N. E.; Wiegelmann, T.; Pagano, P.; Arge, C. N.; Nieves-Chinchilla,
   T.; Lavarra, M.; Poirier, N.; Amari, T.; Aran, A.; Andretta, V.;
   Antonucci, E.; Anastasiadis, A.; Auchère, F.; Bellot Rubio, L.;
   Nicula, B.; Bonnin, X.; Bouchemit, M.; Budnik, E.; Caminade, S.;
   Cecconi, B.; Carlyle, J.; Cernuda, I.; Davila, J. M.; Etesi, L.;
   Espinosa Lara, F.; Fedorov, A.; Fineschi, S.; Fludra, A.; Génot,
   V.; Georgoulis, M. K.; Gilbert, H. R.; Giunta, A.; Gomez-Herrero, R.;
   Guest, S.; Haberreiter, M.; Hassler, D.; Henney, C. J.; Howard, R. A.;
   Horbury, T. S.; Janvier, M.; Jones, S. I.; Kozarev, K.; Kraaikamp,
   E.; Kouloumvakos, A.; Krucker, S.; Lagg, A.; Linker, J.; Lavraud,
   B.; Louarn, P.; Maksimovic, M.; Maloney, S.; Mann, G.; Masson, A.;
   Müller, D.; Önel, H.; Osuna, P.; Orozco Suarez, D.; Owen, C. J.;
   Papaioannou, A.; Pérez-Suárez, D.; Rodriguez-Pacheco, J.; Parenti,
   S.; Pariat, E.; Peter, H.; Plunkett, S.; Pomoell, J.; Raines, J. M.;
   Riethmüller, T. L.; Rich, N.; Rodriguez, L.; Romoli, M.; Sanchez,
   L.; Solanki, S. K.; St Cyr, O. C.; Straus, T.; Susino, R.; Teriaca,
   L.; del Toro Iniesta, J. C.; Ventura, R.; Verbeeck, C.; Vilmer, N.;
   Warmuth, A.; Walsh, A. P.; Watson, C.; Williams, D.; Wu, Y.; Zhukov,
   A. N.
2020A&A...642A...2R    Altcode:
  Context. The Solar Orbiter spacecraft will be equipped with a wide
  range of remote-sensing (RS) and in situ (IS) instruments to record
  novel and unprecedented measurements of the solar atmosphere and
  the inner heliosphere. To take full advantage of these new datasets,
  tools and techniques must be developed to ease multi-instrument and
  multi-spacecraft studies. In particular the currently inaccessible
  low solar corona below two solar radii can only be observed
  remotely. Furthermore techniques must be used to retrieve coronal
  plasma properties in time and in three dimensional (3D) space. Solar
  Orbiter will run complex observation campaigns that provide interesting
  opportunities to maximise the likelihood of linking IS data to their
  source region near the Sun. Several RS instruments can be directed
  to specific targets situated on the solar disk just days before
  data acquisition. To compare IS and RS, data we must improve our
  understanding of how heliospheric probes magnetically connect to the
  solar disk. <BR /> Aims: The aim of the present paper is to briefly
  review how the current modelling of the Sun and its atmosphere
  can support Solar Orbiter science. We describe the results of a
  community-led effort by European Space Agency's Modelling and Data
  Analysis Working Group (MADAWG) to develop different models, tools,
  and techniques deemed necessary to test different theories for the
  physical processes that may occur in the solar plasma. The focus here
  is on the large scales and little is described with regards to kinetic
  processes. To exploit future IS and RS data fully, many techniques have
  been adapted to model the evolving 3D solar magneto-plasma from the
  solar interior to the solar wind. A particular focus in the paper is
  placed on techniques that can estimate how Solar Orbiter will connect
  magnetically through the complex coronal magnetic fields to various
  photospheric and coronal features in support of spacecraft operations
  and future scientific studies. <BR /> Methods: Recent missions such as
  STEREO, provided great opportunities for RS, IS, and multi-spacecraft
  studies. We summarise the achievements and highlight the challenges
  faced during these investigations, many of which motivated the Solar
  Orbiter mission. We present the new tools and techniques developed
  by the MADAWG to support the science operations and the analysis of
  the data from the many instruments on Solar Orbiter. <BR /> Results:
  This article reviews current modelling and tool developments that ease
  the comparison of model results with RS and IS data made available
  by current and upcoming missions. It also describes the modelling
  strategy to support the science operations and subsequent exploitation
  of Solar Orbiter data in order to maximise the scientific output
  of the mission. <BR /> Conclusions: The on-going community effort
  presented in this paper has provided new models and tools necessary
  to support mission operations as well as the science exploitation of
  the Solar Orbiter data. The tools and techniques will no doubt evolve
  significantly as we refine our procedure and methodology during the
  first year of operations of this highly promising mission.

Title: Bounding the Energy of Solar Eruptions
Authors: Linker, Jon A.; Downs, Cooper; Caplan, Ronald M.; Torok,
   Tibor; Riley, Pete; Titov, Viacheslav; Lionello, Roberto; Mikic,
   Zoran; Amari, Tahar
2019AAS...23431704L    Altcode:
  Major solar eruptions such as X-class flares and coronal mass ejections
  (CMEs) are the fundamental source of solar energetic particles and
  geomagnetic storms, and are thus key drivers of space weather at
  Earth. The energy for solar eruptions is recognized to originate in
  the solar magnetic field, and is believed to be stored as free magnetic
  energy (energy above the potential field state) prior to eruption. Solar
  active regions are the site of the most violent activity. Solar active
  regions can store widely varying amounts of energy, so knowledge of
  the free energy alone does not necessarily tell us when an eruption
  is imminent. For estimates of the free energy to provide predictive
  power, we must know how much energy a region can store - what is the
  energy bound? <P />In recent work, we have found that the energy of a
  particular field, the partially open field (POF), can place a useful
  bound on the energy of an eruption from real active regions, a much
  tighter constraint than the energy of the fully open field. However,
  in general, it is difficult to solve for the POF. In this presentation,
  we discuss methods for approximating the energy of this field, and
  show a comparison of the approximation for a case where the solution
  is known. We discuss the implications for understanding and predicting
  major solar eruptions. <P />Research supported by NASA and AFOSR

Title: Global Non-Potential Magnetic Models of the Solar Corona
    During the March 2015 Eclipse
Authors: Yeates, Anthony R.; Amari, Tahar; Contopoulos, Ioannis; Feng,
   Xueshang; Mackay, Duncan H.; Mikić, Zoran; Wiegelmann, Thomas; Hutton,
   Joseph; Lowder, Christopher A.; Morgan, Huw; Petrie, Gordon; Rachmeler,
   Laurel A.; Upton, Lisa A.; Canou, Aurelien; Chopin, Pierre; Downs,
   Cooper; Druckmüller, Miloslav; Linker, Jon A.; Seaton, Daniel B.;
   Török, Tibor
2018SSRv..214...99Y    Altcode: 2018arXiv180800785Y
  Seven different models are applied to the same problem of simulating
  the Sun's coronal magnetic field during the solar eclipse on 2015
  March 20. All of the models are non-potential, allowing for free
  magnetic energy, but the associated electric currents are developed
  in significantly different ways. This is not a direct comparison
  of the coronal modelling techniques, in that the different models
  also use different photospheric boundary conditions, reflecting
  the range of approaches currently used in the community. Despite
  the significant differences, the results show broad agreement in the
  overall magnetic topology. Among those models with significant volume
  currents in much of the corona, there is general agreement that the
  ratio of total to potential magnetic energy should be approximately
  1.4. However, there are significant differences in the electric current
  distributions; while static extrapolations are best able to reproduce
  active regions, they are unable to recover sheared magnetic fields in
  filament channels using currently available vector magnetogram data. By
  contrast, time-evolving simulations can recover the filament channel
  fields at the expense of not matching the observed vector magnetic
  fields within active regions. We suggest that, at present, the best
  approach may be a hybrid model using static extrapolations but with
  additional energization informed by simplified evolution models. This
  is demonstrated by one of the models.

Title: Partially Open Fields and Solar Eruptions
Authors: Linker, Jon; Mikic, Zoran; Downs, Cooper; Caplan, Ronald M.;
   Riley, Pete; Torok, Tibor; Titov, Viacheslav S.; Lionello, Roberto;
   Amari, Tahar
2018tess.conf10905L    Altcode:
  Partially Open Fields and Solar Eruptions* <P />Major solar eruptions
  such as X-class flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are the
  progenitors of solar energetic particles and geomagnetic storms, and are
  thus key drivers of space weather at Earth. The solar magnetic field
  is the ultimate source of these massive events, the energy of which
  is believed to be stored as free magnetic energy (energy above the
  potential field state) prior to eruption. The amount of free magnetic
  energy available in a given region is therefore a crucial indicator
  of its propensity for eruption. However, solar active regions,
  from which the largest events originate, can store widely varying
  amounts of energy. Therefore, estimates of the free energy alone are
  likely to be insufficient for knowing when a region will erupt; we
  must also estimate the bounds on how much energy can be stored in a
  given region. <P />The Aly-Sturrock theorem (Aly, ApJ 1991; Sturrock,
  ApJ 1991) shows that the energy of a fully force-free field cannot
  exceed the energy of the so-called open field. If the theorem holds,
  this places an upper limit on the amount of free energy that can
  be stored. In this paper, we describe how a closely related field,
  the partially open field (Wolfson &amp; Low ApJ 1992; Hu, ApJ 2004;
  Aly &amp; Amari, GAFD 2007), may place a much tighter bound on energy
  storage and yield insights as to when major eruptions from an active
  region are imminent (Amari et al., Nature, 2014). We demonstrate
  the idea for AR9077, the source of the July 14, 2000 "Bastille Day"
  flare/CME. <P />*Research supported by NASA and AFOSR

Title: Magnetic cage and rope as the key for solar eruptions
Authors: Amari, Tahar; Canou, Aurélien; Aly, Jean-Jacques; Delyon,
   Francois; Alauzet, Fréderic
2018Natur.554..211A    Altcode:
  Solar flares are spectacular coronal events that release large amounts
  of energy. They are classified as either eruptive or confined, depending
  on whether they are associated with a coronal mass ejection. Two types
  of model have been developed to identify the mechanism that triggers
  confined flares, although it has hitherto not been possible to decide
  between them because the magnetic field at the origin of the flares
  could not be determined with the required accuracy. In the first type
  of model, the triggering is related to the topological complexity
  of the flaring structure, which implies the presence of magnetically
  singular surfaces. This picture is observationally supported by the
  fact that radiative emission occurs near these features in many flaring
  regions. The second type of model attributes a key role to the formation
  of a twisted flux rope, which becomes unstable. Its plausibility is
  supported by simulations, by interpretations of some observations and
  by laboratory experiments. Here we report modelling of a confined event
  that uses the measured photospheric magnetic field as input. We first
  use a static model to compute the slowly evolving magnetic state of the
  corona before the eruption, and then use a dynamical model to determine
  the evolution during the eruption itself. We find that a magnetic flux
  rope must be present throughout the entire event to match the field
  measurements. This rope evolves slowly before saturating and suddenly
  erupting. Its energy is insufficient to break through the overlying
  field, whose lines form a confining cage, but its twist is large
  enough to trigger a kink instability, leading to the confined flare,
  as previously suggested. Topology is not the main cause of the flare,
  but it traces out the locations of the X-ray emission. We show that
  a weaker magnetic cage would have produced a more energetic eruption
  with a coronal mass ejection, associated with a predicted energy upper
  bound for a given region.

Title: Validating coronal magnetic field reconstruction methods
    using solar wind simulations and synthetic imagery
Authors: Pinto, Rui; Rouillard, Alexis; Génot, Vincent; Amari, Tahar;
   Buchlin, Eric; Arge, Nick; Sasso, Clementina; Andretta, Vincenzo;
   Bemporad, Alessandro
2017EGUGA..1913650P    Altcode:
  We present an ongoing effort within the ESA Modeling and Data Analysis
  Working Group (MADAWG) to determine automatically the magnetic
  connectivity between the solar surface and any point in interplanetary
  space. The goal is to produce predictions of the paths and propagation
  delays of plasma and energetic particle propagation. This is a key
  point for the data exploitation of the Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe
  Plus missions, and for establishing connections between remote and
  in-situ data. The background coronal magnetic field is currently
  determined via existing surface magnetograms and PFSS extrapolations,
  but the interface is ready to include different combinations of coronal
  field reconstruction methods (NLFFF, Solar Models), wind models (WSA,
  MULTI-VP), heliospheric models (Parker spiral, ENLIL, EUHFORIA). Some
  model realisations are also based on advanced magnetograms based on
  data assimilation techniques (ADAPT) and the HELCATS catalogue of
  simulations. The results from the different models will be combined in
  order to better assess the modelling uncertainties. The wind models
  provide synthetic white-light and EUV images which are compared to
  coronographic imagery, and the heliospheric models provide estimations
  of synthetic in-situ data wich are compared to spacecraft data. A part
  of this is work (wind modelling) is supported by the FP7 project #606692

Title: Space-weather assets developed by the French space-physics
Authors: Rouillard, A. P.; Pinto, R. F.; Brun, A. S.; Briand, C.;
   Bourdarie, S.; Dudok De Wit, T.; Amari, T.; Blelly, P. -L.; Buchlin,
   E.; Chambodut, A.; Claret, A.; Corbard, T.; Génot, V.; Guennou, C.;
   Klein, K. L.; Koechlin, L.; Lavarra, M.; Lavraud, B.; Leblanc, F.;
   Lemorton, J.; Lilensten, J.; Lopez-Ariste, A.; Marchaudon, A.; Masson,
   S.; Pariat, E.; Reville, V.; Turc, L.; Vilmer, N.; Zucarello, F. P.
2016sf2a.conf..297R    Altcode:
  We present a short review of space-weather tools and services developed
  and maintained by the French space-physics community. They include
  unique data from ground-based observatories, advanced numerical
  models, automated identification and tracking tools, a range of space
  instrumentation and interconnected virtual observatories. The aim of
  the article is to highlight some advances achieved in this field of
  research at the national level over the last decade and how certain
  assets could be combined to produce better space-weather tools
  exploitable by space-weather centres and customers worldwide. This
  review illustrates the wide range of expertise developed nationally
  but is not a systematic review of all assets developed in France.

