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ADS astronomy entries on 2022-09-14
author:Delache, Philippe

Title: Estimating Long-Term Solar Irradiance Variability: A New
Authors: Vigouroux, Anne; Pap, Judit M.; Delache, Philippe
1997SoPh..176....1V    Altcode:
  The detection of solar irradiance variations (both bolometric and at
  various wavelengths) by satellite-based experiments during the last
  one-and-a-half decades stimulated modeling efforts to help identify
  their causes and to provide estimates of irradiance data for those time
  intervals when no satellite observations exist. In this paper we present
  estimates of the long-term irradiance changes developed with Fourier
  and wavelet transforms. The month-to-month irradiance variations,
  after removing the solar cycle related long-term changes, are studied
  with the cross-correlation technique. Results of the analysis reveal
  a significant phase shift at 3 months between the full-disk magnetic
  field strength and total solar and UV irradiance, with irradiance
  leading the magnetic field variability. In addition to this time
  delay between the changes in solar irradiance and the magnetic field,
  a 10-month phase shift has been found between the UV flux at 280 nm and
  total solar irradiance corrected for sunspot darkening. The existence
  of these phase shifts suggests the possibility of a coupling between the
  physical processes taking place below, in, and above the photosphere.

Title: Study of the Distribution of Daily Fluctuations in Observed
    Solar Irradiances and Other Full-Disk Indices of Solar Activity
Authors: Pap, Judith M.; Vigouroux, Anne; Delache, Philippe
1996SoPh..167..125P    Altcode:
  Analyses based on irradiance observations from space within the last
  one and a half decades have discovered variations in the entire
  solar spectrum and at UV wavelengths on time scales of minutes to
  decades. In this paper we analyze the distribution of the measuring
  uncertainties and daily fluctuations in total solar irradiance measured
  by the Nimbus-7/ERB and SMM/ACRIM I radiometers as a function of solar
  cycle. Changes in solar total irradiance and its surrogates shorter
  than the solar rotation have also been considered as `noise' and have
  been removed from the data. Our results show that the noise (both
  instrumental and solar noise) changes as a function of the solar cycle,
  being higher during high solar activity conditions. The analysis of the
  scatter plot diagrams between the data and their standard deviation,
  the so-called `dispersion diagrams', provides a useful tool to estimate
  and predict the time of solar maximum and minimum activity conditions.

Title: VIRGO: Experiment for Helioseismology and Solar Irradiance
Authors: Fröhlich, Claus; Romero, José; Roth, Hansjörg; Wehrli,
   Christoph; Andersen, Bo N.; Appourchaux, Thierry; Domingo, Vicente;
   Telljohann, Udo; Berthomieu, Gabrielle; Delache, Philippe; Provost,
   Janine; Toutain, Thierry; Crommelynck, Dominique A.; Chevalier,
   André; Fichot, Alain; Däppen, Werner; Gough, Douglas; Hoeksema,
   Todd; Jiménez, Antonio; Gómez, Maria F.; Herreros, José M.; Cortés,
   Teodoro Roca; Jones, Andrew R.; Pap, Judit M.; Willson, Richard C.
1995SoPh..162..101F    Altcode:
  The scientific objective of the VIRGO experiment (Variability of solar
  IRradiance and Gravity Oscillations) is to determine the characteristics
  of pressure and internal gravity oscillations by observing irradiance
  and radiance variations, to measure the solar total and spectral
  irradiance and to quantify their variability over periods of days to
  the duration of the mission. With these data helioseismological methods
  can be used to probe the solar interior. Certain characteristics of
  convection and its interaction with magnetic fields, related to, for
  example, activity, will be studied from the results of the irradiance
  monitoring and from the comparison of amplitudes and phases of the
  oscillations as manifest in brightness from VIRGO, in velocity from
  GOLF, and in both velocity and continuum intensity from SOI/MDI. The
  VIRGO experiment contains two different active-cavity radiometers for
  monitoring the solar `constant', two three-channel sunphotometers (SPM)
  for the measurement of the spectral irradiance at 402, 500 and 862 nm,
  and a low-resolution imager (LOI) with 12 pixels, for the measurement
  of the radiance distribution over the solar disk at 500 um. In this
  paper the scientific objectives of VIRGO are presented, the instruments
  and the data acquisition and control system are described in detail,
  and their measured performance is given.

