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Author name code: depontieu
ADS astronomy entries on 2022-09-14
author:"De Pontieu, Bart" 

Title: A novel inversion method to determine the coronal magnetic
    field including the impact of bound-free absorption
Authors: Martinez-Sykora, Juan; Hansteen, Viggo H.; De Pontieu, Bart;
   Landi, Enrico
2022arXiv220813984M    Altcode:
  The magnetic field governs the corona; hence it is a crucial parameter
  to measure. Unfortunately, existing techniques for estimating its
  strength are limited by strong assumptions and limitations. These
  techniques include photospheric or chromospheric field extrapolation
  using potential or non-linear-force-free methods, estimates based on
  coronal seismology, or by direct observations via, e.g., the Cryo-NIRSP
  instrument on DKIST which will measure the coronal magnetic field,
  but only off the limb. Alternately, in this work we investigate a
  recently developed approach based on the magnetic-field-induced (MIT)
  transition of the \fex~257.261~Å. In order to examine this approach,
  we have synthesized several \fex\ lines from two 3D magnetohydrodynamic
  simulations, one modeling an emerging flux region and the second an
  established mature active region. In addition, we take bound-free
  absorption from neutral hydrogen and helium and singly ionised
  helium into account. The absorption from cool plasma that occurs at
  coronal heights has a significant impact on determining the magnetic
  field. We investigate in detail the challenges of using these \fex\
  lines to measure the field, considering their density and temperature
  dependence. We present a novel approach to deriving the magnetic field
  from the MIT using inversions of the differential emission measure as a
  function of the temperature, density, and magnetic field. This approach
  successfully estimates the magnetic field strength (up to \%18 relative
  error) in regions that do not suffer from significant absorption and
  that have relatively strong coronal magnetic fields ($>250$~G). This
  method allows the masking of regions where absorption is significant.

Title: Genesis and Coronal-jet-generating Eruption of a Solar
    Minifilament Captured by IRIS Slit-raster Spectra
Authors: Panesar, Navdeep K.; Tiwari, Sanjiv K.; Moore, Ronald L.;
   Sterling, Alphonse C.; De Pontieu, Bart
2022arXiv220900059P    Altcode:
  We present the first IRIS Mg II slit-raster spectra that fully capture
  the genesis and coronal-jet-generating eruption of a central-disk solar
  minifilament. The minifilament arose in a negative-magnetic-polarity
  coronal hole. The Mg II spectroheliograms verify that the minifilament
  plasma temperature is chromospheric. The Mg II spectra show that
  the erupting minifilament's plasma has blueshifted upflow in the
  jet spire's onset and simultaneous redshifted downflow at the
  location of the compact jet bright point (JBP). From the Mg II
  spectra together with AIA EUV images and HMI magnetograms, we find:
  (i) the minifilament forms above a flux cancelation neutral line
  at an edge of a negative-polarity network flux clump; (ii) during
  the minifilament's fast-eruption onset and jet-spire onset, the
  JBP begins brightening over the flux-cancelation neutral line. From
  IRIS2 inversion of the Mg II spectra, the JBP's Mg II bright plasma
  has electron density, temperature, and downward (red-shift) Doppler
  speed of 1012 cm^-3, 6000 K, and 10 kms, respectively, and the growing
  spire shows clockwise spin. We speculate: (i) during the slow rise
  of the erupting minifilament-carrying twisted flux rope, the top of
  the erupting flux-rope loop, by writhing, makes its field direction
  opposite that of encountered ambient far-reaching field; (ii) the
  erupting kink then can reconnect with the far-reaching field to make
  the spire and reconnect internally to make the JBP. We conclude that
  this coronal jet is normal in that magnetic flux cancelation builds a
  minifilament-carrying twisted flux rope and triggers the JBP-generating
  and jet-spire-generating eruption of the flux rope.

Title: Emergence of internetwork magnetic fields into the chromosphere
    and transition region
Authors: Gosic, Milan; De Pontieu, Bart; Bellot Rubio, L. R.; Sainz
   Dalda, A.; Esteban Pozuelo, Sara
2022cosp...44.2511G    Altcode:
  Internetwork (IN) magnetic fields are highly dynamic, short-lived
  magnetic structures that populate the interior of supergranular
  cells. Since they are spread all over the Sun, they may hold a
  significant fraction of the total magnetic energy stored in the
  photosphere. Therefore, it is crucial to understand their role in the
  quiet Sun magnetism and impact on the energetics and dynamics of the
  solar atmosphere. To provide new insights into this topic, we studied
  three flux emergence events and followed them as they emerge into the
  photosphere and reach the chromosphere and transition region. We used
  coordinated, high-resolution, multiwavelength observations obtained with
  the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope (SST) and the Interface Region Imaging
  Spectrograph (IRIS). SST Fe I 6173 and Mg I b$_2$ 5173 magnetograms
  show the footpoints of the IN bipoles emerging at the solar surface
  and rising toward the upper solar atmosphere. For the first time, our
  spectropolarimetric measurements in the Ca II 8542 \AA\/ line provide
  direct observational evidence that IN fields are capable of reaching
  the chromosphere. IRIS observations reveal another important piece of
  information - small-scale IN loops can even reach transition region
  heights, and locally heat the upper solar atmosphere.

Title: Fine-scale, Dot-like, Brightenings in an Emerging Flux Region:
    SolO/EUI Observations, and Bifrost MHD Simulations
Authors: Tiwari, Sanjiv Kumar; Berghmans, David; De Pontieu, Bart;
   Hansteen, Viggo; Panesar, Navdeep Kaur
2022cosp...44.2529T    Altcode:
  Numerous tiny bright dots are observed in SolO's EUI/\hri\ data
  of an emerging flux region (a coronal bright point) in 174 \AA,
  emitted by the coronal plasma at $\sim$1 MK. These dots are roundish,
  with a diameter of 675$\pm$300 km, a lifetime of 50$\pm$35 seconds,
  and an intensity enhancement of 30% $\pm$10% from their immediate
  surroundings. About half of the dots remain isolated during their
  evolution and move randomly and slowly ($<$10 \kms). The other half
  show extensions, appearing as a small loop or surge/jet, with intensity
  propagations below 30\,\kms. Some dots form at the end of a fine-scale
  explosion. Many of the bigger and brighter EUI/HRI dots are discernible
  in SDO/AIA 171 \AA\ channel, have significant EM in the temperature
  range of 1--2 MK, and are often located at polarity inversion lines
  observed in HMI LOS magnetograms. Bifrost MHD simulations of an emerging
  flux region do show dots in synthetic Fe IX/X images, although dots
  in simulations are not as pervasive as in observations. The dots
  in simulations show distinct Doppler signatures -- blueshifts and
  redshifts coexist, or a redshift of the order of 10 \kms\ is followed
  by a blueshift of similar or higher magnitude. The synthetic images of
  O V/VI and Si IV lines, which form in the transition region, also show
  the dots that are observed in Fe IX/X images, often expanded in size,
  or extended as a loop, and always with stronger Doppler velocities (up
  to 100 \kms) than that in Fe IX/X lines. Our results, together with the
  field geometry of dots in the simulations, suggest that most dots in
  emerging flux regions form in the lower solar atmosphere (at $\approx$1
  Mm) by magnetic reconnection between emerging and pre-existing/emerged
  magnetic field. The dots are smaller in Fe IX/X images (than in O V/VI
  & Si IV lines) most likely because only the hottest counterpart of
  the magnetic reconnection events is visible in the hotter emission. Some
  dots might be manifestations of magneto-acoustic shocks (from the
  lower atmosphere) through the line formation region of Fe IX/X. A
  small number of dots could also be a response of supersonic downflows
  impacting transition-region/chromospheric density.

Title: Detailed Description of the Collision Frequency in the Solar
Authors: Wargnier, Q. M.; Martínez-Sykora, J.; Hansteen, V. H.;
   De Pontieu, B.
2022ApJ...933..205W    Altcode:
  This work aims to provide an accurate description and calculations of
  collision frequencies in conditions relevant to the solar atmosphere. To
  do so, we focus on the detailed description of the collision
  frequency in the solar atmosphere based on a classical formalism with
  Chapman-Cowling collision integrals, as described by Zhdanov. These
  collision integrals allow linking the macroscopic transport fluxes
  of multifluid models to the kinetic scales involved in the Boltzmann
  equations. In this context, the collision frequencies are computed
  accurately while being consistent at the kinetic level. We calculate
  the collision frequencies based on this formalism and compare them with
  approaches commonly used in the literature for conditions typical of the
  solar atmosphere. To calculate the collision frequencies, we focus on
  the collision integral data provided by Bruno et al., which is based on
  a multicomponent hydrogen-helium mixture used for conditions typical for
  the atmosphere of Jupiter. We perform a comparison with the classical
  formalism of Vranjes & Krstic and Leake & Linton. We highlight
  the differences obtained in the distribution of the cross sections as
  functions of the temperature. Then, we quantify the disparities obtained
  in numerical simulations of a 2.5D solar atmosphere by calculating
  collision frequencies and ambipolar diffusion. This strategy allows
  us to validate and assess the accuracy of these collision frequencies
  for conditions typical of the solar atmosphere.

Title: Parallel Plasma Loops and the Energization of the Solar Corona
Authors: Peter, Hardi; Chitta, Lakshmi Pradeep; Chen, Feng; Pontin,
   David I.; Winebarger, Amy R.; Golub, Leon; Savage, Sabrina L.;
   Rachmeler, Laurel A.; Kobayashi, Ken; Brooks, David H.; Cirtain,
   Jonathan W.; De Pontieu, Bart; McKenzie, David E.; Morton, Richard J.;
   Testa, Paola; Tiwari, Sanjiv K.; Walsh, Robert W.; Warren, Harry P.
2022ApJ...933..153P    Altcode: 2022arXiv220515919P
  The outer atmosphere of the Sun is composed of plasma heated to
  temperatures well in excess of the visible surface. We investigate
  short cool and warm (<1 MK) loops seen in the core of an active
  region to address the role of field-line braiding in energizing these
  structures. We report observations from the High-resolution Coronal
  imager (Hi-C) that have been acquired in a coordinated campaign with
  the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS). In the core of the
  active region, the 172 Å band of Hi-C and the 1400 Å channel of IRIS
  show plasma loops at different temperatures that run in parallel. There
  is a small but detectable spatial offset of less than 1″ between
  the loops seen in the two bands. Most importantly, we do not see
  observational signatures that these loops might be twisted around each
  other. Considering the scenario of magnetic braiding, our observations
  of parallel loops imply that the stresses put into the magnetic field
  have to relax while the braiding is applied: the magnetic field never
  reaches a highly braided state on these length scales comparable to
  the separation of the loops. This supports recent numerical 3D models
  of loop braiding in which the effective dissipation is sufficiently
  large that it keeps the magnetic field from getting highly twisted
  within a loop.

Title: On the relationship between spicules and coronal bright points
Authors: Bose, Souvik; De Pontieu, Bart; Rouppe van der Voort, Luc;
   Nóbrega Siverio, Daniel
2022cosp...44.2522B    Altcode:
  Coronal bright points (CBPs) are a set of small-scale, lower coronal
  loop systems connecting opposite magnetic polarities and are primarily
  characterized by enhanced emission in the extreme ultraviolet (EUV)
  wavelengths and X-rays. Being ubiquitous they are thought to play a
  definite role in heating the solar corona. This study aims to explore
  the chromospheric components associated with a CBP by focusing on
  spicules and small-scaled flux emergence. We used high-resolution
  observations in H$\beta$ and Fe I 617.3 nm spectral lines obtained
  from the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope (SST) in coordination with the
  images acquired from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) instrument
  on-board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). On-disk spicules were
  automatically detected by employing advanced image processing techniques
  on the Dopplergrams derived from H$\beta$, and Mile-Eddington inversions
  of the Fe I 617.3 nm line provided the photospheric vector magnetic
  field. The AIA co-observations were co-aligned to SST with the latter
  serving as a reference. We find abundant occurrences of chromospheric
  spicules close to the "footpoints" of the CBP. The orientation of the
  spicules is predominantly aligned along with CBP loops which further
  indicates that they form a fundamental part of the same magnetic
  structure. Several examples of the spatio-temporal evolution indicate
  that much of the chromospheric plasma is heated to coronal temperatures
  implying that spicules potentially supply mass and energy to the CBP
  loops. Furthermore, we study chromospheric and corresponding coronal
  responses to two magnetic flux emergence events and their impact on the
  dynamics of the CBP. This study presents unique and unambiguous evidence
  that connects chromospheric spicular dynamics and flux emergence with
  a CBP for the very first time using high-resolution observations.

Title: SolO/EUI Observations of Ubiquitous Fine-scale Bright Dots
in an Emerging Flux Region: Comparison with a Bifrost MHD Simulation
Authors: Tiwari, Sanjiv K.; Hansteen, Viggo H.; De Pontieu, Bart;
   Panesar, Navdeep K.; Berghmans, David
2022ApJ...929..103T    Altcode: 2022arXiv220306161T
  We report on the presence of numerous tiny bright dots in and around
  an emerging flux region (an X-ray/coronal bright point) observed with
  SolO's EUI/HRI<SUB>EUV</SUB> in 174 Å. These dots are roundish and have
  a diameter of 675 ± 300 km, a lifetime of 50 ± 35 s, and an intensity
  enhancement of 30% ± 10% above their immediate surroundings. About
  half of the dots remain isolated during their evolution and move
  randomly and slowly (&lt;10 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>). The other half show
  extensions, appearing as a small loop or surge/jet, with intensity
  propagations below 30 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. Many of the bigger and brighter
  HRI<SUB>EUV</SUB> dots are discernible in the SDO/AIA 171 Å channel,
  have significant emissivity in the temperature range of 1-2 MK, and
  are often located at polarity inversion lines observed in SDO/HMI LOS
  magnetograms. Although not as pervasive as in observations, a Bifrost
  MHD simulation of an emerging flux region does show dots in synthetic
  Fe IX/X images. These dots in the simulation show distinct Doppler
  signatures-blueshifts and redshifts coexist, or a redshift of the
  order of 10 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> is followed by a blueshift of similar
  or higher magnitude. The synthetic images of O V/VI and Si IV lines,
  which represent transition region radiation, also show the dots that
  are observed in Fe IX/X images, often expanded in size, or extended
  as a loop, and always with stronger Doppler velocities (up to 100
  km s<SUP>-1</SUP>) than that in Fe IX/X lines. Our observation and
  simulation results, together with the field geometry of dots in the
  simulation, suggest that most dots in emerging flux regions form in the
  lower solar atmosphere (at ≍ 1 Mm) by magnetic reconnection between
  emerging and preexisting/emerged magnetic field. Some dots might be
  manifestations of magnetoacoustic shocks through the line formation
  region of Fe IX/X emission.

Title: Chromospheric emission from nanoflare heating in RADYN
Authors: Bakke, H.; Carlsson, M.; Rouppe van der Voort, L.; Gudiksen,
   B. V.; Polito, V.; Testa, P.; De Pontieu, B.
2022A&A...659A.186B    Altcode: 2022arXiv220111961B
  Context. Heating signatures from small-scale magnetic reconnection
  events in the solar atmosphere have proven to be difficult to
  detect through observations. Numerical models that reproduce flaring
  conditions are essential in understanding how nanoflares may act as a
  heating mechanism of the corona. <BR /> Aims: We study the effects of
  non-thermal electrons in synthetic spectra from 1D hydrodynamic RADYN
  simulations of nanoflare heated loops to investigate the diagnostic
  potential of chromospheric emission from small-scale events. <BR />
  Methods: The Mg II h and k, Ca II H and K, Ca II 854.2 nm, and Hα and
  Hβ chromospheric lines were synthesised from various RADYN models of
  coronal loops subject to electron beams of nanoflare energies. The
  contribution function to the line intensity was computed to better
  understand how the atmospheric response to the non-thermal electrons
  affects the formation of spectral lines and the detailed shape of
  their spectral profiles. <BR /> Results: The spectral line signatures
  arising from the electron beams highly depend on the density of the
  loop and the lower cutoff energy of the electrons. Low-energy (5 keV)
  electrons deposit their energy in the corona and transition region,
  producing strong plasma flows that cause both redshifts and blueshifts
  of the chromospheric spectra. Higher-energy (10 and 15 keV) electrons
  deposit their energy in the lower transition region and chromosphere,
  resulting in increased emission from local heating. Our results indicate
  that effects from small-scale events can be observed with ground-based
  telescopes, expanding the list of possible diagnostics for the presence
  and properties of nanoflares.

Title: Probing the Physics of the Solar Atmosphere with the Multi-slit
    Solar Explorer (MUSE). II. Flares and Eruptions
Authors: Cheung, Mark C. M.; Martínez-Sykora, Juan; Testa, Paola;
   De Pontieu, Bart; Chintzoglou, Georgios; Rempel, Matthias; Polito,
   Vanessa; Kerr, Graham S.; Reeves, Katharine K.; Fletcher, Lyndsay; Jin,
   Meng; Nóbrega-Siverio, Daniel; Danilovic, Sanja; Antolin, Patrick;
   Allred, Joel; Hansteen, Viggo; Ugarte-Urra, Ignacio; DeLuca, Edward;
   Longcope, Dana; Takasao, Shinsuke; DeRosa, Marc L.; Boerner, Paul;
   Jaeggli, Sarah; Nitta, Nariaki V.; Daw, Adrian; Carlsson, Mats; Golub,
   Leon; The
2022ApJ...926...53C    Altcode: 2021arXiv210615591C
  Current state-of-the-art spectrographs cannot resolve the fundamental
  spatial (subarcseconds) and temporal (less than a few tens of
  seconds) scales of the coronal dynamics of solar flares and eruptive
  phenomena. The highest-resolution coronal data to date are based on
  imaging, which is blind to many of the processes that drive coronal
  energetics and dynamics. As shown by the Interface Region Imaging
  Spectrograph for the low solar atmosphere, we need high-resolution
  spectroscopic measurements with simultaneous imaging to understand the
  dominant processes. In this paper: (1) we introduce the Multi-slit Solar
  Explorer (MUSE), a spaceborne observatory to fill this observational
  gap by providing high-cadence (&lt;20 s), subarcsecond-resolution
  spectroscopic rasters over an active region size of the solar transition
  region and corona; (2) using advanced numerical models, we demonstrate
  the unique diagnostic capabilities of MUSE for exploring solar coronal
  dynamics and for constraining and discriminating models of solar flares
  and eruptions; (3) we discuss the key contributions MUSE would make
  in addressing the science objectives of the Next Generation Solar
  Physics Mission (NGSPM), and how MUSE, the high-throughput Extreme
  Ultraviolet Solar Telescope, and the Daniel K Inouye Solar Telescope
  (and other ground-based observatories) can operate as a distributed
  implementation of the NGSPM. This is a companion paper to De Pontieu
  et al., which focuses on investigating coronal heating with MUSE.

Title: Probing the Physics of the Solar Atmosphere with the Multi-slit
    Solar Explorer (MUSE). I. Coronal Heating
Authors: De Pontieu, Bart; Testa, Paola; Martínez-Sykora, Juan;
   Antolin, Patrick; Karampelas, Konstantinos; Hansteen, Viggo; Rempel,
   Matthias; Cheung, Mark C. M.; Reale, Fabio; Danilovic, Sanja; Pagano,
   Paolo; Polito, Vanessa; De Moortel, Ineke; Nóbrega-Siverio, Daniel;
   Van Doorsselaere, Tom; Petralia, Antonino; Asgari-Targhi, Mahboubeh;
   Boerner, Paul; Carlsson, Mats; Chintzoglou, Georgios; Daw, Adrian;
   DeLuca, Edward; Golub, Leon; Matsumoto, Takuma; Ugarte-Urra, Ignacio;
   McIntosh, Scott W.; the MUSE Team
2022ApJ...926...52D    Altcode: 2021arXiv210615584D
  The Multi-slit Solar Explorer (MUSE) is a proposed mission composed of
  a multislit extreme ultraviolet (EUV) spectrograph (in three spectral
  bands around 171 Å, 284 Å, and 108 Å) and an EUV context imager (in
  two passbands around 195 Å and 304 Å). MUSE will provide unprecedented
  spectral and imaging diagnostics of the solar corona at high spatial
  (≤0.″5) and temporal resolution (down to ~0.5 s for sit-and-stare
  observations), thanks to its innovative multislit design. By obtaining
  spectra in four bright EUV lines (Fe IX 171 Å, Fe XV 284 Å, Fe XIX-Fe
  XXI 108 Å) covering a wide range of transition regions and coronal
  temperatures along 37 slits simultaneously, MUSE will, for the first
  time, "freeze" (at a cadence as short as 10 s) with a spectroscopic
  raster the evolution of the dynamic coronal plasma over a wide range of
  scales: from the spatial scales on which energy is released (≤0.″5)
  to the large-scale (~170″ × 170″) atmospheric response. We use
  numerical modeling to showcase how MUSE will constrain the properties of
  the solar atmosphere on spatiotemporal scales (≤0.″5, ≤20 s) and
  the large field of view on which state-of-the-art models of the physical
  processes that drive coronal heating, flares, and coronal mass ejections
  (CMEs) make distinguishing and testable predictions. We describe the
  synergy between MUSE, the single-slit, high-resolution Solar-C EUVST
  spectrograph, and ground-based observatories (DKIST and others), and
  the critical role MUSE plays because of the multiscale nature of the
  physical processes involved. In this first paper, we focus on coronal
  heating mechanisms. An accompanying paper focuses on flares and CMEs.

Title: Probing the Physics of the Solar Atmosphere with the Multi-slit
Solar Explorer (MUSE): II. Flares and Eruptions
Authors: Cheung, Chun Ming Mark; Martinez-Sykora, Juan; Testa, Paola;
   De Pontieu, Bart; Chintzoglou, Georgios; Rempel, Matthias; Polito,
   Vanessa; Kerr, Graham; Reeves, Katharine; Fletcher, Lyndsay; Jin,
   Meng; Nobrega, Daniel; Danilovic, Sanja; Antolin, Patrick; Allred,
   Joel; Hansteen, Viggo; Ugarte-Urra, Ignacio; DeLuca, Edward; Longcope,
   Dana; Takasao, Shinsuke; DeRosa, Marc; Boerner, Paul; Jaeggli, Sarah;
   Nitta, Nariaki; Daw, Adrian; Carlsson, Mats; Golub, Leon
2021AGUFMSH51A..08C    Altcode:
  Current state-of-the-art spectrographs cannot resolve the fundamental
  spatial (sub-arcseconds) and temporal scales (less than a few tens
  of seconds) of the coronal dynamics of solar flares and eruptive
  phenomena. The highest resolution coronal data to date are based on
  imaging, which is blind to many of the processes that drive coronal
  energetics and dynamics. As shown by IRIS for the low solar atmosphere,
  we need high-resolution spectroscopic measurements with simultaneous
  imaging to understand the dominant processes. In this paper: (1)
  we introduce the Multi-slit Solar Explorer (MUSE), a spaceborne
  observatory to fill this observational gap by providing high-cadence
  (&lt;20 s), sub-arcsecond resolution spectroscopic rasters over an
  active region size of the solar transition region and corona; (2)
  using advanced numerical models, we demonstrate the unique diagnostic
  capabilities of MUSE for exploring solar coronal dynamics, and for
  constraining and discriminating models of solar flares and eruptions;
  (3) we discuss the key contributions MUSE would make in addressing the
  science objectives of the Next Generation Solar Physics Mission (NGSPM),
  and how MUSE, the high-throughput EUV Solar Telescope (EUVST) and the
  Daniel K Inouye Solar Telescope (and other ground-based observatories)
  can operate as a distributed implementation of the NGSPM. This is a
  companion paper to De Pontieu et al. (2021, also submitted to SH-17),
  which focuses on investigating coronal heating with MUSE.

Title: Demonstration of Chromospheric Magnetic Mapping with CLASP2.1
Authors: McKenzie, David; Ishikawa, Ryohko; Trujillo Bueno, Javier;
   Auchere, F.; Kobayashi, Ken; Winebarger, Amy; Kano, Ryouhei; Song,
   Donguk; Okamoto, Joten; Rachmeler, Laurel; De Pontieu, Bart; Vigil,
   Genevieve; Belluzzi, Luca; Alsina Ballester, Ernest; del Pino Aleman,
   Tanausu; Bethge, Christian; Sakao, Taro; Stepan, Jiri
2021AGUFMSH52A..06M    Altcode:
  Probing the magnetic nature of the Suns atmosphere requires measurement
  of the Stokes I, Q, U and V profiles of relevant spectral lines (of
  which Q, U and V encode the magnetic field information). Many of the
  magnetically sensitive lines formed in the chromosphere and transition
  region are in the ultraviolet spectrum, necessitating observations
  above the absorbing terrestrial atmosphere. The Chromospheric
  Layer Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP2) sounding rocket was flown
  successfully in April 2019, as a follow-on to the successful flight in
  September 2015 of the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter
  (CLASP). Both projects were funded by NASAs Heliophysics Technology
  and Instrument Development for Science (H-TIDeS) program to develop
  and test a technique for observing the Sun in ultraviolet light,
  and for quantifying the polarization of that light. By demonstrating
  successful measurement and interpretation of the polarization in
  hydrogen Lyman-alpha and the Mg II h and k spectral lines, the CLASP
  and CLASP2 missions are vital first steps towards routine quantitative
  characterization of the local thermal and magnetic conditions in the
  solar chromosphere. In October of 2021, we re-flew the CLASP2 payload
  with a modified observing program to further demonstrate the maturity
  of the UV spectropolarimetry techniques, and readiness for development
  into a satellite observatory. During the reflight, called CLASP2.1,
  the spectrograph slit was scanned across an active region plage to
  acquire a two-dimensional map of Stokes V/I, to demonstrate the ability
  of UV spectropolarimetry to yield chromospheric magnetic fields over
  a large area. This presentation will display preliminary results from
  the flight of CLASP2.1.

Title: Probing the physics of coronal heating with the Multi-slit
    Solar Explorer (MUSE)
Authors: De Pontieu, Bart; Testa, Paola; Martinez-Sykora, Juan;
   Cheung, Chun Ming Mark
2021AGUFMSH55B1836D    Altcode:
  The Multi-slit Solar Explorer (MUSE) is a proposed NASA MIDEX mission,
  currently in Phase A, composed of a multi-slit EUV spectrograph (in
  three narrow spectral bands centered around 171Å, 284Å, and 108Å)
  and an EUV context imager (in two narrow passbands around 195Å and
  304Å). MUSE will provide unprecedented spectral and imaging diagnostics
  of the solar corona at high spatial (~0.5 arcseconds), and temporal
  resolution (down to ~0.5 seconds) thanks to its innovative multi-slit
  design. By obtaining spectra in 4 bright EUV lines (Fe IX 171Å,
  Fe XV 284Å, Fe XIX-XXI 108Å) covering a wide range of transition
  region and coronal temperatures along 37 slits simultaneously, MUSE
  will for the first time be able to “freeze" (at a cadence as short as
  10 seconds) with a spectroscopic raster the evolution of the dynamic
  coronal plasma over a wide range of scales: from the spatial scales
  on which energy is released (&lt;0.5 arcsec) to the large-scale often
  active-region size (~ 170 arcsec x 170 arcsec) atmospheric response. We
  use advanced numerical modeling to showcase how MUSE will constrain
  the properties of the solar atmosphere on the spatio-temporal scales
  (&lt;0.5 arcsec, &lt;20 seconds) and large field-of-view on which
  various state-of-the-art models of the physical processes that drive
  coronal heating, solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs)
  make distinguishing and testable predictions. We describe how the
  synergy between MUSE, the single-slit, high-resolution Solar-C EUVST
  spectrograph, and ground-based observatories (DKIST and others) can
  address how the solar atmosphere is energized, and the critical role
  MUSE plays because of the multi-scale nature of the physical processes
  involved. We focus on how comparisons between MUSE observations and
  theoretical models will significantly further our understanding of
  coronal heating mechanisms. This is a companion paper to Cheung et
  al. (2021), also submitted to SH-17.

Title: Unsupervised Machine Learning for the Identification of
    Preflare Spectroscopic Signatures
Authors: Woods, Magnus M.; Sainz Dalda, Alberto; De Pontieu, Bart
2021ApJ...922..137W    Altcode:
  The study of the preflare environment is of great importance to
  understanding what drives solar flares. k-means clustering, an
  unsupervised machine-learning technique, has the ability to cluster
  large data set in a way that would be impractical or impossible for a
  human to do. In this paper we present a study using k-means clustering
  to identify possible preflare signatures in spectroscopic observations
  of the Mg II h and k spectral lines made by NASA's Interface Region
  Imaging Spectrometer. Our analysis finds that spectral profiles showing
  single-peak Mg II h and k and single-peaked emission in the Mg II UV
  triplet lines are associated with preflare activity up to 40 minutes
  prior to flaring. Subsequent inversions of these spectral profiles
  reveal increased temperature and electron density in the chromosphere,
  which suggest that significant heating events in the chromosphere may
  be associated with precursor signals to flares.

Title: Evidence of the multi-thermal nature of spicular
    downflows. Impact on solar atmospheric heating
Authors: Bose, Souvik; Rouppe van der Voort, Luc; Joshi, Jayant;
   Henriques, Vasco M. J.; Nóbrega-Siverio, Daniel; Martínez-Sykora,
   Juan; De Pontieu, Bart
2021A&A...654A..51B    Altcode: 2021arXiv210802153B
  Context. Spectroscopic observations of the emission lines formed in the
  solar transition region commonly show persistent downflows on the order
  of 10−15 km s<SUP>−1</SUP>. The cause of such downflows, however, is
  still not fully clear and has remained a matter of debate. <BR /> Aims:
  We aim to understand the cause of such downflows by studying the coronal
  and transition region responses to the recently reported chromospheric
  downflowing rapid redshifted excursions (RREs) and their impact on the
  heating of the solar atmosphere. <BR /> Methods: We have used two sets
  of coordinated data from the Swedish 1 m Solar Telescope, the Interface
  Region Imaging Spectrograph, and the Solar Dynamics Observatory for
  analyzing the response of the downflowing RREs in the transition
  region and corona. To provide theoretical support, we use an already
  existing 2.5D magnetohydrodynamic simulation of spicules performed
  with the Bifrost code. <BR /> Results: We find ample occurrences of
  downflowing RREs and show several examples of their spatio-temporal
  evolution, sampling multiple wavelength channels ranging from the cooler
  chromospheric to the hotter coronal channels. These downflowing features
  are thought to be likely associated with the returning components of
  the previously heated spicular plasma. Furthermore, the transition
  region Doppler shifts associated with them are close to the average
  redshifts observed in this region, which further implies that these
  flows could (partly) be responsible for the persistent downflows
  observed in the transition region. We also propose two mechanisms -
  (i) a typical upflow followed by a downflow and (ii) downflows along a
  loop -from the perspective of a numerical simulation that could explain
  the ubiquitous occurrence of such downflows. A detailed comparison
  between the synthetic and observed spectral characteristics reveals a
  distinctive match and further suggests an impact on the heating of the
  solar atmosphere. <BR /> Conclusions: We present evidence that suggests
  that at least some of the downflowing RREs are the chromospheric
  counterparts of the transition region and lower coronal downflows. <P
  />Movies associated to Figs. 1-3, 8, and 10 are available at <A

Title: In the Trenches of the Solar-stellar Connection. IV. Solar
    Full-disk Scans of C II, Si IV, and Mg II by the Interface Region
    Imaging Spectrograph
Authors: Ayres, Thomas; De Pontieu, Bart; Testa, Paola
2021ApJ...916...36A    Altcode:
  About once a month, the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph conducts
  day-long raster scans of the full Sun in three ultraviolet spectral
  channels. These full-disk mosaics are valuable in the solar context,
  but provide a unique connection to the distant, unresolved stars. Here,
  10 deep-exposure scans (4-8 s per slit step), collected during the
  peak and decline of sunspot Cycle 24, were analyzed. Spatial spectra
  (2″ pixels) of resonance lines of C II (T ~ 10<SUP>4</SUP> K), Si IV
  (8 × 10<SUP>4</SUP> K), and Mg II (8 × 10<SUP>3</SUP> K) were fitted
  with a pseudo-Gaussian model to track the emission strengths, widths,
  and shifts in the various surface features that comprise the quiet
  Sun and active regions. The full-disk mosaic spectra compare well to
  tracings of solar-twin α Centauri A (HD 128620; G2 V). The contrast
  between disk-average spectra from cycles MIN and MAX is relatively
  modest (~50% in Si IV), but, remarkably, the brightest solar pixels
  in active regions, at 2″ resolution, exceed the global-average
  intensities of the most active Sun-like stars, suggesting a deeper
  solar-stellar connection. Si IV shows a conspicuous bright ring at the
  limb, whereas optically thicker C II and Mg II are suppressed (more
  so for the latter). The Si IV emission favors the bright knots of the
  large-scale supergranulation network, while the cooler Mg II emission
  is more ubiquitous and C II intermediate. The non-Gaussian profile
  of full-disk C IV, similar in formation temperature to Si IV, was
  previously interpreted as a combination of narrow and broad dynamical
  components, but the prevalence of the characteristic line shape in the
  finest resolution spatial pixels of Si IV here provides support for
  alternative formation scenarios, for example, invoking κ-distributions.

Title: Mapping of Solar Magnetic Fields from the Photosphere to the
    Top of the Chromosphere with CLASP2
Authors: McKenzie, D.; Ishikawa, R.; Trujillo Bueno, J.; Auchere, F.;
   del Pino Aleman, T.; Okamoto, T.; Kano, R.; Song, D.; Yoshida, M.;
   Rachmeler, L.; Kobayashi, K.; Narukage, N.; Kubo, M.; Ishikawa, S.;
   Hara, H.; Suematsu, Y.; Sakao, T.; Bethge, C.; De Pontieu, B.; Vigil,
   G.; Winebarger, A.; Alsina Ballester, E.; Belluzzi, L.; Stepan, J.;
   Asensio Ramos, A.; Carlsson, M.; Leenaarts, J.
2021AAS...23810603M    Altcode:
  Coronal heating, chromospheric heating, and the heating &amp;
  acceleration of the solar wind, are well-known problems in solar
  physics. Additionally, knowledge of the magnetic energy that
  powers solar flares and coronal mass ejections, important drivers
  of space weather, is handicapped by imperfect determination of the
  magnetic field in the sun's atmosphere. Extrapolation of photospheric
  magnetic measurements into the corona is fraught with difficulties and
  uncertainties, partly due to the vastly different plasma beta between
  the photosphere and the corona. Better results in understanding
  the coronal magnetic field should be derived from measurements of
  the magnetic field in the chromosphere. To that end, we are pursuing
  quantitative determination of the magnetic field in the chromosphere,
  where plasma beta transitions from greater than unity to less than
  unity, via ultraviolet spectropolarimetry. The CLASP2 mission, flown
  on a sounding rocket in April 2019, succeeded in measuring all four
  Stokes polarization parameters in UV spectral lines formed by singly
  ionized Magnesium and neutral Manganese. Because these ions produce
  spectral lines under different conditions, CLASP2 thus was able to
  quantify the magnetic field properties at multiple heights in the
  chromosphere simultaneously, as shown in the recent paper by Ishikawa
  et al. In this presentation we will report the findings of CLASP2,
  demonstrating the variation of magnetic fields along a track on
  the solar surface and as a function of height in the chromosphere;
  and we will illustrate what is next for the CLASP missions and the
  demonstration of UV spectropolarimetry in the solar chromosphere.

Title: A New View of the Solar Interface Region from the Interface
    Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS)
Authors: De Pontieu, Bart; Polito, Vanessa; Hansteen, Viggo; Testa,
   Paola; Reeves, Katharine K.; Antolin, Patrick; Nóbrega-Siverio,
   Daniel Elias; Kowalski, Adam F.; Martinez-Sykora, Juan; Carlsson,
   Mats; McIntosh, Scott W.; Liu, Wei; Daw, Adrian; Kankelborg, Charles C.
2021SoPh..296...84D    Altcode: 2021arXiv210316109D
  The Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) has been obtaining
  near- and far-ultraviolet images and spectra of the solar atmosphere
  since July 2013. IRIS is the highest resolution observatory to provide
  seamless coverage of spectra and images from the photosphere into the
  low corona. The unique combination of near- and far-ultraviolet spectra
  and images at sub-arcsecond resolution and high cadence allows the
  tracing of mass and energy through the critical interface between the
  surface and the corona or solar wind. IRIS has enabled research into the
  fundamental physical processes thought to play a role in the low solar
  atmosphere such as ion-neutral interactions, magnetic reconnection, the
  generation, propagation, and dissipation of waves, the acceleration of
  non-thermal particles, and various small-scale instabilities. IRIS has
  provided insights into a wide range of phenomena including the discovery
  of non-thermal particles in coronal nano-flares, the formation and
  impact of spicules and other jets, resonant absorption and dissipation
  of Alfvénic waves, energy release and jet-like dynamics associated
  with braiding of magnetic-field lines, the role of turbulence and the
  tearing-mode instability in reconnection, the contribution of waves,
  turbulence, and non-thermal particles in the energy deposition during
  flares and smaller-scale events such as UV bursts, and the role of flux
  ropes and various other mechanisms in triggering and driving CMEs. IRIS
  observations have also been used to elucidate the physical mechanisms
  driving the solar irradiance that impacts Earth's upper atmosphere,
  and the connections between solar and stellar physics. Advances in
  numerical modeling, inversion codes, and machine-learning techniques
  have played a key role. With the advent of exciting new instrumentation
  both on the ground, e.g. the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST)
  and the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), and
  space-based, e.g. the Parker Solar Probe and the Solar Orbiter, we aim
  to review new insights based on IRIS observations or related modeling,
  and highlight some of the outstanding challenges.

Title: Emergence of Internetwork Magnetic Fields through the Solar
Authors: Gošić, M.; De Pontieu, B.; Bellot Rubio, L. R.; Sainz Dalda,
   A.; Pozuelo, S. Esteban
2021ApJ...911...41G    Altcode: 2021arXiv210302213G
  Internetwork (IN) magnetic fields are highly dynamic, short-lived
  magnetic structures that populate the interior of supergranular
  cells. Since they emerge all over the Sun, these small-scale fields
  bring a substantial amount of flux, and therefore energy, to the solar
  surface. Because of this, IN fields are crucial for understanding
  the quiet Sun (QS) magnetism. However, they are weak and produce very
  small polarization signals, which is the reason why their properties
  and impact on the energetics and dynamics of the solar atmosphere are
  poorly known. Here we use coordinated, high-resolution, multiwavelength
  observations obtained with the Swedish 1 m Solar Telescope and the
  Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) to follow the evolution
  of IN magnetic loops as they emerge into the photosphere and reach
  the chromosphere and transition region. We studied in this paper three
  flux emergence events having total unsigned magnetic fluxes of 1.9 ×
  10<SUP>18</SUP>, 2.5 × 10<SUP>18</SUP>, and 5.3 × 10<SUP>18</SUP>
  Mx. The footpoints of the emerging IN bipoles are clearly seen
  to appear in the photosphere and to rise up through the solar
  atmosphere, as observed in Fe I 6173 Å and Mg I b<SUB>2</SUB> 5173
  Å magnetograms, respectively. For the first time, our polarimetric
  measurements taken in the chromospheric Ca II 8542 Å line provide
  direct observational evidence that IN fields are capable of reaching the
  chromosphere. Moreover, using IRIS data, we study the effects of these
  weak fields on the heating of the chromosphere and transition region.

Title: Critical Science Plan for the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope
Authors: Rast, Mark P.; Bello González, Nazaret; Bellot Rubio,
   Luis; Cao, Wenda; Cauzzi, Gianna; Deluca, Edward; de Pontieu, Bart;
   Fletcher, Lyndsay; Gibson, Sarah E.; Judge, Philip G.; Katsukawa,
   Yukio; Kazachenko, Maria D.; Khomenko, Elena; Landi, Enrico; Martínez
   Pillet, Valentín; Petrie, Gordon J. D.; Qiu, Jiong; Rachmeler,
   Laurel A.; Rempel, Matthias; Schmidt, Wolfgang; Scullion, Eamon; Sun,
   Xudong; Welsch, Brian T.; Andretta, Vincenzo; Antolin, Patrick; Ayres,
   Thomas R.; Balasubramaniam, K. S.; Ballai, Istvan; Berger, Thomas E.;
   Bradshaw, Stephen J.; Campbell, Ryan J.; Carlsson, Mats; Casini,
   Roberto; Centeno, Rebecca; Cranmer, Steven R.; Criscuoli, Serena;
   Deforest, Craig; Deng, Yuanyong; Erdélyi, Robertus; Fedun, Viktor;
   Fischer, Catherine E.; González Manrique, Sergio J.; Hahn, Michael;
   Harra, Louise; Henriques, Vasco M. J.; Hurlburt, Neal E.; Jaeggli,
   Sarah; Jafarzadeh, Shahin; Jain, Rekha; Jefferies, Stuart M.; Keys,
   Peter H.; Kowalski, Adam F.; Kuckein, Christoph; Kuhn, Jeffrey R.;
   Kuridze, David; Liu, Jiajia; Liu, Wei; Longcope, Dana; Mathioudakis,
   Mihalis; McAteer, R. T. James; McIntosh, Scott W.; McKenzie, David
   E.; Miralles, Mari Paz; Morton, Richard J.; Muglach, Karin; Nelson,
   Chris J.; Panesar, Navdeep K.; Parenti, Susanna; Parnell, Clare E.;
   Poduval, Bala; Reardon, Kevin P.; Reep, Jeffrey W.; Schad, Thomas A.;
   Schmit, Donald; Sharma, Rahul; Socas-Navarro, Hector; Srivastava,
   Abhishek K.; Sterling, Alphonse C.; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Tarr, Lucas
   A.; Tiwari, Sanjiv; Tritschler, Alexandra; Verth, Gary; Vourlidas,
   Angelos; Wang, Haimin; Wang, Yi-Ming; NSO and DKIST Project; DKIST
   Instrument Scientists; DKIST Science Working Group; DKIST Critical
   Science Plan Community
2021SoPh..296...70R    Altcode: 2020arXiv200808203R
  The National Science Foundation's Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope
  (DKIST) will revolutionize our ability to measure, understand,
  and model the basic physical processes that control the structure
  and dynamics of the Sun and its atmosphere. The first-light DKIST
  images, released publicly on 29 January 2020, only hint at the
  extraordinary capabilities that will accompany full commissioning of
  the five facility instruments. With this Critical Science Plan (CSP)
  we attempt to anticipate some of what those capabilities will enable,
  providing a snapshot of some of the scientific pursuits that the DKIST
  hopes to engage as start-of-operations nears. The work builds on the
  combined contributions of the DKIST Science Working Group (SWG) and
  CSP Community members, who generously shared their experiences, plans,
  knowledge, and dreams. Discussion is primarily focused on those issues
  to which DKIST will uniquely contribute.

Title: Mapping solar magnetic fields from the photosphere to the
    base of the corona
Authors: Ishikawa, Ryohko; Bueno, Javier Trujillo; del Pino Alemán,
   Tanausú; Okamoto, Takenori J.; McKenzie, David E.; Auchère,
   Frédéric; Kano, Ryouhei; Song, Donguk; Yoshida, Masaki; Rachmeler,
   Laurel A.; Kobayashi, Ken; Hara, Hirohisa; Kubo, Masahito; Narukage,
   Noriyuki; Sakao, Taro; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Bethge,
   Christian; De Pontieu, Bart; Dalda, Alberto Sainz; Vigil, Genevieve D.;
   Winebarger, Amy; Ballester, Ernest Alsina; Belluzzi, Luca; Štěpán,
   Jiří; Ramos, Andrés Asensio; Carlsson, Mats; Leenaarts, Jorrit
2021SciA....7.8406I    Altcode: 2021arXiv210301583I
  Routine ultraviolet imaging of the Sun's upper atmosphere shows the
  spectacular manifestation of solar activity; yet we remain blind to
  its main driver, the magnetic field. Here we report unprecedented
  spectropolarimetric observations of an active region plage and
  its surrounding enhanced network, showing circular polarization in
  ultraviolet (Mg II $h$ &amp; $k$ and Mn I) and visible (Fe I) lines. We
  infer the longitudinal magnetic field from the photosphere to the
  very upper chromosphere. At the top of the plage chromosphere the
  field strengths reach more than 300 gauss, strongly correlated with
  the Mg II $k$ line core intensity and the electron pressure. This
  unique mapping shows how the magnetic field couples the different
  atmospheric layers and reveals the magnetic origin of the heating in
  the plage chromosphere.

Title: Coronal observations with the Multi-Slit Solar Explorer (MUSE)
Authors: De Pontieu, Bart; Lemen, James; Cheung, Mark; Boerner, Paul
2021cosp...43E1803D    Altcode:
  Observations of the corona are key to constrain magnetic field
  models of the solar atmosphere. In this abstract we describe novel
  observations that will be enabled by the Multi-Slit Solar Explorer
  (MUSE), a proposed MIDEX mission for studying the dynamics of the
  corona and transition region. MUSE will use both conventional and novel
  spectral imaging techniques, coupled to state-of-the-art numerical
  modeling. MUSE will obtain EUV spectra and images with the highest
  resolution in space (1/3 arcsec) and time (1-4 s) ever achieved for
  the transition region and corona, along 37 slits and a large context
  FOV simultaneously. The science goals of MUSE are to understand the
  physical mechanisms responsible for energy release in the corona
  and for driving flares and coronal mass ejections. MUSE contains two
  instruments: an EUV spectrograph and an EUV context imager. The MUSE
  spectrograph employs a novel multi-slit design that enables a 100x
  improvement in spectral scanning rates, which will reveal crucial
  information about the dynamics of the physical processes that are not
  observable with current instruments. MUSE will provide key constraints
  on the morphology and dynamics of the magnetic field. We will discuss
  the MUSE design and how it has been optimized to minimize effects
  from overlapping spectra dispersed from different slits. We will also
  illustrate how MUSE observations will lead to a better understanding
  of how the dynamic magnetic field drives flares and eruptions.

Title: Fine-scale explosive energy release at sites of magnetic
flux cancellation in the core of a solar active region: Hi-C 2.1,
    IRIS and SDO observations
Authors: Tiwari, Sanjiv Kumar; Moore, Ronald; De Pontieu, Bart;
   Winebarger, Amy; Panesar, Navdeep Kaur
2021cosp...43E1779T    Altcode:
  The second sounding-rocket flight of the High-Resolution Coronal Imager
  (Hi-C 2.1) provided unprecedentedly-high spatial and temporal resolution
  (~250 km, 4.4 s) coronal EUV images of Fe IX/X emission at 172 A, of
  a solar active region (AR NOAA 12712) near solar disk center. Three
  morphologically-different types (I: dot-like, II: loop-like, &amp;
  III: surge/jet-like) of fine-scale sudden brightening events (tiny
  microflares) are seen within and at the ends of an arch filament system
  in the core of the AR. Although type Is resemble IRIS bombs (in size,
  and brightness with respect to surroundings), our dot-like events are
  apparently much hotter, and shorter in span (70 s). Because Dot-like
  brightenings are not as clearly discernible in AIA 171 A as in Hi-C 172
  A, they were not reported before. We complement the 5-minute-duration
  Hi-C 2.1 data with SDO/HMI magnetograms, SDO/AIA EUV and UV images,
  and IRIS UV spectra and slit-jaw images to examine, at the sites of
  these events, brightenings and flows in the transition region and corona
  and evolution of magnetic flux in the photosphere. Most, if not all,
  of the events are seated at sites of opposite-polarity magnetic flux
  convergence (sometimes driven by adjacent flux emergence), implying
  flux cancellation at the microflare's polarity inversion line. In the
  IRIS spectra and images, we find confirming evidence of field-aligned
  outflow from brightenings at the ends of loops of the arch filament
  system. In types I and II the explosion is confined, while in type
  III the explosion is ejective and drives jet-like outflow. The light
  curves from Hi-C, AIA and IRIS peak nearly simultaneously for many
  of these events and none of the events display a systematic cooling
  sequence as seen in typical coronal flares, suggesting that these tiny
  brightening events have chromospheric/transition-region origin.

Title: ALMA and IRIS Observations of the Solar
    Chromosphere. II. Structure and Dynamics of Chromospheric Plages
Authors: Chintzoglou, Georgios; De Pontieu, Bart; Martínez-Sykora,
   Juan; Hansteen, Viggo; de la Cruz Rodríguez, Jaime; Szydlarski,
   Mikolaj; Jafarzadeh, Shahin; Wedemeyer, Sven; Bastian, Timothy S.;
   Sainz Dalda, Alberto
2021ApJ...906...83C    Altcode: 2020arXiv201205970C
  We propose and employ a novel empirical method for determining
  chromospheric plage regions, which seems to better isolate a plage from
  its surrounding regions than other methods commonly used. We caution
  that isolating a plage from its immediate surroundings must be done
  with care in order to successfully mitigate statistical biases that,
  for instance, can impact quantitative comparisons between different
  chromospheric observables. Using this methodology, our analysis suggests
  that λ = 1.25 mm free-free emission in plage regions observed with
  the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA)/Band6 may
  not form in the low chromosphere as previously thought, but rather
  in the upper chromospheric parts of dynamic plage features (such as
  spicules and other bright structures), i.e., near geometric heights
  of transition-region temperatures. We investigate the high degree of
  similarity between chromospheric plage features observed in ALMA/Band6
  (at 1.25 mm wavelengths) and the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph
  (IRIS)/Si IV at 1393 Å. We also show that IRIS/Mg II h and k are
  not as well correlated with ALMA/Band6 as was previously thought,
  and we discuss discrepancies with previous works. Lastly, we report
  indications of chromospheric heating due to propagating shocks supported
  by the ALMA/Band6 observations.

Title: ALMA and IRIS Observations of the Solar Chromosphere. I. An
    On-disk Type II Spicule
Authors: Chintzoglou, Georgios; De Pontieu, Bart; Martínez-Sykora,
   Juan; Hansteen, Viggo; de la Cruz Rodríguez, Jaime; Szydlarski,
   Mikolaj; Jafarzadeh, Shahin; Wedemeyer, Sven; Bastian, Timothy S.;
   Sainz Dalda, Alberto
2021ApJ...906...82C    Altcode: 2020arXiv200512717C
  We present observations of the solar chromosphere obtained
  simultaneously with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array
  (ALMA) and the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph. The observatories
  targeted a chromospheric plage region of which the spatial distribution
  (split between strongly and weakly magnetized regions) allowed the
  study of linear-like structures in isolation, free of contamination
  from background emission. Using these observations in conjunction with
  a radiative magnetohydrodynamic 2.5D model covering the upper convection
  zone all the way to the corona that considers nonequilibrium ionization
  effects, we report the detection of an on-disk chromospheric spicule
  with ALMA and confirm its multithermal nature.

Title: High Resolution Observations of the Low Atmospheric Response
    to Small Heating Events in Active Regions
Authors: Testa, P.; Rouppe van der Voort, L.; De Pontieu, B.; Bakke, H.
2020AGUFMSH004..03T    Altcode:
  We investigate the low atmospheric response to small heating events
  (nano/micro-flares) by analyzing coordinated active region observations
  with IRIS and SST, and also using the simultaneous SDO/AIA observations
  to study the coronal emission. The events we observe as intense
  brightenings in the chromosphere and transition region are clearly
  associated with heating of the overlying loops to high temperatures
  (5-10MK), as is clear from the strong Fe XVIII emission observed in
  the 94A SDO/AIA passband. Some of the chromospheric brightenings have
  been observed with the SST with the CRISP instrument in Ca II 8542 and
  H-alpha, as well as with the new CHROMIS instrument in Ca II K, which
  provides unprecedented resolution. We will present the rich spectral
  diagnostics offered by IRIS and SST for these events, including insights
  we obtained by applying a k-means clustering analysis to the SST and
  IRIS spectra during the heating events. Our observations will help
  provide more stringent constraints on the properties of non-thermal
  particles in nanoflares and microflares.

Title: Fine-scale explosive energy release at sites of magnetic
flux cancellation in the core of a solar active region: Hi-C 2.1,
    IRIS and SDO observations
Authors: Tiwari, S. K.; Panesar, N. K.; Moore, R. L.; De Pontieu,
   B.; Winebarger, A. R.
2020AGUFMSH0010007T    Altcode:
  The second sounding-rocket flight of the High-Resolution Coronal Imager
  (Hi-C 2.1) provided unprecedentedly-high spatial and temporal resolution
  (~250 km, 4.4 s) coronal EUV images of Fe IX/X emission at 172 Å, of
  a solar active region (AR NOAA 12712) near solar disk center. Three
  morphologically-different types (I: dot-like, II: loop-like, &amp;
  III: surge/jet-like) of fine-scale sudden brightening events (tiny
  microflares) are seen within and at the ends of an arch filament system
  in the core of the AR. Although type Is resemble IRIS bombs (in size,
  and brightness with respect to surroundings), our dot-like events are
  apparently much hotter, and shorter in span (70 s). Because Dot-like
  brightenings are not as clearly discernible in AIA 171 Å as in Hi-C 172
  Å, they were not reported before. We complement the 5-minute-duration
  Hi-C 2.1 data with SDO/HMI magnetograms, SDO/AIA EUV and UV images,
  and IRIS UV spectra and slit-jaw images to examine, at the sites of
  these events, brightenings and flows in the transition region and corona
  and evolution of magnetic flux in the photosphere. Most, if not all,
  of the events are seated at sites of opposite-polarity magnetic flux
  convergence (sometimes driven by adjacent flux emergence), implying
  flux cancellation at the microflare's polarity inversion line. In the
  IRIS spectra and images, we find confirming evidence of field-aligned
  outflow from brightenings at the ends of loops of the arch filament
  system. In types I and II the explosion is confined, while in type
  III the explosion is ejective and drives jet-like outflow. The light
  curves from Hi-C, AIA and IRIS peak nearly simultaneously for many
  of these events and none of the events display a systematic cooling
  sequence as seen in typical coronal flares, suggesting that these tiny
  brightening events have chromospheric/transition-region origin.

Title: ALMA and IRIS Observations Highlighting the Dynamics and
    Structure of Chromospheric Plage
Authors: Chintzoglou, G.; De Pontieu, B.; Martinez-Sykora, J.;
   Hansteen, V. H.; de la Cruz Rodriguez, J.; Szydlarski, M.; Jafarzadeh,
   S.; Wedemeyer, S.; Bastian, T.; Sainz Dalda, A.
2020AGUFMSH0010009C    Altcode:
  We present observations of the solar chromosphere obtained
  simultaneously with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array
  (ALMA) and the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS). The
  observatories targeted a chromospheric plage region of which the spatial
  distribution (split between strongly and weakly magnetized regions)
  allowed the study of linear-like structures in isolation, free of
  contamination from background emission. Using these observations
  in conjunction with a radiative magnetohydrodynamic 2.5D model
  covering the upper convection zone all the way to the corona
  that considers non-equilibrium ionization effects, we report the
  detection of an on-disk chromospheric spicule with ALMA and confirm
  its multithermal nature. In addition, we discuss the strikingly high
  degree of similarity between chromospheric plage features observed
  in ALMA/Band6 and IRIS/\ion{Si}{4} (also reproduced in our model)
  suggesting that ALMA/Band6 does not observe in the low chromosphere as
  previously thought but rather observes the upper chromospheric parts
  of structures such as spicules and other bright structures above plage
  at geometric heights near transition region temperatures. We also show
  that IRIS/\ion{Mg}{2} is not as well correlated with ALMA/Band6 as was
  previously thought. For these comparisons, we propose and employ a novel
  empirical method for the determination of plage regions, which seems
  to better isolate plage from its surrounding regions as compared to
  other methods commonly used. We caution that isolating plage from its
  immediate surroundings must be done with care to mitigate statistical
  bias in quantitative comparisons between different chromospheric
  observables. Lastly, we report indications for chromospheric heating
  due to traveling shocks supported by the ALMA/Band6 observations.

Title: Observations of Solar Spicules at Millimeter and Ultraviolet
Authors: Bastian, T.; De Pontieu, B.; Shimojo, M.; Iwai, K.;
   Alissandrakis, C.; Nindos, A.; Vial, J. C.; White, S. M.
2020AGUFMSH004..08B    Altcode:
  Solar spicules are a ubiquitous chromospheric phenomenon in which
  multitudes of dynamic jets with temperatures of order 10<SUP>4</SUP>
  K extend thousands of kilometers into the solar atmosphere. Recent
  progress has been made refining the observational characteristics
  of spicules using the Hinode Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) and the
  Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) observations at optical
  and ultraviolet wavelengths, respectively. Two types of spicule
  have been identified. Type I spicules, prevalent in solar active
  regions, have upward speeds of order 25 km/s and lifetimes of 3-7
  min. They may be the limb counterpart to shock-wave-driven fibrils
  commonly seen against the solar disk in active regions. In contrast,
  type II spicules, more common in quiet regions and coronal holes,
  display upward speeds of 50-150 km/s, lifetimes of 30-110 s, and
  appear to be partially heated to temperatures of 10<SUP>5 </SUP>K and
  higher. These observations have provoked intense interest in spicules
  and have led to proposals that type II spicules play a central role
  as a source of hot plasma in the corona. Nevertheless, their role in
  mass and energy transport between the lower and upper layers of the
  solar atmosphere remains an outstanding problem. <P />Here, we report
  imaging observations of solar spicules at millimeter wavelengths using
  the Atacama Large Millimeter-submillimeter Array (ALMA) with arcsecond
  angular resolution. Continuum millimeter wavelength radiation forms
  under conditions of local thermodynamic equilibrium, thereby providing a
  complementary tool to UV lines, which form under non-LTE conditions. The
  observations were made on 2018 December 24-25 at λ=1.25 mm and λ=3
  mm. The ALMA observations pose special challenges, particularly at
  1.25 mm, where the limited field of view of the instrument motivated
  us to use a novel mosaic imaging technique: multiple pointings were
  assembled to form a single map with an angular resolution of 1" x 0.7"
  on a cadence of roughly 2 min. In contrast, we were able to image at 3
  mm continuously, with a map cadence of 2 s and an angular resolution of
  2.3" x 1.3". <P />We compare and contrast the morphology and dynamics
  of mm-λ observations of spicules with those obtained by IRIS at UV
  wavelengths and place constraints on spicule temperatures and masses
  using the joint millimeter-wavelength observations.

Title: On the velocity drift between ions in the solar atmosphere
Authors: Martínez-Sykora, J.; Szydlarski, M.; Hansteen, V. H.;
   De Pontieu, B.
2020AGUFMSH0010017M    Altcode:
  Very recent results that compare ALMA and IRIS observations with 2D
  radiative MHD including non-equilibrium ionization and ambipolar
  diffusion models of the type II spicules reveal that these models
  may underestimate the energy dissipated in the chromosphere. The
  solar atmosphere is composed of many species that are populated at
  different ionization and excitation levels. The upper chromosphere,
  transition region, and corona are nearly collisionless. Consequently,
  slippage between, for instance, ions and neutral particles, or
  interactions between separate species, may play an important role
  in the local momentum and energy balance. The interaction between
  species is missing in the 2D radiative MHD model. We have developed a
  3D multi-fluid and multi-species numerical code (Ebysus) to investigate
  such effects. Ebysus is capable of treating species (e.g., hydrogen,
  helium, etc) and fluids (neutrals, excited and ionized elements)
  separately. Treating different species as different fluids leads
  to drifts between different ions and an electric field that couple
  these motions. Different ionized species and momentum exchange can
  dissipate this velocity drift, i.e., convert wave kinetic energy into
  thermal energy. High-frequency Alfven waves, driven for instance by
  reconnection, thought to occur in the solar atmosphere, can drive such
  multi-ion velocity drifts.

Title: Investigating the Chromospheric Footpoints of the Solar Wind
Authors: Bryans, Paul; McIntosh, Scott W.; Brooks, David H.; De
   Pontieu, Bart
2020ApJ...905L..33B    Altcode:
  Coronal holes present the source of the fast solar wind. However,
  the fast solar wind is not unimodal—there are discrete, but subtle,
  compositional, velocity, and density structures that differentiate
  different coronal holes as well as wind streams that originate within
  one coronal hole. In this Letter we exploit full-disk observational
  "mosaics" performed by the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph
  (IRIS) spacecraft to demonstrate that significant spectral variation
  exists within the chromospheric plasma of coronal holes. The spectral
  differences outline the boundaries of some—but not all—coronal
  holes. In particular, we show that the "peak separation" of the Mg
  II h line at 2803 Å illustrates changes in what appear to be open
  magnetic features within a coronal hole. These observations point
  to a chromospheric source for the inhomogeneities found in the fast
  solar wind. These chromospheric signatures can provide additional
  constraints on magnetic field extrapolations close to the source,
  potentially on spatial scales smaller than from traditional coronal hole
  detection methods based on intensity thresholding in the corona. This
  is of increased importance with the advent of Parker Solar Probe and
  Solar Orbiter and the ability to accurately establish the connectivity
  between their in situ measurements and remote sensing observations of
  the solar atmosphere.

Title: The correlation between chromospheric and coronal heating in
    active region plage
Authors: De Pontieu, B.; Hansteen, V. H.; Winebarger, A. R.
2020AGUFMSH0010010D    Altcode:
  The upper transition region at the footpoints of the hottest loops in
  active regions is known as moss, highly structured and dynamic 1 MK
  plasma that is formed at the same heights as dynamic chromospheric jets
  emanating from the underlying plage regions. Moss provides an excellent
  laboratory to disentangle the complex interface between chromosphere and
  corona and to study how chromospheric and coronal heating mechanisms
  are spatio-temporally correlated (if at all). This is because moss is
  very sensitive to changes in the local heating rate and, since it is
  formed in a thin, corrugated layer, avoids the confusion introduce
  by line-of-sight superposition taht affects optically thin coronal
  diagnostics. Previous results based on lower-resolution instruments
  (e.g., TRACE, SDO/AIA) suggested a puzzling mismatch between low
  chromospheric and upper TR emission. We will present results based on
  analysis of a unique coordinated dataset from IRIS and the sounding
  rocket HiC. The HiC 2.1 flight took place in 2018 and obtained several
  minutes of sub-arcsecond resolution images of the upper TR in Fe IX
  171A, while IRIS obtained high-resolution rasters in the Mg II h &amp;
  k lines at high cadence. Our analysis will focus on spatio-temporal
  correlations between the properties of the optically thick Mg II h
  &amp; k lines, and the intensities of the HiC 2.1 images. We will
  also exploit the recently developed IRIS2 database to invert the
  Mg II h &amp; k profiles and study correlations between the derived
  chromospheric temperature, density, and micro-turbulence (as a function
  of height in the chromosphere) and the overlying upper TR and coronal
  emission. Our analysis provides insight and constraints on the nature
  and (dis)similarities of the heating mechanisms in both the chromosphere
  and corona.

Title: The Solar-C (EUVST) mission: the latest status
Authors: Shimizu, Toshifumi; Imada, Shinsuke; Kawate, Tomoko; Suematsu,
   Yoshinori; Hara, Hirohisa; Tsuzuki, Toshihiro; Katsukawa, Yukio; Kubo,
   Masahito; Ishikawa, Ryoko; Watanabe, Tetsuya; Toriumi, Shin; Ichimoto,
   Kiyoshi; Nagata, Shin'ichi; Hasegawa, Takahiro; Yokoyama, Takaaki;
   Watanabe, Kyoko; Tsuno, Katsuhiko; Korendyke, Clarence M.; Warren,
   Harry; De Pontieu, Bart; Boerner, Paul; Solanki, Sami K.; Teriaca,
   Luca; Schuehle, Udo; Matthews, Sarah; Long, David; Thomas, William;
   Hancock, Barry; Reid, Hamish; Fludra, Andrzej; Auchère, Frederic;
   Andretta, Vincenzo; Naletto, Giampiero; Poletto, Luca; Harra, Louise
2020SPIE11444E..0NS    Altcode:
  Solar-C (EUVST) is the next Japanese solar physics mission to
  be developed with significant contributions from US and European
  countries. The mission carries an EUV imaging spectrometer with
  slit-jaw imaging system called EUVST (EUV High-Throughput Spectroscopic
  Telescope) as the mission payload, to take a fundamental step towards
  answering how the plasma universe is created and evolves and how the
  Sun influences the Earth and other planets in our solar system. In
  April 2020, ISAS (Institute of Space and Astronautical Science) of JAXA
  (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) has made the final down-selection
  for this mission as the 4th in the series of competitively chosen
  M-class mission to be launched with an Epsilon launch vehicle in mid
  2020s. NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) has selected
  this mission concept for Phase A concept study in September 2019 and
  is in the process leading to final selection. For European countries,
  the team has (or is in the process of confirming) confirmed endorsement
  for hardware contributions to the EUVST from the national agencies. A
  recent update to the mission instrumentation is to add a UV spectral
  irradiance monitor capability for EUVST calibration and scientific
  purpose. This presentation provides the latest status of the mission
  with an overall description of the mission concept emphasizing on key
  roles of the mission in heliophysics research from mid 2020s.

Title: Chromospheric response to emergence of internetwork magnetic
Authors: Gosic, M.; De Pontieu, B.; Bellot Rubio, L.; Sainz Dalda, A.
2020AGUFMSH0010006G    Altcode:
  Internetwork (IN) magnetic fields are weak, short-lived, but highly
  dynamic magnetic structures that emerge all over the Sun. They
  bring an enormous amount of magnetic flux and energy to the solar
  surface. Therefore, IN fields are of paramount importance for
  maintenance of the QS magnetism. Since these fields are ubiquitous,
  they may have a substantial impact on the energetics and dynamics of the
  solar atmosphere. In this work, we use coordinated, high-resolution,
  multiwavelength observations obtained with the Interface Region
  Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) and the Swedish 1 m Solar Telescope (SST)
  to follow the evolution of IN magnetic loops as they emerge into the
  photosphere. The footpoints of the emerging IN bipoles are clearly
  visible as they appear in the photosphere and rise up through the
  solar atmosphere, as seen in SST magnetograms taken in the Fe I
  6173 Å and Mg I b2 5173 Å lines, respectively. Our polarimetric
  measurements, taken in the Ca II 8542 Å line, provide the first
  direct observational evidence that IN fields are capable of reaching
  the chromosphere. Moreover, using IRIS data, we describe in detail
  how individual IN bipoles affect the dynamics and energetics of the
  chromosphere and transition region.

Title: Chromospheric and TR diagnostics in a large scale numerical
simulation of flux emergence: Synthetic vs Real observables
Authors: Hansteen, V. H.; De Pontieu, B.; Testa, P.; Gosic, M.;
   Martinez-Sykora, J.
2020AGUFMSH0010021H    Altcode:
  Field stored just below or rising to the photosphere will break through
  the surface and enter the upper atmosphere once the gradient of the
  subphotospheric field strength becomes sufficiently large. Opposite
  polarity flux bundles will reconnect in the photosphere and above,
  to form steadily longer loops that expand into the outer solar
  atmosphere, forming the corona. Some of the emerging flux is likely
  due to a local dynamo, but also the direct emergence of large scale
  magnetic structures from below is important, even in the quiet Sun. A
  significant proportion of this field likely reaches the chromosphere
  and may leave imprint on chromospheric dynamics and energetics. Using
  large scale numerical models (72x72x60) Mm and the high resolution
  spectra and slit jaw images from IRIS, as well as photospheric data
  from Hinode/SOT, and SDO/HMI we study the interactions between the
  magnetic flux caught in the granular flow field and the chromosphere
  and chromospheric field above. We will compare synthetic observables
  of the photospheric Fe I 617.3 nm line, the chromospheric Mg II h&amp;k
  lines, and the transition region Si IV lines, with their observational
  counterparts. We will also generate synthetic ALMA band 3 images. The
  comparison of synthetic observational data will let us draw conclusions
  as to the validity of the numerical modeling and the importance of flux
  emergence for the dynamics and energetics of the outer solar atmosphere.

Title: IRIS Observations of the Low-atmosphere Counterparts of Active
    Region Outflows
Authors: Polito, Vanessa; De Pontieu, Bart; Testa, Paola; Brooks,
   David H.; Hansteen, Viggo
2020ApJ...903...68P    Altcode: 2020arXiv201015945P
  Active region (AR) outflows have been studied in detail since
  the launch of Hinode/EIS and are believed to provide a possible
  source of mass and energy to the slow solar wind. In this work, we
  investigate the lower atmospheric counterpart of AR outflows using
  observations from the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS). We
  find that the IRIS Si IV, C II&gt; and Mg II transition region (TR)
  and chromospheric lines exhibit different spectral features in the
  outflows as compared to neighboring regions at the footpoints ("moss")
  of hot AR loops. The average redshift of Si IV in the outflow region
  (≍5.5 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>) is smaller than typical moss (≍12-13
  km s<SUP>-1</SUP>) and quiet Sun (≍7.5 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>) values,
  while the C II line is blueshifted (≍-1.1-1.5 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>),
  in contrast to the moss where it is observed to be redshifted by
  about ≍2.5 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. Further, we observe that the low
  atmosphere underneath the coronal outflows is highly structured, with
  the presence of blueshifts in Si IV and positive Mg II k2 asymmetries
  (which can be interpreted as signatures of chromospheric upflows)
  which are mostly not observed in the moss. These observations show a
  clear correlation between the coronal outflows and the chromosphere
  and TR underneath, which has not been shown before. Our work strongly
  suggests that these regions are not separate environments and should
  be treated together, and that current leading theories of AR outflows,
  such as the interchange reconnection model, need to take into account
  the dynamics of the low atmosphere.

Title: Observations and Modeling of the Onset of Fast Reconnection
    in the Solar Transition Region
Authors: Guo, L. -J.; De Pontieu, Bart; Huang, Y. -M.; Peter, H.;
   Bhattacharjee, A.
2020ApJ...901..148G    Altcode: 2020arXiv200911475G
  Magnetic reconnection is a fundamental plasma process that plays a
  critical role not only in energy release in the solar atmosphere, but
  also in fusion, astrophysics, and other space plasma environments. One
  of the challenges in explaining solar observations in which reconnection
  is thought to play a critical role is to account for the transition of
  the dynamics from a slow quasi-continuous phase to a fast and impulsive
  energetic burst of much shorter duration. Despite the theoretical
  progress in identifying mechanisms that might lead to rapid onset,
  a lack of observations of this transition has left models poorly
  constrained. High-resolution spectroscopic observations from NASA's
  Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph now reveal tell-tale signatures
  of the abrupt transition of reconnection from a slow phase to a fast,
  impulsive phase during UV bursts or explosive events in the Sun's
  atmosphere. Our observations are consistent with numerical simulations
  of the plasmoid instability, and provide evidence for the onset of
  fast reconnection mediated by plasmoids and new opportunities for
  remote-sensing diagnostics of reconnection mechanisms on the Sun.

Title: On the Velocity Drift between Ions in the Solar Atmosphere
Authors: Martínez-Sykora, Juan; Szydlarski, Mikolaj; Hansteen,
   Viggo H.; De Pontieu, Bart
2020ApJ...900..101M    Altcode: 2020arXiv200800069M
  The solar atmosphere is composed of many species, which are populated
  at different ionization and excitation levels. The upper chromosphere,
  transition region, and corona are nearly collisionless. Consequently,
  slippage between, for instance, ions and neutral particles, or
  interactions between separate species, may play important roles. We
  have developed a 3D MFMS numerical code (Ebysus) to investigate such
  effects. Ebysus is capable of treating species (e.g., hydrogen,
  helium, etc.) and fluids (neutrals, excited and ionized elements)
  separately, including nonequilibrium ionization, momentum exchange,
  radiation, thermal conduction, and other complex processes in the solar
  atmosphere. Treating different species as different fluids leads to
  drifts between different ions and an electric field that couples these
  motions. The coupling for two ionized fluids can lead to an anti-phase
  rotational motion between them. Different ionized species and momentum
  exchange can dissipate this velocity drift, i.e., convert wave kinetic
  energy into thermal energy. High-frequency Alfvén waves driven by,
  e.g., reconnection thought to occur in the solar atmosphere, can drive
  such multi-ion velocity drifts.

Title: High-resolution observations of the solar photosphere,
    chromosphere, and transition region. A database of coordinated IRIS
    and SST observations
Authors: Rouppe van der Voort, L. H. M.; De Pontieu, B.; Carlsson,
   M.; de la Cruz Rodríguez, J.; Bose, S.; Chintzoglou, G.; Drews, A.;
   Froment, C.; Gošić, M.; Graham, D. R.; Hansteen, V. H.; Henriques,
   V. M. J.; Jafarzadeh, S.; Joshi, J.; Kleint, L.; Kohutova, P.;
   Leifsen, T.; Martínez-Sykora, J.; Nóbrega-Siverio, D.; Ortiz, A.;
   Pereira, T. M. D.; Popovas, A.; Quintero Noda, C.; Sainz Dalda, A.;
   Scharmer, G. B.; Schmit, D.; Scullion, E.; Skogsrud, H.; Szydlarski,
   M.; Timmons, R.; Vissers, G. J. M.; Woods, M. M.; Zacharias, P.
2020A&A...641A.146R    Altcode: 2020arXiv200514175R
  NASA's Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) provides
  high-resolution observations of the solar atmosphere through ultraviolet
  spectroscopy and imaging. Since the launch of IRIS in June 2013, we
  have conducted systematic observation campaigns in coordination with
  the Swedish 1 m Solar Telescope (SST) on La Palma. The SST provides
  complementary high-resolution observations of the photosphere and
  chromosphere. The SST observations include spectropolarimetric imaging
  in photospheric Fe I lines and spectrally resolved imaging in the
  chromospheric Ca II 8542 Å, Hα, and Ca II K lines. We present
  a database of co-aligned IRIS and SST datasets that is open for
  analysis to the scientific community. The database covers a variety
  of targets including active regions, sunspots, plages, the quiet Sun,
  and coronal holes.

Title: Coronal Mini-jets in an Activated Solar Tornado-like Prominence
Authors: Chen, Huadong; Zhang, Jun; De Pontieu, Bart; Ma, Suli; Kliem,
   Bernhard; Priest, Eric
2020ApJ...899...19C    Altcode: 2020arXiv200608252C
  High-resolution observations from the Interface Region Imaging
  Spectrometer reveal the existence of a particular type of small
  solar jet, which arose singly or in clusters from a tornado-like
  prominence suspended in the corona. In this study, we perform a detailed
  statistical analysis of 43 selected mini-jets in the tornado event. Our
  results show that the mini-jets typically have (1) a projected length
  of 1.0-6.0 Mm, (2) a width of 0.2-1.0 Mm, (3) a lifetime of 10-50 s,
  (4) a velocity of 100-350 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, and (5) an acceleration
  of 3-20 km s<SUP>-2</SUP>. Based on spectral diagnostics and EM-Loci
  analysis, these jets seem to be multithermal small-scale plasma
  ejections with an estimated average electron density of ∼2.4 ×
  10<SUP>10</SUP> cm<SUP>-3</SUP> and an approximate mean temperature of
  ∼2.6 × 10<SUP>5</SUP> K. Their mean kinetic energy density, thermal
  energy density, and dissipated magnetic field strength are roughly
  estimated to be ∼9 erg cm<SUP>-3</SUP>, 3 erg cm<SUP>-3</SUP>, and
  16 G, respectively. The accelerations of the mini-jets, the UV and EUV
  brightenings at the footpoints of some mini-jets, and the activation
  of the host prominence suggest that the tornado mini-jets are probably
  created by fine-scale external or internal magnetic reconnections (a)
  between the prominence field and the enveloping or background field or
  (b) between twisted or braided flux tubes within the prominence. The
  observations provide insight into the geometry of such reconnection
  events in the corona and have implications for the structure of the
  prominence magnetic field and the instability that is responsible for
  the eruption of prominences and coronal mass ejections.