Title: Small Scale Dynamo Magnetism And the Heating of the Quiet
    Sun Solar Atmosphere.
Authors: Amari, T.
2015AGUFMSH31B2412A    Altcode:
  The longstanding problem of the solar atmosphere heating has been
  addressed by many theoretical studies. Two specific mechanisms have been
  shown to play a key role in those : magnetic reconnection and waves. On
  the other hand the necessity of treating together chromosphere and
  corona has also been been stressed, with debates going on about the
  possibility of heating coronal plasma by energetic phenomena observed
  in the chromosphere,based on many key observations such as spicules,
  tornadoes…. We present some recent results about the modeling
  of quiet Sun heating in which magnetic fields are generated by a
  subphotospheric fluid dynamo which is connected to granulation. The
  model shows a topologically complex magnetic field of 160 G on the Sun's
  surface, agreeing with inferences obtained from spectropolarimetric
  observations.Those generated magnetic fields emerge into the
  chromosphere, providing the required energy flux and then small-scale
  eruptions releasing magnetic energy and driving sonic motions. Some of
  the more energetic eruptions can affect the very low corona only.It is
  also found that taking into account a vertical weak network magnetic
  field then allows to provide energy higher in the corona, while leaving
  unchanged the physics of chromospheric eruptions. The coronal heating
  mechanism rests on the eventual dissipation of Alfven waves generated
  inside the chromosphere and carrying upwards an adequate energy flux,
  while more energetic phenomena contribute only weakly to the heating
  of the corona.

Title: The Influence of Spatial resolution on Nonlinear Force-free
Authors: DeRosa, M. L.; Wheatland, M. S.; Leka, K. D.; Barnes, G.;
   Amari, T.; Canou, A.; Gilchrist, S. A.; Thalmann, J. K.; Valori,
   G.; Wiegelmann, T.; Schrijver, C. J.; Malanushenko, A.; Sun, X.;
   Régnier, S.
2015ApJ...811..107D    Altcode: 2015arXiv150805455D
  The nonlinear force-free field (NLFFF) model is often used to
  describe the solar coronal magnetic field, however a series of
  earlier studies revealed difficulties in the numerical solution of the
  model in application to photospheric boundary data. We investigate
  the sensitivity of the modeling to the spatial resolution of the
  boundary data, by applying multiple codes that numerically solve the
  NLFFF model to a sequence of vector magnetogram data at different
  resolutions, prepared from a single Hinode/Solar Optical Telescope
  Spectro-Polarimeter scan of NOAA Active Region 10978 on 2007 December
  13. We analyze the resulting energies and relative magnetic helicities,
  employ a Helmholtz decomposition to characterize divergence errors, and
  quantify changes made by the codes to the vector magnetogram boundary
  data in order to be compatible with the force-free model. This study
  shows that NLFFF modeling results depend quantitatively on the spatial
  resolution of the input boundary data, and that using more highly
  resolved boundary data yields more self-consistent results. The
  free energies of the resulting solutions generally trend higher
  with increasing resolution, while relative magnetic helicity values
  vary significantly between resolutions for all methods. All methods
  require changing the horizontal components, and for some methods also
  the vertical components, of the vector magnetogram boundary field in
  excess of nominal uncertainties in the data. The solutions produced
  by the various methods are significantly different at each resolution
  level. We continue to recommend verifying agreement between the modeled
  field lines and corresponding coronal loop images before any NLFFF
  model is used in a scientific setting.

Title: Small-scale dynamo magnetism as the driver for heating the
    solar atmosphere
Authors: Amari, Tahar; Luciani, Jean-François; Aly, Jean-Jacques
2015Natur.522..188A    Altcode:
  The long-standing problem of how the solar atmosphere is heated has been
  addressed by many theoretical studies, which have stressed the relevance
  of two specific mechanisms, involving magnetic reconnection and waves,
  as well as the necessity of treating the chromosphere and corona
  together. But a fully consistent model has not yet been constructed and
  debate continues, in particular about the possibility of coronal plasma
  being heated by energetic phenomena observed in the chromosphere. Here
  we report modelling of the heating of the quiet Sun, in which magnetic
  fields are generated by a subphotospheric fluid dynamo intrinsically
  connected to granulation. We find that the fields expand into the
  chromosphere, where plasma is heated at the rate required to match
  observations (4,500 watts per square metre) by small-scale eruptions
  that release magnetic energy and drive sonic motions. Some energetic
  eruptions can even reach heights of 10 million metres above the surface
  of the Sun, thereby affecting the very low corona. Extending the model
  by also taking into account the vertical weak network magnetic field
  allows for the existence of a mechanism able to heat the corona above,
  while leaving unchanged the physics of chromospheric eruptions. Such a
  mechanism rests on the eventual dissipation of Alfvén waves generated
  inside the chromosphere and that carry upwards the required energy
  flux of 300 watts per square metre. The model shows a topologically
  complex magnetic field of 160 gauss on the Sun's surface, agreeing with
  inferences obtained from spectropolarimetric observations, chromospheric
  features (contributing only weakly to the coronal heating) that can
  be identified with observed spicules and blinkers, and vortices that
  may be possibly associated with observed solar tornadoes.

Title: Characterizing and predicting the magnetic environment leading
    to solar eruptions
Authors: Amari, Tahar; Canou, Aurélien; Aly, Jean-Jacques
2014Natur.514..465A    Altcode:
  The physical mechanism responsible for coronal mass ejections has been
  uncertain for many years, in large part because of the difficulty of
  knowing the three-dimensional magnetic field in the low corona. Two
  possible models have emerged. In the first, a twisted flux rope moves
  out of equilibrium or becomes unstable, and the subsequent reconnection
  then powers the ejection. In the second, a new flux rope forms as a
  result of the reconnection of the magnetic lines of an arcade (a group
  of arches of field lines) during the eruption itself. Observational
  support for both mechanisms has been claimed. Here we report modelling
  which demonstrates that twisted flux ropes lead to the ejection,
  in support of the first model. After seeing a coronal mass ejection,
  we use the observed photospheric magnetic field in that region from
  four days earlier as a boundary condition to determine the magnetic
  field configuration. The field evolves slowly before the eruption,
  such that it can be treated effectively as a static solution. We find
  that on the fourth day a flux rope forms and grows (increasing its free
  energy). This solution then becomes the initial condition as we let
  the model evolve dynamically under conditions driven by photospheric
  changes (such as flux cancellation). When the magnetic energy stored
  in the configuration is too high, no equilibrium is possible and the
  flux rope is `squeezed' upwards. The subsequent reconnection drives
  a mass ejection.

Title: Reconstruction of the solar coronal magnetic field in
    spherical geometry
Authors: Amari, T.; Aly, J. -J.; Canou, A.; Mikic, Z.
2013A&A...553A..43A    Altcode:
  Context. High-resolution vector magnetographs either onboard spacecrafts
  or satellites (HMI/SDO, etc.) or ground based (SOLIS, etc.) now
  gives access to vector synoptic maps, composite magnetograms made of
  multiple interactive active regions, and full disk magnetograms. It
  thus become possible to reconstruct the coronal magnetic field on the
  full Sun scale. <BR /> Aims: We present a method for reconstructing
  the global solar coronal magnetic field as a nonlinear force-free
  field. It is based on a well-posed Grad-Rubin iterative scheme adapted
  to spherical coordinates <BR /> Methods: This method is a natural
  extension to spherical geometry of the one we previously developed in
  Cartesian geometry. It is implemented in the code XTRAPOLS, which
  is a massively parallel code. It allows dealing with the strong
  constraints put on the computational methods by having to handle the
  very large amounts of data contained in high-resolution large-scale
  magnetograms. The method exploits the mixed elliptic-hyperbolic nature
  of the Grad-Rubin boundary value problem. It uses a finite-difference
  method for the elliptic part and a method of characteristics for the
  hyperbolic part. The computed field guarantees to be divergence free
  up to round-off errors, by introducing a representation in terms of a
  vector potential satisfying specific gauge conditions. The construction
  of the latter - called here the restricted DeVore gauge - is described
  in detail in an appendix. <BR /> Results: We show that XTRAPOLS performs
  well by applying it to the reconstruction of a particular semi-analytic
  force-free field that has already been considered by various authors.

Title: Progress on Reconstructing the Solar Coronal Magnetic Field
    above Active region at different scales
Authors: Canou, A.; Amari, T.
2013enss.confE.112C    Altcode:
  he low solar corona is dominated by the magnetic field which is created
  in the Sun's interior by a dynamo process and which then emerges into
  the atmosphere. This magnetic field plays an important role in most
  structures and phenomena observed at various wavelengths such as
  prominences, small and large scale eruptive events, and continuous
  heating of the plasma. It is therefore important to understand
  its three-dimensional properties in order to elaborate efficient
  theoretical models. Unfortunately, the magnetic field is difficult
  to measure locally in the hot and tenuous corona. But this can be
  done at the level of the cooler and denser photosphere, and several
  instruments with high resolution vector magnetographs are currently
  available (e.g. THEMIS/MTR, SOLIS/VSM, HINODE/SOT/SP or SDO/HMI) or
  will be available on future programmed missions (e.g. Solar Orbiter,
  ATST and EST). This has lead solar physicists to develop an approach
  which consists in reconstructing the coronal magnetic field from
  boundary data given on the photosphere. <P />We will present our recent
  progress and results to solve this problem at the active region scale
  or the larger one such as the full disk or synoptic one, for which
  the large amount of data as well as their sparsity on the solar disk,
  require to develop particular strategies. We will also show how this
  can be helpful to characterize the many aspects of active regions
  during their static or pre-eruptive evolution phases.

Title: On Some Algorithm for Modeling the Solar Coronal Magnetic
    Field as MHD Equilibrium on Unstructured Mesh
Authors: Amari, T.; Delyon, F.; Alauzet, F.; Frey, P.; Olivier, G.;
   Aly, J. J.; SDO/HMI Team
2012ASPC..459..189A    Altcode:
  The low solar corona is dominated by the magnetic field which is
  created inside the sun by a dynamo process and then emerges into
  the atmosphere. This magnetic field plays an important role in most
  structures and phenomena observed at various wavelengths such as
  prominences, small and large scale eruptive events, and continuous
  heating of the plasma, and therefore it is important to understand
  its three-dimensional properties in order to elaborate efficient
  theoretical models. Unfortunately, the magnetic field is difficult
  to measure locally in the hot and tenuous corona. But this can be
  done at the level of the cooler and denser photosphere, and several
  instruments with high resolution vector magnetographs are currently
  available (THEMIS, Imaging Vector Magnetograph (IVM), the Advanced
  Stokes Polarimeter (ASP), SOLIS, HINODE , Solar Dynamics Observatory
  (SDO), or will be shortly availableby future telescopes such as EST
  and solar missions as SOLAR-ORBITER. This has lead solar physicists
  to develop an approach which consists in "Reconstructing" the coronal
  magnetic field from boundary data given on the photosphere. We will
  present some of the issues we encountered in solving this problem
  numerically as well our recent progress and results.

Title: Quasi-static evolution of the reconstructed magnetic field
    of an emerging and eruptive active region
Authors: Canou, A.; Amari, T.
2012EAS....55..125C    Altcode:
  We study the evolution of the emerging and eruptive Active Region
  (AR) 10930 for which the coronal magnetic field is reconstructed as
  a nonlinear force-free field along with vector magnetograms obtained
  from Hinode/SOT/SP data. We show that the AR evolves quasi-statically
  during several days through a sequence of equilibria until the time
  of the eruption. In addition this sequence emphasizes the formation
  and expansion of a coronal Twisted Flux Rope (TFR) which is related to
  other observed coronal structures. On the other hand, the pre-eruptive
  and post-eruptive magnetic configurations show that the pre-eruptive
  TFR plays a crucial role during the eruption.

Title: Coronal relative magnetic helicities and subsurface kinetic
    helicities of active regions
Authors: Petrie, Gordon; Komm, Rudolf; Amari, Tahar
2012shin.confE.117P    Altcode:
  Excess of helicity in coronal magnetic structures has often been
  linked to their instability and eruption. Moreover, active regions
  associated with subphotospheric patterns of strong subsurface kinetic
  helicity have been found to be more flare productive. How are these
  atmospheric magnetic and subsurface fluid helicities related? Using
  SOLIS vector magnetic magnetograms, the XTRAPOL nonlinear force-free
  field extrapolation code and GONG helioseismic data we study the coronal
  relative magnetic helicities of a set of active regions in combination
  with their subsurface kinetic helicities in order to better understand
  the transport processes of helicity in solar activity.

Title: Self-gravitating Body with an Internal Magnetic Field. I. New
    Analytical Equilibria
Authors: Aly, J. -J.; Amari, T.
2012ApJ...750....4A    Altcode:
  We construct exact analytical solutions of the equations describing
  the equilibrium of a self-gravitating magnetized fluid body,
  possibly rigidly rotating, by superposing two solutions of finite
  energy defined in the whole space, one describing a non-magnetized
  gravitating equilibrium (ST1) and the other describing a magnetized
  non-gravitating equilibrium (ST2). A large number of ST1s can be
  found in the literature and directly used for our constructions, and
  we thus concentrate on ST2s, which are difficult to obtain. We derive
  some of their general properties and exhibit two explicit classes of
  axisymmetric "elementary" such equilibria. The first one is extracted
  from the stellar models proposed by Prendergast and by Kutvitskii &amp;
  Solov'ev, respectively. The second one is constructed by using Palumbo's
  theory of isodynamic equilibria, for which the magnetic pressure is
  constant on each flux surface. Both types of ST2s have their magnetic
  field confined within a bounded region, respectively, of spherical and
  toroidal shapes. A much more general ST2 can be obtained by juxtaposing
  n+q elementary ST2s, with n of the first type and q of the second type,
  in such a way that the magnetic regions do not pairwise overlap. The
  specific equilibria we obtain by superposition thus have no external
  field extending to infinity, and may be three dimensional (3D), which
  invalidates a recent nonexistence conjecture. Moreover, they may be
  arranged to contain force-free regions. Our superposition method can
  be considered as a 3D generalization of the axisymmetric splitting
  method previously developed by Kutvitskii &amp; Solov'ev.

