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Author name code: bourdin
ADS astronomy entries on 2022-09-14
author:"Bourdin, Philippe-A."

Title: Electromotive force and helicity estimation of an iCME observed
    by SolarOrbiter
Authors: Bourdin, Philippe-A.
2022cosp...44.1369B    Altcode:
  Inter-planetary coronal mass ejections that are faster than the ambient
  solar wind are known to push a bow shock in front of them. Such fronts
  usually feature strongly oscillating magnetic fields that are similar
  to magneto-hydrodynamic turbulence or dynamo action. The electromotive
  force is one way of estimating the turbulent nature of such fronts,
  giving a way to identify the exact arrival time, even without knowing
  the complete following magnetic field structures. The magnetic
  helicity within the iCME is largely conserved during the travel of
  the iCME through the heliosphere. Also this handedness should be the
  same as found in the solar corona during the actual outbreak. We aim
  to estimate the handedness of the magnetic helicity by using in-situ
  observations from SolarOrbiter MAG and SWA-PAS data of the event
  around 4th of November 2021. To this end, we compute the electromotive
  force from the fluctuations of the magnetic field and proton velocity
  moments. Finally, we infer the handedness of the magnetic helicity
  and compare the magnitude of the electromotive force to our previous
  study of Helios observations in the inner heliosphere between 0.28 and
  1 au. This allows us to compare the turbulent magnitude of the November
  2021 event to a decade worth of inner-heliospheric observations from
  the Helios database. We show how the SolarOrbiter observation fits to
  a scaling law for the decay of the electromotive force that we deduced
  from Helios data.

Title: Heating and cooling in an atmospheric model of the solar corona
Authors: Pandey, Vartika; Bourdin, Philippe-A.
2022cosp...44.2482P    Altcode:
  We investigate the solar coronal heating problems. We aim to model
  the field-line braiding mechanism with magnetic foot-points that are
  shuffled to generate an upward Poynting flux. The magnetic energy then
  travels into the corona. These perturbations induce electric currents
  that later heat the coronal plasma through Ohmic dissipation. The
  initial condition for large-scale magneto-hydrodynamic simulations
  is an atmospheric stratification but as the numerical and analytical
  derivatives are not identical the initial hydrodynamic equilibrium
  is inexact. It would not be cost-effective to settle the initial
  in-equilibrium in a large-scale 3D model. Therefore, we use a 1D
  model that spans from the solar interior to the corona for finding the
  numerical equilibrium under the actual MHD simulation parameters, like
  mass diffusion, heat conduction, viscosity, and radiative losses. This
  new 1D atmospheric stratification will be used as the initial condition
  for our large 3D simulation runs. Also, we implement an artificial
  heating function for the corona that compensates for a lack of heating
  in the early phase of the model, where the observational driving
  sets in and takes at least Alfvèn travel time for the perturbation
  to reach the corona. This way, we avoid the collapse of solar corona
  due to insufficient heating. This function also compensates for the
  natural and numerical energy losses.This allows us to start the 3D
  model with the most realistic physics and keep the vertical settling
  motions at a minimum, in particular below some m/s, which is also
  the observable Doppler shift magnitude in the corona.We also discuss
  the effects of the coronal heating and cooling mechanisms and their
  importance in different atmospherical layers, such as compressional
  heating, viscous heating, radiative losses, as well as how they balance
  out. This procedure finally allows us to start large-scale 3D models
  and get realistic vertical velocities without numerical effects, which
  can then be compared with Doppler shifts observed by the Hinode/EIS
  instrument in the corona.

Title: Influence of the kinematic viscosity on solar convection
Authors: Tschernitz, Johannes; Bourdin, Philippe-A.
2022cosp...44.2553T    Altcode:
  Numerical simulations can give insights into solar plasma processes,
  that would not be possible otherwise. While the computing power of
  modern supercomputers has increased over time, the spatial resolution
  is still limited. Diffusion parameters like kinematic viscosity play
  a major role in the numerical stability of magneto-hydrodynamic
  simulations. Generally, larger viscosity can make a simulation
  more stable, while in return it suppresses small scale turbulent
  motions. Therefore, the value of the simulated viscosity is often by
  several orders of magnitude larger than the realistic one. We perform
  hydrodynamic 2D simulations of solar convection with the Pencil Code in
  order to study the effect of different values of the kinematic viscosity
  on the numerical stability, the spatial scale of the convection,
  and the vertical velocities. Our convection simulations also include a
  large part of the solar atmosphere, up to 25 Mm above the surface, while
  including 20 Mm of the solar convection layer. We use a box of 512×384
  grid points, resulting in a spatial resolution of about 125 km. Our
  initial condition matches the density and temperature stratification
  of the Sun, including a realistic gravity profile. The atmosphere is
  kept at the initial temperature profile by a Newton-cooling scheme,
  while we drive the convection from the bottom with a realistic
  heat input. We find that convection starts in two different regions
  separately after some time. The first region lies at the solar surface,
  where the convection is driven by cooling. The second region lies at
  the bottom of the box, where the convection cells are driven by the
  heating from below. We run the simulation setup several times with
  varying values of the kinematic viscosity in the range of $\sim$10$
  ^{-7}$ to $\sim$10$ ^{10}$ m$ ^{2}$/s. We find that the cells at the
  top are dependent on the kinematic viscosity, if it is above $\sim$10$
  ^{8}$ m$ ^{2}$/s, with larger values resulting in larger cells. Below
  this value, the size of the cells is practically constant around 2.5 Mm
  in diameter, and not varying for lower viscosity values. The numerical
  stability is affected for small viscosities and the simulation crashes
  before the completion of 24 hours solar time. Diffusion constants like
  the kinematic viscosity have to be chosen carefully for a specific
  problem to avoid numerical problems in the simulation domain. We find
  that there is an optimal choice of the viscosity with good numerical
  stability and only small changes of the physical behavior in the upper
  layers of the convection zone.

