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Author name code: cranmer
ADS astronomy entries on 2022-09-14
author:"Cranmer, Steven R." 

Title: The Mouse that Squeaked: A small flare from Proxima Cen
    observed in the millimeter, optical, and soft X-ray with Chandra
    and ALMA
Authors: Howard, Ward S.; MacGregor, Meredith A.; Osten, Rachel;
   Forbrich, Jan; Cranmer, Steven R.; Tristan, Isaiah; Weinberger,
   Alycia J.; Youngblood, Allison; Barclay, Thomas; Loyd, R. O. Parke;
   Shkolnik, Evgenya L.; Zic, Andrew; Wilner, David J.
2022arXiv220905490H    Altcode:
  We present millimeter, optical, and soft X-ray observations of a
  stellar flare with an energy squarely in the regime of typical X1 solar
  flares. The flare was observed from Proxima Cen on 2019 May 6 as part
  of a larger multi-wavelength flare monitoring campaign and was captured
  by Chandra, LCOGT, du Pont, and ALMA. Millimeter emission appears to be
  a common occurrence in small stellar flares that had gone undetected
  until recently, making it difficult to interpret these events within
  the current multi-wavelength picture of the flaring process. The May
  6 event is the smallest stellar millimeter flare detected to date. We
  compare the relationship between the soft X-ray and millimeter emission
  to that observed in solar flares. The X-ray and optical flare energies
  of 10$^{30.3\pm0.2}$ and 10$^{28.9\pm0.1}$ erg, respectively, the
  coronal temperature of T=11.0$\pm$2.1 MK, and the emission measure
  of 9.5$\pm$2.2 X 10$^{49}$ cm$^{-3}$ are consistent with M-X class
  solar flares. We find the soft X-ray and millimeter emission during
  quiescence are consistent with the Gudel-Benz Relation, but not during
  the flare. The millimeter luminosity is >100X higher than that of an
  equivalent X1 solar flare and lasts only seconds instead of minutes
  as seen for solar flares.

Title: Exploring Structures and Flows with NASA's under-construction
    PUNCH mission
Authors: DeForest, Craig; Gibson, Sarah; Thompson, Barbara;
   Malanushenko, Anna; Desai, Mihir; Elliott, Heather; Viall, Nicholeen;
   Cranmer, Steven; de Koning, Curt
2022cosp...44.1077D    Altcode:
  The Polarimeter to UNify the Corona and Heliosphere is a NASA Small
  Explorer to image the corona and heliosphere as parts of a single
  system. PUNCH comprises four ~50kg smallsats, each carrying one imaging
  instrument, that work together to form a single "virtual coronagraph"
  with a 90° field of view, centered on the Sun. Scheduled for joint
  launch with NASA's SPHEREx mission, PUNCH starts its two-year prime
  science phase in 2025. PUNCH will generate full polarized image
  sequences of Thomson-scattered light from free electrons in the corona
  and young solar wind, once every four minutes continuously. This
  enables tracking the young solar wind and turbulent structures within
  it as they disconnect from the Sun itself, as well as large transients
  such as CMEs, CIRs, and other shocks within the young solar wind. A
  student-contributed X-ray spectrometer (STEAM) will address questions
  of coronal heating and flare physics. We present motivating science,
  expected advances, mission status, and how to get involved with PUNCH
  science now.

Title: Expected results for the cradle of the Solar Wind with the
    Polarimeter to UNify the Corona and Heliosphere (PUNCH)
Authors: DeForest, Craig; Gibson, Sarah; De Koning, Curt A.; Thompson,
   Barbara; Malanushenko, Anna; Desai, Mihir; Elliott, Heather; Viall,
   Nicholeen; Cranmer, Steven
2022cosp...44.1324D    Altcode:
  The Polarimeter to UNify the Corona and Heliosphere is a NASA Small
  Explorer to image the corona and heliosphere as parts of a single
  system. Imaging the corona and heliosphere together from a constellation
  of four synchronized smallsats, PUNCH will — starting in 2025 —
  provide a unique window on global structure and cross-scale processes
  in the outer corona and young solar wind. PUNCH science is informed
  by, and complements, the results of PSP and Solar Orbiter; and will
  synergize with PROBA3/ASPIICS. We present early prototype results from
  STEREO/SECCHI and current preparation work to enable PUNCH science
  when data arrive, discuss anticipated results from the deeper-field,
  higher time resolution imaging that PUNCH will provide, and describe
  how to get involved with PUNCH science now.

Title: Electron Heat Flux in the Solar Wind: Generalized Approaches
    to Fluid Transport With a Variety of Skewed Velocity Distributions
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.; Schiff, Avery J.
2021JGRA..12629666C    Altcode: 2021arXiv210915267C
  In the solar corona and solar wind, electron heat conduction is an
  important process that transports energy over large distances and
  helps determine the spatial variation of temperature. High-density
  regions undergoing rapid particle-particle collisions exhibit a heat
  flux described well by classical Spitzer-Härm theory. However, much
  of the heliosphere is closer to a more collisionless state, and there
  is no standard description of heat conduction for fluid-based (e.g.,
  magnetohydrodynamic) models that applies generally. Some proposed models
  rely on electron velocity distributions that exhibit negative values of
  the phase-space density. In this study, we explore how positive-definite
  velocity distributions can be used in fluid-based conservation equations
  for the electron heat flux along magnetic-field lines in the corona
  and solar wind. We study both analytic forms of skewed distributions
  (e.g., skew-normal distributions, two-sided bi-Maxwellians, and
  constant-collision-time electrostatic solutions) and empirical fits
  to measurements of core, halo, and strahl electrons in interplanetary
  space. We also present example solutions to a generalized conservation
  equation for the heat flux in the solar wind, with some limiting cases
  found to resemble known free-streaming approximations. The resulting
  values of the electron heat flux vary as a function of radial distance
  and Knudsen number in ways that resemble observed data. We note that
  this model does not include the effects of kinetic instabilities (which
  may impose saturation limits when active), so for now its regime of
  applicability is limited to collisionless heat-flux evolution away
  from the known instability boundaries in parameter space.

Title: High-frequency Wave Power Observed in the Solar Chromosphere
    with IBIS and ALMA
Authors: Molnar, Momchil E.; Reardon, Kevin P.; Cranmer, Steven R.;
   Kowalski, Adam F.; Chai, Yi; Gary, Dale
2021ApJ...920..125M    Altcode: 2021arXiv210708952M
  We present observational constraints on the chromospheric heating
  contribution from acoustic waves with frequencies between 5 and 50
  mHz. We use observations from the Dunn Solar Telescope in New Mexico,
  complemented with observations from the Atacama Large Millimeter Array
  collected on 2017 April 23. The properties of the power spectra of the
  various quantities are derived from the spectral lines of Ca II 854.2
  nm, H I 656.3 nm, and the millimeter continuum at 1.25 and 3 mm. At
  the observed frequencies, the diagnostics almost all show a power-law
  behavior, whose particulars (slope, peak, and white-noise floors)
  are correlated with the type of solar feature (internetwork, network,
  and plage). In order to disentangle the vertical versus transverse
  Alfvénic plasma motions, we examine two different fields of view: one
  near disk center, and the other close to the limb. To infer the acoustic
  flux in the middle chromosphere, we compare our observations with
  synthetic observables from the time-dependent radiative hydrodynamic
  RADYN code. Our findings show that acoustic waves carry up to about
  1 kW m<SUP>-2</SUP> of energy flux in the middle chromosphere, which
  is not enough to maintain the quiet chromosphere. This is in contrast
  to previous publications.

Title: Brown Dwarfs are Violet: A New Calculation of Human-eye Colors
    of Main-sequence Stars and Substellar Objects
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2021RNAAS...5..201C    Altcode:
  There has always been interest in the perceived colors of stars. They
  were key to the development of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, and they
  are also used widely in educational and public-outreach imagery. Thus,
  it is useful to develop tools to compute these colors from spectral
  energy distributions. This paper presents a collection of objective (CIE
  coordinate) and subjective (RGB triple) colors for main-sequence stars
  and brown dwarfs, as well as links to related codes and tables. Using
  the proposed conversion from CIE to RGB colors, O and B stars are bluer
  than equivalent blackbodies because of Paschen continuum absorption,
  and M dwarfs tend to be less red and more beige. Although brown dwarfs
  over a wide range of effective temperatures (400-2000 K) emit most
  of their flux in the infrared, their visible spectra are dominated by
  short wavelengths. Thus, they may appear violet to human eyes.

Title: Turbulent Generation of Magnetic Switchbacks in the Alfvénic
    Solar Wind
Authors: Shoda, Munehito; Chandran, Benjamin D. G.; Cranmer, Steven R.
2021ApJ...915...52S    Altcode: 2021arXiv210109529S
  One of the most important early results from the Parker Solar Probe
  (PSP) is the ubiquitous presence of magnetic switchbacks, whose origin
  is under debate. Using a three-dimensional direct numerical simulation
  of the equations of compressible magnetohydrodynamics from the corona
  to 40 solar radii, we investigate whether magnetic switchbacks emerge
  from granulation-driven Alfvén waves and turbulence in the solar
  wind. The simulated solar wind is an Alfvénic slow-solar-wind stream
  with a radial profile consistent with various observations, including
  observations from PSP. As a natural consequence of Alfvén-wave
  turbulence, the simulation reproduced magnetic switchbacks with many
  of the same properties as observed switchbacks, including Alfvénic
  v-b correlation, spherical polarization (low magnetic compressibility),
  and a volume filling fraction that increases with radial distance. The
  analysis of propagation speed and scale length shows that the magnetic
  switchbacks are large-amplitude (nonlinear) Alfvén waves with
  discontinuities in the magnetic-field direction. We directly compare
  our simulation with observations using a virtual flyby of PSP in our
  simulation domain. We conclude that at least some of the switchbacks
  observed by PSP are a natural consequence of the growth in amplitude of
  spherically polarized Alfvén waves as they propagate away from the Sun.

Title: STRIA: A new module within FORWARD towards modelling PUNCH
Authors: Gilly, C. R.; Cranmer, S.; Gibson, S.
2021AAS...23832802G    Altcode:
  A new module is being written within the FORWARD toolkit in SSW which
  will help us to interpret future observations from the PUNCH mission
  (a new heliosphere imager being launched in 2023). This presentation
  will consist of preliminary results from this project. The next
  step past this striated model (STRIA) will involve placing radially
  outflowing blobs of plasma into the model and discerning expected
  detection challenges/limits.

Title: Spectroscopic Study Of Wave Propagation In The Quiet Solar
    Chromosphere with IRIS and IBIS
Authors: Molnar, M. E.; Cranmer, S. R.; Reardon, K. P.; Kowalski, A. F.
2021AAS...23811303M    Altcode:
  In this work, we present constraints on the longitudinal (compressive)
  and transverse (Alfvenic) wave velocity perturbations observed in the
  chromosphere. Better knowledge of the power in these different wave
  modes in different regions of the atmosphere are important inputs into
  models for the heating of the solar corona. By using observations
  at multiple viewing angles (distances from the disc center), the
  relative importance of these two components can be evaluated and
  the power in the local acoustic flux can be explored. This work is
  based on Doppler velocity measurements from IRIS of the ultraviolet
  Mg II h &amp; k and the Mn I 280.19 nm lines. These are compared with
  co-temporal observations from IBIS of the H-alpha and Ca II 854.2 nm
  chromospheric lines in the visible. The observed phase differences
  between the velocity diagnostics in these different lines allows us to
  estimate a formation height of the Mn I 280.19 nm line and compare it
  with recent results from simulations. We can also measure the lowest
  observed frequency at which the phase differences indicate the presence
  of wave propagation in order to calculate the local acoustic-wave
  cutoff. We calculate the coherency of the signals and their phases with
  a cross-wavelet analysis. We further combine the IRIS observations
  with 1D simulations of the lower solar atmosphere from the RADYN
  code to estimate the wave flux inthe upper chromosphere. This study
  provides heating constraints for the middle and upper chromospheres and
  additional estimates of the transverse wave power in the chromosphere
  extending previous work by Molnar et al. (2021).

Title: Proposing new ways to analyze the resolved shape changes of
    photospheric bright points as wave drivers
Authors: Van Kooten, S. J.; Cranmer, S. R.
2021AAS...23832816V    Altcode:
  Magnetic bright points on the solar photosphere, prominent in the G
  band but also visible in the continuum, mark the footpoints of kilogauss
  magnetic flux tubes extending toward the corona. The horizontal motions
  of these footpoints, driven by convective buffeting, are believed to
  excite MHD waves which propagate to the corona, where they deposit heat
  through turbulent dissipation. Measuring these motions observationally
  can thus constrain MHD-wave energy transport and provide a key lower
  boundary condition in coronal and heliospheric models. At ~100 km
  in diameter, most bright points are currently unresolved. Tracking
  bright-point centroids has been a mainstay analysis technique, and
  it allows the modeling of kink-mode wave excitation in the overlying
  flux tubes. First-light images from DKIST have resolved the sizes
  and shapes of bright points, and the coming science operations
  will reveal the time evolution of these high-resolution details,
  which is expected to excite sausage-mode and higher-order flux-tube
  waves. We propose two complementary ways to take the "next step"
  beyond centroid tracking and account for these additional wave modes,
  and we demonstrate these techniques on MURaM simulated images of
  DKIST-like resolution as a proof-of-concept. In the first technique,
  we describe each bright point with a centroid location as well as
  the parameters of an ellipse fitted to the bright point's shape. We
  derive expressions for the energy flux of n=0, 1, and 2 wave modes in
  terms of the evolution of these parameters. In the second approach,
  we use an off-the-shelf algorithm for computing the earth mover's
  distance to infer a horizontal velocity field responsible for shifting
  a bright point from one shape to the next, under an assumed advective
  and planar process. Despite the simplicity of this approach, we find
  some agreement with the "ground truth" plasma velocities in the MURaM
  simulation. These velocity fields can then be used to estimate energy
  fluxes. We present estimated wave energy fluxes from both of these
  approaches. These fluxes are non-negligible, suggesting these wave
  modes are a worthy target for observational study and motivating
  further development of these and other techniques, all of which can
  provide new constraints for wave-based models of coronal heating.

Title: Chromospheric and Coronal Heating in Cool Stars: Constraints
    on Physical Processes from X-ray and Lyman Alpha Observations
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.; Aarnio, A.; Molnar, M. E.
2021AAS...23813102C    Altcode:
  Nearly all low-mass stars are believed to exhibit subsurface convection,
  some level of magnetic dynamo activity, and radiative emission
  from chromospheric (T = 10,000 K) and coronal (T &gt; 1 million K)
  layers above their photospheres. Linsky et al. (2020) highlighted
  the usefulness of comparing X-ray and H I Lyman alpha flux trends
  from cool stars as a way of constraining how these atmospheres are
  produced and maintained. Here, we seek to simulate chromospheric and
  coronal heating for a broad set of F, G, K, and M stars and investigate
  whether the observed trends in X-ray and Lyman alpha emission can be
  reproduced. We also produce a new conversion of the Sun's observed
  time-variable X-ray emission (from the GOES 1-8 Angstrom band) into the
  lower-energy ROSAT/PSPC band more commonly used in studies of cool-star
  X-rays. Because we have not yet conclusively solved our Sun's own
  chromospheric and coronal heating problems, we parameterize the rate
  of simulated energy deposition using known expressions for the maximum
  available Poynting flux and efficiencies of various proposed mechanisms
  (see, e.g., Cranmer &amp; Winebarger 2019). A key input parameter turns
  out to be the driving velocity at the photospheric base of the coronal
  magnetic field lines. Straightforward extrapolation from mixing-length
  convection theory drastically underestimates the velocity required to
  explain the emission from M dwarfs. However, empirical trends from
  spectroscopically inferred microturbulence velocities seem to do a
  better job, and we will explore why this may be an important clue
  to the underlying physics. Lastly, we note that understanding the
  origins of X-ray and UV emission from cool stars will also help us
  better predict the present-day properties and long-term evolution of
  exoplanet atmospheres.

Title: Simulating the Solar Minimum Corona in UV Wavelengths with
    Forward Modeling II. Doppler Dimming and Microscopic Anisotropy Effect
Authors: Zhao, Jie; Gibson, Sarah E.; Fineschi, Silvano; Susino,
   Roberto; Casini, Roberto; Cranmer, Steven R.; Ofman, Leon; Li, Hui
2021ApJ...912..141Z    Altcode:
  In ultraviolet (UV) spectropolarimetric observations of the solar
  corona, the existence of a magnetic field, solar wind velocity, and
  temperature anisotropies modify the linear polarization associated with
  resonant scattering. Unlike previous empirical models or global models,
  which present blended results of the above physical effects, in this
  work, we forward-model expected signals in the H I Lyα line (121.6 nm)
  by adopting an analytic model that can be adjusted to test the roles
  of different effects separately. We find that the impact of all three
  effects is most evident in the rotation of the linear polarization
  direction. In particular, (1) for magnetic fields between ∼10 and
  ∼100 G, the Hanle effect modifies the linear polarization at low
  coronal heights, rotating the linear polarization direction clockwise
  (counterclockwise) when the angle between the magnetic field and the
  local vertical is greater (less) than the van Vleck angle, which is
  consistent with the result of Zhao et al.; (2) solar wind velocity,
  which increases with height, has a significant effect through the
  Doppler dimming effect at higher coronal heights, rotating the linear
  polarization direction in an opposite fashion to the Hanle effect;
  and (3) kinetic temperature anisotropies are most significant at
  lower heights in open nonradial magnetic field regions, producing
  tilt opposite to isotropic Doppler dimming. The fact that the three
  effects operate differently in distinct spatial regimes opens up the
  possibility for using linear polarization measurements in UV lines to
  diagnose these important physical characteristics of the solar corona.

Title: A Refined Model of Convectively Driven Flicker in Kepler
    Light Curves
Authors: Van Kooten, Samuel J.; Anders, Evan H.; Cranmer, Steven R.
2021ApJ...913...69V    Altcode: 2021arXiv210406533V
  Light curves produced by the Kepler mission demonstrate stochastic
  brightness fluctuations (or flicker) of stellar origin which contribute
  to the noise floor, limiting the sensitivity of exoplanet detection
  and characterization methods. In stars with surface convection,
  the primary driver of these variations on short (sub-eight-hour)
  timescales is believed to be convective granulation. In this work,
  we improve existing models of this granular flicker amplitude,
  or F<SUB>8</SUB>, by including the effect of the Kepler bandpass on
  measured flicker, by incorporating metallicity in determining convective
  Mach numbers, and by using scaling relations from a wider set of
  numerical simulations. To motivate and validate these changes, we use
  a recent database of convective flicker measurements in Kepler stars,
  which allows us to more fully detail the remaining model-prediction
  error. Our model improvements reduce the typical misprediction of
  flicker amplitude from a factor of 2.5-2. We rule out rotation period
  and strong magnetic activity as possible explanations for the remaining
  model error, and we show that binary companions may affect convective
  flicker. We also introduce an envelope model that predicts a range of
  flicker amplitudes for any one star to account for some of the spread
  in numerical simulations, and we find that this range covers 78%
  of observed stars. We note that the solar granular flicker amplitude
  is lower than most Sun-like stars. This improved model of convective
  flicker amplitude can better characterize this source of noise in
  exoplanet studies as well as better inform models and simulations of
  stellar granulation.

Title: Inward-propagating Plasma Parcels in the Solar Corona: Models
    with Aerodynamic Drag, Ablation, and Snowplow Accretion
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.; DeForest, Craig E.; Gibson, Sarah E.
2021ApJ...913....4C    Altcode: 2021arXiv210312039C
  Although the solar wind flows primarily outward from the Sun to
  interplanetary space, there are times when small-scale plasma inflows
  are observed. Inward-propagating density fluctuations in polar coronal
  holes were detected by the COR2 coronagraph on board the STEREO-A
  spacecraft at heliocentric distances of 7-12 solar radii, and these
  fluctuations appear to undergo substantial deceleration as they move
  closer to the Sun. Models of linear magnetohydrodynamic waves have
  not been able to explain these deceleration patterns, so they have
  been interpreted more recently as jets from coronal sites of magnetic
  reconnection. In this paper, we develop a range of dynamical models
  of discrete plasma parcels with the goal of better understanding the
  observed deceleration trend. We found that parcels with a constant
  mass do not behave like the observed flows, and neither do parcels
  undergoing ablative mass loss. However, parcels that accrete mass in
  a snowplow-like fashion can become decelerated as observed. We also
  extrapolated OMNI in situ data down to the so-called Alfvén surface
  and found that the initial launch point for the observed parcels may
  often be above this critical radius. In other words, in order for the
  parcels to flow back down to the Sun, their initial speeds are probably
  somewhat nonlinear (i.e., supra-Alfvénic), and thus the parcels may be
  associated with structures such as shocks, jets, or shear instabilities.

Title: Code and Data for "A Refined Model of Convectively-Driven
    Flicker in Kepler Light Curves"
Authors: Van Kooten, Samuel J.; Anders, Evan H; Cranmer, Steven R.
2021zndo...4444282V    Altcode:
  Code and Data for "A Refined Model of Convectively-Driven
  Flicker in Kepler Light Curves" This is the code implementing
  our model for stellar flicker in Kepler light curves, as well as
  both the data we produce and the data required for reproducing
  our results. If any updates are made, they will be available at
  https://github.com/svank/modeling-stellar-flicker. See README.txt for
  descriptions of the included files.

Title: Critical Science Plan for the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope
Authors: Rast, Mark P.; Bello González, Nazaret; Bellot Rubio,
   Luis; Cao, Wenda; Cauzzi, Gianna; Deluca, Edward; de Pontieu, Bart;
   Fletcher, Lyndsay; Gibson, Sarah E.; Judge, Philip G.; Katsukawa,
   Yukio; Kazachenko, Maria D.; Khomenko, Elena; Landi, Enrico; Martínez
   Pillet, Valentín; Petrie, Gordon J. D.; Qiu, Jiong; Rachmeler,
   Laurel A.; Rempel, Matthias; Schmidt, Wolfgang; Scullion, Eamon; Sun,
   Xudong; Welsch, Brian T.; Andretta, Vincenzo; Antolin, Patrick; Ayres,
   Thomas R.; Balasubramaniam, K. S.; Ballai, Istvan; Berger, Thomas E.;
   Bradshaw, Stephen J.; Campbell, Ryan J.; Carlsson, Mats; Casini,
   Roberto; Centeno, Rebecca; Cranmer, Steven R.; Criscuoli, Serena;
   Deforest, Craig; Deng, Yuanyong; Erdélyi, Robertus; Fedun, Viktor;
   Fischer, Catherine E.; González Manrique, Sergio J.; Hahn, Michael;
   Harra, Louise; Henriques, Vasco M. J.; Hurlburt, Neal E.; Jaeggli,
   Sarah; Jafarzadeh, Shahin; Jain, Rekha; Jefferies, Stuart M.; Keys,
   Peter H.; Kowalski, Adam F.; Kuckein, Christoph; Kuhn, Jeffrey R.;
   Kuridze, David; Liu, Jiajia; Liu, Wei; Longcope, Dana; Mathioudakis,
   Mihalis; McAteer, R. T. James; McIntosh, Scott W.; McKenzie, David
   E.; Miralles, Mari Paz; Morton, Richard J.; Muglach, Karin; Nelson,
   Chris J.; Panesar, Navdeep K.; Parenti, Susanna; Parnell, Clare E.;
   Poduval, Bala; Reardon, Kevin P.; Reep, Jeffrey W.; Schad, Thomas A.;
   Schmit, Donald; Sharma, Rahul; Socas-Navarro, Hector; Srivastava,
   Abhishek K.; Sterling, Alphonse C.; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Tarr, Lucas
   A.; Tiwari, Sanjiv; Tritschler, Alexandra; Verth, Gary; Vourlidas,
   Angelos; Wang, Haimin; Wang, Yi-Ming; NSO and DKIST Project; DKIST
   Instrument Scientists; DKIST Science Working Group; DKIST Critical
   Science Plan Community
2021SoPh..296...70R    Altcode: 2020arXiv200808203R
  The National Science Foundation's Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope
  (DKIST) will revolutionize our ability to measure, understand,
  and model the basic physical processes that control the structure
  and dynamics of the Sun and its atmosphere. The first-light DKIST
  images, released publicly on 29 January 2020, only hint at the
  extraordinary capabilities that will accompany full commissioning of
  the five facility instruments. With this Critical Science Plan (CSP)
  we attempt to anticipate some of what those capabilities will enable,
  providing a snapshot of some of the scientific pursuits that the DKIST
  hopes to engage as start-of-operations nears. The work builds on the
  combined contributions of the DKIST Science Working Group (SWG) and
  CSP Community members, who generously shared their experiences, plans,
  knowledge, and dreams. Discussion is primarily focused on those issues
  to which DKIST will uniquely contribute.

Title: Discovery of an Extremely Short Duration Flare from Proxima
    Centauri Using Millimeter through Far-ultraviolet Observations
Authors: MacGregor, Meredith A.; Weinberger, Alycia J.; Loyd,
   R. O. Parke; Shkolnik, Evgenya; Barclay, Thomas; Howard, Ward S.;
   Zic, Andrew; Osten, Rachel A.; Cranmer, Steven R.; Kowalski, Adam
   F.; Lenc, Emil; Youngblood, Allison; Estes, Anna; Wilner, David J.;
   Forbrich, Jan; Hughes, Anna; Law, Nicholas M.; Murphy, Tara; Boley,
   Aaron; Matthews, Jaymie
2021ApJ...911L..25M    Altcode: 2021arXiv210409519M
  We present the discovery of an extreme flaring event from Proxima
  Cen by the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP),
  Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), Hubble Space
  Telescope (HST), Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), and
  the du Pont Telescope that occurred on 2019 May 1. In the millimeter
  and FUV, this flare is the brightest ever detected, brightening
  by a factor of &gt;1000 and &gt;14,000 as seen by ALMA and HST,
  respectively. The millimeter and FUV continuum emission trace each
  other closely during the flare, suggesting that millimeter emission
  could serve as a proxy for FUV emission from stellar flares and become
  a powerful new tool to constrain the high-energy radiation environment
  of exoplanets. Surprisingly, optical emission associated with the event
  peaks at a much lower level with a time delay. The initial burst has
  an extremely short duration, lasting for &lt;10 s. Taken together with
  the growing sample of millimeter M dwarf flares, this event suggests
  that millimeter emission is actually common during stellar flares and
  often originates from short burst-like events.

Title: Discovery of an Extremely Short Duration 'Building Block'
    Flare from Proxima Centauri
Authors: MacGregor, M.; Weinberger, A.; Loyd, P.; Shkolnik, E.;
   Barclay, T.; Howard, W.; Zic, A.; Osten, R.; Cranmer, S.; Kowalski,
   A.; Lenc, E.; Youngblood, A.; Estes, A.; Wilner, D.; Forbrich, J.;
   Hughes, A.; Law, N.; Murphy, T.; Boley, A.; Matthews, J.
2021BAAS...53c1249M    Altcode:
  At a distance of only 1.3 pc, Proxima Cen is the closest exoplanetary
  system orbiting an M-type flare star, making it a benchmark case to
  explore the properties and potential effects of stellar activity on
  exoplanet atmospheres. Here, we present the discovery of an extreme
  flaring event from Proxima Cen by the the Australian Square Kilometre
  Array Pathfinder (ASKAP), the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter
  Array (ALMA), the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), the
  du Pont telescope at Las Campanas, and the Hubble Space Telescope
  (HST). In the millimeter and FUV, this flare is the brightest ever
  detected, brightening by a factor of &gt;1000 and &gt;14000 as seen by
  ALMA and HST, respectively. The millimeter and FUV continuum emission
  trace each other closely during the flare, suggesting that millimeter
  emission could serve as a proxy for FUV emission from stellar flares
  and become a powerful new tool to constrain the high-energy radiation
  environment of exoplanets. Optical emission is decoupled, peaking at
  a much lower level with a time delay. The extremely short duration
  of this event indicates that it could originate from a single flare
  loop or 'building block.' These are the first results from a larger
  campaign executed in April-July 2019 consisting of roughly 40 hours
  of simultaneous observations of Proxima Cen spanning radio to X-ray

Title: An Updated Formalism for Line-driven Radiative Acceleration
    and Implications for Stellar Mass Loss
Authors: Lattimer, Aylecia S.; Cranmer, Steven R.
2021ApJ...910...48L    Altcode: 2021arXiv210110375L
  Radiation contributes to the acceleration of large-scale flows in
  various astrophysical environments because of strong opacity in the
  spectral lines. Quantification of the associated force is crucial to
  understanding these line-driven flows, and a large number of lines
  (due to the full set of elements and ionization stages) must be taken
  into account. Here we provide new calculations of the dimensionless
  line strengths and associated opacity-dependent force multipliers for
  an updated list of approximately 4.5 million spectral lines compiled
  from the NIST, CHIANTI, CMFGEN, and TOPbase databases. To maintain
  generality of application to different environments, we assume local
  thermodynamic equilibrium, illumination by a Planck function, and the
  Sobolev approximation. We compute the line forces in a two-dimensional
  grid of temperatures (i.e., values between 5200 and 70,000 K) and
  densities (varying over 11 orders of magnitude). Historically, the
  force multiplier function has been described by a power-law function
  of optical depth. We revisit this assumption by fitting alternate
  functions that include saturation to a constant value (Gayley's
  $\bar{Q}$ parameter) in the optically thin limit. This alternate form
  is a better fit than the power-law form, and we use it to calculate
  example mass-loss rates for massive main-sequence stars. Because the
  power-law force multiplier does not continue to arbitrarily small
  optical depths, we find a sharp decrease, or quenching, of line-driven
  winds for stars with effective temperatures less than about 15,000 K.

Title: A New Model of Granulation-Driven Flicker in Kepler Light
Authors: Van Kooten, S. J.; Cranmer, S. R.
2021AAS...23751506V    Altcode:
  The light curves produced by the Kepler mission demonstrate real,
  stochastic brightness fluctuations (or "flicker") which contribute to
  the noise floor limiting the sensitivity of exoplanet detection and
  characterization methods. In stars with outer convective envelopes,
  the primary driver of these variations on shorter (sub-eight-hour)
  timescales is convective granulation. We have improved upon existing
  efforts to model this granular flicker by incorporating a wider set
  of scaling relations from numerical simulations, adding a correction
  factor for the effect of the Kepler bandpass, and incorporating
  metallicity in determining Mach numbers. In validating this model,
  we draw upon an expanded database of convective flicker measurements
  in Kepler stars, allowing us to more fully detail the remaining errors
  in model predictions. We introduce an "envelope" model which accounts
  for some of the spread in numerical simulations by producing a range of
  predicted flicker values for any one star, and we find that nearly 70%
  of observed stars fall within this range. We rule out rotation period
  and strong magnetic activity as possible explanations for the remaining
  model error. We also note that the solar granular flicker amplitude,
  measured in SOHO/Virgo data, is lower than most Sun-like stars. This
  progress toward an improved understanding of convective flicker can
  better characterize this source of noise in exoplanet detection and
  characterization as well as better inform models of stellar granulation.

Title: The Relative Emission from Chromospheres and Coronae:
    Dependence on Spectral Type and Age
Authors: Linsky, J.; Wood, B.; Youngblood, A.; Brown, A.; France,
   K.; Buccino, A.; Froning, C.; Cranmer, S.; Mauas, P.; Miguel, Y.;
   Pineda, J.; Rugheimer, S.; Vieytes, M.; Wheatley, P.; Wilson, D.
2021AAS...23714110L    Altcode:
  Extreme-UV and X-ray emissions from stellar coronae drive mass loss
  from exoplanet atmospheres, and UV emission from stellar chromospheres
  drives photo-chemistry in exoplanet atmospheres. Comparisons of the
  spectral energy distributions of host stars are, therefore, essential
  for understanding the evolution and habitability of exoplanets. The
  large number of stars observed with the MUSCLES, Mega-MUSCLES, and
  other recent HST observing programs has provided for the first time
  a large sample (79 stars) of reconstructed Lyman-alpha fluxes that
  we compare with X-ray fluxes to identify significant patterns in the
  relative emission from these two atmospheric regions as a function of
  stellar age and effective temperature. We find that as stars age on
  the main sequence, a single trend line slope describes the pattern of
  X-ray vs. Lyman-alpha emission for F, G and K dwarfs, but the different
  trend lines for M dwarf stars show that the Lyman-alpha fluxes of M
  stars are significantly smaller than warmer stars with the same X-ray
  flux. The X-ray and Lyman-alpha luminosities divided by the stellar
  bolometric luminosities show different patterns depending on stellar
  age. The L(Lyα)/L(bol) ratios increase smoothly to cooler stars
  of all ages, but the L(X)/L(bol) ratios show different trends. For
  older stars, the increase in coronal emission with decreasing T(eff)
  is much steeper than chromospheric emission. We suggest a fundamental
  link between atmospheric properties and trend lines relating coronal
  and chromospheric heating. See paper in ApJ volume 902 (2020).

Title: An Updated Formalism for Line-Driven Outflows and Consequences
    for Mass Loss
Authors: Lattimer, A. S.; Cranmer, S.
2021AAS...23711602L    Altcode:
  The colloquially-termed "radiation pressure" of line-driven winds
  plays an important role in driving outflows in various astrophysical
  environments. Quantification of the associated force is crucial to
  understanding interactions within these environments. The large
  number of spectral lines in ay given ion of the outflow material
  must be tabulated in order to specify this force. Here we provide new
  calculations of the dimensionless line strength parameter, describing
  the ratio of radiative acceleration of bound to free electrons, from an
  updated line list comprised of approximately 4.5 million spectral lines,
  compiled from four spectral databases. We assume local thermodynamic
  equilibrium and compute the line strengths for a range of temperatures
  and densities in a 2D grid. These are combined with dimensionless
  flux-weighting functions from an assumed Planck-function source to form
  the canonical line-force multiplier M(t), where t is a fiducial Sobolev
  optical depth. Historically, M(t) has been described by a power-law
  function, and we revisit this assumption by fitting alternative
  functions that include a saturation to a constant value (Gayley's
  Q-bar parameter) at low values of t. We find that this alternate form
  is a better fit than the power-law form, and we use it to calculate
  mass-loss rates for our density-temperature grid. A sharp drop-off is
  present in the mass-loss rates when compared to the power-law form,
  representing a previously undescribed quenching of the wind.

Title: Discovery of an Extremely Short Duration 'Building Block'
    Flare from Proxima Cen Using Millimeter through FUV Observations
Authors: MacGregor, M. A.; Weinberger, A. J.; Loyd, P.; Shkolnik,
   E. L.; Barclay, T.; Osten, R.; Howard, W. S.; Zic, A.; Cranmer, S. R.;
   Kowalski, A. F.; Youngblood, A.; Estes, A.; Wilner, D. J.; Forbrich,
   J.; Murphy, T.; Law, N.; Hughes, A.; Boley, A.; Tristan, I. I.; Fuson,
   J. F.; Matthews, J.
2021AAS...23751502M    Altcode:
  At a distance of only 1.3 pc, Proxima Cen is the closest exoplanetary
  system orbiting an M-type flare star, making it a benchmark
  case to explore the properties and potential effects of stellar
  activity on exoplanet atmospheres. Our previous discovery of a flare
  from Proxima Cen at millimeter wavelengths with the Atacama Large
  Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) has opened up an entirely new
  observational regime to study stellar flaring mechanisms. These are the
  first results from a larger campaign consisting of roughly 40 hours of
  simultaneous observations spanning radio to X-ray wavelengths. Here,
  we present the discovery of a second flaring event on 1 May 2019 from
  Proxima Cen with ALMA, but this time complemented by multi-wavelength
  observations with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) of far-ultraviolet
  (FUV) spectroscopy, the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS)
  of optical photometry, and the DuPont telescope at Las Campanas of
  optical spectroscopy. In the millimeter and FUV, the May 1 flare is
  the brightest ever detected from Proxima Cen, brightening by a factor
  of &gt;1000 and &gt;14000 as seen by ALMA and HST, respectively. The
  millimeter and FUV continuum emission trace each other very closely
  during the flare, exhibiting similar rise and decay times, peaking near
  simultaneously, and achieving large enhancements in luminosity. Optical
  emission is somewhat decoupled, peaking at a much lower level with
  a slight time delay. Given the unique characteristics of this event,
  it is possible that we are seeing an entirely new type of flare. The
  extremely short duration of this event suggests that it could
  originate from a single flare loop or 'building block' instead of an
  arcade structure consisting of multiple superimposed loops. The strong
  correlation between millimeter and FUV emission allows us to determine
  a tentative scaling relation. If this holds for a larger sample of
  events, millimeter emission could serve as a proxy for FUV emission
  from stellar flares and become a powerful new tool to constrain the
  high energy radiation environment of planets orbiting flare stars,
  required input for models of planetary atmosphere evolution.

Title: Constraining wave propagation throughout the solar atmosphere
    with IBIS, ALMA and IRIS
Authors: Molnar, M.; Reardon, K.; Cranmer, S. R.; Kowalski, A. F.
2020AGUFMSH0010003M    Altcode:
  The heating mechanism of the solar chromosphere is still an open
  scientific question. We present observational constraints on the
  high-frequency (acoustic) wave contribution to the chromospheric
  heating. We utilize a unique combination of observations from NSO's
  Dunn Solar Telescope and the Atacama Large Millimeter Array obtained on
  April 23rd 2017 to estimate the high-frequency wave flux in the lower
  solar atmosphere. We extend this study to the upper chromosphere and
  the transition region with archival IRIS data. We infer the wave flux
  through comparison of the observations with synthetic observables
  from the time-dependent hydrodynamic RADYN code. Our findings are
  able to constrain the wave flux at higher altitudes in the solar
  atmosphere than previous works using similar approaches. Furthermore,
  the different diagnostics we use form at different heights, which
  allow us to explore the propagation and dissipation of waves with
  height. We will discuss future plans to extend this work with more
  advanced modeling and additional observations with the upcoming Innoue
  Solar Telescope (DKIST).

Title: Contemporary Analysis Methods for Coronagraph and Heliospheric
    Imager Data
Authors: Thompson, B. J.; Attie, R.; Chhiber, R.; Cranmer, S. R.;
   DeForest, C.; Gallardo-Lacourt, B.; Gibson, S. E.; Jones, S. I.;
   Moraes Filho, V.; Reginald, N. L.; Uritsky, V. M.; Viall, N. M.
2020AGUFMSH031..05T    Altcode:
  Coronagraphs, polarimeters, and heliospheric imagers are providing
  new insight into how structures in the solar wind form and develop as
  they flow from the inner corona into the heliosphere. With this comes
  a whole new frontier of physical observables in 3D, including kinetic
  (velocity and acceleration), thermodynamic (density, temperature, and
  shock boundary), and magnetic field properties. These measurements
  inform and challenge models of global solar wind flow, turbulence,
  and CME propagation. We will discuss recent advances in quantifying
  physical properties of the corona and solar wind using coronagraph
  and heliospheric imager data, and make predictions of what new models
  and instrumentation (including the in-development PUNCH mission)
  will bring us in the future.

Title: Measuring complex bright-point motion and wave excitation in
    high-resolution solar observations
Authors: Van Kooten, S.; Cranmer, S. R.
2020AGUFMSH0010012V    Altcode:
  Magnetic bright points on the solar photosphere, prominent in
  the G band but visible in the continuum, indicate footpoints of
  kilogauss magnetic flux tubes extending to the corona. The horizontal
  motions of these footpoints are believed to excite MHD waves which
  propagate to the corona, where they deposit heat through turbulent
  dissipation. Analyzing this motion can thus constrain MHD-wave energy
  transport and provide a key lower boundary condition in coronal and
  heliospheric models. At ~100 km in diameter, most bright points are
  unresolved. Traditional tracking of their centroids allows kink-mode
  wave excitation to be modeled in the overlying flux tubes. However,
  centroid tracking cannot easily handle the merging or splitting of
  bright points nor can it adequately track extremely long, thin bright
  points. First-light images from DKIST have resolved the sizes and shapes
  of bright points, and future science observations will reveal the time
  evolution of these high-resolution details, which is expected to excite
  higher-order flux-tube waves. But centroid tracking cannot analyze
  this more detailed motion, and even in a study limited to kink-mode
  waves, Agrawal et al. (2018) and Van Kooten &amp; Cranmer (2017) have
  shown that centroid tracking applied to DKIST observations of bright
  points is likely to experience a strong, spurious "jitter" signal
  due to the high spatial and temporal resolution. We present initial
  results from efforts on multiple fronts to overcome these limitations,
  including an algorithm to infer the horizontal plasma velocity field
  inside bright points at DKIST-like resolution (at which bright points
  are resolved but not large enough for traditional correlation-tracking
  techniques). These inferred velocity fields assist in the modeling of
  higher-order waves generated in the overlying flux tubes. By preparing
  our approaches using output data from high-resolution MURaM simulations
  now, our new approach will be ready to analyze upcoming DKIST data as it
  becomes available. This work will enable estimates of the significance
  of the contribution to the coronal heating budget of more complex waves
  generated by small-scale motions and so provide a more complete lower
  boundary condition for coronal and heliospheric models.

Title: Forward Models of Coronal Nonthermal Line-Widths
Authors: Gilly, C. R.; Cranmer, S. R.
2020AGUFMSH0300003G    Altcode:
  Spectral lines observed from optically-thin sources can be difficult
  to interpret. Forward models are an excellent tool for understanding
  the connection between line of sight plasma conditions and integrated
  observations. We use our GHOSTS model to generate ensembles of realistic
  spectral lines from the Sun's corona. In particular we focus on the
  effect of (1) polar-plume-like structures along the line of sight, (2)
  the presence of outwardly propagating Alfvén waves, and (3) changing
  the integration time of the observations. The simulated observables
  are also compared to real observations, such as those from Hinode/EIS,

Title: How the breakout-limited mass in B-star centrifugal
    magnetospheres controls their circumstellar H α emission
Authors: Owocki, Stanley P.; Shultz, Matt E.; ud-Doula, Asif;
   Sundqvist, Jon O.; Townsend, Richard H. D.; Cranmer, Steven R.
2020MNRAS.499.5366O    Altcode: 2020MNRAS.tmp.3094O; 2020arXiv200912359O
  Strongly magnetic B-type stars with moderately rapid rotation form
  'centrifugal magnetospheres' (CMs) from the magnetic trapping
  of stellar wind material in a region above the Kepler co-rotation
  radius. A long-standing question is whether the eventual loss of such
  trapped material occurs from gradual drift and/or diffusive leakage, or
  through sporadic 'centrifugal breakout' (CBO) events, wherein magnetic
  tension can no longer contain the built-up mass. We argue here that
  recent empirical results for Balmer-α emission from such B-star CMs
  strongly favour the CBO mechanism. Most notably, the fact that the
  onset of such emission depends mainly on the field strength at the
  Kepler radius, and is largely independent of the stellar luminosity,
  strongly disfavours any drift/diffusion process, for which the net mass
  balance would depend on the luminosity-dependent wind feeding rate. In
  contrast, we show that in a CBO model, the maximum confined mass in
  the magnetosphere is independent of this wind feeding rate and has a
  dependence on field strength and Kepler radius that naturally explains
  the empirical scalings for the onset of H α emission, its associated
  equivalent width, and even its line profile shapes. However, the general
  lack of observed Balmer emission in late-B and A-type stars could still
  be attributed to a residual level of diffusive or drift leakage that
  does not allow their much weaker winds to fill their CMs to the breakout
  level needed for such emission; alternatively, this might result from
  a transition to a metal-ion wind that lacks the requisite hydrogen.

Title: New Measurements of Plasma Properties near the Cusps of
    Pseudostreamers and Helmet Streamers
Authors: Miralles, M. P.; Cranmer, S. R.
2020AGUFMSH0280020M    Altcode:
  The role of magnetic topology in solar wind acceleration is an
  unsolved problem in solar physics. Coronal pseudostreamers differ
  from the more traditional helmet streamers in that they separate
  open-field lines of the same polarity rather than the opposite
  polarity. Helmet streamers and pseudostreamers are believed to be
  sources of slow to intermediate speed solar wind streams. Using
  multi-spacecraft and ground-based observations, we characterize the
  physical parameters of these coronal structures, and focus on their
  differences and similarities. Line-of-sight forward modeling (of a range
  of visible-light and UV emission diagnostics) is used to investigate
  how the differences in magnetic topology affect the plasma properties
  of the coronal structures and their wind. This work is supported by
  NASA grant NNX17AI27G to the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.

Title: Updated Measurements of Proton, Electron, and Oxygen
    Temperatures in the Fast Solar Wind
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2020RNAAS...4..249C    Altcode: 2020arXiv201210509C
  The high-speed solar wind is typically the simplest and least stochastic
  type of large-scale plasma flow in the heliosphere. For much of the
  solar cycle, it is connected magnetically to large polar coronal holes
  on the Sun's surface. Because these features are relatively well-known
  (and less complex than the multiple source-regions of the slow wind),
  the fast wind is often a useful testing-ground for theoretical models
  of coronal heating. In order to provide global empirical constraints
  to these models, here we collect together some older and more recent
  measurements of the temperatures of protons, electrons, and oxygen
  ions as a function of radial distance.

Title: The Relative Emission from Chromospheres and Coronae:
    Dependence on Spectral Type and Age
Authors: Linsky, Jeffrey L.; Wood, Brian E.; Youngblood, Allison;
   Brown, Alexander; Froning, Cynthia S.; France, Kevin; Buccino,
   Andrea P.; Cranmer, Steven R.; Mauas, Pablo; Miguel, Yamila; Pineda,
   J. Sebastian; Rugheimer, Sarah; Vieytes, Mariela; Wheatley, Peter J.;
   Wilson, David J.
2020ApJ...902....3L    Altcode: 2020arXiv200901958L
  Extreme-ultraviolet and X-ray emission from stellar coronae drives
  mass loss from exoplanet atmospheres, and ultraviolet emission
  from stellar chromospheres drives photochemistry in exoplanet
  atmospheres. Comparisons of the spectral energy distributions of host
  stars are, therefore, essential for understanding the evolution and
  habitability of exoplanets. The large number of stars observed with
  the MUSCLES, Mega-MUSCLES, and other recent Hubble Space Telescope
  observing programs has provided for the first time a large sample
  (79 stars) of reconstructed Lyα fluxes that we compare with X-ray
  fluxes to identify significant patterns in the relative emission
  from these two atmospheric regions as a function of stellar age and
  effective temperature. We find that as stars age on the main sequence,
  the emissions from their chromospheres and coronae follow a pattern
  in response to the amount of magnetic heating in these atmospheric
  layers. A single trend-line slope describes the pattern of X-ray versus
  Lyα emission for G and K dwarfs, but the different trend lines for
  M dwarf stars show that the Lyα fluxes of M stars are significantly
  smaller than those of warmer stars with the same X-ray flux. The X-ray
  and Lyα luminosities divided by the stellar bolometric luminosities
  show different patterns depending on stellar age. The L(Lyα)/L(bol)
  ratios increase smoothly to cooler stars of all ages, but the
  L(X)/L(bol) ratios show different trends. For older stars, the increase
  in coronal emission with decreasing ${T}_{\mathrm{eff}}$ is much steeper
  than that of chromospheric emission. We suggest a fundamental link
  between atmospheric properties and trend lines relating coronal and
  chromospheric heating, * Based on observations made with the NASA/ESA
  Hubble Space Telescope, obtained from the Mikulski Archive for Space
  Telescopes (MAST) at the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is
  operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy,
  Inc., under NASA contract NAS AR-09525.01A. These observations are
  associated with program Nos. 12475, 12596, 13650, 14640, and 15071.

Title: The Effect of Solar Wind Expansion and Nonequilibrium
    Ionization on the Broadening of Coronal Emission Lines
Authors: Gilly, Chris R.; Cranmer, Steven R.
2020ApJ...901..150G    Altcode: 2020arXiv200809580G
  When observing spectral lines in the optically thin corona,
  line-of-sight (LOS) effects can strongly affect the interpretation
  of the data, especially in regions just above the limb. We present a
  semiempirical forward model, called the Global Heliospheric Optically
  thin Spectral Transport Simulation (GHOSTS), to characterize these
  effects. GHOSTS uses inputs from several other models to compute
  nonequilibrium ionization states (which include the solar-wind
  freezing-in effect) for many ions. These are used to generate
  ensembles of simulated spectral lines that are examined in detail,
  with emphasis on (1) relationships between quantities derived from
  observables and the radial variation of the observed quantities, (2)
  the behavior of thermal and nonthermal components of the line width,
  and (3) relative contributions of collisionally excited and radiatively
  scattered photons. We find that rapidly changing temperatures in the low
  corona can cause ion populations to vary dramatically with height. This
  can lead to line width measurements that are constant with height (a
  "plateau" effect) even when the temperature is increasing rapidly,
  as the plane of sky becomes evacuated and the foreground/background
  plasma dominates the observation. We find that LOS effects often
  drive the velocity width to be close to the plane-of-sky value of the
  wind speed, despite it flowing perpendicularly to the LOS there. The
  plateau effect can also cause the nonthermal component of the line
  width to greatly exceed the solar wind velocity at the observation
  height. Lastly, we study how much of the LOS is significant to the
  observation, and the importance of including continuum in the solar
  spectrum when computing the radiatively scattered emission.

Title: Heating Rates for Protons and Electrons in Polar Coronal Holes:
    Empirical Constraints from the Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2020ApJ...900..105C    Altcode: 2020arXiv200713180C
  Ultraviolet spectroscopy of the extended solar corona is a powerful tool
  for measuring the properties of protons, electrons, and heavy ions in
  the accelerating solar wind. The large coronal holes that expand up from
  the north and south poles at solar minimum are low-density collisionless
  regions in which it is possible to detect departures from one-fluid
  thermal equilibrium. An accurate characterization of these departures is
  helpful in identifying the kinetic processes ultimately responsible for
  coronal heating. In this paper, Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer
  (UVCS) measurements of the H I Lyα line are analyzed to constrain
  values for the solar wind speed, electron density, electron temperature,
  proton temperature (parallel and perpendicular to the magnetic field),
  and Alfvén-wave amplitude. The analysis procedure involves creating a
  large, randomized ensemble of empirical models, simulating their Lyα
  profiles, and building posterior probability distributions for only
  the models that agree with the UVCS data. The resulting temperatures
  do not exhibit a great deal of radial variation between heliocentric
  distances of 1.4 and 4 solar radii. Typical values for the electron,
  parallel proton, and perpendicular proton temperatures are 1.2, 1.8, and
  1.9 MK, respectively. Resulting values for the "nonthermal" Alfvén wave
  amplitude show evidence for weak dissipation, with a total energy-loss
  rate that agrees well with an independently derived total heating rate
  for the protons and electrons. The moderate Alfvén-wave amplitudes
  appear to resolve some tension in the literature between competing
  claims of both higher (undamped) and lower (heavily damped) values.

Title: Solar Wind and Line-of-sight Effects Broaden Coronal Spectral
Authors: Gilly, C.; Cranmer, S.
2020SPD....5121010G    Altcode:
  When observing spectral lines in the optically-thin corona,
  line-of-sight (LOS) effects can strongly affect the interpretation
  of the data, especially in regions just above the limb. We present a
  semi-empirical forward model, called GHOSTS, to characterize these
  effects. GHOSTS uses inputs from several other models to compute
  non-equilibrium ionization states (which include the solar-wind
  freezing-in effect) for many ions. These are used to generate
  ensembles of simulated spectral lines that are examined in detail,
  with emphasis on: (1) relationships between quantities derived from
  observables and the radial variation of the observed quantities, (2)
  the behavior of thermal and non-thermal components of the line width,
  and (3) relative contributions of collisionally excited and radiatively
  scattered photons. We find that rapidly changing temperatures in the low
  corona can cause ion populations to vary dramatically with height. This
  can lead to line-width measurements that are constant with height (a
  "plateau" effect) even when the temperature is increasing rapidly,
  as the plane-of-sky becomes evacuated and the foreground/background
  plasma dominates the observation. We find that LOS effects often
  drive the velocity width to be close to the plane-of-sky value of the
  wind speed, despite it flowing perpendicularly to the LOS there. The
  plateau effect can also cause the non-thermal component of the line
  width to greatly exceed the solar wind velocity at the observation
  height. Lastly, we study how much of the LOS is significant to the
  observation, and the importance of including continuum in the solar
  spectrum when computing the radiatively scattered emission.

Title: High-frequency Wave Power Observed in the Chromosphere with
    IBIS and ALMA
Authors: Molnar, M. E.; Cranmer, S.; Reardon, K.; Kowalski, A.
2020SPD....5120106M    Altcode:
  The heating mechanism of the solar chromosphere is still an open
  scientific question. In this work we study observational constraints on
  the contribution to chromospheric heating from high-frequency acoustic
  waves. We utilize a unique combination of observations from NSO's Dunn
  Solar Telescope and from the Atacama Large Millimeter Array obtained
  on April 23rd 2017 to estimate the high-frequency wave flux in the
  lower solar atmosphere. The wave flux is inferred from comparison of
  the observations with synthetic observables from the time-dependent
  hydrodynamic RADYN code. Our findings suggest thatacoustic waves may
  carry up to a few kW/m<SUP>2</SUP> of flux, which is comparable to
  what is required to heat the quiet chromosphere.

Title: Alfvén-wave-driven Magnetic Rotator Winds from Low-mass
    Stars. I. Rotation Dependences of Magnetic Braking and Mass-loss Rate
Authors: Shoda, Munehito; Suzuki, Takeru K.; Matt, Sean P.; Cranmer,
   Steven R.; Vidotto, Aline A.; Strugarek, Antoine; See, Victor;
   Réville, Victor; Finley, Adam J.; Brun, Allan Sacha
2020ApJ...896..123S    Altcode: 2020arXiv200509817S
  Observations of stellar rotation show that low-mass stars lose angular
  momentum during the main sequence. We simulate the winds of sunlike
  stars with a range of rotation rates, covering the fast and slow
  magneto-rotator regimes, including the transition between the two. We
  generalize an Alfvén-wave-driven solar wind model that builds on
  previous works by including the magneto-centrifugal force explicitly. In
  this model, the surface-averaged open magnetic flux is assumed to scale
  as ${B}_{* }{f}_{* }^{\mathrm{open}}\propto {\mathrm{Ro}}^{-1.2}$ ,
  where ${f}_{* }^{\mathrm{open}}$ and Ro are the surface open-flux
  filling factor and Rossby number, respectively. We find that, (1)
  the angular-momentum loss rate (torque) of the wind is described
  as ${\tau }_{{\rm{w}}}\approx 2.59\times {10}^{30}\ \mathrm{erg}\
  {\left({{\rm{\Omega }}}_{* }/{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{\odot }\right)}^{2.82}$
  , yielding a spin-down law ${{\rm{\Omega }}}_{* }\propto {t}^{-0.55}$
  . (2) The mass-loss rate saturates at ${\dot{M}}_{{\rm{w}}}\sim
  3.4\times {10}^{-14}{M}_{\odot }\ {\mathrm{yr}}^{-1}$ , due to
  the strong reflection and dissipation of Alfvén waves in the
  chromosphere. This indicates that the chromosphere has a strong impact
  in connecting the stellar surface and stellar wind. Meanwhile, the
  wind ram pressure scales as ${P}_{{\rm{w}}}\propto {{\rm{\Omega }}}_{*
  }^{0.57}$ , which is able to explain the lower envelope of the observed
  stellar winds by Wood et al. (3) The location of the Alfvén radius
  is shown to scale in a way that is consistent with one-dimensional
  analytic theory. Additionally, the precise scaling of the Alfvén
  radius matches previous works, which used thermally driven winds. Our
  results suggest that the Alfvén-wave-driven magnetic rotator wind
  plays a dominant role in the stellar spin-down during the main sequence.

Title: Solar physics in the 2020s: DKIST, parker solar probe, and
    solar orbiter as a multi-messenger constellation
Authors: Martinez Pillet, V.; Tritschler, A.; Harra, L.; Andretta, V.;
   Vourlidas, A.; Raouafi, N.; Alterman, B. L.; Bellot Rubio, L.; Cauzzi,
   G.; Cranmer, S. R.; Gibson, S.; Habbal, S.; Ko, Y. K.; Lepri, S. T.;
   Linker, J.; Malaspina, D. M.; Matthews, S.; Parenti, S.; Petrie, G.;
   Spadaro, D.; Ugarte-Urra, I.; Warren, H.; Winslow, R.
2020arXiv200408632M    Altcode:
  The National Science Foundation (NSF) Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope
  (DKIST) is about to start operations at the summit of Haleakala
  (Hawaii). DKIST will join the early science phases of the NASA
  and ESA Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter encounter missions. By
  combining in-situ measurements of the near-sun plasma environment and
  detail remote observations of multiple layers of the Sun, the three
  observatories form an unprecedented multi-messenger constellation to
  study the magnetic connectivity inside the solar system. This white
  paper outlines the synergistic science that this multi-messenger
  suite enables.

Title: Alfven Waves in the Solar Corona and Solar Wind: An Updated
    Energy Budget
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.
2020AAS...23514908C    Altcode:
  The Sun's upper atmosphere is heated to temperatures greater than 1
  million K, and solar plasma flows out into the heliosphere at supersonic
  speeds. There are many different proposed explanations for how the solar
  corona is heated and how the solar wind is accelerated, and we still
  do not have observations that allow us to distinguish conclusively
  between those rival theories. However, we are continuing to collect
  data on magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves and turbulence, which appear
  to exist nearly everywhere above the solar surface, and which are
  relevant to constrain a broad class of models that rely on damping
  these fluctuations to produce heat. This presentation will review
  recent improvements in our observational database of Alfvenic (i.e.,
  transverse and incompressible) MHD fluctuations. First, new constraints
  on wave amplitudes in polar coronal holes, at heliocentric distances
  between 1.5 and 4 solar radii, will be presented from a new analysis of
  Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) Lyman alpha data. Second,
  in-situ measurements from the first two perihelia of Parker Solar Probe
  (PSP) — at heliocentric distances between 35 and 215 solar radii —
  will also be analyzed. Incorporating multiple sources of data provides
  a better global picture of how waves from the Sun propagate, dissipate,
  and heat the plasma. If I am feeling lucky, I may also make predictions
  about the properties of the MHD fluctuations to be seen during future
  perihelia of PSP (i.e., from 35 down to 9 solar radii).

Title: A New Atomic Database for Line-Driven Outflows in a Variety
    of Astrophysical Environments
Authors: Lattimer, A.; Cranmer, S.
2020AAS...23511027L    Altcode:
  Flows driven by photons have been studied for almost a century,
  and a quantitative description of the radiative forces on atoms and
  ions is important for understanding a wide variety of systems. These
  systems include massive stars, cataclysmic variables, central stars
  of planetary nebulae, active galactic nuclei (AGN), and a variety of
  other environments with accretion disks. In many of these systems,
  line-driving forces (where the opacity that couples the photons
  and gas is confined to bound-bound transitions) is dominant, and
  our understanding depends on knowing the properties of all spectral
  lines that exist in the system. We have assembled atomic data for more
  than 4.5 million lines from the NIST, CHIANTI, and CMFGEN databases,
  and we have computed dimensionless line-strength parameters for each
  line using the formalism developed by Gayley (1995). We compute
  the traditional "line-force multiplier" (i.e., the ratio of the
  line force to the force on free electrons) for broad ranges of
  temperature, density, and central-source SED, and we also make use
  of several different assumptions about the ionization balance of the
  environment. Historically, the line-force multiplier has been assumed
  to be described by a power-law, but we explore alternative fitting
  functions and the associated implications on the dynamics of rapidly
  outflowing winds.