Title: Connecting the photosphere to the corona : Reconstructing
    the Solar Coronal Magnetic Field
Authors: Amari, T.; Delyon, F.; Alauzet, F.; Canou, A.; Mikic, Z.;
   Aly, J. J.; Solis Team; Stanford Sdo/Hmi Team
2012decs.confE..50A    Altcode:
  The low solar corona is dominated by the magnetic field which is
  created inside the sun by a dynamo process and then emerges into
  the atmosphere. This magnetic field plays an important role in most
  structures and phenomena observed at various wavelengths such as
  prominences, small and large scale eruptive events, and continuous
  heating of the plasma, and therefore it is important to understand
  its three-dimensional properties in order to elaborate efficient
  theoretical models. Unfortunately, the magnetic field is difficult
  to measure locally in the hot and tenuous corona. But this can be
  done at the level of the cooler and denser photosphere, and several
  instruments with high resolution vector magnetographs are currently
  available (THEMIS, Imaging Vector Magnetograph (IVM), the Advanced
  Stokes Polarimeter (ASP)), SOLIS, HINODE , Solar Dynamics Observatory
  (SDO), or will be shortly available and future programmed missions
  such as , SOLAR-ORBITER. This has lead solar physicists to develop
  an approach which consists in reconstructing the coronal magnetic
  field from boundary data given on the photosphere. We will present
  our recent progress and results to solve this problem at the scale of
  active regions or larger ones such as full disk or synoptic scales,
  for which the large amount of data as well as their sparsity on the
  solar disk, require to develop particular strategies. We will also
  illustrate the interest of the reconstruction for characterizing
  the magnetic environments of prominences, emerging sub-photospheric
  structures and the pre-eruptive ones.

Title: Magnetic bubbles and magnetic towers - I. General properties
    and simple analytical models
Authors: Aly, J. -J.; Amari, T.
2012MNRAS.420..237A    Altcode: 2011MNRAS.tmp.2086A
  We consider magnetostatic equilibria in which a bounded region D
  containing a magnetized plasma is either fully confined by a field-free
  external medium - magnetic bubble equilibria (MBEqs) - or is confined
  by both such a medium and line-tying in a dense plasma region -
  magnetic tower equilibria (MTEqs). We first establish some of their
  general properties. In particular, we derive a series of useful integral
  equalities relating the magnetic field and the thermal pressures inside
  and outside D, respectively. We use them to prove the non-existence
  of an axisymmetric MBEq with a purely poloidal field, and to discuss
  some recent results of Braithwaite on MBEq formation by relaxation
  from an initial non-equilibrium state. We next present two families
  of exact analytical axisymmetric MBEqs with, respectively, spherical
  and toroidal shapes. The first family is extracted from Prendergast's
  model of a self-gravitating magnetized body, while the second one
  is constructed by using Palumbo's theory of isodynamic equilibria,
  for which both magnetic and thermal pressures take constant values on
  any flux surface. MTEqs with a large variety of structures are thus
  obtained in a simple way: we start from an arbitrary MBEq and just
  consider the part of it above a given plane cutting the bubble D. For
  MBEqs and MTEqs in either family, we compute in closed form most of the
  interesting physical quantities (such as energy, magnetic helicity and
  twist). Our results are expected to be useful for building up simple
  models of several astrophysical objects (such as X-ray cavities in the
  intracluster medium, jets emitted by disc accreting compact objects,
  eruptive events in stellar coronae and their ejecta).

Title: Coronal Mass Ejection Initiation by Converging Photospheric
Flows: Toward a Realistic Model
Authors: Amari, T.; Aly, J. -J.; Luciani, J. -F.; Mikic, Z.; Linker, J.
2011ApJ...742L..27A    Altcode:
  In the context of coronal mass ejections triggering, we reconsider
  the class of models in which the evolution of an active region
  (AR) is driven by imposed boundary motions converging toward the
  polarity inversion line (PIL). We introduce a new model problem in
  which there is a large-scale flow with a diverging structure on the
  photosphere. This flow is reminiscent of that of the well-known moat
  flow around each of the two spots of a bipolar AR and transports only
  part of the magnetic flux toward the PIL. It is thus more compatible
  with observations than the one used in our previous study, which forced
  the whole positive and negative polarity parts of the AR approaching
  each other. We also include a diffusion term associated with small-scale
  turbulent photospheric motions, but keep the associated diffusivity at
  a low value in the particular study described here. We show that the
  evolution of an initial sheared force-free field first leads to the
  formation of a twisted flux rope which stays in equilibrium for some
  time. Eventually, however, the configuration suffers a global disruption
  whose underlying mechanism is found by energetic considerations to
  be nonequilibrium. It begins indeed when the magnetic energy becomes
  of the order of the energy of an accessible partially open field. For
  triggering an eruption by converging flows, it is thus not necessary
  to advect the whole AR toward the PIL, but only its central part.

Title: Nonlinear Force-Free and Potential-Field Models of
    Active-Region and Global Coronal Fields during the Whole Heliosphere
Authors: Petrie, G. J. D.; Canou, A.; Amari, T.
2011SoPh..274..163P    Altcode: 2010arXiv1010.6283P
  Between 24 March 2008 and 2 April 2008, the three active regions (ARs)
  NOAA 10987, 10988 and 10989 were observed daily by the Synoptic Optical
  Long-term Investigations of the Sun (SOLIS) Vector Spectro-Magnetograph
  (VSM) while they traversed the solar disk. We use these measurements and
  the nonlinear force-free magnetic field code XTRAPOL to reconstruct the
  coronal magnetic field for each active region and compare model field
  lines with images from the Solar Terrestrial RElations Observatory
  (STEREO) and Hinode X-ray Telescope (XRT) telescopes. Synoptic maps
  made from continuous, round-the-clock Global Oscillations Network Group
  (GONG) magnetograms provide information on the global photospheric field
  and potential-field source-surface models based on these maps describe
  the global coronal field during the Whole Heliosphere Interval (WHI)
  and its neighboring rotations. Features of the modeled global field,
  such as the coronal holes and streamer-belt locations, are discussed
  in comparison with extreme ultra-violet and coronagraph observations
  from STEREO. The global field is found to be far from a minimum, dipolar
  state. From the nonlinear models we compute physical quantities for the
  active regions such as the photospheric magnetic and electric current
  fluxes, the free magnetic energy and the relative helicity for each
  region each day where observations permit. The interconnectivity of
  the three regions is addressed in the context of the potential-field
  source-surface model. Using local and global quantities derived from
  the models, we briefly discuss the different observed activity levels
  of the regions.

Title: Reconstruction of the solar coronal magnetic field, from
    active region to large scale
Authors: Amari, T.; Canou, A.; Delyon, F.; Aly, J. J.; Frey, P.;
   Alauzet, F.
2011sf2a.conf..389A    Altcode:
  The low solar corona is dominated by the magnetic field which is
  created inside the sun by a dynamo process and then emerges into
  the atmosphere. This magnetic field plays an important role in most
  structures and phenomena observed at various wavelengths such as
  prominences, small and large scale eruptive events, and continuous
  heating of the plasma, and therefore it is important to understand
  its three-dimensional properties in order to elaborate efficient
  theoretical models. Unfortunately, the magnetic field is difficult
  to measure locally in the hot and tenuous corona. But this can be
  done at the level of the cooler and denser photosphere, and several
  instruments with high resolution vector magnetographs are currently
  available (THEMIS, Imaging Vector Magnetograph (IVM), the Advanced
  Stokes Polarimeter (ASP), SOLIS, HINODE, Solar Dynamics Observatory
  (SDO), or will be shortly available by future telescopes such as EST
  and solar missions as SOLAR-ORBITER. This has lead solar physicists to
  develop an approach which consists in " reconstructing" the coronal
  magnetic field from boundary data given on the photosphere. We will
  discuss some of the issues encountered in solving this problem as well
  our recent progress and results at the scale of active region scales
  or the larger one such as full sun scale.

Title: Nonlinear Force-Free and Potential-Field Models of Active
    Region and Global Coronal Fields
Authors: Petrie, Gordon; Canou, Aurelien; Amari, Tahar
2011shin.confE..48P    Altcode:
  We use daily observations by the Synoptic Optical Long-term
  Investigations of the Sun (SOLIS) Vector Spectro-Magnetograph (VSM)
  and the nonlinear force-free magnetic field code XTRAPOL to reconstruct
  the coronal magnetic field for selected active regions. We compare model
  field lines with images from the Solar Terrestrial RElations Observatory
  (STEREO) and Hinode X-ray Telescope (XRT) telescopes. Synoptic maps
  made from continuous, round-the-clock Global Oscillations Network Group
  (GONG) magnetograms provide information on the global photospheric
  field and potential-field source-surface models based on these maps
  describe the global coronal field. <P />Features of the modeled
  global field, such as the coronal holes and streamer-belt locations,
  are presented in comparison with extreme ultra-violet and coronagraph
  observations from STEREO. From the nonlinear models we compute physical
  quantities for the active regions such as the photospheric magnetic
  and electric current fluxes, the free magnetic energy and the relative
  helicity for each region each day where observations permit. The
  potential-field source-surface models also provide information on the
  connectivity of the active region fields to their surroundings and to
  the heliosphere. Using local and global quantities derived from the
  models, we briefly discuss the different observed activity levels of
  the regions.

Title: Observational constraints on well-posed reconstruction methods
    and the optimization-Grad-Rubin method
Authors: Amari, T.; Aly, J. -J.
2010A&A...522A..52A    Altcode:
  Context. Grad-Rubin type methods are interesting candidates for
  reconstructing the force-free magnetic field of a solar coronal
  region. As input these methods, however, require the normal component
  B<SUB>n</SUB> of the field on the whole boundary of the numerical
  box and the force-free function α on the part of the boundary where
  B<SUB>n</SUB> &gt; 0 (or B<SUB>n</SUB> &lt; 0), while observations
  provide data only on its lower photospheric part. Moreover, they
  introduce an unpleasing asymmetry between the opposite polarity
  parts of the boundary, and certainly do not take full advantage
  of the available data on α. <BR /> Aims: We address these issues
  resulting from observations. We present a possible way to supply the
  missing information about B<SUB>n</SUB> and α on the non-photospheric
  sides of the box, and to use more effectively the data provided by the
  measurements. <BR /> Methods: We introduce the optimization-Grad-Rubin
  method (OGRM), which is in some sense midway between optimization
  methods and the standard Grad-Rubin methods. It is based on an iterative
  scheme in which the α used as a boundary condition is imposed to
  take identical values at both footpoints of any field line and to be
  as close as possible to the α provided by the measurements on the
  photosphere. The degree of “closeness” is measured by an “error
  functional” containing a weight function reflecting the confidence
  that can be placed on the observational data. <BR /> Results: The new
  method is implemented in our code XTRAPOL, along with some technical
  improvements. It is thus tested for two specific choices of the weight
  function by reconstructing a force-free field from data obtained by
  perturbing in either a random or a non-random way boundary values
  provided by an exact solution.

Title: Coronal Mass Ejection Initiation: On the Nature of the Flux
    Cancellation Model
Authors: Amari, T.; Aly, J. -J.; Mikic, Z.; Linker, J.
2010ApJ...717L..26A    Altcode: 2010arXiv1005.4669A
  We consider a three-dimensional bipolar force-free magnetic field with a
  nonzero magnetic helicity, occupying a half-space, and study the problem
  of its evolution driven by an imposed photospheric flux decrease. For
  this specific setting of the Flux Cancellation Model describing
  coronal mass ejections occurring in active regions, we address the
  issues of the physical meaning of flux decrease, of the influence on
  field evolution of the size of the domain over which this decrease is
  imposed, and of the existence of an energetic criterion characterizing
  the possible onset of disruption of the configuration. We show that
  (1) the imposed flux disappearance can be interpreted in terms of
  transport of positive and negative fluxes toward the inversion line,
  where they get annihilated. (2) For the particular case actually
  computed, in which the initial state is quite sheared, the formation
  of a twisted flux rope and the subsequent global disruption of the
  configuration are obtained when the flux has decreased by only a
  modest amount over a limited part of the whole active region. (3)
  The disruption is produced when the magnetic energy becomes of the
  order of the decreasing energy of a semi-open field, and then before
  reaching the energy of the associated fully open field. This suggests
  that the mechanism leading to the disruption is nonequilibrium as in
  the case where flux is imposed to decrease over the whole region.

Title: A Twisted Flux Rope as the Magnetic Structure of a Filament
    in Active Region 10953 Observed by Hinode
Authors: Canou, A.; Amari, T.
2010ApJ...715.1566C    Altcode:
  The presence of twisted flux ropes (TFRs) in pre-eruptive/flaring
  magnetic configurations is of main interest for our understanding
  of the structure and dynamics of the solar corona. On the one hand,
  their presence is a key ingredient in several theoretical models for the
  magnetic support of material in filaments, or triggering of coronal mass
  ejections as well as the emergence of structures from the convection
  zone into the corona. On the other hand, several observations have shown
  the presence of twist and shear during eruptive and flaring phases of
  eruptive phenomena. In this paper, we consider the determination of
  the magnetic structure of active region (AR) 10953 observed by Hinode
  and reconstructed using our two nonlinear force-free models. We show
  that the reconstructed magnetic configurations exhibit a TFR along
  the southern part of the neutral line. Moreover, the location of the
  magnetic dips within the TFR agrees within a good level of accuracy with
  the Hα images taken by SMART and the vertically integrated current
  density recovers the main structure present in Hinode/XRT images. The
  free magnetic energy is also found to be large enough to power the two
  C-class flares of the following days. We finally compare our results
  with those of Su et al. who proposed an interesting model of the same
  AR in which a TFR is inserted at the same location using the flux rope
  insertion method.