Title: The Pencil Code, a modular MPI code for partial differential
equations and particles: multipurpose and multiuser-maintained
Authors: Pencil Code Collaboration; Brandenburg, Axel; Johansen,
   Anders; Bourdin, Philippe; Dobler, Wolfgang; Lyra, Wladimir;
   Rheinhardt, Matthias; Bingert, Sven; Haugen, Nils; Mee, Antony; Gent,
   Frederick; Babkovskaia, Natalia; Yang, Chao-Chin; Heinemann, Tobias;
   Dintrans, Boris; Mitra, Dhrubaditya; Candelaresi, Simon; Warnecke,
   Jörn; Käpylä, Petri; Schreiber, Andreas; Chatterjee, Piyali;
   Käpylä, Maarit; Li, Xiang-Yu; Krüger, Jonas; Aarnes, Jørgen;
   Sarson, Graeme; Oishi, Jeffrey; Schober, Jennifer; Plasson, Raphaël;
   Sandin, Christer; Karchniwy, Ewa; Rodrigues, Luiz; Hubbard, Alexander;
   Guerrero, Gustavo; Snodin, Andrew; Losada, Illa; Pekkilä, Johannes;
   Qian, Chengeng
2021JOSS....6.2807P    Altcode: 2021JOSS....6.2807C; 2020arXiv200908231B
  The Pencil Code is a highly modular physics-oriented simulation code
  that can be adapted to a wide range of applications. It is primarily
  designed to solve partial differential equations (PDEs) of compressible
  hydrodynamics and has lots of add-ons ranging from astrophysical
  magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) to meteorological cloud microphysics and
  engineering applications in combustion. Nevertheless, the framework
  is general and can also be applied to situations not related to
  hydrodynamics or even PDEs, for example when just the message passing
  interface or input/output strategies of the code are to be used. The
  code can also evolve Lagrangian (inertial and noninertial) particles,
  their coagulation and condensation, as well as their interaction with
  the fluid.

Title: Derfflinger's Sunspot Observations: Primary Dataset to
    Understand the Dalton Minimum
Authors: Hayakawa, Hisashi; Besser, Bruno P.; Imada, Shinsuke; Arlt,
   Rainer; Iju, Tomoya; Bourdin, Philippe; Kraml, Amand; Uneme, Shoma
2021cosp...43E.915H    Altcode:
  As various predictions indicate possible arrival of depressed solar
  cycles or even a secular/grand solar minimum, it is increasingly
  important to understand the actual solar activity during the existing
  solar secular/grand minima. The Dalton Minimum is arguably one of such
  solar secular/grand minima within the coverage of telescopic sunspot
  observations, while its sunspot group number has been differently
  reconstructed by various studies and its butterfly diagram has not been
  reconstructed. Here, we examine the original observational records
  of Derfflinger in Krememünster Observatory, spanning from 1802 to
  1824, covering the core period of the Dalton Minimum. We revise his
  sunspot group number and reconstruct the butterfly diagram. These
  reconstructions show that the Dalton Minimum was significantly different
  from the Maunder Minimum, both in terms of amplitude of its solar
  cycles and sunspot distributions.

Title: Life-time evolution and magnetic structure of coronal holes
Authors: Heinemann, Stephan; Pomoell, Jens; Temmer, Manuela; Bourdin,
2021cosp...43E1024H    Altcode:
  The study of the evolution of coronal holes (CHs) is especially
  important in the context of high--speed solar wind streams
  emanating from them. Slow and high speed stream interaction
  regions may deliver large amount of energy into the Earth's
  magnetosphere-termosphere-ionosphere system system, cause geomagnetic
  storms, and shape interplanetary space. The open magnetic structure,
  its evolution and interplay with the local and global fields strongly
  defines the coronal and solar wind properties. Only by understanding
  these we can attempt to create a full picture of our heliosphere. By
  statistically investigating the long--term evolution of 16 well
  observed CHs, which are distributed in time over a full solar cycle,
  we aim to reveal processes that drive the observed changes in the
  CH parameters. We use remote sensing image data from SDO and focus
  on coronal, morphological and underlying photospheric magnetic field
  characteristics as well as investigate the evolution of the associated
  high--speed streams from in-situ measurements. The analysis of the
  observational data is supported by modeling, based on synthetic data
  in order to simulate the small-scale magnetic field topology in 3
  dimensions. We find that the CH area evolution mostly shows a rough
  trend of growing to a maximum followed by a decay. No correlation of
  the area evolution to the evolution of the signed magnetic flux and
  signed magnetic flux density enclosed in the projected coronal hole
  area was found. From this we conclude that the magnetic flux within
  the extracted coronal hole boundaries is not the main cause for its
  area evolution. This is supported by the model results. Change rates
  of the signed mean magnetic flux density and the signed magnetic flux
  are derived to be dependent on the solar cycle rather than on the
  evolution of the individual CH. This clearly hints towards that the
  global magnetic field gives significant contribution to the evolution
  of open magnetic field structures on the Sun. The velocities of the
  high speed streams emanating from the CHs are found to be linearly
  related to the area of the individual CH, however the slopes vary.