Title: Global Oscillations at Low Frequency from the SOHO Mission
Authors: Gabriel, A. H.; Grec, G.; Charra, J.; Robillot, J. -M.; Roca
   Cortés, T.; Turck-Chièze, S.; Bocchia, R.; Boumier, P.; Cantin, M.;
   Cespédes, E.; Cougrand, B.; Crétolle, J.; Damé, L.; Decaudin, M.;
   Delache, P.; Denis, N.; Duc, R.; Dzitko, H.; Fossat, E.; Fourmond,
   J. -J.; García, R. A.; Gough, D.; Grivel, C.; Herreros, J. M.;
   Lagardère, H.; Moalic, J. -P.; Pallé, P. L.; Pétrou, N.; Sanchez,
   M.; Ulrich, R.; van der Raay, H. B.
1995SoPh..162...61G    Altcode:
  The GOLF experiment on the SOHO mission aims to study the internal
  structure of the sun by measuring the spectrum of global oscillations in
  the frequency range 10<SUP>−7</SUP> to 10<SUP>−2</SUP> Hz. Bothp
  andg mode oscillations will be investigated, with the emphasis on
  the low order long period waves which penetrate the solar core. The
  instrument employs an extension to space of the proven ground-based
  technique for measuring the mean line-of-sight velocity of the viewed
  solar surface. By avoiding the atmospheric disturbances experienced
  from the ground, and choosing a non-eclipsing orbit, GOLF aims to
  improve the instrumental sensitivity limit by an order of magnitude
  to 1 mm s<SUP>−1</SUP> over 20 days for frequencies higher than
  2.10<SUP>−4</SUP> Hz. A sodium vapour resonance cell is used in
  a longitudinal magnetic field to sample the two wings of the solar
  absorption line. The addition of a small modulating field component
  enables the slope of the wings to be measured. This provides not only
  an internal calibration of the instrument sensitivity, but also offers a
  further possibility to recognise, and correct for, the solar background
  signal produced by the effects of solar magnetically active regions. The
  use of an additional rotating polariser enables measurement of the
  mean solar line-of-sight magnetic field, as a secondary objective.

Title: Remarques sur la définition et la mise en œvre d'un plan
    d'action pour l'astronomie.
Authors: Delache, P.
1995JAF....47...15D    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: A New TEchnology Network for Asteroseismology - A.N.T.E.N.A.
Authors: Roca Cortes, T.; Belmonte, J. A.; Delache, P.; Michel, E.;
   Frandsen, S.; Schmider, F. X.; Auvergne, M.; Fossat, E.; Vidal, I.;
   Kjeldsen, H.; Douglas, N.; Lelievre, G.; Chevreton, M.; Vauclair,
   G.; Audard, N.; Baglin, A.; Berthomieu, G.; Christensen-Dalsgaard,
   J.; Dolez, N.; Goupil, M. J.; Perez Hernandez, F.; Pfeiffer, B.;
   Provost, J.; Viskum, M.
1995ASPC...76..630R    Altcode: 1995gong.conf..630R
  No abstract at ADS

Title: VIRGO - the Solar Monitor Experiment on SOHO
Authors: Appourchaux, T.; Domingo, V.; Frohlich, C.; Romero, J.;
   Wehrli, C.; Andersen, B. N.; Berthomieu, G.; Delache, P.; Crommelynck,
   D.; Jimenez, A.; Roca Cortes, T.; Jones, A. R.
1995ASPC...76..408A    Altcode: 1995gong.conf..408A
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Are There "Natural" Wavelets in Solar Five-Minute Oscillations?
Authors: Delache, P.; IRIS Collaboration
1995ASPC...76..508D    Altcode: 1995gong.conf..508D
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Periodicities in solar radius measurements
Authors: Gavryusev, V.; Gavryuseva, E.; Delache, P.; Laclare, F.
1994A&A...286..305G    Altcode:
  The frequency spectrum of solar radius measurements from the CERGA
  astrolabe has been analyzed by the statistical method already developed
  for the case of poor "signal/noise" ratio. We evaluate and discuss
  correlation of radius data with several combinations of harmonics
  obtained from neutrino analysis.

Title: Panel discussion on Solar diameter variations
Authors: Delache, P.; Kroll, R. J.
1994seit.conf..193D    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Seismological observations with a Fourier transform
    spectrometer - Detection of Jovian oscillations
Authors: Mosser, B.; Mekarnia, D.; Maillard, J. P.; Gay, J.; Gautier,
   D.; Delache, P.
1993A&A...267..604M    Altcode:
  This paper describes a new method to search for giant-planet
  oscillations based on the detection of small Doppler shifts of
  tropospheric absorption lines. By using the multiplex properties of a
  Fourier Transform Spectrometer (FTS) the Doppler information in the
  whole bandpass of a planetary spectrum dominated by strong but non
  saturated atmospheric absorptions can be retrieved from the resulting
  amplitude modulation of the output signal recorded continuously at
  a fixed path difference. Hence, the Fourier transform of this signal
  will yield the frequency spectrum of the planetary oscillations. After
  presenting the principle of this interferometric method, the paper
  describes its application to Jupiter by observing the planet with the
  CFHT-FTS in the region of the 3 nu3 band of CH4 at 1.1 micron. The
  analysis of the recorded signal led to the positive detection of
  low-degree pressure oscillations through the identification of the l =
  1 and l = 2 p-modes and a measure of their equidistance. The deduced
  value of the characteristic frequency of Jovian oscillations does not
  agree with theoretical determinations and calls for revision of the
  standard model of Jupiter's interior.

Title: Signal and noise in long duration solar radius observations
Authors: Delache, P.; Laclare, F.; Gavryusev, V.; Gavryuseva, E.
1993MmSAI..64..237D    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Time Variations of Solar Acoustical Mode Frequencies Radius
    and Neutrino Counting Rate
Authors: Gavryuseva, E.; Gavryusev, V.; Regulo, C.; Roca-Cortes, T.;
   Delache, P. H.; Laclare, F.
1993ASPC...42..285G    Altcode: 1993gong.conf..285G
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Book-Review - Modeling the Stellar Environment how and why
Authors: Delache, P.; Laloe, S.; Magnan, C.; Tran Thanh Van, J.;
   Dyson, J.
1990Ap&SS.172..326D    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Book-Review - Modeling the Stellar Environment - how and why
Authors: Delache, P.
1990Sci...247..584D    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Modeling the Stellar Environment: How and Why? IAP4, 1989
Authors: Delache, Philippe; Laloe, Suzanne; Magnan, Christian; Tran
   Thanh Van, J.
1989mse..proc.....D    Altcode:
  Topics presented include selected examples of relevant observations,
  relevant theories, and astrophysical models in principle and in
  practice. Also considered are parameters for disks around young stellar
  objects from polarization observations, the birth of a slowly evolving
  flare, line formation depths and modified Pecker weighting functions,
  observations of the circumstellar environment of two red supergiants,
  and large-scale CS structures in star-forming regions.

Title: Effects of convective velocities on solar pressure mode
Authors: Delache, Philippe; Fossat, Eric
1988ESASP.286..671D    Altcode: 1988ssls.rept..671D
  There are persistent discrepancies between observations and
  theoretical calculations of solar p-mode frequencies, ν<SUB>obs</SUB>,
  ν<SUB>calc</SUB>, in spite of improvements in the theory (e.g. equation
  of state). In this short communication, the authors propose to
  approximate roughly the difference (observation-calculation)
  versus frequency as: δν = ν<SUB>obs</SUB>-ν<SUB>calc</SUB>
  ≍ -Kν<SUP>2</SUP>, where the constant K is of the order of 1
  second, and independent of degree l. It has been already suggested by
  T. Brown that "Solar p-mode eigenfrequencies are decreased by turbulent
  convection". The authors want to revisit this suggestion and reformulate
  it in the following manner: is this physical effect responsible for
  some of the difference ν<SUB>0</SUB>-ν<SUB>calc</SUB>? After a brief
  discussion of the mechanism, the authors present an order of magnitude
  evaluation which shows that, indeed, it is worthwhile to pursue the
  idea further: this will be done in improving the description of the
  coupling between convection and oscillations.