Title: Does the Compression or the Expansion of a Simple Topology
    Potential Magnetic Field Lead to the Development of Current Sheets?
Authors: Aly, J. J.; Amari, T.
2010ApJ...709L..99A    Altcode:
  Janse &amp; Low have most recently addressed the following
  question. Consider a cylindrical domain containing a simple topology
  potential magnetic field threading its lower and upper horizontal
  faces, and a perfectly conducting plasma. Suppose that this domain
  is made to slowly contract or expand in the vertical direction, so
  driving the field into a quasi-static evolution through a series of
  force-free configurations. Then are these configurations smooth, or do
  they contain current sheets (CSs)? We reexamine here their three-step
  argument leading to the conclusion that CSs form most generally. We
  prove analytically that the field has to evolve through "topologically
  untwisted" and "nonpotential" configurations, thus confirming the first
  two steps. However, we find the third step—leading to the conclusion
  that a smooth untwisted force-free field is necessarily potential—to
  be very disputable.

Title: Nonlinear Force-Free Magnetic Field Modeling of AR 10953:
    A Critical Assessment
Authors: De Rosa, Marc L.; Schrijver, C. J.; Barnes, G.; Leka, K. D.;
   Lites, B. W.; Aschwanden, M. J.; Amari, T.; Canou, A.; McTiernan,
   J. M.; Régnier, S.; Thalmann, J. K.; Valori, G.; Wheatland, M. S.;
   Wiegelmann, T.; Cheung, M. C. M.; Conlon, P. A.; Fuhrmann, M.;
   Inhester, B.; Tadesse, T.
2009SPD....40.3102D    Altcode:
  Nonlinear force-free field (NLFFF) modeling seeks to provide accurate
  representations of the structure of the magnetic field above solar
  active regions, from which estimates of physical quantities of interest
  (e.g., free energy and helicity) can be made. However, the suite of
  NLFFF algorithms have failed to arrive at consistent solutions when
  applied to (thus far, two) cases using the highest-available-resolution
  vector magnetogram data from Hinode/SOT-SP (in the region of the
  modeling area of interest) and line-of-sight magnetograms from
  SOHO/MDI (where vector data were not available). One issue is that
  NLFFF models require consistent, force-free vector magnetic boundary
  data, and vector magnetogram data sampling the photosphere do not
  satisfy this requirement. Consequently, several problems have arisen
  that are believed to affect such modeling efforts. We use AR 10953
  to illustrate these problems, namely: (1) some of the far-reaching,
  current-carrying connections are exterior to the observational field
  of view, (2) the solution algorithms do not (yet) incorporate the
  measurement uncertainties in the vector magnetogram data, and/or (3)
  a better way is needed to account for the Lorentz forces within the
  layer between the photosphere and coronal base. In light of these
  issues, we conclude that it remains difficult to derive useful and
  significant estimates of physical quantities from NLFFF models.

Title: A Critical Assessment of Nonlinear Force-Free Field Modeling
    of the Solar Corona for Active Region 10953
Authors: De Rosa, Marc L.; Schrijver, Carolus J.; Barnes, Graham;
   Leka, K. D.; Lites, Bruce W.; Aschwanden, Markus J.; Amari, Tahar;
   Canou, Aurélien; McTiernan, James M.; Régnier, Stéphane; Thalmann,
   Julia K.; Valori, Gherardo; Wheatland, Michael S.; Wiegelmann, Thomas;
   Cheung, Mark C. M.; Conlon, Paul A.; Fuhrmann, Marcel; Inhester,
   Bernd; Tadesse, Tilaye
2009ApJ...696.1780D    Altcode: 2009arXiv0902.1007D
  Nonlinear force-free field (NLFFF) models are thought to be viable
  tools for investigating the structure, dynamics, and evolution of
  the coronae of solar active regions. In a series of NLFFF modeling
  studies, we have found that NLFFF models are successful in application
  to analytic test cases, and relatively successful when applied
  to numerically constructed Sun-like test cases, but they are less
  successful in application to real solar data. Different NLFFF models
  have been found to have markedly different field line configurations
  and to provide widely varying estimates of the magnetic free energy in
  the coronal volume, when applied to solar data. NLFFF models require
  consistent, force-free vector magnetic boundary data. However,
  vector magnetogram observations sampling the photosphere, which is
  dynamic and contains significant Lorentz and buoyancy forces, do not
  satisfy this requirement, thus creating several major problems for
  force-free coronal modeling efforts. In this paper, we discuss NLFFF
  modeling of NOAA Active Region 10953 using Hinode/SOT-SP, Hinode/XRT,
  STEREO/SECCHI-EUVI, and SOHO/MDI observations, and in the process
  illustrate three such issues we judge to be critical to the success of
  NLFFF modeling: (1) vector magnetic field data covering larger areas
  are needed so that more electric currents associated with the full
  active regions of interest are measured, (2) the modeling algorithms
  need a way to accommodate the various uncertainties in the boundary
  data, and (3) a more realistic physical model is needed to approximate
  the photosphere-to-corona interface in order to better transform the
  forced photospheric magnetograms into adequate approximations of nearly
  force-free fields at the base of the corona. We make recommendations
  for future modeling efforts to overcome these as yet unsolved problems.

Title: Evidence for a Pre-Eruptive Twisted Flux Rope Using the Themis
    Vector Magnetograph
Authors: Canou, A.; Amari, T.; Bommier, V.; Schmieder, B.; Aulanier,
   G.; Li, H.
2009ApJ...693L..27C    Altcode:
  Although there is evidence that twisted structures form during
  large-scale eruptive events, it is not yet clear whether these exist in
  the pre-eruptive phase as twisted flux ropes (TFRs) in equilibrium. This
  question has become a major issue since several theoretical mechanisms
  can lead to the formation of TFRs. These models consider either the
  evolution of a coronal configuration driven by photospheric changes or
  the emergence of TFR from the convection zone. We consider as a target
  for addressing this issue the active region NOAA AR 10808 known at
  the origin of several large-scale eruptive phenomena, and associated
  with the emergence of a δ-spot. Using the THEMIS vector magnetogram
  as photospheric boundary conditions for our nonlinear force-free
  reconstruction model of the low corona and without any other assumption,
  we show that the resulting pre-eruptive configuration exhibits a TFR
  above the neutral line of the emerging δ-spot. In addition, the free
  magnetic energy of this configuration could even be large enough to
  explain such resulting large-scale eruptive events.

Title: Magnetic flux ropes: Fundamental structures for eruptive
Authors: Amari, Tahar; Aly, Jean-Jacques
2009IAUS..257..211A    Altcode:
  We consider some general aspects of twisted magnetic flux ropes
  (TFR), which are thought to play a fundamental role in the structure
  and dynamics of large scale eruptive events. We first discuss
  the possibility to show the presence of a TFR in a pre-eruptive
  configuration by using a model along with observational informations
  provided by a vector magnetograph. Then we present, in the framework of
  a generic model in which the coronal field is driven into an evolution
  by changes imposed at the photospheric level, several mechanisms which
  may lead to the formation and the disruption of a TFR, including the
  development of a MHD instability, and we discuss the issues of the
  energy and helicity contents of an erupting configuration. Finally we
  report some results of a recent and more ambitious approach to the
  physics of TFRs in which one tries to describe in a consistent way
  their rising through the convection zone, their emergence through the
  photosphere, and their subsequent evolution in the corona.

Title: Coronal Closure of Subphotospheric MHD Convection for the
    Quiet Sun
Authors: Amari, T.; Luciani, J. F.; Aly, J. J.
2008ApJ...681L..45A    Altcode:
  We use our resistive layer model (RLM), which stresses the importance of
  the resistivity at the photospheric interface, to study the evolution of
  a solar coronal quiet region driven by subphotospheric convection. The
  initial version of the RLM is improved by introducing a new Boussinesq
  MHD model for the upper part of the convection zone (CZ), while the
  low-beta corona is still described by a MHD model. We compute the
  evolution of a weak magnetic field introduced initially in the CZ. We
  observe its amplification by the turbulence, the concentration of
  the photospheric flux at the boundaries of the convection cells, the
  coalescence and the cancellation of flux elements, and the transfer
  of about 10% of the magnetic energy into the corona. The currents
  associated with the nonpotential coronal field are found to be organized
  in filament-like localized structures due to the photospheric vortices
  and the complexity of the magnetic topology. Their resistive dissipation
  contributes to the heating of the quiet corona.

Title: Non-Linear Force-Free Field Modeling of a Solar Active Region
    Around the Time of a Major Flare and Coronal Mass Ejection
Authors: De Rosa, M. L.; Schrijver, C. J.; Metcalf, T. R.; Barnes,
   G.; Lites, B.; Tarbell, T.; McTiernan, J.; Valori, G.; Wiegelmann,
   T.; Wheatland, M.; Amari, T.; Aulanier, G.; Démoulin, P.; Fuhrmann,
   M.; Kusano, K.; Régnier, S.; Thalmann, J.
2008AGUSMSP31A..06D    Altcode:
  Solar flares and coronal mass ejections are associated with rapid
  changes in coronal magnetic field connectivity and are powered by
  the partial dissipation of electrical currents that run through
  the solar corona. A critical unanswered question is whether the
  currents involved are induced by the advection along the photosphere
  of pre-existing atmospheric magnetic flux, or whether these currents
  are associated with newly emergent flux. We address this problem by
  applying nonlinear force-free field (NLFFF) modeling to the highest
  resolution and quality vector-magnetographic data observed by the
  recently launched Hinode satellite on NOAA Active Region 10930 around
  the time of a powerful X3.4 flare in December 2006. We compute 14
  NLFFF models using 4 different codes having a variety of boundary
  conditions. We find that the model fields differ markedly in geometry,
  energy content, and force-freeness. We do find agreement of the best-fit
  model field with the observed coronal configuration, and argue (1)
  that strong electrical currents emerge together with magnetic flux
  preceding the flare, (2) that these currents are carried in an ensemble
  of thin strands, (3) that the global pattern of these currents and
  of field lines are compatible with a large-scale twisted flux rope
  topology, and (4) that the ~1032~erg change in energy associated with
  the coronal electrical currents suffices to power the flare and its
  associated coronal mass ejection. We discuss the relative merits of
  these models in a general critique of our present abilities to model
  the coronal magnetic field based on surface vector field measurements.

Title: Nonlinear Force-free Field Modeling of a Solar Active Region
    around the Time of a Major Flare and Coronal Mass Ejection
Authors: Schrijver, C. J.; DeRosa, M. L.; Metcalf, T.; Barnes, G.;
   Lites, B.; Tarbell, T.; McTiernan, J.; Valori, G.; Wiegelmann, T.;
   Wheatland, M. S.; Amari, T.; Aulanier, G.; Démoulin, P.; Fuhrmann,
   M.; Kusano, K.; Régnier, S.; Thalmann, J. K.
2008ApJ...675.1637S    Altcode: 2007arXiv0712.0023S
  Solar flares and coronal mass ejections are associated with rapid
  changes in field connectivity and are powered by the partial dissipation
  of electrical currents in the solar atmosphere. A critical unanswered
  question is whether the currents involved are induced by the motion of
  preexisting atmospheric magnetic flux subject to surface plasma flows or
  whether these currents are associated with the emergence of flux from
  within the solar convective zone. We address this problem by applying
  state-of-the-art nonlinear force-free field (NLFFF) modeling to the
  highest resolution and quality vector-magnetographic data observed
  by the recently launched Hinode satellite on NOAA AR 10930 around
  the time of a powerful X3.4 flare. We compute 14 NLFFF models with
  four different codes and a variety of boundary conditions. We find
  that the model fields differ markedly in geometry, energy content,
  and force-freeness. We discuss the relative merits of these models in
  a general critique of present abilities to model the coronal magnetic
  field based on surface vector field measurements. For our application
  in particular, we find a fair agreement of the best-fit model field
  with the observed coronal configuration, and argue (1) that strong
  electrical currents emerge together with magnetic flux preceding the
  flare, (2) that these currents are carried in an ensemble of thin
  strands, (3) that the global pattern of these currents and of field
  lines are compatible with a large-scale twisted flux rope topology,
  and (4) that the ~10<SUP>32</SUP> erg change in energy associated with
  the coronal electrical currents suffices to power the flare and its
  associated coronal mass ejection.

Title: Coronal Mass Ejection Initiation and Complex Topology
    Configurations in the Flux Cancellation and Breakout Models
Authors: Amari, T.; Aly, J. J.; Mikic, Z.; Linker, J.
2007ApJ...671L.189A    Altcode:
  We present some new results showing that the flux cancellation
  model for coronal mass ejections (CMEs) works well also in a
  complex-topology magnetic field. We consider as a model problem
  the case of the flux-cancellation-driven evolution of a quadrupolar
  configuration. We find that (1) during the first phase, the field
  evolves slowly, with a twisted flux rope in equilibrium being
  created at some time; (2) nonequilibrium sets in at a critical time
  and the configuration experiences a major global disruption. These
  features are similar to those previously obtained for a bipolar
  configuration. Some differences between the two cases are however
  observed: (1) the presence of an X-point above the twisted flux
  rope makes the expulsion of the latter much easier due to the weaker
  confinement near this point; this difference may be at the origin of
  the existence of two classes of CMEs-fast and slow; (2) the energy W(t)
  of the configuration remains smaller than the energy W<SUB>σ</SUB>(t)
  of the associated totally open field, and then the disruption does not
  occur when W(t)~W<SUB>σ</SUB>(t), as in the bipolar case. Rather we
  get nonequilibrium when W(t)~W<SUB>SO</SUB>(t), where W<SUB>SO</SUB>(t)
  is the energy of a semiopen field which has its open lines connected
  to the two central spots on which flux cancellation is imposed. A
  consequence of our results is that the topological complexity of a
  preerupting configuration cannot be taken as a criterion for eliminating
  the flux cancellation model in favor of the well-known breakout model.

