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Author name code: deming
ADS astronomy entries on 2022-09-14
author:"Deming, L. Drake" 

Title: Terrestrial Planet Optical Phase Curves. I. Direct Measurements
    of the Earth
Authors: De Cock, Roderick; Livengood, Timothy A.; Stam, Daphne M.;
   Lisse, Carey M.; Hewagama, Tilak; Deming, L. Drake
2022AJ....163....5D    Altcode:
  NASA's EPOXI mission used the Deep Impact spacecraft to observe
  the disk-integrated Earth as an analog to terrestial exoplanets'
  appearance. The mission took five 24 hr observations in 2008-2009 at
  various phase angles (57.°7-86.°4) and ranges (0.11-0.34 au), of
  which three equatorial (E1, E4, E5) and two polar (P1, North and P2,
  South). The visible data taken by the HRIV instrument ranges from 0.3
  to 1.0 μm, taken trough seven spectral filters that have spectral
  widths of about 100 nm, and which are centered about 100 nm apart,
  from 350 to 950 nm. The disk-integrated, 24 hr averaged signal is used
  in a phase angle analysis. A Lambertian-reflecting, spherical planet
  model is used to estimate geometric albedo for every observation
  and wavelength. The geometric albedos range from 0.143 (E1, 950 nm)
  to 0.353 (P2, 350 nm) and show wavelength dependence. The equatorial
  observations have similar values, while the polar observations have
  higher values due to the ice in view. Therefore, equatorial observations
  can be predicted for other phase angles, but (Earth-like) polar views
  (with ice) would be underestimated.

Title: Characterizing Terrestrial Exoplanets
Authors: Meadows, V. S.; Lustig-Yaeger, J.; Lincowski, A.; Arney,
   G. N.; Robinson, T. D.; Schwieterman, E. W.; Deming, L. D.; Tovar, G.
2017LPICo2042.4114M    Altcode:
  We will provide an overview of the measurements, techniques,
  and upcoming missions required to characterize terrestrial planet
  environments and evolution, and search for signs of habitability
  and life.

Title: Illusion and reality in the atmospheres of exoplanets
Authors: Deming, L. Drake; Seager, Sara
2017JGRE..122...53D    Altcode:
  The atmospheres of exoplanets reveal all their properties beyond mass,
  radius, and orbit. Based on bulk densities, we know that exoplanets
  larger than 1.5 Earth radii must have gaseous envelopes and, hence,
  atmospheres. We discuss contemporary techniques for characterization of
  exoplanetary atmospheres. The measurements are difficult, because—even
  in current favorable cases—the signals can be as small as 0.001%
  of the host star's flux. Consequently, some early results have been
  illusory and not confirmed by subsequent investigations. Prominent
  illusions to date include polarized scattered light, temperature
  inversions, and the existence of carbon planets. The field moves from
  the first tentative and often incorrect conclusions, converging to
  the reality of exoplanetary atmospheres. That reality is revealed
  using transits for close-in exoplanets and direct imaging for young
  or massive exoplanets in distant orbits. Several atomic and molecular
  constituents have now been robustly detected in exoplanets as small
  as Neptune. In our current observations, the effects of clouds and
  haze appear ubiquitous. Topics at the current frontier include the
  measurement of heavy element abundances in giant planets, detection
  of carbon-based molecules, measurement of atmospheric temperature
  profiles, definition of heat circulation efficiencies for tidally
  locked planets, and the push to detect and characterize the atmospheres
  of super-Earths. Future observatories for this quest include the
  James Webb Space Telescope and the new generation of extremely large
  telescopes on the ground. On a more distant horizon, NASA's study
  concepts for the Habitable Exoplanet Imaging Mission (HabEx) and the
  Large UV/Optical/Infrared Surveyor (LUVOIR) missions could extend the
  study of exoplanetary atmospheres to true twins of Earth.

Title: A Uniform and Improved Analysis of Spitzer's Exoplanet
    Eclipse Data
Authors: Deming, L.
2015adap.prop..122D    Altcode:
  Thermal emission measurements of exoplanets - dominated by data from
  the Spitzer Space Telescope - are our only window into the temperature
  structure of exoplanetary atmospheres. Our current understanding of the
  temperatures and molecular abundances in giant exoplanets is built on
  the foundation of Spitzer's eclipse measurements. Exoplanet eclipses
  are an order of magnitude smaller than the instrument signatures in
  Spitzer data. Corrections for Spitzer's instrumental signatures depend
  on data analyses techniques that have evolved considerably since
  the first eclipse detections a decade ago. However, several of the
  key conclusions from Spitzer's eclipses have recently been questioned
  based on new analyses. Resolving those questions requires improved data
  analysis techniques. Fortunately, we have recently developed a new and
  powerful data analysis method that can significantly strengthen and
  improve the Spitzer analyses. Nearly simultaneously, powerful Bayesian
  temperature and abundance retrieval techniques have emerged, that can
  robustly define the range of temperature structure and molecular mixing
  ratios that are consistent with the Spitzer data. Those retrievals are
  especially valuable when applied to a group of planets that have been
  measured using uniformly consistent analysis techniques. We propose to
  re-analyze all of Spitzer's secondary eclipse data using a uniform and
  improved method. Our results will address the temperature structure
  and abundances in hot Jupiter to hot Neptune atmospheres, and will
  define and focus the future questions to be answered via spectroscopy
  from JWST.

Title: A Statistical Characterization of the Atmospheres of Kepler's
    Small Planets
Authors: Deming, L.
2014adap.prop...46D    Altcode:
  We propose a two year program to characterize the atmospheres of
  super-Earths, mini-Neptunes, and Neptunes in the Kepler data, using
  a novel statistical method. The Kepler mission is the most productive
  exoplanet mission ever launched, and our program mines the Kepler data
  to extract the maximum amount of information concerning the atmospheres
  of Kepler's planets. We group the planets by similar physical
  characteristics, then we apply a piecewise-linear transformation to
  their orbital phases near transit and secondary eclipse. We thereby
  scale, bin and average all of the planets in each physical grouping,
  greatly increasing the signal to noise. We will detect reflected light
  (and/or thermal emission) for groups of planets at secondary eclipse,
  as well as refractive shoulders on their average transit curve just
  before ingress and just after egress. The combination of refracted and
  reflected light provides a powerful probe of the atmospheric scale
  height and cloud cover on each group of planets. We demonstrate
  our method on a group of small planets (sub-Saturns) observed at
  secondary eclipse using Kepler's short cadence data. Our two-year
  program will utilize both the short- and long cadence data for many
  more planets. We will validate our eclipse analyses by applying our
  method to the average secondary eclipse for a group of well-observed
  Kepler hot Jupiters. Our refraction analysis will use a new numerical
  code that we will validate by reproducing the amplitude of refraction
  during the transit of Venus (archival data from the TRACE mission). We
  also analyze control groups of planets wherein no signal is reasonably
  expected, to prove the reality of the signals we detect.

Title: NIMBUS: the Near-infrared Multi-Band Ultraprecise Spectroimager
    for SOFIA
Authors: McElwain, Michael W.; Mandell, Avi; Woodgate, Bruce;
   Spiegel, David S.; Madhusudhan, Nikku; Amatucci, Edward; Blake, Cullen;
   Budinoff, Jason; Burgasser, Adam; Burrows, Adam; Clampin, Mark; Conroy,
   Charlie; Deming, L. Drake; Dunham, Edward; Foltz, Roger; Gong, Qian;
   Knutson, Heather; Muench, Theodore; Murray-Clay, Ruth; Peabody, Hume;
   Rauscher, Bernard; Rinehart, Stephen; Villanueva, Geronimo
2012SPIE.8446E..7BM    Altcode: 2012arXiv1208.0832M
  We present a new and innovative near-infrared multi-band ultraprecise
  spectroimager (NIMBUS) for SOFIA. This design is capable of
  characterizing a large sample of extrasolar planet atmospheres
  by measuring elemental and molecular abundances during primary
  transit and occultation. This wide-field spectroimager would also
  provide new insights into Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNO), Solar System
  occultations, brown dwarf atmospheres, carbon chemistry in globular
  clusters, chemical gradients in nearby galaxies, and galaxy photometric
  redshifts. NIMBUS would be the premier ultraprecise spectroimager by
  taking advantage of the SOFIA observatory and state of the art infrared
  technologies. This optical design splits the beam into eight separate
  spectral bandpasses, centered around key molecular bands from 1 to
  4μm. Each spectral channel has a wide field of view for simultaneous
  observations of a reference star that can decorrelate time-variable
  atmospheric and optical assembly effects, allowing the instrument
  to achieve ultraprecise calibration for imaging and photometry for a
  wide variety of astrophysical sources. NIMBUS produces the same data
  products as a low-resolution integral field spectrograph over a large
  spectral bandpass, but this design obviates many of the problems that
  preclude high-precision measurements with traditional slit and integral
  field spectrographs. This instrument concept is currently not funded
  for development.

Title: Properties of an Earth-Like Planet Orbiting a Sun-Like Star:
    Earth Observed by the EPOXI Mission
Authors: Livengood, Timothy A.; Deming, L. Drake; A'Hearn, Michael
   F.; Charbonneau, David; Hewagama, Tilak; Lisse, Carey M.; McFadden,
   Lucy A.; Meadows, Victoria S.; Robinson, Tyler D.; Seager, Sara;
   Wellnitz, Dennis D.
2011AsBio..11..907L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: A NIR spectrum of a hot Jupiter from the ground: Preliminary
Authors: Mandell, Avi M.; Deming, L. Drake; Blake, Geoffrey A.;
   Knutson, Heather A.; Mumma, Michael J.; Villanueva, Geronimo L.;
   Salyk, Colette
2011IAUS..276..158M    Altcode:
  High resolution NIR spectroscopy offers an excellent complement to
  the expanding dataset of transit and secondary eclipse observations
  of exo-planets with Spitzer that have provided the bulk of our
  understanding of the atmospheres and internal structure of these
  objects. High-resolution data can quantify the vertical temperature
  structure by isolating specific spectral lines formed at various
  depths. The presence of an opaque absorbing layer can also be inferred -
  and its pressure level determined quantitatively - via its effect on
  spectral line intensities. <P />We have analyzed data for a single
  secondary eclipse of the bright transiting exo-planet host star
  HD189733 at L-band wavelengths (3-4 μm) using the NIRSPEC instrument
  on Keck-II. We utilize a sophisticated first-order telluric absorption
  modeling technique that, combined with a calibration star, has already
  been proven to remove the effects of varying atmospheric transmittance
  and allow us to reach unprecedented S/N. We are conducting validation
  of the final data reduction products and developing high-resolution
  atmospheric models for comparison, but we have already been able to
  rule out emission from methane as reported by Swain et al. (2010). We
  present preliminary results and discuss future plans for analysis
  and observations.

Title: Alien Earth: Glint observations of a remote planet
Authors: Barry, Richard K.; Deming, L. Drake
2011IAUS..276..471B    Altcode:
  We give a preliminary report on a multi-wavelength study of specular
  reflections from the oceans and clouds of Earth. We use space-borne
  observations from a distance sufficient to ensure that light rays
  reflected from all parts of Earth are closely parallel, as they will be
  when studying exoplanets. We find that the glint properties of Earth in
  this far-field vantage point are surprising - in the sense that some
  of the brightest reflections are not from conventional ocean-glints,
  but appear to arise from cirrus cloud crystals. The Earth observations
  discussed here were acquired with the High Resolution Instrument
  (HRI) - a 0.3 m f/35 telescope on the Deep Impact (DI) spacecraft
  during the Extrasolar Planet Observation and Characterization (EPOCh)

Title: Views from EPOXI: Colors in Our Solar System as an Analog
    for Extrasolar Planets
Authors: Crow, Carolyn A.; McFadden, L. A.; Robinson, T.; Meadows,
   V. S.; Livengood, T. A.; Hewagama, T.; Barry, R. K.; Deming, L. D.;
   Lisse, C. M.; Wellnitz, Dennis
2011ApJ...729..130C    Altcode:
  The first visible-light studies of Earth-sized extrasolar planets will
  employ photometry or low-resolution spectroscopy. This work uses EPOCh
  medium-band filter photometry between 350 and 950 nm obtained with
  the Deep Impact (DI) High Resolution Instrument (HRI) of Earth, the
  Moon, and Mars in addition to previous full-disk observations of the
  other six solar system planets and Titan to analyze the limitations
  of using photometric colors to characterize extrasolar planets. We
  determined that the HRI 350, 550, and 850 nm filters are optimal for
  distinguishing Earth from the other planets and separating planets to
  first order based on their atmospheric and surface properties. Detailed
  conclusions that can be drawn about exoplanet atmospheres simply from
  a color-color plot are limited due to potentially competing physical
  processes in the atmosphere. The presence of a Rayleigh scattering
  atmosphere can be detected by an increase in the 350-550 nm brightness
  ratio, but the absence of Rayleigh scattering cannot be confirmed due
  to the existence of atmospheric and surface absorbing species in the
  UV. Methane and ammonia are the only species responsible for strong
  absorption in the 850 nm filter in our solar system. The combination
  of physical processes present on extrasolar planets may differ from
  those we see locally. Nevertheless, a generation of telescopes capable
  of collecting such photometric observations can serve a critical role
  in first-order characterization and constraining the population of
  Earth-like extrasolar planets.

Title: Views from EPOXI: Colors in our Solar System as an Analog
    for Extrasolar Planets
Authors: Crow, Carolyn; McFadden, L. A.; Robinson, T.; Meadows, V.;
   Livengood, T. A.; Hewagama, T.; Barry, R. K.; Deming, L. D.; Lisse,
   C. M.
2010DPS....42.5206C    Altcode: 2010BAAS...42Q1071C
  The first visible light studies of Earth-sized extrasolar planets
  will employ photometry or low-resolution spectroscopy. We analyzed
  the limitations of using photometric colors to characterize extrasolar
  planets using EPOCh medium-band filter photometry between 350 and 950 nm
  obtained with the Deep Impact (DI) High Resolution Instrument (HRI) of
  the Earth, Moon, and Mars in addition to previous full-disk observations
  of the other six solar system planets and Titan. We determined the
  HRI 350, 550, and 850 nm filters are optimal for distinguishing Earth
  from the other planets and separating planets to first order based on
  their atmospheric and surface properties. As in this study, detailed
  conclusions that can be drawn about exoplanet atmospheres simply from
  a color-color plot are limited due to potentially competing physical
  processes in the atmosphere. For example, the presence of a Rayleigh
  scattering atmosphere can be detected by an increase between 350 to
  550 nm, but the absence or Rayleigh scattering cannot be confirmed
  due to the existence of atmospheric and surface absorbing species
  in the UV. We also observed that methane and ammonia are the only
  species responsible for absorption in the 850 nm filter in our Solar
  System. The combination of physical processes present on extrasolar
  planets may differ from those we see locally. Nevertheless, a generation
  of telescopes capable of collecting such photometric observations can
  serve a critical role in first order characterization and constraining
  the population of Earth-like extrasolar planets.

Title: Detection of the Secondary Eclipse of Exoplanet HAT-P-11b
Authors: Barry, R. K.; Bakos, G.; Harrington, J.; Madhusudhan, N.;
   Noyes, R.; Seager, S.; Deming, L. D.
2010epsc.conf..342B    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Development and utilization of a point spread function for
    the Extrasolar Planet Observation and Characterization/Deep Impact
    Extended Investigation (EPOXI) Mission
Authors: Barry, R. K.; Lindler, D.; Deming, L. D.; A'Hearn, M. F.;
   Ballard, S.; Carcich, B.; Charbonneau, D.; Christiansen, J.; Hewagama,
   T.; McFadden, L.; Wellnitz, D.
2010SPIE.7731E..3DB    Altcode: 2010SPIE.7731E.107B
  The Extrasolar Planet Observation Characterization and the Deep Impact
  Extended Investigation missions (EPOXI) are currently observing the
  transits of exoplanets, a comet nucleus at short range, and Earth
  using the High Resolution Instrument (HRI) - a 0.3 m f/35 telescope
  - on the Deep Impact flyby spacecraft. The HRI is in a permanently
  defocused state with the instrument point of focus about 0.6 cm
  before the focal plane due to the use of a reference flat mirror
  that became a powered optic due to thermal warping during ground
  thermal-vacuum testing. Consequently, the point spread function (PSF)
  covers approximately nine pixels FWHM and is characterized by a patch
  with three-fold symmetry due to the three-point support structures
  of the primary and secondary mirrors. The PSF is also strongly color
  dependent varying in shape and size with change in filtration and
  target color. While defocus is highly desirable for exoplanet transit
  observations to limit sensitivity to intra-pixel variation, it is
  suboptimal for observations of spatially resolved targets. Consequently,
  all images used in our analysis of such objects were deconvolved with
  an instrument PSF. The instrument PSF is also being used to optimize
  transit analysis. We discuss development and usage of an instrument
  PSF for these observations.

Title: Earth as an Extrasolar Planet: Comparing Polar and Equatorial
Authors: Shields, A. L.; Meadows, V. S.; Robinson, T. D.; Deming,
   L. D.; A'Hearn, M. F.; Charbonneau, D.; Hewagama, T.; Lisse, C.;
   Livengood, T.; McFadden, L.; Seager, S.; Welnitz, D. D.; Epoxi
   Earthling Team
2010LPICo1538.5408S    Altcode:
  We present data-model comparisons for EPOXI observations of the
  distant Earth's equator and poles modelled with the NAI's VPL 3D
  Earth Model. These are being used to determine the detectability of
  habitability for different planetary inclinations.

Title: A Time-Dependent Radiative Model for the Atmosphere of the
    Eccentric Exoplanets
Authors: Iro, N.; Deming, L. D.
2010ApJ...712..218I    Altcode:
  We present a time-dependent radiative model for the atmosphere
  of extrasolar planets that takes into account the eccentricity of
  their orbit. In addition to the modulation of stellar irradiation by
  the varying planet-star distance, the pseudo-synchronous rotation
  of the planets may play a significant role. We include both of
  these time-dependent effects when modeling the planetary thermal
  structure. We investigate the thermal structure and spectral
  characteristics for time-dependent stellar heating for two highly
  eccentric planets. Finally, we discuss observational aspects for those
  planets suitable for Spitzer measurements and investigate the role of
  the rotation rate.

Title: Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS)
Authors: Ricker, George R.; Latham, D. W.; Vanderspek, R. K.; Ennico,
   K. A.; Bakos, G.; Brown, T. M.; Burgasser, A. J.; Charbonneau,
   D.; Clampin, M.; Deming, L. D.; Doty, J. P.; Dunham, E. W.; Elliot,
   J. L.; Holman, M. J.; Ida, S.; Jenkins, J. M.; Jernigan, J. G.; Kawai,
   N.; Laughlin, G. P.; Lissauer, J. J.; Martel, F.; Sasselov, D. D.;
   Schingler, R. H.; Seager, S.; Torres, G.; Udry, S.; Villasenor, J. N.;
   Winn, J. N.; Worden, S. P.
2010AAS...21545006R    Altcode: 2010BAAS...42..459R
  TESS is a low-cost SMEX-class satellite mission. In a two-year all-sky
  survey, TESS will observe more than 2,000,000 nearby stars, searching
  for temporary drops in brightness caused by planetary transits. <P
  />TESS is expected to identify more than 1000 transiting exoplanet
  candidates, including a sample of about 100 Super Earths---small
  rock-and-ice planets in the range 1 to 10 Earth masses---orbiting F,
  G, K, and M dwarfs. TESS's "wide-shallow” survey complements the
  "narrow-deep” CoRoT and Kepler surveys. TESS-discovered transiting
  systems will be nearby (&lt; 50 pc), and typically 10-20 x brighter than
  those discovered by CoRoT and Kepler. Thus, the resulting TESS Transit
  Catalog will comprise all of the best transiting systems for follow-up
  observations. TESS will identify Super Earths orbiting IR-bright stars,
  within reach of JWST spectroscopic searches for planetary water and
  carbon dioxide. <P />TESS is a collaborative effort led by researchers
  at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Harvard-Smithsonian
  Center for Astrophysics, and the NASA Ames Research Center. Additional
  TESS scientific partners include Las Cumbres Observatory Global
  Telescope, Lowell Observatory, the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center,
  the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center at the California Institute
  of Technology, the Geneva Observatory (Switzerland), the Tokyo Institute
  of Technology (Japan), and Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et
  de l'Espace (France). <P />TESS was funded by NASA for a Phase A study
  from May 2008 - June 2009, but was not selected for flight. Additional
  funding leading to a flight opportunity is being sought. Support has
  also been provided by the Kavli Foundation, Google, and the Smithsonian
  Institution. TESS could launch as early as 2013-2014.

Title: Estimates of the Population of Exoplanets Discoverable by
    the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS)
Authors: Seager, Sara; Winn, J. N.; Ricker, G. R.; Latham, D. W.;
   Vanderspek, R. K.; Ennico, K. A.; Bakos, G.; Brown, T. M.; Burgasser,
   A. J.; Charbonneau, D.; Clampin, M.; Deming, L. D.; Doty, J. P.;
   Dunham, E. W.; Elliot, J. L.; Holman, M. J.; Ida, S.; Jenkins,
   J. M.; Jernigan, J. G.; Kawai, N.; Laughlin, G. P.; Lissauer, J. J.;
   Martel, F.; Sasselov, D. D.; Schingler, R. H.; Torres, G.; Udry, S.;
   Villasenor, J. N.; Worden, S. P.
2010AAS...21545004S    Altcode: 2010BAAS...42R.458S
  In a two year survey, the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite
  (TESS) will search the entire sky for planets orbiting nearby,
  bright stars. In this paper, we calculate the number of transiting
  planets that TESS will detect, as a function of the properties of the
  planet and the properties of the host star. The ingredients in this
  calculation are divided into five groups: <P />The properties of the
  planet: its radius r and orbital distance a. <P />The properties of
  the star: its luminosity L, mass M, radius R, and number density n in
  our Galactic neighborhood. <P />The TESS instrumental parameters: its
  effective area, bandpass, and limiting photometric precision. <P />The
  TESS survey parameters: the characteristics of the input catalog (2.5
  million V &lt; 13.5 dwarfs over the whole sky), observing duty cycle
  (observing a given star 10.3% of the time), and duration of observations
  for a given star (72 days). <P />The abundance of planets around stars,
  which may depend on r, a, and L <P />The calculation is performed for
  a three-dimensional grid of planet/star/orbit combinations, in which
  the three parameters are the planet radius r, the stellar luminosity L,
  and the orbital distance a. For the range of instrument and population
  parameters and assumptions considered, we estimate that TESS will detect
  1600-2700 planets in total, of which 100-300 should be small planets:
  SuperEarths or Earths. <P />Support for this work has been provided
  by NASA, the Kavli Foundation, Google, and the Smithsonian Institution.

Title: Monte Carlo Simulations of Transit Light Curves for the
    Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS)
Authors: Jernigan, J. G.; Villasenor, J. N.; Ricker, G. R.; Latham,
   D. W.; Vanderspek, R. K.; Ennico, K. A.; Bakos, G.; Brown, T. M.;
   Burgasser, A. J.; Charbonneau, D.; Clampin, M.; Deming, L. D.;
   Doty, J. P.; Dunham, E. W.; Elliot, J. L.; Holman, M. J.; Ida, S.;
   Jenkins, J. M.; Kawai, N.; Laughlin, G. P.; Lissauer, J. J.; Martel,
   F.; Sasselov, D. D.; Schingler, R. H.; Seager, S.; Torres, G.; Udry,
   S.; Winn, J. N.; Worden, S. P.
2010AAS...21545003J    Altcode: 2010BAAS...42..458J
  During the Phase A for TESS, simulations of planetary transits were
  performed to confirm the instrument's ability to detect transits. The
  simulations cover the full TESS discovery space in the planet
  period-transit duration plane. Examples included a 36-day period planet,
  two previously known systems (HAT-P-11 and CoRoT 7B), and one Earth
  and one SuperEarth. In addition, a broad matrix of planetary periods
  and transit depths were also simulated. We present simulated light
  curves of transiting planets that are typical of those that TESS will
  detect. Each light curve is computed via a Monte Carlo algorithm. The
  timing of the optical emission includes the parameters of orbital
  motion for the planet-star system. All simulations include estimates
  of the noise from the following effects: spacecraft pointing jitter,
  vignetting, optical PSF wings, background effects, CCD gain and bias
  instability, sky background, and intrinsic stellar variability. The
  stellar variability includes a scaled, full temporal power spectrum
  of the Sun. Typical light curves of planet-star systems are simulated
  for a 72 day duration with a 10 minute time resolution of each TESS
  sample. These simulated light curves are analyzed to determine estimates
  of the S/N for detection for each simulated system. Support for this
  work has been provided by NASA, the Kavli Foundation, Google, and the
  Smithsonian Institution.

Title: High-Precision Imaging Photometers for the Transient Exoplanet
    Survey Satellite
Authors: Kraft Vanderspek, Roland; Ricker, G. R.; Latham, D. W.;
   Ennico, K.; Bakos, G.; Brown, T. M.; Burgasser, A. J.; Charbonneau,
   D.; Clampin, M.; Deming, L.; Doty, J. P.; Dunham, E. W.; Elliot,
   J. L.; Holman, M. J.; Ida, S.; Jenkins, J. M.; Jernigan, J. G.;
   Kawai, N.; Laughlin, G. P.; Lissauer, J. J.; Martel, F.; Sasselov,
   D. D.; Schingler, R. H.; Seager, S.; Szentgyorgyi, A.; Torres, G.;
   Udry, S.; Villasenor, J. N.; Winn, J. N.; Worden, S. P.
2010AAS...21545007K    Altcode: 2010BAAS...42..459K
  The Transient Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) is designed to
  search for transiting exoplanet systems around all stars with V &lt;
  12. The TESS payload consists of a bank of six identical, wide-field,
  high-precision imaging photometers. When deployed on the highly-stable
  TESS satellite platform, these photometers can perform &lt;200 ppm
  photometry for V=8 stars (∼100 ppm for V=6 stars) in a 10-minute
  observation. We describe the components of the TESS imaging photometers:
  the custom, wide-field optics; the large-area CCD arrays; and the
  low-power, high precision CCD electronics. Support for TESS has been
  provided by NASA, the Kavli Foundation, Google, and the Smithsonian

Title: Data Network for the TESS Mission
Authors: Martel, Francois; Villasenor, J. N.; Ricker, G. R.; Latham,
   D. W.; Vanderspek, R. K.; Ennico, K. A.; Bakos, G.; Brown, T. M.;
   Burgasser, A. J.; Charbonneau, D.; Clampin, M.; Deming, L. D.; Doty,
   J. P.; Dunham, E. W.; Elliot, J. L.; Holman, M. J.; Ida, S.; Jenkins,
   J. M.; Jernigan, J. G.; Kawai, N.; Laughlin, G. P.; Lissauer, J. J.;
   Sasselov, D. D.; Schingler, R. H.; Seager, S.; Torres, G.; Udry, S.;
   Winn, J. N.; Worden, S. P.
2010AAS...21545002M    Altcode: 2010BAAS...42..458M
  The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) is designed for an
  all-sky photometric survey of bright stars, extending&amp;nbspover the
  entire celestial sphere.&amp;nbspTESS will catalog planetary transits
  of nearby stars that can be followed-up with ground observatories. The
  satellite cameras will perform measurements of 2,500,000 stars with
  brightness ranging from V=4.5 to V=13.5 within two years, and download
  typically 4.7 G Bytes of data per day.&amp;nbspWe describe the TESS
  operation plan and the communication and ground system designed to
  download and process the TESS data. The dedicated ground system uses
  a network of S-band ground stations spaced around the equator which
  allows three communications passes per orbit, at data rates of 3.5
  Mbit/sec, for up to 45 data downloads per day. Satellite operations
  and data download are controlled remotely through the internet by
  the TESS Mission Operation Center at NASA Ames Research Center, which
  transfers the TESS observation data for processing and distribution to
  the Science Operation Center managed by &amp;nbspMIT and Harvard-SAO
  in Cambridge. Support for this work has been provided by NASA, the
  Kavli Foundation, Google, and the Smithsonian Institution.

Title: Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) Community Observer
    Program including the Science Enhancement Option Box (SEO Box) -
    12 TB On-board Flash Memory for Serendipitous Science
Authors: Schingler, Robert; Villasenor, J. N.; Ricker, G. R.; Latham,
   D. W.; Vanderspek, R. K.; Ennico, K. A.; Lewis, B. S.; Bakos, G.;
   Brown, T. M.; Burgasser, A. J.; Charbonneau, D.; Clampin, M.; Deming,
   L. D.; Doty, J. P.; Dunham, E. W.; Elliot, J. L.; Holman, M. J.; Ida,
   S.; Jenkins, J. M.; Jernigan, J. G.; Kawai, N.; Laughlin, G. P.;
   Lissauer, J. J.; Martel, F.; Sasselov, D. D.; Seager, S.; Torres,
   G.; Udry, S.; Winn, J. N.; Worden, S. P.
2010AAS...21545001S    Altcode: 2010BAAS...42Q.458S
  The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) will perform an
  all-sky survey in a low-inclination, low-Earth orbit. TESS's 144
  GB of raw data collected each orbit will be stacked, cleaned, cut,
  compressed and downloaded. The Community Observer Program is a Science
  Enhancement Option (SEO) that takes advantage of the low-radiation
  environment, technology advances in flash memory, and the vast amount
  of astronomical data collected by TESS. The Community Observer Program
  requires the addition of a 12 TB "SEO Box” inside the TESS Bus. The
  hardware can be built using low-cost Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS)
  components and fits within TESS's margins while accommodating GSFC
  gold rules. <P />The SEO Box collects and stores a duplicate of the
  TESS camera data at a "raw” stage ( 4.3 GB/orbit, after stacking and
  cleaning) and makes them available for on-board processing. The sheer
  amount of onboard storage provided by the SEO Box allows the stacking
  and storing of several months of data, allowing the investigator
  to probe deeper in time prior to a given event. Additionally, with
  computation power and data in standard formats, investigators can
  utilize data-mining techniques to investigate serendipitous phenomenon,
  including pulsating stars, eclipsing binaries, supernovae or other
  transient phenomena. <P />The Community Observer Program enables ad-hoc
  teams of citizen scientists to propose, test, refine and rank algorithms
  for on-board analysis to support serendipitous science. Combining
  "best practices” of online collaboration, with careful moderation
  and community management, enables this `crowd sourced’ participatory
  exploration with a minimal risk and impact on the core TESS Team. This
  system provides a powerful and independent tool opening a wide range of
  opportunity for science enhancement and secondary science. <P />Support
  for this work has been provided by NASA, the Kavli Foundation, Google,
  and the Smithsonian Institution.

Title: Our Solar System at Low Spectral Resolution: A Starting Point
    for Characterizing Colors of Other Systems
Authors: Crow, Carolyn A.; McFadden, L. A.; Livengood, T. A.; Hewagama,
   T.; Barry, R.; Deming, L. D.
2009DPS....41.0808C    Altcode:
  One of the next frontiers in extrasolar planet exploration is color
  characterization. We have analyzed images of the Earth and Moon acquired
  during the EPOXI mission with the High Resolution Instrument (HRI)
  and seven color filters, and compiled disk-integrated spectra for a
  range of Solar System planets from previous studies. These data form a
  basis for characterizing exoplanetary systems in the future. The images
  used for this study were taken on January 16, 2005 and May 29, 2008 by
  the Deep Impact spacecraft's HRI at distances of 1.64x10<SUP>6</SUP>
  km and 0.33 AU, phase angles of 97.6° and 75.1°, resolutions of 3.3
  and 99.0 km/pix, respectively. We derived disk-integrated spectra
  of the Earth and far side of the Moon in addition to regionally
  integrated spectra of the Sahara Desert, African savanna, northern
  and southern hemispheres of the lunar far side, and various regions of
  the lunar near side. Ground based low-resolution spectra of lunar near
  side regions from McCord et al. 1972 were compared with our data for
  verification. We also convolved disk-integrated spectra of Jupiter,
  Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Titan (Karkoschka 1994, 1998) with the
  HRI filter transmission curves to compare the low-resolution spectral
  features of gaseous planets with those of terrestrial bodies. The
  resulting spectra of the Moon and Earth are similar to what is expected
  for rocky bodies with and without an atmosphere, and the spectra of the
  Sahara and savanna are also what is expected of dry desert and vegetated
  regions. We observe that the low-resolution spectral signatures of the
  Giant Planets, the Moon and Earth are unique. A solar system like our
  own would have these characteristic spectral features at low resolution
  and visible wavelengths.

Title: Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS)
Authors: Ricker, George R.; Latham, D. W.; Vanderspek, R. K.; Ennico,
   K. A.; Bakos, G.; Brown, T. M.; Burgasser, A. J.; Charbonneau,
   D.; Clampin, M.; Deming, L. D.; Doty, J. P.; Dunham, E. W.; Elliot,
   J. L.; Holman, M. J.; Ida, S.; Jenkins, J. M.; Jernigan, J. G.; Kawai,
   N.; Laughlin, G. P.; Lissauer, J. J.; Martel, F.; Sasselov, D. D.;
   Schingler, R. H.; Seager, S.; Torres, G.; Udry, S.; Villasenor, J. S.;
   Winn, J. N.; Worden, S. P.
2009AAS...21430605R    Altcode:
  The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) is a low
  cost, SMEX-class planet finder. In a two year all-sky survey,
  TESS will observe more than two million bright, nearby stars,
  searching for temporary drops in brightness that are caused by
  planetary transits. Such transits not only provide the means of
  identifying the planet, but also provide knowledge of the planet's
  diameter, mass density, surface gravity, temperature, and other key
  properties. TESS is expected to detect more than 1000 transiting
  exoplanet candidates. These detections will include a sample of
  100 Super Earths -- small rock-and-ice planets with masses in the
  range 1 to 10 Earth masses -- orbiting nearby stars with spectral
  types spanning a broad range, including F, G, K, and M dwarfs. No
  ground-based survey can achieve this feat. TESS's "wide-shallow" survey
  complements the "narrow-deep" Corot and Kepler mission surveys. The
  resulting TESS Transit Catalog of the nearest and brightest stars
  in the sky will constitute a unique scientific legacy for followup
  observations. TESS will identify Super Earths orbiting IR-bright stars,
  ideal for JWST searches for planetary water and carbon dioxide. <P
  />The TESS mission is a collaborative effort led by researchers at
  the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Harvard-Smithsonian
  Center for Astrophysics, and the NASA Ames Research Center. Additional
  TESS partners include ATK Space Systems, the Las Cumbres Observatory
  Global Telescope Network, Lowell Observatory, the NASA Goddard Space
  Flight Center, the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center at the
  California Institute of Technology, the University of California
  (Berkeley and Santa Cruz), the SETI Institute, Espace Incorporated,
  the Geneva Observatory (Switzerland), the Tokyo Institute of Technology
  (Japan), and Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace
  (France). <P />TESS is currently completing a NASA-funded Phase A study,
  and is proposed for launch in December 2012.

Title: Exoplanet HAT-P-11b Secondary Transit Observations
Authors: Barry, Richard; Deming, Drake; Bakos, Gaspar; Deming,
   L. Drake; Harrington, Joseph; Madhusudhan, Nikku; Noyes, Robert;
   Seager, Sarah
2009sptz.prop60063B    Altcode:
  We propose to conduct secondary eclipse observations of exoplanet
  HAT-P-11b, recently discovered by proposal Co-Investigator G. Bakos
  and his colleagues. HAT-P-11b is the smallest transiting extrasolar
  planet yet found and one of only two known exo-Neptunes. We will
  observe the system at 3.6 microns for a period of 22 hours centered
  on the anticipated secondary eclipse time, to detect the eclipse
  and determine its phase. Once the secondary eclipse is located, we
  will make a more focused series of observations in both the 3.6 and
  4.5 micron bands to fully characterize it. HAT-P-11b has a period of
  4.8878 days, radius of 0.422 RJ, mass of 0.081 MJ and semi-major axis
  0.053 AU. Measurements of the secondary eclipse will clarify two key
  issues; 1) the planetary brightness temperature and the nature of its
  atmosphere, and 2) the eccentricity of its orbit, with implications
  for its dynamical evolution. A precise determination of the orbit
  phase for the secondary eclipse will also be of great utility for
  Kepler observations of this system at visible wavelengths.

Title: The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS)
Authors: Ricker, George R.; Latham, D. W.; Vanderspek, R. K.; Ennico,
   K. A.; Bakos, G.; Brown, T. M.; Burgasser, A. J.; Charbonneau, D.;
   Deming, L. D.; Doty, J. P.; Dunham, E. W.; Elliot, J. L.; Holman,
   M. J.; Ida, S.; Jenkins, J. M.; Jernigan, J. G.; Kawai, N.; Laughlin,
   G. P.; Lissauer, J. J.; Martel, F.; Sasselov, D. D.; Schingler,
   R. H.; Seager, S.; Torres, G.; Udry, S.; Villasenor, J. S.; Winn,
   J. N.; Worden, S. P.
2009AAS...21340301R    Altcode: 2009BAAS...41..193R
  The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) is a low cost,
  SMEX-class planet finder. In a two year all-sky survey, TESS will
  observe more than two million bright, nearby stars, searching for
  temporary drops in brightness that are caused by planetary transits,
  which occur when a planet's orbit carries it directly in front of its
  parent star. Such transits not only provide the means of identifying
  the planet, but also provide knowledge of the planet's diameter, mass
  density, surface gravity, temperature, and other key properties. <P
  />TESS is expected to catalog more than 1000 transiting exoplanet
  candidates--20 times as many as are presently known, including a
  sample of 'super Earths'. The TESS "wide-shallow" survey will be
  complementary to the "narrow-deep" ones of the Corot and Kepler
  missions: its sky coverage will exceed that of Corot by 1000 times,
  and that of Kepler by 400 times. Because the TESS all-sky survey will
  systematically examine every interesting bright star likely to harbor an
  exoplanet, the resulting TESS Transit Catalog will constitute a unique
  scientific legacy. High resolution, follow-up ground-based optical and
  space-based IR spectroscopy of exoplanets demands bright targets. Thus,
  TESS should identify those new exoplanets that are ideal for study
  with the world's largest ground-based telescopes, as well as with
  NASA's upcoming James Webb Space Telescope. <P />The TESS mission is a
  collaborative effort led by researchers at MIT, the Harvard-Smithsonian
  Center for Astrophysics, and the NASA Ames Research Center. Additional
  TESS partners include the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, the Harvard
  Origins of Life Initiative, Lowell Observatory, Caltech's IPAC, the
  SETI Institute, Geneva Observatory in Switzerland, Tokyo Institute
  of Technology, SUPAERO in France, ATK Space, Espace Inc, and the Las
  Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network. TESS has been accepted
  for Phase A study by NASA, and is proposed for launch in late 2012.

Title: The Fourier Kelvin Stellar Interferometer (FKSI): A Probe-class
    Infrared Space Mission for the Spectroscopic Characterization of
    Exoplanets, Exozodi Levels, Debris Disks, and High Angular Resolution
Authors: Barry, Richard K.; Danchi, W. C.; Deming, L. D.; Lawsen,
   P.; Traub, W.; Unwin, S.
2009AAS...21333601B    Altcode: 2009BAAS...41..397B
  The Fourier-Kelvin Stellar Interferometer (FKSI) mission is
  a two-telescope infrared space interferometer with a 12.5 meter
  baseline on a boom, operating in the spectral range 3 to 8 (or 10)
  microns, and passively cooled to about 60 K. The main goals for the
  mission are the measurement and characterization of the exozodiacal
  emission around nearby stars, debris disks, and the atmospheres of
  known exoplanets, and the search for Super Earths around nearby
  stars. We discuss progress on this mission in the context of the
  upcoming Decadal Survey, in particular how FKSI is ideally suited to
  be an Exoplanet Probe mission in terms of crucial observations which
  should be done before a flagship mission can be undertaken, as well
  as technical readiness, cost, and risk.

Title: Chromospheric Lines as Diagnostics of Stellar Oscillations
Authors: Paulson, Diane B.; Pesnell, W. Dean; Deming, L. Drake; Snow,
   Martin; Metcalfe, Travis S.; Woods, Tom; Hesman, Brigette
2008psa..conf..311P    Altcode:
  Gravitational waves in the chromosphere, theorized as early as
  1963 [10], are thoroughly explored in the more recent papers by
  [7, 8]. Theory predicts that the convective overshoot in the upper
  photosphere and low chromosphere will readily excite gravity waves. [9]
  note that these waves are not easily detected because of the long
  periods, short wavelengths required and slanted propagation angles of
  the waves themselves (causing small velocity shifts and short duration
  on individual detector pixels). Recently, [9] find evidence for gravity
  waves manifested in the f 700Å chromospheric line with frequencies
  &lt;1 mHz.

Title: Solar Magnetograms at 12 μm Using the Celeste Spectrograph
Authors: Moran, Thomas G.; Jennings, Donald E.; Deming, L. Drake;
   McCabe, George H.; Sada, Pedro V.; Boyle, Robert J.
2007SoPh..241..213M    Altcode:
  We present the first solar vector magnetogram constructed from
  measurements of infra-red Mg I 12.32-μm line spectra. Observations
  were made at the McMath-Pierce Telescope using the Celeste
  spectrometer/polarimeter. Zeeman-split Stokes line spectra were fitted
  with Seares profiles to obtain the magnetic field parameters. Maps
  of absolute field strength, line-of-sight angle, and azimuth are
  presented. Analysis shows that the variation in field strength
  within a spatial resolution element, 2 arcseconds, is greatest in the
  sunspot penumbra and that this is most likely caused by vertical field
  strength gradients, rather than horizontal image smearing. Widths of
  the Zeeman-split σ components, assuming a formation layer thickness
  of 200 km, indicate that vertical field strength gradients can be as
  large as 6.5 G/km in a penumbra.

Title: The Fourier-Kelvin Stellar Interferometer: a low-complexity
    low-cost space mission for high-resolution astronomy and direct
    exoplanet detection
Authors: Barry, R. K.; Danchi, W. C.; Deming, L. D.; Richardson, L. J.;
   Kuchner, M. J.; Seager, S.; Frey, B. J.; Martino, A. J.; Lee, K. A.;
   Zuray, M.; Rajagopal, J.; Hyde, T. T.; Millan-Gabete, R.; Monnier,
   J. D.; Allen, R. J.; Traub, W. A.
2006SPIE.6265E..1LB    Altcode: 2006SPIE.6265E..46B
  The Fourier-Kelvin Stellar Interferometer (FKSI) is a mission concept
  for a spacecraft-borne nulling interferometer for high-resolution
  astronomy and the direct detection of exoplanets and assay of their
  environments and atmospheres. FKSI is a high angular resolution
  system operating in the near to mid-infrared spectral region and is a
  scientific and technological pathfinder to the Darwin and Terrestrial
  Planet Finder (TPF) missions. The instrument is configured with an
  optical system consisting, depending on configuration, of two 0.5 -
  1.0 m telescopes on a 12.5 - 20 m boom feeding a symmetric, dual Mach-
  Zehnder beam combiner. We report on progress on our nulling testbed
  including the design of an optical pathlength null-tracking control
  system and development of a testing regime for hollow-core fiber
  waveguides proposed for use in wavefront cleanup. We also report results
  of integrated simulation studies of the planet detection performance of
  FKSI and results from an in-depth control system and residual optical
  pathlength jitter analysis.

Title: The Fourier-Kelvin Stellar Interferometer: an achievable,
    space-borne interferometer for the direct detection and study of
    extrasolar giant planets
Authors: Barry, R. K.; Danchi, W. C.; Deming, L. D.; Richardson,
   L. J.; Kuchner, M. J.; Chambers, V. J.; Frey, B. J.; Martino, A. J.;
   Rajagopal, J.; Allen, R. J.; Harrington, J. A.; Hyde, T. T.; Johnson,
   V. S.; Linfield, R.; Millan-Gabet, R.; Monnier, J. D.; Mundy, L. G.;
   Noecker, C.; Seager, S.; Traub, W. A.
2006dies.conf..221B    Altcode: 2006IAUCo.200..221B
  The Fourier-Kelvin Stellar Interferometer (FKSI) is a mission concept
  for a spacecraft-borne imaging and nulling interferometer for the near
  to mid-infrared spectral region. FKSI is a scientific and technological
  pathfinder to the Darwin and Terrestrial Planet Finder (TPF) missions
  and will be a high angular resolution system complementary to the James
  Webb Space Telescope (JWST). There are four key scientific issues the
  FKSI mission is designed to address. These are: 1.) characterization
  of the atmospheres of the known extra-solar giant planets, 2.) assay
  of the morphology of debris disks to look for resonant structures
  characteristic of the presence of extrasolar planets, 3.) study of
  circumstellar material around a variety of stellar types to better
  understand their evolutionary state, and in the case of young stellar
  systems, their planet forming potential, and 4.) measurement of
  detailed structures inside active galactic nuclei. We report results of
  simulation studies of the imaging capabilities of the FKSI, current
  progress on our nulling testbed, results from control system and
  residual jitter analysis, and selection of hollow waveguide fibers
  for wavefront cleanup.

Title: HD209458b Transit Spectroscopy
Authors: Harrington, J.; Deming, L. D.; Matthews, K.; Richardson,
   L. J.; Rojo, P.; Steyert, D.; Wiedemann, G.; Zeehandelaar, D.
2002DPS....34.3005H    Altcode: 2002BAAS...34Q.893H
  We search for the spectral signature of H<SUB>2</SUB>O, CH<SUB>4</SUB>,
  and CO on the extrasolar planet HD 209458b using transit
  spectroscopy. The planet will modulate the stellar spectrum during
  transit. The extinction altitude of tangent rays of a given wavelength
  depends on the abundance and distribution of molecular species that
  absorb at that wavelength. The depth of the occultation at a given
  wavelength depends on the cross-sectional area of the planet, which is
  determined by the extinction altitude. For deep lines of H<SUB>2</SUB>O,
  CH<SUB>4</SUB>, and CO, the effect is about 0.07%, due to the ~750
  km scale height. Our S/N calculations show that well-calibrated,
  ground-based spectra, integrated over time and wavelength, can measure
  or place useful limits on the atmospheric abundances of H<SUB>2</SUB>O,
  CH<SUB>4</SUB>, and CO. Carbon forms predominantly CH<SUB>4</SUB>
  below 1400 K and CO if hotter. Since the effective temperature is
  around 1400 K, detecting CH<SUB>4</SUB> and/or CO would provide a tight
  constraint on atmospheric temperatures. Observations began in August
  2001 at Palomar and we have 12 additional nights granted in 2002 at
  Keck, VLT, and IRTF. The expected modulation of the stellar spectrum
  is model-dependent: high-altitude hazes, photochemical effects, and
  different thermal profiles would substantially modify the effect
  for the same planetary elemental abundances. Since the effect is
  subtle compared to the noise in the data, we correlate model spectra
  against thousands of observed spectra and average the correlations
  to test whether the data support a given model. We are developing a
  radiative-transfer model to predict the spectrum of a given planetary
  model, and we are measuring H<SUB>2</SUB>O, CH<SUB>4</SUB>, and CO in
  the laboratory at 1300 K, with pressure-broadening by H<SUB>2</SUB>,
  to make our model spectra realistic at these elevated temperatures
  (crucial for detecting H<SUB>2</SUB>O). Analysis of the 2001 data and
  acquisition of 2002 data are in progress. We solicit participation by
  those who wish to test their planetary models.

Title: Simple Models of SL-9 Impact Plumes
Authors: Harrington, J.; Deming, L. D.
1996DPS....28.2249H    Altcode: 1996BAAS...28.1150H
  The impacts of the larger fragments of Comet Shomaker-Levy 9 on Jupiter
  left debris patterns of consistent appearance, likely caused by the
  landing of the observed impact plumes. Realistic fluid simulations of
  impact plume evolution may take months to years for even single computer
  runs. To provide guidance for these models and to elucidate the most
  basic aspects of the plumes, debris patterns, and their ultimate effect
  on the atmosphere, we have developed simple models that reproduce many
  of the key features. These Monte-Carlo models divide the plume into
  discrete mass elements, assign to them a velocity distribution based
  on numerical impact models, and follow their ballistic trajectories
  until they hit the planet. If particles go no higher than the observed ~
  3,000 km plume heights, they cannot reach the observed crescent pattern
  located ~ 10,000 km from the impact sites unless they slide horizontally
  after ballistic flight. By introducing parameterized sliding or higher
  trajectories, we can reproduce most of the observed impact features,
  including the central streak, the crescent, and the ephemeral ring
  located ~ 30,000 km from the impact sites. We also keep track of
  the amounts of energy and momentum delivered to the atmosphere as a
  function of time and location, for use in atmospheric models (D. Deming
  and J. Harrington, this meeting).

Title: The Bounce of SL-9 Impact Ejecta Plumes on Re-Entry
Authors: Deming, L. D.; Harrington, J.
1996DPS....28.2250D    Altcode: 1996BAAS...28.1151D
  We have generated synthetic light curves of the re-entry of
  SL-9 ejecta plumes into Jupiter's atmosphere and have modeled
  the periodic oscillation of the observed R plume light curves
  (P. D. Nicholson et al. 1995, Geophys. Res. Lett. 22, 1613--1616) as a
  hydrodynamic bounce. Our model is separated into plume and atmospheric
  components. The plume portion of the model is a ballistic Monte Carlo
  calculation (Harrington and Deming, this meeting). In this paper we
  describe the atmospheric portion of the model. The infalling plume
  is divided over a spatial grid (in latitude/longitude). The plume is
  layered, and joined to a 1-D Lagrangian radiative-hydrodynamic model
  of the atmosphere, at each grid point. The radiative-hydrodynamic
  code solves the momentum, energy, and radiative transfer equations
  for both the infalling plume layers and the underlying atmosphere
  using an explicit finite difference scheme. It currently uses gray
  opacities for both the plume and the atmosphere, and the calculations
  indicate that a much greater opacity is needed for the plume than for
  the atmosphere. We compute the emergent infrared intensity at each grid
  point, and integrate spatially to yield a synthetic light curve. These
  curves exhibit many features in common with observed light curves,
  including a rapid rise to maximum light followed by a gradual decline
  due to radiative damping. Oscillatory behavior (the “bounce”) is a
  persistent feature of the light curves, and is caused by the elastic
  nature of the plume impact. In addition to synthetic light curves, the
  model also calculates temperature profiles for the jovian atmosphere
  as heated by the plume infall.

Title: Location of Hydrocarbon Emission Near Jupiter's South Pole
Authors: Livengood, T. A.; Buhl, D.; Deming, L. D.; Espenak, F.;
   Kostiuk, T.; Reuter, D.; Fast, K. E.
1993DPS....25.0902L    Altcode: 1993BAAS...25.1051L
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Photometric observations of visual binaries and inferences
    concerning mixing in red giants
Authors: Deming, Leo Drake
1976PhDT.......168D    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Photometric Observations of Visual Binaries and Inferences
    Concerning Mixing in Red Giants.
Authors: Deming, L. D.
1976PhDT.........2D    Altcode:
  The DDO and uvby beta methods photometry were used to study a sample
  of visual binaries. Inferences were made concerning the amount and
  kind of mixing which occurs in population I red giants before and
  during the stage of core helium burning. The binaries consist of G
  and K giants in association with main sequence stars of nearly solar
  type. The DDO photometry of the giant components of the binaries
  yields absolute magnitudes which are in generally good accord with
  the absolute magnitudes derived for the secondary components from
  uvby beta photometry. The spectral types indicated by DDO photometry
  are in generally good agreement with spectral types given by visual
  classification. However there exists a small group of stars for which
  DDO photometry gives widely discrepant spectral types and absolute
  magnitudes. These stars can often be noticed to have peculiar spectra
  at the time of visual classification; they may be spectroscopic binaries
  but this is not certain.

Title: a Comparison of Spectrographic and DDO Photoelectric
    Luminosities and Composition Indices
Authors: Yoss, Kenneth M.; Deming, L. Drake
1975mpth.conf..359Y    Altcode: 1975mpth.proc..359Y
  No abstract at ADS