Title: Investigating Mercury's Environment with the Two-Spacecraft
    BepiColombo Mission
Authors: Milillo, A.; Fujimoto, M.; Murakami, G.; Benkhoff, J.; Zender,
   J.; Aizawa, S.; Dósa, M.; Griton, L.; Heyner, D.; Ho, G.; Imber,
   S. M.; Jia, X.; Karlsson, T.; Killen, R. M.; Laurenza, M.; Lindsay,
   S. T.; McKenna-Lawlor, S.; Mura, A.; Raines, J. M.; Rothery, D. A.;
   André, N.; Baumjohann, W.; Berezhnoy, A.; Bourdin, P. A.; Bunce,
   E. J.; Califano, F.; Deca, J.; de la Fuente, S.; Dong, C.; Grava,
   C.; Fatemi, S.; Henri, P.; Ivanovski, S. L.; Jackson, B. V.; James,
   M.; Kallio, E.; Kasaba, Y.; Kilpua, E.; Kobayashi, M.; Langlais, B.;
   Leblanc, F.; Lhotka, C.; Mangano, V.; Martindale, A.; Massetti, S.;
   Masters, A.; Morooka, M.; Narita, Y.; Oliveira, J. S.; Odstrcil, D.;
   Orsini, S.; Pelizzo, M. G.; Plainaki, C.; Plaschke, F.; Sahraoui, F.;
   Seki, K.; Slavin, J. A.; Vainio, R.; Wurz, P.; Barabash, S.; Carr,
   C. M.; Delcourt, D.; Glassmeier, K. -H.; Grande, M.; Hirahara, M.;
   Huovelin, J.; Korablev, O.; Kojima, H.; Lichtenegger, H.; Livi, S.;
   Matsuoka, A.; Moissl, R.; Moncuquet, M.; Muinonen, K.; Quèmerais,
   E.; Saito, Y.; Yagitani, S.; Yoshikawa, I.; Wahlund, J. -E.
2020SSRv..216...93M    Altcode: 2022arXiv220213243M
  The ESA-JAXA BepiColombo mission will provide simultaneous measurements
  from two spacecraft, offering an unprecedented opportunity to
  investigate magnetospheric and exospheric dynamics at Mercury as
  well as their interactions with the solar wind, radiation, and
  interplanetary dust. Many scientific instruments onboard the two
  spacecraft will be completely, or partially devoted to study the
  near-space environment of Mercury as well as the complex processes
  that govern it. Many issues remain unsolved even after the MESSENGER
  mission that ended in 2015. The specific orbits of the two spacecraft,
  MPO and Mio, and the comprehensive scientific payload allow a wider
  range of scientific questions to be addressed than those that could
  be achieved by the individual instruments acting alone, or by previous
  missions. These joint observations are of key importance because many
  phenomena in Mercury's environment are highly temporally and spatially
  variable. Examples of possible coordinated observations are described in
  this article, analysing the required geometrical conditions, pointing,
  resolutions and operation timing of different BepiColombo instruments

Title: Driving solar coronal MHD simulations on high-performance
Authors: Bourdin, Philippe-A.
2020GApFD.114..235B    Altcode: 2019arXiv190808557B
  The quality of today's research is often tightly limited to
  the available computing power and scalability of codes to many
  processors. For example, tackling the problem of heating the solar
  corona requires a most realistic description of the plasma dynamics and
  the magnetic field. Numerically solving such a magneto-hydrodynamical
  (MHD) description of a small active region (AR) on the Sun requires
  millions of computation hours on current high-performance computing
  (HPC) hardware. The aim of this work is to describe methods for an
  efficient parallelisation of boundary conditions and data input/output
  (IO) strategies that allow for a better scaling towards thousands
  of processors (CPUs). The Pencil Code is tested before and after
  optimisation to compare the performance and scalability of a coronal
  MHD model above an AR. We present a novel boundary condition for
  non-vertical magnetic fields in the photosphere, where we approach
  the realistic pressure increase below the photosphere. With that,
  magnetic flux bundles become narrower with depth and the flux density
  increases accordingly. The scalability is improved by more than one
  order of magnitude through the HPC-friendly boundary conditions and
  IO strategies. This work describes also the necessary nudging methods
  to drive the MHD model with observed magnetic fields from the Sun's
  photosphere. In addition, we present the upper and lower atmospheric
  boundary conditions (photospheric and towards the outer corona),
  including swamp layers to diminish perturbations before they reach
  the boundaries. Altogether, these methods enable more realistic 3D MHD
  simulations than previous models regarding the coronal heating problem
  above an AR - simply because of the ability to use a large amount of
  CPUs efficiently in parallel.

Title: Thaddäus Derfflinger's Sunspot Observations during 1802-1824:
    A Primary Reference to Understand the Dalton Minimum
Authors: Hayakawa, Hisashi; Besser, Bruno P.; Iju, Tomoya; Arlt,
   Rainer; Uneme, Shoma; Imada, Shinsuke; Bourdin, Philippe-A.; Kraml,
2020ApJ...890...98H    Altcode: 2020arXiv200102367H
  As we are heading toward the next solar cycle, presumably with
  a relatively small amplitude, it is of significant interest to
  reconstruct and describe the past secular minima on the basis of actual
  observations at the time. The Dalton Minimum is often considered
  one of the secular minima captured in the coverage of telescopic
  observations. Nevertheless, the reconstructions of the sunspot group
  number vary significantly, and the existing butterfly diagrams have
  a large data gap during the period. This is partially because most
  long-term observations at that time have remained unexplored in
  historical archives. Therefore, to improve our understanding on the
  Dalton Minimum, we have located two series of Thaddäus Derfflinger's
  observational records spanning 1802-1824 (a summary manuscript
  and logbooks), as well as his Brander's 5.5 feet azimuthal quadrant
  preserved in the Kremsmünster Observatory. We have revised the existing
  Derfflinger's sunspot group number with Waldmeier classification, and
  eliminated all the existing "spotless days" to remove contaminations
  from solar elevation observations. We have reconstructed the butterfly
  diagram on the basis of his observations and illustrated sunspot
  distributions in both solar hemispheres. Our article aims to revise
  the trend of Derfflinger's sunspot group number and to bridge a data
  gap of the existing butterfly diagrams around the Dalton Minimum. Our
  results confirm that the Dalton Minimum is significantly different
  from the Maunder Minimum, both in terms of cycle amplitudes and sunspot
  distributions. Therefore, the Dalton Minimum is more likely a secular
  minimum in the long-term solar activity, while further investigations
  for the observations at that time are required.