Title: Structure and evolution of the solar coronal magnetic field
Authors: Aly, J. J.; Amari, T.
2007GApFD.101..249A    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Resolution of the 180° Ambiguity for Inverse Horizontal
    Magnetic Field Configurations
Authors: Li, Jing; Amari, Tahar; Fan, Yuhong
2007ApJ...654..675L    Altcode:
  A well-known problem in solar physics is that solutions for the
  transverse magnetic field direction are ambiguous with respect to
  a 180° reversal in the field direction. In this paper we focus on
  three methods for the removal of the 180° ambiguity applied to three
  MHD models. These methods are (1) the reference field method, (2)
  the method of magnetic pressure gradient, and (3) the magnetic field
  divergence-free method. All three methods are noniterative, and methods
  2 and 3 are analytical and fast. We apply these methods to three MHD
  equilibrium model fields: (1) an analytical solution of a nonlinear
  force-free magnetic field equilibrium from Low, (2) a simulation of an
  emerging twisted flux tube from Fan &amp; Gibson, and (3) a pre-eruptive
  twisted magnetic flux rope equilibrium reached by relaxation from Amari
  et al. We measure the success of methods within “inverse horizontal
  field” regions in the boundary, which are mathematically defined by
  B<SUB>⊥</SUB>˙∇<SUB>⊥</SUB>B<SUB>z</SUB>&gt;0. When such regions
  overlap with the magnetic field neutral lines, they are known as “bald
  patches” (BPs) or inverse topology. Our most important conclusion is
  that the magnetic divergence-free method is far more successful than
  the other two methods within BPs. This method requires a second level of
  measurements of the vertical magnetic field. As high-quality multilevel
  magnetograms will come online in the near future, our work shows that
  multilayer magnetic field measurements will be highly desirable to
  objectively and successfully tackle the 180° ambiguity problem.

Title: Well posed reconstruction of the solar coronal magnetic field
Authors: Amari, T.; Boulmezaoud, T. Z.; Aly, J. J.
2006A&A...446..691A    Altcode:
  We present and compare two methods for the reconstruction of the solar
  coronal magnetic field, assumed to be force-free, from photospheric
  boundary data. Both methods rely on a well posed mathematical boundary
  value problem and are of the Grad-Rubin type, i.e., the couple ({B},α)
  is computed iteratively. They do differ from each other on the one
  hand by the way they address the zero-divergence of {B} issue, and
  on the other hand by the scheme they use for computing α at each
  iteration. The comparison of the two methods is done by numerically
  computing two examples of nonlinear force-free fields associated
  to large scale strong electric current distributions, whose exact
  forms can be otherwise determined semi-analytically. In particular,
  the second solution has a large nonlinearity even in the weak field
  region - a feature which is not present in the actual magnetograms, but
  is interesting to consider as it does allow to push the methods to the
  limits of their range of validity. The best results obtained with those
  methods give a relative vector error smaller than 0.01. For the latter
  extreme case, our results show that higher resolution reconstructions
  with bounded convergence improve the approximated solution, which may be
  of some interest for the treatment of the data of future magnetographs.

Title: Self and mutual magnetic helicities in coronal magnetic
Authors: Régnier, S.; Amari, T.; Canfield, R. C.
2005A&A...442..345R    Altcode:
  Together with the magnetic energy, the magnetic helicity is an
  important quantity used to describe the nature of a magnetic field
  configuration. In the following, we propose a new technique to
  evaluate various components of the total magnetic helicity in the
  corona for an equilibrium reconstructed magnetic field. The most
  meaningful value of helicity is the total relative magnetic helicity
  which describes the linkage of the field lines even if the volume
  of interest is not bounded by a magnetic surface. In addition if the
  magnetic field can be decomposed into the sum of a closed field and
  a reference field (following , Berger 1999 in Magnetic Helicity in
  Space and Laboratory Plasmas, ed. M. R. Brown, R. C. Canfield, &amp;
  A. A. Pevtsov, 1), we can introduce three other helicity components:
  the self helicity of the closed field, the mutual helicity between
  the closed field and the reference field, and the vacuum helicity
  (self helicity of the reference field). To understand the meaning of
  those quantities, we derive them from the potential field (reference)
  and the force-free field computed with the same boundary conditions
  for three different cases: a single twisted flux tube derived from the
  extended Gold-Hoyle solutions, a simple magnetic configuration with
  three balanced sources and a constant distribution of the force-free
  parameter, and the AR 8210 magnetic field observed from 17:13 UT to
  21:16 UT on May 1, 1998. We analyse the meaning of the self and mutual
  helicities: the self and mutual helicities correspond to the twist and
  writhe of confined flux bundles, and the crossing of field lines in
  the magnetic configuration respectively. The main result is that the
  magnetic configuration of AR 8210 is dominated by the mutual helicity
  and not by the self helicity (twist and writhe). Our results also show
  that although not gauge invariant the vacuum helicity is sensitive to
  the topological complexity of the reference field.

Title: Non-Current-free Coronal Closure of Subphotospheric MHD Models
Authors: Amari, T.; Luciani, J. F.; Aly, J. J.
2005ApJ...629L..37A    Altcode:
  We propose a method that allows the matching of two classes of models
  that have been well developed so far, but largely independently
  from each other: (1) convection zone (CZ) models, which generally
  either end up below the photosphere or are matched with an external
  potential field, and (2) coronal models of eruptive processes and
  heating, which usually consider the evolution of current-carrying
  magnetic fields driven by given photospheric changes. In our approach,
  the thin turbulent photospheric layer between the two large regions is
  modeled as a resistive layer across which the physical quantities suffer
  stiff variations. We show that this layer enables the transport of an
  electric current into the corona through the tangential component of the
  electric field (continuous across the various interfaces), as well as
  good conservation of the global magnetic helicity. To illustrate our
  general approach, we present in detail a model problem in which the
  rising of an initially twisted flux rope through the CZ is described
  kinematically while the physics inside the corona is described by a
  full magnetohydrodynamic model. We show that the evolution leads to
  the emergence of magnetic flux and electric current into the corona,
  with the creation of a flux rope that eventually suffers a dynamical
  transition toward fast expansion.

Title: Coronal Magnetohydrodynamic Evolution Driven by Subphotospheric
Authors: Amari, T.; Luciani, J. F.; Aly, J. J.
2004ApJ...615L.165A    Altcode:
  We consider the approach to the theory of formation, evolution, and
  major disruption of coronal twisted flux ropes, in which subphotospheric
  structures play a crucial role. We set a boundary value problem in the
  corona in which the boundary conditions at the photospheric level are
  determined by a simple kinematic model describing the rising of a tube
  throughout the convection zone. In addition to peculiar features like
  the existence of areas of flux concentration on the lower boundary and
  the bending of the polarity inversion line, we find that the coronal
  configuration suffers a transition from arcade to rope topology and
  (later) a transition from a slow quasi-static evolution to a dynamic
  nonequilibrium one, both these critical phenomena occurring during the
  phase of decrease of the net photospheric flux. There is a continuous
  injection of magnetic helicity into the corona, and the magnetic energy
  remains smaller than that of the corresponding open field. Contrary to
  what has been observed in some other simulations, the formation of the
  equilibrium flux rope prior to the disruption is not associated with
  some reconnection on the “photospheric” surface. This may possibly
  suggest the utility of different observational diagnostics.

Title: 3D magnetic configuration of the Hα filament and X-ray
    sigmoid in NOAA AR 8151
Authors: Régnier, S.; Amari, T.
2004A&A...425..345R    Altcode:
  We investigate the structure and relationship of an Hα filament and an
  X-ray sigmoid observed in active region NOAA 8151. We first examine
  the presence of such structures in the reconstructed 3D coronal
  magnetic field obtained from the non-constant-α force-free field
  hypothesis using a photospheric vector magnetogram (IVM, Mees Solar
  Observatory). This method allows us to identify several flux systems:
  a filament (height 30 Mm, aligned with the polarity inversion line
  (PIL), magnetic field strength at the apex 49 G, number of turns
  0.5-0.6), a sigmoid (height 45 Mm, aligned with the PIL, magnetic
  field strength at the apex 56 G, number of turns 0.5-0.6) and a highly
  twisted flux tube (height 60 Mm, magnetic field strength at the apex
  36 G, number of turns 1.1-1.2). By searching for magnetic dips in
  the configuration, we identify a filament structure which is in good
  agreement with the Hα observations. We find that both filament and
  sigmoidal structures can be described by a long twisted flux tube
  with a number of turns less than 1 which means that these structures
  are stable against kinking. The filament and the sigmoid have similar
  absolute values of α and J<SUB>z</SUB> in the photosphere. However,
  the electric current density is positive in the filament and negative
  in the sigmoid: the filament is right-handed whereas the sigmoid
  is left-handed. This fact can explain the discrepancies between the
  handedness of magnetic clouds (twisted flux tubes ejected from the Sun)
  and the handedness of their solar progenitors (twisted flux bundles in
  the low corona). The mechanism of eruption in AR 8151 is more likely
  not related to the development of instability in the filament and/or
  the sigmoid but is associated with the existence of the highly twisted
  flux tube (∼1.1-1.2 turns).

Title: Eruptive Behavior Originating in Active Regions
Authors: Linker, J. A.; Mikic, Z.; Lionello, R.; Riley, P.; Amari, T.
2003AGUFMSH41A..04L    Altcode:
  Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are spectacular manifestations of
  solar acitivy. These immense eruptions of plasma and magnetic field
  are propelled outward from the sun with velocities as high as 2000
  km/s. The fastest CMEs typically originate from active regions on the
  Sun. MHD models of the eruption of large scale coronal fields have
  demonstrated significant energy release in idealized 2D (Antiochos
  et al., ApJ 512, 985, 1999) and 3D (Linker et al., Phys. Plasmas 10,
  1971, 2003) geometry. Eruptive behavior has also been shown for a 3D
  localized arcade (Amari et al., ApJ 529, L49, 2000). In active regions
  on the Sun, both the localized field due to the active region and the
  overlying fields in the large scale corona are important. We describe
  MHD computations of the eruptive behavior of a localized active region
  field (modeled as a localized bipole) within a large-scale dipolar
  configuration. We discuss the differences between this more realistic
  configuration and the idealized configurations that have been considered
  previously. Work supported by NASA and the Center for Integrated Space
  Weather Modeling (an NSF Science and Technology Center).

Title: Coronal Mass Ejection: Initiation, Magnetic Helicity, and
    Flux Ropes. II. Turbulent Diffusion-driven Evolution
Authors: Amari, T.; Luciani, J. F.; Aly, J. J.; Mikic, Z.; Linker, J.
2003ApJ...595.1231A    Altcode:
  We consider a three-dimensional bipolar magnetic field B, occupying
  a half-space, which is driven into evolution by the slow turbulent
  diffusion of its normal component on the boundary. The latter is imposed
  by fixing the tangential component of the electric field and leads to
  flux cancellation. We first present general analytical considerations on
  this problem and then construct a class of explicit solutions in which
  B keeps evolving quasi-statically through a sequence of force-free
  configurations without exhibiting any catastrophic behavior. Thus,
  we report the results of a series of numerical simulations in which B
  evolves from different force-free states, the electric field on the
  boundary being imposed to have a vanishing electrostatic part (the
  latter condition is not enforced in the analytical model, and thus it is
  possible a priori for the results of the two types of calculations to
  be different). In all the cases, we find that the evolution conserves
  the magnetic helicity and exhibits two qualitatively different
  phases. The first one, during which a twisted flux rope is created,
  is slow and almost quasi-static, while the second one is associated
  with a disruption, which is confined for a small initial helicity and
  global for a large initial helicity. Our calculations may be relevant
  for modeling the coronal mass ejections that have been observed to
  occur in the late dispersion phase of an active region. In particular,
  they may allow us to understand the role played by a twisted flux rope
  in these events.

Title: Force-free Fields in Active Regions: Magnetic configurations
    and Energetics
Authors: Regnier, S.; Canfield, R. C.; Amari, T.
2003SPD....34.0103R    Altcode: 2003BAAS...35..805R
  To determine the 3D configuration of solar active regions and to define
  boundary conditions for MHD codes, we reconstruct the coronal magnetic
  field from photospheric measurements. For that, we consider the active
  region in an equilibrium state. Three hypotheses are then often used:
  the potential field (no electric current), the linear force-free field
  (the current density is α times the magnetic field, α is a constant),
  the nonlinear force-free field (α is a function of space). We here
  compare those three models in terms of connectivity changes and
  energetics for two different active regions: AR 8151 and AR 8210. AR
  8151 shows dramatical changes between these models whereas AR 8210
  configuration stays close to the potential field. The structure of the
  filament and of the sigmoid observed in AR 8151 can only be determined
  in the nonlinear force-free field: both structures are identified with
  twisted flux tubes with ∼ 0.5-0.6 turns. Interestingly, the filament
  is a right-handed structure whereas the sigmoid is left-handed! This
  work is a part of the Solar MURI project.