Title: Toward a Better Understanding of Convectively-Driven Flicker
    in Kepler Light Curves
Authors: Van Kooten, S. J.; Cranmer, S.
2020AAS...23535205V    Altcode:
  The light curves produced by the Kepler mission demonstrate real,
  stochastic brightness fluctuations (or "flicker") which impose a
  limit to the sensitivity of exoplanet detection and characterization
  methods. The sources of this brightness variation can include convective
  granulation, acoustic oscillations, magnetic activity, and stellar
  rotation. In this work we focus on better characterizing the flicker
  component due to convective granulation, present in all Kepler stars
  with outer convective envelopes. Past work has extracted the convective
  flicker component of cool, low-mass Kepler stars, and additional
  past work has compared the amplitude of this variability component
  to the predictions of theoretical models and derived an empirical
  correction factor for these models motivated by the magnetic activity
  and shallow convection zones of F-dwarf stars. In this work we draw upon
  an expanded database of Kepler star convective flicker measurements,
  including a substantive sample of cool, giant stars, and we present an
  updated comparison of observations of convectively-driven flicker to
  theoretical predictions. A better understanding of convective flicker
  will better characterize a source of noise in exoplanet detection and
  characterization as well as better inform models of stellar granulation.

Title: University of Colorado Space Weather Technology, Research,
and Education Center (SWx TREC): An academic center of excellence
    to accelerate research to operations and operations to research
Authors: Berger, T. E.; Thayer, J. P.; Baker, D. N.; Knipp, D. J.;
   Pankratz, C. K.; Cranmer, S. R.; Sutton, E. K.; Baltzer, T.; Lucas,
   G.; Craft, J.; Bosanac, N.; Smith, T. R.
2019AGUFMSA13A..06B    Altcode:
  The University of Colorado at Boulder Space Weather Technology Research
  and Education Center (SWx TREC) is a University Chancellor's Grand
  Challenge Initiative forming a campus-wide center for research, mission
  and technology development, and educational initiatives in the space
  weather enterprise. SWx TREC offers a unique open academic environment
  with contributions not only from the departments of Astrophysics and
  Planetary Sciences, Aerospace Engineering Sciences, and Atmospheric
  and Oceanic Sciences, but from campus institutes such as the Laboratory
  for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) and the Cooperative Institute
  for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) as well. In addition,
  SWx TREC serves as a "Front Range" space weather collaboration engine,
  reaching out to local government (NOAA/SWPC, USAF/SpaceCommand)
  and industry (Ball Aerospace, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Google)
  elements, commercial space weather providers such as Astra LLC and Space
  Environment Technologies (SET), and local FFRDCs such as the National
  Solar Observatory (NSO), NCAR's High Altitude Observatory (HAO), the
  Southwest Research Institute (SWRI), and Northwest Research Associates
  (NWRA) to pursue opportunities to advance space weather forecasting
  through innovative research. We discuss how SWx TREC is working with
  these partners to develop new satellite drag models for Civil Space
  Traffic Management (STM) applications, a Space Weather Data Portal to
  ease multi-instrument data display and analysis, and a Space Weather
  Testbed that will allow academic and commercial developers to test new
  models and forecasting tools in a cloud-based prototyping facility
  with student and professional forecaster engagement. SWx TREC is
  also developing two innovative mission concepts to fill major gaps in
  the current space weather observing system: the Solar Polar Observing
  Constellation (SPOC) with Ball Aerospace, and the Operational Radiation
  Belts (ORB) mission for the Air Force.

Title: The Effect of Non-Equilibrium Ionization, Resonant Scattering,
    and the Solar Wind on the Broadening of Coronal Emission Lines
Authors: Gilbert, C. R.; Cranmer, S. R.
2019AGUFMSH11C3406G    Altcode:
  In this work, a semi-empirical forward model (GHOSTS) is developed
  and used to generate simulated spectral observations of the solar
  corona. The widths of these spectral lines are often used to infer
  thermal and non-thermal velocities in the corona as a function of
  height. However, because the corona is optically thin, a variety
  of line-of-sight (LOS) effects keep these raw measurements from
  representing the values in the plane of the sky (POS). We explore
  the dependence of these observations on LOS plasma properties, with
  physical data for the model drawn from models (e.g., ZEPHYR, CHIANTI)
  and observations (e.g., the SUMER spectral atlas). <P />Non-equilibrium
  ionization effects cause different ions to have very different relative
  emissivities along the LOS, which leads to some notable effects on the
  observations. Line-fit temperatures only seem to match the POS value
  when the POS is the densest part of the line of sight, which is often
  not the case below heights of a few tenths of a solar radius. The
  spectral lines seem to be significantly broadened by the presence
  of the solar wind, even when the POS wind velocity is negligible. The
  resonantly scattered component of the line is significantly broadened if
  the surrounding continuum is included in the incident line profile. <P
  />Work in preparation will also address the effects of Alfvén waves,
  preferential ion heating, and fine magnetic structure on the spectral

Title: Stars at High Spatial Resolution
Authors: Carpenter, Kenneth G.; van Belle, Gerard; Brown, Alexander;
   Cranmer, Steven R.; Drake, Jeremy; Dupree, Andrea K.; Creech-Eakman,
   Michelle; Evans, Nancy R.; Grady, Carol A.; Guinan, Edward F.; Harper,
   Graham; Karovska, Margarita; Kolenberg, Katrien; Labeyrie, Antoine;
   Linsky, Jeffrey; Peters, Geraldine J.; Rau, Gioia; Ridgway, Stephen;
   Roettenbacher, Rachael M.; Saar, Steven H.; Walter, Frederick M.;
   Wood, Brian
2019arXiv190805665C    Altcode:
  We summarize some of the compelling new scientific opportunities
  for understanding stars and stellar systems that can be enabled by
  sub-milliarcsec (sub-mas) angular resolution, UV-Optical spectral
  imaging observations, which can reveal the details of the many dynamic
  processes (e.g., evolving magnetic fields, accretion, convection,
  shocks, pulsations, winds, and jets) that affect stellar formation,
  structure, and evolution. These observations can only be provided
  by long-baseline interferometers or sparse aperture telescopes in
  space, since the aperture diameters required are in excess of 500 m
  (a regime in which monolithic or segmented designs are not and will
  not be feasible) and since they require observations at wavelengths
  (UV) not accessible from the ground. Such observational capabilities
  would enable tremendous gains in our understanding of the individual
  stars and stellar systems that are the building blocks of our Universe
  and which serve as the hosts for life throughout the Cosmos.

Title: Solar Chromospheric Temperature Diagnostics: A Joint ALMA-Hα
Authors: Molnar, Momchil E.; Reardon, Kevin P.; Chai, Yi; Gary, Dale;
   Uitenbroek, Han; Cauzzi, Gianna; Cranmer, Steven R.
2019ApJ...881...99M    Altcode: 2019arXiv190608896M
  We present the first high-resolution, simultaneous observations of
  the solar chromosphere in the optical and millimeter wavelength
  ranges, obtained with the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA)
  and the Interferometric Bidimensional Spectrometer at the Dunn Solar
  Telescope. In this paper we concentrate on the comparison between the
  brightness temperature observed in ALMA Band 3 (3 mm; 100 GHz) and the
  core width of the Hα 6563 Å line, previously identified as a possible
  diagnostic of the chromospheric temperature. We find that in the area
  of plage, network and fibrils covered by our field of view, the two
  diagnostics are well correlated, with similar spatial structures
  observed in both. The strength of the correlation is remarkable,
  given that the source function of the millimeter radiation obeys local
  thermodynamic equilibrium, while the Hα line has a source function that
  deviates significantly from the local Planck function. The observed
  range of ALMA brightness temperatures is sensibly smaller than the
  temperature range that was previously invoked to explain the observed
  width variations in Hα. We employ analysis from forward modeling
  with the Rybicki-Hummer (RH) code to argue that the strong correlation
  between Hα width and ALMA brightness temperature is caused by their
  shared dependence on the population number n <SUB>2</SUB> of the first
  excited level of hydrogen. This population number drives millimeter
  opacity through hydrogen ionization via the Balmer continuum, and
  Hα width through a curve-of-growth-like opacity effect. Ultimately,
  the n <SUB>2</SUB> population is regulated by the enhancement or lack
  of downward Lyα flux, which coherently shifts the formation height
  of both diagnostics to regions with different temperature, respectively.

Title: The Properties of the Solar Corona and Its Connection to the
    Solar Wind
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.; Winebarger, Amy R.
2019ARA&A..57..157C    Altcode: 2018arXiv181100461C
  The corona is a layer of hot plasma that surrounds the Sun, traces out
  its complex magnetic field, and ultimately expands into interplanetary
  space as the supersonic solar wind. Although much has been learned in
  recent decades from advances in observations, theory, and computer
  simulations, we still have not identified definitively the physical
  processes that heat the corona and accelerate the solar wind. In
  this review, we summarize these recent advances and speculate about
  what else is required to finally understand the fundamental physics
  of this complex system. Specifically: We discuss recent subarcsecond
  observations of the corona, some of which appear to provide evidence
  for tangled and braided magnetic fields and some of which do not. We
  review results from three-dimensional numerical simulations that,
  despite limitations in dynamic range, reliably contain sufficient
  heating to produce and maintain the corona. We provide a new tabulation
  of scaling relations for a number of proposed coronal heating theories
  that involve waves, turbulence, braiding, nanoflares, and helicity
  conservation. An understanding of these processes is important not
  only for improving our ability to forecast hazardous space-weather
  events but also for establishing a baseline of knowledge about a
  well-resolved star that is relevant to other astrophysical systems.

Title: Element Abundances: A New Diagnostic for the Solar Wind
Authors: Laming, J. Martin; Vourlidas, Angelos; Korendyke, Clarence;
   Chua, Damien; Cranmer, Steven R.; Ko, Yuan-Kuen; Kuroda, Natsuha;
   Provornikova, Elena; Raymond, John C.; Raouafi, Nour-Eddine; Strachan,
   Leonard; Tun-Beltran, Samuel; Weberg, Micah; Wood, Brian E.
2019ApJ...879..124L    Altcode: 2019arXiv190509319L
  We examine the different element abundances exhibited by the closed
  loop solar corona and the slow speed solar wind. Both are subject
  to the first ionization potential (FIP) effect, the enhancement in
  coronal abundance of elements with FIP below 10 eV (e.g., Mg, Si,
  Fe) with respect to high-FIP elements (e.g., O, Ne, Ar), but with
  subtle differences. Intermediate elements, S, P, and C, with FIP
  just above 10 eV, behave as high-FIP elements in closed loops, but
  are fractionated more like low-FIP elements in the solar wind. On
  the basis of FIP fractionation by the ponderomotive force in the
  chromosphere, we discuss fractionation scenarios where this difference
  might originate. Fractionation low in the chromosphere where hydrogen
  is neutral enhances the S, P, and C abundances. This arises with
  nonresonant waves, which are ubiquitous in open field regions, and is
  also stronger with torsional Alfvén waves, as opposed to shear (i.e.,
  planar) waves. We discuss the bearing these findings have on models
  of interchange reconnection as the source of the slow speed solar
  wind. The outflowing solar wind must ultimately be a mixture of the
  plasma in the originally open and closed fields, and the proportions
  and degree of mixing should depend on details of the reconnection
  process. We also describe novel diagnostics in ultraviolet and extreme
  ultraviolet spectroscopy now available with these new insights, with
  the prospect of investigating slow speed solar wind origins and the
  contribution of interchange reconnection by remote sensing.

Title: Forward Models of Off-Limb Emission Lines in Solar Coronal
Authors: Gilly, Chris R.; Cranmer, Steven R.
2019AAS...23410606G    Altcode:
  There is debate in the solar community regarding the mechanism by
  which the corona is heated to millions of degrees. Alfvén waves,
  driven by granulation in the photosphere and propagating upwards to
  dissipate in the corona, are one of several ideas for the source of the
  thermal energy. Observations of off-limb spectral lines are in theory
  able to constrain some properties of these waves (e.g., amplitudes
  and phase speeds) as a function of heliocentric altitude, but in
  practice the interpretation of these measurements is difficult due to
  the optically-thin nature of the corona. In this work, a forward model
  (GHOSTS) is developed and refined so that it can be used to generate
  realistic simulated observations of these lines. Recent improvements to
  the model include the addition of resonantly scattered light and the
  self-consistent calculation of frozen-in non-equilibrium ionization
  states. Early results indicate that the non-thermal widths of these
  lines seem to be significantly broadened by the presence of the solar
  wind, even as close to the Sun as a few tenths of a solar radius. We
  also aim to put constraints on the cadence and integration times
  needed to resolve individual Alfven-wave oscillations, as have been
  seen with CoMP.

Title: Preparing for DKIST: Connecting the High-Resolution Sun to
    the Turbulent Corona
Authors: Van Kooten, Samuel; Cranmer, Steven R.
2019AAS...23430204V    Altcode:
  Magnetic bright points on the solar photosphere, visible in both
  continuum and G-band images, indicate footpoints of kilogauss magnetic
  flux tubes extending to the corona. The horizontal motions of these
  footpoints are believed to excite MHD waves which propagate to the
  corona, where they deposit heat through turbulent dissipation. Analyzing
  this motion can thus provide a power spectrum of MHD wave energy
  transport, which is a key lower boundary condition in coronal and
  heliospheric models. At 100 km in diameter, most bright points are seen
  as unresolved blobs. Tracking their centroids allows the excitation of
  kink-mode waves to be modeled in the overlying flux tubes. However,
  centroid tracking cannot easily handle the merging or splitting of
  bright points nor can it track extremely long bright points, and
  current observations cannot reveal more complicated motions, such
  as size or shape changes, which are expected to excite higher-order
  waves. DKIST promises to resolve the sizes and shapes of bright
  points. However, Agrawal et al. (2018) showed that centroid tracking
  is likely to experience a spurious "jitter" signal when applied
  to high-resolution data, and this limitation is in addition to the
  inability of centroid tracking to produce new insights from the new size
  and shape information. We present efforts to overcome these limitations
  by developing an algorithm to infer the horizontal plasma flow inside
  bright points at DKIST-like resolution (at which bright points are
  resolved but not large enough for traditional correlation-tracking
  techniques) and using these inferred flows to model the higher-order
  waves generated in the overlying flux tubes. By using output data from
  high-resolution MURaM simulations now, we expect to be prepared to
  analyze DKIST images soon after they become available next year. This
  work will estimate the significance of the contribution to the coronal
  heating budget of these more complex waves and so provide a more
  complete lower boundary condition for coronal and heliospheric models.

Title: Simulations of Stellar Winds and Exoplanet Magnetospheres:
    Hidden Assumptions in the Boundary Conditions
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2019AAS...23421501C    Altcode:
  For at least a century, the Sun has served as a useful template for
  our understanding of stellar atmospheres. This is especially true
  for the observational signatures of magnetic fields, hot coronae,
  and outflowing winds, all of which have been traditionally difficult
  to detect and characterize around other stars. Recently, the solar
  community has developed a number of self-consistent multidimensional
  simulations of the Sun's coronal heating and wind acceleration,
  and these models have been quite successful in reproducing a range
  of local measurements. These models are now being applied to other
  stars, with conclusions often being drawn from their output about the
  habitability of exoplanets circling those stars (i.e., magnetospheric
  plasma conditions, magnetic fields, and high-energy radiation). However,
  there are sometimes subtle parameters embedded in these models that
  have been fine-tuned for the Sun and not varied when applying them to
  other stars. For example, models that make use of the dissipation of
  MHD turbulence to power the corona rely on lower boundary conditions in
  the photospheric granulation. Using the Sun's granular velocity field
  for, say, the corona of an M dwarf would not be appropriate. Also,
  using the output of convection-driven wave-flux models to adjust
  the solar parameters to those of other stars may not be appropriate
  either. In the case of nearby M dwarf AU Mic, this kind of extrapolation
  ended up drastically under-predicting the amount of coronal heating
  observed in X-ray and submillimeter emission. It has been suspected
  that - for the coronae of cool stars with different properties than
  the Sun - the most important wave/turbulence modes and dissipation
  channels may be fundamentally different from those most important in
  the solar atmosphere. Thus, conclusions from solar simulation codes
  about extrasolar wind mass loss rates, magnetospheres, and EUV/X-ray
  irradiances may need to be reevaluated with more appropriate boundary
  conditions and coronal heating physics.

Title: Coronal Turbulence Driven from the Photosphere: Opportunities
    for DKIST
Authors: Van Kooten, Samuel J.; Cranmer, Steven R.
2019shin.confE.166V    Altcode:
  Magnetic bright points on the solar photosphere, visible in both
  continuum and G-band images, indicate footpoints of kilogauss magnetic
  flux tubes extending to the corona. The horizontal motions of these
  footpoints are believed to excite MHD waves which propagate to the
  corona, where they deposit heat through turbulent dissipation. Analyzing
  this motion can thus provide a power spectrum of MHD wave energy
  transport, which is a key lower boundary condition in coronal and
  heliospheric models. At 100 km across, most bright points are seen as
  unresolved blobs. Tracking their centroids allows the excitation of
  kink-mode waves to be modeled. However, centroid tracking struggles
  with the merging or splitting of bright points and with extremely
  long bright points. And while DKIST promises to resolve the sizes and
  shapes of bright points (with changes in these properties expected to
  excite sausage-mode and higher-order waves), centroid tracking ignores
  this additional information. Additionally, Agrawal et al. (2018)
  showed that centroid tracking is likely to experience a spurious
  ""jitter"" signal which may dwarf true centroid motion at DKIST's
  resolution and cadence. We present progress developing an algorithm
  that is resilient to centroid jitter and can treat merging, splitting,
  and shape changes properly. It will infer the horizontal plasma flow
  inside bright points in a way appropriate for the limited resolution
  of bright-point observations, and we will use these inferred flows to
  model the waves (kink-mode, sausage-mode, and other modes) generated in
  the overlying flux tubes. We are developing and testing this procedure
  now with simulated images from high-resolution MURaM simulations in
  order to be prepared to analyze DKIST images upon availability. This
  work will estimate the significance of the contribution to the coronal
  heating budget of these more complex waves and provide a more complete
  lower boundary condition for coronal and heliospheric models.

Title: Thermal conduction throughout the solar wind: the eight-moment
Authors: Schiff, Avery Jean; Cranmer, Steven
2019shin.confE.118S    Altcode:
  A careful treatment of thermal conduction is vital to accurately
  describe the corona and solar wind. Typically, the complex physical
  process is modeled as a diffusive process using Spitzer-Härm
  conductivity. We explore an alternative to this standard: direct
  integration of the conservation equations derived from the 8-moment
  approximation. Not only does this approach avoid the numerical
  strictness imposed by diffusive processes, but it also functions
  without the assumption necessary for Spitzer-Härm conductivity that
  the plasma is fully collisional. We present the results of integrating
  the 8-moment equations for a variety of solar wind conditions and
  demonstrate that it robustly captures thermal conduction in collisional
  and collisionless regimes.

Title: COHERENT: Studying the corona as a holistic environment
Authors: Caspi, Amir; Seaton, Daniel B.; Case, Traci; Cheung, Mark;
   Cranmer, Steven; DeForest, Craig E.; de Toma, Giuliana; Downs, Cooper;
   Elliott, Heather; Gold, Anne U.; Longcope, Dana; Savage, Sabrina L.;
   Sullivan, Susan; Viall, Nicholeen; Vourlidas, Angelos; West, Matthew J.
2019shin.confE.241C    Altcode:
  The solar corona and the heliosphere must be part of a single
  physical system, but because the dominant physical processes change
  dramatically from the magnetically-dominated low corona, through the
  sparsely-observed middle corona, and into the plasma flow-dominated
  outer corona and heliospheric interface, unified frameworks to study
  the corona as a whole are essentially nonexistent. Understanding how
  physical processes shape and drive the dynamics of the corona as a
  global system, on all spatiotemporal scales, is critical for solving
  many fundamental problems in solar and heliospheric physics. However,
  the lack of unifying observations and models has led to a fragmentation
  of the community into distinct regimes of plasma parameter space,
  largely clustering around regions where existing instrumentation has
  made observations widely available and where models can be sufficiently
  self-contained to be tractable. We describe COHERENT, the 'Corona as a
  Holistic Environment' Research Network, a focused effort to facilitate
  interdisciplinary collaborative research to develop frameworks for
  unifying existing and upcoming observations, theory, models, and
  analytical tools to study the corona as a holistic system.

Title: Interpreting Off-Limb Emission Lines from Polar Coronal Holes
Authors: Gilly, Chris R.; Cranmer, Steven R.
2019shin.confE.203G    Altcode:
  Spectroscopic line-width measurements taken of the solar corona can
  be used to infer temperature and velocity information about it as a
  function of height. However, a variety of line-of-sight effects due to
  the optically-thin nature of the corona cause these raw measurements
  not to match the real values in the plane of the sky. In this work, a
  semi-empirical forward model (GHOSTS) is developed and used to generate
  simulated off-limb spectral lines from an idealized time-steady polar
  coronal hole, using physical data from the ZEPHYR code, CHIANTI, and
  the SUMER spectral atlas. Early results of the analysis indicate some
  startling results: The widths of these lines seem to be significantly
  broadened by the solar wind, even as close to the Sun as a hundredth of
  a solar radius; A temperature floor was observed, where non-equilibrium
  ionization prevents the line-temperatures from matching the plane-of-sky
  value below their density maximum; When simulating resonantly scattered
  light, including a continuum component with the incident line causes
  significant line broadening. Further work regarding the effect of
  dynamic processes on the measurements is ongoing. This work will help us
  correctly interpret new data coming from DKIST over the next few years.

Title: Stars at High Spatial Resolution
Authors: Carpenter, Kenneth; van Belle, Gerard; Brown, Alexander;
   Cranmer, Steven R.; Drake, Jeremy; Dupree, Andrea K.; Creech-Eakman,
   Michelle; Evans, Nancy R.; Grady, Carol A.; Guinan, Edward F.; Harper,
   Graham; Karovska, Margarita; Kolenberg, Katrien; Labeyrie, Antoine;
   Linsky, Jeffrey; Peters, Geraldine J.; Rau, Gioia; Ridgway, Stephen;
   Roettenbacher, Rachael M.; Saar, Steven H.; Walter, Frederick M.;
   Wood, Brian
2019BAAS...51c..56C    Altcode: 2019astro2020T..56C
  We summarize compelling new scientific opportunities for understanding
  stars and stellar systems that can be enabled by sub-milliarcsec angular
  resolution, UV/Optical spectral imaging observations. These can reveal
  details of many dynamic processes that affect stellar formation,
  structure, and evolution.

Title: Solar Wind Origins: A Survey of Proposed Physical Processes
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2019shin.confE.138C    Altcode:
  Coronal heating and solar wind acceleration are not 'problems' because
  of an absence of proposed explanations, but because there are too many
  proposed explanations! This session is meant to help theorists and
  observers continue the process of testing, validating, and ultimately
  winnowing down the list of physical processes that may be responsible
  for accelerating the solar wind. In this scene-setting talk I will
  attempt to review the current state of the debate, mainly from the
  theoretical side, about solar wind origins. The major battle-lines
  are often drawn between physical processes that energize the plasma
  along open field lines (i.e., 'topology is destiny'), versus those
  that involve magnetic reconnection between regions of open and closed
  topology. However, it is likely that the real Sun employs both types
  of plasma energization, such that our job is then to determine their
  relative strengths in the different source regions. Of necessity, this
  talk will be peppered by my own biased opinions about which processes
  I believe are more important than others, but I will do my best to
  label those opinions clearly.

Title: High frequency chromospheric observations with IBIS and ALMA
Authors: Molnar, Momchil Emil; Reardon, Kevin; Cranmer, Steven
2019shin.confE.148M    Altcode:
  The heating mechanism sustaining the quiet chromosphere is still
  unknown and is an area of active research (Kalkofen 2007). A possible
  explanation for the chromospheric heating conundrum is the dissipation
  of high-frequency waves permeating the chromosphere. However, there
  are few studies of this frequency regime (above 30 mHz) with full
  spectral scanning to derive proper Doppler velocity fields in the
  chromosphere. We present observations of the power spectrum of the
  Doppler velocities in the chromosphere from the DST at Sunspot, NM. We
  used the IBIS instrument with a novel reduction technique to derive
  chromospheric Doppler velocities in the spectral lines of H-alpha and Ca
  II 8542 with cadences of about 3.5 seconds for a full spectral scan. We
  find that the power spectrum of the measured velocities follow a power
  law ubiquitous in our field of view up to 60 mHz. The power law index
  is coherent for similar chromospheric regions. We find comparable power
  law in the power spectrum of the temperature variation in simultaneous
  observations with ALMA of the same region. This power law could be a
  signature of turbulent cascade leading to the dissipation of energy of
  these high frequency perturbations at small scales. However, this is
  an unexpected result as the extended formation region of these resonant
  chromospheric lines smears out the spectral signatures produced by short
  wavelength perturbations in the atmosphere. To explain the presence of
  high-frequency energy in the power spectra we study the transmission
  function of the wave perturbations through the solar atmosphere with
  the RH code. This exploratory study could be greatly improved with the
  DKI Solar Telescope, which would enable us to resolve smaller scales
  in the solar atmosphere as well as measure velocities at higher cadence
  and better precision.

Title: Element Abundances and Solar Wind Acceleration
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2019shin.confE.137C    Altcode:
  When attempting to solve the intertwined problems of coronal
  heating and solar wind acceleration, it is important to make use of
  observations that allow us to distinguish between the many different
  proposed physical processes. This session highlights the usefulness
  of elemental abundances in this regard, and this presentation is
  meant to complement another scene-setting talk that will focus on
  the chromospheric origins of FIP-dependent elemental abundances. In
  this talk, I will review how there can be additional imprinting of
  elemental abundance signatures throughout the extended acceleration
  region of the solar wind. For example, some abundance patterns may be
  determined by differential flows between protons, alpha particles, and
  heavier ions in the corona. These flows may take several tens of solar
  radii to eventually become locked into the values measured at 1 AU,
  and they carry signatures of effects such as wave-particle interactions,
  collisional friction, and gravitational settling. This talk will attempt
  to distinguish between the 'frozen-in' composition diagnostics that can
  be used as long-distance probes of origin sites on the solar surface,
  and those that are more sensitive to gradual evolution in the corona.

Title: Origins of the Ambient Solar Wind: Implications for Space
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.; Gibson, Sarah E.; Riley, Pete
2019sfsw.book...41C    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Some Turbulent Predictions for Parker Solar Probe
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2018RNAAS...2..158C    Altcode: 2018arXiv180809477C; 2018RNAAS...2c.158C
  From the the solar photosphere to the outer heliosphere, the Sun's
  plasma properties are fluctuating with a broad range of temporal and
  spatial scales. In fact, a turbulent cascade of energy from large
  to small scales is a frequently invoked explanation for heating the
  corona and accelerating the solar wind. NASA's Parker Solar Probe (PSP)
  is expected to revolutionize our understanding of coronal heating and
  magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence by performing in situ sampling
  closer to the Sun than any other prior space mission. This research note
  presents theoretical predictions for some properties of MHD turbulence
  (e.g., spacecraft-frame power spectra and variance anisotropies)
  in the regions to be explored by PSP. These results are derived from
  a previously published semi-empirical model of coupled Alfvenic and
  fast-mode turbulence in the fast solar wind. The primary reason for
  this research note is to show how straightforward it can be to extract
  useful predictions from existing theoretical models about measurable
  quantities that were not even considered when creating the models
  initially. The variance anisotropy, for example, may be an important
  quantity for distinguishing between different theoretical models for
  coronal heating and solar wind acceleration.

Title: Investigating the Complex Motions of Photospheric Bright Points
Authors: Van Kooten, Samuel J.; Cranmer, Steven R.
2018shin.confE..72V    Altcode:
  Magnetic bright points in the solar photosphere, visible in both
  continuum and G-band images, indicate footpoints of kilogauss magnetic
  flux tubes extending to the corona. The power spectrum of bright-point
  motion is thus also the power spectrum of Alfven wave excitation,
  and these waves transport energy up flux tubes into the corona. This
  spectrum is a key boundary condition in coronal and heliospheric
  models. In past work, using photospheric images from a radiative
  magnetohydrodynamic simulation with spatial resolution higher than
  that of present-day observations, we performed automated tracking of
  bright points to produce large data quantities, and we generated a power
  spectrum of the bright-point motions. We found slightly higher amounts
  of power at all frequencies compared to observation-based spectra,
  while confirming the spectrum shape of recent observations. This
  serves as a prediction for observations of bright points with DKIST,
  which will achieve similar resolution and high sensitivity. However,
  our past work was unable to process extremely long bright points, the
  merging or splitting of bright points, or internal motions including
  size or shape changes of bright points. If bright point motion is to
  be used as a complete lower boundary condition for coronal waves, these
  additional aspects must be quantitatively understood. Such an approach
  must move away from centroid tracking to tracking the inferred motion
  of field lines at a scale near the pixel scale. With DKIST promising
  to provide high-resolution, high-cadence bright point observations,
  now is the time to develop this approach for bright points. In this
  poster, we present initial efforts and a variety of approaches that
  may help measure the velocity field of bright points and the MHD waves
  excited by those motions.

Title: Low-frequency Alfvén Waves Produced by Magnetic Reconnection
    in the Sun’s Magnetic Carpet
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2018ApJ...862....6C    Altcode: 2018arXiv180512184C
  The solar corona is a hot, dynamic, and highly magnetized plasma
  environment whose source of energy is not yet well understood. One
  leading contender for that energy source is the dissipation of
  magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves or turbulent fluctuations. Many
  wave-heating models for the corona and the solar wind presume that these
  fluctuations originate at or below the Sun’s photosphere. However,
  this paper investigates the idea that magnetic reconnection may
  generate an additional source of MHD waves over a gradual range of
  heights in the low corona. A time-dependent Monte Carlo simulation of
  the mixed-polarity magnetic field is used to predict the properties of
  reconnection-driven coronal MHD waves. The total power in these waves
  is typically small in comparison to that of photosphere-driven waves,
  but their frequencies are much lower. Reconnection-driven waves begin
  to dominate the total power spectrum at periods longer than about
  30 minutes. Thus, they may need to be taken into account in order to
  understand the low-frequency power-law spectra observed by both coronal
  spectropolarimetry and in situ particle/field instruments. These
  low-frequency Alfvén waves should carry more magnetic energy than
  kinetic energy, and thus they may produce less nonthermal Doppler
  broadening (in comparison to photosphere-driven high-frequency waves)
  in emission lines observed above the solar limb.

Title: Waves and Turbulence in the Solar Corona: A Surplus of Sources
    and Sinks
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2018AAS...23240502C    Altcode:
  The Sun's corona is a hot, dynamic, and highly stochastic plasma
  environment, and we still do not yet understand how it is heated. Both
  the loop-filled coronal base and the extended acceleration region of the
  solar wind appear to be filled with waves and turbulent eddies. Models
  that invoke the dissipation of these magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)
  fluctuations have had some success in explaining the heating. In this
  presentation I will review some new insights about the different ways
  these waves are thought to be created and destroyed. For example: (1)
  Intergranular bright points in the photosphere are believed to extend
  upwards as coronal flux tubes, and their transverse oscillations are
  driven by the underlying convection. New high-resolution MHD simulations
  predict the kinetic energy spectra of the resulting coronal waves and
  serve as predictions for upcoming DKIST observations. (2) Magnetic
  reconnection in the supergranular network of the low corona can also
  generate MHD waves, and new Monte Carlo models of the resulting power
  spectra will be presented. The total integrated power in these waves
  is typically small in comparison to that of photosphere-driven waves,
  but they dominate the total spectrum at periods longer than about 30
  minutes. (3) Because each magnetic field line in the corona is tied
  to at least one specific chromospheric footpoint (each with its own
  base pressure), the corona also plays host to field-aligned "density
  striations." These fluctuations vary with the supergranular network on
  timescales of roughly a day, but they also act as a spatially varying
  background through which the higher-frequency waves propagate. These
  multiple sources of space/time variability must be taken into account
  to properly understand off-limb measurements from CoMP and EIS/Hinode,
  as well as in-situ measurements from Parker Solar Probe.

Title: Diffusion-plus-drift models for the mass leakage from
    centrifugal magnetospheres of magnetic hot-stars
Authors: Owocki, Stanley P.; Cranmer, Steven R.
2018MNRAS.474.3090O    Altcode: 2017arXiv171105414O
  In the subset of luminous, early-type stars with strong, large-scale
  magnetic fields and moderate to rapid rotation, material from the
  star's radiatively driven stellar wind outflow becomes trapped by
  closed magnetic loops, forming a centrifugally supported, corotating
  magnetosphere. We present here a semi-analytic analysis of how this
  quasi-steady accumulation of wind mass can be balanced by losses
  associated with a combination of an outward, centrifugally driven
  drift in the region beyond the Kepler co-rotation radius, and an
  inward/outward diffusion near this radius. We thereby derive scaling
  relations for the equilibrium spatial distribution of mass, and the
  associated emission measure for observational diagnostics like Balmer
  line emission. We discuss the potential application of these relations
  for interpreting surveys of the emission line diagnostics for OB stars
  with centrifugally supported magnetospheres. For a specific model of
  turbulent field-line-wandering rooted in surface motions associated
  with the iron opacity bump, we estimate values for the associated
  diffusion and drift coefficients.

Title: Detection of a Millimeter Flare from Proxima Centauri
Authors: MacGregor, Meredith A.; Weinberger, Alycia J.; Wilner,
   David J.; Kowalski, Adam F.; Cranmer, Steven R.
2018ApJ...855L...2M    Altcode: 2018arXiv180208257M
  We present new analyses of ALMA 12 m and Atacama Compact Array (ACA)
  observations at 233 GHz (1.3 mm) of the Proxima Centauri system with
  sensitivities of 9.5 and 47 μJy beam<SUP>-1</SUP>, respectively,
  taken from 2017 January 21 through April 25. These analyses reveal
  that the star underwent a significant flaring event during one of
  the ACA observations on 2017 March 24. The complete event lasted for
  approximately 1 minute and reached a peak flux density of 100 ± 4 mJy,
  nearly a factor of 1000 times brighter than the star’s quiescent
  emission. At the flare peak, the continuum emission is characterized
  by a steeply falling spectral index with frequency F <SUB> ν </SUB>
  ∝ ν <SUP> α </SUP> with α = -1.77 ± 0.45, and a lower limit on
  the fractional linear polarization of | Q/I| =0.19+/- 0.02. Because
  the ACA observations do not show any quiescent excess emission, we
  conclude that there is no need to invoke the presence of a dust belt
  at 1-4 au. We also posit that the slight excess flux density of 101 ±
  9 μJy observed in the 12 m observations, compared to the photospheric
  flux density of 74 ± 4 μJy extrapolated from infrared wavelengths,
  may be due to coronal heating from continual smaller flares, as is
  seen for AU Mic, another nearby well-studied M dwarf flare star. If
  this is true, then the need for warm dust at ∼0.4 au is also removed.

Title: Origins of the Ambient Solar Wind: Implications for Space
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.; Gibson, Sarah E.; Riley, Pete
2017SSRv..212.1345C    Altcode: 2017arXiv170807169C; 2017SSRv..tmp..167C
  The Sun's outer atmosphere is heated to temperatures of millions
  of degrees, and solar plasma flows out into interplanetary space at
  supersonic speeds. This paper reviews our current understanding of
  these interrelated problems: coronal heating and the acceleration of
  the ambient solar wind. We also discuss where the community stands in
  its ability to forecast how variations in the solar wind (i.e., fast and
  slow wind streams) impact the Earth. Although the last few decades have
  seen significant progress in observations and modeling, we still do not
  have a complete understanding of the relevant physical processes, nor
  do we have a quantitatively precise census of which coronal structures
  contribute to specific types of solar wind. Fast streams are known
  to be connected to the central regions of large coronal holes. Slow
  streams, however, appear to come from a wide range of sources, including
  streamers, pseudostreamers, coronal loops, active regions, and coronal
  hole boundaries. Complicating our understanding even more is the
  fact that processes such as turbulence, stream-stream interactions,
  and Coulomb collisions can make it difficult to unambiguously map a
  parcel measured at 1 AU back down to its coronal source. We also review
  recent progress—in theoretical modeling, observational data analysis,
  and forecasting techniques that sit at the interface between data and
  theory—that gives us hope that the above problems are indeed solvable.

Title: Characterizing the Motion of Solar Magnetic Bright Points at
    High Resolution
Authors: Van Kooten, Samuel J.; Cranmer, Steven R.
2017ApJ...850...64V    Altcode: 2017arXiv171004738V
  Magnetic bright points in the solar photosphere, visible in both
  continuum and G-band images, indicate footpoints of kilogauss magnetic
  flux tubes extending to the corona. The power spectrum of bright-point
  motion is thus also the power spectrum of Alfvén wave excitation,
  transporting energy up flux tubes into the corona. This spectrum is
  a key input in coronal and heliospheric models. We produce a power
  spectrum of bright-point motion using radiative magnetohydrodynamic
  simulations, exploiting spatial resolution higher than can be obtained
  in present-day observations, while using automated tracking to produce
  large data quantities. We find slightly higher amounts of power at all
  frequencies compared to observation-based spectra, while confirming the
  spectrum shape of recent observations. This also provides a prediction
  for observations of bright points with DKIST, which will achieve
  similar resolution and high sensitivity. We also find a granule size
  distribution in support of an observed two-population distribution,
  and we present results from tracking passive tracers, which show a
  similar power spectrum to that of bright points. Finally, we introduce
  a simplified, laminar model of granulation, with which we explore the
  roles of turbulence and of the properties of the granulation pattern
  in determining bright-point motion.

Title: Simulations of non-linear mode conversion between Alfvén
    waves and compressive modes in the solar corona
Authors: Schiff, Avery Jean; Cranmer, Steven
2017shin.confE.127S    Altcode:
  In the solar corona, Alfvén waves are believed to be responsible for
  heating the surrounding plasma through a turbulent cascade. Sufficiently
  strong, linearly polarized Alfvén waves are also capable of generating
  a strong ponderomotive force that produces compressive fluctuations. The
  compressive waves in turn heat the plasma through a dissipative
  force. We seek to understand the degree to which this mode conversion is
  present and relevant in the Sun's coronal loops. Using the MHD module
  of the PLUTO code, we simulate coronal loops with Alfvén fluctuations
  having a range of different polarization states driven at the base
  of the loop. We characterize the fraction of energy from the initial
  Alfvén waves that is converted into compressive fluctuations with some
  discussion of the implications for the loop's temperature structure.

Title: Kinetic Effects in Coronal Holes and High-Speed Streams:
    A Roundup of Observational Constraints
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2017shin.confE.105C    Altcode:
  Although we have come to understand many links in the chain of events
  that produces the hot solar corona and the supersonic solar wind, it
  is still the case that the final links - i.e., the actual dissipation
  processes that act on the smallest scales - remain elusive. Different
  proposed processes act on particles of different charge and mass in
  different ways. However, some regions of the corona and heliosphere
  are so dense that Coulomb collisions are frequent enough to wipe out
  these unique charge/mass signatures. Thus, theorists tend to look to
  the lowest-density regions (e.g., coronal holes and fast solar wind
  streams) to have the best chance to identify these kinetic clues. In
  this poster, I will collect and present a number of remote-sensing and
  in-situ measurements that have shown, for example: (1) preferential
  bulk acceleration of heavy ions (with respect to proton bulk flows), (2)
  ion temperatures in the corona exceeding 100 million K, and (3) extreme
  departures from Maxwellian velocity distribution shapes. Hopefully
  having these observational constraints all in one place will help prod
  theorists (including myself!) to find the best ways to move forward. As
  additional fodder for discussion, I will also present a laundry list
  of proposed collisionless mechanisms that have been proposed to explain
  the observed particle properties.

Title: Characterizing the Motion of Photospheric Magnetic Bright
    Points at High Resolution
Authors: Van Kooten, Samuel Jay; Cranmer, Steven R.; Rempel, Matthias
2017shin.confE..68V    Altcode:
  Magnetic bright points on the solar photosphere, visible in both
  continuum and G-band images, indicate footpoints of kilogauss magnetic
  flux tubes extending to the corona. The power spectrum of transverse
  bright point motion is thus also the power spectrum of Alfven wave
  excitation, with these waves transporting energy up flux tubes into
  the corona. This spectrum is a key input in coronal and heliospheric
  models. After briefly reviewing observations of bright point motion, we
  present a power spectrum of bright point motion derived from radiative
  MHD simulations, exploiting spatial resolution higher than can be
  obtained in observations while using automated tracking to produce
  large data quantities. We find slightly higher amounts of power at
  all frequencies compared to observational spectra while confirming
  the spectrum shape of recent observations. This provides a prediction
  for DKIST observations of bright points, which will achieve similar
  resolution. We also present results from tracing test particles
  in the horizontal plasma flow, finding similar power spectra but
  differing motion paths. Finally, we introduce a simplified, laminar
  model of granulation, with which we explore the roles of turbulence
  and of the properties of the granulation pattern in determining bright
  point motion.

Title: Mass-loss Rates from Coronal Mass Ejections: A Predictive
    Theoretical Model for Solar-type Stars
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2017ApJ...840..114C    Altcode: 2017arXiv170406689C
  Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are eruptive events that cause
  a solar-type star to shed mass and magnetic flux. CMEs tend to
  occur together with flares, radio storms, and bursts of energetic
  particles. On the Sun, CME-related mass loss is roughly an order of
  magnitude less intense than that of the background solar wind. However,
  on other types of stars, CMEs have been proposed to carry away much
  more mass and energy than the time-steady wind. Earlier papers have
  used observed correlations between solar CMEs and flare energies, in
  combination with stellar flare observations, to estimate stellar CME
  rates. This paper sidesteps flares and attempts to calibrate a more
  fundamental correlation between surface-averaged magnetic fluxes and
  CME properties. For the Sun, there exists a power-law relationship
  between the magnetic filling factor and the CME kinetic energy flux,
  and it is generalized for use on other stars. An example prediction of
  the time evolution of wind/CME mass-loss rates for a solar-mass star is
  given. A key result is that for ages younger than about 1 Gyr (I.e.,
  activity levels only slightly higher than the present-day Sun), the
  CME mass loss exceeds that of the time-steady wind. At younger ages,
  CMEs carry 10-100 times more mass than the wind, and such high rates
  may be powerful enough to dispel circumstellar disks and affect the
  habitability of nearby planets. The cumulative CME mass lost by the
  young Sun may have been as much as 1% of a solar mass.

Title: Imaging the Top of the Solar Corona and the Young Solar Wind
Authors: DeForest, C. E.; Matthaeus, W. H.; Viall, N. M.; Cranmer,
   S. R.
2016AGUFMSH53A..05D    Altcode:
  We present the first direct visual evidence of the quasi-stationary
  breakup of solar coronal structure and the rise of turbulence in
  the young solar wind, directly in the future flight path of Solar
  Probe. Although the corona and, more recently, the solar wind have both
  been observed directly with Thomson scattered light, the transition from
  the corona to the solar wind has remained a mystery. The corona itself
  is highly structured by the magnetic field and the outflowing solar
  wind, giving rise to radial "striae" - which comprise the familiar
  streamers, pseudostreamers, and rays. These striae are not visible
  in wide-field heliospheric images, nor are they clearly delineated
  with in-situ measurements of the solar wind. Using careful photometric
  analysis of the images from STEREO/HI-1, we have, for the first time,
  directly observed the breakup of radial coronal structure and the rise
  of nearly-isotropic turbulent structure in the outflowing slow solar
  wind plasma between 10° (40 Rs) and 20° (80 Rs) from the Sun. These
  observations are important not only for their direct science value,
  but for predicting and understanding the conditions expected near SPP as
  it flies through - and beyond - this final frontier of the heliosphere,
  the outer limits of the solar corona.

Title: The FIELDS Instrument Suite for Solar Probe Plus. Measuring
    the Coronal Plasma and Magnetic Field, Plasma Waves and Turbulence,
    and Radio Signatures of Solar Transients
Authors: Bale, S. D.; Goetz, K.; Harvey, P. R.; Turin, P.; Bonnell,
   J. W.; Dudok de Wit, T.; Ergun, R. E.; MacDowall, R. J.; Pulupa,
   M.; Andre, M.; Bolton, M.; Bougeret, J. -L.; Bowen, T. A.; Burgess,
   D.; Cattell, C. A.; Chandran, B. D. G.; Chaston, C. C.; Chen,
   C. H. K.; Choi, M. K.; Connerney, J. E.; Cranmer, S.; Diaz-Aguado, M.;
   Donakowski, W.; Drake, J. F.; Farrell, W. M.; Fergeau, P.; Fermin, J.;
   Fischer, J.; Fox, N.; Glaser, D.; Goldstein, M.; Gordon, D.; Hanson,
   E.; Harris, S. E.; Hayes, L. M.; Hinze, J. J.; Hollweg, J. V.; Horbury,
   T. S.; Howard, R. A.; Hoxie, V.; Jannet, G.; Karlsson, M.; Kasper,
   J. C.; Kellogg, P. J.; Kien, M.; Klimchuk, J. A.; Krasnoselskikh,
   V. V.; Krucker, S.; Lynch, J. J.; Maksimovic, M.; Malaspina, D. M.;
   Marker, S.; Martin, P.; Martinez-Oliveros, J.; McCauley, J.; McComas,
   D. J.; McDonald, T.; Meyer-Vernet, N.; Moncuquet, M.; Monson, S. J.;
   Mozer, F. S.; Murphy, S. D.; Odom, J.; Oliverson, R.; Olson, J.;
   Parker, E. N.; Pankow, D.; Phan, T.; Quataert, E.; Quinn, T.; Ruplin,
   S. W.; Salem, C.; Seitz, D.; Sheppard, D. A.; Siy, A.; Stevens, K.;
   Summers, D.; Szabo, A.; Timofeeva, M.; Vaivads, A.; Velli, M.; Yehle,
   A.; Werthimer, D.; Wygant, J. R.
2016SSRv..204...49B    Altcode: 2016SSRv..tmp...16B
  NASA's Solar Probe Plus (SPP) mission will make the first in situ
  measurements of the solar corona and the birthplace of the solar
  wind. The FIELDS instrument suite on SPP will make direct measurements
  of electric and magnetic fields, the properties of in situ plasma waves,
  electron density and temperature profiles, and interplanetary radio
  emissions, amongst other things. Here, we describe the scientific
  objectives targeted by the SPP/FIELDS instrument, the instrument
  design itself, and the instrument concept of operations and planned
  data products.

Title: Solar Wind Electrons Alphas and Protons (SWEAP) Investigation:
    Design of the Solar Wind and Coronal Plasma Instrument Suite for
    Solar Probe Plus
Authors: Kasper, Justin C.; Abiad, Robert; Austin, Gerry;
   Balat-Pichelin, Marianne; Bale, Stuart D.; Belcher, John W.; Berg,
   Peter; Bergner, Henry; Berthomier, Matthieu; Bookbinder, Jay; Brodu,
   Etienne; Caldwell, David; Case, Anthony W.; Chandran, Benjamin D. G.;
   Cheimets, Peter; Cirtain, Jonathan W.; Cranmer, Steven R.; Curtis,
   David W.; Daigneau, Peter; Dalton, Greg; Dasgupta, Brahmananda;
   DeTomaso, David; Diaz-Aguado, Millan; Djordjevic, Blagoje; Donaskowski,
   Bill; Effinger, Michael; Florinski, Vladimir; Fox, Nichola; Freeman,
   Mark; Gallagher, Dennis; Gary, S. Peter; Gauron, Tom; Gates, Richard;
   Goldstein, Melvin; Golub, Leon; Gordon, Dorothy A.; Gurnee, Reid; Guth,
   Giora; Halekas, Jasper; Hatch, Ken; Heerikuisen, Jacob; Ho, George; Hu,
   Qiang; Johnson, Greg; Jordan, Steven P.; Korreck, Kelly E.; Larson,
   Davin; Lazarus, Alan J.; Li, Gang; Livi, Roberto; Ludlam, Michael;
   Maksimovic, Milan; McFadden, James P.; Marchant, William; Maruca,
   Bennet A.; McComas, David J.; Messina, Luciana; Mercer, Tony; Park,
   Sang; Peddie, Andrew M.; Pogorelov, Nikolai; Reinhart, Matthew J.;
   Richardson, John D.; Robinson, Miles; Rosen, Irene; Skoug, Ruth M.;
   Slagle, Amanda; Steinberg, John T.; Stevens, Michael L.; Szabo, Adam;
   Taylor, Ellen R.; Tiu, Chris; Turin, Paul; Velli, Marco; Webb, Gary;
   Whittlesey, Phyllis; Wright, Ken; Wu, S. T.; Zank, Gary
2016SSRv..204..131K    Altcode: 2015SSRv..tmp..119K
  The Solar Wind Electrons Alphas and Protons (SWEAP) Investigation
  on Solar Probe Plus is a four sensor instrument suite that provides
  complete measurements of the electrons and ionized helium and hydrogen
  that constitute the bulk of solar wind and coronal plasma. SWEAP
  consists of the Solar Probe Cup (SPC) and the Solar Probe Analyzers
  (SPAN). SPC is a Faraday Cup that looks directly at the Sun and measures
  ion and electron fluxes and flow angles as a function of energy. SPAN
  consists of an ion and electron electrostatic analyzer (ESA) on
  the ram side of SPP (SPAN-A) and an electron ESA on the anti-ram
  side (SPAN-B). The SPAN-A ion ESA has a time of flight section that
  enables it to sort particles by their mass/charge ratio, permitting
  differentiation of ion species. SPAN-A and -B are rotated relative to
  one another so their broad fields of view combine like the seams on a
  baseball to view the entire sky except for the region obscured by the
  heat shield and covered by SPC. Observations by SPC and SPAN produce
  the combined field of view and measurement capabilities required to
  fulfill the science objectives of SWEAP and Solar Probe Plus. SWEAP
  measurements, in concert with magnetic and electric fields, energetic
  particles, and white light contextual imaging will enable discovery
  and understanding of solar wind acceleration and formation, coronal and
  solar wind heating, and particle acceleration in the inner heliosphere
  of the solar system. SPC and SPAN are managed by the SWEAP Electronics
  Module (SWEM), which distributes power, formats onboard data products,
  and serves as a single electrical interface to the spacecraft. SWEAP
  data products include ion and electron velocity distribution functions
  with high energy and angular resolution. Full resolution data are stored
  within the SWEM, enabling high resolution observations of structures
  such as shocks, reconnection events, and other transient structures
  to be selected for download after the fact. This paper describes the
  implementation of the SWEAP Investigation, the driving requirements
  for the suite, expected performance of the instruments, and planned
  data products, as of mission preliminary design review.

Title: Explaining Inverted-temperature Loops in the Quiet Solar
    Corona with Magnetohydrodynamic Wave-mode Conversion
Authors: Schiff, Avery J.; Cranmer, Steven R.
2016ApJ...831...10S    Altcode: 2016arXiv160804398S
  Coronal loops trace out bipolar, arch-like magnetic fields above the
  Sun’s surface. Recent measurements that combine rotational tomography,
  extreme-ultraviolet imaging, and potential-field extrapolation have
  shown the existence of large loops with inverted-temperature profiles,
  I.e., loops for which the apex temperature is a local minimum, not a
  maximum. These “down loops” appear to exist primarily in equatorial
  quiet regions near solar minimum. We simulate both these and the more
  prevalent large-scale “up loops” by modeling coronal heating as a
  time-steady superposition of (1) dissipation of incompressible Alfvén
  wave turbulence and (2) dissipation of compressive waves formed by
  mode conversion from the initial population of Alfvén waves. We found
  that when a large percentage (&gt;99%) of the Alfvén waves undergo
  this conversion, heating is greatly concentrated at the footpoints and
  stable “down loops” are created. In some cases we found loops with
  three maxima that are also gravitationally stable. Models that agree
  with the tomographic temperature data exhibit higher gas pressures for
  “down loops” than for “up loops,” which is consistent with
  observations. These models also show a narrow range of Alfvén wave
  amplitudes: 3 to 6 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> at the coronal base. This is low
  in comparison to typical observed amplitudes of 20-30 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>
  in bright X-ray loops. However, the large-scale loops we model are
  believed to compose a weaker diffuse background that fills much of
  the volume of the corona. By constraining the physics of loops that
  underlie quiescent streamers, we hope to better understand the formation
  of the slow solar wind.

Title: Predictions for Dusty Mass Loss from Asteroids During Close
    Encounters with Solar Probe Plus
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2016EM&P..118...51C    Altcode: 2016arXiv160601785C; 2016EM&P..tmp...11C
  The Solar Probe Plus ( SPP) mission will explore the Sun's corona and
  innermost solar wind starting in 2018. The spacecraft will also come
  close to a number of Mercury-crossing asteroids with perihelia less
  than 0.3 AU. At small heliocentric distances, these objects may begin
  to lose mass, thus becoming "active asteroids" with comet-like comae
  or tails. This paper assembles a database of 97 known Mercury-crossing
  asteroids that may be encountered by SPP, and it presents estimates of
  their time-dependent visible-light fluxes and mass loss rates. Assuming
  a similar efficiency of sky background subtraction as was achieved by
  STEREO , we find that approximately 80 % of these asteroids are bright
  enough to be observed by the Wide-field Imager for SPP (WISPR). A
  model of gas/dust mass loss from these asteroids is developed and
  calibrated against existing observations. This model is used to
  estimate the visible-light fluxes and spatial extents of spherical
  comae. Observable dust clouds occur only when the asteroids approach
  the Sun closer than 0.2 AU. The model predicts that during the primary
  SPP mission between 2018 and 2025, there should be 113 discrete events
  (for 24 unique asteroids) during which the modeled comae have angular
  sizes resolvable by WISPR. The largest of these correspond to asteroids
  3200 Phaethon, 137924, 155140, and 289227, all with angular sizes of
  roughly 15-30 arcminutes. We note that the SPP trajectory may still
  change, but no matter the details there should still be multiple
  opportunities for fruitful asteroid observations.

Title: Fading Coronal Structure and the Onset of Turbulence in the
    Young Solar Wind
Authors: DeForest, C. E.; Matthaeus, W. H.; Viall, N. M.; Cranmer,
   S. R.
2016ApJ...828...66D    Altcode: 2016arXiv160607718D
  Above the top of the solar corona, the young, slow solar wind
  transitions from low-β, magnetically structured flow dominated
  by radial structures to high-β, less structured flow dominated by
  hydrodynamics. This transition, long inferred via theory, is readily
  apparent in the sky region close to 10° from the Sun in processed,
  background-subtracted solar wind images. We present image sequences
  collected by the inner Heliospheric Imager instrument on board the
  Solar-Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO/HI1) in 2008 December,
  covering apparent distances from approximately 4° to 24° from the
  center of the Sun and spanning this transition in the large-scale
  morphology of the wind. We describe the observation and novel techniques
  to extract evolving image structure from the images, and we use those
  data and techniques to present and quantify the clear textural shift in
  the apparent structure of the corona and solar wind in this altitude
  range. We demonstrate that the change in apparent texture is due both
  to anomalous fading of the radial striae that characterize the corona
  and to anomalous relative brightening of locally dense puffs of solar
  wind that we term “flocculae.” We show that these phenomena are
  inconsistent with smooth radial flow, but consistent with the onset
  of hydrodynamic or magnetohydrodynamic instabilities leading to a
  turbulent cascade in the young solar wind.

Title: Magnetic Thresholds on IRIS Network Jet Productivity
Authors: Woolsey, Lauren Nicole; Cranmer, Steven R.
2016shin.confE..64W    Altcode:
  We present an investigation of the small-scale, short-lived network
  jets seen with the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS)
  spacecraft. We look at the production of network jets in the vicinity
  of a coronal hole and at the underlying magnetic field data gathered
  by the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager on Solar Dynamics Observatory
  (SDO/HMI). We find that there is an absolute magnetic flux density
  that triggers the production of network jets, and that these phenomena
  form preferentially in regions of high flux imbalance. This work was
  included in the Ph.D. dissertation "Magnetic Influences on the Solar
  Wind" completed in May by L. N. Woolsey.

Title: How Important is Alfven Wave Heating? (Scene-setting talk)
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2016shin.confE..65C    Altcode:
  This session (Outstanding Challenges in Understanding the Heating
  of the Solar Corona and Solar Wind) is meant to confront the fact
  that there are MANY proposed solutions to the intertwined problems of
  coronal heating and wind acceleration, but the true problem is how to
  choose between them. The main battle-lines are often drawn between
  wave and nanoflare paradigms, but it may be the case that a single
  unifying language (e.g., turbulence) can describe them both. In this
  scene-setting talk I will briefly review the observational limits we
  have on the energy present in coronal Alfvenic fluctuations, how they
  vary as a function of fundamental coronal properties (magnetic field,
  radial distance, frequency, wavenumber), and whether they dissipate
  efficiently enough to heat the corona. Of course this talk will be
  peppered by my own biased opinions about which processes I believe
  dominate over the others, but I will do my best to label those opinions

Title: Explaining Inverted Temperature Loops in the Quiet Solar
    Corona With Magnetohydrodynamic Wave Mode Conversion
Authors: Schiff, Avery; Cranmer, Steven R.
2016shin.confE..62S    Altcode:
  We simulate the temperature profiles along coronal loops measured
  with AIA DEM tomography and field-line extrapolation by Nuevo et al
  (2013). By varying the strength and nature of the heating mechanism,
  we modeled steady-state, gravitationally stable loops that have
  temperature profiles with local maxima below the loop apex. Because
  these loops have negative vertical temperature gradients over much of
  their length, they have been called 'down loops' and were seen to exist
  primarily in equatorial quiet regions near solar minimum. In our models,
  the amount of heat deposited in the loop is attributed to two sources:
  (1) the dissipation of Alfvén waves in a turbulent cascade, and (2)
  the dissipation of compressive waves over a variable length. The
  compressive waves are generated in a nonlinear process by which
  some fraction of the Alfvén waves undergo mode conversion instead
  of contributing directly to the heating process. We found that when
  a large percentage (&gt; 99%) of the Alfvén waves underwent this
  conversion, the heating was greatly concentrated at the base of the
  loop and stable 'down loops' were created. In some cases, we found
  loops with three extrema that are gravitationally stable. We map the
  full parameter space to explore which conditions lead to which loop
  types, and we demonstrate that the simulated characteristics of the
  loops - including magnetic field strength, pressure, and temperature -
  are consistent with values measured by Nuevo et al. (2013). For more
  details see Schiff &amp; Cranmer (2016).