Title: Orbital stability of ensembles of particles in regions of
    magnetic reconnection in Earth's magneto-tail
Authors: Lhotka, Christoph; Bourdin, Philippe; Pilat-Lohinger, Elke
2019PhPl...26g2903L    Altcode: 2019arXiv190713478L
  We investigate the collective behavior of particle orbits in the
  vicinity of magnetic reconnection in Earth's magneto-tail. Various
  regions of different kinds of orbital stability of particle motions
  are found. We locate regimes of temporary capture of particle orbits
  in configuration space as well as locations, where strong particle
  accelerations take place. With this study, we are able to provide a
  detailed map, i.e., the topology, of high and low acceleration centers
  close to the reconnection site. Quasiregular and chaotic kinds of
  motions of elementary particles can be determined as well. The orbital
  stability of particle orbits is obtained by a statistical analysis of
  the outcome of the system of variational equations of particle orbits
  within the framework of particle-in-cell simulations. Using the concept
  of Lyapunov characteristic numbers to ensembles of particle orbits,
  we introduce Lyapunov ensemble averages to describe the response of
  particle orbits to local perturbations induced by the electromagnetic

Title: Application of the Electromotive Force as a Shock Front
    Indicator in the Inner Heliosphere
Authors: Hofer, Bernhard; Bourdin, Philippe-A.
2019ApJ...878...30H    Altcode: 2019arXiv190502596H
  The electromotive force (EMF) describes how the evolution and
  generation of a large-scale magnetic field is influenced by small-scale
  turbulence. Recent studies of in situ measurements have shown a
  significant peak in the EMF while a coronal mass ejection (CME) shock
  front passes by the spacecraft. The goal of this study is to use the
  EMF as an indicator for the arrival of CME shock fronts. With Helios
  spacecraft measurements we carry out a statistical study on the EMF
  during CMEs in the inner heliosphere. We develop an automated shock
  front detection algorithm using the EMF as the main detection criterion
  and compare the results to an existing CME database. The properties
  of the EMF during the recorded events are discussed as a function of
  the heliocentric distance. Our algorithm reproduces most of the events
  from Kilpua et al. and finds many additional CME-like events, which
  proves that the EMF is a good shock front indicator. The largest peaks
  in the EMF are found from 0 to 50 minutes after the initial shock. We
  find a power law of -1.54 and -2.18 for two different formulations of
  the EMF with the heliocentric distance.

Title: Magnetic Helicity from Multipolar Regions on the Solar Surface
Authors: Bourdin, Philippe-A.; Brandenburg, Axel
2018ApJ...869....3B    Altcode: 2018arXiv180404160B
  The emergence of dipolar magnetic features on the solar surface
  is an idealization. Most of the magnetic flux emergence occurs in
  complex multipolar regions. Here, we show that the surface pattern of
  magnetic structures alone can reveal the sign of the underlying magnetic
  helicity in the nearly force-free coronal regions above. The sign of
  the magnetic helicity can be predicted to good accuracy by considering
  the three-dimensional position vectors of three spots on the sphere
  ordered by their relative strengths at the surface and compute from
  them the skew product. This product, which is a pseudoscalar, is shown
  to be a good proxy for the sign of the coronal magnetic helicity.

Title: Magnetic Helicity Reversal in the Corona at Small Plasma Beta
Authors: Bourdin, Philippe; Singh, Nishant K.; Brandenburg, Axel
2018ApJ...869....2B    Altcode: 2018arXiv180404153B
  Solar and stellar dynamos shed small-scale and large-scale magnetic
  helicity of opposite signs. However, solar wind observations and
  simulations have shown that some distance above the dynamo both
  the small-scale and large-scale magnetic helicities have reversed
  signs. With realistic simulations of the solar corona above an active
  region now being available, we have access to the magnetic field and
  current density along coronal loops. We show that a sign reversal in
  the horizontal averages of the magnetic helicity occurs when the local
  maximum of the plasma beta drops below unity and the field becomes
  nearly fully force free. Hence, this reversal is expected to occur well
  within the solar corona and would not directly be accessible to in situ
  measurements with the Parker Solar Probe or SolarOrbiter. We also show
  that the reversal is associated with subtle changes in the relative
  dominance of structures with positive and negative magnetic helicity.