Title: VIRGO: The solar monitor experiment on SOHO.
Authors: Froehlich, C.; Andersen, Bo Nyborg; Berthomieu, G.;
   Crommelynck, D.; Delache, Philippe; Domingo, V.; Jimenez, A.; Jones,
   A. R.; Roca Cortés, Teodoro; Wehrli, Ch.
1988ESASP.286..371F    Altcode: 1988ssls.rept..371F
  The VIRGO Experiment (Variability of solar Irradiance and Gravity
  Oscillations) contains two types of active cavity radiometers for
  monitoring of the solar "constant", two three channel sunphotometers
  (SPM) for the measurement of spectral irradiance at 335, 500 and 865 nm
  and a low resolution imager (LOI) with 12 pixels. The main scientific
  objective is probing the solar interior by helioseismology with p-
  and g-mode solar oscillations determined from spectral irradiance
  (SPM) and radiance (LOI) variations on time scales of minutes to
  the mission time. Moreover, the measurements of the variability of
  the solar "constant" and spectral irradiance over periods of days to
  the mission time will yield information about the convection zone, as
  will the comparison of the amplitudes and phases of the oscillations
  as manifested in irradiance and radiance (from VIRGO) and velocity
  (from GOLF and SOI).

Title: Oscillations of Jupiter as a tool for probing its internal
Authors: Mosser, B.; Gautier, D.; Delache, Philippe
1988ESASP.286..593M    Altcode: 1988ssls.rept..593M
  The internal structure of Jupiter is still uncertain. According to
  current models the planet exhibits two discontinuities of sound speed
  in the interior. The first one located in the external part of the
  hydrogen-helium atmosphere corresponds to the transition of molecular
  to metallic hydrogen, while the second one to the transition between
  the H-He envelope and the high density core. The authors use the
  method of ray tracing of acoustic modes to predict the behaviour of
  expected pressure modes of Jupiter. Due to the inner discontinuity the
  regular spating between frequencies of adjacent models is broken in a
  characteristic manner which provides a clear signature. Observations
  of low degree p-modes, achievable from the ground, would accurately
  provide the value of the radius of the planetary core. Observations of
  high degree modes would provide a signature of the external transition.

Title: Modelling the solar oscillation time series by a randomly
    excited oscillator.
Authors: Lazrek, Mohamed; Delache, Philippe; Fossat, Eric
1988ESASP.286..673L    Altcode: 1988ssls.rept..673L
  If the individual solar oscillations were pure standing waves of
  constant amplitude inside a stationary Sun, there would be in principle
  no intrinsic limits to the accuracy with which their frequencies could
  be measured. Unfortunately, it is not so. In their analysis of 10
  months of irradiance data from the SMM/ACRIM experiment, Woodard and
  Hudson have proposed to describe the individual modes as independent
  and chaotically excited oscillators, the linewidths being of the
  order of 1.2 μHz in the central frequency range, around 3 mHz. This
  paper deals with artificial full disk data. The goal is to determine
  the parameters of a randomly excited oscillator by comparison with
  the best data available. Such artificial signal is then used to test
  the methods of analysis used for the precise determination of mode
  frequencies, amplitudes and linewidths. The authors present tests of
  the reliability of centroid measurements made by barycenter, Lorentzian
  fit, Gaussian fit, with and without background noise. Several methods
  are also tested for linewidth measurements.

Title: Measuring the Jovian oscillations as a tool for investigating
    the internal structure of the planet.
Authors: Mosser, B.; Delache, P.; Gautier, D.
1988CRASB.307.1641M    Altcode: 1988CRASM.307.1641M
  The oscillations of Jupiter, if detectable, would constrain theories of
  its interior. This work predicts the pattern of expected pressure modes,
  using the ray tracing method. Observations of low degree p-modes,
  obtainable from the ground, would accurately provide the value of
  the radius of the planetary core; observations of high degree modes,
  conducted from space, would provide a signature of the external

Title: Measuring the Size of the Core of Jupiter from Low p-Mode
    Oscillations of the Planet
Authors: Mosser, B.; Gautier, D.; Delache, P.
1988BAAS...20R.870M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Long Periods in Diameter Irradiance and Activity of the Sun
Authors: Delache, P.; Laclare, F.; Sadsaoud, H.
1988IAUS..123..223D    Altcode:
  Long periods have been detected in solar diameter measurements obtained
  during the past 10 years. The same periodicities are also present in
  other global Sun parameters such as the 10 cm radio flux, the total
  irradiance, and possibly the neutrino flux. Special attention is paid
  to periods corresponding to the solar cycle ("C"), 1000 days ("P")
  and 320 days ("W"). Studying the respective phases of the signals gives
  some insight into the possible physical origins of these variations.

Title: Variability of the solar diameter
Authors: Delache, Philippe
1988AdSpR...8g.119D    Altcode: 1988AdSpR...8..119D
  Although the solar diameter has been monitored for around three
  centuries, very little is known on its secular variations. The subject
  is still controversial, dealing with historical archives or with
  more recent observations as well. <P />Most of the available data
  come from visual determinations. The precision of the measurements
  depends on the method, on the instrument, on the site, and on the
  observer's skill. Systematic errors arise also from the instrument,
  from the data reduction, and from the observer's eye. Fortunately,
  modern instruments no longer rely upon human vision, but they have
  not yet been routinely operated for very long. We shall try to compare
  the relative precisions of the various techniques. <P />Variations of
  amplitude in the semi-diameter of order 0.1” have been reported. We
  assess here their degree of statistical significance by intercomparison
  of diameter time series between themselves, and also with some other
  relevant available data sets. We conclude that even if the variations
  in the apparent values are well established, it is still impossible to
  relate them to variations of the real solar diameter with confidence. <P
  />Laboratoire associé au C.N.R.S. 128

Title: Change of solar oscillation eigenfrequencies with the solar
Authors: Delache, Philippe
1986ASIC..169..305D    Altcode: 1986ssds.proc..305D
  Observations of the solar diameter with a Danjon-type visual astrolabe
  have been recorded at the C.E.R.G.A. Observatory since 1975. A harmonic
  analysis of these measurements shows the existence of very long solar
  periods. In order to assess the significance of peaks in the power
  spectrum four different methods are presented.

Title: Long period oscillations in solar diameter measurements
Authors: Delache, P.; Laclare, F.; Sadsaoud, H.
1985Natur.317..416D    Altcode:
  Observations of the Sun with a Danjon-type visual astrolabe have
  been recorded since 1975 at the CERGA Observatory. The primary goal
  of these observations is to determine the orbital elements of the
  Earth around the Sun. However, they also provide very good quality,
  homogeneous values of the solar diameter. The working principle of the
  astrolabe, which relies on the method of equal elevations<SUP>1</SUP>,
  has been described elsewhere<SUP>2</SUP>. The diameter value is
  obtained from the difference between the zenith distances of the
  solar centres corresponding to the instances of successive limbs
  crossing the same almucantar. The solar diameters are obtained
  up to 16 times per day. The heliographic latitude of the observed
  points varies throughout the day and changes with the seasons. In the
  present study, we have discarded the data taken at zenith distances
  &gt;60° because of their lower quality on average. We consider then
  all the retained measurements on equal footing. The existence of a
  long period, ~1,000 days, in the variation of the solar diameter has
  already been reported<SUP>3</SUP>. The low-frequency domain of the
  power spectrum deserved a more detailed analysis which the more recent
  data permit. Here, we present this analysis, which reveals several
  previously undetected periodicities.

Title: X-ray and optical variability at the hour timescale for 1E
    0630+178 (GEMINGA) and its proposed optical couterpart
Authors: Vigroux, L.; Paul, J. A.; Delache, P.; Bignami, G. F.;
   Caraveo, P. A.; Salotti, L.
1985SSRv...40...91V    Altcode:
  Einstein and EXOSAT data on the soft X-ray source IE 0630+178,
  the proposed counterpart of the γ-ray source GEMINGA, are analyzed
  for variability on the time scale of one to three hours. The EXOSAT
  September 1983 data, with an uninterrupted strech of over 10 hours offer
  the most interesting case. In parallel, a similar analysis is presented
  for the first time, for the optical data of the m<SUB>V</SUB>∼21
  proposed counterpart. About 30 CCD exposures, of 15 min. each, taken
  over two consecutive nights at the 3.6 m CFH telescope, yield evidence
  of variability, when compared to the data of similar nearby objects
  in the field.

Title: Solar gravity modes from ACRIM/SMM irradiance data.
Authors: Frohlich, C.; Delache, P.
1984sses.nasa..183F    Altcode: 1984sss..conf..183F
  The record of 280 days of continuous data of the ACRIM radiometer
  on board the Solar Maximum Mission satellite is analysed in the
  frequency range from 10 to 80 μHz. Gravity modes of degree one and
  two with orders from about 10 to several hundreds can be localized. A
  statistical method to determine the fundamental period T<SUB>0</SUB>
  and the rate of rotation ν<SUB>R</SUB> as seen by rotational splitting
  is described and the results for 33.5 &lt; T<SUB>0</SUB> &lt; 45.5
  minutes and 0.4 &lt; ν<SUB>R</SUB> &lt; 2.0 μHz presented. They
  indicate a rather high T<SUB>0</SUB> and it cannot be excluded that
  it is above the upper limit analysed.

Title: Solar gravity modes - Detection and identification
Authors: Delache, P.
1984MmSAI..55...75D    Altcode:
  Analytical methods for the detection and identification of very low
  frequency gravity modes in the solar oscillation are presented. The
  relative ease of detection of 5-min p-modes is contrasted with
  the difficulties posed by noisy spectra, visibility problems,
  complex mode signature, side lobes, and rotational splitting from
  g-modes. Theoretical criteria are developed and shown to permit the
  simultaneous detection and identification of g-modes from data of
  the quality presently available, and improved results are predicted
  if longer-time-series observations can be obtained. Graphs, digrams,
  and tables are provided.

Title: Solar G modes
Authors: Isaak, G. R.; van der Raay, H. B.; Palle, P. L.; Roca Cortes,
   T.; Delache, P.
1984MmSAI..55...91I    Altcode:
  A statistical analysis of the frequency spectrum of 85 days of
  data obtained from integral solar velocity signals, has shown that
  significant signals exist in the frequency range 25 - 150 μHz. The
  signal structure is shown to have characteristics of constant period
  spacings indicative of the existence of g modes in the solar oscillation
  spectrum. Utilising the asymptotic Tassoul relation a total of 58 lines
  are identified covering the l<SUB>1</SUB>, l<SUB>2</SUB>, l<SUB>3</SUB>
  and l<SUB>4</SUB> modes.

Title: Solar gravity modes from ACRIM/SMM irradiance data
Authors: Froehlich, C.; Delache, P.
1984MmSAI..55...99F    Altcode:
  The record of 280 days of continuous data of the ACRIM radiometer
  on board the Solar Maximum Mission satellite is analyzed in the
  frequency range 2-80 microhertz. Gravity modes of degree one and two
  with orders from about 10 to several hundred can be localized. Due
  to the complexity of the spectrum of the enormous number of lines
  in a given frequency interval, the individual identification is very
  difficult. A statistical method to determine the fundamental period
  and the rate of rotation as seen by rotational splitting is described,
  and the results compared with other determinations.

Title: Report of ESA's topical team on solar and heliospheric physics.
Authors: Christensen-Dalsgaard, J.; Delache, P.; Hoyng, P.; Priest,
   E. R.; Schwenn, R.; Stenflo, J. O.
1984ESASP1070...26C    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Recent Progress in the Detection and Identification of Solar
    Gravity Modes
Authors: Delache, P.
1984apoa.conf..176D    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Detection of solar gravity mode oscillations
Authors: Delache, P.; Scherrer, P. H.
1983Natur.306..651D    Altcode:
  An analysis of solar velocity data obtained at the Stanford Solar
  Observatory shows the existence of solar global oscillations in the
  range 45-105 µHz (160-370 min). These oscillations are interpreted
  as internal gravity modes of degree l = 1 and l = 2. A good estimate
  of the order of the modes has also been made.

Title: Detection of solar gravity mode oscillations
Authors: Delache, P.; Scherrer, P. H.
1983dsgm.book.....D    Altcode:
  An analysis of solar velocity data obtained at the Stanford Solar
  Observatory shows the existence of solar global oscillations in the
  range 45 to 105 microHz (160 to 370 minutes). These oscillations are
  interpreted as internal gravity modes of degree l = 1 and l = 2. A
  good estimate of the order of the modes has also been made.

Title: Observation of solar oscillations for periods close to 160 mn.
Authors: Delache, P.
1981CRASB.293..949D    Altcode: 1981CRASM.293..949D
  An attempt is made to prove that recently observed solar power spectrum
  oscillations with a period near 160 min are actually an artifact
  caused by 5 min pulsations interacting with the calibration signals
  used by other observers. The power spectrum calculated by means of a
  Fourier transformation of readings from observed 5 min observations is
  defined, noting that since the readings are only made during the day,
  diurnal variations result. The distribution of the observed 160 min
  spectrum is shown to match the Fourier transformed 5 min spectrum,
  which corresponds to the 160 min spectrum at low frequencies. Only
  the amplitudes observed are explainable by use of a 5 min, rather
  than a 160 min, period of oscillation, and further study to explain
  the discrepancy is recommended.

Title: Quiet Sun
Authors: Delache, P.
1981SSRv...29..367D    Altcode:
  We underline the diagnostic strength of recent observations of the
  oscillating quiet Sun. While high quality (k, ω) power spectra permit
  a better knowledge of the convection zone, long and continuous survey
  of oscillations of the integrated Sun provides an efficient sounding
  of the inner solar body.

Title: Observations of solar oscillations with periods near 160 min
Authors: Delache, P.
1981CR2...293..949D    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Rapport d'activité de l'A.D.I.O.N. par le Secrétaire
    Général et rapport financier. Report 1975 and 1976.
Authors: Delache, P.; Schatzman, E.; Frisch, H.
1978BONic..13...33D    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Rapport d'activité de l'A.D.I.O.N. par le Secrétaire
    Général et rapport financier. Report 1974.
Authors: Delache, P.; Berruyer, N.
1975BONic..12...29D    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Rapport d'activité de l'Observatoire de Nice pour 1974,
    présenté par son directeur.
Authors: Delache, P.
1975BONic..12...49D    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: A New Formulation of an Approximate Transfer Equation
Authors: Delache, Philippe
1974ApJ...192..475D    Altcode:
  Athay's derivation of a transfer equation from a statistical approach
  is criticized, and a new alternative is presented in which the same
  equation is established on different grounds. The independent variable
  which was taken as the reciprocal escape probability is redefined
  in a slightly different way. The quality of this new formulation is
  better than the previous one, and can be extended to time-dependent
  problems where it also shows exceptionally good agreement with the
  exact solutions. The present work is presented only in the frame of
  a two-level atom, in an atmosphere of constant T, for the sake of
  simplicity. However, it is more general, and some possible tests
  of its validity for complex cases are described. Subject heading:
  radiative transfer

Title: Non-Static Structure of the Chromosphere-Corona Transition
Authors: Delache, P.
1974IAUS...56...91D    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The next decade in stellar atmospheres theory.
Authors: Delache, P.
1974HiA.....3..109D    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: "theoritical Understanding of Chromospheric INHOMOGENEITIES,"
Authors: Delache, Philippe
1973NASSP.317..207D    Altcode: 1973stch.coll..207D; 1973IAUCo..19..207D
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Rapport d'activité de l'Observatoire de Nice pour 1971.
Authors: Delache, P.
1972BINic...9...45D    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Rapport d'activité de l'Observatoire de Nice pour 1970.
Authors: Delache, P.
1971BINic...8...43D    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Une interprétation possible de l'émission OH galactique
Authors: Delache, P.
1970pfa..conf...21D    Altcode: 1969pfa..conf...21D
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Energy Deposition and Momentum Transfer in the Transition
Authors: Delache, P.
1969cctr.conf..183D    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Some problems of radiative transfer in an atmosphere having
    a stellar wind
Authors: Delache, Philippe
1968JQSRT...8..317D    Altcode:
  During the expansion of a stellar corona (stellar wind), highly charged
  ions may move faster than protons under the action of thermal diffusion
  in the temperature gradient region, as well as slower under the action
  of gravitational separation in the isothermal region. We discuss here
  the different consequences of these diffusion phenomenas. Noting that
  the reactions of ionization and recombination have characteristic times
  which are not small compared to the time for a significant change in the
  temperature experienced by a single ion, one sees that it is necessary
  to treat the equations of diffusion together with the equations of
  ionization. The results are the following:local over abundance of the
  heavy elements in the corona;stationary state out of local equilibrium,
  the “apparent temperature” that would be deduced from the ratio
  of the number density of two successive ions being lower than the
  electron temperature. Therefore, the interpretation of the eclipse
  and UV observations of the lower solar corona has to be reconsidered
  owing to the non-LTE state of a given atom, and to the variation of its
  abundance with height. The purpose of this paper is to describe some
  physical phenomena that take place in the transition region between
  the chromosphere and the corona in the presence of a stellar wind, and
  the bearing of these on the problem of interpreting coronal emissions.