Title: Constraints on Planetesimal Collision Models in Debris Disks
Authors: MacGregor, Meredith A.; Wilner, David J.; Chandler, Claire;
   Ricci, Luca; Maddison, Sarah T.; Cranmer, Steven R.; Andrews, Sean M.;
   Hughes, A. Meredith; Steele, Amy
2016ApJ...823...79M    Altcode: 2016arXiv160305644M
  Observations of debris disks offer a window into the physical and
  dynamical properties of planetesimals in extrasolar systems through the
  size distribution of dust grains. In particular, the millimeter spectral
  index of thermal dust emission encodes information on the grain size
  distribution. We have made new VLA observations of a sample of seven
  nearby debris disks at 9 mm, with 3<SUP>\prime\prime</SUP> resolution
  and ∼5 μJy beam<SUP>-1</SUP>rms. We combine these with archival
  ATCA observations of eight additional debris disks observed at 7 mm,
  together with up-to-date observations of all disks at (sub)millimeter
  wavelengths from the literature, to place tight constraints on the
  millimeter spectral indices and thus grain size distributions. The
  analysis gives a weighted mean for the slope of the power-law grain size
  distribution, n(a)\propto {a}<SUP>-q</SUP>, of &lt; q&gt; =3.36+/- 0.02,
  with a possible trend of decreasing q for later spectral type stars. We
  compare our results to a range of theoretical models of collisional
  cascades, from the standard self-similar, steady-state size distribution
  (q = 3.5) to solutions that incorporate more realistic physics such
  as alternative velocity distributions and material strengths, the
  possibility of a cutoff at small dust sizes from radiation pressure,
  and results from detailed dynamical calculations of specific disks. Such
  effects can lead to size distributions consistent with the data, and
  plausibly the observed scatter in spectral indices. For the AU Mic
  system, the VLA observations show clear evidence of a highly variable
  stellar emission component; this stellar activity obviates the need
  to invoke the presence of an asteroid belt to explain the previously
  reported compact millimeter source in this system.

Title: Stirring Coronal Spaghetti: Exploring Multiple Interactions
    Between MHD Waves and Density Fluctuations
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2016SPD....4720104C    Altcode:
  The solar corona has been revealed in the past few decades to be a
  highly dynamic nonequilibrium plasma environment. Both the loop-filled
  coronal base and the extended acceleration region of the solar wind
  appear to be strongly turbulent, and models that invoke the dissipation
  of incompressible Alfvenic fluctuations have had some success in
  explaining the heating. However, many of these models neglect the
  mounting evidence that density and pressure variations may play an
  important role in the mass and energy balance of this system. In this
  presentation I will briefly review observations of both compressible
  and incompressible MHD fluctuations in the corona and solar wind, and
  discuss future prospects with DKIST. I will also attempt to outline the
  many ways that these different fluctuation modes have been proposed
  to interact with one another -- usually with an eye on finding ways
  to enhance their dissipation and heating. One under-appreciated type
  of interaction is the fact that Alfven waves will undergo multiple
  reflections and refractions in a "background plasma" filled with
  localized density fluctuations. It is becoming increasingly clear that
  models must not only include the effects of longitudinal variability
  (e.g., magnetoacoustic waves and pulse-like jets) but also transverse
  "striations" that appear naturally in a structured magnetic field
  with small-scale footpoint variability. Future off-limb observations,
  such as those with DKIST's Cryo-NIRSP instrument, will be crucial
  for providing us with a detailed census of MHD waves and their mutual
  interactions in the corona.

Title: Erratum: “Driving Solar Spicules and Jets with
Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence: Testing a Persistent Idea” <A
    href="/abs/2015ApJ...812...71C">(2015, ApJ, 812, 71)</A>
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.; Woolsey, Lauren N.
2016ApJ...822..119C    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Explaining Inverted Temperature Loops in the Quiet Solar
    Corona with Magnetohydrodynamic Wave Mode Conversion
Authors: Schiff, Avery; Cranmer, Steven R.
2016SPD....47.0331S    Altcode:
  We simulate the temperature profiles along coronal loops measured
  with AIA DEM tomography and field-line extrapolation by Nuevo et al
  (2013). By varying the strength and nature of the heating mechanism,
  we modeled steady-state, gravitationally stable loops that have
  temperature profiles with local maxima below the loop apex. Because
  these loops have negative vertical temperature gradients over much of
  their length, they have been called "down loops" and were seen to exist
  primarily in equatorial quiet regions near solar minimum. In our models,
  the amount of heat deposited in the loop is attributed to two sources:
  (1) the dissipation of Alfven waves in a turbulent cascade, and (2) the
  dissipation of compressive waves over a variable length. The compressive
  waves are generated in a nonlinear process by which some fraction of the
  Alfven waves undergo mode conversion instead of contributing directly
  to the heating process. We found that when a large percentage (&gt;
  99%) of the Alfven waves underwent this conversion, the heating was
  greatly concentrated at the base of the loop and stable "down loops"
  were created. In some cases, we found loops with three extrema that
  are gravitationally stable. We map the full parameter space to explore
  which conditions lead to which loop types, and we demonstrate that the
  simulated characteristics of the loops -- including magnetic field
  strength, pressure, and temperature -- are consistent with values
  measured by Nuevo et al. (2013).

Title: Statistical Study of Network Jets Observed in the Solar
Transition Region: a Comparison Between Coronal Holes and Quiet-Sun
Authors: Narang, Nancy; Arbacher, Rebecca T.; Tian, Hui; Banerjee,
   Dipankar; Cranmer, Steven R.; DeLuca, Ed E.; McKillop, Sean
2016SoPh..291.1129N    Altcode: 2016arXiv160406295N; 2016SoPh..tmp...56N
  Recent IRIS observations have revealed a prevalence of intermittent
  small-scale jets with apparent speeds of 80 -250 kms−<SUP>1</SUP>,
  emanating from small-scale bright regions inside network boundaries
  of coronal holes. We find that these network jets appear not only in
  coronal holes but also in quiet-sun regions. Using IRIS 1330 Å (C
  II) slit-jaw images, we extracted several parameters of these network
  jets, e.g. apparent speed, length, lifetime, and increase in foot-point
  brightness. Using several observations, we find that some properties of
  the jets are very similar, but others are obviously different between
  the quiet Sun and coronal holes. For example, our study shows that
  the coronal-hole jets appear to be faster and longer than those in
  the quiet Sun. This can be directly attributed to a difference in the
  magnetic configuration of the two regions, with open magnetic field
  lines rooted in coronal holes and magnetic loops often present in
  the quiet Sun. We also detected compact bright loops that are most
  likely transition region loops and are mostly located in quiet-Sun
  regions. These small loop-like regions are generally devoid of network
  jets. In spite of different magnetic structures in the coronal hole and
  quiet Sun in the transition region, there appears to be no substantial
  difference for the increase in footpoint brightness of the jets, which
  suggests that the generation mechanism of these network jets is very
  likely the same in both regions.

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: Granulation model for 508 KIC stars
    (Cranmer+, 2014)
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.; Bastien, F. A.; Stassun, K. G.; Saar, S. H.
2016yCat..17810124C    Altcode:
  A goal of this work is to find self-consistent and accurate ways to
  predict the properties of stellar light-curve variability, and to use
  this variability to calibrate against other methods of determining
  their fundamental parameters. Thus, it may be possible to develop
  the analysis of granular flicker measurements in a way that augments
  the results of asteroseismology and improves the accuracy of, e.g.,
  stellar mass and radius measurements. <P />To assist in this process,
  we provide tabulated data for 508 stars with photometric light
  curves measured by the Kepler mission, which also includes their
  derived masses and predicted values of the turbulent Mach number
  (M<SUB>a</SUB>), the root-mean-square (rms) granulation intensity
  amplitude σ, and the flicker amplitude F<SUB>8</SUB>. These data are
  also hosted, with updates as needed, on the first author's Web site
  (http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/~scranmer/). With the data is a short code
  written in the Interactive Data Language (IDL) that reads the data
  and reproduces two of the three panels of Figure4 in the paper. <P
  />(3 data files).

Title: Magnetic Influences on Turbulent Heating and Jet Production
    in Coronal Holes
Authors: Woolsey, L. N.; Cranmer, S. R.
2015AGUFMSH13C2447W    Altcode:
  The heating of the solar wind from open-field regions in the
  corona is the subject of an ongoing body of work in the solar
  physics community. We present recent progress to understand the
  role of Alfvén-wave-driven turbulence in flux tubes open to the
  heliosphere. Our models use three-dimensional, time-dependent forms
  of the reduced magnetohydrodynamics equations to find the resulting
  properties of the solar wind. We use the BRAID model (van Ballegooijen
  et al., 2011) on open flux tubes that epitomize the most common magnetic
  structures in the corona: a polar coronal hole, an open flux tube on
  the boundary of an equatorial streamer, and one that neighbors a strong
  active region. Our results agree with prior work using the time-steady,
  one-dimensional ZEPHYR model (Cranmer et al., 2007; Woolsey and Cranmer,
  2014). In addition, the time dependence in BRAID lets us explore the
  bursty, nanoflare-like nature of the heating in these flux tubes. We
  find that the transient heating can be captured into separate events
  with an average energy of 1022 erg, with a maximum energy of 1025
  erg. The bursty heating lead us to pursue a better understanding of
  the physical processes responsible for the network jets seen in IRIS
  data (see e.g. Tian et al., 2014). We search for correlations between
  the supergranular magnetic field properties—using the Helioseismic
  and Magnetic Imager aboard SDO—and jet productivity to make better
  estimates of the mass and energy budget of these small-scale features
  and to find evidence of the mechanisms responsible for the network jets.

Title: Time-dependent Turbulent Heating of Open Flux Tubes in the
    Chromosphere, Corona, and Solar Wind
Authors: Woolsey, L. N.; Cranmer, S. R.
2015ApJ...811..136W    Altcode: 2015arXiv150900377W
  We investigate several key questions of plasma heating in open-field
  regions of the corona that connect to the solar wind. We present
  results for a model of Alfvén-wave-driven turbulence for three
  typical open magnetic field structures: a polar coronal hole,
  an open flux tube neighboring an equatorial streamer, and an open
  flux tube near a strong-field active region. We compare time-steady,
  one-dimensional turbulent heating models against fully time-dependent
  three-dimensional reduced-magnetohydrodynamic modeling of BRAID. We
  find that the time-steady results agree well with time-averaged
  results from BRAID. The time dependence allows us to investigate the
  variability of the magnetic fluctuations and of the heating in the
  corona. The high-frequency tail of the power spectrum of fluctuations
  forms a power law whose exponent varies with height, and we discuss
  the possible physical explanation for this behavior. The variability
  in the heating rate is bursty and nanoflare-like in nature, and we
  analyze the amount of energy lost via dissipative heating in transient
  events throughout the simulation. The average energy in these events
  is 10<SUP>21.91</SUP> erg, within the “picoflare” range, and many
  events reach classical “nanoflare” energies. We also estimated
  the multithermal distribution of temperatures that would result from
  the heating-rate variability, and found good agreement with observed
  widths of coronal differential emission measure distributions. The
  results of the modeling presented in this paper provide compelling
  evidence that turbulent heating in the solar atmosphere by Alfvén
  waves accelerates the solar wind in open flux tubes.

Title: Driving Solar Spicules and Jets with Magnetohydrodynamic
Turbulence: Testing a Persistent Idea
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.; Woolsey, Lauren N.
2015ApJ...812...71C    Altcode: 2015arXiv150903263C
  The solar chromosphere contains thin, highly dynamic strands of
  plasma known as spicules. Recently, it has been suggested that the
  smallest and fastest (Type II) spicules are identical to intermittent
  jets observed by the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph. These
  jets appear to expand out along open magnetic field lines rooted in
  unipolar network regions of coronal holes. In this paper we revisit
  a thirty-year-old idea that spicules may be caused by upward forces
  associated with Alfvén waves. These forces involve the conversion
  of transverse Alfvén waves into compressive acoustic-like waves
  that steepen into shocks. The repeated buffeting due to upward shock
  propagation causes nonthermal expansion of the chromosphere and a
  transient levitation of the transition region (TR). Some older models
  of wave-driven spicules assumed sinusoidal wave inputs, but the solar
  atmosphere is highly turbulent and stochastic. Thus, we model this
  process using the output of a time-dependent simulation of reduced
  magnetohydrodynamic turbulence. The resulting mode-converted compressive
  waves are strongly variable in time, with a higher TR occurring when the
  amplitudes are large and a lower TR when the amplitudes are small. In
  this picture, the TR bobs up and down by several Mm on timescales less
  than a minute. These motions produce narrow, intermittent extensions
  of the chromosphere that have similar properties as the observed jets
  and Type II spicules.

Title: An Investigation of Magnetic Thresholds for the Production
    of IRIS Network Jets
Authors: Woolsey, Lauren Nicole; Cranmer, Steven R.
2015shin.confE.108W    Altcode:
  The enhanced resolution provided by IRIS has allowed for the direct
  observation of small-scale features in the chromosphere and transition
  region. One feature identified in IRIS observations is jet-like
  emission from bright network patches. In this project, we compare the
  network jets presented by Tian et al. (2014, Science) with magnetogram
  data from Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) on Solar Dynamics
  Observatory. We search for a correlation between jet productivity and
  the magnetic field strength of the local supergranular network. We are
  also working to develop new image processing techniques to identify and
  track network jets, using machine learning and pattern recognition used
  in other disciplines. This multidisciplinary effort will allow us to
  accurately identify and characterize small-scale, transient features
  in existing IRIS data. With an expanded catalog of features and the
  identification of correlations between supergranular magnetic field
  strength and jet production, we can make better estimates of the mass
  and energy budget contained in these network jets.

Title: IEHI: Ionization Equilibrium for Heavy Ions
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2015ascl.soft07020C    Altcode:
  IEHI, written in Fortran, outputs a simple "coronal" ionization
  equilibrium (i.e., collisional ionization and auto-ionization balanced
  by radiative and dielectronic recombination) for a plasma at a given
  electron temperature.

Title: The Role(s) of Electrons in the Turbulent Corona and Solar Wind
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2015shin.confE.140C    Altcode:
  Even though free electrons are the least massive constituents of the
  corona and solar wind, they do more than their share in keeping the
  plasma locally neutral and current-free, and they are responsible
  for nearly all of the heat conduction. In this scene-setting talk
  I will review what we know observationally about electron velocity
  distributions (VDFs) in the corona and heliosphere, and also discuss
  what we still need to understand theoretically. I hope to make the case
  for developing BOTH multi-fluid and kinetic models, since each has
  unique strengths that can help us improve our understanding. On the
  multi-fluid side, it is possible to compute volumetric heating rates
  and heat conductivities for individual particle species (electrons,
  protons, heavy ions) and use them in large-scale models of coronal
  heating and solar wind acceleration. On the kinetic side, there are
  multiple proposed ideas for the origin of the observed non-Maxwellian
  features in electron VDFs. To show how the different models can talk
  to one another, we will show that simple electron-kinetic corrections
  to the fluid models can help us make better sense of some complicated
  effects like the freezing-in of ion charge states in the solar wind.

Title: HEATCVB: Coronal heating rate approximations
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2015ascl.soft06009C    Altcode:
  HEATCVB is a stand-alone Fortran 77 subroutine that estimates the local
  volumetric coronal heating rate with four required inputs: the radial
  distance r, the wind speed u, the mass density ρ, and the magnetic
  field strength |B0|. The primary output is the heating rate Qturb at
  the location defined by the input parameters. HEATCVB also computes
  the local turbulent dissipation rate of the waves, γ = Qturb/(2UA).

Title: Time-dependent modeling of solar wind acceleration from
    turbulent heating in open flux tubes
Authors: Woolsey, Lauren Nicole; Cranmer, Steven R.
2015TESS....131005W    Altcode:
  The acceleration of the solar wind, particularly from open flux tubes,
  remains an open question in solar physics. Countless physical processes
  have been suggested to explain all or parts of the coupled problem of
  coronal heating and wind acceleration, but the current generation of
  observations have been so far unable to distinguish which mechanism(s)
  dominates. In this project, we consider heating by Alfvén waves
  in a three-dimensional, time-dependent reduced magnetohydrodynamics
  model. This model solves for the heating rate as a function of time due
  to the twisting and braiding of magnetic field lines within a flux tube,
  which is caused by Alfvén waves generated at the single footpoint of
  the flux tube. We investigate three specific structures commonly found
  in the corona: 1) an open flux tube in a coronal hole, 2) an open flux
  tube on the edge of an equatorial streamer, and 3) an open flux tube
  directly neighboring an active region. We present the time-dependent
  heating rate, power spectra of fluctuations, and the time-averaged
  properties of the solar wind arising from each magnetic structure. We
  compare the time-averaged properties from the present modeling with
  previous results from a one-dimensional, time-steady code (Cranmer
  et al. 2007) to better calibrate the physics in the lower-dimensional
  code and get a better understanding of the intricate role that bursty,
  transient heating from Alfvén-wave-driven turbulence plays in the
  acceleration of the solar wind from different magnetic structures.

Title: The role of turbulence in coronal heating and solar wind
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.; Asgari-Targhi, M.; Miralles, M. P.; Raymond,
   J. C.; Strachan, L.; Tian, H.; Woolsey, L. N.
2015RSPTA.37340148C    Altcode: 2014arXiv1412.2307C
  Plasma in the Sun's hot corona expands into the heliosphere as a
  supersonic and highly magnetized solar wind. This paper provides an
  overview of our current understanding of how the corona is heated and
  how the solar wind is accelerated. Recent models of magnetohydrodynamic
  turbulence have progressed to the point of successfully predicting
  many observed properties of this complex, multi-scale system. However,
  it is not clear whether the heating in open-field regions comes mainly
  from the dissipation of turbulent fluctuations that are launched from
  the solar surface, or whether the chaotic "magnetic carpet" in the
  low corona energizes the system via magnetic reconnection. To help
  pin down the physics, we also review some key observational results
  from ultraviolet spectroscopy of the collisionless outer corona.

Title: Comparing High-speed Transition Region Jets in Coronal Holes
    and Quiet Sun Regions
Authors: Tate Arbacher, Rebecca; Tian, Hui; Cranmer, Steven R.
2015AAS...22513705T    Altcode:
  The complicated energy transfer and plasma motion in the transition
  region, between the photosphere and the corona, may play a significant
  role in the formation and acceleration of the solar wind. New
  observations from the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS)
  have revealed unprecedented levels of detail in this less-studied
  region. Coronal holes in particular are a likely source of solar
  wind material, though the formation and acceleration mechanisms of
  the fast solar wind are still largely unknown. In our previous work,
  we have reported the prevalence of small-scale high-speed (~80-250
  km/s) jets with transition region temperatures from the network
  structures of coronal holes. Here we undertake a comparative study
  of these short-lived episodic network jets in a coronal hole region
  and a quiet sun region using IRIS sit-and-stare slit-jaw imaging in
  the 1330 Angstrom (C II) passband. The pointing coordinates, exposure
  time, observing cadence, and field of view of both observations are all
  identical. Our preliminary study suggests that the speeds and lengths
  of the network jets may differ between quiet sun and coronal hole
  regions. The quiet sun region exhibits many compact bright regions with
  sizes of 5-10 arcseconds which produce very few jets. The jets that do
  exist tend to propagate at much slower speeds over smaller distances
  than their coronal hole counterparts. Comparatively, in the coronal
  hole, such compact regions are almost absent and all network patches
  are permeated by the intermittent high-reaching jets. Such a difference
  suggests that magnetic loops are much smaller in the coronal hole and
  the network jets are produced at low heights. The recurrence frequency
  seems to be higher in the coronal hole region, with many of the isolated
  quiet sun region jets demonstrating curved trajectories.This work is
  supported under contract 8100002705 from Lockheed-Martin to SAO and
  by the NSF-REU solar physics program at SAO, grant number AGS-1263241.

Title: Multi-Wavelength Spectroscopy of Two Classical T Tauri Stars
Authors: Dupree, Andrea K.; Brickhouse, Nancy S.; Cranmer, Steven R.
2015AAS...22534804D    Altcode:
  X-ray, optical, and near-infrared spectra of two accreting T Tauri
  stars: TW Hya and BP Tau are analysed for a comparison of accretion
  properties and effects. The two stars form a valuable pair for
  study. While similar in spectral type (K7) and mass (0.8 M_sun), they
  differ in other properties. TW Hya is a 10 Myr star, viewed pole-on
  thus placing the accretion process in full view. BP Tau, in comparison,
  is younger (1 Myr), accreting material at a much higher rate and is
  viewed at 45 degrees. Deep CHANDRA spectra (HETG and LETG) of both stars
  characterize the corona and accretion parameters. Additional optical
  and near-IR spectra at high resolution(Magellan/MIKE, FLWO/TRES,
  KPNO/PHOENIX, KECK/NIRSPEC) were taken both simultaneously and
  contemporaneously to detail the post-shock material and the stellar

Title: Comparing High-speed Transition Region Jets in Coronal Holes
    and Quiet Sun Regions
Authors: Arbacher, R. T.; Tian, H.; Cranmer, S. R.
2014AGUFMSH51C4181A    Altcode:
  The complicated energy transfer and plasma motion in the transition
  region, between the photosphere and the corona, may play a significant
  role in the formation and acceleration of the solar wind. New
  observations from the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS)
  have revealed unprecedented levels of detail in this less-studied
  region. Coronal holes in particular are a likely source of solar
  wind material, though the formation and acceleration mechanisms of
  the fast solar wind are still largely unknown. In our previous work,
  we have reported the prevalence of small-scale high-speed (~80-250
  km/s) jets with transition region temperatures from the network
  structures of coronal holes. Here we undertake a comparative study
  of these short-lived episodic network jets in a coronal hole region
  and a quiet sun region using IRIS sit-and-stare slit-jaw imaging in
  the 1330 Angstrom (C II) passband. The pointing coordinates, exposure
  time, observing cadence, and field of view of both observations are
  all identical. Our preliminary study suggests that the speeds and
  lengths of the network jets may differ between quiet sun and coronal
  hole regions. The quiet sun region exhibits many compact bright regions
  with sizes of 5-10 arcseconds which produce very few jets. The jets
  that do exist tend to propagate at much slower speeds over smaller
  distances than their coronal hole counterparts. Comparatively, in the
  coronal hole, such compact regions are almost absent and all network
  patches are permeated by the intermittent high-reaching jets. Such
  a difference suggests that magnetic loops are much smaller in the
  coronal hole and the network jets are produced at low heights. The
  recurrence frequency seems to be higher in the coronal hole region,
  with many of the isolated quiet sun region jets demonstrating curved
  trajectories. This work is supported under contract 8100002705 from
  Lockheed-Martin to SAO and by the NSF-REU solar physics program at SAO,
  grant number AGS-1263241.

Title: Plasma Properties of Pseudostreamers and Associated Solar
    Wind Streams
Authors: Miralles, M. P.; Cranmer, S. R.; Stenborg, G.
2014AGUFMSH31B..02M    Altcode:
  We study pseudostreamers (i.e., open-field extensions of plasma from
  unipolar footpoints in the corona; distinct from classical helmet
  streamers that have opposite-polarity footpoints) that are believed
  to be sources of slow to intermediate speed wind streams. We make
  use of multi-spacecraft and ground-based observations that extend
  from the solar corona to the solar wind at 1 AU. We compare the
  physical properties of selected pseudostreamers and helmet streamers
  to characterize how the differences in magnetic topology affect the
  plasma properties of the coronal structures and their wind. Due to
  the large number of pseudostreamers and their long persistence over
  multiple solar rotations, their contribution to the solar wind is
  likely to be substantial. In order to investigate solar wind heating
  and acceleration, we also compare our measurements with predictions from
  pseudostreamer and streamer theoretical models. This work is supported
  by NASA grant NNX10AQ58G to the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.

Title: Prevalence of Micro-Jets from the Network Structures of the
    Solar Transition Region and Chromosphere
Authors: DeLuca, E. E.; Tian, H.; Cranmer, S. R.; Reeves, K.; Miralles,
   M. P.; McCauley, P.; McKillop, S.
2014AGUFMSH51C4180D    Altcode:
  IRIS observations in the 1330Å, 1400Å and 2796Å passbands have
  revealed numerous small-scale jet-like features with speeds of ~80-250
  km/s from the chromospheric network. These network jets occur in
  both the quiet Sun and coronal holes. Their widths are often ~300
  km or less. Many of these jets show up as elongated features with
  enhanced line width in maps obtained with transition region (TR)
  lines, suggesting that these jets reach at least TR temperatures and
  they constitute an important element of TR structures. The ubiquitous
  presence of these high-reaching (often &gt;10 Mm) jets also suggests
  that they may play a crucial role in the mass and energy budgets
  of the corona and solar wind. The generation of these jets in the
  network and the accompanying Alfven waves is also consistent with
  the "magnetic furnace model" of solar wind proposed by Axford &amp;
  McKenzie (1992). The large speeds (greater than sound speed) suggest
  that the Lorentz force (perhaps related to reconnection) must play
  an important role in the generation and propagation of the network
  jets. We believe that many network jets are the on-disk counterparts
  and TR manifestation of type-II spicules.

Title: Prevalence of small-scale jets from the networks of the solar
    transition region and chromosphere
Authors: Tian, H.; DeLuca, E. E.; Cranmer, S. R.; De Pontieu, B.;
   Peter, H.; Martínez-Sykora, J.; Golub, L.; McKillop, S.; Reeves,
   K. K.; Miralles, M. P.; McCauley, P.; Saar, S.; Testa, P.; Weber,
   M.; Murphy, N.; Lemen, J.; Title, A.; Boerner, P.; Hurlburt, N.;
   Tarbell, T. D.; Wuelser, J. P.; Kleint, L.; Kankelborg, C.; Jaeggli,
   S.; Carlsson, M.; Hansteen, V.; McIntosh, S. W.
2014Sci...346A.315T    Altcode: 2014arXiv1410.6143T
  As the interface between the Sun’s photosphere and corona, the
  chromosphere and transition region play a key role in the formation and
  acceleration of the solar wind. Observations from the Interface Region
  Imaging Spectrograph reveal the prevalence of intermittent small-scale
  jets with speeds of 80 to 250 kilometers per second from the narrow
  bright network lanes of this interface region. These jets have lifetimes
  of 20 to 80 seconds and widths of ≤300 kilometers. They originate from
  small-scale bright regions, often preceded by footpoint brightenings
  and accompanied by transverse waves with amplitudes of ~20 kilometers
  per second. Many jets reach temperatures of at least ~10<SUP>5</SUP>
  kelvin and constitute an important element of the transition region
  structures. They are likely an intermittent but persistent source of
  mass and energy for the solar wind.

Title: Suprathermal Electrons in the Solar Corona: Can Nonlocal
    Transport Explain Heliospheric Charge States?
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2014ApJ...791L..31C    Altcode: 2014arXiv1407.5941C
  There have been several ideas proposed to explain how the Sun's corona
  is heated and how the solar wind is accelerated. Some models assume
  that open magnetic field lines are heated by Alfvén waves driven
  by photospheric motions and dissipated after undergoing a turbulent
  cascade. Other models posit that much of the solar wind's mass and
  energy is injected via magnetic reconnection from closed coronal
  loops. The latter idea is motivated by observations of reconnecting
  jets and also by similarities of ion composition between closed
  loops and the slow wind. Wave/turbulence models have also succeeded
  in reproducing observed trends in ion composition signatures versus
  wind speed. However, the absolute values of the charge-state ratios
  predicted by those models tended to be too low in comparison with
  observations. This Letter refines these predictions by taking better
  account of weak Coulomb collisions for coronal electrons, whose
  thermodynamic properties determine the ion charge states in the low
  corona. A perturbative description of nonlocal electron transport is
  applied to an existing set of wave/turbulence models. The resulting
  electron velocity distributions in the low corona exhibit mild
  suprathermal tails characterized by "kappa" exponents between 10 and
  25. These suprathermal electrons are found to be sufficiently energetic
  to enhance the charge states of oxygen ions, while maintaining the same
  relative trend with wind speed that was found when the distribution
  was assumed to be Maxwellian. The updated wave/turbulence models are
  in excellent agreement with solar wind ion composition measurements.

Title: Structure and Dynamics of the Accretion Process and Wind in
    TW Hya
Authors: Dupree, A. K.; Brickhouse, N. S.; Cranmer, S. R.; Berlind,
   P.; Strader, Jay; Smith, Graeme H.
2014ApJ...789...27D    Altcode: 2014arXiv1405.2935D
  Time-domain spectroscopy of the classical accreting T Tauri star, TW
  Hya, covering a decade and spanning the far UV to the near-infrared
  spectral regions can identify the radiation sources, the atmospheric
  structure produced by accretion, and properties of the stellar wind. On
  timescales from days to years, substantial changes occur in emission
  line profiles and line strengths. Our extensive time-domain spectroscopy
  suggests that the broad near-IR, optical, and far-uv emission lines,
  centered on the star, originate in a turbulent post-shock region
  and can undergo scattering by the overlying stellar wind as well as
  some absorption from infalling material. Stable absorption features
  appear in Hα, apparently caused by an accreting column silhouetted
  in the stellar wind. Inflow of material onto the star is revealed by
  the near-IR He I 10830 Å line, and its free-fall velocity correlates
  inversely with the strength of the post-shock emission, consistent with
  a dipole accretion model. However, the predictions of hydrogen line
  profiles based on accretion stream models are not well-matched by these
  observations. Evidence of an accelerating warm to hot stellar wind is
  shown by the near-IR He I line, and emission profiles of C II, C III,
  C IV, N V, and O VI. The outflow of material changes substantially
  in both speed and opacity in the yearly sampling of the near-IR He I
  line over a decade. Terminal outflow velocities that range from 200
  km s<SUP>-1</SUP> to almost 400 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> in He I appear to be
  directly related to the amount of post-shock emission, giving evidence
  for an accretion-driven stellar wind. Calculations of the emission from
  realistic post-shock regions are needed. <P />Data presented herein
  were obtained at the W. M. Keck Observatory, which is operated as a
  scientific partnership among the California Institute of Technology,
  the University of California, and the National Aeronautics and Space
  Administration. The Observatory was made possible by the generous
  financial support of the W. M. Keck Foundation. Infrared spectra were
  taken at the Gemini Observatory, which is operated by the Association
  of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under a cooperative
  agreement with the NSF on behalf of the Gemini partnership: the National
  Science Foundation (United States), formerly the Science and Technology
  Facilities Council (United Kingdom), the National Research Council
  (Canada), CONICYT (Chile), the Australian Research Council (Australia),
  Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia (Brazil) and Ministerio de
  Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva (Argentina). This paper
  also includes spectra gathered with the 6.5 m Magellan Telescope/CLAY
  located at Las Campanas Observatory, Chile. Additional spectra were
  obtained at the 1.5 m Tillinghast Telescope at the Fred Lawrence
  Whipple Observatory of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.

Title: Ensemble Simulations of Proton Heating in the Solar Wind via
    Turbulence and Ion Cyclotron Resonance
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2014ApJS..213...16C    Altcode: 2014arXiv1406.0678C
  Protons in the solar corona and heliosphere exhibit anisotropic
  velocity distributions, violation of magnetic moment conservation,
  and a general lack of thermal equilibrium with the other particle
  species. There is no agreement about the identity of the physical
  processes that energize non-Maxwellian protons in the solar wind, but a
  traditional favorite has been the dissipation of ion cyclotron resonant
  Alfvén waves. This paper presents kinetic models of how ion cyclotron
  waves heat protons on their journey from the corona to interplanetary
  space. It also derives a wide range of new solutions for the relevant
  dispersion relations, marginal stability boundaries, and nonresonant
  velocity-space diffusion rates. A phenomenological model containing
  both cyclotron damping and turbulent cascade is constructed to explain
  the suppression of proton heating at low alpha-proton differential flow
  speeds. These effects are implemented in a large-scale model of proton
  thermal evolution from the corona to 1 AU. A Monte Carlo ensemble of
  realistic wind speeds, densities, magnetic field strengths, and heating
  rates produces a filled region of parameter space (in a plane described
  by the parallel plasma beta and the proton temperature anisotropy ratio)
  similar to what is measured. The high-beta edges of this filled region
  are governed by plasma instabilities and strong heating rates. The
  low-beta edges correspond to weaker proton heating and a range of
  relative contributions from cyclotron resonance. On balance, the models
  are consistent with other studies that find only a small fraction of
  the turbulent power spectrum needs to consist of ion cyclotron waves.

Title: Solar/Stellar Granulation as the Key Lower Boundary Condition
    for Coronal Heating and Wind Acceleration
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2014AAS...22421106C    Altcode:
  Much of the hot plasma that eventually becomes the supersonic solar
  wind appears to have its origin in small (100 km diameter) magnetic flux
  tubes that sit in the downflowing lanes between convective granules in
  the Sun's photosphere. Convective overturning motions jostle these flux
  tubes and induce kink-mode oscillations that can grow into Alfven waves
  in the corona. A great deal of recent work has been done to explore
  how these Alfvenic fluctuations may drive a turbulent cascade, heat
  the plasma by gradual dissipation, and provide direct acceleration to
  a wind via wave pressure gradients. This presentation will outline
  this work and show how an accurate description of granulation is a
  key input to self-consistent models of coronal heating and solar
  wind acceleration. These self-consistent models have also been
  applied successfully to predicting: (1) high-energy emission from
  accreting T Tauri stars, (2) the mass loss rates of cool dwarfs and
  red giants, and (3) the combined X-ray, radio, and submillimeter
  emission from a young nearby M dwarf. In addition, a recent analysis
  of stellar granulation with Kepler photometry has shown that our
  understanding of the shallow convection zones of F-type stars still
  requires additional refinement. In all cases, the combination of
  multiple types of observational data has been crucial to improving
  our understanding. For the Sun, the next-generation capabilities of
  ATST/DKIST are expected to provide much more precise knowledge about
  this important lower boundary condition to the heliosphere.

Title: Untangling Coronal Streamers from Pseudostreamers
Authors: Miralles, Mari Paz; Cranmer, Steven R.; Stenborg, Guillermo A.
2014AAS...22432356M    Altcode:
  We study the coronal source regions of the solar wind -- in particular
  the coronal streamers and pseudostreamers that are believed to be the
  sources of slow wind streams -- with multi-spacecraft and ground-based
  observations. Due to the large number of both unipolar pseudostreamers
  and classical bipolar helmet streamers and their long persistence over
  multiple solar rotations, their relative contributions to the solar
  wind are likely to be substantial.We compare the physical properties of
  selected helmet streamers and pseudostreamers to characterize how the
  differences in magnetic topology affect the plasma properties of the
  coronal structures. In order to investigate slow solar wind heating and
  acceleration, we also compare our measurements with predictions from
  streamer and pseudostreamer theoretical models.This work is supported
  by NASA grant NNX10AQ58G to the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.

Title: Coronal Density Structure Revealed by Comet Lovejoy (C/2011 W3)
Authors: Raymond, John C.; McCauley, Patrick I; Cranmer, Steven R.;
   Downs, Cooper
2014AAS...22440201R    Altcode:
  Images of Comet Lovejoy (C/2011 W3) obtained with AIA are dominated
  by emission from moderately ionized oxygen (O III - O VI). The
  images show striations due to magnetic field structure. In each
  striation,the oxygen emission moves along the magnetic field and
  stretches with time. The speed and the rate ofbroadening are related
  to the parallel and perpendicular components of the velocities of
  the cometary neutrals when they become ionized and behave as pickup
  ions. The intensity structure indicates density contrasts of a factor
  of 6 between neighboring magnetic flux tubes on scales of around 4000
  km. That implies substantial variation in Alfven speeds, which results
  in dispersion and dissipation of Alfven waves. This observation imposes
  an upper limit in the outer scale of the turbulence spectrum in the
  corona and suggests that density structures may affect the heating of
  the corona and the driving of the solar wind.

Title: Turbulence-Driven Solar Wind Models in 2014: Filling in
    the Gaps
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2014shin.confE.132C    Altcode:
  This poster will be a potpourri of short contributions, each of which
  is a part of an ongoing project to model self-consistent coronal
  heating and solar wind acceleration from the dissipation of MHD
  turbulence. Topics to be presented (may) include the following. (1)
  An existing Monte Carlo model of loop-opening in the magnetic carpet
  has been used to predict the amplitudes of reconnection-driven waves
  in the low corona. (2) A classic description of nonlocal electron
  transport (Scudder and Olbert 1979) has been applied to ZEPHYR
  results to show how weak nonthermal tails may be maintained in a
  turbulence-heated corona and produce the right amount of frozen-in
  ionization balance. (3) A time-dependent reduced MHD model that was
  previously used for coronal loops has been extended to open-field
  regions, and the time-averaged levels of turbulent heating are found
  to agree well with previously used phenomenological rates. (4) A new
  kinetic model of proton evolution in the inner heliosphere reproduces a
  range of in-situ measured trends regarding the temperature anisotropy,
  plasma beta, and proton-alpha differential flow speed. (5) Although
  the models are still largely incompressible, I will highlight some
  new observational results that indicate how density fluctuations are
  likely to be an important ingredient in models of open flux tubes.

Authors: Dupree, Andrea K.; Brickhouse, Nancy S.; Cranmer, Steven R.;
   Berlind, Perry L.; Strader, Jay; Smith, Graeme H.
2014AAS...22440407D    Altcode:
  High resolution optical and near-infrared spectra of TW Hya, the nearest
  accreting T Tauri star, cover a decade and reveal the substantial
  changes in accretion and wind properties. Our spectra suggest that
  the broad near-IR, optical, and far-uv emission lines, centered on
  the star, originate in a turbulent post-shock region and can undergo
  scattering by the overlying stellar wind as well as absorption from
  infalling material. Stable absorption features appear in H-alpha,
  apparently caused by an accreting column silhouetted in the stellar
  wind. The free-fall velocity of material correlates inversely with
  the strength of the post-shock emission, consistent with a dipole
  accretion model. Terminal outflow velocities appear to be directly
  related to the amount of post-shock emission, giving evidence for an
  accretion-driven stellar wind.

Title: Solar Wind Acceleration: Modeling Effects of Turbulent Heating
    in Open Flux Tubes
Authors: Woolsey, Lauren N.; Cranmer, Steven R.
2014AAS...22440205W    Altcode:
  We present two self-consistent coronal heating models that determine
  the properties of the solar wind generated and accelerated in magnetic
  field geometries that are open to the heliosphere. These models require
  only the radial magnetic field profile as input. The first code, ZEPHYR
  (Cranmer et al. 2007) is a 1D MHD code that includes the effects of
  turbulent heating created by counter-propagating Alfven waves rather
  than relying on empirical heating functions. We present the analysis
  of a large grid of modeled flux tubes (&gt; 400) and the resulting
  solar wind properties. From the models and results, we recreate the
  observed anti-correlation between wind speed at 1 AU and the so-called
  expansion factor, a parameterization of the magnetic field profile. We
  also find that our models follow the same observationally-derived
  relation between temperature at 1 AU and wind speed at 1 AU. We
  continue our analysis with a newly-developed code written in Python
  called TEMPEST (The Efficient Modified-Parker-Equation-Solving Tool)
  that runs an order of magnitude faster than ZEPHYR due to a set of
  simplifying relations between the input magnetic field profile and the
  temperature and wave reflection coefficient profiles. We present these
  simplifying relations as a useful result in themselves as well as the
  anti-correlation between wind speed and expansion factor also found
  with TEMPEST. Due to the nature of the algorithm TEMPEST utilizes to
  find solar wind solutions, we can effectively separate the two primary
  ways in which Alfven waves contribute to solar wind acceleration:
  1) heating the surrounding gas through a turbulent cascade and 2)
  providing a separate source of wave pressure. We intend to make TEMPEST
  easily available to the public and suggest that TEMPEST can be used
  as a valuable tool in the forecasting of space weather, either as a
  stand-alone code or within an existing modeling framework.

Title: Waves and Turbulence in the Corona and Solar Wind
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2014shin.confE.149C    Altcode:
  The solar corona has been revealed in the past few decades to be a
  highly dynamic nonequilibrium plasma environment. Both the loop-filled
  coronal base and the extended acceleration region of the solar wind
  appear to be strongly turbulent, but direct observational evidence for a
  cascade of fluctuation energy from large to small scales is lacking. In
  this scene-setting talk I will briefly review the observations of
  wavelike fluctuations in the corona and solar wind. I also hope to
  summarize some of the active debates about the origins of these waves,
  their ability to feed a turbulent cascade, and whether or not they
  are intense enough to heat the corona and/or accelerate the wind.

Title: Turbulence-driven Coronal Heating and Improvements to Empirical
    Forecasting of the Solar Wind
Authors: Woolsey, Lauren Nicole; Cranmer, Steven R.
2014shin.confE.136W    Altcode:
  Forecasting models of the solar wind often rely on simple
  parameterizations of the magnetic field that ignore the effects of the
  full magnetic field geometry. In this paper, we present the results of
  two solar wind prediction models that consider the full magnetic field
  profile and include the effects of Alfvén waves on coronal heating
  and wind acceleration. The one-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic code
  ZEPHYR self-consistently finds solar wind solutions without the need for
  empirical heating functions. Another one-dimensional code, introduced
  in this paper (The Efficient Modified-Parker-Equation-Solving Tool,
  TEMPEST), can act as a smaller, stand-alone code for use in forecasting
  pipelines. TEMPEST is written in Python and will become a publicly
  available library of functions that is easy to adapt and expand. We
  discuss important relations between the magnetic field profile and
  properties of the solar wind that can be used to independently validate
  prediction models. ZEPHYR provides the foundation and calibration for
  TEMPEST, and ultimately we will use these models to predict observations
  and explain space weather created by the bulk solar wind. We are
  able to reproduce with both models the general anticorrelation seen
  in comparisons of observed wind speed at 1 AU and the flux tube
  expansion factor. There is significantly less spread than comparing
  the results of the two models than between ZEPHYR and a traditional
  flux tube expansion relation. We suggest that the new code, TEMPEST,
  will become a valuable tool in the forecasting of space weather.

Title: Turbulence-driven Coronal Heating and Improvements to Empirical
    Forecasting of the Solar Wind
Authors: Woolsey, Lauren N.; Cranmer, Steven R.
2014ApJ...787..160W    Altcode: 2014arXiv1404.5998W
  Forecasting models of the solar wind often rely on simple
  parameterizations of the magnetic field that ignore the effects of the
  full magnetic field geometry. In this paper, we present the results of
  two solar wind prediction models that consider the full magnetic field
  profile and include the effects of Alfvén waves on coronal heating
  and wind acceleration. The one-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic code
  ZEPHYR self-consistently finds solar wind solutions without the need for
  empirical heating functions. Another one-dimensional code, introduced
  in this paper (The Efficient Modified-Parker-Equation-Solving Tool,
  TEMPEST), can act as a smaller, stand-alone code for use in forecasting
  pipelines. TEMPEST is written in Python and will become a publicly
  available library of functions that is easy to adapt and expand. We
  discuss important relations between the magnetic field profile and
  properties of the solar wind that can be used to independently validate
  prediction models. ZEPHYR provides the foundation and calibration for
  TEMPEST, and ultimately we will use these models to predict observations
  and explain space weather created by the bulk solar wind. We are
  able to reproduce with both models the general anticorrelation seen
  in comparisons of observed wind speed at 1 AU and the flux tube
  expansion factor. There is significantly less spread than comparing
  the results of the two models than between ZEPHYR and a traditional
  flux tube expansion relation. We suggest that the new code, TEMPEST,
  will become a valuable tool in the forecasting of space weather.

Title: The Solar Corona as Probed by Comet Lovejoy (C/2011 W3)
Authors: Raymond, J. C.; McCauley, P. I.; Cranmer, S. R.; Downs, C.
2014ApJ...788..152R    Altcode: 2014arXiv1405.1639R
  Extreme-ultraviolet images of Comet Lovejoy (C/2011 W3) from the
  Atmospheric Imaging Assembly show striations related to the magnetic
  field structure in both open and closed magnetic regions. The brightness
  contrast implies coronal density contrasts of at least a factor of
  six between neighboring flux tubes over scales of a few thousand
  kilometers. These density structures imply variations in the Alfvén
  speed on a similar scale. They will drastically affect the propagation
  and dissipation of Alfvén waves, and that should be taken into account
  in models of coronal heating and solar wind acceleration. In each
  striation, the cometary emission moves along the magnetic field and
  broadens with time. The speed and the rate of broadening are related
  to the parallel and perpendicular components of the velocities of the
  cometary neutrals when they become ionized. We use a magnetohydrodynamic
  model of the coronal magnetic field and the theory of pickup ions to
  compare the measurements with theoretical predictions, in particular
  with the energy lost to Alfvén waves as the cometary ions isotropize.

Title: Stellar Granulation as the Source of High-frequency Flicker
    in Kepler Light Curves
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.; Bastien, Fabienne A.; Stassun, Keivan G.;
   Saar, Steven H.
2014ApJ...781..124C    Altcode: 2013arXiv1312.5928C
  A large fraction of cool, low-mass stars exhibit brightness fluctuations
  that arise from a combination of convective granulation, acoustic
  oscillations, magnetic activity, and stellar rotation. Much of the
  short-timescale variability takes the form of stochastic noise, whose
  presence may limit the progress of extrasolar planet detection and
  characterization. In order to lay the groundwork for extracting useful
  information from these quasi-random signals, we focus on the origin of
  the granulation-driven component of the variability. We apply existing
  theoretical scaling relations to predict the star-integrated variability
  amplitudes for 508 stars with photometric light curves measured by the
  Kepler mission. We also derive an empirical correction factor that
  aims to account for the suppression of convection in F-dwarf stars
  with magnetic activity and shallow convection zones. So that we can
  make predictions of specific observational quantities, we performed
  Monte Carlo simulations of granulation light curves using a Lorentzian
  power spectrum. These simulations allowed us to reproduce the so-called
  flicker floor (i.e., a lower bound in the relationship between the
  full light-curve range and power in short-timescale fluctuations)
  that was found in the Kepler data. The Monte Carlo model also
  enabled us to convert the modeled fluctuation variance into a flicker
  amplitude directly comparable with observations. When the magnetic
  suppression factor described above is applied, the model reproduces
  the observed correlation between stellar surface gravity and flicker
  amplitude. Observationally validated models like these provide new and
  complementary evidence for a possible impact of magnetic activity on
  the properties of near-surface convection.

Title: Turbulent Dissipation and Kinetic Heating in the Solar Wind:
    Benefits of an Ensemble Simulation Approach
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.; Woolsey, L. N.
2013AGUFMSH41F..04C    Altcode:
  Despite many years of study, the basic physical processes responsible
  for producing the solar wind are not known -- or at least not
  universally agreed upon. There are many proposed solutions to the
  intertwined problems of coronal heating, wind acceleration, and
  particle energization, and the real problem is how to choose between
  them. Confirming that any one proposed mechanism is acting in the
  heliosphere is difficult, not only because measurements are limited,
  but also because many of the suggested processes act on a huge range of
  spatial scales (from centimeters to astronomical units) with complex
  feedback effects that are not yet understood. This presentation will
  attempt to summarize the outstanding questions in our understanding
  of the gradual energization of protons, electrons, and heavy ions in
  the solar wind. The focus will be on the collisionless dissipation of
  turbulent fluctuations that originate at the solar surface, and how
  the Turbulent Dissipation Challenge can help identify the dominant
  physical processes that transfer energy to the particles. We will
  also discuss the importance of making the best use of in-situ and
  remote-sensing measurements that probe the highly variable corona
  and heliosphere. There is key information in the variability that
  sometimes gets ignored when theorists attempt to model the properties of
  well-known "mean states" (i.e., fast wind streams from polar coronal
  holes). Instead, it could be a more convincing test for models
  to reproduce the full statistical ensemble of plasma/field states
  observed at a given place in the heliosphere. As an example of this,
  we will present preliminary results of a Monte Carlo model that aims to
  reproduce the full distribution of variations in the proton temperature
  anisotropy and plasma beta measured in the solar wind at 1 AU.

Title: Turbulent Heating and Wave Pressure in Solar Wind Acceleration
Modeling: New Insights to Empirical Forecasting of the Solar Wind
Authors: Woolsey, L. N.; Cranmer, S. R.
2013AGUFMSH43A..03W    Altcode:
  The study of solar wind acceleration has made several important
  advances recently due to improvements in modeling techniques. Existing
  code and simulations test the competing theories for coronal
  heating, which include reconnection/loop-opening (RLO) models and
  wave/turbulence-driven (WTD) models. In order to compare and contrast
  the validity of these theories, we need flexible tools that predict
  the emergent solar wind properties from a wide range of coronal
  magnetic field structures such as coronal holes, pseudostreamers, and
  helmet streamers. ZEPHYR (Cranmer et al. 2007) is a one-dimensional
  magnetohydrodynamics code that includes Alfven wave generation
  and reflection and the resulting turbulent heating to accelerate
  solar wind in open flux tubes. We present the ZEPHYR output for a
  wide range of magnetic field geometries to show the effect of the
  magnetic field profiles on wind properties. We also investigate the
  competing acceleration mechanisms found in ZEPHYR to determine the
  relative importance of increased gas pressure from turbulent heating
  and the separate pressure source from the Alfven waves. To do so, we
  developed a code that will become publicly available for solar wind
  prediction. This code, TEMPEST, provides an outflow solution based on
  only one input: the magnetic field strength as a function of height
  above the photosphere. It uses correlations found in ZEPHYR between
  the magnetic field strength at the source surface and the temperature
  profile of the outflow solution to compute the wind speed profile
  based on the increased gas pressure from turbulent heating. With this
  initial solution, TEMPEST then adds in the Alfven wave pressure term
  to the modified Parker equation and iterates to find a stable solution
  for the wind speed. This code, therefore, can make predictions of the
  wind speeds that will be observed at 1 AU based on extrapolations from
  magnetogram data, providing a useful tool for empirical forecasting
  of the sol! <P />ar wind.

Title: Determining the Coronal Origin of the Slow Solar Wind Using
    Remote Sensing and In Situ Observations
Authors: Miralles, M. P.; Landi, E.; Cranmer, S. R.; Raymond, J. C.;
   Cohen, O.; Oran, R.
2013AGUFMSH32A0005M    Altcode:
  We study the origin of the slow solar wind by characterizing the
  physical properties of the slow solar wind plasma with multi-spacecraft
  and ground-based observations. We compare the characteristics of
  coronal-streamer wind streams obtained during solar cycle 24 with
  results from the previous solar cycle. In order to investigate slow
  solar wind heating and acceleration, we also compare our measurements
  with predictions from theoretical models. We aim to use the empirical
  measurements to distinguish between different proposed physical
  processes for slow wind acceleration (e.g., waves/turbulence versus
  reconnection). <P />This work is supported by NASA grant NNX10AQ58G
  to the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.

Title: Improved Models of X-Ray Emission from Accreting Young Stars
    with Complex Magnetic Fields
Authors: Cranmer, Steven
2013cxo..prop.4273C    Altcode:
  We propose to construct a new generation of self-consistent models
  of magnetospheric accretion, shock formation, and coronal heating
  for T Tauri stars. We will produce 3D distributions of circumstellar
  plasma parameters and synthesize X-ray spectral diagnostics for direct
  comparison with observations. Existing models will be improved by
  accounting for more realistic magnetic fields and a more physically
  consistent thermal/ionization state. The new models will be highly
  computationally efficient in order to enable the production of
  thousands of trial cases, each with different accretion and magnetic
  properties. This work will further the understanding of Chandra data
  by providing versatile tools for the testing of many ideas regarding
  low-mass stellar evolution and planet formation.

Title: Constraining a Model of Turbulent Coronal Heating for AU
    Microscopii with X-Ray, Radio, and Millimeter Observations
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.; Wilner, David J.; MacGregor, Meredith A.
2013ApJ...772..149C    Altcode: 2013arXiv1306.4567C
  Many low-mass pre-main-sequence stars exhibit strong magnetic activity
  and coronal X-ray emission. Even after the primordial accretion disk
  has been cleared out, the star's high-energy radiation continues to
  affect the formation and evolution of dust, planetesimals, and large
  planets. Young stars with debris disks are thus ideal environments for
  studying the earliest stages of non-accretion-driven coronae. In this
  paper we simulate the corona of AU Mic, a nearby active M dwarf with an
  edge-on debris disk. We apply a self-consistent model of coronal loop
  heating that was derived from numerical simulations of solar field-line
  tangling and magnetohydrodynamic turbulence. We also synthesize the
  modeled star's X-ray luminosity and thermal radio/millimeter continuum
  emission. A realistic set of parameter choices for AU Mic produces
  simulated observations that agree with all existing measurements
  and upper limits. This coronal model thus represents an alternative
  explanation for a recently discovered ALMA central emission peak that
  was suggested to be the result of an inner "asteroid belt" within
  3 AU of the star. However, it is also possible that the central 1.3
  mm peak is caused by a combination of active coronal emission and a
  bright inner source of dusty debris. Additional observations of this
  source's spatial extent and spectral energy distribution at millimeter
  and radio wavelengths will better constrain the relative contributions
  of the proposed mechanisms.

Title: The Spatial and Temporal Dependence of Coronal Heating by
    Alfvén Wave Turbulence
Authors: Asgari-Targhi, M.; van Ballegooijen, A. A.; Cranmer, S. R.;
   DeLuca, E. E.
2013ApJ...773..111A    Altcode: 2013arXiv1306.6038A
  The solar atmosphere may be heated by Alfvén waves that propagate up
  from the convection zone and dissipate their energy in the chromosphere
  and corona. To further test this theory, we consider wave heating in
  an active region observed on 2012 March 7. A potential field model of
  the region is constructed, and 22 field lines representing observed
  coronal loops are traced through the model. Using a three-dimensional
  (3D) reduced magnetohydrodynamics code, we simulate the dynamics
  of Alfvén waves in and near the observed loops. The results for
  different loops are combined into a single formula describing the
  average heating rate Q as a function of position within the observed
  active region. We suggest this expression may be approximately valid
  also for other active regions, and therefore may be used to construct
  3D, time-dependent models of the coronal plasma. Such models are needed
  to understand the role of thermal non-equilibrium in the structuring
  and dynamics of the Sun's corona.

Title: Comparison of Coronal Streamer Properties to Solar Wind Models
    For The Last Two Solar Cycle Minima
Authors: Miralles, Mari Paz; Landi, E.; Cranmer, S. R.; Raymond,
   J. C.; Cohen, O.; Oran, R.
2013SPD....44...28M    Altcode:
  We characterize the physical properties of two coronal streamers
  during Earth/Ulysses quadrature configurations for the previous two
  solar minimum periods. Comparisons between coronal remote-sensing
  observations and in situ measurements of solar wind plasma properties
  are being used to characterize the origin of slow wind streams. In order
  to investigate slow solar wind heating and acceleration, we compare
  the measurements with predictions from MHD models. We aim to use
  the empirical measurements to distinguish between different proposed
  physical processes for the slow solar wind. This work is supported by
  NASA grant NNX10AQ58G to the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.

Title: The Spatial and Temporal Dependence of Coronal Heating by
    Alfven Wave Turbulence
Authors: Asgari-Targhi, Mahboubeh; Van Ballegooijen, A. A.; Cranmer,
   S. R.; DeLuca, E. E.
2013SPD....4430501A    Altcode:
  The solar atmosphere may be heated by Alfven waves that propagate up
  from the convection zone and dissipate their energy in the chromosphere
  and corona. To further test this theory, we consider wave heating in an
  active region observed on 2012 March 7. A potential field model of the
  region is constructed, and 22 field lines representing observed coronal
  loops are traced through the model. Using a three-dimensional (3D)
  reduced magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD) code, we simulate the dynamics of
  Alfven waves in and near the observed loops. The results for different
  loops are combined into a single formula describing the average
  heating rate $Q$ as function of position within the observed active
  region. We suggest this expression may be approximately valid also
  for other active regions, and therefore may be used to construct 3D,
  time-dependent models of the coronal plasma. Such models are needed
  to understand the role of thermal non-equilibrium in the structuring
  and dynamics of the Sun's corona.

Title: X-ray Measurements of Variable Accretion onto the Young Star
    TW Hydrae
Authors: Brickhouse, Nancy S.; Cranmer, S. R.; Dupree, A. K.; Wolk,
   S. J.; Guenther, H. M.
2013AAS...22231004B    Altcode:
  We report X-ray line ratio diagnostics of the electron temperature,
  electron density and hydrogen column density observed from the classical
  T Tauri star (CTTS) TW Hydrae using the High Energy Transmission
  Grating (HETG) spectrometer onboard Chandra. Applying a classical
  model of magnetically channeled flow from an accretion disk onto the
  stellar surface, and making the assumption that the absorber of the
  X-ray shock is the accreting stream itself, we are able to determine
  all the properties of the accretion, namely the mass accretion rate,
  stellar magnetic field strength, disk truncation radius, and surface
  filling factor. We find that the diagnostic ratios, and thus the
  accretion parameters, are variable, lending support to the absorption
  assumption. We also report X-ray and optical signatures that respond
  to the variable accretion, with timescales suggesting the response of
  the stellar atmosphere to the impact of accretion.

Title: Turbulence-Driven Coronal Heating Models: New Insights and
    Improvements to Empirical Forecasting of the Solar Wind
Authors: Woolsey, Lauren Nicole; Cranmer, Steven R.
2013shin.confE.107W    Altcode:
  There have been many successful attempts to model the solar corona
  and solar wind, but empirical heating functions are often used for
  simplicity. Employing these ad hoc prescriptions sweeps under the
  rug the increasingly important issue of determining the true heating
  mechanisms of the corona. Many theories exist to explain the linked
  problems of coronal heating and solar wind acceleration. It is vital to
  include the underlying physics of heating in a self-consistent way. The
  one-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic model ZEPHYR (Cranmer et al. 2007)
  can accurately match observations using real physics instead of an
  empirical heating estimate. ZEPHYR inserts Alfven waves at the single
  footpoint of an open flux tube as one of two free parameters; the other
  is the radial magnetic field strength throughout the flux tube. The
  Alfven waves are then free to propagate outward, and as the density of
  the solar atmosphere drops, some waves are reflected back towards the
  photosphere. Counter-propagating waves interact and create turbulence,
  which generates an energy cascade that eventually heats the surrounding
  gas. The acceleration of the solar wind by Alfven waves occurs through
  two channels: 1) heating of the corona increases the gas pressure,
  and 2) the waves themselves provide a separate source of pressure. In
  this project, we seek to disentangle these effects to understand the
  relative influence they provide to the wind acceleration. We solve
  the equations to find a modified Parker (1958) critical point using
  the ZEPHYR magnetic field geometry input and temperature structure
  output. Thus, we attempt to isolate a key part of the process that
  we will develop into a tool for solving for the outflow speed based
  on generic input magnetic field models and temperatures either from
  a detailed and self-consistent model like ZEPHYR or from observations
  near the solar surface and at 1 AU.