Title: Electromotive force in the vincinity of an ICME shock front
Authors: Bourdin, Philippe A.
2018shin.confE.202B    Altcode:
  The electromotive force is a key quantity in magneto-hydrodynamic
  turbulence and dynamo research that couples magnetic field with
  plasma bulk flow fluctuations. From Helios observations it was thought
  that the electromotive force is negligible in the solar wind within
  the inner heliosphere between 0.3 and 1 AU. We revisit those data
  sets particularly around ICME and magnetic transient events. We
  compute the spatial derivatives along the solar-wind stream from
  in-situ measurements, which allows to determine quantities like the
  flow vorticity, the cross-helicity, and turbulent diffusion. With
  different formulations of the electromotive force from mean-field
  electrodynamics and turbulence research, we may compare the in-situ
  electromotive force with a simple ICME model of the magnetic field
  and the plasma bulk flow. We find the electromotive force becomes
  significantly enhanced and is no longer negligible during such magnetic
  transient events. Our toy-model fits well to the observed data and
  we may read several parameters, like the magnetic helicity and flow
  vorticity during this event. Hence, the electromotive force is not
  only a good in-situ indicator of ICME-like events, but also our method
  allows to draw conclusions on the actual internal magnetic structure
  of ICMEs. For future inner-heliospheric missions, like Parker Solar
  Probe and SolarOrbiter, this method may be applied to automatically
  detect and analyze ICMEs in at least a statistical sense.

Title: Chaotic motions of plasma and dust particles in magnetic
    reconnection regimes in Earth's magnetotail
Authors: Lhotka, Christoph; Pilat-Lohinger, Elke; Bourdin, Philippe
2018cosp...42E1985L    Altcode:
  We investigate the role of regular and chaotic motions of plasma and
  dust particles in the regime of magnetic reconnection of the Earth
  magnetotail on plasma processes. Our study is based on numerical
  simulations of particle orbits in plasma simulations. We analyze
  the variational system of equations together with the evolution and
  characteristics of the short time Local Lyapunov Indicators. We find
  regular and chaotic motions of (dust) particle orbits in phase space
  and link our results to open problems of plasma physics.

Title: Ensemble Prediction of a Halo Coronal Mass Ejection Using
    Heliospheric Imagers
Authors: Amerstorfer, T.; Möstl, C.; Hess, P.; Temmer, M.; Mays,
   M. L.; Reiss, M. A.; Lowrance, P.; Bourdin, P. -A.
2018SpWea..16..784A    Altcode: 2017arXiv171200218A
  The Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO) and its
  heliospheric imagers (HIs) have provided us the possibility to enhance
  our understanding of the interplanetary propagation of coronal mass
  ejections (CMEs). HI-based methods are able to forecast arrival times
  and speeds at any target and use the advantage of tracing a CME's path
  of propagation up to 1 AU and beyond. In our study, we use the ELEvoHI
  model for CME arrival prediction together with an ensemble approach to
  derive uncertainties in the modeled arrival time and impact speed. The
  CME from 3 November 2010 is analyzed by performing 339 model runs
  that are compared to in situ measurements from lined-up spacecraft
  MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging and
  STEREO-B. Remote data from STEREO-B showed the CME as halo event,
  which is comparable to an HI observer situated at L1 and observing an
  Earth-directed CME. A promising and easy approach is found by using
  the frequency distributions of four ELEvoHI output parameters, drag
  parameter, background solar wind speed, initial distance, and speed. In
  this case study, the most frequent values of these outputs lead to
  the predictions with the smallest errors. Restricting the ensemble
  to those runs, we are able to reduce the mean absolute arrival time
  error from 3.5 ± 2.6 to 1.6 ± 1.1 hr at 1 AU. Our study suggests that
  L1 may provide a sufficient vantage point for an Earth-directed CME,
  when observed by HI, and that ensemble modeling could be a feasible
  approach to use ELEvoHI operationally.

Title: Inner Structure of CME Shock Fronts Revealed by the
    Electromotive Force and Turbulent Transport Coefficients in Helios-2
Authors: Bourdin, Philippe-A.; Hofer, Bernhard; Narita, Yasuhito
2018ApJ...855..111B    Altcode: 2018arXiv180210111B
  Electromotive force is an essential quantity in dynamo theory. During a
  coronal mass ejection (CME), magnetic helicity gets decoupled from the
  Sun and advected into the heliosphere with the solar wind. Eventually,
  a heliospheric magnetic transient event might pass by a spacecraft,
  such as the Helios space observatories. Our aim is to investigate
  the electromotive force, the kinetic helicity effect (α term),
  the turbulent diffusion (β term), and the cross-helicity effect (γ
  term) in the inner heliosphere below 1 au. We set up a one-dimensional
  model of the solar wind velocity and magnetic field for a hypothetic
  interplanetary CME. Because turbulent structures within the solar wind
  evolve much slower than this structure needs to pass by the spacecraft,
  we use a reduced curl operator to compute the current density and
  vorticity. We test our CME shock-front model against an observed
  magnetic transient that passes by the Helios-2 spacecraft. At the
  peak of the fluctuations in this event we find strongly enhanced α,
  β, and γ terms, as well as a strong peak in the total electromotive
  force. Our method allows us to automatically identify magnetic transient
  events from any in situ spacecraft observations that contain magnetic
  field and plasma velocity data of the solar wind.

Title: Catalog of fine-structured electron velocity distribution
functions - Part 1: Antiparallel magnetic-field reconnection (Geospace
    Environmental Modeling case)
Authors: Bourdin, Philippe-A.
2017AnGeo..35.1051B    Altcode: 2017arXiv170905564B
  To understand the essential physics needed to reproduce magnetic
  reconnection events in 2.5-D particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations, we
  revisit the Geospace Environmental Modeling (GEM) setup. We set up a 2-D
  Harris current sheet (that also specifies the initial conditions) to
  evolve the reconnection of antiparallel magnetic fields. In contrast
  to the GEM setup, we use a much smaller initial perturbation to
  trigger the reconnection and evolve it more self-consistently. From
  PIC simulation data with high-quality particle statistics, we study
  a symmetric reconnection site, including separatrix layers, as well
  as the inflow and the outflow regions. The velocity distribution
  functions (VDFs) of electrons have a fine structure and vary strongly
  depending on their location within the reconnection setup. The goal
  is to start cataloging multidimensional fine-structured electron
  velocity distributions showing different reconnection processes in
  the Earth's magnetotail under various conditions. This will enable a
  direct comparison with observations from, e.g., the NASA Magnetospheric
  MultiScale (MMS) mission, to identify reconnection-related events. We
  find regions with strong non-gyrotropy also near the separatrix layer
  and provide a refined criterion to identify an electron diffusion region
  in the magnetotail. The good statistical significance of this work
  for relatively small analysis areas reveals the gradual changes within
  the fine structure of electron VDFs depending on their sampling site.