Title: Coronal Mass Ejection: Initiation, Magnetic Helicity, and
    Flux Ropes. I. Boundary Motion-driven Evolution
Authors: Amari, T.; Luciani, J. F.; Aly, J. J.; Mikic, Z.; Linker, J.
2003ApJ...585.1073A    Altcode:
  In this paper we study a class of three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic
  model problems that may be useful to understand the role of twisted flux
  ropes in coronal mass ejections. We construct in a half-space a series
  of force-free bipolar configurations with different helicity contents
  and bring them into an evolution by imposing to their footpoints on
  the boundary slow motions converging toward the inversion line. For
  all the cases that have been computed, this process leads, after a
  phase of quasi-static evolution, to the formation of a twisted flux
  rope by a reconnection process and to the global disruption of the
  configuration. In contrast with the results of some previous studies,
  however, the rope is never in equilibrium. It thus appears that
  the presence of a rope in the preeruptive phase is not a necessary
  condition for the disruption but may be the product of the disruption
  itself. Moreover, the helicity keeps an almost constant value during the
  evolution, and the problem of the origin of the helicity content of an
  eruptive configuration appears to be that of the initial force-free
  state. In addition to these numerical simulations, we report some
  new relations for the time variations of the energy and the magnetic
  helicity and develop a simple analytical model in which the magnetic
  field evolution exhibits essential features quite similar to those
  observed during the quasi-static phase in the numerics.

Title: Magnetic Field Topology in Prominences
Authors: Lionello, Roberto; Mikić, Zoran; Linker, Jon A.; Amari, Tahar
2002ApJ...581..718L    Altcode:
  We present a study of the magnetic field lines of a prominence using
  MHD and thermodynamic/hydrodynamic (TH) models. Previous modeling of
  prominences has tended to emphasize either magnetic field modeling or
  TH modeling in isolation. In this paper, we combine these approaches
  to model a long-lived filament observed in 1996 August-September. In
  our new approach, we (1) use magnetograms to prescribe the boundary
  conditions for the magnetic flux in three-dimensional MHD simulations,
  (2) show that observed magnetic flux changes can produce a fluxrope
  and that the dipped (concave upward) portion of the field lines form
  in the approximate location of the observed prominence, and (3) show
  that TH computations, using the computed geometry of magnetic field
  lines that are in three-dimensional MHD equilibrium, have condensations
  forming in the dipped portions of the field lines.

Title: Global budget for an eruptive active region . I. Equilibrium
    reconstruction approach
Authors: Bleybel, A.; Amari, T.; van Driel-Gesztelyi, L.; Leka, K. D.
2002A&A...395..685B    Altcode:
  We present results on the magnetic structure of NOAA Active Region
  #7912 which was involved in a long duration flare on 14 October 1995,
  and was the source region for a magnetic cloud observed by the WIND
  spacecraft from October 18-20. Using vector magnetograms from the
  Imaging Vector Magnetograph (“IVM”), we reconstruct the magnetic
  field above this active region, assuming it is in a non-linear
  force-free state. This reconstruction is used to determine global
  properties of the active region magnetic field including topology,
  magnetic energy, and relative magnetic helicity. A comparison of some
  global quantities before and after the eruptive event is discussed. We
  show that the magnetic energy and relative helicity of the active
  region decreased after the eruption, consistent with the ejection
  of a large amount of helicity (in the magnetic cloud). We also show
  that the relaxed post-flare state still contains nonlinearities and is
  not consistent with a linear force-free state as predicted by Taylor's
  theory of relaxation. These results agree with those of recent numerical
  simulations concerning plasmoid ejection and helicity redistribution in
  the disruption of magnetic configurations. We propose as an explanation
  that the anchoring of field lines in the photosphere prevents a full
  cascade to the Taylor state, and that a variational formulation in which
  the action functional would describe this constraint should be derived.

Title: Non-constant-α force-free field of active region NOAA 8210
Authors: Régnier, S.; Amari, T.; Canfield, R. C.
2002ESASP.505...65R    Altcode: 2002IAUCo.188...65R; 2002solm.conf...65R
  We investigate the 3D coronal magnetic configuration of the active
  region NOAA 8210 (AR8210). This active region observed on May 1, 1998
  is the site of numerous flares. Using the non-constant-α force-free
  hypothesis, we determine the coronal magnetic field of AR8210. The
  EIT/SOHO observations and the reconstructed magnetic configuration
  suggest that the initiation of the eruptive events is related to the
  existence of a complex topology (e.g. separatrix surfaces). From some
  characteristic parameters before and after the eruptions, we note
  that the magnetic energy (the free magnetic budget) decreases by 28%
  (55%, respectively).

Title: 3D Coronal magnetic field from vector magnetograms:
    non-constant-alpha force-free configuration of the active region
    NOAA 8151
Authors: Régnier, S.; Amari, T.; Kersalé, E.
2002A&A...392.1119R    Altcode:
  The Active Region 8151 (AR 8151) observed in February 1998 is the
  site of an eruptive event associated with a filament and a S-shaped
  structure, and producing a slow Coronal Mass Ejection (CME). In order
  to determine how the CME occurs, we compute the 3D coronal magnetic
  field and we derive some relevant parameters such as the free magnetic
  energy and the relative magnetic helicity. The 3D magnetic configuration
  is reconstructed from photospheric magnetic magnetograms (IVM, Mees
  Solar Observatory) in the case of a non-constant-alpha force-free
  (nlff) field model. The reconstruction method is divided into three
  main steps: the analysis of vector magnetograms (transverse fields,
  vertical density of electric current, ambiguity of 180<SUP>deg</SUP>),
  the numerical scheme for the nlff magnetic field, the interpretation
  of the computed magnetic field with respect to the observations. For
  AR 8151, the nlff field matches the coronal observations from EIT/SOHO
  and from SXT/Yohkoh. In particular, three characteristic flux tubes
  are shown: a highly twisted flux tube, a long twisted flux tube and
  a quasi-potential flux tube. The maximum energy budget is estimated
  to 2.6*E<SUP>31</SUP> erg and the relative magnetic helicity to
  4.7*E<SUP>34</SUP> G<SUP>2</SUP> cm<SUP>4</SUP>. From the simple
  photospheric magnetic distribution and the evidence of highly twisted
  flux tubes, we argue that the flux rope model is the most likely to
  describe the initiation mechanism of the eruptive event associated
  with AR 8151.

Title: From the SunA~éÂ’s atmosphere to the EarthA~éÂ’s
atmosphere: an overview of scientific models available for space
    weather developments
Authors: Lathuillère, C.; Menvielle, M.; Lilensten, J.; Amari, T.;
   Radicella, S. M.
2002AnGeo..20.1081L    Altcode:
  Space weather aims at setting operational numerical tools in
  order to nowcast, forecast and quantify the solar activity events,
  the magnetosphere, ionosphere and thermosphere responses and the
  consequences on our technological societies. These tools can be divided
  in two parts. The first has a geophysical base (Sun, interplanetary
  medium, magnetosphere, atmosphere). The second concerns technological
  applications (telecommunications, spacecraft orbits, power plants
  ...). In this paper, we aim at giving an overview of the models that
  belong to the first class (geophysics) that might serve in the future
  as a basis for building global operational codes. For each model, we
  consider the physics underneath, the input and output parameters, and
  whether it is already operational, whether it may become operational
  in the near future, or if it is an academic research tool. Relevant
  references are given in order to serve as a starting point for further

Title: Helicity injection and redistribution during relaxation of
    solar/astrophysical plasmas
Authors: Amari, T.; Luciani, J.
2002cosp...34E3036A    Altcode: 2002cosp.meetE3036A
  We will discuss various MHD processes occurring in the context of
  evolution of solar coronal magnetic configurations, due to some
  boundary (photospheric) constraints. Several model problems will be
  presented and their implication in the injection of magnetic helicity
  as well triggering of confined and large scale disruptions will be
  dis- cussed. The nature of the relaxation state reached after the
  disruption will be discussed in the context of Taylor's theory of plasma
  relaxation. We will show some recent nu- merical results (relevant to
  astrophysical/solar disruptions), indicating that although this theory
  seems to be in agreement with experiments in Reversed Field pinch De-
  vices (but not in Tokamaks), it exhibits strong discrepancies with
  these astrophysical disruptions.

Title: Non-constant-alpha force-free reconstruction of the coronal
    magnetic field. Example of the active region NOAA 8151
Authors: Regnier, S.; AMARI, T.; Kersale, E.
2001AGUFMSH11C0729R    Altcode:
  We present the method and results of a non-constant-alpha force-free
  reconstruction of the 3D coronal magnetic field of an active
  region. AR 8151 observed in February 1998 exhibits a filament,
  a system of coronal loops, and a sigmoid. In order to determine
  the magnetic configuration of such structures, a non-constant-alpha
  force-free method (Amari et al 1997, Solar Physics 174, 129) is used to
  reconstruct the coronal magnetic field using the photospheric vector
  magnetograms as boundary condition. We compare the geometric and the
  topological changes in the magnetic configurations given by the three
  following methods: current-free field, constant-alpha force-free field
  and non-constant-alpha force-free field. The comparison between the
  observations (SXT/Yohkoh, EIT/SOHO) and the three models confirms that
  the non-constant-alpha force-free field matches the observations. In
  particular, the sigmoid can be reproduced by twisted flux tubes with
  a height of 40,000 or 60,000 km, and the system of coronal loops is
  well described by an untwisted flux tube (40,000 km). We also look for
  the magnetic dips which are combined with the filament material. The
  possible magnetic configurations for supporting the filament are either
  a quadrupolar magnetic field or a long twisted flux tube. From the
  chromospheric and magnetic observations, we conclude that the most
  likely configuration is the long twisted flux tube with a height of
  30,000 km. In summary, with the non-constant-alpha force-free field
  we are able to reconstruct the coronal magnetic structures such as
  the system of coronal loops and the sigmoid, and to determine the
  structure of the magnetic field lines supporting the filament material.

Title: Magnetohydrodynamic modeling of prominence formation within
    a helmet streamer
Authors: Linker, J. A.; Lionello, R.; Mikić, Z.; Amari, T.
2001JGR...10625165L    Altcode:
  We present a 2.5-D axisymmetric MHD model to self-consistently describe
  the formation of a stable prominence that supports cool, dense material
  in the lower corona. The upper chromosphere and transition region
  are included in the calculation. Reducing the magnetic flux along
  the neutral line of a sheared coronal arcade forms a magnetic field
  configuration with a flux rope topology. The prominence forms when dense
  chromospheric material is brought up and condenses in the corona. The
  prominence sits at the base of a helmet streamer structure. The dense
  material is supported against gravity in the dips of the magnetic field
  lines in the flux rope. Further reduction in magnetic flux leads to
  an eruption of the prominence, ejecting material into the solar wind.

Title: Reconstruction of the Coronal Magnetic Field for Active Region
    NOAA 8151
Authors: Régnier, S.; Amari, T.
2001IAUS..203..441R    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Are the EIT waves really waves?
Authors: Delannee, C.; Amari, T.
2000SPD....31.0603D    Altcode: 2000BAAS...32R.838D
  One sample of EIT wave is presented and discussed. The bright
  front of the wave present two parts: one stationnary and one moving
  arch. The stationnary part of the wave is compared to the magnetic
  field lines extrapolated in spherical coordinates with the potential
  assumptions. The stationnary part is located where the footpoints
  of the separatrixes of the magnetic field are. Another case of a
  moving arch of an EIT wave is analyzed in conjonction with a numerical
  simulation of the ejection of a magnetic flux rope. The phenomelogy and
  the morphology of the both the moving arch and the electric currents
  created by the ejection of the flux rope are similar. We conclude
  that the EIT wave phenomenon is possibly related to the generation of
  electric currents while the magnetic field lines are openning during
  a coronal mass ejection.

Title: Are the EIT waves really waves?
Authors: Delannee, C.; Amari, T.
2000BAAS...32S.837D    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Photospheric Magnetic Flux Changes as a Trigger for Coronal
    Mass Ejections
Authors: Linker, J. A.; Lionello, R.; Mikic, Z.; Amari, T.
2000SPD....31.0281L    Altcode: 2000BAAS...32..825L
  Eruptive solar phenomena, such as coronal mass ejections, are believed
  to be initiated by the release of energy stored in the coronal magnetic
  field. Nonpotential magnetic field structures with significant amounts
  of free magnetic energy are known to exist in the corona. However,
  the mechanism(s) by which this energy is released are not well
  understood. Previously, we have shown that the emergence of new magnetic
  flux can lead to disruption of a helmet streamer, with liberation of
  a significant fraction of the stored magnetic energy. Specifically,
  eruption can be triggered when magnetic flux of opposite polarity
  emerges near the neutral line, canceling some of the ambient flux. Prior
  to eruption, a stable flux rope forms, which is a candidate magnetic
  structure for prominence support. In this paper, we will describe how
  other changes to the photospheric magnetic flux can lead to essentialy
  the same eruptive process, and we will discuss the relationship of these
  changes to flux reduction. Using full thermodynamic MHD simulations of
  global coronal structure, we will also show that chromospheric material
  can indeed be trapped in flux rope structures and lifted against the
  solar gravity. Research supported by NASA.

Title: Helicity Redistribution during Relaxation of Astrophysical
Authors: Amari, T.; Luciani, J. F.
2000PhRvL..84.1196A    Altcode:
  We present the first 3D numerical MHD simulations that show that
  Taylor's relaxation conjecture is not satisfied in some MHD evolution
  of magnetic configurations encountered in solar physics. We show that
  magnetic helicity can be slowly injected through the boundary into
  a magnetic configuration which then evolves into a MHD disruption,
  with the formation in finite time of a current sheet through which
  reconnection occurs, leading to a release of magnetic energy. While
  helicity is well conserved during the process, it is shown that the
  relaxed state is far from the constant- α linear force-free field
  that would be predicted by Taylor's conjecture.

Title: A Twisted Flux Rope Model for Coronal Mass Ejections and
    Two-Ribbon Flares
Authors: Amari, T.; Luciani, J. F.; Mikic, Z.; Linker, J.
2000ApJ...529L..49A    Altcode:
  We present a new approach to the theory of large-scale solar
  eruptive phenomena such as coronal mass ejections and two-ribbon
  flares, in which twisted flux tubes play a crucial role. We show
  that it is possible to create a highly nonlinear three-dimensional
  force-free configuration consisting of a twisted magnetic flux rope
  representing the magnetic structure of a prominence (surrounded by
  an overlaying, almost potential, arcade) and exhibiting an S-shaped
  structure, as observed in soft X-ray sigmoid structures. We also
  show that this magnetic configuration cannot stay in equilibrium and
  that a considerable amount of magnetic energy is released during its
  disruption. Unlike most previous models, the amount of magnetic energy
  stored in the configuration prior to its disruption is so large that
  it may become comparable to the energy of the open field.

Title: Non Linear Force-Free Reconstruction of a Flaring Active Region
Authors: Bleybel, A.; Amari, T.; van Driel-Gesztelyi, L.; Leka, K. D.
1999ESASP.448..709B    Altcode: 1999ESPM....9..709B; 1999mfsp.conf..709B
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Magnetic and Dynamic Evolution of an Active Region
Authors: Régnier, S.; Solomon, J.; Vial, J. C.; Amari, T.; Mickey, D.
1999ESASP.448..519R    Altcode: 1999mfsp.conf..519R; 1999ESPM....9..519R
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Multi-Instrument Study Of The Evolution Of An Active Region
Authors: Regnier, S.; Amari, T.; Solomon, J.; Vial, J. C.; Mickey, D.
1999ESASP.446..571R    Altcode: 1999soho....8..571R
  We follow, for about half a solar rotation, the dynamic evolution of
  an acive region (AR 8151) which exhibited a single heading sunspot
  and a more diffuse following magnetic flux and a filament eruption
  on 12 February 1998 at 13:51. For longitudinal magnetic observations,
  we use the MDI (SoHO) magnetograph and for vector magnetic fields the
  IVM (Mees Solar Observatory, Hawaii). The dynamic evolution is derived
  from time-sequence images in the Fe XII line (195 Angstrom) from EIT
  (SoHO). Density and abundance diagnostic of the filament are obtained
  from SoHO spectrometers (CDS, SUMER).

Title: An iterative method for the reconstructionbreak of the solar
    coronal magnetic field. I. Method for regular solutions
Authors: Amari, T.; Boulmezaoud, T. Z.; Mikic, Z.
1999A&A...350.1051A    Altcode:
  We present a method for reconstructing the coronal magnetic field,
  assumed to be in a non-linear force-free state, from its values given
  in the photosphere by vector magnetograph measurements. In this paper,
  that is the first of a series, we propose a method that solves the
  boundary value problem set in the functional space of regular solutions
  (i.e., that do not contain current sheets). This is an iterative method
  introduced by Grad and Rubin. It is associated with a well-posed
  boundary-value problem. We present some results obtained with this
  method on two exact solutions of the magnetostatic equations, used as
  theoretical magnetograms. Unlike some other extrapolations methods,
  that are associated with ill-posed boundary value problems, our method
  allows extrapolation to arbitrarily large heights, with no blowing up
  due to the presence in these methods of an intrinsic instability that
  makes errors growing up exponentially.

Title: On the Role of Magnetic Flux Ropes for Helicity Injection
    and Ejection in the Solar Corona
Authors: Amari, T.; Luciani, J. F.; Mikic, Z.
1999ASPC..184...70A    Altcode:
  We present some work on the role of magnetic flux ropes for the
  structure and dynamics of the corona in term of its magnetic helicity
  content and redistribution for solar eruptive and non eruptive
  events. We show that is possible to construct 3D MHD solutions that
  represents the first type of models for prominence magnetic support
  as highly twisted non linear force-free type configuration. We also
  present some results for the disruption of twisted magnetic flux rope
  in non eruptive and eruptive confined events.

Title: On the removal of the sign ambiguitybreak in the photospheric
    transverse magnetic field
Authors: Boulmezaoud, T. Z.; Amari, T.
1999A&A...347.1005B    Altcode:
  We present a method for removing the ambiguity in the transverse
  component of the photospheric magnetic field measured by
  vector magnetographs. The method is based upon the use of the
  divergence-free condition satisfied by the magnetic field in the
  sense of least squares. The method requires the measurement of the
  longitudinal component of the magnetic field at two depth levels in
  the photosphere. The method is is shown to be efficient when compared
  to other existing methods on some particular analytical force-free
  magnetic fields.

Title: Three-dimensional Solutions of Magnetohydrodynamic Equationsfor
Prominence Magnetic Support: Twisted Magnetic Flux Rope
Authors: Amari, T.; Luciani, J. F.; Mikic, Z.; Linker, J.
1999ApJ...518L..57A    Altcode:
  The search for a background magnetic configuration favorable for
  prominence support has been given a great deal of attention for several
  decades. The most recent theoretical studies seem to agree that a
  promising candidate for the support of the dense and cooler prominence
  material, which fulfills several of the theoretical and observational
  requirements such as twist, shear along the neutral line, and dips,
  is a magnetic flux rope. The most convincing models take an infinitely
  long periodic configuration that consists of a linear constant-α
  force-free magnetic field. These models, however, assume values of α
  that are close to its maximum possible value. In this Letter, we report
  our recent results, which show that it is indeed possible to produce a
  configuration that consists of a twisted magnetic flux tube embedded in
  an overlaying, almost potential, arcade such that high electric currents
  (and therefore values of α) are confined to the inner twisted magnetic
  flux rope. We present two MHD processes--corresponding to two different
  types of boundary conditions--that produce such a configuration. Our
  results show that the process associated variations of B<SUB>z</SUB>
  at the photospheric level by applying an electric field involving
  diffusion is much more efficient for creating a structure with more
  twist and dips.

Title: Confined Disruption of a Three-dimensional Twisted Magnetic
    Flux Tube
Authors: Amari, T.; Luciani, J. F.
1999ApJ...515L..81A    Altcode:
  In this Letter, we study the evolution of a magnetic flux tube confined
  by an overlaying arcade, considering the gradual build up of the twist
  in the flux tube. During a first stage, the magnetic field evolves
  quasi-statically through a sequence of force-free equilibria, building
  up self-helicity (twist) in the flux rope. When a sufficient amount
  of twist is injected in the system, it cannot reach a neighboring
  equilibrium and experiences a major disruption in which the magnetic
  field of the flux tube reconnects with the overlaying arcade. After the
  relaxation is completed, the configuration remains globally closed and
  consists of two almost untwisted flux tubes and a closed overlaying
  arcade. The model might represent a basis for a unified theory of
  noneruptive and eruptive flares, in which twisted magnetic flux tubes
  play a crucial role.

Title: Magnetohydrodynamic models of solar coronal magnetic fields.
Authors: Amari, T.; Luciani, J. F.; Mikic, Z.
1999PPCF...41..779A    Altcode:
  The authors present some results concerning the possibility of
  determining the structure of solar active regions using measurements of
  the vector magnetic field on the Sun's surface as boundary conditions
  for the new numerical extrapolation codes. From these computations
  the main features of these configurations, shear and twist (which are
  particular forms of magnetic helicity), are then used as ingredients
  to define model problems and solved for the magnetohydrodynamic
  (MHD) analysis of solar eruptive phenomena, in which ejection (or
  redistribution) of helicity occurs.

Title: A regularization method for the extrapolationbreak of the
    photospheric solar magnetic field. I. Linear force-free field
Authors: Amari, T.; Boulmezaoud, T. Z.; Maday, Y.
1998A&A...339..252A    Altcode:
  We present a method for reconstructing the magnetic field B above the
  photosphere \{z=0\} as the solution of the boundary value problem (BVP)
  for a bounded regular force-free magnetic field in Omega =\{z&gt;0\}
  from its boundary values supposed to be given on \{z=0\}. We propose
  a way for regularizing the class of standard extrapolation methods
  which turns out to diverge quickly with height, because of the ill
  posedness of the BVP that prevents extrapolation at a reasonable
  height. Our method, which is a Projection Method, allows us to improve
  considerably the possible height of extrapolation that can be reached by
  non regularized or even approximate filtering method. In this paper,
  because of its linear nature the method is applied to the case of
  linear force-free field.

Title: Reconstructing the Solar Coronal Magnetic Field as a Force-Free
    Magnetic Field
Authors: Amari, T.; Aly, J. J.; Luciani, J. F.; Boulmezaoud, T. Z.;
   Mikic, Z.
1997SoPh..174..129A    Altcode:
  We present some preliminary results on different mathematical
  problems encountered in attempts to reconstruct the coronal magnetic
  field, assumed to be in a force-free state, from its values in the
  photosphere. We discuss the formulations associated with these problems,
  and some new numerical methods that can be used to get their approximate
  solutions. Both the linear constant-α and the nonlinear cases are
  considered. We also discuss the possible use of dynamical 3D MHD
  codes to construct approximate solutions of the equilibrium force-free
  equations, which are needed for testing numerical extrapolation schemes.

Title: Current sheets in two-dimensional potential magnetic
    fields. III. Formation in complex topology configurations and
    application to coronal heating.
Authors: Aly, J. J.; Amari, T.
1997A&A...319..699A    Altcode:
  We study the spontaneous formation of a current sheet (CS) in
  an x-invariant y-symmetric magnetic field B(y,z,t) occupying the
  half-space {z&gt;0}, and embedded in a pressureless perfectly conducting
  plasma. At the initial time t=0, B(y,z,0) is potential and quadrupolar,
  and therefore its lines in a poloidal plane have a complex topology:
  there is either one separatrix, which contains a neutral X-point or
  is tangent to the y-axis (X- and U-topology, respectively), or two
  separatrices extending to infinity (I-topology). For t&gt;=0, the field
  is made to evolve quasi-statically by imposing its footpoints on the
  boundary {z=0} to move parallel to the y-axis at the slow velocity
  v(y,t). It thus passes through a sequence of configurations which are
  either potential equilibria or quasi-potential singular equilibria,
  the latter containing a CS, assumed a priori to be vertical. We
  compute analytically B(y,z,t) and its free-energy contents δ W
  (t) as functionals of B_z_(y,0,t) (this boundary value depending on
  B_z_(y,0,0) and v(y,t)), and also, when there is a CS, of the unknown
  heights z_1_(t) and z_2_(t) of its bottom and top, respectively. We
  derive equations satisfied by the latter quantities, and use them
  to show that: (i) When the initial field is of the U- or I-type,
  a CS - and a vertical one indeed - is actually present at time t if
  and only if the potential field B^p^(y,z,t) associated to B_z_(y,0,t)
  has a X-topology. (ii) When the initial field is of the X-type, a CS
  exists in general at each time t&gt;0, but it is vertical if and only
  if a quite specific condition is satisfied - which may not be the case
  for arbitrarily chosen data and puts a limit on the generality of our
  model. Finally, we derive for z_1_(t), z_2_(t), B(y,z,t) and δW(t)
  useful approximate explicit expressions, which are valid just after
  the CS has started forming at some time t_c_&gt;=0. As an application,
  we consider a plasma heating process in which a field evolving through
  a sequence of singular equilibria as described above, relaxes at each
  time t_k_ = k τ_D_ (k=1,2, ...,N) to a new potential equilibrium,
  the vertical CS being destroyed by some reconnection process. We
  present an estimate of the resulting heating rate, which is found
  to depend on the ratio τ_D_/τ_ev_ (assumed to be &lt;&lt;1) of a
  given phenomenological dissipation time τ_D_ to the ideal evolution
  time τ_ev_ of the system. The relevance of this process for heating
  a stellar corona is briefly discussed.

Title: Two efficient methods for reconstructing the coronal magnetic
    field as a linear force-free field.
Authors: Boulmezaoud, T. Z.; Amari, T.; Maday, Y.
1997joso.proc...53B    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Very Fast Opening of a Three-dimensional Twisted Magnetic
    Flux Tube
Authors: Amari, T.; Luciani, J. F.; Aly, J. J.; Tagger, M.
1996ApJ...466L..39A    Altcode:
  This Letter is devoted to the still open problem of the evolution
  of a three-dimensional coronal flux tube embedded in a low-beta
  ideal plasma and having its footpoints twisted by slow photospheric
  motions. Such a process has been simulated with a recently developed
  magnetohydrodynamic code. In the particular calculation reported
  here, the system occupies a large cubic box. The field is initially
  potential, being generated by an underlying horizontal dipole, and it
  is twisted by two vortices located on the lower face {z = 0} of the
  box, on both sides of the neutral line. In a first phase, the field
  roughly evolves quasi-statically through a sequence of force-free
  configurations. Thus, it enters a dynamical phase during which it
  suffers a very fast expansion, closely approaching after some finite
  time a semi-open configuration. The energy increases monotonically
  during all the evolution, and it tends to a limit, which is equal to
  about 80% of the energy of the totally open field associated with Bz.

Title: Plasmoid formation in a single sheared arcade and application
    to coronal mass ejections.
Authors: Amari, T.; Luciani, J. F.; Aly, J. J.; Tagger, M.
1996A&A...306..913A    Altcode:
  We address the question whether a plasmoid can be produced and ejected
  by an isolated x-invariant arcade located in a half-space, when its
  footpoints are sheared parallel to the x-axis, but no converging
  y-motions are applied. We use a recently developed MHD numerical code
  based upon a new efficient semi-implicit method, and well adapted for
  treating long time evolution problems in which small spatial scales
  develop spontaneously. Starting from a configuration created by a dipole
  located under the photosphere, we follow numerically the evolution
  of the sheared arcade. In the ideal case, and in contrast to previous
  attempts effected in such a geometry, our simulations show that, after
  a long phase of slow evolution, the poloidal magnetic configuration
  strongly inflates, while the electric current concentrates into a thin
  layer extending vertically in the central region, as predicted by
  analytical studies. Adding a small amount of resistivity then leads
  to the formation of a rising plasmoid, with stronger flows appearing
  along the separatrices.

Title: Champs magnetiques : le cosmos EN filigrane.
Authors: Bel, N.; Amari, T.
1995C&E...307...58B    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The solar corona's magnetism.
Authors: Amari, T.; Démoulin, P.
1993Rech...24..258A    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Solar Flare High-Energy Electron Spectra
Authors: Heristchi, D.; Amari, T.
1992SoPh..142..209H    Altcode:
  It is shown that the solar flare electron spectra in a large energy
  range fit well with a power law in energy. This is used as a basis
  to discuss the possible division of solar flares into various groups,
  and also to compare the spectra of electrons in interplanetary space
  and at the flare site.

Title: Extended massive current sheet in a two-dimensional
    constant-alpha force-free field - A model for quiescent prominences
Authors: Amari, T.; Aly, J. J.
1992A&A...265..791A    Altcode:
  We consider a simple 2D analytical model of a solar prominence
  represented by a massive current sheet supported in a uniform
  gravitational field by an external constant-alpha force-free magnetic
  field. We show that it is possible to construct so-called inverse
  configurations above either bipolar or quadrupolar photospheric regions
  by a suitable adjustment of the free parameters of the model, namely
  the boundary flux distribution, the current in the sheet, and the
  value of alpha. It turns out that such configurations may exist only
  for large value of alpha, and thus in highly sheared magnetic fields,
  a result which should prove important for our understanding of the
  formation of the prominences of the Kuperus-Raadu type.

Title: Prominence Sheets Supported by Constant-Current Force-free
    Fields. II. Imposition of Normal Photospheric Field Component and
    Prominence Surface Current
Authors: Ridgway, C.; Amari, T.; Priest, E. R.
1992ApJ...385..718R    Altcode:
  Attention is given to a method of constructing longitudinally invariant
  magnetic field configurations in which a symmetric finite vertical
  current sheet is in magnetohydrostatic equilibrium between the
  combined forces exerted by a background constant-current force-free
  field and a uniform gravitational field. Both the normal magnetic
  field component along the photosphere and the current density along
  the prominence sheet are imposed as functions of position. The method
  is used to generate both N- and I-type configurations by selecting a
  convenient form for the imposed functions. Consideration is given to
  the evolution of these configurations as the strength of the current
  (and hence the mass) is increased while all other parameters are held
  fixed. It is shown that in general the sheet loses equilibrium near
  its upper extremity as I is increased beyond a certain value.

Title: Prominence Sheets Supported by Constant-Current Force-free
    Fields. I. Imposition of Normal Magnetic Field Components at the
    Current Sheet and the Photosphere
Authors: Ridgway, C.; Amari, T.; Priest, E. R.
1991ApJ...378..773R    Altcode:
  We present an analytical model for the support of a prominence
  (represented by a sheet of mass and current) in a constant-current
  force-free field. The model allows us to produce both normal-type and
  inverse-type configurations which are in equilibrium everywhere along
  the sheet and for which the field is locally bounded.

Title: Formation of current sheets in force-free magnetic fields.
Authors: Vekstein, G.; Priest, E. R.; Amari, T.
1991A&A...243..492V    Altcode:
  It is shown that the evolution of coronal magnetic fields in response
  to slow photospheric footpoint motions in general produces states
  with current sheets rather than smooth force-free equilibria. When a
  separatrix surface is present, shearing motions of a two-dimensional
  double arcade in general produce a current sheet all along the
  separatrix, whether the motions are infinitesimal or of finite
  amplitude; local singularities in the horizontal field component
  occur at the footpoints of the separatrix where it becomes tangential
  to the solar surface although the flux function is regular there. The
  particular case of equal lobes and an antisymmetric shear gives a smooth
  field without current sheets. When there is an X-type neutral line (or
  separator) present, converging or divering motions create a current
  sheet with Y-points at its ends; shearing motions create a current
  sheet all along the separattrices, which coalesce at two cusp-points
  to give a single current sheet near the original separator. In general
  these current sheets could heat the corona as they dissipate, but when
  new flux emerges into a highly sheared field they could also trigger
  a solar flare.

Title: A Twisted Flux-Tube Model for Solar Prominences. III. Magnetic
Authors: Ridgway, C.; Priest, E. R.; Amari, T.
1991ApJ...367..321R    Altcode:
  The model for the support of a solar prominence in a twisted flux tube
  by Priest et al. (1989) is here extended to consider large deviations
  of the tube from cylindrical symmetry. The prominence is modeled as a
  finite current sheet with mass which is locally free from singularities
  in the magnetic field. Analytical solutions are found to the nonlinear
  force-free equations for the structure around the prominence for two
  functional forms of the field component parallel to the prominence
  axis. An associated mixed boundary-value problem is also solved in
  which the prominence is connected at its base to the photosphere,
  and the normal magnetic field components along the prominence and the
  photosphere are imposed.

Title: Weak solutions of magnetostatics: an aspect of current
    sheet theory.
Authors: Amari, T.
1991gamp.conf..173A    Altcode:
  This paper is only concerned with the processes of formation of a
  current sheet (CS) during the quasi-static evolution towards weak
  equilibrium of classical magnetostatic equilibria embedded in a
  perfectly conducting plasma. The author is mainly interested in the
  spontaneous process of classical magnetostatic equilibria embedded in
  a perfectly conducting plasma. Contents: 1. Introduction. 2. 2D quasi
  potential singular equilibria (QPSE): spontaneous formation of a CS,
  asymptotic formation of QPSE. 3. 2D QFFSE: evolution towards a 2D
  force-free field, T- and X-like topology. 4. 3D force-free solutions.

Title: Weak Solutions of Magnetostatics
Authors: Amari, T.
1991assm.conf..173A    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The creation of the magnetic environment for prominence
    formation in a coronal arcade
Authors: Amari, T.; Démoulin, P.; Browning, P.; Hood, A.; Priest, E.
1991A&A...241..604A    Altcode:
  The possibility of prominence formation in sheared coronal arcades is
  investigated. The creation of a dip at the summit of field lines is
  a likely requirement before a prominence can form; then dense plasma
  can be supported against gravity by the Lorentz force. It is proved
  that, in fact, no shear profile can create a dip in a two-dimensional
  force-free arcade if the photospheric field is bipolar. However,
  numerical investigations show that shearing an arcade can induce very
  flat field lines. It is investigated, in order of magnitude, how this
  flattening of the field can increase the free fall time of a dense
  plasma. Also, the interaction between shear and twist is analyzed; the
  critical twist needed to have a dip is a decreasing function of shear.

Title: Extended massive current sheet in a two-dimensional
    constant-alpha force-free field - A model for quiescent prominences. I
    - Theory
Authors: Amari, T.; Aly, J. J.
1990A&A...231..213A    Altcode:
  We present an analytical model of extended massive current sheet Σ
  in equilibrium in a 2 D x-invariant constant-α force-free field, and
  a vertical gravitational field. We show in particular that there is a
  maximal mass that can be supported by the magnetic field and that the
  topology of the field lines is always of the "Kippenhahn-Schlüter"
  type. This model can be used to describe the magnetic support of solar
  quiescent prominences. This work is an extension of Amari and Aly
  (1989) in which the simpler approximation of a prominence by a filament
  was considered.

Title: Current Sheets in Two-Dimensional Potential Magnetic Fields -
    Part Two - Asymptotic Limits of Indefinitely Sheared Force-Free Fields
Authors: Amari, T.; Aly, J. J.
1990A&A...227..628A    Altcode:
  We compute analytically the singular state B<SUB>∞</SUB> which is
  approached asymptotically by an arcade-like x-invariant force- free
  field in {z &gt; 0} when indefinitely sheared. B<SUB>∞</SUB> is a
  field which is potential everywhere in {z &gt; 0} but on a current
  sheet in equilibrium extending up to infinity; it is determined from
  the values of B<SUB>z</SUB> on the boundary plane {z = 0} and of a
  number A<SUP>1</SUP> characterizing the magnetic surface from which
  the sheet is starting.

Title: Structure of two-dimensional magnetostatic equilibria in the
    presence of gravity
Authors: Amari, T.; Aly, J. J.
1990GMS....58..327A    Altcode:
  Results are presented from an analytical study of three different
  2D, x-invariant equilibrium models for a plasma that occupies the
  half-space and is subject to both a magnetic field and a constant
  vertical gravitational field. The models are differentiated by their
  assumptions concerning the spatial distribution of matter; while models
  1 and 2, respectively, take the plasma to be concentrated in a vertical
  sheet and in the filament, model 3's plasma occupies all of half-space
  and possesses a uniform temperature. In all three cases, attention
  is given to the existence and uniqueness of solutions. Nonequilibrium
  phenomena are noted.

Title: Support of a Prominence by a Constant-Current Force-Free Field
Authors: Ridgway, C.; Amari, T.; Priest, E. R.
1990PDHO....7..166R    Altcode: 1990dysu.conf..166R; 1990ESPM....6..166R
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Two Dimensional Quasi-static Boundary Value Problems of
    Solar Magnetostatics.
Authors: Amari, T.
1990ppsa.conf..193A    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Quasi-potential-singular-equilibria and evolution of the
    coronal magnetic field due to photospheric boundary motions
Authors: Amari, T.; Aly, J. J.
1990GMS....58..245A    Altcode:
  Novel general properties are presented of configurations in a class
  of 2D, x-invariant magnetostatic equilibria, showing that the general
  condition of equilibrium at the extremities of the current sheet implies
  a heretofore unsuspected constraint on the magnetic field. Attention is
  given to situations in which singular states are obtained asymptotically
  by means of an arcadelike, x-invariant force-free field that is
  indefinitely sheared. A method is given for the analytical computation
  of such asymptotic states, as the solutions of boundary-value problems.

Title: Current sheets in two-dimensional potential magnetic fields. I
    - General properties
Authors: Aly, J. J.; Amari, T.
1989A&A...221..287A    Altcode:
  The equilibrium of a set of current sheets embedded in a potential
  magnetic field is studied as well as some general properties of
  quasi-potential singular equilibrium (QPSE). Representations were
  established for an x-invariant magnetic field which is potential
  everywhere but on a set of singular surfaces. It is shown that, in a
  QPSE, the current sheets are analytical curves. An analytical curve
  may always be interpreted as a current sheet embedded in a QPSE.

Title: Non-equilibrium of a cylindrical magnetic arcade
Authors: Steele, C. D. C.; Hood, A. W.; Priest, E. R.; Amari, T.
1989SoPh..123..127S    Altcode:
  A cylindrically-symmetric magnetic arcade with its axis on the
  photosphere is perturbed by means of an alteration in the pressure
  along the base. The perturbation is examined with a view to finding
  equilibrium configurations close to the original equilibrium. It
  is found that equilibria can only be found when the integral of the
  excess pressure along the base is zero. In other cases no equilibria
  can be found and the arcade is likely either to collapse or, in the
  case of a coronal mass ejection, to erupt. For an initial arcade
  whose field increases linearly with radial distance from the axis,
  the neighbouring equilibria have been found.

Title: Two-dimensional isothermal magnetostatic equilibria in a
    gravitational field. I - Unsheared equilibria
Authors: Amari, T.; Aly, J. J.
1989A&A...208..361A    Altcode:
  Some new results concerning the structure and the quasi-static
  evolution of two-dimensional x-invariant magnetostatic equilibria in
  the half-space (z greater than 0) are presented. The plasma pressure p
  and the gravity are taken into account, but the field is assumed to be
  shearless (Bx = 0). The values of Bz and of p are given on the boundary
  (z =0). The problem of the existence of solutions is discussed, and
  some of their general properties are determined.

Title: Interaction between a line current and a two-dimensional
    constant-alpha force-free field - an analytical model for quiescent
Authors: Amari, T.; Aly, J. J.
1989A&A...208..261A    Altcode:
  A simple analytical model describing the equilibrium of a massive
  line current submitted to the action of a vertical gravitational field
  and of a two-dimensional constant-alpha force-free magnetic field is
  described. This model is then applied to the problem of the magnetic
  support of quiescent prominences. It is shown in particular that the
  introduction of a background force-free field instead of a potential
  one may be a clue for solving difficulties which appear when some
  previous models are confronted with the observations.

Title: An analytical study of the structure of two-dimensional
    magnetostatic equilibria in the presence of gravity.
Authors: Amari, T.; Aly, J. J.
1989sasf.confP.271A    Altcode: 1989IAUCo.104P.271A; 1988sasf.conf..271A
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Two-dimensional non-symmetric models of quiescent prominences
    in potential magnetic fields
Authors: Aly, J. J.; Amari, T.
1988A&A...207..154A    Altcode:
  The authors present a general method which allows to construct in the
  half-space {z &gt; 0} non-y-symmetric x invariant models describing
  the equilibrium of a massive current sheet submitted to the action of
  a vertical gravitational field and of a potential magnetic field. They
  also derive general relations which determine the current and the mass
  of the sheet and the total energy of the configuration from the only
  value of the magnetic field on the plane {z = 0}.

Title: Some integral properties of two-dimensional force-free fields
    supporting massive current sheets
Authors: Amari, T.; Aly, J. J.
1988A&A...193..291A    Altcode:
  A set of useful integral relations satisfied by any x-invariant
  nonlinear force-free field occupying the half-space z greater than zero
  and supporting a massive current sheet against the action of a vertical
  gravitational field is derived. These relations are used to prove a
  nonexistence theorem for the solutions of a boundary value problem which
  determines the equilibrium of a massive sheet when the amount of mass
  per unit of flux of the background nonlinear force-free field is given.

Title: Some New Results in the Theory of Two-Dimensional Magnetostatic
Authors: Aly, J. J.; Amari, T.
1985tphr.conf..319A    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Some new results in the theory of two-dimensional magnetostatic
Authors: Aly, J. J.; Amari, T.
1985MPARp.212..319A    Altcode:
  X-invariant magnetostatic equilibria in the half-space {z &gt; 0} have
  been very often considered in theoretical models for prominences or
  two-ribbon flares. In this paper, the authors report some new results
  on the structure and quasi-static evolution of such equilibria. These
  results concern the two following limiting situations: (1) the field
  is force-free and the value of B<SUB>z</SUB> as well as the positions
  of the feet of the lines are given on {z = 0}; (2) plasma pressure
  p and gravity are taken into account, but the field is shearless
  (B<SUB>x</SUB> = 0); the values of B<SUB>z</SUB> and of p are given
  on {z = 0}.