Title: Connecting the Sun's High-resolution Magnetic Carpet to the
    Turbulent Heliosphere
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.; van Ballegooijen, Adriaan A.; Woolsey,
   Lauren N.
2013ApJ...767..125C    Altcode: 2013arXiv1303.0563C
  The solar wind is connected to the Sun's atmosphere by flux tubes
  that are rooted in an ever-changing pattern of positive and negative
  magnetic polarities on the surface. Observations indicate that the
  magnetic field is filamentary and intermittent across a wide range
  of spatial scales. However, we do not know to what extent the complex
  flux-tube topology seen near the Sun survives as the wind expands into
  interplanetary space. In order to study the possible long-distance
  connections between the corona and the heliosphere, we developed new
  models of turbulence-driven solar wind acceleration along empirically
  constrained field lines. We used a potential field model of the quiet
  Sun to trace field lines into the ecliptic plane with unprecedented
  spatial resolution at their footpoints. For each flux tube, a
  one-dimensional model was created with an existing wave/turbulence code
  that solves equations of mass, momentum, and energy conservation from
  the photosphere to 4 AU. To take account of stream-stream interactions
  between flux tubes, we used those models as inner boundary conditions
  for a time-steady magnetohydrodynamic description of radial and
  longitudinal structure in the ecliptic. Corotating stream interactions
  smear out much of the smallest-scale variability, making it difficult
  to see how individual flux tubes on granular or supergranular scales
  can survive out to 1 AU. However, our models help clarify the level of
  "background" variability with which waves and turbulent eddies should
  be expected to interact. Also, the modeled fluctuations in magnetic
  field magnitude were seen to match measured power spectra quite well.

Title: Turbulence as a Unifying Principle in Coronal Heating and
    Solar Wind Acceleration
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2013enss.confE..41C    Altcode:
  The origins of the hot solar corona and the supersonically expanding
  solar wind are still the subject of much debate. Far from there being
  a shortage of ideas, there is in fact a surplus of proposed physical
  mechanisms, each of which requires testing by comparison with the
  right observations. Many of the suggested processes are related to
  the dissipation of solar MHD waves, and many involve multiple steps
  of energy conversion between waves, turbulence, current sheets,
  and other nonlinear plasma features. This presentation will give a
  summary of wave/turbulence models that seem to succeed in explaining
  the time-steady properties of the corona and the existence of fast and
  slow solar wind streams. Models employing turbulent heating have been
  found to reproduce many of the observed features of the fast and slow
  solar wind without the need for artificial "coronal heating functions"
  used by earlier models. The newest versions of these models are also
  being used to simulate the development of corotating stream structures
  at 1 AU, seeded by small-scale coronal flux tubes resolved at the
  sub-arcsecond level at the solar surface. This presentation will also
  summarize the results of time-dependent 3D reduced MHD simulations of
  turbulence in coronal loops and open field regions. These simulations
  largely validate the phenomenological turbulent heating terms used in
  larger-scale models, and they shed light on the apparent inability of
  slow quasi-static "braiding" to provide sufficient energy to explain
  coronal heating.

Title: Self-Consistent Models of the Solar Wind
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2013mspc.book..145C    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: X-Ray Determination of the Variable Rate of Mass Accretion
    onto TW Hydrae
Authors: Brickhouse, N. S.; Cranmer, S. R.; Dupree, A. K.; Günther,
   H. M.; Luna, G. J. M.; Wolk, S. J.
2012ApJ...760L..21B    Altcode: 2012arXiv1211.1710B
  Diagnostics of electron temperature (T<SUB>e</SUB> ), electron density
  (n<SUB>e</SUB> ), and hydrogen column density (N <SUB>H</SUB>) from
  the Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating spectrum of He-like Ne
  IX in TW Hydrae (TW Hya), in conjunction with a classical accretion
  model, allow us to infer the accretion rate onto the star directly from
  measurements of the accreting material. The new method introduces the
  use of the absorption of Ne IX lines as a measure of the column density
  of the intervening, accreting material. On average, the derived mass
  accretion rate for TW Hya is 1.5 × 10<SUP>-9</SUP> M <SUB>⊙</SUB>
  yr<SUP>-1</SUP>, for a stellar magnetic field strength of 600 G
  and a filling factor of 3.5%. Three individual Chandra exposures
  show statistically significant differences in the Ne IX line ratios,
  indicating changes in N <SUB>H</SUB>, T<SUB>e</SUB> , and n<SUB>e</SUB>
  by factors of 0.28, 1.6, and 1.3, respectively. In exposures separated
  by 2.7 days, the observations reported here suggest a five-fold
  reduction in the accretion rate. This powerful new technique promises
  to substantially improve our understanding of the accretion process
  in young stars.

Title: Coronal Streamers and Their Associated Solar Wind Streams
Authors: Miralles, M. P.; Landi, E.; Cranmer, S. R.; Cohen, O.;
   Raymond, J. C.
2012AGUFMSH53A2268M    Altcode:
  We use the EUV spectrometers aboard SOHO and Hinode and white-light
  coronagraphs to characterize the physical properties of coronal
  streamers during Earth/Ulysses quadrature configurations for the
  previous two solar minimum periods. In addition, comparisons between
  coronal observations and in situ measurements of solar wind plasma
  properties are being used to further characterize the origins of slow
  wind streams. In order to investigate slow solar wind heating and
  acceleration, we also compare with predictions from three-dimensional
  MHD models. We aim to use the empirical measurements to distinguish
  between different proposed physical processes for slow wind acceleration
  (e.g., waves/turbulence versus reconnection). This work is supported
  by NASA grant NNX10AQ58G to the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.

Title: A magnetic field parameter study of turbulence-driven
    solar wind
Authors: Woolsey, L. N.; Cranmer, S. R.
2012AGUFMSH33D2252W    Altcode:
  The solar wind has traditionally been described by two components
  that are separated by wind speed at 1 AU. Coronal holes, which are
  characterized by superradial expansion and low densities, are held as
  the source of fast solar wind (v &gt; 600 km/s). Slow solar wind (v
  &lt; 400 km/s) has often been attributed to sources in the streamer
  belt, but recent progress suggests that perhaps pseudostreamers or
  the edges of coronal holes may contribute significantly to this slower
  population. Further debate pertains to the mechanism that accelerates
  the solar wind, and a key question is whether the two populations
  arise due to A) two distinct acceleration processes or B) a single
  process occurring in regions of differing magnetic geometries. In
  this project, we investigate the latter possibility. We use the code
  ZEPHYR (Cranmer et al. 2007) to compute solar wind properties from an
  input of magnetic field strength as a function of height. This code
  produces self-consistent models of the solar wind. Turbulence caused
  by the reflection of Alfven waves cascades to the smallest scales and
  dissipates heat to the corona. The gas- and wave-pressure gradients
  accelerate the wind. We vary the magnetic field geometry input by
  specifying the strengths at four to five heights in the chromosphere
  and corona and using a spline interpolation to create a smooth radial
  dependence of the magnetic field in each flux tube. The range of field
  strengths is constrained by potential field source surface models using
  harmonic coefficients from the Wilcox Solar Observatory. We seek to
  better understand current correlations between solar wind properties
  while seeking new relationships. Currently, the anticorrelation between
  expansion factor and wind speed takes into account only the magnetic
  field strength at the photospheric base and at the source surface
  (Wang &amp; Sheeley 1990). However, we look for relations that are
  based on different ratios of magnetic field strengths or other aspects
  of the magnetic field geometry. We also investigate the observed
  anticorrelation between the freezing-in temperature of the O7+/O6+
  ion ratio and wind speed, which has been attributed to solar wind
  acceleration by reconnection and loop opening. Any relation that we
  see between these two properties in our model output must be due to
  wave-driven processes.

Title: The Spatial Dependence of Coronal Heating by Alfven Wave
Authors: Asgari-targhi, M.; Van Ballegooijen, A. A.; Cranmer, S. R.;
   DeLuca, E. E.
2012AGUFMSH31B..05A    Altcode:
  We consider the wave heating in an active region observed on 7th of
  March 2012 (Image). Using a potential field model we choose 22 field
  lines and construct 3D MHD models of the Alfven waves along those
  field lines. Based on those results we develop a heating formula
  for the coronal loops observed. In our calculations, we establish
  explicit relationships between the energy deposited and the loop
  parameters, such as the length, and the magnetic field strength along
  the loop. We also look at the variation of the heating within the loops
  and predict the velocity fluctuations seen with future high-resolution
  spectrographs.A potential field modeling of an active region observed
  on 7th of March 2012.

Title: New Models of Solar Wind Acceleration and Stream Interactions
    in the Sun's Topologically Complex Magnetic Field
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.; Van Ballegooijen, A. A.; Woolsey, L. N.
2012AGUFMSH53A2266C    Altcode:
  The last decade has seen significant progress toward identifying and
  characterizing the processes that heat the corona and accelerate the
  solar wind. It is believed that the low-speed solar wind comes from
  a wide range of source regions in the corona, including streamers,
  pseudostreamers, active regions, and small coronal holes. These
  source regions tend to be associated with the most topologically
  complex magnetic fields, and it is unclear how the coronal field lines
  connect to the large-scale open heliospheric field. To learn more about
  these connections, we present new models of turbulence-driven coronal
  heating and solar wind acceleration along empirically constrained field
  lines. To begin, we chose a time period during which the footpoints
  linked to the ecliptic plane were rooted in Quiet Sun (QS) regions away
  from both large coronal holes and strong-field active regions. The
  weak and mixed-polarity QS field was observed at high resolution by
  the VSM instrument of SOLIS, and we extrapolated this field into the
  corona using the potential field source surface method. Time-steady
  1D models of individual flux tubes were created with the ZEPHYR code
  (Cranmer et al. 2007) that solves the one-fluid equations of mass,
  momentum, and energy conservation from the photosphere to 4 AU. Then,
  to take account of stream-stream interactions between the flux tubes, we
  solved a 2D time-steady set of MHD conservation equations to determine
  the corotating longitudinal structure in the ecliptic plane. We aim to
  understand the extent to which fine-scale inter-tube plasma structures
  in the corona survive to large distances. In other words, we want to
  know how much of the coronal flux tube "spaghetti" is either shredded
  by turbulence or smeared out by stream interactions. We also plan
  to evaluate the level of high-resolution detail that is needed in
  coronal flux tube modeling in order to accurately predict the space
  weather consequences of various kinds of corotating structures in the
  solar wind.

Title: Self-Consistent Models of the Solar Wind
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2012SSRv..172..145C    Altcode: 2010arXiv1007.0954C; 2010SSRv..tmp..177C
  The origins of the hot solar corona and the supersonically expanding
  solar wind are still the subject of much debate. This paper summarizes
  some of the essential ingredients of realistic and self-consistent
  models of solar wind acceleration. It also outlines the major issues
  in the recent debate over what physical processes dominate the mass,
  momentum, and energy balance in the accelerating wind. A key obstacle
  in the way of producing realistic simulations of the Sun-heliosphere
  system is the lack of a physically motivated way of specifying the
  coronal heating rate. Recent models that assume the energy comes from
  Alfvén waves that are partially reflected, and then dissipated by
  magnetohydrodynamic turbulence, have been found to reproduce many of
  the observed features of the solar wind. This paper discusses results
  from these models, including detailed comparisons with measured plasma
  properties as a function of solar wind speed. Some suggestions are also
  given for future work that could answer the many remaining questions
  about coronal heating and solar wind acceleration.

Title: Proton, Electron, and Ion Heating in the Fast Solar Wind from
    Nonlinear Coupling between Alfvénic and Fast-mode Turbulence
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.; van Ballegooijen, Adriaan A.
2012ApJ...754...92C    Altcode: 2012arXiv1205.4613C
  In the parts of the solar corona and solar wind that experience the
  fewest Coulomb collisions, the component proton, electron, and heavy ion
  populations are not in thermal equilibrium with one another. Observed
  differences in temperatures, outflow speeds, and velocity distribution
  anisotropies are useful constraints on proposed explanations for how the
  plasma is heated and accelerated. This paper presents new predictions of
  the rates of collisionless heating for each particle species, in which
  the energy input is assumed to come from magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)
  turbulence. We first created an empirical description of the radial
  evolution of Alfvén, fast-mode, and slow-mode MHD waves. This model
  provides the total wave power in each mode as a function of distance
  along an expanding flux tube in the high-speed solar wind. Next, we
  solved a set of cascade advection-diffusion equations that give the
  time-steady wavenumber spectra at each distance. An approximate term
  for nonlinear coupling between the Alfvén and fast-mode fluctuations is
  included. For reasonable choices of the parameters, our model contains
  enough energy transfer from the fast mode to the Alfvén mode to excite
  the high-frequency ion cyclotron resonance. This resonance is efficient
  at heating protons and other ions in the direction perpendicular to
  the background magnetic field, and our model predicts heating rates
  for these species that agree well with both spectroscopic and in situ
  measurements. Nonetheless, the high-frequency waves comprise only a
  small part of the total Alfvénic fluctuation spectrum, which remains
  highly two dimensional as is observed in interplanetary space.

Title: Understanding the Origins of the Solar Wind (Thursday plenary)
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2012shin.confE...2C    Altcode:
  The last decade has seen significant progress toward identifying
  andcharacterizing the processes that heat the corona and accelerate
  thesolar wind. Much of this progress has come about because
  newmeasurements are diminishing the traditional gap between solarphysics
  (i.e., near-Sun astronomy) and interplanetary space physics.These
  two communities are becoming increasingly aware of the value ofeach
  other's data and theoretical insights. This presentation willgive an
  overview of some of the ways that connections between the Sunand the
  heliosphere are leading to new answers to old questions.First, I will
  summarize the state of ongoing debate between competingtheoretical camps
  that advocate either waves/turbulence or magneticreconnection as the
  primary drivers of coronal heating in open fluxtubes. In some areas,
  traditional observational diagnostics of MHDplasma properties may not
  be sufficient to distinguish between thesecompeting paradigms. Thus,
  this presentation will also describewhy it is wise to confront the
  truly microscopic (nonlinear,non-Maxwellian, collisionless) nature of
  the relevant particles andfields. Theories and measurements that zoom in
  to this level ofkinetic detail have the greatest potential for improving
  ourunderstanding of the origins of solar wind acceleration. This isthe
  natural realm of coronagraphic spectroscopy, so if I have timeI may
  also emphasize the need for stringent stray light controlsin instruments
  that observe above the solar limb.

Title: Properties of Polar Coronal Jets in the Fast Solar Wind
Authors: Miralles, Mari Paz; Cranmer, S. R.; Raymond, J. C.;
   Stenborg, G.
2012AAS...22020118M    Altcode: 2012AAS...22020118P
  We present results of an ongoing observational study of the main
  properties of polar coronal jets and how they interact with the
  surrounding corona. While magnetic reconnection is considered the prime
  driving mechanism of the ejected plasma, the processes at work during
  reconnection are not yet completely understood. We use multi-instrument
  measurements to probe the jet plasma, and we trace polar jets from
  their reconnection sites into the fast solar wind. This study will
  put firm constraints on the mechanisms driving the jets and on the
  relative contribution of jets to the overall fast solar wind. <P
  />This work is supported by NASA grant NNX09AH22G to the Smithsonian
  Astrophysical Observatory.

Title: TW Hya: Spectral Variability, X-Rays, and Accretion Diagnostics
Authors: Dupree, A. K.; Brickhouse, N. S.; Cranmer, S. R.; Luna,
   G. J. M.; Schneider, E. E.; Bessell, M. S.; Bonanos, A.; Crause,
   L. A.; Lawson, W. A.; Mallik, S. V.; Schuler, S. C.
2012ApJ...750...73D    Altcode: 2012arXiv1202.6373D
  The nearest accreting T Tauri star, TW Hya was intensively and
  continuously observed over ~17 days with spectroscopic and photometric
  measurements from four continents simultaneous with a long segmented
  exposure using the Chandra satellite. Contemporaneous optical
  photometry from WASP-S indicates a 4.74 day period was present during
  this time. The absence of a similar periodicity in the Hα flux and
  the total X-ray flux which are dominated by accretion processes and
  the stellar corona, respectively, points to a different source of
  photometric variations. The Hα emission line appears intrinsically
  broad and symmetric, and both the profile and its variability suggest an
  origin in the post-shock cooling region. An accretion event, signaled by
  soft X-rays, is traced spectroscopically for the first time through the
  optical emission line profiles. After the accretion event, downflowing
  turbulent material observed in the Hα and Hβ lines is followed by He I
  (λ5876) broadening near the photosphere. Optical veiling resulting from
  the heated photosphere increases with a delay of ~2 hr after the X-ray
  accretion event. The response of the stellar coronal emission to an
  increase in the veiling follows ~2.4 hr later, giving direct evidence
  that the stellar corona is heated in part by accretion. Subsequently,
  the stellar wind becomes re-established. We suggest a model that
  incorporates the dynamics of this sequential series of events: an
  accretion shock, a cooling downflow in a supersonically turbulent
  region, followed by photospheric and later, coronal heating. This
  model naturally explains the presence of broad optical and ultraviolet
  lines, and affects the mass accretion rates determined from emission
  line profiles.

Title: Tools for Predicting the Rates of Turbulent Heating for
    Protons, Electrons, and Heavy Ions in the Solar Wind
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.; Chandran, B. D.; Van Ballegooijen, A. A.
2011AGUFMSH41C..04C    Altcode:
  In the parts of the solar corona and solar wind that experience
  the fewest Coulomb collisions, the various particle species (i.e.,
  protons, electrons, and heavy ions) are not in thermal equilibrium
  with one another. The particles exhibit a range of different outflow
  speeds, temperatures, and velocity distribution anisotropies, and
  these differences can be used to probe the kinetic physical processes
  that are responsible for depositing energy into the plasma. In this
  presentation, we outline a new modeling framework for simulating the
  rates of collisionless heating for each species, in which the energy
  input is assumed to come from MHD turbulence. We begin by creating a
  one-dimensional model of damped wave action conservation for Alfven,
  fast-mode, and slow-mode MHD waves. This model provides the total wave
  power in each mode as a function of radial distance along an expanding
  solar wind flux tube. Next we solve a set of cascade advection-diffusion
  equations that give the time-steady Fourier wavenumber spectra at each
  distance. An approximate term for nonlinear mode coupling between
  the Alfven and fast-mode fluctuations is included. We find that for
  sufficiently high amplitudes of the fast-mode waves, there arises
  enough Alfven wave energy at high frequencies to excite the proton
  and ion cyclotron resonances and heat these particles in the direction
  perpendicular to the background magnetic field. Although results will be
  shown primarily for the plasma conditions in polar coronal holes that
  give rise to high-speed solar wind streams, the tools outlined above
  can be applied straightforwardly in other plasma environments as well.

Title: Telescoping in on the Microscopic Origins of the Fast
    Solar Wind
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.
2011AGUFMSH43F..01C    Altcode:
  Despite many years of study, the basic physical processes that are
  responsible for producing the solar wind are not known (or at least
  not universally agreed upon). The fact that we have an overabundance
  of proposed ideas for solving the problems of coronal heating and
  wind acceleration can be seen as both a blessing and a curse. It
  is a blessing because it highlights the insight and creativity of
  the community, but it is a curse because we still do not know how to
  validate or falsify many of these ideas. Discerning the presence of any
  given proposed mechanism is difficult not only because measurements are
  limited, but also because many of the suggested processes act on a wide
  range of spatial scales (from centimeters to solar radii) with complex
  feedback effects that are not yet understood. This presentation will
  discuss a few key examples and controversies regarding the importance of
  small spatial and temporal scales in the regions where the solar wind is
  accelerated. For example, new observations have led to a revived debate
  about whether the hot plasma in the solar wind is injected dynamically
  from cooler regions below or whether it "evaporates" from the combined
  effects of radiation and conduction from above. There is also debate
  about how the open field lines are energized: Is the energy input
  from waves and turbulent eddies that propagate up from the Sun and
  dissipate, or is the constantly evolving magnetic carpet responsible
  for heating the plasma via reconnection? In some areas, traditional
  observational diagnostics of magnetohydrodynamic plasma properties may
  not be sufficient to distinguish between competing predictions. Thus,
  this presentation will also describe why it is probably wise to confront
  the truly microscopic (nonlinear, non-Maxwellian, collisionless) nature
  of the relevant particles and fields. Theories and measurements that
  "zoom in" to this level of kinetic detail have the greatest potential
  for improving our understanding of the origins of coronal heating and
  solar wind acceleration.

Title: UVCS/SOHO Search for Coronal Suprathermal Seed Particles:
    2011 Campaign
Authors: Kohl, J. L.; Panasyuk, A. V.; Cranmer, S. R.; Raymond, J. C.;
   Rosati, R. E.
2011AGUFMSH33D..05K    Altcode:
  The Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) on the Solar and
  Heliospheric Observatory is being used to measure precise coronal
  H I Ly-alpha spectral line profiles out to several Doppler half
  widths. Such observations can be used to reveal the proton velocity
  distribution along the line-of-sight. Departures from a Maxwellian
  distribution are believed to be needed for the acceleration of solar
  energetic particles (SEPs) by coronal mass ejection (CME) shocks. It is
  generally believed that the seed particle population needed to produce
  the numbers of SEPs observed in large events would have 0.001 to 0.01
  of the particles with speeds that exceed 1000 km/s. Assuming a kappa
  distribution that is symmetric in the tangential plane and Maxwellian
  in the radial direction, this would correspond to a distribution
  with kappa = 3.5 or smaller. We have shown that UVCS observations can
  distinguish a Gaussian from a kappa exponent of 4 or less. Previously
  reported observations near solar minimum have not yielded any such
  distributions, but the sampling of the corona was not very systematic. A
  new observational campaign was begun on 28 April 2011. Observations
  are all at a heliographic height of 2.7 solar radii from Sun-center
  and at a solar position angle of 290 degrees. Observations are made
  on a continuous basis except during SOHO Keyhole periods when UVCS
  observations are not possible, and at a few other times. Results of this
  campaign and some earlier observations will be reported. This work is
  supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
  under Grant NNX11AM46G to the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.

Title: Characterization of Slow Solar Wind Sources
Authors: Miralles, M. P.; Landi, E.; Cranmer, S. R.; Raymond, J. C.
2011AGUFMSH33B2055M    Altcode:
  The slow wind is a sizable component of the solar wind and plays a
  fundamental role in shaping the interplanetary environment and its
  variability. Coronal streamers are the prime source of slow solar
  wind plasma. We use the EUV spectrometers aboard SOHO and Hinode to
  characterize the physical properties of streamers and other candidate
  coronal source regions of slow wind. In addition, comparisons between
  coronal observations and in situ measurements of solar wind plasma
  properties are being used to further characterize the origins of slow
  wind streams. In order to investigate slow solar wind heating and
  acceleration, we also compare with predictions from three-dimensional
  models. We aim to use the empirical measurements to distinguish between
  different proposed physical processes for slow wind acceleration (e.g.,
  waves/turbulence versus reconnection). This work is supported by NASA
  grant NNX10AQ58G to the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.

Title: Comparison of Velocity, Density, Temperature, and Mass Flux
    Results with Solar Coronal Models
Authors: Strachan, L.; Cranmer, S. R.; Panasyuk, A.; Kohl, J. L.;
   Lamy, P. L.
2011AGUFMSH53C..07S    Altcode:
  We have recently computed a series of global maps of plasma parameters
  in the extended corona using data from the Solar and Heliospheric
  Observatory (SOHO). The synoptic maps of velocity, density, temperature,
  and mass flux were derived from UV and white light coronal data
  obtained from the Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) and
  the Large Angle Spectroscopic Coronagraph (LASCO). The parameters
  are defined on a sphere at 2.3~ R<SUB>⊙</SUB> from Sun-center and
  are organized by Carrington Rotations during the 1996 -- 1998 solar
  minimum for Solar Cycle 23. The data imply that there are large flux
  tube expansion factors near the coronal hole/streamer boundaries,
  but these factors change significantly as the corona evolves from
  minimum to the rising phase. We compare these data to an independently
  developed theoretical model that includes damping and acceleration
  by Alfven waves in the corona (see Cranmer et al. 2007, ApJS, 171,
  520). The data set will be extended in the future and it will be used
  for constraining other theoretical models of the corona and solar wind.

Title: Testing a Predictive Theoretical Model for the Mass Loss
    Rates of Cool Stars
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.; Saar, Steven H.
2011ApJ...741...54C    Altcode: 2011arXiv1108.4369C
  The basic mechanisms responsible for producing winds from cool,
  late-type stars are still largely unknown. We take inspiration from
  recent progress in understanding solar wind acceleration to develop a
  physically motivated model of the time-steady mass loss rates of cool
  main-sequence stars and evolved giants. This model follows the energy
  flux of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence from a subsurface convection
  zone to its eventual dissipation and escape through open magnetic
  flux tubes. We show how Alfvén waves and turbulence can produce
  winds in either a hot corona or a cool extended chromosphere, and we
  specify the conditions that determine whether or not coronal heating
  occurs. These models do not utilize arbitrary normalization factors, but
  instead predict the mass loss rate directly from a star's fundamental
  properties. We take account of stellar magnetic activity by extending
  standard age-activity-rotation indicators to include the evolution of
  the filling factor of strong photospheric magnetic fields. We compared
  the predicted mass loss rates with observed values for 47 stars and
  found significantly better agreement than was obtained from the popular
  scaling laws of Reimers, Schröder, and Cuntz. The algorithm used to
  compute cool-star mass loss rates is provided as a self-contained and
  efficient computer code. We anticipate that the results from this kind
  of model can be incorporated straightforwardly into stellar evolution
  calculations and population synthesis techniques.

Title: Propagation of Polar Coronal Jets in the Fast Solar Wind
Authors: Miralles, M. P.; Cranmer, S. R.; Raymond, J. C.; Savcheva,
   A. S.; Stenborg, G.; Deluca, E. E.
2011exas.conf..119M    Altcode:
  We present results of an ongoing observational study of the physical
  properties and kinematics of polar coronal jets. While magnetic
  reconnection is considered the prime driving mechanism of the ejected
  plasma, the processes at work during reconnection are not yet completely
  understood. We use a combination of X-ray, UV, and visible-light imaging
  to probe the jet plasma, and we trace polar jets from their reconnection
  sites into the fast solar wind. Multi-instrument measurements of
  polar jets will put firm constraints on the mechanisms driving the
  jets and on the relative contribution of jets to the overall fast
  solar wind. This work is supported by NASA grant NNX09AH22G to the
  Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.

Title: BOREAS: Mass Loss Rate of a Cool, Late-type Star
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.; Saar, Steven H.
2011ascl.soft08019C    Altcode:
  The basic mechanisms responsible for producing winds from cool,
  late-type stars are still largely unknown. We take inspiration from
  recent progress in understanding solar wind acceleration to develop
  a physically motivated model of the time-steady mass loss rates
  of cool main-sequence stars and evolved giants. This model follows
  the energy flux of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence from a subsurface
  convection zone to its eventual dissipation and escape through open
  magnetic flux tubes. We show how Alfven waves and turbulence can
  produce winds in either a hot corona or a cool extended chromosphere,
  and we specify the conditions that determine whether or not coronal
  heating occurs. These models do not utilize arbitrary normalization
  factors, but instead predict the mass loss rate directly from a star's
  fundamental properties. We take account of stellar magnetic activity
  by extending standard age-activity-rotation indicators to include
  the evolution of the filling factor of strong photospheric magnetic
  fields. We compared the predicted mass loss rates with observed values
  for 47 stars and found significantly better agreement than was obtained
  from the popular scaling laws of Reimers, Schroeder, and Cuntz. The
  algorithm used to compute cool-star mass loss rates is provided as a
  self-contained and efficient IDL computer code. We anticipate that the
  results from this kind of model can be incorporated straightforwardly
  into stellar evolution calculations and population synthesis techniques.

Title: Heating of the Solar Chromosphere and Corona by Alfvén
    Wave Turbulence
Authors: van Ballegooijen, A. A.; Asgari-Targhi, M.; Cranmer, S. R.;
   DeLuca, E. E.
2011ApJ...736....3V    Altcode: 2011arXiv1105.0402V
  A three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model for the propagation
  and dissipation of Alfvén waves in a coronal loop is developed. The
  model includes the lower atmospheres at the two ends of the loop. The
  waves originate on small spatial scales (less than 100 km) inside
  the kilogauss flux elements in the photosphere. The model describes
  the nonlinear interactions between Alfvén waves using the reduced
  MHD approximation. The increase of Alfvén speed with height in
  the chromosphere and transition region (TR) causes strong wave
  reflection, which leads to counter-propagating waves and turbulence
  in the photospheric and chromospheric parts of the flux tube. Part of
  the wave energy is transmitted through the TR and produces turbulence
  in the corona. We find that the hot coronal loops typically found in
  active regions can be explained in terms of Alfvén wave turbulence,
  provided that the small-scale footpoint motions have velocities of 1-2
  km s<SUP>-1</SUP> and timescales of 60-200 s. The heating rate per
  unit volume in the chromosphere is two to three orders of magnitude
  larger than that in the corona. We construct a series of models with
  different values of the model parameters, and find that the coronal
  heating rate increases with coronal field strength and decreases
  with loop length. We conclude that coronal loops and the underlying
  chromosphere may both be heated by Alfvénic turbulence.

Title: Modeling Iron Abundance Enhancements in the Slow Solar Wind
Authors: Byhring, H. S.; Cranmer, S. R.; Lie-Svendsen, Ø.; Habbal,
   S. R.; Esser, R.
2011ApJ...732..119B    Altcode:
  We have studied the behavior of Fe ions in the slow solar wind,
  using a fluid model extending from the chromosphere to 1 AU. Emphasis
  is on elemental "pileup" in the corona, i.e., a region where the Fe
  density increases and has a local maximum. We study the behavior of
  individual Fe ions relative to each other in the pileup region, where
  Fe<SUP>+10</SUP> and Fe<SUP>+12</SUP> have been used as examples. We
  find that elemental pileups can occur for a variety of densities
  and temperatures in the corona. We also calculate the ion fractions
  and obtain estimates for the freezing-in distance of Fe in the slow
  solar wind. We find that the freezing-in distance for iron is high,
  between 3 and 11 R <SUB>sun</SUB>, and that a high outflow velocity,
  of order 50-100 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, in the region above the temperature
  maximum is needed to obtain ion fractions for Fe<SUP>+10</SUP> and
  Fe<SUP>+12</SUP> that are consistent with observations.

Title: The Coronal Physics Investigator (cpi) Experiment For Iss:
    A New Vision For Understanding Solar Wind Acceleration
Authors: Raymond, John C.; Janzen, P. H.; Kohl, J. L.; Reisenfeld,
   D. B.; Chandran, B. D. G.; Cranmer, S. R.; Forbes, T. G.; Isenberg,
   P. A.; Panasyuk, A. V.; van Ballegooijen, A. A.
2011SPD....42.2406R    Altcode: 2011BAAS..43S.2406R
  We propose an Explorer Mission of Opportunity program to develop and
  operate a large-aperture ultraviolet coronagraph spectrometer called
  the Coronal Physics Investigator (CPI) as an attached International
  Space Station (ISS) payload. The primary goal of this program is
  to identify and characterize the physical processes that heat and
  accelerate the primary and secondary components of the fast and slow
  solar wind. Also, CPI can make key measurements needed to understand
  CMEs. CPI is dedicated to high spectral resolution measurements of
  the off-limb extended corona with far better stray light suppression
  than can be achieved by a conventional instrument. UVCS/SOHO allowed
  us to identify what additional measurements need to be made to answer
  the fundamental questions about how solar wind streams are produced,
  and CPI's next-generation capabilities were designed specifically to
  make those measurements. Compared to previous instruments, CPI provides
  unprecedented sensitivity, a wavelength range extending from 25.7 to
  126 nm, higher temporal resolution, and the capability to measure line
  profiles of He II, N V, Ne VII, Ne VIII, Si VIII, S IX, Ar VIII, Ca IX,
  and Fe X, never before seen in coronal holes above 1.3 solar radii. CPI
  will constrain the properties and effects of coronal MHD waves by (1)
  observing many ions over a large range of charge and mass,(2) providing
  simultaneous measurements of proton and electron temperatures to probe
  turbulent dissipation mechanisms, and (3) measuring amplitudes of
  low-frequency compressive fluctuations. CPI is an internally occulted
  ultraviolet coronagraph that provides the required high sensitivity
  without the need for a deployable boom, and with all technically mature
  hardware including an ICCD detector. A highly experienced Explorer and
  ISS contractor, L-3 Com Integrated Optical Systems and Com Systems East
  will provide the tracking and pointing system as well as the instrument,
  and the integration to the ISS.

Title: Testing a Predictive Theoretical Model for the Mass Loss
    Rates of Cool Stars
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.; Saar, S. H.
2011AAS...21820503C    Altcode: 2011BAAS..43G20503C
  All stars are believed to possess expanding outer atmospheres known
  as stellar winds. The continual evaporation of gas from stars has a
  significant impact on stellar and planetary evolution, and also on
  the larger-scale evolution of gas and dust in galaxies. Despite more
  than a half-century of study, though, the basic mechanisms responsible
  for producing stellar winds are still largely unknown. Fortunately,
  there has been a great deal of recent progress toward identifying
  and characterizing the processes that produce our own Sun's mass
  outflow. Based on this progress, we have developed a new generation
  of physically motivated models of stellar wind acceleration for
  cool main-sequence stars and evolved giants. These models follow the
  production of magnetohydrodynamic turbulent motions from subsurface
  convection zones to their eventual dissipation and escape through the
  stellar wind. The magnetic activity of these stars is taken into account
  by extending standard age/rotation/activity indicators to include the
  evolution of the filling factor of strong magnetic fields in stellar
  photospheres. We will present tests of these models based on a large
  database of observationally determined mass loss rates, in combination
  with accurate measurements of the basic properties of these stars
  (e.g., masses, radii, luminosities, metallicities, and rotation rates)
  on which the mass loss rates must depend. The eventual goal of this
  project is to provide a simple stand-alone algorithm for predicting
  the mass loss rates of cool stars for use in stellar atmosphere and
  population synthesis calculations.

Title: The Coronal Physics Investigator (CPI) Experiment for ISS:
    A New Vision for Understanding Solar Wind Acceleration
Authors: Kohl, J. L.; Cranmer, S. R.; Raymond, J. C.; Norton, T. J.;
   Cucchiaro, P. J.; Reisenfeld, D. B.; Janzen, P. H.; Chandran, B. D. G.;
   Forbes, T. G.; Isenberg, P. A.; Panasyuk, A. V.; van Ballegooijen,
   A. A.
2011arXiv1104.3817K    Altcode:
  In February 2011 we proposed a NASA Explorer Mission of Opportunity
  program to develop and operate a large-aperture ultraviolet
  coronagraph spectrometer called the Coronal Physics Investigator
  (CPI) as an attached International Space Station (ISS) payload. The
  primary goal of this program is to identify and characterize the
  physical processes that heat and accelerate the primary and secondary
  components of the fast and slow solar wind. In addition, CPI can make
  key measurements needed to understand CMEs. UVCS/SOHO allowed us to
  identify what additional measurements need to be made to answer the
  fundamental questions about how solar wind streams are produced, and
  CPI's next-generation capabilities were designed specifically to make
  those measurements. Compared to previous instruments, CPI provides
  unprecedented sensitivity, a wavelength range extending from 25.7 to
  126 nm, higher temporal resolution, and the capability to measure line
  profiles of He II, N V, Ne VII, Ne VIII, Si VIII, S IX, Ar VIII, Ca IX,
  and Fe X, never before seen in coronal holes above 1.3 solar radii. CPI
  will constrain the properties and effects of coronal MHD waves by
  (1) observing many ions over a large range of charge and mass, (2)
  providing simultaneous measurements of proton and electron temperatures
  to probe turbulent dissipation mechanisms, and (3) measuring amplitudes
  of low-frequency compressive fluctuations. CPI is an internally occulted
  ultraviolet coronagraph that provides the required high sensitivity
  without the need for a deployable boom, and with all technically mature
  hardware including an ICCD detector. A highly experienced Explorer and
  ISS contractor, L-3 Com Integrated Optical Systems and Com Systems East,
  will provide the tracking and pointing system as well as the instrument,
  and the integration to the ISS.

Title: Recent Successes of Wave/Turbulence Driven Models of Solar
    Wind Acceleration
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.; Hollweg, J. V.; Chandran, B. D.; van
   Ballegooijen, A. A.
2010AGUFMSH41B1786C    Altcode:
  A key obstacle in the way of producing realistic simulations of the
  Sun-heliosphere system is the lack of a first-principles understanding
  of coronal heating. Also, it is still unknown whether the solar wind
  is "fed" through flux tubes that remain open (and are energized by
  footpoint-driven wavelike fluctuations) or if mass and energy are
  input intermittently from closed loops into the open-field regions. In
  this presentation, we discuss self-consistent models that assume the
  energy comes from solar Alfven waves that are partially reflected,
  and then dissipated, by magnetohydrodynamic turbulence. These models
  have been found to reproduce many of the observed features of the fast
  and slow solar wind without the need for artificial "coronal heating
  functions" used by earlier models. For example, the models predict
  a variation with wind speed in commonly measured ratios of charge
  states and elemental abundances that agrees with observed trends. This
  contradicts a commonly held assertion that these ratios can only be
  produced by the injection of plasma from closed-field regions on the
  Sun. This presentation also reviews two recent comparisons between the
  models and empirical measurements: (1) The models successfully predict
  the amplitude and radial dependence of Faraday rotation fluctuations
  (FRFs) measured by the Helios probes for heliocentric distances between
  2 and 15 solar radii. The FRFs are a particularly sensitive test of
  turbulence models because they depend not only on the plasma density
  and Alfven wave amplitude in the corona, but also on the turbulent
  correlation length. (2) The models predict the correct sense and
  magnitude of changes seen in the polar high-speed solar wind by Ulysses
  from the previous solar minimum (1996-1997) to the more recent peculiar
  minimum (2008-2009). By changing only the magnetic field along the polar
  magnetic flux tube, consistent with solar and heliospheric observations
  at the two epochs, the model correctly predicts that the wind speed
  remains relatively unchanged, but the in-situ density and temperature
  decrease by approximately 20 percent and 10 percent, respectively.

Title: Incorporating Kinetic Effects into Global Models of the Solar
    Wind (Invited)
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.
2010AGUFMSM33E..02C    Altcode:
  The origins of the hot solar corona and the supersonically expanding
  solar wind are still the subject of much debate. Far from there
  being a shortage of ideas, there is in fact a surplus of proposed
  physical mechanisms, each of which requires testing by comparison
  with observations. This process is difficult not only because
  the empirical measurements are limited, but also because many of
  the proposed mechanisms act on a wide range of spatial scales (from
  centimeters to solar radii) with feedback effects that are not yet well
  understood. Many of these mechanisms are related to the dissipation of
  solar MHD waves, and many involve multiple steps of energy conversion
  between waves, turbulence, current sheets, and other nonlinear plasma
  features. This presentation will give a summary of wave/turbulence
  models that seem to succeed in explaining the time-steady properties of
  the corona and the existence of fast and slow solar wind streams. A new
  global model of nonlinear MHD wave transport and dissipation in polar
  coronal holes, which includes both compressible and incompressible
  fluctuations, will also be presented. The goal of this model is to
  predict the kinetic partitioning of heat deposition between electrons,
  protons, and heavy ions, with as few free parameters as possible.

Title: A Unified Model for Chromospheric and Coronal Heating Driven
    by Small-Scale Random Footpoint Motions
Authors: van Ballegooijen, A. A.; Cranmer, S. R.; Asgari-Targhi, M.;
   Deluca, E. E.
2010AGUFMSH31C1802V    Altcode:
  The solar corona is thought to be heated by dissipation of magnetic
  disturbances that propagate up from the Sun's convection zone. We
  propose that a major contribution to the heating comes from disturbances
  that originate on small spatial scales inside the kilogauss magnetic
  flux elements in the photosphere. Interactions of convective flows with
  such flux elements produce Alfven waves that travel upward along the
  magnetic field lines. When they reach the chromosphere and transition
  region, the waves reflect, producing counter-propagating waves in the
  chromosphere. Such counter-propagating waves are subject to well-known
  nonlinear wave-wave interactions that can lead to the development
  of turbulence. We simulate the dynamics of Alfven waves using a 3D
  MHD model of a coronal loop (including the lower atmospheres at the
  two ends of the loop) and we find that strong turbulence does indeed
  develop in the lower parts of the flux tube. Some of the wave energy is
  transmitted into the corona and produces turbulence there. We find that
  the hot coronal loops typically found in active regions can be explained
  in terms of Alfven wave turbulence, provided the photospheric footpoint
  motions have a velocity of 1 - 2 km/s and a correlation time of about
  60 seconds. The heating rate in the chromosphere is 2 to 3 orders of
  magnitude larger than that in the corona, consistent with empirical
  models of facular regions. We conclude that coronal loops and the
  underlying chromosphere may both be heated by Alfven wave turbulence.

Title: Science Objectives for an X-Ray Microcalorimeter Observing
    the Sun
Authors: Laming, J. Martin; Adams, J.; Alexander, D.; Aschwanden, M;
   Bailey, C.; Bandler, S.; Bookbinder, J.; Bradshaw, S.; Brickhouse,
   N.; Chervenak, J.; Christe, S.; Cirtain, J.; Cranmer, S.; Deiker, S.;
   DeLuca, E.; Del Zanna, G.; Dennis, B.; Doschek, G.; Eckart, M.; Fludra,
   A.; Finkbeiner, F.; Grigis, P.; Harrison, R.; Ji, L.; Kankelborg,
   C.; Kashyap, V.; Kelly, D.; Kelley, R.; Kilbourne, C.; Klimchuk, J.;
   Ko, Y. -K.; Landi, E.; Linton, M.; Longcope, D.; Lukin, V.; Mariska,
   J.; Martinez-Galarce, D.; Mason, H.; McKenzie, D.; Osten, R.; Peres,
   G.; Pevtsov, A.; Porter, K. Phillips F. S.; Rabin, D.; Rakowski, C.;
   Raymond, J.; Reale, F.; Reeves, K.; Sadleir, J.; Savin, D.; Schmelz,
   J.; Smith, R. K.; Smith, S.; Stern, R.; Sylwester, J.; Tripathi, D.;
   Ugarte-Urra, I.; Young, P.; Warren, H.; Wood, B.
2010arXiv1011.4052L    Altcode:
  We present the science case for a broadband X-ray imager with
  high-resolution spectroscopy, including simulations of X-ray spectral
  diagnostics of both active regions and solar flares. This is part of
  a trilogy of white papers discussing science, instrument (Bandler et
  al. 2010), and missions (Bookbinder et al. 2010) to exploit major
  advances recently made in transition-edge sensor (TES) detector
  technology that enable resolution better than 2 eV in an array that
  can handle high count rates. Combined with a modest X-ray mirror, this
  instrument would combine arcsecondscale imaging with high-resolution
  spectra over a field of view sufficiently large for the study of
  active regions and flares, enabling a wide range of studies such as
  the detection of microheating in active regions, ion-resolved velocity
  flows, and the presence of non-thermal electrons in hot plasmas. It
  would also enable more direct comparisons between solar and stellar
  soft X-ray spectra, a waveband in which (unusually) we currently have
  much better stellar data than we do of the Sun.

Title: Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectroscopy: A Key Capability for
    Understanding the Physics of Solar Wind Acceleration
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.; Kohl, J. L.; Alexander, D.; Bhattacharjee,
   A.; Breech, B. A.; Brickhouse, N. S.; Chandran, B. D. G.; Dupree,
   A. K.; Esser, R.; Gary, S. P.; Hollweg, J. V.; Isenberg, P. A.; Kahler,
   S. W.; Ko, Y. -K.; Laming, J. M.; Landi, E.; Matthaeus, W. H.; Murphy,
   N. A.; Oughton, S.; Raymond, J. C.; Reisenfeld, D. B.; Suess, S. T.;
   van Ballegooijen, A. A.; Wood, B. E.
2010arXiv1011.2469C    Altcode:
  Understanding the physical processes responsible for accelerating the
  solar wind requires detailed measurements of the collisionless plasma
  in the extended solar corona. Some key clues about these processes
  have come from instruments that combine the power of an ultraviolet
  (UV) spectrometer with an occulted telescope. This combination enables
  measurements of ion emission lines far from the bright solar disk,
  where most of the solar wind acceleration occurs. Although the UVCS
  instrument on SOHO made several key discoveries, many questions remain
  unanswered because its capabilities were limited. This white paper
  summarizes these past achievements and also describes what can be
  accomplished with next-generation instrumentation of this kind.

Title: Coronal Faraday Rotation Fluctuations and a
    Wave/Turbulence-driven Model of the Solar Wind
Authors: Hollweg, Joseph V.; Cranmer, Steven R.; Chandran, Benjamin
   D. G.
2010ApJ...722.1495H    Altcode:
  Some recent models for coronal heating and the origin of the solar wind
  postulate that the source of energy and momentum consists of Alfvén
  waves of solar origin dissipating via MHD turbulence. We use one of
  these models to predict the level of Faraday rotation fluctuations
  (FRFs) that should be imposed on radio signals passing through the
  corona. This model has the virtue of specifying the correlation length
  of the turbulence, knowledge of which is essential for calculating the
  FRFs; previous comparisons of observed FRFs with models suffered from
  the fact that the correlation length had to be guessed. We compare the
  predictions with measurements of FRFs obtained by the Helios radio
  experiment during occultations in 1975 through 1977, close to solar
  minimum. We show that only a small fraction of the FRFs are produced by
  density fluctuations; the bulk of the FRFs must be produced by coronal
  magnetic field fluctuations. The observed FRFs have periods of hours,
  suggesting that they are related to Alfvén waves which are observed
  in situ by spacecraft throughout the solar wind; other evidence also
  suggests that the FRFs are due to coronal Alfvén waves. We choose
  a model field line in an equatorial streamer which has background
  electron concentrations that match those inferred from the Helios
  occultation data. The predicted FRFs are found to agree very well
  with the Helios data. If the FRFs are in fact produced by Alfvén
  waves with the assumed correlation length, our analysis leads us to
  conclude that wave-turbulence models should continue to be pursued
  with vigor. But since we cannot prove that the FRFs are produced by
  Alfvén waves, we state the more conservative conclusion, still subject
  to the correctness of the assumed correlation length, that the corona
  contains long-period magnetic fluctuations with sufficient energy to
  heat the corona and drive the solar wind.

Title: Can the Solar Wind be Driven by Magnetic Reconnection in the
    Sun's Magnetic Carpet?
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.; van Ballegooijen, Adriaan A.
2010ApJ...720..824C    Altcode: 2010arXiv1007.2383C
  The physical processes that heat the solar corona and accelerate the
  solar wind remain unknown after many years of study. Some have suggested
  that the wind is driven by waves and turbulence in open magnetic flux
  tubes, and others have suggested that plasma is injected into the open
  tubes by magnetic reconnection with closed loops. In order to test the
  latter idea, we developed Monte Carlo simulations of the photospheric
  "magnetic carpet" and extrapolated the time-varying coronal field. These
  models were constructed for a range of different magnetic flux imbalance
  ratios. Completely balanced models represent quiet regions on the Sun
  and source regions of slow solar wind streams. Highly imbalanced models
  represent coronal holes and source regions of fast wind streams. The
  models agree with observed emergence rates, surface flux densities,
  and number distributions of magnetic elements. Despite having no
  imposed supergranular motions in the models, a realistic network
  of magnetic "funnels" appeared spontaneously. We computed the rate
  at which closed field lines open up (i.e., recycling times for open
  flux), and we estimated the energy flux released in reconnection events
  involving the opening up of closed flux tubes. For quiet regions and
  mixed-polarity coronal holes, these energy fluxes were found to be much
  lower than that which is required to accelerate the solar wind. For the
  most imbalanced coronal holes, the energy fluxes may be large enough to
  power the solar wind, but the recycling times are far longer than the
  time it takes the solar wind to accelerate into the low corona. Thus,
  it is unlikely that either the slow or fast solar wind is driven by
  reconnection and loop-opening processes in the magnetic carpet.

Title: A Summary of the Evidence in Favor of the Idea that the Solar
    Wind is Accelerated by Waves and/or Turbulence
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2010shin.confE.112C    Altcode:
  Despite more than a half-century of study, the basic physical processes
  that are responsible for accelerating the solar wind are not known
  (or at least not universally agreed upon). The mechanism that has
  been studied the most appears to be the dissipation of waves and
  turbulent eddies. Roberts (2010) presented a series of arguments
  why these processes may not be as effective as has been assumed in
  the past. In this presentation, I attempt to counter these arguments
  and demonstrate that there may still be hope for the wave/turbulence
  explanation. A combination of observational and model-based evidence
  will be brought to bear in order to show that the most likely strength
  of Alfven waves in coronal holes is sufficient to provide both: (1)
  substantial wave-pressure acceleration in high-speed streams, and
  (2) sufficient coronal heating, via MHD turbulence seeded by partial
  reflection, to heat and accelerate open-field regions of the corona
  that connect to the solar wind.

Title: Connections Between the Magnetic Carpet and the Unbalanced
Corona: New Monte Carlo Models
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.; van Ballegooijen, Adriaan A.
2010shin.confE...2C    Altcode:
  It is clear from observations of the solar magnetic carpet that much
  of the heating in closed-field regions is driven by the interplay
  between emergence, separation, merging, and cancellation of many small
  flux elements. However, we do not yet know to what extent the open flux
  tubes are energized by these processes. In order to begin investigating
  this, we developed Monte Carlo simulations of the photospheric magnetic
  carpet and extrapolated the time-varying magnetic field up into the
  corona. These models were constructed for a range of different magnetic
  flux imbalance ratios (i.e., for both quiet regions and coronal holes),
  and they appear to be the first simulations to utilize newly observed
  flux emergence rates that are at least an order of magnitude larger than
  those used in earlier models. The results agree with a wide range of
  observations, including surface flux densities and number distributions
  of magnetic elements. Despite having no imposed supergranular motions
  in the models, a realistic network of magnetic funnels appeared
  spontaneously. We also computed the rate at which closed field lines
  open up (i.e., the recycling times for open flux), and we estimated
  the energy flux released in reconnection events involving the opening
  up of closed flux tubes. For quiet regions and mixed-polarity coronal
  holes, these energy fluxes were found to be much lower than required
  to accelerate the solar wind. For the most imbalanced coronal holes,
  the energy fluxes may be large enough to power the solar wind, but the
  recycling times are far longer than the time it takes the solar wind
  to accelerate into the low corona. Thus, reconnection and loop-opening
  processes in the magnetic carpet may be responsible for intermittent
  events in coronal holes (e.g., polar jets), but probably not for the
  majority of bulk solar wind acceleration.

Title: SOHO-23: Understanding a Peculiar Solar Minimum
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.; Hoeksema, J. T.; Kohl, J. L.
2010ASPC..428.....C    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Ion Temperatures in the Low Solar Corona: Polar Coronal Holes
    at Solar Minimum
Authors: Landi, E.; Cranmer, S. R.
2010ASPC..428..197L    Altcode:
  We use a SUMER spectrum of a polar coronal hole to measure the
  ion temperatures T<SUB>i</SUB> of many ions between 0.03 and 0.17
  R<SUB>sun</SUB> above the limb. We find that the measured T<SUB>i</SUB>
  are almost always larger than the electron temperatures (T<SUB>e</SUB>)
  and exhibit a non-monotonic dependence on the charge-to-mass ratio. We
  use these measurements to provide empirical constraints to a theoretical
  model of ion heating and acceleration based on gradually replenished
  ion-cyclotron waves and anisotropic magnetohydrodynamic turbulence. We
  find that the empirical heating model and the turbulent cascade model
  agree with one another and with observations for charge-to-mass (Z/A)
  ratios smaller than about 0.25. Ions with Z/A &gt; 0.25 disagree with
  the model.

Title: Extended Coronal Heating and Solar Wind Acceleration over
    the Solar Cycle
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.; Kohl, J. L.; Miralles, M. P.; van
   Ballegooijen, A. A.
2010ASPC..428..209C    Altcode: 2010arXiv1002.0297C
  This paper reviews our growing understanding of the physics behind
  coronal heating (in open-field regions) and the acceleration of the
  solar wind. Many new insights have come from the last solar cycle's
  worth of observations and theoretical work. Measurements of the
  plasma properties in the extended corona, where the primary solar wind
  acceleration occurs, have been key to discriminating between competing
  theories. We describe how UVCS/SOHO measurements of coronal holes and
  streamers over the last 14 years have provided clues about the detailed
  kinetic processes that energize both fast and slow wind regions. We also
  present a brief survey of current ideas involving the coronal source
  regions of fast and slow wind streams, and how these change over the
  solar cycle. These source regions are discussed in the context of recent
  theoretical models (based on Alfvén waves and MHD turbulence) that have
  begun to successfully predict both the heating and acceleration in fast
  and slow wind regions with essentially no free parameters. Some new
  results regarding these models—including a quantitative prediction
  of the lower density and temperature at 1 AU seen during the present
  solar minimum in comparison to the prior minimum—are also shown.

Title: Variations in the Absolute Ultraviolet Intensities of Polar
    Coronal Holes
Authors: Gardner, L. D.; Kohl, J. L.; Cranmer, S. R.; Lin, M.;
   Panasyuk, A. V.; Uzzo, M.
2010ASPC..428..191G    Altcode:
  The well-maintained UVCS/SOHO radiometric calibration is used
  to determine the variations in the ultraviolet intensities in
  polar coronal holes between the Solar Cycle 22/23 and Cycle 23/24
  minima. The radiometric calibration has been carefully monitored
  and updated during the mission by observing an ensemble of B stars,
  which, as a group, are believed to have a stable mean irradiance. These
  observations, along with data from the freshly calibrated Ultraviolet
  Coronal Spectrometer on the Spartan 201 satellite in 1998, have been
  used to determine the changes in the calibration. The Spartan 201
  inter-calibration, together with the original laboratory calibration,
  was used to establish the in-flight absolute radiometric calibration
  scale. This paper summarizes the in-flight radiometric calibration of
  UVCS/SOHO and observed variations in polar coronal hole intensities
  as a function of heliographic height above the poles of the Sun.

Title: The Tale of Two Minima and a Solar Cycle in Between: An
    Ongoing Fast Solar Wind Investigation
Authors: Miralles, M. P.; Cranmer, S. R.; Panasyuk, A. V.; Uzzo, M.
2010ASPC..428..237M    Altcode: 2010arXiv1005.3242M
  We have measured the physical properties of polar coronal holes from
  the minimum activity phase of solar cycle 23 (1996-1997) to the present
  minimum of solar cycle 24 (2007-2009) using the UVCS instrument on
  SOHO. Observations in H I Lyman alpha (121.6 nm) and O VI (103.2, 103.7
  nm) provide spectroscopic diagnostics of proton and O<SUP>5+</SUP>
  bulk outflow velocities and velocity distributions as a function of
  heliocentric distance above the poles of the Sun. These observations
  have allowed us to follow the changes in the physical properties of
  the polar coronal holes during solar cycle 23 and its approach to
  the current minimum. Recent ground- and space-based observations
  have reported a variety of phenomena associated with the current
  minimum. We present the comparison of observed oxygen line intensities,
  line ratios, and profiles for polar coronal holes at both minima and
  during solar cycle 23 and show how this new minimum manifests itself in
  the ultraviolet corona. The comparison of the physical properties of
  these two minima as seen by UVCS in the extended corona, now possible
  for the first time, may provide crucial empirical constraints on models
  of extended coronal heating and acceleration for the fast solar wind.

Title: A Model for the Stray-Light Contamination of the UVCS
    Instrument on SOHO
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.; Gardner, L. D.; Kohl, J. L.
2010SoPh..263..275C    Altcode: 2010arXiv1001.3843C; 2010SoPh..tmp...31C
  We present a detailed model of stray-light suppression in the
  spectrometer channels of the Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS)
  on the SOHO spacecraft. The control of diffracted and scattered stray
  light from the bright solar disk is one of the most important tasks of
  a coronagraph. We compute the fractions of light that diffract past the
  UVCS external occulter and non-specularly pass into the spectrometer
  slit. The diffracted component of the stray light depends on the
  finite aperture of the primary mirror and on its figure. The amount
  of non-specular scattering depends mainly on the micro-roughness of
  the mirror. For reasonable choices of these quantities, the modeled
  stray-light fraction agrees well with measurements of stray light
  made both in the laboratory and during the UVCS mission. The models
  were constructed for the bright H I Lyα emission line, but they are
  applicable to other spectral lines as well.

Title: The Impact of Accretion on Young Stellar Atmospheres
Authors: Brickhouse, Nancy S.; Dupree, A.; Luna, J.; Cranmer, S.;
   Wolk, S.
2010HEAD...11.1717B    Altcode: 2010BAAS...42R.685B
  The 489 ks Chandra HETG/ACIS-S observation of the classical T Tauri
  star TW Hydrae has provided a wealth of spectroscopic diagnostics
  not available in lower signal-to-noise ratio observations. Using line
  ratios for electron temperature, electron density, and column density
  we have found that the shock produced by the accelerating material in
  the accretion stream behaves as predicted by standard theory. However,
  the properties of the post-shock plasma differ substantially from the
  predictions of standard 1D shock models (Brickhouset et al. 2010). The
  accretion process apparently heats the stellar atmosphere up to
  soft X-ray emitting temperatures, providing hot ions to populate the
  magnetic corona, in loops, stellar wind, and/or jets. This gas is highly
  turbulent, as evidenced by non-thermal line broadening. The observed
  properties of accretion-fed corona should constrain theoretical models
  of an accretion-driven dynamo.

Title: Modeling the Preferential Acceleration and Heating of Coronal
    Hole O<SUP>5+</SUP> as Measured by UVCS/SOHO
Authors: Isenberg, Philip A.; Vasquez, Bernard J.; Cranmer, Steven R.
2010AIPC.1216...56I    Altcode:
  We have recently presented a mechanism for preferential acceleration
  and heating of coronal hole minor ions [1, 2]. The energization is
  due to the effect of multiple cyclotron resonances in the presence of
  sunward and anti-sunward dispersive ion cyclotron waves, providing a
  second-order Fermi interaction. The mechanism is preferential because
  coronal hole protons do not experience such multiple resonances. The
  detailed model results depend on many parameters, including poorly-known
  quantities such as the wave intensities, spectral shapes and radial
  profiles. In this paper, we show that reasonable choices for these
  quantities can yield excellent agreement with the observations. We find
  that only a small fraction of the extrapolated wave power is needed
  to provide the observed heating, and there is an indication that the
  resonant wave levels are increasing with radial position between r =
  2 R<SUB>s</SUB> and 4 R<SUB>s</SUB>.

Title: Tangled Magnetic Fields in Solar Prominences
Authors: van Ballegooijen, A. A.; Cranmer, S. R.
2010ApJ...711..164V    Altcode: 2010arXiv1001.2757V
  Solar prominences are an important tool for studying the structure and
  evolution of the coronal magnetic field. Here we consider so-called
  hedgerow prominences, which consist of thin vertical threads. We
  explore the possibility that such prominences are supported by tangled
  magnetic fields. A variety of different approaches are used. First,
  the dynamics of plasma within a tangled field is considered. We find
  that the contorted shape of the flux tubes significantly reduces
  the flow velocity compared to the supersonic free fall that would
  occur in a straight vertical tube. Second, linear force-free models
  of tangled fields are developed, and the elastic response of such
  fields to gravitational forces is considered. We demonstrate that the
  prominence plasma can be supported by the magnetic pressure of a tangled
  field that pervades not only the observed dense threads but also their
  local surroundings. Tangled fields with field strengths of about 10 G
  are able to support prominence threads with observed hydrogen density
  of the order of 10<SUP>11</SUP> cm<SUP>-3</SUP>. Finally, we suggest
  that the observed vertical threads are the result of Rayleigh-Taylor
  instability. Simulations of the density distribution within a prominence
  thread indicate that the peak density is much larger than the average
  density. We conclude that tangled fields provide a viable mechanism
  for magnetic support of hedgerow prominences.