Title: Solar wind driven instability with non-Maxwellian distribution
Authors: Ehsan, Z.; Poedts, S.; Vranjes, J.; Arshad, K.; Shah, H. A.;
   Bourdin, P. A.
2016AGUFMSH21D2558E    Altcode:
  In plasmas with an electron drift current relative to static ions, ion
  acoustic waves are subject to the kinetic instability. The instability
  threshold however, when one quasi-neutral electron-ion plasma propagates
  through another static target plasma, may be well below the ion
  acoustic speed of the static plasma. Such a currentless instability
  may frequently be driven by the solar wind when it permeates through
  another plasma in space. Such kinetic instabilities were previously
  studied in the framework of thermodynamically stable plasmas obeying
  a Maxwellian behavior. Recently, it has become possible to construct
  the distribution function from the empirical data, which is found to
  deviate from the Maxwellian due to the presence of high energy tails
  and shoulders in the profile of the distribution functions. Here we
  study a situation where non-Maxwellian (Lorentzian or kappa) solar
  wind plasma interacts with another relatively slow plasma, and then
  excites a kinetic instability in the acoustic mode. As a special case,
  we also discuss the presence of interstellar dust and discuss dispersion
  properties and growth rates of ion/dust acoustic modes quantitatively.

Title: Firedrakeproject/Petsc: Portable, Extensible Toolkit For
    Scientific Computation
Authors: Smith, Barry; Balay, Satish; Knepley, Matthew; Brown, Jed;
   Curfman McInnes, Lois; Zhang, Hong; Brune, Peter; Sarich, Jason;
   tisaac; stefanozampini; Dalcin, Lisandro; Karpeyev, Dmitry; markadams;
   Minden, Victor; VictorEijkhout; vijaysm; Rupp, Karl; dmay23; Kong,
   Fande; SurtaiHan; Lange, Michael; tmunson; Meiser, Dominic; Sanan,
   Patrick; emconsta; Zhou, Xuan; baagaard-usgs; Mitchell, Lawrence;
   bourdin; sozmen
2016zndo....161513S    Altcode:
  Version of Firedrake used in 'Vertical slice modelling of nonlinear
  Eady waves using a compatible finite element method'. This release is
  specifically created to document the version of Firedrake used in a
  particular set of experiments. Please do not cite this as a general
  source for Firedrake or any of its dependencies. Instead, refer to

Title: Stable motions of charged dust grains subject to solar wind,
    Poynting-Robertson drag, and the mean interplanetary magnetic field
Authors: Lhotka, Christoph; Bourdin, Philippe; Narita, Yasuhito
2016DPS....4852101L    Altcode:
  We investigate the combined effect of solar wind, Poynting-Robertson
  drag, and the frozen-in interplanetary magnetic field on the motion
  of charged dust grains in our solar system. It is generally accepted
  that the combined effects of solar wind and photon absorption and
  re-emmision (Poynting-Robertson drag) lead to a decrease in semi-major
  axis on secular time scales. On the contrary, we demonstrate that
  the interplanetary magnetic field may counteract these drag forces
  under certain circumstances. We derive a simple relation between the
  parameters of the magnetic field, the physical properties of the dust
  grain as well as the shape and orientation of the orbital ellipse of
  the particle, which is a necessary conditions for the stabilization
  in semi-major axis.

Title: Firedrakeproject/Petsc: Portable, Extensible Toolkit For
    Scientific Computation
Authors: Smith, Barry; Balay, Satish; Knepley, Matthew; Brown, Jed;
   Curfman McInnes, Lois; Zhang, Hong; Brune, Peter; sarich; tisaac;
   stefanozampini; Dalcin, Lisandro; Karpeyev, Dmitry; markadams; Minden,
   Victor; VictorEijkhout; vijaysm; Rupp, Karl; dmay23; Kong, Fande;
   SurtaiHan; Lange, Michael; Meiser, Dominic; emconsta; Sanan, Patrick;
   Zhou, Xuan; baagaard; Mitchell, Lawrence; tmunson; sozmen; bourdin
2016zndo....153972S    Altcode:
  Version of Firedrake used in 'High level implementation of geometric
  multigrid solvers for finite element problems: applications
  in atmospheric modelling' This release is specifically created
  to document the version of Firedrake used in a particular set
  of experiments. Please do not cite this as a general source
  for Firedrake or any of its dependencies. Instead, refer to