Title: Observation and Modeling of High-temperature Solar Active
    Region Emission during the High-resolution Coronal Imager Flight of
    2018 May 29
Authors: Warren, Harry P.; Reep, Jeffrey W.; Crump, Nicholas A.;
   Ugarte-Urra, Ignacio; Brooks, David H.; Winebarger, Amy R.; Savage,
   Sabrina; De Pontieu, Bart; Peter, Hardi; Cirtain, Jonathan W.; Golub,
   Leon; Kobayashi, Ken; McKenzie, David; Morton, Richard; Rachmeler,
   Laurel; Testa, Paola; Tiwari, Sanjiv; Walsh, Robert
2020ApJ...896...51W    Altcode:
  Excellent coordinated observations of NOAA active region 12712 were
  obtained during the flight of the High-resolution Coronal Imager (Hi-C)
  sounding rocket on 2018 May 29. This region displayed a typical active
  region core structure with relatively short, high-temperature loops
  crossing the polarity inversion line and bright "moss" located at the
  footpoints of these loops. The differential emission measure (DEM) in
  the active region core is very sharply peaked at about 4 MK. Further,
  there is little evidence for impulsive heating events in the moss, even
  at the high spatial resolution and cadence of Hi-C. This suggests that
  active region core heating is occurring at a high frequency and keeping
  the loops close to equilibrium. To create a time-dependent simulation of
  the active region core, we combine nonlinear force-free extrapolations
  of the measured magnetic field with a heating rate that is dependent
  on the field strength and loop length and has a Poisson waiting time
  distribution. We use the approximate solutions to the hydrodynamic
  loop equations to simulate the full ensemble of active region core
  loops for a range of heating parameters. In all cases, we find that
  high-frequency heating provides the best match to the observed DEM. For
  selected field lines, we solve the full hydrodynamic loop equations,
  including radiative transfer in the chromosphere, to simulate transition
  region and chromospheric emission. We find that for heating scenarios
  consistent with the DEM, classical signatures of energy release,
  such as transition region brightenings and chromospheric evaporation,
  are weak, suggesting that they would be difficult to detect.

Title: The Drivers of Active Region Outflows into the Slow Solar Wind
Authors: Brooks, David H.; Winebarger, Amy R.; Savage, Sabrina; Warren,
   Harry P.; De Pontieu, Bart; Peter, Hardi; Cirtain, Jonathan W.; Golub,
   Leon; Kobayashi, Ken; McIntosh, Scott W.; McKenzie, David; Morton,
   Richard; Rachmeler, Laurel; Testa, Paola; Tiwari, Sanjiv; Walsh, Robert
2020ApJ...894..144B    Altcode: 2020arXiv200407461B
  Plasma outflows from the edges of active regions have been suggested as
  a possible source of the slow solar wind. Spectroscopic measurements
  show that these outflows have an enhanced elemental composition,
  which is a distinct signature of the slow wind. Current spectroscopic
  observations, however, do not have sufficient spatial resolution to
  distinguish what structures are being measured or determine the driver
  of the outflows. The High-resolution Coronal Imager (Hi-C) flew on a
  sounding rocket in 2018 May and observed areas of active region outflow
  at the highest spatial resolution ever achieved (250 km). Here we use
  the Hi-C data to disentangle the outflow composition signatures observed
  with the Hinode satellite during the flight. We show that there are
  two components to the outflow emission: a substantial contribution
  from expanded plasma that appears to have been expelled from closed
  loops in the active region core and a second contribution from dynamic
  activity in active region plage, with a composition signature that
  reflects solar photospheric abundances. The two competing drivers of the
  outflows may explain the variable composition of the slow solar wind.

Title: Is the High-Resolution Coronal Imager Resolving Coronal
    Strands? Results from AR 12712
Authors: Williams, Thomas; Walsh, Robert W.; Winebarger, Amy R.;
   Brooks, David H.; Cirtain, Jonathan W.; De Pontieu, Bart; Golub,
   Leon; Kobayashi, Ken; McKenzie, David E.; Morton, Richard J.; Peter,
   Hardi; Rachmeler, Laurel A.; Savage, Sabrina L.; Testa, Paola; Tiwari,
   Sanjiv K.; Warren, Harry P.; Watkinson, Benjamin J.
2020ApJ...892..134W    Altcode: 2020arXiv200111254W
  Following the success of the first mission, the High-Resolution
  Coronal Imager (Hi-C) was launched for a third time (Hi-C 2.1)
  on 2018 May 29 from the White Sands Missile Range, NM, USA. On this
  occasion, 329 s of 17.2 nm data of target active region AR 12712 were
  captured with a cadence of ≈4 s, and a plate scale of 0.129 arcsec
  pixel<SUP>-1</SUP>. Using data captured by Hi-C 2.1 and co-aligned
  observations from SDO/AIA 17.1 nm, we investigate the widths of 49
  coronal strands. We search for evidence of substructure within the
  strands that is not detected by AIA, and further consider whether these
  strands are fully resolved by Hi-C 2.1. With the aid of multi-scale
  Gaussian normalization, strands from a region of low emission that can
  only be visualized against the contrast of the darker, underlying moss
  are studied. A comparison is made between these low-emission strands
  and those from regions of higher emission within the target active
  region. It is found that Hi-C 2.1 can resolve individual strands as
  small as ≈202 km, though the more typical strand widths seen are
  ≈513 km. For coronal strands within the region of low emission, the
  most likely width is significantly narrower than the high-emission
  strands at ≈388 km. This places the low-emission coronal strands
  beneath the resolving capabilities of SDO/AIA, highlighting the need
  for a permanent solar observatory with the resolving power of Hi-C.

Title: The Formation Height of Millimeter-wavelength Emission in
    the Solar Chromosphere
Authors: Martínez-Sykora, Juan; De Pontieu, Bart; de la Cruz
   Rodriguez, Jaime; Chintzoglou, Georgios
2020ApJ...891L...8M    Altcode: 2020arXiv200110645M
  In the past few years, the ALMA radio telescope has become available
  for solar observations. ALMA diagnostics of the solar atmosphere are of
  high interest because of the theoretically expected linear relationship
  between the brightness temperature at millimeter wavelengths and
  the local gas temperature in the solar atmosphere. Key for the
  interpretation of solar ALMA observations is understanding where in
  the solar atmosphere the ALMA emission originates. Recent theoretical
  studies have suggested that ALMA bands at 1.2 (band 6) and 3 mm
  (band 3) form in the middle and upper chromosphere at significantly
  different heights. We study the formation of ALMA diagnostics using
  a 2.5D radiative MHD model that includes the effects of ion-neutral
  interactions (ambipolar diffusion) and nonequilibrium ionization
  of hydrogen and helium. Our results suggest that in active regions
  and network regions, observations at both wavelengths most often
  originate from similar heights in the upper chromosphere, contrary to
  previous results. Nonequilibrium ionization increases the opacity in the
  chromosphere so that ALMA mostly observes spicules and fibrils along the
  canopy fields. We combine these modeling results with observations from
  IRIS, SDO, and ALMA to suggest a new interpretation for the recently
  reported "dark chromospheric holes," regions of very low temperatures
  in the chromosphere.

Title: IRIS Observations of Short-term Variability in Moss Associated
    with Transient Hot Coronal Loops
Authors: Testa, Paola; Polito, Vanessa; De Pontieu, Bart
2020ApJ...889..124T    Altcode: 2019arXiv191008201T
  We observed rapid variability (≲60 s) at the footpoints of transient,
  hot (∼8-10 MK) coronal loops in active region cores, with the
  Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS). The high spatial (∼0"33)
  and temporal (≲5-10 s) resolution of IRIS is often crucial for the
  detection of this variability. We show how, in combination with 1D RADYN
  loop modeling, these IRIS spectral observations of the transition region
  (TR) and chromosphere provide powerful diagnostics of the properties of
  coronal heating and energy transport (thermal conduction or nonthermal
  electrons, NTEs). Our simulations of nanoflare-heated loops indicate
  that emission in the Mg II triplet can be used as a sensitive diagnostic
  for nonthermal particles. In our events, we observe a large variety
  of IRIS spectral properties (intensity, Doppler shifts, broadening,
  chromospheric/TR line ratios, Mg II triplet emission) even for
  different footpoints of the same coronal events. In several events,
  we find spectroscopic evidence for NTEs (e.g., TR blueshifts and Mg
  II triplet emission), suggesting that particle acceleration can occur
  even for very small magnetic reconnection events, which are generally
  below the detection threshold of hard X-ray instruments that provide
  direct detection of emission of nonthermal particles.

Title: Ion-neutral Interactions and Nonequilibrium Ionization in
    the Solar Chromosphere
Authors: Martínez-Sykora, Juan; Leenaarts, Jorrit; De Pontieu,
   Bart; Nóbrega-Siverio, Daniel; Hansteen, Viggo H.; Carlsson, Mats;
   Szydlarski, Mikolaj
2020ApJ...889...95M    Altcode: 2019arXiv191206682M
  The thermal structure of the chromosphere is regulated through a
  complex interaction of various heating processes, radiative cooling,
  and the ionization degree of the plasma. Here, we study the impact on
  the thermal properties of the chromosphere when including the combined
  action of nonequilibrium ionization (NEI) of hydrogen and helium and
  ion-neutral interaction effects. We have performed a 2.5D radiative
  magnetohydrodynamic simulation using the Bifrost code. This model
  includes ion-neutral interaction effects by solving the generalized
  Ohm' s law (GOL) as well as NEI for hydrogen and helium. The GOL
  equation includes ambipolar diffusion and the Hall term. We compare
  this simulation with another simulation that computes the ionization in
  local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) including ion-neutral interaction
  effects. Our numerical models reveal substantial thermal differences
  in magneto-acoustic shocks, the wake behind the shocks, spicules,
  low-lying magnetic loops, and the transition region. In particular,
  we find that heating through ambipolar diffusion in shock wakes is
  substantially less efficient, while in the shock fronts themselves it
  is more efficient, under NEI conditions than when assuming LTE.

Title: Understanding the Structure of Rapid Intensity Fluctuations
    in the Chromosphere with IRIS
Authors: Schmit, D.; De Pontieu, B.; Winebarger, A.; Rachmeler, L.;
   Daw, A.
2020ApJ...889..112S    Altcode:
  Several recent data sets have taken advantage of the unique capabilities
  of orbital and suborbital spacecraft to image the chromosphere
  and transition region at a very high cadence. We find that both
  the chromosphere and transition region exhibit spatially coherent
  transient features at frequencies above 80 mHz. We have analyzed
  narrowband imaging data from H I Lyα 1215 Å (provided by CLASP),
  Mg II k 2796 Å, and Si IV 1400 Å (provided by the Interface Region
  Imaging Spectrograph). We categorize the spatial structure of these
  rapid fluctuations in different magnetic environments. Intensity
  fluctuations above the noise level are observed in plages in all
  passbands. We have found jet-like features in 1215 and 1400 Å data
  that extend from the edges of plages as well as network magnetic
  concentrations. We have not found any recurrent features that are
  identified in both 1400 and 1215 Å data. Short loop-like features
  were only found in 1400 Å data. Temperature minimum grains generate
  non-propagating features in 1400 Å data. We compare our observations
  with previous research on dynamic chromospheric phenomena at lower
  frequencies. Candidate mechanisms, related to both jets and waves,
  predict chromospheric and transition region intensity fluctuations at
  high temporal frequencies, which can now be observationally probed.

Title: The multi-thermal chromosphere. Inversions of ALMA and
    IRIS data
Authors: da Silva Santos, J. M.; de la Cruz Rodríguez, J.; Leenaarts,
   J.; Chintzoglou, G.; De Pontieu, B.; Wedemeyer, S.; Szydlarski, M.
2020A&A...634A..56D    Altcode: 2019arXiv191209886D
  Context. Numerical simulations of the solar chromosphere predict a
  diverse thermal structure with both hot and cool regions. Observations
  of plage regions in particular typically feature broader and brighter
  chromospheric lines, which suggests that they are formed in hotter
  and denser conditions than in the quiet Sun, but also implies a
  nonthermal component whose source is unclear. <BR /> Aims: We revisit
  the problem of the stratification of temperature and microturbulence
  in plage and the quiet Sun, now adding millimeter (mm) continuum
  observations provided by the Atacama Large Millimiter Array (ALMA) to
  inversions of near-ultraviolet Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph
  (IRIS) spectra as a powerful new diagnostic to disentangle the
  two parameters. We fit cool chromospheric holes and track the fast
  evolution of compact mm brightenings in the plage region. <BR />
  Methods: We use the STiC nonlocal thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE)
  inversion code to simultaneously fit real ultraviolet and mm spectra
  in order to infer the thermodynamic parameters of the plasma. <BR />
  Results: We confirm the anticipated constraining potential of ALMA
  in NLTE inversions of the solar chromosphere. We find significant
  differences between the inversion results of IRIS data alone compared to
  the results of a combination with the mm data: the IRIS+ALMA inversions
  have increased contrast and temperature range, and tend to favor lower
  values of microturbulence (∼3-6 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> in plage compared
  to ∼4-7 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> from IRIS alone) in the chromosphere. The
  average brightness temperature of the plage region at 1.25 mm is 8500
  K, but the ALMA maps also show much cooler (∼3000 K) and hotter
  (∼11 000 K) evolving features partially seen in other diagnostics. To
  explain the former, the inversions require the existence of localized
  low-temperature regions in the chromosphere where molecules such as CO
  could form. The hot features could sustain such high temperatures due to
  non-equilibrium hydrogen ionization effects in a shocked chromosphere
  - a scenario that is supported by low-frequency shock wave patterns
  found in the Mg II lines probed by IRIS.

Title: Observations and modeling of the onset of fast reconnection
    in the solar transition region
Authors: Bhattacharjee, Amitava; Guo, Lijia; de Pontieu, Bart; Huang,
   Yi-Min; Peter, Hardi
2020APS..DPPP10005B    Altcode:
  Magnetic reconnection is a fundamental plasma process that plays a
  critical role not only in energy release in the solar atmosphere, but
  also in fusion, astrophysical, and other space plasma environments. One
  of the challenges in explaining solar observations in which reconnection
  is thought to play a critical role is to account for the transition
  of the dynamics from a slow quasi-continuous phase to a fast and
  impulsive energetic burst of much shorter duration. Despite the
  theoretical progress in identifying mechanisms that might lead
  to rapid onset, a lack of observations of this transition has left
  models poorly constrained. High-resolution spectroscopic observations
  from NASA's Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) now reveal
  tell-tale signatures of the abrupt transition of reconnection from
  a slow phase to a fast, impulsive phase during explosive events in
  the Sun's atmosphere. Our observations are consistent with numerical
  simulations of the plasmoid instability, and provide evidence for the
  onset of fast reconnection mediated by plasmoids and new opportunities
  for remote-sensing diagnostics of reconnection mechanisms on the Sun.

Title: The Multi-slit Approach to Coronal Spectroscopy with the
    Multi-slit Solar Explorer (MUSE)
Authors: De Pontieu, Bart; Martínez-Sykora, Juan; Testa, Paola;
   Winebarger, Amy R.; Daw, Adrian; Hansteen, Viggo; Cheung, Mark C. M.;
   Antolin, Patrick
2020ApJ...888....3D    Altcode: 2019arXiv190908818D
  The Multi-slit Solar Explorer (MUSE) is a proposed mission aimed
  at understanding the physical mechanisms driving the heating of the
  solar corona and the eruptions that are at the foundation of space
  weather. MUSE contains two instruments, a multi-slit extreme ultraviolet
  (EUV) spectrograph and a context imager. It will simultaneously
  obtain EUV spectra (along 37 slits) and context images with the
  highest resolution in space (0.″33-0.″4) and time (1-4 s) ever
  achieved for the transition region (TR) and corona. The MUSE science
  investigation will exploit major advances in numerical modeling, and
  observe at the spatial and temporal scales on which competing models
  make testable and distinguishable predictions, thereby leading to a
  breakthrough in our understanding of coronal heating and the drivers
  of space weather. By obtaining spectra in four bright EUV lines (Fe
  IX 171 Å, Fe XV 284 Å, Fe XIX 108Å, Fe XXI 108 Å) covering a wide
  range of TR and coronal temperatures along 37 slits simultaneously,
  MUSE will be able to “freeze” the evolution of the dynamic
  coronal plasma. We describe MUSE’s multi-slit approach and show
  that the optimization of the design minimizes the impact of spectral
  lines from neighboring slits, generally allowing line parameters to
  be accurately determined. We also describe a Spectral Disambiguation
  Code to resolve multi-slit ambiguity in locations where secondary lines
  are bright. We use simulations of the corona and eruptions to perform
  validation tests and show that the multi-slit disambiguation approach
  allows accurate determination of MUSE observables in locations where
  significant multi-slit contamination occurs.

Title: Solar Hα features with hot onsets. IV. Network fibrils
Authors: Rutten, Robert J.; Rouppe van der Voort, Luc H. M.; De
   Pontieu, Bart
2019A&A...632A..96R    Altcode: 2019arXiv190809315R
  Even in quiet areas underneath coronal holes the solar chromosphere
  contains ubiquitous heating events. They tend to be small scale and
  short lived, hence difficult to identify. Here we do not address
  their much-debated contribution to outer-atmosphere heating,
  but their aftermaths. We performed a statistical analysis of
  high-resolution observations in the Balmer Hα line to suggest
  that many slender dark Hα fibrils spreading out from network
  represent cooling gas that outlines tracks of preceding rapid
  type II spicule events or smaller similar but as yet unresolved
  heating agents in which the main gas constituent, hydrogen, ionizes
  at least partially. Subsequent recombination then causes dark Hα
  fibrils enhanced by nonequilibrium overopacity. We suggest that the
  extraordinary fibrilar appearance of the Hα chromosphere around network
  results from intermittent, frequent small-scale prior heating. <P
  />Movies associated to Fig. 3 and blinkers are available at <A

Title: MUSE: the Multi-Slit Solar Explorer
Authors: De Pontieu, B.; Lemen, J. R.; Cheung, C. M. M.
2019AGUFMSH33A..07D    Altcode:
  The Multi-Slit Solar Explorer (MUSE) is a proposed MIDEX mission
  for studying the dynamics of the corona and transition region using
  both conventional and novel spectral imaging techniques, coupled to
  state-of-the-art numerical modeling. MUSE will obtain EUV spectra
  and images with the highest resolution in space (1/3 arcsec) and
  time (1-4 s) ever achieved for the transition region and corona,
  along 37 slits and a large context FOV simultaneously. The science
  goals of MUSE are to understand the physical mechanisms responsible
  for energy release in the corona and for driving flares and coronal
  mass ejections. MUSE contains two instruments: an EUV spectrograph and
  an EUV context imager. Both leverage extensive heritage from previous
  high-resolution instruments such as IRIS and the HiC rocket payload. The
  MUSE spectrograph employs a novel multi-slit design that enables a
  100x improvement in spectral scanning rates, which will reveal crucial
  information about the dynamics of the physical processes that are not
  observable with current instruments. MUSE will address its science
  goals by observing at the spatial and temporal scales on which advanced
  numerical models make distinguishing and testable predictions. We will
  discuss the MUSE design and how it has been optimized to minimize
  effects from overlapping spectra dispersed from different slits. We
  will also describe the robust compressed sensing techniques (or spectral
  disambiguation code) developed to allow accurate spectral analysis from
  the multi-slit observations of MUSE, as illustrated with 3D radiative
  MHD models. The MUSE consortium includes LMSAL, SAO, UCB, MSU, GSFC,
  MSFC, HAO, ITA Oslo, and other institutions.

Title: Hi-C 2.1 Observations of Jetlet-like Events at Edges of Solar
    Magnetic Network Lanes
Authors: Panesar, Navdeep K.; Sterling, Alphonse C.; Moore, Ronald L.;
   Winebarger, Amy R.; Tiwari, Sanjiv K.; Savage, Sabrina L.; Golub, Leon
   E.; Rachmeler, Laurel A.; Kobayashi, Ken; Brooks, David H.; Cirtain,
   Jonathan W.; De Pontieu, Bart; McKenzie, David E.; Morton, Richard J.;
   Peter, Hardi; Testa, Paola; Walsh, Robert W.; Warren, Harry P.
2019ApJ...887L...8P    Altcode: 2019arXiv191102331P
  We present high-resolution, high-cadence observations of six,
  fine-scale, on-disk jet-like events observed by the High-resolution
  Coronal Imager 2.1 (Hi-C 2.1) during its sounding-rocket flight. We
  combine the Hi-C 2.1 images with images from the Solar Dynamics
  Observatory (SDO)/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) and the Interface
  Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS), and investigate each event’s
  magnetic setting with co-aligned line-of-sight magnetograms from the
  SDO/Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI). We find that (i) all six
  events are jetlet-like (having apparent properties of jetlets), (ii)
  all six are rooted at edges of magnetic network lanes, (iii) four of
  the jetlet-like events stem from sites of flux cancelation between
  majority-polarity network flux and merging minority-polarity flux, and
  (iv) four of the jetlet-like events show brightenings at their bases
  reminiscent of the base brightenings in coronal jets. The average
  spire length of the six jetlet-like events (9000 ± 3000 km) is three
  times shorter than that for IRIS jetlets (27,000 ± 8000 km). While
  not ruling out other generation mechanisms, the observations suggest
  that at least four of these events may be miniature versions of both
  larger-scale coronal jets that are driven by minifilament eruptions
  and still-larger-scale solar eruptions that are driven by filament
  eruptions. Therefore, we propose that our Hi-C events are driven by
  the eruption of a tiny sheared-field flux rope, and that the flux rope
  field is built and triggered to erupt by flux cancelation.

Title: Fine-scale explosive energy release at sites of magnetic flux
    cancellation in the core of the solar active region observed by Hi-C
    2.1, IRIS and SDO
Authors: Tiwari, S. K.; Panesar, N. K.; Moore, R. L.; De Pontieu,
   B.; Winebarger, A. R.
2019AGUFMSH31C3323T    Altcode:
  The second sounding-rocket flight of the High-Resolution Coronal Imager
  (Hi-C 2.1) provided unprecedentedly-high spatial and temporal resolution

Title: Diagnostics of nanoflare heating in active region core loops
    from chromospheric and transition region observations and modeling
Authors: Testa, P.; Polito, V.; De Pontieu, B.; Reale, F.; Graham, D.
2019AGUFMSH13B..07T    Altcode:
  Rapid variability at the footpoints of active region coronal loops
  has been observed (Testa et al. 2013, 2014), and provides powerful
  diagnostics of the properties of coronal heating and energy transport
  (e.g., Testa et al. 2014, Polito et al. 2018, Reale et al. 2019, Testa
  et al. 2019). <P />We will present results of our detailed analysis of
  a dozen of IRIS/AIA observations of footpoints brightenings associated
  with coronal heating, and will present the distribution of the observed
  properties (e.g., duration of brightenings, intensity ratios, Doppler
  shifts, non-thermal broadening,..). We will discuss the properties
  of coronal heating as inferred from the coupling of these high
  spatial, spectral, and temporal resolution chromospheric/transition
  region/coronal observations, with modeling. <P />We will also
  present results of a new algorithm we have developed for an automatic
  detection of these footpoint brightenings in AIA observations (Graham
  et al. 2019), which will allow us, in our next step, to significantly
  expand the number of events detected, and build more robust statistics
  of the properties of nanoflares in active region loops.

Title: Fine-scale Explosive Energy Release at Sites of Prospective
    Magnetic Flux Cancellation in the Core of the Solar Active Region
    Observed by Hi-C 2.1, IRIS, and SDO
Authors: Tiwari, Sanjiv K.; Panesar, Navdeep K.; Moore, Ronald L.;
   De Pontieu, Bart; Winebarger, Amy R.; Golub, Leon; Savage, Sabrina L.;
   Rachmeler, Laurel A.; Kobayashi, Ken; Testa, Paola; Warren, Harry P.;
   Brooks, David H.; Cirtain, Jonathan W.; McKenzie, David E.; Morton,
   Richard J.; Peter, Hardi; Walsh, Robert W.
2019ApJ...887...56T    Altcode: 2019arXiv191101424T
  The second Hi-C flight (Hi-C 2.1) provided unprecedentedly high spatial
  and temporal resolution (∼250 km, 4.4 s) coronal EUV images of Fe IX/X
  emission at 172 Å of AR 12712 on 2018 May 29, during 18:56:21-19:01:56
  UT. Three morphologically different types (I: dot-like; II: loop-like;
  III: surge/jet-like) of fine-scale sudden-brightening events (tiny
  microflares) are seen within and at the ends of an arch filament system
  in the core of the AR. Although type Is (not reported before) resemble
  IRIS bombs (in size, and brightness with respect to surroundings),
  our dot-like events are apparently much hotter and shorter in span
  (70 s). We complement the 5 minute duration Hi-C 2.1 data with SDO/HMI
  magnetograms, SDO/AIA EUV images, and IRIS UV spectra and slit-jaw
  images to examine, at the sites of these events, brightenings and
  flows in the transition region and corona and evolution of magnetic
  flux in the photosphere. Most, if not all, of the events are seated
  at sites of opposite-polarity magnetic flux convergence (sometimes
  driven by adjacent flux emergence), implying likely flux cancellation
  at the microflare’s polarity inversion line. In the IRIS spectra
  and images, we find confirming evidence of field-aligned outflow from
  brightenings at the ends of loops of the arch filament system. In types
  I and II the explosion is confined, while in type III the explosion
  is ejective and drives jet-like outflow. The light curves from Hi-C,
  AIA, and IRIS peak nearly simultaneously for many of these events,
  and none of the events display a systematic cooling sequence as seen in
  typical coronal flares, suggesting that these tiny brightening events
  have chromospheric/transition region origin.

Title: Can superposition of evaporative flows explain broad IRIS Fe
    XXI line profiles during flares?
Authors: Polito, V.; Testa, P.; De Pontieu, B.
2019AGUFMSH44A..07P    Altcode:
  The observation of the high-temperature (&gt;10MK) IRIS Fe XXI 1354A
  line with the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) has provided
  significant insights into the chromospheric evaporation process in
  flares. In particular, the line is often observed to be completely
  blueshifted, in contrast to previous observations at lower spatial
  and spectral resolution, and in agreement with predictions from
  theoretical models. Interestingly, the line is also observed to be
  mostly symmetric and significantly broader than expected from thermal
  motions (assuming the peak formation temperature of the ion is in
  equilibrium). One popular interpretation for the non-thermal broadening
  is the superposition of flows from different loop strands. In this work,
  we test this scenario by forward-modelling the Fe XXI line profile
  assuming different possible observational scenarios using hydrodynamic
  simulations of multi-thread flare loops with the 1D RADYN code. Our
  results indicate that the superposition of flows alone cannot easily
  reproduce both the symmetry and the significant broadening of the line
  and that some other physical process, such as turbulence, or a much
  larger ion temperature than previously expected, likely needs to be
  invoked in order to explain the observed profiles.

Title: The High-Resolution Coronal Imager, Flight 2.1
Authors: Rachmeler, Laurel A.; Winebarger, Amy R.; Savage, Sabrina L.;
   Golub, Leon; Kobayashi, Ken; Vigil, Genevieve D.; Brooks, David H.;
   Cirtain, Jonathan W.; De Pontieu, Bart; McKenzie, David E.; Morton,
   Richard J.; Peter, Hardi; Testa, Paola; Tiwari, Sanjiv K.; Walsh,
   Robert W.; Warren, Harry P.; Alexander, Caroline; Ansell, Darren;
   Beabout, Brent L.; Beabout, Dyana L.; Bethge, Christian W.; Champey,
   Patrick R.; Cheimets, Peter N.; Cooper, Mark A.; Creel, Helen K.;
   Gates, Richard; Gomez, Carlos; Guillory, Anthony; Haight, Harlan;
   Hogue, William D.; Holloway, Todd; Hyde, David W.; Kenyon, Richard;
   Marshall, Joseph N.; McCracken, Jeff E.; McCracken, Kenneth; Mitchell,
   Karen O.; Ordway, Mark; Owen, Tim; Ranganathan, Jagan; Robertson,
   Bryan A.; Payne, M. Janie; Podgorski, William; Pryor, Jonathan; Samra,
   Jenna; Sloan, Mark D.; Soohoo, Howard A.; Steele, D. Brandon; Thompson,
   Furman V.; Thornton, Gary S.; Watkinson, Benjamin; Windt, David
2019SoPh..294..174R    Altcode: 2019arXiv190905942R
  The third flight of the High-Resolution Coronal Imager (Hi-C 2.1)
  occurred on May 29, 2018; the Sounding Rocket was launched from White
  Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. The instrument has been modified
  from its original configuration (Hi-C 1) to observe the solar corona
  in a passband that peaks near 172 Å, and uses a new, custom-built
  low-noise camera. The instrument targeted Active Region 12712, and
  captured 78 images at a cadence of 4.4 s (18:56:22 - 19:01:57 UT; 5
  min and 35 s observing time). The image spatial resolution varies due
  to quasi-periodic motion blur from the rocket; sharp images contain
  resolved features of at least 0.47 arcsec. There are coordinated
  observations from multiple ground- and space-based telescopes providing
  an unprecedented opportunity to observe the mass and energy coupling
  between the chromosphere and the corona. Details of the instrument
  and the data set are presented in this paper.

Title: Unfolding Overlappogram Data: Preparing for the COOL-AID
    instrument on Hi-C FLARE
Authors: Winebarger, A. R.; De Pontieu, B.; Cheung, C. M. M.;
   Martinez-Sykora, J.; Hansteen, V. H.; Testa, P.; Golub, L.; Savage,
   S. L.; Samra, J.; Reeves, K.
2019AGUFMSH33A..06W    Altcode:
  During a solar flare, energy released in the corona streams to the solar
  chromosphere, where plasma is heated and then evaporated upward. The
  magnitude of these velocities and their evolution as a function of time
  can provide quantitative information on the magnitude of energy released
  and the method by which it is transported in a solar flare. Measuring
  these velocities, however, is quite challenging. Typically, they are
  measured with single slit spectrometers, where light passing through
  a long but narrow slit is dispersed and emission lines formed across
  a range of temperatures are observed. The main issue with using
  single slit spectrometers to make this measurement is that they are
  rarely pointed at the right place at the right time. Additionally,
  their fields of view are limited by narrow slit widths, and although
  rastering can effectively expand the field of view, it does so at the
  cost of time. This combination means that single slit spectrometers
  cannot adequately capture the evolution of the flare velocities. On
  the contrary, slitless spectrometers can make "overlappograms”,
  which provide both imaging and spectral information over a large field
  of view. However, spatial information from different spectral lines
  can overlap in the dispersion direction, making the data difficult
  to interpret. Furthermore, the spectral resolution of slitless
  spectrometers are limited and typically worse than single-slit
  spectrometers, since no line fitting (and hence sub-pixel sampling) is
  possible. <P />For the next generation of the High-resolution Coronal
  Imager (Hi-C) Rocket Experiment, which we are proposing to launch during
  a solar flare, we are including the COronal OverLapagram - Ancillary
  Imaging Diagnostics (COOL-AID) instrument. COOL-AID is a slitless
  spectrometer based on the COronal Spectrographic Imager in the EUV
  (COSIE) design, but with a narrow passband coating around 12.9 nm (the
  same passband as the primary Hi-C telescope), a spatial resolution of
  ~1"x2", and a velocity resolution of ~5 km/s. The goal of the COOL-AID
  instrument is to determine the velocity associated with the Fe XXI
  12.9 nm spectral line during a solar flare. In this talk, we will
  demonstrate the unfolding method developed by Cheung et al (2019) to
  determine the velocity information from a simulated COOL-AID data set.

Title: Investigating Pre-flare Signatures with K-means Clustering
Authors: Woods, M.; De Pontieu, B.; Sainz Dalda, A.
2019AGUFMSH31E3348W    Altcode:
  We present the results of a large statistical study of pre-flare
  activity using spectroscopic data from the IRIS spacecraft, analysed
  using K-means clustering. Solar flares are large energy releases
  whose effects are observed throughout the solar atmosphere. They
  are also heavily correlated with eruptions and CMEs, which extend
  their influence into the greater heliosphere. Many models exist
  that attempt to explain the triggering of flares and eruptions,
  but not all have clear observational signatures related to them. The
  identification of reliable pre-flare signatures is therefore highly
  important to not only furthering our understanding the processes
  that lead to flaring and eruptions, but also to efforts to predict
  the occurrence of such events. <P />We compiled a data set of over
  100 flare events with pre-flare coverage, comprising a range of GOES
  classes and eruptivities. The individual spectra from these data were
  then standardised for direct comparison, and the unsupervised machine
  learning technique K-means clustering was run upon them. This allowed
  us to investigate the types of spectra that were observed prior to
  flaring, and how these spectra are distributed both spatially and
  temporally. Additionally we investigated how these spectral clusters
  are related to the eruptivity of the flares that they precede.

Title: A comprehensive three-dimensional radiative magnetohydrodynamic
    simulation of a solar flare
Authors: Cheung, M. C. M.; Rempel, M.; Chintzoglou, G.; Chen, F.;
   Testa, P.; Martínez-Sykora, J.; Sainz Dalda, A.; DeRosa, M. L.;
   Malanushenko, A.; Hansteen, V.; De Pontieu, B.; Carlsson, M.; Gudiksen,
   B.; McIntosh, S. W.
2019NatAs...3..160C    Altcode: 2018NatAs...3..160C
  Solar and stellar flares are the most intense emitters of X-rays and
  extreme ultraviolet radiation in planetary systems<SUP>1,2</SUP>. On
  the Sun, strong flares are usually found in newly emerging sunspot
  regions<SUP>3</SUP>. The emergence of these magnetic sunspot groups
  leads to the accumulation of magnetic energy in the corona. When
  the magnetic field undergoes abrupt relaxation, the energy released
  powers coronal mass ejections as well as heating plasma to temperatures
  beyond tens of millions of kelvins. While recent work has shed light
  on how magnetic energy and twist accumulate in the corona<SUP>4</SUP>
  and on how three-dimensional magnetic reconnection allows for rapid
  energy release<SUP>5,6</SUP>, a self-consistent model capturing how
  such magnetic changes translate into observable diagnostics has remained
  elusive. Here, we present a comprehensive radiative magnetohydrodynamics
  simulation of a solar flare capturing the process from emergence to
  eruption. The simulation has sufficient realism for the synthesis of
  remote sensing measurements to compare with observations at visible,
  ultraviolet and X-ray wavelengths. This unifying model allows us to
  explain a number of well-known features of solar flares<SUP>7</SUP>,
  including the time profile of the X-ray flux during flares, origin
  and temporal evolution of chromospheric evaporation and condensation,
  and sweeping of flare ribbons in the lower atmosphere. Furthermore,
  the model reproduces the apparent non-thermal shape of coronal X-ray
  spectra, which is the result of the superposition of multi-component
  super-hot plasmas<SUP>8</SUP> up to and beyond 100 million K.

Title: The Solar-C_EUVST mission
Authors: Shimizu, Toshifumi; Imada, Shinsuke; Kawate, Tomoko;
   Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Hara, Hirohisa; Katsukawa,
   Yukio; Kubo, Masahito; Toriumi, Shin; Watanabe, Tetsuya; Yokoyama,
   Takaaki; Korendyke, Clarence M.; Warren, Harry P.; Tarbell, Ted; De
   Pontieu, Bart; Teriaca, Luca; Schühle, Udo H.; Solanki, Sami; Harra,
   Louise K.; Matthews, Sarah; Fludra, A.; Auchère, F.; Andretta, V.;
   Naletto, G.; Zhukov, A.
2019SPIE11118E..07S    Altcode:
  Solar-C EUVST (EUV High-Throughput Spectroscopic Telescope) is a
  solar physics mission concept that was selected as a candidate for
  JAXA competitive M-class missions in July 2018. The onboard science
  instrument, EUVST, is an EUV spectrometer with slit-jaw imaging
  system that will simultaneously observe the solar atmosphere from the
  photosphere/chromosphere up to the corona with seamless temperature
  coverage, high spatial resolution, and high throughput for the first
  time. The mission is designed to provide a conclusive answer to the
  most fundamental questions in solar physics: how fundamental processes
  lead to the formation of the solar atmosphere and the solar wind, and
  how the solar atmosphere becomes unstable, releasing the energy that
  drives solar flares and eruptions. The entire instrument structure
  and the primary mirror assembly with scanning and tip-tilt fine
  pointing capability for the EUVST are being developed in Japan, with
  spectrograph and slit-jaw imaging hardware and science contributions
  from US and European countries. The mission will be launched and
  installed in a sun-synchronous polar orbit by a JAXA Epsilon vehicle in
  2025. ISAS/JAXA coordinates the conceptual study activities during the
  current mission definition phase in collaboration with NAOJ and other
  universities. The team is currently working towards the JAXA final
  down-selection expected at the end of 2019, with strong support from
  US and European colleagues. The paper provides an overall description
  of the mission concept, key technologies, and the latest status.

Title: Multi-component Decomposition of Astronomical Spectra by
    Compressed Sensing
Authors: Cheung, Mark C. M.; De Pontieu, Bart; Martínez-Sykora,
   Juan; Testa, Paola; Winebarger, Amy R.; Daw, Adrian; Hansteen, Viggo;
   Antolin, Patrick; Tarbell, Theodore D.; Wuelser, Jean-Pierre; Young,
   Peter; MUSE Team
2019ApJ...882...13C    Altcode: 2019arXiv190203890C
  The signal measured by an astronomical spectrometer may be due to
  radiation from a multi-component mixture of plasmas with a range of
  physical properties (e.g., temperature, Doppler velocity). Confusion
  between multiple components may be exacerbated if the spectrometer
  sensor is illuminated by overlapping spectra dispersed from different
  slits, with each slit being exposed to radiation from a different
  portion of an extended astrophysical object. We use a compressed sensing
  method to robustly retrieve the different components. This method can
  be adopted for a variety of spectrometer configurations, including
  single-slit, multi-slit (e.g., the proposed MUlti-slit Solar Explorer
  mission), and slot spectrometers (which produce overlappograms).

Title: New View of the Solar Chromosphere
Authors: Carlsson, Mats; De Pontieu, Bart; Hansteen, Viggo H.
2019ARA&A..57..189C    Altcode:
  The solar chromosphere forms a crucial, yet complex and until recently
  poorly understood, interface between the solar photosphere and the
  heliosphere. Advances in high-resolution instrumentation, adaptive
  optics, image reconstruction techniques, and space-based observatories
  allow unprecedented high-resolution views of the finely structured and
  highly dynamic chromosphere. Dramatic progress in numerical computations
  allows 3D radiative magnetohydrodynamic forward models to take the place
  of the previous generation of 1D semiempirical atmosphere models. These
  new models provide deep insight into complex nonlocal thermodynamic
  equilibrium chromospheric diagnostics and enable physics-based
  interpretations of observations. This combination of modeling and
  observations has led to new insights into the role of shock waves,
  transverse magnetic waves, magnetic reconnection and flux emergence
  in the chromospheric energy balance, the formation of spicules,
  the impact of ion-neutral interactions, and the connectivity between
  chromosphere and transition region. During the next few years, the
  advent of new instrumentation (integral-field-unit spectropolarimetry)
  and observatories (ALMA, DKIST), coupled with novel inversion codes and
  expansion of existing numerical models to deal with ever more complex
  physical processes (including multifluid approaches), is expected to
  lead to major new insights into the dominant heating processes in the
  chromosphere and beyond.

Title: Automated Detection of Rapid Variability of Moss Using SDO/AIA
    and Its Connection to the Solar Corona
Authors: Graham, David R.; De Pontieu, Bart; Testa, Paola
2019ApJ...880L..12G    Altcode:
  Active region moss—the upper transition region of hot loops—was
  observed exhibiting rapid intensity variability on timescales of order
  15 s by Testa et al. in a short time series (∼150 s) data set from
  Hi-C (High-resolution Coronal Imager). The intensity fluctuations in
  the subarcsecond 193A images (∼1.5 MK plasma) were uncharacteristic
  of steadily heated moss and were considered an indication of heating
  events connected to the corona. Intriguingly, these brightenings
  displayed a connection to the ends of transient hot loops seen in
  the corona. Following the same active region, AR11520, for 6 days,
  we demonstrate an algorithm designed to detect the same temporal
  variability in lower resolution Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA)
  data, significantly expanding the number of events detected. Multiple
  analogous regions to the Hi-C data are successfully detected, showing
  moss that appears to “sparkle” prior to clear brightening of
  connected high-temperature loops; this is confirmed by the hot AIA
  channels and the isolated Fe XVIII emission. The result is illuminating,
  as the same behavior has recently been shown by Polito et al. while
  simulating nanoflares with a beam of electrons depositing their energy
  in the lower atmosphere. Furthermore, the variability is localized
  mostly to the hot core of the region, hence we reinforce the diagnostic
  potential of moss variability as the driver of energy release in the
  corona. The ubiquitous nature of this phenomenon, and the ability to
  detect it in data with extended time series, and large fields of view,
  opens a new window into investigating the coronal heating mechanism.

Title: Can the Superposition of Evaporative Flows Explain Broad Fe
    XXI Profiles during Solar Flares?
Authors: Polito, Vanessa; Testa, Paola; De Pontieu, Bart
2019ApJ...879L..17P    Altcode:
  The observation of the high-temperature (≳10 MK) Fe XXI 1354.1
  Å line with the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph has provided
  significant insights into the chromospheric evaporation process in
  flares. In particular, the line is often observed to be completely
  blueshifted, in contrast to previous observations at lower spatial
  and spectral resolution, and in agreement with predictions from
  theoretical models. Interestingly, the line is also observed to be
  mostly symmetric and significantly broader than expected from thermal
  motions (assuming the peak formation temperature of the ion is in
  equilibrium). One popular interpretation for the nonthermal broadening
  is the superposition of flows from different loop strands. In this
  work, we test this scenario by forward-modeling the Fe XXI line profile
  assuming different possible observational scenarios using hydrodynamic
  simulations of multi-thread flare loops with the 1D RADYN code. Our
  results indicate that the superposition of flows alone cannot easily
  reproduce both the symmetry and the significant broadening of the line
  and that some other physical process, such as turbulence, or a much
  larger ion temperature than previously expected, likely needs to be
  invoked in order to explain the observed profiles.

Title: Fine-scale explosive energy release at sites of magnetic
    flux cancellation in the core of the solar active region observed
    by HiC2.1, IRIS and SDO
Authors: Tiwari, Sanjiv K.; Panesar, Navdeep; Moore, Ronald L.;
   De Pontieu, Bart; Testa, Paola; Winebarger, Amy R.
2019AAS...23411702T    Altcode:
  The second sounding-rocket flight of the High-Resolution Coronal Imager
  (HiC2.1) provided unprecedentedly-high spatial and temporal resolution
  (150 km, 4.5 s) coronal EUV images of Fe IX/X emission at 172 Å, of
  a solar active region (AR NOAA 12712) near solar disk center. Three
  morphologically-different types (I: dot-like, II: loop-like, &amp;
  III: surge/jet-like) of fine-scale sudden brightening events (tiny
  microflares) are seen within and at the ends of an arch filament
  system in the core of the AR. We complement the 5-minute-duration
  HiC2.1 data with SDO/HMI magnetograms, SDO/AIA EUV and UV images, and
  IRIS UV spectra and slit-jaw images to examine, at the sites of these
  events, brightenings and flows in the transition region and corona
  and evolution of magnetic flux in the photosphere. Most, if not all,
  of the events are seated at sites of opposite-polarity magnetic flux
  convergence (sometimes driven by adjacent flux emergence), implying
  flux cancellation at the polarity inversion line. In the IRIS spectra
  and images, we find confirming evidence of field-aligned outflow from
  brightenings at the ends of loops of the arch filament system. These
  outflows from both ends of the arch filament system are seen as
  bi-directional flows in the arch filament system, suggesting that the
  well-known counter-streaming flows in large classical filaments could be
  driven in the same way as in this arch filament system: by fine-scale
  jet-like explosions from fine-scale sites of mixed-polarity field in
  the feet of the sheared field that threads the filament. Plausibly,
  the flux cancellation at these sites prepares and triggers a fine scale
  core-magnetic-field structure (a small sheared/twisted core field or
  flux rope along and above the cancellation line) to explode. In types
  I &amp; II the explosion is confined, while in type III the explosion
  is ejective and drives jet-like outflow in the manner of larger jets
  in coronal holes, quiet regions, and active regions.

Title: Radiative MHD Simulation of a Solar Flare
Authors: Cheung, Mark; Rempel, Matthias D.; Chintzoglou, Georgios;
   Chen, Feng; Testa, Paola; Martinez-Sykora, Juan; Sainz Dalda, Alberto;
   DeRosa, Marc L.; Malanushenko, Anna; Hansteen, Viggo; Carlsson, Mats;
   De Pontieu, Bart; Gudiksen, Boris; McIntosh, Scott W.
2019AAS...23431005C    Altcode:
  We present a radiative MHD simulation of a solar flare. The
  computational domain captures the near-surface layers of the convection
  zone and overlying atmosphere. Inspired by the observed evolution of
  NOAA Active Region (AR) 12017, a parasitic bipolar region is imposed
  to emerge in the vicinity of a pre-existing sunspot. The emergence of
  twisted magnetic flux generates shear flows that create a pre-existing
  flux rope underneath the canopy field of the sunspot. Following erosion
  of the overlying bootstrapping field, the flux rope erupts. Rapid
  release of magnetic energy results in multi-wavelength synthetic
  observables (including X-ray spectra, narrowband EUV images, Doppler
  shifts of EUV lines) that are consistent with flare observations. This
  works suggests the super-position of multi-thermal, superhot (up
  to 100 MK) plasma may be partially responsible for the apparent
  non-thermal shape of coronal X-ray sources in flares. Implications
  for remote sensing observations of other astrophysical objects is also
  discussed. This work is an important stepping stone toward high-fidelity
  data-driven MHD models.

Title: Evolution of bipolar internetwork magnetic fields
Authors: Gosic, Milan; De Pontieu, Bart; Bellot Rubio, Luis Ramon
2019AAS...23431102G    Altcode:
  Internetwork (IN) magnetic fields can be found inside supergranular
  cells all over the solar surface. Thanks to their abundance and
  appearance rate, IN fields are considered to be an essential contributor
  to the magnetic flux and energy budget of the solar photosphere, and
  may also play a major role in the energy budget of the chromosphere
  and transition region. Therefore, it is crucial to understand how
  IN magnetic fields appear, evolve, interact with the preexisting
  magnetic structures, and what impact they have on the upper solar
  atmosphere. Here, we analyze spatio-temporal evolution of IN magnetic
  bipolar structures, i.e, loops and clusters, employing multi-instrument
  (IRIS and SST), multi-wavelength observations of IN regions with the
  highest sensitivity and resolution possible. For the first time, our
  observations allow us to describe in detail how IN bipoles emerge in
  the photosphere and even reach the chromosphere. We estimate the field
  strengths of these IN magnetic structures both in the photosphere and
  the chromosphere, using full Stokes measurements in Fe I 6173 Å, Mg I
  b<SUB>2</SUB> 5173 Å, and Ca II 8542 Å. Employing the IRIS FUV and
  NUV spectra, we show that IN fields contribute to the chromospheric
  and transition region heating through interaction with the preexisting
  ambient fields.

Title: On the Origin of the Magnetic Energy in the Quiet Solar
Authors: Martínez-Sykora, Juan; Hansteen, Viggo H.; Gudiksen, Boris;
   Carlsson, Mats; De Pontieu, Bart; Gošić, Milan
2019ApJ...878...40M    Altcode: 2019arXiv190404464M
  The presence of magnetic field is crucial in the transport of energy
  through the solar atmosphere. Recent ground-based and space-borne
  observations of the quiet Sun have revealed that magnetic field
  accumulates at photospheric heights, via a local dynamo or from
  small-scale flux emergence events. However, most of this small-scale
  magnetic field may not expand into the chromosphere due to the entropy
  drop with height at the photosphere. Here we present a study that uses
  a high-resolution 3D radiative MHD simulation of the solar atmosphere
  with non-gray and non-LTE radiative transfer and thermal conduction
  along the magnetic field to reveal that (1) the net magnetic flux
  from the simulated quiet photosphere is not sufficient to maintain a
  chromospheric magnetic field (on average), (2) processes in the lower
  chromosphere, in the region dominated by magnetoacoustic shocks,
  are able to convert kinetic energy into magnetic energy, (3) the
  magnetic energy in the chromosphere increases linearly in time until
  the rms of the magnetic field strength saturates at roughly 4-30 G
  (horizontal average) due to conversion from kinetic energy, (4) and
  that the magnetic features formed in the chromosphere are localized
  to this region.

Title: Multi-component Decomposition of Astronomical Spectra by
    Compressed Sensing
Authors: Cheung, Mark; De Pontieu, Bart; Martinez-Sykora, Juan; Testa,
   Paola; Winebarger, Amy R.; Daw, Adrian N.; Hansteen, Viggo; Antolin,
   Patrick; Tarbell, Theodore D.; Wuelser, Jean-Pierre; Young, Peter R.
2019AAS...23411603C    Altcode:
  The signal measured by an astronomical spectrometer may be due to
  radiation from a multi-component mixture of plasmas with a range of
  physical properties (e.g. temperature, Doppler velocity). Confusion
  between multiple components may be exacerbated if the spectrometer
  sensor is illuminated by overlapping spectra dispersed from different
  slits, with each slit being exposed to radiation from a different
  portion of an extended astrophysical object. We use a compressed sensing
  method to robustly retrieve the different components. This method can
  be adopted for a variety of spectrometer configurations, including
  single-slit, multi-slit (e.g., the proposed MUlti-slit Solar Explorer
  mission; MUSE) and slot spectrometers (which produce overlappograms).

Title: Spectral Evidence for Heating at Large Column Mass in Umbral
    Solar Flare Kernels. I. IRIS Near-UV Spectra of the X1 Solar Flare
    of 2014 October 25
Authors: Kowalski, Adam F.; Butler, Elizabeth; Daw, Adrian N.;
   Fletcher, Lyndsay; Allred, Joel C.; De Pontieu, Bart; Kerr, Graham S.;
   Cauzzi, Gianna
2019ApJ...878..135K    Altcode: 2019arXiv190502111K
  The GOES X1 flare SOL2014-10-25T17:08:00 was a three-ribbon solar
  flare observed with the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS)
  in the near-UV (NUV) and far-UV. One of the flare ribbons crossed
  a sunspot umbra, producing a dramatic, ∼1000% increase in the NUV
  continuum radiation. We comprehensively analyze the UV spectral data
  of the umbral flare brightenings, which provide new challenges for
  radiative-hydrodynamic modeling of the chromospheric velocity field and
  the white-light continuum radiation. The emission line profiles in the
  umbral flare brightenings exhibit redshifts and profile asymmetries,
  but these are significantly smaller than in another, well-studied
  X-class solar flare. We present a ratio of the NUV continuum intensity
  to the Fe II λ2814.45 intensity. This continuum-to-line ratio is a
  new spectral diagnostic of significant heating at high column mass
  (log m/[g cm<SUP>-2</SUP>] &gt; -2) during solar flares because the
  continuum and emission line radiation originate from relatively similar
  temperatures but moderately different optical depths. The full spectral
  readout of these IRIS data also allow for a comprehensive survey of the
  flaring NUV landscape: in addition to many lines of Fe II and Cr II, we
  identify a new solar flare emission line, He I λ2829.91 (as previously
  identified in laboratory and early-type stellar spectra). The Fermi/GBM
  hard X-ray data provide inputs to radiative-hydrodynamic models (which
  will be presented in Paper II) in order to better understand the large
  continuum-to-line ratios, the origin of the white-light continuum
  radiation, and the role of electron beam heating in the low atmosphere.

Title: CLASP2: The Chromospheric LAyer Spectro-Polarimeter
Authors: McKenzie, D. E.; Ishikawa, R.; Trujillo Bueno, J.; Auchére,
   F.; Rachmeler, L. A.; Kubo, M.; Kobayashi, K.; Winebarger, A. R.;
   Bethge, C. W.; Narukage, N.; Kano, R.; Ishikawa, S.; de Pontieu,
   B.; Carlsson, M.; Yoshida, M.; Belluzzi, L.; Štěpán, J.; del Pino
   Alemán, T.; Alsina Ballester, E.; Asensio Ramos, A.
2019ASPC..526..361M    Altcode:
  The hydrogen Lyman-α line at 121.6 nm and the Mg k line at 279.5
  nm are especially relevant for deciphering the magnetic structure
  of the chromosphere since their line-center signals are formed in
  the chromosphere and transition region, with unique sensitivities to
  magnetic fields. We propose the Chromospheric LAyer Spectro-Polarimeter
  (CLASP2), to build upon the success of the first CLASP flight, which
  measured the linear polarization in H I Lyman-α. The existing CLASP
  instrument will be refitted to measure all four Stokes parameters in
  the 280 nm range, including variations due to the anisotropic radiation
  pumping, the Hanle effect, and the Zeeman effect.

Title: Recovering Thermodynamics from Spectral Profiles observed by
IRIS: A Machine and Deep Learning Approach
Authors: Sainz Dalda, Alberto; de la Cruz Rodríguez, Jaime; De
   Pontieu, Bart; Gošić, Milan
2019ApJ...875L..18S    Altcode: 2019arXiv190408390S
  Inversion codes allow the reconstruction of a model atmosphere from
  observations. With the inclusion of optically thick lines that form in
  the solar chromosphere, such modeling is computationally very expensive
  because a non-LTE evaluation of the radiation field is required. In this
  study, we combine the results provided by these traditional methods
  with machine and deep learning techniques to obtain similar-quality
  results in an easy-to-use, much faster way. We have applied these
  new methods to Mg II h and k lines observed by the Interface Region
  Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS). As a result, we are able to reconstruct the
  thermodynamic state (temperature, line-of-sight velocity, nonthermal
  velocities, electron density, etc.) in the chromosphere and upper
  photosphere of an area equivalent to an active region in a few CPU
  minutes, speeding up the process by a factor of 10<SUP>5</SUP> -
  10<SUP>6</SUP>. The open-source code accompanying this Letter will
  allow the community to use IRIS observations to open a new window to
  a host of solar phenomena.

Title: The solar chromosphere at millimetre and ultraviolet
    wavelengths. I. Radiation temperatures and a detailed comparison
Authors: Jafarzadeh, S.; Wedemeyer, S.; Szydlarski, M.; De Pontieu,
   B.; Rezaei, R.; Carlsson, M.
2019A&A...622A.150J    Altcode: 2019arXiv190105763J
  Solar observations with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter
  Array (ALMA) provide us with direct measurements of the brightness
  temperature in the solar chromosphere. We study the temperature
  distributions obtained with ALMA Band 6 (in four sub-bands at 1.21,
  1.22, 1.29, and 1.3 mm) for various areas at, and in the vicinity of,
  a sunspot, comprising quasi-quiet and active regions with different
  amounts of underlying magnetic fields. We compare these temperatures
  with those obtained at near- and far-ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths
  (and with the line-core intensities of the optically-thin far-UV
  spectra), co-observed with the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph
  (IRIS) explorer. These include the emission peaks and cores of the Mg
  II k 279.6 nm and Mg II h 280.4 nm lines as well as the line cores
  of C II 133.4 nm, O I 135.6 nm, and Si IV 139.4 nm, sampling the
  mid-to-high chromosphere and the low transition region. Splitting the
  ALMA sub-bands resulted in an slight increase of spatial resolution in
  individual temperature maps, thus, resolving smaller-scale structures
  compared to those produced with the standard averaging routines. We
  find that the radiation temperatures have different, though somewhat
  overlapping, distributions in different wavelengths and in the various
  magnetic regions. Comparison of the ALMA temperatures with those of
  the UV diagnostics should, however, be interpreted with great caution,
  the former is formed under the local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE)
  conditions, the latter under non-LTE. The mean radiation temperature
  of the ALMA Band 6 is similar to that extracted from the IRIS C II
  line in all areas with exception of the sunspot and pores where the C
  II poses higher radiation temperatures. In all magnetic regions, the
  Mg II lines associate with the lowest mean radiation temperatures in
  our sample. These will provide constraints for future numerical models.

Title: Evidence of Twisting and Mixed-polarity Solar Photospheric
Magnetic Field in Large Penumbral Jets: IRIS and Hinode Observations
Authors: Tiwari, Sanjiv K.; Moore, Ronald L.; De Pontieu, Bart;
   Tarbell, Theodore D.; Panesar, Navdeep K.; Winebarger, Amy R.;
   Sterling, Alphonse C.
2018ApJ...869..147T    Altcode: 2018arXiv181109554T
  A recent study using Hinode (Solar Optical Telescope/Filtergraph
  [SOT/FG]) data of a sunspot revealed some unusually large penumbral
  jets that often repeatedly occurred at the same locations in the
  penumbra, namely, at the tail of a penumbral filament or where the
  tails of multiple penumbral filaments converged. These locations had
  obvious photospheric mixed-polarity magnetic flux in Na I 5896 Stokes-V
  images obtained with SOT/FG. Several other recent investigations have
  found that extreme-ultraviolet (EUV)/X-ray coronal jets in quiet-Sun
  regions (QRs), in coronal holes (CHs), and near active regions (ARs)
  have obvious mixed-polarity fluxes at their base, and that magnetic
  flux cancellation prepares and triggers a minifilament flux-rope
  eruption that drives the jet. Typical QR, CH, and AR coronal jets are
  up to 100 times bigger than large penumbral jets, and in EUV/X-ray
  images they show a clear twisting motion in their spires. Here,
  using Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) Mg II k λ2796 SJ
  images and spectra in the penumbrae of two sunspots, we characterize
  large penumbral jets. We find redshift and blueshift next to each
  other across several large penumbral jets, and we interpret these as
  untwisting of the magnetic field in the jet spire. Using Hinode/SOT
  (FG and SP) data, we also find mixed-polarity magnetic flux at the
  base of these jets. Because large penumbral jets have a mixed-polarity
  field at their base and have a twisting motion in their spires, they
  might be driven the same way as QR, CH, and AR coronal jets.

Title: IRIS and SDO Observations of Solar Jetlets Resulting from
    Network-edge Flux Cancelation
Authors: Panesar, Navdeep K.; Sterling, Alphonse C.; Moore, Ronald L.;
   Tiwari, Sanjiv K.; De Pontieu, Bart; Norton, Aimee A.
2018ApJ...868L..27P    Altcode: 2018arXiv181104314P
  Recent observations show that the buildup and triggering of minifilament
  eruptions that drive coronal jets result from magnetic flux cancelation
  at the neutral line between merging majority- and minority-polarity
  magnetic flux patches. We investigate the magnetic setting of 10
  on-disk small-scale UV/EUV jets (jetlets, smaller than coronal X-ray
  jets but larger than chromospheric spicules) in a coronal hole by using
  IRIS UV images and SDO/AIA EUV images and line-of-sight magnetograms
  from SDO/HMI. We observe recurring jetlets at the edges of magnetic
  network flux lanes in the coronal hole. From magnetograms coaligned
  with the IRIS and AIA images, we find, clearly visible in nine cases,
  that the jetlets stem from sites of flux cancelation proceeding at
  an average rate of ∼1.5 × 10<SUP>18</SUP> Mx hr<SUP>-1</SUP>, and
  show brightenings at their bases reminiscent of the base brightenings
  in larger-scale coronal jets. We find that jetlets happen at many
  locations along the edges of network lanes (not limited to the base
  of plumes) with average lifetimes of 3 minutes and speeds of 70 km
  s<SUP>-1</SUP>. The average jetlet-base width (4000 km) is three
  to four times smaller than for coronal jets (∼18,000 km). Based on
  these observations of 10 obvious jetlets, and our previous observations
  of larger-scale coronal jets in quiet regions and coronal holes, we
  infer that flux cancelation is an essential process in the buildup and
  triggering of jetlets. Our observations suggest that network jetlet
  eruptions might be small-scale analogs of both larger-scale coronal
  jets and the still-larger-scale eruptions producing CMEs.

Title: First high-resolution look at the quiet Sun with ALMA at 3mm
Authors: Nindos, A.; Alissandrakis, C. E.; Bastian, T. S.; Patsourakos,
   S.; De Pontieu, B.; Warren, H.; Ayres, T.; Hudson, H. S.; Shimizu,
   T.; Vial, J. -C.; Wedemeyer, S.; Yurchyshyn, V.
2018A&A...619L...6N    Altcode: 2018arXiv181005223N
  We present an overview of high-resolution quiet Sun observations,
  from disk center to the limb, obtained with the Atacama Large
  millimeter and sub-millimeter Array (ALMA) at 3 mm. Seven quiet-Sun
  regions were observed at a resolution of up to 2.5″ by 4.5″. We
  produced both average and snapshot images by self-calibrating the ALMA
  visibilities and combining the interferometric images with full-disk
  solar images. The images show well the chromospheric network, which,
  based on the unique segregation method we used, is brighter than the
  average over the fields of view of the observed regions by ∼305
  K while the intranetwork is less bright by ∼280 K, with a slight
  decrease of the network/intranetwork contrast toward the limb. At 3
  mm the network is very similar to the 1600 Å images, with somewhat
  larger size. We detect, for the first time, spicular structures,
  rising up to 15″ above the limb with a width down to the image
  resolution and brightness temperature of ∼1800 K above the local
  background. No trace of spicules, either in emission or absorption,
  is found on the disk. Our results highlight the potential of ALMA for
  the study of the quiet chromosphere.

Title: Instrument Calibration of the Interface Region Imaging
    Spectrograph (IRIS) Mission
Authors: Wülser, J. -P.; Jaeggli, S.; De Pontieu, B.; Tarbell,
   T.; Boerner, P.; Freeland, S.; Liu, W.; Timmons, R.; Brannon, S.;
   Kankelborg, C.; Madsen, C.; McKillop, S.; Prchlik, J.; Saar, S.;
   Schanche, N.; Testa, P.; Bryans, P.; Wiesmann, M.
2018SoPh..293..149W    Altcode:
  The Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) is a NASA small
  explorer mission that provides high-resolution spectra and images of
  the Sun in the 133 - 141 nm and 278 - 283 nm wavelength bands. The
  IRIS data are archived in calibrated form and made available to the
  public within seven days of observing. The calibrations applied to
  the data include dark correction, scattered light and background
  correction, flat fielding, geometric distortion correction, and
  wavelength calibration. In addition, the IRIS team has calibrated the
  IRIS absolute throughput as a function of wavelength and has been
  tracking throughput changes over the course of the mission. As a
  resource for the IRIS data user, this article describes the details
  of these calibrations as they have evolved over the first few years
  of the mission. References to online documentation provide access to
  additional information and future updates.

Title: CLASP Constraints on the Magnetization and Geometrical
    Complexity of the Chromosphere-Corona Transition Region
Authors: Trujillo Bueno, J.; Štěpán, J.; Belluzzi, L.; Asensio
   Ramos, A.; Manso Sainz, R.; del Pino Alemán, T.; Casini, R.; Ishikawa,
   R.; Kano, R.; Winebarger, A.; Auchère, F.; Narukage, N.; Kobayashi,
   K.; Bando, T.; Katsukawa, Y.; Kubo, M.; Ishikawa, S.; Giono, G.; Hara,
   H.; Suematsu, Y.; Shimizu, T.; Sakao, T.; Tsuneta, S.; Ichimoto, K.;
   Cirtain, J.; Champey, P.; De Pontieu, B.; Carlsson, M.
2018ApJ...866L..15T    Altcode: 2018arXiv180908865T
  The Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP) is a
  suborbital rocket experiment that on 2015 September 3 measured
  the linear polarization produced by scattering processes in the
  hydrogen Lyα line of the solar disk radiation. The line-center
  photons of this spectral line radiation mostly stem from the
  chromosphere-corona transition region (TR). These unprecedented
  spectropolarimetric observations revealed an interesting surprise,
  namely that there is practically no center-to-limb variation (CLV) in
  the Q/I line-center signals. Using an analytical model, we first show
  that the geometric complexity of the corrugated surface that delineates
  the TR has a crucial impact on the CLV of the Q/I and U/I line-center
  signals. Second, we introduce a statistical description of the solar
  atmosphere based on a 3D model derived from a state-of-the-art radiation
  magnetohydrodynamic simulation. Each realization of the statistical
  ensemble is a 3D model characterized by a given degree of magnetization
  and corrugation of the TR, and for each such realization we solve the
  full 3D radiative transfer problem taking into account the impact
  of the CLASP instrument degradation on the calculated polarization
  signals. Finally, we apply the statistical inference method presented
  in a previous paper to show that the TR of the 3D model that produces
  the best agreement with the CLASP observations has a relatively weak
  magnetic field and a relatively high degree of corrugation. We emphasize
  that a suitable way to validate or refute numerical models of the upper
  solar chromosphere is by confronting calculations and observations
  of the scattering polarization in ultraviolet lines sensitive to the
  Hanle effect.

Title: A Statistical Inference Method for Interpreting the CLASP
Authors: Štěpán, J.; Trujillo Bueno, J.; Belluzzi, L.; Asensio
   Ramos, A.; Manso Sainz, R.; del Pino Alemán, T.; Casini, R.; Kano, R.;
   Winebarger, A.; Auchère, F.; Ishikawa, R.; Narukage, N.; Kobayashi,
   K.; Bando, T.; Katsukawa, Y.; Kubo, M.; Ishikawa, S.; Giono, G.; Hara,
   H.; Suematsu, Y.; Shimizu, T.; Sakao, T.; Tsuneta, S.; Ichimoto, K.;
   Cirtain, J.; Champey, P.; De Pontieu, B.; Carlsson, M.
2018ApJ...865...48S    Altcode: 2018arXiv180802725S
  On 2015 September 3, the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha SpectroPolarimeter
  (CLASP) successfully measured the linear polarization produced by
  scattering processes in the hydrogen Lyα line of the solar disk
  radiation, revealing conspicuous spatial variations in the Q/I and U/I
  signals. Via the Hanle effect, the line-center Q/I and U/I amplitudes
  encode information on the magnetic field of the chromosphere-corona
  transition region, but they are also sensitive to the three-dimensional
  structure of this corrugated interface region. With the help of a simple
  line-formation model, here we propose a statistical inference method
  for interpreting the Lyα line-center polarization observed by CLASP.

Title: An on Orbit Determination of Point Spread Functions for the
    Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph
Authors: Courrier, Hans; Kankelborg, Charles; De Pontieu, Bart;
   Wülser, Jean-Pierre
2018SoPh..293..125C    Altcode:
  Using the 2016 Mercury transit of the Sun, we characterize on orbit
  spatial point spread functions (PSFs) for the Near- (NUV) and Far- (FUV)
  Ultra-Violet spectrograph channels of NASA's Interface Region Imaging
  Spectrograph (IRIS). A semi-blind Richardson-Lucy deconvolution method
  is used to estimate PSFs for each channel. Corresponding estimates
  of Modulation Transfer Functions (MTFs) indicate resolution of 2.47
  cycles/arcsec in the NUV channel near 2796 Å and 2.55 cycles/arcsec
  near 2814 Å. In the short (≈1336 Å ) and long (≈1394 Å )
  wavelength FUV channels, our MTFs show pixel-limited resolution (3.0
  cycles/arcsec). The PSF estimates perform well under deconvolution,
  removing or significantly reducing instrument artifacts in the Mercury
  transit spectra. The usefulness of the PSFs is demonstrated in a case
  study of an isolated explosive event. PSF estimates and deconvolution
  routines are provided through a SolarSoft module.

Title: Current State of UV Spectro-Polarimetry and its Future
Authors: Ishikawa, Ryohko; Sakao, Taro; Katsukawa, Yukio; Hara,
   Hirohisa; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Kubo, Masahito;
   Auchere, Frederic; De Pontieu, Bart; Winebarger, Amy; Kobayashi,
   . Ken; Kano, Ryouhei; Narukage, Noriyuki; Trujillo Bueno, Javier;
   Song, Dong-uk; Manso Sainz, Rafael; Asensio Ramos, Andres; Leenaarts,
   Jorritt; Carlsson, Mats; Bando, Takamasa; Ishikawa, Shin-nosuke;
   Tsuneta, Saku; Belluzzi, Luca; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Giono, Gabriel;
   Yoshida, Masaki; Goto, Motoshi; Del Pino Aleman, Tanausu; Stepan,
   Jiri; Okamoto, Joten; Tsuzuki, Toshihiro; Uraguchi, Fumihiro; Champey,
   Patrick; Alsina Ballester, Ernest; Casini, Roberto; McKenzie, David;
   Rachmeler, Laurel; Bethge, Christian
2018cosp...42E1564I    Altcode:
  To obtain quantitative information on the magnetic field in low beta
  regions (i.e., upper chromosphere and above) has been increasingly
  important to understand the energetic phenomena of the outer
  solar atmosphere such as flare, coronal heating, and the solar wind
  acceleration. In the UV range, there are abundant spectral lines that
  originate in the upper chromosphere and transition region. However,
  the Zeeman effect in these spectral lines does not give rise to easily
  measurable polarization signals because of the weak magnetic field
  strength and the larger Doppler broadening compared with the Zeeman
  effect. Instead, the Hanle effect in UV lines is expected to be a
  suitable diagnostic tool of the magnetic field in the upper atmospheric
  layers. To investigate the validity of UV spectro-polarimetry and
  the Hanle effect, the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter
  (CLASP), which is a NASA sounding- rocket experiment, was launched at
  White Sands in US on September 3, 2015. During its 5 minutes ballistic
  flight, it successfully performed spectro-polarimetric observations
  of the hydrogen Lyman-alpha line (121.57 nm) with an unprecedentedly
  high polarization sensitivity of 0.1% in this wavelength range. CLASP
  observed the linear polarization produced by scattering process in VUV
  lines for the first time and detected the polarization signals which
  indicate the operation of the Hanle effect. Following the success
  of CLASP, we are confident that UV spectro-polarimetry is the way
  to proceed, and we are planning the second flight of CLASP (CLASP2:
  Chromospheric LAyer SpectroPolarimeter 2). For this second flight we
  will carry out spectro-polarimetry in the Mg II h and k lines around
  280 nm, with minimum modifications of the CLASP1 instrument. The linear
  polarization in the Mg II k line is induced by scattering processes and
  the Hanle effect, being sensitive to magnetic field strengths of 5 to 50
  G. In addition, the circular polarizations in the Mg II h and k lines
  induced by the Zeeman effect can be measurable in at least plage and
  active regions. The combination of the Hanle and Zeeman effects could
  help us to more reliably infer the magnetic fields of the upper solar
  chromosphere. CLASP2 was selected for flight and is being developed for
  launch in the spring of 2019.Based on these sounding rocket experiments
  (CLASP1 and 2), we aim at establishing the strategy and refining the
  instrument concept for future space missions to explore the enigmatic
  atmospheric layers via UV spectro-polarimetry.

Title: Emergence of internetwork magnetic fields through the solar
Authors: Gosic, Milan; De Pontieu, Bart; Bellot Rubio, L. R.
2018cosp...42E1261G    Altcode:
  Internetwork (IN) magnetic fields are highly dynamic, short-lived
  magnetic structures that populate the interior of supergranular
  cells. Since they emerge all over the Sun, these small-scale fields
  bring a substantial amount of flux, and therefore energy, to the solar
  surface. Because of this, IN fields are crucial for understanding the
  quiet Sun magnetism. However, they are weak and produce very small
  polarization signals, which is the reason why their properties and
  impact on the energetics and dynamics of the solar atmosphere are
  largely unknown. Here we use coordinated IRIS and SST observations
  of IN regions at high spatial and temporal resolution. They give us
  the opportunity to follow the evolution of IN magnetic loops as they
  emerge into the photosphere. For the first time, our polarimetric
  measurements provide a direct observational evidence of IN fields
  reaching the chromosphere. Moreover, we show that IN magnetic loops
  contribute to the chromospheric and transition region heating through
  interaction with preexisting ambient fields.

Title: Impact of Type II Spicules in the Corona: Simulations and
    Synthetic Observables
Authors: Martínez-Sykora, Juan; De Pontieu, Bart; De Moortel, Ineke;
   Hansteen, Viggo H.; Carlsson, Mats
2018ApJ...860..116M    Altcode: 2018arXiv180506475M
  The role of type II spicules in the corona has been a much debated topic
  in recent years. This paper aims to shed light on the impact of type
  II spicules in the corona using novel 2.5D radiative MHD simulations,
  including ion-neutral interaction effects with the Bifrost code. We
  find that the formation of simulated type II spicules, driven by
  the release of magnetic tension, impacts the corona in various
  manners. Associated with the formation of spicules, the corona
  exhibits (1) magneto-acoustic shocks and flows, which supply mass
  to coronal loops, and (2) transversal magnetic waves and electric
  currents that propagate at Alfvén speeds. The transversal waves and
  electric currents, generated by the spicule’s driver and lasting
  for many minutes, are dissipated and heat the associated loop. These
  complex interactions in the corona can be connected with blueshifted
  secondary components in coronal spectral lines (red-blue asymmetries)
  observed with Hinode/EIS and SOHO/SUMER, as well as the EUV counterpart
  of type II spicules and propagating coronal disturbances observed with
  the 171 Å and 193 Å SDO/AIA channels.

Title: Erratum: “A First Comparison of Millimeter Continuum and
    Mg II Ultraviolet Line Emission from the Solar Chromosphere”
(<A href="http://doi.org/10.3847/2041-8213/aa844c">2017, ApJL,
    845, L19</A>)
Authors: Bastian, T. S.; Chintzoglou, G.; De Pontieu, B.; Shimojo,
   M.; Schmit, D.; Leenaarts, J.; Loukitcheva, M.
2018ApJ...860L..16B    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: An Innovative Approach to a High Resolution Coronal Imager
(T-07): MUSE, the Multi-Slit Solar Explorer
Authors: Tarbell, Theodore D.; De Pontieu, Bart
2018tess.conf41004T    Altcode:
  The Next Generation Solar Physics Mission Science Objectives Team
  recommended three instruments flying in space simultaneously: a
  spectrometer with wide temperature coverage (T-09), a high resolution
  coronal imager (T-07), and a photospheric and chromospheric magnetograph
  and spectrograph (T-01,4,5). The coronal imager was inspired by the
  Hi-C rocket payload, whose successful flight in 2012 gave us a new
  view of the corona at resolution approximately 4 times higher (linear
  dimension) than AIA. For example, it showed tantalizing evidence of
  coronal heating by braiding of field lines. LMSAL and SAO have designed
  a payload that goes beyond the basic requirements for T-07 by combining
  an imager like Hi-C with a novel multi-slit EUV spectrograph that
  obtains complete line profiles in three coronal temperature ranges over
  an extended field-of-view (FOV). This payload is MUSE, the Multi-Slit
  Solar Explorer, a Small Explorer mission recently selected by NASA
  for a Phase A study, which could lead to a launch in 2022. MUSE will
  provide unprecendented observations of the dynamics of the corona and
  transition region to illuminate the physical processes that heat the
  multi-million degree solar corona, accelerate the solar wind and drive
  solar activity (CMEs and flares). Using multi-slit coronal spectroscopy
  MUSE will exploit a 100x improvement in spectral raster cadence to
  reveal temperatures, velocities and non-thermal processes over a wide
  temperature range to diagnose physical processes that remain invisible
  to current or planned instruments. MUSE will obtain simultaneous EUV
  spectra and images with the highest resolution in space (1/3 arcsec)
  and time (1-4 s) ever achieved for the transition region and corona,
  along 35 slits over a FOV similar to that of IRIS, and a larger context
  imager FOV. The MUSE science investigation will exploit recent advances
  in numerical modeling and build on the success of IRIS by combining
  numerical modeling with a uniquely capable observatory. The MUSE
  consortium is led by LMSAL and includes SAO, MSU, ITA Oslo, Stanford,
  ARC, GSFC, MSFC and other institutions.

Title: Emergence of internetwork magnetic fields through the solar
Authors: Gosic, Milan; De Pontieu, Bart; Bellot Rubio, Luis
2018tess.conf21701G    Altcode:
  Internetwork (IN) magnetic fields are highly dynamic, short-lived
  magnetic structures that populate the interior of supergranular
  cells. Since they emerge all over the Sun, these small-scale fields
  bring a substantial amount of flux, and therefore energy, to the solar
  surface. Because of this, IN fields are crucial for understanding the
  quiet Sun magnetism. However, they are weak and produce very small
  polarization signals, which is the reason why their properties and
  impact on the energetics and dynamics of the solar atmosphere are
  largely unknown. Here we use coordinated IRIS and SST observations
  of IN regions at high spatial and temporal resolution. They give us
  the opportunity to follow the evolution of IN magnetic loops as they
  emerge into the photosphere. For the first time, our polarimetric
  measurements provide a direct observational evidence of IN fields
  reaching the chromosphere. Moreover, we show that IN magnetic loops
  contribute to the chromospheric and transition region heating through
  interaction with preexisting ambient fields.

Title: Observations of Large Penumbral Jets from IRIS and Hinode
Authors: Tiwari, Sanjiv K.; Moore, Ronald Lee; De Pontieu, Bart;
   Tarbell, Theodore D.; Panesar, Navdeep Kaur; Winebarger, Amy R.;
   Sterling, Alphonse C.
2018tess.conf40807T    Altcode:
  Recent observations from Hinode (SOT/FG) revealed the presence of
  large penumbral jets (widths ≥ 500 km, larger than normal penumbral
  microjets, which have widths &lt; 400 km) repeatedly occurring at
  the same locations in a sunspot penumbra, at the tail of a penumbral
  filament or where the tails of several penumbral filaments apparently
  converge (Tiwari et al. 2016, ApJ). These locations were observed
  to have mixed-polarity flux in Stokes-V images from SOT/FG. Large
  penumbral jets displayed direct signatures in AIA 1600, 304, 171,
  and 193 channels; thus they were heated to at least transition region
  temperatures. Because large jets could not be detected in AIA 94 Å,
  whether they had any coronal-temperature plasma remains unclear. In
  the present work, for another sunspot, we use IRIS Mg II k 2796
  slit jaw images and spectra and magnetograms from Hinode SOT/FG and
  SOT/SP to examine: whether penumbral jets spin, similar to spicules
  and coronal jets in the quiet Sun and coronal holes; whether they stem
  from mixed-polarity flux; and whether they produce discernible coronal
  emission, especially in AIA 94 Å images.

Title: First analysis of solar structures in 1.21 mm full-disc ALMA
    image of the Sun
Authors: Brajša, R.; Sudar, D.; Benz, A. O.; Skokić, I.; Bárta,
   M.; De Pontieu, B.; Kim, S.; Kobelski, A.; Kuhar, M.; Shimojo, M.;
   Wedemeyer, S.; White, S.; Yagoubov, P.; Yan, Y.
2018A&A...613A..17B    Altcode: 2017arXiv171106130B
  Context. Various solar features can be seen in emission or absorption
  on maps of the Sun in the millimetre and submillimetre wavelength
  range. The recently installed Atacama Large Millimetre/submillimetre
  Array (ALMA) is capable of observing the Sun in that wavelength range
  with an unprecedented spatial, temporal and spectral resolution. To
  interpret solar observations with ALMA, the first important step is to
  compare solar ALMA maps with simultaneous images of the Sun recorded in
  other spectral ranges. <BR /> Aims: The first aim of the present work
  is to identify different structures in the solar atmosphere seen in the
  optical, infrared, and EUV parts of the spectrum (quiet Sun, active
  regions, prominences on the disc, magnetic inversion lines, coronal
  holes and coronal bright points) in a full-disc solar ALMA image. The
  second aim is to measure the intensities (brightness temperatures) of
  those structures and to compare them with the corresponding quiet Sun
  level. <BR /> Methods: A full-disc solar image at 1.21 mm obtained on
  December 18, 2015, during a CSV-EOC campaign with ALMA is calibrated and
  compared with full-disc solar images from the same day in Hα line, in
  He I 1083 nm line core, and with various SDO images (AIA at 170 nm, 30.4
  nm, 21.1 nm, 19.3 nm, and 17.1 nm and HMI magnetogram). The brightness
  temperatures of various structures are determined by averaging over
  corresponding regions of interest in the calibrated ALMA image. <BR />
  Results: Positions of the quiet Sun, active regions, prominences on
  the disc, magnetic inversion lines, coronal holes and coronal bright
  points are identified in the ALMA image. At the wavelength of 1.21
  mm, active regions appear as bright areas (but sunspots are dark),
  while prominences on the disc and coronal holes are not discernible
  from the quiet Sun background, despite having slightly less intensity
  than surrounding quiet Sun regions. Magnetic inversion lines appear as
  large, elongated dark structures and coronal bright points correspond
  to ALMA bright points. <BR /> Conclusions: These observational results
  are in general agreement with sparse earlier measurements at similar
  wavelengths. The identification of coronal bright points represents
  the most important new result. By comparing ALMA and other maps,
  it was found that the ALMA image was oriented properly and that the
  procedure of overlaying the ALMA image with other images is accurate
  at the 5 arcsec level. The potential of ALMA for physics of the solar
  chromosphere is emphasised.

Title: Chromospheric Heating due to Cancellation of Quiet Sun
    Internetwork Fields
Authors: Gošić, M.; de la Cruz Rodríguez, J.; De Pontieu, B.; Bellot
   Rubio, L. R.; Carlsson, M.; Esteban Pozuelo, S.; Ortiz, A.; Polito, V.
2018ApJ...857...48G    Altcode: 2018arXiv180207392G
  The heating of the solar chromosphere remains one of the most
  important questions in solar physics. Our current understanding is that
  small-scale internetwork (IN) magnetic fields play an important role
  as a heating agent. Indeed, cancellations of IN magnetic elements in
  the photosphere can produce transient brightenings in the chromosphere
  and transition region. These bright structures might be the signature
  of energy release and plasma heating, probably driven by the magnetic
  reconnection of IN field lines. Although single events are not expected
  to release large amounts of energy, their global contribution to the
  chromosphere may be significant due to their ubiquitous presence
  in quiet Sun regions. In this paper, we study cancellations of IN
  elements and analyze their impact on the energetics and dynamics of
  the quiet Sun atmosphere. We use high-resolution, multiwavelength,
  coordinated observations obtained with the Interface Region Imaging
  Spectrograph and the Swedish 1 m Solar Telescope (SST) to identify
  cancellations of IN magnetic flux patches and follow their evolution. We
  find that, on average, these events live for ∼3 minutes in the
  photosphere and ∼12 minutes in the chromosphere and/or transition
  region. Employing multi-line inversions of the Mg II h and k lines,
  we show that cancellations produce clear signatures of heating in the
  upper atmospheric layers. However, at the resolution and sensitivity
  accessible to the SST, their number density still seems to be one
  order of magnitude too low to explain the global chromospheric heating.

Title: Chromospheric counterparts of solar transition region
    unresolved fine structure loops
Authors: Pereira, Tiago M. D.; Rouppe van der Voort, Luc; Hansteen,
   Viggo H.; De Pontieu, Bart
2018A&A...611L...6P    Altcode: 2018arXiv180304415P
  Low-lying loops have been discovered at the solar limb in transition
  region temperatures by the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph
  (IRIS). They do not appear to reach coronal temperatures, and it
  has been suggested that they are the long-predicted unresolved fine
  structures (UFS). These loops are dynamic and believed to be visible
  during both heating and cooling phases. Making use of coordinated
  observations between IRIS and the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope, we study
  how these loops impact the solar chromosphere. We show for the first
  time that there is indeed a chromospheric signal of these loops, seen
  mostly in the form of strong Doppler shifts and a conspicuous lack of
  chromospheric heating. In addition, we find that several instances have
  a inverse Y-shaped jet just above the loop, suggesting that magnetic
  reconnection is driving these events. Our observations add several
  puzzling details to the current knowledge of these newly discovered
  structures; this new information must be considered in theoretical
  models. <P />Two movies associated to Fig. 1 are available at <A

Title: Bridging the Gap: Capturing the Lyα Counterpart of a Type-II
    Spicule and Its Heating Evolution with VAULT2.0 and IRIS Observations
Authors: Chintzoglou, Georgios; De Pontieu, Bart; Martínez-Sykora,
   Juan; Pereira, Tiago M. D.; Vourlidas, Angelos; Tun Beltran, Samuel
2018ApJ...857...73C    Altcode: 2018arXiv180303405C
  We present results from an observing campaign in support of the
  VAULT2.0 sounding rocket launch on 2014 September 30. VAULT2.0 is a Lyα
  (1216 Å) spectroheliograph capable of providing spectroheliograms at
  high cadence. Lyα observations are highly complementary to the IRIS
  observations of the upper chromosphere and the low transition region
  (TR) but have previously been unavailable. The VAULT2.0 data provide new
  constraints on upper-chromospheric conditions for numerical models. The
  observing campaign was closely coordinated with the IRIS mission. Taking
  advantage of this simultaneous multi-wavelength coverage of target
  AR 12172 and by using state-of-the-art radiative-MHD simulations of
  spicules, we investigate in detail a type-II spicule associated with
  a fast (300 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>) network jet recorded in the campaign
  observations. Our analysis suggests that spicular material exists
  suspended high in the atmosphere but at lower temperatures (seen in
  Lyα) until it is heated and becomes visible in TR temperatures as a
  network jet. The heating begins lower in the spicule and propagates
  upwards as a rapidly propagating thermal front. The front is then
  observed as fast, plane-of-the-sky motion typical of a network jet,
  but contained inside the pre-existing spicule. This work supports
  the idea that the high speeds reported in network jets should not be
  taken as real mass upflows but only as apparent speeds of a rapidly
  propagating heating front along the pre-existing spicule.

Title: Investigating the Response of Loop Plasma to Nanoflare Heating
    Using RADYN Simulations
Authors: Polito, V.; Testa, P.; Allred, J.; De Pontieu, B.; Carlsson,
   M.; Pereira, T. M. D.; Gošić, Milan; Reale, Fabio
2018ApJ...856..178P    Altcode: 2018arXiv180405970P
  We present the results of 1D hydrodynamic simulations of coronal
  loops that are subject to nanoflares, caused by either in situ
  thermal heating or nonthermal electron (NTE) beams. The synthesized
  intensity and Doppler shifts can be directly compared with Interface
  Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) and Atmospheric Imaging Assembly
  (AIA) observations of rapid variability in the transition region (TR)
  of coronal loops, associated with transient coronal heating. We find
  that NTEs with high enough low-energy cutoff ({E}<SUB>{{C</SUB>}})
  deposit energy in the lower TR and chromosphere, causing blueshifts
  (up to ∼20 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>) in the IRIS Si IV lines, which
  thermal conduction cannot reproduce. The {E}<SUB>{{C</SUB>}} threshold
  value for the blueshifts depends on the total energy of the events
  (≈5 keV for 10<SUP>24</SUP> erg, up to 15 keV for 10<SUP>25</SUP>
  erg). The observed footpoint emission intensity and flows, combined
  with the simulations, can provide constraints on both the energy of the
  heating event and {E}<SUB>{{C</SUB>}}. The response of the loop plasma
  to nanoflares depends crucially on the electron density: significant
  Si IV intensity enhancements and flows are observed only for initially
  low-density loops (&lt;10<SUP>9</SUP> cm<SUP>-3</SUP>). This provides
  a possible explanation of the relative scarcity of observations of
  significant moss variability. While the TR response to single heating
  episodes can be clearly observed, the predicted coronal emission (AIA
  94 Å) for single strands is below current detectability and can only
  be observed when several strands are heated closely in time. Finally,
  we show that the analysis of the IRIS Mg II chromospheric lines can
  help further constrain the properties of the heating mechanisms.

Title: Transverse Wave Induced Kelvin-Helmholtz Rolls in Spicules
Authors: Antolin, P.; Schmit, D.; Pereira, T. M. D.; De Pontieu, B.;
   De Moortel, I.
2018ApJ...856...44A    Altcode: 2018arXiv180300821A
  In addition to their jet-like dynamic behavior, spicules usually exhibit
  strong transverse speeds, multi-stranded structure, and heating from
  chromospheric to transition region temperatures. In this work we first
  analyze Hinode and IRIS observations of spicules and find different
  behaviors in terms of their Doppler velocity evolution and collective
  motion of their sub-structure. Some have a Doppler shift sign change
  that is rather fixed along the spicule axis, and lack coherence in
  the oscillatory motion of strand-like structure, matching rotation
  models, or long-wavelength torsional Alfvén waves. Others exhibit a
  Doppler shift sign change at maximum displacement and coherent motion
  of their strands, suggesting a collective magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)
  wave. By comparing with an idealized 3D MHD simulation combined with
  radiative transfer modeling, we analyze the role of transverse MHD
  waves and associated instabilities in spicule-like features. We find
  that transverse wave induced Kelvin-Helmholtz (TWIKH) rolls lead to
  coherence of strand-like structure in imaging and spectral maps, as seen
  in some observations. The rapid transverse dynamics and the density
  and temperature gradients at the spicule boundary lead to ring-shaped
  Mg II k and Ca II H source functions in the transverse cross-section,
  potentially allowing IRIS to capture the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability
  dynamics. Twists and currents propagate along the spicule at Alfvénic
  speeds, and the temperature variations within TWIKH rolls, produce the
  sudden appearance/disappearance of strands seen in Doppler velocity
  and in Ca II H intensity. However, only a mild intensity increase in
  higher-temperature lines is obtained, suggesting there is an additional
  heating mechanism at work in spicules.

Title: A comparison of solar ALMA observations and model based
    predictions of the brightness temperature
Authors: Brajša, R.; Kuhar, M.; Benz, A. O.; Skokić, I.; Sudar,
   D.; Wedemeyer, S.; Báarta, M.; De Pontieu, B.; Kim, S.; Kobelski,
   A.; Shimojo, M.; White, S.; Yagoubov, P.; Yan, Y.; Ludwig, H. G.;
   Temmer, M.; Saar, S. H.; Selhorst, C. L.; Beuc, R.
2018CEAB...42....1B    Altcode:
  The new facility Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) is
  capable of observing the Sun in the wavelength range from 0.3 mm to 10
  mm with an unprecedented spatial, temporal and spectral resolution. The
  first aim of the present work is to identify different structures
  in the solar atmosphere (quiet Sun, active regions, filaments on the
  disc, and coronal holes) in a full disc solar ALMA image at 1.21 mm
  obtained on December 18, 2015 during a CSV-EOC campaign. It is compared
  with full disc solar images from the same day in the Hα line (Cerro
  Tololo Observatory, NISP), and at three EUV wavelengths (30.4 nm,
  21.1 nm, 17.1 nm; a composite SDO image). Positions of the quiet Sun
  areas, active regions, filaments on the disc, and coronal holes are
  identified in the ALMA image. To interpret solar observations with ALMA
  it is important to compare the measured and calculated intensities
  of various solar structures. So, the second aim of this work is to
  calculate the intensity (brightness temperature) for those structures
  (quiet Sun, active regions, filaments on the disc, and coronal holes)
  for a broad wavelength range (from 0.3 mm to 10 mm), closely related
  to that of the ALMA, and to compare the results with available
  ALMA observations. Thermal bremsstrahlung is the dominant radiation
  mechanism for explanation of the observed phenomena. A procedure for
  calculating the brightness temperature for a given wavelength and
  model atmosphere, which integrates the radiative transfer equation
  for thermal bremsstrahlung, is used. At the wavelength of 1.21 mm
  active regions appear as bright areas, while filaments on the disc and
  coronal holes are not discernible from the quiet Sun background. The
  models generally agree with the observed results: Active regions are
  bright primarily due to higher densities, filaments can appear bright,
  dark or not at all and coronal holes cannot be easily identified.

Title: The temporal evolution of explosive events and its implication
    on reconnection dynamics
Authors: Guo, L.; Liu, W.; De Pontieu, B.; Huang, Y. M.; Peter, H.;
   Bhattacharjee, A.
2017AGUFMSH43A2803G    Altcode:
  Transition-region explosive events and other bursts seen in extreme UV
  light are characterized by broad spectral line profiles, and the more
  violent ones show a strong enhancement of emission. They are thought
  to be driven by magnetic reconnection, because of their characteristic
  spectral profiles often indicating strong Alfvénic flows, and because
  of the fact that they typically occur where magnetic flux concentrations
  of opposite polarity intersect. In this presentation, we will focus
  on the temporal evolution of transition-region explosive events. In
  particular, we will investigate fast onsets of these events and the
  rapid oscillations of intensity during these event. The fast onset
  refers to the beginning of an explosive event, where the intensities
  and the widths of its line profiles increase dramatically (often within
  less than 10 seconds) and the rapid oscillations of intensity refer
  to blinks of emission that usually last less than 10 seconds during
  the event. In order to interpret and understand underlying mechanisms
  of these observations, we conduct numerical simulation of an explosive
  event and calculate its spectra. We observe a similar temporal evolution
  in the synthetic Si IV spectra when the explosive event is driven by
  time-dependent reconnection—plasmoid instability. The qualitative
  agreement between observations and simulations suggests that the
  temporal evolution of Si IV spectra of explosive events are closely
  related to reconnection dynamics.

Title: MUSE, the Multi-Slit Solar Explorer
Authors: Lemen, J. R.; Tarbell, T. D.; De Pontieu, B.; Wuelser, J. P.
2017AGUFMSH51B2494L    Altcode:
  The Multi-Slit Solar Explorer (MUSE) has been selected for a Phase A
  study for the NASA Heliophysics Small Explorer program. The science
  objective of MUSE is to make high spatial and temporal resolution
  imaging and spectral observations of the solar corona and transition
  region in order to probe the mechanisms responsible for energy release
  in the corona and understand the dynamics of the solar atmosphere. The
  physical processes are responsible for heating the corona, accelerating
  the solar wind, and the rapid release of energy in CMEs and flares. The
  observations will be tightly coupled to state-of-the-art numerical
  modeling to provide significantly improved estimates for understanding
  and anticipating space weather. MUSE contains two instruments:
  an EUV spectrograph and an EUV context imager. Both have similar
  spatial resolutions and leverage extensive heritage from previous
  high-resolution instruments such as IRIS and the HiC rocket payload. The
  MUSE spectrograph employs a novel multi-slit design that enables a
  100x improvement in spectral scanning rates, which will reveal crucial
  information about the dynamics (e.g., temperature, velocities) of the
  physical processes that are not observable with current instruments. The
  MUSE investigation builds on the success of IRIS by combining numerical
  modeling with a uniquely capable observatory: MUSE will obtain EUV
  spectra and images with the highest resolution in space (1/3 arcsec) and
  time (1-4 s) ever achieved for the transition region and corona, along
  35 slits and a large context FOV simultaneously. The MUSE consortium
  includes LMSAL, SAO, Stanford, ARC, HAO, GSFC, MSFC, MSU, and ITA Oslo.

Title: Chromospheric Heating Driven by Cancellations of Internetwork
    Magnetic Flux
Authors: Gosic, M.; de la Cruz Rodriguez, J.; De Pontieu, B.; Bellot
   Rubio, L.; Esteban Pozuelo, S.; Ortiz-Carbonell, A. N.
2017AGUFMSH41C..02G    Altcode:
  The heating of the solar chromosphere remains to be one of the
  most important questions in solar physics. It is believed that this
  phenomenon may significantly be supported by small-scale internetwork
  (IN) magnetic fields. Indeed, cancellations of IN magnetic flux can
  generate transient brightenings in the chromosphere and transition
  region. These bright structures might be the signature of energy release
  and plasma heating, probably driven by magnetic reconnection of IN field
  lines. Using high resolution, multiwavelength, coordinated observations
  recorded with the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) and
  the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope (SST), we analyzed cancellations of IN
  flux and their impact on the energetics and dynamics of the quiet Sun
  atmosphere. From their temporal and spatial evolution, we determine that
  these events can heat locally the upper atmospheric layers. However,
  employing multi-line inversions of the Mg II h &amp; k lines, we show
  that cancellations, although occurring ubiquitously over IN regions,
  are not capable of sustaining the total radiative losses of the quiet
  Sun chromosphere.

Title: Observation and modelling of the Fe XXI line profile observed
    by IRIS during the impulsive phase of flares
Authors: Polito, V.; Testa, P.; De Pontieu, B.; Allred, J. C.
2017AGUFMSH41A2741P    Altcode:
  The observation of the high temperature (above 10 MK) Fe XXI 1354.1 A
  line with the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) has provided
  significant insights into the chromospheric evaporation process in
  flares. In particular, the line is often observed to be completely
  blueshifted, in contrast to previous observations at lower spatial
  and spectral resolution, and in agreement with predictions from
  theoretical models. Interestingly, the line is also observed to be
  mostly symmetric and with a large excess above the thermal width. One
  popular interpretation for the excess broadening is given by assuming
  a superposition of flows from different loop strands. In this work,
  we perform a statistical analysis of Fe XXI line profiles observed
  by IRIS during the impulsive phase of flares and compare our results
  with hydrodynamic simulations of multi-thread flare loops performed
  with the 1D RADYN code. Our results indicate that the multi-thread
  models cannot easily reproduce the symmetry of the line and that some
  other physical process might need to be invoked in order to explain
  the observed profiles.

Title: Observations and Modeling of Transition Region and Coronal
    Heating Associated with Spicules
Authors: De Pontieu, B.; Martinez-Sykora, J.; De Moortel, I.;
   Chintzoglou, G.; McIntosh, S. W.
2017AGUFMSH43A2793D    Altcode:
  Spicules have been proposed as significant contributorsto the coronal
  energy and mass balance. While previous observationshave provided
  a glimpse of short-lived transient brightenings in thecorona that
  are associated with spicules, these observations have beencontested
  and are the subject of a vigorous debate both on the modelingand
  the observational side so that it remains unclear whether plasmais
  heated to coronal temperatures in association with spicules. We use
  high-resolution observations of the chromosphere and transition region
  with the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) and ofthe corona
  with the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) onboard theSolar Dynamics
  Observatory (SDO) to show evidence of the formation of coronal
  structures as a result of spicular mass ejections andheating of
  plasma to transition region and coronaltemperatures. Our observations
  suggest that a significant fraction of the highly dynamic loop fan
  environment associated with plage regions may be the result of the
  formation of such new coronal strands, a process that previously had
  been interpreted as the propagation of transient propagating coronal
  disturbances (PCD)s. Our observationsare supported by 2.5D radiative
  MHD simulations that show heating tocoronal temperatures in association
  with spicules. Our results suggest that heating and strong flows play
  an important role in maintaining the substructure of loop fans, in
  addition to the waves that permeate this low coronal environment. Our
  models also matches observations ofTR counterparts of spicules and
  provides an elegant explanation forthe high apparent speeds of these
  "network jets".

Title: Bridging the Gap: Capturing the Lyα Counterpart of a Type-II
    Spicule and its Heating Evolution with VAULT2.0 and IRIS Campaign
Authors: Chintzoglou, G.; De Pontieu, B.; Martinez-Sykora, J.; Mendes
   Domingos Pereira, T.; Vourlidas, A.; Tun Beltran, S.
2017AGUFMSH43A2794C    Altcode:
  We present the analysis of data from the observing campaign in support
  to the VAULT2.0 sounding rocket launch on September 30, 2014. VAULT2.0
  is a Lyα (1216 Å) spectroheliograph capable of providing fast
  cadence spectroheliograms of high-spectral purity. High resolution
  Lyα observations are highly complementary with the IRIS observations
  of the upper chromosphere and the low transition region but have
  previously been unavailable. The VAULT2.0 data provide critical, new
  upper-chromospheric constraints for numerical models. The observing
  campaign was closely coordinated with the IRIS mission. Taking
  advantage of this simultaneous multi-wavelength coverage of target
  AR 12172 and by using state-of-the-art radiative-MHD simulations of
  spicules, we are able to perform a detailed investigation of a type-II
  spicule associated with a fast apparent network jet recorded in the
  campaign observations during the VAULT2.0 flight. Our unique analysis
  suggests that spicular material exists suspended in lower temperatures
  until it rapidly gets heated and becomes visible in transition-region
  temperatures as an apparent network jet.

Title: Constraints on active region coronal heating properties
    from observations and modeling of chromospheric, transition region,
    and coronal emission
Authors: Testa, P.; Polito, V.; De Pontieu, B.; Carlsson, M.; Reale,
   F.; Allred, J. C.; Hansteen, V. H.
2017AGUFMSH43A2804T    Altcode:
  We investigate coronal heating properties in active region cores in
  non-flaring conditions, using high spatial, spectral, and temporal
  resolution chromospheric/transition region/coronal observations coupled
  with detailed modeling. We will focus, in particular, on observations
  with the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS), joint with
  observations with Hinode (XRT and EIS) and SDO/AIA. We will discuss
  how these observations and models (1D HD and 3D MHD, with the RADYN
  and Bifrost codes) provide useful diagnostics of the coronal heating
  processes and mechanisms of energy transport.

Title: Dynamics in the Chromosphere Imaged at Four Second Cadence
Authors: Schmit, D.; De Pontieu, B.
2017AGUFMSH43A2795S    Altcode:
  In this work we present analysis of rapid intensity fluctuations
  that are observed in the chromosphere and transition region using the
  slit-jaw datasets of IRIS and CLASP. While chromospheric oscillations
  have been a topic of interest for 30 years, the instrumentation to image
  those dynamics at high-cadence has only recently been developed. We use
  filtergraph data from 1215A, 2800A, and 1400A to examine the occurrence
  rate and morphology of rapid intensity fluctuations in different
  magnetic environments. There are indications of rapidly propagating
  disturbances with phase speeds greater than 100 km/s in all passbands
  although the morphology of the features differs significantly between
  passbands. The relationship between intensity fluctuations, spicules,
  and waves is discussed.

Title: Intermittent Reconnection and Plasmoids in UV Bursts in the
    Low Solar Atmosphere
Authors: Rouppe van der Voort, L.; De Pontieu, B.; Scharmer, G. B.;
   de la Cruz Rodríguez, J.; Martínez-Sykora, J.; Nóbrega-Siverio,
   D.; Guo, L. J.; Jafarzadeh, S.; Pereira, T. M. D.; Hansteen, V. H.;
   Carlsson, M.; Vissers, G.
2017ApJ...851L...6R    Altcode: 2017arXiv171104581R
  Magnetic reconnection is thought to drive a wide variety of dynamic
  phenomena in the solar atmosphere. Yet, the detailed physical mechanisms
  driving reconnection are difficult to discern in the remote sensing
  observations that are used to study the solar atmosphere. In this
  Letter, we exploit the high-resolution instruments Interface Region
  Imaging Spectrograph and the new CHROMIS Fabry-Pérot instrument at
  the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope (SST) to identify the intermittency
  of magnetic reconnection and its association with the formation of
  plasmoids in so-called UV bursts in the low solar atmosphere. The Si IV
  1403 Å UV burst spectra from the transition region show evidence of
  highly broadened line profiles with often non-Gaussian and triangular
  shapes, in addition to signatures of bidirectional flows. Such profiles
  had previously been linked, in idealized numerical simulations, to
  magnetic reconnection driven by the plasmoid instability. Simultaneous
  CHROMIS images in the chromospheric Ca II K 3934 Å line now provide
  compelling evidence for the presence of plasmoids by revealing highly
  dynamic and rapidly moving brightenings that are smaller than 0.″2 and
  that evolve on timescales of the order of seconds. Our interpretation
  of the observations is supported by detailed comparisons with synthetic
  observables from advanced numerical simulations of magnetic reconnection
  and associated plasmoids in the chromosphere. Our results highlight
  how subarcsecond imaging spectroscopy sensitive to a wide range of
  temperatures combined with advanced numerical simulations that are
  realistic enough to compare with observations can directly reveal the
  small-scale physical processes that drive the wide range of phenomena
  in the solar atmosphere.

Title: What Causes the High Apparent Speeds in Chromospheric and
    Transition Region Spicules on the Sun?
Authors: De Pontieu, Bart; Martínez-Sykora, Juan; Chintzoglou,
2017ApJ...849L...7D    Altcode: 2017arXiv171006803D
  Spicules are the most ubuiquitous type of jets in the solar
  atmosphere. The advent of high-resolution imaging and spectroscopy
  from the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) and ground-based
  observatories has revealed the presence of very high apparent motions of
  order 100-300 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> in spicules, as measured in the plane of
  the sky. However, line of sight measurements of such high speeds have
  been difficult to obtain, with values deduced from Doppler shifts in
  spectral lines typically of order 30-70 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. In this work,
  we resolve this long-standing discrepancy using recent 2.5D radiative
  MHD simulations. This simulation has revealed a novel driving mechanism
  for spicules in which ambipolar diffusion resulting from ion-neutral
  interactions plays a key role. In our simulation, we often see that
  the upward propagation of magnetic waves and electrical currents
  from the low chromosphere into already existing spicules can lead to
  rapid heating when the currents are rapidly dissipated by ambipolar
  diffusion. The combination of rapid heating and the propagation of these
  currents at Alfvénic speeds in excess of 100 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> leads
  to the very rapid apparent motions, and often wholesale appearance,
  of spicules at chromospheric and transition region temperatures. In
  our simulation, the observed fast apparent motions in such jets are
  actually a signature of a heating front, and much higher than the
  mass flows, which are of order 30-70 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. Our results
  can explain the behavior of transition region “network jets” and
  the very high apparent speeds reported for some chromospheric spicules.

Title: Comparison of Solar Fine Structure Observed Simultaneously
    in Lyα and Mg II h
Authors: Schmit, D.; Sukhorukov, A. V.; De Pontieu, B.; Leenaarts,
   J.; Bethge, C.; Winebarger, A.; Auchère, F.; Bando, T.; Ishikawa,
   R.; Kano, R.; Kobayashi, K.; Narukage, N.; Trujillo Bueno, J.
2017ApJ...847..141S    Altcode: 2017arXiv170900035S
  The Chromospheric Lyman Alpha Spectropolarimeter (CLASP) observed the
  Sun in H I Lyα during a suborbital rocket flight on 2015 September
  3. The Interface Region Imaging Telescope (IRIS) coordinated with the
  CLASP observations and recorded nearly simultaneous and co-spatial
  observations in the Mg II h and k lines. The Mg II h and Lyα lines
  are important transitions, energetically and diagnostically, in the
  chromosphere. The canonical solar atmosphere model predicts that these
  lines form in close proximity to each other and so we expect that the
  line profiles will exhibit similar variability. In this analysis, we
  present these coordinated observations and discuss how the two profiles
  compare over a region of quiet Sun at viewing angles that approach the
  limb. In addition to the observations, we synthesize both line profiles
  using a 3D radiation-MHD simulation. In the observations, we find that
  the peak width and the peak intensities are well correlated between the
  lines. For the simulation, we do not find the same relationship. We
  have attempted to mitigate the instrumental differences between IRIS
  and CLASP and to reproduce the instrumental factors in the synthetic
  profiles. The model indicates that formation heights of the lines
  differ in a somewhat regular fashion related to magnetic geometry. This
  variation explains to some degree the lack of correlation, observed
  and synthesized, between Mg II and Lyα. Our analysis will aid in the
  definition of future observatories that aim to link dynamics in the
  chromosphere and transition region.

Title: Two-dimensional Radiative Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of
    Partial Ionization in the Chromosphere. II. Dynamics and Energetics
    of the Low Solar Atmosphere
Authors: Martínez-Sykora, Juan; De Pontieu, Bart; Carlsson, Mats;
   Hansteen, Viggo H.; Nóbrega-Siverio, Daniel; Gudiksen, Boris V.
2017ApJ...847...36M    Altcode: 2017arXiv170806781M
  We investigate the effects of interactions between ions and
  neutrals on the chromosphere and overlying corona using 2.5D
  radiative MHD simulations with the Bifrost code. We have extended
  the code capabilities implementing ion-neutral interaction effects
  using the generalized Ohm’s law, I.e., we include the Hall term
  and the ambipolar diffusion (Pedersen dissipation) in the induction
  equation. Our models span from the upper convection zone to the corona,
  with the photosphere, chromosphere, and transition region partially
  ionized. Our simulations reveal that the interactions between ionized
  particles and neutral particles have important consequences for the
  magnetothermodynamics of these modeled layers: (1) ambipolar diffusion
  increases the temperature in the chromosphere; (2) sporadically the
  horizontal magnetic field in the photosphere is diffused into the
  chromosphere, due to the large ambipolar diffusion; (3) ambipolar
  diffusion concentrates electrical currents, leading to more violent
  jets and reconnection processes, resulting in (3a) the formation of
  longer and faster spicules, (3b) heating of plasma during the spicule
  evolution, and (3c) decoupling of the plasma and magnetic field in
  spicules. Our results indicate that ambipolar diffusion is a critical
  ingredient for understanding the magnetothermodynamic properties in the
  chromosphere and transition region. The numerical simulations have been
  made publicly available, similar to previous Bifrost simulations. This
  will allow the community to study realistic numerical simulations with
  a wider range of magnetic field configurations and physics modules
  than previously possible.

Title: IRISpy: Analyzing IRIS Data in Python
Authors: Ryan, Daniel; Christe, Steven; Mumford, Stuart; Baruah,
   Ankit; Timothy, Shelbe; Pereira, Tiago; De Pontieu, Bart
2017SPD....4811508R    Altcode:
  IRISpy is a new community-developed open-source software library
  for analysing IRIS level 2 data. It is written in Python, a free,
  cross-platform, general-purpose, high-level programming language. A
  wide array of scientific computing software packages have already been
  developed in Python, from numerical computation (NumPy, SciPy, etc.),
  to visualization and plotting (matplotlib), to solar-physics-specific
  data analysis (SunPy). IRISpy is currently under development as a
  SunPy-affiliated package which means it depends on the SunPy library,
  follows similar standards and conventions, and is developed with the
  support of of the SunPy development team. IRISpy’s has two primary
  data objects, one for analyzing slit-jaw imager data and another
  for analyzing spectrograph data. Both objects contain basic slicing,
  indexing, plotting, and animating functionality to allow users to easily
  inspect, reduce and analyze the data. As part of this functionality the
  objects can output SunPy Maps, TimeSeries, Spectra, etc. of relevant
  data slices for easier inspection and analysis. Work is also ongoing
  to provide additional data analysis functionality including derivation
  of systematic measurement errors (e.g. readout noise), exposure time
  correction, residual wavelength calibration, radiometric calibration,
  and fine scale pointing corrections. IRISpy’s code base is publicly
  available through github.com and can be contributed to by anyone. In
  this poster we demonstrate IRISpy’s functionality and future goals
  of the project. We also encourage interested users to become involved
  in further developing IRISpy.

Title: Impact of Type II Spicules into the Corona
Authors: Martinez-Sykora, Juan; De Pontieu, Bart; Carlsson, Mats;
   Hansteen, Viggo H.; Pereira, Tiago M. D.
2017SPD....4810403M    Altcode:
  In the lower solar atmosphere, the chromosphere is permeated by jets,
  in which plasma is propelled at speeds of 50-150 km/s into the Sun’s
  atmosphere or corona. Although these spicules may play a role in heating
  the million-degree corona and are associated with Alfvén waves that
  help drive the solar wind, their generation remains mysterious. We
  implemented in the radiative MHD Bifrost code the effects of partial
  ionization using the generalized Ohm’s law. This code also solves
  the full MHD equations with non-grey and non-LTE radiative transfer
  and thermal conduction along magnetic field lines. The ion-neutral
  collision frequency is computed using recent studies that improved the
  estimation of the cross sections under chromospheric conditions (Vranjes
  &amp; Krstic 2013). Self-consistently driven jets (spicules type II)
  in magnetohydrodynamic simulations occur ubiquitously when magnetic
  tension is confined and transported upwards through interactions
  between ions and neutrals, and impulsively released to drive flows,
  heat plasma, generate Alfvén waves, and may play an important role in
  maintaining the substructure of loop fans. This mechanism explains how
  spicular plasma can be heated to millions of degrees and how Alfvén
  waves are generated in the chromosphere.

Title: A First Comparison of Millimeter Continuum and Mg II
    Ultraviolet Line Emission from the Solar Chromosphere
Authors: Bastian, T. S.; Chintzoglou, G.; De Pontieu, B.; Shimojo,
   M.; Schmit, D.; Leenaarts, J.; Loukitcheva, M.
2017ApJ...845L..19B    Altcode: 2017arXiv170604532B
  We present joint observations of the Sun by the Atacama Large
  Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) and the Interface Region Imaging
  Spectrograph (IRIS). Both millimeter/submillimeter-λ continuum emission
  and ultraviolet (UV) line emission originate from the solar chromosphere
  and both have the potential to serve as powerful and complementary
  diagnostics of physical conditions in this enigmatic region of the solar
  atmosphere. The observations were made of a solar active region on 2015
  December 18 as part of the ALMA science verification effort. A map of
  the Sun’s continuum emission was obtained by ALMA at a wavelength of
  1.25 mm (239 GHz). A contemporaneous map was obtained by IRIS in the
  Mg II h doublet line at 2803.5 Å. While a clear correlation between
  the 1.25 mm brightness temperature T<SUB>B</SUB> and the Mg II h
  line radiation temperature T<SUB>rad</SUB> is observed, the slope
  is &lt;1, perhaps as a result of the fact that these diagnostics
  are sensitive to different parts of the chromosphere and that the
  Mg II h line source function includes a scattering component. There
  is a significant difference (35%) between the mean T<SUB>B</SUB>
  (1.25 mm) and mean T<SUB>rad</SUB> (Mg II). Partitioning the maps
  into “sunspot,” “quiet areas,” and “plage regions” we
  find the relation between the IRIS Mg II h line T<SUB>rad</SUB> and
  the ALMA T<SUB>B</SUB> region-dependent. We suggest this may be the
  result of regional dependences of the formation heights of the IRIS
  and ALMA diagnostics and/or the increased degree of coupling between
  the UV source function and the local gas temperature in the hotter,
  denser gas in plage regions.

Title: Point-Spread Functions for the Near Ultraviolet Channel of
    the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS)
Authors: Courrier, Hans; Kankelborg, Charles C.; De Pontieu, Bart;
   Wülser, Jean-Pierre
2017SPD....4811701C    Altcode:
  We present point-spread functions (PSFs) for the near ultraviolet (NUV)
  spectrograph channel of the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph
  (IRIS). The hard edge terminus of the 2016 Mercury transit of the
  Sun is used to measure the PSFs near instrument center field of view
  using an iterative semi-blind deconvolution method. The resulting PSFs
  exhibit an asymmetrical core with broader wings when compared to the
  theoretical diffraction limited PSFs. Deconvolution of our PSFs from
  the original Level 2 images produces images with improved stray light
  characteristics and increased contrast.

Title: Chromospheric heating due to internetwork magnetic flux
Authors: Gosic, Milan; de la Cruz Rodriguez, Jaime; De Pontieu, Bart;
   Bellot Rubio, Luis; Ortiz, Ada; Esteban Pozuelo, Sara
2017SPD....4810404G    Altcode:
  The heating of the solar chromosphere is one of the most intriguing
  unanswered problems in solar physics. It is believed that this
  phenomenon may significantly be supported by small-scale internetwork
  (IN) magnetic fields. Indeed, cancellations of IN magnetic flux
  patches might be an efficient way to transport flux and energy from
  the photosphere to the chromosphere. Because of this, it is essential
  to determine where they occur, the rates at which they proceed, and
  understand their influence on the chromosphere. Here we study the
  spatial and temporal evolution of IN cancelling patches using high
  resolution, multiwavelength, coordinated observations obtained with
  the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) and the Swedish
  1-m Solar Telescope (SST). Employing multi-line inversions of the
  Mg II h&amp;k lines we show that cancelling events, while occurring
  ubiquitously over IN regions, produce clear signatures of heating in
  the upper atmospheric layers. Using the RADYN code we determine the
  energy released due to cancellations of IN elements and discuss about
  their impact on the dynamics and energetics of the solar chromosphere.

Title: MUSE: the Multi-Slit Solar Explorer
Authors: Tarbell, Theodore D.; De Pontieu, Bart
2017SPD....4811008T    Altcode:
  The Multi-Slit Solar Explorer is a proposed Small Explorer mission
  for studying the dynamics of the corona and transition region
  using both conventional and novel spectral imaging techniques. The
  physical processes that heat the multi-million degree solar corona,
  accelerate the solar wind and drive solar activity (CMEs and flares)
  remain poorly known. A breakthrough in these areas can only come
  from radically innovative instrumentation and state-of-the-art
  numerical modeling and will lead to better understanding of space
  weather origins. MUSE’s multi-slit coronal spectroscopy will use a
  100x improvement in spectral raster cadence to fill a crucial gap in
  our knowledge of Sun-Earth connections; it will reveal temperatures,
  velocities and non-thermal processes over a wide temperature range to
  diagnose physical processes that remain invisible to current or planned
  instruments. MUSE will contain two instruments: an EUV spectrograph (SG)
  and EUV context imager (CI). Both have similar spatial resolution and
  leverage extensive heritage from previous high-resolution instruments
  such as IRIS and the HiC rocket payload. The MUSE investigation will
  build on the success of IRIS by combining numerical modeling with a
  uniquely capable observatory: MUSE will obtain EUV spectra and images
  with the highest resolution in space (1/3 arcsec) and time (1-4 s)
  ever achieved for the transition region and corona, along 35 slits
  and a large context FOV simultaneously. The MUSE consortium includes
  LMSAL, SAO, Stanford, ARC, HAO, GSFC, MSFC, MSU, ITA Oslo and other

Title: Realistic radiative MHD simulation of a solar flare
Authors: Rempel, Matthias D.; Cheung, Mark; Chintzoglou, Georgios;
   Chen, Feng; Testa, Paola; Martinez-Sykora, Juan; Sainz Dalda, Alberto;
   DeRosa, Marc L.; Viktorovna Malanushenko, Anna; Hansteen, Viggo H.;
   De Pontieu, Bart; Carlsson, Mats; Gudiksen, Boris; McIntosh, Scott W.
2017SPD....4840001R    Altcode:
  We present a recently developed version of the MURaM radiative
  MHD code that includes coronal physics in terms of optically thin
  radiative loss and field aligned heat conduction. The code employs
  the "Boris correction" (semi-relativistic MHD with a reduced speed
  of light) and a hyperbolic treatment of heat conduction, which allow
  for efficient simulations of the photosphere/corona system by avoiding
  the severe time-step constraints arising from Alfven wave propagation
  and heat conduction. We demonstrate that this approach can be used
  even in dynamic phases such as a flare. We consider a setup in which
  a flare is triggered by flux emergence into a pre-existing bipolar
  active region. After the coronal energy release, efficient transport
  of energy along field lines leads to the formation of flare ribbons
  within seconds. In the flare ribbons we find downflows for temperatures
  lower than ~5 MK and upflows at higher temperatures. The resulting
  soft X-ray emission shows a fast rise and slow decay, reaching a peak
  corresponding to a mid C-class flare. The post reconnection energy
  release in the corona leads to average particle energies reaching 50
  keV (500 MK under the assumption of a thermal plasma). We show that
  hard X-ray emission from the corona computed under the assumption of
  thermal bremsstrahlung can produce a power-law spectrum due to the
  multi-thermal nature of the plasma. The electron energy flux into the
  flare ribbons (classic heat conduction with free streaming limit) is
  highly inhomogeneous and reaches peak values of about 3x10<SUP>11</SUP>
  erg/cm<SUP>2</SUP>/s in a small fraction of the ribbons, indicating
  regions that could potentially produce hard X-ray footpoint sources. We
  demonstrate that these findings are robust by comparing simulations
  computed with different values of the saturation heat flux as well as
  the "reduced speed of light".

Title: Observations and Numerical Models of Solar Coronal Heating
    Associated with Spicules
Authors: De Pontieu, B.; De Moortel, I.; Martinez-Sykora, J.; McIntosh,
   S. W.
2017ApJ...845L..18D    Altcode: 2017arXiv171006790D
  Spicules have been proposed as significant contributors to the mass
  and energy balance of the corona. While previous observations have
  provided a glimpse of short-lived transient brightenings in the
  corona that are associated with spicules, these observations have
  been contested and are the subject of a vigorous debate both on the
  modeling and the observational side. Therefore, it remains unclear
  whether plasma is heated to coronal temperatures in association with
  spicules. We use high-resolution observations of the chromosphere and
  transition region (TR) with the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph
  and of the corona with the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly on board
  the Solar Dynamics Observatory to show evidence of the formation
  of coronal structures associated with spicular mass ejections and
  heating of plasma to TR and coronal temperatures. Our observations
  suggest that a significant fraction of the highly dynamic loop fan
  environment associated with plage regions may be the result of the
  formation of such new coronal strands, a process that previously had
  been interpreted as the propagation of transient propagating coronal
  disturbances. Our observations are supported by 2.5D radiative MHD
  simulations that show heating to coronal temperatures in association
  with spicules. Our results suggest that heating and strong flows
  play an important role in maintaining the substructure of loop fans,
  in addition to the waves that permeate this low coronal environment.

Title: Evidence from IRIS that Sunspot Large Penumbral Jets Spin
Authors: Tiwari, Sanjiv K.; Moore, Ronald L.; De Pontieu, Bart;
   Tarbell, Theodore D.; Panesar, Navdeep K.; Winebarger, Amy; Sterling,
   Alphonse C.
2017SPD....4810506T    Altcode:
  Recent observations from {\it Hinode} (SOT/FG) revealed the presence of
  large penumbral jets (widths $\ge$500 km, larger than normal penumbral
  microjets, which have widths $&lt;$ 400 km) repeatedly occurring at the
  same locations in a sunspot penumbra, at the tail of a filament or where
  the tails of several penumbral filaments apparently converge (Tiwari et
  al. 2016, ApJ). These locations were observed to have mixed-polarity
  flux in Stokes-V images from SOT/FG. Large penumbral jets displayed
  direct signatures in AIA 1600, 304, 171, and 193 channels; thus they
  were heated to at least transition region temperatures. Because
  large jets could not be detected in AIA 94 \AA, whether they had
  any coronal-temperature plasma remains unclear. In the present work,
  for another sunspot, we use IRIS Mg II k 2796 Å slit jaw images and
  spectra and magnetograms from Hinode SOT/FG and SOT/SP to examine:
  whether penumbral jets spin, similar to spicules and coronal jets in the
  quiet Sun and coronal holes; whether they stem from mixed-polarity flux;
  and whether they produce discernible coronal emission, especially in
  AIA 94 Å images. The few large penumbral jets for which we have IRIS
  spectra show evidence of spin. If these have mixed-polarity at their
  base, then they might be driven the same way as coronal jets and CMEs.

Title: CLASP2: The Chromospheric LAyer Spectro-Polarimeter
Authors: Rachmeler, Laurel; E McKenzie, David; Ishikawa, Ryohko;
   Trujillo Bueno, Javier; Auchère, Frédéric; Kobayashi, Ken;
   Winebarger, Amy; Bethge, Christian; Kano, Ryouhei; Kubo, Masahito;
   Song, Donguk; Narukage, Noriyuki; Ishikawa, Shin-nosuke; De Pontieu,
   Bart; Carlsson, Mats; Yoshida, Masaki; Belluzzi, Luca; Stepan, Jiri;
   del Pino Alemná, Tanausú; Ballester, Ernest Alsina; Asensio Ramos,
2017SPD....4811010R    Altcode:
  We present the instrument, science case, and timeline of the CLASP2
  sounding rocket mission. The successful CLASP (Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha
  Spectro-Polarimeter) sounding rocket flight in 2015 resulted in
  the first-ever linear polarization measurements of solar hydrogen
  Lyman-alpha line, which is sensitive to the Hanle effect and can be used
  to constrain the magnetic field and geometric complexity of the upper
  chromosphere. Ly-alpha is one of several upper chromospheric lines that
  contain magnetic information. In the spring of 2019, we will re-fly
  the modified CLASP telescope to measure the full Stokes profile of Mg
  II h &amp; k near 280 nm. This set of lines is sensitive to the upper
  chromospheric magnetic field via both the Hanle and the Zeeman effects.

Title: An innovative browser-based data exploration tool with
    simultaneous scrolling in time and wavelength domains
Authors: Slater, Gregory L.; Schiff, David; De Pontieu, Bart; Tarbell,
   Theodore D.; Freeland, Samuel L.
2017SPD....4810624S    Altcode:
  We present Cruiser, a new web tool for the precision interactive
  blending of image series across time and wavelength domains. Scrolling
  in two dimensions enables discovery and investigation of similarities
  and differences in structure and evolution across multiple
  wavelengths. Cruiser works in the latest versions of standards compliant
  browsers on both desktop and IOS platforms. Co-aligned data cubes
  have been generated for AIA, IRIS, and Hinode SOT FG, and image data
  from additional instruments, both space-based and ground-based, can be
  data sources. The tool has several movie playing and image adjustment
  controls which will be described in the poster and demonstrated on a
  MacOS notebook and iPad.

Title: CLASP2: The Chromospheric LAyer Spectro-Polarimeter
Authors: Rachmeler, Laurel A.; McKenzie, D. E.; Ishikawa, R.;
   Trujillo-Bueno, J.; Auchere, F.; Kobayashi, K.; Winebarger, A.;
   Bethge, C.; Kano, R.; Kubo, M.; Song, D.; Narukage, N.; Ishikawa, S.;
   De Pontieu, B.; Carlsson, M.; Yoshida, M.; Belluzzi, L.; Stepan, J.;
   del Pino Alemán, T.; Alsina Ballester, E.; Asensio Ramos, A.
2017shin.confE..79R    Altcode:
  We present the instrument, science case, and timeline of the CLASP2
  sounding rocket mission. The successful CLASP (Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha
  Spectro-Polarimeter) sounding rocket flight in 2015 resulted in
  the first-ever linear polarization measurements of solar hydrogen
  Lyman-alpha line, which is sensitive to the Hanle effect and can be used
  to constrain the magnetic field and geometric complexity of the upper
  chromosphere. Ly-alpha is one of several upper chromospheric lines that
  contain magnetic information. In the spring of 2019, we will re-fly
  the modified CLASP telescope to measure the full Stokes profile of Mg
  II h &amp; k near 280 nm. This set of lines is sensitive to the upper
  chromospheric magnetic field via both the Hanle and the Zeeman effects.

Title: Observing the Sun with the Atacama Large
Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA): High-Resolution Interferometric
Authors: Shimojo, M.; Bastian, T. S.; Hales, A. S.; White, S. M.;
   Iwai, K.; Hills, R. E.; Hirota, A.; Phillips, N. M.; Sawada, T.;
   Yagoubov, P.; Siringo, G.; Asayama, S.; Sugimoto, M.; Brajša, R.;
   Skokić, I.; Bárta, M.; Kim, S.; de Gregorio-Monsalvo, I.; Corder,
   S. A.; Hudson, H. S.; Wedemeyer, S.; Gary, D. E.; De Pontieu, B.;
   Loukitcheva, M.; Fleishman, G. D.; Chen, B.; Kobelski, A.; Yan, Y.
2017SoPh..292...87S    Altcode: 2017arXiv170403236S
  Observations of the Sun at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths
  offer a unique probe into the structure, dynamics, and heating of the
  chromosphere; the structure of sunspots; the formation and eruption
  of prominences and filaments; and energetic phenomena such as jets
  and flares. High-resolution observations of the Sun at millimeter and
  submillimeter wavelengths are challenging due to the intense, extended,
  low-contrast, and dynamic nature of emission from the quiet Sun,
  and the extremely intense and variable nature of emissions associated
  with energetic phenomena. The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter
  Array (ALMA) was designed with solar observations in mind. The
  requirements for solar observations are significantly different from
  observations of sidereal sources and special measures are necessary
  to successfully carry out this type of observations. We describe the
  commissioning efforts that enable the use of two frequency bands,
  the 3-mm band (Band 3) and the 1.25-mm band (Band 6), for continuum
  interferometric-imaging observations of the Sun with ALMA. Examples of
  high-resolution synthesized images obtained using the newly commissioned
  modes during the solar-commissioning campaign held in December 2015
  are presented. Although only 30 of the eventual 66 ALMA antennas
  were used for the campaign, the solar images synthesized from the
  ALMA commissioning data reveal new features of the solar atmosphere
  that demonstrate the potential power of ALMA solar observations. The
  ongoing expansion of ALMA and solar-commissioning efforts will continue
  to enable new and unique solar observing capabilities.

Title: Observing the Sun with the Atacama Large
Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA): Fast-Scan Single-Dish Mapping
Authors: White, S. M.; Iwai, K.; Phillips, N. M.; Hills, R. E.; Hirota,
   A.; Yagoubov, P.; Siringo, G.; Shimojo, M.; Bastian, T. S.; Hales,
   A. S.; Sawada, T.; Asayama, S.; Sugimoto, M.; Marson, R. G.; Kawasaki,
   W.; Muller, E.; Nakazato, T.; Sugimoto, K.; Brajša, R.; Skokić, I.;
   Bárta, M.; Kim, S.; Remijan, A. J.; de Gregorio, I.; Corder, S. A.;
   Hudson, H. S.; Loukitcheva, M.; Chen, B.; De Pontieu, B.; Fleishmann,
   G. D.; Gary, D. E.; Kobelski, A.; Wedemeyer, S.; Yan, Y.
2017SoPh..292...88W    Altcode: 2017arXiv170504766W
  The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) radio
  telescope has commenced science observations of the Sun starting
  in late 2016. Since the Sun is much larger than the field of view
  of individual ALMA dishes, the ALMA interferometer is unable to
  measure the background level of solar emission when observing the
  solar disk. The absolute temperature scale is a critical measurement
  for much of ALMA solar science, including the understanding of energy
  transfer through the solar atmosphere, the properties of prominences,
  and the study of shock heating in the chromosphere. In order to provide
  an absolute temperature scale, ALMA solar observing will take advantage
  of the remarkable fast-scanning capabilities of the ALMA 12 m dishes
  to make single-dish maps of the full Sun. This article reports on the
  results of an extensive commissioning effort to optimize the mapping
  procedure, and it describes the nature of the resulting data. Amplitude
  calibration is discussed in detail: a path that uses the two loads in
  the ALMA calibration system as well as sky measurements is described
  and applied to commissioning data. Inspection of a large number of
  single-dish datasets shows significant variation in the resulting
  temperatures, and based on the temperature distributions, we derive
  quiet-Sun values at disk center of 7300 K at λ =3 mm and 5900 K at
  λ =1.3 mm. These values have statistical uncertainties of about 100
  K, but systematic uncertainties in the temperature scale that may be
  significantly larger. Example images are presented from two periods
  with very different levels of solar activity. At a resolution of about
  25<SUP>″</SUP>, the 1.3 mm wavelength images show temperatures on
  the disk that vary over about a 2000 K range. Active regions and plages
  are among the hotter features, while a large sunspot umbra shows up as
  a depression, and filament channels are relatively cool. Prominences
  above the solar limb are a common feature of the single-dish images.

Title: On the generation of solar spicules and Alfvénic waves
Authors: Martínez-Sykora, J.; De Pontieu, B.; Hansteen, V. H.;
   Rouppe van der Voort, L.; Carlsson, M.; Pereira, T. M. D.
2017Sci...356.1269M    Altcode: 2017arXiv171007559M
  In the lower solar atmosphere, the chromosphere is permeated by jets
  known as spicules, in which plasma is propelled at speeds of 50 to
  150 kilometers per second into the corona. The origin of the spicules
  is poorly understood, although they are expected to play a role in
  heating the million-degree corona and are associated with Alfvénic
  waves that help drive the solar wind. We compare magnetohydrodynamic
  simulations of spicules with observations from the Interface Region
  Imaging Spectrograph and the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope. Spicules
  are shown to occur when magnetic tension is amplified and transported
  upward through interactions between ions and neutrals or ambipolar
  diffusion. The tension is impulsively released to drive flows, heat
  plasma (through ambipolar diffusion), and generate Alfvénic waves.

Title: Indication of the Hanle Effect by Comparing the Scattering
    Polarization Observed by CLASP in the Lyα and Si III 120.65 nm Lines
Authors: Ishikawa, R.; Trujillo Bueno, J.; Uitenbroek, H.; Kubo, M.;
   Tsuneta, S.; Goto, M.; Kano, R.; Narukage, N.; Bando, T.; Katsukawa,
   Y.; Ishikawa, S.; Giono, G.; Suematsu, Y.; Hara, H.; Shimizu, T.;
   Sakao, T.; Winebarger, A.; Kobayashi, K.; Cirtain, J.; Champey, P.;
   Auchère, F.; Štěpán, J.; Belluzzi, L.; Asensio Ramos, A.; Manso
   Sainz, R.; De Pontieu, B.; Ichimoto, K.; Carlsson, M.; Casini, R.
2017ApJ...841...31I    Altcode:
  The Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter is a sounding
  rocket experiment that has provided the first successful measurement
  of the linear polarization produced by scattering processes in
  the hydrogen Lyα line (121.57 nm) radiation of the solar disk. In
  this paper, we report that the Si III line at 120.65 nm also shows
  scattering polarization and we compare the scattering polarization
  signals observed in the Lyα and Si III lines in order to search for
  observational signatures of the Hanle effect. We focus on four selected
  bright structures and investigate how the U/I spatial variations vary
  between the Lyα wing, the Lyα core, and the Si III line as a function
  of the total unsigned photospheric magnetic flux estimated from Solar
  Dynamics Observatory/Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager observations. In
  an internetwork region, the Lyα core shows an antisymmetric spatial
  variation across the selected bright structure, but it does not show
  it in other more magnetized regions. In the Si III line, the spatial
  variation of U/I deviates from the above-mentioned antisymmetric
  shape as the total unsigned photospheric magnetic flux increases. A
  plausible explanation of this difference is the operation of the Hanle
  effect. We argue that diagnostic techniques based on the scattering
  polarization observed simultaneously in two spectral lines with very
  different sensitivities to the Hanle effect, like Lyα and Si III,
  are of great potential interest for exploring the magnetism of the
  upper solar chromosphere and transition region.

Title: Polarization Calibration of the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha
    SpectroPolarimeter for a 0.1% Polarization Sensitivity in the VUV
Range. Part II: In-Flight Calibration
Authors: Giono, G.; Ishikawa, R.; Narukage, N.; Kano, R.; Katsukawa,
   Y.; Kubo, M.; Ishikawa, S.; Bando, T.; Hara, H.; Suematsu, Y.;
   Winebarger, A.; Kobayashi, K.; Auchère, F.; Trujillo Bueno, J.;
   Tsuneta, S.; Shimizu, T.; Sakao, T.; Cirtain, J.; Champey, P.; Asensio
   Ramos, A.; Štěpán, J.; Belluzzi, L.; Manso Sainz, R.; De Pontieu,
   B.; Ichimoto, K.; Carlsson, M.; Casini, R.; Goto, M.
2017SoPh..292...57G    Altcode:
  The Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha SpectroPolarimeter is a sounding
  rocket instrument designed to measure for the first time the linear
  polarization of the hydrogen Lyman-α line (121.6 nm). The instrument
  was successfully launched on 3 September 2015 and observations were
  conducted at the solar disc center and close to the limb during the
  five-minutes flight. In this article, the disc center observations are
  used to provide an in-flight calibration of the instrument spurious
  polarization. The derived in-flight spurious polarization is consistent
  with the spurious polarization levels determined during the pre-flight
  calibration and a statistical analysis of the polarization fluctuations
  from solar origin is conducted to ensure a 0.014% precision on the
  spurious polarization. The combination of the pre-flight and the
  in-flight polarization calibrations provides a complete picture of
  the instrument response matrix, and a proper error transfer method
  is used to confirm the achieved polarization accuracy. As a result,
  the unprecedented 0.1% polarization accuracy of the instrument in the
  vacuum ultraviolet is ensured by the polarization calibration.

Title: Discovery of Scattering Polarization in the Hydrogen Lyα
    Line of the Solar Disk Radiation
Authors: Kano, R.; Trujillo Bueno, J.; Winebarger, A.; Auchère, F.;
   Narukage, N.; Ishikawa, R.; Kobayashi, K.; Bando, T.; Katsukawa, Y.;
   Kubo, M.; Ishikawa, S.; Giono, G.; Hara, H.; Suematsu, Y.; Shimizu,
   T.; Sakao, T.; Tsuneta, S.; Ichimoto, K.; Goto, M.; Belluzzi, L.;
   Štěpán, J.; Asensio Ramos, A.; Manso Sainz, R.; Champey, P.;
   Cirtain, J.; De Pontieu, B.; Casini, R.; Carlsson, M.
2017ApJ...839L..10K    Altcode: 2017arXiv170403228K
  There is a thin transition region (TR) in the solar atmosphere where
  the temperature rises from 10,000 K in the chromosphere to millions
  of degrees in the corona. Little is known about the mechanisms that
  dominate this enigmatic region other than the magnetic field plays a
  key role. The magnetism of the TR can only be detected by polarimetric
  measurements of a few ultraviolet (UV) spectral lines, the Lyα line
  of neutral hydrogen at 121.6 nm (the strongest line of the solar UV
  spectrum) being of particular interest given its sensitivity to the
  Hanle effect (the magnetic-field-induced modification of the scattering
  line polarization). We report the discovery of linear polarization
  produced by scattering processes in the Lyα line, obtained with
  the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP) rocket
  experiment. The Stokes profiles observed by CLASP in quiet regions of
  the solar disk show that the Q/I and U/I linear polarization signals are
  of the order of 0.1% in the line core and up to a few percent in the
  nearby wings, and that both have conspicuous spatial variations with
  scales of ∼10 arcsec. These observations help constrain theoretical
  models of the chromosphere-corona TR and extrapolations of the
  magnetic field from photospheric magnetograms. In fact, the observed
  spatial variation from disk to limb of polarization at the line core
  and wings already challenge the predictions from three-dimensional
  magnetohydrodynamical models of the upper solar chromosphere.

Title: IRIS and SDO/AIA observations of coronal heating associated
    with spicules
Authors: De Pontieu, B.; De Moortel, I.; Mcintosh, S. W.
2016AGUFMSH42B..07D    Altcode:
  Chromospheric spicules have been proposed as significant contributors
  to the coronal energy and mass balance. While previous observations
  have provided a glimpse of short-lived transient brightenings in
  the corona that are associated with spicules, these observations
  have been contested and the subject of a vigorous debate both on the
  modeling and the observational side so that it remains unclear whether
  plasma associated with spicules is heated to coronal temperatures. We
  use high-resolution observations of the chromosphere and transition
  region with the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) and of
  the corona with the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) onboard the
  Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) to show evidence of the formation of
  coronal structures as a result of spicular mass ejections and subsequent
  heating of plasma first to transition region and later to coronal
  temperatures. Our observations suggest that much of the highly dynamic
  loop fan environment associated with plage regions may be the result
  of the formation of such new coronal strands, a process that previously
  had been interpreted as the propagation of transient propagating coronal
  disturbances (PCD)s. Our results suggest that heating and strong flows
  play an important role in maintaining the substructure of loop fans,
  in addition to the waves that permeate this low coronal environment.

Title: Coronal Heating Properties in the Core of Solar Active Regions
Authors: Testa, P.; Reale, F.; De Pontieu, B.
2016AGUFMSH33A..02T    Altcode:
  The Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) provides unprecedented
  high spatial, temporal and spectral resolution observations of the
  chromosphere and transition region. Joint with coronal observations
  with Hinode (XRT and EIS), and SDO/AIA, these data cover from the
  upper photosphere to the corona. I will discuss how IRIS observations
  of footpoints of hot active region loops in non-flaring conditions,
  coupled with detailed HD and MHD modeling including chromosphere,
  transition region and corona, provide tight constraints on the coronal
  heating mechanisms in the core of active regions.

Title: The importance of high-resolution observations of the solar
Authors: Winebarger, A. R.; Cirtain, J. W.; Golub, L.; Walsh, R. W.;
   De Pontieu, B.; Savage, S. L.; Rachmeler, L.; Kobayashi, K.; Testa,
   P.; Brooks, D.; Warren, H.; Mcintosh, S. W.; Peter, H.; Morton, R. J.;
   Alexander, C. E.; Tiwari, S. K.
2016AGUFMSH31B2577W    Altcode:
  The spatial and temporal resolutions of the available coronal
  observatories are inadequate to resolve the signatures of coronal
  heating. High-resolution and high-cadence observations available with
  the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) and the High-resolution
  Coronal Imager (Hi-C) instrument hint that 0.3 arcsec resolution images
  and &lt; 10 s cadence provide the necessary resolution to detect
  heating events. Hi-C was launched from White Sands Missile Range on
  July 11, 2012 (before the launch with IRIS) and obtained images of
  a solar active region in the 19.3 nm passband. In this presentation,
  I will discuss the potential of combining a flight in Hi-C with a 17.1
  nm passband, in conjunction with IRIS. This combination will provide,
  for the first time, a definitive method of tracing the energy flow
  between the chromosphere and corona and vice versa.

Title: Probing the Physical Connection between Solar Prominences
    and Coronal Rain
Authors: Liu, W.; Antolin, P.; Sun, X.; Vial, J. C.; Guo, L.; Gibson,
   S. E.; Berger, T. E.; Okamoto, J.; De Pontieu, B.
2016AGUFMSH43C2587L    Altcode:
  Solar prominences and coronal rain are intimately related phenomena,
  both involving cool material at chromospheric temperatures within the
  hot corona and both playing important roles as part of the return flow
  of the chromosphere-corona mass cycle. At the same time, they exhibit
  distinct morphologies and dynamics not yet well understood. Quiescent
  prominences consist of numerous long-lasting, filamentary downflow
  threads, while coronal rain is more transient and falls comparably
  faster along well-defined curved paths. We report here a novel, hybrid
  prominence-coronal rain complex in an arcade-fan geometry observed
  by SDO/AIA and IRIS, which provides new insights to the underlying
  physics of such contrasting behaviors. We found that the supra-arcade
  fan region hosts a prominence sheet consisting of meandering threads
  with broad line widths. As the prominence material descends to the
  arcade, it turns into coronal rain sliding down coronal loops with
  line widths 2-3 times narrower. This contrast suggests that distinct
  local plasma and magnetic conditions determine the fate of the cool
  material, a scenario supported by our magnetic field extrapolations
  from SDO/HMI. Specifically, the supra-arcade fan (similar to those
  in solar flares) is likely situated in a current sheet, where the
  magnetic field is weak and the plasma-beta could be close to unity, thus
  favoring turbulent flows like those prominence threads. In contrast,
  the underlying arcade has a stronger magnetic field and most likely a
  low-beta environment, such that the material is guided along magnetic
  field lines to appear as coronal rain. We will discuss the physical
  implications of these observations beyond the phenomena of prominences
  and coronal rain.

Title: An On Orbit Determination of Point Spread Functions for the
    Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS)
Authors: Courrier, H.; Kankelborg, C. C.; De Pontieu, B.; Wuelser,
   J. P.
2016AGUFMSH31B2576C    Altcode:
  IRIS is a small explorer spacecraft that observes the solar photosphere,
  chromosphere, transition region, and corona using a combination of
  slit based spectrograph and slit-jaw imagers. The hard edge terminus
  of the May 09, 2016 Mercury transit observed by IRIS is used to measure
  on-orbit point spread functions (PSFs) for the near ultra-violet (NUV)
  and far ultra-violet (FUV) spectrograph channels. The contribution of
  the measured PSFs on spectrograph resolution is investigated.

Title: Discovery of Ubiquitous Fast-Propagating Intensity Disturbances
    by the Chromospheric Lyman Alpha Spectropolarimeter (CLASP)
Authors: Kubo, M.; Katsukawa, Y.; Suematsu, Y.; Kano, R.; Bando,
   T.; Narukage, N.; Ishikawa, R.; Hara, H.; Giono, G.; Tsuneta, S.;
   Ishikawa, S.; Shimizu, T.; Sakao, T.; Winebarger, A.; Kobayashi, K.;
   Cirtain, J.; Champey, P.; Auchère, F.; Trujillo Bueno, J.; Asensio
   Ramos, A.; Štěpán, J.; Belluzzi, L.; Manso Sainz, R.; De Pontieu,
   B.; Ichimoto, K.; Carlsson, M.; Casini, R.; Goto, M.
2016ApJ...832..141K    Altcode:
  High-cadence observations by the slit-jaw (SJ) optics system of the
  sounding rocket experiment known as the Chromospheric Lyman Alpha
  Spectropolarimeter (CLASP) reveal ubiquitous intensity disturbances
  that recurrently propagate in either the chromosphere or the transition
  region or both at a speed much higher than the speed of sound. The
  CLASP/SJ instrument provides a time series of two-dimensional images
  taken with broadband filters centered on the Lyα line at a 0.6 s
  cadence. The multiple fast-propagating intensity disturbances appear in
  the quiet Sun and in an active region, and they are clearly detected in
  at least 20 areas in a field of view of 527″ × 527″ during the 5
  minute observing time. The apparent speeds of the intensity disturbances
  range from 150 to 350 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, and they are comparable
  to the local Alfvén speed in the transition region. The intensity
  disturbances tend to propagate along bright elongated structures away
  from areas with strong photospheric magnetic fields. This suggests
  that the observed fast-propagating intensity disturbances are related
  to the magnetic canopy structures. The maximum distance traveled by
  the intensity disturbances is about 10″, and the widths are a few
  arcseconds, which are almost determined by a pixel size of 1.″03. The
  timescale of each intensity pulse is shorter than 30 s. One possible
  explanation for the fast-propagating intensity disturbances observed
  by CLASP is magnetohydrodynamic fast-mode waves.

Title: On the Misalignment between Chromospheric Features and the
    Magnetic Field on the Sun
Authors: Martínez-Sykora, Juan; De Pontieu, Bart; Carlsson, Mats;
   Hansteen, Viggo
2016ApJ...831L...1M    Altcode: 2016arXiv160702551M
  Observations of the upper chromosphere show an enormous amount of
  intricate fine structure. Much of this comes in the form of linear
  features, which are most often assumed to be well aligned with the
  direction of the magnetic field in the low plasma β regime that is
  thought to dominate the upper chromosphere. We use advanced radiative
  magnetohydrodynamic simulations, including the effects of ion-neutral
  interactions (using the generalized Ohm’s law) in the partially
  ionized chromosphere, to show that the magnetic field is often not well
  aligned with chromospheric features. This occurs where the ambipolar
  diffusion is large, I.e., ions and neutral populations decouple as
  the ion-neutral collision frequency drops, allowing the field to
  slip through the neutral population; where currents perpendicular to
  the field are strong; and where thermodynamic timescales are longer
  than or similar to those of ambipolar diffusion. We find this often
  happens in dynamic spicule or fibril-like features at the top of the
  chromosphere. This has important consequences for field extrapolation
  methods, which increasingly use such upper chromospheric features
  to help constrain the chromospheric magnetic field: our results
  invalidate the underlying assumption that these features are aligned
  with the field. In addition, our results cast doubt on results from
  1D hydrodynamic models, which assume that plasma remains on the same
  field lines. Finally, our simulations show that ambipolar diffusion
  significantly alters the amount of free energy available in the coronal
  part of our simulated volume, which is likely to have consequences
  for studies of flare initiation.

Title: What Is the Source of Quiet Sun Transition Region Emission?
Authors: Schmit, D. J.; De Pontieu, Bart
2016ApJ...831..158S    Altcode: 2016arXiv160807620S
  Dating back to the first observations of the on-disk corona, there has
  been a qualitative link between the photosphere’s magnetic network
  and enhanced transition-temperature plasma emission. These observations
  led to the development of a general model that describes emission
  structures through the partitioning of the atmospheric volume with
  different magnetic loop geometries that exhibit different energetic
  equilibria. Does the internetwork produce transition-temperature
  emission? What fraction of network flux connects to the corona? How
  does quiet Sun emission compare with low-activity Sun-like stars? In
  this work, we revisit the canonical model of the quiet Sun, with
  high-resolution observations from the Interface Region Imaging
  Spectrograph (IRIS) and HMI in hand, to address those questions. We
  use over 900 deep exposures of Si IV 1393 Å from IRIS along with
  nearly simultaneous HMI magnetograms to quantify the correlation
  between transition-temperature emission structures and magnetic
  field concentrations through a number of novel statistics. Our
  observational results are coupled with analysis of the Bifrost MHD
  model and a large-scale potential field model. Our results paint a
  complex portrait of the quiet Sun. We measure an emission signature
  in the distant internetwork that cannot be attributed to network
  contribution. We find that the dimmest regions of emission are not
  linked to the local vertical magnetic field. Using the MHD simulation,
  we categorize the emission contribution from cool mid-altitude loops
  and high-altitude coronal loops and discuss the potential emission
  contribution of spicules. Our results provide new constraints on the
  coupled solar atmosphere so that we can build on our understanding
  of how dynamic thermal and magnetic structures generate the observed
  phenomena in the transition region.

Title: Flare-associated Fast-mode Coronal Wave Trains Detected by
SDO/AIA: Recent Observational Advances
Authors: Liu, Wei; Ofman, Leon; Downs, Cooper; Cheung, Mark; De
   Pontieu, Bart
2016usc..confE.107L    Altcode:
  Quasi-periodic Fast Propagating wave trains (QFPs) are new observational
  phenomena discovered by SDO/AIA in extreme ultraviolet (EUV). They
  were interpreted as fast-mode magnetosonic waves using MHD modeling,
  and also found to be closely related to quasi-periodic pulsations
  in solar flare emission ranging from radio to X-ray wavelengths. The
  significance of QFPs lies in their diagnostic potential (and possibly
  in flare energy transport), because they can provide critical clues to
  flare energy release and serve as new tools for coronal seismology. In
  this presentation, we report recent advances in observing QFPs. In
  particular, using differential emission measure (DEM) inversion,
  we found clear evidence of heating and cooling cycles that are
  consistent with alternating compression and rarefaction expected for
  magnetosonic wave pulses. We also found that different local magnetic
  and plasma environments can lead to two distinct types of QFPs located
  in different spatial domains with respect to their accompanying coronal
  mass ejections (CMEs). More interestingly, from a statistical survey of
  over 100 QFP events, we found a preferential association with eruptive
  flares rather than confined flares. We will discuss the implications
  of these results and the potential roles of QFPs in coronal heating,
  energy transport, and solar eruptions.

Title: Joint SDO and IRIS Observations of a Novel, Hybrid
    Prominence-Coronal Rain Complex
Authors: Liu, Wei; Antolin, Patrick; Sun, Xudong; Gao, Lijia; Vial,
   Jean-Claude; Gibson, Sarah; Okamoto, Takenori; Berger, Thomas;
   Uitenbroek, Han; De Pontieu, Bart
2016usc..confE..99L    Altcode:
  Solar prominences and coronal rain are intimately related phenomena,
  both involving cool material at chromospheric temperatures within the
  hot corona and both playing important roles as part of the return flow
  of the chromosphere-corona mass cycle. At the same time, they exhibit
  distinct morphologies and dynamics not yet well understood. Quiescent
  prominences consist of numerous long-lasting, filamentary downflow
  threads, while coronal rain is more transient and falls comparably
  faster along well-defined curved paths. We report here a novel, hybrid
  prominence-coronal rain complex in an arcade-fan geometry observed
  by SDO/AIA and IRIS, which provides new insights to the underlying
  physics of such contrasting behaviors. We found that the supra-arcade
  fan region hosts a prominence sheet consisting of meandering threads
  with broad line widths. As the prominence material descends to the
  arcade, it turns into coronal rain sliding down coronal loops with
  line widths 2-3 times narrower. This contrast suggests that distinct
  local plasma and magnetic conditions determine the fate of the cool
  material, a scenario supported by our magnetic field extrapolations
  from SDO/HMI. Specifically, the supra-arcade fan (similar to those
  in solar flares; e.g., McKenzie 2013) is likely situated in a current
  sheet, where the magnetic field is weak and the plasma-beta could be
  close to unity, thus favoring turbulent flows like those prominence
  threads. In contrast, the underlying arcade has a stronger magnetic
  field and most likely a low-beta environment, such that the material
  is guided along magnetic field lines to appear as coronal rain. We
  will discuss the physical implications of these observations beyond
  prominence and coronal rain.

Title: Investigation of the role of magnetic cancellation in
    triggering solar eruptions in NOAA AR12017
Authors: Chintzoglou, G.; Cheung, M. C. M.; De Pontieu, B.
2016usc..confE.121C    Altcode:
  During its evolution, NOAA AR12017 was the source of 3 Coronal Mass
  Ejections (CMEs) and a multitude of energetic flares. In its early
  stages of its evolution it appeared to emerge as a single bipole, which
  was followed by the emergence of a smaller (secondary) bipole near
  its pre-existing leading polarity, forming a new polarity inversion
  line (PIL) between the non-conjugated opposite polarities as well as
  an evolving magnetic topology in the solar corona. Using photospheric
  magnetic field observations from SDO/HMI, spectra and imaging from IRIS
  covering the photosphere and transition region, coronal observations
  from SDO/AIA and flare centroids from RHESSI, we investigate the
  cause(s) of activity associated with the new PIL. The time range of
  the observations spans several hours prior and up to the time of the
  X1.0 flare (associated with a CME eruption). Continuous photospheric
  cancellation correlates with flaring activity in the X-rays right at
  the new PIL, which suggests that cancellation is dominant mechanism
  for the activity of this extremely flare-productive AR.

Title: On the Connection between Propagating Solar Coronal
    Disturbances and Chromospheric Footpoints
Authors: Bryans, P.; McIntosh, S. W.; De Moortel, I.; De Pontieu, B.
2016ApJ...829L..18B    Altcode:
  The Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) provides an
  unparalleled opportunity to explore the (thermal) interface between the
  chromosphere, transition region, and the coronal plasma observed by the
  Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) of the Solar Dynamics Observatory
  (SDO). The SDO/AIA observations of coronal loop footpoints show
  strong recurring upward propagating signals—“propagating coronal
  disturbances” (PCDs) with apparent speeds of the order of 100-120 km
  s<SUP>-1</SUP>. That signal has a clear signature in the slit-jaw images
  of IRIS in addition to identifiable spectral signatures and diagnostics
  in the Mg iih (2803 Å) line. In analyzing the Mg iih line, we are able
  to observe the presence of magnetoacoustic shock waves that are also
  present in the vicinity of the coronal loop footpoints. We see there is
  enough of a correspondence between the shock propagation in Mg iih, the
  evolution of the Si IV line profiles, and the PCD evolution to indicate
  that these waves are an important ingredient for PCDs. In addition, the
  strong flows in the jet-like features in the IRIS Si IV slit-jaw images
  are also associated with PCDs, such that waves and flows both appear
  to be contributing to the signals observed at the footpoints of PCDs.

Title: High Spatial Resolution Fe XII Observations of Solar Active
Authors: Testa, Paola; De Pontieu, Bart; Hansteen, Viggo
2016ApJ...827...99T    Altcode: 2016arXiv160604603T
  We use UV spectral observations of active regions with the Interface
  Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) to investigate the properties of
  the coronal Fe xii 1349.4 Å emission at unprecedented high spatial
  resolution (∼0.33″). We find that by using appropriate observational
  strategies (I.e., long exposures, lossless compression), Fe xii emission
  can be studied with IRIS at high spatial and spectral resolution, at
  least for high-density plasma (e.g., post-flare loops and active region
  moss). We find that upper transition region (TR; moss) Fe xii emission
  shows very small average Doppler redshifts ({v}<SUB>{{D</SUB>}} ∼ 3
  km s<SUP>-1</SUP>) as well as modest non-thermal velocities (with an
  average of ∼24 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> and the peak of the distribution at
  ∼15 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>). The observed distribution of Doppler shifts
  appears to be compatible with advanced three-dimensional radiative
  MHD simulations in which impulsive heating is concentrated at the TR
  footpoints of a hot corona. While the non-thermal broadening of Fe
  xii 1349.4 Å peaks at similar values as lower resolution simultaneous
  Hinode Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) measurements of
  Fe xii 195 Å, IRIS observations show a previously undetected tail
  of increased non-thermal broadening that might be suggestive of the
  presence of subarcsecond heating events. We find that IRIS and EIS
  non-thermal line broadening measurements are affected by instrumental
  effects that can only be removed through careful analysis. Our results
  also reveal an unexplained discrepancy between observed 195.1/1349.4
  Å Fe xii intensity ratios and those predicted by the CHIANTI atomic

Title: Chromospheric LAyer SpectroPolarimeter (CLASP2)
Authors: Narukage, Noriyuki; McKenzie, David E.; Ishikawa, Ryoko;
   Trujillo-Bueno, Javier; De Pontieu, Bart; Kubo, Masahito; Ishikawa,
   Shin-nosuke; Kano, Ryouhei; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Yoshida, Masaki;
   Rachmeler, Laurel A.; Kobayashi, Ken; Cirtain, Jonathan W.; Winebarger,
   Amy R.; Asensio Ramos, Andres; del Pino Aleman, Tanausu; Štępán,
   Jiri; Belluzzi, Luca; Larruquert, Juan Ignacio; Auchère, Frédéric;
   Leenaarts, Jorrit; Carlsson, Mattias J. L.
2016SPIE.9905E..08N    Altcode:
  The sounding rocket Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha SpectroPolarimeter
  (CLASP) was launched on September 3rd, 2015, and successfully detected
  (with a polarization accuracy of 0.1 %) the linear polarization signals
  (Stokes Q and U) that scattering processes were predicted to produce
  in the hydrogen Lyman-alpha line (Lyα 121.567 nm). Via the Hanle
  effect, this unique data set may provide novel information about the
  magnetic structure and energetics in the upper solar chromosphere. The
  CLASP instrument was safely recovered without any damage and we have
  recently proposed to dedicate its second flight to observe the four
  Stokes profiles in the spectral region of the Mg II h and k lines
  around 280 nm; in these lines the polarization signals result from
  scattering processes and the Hanle and Zeeman effects. Here we describe
  the modifications needed to develop this new instrument called the
  "Chromospheric LAyer SpectroPolarimeter" (CLASP2).

Title: Emergence of Granular-sized Magnetic Bubbles Through the
    Solar Atmosphere. III. The Path to the Transition Region
Authors: Ortiz, Ada; Hansteen, Viggo H.; Bellot Rubio, Luis Ramón;
   de la Cruz Rodríguez, Jaime; De Pontieu, Bart; Carlsson, Mats;
   Rouppe van der Voort, Luc
2016ApJ...825...93O    Altcode: 2016arXiv160400302O
  We study, for the first time, the ascent of granular-sized magnetic
  bubbles from the solar photosphere through the chromosphere into the
  transition region and above. Such events occurred in a flux emerging
  region in NOAA 11850 on 2013 September 25. During that time, the
  first co-observing campaign between the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope
  (SST) and the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) spacecraft
  was carried out. Simultaneous observations of the chromospheric Hα
  656.28 nm and Ca II 854.2 nm lines, plus the photospheric Fe I 630.25
  nm line, were made with the CRISP spectropolarimeter at the Spitzer
  Space Telescope (SST) reaching a spatial resolution of 0.″14. At
  the same time, IRIS was performing a four-step dense raster of the
  emerging flux region, taking slit jaw images at 133 (C II, transition
  region), 140 (Si IV, transition region), 279.6 (Mg II k, core, upper
  chromosphere), and 283.2 nm (Mg II k, wing, photosphere). Spectroscopy
  of several lines was performed by the IRIS spectrograph in the far-
  and near-ultraviolet, of which we have used the Si IV 140.3 and the
  Mg II k 279.6 nm lines. Coronal images from the Atmospheric Imaging
  Assembly of the Solar Dynamics Observatory were used to investigate
  the possible coronal signatures of the flux emergence events. The
  photospheric and chromospheric properties of small-scale emerging
  magnetic bubbles have been described in detail in Ortiz et al. Here
  we are able to follow such structures up to the transition region. We
  describe the properties, including temporal delays, of the observed
  flux emergence in all layers. We believe this may be an important
  mechanism of transporting energy and magnetic flux from subsurface
  layers to the transition region and corona.

Title: Coordinated Solar Observation and Event Searches using the
    Heliophysics Events Knowledgebase (HEK)
Authors: Timmons, Ryan; Hurlburt, Neal E.; De Pontieu, Bart
2016SPD....4730903T    Altcode:
  We present capabilities of the HEK for joint searches, returning
  overlapping data from multiple instruments (IRIS, Hinode) that also
  include particular solar features and events (active regions, (large)
  flares, sunspots, etc.). The new search tools aid the process of finding
  observations of particular interest from non-synoptic instruments. They
  also include new data products: processed cutout cubes of SOT-FG and
  AIA data co-aligned with IRIS.

Title: Amplitudes of MHD Waves in Sunspots
Authors: Norton, Aimee Ann; Cally, Paul; Baldner, Charles; Kleint,
   Lucia; Tarbell, Theodore D.; De Pontieu, Bart; Scherrer, Philip H.;
   Rajaguru, Paul
2016SPD....47.1009N    Altcode:
  The conversion of p-modes into MHD waves by strong magnetic fields
  occurs mainly in the sub-photospheric layers. The photospheric
  signatures of MHD waves are weak due to low amplitudes at the beta=1
  equipartion level where mode-conversion occurs. We report on small
  amplitude oscillations observed in the photosphere with Hinode SOT/SP
  in which we analyze time series for sunspots ARs 12186 (11.10.2014)
  and 12434 (17.10.2015). No significant magnetic field oscillations
  are recovered in the umbra or penumbra in the ME inversion. However,
  periodicities in the inclination angle are found at the umbral/penumbral
  boundary with 5 minute periods. Upward propagating waves are indicated
  in the intensity signals correlated between HMI and AIA at different
  heights. We compare SP results with the oscillations observed in HMI
  data. Simultaneous IRIS data shows transition region brightening above
  the umbral core.

Title: Physics &amp; Diagnostics of the Drivers of Solar Eruptions
Authors: Cheung, Mark; Rempel, Matthias D.; Martinez-Sykora, Juan;
   Testa, Paola; Hansteen, Viggo H.; Viktorovna Malanushenko, Anna;
   Sainz Dalda, Alberto; DeRosa, Marc L.; De Pontieu, Bart; Carlsson,
   Mats; Chen, Feng; McIntosh, Scott W.; Gudiksen, Boris
2016SPD....47.0607C    Altcode:
  We provide an update on our NASA Heliophysics Grand Challenges Research
  (HGCR) project on the ‘Physics &amp; Diagnostics of the Drivers of
  Solar Eruptions’. This presentation will focus on results from a
  data-inspired, 3D radiative MHD model of a solar flare. The model
  flare results from the interaction of newly emerging flux with a
  pre-existing active region. Synthetic observables from the model
  reproduce observational features compatible with actual flares. These
  include signatures of coronal magnetic reconnection, chromospheric
  evaporation, EUV flare arcades, sweeping motion of flare ribbons
  and sunquakes.

Title: Spectro-polarimetric observation in UV with CLASP to probe
    the chromosphere and transition region
Authors: Kano, Ryouhei; Ishikawa, Ryohko; Winebarger, Amy R.; Auchère,
   Frédéric; Trujillo Bueno, Javier; Narukage, Noriyuki; Kobayashi,
   Ken; Bando, Takamasa; Katsukawa, Yukio; Kubo, Masahito; Ishikawa,
   Shin-Nosuke; Giono, Gabriel; Hara, Hirohisa; Suematsu, Yoshinori;
   Shimizu, Toshifumi; Sakao, Taro; Tsuneta, Saku; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi;
   Goto, Motoshi; Cirtain, Jonathan W.; De Pontieu, Bart; Casini, Roberto;
   Manso Sainz, Rafael; Asensio Ramos, Andres; Stepan, Jiri; Belluzzi,
   Luca; Carlsson, Mats
2016SPD....4710107K    Altcode:
  The Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP) is a NASA
  sounding-rocket experiment that was performed in White Sands in
  the US on September 3, 2015. During its 5-minute ballistic flight,
  CLASP successfully made the first spectro-polarimetric observation in
  the Lyman-alpha line (121.57 nm) originating in the chromosphere and
  transition region. Since the Lyman-alpha polarization is sensitive
  to magnetic field of 10-100 G by the Hanle effect, we aim to infer
  the magnetic field information in such upper solar atmosphere with
  this experiment.The obtained CLASP data showed that the Lyman-alpha
  scattering polarization is about a few percent in the wings and
  the order of 0.1% in the core near the solar limb, as it had been
  theoretically predicted, and that both polarization signals have a
  conspicuous spatio-temporal variability. CLASP also observed another
  upper-chromospheric line, Si III (120.65 nm), whose critical field
  strength for the Hanle effect is 290 G, and showed a measurable
  scattering polarization of a few % in this line. The polarization
  properties of the Si III line could facilitate the interpretation of
  the scattering polarization observed in the Lyman-alpha line.In this
  presentation, we would like to show how the upper chromosphere and
  transition region are seen in the polarization of these UV lines and
  discuss the possible source of these complicated polarization signals.

Title: Solar Observations with the Atacama Large
    Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA)
Authors: Kobelski, A.; Bastian, T. S.; Bárta, M.; Brajša, R.; Chen,
   B.; De Pontieu, B.; Fleishman, G.; Gary, D.; Hales, A.; Hills, R.;
   Hudson, H.; Hurford, G.; Loukitcheva, M.; Iwai, K.; Krucker, S.;
   Shimojo, M.; Skokić, I.; Wedemeyer, S.; White, S.; Yan, Y.; ALMA
   Solar Development Team
2016ASPC..504..327K    Altcode:
  The Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA) is a
  joint North American, European, and East Asian project that opens
  the mm-sub mm wavelength part of the electromagnetic spectrum for
  general astrophysical exploration, providing high-resolution imaging
  in frequency bands currently ranging from 84 GHz to 950 GHz (300
  microns to 3 mm). It is located in the Atacama desert in northern
  Chile at an elevation of 5000 m. Despite being a general purpose
  instrument, provisions have been made to enable solar observations
  with ALMA. Radiation emitted at ALMA wavelengths originates mostly
  from the chromosphere, which plays an important role in the transport
  of matter and energy, and the in heating the outer layers of the solar
  atmosphere. Despite decades of research, the solar chromosphere remains
  a significant challenge: both to observe, owing to the complicated
  formation mechanisms of currently available diagnostics; and to
  understand, as a result of the complex nature of the structure and
  dynamics of the chromosphere. ALMA has the potential to change the
  scene substantially as it serves as a nearly linear thermometer at
  high spatial and temporal resolution, enabling us to study the complex
  interaction of magnetic fields and shock waves and yet-to-be-discovered
  dynamical processes. Moreover, ALMA will play an important role in
  the study of energetic emissions associated with solar flares at
  sub-THz frequencies.

Title: Solar Science with the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter
    Array—A New View of Our Sun
Authors: Wedemeyer, S.; Bastian, T.; Brajša, R.; Hudson, H.;
   Fleishman, G.; Loukitcheva, M.; Fleck, B.; Kontar, E. P.; De Pontieu,
   B.; Yagoubov, P.; Tiwari, S. K.; Soler, R.; Black, J. H.; Antolin,
   P.; Scullion, E.; Gunár, S.; Labrosse, N.; Ludwig, H. -G.; Benz,
   A. O.; White, S. M.; Hauschildt, P.; Doyle, J. G.; Nakariakov, V. M.;
   Ayres, T.; Heinzel, P.; Karlicky, M.; Van Doorsselaere, T.; Gary,
   D.; Alissandrakis, C. E.; Nindos, A.; Solanki, S. K.; Rouppe van
   der Voort, L.; Shimojo, M.; Kato, Y.; Zaqarashvili, T.; Perez, E.;
   Selhorst, C. L.; Barta, M.
2016SSRv..200....1W    Altcode: 2015SSRv..tmp..118W; 2015arXiv150406887W
  The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) is a new
  powerful tool for observing the Sun at high spatial, temporal, and
  spectral resolution. These capabilities can address a broad range
  of fundamental scientific questions in solar physics. The radiation
  observed by ALMA originates mostly from the chromosphere—a complex
  and dynamic region between the photosphere and corona, which plays a
  crucial role in the transport of energy and matter and, ultimately,
  the heating of the outer layers of the solar atmosphere. Based on
  first solar test observations, strategies for regular solar campaigns
  are currently being developed. State-of-the-art numerical simulations
  of the solar atmosphere and modeling of instrumental effects can help
  constrain and optimize future observing modes for ALMA. Here we present
  a short technical description of ALMA and an overview of past efforts
  and future possibilities for solar observations at submillimeter and
  millimeter wavelengths. In addition, selected numerical simulations
  and observations at other wavelengths demonstrate ALMA's scientific
  potential for studying the Sun for a large range of science cases.

Title: The Rapid Acquisition Imaging Spectrograph Experiment (RAISE)
    Sounding Rocket Investigation
Authors: Laurent, Glenn T.; Hassler, Donald M.; Deforest, Craig;
   Slater, David D.; Thomas, Roger J.; Ayres, Thomas; Davis, Michael; de
   Pontieu, Bart; Diller, Jed; Graham, Roy; Michaelis, Harald; Schuele,
   Udo; Warren, Harry
2016JAI.....540006L    Altcode:
  We present a summary of the solar observing Rapid Acquisition
  Imaging Spectrograph Experiment (RAISE) sounding rocket program
  including an overview of the design and calibration of the instrument,
  flight performance, and preliminary chromospheric results from the
  successful November 2014 launch of the RAISE instrument. The RAISE
  sounding rocket payload is the fastest scanning-slit solar ultraviolet
  imaging spectrograph flown to date. RAISE is designed to observe the
  dynamics and heating of the solar chromosphere and corona on time
  scales as short as 100-200ms, with arcsecond spatial resolution and
  a velocity sensitivity of 1-2km/s. Two full spectral passbands over
  the same one-dimensional spatial field are recorded simultaneously
  with no scanning of the detectors or grating. The two different
  spectral bands (first-order 1205-1251Å and 1524-1569Å) are imaged
  onto two intensified Active Pixel Sensor (APS) detectors whose focal
  planes are individually adjusted for optimized performance. RAISE
  reads out the full field of both detectors at 5-10Hz, recording up
  to 1800 complete spectra (per detector) in a single 6-min rocket
  flight. This opens up a new domain of high time resolution spectral
  imaging and spectroscopy. RAISE is designed to observe small-scale
  multithermal dynamics in Active Region (AR) and quiet Sun loops,
  identify the strength, spectrum and location of high frequency waves
  in the solar atmosphere, and determine the nature of energy release
  in the chromospheric network.

Title: On the Active Region Bright Grains Observed in the Transition
    Region Imaging Channels of IRIS
Authors: Skogsrud, H.; Rouppe van der Voort, L.; De Pontieu, B.
2016ApJ...817..124S    Altcode: 2015arXiv151205263S
  The Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) provides spectroscopy
  and narrow band slit-jaw (SJI) imaging of the solar chromosphere
  and transition region at unprecedented spatial and temporal
  resolutions. Combined with high-resolution context spectral imaging of
  the photosphere and chromosphere as provided by the Swedish 1 m Solar
  Telescope (SST), we can now effectively trace dynamic phenomena through
  large parts of the solar atmosphere in both space and time. IRIS SJI
  1400 images from active regions, which primarily sample the transition
  region with the Si IV 1394 and 1403 Å lines, reveal ubiquitous bright
  “grains” which are short-lived (two to five minute) bright roundish
  small patches of sizes 0.″5-1.″7 that generally move limbward with
  velocities up to about 30 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. In this paper, we show
  that many bright grains are the result of chromospheric shocks impacting
  the transition region. These shocks are associated with dynamic fibrils
  (DFs), most commonly observed in Hα. We find that the grains show the
  strongest emission in the ascending phase of the DF, that the emission
  is strongest toward the top of the DF, and that the grains correspond
  to a blueshift and broadening of the Si IV lines. We note that the
  SJI 1400 grains can also be observed in the SJI 1330 channel which
  is dominated by C II lines. Our observations show that a significant
  part of the active region transition region dynamics is driven from
  the chromosphere below rather than from coronal activity above. We
  conclude that the shocks that drive DFs also play an important role
  in the heating of the upper chromosphere and lower transition region.

Title: A publicly available simulation of an enhanced network region
    of the Sun
Authors: Carlsson, Mats; Hansteen, Viggo H.; Gudiksen, Boris V.;
   Leenaarts, Jorrit; De Pontieu, Bart
2016A&A...585A...4C    Altcode: 2015arXiv151007581C
  Context. The solar chromosphere is the interface between the
  solar surface and the solar corona. Modelling of this region is
  difficult because it represents the transition from optically
  thick to thin radiation escape, from gas-pressure domination to
  magnetic-pressure domination, from a neutral to an ionised state,
  from MHD to plasma physics, and from near-equilibrium (LTE) to
  non-equilibrium conditions. <BR /> Aims: Our aim is to provide the
  community with realistic simulations of the magnetic solar outer
  atmosphere. This will enable detailed comparison of existing and
  upcoming observations with synthetic observables from the simulations,
  thereby elucidating the complex interactions of magnetic fields and
  plasma that are crucial for our understanding of the dynamic outer
  atmosphere. <BR /> Methods: We used the radiation magnetohydrodynamics
  code Bifrost to perform simulations of a computational volume
  with a magnetic field topology similar to an enhanced network
  area on the Sun. <BR /> Results: The full simulation cubes are
  made available from the Hinode Science Data Centre Europe. The
  general properties of the simulation are discussed, and limitations
  are discussed. <P />The Hinode Science Data Centre Europe (<A

Title: Time Dependent Nonequilibrium Ionization of Transition Region
    Lines Observed with IRIS
Authors: Martínez-Sykora, Juan; De Pontieu, Bart; Hansteen, Viggo H.;
   Gudiksen, Boris
2016ApJ...817...46M    Altcode: 2015arXiv151200865M
  The properties of nonstatistical equilibrium ionization of silicon
  and oxygen ions are analyzed in this work. We focus on five solar
  targets (quiet Sun; coronal hole; plage; quiescent active region,
  AR; and flaring AR) as observed with the Interface Region Imaging
  Spectrograph (IRIS). IRIS is best suited for this work owing to the
  high cadence (up to 0.5 s), high spatial resolution (up to 0.″32),
  and high signal-to-noise ratios for O IV λ1401 and Si IV λ1402. We
  find that the observed intensity ratio between lines of three times
  ionized silicon and oxygen ions depends on their total intensity
  and that this correlation varies depending on the region observed
  (quiet Sun, coronal holes, plage, or active regions) and on the
  specific observational objects present (spicules, dynamic loops, jets,
  microflares, or umbra). In order to interpret the observations, we
  compare them with synthetic profiles taken from 2D self-consistent
  radiative MHD simulations of the solar atmosphere, where the
  statistical equilibrium or nonequilibrium treatment of silicon and
  oxygen is applied. These synthetic observations show vaguely similar
  correlations to those in the observations, I.e., between the intensity
  ratios and their intensities, but only in the nonequilibrium case do
  we find that (some of) the observations can be reproduced. We conclude
  that these lines are formed out of statistical equilibrium. We use
  our time-dependent nonequilibrium ionization simulations to describe
  the physical mechanisms behind these observed properties.

Title: Flare-associated Fast-mode Coronal Wave Trains Discovered by
SDO/AIA: Physical Properties and Implications
Authors: Liu, W.; Ofman, L.; Downs, C.; Cheung, C. M. M.; Broder,
   B.; De Pontieu, B.
2015AGUFMSH54B..02L    Altcode:
  Quasi-periodic Fast Propagating wave trains (QFPs) are a new
  observational phenomenon discovered in extreme ultraviolet (EUV) by
  the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) onboard the Solar Dynamics
  Observatory (SDO). They are fast-mode magnetosonic waves, closely
  related to quasi-periodic pulsations in solar flare emission ranging
  from radio to X-ray wavelengths. The significance of QFPs lies in their
  diagnostic potential, because they can provide critical clues to flare
  energy release and serve as new tools for coronal seismology. In
  this presentation, we report recent advances in observing and
  modeling QFPs. For example, using differential emission measure (DEM)
  inversion, we found clear evidence of heating and cooling cycles that
  are consistent with alternating compression and rarefaction expected
  for magnetosonic wave pulses. Moreover, recent IRIS observations
  of QFP source regions revealed sawtooth-like flare ribbon motions,
  indicative of pulsed magnetic reconnection, that are correlated with QFP
  excitation. More interestingly, from a survey of over 100 QFP events,
  we found a preferential association with eruptive flares rather than
  confined flares. We will discuss the implications of these results
  and the potential roles of QFPs in coronal heating, energy transport,
  and solar eruptions.

Title: SSALMON - The Solar Simulations for the Atacama Large
    Millimeter Observatory Network
Authors: Wedemeyer, S.; Bastian, T.; Brajša, R.; Barta, M.; Hudson,
   H.; Fleishman, G.; Loukitcheva, M.; Fleck, B.; Kontar, E.; De Pontieu,
   B.; Tiwari, S.; Kato, Y.; Soler, R.; Yagoubov, P.; Black, J. H.;
   Antolin, P.; Gunár, S.; Labrosse, N.; Benz, A. O.; Nindos, A.;
   Steffen, M.; Scullion, E.; Doyle, J. G.; Zaqarashvili, T.; Hanslmeier,
   A.; Nakariakov, V. M.; Heinzel, P.; Ayres, T.; Karlicky, M.
2015AdSpR..56.2679W    Altcode: 2015arXiv150205601W
  The Solar Simulations for the Atacama Large Millimeter Observatory
  Network (SSALMON) was initiated in 2014 in connection with two ALMA
  development studies. The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array
  (ALMA) is a powerful new tool, which can also observe the Sun at
  high spatial, temporal, and spectral resolution. The international
  SSALMONetwork aims at co-ordinating the further development of solar
  observing modes for ALMA and at promoting scientific opportunities
  for solar physics with particular focus on numerical simulations,
  which can provide important constraints for the observing modes and
  can aid the interpretation of future observations. The radiation
  detected by ALMA originates mostly in the solar chromosphere - a
  complex and dynamic layer between the photosphere and corona, which
  plays an important role in the transport of energy and matter and the
  heating of the outer layers of the solar atmosphere. Potential targets
  include active regions, prominences, quiet Sun regions, flares. Here,
  we give a brief overview over the network and potential science cases
  for future solar observations with ALMA.

Title: Combining IRIS/Hinode Observations and Modeling: a Pathfinder
    for Coronal Heating
Authors: Antolin, P.; Okamoto, J.; De Pontieu, B.
2015AGUFMSH13C2451A    Altcode:
  The combination of imaging and spectroscopic instruments with multiple
  temperature diagnostics at high spatial, temporal and spectral
  resolution can allow to recover the 3D plasma flow and thermodynamic
  evolution associated with specific coronal heating mechanisms. Although
  very hard considering the complexity of the solar atmosphere, this
  approach is becoming possible now through combination of instruments
  such as IRIS and Hinode, and with proper guiding from advanced numerical
  simulations and forward modeling. In this talk I will review recent
  examples of this approach, focusing on a particular, recently published,
  case study, that serves as a pathfinder in the search for the dominant
  coronal heating mechanism. In this case, resonant absorption, a long
  hypothesised wave-related energy conversion mechanism is spotted
  in action for the first time, and is characterised by a peculiar 3D
  motion of the plasma. With the help of 3D MHD numerical simulations and
  forward modeling the observational signatures of resonant absorption
  are characterised, matching very well the observational results. The
  process through which this mechanism can lead to observed significant
  heating in the solar corona is further identified: the resonant
  flow becomes turbulent following dynamic instabilities and heats
  the plasma. I will show how this resonance + instability process is
  expected in different scenarios of the solar atmosphere (the corona,
  prominences and spicules) and can potentially explain several observed
  features that remain so far unexplained.

Title: Properties of moss emission from joint FeXII IRIS and Hinode
    observations of active region plasma
Authors: Testa, P.; De Pontieu, B.; Hansteen, V. H.
2015AGUFMSH31D..06T    Altcode:
  IRIS provides unprecedented high resolution observations of the solar
  chromosphere and transition region. Joint with Hinode XRT and EIS,
  and SDO/AIA, these observations cover from the upper photosphere to
  the corona and provide tight constraints on the mechanisms of energy
  transport and heating of the plasma to coronal temperatures. We present
  new IRIS and Hinode coronal studies of the corona in non-flaring
  conditions, and compare the spectral line properties of FeXII emission
  observed with EIS and IRIS in active region moss. We will discuss
  the implications for the heating of hot coronal loops in the core of
  active regions.

Title: Connections between heating processes in the chromosphere,
    transition region and low corona
Authors: De Pontieu, B.
2015AGUFMSH31B2408D    Altcode:
  We exploit the high spatio-temporal and spectral resolution of
  observations with the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS)
  and the Swedish Solar Telescope to investigate how chromospheric,
  transition region and coronal heating are connected, in particular in
  plage regions at the footpoints of hot coronal loops. We investigate the
  spatio-temporal properties of low chromospheric heating, as diagnosed
  with the Mg II h and k lines, and study their connection with moss
  emission, often used as a proxy for coronal heating. In addition,
  we show how chromospheric dynamic events such as jets impact the
  transition region and low corona.

Title: Impact of the Ion-Neutral Interaction Effects in the Solar
Authors: Martínez-Sykora, J.; De Pontieu, B.; Hansteen, V. H.;
   Carlsson, M.
2015AGUFMSH31B2411M    Altcode:
  The complexity of the chromosphere is due to various regime changes
  that take place across it. Consequently, the interpretation of
  chromospheric observations is a challenging task. It is thus crucial
  to combine these observations with advanced radiative-MHD numerical
  modeling. Because the photosphere, chromosphere and transition region
  are partially ionized, the interaction between ionized and neutral
  particles has important consequences on the magneto-thermodynamics
  of these regions. We implemented the effects of partial ionization
  using generalized Ohm's law in the Bifrost code (Gudiksen et al. 2011)
  which solves the full MHD equations with non-grey and non-LTE radiative
  transfer and thermal conduction along magnetic field lines. We perform
  2.5D simulations which combines large and small scales structures. This
  leads to a highly dynamic chromosphere with large variety of physical
  processes which have not been reproduced with smaller simulations. The
  implementation of partial ionization effects impact our modeled
  radiative-MHD atmosphere, such as producing chromospheric heating and
  diffusion of photospheric magnetic field into the upper-chromosphere. We
  will also focus on which observables of these processes can be revealed
  with chromospheric observations.

Title: The Formation of Iris Diagnostics. VIII. Iris Observations
    in the C II 133.5 nm Multiplet.
Authors: Rathore, Bhavna; Pereira, Tiago M. D.; Carlsson, Mats;
   De Pontieu, Bart
2015ApJ...814...70R    Altcode: 2015arXiv151004845R
  The C ii 133.5 nm multiplet has been observed by NASA’s Interface
  Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) in unprecedented spatial
  resolution. The aims of this work are to characterize these new
  observations of the C ii lines, place them in context with previous
  work, and to identify any additional value the C ii lines bring when
  compared with other spectral lines. We make use of wide, long exposure
  IRIS rasters covering the quiet Sun and an active region. Line
  properties such as velocity shift and width are extracted from
  individual spectra and analyzed. The lines have a variety of shapes
  (mostly single-peak or double-peak), are strongest in active regions
  and weaker in the quiet Sun. The ratio between the 133.4 and 133.5 nm
  components is always less than 1.8, indicating that their radiation
  is optically thick in all locations. Maps of the C ii line widths are
  a powerful new diagnostic of chromospheric structures, and their line
  shifts are a robust velocity diagnostic. Compared with earlier quiet Sun
  observations, we find similar absolute intensities and mean line widths,
  but smaller redshifts; this difference can perhaps be attributed to
  differences in spectral resolution and spatial coverage. The C ii
  intensity maps are somewhat similar to those of transition region
  lines, but also share some features with chromospheric maps such as
  those from the Mg ii k line, indicating that they are formed between
  the upper chromosphere and transition region. C ii intensity, width,
  and velocity maps can therefore be used to gather additional information
  about the upper chromosphere.

Title: The Formation of IRIS Diagnostics. VI. The Diagnostic Potential
    of the C II Lines at 133.5 nm in the Solar Atmosphere
Authors: Rathore, Bhavna; Carlsson, Mats; Leenaarts, Jorrit; De
   Pontieu, Bart
2015ApJ...811...81R    Altcode: 2015arXiv150804423R
  We use 3D radiation magnetohydrodynamic models to investigate how the
  thermodynamic quantities in the simulation are encoded in observable
  quantities, thus exploring the diagnostic potential of the C ii 133.5
  nm lines. We find that the line core intensity is correlated with the
  temperature at the formation height but the correlation is rather weak,
  especially when the lines are strong. The line core Doppler shift is a
  good measure of the line-of-sight velocity at the formation height. The
  line width is both dependent on the width of the absorption profile
  (thermal and non-thermal width) and an opacity broadening factor of
  1.2-4 due to the optically thick line formation with a larger broadening
  for double peak profiles. The C ii 133.5 nm lines can be formed both
  higher and lower than the core of the Mg ii k line depending on the
  amount of plasma in the 14-50 kK temperature range. More plasma in
  this temperature range gives a higher C ii 133.5 nm formation height
  relative to the Mg ii k line core. The synthetic line profiles have been
  compared with Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph observations. The
  derived parameters from the simulated line profiles cover the parameter
  range seen in observations but, on average, the synthetic profiles are
  too narrow. We interpret this discrepancy as a combination of a lack
  of plasma at chromospheric temperatures in the simulation box and too
  small non-thermal velocities. The large differences in the distribution
  of properties between the synthetic profiles and the observed ones
  show that the C ii 133.5 nm lines are powerful diagnostics of the
  upper chromosphere and lower transition region.

Title: Numerical Simulations of Coronal Heating through Footpoint
Authors: Hansteen, V.; Guerreiro, N.; De Pontieu, B.; Carlsson, M.
2015ApJ...811..106H    Altcode: 2015arXiv150807234H
  Advanced three-dimensional (3D) radiative MHD simulations now reproduce
  many properties of the outer solar atmosphere. When including a domain
  from the convection zone into the corona, a hot chromosphere and corona
  are self-consistently maintained. Here we study two realistic models,
  with different simulated areas, magnetic field strength and topology,
  and numerical resolution. These are compared in order to characterize
  the heating in the 3D-MHD simulations which self-consistently
  maintains the structure of the atmosphere. We analyze the heating
  at both large and small scales and find that heating is episodic and
  highly structured in space, but occurs along loop-shaped structures,
  and moves along with the magnetic field. On large scales we find that
  the heating per particle is maximal near the transition region and that
  widely distributed opposite-polarity field in the photosphere leads
  to a greater heating scale height in the corona. On smaller scales,
  heating is concentrated in current sheets, the thicknesses of which are
  set by the numerical resolution. Some current sheets fragment in time,
  this process occurring more readily in the higher-resolution model
  leading to spatially highly intermittent heating. The large-scale
  heating structures are found to fade in less than about five minutes,
  while the smaller, local, heating shows timescales of the order of two
  minutes in one model and one minutes in the other, higher-resolution,

Title: Ellerman Bombs at High Resolution. III. Simultaneous
    Observations with IRIS and SST
Authors: Vissers, G. J. M.; Rouppe van der Voort, L. H. M.; Rutten,
   R. J.; Carlsson, M.; De Pontieu, B.
2015ApJ...812...11V    Altcode: 2015arXiv150700435V
  Ellerman bombs (EBs) are transient brightenings of the extended wings
  of the solar Balmer lines in emerging active regions. We describe
  their properties in the ultraviolet lines sampled by the Interface
  Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS), using simultaneous imaging
  spectroscopy in Hα with the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope (SST) and
  ultraviolet images from the Solar Dynamics Observatory for Ellerman
  bomb detection and identification. We select multiple co-observed
  EBs for detailed analysis. The IRIS spectra strengthen the view that
  EBs mark reconnection between bipolar kilogauss fluxtubes with the
  reconnection and the resulting bi-directional jet located within the
  solar photosphere and shielded by overlying chromospheric fibrils in
  the cores of strong lines. The spectra suggest that the reconnecting
  photospheric gas underneath is heated sufficiently to momentarily reach
  stages of ionization normally assigned to the transition region and the
  corona. We also analyze similar outburst phenomena that we classify as
  small flaring arch filaments and ascribe to reconnection at a higher
  location. They have different morphologies and produce hot arches in
  million-Kelvin diagnostics.

Title: Observed Variability of the Solar Mg II h Spectral Line
Authors: Schmit, D.; Bryans, P.; De Pontieu, B.; McIntosh, S.;
   Leenaarts, J.; Carlsson, M.
2015ApJ...811..127S    Altcode: 2015arXiv150804714S
  The Mg ii h&amp;k doublet are two of the primary spectral lines observed
  by the Sun-pointing Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS). These
  lines are tracers of the magnetic and thermal environment that spans
  from the photosphere to the upper chromosphere. We use a double-Gaussian
  model to fit the Mg ii h profile for a full-Sun mosaic data set taken
  on 2014 August 24. We use the ensemble of high-quality profile fits to
  conduct a statistical study on the variability of the line profile as
  it relates the magnetic structure, dynamics, and center-to-limb viewing
  angle. The average internetwork profile contains a deeply reversed
  core and is weakly asymmetric at h2. In the internetwork, we find a
  strong correlation between h3 wavelength and profile asymmetry as well
  as h1 width and h2 width. The average reversal depth of the h3 core
  is inversely related to the magnetic field. Plage and sunspots exhibit
  many profiles that do not contain a reversal. These profiles also occur
  infrequently in the internetwork. We see indications of magnetically
  aligned structures in plage and network in statistics associated with
  the line core, but these structures are not clear or extended in the
  internetwork. The center-to-limb variations are compared to predictions
  of semi-empirical model atmospheres. We measure a pronounced limb
  darkening in the line core that is not predicted by the model. The
  aim of this work is to provide a comprehensive measurement baseline
  and preliminary analysis on the observed structure and formation of
  the Mg ii profiles observed by IRIS.

Title: CLASP: A UV Spectropolarimeter on a Sounding Rocket for
    Probing theChromosphere-Corona Transition Regio
Authors: Ishikawa, Ryohko; Kano, Ryouhei; Winebarger, Amy; Auchere,
   Frederic; Trujillo Bueno, Javier; Bando, Takamasa; Narukage,
   Noriyuki; Kobayashi, Ken; Katsukawa, Yukio; Kubo, Masahito; Ishikawa,
   Shin-nosuke; Giono, Gabriel; Tsuneta, Saku; Hara, Hirohisa; Suematsu,
   Yoshinori; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Sakao, Taro; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi;
   Cirtain, Jonathan; De Pontieu, Bart; Casini, Roberto; Manso Sainz,
   Rafael; Asensio Ramos, Andres; Stepan, Jiri; Belluzzi, Luca
2015IAUGA..2254536I    Altcode:
  The wish to understand the energetic phenomena of the outer solar
  atmosphere makes it increasingly important to achieve quantitative
  information on the magnetic field in the chromosphere-corona
  transition region. To this end, we need to measure and model the
  linear polarization produced by scattering processes and the Hanle
  effect in strong UV resonance lines, such as the hydrogen Lyman-alpha
  line. A team consisting of Japan, USA, Spain, France, and Norway has
  been developing a sounding rocket experiment called the Chromospheric
  Lyman-alpha Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP). The aim is to detect the
  scattering polarization produced by anisotropic radiation pumping in
  the hydrogen Lyman-alpha line (121.6 nm), and via the Hanle effect to
  try to constrain the magnetic field vector in the upper chromosphere
  and transition region. In this talk, we will present an overview
  of our CLASP mission, its scientific objectives, ground tests made,
  and the latest information on the launch planned for the Summer of 2015.

Title: The Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array: a New Asset
    for Solar and Heliospheric Physics
Authors: Bastian, Timothy S.; Barta, Miroslav; Brajsa, Roman; Chen,
   Bin; De Pontieu, Bart; Fleishman, Gregory; Gary, Dale; Hales, Antonio;
   Hills, Richard; Hudson, Hugh; Iwai, Kazamasu; Shimojo, Masumi; White,
   Stephen; Wedemeyer, Sven; Yan, Yihua
2015IAUGA..2257295B    Altcode:
  The Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA) is a joint
  North American, European, and East Asian interferometric array that
  opens the mm-submm wavelength part of the electromagnetic spectrum
  for general astrophysical exploration, providing high-resolution
  imaging in frequency bands ranging from 86 to 950 GHz. Despite being
  a general purpose instrument, provisions have been made to enable
  solar observations with ALMA. Radiation emitted at ALMA wavelengths
  originates mostly from the chromosphere, which plays an important
  role in the transport of energy and matter and the heating of the
  outer layers of the solar atmosphere. In this paper we describe
  recent efforts to ensure that ALMA can be usefully exploited by
  the scientific community to address outstanding questions in solar
  physics. We summarize activities under North American and European
  ALMA development studies, including instrument testing, calibration
  and imaging strategies, a science simulations. With the support of
  solar observations, ALMA joins next-generation groundbased instruments
  that can be used alone or in combination with other ground-based and
  space-based instruments to address outstanding questions in solar
  and heliospheric physics. Opportunities for the wider community to
  contribute to these efforts will be highlighted.

Title: Resonant Absorption of Transverse Oscillations and Associated
    Heating in a Solar Prominence. II. Numerical Aspects
Authors: Antolin, P.; Okamoto, T. J.; De Pontieu, B.; Uitenbroek,
   H.; Van Doorsselaere, T.; Yokoyama, T.
2015ApJ...809...72A    Altcode: 2015arXiv150609108A
  Transverse magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves are ubiquitous in
  the solar atmosphere and may be responsible for generating the
  Sun’s million-degree outer atmosphere. However, direct evidence
  of the dissipation process and heating from these waves remains
  elusive. Through advanced numerical simulations combined with
  appropriate forward modeling of a prominence flux tube, we provide
  the observational signatures of transverse MHD waves in prominence
  plasmas. We show that these signatures are characterized by a
  thread-like substructure, strong transverse dynamical coherence,
  an out-of-phase difference between plane-of-the-sky motions and
  line-of-sight velocities, and enhanced line broadening and heating
  around most of the flux tube. A complex combination between resonant
  absorption and Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities (KHIs) takes place
  in which the KHI extracts the energy from the resonant layer and
  dissipates it through vortices and current sheets, which rapidly
  degenerate into turbulence. An inward enlargement of the boundary
  is produced in which the turbulent flows conserve the characteristic
  dynamics from the resonance, therefore guaranteeing detectability of
  the resonance imprints. We show that the features described in the
  accompanying paper through coordinated Hinode and Interface Region
  Imaging Spectrograph observations match the numerical results well.

Title: Resonant Absorption of Transverse Oscillations and Associated
    Heating in a Solar Prominence. I. Observational Aspects
Authors: Okamoto, Takenori J.; Antolin, Patrick; De Pontieu, Bart;
   Uitenbroek, Han; Van Doorsselaere, Tom; Yokoyama, Takaaki
2015ApJ...809...71O    Altcode: 2015arXiv150608965O
  Transverse magnetohydrodynamic waves have been shown to be ubiquitous
  in the solar atmosphere and can, in principle, carry sufficient energy
  to generate and maintain the Sun’s million-degree outer atmosphere
  or corona. However, direct evidence of the dissipation process of these
  waves and subsequent heating has not yet been directly observed. Here we
  report on high spatial, temporal, and spectral resolution observations
  of a solar prominence that show a compelling signature of so-called
  resonant absorption, a long hypothesized mechanism to efficiently
  convert and dissipate transverse wave energy into heat. Aside
  from coherence in the transverse direction, our observations show
  telltale phase differences around 180° between transverse motions
  in the plane-of-sky and line-of-sight velocities of the oscillating
  fine structures or threads, and also suggest significant heating from
  chromospheric to higher temperatures. Comparison with advanced numerical
  simulations support a scenario in which transverse oscillations trigger
  a Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (KHI) at the boundaries of oscillating
  threads via resonant absorption. This instability leads to numerous
  thin current sheets in which wave energy is dissipated and plasma is
  heated. Our results provide direct evidence for wave-related heating
  in action, one of the candidate coronal heating mechanisms.

Title: What Do IRIS Observations of Mg II k Tell Us about the Solar
    Plage Chromosphere?
Authors: Carlsson, Mats; Leenaarts, Jorrit; De Pontieu, Bart
2015ApJ...809L..30C    Altcode: 2015arXiv150804888C
  We analyze observations from the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph
  of the Mg ii k line, the Mg ii UV subordinate lines, and the O i
  135.6 {nm} line to better understand the solar plage chromosphere. We
  also make comparisons with observations from the Swedish 1-m Solar
  Telescope of the Hα line, the Ca ii 8542 line, and Solar Dynamics
  Observatory/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly observations of the coronal
  19.3 {nm} line. To understand the observed Mg ii profiles, we compare
  these observations to the results of numerical experiments. The
  single-peaked or flat-topped Mg ii k profiles found in plage imply a
  transition region at a high column mass and a hot and dense chromosphere
  of about 6500 K. This scenario is supported by the observed large-scale
  correlation between moss brightness and filled-in profiles with very
  little or absent self-reversal. The large wing width found in plage
  also implies a hot and dense chromosphere with a steep chromospheric
  temperature rise. The absence of emission in the Mg ii subordinate
  lines constrain the chromospheric temperature and the height of the
  temperature rise while the width of the O i 135.6 {nm} line sets a
  limit to the non-thermal velocities to around 7 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>.

Title: On the Temporal Evolution of Spicules Observed with IRIS,
    SDO, and Hinode
Authors: Skogsrud, H.; Rouppe van der Voort, L.; De Pontieu, B.;
   Pereira, T. M. D.
2015ApJ...806..170S    Altcode: 2015arXiv150502525S
  Spicules are ubiquitous, fast moving jets observed off-limb in
  chromospheric spectral lines. Combining the recently launched Interface
  Region Imaging Spectrograph with the Solar Dynamics Observatory and
  Hinode, we have a unique opportunity to study spicules simultaneously
  in multiple passbands and from a seeing free environment. This makes
  it possible to study their thermal evolution over a large range of
  temperatures. A recent study showed that spicules appear in several
  chromospheric and transition region spectral lines, suggesting that
  spicules continue their evolution in hotter passbands after they
  fade from Ca ii H. In this follow-up paper, we answer some of the
  questions that were raised in the introductory study. In addition,
  we study spicules off-limb in C ii 1330 Å for the first time. We find
  that Ca ii H spicules are more similar to Mg ii 2976 Å spicules than
  initially reported. For a sample of 54 spicules, we find that 44% of
  Si iv 1400 Å spicules are brighter toward the top; 56% of the spicules
  show an increase in Si iv emission when the Ca ii H component fades. We
  find several examples of spicules that fade from passbands other than
  Ca ii H, and we observe that if a spicule fades from a passband,
  it also generally fades from the passbands with lower formation
  temperatures. We discuss what these new, multi-spectral results mean
  for the classification of type I and II spicules.

Title: The Formation of IRIS Diagnostics. IV. The Mg II Triplet
    Lines as a New Diagnostic for Lower Chromospheric Heating
Authors: Pereira, Tiago M. D.; Carlsson, Mats; De Pontieu, Bart;
   Hansteen, Viggo
2015ApJ...806...14P    Altcode: 2015arXiv150401733P
  A triplet of subordinate lines of Mg ii exists in the region around
  the h&amp;k lines. In solar spectra these lines are seen mostly
  in absorption, but in some cases can become emission lines. The
  aim of this work is to study the formation of this triplet, and
  investigate any diagnostic value they can bring. Using 3D radiative
  magnetohydrodynamic simulations of quiet Sun and flaring flux emergence,
  we synthesize spectra and investigate how spectral features respond
  to the underlying atmosphere. We find that emission in the lines
  is rare and is typically caused by a steep temperature increase in
  the lower chromosphere (above 1500 K, with electron densities above
  10<SUP>17</SUP> m<SUP>-3</SUP>). In both simulations the lines are
  sensitive to temperature increases taking place at column masses ≳5
  · 10<SUP>-4</SUP> g cm<SUP>-2</SUP>. Additional information can
  also be inferred from the peak-to-wing ratio and shape of the line
  profiles. Using observations from NASA's Interface Region Imaging
  Spectrograph we find both absorption and emission line profiles with
  similar shapes to the synthetic spectra, which suggests that these lines
  represent a useful diagnostic that complements the Mg ii h&amp;k lines.

Title: First High-resolution Spectroscopic Observations of an Erupting
    Prominence Within a Coronal Mass Ejection by the Interface Region
    Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS)
Authors: Liu, Wei; De Pontieu, Bart; Vial, Jean-Claude; Title, Alan
   M.; Carlsson, Mats; Uitenbroek, Han; Okamoto, Takenori J.; Berger,
   Thomas E.; Antolin, Patrick
2015ApJ...803...85L    Altcode: 2015arXiv150204738L
  Spectroscopic observations of prominence eruptions associated with
  coronal mass ejections (CMEs), although relatively rare, can provide
  valuable plasma and three-dimensional geometry diagnostics. We report
  the first observations by the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph
  mission of a spectacular fast CME/prominence eruption associated with
  an equivalent X1.6 flare on 2014 May 9. The maximum plane-of-sky and
  Doppler velocities of the eruption are 1200 and 460 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>,
  respectively. There are two eruption components separated by ∼200
  km s<SUP>-1</SUP> in Doppler velocity: a primary, bright component
  and a secondary, faint component, suggesting a hollow, rather than
  solid, cone-shaped distribution of material. The eruption involves
  a left-handed helical structure undergoing counterclockwise (viewed
  top-down) unwinding motion. There is a temporal evolution from upward
  eruption to downward fallback with less-than-free-fall speeds and
  decreasing nonthermal line widths. We find a wide range of Mg ii k/h
  line intensity ratios (less than ∼2 expected for optically-thin
  thermal emission): the lowest ever reported median value of 1.17
  found in the fallback material, a comparably high value of 1.63 in
  nearby coronal rain, and intermediate values of 1.53 and 1.41 in
  the two eruption components. The fallback material exhibits a strong
  (\gt 5σ ) linear correlation between the k/h ratio and the Doppler
  velocity as well as the line intensity. We demonstrate that Doppler
  dimming of scattered chromospheric emission by the erupted material
  can potentially explain such characteristics.

Title: Toward a Better Understanding of the Solar Atmosphere:
    Combining Observations and Numerical Modeling
Authors: De Pontieu, Bart
2015TESS....110001D    Altcode:
  The study of the Sun, our nearest star, is making rapid progress,
  through a combination of a host of new space-based and ground-based
  observatories coming online and major advances in numerical simulations
  that incorporate increasingly complex physical mechanisms. I will
  provide an overview of some recent exciting discoveries that highlight
  the synergy between numerical modeling and observations with the
  Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS), Solar Dynamics Observatory
  (SDO) and Hinode spacecraft. Some of the topics I will discuss include:
  1. recent advances in understanding the dominant heating mechanism(s)
  of the solar atmosphere focusing on dissipation of Alfven waves, as
  well as the presence of non-thermal particles in small heating events
  resulting from magnetic reconnection; 2. heating and reconnection in
  the partially ionized chromosphere; 3. the origin of the slow solar
  wind; 4. the global nature and long-distance connections governing
  the instability of the solar atmosphere and driving eruptions such as
  coronal mass ejections.

Title: The role of partial ionization effects in the chromosphere
Authors: Martínez-Sykora, Juan; De Pontieu, Bart; Hansteen, Viggo;
   Carlsson, Mats
2015RSPTA.37340268M    Altcode: 2015arXiv150302723M
  The energy for the coronal heating must be provided from the
  convection zone. However, the amount and the method by which this
  energy is transferred into the corona depend on the properties of the
  lower atmosphere and the corona itself. We review: (i) how the energy
  could be built in the lower solar atmosphere, (ii) how this energy is
  transferred through the solar atmosphere, and (iii) how the energy is
  finally dissipated in the chromosphere and/or corona. Any mechanism of
  energy transport has to deal with the various physical processes in the
  lower atmosphere. We will focus on a physical process that seems to
  be highly important in the chromosphere and not deeply studied until
  recently: the ion-neutral interaction effects in the chromosphere. We
  review the relevance and the role of the partial ionization in the
  chromosphere and show that this process actually impacts considerably
  the outer solar atmosphere. We include analysis of our 2.5D radiative
  magnetohydrodynamic simulations with the Bifrost code (Gudiksen et
  al. 2011 Astron. Astrophys. 531, A154 (doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201116520))
  including the partial ionization effects on the chromosphere
  and corona and thermal conduction along magnetic field lines. The
  photosphere, chromosphere and transition region are partially ionized
  and the interaction between ionized particles and neutral particles
  has important consequences on the magneto-thermodynamics of these
  layers. The partial ionization effects are treated using generalized
  Ohm's law, i.e. we consider the Hall term and the ambipolar diffusion
  (Pedersen dissipation) in the induction equation. The interaction
  between the different species affects the modelled atmosphere as
  follows: (i) the ambipolar diffusion dissipates magnetic energy and
  increases the minimum temperature in the chromosphere and (ii) the
  upper chromosphere may get heated and expanded over a greater range
  of heights. These processes reveal appreciable differences between
  the modelled atmospheres of simulations with and without ion-neutral
  interaction effects.

Title: Internetwork Chromospheric Bright Grains Observed With IRIS
    and SST
Authors: Martínez-Sykora, Juan; Rouppe van der Voort, Luc; Carlsson,
   Mats; De Pontieu, Bart; Pereira, Tiago M. D.; Boerner, Paul; Hurlburt,
   Neal; Kleint, Lucia; Lemen, James; Tarbell, Ted D.; Title, Alan;
   Wuelser, Jean-Pierre; Hansteen, Viggo H.; Golub, Leon; McKillop, Sean;
   Reeves, Kathy K.; Saar, Steven; Testa, Paola; Tian, Hui; Jaeggli,
   Sarah; Kankelborg, Charles
2015ApJ...803...44M    Altcode: 2015arXiv150203490M
  The Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) reveals small-scale
  rapid brightenings in the form of bright grains all over coronal holes
  and the quiet Sun. These bright grains are seen with the IRIS 1330,
  1400, and 2796 Å slit-jaw filters. We combine coordinated observations
  with IRIS and from the ground with the Swedish 1 m Solar Telescope
  (SST) which allows us to have chromospheric (Ca ii 8542 Å, Ca ii H
  3968 Å, Hα, and Mg ii k 2796 Å) and transition region (C ii 1334 Å,
  Si iv 1403 Å) spectral imaging, and single-wavelength Stokes maps
  in Fe i 6302 Å at high spatial (0\buildrel{\prime\prime}\over{.}
  33), temporal, and spectral resolution. We conclude that the IRIS
  slit-jaw grains are the counterpart of so-called acoustic grains,
  i.e., resulting from chromospheric acoustic waves in a non-magnetic
  environment. We compare slit-jaw images (SJIs) with spectra from the
  IRIS spectrograph. We conclude that the grain intensity in the 2796
  Å slit-jaw filter comes from both the Mg ii k core and wings. The
  signal in the C ii and Si iv lines is too weak to explain the presence
  of grains in the 1300 and 1400 Å SJIs and we conclude that the grain
  signal in these passbands comes mostly from the continuum. Although
  weak, the characteristic shock signatures of acoustic grains can often
  be detected in IRIS C ii spectra. For some grains, a spectral signature
  can be found in IRIS Si iv. This suggests that upward propagating
  acoustic waves sometimes reach all the way up to the transition region.

Title: Synthesized Spectra of Optically Thin Emission Lines
Authors: Olluri, K.; Gudiksen, B. V.; Hansteen, V. H.; De Pontieu, B.
2015ApJ...802....5O    Altcode:
  In recent years realistic 3D numerical models of the solar atmosphere
  have become available. The models attempt to recreate the solar
  atmosphere and mimic observations in the best way, in order to make it
  possible to couple complicated observations with physical properties
  such as the temperatures, densities, velocities, and magnetic fields. We
  here present a study of synthetic spectra created using the Bifrost code
  in order to assess how well they fit with previously taken solar data. A
  study of the synthetic intensity, nonthermal line widths, Doppler
  shifts, and correlations between any two of these three components of
  the spectra first assuming statistical equilibrium is made, followed by
  a report on some of the effects nonequilibrium ionization will have on
  the synthesized spectra. We find that the synthetic intensities compare
  well with the observations. The synthetic observations depend on the
  assumed resolution and point-spread function (PSF) of the instrument,
  and we find a large effect on the results, especially for intensity
  and nonthermal line width. The Doppler shifts produce the reported
  persistent redshifts for the transition region (TR) lines and blueshifts
  for the upper TR and corona lines. The nonthermal line widths reproduce
  the well-known turnoff point around (2-3) × 10<SUP>5</SUP> K, but
  with much lower values than those observed. The nonthermal line widths
  tend to increase with decreasing assumed instrumental resolution, also
  when nonequilibrium ionization is included. Correlations between the
  nonthermal line width of any two TR line studies as reported by Chae et
  al. are reproduced, while the correlations of intensity to line width
  are reproduced only after applying a PSF to the data. Doppler shift
  correlations reported by Doschek for the TR lines and correlations of
  Doppler shift to nonthermal line width of the Fe xii <SUB>19.5</SUB>
  line reported by Doschek et al. are reproduced.

Title: Homologous Helical Jets: Observations By IRIS, SDO, and Hinode
    and Magnetic Modeling With Data-Driven Simulations
Authors: Cheung, Mark C. M.; De Pontieu, B.; Tarbell, T. D.; Fu, Y.;
   Tian, H.; Testa, P.; Reeves, K. K.; Martínez-Sykora, J.; Boerner,
   P.; Wülser, J. P.; Lemen, J.; Title, A. M.; Hurlburt, N.; Kleint,
   L.; Kankelborg, C.; Jaeggli, S.; Golub, L.; McKillop, S.; Saar, S.;
   Carlsson, M.; Hansteen, V.
2015ApJ...801...83C    Altcode: 2015arXiv150101593C
  We report on observations of recurrent jets by instruments on board
  the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph, Solar Dynamics Observatory
  (SDO), and Hinode spacecraft. Over a 4 hr period on 2013 July 21,
  recurrent coronal jets were observed to emanate from NOAA Active Region
  11793. Far-ultraviolet spectra probing plasma at transition region
  temperatures show evidence of oppositely directed flows with components
  reaching Doppler velocities of ±100 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. Raster Doppler
  maps using a Si iv transition region line show all four jets to have
  helical motion of the same sense. Simultaneous observations of the
  region by SDO and Hinode show that the jets emanate from a source
  region comprising a pore embedded in the interior of a supergranule. The
  parasitic pore has opposite polarity flux compared to the surrounding
  network field. This leads to a spine-fan magnetic topology in the
  coronal field that is amenable to jet formation. Time-dependent
  data-driven simulations are used to investigate the underlying drivers
  for the jets. These numerical experiments show that the emergence of
  current-carrying magnetic field in the vicinity of the pore supplies
  the magnetic twist needed for recurrent helical jet formation.

Title: Why is Non-Thermal Line Broadening of Spectral Lines in the
    Lower Transition Region of the Sun Independent of Spatial Resolution?
Authors: De Pontieu, B.; McIntosh, S.; Martinez-Sykora, J.; Peter,
   H.; Pereira, T. M. D.
2015ApJ...799L..12D    Altcode: 2017arXiv171006807D
  Spectral observations of the solar transition region (TR) and
  corona show broadening of spectral lines beyond what is expected
  from thermal and instrumental broadening. The remaining non-thermal
  broadening is significant (5-30 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>) and correlated with
  intensity. Here we study spectra of the TR Si iv 1403 Å line obtained
  at high resolution with the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph
  (IRIS). We find that the large improvement in spatial resolution
  (0.″33) of IRIS compared to previous spectrographs (2″) does
  not resolve the non-thermal line broadening which, in most regions,
  remains at pre-IRIS levels of about 20 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. This
  invariance to spatial resolution indicates that the processes behind
  the broadening occur along the line-of-sight (LOS) and/or on spatial
  scales (perpendicular to the LOS) smaller than 250 km. Both effects
  appear to play a role. Comparison with IRIS chromospheric observations
  shows that, in regions where the LOS is more parallel to the field,
  magneto-acoustic shocks driven from below impact the TR and can lead
  to significant non-thermal line broadening. This scenario is supported
  by MHD simulations. While these do not show enough non-thermal line
  broadening, they do reproduce the long-known puzzling correlation
  between non-thermal line broadening and intensity. This correlation
  is caused by the shocks, but only if non-equilibrium ionization is
  taken into account. In regions where the LOS is more perpendicular
  to the field, the prevalence of small-scale twist is likely to play
  a significant role in explaining the invariance and correlation with

Title: Heating Signatures in the Disk Counterparts of Solar Spicules
    in Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph Observations
Authors: Rouppe van der Voort, L.; De Pontieu, B.; Pereira, T. M. D.;
   Carlsson, M.; Hansteen, V.
2015ApJ...799L...3R    Altcode: 2014arXiv1412.4531R
  We use coordinated observations with the Interface Region Imaging
  Spectrograph (IRIS) and the Swedish 1 m Solar Telescope to identify
  the disk counterpart of type II spicules in upper-chromospheric and
  transition region (TR) diagnostics. These disk counterparts were
  earlier identified through short-lived asymmetries in chromospheric
  spectral lines: rapid blue- or red-shifted excursions (RBEs or RREs). We
  find clear signatures of RBEs and RREs in Mg II h &amp; k, often with
  excursions of the central h3 and k3 absorption features in concert with
  asymmetries in co-temporal and co-spatial Hα spectral profiles. We find
  spectral signatures for RBEs and RREs in C II 1335 and 1336 Å and Si
  IV 1394 and 1403 Å spectral lines and interpret this as a sign that
  type II spicules are heated to at least TR temperatures, supporting
  other recent work. These C II and Si IV spectral signals are weaker
  for a smaller network region than for more extended network regions in
  our data. A number of bright features around extended network regions
  observed in IRIS slit-jaw imagery SJI 1330 and 1400, recently identified
  as network jets, can be clearly connected to Hα RBEs and/or RREs in
  our coordinated data. We speculate that at least part of the diffuse
  halo around network regions in the IRIS SJI 1330 and 1400 images can
  be attributed to type II spicules with insufficient opacity in the C
  II and Si IV lines to stand out as single features in these passbands.

Title: The VAULT2.0 Observing Campaign: A Comprehensive Investigation
    of the Chromosphere-Corona Interface at Sub-arcsecond scales
Authors: Vourlidas, A.; Korendyke, C.; Tun-Beltran, S. D.; Ugarte-Urra,
   I.; Morrill, J. S.; Warren, H. P.; Young, P.; De Pontieu, B.; Gauzzi,
   G.; Reardon, K.
2014AGUFMSH41C4155V    Altcode:
  We report the first results from an observing campaign in support of
  the VAULT2.0 sounding rocket launch on September 30, 2014. VAULT2.0
  is a Lya (1216Å) spectroheliograph capable of 0.3" (~250 km) spatial
  resolution. The objective of the VAULT2.0 project is the study of
  the chromosphere-corona interface. This interface has acquired renewed
  emphasis over the last few years, thanks to high-resolution observations
  from Hinode/SOT and EIS instruments and the Lya imaging from the two
  VAULT flights. The observations have shown that the upper chromosphere
  may play a more important role in heating the corona and in affecting
  EUV observations that previously thought: (1) by supplying the mass
  via Type-II spicules and, (2) by absorbing coronal emission. Many of
  the required clues for further progress are located in sub-arcsecond
  structures with temperatures between 10000 and 50000 K, a regime not
  accessible by Hinode or SDO. Lyman-alpha observations are, therefore,
  ideal, for filling in this gap. The observing campaign in support of
  the VAULT2.0 is closely coordinated with the Hinode and IRIS missions
  to study the mass/energy flow from the chromosphere to the corona with
  joint observations of type-II spicules, and the magnetic connectivity
  of coronal loops using the full imaging and spectral capabilities of
  IRIS, Hinode and SDO. Several ground-based observatories also provide
  important observations (IBIS, BBSO, SOLIS). The VAULT2.0 project is
  funded by the NASA LCAS program.

Title: IRIS diagnostics of non-thermal particles in coronal loops
    heated by nanoflares
Authors: Testa, P.; De Pontieu, B.; Allred, J. C.; Carlsson, M.;
   Reale, F.; Daw, A. N.
2014AGUFMSH53D..08T    Altcode:
  The variability of emission of the "moss", i.e., the upper transition
  region (TR) layer of high pressure loops in active regions, provides
  stringent constraints on the characteristics of heating events. We
  will discuss the new coronal heating diagnostics provided by the
  Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) together with SDO/AIA. IRIS
  provides imaging and spectral observations of the solar chromosphere
  and transition region, at high spatial (0.166 arcsec/pix) and temporal
  (down to ~1s) resolution at FUV and NUV wavelengths. We discuss how
  simultaneous IRIS and AIA observations, together with loop modeling
  (with the RADYN code) including chromosphere, transition region and
  corona, allow us to study impulsive heating events (nanoflares) and the
  energy transport mechanism between the corona and the lower atmospheric
  layers (thermal conduction vs. beams of non-thermal particles). We will
  show how the modeling of rapid moss brightenings provides diagnostics
  for the presence and properties of non-thermal particles in nanoflares,
  which are below the detectability threshold of hard X-ray observations.

Title: Observables of Ion-Neutral Interaction Effects in the Solar
Authors: Martínez-Sykora, J.; De Pontieu, B.; Hansteen, V. H.;
   Pereira, T. M. D.; Leenaarts, J.; Carlsson, M.
2014AGUFMSH51C4176M    Altcode:
  The chromosphere and transition region constitute the interface
  between the solar surface and the corona and modulate the flow of
  mass and energy into the upper atmosphere. IRIS was launched in 2013
  to study the chromosphere and transition region. The complexity of the
  chromosphere is due to various regime changes that take place across it,
  like: Hydrogen goes from predominantly neutral to predominantly ionized;
  the plasma behavior changes from collisional to collision-less; it goes
  from gas-pressure dominated to magnetically driven, etc. Consequently,
  the interpretation of chromospheric observations in general and those
  from IRIS, in particular, is a challenging task. It is thus crucial
  to combine IRIS observations with advanced radiative-MHD numerical
  modeling. Because the photosphere, chromosphere and transition region
  are partially ionized, the interaction between ionized and neutral
  particles has important consequences on the magneto-thermodynamics of
  these regions. We implemented the effects of partial ionization using
  generalized Ohm's law in the Bifrost code (Gudiksen et al. 2011) which
  solves the full MHD equations with non-grey and non-LTE radiative
  transfer and thermal conduction along magnetic field lines. The
  implementation of partial ionization effects impact our modeled
  radiative-MHD atmosphere, such as producing chromospheric heating and
  diffusion of photospheric magnetic field into the upper-chromosphere. We
  will focus on which observables of these processes can be revealed
  with IRIS.

Title: Observational Evidence of Resonant Absorption in Oscillating
Authors: Okamoto, J.; Antolin, P.; De Pontieu, B.; Uitenbroek, H.;
   Van Doorsselaere, T.; Yokoyama, T.
2014AGUFMSH12A..05O    Altcode:
  Coronal heating and the acceleration of the solar wind are unsolved
  problems in solar physics. The propagation of Alfven waves along
  magnetic field lines is one of the candidate mechanisms for
  carrying energy to large distances from the surface and heat the
  coronal plasma. However, the dissipation process is still unclear
  in observational aspects.The new NASA's solar physics satellite IRIS
  (Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph) provides spectral information of
  plasma in the chromosphere and transition region with high-spatial and
  high-temporal resolution. Hence, we performed observations of a limb
  prominence to find evidence and clues of dissipation in collaboration
  with Hinode/SOT and SDO/AIA.In our observations, we found a clear
  evidence of resonant absorption that takes place on the surface of
  the oscillating prominence flux tubes. This mechanism facilitates
  the onset of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, which deforms the thin
  tube's boundaries and generates thin current sheets and turbulence,
  leading to dissipation of the wave energy into heat. In this talk, we
  will show the observed phenomena and discuss the dissipation mechanism
  compared with numerical simulations of an oscillating prominence.

Title: Analysis of Inter-moss Loops in the Solar Transition Region
with IRIS and SDO/AIA: Automatic Event Detection and Characterization
Authors: Fayock, B.; Winebarger, A. R.; De Pontieu, B.
2014AGUFMSH51C4172F    Altcode:
  The transition region of the solar atmosphere is no longer believed
  to be exclusively a thin boundary layer connecting the chromosphere
  and the corona. Instead, the emission from this region is dominated
  by dynamic, low-lying loops with peak temperatures &lt;1 MK. These
  loops also appear in AIA data due to the transition region spectral
  lines in the AIA passbands, but have not been studied with great
  detail. The IRIS instrument has resolved these loops both spatially and
  temporally. With an IRIS image cadence of approximately 10 seconds,
  we are able to study the evolution of these loops. We have developed
  a technique to automatically identify events (i.e., brightenings) on a
  pixel-by-pixel basis applying a set of selection criteria. The pixels
  are then grouped according to their proximity in space and relative
  progression of the event. This method allows us to characterize their
  overall lifetime and the rate at which these events occur. Our current
  progress includes identification of these groups of events in IRIS data,
  determination of their existence in AIA data, and characterization based
  on a comparison between the two. If the same events appear in both IRIS
  and AIA data, it may suggest that the intrinsic transition region is
  not in local thermodynamic equilibrium. We present the results that
  follow each integral step in the analysis and provide a preliminary
  characterization of a few example events within our data set.

Title: Homologous Helical Jets: Observations by IRIS, SDO and Hinode
    and Data-Driven Simulations
Authors: Cheung, C. M. M.; De Pontieu, B.; Tarbell, T. D.; Fu, Y.
2014AGUFMSH53D..05C    Altcode:
  We report on observations of recurrent jets by instruments onboard
  the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS), Solar Dynamics
  Observatory (SDO) and Hinode spacecrafts. Over a 4-hour period on
  July 21st 2013, recurrent coronal jets were observed to emanate from
  NOAA Active Region 11793. In more than one instance, double-peaked
  FUV spectra probing plasma at transition region temperatures show
  evidence of oppositely directed (Doppler) outflows exceeding +/- 100
  km/s. Raster Doppler maps using a Si IV transition region line shows
  all four jets to have helical motion of the same sense. Time-dependent
  data-driven simulations are used to investigate the underlying drivers
  for the jets. These numerical experiments show that the emergence of
  current-carrying magnetic field in the vicinity of a pore supplies
  the magnetic twist needed for recurrent helical jet formation.

Title: Wave Propagation in the Internetwork Chromosphere: Comparing
    IRIS Observations of Mg II h and k with Simulations
Authors: Fleck, B.; De Pontieu, B.; Leenaarts, J.; Pereira, T. M. D.;
   Straus, T.
2014AGUFMSH51C4174F    Altcode:
  The objective of this study is to explore the dynamics of the
  upper internetwork chromosphere using high-resolution spectroscopic
  "sit-and-stare" time series obtained with the Interface Region Imaging
  Spectrogragh (IRIS) in the Mg II h and k lines. The Mg II h and k lines
  reveal a particularly complex spatio-temporal behavior, which strongly
  depends on the magnetic field topology. We focus on six parameters in
  both the h and k line: the Doppler shift and intensity of the central
  reversal (h3 and k3) and the blue and red emission peaks (h2v, h2r,
  k2v, k2r). In an effort to better understand what physical parameters
  can be extracted from these lines and to put our interpretation of
  the observations on more solid grounds, we extend our analysis to
  synthetic spectra obtained from numerical simulations and compare the
  results to the observations.

Title: First High-resolution Spectroscopic Observations by IRIS
    of a Fast, Helical Prominence Eruption Associated with a Coronal
    Mass Ejection
Authors: Liu, W.; De Pontieu, B.; Okamoto, T. J.; Vial, J. C.; Title,
   A. M.; Antolin, P.; Berger, T. E.; Uitenbroek, H.
2014AGUFMSH11D..04L    Altcode:
  High-resolution spectroscopic observations of prominence eruptions and
  associated coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are rare but can provide
  valuable plasma and energy diagnostics. New opportunities have
  recently become available with the advent of the Interface Region
  Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) mission equipped with high resolution of
  0.33-0.4 arcsec in space and 1 km/s in velocity, together with the
  Hinode Solar Optical Telescope of 0.2 arcsec spatial resolution. We
  report the first result of joint IRIS-Hinode observations of a
  spectacular prominence eruption occurring on 2014-May-09. IRIS
  detected a maximum redshift of 450 km/s, which, combined with the
  plane-of-sky speed of 800 km/s, gives a large velocity vector of 920
  km/s at 30 degrees from the sky plane. This direction agrees with the
  source location at 30 degrees behind the limb observed by STEREO-A
  and indicates a nearly vertical ejection. We found two branches of
  redshifts separated by 200 km/s appearing in all strong lines at
  chromospheric to transition-region temperatures, including Mg II k/h,
  C II, and Si IV, suggesting a hollow, rather than solid, cone in the
  velocity space of the ejected material. Opposite blue- and redshifts
  on the two sides of the prominence exhibit corkscrew variations both
  in space and time, suggestive of unwinding rotations of a left-handed
  helical flux rope. Some erupted material returns as nearly streamline
  flows, exhibiting distinctly narrow line widths (~10 km/s), about
  50% of those of the nearby coronal rain at the apexes of coronal
  loops, where the rain material is initially formed out of cooling
  condensation. We estimate the mass and kinetic energy of the ejected
  and returning material and compare them with those of the associated
  CME. We will discuss the implications of these observations for CME
  initiation mechanisms.

Title: Why Is Non-thermal Line Broadening of Lower Transition Region
    Lines Independent of Spatial Resolution?
Authors: De Pontieu, B.; Mcintosh, S. W.; Martínez-Sykora, J.; Peter,
   H.; Pereira, T. M. D.
2014AGUFMSH51C4175D    Altcode:
  Spectral observations of the solar transition region (TR) and
  corona typically show broadening of the spectral lines beyond what
  is expected from thermal and instrumental broadening. The remaining
  non-thermal broadening is significant (10-30 km/s), correlated with
  the intensity, and has been attributed to waves, macro and micro
  turbulence, nanoflares, etc... Here we study spectra of the low
  TR Si IV 1403 Angstrom line obtained at high spatial and spectral
  resolution with the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS). We
  find that the large improvement in spatial resolution (0.33 arcsec)
  of IRIS compared to previous spectrographs (2 arcsec) does not resolve
  the non-thermal line broadening which remains at pre-IRIS levels of
  20 km/s. This surprising invariance to spatial resolution indicates
  that the physical processes behind the non-thermal line broadening
  either occur along the line-of-sight (LOS) and/or on spatial scales
  (perpendicular to the LOS) smaller than 250 km. Both effects appear
  to play a role. Comparison with IRIS chromospheric observations
  shows that, in regions where the LOS is more parallel to the field,
  magneto-acoustic shocks driven from below impact the low TR leading to
  strong non-thermal line broadening from line-of-sight integration across
  the shock at the time of impact. This scenario is confirmed by advanced
  MHD simulations. In regions where the LOS is perpendicular to the field,
  the prevalence of small-scale twist is likely to play a significant
  role in explaining the invariance and the correlation with intensity.

Title: On the Multi-threaded Nature of Solar Spicules
Authors: Skogsrud, H.; Rouppe van der Voort, L.; De Pontieu, B.
2014ApJ...795L..23S    Altcode: 2014arXiv1410.1334S
  A dominant constituent in the dynamic chromosphere is spicules. Spicules
  at the limb appear as relatively small and dynamic jets that are
  observed to stick out everywhere. Many papers emphasize the important
  role spicules might play in the energy and mass balance of the
  chromosphere and corona. However, many aspects of spicules remain
  a mystery. In this Letter, we shed more light on the multi-threaded
  nature of spicules and their torsional component. We use high spatial,
  spectral, and temporal resolution observations from the Swedish
  1 m Solar Telescope in the Hα spectral line. The data target the
  limb, and we extract spectra from spicules far out from the limb
  to reduce the line-of-sight superposition effect. We discover that
  many spicules display very asymmetric spectra with some even showing
  multiple peaks. To quantify this asymmetry, we use a double-Gaussian
  fitting procedure and find an average velocity difference between the
  single-Gaussian components to be between 20 and 30 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>
  for a sample of 57 spicules. We observe that spicules show significant
  substructure where one spicule consists of many "threads." We interpret
  the asymmetric spectra as a line-of-sight superposition of threads
  in one spicule and therefore have a measure for a perpendicular flow
  inside spicules that will be important for future numerical models to
  reproduce. In addition, we show examples of λ - x slices perpendicular
  across spicules and find spectral tilts in individual threads, providing
  further evidence for the complex dynamical nature of spicules.

Title: The High-Resolution Coronal Imager (Hi-C)
Authors: Kobayashi, Ken; Cirtain, Jonathan; Winebarger, Amy R.;
   Korreck, Kelly; Golub, Leon; Walsh, Robert W.; De Pontieu, Bart;
   DeForest, Craig; Title, Alan; Kuzin, Sergey; Savage, Sabrina; Beabout,
   Dyana; Beabout, Brent; Podgorski, William; Caldwell, David; McCracken,
   Kenneth; Ordway, Mark; Bergner, Henry; Gates, Richard; McKillop,
   Sean; Cheimets, Peter; Platt, Simon; Mitchell, Nick; Windt, David
2014SoPh..289.4393K    Altcode: 2014SoPh..tmp..104K
  The High-Resolution Coronal Imager (Hi-C) was flown on a NASA sounding
  rocket on 11 July 2012. The goal of the Hi-C mission was to obtain
  high-resolution (≈ 0.3 - 0.4”), high-cadence (≈ 5 seconds)
  images of a solar active region to investigate the dynamics of solar
  coronal structures at small spatial scales. The instrument consists of
  a normal-incidence telescope with the optics coated with multilayers
  to reflect a narrow wavelength range around 19.3 nm (including the
  Fe XII 19.5-nm spectral line) and a 4096×4096 camera with a plate
  scale of 0.1” pixel<SUP>−1</SUP>. The target of the Hi-C rocket
  flight was Active Region 11520. Hi-C obtained 37 full-frame images
  and 86 partial-frame images during the rocket flight. Analysis of the
  Hi-C data indicates the corona is structured on scales smaller than
  currently resolved by existing satellite missions.

Title: Probing the solar interface region
Authors: De Pontieu, Bart; Title, Alan; Carlsson, Mats
2014Sci...346..315D    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Hot explosions in the cool atmosphere of the Sun
Authors: Peter, H.; Tian, H.; Curdt, W.; Schmit, D.; Innes, D.;
   De Pontieu, B.; Lemen, J.; Title, A.; Boerner, P.; Hurlburt, N.;
   Tarbell, T. D.; Wuelser, J. P.; Martínez-Sykora, Juan; Kleint,
   L.; Golub, L.; McKillop, S.; Reeves, K. K.; Saar, S.; Testa, P.;
   Kankelborg, C.; Jaeggli, S.; Carlsson, M.; Hansteen, V.
2014Sci...346C.315P    Altcode: 2014arXiv1410.5842P
  The solar atmosphere was traditionally represented with a simple
  one-dimensional model. Over the past few decades, this paradigm shifted
  for the chromosphere and corona that constitute the outer atmosphere,
  which is now considered a dynamic structured envelope. Recent
  observations by the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) reveal
  that it is difficult to determine what is up and down, even in the cool
  6000-kelvin photosphere just above the solar surface: This region hosts
  pockets of hot plasma transiently heated to almost 100,000 kelvin. The
  energy to heat and accelerate the plasma requires a considerable
  fraction of the energy from flares, the largest solar disruptions. These
  IRIS observations not only confirm that the photosphere is more complex
  than conventionally thought, but also provide insight into the energy
  conversion in the process of magnetic reconnection.

Title: A Sounding Rocket Experiment for the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha
    Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP)
Authors: Kubo, M.; Kano, R.; Kobayashi, K.; Bando, T.; Narukage, N.;
   Ishikawa, R.; Tsuneta, S.; Katsukawa, Y.; Ishikawa, S.; Suematsu, Y.;
   Hara, H.; Shimizu, T.; Sakao, T.; Ichimoto, K.; Goto, M.; Holloway,
   T.; Winebarger, A.; Cirtain, J.; De Pontieu, B.; Casini, R.; Auchère,
   F.; Trujillo Bueno, J.; Manso Sainz, R.; Belluzzi, L.; Asensio Ramos,
   A.; Štěpán, J.; Carlsson, M.
2014ASPC..489..307K    Altcode:
  A sounding-rocket experiment called the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha
  Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP) is presently under development to measure
  the linear polarization profiles in the hydrogen Lyman-alpha (Lyα)
  line at 121.567 nm. CLASP is a vacuum-UV (VUV) spectropolarimeter to aim
  for first detection of the linear polarizations caused by scattering
  processes and the Hanle effect in the Lyα line with high accuracy
  (0.1%). This is a fist step for exploration of magnetic fields in
  the upper chromosphere and transition region of the Sun. Accurate
  measurements of the linear polarization signals caused by scattering
  processes and the Hanle effect in strong UV lines like Lyα are
  essential to explore with future solar telescopes the strength
  and structures of the magnetic field in the upper chromosphere and
  transition region of the Sun. The CLASP proposal has been accepted by
  NASA in 2012, and the flight is planned in 2015.

Title: The unresolved fine structure resolved: IRIS observations of
    the solar transition region
Authors: Hansteen, V.; De Pontieu, B.; Carlsson, M.; Lemen, J.; Title,
   A.; Boerner, P.; Hurlburt, N.; Tarbell, T. D.; Wuelser, J. P.; Pereira,
   T. M. D.; De Luca, E. E.; Golub, L.; McKillop, S.; Reeves, K.; Saar,
   S.; Testa, P.; Tian, H.; Kankelborg, C.; Jaeggli, S.; Kleint, L.;
   Martínez-Sykora, J.
2014Sci...346E.315H    Altcode: 2014arXiv1412.3611H
  The heating of the outer solar atmospheric layers, i.e., the transition
  region and corona, to high temperatures is a long-standing problem
  in solar (and stellar) physics. Solutions have been hampered by an
  incomplete understanding of the magnetically controlled structure of
  these regions. The high spatial and temporal resolution observations
  with the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) at the solar
  limb reveal a plethora of short, low-lying loops or loop segments
  at transition-region temperatures that vary rapidly, on the time
  scales of minutes. We argue that the existence of these loops solves
  a long-standing observational mystery. At the same time, based on
  comparison with numerical models, this detection sheds light on a
  critical piece of the coronal heating puzzle.

Title: Evidence of nonthermal particles in coronal loops heated
    impulsively by nanoflares
Authors: Testa, P.; De Pontieu, B.; Allred, J.; Carlsson, M.; Reale,
   F.; Daw, A.; Hansteen, V.; Martinez-Sykora, J.; Liu, W.; DeLuca, E. E.;
   Golub, L.; McKillop, S.; Reeves, K.; Saar, S.; Tian, H.; Lemen, J.;
   Title, A.; Boerner, P.; Hurlburt, N.; Tarbell, T. D.; Wuelser, J. P.;
   Kleint, L.; Kankelborg, C.; Jaeggli, S.
2014Sci...346B.315T    Altcode: 2014arXiv1410.6130T
  The physical processes causing energy exchange between the Sun’s
  hot corona and its cool lower atmosphere remain poorly understood. The
  chromosphere and transition region (TR) form an interface region between
  the surface and the corona that is highly sensitive to the coronal
  heating mechanism. High-resolution observations with the Interface
  Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) reveal rapid variability (~20 to
  60 seconds) of intensity and velocity on small spatial scales (≲500
  kilometers) at the footpoints of hot and dynamic coronal loops. The
  observations are consistent with numerical simulations of heating by
  beams of nonthermal electrons, which are generated in small impulsive
  (≲30 seconds) heating events called “coronal nanoflares.” The
  accelerated electrons deposit a sizable fraction of their energy
  (≲10<SUP>25 </SUP>erg) in the chromosphere and TR. Our analysis
  provides tight constraints on the properties of such electron beams
  and new diagnostics for their presence in the nonflaring corona.

Title: Prevalence of small-scale jets from the networks of the solar
    transition region and chromosphere
Authors: Tian, H.; DeLuca, E. E.; Cranmer, S. R.; De Pontieu, B.;
   Peter, H.; Martínez-Sykora, J.; Golub, L.; McKillop, S.; Reeves,
   K. K.; Miralles, M. P.; McCauley, P.; Saar, S.; Testa, P.; Weber,
   M.; Murphy, N.; Lemen, J.; Title, A.; Boerner, P.; Hurlburt, N.;
   Tarbell, T. D.; Wuelser, J. P.; Kleint, L.; Kankelborg, C.; Jaeggli,
   S.; Carlsson, M.; Hansteen, V.; McIntosh, S. W.
2014Sci...346A.315T    Altcode: 2014arXiv1410.6143T
  As the interface between the Sun’s photosphere and corona, the
  chromosphere and transition region play a key role in the formation and
  acceleration of the solar wind. Observations from the Interface Region
  Imaging Spectrograph reveal the prevalence of intermittent small-scale
  jets with speeds of 80 to 250 kilometers per second from the narrow
  bright network lanes of this interface region. These jets have lifetimes
  of 20 to 80 seconds and widths of ≤300 kilometers. They originate from
  small-scale bright regions, often preceded by footpoint brightenings
  and accompanied by transverse waves with amplitudes of ~20 kilometers
  per second. Many jets reach temperatures of at least ~10<SUP>5</SUP>
  kelvin and constitute an important element of the transition region
  structures. They are likely an intermittent but persistent source of
  mass and energy for the solar wind.

Title: On the prevalence of small-scale twist in the solar
    chromosphere and transition region
Authors: De Pontieu, B.; Rouppe van der Voort, L.; McIntosh, S. W.;
   Pereira, T. M. D.; Carlsson, M.; Hansteen, V.; Skogsrud, H.; Lemen,
   J.; Title, A.; Boerner, P.; Hurlburt, N.; Tarbell, T. D.; Wuelser,
   J. P.; De Luca, E. E.; Golub, L.; McKillop, S.; Reeves, K.; Saar,
   S.; Testa, P.; Tian, H.; Kankelborg, C.; Jaeggli, S.; Kleint, L.;
   Martinez-Sykora, J.
2014Sci...346D.315D    Altcode: 2014arXiv1410.6862D
  The solar chromosphere and transition region (TR) form an interface
  between the Sun’s surface and its hot outer atmosphere. There,
  most of the nonthermal energy that powers the solar atmosphere
  is transformed into heat, although the detailed mechanism remains
  elusive. High-resolution (0.33-arc second) observations with NASA’s
  Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) reveal a chromosphere
  and TR that are replete with twist or torsional motions on sub-arc
  second scales, occurring in active regions, quiet Sun regions, and
  coronal holes alike. We coordinated observations with the Swedish
  1-meter Solar Telescope (SST) to quantify these twisting motions and
  their association with rapid heating to at least TR temperatures. This
  view of the interface region provides insight into what heats the low
  solar atmosphere.

Title: An Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph First View on Solar
Authors: Pereira, T. M. D.; De Pontieu, B.; Carlsson, M.; Hansteen,
   V.; Tarbell, T. D.; Lemen, J.; Title, A.; Boerner, P.; Hurlburt,
   N.; Wülser, J. P.; Martínez-Sykora, J.; Kleint, L.; Golub, L.;
   McKillop, S.; Reeves, K. K.; Saar, S.; Testa, P.; Tian, H.; Jaeggli,
   S.; Kankelborg, C.
2014ApJ...792L..15P    Altcode: 2014arXiv1407.6360P
  Solar spicules have eluded modelers and observers for decades. Since
  the discovery of the more energetic type II, spicules have become
  a heated topic but their contribution to the energy balance of the
  low solar atmosphere remains unknown. Here we give a first glimpse of
  what quiet-Sun spicules look like when observed with NASA's recently
  launched Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS). Using IRIS
  spectra and filtergrams that sample the chromosphere and transition
  region, we compare the properties and evolution of spicules as
  observed in a coordinated campaign with Hinode and the Atmospheric
  Imaging Assembly. Our IRIS observations allow us to follow the thermal
  evolution of type II spicules and finally confirm that the fading
  of Ca II H spicules appears to be caused by rapid heating to higher
  temperatures. The IRIS spicules do not fade but continue evolving,
  reaching higher and falling back down after 500-800 s. Ca II H type
  II spicules are thus the initial stages of violent and hotter events
  that mostly remain invisible in Ca II H filtergrams. These events
  have very different properties from type I spicules, which show lower
  velocities and no fading from chromospheric passbands. The IRIS spectra
  of spicules show the same signature as their proposed disk counterparts,
  reinforcing earlier work. Spectroheliograms from spectral rasters also
  confirm that quiet-Sun spicules originate in bushes from the magnetic
  network. Our results suggest that type II spicules are indeed the
  site of vigorous heating (to at least transition region temperatures)
  along extensive parts of the upward moving spicular plasma.

Title: The Impact of a Filament Eruption on Nearby High-lying
    Cool Loops
Authors: Harra, L. K.; Matthews, S. A.; Long, D. M.; Doschek, G. A.;
   De Pontieu, B.
2014ApJ...792...93H    Altcode: 2014arXiv1409.0377H
  The first spectroscopic observations of cool Mg II loops above the
  solar limb observed by NASA's Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph
  (IRIS) are presented. During the observation period, IRIS is pointed
  off-limb, allowing the observation of high-lying loops, which reach
  over 70 Mm in height. Low-lying cool loops were observed by the IRIS
  slit-jaw camera for the entire four-hour observing window. There is no
  evidence of a central reversal in the line profiles, and the Mg II h/k
  ratio is approximately two. The Mg II spectral lines show evidence of
  complex dynamics in the loops with Doppler velocities reaching ±40
  km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. The complex motions seen indicate the presence
  of multiple threads in the loops and separate blobs. Toward the end
  of the observing period, a filament eruption occurs that forms the
  core of a coronal mass ejection. As the filament erupts, it impacts
  these high-lying loops, temporarily impeding these complex flows,
  most likely due to compression. This causes the plasma motions in the
  loops to become blueshifted and then redshifted. The plasma motions
  are seen before the loops themselves start to oscillate as they reach
  equilibrium following the impact. The ratio of the Mg h/k lines also
  increases following the impact of the filament.

Title: The Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS)
Authors: De Pontieu, B.; Title, A. M.; Lemen, J. R.; Kushner, G. D.;
   Akin, D. J.; Allard, B.; Berger, T.; Boerner, P.; Cheung, M.; Chou,
   C.; Drake, J. F.; Duncan, D. W.; Freeland, S.; Heyman, G. F.; Hoffman,
   C.; Hurlburt, N. E.; Lindgren, R. W.; Mathur, D.; Rehse, R.; Sabolish,
   D.; Seguin, R.; Schrijver, C. J.; Tarbell, T. D.; Wülser, J. -P.;
   Wolfson, C. J.; Yanari, C.; Mudge, J.; Nguyen-Phuc, N.; Timmons,
   R.; van Bezooijen, R.; Weingrod, I.; Brookner, R.; Butcher, G.;
   Dougherty, B.; Eder, J.; Knagenhjelm, V.; Larsen, S.; Mansir, D.;
   Phan, L.; Boyle, P.; Cheimets, P. N.; DeLuca, E. E.; Golub, L.;
   Gates, R.; Hertz, E.; McKillop, S.; Park, S.; Perry, T.; Podgorski,
   W. A.; Reeves, K.; Saar, S.; Testa, P.; Tian, H.; Weber, M.; Dunn, C.;
   Eccles, S.; Jaeggli, S. A.; Kankelborg, C. C.; Mashburn, K.; Pust, N.;
   Springer, L.; Carvalho, R.; Kleint, L.; Marmie, J.; Mazmanian, E.;
   Pereira, T. M. D.; Sawyer, S.; Strong, J.; Worden, S. P.; Carlsson,
   M.; Hansteen, V. H.; Leenaarts, J.; Wiesmann, M.; Aloise, J.; Chu,
   K. -C.; Bush, R. I.; Scherrer, P. H.; Brekke, P.; Martinez-Sykora,
   J.; Lites, B. W.; McIntosh, S. W.; Uitenbroek, H.; Okamoto, T. J.;
   Gummin, M. A.; Auker, G.; Jerram, P.; Pool, P.; Waltham, N.
2014SoPh..289.2733D    Altcode: 2014arXiv1401.2491D; 2014SoPh..tmp...25D
  The Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) small explorer
  spacecraft provides simultaneous spectra and images of the photosphere,
  chromosphere, transition region, and corona with 0.33 - 0.4 arcsec
  spatial resolution, two-second temporal resolution, and 1 km
  s<SUP>−1</SUP> velocity resolution over a field-of-view of up to
  175 arcsec × 175 arcsec. IRIS was launched into a Sun-synchronous
  orbit on 27 June 2013 using a Pegasus-XL rocket and consists of a
  19-cm UV telescope that feeds a slit-based dual-bandpass imaging
  spectrograph. IRIS obtains spectra in passbands from 1332 - 1358 Å,
  1389 - 1407 Å, and 2783 - 2834 Å, including bright spectral lines
  formed in the chromosphere (Mg II h 2803 Å and Mg II k 2796 Å) and
  transition region (C II 1334/1335 Å and Si IV 1394/1403 Å). Slit-jaw
  images in four different passbands (C II 1330, Si IV 1400, Mg II k
  2796, and Mg II wing 2830 Å) can be taken simultaneously with spectral
  rasters that sample regions up to 130 arcsec × 175 arcsec at a variety
  of spatial samplings (from 0.33 arcsec and up). IRIS is sensitive to
  emission from plasma at temperatures between 5000 K and 10 MK and will
  advance our understanding of the flow of mass and energy through an
  interface region, formed by the chromosphere and transition region,
  between the photosphere and corona. This highly structured and dynamic
  region not only acts as the conduit of all mass and energy feeding
  into the corona and solar wind, it also requires an order of magnitude
  more energy to heat than the corona and solar wind combined. The
  IRIS investigation includes a strong numerical modeling component
  based on advanced radiative-MHD codes to facilitate interpretation of
  observations of this complex region. Approximately eight Gbytes of data
  (after compression) are acquired by IRIS each day and made available
  for unrestricted use within a few days of the observation.

Title: Detection of Supersonic Downflows and Associated Heating
    Events in the Transition Region above Sunspots
Authors: Kleint, L.; Antolin, P.; Tian, H.; Judge, P.; Testa, P.;
   De Pontieu, B.; Martínez-Sykora, J.; Reeves, K. K.; Wuelser, J. P.;
   McKillop, S.; Saar, S.; Carlsson, M.; Boerner, P.; Hurlburt, N.; Lemen,
   J.; Tarbell, T. D.; Title, A.; Golub, L.; Hansteen, V.; Jaeggli, S.;
   Kankelborg, C.
2014ApJ...789L..42K    Altcode: 2014arXiv1406.6816K
  Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph data allow us to study the solar
  transition region (TR) with an unprecedented spatial resolution of
  0.”33. On 2013 August 30, we observed bursts of high Doppler shifts
  suggesting strong supersonic downflows of up to 200 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>
  and weaker, slightly slower upflows in the spectral lines Mg II h
  and k, C II 1336, Si IV 1394 Å, and 1403 Å, that are correlated
  with brightenings in the slitjaw images (SJIs). The bursty behavior
  lasts throughout the 2 hr observation, with average burst durations
  of about 20 s. The locations of these short-lived events appear to
  be the umbral and penumbral footpoints of EUV loops. Fast apparent
  downflows are observed along these loops in the SJIs and in the
  Atmospheric Imaging Assembly, suggesting that the loops are thermally
  unstable. We interpret the observations as cool material falling
  from coronal heights, and especially coronal rain produced along the
  thermally unstable loops, which leads to an increase of intensity
  at the loop footpoints, probably indicating an increase of density
  and temperature in the TR. The rain speeds are on the higher end of
  previously reported speeds for this phenomenon, and possibly higher
  than the free-fall velocity along the loops. On other observing days,
  similar bright dots are sometimes aligned into ribbons, resembling
  small flare ribbons. These observations provide a first insight into
  small-scale heating events in sunspots in the TR.

Title: IRIS Observations of Twist in the Low Solar Atmosphere
Authors: De Pontieu, Bart; Rouppe van der Voort, Luc; Pereira,
   Tiago M. D.; Skogsrud, Haakon; McIntosh, Scott W.; Carlsson, Mats;
   Hansteen, Viggo
2014AAS...22431302D    Altcode:
  The Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) small explorer
  was launched in June 2013. IRIS’s high-resolution (0.33 arcsec),
  high-cadence (2s) images and spectra reveal a solar chromosphere and
  transition region that is riddled with twist. This is evidenced by the
  presence of ubiquitous torsional motions on very small (subarcsec)
  spatial scales. These motions occur in active regions, quiet Sun
  and coronal holes on a variety of structures such as spicules at
  the limb, rapid-blue/red-shifted events (RBEs and RREs) as well as
  low-lying loops. We use IRIS data and observations from the Swedish
  Solar Telescope (SST) in La Palma, Spain to describe these motions
  quantitatively, study their propagation, and illustrate how such
  strong twisting motions are often associated with significant and
  rapid heating to at least transition region temperatures.

Title: Diagnostics of coronal heating and mechanisms of energy
    transport from IRIS and AIA observations of active region moss
Authors: Testa, Paola; De Pontieu, Bart; Allred, Joel C.; Carlsson,
   Mats; Reale, Fabio; Daw, Adrian N.; Hansteen, Viggo
2014AAS...22431305T    Altcode:
  The variability of emission of the "moss", i.e., the upper transition
  region (TR) layer of high pressure loops in active regions provides
  stringent constraints on the characteristics of heating events. The
  Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS), launched in June
  2013, provides imaging and spectral observations at high spatial
  (0.166 arcsec/pix), and temporal (down to ~1s) resolution at FUV
  and NUV wavelengths, and together with the high spatial and temporal
  resolution observations of SDO/AIA, can provide important insights
  into the coronal heating mechanisms. We present here an analysis of
  the temporal variability properties of moss regions at the footpoints
  of hot active region core loops undergoing heating, as observed by IRIS
  and AIA, covering emission from the corona to the transition region and
  the chromosphere. We model the observations using dynamic loop models
  (the Palermo-Harvard code, and RADYN, which also includes the effects of
  non-thermal particles) and discuss the implications on energy transport
  mechanisms (thermal conduction vs beams of non-thermal particles).

Title: Laboratory Study of Magnetic Reconnection in Partially Ionized
    Plasmas Relevant to the Solar Chromosphere
Authors: Fox, William; De Pontieu, Bart; Ji, Hantao; Lawrence,
   Eric; Lukin, Vyacheslav; Murphy, Nicholas Arnold; Yamada, Masaaki;
   Yoo, Jongsoo
2014AAS...22432370F    Altcode:
  Magnetic reconnection is observed to occur in the solar chromosphere
  where plasma is only partially ionized. In order to understand the
  effects of partial ionization on the reconnection process, systematic
  experiments have been performed in the Magnetic Reconnection Experiment
  (MRX) where plasma is controlled from nearly full ionization to partial
  ionization of about 1%. It is shown that, when neutrals are added, the
  Hall quadrupole field pattern and thus electron flow are unchanged while
  the ion outflow speed is reduced due to ion-neutral drag. However,
  in contrast to theoretical predictions, the ion diffusion layer
  width does not change appreciably. Therefore, the total ion outflow
  flux and the normalized reconnection rate are reduced*. Both 2-fluid
  and 3-fluid modeling using the HiFi code is used to interpret the
  experimental data, and implications to the interpretation of solar
  observations will be also discussed. Future plans to study effects of
  neutral particles on further details on magnetic reconnection, such
  as plasma heating, will be described.* E. Lawrence, H. Ji, M. Yamada,
  and J. Yoo, “Laboratory Study of Hall Reconnection in Partially
  Ionized Plasmas”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 015001 (2013).

Title: Coordinated IRIS science using the Heliophysics Event
Authors: Hurlburt, Neal E.; Freeland, Sam; Timmons, Ryan; De Pontieu,
2014AAS...22431301H    Altcode:
  We have recently enhanced the capabilities of the Heliophysics Event
  Knowledgebase (HEK) to support the complex datasets being produced
  by the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS). This includes
  tools to incorporate observations from the Solar Dynamics Observatory
  and ground-based facilities to generate composite data products. We
  will discuss the system and its recent evolution and demonstrate its
  ability to support coordinated science investigations.

Title: On the Signatures of Waves and Oscillations in IRIS
Authors: Fleck, Bernard; Straus, Thomas; De Pontieu, Bart; Leenaarts,
   Jorrit; Pereira, Tiago M. D.
2014AAS...22432305F    Altcode:
  The objective of this study is to explore the signatures of acoustic
  waves and oscillations in a variety of magnetic field configurations
  in the Sun’s atmosphere using high-resolution spectroscopic
  “sit-an-stare” time series obtained with the Interface Region
  Imaging Spectrogragh (IRIS) in lines formed in the chromosphere and
  lower transition region (C II 1335 &amp; 1336, C I 1352, O I 1356,
  Si IV 1394 &amp; 1403 and Mg h and k). The occurrence of oscillations
  in the transition region is found to strongly depend on the magnetic
  field topology. The Mg h and k lines reveal a particularly complex
  spatio-temporal behavior. In an effort to better understand what
  physical parameters can be extracted from these lines, we extend our
  analysis to synthetic spectra obtained from numerical simulations and
  compare the results to observations.

Title: IRIS observations of the transition region above sunspots:
    oscillations and moving penumbral dots
Authors: Tian, Hui; DeLuca, Ed; Weber, Mark A.; McKillop, Sean;
   Reeves, Kathy; Kleint, Lucia; Martinez-Sykora, Juan; De Pontieu,
   Bart; Carlsson, Mats
2014AAS...22431306T    Altcode:
  NASA's IRIS mission is providing high-cadence and high-resolution
  observations of the solar transition region and chromosphere. We
  present results from IRIS observation of the transition region above
  sunspots. The major findings can be summarized as following: (1) The C
  II and Mg II line profiles are almost Gaussian in the sunspot umbra and
  clearly exhibit a deep reversal at the line center in the plage region,
  suggesting a greatly reduced opacity in the sunspot atmosphere. (2)
  Strongly nonlinear sunspot oscillations can be clearly identified
  in not only the slit jaw images of 2796Å, 1400Å and 1330Å, but
  also in spectra of the bright Mg II, C II and Si IV lines. The Si
  iv oscillation lags those of C ii and Mg ii by 3 and 12 seconds,
  respectively. The temporal evolution of the line core is dominated by
  the following behavior: a rapid excursion to the blue side, accompanied
  by an intensity increase, followed by a linear decrease of the velocity
  to the red side. The maximum intensity slightly lags the maximum blue
  shift in Si iv , whereas the intensity enhancement slightly precedes the
  maximum blue shift in Mg ii . We find a positive correlation between
  the maximum velocity and deceleration. These results are consistent
  with numerical simulations of upward propagating magneto-acoustic
  shock waves. We also demonstrate that the strongly nonlinear line
  width oscillation, reported both previously and here, is spurious. (3)
  Many small-scale bright dots are present in the penumbral filaments and
  light bridges in SJI 1330Å and 1400Å images obtained in high-cadence
  observations. They are usually smaller than 1" and often just a couple
  of pixels wide. Some bright dots show apparent movement with a speed of
  20-60 km/s(either outward or inward). The lifetime of these penumbral
  dots is mostly less than 1 min. The most obvious feature of the Si IV
  profiles in the bright dots is the enhanced line width. Besides that,
  the profile looks normal and no obvious fast flows are detected. The
  bright dots in the light bridges even show oscillation patterns. It's
  not clear whether these oscillations are triggered by the umbral
  oscillations or not.

Title: Exploring the Components of IRIS Spectra: More Shift, Twist,
    and Sway Than Shake, Rattle, and Roll
Authors: McIntosh, Scott W.; De Pontieu, Bart; Peter, Hardi
2014AAS...22431304M    Altcode:
  The beautifully rich spectra of the IRIS spacecraft offer an
  unparalleled avenue to explore the mass and energy transport processes
  which sustain the Sun's outer atmosphere. In this presentation we will
  look in detail at the various components of the spectrographic data
  and place them in context with Slit-Jaw imaging and EUV imaging from
  SDO/AIA. We will show that the line profiles display many intriguing
  features including the clear signatures of strong line-of-sight flows
  (in all magnetized regions) that are almost always accompanied by
  transverse and torsional motions at the finest resolvable scales. We
  will demonstrate that many interesting relationships develop when
  studying the spectra statistically. These relationships indicate IRIS's
  ability to spectrally and temporally resolve the energetic processes
  affecting the outer solar atmosphere.

Title: High-resolution Observations of the Shock Wave Behavior for
    Sunspot Oscillations with the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph
Authors: Tian, H.; DeLuca, E.; Reeves, K. K.; McKillop, S.; De Pontieu,
   B.; Martínez-Sykora, J.; Carlsson, M.; Hansteen, V.; Kleint, L.;
   Cheung, M.; Golub, L.; Saar, S.; Testa, P.; Weber, M.; Lemen, J.;
   Title, A.; Boerner, P.; Hurlburt, N.; Tarbell, T. D.; Wuelser, J. P.;
   Kankelborg, C.; Jaeggli, S.; McIntosh, S. W.
2014ApJ...786..137T    Altcode: 2014arXiv1404.6291T
  We present the first results of sunspot oscillations from observations
  by the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph. The strongly nonlinear
  oscillation is identified in both the slit-jaw images and the
  spectra of several emission lines formed in the transition region and
  chromosphere. We first apply a single Gaussian fit to the profiles of
  the Mg II 2796.35 Å, C II 1335.71 Å, and Si IV 1393.76 Å lines in the
  sunspot. The intensity change is ~30%. The Doppler shift oscillation
  reveals a sawtooth pattern with an amplitude of ~10 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>
  in Si IV. The Si IV oscillation lags those of C II and Mg II by ~3 and
  ~12 s, respectively. The line width suddenly increases as the Doppler
  shift changes from redshift to blueshift. However, we demonstrate
  that this increase is caused by the superposition of two emission
  components. We then perform detailed analysis of the line profiles at
  a few selected locations on the slit. The temporal evolution of the
  line core is dominated by the following behavior: a rapid excursion
  to the blue side, accompanied by an intensity increase, followed by a
  linear decrease of the velocity to the red side. The maximum intensity
  slightly lags the maximum blueshift in Si IV, whereas the intensity
  enhancement slightly precedes the maximum blueshift in Mg II. We find
  a positive correlation between the maximum velocity and deceleration,
  a result that is consistent with numerical simulations of upward
  propagating magnetoacoustic shock waves.

Title: Sparkling Extreme-ultraviolet Bright Dots Observed with Hi-C
Authors: Régnier, S.; Alexander, C. E.; Walsh, R. W.; Winebarger,
   A. R.; Cirtain, J.; Golub, L.; Korreck, K. E.; Mitchell, N.; Platt,
   S.; Weber, M.; De Pontieu, B.; Title, A.; Kobayashi, K.; Kuzin, S.;
   DeForest, C. E.
2014ApJ...784..134R    Altcode: 2014arXiv1402.2457R
  Observing the Sun at high time and spatial scales is a step toward
  understanding the finest and fundamental scales of heating events
  in the solar corona. The high-resolution coronal (Hi-C) instrument
  has provided the highest spatial and temporal resolution images of
  the solar corona in the EUV wavelength range to date. Hi-C observed
  an active region on 2012 July 11 that exhibits several interesting
  features in the EUV line at 193 Å. One of them is the existence
  of short, small brightenings "sparkling" at the edge of the active
  region; we call these EUV bright dots (EBDs). Individual EBDs have a
  characteristic duration of 25 s with a characteristic length of 680
  km. These brightenings are not fully resolved by the SDO/AIA instrument
  at the same wavelength; however, they can be identified with respect
  to the Hi-C location of the EBDs. In addition, EBDs are seen in other
  chromospheric/coronal channels of SDO/AIA, which suggests a temperature
  between 0.5 and 1.5 MK. Based on their frequency in the Hi-C time
  series, we define four different categories of EBDs: single peak,
  double peak, long duration, and bursty. Based on a potential field
  extrapolation from an SDO/HMI magnetogram, the EBDs appear at the
  footpoints of large-scale, trans-equatorial coronal loops. The Hi-C
  observations provide the first evidence of small-scale EUV heating
  events at the base of these coronal loops, which have a free magnetic
  energy of the order of 10<SUP>26</SUP> erg.

Title: Diagnostics of coronal heating and mechanisms of energy
    transport from IRIS and AIA observations of active region moss
Authors: Testa, Paola; Reale, Fabio; De Pontieu, Bart; Hansteen,
   Viggo; Carlsson, Mats; Allred, Joel; Daw, Adrian
2014cosp...40E3323T    Altcode:
  The variability of emission of the "moss", i.e., the upper transition
  region (TR) layer of high pressure loops in active regions provides
  stringent constraints on the characteristics of heating events. The
  Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS), launched in June
  2013, provides imaging and spectral observations at high spatial
  (0.166 arcsec/pix), and temporal (down to ~1s) resolution at FUV
  and NUV wavelengths, and together with the high spatial and temporal
  resolution observations of SDO/AIA, can provide important insights
  into the coronal heating mechanisms. We present here an analysis of
  the temporal variability properties of moss regions at the footpoints
  of hot active region core loops undergoing heating, as observed by IRIS
  and AIA, covering emission from the corona to the transition region and
  the chromosphere. We model the observations using dynamic loop models
  (the Palermo-Harvard code, and RADYN, which also includes the effects of
  non-thermal particles) and discuss the implications on energy transport
  mechanisms (thermal conduction vs beams of non-thermal particles).

Title: Small scale variability in quiet sun and coronal holes
Authors: Martinez-Sykora, Juan; De Pontieu, Bart
2014cosp...40E2020M    Altcode:
  IRIS (Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph) was launched in 2013 and
  revealed small-scale rapid brightening variations in large regions
  in the quiet sun and coronal holes. Their lifetime is smaller than
  a couple of minutes and the distance between them is of a granular
  scale. We are going to present a statistical study of their observed
  properties such as variability, lifetime, frequency using the images
  of the SJI, and velocities, and temperatures using the spectral data
  coming IRIS. The spectrograph reveals that most of this emission
  comes from the continuum and their properties reveals that most of
  these events result from acoustic shocks. We compare our observations
  with synthetic observables (using forward modeling with the RH and
  multi3D code) from recent numerical 3D radiative-MHD simulations using
  the Bifrost code (Gudiksen et al. 2011). Similar rapid brightening
  variability of chromospheric synthetic images has been also reproduced
  in our simulations with mainly unipolar field. We will describe their
  evolution, how they are driven and their thermodynamic properties from
  the simulations.

Title: The Evolution of Transition Region Loops Using IRIS and AIA
Authors: Winebarger, Amy; De Pontieu, Bart
2014cosp...40E3639W    Altcode:
  Over the past 50 years, the model for the structure of the solar
  transition region has evolved from a simple transition layer between
  the cooler chromosphere to the hotter corona to a complex and diverse
  regions that is dominated by complete loops that never reach coronal
  temperatures. The IRIS slitjaw images show many complete transition
  region loops. Several of the “coronal’’ channels in the SDO AIA
  instrument include contributions from weak transition region lines. In
  this work, we combine slitjaw images from IRIS with these channels to
  determine the evolution of the loops. We develop a simple model for
  the temperature and density evolution of the loops that can explain
  the simultaneous observations. Finally, we estimate the percentage of
  AIA emission that originates in the transition region.

Title: Measuring energy flux of magneto-acoustic wave in the magnetic
    elements by using IRIS
Authors: Kato, Yoshiaki; De Pontieu, Bart; Martinez-Sykora, Juan;
   Hansteen, Viggo; Pereira, Tiago; Leenaarts, Jorritt; Carlsson, Mats
2014cosp...40E1423K    Altcode:
  NASA's Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) has opened a new
  window to explore the chromospheric/coronal waves that potentially
  energize the solar atmosphere. By using an imaging spectrograph covering
  the Si IV and Mg II h&amp;k lines as well as a slit-jaw imager centered
  at Si IV and Mg II k onboard IRIS, we can determine the nature of
  propagating magneto-acoustic waves just below and in the transition
  region. In this study, we compute the vertically emergent intensity of
  the Si IV and Mg II h&amp;k lines from a time series of snapshots of
  a magnetic element in a two-dimensional Radiative MHD simulation from
  the Bifrost code. We investigate the synthetic line profiles to detect
  the slow magneto-acoustic body wave (slow mode) which becomes a slow
  shock at the lower chromosphere in the magnetic element. We find that
  the Doppler shift of the line core gives the velocity amplitude of the
  longitudinal magneto-acoustic body wave. The contribution function of
  the line core indicates that the formation of Mg II h&amp;k lines is
  associated with the propagating shocks and therefore the time evolution
  of the line core intensity represents the propagating shocks projected
  on the optical surface. We will report on measurement of the energy
  flux of slow modes in the magnetic elements by using IRIS observations.

Title: Coronal rain observed with IRIS
Authors: Antolin, Patrick; Katsukawa, Yukio; De Pontieu, Bart; Kleint,
   Lucia; Pereira, Tiago
2014cosp...40E.105A    Altcode:
  New IRIS observations in upper chromospheric and TR lines show abundance
  of coronal rain in active regions. The wide range of spectral lines in
  which it is observed together with co-observations in cool chromospheric
  lines with SOT and SST show clearly that coronal rain has a broad
  multi-thermal character. This picture agrees well with the thermal
  instability scenario in which the plasma cools down catastrophically
  from coronal temperatures. A statistical analysis of the line widths
  in the rain provides estimates of the non-thermal line broadening and
  temperature. Mainly, we find Gaussian-like distributions of non-thermal
  line broadening between 0 and 17 km/s with a peak at 7 km/s and a small
  upper tail spanning up to 25 km/s. We also report on short-lived heating
  events in umbrae and penumbrae at the end of thermally unstable coronal
  loops. Bursts of high redshifts up to 200 km/s in TR lines are found,
  accompanied by milder blue shifts. The bright dots sometimes display
  coherent structure into a "string of pearls" with striking similarity
  to flare ribbons, suggesting a strong heating correlation between the
  loops. We discuss these results within the coronal rain scenario.

Title: IRIS observations of twist in the low solar atmosphere
Authors: De Pontieu, Bart; Pereira, Tiago; Rouppe van der Voort, Luc;
   Skogsrud, Hakon
2014cosp...40E.654D    Altcode:
  The Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) small explorer
  was launched in June 2013. IRIS's high-resolution (0.33 arcsec),
  high-cadence (2s) images and spectra reveal a solar chromosphere and
  transition region that is riddled with twist. This is evidenced by the
  presence of ubiquitous torsional motions on very small (subarcsec)
  spatial scales. These motions occur in active regions, quiet Sun
  and coronal holes on a variety of structures such as spicules at
  the limb, rapid-blue/red-shifted events (RBEs and RREs) as well as
  low-lying loops. We use IRIS data and observations from the Swedish
  Solar Telescope (SST) in La Palma, Spain to describe these motions
  quantitatively and illustrate how such strong twisting motions are often
  associated with significant and rapid heating to at least transition
  region temperatures.

Title: IRIS observations of transition region unresolved fine
Authors: Hansteen, Viggo; De Pontieu, Bart
2014cosp...40E1152H    Altcode:
  The Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph was launched on 28-June-2013
  and has been obtaining high resolution images and spectra in the
  far and near ultraviolet since 17-July-2013 covering temperatures
  from the photosphere into the corona. We analyze the presence of a
  multitude of short, relatively cool transition region loops as visible
  at the solar limb in slit jaw images dominated by C II 1335 Angstrom
  and Si IV 1402 Angstrom emission. We study the dynamical nature and
  temperature evolution of these loops and investigate how they relate to
  the so-called "unresolved fine structure" (UFS) that has been proposed
  as a dominant source of transition region emission, but that has not
  yet been directly observed to date. We will also discuss the physical
  nature of this emission.

Title: Comparison between IRIS Data and Numerical Models
Authors: Carlsson, Mats; De Pontieu, Bart; Hansteen, Viggo; Pereira,
   Tiago; Leenaarts, Jorritt
2014cosp...40E.458C    Altcode:
  The enigmatic chromosphere is the transition between the solar surface
  and the eruptive outer solar atmosphere. The chromosphere harbours
  and constrains the mass and energy loading processes that define the
  heating of the corona, the acceleration and the composition of the solar
  wind, and the energetics and triggering of solar outbursts (filament
  eruptions, flares, coronal mass ejections). The chromosphere is arguably
  the most difficult and least understood domain of solar physics. All
  at once it represents the transition from optically thick to thin
  radiation escape, from gas-pressure domination to magnetic-pressure
  domination, from neutral to ionised state, from MHD to plasma physics,
  and from near-equilibrium ("LTE") to non-equilibrium conditions. IRIS
  provides a leap in observational capability of the chromospheric
  plasma with an unprecedented combination of high spatial, temporal
  and spectral resolution in lines with diagnostic information all the
  way from the photosphere to the upper transition region. To fully
  extract this information it is necessary to combine the observations
  with numerical simulations that include a realistic description of the
  complicated physics of the chromosphere. In this talk, we will present
  such realistic simulations, spanning the solar atmosphere from the
  convection zone to the corona, and synthetic observations calculated
  from the simulations. These synthetic observations are compared with
  observations from IRIS.

Title: Impact of the Partial Ionization in the solar atmosphere
    using 2.5D Radiative MHD Simulations
Authors: Martinez-Sykora, Juan; De Pontieu, Bart; Hansteen, Viggo;
   Carlsson, Mats
2014cosp...40E2019M    Altcode:
  The chromosphere/transition region constitute the interface between
  the solar surface and the corona and modulate the flow of mass and
  energy into the upper atmosphere. IRIS was launched in 2013 to study the
  chromosphere and transition region. The complexity of the chromosphere
  is due to various regime changes that take place across it, like:
  Hydrogen goes from predominantly neutral to predominantly ionized;
  the plasma behavior changes from collisional to collision-less; it goes
  from gas-pressure dominated to magnetically driven, etc. Consequently,
  the interpretation of chromospheric observations in general and those
  from IRIS, in particular, is a challenging task. It is thus crucial
  to combine IRIS observations with advanced radiative-MHD numerical
  modeling. Because the photosphere, chromosphere and transition region
  are partially ionized, the interaction between ionized and neutral
  particles has important consequences on the magneto-thermodynamics
  of these regions. We implemented the effects of partial ionization
  using generalized Ohm's law in the Bifrost code (Gudiksen et al. 2011)
  which includes full MHD equations with non-grey and non-LTE radiative
  transfer and thermal conduction along magnetic field lines. I will
  describe the importance and impact of taking into account partial
  ionization effects in the modeled radiative-MHD atmosphere, such as
  chromospheric heating, photospheric magnetic field diffused into the
  upper-chromosphere which expands into the upper atmosphere filling
  the corona with mass, magnetic flux, energy and current, etc.

Title: Effects of flux emergence in the outer solar
    atmosphere. Observational advances
Authors: Ortiz Carbonell, Ada; De Pontieu, Bart; Bellot Rubio, L. R.;
   Hansteen, Viggo; Rouppe van der Voort, Luc; Carlsson, Mats
2014cosp...40E2387O    Altcode:
  We study granular sized magnetic flux emergence events that occur in
  a flux emergence region in NOAA 11850 on September 25, 2013. During
  that time, the first co-observing campaign between the Swedish 1 m
  Solar Telescope and the IRIS spacecraft was carried out. Simultaneous
  observations of the Halpha 656.28 nm and Ca II 854.2 nm chromospheric
  lines, and the Fe I 630.25 nm photospheric line, were made with
  the CRISP/SST spectropolarimeter reaching a spatial resolution of
  0."14. At the same time, IRIS was performing a four-step dense raster
  of the said emerging flux region, taking slit-jaw images at 133 (C II
  transiti on region), 140 (Si IV, transition region), 279.6 (Mg II k,
  core, upper chromosphere), and 283.2 nm (Mg II k, wing, photosphere),
  obtaining thus the highest resolution images ever taken of the upper
  chromosphere and transition region. The photospheric and chromospheric
  properties of the emerging magnetic flux bubbles have been described
  in detail in Ortiz et al. (2014). However, in the current work we are
  able to follow such lower atmosphere observations of flux emergence
  up to the transition region with unprecedented spatial and temporal
  resolution. We describe the properties (size, time delays, lifetime,
  velocities, temperature) of the observed signatures of flux emergence
  in the transition region. We believe this may be an important mechanism
  of transporting energy and magnetic flux to the upper layers of the
  solar atmosphere, namely the transition region and corona, at least
  in cases when active regions are formed by flux emerging through the
  photosphere. * Ortiz et al. (2014) ApJ 781, 126

Title: Analysing spectroscopically the propagation of a CME from
    its source on the disk to its impact as it propagates outwards
Authors: Harra, Louise K.; Doschek, G. A.; Matthews, Sarah A.; De
   Pontieu, Bart; Long, David
2014cosp...40E1159H    Altcode:
  We analyse a complex coronal mass ejection observed by Hinode, SDO and
  IRIS. SDO AIA shows that the eruption occurs between several active
  regions with flaring occurring in all of them. Hinode EIS observed one
  of the flaring active regions that shows a fast outwards propagation
  which is related to the CME lifting off. The eruption is then observed
  as it propagates away from the Sun, pushing the existing post-flare
  loops downwards as it goes. Spectroscopic observations are made during
  this time with IRIS measuring the impact that this CME front has as
  it pushes the loops downwards. Strong enhancements in the cool Mg II
  emission at these locations that show complex dynamics. We discuss
  these new observations in context of CME models.

Title: Using IRIS to Study Our Star's Outer Atmosphere's Mass Cycle
Authors: McIntosh, Scott; De Pontieu, Bart
2014cosp...40E2049M    Altcode:
  Through the analysis of IRIS FUV, NUV, and Slit-Jaw Imaging we will
  explore the mass cycle of the Sun's outer atmosphere in conjunction
  with observations from the Solar Dynamics Observatory and Hinode
  Missions. IRIS readily observes upflows, downflows, and a persistent
  flux of upward propagating hydrodynamic and magneto-hydrodynamic
  waves. We will characterize the statistical and temporal variability
  in the components of the various sources in the puzzle.

Title: The Formation of IRIS Diagnostics. III. Near-ultraviolet
    Spectra and Images
Authors: Pereira, T. M. D.; Leenaarts, J.; De Pontieu, B.; Carlsson,
   M.; Uitenbroek, H.
2013ApJ...778..143P    Altcode: 2013arXiv1310.1926P
  The Mg II h&amp;k lines are the prime chromospheric diagnostics
  of NASA's Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS). In the
  previous papers of this series, we used a realistic three-dimensional
  radiative magnetohydrodynamics model to calculate the h&amp;k lines
  in detail and investigated how their spectral features relate to the
  underlying atmosphere. In this work, we employ the same approach to
  investigate how the h&amp;k diagnostics fare when taking into account
  the finite resolution of IRIS and different noise levels. In addition,
  we investigate the diagnostic potential of several other photospheric
  lines and near-continuum regions present in the near-ultraviolet
  (NUV) window of IRIS and study the formation of the NUV slit-jaw
  images. We find that the instrumental resolution of IRIS has a small
  effect on the quality of the h&amp;k diagnostics; the relations
  between the spectral features and atmospheric properties are mostly
  unchanged. The peak separation is the most affected diagnostic, but
  mainly due to limitations of the simulation. The effects of noise
  start to be noticeable at a signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of 20, but we
  show that with noise filtering one can obtain reliable diagnostics at
  least down to a S/N of 5. The many photospheric lines present in the
  NUV window provide velocity information for at least eight distinct
  photospheric heights. Using line-free regions in the h&amp;k far wings,
  we derive good estimates of photospheric temperature for at least
  three heights. Both of these diagnostics, in particular the latter,
  can be obtained even at S/Ns as low as 5.

Title: The Formation of IRIS Diagnostics. II. The Formation of the
    Mg II h&amp;k Lines in the Solar Atmosphere
Authors: Leenaarts, J.; Pereira, T. M. D.; Carlsson, M.; Uitenbroek,
   H.; De Pontieu, B.
2013ApJ...772...90L    Altcode: 2013arXiv1306.0671L
  NASA's Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) small explorer
  mission will study how the solar atmosphere is energized. IRIS
  contains an imaging spectrograph that covers the Mg II h&amp;k lines
  as well as a slit-jaw imager centered at Mg II k. Understanding
  the observations requires forward modeling of Mg II h&amp;k line
  formation from three-dimensional (3D) radiation-magnetohydrodynamic
  (RMHD) models. This paper is the second in a series where we undertake
  this modeling. We compute the vertically emergent h&amp;k intensity
  from a snapshot of a dynamic 3D RMHD model of the solar atmosphere,
  and investigate which diagnostic information about the atmosphere is
  contained in the synthetic line profiles. We find that the Doppler
  shift of the central line depression correlates strongly with the
  vertical velocity at optical depth unity, which is typically located
  less than 200 km below the transition region (TR). By combining the
  Doppler shifts of the h and k lines we can retrieve the sign of the
  velocity gradient just below the TR. The intensity in the central line
  depression is anti-correlated with the formation height, especially
  in subfields of a few square Mm. This intensity could thus be used to
  measure the spatial variation of the height of the TR. The intensity
  in the line-core emission peaks correlates with the temperature at
  its formation height, especially for strong emission peaks. The peaks
  can thus be exploited as a temperature diagnostic. The wavelength
  difference between the blue and red peaks provides a diagnostic of the
  velocity gradients in the upper chromosphere. The intensity ratio of
  the blue and red peaks correlates strongly with the average velocity
  in the upper chromosphere. We conclude that the Mg II h&amp;k lines
  are excellent probes of the very upper chromosphere just below the
  TR, a height regime that is impossible to probe with other spectral
  lines. They also provide decent temperature and velocity diagnostics
  of the middle chromosphere.

Title: The Formation of IRIS Diagnostics. I. A Quintessential
    Model Atom of Mg II and General Formation Properties of the Mg II
    h&amp;k Lines
Authors: Leenaarts, J.; Pereira, T. M. D.; Carlsson, M.; Uitenbroek,
   H.; De Pontieu, B.
2013ApJ...772...89L    Altcode: 2013arXiv1306.0668L
  NASA's Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) space mission will
  study how the solar atmosphere is energized. IRIS contains an imaging
  spectrograph that covers the Mg II h&amp;k lines as well as a slit-jaw
  imager centered at Mg II k. Understanding the observations will require
  forward modeling of Mg II h&amp;k line formation from three-dimensional
  (3D) radiation-MHD models. This paper is the first in a series where we
  undertake this forward modeling. We discuss the atomic physics pertinent
  to h&amp;k line formation, present a quintessential model atom that can
  be used in radiative transfer computations, and discuss the effect of
  partial redistribution (PRD) and 3D radiative transfer on the emergent
  line profiles. We conclude that Mg II h&amp;k can be modeled accurately
  with a four-level plus continuum Mg II model atom. Ideally radiative
  transfer computations should be done in 3D including PRD effects. In
  practice this is currently not possible. A reasonable compromise is to
  use one-dimensional PRD computations to model the line profile up to
  and including the central emission peaks, and use 3D transfer assuming
  complete redistribution to model the central depression.

Title: Detecting Nanoflare Heating Events in Subarcsecond Inter-moss
    Loops Using Hi-C
Authors: Winebarger, Amy R.; Walsh, Robert W.; Moore, Ronald;
   De Pontieu, Bart; Hansteen, Viggo; Cirtain, Jonathan; Golub, Leon;
   Kobayashi, Ken; Korreck, Kelly; DeForest, Craig; Weber, Mark; Title,
   Alan; Kuzin, Sergey
2013ApJ...771...21W    Altcode:
  The High-resolution Coronal Imager (Hi-C) flew aboard a NASA sounding
  rocket on 2012 July 11 and captured roughly 345 s of high-spatial and
  temporal resolution images of the solar corona in a narrowband 193 Å
  channel. In this paper, we analyze a set of rapidly evolving loops that
  appear in an inter-moss region. We select six loops that both appear in
  and fade out of the Hi-C images during the short flight. From the Hi-C
  data, we determine the size and lifetimes of the loops and characterize
  whether these loops appear simultaneously along their length or
  first appear at one footpoint before appearing at the other. Using
  co-aligned, co-temporal data from multiple channels of the Atmospheric
  Imaging Assembly on the Solar Dynamics Observatory, we determine the
  temperature and density of the loops. We find the loops consist of
  cool (~10<SUP>5</SUP> K), dense (~10<SUP>10</SUP> cm<SUP>-3</SUP>)
  plasma. Their required thermal energy and their observed evolution
  suggest they result from impulsive heating similar in magnitude to
  nanoflares. Comparisons with advanced numerical simulations indicate
  that such dense, cold and short-lived loops are a natural consequence
  of impulsive magnetic energy release by reconnection of braided magnetic
  field at low heights in the solar atmosphere.

Title: Chromospheric Lyman Alpha SpectroPolarimeter: CLASP
Authors: Kobayashi, Ken; Kano, R.; Trujillo Bueno, J.; Winebarger,
   A. R.; Cirtain, J. W.; Bando, T.; De Pontieu, B.; Ishikawa, R.;
   Katsukawa, Y.; Kubo, M.; Narukage, N.; Sakao, T.; Tsuneta, S.;
   Auchère, F.; Asensio Ramos, A.; Belluzzi, L.; Carlsson, M.; Casini,
   R.; Hara, H.; Ichimoto, K.; Manso Sainz, R.; Shimizu, T.; Stepan,
   J.; Suematsu, Y.; Holloway, T.
2013SPD....44..142K    Altcode:
  The Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP) is a VUV
  spectropolarimeter optimized for measuring the linear polarization of
  the Lyman-alpha line (121.6 nm). The Lyman-alpha line is predicted to
  show linear polarization caused by atomic scattering in the chromosphere
  and modified by the magnetic field through the Hanle effect. The
  Hanle effect is sensitive to weaker magnetic fields than Zeeman
  effect, and is not canceled by opposing fields, making it sensitive
  to tangled or unresolved magnetic field structures. These factors make
  the Hanle effect a valuable tool for probing the magnetic field in the
  chromosphere above the quiet sun. To meet this goal, CLASP is designed
  to measure linear polarization with 0.1% polarization sensitivity
  at 0.01 nm spectral resolution and 10" spatial resolution. CLASP is
  scheduled to be launched in 2015.

Title: Optimization of Curvilinear Tracing Applied to Solar Physics
    and Biophysics
Authors: Aschwanden, Markus; De Pontieu, Bart; Katrukha, Eugene
2013Entrp..15.3007A    Altcode: 2013arXiv1307.5046A
  We developed an automated pattern recognition code that is particularly
  well suited to extract one-dimensional curvi-linear features from
  two-dimensional digital images. A former version of this {\sl Oriented
  Coronal CUrved Loop Tracing (OCCULT)} code was applied to spacecraft
  images of magnetic loops in the solar corona, recorded with the NASA
  spacecraft {\sl Transition Region And Coronal Explorer (TRACE)} in
  extreme ultra-violet wavelengths. Here we apply an advanced version of
  this code ({\sl OCCULT-2}) also to similar images from the {\sl Solar
  Dynamics Observatory (SDO)}, to chromospheric H-$\alpha$ images obtained
  with the {\sl Swedish Solar Telescope (SST)}, and to microscopy images
  of microtubule filaments in live cells in biophysics. We provide a full
  analytical description of the code, optimize the control parameters,
  and compare the automated tracing with visual/manual methods. The
  traced structures differ by up to 16 orders of magnitude in size,
  which demonstrates the universality of the tracing algorithm.

Title: A Detailed Comparison between the Observed and Synthesized
    Properties of a Simulated Type II Spicule
Authors: Martínez-Sykora, Juan; De Pontieu, Bart; Leenaarts, Jorrit;
   Pereira, Tiago M. D.; Carlsson, Mats; Hansteen, Viggo; Stern, Julie
   V.; Tian, Hui; McIntosh, Scott W.; Rouppe van der Voort, Luc
2013ApJ...771...66M    Altcode: 2013arXiv1305.2397M
  We have performed a three-dimensional radiative MHD simulation of the
  solar atmosphere. This simulation shows a jet-like feature that shows
  similarities to the type II spicules observed for the first time with
  Hinode's Solar Optical Telescope. Rapid blueshifted events (RBEs) on the
  solar disk are associated with these spicules. Observational results
  suggest they may contribute significantly in supplying the corona
  with hot plasma. We perform a detailed comparison of the properties
  of the simulated jet with those of type II spicules (observed with
  Hinode) and RBEs (with ground-based instruments). We analyze a wide
  variety of synthetic emission and absorption lines from the simulations
  including chromospheric (Ca II 8542 Å, Ca II H, and Hα) to transition
  region and coronal temperatures (10,000 K to several million K). We
  compare their synthetic intensities, line profiles, Doppler shifts,
  line widths, and asymmetries with observations from Hinode/SOT and
  EIS, SOHO/SUMER, the Swedish 1 m Solar Telescope, and SDO/AIA. Many
  properties of the synthetic observables resemble the observations,
  and we describe in detail the physical processes that lead to these
  observables. Detailed analysis of the synthetic observables provides
  insight into how observations should be analyzed to derive information
  about physical variables in such a dynamic event. For example, we
  find that line-of-sight superposition in the optically thin atmosphere
  requires the combination of Doppler shifts and spectral line asymmetry
  to determine the velocity in the jet. In our simulated type II spicule,
  the lifetime of the asymmetry of the transition region lines is shorter
  than that of the coronal lines. Other properties differ from the
  observations, especially in the chromospheric lines. The mass density
  of the part of the spicule with a chromospheric temperature is too low
  to produce significant opacity in chromospheric lines. The synthetic
  Ca II 8542 Å and Hα profiles therefore do not show signal resembling
  RBEs. These and other discrepancies are described in detail, and we
  discuss which mechanisms and physical processes may need to be included
  in the MHD simulations to mimic the thermodynamic processes of the
  chromosphere and corona, in particular to reproduce type II spicules.

Title: Status of RAISE, the Rapid Acquisition Imaging Spectrograph
Authors: Laurent, Glenn T.; Hassler, D. M.; DeForest, C.; Ayres,
   T. R.; Davis, M.; De Pontieu, B.; Schuehle, U.; Warren, H.
2013SPD....44..145L    Altcode:
  The Rapid Acquisition Imaging Spectrograph Experiment (RAISE) sounding
  rocket payload is a high speed scanning-slit imaging spectrograph
  designed to observe the dynamics and heating of the solar chromosphere
  and corona on time scales as short as 100 ms, with 1 arcsec spatial
  resolution and a velocity sensitivity of 1-2 km/s. The instrument is
  based on a new class of UV/EUV imaging spectrometers that use only
  two reflections to provide quasi-stigmatic performance simultaneously
  over multiple wavelengths and spatial fields. The design uses an
  off-axis parabolic telescope mirror to form a real image of the sun
  on the spectrometer entrance aperture. A slit then selects a portion
  of the solar image, passing its light onto a near-normal incidence
  toroidal grating, which re-images the spectrally dispersed radiation
  onto two array detectors. Two full spectral passbands over the same
  one-dimensional spatial field are recorded simultaneously with no
  scanning of the detectors or grating. The two different spectral
  bands (1st-order 1205-1243Å and 1526-1564Å) are imaged onto two
  intensified Active Pixel Sensor (APS) detectors whose focal planes are
  individually adjusted for optimized performance. The telescope and
  grating are coated with B4C to enhance short wavelength (2nd order)
  reflectance, enabling the instrument to record the brightest lines
  between 602-622Å and 761-780Å at the same time. RAISE reads out the
  full field of both detectors at 5-10 Hz, allowing us to record over
  1,500 complete spectral observations in a single 5-minute rocket flight,
  opening up a new domain of high time resolution spectral imaging and
  spectroscopy. We present an overview of the project, a summary of the
  maiden flight results, and an update on instrument status.Abstract
  (2,250 Maximum Characters): The Rapid Acquisition Imaging Spectrograph
  Experiment (RAISE) sounding rocket payload is a high speed scanning-slit
  imaging spectrograph designed to observe the dynamics and heating of the
  solar chromosphere and corona on time scales as short as 100 ms, with 1
  arcsec spatial resolution and a velocity sensitivity of 1-2 km/s. The
  instrument is based on a new class of UV/EUV imaging spectrometers
  that use only two reflections to provide quasi-stigmatic performance
  simultaneously over multiple wavelengths and spatial fields. The design
  uses an off-axis parabolic telescope mirror to form a real image of
  the sun on the spectrometer entrance aperture. A slit then selects
  a portion of the solar image, passing its light onto a near-normal
  incidence toroidal grating, which re-images the spectrally dispersed
  radiation onto two array detectors. Two full spectral passbands over
  the same one-dimensional spatial field are recorded simultaneously with
  no scanning of the detectors or grating. The two different spectral
  bands (1st-order 1205-1243Å and 1526-1564Å) are imaged onto two
  intensified Active Pixel Sensor (APS) detectors whose focal planes are
  individually adjusted for optimized performance. The telescope and
  grating are coated with B4C to enhance short wavelength (2nd order)
  reflectance, enabling the instrument to record the brightest lines
  between 602-622Å and 761-780Å at the same time. RAISE reads out the
  full field of both detectors at 5-10 Hz, allowing us to record over
  1,500 complete spectral observations in a single 5-minute rocket flight,
  opening up a new domain of high time resolution spectral imaging and
  spectroscopy. We present an overview of the project, a summary of the
  maiden flight results, and an update on instrument status.

Title: The Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS)
Authors: De Pontieu, Bart; Title, A. M.; Lemen, J.; Wuelser, J.;
   Tarbell, T. D.; Schrijver, C. J.; Golub, L.; Kankelborg, C.; Carlsson,
   M.; Hansteen, V. H.; Worden, S.; IRIS Team
2013SPD....44...03D    Altcode:
  The solar chromosphere and transition region (TR) form a highly
  structured and dynamic interface region between the photosphere and
  the corona. This region not only acts as the conduit of all mass and
  energy feeding into the corona and solar wind, it also requires an
  order of magnitude more energy to heat than the corona. Nevertheless,
  the chromosphere remains poorly understood, because of the complexity
  of the required observational and analytical tools: the interface
  region is highly complex with transitions from optically thick to
  optically thin radiation, from pressure to magnetic field domination,
  and large density and temperature contrasts on small spatial scales. The
  Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) was selected for a NASA
  SMEX mission in 2009 and is scheduled to launch on 26-June-2013 (with
  first light scheduled for mid July). IRIS addresses critical questions:
  (1) Which types of non-thermal energy dominate in the chromosphere and
  beyond? (2) How does the chromosphere regulate mass and energy supply
  to the corona and heliosphere? (3) How do magnetic flux and matter
  rise through the lower atmosphere, and what role does flux emergence
  play in flares and mass ejections? These questions are addressed with
  a high-resolution near and far UV imaging spectrometer sensitive to
  emission from plasma at temperatures between 5,000 K and 10 MK. IRIS
  has a field-of-view of 120 arcsec, a spatial resolution of 0.4 arcsec,
  and velocity resolution of 0.5 km/s. The IRIS investigation includes
  a strong numerical modeling component based on advanced radiative MHD
  codes to facilitate interpretation of observations. We describe the
  IRIS instrumentation and numerical modeling, and present the plans for
  observations, calibration and data distribution. We will highlight some
  of the issues that IRIS observations can help resolve. More information
  can be found at http://iris.lmsal.com

Title: Observing Coronal Nanoflares in Active Region Moss
Authors: Testa, Paola; De Pontieu, Bart; Martínez-Sykora, Juan;
   DeLuca, Ed; Hansteen, Viggo; Cirtain, Jonathan; Winebarger, Amy;
   Golub, Leon; Kobayashi, Ken; Korreck, Kelly; Kuzin, Sergey; Walsh,
   Robert; DeForest, Craig; Title, Alan; Weber, Mark
2013ApJ...770L...1T    Altcode: 2013arXiv1305.1687T
  The High-resolution Coronal Imager (Hi-C) has provided Fe XII 193Å
  images of the upper transition region moss at an unprecedented spatial
  (~0.”3-0.”4) and temporal (5.5 s) resolution. The Hi-C observations
  show in some moss regions variability on timescales down to ~15 s,
  significantly shorter than the minute-scale variability typically found
  in previous observations of moss, therefore challenging the conclusion
  of moss being heated in a mostly steady manner. These rapid variability
  moss regions are located at the footpoints of bright hot coronal
  loops observed by the Solar Dynamics Observatory/Atmospheric Imaging
  Assembly in the 94 Å channel, and by the Hinode/X-Ray Telescope. The
  configuration of these loops is highly dynamic, and suggestive of
  slipping reconnection. We interpret these events as signatures of
  heating events associated with reconnection occurring in the overlying
  hot coronal loops, i.e., coronal nanoflares. We estimate the order
  of magnitude of the energy in these events to be of at least a few
  10<SUP>23</SUP> erg, also supporting the nanoflare scenario. These
  Hi-C observations suggest that future observations at comparable
  high spatial and temporal resolution, with more extensive temperature
  coverage, are required to determine the exact characteristics of the
  heating mechanism(s).

Title: The Cycling of Material between the Solar Corona and
Authors: Guerreiro, N.; Hansteen, Viggo; De Pontieu, B.
2013ApJ...769...47G    Altcode:
  Observations of transition region emission lines reveal the presence
  of redshifts in lines formed from the top of the chromosphere up
  to temperatures of about 2.5 × 10<SUP>5</SUP> K and blueshifts for
  temperatures above that. However, it is doubtful that the apparent large
  downward flows in the lower transition region represents an emptying of
  the corona, so some mechanism must be responsible for maintaining the
  mass balance between the corona and the lower atmospheric layers. We use
  a three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics code to study the cycling of
  mass between the corona, transition region, and chromosphere by adding
  a tracer fluid to the simulation in various temperature intervals in the
  transition region. We find that most of the material seen in transition
  region emission lines formed at temperatures below 3 × 10<SUP>5</SUP> K
  is material that has been rapidly heated from chromospheric temperatures
  and thereafter is pushed down as it cools. This implies that the bulk
  of transition region material resides in small loops. In these loops,
  the density is high and radiative cooling is efficient.

Title: Interplay of Three Kinds of Motion in the Disk Counterpart
of Type II Spicules: Upflow, Transversal, and Torsional Motions
Authors: Sekse, D. H.; Rouppe van der Voort, L.; De Pontieu, B.;
   Scullion, E.
2013ApJ...769...44S    Altcode: 2013arXiv1304.2304S
  Recently, it was shown that the complex dynamical behavior of spicules
  has to be interpreted as the result of simultaneous action of three
  kinds of motion: (1) field aligned flows, (2) swaying motions, and
  (3) torsional motions. We use high-quality observations from the
  CRisp Imaging SpectroPolarimeter at the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope
  to investigate signs of these different kinetic modes in spicules on
  the disk. Earlier, rapid blue-shifted excursions (RBEs), short-lived
  absorption features in the blue wing of chromospheric spectral lines,
  were identified as the disk counterpart of type II spicules. Here we
  report the existence of similar absorption features in the red wing of
  the Ca II 8542 and Hα lines: rapid redshifted excursions (RREs). RREs
  are found over the whole solar disk and are located in the same regions
  as RBEs: in the vicinity of magnetic field concentrations. RREs have
  similar characteristics as RBEs: they have similar lengths, widths,
  lifetimes, and average Doppler velocity. The striking similarity
  of RREs to RBEs implies that RREs are a manifestation of the same
  physical phenomenon and that spicules harbor motions that can result
  in a net redshift when observed on-disk. We find that RREs are less
  abundant than RBEs: the RRE/RBE detection count ratio is about 0.52
  at disk center and 0.74 near the limb. We interpret the higher number
  of RBEs and the decreased imbalance toward the limb as an indication
  that field-aligned upflows have a significant contribution to the
  net Dopplershift of the structure. Most RREs and RBEs are observed in
  isolation, but we find many examples of parallel and touching RRE/RBE
  pairs which appear to be part of the same spicule. We interpret the
  existence of these RRE/RBE pairs and the observation that many RREs
  and RBEs have varying Dopplershift along their width as signs that
  torsional motion is an important characteristic of spicules. The fact
  that most RBEs and RREs are observed in isolation agrees with the idea
  that transversal swaying motion is another important kinetic mode. We
  find examples of transitions from RRE to RBE and vice versa. These
  transitions sometimes appear to propagate along the structure with
  speeds between 18 and 108 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> and can be interpreted as
  the sign of a transverse (Alfvénic) wave.

Title: Heating of the Magnetic Chromosphere: Observational Constraints
    from Ca II λ8542 Spectra
Authors: de la Cruz Rodríguez, J.; De Pontieu, B.; Carlsson, M.;
   Rouppe van der Voort, L. H. M.
2013ApJ...764L..11D    Altcode: 2013arXiv1301.3141D
  The heating of the Sun's chromosphere remains poorly understood. While
  progress has been made on understanding what drives the quiet-Sun
  internetwork chromosphere, chromospheric heating in strong magnetic
  field regions continues to present a difficult challenge, mostly
  because of a lack of observational constraints. We use high-resolution
  spectropolarimetric data from the Swedish 1 m Solar Telescope to
  identify the location and spatio-temporal properties of heating in
  the magnetic chromosphere. In particular, we report the existence of
  raised-core spectral line profiles in the Ca II λ8542 line. These
  profiles are characterized by the absence of an absorption line
  core, showing a quasi-flat profile between λ ≈ ±0.5 Å, and are
  abundant close to magnetic bright points and plage. Comparison with
  three-dimensional MHD simulations indicates that such profiles occur
  when the line of sight goes through an "elevated temperature canopy"
  associated with the expansion with height of the magnetic field of
  flux concentrations. This temperature canopy in the simulations is
  caused by ohmic dissipation where there are strong magnetic field
  gradients. The raised-core profiles are thus indicators of locations
  of increased chromospheric heating. We characterize the location and
  temporal and spatial properties of such profiles in our observations,
  thus providing much stricter constraints on theoretical models of
  chromospheric heating mechanisms than before.

Title: On the Temporal Evolution of the Disk Counterpart of Type II
    Spicules in the Quiet Sun
Authors: Sekse, D. H.; Rouppe van der Voort, L.; De Pontieu, B.
2013ApJ...764..164S    Altcode: 2012arXiv1212.4988S
  The newly established type II spicule has been speculated to provide
  enough hot plasma to play an important role in the mass loading
  and heating of the solar corona. With the identification of rapid
  blueshifted excursions (RBEs) as the on-disk counterpart of type II
  spicules we have analyzed three different high-quality timeseries
  with the CRisp Imaging SpectroPolarimeter (CRISP) at the Swedish
  Solar Telescope on La Palma and subjected to an automated detection
  routine to detect a large number of RBEs for statistical purposes. Our
  observations are of a quiet-Sun region at disk center and we find
  lower Doppler velocities, 15-40 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, and Doppler widths,
  2-15 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, of RBEs than in earlier coronal hole studies,
  30-50 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> and 7-23 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, respectively. In
  addition, we examine the spatial dependence of Doppler velocities and
  widths along the RBE axis and conclude that there is no clear trend to
  this over the field of view or in individual RBEs in the quiet Sun at
  disk center. These differences with previous coronal hole studies are
  attributed to the more varying magnetic field configuration in quiet-Sun
  conditions. Using an extremely high-cadence data set has allowed us
  to improve greatly on the determination of lifetimes of RBEs, which we
  find to range from 5 to 60 s with an average lifetime of 30 s, as well
  as the transverse motions in RBEs, with transverse velocities up to
  55 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> and averaging 12 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. Furthermore,
  our measurements of the recurrence rates of RBEs provide important
  new constraints on coronal heating by spicules. We also see many
  examples of a sinusoidal wave pattern in the transverse motion of
  RBEs with periods averaging 54 s and amplitudes from 21.5 to 129 km
  which agrees well with previous studies of wave motion in spicules at
  the limb. We interpret the appearance of RBEs over their full length
  within a few seconds as the result of a combination of three kinds
  of motions as is earlier reported for spicules. Finally, we look at
  the temporal connection between Hα and Ca II 8542 RBEs and find that
  Ca II 8542 RBEs in addition to being located closer to the footpoint
  also appear before the Hα RBEs. This connection between Ca II 8542
  and Hα supports the idea that heating is occurring in spicules and
  contributes more weight to the prominence of spicules as a source for
  heating and mass loading of the corona.

Title: The Effects of Spatio-temporal Resolution on Deduced Spicule
Authors: Pereira, Tiago M. D.; De Pontieu, Bart; Carlsson, Mats
2013ApJ...764...69P    Altcode: 2012arXiv1212.2969P
  Spicules have been observed on the Sun for more than a century,
  typically in chromospheric lines such as Hα and Ca II H. Recent
  work has shown that so-called "type II" spicules may have a role in
  providing mass to the corona and the solar wind. In chromospheric
  filtergrams these spicules are not seen to fall back down, and they
  are shorter lived and more dynamic than the spicules that have been
  classically reported in ground-based observations. Observations of
  type II spicules with Hinode show fundamentally different properties
  from what was previously measured. In earlier work we showed that these
  dynamic type II spicules are the most common type, a view that was not
  properly identified by early observations. The aim of this work is to
  investigate the effects of spatio-temporal resolution in the classical
  spicule measurements. Making use of Hinode data degraded to match
  the observing conditions of older ground-based studies, we measure
  the properties of spicules with a semi-automated algorithm. These
  results are then compared to measurements using the original Hinode
  data. We find that degrading the data has a significant effect on the
  measured properties of spicules. Most importantly, the results from
  the degraded data agree well with older studies (e.g., mean spicule
  duration more than 5 minutes, and upward apparent velocities of about
  25 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>). These results illustrate how the combination
  of spicule superposition, low spatial resolution and cadence affect
  the measured properties of spicules, and that previous measurements
  can be misleading.

Title: Energy release in the solar corona from spatially resolved
    magnetic braids
Authors: Cirtain, J. W.; Golub, L.; Winebarger, A. R.; de Pontieu,
   B.; Kobayashi, K.; Moore, R. L.; Walsh, R. W.; Korreck, K. E.; Weber,
   M.; McCauley, P.; Title, A.; Kuzin, S.; Deforest, C. E.
2013Natur.493..501C    Altcode:
  It is now apparent that there are at least two heating mechanisms
  in the Sun's outer atmosphere, or corona. Wave heating may be the
  prevalent mechanism in quiet solar periods and may contribute to
  heating the corona to 1,500,000 K (refs 1, 2, 3). The active corona
  needs additional heating to reach 2,000,000-4,000,000 K this heat
  has been theoretically proposed to come from the reconnection and
  unravelling of magnetic `braids'. Evidence favouring that process has
  been inferred, but has not been generally accepted because observations
  are sparse and, in general, the braided magnetic strands that are
  thought to have an angular width of about 0.2 arc seconds have not been
  resolved. Fine-scale braiding has been seen in the chromosphere but not,
  until now, in the corona. Here we report observations, at a resolution
  of 0.2 arc seconds, of magnetic braids in a coronal active region that
  are reconnecting, relaxing and dissipating sufficient energy to heat
  the structures to about 4,000,000 K. Although our 5-minute observations
  cannot unambiguously identify the field reconnection and subsequent
  relaxation as the dominant heating mechanism throughout active regions,
  the energy available from the observed field relaxation in our example
  is ample for the observed heating.

Title: The Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS)
Authors: De Pontieu, B.; Title, A. M.; Lemen, J. R.; Wuelser, J.;
   Tarbell, T. D.; Schrijver, C.; Golub, L.; Kankelborg, C. C.; Hansteen,
   V. H.; Carlsson, M.
2012AGUFMSH33D2256D    Altcode:
  The solar chromosphere and transition region (TR) form a highly
  structured and dynamic interface region between the photosphere and
  the corona. This region not only acts as the conduit of all mass and
  energy feeding into the corona and solar wind, it also requires an
  order of magnitude more energy to heat than the corona. Nevertheless,
  the chromosphere remains poorly understood, because of the complexity
  of the required observational and analytical tools: the interface
  region is highly complex with transitions from optically thick to
  optically thin radiation, from pressure to magnetic field domination,
  and large density and temperature contrasts on small spatial scales. The
  Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) was selected for a NASA
  SMEX mission in 2009 and is scheduled to launch in early 2013. IRIS
  addresses critical questions: (1) Which types of non-thermal energy
  dominate in the chromosphere and beyond? (2) How does the chromosphere
  regulate mass and energy supply to the corona and heliosphere? (3)
  How do magnetic flux and matter rise through the lower atmosphere, and
  what role does flux emergence play in flares and mass ejections? These
  questions are addressed with a high-resolution near and far UV imaging
  spectrometer sensitive to emission from plasma at temperatures between
  5,000 K and 10 MK. IRIS has a field-of-view of 120 arcsec, a spatial
  resolution of 0.4 arcsec, and velocity resolution of 0.5 km/s. The
  IRIS investigation includes a strong numerical modeling component
  based on advanced radiative MHD codes to facilitate interpretation of
  observations. We will describe the IRIS instrumentation and numerical
  modeling, and present the status of the IRIS observatory development. We
  will highlight some of the issues that IRIS observations can help

Title: Loop Evolution Observed with AIA and Hi-C
Authors: Mulu-Moore, F.; Winebarger, A. R.; Cirtain, J. W.; Kobayashi,
   K.; Korreck, K. E.; Golub, L.; Kuzin, S.; Walsh, R. W.; DeForest,
   C.; De Pontieu, B.; Title, A. M.; Weber, M.
2012AGUFMSH33A2225M    Altcode:
  In the past decade, the evolution of EUV loops has been used to infer
  the loop substructure. With the recent launch of High Resolution Coronal
  Imager (Hi-C), this inference can be validated. In this presentation we
  discuss the first results of loop analysis comparing AIA and Hi-C data.

Title: The Fundamental Structure of Coronal Loops
Authors: Winebarger, A. R.; Warren, H. P.; Cirtain, J. W.; Kobayashi,
   K.; Korreck, K. E.; Golub, L.; Kuzin, S.; Walsh, R. W.; DeForest,
   C.; De Pontieu, B.; Title, A. M.; Weber, M.
2012AGUFMSH31B..06W    Altcode:
  During the past ten years, solar physicists have attempted to infer the
  coronal heating mechanism by comparing observations of coronal loops
  with hydrodynamic model predictions. These comparisons often used
  the addition of sub-resolution strands to explain the observed loop
  properties. On July 11, 2012, the High Resolution Coronal Imager (Hi-C)
  was launched on a sounding rocket. This instrument obtained images of
  the solar corona was 0.2-0.3” resolution in a narrowband EUV filter
  centered around 193 Angstroms. In this talk, we will compare these
  high resolution images to simultaneous density measurements obtained
  with the Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (EIS) on Hinode to
  determine whether the structures observed with Hi-C are resolved.

Title: Estimating the "Dark" Energy Content of the Solar Corona
Authors: McIntosh, Scott W.; De Pontieu, Bart
2012ApJ...761..138M    Altcode: 2012arXiv1211.4178M
  The discovery of ubiquitous low-frequency (3-5 mHz) Alfvénic waves
  in the solar chromosphere (with Hinode/Solar Optical Telescope)
  and corona (with CoMP and SDO) has provided some insight into the
  non-thermal energy content of the outer solar atmosphere. However,
  many questions remain about the true magnitude of the energy flux
  carried by these waves. Here we explore the apparent discrepancy in
  the resolved coronal Alfvénic wave amplitude (~0.5 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>)
  measured by the Coronal Multi-channel Polarimeter (CoMP) compared to
  those of the Hinode and the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) near the
  limb (~20 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>). We use a blend of observational data and
  a simple forward model of Alfvénic wave propagation to resolve this
  discrepancy and determine the Alfvénic wave energy content of the
  corona. Our results indicate that enormous line-of-sight superposition
  within the coarse spatio-temporal sampling of CoMP hides the strong
  wave flux observed by Hinode and SDO and leads to the large non-thermal
  line broadening observed. While this scenario has been assumed in
  the past, our observations with CoMP of a strong correlation between
  the non-thermal line broadening with the low-amplitude, low-frequency
  Alfvénic waves observed in the corona provide the first direct evidence
  of a wave-related non-thermal line broadening. By reconciling the
  diverse measurements of Alfvénic waves, we establish large coronal
  non-thermal line widths as direct signatures of the hidden, or "dark,"
  energy content in the corona and provide preliminary constraints on
  the energy content of the wave motions observed.

Title: Quantifying Spicules
Authors: Pereira, Tiago M. D.; De Pontieu, Bart; Carlsson, Mats
2012ApJ...759...18P    Altcode: 2012arXiv1208.4404P
  Understanding the dynamic solar chromosphere is fundamental in solar
  physics. Spicules are an important feature of the chromosphere,
  connecting the photosphere to the corona, potentially mediating
  the transfer of energy and mass. The aim of this work is to study
  the properties of spicules over different regions of the Sun. Our
  goal is to investigate if there is more than one type of spicule,
  and how spicules behave in the quiet Sun, coronal holes, and active
  regions. We make use of high cadence and high spatial resolution Ca
  II H observations taken by Hinode/Solar Optical Telescope. Making use
  of a semi-automated detection algorithm, we self-consistently track
  and measure the properties of 519 spicules over different regions. We
  find clear evidence of two types of spicules. Type I spicules show
  a rise and fall and have typical lifetimes of 150-400 s and maximum
  ascending velocities of 15-40 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, while type II spicules
  have shorter lifetimes of 50-150 s, faster velocities of 30-110 km
  s<SUP>-1</SUP>, and are not seen to fall down, but rather fade at
  around their maximum length. Type II spicules are the most common, seen
  in the quiet Sun and coronal holes. Type I spicules are seen mostly
  in active regions. There are regional differences between quiet-Sun
  and coronal hole spicules, likely attributable to the different field
  configurations. The properties of type II spicules are consistent with
  published results of rapid blueshifted events (RBEs), supporting the
  hypothesis that RBEs are their disk counterparts. For type I spicules
  we find the relations between their properties to be consistent with
  a magnetoacoustic shock wave driver, and with dynamic fibrils as their
  disk counterpart. The driver of type II spicules remains unclear from
  limb observations.

Title: Persistent Doppler Shift Oscillations Observed with Hinode/EIS
in the Solar Corona: Spectroscopic Signatures of Alfvénic Waves
    and Recurring Upflows
Authors: Tian, Hui; McIntosh, Scott W.; Wang, Tongjiang; Ofman, Leon;
   De Pontieu, Bart; Innes, Davina E.; Peter, Hardi
2012ApJ...759..144T    Altcode: 2012arXiv1209.5286T
  Using data obtained by the EUV Imaging Spectrometer on board Hinode,
  we have performed a survey of obvious and persistent (without
  significant damping) Doppler shift oscillations in the corona. We
  have found mainly two types of oscillations from February to April
  in 2007. One type is found at loop footpoint regions, with a dominant
  period around 10 minutes. They are characterized by coherent behavior
  of all line parameters (line intensity, Doppler shift, line width,
  and profile asymmetry), and apparent blueshift and blueward asymmetry
  throughout almost the entire duration. Such oscillations are likely to
  be signatures of quasi-periodic upflows (small-scale jets, or coronal
  counterpart of type-II spicules), which may play an important role
  in the supply of mass and energy to the hot corona. The other type of
  oscillation is usually associated with the upper part of loops. They are
  most clearly seen in the Doppler shift of coronal lines with formation
  temperatures between one and two million degrees. The global wavelets
  of these oscillations usually peak sharply around a period in the range
  of three to six minutes. No obvious profile asymmetry is found and
  the variation of the line width is typically very small. The intensity
  variation is often less than 2%. These oscillations are more likely to
  be signatures of kink/Alfvén waves rather than flows. In a few cases,
  there seems to be a π/2 phase shift between the intensity and Doppler
  shift oscillations, which may suggest the presence of slow-mode standing
  waves according to wave theories. However, we demonstrate that such a
  phase shift could also be produced by loops moving into and out of a
  spatial pixel as a result of Alfvénic oscillations. In this scenario,
  the intensity oscillations associated with Alfvénic waves are caused by
  loop displacement rather than density change. These coronal waves may be
  used to investigate properties of the coronal plasma and magnetic field.

Title: Investigating the Reliability of Coronal Emission Measure
    Distribution Diagnostics using Three-dimensional Radiative
    Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations
Authors: Testa, Paola; De Pontieu, Bart; Martínez-Sykora, Juan;
   Hansteen, Viggo; Carlsson, Mats
2012ApJ...758...54T    Altcode: 2012arXiv1208.4286T
  Determining the temperature distribution of coronal plasmas can provide
  stringent constraints on coronal heating. Current observations with
  the Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (EIS) on board Hinode
  and the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on board the Solar Dynamics
  Observatory provide diagnostics of the emission measure distribution
  (EMD) of the coronal plasma. Here we test the reliability of temperature
  diagnostics using three-dimensional radiative MHD simulations. We
  produce synthetic observables from the models and apply the Monte
  Carlo Markov chain EMD diagnostic. By comparing the derived EMDs with
  the "true" distributions from the model, we assess the limitations
  of the diagnostics as a function of the plasma parameters and the
  signal-to-noise ratio of the data. We find that EMDs derived from
  EIS synthetic data reproduce some general characteristics of the true
  distributions, but usually show differences from the true EMDs that
  are much larger than the estimated uncertainties suggest, especially
  when structures with significantly different density overlap along
  the line of sight. When using AIA synthetic data the derived EMDs
  reproduce the true EMDs much less accurately, especially for broad
  EMDs. The differences between the two instruments are due to the:
  (1) smaller number of constraints provided by AIA data and (2) broad
  temperature response function of the AIA channels which provide looser
  constraints to the temperature distribution. Our results suggest that
  EMDs derived from current observatories may often show significant
  discrepancies from the true EMDs, rendering their interpretation
  fraught with uncertainty. These inherent limitations to the method
  should be carefully considered when using these distributions to
  constrain coronal heating.

Title: Chromospheric Lyman-alpha spectro-polarimeter (CLASP)
Authors: Kano, Ryouhei; Bando, Takamasa; Narukage, Noriyuki; Ishikawa,
   Ryoko; Tsuneta, Saku; Katsukawa, Yukio; Kubo, Masahito; Ishikawa,
   Shin-nosuke; Hara, Hirohisa; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Suematsu, Yoshinori;
   Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Sakao, Taro; Goto, Motoshi; Kato, Yoshiaki; Imada,
   Shinsuke; Kobayashi, Ken; Holloway, Todd; Winebarger, Amy; Cirtain,
   Jonathan; De Pontieu, Bart; Casini, Roberto; Trujillo Bueno, Javier;
   Štepán, Jiří; Manso Sainz, Rafael; Belluzzi, Luca; Asensio Ramos,
   Andres; Auchère, Frédéric; Carlsson, Mats
2012SPIE.8443E..4FK    Altcode:
  One of the biggest challenges in heliophysics is to decipher the
  magnetic structure of the solar chromosphere. The importance of
  measuring the chromospheric magnetic field is due to both the key role
  the chromosphere plays in energizing and structuring the outer solar
  atmosphere and the inability of extrapolation of photospheric fields to
  adequately describe this key boundary region. Over the last few years,
  significant progress has been made in the spectral line formation
  of UV lines as well as the MHD modeling of the solar atmosphere. It
  is found that the Hanle effect in the Lyman-alpha line (121.567 nm)
  is a most promising diagnostic tool for weaker magnetic fields in
  the chromosphere and transition region. Based on this groundbreaking
  research, we propose the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter
  (CLASP) to NASA as a sounding rocket experiment, for making the first
  measurement of the linear polarization produced by scattering processes
  and the Hanle effect in the Lyman-alpha line (121.567 nm), and making
  the first exploration of the magnetic field in the upper chromosphere
  and transition region of the Sun. The CLASP instrument consists
  of a Cassegrain telescope, a rotating 1/2-wave plate, a dual-beam
  spectrograph assembly with a grating working as a beam splitter, and
  an identical pair of reflective polarization analyzers each equipped
  with a CCD camera. We propose to launch CLASP in December 2014.

Title: The interface region imaging spectrograph for the IRIS Small
    Explorer mission
Authors: Wülser, Jean-Pierre; Title, Alan M.; Lemen, James R.; De
   Pontieu, Bart; Kankelborg, Charles C.; Tarbell, Theodore D.; Berger,
   Thomas E.; Golub, Leon; Kushner, Gary D.; Chou, Catherine Y.; Weingrod,
   Isaac; Holmes, Buck; Mudge, Jason; Podgorski, William A.
2012SPIE.8443E..08W    Altcode:
  The Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) is a NASA SMall
  EXplorer mission scheduled for launch in January 2013. The primary goal
  of IRIS is to understand how the solar atmosphere is energized. The
  IRIS investigation combines advanced numerical modeling with a high
  resolution UV imaging spectrograph. IRIS will obtain UV spectra
  and images with high resolution in space (0.4 arcsec) and time (1s)
  focused on the chromosphere and transition region of the Sun, a complex
  interface region between the photosphere and corona. The IRIS instrument
  uses a Cassegrain telescope to feed a dual spectrograph and slit-jaw
  imager that operate in the 133-141 nm and 278-283 nm ranges. This paper
  describes the instrument with emphasis on the imaging spectrograph,
  and presents an initial performance assessment from ground test results.

Title: Two-dimensional Radiative Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of
    the Importance of Partial Ionization in the Chromosphere
Authors: Martínez-Sykora, Juan; De Pontieu, Bart; Hansteen, Viggo
2012ApJ...753..161M    Altcode: 2012arXiv1204.5991M
  The bulk of the solar chromosphere is weakly ionized and interactions
  between ionized particles and neutral particles likely have significant
  consequences for the thermodynamics of the chromospheric plasma. We
  investigate the importance of introducing neutral particles into the
  MHD equations using numerical 2.5D radiative MHD simulations obtained
  with the Bifrost code. The models span the solar atmosphere from the
  upper layers of the convection zone to the low corona, and solve the
  full MHD equations with non-gray and non-LTE radiative transfer, and
  thermal conduction along the magnetic field. The effects of partial
  ionization are implemented using the generalized Ohm's law, i.e.,
  we consider the effects of the Hall term and ambipolar diffusion
  in the induction equation. The approximations required in going
  from three fluids to the generalized Ohm's law are tested in our
  simulations. The Ohmic diffusion, Hall term, and ambipolar diffusion
  show strong variations in the chromosphere. These strong variations
  of the various magnetic diffusivities are absent or significantly
  underestimated when, as has been common for these types of studies,
  using the semi-empirical VAL-C model as a basis for estimates. In
  addition, we find that differences in estimating the magnitude
  of ambipolar diffusion arise depending on which method is used to
  calculate the ion-neutral collision frequency. These differences
  cause uncertainties in the different magnetic diffusivity terms. In
  the chromosphere, we find that the ambipolar diffusion is of the same
  order of magnitude or even larger than the numerical diffusion used
  to stabilize our code. As a consequence, ambipolar diffusion produces
  a strong impact on the modeled atmosphere. Perhaps more importantly,
  it suggests that at least in the chromospheric domain, self-consistent
  simulations of the solar atmosphere driven by magnetoconvection can
  accurately describe the impact of the dominant form of resistivity,
  i.e., ambipolar diffusion. This suggests that such simulations may
  be more realistic in their approach to the lower solar atmosphere
  (which directly drives the coronal volume) than previously assumed.

Title: Statistical Properties of the Disk Counterparts of Type
    II Spicules from Simultaneous Observations of Rapid Blueshifted
    Excursions in Ca II 8542 and Hα
Authors: Sekse, D. H.; Rouppe van der Voort, L.; De Pontieu, B.
2012ApJ...752..108S    Altcode: 2012arXiv1204.2943S
  Spicules were recently found to exist as two different types when a new
  class of so-called type II spicules was discovered at the solar limb
  with the Solar Optical Telescope on board the Hinode spacecraft. These
  type II spicules have been linked with on-disk observations of rapid
  blueshifted excursions (RBEs) in the Hα and Ca II 8542 lines. Here
  we analyze observations optimized for the detection of RBEs in both
  Hα and Ca II 8542 lines simultaneously at a high temporal cadence
  taken with the Crisp Imaging Spectropolarimeter at the Swedish Solar
  Telescope on La Palma. In this study, we used a high-quality time
  sequence for RBEs at different blueshifts and employed an automated
  detection routine to detect a large number of RBEs in order to expand
  on the statistics of RBEs. We find that the number of detected RBEs
  is strongly dependent on the associated Doppler velocity of the images
  on which the search is performed. Automatic detection of RBEs at lower
  velocities increases the estimated number of RBEs to the same order of
  magnitude expected from limb spicules. This shows that RBEs and type
  II spicules are indeed exponents of the same phenomenon. Furthermore,
  we provide solid evidence that Ca II 8542 RBEs are connected to Hα
  RBEs and are located closer to the network regions with the Hα RBEs
  being a continuation of the Ca II 8542 RBEs. Our results show that
  RBEs have an average lifetime of 83.9 s when observed in both spectral
  lines and that the Doppler velocities of RBEs range from 10 to 25 km
  s<SUP>-1</SUP> in Ca II 8542 and 30 to 50 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> in Hα. In
  addition, we automatically determine the transverse motion of a much
  larger sample of RBEs than previous studies, and find that, just like
  type II spicules, RBEs undergo significant transverse motions of the
  order of 5-10 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. Finally, we find that the intergranular
  jets discovered at Big Bear Solar Observatory are a subset of RBEs.

Title: Two components of the coronal emission revealed by both
    spectroscopic and imaging observations
Authors: Tian, Hui; McIntosh, Scott W.; De Pontieu, Bart
2012shin.confE...1T    Altcode:
  Boundaries of active regions have been suggested to be possible sources
  of the slow solar wind. X-ray and EUV imaging observations often reveal
  high-speed ( 100 km/s) quasi-periodic propagating disturbances (PDs)
  along the fan-like structures at edges of active regions. Meanwhile EUV
  spectroscopic observations of active region boundaries usually reveal
  a blue shift of the order of 20 km/s and no periodicity. We think that
  the key to solve these discrepancies is the asymmetry of the emission
  line profile. The ubiquitous presence of blueward asymmetries of EUV
  emission line profiles suggests at least two emission components:
  a primary component accounting for the background coronal emission
  and a weak secondary component associated with high-speed ( 100 km/s)
  upflows. Through jointed imaging and spectroscopic observations, we have
  demonstrated that the PDs are responsible for the secondary component
  of line profiles and suggested that they may be an efficient means to
  provide heated mass into the corona and solar wind. The intermittent
  nature of these high-speed outflows (fine-scale jets) suggests that
  the mass supply to the corona and solar wind is episodic rather than
  continuous. Similar spectroscopic signatures have also been found in
  CME-induced dimming regions, suggesting possible solar wind streams from
  dimming regions. Unresolved problems include the production mechanism
  of these high-speed outflows and the connection between these outflows
  to the interplanetary space.

Title: Ubiquitous Torsional Motions in Type II Spicules
Authors: De Pontieu, B.; Carlsson, M.; Rouppe van der Voort, L. H. M.;
   Rutten, R. J.; Hansteen, V. H.; Watanabe, H.
2012ApJ...752L..12D    Altcode: 2012arXiv1205.5006D
  Spicules are long, thin, highly dynamic features that jut out
  ubiquitously from the solar limb. They dominate the interface between
  the chromosphere and corona and may provide significant mass and energy
  to the corona. We use high-quality observations with the Swedish 1
  m Solar Telescope to establish that so-called type II spicules are
  characterized by the simultaneous action of three different types of
  motion: (1) field-aligned flows of order 50-100 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>,
  (2) swaying motions of order 15-20 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, and (3) torsional
  motions of order 25-30 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. The first two modes have been
  studied in detail before, but not the torsional motions. Our analysis
  of many near-limb and off-limb spectra and narrowband images using
  multiple spectral lines yields strong evidence that most, if not all,
  type II spicules undergo large torsional modulation and that these
  motions, like spicule swaying, represent Alfvénic waves propagating
  outward at several hundred km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. The combined action
  of the different motions explains the similar morphology of spicule
  bushes in the outer red and blue wings of chromospheric lines, and
  needs to be taken into account when interpreting Doppler motions to
  derive estimates for field-aligned flows in spicules and determining
  the Alfvénic wave energy in the solar atmosphere. Our results also
  suggest that large torsional motion is an ingredient in the production
  of type II spicules and that spicules play an important role in the
  transport of helicity through the solar atmosphere.

Title: Hinode/EIS Line Profile Asymmetries and Their Relationship with
    the Distribution of SDO/AIA Propagating Coronal Disturbance Velocities
Authors: Sechler, M.; McIntosh, S. W.; Tian, H.; De Pontieu, B.
2012ASPC..455..361S    Altcode: 2012arXiv1201.5028S
  Using joint observations from Hinode/EIS and the Atmospheric Imaging
  Array (AIA) on the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) we explore the
  asymmetry of coronal EUV line profiles. We find that asymmetries exist
  in all of the spectral lines studied, and not just the hottest lines
  as has been recently reported in the literature. Those asymmetries
  indicate that the velocities of the second emission component are
  relatively consistent across temperature and consistent with the
  apparent speed at which material is being inserted from the lower
  atmosphere that is visible in the SDO/AIA images as propagating coronal
  disturbances. Further, the observed asymmetries are of similar magnitude
  (a few percent) and width (determined from the RB analysis) across the
  temperature space sampled and in the small region studied. Clearly,
  there are two components of emission in the locations where the
  asymmetries are identified in the RB analysis, their characteristics
  are consistent with those determined from the SDO/AIA data. There is
  no evidence from our analysis that this second component is broader
  than the main component of the line.

Title: Two Components of the Coronal Emission Revealed by Both
    Spectroscopic and Imaging Observations
Authors: Tian, H.; McIntosh, S. W.; De Pontieu, B.
2012ASPC..456...97T    Altcode:
  X-ray and EUV imaging observations often reveal quasi-periodic
  propagating disturbances along the fan-like structures at edges of
  active regions. These disturbances have historically been interpreted
  as being signatures of slow-mode magnetoacoustic waves propagating
  into the corona. Recent spectroscopic observations have revealed
  the ubiquitous presence of blueward asymmetries of EUV emission line
  profiles. Such asymmetries suggest that there are at least two emission
  components: a primary component accounting for the background emission
  and a secondary component associated with high-speed upflows. Thus, a
  single Gaussian fit can not reflect the real physics here. Through joint
  imaging and spectroscopic observations, we find a clear association
  of the secondary component with the upward propagating disturbances
  and conclude that they are more likely to be real plasma outflows
  (small-scale recurring jets) rather than slow waves. These outflows
  may result from impulsive heating processes in the lower transition
  region or chromosphere and could be an efficient means to provide hot
  plasma into the corona and possibly also solar wind.

Title: How Low-Quality Observations Affect Spicule Properties
Authors: Pereira, Tiago M. D.; De Pontieu, B.; Carlsson, M.
2012AAS...22020306P    Altcode:
  Spicules have been observed on the sun for more than 80 years, in
  several chromospheric lines such as H-alpha and Ca II H. Recent work
  has shown that spicules have the potential to drive the solar wind
  and heat the chromosphere, making them a hotly contested topic in
  solar physics. Despite the wealth of observations available, their
  properties are still a matter of debate. Difficulties in measuring
  their properties arise because spicules occur on short spatial and
  temporal scales, and are very abundant (superimposed) at the limb. Most
  of the older observations lacked either the spatial resolution or
  cadence necessary to measure spicules. This changed with Hinode/SOT,
  which has provided seeing-free observations with high cadence and
  spatial resolution. Using SOT observations, we find that in the
  quiet sun most spicules are shorter lived and can move much faster
  than previously measured. In this work we try to reconcile the recent
  results with results from older observations. We degrade SOT data to
  match the cadence and resolution of older data sets, and apply the same
  semi-automated method to detect and measure the properties of spicules
  to both the original and degraded data. We find that degrading the data
  has a significant effect on the measured properties of spicules. Most
  importantly, the results from the degraded data agree very well
  with older studies (e.g. mean spicule duration more than 5 minutes,
  and upward velocities of about 25 km/s). These results illustrate how
  the combination of spicule superposition, low spatial resolution, and
  cadence affect the measured properties of spicules, and that previous
  measurements can thus be unreliable.

Title: On the Doppler Velocity of Emission Line Profiles Formed in
    the "Coronal Contraflow" that Is the Chromosphere-Corona Mass Cycle
Authors: McIntosh, Scott W.; Tian, Hui; Sechler, Marybeth; De Pontieu,
2012ApJ...749...60M    Altcode: 2012arXiv1202.1248M
  This analysis begins to explore the complex chromosphere-corona mass
  cycle using a blend of imaging and spectroscopic diagnostics. Single
  Gaussian fits (SGFs) to hot emission line profiles (formed above 1 MK)
  at the base of coronal loop structures indicate material blueshifts
  of 5-10 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, while cool emission line profiles (formed
  below 1 MK) yield redshifts of a similar magnitude—indicating, to
  zeroth order, that a temperature-dependent bifurcating flow exists
  on coronal structures. Image sequences of the same region reveal
  weakly emitting upward propagating disturbances in both hot and cool
  emission with apparent speeds of 50-150 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. Spectroscopic
  observations indicate that these propagating disturbances produce a weak
  emission component in the blue wing at commensurate speed, but that they
  contribute only a few percent to the (ensemble) emission line profile
  in a single spatio-temporal resolution element. Subsequent analysis of
  imaging data shows material "draining" slowly (~10 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>)
  out of the corona, but only in the cooler passbands. We interpret
  the draining as the return flow of coronal material at the end of
  the complex chromosphere-corona mass cycle. Further, we suggest that
  the efficient radiative cooling of the draining material produces a
  significant contribution to the red wing of cool emission lines that is
  ultimately responsible for their systematic redshift as derived from an
  SGF when compared to those formed in hotter (conductively dominated)
  domains. The presence of counterstreaming flows complicates the line
  profiles, their interpretation, and asymmetry diagnoses, but allows
  a different physical picture of the lower corona to develop.

Title: Using 3D MHD realistic simulations of the solar corona to
    test plasma diagnostics
Authors: Testa, P.; De Pontieu, B.; Martinez-Sykora, J.; Hansteen,
   V.; Carlsson, M.
2012decs.confE..27T    Altcode:
  We synthesize coronal images and spectra from advanced 3D MHD
  simulations obtained from the state-of-the art Bifrost code, and
  explore how well they reproduce coronal observations with SDO/AIA and
  Hinode/EIS. We apply standard diagnostic techniques (e.g., density, and
  temperature diagnostics) to the synthetic observations and investigate
  how accurately the derived physical information matches the plasma
  parameters of the model. We discuss the limitations of the diagnostics
  and their implications.

Title: Importance of the partial ionization in the chromosphere
    using 2D radiative-MHD simulations
Authors: Martinez-Sykora, Juan; De Pontieu, Bart; Hansteen, Viggo H.
2012decs.confE..81M    Altcode:
  The bulk of the solar chromosphere is weakly ionized and interactions
  between ionized particles and neutral particles will have significant
  consequences for the thermodynamics of the chromospheric plasma. We
  investigate the importance of introducing neutral particles into the
  MHD equations using numerical 2.5D radiative MHD simulations obtained
  with the Bifrost code. The models span the solar atmosphere from
  upper layers of the convection zone to the low corona, and solve the
  full MHD equations with non-grey and non-LTE radiative transfer and
  thermal conduction along the magnetic field. The effects of partial
  ionization are implemented using the generalized Ohm's law, i.e.,
  we consider the effects of the Hall and ambipolar diffusion in the
  induction equation. The ohmic, Hall, and ambipolar diffusivities show
  variations of several orders of magnitude in the chromosphere. These
  strong variations of the various magnetic diffusivities are absent
  and significantly underestimated when using the semi-empirical VAL-C
  model as a basis for estimates. We find that in the chromosphere,
  the ambipolar diffusion is of the same order of magnitude or even
  larger than the numerical diffusion used to stabilize our code. As
  result of this, we can study the effects of it in the simulations. The
  ambipolar diffusion produces strong impact on the chromosphere changing
  the thermal properties, dynamics and magnetic field evolution.

Title: Propagating waves along spicules
Authors: Okamoto, Joten; De Pontieu, Bart
2012decs.confE..66O    Altcode:
  We investigated the detailed and statistical properties of Alfvenic
  waves along spicules in the polar coronal hole using very high cadence
  observations of the Solar Optical Telescope onboard Hinode. We
  developed a technique for the automated detection of spicules and
  high-frequency waves in a time series of images. We detected 89
  spicules, and obtained several observational results (i.e., we found a
  mix of upward propagating (59%), downward propagating (21%), as well
  as standing waves (20%)). We speculate that upward propagating waves
  are produced near the solar surface (below the spicule) and downward
  propagating waves are caused by reflection of (initially) upward
  propagating waves off the transition region at the spicule top. The
  mix of upward and downward propagating waves implies that exploiting
  these waves to perform seismology of the spicular environment requires
  careful analysis and may be problematic.

Title: Potential for diagnostics with IRIS and Mg II lines
Authors: Pereira, Tiago M. D.; Carlsson, Mats; Leenaarts, Jorrit;
   Uitenbroek, Han; De Pontieu, Bart; Martinez-Sykora, Juan
2012decs.confE..13P    Altcode:
  The IRIS mission will open up a new window into the solar chromosphere
  and transition region. An important diagnostic that IRIS will bring
  is the Mg II H and K lines. Radiation from these lines is believed
  to be come from a wide range of formation depths, from the higher
  photosphere to the onset of the transition region. With a complex
  formation mechanism, Mg II H and K suffer from departures from LTE
  and partial redistribution (PRD). In this preliminary analysis we will
  look into the potential for diagnostics of Mg II H and K. Using a new
  parallel version of the RH code we synthesised Mg II H and K spectra
  from 3D rMHD simulations of the solar atmosphere. We will discuss
  the relevance of several approximations on the final observables,
  and will compare the Mg II H and K filtergrams with those of Ca II H,
  a robust chromospheric diagnostic line widely used with Hinode/SOT/BFI.

Title: Estimating the (Dark) Energy Content of the Solar Corona
Authors: McIntosh, Scott W.; De Pontieu, Bart
2012decs.confE.102M    Altcode:
  Exploiting the recent discovery of ubiquitous low-frequency (3-5mHz)
  Alfvénic waves in the solar chromosphere (with Hinode/SOT), and corona
  (with the ground-based CoMP and SDO/AIA) we report on the Alfvénic wave
  energy content of the corona using a blend of observational data and
  a simple forward model of Alfvénic wave propagation. We explore the
  apparent discrepancy in the resolved coronal Alfvénic wave amplitude
  ( 0.5km/s) measure by CoMP compared to those of the Hinode and SDO
  near the limb ( 20km/s).We see that the temporal invariance of the
  CoMP coronal non-thermal line widths ably capture the presence of the
  hidden, or dark, energy content in the corona. Exploiting the fact
  that the magnetic field permeating the corona is ubiquitously carrying
  Alfvénic motions of non-negligible amplitude we construct a simple
  model of wave propagation using the SOT and AIA measurements as strong
  constraints. This model reproduces the key spectroscopic measurements
  of the CoMP observations and allows us to place preliminary constraints
  on the impact of the coronal magnetic filling factor, the input wave
  spectrum, the dissipation on the wave motions observed, in addition
  to their energy content.

Title: The Connection of Type II Spicules to the Corona
Authors: Judge, Philip G.; de Pontieu, Bart; McIntosh, Scott W.;
   Olluri, Kosovare
2012ApJ...746..158J    Altcode: 2011arXiv1112.6174D; 2011arXiv1112.6174J
  We examine the hypothesis that plasma associated with "Type II"
  spicules is heated to coronal temperatures, and that the upward
  moving hot plasma constitutes a significant mass supply to the solar
  corona. One-dimensional hydrodynamical models including time-dependent
  ionization are brought to bear on the problem. These calculations
  indicate that heating of field-aligned spicule flows should produce
  significant differential Doppler shifts between emission lines formed
  in the chromosphere, transition region, and corona. At present,
  observational evidence for the computed 60-90 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>
  differential shifts is weak, but the data are limited by difficulties
  in comparing the proper motion of Type II spicules with spectral
  and kinematic properties of an associated transition region and
  coronal emission lines. Future observations with the upcoming infrared
  interferometer spectrometer instrument should clarify if Doppler shifts
  are consistent with the dynamics modeled here.

Title: The Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha SpectroPolarimeter (CLASP)j
Authors: Kobayashi, K.; Tsuneta, S.; Trujillo Bueno, J.; Bando, T.;
   Belluzzi, L.; Casini, R.; Carlsson, M.; Cirtain, J. W.; De Pontieu,
   B.; Hara, H.; Ichimoto, K.; Ishikawa, R.; Kano, R.; Katsukawa, Y.;
   Kim, T.; Kubo, M.; Manso Sainz, R.; Narukage, N.; Asensio Ramos,
   A.; Robinson, B.; Sakao, T.; Shimizu, T.; Stepan, J.; Suematsu, Y.;
   Watanabe, H.; West, E.; Winebarger, A. R.
2011AGUFM.P14C..05K    Altcode:
  We present an overview of the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha
  SpectroPolarimeter (CLASP) program. CLASP is a proposed sounding rocket
  experiment currently under development as collaboration between Japan,
  USA and Spain. The aim is to achieve the first measurement of magnetic
  field in the upper chromosphere and transition region of the Sun
  through the detection and measurement of Hanle effect polarization
  of the Lyman alpha line. The Hanle effect (i.e. the magnetic field
  induced modification of the linear polarization due to scattering
  processes in spectral lines) is believed to be a powerful tool for
  measuring the magnetic field in the upper chromosphere, as it is more
  sensitive to weaker magnetic fields than the Zeeman effect, and also
  sensitive to magnetic fields tangled at spatial scales too small to be
  resolved. The Lyman-alpha (121.567 nm) line has been chosen because
  it is a chromospheric/transition-region line, and because the Hanle
  effect polarization of the Lyman-alpha line is predicted to be sensitive
  to 10-250 Gauss, encompassing the range of interest. Hanle effect is
  predicted to be observable as linear polarization or depolarization,
  depending on the geometry, with a fractional polarization amplitude
  varying between 0.1% and 1% depending on the strength and orientation of
  the magnetic field. This quantification of the chromospheric magnetic
  field requires a highly sensitive polarization measurement. The
  CLASP instrument consists of a large aperture (287 mm) Cassegrain
  telescope mated to a polarizing beamsplitter and a matched pair
  of grating spectrographs. The polarizing beamsplitter consists
  of a continuously rotating waveplate and a linear beamsplitter,
  allowing simultaneous measurement of orthogonal polarizations and
  in-flight self-calibration. Development of the instrument is underway,
  and prototypes of all optical components have been tested using a
  synchrotron beamline. The experiment is proposed for flight in 2014.

Title: Quantifying spicules
Authors: Pereira, T. M.; De Pontieu, B.; Carlsson, M.
2011AGUFMSH34B..01P    Altcode:
  Understanding the dynamic solar chromosphere is of paramount importance
  in solar physics. Spicules are an important feature of the chromosphere,
  connecting the photosphere to the corona, potentially mediating the
  transfer of energy and mass. While it is generally accepted that
  there is more than one type of spicule, their quick motions, small
  spatial scales, and short lifetimes have prevented a systematic study
  of their properties over different solar regions. In the present work
  we undertake such a study, using Ca H filtergrams from Hinode/SOT and
  a semi-automated method to detect and track the spicules. Looking at
  different magnetic field configurations (quiet Sun, coronal holes,
  active regions), we discuss how the properties of the spicules change,
  how the two spicule populations (type I and type II) are connected,
  and how spicules are related to other chromospheric phenomena such as
  dynamic fibrils.

Title: Forward Modeling of Emission in Solar Dynamics
    Observatory/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly Passbands from Dynamic
    Three-dimensional Simulations
Authors: Martínez-Sykora, Juan; De Pontieu, Bart; Testa, Paola;
   Hansteen, Viggo
2011ApJ...743...23M    Altcode: 2011arXiv1109.0704M
  It is typically assumed that emission in the passbands of the
  Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on board the Solar Dynamics
  Observatory (SDO) is dominated by single or several strong lines
  from ions that under equilibrium conditions are formed in a narrow
  range of temperatures. However, most SDO/AIA channels also contain
  contributions from lines of ions that have formation temperatures
  that are significantly different from the "dominant" ion(s). We
  investigate the importance of these lines by forward modeling the
  emission in the SDO/AIA channels with three-dimensional radiative MHD
  simulations of a model that spans the upper layer of the convection
  zone to the low corona. The model is highly dynamic. In addition,
  we pump a steadily increasing magnetic flux into the corona, in
  order to increase the coronal temperature through the dissipation
  of magnetic stresses. As a consequence, the model covers different
  ranges of coronal temperatures as time progresses. The model covers
  coronal temperatures that are representative of plasma conditions in
  coronal holes and quiet Sun. The 131, 171, and 304 Å AIA passbands
  are found to be the least influenced by the so-called non-dominant
  ions, and the emission observed in these channels comes mostly from
  plasma at temperatures near the formation temperature of the dominant
  ion(s). On the other hand, the other channels are strongly influenced
  by the non-dominant ions, and therefore significant emission in these
  channels comes from plasma at temperatures that are different from the
  "canonical" values. We have also studied the influence of non-dominant
  ions on the AIA passbands when different element abundances are assumed
  (photospheric and coronal), and when the effects of the electron
  density on the contribution function are taken into account.

Title: Wave Propagation and Jet Formation in the Chromosphere
Authors: Heggland, L.; Hansteen, V. H.; De Pontieu, B.; Carlsson, M.
2011ApJ...743..142H    Altcode: 2011arXiv1112.0037H
  We present the results of numerical simulations of wave propagation
  and jet formation in solar atmosphere models with different magnetic
  field configurations. The presence in the chromosphere of waves with
  periods longer than the acoustic cutoff period has been ascribed to
  either strong inclined magnetic fields, or changes in the radiative
  relaxation time. Our simulations include a sophisticated treatment
  of radiative losses, as well as fields with different strengths
  and inclinations. Using Fourier and wavelet analysis techniques,
  we investigate the periodicity of the waves that travel through the
  chromosphere. We find that the velocity signal is dominated by waves
  with periods around 5 minutes in regions of strong, inclined field,
  including at the edges of strong flux tubes where the field expands,
  whereas 3 minute waves dominate in regions of weak or vertically
  oriented fields. Our results show that the field inclination is very
  important for long-period wave propagation, whereas variations in the
  radiative relaxation time have little effect. Furthermore, we find
  that atmospheric conditions can vary significantly on timescales of
  a few minutes, meaning that a Fourier analysis of wave propagation
  can be misleading. Wavelet techniques take variations with time into
  account and are more suitable analysis tools. Finally, we investigate
  the properties of jets formed by the propagating waves once they reach
  the transition region, and find systematic differences between the
  jets in inclined-field regions and those in vertical field regions,
  in agreement with observations of dynamic fibrils.

Title: Generation and propagation of Alfvenic waves in spicules
Authors: De Pontieu, B.; Okamoto, T. J.; Rouppe van der Voort, L.;
   Hansteen, V. H.; Carlsson, M.
2011AGUFMSH13B1956D    Altcode:
  Both spicules and Alfven waves have recently been implicated in
  playing a role in the heating of the outer atmosphere. Yet we do
  not know how spicules or Alfven waves are generated. Here we focus
  on the properties of Alfvenic waves in spicules and their role in
  forming spicules. We use high-resolution observations taken with the
  Solar Optical Telescope onboard Hinode, and with the CRISP Fabry-Perot
  Interferometer at the Swedish Solar Telescope (SST) in La Palma to study
  the generation and propagation of Alfvenic waves in spicules and their
  disk counterparts. Using automated detection algorithms to identify
  propagating waves in limb spicules, we find evidence for both up-
  and downward propagating as well as standing waves. Our data suggests
  significant reflection of waves in and around spicules and provides
  constraints for theoretical models of spicules and wave propagation
  through the chromosphere. We also show observational evidence (using
  SST data) of the generation of Alfven waves and the role they play in
  forming spicules.

Title: Lyman Alpha Spicule Observatory (LASO)
Authors: Chamberlin, P. C.; Allred, J. C.; Airapetian, V.; Gong, Q.;
   Mcintosh, S. W.; De Pontieu, B.; Fontenla, J. M.
2011AGUFMSH33B2064C    Altcode:
  The Lyman Alpha Spicule Observatory (LASO) sounding rocket will observe
  small-scale eruptive events called "Rapid Blue-shifted Events" (RBEs)
  [Rouppe van der Voort et al., 2009], the on-disk equivalent of Type-II
  spicules, and extend observations that explore their role in the solar
  coronal heating problem [De Pontieu et al., 2011]. LASO utilizes a
  new and novel optical design to simultaneously observe two spatial
  dimensions at 4.2" spatial resolution (2.1" pixels) over a 2'x2' field
  of view with high spectral resolution of 66mÅ (33mÅ pixels) across a
  broad 20Å spectral window. This spectral window contains three strong
  chromospheric and transition region emissions and is centered on the
  strong Hydrogen Lyman-α emission at 1216Å. This instrument makes
  it possible to obtain new data crucial to the physical understanding
  of these phenomena and their role in the overall energy and momentum
  balance from the upper chromosphere to lower corona. LASO was submitted
  March 2011 in response to the ROSES SHP-LCAS call.

Title: Testing coronal plasma diagnostics using 3D MHD models of
    the solar atmosphere
Authors: Testa, P.; Martinez-Sykora, J.; Hansteen, V. H.; De Pontieu,
   B.; Carlsson, M.
2011AGUFMSH53C..06T    Altcode:
  We synthesize coronal images and spectra from advanced 3D radiative
  MHD simulations obtained from the state-of-the-art Bifrost code, and
  explore how well they reproduce coronal observations with SDO/AIA
  and Hinode/EIS and XRT. We apply standard diagnostic techniques
  (e.g., density, temperature, abundance diagnostics) to the synthetic
  observations and investigate how accurately the derived physical
  information matches the plasma parameters of the model. We discuss
  the limitations of the diagnostics and their implications.

Title: Two Components of the Coronal Emission Revealed by
    Extreme-Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Observations
Authors: Tian, H.; Mcintosh, S. W.; De Pontieu, B.; Martinez-Sykora,
   J.; Wang, X.; Sechler, M.
2011AGUFMSH33A2027T    Altcode:
  Recent spectroscopic observations have revealed the ubiquitous presence
  of blueward asymmetries of emission lines formed in the solar corona
  and transition region. These asymmetries are most prominent in loop
  footpoint regions, where a clear correlation of the asymmetry with the
  Doppler shift and line width determined from the single-Gaussian fit
  is found. Such asymmetries suggest at least two emission components: a
  primary component accounting for the background emission and a secondary
  component associated with high-speed upflows. The latter has been
  proposed to play a vital role in the coronal heating process and there
  is no agreement on its properties. Here we slightly modify the initially
  developed technique of red-blue (RB) asymmetry analysis and apply it to
  both artificial spectra and spectra observed by the Extreme-ultraviolet
  Imaging Spectrometer on board Hinode, and demonstrate that the secondary
  component usually contributes a few percent of the total emission, has
  a velocity ranging from 50 to 150 km/s, and a Gaussian width comparable
  to that of the primary one in loop footpoint regions. The results of
  the RB asymmetry analysis are then used to guide a double-Gaussian fit
  and we find that the obtained properties of the secondary component
  are generally consistent with those obtained from the RB asymmetry
  analysis. Through a comparison of the location, relative intensity,
  and velocity distribution of the blueward secondary component with
  the properties of the upward propagating disturbances revealed in
  simultaneous images from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly on board
  the Solar Dynamics Observatory, we find a clear association of the
  secondary component with the propagating disturbances.

Title: Overview of Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha SpectroPolarimeter
Authors: Narukage, Noriyuki; Tsuneta, Saku; Bando, Takamasa; Kano,
   Ryouhei; Kubo, Masahito; Ishikawa, Ryoko; Hara, Hirohisa; Suematsu,
   Yoshinori; Katsukawa, Yukio; Watanabe, Hiroko; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi;
   Sakao, Taro; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Kobayashi, Ken; Robinson, Brian; Kim,
   Tony; Winebarger, Amy; West, Edward; Cirtain, Jonathan; De Pontieu,
   Bart; Casini, Roberto; Trujillo Bueno, Javier; Stepan, Jiri; Manso
   Sainz, Rafael; Belluzzi, Luca; Asensio Ramos, Andres; Carlsson, Mats
2011SPIE.8148E..0HN    Altcode: 2011SPIE.8148E..16N
  The solar chromosphere is an important boundary, through which all of
  the plasma, magnetic fields and energy in the corona and solar wind
  are supplied. Since the Zeeman splitting is typically smaller than
  the Doppler line broadening in the chromosphere and transition region,
  it is not effective to explore weak magnetic fields. However, this is
  not the case for the Hanle effect, when we have an instrument with
  high polarization sensitivity (~ 0.1%). "Chromospheric Lyman- Alpha
  SpectroPolarimeter (CLASP)" is the sounding rocket experiment to detect
  linear polarization produced by the Hanle effect in Lyman-alpha line
  (121.567 nm) and to make the first direct measurement of magnetic
  fields in the upper chromosphere and lower transition region. To
  achieve the high sensitivity of ~ 0.1% within a rocket flight (5
  minutes) in Lyman-alpha line, which is easily absorbed by materials,
  we design the optical system mainly with reflections. The CLASP
  consists of a classical Cassegrain telescope, a polarimeter and a
  spectrometer. The polarimeter consists of a rotating 1/2-wave plate
  and two reflecting polarization analyzers. One of the analyzer also
  works as a polarization beam splitter to give us two orthogonal linear
  polarizations simultaneously. The CLASP is planned to be launched in
  2014 summer.

Title: Two Components of the Solar Coronal Emission Revealed by
    Extreme-ultraviolet Spectroscopic Observations
Authors: Tian, Hui; McIntosh, Scott W.; De Pontieu, Bart;
   Martínez-Sykora, Juan; Sechler, Marybeth; Wang, Xin
2011ApJ...738...18T    Altcode: 2011arXiv1106.1141T
  Recent spectroscopic observations have revealed the ubiquitous presence
  of blueward asymmetries of emission lines formed in the solar corona
  and transition region. These asymmetries are most prominent in loop
  footpoint regions, where a clear correlation of the asymmetry with the
  Doppler shift and line width determined from the single-Gaussian fit
  is found. Such asymmetries suggest at least two emission components: a
  primary component accounting for the background emission and a secondary
  component associated with high-speed upflows. The latter has been
  proposed to play a vital role in the coronal heating process and there
  is no agreement on its properties. Here we slightly modify the initially
  developed technique of red-blue (RB) asymmetry analysis and apply it to
  both artificial spectra and spectra observed by the Extreme-ultraviolet
  Imaging Spectrometer on board Hinode, and demonstrate that the secondary
  component usually contributes a few percent of the total emission,
  and has a velocity ranging from 50 to 150 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> and a
  Gaussian width comparable to that of the primary one in loop footpoint
  regions. The results of the RB asymmetry analysis are then used to
  guide a double-Gaussian fit and we find that the obtained properties of
  the secondary component are generally consistent with those obtained
  from the RB asymmetry analysis. Through a comparison of the location,
  relative intensity, and velocity distribution of the blueward secondary
  component with the properties of the upward propagating disturbances
  revealed in simultaneous images from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly
  on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory, we find a clear association
  of the secondary component with the propagating disturbances.

Title: Propagating Waves Along Spicules
Authors: Okamoto, Takenori J.; De Pontieu, Bart
2011ApJ...736L..24O    Altcode: 2011arXiv1106.4270O
  Alfvénic waves are thought to play an important role in coronal heating
  and acceleration of solar wind. Here we investigate the statistical
  properties of Alfvénic waves along spicules (jets that protrude into
  the corona) in a polar coronal hole using high-cadence observations of
  the Solar Optical Telescope on board Hinode. We developed a technique
  for the automated detection of spicules and high-frequency waves. We
  detected 89 spicules and found (1) a mix of upward propagating, downward
  propagating, as well as standing waves (occurrence rates of 59%, 21%,
  and 20%, respectively); (2) the phase speed gradually increases with
  height; (3) upward waves dominant at lower altitudes, standing waves
  at higher altitudes; (4) standing waves dominant in the early and late
  phases of each spicule, while upward waves were dominant in the middle
  phase; (5) in some spicules, we find waves propagating upward (from
  the bottom) and downward (from the top) to form a standing wave in the
  middle of the spicule; and (6) the medians of the amplitude, period,
  and velocity amplitude were 55 km, 45 s, and 7.4 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>,
  respectively. We speculate that upward propagating waves are produced
  near the solar surface (below the spicule) and downward propagating
  waves are caused by reflection of (initially) upward propagating
  waves off the transition region at the spicule top. The mix of upward
  and downward propagating waves implies that exploiting these waves
  to perform seismology of the spicular environment requires careful
  analysis and may be problematic.

Title: Alfvénic waves with sufficient energy to power the quiet
    solar corona and fast solar wind
Authors: McIntosh, Scott W.; de Pontieu, Bart; Carlsson, Mats;
   Hansteen, Viggo; Boerner, Paul; Goossens, Marcel
2011Natur.475..477M    Altcode:
  Energy is required to heat the outer solar atmosphere to millions of
  degrees (refs 1, 2) and to accelerate the solar wind to hundreds of
  kilometres per second (refs 2-6). Alfvén waves (travelling oscillations
  of ions and magnetic field) have been invoked as a possible mechanism
  to transport magneto-convective energy upwards along the Sun's magnetic
  field lines into the corona. Previous observations of Alfvénic waves
  in the corona revealed amplitudes far too small (0.5kms<SUP>-1</SUP>)
  to supply the energy flux (100-200Wm<SUP>-2</SUP>) required to
  drive the fast solar wind or balance the radiative losses of the
  quiet corona. Here we report observations of the transition region
  (between the chromosphere and the corona) and of the corona that
  reveal how Alfvénic motions permeate the dynamic and finely structured
  outer solar atmosphere. The ubiquitous outward-propagating Alfvénic
  motions observed have amplitudes of the order of 20kms<SUP>-1</SUP> and
  periods of the order of 100-500s throughout the quiescent atmosphere
  (compatible with recent investigations), and are energetic enough to
  accelerate the fast solar wind and heat the quiet corona.

Title: Direct Imaging of Quasi-periodic Fast Propagating Waves of
    ~2000 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> in the Low Solar Corona by the Solar Dynamics
    Observatory Atmospheric Imaging Assembly
Authors: Liu, Wei; Title, Alan M.; Zhao, Junwei; Ofman, Leon;
   Schrijver, Carolus J.; Aschwanden, Markus J.; De Pontieu, Bart;
   Tarbell, Theodore D.
2011ApJ...736L..13L    Altcode: 2011arXiv1106.3150L
  Quasi-periodic propagating fast mode magnetosonic waves in the solar
  corona were difficult to observe in the past due to relatively low
  instrument cadences. We report here evidence of such waves directly
  imaged in EUV by the new Atmospheric Imaging Assembly instrument
  on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory. In the 2010 August 1 C3.2
  flare/coronal mass ejection event, we find arc-shaped wave trains of
  1%-5% intensity variations (lifetime ~200 s) that emanate near the
  flare kernel and propagate outward up to ~400 Mm along a funnel of
  coronal loops. Sinusoidal fits to a typical wave train indicate a phase
  velocity of 2200 ± 130 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. Similar waves propagating
  in opposite directions are observed in closed loops between two flare
  ribbons. In the k-ω diagram of the Fourier wave power, we find a
  bright ridge that represents the dispersion relation and can be well
  fitted with a straight line passing through the origin. This k-ω
  ridge shows a broad frequency distribution with power peaks at 5.5,
  14.5, and 25.1 mHz. The strongest signal at 5.5 mHz (period 181 s)
  temporally coincides with quasi-periodic pulsations of the flare,
  suggesting a common origin. The instantaneous wave energy flux
  of (0.1-2.6) × 10<SUP>7</SUP> erg cm<SUP>-2</SUP> s<SUP>-1</SUP>
  estimated at the coronal base is comparable to the steady-state heating
  requirement of active region loops.

Title: Lyman Alpha Spicule Observatory (LASO)
Authors: Chamberlin, Phillip C.; Allred, J.; Airapetian, V.; Gong,
   Q.; Fontenla, J.; McIntosh, S.; de Pontieu, B.
2011SPD....42.1506C    Altcode: 2011BAAS..43S.1506C
  The Lyman Alpha Spicule Observatory (LASO) sounding rocket will observe
  small-scale eruptive events called "Rapid Blue-shifted Events” (RBEs),
  the on-disk equivalent of Type-II spicules, and extend observations that
  explore their role in the solar coronal heating problem. LASO utilizes
  a new and novel optical design to simultaneously observe two spatial
  dimensions at 4.2" spatial resolution (2.1” pixels) over a 2'x2'
  field of view with high spectral resolution of 66mÅ (33mÅ pixels)
  across a broad 20Å spectral window. This spectral window contains three
  strong chromospheric and transition region emissions and is centered on
  the strong Hydrogen Lyman-α emission at 1216Å. This instrument makes
  it possible to obtain new data crucial to the physical understanding
  of these phenomena and their role in the overall energy and momentum
  balance from the upper chromosphere to lower corona. LASO was submitted
  March 2011 in response to the ROSES SHP-LCAS call.

Title: The Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) NASA SMEX
Authors: Lemen, James; Title, A.; De Pontieu, B.; Schrijver, C.;
   Tarbell, T.; Wuelser, J.; Golub, L.; Kankelborg, C.
2011SPD....42.1512L    Altcode: 2011BAAS..43S.1512L
  The solar chromosphere and transition region (TR) is highly structured,
  dynamic, and intimately connected to the corona. It requires more
  than ten times the energy required to heat the corona, and yet it
  has received far less interest because of the complexity of the
  required observational and analytical tools. In the TR the density
  drops by six orders of magnitude and the temperature increases by
  three orders of magnitude. Hinode observations reveal the importance
  the magnetic field has on this region of the solar atmosphere that
  acts as the interface between the photosphere and the corona. The
  Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) was selected for a NASA
  SMEX mission in 2009 and is scheduled to launch in December 2012. IRIS
  addresses critical questions in order to understand the flow of energy
  and mass through the chromosphere and TR, namely: (1) Which types of
  non-thermal energy dominate in the chromosphere and beyond? (2) How
  does the chromosphere regulate mass and energy supply to the corona
  and heliosphere? (3) How do magnetic flux and matter rise through the
  lower atmosphere, and what roles dos flux emergence play in flares and
  mass ejections? These questions are addressed with a high-resolution
  imaging spectrometer that observes Near- and Far-VU emissions that
  are formed at temperatures between 5,000K and 1.5 x 10<SUP>6</SUP>
  K. IRIS has a field-of-view of 120 arcsec, a spatial resolution
  of 0.4 arcsec, and velocity resolution of 0.5 km/s. Members of the
  IRIS investigation team are developing advanced radiative MHD codes
  to facilitate comparison with and interpretation of observations. We
  present the status of the IRIS observatory development, which completed
  its Critical Design Review in December 2010.

Title: What do Spectral Line Profile Asymmetries Tell us About the
    Solar Atmosphere?
Authors: Martínez-Sykora, Juan; De Pontieu, Bart; Hansteen, Viggo;
   McIntosh, Scott W.
2011ApJ...732...84M    Altcode:
  Recently, analysis of solar spectra obtained with the EUV Imaging
  Spectrograph (EIS) onboard the Hinode satellite has revealed the
  ubiquitous presence of asymmetries in transition region (TR) and coronal
  spectral line profiles. These asymmetries have been observed especially
  at the footpoints of coronal loops and have been associated with strong
  upflows that may play a significant role in providing the corona with
  hot plasma. Here, we perform a detailed study of the various processes
  that can lead to spectral line asymmetries, using both simple forward
  models and state-of-the-art three-dimensional radiative MHD simulations
  of the solar atmosphere using the Bifrost code. We describe a novel
  technique to determine the presence and properties of faint secondary
  components in the wings of spectral line profiles. This method is based
  on least-squares fitting of observed so-called R(ed)B(lue) asymmetry
  profiles with pre-calculated RB asymmetry profiles for a wide variety
  of secondary component properties. We illustrate how this method could
  be used to perform reliable double Gaussian fits that are not over- or
  under-constrained. We also find that spectral line asymmetries appear
  in TR and coronal lines that are synthesized from our three-dimensional
  MHD simulations. Our models show that the spectral asymmetries are a
  sensitive measure of the velocity gradient with height in the TR of
  coronal loops. The modeled TR shows a large gradient of velocity that
  increases with height: this occurs as a consequence of ubiquitous,
  episodic heating at low heights in the model atmosphere. We show
  that the contribution function of spectral lines as a function of
  temperature is critical for sensitivity to velocity gradients and thus
  line asymmetries: lines that are formed over a temperature range that
  includes most of the TR are the most sensitive. As a result, lines from
  lithium-like ions (e.g., O VI) are found to be the most sensitive to
  line asymmetries. We compare the simulated line profiles directly with
  line profiles observed in the quiet Sun with SOHO/SUMER and Hinode/EIS
  and find that the shape of the profiles is very similar. In addition,
  the simulated profiles with the strongest blueward asymmetry occur in
  footpoint regions of coronal loops, which is similar to what we observe
  with SUMER and EIS. There is however a significant discrepancy between
  the simulations and observations: the simulated RB asymmetries are
  an order of magnitude smaller than the observations. We discuss the
  possible reasons for this discrepancy. In summary, our analysis shows
  that observations of spectral line asymmetries can provide a powerful
  new diagnostic to help constrain coronal heating models.

Title: Direct Imaging by SDO/AIA of Quasi-periodic Propagating Fast
    Mode Magnetosonic Waves of  2000 km/s in the Solar Corona
Authors: Liu, Wei; Title, A. M.; Zhao, J.; Ofman, L.; Schrijver,
   C. J.; Aschwanden, M. J.; De Pontieu, B.; Tarbell, T. D.
2011SPD....42.2114L    Altcode: 2011BAAS..43S.2114L
  Quasi-periodic, propagating fast mode magnetosonic waves in the
  corona were difficult to observe in the past due to relatively low
  instrument cadences. We report here unprecedented evidence of such
  waves directly imaged in EUV by the new SDO/AIA instrument. In the 2010
  August 1 C3.2 flare/CME event, we find arc-shaped wave trains of 1-5%
  intensity variations emanating near the flare kernel and propagating
  outward along a funnel of coronal loops. Sinusoidal fits to a typical
  wave train indicate a phase velocity of 2350 +/- 210 km/s. Similar
  waves propagating in opposite directions are observed in closed loops
  between two flare ribbons. In the k-omega diagram of the Fourier wave
  power, we find a bright ridge that represents the dispersion relation
  and can be well fitted with a straight line passing through the
  origin, giving an equal phase and group velocity of 1630 +/- 760 km/s
  averaged over the event. This k-omega ridge shows a broad frequency
  distribution with prominent power at four non-harmonic frequencies,
  5.5, 14.5, 25.1, and 37.9 mHz, among which the 14.5 mHz (period:
  69 s) signal is the strongest. The signal at 5.5 mHz (period: 181 s,
  same as chromospheric 3-minute oscillations) temporally coincides with
  flare pulsations, suggesting a common origin of possibly quasi-periodic
  magnetic reconnection. The instantaneous wave energy flux of (0.1-2.6)e7
  ergs/cm<SUP>2</SUP>/s estimated at the coronal base is comparable to
  the steady-state heating requirement of active region loops.

Title: A Sounding Rocket Experiment for Spectropolarimetric
    Observations with the Ly<SUB>α</SUB> Line at 121.6 nm (CLASP)
Authors: Ishikawa, R.; Bando, T.; Fujimura, D.; Hara, H.; Kano,
   R.; Kobiki, T.; Narukage, N.; Tsuneta, S.; Ueda, K.; Wantanabe,
   H.; Kobayashi, K.; Trujillo Bueno, J.; Manso Sainz, R.; Stepan, J.;
   de Pontieu, B.; Carlsson, M.; Casini, R.
2011ASPC..437..287I    Altcode:
  A team consisting of Japan, USA, Spain, and Norway is developing a
  high-throughput Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha SpectroPolarimeter (CLASP),
  which is proposed to fly with a NASA sounding rocket in 2014. CLASP will
  explore the magnetism of the upper solar chromosphere and transition
  region via the Hanle effect of the Ly<SUB>α</SUB> line for the first
  time. This experiment requires spectropolarimetric observations with
  high polarimetric sensitivity (∼0.1%) and wavelength resolution
  (0.1 Å). The final spatial resolution (slit width) is being discussed
  taking into account the required high signal-to-noise ratio. We have
  demonstrated the performance of the Ly<SUB>α</SUB> polarimeter by
  extensively using the Ultraviolet Synchrotron ORbital Radiation Facility
  (UVSOR) at the Institute for Molecular Sciences. In this contribution,
  we report these measurements at UVSOR together with the current status
  of the CLASP project.

Title: The Spectroscopic Signature of Quasi-periodic Upflows in
    Active Region Timeseries
Authors: Tian, Hui; McIntosh, Scott W.; De Pontieu, Bart
2011ApJ...727L..37T    Altcode: 2010arXiv1012.5112T
  Quasi-periodic propagating disturbances are frequently observed in
  coronal intensity image sequences. These disturbances have historically
  been interpreted as being the signature of slow-mode magnetoacoustic
  waves propagating into the corona. The detailed analysis of Hinode EUV
  Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) timeseries observations of an active region
  (known to contain propagating disturbances) shows strongly correlated,
  quasi-periodic, oscillations in intensity, Doppler shift, and line
  width. No frequency doubling is visible in the latter. The enhancements
  in the moments of the line profile are generally accompanied by a faint,
  quasi-periodically occurring, excess emission at ~100 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>
  in the blue wing of coronal emission lines. The correspondence of
  quasi-periodic excess wing emission and the moments of the line profile
  indicates that repetitive high-velocity upflows are responsible for
  the oscillatory behavior observed. Furthermore, we show that the same
  quasi-periodic upflows can be directly identified in a simultaneous
  image sequence obtained by the Hinode X-Ray Telescope. These results
  are consistent with the recent assertion of De Pontieu &amp; McIntosh
  that the wave interpretation of the data is not unique. Indeed, given
  that several instances are seen to propagate along the direction of
  the EIS slit that clearly shows in-phase, quasi-periodic variations of
  intensity, velocity, width (without frequency doubling), and blue wing
  enhanced emission, this data set would appear to provide a compelling
  example that upflows are more likely to be the main cause of the
  quasi-periodicities observed here, as such correspondences are hard
  to reconcile in the wave paradigm.

Title: The Spectroscopic Footprint of the Fast Solar Wind
Authors: McIntosh, Scott W.; Leamon, Robert J.; De Pontieu, Bart
2011ApJ...727....7M    Altcode: 2010arXiv1011.3066M
  We analyze a large, complex equatorial coronal hole (ECH) and its
  immediate surroundings with a focus on the roots of the fast solar
  wind. We start by demonstrating that our ECH is indeed a source of the
  fast solar wind at 1 AU by examining in situ plasma measurements in
  conjunction with recently developed measures of magnetic conditions
  of the photosphere, inner heliosphere, and the mapping of the solar
  wind source region. We focus the bulk of our analysis on interpreting
  the thermal and spatial dependence of the non-thermal line widths
  in the ECH as measured by SOHO/SUMER by placing the measurements in
  context with recent studies of ubiquitous Alfvén waves in the solar
  atmosphere and line profile asymmetries (indicative of episodic heating
  and mass loading of the coronal plasma) that originate in the strong,
  unipolar magnetic flux concentrations that comprise the supergranular
  network. The results presented in this paper are consistent with a
  picture where a significant portion of the energy responsible for
  the transport of heated mass into the fast solar wind is provided by
  episodically occurring small-scale events (likely driven by magnetic
  reconnection) in the upper chromosphere and transition region of the
  strong magnetic flux regions that comprise the supergranular network.

Title: The Origins of Hot Plasma in the Solar Corona
Authors: De Pontieu, B.; McIntosh, S. W.; Carlsson, M.; Hansteen,
   V. H.; Tarbell, T. D.; Boerner, P.; Martinez-Sykora, J.; Schrijver,
   C. J.; Title, A. M.
2011Sci...331...55D    Altcode:
  The Sun's outer atmosphere, or corona, is heated to millions of degrees,
  considerably hotter than its surface or photosphere. Explanations for
  this enigma typically invoke the deposition in the corona of nonthermal
  energy generated by magnetoconvection. However, the coronal heating
  mechanism remains unknown. We used observations from the Solar Dynamics
  Observatory and the Hinode solar physics mission to reveal a ubiquitous
  coronal mass supply in which chromospheric plasma in fountainlike jets
  or spicules is accelerated upward into the corona, with much of the
  plasma heated to temperatures between ~0.02 and 0.1 million kelvin (MK)
  and a small but sufficient fraction to temperatures above 1 MK. These
  observations provide constraints on the coronal heating mechanism(s)
  and highlight the importance of the interface region between photosphere
  and corona.

Title: Automated detection of oscillatory signals in the solar
atmosphere: first results from SDO-AIA data
Authors: Ireland, J.; Young, C.; de Pontieu, B.; McIntosh, S. W.
2010AGUFMSH11A1615I    Altcode:
  Ireland et al. (2010) recently published a Bayesian-probability
  based automated oscillation detection algorithm that finds areas
  of the solar corona that support spatially contiguous oscillatory
  signals. The major advantages of this algorithm are that it requires no
  special knowledge of the noise characteristics or possible frequency
  content of the signal, yet can calculate a probability that a time
  series supports a signal in a given frequency range. This leads to
  an algorithm which detects pixel areas where each pixel has a high
  probability of supporting an oscillatory signal; however, the pixels
  in these areas are not necessarily oscillating coherently. Earlier,
  McIntosh et al. (2008) described another algorithm that first Fourier
  filters time series data around a known frequency, and then calculates
  the local coherence of the filtered signals in order to find areas
  of the solar corona that exhibit locally strongly coherent signals
  in narrow frequency ranges. The major advantages of this algorithm
  are that locally coherent signals are found, and that it is simple
  to calculate other parameters such as the phase speed. This leads to
  an algorithm that finds groups of pixels that are coherent in narrow
  frequency ranges, but that are not necessarily oscillatory in nature. In
  this work we combine these two recently published automated oscillatory
  signal detection algorithms and compare the new hybrid algorithm to the
  progenitor algorithms. The new algorithm is applied to Advanced Imaging
  Assembly (AIA) 94, 131, 171, 193, 211 and 335 Å data from the Solar
  Dynamics Observatory, and we will give some first results. We also
  discuss the use of this algorithm in a detection pipeline to provide
  near-real time measurements of groups of coherently oscillating pixels.

Title: Ubiquitous Alfvenic Motions in Quiet Sun, Coronal Hole and
    Active Region Corona
Authors: McIntosh, S. W.; de Pontieu, B.; Carlsson, M.; Hansteen,
   V. H.; Sdo/Aia Mission Team
2010AGUFMSH14A..01M    Altcode:
  We use observations with AIA onboard SDO and report the discovery of
  ubiquitous Alfvenic oscillations in the corona of quiet Sun, active
  regions and coronal holes. These Alfvenic oscillations have significant
  power, and seem to be connected to the chromospheric Alfvenic
  oscillations previously reported with Hinode. We use Monte Carlo
  simulations to determine the strength and periods of the waves. Using
  unique joint observations of Hinode, the Solar Dynamics Observatory, and
  HAO's CoMP instrument we study the excitation of transverse oscillations
  as a function of space, time, and temperature. We will discuss the
  energetic impact and diagnostic capabilities of this ever-present
  process and how it can be used to build a more self-consistent picture
  of energy transport into the inner heliosphere. Transverse Oscillations
  Observed Above the Solar North Pole in the He II 304Å (bottom) and Fe
  IX 171Å (top) channels. Studying the progression of such points with
  altitude yields important information about wave propagation into the
  magnetically open corona.

Title: The Chromospheric Lyman Alpha SpectroPolarimeter (CLASP)
Authors: Kobayashi, K.; Tsuneta, S.; Trujillo Bueno, J.; Cirtain,
   J. W.; Bando, T.; Kano, R.; Hara, H.; Fujimura, D.; Ueda, K.; Ishikawa,
   R.; Watanabe, H.; Ichimoto, K.; Sakao, T.; de Pontieu, B.; Carlsson,
   M.; Casini, R.
2010AGUFMSH11B1632K    Altcode:
  Magnetic fields in the solar chromosphere play a key role in the
  energy transfer and dynamics of the solar atmosphere. Yet a direct
  observation of the chromospheric magnetic field remains one of the
  greatest challenges in solar physics. While some advances have been
  made for observing the Zeeman effect in strong chromospheric lines,
  the effect is small and difficult to detect outside sunspots. The
  Hanle effect offers a promising alternative; it is sensitive to weaker
  magnetic fields (e.g., 5-500 G for Ly-Alpha), and while its magnitude
  saturates at stronger magnetic fields, the linear polarization signals
  remain sensitive to the magnetic field orientation. The Hanle effect
  is not only limited to off-limb observations. Because the chromosphere
  is illuminated by an anisotropic radiation field, the Ly-Alpha line is
  predicted to show linear polarization for on-disk, near-limb regions,
  and magnetic field is predicted to cause a measurable depolarization. At
  disk center, the Ly-Alpha radiation is predicted to be negligible
  in the absence of magnetic field, and linearly polarized to an order
  of 0.3% in the presence of an inclined magnetic field. The proposed
  CLASP sounding rocket instrument is designed to detect 0.3% linear
  polarization of the Ly-Alpha line at 1.5 arcsecond spatial resolution
  (0.7’’ pixel size) and 10 pm spectral resolution. The instrument
  consists of a 30 cm aperture Cassegrain telescope and a dual-beam
  spectropolarimeter. The telescope employs a “cold mirror’’ design
  that uses multilayer coatings to reflect only the target wavelength
  range into the spectropolarimeter. The polarization analyzer consists of
  a rotating waveplate and a polarizing beamsplitter that comprises MgF2
  plates placed at Brewster’s Angle. Each output beam of the polarizing
  beamsplitter, representing two orthogonal linear polarizations, is
  dispersed and focused using a separate spherical varied-line-space
  grating, and imaged with a separate 512x512 CCD camera. Prototypes
  of key optical components have been fabricated and tested. Instrument
  design is being finalized, and the experiment will be proposed for a
  2014 flight aboard a NASA sounding rocket.

Title: First results for the Solar Ultraviolet Magnetograph
    Investigation (SUMI)
Authors: Moore, R. L.; Cirtain, J. W.; West, E.; Kobayashi, K.;
   Robinson, B.; Winebarger, A. R.; Tarbell, T. D.; de Pontieu, B.;
   McIntosh, S. W.
2010AGUFMSH11B1655M    Altcode:
  On July 31, 2010 SUMI was launched to 286km above the White
  Sands Missile Range to observe active region 11092. SUMI is a
  spectro-polarimeter capable of measuring the spectrum for Mg II h &amp;
  k at 280 nm and C IV at 155 nm. Simultaneous observations with Hinode
  and SDO provide total coverage of the region from the photosphere into
  the corona, a very unique and original data set. We will present the
  initial results from this first flight of the experiment and demonstrate
  the utility of further observations by SUMI.

Title: The role of the chromosphere in filling the corona with hot
    plasma (Invited)
Authors: de Pontieu, B.; McIntosh, S. W.; Carlsson, M.; Hansteen,
   V. H.; Tarbell, T. D.; Boerner, P.; Martinez-Sykora, J.; Schrijver,
   C. J.; Title, A. M.
2010AGUFMSH21C..03D    Altcode:
  We use coordinated observations from the Solar Dynamics Observatory
  (SDO), Hinode and the Swedish Solar Telescope (SST) to show how
  plasma is heated to coronal temperatures from its source in the
  chromosphere. Our observations reveal a ubiquitous mass supply
  for the solar corona in which chromospheric plasma is accelerated
  upward into the corona with much of the plasma heated to transition
  region temperatures, and a small, but significant fraction heated
  to temperatures in excess of 1 million K. Our observations show,
  for the first time, how chromospheric spicules, fountain-like jets
  that have long been considered potential candidates for coronal
  heating, are directly associated with heating of plasma to coronal
  temperatures. These results provide strong physical constraints on
  the mechanism(s) responsible for coronal heating and do not seem
  compatible with current models. The association with chromospheric
  spicules highlights the importance of the interface region between
  the photosphere and corona to gain a full understanding of the coronal
  heating problem.

Title: Line profile asymmetries in the transition region: models
    and observations
Authors: Martinez-Sykora, J.; de Pontieu, B.; Hansteen, V. H.;
   McIntosh, S. W.
2010AGUFMSH31A1784M    Altcode:
  Asymmetries in spectral line profiles provide a wealth of
  information on the properties of the emitting plasma along the
  line-of-sight. Asymmetries can be produced by the superposition
  of profiles with different line-of-sight velocities and/or widths
  resulting from the variation of the velocity and/or temperature from
  emission sources along the line of sight. Spectral line asymmetries
  from synthetic transition region and coronal lines constructed
  from realistic 3D models appear similar to those observed with
  Hinode/EIS. The simulations span the upper layer of the convection zone
  to the lower corona and include horizontal magnetic flux emergence. We
  use the state of the art Bifrost code to solve the full MHD equations
  with non-grey and non-LTE radiative transfer and thermal conduction
  along the magnetic field line. Here, we perform a detailed study of
  the various physical, dynamical and observational processes that can
  lead to spectral line asymmetries at the transition region footpoints
  of loops in 3D radiative MHD simulations of the solar atmosphere and
  compare these with observations. Our models show that the spectral
  asymmetries are a sensitive measure of the velocity gradient with
  height in the transition region of coronal loops. In our models the
  TR shows a large gradient of velocity that increases with height:
  this occurs as a natural consequence of ubiquitous, episodic heating
  at low heights in the model atmosphere.

Title: Forward modeling of emission in AIA passbands from advanced
    radiative MHD simulations
Authors: de Pontieu, B.; Martinez-Sykora, J.; Hansteen, V. H.
2010AGUFMSH11A1597D    Altcode:
  The emission from many of the passbands observed with the Atmospheric
  Imaging Assembly (AIA) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)
  is dominated by single or several lines from ions that are formed in a
  narrow range of temperatures (under equilibrium conditions). However,
  most AIA passbands contain contributions from lines of ions that
  have formation temperatures that are significantly different from the
  dominant ion. We investigate the importance of these lines by forward
  modeling of the AIA passband emission from advanced radiative 3D MHD
  simulations calculated with the state of the art Bifrost code. We
  use simulations that span the upper layer of the convection zone to
  the low corona and solve the full magnetohydrodynamic equations with
  non-grey and non-LTE radiative transfer and thermal conduction along the
  magnetic field lines. We find that several of the AIA passbands often
  include significant contributions from plasma at different temperatures
  than the canonical temperature values. We describe under which solar
  conditions in the simulations these discrepancies can typically be
  expected to occur.

Title: Quasi-periodic Propagating Signals in the Solar Corona:
    The Signature of Magnetoacoustic Waves or High-velocity Upflows?
Authors: De Pontieu, Bart; McIntosh, Scott W.
2010ApJ...722.1013D    Altcode: 2010arXiv1008.5300D
  Since the discovery of quasi-periodic propagating oscillations
  with periods of order 3-10 minutes in coronal loops with TRACE and
  SOHO/EIT (and later with STEREO/EUVI and Hinode/EIS), they have been
  almost universally interpreted as evidence for propagating slow-mode
  magnetoacoustic waves in the low plasma β coronal environment. Here
  we show that this interpretation is not unique, and that for coronal
  loops associated with plage regions (as opposed to sunspots), the
  presence of magnetoacoustic waves may not be the only cause for the
  observed quasi-periodicities. We focus instead on the ubiquitous, faint
  upflows at 50-150 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> that were recently discovered as
  blueward asymmetries of spectral line profiles in footpoint regions
  of coronal loops, and as faint disturbances propagating along coronal
  loops in EUV/X-ray imaging time series. These faint upflows are most
  likely driven from below and have been associated with chromospheric
  jets that are (partially) rapidly heated to coronal temperatures at
  low heights. These two scenarios (waves versus flows) are difficult to
  differentiate using only imaging data, but careful analysis of spectral
  line profiles indicates that faint upflows are likely responsible
  for some of the observed quasi-periodic oscillatory signals in the
  corona. We show that recent EIS measurements of intensity and velocity
  oscillations of coronal lines (which had previously been interpreted
  as direct evidence for propagating waves) are actually accompanied
  by significant oscillations in the line width that are driven by a
  quasi-periodically varying component of emission in the blue wing of
  the line. This faint additional component of blue-shifted emission
  quasi-periodically modulates the peak intensity and line centroid
  of a single Gaussian fit to the spectral profile with the same small
  amplitudes (respectively a few percent of background intensity and a
  few km s<SUP>-1</SUP>) that were previously used to infer the presence
  of slow-mode magnetoacoustic waves. Our results indicate that it
  is possible that a significant fraction of the quasi-periodicities
  observed with coronal imagers and spectrographs that have previously
  been interpreted as propagating magnetoacoustic waves are instead
  caused by these upflows. The different physical cause for coronal
  oscillations would significantly impact the prospects of successful
  coronal seismology using propagating disturbances in coronal loops.

Title: On Redshifts and Blueshifts in the Transition Region and Corona
Authors: Hansteen, V. H.; Hara, H.; De Pontieu, B.; Carlsson, M.
2010ApJ...718.1070H    Altcode: 2010arXiv1001.4769H
  Emission lines formed in the transition region (TR) of the Sun have long
  been known to show pervasive redshifts. Despite a variety of proposed
  explanations, these TR downflows (and the slight upflows in the low
  corona) remain poorly understood. We present results from comprehensive
  three-dimensional MHD models that span the upper convection zone up to
  the corona, 15 Mm above the photosphere. The TR and coronal heating
  in these models is caused by the stressing of the magnetic field by
  photospheric and convection "zone dynamics," but also in some models by
  the injection of emerging magnetic flux. We show that rapid, episodic
  heating, at low heights of the upper chromospheric plasma to coronal
  temperatures naturally produces downflows in TR lines, and slight
  upflows in low coronal lines, with similar amplitudes to those observed
  with EUV/UV spectrographs. We find that TR redshifts naturally arise
  in episodically heated models where the average volumetric heating
  scale height lies between that of the chromospheric pressure scale
  height of 200 km and the coronal scale height of 50 Mm.

Title: The Impact of New EUV Diagnostics on CME-Related Kinematics
Authors: McIntosh, Scott W.; De Pontieu, Bart; Leamon, Robert J.
2010SoPh..265....5M    Altcode: 2010SoPh..tmp...74M; 2010arXiv1001.2022M
  We present the application of novel diagnostics to the spectroscopic
  observation of a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) on disk by the Extreme
  Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) on the Hinode spacecraft. We
  apply a recently developed line profile asymmetry analysis to the
  spectroscopic observation of NOAA AR 10930 on 14 - 15 December 2006
  to three raster observations before and during the eruption of a 1000
  km s<SUP>−1</SUP> halo CME. We see the impact that the observer's
  line-of-sight and magnetic field geometry have on the diagnostics
  used. Further, and more importantly, we identify the on-disk signature
  of a high-speed outflow behind the CME in the dimming region arising
  as a result of the eruption. Supported by recent coronal observations
  of the STEREO spacecraft, we speculate about the momentum flux
  resulting from this outflow as a secondary momentum source to the
  CME. The results presented highlight the importance of spectroscopic
  measurements in relation to CME kinematics, and the need for full-disk
  synoptic spectroscopic observations of the coronal and chromospheric
  plasmas to capture the signature of such explosive energy release as
  a way of providing better constraints of CME propagation times to L1,
  or any other point of interest in the heliosphere.

Title: Quasi-periodic Signatures in the Transition Region and Corona:
    Waves or Flows?
Authors: McIntosh, Scott W.; De Pontieu, B.
2010AAS...21630502M    Altcode:
  Since the discovery of quasi-periodic oscillations with periods of order
  3-10 minutes in coronal loops with TRACE and EIT (and later with EUVI
  and EIS), these oscillations have mostly been interpreted as evidence
  for propagating slow-mode magnetoacoustic waves in a low plasma beta
  environment originating, most-likely, in the chromosphere. We show that
  this interpretation is not unique, and that at least for plage-related
  coronal loops, it may not be the most likely cause for the observed
  quasi-periodicities. We use Monte Carlo simulations to show that current
  oscillation detection methods based on wavelet analysis, and wave
  tracking cannot distinguish the quasi-periodic signals of such waves
  in coronal imaging timeseries with those caused by the faint signal
  from upflows at 50-150 km/s that have lifetimes of order 1-2 minutes
  and that occur randomly in time and occur on granular timescales. Such
  upflows were recently discovered as blueward line asymmetries with
  EIS and have been linked to chromospheric, spicular upflows that
  are rapidly heated to coronal temperatures. We use EIS and SUMER
  spectra to show that these faint upflows at the footpoints of coronal
  loops sometimes occur quasi-periodically on timescales of order 5-15
  minutes. Finally, we show that recent EIS measurements of intensity and
  velocity oscillations, that have been interpreted as direct evidence for
  propagating waves, are fully compatible with a scenario in which faint
  upflows at high speed occur quasi-periodically. We show evidence from
  spectral line asymmetry analysis that support this scenario. We suggest
  that a significant fraction of the quasi-periodicities observed with
  coronal imagers and spectrographs that have previously been interpreted
  as propagating magnetoacoustic waves, may instead be caused by these
  upflows. The uncertainty in the identification of the physical cause for
  coronal oscillations significantly impacts the prospects of successful
  coronal seismology using propagating, slow-mode magneto-acoustic waves.

Title: Comparison Of Observations And Advanced Numerical Simulations
    Of Type II Spicules
Authors: Martinez-Sykora, Juan; De Pontieu, B.; Hansteen, V.;
   Moreno-Insertis, F.
2010AAS...21640306M    Altcode: 2010BAAS...41..878M
  We have performed realistic 3D radiation MHD simulations of the
  solar atmosphere. These simulations show jet-like features that
  are similar to the type II spicules discovered with Hinode's Solar
  Optical Telescope. These type II spicules have been associated with
  so-called rapid blueshifted events (RBE's) on the solar disk, and with
  significant blueward asymmetries in transition region and coronal
  lines at the footpoints of coronal loops (discovered with Hinode's
  EIS). These observational results and their ubiquity suggest they may
  play a significant role in providing the corona with hot plasma. We
  will present a detailed comparison of the properties of the simulated
  jets, with those of type II spicules (observed with Hinode) and RBE's
  (with ground-based instruments). We will present analysis of a wide
  variety of synthetic emission lines from the simulations covering
  temperatures from 10,000 K to several million K, and compare their
  intensities, velocities, line widths and asymmetry with those of the
  observed phenomena. We will also show how the formation mechanism of
  these jets (reconnection at tangential discontinuities) complicates
  efforts to establish a firm link between observations of magnetic
  fields and of chromospheric flows, and suggests that magnetic field
  observations at chromospheric heights may be crucial to establish from
  observations how these jets are formed.

Title: Prevalence And Temperature Dependence Of Ubiquitous High
    Speed Upflows In Transition Region And Corona
Authors: De Pontieu, Bart; McIntosh, S.
2010AAS...21640301D    Altcode: 2010BAAS...41R.877D
  Recent observations and analysis have revealed the presence of
  ubiquitous rapid upflows with velocities of order 50-150 km/s in the
  lower solar atmosphere. We have found signatures of these events in
  data from a broad range of imaging and spectroscopic instruments in the
  chromosphere, in the form of spicules, and in the transition region
  (TR) and corona, in the form of blueward asymmetries of TR/coronal
  spectral line profiles, and propagating disturbances in coronal
  imaging. Preliminary analysis suggests that these upflows are part
  of a previously undetected, but relentless transfer of mass between
  the dense lower atmosphere and tenuous corona in which a potentially
  significant amount of plasma may be heated to coronal temperatures
  at very low heights, in the upper chromosphere, TR and low corona. <P
  />There are many unresolved issues regarding the properties, formation
  mechanism and impact of these rapid upflow events. How ubiquitous are
  they? Do they occur at the footpoint regions of loops across whole
  active regions, or only at the edges? How do the upflow speeds vary
  with temperature? We perform a large sample study of active regions
  observed with Hinode/EIS and study the asymmetry of the TR and coronal
  lines for a large number of viewing angles (from center to limb) and
  magnetic field configurations. We also use double fits of gaussians to
  determine the velocity of high velocity component, and its variation
  as a function of temperature. These measurements can provide direct
  constraints for coronal heating models.

Title: STEREO observations of quasi-periodically driven high velocity
    outflows in polar plumes
Authors: McIntosh, S. W.; Innes, D. E.; de Pontieu, B.; Leamon, R. J.
2010A&A...510L...2M    Altcode: 2010arXiv1001.3377M
  Context. Plumes are one of the most ubiquitous features seen at the
  limb in polar coronal holes and are considered to be a source of
  high density plasma streams to the fast solar wind. <BR /> Aims: We
  analyze STEREO observations of plumes and aim to reinterpret and place
  observations with previous generations of EUV imagers within a new
  context that was recently developed from Hinode observations. <BR />
  Methods: We exploit the higher signal-to-noise, spatial and temporal
  resolution of the EUVI telescopes over that of SOHO/EIT to study
  the temporal variation of polar plumes in high detail. We employ
  recently developed insight from imaging (and spectral) diagnostics of
  active region, plage, and quiet Sun plasmas to identify the presence
  of apparent motions as high-speed upflows in magnetic regions as
  opposed to previous interpretations of propagating waves. <BR />
  Results: In almost all polar plumes observed at the limb in these
  STEREO sequences, in all coronal passbands, we observe high speed
  jets of plasma traveling along the structures with a mean velocity of
  135 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> at a range of temperatures from 0.5-1.5 MK. The
  jets have an apparent brightness enhancement of ~5% above that of the
  plumes they travel on and repeat quasi-periodically, with repeat-times
  ranging from five to twenty-five minutes. We also notice a very
  weak, fine scale, rapidly evolving, but ubiquitous companion of the
  plumes that covers the entire coronal hole limb. <BR /> Conclusions:
  The observed jets are remarkably similar in intensity enhancement,
  periodicity and velocity to those observed in other magnetic regions
  of the solar atmosphere. They are multi-thermal in nature. We infer
  that the jets observed on the plumes are a source of heated mass
  to the fast solar wind. Further, based on the previous results that
  motivated this study, we suggest that these jets originated in the
  upper chromosphere. <P />Five movies are only available in electronic
  form at <A href="http://www.aanda.org">http://www.aanda.org</A>

Title: On red-shifts in the transition region and corona .
Authors: Hansteen, V. H.; Hara, H.; de Pontieu, B.; Carlsson, M.
2010MmSAI..81..729H    Altcode:
  We present evidence that transition region red-shifts are naturally
  produced in episodically heated models where the average volumetric
  heating scale height lies between that of the chromospheric
  pressure scale height of 200 km and the coronal scale height of
  50 Mm. In order to do so we present results from 3d MHD models
  spanning the upper convection zone up to the corona, 15 Mm above the
  photosphere. Transition region and coronal heating in these models
  is due both the stressing of the magnetic field by photospheric and
  convection `zone dynamics, but also in some models by the injection
  of emerging magnetic flux.

Title: Propagating disturbances in the corona: flows or waves?
Authors: de Pontieu, Bart; McIntosh, Scott
2010cosp...38.2925D    Altcode: 2010cosp.meet.2925D
  Since the discovery of quasi-periodic oscillations with periods of
  order 3-10 minutes in coronal loops with TRACE and EIT (and later
  with STEREO/EUVI and Hinode/EIS), these oscil-lations have mostly been
  interpreted as evidence for propagating slow-mode magnetoacoustic waves
  in a low plasma β environment. We show that this interpretation is
  not unique, and that at least for plage-related coronal loops, it may
  not be the most likely cause for the ob-served quasi-periodicities. We
  use Monte Carlo simulations to show that current oscillation detection
  methods based on wavelet analysis, wave tracking and Bayesian statistics
  cannot distinguish the quasi-periodic signals of such waves in coronal
  imaging timeseries with those caused by the faint signal from upflows
  at 50-150 km/s that have lifetimes of order 1-2 min-utes and that occur
  randomly in time and occur on granular timescales. Such upflows were
  recently discovered as blueward line asymmetries with EIS and have been
  linked to chromo-spheric, spicular upflows that are rapidly heated
  to coronal temperatures. We use EIS and SUMER spectra to show that
  these faint upflows at the footpoints of coronal loops sometimes occur
  quasi-periodically on timescales of order 5-15 minutes. Finally, we show
  that recent EIS measurements of intensity and velocity oscillations,
  that have been interpreted as direct evi-dence for propagating waves,
  are fully compatible with a scenario in which faint upflows at high
  speed occur quasi-periodically. We show evidence from spectral line
  asymmetry analysis that supports this scenario. We suggest that a
  significant fraction of the quasi-periodicities observed with coronal
  imagers and spectrographs that have previously been interpreted as
  propagating magnetoacoustic waves, may instead be caused by these
  upflows. The uncertainty in the identi-fication of the physical cause
  for coronal oscillations impacts the prospects of successful coronal
  seismology using propagating, slow-mode magneto-acoustic waves.

Title: On the propagation of p-modes into the solar chromosphere
Authors: de Wijn, A. G.; McIntosh, S. W.; De Pontieu, B.
2010MmSAI..81..588D    Altcode:
  We employ tomographic observations of a small region of plage to study
  the propagation of waves from the solar photosphere to the chromosphere
  using a Fourier phase-difference analysis. Our results show the expected
  vertical propagation for waves with periods of 3 minutes. Waves with
  5-minute periods, i.e., above the acoustic cut-off period, are found to
  propagate only at the periphery of the plage, and only in the direction
  in which the field can be reasonably expected to expand. We conclude
  that field inclination is critically important in the leakage of p-mode
  oscillations from the photosphere into the chromosphere.

Title: High-Speed Transition Region and Coronal Upflows in the
    Quiet Sun
Authors: McIntosh, Scott W.; De Pontieu, Bart
2009ApJ...707..524M    Altcode: 2009arXiv0910.5191M
  We study the line profiles of a range of transition region (TR)
  emission lines observed in typical quiet-Sun regions. In magnetic
  network regions, the Si IV 1402 Å, C IV 1548 Å, N V 1238 Å, O VI
  1031 Å, and Ne VIII 770 Å spectral lines show significant asymmetry
  in the blue wing of the emission line profiles. We interpret these
  high-velocity upflows in the lower and upper TR as the quiet-Sun
  equivalent of the recently discovered upflows in the low corona above
  plage regions. The latter have been shown to be directly associated
  with high-velocity chromospheric spicules that are (partially) heated
  to coronal temperatures and play a significant role in supplying the
  active region corona with hot plasma. We show that a similar process
  likely dominates the quiet-Sun network. We provide a new interpretation
  of the observed quiet-Sun TR emission in terms of the relentless
  mass transport between the chromosphere and corona—a mixture of
  emission from dynamic episodic heating and mass injection into the
  corona as well as that from the previously filled, slowly cooling,
  coronal plasma. Analysis of the observed upflow component shows that
  it carries enough hot plasma to play a significant role in the energy
  and mass balance of the quiet corona. We determine the temperature
  dependence of the upflow velocities to constrain the acceleration and
  heating mechanism that drives these upflows. We also show that the
  temporal characteristics of these upflows suggest an episodic driver
  that sometimes leads to quasi-periodic signals. We suggest that at
  least some of the quasi-periodicities observed with coronal imagers
  and spectrographs that have previously been interpreted as propagating
  magnetoacoustic waves, may instead be caused by these upflows.

Title: The Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) Small Explorer
Authors: de Pontieu, B.; Title, A. M.; Schryver, C. J.; Lemen, J. R.;
   Golub, L.; Kankelborg, C. C.; Carlsson, M.
2009AGUFMSH33B1499D    Altcode:
  The Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) was recently selected
  as a small explorer mission by NASA. The primary goal of IRIS is to
  understand how the solar atmosphere is energized. The IRIS investigation
  combines advanced numerical modeling with a high resolution 20 cm UV
  imaging spectrograph that will obtain spectra covering temperatures
  from 4,500 to 10 MK in three wavelength ranges (1332-1358 Angstrom,
  1390-1406 Angstrom and 2785-2835 Angstrom) and simultaneous images
  covering temperatures from 4,500 K to 65,000 K. IRIS will obtain UV
  spectra and images with high resolution in space (1/3 arcsec) and time
  (1s) focused on the chromosphere and transition region of the Sun, a
  complex dynamic interface region between the photosphere and corona. In
  this region, all but a few percent of the non-radiative energy leaving
  the Sun is converted into heat and radiation. IRIS fills a crucial gap
  in our ability to advance Sun-Earth connection studies by tracing the
  flow of energy and plasma through this foundation of the corona and
  heliosphere. The IRIS investigation is led by PI Alan Title (LMSAL)
  with major participation by the Harvard Smithsonian Astrophysical
  Observatory, Montana State University, NASA Ames Research Center,
  Stanford University and the University of Oslo (Norway). IRIS is
  scheduled for launch in late 2012, and will have a nominal two year
  mission lifetime.

Title: Interactions Between Reversed Granulation, p-Modes, and
Authors: de Wijn, A. G.; McIntosh, S. W.; de Pontieu, B.
2009ASPC..415...36D    Altcode: 2009arXiv0902.1966D
  We investigate features that are observed in Ca II H sequences from
  Hinode in places where reversed granulation seems to interact with
  p-modes. These features appear ubiquitously in the quiet sun. They
  are co-spatial with reversed granulation, and display similar
  general properties, but have sharper edges and show fast brightness
  changes. They also appear predominantly above wide intergranular
  lanes, indicating a potential connection with magnetism. We report on
  the appearance and dynamics of these features using high-resolution,
  high-cadence observations from Hinode, and we discuss their possible

Title: What Goes Up Doesn't Necessarily Come Down! Connecting the
    Dynamics of the Chromosphere and Transition Region with TRACE,
    Hinode and SUMER
Authors: McIntosh, S. W.; de Pontieu, B.
2009ASPC..415...24M    Altcode: 2009arXiv0901.2814M
  We explore joint observations of the South-East limb made by
  Hinode, TRACE and SOHO/SUMER on April 12, 2008 as part of the Whole
  Heliosphere Interval (WHI) Quiet Sun Characterization targeted observing
  program. During the sequence a large, 10Mm long, macro-spicule was sent
  upward and crossed the line-of-sight of the SUMER slit, an event that
  affords us an opportunity to study the coupling of cooler chromospheric
  material to transition region emission formed as hot as 600,000K. This
  short article provides preliminary results of the data analysis.

Title: Observing the Roots of Coronal Heating - in the Chromosphere
Authors: McIntosh, S. W.; de Pontieu, B.; Hansteen, V. H.; Schrjver, K.
2009AGUFMSH44A..01M    Altcode:
  I will discuss recent results using Hinode/SOT-EIS-XRT, SOHO/SUMER,
  CRISP (at the Swedish Solar Telescope) and TRACE that provide a
  direct connection between coronal dynamics and those of the lower
  atmosphere. We use chromospheric measurements (H-alpha and Ca II
  8542 spectral imaging, and Ca II H images), as well as UV spectra
  (EIS and SUMER), and EUV/X-ray images (XRT and TRACE) to show that
  faint, high-speed upflows at velocities of 50-100 km/s across a wide
  range of temperatures from chromospheric (10,000 K), through lower
  and upper transition region (0.1 to 0.7 MK) and coronal temperatures
  (2 MK) are associated with significant mass-loading of the corona with
  hot plasma. Our observations are incompatible with current models in
  which coronal heating occurs as a result of nanoflares at coronal
  heights. Instead we suggest that a significant fraction of heating
  of plasma to coronal temperatures may occur at chromospheric heights
  in association with jets driven from below (the recently discovered
  type II spicules). Illustrating the mass and energy transport between
  the chromosphere, transition region and corona, as deduced from Hinode
  observations. Convective flows and oscillations in the convection zone
  and photosphere of the Sun buffet the magnetic field of the Sun. This
  leads to at least two different kinds of jets in the chromosphere:
  Type I, and II spicules. Type II spicules drive matter upward violently
  and likely form when magnetic field reconnects because of stresses
  introduced by convective flows. A significant fraction of the plasma
  in type II spicules is heated to coronal temperatures (&gt;1MK),
  providing the corona with hot plasma. The correlation between the
  chromospheric and coronal parts of the spicules depends greatly on the
  viewing angle between the line-of-sight and the direction of the upward
  flows. Order of magnitude estimates indicate that the mass supplied
  by type II spicules plays a significant role in supplying the corona
  with hot plasma.

Title: Using SiC for Lightweight EUV Space Optics
Authors: Martinez-Galarce, Dennis S.; Boerner, P.; De Pontieu, B.;
   Katz, N.; Title, A.; Soufli, R.; Robinson, J. C.; Baker, S. L.;
   Gullikson, E. M.
2009SPD....41.1813M    Altcode:
  SiC technology is fast becoming a material of choice for space
  systems. Herein, we present a novel design for an EUV telescope made
  entirely of SiC - optics and metering structure inclusive - called the
  High-resolution Lightweight Telescope for the EUV (HiLiTE). HiLiTE is a
  Cassegrain telescope with multilayer coated SiC optics tuned to operate
  at 465 Å, and will image Ne VII emission formed in solar transition
  region plasma at 500,000 K. HiLiTE will have an aperture of 30 cm,
  angular resolution of 0.2 arc seconds and operate at a cadence of 5
  seconds or less, having a mass that is about ¼ that of one of the
  20 cm aperture telescopes on the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA)
  instrument aboard NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). This new
  instrument technology thus serves as a path finder to a post-AIA,
  Explorer-class mission.

Title: Observing Episodic Coronal Heating Events Rooted in
    Chromospheric Activity
Authors: McIntosh, Scott W.; De Pontieu, Bart
2009ApJ...706L..80M    Altcode: 2009arXiv0910.2452M
  We present the results of a multi-wavelength study of episodic plasma
  injection into the corona of active region (AR) 10942. We exploit
  long-exposure images of the Hinode and Transition Region and Coronal
  Explorer spacecraft to study the properties of faint, episodic,
  "blobs" of plasma that are propelled upward along coronal loops
  that are rooted in the AR plage. We find that the source location
  and characteristic velocities of these episodic upflow events match
  those expected from recent spectroscopic observations of faint coronal
  upflows that are associated with upper chromospheric activity, in the
  form of highly dynamic spicules. The analysis presented ties together
  observations from coronal and chromospheric spectrographs and imagers,
  providing more evidence of the connection of discrete coronal mass
  heating and injection events with their source, dynamic spicules,
  in the chromosphere.

Title: On-disk Counterparts of Type II Spicules in the Ca II 854.2
    nm and Hα Lines
Authors: Rouppe van der Voort, L.; Leenaarts, J.; de Pontieu, B.;
   Carlsson, M.; Vissers, G.
2009ApJ...705..272R    Altcode: 2009arXiv0909.2115R
  Recently, a second type of spicules was discovered at the solar
  limb with the Solar Optical Telescope onboard the Japanese Hinode
  spacecraft. These previously unrecognized type II spicules are thin
  chromospheric jets that are shorter lived (10-60 s) and that show much
  higher apparent upward velocities (of order 50-100 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>)
  than the classical spicules. Since they have been implicated in
  providing hot plasma to coronal loops, their formation, evolution,
  and properties are important ingredients for a better understanding
  of the mass and energy balance of the low solar atmosphere. Here, we
  report on the discovery of the disk counterparts of type II spicules
  using spectral imaging data in the Ca II 854.2 nm and Hα lines with
  the CRisp Imaging SpectroPolarimeter at the Swedish Solar Telescope in
  La Palma. We find rapid blueward excursions in the line profiles of
  both chromospheric lines that correspond to thin, jet-like features
  that show apparent velocities of order 50 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. These
  blueward excursions seem to form a separate absorbing component with
  Doppler shifts of order 20 and 50 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> for the Ca II 854.2
  nm and Hα line, respectively. We show that the appearance, lifetimes,
  longitudinal and transverse velocities, and occurrence rate of these
  rapid blue excursions on the disk are very similar to those of the type
  II spicules at the limb. A detailed study of the spectral line profiles
  in these events suggests that plasma is accelerated along the jet,
  and plasma is being heated throughout the short lifetime of the event.

Title: On the Propagation of p-Modes Into the Solar Chromosphere
Authors: de Wijn, A. G.; McIntosh, S. W.; De Pontieu, B.
2009ApJ...702L.168D    Altcode: 2009arXiv0908.1383D
  We employ tomographic observations of a small region of plage to study
  the propagation of waves from the solar photosphere to the chromosphere
  using a Fourier phase-difference analysis. Our results show the expected
  vertical propagation for waves with periods of 3 minutes. Waves with
  5 minute periods, i.e., above the acoustic cutoff period, are found to
  propagate only at the periphery of the plage, and only in the direction
  in which the field can be reasonably expected to expand. We conclude
  that field inclination is critically important in the leakage of p-mode
  oscillations from the photosphere into the chromosphere.

Title: Estimating the Chromospheric Absorption of Transition Region
    Moss Emission
Authors: De Pontieu, Bart; Hansteen, Viggo H.; McIntosh, Scott W.;
   Patsourakos, Spiros
2009ApJ...702.1016D    Altcode: 2009arXiv0907.1883D
  Many models for coronal loops have difficulty explaining the observed
  EUV brightness of the transition region, which is often significantly
  less than theoretical models predict. This discrepancy has been
  addressed by a variety of approaches including filling factors and
  time-dependent heating, with varying degrees of success. Here, we
  focus on an effect that has been ignored so far: the absorption of
  EUV light with wavelengths below 912 Å by the resonance continua
  of neutral hydrogen and helium. Such absorption is expected to occur
  in the low-lying transition region of hot, active region loops that
  is colocated with cool chromospheric features and called "moss" as a
  result of the reticulated appearance resulting from the absorption. We
  use cotemporal and cospatial spectroheliograms obtained with the Solar
  and Heliospheric Observatory/SUMER and Hinode/EIS of Fe XII 1242 Å,
  195 Å, and 186.88 Å, and compare the density determination from
  the 186/195 Å line ratio to that resulting from the 195/1242 Å line
  ratio. We find that while coronal loops have compatible density values
  from these two line pairs, upper transition region moss has conflicting
  density determinations. This discrepancy can be resolved by taking
  into account significant absorption of 195 Å emission caused by
  the chromospheric inclusions in the moss. We find that the amount of
  absorption is generally of the order of a factor of 2. We compare to
  numerical models and show that the observed effect is well reproduced
  by three-dimensional radiative MHD models of the transition region
  and corona. We use STEREO A/B data of the same active region and find
  that increased angles between line of sight and local vertical cause
  additional absorption. Our determination of the amount of chromospheric
  absorption of TR emission can be used to better constrain coronal
  heating models.

Title: Observational Signatures of Simulated Reconnection Events in
    the Solar Chromosphere and Transition Region
Authors: Heggland, L.; De Pontieu, B.; Hansteen, V. H.
2009ApJ...702....1H    Altcode: 2009arXiv0902.0977H
  We present the results of numerical simulations of wave-induced magnetic
  reconnection in a model of the solar atmosphere. In the magnetic field
  geometry we study in this paper, the waves, driven by a monochromatic
  piston and a driver taken from Hinode observations, induce periodic
  reconnection of the magnetic field, and this reconnection appears to
  help drive long-period chromospheric jets. By synthesizing spectra
  for a variety of wavelengths that are sensitive to a wide range of
  temperatures, we shed light on the often confusing relationship between
  the plethora of jet-like phenomena in the solar atmosphere, e.g.,
  explosive events, spicules, and other phenomena thought to be caused by
  reconnection. Our simulations produce spicule-like jets with lengths
  and lifetimes that match observations, and the spectral signatures of
  several reconnection events are similar to observations of explosive
  events. We also find that in some cases, absorption from overlying
  neutral hydrogen can hide emission from matter at coronal temperatures.

Title: Explosive Events Associated with a Surge
Authors: Madjarska, M. S.; Doyle, J. G.; de Pontieu, B.
2009ApJ...701..253M    Altcode: 2009arXiv0906.2544M
  The solar atmosphere contains a wide variety of small-scale transient
  features. Here, we explore the interrelation between some of them such
  as surges, explosive events, and blinkers via simultaneous spectral
  and imaging data taken with the TRACE imager, the SUMER and Coronal
  Diagnostics Spectrometer (CDS) on board SOHO, and Swedish Vacuum Solar
  Telescope La Palma. The features were observed in spectral lines with
  formation temperatures from 10,000 K to 1 MK and with the TRACE Fe
  IX/X 171 Å filter. The Hα filtergrams were taken in the wings of
  the Hα 6365 Å line at ±700 mÅ and ±350 mÅ. The alignment of all
  data in both time and solar XY shows that SUMER line profiles, which
  are attributed to explosive events, are due to a surge phenomenon. The
  surge's up- and downflows, which often appear simultaneously, correspond
  to the blue- and redshifted emission of the transition region N V
  1238.82 Å and O V 629.77 Å lines as well as radiance increases of
  the C I, S I, and S II and Si II chromospheric lines. Some parts of
  the surge are also visible in the TRACE 171 Å images which could
  suggest heating to coronal temperatures. The surge is triggered,
  most probably, by one or more Elerman bombs which are best visible
  in Hα ± 350 Å but were also registered by TRACE Fe IX/X 171 Å
  and correspond to a strong radiance increase in the CDS Mg IX 368.07
  Å line. With the present study, we demonstrate that the division of
  small-scale transient events into a number of different subgroups,
  for instance explosive events, blinkers, spicules, surges or just
  brightenings, is ambiguous, implying that the definition of a feature
  based only on either spectroscopic or imaging characteristics as well
  as insufficient spectral and spatial resolution can be incomplete.

Title: Spicule-Like Structures Observed in Three-Dimensional Realistic
    Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations
Authors: Martínez-Sykora, Juan; Hansteen, Viggo; De Pontieu, Bart;
   Carlsson, Mats
2009ApJ...701.1569M    Altcode: 2009arXiv0906.4446M
  We analyze features that resemble type I spicules in two different
  three-dimensional numerical simulations in which we include horizontal
  magnetic flux emergence in a computational domain spanning the
  upper layers of the convection zone to the lower corona. The two
  simulations differ mainly in the pre-existing ambient magnetic field
  strength and in the properties of the inserted flux tube. We use the
  Oslo Staggered Code to solve the full magnetohydrodynamic equations
  with nongray and non-LTE radiative transfer and thermal conduction
  along the magnetic field lines. We find a multitude of features that
  show a spatiotemporal evolution that is similar to that observed in
  type I spicules, which are characterized by parabolic height versus
  time profiles, and are dominated by rapid upward motion at speeds
  of 10-30 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, followed by downward motion at similar
  velocities. We measured the parameters of the parabolic profile of the
  spicules and find similar correlations between the parameters as those
  found in observations. The values for height (or length) and duration
  of the spicules found in the simulations are more limited in range than
  those in the observations. The spicules found in the simulation with
  higher pre-existing ambient field have shorter length and smaller
  velocities. From the simulations, it appears that these kinds of
  spicules can, in principle, be driven by a variety of mechanisms that
  include p-modes, collapsing granules, magnetic energy release in the
  photosphere and lower chromosphere, and convective buffeting of flux

Title: Observing the Roots of Solar Coronal Heating—in the
Authors: De Pontieu, Bart; McIntosh, Scott W.; Hansteen, Viggo H.;
   Schrijver, Carolus J.
2009ApJ...701L...1D    Altcode: 2009arXiv0906.5434D
  The Sun's corona is millions of degrees hotter than its 5000 K
  photosphere. This heating enigma is typically addressed by invoking
  the deposition at coronal heights of nonthermal energy generated
  by the interplay between convection and magnetic field near the
  photosphere. However, it remains unclear how and where coronal heating
  occurs and how the corona is filled with hot plasma. We show that energy
  deposition at coronal heights cannot be the only source of coronal
  heating by revealing a significant coronal mass supply mechanism that
  is driven from below, in the chromosphere. We quantify the asymmetry
  of spectral lines observed with Hinode and SOHO and identify faint
  but ubiquitous upflows with velocities that are similar (50-100 km
  s<SUP>-1</SUP>) across a wide range of magnetic field configurations and
  for temperatures from 100,000 to several million degrees. These upflows
  are spatiotemporally correlated with and have similar upward velocities
  as recently discovered, cool (10,000 K) chromospheric jets or (type II)
  spicules. We find these upflows to be pervasive and universal. Order
  of magnitude estimates constrained by conservation of mass and observed
  emission measures indicate that the mass supplied by these spicules can
  play a significant role in supplying the corona with hot plasma. The
  properties of these events are incompatible with coronal loop models
  that include only nanoflares at coronal heights. Our results suggest
  that a significant part of the heating and energizing of the corona
  occurs at chromospheric heights, in association with chromospheric jets.

Title: Reconciling Chromospheric and Coronal Observations of
    Alfvenic Waves
Authors: McIntosh, Scott W.; De Pontieu, B.; Tomczyk, S.
2009SPD....40.1303M    Altcode:
  We review the properties of the Alfvenic waves that were discovered
  with Hinode/SOT and that have been shown to permeate the upper
  chromosphere. Statistical analysis shows that, if they penetrate into
  the corona, these waves carry enough energy to impact the energy balance
  of the solar wind and quiet Sun corona. However, CoMP observations
  of Alfven waves show much smaller resolved amplitudes than would be
  expected from the leakage of chromospheric waves into the corona. We
  use Monte Carlo simulations to show that line-of-sight superposition
  of a mix of Alfvenic waves with properties similar to those observed
  with Hinode/SOT and CoMP can reproduce the low wave amplitudes and
  enhanced non-thermal line broadening observed with CoMP. Our analysis
  indicates that the CoMP observations are compatible with a scenario
  in which low-frequency Alfvenic waves are responsible for a large
  fraction of the non-thermal broadening seen in the corona although
  some portion remains from the power spectrum of the wave generation
  process. This suggests that the flux carried by Alfvenic waves, in the
  finely structured corona, is significant enough to impact the energy
  balance of the corona and solar wind.

Title: Observing the Roots of Solar Coronal Heating in the
Authors: McIntosh, Scott W.; De Pontieu, B.; Hansteen, V.; Schrijver,
   C. J.
2009SPD....40.2602M    Altcode:
  The Sun's atmosphere or corona is millions of degrees hotter than
  its 5,000 K surface or photosphere. This heating enigma is typically
  addressed by invoking the deposition at coronal heights of non-thermal
  energy generated by the interplay between convection and magnetic field
  near the photosphere. However, it remains unclear how and where coronal
  heating occurs and how the corona is filled with hot plasma. Here,
  we show that energy deposition at coronal heights cannot be the only
  source of coronal heating, by revealing a significant coronal mass
  supply mechanism that is driven from below, in the chromosphere, the
  interface between photosphere and corona. We quantify the asymmetry
  of spectral lines observed with Hinode and SOHO and identify faint
  but ubiquitous upflows with velocities that are similar (50-100
  km/s) across a wide range of magnetic field configurations and for
  temperatures from 100,000 to several million degrees. These upflows
  are correlated with and have similar upward velocities as the very fine
  and dynamic chromospheric jets, or spicules, discovered by Hinode. As
  these phenomena are incompatible with models of coronal loops that
  only include nanoflare heating at coronal heights, we conclude that
  a significant fraction of the energy needed to heat coronal plasma is
  deposited at chromospheric heights in association with spicular jets
  driven from below.

Title: The Solar Chromosphere: Old Challenges, New Frontiers
Authors: Ayres, T.; Uitenbroek, H.; Cauzzi, G.; Reardon, K.; Berger,
   T.; Schrijver, C.; de Pontieu, B.; Judge, P.; McIntosh, S.; White,
   S.; Solanki, S.
2009astro2010S...9A    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Spectroscopic Footprint of the Fast Solar Wind
Authors: McIntosh, S. W.; Leamon, R. J.; de Pontieu, B.
2008AGUFMSH41A1612M    Altcode:
  We explore a large, complex equatorial coronal hole (ECH) and its
  immediate surroundings through the temperature dependence of the
  non-thermal line widths of three transition region emission lines
  observed by SOHO/SUMER, placing them in context with recent studies of
  the other spectroscopic measures taken. Using a recent semi-empirical
  model of the solar wind as a basis, we explore the structure of the
  solar wind during the observing period and seek to gain a better
  understanding of the interaction of this region with the nascent
  solar wind.

Title: Advancing our understanding of the chromosphere
Authors: Hansteen, V. H.; Carlsson, M.; de Pontieu, B.
2008AGUFMSH51C..01H    Altcode:
  Recent progress has shown the solar chromosphere to be fundamentally
  dynamic, where non-linear techniques must be used to understand
  its nature. It is also the region where the magnetic field grows
  to dominate the plasma and where the coupling between radiation and
  matter becomes becomes quite tenuous. Understanding the workings of the
  chromosphere is vital if one is to understand the flow of energy between
  the solar surface and its outer atmosphere and wind. Recent numerical
  developments have shown that it is feasible to model the chromosphere,
  even to the extent that newly available high resolution observations
  sometimes can be reproduced in detail. We will discuss the challenges
  facing numerical chromospheric models and the observations needed to
  validate or refute them.

Title: Dynamics of the upper chromosphere
Authors: de Pontieu, B.; Carlsson, M.; McIntosh, S.; Hansteen, V.;
   Tarbell, T.
2008AGUFMSH51C..05D    Altcode:
  In the past few years, high-resolution observations with ground-based
  telescopes and the Broadband Filter Imager (BFI) and Narrowband
  Filter Imager (NFI) of the Solar Optical Telescope onboard Hinode
  have revolutionized our view of the dynamics and energetics of
  the chromosphere. We review some of these results, including the
  discovery of two different types of spicules and the finding that the
  chromosphere is riddled with strong Alfvenic waves. We describe how
  these observations, when combined with advanced numerical simulations,
  can help address important unresolved issues regarding the connection
  between the photosphere and corona, such as the role of waves and
  of reconnection in driving the dynamics and energetics of the upper
  chromosphere, and how chromospheric dynamics impact the transition
  region and corona.

Title: A Coherence-Based Approach for Tracking Waves in the Solar
Authors: McIntosh, Scott W.; De Pontieu, Bart; Tomczyk, Steven
2008SoPh..252..321M    Altcode: 2008arXiv0808.2978M; 2008SoPh..tmp..162M
  We consider the problem of automatically (and robustly) isolating
  and extracting information about waves and oscillations observed
  in EUV image sequences of the solar corona with a view to near
  real-time application to data from the Atmospheric Imaging Array
  (AIA) on the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). We find that a simple
  coherence/travel-time based approach detects and provides a wealth
  of information on transverse and longitudinal wave phenomena in the
  test sequences provided by the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer
  (TRACE). The results of the search are pruned (based on diagnostic
  errors) to minimize false-detections such that the remainder provides
  robust measurements of waves in the solar corona, with the calculated
  propagation speed allowing automated distinction between various
  wave modes. In this paper we discuss the technique, present results
  on the TRACE test sequences, and describe how our method can be
  used to automatically process the enormous flow of data (≈1 Tb
  day<SUP>−1</SUP>) that will be provided by SDO/AIA.

Title: What do Spicules Tell us About the Chromosphere?
Authors: de Pontieu, B.; Carlsson, M.; McIntosh, S.; Hansteen, V.;
   Tarbell, T.
2008ESPM...12.2.15D    Altcode:
  In the past few years, high-resolution observations with ground-based
  telescopes and the Broadband Filter Imager (BFI) and Narrowband
  Filter Imager (NFI) of the Solar Optical Telescope onboard
  Hinode have revolutionized our view of spicules and their role in
  the chromosphere. We review some of these results, including the
  discovery of two different types of spicules with different dynamics
  and formation mechanisms, as well as the finding that the chromosphere
  is riddled with strong Alfvenic waves. <P />In an effort to determine
  the formation mechanism of spicules and their impact on the outer
  atmosphere, we further focus on the thermal evolution and velocities
  developed by spicules. We use Dopplergrams made in the Na D 589.6 nm,
  H-alpha 656.3 nm and Mg B 517.3 nm passbands, as well as filtergrams in
  the Ca H 396.8 nm passband to study the spatio-temporal relationship
  between the various spicular features. We compare those findings with
  synthesized images based on line profiles computed from high-resolution
  3D MHD numerical simulations from the University of Oslo. We also use
  the Dopplergram data to investigate the velocities that develop in
  the two types of spicules that were reported previously. We perform
  statistical analysis of apparent velocities in the plane of the sky
  and line-of-sight velocities derived from Dopplergrams to disentangle
  the superposition of Alfvenic wave amplitudes and field-aligned
  flows. We study these properties for a variety of magnetic field
  configurations (coronal holes, quiet Sun, active region). Finally,
  we focus on the formation mechanism of spicules by analyzing spicular
  features in Dopplergrams on the disk that were taken simultaneously
  with SP magnetograms.

Title: Flux of Alfven Waves in the Solar Photosphere
Authors: Vranjes, J.; Poedts, S.; Pandey, B. P.; de Pontieu, B. P.
2008ESPM...12.3.10V    Altcode:
  The convective motions in the solar photosphere, resulting in the foot
  point motion of different magnetic structures in the solar atmosphere,
  are frequently proposed as the source for the excitation of Alfven
  waves, which are assumed to propagate towards the chromosphere
  and corona resulting finally in the heating of these layers by the
  dissipation of this wave energy. However, the photosphere is a) very
  weakly ionized, and, b) the dynamics of the plasma particles in this
  region is heavily influenced by the plasma-neutral collisions. The
  purpose of this work is to check the consequences of these two
  facts on the above scenario and their effects on the electromagnetic
  waves. Standard plasma theory is used and the wave physics of the weakly
  ionized photosphere is discussed. The magnetization and the collision
  frequencies of the plasma constituents are quantitatively examined. <P
  />It is shown that the ions and electrons in the photosphere are
  both un-magnetized; their collision frequency with neutrals is much
  larger than the gyro-frequency. This implies that eventual Alfven-type
  electromagnetic perturbations must involve the neutrals as well. This
  has the following consequences. i) In the presence of perturbations,
  the whole fluid (plasma + neutrals) moves. ii) The Alfven velocity
  includes the total (plasma + neutrals) density and is thus considerably
  smaller compared to the collision-less case. iii) The perturbed velocity
  of a unit volume, which now includes both plasma and neutrals, becomes
  much smaller compared to the ideal (collision-less) case. iv) Finally,
  when the effects of partial ionization and collisions are consistently
  taken into account, the corresponding wave energy flux for the given
  parameters becomes orders of magnitude smaller compared to the ideal

Title: The high-resolution lightweight telescope for the EUV (HiLiTE)
Authors: Martínez-Galarce, Dennis S.; Boerner, Paul; Soufli, Regina;
   De Pontieu, Bart; Katz, Noah; Title, Alan; Gullikson, Eric M.;
   Robinson, Jeff C.; Baker, Sherry L.
2008SPIE.7011E..3KM    Altcode: 2008SPIE.7011E.105M
  The High-resolution Lightweight Telescope for the EUV (HiLiTE) is
  a Cassegrain telescope that will be made entirely of Silicon Carbide
  (SiC), optical substrates and metering structure alike. Using multilayer
  coatings, this instrument will be tuned to operate at the 465 Å Ne VII
  emission line, formed in solar transition region plasma at ~500,000
  K. HiLiTE will have an aperture of 30 cm, angular resolution of ~0.2
  arc seconds and operate at a cadence of ~5 seconds or less, having a
  mass that is about 1/4 that of one of the 20 cm aperture telescopes on
  the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) instrument aboard NASA's Solar
  Dynamics Observatory (SDO). This new instrument technology thus serves
  as a path finder to a post-AIA, Explorer-class missions.

Title: Search for High Velocities in the Disk Counterpart of Type
    II Spicules
Authors: Langangen, Ø.; De Pontieu, B.; Carlsson, M.; Hansteen,
   V. H.; Cauzzi, G.; Reardon, K.
2008ApJ...679L.167L    Altcode: 2008arXiv0804.3256L
  Recently, De Pontieu and coworkers discovered a class of spicules
  that evolve more rapidly than previously known spicules, with rapid
  apparent motions of 50-150 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, thickness of a few 100
  km, and lifetimes of order 10-60 s. These so-called type II spicules
  have been difficult to study because of limited spatiotemporal and
  thermal resolution. Here we use the IBIS instrument to search for the
  high velocities in the disk counterpart of type II spicules. We have
  detected rapidly evolving events, with lifetimes that are less than a
  minute and often equal to the cadence of the instrument (19 s). These
  events are characterized by a Doppler shift that only appears in the
  blue wing of the Ca II IR line. Furthermore, the spatial extent,
  lifetime, and location near network all suggest a link to type II
  spicules. However, the magnitude of the measured Doppler velocity is
  significantly lower than the apparent motions seen at the limb. We
  use Monte Carlo simulations to show that this discrepancy can be
  explained by a forward model in which the visibility on the disk of
  the high-velocity flows in these events is limited by a combination
  of line-of-sight projection and reduced opacity in upward propelled
  plasma, especially in reconnection driven jets that are powered by a
  roughly constant energy supply.

Title: Velocities and thermal evolution of chromospheric spicules
Authors: de Pontieu, B.; McIntosh, S. W.; Tarbell, T.; Carlsson,
   M. P.; Hansteen, V. H.
2008AGUSMSP53A..06D    Altcode:
  We use the Broadband Filter Imager (BFI) and Narrowband Filter
  Imager (NFI) of the Solar Optical Telescope on Hinode to study the
  thermal evolution and velocities developed by chromospheric plasma in
  spicules. We use Dopplergrams made in the Na D 589.6 nm, Hα 656.3 nm
  and Mg B 517.3 nm passbands, as well as filtergrams in the Ca H 396.8 nm
  passband to study the spatio-temporal relationship between the various
  spicular features. We compare those findings with synthesized images
  based on line profiles computed from high-resolution 3D MHD numerical
  simulations from the University of Oslo. We also use the Dopplergram
  data to investigate the velocities that develop in the two types of
  spicules that were reported previously. We perform statistical analysis
  of apparent velocities in the plane of the sky and line-of-sight
  velocities derived from Dopplergrams to disentangle the superposition
  of Alfvenic wave amplitudes and field-aligned flows. We study these
  properties for a variety of magnetic field configurations (coronal
  holes, quiet Sun, active region). Finally, we focus on the formation
  mechanism of spicules by analyzing spicular features in Dopplergrams
  on the disk that were taken simultaneously with SP magnetograms. This
  work was supported by NASA contract NNM07AA01C. The Hinode mission is
  operated by ISAS/JAXA, NAOJ, NASA, STFC, ESA and NSC.

Title: Chromospheric Flows in the Vicinity of Magnetic Features in
    the Quiet Sun Observed with Hinode SOT
Authors: Tarbell, T.; de Pontieu, B.; Carlsson, M.; Hansteen, V.;
   McIntosh, S.; Ichimoto, K.
2008AGUSMSP41B..02T    Altcode:
  The Narrowband Filter Imager of the Solar Optical Telescope on Hinode
  can measure Doppler shifts and line-of- sight magnetic fields in two
  lines with contributions from the low chromosphere: Na D 589.6 nm and
  Mg b 517.3 nm. The SOT Spectro-Polarimeter also measures very accurate
  vector magnetic fields and Doppler velocities in the photosphere. These
  observations have diffraction-limited spatial resolution and superb
  stability. We present examples of these measurements in quiet sun
  at various disk positions. In addition to the expected granulation
  and f- and p-modes, conspicuous longer-lived downflows are seen near
  strong network flux elements. Transient upflows are also detected,
  presumably the base of flows seen in spicules at the limb and H-alpha
  mottles on the disk. Velocity features associated with emerging and
  cancelling magnetic features are also described. The observations are
  compared with synthesized images made from line profiles computed from
  the University of Oslo 3-D MHD simulations. This work was supported by
  NASA contract NNM07AA01C. The Hinode mission is operated by ISAS/JAXA,

Title: Optical Analysis of HiLiTE (High-Resolution Lightweight
    Telescope for the EUV)
Authors: Boerner, P.; Martinez-Galarce, D.; de Pontieu, B.; Soufli,
   R.; Katz, N.; Title, A.; Gullikson, E.
2008AGUSMSP51B..09B    Altcode:
  We have completed a preliminary design of a telescope capable
  of observing the 500,000 K transition region at high spatial (0.2
  arcseconds) and temporal (5 seconds) resolution. The High-resolution
  Lightweight Telescope for the EUV (HiLiTE) is a Cassegrain telescope
  with an aperture of 30 cm, with multilayer-coated optics tuned to the
  465 Å the Ne VII emission line formed in plasma at 500,000 K. The
  HiLiTE instrument, including both mirrors and the metering structure,
  will be constructed entirely from lightweight, thermally stable, high-
  stiffness advanced silicon carbide (SiC) material. In this poster we
  provide an update on the development of the HiLiTE instrument concept,
  including metrology on SiC optics and model results of the instrument's
  optical performance during a proposed sounding rocket flight.

Title: Reappraising Transition Region Line Widths in Light of Recent
    Alfvén Wave Discoveries
Authors: McIntosh, Scott W.; De Pontieu, Bart; Tarbell, Theodore D.
2008ApJ...673L.219M    Altcode: 2008arXiv0801.0671M
  We provide a new interpretation of ultraviolet transition region
  emission line widths observed by the SUMER instrument on the Solar
  and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). This investigation is prompted
  by observations of the chromosphere at unprecedented spatial and
  temporal resolution from the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) on Hinode
  revealing that all chromospheric structures above the limb display
  significant transverse (Alfvénic) perturbations. We demonstrate
  that the magnitude, network sensitivity, and apparent center-to-limb
  isotropy of the measured line widths (formed below 250,000 K) can be
  explained by an observationally constrained forward model in which the
  line width is caused by the line-of-sight superposition of longitudinal
  and Alfvénic motions on the small-scale (spicular) structures that
  dominate the chromosphere and low transition region.

Title: Energy flux of Alfvén waves in weakly ionized plasma
Authors: Vranjes, J.; Poedts, S.; Pandey, B. P.; de Pontieu, B.
2008A&A...478..553V    Altcode: 2008arXiv0805.4591V
  Context: The overshooting convective motions in the solar photosphere,
  resulting in the foot point motion of different magnetic structures
  in the solar atmosphere, are frequently proposed as the source for the
  excitation of Alfvén waves, which are assumed to propagate towards the
  chromosphere and corona resulting finally in the heating of these layers
  by the dissipation of this wave energy. However, the photosphere is a)
  very weakly ionized, and, b) the dynamics of the plasma particles in
  this region is heavily influenced by the plasma-neutral collisions. <BR
  />Aims: The purpose of this work is to check the consequences
  of these two facts on the above scenario and their effects on the
  electromagnetic waves. <BR />Methods: Standard plasma theory is used
  and the wave physics of the weakly ionized photosphere is discussed. The
  magnetization and the collision frequencies of the plasma constituents
  are quantitatively examined. <BR />Results: It is shown that the ions
  and electrons in the photosphere are both un-magnetized; their collision
  frequency with neutrals is much larger than the gyro-frequency. This
  implies that eventual Alfvén-type electromagnetic perturbations must
  involve the neutrals as well. This has the following consequences: i)
  in the presence of perturbations, the whole fluid (plasma + neutrals)
  moves; ii) the Alfvén velocity includes the total (plasma + neutrals)
  density and is thus considerably smaller compared to the collision-less
  case; iii) the perturbed velocity of a unit volume, which now includes
  both plasma and neutrals, becomes much smaller compared to the ideal
  (collision-less) case; and iv) the corresponding wave energy flux
  for the given parameters becomes much smaller compared to the ideal
  case. <BR />Conclusions: The wave energy flux through the photosphere
  becomes orders of magnitude smaller, compared to the ideal case, when
  the effects of partial ionization and collisions are consistently
  taken into account.

Title: Spectroscopic Measurements of Dynamic Fibrils in the Ca II
    λ8662 Line
Authors: Langangen, Øystein; Carlsson, Mats; Rouppe van der Voort,
   Luc; Hansteen, Viggo; De Pontieu, Bart
2008ApJ...673.1194L    Altcode: 2007arXiv0710.0247L
  We present high spatial resolution spectroscopic measurements of dynamic
  fibrils (DFs) in the Ca II λ8662 line. These data show clear Doppler
  shifts in the identified DFs, which demonstrates that at least a subset
  of DFs are actual mass motions in the chromosphere. A statistical
  analysis of 26 DFs reveals a strong and statistically significant
  correlation between the maximal velocity and the deceleration. The
  range of the velocities and the decelerations are substantially lower,
  about a factor 2, in our spectroscopic observations compared to the
  earlier results based on proper motion in narrowband images. There
  are fundamental differences in the different observational methods;
  when DFs are observed spectroscopically, the measured Doppler shifts
  are a result of the atmospheric velocity, weighted with the response
  function to velocity over an extended height. When the proper motion
  of DFs is observed in narrowband images, the movement of the top
  of the DF is observed. This point is sharply defined because of the
  high contrast between the DF and the surroundings. The observational
  differences between the two methods are examined by several numerical
  experiments using both numerical simulations and a time series of
  narrowband Hα images. With basis in the simulations we conclude that
  the lower maximal velocity is explained by the low formation height of
  the Ca IR line. We conclude that the present observations support the
  earlier result that DFs are driven by magnetoacoustic shocks excited
  by convective flows and p-modes.

Title: Chromospheric Alfvénic Waves Strong Enough to Power the
    Solar Wind
Authors: De Pontieu, B.; McIntosh, S. W.; Carlsson, M.; Hansteen,
   V. H.; Tarbell, T. D.; Schrijver, C. J.; Title, A. M.; Shine, R. A.;
   Tsuneta, S.; Katsukawa, Y.; Ichimoto, K.; Suematsu, Y.; Shimizu, T.;
   Nagata, S.
2007Sci...318.1574D    Altcode:
  Alfvén waves have been invoked as a possible mechanism for the heating
  of the Sun's outer atmosphere, or corona, to millions of degrees and
  for the acceleration of the solar wind to hundreds of kilometers per
  second. However, Alfvén waves of sufficient strength have not been
  unambiguously observed in the solar atmosphere. We used images of
  high temporal and spatial resolution obtained with the Solar Optical
  Telescope onboard the Japanese Hinode satellite to reveal that the
  chromosphere, the region sandwiched between the solar surface and
  the corona, is permeated by Alfvén waves with strong amplitudes on
  the order of 10 to 25 kilometers per second and periods of 100 to
  500 seconds. Estimates of the energy flux carried by these waves and
  comparisons with advanced radiative magnetohydrodynamic simulations
  indicate that such Alfvén waves are energetic enough to accelerate
  the solar wind and possibly to heat the quiet corona.

Title: Hinode and the Corona's Lower Boundary: Spicules and Alfven
Authors: de Pontieu, B.; McIntosh, S. W.; Hansteen, V.; Carlsson, M. P.
2007AGUFMSH52C..08D    Altcode:
  The lower boundary of the corona, or chromosphere, requires of order
  100 times more energy than the corona itself, and provides the mass
  to fill coronal loops. Yet the chromosphere and its coupling to the
  corona is often overlooked. Recently, observations with the Solar
  Optical Telescope (SOT) onboard Hinode and ground-based telescopes
  combined with advanced numerical simulations have provided us with
  unprecedented views and a better understanding of the (spicular)
  dynamics of the chromosphere and how the lower boundary couples to
  the corona and solar wind. We analyze high-resolution, high-cadence
  Ca II and Hα observations of the solar chromosphere and find that the
  dynamics of the magnetized chromosphere are dominated by at least two
  different types of spicules. We show that the first type involves up-
  and downward motion that is driven by shock waves that form when global
  oscillations and convective flows leak into the chromosphere along
  magnetic field lines on on 3-7 minute timescales. The second type of
  spicules is much more dynamic: they form rapidly (in ~10s), are very
  thin (&lt;200km wide), have lifetimes of 10-150s (at any one height) and
  seem to be rapidly heated to (at least) transition region temperatures,
  sending material through the chromosphere at speeds of order 50-150
  km/s. The properties of Type II spicules suggest a formation process
  that is a consequence of magnetic reconnection. We discuss the impact of
  both spicules types on the coronal mass and energy balance. Our analysis
  of Hinode data also indicates that the chromosphere is permeated by
  strong Alfvén waves. Both types of spicules are observed to carry
  these Alfvén waves, which have significant amplitudes of order 20 km/s,
  transverse displacements of order 500-1,000 km and periods of 150-400
  s. Estimates of the energy flux carried by these Alfvén waves and
  comparisons to advanced radiative MHD simulations indicate that these
  waves most likely play a significant role in the acceleration of the
  solar wind, and possibly the heating of the quiet Sun corona. We will
  discuss the implications of these waves on the energy balance of the
  lower atmosphere.

Title: Observing the Influence of Alfven Waves on the Energetics of
    the Quiet Solar Corona and Solar Wind
Authors: McIntosh, S. W.; de Pontieu, B.; Tomczyk, S.
2007AGUFMSH21A0288M    Altcode:
  We will present and discuss recent observations of Alfvén waves in the
  solar chromosphere, from the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) on Hinode,
  and in the corona, from HAO's ground-based Coronal Multi-channel
  Polarimeter (CoMP). These observations unambiguously demonstrate, for
  the first time, that the magnetic chromosphere and corona are riddled
  with 3- and 5-minute (3-5mHz) Alfvénic oscillations predominantly
  propagating outward into the heliosphere. The combined analysis of these
  observations, augmented by spectroscopic data from SOHO/SUMER, provide
  a compelling look at the influence and importance of ubiquitously
  driven Alfvén waves in heating the quiet solar corona and driving
  the solar wind. Indeed, we believe that these direct observations of
  a low-frequency wave input must provoke a re-evaluation of solar wind
  acceleration by high frequency (kHz) ion-cyclotron modes.

Title: The High-resolution Lightweight Telescope for the EUV (HiLiTE)
Authors: Martínez-Galarce, D.; Boerner, P.; de Pontieu, B.; Katz,
   N.; Title, A.; Soufli, R.; Gullikson, E.
2007AGUFMSH44B1738M    Altcode:
  The highly-structured and extremely dynamic interface between the
  photosphere and the corona is of crucial importance in understanding
  solar activity and space weather. Recent high-resolution observations
  with Hinode have shown that understanding this interface requires the
  ability to study the transition region by imaging plasma around 500,000
  K on spatial scales of ~0.2 arc seconds, at cadences of ~5 seconds or
  less. We have completed a preliminary design of a telescope capable
  of meeting all three of these requirements - thermal, spatial, and
  temporal, called the High-resolution Lightweight Telescope for the EUV
  (HiLiTE). HiLiTE is a Cassegrain telescope with an aperture of 30 cm,
  angular resolution of ~0.2 arc seconds, and a mass that is about 1/4
  that of one of the 20 cm aperture telescopes on SDO/AIA. The instrument
  bandpass will be tuned to the 46.5 nm Ne VII emission line formed in
  plasma at ~500,000 K. HiLiTE, including both mirrors and the metering
  structure, will be constructed entirely from lightweight, thermally
  stable, high-stiffness advanced Silicon Carbide (SiC) material. While
  SiC is an extremely promising material for space telescopes, SiC optics
  with the figure and surface finish required for normal-incidence
  multilayers have not yet been demonstrated. Upon integrating this
  instrument with an Advanced CMOS detector (in parallel development
  at Lockheed Martin via another internally funded program) and on
  board electronics, HiLiTE can easily be retrofitted to fly on board a
  sounding rocket, acting as a path finder to a post-AIA, Explorer-class
  mission. Herein, we give an update of the HiLiTE instrument development
  program, discussing expected instrument performance as well as the
  advantages of using SiC for EUV/Soft X-ray imaging in solar physics.

Title: On Connecting the Dynamics of the Chromosphere and Transition
    Region with Hinode SOT and EIS
Authors: Hansteen, Viggo H.; de Pontieu, Bart; Carlsson, Mats;
   McIntosh, Scott; Watanabe, Tetsuya; Warren, Harry P.; Harra, Louise K.;
   Hara, Hirohisa; Tarbell, Theodore D.; Shine, Dick; Title, Alan M.;
   Schrijver, Carolus J.; Tsuneta, Saku; Katsukawa, Yukio; Ichimoto,
   Kiyoshi; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Shimizu, Toshifumi
2007PASJ...59S.699H    Altcode: 2007arXiv0711.0487H
  We use coordinated Hinode SOT/EIS observations that include
  high-resolution magnetograms, chromospheric, and transition region
  (TR) imaging, and TR/coronal spectra in a first test to study how
  the dynamics of the TR are driven by the highly dynamic photospheric
  magnetic fields and the ubiquitous chromospheric waves. Initial
  analysis shows that these connections are quite subtle and require a
  combination of techniques including magnetic field extrapolations,
  frequency-filtered time-series, and comparisons with synthetic
  chromospheric and TR images from advanced 3D numerical simulations. As a
  first result, we find signatures of magnetic flux emergence as well as
  3 and 5mHz wave power above regions of enhanced photospheric magnetic
  field in both chromospheric, transition region, and coronal emission.

Title: Can High Frequency Acoustic Waves Heat the Quiet Sun
Authors: Carlsson, Mats; Hansteen, Viggo H.; de Pontieu, Bart;
   McIntosh, Scott; Tarbell, Theodore D.; Shine, Dick; Tsuneta, Saku;
   Katsukawa, Yukio; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Shimizu,
   Toshifumi; Nagata, Shin'ichi
2007PASJ...59S.663C    Altcode: 2007arXiv0709.3462C
  We use Hinode/SOT Ca II H-line and blue continuum broadband observations
  to study the presence and power of high frequency acoustic waves at
  high spatial resolution. We find that there is no dominant power at
  small spatial scales; the integrated power using the full resolution of
  Hinode (0.05” pixels, 0.16” resolution) is larger than the power in
  the data degraded to 0.5” pixels (TRACE pixel size) by only a factor
  of 1.2. At 20 mHz the ratio is 1.6. Combining this result with the
  estimates of the acoustic flux based on TRACE data of Fossum &amp;
  Carlsson (2006), we conclude that the total energy flux in acoustic
  waves of frequency 5-40 mHz entering the internetwork chromosphere of
  the quiet Sun is less than 800 W m$^{-2}$, inadequate to balance the
  radiative losses in a static chromosphere by a factor of five.

Title: A Tale of Two Spicules: The Impact of Spicules on the Magnetic
Authors: de Pontieu, Bart; McIntosh, Scott; Hansteen, Viggo H.;
   Carlsson, Mats; Schrijver, Carolus J.; Tarbell, Theodore D.; Title,
   Alan M.; Shine, Richard A.; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Tsuneta, Saku;
   Katsukawa, Yukio; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Nagata,
2007PASJ...59S.655D    Altcode: 2007arXiv0710.2934D
  We use high-resolution observations of the Sun in CaIIH (3968Å)
  from the Solar Optical Telescope on Hinode to show that there are
  at least two types of spicules that dominate the structure of the
  magnetic solar chromosphere. Both types are tied to the relentless
  magnetoconvective driving in the photosphere, but have very different
  dynamic properties. “Type-I” spicules are driven by shock waves
  that form when global oscillations and convective flows leak into
  the upper atmosphere along magnetic field lines on 3--7minute
  timescales. “Type-II” spicules are much more dynamic: they form
  rapidly (in ∼ 10s), are very thin (≤ 200 km wide), have lifetimes
  of 10-150s (at any one height), and seem to be rapidly heated to
  (at least) transition region temperatures, sending material through
  the chromosphere at speeds of order 50--150kms<SUP>-1</SUP>. The
  properties of Type II spicules suggest a formation process that is
  a consequence of magnetic reconnection, typically in the vicinity
  of magnetic flux concentrations in plage and network. Both types of
  spicules are observed to carry Alfvén waves with significant amplitudes
  of order 20kms<SUP>-1</SUP>.

Title: Chromospheric Dynamics: Spicules and Waves
Authors: de Pontieu, B.
2007ASPC..369..231D    Altcode:
  The dynamics of the chromosphere are dominated by waves and spicules,
  jet-like features that are propelled upwards at speeds of 10-20 km/s
  from the photosphere into the low magnetized atmosphere. Spicules
  have been a significant challenge to both observers and theorists,
  mostly because of their highly dynamic nature and small size, which
  are close to current observational limits. The advent of Solar
  B will enable the first seeing-free observations that are of high
  enough spatial and temporal resolution to reveal the intricate links
  between the photospheric magnetic field and elements, the photospheric
  flowfield and waves and chromospheric spicules. In this paper, I focus
  on the advances Solar-B will be able to make in our understanding of
  the formation of spicules and their impact on transition region and
  corona. To illustrate the issues and methods needed to tackle this
  difficult problem, I present recent work on a synthesis of very high
  resolution observations of spicule-like fibrils in active region plage
  using the Swedish Solar Telescope (SST, La Palma, Spain) combined with
  theoretical modelling of spicule formation.

Title: Numerical Simulations of Shock Wave-driven Chromospheric Jets
Authors: Heggland, L.; De Pontieu, B.; Hansteen, V. H.
2007ApJ...666.1277H    Altcode: 2007astro.ph..3498H
  We present the results of numerical simulations of shock wave-driven
  jets in the solar atmosphere. The dependence of observable quantities
  such as maximum velocity and deceleration on parameters such as the
  period and amplitude of initial disturbances and the inclination of
  the magnetic field is investigated. Our simulations show excellent
  agreement with observations, and shed new light on the correlation
  between velocity and deceleration and on the regional differences
  found in observations.

Title: Leakage of photospheric acoustic waves into non-magnetic
    solar atmosphere
Authors: Erdélyi, R.; Malins, C.; Tóth, G.; de Pontieu, B.
2007A&A...467.1299E    Altcode:
  Aims:This paper aims to look at the propagation of synthetic
  photospheric oscillations from a point source into a two-dimensional
  non-magnetic solar atmosphere. It takes a particular interest in
  the leakage of 5-min global oscillations into the atmosphere, and
  aims to complement efforts on the driving of chromospheric dynamics
  (e.g. spicules and waves) by 5-min oscillations. <BR />Methods: A
  model solar atmosphere is constructed based on realistic temperature
  and gravitational stratification. The response of this atmosphere to
  a wide range of adiabatic periodic velocity drivers is numerically
  investigated in the hydrodynamic approximation. <BR />Results: The
  findings of this modelling are threefold. Firstly, high-frequency waves
  are shown to propagate from the lower atmosphere across the transition
  region experiencing relatively low reflection and transmitting energy
  into the corona. Secondly, it is demonstrated that driving the upper
  solar photosphere with a harmonic piston driver at around the 5 min
  period may generate three separate standing modes with similar periods
  in the chromosphere and transition region. In the cavity formed
  by the chromosphere and bounded by regions of low cut-off period
  at the photospheric temperature minimum and the transition region
  this is caused by reflection, while at either end of this region in
  the lower chromosphere and transition region the standing modes are
  caused by resonant excitation. Finally, the transition region becomes
  a guide for horizontally propagating surface waves for a wide range
  of driver periods, and in particular at those periods which support
  chromospheric standing waves. Crucially, these findings are the results
  of a combination of a chromospheric cavity and resonant excitation in
  the lower atmosphere and transition region.

Title: Chromospheric and Transition-Region Dynamics in Plage
Authors: de Wijn, A. G.; de Pontieu, B.; Rutten, R. J.
2007ASPC..368..137D    Altcode:
  We study the dynamical interaction of the solar chromosphere with
  the transition region in mossy and non-mossy active-region plage. We
  carefully align image sequences taken with the Transition Region And
  Coronal Explorer (TRACE) in the ultraviolet passbands around 1550, 1600,
  and 1700 Å and the extreme ultraviolet passbands at 171 and 195 Å. We
  compute Fourier phase-difference spectra that are spatially averaged
  separately over mossy and non-mossy plage to study temporal modulations
  as a function of temporal frequency. The 1550 versus 171 Å comparison
  shows zero phase difference in non-mossy plage. In mossy plage, the
  phase differences between all UV and EUV passbands show pronounced
  upward trends with increasing frequency, which abruptly changes
  into zero phase difference beyond 4 -- 6 mHz. The phase difference
  between the 171 and 195 Å sequences exhibits a shallow dip below 3
  mHz and then also turns to zero phase difference beyond this value. We
  attribute the various similarities between the UV and EUV diagnostics
  that are evident in the phase-difference diagrams to the contribution
  of the C IV resonance lines in the 1550 and 1600 Å passbands. The
  strong upward trend at the lower frequencies indicates the presence of
  upward-traveling disturbances. It points to correspondence between the
  lower chromosphere and the upper transition region, perhaps by slow-mode
  magnetosonic disturbances, or by a connection between chromospheric and
  coronal heating mechanisms. The transition from this upward trend to
  zero phase difference at higher frequencies is due to the intermittent
  obscuration by fibrils that occult the foot points of hot loops,
  which are bright in the EUV and C IV lines, in oscillatory manner.

Title: High-Resolution Observations and Numerical Simulations of
    Chromospheric Fibrils and Mottles
Authors: de Pontieu, B.; Hansteen, V. H.; Rouppe van der Voort, L.;
   van Noort, M.; Carlsson, M.
2007ASPC..368...65D    Altcode:
  With the recent advent of the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope (SST),
  advanced image processing techniques, as well as numerical simulations
  that provide a more realistic view of the chromosphere, a comprehensive
  understanding of chromospheric jets such as spicules, mottles and
  fibrils is now within reach. In this paper, we briefly summarize results
  from a recent analysis of dynamic fibrils, short-lived jet-like features
  that dominate the chromosphere (as imaged in Hα) above and about active
  region plage. Using extremely high-resolution observations obtained
  at the SST, and advanced numerical 2D radiative MHD simulations, we
  show that fibrils are most likely formed by chromospheric shock waves
  that occur when convective flows and global oscillations leak into the
  chromosphere along the field lines of magnetic flux concentrations. <P
  />In addition, we present some preliminary observations of quiet Sun
  jets or mottles. We find that the mechanism that produces fibrils
  in active regions is most likely also at work in quiet Sun regions,
  although it is modified by the weaker magnetic field and the presence of
  more mixed-polarity. A comparison with numerical simulations suggests
  that the weaker magnetic field in quiet Sun allows for significantly
  stronger (than in active regions) transverse motions that are
  superposed on the field-aligned, shock-driven motions. This leads
  to a more dynamic, and much more complex environment than in active
  region plage. In addition, our observations of the mixed polarity
  environment in quiet Sun regions suggest that other mechanisms, such
  as reconnection, may well play a significant role in the formation of
  some quiet Sun jets. Simultaneous high-resolution magnetograms (such
  as those provided by Hinode), as well as numerical simulations that
  take into account a whole variety of different magnetic configurations,
  will be necessary to determine the relative importance in quiet Sun of,
  respectively, the fibril-mechanism and reconnection.

Title: Chromospheric Spectrometry at High Spatial Resolution
Authors: Langangen, Ø.; Carlsson, M.; Rouppe van der Voort, L.;
   Hansteen, V. H.; de Pontieu, B.
2007ASPC..368..145L    Altcode:
  In this summary we present spectrograms and images of the
  chromosphere obtained in a co-observation campaign with the SST and
  the DOT. The data are used to identify and measure the Doppler shifts
  of dynamic fibrils. Quantitative comparison with the results of <P
  />\citep{ol-2006ApJ...647L..73H} requires compensation for several
  observational issues.

Title: Observational Evidence For The Ubiquity Of Strong Alfven
    Waves In The Magnetized Chromosphere
Authors: De Pontieu, Bart; McIntosh, S. W.; Carlsson, M.; Hansteen,
   V. H.; Schrijver, C. J.; Tarbell, T. D.; Title, A.; SOT Team
2007AAS...210.9415D    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39R.219D
  Hinode/SOT Ca II broadband observations show that Alfven waves with
  significant amplitudes of order 10-20 km/s and periods of 150-300 s are
  extremely ubiquitous in the magnetized middle to upper chromosphere. Our
  observations focus on spicules at the limb, and straw-like features
  associated with network and plage on the disk. We find that the
  weak straw-like features and most spicules all undergo significant
  transverse motions that are driven by Alfven waves. These waves are
  seen to propagate both up- and downward, and may carry an energy flux
  that is significant compared to both the local, coronal and solar wind
  energy balance. We will provide estimates of the energy flux carried
  by these waves, and will compare our observations with Alfven waves
  that are observed in 3D numerical simulations that include advanced
  radiative transfer treatment for the chromosphere. <P />This work was
  supported by NASA contract NNM07AA01C.

Title: Connecting The Dynamics Of The Chromosphere And Transition
    Region With Hinode/sot And Eis
Authors: Hansteen, Viggo H.; McIntosh, S.; De Pontieu, B.; Carlsson,
   M.; SOT Team
2007AAS...210.9430H    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39..222H
  We will use coordinated Hinode SOT/EIS observations that include
  high-resolution magnetograms, chromospheric and TR imaging and
  TR/coronal spectra to study how the dynamics of the TR are driven by
  the higly dynamic photospheric magnetic fields and the ubiquitous
  chromospheric waves. Using travel time analysis, magnetic field
  extrapolations, frequency filtered timeseries and comparisons with
  synthetic chromospheric and TR images from advanced 3D numerical
  simulations, we will study and establish how the dynamics of the
  photosphere, chromosphere and TR are connected.

Title: Magneto-acoustic Waves And Their Role In The Energetics And
    Dynamics Of The Solar Chromosphere
Authors: Jefferies, Stuart; De Pontieu, B.; McIntosh, S.; Hansteen,
   V. H.
2007AAS...21012004J    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39..245J
  We analyze a diverse set of observations obtained with SOHO and
  TRACE, as well as with MOTH and the Swedish 1 m Solar Telescope to
  show that sound waves play an important role in shaping the structure
  and energetics of the magnetized chromosphere. Travel time analysis
  of TRACE, MOTH and SST observations and comparisons with numerical
  simulations show that normally evanescent 5 minute p-mode oscillations
  leak into the chromosphere along flux tubes that are inclined with
  the vertical. Comparisons of SST data of fibril-like jets above
  active region plage and quiet Sun mottles with advanced radiative
  MHD simulations show how these oscillations develop into slow mode
  magnetoacoustic shocks that drive spicule-like chromospheric jets up
  to coronal heights. <P />The leaking waves not only drive much of the
  dynamics of the magnetized chromosphere: Doppler measurements from the
  MOTH instrument at several heights in the atmosphere show that the total
  energy flux carried by these leaking waves may play a significant role
  in the energy balance of the magnetized chromosphere. <P />We describe
  first approaches to determine more precisely how and where the wave
  energy is deposited in the low atmosphere.

Title: Magnetoacoustic Shocks as a Driver of Quiet-Sun Mottles
Authors: Rouppe van der Voort, L. H. M.; De Pontieu, B.; Hansteen,
   V. H.; Carlsson, M.; van Noort, M.
2007ApJ...660L.169R    Altcode: 2007astro.ph..3535R
  We present high spatial and high temporal resolution observations of
  the quiet Sun in Hα obtained with the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope on
  La Palma. We observe that many mottles, jetlike features in the quiet
  Sun, display clear up- and downward motions along their main axis. In
  addition, many mottles show vigorous transverse displacements. Unique
  identification of the mottles throughout their lifetime is much harder
  than for their active region counterpart, dynamic fibrils. This is
  because many seem to lack a sharply defined edge at their top, and
  significant fading often occurs throughout their lifetime. For those
  mottles that can be reliably tracked, we find that the mottle tops
  often undergo parabolic paths. We find a linear correlation between
  the deceleration these mottles undergo and the maximum velocity they
  reach, similar to what was found earlier for dynamic fibrils. Combined
  with an analysis of oscillatory properties, we conclude that at least
  part of the quiet-Sun mottles are driven by magnetoacoustic shocks. In
  addition, the mixed-polarity environment and vigorous dynamics suggest
  that reconnection may play a significant role in the formation of some
  quiet-Sun jets.

Title: A Tale of Two Spicules
Authors: McIntosh, Scott W.; De Pontieu, B.; Carlsson, M.; Hansteen,
   V. H.; Schrijver, C. J.; Tarbell, T. D.; Title, A. M.; SOT Team
2007AAS...210.9414M    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39..219M
  Hinode/SOT Ca II broadband images and movies show that there are
  several different types of spicules at the limb. These different
  types are distinguished by dynamics on different timescales. The
  first type involves up- and downward motion on timescales of 3-5
  minutes. The dynamics of these spicules are very similar to those of
  fibrils and mottles as observed on the disk. Recent work suggests that
  these are driven by slow-mode magnetoacoustic shocks that form when
  convective flows and global oscillations leak into the chromosphere
  along magnetic flux tubes. The second type is much more dynamic with
  typical lifetimes of 10-60 s. These spicules are characterized by
  sudden appearance and disappearance that may be indicative of rapid
  heating to TR temperatures. We will describe the properties of these
  spicules in various magnetic environments (coronal hole, quiet Sun,
  active region) and study the possible role of reconnection in driving
  the second type of spicules. In addition, we will perform detailed
  comparisons of these different types of jets with synthetic Ca images
  derived from advanced 3D numerical simulations that encompass the
  convection zone up through the corona.

Title: Can High Frequency Acoustic Waves Heat the Quiet Sun
Authors: Carlsson, Mats P. O.; De Pontieu, B.; Tarbell, T.; Hansteen,
   V. H.; McIntosh, S.; SOT Team
2007AAS...210.6306C    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39..172C
  We use Hinode/SOT Ca II, G-band and blue continuum broadband
  observations to study the presence and power of high frequency acoustic
  waves at high spatial resolution. Previous observations with TRACE,
  which were limited by the 1 arcsec resolution, and 1D numerical
  simulations (Fossum &amp; Carlsson, 2005) have been used to constrain
  the possible role of high frequency waves in the heating of the quiet
  Sun chromosphere. We will use the higher spatial resolution Hinode
  data and comparisons with both 1D and 3D numerical models to study
  the amount of high frequency power at smaller scales, and whether that
  power is sufficient to heat the quiet Sun chromosphere.

Title: Observations and Simulations of Fibrils and Mottles
Authors: De Pontieu, Bart; Hansteen, Viggo H.; Rouppe van der Voort,
   Luc; van Noort, Michiel; Carlsson, Mats
2007astro.ph..2081D    Altcode:
  With the recent advent of the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope (SST),
  advanced image processing techniques, as well as numerical simulations
  that provide a more realistic view of the chromosphere, a comprehensive
  understanding of chromospheric jets such as spicules, mottles and
  fibrils is now within reach. In this paper, we briefly summarize
  results from a recent analysis of dynamic fibrils, short-lived
  jet-like features that dominate the chromosphere (as imaged in
  H-alpha) above and about active region plage. Using extremely
  high-resolution observations obtained at the SST, and advanced
  numerical 2D radiative MHD simulations, we show that fibrils are most
  likely formed by chromospheric shock waves that occur when convective
  flows and global oscillations leak into the chromosphere along the
  field lines of magnetic flux concentrations. In addition, we present
  some preliminary observations of quiet Sun jets or mottles. We find
  that the mechanism that produces fibrils in active regions is most
  likely also at work in quiet Sun regions, although it is modified by
  the weaker magnetic field and the presence of more mixed-polarity. A
  comparison with numerical simulations suggests that the weaker magnetic
  field in quiet Sun allows for significantly stronger (than in active
  regions) transverse motions that are superposed on the field-aligned,
  shock-driven motions. This leads to a more dynamic, and much more
  complex environment than in active region plage. In addition, our
  observations of the mixed polarity environment in quiet Sun regions
  suggest that other mechanisms, such as reconnection, may well play a
  significant role in the formation of some quiet Sun jets.

Title: Fourier Analysis of Active-Region Plage
Authors: de Wijn, A. G.; De Pontieu, B.; Rutten, R. J.
2007ApJ...654.1128D    Altcode: 2007arXiv0706.2014D
  We study the dynamical interaction of the solar chromosphere with
  the transition region in mossy and nonmossy active-region plage. We
  carefully align image sequences taken with the Transition Region And
  Coronal Explorer (TRACE) in the ultraviolet passbands around 1550,
  1600, and 1700 Å and the extreme ultraviolet passbands at 171 and 195
  Å. We compute Fourier phase-difference spectra that are spatially
  averaged separately over mossy and nonmossy plage to study temporal
  modulations as a function of temporal frequency. The 1550 versus 171
  Å comparison shows zero phase difference in nonmossy plage. In mossy
  plage, the phase differences between all UV and EUV passbands show
  pronounced upward trends with increasing frequency, which abruptly
  changes into zero phase difference beyond 4-6 mHz. The phase difference
  between the 171 and 195 Å sequences exhibits a shallow dip below 3
  mHz and then also turns to zero phase difference beyond this value. We
  attribute the various similarities between the UV and EUV diagnostics
  that are evident in the phase-difference diagrams to the contribution
  of the C IV resonance lines in the 1550 and 1600 Å passbands. The
  strong upward trend at the lower frequencies indicates the presence of
  upward-traveling disturbances. It points to correspondence between the
  lower chromosphere and the upper transition region, perhaps by slow-mode
  magnetosonic disturbances, or by a connection between chromospheric and
  coronal heating mechanisms. The transition from this upward trend to
  zero phase difference at higher frequencies is due to the intermittent
  obscuration by fibrils that occult the footpoints of hot loops, which
  are bright in the EUV and C IV lines, in an oscillatory manner.

Title: High-Resolution Observations and Modeling of Dynamic Fibrils
Authors: De Pontieu, B.; Hansteen, V. H.; Rouppe van der Voort, L.;
   van Noort, M.; Carlsson, M.
2007ApJ...655..624D    Altcode: 2007astro.ph..1786D
  We present unprecedented high-resolution Hα observations, obtained
  with the Swedish 1 m Solar Telescope, that, for the first time,
  spatially and temporally resolve dynamic fibrils in active regions on
  the Sun. These jetlike features are similar to mottles or spicules in
  quiet Sun. We find that most of these fibrils follow almost perfect
  parabolic paths in their ascent and descent. We measure the properties
  of the parabolic paths taken by 257 fibrils and present an overview
  of the deceleration, maximum velocity, maximum length, and duration,
  as well as their widths and the thickness of a bright ring that often
  occurs above dynamic fibrils. We find that the observed deceleration
  of the projected path is typically only a fraction of solar gravity
  and incompatible with a ballistic path at solar gravity. We report on
  significant differences of fibril properties between those occurring
  above a dense plage region and those above a less dense plage region
  where the magnetic field seems more inclined from the vertical. We
  compare these findings to advanced numerical two-dimensional radiative
  MHD simulations and find that fibrils are most likely formed by
  chromospheric shock waves that occur when convective flows and global
  oscillations leak into the chromosphere along the field lines of
  magnetic flux concentrations. Detailed comparison of observed and
  simulated fibril properties shows striking similarities of the values
  for deceleration, maximum velocity, maximum length, and duration. We
  compare our results with observations of mottles and find that a
  similar mechanism is most likely at work in the quiet Sun.

Title: Fourier analysis of chromospheric and transition region
    emission above active region plage
Authors: de Wijn, A. G.; de Pontieu, B.; Rutten, R. J.
2006AGUFMSH23B0364D    Altcode:
  We study the dynamical interaction of the solar chromosphere with the
  transition region (TR) in mossy and non-mossy active region plage, and
  find evidence for correlated brightness changes or upward travelling
  disturbances between the low chromosphere and the upper transition
  region. We carefully align image sequences taken with the Transition
  Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) in the ultraviolet passbands around
  1550, 1600 and 1700 Å\ (indicative of low chromosphere and low TR)
  and the extreme ultraviolet passbands at 171 and 195 Å\ (indicative of
  upper transition region). We compute Fourier phase-difference spectra
  that are spatially averaged separately over mossy and non-mossy plage to
  study temporal modulations as a function of temporal frequency. We find
  that in non-mossy plage there is zero phase difference between 1550 Å\
  and 171 Å. In mossy plage, the phase differences between all UV and EUV
  passbands show pronounced upward trends with increasing frequency, which
  abruptly changes into zero phase differences for frequencies beyond 4-6
  mHz. The phase difference between the 171 and 195 Å\ sequences exhibits
  a shallow dip below 3 mHz and then also turns to zero phase difference
  beyond this value. We attribute some of the various similarities between
  the UV and EUV diagnostics that are evident in the phase-difference
  diagrams to the contribution of the C IV resonance lines in the 1550 and
  1600 Å\ passbands. The strong upward trend at lower frequencies in the
  phase difference between all UV passbands (including 1700 Å) and 171
  Å\ indicates the presence of upward travelling disturbances. Since
  1700 Å\ does not contain C IV emission (low TR), this points to a
  correlation between brightness changes in the lower chromosphere and
  the upper TR, perhaps by slow-mode disturbances, or by a connection
  between chromospheric and coronal heating mechanisms. We find that
  such correlated brightness changes first occur in the low chromosphere,
  and are followed about 400 s later in the upper TR. The transition from
  the upward trend in phase difference at low frequencies to zero phase
  difference at higher frequencies is due to the intermittent obscuration
  by fibrils. These chromospheric jets occult the footpoints of hot loops,
  which are bright in the EUV and C IV lines, in oscillatory manner.

Title: Dynamic Fibrils Are Driven by Magnetoacoustic Shocks
Authors: de Pontieu, B.; Hansteen, V. H.; Rouppe van der Voort, L.;
   van Noort, M.; Carlsson, M.
2006AGUFMSH23B0359D    Altcode:
  With the recent advent of the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope (SST),
  advanced image processing techniques, as well as numerical simulations
  that provide a more realistic view of the chromosphere, a comprehensive
  understanding of chromospheric jets such as spicules, mottles and
  fibrils is now within reach. We will present results from a recent
  analysis of dynamic fibrils, short-lived jet-like features that
  dominate the chromosphere (as imaged in Hα) above and about active
  region plage. These jets are similar to mottles and spicules in quiet
  Sun. Our analysis is based on a time series of extremely high-resolution
  (120 km) images taken in Hα linecenter at 1 second cadence, obtained by
  the Oslo group at the SST in October 2005. The 78 min long time series
  for the first time, spatially and temporally resolves dynamic fibrils
  in active regions. Our analysis shows that most of the fibrils follow
  almost perfect parabolic paths in their ascent and descent. We measure
  the properties of the parabolic paths taken by 257 different dynamic
  fibrils, and find that the observed deceleration of the projected
  path is typically only a fraction of solar gravity, and incompatible
  with a ballistic path at solar gravity. We report on significant
  differences of measured fibril properties between those occurring in
  association with a dense plage region, and those above a less dense
  plage region where the magnetic field seems more inclined away from
  the vertical. We compare these observational findings to advanced
  numerical 2D radiative MHD simulations, and find that fibrils are most
  likely formed by chromospheric shock waves that occur when convective
  flows and global oscillations leak into the chromosphere along the
  field lines of magnetic flux concentrations. Detailed comparison
  of the properties of fibrils found in our observations and those in
  our numerical simulations shows striking similarities of the values
  for deceleration, maximum velocity, maximum length and duration. The
  numerical simulations also reproduce the correlations we observe between
  various fibrils properties, as well as the regional differences, taking
  into account the different magnetic configuration for the various
  regions. We compare our results with observations of mottles and find
  that a similar mechanism is most likely at work in the quiet Sun.

Title: Dynamic fibrils in Hα and C IV
Authors: de Wijn, A. G.; De Pontieu, B.
2006A&A...460..309D    Altcode: 2007arXiv0706.2011D
  Aims.To study the interaction of the solar chromosphere with the
  transition region, in particular active-region jets in the transition
  region and their relation to chromospheric fibrils.<BR /> Methods:
  .We carefully align image sequences taken simultaneously in C iv with
  the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer and in Hα with the Swedish
  1-m Solar Telescope. We examine the temporal evolution of "dynamic
  fibrils", i.e., individual short-lived active-region chromospheric
  jet-like features in Hα.<BR /> Results: .All dynamic fibrils appear
  as absorption features in Hα that progress from the blue to the red
  wing through the line, and often show recurrent behavior. Some of them,
  but not all, appear also as bright features in C iv which develop at or
  just beyond the apex of the Hα darkening. They tend to best resemble
  the Hα fibril at +700 mÅ half a minute earlier.<BR /> Conclusions:
  .Dynamic chromospheric fibrils observed in Hα regularly correspond to
  transition-region jets observed in the ultraviolet. This correspondence
  suggests that some plasma associated with dynamic fibrils is heated
  to transition-region temperatures.

Title: Rapid Temporal Variability of Faculae: High-Resolution
    Observations and Modeling
Authors: De Pontieu, B.; Carlsson, M.; Stein, R.; Rouppe van der Voort,
   L.; Löfdahl, M.; van Noort, M.; Nordlund, Å.; Scharmer, G.
2006ApJ...646.1405D    Altcode:
  We present high-resolution G-band observations (obtained with the
  Swedish 1 m Solar Telescope) of the rapid temporal variability of
  faculae, which occurs on granular timescales. By combining these
  observations with magnetoconvection simulations of a plage region, we
  show that much of this variability is not intrinsic to the magnetic
  field concentrations that are associated with faculae, but rather
  a phenomenon associated with the normal evolution and splitting of
  granules. We also show examples of facular variability caused by
  changes in the magnetic field, with movies of dynamic behavior of
  the striations that dominate much of the facular appearance at 0.1"
  resolution. Examples of these dynamics include merging, splitting,
  rapid motion, apparent fluting, and possibly swaying.

Title: Dynamic Fibrils Are Driven by Magnetoacoustic Shocks
Authors: Hansteen, V. H.; De Pontieu, B.; Rouppe van der Voort, L.;
   van Noort, M.; Carlsson, M.
2006ApJ...647L..73H    Altcode: 2006astro.ph..7332H
  The formation of jets such as dynamic fibrils, mottles, and spicules
  in the solar chromosphere is one of the most important, but also
  most poorly understood, phenomena of the Sun's magnetized outer
  atmosphere. We use extremely high resolution observations from the
  Swedish 1 m Solar Telescope combined with advanced numerical modeling
  to show that in active regions these jets are a natural consequence of
  upwardly propagating slow-mode magnetoacoustic shocks. These shocks
  form when waves generated by convective flows and global p-mode
  oscillations in the lower lying photosphere leak upward into the
  magnetized chromosphere. We find excellent agreement between observed
  and simulated jet velocities, decelerations, lifetimes, and lengths. Our
  findings suggest that previous observations of quiet-Sun spicules and
  mottles may also be interpreted in light of a shock-driven mechanism.

Title: The nature of moss and lower atmospheric seismology
Authors: de Pontieu, B.; Erdélyi, R.
2006RSPTA.364..383D    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Simulated Solar Plages
Authors: Stein, R. F.; Carlsson, M.; de Pontieu, B.; Scharmer, G.;
   Nordlund, Å.; Benson, D.
2006apri.meet...30S    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: a Multi-Wavelength View on Coronal Rain
Authors: Müller, D. A. N.; de Groof, A.; de Pontieu, B.; Hansteen,
   V. H.
2005ESASP.600E..30M    Altcode: 2005dysu.confE..30M; 2005ESPM...11...30M
  No abstract at ADS

Title: a Comparison Between Spicules in Hα and CIV
Authors: de Wijn, A. G.; de Pontieu, B.; Erdélyi, R.
2005ESASP.600E..14D    Altcode: 2005ESPM...11...14D; 2005dysu.confE..14D
  No abstract at ADS

Title: a Multi-Wavelength View on Coronal Rain
Authors: Müller, D. A. N.; de Groof, A.; de Pontieu, B.; Hansteen,
   V. H.
2005ESASP.596E..37M    Altcode: 2005ccmf.confE..37M
  No abstract at ADS

Title: a Comparison Between Spicules in Hα and CIV
Authors: de Wijn, A.; de Pontieu, B.; Erdélyi, R.
2005ESASP.596E..33D    Altcode: 2005ccmf.confE..33D
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Tracing Coronal Waves Back to the Photosphere
Authors: De Pontieu, B.; Erdelyi, R.; De Moortel, I.; Metcalf, T.
2005AGUSMSH11C..03D    Altcode:
  There are now many observations of waves with periods around 5 minutes
  in the outer atmosphere of the Sun. We provide an observational
  overview of 5 minute periodicity in chromospheric spicules in active
  region plage, upper transition region moss and the low legs of coronal
  loops. Using a numerical model, we show that all of these phenomena
  are connected: normally evanescent photospheric oscillations can
  propagate into the low atmosphere as long as they are guided along
  magnetic field lines that are inclined away from the vertical. The
  leaked photospheric oscillations develop into shocks and lead to
  periodic upward chromospheric flows, which we have identified as
  active region spicules. These shocks continue upwards and enter
  into the corona. We suggest that TRACE observations of propagating
  acoustic waves in the corona are shocked and tunneled photospheric
  oscillations. Using SOHO/MDI, TRACE and Imaging Vector Magnetograph
  (Hawaii) data we explore how these coronal waves can be exploited to
  determine the connectivity between photosphere and corona,and thus
  allow seismology of the lower solar atmosphere.

Title: Spicules, mass transfer, oscillations, and the heating of
    the corona
Authors: Pasachoff, J. M.; Kozarev, K. A.; Butts, D. L.; Gangestad,
   J. W.; Seaton, D. B.; de Pontieu, B.; Golub, L.; Deluca, E.; Wilhelm,
   K.; Dammasch, I.
2005AGUSMSH13C..02P    Altcode:
  The mass moving in chromospheric spicules is enough to replace the
  corona in a brief time, so understanding the dynamics of spicules
  is important for understanding the support and heating of the
  solar corona. We have undertaken a program involving simultaneous
  high-resolution observations in various chromospheric visible lines
  (H-alpha, Ca II H, and G-band, as well as Dopplergrams) using the
  Swedish Solar Telescope on La Palma, ultraviolet chromospheric,
  transition-region, and coronal lines (Fe IX/X 171 A, Lyman-alpha
  1216 A, and continuum/C I/C IV 1600 A) using NASA's TRACE, and
  ultraviolet chromospheric and transition-region lines (Si II 1533,
  C IV 1548, and Ne VIII 770) using SUMER on SOHO. Our first coordinated
  observing run, in May 2004, yielded a variety of images that are under
  study, especially for the morphological statistics and dynamics of
  spicules. The energy transfer through the chromosphere is relevant to
  the overlapping investigation of coronal heating through rapid (1Hz
  range) oscillations of coronal loops as observed at total eclipses
  by Williams College expeditions. This research is supported by NASA
  grant number NNG04GK44G to Williams College. TRACE analysis at SAO
  is supported by a contract from Lockheed Martin. SOHO is a project of
  international cooperation between ESA and NASA.

Title: Travel Time and Phase Analysis of Waves in the Lower Solar
Authors: Fleck, B.; Armstrong, J.; Cacciani, A.; de Pontieu, B.;
   Finsterle, W.; Jefferies, S. M.; McIntosh, S. W.; Tarbell, T. D.
2005AGUSMSH13C..04F    Altcode:
  In an effort to better understand how the chromospheric plasma and
  magnetic fields are guiding, converting and dissipating acoustic waves,
  we analyze high-cadence time series taken in Na I D2 589.0 nm and K I
  769.9 nm that were obtained with the Magneto Optical Filters at Two
  Heights (MOTH) experiment at the South Pole in January 2003. These
  data are complemented by a very high spatial resolution time series
  taken in Na D with the Swedish Vacuum Solar Telescope in June 1992. The
  travel time maps, power maps, and phase diagrams show some unexpected
  behaviour, in particular in and around active regions.

Title: How to Channel Photospheric Oscillations into the Corona
Authors: De Pontieu, B.; Erdélyi, R.; De Moortel, I.
2005ApJ...624L..61D    Altcode:
  There are now many observations of waves in the solar corona with
  periods around 5 minutes. The source of these waves is uncertain,
  although global p-modes in the photosphere are an obvious candidate,
  given the similarity of the dominant periods. However, p-modes are
  traditionally considered evanescent in the upper photosphere, and it
  has been unclear how they could propagate through the chromosphere
  into the corona. Using a numerical model, we show that photospheric
  oscillations with periods around 5 minutes can actually propagate into
  the corona so long as they are guided along an inclined magnetic flux
  tube. The nonverticality of the flux tube increases the acoustic cutoff
  period to values closer to the dominant periods of the photospheric
  oscillations, thus allowing tunneling or even direct propagation into
  the outer atmosphere. The photospheric oscillations develop into shocks,
  which drive chromospheric spicules and reach the corona. We suggest
  that Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) observations of
  propagating magnetoacoustic waves in the corona represent these shocked
  and tunneled photospheric oscillations. We also explore how seismology
  of these waves could be exploited to determine the connectivity between
  photosphere and corona.

Title: Photospheric Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere: Driving
    Chromospheric Spicules and Coronal Waves
Authors: De Pontieu, B.; Erdelyi, R.; De Moortel, I.; Metcalf, T.
2004AGUFMSH13A1142D    Altcode:
  There are now many observations of oscillations and waves with periods
  around 5 minutes in the solar transition region and corona. We provide
  an observational overview of 5 minute periodicity in upper transition
  region moss, the low legs of coronal loops, and chromospheric spicules
  in active region plage. The source of the 5 minute periodicity is
  unclear, since photospheric p-modes are evanescent in the upper
  photosphere which should prevent them from propagating into the
  chromosphere, transition region and corona. Using a numerical model
  we show that photospheric oscillations can propagate into the low
  atmosphere as long as they are guided along a magnetic flux tube that is
  inclined away from the vertical. The leaked photospheric oscillations
  develop non-linearly into shocks at low chromospheric heights because
  of the density decrease with height. The upward traveling shocks and
  resulting rebound shocks of the chromosphere lead to periodic upward
  chromospheric flows, which in a recent paper we have identified as
  the periodic spicules that we observe in active region plage. After
  passage through the spicule, these shocked photospheric oscillations
  propagate into the corona. We suggest that TRACE observations of
  propagating acoustic waves in the corona are shocked and tunneled
  photospheric oscillations. We also explore whether these coronal waves
  can be exploited to determine the connectivity between photosphere
  and corona, and thus perform seismology of the lower solar atmosphere.

Title: Solar chromospheric spicules from the leakage of photospheric
    oscillations and flows
Authors: De Pontieu, Bart; Erdélyi, Robert; James, Stewart P.
2004Natur.430..536D    Altcode:
  Spicules are dynamic jets propelled upwards (at speeds of
  ~20kms<SUP>-1</SUP>) from the solar `surface' (photosphere) into the
  magnetized low atmosphere of the Sun. They carry a mass flux of 100
  times that of the solar wind into the low solar corona. With diameters
  close to observational limits (&lt; 500km), spicules have been largely
  unexplained since their discovery in 1877: none of the existing models
  can account simultaneously for their ubiquity, evolution, energetics and
  recently discovered periodicity. Here we report a synthesis of modelling
  and high-spatial-resolution observations in which numerical simulations
  driven by observed photospheric velocities directly reproduce the
  observed occurrence and properties of individual spicules. Photospheric
  velocities are dominated by convective granulation (which has been
  considered before for spicule formation) and by p-modes (which are
  solar global resonant acoustic oscillations visible in the photosphere
  as quasi-sinusoidal velocity and intensity pulsations). We show that
  the previously ignored p-modes are crucial: on inclined magnetic flux
  tubes, the p-modes leak sufficient energy from the global resonant
  cavity into the chromosphere to power shocks that drive upward flows
  and form spicules.

Title: Observations and Theory of Longitudinal Waves in Coronal Loops
Authors: De Moortel, I.; Hood, A. W.; De Pontieu, B.
2004ESASP.547..427D    Altcode: 2004soho...13..427D
  High cadence TRACE observations show that outward propagating
  intensity disturbances are a common feature in large, quiescent
  coronal loops, close to active regions. An overview is given of
  measured parameters of such longitudinal oscillations in coronal
  loops. The observed oscillations are interpreted as propagating slow
  magnetoacoustic waves and are unlikely to be flare-driven. A basic
  magnetic field extrapolation is used to estimate the local geometry
  of the magnetic field. A theoretical model of slow magneto-acoustic
  waves, incorporating the effects of gravitational stratification, the
  magnetic field geometry, thermal conduction and compressive viscosity
  is presented to explain the very short observed damping lengths. The
  results of these numerical simulations are compared with the TRACE
  observations. Preliminary results indicate that the magnetic field
  geometry plays an important role.

Title: Correlated Intensity Oscillations in the Upper Chromosphere
    and Upper Transition Region above Active Region Plage
Authors: de Pontieu, B.
2004ESASP.547...25D    Altcode: 2004soho...13...25D
  Although there are now many observations showing the presence of
  oscillations in the corona, their direct relationship to waves
  or oscillations in the photosphere and chromosphere is not well
  understood. We provide an overview of recent studies describing
  correlations between oscillations in the lower and upper atmosphere. We
  focus in particular on our recent wavelet analysis of observations
  (made with TRACE, the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer) of strong
  ( 5 - 15%) intensity oscillations in the upper TR footpoints of hot
  coronal loops. They show a range of periods from 200 to 600 seconds,
  typically persisting for 4 to 7 cycles. These oscillations are not
  associated with sunspots, as they usually occur at the periphery
  of plage regions. A preliminary comparison to photospheric vertical
  velocities (using the Michelson Doppler Imager onboard SOHO) reveals
  that some upper TR oscillations show a correlation with p-modes in the
  photosphere. In addition, a majority of the upper TR oscillations are
  directly associated with upper chromospheric oscillations observed
  in H, i.e., periodic flows in spicular structures. The presence of
  such strong oscillations at low heights (of order 3,000 km) provides
  an ideal opportunity to study the propagation of oscillations from
  photosphere and chromosphere into the TR and corona. It can also help
  us understand the magnetic connectivity in the chromosphere and TR, and
  shed light on the source of chromospheric mass flows such as spicules.

Title: Intensity Oscillations in the upper transition region above
    active region plage
Authors: de Pontieu, B.; Erdelyi, R.; de Wijn, A.; Loefdahl, M.
2003AGUFMSH42B0540D    Altcode:
  Although there are now many observations showing the presence
  of oscillations in the corona, almost no observational studies have
  focused on the bright upper transition region (TR) emission (so-called
  moss) above active region plage. Here we report on a wavelet analysis
  of observations (made with TRACE, the Transition Region and Coronal
  Explorer) of strong ( ∼ 5-15%) intensity oscillations in the upper
  TR footpoints of hot coronal loops. They show a range of periods from
  200 to 600 seconds, typically persisting for 4 to 7 cycles. These
  oscillations are not associated with sunspots, as they usually occur at
  the periphery of plage regions. A majority of the upper TR oscillations
  are directly associated with upper chromospheric oscillations observed
  in Hα , i.e., periodic flows in spicular structures. The presence of
  such strong oscillations at low heights (of order 3,000 km) provides
  an ideal opportunity to study the propagation of oscillations from
  photosphere and chromosphere into the TR and corona, and improve
  our understanding of the magnetic connectivity in the chromosphere
  and TR. In addition, we use new high resolution observations of the
  photosphere and chromosphere, taken with the Swedish Solar Telescope, to
  shed light on the source of chromospheric mass flows such as spicules.

Title: Intensity Oscillations in the Upper Transition Region above
    Active Region Plage
Authors: De Pontieu, B.; Erdélyi, R.; de Wijn, A. G.
2003ApJ...595L..63D    Altcode:
  Although there are now many observations showing the presence of
  oscillations in the corona, almost no observational studies have
  focused on the bright upper transition region (TR) emission (the
  so-called moss) above active region plage. Here we report on a wavelet
  analysis of observations (made with the Transition Region and Coronal
  Explorer) of strong (~5%-15%) intensity oscillations in the upper TR
  footpoints of hot coronal loops. They show a range of periods from 200
  to 600 s, typically persisting for 4-7 cycles. These oscillations are
  not associated with sunspots, as they usually occur at the periphery
  of plage regions. A preliminary comparison to photospheric vertical
  velocities (using the Michelson Doppler Imager on board the Solar and
  Heliospheric Observatory) reveals that some upper TR oscillations
  show a correlation with p-modes in the photosphere. In addition,
  a majority of the upper TR oscillations are directly associated with
  upper chromospheric oscillations observed in Hα, i.e., periodic flows
  in spicular structures. The presence of such strong oscillations at
  low heights (of the order of 3000 km) provides an ideal opportunity to
  study the propagation of oscillations from photosphere and chromosphere
  into the TR and corona. It can also help us understand the magnetic
  connectivity in the chromosphere and TR and shed light on the source
  of chromospheric mass flows such as spicules.

Title: Can ion-neutral damping help to form spicules?
Authors: James, S. P.; Erdélyi, R.; De Pontieu, B.
2003A&A...406..715J    Altcode:
  The possible mechanism of generation of spicules by Alfvénic
  waves is studied in dissipative MHD where dissipation is mainly
  caused by ion-neutral collision damping, as suggested by Haerendel
  (\cite{haerendel}). Ion-neutral damping becomes non-negligible at
  the high cyclic frequencies involved, typically greater than 0.1unit
  {Hz}, and the potential role played by this effect in both forming
  and supporting solar spicules is investigated. The propagation of
  high frequency Alfvén waves on vertically open solar magnetic flux
  tubes is considered. The flux tubes are taken to be axisymmetric and
  initially untwisted with the field strength declining from 1600unit {G}
  in the photosphere to 10-40unit {G} in the corona. Their propagation
  is investigated by numerically solving a set of fully nonlinear,
  dissipative 1.5D MHD equations with the waves being generated by a
  continuous sinusoidal driver introduced into the equation of angular
  momentum in the low atmosphere of the Sun. Spicule-like structures with
  heights of up to 7000unit {km} were formed. The formation was found
  to be caused by the impact of a series of slow shocks generated by
  the continuous interaction between the upward propagating driven wave
  train and the downward propagating train of waves created by reflection
  off the transition region and aided by the increased thermal pressure
  gradient caused by Joule heating due to ion-neutral collisions. The
  adiabatic results suggest that ion-neutral damping may not support
  spicules as described by Haerendel (\cite{haerendel}). However, the
  effect is highly sensitive to the level of ionisation and therefore
  to the energy balance. Including the effects of thermal conduction
  and radiation may well lead to different results and thus it would
  be premature to dismiss the mechanism completely at this point. In
  addition, the relatively high chromospheric temperatures obtained,
  even at frequencies for which ion-neutral damping and heating might
  be expected to be unimportant, suggest intriguing possibilities for
  combining the mechanism with others that are better able to recreate
  spicule dynamics but suffer from unrealistically low temperatures.

Title: Correlations on Arcsecond Scales between Chromospheric and
    Transition Region Emission in Active Regions
Authors: De Pontieu, B.; Tarbell, T.; Erdélyi, R.
2003ApJ...590..502D    Altcode:
  The discovery of active region moss, i.e., dynamic and bright upper
  transition region (TR) emission at chromospheric heights above active
  region plage, provides a powerful diagnostic to probe the structure,
  dynamics, energetics, and coupling of the magnetized solar chromosphere
  and TR. Here we present an observational study of the interaction
  of the chromosphere with the upper TR, by studying correlations (or
  lack thereof) between emission at varying temperatures: from the low
  chromosphere (Ca II K line), to the middle and upper chromosphere (Hα),
  to the low TR (C IV λ1550 at 0.1 MK) and the upper TR (Fe IX/X λ171
  at 1 MK and Fe XII λ195 at 1.5 MK). We use several data sets at high
  cadence (24-42 s) obtained with the Swedish Vacuum Solar Telescope
  (SVST, La Palma) and the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer
  (TRACE). This correlation analysis from low chromosphere to upper
  TR in active region plage quantifies and considerably expands on
  previous studies. Our results elucidate various issues, such as (1)
  how the heating mechanisms of the chromosphere and lower and upper TR
  are related (if at all), (2) how important heating of spicular jets is
  for the energy balance of the lower TR, (3) which timescales dominate
  the dynamic behavior of the active region TR, and (4) whether the
  spatial and temporal variability of moss can be used as a diagnostic
  for coronal heating.

Title: A High Frequency Wave Search using TRACE
Authors: De Forest, C. E.; De Pontieu, B. D.; Hassler, D. M.
2003SPD....34.0111D    Altcode: 2003BAAS...35..807D
  We report on a possible detection of 100-milliHz band fast-mode waves
  in the solar chromosphere, seen with TRACE. Near the end of 2002,
  TRACE collected extremely high cadence images in the 1600 Å continuum;
  initial studies show a possible signature of waves propagating near
  the coronal Alfveń speed with periods as low as 10 seconds. Waves at
  this frequency are near the high frequency limit because the period
  is only 10-100 times the ion-electron collision time. We present these
  initial results and the outcome of an ongoing follow-on study.

Title: Observations of the propagation and photospheric source of
    waves at the upper transition region footpoints of coronal loops
Authors: de Pontieu, B.; Erdelyi, R.
2003EAEJA.....5890D    Altcode:
  We study the lower and upper transition region (TR) at the footpoints of
  coronal loops anchored in active region plage. Using wavelet analysis,
  we look for the presence of waves in images of C IV 1550 A (0.1 MK)
  and Fe IX/X 171 A (1 MK) taken with the Transition Region and Coronal
  Explorer (TRACE). We present several examples of strong intensity
  oscillations in active region plage at varying temperatures, and
  study wave power as a function of wave period, as well as propagation
  effects. We also show, for the first time, an example of correlated
  oscillations of the upper TR at the opposite ends of a coronal loop,
  and use this to determine magnetic connectivity, propagation speed and
  coronal properties. Co-aligned spectra from the SOHO/SUMER spectrometer
  are used to determine whether correlated velocity oscillations
  are also present. Co-aligned photospheric dopplergrams taken with
  SOHO/MDI help us shed light on the possible source of these waves. We
  find several examples of a correlation between photospheric and upper
  TR oscillations, which has not been observed before in active region
  plage. We discuss a theoretical model that can explain such coupling of
  global helioseismic acoustic oscillations into the upper TR or corona
  through the mechanism of resonant absorption.

Title: Prominence Motions Observed at High Cadences in Temperatures
    from 10 000 to 250 000 K
Authors: Kucera, T. A.; Tovar, M.; De Pontieu, B.
2003SoPh..212...81K    Altcode:
  We report here for the first time observations of prominence velocities
  over a wide range of temperatures and with a high time cadence. Our
  study of ultraviolet movies of prominences reveals that multi-thermal
  features with speeds of 5-70 km s<SUP>−1</SUP> perpendicular to the
  line of sight are common in the prominences which showed traceable
  motions. These speeds are noticeably higher than the typical speeds of
  5-20 km s<SUP>−1</SUP> observed in Hα data from `quiet' prominences
  and are more typical of `activated' prominences in which speeds of
  up to 40 km s<SUP>−1</SUP> have been reported. The observations
  were performed using five separate datasets taken by the Solar and
  Heliospheric Observatory's Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (SOHO/CDS)
  in its wide slit overlappogram mode in lines from He i, O v, and Mg ix
  and a separate prominence observation taken with both the Transition
  Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) in its 1216 and 1600 Å bands and
  in Hα by the Swedish Vacuum Solar Telescope (SVST) at La Palma. The
  movies were taken with cadences &gt;1 image per minute and were made
  simultaneously or near-simultaneously in spectral lines formed at two
  or more temperatures. We traced motion that lasted for 3 to 20 min and
  went distances up to 10<SUP>5</SUP> km. Most, but not all, of these
  were chiefly horizontal. In many cases we were able to observe the
  same motions over temperature ranges from 20 000 to 250 000 K or 10
  000 to 100 000 K. Observations are compared with model predictions.

Title: Correlations on Arcsecond Scales Between Chromospheric and
    Transition Region Structures in Active Regions
Authors: de Pontieu, B.; Tarbell, T.
2002AGUFMSH52A0439D    Altcode:
  The discovery of active region moss, i.e, dynamic and bright upper
  transition region emission at chromospheric heights above active
  region (AR) plage, provides a powerful diagnostic to probe the
  structure, dynamics, energetics and coupling of the magnetized
  solar chromosphere and transition region (TR). Here we present an
  observational study of the interaction of the chromosphere with the
  TR moss, by studying correlations (or lack thereof) between emission
  at varying temperatures: from the low chromosphere (Ca II K-line),
  to the middle and upper chromosphere (wings of Hα), to the low
  transition region (C IV 1550 Å~at 0.1 MK), and the upper transition
  region (Fe IX/X 171 Å~at 1 MK and Fe XII 195 Å~at 1.5 MK). We use
  several datasets at high cadence (24 to 42 seconds) obtained with the
  Swedish Vacuum Solar Telescope (SVST, La Palma) and the Transition
  Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE). This correlation analysis from
  low chromosphere to upper TR in AR plage quantifies and considerably
  expands on previous studies. Our results elucidate various issues,
  such as: 1. how the heating mechanisms of the chromosphere and lower
  and upper transition region are related (if at all), 2. how important
  heating of spicular jets is for the energy balance of the lower TR,
  3. the occurrence of significant periodic activity at all levels of the
  transition region and its coherence over a wide range of temperatures,
  4. which time scales dominate the dynamic behavior of the AR transition
  region, and, 5. whether the spatial and temporal variability of moss
  can be used as a diagnostic for coronal heating.

Title: Detection of an optical transient following the 13 March 2000
    short/hard gamma-ray burst
Authors: Castro-Tirado, A. J.; Castro Cerón, J. M.; Gorosabel,
   J.; Páta, P.; Soldán, J.; Hudec, R.; Jelinek, M.; Topinka, M.;
   Bernas, M.; Mateo Sanguino, T. J.; de Ugarte Postigo, A.; Berná,
   J. Á.; Henden, A.; Vrba, F.; Canzian, B.; Harris, H.; Delfosse, X.;
   de Pontieu, B.; Polcar, J.; Sánchez-Fernández, C.; de la Morena,
   B. A.; Más-Hesse, J. M.; Torres Riera, J.; Barthelmy, S.
2002A&A...393L..55C    Altcode: 2002astro.ph..6201C
  We imaged the error box of a gamma-ray burst of the short (0.5 s),
  hard type (GRB 000313), with the BOOTES-1 experiment in southern
  Spain, starting 4 min after the gamma -ray event, in the I-band. A
  bright optical transient (OT 000313) with I = 9.4 +/- 0.1 was found
  in the BOOTES-1 image, close to the error box (3sigma ) provided by
  BATSE. Late time VRIK<SUP>'</SUP>-band deep observations failed to
  reveal an underlying host galaxy. If the OT 000313 is related to the
  short, hard GRB 000313, this would be the first optical counterpart
  ever found for this kind of events (all counterparts to date have been
  found for bursts of the long, soft type). The fact that only prompt
  optical emission has been detected (but no afterglow emission at all,
  as supported by theoretical models) might explain why no optical
  counterparts have ever been found for short, hard GRBs. This fact
  suggests that most short bursts might occur in a low-density medium
  and favours the models that relate them to binary mergers in very
  low-density environments. Based in part on observations made with the
  BOOTES instruments in South Spain.

Title: Transverse prominence motions from 10,000 - 250,000K
Authors: Kucera, T. A.; Tovar, M.; de Pontieu, B.
2002ESASP.508..307K    Altcode: 2002soho...11..307K
  We address the origin of prominence material by comparing high cadence
  (30-60 s) He I and O V EUV observations from SOHO/CDS wide slit movies,
  and also, for another prominence observation, observations from TRACE
  at 1216 Å and 1600 Å and SVST in Hα. The EUV and UV observations
  regularly show small scale structures with plane-of-the sky velocities
  of 20-80 km/s. Many, although not all, of these motions are seen in
  multiple wavelength bands, representing temperatures ranging from 10,000
  - 100,000K or 20,000 - 250,000K, depending on the data set. The Hα
  observations contain line shift information showing clearly that the
  associated UV prominence intensity motions do actually represnt real
  mass motions, as opposed to temperature or density waves. The results
  also indicate that the "prominence-corona transition region" is not an
  outside layer to the prominence as a whole, but is rather associated
  with smaller scale structures all through the prominence. More
  work is needed to determine what mechanism can explain these fast,
  multi-temperature prominence motions.

Title: Transverse Prominence Motions from 10,000-250,000 K
Authors: Kucera, T. A.; Tovar, M.; De Pontieu, B.
2002AAS...200.3718K    Altcode: 2002BAAS...34..697K
  We address the origin of prominence material by comparing high cadence
  (30-60 s) He I and O V EUV observations from SOHO/CDS wide slit movies,
  and also, for another prominence observation, observations from TRACE
  at 1216 Å and 1600 Å and SVST in Hα . The EUV and UV observations
  regularly show small scale structures with plane-of-the-sky velocities
  of 20-80 km/s. Many, although not all, of these motions are seen in
  multiple wavelength bands, representing temperatures ranging from 10,000
  -- 100,000 K or 20,000 -- 250,000 K, depending on the data set. The Hα
  observations contain line shift information showing clearly that the
  associated UV prominence intensity motions do actually represent real
  mass motions, as opposed to temperature or density waves. The results
  indicate that the “prominence-corona transition region” is not an
  outside layer to the prominence as a whole, but is rather associated
  with smaller scale structures all through the prominence. Support for
  this work was provided by NASA SR&amp;T Grant NASW-00034. SOHO is a
  joint project of ESA and NASA.

Title: Active Region Moss as a Diagnostic for the Thermal Evolution
    of Chromospheric Spicule-Like Jets, and for Coronal Heating.
Authors: De Pontieu, B.; Tarbell, T.
2002AAS...200.8807D    Altcode: 2002BAAS...34..790D
  The recent discovery of active region moss, i.e, dynamic and bright
  upper transition region emission at chromospheric heights above active
  region plage, provides a powerful diagnostic to probe the structure,
  dynamics, energetics and coupling of the magnetized solar chromosphere
  and transition region. Here we present an observational study of the
  interaction of the chromosphere with the TR moss, using a 2 hour
  time sequence of high-cadence (30 s) TRACE C IV 1550 Å (0.1 MK),
  Fe IX/X 171 Å (1 MK) and Fe XII 195 Å (1.5 MK) images, as well as
  co-aligned, simultaneous SUMER spectra, and ground-based filtergrams
  from the Swedish Vacuum Solar Telescope (SVST, La Palma) in the wings
  of H-alpha. Detailed comparisons of the H-alpha filtergrams (at -700,
  -350, +350 and +700 mÅ) with the TRACE C IV images reveals that there
  is often a significant spatial correlation of the C IV emission with
  the highly redshifted fibril or spicule-like structures in H-alpha +700
  mÅ. The discovery and detailed quantitative study of this correlation
  promises to shed light on the long outstanding issue of what role
  chromospheric spicule-like jets play in the heating and momentum
  balance of the outer atmosphere. We have also quantitatively studied
  the auto-correlation and cross-correlation time-scales of moss using
  a time sequence of high cadence TRACE 171 Å and 195 Å images. In
  most of the active region moss patch we studied, we find that the
  emission of 1 and 1.5 MK plasma is highly correlated, but often with
  significant negative and positive time delays. Our results indicate that
  the footpoints of hot coronal loops seem to undergo frequent cooling
  and heating on time-scales of order fifteen minutes. By quantifying
  these variations we can shed light on the temporal variability and on
  the location of coronal heating in general.

Title: High-Resolution Observations of Small-Scale Emerging Flux in
    the Photosphere
Authors: De Pontieu, B.
2002ApJ...569..474D    Altcode:
  High-resolution observations of a quiet-Sun region made on 1998 May
  23 with the Swedish Vacuum Solar Telescope (SVST) are presented. I
  study the dynamics of magnetic elements on scales &lt;=1" using Fe I
  λ6302 magnetograms and cotemporal G-band λ4305, Ca II K line λ3933,
  and Hα λ6563 filtergrams. This 3 hr long data set, obtained under
  excellent seeing conditions, reveals several cases in which flux
  concentrations that have recently emerged in the internetwork are
  rapidly (within 10-15 minutes) dispersed after emergence. The magnetic
  flux, initially quite concentrated (~0.5"), seems to get spread out
  (to several arcseconds) and/or shredded as a result of granular action,
  until it falls below the noise level in the magnetograms and becomes
  undetectable. These magnetic flux concentrations are much smaller than
  ephemeral regions, in both spatial extent and magnetic flux (of order
  5×10<SUP>17</SUP> Mx). They do not seem to get cancelled by opposite
  polarity and typically are not associated with G-band bright points
  or Ca II K line brightenings. These events may be related to the
  horizontal internetwork fields (HIFs) described by Lites and colleagues.

Title: Transverse Oscillations in Coronal Loops Observed with TRACE
    II. Measurements of Geometric and Physical Parameters
Authors: Aschwanden, Markus J.; De Pontieu, Bart; Schrijver, Carolus
   J.; Title, Alan M.
2002SoPh..206...99A    Altcode:
  We measure geometric and physical parameters oftransverse oscillations
  in 26 coronal loops, out of the 17 events described in Paper I by
  Schrijver, Aschwanden, and Title (2002). These events, lasting
  from 7 to 90 min, have been recorded with the Transition Region
  and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) in the 171 and 195 Å wavelength
  bands with a characteristic angular resolution of 1", with time
  cadences of 15-75 seconds. We estimate the unprojected loop (half)
  length L and orientation of the loop plane, based on a best-fit of a
  circular geometry. Then we measure the amplitude A(t) of transverse
  oscillations at the loop position with the largest amplitude. We
  decompose the time series of the transverse loop motion into an
  oscillating component A<SUB>osc</SUB>(t) and a slowly-varying trend
  A<SUB>trend</SUB>(t). We find oscillation periods in the range of
  P=2-33 min, transverse amplitudes of A=100-8800 km, loop half lengths
  of L=37 000-291 000 km, and decay times of t<SUB>d</SUB>=3.2-21 min. We
  estimate a lower limit of the loop densities to be in the range of
  n<SUB>loop</SUB>=0.13-1.7×10<SUP>9</SUP> cm<SUP>−3</SUP>. The
  oscillations show (1) strong deviations from periodic pulses, (2)
  spatially asymmetric oscillation amplitudes along the loops, and
  (3) nonlinear transverse motions of the centroid of the oscillation
  amplitude. From these properties we conclude that most of the
  oscillating loops do not fit the simple model of kink eigen-mode
  oscillations, but rather manifest flare-induced impulsively generated
  MHD waves, which propagate forth and back in the loops and decay
  quickly by wave leakage or damping. In contrast to earlier work we
  find that the observed damping times are compatible with estimates of
  wave leakage through the footpoints, for chromospheric density scale
  heights of ≈400-2400 km. We conclude that transverse oscillations
  are most likely excited in loops that (1) are located near magnetic
  nullpoints or separator lines, and (2) are hit by a sufficiently
  fast exciter. These two conditions may explain the relative rarity of
  detected loop oscillations. We show that coronal seismology based on
  measurements of oscillating loop properties is challenging due to the
  uncertainties in estimating various loop parameters. We find that a
  more accurate determination of loop densities and magnetic fields,
  as well as advanced numerical modeling of oscillating loops, are
  necessary conditions for true coronal seismology.

Title: Transverse oscillations in coronal loops observed with TRACE
Authors: Schrijver, C. J.; Aschwanden, M. J.; De Pontieu, B.; Title,
   A. M.
2001AGUFMSH11A0703S    Altcode:
  TRACE discovered transverse oscillations in coronal loops associated
  with a flare three years ago, and until recently only two such events
  were known. We have now identified a total of 17 events that trigger
  some form of loop oscillations. Oscillation periods are estimated to
  range over a factor of ~ 15, with most values between 2 and 7 min. The
  oscillations are excited by filament destabilizations or flares (in 6%\
  of the 255 flares inspected, ranging from about C3 to X2). Oscillations
  occur in loops that close within an active region, or in loops that
  connect an active region to a neighboring region or to a patch of strong
  flux in the quiet Sun. Some magnetic configurations are particularly
  prone to exhibit oscillations: two active regions showed two, and
  one region even three, distinct intervals with loop oscillations. The
  loop oscillations are not a resonance that builds up: oscillations in
  loops that are excited along their entire length are likely to be near
  the fundamental resonance mode because of that excitation profile, but
  asymmetrically excited oscillations clearly show propagating waves that
  are damped too quickly to build up a resonance, and some cases show
  multiple frequencies. We discuss evidence that all oscillating loops
  lie near magnetic separatrices that outline the large-scale topology
  of the field. Often the oscillations occur in conjunction with gradual
  adjustments in loop positions in response to the triggering event. We
  discuss the observations in the context of two models, and evaluate
  the contraints on coronal properties that can be deduced from them.

Title: Solar Orbiter and ground-based observations: lessons from
Authors: de Pontieu, Bart
2001ESASP.493..121D    Altcode: 2001sefs.work..121D
  Due to the flexibility and/or superiority of ground-based observations
  in spectral coverage, cadence, spatial resolution, targeting,
  and especially bandwidth issues, they are often very complementary
  to space-based observations. Coordinating ground-based efforts with
  spacecraft data comes with specific operational issues, of which seeing
  conditions, cross-instrument coordination, and co-alignment or targeting
  are the most critical for success. Successful coordination has shown
  promise for a much improved understanding of the connectivity between
  the photosphere and the corona, because is allows the study of the
  highly dynamic and finely structured intermediate layers through which
  the energy transport from the photosphere to the corona takes place. I
  will demonstrate these issues by taking a close look at recent results
  obtained with the combination of SOHO, TRACE and the SVST (Swedish
  Vacuum Tower Telescope in La Palma). I also briefly discuss how new
  or future ground-based technologies and instruments will be able to
  complement Solar Orbiter.

Title: Chromospheric Damping of Alfvén Waves
Authors: De Pontieu, B.; Martens, P. C. H.; Hudson, H. S.
2001ApJ...558..859D    Altcode:
  We analytically study the damping of Alfvén mode oscillations in the
  chromosphere and in coronal loops. In the partially ionized chromosphere
  the dominant damping process of Alfvén waves is due to collisions
  between ions and neutrals. We calculate the damping time for Alfvén
  waves of a given frequency, propagating through model chromospheres
  of various solar structures such as active region plage, quiet sun,
  and the penumbra and umbra of sunspots. For a given wave frequency,
  the maximum damping always occurs at temperature minimum heights and
  in the coldest structure(s), i.e., the umbra of sunspots. Energy
  dissipation due to ion-neutral damping of Alfvén waves with an
  energy flux of 10<SUP>7</SUP> ergs cm<SUP>-3</SUP> s<SUP>- 1</SUP> can
  play a considerable role in the energy balance of umbrae, quiet sun,
  and plage for Alfvén wave periods of the order, respectively, 50,
  5, and 0.5 s. We also consider Alfvén waves in coronal loops and the
  leakage of wave energy through the footpoints. We assume a three-layer
  model of coronal loops with constant Alfvén speed v<SUB>A</SUB>
  (and no damping) in the corona, v<SUB>A</SUB> varying exponentially
  with height in the dissipative chromosphere, and v<SUB>A</SUB> again
  constant in the photosphere at the end of the loop. We find an exact
  analytical solution in the chromospheric part. Using these solutions, we
  estimate the leakage of wave energy from the coronal volume through the
  footpoint regions of the loop and find that the presence of a moderate
  amount of chromospheric damping can enhance the footpoint leakage. We
  apply this result to determine the damping time of standing waves in
  coronal loops. The enhanced footpoint leakage also has implications
  for theories of coronal heating based on resonant absorption. Finally,
  we find exact expressions for the damping of Alfvén waves launched
  in the photosphere and upward propagating through the chromosphere
  and into the corona. The partially ionized chromosphere presents an
  effective barrier for upward propagating Alfvén waves with periods
  less than a few seconds.

Title: High Resolution Observations of Quiet Sun Magnetic Elements
Authors: De Pontieu, B.
2001AGUSM..SH31D02D    Altcode:
  We present high-resolution observations of a quiet sun region,
  made on 23-May-1998 using the Swedish Vacuum Solar Telescope (SVST)
  and the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE). We study the
  statistics and the effects on upper atmospheric layers of emergence
  and cancellation of magnetic elements on scales of 0.5" using Fe I 6302
  magnetograms, co-temporal G-band, Ca II K-line and H-alpha filtergrams,
  and TRACE 1550, 1600, 1700, 171 and 195 Angstrom images. From our
  3 hour long dataset, obtained under excellent seeing conditions,
  we calculate maps of the photospheric flowfield, and study its
  relationship to the dynamics of magnetic elements, the chromosphere
  (spicules), and the TR/corona. For example, our study reveals several
  cases in which flux concentrations that have recently emerged in the
  internetwork, are apparently rapidly (within 10 minutes) dispersed
  after emergence. Co-aligned G-band images show that the magnetic flux,
  initially quite concentrated (0.5"), seems to get spread out (to several
  arcseconds) and/or shredded due to granular action or convective flow,
  until it falls below the noise levels in our magnetograms and becomes
  undetectable. These magnetic flux concentrations do not seem to get
  cancelled by opposite polarity, and typically do not form G-band bright
  points or Ca II K-line brightenings. A significant fraction of the
  flux that we see emerge undergoes this process.

Title: Prominence Plasma Motions Measured in the Ultraviolet
Authors: Kucera, T. A.; De Pontieu, B.
2001AGUSM..SH41B10K    Altcode:
  We present a study of velocities and trajectories of blobs visible
  in UV emission in SOHO/CDS and TRACE prominence movies. It has long
  been known that prominences are highly dynamic structures exhibiting
  flowing material. In particular, recent observations in H-alpha indicate
  that material is counter-streaming at velocities of 5-10 km/s along
  the prominence spine and in the barbs.* These observations are highly
  relevant to fundamental questions concerning the source of prominence
  plasma. Many models of prominence flows involve heating of chromospheric
  material. By investigating the properties of moving prominence plasma in
  the 20,000 to 200,000 K range we will be able to provide parameters for
  comparison with such models. The CDS data were taken in He I (584.33
  A) and O V (629.7 A) with the wide (90 arcsec) slit which allows 30
  sec cadence movies to be taken simultaneously in a few well isolated
  lines. We also consider separate TRACE prominence data with Lyman-alpha
  (1216 A) and C IV (1600 A) observations. Preliminary results indicate
  motions in the 20-70 km/s range, with most of the observed motion
  horizontal to the solar surface. Support for this work is provided by
  NASA SR&amp;T Grant NASW-00034 *Zirker et al., 1998, Nature, 396, 40

Title: Chromospheric Heating in the Late Phase of Two-Ribbon Flares
Authors: Czaykowska, A.; Alexander, D.; De Pontieu, B.
2001ApJ...552..849C    Altcode:
  Fast upflows observed in the late gradual phase of an M6.8 two-ribbon
  flare by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory/Coronal Diagnostic
  Spectrometer have provided evidence for the presence of chromospheric
  evaporation more than an hour after the impulsive phase of the
  flare. The chromospheric heating necessary to generate these upflows
  requires the continued injection and deposition of energy, which
  we presume to be provided by magnetic reconnection in the flaring
  corona. We investigate the nature of the transport of this energy from
  the reconnection site to the chromosphere by comparing the observed
  upflow velocities with those expected from different chromospheric
  heating models. A nonthermal beam of energetic electrons (&gt;~15
  keV) that is capable of generating the observed velocities would also
  generate significant hard X-ray emission that is not observed at this
  stage of the flare. We conclude, therefore, that the most likely energy
  transport mechanism is thermal conduction.

Title: Micro-scale Heating Blocks: SUMER-TRACE-La Palma Observations
and Their Modelling (CD-ROM Directory: contribs/erdelyi2)
Authors: Erdélyi, R.; de Pontieu, B.; Roussev, I.
2001ASPC..223..619E    Altcode: 2001csss...11..619E
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Chromospheric Damping of Alfvén Waves
Authors: De Pontieu, B.; Martens, P. C. H.; Hudson, H. S.
2000SPD....31.0131D    Altcode: 2000BAAS...32..806D
  We study the damping of Alfvén mode oscillations on coronal loops and
  in the chromosphere. First we consider damping of standing waves on
  coronal loops, such as those observed in the aftermath of a flare with
  the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE). We calculate the
  leakage of wave energy from the coronal volume through the footpoints
  of a coronal loop, assuming constant Alfvén speed v<SUB>A</SUB> in
  the corona and v<SUB>A</SUB> varying exponentially with height in the
  photosphere/chromosphere at both ends of the loop. We study analytically
  the influence of chromospheric damping of standing waves on a coronal
  loop and find that, for a moderate amount of chromospheric damping,
  the footpoint leakage can be enhanced. The damping in the partially
  ionized chromosphere is mostly due to collisions between ions and
  neutrals. In a second part we calculate the damping time for Alfvén
  waves of a given frequency, propagating through (model) chromospheres
  of various solar structures such as active region plage, quiet sun
  and the penumbra and umbra of sunspots. For a given wave frequency,
  the maximum damping always occurs at temperature minimum heights
  and in the coldest structure(s), i.e. the umbra of a sunspot. Energy
  dissipation due to ion-neutral damping of Alfvén waves could play a
  considerable role in the energy balance of umbrae, quiet sun and plage
  for wave periods of the order, respectively, 100, 10 and 1 s.

Title: Dynamics of Transition Region `Moss' at high time resolution
Authors: De Pontieu, B.; Berger, T. E.; Schrijver, C. J.; Title, A. M.
1999SoPh..190..419D    Altcode:
  Recent observations of solar active regions made with the Transition
  Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) have revealed finely textured,
  low-lying extreme ultraviolet (EUV) emission, called the moss. It
  appears as a bright, dynamic pattern with dark inclusions, structured
  on spatial scales of 1 to 3 Mm. The moss has been interpreted as the
  upper transition region above active region plage and below relatively
  hot loops. Here we study the temporal variability of the morphology of
  the moss using a 2-hr time sequence of high-cadence TRACE 171 Å images
  and G-band, Ca ii K-line and Hα filtergrams from the Swedish Vacuum
  Solar Telescope (SVST, La Palma) on 1 June 1999. The data provide a
  unique view of the connections between the photosphere, chromosphere,
  transition region and corona in an active region. We find that the
  moss is dynamic on time scales of 10-30 s due to intrinsic changes
  in brightness, obscuration by chromospheric jets and motion caused
  by physical interaction with these jets. The temporal variations of
  the bright moss elements occur on shorter time scales than those of
  the Ca ii K-line bright points. The bright moss elements generally do
  not occur directly above the G-band or Ca ii K-line bright points in
  the photosphere or lower chromosphere. This suggests that the upper
  transition region emission often occurs at the interface of neighboring
  flux tubes. The temporal variability of the moss brightness on 30
  s time scales may suggest that the energy source of these intensity
  changes occurs relatively locally (height &lt;10 000 km).

Title: SOHO/CDS Post-Flare Observations
Authors: Czaykowska, A.; de Pontieu, B.; Alexander, D.; Rank, G.
1999ESASP.448..773C    Altcode: 1999ESPM....9..773C; 1999mfsp.conf..773C
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Multiwavelength Observations (SOHO, TRACE, La Palma) and
    Modelling of Explosive Events
Authors: Erdélyi, R.; de Pontieu, B.; Sarro, L. M.
1999ESASP.448.1345E    Altcode: 1999ESPM....9.1345E; 1999mfsp.conf.1345E
  No abstract at ADS

Title: What is Moss?
Authors: Berger, T. E.; De Pontieu, B.; Fletcher, L.; Schrijver,
   C. J.; Tarbell, T. D.; Title, A. M.
1999SoPh..190..409B    Altcode:
  TRACE observations of active regions show a peculiar extreme ultraviolet
  (EUV) emission over certain plage areas. Termed `moss' for its spongy,
  low-lying, appearance, observations and modeling imply that the
  phenomenon is caused by thermal conduction from 3-5 MKcoronal loops
  overlying the plage: moss is the upper transition region emission of
  hot coronal loops. The spongy appearance is due to the presence of
  chromospheric jets or `spicules' interspersed with the EUV emission
  elements. High cadence TRACE observations show that the moss EUV
  elements interact with the chromospheric jets on 10 s time scales. The
  location of EUV emission in the moss does not correlate well to the
  locations of underlying magnetic elements in the chromosphere and
  photosphere, implying a complex magnetic topology for coronal loop
  footpoint regions. We summarize here the key observations leading to
  these conclusions and discuss new implications for understanding the
  structuring of the outer solar atmosphere.

Title: Filament-Prominence-Cme Magnetic Evolution Study
Authors: Bagala', L. G.; Mandrini, C. H.; Fernandez Borda, R.; de
   Pontieu, B.; Rovira, M. G.; Rank, G.
1999ESASP.446..149B    Altcode: 1999soho....8..149B
  The first results of the SOHO Joint Observation Program JOP 99 are
  outlined. JOP 99 involve several SOHO instruments (CDS, LASCO, MDI),
  together with TRACE, and two new ground-based instruments: HASTA
  (Hα Solar Telescope for Argentina) and MICA (Mirror Coronagraph for
  Argentina). The proposed program have a new motivation in taking
  advantage of the capabilities of the TRACE instrument, together
  with our experience in magnetic reconnection. The objective here is
  focused on the investigation of the conditions of the eruption of a
  prominence, often associated with the CME. JOP 99 is running at the
  moment that this abstract is submitted. It is a 5-days study of the
  filament/prominence, with 3-4 days observing the disk and 1-2 days
  observing the limb. While on disk, we will look for the eruption
  signatures in two ways: by studying the physical conditions in the
  filament and its surroundings (densities, temperature, abundances),
  and by looking at the magnetic topology changes. While at the limb,
  we will wait with luck for an eruption. If it does happen, LASCO and
  MICA observations will study if there exists an associated CME.

Title: Chromospheric Evaporation In The Gradual Flare Phase
Authors: Czaykowska, A.; de Pontieu, B.; Alexander, D.; Rank, G.
1999ESASP.446..257C    Altcode: 1999soho....8..257C
  SOHO/CDS observations are used to determine relative line-of-sight
  velocities and their temporal evolution in the late gradual flare
  phase. The observations started about 1 hour after the M6.8 two-ribbon
  flare in NOAA 8210 on April 29, 1998. Velocity maps in O V 629 A (Tmax
  = 0.25 MK), Fe XVI 360 A (Tmax = 2 MK), and Fe XIX 592 A (Tmax = 6.3
  MK), covering temperatures from the transition region to the corona
  show strong gradients at the position of the Hα ribbons. Downflows
  are observed in the footpoint regions of the post-flare loops whereas
  the velocities observed further away from the magnetic neutral line
  are interpreted as upflows due to chromospheric evaporation. Loops are
  filled with hot plasma and their footpoints become visible later on at
  the former evaporation site. At the same time the Hα ribbon is slowly
  moving outward together with the location of the velocity gradient. Our
  observations strongly support models in which chromospheric evaporation
  driven by magnetic reconnection is responsible for the continuous
  formation of loops, which are visible for several hours after the
  flare's maximum in EUV and soft X-ray radiation.

Title: Plasma Diagnostics of Transition Region “Moss” using SOHO/CDS
    and TRACE
Authors: Fletcher, Lyndsay; De Pontieu, Bart
1999ApJ...520L.135F    Altcode:
  Recent observations of solar active regions with the Transition Region
  and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) have revealed finely textured, low-lying
  EUV emission, called the “moss,” appearing as a bright dynamic
  pattern with dark inclusions. The moss has been interpreted as the
  upper transition region by Berger and coworkers. In this study we use
  SOHO Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer and TRACE observations of Active
  Region 8227 on 1998 May 30 to determine the physical parameters of the
  moss material. We establish that the plasma responsible for the moss
  emission has a temperature range of (0.6-1.5)×10<SUP>6</SUP> K and
  is associated with hot loops (T&gt;2×10<SUP>6</SUP> K). Moss plasma
  has an electron density of (2-5)×10<SUP>9</SUP> cm<SUP>-3</SUP> at a
  temperature of 1.3×10<SUP>6</SUP> K, giving a pressure of 0.7-1.7 dynes
  cm<SUP>-2</SUP> (a few times higher than in coronal loops observed in
  the TRACE Fe IX/X λ171 passband). The volume filling factor of the
  moss plasma is of order 0.1, and the path along which the emission
  originates is of order 1000 km long.

Title: Evidence for Chromospheric Evaporation in the Late Gradual
    Flare Phase from SOHO/CDS Observations
Authors: Czaykowska, A.; De Pontieu, B.; Alexander, D.; Rank, G.
1999ApJ...521L..75C    Altcode:
  Using extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) spectroheliograms from the first
  intentional postflare observations with the Coronal Diagnostic
  Spectrometer (CDS) on board SOHO, we determine relative line-of-sight
  velocities and their temporal evolution during the gradual flare phase
  of an M6.8 two-ribbon flare that occurred on 1998 April 29. Dopplergrams
  in lines of O V, Fe XVI, and Fe XIX, with formation temperatures
  T<SUB>max</SUB> of, respectively, 0.25, 2.0, and 8.0 MK show strong
  velocity gradients coincident with the Hα ribbons, visible in Big Bear
  Solar Observatory (BBSO) images. These gradients are perpendicular to
  and moving with the Hα ribbons. Bright downflowing plasma seems to be
  prevalent in the regions, between the ribbons and the magnetic neutral
  line, that coincide with the ends of postflare loops seen with the
  Extreme-Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) on board SOHO. The plasma
  on the outer side of the ribbons is less bright in the EUV but shows
  strong relative blueshifts. This pattern of upflows and downflows
  demonstrates, for the first time in transition region and coronal
  lines, the existence of chromospheric evaporation during the late
  gradual phase of a flare and provides evidence for ongoing reconnection.

Title: High-resolution Imaging of the Solar Chromosphere/Corona
    Transition Region
Authors: Berger, T. E.; De Pontieu, B.; Schrijver, C. J.; Title, A. M.
1999ApJ...519L..97B    Altcode:
  The properties of a previously unresolved extreme-ultraviolet (EUV)
  emission in solar active regions are examined using coordinated data
  sets from the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) satellite,
  the Michelson Doppler Imager on the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
  satellite, the Soft X-Ray Telescope (SXT) on the Yohkoh satellite, and
  the ground-based Swedish Vacuum Solar Telescope (SVST) on La Palma. The
  emission appears most prominently in TRACE Fe IX/Fe X 171 Å images
  as a bright dynamic network surrounding dark inclusions on scales of
  2-3 Mm, confined to layers approximately 1-3 Mm thick with base heights
  approximately 2-4 Mm above the photosphere. It is seen only above plage
  regions that underlie (3-5)×10<SUP>6</SUP> K coronal loops visible
  in SXT images. The bright EUV elements emit at temperatures of about
  10<SUP>6</SUP> K. Fine-scale motions and brightness variations of the
  emission occur on timescales of 1 minute or less. The dark inclusions
  correspond to jets of chromospheric plasma seen in simultaneous SVST
  filtergrams in the wings of Hα. The combined characteristics imply
  that we are at least partially resolving the structure and dynamics
  of the conductively heated upper transition region between the solar
  chromosphere and corona.

Title: Numerical simulations of spicules driven by weakly-damped
    Alfvén waves. I. WKB approach
Authors: de Pontieu, B.
1999A&A...347..696D    Altcode:
  We present results of time-dependent 1.5 dimensional numerical
  simulations of the effects that upward travelling Alfvén waves,
  damped by ion-neutral collisions, have on the chromospheric plasma in
  a vertical magnetic flux tube. Assuming a rigid flux tube, we use a
  combination of hydrodynamic equations and a transport equation for the
  wavelength-averaged wave action density (using the WKB assumption). We
  find that the damping of a continuous train of upward travelling Alfvén
  waves with a frequency of 0.5 Hz causes enough upward momentum transfer
  and heating of the plasma to form structures that are similar to
  chromospheric spicules in many aspects. We use a non-LTE approximative
  formula for the hydrogen ionization and assume optically thin radiative
  losses in the spicular environment. We find that the formed structure
  reaches a maximum height of 6000 km, temperatures between 8000 to 12
  000 K, electron number densities of the order 10(17) m(-3) and maximal
  velocities of about 20 km s(-1) . The lifetime of our structure depends
  on the lifetime of the wave source and can be brought into accordance
  with observed spicular lifetimes.

Title: A new view of the solar outer atmosphere by the Transition
    Region and Coronal Explorer
Authors: Schrijver, C. J.; Title, A. M.; Berger, T. E.; Fletcher, L.;
   Hurlburt, N. E.; Nightingale, R. W.; Shine, R. A.; Tarbell, T. D.;
   Wolfson, J.; Golub, L.; Bookbinder, J. A.; DeLuca, E. E.; McMullen,
   R. A.; Warren, H. P.; Kankelborg, C. C.; Handy, B. N.; De Pontieu, B.
1999SoPh..187..261S    Altcode:
  The Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) - described in the
  companion paper by Handy et al. (1999) - provides an unprecedented
  view of the solar outer atmosphere. In this overview, we discuss the
  initial impressions gained from, and interpretations of, the first
  million images taken with TRACE. We address, among other topics,
  the fine structure of the corona, the larger-scale thermal trends,
  the evolution of the corona over quiet and active regions, the high
  incidence of chromospheric material dynamically embedded in the coronal
  environment, the dynamics and structure of the conductively dominated
  transition region between chromosphere and corona, loop oscillations
  and flows, and sunspot coronal loops. With TRACE we observe a corona
  that is extremely dynamic and full of flows and wave phenomena, in
  which loops evolve rapidly in temperature, with associated changes in
  density. This dynamic nature points to a high degree of spatio-temporal
  variability even under conditions that traditionally have been referred
  to as quiescent. This variability requires that coronal heating can
  turn on and off on a time scale of minutes or less along field-line
  bundles with cross sections at or below the instrumental resolution
  of 700 km. Loops seen at 171 Å (∼1 MK) appear to meander through
  the coronal volume, but it is unclear whether this is caused by the
  evolution of the field or by the weaving of the heating through the
  coronal volume, shifting around for periods of up to a few tens of
  minutes and lighting up subsequent field lines. We discuss evidence
  that the heating occurs predominantly within the first 10 to 20 Mm
  from the loop footpoints. This causes the inner parts of active-region
  coronae to have a higher average temperature than the outer domains.

Title: Dynamics of Transition Region Moss
Authors: Berger, T. E.; de Pontieu, B.; Schrijver, C. J.; Title, A. M.
1999AAS...194.7901B    Altcode: 1999BAAS...31..963B
  We examine the dynamics of solar transition region "moss", the 10(6)
  K EUV emission at the footpoint regions of 2--3 MK active region coronal
  loops. Comparisons of TRACE 171 Angstroms movies with SVST (La Palma) Ca
  II K-line, Hα , and G-band movies are made. Local Correlation Tracking
  (LCT) flowmapping techniques are used to establish the photospheric
  flowfield in plage regions with and without associated moss. The
  relation of moss emission to chromospheric spicules or fibrils is
  examined in detail using Hα movies and dopplergrams. In addition,
  several microflare events occuring in plage regions are analyzed using
  TRACE and SVST movies. This research was supported by NASA contract
  NAS5-38099 (TRACE) and NASA SR&amp;T grant NASW-98008.

Title: Plasma Diagnostics of Transition Region “Moss” using SOHO/CDS
    and TRACE
Authors: Fletcher, L.; de Pontieu, B.
1999AAS...194.7902F    Altcode: 1999BAAS...31..963F
  Recent observations of solar active regions with the Transition
  Region And Coronal Explorer (TRACE) have revealed finely textured,
  low-lying extreme ultraviolet (EUV) emission, called the “moss”,
  appearing as a bright dynamic pattern with dark inclusions. The moss
  has been interpreted as the upper transition region by Berger et al.,
  (1999). In this study we use simultaneous SOHO Coronal Diagnostic
  Spectrometer (CDS) and TRACE observations of Active Region (AR)
  8227 on 30-May-1998 to determine the physical parameters of the moss
  material. A differential emission measure (DEM) analysis and other
  diagnostic tools establish that the plasma responsible for the moss
  emission has a temperature range of 0.6-1.5 * 10(6) K and is associated
  with hot loops (T &gt; 2 * 10(6) K) observed with CDS. This plasma
  has an electron density of 2-5* 10(9) cm(-3) at a temperature of 1.3 *
  10(6) K, giving a pressure of 0.7-1.7 dyne cm(-2) . Both the density
  and pressure in the moss plasma are a few times higher than in coronal
  loops observed in the TRACE Fe IX/X 171 Angstroms passband. The volume
  filling factor of the moss plasma is of the order 0.1 and the path
  along which the emission originates is of the order 1,000 km long.

Title: Dynamics and Plasma Diagnostics of Transition Region “Moss”
    using SOHO/CDS, TRACE and SVST (La Palma)
Authors: de Pontieu, B.; Berger, T. E.; Fletcher, L.; Schrijver,
   C. J.; Title, A. M.
1999AAS...194.7804D    Altcode: 1999BAAS...31..961D
  Recent observations of solar active regions with the Transition
  Region And Coronal Explorer (TRACE) have revealed finely textured,
  low-lying extreme ultraviolet (EUV) emission, called the “moss”,
  appearing as a bright dynamic pattern with dark inclusions. The moss
  has been interpreted as the upper transition region by Berger et al.,
  (1999). In this poster we study the physical conditions in the moss
  plasma, as well as its dynamics and connections to photosphere and
  chromosphere. Using simultaneous SOHO Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer
  (CDS) and TRACE observations of Active Region (AR) 8227 on 30-May-1998
  we determine the physical parameters of the moss material. We find T_e =
  0.6-1.5 10(6) K and n_e = 2-5 10(9) cm(-3) at a temperature of 1.3 10(6)
  K. The pressure in the moss plasma is higher than that in coronal loops
  observed in the TRACE Fe IX/X 171 Angstroms passband, and moss emission
  is associated with high temperature loops, observed by SXT and by CDS
  in lines of T_max &gt; 2.5 10(6) K. The volume filling factor of the
  moss plasma is of the order 0.1 and the path along which the emission
  originates is of the order 1,000 km long. We examine the dynamics of
  the moss plasma, by making comparisons of TRACE 171 Angstroms movies
  with SVST (La Palma) Ca II K-line, Hα , and G-band movies. Local
  Correlation Tracking (LCT) flowmapping techniques are used to establish
  the photospheric flowfield in plage regions with and without associated
  moss. The relation of moss emission to chromospheric spicules or fibrils
  is examined in detail using Hα movies and dopplergrams. In addition,
  several miniflare events occuring in plage regions are analyzed using
  TRACE and SVST movies. This research was supported by NASA contract
  NAS5-38099 (TRACE) and NASA SR&amp;T grant NASW-98008.

Title: Coordinated Observations of Transition Region Dynamics using
    TRACE and the SVST
Authors: Berger, T.; de Pontieu, B.; Schrijver, C.; Title, A.;
   Scharmer, G.
1999ASPC..183..365B    Altcode: 1999hrsp.conf..365B
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Internetwork Grains with TRACE
Authors: Rutten, R. J.; de Pontieu, B.; Lites, B.
1999ASPC..183..383R    Altcode: 1999hrsp.conf..383R
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Weakly damped Alfven waves as drivers for spicules
Authors: de Pontieu, B.; Haerendel, G.
1998A&A...338..729D    Altcode:
  We present an analytical model for the damping of Alfven waves in
  the partially ionized chromosphere. The damping is due to collisions
  between ions and neutrals. The ion-neutral collision frequency in this
  environment is such that the ion and neutral populations are almost
  perfectly collisionally coupled, leading the Alfven wave to behave as
  if it acts on the whole plasma (i.e. including neutrals). The small
  but finite coupling time between ions and neutrals leads to damping of
  the Alfven waves. We find that this type of damping of upward traveling
  Alfven waves with frequencies between 0.2 and 0.6 Hz, can cause not only
  significant heating but also upward motion of the upper chromospheric
  plasma. In addition the upward force and heating associated with this
  type of damping can sustain, both dynamically and thermodynamically,
  an already formed chromospheric spicule. The energy flux carried by
  the Alfven waves needed for this type of support of a spicule does
  not seem to be in contradiction with observational and theoretical
  evidence for the presence of Alfven waves in the chromosphere.

Title: Simultaneous observations of spicules with SOHO/CDS and the
    Fabry-Perot interferometer at the VTT
Authors: de Pontieu, B.; von der Lühe, O.; Soltau, D.; Kentisher, Th.
1998ESASP.421...43D    Altcode: 1998sjcp.conf...43D
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The flare of November 29, 1996 observed by SOHO/CDS
Authors: Czaykowska, A.; Rank, G.; Ruedi, I.; Solanki, S. K.; de
   Pontieu, B.
1998cee..workE..32C    Altcode:
  We present flare and post-flare observations obtained with the Coronal
  Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS) onboard the Solar and Heliospheric
  Observatory (SOHO) on November 29, 1996. On this day at around 20:40
  UT, an M 1.0/1F flare occurred in the solar active region NOAA 7999 and
  was accidentally observed by the Normal Incidence Spectrometer (NIS),
  one of the two spectrometers of CDS (Harrison et al., 1995). The
  data consist of two rasters lasting for 135 minutes each and both
  cover an area of 4 times 4 arcminutes. The first raster is pointed at
  the northern part of the active region during the flare whereas the
  second one covers the southern part of the active region after the main
  phase of the flare. The observations were part of the Joint Observing
  Program (JOP) 54 which is aimed at the investigation of scaling laws in
  coronal loops. Consequently the details of observations such as line
  list and exposure time weren't convenient for flare observations. In
  addition a flare can lead to over-exposures, i.e., saturation of the
  CCD detector pixels, and a burn-in degeneration of the detector in
  bright lines. Therefore observations of flares with CDS are avoided
  and the flare from November 29, 1996, is so far the only noteworthy
  flare observed by CDS. In our case we have remarkable saturation in
  the chromospheric He I line at 584 AA and the coronal Fe XVI lines
  at 335 AA and 361 AA, which are formed at an equilibrium temperature
  of about 2.5 cdot 10^6 K. Another effect of illumination on the CCD
  detector being too high is that the electron well of each pixel may
  fill and hence bleed to adjacent pixels. This effect is clearly seen
  in our data. As the flare occurred, the 2 times 240 arcseconds slit
  was being rastered across the active region from west to east. We thus
  have a convolution of spatial and temporal effects which are not easy
  to separate. However, we have spectral information of each pixel in all
  lines and exposures which are not saturated. Hence, line parameters such
  as intensity and relative Doppler shifts can be calculated. Moreover,
  the line list contains two density sensitive line pairs, Fe XII 338
  AA/364 AA and Fe XIII 348 AA / 360 AA (see, e.g., Mason et al., 1997)
  which can be used to determine the electron density. Using this data we
  intend to study the temporal evolution of characteristics and geometry
  of the loop during the flare.

Title: Database of photometric periods of artificial satellites
Authors: de Pontieu, B.
1997AdSpR..19..229D    Altcode:
  A database of photometric periods of artificial satellites (PPAS)
  is presented. It contains almost 40,000 measurements of the tumbling
  period of over 1,300 different artificial satellites. The measurements
  were obtained from visual observations of the tumbling behavior of
  artificial satellites by 140 amateur satellite observers between 1962
  and now. The satellites observed include payloads and discarded third
  stages, but also smaller pieces of space debris. The PPAS database
  could be used to study the effects of collisions of small space
  debris with larger artificial satellites on the tumbling behavior of
  the latter. As an example of the possible use of the PPAS database,
  we present a preliminary study of the tumbling period evolution with
  time for discarded third stages. Several cases of non-typical evolution
  (e.g. sudden jumps in the tumbling period) have been found, some of
  which can probably be interpreted as collisions of the third stages
  with small pieces of space debris. A careful analysis of the data
  in the PPAS database could shed light on collision probabilities of
  active payloads with space debris.