Title: Direct Evidence for an Accretion-Fed Corona
Authors: Dupree, Andrea K.; Brickhouse, N. S.; Cranmer, S.;
   Schneider, E.
2010HEAD...11.1707D    Altcode: 2010BAAS...42R.683D
  High resolution optical spectra of the nearby T Tauri star TW Hya
  were obtained with MIKE on Magellan/Clay to be simultaneous with
  a long CHANDRA observation. The optical spectra can be used to
  evaluate the veiling which is thought to arise from accretion. There
  is a correlation between the amount of veiling and the coronal X-ray
  emission. The variation in the coronal emission follows variation of
  the optical continuum veiling with a significant time delay (about 2.4
  hours). This suggests that accretion processes can feed the stellar
  corona, and corroborates the HETG spectrum reported by Brickhouse et al
  (2009). In addition, measurements of the veiling continuum produced
  by the hotspot in the photosphere of TW Hya, indicate temperatures
  ranging from 8500 K - 12000 K with small covering fractions.

Title: Heating of the solar wind with electron and proton effects
Authors: Breech, Ben; Cranmer, Steven R.; Matthaeus, William H.;
   Kasper, Justin C.; Oughton, Sean
2010AIPC.1216..214B    Altcode:
  We examine the effects of including effects of both protons
  and electrons on the heating of the fast solar wind through two
  different approaches. In the first approach, we incorporate the
  electron temperature in an MHD turbulence transport model for the solar
  wind. In the second approach, we adopt more empirically based methods by
  analyzing the measured proton and electron temperatures to calculate the
  heat deposition rates. Overall, we conclude that incorporating separate
  proton and electron temperatures and heat conduction effects provides
  an improved and more complete model of the heating of the solar wind.

Title: A Deep Chandra X-Ray Spectrum of the Accreting Young Star
    TW Hydrae
Authors: Brickhouse, N. S.; Cranmer, S. R.; Dupree, A. K.; Luna,
   G. J. M.; Wolk, S.
2010ApJ...710.1835B    Altcode: 2010arXiv1001.0750B
  We present X-ray spectral analysis of the accreting young star TW Hydrae
  from a 489 ks observation using the Chandra High Energy Transmission
  Grating. The spectrum provides a rich set of diagnostics for electron
  temperature T<SUB>e</SUB> , electron density N<SUB>e</SUB> , hydrogen
  column density N<SUB>H</SUB> , relative elemental abundances, and
  velocities, and reveals its source in three distinct regions of the
  stellar atmosphere: the stellar corona, the accretion shock, and a
  very large extended volume of warm postshock plasma. The presence of
  Mg XII, Si XIII, and Si XIV emission lines in the spectrum requires
  coronal structures at ~10 MK. Lower temperature lines (e.g., from O
  VIII, Ne IX, and Mg XI) formed at 2.5 MK appear more consistent with
  emission from an accretion shock. He-like Ne IX line ratio diagnostics
  indicate that T<SUB>e</SUB> = 2.50 ± 0.25 MK and N<SUB>e</SUB> =
  3.0 ± 0.2 × 10<SUP>12</SUP> cm<SUP>-3</SUP> in the shock. These
  values agree well with standard magnetic accretion models. However,
  the Chandra observations significantly diverge from current model
  predictions for the postshock plasma. This gas is expected to cool
  radiatively, producing O VII as it flows into an increasingly dense
  stellar atmosphere. Surprisingly, O VII indicates N<SUB>e</SUB> =
  5.7<SUP>+4.4</SUP> <SUB>-1.2</SUB> × 10<SUP>11</SUP> cm<SUP>-3</SUP>,
  5 times lower than N<SUB>e</SUB> in the accretion shock itself
  and ~7 times lower than the model prediction. We estimate that the
  postshock region producing O VII has roughly 300 times larger volume
  and 30 times more emitting mass than the shock itself. Apparently,
  the shocked plasma heats the surrounding stellar atmosphere to soft
  X-ray emitting temperatures and supplies this material to nearby
  large magnetic structures—which may be closed magnetic loops or open
  magnetic field leading to mass outflow. Our model explains the soft
  X-ray excess found in many accreting systems as well as the failure to
  observe high N<SUB>e</SUB> signatures in some stars. Such accretion-fed
  coronae may be ubiquitous in the atmospheres of accreting young stars.

Title: An Efficient Approximation of the Coronal Heating Rate for
    use in Global Sun-Heliosphere Simulations
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2010ApJ...710..676C    Altcode: 2009arXiv0912.5333C
  The origins of the hot solar corona and the supersonically expanding
  solar wind are still the subject of debate. A key obstacle in the
  way of producing realistic simulations of the Sun-heliosphere system
  is the lack of a physically motivated way of specifying the coronal
  heating rate. Recent one-dimensional models have been found to reproduce
  many observed features of the solar wind by assuming the energy comes
  from Alfvén waves that are partially reflected, then dissipated by
  magnetohydrodynamic turbulence. However, the nonlocal physics of wave
  reflection has made it difficult to apply these processes to more
  sophisticated (three-dimensional) models. This paper presents a set
  of robust approximations to the solutions of the linear Alfvén wave
  reflection equations. A key ingredient of the turbulent heating rate
  is the ratio of inward-to-outward wave power, and the approximations
  developed here allow this to be written explicitly in terms of local
  plasma properties at any given location. The coronal heating also
  depends on the frequency spectrum of Alfvén waves in the open-field
  corona, which has not yet been measured directly. A model-based
  assumption is used here for the spectrum, but the results of future
  measurements can be incorporated easily. The resulting expression
  for the coronal heating rate is self-contained, computationally
  efficient, and applicable directly to global models of the corona
  and heliosphere. This paper tests and validates the approximations
  by comparing the results to exact solutions of the wave transport
  equations in several cases relevant to the fast and slow solar wind.

Title: Discovery of an Accretion-Fed Corona in an Accreting Young Star
Authors: Wolk, Scott J.; Brickhouse, N.; Cranmer, S.; Dupree, A.;
   Luna, G. J. M.
2010AAS...21542905W    Altcode: 2010BAAS...42..350W
  A deep (489 ks) Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating spectrum
  of the classical T Tauri star TW Hydrae shows a new type of coronal
  structure that is produced by the accretion process. In the standard
  model for a stellar dipole, the magnetic field truncates the disk and
  channels the accreting material onto the star. The He-like diagnostic
  lines of Ne IX provide excellent agreement with the shock conditions
  predicted by this model, with an electron temperature of 2.5 MK and
  electron density of 3 times 10<SUP>12</SUP> cm<SUP>-3</SUP> (see also
  Kastner et al. 2002). However, the standard model completely fails to
  predict the post-shock conditions, significantly overpredicting both
  the density and absorption observed at O VII. Instead the observations
  require a second "post-shock" component with 30 times more mass and
  1000 times larger volume than found at the shock itself. We note that
  in the standard model, the shocked plasma is conveniently located near
  both closed (coronal) and open (stellar wind) magnetic structures,
  as the magnetic field connecting the star and disk also separates the
  open and closed field regions on the stellar surface. The shocked
  plasma thus can provide the energy to heat not only the post-shock
  plasma, but also adjacent regions (i.e. an "accretion-fed corona")
  and drive stellar material into surrounding coronal structures. These
  observations provide new clues to the puzzling soft X-ray excess found
  in accreting systems, which depends on both the presence of accretion
  and the level of coronal activity (Guedel and Telleschi 2007). This
  work is partially supported by CXO grant G07-8018X.

Title: TW Hya: A Simultaneous Optical and X-Ray Campaign
Authors: Dupree, Andrea K.; Brickhouse, N. S.; Cranmer, S. R.; Irwin,
   J.; Bessell, M. S.; Crause, L. A.; Lawson, W. A.; Luna, J.; Mallik,
   S. V.; Pallavicini, R.; Schuler, S. C.
2010AAS...21542904D    Altcode: 2010BAAS...42..350D
  A world-wide campaign of spectroscopy and photometry was carried out
  for 17 days in February- March 2007 (JD 2454147 - 2454164) in support
  of an extended CHANDRA HETG observation of the nearby accreting T
  Tauri star: TW Hya (CD -34 7151).This program included photometry from
  Super WASP-South and SAAO. Spectroscopy was obtained from TNG/SARG,
  Vainu Bappu Observatory, SAAO, MSSO, Magellan/MIKE, Pico do Dios,
  and Gemini-S. The photometric period of the star derived from the
  periodogram of WASP-S photometry during this time was 4.76+/-0.01
  d. Hα fluxes do not appear to correlate well with the photometric
  period nor the total X-ray flux, perhaps influenced by flaring that
  occurred in both optical and X-ray sequences during this time. Hα
  profiles from TW Hya can change dramatically during a night, with
  substantial systematic changes in the wind opacity signaled both in Hα
  and the He I 10830 Å transition. Related posters by Schneider et al.,
  and Wolk et al. address the optical veiling and X-ray spectrum of TW
  Hya from this program. <P />Research supported in part by NASA and
  the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.

Title: Testing Models of Accretion-Driven Coronal Heating and Stellar
    Wind Acceleration for T Tauri Stars
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2009ApJ...706..824C    Altcode: 2009arXiv0910.2686C
  Classical T Tauri stars are pre-main-sequence objects that undergo
  simultaneous accretion, wind outflow, and coronal X-ray emission. The
  impact of plasma on the stellar surface from magnetospheric accretion
  streams is likely to be a dominant source of energy and momentum
  in the upper atmospheres of these stars. This paper presents a set
  of models for the dynamics and heating of three distinct regions
  on T Tauri stars that are affected by accretion: (1) the shocked
  plasmas directly beneath the magnetospheric accretion streams, (2)
  stellar winds that are accelerated along open magnetic flux tubes,
  and (3) closed magnetic loops that resemble the Sun's coronal active
  regions. For the loops, a self-consistent model of coronal heating
  was derived from numerical simulations of solar field-line tangling
  and turbulent dissipation. Individual models are constructed for the
  properties of 14 well-observed stars in the Taurus-Auriga star-forming
  region. Predictions for the wind mass-loss rates are, on average,
  slightly lower than the observations, which suggests that disk winds
  or X-winds may also contribute to the measured outflows. For some of
  the stars, however, the modeled stellar winds do appear to contribute
  significantly to the measured mass fluxes. Predictions for X-ray
  luminosities from the shocks and loops are in general agreement with
  existing observations. The stars with the highest accretion rates tend
  to have X-ray luminosities dominated by the high-temperature (5-10 MK)
  loops. The X-ray luminosities for the stars having lower accretion
  rates are dominated by the cooler accretion shocks.

Title: Electron and proton heating by solar wind turbulence
Authors: Breech, B.; Matthaeus, W. H.; Cranmer, S. R.; Kasper, J. C.;
   Oughton, S.
2009JGRA..114.9103B    Altcode: 2009JGRA..11409103B; 2009arXiv0907.4074B
  Previous formulations of heating and transport associated with strong
  magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence are generalized to incorporate
  separate internal energy equations for electrons and protons. Electron
  heat conduction is included. Energy is supplied by turbulent heating
  that affects both electrons and protons and is exchanged between
  them via collisions. Comparison to available Ulysses data shows that
  a reasonable accounting for the data is provided when (1) the energy
  exchange timescale is very long and (2) the deposition of heat due to
  turbulence is divided, with 60% going to proton heating and 40% into
  electron heating. Heat conduction, determined here by an empirical fit,
  plays a major role in describing the electron data.

Title: Empirical Constraints on Proton and Electron Heating in the
    Fast Solar Wind
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.; Matthaeus, William H.; Breech, Benjamin
   A.; Kasper, Justin C.
2009ApJ...702.1604C    Altcode: 2009arXiv0907.2650C
  We analyze measured proton and electron temperatures in the high-speed
  solar wind in order to calculate the separate rates of heat deposition
  for protons and electrons. When comparing with other regions of the
  heliosphere, the fast solar wind has the lowest density and the least
  frequent Coulomb collisions. This makes the fast wind an optimal testing
  ground for studies of collisionless kinetic processes associated with
  the dissipation of plasma turbulence. Data from the Helios and Ulysses
  plasma instruments were collected to determine mean radial trends in the
  temperatures and the electron heat conduction flux between 0.29 and 5.4
  AU. The derived heating rates apply specifically for these mean plasma
  properties and not for the full range of measured values around the
  mean. We found that the protons receive about 60% of the total plasma
  heating in the inner heliosphere, and that this fraction increases to
  approximately 80% by the orbit of Jupiter. A major factor affecting
  the uncertainty in this fraction is the uncertainty in the measured
  radial gradient of the electron heat conduction flux. The empirically
  derived partitioning of heat between protons and electrons is in rough
  agreement with theoretical predictions from a model of linear Vlasov
  wave damping. For a modeled power spectrum consisting only of Alfvénic
  fluctuations, the best agreement was found for a distribution of
  wavenumber vectors that evolves toward isotropy as distance increases.

Title: Coronal Holes
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2009LRSP....6....3C    Altcode: 2009arXiv0909.2847C
  Coronal holes are the darkest and least active regions of the Sun,
  as observed both on the solar disk and above the solar limb. Coronal
  holes are associated with rapidly expanding open magnetic fields and
  the acceleration of the high-speed solar wind. This paper reviews
  measurements of the plasma properties in coronal holes and how these
  measurements are used to reveal details about the physical processes
  that heat the solar corona and accelerate the solar wind. It is still
  unknown to what extent the solar wind is fed by flux tubes that remain
  open (and are energized by footpoint-driven wave-like fluctuations),
  and to what extent much of the mass and energy is input intermittently
  from closed loops into the open-field regions. Evidence for both
  paradigms is summarized in this paper. Special emphasis is also given
  to spectroscopic and coronagraphic measurements that allow the highly
  dynamic non-equilibrium evolution of the plasma to be followed as
  the asymptotic conditions in interplanetary space are established
  in the extended corona. For example, the importance of kinetic
  plasma physics and turbulence in coronal holes has been affirmed by
  surprising measurements from the UVCS instrument on SOHO that heavy
  ions are heated to hundreds of times the temperatures of protons and
  electrons. These observations point to specific kinds of collisionless
  Alfvén wave damping (i.e., ion cyclotron resonance), but complete
  theoretical models do not yet exist. Despite our incomplete knowledge
  of the complex multi-scale plasma physics, however, much progress has
  been made toward the goal of understanding the mechanisms ultimately
  responsible for producing the observed properties of coronal holes.

Title: Discovery of an Accretion-Fed Corona in an Accreting Young Star
Authors: Brickhouse, Nancy; Cranmer, S. R.; Dupree, A. K.; Luna,
   G. J. M.; Wolk, S.
2009cfdd.confE...8B    Altcode:
  A deep (489 ks) Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating spectrum of the
  classical T Tauri star TW Hydrae shows a new type of coronal structure
  that is produced by the accretion process. In the standard model for a
  stellar dipole, the magnetic field truncates the disk and channels the
  accreting material onto the star. The He-like diagnostic lines of Ne
  IX provide excellent agreement with the shock conditions predicted by
  this model, with an electron temperature of 2.5 MK and electron density
  of 3 × 10^{12} cm^{-3} (see also Kastner et al. 2002). However, the
  standard model completely fails to predict the post-shock conditions,
  significantly overpredicting both the density and absorption observed
  at O VII. Instead the observations require a second “post-shock”
  component with 30 times more mass and 1000 times larger volume than
  found at the shock itself. We note that in the standard model, the
  shocked plasma is conveniently located near both closed (coronal)
  and open (stellar wind) magnetic structures, as the magnetic field
  connecting the star and disk also separates the open and closed field
  regions on the stellar surface. The shocked plasma thus can provide
  the energy to heat not only the post-shock plasma, but also adjacent
  regions (i.e. an “accretion-fed corona”) and drive stellar material
  into surrounding coronal structures. These observations provide new
  clues to the puzzling soft X-ray excess found in accreting systems,
  which depends on both the presence of accretion and the level of
  coronal activity (Guedel and Telleschi 2007). This Large Program with
  Chandra demonstrates the value of high signal-to-noise, high resolution
  spectroscopy for understanding the complex interaction of magnetic
  and accretion processes in late-type star formation.

Title: A Pulsational Mechanism for Producing Keplerian Disks Around
    Be Stars
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2009ApJ...701..396C    Altcode: 2009arXiv0906.2772C
  Classical Be stars are an enigmatic subclass of rapidly rotating hot
  stars characterized by dense equatorial disks of gas that have been
  inferred to orbit with Keplerian velocities. Although these disks seem
  to be ejected from the star and not accreted, there is substantial
  observational evidence to show that the stars rotate more slowly than
  required for centrifugally driven mass loss. This paper develops an idea
  (proposed originally by Hiroyasu Ando and colleagues) that nonradial
  stellar pulsations inject enough angular momentum into the upper
  atmosphere to spin up a Keplerian disk. The pulsations themselves are
  evanescent in the stellar photosphere, but they may be unstable to the
  generation of resonant oscillations at the acoustic cutoff frequency. A
  detailed theory of the conversion from pulsations to resonant waves
  does not yet exist for realistic hot-star atmospheres, so the current
  models depend on a parameterized approximation for the efficiency of
  wave excitation. Once resonant waves have been formed, however, they
  grow in amplitude with increasing height, steepen into shocks, and
  exert radial and azimuthal Reynolds stresses on the mean fluid. Using
  reasonable assumptions for the stellar parameters, these processes were
  found to naturally create the inner boundary conditions required for
  dense Keplerian disks, even when the underlying B-star photosphere is
  rotating as slowly as 60% of its critical rotation speed. Because there
  is evidence for long-term changes in Be-star pulsational properties,
  this model may also account for the long-term variability of Be stars,
  including transitions between normal, Be, and shell phases.

Title: Modeling the Preferential Acceleration and Heating of Coronal
    Hole O5+ as Measuredb byUVCS/SOHO
Authors: Isenberg, Philip A.; Vasquez, Bernard J.; Cranmer, Steven R.
2009shin.confE.127I    Altcode:
  We have recently presented a mechanism for preferential acceleration
  and heating of coronal hole minor ions [Isenberg &amp; Vasquez, ApJ,
  2009]. The energization is due to the effect of multiple cyclotron
  resonances in the presence of sunward and anti-sunward dispersive ion
  cyclotron waves, providing a second-order Fermi interaction. The
  mechanism is preferential because coronal hole protons do not
  experience such multiple resonances. The detailed model results
  depend on many parameters, including poorly-known quantities such
  as the wave intensities, spectral shapes and radial profiles. For
  this reason, Isenberg &amp; Vasquez explored the effects of a range
  of assumptions for the waves, to provide the broadest background for
  more specific models. In this paper, we show that reasonable choices
  for the poorly-known quantities can yield excellent agreement with the
  UVCS observations in collisionless coronal holes. Since preferential
  heating is also observed in coronal streamers, this mechanism may
  also be applicable under the more collisional conditions appropriate
  to sources of the slow solar wind.

Title: Testing and Refining Models of Slow Solar Wind Acceleration
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2009shin.confE.129C    Altcode:
  It is now well known that the low-speed solar wind appears to be
  connected with a wide range of source regions in the corona (essentially
  everything except the largest coronal holes). Evidence is growing for
  there being specific, measurable differences in the plasma properties of
  slow wind streams that originate in large quiescent streamers versus
  those that originate in active regions. These differences are key
  diagnostics of the physical processes that heat the open-field corona
  and accelerate the slow wind. This talk will focus on describing recent
  successes of theoretical models that involve waves and turbulence as the
  primary driver. However, it is important not to neglect intermittent
  energy addition from closed-field regions as well. Progress will come
  both from working out these individual ideas in more detail (i.e.,
  pushing them toward greater accuracy, self-consistency, and predictive
  power) and from putting multiple ideas together in 'sandbox' models that
  allow the relative contributions of these processes to be determined.

Title: Ion Heating in the Solar Corona and Solar Wind
Authors: Cranmer, Steven
2009APS..APR.D6003C    Altcode:
  The solar corona is the hot, ionized outer atmosphere of the
  Sun that expands into interplanetary space as a supersonic solar
  wind. This tenuous medium is a unique laboratory for the study of
  magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) and plasma physics with ranges of parameters
  that are inaccessible on Earth. The last decade has seen significant
  progress toward identifying and characterizing the processes that
  heat the corona and accelerate the solar wind, but the basic physics
  is still unclear. Some key clues about the mechanisms responsible for
  energizing the plasma have come from UV spectroscopy of the extended
  corona (i.e., using a combination of an occulting coronagraph and a
  spectrometer). There is evidence for preferential acceleration of heavy
  ions in the fast solar wind, ion temperatures exceeding 100 million K,
  and marked departures from Maxwellian velocity distributions. These
  collisionless departures from thermal equilibrium point to specific
  types of kinetic processes. This presentation reviews the measurements
  (both telescopic and from `in situ' probes) that constrain theoretical
  explanations and provides a current survey of the landscape of proposed
  ideas for ion energization. Many of the suggested processes are related
  to the dissipation of MHD waves (e.g., ion cyclotron waves), and many
  involve multiple steps of energy conversion between waves, turbulence,
  current sheets, and other nonlinear plasma features. A discussion
  of future measurements that could help to test, refine, and possibly
  winnow down the list of competing models will also be presented.

Title: Accretion-driven winds of T Tauri stars: A new generation of
    models with self-consistent coronal heating and MHD turbulence
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2009AIPC.1094..357C    Altcode: 2009csss...15..357C
  Classical T Tauri stars are observed to be surrounded by both accretion
  flows and some kind of wind or jet-like outflow. There are several
  possible explanations of how and where the outflows arise, including
  disk winds, X-winds, impulsive (CME-like) ejections, and stellar
  winds. Recent work by Matt and Pudritz has suggested that if there is
  a stellar wind with a mass loss rate about 0.1 times the accretion
  rate, the wind may be able to carry away enough angular momentum to
  keep the stars from being spun up unrealistically by accretion. In
  this presentation, I show a preliminary set of theoretical models of
  accretion-driven winds from the polar regions of T Tauri stars. These
  models are based on recently published self-consistent simulations of
  the Sun's coronal heating and wind acceleration. In addition to the
  convection-driven MHD turbulence (which dominates in the solar case),
  I add a source of wave energy at the photosphere that is driven by the
  impact of plasma in neighboring flux tubes undergoing magnetospheric
  accretion. This added energy, which is determined quantitatively from
  the far-field theory of MHD wave generation, seems to be enough to
  produce T Tauri-like mass loss rates. It is still uncertain, though,
  whether it is enough to solve the T Tauri angular momentum problem.

Title: Star-Planet Interactions
Authors: Shkolnik, Evgenya; Aigrain, Suzanne; Cranmer, Steven; Fares,
   Rim; Fridlund, Malcolm; Pont, Frederic; Schmitt, Jürgen; Smith,
   Alexis; Suzuki, Takeru
2009AIPC.1094..275S    Altcode: 2009csss...15..275S; 2008arXiv0809.4482S
  Much effort has been invested in recent years, both observationally and
  theoretically, to understand the interacting processes taking place
  in planetary systems consisting of a hot Jupiter orbiting its star
  within 10 stellar radii. Several independent studies have converged
  on the same scenario: that a short-period planet can induce activity
  on the photosphere and upper atmosphere of its host star. The growing
  body of evidence for such magnetic star-planet interactions includes
  a diverse array of photometric, spectroscopic and spectropolarimetric
  studies. The nature of which is modeled to be strongly affected by both
  the stellar and planetary magnetic fields, possibly influencing the
  magnetic activity of both bodies, as well as affecting irradiation and
  non-thermal and dynamical processes. Tidal interactions are responsible
  for the circularization of the planet orbit, for the synchronization of
  the planet rotation with the orbital period, and may also synchronize
  the outer convective envelope of the star with the planet. Studying such
  star-planet interactions (SPI) aids our understanding of the formation,
  migration and evolution of hot Jupiters. <P />In this proceeding,
  we briefly summarise the observations and theories presented during
  the Cool Stars 15 splinter session of this diverse and growing field
  of star-planet interactions.

Title: Mass Transport Processes and their Roles in the Formation,
    Structure, and Evolution of Stars and Stellar Systems
Authors: Carpenter, Kenneth G.; Karvovska, Margarita; Schrijver,
   Carolus J.; Grady, Carol A.; Allen, Ronald J.; Brown, Alexander;
   Cranmer, Steven R.; Dupree, Andrea K.; Evans, Nancy R.; Guinan,
   Edward F.; Harper, Graham; Labeyrie, Antoine; Linsky, Jeffrey;
   Peters, Geraldine J.; Roberge, Aki; Saar, Steven H.; Sonneborn,
   George; Walter, Frederick M.
2009astro2010S..40C    Altcode: 2009arXiv0903.2433C
  We summarize some of the compelling new scientific opportunities
  for understanding stars and stellar systems that can be enabled
  by sub-mas angular resolution, UV/Optical spectral imaging
  observations, which can reveal the details of the many dynamic
  processes (e.g., variable magnetic fields, accretion, convection,
  shocks, pulsations, winds, and jets) that affect their formation,
  structure, and evolution. These observations can only be provided
  by long-baseline interferometers or sparse aperture telescopes in
  space, since the aperture diameters required are in excess of 500 m -
  a regime in which monolithic or segmented designs are not and will
  not be feasible - and since they require observations at wavelengths
  (UV) not accessible from the ground. Two mission concepts which could
  provide these invaluable observations are NASA's Stellar Imager (SI;
  http://hires.gsfc.nasa.gov/si/) interferometer and ESA's Luciola
  sparse aperture hypertelescope, which each could resolve hundreds
  of stars and stellar systems. These observatories will also open an
  immense new discovery space for astrophysical research in general and,
  in particular, for Active Galactic Nuclei (Kraemer et al. Decadal
  Survey Science Whitepaper). The technology developments needed for
  these missions are challenging, but eminently feasible (Carpenter et
  al. Decadal Survey Technology Whitepaper) with a reasonable investment
  over the next decade to enable flight in the 2025+ timeframe. That
  investment would enable tremendous gains in our understanding of the
  individual stars and stellar systems that are the building blocks of our
  Universe and which serve as the hosts for life throughout the Cosmos.

Title: Ion Temperatures in the Low Solar Corona: Polar Coronal Holes
    at Solar Minimum
Authors: Landi, E.; Cranmer, S. R.
2009ApJ...691..794L    Altcode: 2008arXiv0810.0018L
  In the present work we use a deep-exposure spectrum taken by the
  SUMER spectrometer in a polar coronal hole in 1996 to measure the ion
  temperatures of a large number of ions at many different heights above
  the limb between 0.03 and 0.17 solar radii. We find that the measured
  ion temperatures are almost always larger than the electron temperatures
  and exhibit a nonmonotonic dependence on the charge-to-mass ratio. We
  use these measurements to provide empirical constraints to a theoretical
  model of ion heating and acceleration based on gradually replenished
  ion-cyclotron waves. We compare the wave power required to heat the ions
  to the observed levels to a prediction based on a model of anisotropic
  magnetohydrodynamic turbulence. We find that the empirical heating model
  and the turbulent cascade model agree with one another, and explain
  the measured ion temperatures, for charge-to-mass ratios smaller than
  about 0.25. However, ions with charge-to-mass ratios exceeding 0.25
  disagree with the model; the wave power that they require to be heated
  to the measured ion temperatures shows an increase with charge-to-mass
  ratio (i.e., with increasing frequency) that cannot be explained by
  a traditional cascade model. We discuss possible additional processes
  that might be responsible for the inferred surplus of wave power.

Title: Heating the Solar Wind Through Turbulence and Electron Heat
    Conduction Modelling
Authors: Breech, B.; Matthaeus, W.; Cranmer, S.; Kasper, J.;
   Oughton, S.
2008AGUFMSH41C..05B    Altcode:
  We employ a turbulence transport model to explore the heating of the
  solar wind by turbulent dissipation, including, for the time, separate
  equations for heating of electrons and protons. Heating occurs through
  the deposition of internal energy from kinetic effects that terminate
  the MHD cascade at small scales. We utilize a simple transport model
  for three turbulence quantities -- the energy per unit mass, the cross
  helicity or Alfvénicity, and a similarity length scale. The model
  includes a von Karman -- Taylor phenomenological model for turbulent
  dissipation, which modifies the electron and proton temperatures. The
  involvement of the electron temperature raises several new and
  interesting issues; How should the electron heat flux be modeled? How
  long is the collision time between protons and electrons? How much
  turbulence dissipation goes into heating the electrons and how much goes
  into heating the protons? Using Voyager and Ulysses observational data,
  we begin to explore these issues. We find that the inclusion of electron
  conduction effects provides a more complete description of the solar
  wind plasma and may help explain the observed temperature profiles.

Title: Turbulence-driven Polar Winds from T Tauri Stars Energized
    by Magnetospheric Accretion
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2008ApJ...689..316C    Altcode: 2008arXiv0808.2250C
  Pre-main-sequence stars are observed to be surrounded by both accretion
  flows and some kind of wind or jetlike outflow. Recent work by Matt and
  Pudritz has suggested that if classical T Tauri stars exhibit stellar
  winds with mass-loss rates about 0.1 times their accretion rates,
  the wind can carry away enough angular momentum to keep the stars
  from being spun up unrealistically by accretion. This paper presents
  a preliminary set of theoretical models of accretion-driven winds from
  the polar regions of T Tauri stars. These models are based on recently
  published self-consistent simulations of the Sun's coronal heating and
  wind acceleration. In addition to the convection-driven MHD turbulence
  (which dominates in the solar case), we add another source of wave
  energy at the photosphere that is driven by the impact of plasma
  in neighboring flux tubes undergoing magnetospheric accretion. This
  added energy, determined quantitatively from the far-field theory of
  MHD wave generation, is sufficient to produce T Tauri-like mass-loss
  rates of at least 0.01 times the accretion rate. While still about
  an order of magnitude below the level required for efficient angular
  momentum removal, these are the first self-consistent models of T
  Tauri winds that agree reasonably well with a range of observational
  mass-loss constraints. The youngest modeled stellar winds are supported
  by Alfvén wave pressure, they have low temperatures ("extended
  chromospheres"), and they are likely to be unstable to the formation
  of counterpropagating shocks and clumps far from the star.

Title: Plasmoids in reconnecting current sheets: Solar and terrestrial
    contexts compared
Authors: Lin, J.; Cranmer, S. R.; Farrugia, C. J.
2008JGRA..11311107L    Altcode: 2008arXiv0809.3755L
  Magnetic reconnection plays a crucial role in violent energy conversion
  occurring in the environments of high electrical conductivity, such as
  the solar atmosphere, magnetosphere, and fusion devices. We focus on
  the morphological features of the process in two different environments,
  the solar atmosphere and the geomagnetic tail. In addition to indirect
  evidence that indicates reconnection in progress or having just
  taken place, such as auroral manifestations in the magnetosphere and
  the flare loop system in the solar atmosphere, more direct evidence
  of reconnection in the solar and terrestrial environments is being
  collected. Such evidence includes the reconnection inflow near the
  reconnecting current sheet and the outflow along the sheet characterized
  by a sequence of plasmoids. Both turbulent and unsteady Petschek-type
  reconnection processes could account for the observations. We also
  discuss other relevant observational consequences of both mechanisms
  in these two settings. While on face value, these are two completely
  different physical environments, there emerge many commonalities,
  for example, an Alfvén speed of the same order of magnitude, a key
  parameter determining the reconnection rate. This comparative study
  is meant as a contribution to current efforts aimed at isolating
  similarities in processes occurring in very different contexts in the
  heliosphere and even in the universe.

Title: Hyperdiffusion as a Mechanism for Solar Coronal Heating
Authors: van Ballegooijen, A. A.; Cranmer, S. R.
2008ApJ...682..644V    Altcode: 2008arXiv0802.1751V
  A theory for the heating of coronal magnetic flux ropes is
  developed. The dissipated magnetic energy has two distinct
  contributions: (1) energy injected into the corona as a result
  of granule-scale, random footpoint motions and (2) energy from the
  large-scale, nonpotential magnetic field of the flux rope. The second
  type of dissipation can be described in terms of hyperdiffusion, a type
  of magnetic diffusion in which the helicity of the mean magnetic field
  is conserved. The associated heating rate depends on the gradient of
  the torsion parameter of the mean magnetic field. A simple model of
  an active region containing a coronal flux rope is constructed. We
  find that the temperature and density on the axis of the flux rope are
  lower than in the local surroundings, consistent with observations of
  coronal cavities. The model requires that the magnetic field in the
  flux rope be stochastic in nature, with a perpendicular length scale
  of the magnetic fluctuations of the order of 1000 km.

Title: Improved Constraints on the Preferential Heating and
    Acceleration of Oxygen Ions in the Extended Solar Corona
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.; Panasyuk, Alexander V.; Kohl, John L.
2008ApJ...678.1480C    Altcode: 2008arXiv0802.0144C
  We present a detailed analysis of oxygen ion velocity distributions
  in the extended solar corona, based on observations made with
  the Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) on the SOHO
  spacecraft. Polar coronal holes exhibit broad line widths and unusual
  intensity ratios of the O VI λλ1032, 1037 emission-line doublet. A
  traditional interpretation of these features is that oxygen ions have
  a strong temperature anisotropy, with the temperature perpendicular
  to the magnetic field being much larger than the temperature parallel
  to the field. However, recent work by Raouafi and Solanki suggested it
  may be possible to model the observations using an isotropic velocity
  distribution. In this paper we analyze an expanded data set to show
  that the original interpretation of an anisotropic distribution is the
  only one fully consistent with the observations. It is necessary to
  search the full range of ion plasma parameters to determine the values
  with the highest probability of agreement with the UVCS data. The
  derived ion outflow speeds and perpendicular kinetic temperatures
  are consistent with earlier results, and there continues to be strong
  evidence for preferential ion heating and acceleration with respect to
  hydrogen. At heliocentric heights above 2.1 solar radii, every UVCS
  data point is more consistent with an anisotropic distribution than
  with an isotropic distribution. At heights above 3 solar radii, the
  exact probability of isotropy depends on the electron density chosen
  to simulate the line-of-sight distribution of O VI emissivity. The
  most realistic electron densities (which decrease steeply from 3 to
  6 solar radii) produce the lowest probabilities of isotropy and most
  probable temperature anisotropy ratios that exceed 10.

Title: Turbulence and Waves as Sources for the Solar Wind
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.
2008AGUSMSH34B..03C    Altcode:
  Gene Parker's insights from 50 years ago provided the key causal link
  between energy deposition in the solar corona and the acceleration
  of solar wind streams. However, the community is still far from
  agreement concerning the actual physical processes that give rise to
  this energy. It is still unknown whether the solar wind is fed by flux
  tubes that remain open (and are energized by footpoint-driven wavelike
  fluctuations) or if mass and energy is input more intermittently
  from closed loops into the open-field regions. No matter the relative
  importance of reconnections and loop-openings, though, we do know that
  waves and turbulent motions are present everywhere from the photosphere
  to the heliosphere, and it is important to determine how they affect
  the mean state of the plasma. In this presentation, I will give a
  summary of wave/turbulence models that seem to succeed in explaining
  the time-steady properties of the corona (and the fast and slow
  solar wind). The coronal heating and solar wind acceleration in these
  models comes from anisotropic turbulent cascade, which is driven by
  the partial reflection of low-frequency Alfven waves propagating along
  the open magnetic flux tubes. Specifically, a 2D model of coronal holes
  and streamers at solar minimum reproduces the latitudinal bifurcation
  of slow and fast streams seen by Ulysses. The radial gradient of the
  Alfven speed affects where the waves are reflected and damped, and thus
  whether energy is deposited below or above Parker's critical point. As
  predicted by earlier studies, a larger coronal expansion factor gives
  rise to a slower and denser wind, higher temperature at the coronal
  base, less intense Alfven waves at 1 AU, and correlative trends
  for commonly measured ratios of ion charge states and FIP-sensitive
  abundances that are in general agreement with observations. Finally,
  I will outline the types of future observations that would be most
  able to test and refine these ideas.

Title: UVCS/SOHO Search for Coronal Suprathermal Seed Particles:
    Results for Solar Minimum
Authors: Kohl, J. L.; Panasyuk, A. V.; Cranmer, S. R.; Gardner, L. D.;
   Raymond, J. C.
2008AGUSMSH41B..05K    Altcode:
  The Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) on the Solar and
  Heliospheric Observatory is being used to measure precise coronal H I
  Ly-alpha spectral line profiles out to several Doppler half widths. Such
  observations can be used to reveal the proton velocity distribution
  along the line-of-sight. Departures from a Maxwellian distribution are
  believed to be needed for the acceleration of solar energetic particles
  (SEPs) by coronal mass ejection (CME) shocks. We have now completed
  all required instrument characterizations and refined the observations
  to the point where it is possible to distinguish a Gaussian coronal
  velocity distribution from a power law tail of sufficient strength
  to accelerate SEPs. It is generally believed that the required seed
  particle population needed to produce SEPs of interest with a CME shock
  would have a velocity distribution with 0.001 to 0.01 of the particles
  with speeds that exceed 1000 km/s. Assuming a kappa distribution that
  is symmetric in the tangential plane and Maxwellian in the radial
  direction, this would correspond to a distribution with kappa = 3.5
  or smaller. We show that UVCS observations can distinguish a Gaussian
  from a kappa of 4 or less. This paper will report the results of
  examining observations during 2006-2008 and report on any departures
  from a Maxwellian distribution. It will also report the CME/flare
  predecessor history of each observation. This work is supported by
  the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) under Grant
  NNX07AL72G to the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.

Title: Winds of Main-Sequence Stars: Observational Limits and a Path
    to Theoretical Prediction
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.
2008ASPC..384..317C    Altcode: 2008csss...14..317C; 2007astro.ph..1561C
  It is notoriously difficult to measure the winds of solar-type
  stars. Traditional spectroscopic and radio continuum techniques are
  sensitive to mass loss rates at least two to three orders of magnitude
  stronger than the Sun's relatively feeble wind. Much has been done with
  these methods to probe the more massive outflows of younger (T Tauri)
  and older (giant, AGB, supergiant) cool stars, but the main sequence
  remains terra incognita. This presentation reviews the limits on
  traditional diagnostics and outlines more recent ideas such as Lyman
  alpha astrospheres and charge-exchange X-ray emission. In addition,
  there are hybrid constraints on mass loss rates that combine existing
  observables and theoretical models. The Sackmann/Boothroyd conjecture
  of a more massive young Sun (and thus a much stronger ZAMS wind) is
  one such idea that needs to be tested further. Another set of ideas
  involves a strong proposed coupling between coronal heating and stellar
  mass loss rates, where the former is easier to measure in stars down
  to solar-like values. The combined modeling of stellar coronae and
  stellar winds is developing rapidly, and it seems to be approaching
  a level of development where the only remaining “free parameters”
  involve the sub-photospheric convection. This talk will also summarize
  these theoretical efforts to predict the properties of solar-type
  main-sequence winds.

Title: On Competing Models of Coronal Heating and Solar Wind
Acceleration: The Debate in '08
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2008arXiv0804.3058C    Altcode:
  In preparation for lively debate at the May 2008 SPD/AGU Meeting in
  Fort Lauderdale, this document attempts to briefly lay out my own view
  of the evolving controversy over how the solar wind is accelerated. It
  is still unknown to what extent the solar wind is fed by flux tubes
  that remain open (and are energized by footpoint-driven wavelike
  fluctuations), and to what extent much of the mass and energy is input
  more intermittently from closed loops into the open-field regions. It
  may turn out that a combination of the two ideas is needed to explain
  the full range of observed solar wind phenomena.

Title: Next generation UV coronagraph instrumentation for solar
Authors: Kohl, John L.; Jain, Rajmal; Cranmer, Steven R.; Gardner,
   Larry D.; Pradhan, Anil K.; Raymond, John C.; Strachan, Leonard
2008JApA...29..321K    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Hydrogen Lyman Alpha Spectral Line Profiles in Coronal Holes
    from 1.5 - 6.5 Solar Radii
Authors: Suleiman, R. M.; Kohl, J. L.; Cranmer, S. R.
2007AGUFMSH21A0285S    Altcode:
  UVCS has made detailed measurements of H I Lyα spectral line profiles
  in a polar coronal hole at projected heliocentric heights from 3.5
  to 6.5 R\odot during 1998 January 5 -- 11. Similar polar coronal
  hole measurements were made during 1998 June 16 -- 21. Earlier UVCS
  observations obtained at 1.5 to 2.5 R\odot are used for comparison. In
  addition, new measurements are being made for the current phase of
  the solar cycle. From these measurements we derive 1/e half widths of
  coronal velocity distributions at the observed heights. The velocity
  distribution includes all motions contributing to the Doppler shifts
  along the line of sight (LOS). We also measure absolute intensities that
  can be used to derive outflow speeds via a Doppler dimming analysis. At
  large heights in coronal holes, the outflowing coronal plasma becomes
  nearly collisionless and the ionization balance is believed to become
  frozen. H I Lyα profile measurements characterize the neutral hydrogen
  velocity distribution, which at lower heights can also be used to
  describe the proton distribution. However, in the regions above
  3~R\odot, the H0 velocity distribution may not be the same as that
  for the protons because the characteristic time for charge transfer
  between H0 and protons becomes longer than the time it takes for the
  plasma to flow through a density scale height. Hence, the H0 velocity
  distribution may not be directly affected by transverse wave motion
  or wave damping. An indication of an adiabatic radial decrease in the
  neutral hydrogen temperature would indicate a decoupling of the protons
  and neutral hydrogen, and also indicate the absence of mechanisms that
  would heat the neutrals. We will compare the observations with the
  predictions of a theoretical model of the combined electron, proton and
  neutral hydrogen plasma. Such a comparison could lead to an improved
  knowledge of the proton heating at these large heights. This work is
  supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
  under Grant NNX07AL72G to the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.

Title: UVCS Empirical Constraints on Theoretical Models of Solar
    Wind Source Regions
Authors: Kohl, J. L.; Cranmer, S. R.; Miralles, M. P.; Panasyuk, A.;
   Strachan, L.
2007AGUFMSH22B..02K    Altcode:
  Spectroscopic observations from the Ultraviolet Coronagraph
  Spectrometer (UVCS) on the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
  (SOHO) have resulted in empirical models of polar coronal holes,
  polar plumes, coronal jets and streamers. These findings have
  been used to make significant progress toward identifying and
  characterizing the physical processes that produce extended heating
  in the corona and accelerate fast and slow solar wind streams. The
  UVCS scientific observations, which began in April 1996 and continue
  at this writing, have provided determinations of proton and minor ion
  temperatures (including evidence for anisotropic microscopic velocity
  distributions in coronal holes and quiescent equatorial streamers),
  outflow velocities, and elemental abundances. The variations in these
  quantities over the solar cycle also have been determined. For example,
  observations of large polar coronal holes at different phases of the
  solar cycle indicate that line width is positively correlated with
  outflow speed and anti-correlated with electron density. This paper
  will review these results, and present new results from measurements
  taken as the current solar activity cycle approaches solar minimum. The
  results regarding preferential ion heating and acceleration of heavy
  ions (i.e., O5+) in polar coronal holes have contributed in a major
  way to the advances in understanding solar wind acceleration that
  have occurred during the past decade. It is important to verify and
  confirm the key features of these findings. Hence, the results from a
  new analysis of an expanded set of UVCS data from polar coronal holes
  at solar minimum by S. R. Cranmer, A. Panasyuk and J. L. Kohl will be
  presented. This work has been supported by the National Aeronautics
  and Space Administration (NASA) under Grants NNG06G188G and NNX07AL72G
  and NNX06AG95G to the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.

Title: Polar Coronal Jets During the 2007 Joint SOHO/Hinode Campaigns
Authors: Miralles, M. P.; Cranmer, S. R.; Raymond, J. C.; Kohl, J. L.
2007AGUFMSH21B..02M    Altcode:
  We will present ultraviolet spectroscopy of polar coronal jets obtained
  by the Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS/SOHO) during the
  two SOHO/Hinode observing campaigns (9-21 January and 12-20 March,
  2007) for the north and south polar coronal holes. The emphasis is on
  identifying and tracing polar jets from the solar surface out into the
  accelerating solar wind and determining their physical properties as a
  function of height and time. UVCS/SOHO observed ultraviolet counterparts
  in the extended corona of the hot jets resolved by Hinode/XRT. These
  polar jets observed by UVCS have different characteristics in the
  acceleration region of the solar wind than the cooler jets identified
  at the last solar minimum by LASCO, UVCS, and EIT. Observations
  such as these are needed to clarify the relationship between the
  episodic jets, the longer-lived polar plumes, and the fast solar
  wind. This work is supported by NASA grants NNX06AG95G and NNX07AL72G
  to the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. SOHO is a project of
  international cooperation between ESA and NASA.

Title: Measurements of Coronal Proton Velocity Distributions
Authors: Kohl, J. L.; Panasyuk, A.; Cranmer, S. R.; Gardner, L. D.;
   Raymond, J. C.
2007AGUFMSH21A0298K    Altcode:
  The Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) on the Solar and
  Heliospheric Observatory is being used to measure precise coronal H I
  Ly-alpha spectral line profiles out to several Doppler half widths. Such
  observations can be used to reveal the proton velocity distribution
  along the line-of-sight. Departures from a Maxwellian distribution are
  believed to be needed for the acceleration of solar energetic particles
  (SEPs) by coronal mass ejection (CME) shocks. Our initial attempt to
  measure suprathermal proton velocity distributions has been described
  by Kohl et al. (2006). We have made considerable additional progress
  on such measurements since then. Improvements include the following:
  a much more accurate instrument spectral line profile, an increase
  in the wavelength range used for the observations, an increase in the
  statistical accuracy of the observations by increasing the observation
  time, and inclusion of a background measurement as part of every set of
  observations. We have also investigated the sensitivity to the detector
  high voltage, investigated the effects of diffraction in the instrument,
  determined the stray light effects and the Thompson scattering
  effects, which both turn out to be small except for scattering of Si
  III 120.6 nm. That scattered light is out of the primary wavelength
  range of interest. We believe that we have now demonstrated that
  UVCS has the sensitivity to distinguish between a Gaussian coronal
  velocity distribution and a kappa = 4 or smaller distribution. It is
  generally believed that the required seed particle population needed
  to produce SEPs of interest with a CME shock would have a velocity
  distribution with 0.001 to 0.01 of the particles with speeds that
  exceed 1000 km/s. Assuming a kappa distribution that is symmetric
  in the tangential plane and Maxwellian in the radial direction, this
  would correspond to a distribution with kappa = 3.5 or smaller. This
  paper will report the results of examining a fairly large body of new
  observations obtained with the new procedure and report the departures
  from a Maxwellian distribution. It will also report the CME predecessor
  history of each observation. This work is supported by the National
  Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) under Grant NNX07AL72G to
  the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. Kohl J. L., Cranmer, S. R.,
  Fineschi, S., Gardner, L. D., Phillips, D. H., Raymond, J. C., and Uzzo,
  M., Proc. SOHO 17 - 10 Years of SOHO and Beyond (ESA SP-617, July 2006).

Title: Self-consistent Coronal Heating and Solar Wind Acceleration
    from Anisotropic Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.; van Ballegooijen, Adriaan A.; Edgar,
   Richard J.
2007ApJS..171..520C    Altcode: 2007astro.ph..3333C
  We present a series of models for the plasma properties along open
  magnetic flux tubes rooted in solar coronal holes, streamers, and active
  regions. These models represent the first self-consistent solutions
  that combine (1) chromospheric heating driven by an empirically guided
  acoustic wave spectrum; (2) coronal heating from Alfvén waves that have
  been partially reflected, then damped by anisotropic turbulent cascade;
  and (3) solar wind acceleration from gradients of gas pressure, acoustic
  wave pressure, and Alfvén wave pressure. The only input parameters
  are the photospheric lower boundary conditions for the waves and the
  radial dependence of the background magnetic field along the flux
  tube. We have not included multifluid or collisionless effects (e.g.,
  preferential ion heating), which are not yet fully understood. For a
  single choice for the photospheric wave properties, our models produce a
  realistic range of slow and fast solar wind conditions by varying only
  the coronal magnetic field. Specifically, a two-dimensional model of
  coronal holes and streamers at solar minimum reproduces the latitudinal
  bifurcation of slow and fast streams seen by Ulysses. The radial
  gradient of the Alfvén speed affects where the waves are reflected
  and damped, and thus whether energy is deposited below or above the
  Parker critical point. As predicted by earlier studies, a larger
  coronal “expansion factor” gives rise to a slower and denser wind,
  higher temperature at the coronal base, less intense Alfvén waves at
  1 AU, and correlative trends for commonly measured ratios of ion charge
  states and FIP-sensitive abundances that are in general agreement with
  observations. These models offer supporting evidence for the idea that
  coronal heating and solar wind acceleration (in open magnetic flux
  tubes) can occur as a result of wave dissipation and turbulent cascade.

Title: Turbulence in the solar corona
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2007AIPC..932..327C    Altcode:
  The solar corona has been revealed in the past decade to be a highly
  dynamic nonequilibrium plasma environment. Both the loop-filled coronal
  base and the extended acceleration region of the solar wind appear to
  be strongly turbulent, but direct observational evidence for a cascade
  of fluctuation energy from large to small scales is lacking. In this
  paper I will review the observations of wavelike motions in the corona
  over a wide range of scales, as well as the macroscopic effects of
  wave-particle interactions such as preferential ion heating. I will
  also present a summary of recent theoretical modeling efforts that
  seem to explain the time-steady properties of the corona (and the fast
  and slow solar wind) in terms of an anisotropic MHD cascade driven
  by the partial reflection of low-frequency Alfvén waves propagating
  along the superradially expanding solar magnetic field. Complete
  theoretical models are difficult to construct, though, because many of
  the proposed physical processes act on a multiplicity of spatial scales
  (from centimeters to solar radii) with feedback effects not yet well
  understood. This paper is thus a progress report on various attempts
  to couple these disparate scales.

Title: Multi-Instrument Searches for Polar Jets: Characterizing Jet
    Heating and Cooling
Authors: Miralles, M. P.; Cranmer, S. R.; Raymond, J. C.; Kohl, J. L.
2007IUGG...24..691M    Altcode:
  We will present the preliminary results obtained with SOHO, in
  particular UVCS, during the SOHO-TRACE-Hinode coordinated observation
  campaign (8-21 January 2007) for the north and south polar coronal
  holes. The emphasis is on identifying and tracing polar jets from the
  solar surface out into the accelerating solar wind and determining
  their physical properties as a function of height and time. It is still
  unclear whether the hot jets resolved by Hinode are the same phenomenon
  as the cooler jets identified at the last solar minimum by EIT, LASCO,
  and UVCS. We also aim to clarify the relationship between the episodic
  jets and the longer-lived polar plumes.

Title: Towards the UVCS Coronal Hole Atlas for Solar Cycle 23:
    The Data
Authors: Miralles, Mari Paz; Cranmer, S. R.; Kohl, J. L.
2007AAS...210.3005M    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39..143M
  We have measured with the SOHO Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer
  (UVCS) the physical properties of over 165 large coronal holes that
  produced a variety of high-speed solar wind conditions at 1 AU. This
  data set includes observations of coronal holes of different sizes and
  latitudes having a range of magnetic field properties. <P />We will
  present measured parameters (intensities, line widths) for protons and
  oxygen ions, as well as electron density as constrained by polarization
  brightness (pB), for the coronal holes observed from the last solar
  minimum in 1996 to the present. We will also present selected portions
  of in-situ solar wind data that are matched, where possible, to source
  regions in the corona, which have been characterized by UVCS. <P />The
  UVCS atlas of coronal holes will provide information about the H I
  Lyman alpha and O VI line profiles in the extended corona. The atlas
  will be made available in electronic format, with machine readable
  tables, as a supplement to a leading archival journal. <P />This work
  is supported by NASA under Grants NNX06AG95G and NNG06GI88G to the
  Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, by the Italian Space Agency,
  and by PRODEX (Swiss contribution).

Title: Exoplanet-Induced Chromospheric Activity: Realistic Light
    Curves from Solar-type Magnetic Fields
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.; Saar, Steven H.
2007astro.ph..2530C    Altcode:
  There is growing observational evidence for some kind of interaction
  between stars and close-in extrasolar giant planets. Shkolnik et
  al. reported variability in the chromospheric Ca H and K lines of
  HD 179949 and upsilon And that seemed to be phased with the planet's
  orbital period, instead of the stellar rotational period. However, the
  observations also indicate that the chromospheric light curves do not
  repeat exactly, which may be expected for a planet plowing through a
  variable stellar magnetic field. Using the complex solar magnetic field
  (modeled with the Potential Field Source Surface technique) as a guide,
  we simulate the shapes of light curves that would arise from planet-star
  interactions that are channeled along magnetic field lines. We also
  study the orbit-to-orbit variability of these light curves and how they
  vary from solar minimum (i.e., a more or less axisymmetric stretched
  dipole) to solar maximum (a superposition of many higher multipole
  moments) fields. Considering more complex magnetic fields introduces
  new difficulties in the interpretation of observations, but it may
  also lead to valuable new diagnostics of exoplanet magnetospheres.

Title: The Structured Chromosphere and Wind of TW Hya
Authors: Dupree, A. K.; Avrett, E. H.; Brickhouse, N. S.; Cranmer,
   S. R.; Szalai, T.
2007astro.ph..2395D    Altcode:
  A continuous set of echelle spectra of TW Hya, taken with the MIKE
  spectrograph on the Magellan2/Clay telescope at Las Campanas Observatory
  in April 2006 reveals systematic variations in the flux, velocity,
  and profile of the H-alpha emission line which appear to be consistent
  with the photometric period of 2.8 days. Absorption features recur
  at high outflow velocities in the wind. This behavior suggests that:
  (a) accretion is not uniformly distributed over the stellar hemisphere
  in view; (b) stable structures are present in the chromosphere, most
  likely due to the stellar magnetic field configuration. Semi-empirical
  models of the atmosphere are constructed to reproduce line profiles
  of H-alpha and He I, 10830A and to define the wind structure. These
  preliminary calculations suggest the mass loss rate is variable and
  comparable to H-alpha mass accretion rates in the literature, requiring
  a very efficient mechanism if the wind is powered only by accretion.

Title: 2006 LWS TR &amp; T Solar Wind Focused Science Topic Team:
    The Beginnings
Authors: Miralles, M. P.; Bhattacharjee, A.; Landi, E.; Markovskii,
   S.; Cranmer, S. R.; Doschek, G. A.; Forbes, T. G.; Isenberg, P. A.;
   Kohl, J. L.; Ng, C.; Raymond, J. C.; Vasquez, B. J.
2006AGUFMSH11A0371M    Altcode:
  The Solar Wind Focused Science Topic (FST) team was created to
  apply a combination of theoretical studies, numerical simulations,
  and observations to the understanding of how the fast and slow solar
  wind are heated and accelerated. Four proposals were selected for this
  FST team. They will investigate the role of energy sources and kinetic
  mechanisms responsible for the heating and acceleration of the solar
  wind. In particular, the FST team will examine magnetic reconnection
  and turbulence as possible heating mechanisms. Plasma properties and
  their evolution over the solar cycle, determined from the analysis of
  remote and in situ measurements, will be used to put firm constraints
  on the models. The work of the Solar Wind FST team is in its initial
  stages. The organization, planning, and findings resulting from the
  first FST team meeting will be reported.

Title: Coronal Hole Properties During the First Decade of UVCS/SOHO
Authors: Miralles, M. P.; Cranmer, S. R.; Kohl, J. L.
2006ESASP.617E..15M    Altcode: 2006soho...17E..15M
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Progress Toward Measurements of Suprathermal Tails in Coronal
    Proton Velocity Distributions
Authors: Kohl, J. L.; Panazyuk, A. V.; Cranmer, S. R.; Fineschi, S.;
   Gardner, L. D.; Phillips, D. H.; Raymond, J. C.; Uzzo, M.
2006ESASP.617E..25K    Altcode: 2006soho...17E..25K
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The First Decade of UVCS/SOHO: Coronal Hole Properties
Authors: Miralles, Mari Paz; Cranmer, S. R.; Kohl, J. L.
2006SPD....37.1003M    Altcode: 2006SPD....37.1003P; 2006BAAS...38R.237M
  We have measured with the SOHO Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer
  (UVCS) the physical properties of over 155 large coronal holes that
  produced a variety of high-speed solar wind conditions at 1 AU. This
  data set includes observations of coronal holes of different sizes
  and latitudinal locations present throughout solar cycle 23.In the
  spring of 2006, the polar coronal holes have not yet evolved to the
  fully quiescent minimum state seen in 1996-1997, although the next
  solar minimum is expected to occur during 2006-2007. We will present
  the solar cycle dependence of the derived plasma parameters for O5+
  and protons from the last solar minimum in 1996 to present and compare
  them, where possible, with the in situ solar wind properties.This
  work is supported by NASA under Grant NNG05GG38G tothe Smithsonian
  Astrophysical Observatory, by the Italian Space Agency, and by PRODEX
  (Swiss contribution).

Title: Turbulence And Wave Dissipation In The Chromosphere, Corona,
    And Solar Wind
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2006SPD....37.2101C    Altcode: 2006BAAS...38..249C
  The continually evolving convection below the solar photospheregives
  rise to a wide spectrum of acoustic and magneticfluctuations
  that propagate out into the heliosphere.In this talk I will
  review the various ways that waves,shocks, and turbulent eddies
  are expected to interact withthe mean plasma conditions of the
  outer solar atmosphere.For open magnetic flux tubes, the heating
  of the chromosphereand corona, as well as the acceleration of
  the solar wind,can be understood from the standpoint of wave
  dissipation andturbulent cascade.For example, the importance of
  magnetohydrodynamic turbulence inthe extended corona has been affirmed
  by the surprisingmeasurements of the UVCS instrument on SOHO that
  heavy ions areheated to hundreds of times the temperatures of protons
  andelectrons, indicating collisionless Alfven wave dissipation.Complete
  theoretical models are difficult to construct, though,because many
  of the proposed physical processes act on amultiplicity of spatial
  scales (from centimeters to solar radii)with feedback effects not yet
  well understood.Despite these difficulties, progress has been made
  toward the goalof producing models that predict the plasma properties
  everywhereabove the solar surface using only lower boundary conditions
  atthe photosphere.

Title: Ultraviolet spectroscopy of the extended solar corona
Authors: Kohl, John L.; Noci, Giancarlo; Cranmer, Steven R.; Raymond,
   John C.
2006A&ARv..13...31K    Altcode: 2006A&ARv.tmp....1K
  The first observations of ultraviolet spectral line profiles
  and intensities from the extended solar corona (i.e., more than
  1.5 solar radii from Sun-center) were obtained on 13 April 1979
  when a rocket-borne ultraviolet coronagraph spectrometer of the
  Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics made direct measurements
  of proton kinetic temperatures, and obtained upper limits on outflow
  velocities in a quiet coronal region and a polar coronal hole. Following
  those observations, ultraviolet coronagraphic spectroscopy has
  expanded to include observations of over 60 spectral lines in
  coronal holes, streamers, coronal jets, and solar flare/coronal
  mass ejection (CME) events. Spectroscopic diagnostic techniques
  have been developed to determine proton, electron and ion kinetic
  temperatures and velocity distributions, proton and ion bulk flow
  speeds and chemical abundances. The observations have been made during
  three sounding rocket flights, four Shuttle deployed and retrieved
  Spartan 201 flights, and the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)
  mission. Ultraviolet spectroscopy of the extended solar corona has led
  to fundamentally new views of the acceleration regions of the solar wind
  and CMEs. Observations with the Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer
  (UVCS) on SOHO revealed surprisingly large temperatures, outflow speeds,
  and velocity distribution anisotropies in coronal holes, especially for
  minor ions. Those measurements have guided theorists to discard some
  candidate physical processes of solar wind acceleration and to increase
  and expand investigations of ion cyclotron resonance and related
  processes. Analyses of UVCS observations of CME plasma properties
  and the evolution of CMEs have provided the following: temperatures,
  inflow velocities and derived values of resistivity and reconnection
  rates in CME current sheets, compression ratios and extremely high ion
  temperatures behind CME shocks, and three dimensional flow velocities
  and magnetic field chirality in CMEs. Ultraviolet spectroscopy has
  been used to determine the thermal energy content of CMEs allowing the
  total energy budget to be known for the first time. Such spectroscopic
  observations are capable of providing detailed empirical descriptions
  of solar energetic particle (SEP) source regions that allow theoretical
  models of SEP acceleration to be tailored to specific events, thereby
  enabling in situ measurements of freshly emitted SEPs to be used for
  testing and guiding the evolution of SEP acceleration theory. Here we
  review the history of ultraviolet coronagraph spectroscopy, summarize
  the physics of spectral line formation in the extended corona, describe
  the spectroscopic diagnostic techniques, review the advances in our
  understanding of solar wind source regions and flare/CME events provided
  by ultraviolet spectroscopy and discuss the scientific potential of
  next generation ultraviolet coronagraph spectrometers.

Title: A Solar Energetic Particle Mission (SEPM) for the S3C Great
Authors: Strachan, L.; Kohl, J. L.; Cranmer, S. R.; Esser, R.; Gardner,
   L. D.; Lin, J.; Raymond, J. C.; van Ballegooijen, A.; Socker, D. G.
2005AGUFMSH51C1221S    Altcode:
  The S3C Great Observatory concept is guided by a systems approach
  to understanding the heliosphere. A Solar Energetic Particle Mission
  (SEPM) can make valuable contributions to this Great Observatory in
  conjunction with upcoming Living with a Star (LWS) missions e.g. Solar
  Dynamics Observatory and Sentinels. SEPM can provide the remote sensing
  component to a program for better understanding how, when, and where
  solar energetic particles (SEPs) are produced. Such a coordinated
  approach will include coronagraphic UV spectroscopy and visible light
  polarimetery with SEPM, along with in situ particles and fields,
  X-ray and gamma-ray measurements from spacecraft close to the Sun
  (Inner Heliospheric Sentinels). While SEPM will use plasma diagnostics
  that are derived from the UVCS and LASCO coronagaraphs on SOHO, it
  will have an order of magnitude improvement in its capabilities.

Title: An Initial Attempt to Measure Suprathermal Tails in Coronal
    Proton Velocity Distributions
Authors: Kohl, J. L.; Cranmer, S. R.; Fineschi, S.; Gardner, L. D.;
   Panasyuk, A. V.; Raymond, J. C.; Uzzo, M.
2005AGUFMSH44A..05K    Altcode:
  Test observations made with the Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer
  (UVCS) on SOHO in August 2005 are being used to make an initial
  assessment of the possibility of measuring suprathermal tails in the
  proton velocity distribution functions. Any successful theory of solar
  energetic particle (SEP) production by CME shocks must account for the
  large observed variations in SEP spectral characteristics and elemental
  abundances. Some have proposed that this variability arises from an
  inherently variable population of suprathermal seed particles (e.g.,
  Mason et al. 2005): some that exist all the time in the solar wind
  (with varying properties depending on wind speed) and some that are
  associated with prior flares and CME shocks (e.g., Kahler 2004; Tylka
  et al. 2005). As yet, though, the suprathermal particle population in
  the solar corona has never been measured. The seed particle number
  density predicted for typical gradual SEP events is about 0.002 -
  0.01 times the thermal population (e.g., Lee 2005), and should, in at
  least some cases, correspond to a measurable enhancement in the wing
  of the H I Ly-alpha profile. In August 2005, the Ly-alpha channel of
  UVCS was recommissioned and used to observe HI Ly-alpha line profiles
  at 2.0 solar radii in coronal holes, helmet streamers, above active
  regions and after a CME. The holographically ruled diffraction grating
  provides the low stray light level needed to observe the tail of the
  line profile out to about 0.5 nm from line center. New observations
  as well as measurements from the original UVCS laboratory calibration
  and in flight measurements from earlier in the mission are being
  used to characterize the instrument response to monochromatic light
  so such instrument effects can be removed. Initial results will be
  reported. This work is supported by NASA Grant NNG05GG38G to the
  Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Kahler, S. W. 2004, ApJ, 603,
  330. Lee, M. A. 2005, ApJ Supp., 158, 38. Mason, G., Desai, M.,
  Mazur, J., &amp; Dwyer, J. 2005, COSPAR 35th Scientific Assemly,
  p. 1596. Tylka, A. J., et al. 2005, ApJ, 625, 474.

Title: Detailed Modeling of Fast Hot Winds from T Tauri Stars
Authors: Dupree, A. K.; Avrett, E. H.; Cranmer, S. R.
2005AAS...207.7413D    Altcode: 2005BAAS...37.1286D
  Infrared and ultraviolet spectra recently revealed the presence of
  hot (300,000 K), fast (450 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>) winds from 2 classical
  (accreting) T Tauri stars: TW Hya and T Tau. The mass loss rate
  attributed to these outflows may be related to the mass accretion
  rate, but this and other possible explanations can only be tested by
  determining the mass loss rates, wind speeds, and temperature variations
  in the outer atmospheres of these stars. In addition, a sufficiently
  robust wind may lead to optical jets, could remove accreted angular
  momentum from the star, might contribute to the opacity needed for
  X-ray absorption, and may influence the diminution of dust in accretion
  disks. We are constructing detailed models of wind-sensitive line
  profiles for expanding and rotating atmospheres using both: (1) the
  Avrett/Loeser PANDORA code for full non-LTE effects, and (2) a simpler
  line-specific code that will allow complex three-dimensional mass
  flows to be varied with minimal computational expense. These models
  will constrain both the atmospheric structure and the mass loss rate
  indicated by the observed P Cygni line profiles. <P />This research
  is supported in part by NASA and the Smithsonian Institution.

Title: A Statistical Study of Threshold Rotation Rates for the
    Formation of Disks around Be Stars
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2005ApJ...634..585C    Altcode: 2005astro.ph..7718C
  This paper presents a detailed statistical determination of the
  equatorial rotation rates of classical Be stars. The rapid rotation
  of Be stars is likely to be linked to the ejection of gas that forms
  dense circumstellar disks. The physical origins of these disks are
  not understood, although it is generally believed that the ability to
  spin up matter into a Keplerian disk depends on how close the stellar
  rotation speed is to the critical speed at which the centrifugal
  force cancels gravity. There has been recent disagreement between the
  traditional idea that Be stars rotate between 50% and 80% of their
  critical speeds and new ideas (inspired by the tendency for gravity
  darkening to mask rapid rotation at the equator) that their rotation
  may be very nearly critical. This paper utilizes Monte Carlo forward
  modeling to simulate distributions of the projected rotation speed
  (vsini), taking into account gravity darkening, limb darkening, and
  observational uncertainties. A χ<SUP>2</SUP> minimization procedure
  was used to find the distribution parameters that best reproduce
  observed vsini distributions from R. Yudin's database. Early-type
  (O7e-B2e) Be stars were found to exhibit a roughly uniform spread
  of intrinsic rotation speed that extends from 40%-60% up to 100%
  of critical. Late-type (B3e-A0e) Be stars exhibit progressively
  narrower ranges of rotation speed as the effective temperature
  decreases; the lower limit rises to reach critical rotation for the
  coolest Be stars. The derived lower limits on equatorial rotation
  speed represent conservative threshold rotation rates for the onset
  of the Be phenomenon. The significantly subcritical speeds found for
  early-type Be stars represent strong constraints on physical models
  of angular momentum deposition in Be star disks.

Title: Why is the Fast Solar Wind Fast and the Slow Solar Wind
    Slow? (Invited) A Survey of Geometrical Models
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.
2005ESASP.592..159C    Altcode: 2005soho...16E..24C; 2005ESASP.592E..24C; 2005astro.ph..6508C
  Four decades have gone by since the discovery that the solar wind
  at 1 AU seems to exist in two relatively distinct states: slow and
  fast. There is still no universal agreement concerning the primary
  physical cause of this apparently bimodal distribution, even in its
  simplest manifestation at solar minimum. In this presentation we review
  and extend a series of ideas that link the different states of solar
  wind to the varying superradial geometry of magnetic flux tubes in the
  extended corona. Past researchers have emphasized different aspects of
  this relationship, and we attempt to disentangle some of the seemingly
  contradictory results. We apply the hypothesis of Wang and Sheeley
  (as well as Kovalenko) that Alfven wave fluxes at the base are the
  same for all flux tubes to a recent model of non-WKB Alfven wave
  reflection and turbulent heating, and we predict coronal heating rates
  as a function of flux tube geometry. We compare the feedback of these
  heating rates on the locations of Parker-type critical points, and we
  discuss the ranges of parameters that yield a realistic bifurcation
  of wind solutions into fast and slow. Finally, we discuss the need
  for next-generation coronagraph spectroscopy of the extended corona -
  especially measurements of the electron temperature above 1.5 solar
  radii - in order to confirm and refine these ideas.

Title: Capabilities of UV Coronagraphic Spectroscopy for Studying
    the Source Regions of Solar Energetic Particles and the Solar Wind
Authors: Kohl, J. L.; Cranmer, S. R.; Gardner, L. D.; Lin, Jun;
   Raymond, John C.; Strachan, Leonard
2005ESASP.592..677K    Altcode: 2005astro.ph..6509K; 2005ESASP.592E.135K; 2005soho...16E.135K
  We summarize the unique capabilities of UV coronagraphic spectroscopy
  for determining the detailed plasma properties (e.g., density,
  temperature, outflow speed, composition) of the source regions of both
  transient phenomena such as CMEs, flares, and solar energetic particles
  (SEPs) and more time-steady solar wind streams. UVCS/SOHO observations
  have provided the first detailed diagnostics of the physical conditions
  of CME plasma in the extended corona. It provided new insights into
  the roles of shock waves, reconnection, and magnetic helicity in CME
  eruptions. We summarize past observations and discuss the diagnostic
  potential of UV coronagraphic spectroscopy for characterizing two
  possible sites of SEP production: CME shocks and reconnection current
  sheets. UVCS/SOHO has also led to fundamentally new views of the
  acceleration region of the solar wind. Understanding the physical
  processes in this region, which ranges from the low corona (1.1 to
  1.5 Rsun) past the sonic points (greater than 5 Rsun), is key to
  linking the results of solar imaging to in situ particle and field
  detection. Despite the advances that have resulted from UVCS/SOHO,
  more advanced instrumentation could determine properties of additional
  ions with a wider sampling of charge/mass combinations. This would
  provide much better constraints on the specific kinds of waves that are
  present as well as the specific collisionless damping modes. Electron
  temperatures and departures from Maxwellian velocity distributions
  could also be measured. The instrumentation capable of making the
  above observations will be described.

Title: Ultraviolet spectroscopy of solar energetic particle source
Authors: Kohl, J. L.; Cranmer, S.; Esser, R.; Gardner, L. D.; Fineschi,
   S.; Lin, J.; Panasyuk, A.; Raymond, J. C.; Strachan, L.
2005SPIE.5901..262K    Altcode:
  A problem of fundamental importance for future space travel to the
  Moon and Mars is the determination and prediction of the radiation
  environment generated by the Sun. The sources of solar energetic
  particles (SEP) and the physical processes associated with their
  acceleration and propagation are not well understood. Ultraviolet
  coronagraphic spectroscopy uniquely has the capabilities for determining
  the detailed plasma properties of the likely source regions of such
  particles. This information can be used to develop empirical models
  of the source regions for specific events, and it can provide the key
  information needed to identify and understand the physical processes
  that produce SEP hazards. UVCS/SOHO observations have provided the first
  detailed diagnostics of the plasma parameters of coronal mass ejections
  (CMEs) in the extended corona. These observations have provided new
  insights into the roles of shock waves, reconnection and magnetic
  helicity in CME eruptions. Next generation ultraviolet coronagraph
  spectrometers could provide additional diagnostic capabilities. This
  paper summarizes past observations, and discusses the diagnostic
  potential of advanced ultraviolet coronagraphic spectroscopy for
  characterizing two possible sites of SEP production: CME shocks and
  reconnection current sheets.

Title: Solar Cycle Variations of Coronal Hole Properties
Authors: Miralles, M. P.; Cranmer, S. R.; Kohl, J. L.
2005AGUSMSP51B..07M    Altcode:
  As of early 2005, we have measured with the SOHO Ultraviolet
  Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) the physical properties of at least
  136 large coronal holes that produced a variety of high-speed solar
  wind conditions at 1 AU. UVCS has been used to observe O VI (103.2 and
  103.7 nm) and H I Lyman alpha (121.6 nm) emission lines as a function
  of heliocentric distance in coronal holes since 1996. The analysis of
  their spectroscopic parameters allows us to identify similarities
  and differences among coronal holes at different phases of the
  solar cycle. From such measurements we can derive plasma parameters
  (densities, temperatures, velocity distribution anisotropies, and
  outflow speeds) for O5+ and protons as a function of heliocentric
  distance in the coronal holes. These properties, combined with other
  observed quantities such as white-light polarization brightness and the
  more-or-less unipolar magnetic fluxes measured on-disk, let us map out
  the "allowed parameter space" of coronal hole plasma properties more
  fully than ever before. We will present the solar cycle dependence
  of the above plasma parameters from the last solar minimum in 1996
  to present and compare them, where possible, with the in situ solar
  wind properties. We will also present an update on the pattern that
  is beginning to emerge, i.e., coronal holes with lower densities at
  a given heliocentric distance tend to exhibit faster ion outflow and
  higher ion temperatures. This information will thus be used to set firm
  empirical constraints on coronal heating and solar wind acceleration in
  coronal holes. In 2005, the polar coronal holes have not yet evolved
  to the fully quiescent minimum state seen in 1996-1997, though the
  next solar minimum is expected to occur in about 1.5 to 2 years. This
  work is supported by NASA under Grant NNG04GE84G to the Smithsonian
  Astrophysical Observatory, by the Italian Space Agency, and by PRODEX
  (Swiss contribution).

Title: Towards a Universal Physics-based "Coronal Heating Function"
    for Electrons, Protons, and Heavy Ions in the Accelerating Solar Wind
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.; van Ballegooijen, A. A.
2005AGUSMSH51A..03C    Altcode:
  The Sun is often highlighted as a benchmark for the study of other
  stars, and as a stepping stone to the study of galaxies and cosmic
  distances. Not to be outdone, the solar wind is rapidly becoming a key
  baseline for the understanding of basic plasma phenomena such as MHD
  turbulence, kinetic wave-particle interactions, and nonlinear wave-mode
  coupling. In keeping with the IHY focus on these kinds of universal
  processes, we present a distillation of recent modeling efforts to
  understand how Alfven waves are generated, reflected, cascaded, and
  damped throughout the solar wind. A physical understanding of solar
  wind turbulence is crucial to the modeling of energetic particle
  transport in the heliosphere and the interaction with interstellar
  neutrals. The goal of this work is to derive a useful "recipe" for solar
  wind modelers that, given the background zero-order plasma properties,
  yields the wave amplitudes, the turbulent cascade rates, and the
  kinetic partitioning of the resultant heating into electrons, protons,
  and heavy ions (differentiating between parallel and perpendicular
  heating as well). We also discuss preliminary ideas concerning how the
  collisionless particle heating is modified if the turbulent cascade
  ends with the production of small-scale reconnection current sheets.

Title: On the Incompatibility Between UVCS/SOHO Observations of
    Polar Coronal Holes and Isotropic Oxygen Velocity Distributions
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.; Panasyuk, A. V.; Kohl, J. L.
2005AGUSMSP33A..02C    Altcode:
  We present a reanalysis of UVCS/SOHO observations of the O VI 1032,
  1037 emission line doublet at large heliocentric distances in polar
  coronal holes during the last solar minimum (1996-1997). The traditional
  interpretation of the broad line widths and unusual intensity ratios
  has been that the oxygen ions exhibit a strong temperature anisotropy,
  with the temperature perpendicular to the magnetic field being much
  larger than the temperature parallel to the field. However, a recent
  paper by Raouafi and Solanki suggested that it may be possible to
  model the observations using an isotropic velocity distribution of
  (still very hot) oxygen ions. In this presentation we show that the
  standard interpretation of an anisotropic distribution is the only
  one that is fully consistent with the observational data. Using the
  same electron density and magnetic field models assumed by Raouafi
  and Solanki, we varied the 3 main ion properties (outflow speed and
  the 2 bi-Maxwellian temperature components) in a 3D data-cube that
  exhaustively treated all possibilities. This data-cube spans the
  parameter space of both earlier UVCS/SOHO empirical models and the new
  proposal of Raouafi and Solanki. Even so, we find that above about 2.5
  solar radii the only points in the data-cube that reproduce the actual
  observed line widths and intensity ratios are those with substantial
  temperature anisotropies.

Title: New insights into solar wind physics from SOHO
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.
2005ESASP.560..299C    Altcode: 2004astro.ph..9260C; 2005csss...13..299C
  The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) was launched in
  December 1995 with a suite of instruments designed to answer
  long-standing questions about the Sun's internal structure, its
  extensive outer atmosphere, and the solar wind. This paper reviews
  the new understanding of the physical processes responsible for the
  solar wind that have come from the past 8 years of SOHO observations,
  analysis, and theoretical work. For example, the UVCS instrument on
  SOHO has revealed the acceleration region of the fast solar wind to
  be far from simple thermal equilibrium. Evidence for preferential
  acceleration of ions, 100 million K ion temperatures, and marked
  departures from Maxwellian velocity distributions all point to specific
  types of collisionless heating processes. The slow solar wind, typically
  associated with bright helmet streamers, has been found to share some of
  the nonthermal characteristics of the fast wind. Abundance measurements
  from spectroscopy and visible-light coronagraphic movies from LASCO
  have led to a better census of the plasma components making up the slow
  wind. The origins of the solar wind in the photosphere and chromosphere
  have been better elucidated with disk spectroscopy from the SUMER and
  CDS instruments. Finally, the impact of the solar wind on spacecraft
  systems, ground-based technology, and astronauts has been greatly aided
  by having continuous solar observations at the Earth-Sun L1 point,
  and SOHO has set a strong precedent for future studies of space weather.

Title: On the Generation, Propagation, and Reflection of Alfvén
    Waves from the Solar Photosphere to the Distant Heliosphere
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.; van Ballegooijen, A. A.
2005ApJS..156..265C    Altcode: 2004astro.ph.10639C
  We present a comprehensive model of the global properties of Alfvén
  waves in the solar atmosphere and the fast solar wind. Linear non-WKB
  wave transport equations are solved from the photosphere to a distance
  past the orbit of the Earth, and for wave periods ranging from 3 s
  to 3 days. We derive a radially varying power spectrum of kinetic and
  magnetic energy fluctuations for waves propagating in both directions
  along a superradially expanding magnetic flux tube. This work differs
  from previous models in three major ways. (1) In the chromosphere
  and low corona, the successive merging of flux tubes on granular and
  supergranular scales is described using a two-dimensional magnetostatic
  model of a network element. Below a critical flux-tube merging height
  the waves are modeled as thin-tube kink modes, and we assume that all
  of the kink-mode wave energy is transformed into volume-filling Alfvén
  waves above the merging height. (2) The frequency power spectrum of
  horizontal motions is specified only at the photosphere, based on prior
  analyses of G-band bright point kinematics. Everywhere else in the model
  the amplitudes of outward and inward propagating waves are computed
  with no free parameters. We find that the wave amplitudes in the
  corona agree well with off-limb nonthermal line-width constraints. (3)
  Nonlinear turbulent damping is applied to the results of the linear
  model using a phenomenological energy loss term. A single choice for
  the normalization of the turbulent outer-scale length produces both
  the right amount of damping at large distances (to agree with in situ
  measurements) and the right amount of heating in the extended corona (to
  agree with empirically constrained solar wind acceleration models). In
  the corona, the modeled heating rate differs by more than an order of
  magnitude from a rate based on isotropic Kolmogorov turbulence.

Title: Simultaneous VLA and UVCS/SOHO Observations of the Solar Corona
Authors: Spangler, S. R.; Miralles, M. P.; Cranmer, S. R.; Raymond,
   J. C.
2004AAS...205.1008S    Altcode: 2004BAAS...36.1350S
  Measurement of Faraday rotation of radio waves which propagate
  through the solar corona is one of the best ways of measuring the
  coronal magnetic field. Faraday rotation can provide information
  on both the large scale, static component of this field as well as
  the fluctuating, turbulent component, but the technique requires
  supplementary information on the coronal plasma. On August 16, 2003,
  the line of sight to the extended, polarized radio source 3C228
  passed through the corona, with a closest heliocentric distance of
  7 to 8 solar radii. Polarimetric observations with the Very Large
  Array of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory were made at 21
  and 18 cm. These data yielded measurements of the rotation measure
  (proportional to the path integral of plasma density and line-of-sight
  component of the magnetic field) along several, closely-spaced lines of
  sight through the corona. Simultaneous observations of the OVI and HI
  Lyman alpha emission lines with the Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer
  (UVCS) aboard SOHO were used to determine kinetic temperature, average
  densities, and outflow speeds in the corona. On that day, the line
  of sight passed close to a coronal streamer. The VLA data show a very
  large Faraday rotation event during the eight hour observing session,
  in which the rotation measure changed by 62 rad/m<SUP>2</SUP>. This
  large variation seems to be associated with passage of the coronal
  current sheet through the line of sight. We will present models of
  the coronal magnetic field consistent with our observations. This
  work was supported at the University of Iowa by grant ATM03-54782 from
  the Division of Atmospheric Sciences, National Science Foundation. At
  Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, this work is supported by NASA
  under grant NNG04GE84G, by the Italian Space Agency, and by PRODEX
  (Swiss contribution).

Title: Coronal Heating Versus Solar Wind Acceleration
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.
2004ESASP.575..154C    Altcode: 2004astro.ph..9724C; 2004soho...15..154C
  Parker's initial insights from 1958 provided a key causal link
  between the heating of the solar corona and the acceleration of the
  solar wind. However, we still do not know what fraction of the solar
  wind's mass, momentum, and energy flux is driven by Parker-type gas
  pressure gradients, and what fraction is driven by, e.g., wave-particle
  interactions or turbulence. SOHO has been pivotal in bringing these
  ideas back to the forefront of coronal and solar wind research. This
  paper reviews our current understanding of coronal heating in the
  context of the acceleration of the fast and slow solar wind. For the
  fast solar wind, a recent model of Alfven wave generation, propagation,
  and non-WKB reflection is presented and compared with UVCS, SUMER,
  radio, and in-situ observations at the last solar minimum. The derived
  fractions of energy and momentum addition from thermal and nonthermal
  processes are found to be consistent with various sets of observational
  data. For the more chaotic slow solar wind, the relative roles of steady
  streamer-edge flows (as emphasized by UVCS abundance analysis) versus
  bright blob structures (seen by LASCO) need to be understood before the
  relation between streamer heating and and slow-wind acceleration can be
  known with certainty. Finally, this presentation summarizes the need for
  next-generation remote-sensing observations that can supply the tight
  constraints needed to unambiguously characterize the dominant physics.

Title: New views of the solar wind with the Lambert W function
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2004AmJPh..72.1397C    Altcode: 2004astro.ph..6176C
  This paper presents closed-form analytic solutions to two illustrative
  problems in solar physics that have been considered not solvable in
  this way previously. Both the outflow speed and the mass loss rate
  of the solar wind of plasma particles ejected by the Sun are derived
  analytically for certain illustrative approximations. The calculated
  radial dependence of the flow speed applies to both Parker's isothermal
  solar wind equation and Bondi's equation of spherical accretion. These
  problems involve the solution of transcendental equations containing
  products of variables and their logarithms. Such equations appear
  in many fields of physics and are solvable by use of the Lambert W
  function, which is briefly described. This paper is an example of how
  new functions can be applied to existing problems.

Title: Towards a Physical Characterization of Large Coronal Holes
Authors: Miralles, M. P.; Cranmer, S. R.; Kohl, J. L.
2004AAS...204.7106M    Altcode: 2004BAAS...36S.797M
  The Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) aboard SOHO was used
  to observe O VI (103.2 and 103.7 nm) and H I Lyman alpha (121.6 nm)
  emission lines as a function of heliocentric distance in more than 85
  coronal holes, in order to characterize the physical properties of
  coronal holes at different phases of the solar cycle. Our previous
  analyses of UVCS observations have shown that polar and equatorial
  coronal holes produce different acceleration profiles and have
  different oxygen kinetic temperatures. We examine the variation
  in the characteristics of representative large coronal holes
  producing a variety of high-speed conditions at 1 AU. <P />This
  work is supported by NASA under Grant NAG5-12865 to the Smithsonian
  Astrophysical Observatory, by the Italian Space Agency and by PRODEX
  (Swiss contribution).

Title: Differences in Plasma Conditions Among 85 Large Coronal Holes
Authors: Miralles, M. P.; Cranmer, S. R.; Kohl, J. L.
2004AGUSMSH41A..03M    Altcode:
  We have measured ultraviolet spectroscopic parameters as a function
  of heliocentric distance for more than 85 coronal holes, in order to
  characterize the physical properties of coronal holes at different
  phases of the solar cycle. The Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer
  (UVCS) aboard SOHO was used to observed O VI (103.2 and 103.7 nm)
  and H I Lyman alpha (121.6 nm) emission lines to determine kinetic
  temperatures, average densities, and outflow speeds in coronal
  holes. UVCS observations provide unique information on the heating and
  acceleration processes in the corona. Our previous analyses of UVCS
  observations have shown that solar minimum (polar) and solar maximum
  (equatorial) coronal holes produce different acceleration profiles
  and have different oxygen kinetic temperatures. We also examine the
  differences in the characteristics of representative coronal holes
  producing a variety of high-speed conditions (550-800 km/s) at 1
  AU. These analyses provide limits on the coronal plasma properties
  and put constraints on the physical processes that are responsible
  for the heating of the extended corona and the acceleration of the
  solar wind. This work is supported by NASA under Grant NAG5-12865 to
  the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, by the Italian Space Agency
  and by PRODEX (Swiss contribution).

Title: An Overview of Alfven Wave Generation, Reflection, and Damping
    from the Solar Photosphere to the Distant Heliosphere
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.; van Ballegooijen, A. A.
2004AAS...204.0401C    Altcode: 2004BAAS...36..698C
  The continually evolving convection below the solar photosphere gives
  rise to a wide spectrum of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) fluctuations in
  the magnetic atmosphere and solar wind. The propagation of waves through
  the solar atmosphere has been studied for more than a half century, and
  the mainly incompressible Alfven mode has been believed to be dominant
  in regions that are open to the heliosphere. As a part of an ongoing
  study of various aspects of solar MHD waves and turbulence, we present
  a comprehensive model of the radially evolving properties of Alfvenic
  fluctuations in a representative open magnetic region. This work
  differs from previous models in the following ways. (1) The background
  plasma density, magnetic field, and flow velocity are constrained
  empirically from below the photosphere to distances past 1 AU. The
  successive merging of flux tubes on granular and supergranular scales
  is described using a two-dimensional magnetostatic model of a magnetic
  network element. (2) The frequency power spectrum of horizontal motions
  is specified only at the photosphere, based on prior analyses of G-band
  bright points. Everywhere else in the model the amplitudes of outward
  and inward propagating waves are computed with no free parameters. We
  compare the resulting wave properties with observed nonthermal motions
  in the chromosphere and corona, radio scintillation measurements,
  and in-situ fluctuation spectra. <P />This work is supported by NASA
  under grants NAG5-11913, NAG5-12865, and NAG5-10996 to the Smithsonian
  Astrophysical Observatory, by Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, and by the
  Swiss contribution to the ESA PRODEX program.

Title: Contributions from Ultraviolet Spectroscopy to the Prediction
    of High-energy Proton Hazards from CME Shocks
Authors: Lin, J.; Raymond, J. C.; Cranmer, S. R.; Kohl, J. L.
2004AAS...204.7205L    Altcode: 2004BAAS...36Q.799L
  A significant potential hazard to astronauts and their equipment
  in interplanetary space is the relativistic proton flux produced by
  coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and solar flares. The longest-duration
  phase of solar energetic particle (SEP) activity is believed to come
  from the CME shock as it propagates through the extended corona and
  heliosphere. Ultraviolet spectroscopy by SOHO has revealed a means
  for: (1) detecting and characterizing CME shocks in the corona, and
  (2) determining the plasma conditions in the pre-CME corona which are
  needed to understand the formation and evolution of shocks. Such remote
  sensing - combined with models of SEP acceleration and transport -
  can be used to predict the strength, duration, and production sites of
  the radiation. <P />This poster describes the specific means by which
  ultraviolet spectroscopy and other remote-sensing data can be used to
  determine the inputs and boundary conditions for individual events (such
  as the October-November 2003 storms) in existing SEP model codes. We
  also discuss an additional potential source of SEP radiation associated
  with electric fields in the current sheets that form in flare regions
  in the wake of CME. Both observations and model calculations show that
  the reconnection-induced electric field can reach a maximum strength
  of a few V/cm within tens of minutes after the onset of the eruption,
  then decreases gradually over several hours. SEPs produced in these
  regions may account for X-rays and γ -rays observed prior to the
  formation of CME shocks. Ultraviolet spectroscopy has been shown to
  provide constraints on the plasma properties in all of the above CME
  features. <P />This work is supported by NASA under grant NAG5-12865 to
  the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, by Agenzia Spaziale Italiana,
  and by the Swiss contribution to ESA's PRODEX program.

Title: Low-latitude coronal holes during solar maximum
Authors: Miralles, M. P.; Cranmer, S. R.; Kohl, J. L.
2004AdSpR..33..696M    Altcode:
  The Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) on SOHO has been used
  to observe large low-latitude coronal holes during solar maximum that
  produced fast solar wind streams. UVCS observations show that large
  low-latitude coronal holes at solar maximum, coronal holes of at
  least 10° in longitude, have plasma properties that seem to bridge
  the gap between solar minimum polar coronal holes and streamers. The
  ion kinetic perpendicular temperatures in equatorial coronal holes are
  about 2 times larger than those in a solar minimum equatorial streamer,
  and about a factor of 2 smaller than those in polar coronal holes
  above 2 R<SUB>solar</SUB>. The outflow speeds for the large equatorial
  coronal holes observed by UVCS are 3-4 times lower than those in polar
  coronal holes between 2 and 3 R<SUB>solar</SUB>. The values for high-
  and mid-latitude coronal holes are in between those. In all these cases,
  the in situ data corresponding to these coronal holes showed high-speed
  wind streams with asymptotic speeds of 600-750 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. These
  wind speeds approach those observed over polar coronal holes at solar
  minimum, but the outflow speeds in these coronal holes between 2 and
  3 R<SUB>solar</SUB> are different. In contrast to the polar coronal
  holes, the bulk of the solar wind acceleration must occur above
  3 R<SUB>solar</SUB> for large low-latitude coronal holes at solar
  maximum. These observations provide detailed empirical constraints
  for theoretical models and may be key to understanding how the various
  types of solar wind plasma are heated and accelerated.

Title: Observational Aspects of Wave Acceleration in Open Magnetic
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.
2004ESASP.547..353C    Altcode: 2003astro.ph..9676C; 2004soho...13..353C
  This paper reviews the latest observational evidence for the existence
  of propagating waves in the open magnetic flux tubes of the solar
  corona. SOHO measurements have put tentative limits on the fluxes of
  various types of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves in the acceleration
  region of the solar wind. Also, continually improving measurements
  of fluctuations at larger distances (i.e., in situ detection and
  radio scintillation) continue to provide significant constraints
  on the dominant types of plasma oscillation throughout the corona
  and wind. The dissipation of MHD fluctuations of some kind, probably
  involving anisotropic turbulent cascade, is believed to dominate the
  heating of the extended corona. Spectroscopic observations from the UVCS
  instrument on SOHO have helped to narrow the field of possibilities for
  the precise modes, generation mechanisms, and damping channels. This
  presentation will also review some of the collisionless, kinetic
  aspects of wave heating and acceleration that are tied closely to the
  observational constraints.

Title: Non-WKB Alfven Wave Reflection from the Solar Photosphere to
    the Distant Heliosphere
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.; van Ballegooijen, A.
2003AGUFMSH21B0115C    Altcode:
  Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence has been considered for
  several decades as a possibly substantial heat source for the solar
  chromosphere, corona, and heliosphere. However, it is still not well
  understood how the turbulent fluctuations are generated and how they
  evolve in frequency and wavenumber. Although the dominant population of
  Alfvén waves near the Sun must be propagating outwards, one also needs
  waves propagating inwards in order to “seed” a turbulent cascade. As
  a part of an ongoing study of various aspects of solar MHD turbulence,
  we present a model of linear, non-WKB reflection of Alfvén waves that
  propagate in both directions along an open magnetic flux tube. Our work
  differs from previous models in the following ways. (1) The background
  plasma density, magnetic field, and flow velocity are constrained
  empirically from below the photosphere to distances past 1 AU. The
  successive merging of flux tubes on granular and supergranular scales
  is described using a two-dimensional magnetostatic model of a magnetic
  network element in the stratified solar atmosphere. (2) The amplitudes
  of horizontal wave motions are specified only at the photosphere, based
  on previous analyses of G-band bright point motions. Everywhere else in
  the model the amplitudes of outward and inward propagating waves are
  computed self-consistently. We compare the resulting wave properties
  with observed nonthermal motions in the chromosphere and corona, radio
  scintillation measurements, and in-situ fluctuation spectra. Quantities
  such as the MHD turbulent heating rate and the non-WKB wave pressure
  are computed, and the need for other sources of inward waves (e.g.,
  nonlinear reflection or scattering off density inhomogeneities) will
  also be discussed. This work is supported by the National Aeronautics
  and Space Administration under grants NAG5-11913 and NAG5-12865 to the
  Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, by Agenzia Spaziale Italiana,
  and by the Swiss contribution to the ESA PRODEX program.

Title: Coordinated UVCS/SOHO and VLA Observations of the Solar Corona
Authors: Miralles, M. P.; Cranmer, S. R.; Raymond, J. C.; Spangler,
   S. R.; Kohl, J. L.
2003AGUFMSH22A0188M    Altcode:
  Coordinated UVCS/SOHO and VLA coronal observations took place during
  August 16--19, 2003. The radio source 3C 228 passed behind a streamer
  in the northeast at a heliocentric distance of about 7 solar radii,
  and behind the north coronal hole at about 4 solar radii in the latter
  part of the radio observation. The goal of this campaign is to combine
  the analysis of radio polarimetric sounding measurements of the corona
  with ultraviolet spectroscopy of the same regions, in order to obtain
  qualitatively new information about the properties of the solar coronal
  plasma. The Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) aboard SOHO
  observed O VI (103.2 and 103.7 nm) and H I Lyman alpha (121.6 nm)
  emission lines to determine kinetic temperatures, average densities
  and outflow speeds in the corona. UVCS observations provide unique
  information on the heating and acceleration processes in the corona. The
  Very Large Array (VLA) observations reveal the Faraday rotation of
  polarized radio waves due to passage through the magnetized plasma of
  the corona. These measurements provide limits on the coronal magnetic
  field strength and constrain the properties of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)
  waves. Radio propagation techniques are a useful complementary tool
  to ultraviolet coronagraphic spectroscopy in determining the physical
  processes that are responsible for the heating of the extended corona
  and the acceleration of the solar wind. This work is supported by NASA
  under Grant NAG5-12865 to the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
  by the Italian Space Agency and by PRODEX (Swiss contribution).

Title: Empirically Determined Anisotropic Velocity Distributions and
    Outflows of O<SUP>5+</SUP> Ions in a Coronal Streamer at Solar Minimum
Authors: Frazin, R. A.; Cranmer, S. R.; Kohl, J. L.
2003ApJ...597.1145F    Altcode:
  Empirical constraints on the O<SUP>5+</SUP> velocity distributions
  and outflow speeds in a solar minimum equatorial streamer between 2.6
  and 5.1 R<SUB>solar</SUB> are determined using a spectral synthesis
  code that includes O VI Doppler dimming. These constraints follow
  directly from UV spectra taken on 1996 October 12 with the Ultraviolet
  Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) on the Solar and Heliospheric
  Observatory (SOHO) satellite and three-dimensional electron densities
  derived from tomography applied to a time series of polarized
  white-light images taken with the Large Angle and Spectrometric
  Coronagraph (LASCO) also on SOHO. Four conclusions result from this
  work: (1) our analysis shows O<SUP>5+</SUP> velocity distribution
  anisotropy in the streamer legs and stalk and gives strong evidence that
  the microscopic velocity distribution (which excludes wave motions that
  equally affect all charged particles) is anisotropic, where the most
  probable speed perpendicular to the magnetic field direction exceeds
  that in the parallel direction; (2) there is preferential heating of the
  O<SUP>5+</SUP> ions over the protons in the streamer stalk and legs;
  (3) there is no evidence for preferential O<SUP>5+</SUP> heating in
  the core; and (4) the outflow velocity of the O<SUP>5+</SUP> ions is
  determined at heights above 4.6 R<SUB>solar</SUB>. All results have
  a confidence level of at least 70%.

Title: Alfvénic Turbulence in the Extended Solar Corona: Kinetic
    Effects and Proton Heating
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.; van Ballegooijen, A. A.
2003ApJ...594..573C    Altcode: 2003astro.ph..5134C
  We present a model of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence in the
  extended solar corona that contains the effects of collisionless
  dissipation and anisotropic particle heating. Recent observations have
  shown that preferential heating and acceleration of positive ions occur
  in the first few solar radii of the high-speed solar wind. Measurements
  made by the Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer aboard SOHO have
  revived interest in the idea that ions are energized by the dissipation
  of ion cyclotron resonant waves, but such high-frequency (i.e.,
  small-wavelength) fluctuations have not been observed. A turbulent
  cascade is one possible way of generating small-scale fluctuations
  from a preexisting population of low-frequency MHD waves. We
  model this cascade as a combination of advection and diffusion in
  wavenumber space. The dominant spectral transfer occurs in the direction
  perpendicular to the background magnetic field. As expected from earlier
  models, this leads to a highly anisotropic fluctuation spectrum with a
  rapidly decaying tail in the parallel wavenumber direction. The wave
  power that decays to high enough frequencies to become ion cyclotron
  resonant depends on the relative strengths of advection and diffusion in
  the cascade. For the most realistic values of these parameters, however,
  there is insufficient power to heat protons and heavy ions. The dominant
  oblique fluctuations (with dispersion properties of kinetic Alfvén
  waves) undergo Landau damping, which implies strong parallel electron
  heating. We discuss the probable nonlinear evolution of the electron
  velocity distributions into parallel beams and discrete phase-space
  holes (similar to those seen in the terrestrial magnetosphere), which
  can possibly heat protons via stochastic interactions.

Title: The Advanced Spectroscopic and Coronagraphic Explorer (ASCE)
    Mission Concept Study
Authors: Kohl, J.; Howard, R.; Davila, J.; Noci, G.; Gardner, L.;
   Socker, D.; Romoli, M.; Strachan, L.; Floyd, L.; Cranmer, S.; Raymond,
   J.; van Ballegooijen, A.
2002AGUFMSH52A0463K    Altcode:
  The ASCE Mission is currently in a Phase A feasibility study as a
  candidate for the upcoming MIDEX selection. The ASCE science payload
  provides next generation spectroscopic and polarimetric instrumentation
  aimed at identifying the physical processes governing solar wind
  generation and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). During the current phase,
  engineering design and analyses have demonstrated the feasibility of
  accomplishing the original mission objectives within the MIDEX mission
  constraints. The launch is planned for early 2007 and the operations
  and analyses are expected to continue for 5 years. ASCE data along with
  data analysis software and calibration data will be unrestricted and
  available to the scientific community via an automated web site. A
  Guest Investigator program is planned with an average of 15 grants
  running concurrently during 2008 to 2012. Grants would be awarded in
  response to proposals submitted during the first and subsequent years
  of the mission.

Title: UVCS/SOHO Observations of Large Coronal Holes During Solar
    Cycle 23
Authors: Miralles, M. P.; Cranmer, S. R.; Kohl, J. L.
2002AGUFMSH52A0451M    Altcode:
  The Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) aboard SOHO has been
  collecting spectroscopic data from numerous coronal holes as part of
  an ongoing campaign to determine the plasma properties of the solar
  wind acceleration region throughout the current solar cycle. The
  UVCS observations show marked variations of ion properties (in the
  acceleration region of the high-speed solar wind) in different types of
  coronal holes. We present empirical models for the physical properties
  of large coronal holes and the acceleration of the associated high-speed
  solar wind derived from ultraviolet coronagraphic spectroscopy. We
  discuss the role of solar cycle trends and the variation of ambient
  coronal-hole properties (e.g., magnetic field, geometry, density). We
  use these observations to test phenomenological models of coronal
  heating and solar wind acceleration. This work is supported by NASA
  under Grant NAG5-11420 to the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
  by the Italian Space Agency and by PRODEX (Swiss contribution).

Title: Proton Heating in the Extended Solar Corona Resulting From
    Kinetic Alfven Turbulence
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.; van Ballegooijen, A. A.
2002AGUFMSH12A0407C    Altcode:
  Spectroscopic observations of the solar corona have made it clear that
  the “coronal heating problem” comprises not only the local deposition
  of heat immediately above the transition region, but also extended
  heat deposition throughout the (collisionless) acceleration region of
  the solar wind. The dissipation of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves
  and/or turbulence has been considered as a likely heating mechanism
  in the solar wind for several decades. However, it is still not well
  understood how MHD fluctuations are generated, how they evolve in
  frequency and wavenumber, or how their damping leads to the observed
  proton, electron, and ion properties of the fast wind. We present
  a model of MHD turbulence that specifically addresses the issue of
  kinetic dissipation and particle heating in the collisionless extended
  corona. The nonlinear cascade is modeled as a combination of advection
  and diffusion in wavenumber space, with the dominant cascade occurring
  in the direction perpendicular to the background magnetic field. This
  leads to a highly anisotropic fluctuation spectrum (as expected,
  based on many earlier simulations and scaling models) with a rapidly
  decreasing power-law tail in the parallel wavenumber direction. In
  the low-plasma-beta corona, the dominant oblique fluctuations (with
  dispersion properties of kinetic Alfven waves) are dissipated by
  electron Landau damping, with only a tiny fraction of the energy going
  to high-frequency ion cyclotron waves. This implies strong parallel
  electron heating and weak proton and ion heating, which is not what is
  observed. We discuss the probable nonlinear evolution of the electron
  velocity distributions into parallel beams and discrete phase-space
  holes (similar to those seen in the terrestrial magnetosphere) which
  can possibly heat protons via stochastic interactions.

Title: Coronal Holes and the High-Speed Solar Wind
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2002SSRv..101..229C    Altcode:
  Coronal holes are the lowest density plasma components of the Sun's
  outer atmosphere, and are associated with rapidly expanding magnetic
  fields and the acceleration of the high-speed solar wind. Spectroscopic
  and polarimetric observations of the extended corona, coupled with
  interplanetary particle and radio sounding measurements going back
  several decades, have put strong constraints on possible explanations
  for how the plasma in coronal holes receives its extreme kinetic
  properties. The Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) aboard the
  Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft has revealed
  surprisingly large temperatures, outflow speeds, and velocity
  distribution anisotropies for positive ions in coronal holes. We
  review recent observations, modeling techniques, and proposed heating
  and acceleration processes for protons, electrons, and heavy ions. We
  emphasize that an understanding of the acceleration region of the wind
  (in the nearly collisionless extended corona) is indispensable for
  building a complete picture of the physics of coronal holes.

Title: Cyclical variations in the plasma properties of coronal holes
Authors: Miralles, M. P.; Cranmer, S. R.; Kohl, J. L.
2002ESASP.508..351M    Altcode: 2002soho...11..351M
  UVCS/SOHO has been used to measure the plasma properties of several
  types of coronal holes from 1996 to early 2002 at heights from
  1.5 to 3.5 R<SUB>solar</SUB>. UVCS observations show a variation
  in ion properties between coronal holes from solar minimum to solar
  maximum. Different coronal holes seem to exhibit different heating and
  acceleration rates. Polar coronal holes at solar minimum exhibited
  the most extreme ion properties with O<SUP>5+</SUP> perpendicular
  temperatures in excess of 2×10<SUP>8</SUP>K, O<SUP>5+</SUP> outflow
  speeds of at least 400 km/s by 3 R<SUB>solar</SUB>, and the lowest
  densities. Equatorial coronal holes at solar maximum exhibited the
  least extreme ion plasma properties with O<SUP>5+</SUP> perpendicular
  temperatures less than 8×10<SUP>7</SUP>K, O<SUP>5+</SUP> outflow
  speeds of only 100 km/s by 3 R<SUB>solar</SUB>, and the largest
  densities. However, large polar and equatorial coronal holes produce
  interplanetary wind streams with similar speeds (v ~ 700 km/s). Thus,
  most of the solar wind acceleration in large equatorial coronal
  holes must occur above 3 R<SUB>solar</SUB>. The first high-latitude
  coronal hole of the new negative magnetic polarity observed at the
  north in 2001 exhibited extreme properties similar to those of the
  1996 - 1997 polar coronal holes, even though it was 6 years prior to
  the next minimum. During 2001 - 2002, we have observed mid-latitude
  coronal holes, with properties in between large polar and equatorial
  coronal holes.

Title: Solar wind acceleration in coronal holes
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2002ESASP.508..361C    Altcode: 2002astro.ph..9301C; 2002soho...11..361C
  This paper reviews the current state of our understanding of high-speed
  solar wind acceleration in coronal holes. Observations by SOHO,
  coupled with interplanetary particle measurements going back several
  decades, have put strong constraints on possible explanations for how
  the protons, electrons, and minor ions receive their extreme kinetic
  properties. The asymptotic plasma conditions of the wind depend on
  energy and momentum deposition both at the coronal base (where, e.g.,
  the mass flux is determined) and in the extended acceleration region
  between 2 and 10 solar radii (where the plasma becomes collisionless
  and individual particle species begin to exhibit non-Maxwellian
  velocity distributions with different moments). The dissipation
  of magnetohydrodynamic fluctuations (i.e., waves, turbulence, and
  shocks) is believed to dominate the heating in the extended corona,
  and spectroscopic observations from the UVCS instrument on SOHO have
  helped to narrow the field of possibilities for the precise modes,
  generation mechanisms, and damping channels. We will survey recent
  theoretical and observational results that have contributed to new
  insights, and we will also show how next-generation instruments can be
  designed to identify and characterize the dominant physical processes
  to an unprecedented degree.

Title: Empirically Determined Anisotropic Velocity Distributions
    and Outflows of O<SUP>5+</SUP>\ Ions in a Coronal Streamer at
    Solar Minimum
Authors: Frazin, R. A.; Cranmer, S. R.; Kohl, J. L.
2002AAS...200.1601F    Altcode: 2002BAAS...34..667F
  Empirical constraints on the O<SUP>5+</SUP>\ velocity distributions
  and outflow speeds in a solar minimum equatorial streamer between 2.6
  and 5.1 R<SUB>sun</SUB>\ are determined using a spectral synthesis
  code that includes O VI Doppler dimming. These constraints follow
  directly from UV spectra taken on 12 October 1996 with the Ultraviolet
  Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) on the SOHO satellite and 3D electron
  densities derived from tomography applied to a time series of polarized
  white-light images taken with the Large Angle Spectrometric Coronagraph
  Experiment (LASCO) on SOHO. Four conclusions result from this work: 1)
  Our analysis shows O<SUP>5+</SUP>\ velocity distribution anisotropy
  in the streamer legs and stalk and that the microscopic velocity
  distribution (which excludes wave motions that equally affect all
  charged particles) is also anisotropic, where the most probable
  speed perpendicular to the magnetic field direction exceeds that in
  the parallel direction. 2) There is no evidence of anisotropy in the
  streamer core. 3) There is preferential heating of the O<SUP>5+</SUP>\
  ions over the protons in the streamer stalk and legs, but not in the
  core. 4) The outflow velocity of the O<SUP>5+</SUP>\ ions is determined
  at heights above 4.6 R<SUB>sun</SUB>. All results have a confidence
  level of at least 70%. The evidence for microscopic anisotropy in the
  O<SUP>5+</SUP>\ velocity distributions and preferential heating of the
  O<SUP>5+</SUP>\ ions over the protons presented here is reminiscent
  of that provided for coronal holes by Cranmer et al. (1999). One
  particularly favorable candidate mechanism to explain these phenomena
  is ion cyclotron resonance, in which high frequency Alfvén waves
  are absorbed by the heavy ions. Cranmer et al. discuss the relevance
  of this process to an empirical model of a polar coronal hole. Our
  data suggest that the dominant processes that heat the heavy ions in
  coronal holes may also be important in streamers. Reference: Cranmer,
  S.R., et al. 1999, ApJ, 511, 481

Title: Empirically Determined Anisotropic Velocity Distributions
    and Outflows of O<SUP>5+</SUP>\ ions in a Coronal Streamer at
    Solar Minimum
Authors: Frazin, R. A.; Cranmer, S. R.; Kohl, J. L.
2002AGUSMSH21B..06F    Altcode:
  Empirical constraints on the O<SUP>5+</SUP>\ velocity distributions
  and outflow speeds in a solar minimum equatorial streamer between 2.6
  and 5.1 R<SUB>sun</SUB>\ are determined using a spectral synthesis
  code that includes O VI Doppler dimming. These constraints follow
  directly from UV spectra taken on 12 October 1996 with the Ultraviolet
  Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) on the SOHO satellite and 3D electron
  densities derived from tomography applied to a time series of polarized
  white-light images taken with the Large Angle Spectrometric Coronagraph
  Experiment (LASCO) on SOHO. Four conclusions result from this work:
  1) Our analysis shows O<SUP>5+</SUP>\ anisotropy in the streamer legs
  and stalk. The microscopic velocity distribution (which excludes wave
  motions that equally affect all charged particles) is also found to
  be anisotropic, where the most probable speed perpendicular to the
  magnetic field direction exceeds that in the parallel direction. 2)
  There is no evidence of such anisotropy in the streamer core. 3)
  There is preferential heating of the O<SUP>5+</SUP>ions over the
  protons in the streamer stalk and legs, but not in the core. 4) The
  outflow velocity of the O<SUP>5+</SUP>\ ions is determined at heights
  above 4.6 R<SUB>sun</SUB>. This work is supported by NASA under grant
  NAG5-10093 to the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.

Title: Polar Coronal Jets at Solar Minimum
Authors: Dobrzycka, D.; Cranmer, S. R.; Raymond, J. C.; Biesecker,
   D. A.; Gurman, J. B.
2002ApJ...565..621D    Altcode:
  We present an analysis of six polar coronal jets observed by
  the Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) at solar minimum
  (1996). Four of the events were also recorded by the Extreme-Ultraviolet
  Imaging Telescope (EIT) and/or the Large Angle Spectrometric Coronagraph
  (LASCO) C2 coronagraph. We compared the jets with others recorded in
  1997. We modeled the observable properties of the jet from 1996 June 11,
  detected at 1.5 R<SUB>solar</SUB>. It represents a type of polar jet
  in which H I Lyα and O VI get brighter at the same time. The model
  reproduced the line properties with an electron density enhancement
  of a factor of 2 (with a resulting density of 4.8×10<SUP>6</SUP>
  cm<SUP>-3</SUP>), an outflow velocity enhancement of a factor of
  3 (yielding a velocity of 200 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>), and an electron
  temperature decrease of a factor of 0.36 (with a resulting temperature
  of 5.3×10<SUP>5</SUP> K). We derived the jet's electron densities
  from the LASCO C2 white-light observations. They are a factor of 1.5
  higher than in the interplume corona and comparable to those in plume
  regions within the C2 field of view. We developed a model for the origin
  of polar jets based on Wang's model for plumes. We envisioned that
  jets may be the result of short-lived bursts of base heating, while
  plumes may be the result of base-heating events that last longer than
  several hours. Models with the base heat flux near 3×10<SUP>5</SUP>
  ergs cm<SUP>-2</SUP> s<SUP>-1</SUP> come closest to matching the
  observations, though they are not entirely consistent.

Title: Polar coronal jets
Authors: Dobrzycka, D.; Raymond, J. C.; Cranmer, S. R.
2002AdSpR..29..337D    Altcode:
  We present ultraviolet spectroscopy of polar coronal jets obtained
  with the Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer aboard the Solar and
  Heliospheric Observatory. They correlate with the Extreme—Ultraviolet
  Imaging Telescope Fe XII (195Å) and Large Angle Spectrometric
  Coronagraph white—light jet events. We found that the jets typically
  undergo two phases: at the first phase the O VI lines show a brief
  intensity enhancement and narrowing, while the H I Lyα line is not
  enhanced, and the second phase, about 25 minutes later, when the H I
  Lyα line shows maximum intensity enhancement and narrowing, while the
  O VI line is relatively unchanged. We modeled the observable properties
  of the jets from 1997 August 5, detected at 1.71 R<SUB>⊙</SUB>. We
  interpret the first phase as the fast, dense centroid of the jet
  passing by the slit, and the second phase as a passage of cooler,
  lower density material following the centroid. Possible scenarios of
  the electron temperature variations needed to account for observed
  conditions on 1997 August 5 indicate that some heating is required. We
  computed models of the temperature and nonequilibrium ionization state
  of an expanding plasma using various forms for the heating rates. We
  discuss the model results and estimate the initial electron temperature
  and heating rate required to reproduce the observed O VI ionization
  state. We also place some constraints on the origin of the jet material
  based on the inferred plasma properties.

Title: The Link between Radiation-Driven Winds and Pulsation in
    Massive Stars (invited paper)
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Cranmer, S. R.
2002ASPC..259..512O    Altcode: 2002rnpp.conf..512O; 2002IAUCo.185..512O
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Coronal Holes and the Solar Wind [Invited]
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.
2002mwoc.conf....3C    Altcode:
  Coronal holes are the darkest regions of the ultraviolet and X-ray Sun,
  both on the disk and away from the limb. Coronal holes are associated
  with rapidly expanding open magnetic fields and the acceleration of
  the high-speed solar wind. This presentation will review measurements
  of the plasma properties of coronal holes and how these measurements
  have been used to put constraints on theoretical models of coronal
  heating and solar wind acceleration. Heat deposition at the dense and
  collisional coronal base is of comparable importance (in determining,
  e.g., temperature gradients and asymptotic outflow speeds) as extended
  heating in the collisionless regions above 2 solar radii. Thus,
  a complete understanding of the physics requires both observations
  of the solar disk and inner corona (Yohkoh, EIT, CDS, SUMER) and
  coronagraphic observations of the wind's acceleration region (UVCS,
  LASCO). Although strong evidence has been found to suggest that the
  high-speed wind is driven mainly by proton pressure, the differences
  between proton, electron, and heavy ion velocity distributions are
  extremely valuable as probes of the dominant physical processes.

Title: Low-latitude Coronal Holes during Solar Maximum
Authors: Miralles, M.; Cranmer, S.; Kohl, J.
2002cosp...34E1125M    Altcode: 2002cosp.meetE1125M
  Analyses of in situ observations have shown that some small coronal
  holes are sources of slow solar wind near solar maximum when
  polar coronal holes become smaller and disappear. However, not all
  coronal holes at solar maximum produce slow wind. The Ultraviolet
  Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) aboard SOHO has been used to observe
  large low-latitude coronal holes during solar maximum that produced
  fast solar wind. UVCS observations show that large equatorial holes
  at solar maximum have plasma properties that seem to bridge the gap
  between solar minimum polar coronal holes and streamers. The ion kinetic
  temperatures in equatorial holes are about 2 times larger than those in
  a solar minimum equatorial streamer, and about a factor of 2 smaller
  than those in polar coronal holes above 2 R . The outflow speeds for
  the large equatorial holes observed by UVCS are only about 100 km s-1
  , a factor of 4 smaller than those in polar holes, at 3 R . However,
  in situ data corresponding to these equatorial coronal holes showed
  asymptotic wind speeds of 600-700 km s-1 . These wind speeds are similar
  to those observed over polar coronal holes at solar minimum. In contrast
  to the polar coronal holes, the bulk of the solar wind acceleration
  in large equatorial coronal holes at solar maximum must occur above
  3 R . Thus, the combination of spectroscopic measurements in the
  extended corona, where the primary solar wind acceleration occurs, and
  in situ measurements made in the solar wind can be used to obtain the
  solar wind acceleration as a function of heliocentric distance. These
  observations provide detailed empirical constraints for theoretical
  models and may be key to understanding how the various types of solar
  wind plasma are heated and accelerated. This work is supported by NASA
  under Grant NAG5-11420 to the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
  by the Italian Space Agency and by PRODEX (Swiss contribution).

Title: UV and Soft X-ray Polar Coronal Jets
Authors: Dobrzycka, D.; Raymond, J. C.; Cranmer, S. R.; Li, J.
2002mwoc.conf...23D    Altcode:
  Coronal jets are spectacular dynamic events originating from different
  structures in the solar corona. Jetlike phenomena were observed by
  various instruments aboard SOHO, and the X--ray jets were discovered
  by Yohkoh's soft X--ray telescope (SXT). The relation among the
  different types of jets is still not yet clear. We present ultraviolet
  spectroscopy of polar coronal jets obtained by the Ultraviolet
  Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS/SOHO) at heights in the corona ranging
  from 1.5 R<SUB>odot</SUB> to 2.5 R<SUB>odot</SUB>. The jets appear to
  originate near flaring ultraviolet bright points within polar coronal
  holes and were recorded by UVCS as a significant enhancement in the
  integrated intensities of the strongest coronal emission lines: mainly
  H I Ly alpha and O VI lambda lambda 1032,1037. A number of the detected
  jets are correlated with EIT Fe XII 195Å and LASCO C2 white-light
  events. Our modeling of the jet's observable properties provided
  estimates of the jet plasma conditions, as well as the initial electron
  temperature and heating rate required to reproduce the observed O VI
  ionization state. We discuss possible relationship between the polar
  ultraviolet and X--ray jets based on the results of coordinated SXT
  and UVCS observations in December 1996. We compare their properties and
  consider the magnetic reconnection models, developed for X--ray jets,
  as a model for UV jet formation. This work is supported by the National
  Aeronautics and Space Administration under grant NAG5--10093 to the
  Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, by Agenzia Spaziale Italiana,
  and by the ESA PRODEX program (Swiss contribution).

Title: In-flight Calibration of the UVCS White Light Channel
Authors: Romoli, M.; Frazin, R. A.; Kohl, J. L.; Gardner, L. D.;
   Cranmer, S. R.; Reardon, K.; Fineschi, S.
2002ISSIR...2..181R    Altcode: 2002ESASR...2..181R; 2002rcs..conf..181R
  The UVCS White Light Channel (WLC) is designed to measure the linearly
  polarized radiance (pB) of the corona, in the wavelength band from 450
  nm to 600 nm, in order to derive one of the fundamental parameters of
  the solar corona: the electron density. This paper gives a thorough
  description of the in-flight radiometric calibration of the WLC, which
  uses the star α Leo and the planet Jupiter as transfer standards
  and is based on calibrations of ground-based instruments. The
  method for computing the polarized radiance from the measurements
  is also described, together with the stray light and polarization
  characterizations obtained from dedicated, in-flight measurements.

Title: UVCS/SOHO Observations of Coronal Holes from Solar Minimum
    to Solar Maximum
Authors: Miralles, M. P.; Cranmer, S. R.; Esser, R.; Kohl, J. L.
2001AGUFMSH32A0721M    Altcode:
  Coronal holes are open field, low-density source regions of the solar
  wind. At solar minimum, large coronal holes are present at the poles
  and are the dominant source of the solar wind flow for this part of
  the solar cycle. At solar maximum, coronal holes of varying sizes and
  shapes appear at all latitudes and last for several rotations. During
  this stage of the cycle, the dominant component is mainly slow wind,
  but fast wind streams are generated by large coronal holes. UVCS/SOHO
  has been used to measure the plasma properties in several types
  of coronal holes from 1996 to 2001. Spectroscopic diagnostics of
  O<SUP>5+</SUP> velocity distributions and outflow velocities are
  derived from measurements of intensities and line widths for O~VI
  103.2 and 103.7 nm as a function of height. We compare the plasma
  properties of coronal holes from solar minimum to solar maximum and
  discuss the evolution of coronal holes during the solar cycle. We
  also study the compatibility between the growing database of coronal
  hole plasma properties and theoretical models of extended coronal
  heating via ion cyclotron resonance. This work is supported by NASA
  under Grant NAG5-10093 to the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
  by the Italian Space Agency and by PRODEX (Swiss contribution).

Title: The Advanced Spectroscopic and Coronagraphic Explorer Mission
Authors: Kohl, J. L.; Howard, R.; Davila, J.; Noci, G.; Esser, R.;
   Ciaravella, A.; Cranmer, S.; Fineschi, S.; Gardner, L.; Raymond, J.;
   Romoli, M.; Smith, P.; Socker, D.; Strachan, L.; Van Ballegooijen, A.
2001AGUFMSH31B0711K    Altcode:
  SOHO has provided profound insights into the physics of solar wind
  acceleration and coronal mass ejections. Although significant
  progress has been made, most of the dominant physical processes
  controlling these phenomena are still not identified. The Advanced
  Spectroscopic and Coronagraphic Explorer Mission provides next
  generation spectroscopic and polarimetric instrumentation aimed at
  identifying these processes. The launch is planned for March 2007 with
  mission operations and data analysis continuing for 5 years. The data
  will be unrestricted and available to the community. The envisioned
  program includes a Guest Investigator Program with an average of 15
  grants to be awarded in response to proposals submitted during the
  first year of the mission. Information about the proposed scientific
  goals and instrumentation will be presented.

Title: Ion cyclotron diffusion of velocity distributions in the
    extended solar corona
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2001JGR...10624937C    Altcode:
  The Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer aboard the Solar and
  Heliospheric Observatory has revealed strong kinetic anisotropies
  and extremely large perpendicular temperatures of heavy ions in the
  extended solar corona. These observations have revived interest in
  the idea that the high-speed solar wind is heated and accelerated
  by the dissipation of ion cyclotron resonant Alfvén waves. This
  process naturally produces departures from Maxwellian and bi-Maxwellian
  velocity distributions. Here it is argued that these departures must be
  taken into account in order to understand the resonant velocity space
  diffusion, the wave damping, and the formation of ultraviolet emission
  lines. Time-dependent ion velocity distributions are computed for a
  fixed spectrum of waves in a homogeneous plasma, and the moments of
  the distributions are compared with simple bi-Maxwellian models. The
  existence of a boundary, in parallel velocity space, between resonance
  and nonresonance produces an effective saturation of the velocity space
  diffusion that bi-Maxwellian models could not predict. The damping of
  an input wave spectrum is computed for a coronal population of 1000
  ion species with the above saturation effect included. For realistic
  levels of fluctuation power, it is concluded that waves propagating
  solely from the coronal base would not be able to heat and accelerate
  the ions that have been observed to exhibit strong energization and that
  local wave generation is required. Ultraviolet emission line profiles
  are computed for the derived non-Maxwellian distributions, and possible
  unique identifiers of the ion cyclotron resonance mechanism are noted.

Title: Ion cyclotron damping in the solar corona and solar wind
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2001AIPC..595...25C    Altcode:
  The solar corona is the hot, ionized outer atmosphere of the
  Sun. Coronal plasma expands into interplanetary space as a supersonic
  bulk outflow known as the solar wind. This tenuous and unbounded medium
  is a unique laboratory for the study of kinetic theory in a nearly
  collisionless plasma, as well as magnetohydrodynamic waves, shocks, and
  jets. Particle velocity distributions in the solar wind have been probed
  directly by spacecraft (outside the orbit of Mercury), and indirectly by
  ultraviolet spectroscopy (close to the Sun). Fluctuations in the plasma
  properties and in electromagnetic fields have been measured on time
  scales ranging from seconds to years. Despite more than a half-century
  of study, though, the basic physical processes responsible for heating
  the million-degree corona and accelerating the solar wind past the Sun's
  escape velocity are still not known with certainty. Understanding the
  basic physics of the solar wind is necessary to predict the Sun's
  impact on the Earth's climate and local space environment. This
  presentation will review the kinetic origins of several physical
  processes that are currently believed to be important in depositing
  energy and momentum in coronal particle velocity distributions. Because
  ions in the solar wind are heated and accelerated more than would be
  expected in either thermodynamic equilibrium or via a mass-proportional
  process, an ion cyclotron resonance has been suggested as a likely
  mechanism. Other evidence for gyroresonant wave dissipation in the
  corona will be presented, and possible generation mechanisms for the
  (as yet unobserved) high-frequency cyclotron waves will be reviewed. The
  mean state of the coronal and heliospheric plasma is intimately coupled
  with kinetic fluctuations about that mean, and theories of turbulence,
  wave dissipation, and instabilities must continue to be developed
  along with steady state descriptions of the solar wind. .

Title: Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer Observations of a
    High-Latitude Coronal Hole with High Oxygen Temperatures and the
    Next Solar Cycle Polarity
Authors: Miralles, M. P.; Cranmer, S. R.; Kohl, J. L.
2001ApJ...560L.193M    Altcode:
  We announce the resurgence of extreme ion properties in a large,
  high-latitude coronal hole observed above the north heliographic pole
  in 2001 February at solar maximum. The observations were taken with
  the Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer on the Solar and Heliospheric
  Observatory. These observations are part of an ongoing campaign to
  determine the plasma properties of coronal holes during the current
  solar cycle. In this Letter, we compare the observations and analysis
  of O VI λλ1032, 1037 spectral lines of a high-latitude coronal hole
  in 2001 with observations of an equatorial solar maximum hole in 1999
  and polar coronal holes observed near solar minimum (1996-1997). These
  lines provide spectroscopic diagnostics of O<SUP>+5</SUP> velocity
  distributions and outflow velocities. The O VI line profiles show
  a narrow core and broad wings. The narrow core is attributed to
  foreground and background streamers and, possibly, dense polar plumes
  at the lowest observed heights. The broad wings are attributed to the
  coronal hole. The comparison of the coronal hole line widths shows
  that the O<SUP>+5</SUP> perpendicular kinetic temperatures in the 2001
  high-latitude hole are similar to those observed in polar coronal holes
  at solar minimum. These observations of extremely high ion kinetic
  temperatures (exceeding 10<SUP>8</SUP> K) at the north pole in 2001
  occurred nearly simultaneously with the polarity change of the Sun's
  magnetic field, as seen in recent magnetogram data. This coronal hole
  in 2001 may represent the first manifestation of the negative polarity
  polar coronal holes that will dominate the Sun's open magnetic flux
  tubes at the next solar minimum. The reappearance of broad O VI
  profiles at a time when not all of the “new polarity” magnetic
  flux has migrated to the poles was an interesting development. The
  variations in coronal hole parameters with the solar cycle provide
  constraints on models of extended coronal heating.

Title: Solar Cycle 23: Variation of the Solar Corona in the
    Ultraviolet from Solar Minimum to Solar Maximum
Authors: Miralles, M. P.; Panasyuk, A. V.; Strachan, L.; Gardner,
   L. D.; Suleiman, R.; Cranmer, S. R.; Kohl, J. L.
2001iscs.symp...59M    Altcode:
  UVCS/SOHO measurements of H I Ly-alpha and O VI (103.2 nm and 103.7 nm)
  intensities in the solar corona have been made from solar Cycle 23's
  minimum in 1996 to its current maximum. At solar minimum, the corona
  consisted of large coronal holes at the poles and quiescent streamers at
  the equator. During the approach to solar maximum, equatorial coronal
  holes and high latitude streamers became more conspicuous. Recently,
  coronal holes at higher latitudes have reappeared, allowing a comparison
  to be made of O VI intensities and line widths of coronal holes at
  different latitudes. We also characterize the variation of coronal
  hole properties with height, and location over the solar cycle. This
  work is supported by NASA under Grant NAG5-10093 to the Smithsonian
  Astrophysical Observatory, by the Italian Space Agency and by PRODEX
  (Swiss contribution)

Title: Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of Coronal Jets Within the Fast
    Solar Wind
Authors: Dobrzycka, D.; Cranmer, S. R.; Raymond, J. C.; Biesecker,
   D. A.; Gurman, J. B.
2001AGUSM..SH41B09D    Altcode:
  The coronal jets are spectacular dynamic events originating from
  different structures in the solar corona. We present UVCS/SOHO
  observations of polar coronal jets. They appear to originate near
  flaring ultraviolet bright points within polar coronal holes that are
  source regions of the fast solar wind. UVCS recorded the jets as a
  significant enhancement in the integrated intensities of the strongest
  coronal emission lines: mostly H~I Lyα and O~VI λ λ 1032,1037. A
  number of detected jets are correlated with the EIT Fe~XII 195~Å
  and LASCO C2 white-light events. Typically, the observed H~I Lyα
  enhancement was up to a factor of 1.3-1.7 over the ambient corona and
  lasted for 20-30 minutes. The narrow profiles of the emission lines
  indicate that the material in the jets is cooler than the underlying
  corona. We modeled the observable properties of the jets to get
  estimates on jet plasma conditions. We discuss the model results, the
  initial electron temperature and the heating rate required to reproduce
  the observed O~VI ionization state. We also discuss connection of
  the polar jets to the fast solar wind. This work is supported by the
  National Aeronautics and Space Administration under grant NAG5--7822 to
  the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, by Agenzia Spaziale Italiana,
  and by the ESA PRODEX program (Swiss contribution).

Title: Observations of a High-latitude Coronal Hole at Solar Maximum
Authors: Miralles, M.; Cranmer, S. R.; Kohl, J. L.
2001AGUSM..SH21B07M    Altcode:
  A large coronal hole at a latitude of about 60 degrees was observed
  above the north pole with the Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer
  (UVCS) aboard SOHO during 10--19 February 2001. These observations
  are part of an ongoing campaign to characterize equatorial and
  mid-latitude coronal holes during the active phase of the current
  solar cycle. Observations in H~I Lyα and O~VI 103.2 and 103.7 nm
  provided spectroscopic diagnostics of proton and O<SUP>5+</SUP>
  velocity distributions. The O~VI line profiles show a narrow core
  and broad wings. The narrow core is attributed to the foreground and
  background streamers. The broad wings are attributed to the coronal
  hole. We compare the observed line intensities and widths of this
  high-latitude hole with those of other solar maximum (lower latitude)
  holes and solar minimum polar coronal holes. The comparison of the
  line widths shows that the O~VI line widths of this solar maximum
  hole are similar to those observed in polar coronal holes at solar
  minimum. The observation of extremely high ion kinetic temperatures at
  the north pole occurs simultaneously with the polarity change of the
  Sun's magnetic field, as seen in recent magnetogram data. This coronal
  hole may represent the first manifestation of the stable polar coronal
  holes that will dominate the Sun's open magnetic flux tubes at the next
  solar minimum. The re-appearance of broad O~VI profiles at a time when
  not all of the “new polarity” magnetic flux has migrated to the poles
  is an interesting development that may provide a crucial constraint
  on models of extended coronal heating. This work is supported by NASA
  under Grant NAG5-10093 to the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
  by the Italian Space Agency and by PRODEX (Swiss contribution).

Title: Observed Variations of O<SUP>5+</SUP> Velocity Distributions
    with Electron Density
Authors: Kohl, J. L.; Cranmer, S. R.; Frazin, R. A.; Miralles, M.;
   Strachan, L.
2001AGUSM..SH21B08K    Altcode:
  The Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) on the SOHO satellite
  has been used to measure the line profiles of O~VI 103.2 and 103.7
  nm versus heliographic height in a variety of coronal holes and
  streamers during the period from 1996 to 2001. Those observations
  have been used to derive velocity distributions in the line-of-sight
  direction, which is typically perpendicular to the apparent magnetic
  field direction. In the case of polar coronal holes at solar minimum,
  the electron density is the smallest observed and the most-probable
  speed is the largest observed reaching values as high as 500 km/s at the
  largest heights. The O<SUP>5+</SUP> most-probable speed is much larger
  than the hydrogen speed in those structures. The ratio of O<SUP>5+</SUP>
  to hydrogen most-probable speeds increases with height. In contrast,
  the O<SUP>5+</SUP> values are much smaller than those of hydrogen at
  the base of high-latitude streamers and never reach the hydrogen values
  at any observed height. The electron density in those structures is
  much greater than in the solar minimum coronal holes. Other structures
  have intermediate values of the electron density and O<SUP>5+</SUP>
  most-probable speeds. In general, the O<SUP>5+</SUP> most-probable speed
  and its ratio to the hydrogen value seem to decrease with increasing
  density. This apparent observational correlation may be related to
  thermalization from higher collision rates or it might be related to the
  physical process that causes the extreme O<SUP>5+</SUP> perpendicular
  heating. This work is supported by NASA under Grant NAG5-10093 to the
  Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, by the Italian Space Agency,
  and by PRODEX (Swiss Contribution).

Title: New Applications of Ultraviolet Spectroscopy to the
    Identification of Coronal Heating and Solar Wind Acceleration
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.
2001AGUSM..SH21B09C    Altcode:
  The Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) aboard SOHO has
  revealed surprisingly extreme plasma conditions in the extended
  solar corona. This presentation reviews several new ways that UVCS
  and future spectroscopic instruments can be used to identify the
  physical processes responsible for producing the various components
  of the solar wind. The most promising mechanism for heating and
  accelerating heavy ions remains the dissipation of ion cyclotron waves,
  but the origin of these waves---as well as the dominant direction of
  propagation relative to the background magnetic field---is not yet
  known. Ultraviolet spectroscopy of a sufficient number of ions would be
  able to pinpoint the precise magnetohydrodynamic modes and the relative
  amounts of damping, turbulent cascade, and local plasma instability
  in the corona. (A simple graphical comparison of line-width ratios
  will be presented as a first step in this direction.) Spectroscopic
  observations with sufficient sensitivity can also detect departures
  from Gaussian line shapes that are unique identifiers of non-Maxwellian
  velocity distributions arising from cyclotron (or other) processes. Even
  without these next-generation diagnostics, UVCS data are continuing
  to put constraints on how the heating and acceleration mechanisms
  respond to changes in the “background” properties of coronal holes
  and streamers; i.e., geometry, latitude, and density. These provide
  crucial scaling relations in the acceleration region of the fast and
  slow solar wind that must be reproduced by any candidate theory. This
  work is supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  under grant NAG5-10093 to the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
  by Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, and by the Swiss contribution to the
  ESA PRODEX program.

Title: Plasma Conditions in Polar Plumes and Interplume Regions in
    Polar Coronal Holes
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.; Kohl, J. L.; Miralles, M.; Panasyuk, A. V.
2001AGUSM..SH41B08C    Altcode:
  During times of low solar activity, large polar coronal holes are
  observed to contain bright raylike polar plumes that appear to follow
  open magnetic field lines. Plumes are believed to be flux tubes that
  are heated impulsively at their base, which leads to a higher density,
  a lower outflow speed, and a lower overall temperature in the extended
  corona, compared to the surrounding interplume regions. Despite years
  of white light and spectroscopic observations, though, the differences
  in mass, momentum, and energy flux in plumes and between plumes are not
  known precisely. This poster presents an updated survey of data from the
  Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS), aboard SOHO, that attempts
  to sort out the local plume and interplume conditions. These results
  will be compared with previous analyses that characterized the “mean”
  plume/interplume coronal hole, averaged over many lines of sight through
  varying concentrations of plumes. Limits on the relative contributions
  of plumes and interplume regions to the high-speed solar wind will be
  determined, with emphasis on the proton outflow speed in the corona
  and at 1 AU. Implications for theoretical models of coronal heating and
  solar wind acceleration will be discussed. This work is supported by the
  National Aeronautics and Space Administration under grant NAG5-10093 to
  the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, by Agenzia Spaziale Italiana,
  and by the Swiss contribution to the ESA PRODEX program.

Title: Comparison of Empirical Models for Polar and Equatorial
    Coronal Holes
Authors: Miralles, M. P.; Cranmer, S. R.; Panasyuk, A. V.; Romoli,
   M.; Kohl, J. L.
2001ApJ...549L.257M    Altcode:
  We present a self-consistent empirical model for several plasma
  parameters of a large equatorial coronal hole observed on 1999 November
  12 near solar maximum. The model was derived from observations with
  the Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer on the Solar and Heliospheric
  Observatory. In this Letter, we compare the observations of O VI
  λλ1032, 1037 emission lines with previous observations of a polar
  coronal hole observed near solar minimum. At the time of the 1999
  observations, there was no evidence of large polar coronal holes. The
  resulting empirical model for the equatorial coronal hole describes
  the outflow velocities and most probable speeds for O<SUP>5+</SUP>, and
  we compared the derived ion properties with the empirical model for a
  solar minimum polar coronal hole. The comparison of the empirical models
  shows that the 1999 equatorial hole has lower O<SUP>5+</SUP> outflow
  speeds and perpendicular temperatures than its polar counterpart from
  1996 to 1997 at heights between 2 and 3 R<SUB>solar</SUB>. However,
  in situ asymptotic speeds of the wind streams coming from the
  1996-1997 polar hole and from the 1999 equatorial hole are only ~15%
  different. Thus, the bulk of the solar wind acceleration must occur
  above 3 R<SUB>solar</SUB> for the equatorial coronal hole. The
  equatorial hole also has a higher density than the polar hole at
  similar heights. It is not yet known whether the higher densities
  are responsible for the seeming inhibition of the fast ion outflow
  speeds and extremely large perpendicular temperatures that occur in
  polar coronal holes at solar minimum. We discuss the constraints
  and implications on various theoretical models of coronal heating
  and acceleration.

Title: Ion Cyclotron Diffusion of Velocity Distributions in the
    Extended Solar Corona
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.
2000AGUFMSH21B..09C    Altcode:
  The UVCS instrument aboard SOHO has revealed strong kinetic anisotropies
  and extremely large perpendicular temperatures of minor ions in the
  extended solar corona. These observations have given rise to several
  new theoretical models of particle energization via resonance with
  ion cyclotron Alfven waves. The analysis of the UVCS emission line
  profiles, though, has only been performed under the assumption of simple
  two-temperature bi-Maxwellian velocity distribution functions. This
  presentation investigates some of the consequences of departures from
  bi-Maxwellians, and treats the problem of ion cyclotron diffusion
  in velocity space using the standard quasi-linear approximation. A
  case will be made for the possibility that this diffusion acts on
  time scales of same order as the solar wind expansion time (and not
  on much shorter time scales as is often assumed). The distortion of
  ion velocity distributions along curved "shells" in velocity space
  will be explored, and the approach to marginal stability in the
  linear damping rates is found to be much more accurately portrayed
  than when using bi-Maxwellian distributions. The shapes and strengths
  of ultraviolet emission line profiles are also affected by departures
  from bi-Maxwellian distributions, and the possible impact on UVCS/SOHO
  data analysis will be discussed.

Title: Coronal Holes
Authors: Cranmer, S.
2000eaa..bookE1999C    Altcode:
  Coronal holes are regions of low-density plasma on the Sun that have
  magnetic fields that open freely into interplanetary space. During
  times of low solar activity, coronal holes cover the north and south
  polar caps of the Sun. During more active periods, coronal holes can
  exist at all solar latitudes, but they may only persist for several
  solar rotations before evolving into a different magnetic...

Title: Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of Polar Coronal Jets
Authors: Dobrzycka, D.; Raymond, J. C.; Cranmer, S. R.
2000ApJ...538..922D    Altcode:
  We have observed a total of five UVCS/SOHO polar jets that correlate
  with the Extreme-Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) and Large Angle
  Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) jet events. We analyzed spectroscopic
  observations of these jets and found that they typically undergo
  two phases: at the first phase the O VI lines show a brief intensity
  enhancement (by a factor of 1.4) and narrowing (by a factor of 0.8),
  while the H I Lyα line is not enhanced, and the second phase, about
  25 minutes later, when the H I Lyα line shows an intensity enhancement
  (by a factor of 1.3) and narrowing (by a factor of 0.8), while the O VI
  line is relatively unchanged. We modeled the observable properties of
  the jets from 1997 August 5, detected at 1.71 R<SUB>solar</SUB>. We
  interpret the first phase as the fast, dense centroid of the jet
  passing by the UVCS slit. The empirical jet model was able to reproduce
  the observed line properties with electron density enhancement by
  a factor of 3.2 (with a resulting density of 4.5×10<SUP>6</SUP>
  cm<SUP>-3</SUP>), an electron temperature decrease (change by a factor
  of 0.50 to 750,000 K), and the centroid outflow velocity larger than
  280 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. During the second phase, the model required a
  further decrease in the electron temperature (change by a factor of
  0.10, with a jet temperature of only 150,000 K), along with a weaker
  electron density (1.7×10<SUP>6</SUP> cm<SUP>-3</SUP>) and an outflow
  velocity of 205 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. Possible scenarios of the electron
  temperature variations needed to account for observed conditions on
  1997 August 5 indicate that some heating is required. We computed
  models of the temperature and nonequilibrium ionization state of an
  expanding plasma using various forms for the heating rates. We found
  that the jet had to leave the Sun at an electron temperature below
  2.5×10<SUP>6</SUP> K and that a heating rate of the same order as the
  average coronal hole heating is required. Such low initial temperatures
  are consistent with the idea that the jets observed by LASCO, EIT,
  and UVCS are different than previously observed coronal X-ray jets.

Title: A Multiwavelength Campaign on γ Cassiopeiae. IV. The Case
    for Illuminated Disk-enhanced Wind Streams
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.; Smith, Myron A.; Robinson, Richard D.
2000ApJ...537..433C    Altcode:
  On 1996 March 14-15 we conducted a campaign with the Hubble Space
  Telescope GHRS to observe the Si IV λλ1394, 1403 lines of the B0.5e
  star γ Cas at high temporal and spectral resolution. As a part of this
  ~22 hr campaign, the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) was also used
  to monitor this star's copious and variable X-ray emission. In this
  fourth paper of a series we present an analysis of the rapid variations
  of the discrete absorption components (DACs) of the Si IV doublet. The
  DACs attain a maximum absorption at -1280 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, taper
  at higher velocities, and extend to -1800 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. The DACs
  in this star's resonance lines have been shown to be correlated with
  a &gt;~6 yr cycle in the Balmer line emission V/R ratio, and in 1996
  this DAC strength was near its maximum. We derive hydrogen densities of
  10<SUP>9</SUP>-10<SUP>10</SUP> cm<SUP>-3</SUP> in the DAC material using
  a curve-of-growth method and find that the plasma becomes marginally
  optically thick near -1280 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. The “mean DAC” probably
  represents a broad “plateau” with a volume density intermediate
  between the star's midlatitude wind and equatorial disk. We also follow
  the blueward evolution of subfeatures in the DACs. These features
  appear to emanate primarily from one or two discrete azimuths on the
  star and accelerate much more slowly than expected for the background
  wind, thereby exhibiting an enhanced opacity spiral stream pattern
  embedded within the structure forming the DAC. In the first two papers
  in this series, we suggested that active X-ray centers are associated
  with at least two major cool clouds forced into corotation. Several
  correlations of flickering in the Si IV DACs are found in our data,
  which support the idea that changes in X-ray ionizing flux cause
  changes in the ionization of material at various sectors along the
  spiral pattern. We demonstrate that similar flickering is visible in
  archival IUE data from 1982 and may also be responsible for earlier
  reports from Copernicus of rapid changes in this star's UV and optical
  lines. Finally, we discovered that flickering of the DAC fluxes in the
  1982 data is correlated with rotation phase and shows a modulation
  with a 7.5 hr cyclical cessation of X-ray flares that was observed
  recently by RXTE. This confirms our basic picture that lulls in X-ray
  activity close to the star's surface cause both a lower Si V ionization
  fraction and an increase in Si IV variability within the DAC structures.

Title: UVCS/SOHO Observations of Equatorial and Polar Coronal Holes
Authors: Kohl, J. L.; Miralles, M. P.; Cranmer, S. R.; Suleiman, R. M.
2000SPD....31.0232K    Altcode: 2000BAAS...32..816K
  A large equatorial coronal hole was observed above the west limb with
  the Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) on SOHO from November
  1999 to March 2000. Observations in H I Lyα and O VI 103.2, 103.7
  nm provided spectroscopic diagnostics of proton and O<SUP>5+</SUP>
  velocity distributions and outflow velocities. These properties will be
  compared to those of the large polar coronal holes observed near solar
  minimum. The equatorial coronal hole corresponded to a high-speed
  solar wind stream at 1 AU, but there were significant differences
  between the interplanetary properties of this stream and the steady
  high-speed wind seen over the poles at solar minimum. The several
  obvious differences between the two structures in the extended corona
  may be associated with the different densities and magnetic field
  configurations and flux tube expansion factors. Preliminary results
  from a detailed empirical model of the equatorial coronal hole will
  be presented. This work is supported by NASA under Grant NAG5-7822 to
  the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, by the Italian Space Agency
  and by PRODEX (Swiss contribution).

Title: New Diagnostics of Coronal Heating and Solar Wind Acceleration
    Processes Achievable With The Advanced Solar Coronal Explorer (ASCE)
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.; Kohl, J. L.; Gardner, L. D.; Raymond, J. C.;
   Strachan, L.; Smith, P. L.; Howard, R. A.; Davila, J. M.; Fisher,
   R. R.; Noci, G.; Tondello, G.; Socker, D. G.; Moses, D.
2000SPD....31.0297C    Altcode: 2000BAAS...32..828C
  The Advanced Solar Coronal Explorer (ASCE) is a proposed NASA
  Medium-class Explorer (MIDEX) mission that underwent a detailed
  Concept Study in 1999. The science payload includes large aperture EUV
  and visible light coronagraphs. ASCE's unprecedented spectral range,
  spatial resolution, and sensitivity (30 to 100 times the EUV sensitivity
  of UVCS/SOHO) provide measurements needed to investigate the role of
  high-frequency and low-frequency waves in heating and accelerating
  the fast and slow speed solar wind. This presentation will outline
  the advanced capabilities of ASCE for obtaining detailed empirical
  descriptions of solar wind acceleration regions, specifying coronal
  temperatures, flow speeds, densities, and elemental abundances. Velocity
  distributions for electrons and more than 10 to 20 ion species with
  mass-to-charge ratios from 4 to 1 (including singly ionized helium) can
  be measured by ASCE in coronal holes and streamers. This information
  is sufficient to derive the wavenumber power spectrum of magnetic
  fluctuations that affect the primary electron/proton plasma. The main
  goal is to identify the physical processes responsible for heating
  and acceleration of the primary particles and minor ions in the fast
  and slow speed solar wind.

Title: Surf's Still Up: UVCS/SOHO Observations as Strong Constraints
    on Coronal Heating Theories
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.; Kohl, J. L.
2000SPD....31.1502C    Altcode: 2000BAAS...32..848C
  In 1996, the Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) instrument
  aboard SOHO observed surprisingly broad line profiles of the O VI 1032,
  1037 doublet in polar coronal holes. These measurements indicated
  perpendicular ion temperatures of at least 100--200 million K above
  two solar radii in the nascent high-speed solar wind. Since then,
  these observations have been supplemented by profiles of other ions,
  Doppler dimming measurements made possible by Spartan 201, and a
  great deal of theoretical work. This talk outlines the current state of
  understanding about coronal heating and solar wind acceleration that has
  been facilitated by UVCS. The most promising mechanism for heating and
  accelerating minor ions remains the dissipation of high-frequency (10 to
  10,000 Hz) ion cyclotron waves, but heating the protons is a more open
  question. The physics of the ion cyclotron interaction in the corona has
  only begun to be explored, and we will discuss recent insights into the
  generation and damping of these waves. A self-consistent theory of wave
  damping and turbulent cascade “replenishment” would allow the question
  of proton heating to be answered more definitively. Also, a kinetic
  approach to ion cyclotron heating yields non-bi-Maxwellian “resonant
  shell” velocity distributions that could produce emission line profiles
  narrower than expected from their most probable speeds. Thus, the UVCS
  measurements of 100--200 million K ion temperatures may only be lower
  limits. This work is supported by the National Aeronautics and Space
  Administration under grant NAG5-7822 to the Smithsonian Astrophysical
  Observatory, by Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, and by the ESA PRODEX program
  (Swiss contribution).

Title: Ion Cyclotron Wave Dissipation in the Solar Corona: The Summed
    Effect of More than 2000 Ion Species
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
2000ApJ...532.1197C    Altcode:
  In this paper the dissipation of ion cyclotron resonant Alfvén waves
  in the extended solar corona is examined in detail. For the first
  time, the wave damping arising from more than 2000 low-abundance
  ion species is taken into account. Useful approximations for the
  computation of coronal ionization equilibria for elements heavier than
  nickel are presented. Also, the Sobolev approximation from the theory
  of hot-star winds is applied to the resonant wave dissipation in the
  solar wind, and the surprisingly effective damping ability of “minor”
  ions is explained in simple terms. High-frequency (10-10,000 Hz) waves
  propagating up from the base of the corona are damped significantly when
  they resonate with ions having charge-to-mass ratios of about 0.1, and
  negligible wave power would then be available to resonate with higher
  charge-to-mass ratio ions at larger heights. This result confirms
  preliminary suggestions from earlier work that the waves that heat
  and accelerate the high-speed solar wind must be generated throughout
  the extended corona. The competition and eventual equilibrium between
  wave damping and wave replenishment may explain observed differences
  in coronal O VI and Mg X emission line widths.

Title: On the Generation and Dissipation of Ion Cyclotron Waves in
    the Extended Solar Corona
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.
1999EOSTr..80..800C    Altcode:
  The dissipation of high frequency (10 to 10,000 Hz) ion cyclotron
  resonant Alfven waves has been proposed as a leading candidate for the
  heating of the extended solar corona and the acceleration of the high
  speed solar wind. The competition between various wave generation
  mechanisms and resonant wave damping is examined in detail, and a
  database of more than 2000 low-abundance ion species is taken into
  account for completeness. Also, the Sobolev approximation from the
  theory of hot star winds is applied to the gyroresonant wave-particle
  interaction in the solar wind, and the surprisingly effective damping
  ability of “minor” ions is explained in simple terms. High frequency
  waves (propagating parallel to open magnetic field lines) that originate
  at the base of the corona are damped significantly when they resonate
  with ions having charge-to-mass ratios of about 0.1. Thus, if the
  waves came solely from the coronal base, there would be negligible
  wave power available to resonate with higher charge-to-mass ratio ions
  at larger heights. This result confirms preliminary suggestions from
  earlier work that the waves that heat and accelerate the high speed
  solar wind must be generated throughout the extended corona. This work
  is supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under
  grant NAG5-7822 to the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, by Agenzia
  Spaziale Italiana, and by the ESA PRODEX program (Swiss contribution).

Title: The impact of ion-cyclotron wave dissipation on heating and
    accelerating the fast solar wind
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.; Field, George B.; Kohl, John L.
1999AIPC..471...35C    Altcode: 1999sowi.conf...35C
  Using empirical ion velocity distributions derived from UVCS and
  SUMER ultraviolet spectroscopy, we construct theoretical models of
  the nonequilibrium plasma state of the polar solar corona. The primary
  energy deposition mechanism we investigate is the dissipation of high
  frequency (10-10000 Hz) ion-cyclotron resonant Alfvén waves which
  can heat and accelerate ions differently depending on their charge
  and mass. We find that it is possible to explain many of the kinetic
  properties of the plasma with relatively small amplitudes for the
  resonant waves. There is evidence for steepening of the Alfvén wave
  spectrum between the coronal base and the largest heights observed
  spectroscopically, and it is important to take Coulomb collisions into
  account to understand observations at the lowest heights. Because the
  ion-cyclotron wave dissipation is rapid, the extended heating seems to
  demand a constantly replenished population of waves over several solar
  radii. This indicates that the waves are probably generated throughout
  the wind rather than propagated up from the base of the corona.

Title: Spectroscopic Constraints on Models of Ion Cyclotron Resonance
    Heating in the Polar Solar Corona and High-Speed Solar Wind
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.; Field, George B.; Kohl, John L.
1999ApJ...518..937C    Altcode:
  Using empirical ion velocity distributions derived from Ultraviolet
  Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) and Solar Ultraviolet Measurements
  of Emitted Radiation (SUMER) ultraviolet spectroscopy, we construct
  theoretical models of the nonequilibrium plasma state of the polar solar
  corona. The primary energy deposition mechanism we investigate is the
  dissipation of high-frequency (10-10,000 Hz) ion cyclotron resonant
  Alfvén waves which can heat and accelerate ions differently depending
  on their charge and mass. We solve the internal energy conservation
  equations for the ion temperature components parallel and perpendicular
  to the superradially expanding magnetic field lines and use empirical
  constraints for the remaining parameters. We find that it is possible
  to explain many of the kinetic properties of the plasma (such as high
  perpendicular ion temperatures and strong temperature anisotropies)
  with relatively small amplitudes for the resonant waves. There is
  suggestive evidence for steepening of the Alfvén wave spectrum between
  the coronal base and the largest heights observed spectroscopically, and
  it is important to take Coulomb collisions into account to understand
  observations at the lowest heights. Because the ion cyclotron wave
  dissipation is rapid, the extended heating seems to demand a constantly
  replenished population of waves over several solar radii. This indicates
  that the waves are generated gradually throughout the wind rather than
  propagated up from the base of the corona.

Title: Study of the latitudinal dependence of H I Lyman α and O VI
emission in the solar corona: Evidence for the superradial geometry
    of the outflow in the polar coronal holes
Authors: Dobrzycka, Danuta; Cranmer, Steven R.; Panasyuk, Alexander
   V.; Strachan, Leonard; Kohl, John L.
1999JGR...104.9791D    Altcode:
  We study the latitudinal distribution of the H I Lyman α and O VI
  (103.2 nm and 103.7 nm) line emission during the period of the Whole
  Sun Month campaign (August 10 to September 8, 1996) when the Sun was
  close to the minimum of its activity. The H I Lyman α and O VI line
  intensities appeared to be almost constant with latitude within the
  polar coronal holes and have abrupt increases toward the streamer
  region. We found that both north and south polar coronal holes had
  similar line intensities and line-of-sight velocities, as well as
  kinetic temperatures of H<SUP>0</SUP> and O<SUP>5+</SUP>. The dependence
  of these parameters on latitude and radius is provided. We derived
  boundaries of the polar coronal holes based on the H I Lyman α and O VI
  line intensity distributions for several days during the Whole Sun Month
  campaign. We found that the polar coronal hole boundaries clearly have
  a superradial geometry with diverging factor f<SUB>max</SUB> ranging
  from 6.0 to 7.5, and they are consistent with boundaries previously
  derived from the electron density distributions. We also found that,
  in general, they are not symmetric with respect to the heliographic
  poles, and their size and geometry change over periods of days. The H
  I Lyman α, O VI (103.2 nm), and the O VI (103.7 nm) line intensities
  showed similar boundaries within the uncertainties of our data. We
  modeled the latitudinal distribution of the H I Lyman α and O VI
  (103.2 nm and 103.7 nm) line intensities in the south polar coronal
  hole on August 17, 1996, assuming the coronal plasma outflow along
  either purely radial or nonradial flux tubes. A comparison of model
  predictions with the observed distributions shows evidence that the
  outflow velocity vectors follow nonradial intensity pattern.

Title: New Insights into Solar Coronal Plasma Kinetics from UVCS/SOHO
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.
1999AAS...194.3206C    Altcode: 1999BAAS...31Q.871C
  The SOHO Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS/SOHO) has measured
  anisotropic temperatures and differential outflow velocities for
  hydrogen, oxygen, and magnesium ions in polar coronal holes. Line widths
  of the O VI 1032, 1037 doublet indicate perpendicular temperatures of at
  least 200 million K above 2 solar radii. We present theoretical models
  of the dissipation of high frequency (10 to 10,000 Hz) ion cyclotron
  resonant Alfven waves, and we find that it is possible to explain many
  of the observed kinetic properties of the plasma with relatively small
  wave amplitudes. There is suggestive evidence that such waves should be
  generated gradually throughout the wind rather than propagated up from
  the base of the corona. We also discuss how additional insight into the
  ion cyclotron resonance interaction can be obtained by considering the
  process as an analogue of Sobolev-theory radiative transfer. This work
  is supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under
  grant NAG5-3192 to the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, by Agenzia
  Spaziale Italiana, and by the ESA PRODEX program (Swiss contribution).

Title: The Advanced Solar Coronal Explorer Mission (ASCE)
Authors: Kohl, J.; Cranmer, S.; Gardner, L.; Golub, L.; Raymond, J.;
   Smith, P. L.; Strachan, L.; Howard, R.; Moses, D.; Socker, D.; Wang,
   D.; Fisher, R. R.; Davila, J.; St. Cyr, C.; Noci, G.; Tondello, G.
1999AAS...194.6506K    Altcode: 1999BAAS...31Q.928K
  The Advanced Solar Coronal Explorer (ASCE) mission was selected
  for a Phase A Concept Study in the current round of proposed MIDEX
  missions. It addresses three fundamental problems: 1) What physical
  processes heat coronal holes and drive the fast solar wind? 2) What
  physical processes heat streamers and drive the slow solar wind? and 3)
  How are coronal mass ejections (CMEs) heated and accelerated, and what
  role to they play in the evolution of the solar magnetic field. ASCE
  has two instruments, the Spectroscopic and Polarimetric Coronagraph
  (SPC) and the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUVI). A deployable boom
  supports a distant external occulter that allows large aperture optics
  for the SPC coronagraphic channels. SPC's EUV channels will provide
  spectroscopy of the extended solar corona with 30 - 200 times the
  sensitivity of UVCS/SOHO and the first He II 30.4 nm spectroscopy of
  the extended corona. SPC's Large Aperture Spectroscopic Coronagraph
  channel will provide two orders of magnitude improvement in stray
  light suppression for wide field visible spectroscopy and 2 arcsec
  resolution elements for imaging and polarimetry. EUVI provides full
  disk imaging with 0.9 arcsec resolution elements and extremely high
  cadence. ASCE is designed to determine the thermal, kinetic, and
  wave energy densities in coronal structures, determine the rates of
  transformation among these forms of energy, their flow in space, and
  their loss to radiation, and determine the composition and ionization
  state of the corona in static and transient conditions.

Title: Line-driven Ablation and Wind Tilting by External Irradiation
Authors: Gayley, K. G.; Owocki, S. P.; Cranmer, S. R.
1999ApJ...513..442G    Altcode:
  The directional variation of the velocity gradient in a supersonic,
  radiatively accelerated flow gives an effectively anisotropic
  character to the line-scattering process. This leads to surprising
  consequences in source geometries that are more complex than isolated
  nonrotating stars. In this paper we explore the wind dynamics from
  a planar slab atmosphere that is irradiated by an external oblique
  source, within the framework of standard Castor, Abbott, &amp; Klein
  (CAK) wind theory. We show that the presence of externally incident
  radiation can be surprisingly effective at tilting the flow away
  from the vertical. Even more surprising is our conclusion that such
  illumination should often enhance the mass loss and can even induce
  outflow from a surface with no intrinsic radiation source. We examine
  the physical causes of such “line-driven ablation” and discuss the
  potential implications for modeling line-driven flows in massive-star
  binary and accretion-disk systems.

Title: An Empirical Model of a Polar Coronal Hole at Solar Minimum
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.; Kohl, J. L.; Noci, G.; Antonucci, E.;
   Tondello, G.; Huber, M. C. E.; Strachan, L.; Panasyuk, A. V.;
   Gardner, L. D.; Romoli, M.; Fineschi, S.; Dobrzycka, D.; Raymond,
   J. C.; Nicolosi, P.; Siegmund, O. H. W.; Spadaro, D.; Benna, C.;
   Ciaravella, A.; Giordano, S.; Habbal, S. R.; Karovska, M.; Li, X.;
   Martin, R.; Michels, J. G.; Modigliani, A.; Naletto, G.; O'Neal,
   R. H.; Pernechele, C.; Poletto, G.; Smith, P. L.; Suleiman, R. M.
1999ApJ...511..481C    Altcode:
  We present a comprehensive and self-consistent empirical model
  for several plasma parameters in the extended solar corona above
  a polar coronal hole. The model is derived from observations
  with the SOHO Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS/SOHO)
  during the period between 1996 November and 1997 April. We compare
  observations of H I Lyα and O VI λλ1032, 1037 emission lines
  with detailed three-dimensional models of the plasma parameters and
  iterate for optimal consistency between measured and synthesized
  observable quantities. Empirical constraints are obtained for
  the radial and latitudinal distribution of density for electrons,
  H<SUP>0</SUP>, and O<SUP>5+</SUP>, as well as the outflow velocity
  and unresolved anisotropic most probable speeds for H<SUP>0</SUP> and
  O<SUP>5+</SUP>. The electron density measured by UVCS/SOHO is consistent
  with previous solar minimum determinations of the white-light coronal
  structure; we also perform a statistical analysis of the distribution
  of polar plumes using a long time series. From the emission lines we
  find that the unexpectedly large line widths of H<SUP>0</SUP> atoms
  and O<SUP>5+</SUP> ions at most heights are the result of anisotropic
  velocity distributions. These distributions are not consistent with
  purely thermal motions or the expected motions from a combination of
  thermal and transverse wave velocities. Above 2 R<SUB>solar</SUB>,
  the observed transverse most probable speeds for O<SUP>5+</SUP> are
  significantly larger than the corresponding motions for H<SUP>0</SUP>,
  and the outflow velocities of O<SUP>5+</SUP> are also significantly
  larger than the corresponding velocities of H<SUP>0</SUP>. Also, the
  latitudinal dependence of intensity constrains the geometry of the
  wind velocity vectors, and superradial expansion is more consistent
  with observations than radial flow. We discuss the constraints and
  implications on various theoretical models of coronal heating and

Title: EUV Spectral Line Profiles in Polar Coronal Holes from 1.3
    to 3.0 R<SUB>solar</SUB>
Authors: Kohl, J. L.; Esser, R.; Cranmer, S. R.; Fineschi, S.; Gardner,
   L. D.; Panasyuk, A. V.; Strachan, L.; Suleiman, R. M.; Frazin, R. A.;
   Noci, G.
1999ApJ...510L..59K    Altcode:
  Spectral line profiles have been measured for H I λ1216, O VI λλ1032,
  1037, and Mg X λ625 in a polar coronal hole observed during 1997
  September 15-29, at projected heliographic heights ρ between 1.34
  and 2.0 R<SUB>solar</SUB>. Observations of H I λ1216 and the O
  VI doublet from 1997 January for ρ=1.5-3.0 R<SUB>solar</SUB> are
  provided for comparison. The O VI lines are well fit to a narrow and
  broad component which appear to be associated with regions of higher
  and lower spectral radiance, respectively. The narrow components
  dominate at low heights and become a small fraction of the lines at
  higher heights. Mg X λ625 is observed to have a narrow component at
  ρ=1.34 R<SUB>solar</SUB> which accounts for only a small fraction of
  the observed spectral radiance. In the case of the broad components,
  the values of v<SUB>1/e</SUB> for O VI are only slightly larger than
  those for H I at ρ=1.34 R<SUB>solar</SUB> but are significantly
  larger at ρ=1.5 R<SUB>solar</SUB> and much larger for ρ&gt;1.75
  R<SUB>solar</SUB>. In contrast, the Mg X values are less than those
  of H I up to 1.75 and then increase rapidly up to at least ρ=2.0
  R<SUB>solar</SUB> but never reach the values of O VI.

Title: UVCS/SOHO Observations of H I Lyman Alpha Line Profiles in
    Coronal Holes at Heliocentric Heights Above 3.0 R⊙
Authors: Suleiman, R. M.; Kohl, J. L.; Panasyuk, A. V.; Ciaravella,
   A.; Cranmer, S. R.; Gardner, L. D.; Frazin, R.; Hauck, R.; Smith,
   P. L.; Noci, G.
1999SSRv...87..327S    Altcode:
  The Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) on the Solar and
  Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) has been used to measure spectral line
  profiles for H I Lyα in the south polar coronal hole at projected
  heliocentric heights from 3.5 to 6.0 R<SUB>⊙</SUB> during 1998
  January 5 11. Observations from 1.5 to 2.5 R<SUB>⊙</SUB> were made
  for comparison. The H I Lyα profile is the only one observable with
  UVCS above 3.5 R<SUB>⊙</SUB> in coronal holes. Within this region
  the outflowing coronal plasma becomes nearly collisionless and the
  ionization balance is believed to become frozen.

Title: Coronal Holes and Solar Wind Acceleration, Proceedings of
    the SOHO-7 Workshop.
Authors: Kohl, John L.; Cranmer, Steven R.
1999soho....7.....K    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Foreword
Authors: Kohl, John L.; Cranmer, Steven R.
1999SSRv...87....9K    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Line-Driven Ablation by External Irradiation
Authors: Gayley, Kenneth G.; Owocki, Stanley P.; Cranmer, Steven R.
1999LNP...523..151G    Altcode: 1999vnss.conf..151G; 1999IAUCo.169..151G
  The Sobolev approximation for supersonic flows creates an effective
  opacity distribution that is nonisotropic, because the line-of-sight
  velocity gradient is different in different directions. To better
  understand the importance of this phenomenon in a simplified geometry,
  we consider line-driven flows in the plane-parallel zero-sound-speed
  limit, and solve for the wind driven by radiation with an arbitrary
  angular distribution. One conclusion, surprising at first glance, is
  that the acceleration component normal to the surface is independent
  of both the strength and angular profile of the driving radiation
  field. The flow tilt and overall mass-loss rate do depend on the
  character of the radiation field. Also interesting is that mass loss
  through a surface may be generated or enhanced by irradiation that
  originates above the surface.

Title: UVCS/SOHO Observations of Spectral Line Profiles in Polar
    Coronal Holes
Authors: Kohl, J. L.; Fineschi, S.; Esser, R.; Ciaravella, A.; Cranmer,
   S. R.; Gardner, L. D.; Suleiman, R.; Noci, G.; Modigliani, A.
1999SSRv...87..233K    Altcode:
  Ultraviolet emission line profiles have been measured on 15-29 September
  1997 for H I 1216 Å, O VI 1032, 1037 Å and Mg X 625 Å in a polar
  coronal hole, at heliographic heights ϱ (in solar radii) between 1.34
  and 2.0. Observations of H I 1216 Å and the O VI doublet from January
  1997 for ϱ = 1.5 to 3.0 are provided for comparison. Mg X 625 Å is
  observed to have a narrow component at ϱ = 1.34 which accounts for
  only a small fraction of the observed spectral radiance, and a broad
  component that exists at all observed heights. The widths of O VI broad
  components are only slightly larger than those for H I at ϱ = 1.34,
  but are significantly larger at ϱ = 1.5 and much larger for ϱ &gt;
  1.75. In contrast, the Mg X values are less than those of H I up to
  1.75 and then increase rapidly up to at least ϱ = 2.0, but never
  reach the values of O VI.

Title: Coronal holes and solar wind acceleration. Proceedings. SOHO-7
    Workshop, Northeast Harbor, ME (USA), 28 Sep - 1 Oct 1998.
Authors: Kohl, J. L.; Cranmer, S. R.
1999SSRv...87.....K    Altcode:
  The following topics were dealt with: solar coronal holes, solar wind
  acceleration, solar wind models, high speed solar wind, compositional
  variations, coronal loops, solar magnetic fields, plasma waves, solar
  polar region, coronal heating, streamers.

Title: Spectroscopic Constraints on Models of Ion-cyclotron Resonance
    Heating in the Polar Solar Corona
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.; Field, G. B.; Kohl, J. L.
1999SSRv...87..149C    Altcode:
  Using empirical velocity distributions derived from UVCS and
  SUMER ultraviolet spectroscopy, we construct theoretical models of
  anisotropic ion temperatures in the polar solar corona. The primary
  energy deposition mechanism we investigate is the dissipation of high
  frequency (10-10000 Hz) ion-cyclotron resonant Alfvén waves which
  can heat and accelerate ions differently depending on their charge
  and mass. We find that it is possible to explain the observed high
  perpendicular temperatures and strong anisotropies with relatively small
  amplitudes for the resonant waves. There is suggestive evidence for
  steepening of the Alfvén wave spectrum between the coronal base and the
  largest heights observed spectroscopically. Because the ion-cyclotron
  wave dissipation is rapid, even for minor ions like O<SUP>5+</SUP>,
  the observed extended heating seems to demand a constantly replenished
  population of waves over several solar radii. This indicates that
  the waves are generated gradually throughout the wind rather than
  propagated up from the base of the corona.

Title: Non-Maxwellian Redistribution in Solar Coronal Lyα Emission
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
1998ApJ...508..925C    Altcode:
  This paper presents theoretical models of H I Lyα emission from
  the extended solar corona, taking into account various plasma
  kinetic effects that induce departures from Maxwellian velocity
  distributions. Such phenomena as suprathermal tails, strong temperature
  anisotropies, and skewed or double-peaked distributions have been
  observed in the solar wind, and UV spectroscopy is beginning to
  be able to detect their signatures in the corona. For resonantly
  scattered lines like H I Lyα, most of the physics is contained in the
  frequency-dependent redistribution function. The dependence of this
  function on the local plasma parameters is presented analytically for
  four different non-Maxwellian distributions, and optically thin line
  intensities are computed for a representative model of the fast solar
  wind. Isotropic power-law “κ” tails in the velocity distribution
  should be detectable between 2 and 5 Å from line center. Although
  existing observations that appear to have broad tails do not
  resemble those arising from κ-distributions, their presence is still
  possible. Anisotropic bi-Maxwellian distributions affect line profile
  shapes and total intensities via both their parallel and perpendicular
  components, and it is important to include an accurate description of
  the photon redistribution for large anisotropies. Skewness caused by a
  Chapman-Enskog expansion in the conductive heat flux is detectable as
  a unique non-Gaussian profile shape, but other types of collisionally
  beamed or skewed distributions may not noticeably affect the emission

Title: Spectroscopic Constraints on Models of Ion-Cyclotron Resonance
    Heating in the Polar Solar Corona and Fast Solar Wind
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.; Field, G. B.; Kohl, J. L.
1998EOSTr..79..722C    Altcode:
  We present preliminary results from a theoretical model of the heating
  of minor ions in the fast solar wind. We examine the compatibility
  between these models and spectroscopic determinations of velocity
  distribution functions from the UVCS and SUMER instruments aboard
  SOHO. By examining the dependence of line shapes (which probe
  the perpendicular velocity distribution) on ion charge and mass,
  detailed information can be extracted about the preferential heating
  and the Coulomb collisional coupling. The primary momentum and energy
  deposition mechanism we investigate is the dissipation of high-frequency
  (ion-cyclotron resonant) Alfven waves, which can accelerate and heat
  ions differently depending on their charge and mass. Minor ions which
  do not appreciably damp the resonant wave amplitudes can be used to
  constrain the slope of the fluctuation spectrum. SUMER measurements of
  several ions at heliocentric heights between 1.02 and 1.07 solar radii
  allow the “base” spectrum to be analyzed, and UVCS O VI line widths
  measured between 1.5 and 3.5 solar radii provide information about
  the radial evolution of the spectrum. This work is supported by the
  National Aeronautics and Space Administration under grant NAG5-3192 to
  the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, by Agenzia Spaziale Italiana,
  and by the ESA PRODEX program (Swiss contribution).

Title: Mass Loss from Rotating Hot-stars: Inhibition of Wind
    Compressed Disks by Nonradial Line-forces
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Cranmer, S. R.; Gayley, K. G.
1998Ap&SS.260..149O    Altcode:
  We review the dynamics of radiatively driven mass loss from rapidly
  rotating hot-stars. We first summarize the angular momentum conservation
  process that leads to formation of a Wind Compressed Disk(WCD) when
  material from a rapidly rotating star is driven gradually outward
  in the radial direction. We next describe how stellar oblateness
  and asymmetries in the Sobolev line-resonance generally leads to
  nonradialcomponents of the driving force is a line-driven wind,
  including an azimuthal spin-down force acting against the sense of
  the wind rotation, and a latitudinal force away from the equator. We
  summarize results from radiation-hydrodynamical simulations showing
  that these nonradial forces can lead to an effective suppressionof
  the equatorward flow needed to form a WCD, as well as a modest
  (∼ 25%) spin-downof the wind rotation. Furthermore, contrary to
  previous expectations that the wind mass flux should be enhanced by the
  reduced effective gravity near the equator, we show here that gravity
  darkening effects can actually lead to a reducedmass loss, and thus
  lower density, in the wind from the equatorial region. Finally, we
  examine the equatorial bistability model, and show that a sufficiently
  strong jump in wind driving parameters can, in principle, overcome the
  effect of reduced radiative driving flux, thus still allowing moderate
  enhancements in density in an equatorial, bistability zone wind.

Title: UVCS/SOHO Empirical Determinations of Anisotropic Velocity
    Distributions in the Solar Corona
Authors: Kohl, J. L.; Noci, G.; Antonucci, E.; Tondello, G.; Huber,
   M. C. E.; Cranmer, S. R.; Strachan, L.; Panasyuk, A. V.; Gardner,
   L. D.; Romoli, M.; Fineschi, S.; Dobrzycka, D.; Raymond, J. C.;
   Nicolosi, P.; Siegmund, O. H. W.; Spadaro, D.; Benna, C.; Ciaravella,
   A.; Giordano, S.; Habbal, S. R.; Karovska, M.; Li, X.; Martin, R.;
   Michels, J. G.; Modigliani, A.; Naletto, G.; O'Neal, R. H.; Pernechele,
   C.; Poletto, G.; Smith, P. L.; Suleiman, R. M.
1998ApJ...501L.127K    Altcode:
  We present a self-consistent empirical model for several plasma
  parameters of a polar coronal hole near solar minimum, derived from
  observations with the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory Ultraviolet
  Coronagraph Spectrometer. The model describes the radial distribution of
  density for electrons, H<SUP>0</SUP>, and O<SUP>5+</SUP> and the outflow
  velocity and unresolved most probable velocities for H<SUP>0</SUP>
  and O<SUP>5+</SUP> during the period between 1996 November and 1997
  April. In this Letter, we compare observations of H I Lyα and O
  VI λλ1032, 1037 emission lines with spatial models of the plasma
  parameters, and we iterate for optimal consistency between measured and
  synthesized observable quantities. The unexpectedly large line widths
  of H<SUP>0</SUP> atoms and O<SUP>5+</SUP> ions at most radii are the
  result of anisotropic velocity distributions, which are not consistent
  with purely thermal motions or the expected motions from a combination
  of thermal and transverse wave velocities. Above 2 R<SUB>solar</SUB>,
  the observed transverse, most probable speeds for O<SUP>5+</SUP> are
  significantly larger than the corresponding motions for H<SUP>0</SUP>,
  and the outflow velocities of O<SUP>5+</SUP> are also significantly
  larger than the corresponding velocities of H<SUP>0</SUP>. We discuss
  the constraints and implications on various theoretical models of
  coronal heating and acceleration.

Title: Line-Driven Ablation and Wind Tilting by External Irradiation
Authors: Gayley, K.; Owocki, S.; Cranmer, S.
1998AAS...192.2603G    Altcode: 1998BAAS...30..850G
  Sobolev opacity in a hot-star wind preferentially scatters photons that
  are incident along the direction of steepest velocity gradient. This
  non-isotropic response can rotate the force vector relative to the
  direction of net radiative flux, in a manner analogous to the way a
  non-isotropic sail and keel can allow a boat to sail upwind. For hot
  star binaries, the curious feedback between the radiative forces and
  the flows they drive allows for counter-intuitive self-consistent
  solutions. For example, we show that illumination that is purely
  external to a reflecting radiative-equilibrium atmosphere can ablate
  a highly tilted and fast wind, loosely reminiscent of “tacking”
  in the sailing analogy. The conclusion is that whenever the radiation
  source geometry is complicated, the non-isotropic nature of Sobolev
  opacity must be carefully accounted for to obtain even a qualitative
  understanding of the atmospheric response. Thus CAK theory continues
  to reveal new surprises even in its most basic formulation.

Title: UVCS/SOHO: The First Two Years
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.; Kohl, J. L.; Noci, G.
1998SSRv...85..341C    Altcode:
  The SOHO Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS/SOHO) has observed
  the extended solar corona between 1 and 10 R· for more than two
  years. We review spectroscopic and polarimetric measurements made
  in coronal holes, equatorial streamers, and coronal mass ejections,
  as well as selected non-solar targets. UVCS/SOHO has provided a great
  amount of empirical information about the physical processes that heat
  and accelerate the solar wind, and about detailed coronal structure
  and evolution.

Title: Study of the Latitudinal Dependence of HI Lyman alpha and OVI
    Emission - Evidence for the Super-Radial Geometry of the Outflow in
    the Polar Coronal Holes
Authors: Dobrzycka, D.; Strachan, L.; Panasyuk, A.; Cranmer, S. R.;
   Kohl, J. L.; Romoli, M.
1998EOSTr..79..283D    Altcode:
  The observations obtained during the Whole Sun Month (WSM) campaign
  (Aug.10 - Sept.08, 1996) provide us with detailed information about
  the Sun and solar corona near the minimum of solar activity. This data
  set is especially important for analysis of the latitudinal dependence
  of the emission from the solar corona, since at solar minimum the
  polar coronal holes are large, stable structures and streamers are
  long lasting features occupying a narrow region in the equatorial
  plane. We present our analysis of the UVCS/SOHO data acquired during
  the period of the WSM campaign. We describe the distribution of the
  HI Lyman alpha and O VI (1032,1037 A) emission as a function of both
  latitude and radius and derive characteristic plasma parameters like
  velocities along the line of sight and kinetic temperatures. We put
  constraints on the boundaries of the polar coronal holes by modeling
  them with flow tubes that expand radially or super-radially and
  compare our results with constraints from other instruments. We also
  model the latitudinal distribution of the Lyman alpha and O VI line
  intensities assuming outflow either along purely radial or non-radial
  flux tubes. This work was supported by NASA under Grant NAG5-3192 to
  the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, by the Italian Space Agency,
  and by Swiss Funding Agencies.

Title: Acceleration and Heating of the Fast Solar Wind: Diagnostics
    and Theory
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.; Field, G. B.; Noci, G.; Kohl, J. L.
1998EOSTr..79..278C    Altcode:
  We present empirical models based on UVCS/SOHO observational data
  for several plasma parameters in the fast solar wind emerging
  from near-solar-minimum polar coronal holes. We also discuss the
  constraints on various theoretical processes of coronal heating and
  acceleration, and present preliminary kinetic models of the velocity
  distributions. UVCS/SOHO has measured hydrogen kinetic temperatures
  in polar coronal holes in excess of 3 million K, and O<SUP>5+</SUP>
  ion kinetic temperatures of at least 200 million K. The velocity
  distributions parallel to the open magnetic field are smaller than
  those perpendicular to the field, possibly implying temperature
  anisotropy ratios of order 100 for minor ions. In addition, Doppler
  dimming and pumping of the emission line intensities indicates that the
  O<SUP>5+</SUP> ions may have higher outflow velocities than the protons;
  the ions may reach 500 km/s by a radius of 4 solar radii. We examine
  various features of plasma heating by the dissipation of high-frequency
  ion-cyclotron resonance Alfven waves, which may be the most natural
  physical mechanism to produce the observed plasma conditions. This
  resonant wave damping produces anisotropic velocity-space diffusion and
  a significant outward acceleration in addition to that provided to ions
  by the magnetic mirror force. Because different ions have different
  resonant frequencies, they receive different amounts of heating and
  acceleration as a function of radius. Thus, the more ionic species
  that are observed, the greater the extent in frequency space the wave
  spectrum can be inferred and spatially mapped.

Title: Latitudinal Dependence of Radiatively Driven Mass Loss from
    Rapidly Rotating Hot-Stars
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Cranmer, S. R.; Gayley, K. G.
1998ASSL..233..205O    Altcode: 1998best.work..205O
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Effects of Gravity Darkening on Radiatively Driven Mass Loss
    from Rapidly Rotating Stars
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Gayley, K. G.; Cranmer, S. R.
1998ASPC..131..237O    Altcode: 1998phls.conf..237O
  No abstract at ADS

Title: UVCS/SOHO: The First Two Years
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.; Kohl, J. L.; Noci, G.
1998sce..conf..341C    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Impact of UVCS/SOHO Observations on Models of Ion-Cyclotron
    Resonance Heating of the Solar Corona
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.; Field, George B.; Kohl, John L.
1998ASPC..154..592C    Altcode: 1998csss...10..592C
  We examine the compatibility between theoretical models and observations
  of the temperatures and anisotropic velocity distributions of hydrogen
  and minor ions in the solar corona. The UVCS instrument on board SOHO
  has measured hydrogen kinetic temperatures along lines of sight in
  coronal holes in excess of 3 x 10<SUP>6</SUP> K, and O^{+5} ion kinetic
  temperatures of at least 2 x 10<SUP>8</SUP> K. In addition, the velocity
  distributions in the radial direction (mainly perpendicular to the
  line of sight) are smaller, possibly implying temperature anisotropies
  of order T<SUB>perp</SUB> / T<SUB>parallel</SUB> ~ 100 for the oxygen
  ions. These properties can be understood only in terms of a mechanism
  which heats and/or accelerates heavier ions more than lighter ones
  (possibly proportionally to m<SUB>ion</SUB><SUP>alpha</SUP>, where
  alpha &gt;~ 1), and preferentially in directions perpendicular to the
  magnetic field. We examine various features of plasma heating by the
  dissipation of high-frequency ion-cyclotron resonance Alfven waves,
  which may be the most natural physical mechanism to produce such
  plasma conditions. We show that a quantitative model should predict
  the spectrum of waves required to reproduce the observations.

Title: Comparison of SPARTAN and UVCS/SOHO observations.
Authors: Dobrzycka, D.; Strachan, L.; Miralles, M. P.; Kohl, J. L.;
   Gardner, L. D.; Smith, P. L.; Cranmer, S. R.; Guhathakurta, M.;
   Fisher, R.
1998ASPC..154..601D    Altcode:
  The authors present a comparison of the H I Lyα Spartan Ultraviolet
  Coronal Spectrometer observations of the north and south polar coronal
  holes in 1993 - 1995 with SOHO Ultraviolet Coronograph Spectrometer
  data obtained near solar minimum. These data span several years of
  the declining phase of the current solar cycle. Detailed analysis of
  the data revealed that the average H I Lyα intensities at similar
  heights decreased towards solar minimum in both polar coronal hole
  regions. In 1993 the authors observed a 15% - 40% scatter in the
  intensities measured at the same height but different position angles
  within the same coronal hole. Towards solar minimum the scatter was
  clearly reduced. Also the shape of the Lyα profile changed over
  the last four years. The narrow component present in 1993 data being
  attributed to the contribution from streamers along the line-of-sight
  disappeared in 1996/97. They interpret these effects as mainly due to
  a decrease in the number of high latitude streamers. At solar minimum
  streamers occupy mostly the equatorial region and do not contribute
  to the line-of-sight intensity as much as in 1993.

Title: Comparison of SPARTAN and UVCS/SOHO Observations
Authors: Dobrzycka, D.; Strachan, L.; Miralles, M. P.; Kohl, J. L.;
   Gardner, L. D.; Smith, P. L.; Cranmer, S. R.; Guhathakurta, M.;
   Fisher, R.
1998ASPC..154..607D    Altcode: 1998csss...10..607D
  We present a comparison of the H 1 Lyalpha Spartan Ultraviolet Coronal
  Spectrometer observations of the north and south polar coronal holes in
  1993-1995 with SOHO Ultraviolet Coronograph Spectrometer data obtained
  near solar minimum. These data span several years of the declining phase
  of the current solar cycle. Detailed analysis of the data revealed that
  the average H 1 Lyalpha intensities at similar heights decreased towards
  solar minimum in both polar coronal hole regions. In 1993 we observed
  a 15% - 40% scatter in the intensities measured at the same height but
  different position angles within the same coronal hole. Towards solar
  minimum the scatter was clearly reduced. Also the shape of the Lyalpha
  profile changed over the last four years. The narrow component present
  in 1993 data being attributed to the contribution from streamers along
  the line-of-sight disappeared in 1996/97. We interpret these effects as
  mainly due to a decrease in the number of high latitude streamers. At
  solar minimum streamers occupy mostly the equatorial region and do
  not contribute to the line-of-sight intensity as much as in 1993.

Title: A User's Guide to UVCS/SOHO
Authors: Kohl, J. L.; Noci, G.; Cranmer, S. R.; Fineschi, S.; Gardner,
   L. D.; Halas, C. D.; Smith, P. L.; Strachan, L.; Suleiman, R. M.
1997AAS...191.7309K    Altcode: 1997BAAS...29Q1322K
  The SOHO Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS/SOHO) is currently
  being used to observe the extended solar corona between 1 and 10
  heliocentric radii. In its first two years of operation, UVCS/SOHO
  has made spectroscopic measurements leading to the determination of
  densities, velocities, temperatures, and elemental abundances in coronal
  holes, equatorial streamers, and coronal mass ejections. Observations
  of selected non-solar targets, such as near-ecliptic stars, planets,
  comets, and interplanetary hydrogen and helium, have also produced
  interesting astronomical results. This poster presents a brief
  review of the UVCS/SOHO spectroscopic and polarimetric diagnostic
  capabilities, highlighted by pertinent observational data. Most
  importantly, we summarize the procedures that have been designed
  to allow UVCS/SOHO data to be used by a wide array of researchers,
  and invite participation in this unique investigation. Scientists
  interested in UVCS/SOHO observations are encouraged to fill
  out the “Get Involved” questionnaire located on the WWW at:
  http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/uvcs/ This work is supported by the National
  Aeronautics and Space Administration under grant NAG5-3192 to the
  Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, by Agenzia Spaziale Italiana,
  and by Swiss funding agencies.

Title: The Impact of UVCS/SOHO Observations on Models of Ion-Cyclotron
    Resonance Heating of the Solar Corona
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.; Field, G. B.; Noci, G.; Kohl, J. L.
1997ESASP.415...89C    Altcode: 1997cpsh.conf...89C
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Impact of Ion-Cyclotron Wave Dissipation on Minor Ion
    Velocity Distributions in the Solar Corona
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.; Field, G. B.; Noci, G.; Kohl, J. L.
1997AAS...191.7411C    Altcode: 1997BAAS...29.1325C
  We present theoretical models of the acceleration and heating
  of minor ions in the solar wind, as well as detailed anisotropic
  velocity distribution functions computed numerically by solving the
  Boltzmann transport equation. We examine the compatibility between
  these models and spectroscopic measurements of the velocities
  and kinetic temperatures of various particle species in the solar
  corona. The SOHO Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS/SOHO)
  has measured hydrogen kinetic temperatures in polar coronal holes in
  excess of 3 million K, and O VI ion kinetic temperatures of at least
  200 million K. In addition, the velocity distributions parallel to
  the open magnetic field are smaller than those perpendicular to the
  field, possibly implying temperature anisotropy ratios of order 100
  for minor ions. We examine various features of plasma heating by the
  dissipation of high-frequency ion-cyclotron resonance Alfven waves,
  which may be the most natural physical mechanism to produce the
  observed plasma conditions. The modeled ion velocity distributions
  depend sensitively on the assumed amplitudes and frequencies of the
  waves, and these computations can be used to accurately predict many
  quantitative features of the wave power spectrum. Indeed, the more
  ionic species that are observed spectroscopically, the greater the
  extent in frequency space the wave spectrum can be inferred. This work
  is supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  under grant NAG5-3192 to the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
  by Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, and by Swiss funding agencies.

Title: Wind variability of B supergiants. III. Corotating spiral
    structures in the stellar wind of HD 64760.
Authors: Fullerton, A. W.; Massa, D. L.; Prinja, R. K.; Owocki, S. P.;
   Cranmer, S. R.
1997A&A...327..699F    Altcode:
  Fourier analysis of two spectroscopic time series obtained with the
  IUE observatory confirm that the ultraviolet stellar wind profiles of
  HD 64760 (B0.5 Ib) are periodically variable. The periodic component
  consists of modulations that extend over most of the P Cygni absorption
  trough, and can frequently be traced through the emission lobe. The
  modulations coexist with variations due to the propagation of discrete
  absorption components, but there does not seem to be a direct link
  between these two types of variability. In a long time series obtained
  in 1995 January during the IUE MEGA Campaign, the modulations in
  the P Cygni profiles of the Si III, Si IV, C IV, and N V resonance
  lines were dominated by two sinusoidal variations with semi-amplitudes
  between ~5-10% of the continuum flux and periods of 1.202+/-0.004 and
  2.44+/-0.04days. The weak emission-lobe variability was predominantly
  due to the 2.4-day modulation. In the absorption trough, the ratio
  of the amplitude of the 1.2-day modulation to the amplitude of the
  2.4-day modulation increased systematically as a function of ionization
  potential. For both periods, the distribution of the phase constant with
  position in the absorption trough exhibited a maximum near -710km/s,
  and decreased symmetrically toward larger and smaller velocities. There
  was a systematic decrease in the value of the maximum phase between
  Si IV and N V. Only the 2.4-day period was present in a shorter time
  series obtained in 1993 March, when its amplitude was nearly twice its
  1995 value and it was more concentrated toward smaller velocities in
  the absorption trough. There is no clear evidence for phase bowing in
  the 1993 data. Since the 2.4- and 1.2-day periods are approximately
  a half and a quarter of the estimated rotational period of HD 64760,
  respectively, we interpret the modulations in terms of 2 (1993) and 4
  (1995) broad, corotating circumstellar structures that modulate the
  optical depth of the stellar wind. The bowed distribution of phase
  implies that the structures are azimuthally extended, probably
  spiral-shaped arms, and we develop a kinematic interpretation of
  the projected velocity associated with the phase turnover in terms
  of the degree of bending of the spirals. We derive a value for the
  exponent governing the radial expansion of the wind of β=~1, which
  is in good agreement with the canonical value for smooth, spherically
  symmetric winds and suggests that the spiral structures are long-lived
  perturbations through which material flows. The systematic phase lag
  associated with higher ions suggests that they are preferentially
  located along the inner, trailing edge of the spiral, as expected
  if the structures are formed by the collision of fast and slow winds
  originating from equally-spaced longitudinal sectors of the stellar
  surface. Although a photospheric process is implicated in the origin
  of these structures, it is not clear that magnetic fields or nonradial
  pulsations could readily account for the switch between 2- and 4-equally
  spaced surface patches that evidently occurred between 1993 and 1995.

Title: Composition of Coronal Streamers from the SOHO Ultraviolet
    Coronagraph Spectrometer
Authors: Raymond, J. C.; Kohl, J. L.; Noci, G.; Antonucci, E.;
   Tondello, G.; Huber, M. C. E.; Gardner, L. D.; Nicolosi, P.; Fineschi,
   S.; Romoli, M.; Spadaro, D.; Siegmund, O. H. W.; Benna, C.; Ciaravella,
   A.; Cranmer, S.; Giordano, S.; Karovska, M.; Martin, R.; Michels, J.;
   Modigliani, A.; Naletto, G.; Panasyuk, A.; Pernechele, C.; Poletto,
   G.; Smith, Peter L.; Suleiman, R. M.; Strachan, L.
1997SoPh..175..645R    Altcode:
  The Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer on the SOHO satellite covers
  the 940-1350 Å range as well as the 470-630 Å range in second
  order. It has detected coronal emission lines of H, N, O, Mg, Al, Si,
  S, Ar, Ca, Fe, and Ni, particularly in coronal streamers. Resonance
  scattering of emission lines from the solar disk dominates the
  intensities of a few lines, but electron collisional excitation produces
  most of the lines observed. Resonance, intercombination and forbidden
  lines are seen, and their relative line intensities are diagnostics
  for the ionization state and elemental abundances of the coronal gas.

Title: First Results from the SOHO Ultraviolet Coronagraph
Authors: Kohl, J. L.; Noci, G.; Antonucci, E.; Tondello, G.; Huber,
   M. C. E.; Gardner, L. D.; Nicolosi, P.; Strachan, L.; Fineschi, S.;
   Raymond, J. C.; Romoli, M.; Spadaro, D.; Panasyuk, A.; Siegmund,
   O. H. W.; Benna, C.; Ciaravella, A.; Cranmer, S. R.; Giordano, S.;
   Karovska, M.; Martin, R.; Michels, J.; Modigliani, A.; Naletto, G.;
   Pernechele, C.; Poletto, G.; Smith, P. L.
1997SoPh..175..613K    Altcode:
  The SOHO Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS/SOHO) is being
  used to observe the extended solar corona from 1.25 to 10 R⊙ from
  Sun center. Initial observations of polar coronal holes and equatorial
  streamers are described. The observations include measurements of
  spectral line profiles for HI Lα and Lβ, Ovi 1032 Å and 1037 Å,
  Mgx 625 Å, Fexii 1242 Å and several others. Intensities for Mgx
  610 Å, Sixii 499 Å, and 520 Å, Sx 1196 Å, and 22 others have been
  observed. Preliminary results for derived H<SUP>0</SUP>, O<SUP>5+</SUP>,
  Mg<SUB>9+</SUB>, and Fe<SUP>11+</SUP> velocity distributions and initial
  indications of outflow velocities for O<SUP>5+</SUP> are described. In
  streamers, the H<SUP>0</SUP> velocity distribution along the line of
  sight (specified by the value at e<SUP>-1</SUP>, along the line of
  sight) decreases from a maximum value of about 180 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>
  at 2 R⊙ to about 140 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> at 8 R⊙. The value for
  O<SUP>5+</SUP> increases with height reaching a value of 150 km
  s<SUP>-1</SUP> at 4.7 R⊙. In polar coronal holes, the O<SUP>5+</SUP>
  velocity at e<SUP>-1</SUP> is about equal to that of H<SUP>0</SUP>
  at 1.7 R⊙ and significantly larger at 2.1 R⊙. The O<SUP>5+</SUP>
  in both streamers and coronal holes were found to have anisotropic
  velocity distributions with the smaller values in the radial direction.

Title: The line-profile variable λ Scorpii is a spectroscopic
    triple system.
Authors: De Mey, K.; Aerts, C.; Waelkens, C.; Cranmer, S. R.;
   Schrijvers, C.; Telting, J. H.; Daems, K.; Meeus, G.
1997A&A...324.1096D    Altcode:
  An analysis of 278 spectra of the line-profile variable λ Scorpii
  leads to the following conclusions. λ Sco is the primary of a binary
  system. The radial-velocity variations have a peak-to-peak amplitude of
  ~60km/s and an orbital period of 5.959 days. The orbit is not circular
  but has an eccentricity of 0.29. The 5.959^d^-binary system probably
  moves in orbit with another distant, as yet unknown third star. By
  means of three five-hour time series of high-resolution spectra, the
  oscillations of the rapidly rotating β Cephei-type main component
  are investigated. Line-profile variations, which reveal travelling
  subfeatures across the lines, are discovered. λ Sco is so far one
  of the very few βCephei stars in which such a moving-bump phenomenon
  is detected. Radial-velocity variations are derived from the data and
  analysed to reveal a main oscillation frequency near 4.66cycles/day,
  and some more candidate frequencies. λ Sco is a non-radially pulsating
  β Cephei star which rotates supersynchronously. The characteristics
  of λ Sco and the ζ Oph stars are briefly addressed. Despite the
  common line-profile behaviour, spectral type, and vsin(i), we find no
  evidence of circumstellar material around λ Sco.

Title: Empirical Models of the Extended Solar Corona
Authors: Kohl, J. L.; Noci, G.; Antonucci, E.; Ciaravella, A.;
   Cranmer, S.; Dobrzycka, D.; Fineschi, S.; Gardner, L. D.; Huber,
   M. C. E.; Panasyuk, A.; Raymond, J. C.; Strachan, L.
1997SPD....28.0303K    Altcode: 1997BAAS...29..907K
  Ultraviolet spectroscopy is being used to produce self consistent
  empirical models of polar coronal holes and equatorial streamers in the
  extended solar corona. The models are intended to provide experimental
  values for many of the primary plasma parameters of the extended corona,
  which can then be used to constrain theoretical coronal and solar
  wind models. The empirical models are based on synoptic observations
  and other measurements of spectral line profiles and intensities of
  H I Lyalpha , O VI 1032 Angstroms and 1037 Angstroms, Fe XII 1242
  Angstroms, Mg X 625 Angstroms and several others. Information about
  velocity distributions, outflow velocities, densities and elemental
  abundances as derived from the observations are specified in the
  models. The models used to specify the empirically derived parameters
  include a description of well established theoretical processes such
  as those controlling ionization balance, collisional excitation,
  and resonant scattering. They do not include any descriptions of
  less well established processes such as heating functions, transverse
  wave motions or direct momentum deposition by waves. The intent is to
  provide, to the maximum extent possible, empirical descriptions that
  can be used, together with theoretical models, to help identify the
  dominant physical processes responsible for coronal heating, solar wind
  acceleration and the chemical composition of the solar wind. This work
  is supported by NASA Grant NAG5-3192 to the Smithsonian Astrophysical
  Observatory, the Italian Space Agency and Swiss funding sources.

Title: Comparison of SPARTAN and UVCS/SOHO Observations
Authors: Dobrzycka, D.; Strachan, L.; Kohl, J. L.; Gardner, L. D.;
   Smith, P. L.; Cranmer, S. R.; Guhathakurta, M.; Fisher, R.
1997EOSTr..78..242D    Altcode:
  Three SPARTAN flights in 1993, 1994, and 1995 provided us with
  observations of HI Lyman alpha in the south and north polar coronal
  hole regions. These data span several years of the declining phase of
  the current solar cycle. We analyzed the data using various diagnostic
  techniques and obtained strong constraints on the geometry of coronal
  holes, electron density distributions, hydrogen velocity distributions
  and outflow velocities. We compare SPARTAN HI Lyman alpha observations
  with UVCS/SOHO data obtained in solar minimum to characterize changes
  of the plasma parameters in the polar coronal holes over a four year
  period. This work is supported by NASA under Grant NAG 5-613 to the
  Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and by NASA under Grant NAG5-3192
  to the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, by the Italian Space
  Agency, and by Swiss Funding Agencies.

Title: Evidence for Nonradial Solar Wind Acceleration in Magnetostatic
    Coronal Holes
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.; Strachan, L.; Romoli, M.; Dobrzycka, D.;
   Panasyuk, A. V.; Kohl, J. L.
1997EOSTr..78..258C    Altcode:
  We compare UVCS/SOHO observations of densities and outflow velocities
  in polar coronal holes with theoretical mass-conservation models of an
  idealized force-free magnetostatic geometry. Open flux tubes bordering
  the closed-field streamer belt initially expand much more rapidly than
  flux tubes over the poles, then turn nearly radial and expandless
  rapidly. In the past, this variation in the super radial expansion
  factor has been inversely correlated with solar wind velocity at 1 AU,
  but we find an even stronger inverse correlation in the acceleration
  region of the solar wind (1 to 10 solar radii). A considerable
  reduction in the wind speed of low-latitude flux tubes, compared with
  those over the poles, results in a geometry-dependent variation in the
  Doppler dimming of UV resonance lines such as H I Lyman alpha. Thus,
  we are able to use these emission diagnostics not only to infer the
  magnitude of the solar wind velocity, but also to map out the geometry
  of the solar wind emerging from large polar coronal holes. This work is
  supported by NASA under Grant NAG5-3192 to the Smithsonian Astrophysical
  Observatory, by the Italian Space Agency, and by Switzerland.

Title: Sudden Radiative Braking in Colliding Hot-Star Winds
Authors: Gayley, K. G.; Owocki, S. P.; Cranmer, S. R.
1997ApJ...475..786G    Altcode:
  Hot, massive stars have strong stellar winds, and in hot-star binaries
  these winds can undergo violent collision. Because such winds are
  thought to be radiatively driven, radiative forces may also play an
  important role in moderating the wind collision. However, previous
  studies have been limited to considering how such forces may inhibit
  the initial acceleration of the companion stellar wind. In this paper
  we analyze the role of an even stronger radiative braking effect,
  whereby the primary wind is rather suddenly decelerated by the radiative
  momentum flux it encounters as it approaches a bright companion. We
  further show that the braking location and velocity law along the
  line of centers between the stars can be approximated analytically
  using a simple one-dimensional analysis. The results of this analysis
  agree well with a detailed two-dimensional hydrodynamical simulation
  of the wind collision in the WR + O binary V444 Cygni and demonstrate
  that radiative braking can significantly alter the bow-shock geometry
  and reduce the strength of the wind collision. <P />We then apply
  the derived analytic theory to a set of 14 hot-star binary systems,
  and conclude that radiative braking is likely to be of widespread
  importance for wind-wind collisions in WR + O binaries with close
  to medium separation, D &lt;~ 100 R<SUB>⊙</SUB>. It may also be
  important in other types of hot-star binaries that exhibit a large
  imbalance between the component wind strengths.

Title: KCorona polarized brightness and electron density measurement
    with the visible light polarimeter of UVCS
Authors: Romoli, M.; Benna, C.; Cranmer, S.; Fineschi, S.; Gardner,
   L. D.; Strachan, L.; Kohl, J. L.; Noci, G.
1997ESASP.404..633R    Altcode: 1997cswn.conf..633R
  No abstract at ADS

Title: UVCS/SOHO empirical models of solar coronal holes
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.; Kohl, J. L.; Noci, G.; Strachan, L.;
   Panasyuk, A. V.; Romoli, M.; Fineschi, S.; Dobrzycka, D.; Raymond,
   J. C.; Suleiman, R. M.; O'Neal, R. H.
1997ESASP.404..295C    Altcode: 1997cswn.conf..295C
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Measurements of H I and O VI velocity distributions in the
    extended solar corona with UVCS/SOHO and UVCS/Spartan 201
Authors: Kohl, J. H.; Noci, G.; Antonucci, E.; Tondello, G.; Huber,
   M. C. E.; Gardner, L. D.; Nicolosi, P.; Fineschi, S.; Raymond, J. C.;
   Romoli, M.; Spadaro, D.; Siegmund, O. H. W.; Benna, C.; Ciaravella,
   A.; Cranmer, S. R.; Giordano, S.; Karovska, M.; Martin, R.; Michels,
   J.; Modigliani, A.; Naletto, G.; Panasyuk, A.; Pernechele, C.; Poletto,
   G.; Smith, P. L.; Strachan, L.
1997AdSpR..20....3K    Altcode:
  The Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer on the Solar and Heliospheric
  Observatory, UVCS/SOHO, and the Ultraviolet Coronal Spectrometer on
  the Spartan 201 satellite, UVCS/Spartan, have been used to measure
  H I 1215.67 A˚ line profiles in polar coronal holes of the Sun at
  projected heliocentric heights between 1.5 and 3.0 R_solar. UVCS/SOHO
  also measured line profiles for H I 1025.72 A˚, O VI 1032/1037 A˚,
  and Mg X 625 A˚. The reported UVCS/SOHO observations were made between
  5 April and 21 June 1996 and the UVCS/Spartan observations were made
  between 11 and 12 April 1993. Both sets of measurements indicate that a
  significant fraction of the protons along the line of sight in coronal
  holes have velocities larger than those for a Maxwellian velocity
  distribution at the expected electron temperature. Most probable
  speeds for O^5+ velocity distributions along the lines of sight are
  smaller than those of H^0 at 1.5 R_solar, are comparable at about 1.7
  R_solar and become significantly larger than the H^0 velocities above
  2 R_solar. There is a tendency for the O^5+ line of sight velocity
  distribution in concentrations of polar plumes to be more narrow than
  those in regions away from such concentrations. UVCS/SOHO has identified
  31 spectral lines in the extended solar corona.

Title: Inhibition FO Wind Compressed Disk Formation by Nonradial
    Line-Forces in Rotating Hot-Star Winds
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Cranmer, S. R.; Gayley, K. G.
1996ApJ...472L.115O    Altcode:
  We investigate the effects of nonradial line forces on the formation of
  a "wind-compressed disk" (WCD) around a rapidly rotating B star. Such
  nonradial forces can arise both from asymmetries in the line resonances
  in the rotating wind and from rotational distortion of the stellar
  surface. They characteristically include a latitudinal force component
  directed away from the equator and an azimuthal force component
  acting against the sense of rotation. Here we present results from
  radiation-hydrodynamical simulations showing that these nonradial
  forces can lead to an effective suppression of the equatorward
  flow needed to form a WCD as well as a modest (~20%) spin-down of
  the wind rotation. Furthermore, contrary to previous expectations
  that the wind mass flux should be enhanced by the reduced effective
  gravity near the equator, we show here that gravity darkening effects
  can actually lead to a reduced mass loss, and thus lower density,
  in the wind from the equatorial region. Overall, the results here
  thus imply a flow configuration that is markedly different from that
  derived in previous models of winds from rotating early-type stars. In
  particular, a major conclusion is that equatorial wind compression
  effects should be effectively suppressed in any radiatively driven
  stellar wind for which, as in the usual CAK formalism, the driving
  includes a significant component from optically thick lines. This
  presents a serious challenge to the WCD paradigm as an explanation for
  disk formation around Be and other rapidly rotating hot stars thought
  to have CAK-type, line-driven winds.

Title: The Incidence and Origin of Rotational Modulation in B
    Supergiant Winds
Authors: Massa, D.; Prinja, R. K.; Fullerton, A. W.; Owocki, S. P.;
   Cranmer, S. R.
1996AAS...189.9615M    Altcode: 1996BAAS...28.1401M
  We report the results of a 30 day IUE time series (with a mean sampling
  of ~ 3 times a day) of wind variability in two B supergiants with
  typical projected rotational velocities. The implied rotation periods
  for the program stars are &lt;= 18.6 days for one and &lt;= 27 days
  for the other. The wind variability in the more rapidly rotating
  supergiant clearly shows cyclical behavior with a period of ~ 7.7
  days. The modulation is most clearly seen at low velocity in the low
  ions (C ii lambda lambda 1335, Al iii lambda lambda 1860, and the Si
  iii lambda lambda 1300 triplets), demonstrating a photospheric origin
  of the disturbances. Furthermore, since the period of the variability
  is roughly half of the most probable rotation period of the star,
  we attribute the variability to rotational modulation of its wind
  by two distinct, equidistant surface features. We note, however,
  that there is also complex substructure to the modulation which is
  unresolved at our temporal sampling rate. The more slowly rotating
  supergiant does not show distinctly repeating structures in its wind
  lines, but there is an indication that a single feature is repeating
  on the same time scale as its rotation period. When considered in
  context with previous observations of a rapidly rotating supergiant,
  the current results indicate that wind variability in B supergiants
  is intimately linked to the presence of surface features on these stars.

Title: Sudden radiative braking in colliding hot-star winds.
Authors: Gayley, K. G.; Owocki, S. P.; Cranmer, S. R.
1996RMxAC...5...68G    Altcode:
  When two hot-star winds collide, their interaction centers at the
  point where the momentum fluxes balance. However, in WR+O systems, the
  imbalance in the corporeal momentum fluxes may be extreme enough to
  preclude a standard head-on wind/wind collision. On the other hand,
  an important component of the total momentum flux in radiatively
  driven winds is carried by photons. Thus, if the wind interaction
  region has sufficient scattering opacity, it can reflect stellar
  photons and cause important radiative terms to enter the momentum
  balance. This radiative input would result in additional braking of
  the wind. We use a radiative-hydrodynamics calculation to show that
  such radiative braking can be an important effect in many types of
  colliding hot-star winds. Characterized by sudden deceleration of the
  stronger wind in the vicinity of the weak-wind star, it can allow a wind
  ram balance that would otherwise be impossible in many WR+O systems
  with separations less than a few hundred solar radii. It also greatly
  weakens the shock strength and the encumbent X ray production. We
  demonstrate the significant features of this effect using V444 Cygni
  as a characteristic example. We also derive a general analytic theory
  that applies to a wide class of binaries, yielding simple predictions
  for when radiative braking should play an important role.

Title: The Impact of Pulsations and Waves on Hot-Star Wind Variability
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.; Massa, D.; Owocki, S. P.
1996AAS...188.5907C    Altcode: 1996BAAS...28R.918C
  Hot luminous stars (O, B, W-R) are observed to have strong and variable
  stellar winds, and many classes of these stars are also inferred
  to pulsate radially or nonradially. It has been suspected for some
  time that these oscillations can induce periodic modulations in the
  surrounding stellar wind and produce observational signatures in, e.g.,
  ultraviolet P Cygni line profiles. However, the fact that most low-order
  and low-degree oscillation modes are evanescent in the photosphere
  (i.e., damping exponentially instead of propagating sinusoidally)
  presents a problem to the survival of significant wave amplitude in
  the wind. We find, though, that the presence of an accelerating wind
  can provide the necessary impetus for evanescent modes to effectively
  “tunnel” their way out of the interior. First, in the subsonic, or
  near-static wind, the reference frame of the temporal oscillations is
  itself beginning to propagate, and this implies that a small degree
  of group velocity is imparted to the evanescent waves. Second, in
  the supersonic wind, the density no longer falls off exponentially,
  but much more slowly, so the effective scale height grows much
  larger. Frequencies previously evanescent here no longer “see”
  as much of an underlying density gradient, and are free to propagate
  nearly acoustically. We model the propagation of oscillations into
  a hot-star wind via a numerical radiation-hydrodynamics code, and
  we find that evanescence is indeed not a hindrance to producing
  wind variability correlated with stellar pulsations. Preliminary
  models of strong (nonlinear) radial wind oscillations of the beta
  Cephei variable BW Vulpeculae show good agreement between observed
  and modeled base “radial velocity curves” and wind-contaminated UV
  profile variability. We are currently applying this general modeling
  technique to other systems, especially those which rotate rapidly
  and exhibit nonradial oscillations (e.g., zeta Puppis and HD 64760,
  extensively observed by the IUE MEGA project).

Title: The impact of pulsations and waves on hot-star wind
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.; Massa, D.; Owocki, S. P.
1996BAAS...28Q.918C    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Dynamical Models of Winds from Rotating Hot Stars
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.
1996PhDT........92C    Altcode:
  The hottest and most massive stars (spectral types O, B, Wolf-Rayet)
  have strong stellar winds that are believed to be driven by line
  scattering of the star's continuum radiation field. The atmospheres
  and winds of many hot stars exhibit the effects of rapid rotation,
  pulsation, and possibly surface magnetic fields, inferred from
  observations of ultraviolet spectral lines and polarization. The complex
  time variability in these observations is not yet well understood. The
  purpose of this dissertation is to model the dynamics of winds
  around rotating hot stars and synthesize theoretical observational
  diagnostics to compare with actual data. <P />Before dealing with
  rotation, however, we derive the theory of radiative driving of
  stellar winds, and uncover several new useful aspects of the theory
  for spherical, nonrotating stars. The presence of limb darkening of
  the stellar radiation is found to be able to increase the mass flux
  by 10-15% over standard models assuming a uniformly-bright star, and
  the wind's asymptotic terminal velocity should decrease by the same
  amount. We also introduce a new approximation method for estimating
  the terminal velocity, which is both conceptually simpler and more
  physically transparent than existing approximation algorithms. Finally,
  from theoretical line profile modeling we find that observational
  determinations of the terminal speed may be underestimated by several
  hundred km/s if unsaturated P Cygni lines are used. <P />Rotation
  affects a star by introducing centrifugal and Coriolis forces,
  decreasing the effective gravity and making the star oblate. This
  in turn redistributes the emerging radiative flux to preferentially
  heat the stellar poles, an effect known as gravity darkening. Although
  previous models have computed the increase in equatorial mass flux due
  to the lower effective gravity there, none have incorporated gravity
  darkening. We find that the brighter (darker) flux from the poles
  (equator) has a much stronger impact on the mass flux, increasing
  (decreasing) the mass loss and local wind density. This, in addition
  to the existence of nonradial radiation forces from a rotating star,
  which tend to point latitudinally away from the equator and azimuthally
  opposite the rotation, produces a net poleward deflection of wind
  streamlines. This is contrary to the "wind compressed disk" model of
  Bjorkman and Cassinelli, and also seems incompatible with observational
  inferences of equatorial density enhancements in some systems. This
  work is ongoing, and we are endeavoring to include all the relevant
  physics in hydrodynamical simulations. <P />We also dynamically model
  spectral-line time variability by inducing corotating nonaxisymmetric
  structure in the equatorial plane of a hot-star wind. By varying
  the radiation force over localized "star spots," the wind develops
  fast and slow streams which collide to form corotating interaction
  regions (CIRs) similar to those in the solar wind. We synthesize P
  Cygni type line profiles for a stationary observer, and find that
  "discrete absorption components" (DACs) accelerate slowly through
  the profiles as complex nonlinear structures rotate in front of the
  star. We also examine the photospheric origin of such variability,
  in a preliminary manner, by deriving the theory of stellar pulsations,
  waves, and discontinuities. Although most observed low-order pulsation
  modes are evanescently damped in the photosphere, we find that the
  presence of an accelerating wind can allow waves of all frequencies
  to propagate radially. We thus make a first attempt at outlining the
  possible "photospheric connection" between interior and wind variability
  that observations are beginning to confirm.

Title: Inhibition of Wind Compressed Disk Formation by Nonradial
Authors: Owocki, S.; Gayley, K.; Cranmer, S.
1996AAS...188.3801O    Altcode: 1996BAAS...28..881O
  We investigate the effects of nonradial line-forces on the formation of
  a “Wind Compressed Disk” (WCD) around a rapidly rotating B-star. Such
  nonradial forces can arise from both asymmetries in the line resonances
  in the rotating wind, as well as from rotational distortion of the
  stellar surface. They characteristically include an azimuthal force
  component acting against the sense of rotation, and a latitudinal force
  component directed away from the equator. Here we present results from
  radiation-hydrodynamical simulations showing that these nonradial
  forces can lead to a significant spin-down of the wind rotation, as
  well as an effective suppression of the equatorward flow needed to
  form a WCD. The qualitative sense of these effects can be understood
  from simple physical arguments and analytic test cases, though further
  testing and analysis is still needed to confirm their quantitative
  importance. Nonetheless, these results indicate that nonradial force
  components can effectively inhibit equatorial wind compression in
  a line-driven outflow. If confirmed, these effects would seriously
  undermine the WCD paradigm as an explanation for disk formation around
  Be and other rapidly rotating hot stars with line-driven stellar winds.

Title: Hydrodynamical Simulations of Corotating Interaction Regions
    and Discrete Absorption Components in Rotating O-Star Winds
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.; Owocki, Stanley P.
1996ApJ...462..469C    Altcode: 1995astro.ph..8004C
  We present two-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations of corotating
  interaction regions (CIRs) in the wind from a rotating 0 star,
  together with resulting synthetic line profiles showing discrete
  absorption components (DACs). For computational tractability, we use a
  local, Sobolev treatment of the radiative force, which suppresses the
  small-scale instability intrinsic to line driving but still allows us to
  model the dynamics of large-scale wind structure. As a first step toward
  modeling the wind response to large-scale base perturbations (e.g., from
  surface magnetic fields or nonradial pulsations), the structure here is
  explicitly induced by localized increases or decreases in the radiative
  force, as would result from a bright or dark "star spot" near the star's
  equator. <P />We find that bright spots with enhanced driving generate
  high-density, low-speed streams, while dark spots generate low-density,
  high-speed streams. CIRs form where fast material collides with slow
  material; e.g., at the leading (trailing) edge of a stream from a dark
  (bright) spot, often steepening into shocks. The unperturbed supersonic
  wind obliquely impacts the high-density CIR and sends back a nonlinear
  signal that takes the form of a sharp propagating discontinuity ("kink"
  or "plateau") in the radial velocity gradient. In the wind's comoving
  frame, these features propagate inward at the fast characteristic speed
  derived by Abbott for radiatively modified acoustic waves, but because
  this is generally only slightly less than the outward wind speed, the
  features evolve only slowly outward in the star's frame. We find that
  these slow kinks, rather than the CIRs themselves, are more likely to
  result in DACs in the absorption troughs of unsaturated P Cygni line
  profiles. Because the hydrodynamic structure settles to a steady state
  in a frame corotating with the star, the more tightly spiraled kinks
  sweep by an observer on a longer timescale than material moving with
  the wind itself. This is in general accord with observations showing
  slow apparent accelerations for DACs.

Title: Sudden Radiative Braking in Colliding Hot-Star Winds
Authors: Gayley, K.; Owocki, S.; Cranmer, S.
1996AAS...188.6016G    Altcode: 1996BAAS...28Q.922G
  Hot, massive stars have strong stellar winds, and in hot-star binaries
  these winds can undergo violent collision. Because such winds are
  thought to be radiatively driven, radiative forces may also play an
  important role in moderating the wind collision. However, previous
  studies have been limited to considering how such forces may inhibit
  the initial acceleration of the companion stellar wind. In this
  poster we describe the role of an even stronger radiative braking
  effect, whereby the primary wind is rather suddenly decelerated by
  the radiative momentum flux it encounters as it approaches a bright
  companion. We show that the braking location and velocity law along
  the line of centers between the stars can be approximated analytically
  using a simple one-dimensional analysis. The results of this analysis
  agree well with a detailed two-dimensional hydrodynamical simulation of
  the wind collision in the WR+O binary V444 Cygni, and demonstrate that
  radiative braking can significantly alter the bow-shock geometry and
  reduce the strength of the wind collision. We also apply the derived
  analytic theory to a set of 14 hot-star binary systems, and conclude
  that radiative braking is likely to be of widespread importance for
  wind-wind collisions in WR+O binaries with close to medium separation,
  D &lt;= 100 R<SUB>sun</SUB>. It may also be important in other types of
  hot-star binaries that exhibit a large imbalance between the component
  wind strengths.

Title: Sudden radiative braking in colliding hot-star winds.
Authors: Gayley, K.; Owocki, S. P.; Cranmer, S. R.
1996BAAS...28..922G    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Dynamical models of winds from rotating hot stars
Authors: Cranmer, Steven Robert
1996PhDT.......126C    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Periodic Variations in Ultraviolet Spectral Lines of the
B0.5 Ib Star HD 64760: Evidence for Corotating Wind Streams Rooted
    in Surface Variations
Authors: Owocki, Stanley P.; Cranmer, Steven R.; Fullerton,
   Alexander W.
1995ApJ...453L..37O    Altcode:
  We discuss recently observed periodic modulations in the UV wind lines
  of the B-type supergiant HD 64760, with a focus on the peculiar,
  upwardly bowed shape seen in isoflux contours of the absorption
  variations plotted against velocity and time. We show that this
  qualitative impression of bowed contours is quantitatively confirmed by
  a peak in the phase for the associated periodic variation at very nearly
  the same line position as the apparent bow minimum. The bowed shape
  is significant because it indicates that wind variations evolve both
  blueward and redward, i.e., toward both larger and smaller line-of-sight
  velocities. We show here, however, that these characteristics arise
  naturally from absorption by strictly accelerating corotating wind
  streams seen in projection against the stellar disk. The quite good
  agreement obtained with the observed profile variations provides strong
  evidence for corotating stream modulations in this wind.

Title: Newsletters on the WWW
Authors: Cranmer, S.
1995BeSN...30...25C    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Momentum Deposition in Wolf-Rayet Winds: Nonisotropic Diffusion
    with Effectively Gray Opacity
Authors: Gayley, Kenneth G.; Owocki, Stanley P.; Cranmer, Steven R.
1995ApJ...442..296G    Altcode:
  We derive the velocity and mass-loss rate of a steady state Wolf-Rayet
  (WR) wind, using a nonisotropic diffusion approximation applied to
  the transfer between strongly overlapping spectral lines. Following
  the approach of Friend &amp; Castor (1983), the line list is assumed
  to approximate a statistically parameterized Poisson distribution in
  frequency, so that photon transport is controlled by an angle-dependent,
  effectively gray opacity. We show the nonisotropic diffusion
  approximation yields good agreement with more accurate numerical
  treatments of the radiative transfer, while providing analytic insight
  into wind driving by multiple scattering. We illustrate, in particular,
  that multiple radiative momentum deposition does not require that
  photons be repeatedly reflected across substantial distances within
  the spherical envelope, but indeed is greatest when photons undergo a
  nearly local diffusion, e.g., through scattering by many lines closely
  spaced in frequency. Our results reiterate the view that the so-called
  'momentum problem' of Wolf-Rayet winds is better characterized as
  an 'opacity problem' of simply identifying enough lines. One way of
  increasing the number of thick lines in Wolf-Rayet winds is to transfer
  opacity from saturated to unsaturated lines, yielding a steeper opacity
  distribution than that found in OB winds. We discuss the implications
  of this perspective for extending our approach to W-R wind models
  that incorporate a more fundamental treatment of the ionization and
  excitation processes that determine the line opacity. In particular,
  we argue that developing statistical descriptions of the lines to
  allow an improved effective opacity for the line ensemble would offer
  several advantages for deriving such more fundamental W-R wind models.

Title: The Effect of Oblateness and Gravity Darkening on the Radiation
    Driving in Winds from Rapidly Rotating B Stars
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.; Owocki, Stanley P.
1995ApJ...440..308C    Altcode:
  We calculate the radiative driving force for winds around rapidly
  rotating oblate B stars, and we estimate the impact these forces should
  have on the production of a wind compressed disk. The effects of limb
  darkening, gravity darkening, oblateness, and an arbitrary wind velocity
  field are included in the computation of vector 'oblate finite disk'
  (OFD) factors, which depend on both radius and colatitude in the
  wind. The impact of limb darkening alone, with or without rotation,
  can increase the mass loss by as much as 10% over values computed using
  the standard uniformly bright spherical finite disk factor. For rapidly
  rotating stars, limb darkening makes 'sub-stellar' gravity darkening the
  dominant effect in the radial and latitudinal OFD factors, and lessens
  the impact of gravity darkening at other visible latitudes (nearer
  to the oblate limb). Thus, the radial radiative driving is generally
  stronger over the poles and weaker over the equator, following the
  gravity darkening at these latitudes. The nonradial radiative driving
  is considerably smaller in magnitude than the radial component, but
  is directed both away from the equatorial plane and in a retrograde
  azimuthal direction, acting to decrease the effective stellar rotation
  velocity. These forces thus weaken the equatorward wind compression
  compared to wind models computed with nonrotating finite disk factors.

Title: Hydrodynamical Simulations of Co-Rotating Interaction Regions
    and Discrete Absorption Components in Rotating O-Star Winds
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.; Owocki, S. P.
1994AAS...185.8003C    Altcode: 1994BAAS...26.1446C
  We present 2D hydrodynamical simulations of co-rotating stream
  structure in the winds from rotating O-stars, together with resulting
  synthetic line profiles showing discrete absorption components
  (DAC's). The azimuthal variation is induced by a local increase
  or decrease in the radiative driving force, as would arise from a
  “star spot” in the equatorial plane. Since much of the emergent
  wind structure seems independent of the exact method of perturbation,
  we expect similar morphology in winds perturbed by localized magnetic
  fields or non-radial pulsations. Because the radiative force depends
  on the local rate of mass loss, bright spots with enhanced driving
  generate high-density, low-velocity streams, while dark spots generate
  low-density, high-velocity streams. Co-rotating interaction regions
  (CIR's) form where fast material collides with slow material -- e.g. at
  the leading (trailing) edge of a stream from a dark (bright) spot,
  often steepening into shocks. The asymmetric wind also generates sharp
  propagating discontinuities (“kinks”) in the radial velocity gradient,
  which travel inward in the co-moving frame at the radiative-acoustic
  characteristic speed, and slowly outward in the star's frame. We find
  that these slow kinks, rather than the CIR's themselves, are more
  likely to result in high-opacity DAC's in the absorption troughs of
  unsaturated P Cygni line profiles. Because the hydrodynamic structure
  settles to a steady state in a frame co-rotating with the star, the
  more tightly-spiraled kinks sweep by an observer on a longer timescale
  than material moving with the wind itself. This is in general accord
  with observations showing slow apparent accelerations for DAC's.

Title: 2-D Hydrodynamical Simulations of Wind Compressed Disks
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Cranmer, S. R.; Blondin, J. M.
1994Ap&SS.221..455O    Altcode:
  We present results of 2-D hydrodynamical simulations of a radiatively
  driven stellar wind from a rapidly rotating Be-star. These generally
  confirm predictions of the semi-analytic “Wind-Compressed-Disk”
  model recently proposed by Bjorkman and Cassinelli to explain the
  circumstellar disks inferred observationally to exist around such
  rapidly rotating stars. However, our numerical simulations are able to
  incorporate several important effects not accounted for in the simple
  model, including a dynamical treatment of the outward radiative driving
  and gas pressure, as well as a rotationally distorted, oblate stellar
  surface. This enables us to model quantitatively the compressed wind
  and shock that forms the equatorial disk. The simulation results thus
  do differ in several important details from the simple model, showing,
  for example, an inner diskinflow not possible in the heuristic approach
  of assuming a fixed outward velocity law. There is also no evidence
  for the predicted detachment of the disk that arises in the fixed
  outflow picture. The peak equatorward velocity in the dynamical models
  is furthermore about a factor of two smaller than the analytically
  predicted value of ∼ 50% the stellar equatorial rotation speed. As a
  result, the dynamical disks are somewhat weaker than predicted, with a
  wider opening angle, lower disk/pole density ratio, and smaller shock
  velocity jump (each by roughly the same factor of two).

Title: Two-dimensional Hydrodynamical Simulations of Wind-compressed
    Disks around Rapidly Rotating B Stars
Authors: Owocki, Stanley P.; Cranmer, Steven R.; Blondin, John M.
1994ApJ...424..887O    Altcode:
  We use a two-dimensional piecewise parabolic method (PPM) code to
  simulate numerically the hydrodynamics of a radiation-driven stellar
  wind from a rapidly rotating Be star. The results generally confirm
  predictions of the semianalytic 'wind-compressed disk' model recently
  proposed by Bjorkman and Cassinelli to explain the circumstellar
  disks inferred observationally to exist around such rapidly rotating
  stars. However, this numerical simulation is able to incorporate
  several important effects not accounted for in the simple model,
  including a dynamical treatment of the outward radiative driving and
  gas pressure, as well as a rotationally distorted, oblate stellar
  surface. This enables us to model quantitatively the compressed wind
  and shock that forms the equatorial disk. The simulation results thus
  do differ in several important details from the simple method, showing,
  for example, an inner disk inflow not possible in the heuristic approach
  of assuming a fixed outward velocity law. There is also no evidence
  for the predicted detachment of the disk that arises in the fixed
  outflow picture. The peak equatorward velocity in the dynamical models
  is furthermore about a factor of 2 smaller than the lytically predicted
  value of approximately 50% of the stellar equatorial rotation speed. As
  a result, the dynamical disks are somewhat weaker than predicted,
  with a wider opening angle, lower disk/pole density ratio, and smaller
  shock velocity jump. The principal cause of these latter differences
  appears to be an artificially strong equatorward drift of the subsonic
  outflow in the original analytic model. Much better agreement with the
  dynamical results can be obtained, however, from a slightly modified,
  analytic wind-compression model with a more detailed specification of
  the fixed wind outflow and a lower boundary set to the sonic radius
  along a rotationally oblate stellar surface. Hence, despite these
  detailed differences, the general predicted effect of disk formation
  by wind compression toward the equator is substantially confirmed.

Title: Two-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations of wind-compressed
    disks around rapidly rotating B-stars
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Cranmer, S. R.; Blondin, J. M.
1994IAUS..162..469O    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Some aspects of illuminated model atmosphere theory as applied
    to close bynary systems.
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.
1993MNRAS.263..989C    Altcode:
  Only recently has the use of irradiated stellar atmosphere models
  become practical in the study of close binary systems. Aspects of this
  problem, such as geometrical illumination from a finite solid angle,
  the transport of polarized radiation, and multiple-iterative heating
  between the stars, must be included for a realistic treatment. These
  concepts are developed and applied to grids of plane-parallel
  stellar atmospheres computed on modified Roche equipotentials. The
  `reflection effect' between the stars, actually a radiative heating
  of the outer layers of the atmosphere, is iterated to consistency,
  and the incident moments of the radiation field are integrated
  numerically. Grey model atmospheres, along with light and polarization
  curves, are calculated for illustrative purposes for a test system,
  V Puppis. Although some approximations are utilized to make the problem
  computationally tractable, realistic variations with orbital phase are
  produced. Despite the fact that the resulting light and polarization
  curves are not substantially different from those calculated with
  simpler approximations to the reflection effect, the ab initio nature
  of the present model atmosphere approach allows both the prediction of
  additional phenomena and a large reduction in the number of arbitrary
  adjustable parameters in the least-squares solutions for the absolute
  elements of binary systems.

Title: The Effects of Zonal Atmospheric Currents on the Spectra of
    Rotating Early-Type Stars
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.; Collins, George W., II
1993ApJ...412..720C    Altcode:
  We suggest the existence of zonal currents in the atmospheres of rapidly
  rotating stars analogous to those found in planetary atmospheres. The
  zonal flow is assumed to be characterized by 'thin' atmospheric,
  nearly geostrophic flow which does not change the gravity darkening
  and stellar shape determined by the underlying uniformly rotating
  model. The contribution that such flows make to the continuum spectra
  of such stars is investigated. The additional rotationally induced
  Doppler displacement resulting from such zonal wind belts can distort
  the rotationally broadened stellar lines leading to significant
  departures from the line profiles predicted by the classical model
  of rotating stars. Our estimates of the zonal flow velocity stem from
  the assumption of a relation between it and the latitudinal wavenumber
  of the zonal velocity field. It is thus possible to create barotropic
  atmosphere models which, in turn, enable the modeling of the stellar
  spectrum including important spectral lines. In addition, the radiative
  transfer equations for the Stokes parameters I and Q are solved for the
  locally plane-parallel atmospheres so that the polarization structure
  of the radiation field is determined. We find that the presence of
  zonal wind belts leads to significant changes in the photospheric
  polarization from those characteristic of a uniformly rotating model.

Title: 2-D Hydrodynamical Simulations of the Wind-Compressed-Disk
    Model for Be Stars
Authors: Owocki, S.; Cranmer, S.; Blondin, J.
1992AAS...181.1903O    Altcode: 1992BAAS...24.1150O
  We use a 2-D PPM code to simulate numerically the hydrodynamics
  of a radiation-driven stellar wind from a rapidly rotating
  B-star. The results generally confirm predictions of a semi-analytic
  “Wind-Compressed-Disk" model recently proposed by Bjorkman and
  Cassinelli to explain the circumstellar disks inferred observationally
  to exist around Be stars. However, this numerical simulation is able to
  incorporate several important effects not accounted for in the simple
  model, including a dynamical treatment of the outward radiative driving
  and gas pressure. This enables us to model quantatively the compressed
  wind and shock that forms the equatorial disk. The simulation results
  thus do differ in several important details from the simple model,
  showing, for example, cases of inner disk inflow not possible in the
  heuristic approach of assuming a fixed outward velocity law. This
  poster paper will present a detailed comparison of the analytic and
  numerical models.

Title: Atmospheric Wind-Belts in Early Type Stars
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.; Collins, G. W., II
1992AAS...180.3705C    Altcode: 1992BAAS...24Q.787C
  In this paper we discuss the possible existence of zonal wind-belts in
  the atmospheres of rapidly rotating early type stars analogous to the
  type found in planetary atmospheres. Unlike previous investigations
  into differential rotation, the velocity field yielded by these wind
  belts is assumed to be an atmospheric phenomenon and therefore does
  not significantly alter the shape or flux distribution resulting from
  gravity darkening. However, the modification to the surface gravity
  and velocity field brought about by the presence of such winds can be
  expected to affect the shapes of rotationally broadened lines. While
  the changes in the line profiles are generally small, they significantly
  complicate the interpretation of small departures of such profiles from
  classical rotationally broadened line profiles. Our estimates of the
  velocity stem from the assumption of a relation between the magnitude
  and latitudinal wavenumber of the zonal velocity field, in addition
  to the assumption that the flow is close to being “geostrophic,”
  i.e. where the pressure gradient nearly balances the local coriolis
  forces. From this basis, we construct a series of barotropic atmosphere
  models for the surface velocity field. Following earlier efforts we then
  construct line profiles for Mg II (4481), He I (4471), and the first
  three Balmer lines appropriate for these models. We compare integrated
  line profiles for these models exhibiting varying numbers of zonal
  belts with the line profiles of uniformly rotating models. Various
  characteristics of the line profiles such as half widths (FWHM) and
  equivalent widths are given. Qualitative changes in the shapes of
  the profiles can be related to the direction of the zonal winds with
  respect to the underlying angular motion of the model. We also obtain
  theoretical atmospheric quantities such as Johnson and Stromgren
  photometric indices, absolute magnitudes, and net polarization
  information, and make comparisons with the uniformly rotating models.

Title: Model Atmospheres for Rotating B Stars
Authors: Collins, George W., II; Truax, Ryland J.; Cranmer, Steven R.
1991ApJS...77..541C    Altcode:
  The results of extensive model atmosphere calculations applicable to
  rotating early-type stars are presented. While the results largely
  conform with those of earlier work, it is clear that the effects of
  rotation on the structure of the interior are likely to play as large
  a role in determining the emergent spectra of rotating stars as the
  rotational effects of the atmosphere. For lines that tend to weaken with
  decreasing temperature, rotation will cause the line to appear similar
  in strength to that of later type stars. The reverse is true for lines
  that increase in strength with decreasing temperature. Polarization of
  the UV Balmer continuum is shown to persist to much later spectral types
  than might be expected on the basis of ionization studies alone. In
  addition, it is shown that rotation behaves like a spatial filter for
  sharp absorption lines resulting in the enhancement of the degree of
  polarization in the wings of these lines. It is suggested that the
  effect could be quite pronounced in the FUV of the Balmer continuum
  complicating the interpretation of the behavior of the polarization
  found in the spectra of Be stars.

Title: The [Ne III]-[O II] Spectrum as an Ionization Indicator
    in Nebulae
Authors: Ali, B.; Blum, R. D.; Bumgardner, T. E.; Cranmer, S. R.;
   Ferland, G. J.; Haefner, R. I.; Tiede, G. P.
1991PASP..103.1182A    Altcode:
  The usefulness of the Ne III-O II forbidden-line spectrum as a helium
  ionization correction factor (ICF) indicator in low-density nebulae,
  such as H II regions, is examined, and the results of an extensive grid
  of photoionization simulations which have a 'blister'-like geometry
  are presented. Fully filled constant pressure gas, Orion dust, and
  H II region abundances are used, along with a very wide variety of
  ionizing continua. As suggested by the ionization potentials, the He
  ICF is small when the Ne III 3869/O II 3727 forbidden line ratio, an
  easily measured line pair, reaches above 0.20. The 'eta' parameter,
  a ratio of ratios of oxygen and sulfur lines, is probably strongly
  affected by low-temperature dielectronic recombination, a basic process
  which has no reliable rate coefficients for third-row elements.

Title: Rotationally induced polarization in pure absorption spectral
Authors: Collins, George W., II; Cranmer, Steven R.
1991MNRAS.253..167C    Altcode:
  A simple (Struve-Unsold) model with limb darkening is presented to
  show the existence of polarization in rotationally broadened pure
  absorption lines and provide estimates of its magnitude. Results
  for more complicated models appropriate for early-type stars are
  considered. While the results in the visible part of the spectrum are
  considerably smaller in magnitude than for the simple model, the form
  of those results can be readily understood in terms of that model and
  may be detectable. Results for the UV spectra of early-type stars, while
  still smaller in magnitude than the Struve-Unsold model, are of opposite
  sign and larger in magnitude than the visible. It is inferred that it
  is much more likely that the effect may be detected in the UV than the
  visible. It is suggested that since this effect results from the axial
  symmetry of stellar rotation, it could provide a sensitive diagnostic
  for rotational broadening, allowing it to be separated from other forms
  of broadening that present higher forms of symmetry to the observer.

Title: Hydrodynamic simulations of close triple encounters.
Authors: McMillan, Stephen L. W.; Cranmer, Steven R.; Shorter, Scott
   A.; Hernquist, Lars
1991ASPC...13..418M    Altcode: 1991fesc.book..418M
  Tidal binary systems play an important dynamical and observational
  role in our understanding of globular clusters. However, their very
  nature means that their interactions with other stars cannot be easily
  modelled by simple technqies, and hydrodynamical effects are likely to
  be critical in determining the outcome of those events. The authors have
  performed a series of simulations of collisions between close binaries
  and other cluster members, covering a fairly representative range
  of initial orbital configurations. They find that most "interesting"
  three-body encounters actually lead to mergers of two or all three of
  the stars involved, with around 5 - 10% of the total mass ejected from
  the triple system (and probably also from the cluster).