Title: Charged Dust Grain Dynamics Subject to Solar Wind,
    Poynting-Robertson Drag, and the Interplanetary Magnetic Field
Authors: Lhotka, Christoph; Bourdin, Philippe; Narita, Yasuhito
2016ApJ...828...10L    Altcode: 2016arXiv160807040L
  We investigate the combined effect of solar wind, Poynting-Robertson
  drag, and the frozen-in interplanetary magnetic field on the motion of
  charged dust grains in our solar system. For this reason, we derive
  a secular theory of motion by the means of an averaging method and
  validate it with numerical simulations of the unaveraged equations
  of motions. The theory predicts that the secular motion of charged
  particles is mainly affected by the z-component of the solar magnetic
  axis, or the normal component of the interplanetary magnetic field. The
  normal component of the interplanetary magnetic field leads to an
  increase or decrease of semimajor axis depending on its functional
  form and sign of charge of the dust grain. It is generally accepted
  that the combined effects of solar wind and photon absorption and
  re-emmision (Poynting-Robertson drag) lead to a decrease in semimajor
  axis on secular timescales. On the contrary, we demonstrate that
  the interplanetary magnetic field may counteract these drag forces
  under certain circumstances. We derive a simple relation between the
  parameters of the magnetic field, the physical properties of the dust
  grain, as well as the shape and orientation of the orbital ellipse of
  the particle, which is a necessary conditions for the stabilization
  in semimajor axis.

Title: Effects from switching on PIC simulations: Geospace
    Environmental Modeling (GEM) reconnection setup revisited
Authors: Bourdin, P. A.; Nakamura, T.; Narita, Y.
2015AGUFMSH43A2438B    Altcode:
  Electromagnetic Parcile-In-Cell (PIC) simulations are widely used
  to study plasma phenomena where kinetic scales are coupled to
  fluid scales. One of these phenomena is the evolution of magnetic
  reconnection. Switch-on effects have been described earlier for
  magneto-/hydrodynamic (MHD and HD) simulations, where oscillations
  are ignited by the initial condition and the usual instantaneous
  way of starting a simulation run. Here we revisit the GEM setup (a
  Harris current sheet) and demonstrate the immediate generation of
  oscillations propagating perpendicular to the magnetic shear layer
  (in Bz). Also we show how these oscillations do not dissipate quickly
  and will later be mode-converted to generate wave power, first in By,
  much later also in Bx (pointing along the shear direction). One needs
  to take care not to interpret these oscillations as physical wave
  modes associated with the nature of reconnection. We propose a method
  to prevent such switch-on effects from the beginning, that should be
  considered for implementation in other PIC simulation codes as well.

Title: Rising coronal loops in a 3D-MHD model and the time evolution
    of the magnetic topology of a solar active region
Authors: Bourdin, Philippe A.
2015IAUGA..2257253B    Altcode:
  Magnetic flux emergence from the photosphere into the solar atmosphere
  has been observed to drive a magnetic field reconfiguration in the
  corona, eventually resulting in plasma outbreaks. Currently it is under
  discussion, at which rate this reconnection may happen and how the
  magnetic energy is released, e.g. in short-lived intermittent heating
  events (nanoflares) or in a more quasi-static diffusive manner leading
  to persistent electric currents to be dissipated in the corona. To
  address this question, we use the results of an observationally driven
  3D-MHD model in order to study the time-evolution of the magnetic field,
  that is otherwise inaccessible to observations. The model features
  some EUV-bright coronal loops system that was observed to have similar
  plasma flow dynamics along these loops. We find that typically such
  loops are rising with a speed of about 2 km/s, which is consistent
  with earlier studies of loops just entering the corona at its base. We
  will demonstrate the influence on plasma flows along the loops due to
  their rise. A statistical Doppler-shift analysis reveals that in the
  typical case, such loops not only rise through the atmosphere, but also
  often are asymmetrically heated. Due to the match to observations,
  we conclude that the magnetic energy dissipation process we model,
  which is Ohmic dissipation of currents that are induced by a field-line
  braiding process in the photosphere, is sufficient to explain the
  magnetic reconfiguration process in the corona and yields to realistic
  reconnection rates on scales of about 250 km.

Title: Signal-noise separation based on self-similarity testing in
    1D-timeseries data
Authors: Bourdin, Philippe A.
2015IAUGA..2257225B    Altcode:
  The continuous improvement of the resolution delivered by modern
  instrumentation is a cost-intensive part of any new space- or
  ground-based observatory. Typically, scientists later reduce the
  resolution of the obtained raw-data, for example in the spatial,
  spectral, or temporal domain, in order to suppress the effects of
  noise in the measurements. In practice, only simple methods are used
  that just smear out the noise, instead of trying to remove it, so that
  the noise can nomore be seen. In high-precision 1D-timeseries data,
  this usually results in an unwanted quality-loss and corruption of
  power spectra at selected frequency ranges. Novel methods exist that
  are based on non-local averaging, which would conserve much of the
  initial resolution, but these methods are so far focusing on 2D or 3D
  data. We present here a method specialized for 1D-timeseries, e.g. as
  obtained by magnetic field measurements from the recently launched MMS
  satellites. To identify the noise, we use a self-similarity testing and
  non-local averaging method in order to separate different types of noise
  and signals, like the instrument noise, non-correlated fluctuations in
  the signal from heliospheric sources, and correlated fluctuations such
  as harmonic waves or shock fronts. In power spectra of test data, we
  are able to restore significant parts of a previously know signal from
  a noisy measurement. This method also works for high frequencies, where
  the background noise may have a larger contribution to the spectral
  power than the signal itself. We offer an easy-to-use software tools
  set, which enables scientists to use this novel technique on their
  own noisy data. This allows to use the maximum possible capacity of
  the instrumental hardware and helps to enhance the quality of the
  obtained scientific results.

Title: Coronal and transition-region Doppler shifts of an active
    region 3D-MHD model as indicator for the magnetic activity cycle of
    solar-like stars
Authors: Bourdin, Philippe A.
2015IAUGA..2257021B    Altcode:
  For the Sun and solar-like stars, Doppler blueshifts are observed in the
  hot corona, while in average redshifts are seen in the cooler transition
  region layer below the corona. This clearly contradicts the idea of
  a continuous flow-equilibrium starting from a star's atmosphere and
  forming the stellar wind. To explain this, we implement a 3D-MHD model
  of the solar corona above an observed active region and use an atomic
  database to obtain the emission from the million Kelvin hot plasma. The
  generated EUV-bright loops system from the model compares well to
  the observed coronal loops. Therefore, we have access to realistic
  plasma parameters, including the flow dynamics within the active region
  core, and can derive total spectra as if we look the Sun as a star. We
  compare the model spectra to actual statistical observations of the Sun
  taken at different magnetic activity levels. We find characteristic
  Doppler-shift statistics that can be used to identify the magnetic
  activity state of the Sun and solar-like stars. This should help to
  model the variability of such stars by inferring their activity level
  from total spectra of coronal and transition-region emission lines.

Title: Coronal loops above an active region: Observation versus model
Authors: Bourdin, Philippe-A.; Bingert, Sven; Peter, Hardi
2014PASJ...66S...7B    Altcode: 2014PASJ..tmp..113B; 2014arXiv1410.1216B
  We conducted a high-resolution numerical simulation of the solar corona
  above a stable active region. The aim is to test the field line braiding
  mechanism for a sufficient coronal energy input. We also check the
  applicability of scaling laws for coronal loop properties like the
  temperature and density. Our 3D MHD model is driven from below by
  Hinode observations of the photosphere, in particular a high-cadence
  time series of line-of-sight magnetograms and horizontal velocities
  derived from the magnetograms. This driving applies stress to the
  magnetic field and thereby delivers magnetic energy into the corona,
  where currents are induced that heat the coronal plasma by Ohmic
  dissipation. We compute synthetic coronal emission that we directly
  compare to coronal observations of the same active region taken by
  Hinode. In the model, coronal loops form at the same places as they
  are found in coronal observations. Even the shapes of the synthetic
  loops in 3D space match those found from a stereoscopic reconstruction
  based on STEREO spacecraft data. Some loops turn out to be slightly
  over-dense in the model, as expected from observations. This shows that
  the spatial and temporal distribution of the Ohmic heating produces
  the structure and dynamics of a coronal loops system close to what is
  found in observations.

Title: Standard 1D solar atmosphere as initial condition for MHD
    simulations and switch-on effects
Authors: Bourdin, P. -A.
2014CEAB...38....1B    Altcode: 2015arXiv150701218B
  Many applications in Solar physics need a 1D atmospheric model as
  initial condition or as reference for inversions of observational
  data. The VAL atmospheric models are based on observations and are
  widely used since decades. Complementary to that, the FAL models
  implement radiative hydrodynamics and showed the shortcomings of the
  VAL models since almost equally long time. In this work, we present a
  new 1D layered atmosphere that spans not only from the photosphere to
  the transition region, but from the solar interior up to far in the
  corona. We also discuss typical mistakes that are done when switching
  on simulations based on such an initial condition and show how the
  initial condition can be equilibrated so that a simulation can start
  smoothly. The 1D atmosphere we present here served well as initial
  condition for HD and MHD simulations and should also be considered as
  reference data for solving inverse problems.

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: 3D-MHD model of a solar active
    region corona (Bourdin+, 2013)
Authors: Bourdin, P. -A.; Bingert, S.; Peter, H.
2013yCat..35550123B    Altcode: 2013yCat..35559123B
  Parameter and setup files used for a 3D-MHD simulation with the
  Pencil Code. The parameters are needed to reproduce the simulation,
  while the setup files show which modules of the Pencil Code were
  used to conduct the simulation. <P />The parameters file are in the
  state as used at the end of the simulation, when the analysis was
  performed. With the logfile, one can reconstruct the state at any
  time during the simulation run (this applies to "run.in"). <P />The
  code revision logfile indicates which code revision was used when,
  where only changes in the configuration are listed together with the
  full initial and final configuration. <P />All *.in files are in
  Fortran Namelist format. The *.in and *.local files are all ready
  to be used with Pencil Code. The Pencil Code can be obtained at:
  http://pencil-code.nordita.org/ <P />(7 data files).

Title: Coronal structure and dynamics above an active region -
    MHD model versus observation
Authors: Bourdin, Philippe-A.; Bingert, Sven; Peter, Hardi
2013enss.confE..56B    Altcode:
  We present a one-to-one comparison between an observed active region
  and a 3D MHD model including spectral synthesis. We set up the 3D MHD
  model from the photosphere to the corona and use the actually observed
  photospheric magnetograms and horizontal motions as a lower boundary
  condition to drive the 3D coronal model. Following Parker's model for
  field-line braiding this induces currents that are dissipated and heat
  the corona. From the 3D MHD model we synthesize emission spectra in
  EUV and X-rays that can be compared directly to the Hinode/EIS and XRT
  observation of the active region we model. We find that the hot coronal
  loops that form in the model occur at just the same places as they are
  found in the actual observations. Moreover, their spatial structure
  and the flows along the loops as seen in the synthesized intensity
  and Doppler maps compare well to the actual observations. By this we
  present the first coronal model driven by photospheric observations
  that provides a one-to-one match to the coronal structure and dynamics
  observed for that same active region. This shows that the distribution
  of the energy input in time and space through the field-line braiding
  is close to the real solar coronal energy deposition.

Title: Observationally driven 3D MHD model of the solar corona above
    a magnetically active region
Authors: Bourdin, Philippe-André
2013PhDT.......560B    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS