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Author name code: georgoulis
ADS astronomy entries on 2022-09-14
author:"Georgoulis, Manolis K." 

Title: Towards coupling full-disk and active region-based flare
    prediction for operational space weather forecasting
Authors: Pandey, Chetraj; Ji, Anli; Angryk, Rafal A.; Georgoulis,
   Manolis K.; Aydin, Berkay
2022FrASS...9.7301P    Altcode:
  Solar flare prediction is a central problem in space weather forecasting
  and has captivated the attention of a wide spectrum of researchers due
  to recent advances in both remote sensing as well as machine learning
  and deep learning approaches. The experimental findings based on
  both machine and deep learning models reveal significant performance
  improvements for task specific datasets. Along with building models,
  the practice of deploying such models to production environments under
  operational settings is a more complex and often time-consuming process
  which is often not addressed directly in research settings. We present
  a set of new heuristic approaches to train and deploy an operational
  solar flare prediction system for ≥M1.0-class flares with two
  prediction modes: full-disk and active region-based. In full-disk mode,
  predictions are performed on full-disk line-of-sight magnetograms using
  deep learning models whereas in active region-based models, predictions
  are issued for each active region individually using multivariate
  time series data instances. The outputs from individual active region
  forecasts and full-disk predictors are combined to a final full-disk
  prediction result with a meta-model. We utilized an equal weighted
  average ensemble of two base learners' flare probabilities as our
  baseline meta learner and improved the capabilities of our two base
  learners by training a logistic regression model. The major findings
  of this study are: 1) We successfully coupled two heterogeneous
  flare prediction models trained with different datasets and model
  architecture to predict a full-disk flare probability for next 24
  h, 2) Our proposed ensembling model, i.e., logistic regression,
  improves on the predictive performance of two base learners and the
  baseline meta learner measured in terms of two widely used metrics
  True Skill Statistic (TSS) and Heidke Skill Score (HSS), and 3) Our
  result analysis suggests that the logistic regression-based ensemble
  (Meta-FP) improves on the full-disk model (base learner) by ∼9% in
  terms TSS and ∼10% in terms of HSS. Similarly, it improves on the
  AR-based model (base learner) by ∼17% and ∼20% in terms of TSS and
  HSS respectively. Finally, when compared to the baseline meta model,
  it improves on TSS by ∼10% and HSS by ∼15%.

Title: A physics-based prototype tool to forecast the probability
    of SEP occurrence using modelled shock wave parameters
Authors: Kouloumvakos, Athanasios; Dalmasse, Kévin; Georgoulis,
   Manolis K.; Rouillard, Alexis; Papaioannou, Athanasios; Anastasiadis,
   Anastasios; Paouris, Evangelos; Vasalos, George; Indurain, Mikel
2022cosp...44.1180K    Altcode:
  Over the last decade, great efforts have been taken place focusing
  on the development and the improvement of forecasting models of space
  weather (SW) hazards. These models are essential in support of space
  operations and for human space exploration. The most important drivers
  of intense SW are the coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and their associated
  shock waves. These can accelerate particles to relativistic energies
  which are one of the main safety concerns for humans in space and
  space-based technology. We present a physics-based multi-module scheme
  that is developed to forecast the probability of SEP occurrence. The
  developed prototype consists of three main modules, namely, (1) a
  shock propagation model, (2) a magnetic field connectivity module that
  provides the connectivity solutions for different input magnetograms and
  various observers from the low corona to interplanetary (IP) space, (3)
  a coronal plasma module that utilizes different density and solar wind
  speed models (empirical or MHD). The two main inputs to the tool are
  the identified active regions (ARs) at the visible solar disk and the
  expected maximum CME speed, both provided by the Advanced Solar Particle
  Events Casting System (ASPECS) forecasting system of the National
  Observatory of Athens (NOA). The magnetic connectivity is provided
  by the Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie's
  magnetic connectivity tool (IRAP-MCT). The model calculates the wave
  kinematics, and the connection times and shock parameters at the field
  lines connected to the observers. These calculations are performed for
  each identified AR. The evolution of the shock parameters can be used
  to construct a binary prediction model of SEPs. We will present results
  from the prototype and we will show how a binary classification of solar
  events to SEP/non-SEP events is possible. We will discuss limitations
  and further improvements of the model. Integration of the tool as a
  part of the IRAP-MCT is currently underway. The development of this
  prototype has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020
  research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 870405
  (EUHFORIA 2.0).

Title: The Importance of Method Redundancy in Studying Pre-Eruption
    Evolution in Solar Active Regions
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Pariat, Etienne; Liu, Yang; Thalmann,
   Julia K.
2022cosp...44.1358G    Altcode:
  In a recent synergistic work stemming from a prior International
  Space Science Institute (ISSI) Working Group, the evolution of
  magnetic helicity in an intensely eruptive solar active region was
  studied using several different helicity calculation methods. This
  was the first time all these methods were tested on real solar data,
  without the possibility of a ground truth. Focusing on the pre-eruption
  evolution prior to an eruptive X-class flare (SOL2006-12-13T02:14X3.4)
  in NOAA active region (AR) 10930, we reveal a more complex picture than
  what any single method might convey. Through imperfect but overall
  converging calculations from different methods, we find artifacts
  that could mislead conclusions. More importantly, we find evidence of
  competing physical tendencies in the active region whose omission could
  lead to counterintuitive, hence misleading, again, conclusions. While
  for the Sun we have the capability to use different data and methods
  for related purposes, this is not the case for other eruptive stars,
  which is a fact calling for robust modeling approaches, relying
  on scarce and indirect observations of stellar magnetic fields and
  CME properties. Confluence of any data available and modeling could
  offer the redundancy needed to critically assess partial findings
  and reconcile them into a physically consistent picture of stellar
  eruptions, quite possibly with qualitative / quantitative similarities
  and differences from the eruptions of our own Sun.

Title: 4π Heliospheric Observing System - 4π-HeliOS: Exploring
    the Heliosphere from the Solar Interior to the Solar Wind
Authors: Raouafi, Nour E.; Gibson, Sarah; Ho, George; Laming,
   J. Martin; Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Szabo, Adam; Vourlidas, Angelos;
   Mason, Glenn M.; Hoeksema, J. Todd; Velli, Marco; Berger, Thomas;
   Hassler, Donald M.; Kinnison, James; Viall, Nicholeen; Case, Anthony;
   Newmark, Jeffrey; Lepri, Susan; Krishna Jagarlamudi, Vamsee; Raouafi,
   Nour; Bourouaine, Sofiane; Vievering, Juliana T.; Englander, Jacob A.;
   Shannon, Jackson L.; Perez, Rafael M.; Chattopadhyay, Debarati; Mason,
   James P.; Leary, Meagan L.; Santo, Andy; Casti, Marta; Upton, Lisa A.
2022cosp...44.1530R    Altcode:
  The 4$\pi$ Heliospheric Observing System (4$\pi$-HeliOS) is an
  innovative mission concept study for the next Solar and Space
  Physics Decadal Survey to fill long-standing knowledge gaps in
  Heliophysics. A constellation of spacecraft will provide both remote
  sensing and in situ observations of the Sun and heliosphere from a
  full 4$\pi$-steradian field of view. The concept implements a holistic
  observational philosophy that extends from the Sun's interior, to the
  photosphere, through the corona, and into the solar wind simultaneously
  with multiple spacecraft at multiple vantage points optimized for
  continual global coverage over much of a solar cycle. The mission
  constellation includes two spacecraft in the ecliptic and two flying as
  high as $\sim$70$^\circ$ solar latitude. 4$\pi$-HeliOS will provide
  new insights into the fundamental processes that shape the whole
  heliosphere. The overarching goals of the 4$\pi$-HeliOS concept are
  to understand the global structure and dynamics of the Sun's interior,
  the generation of solar magnetic fields, the origin of the solar cycle,
  the causes of solar activity, and the structure and dynamics of the
  corona as it creates the heliosphere. The mission design study is
  underway at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory Concurrent
  Engineering Laboratory (ACE Lab), a premier mission design center,
  fostering rapid and collaborative mission design evolutions.

Title: The SAWS-ASPECS Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) Advanced
    Warning System
Authors: Anastasiadis, Anastasios; Aran, Angels; Georgoulis, Manolis
   K.; Jiggens, Piers; Balasis, Georgios; Vainio, Rami; Dierckxsens,
   Mark; Giannakis, Omiros; Sandberg, Ingmar; Papaioannou, Athanasios;
   Paassilta, Miikka; Paouris, Evangelos; Vasalos, George; Iqbal, Zafar;
   Aminalragia-Giamini, Sigiava
2022cosp...44.1184A    Altcode:
  Solar particle events (SPEs) are radiation storms induced by
  eruptive processes on the Sun, namely solar flares and, more
  prominently, Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs). These SPEs represent
  a concern for spacecraft launch and early orbit phase, mission and
  aircraft operators given the effects on electronics and the threat
  for human physiology. The SAWS-ASPECS system is a web based tool
  (http://phobos-srv.space.noa.gr/), that collates and combines outputs
  from different modules providing forecasts of solar phenomena,
  solar proton event occurrence and solar proton flux and duration
  characteristics. The system incorporates two basic operational
  modes: the forecasting (pre-event) and the nowcasting (post-event)
  mode. Concerning the pre-event forecasting mode, the starting point is
  the flare prediction. The outputs of the flare prediction are utilized
  in the provision of a conditional likelihood of SPE occurrence and
  an estimation of the expected characteristics (e.g. peak flux and
  duration) of a forthcoming SPE, with errors for different energies
  and as a function of different forecasting horizons. Concerning the
  post-event mode, the predictions for the probability of SPE occurrence
  and expected peak flux continuously evolve through updates based on
  near-real time inputs (e.g. solar flare and coronal mass ejections
  data/characteristics) received by the system. In addition, for
  the first time the complete time profile of the SPE at respective
  energies is provided in near real-time, utilizing both simulations
  and observations. This presentation will give an overview of the
  SAWS_ASPECS system. \underline{Acknowledgements:} The SAWS-ASPECS
  system was developed, receiving funding through the ESA activity Solar
  Energetic Particle (SEP) Advanced Warning System (SAWS) ESA Contract
  No. 4000120480/NL/LF/hh.

Title: Assessment of near sun axial CME magnetic field.
Authors: Koya, Shifana; Patsourakos, Spiros; Georgoulis, Manolis K.;
   Nindos, Alexander
2022cosp...44.1405K    Altcode:
  The magnetic origin and the role of magnetic helicity in solar eruptions
  are known for several years. Here we present a survey of near-Sun
  axial coronal mass ejection (CME) magnetic fields that are obtained
  by applying a semi-analytical method that calculates the magnetic
  helicity of the source active region relying primarily on photospheric
  vector magnetograms. The geometrical parameters of CMEs observed by
  STEREO/SECCHI and SOHO/LASCO are obtained by fitting the GCS magnetic
  flux rope model. We use the estimated near-Sun CME magnetic fields to
  infer ICME magnetic fields and to validate them with existing in-situ
  magnetometer observation at L1. We conclude that the proposed method,
  including the proposed inferences from the survey, is useful for CME
  magnetic field forecasting purposes, solar-stellar connection and
  projecting towards potential properties of stellar CMEs.

Title: Exploratory Analysis of Magnetic Polarity Inversion Line
    Metadata and Eruptive Characteristics of Solar Active Regions
Authors: Aydin, Berkay; Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Martens, Petrus;
   Angryk, Rafal A.; Ji, Anli; Khasayeva, Nigar
2022cosp...44.3223A    Altcode:
  Magnetic polarity inversion lines (PILs) detected in solar active
  regions and features engineered from them have been recognized as
  one of the essential features for predicting key characteristics of
  explosive and eruptive instabilities, such as solar flares and coronal
  mass ejections. We have built a systematic and comprehensive dataset
  of polarity inversion lines from line-of-sight magnetograms in HMI
  Active Region Patches (HARPs) data series. Our dataset covers the
  series ranging from May 2010 to December 2021. The dataset includes
  PIL-related binary masks of rasters (i.e., thinned PIL, the region
  of polarity inversion (RoPI), and the convex hull of PIL) as well as
  time series metadata extracted from these masks. We will introduce
  this multi-modal solar dataset and present some key results of our
  first exploratory analysis. We will further highlight relationships
  between the time evolution characteristics of magnetic PILs and provide
  an empirical analysis and predictive heuristics to demonstrate the
  usefulness of multi-modal PIL data in forecasting solar flares, both
  confined and eruptive. In particular, we will show the similarities and
  differences between pre-flare series of eruptive and confined flares
  and explore the relationships between PIL characteristics and the
  cumulative flare index. While this line of work is just starting, we
  emphasize the use of machine-learning-ready datasets for both physical
  and operational purposes, from understanding the key ingredients
  of the pre-instability phase in active regions to assigning fully
  validated forecast probabilities for major solar events that largely
  shape heliospheric space weather.

Title: Automatic detection of small-scale EUV brightenings observed
    by the Solar Orbiter/EUI
Authors: Alipour, N.; Safari, H.; Verbeeck, C.; Berghmans, D.;
   Auchère, F.; Chitta, L. P.; Antolin, P.; Barczynski, K.; Buchlin,
   É.; Aznar Cuadrado, R.; Dolla, L.; Georgoulis, M. K.; Gissot, S.;
   Harra, L.; Katsiyannis, A. C.; Long, D. M.; Mandal, S.; Parenti,
   S.; Podladchikova, O.; Petrova, E.; Soubrié, É.; Schühle, U.;
   Schwanitz, C.; Teriaca, L.; West, M. J.; Zhukov, A. N.
2022A&A...663A.128A    Altcode: 2022arXiv220404027A
  Context. Accurate detections of frequent small-scale extreme ultraviolet
  (EUV) brightenings are essential to the investigation of the physical
  processes heating the corona. <BR /> Aims: We detected small-scale
  brightenings, termed campfires, using their morphological and
  intensity structures as observed in coronal EUV imaging observations
  for statistical analysis. <BR /> Methods: We applied a method based
  on Zernike moments and a support vector machine (SVM) classifier
  to automatically identify and track campfires observed by Solar
  Orbiter/Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI) and Solar Dynamics Observatory
  (SDO)/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA). <BR /> Results: This method
  detected 8678 campfires (with length scales between 400 km and 4000 km)
  from a sequence of 50 High Resolution EUV telescope (HRI<SUB>EUV</SUB>)
  174 Å images. From 21 near co-temporal AIA images covering the same
  field of view as EUI, we found 1131 campfires, 58% of which were
  also detected in HRI<SUB>EUV</SUB> images. In contrast, about 16%
  of campfires recognized in HRI<SUB>EUV</SUB> were detected by AIA. We
  obtain a campfire birthrate of 2 × 10<SUP>−16</SUP> m<SUP>−2</SUP>
  s<SUP>−1</SUP>. About 40% of campfires show a duration longer than 5
  s, having been observed in at least two HRI<SUB>EUV</SUB> images. We
  find that 27% of campfires were found in coronal bright points and
  the remaining 73% have occurred out of coronal bright points. We
  detected 23 EUI campfires with a duration greater than 245 s. We found
  that about 80% of campfires are formed at supergranular boundaries,
  and the features with the highest total intensities are generated at
  network junctions and intense H I Lyman-α emission regions observed
  by EUI/HRI<SUB>Lya</SUB>. The probability distribution functions for
  the total intensity, peak intensity, and projected area of campfires
  follow a power law behavior with absolute indices between 2 and 3. This
  self-similar behavior is a possible signature of self-organization,
  or even self-organized criticality, in the campfire formation
  process. <P />Supplementary material (S1-S3) is available at <A

Title: All-Clear in Solar Energetic Particles (SEP) Event Forecasting:
    Feasibility and Challenges
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.
2022cosp...44.3220G    Altcode:
  Equally important to the prediction of a solar weather phenomenon
  affecting space weather in the heliosphere is the prediction of no such
  phenomenon occurring from the Sun within a certain forecast window. This
  has been conventionally coined an "All-Clear" forecast. Predicting
  All Clear is imperative for sensitive operations in space involving
  vulnerable humans and equipment in orbit or in future deep space
  expeditions on the surface of the Moon or even Mars. All Clear is
  the antipode of an event forecasting, but I will argue that simply
  taking the complementary of the full-Sun event probability is crudely
  oversimplified, particularly for rare events, completely ignoring
  False Negatives. Conversely, precluding an All Clear if a hint of
  a possible event exists in a solar source is infeasible, completing
  ignoring False Positives, particularly in solar maximum conditions. I
  will attempt to specify All Clear for Solar Energetic Particle (SEP)
  event forecasting and will aim to highlight the issues, ambiguity
  and ambivalence surrounding it. Different event definitions and
  potential refined estimates on the basis of an outlier analysis will
  also be discussed. Particular emphasis will be further given to False
  Negative (Misses) due to solar sources that have not yet rotated to
  the earthward solar hemisphere. This is a discussion and debate in
  progress but will shape the state-of-the-art if and when a consensus
  within the community is reached.

Title: Identifying the Terrestrial Exoplanets which Deserve More
Scrutiny for Atmosphere Viability: the mASC method
Authors: Samara, Evangelia; Patsourakos, Spiros; Georgoulis, Manolis K.
2022cosp...44.1395S    Altcode:
  We introduce a practical and physically intuitive method to assess
  whether a given exoplanet is a viable candidate for the existence of
  an atmosphere, thanks to an efficient magnetospheric shielding from
  intense space weather activity from its host star. Our proposed mASC
  (magnetic Atmosphere Sustainability Constraint) relies on a best-case
  scenario for a dynamo-generated planetary magnetic field and subsequent
  magnetic pressure, and a worst-case scenario for the magnetic pressure
  of stellar CMEs. The method estimates a dimensionless ratio R whose
  excursion from unity implies accordingly an "atmosphere likely" (R
  &lt; 1) or an "atmosphere unlikely" (R &gt; 1) scenario. In this work,
  we implement our mASC on six "famous" exoplanets whose discovery was
  greeted with praise and hopes of habitability. These are Kepler-438b,
  Proxima-Centauri b, and Trappist-1d, -1e, -1f, -1g. We conclude that
  for none of them the existence of an atmosphere is likely while our
  findings are robust for five out of six cases. We conclude that the
  mASC ratio could help set observing priorities and suggest which
  exoplanets deserve further scrutiny, possibly toward the ultimate
  search of potential biosignatures, among other objectives.

Title: Investigating possible EUV precursors of major solar flares
Authors: AndrÉ-Hoffmann, Augustin; Patsourakos, Spiros; Georgoulis,
   Manolis K.; Nindos, Alexander
2022cosp...44.2481A    Altcode:
  Large-scale solar eruptions that produce major flares and fast coronal
  mass ejections are often associated with precursor activity that
  may start several hours before the main event. Such activity may be
  observed from the photosphere all the way to the transition region
  and corona but it is not clear whether it plays an essential role in
  the eruption initiation. To investigate this question we search for
  precursor activity in Extreme Ultra-violet (EUV) images obtained by the
  Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) instrument on board Solar Dynamics
  Observatory (SDO) within a 24-hour window prior to large eruptive
  events and investigate whether they contribute to the restructuring and
  overall evolution of the magnetic field that leads to eruptions. We
  cross-check our findings by performing the same search in relatively
  quiet active regions. By comparing the results from the eruptive and
  quiet active regions we attempt to identify possible signatures that
  could be useful in both the short-term prediction of major flare events
  and an enhanced physical understanding of the preflare phase.

Title: Exploring Heuristics in Full-Disk Aggregation from Individual
    Active Region Prediction of Solar Flares
Authors: Pandey, Chetraj; Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Aydin, Berkay;
   Angryk, Rafal A.; Ji, Anli
2022cosp...44.3457P    Altcode:
  Ensemble modeling can boost the predictive confidence of base
  learners (weak learners) by producing a more optimal model suitable
  for operational forecasting. In cases where the base learners have
  uniformity in the problem formulation and datasets, it becomes a
  relatively easier task to generate a new meta-model that enhances
  prediction capabilities. In this work, we deal with coupling two
  solar flare prediction models in which our base learners are trained
  with two different paradigms: (i) a full-disk mode, where prediction
  models are trained using full-disk line-of-sight magnetograms and deep
  learning architectures to issue a full-disk flare probability, and (ii)
  an active region-based mode, where models utilize multivariate time
  series data and a multivariate Time Series Forest (TSF) classifier to
  issue a prediction for each valid active region individually. So far
  in the literature, individual active region forecasts are aggregated
  by computing the probability of flare from at least one active region
  assuming conditional independence and then these flare probabilities are
  used to compute a full-disk flare occurrence probability by means of a
  meta-model. However, our empirical analysis on active region aggregation
  shows that the method of aggregation can be considered rather subjective
  depending on the distribution of individual models' output. We
  observe that exploring different heuristics while aggregation impacts
  the predictive performance of the AR-based models and consequently
  the meta-models. This shows a need for searching an AR-aggregation
  heuristic that suits the overall probability distribution of our two
  base learners. In this research, we present different AR-aggregation
  heuristics in consideration to the flare probability distribution of
  our base learners and introduce a more effective heuristic for active
  region aggregation by verifying performance improvement using metrics
  such as the True Skill Statistic and the Heidke Skill Score.

Title: Influence of coronal hole morphology on the solar wind speed
    at Earth
Authors: Samara, Evangelia; Magdalenić, Jasmina; Rodriguez, Luciano;
   Heinemann, Stephan G.; Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Hofmeister, Stefan J.;
   Poedts, Stefaan
2022A&A...662A..68S    Altcode: 2022arXiv220400368S
  Context. It has long been known that the high-speed stream (HSS) peak
  velocity at Earth directly depends on the area of the coronal hole
  (CH) on the Sun. Different degrees of association between the two
  parameters have been shown by many authors. In this study, we revisit
  this association in greater detail for a sample of 45 nonpolar CHs
  during the minimum phase of solar cycle 24. The aim is to understand how
  CHs of different properties influence the HSS peak speeds observed at
  Earth and draw from this to improve solar wind modeling. <BR /> Aims:
  The CHs were extracted based on the Collection of Analysis Tools for
  Coronal Holes which employs an intensity threshold technique applied to
  extreme-ultraviolet filtergrams. We first examined all the correlations
  between the geometric characteristics of the CHs and the HSS peak
  speed at Earth for the entire sample. The CHs were then categorized
  in two different groups based on morphological criteria, such as the
  aspect ratio and the orientation angle. We also defined the geometric
  complexity of the CHs, a parameter which is often neglected when the
  formation of the fast solar wind at Earth is studied. The quantification
  of complexity was done in two ways. First, we considered the ratio
  of the maximum inscribed rectangle over the convex hull area of the
  CH. The maximum inscribed rectangle provides an estimate of the area
  from which the maximum speed of the stream originates. The convex hull
  area is an estimate of how irregular the CH boundary is. The second
  way of quantifying the CH complexity was carried out by calculating
  the CH's fractal dimension which characterizes the raggedness of the
  CH boundary and internal structure. <BR /> Methods: When treating
  the entire sample, the best correlations were achieved between the
  HSS peak speed observed in situ, and the CH longitudinal extent. When
  the data set was split into different subsets, based on the CH aspect
  ratio and orientation angle, the correlations between the HSS maximum
  velocity and the CH geometric characteristics significantly improved
  in comparison to the ones estimated for the whole sample. By further
  dividing CHs into subsets based on their fractal dimension, we found
  that the Pearson's correlation coefficient in the HSS peak speed -
  CH area plot decreases when going from the least complex toward
  the most complex structures. Similar results were obtained when we
  considered categories of CHs based on the ratio of the maximum inscribed
  rectangle over the convex hull area of the CH. To verify the robustness
  of these results, we applied the bootstrapping technique. The method
  confirmed our findings for the entire CH sample. It also confirmed the
  improved correlations, compared to the ones found for the whole sample,
  between the HSS peak speed and the CH geometric characteristics when we
  divided the CHs into groups based on their aspect ratio and orientation
  angle. Bootstrapping results for the CH complexity categorizations are,
  nonetheless, more ambiguous. <BR /> Results: Our results show that the
  morphological parameters of CHs such as the aspect ratio, orientation
  angle, and complexity play a major role in determining the HSS peak
  speed at 1 AU. Therefore, they need to be taken into consideration
  for empirical models that aim to forecast the fast solar wind at Earth
  based on the observed CH solar sources.

Title: First Application of a Theoretically Derived Coupling
    Function in Cosmic-Ray Intensity for the Case of the 10 September
    2017 Ground-Level Enhancement (GLE 72)
Authors: Xaplanteris, L.; Gerontidou, M.; Mavromichalaki, H.;
   Rodriguez, J. V.; Livada, M.; Georgoulis, M. K.; Sarris, T. E.;
   Spanos, V.; Dorman, L.
2022SoPh..297...73X    Altcode:
  In this work we implement an analytically derived coupling function
  between ground-level and primary proton particles for the case of
  ground-level enhancement events (GLEs). The main motivation for this
  work is to determine whether this coupling function is suitable for the
  study of both major cases of cosmic-ray (CR) variation events, namely
  GLEs and Forbush decreases. This version of the coupling function, which
  relies on formalism used in quantum field theory (QFT) computations,
  has already been applied to Forbush decreases yielding satisfactory
  results. In this study, it is applied to a GLE event that occurred on 10
  September 2017. For the analytical derivations, normalized ground-level
  cosmic-ray data were used from seven neutron-monitor stations with
  low cutoff rigidities. To assess and evaluate the results for the
  normalized proton intensity, we benchmark them with the time series for
  the proton flux, as recorded by the GOES 13 spacecraft during the same
  time period. The theoretically calculated results for proton energy
  ≥1 GeV are in general agreement with the recorded data for protons
  with energy &gt;700 MeV, presenting a least-squares linear best fit
  with slope 0.75 ±0.17 and a Pearson correlation coefficient equal to
  0.62. We conclude that the coupling function presented in this work
  is the first coupling function that is well applicable to both cases
  of cosmic-ray intensity events, namely GLEs and Forbush decreases.

Title: Integrated Geostationary Solar Energetic Particle Events
Catalog: GSEP
Authors: Rotti, Sumanth; Aydin, Berkay; Georgoulis, Manolis K.;
   Martens, Petrus C.
2022arXiv220412021R    Altcode:
  We present a catalog of solar energetic particle (SEP) events covering
  solar cycles 22, 23 and 24. We correlate and integrate three existing
  catalogs based on Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite
  (GOES) integral proton flux data. We visually verified and labeled
  each event in the catalog to provide a homogenized data set. We have
  identified a total of 341 SEP events of which 245 cross the space
  weather prediction center (SWPC) threshold of a significant proton
  event. The metadata consists of physical parameters and observables
  concerning the possible source solar eruptions, namely flares and
  coronal mass ejections for each event. The sliced time series data
  of each event, along with intensity profiles of proton fluxes in
  several energy bands, have been made publicly available. This data set
  enables researchers in machine learning (ML) and statistical analysis
  to understand the SEPs and the source eruption characteristics useful
  for space weather prediction.

Title: Revisiting the Solar Research Cyberinfrastructure Needs:
    A White Paper of Findings and Recommendations
Authors: Nita, Gelu; Ahmadzadeh, Azim; Criscuoli, Serena;
   Davey, Alisdair; Gary, Dale; Georgoulis, Manolis; Hurlburt, Neal;
   Kitiashvili, Irina; Kempton, Dustin; Kosovichev, Alexander; Martens,
   Piet; McGranaghan, Ryan; Oria, Vincent; Reardon, Kevin; Sadykov,
   Viacheslav; Timmons, Ryan; Wang, Haimin; Wang, Jason T. L.
2022arXiv220309544N    Altcode:
  Solar and Heliosphere physics are areas of remarkable data-driven
  discoveries. Recent advances in high-cadence, high-resolution
  multiwavelength observations, growing amounts of data from realistic
  modeling, and operational needs for uninterrupted science-quality data
  coverage generate the demand for a solar metadata standardization and
  overall healthy data infrastructure. This white paper is prepared as
  an effort of the working group "Uniform Semantics and Syntax of Solar
  Observations and Events" created within the "Towards Integration of
  Heliophysics Data, Modeling, and Analysis Tools" EarthCube Research
  Coordination Network (@HDMIEC RCN), with primary objectives to discuss
  current advances and identify future needs for the solar research
  cyberinfrastructure. The white paper summarizes presentations and
  discussions held during the special working group session at the
  EarthCube Annual Meeting on June 19th, 2020, as well as community
  contribution gathered during a series of preceding workshops and
  subsequent RCN working group sessions. The authors provide examples
  of the current standing of the solar research cyberinfrastructure, and
  describe the problems related to current data handling approaches. The
  list of the top-level recommendations agreed by the authors of the
  current white paper is presented at the beginning of the paper.

Title: A Systematic Magnetic Polarity Inversion Line Detection
    Dataset from SDO/HMI Magnetogram
Authors: Ji, Anli; Cai, Xumin; Aydin, Berkay; Georgoulis, Manolis;
   Angryk, Rafal
2021AGUFMSH55A1818J    Altcode:
  Magnetic polarity inversion line (PIL) detected from solar active
  regions and features engineered from them have been recognized as
  one of the essential features for predicting key characteristics of
  eruptive events such as flares and coronal mass ejections. However,
  in most cases, PIL masks are generated as a byproduct and they are not
  comprehensively available for public use. To fill the gap in this field,
  we introduce a large-scale PIL dataset that can be used for various
  space weather forecasting tasks. The dataset is created using the
  geometries from the HMI Active Region Patches (HARPs) and involves 4,090
  HARP series ranging from May 2010 to March 2019. This dataset includes
  PIL-related binary masks as rasters (i.e., thinned PIL, the region of
  polarity inversion (RoPI), and the convex hull of PIL) and time series
  metadata extracted from these masks. The PIL detection procedure is
  based on an edge detection technique along with magnetic field strength
  and PIL size filter. First, we identify positive and negative polarity
  regions with a magnetic field strength threshold. Then, we utilize
  the Canny edge detector and morphological operations to both positive
  and negative regions to identify coarse PILs. Finally, we generate
  PILs by applying magnetic field strength and PIL size filter to the
  coarse PILs as mentioned above. We envision that this comprehensive PIL
  dataset will benefit space weather analytics research, specifically
  in understanding the PIL structure and evolution, and complementing
  the existing datasets used for space weather forecasting.

Title: Which Terrestrial Exoplanets Deserve More Scrutiny for
    Atmosphere Viability?
Authors: Samara, Evangelia; Patsourakos, Spiros; Georgoulis, Manolis
2021AGUFM.U44B..05S    Altcode:
  We introduce a practical and physically intuitive method to assess
  whether a given exoplanet is a viable candidate for the existence of
  an atmosphere thanks to an efficient magnetospheric shielding from
  intense space weather activity originating from its host star. Our
  proposed mASC (magnetic Atmosphere Sustainability Constraint) relies on
  a best-case scenario for the dynamo-generated planetary magnetic field
  and subsequent magnetic pressure, and a worst-case scenario for the
  magnetic pressure of stellar CMEs. It provides a dimensionless ratio
  R whose excursion from unity implies accordingly an atmosphere likely
  (R &lt; 1) or an atmosphere unlikely (R &gt; 1) scenario. In this work,
  we implement our mASC on six famous exoplanets whose discovery was
  greeted with praise and hopes of habitability. These are Kepler-438b,
  Proxima-Centauri b, and Trappist-1d, -1e, -1f, -1g. The results show
  that for none of them the existence of an atmosphere is likely while
  our findings are robust for five out of six cases. We conclude that
  the mASC ratio could help set observing priorities and suggest which
  exoplanets deserve further scrutiny, possibly toward the ultimate
  search of potential biosignatures, among other objectives.

Title: Magnetic Helicity Estimations in Models and Observations of
    the Solar Magnetic Field. IV. Application to Solar Observations
Authors: Thalmann, J. K.; Georgoulis, M. K.; Liu, Y.; Pariat, E.;
   Valori, G.; Anfinogentov, S.; Chen, F.; Guo, Y.; Moraitis, K.; Yang,
   S.; Mastrano, Alpha; ISSI Team on Magnetic Helicity
2021ApJ...922...41T    Altcode: 2021arXiv210808525T
  In this ISSI-supported series of studies on magnetic helicity in the
  Sun, we systematically implement different magnetic helicity calculation
  methods on high-quality solar magnetogram observations. We apply
  finite-volume, discrete flux tube (in particular, connectivity-based)
  and flux-integration methods to data from Hinode's Solar Optical
  Telescope. The target is NOAA Active Region 10930 during a 1.5-day
  interval in 2006 December that included a major eruptive flare
  (SOL2006-12-13T02:14X3.4). Finite-volume and connectivity-based methods
  yield instantaneous budgets of the coronal magnetic helicity, while
  the flux-integration methods allow an estimate of the accumulated
  helicity injected through the photosphere. The objectives of our work
  are twofold: a cross-validation of methods, as well as an interpretation
  of the complex events leading to the eruption. To the first objective,
  we find (i) strong agreement among the finite-volume methods, (ii)
  a moderate agreement between the connectivity-based and finite-volume
  methods, (iii) an excellent agreement between the flux-integration
  methods, and (iv) an overall agreement between finite-volume- and
  flux-integration-based estimates regarding the predominant sign and
  magnitude of the helicity. To the second objective, we are confident
  that the photospheric helicity flux significantly contributed to the
  coronal helicity budget and that a right-handed structure erupted from
  a predominantly left-handed corona during the X-class flare. Overall,
  we find that the use of different methods to estimate the (accumulated)
  coronal helicity may be necessary in order to draw a complete picture
  of an active region corona, given the careful handling of identified
  data (preparation) issues, which otherwise would mislead the event
  analysis and interpretation.

Title: Space Weather research in the Digital Age and across the full
data lifecycle: Introduction to the Topical Issue
Authors: McGranaghan, Ryan M.; Camporeale, Enrico; Georgoulis, Manolis;
   Anastasiadis, Anastasios
2021JSWSC..11...50M    Altcode:
  The onset and rapid advance of the Digital Age have brought challenges
  and opportunities for scientific research characterized by a
  continuously evolving data landscape reflected in the four V's of big
  data: volume, variety, veracity, and velocity. The big data landscape
  supersedes traditional means of storage, processing, management, and
  exploration, and requires adaptation and innovation across the full
  data lifecycle (i.e., collection, storage and processing, analytics,
  and representation). The Topical Issue, "Space Weather research in
  the Digital Age and across the full data lifecycle", collects research
  from across the full data lifecycle (collection, management, analysis,
  and communication; collectively "Data Science") and offers a tractable
  compendium that illustrates the latest computational and data science
  trends, tools, and advances for Space Weather research. We introduce
  the paradigm shift in Space Weather and the articles in the Topical
  Issue. We create a network view of the research that highlights the
  contribution to the change of paradigm and reveals the trends that
  will guide it hereafter.

Title: Improved Approach in the Coupling Function Between Primary
    and Ground Level Cosmic Ray Particles Based on Neutron Monitor Data
Authors: Xaplanteris, L.; Livada, M.; Mavromichalaki, H.; Dorman,
   L.; Georgoulis, M. K.; Sarris, T. E.
2021SoPh..296...91X    Altcode:
  In this work an improved approach of existing approximations on the
  coupling function between primary and ground-level cosmic-ray particles
  is presented. The proposed coupling function is analytically derived
  based on a formalism used in Quantum Field Theory calculations. It
  is upgraded compared to previous versions with the inclusion of a
  wider energy spectrum that is extended to lower energies, as well
  as an altitude correction factor, also derived analytically. The
  improved approximations are applied to two cases of Forbush decreases
  detected in March 2012 and September 2017. In the analytical procedure
  for the derivation of the primary cosmic-ray spectrum during these
  events, we also consider the energy spectrum exponent γ to be varied
  with time. For the validation of the findings, we present a direct
  comparison between the primary spectrum and the amplitude values
  derived by the proposed method and the obtained time series of the
  cosmic-ray intensity at the rigidity of 10 GV obtained from the Global
  Survey Method. The two sets of results are found to be in very good
  agreement for both events as denoted by the Pearson correlation factors
  and slope values of their scatter plots. In such way we determine the
  validity and applicability of our method to Forbush decreases as well
  as to other cosmic-ray phenomena, thus introducing a new, alternative
  way of inferring the primary cosmic-ray intensity.

Title: Verification Of A Practical Magnetic Helicity Budget
    Calculation And Its Contribution To Axial Field Estimates Of Solar
    And Stellar CMEs
Authors: Georgoulis, M. K.
2021AAS...23821320G    Altcode:
  Initial work by Georgoulis, Tziotziou &amp; Raouafi (ApJ, 759:1,
  2012) on the estimation of the coronal relative magnetic helicity
  budget in solar active regions has been scrutinized in multiple
  occasions by comparison to 'ground-truth' calculations of the volume
  helicity using classical formulas, mainly in synthetic magnetic
  configurations. The so-called connectivity-based helicity / energy
  calculation method infers a coronal magnetic connectivity matrix without
  three-dimensional extrapolation or magnetohydrodynamical modeling and
  then calculates magnetic energy and relative helicity budgets on a
  discretized flux tube ensemble as per the inferred connectivity. We
  briefly report on the comparison of the method with classical 'finite
  volume' methods applied to real solar active regions, in which the
  coronal magnetic field has been inferred by nonlinear force-free
  extrapolations. Then we describe a recent extension of this line on
  work that relies on the fundamental conservation principle for the
  magnetic helicity to infer a worst-case axial magnetic field (Bz) for
  solar and stellar coronal mass ejections (CMEs) at various locations
  in the helio-/astro-sphere. Besides connecting the flaring with the
  CME manifestations in the eruptive active regions, this approach
  can contribute to an improved understanding of stellar forcing on
  exoplanetary systems and has, in fact, led to the recent derivation
  of an atmosphere sustainability constraint for terrestrial exoplanets.

Title: How to Train Your Flare Prediction Model: Revisiting Robust
    Sampling of Rare Events
Authors: Ahmadzadeh, Azim; Aydin, Berkay; Georgoulis, Manolis K.;
   Kempton, Dustin J.; Mahajan, Sushant S.; Angryk, Rafal A.
2021ApJS..254...23A    Altcode: 2021arXiv210307542A
  We present a case study of solar flare forecasting by means of metadata
  feature time series, by treating it as a prominent class-imbalance
  and temporally coherent problem. Taking full advantage of pre-flare
  time series in solar active regions is made possible via the Space
  Weather Analytics for Solar Flares (SWAN-SF) benchmark data set, a
  partitioned collection of multivariate time series of active region
  properties comprising 4075 regions and spanning over 9 yr of the Solar
  Dynamics Observatory period of operations. We showcase the general
  concept of temporal coherence triggered by the demand of continuity
  in time series forecasting and show that lack of proper understanding
  of this effect may spuriously enhance models' performance. We further
  address another well-known challenge in rare-event prediction, namely,
  the class-imbalance issue. The SWAN-SF is an appropriate data set
  for this, with a 60:1 imbalance ratio for GOES M- and X-class flares
  and an 800:1 imbalance ratio for X-class flares against flare-quiet
  instances. We revisit the main remedies for these challenges and
  present several experiments to illustrate the exact impact that each
  of these remedies may have on performance. Moreover, we acknowledge
  that some basic data manipulation tasks such as data normalization
  and cross validation may also impact the performance; we discuss
  these problems as well. In this framework we also review the primary
  advantages and disadvantages of using true skill statistic and Heidke
  skill score, two widely used performance verification metrics for the
  flare-forecasting task. In conclusion, we show and advocate for the
  benefits of time series versus point-in-time forecasting, provided
  that the above challenges are measurably and quantitatively addressed.

Title: The flare likelihood and region eruption forecasting
(FLARECAST) project: flare forecasting in the big data &amp; machine
    learning era
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Bloomfield, D. Shaun; Piana,
   Michele; Massone, Anna Maria; Soldati, Marco; Gallagher, Peter T.;
   Pariat, Etienne; Vilmer, Nicole; Buchlin, Eric; Baudin, Frederic;
   Csillaghy, Andre; Sathiapal, Hanna; Jackson, David R.; Alingery,
   Pablo; Benvenuto, Federico; Campi, Cristina; Florios, Konstantinos;
   Gontikakis, Constantinos; Guennou, Chloe; Guerra, Jordan A.;
   Kontogiannis, Ioannis; Latorre, Vittorio; Murray, Sophie A.; Park,
   Sung-Hong; von Stachelski, Samuelvon; Torbica, Aleksandar; Vischi,
   Dario; Worsfold, Mark
2021JSWSC..11...39G    Altcode: 2021arXiv210505993G
  The European Union funded the FLARECAST project, that ran from January
  2015 until February 2018. FLARECAST had a research-to-operations
  (R2O) focus, and accordingly introduced several innovations into the
  discipline of solar flare forecasting. FLARECAST innovations were:
  first, the treatment of hundreds of physical properties viewed as
  promising flare predictors on equal footing, extending multiple
  previous works; second, the use of fourteen (14) different machine
  learning techniques, also on equal footing, to optimize the immense
  Big Data parameter space created by these many predictors; third,
  the establishment of a robust, three-pronged communication effort
  oriented toward policy makers, space-weather stakeholders and the wider
  public. FLARECAST pledged to make all its data, codes and infrastructure
  openly available worldwide. The combined use of 170+ properties (a
  total of 209 predictors are now available) in multiple machine-learning
  algorithms, some of which were designed exclusively for the project,
  gave rise to changing sets of best-performing predictors for the
  forecasting of different flaring levels, at least for major flares. At
  the same time, FLARECAST reaffirmed the importance of rigorous training
  and testing practices to avoid overly optimistic pre-operational
  prediction performance. In addition, the project has (a) tested new
  and revisited physically intuitive flare predictors and (b) provided
  meaningful clues toward the transition from flares to eruptive flares,
  namely, events associated with coronal mass ejections (CMEs). These
  leads, along with the FLARECAST data, algorithms and infrastructure,
  could help facilitate integrated space-weather forecasting efforts
  that take steps to avoid effort duplication. In spite of being
  one of the most intensive and systematic flare forecasting efforts
  to-date, FLARECAST has not managed to convincingly lift the barrier of
  stochasticity in solar flare occurrence and forecasting: solar flare
  prediction thus remains inherently probabilistic.

Title: A Readily Implemented Atmosphere Sustainability Constraint
    for Terrestrial Exoplanets Orbiting Magnetically Active Stars
Authors: Samara, Evangelia; Patsourakos, Spiros; Georgoulis, Manolis K.
2021ApJ...909L..12S    Altcode: 2021arXiv210207837S
  With more than 4300 confirmed exoplanets and counting, the next
  milestone in exoplanet research is to determine which of these
  newly found worlds could harbor life. Coronal mass ejections (CMEs),
  spawned by magnetically active, superflare-triggering dwarf stars,
  pose a direct threat to the habitability of terrestrial exoplanets, as
  they can deprive them of their atmospheres. Here we develop a readily
  implementable atmosphere sustainability constraint for terrestrial
  exoplanets orbiting active dwarfs, relying on the magnetospheric
  compression caused by CME impacts. Our constraint focuses on an
  understanding of CMEs propagation in our own Sun-heliosphere system
  that, applied to a given exoplanet requires as key input the observed
  bolometric energy of flares emitted by its host star. Application of our
  constraint to six famous exoplanets, Kepler-438b, Proxima Centauri b,
  and Trappist-1d, -1e, -1f, and -1g, within or in the immediate proximity
  of their stellar host's habitable zones showed that only for Kepler-438b
  might atmospheric sustainability against stellar CMEs be likely. This
  seems to align with some recent studies that, however, may require far
  more demanding computational resources and observational inputs. Our
  physically intuitive constraint can be readily and en masse applied, as
  is or generalized, to large-scale exoplanet surveys to detect planets
  that warrant further scrutiny for atmospheres and, perhaps, possible
  biosignatures at higher priority by current and future instrumentation.

Title: Data Benchmarking for Solar Flare, CME and SEP Event
Forecasting: Different Prediction and Verification Needs, Unified
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Martens, Petrus; Aydin, Berkay;
   Ahmadzadeh, Azim; Kempton, Dustin J.; Angryk, Rafal A.
2021cosp...43E2357G    Altcode:
  In this synergistic, interdisciplinary work we convey two principles
  that we consider central to improving space weather forecast
  capabilities of current and future modeling efforts: first, that
  data, model and performance verification tasks are equally important
  and should be treated on equal footing. Second, that the solar end
  of adverse space weather, comprising flares, coronal mass ejections
  (CMEs) and Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) events should be viewed and
  treated as a single, albeit multi-faceted, physical problem, rather
  than as a set of standalone problems corresponding to each facet. We
  present paradigms for both of these principles: first, we discuss a
  solar flare benchmark dataset in which the data are fully verified
  and we have taken steps to verify different forecast models and their
  performance. We show that unverified models lead to much degraded
  performance. Second, we outline the main aspects of a methodology to
  forecast SEP events in terms of temporal profile and peak proton flux
  starting from forecasting their source eruptions in the Sun. Performance
  needs dictate the introduction of two modeling tiers, one for eruption
  forecasting and projected SEP properties and another for updated,
  forecast SEP properties in case of SEP-eligible eruptions. This practice
  enables a dual validation of the performance for both tiers, at the
  same time constraining applicable uncertainties that could otherwise
  render the overall task untenable. Benefits of this approach in terms
  of both operations-to-research and research-to-operations are profound
  and can lead to both an improved physical understanding of vast swaths
  of the heliosphere, along with future prediction services combining
  computational efficiency with proven, quantifiable value.

Title: Properties Determining Eruption Initiation and
    Planeto-Effectiveness of Eruptive Transients in Magnetically Active
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Patsourakos, Spiros; Zhang, Hongqi;
   Nindos, Alexander; Samara, Evangelia; Sadykov, Viacheslav M.
2021cosp...43E.993G    Altcode:
  We present a combined theoretical and data analysis approach to,
  first, understand why magnetic eruptions and corresponding ejecta are
  triggered in strong-field regions of the Sun and magnetically active
  stars and, second, assess the key physical parameters responsible for
  the planeto-effectiveness of these eruptions, both on Earth and in
  other (exo-)planets. This approach converges on one physical parameter
  besides magnetic energy, at least for stellar coronae of high magnetic
  Reynolds numbers allowing this parameter to be conserved even under
  confined energy release: magnetic helicity. Helicity, via the magnetic
  energy-helicity diagram, should be treated equally with magnetic
  energy. Due to magnetic helicity accumulation in solar active regions
  and its inverse cascading, solar - and stellar, correspondingly -
  eruptions may become inevitable after a certain 'point-of-no-return'
  is reached. We identify this critical instant as the time when
  magnetic polarity inversion lines in active-region photospheres
  accumulate fluxes that generate fields stronger than local equipartition
  values. Furthermore, using the conserved helicity budgets we abstractly
  model post-eruption flux ropes and their transit through astrospheres,
  reaching exoplanets and compressing their magnetospheres via magnetic
  pressure effects. A rudimentary validation between the near-Sun and
  L1 axial magnetic field values of these data-constrained flux ropes is
  encouraging and allows us to further constrain scaling laws appropriate
  for the astrospheric transit of these ropes. Importantly, we also find
  that exoplanets orbiting magnetically active dwarf stars at orbital
  radii that are fractions of an astronomical unit seem to be strong
  contenders for eruption-driven atmospheric erosion that may gradually
  even deprive them from their atmospheres. Some famous exoplanet cases
  are examined under this prism. Future improvements are expected by
  widely anticipated space- (Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter)
  and ground-based (Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope) observations.

Title: ESA's SEP Advanced Warning System: The ASPECS Project
Authors: Jiggens, Piers; Aran, Angels; Georgoulis, Manolis K.;
   Balasis, Georgios; Vainio, Rami; Dierckxsens, Mark; Giannakis,
   Omiros; Sandberg, Ingmar; Papaioannou, Athanasios; Paassilta, Miikka;
   Anastasiadis, Anastasios; Paouris, Evangelos; Vasalos, George; Iqbal,
   Zafar; Aminalragia-Giamini, Sigiava; Tsigkanos, Antonis
2021cosp...43E1041J    Altcode:
  Solar particle events (SPEs) are radiation storms induced by eruptive
  processes on the Sun, namely solar flares and, more prominently,
  Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs). These SPEs represent a concern for the
  spacecraft, launch, human spaceflight and aircraft operators given the
  effects on electronics and human physiology. The outcome of the ASPECS
  (Advanced Solar Particle Event Casting System) project represents
  the first tool for forecasting Solar Energetic Particles (SEPs) from
  several days before the commencement of the radiation storm up to
  nowcasting of the evolution of the storm. This is achieved by a 3-tier
  system combining the forecasting of flares, the statistical forecast
  of events based on flare and CME characteristics and physical and
  analytical modelling for predicting particle flux profiles. The module
  in the process is the prediction of flares. The flare forecast used as
  a proxy of SPEs due to the relative maturity of this element of space
  weather forecasting relative to CME forecasting. The present model for
  forecasting flares is based on the B-effective parameter of Georgoulis
  et al. that captures complexity in addition to magnetic field strength
  of active region. This model has been extended to make predictions for
  periods from 6 hours to 3 days and fits made to extend forecasts to the
  highest intensity flares. The central plank of the system forecasts the
  likelihood of SPEs from input flare and CME characteristics of location
  and magnitude, and velocity and width respectively by use of a method
  based on Bayesian statistics. When both sets of inputs are available,
  the system combines the forecasts and adapts them when neutron monitors
  trigger a GLE (from the fastest particles arriving first indicating
  an SPE is commencing) and electron fluxes (whose absence after a given
  time indicates no event). This module outputs peak fluxes forecasts for
  events for protons at four energies (&gt;10, &gt;30, &gt;100 and &gt;300
  MeV). Before a solar event, this module uses a separate sub-module
  for data-driven forecasting of SPE likelihood across the different
  energies based on a historical SPE occurrence as a function of active
  region location and flare size (taken from the first module). The final
  module forecasts the flux profile of the SPE for each energy based
  on a set of physically-reconstructed profiles using the SOLPENCO(-2)
  tool given input parameters of solar source longitude and the peak
  flux prediction. This profile is adjusted with observed fluxes as and
  when the particles are detected in space. If the initially profile is
  found to not be well fit to the observed data then the system chooses
  another physicallyreconstructed profile from the database. If the
  event progresses in a way that no profile can fit the observations
  then an analytical profile, based on the work of Kahler and Ling,
  replaces the SOLPENCO(-2) output. This is especially important in the
  downstream region which is not modelled by SOLEPNCO(-2). The result
  is the pre-operational version of ESA's SEP Advanced Warning System
  (SAWS) spanning energies of interest for different end users. The
  software is developed in a modular way to take advantage of new
  modelling developments and data as it becomes available. An extensive
  verification and validation process is underway to arrive at a stable
  system to be used by a range of operators. This work has been carried
  out by the Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications
  and Remote Sensing (IAASARS) at the National Observatory of Athens and
  the Space Applications and Research Consultancy (SPARC) in Greece,
  the University of Turku in Finland, the University of Barcelona in
  Spain and the Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy under ESA contract
  No. 4000120480/17/NL/LF/hh.

Title: Coronal Sigmoids and Chromospheric Filaments - A relation?
Authors: Venkataramanasastry, Aparna; Georgoulis, Manolis K.;
   Martens, Petrus
2021cosp...43E1765V    Altcode:
  Sigmoids are forward (S-shaped) or inverse (Z-shaped) features
  on the Sun that are seen at coronal heights in X-ray or high
  temperature extreme ultraviolet (EUV) wavelengths. The sharpest
  and brightest of them are highly eruptive. They usually deform or
  disappear via coronal mass ejections. This makes it important to
  understand X-ray sigmoids because of their relevance for space-weather
  forecasting purposes. Chromospheric filaments are generally observed
  as absorption features in H$\alpha$ wavelengths. In this work, we
  observe chromospheric filaments lying under the sigmoids in order to
  correlate the chiralities of the two features. We expect that if the
  formation mechanisms of filaments and sigmoids are similar then they
  should have same chirality. We have conducted a joint survey of the
  sigmoids and the underlying filaments between 2007 and 2017. We use
  Hinode soft and hard X-ray data for sigmoid images and GONG H$\alpha$
  data for the filaments. We find a total of 84 sigmoids with filaments
  within the said time period. Among these we have 41 forward and
  43 inverse sigmoids. In the 41 forward sigmoids, 8 (20%) filaments
  are dextral, 21 (50%) are sinistral and 12 (30%) ambiguous. In the
  inverse sigmoids, 16 filaments (37%) are dextral, 13 (30%) sinistral
  and 14 (33%) ambiguous. It is evident from this analysis that there
  is no clear correspondence between filament chirality and the sigmoid
  handedness. This result warrants further investigation. We therefore
  perform calculations of magnetic helicity in the photospheric regions
  that encloses the footprints of sigmoids and filaments to primarily
  obtain the sign of their helicities. For many of the cases mentioned
  above, we use SHARP (Space-weather HMI Active Region Patch) vector
  magnetograms to serve as the photospheric boundary condition to which we
  apply the linear force-free magnetic helicity and energy formulations
  of Georgoulis \&amp; LaBonte (2007). We will report on the findings
  of this study during the 43rd COSPAR General Assembly. References
  Georgoulis, M. K. \&amp; LaBonte, B. J., ApJ, 2007, 671, 1034

Title: Differential Emission Measure Evolution as a Precursor of
    Solar Flares
Authors: Gontikakis, C.; Kontogiannis, I.; Georgoulis, M. K.; Guennou,
   C.; Syntelis, P.; Park, S. H.; Buchlin, E.
2020arXiv201106433G    Altcode:
  We analyse the temporal evolution of the Differential Emission Measure
  (DEM) of solar active regions and explore its usage in solar flare
  prediction. The DEM maps are provided by the Gaussian Atmospheric
  Imaging Assembly (GAIA-DEM) archive, calculated assuming a Gaussian
  dependence of the DEM on the logarithmic temperature. We analyse
  time-series of sixteen solar active regions and a statistically
  significant sample of 9454 point-in-time observations corresponding to
  hundreds of regions observed during solar cycle 24. The time-series
  analysis shows that the temporal derivatives of the Emission Measure
  dEM/dt and the maximum DEM temperature dTmax/dt frequently exhibit
  high positive values a few hours before M- and X-class flares,
  indicating that flaring regions become brighter and hotter as the flare
  onset approaches. From the point-in-time observations we compute the
  conditional probabilities of flare occurrences using the distributions
  of positive values of the dEM/dt, and dTmax/dt and compare them with
  corresponding flaring probabilities of the total unsigned magnetic flux,
  a conventionally used, standard flare predictor. For C-class flares,
  conditional probabilities have lower or similar values with the ones
  derived for the unsigned magnetic flux, for 24 and 12 hours forecast
  windows. For M- and X-class flares, these probabilities are higher
  than those of the unsigned flux for higher parameter values. Shorter
  forecast windows improve the conditional probabilities of dEM/dt,
  and dTmax/dt in comparison to those of the unsigned magnetic flux. We
  conclude that flare forerunner events such as preflare heating or small
  flare activity prior to major flares reflect on the temporal evolution
  of EM and Tmax. Of these two, the temporal derivative of the EM could
  conceivably be used as a credible precursor, or short-term predictor,
  of an imminent flare.

Title: Decoding the Pre-Eruptive Magnetic Field Configurations of
    Coronal Mass Ejections
Authors: Patsourakos, S.; Vourlidas, A.; Török, T.; Kliem, B.;
   Antiochos, S. K.; Archontis, V.; Aulanier, G.; Cheng, X.; Chintzoglou,
   G.; Georgoulis, M. K.; Green, L. M.; Leake, J. E.; Moore, R.; Nindos,
   A.; Syntelis, P.; Yardley, S. L.; Yurchyshyn, V.; Zhang, J.
2020SSRv..216..131P    Altcode: 2020arXiv201010186P
  A clear understanding of the nature of the pre-eruptive magnetic
  field configurations of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) is required
  for understanding and eventually predicting solar eruptions. Only
  two, but seemingly disparate, magnetic configurations are considered
  viable; namely, sheared magnetic arcades (SMA) and magnetic flux ropes
  (MFR). They can form via three physical mechanisms (flux emergence,
  flux cancellation, helicity condensation). Whether the CME culprit
  is an SMA or an MFR, however, has been strongly debated for thirty
  years. We formed an International Space Science Institute (ISSI) team to
  address and resolve this issue and report the outcome here. We review
  the status of the field across modeling and observations, identify
  the open and closed issues, compile lists of SMA and MFR observables
  to be tested against observations and outline research activities
  to close the gaps in our current understanding. We propose that the
  combination of multi-viewpoint multi-thermal coronal observations
  and multi-height vector magnetic field measurements is the optimal
  approach for resolving the issue conclusively. We demonstrate the
  approach using MHD simulations and synthetic coronal images.

Title: Models and data analysis tools for the Solar Orbiter mission
Authors: Rouillard, A. P.; Pinto, R. F.; Vourlidas, A.; De Groof, A.;
   Thompson, W. T.; Bemporad, A.; Dolei, S.; Indurain, M.; Buchlin, E.;
   Sasso, C.; Spadaro, D.; Dalmasse, K.; Hirzberger, J.; Zouganelis, I.;
   Strugarek, A.; Brun, A. S.; Alexandre, M.; Berghmans, D.; Raouafi,
   N. E.; Wiegelmann, T.; Pagano, P.; Arge, C. N.; Nieves-Chinchilla,
   T.; Lavarra, M.; Poirier, N.; Amari, T.; Aran, A.; Andretta, V.;
   Antonucci, E.; Anastasiadis, A.; Auchère, F.; Bellot Rubio, L.;
   Nicula, B.; Bonnin, X.; Bouchemit, M.; Budnik, E.; Caminade, S.;
   Cecconi, B.; Carlyle, J.; Cernuda, I.; Davila, J. M.; Etesi, L.;
   Espinosa Lara, F.; Fedorov, A.; Fineschi, S.; Fludra, A.; Génot,
   V.; Georgoulis, M. K.; Gilbert, H. R.; Giunta, A.; Gomez-Herrero, R.;
   Guest, S.; Haberreiter, M.; Hassler, D.; Henney, C. J.; Howard, R. A.;
   Horbury, T. S.; Janvier, M.; Jones, S. I.; Kozarev, K.; Kraaikamp,
   E.; Kouloumvakos, A.; Krucker, S.; Lagg, A.; Linker, J.; Lavraud,
   B.; Louarn, P.; Maksimovic, M.; Maloney, S.; Mann, G.; Masson, A.;
   Müller, D.; Önel, H.; Osuna, P.; Orozco Suarez, D.; Owen, C. J.;
   Papaioannou, A.; Pérez-Suárez, D.; Rodriguez-Pacheco, J.; Parenti,
   S.; Pariat, E.; Peter, H.; Plunkett, S.; Pomoell, J.; Raines, J. M.;
   Riethmüller, T. L.; Rich, N.; Rodriguez, L.; Romoli, M.; Sanchez,
   L.; Solanki, S. K.; St Cyr, O. C.; Straus, T.; Susino, R.; Teriaca,
   L.; del Toro Iniesta, J. C.; Ventura, R.; Verbeeck, C.; Vilmer, N.;
   Warmuth, A.; Walsh, A. P.; Watson, C.; Williams, D.; Wu, Y.; Zhukov,
   A. N.
2020A&A...642A...2R    Altcode:
  Context. The Solar Orbiter spacecraft will be equipped with a wide
  range of remote-sensing (RS) and in situ (IS) instruments to record
  novel and unprecedented measurements of the solar atmosphere and
  the inner heliosphere. To take full advantage of these new datasets,
  tools and techniques must be developed to ease multi-instrument and
  multi-spacecraft studies. In particular the currently inaccessible
  low solar corona below two solar radii can only be observed
  remotely. Furthermore techniques must be used to retrieve coronal
  plasma properties in time and in three dimensional (3D) space. Solar
  Orbiter will run complex observation campaigns that provide interesting
  opportunities to maximise the likelihood of linking IS data to their
  source region near the Sun. Several RS instruments can be directed
  to specific targets situated on the solar disk just days before
  data acquisition. To compare IS and RS, data we must improve our
  understanding of how heliospheric probes magnetically connect to the
  solar disk. <BR /> Aims: The aim of the present paper is to briefly
  review how the current modelling of the Sun and its atmosphere
  can support Solar Orbiter science. We describe the results of a
  community-led effort by European Space Agency's Modelling and Data
  Analysis Working Group (MADAWG) to develop different models, tools,
  and techniques deemed necessary to test different theories for the
  physical processes that may occur in the solar plasma. The focus here
  is on the large scales and little is described with regards to kinetic
  processes. To exploit future IS and RS data fully, many techniques have
  been adapted to model the evolving 3D solar magneto-plasma from the
  solar interior to the solar wind. A particular focus in the paper is
  placed on techniques that can estimate how Solar Orbiter will connect
  magnetically through the complex coronal magnetic fields to various
  photospheric and coronal features in support of spacecraft operations
  and future scientific studies. <BR /> Methods: Recent missions such as
  STEREO, provided great opportunities for RS, IS, and multi-spacecraft
  studies. We summarise the achievements and highlight the challenges
  faced during these investigations, many of which motivated the Solar
  Orbiter mission. We present the new tools and techniques developed
  by the MADAWG to support the science operations and the analysis of
  the data from the many instruments on Solar Orbiter. <BR /> Results:
  This article reviews current modelling and tool developments that ease
  the comparison of model results with RS and IS data made available
  by current and upcoming missions. It also describes the modelling
  strategy to support the science operations and subsequent exploitation
  of Solar Orbiter data in order to maximise the scientific output
  of the mission. <BR /> Conclusions: The on-going community effort
  presented in this paper has provided new models and tools necessary
  to support mission operations as well as the science exploitation of
  the Solar Orbiter data. The tools and techniques will no doubt evolve
  significantly as we refine our procedure and methodology during the
  first year of operations of this highly promising mission.

Title: The Solar Orbiter Science Activity Plan. Translating solar
    and heliospheric physics questions into action
Authors: Zouganelis, I.; De Groof, A.; Walsh, A. P.; Williams, D. R.;
   Müller, D.; St Cyr, O. C.; Auchère, F.; Berghmans, D.; Fludra,
   A.; Horbury, T. S.; Howard, R. A.; Krucker, S.; Maksimovic, M.;
   Owen, C. J.; Rodríguez-Pacheco, J.; Romoli, M.; Solanki, S. K.;
   Watson, C.; Sanchez, L.; Lefort, J.; Osuna, P.; Gilbert, H. R.;
   Nieves-Chinchilla, T.; Abbo, L.; Alexandrova, O.; Anastasiadis, A.;
   Andretta, V.; Antonucci, E.; Appourchaux, T.; Aran, A.; Arge, C. N.;
   Aulanier, G.; Baker, D.; Bale, S. D.; Battaglia, M.; Bellot Rubio,
   L.; Bemporad, A.; Berthomier, M.; Bocchialini, K.; Bonnin, X.; Brun,
   A. S.; Bruno, R.; Buchlin, E.; Büchner, J.; Bucik, R.; Carcaboso,
   F.; Carr, R.; Carrasco-Blázquez, I.; Cecconi, B.; Cernuda Cangas, I.;
   Chen, C. H. K.; Chitta, L. P.; Chust, T.; Dalmasse, K.; D'Amicis, R.;
   Da Deppo, V.; De Marco, R.; Dolei, S.; Dolla, L.; Dudok de Wit, T.;
   van Driel-Gesztelyi, L.; Eastwood, J. P.; Espinosa Lara, F.; Etesi,
   L.; Fedorov, A.; Félix-Redondo, F.; Fineschi, S.; Fleck, B.; Fontaine,
   D.; Fox, N. J.; Gandorfer, A.; Génot, V.; Georgoulis, M. K.; Gissot,
   S.; Giunta, A.; Gizon, L.; Gómez-Herrero, R.; Gontikakis, C.; Graham,
   G.; Green, L.; Grundy, T.; Haberreiter, M.; Harra, L. K.; Hassler,
   D. M.; Hirzberger, J.; Ho, G. C.; Hurford, G.; Innes, D.; Issautier,
   K.; James, A. W.; Janitzek, N.; Janvier, M.; Jeffrey, N.; Jenkins,
   J.; Khotyaintsev, Y.; Klein, K. -L.; Kontar, E. P.; Kontogiannis,
   I.; Krafft, C.; Krasnoselskikh, V.; Kretzschmar, M.; Labrosse, N.;
   Lagg, A.; Landini, F.; Lavraud, B.; Leon, I.; Lepri, S. T.; Lewis,
   G. R.; Liewer, P.; Linker, J.; Livi, S.; Long, D. M.; Louarn, P.;
   Malandraki, O.; Maloney, S.; Martinez-Pillet, V.; Martinovic, M.;
   Masson, A.; Matthews, S.; Matteini, L.; Meyer-Vernet, N.; Moraitis,
   K.; Morton, R. J.; Musset, S.; Nicolaou, G.; Nindos, A.; O'Brien,
   H.; Orozco Suarez, D.; Owens, M.; Pancrazzi, M.; Papaioannou, A.;
   Parenti, S.; Pariat, E.; Patsourakos, S.; Perrone, D.; Peter, H.;
   Pinto, R. F.; Plainaki, C.; Plettemeier, D.; Plunkett, S. P.; Raines,
   J. M.; Raouafi, N.; Reid, H.; Retino, A.; Rezeau, L.; Rochus, P.;
   Rodriguez, L.; Rodriguez-Garcia, L.; Roth, M.; Rouillard, A. P.;
   Sahraoui, F.; Sasso, C.; Schou, J.; Schühle, U.; Sorriso-Valvo, L.;
   Soucek, J.; Spadaro, D.; Stangalini, M.; Stansby, D.; Steller, M.;
   Strugarek, A.; Štverák, Š.; Susino, R.; Telloni, D.; Terasa, C.;
   Teriaca, L.; Toledo-Redondo, S.; del Toro Iniesta, J. C.; Tsiropoula,
   G.; Tsounis, A.; Tziotziou, K.; Valentini, F.; Vaivads, A.; Vecchio,
   A.; Velli, M.; Verbeeck, C.; Verdini, A.; Verscharen, D.; Vilmer, N.;
   Vourlidas, A.; Wicks, R.; Wimmer-Schweingruber, R. F.; Wiegelmann,
   T.; Young, P. R.; Zhukov, A. N.
2020A&A...642A...3Z    Altcode: 2020arXiv200910772Z
  Solar Orbiter is the first space mission observing the solar plasma
  both in situ and remotely, from a close distance, in and out of the
  ecliptic. The ultimate goal is to understand how the Sun produces
  and controls the heliosphere, filling the Solar System and driving
  the planetary environments. With six remote-sensing and four in-situ
  instrument suites, the coordination and planning of the operations are
  essential to address the following four top-level science questions:
  (1) What drives the solar wind and where does the coronal magnetic field
  originate?; (2) How do solar transients drive heliospheric variability?;
  (3) How do solar eruptions produce energetic particle radiation that
  fills the heliosphere?; (4) How does the solar dynamo work and drive
  connections between the Sun and the heliosphere? Maximising the
  mission's science return requires considering the characteristics
  of each orbit, including the relative position of the spacecraft
  to Earth (affecting downlink rates), trajectory events (such
  as gravitational assist manoeuvres), and the phase of the solar
  activity cycle. Furthermore, since each orbit's science telemetry
  will be downloaded over the course of the following orbit, science
  operations must be planned at mission level, rather than at the level
  of individual orbits. It is important to explore the way in which those
  science questions are translated into an actual plan of observations
  that fits into the mission, thus ensuring that no opportunities are
  missed. First, the overarching goals are broken down into specific,
  answerable questions along with the required observations and the
  so-called Science Activity Plan (SAP) is developed to achieve this. The
  SAP groups objectives that require similar observations into Solar
  Orbiter Observing Plans, resulting in a strategic, top-level view of
  the optimal opportunities for science observations during the mission
  lifetime. This allows for all four mission goals to be addressed. In
  this paper, we introduce Solar Orbiter's SAP through a series of
  examples and the strategy being followed.

Title: Solar Flare Prediction Using Magnetic Field Diagnostics above
    the Photosphere
Authors: Korsós, M. B.; Georgoulis, M. K.; Gyenge, N.; Bisoi, S. K.;
   Yu, S.; Poedts, S.; Nelson, C. J.; Liu, J.; Yan, Y.; Erdélyi, R.
2020ApJ...896..119K    Altcode: 2020arXiv200512180K
  In this article, we present the application of the weighted horizontal
  gradient of magnetic field (WG<SUB>M</SUB>) flare prediction method
  to three-dimensional (3D) extrapolated magnetic configurations of
  13 flaring solar active regions (ARs). The main aim is to identify
  an optimal height range, if any, in the interface region between the
  photosphere and lower corona, where the flare onset time prediction
  capability of WG<SUB>M</SUB> is best exploited. The optimal height
  is where flare prediction, by means of the WG<SUB>M</SUB> method, is
  achieved earlier than at the photospheric level. 3D magnetic structures,
  based on potential and nonlinear force-free field extrapolations, are
  constructed to study a vertical range from the photosphere up to the
  low corona with a 45 km step size. The WG<SUB>M</SUB> method is applied
  as a function of height to all 13 flaring AR cases that are subject to
  certain selection criteria. We found that applying the WG<SUB>M</SUB>
  method between 1000 and 1800 km above the solar surface would improve
  the prediction of the flare onset time by around 2-8 hr. Certain caveats
  and an outlook for future work along these lines are also discussed.

Title: Machine Learning in Heliophysics and Space Weather Forecasting:
    A White Paper of Findings and Recommendations
Authors: Nita, Gelu; Georgoulis, Manolis; Kitiashvili, Irina; Sadykov,
   Viacheslav; Camporeale, Enrico; Kosovichev, Alexander; Wang, Haimin;
   Oria, Vincent; Wang, Jason; Angryk, Rafal; Aydin, Berkay; Ahmadzadeh,
   Azim; Bai, Xiaoli; Bastian, Timothy; Filali Boubrahimi, Soukaina; Chen,
   Bin; Davey, Alisdair; Fereira, Sheldon; Fleishman, Gregory; Gary, Dale;
   Gerrard, Andrew; Hellbourg, Gregory; Herbert, Katherine; Ireland,
   Jack; Illarionov, Egor; Kuroda, Natsuha; Li, Qin; Liu, Chang; Liu,
   Yuexin; Kim, Hyomin; Kempton, Dustin; Ma, Ruizhe; Martens, Petrus;
   McGranaghan, Ryan; Semones, Edward; Stefan, John; Stejko, Andrey;
   Collado-Vega, Yaireska; Wang, Meiqi; Xu, Yan; Yu, Sijie
2020arXiv200612224N    Altcode:
  The authors of this white paper met on 16-17 January 2020 at the New
  Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ, for a 2-day workshop that
  brought together a group of heliophysicists, data providers, expert
  modelers, and computer/data scientists. Their objective was to discuss
  critical developments and prospects of the application of machine and/or
  deep learning techniques for data analysis, modeling and forecasting
  in Heliophysics, and to shape a strategy for further developments in
  the field. The workshop combined a set of plenary sessions featuring
  invited introductory talks interleaved with a set of open discussion
  sessions. The outcome of the discussion is encapsulated in this white
  paper that also features a top-level list of recommendations agreed
  by participants.

Title: A Comparison of Flare Forecasting Methods. IV. Evaluating
    Consecutive-day Forecasting Patterns
Authors: Park, Sung-Hong; Leka, K. D.; Kusano, Kanya; Andries, Jesse;
   Barnes, Graham; Bingham, Suzy; Bloomfield, D. Shaun; McCloskey,
   Aoife E.; Delouille, Veronique; Falconer, David; Gallagher, Peter T.;
   Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Kubo, Yuki; Lee, Kangjin; Lee, Sangwoo; Lobzin,
   Vasily; Mun, JunChul; Murray, Sophie A.; Hamad Nageem, Tarek A. M.;
   Qahwaji, Rami; Sharpe, Michael; Steenburgh, R. A.; Steward, Graham;
   Terkildsen, Michael
2020ApJ...890..124P    Altcode: 2020arXiv200102808P
  A crucial challenge to successful flare prediction is
  forecasting periods that transition between "flare-quiet" and
  "flare-active." Building on earlier studies in this series in which we
  describe the methodology, details, and results of flare forecasting
  comparison efforts, we focus here on patterns of forecast outcomes
  (success and failure) over multiday periods. A novel analysis is
  developed to evaluate forecasting success in the context of catching
  the first event of flare-active periods and, conversely, correctly
  predicting declining flare activity. We demonstrate these evaluation
  methods graphically and quantitatively as they provide both quick
  comparative evaluations and options for detailed analysis. For the
  testing interval 2016-2017, we determine the relative frequency
  distribution of two-day dichotomous forecast outcomes for three
  different event histories (I.e., event/event, no-event/event, and
  event/no-event) and use it to highlight performance differences between
  forecasting methods. A trend is identified across all forecasting
  methods that a high/low forecast probability on day 1 remains high/low
  on day 2, even though flaring activity is transitioning. For M-class
  and larger flares, we find that explicitly including persistence or
  prior flare history in computing forecasts helps to improve overall
  forecast performance. It is also found that using magnetic/modern
  data leads to improvement in catching the first-event/first-no-event
  transitions. Finally, 15% of major (I.e., M-class or above) flare
  days over the testing interval were effectively missed due to a lack
  of observations from instruments away from the Earth-Sun line.

Title: Multivariate time series dataset for space weather data
Authors: Angryk, Rafal A.; Martens, Petrus C.; Aydin, Berkay; Kempton,
   Dustin; Mahajan, Sushant S.; Basodi, Sunitha; Ahmadzadeh, Azim; Cai,
   Xumin; Filali Boubrahimi, Soukaina; Hamdi, Shah Muhammad; Schuh,
   Michael A.; Georgoulis, Manolis K.
2020NatSD...7..227A    Altcode:
  We introduce and make openly accessible a comprehensive, multivariate
  time series (MVTS) dataset extracted from solar photospheric vector
  magnetograms in Spaceweather HMI Active Region Patch (SHARP) series. Our
  dataset also includes a cross-checked NOAA solar flare catalog that
  immediately facilitates solar flare prediction efforts. We discuss
  methods used for data collection, cleaning and pre-processing of the
  solar active region and flare data, and we further describe a novel
  data integration and sampling methodology. Our dataset covers 4,098
  MVTS data collections from active regions occurring between May 2010 and
  December 2018, includes 51 flare-predictive parameters, and integrates
  over 10,000 flare reports. Potential directions toward expansion of the
  time series, either "horizontally" - by adding more prediction-specific
  parameters, or "vertically" - by generalizing flare into integrated
  solar eruption prediction, are also explained. The immediate tasks
  enabled by the disseminated dataset include: optimization of solar flare
  prediction and detailed investigation for elusive flare predictors or
  precursors, with both operational (research-to-operations), and basic
  research (operations-to-research) benefits potentially following in
  the future.

Title: Which Machine- or Deep-Learning Methods are Most Appropriate
    for Solar Flare Prediction? Possibly, a Misleading Question
Authors: He, H.; Georgoulis, M. K.
2019AGUFMSH34A..01H    Altcode:
  Over the past decade, machine-learning methods for solar flare
  prediction have been established as a necessity in order to browse
  through the immense parameter space of promising flare-predictive
  properties in solar active regions. This obvious big data problem
  requires advanced computer science methods to be tackled, in an
  endeavor that has demonstrably reached out to communities beyond
  heliophysics. However, as in any new research avenue, the landscape
  of techniques and methodologies is constantly changing in an unplanned
  and unpredictable way, with groundbreaking results yet to be produced
  and shown conclusively. Recent collaborative works compare very
  different methods that, however, deliver very similar, far from
  perfect, results. We aim to provide a preliminary interpretation of
  this situation by asserting that the specific machine- (and deep-,
  very recently) learning methods employed for solar flare forecasting
  may not be the most important element here: their training and testing
  practices, however, are. Training and testing over active-region
  property metadata can significantly change the results of any method,
  in a way that if very different methods share the same testing /
  testing pattern, they tend to give similar, invariably imperfect,
  results. To this one must add the relative deficiency of timeseries
  analysis methods for flare forecasting, along with the unmitigated
  severe class imbalance problem, stemming from the intrinsic rarity of
  major flares: machine-learning methods require class-balanced event /
  no-event data sets (this remains to be seen for deep-learning ones)
  so their performance is consistently below expectations. We identify
  some early attempts toward this second level of efforts, in hopes of
  instigating further discussion and, hopefully, progress.

Title: Magnetic Impact of Propagating Interplanetary Coronal Mass
    Ejections in the Solar and Stellar Habitability Zones
Authors: Georgoulis, M. K.; Samara, E.; Patsourakos, S.
2019AGUFMSH43A..05G    Altcode:
  We recount recent results of a statistical method that assigns an
  axial magnetic field to CME flux ropes, inferred via the fundamental
  conservation principle of magnetic helicity in solar active region
  sources. We then extrapolate the near-Sun CME magnetic field to
  1 AU, juxtaposing the extrapolation with tens of magnetic-cloud
  observations. Uncertainties given, we manage to statistically
  reproduce observations, thereby proposing a simple method that
  alleviates unnecessary complexity, while featuring applicability on
  a case-by-case basis. At a second level, we generalize CME magnetic
  configurations and stellar activity, expanding to flaring M-dwarf
  and Sun-like stars. We correlate the magnetic energy of stellar,
  assumed eruptive, flares with their helicity and extrapolate again to
  stellar habitable zones. From assumed planetary equatorial magnetic
  fields we predict atmospheric erosion by CME activity for a number of
  recently discovered exoplanets (Keppler 438b; Proxima b; the TRAPPIST
  system), thought promising for harboring life. Preliminary results
  show that knowledge of the planetary equatorial magnetic field can
  impose a valuable constraint for exoplanet habitability. Meanwhile, (1)
  terrestrial atmospheric erosion seems unlikely even for unrealistically
  intense solar eruptions and (2) the likelihood of absence of atmosphere
  due to CME-induced erosion in many of the studied exoplanets seems high.

Title: Challenges with Extreme Class-Imbalance and Temporal Coherence:
    A Study on Solar Flare Data
Authors: Ahmadzadeh, Azim; Hostetter, Maxwell; Aydin, Berkay;
   Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Kempton, Dustin J.; Mahajan, Sushant S.;
   Angryk, Rafal A.
2019arXiv191109061A    Altcode:
  In analyses of rare-events, regardless of the domain of application,
  class-imbalance issue is intrinsic. Although the challenges are known to
  data experts, their explicit impact on the analytic and the decisions
  made based on the findings are often overlooked. This is in particular
  prevalent in interdisciplinary research where the theoretical aspects
  are sometimes overshadowed by the challenges of the application. To
  show-case these undesirable impacts, we conduct a series of experiments
  on a recently created benchmark data, named Space Weather ANalytics for
  Solar Flares (SWAN-SF). This is a multivariate time series dataset of
  magnetic parameters of active regions. As a remedy for the imbalance
  issue, we study the impact of data manipulation (undersampling and
  oversampling) and model manipulation (using class weights). Furthermore,
  we bring to focus the auto-correlation of time series that is inherited
  from the use of sliding window for monitoring flares' history. Temporal
  coherence, as we call this phenomenon, invalidates the randomness
  assumption, thus impacting all sampling practices including different
  cross-validation techniques. We illustrate how failing to notice this
  concept could give an artificial boost in the forecast performance
  and result in misleading findings. Throughout this study we utilized
  Support Vector Machine as a classifier, and True Skill Statistics as
  a verification metric for comparison of experiments. We conclude our
  work by specifying the correct practice in each case, and we hope that
  this study could benefit researchers in other domains where time series
  of rare events are of interest.

Title: Feature Ranking of Active Region Source Properties in Solar
    Flare Forecasting and the Uncompromised Stochasticity of Flare
Authors: Campi, Cristina; Benvenuto, Federico; Massone, Anna Maria;
   Bloomfield, D. Shaun; Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Piana, Michele
2019ApJ...883..150C    Altcode: 2019arXiv190612094C
  Solar flares originate from magnetically active regions (ARs) but
  not all solar ARs give rise to a flare. Therefore, the challenge of
  solar flare prediction benefits from an intelligent computational
  analysis of physics-based properties extracted from AR observables,
  most commonly line-of-sight or vector magnetograms of the active
  region photosphere. For the purpose of flare forecasting, this
  study utilizes an unprecedented 171 flare-predictive AR properties,
  mainly inferred by the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager on board the
  Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO/HMI) in the course of the European
  Union Horizon 2020 FLARECAST project. Using two different supervised
  machine-learning methods that allow feature ranking as a function
  of predictive capability, we show that (i) an objective training and
  testing process is paramount for the performance of every supervised
  machine-learning method; (ii) most properties include overlapping
  information and are therefore highly redundant for flare prediction;
  (iii) solar flare prediction is still—and will likely remain—a
  predominantly probabilistic challenge.

Title: Which Photospheric Characteristics Are Most Relevant to
    Active-Region Coronal Mass Ejections?
Authors: Kontogiannis, Ioannis; Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Guerra,
   Jordan A.; Park, Sung-Hong; Bloomfield, D. Shaun
2019SoPh..294..130K    Altcode: 2019arXiv190906088K
  We investigate the relation between characteristics of coronal mass
  ejections and parameterizations of the eruptive capability of solar
  active regions widely used in solar flare-prediction schemes. These
  parameters, some of which are explored for the first time, are
  properties related to topological features, namely, magnetic
  polarity-inversion lines (MPILs) that indicate large amounts of
  stored non-potential (i.e. free) magnetic energy. We utilize the
  Space Weather Database of Notifications, Knowledge, Information
  (DONKI) and the Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronograph (LASCO)
  databases to find flare-associated coronal mass ejections and
  their kinematic characteristics, while properties of MPILs are
  extracted from Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) vector
  magnetic-field observations of active regions to extract the
  properties of source-region MPILs. The correlation between all
  properties and the characteristics of CMEs ranges from moderate to
  very strong. More significant correlations hold particularly for
  fast CMEs, which are most important in terms of adverse space-weather
  manifestations. Non-neutralized currents and the length of the main
  MPIL exhibit significantly stronger correlations than the rest of the
  properties. This finding supports a causal relationship between coronal
  mass ejections and non-neutralized electric currents in highly sheared,
  conspicuous MPILs. In addition, non-neutralized currents and MPIL length
  carry distinct, independent information as to the eruptive potential of
  active regions. The combined total amount of non-neutralized electric
  currents and the length of the main polarity-inversion line, therefore,
  reflect more efficiently than other parameters the eruptive capacity
  of solar active regions and the CME kinematic characteristics stemming
  from these regions.

Title: A Comparison of Flare Forecasting Methods. III. Systematic
    Behaviors of Operational Solar Flare Forecasting Systems
Authors: Leka, K. D.; Park, Sung-Hong; Kusano, Kanya; Andries, Jesse;
   Barnes, Graham; Bingham, Suzy; Bloomfield, D. Shaun; McCloskey,
   Aoife E.; Delouille, Veronique; Falconer, David; Gallagher, Peter
   T.; Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Kubo, Yuki; Lee, Kangjin; Lee, Sangwoo;
   Lobzin, Vasily; Mun, JunChul; Murray, Sophie A.; Hamad Nageem, Tarek
   A. M.; Qahwaji, Rami; Sharpe, Michael; Steenburgh, Robert A.; Steward,
   Graham; Terkildsen, Michael
2019ApJ...881..101L    Altcode: 2019arXiv190702909L
  A workshop was recently held at Nagoya University (2017 October
  31-November 2), sponsored by the Center for International Collaborative
  Research, at the Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research,
  Nagoya University, Japan, to quantitatively compare the performance
  of today’s operational solar flare forecasting facilities. Building
  upon Paper I of this series, in Paper II we described the participating
  methods for this latest comparison effort, the evaluation methodology,
  and presented quantitative comparisons. In this paper, we focus on
  the behavior and performance of the methods when evaluated in the
  context of broad implementation differences. Acknowledging the short
  testing interval available and the small number of methods available,
  we do find that forecast performance: (1) appears to improve by
  including persistence or prior flare activity, region evolution,
  and a human “forecaster in the loop” (2) is hurt by restricting
  data to disk-center observations; (3) may benefit from long-term
  statistics but mostly when then combined with modern data sources
  and statistical approaches. These trends are arguably weak and must
  be viewed with numerous caveats, as discussed both here and in Paper
  II. Following this present work, in Paper IV (Park et al. 2019) we
  will present a novel analysis method to evaluate temporal patterns of
  forecasting errors of both types (i.e., misses and false alarms). Hence,
  most importantly, with this series of papers, we demonstrate the
  techniques for facilitating comparisons in the interest of establishing
  performance-positive methodologies.

Title: A Comparison of Flare Forecasting Methods. II. Benchmarks,
    Metrics, and Performance Results for Operational Solar Flare
    Forecasting Systems
Authors: Leka, K. D.; Park, Sung-Hong; Kusano, Kanya; Andries, Jesse;
   Barnes, Graham; Bingham, Suzy; Bloomfield, D. Shaun; McCloskey,
   Aoife E.; Delouille, Veronique; Falconer, David; Gallagher, Peter
   T.; Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Kubo, Yuki; Lee, Kangjin; Lee, Sangwoo;
   Lobzin, Vasily; Mun, JunChul; Murray, Sophie A.; Hamad Nageem, Tarek
   A. M.; Qahwaji, Rami; Sharpe, Michael; Steenburgh, Robert A.; Steward,
   Graham; Terkildsen, Michael
2019ApJS..243...36L    Altcode: 2019arXiv190702905L
  Solar flares are extremely energetic phenomena in our solar
  system. Their impulsive and often drastic radiative increases,
  particularly at short wavelengths, bring immediate impacts that motivate
  solar physics and space weather research to understand solar flares
  to the point of being able to forecast them. As data and algorithms
  improve dramatically, questions must be asked concerning how well the
  forecasting performs; crucially, we must ask how to rigorously measure
  performance in order to critically gauge any improvements. Building
  upon earlier-developed methodology of Paper I (Barnes et al. 2016),
  international representatives of regional warning centers and
  research facilities assembled in 2017 at the Institute for Space-Earth
  Environmental Research, Nagoya University, Japan to, for the first time,
  directly compare the performance of operational solar flare forecasting
  methods. Multiple quantitative evaluation metrics are employed, with the
  focus and discussion on evaluation methodologies given the restrictions
  of operational forecasting. Numerous methods performed consistently
  above the “no-skill” level, although which method scored top marks
  is decisively a function of flare event definition and the metric
  used; there was no single winner. Following in this paper series, we
  ask why the performances differ by examining implementation details
  (Leka et al. 2019), and then we present a novel analysis method to
  evaluate temporal patterns of forecasting errors in Paper IV (Park
  et al. 2019). With these works, this team presents a well-defined and
  robust methodology for evaluating solar flare forecasting methods in
  both research and operational frameworks and today’s performance
  benchmarks against which improvements and new methods may be compared.

Title: The source and engine of coronal mass ejections
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Nindos, Alexander; Zhang, Hongqi
2019RSPTA.37780094G    Altcode:
  Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are large-scale expulsions of coronal
  plasma and magnetic field propagating through the heliosphere. Because
  CMEs are observed by white-light coronagraphs which, by design, occult
  the solar disc, supporting disc observations (e.g. in EUV, soft X-rays,
  Halpha and radio) must be employed for the study of their source
  regions and early development phases. We review the key properties of
  CME sources and highlight a certain causal sequence of effects that may
  occur whenever a strong (flux-massive and sheared) magnetic polarity
  inversion line develops in the coronal base of eruptive active regions
  (ARs). Storing non-potential magnetic energy and helicity in a much
  more efficient way than ARs lacking strong polarity inversion lines,
  eruptive regions engage in an irreversible course, making eruptions
  inevitable and triggered when certain thresholds of free energy
  and helicity are crossed. This evolution favours the formation of
  pre-eruption magnetic flux ropes. We describe the steps of this
  plausible path to sketch a picture of the pre-eruptive phase of CMEs
  that may apply to most events, particularly the ones populating the
  high end of the energy/helicity distribution, that also tend to have
  the strongest space-weather implications. <P />This article is part
  of the theme issue 'Solar eruptions and their space weather impact'.

Title: Sheared Magnetic Arcades and the Pre-eruptive Magnetic
Configuration of Coronal Mass Ejections: Diagnostics, Challenges
    and Future Observables
Authors: Patsourakos, Spiros; Vourlidas, A.; Anthiochos, S. K.;
   Archontis, V.; Aulanier, G.; Cheng, X.; Chintzoglou, G.; Georgoulis,
   M. K.; Green, L. M.; Kliem, B.; Leake, J.; Moore, R. L.; Nindos, A.;
   Syntelis, P.; Torok, T.; Yardley, S. L.; Yurchyshyn, V.; Zhang, J.
2019shin.confE.194P    Altcode:
  Our thinking about the pre-eruptive magnetic configuration of Coronal
  Mass Ejections has been effectively dichotomized into two opposing
  and often fiercely contested views: namely, sheared magnetic arcades
  and magnetic flux ropes. Finding a solution to this issue will have
  important implications for our understanding of CME initiation. We
  first discuss the very value of embarking into the arcade vs. flux rope
  dilemma and illustrate the corresponding challenges and difficulties to
  address it. Next, we are compiling several observational diagnostics of
  pre-eruptive sheared magnetic arcades stemming from theory/modeling,
  discuss their merits, and highlight potential ambiguities that could
  arise in their interpretation. We finally conclude with a discussion
  of possible new observables, in the frame of upcoming or proposed
  instrumentation, that could help to circumvent the issues we are
  currently facing.

Title: Deriving the Near-Sun Magnetic Field of Coronal Mass Ejections
    from Magnetic Helicity Conservation
Authors: Patsourakos, Spiros; Georgoulis, M. K.; Petroulea, G.;
   Vourlidas, A.; Nieves-Chinchilla, T.
2019shin.confE.222P    Altcode:
  The near-Sun magnetic field of Coronal Mass Ejections represents
  a key parameter for assessing their energetics and structuring, and
  additionally, it is a major element of methods/applications/simulations
  aiming to predict the magnetic field of Earth-directed CMEs upon
  impact at geospace. Diagnostics of CME magnetic fields in the corona
  can be achieved via observations in the radio domain, which however,
  are currently not available on a regular basis. Therefore, several
  methods to infer the CME magnetic field in the corona have recently
  emerged. We developed one such method which is based on the magnetic
  helicity conservation principle applied to flux rope CMEs. Its
  input parameters could be readily retrieved from the analysis of
  HMI magnetograms and SOHO/STEREO WL coronagraph images. We present
  parametric and case-study applications of this method, and discuss how
  it be could be used to predict the CME magnetic field magnitude at 1 AU.

Title: Machine Learning in Solar Eruption Forecasting: a Scene-Setting
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Martens, P. C.; Angryk, R. A.; Aydin,
   B.; Ahmadzadeh, A.
2019shin.confE..89G    Altcode:
  Over the nearly three decades of space weather forecasting efforts,
  increased awareness suggests that conventional solar physics may
  not suffice to fully understand, and ultimately predict, eruptive
  solar activity, particularly the rarest trio of major flare, coronal
  mass ejection and solar energetic particle events. Both statistical
  and computer science techniques and approaches, such as machine and
  deep learning, seem apt to break ground in both pursuits, namely, in
  enhancing physical understanding and in enabling forecasts reliable
  enough to become practical. Like any promising new trend, however,
  machine and deep learning methods entail major challenges. In this
  brief account, we discuss a subset of these challenges whose efficient
  tackling can spur further progress. These major issues became evident in
  the framework of the European Union Flare Likelihood and Region Eruption
  Forecasting (FLARECAST) project on solar flare forecasting. The most
  substantial of them, that can easily mislead results, comparisons
  and interpretation, include climatology and uncertainties thereof,
  the construction of the training and test samples in machine learning
  methods and the class imbalance problem that becomes conspicuous when
  forecasting increasingly rare events. The above underline the need
  for benchmarking standards against which new methods are to be tested,
  verified and validated. We discuss a such benchmark, namely the Space
  Weather data ANalytics (SWAN) benchmark dataset for flare prediction,
  established at the Georgia State University Astroinformatics Cluster,
  that aims to tackle climatology and the construction of training and
  test samples. In addition, we show indicative, preliminary results
  of efforts tackling the class imbalance problem on the GSU SWAN flare
  prediction data.

Title: Coronal Mass Ejection Initiation: a Likely Irreversible
    Evolutionary Process
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.
2019shin.confE..92G    Altcode:
  Combining original results and review assessments, we shed new light
  to the asserted necessity of the Sun to relieve itself from the excess
  magnetic helicity it produces via coronal mass ejections (CMEs). In
  particular, we argue that fast, active-region CME initiation is an
  irreversible consequence of the formation of intense magnetic polarity
  inversion lines (PILs) in the low solar atmosphere. By “intense”
  we mean PILs on which the magnetic field strength is well above the
  equipartition value, even at photospheric altitudes. The formation of
  intense PILs is exclusively related to the action of non-neutralized
  (net) electric currents along the PILs that give rise to a Lorentz
  tension force able to move the plasma and cause the observed velocity
  shear along PILs. Shear gives rise to quasi-steady, confined magnetic
  reconnection along the PIL that efficiently converts the substantial
  mutual magnetic helicity of the sheared magnetic arcade (SMA) into
  self helicity (twist and writhe), enabling a pre-eruption magnetic
  flux rope (MFR) that will eventually destabilize if the SMA does not
  erupt already via breakout. Invariably, either SMAs or MFRs shed a
  significant fraction of the source active region helicity into the
  heliosphere. This progression, leading to at least one major eruption,
  lasts for as long as there is flux emergence to sustain the strong PIL
  and during a significant part of the active region decay phase, until
  Lorentz tension weakens and helicity expulsion is significant enough
  to allow the dissolution of the active region. This mechanism is yet to
  be validated conclusively, but its validation path is clear. If proven,
  it will show that the dichotomy between SMA and MFR in the pre-eruption
  evolution of eruptive active regions is of little practical meaning:
  with the same end result, namely the expulsion of magnetic helicity,
  pre-eruption MFRs will form if the coronal magnetic topology is not
  sufficient to enable a direct SMA eruption.

Title: Preface: Solar physics advances from the interior to the
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Kontar, Eduard P.
2019AdSpR..63.1387G    Altcode:
  Solar Physics has been experiencing a golden era of unprecedented
  observations and voluminous data for nearly three decades. While
  much of the progress in the 1990s and 2000s was spurred by flagship
  space missions, the latest decade has also seen the culmination
  of game-changing ground-based facilities, long sought after by the
  community. Observing the Sun from space has indisputable benefits;
  however, space missions have a relatively limited lifespan, mainly
  because of the unforgiving deep space or orbital conditions and our
  limited ability to maintain them after launch. This is not the case
  for ground-based facilities that can, in principle, serve and train
  entire generations of researchers.

Title: Analysis and interpretation of inner-heliospheric SEP events
    with the ESA Standard Radiation Environment Monitor (SREM) onboard
    the INTEGRAL and Rosetta Missions
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Papaioannou, Athanasios;
   Sandberg, Ingmar; Anastasiadis, Anastasios; Daglis, Ioannis A.;
   Rodríguez-Gasén, Rosa; Aran, Angels; Sanahuja, Blai; Nieminen,
2018JSWSC...8A..40G    Altcode:
  Using two heliospheric vantage points, we study 22 solar energetic
  particle (SEP) events, 14 of which were detected at both locations. SEP
  proton events were detected during the declining phase of solar cycle
  23 (November 2003-December 2006) by means of two nearly identical
  Standard Radiation Environment Monitor (SREM) units in energies
  ranging between 12.6 MeV and 166.3 MeV. In this work we combine SREM
  data with diverse solar and interplanetary measurements, aiming
  to backtrace solar eruptions from their impact in geospace (i.e.,
  from L1 Lagrangian point to Earth's magnetosphere) to their parent
  eruptions at the Sun's low atmosphere. Our SREM SEP data support
  and complement a consistent inner-heliospheric description of solar
  eruptions (solar flares and coronal mass ejections [CMEs]) and their
  magnetospheric impact. In addition, they provide useful information
  on the understanding of the origin, acceleration, and propagation of
  SEP events at multi-spacecraft settings. All SEP events in our sample
  originate from major eruptions consisting of major (&gt;M-class) solar
  flares and fast (&gt;1800 km/s, on average), overwhelmingly (&gt;78%)
  halo, CMEs. All but one SEP event studied are unambiguously associated
  with shock-fronted CMEs, suggesting a CME-driven shock acceleration
  mechanism. Moreover, a significant correlation is found between
  the SEP event peak and the onset of the storm sudden commencement,
  that might help improve prediction of magnetospheric disturbances. In
  general, SEP events correlate better with interplanetary (i.e., in-situ;
  L1-based) than with solar eruption features. Our findings support (a)
  the routine use of cost-effective SREM units, or future improvements
  thereof, for the detection of SEP events and (b) their implementation
  in multi-spacecraft settings as a means to improve both the physical
  understanding of SEP events and their forecasting.

Title: On the Evolution of Pre-Flare Patterns of a 3-Dimensional
    Model of AR 11429
Authors: Korsós, M. B.; Poedts, S.; Gyenge, N.; Georgoulis, M. K.;
   Yu, S.; Bisoi, S. K.; Yan, Y.; Ruderman, M. S.; Erdélyi, R.
2018IAUS..335..294K    Altcode: 2018arXiv180100433K
  We apply a novel pre-flare tracking of sunspot groups towards improving
  the estimation of flare onset time by focusing on the evolution of the
  3D magnetic field construction of AR 11429. The 3D magnetic structure
  is based on potential field extrapolation encompassing a vertical
  range from the photosphere through the chromosphere and transition
  region into the low corona. The basis of our proxy measure of activity
  prediction is the so-called weighted horizontal gradient of magnetic
  field (WG<SUB>M</SUB>) defined between spots of opposite polarities
  close to the polarity inversion line of an active region. The temporal
  variation of the distance of the barycenter of the opposite polarities
  is also found to possess potentially important diagnostic information
  about the flare onset time estimation as function of height similar
  to its counterpart introduced initially in an application at the
  photosphere only in Korsós et al. (2015). We apply the photospheric
  pre-flare behavioural patterns of sunspot groups to the evolution of
  their associated 3D-constructed AR 11429 as function of height. We found
  that at a certain height in the lower solar atmosphere the onset time
  may be estimated much earlier than at the photosphere or at any other
  heights. Therefore, we present a tool and recipe that may potentially
  identify the optimum height for flare prognostic in the solar atmosphere
  allowing to improve our flare prediction capability and capacity.

Title: Photospheric Shear Flows in Solar Active Regions and Their
    Relation to Flare Occurrence
Authors: Park, Sung-Hong; Guerra, Jordan A.; Gallagher, Peter T.;
   Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Bloomfield, D. Shaun
2018SoPh..293..114P    Altcode: 2018arXiv180707714P
  Solar active regions (ARs) that produce major flares typically exhibit
  strong plasma shear flows around photospheric magnetic polarity
  inversion lines (MPILs). It is therefore important to quantitatively
  measure such photospheric shear flows in ARs for a better understanding
  of their relation to flare occurrence. Photospheric flow fields were
  determined by applying the Differential Affine Velocity Estimator
  for Vector Magnetograms (DAVE4VM) method to a large data set of 2548
  coaligned pairs of AR vector magnetograms with 12-min separation over
  the period 2012 - 2016. From each AR flow-field map, three shear-flow
  parameters were derived corresponding to the mean («S »), maximum
  (S<SUB>max</SUB>) and integral (S<SUB>sum</SUB>) shear-flow speeds along
  strong-gradient, strong-field MPIL segments. We calculated flaring
  rates within 24 h as a function of each shear-flow parameter and we
  investigated the relation between the parameters and the waiting
  time (τ ) until the next major flare (class M1.0 or above) after
  the parameter observation. In general, it is found that the larger
  S<SUB>sum</SUB> an AR has, the more likely it is for the AR to produce
  flares within 24 h. It is also found that among ARs which produce major
  flares, if one has a larger value of S<SUB>sum</SUB> then τ generally
  gets shorter. These results suggest that large ARs with widespread
  and/or strong shear flows along MPILs tend to not only be more flare
  productive, but also produce major flares within 24 h or less.

Title: Eruptive Flare Initiation and the CME Magnetic Field
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Patsourakos, Spiros; Kontogiannis,
2018cosp...42E1180G    Altcode:
  We recount very recent results on the correlation between photospheric
  characteristics of eruptive solar active regions and coronal mass
  ejection (CME) occurrence / characteristics. In particular, we
  argue that one of the most relevant parameters for CME occurrence
  is the non-neutralized electric currents appearing exclusively along
  intense, shear-ridden magnetic polarity-inversion lines (PILs) in the
  photosphere of eruptive active regions. These currents are simply
  lacking in the absence of strong PILs and shear. While the physics
  underlying non-neutralized currents is rich and shows far-reaching
  ramifications, we will focus on the injection of magnetic helicity
  due to non-neutralized currents in the pre-eruption phase, that will
  then be bodily transported via the CME. For a conductive plasma of
  high magnetic Reynolds number, such as that of the solar corona,
  we show how the fundamental helicity conservation principle can lead
  to estimates of, first, the CME's axial magnetic field strength and,
  second, the anticipated magnetic field strength of the interplanetary
  CME (ICME) on the verge of geospace. We discuss how this analysis
  can be viewed as a meaningful initial or boundary condition for more
  elaborate inner-heliospheric propagation models that further consider
  the orientation of the ICME magnetic field, thus leading to an improved
  understanding and prediction of ICME geoeffectiveness. Part of this
  work has been supported by the EU Horizon-2020 FLARECAST project
  (grant agreement no. 640216).

Title: Towards common validation and verification procedures in the
    ongoing SSA Space Weather Service Network
Authors: Borries, Claudia; Glover, Alexi; Georgoulis, Manolis K.;
   Perry, Chris; Dierckxsens, Mark; Tsagouri, Ioanna
2018cosp...42E.400B    Altcode:
  In the framework of the Space Situational Awareness Programme (SSA) of
  the European Space Agency (ESA), the Space WEather (SWE) segment aims to
  help end-users in a wide range of SWE affected sectors to mitigate the
  effects on their systems, reducing costs and improving reliability. In
  the SWE segment, five Expert Service Centres (ESCs), the SSA Space
  Weather Coordination Centre (SSCC) and the SSA Space Weather Data
  Centre (SWE-DC) form the SSA SWE network. This network is providing
  SWE services to users dependent on space weather conditions. The SWE
  services are composed of an extensive number of products provided
  by numerous contributing expert groups. Each product is delivered
  to the SSA SWE network with a full package of documentation and
  user guidance. This includes results of validation and verification
  procedures helping the end-user to identify the appropriate products
  for each application. The currently diverse procedures for product
  validation and verification hamper the comparison and evaluation of
  different products. Therefore, the SWE network aims to harmonize these
  procedures. Here, an overview of the ESCs product validation assessment
  and planning for the current activity will be given, including examples
  of best practice and approaches for common validation and verification

Title: A method to assess planetary habitability based on the effects
    of CME magnetic fields on planetary magnetospheres
Authors: Samara, Evangelia; Georgoulis, Manolis K.
2018shin.confE.216S    Altcode:
  In this work, we propose a methodology to assess planetary surface
  habitability for any newly discovered exoplanet lying in the habitable
  zone of a low mass, superflare, main-sequence star. While habitability
  is usually a function of multiple parameters (i.e. the size of the
  planet, the composition of its atmosphere, the existence of liquid
  water, orbital or rotational dynamics), the presented method primarily
  focuses on stellar activity and its effects on potentially existing
  planetary magnetospheres stemming from dynamo-generated magnetic
  fields. The area our method applies to, is split in two regimes
  depending on whether the exoplanet of interest is tidally locked or
  tidally unlocked to its mother star. In the former case, a ratio
  between a conditional (Beq) and a best-case equatorial planetary
  magnetic field (Bstev), is calculated. A smaller-than-unity value
  of that ratio favors the formation of a stable atmosphere adequate
  to host surface, atmosphere-dependent habitability. In the latter
  case (tidally unlocked regime), a ratio between a conditional (Beq)
  and the terrestrial magnetic field (Bearth) is estimated, which
  indirectly implies how easy or hard it is for an exoplanet to sustain
  an atmosphere. For a ratio's value lower than unity, there is hope
  for surface habitability since its magnetic field is assumed equal to,
  or larger than, the terrestrial one. On the other hand, a value higher
  than one casts doubts on surface habitability, because even a strong,
  terrestrial magnetic field is not sufficient to secure an atmosphere
  for the exoplanet. Both ratios concerning the two different spatial
  regimes of our method's application are based on the observed mother
  star's activity and are calculated on the critical magnetopause distance
  of two planetary radii, below which atmospheric erosion phenomena are
  assumed to start taking place.

Title: Forecast Verification in the Framework of the EU FLARECAST
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Massone, Anna Maria; Jackson, David;
   Benvenuto, Federico; Piana, Michele; Bloomfield, Shaun; Florios,
   Konstantinos; Campi, Cristina; Worsfold, Mark
2018cosp...42E1181G    Altcode:
  We describe the main practices and results of the comprehensive
  forecast verification effort undertaken in the framework of the
  EU FLARECAST project for solar flare prediction. In discussing
  FLARECAST, we compare between previous verification efforts of solar
  flare forecasting products or services and the potential advances
  brought by the FLARECAST project, that served as a uniform platform
  for testing numerous and diverse flare forecasting methods. Results
  shown include major skill score values and extensive ranking of
  flare-predictive parameters. We further advocate for a robust error
  assessment of the scores and parameters involved in the verification
  process, that would provide the basis of a much-needed, continuous
  assessment of solar flare forecasting capabilities. In concluding, we
  list the discussion areas and recommendations addressed by the COSPAR
  - ILWS Roadmap, indicating the locations where the FLARECAST project
  has been contributing and providing feedback, potentially enabling
  further advances in the verification of forecasting activities of
  solar and heliospheric weather. This work has received support by the
  EU Horizon-2020 FLARECAST project (grant agreement no. 640216).

Title: Testing and Improving a Set of Morphological Predictors of
    Flaring Activity
Authors: Kontogiannis, Ioannis; Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Park,
   Sung-Hong; Guerra, Jordan A.
2018SoPh..293...96K    Altcode: 2018arXiv180706371K
  Efficient prediction of solar flares relies on parameters that
  quantify the eruptive capability of solar active regions. Several
  such quantitative predictors have been proposed in the literature,
  inferred mostly from photospheric magnetograms and/or white-light
  observations. Two of them are the Ising energy and the sum of the total
  horizontal magnetic field gradient. The former has been developed from
  line-of-sight magnetograms, while the latter uses sunspot detections
  and characteristics, based on continuum images. Aiming to include
  these parameters in an automated prediction scheme, we test their
  applicability on regular photospheric magnetic field observations
  provided by the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) instrument
  onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). We test their efficiency
  as predictors of flaring activity on a representative sample of active
  regions and investigate possible modifications of these quantities. The
  Ising energy appears to be an efficient predictor, and the efficiency
  is even improved if it is modified to describe interacting magnetic
  partitions or sunspot umbrae. The sum of the horizontal magnetic
  field gradient appears to be slightly more promising than the three
  variations of the Ising energy we implement in this article. The new
  predictors are also compared with two very promising predictors: the
  effective connected magnetic field strength and the total unsigned
  non-neutralized current. Our analysis shows that the efficiency of
  morphological predictors depends on projection effects in a nontrivial
  way. All four new predictors are found useful for inclusion in an
  automated flare forecasting facility, such as the Flare Likelihood
  and Region Eruption Forecasting (FLARECAST), but their utility, among
  others, will ultimately be determined by the validation effort underway
  in the framework of the FLARECAST project.

Title: The Ambivalent Role of Field-Aligned Electric Currents in
    the Solar Atmosphere
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.
2018GMS...235..371G    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Forecasting Solar Flares Using Magnetogram-based Predictors
    and Machine Learning
Authors: Florios, Kostas; Kontogiannis, Ioannis; Park, Sung-Hong;
   Guerra, Jordan A.; Benvenuto, Federico; Bloomfield, D. Shaun;
   Georgoulis, Manolis K.
2018SoPh..293...28F    Altcode: 2018arXiv180105744F
  We propose a forecasting approach for solar flares based on data from
  Solar Cycle 24, taken by the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI)
  on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) mission. In particular,
  we use the Space-weather HMI Active Region Patches (SHARP) product that
  facilitates cut-out magnetograms of solar active regions (AR) in the
  Sun in near-realtime (NRT), taken over a five-year interval (2012 -
  2016). Our approach utilizes a set of thirteen predictors, which are
  not included in the SHARP metadata, extracted from line-of-sight and
  vector photospheric magnetograms. We exploit several machine learning
  (ML) and conventional statistics techniques to predict flares of
  peak magnitude &gt;M1 and &gt;C1 within a 24 h forecast window. The
  ML methods used are multi-layer perceptrons (MLP), support vector
  machines (SVM), and random forests (RF). We conclude that random
  forests could be the prediction technique of choice for our sample,
  with the second-best method being multi-layer perceptrons, subject to
  an entropy objective function. A Monte Carlo simulation showed that
  the best-performing method gives accuracy ACC =0.93 (0.00 ), true
  skill statistic TSS =0.74 (0.02 ), and Heidke skill score HSS =0.49
  (0.01 ) for &gt;M1 flare prediction with probability threshold 15%
  and ACC =0.84 (0.00 ), TSS =0.60 (0.01 ), and HSS =0.59 (0.01 ) for
  &gt;C1 flare prediction with probability threshold 35%.

Title: Active Region Photospheric Magnetic Properties Derived from
    Line-of-Sight and Radial Fields
Authors: Guerra, J. A.; Park, S. -H.; Gallagher, P. T.; Kontogiannis,
   I.; Georgoulis, M. K.; Bloomfield, D. S.
2018SoPh..293....9G    Altcode: 2017arXiv171206902G
  The effect of using two representations of the normal-to-surface
  magnetic field to calculate photospheric measures that are related
  to the active region (AR) potential for flaring is presented. Several
  AR properties were computed using line-of-sight (B<SUB>los</SUB>) and
  spherical-radial (B<SUB>r</SUB>) magnetograms from the Space-weather HMI
  Active Region Patch (SHARP) products of the Solar Dynamics Observatory,
  characterizing the presence and features of magnetic polarity inversion
  lines, fractality, and magnetic connectivity of the AR photospheric
  field. The data analyzed correspond to ≈4 ,000 AR observations,
  achieved by randomly selecting 25% of days between September 2012 and
  May 2016 for analysis at 6-hr cadence. Results from this statistical
  study include: i) the B<SUB>r</SUB> component results in a slight
  upwards shift of property values in a manner consistent with a
  field-strength underestimation by the B<SUB>los</SUB> component;
  ii) using the B<SUB>r</SUB> component results in significantly lower
  inter-property correlation in one-third of the cases, implying more
  independent information as regards the state of the AR photospheric
  magnetic field; iii) flaring rates for each property vary between
  the field components in a manner consistent with the differences
  in property-value ranges resulting from the components; iv) flaring
  rates generally increase for higher values of properties, except the
  Fourier spectral power index that has flare rates peaking around a
  value of 5 /3 . These findings indicate that there may be advantages
  in using B<SUB>r</SUB> rather than B<SUB>los</SUB> in calculating
  flare-related AR magnetic properties, especially for regions located
  far from central meridian.

Title: The Next Level in Automated Solar Flare Forecasting: the EU
    FLARECAST Project
Authors: Georgoulis, M. K.; Bloomfield, D.; Piana, M.; Massone,
   A. M.; Gallagher, P.; Vilmer, N.; Pariat, E.; Buchlin, E.; Baudin,
   F.; Csillaghy, A.; Soldati, M.; Sathiapal, H.; Jackson, D.; Alingery,
   P.; Argoudelis, V.; Benvenuto, F.; Campi, C.; Florios, K.; Gontikakis,
   C.; Guennou, C.; Guerra, J. A.; Kontogiannis, I.; Latorre, V.; Murray,
   S.; Park, S. H.; Perasso, A.; Sciacchitano, F.; von Stachelski, S.;
   Torbica, A.; Vischi, D.
2017AGUFMSA21C..07G    Altcode:
  We attempt an informative description of the Flare Likelihood And
  Region Eruption Forecasting (FLARECAST) project, European Commission's
  first large-scale investment to explore the limits of reliability
  and accuracy achieved for the forecasting of major solar flares. We
  outline the consortium, top-level objectives and first results of
  the project, highlighting the diversity and fusion of expertise
  needed to deliver what was promised. The project's final product,
  featuring an openly accessible, fully modular and free to download
  flare forecasting facility will be delivered in early 2018. The
  project's three objectives, namely, science, research-to-operations and
  dissemination / communication, are also discussed: in terms of science,
  we encapsulate our close-to-final assessment on how close (or far)
  are we from a practically exploitable solar flare forecasting. In
  terms of R2O, we briefly describe the architecture of the FLARECAST
  infrastructure that includes rigorous validation for each forecasting
  step. From the three different communication levers of the project we
  finally focus on lessons learned from the two-way interaction with the
  community of stakeholders and governmental organizations. The FLARECAST
  project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020
  research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 640216.

Title: A New Spin to Exoplanet Habitability Criteria
Authors: Georgoulis, M. K.; Patsourakos, S.
2017AGUFM.P53E2676G    Altcode:
  We describe a physically- and statistically-based method to infer
  the near-Sun magnetic field of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and then
  extrapolate it to the inner heliosphere and beyond. Besides a ballpark
  agreement with in-situ observations of interplanetary CMEs (ICMEs) at
  L1, we use our estimates to show that Earth does not seem to be at risk
  of an extinction-level atmospheric erosion or stripping by the magnetic
  pressure of extreme solar eruptions, even way above a Carrington-type
  event. This does not seem to be the case with exoplanets, however,
  at least those orbiting in the classically defined habitability
  zones of magnetically active dwarf stars at orbital radii of a small
  fraction of 1 AU. We show that the combination of stellar ICMEs and
  the tidally locking zone of mother stars, that quite likely does not
  allow these exoplanets to attain Earth-like magnetic fields to shield
  themselves, probably render the existence of a proper atmosphere
  in them untenable. We propose, therefore, a critical revision of
  habitability criteria in these cases that would limit the number of
  target exoplanets considered as potential biosphere hosts.

Title: Non-neutralized Electric Currents in Solar Active Regions
    and Flare Productivity
Authors: Kontogiannis, Ioannis; Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Park,
   Sung-Hong; Guerra, Jordan A.
2017SoPh..292..159K    Altcode: 2017arXiv170807087K
  We explore the association of non-neutralized currents with solar
  flare occurrence in a sizable sample of observations, aiming to show
  the potential of such currents in solar flare prediction. We used
  the high-quality vector magnetograms that are regularly produced by
  the Helioseismic Magnetic Imager, and more specifically, the Space
  weather HMI Active Region Patches (SHARP). Through a newly established
  method that incorporates detailed error analysis, we calculated
  the non-neutralized currents contained in active regions (AR). Two
  predictors were produced, namely the total and the maximum unsigned
  non-neutralized current. Both were tested in AR time-series and a
  representative sample of point-in-time observations during the interval
  2012 - 2016. The average values of non-neutralized currents in flaring
  active regions are higher by more than an order of magnitude than in
  non-flaring regions and correlate very well with the corresponding
  flare index. The temporal evolution of these parameters appears to
  be connected to physical processes, such as flux emergence and/or
  magnetic polarity inversion line formation, that are associated with
  increased solar flare activity. Using Bayesian inference of flaring
  probabilities, we show that the total unsigned non-neutralized current
  significantly outperforms the total unsigned magnetic flux and other
  well-established current-related predictors. It therefore shows good
  prospects for inclusion in an operational flare-forecasting service. We
  plan to use the new predictor in the framework of the FLARECAST project
  along with other highly performing predictors.

Title: Predicting Flares and Solar Energetic Particle Events: The
    FORSPEF Tool
Authors: Anastasiadis, A.; Papaioannou, A.; Sandberg, I.; Georgoulis,
   M.; Tziotziou, K.; Kouloumvakos, A.; Jiggens, P.
2017SoPh..292..134A    Altcode:
  A novel integrated prediction system for solar flares (SFs) and solar
  energetic particle (SEP) events is presented here. The tool called
  forecasting solar particle events and flares (FORSPEF) provides
  forecasts of solar eruptive events, such as SFs with a projection
  to occurrence and velocity of coronal mass ejections (CMEs), and
  the likelihood of occurrence of an SEP event. In addition, the
  tool provides nowcasting of SEP events based on actual SF and CME
  near real-time data, as well as the SEP characteristics (e.g. peak
  flux, fluence, rise time, and duration) per parent solar event. The
  prediction of SFs relies on the effective connected magnetic field
  strength (B<SUB>eff</SUB>) metric, which is based on an assessment
  of potentially flaring active-region (AR) magnetic configurations,
  and it uses a sophisticated statistical analysis of a large number
  of AR magnetograms. For the prediction of SEP events, new statistical
  methods have been developed for the likelihood of the SEP occurrence
  and the expected SEP characteristics. The prediction window in the
  forecasting scheme is 24 hours with a refresh rate of 3 hours, while
  the respective prediction time for the nowcasting scheme depends on
  the availability of the near real-time data and ranges between 15 - 20
  minutes for solar flares and 6 hours for CMEs. We present the modules
  of the FORSPEF system, their interconnection, and the operational
  setup. Finally, we demonstrate the validation of the modules of the
  FORSPEF tool using categorical scores constructed on archived data,
  and we also discuss independent case studies.

Title: A Helicity-Based Method to Infer the CME Magnetic Field
Magnitude in Sun and Geospace: Generalization and Extension to
    Sun-Like and M-Dwarf Stars and Implications for Exoplanet Habitability
Authors: Patsourakos, S.; Georgoulis, M. K.
2017SoPh..292...89P    Altcode: 2017arXiv170703579P
  Patsourakos et al. (Astrophys. J.817, 14, 2016) and Patsourakos and
  Georgoulis (Astron. Astrophys.595, A121, 2016) introduced a method to
  infer the axial magnetic field in flux-rope coronal mass ejections
  (CMEs) in the solar corona and farther away in the interplanetary
  medium. The method, based on the conservation principle of magnetic
  helicity, uses the relative magnetic helicity of the solar source
  region as input estimates, along with the radius and length of the
  corresponding CME flux rope. The method was initially applied to
  cylindrical force-free flux ropes, with encouraging results. We hereby
  extend our framework along two distinct lines. First, we generalize
  our formalism to several possible flux-rope configurations (linear
  and nonlinear force-free, non-force-free, spheromak, and torus) to
  investigate the dependence of the resulting CME axial magnetic field
  on input parameters and the employed flux-rope configuration. Second,
  we generalize our framework to both Sun-like and active M-dwarf stars
  hosting superflares. In a qualitative sense, we find that Earth may
  not experience severe atmosphere-eroding magnetospheric compression
  even for eruptive solar superflares with energies ≈10<SUP>4</SUP>
  times higher than those of the largest Geostationary Operational
  Environmental Satellite (GOES) X-class flares currently observed. In
  addition, the two recently discovered exoplanets with the highest
  Earth-similarity index, Kepler 438b and Proxima b, seem to lie in the
  prohibitive zone of atmospheric erosion due to interplanetary CMEs
  (ICMEs), except when they possess planetary magnetic fields that are
  much higher than that of Earth.

Title: Magnetic Helicity Estimations in Models and Observations of
    the Solar Magnetic Field. III. Twist Number Method
Authors: Guo, Y.; Pariat, E.; Valori, G.; Anfinogentov, S.; Chen,
   F.; Georgoulis, M. K.; Liu, Y.; Moraitis, K.; Thalmann, J. K.; Yang, S.
2017ApJ...840...40G    Altcode: 2017arXiv170402096G
  We study the writhe, twist, and magnetic helicity of different
  magnetic flux ropes, based on models of the solar coronal magnetic
  field structure. These include an analytical force-free Titov-Démoulin
  equilibrium solution, non-force-free magnetohydrodynamic simulations,
  and nonlinear force-free magnetic field models. The geometrical
  boundary of the magnetic flux rope is determined by the quasi-separatrix
  layer and the bottom surface, and the axis curve of the flux rope is
  determined by its overall orientation. The twist is computed by the
  Berger-Prior formula, which is suitable for arbitrary geometry and
  both force-free and non-force-free models. The magnetic helicity is
  estimated by the twist multiplied by the square of the axial magnetic
  flux. We compare the obtained values with those derived by a finite
  volume helicity estimation method. We find that the magnetic helicity
  obtained with the twist method agrees with the helicity carried by the
  purely current-carrying part of the field within uncertainties for
  most test cases. It is also found that the current-carrying part of
  the model field is relatively significant at the very location of the
  magnetic flux rope. This qualitatively explains the agreement between
  the magnetic helicity computed by the twist method and the helicity
  contributed purely by the current-carrying magnetic field.

Title: Magnetic helicity estimations in models and observations of
    the solar magnetic field
Authors: Valori, Gherardo; Pariat, Etienne; Anfinogentov, Sergey;
   Chen, Feng; Georgoulis, Manolis; Guo, Yang; Liu, Yang; Moraitis,
   Kostas; Thalmann, Julia K.; Yang, Shangbin
2017EGUGA..19.3692V    Altcode:
  Magnetic helicity, as one of the few conserved quantities
  in magneto-hydrodynamics, is often invoked as the principle
  driving the generation and structuring of magnetic fields in a
  variety of environments, from dynamo models in stars and planets,
  to post-disruption reconfigurations of tokamak's plasmas. Most
  particularly magnetic helicity has raised the interest of solar
  physicists, since helicity is suspected to represent a key quantity for
  the understanding of solar flares and the generation of coronal mass
  ejections. In recent years, several methods of estimation of magnetic
  helicity have been proposed and already applied to observations and
  numerical simulations. However, no systematic comparison of accuracy,
  mutual consistency, and reliability of such methods has ever been
  performed. We present the results of the first benchmark of several
  finite-volume methods in estimating magnetic helicity in 3D test
  models. In addition to finite volume methods, two additional methods
  are also included that estimate magnetic helicity based either on the
  field line's twist, or on the field's values on one boundary and an
  inferred minimal volume connectivity. The employed model tests range
  from solutions of the force-free equations to 3D magneto-hydrodynamical
  numerical simulations. Almost all methods are found to produce the same
  value of magnetic helicity within few percent in all tests. However,
  methods show differences in the sensitivity to numerical resolution and
  to errors in the solenoidal property of input fields. Our benchmark of
  finite volume methods allows to determine the reliability and precision
  of estimations of magnetic helicity in practical cases. As a next step,
  finite volume methods are used to test estimation methods that are
  based on the flux of helicity through one boundary, in particular
  for applications to observation-based models of coronal magnetic
  fields. The ultimate goal is to assess if and how can helicity be
  meaningfully used as a diagnostic of the evolution of magnetic fields
  in the solar atmosphere.

Title: Solar Magnetic Data Analysis for the FLARECAST Project
Authors: Guerra, J. A.; Park, S. H.; Kontogiannis, I.; Bloomfield,
   D.; Gallagher, P.; Georgoulis, M. K.
2016AGUFMSH11C2234G    Altcode:
  The Flare Likelihood And Region Eruption foreCASTing (FLARECAST) project
  is an EU H2020-funded consortium project aiming to develop an advanced
  solar flare forecasting system by implementing state-of-the-art
  solar data analysis and flare prediction algorithms. The Solar
  Physics Group at Trinity College Dublin is in charge of the analysis
  of observational data to extract solar active region properties
  that serve as input for the prediction algorithms. The calculated
  active region properties correspond to a non-exhaustive list of
  parameters that have demonstrated a strong flare association, such as
  Schrijver's R-value, the Fourier power spectrum exponent, the effective
  connected magnetic field (Beff), the horizontal field decay index,
  and the weighted length of strong-gradient polarity inversion lines
  (WLSG). Parameters were calculated from Spaceweather HMI Active Region
  Patch (SHARP) magnetograms, a data product of the Helioseismic and
  Magnetic Imager (HMI) magnetograph on the Solar Dynamics Observatory
  (SDO). SHARPs provide photospheric vector-magnetic field (B) images
  in near-realtime. For this study, results from a statistical study
  performed on a robust subsample of the entire SHARP dataset will be
  presented. In the framework of the FLARECAST predictor component,
  this study focuses, for the first time, on differences between
  parameter values found when the radial magnetic field component, Br,
  is used instead of the line-of-sight component, Blos. The effect of
  active region longitudinal position is discussed, as well as the flare
  association of the properties.

Title: Solar flares, coronal mass ejections and solar energetic
    particle event characteristics
Authors: Papaioannou, Athanasios; Sandberg, Ingmar; Anastasiadis,
   Anastasios; Kouloumvakos, Athanasios; Georgoulis, Manolis K.;
   Tziotziou, Kostas; Tsiropoula, Georgia; Jiggens, Piers; Hilgers, Alain
2016JSWSC...6A..42P    Altcode:
  A new catalogue of 314 solar energetic particle (SEP) events extending
  over a large time span from 1984 to 2013 has been compiled. The
  properties as well as the associations of these SEP events with their
  parent solar sources have been thoroughly examined. The properties of
  the events include the proton peak integral flux and the fluence for
  energies above 10, 30, 60 and 100 MeV. The associated solar events
  were parametrized by solar flare (SF) and coronal mass ejection (CME)
  characteristics, as well as related radio emissions. In particular,
  for SFs: the soft X-ray (SXR) peak flux, the SXR fluence, the
  heliographic location, the rise time and the duration were exploited;
  for CMEs the plane-of-sky velocity as well as the angular width were
  utilized. For radio emissions, type III, II and IV radio bursts were
  identified. Furthermore, we utilized element abundances of Fe and
  O. We found evidence that most of the SEP events in our catalogue
  do not conform to a simple two-class paradigm, with the 73% of them
  exhibiting both type III and type II radio bursts, and that a continuum
  of event properties is present. Although, the so-called hybrid or mixed
  events are found to be present in our catalogue, it was not possible
  to attribute each SEP event to a mixed/hybrid sub-category. Moreover,
  it appears that the start of the type III burst most often precedes
  the maximum of the SF and thus falls within the impulsive phase of the
  associated SF. At the same time, type III bursts take place within
  ≈5.22 min, on average, in advance from the time of maximum of the
  derivative of the SXR flux (Neupert effect). We further performed
  a statistical analysis and a mapping of the logarithm of the proton
  peak flux at E &gt; 10 MeV, on different pairs of the parent solar
  source characteristics. This revealed correlations in 3-D space and
  demonstrated that the gradual SEP events that stem from the central part
  of the visible solar disk constitute a significant radiation risk. The
  velocity of the associated CMEs, as well as the SXR peak flux and
  fluence, are all fairly significantly correlated to both the proton peak
  flux and the fluence of the SEP events in our catalogue. The strongest
  correlation to SEP characteristics is manifested by the CME velocity.

Title: An observationally-driven kinetic approach to coronal heating
Authors: Moraitis, K.; Toutountzi, A.; Isliker, H.; Georgoulis, M.;
   Vlahos, L.; Chintzoglou, G.
2016A&A...596A..56M    Altcode: 2016arXiv160307129M; 2016arXiv160307129T
  <BR /> Aims: Coronal heating through the explosive release of magnetic
  energy remains an open problem in solar physics. Recent hydrodynamical
  models attempt an investigation by placing swarms of "nanoflares" at
  random sites and times in modeled one-dimensional coronal loops. We
  investigate the problem in three dimensions, using extrapolated coronal
  magnetic fields of observed solar active regions. <BR /> Methods: We
  applied a nonlinear force-free field extrapolation above an observed
  photospheric magnetogram of NOAA active region (AR) 11 158. We then
  determined the locations, energy contents, and volumes of "unstable"
  areas, namely areas prone to releasing magnetic energy due to locally
  accumulated electric current density. Statistical distributions of
  these volumes and their fractal dimension are inferred, investigating
  also their dependence on spatial resolution. Further adopting a
  simple resistivity model, we inferred the properties of the fractally
  distributed electric fields in these volumes. Next, we monitored the
  evolution of 10<SUP>5</SUP> particles (electrons and ions) obeying
  an initial Maxwellian distribution with a temperature of 10 eV,
  by following their trajectories and energization when subjected
  to the resulting electric fields. For computational convenience,
  the length element of the magnetic-field extrapolation is 1 arcsec,
  or 725 km, much coarser than the particles' collisional mean free
  path in the low corona (0.1-1 km). <BR /> Results: The presence of
  collisions traps the bulk of the plasma around the unstable volumes,
  or current sheets (UCS), with only a tail of the distribution gaining
  substantial energy. Assuming that the distance between UCS is similar
  to the collisional mean free path we find that the low active-region
  corona is heated to 100-200 eV, corresponding to temperatures exceeding
  2 MK, within tens of seconds for electrons and thousands of seconds for
  ions. <BR /> Conclusions: Fractally distributed, nanoflare-triggening
  fragmented UCS in the active-region corona can heat electrons and ions
  with minor enhancements of the local resistivity. This statistical
  result is independent from the nature of the extrapolation and the
  spatial resolution of the modeled active-region corona. This finding
  should be coupled with a complete plasma treatment to determine whether
  a quasi-steady temperature similar to that of the ambient corona can be
  maintained, either via a kinetic or via a hybrid, kinetic and fluid,
  plasma treatment. The finding can also be extended to the quiet solar
  corona, provided that the currently undetected nanoflares are frequent
  enough to account for the lower (compared to active regions) energy
  losses in this case.

Title: Near-Sun and 1 AU magnetic field of coronal mass ejections:
    a parametric study
Authors: Patsourakos, S.; Georgoulis, M. K.
2016A&A...595A.121P    Altcode: 2016arXiv160900134P
  <BR /> Aims: The magnetic field of coronal mass ejections (CMEs)
  determines their structure, evolution, and energetics, as well as their
  geoeffectiveness. However, we currently lack routine diagnostics of
  the near-Sun CME magnetic field, which is crucial for determining the
  subsequent evolution of CMEs. <BR /> Methods: We recently presented
  a method to infer the near-Sun magnetic field magnitude of CMEs and
  then extrapolate it to 1 AU. This method uses relatively easy to deduce
  observational estimates of the magnetic helicity in CME-source regions
  along with geometrical CME fits enabled by coronagraph observations. We
  hereby perform a parametric study of this method aiming to assess its
  robustness. We use statistics of active region (AR) helicities and CME
  geometrical parameters to determine a matrix of plausible near-Sun CME
  magnetic field magnitudes. In addition, we extrapolate this matrix
  to 1 AU and determine the anticipated range of CME magnetic fields
  at 1 AU representing the radial falloff of the magnetic field in
  the CME out to interplanetary (IP) space by a power law with index
  α<SUB>B</SUB>. <BR /> Results: The resulting distribution of the
  near-Sun (at 10 R<SUB>⊙</SUB>) CME magnetic fields varies in the
  range [0.004, 0.02] G, comparable to, or higher than, a few existing
  observational inferences of the magnetic field in the quiescent
  corona at the same distance. We also find that a theoretically and
  observationally motivated range exists around α<SUB>B</SUB> = -1.6
  ± 0.2, thereby leading to a ballpark agreement between our estimates
  and observationally inferred field magnitudes of magnetic clouds (MCs)
  at L1. <BR /> Conclusions: In a statistical sense, our method provides
  results that are consistent with observations.

Title: Magnetic Helicity Estimations in Models and Observations of
the Solar Magnetic Field. Part I: Finite Volume Methods
Authors: Valori, Gherardo; Pariat, Etienne; Anfinogentov, Sergey;
   Chen, Feng; Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Guo, Yang; Liu, Yang; Moraitis,
   Kostas; Thalmann, Julia K.; Yang, Shangbin
2016SSRv..201..147V    Altcode: 2016SSRv..tmp...68V; 2016arXiv161002193V
  Magnetic helicity is a conserved quantity of ideal magneto-hydrodynamics
  characterized by an inverse turbulent cascade. Accordingly, it
  is often invoked as one of the basic physical quantities driving
  the generation and structuring of magnetic fields in a variety of
  astrophysical and laboratory plasmas. We provide here the first
  systematic comparison of six existing methods for the estimation of
  the helicity of magnetic fields known in a finite volume. All such
  methods are reviewed, benchmarked, and compared with each other,
  and specifically tested for accuracy and sensitivity to errors. To
  that purpose, we consider four groups of numerical tests, ranging
  from solutions of the three-dimensional, force-free equilibrium, to
  magneto-hydrodynamical numerical simulations. Almost all methods are
  found to produce the same value of magnetic helicity within few percent
  in all tests. In the more solar-relevant and realistic of the tests
  employed here, the simulation of an eruptive flux rope, the spread
  in the computed values obtained by all but one method is only 3 %,
  indicating the reliability and mutual consistency of such methods in
  appropriate parameter ranges. However, methods show differences in the
  sensitivity to numerical resolution and to errors in the solenoidal
  property of the input fields. In addition to finite volume methods,
  we also briefly discuss a method that estimates helicity from the
  field lines' twist, and one that exploits the field's value at one
  boundary and a coronal minimal connectivity instead of a pre-defined
  three-dimensional magnetic-field solution.

Title: A Comparison of Flare Forecasting Methods. I. Results from
    the “All-Clear” Workshop
Authors: Barnes, G.; Leka, K. D.; Schrijver, C. J.; Colak, T.;
   Qahwaji, R.; Ashamari, O. W.; Yuan, Y.; Zhang, J.; McAteer, R. T. J.;
   Bloomfield, D. S.; Higgins, P. A.; Gallagher, P. T.; Falconer, D. A.;
   Georgoulis, M. K.; Wheatland, M. S.; Balch, C.; Dunn, T.; Wagner, E. L.
2016ApJ...829...89B    Altcode: 2016arXiv160806319B
  Solar flares produce radiation that can have an almost immediate effect
  on the near-Earth environment, making it crucial to forecast flares
  in order to mitigate their negative effects. The number of published
  approaches to flare forecasting using photospheric magnetic field
  observations has proliferated, with varying claims about how well
  each works. Because of the different analysis techniques and data
  sets used, it is essentially impossible to compare the results from
  the literature. This problem is exacerbated by the low event rates of
  large solar flares. The challenges of forecasting rare events have long
  been recognized in the meteorology community, but have yet to be fully
  acknowledged by the space weather community. During the interagency
  workshop on “all clear” forecasts held in Boulder, CO in 2009,
  the performance of a number of existing algorithms was compared
  on common data sets, specifically line-of-sight magnetic field and
  continuum intensity images from the Michelson Doppler Imager, with
  consistent definitions of what constitutes an event. We demonstrate
  the importance of making such systematic comparisons, and of using
  standard verification statistics to determine what constitutes a good
  prediction scheme. When a comparison was made in this fashion, no one
  method clearly outperformed all others, which may in part be due to the
  strong correlations among the parameters used by different methods to
  characterize an active region. For M-class flares and above, the set
  of methods tends toward a weakly positive skill score (as measured
  with several distinct metrics), with no participating method proving
  substantially better than climatological forecasts.

Title: Enabling Solar Flare Forecasting at an Unprecedented Level:
    the FLARECAST Project
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Pariat, Etienne; Massone, Anna
   Maria; Vilmer, Nicole; Jackson, David; Buchlin, Eric; Csillaghy,
   Andre; Bommier, Veronique; Kontogiannis, Ioannis; Gallagher, Peter;
   Gontikakis, Costis; Guennou, Chloé; Murray, Sophie; Bloomfield,
   D. Shaun; Alingery, Pablo; Baudin, Frederic; Benvenuto, Federico;
   Bruggisser, Florian; Florios, Konstantinos; Guerra, Jordan; Park,
   Sung-Hong; Perasso, Annalisa; Piana, Michele; Sathiapal, Hanna;
   Soldati, Marco; Von Stachelski, Samuel; Argoudelis, Vangelis;
   Caminade, Stephane
2016cosp...41E.657G    Altcode:
  We attempt a brief but informative description of the Flare
  Likelihood And Region Eruption Forecasting (FLARECAST) project,
  European Commission's first large-scale investment to explore the
  limits of reliability and accuracy for the forecasting of major solar
  flares. The consortium, objectives, and first results of the project
  - featuring an openly accessible, interactive flare forecasting
  facility by the end of 2017 - will be outlined. In addition, we will
  refer to the so-called "explorative research" element of project,
  aiming to connect solar flares with coronal mass ejections (CMEs)
  and possibly pave the way for CME, or eruptive flare, prediction. We
  will also emphasize the FLARECAST modus operandi, namely the diversity
  of expertise within the consortium that independently aims to science,
  infrastructure development and dissemination, both to stakeholders and
  to the general public. Concluding, we will underline that the FLARECAST
  project responds squarely to the joint COSPAR - ILWS Global Roadmap
  to shield society from the adversities of space weather, addressing
  its primary goal and, in particular, its Research Recommendations
  1, 2 and 4, Teaming Recommendations II and III, and Collaboration
  Recommendations A, B, and D. The FLARECAST project has received funding
  from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
  under grant agreement No. 640216.

Title: A Robust Method to Predict the Near-Sun and Interplanetary
Magnetic Field Strength of Coronal Mass Ejections: Parametric and
    Case Studies
Authors: Patsourakos, Spiros; Georgoulis, Manolis K.
2016cosp...41E1531P    Altcode:
  Predicting the near-Sun, and particularly the Interplanetary (IP),
  magnetic field structure of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) and
  interplanetary counterparts (ICMEs) is a topic of intense research
  activity. This is because Earth-directed CMEs with strong southward
  magnetic fields are responsible for the most powerful geomagnetic
  storms. We have recently developed a simple two-tier method to
  predict the magnetic field strength of CMEs in the outer corona
  and in the IP medium, using as input the magnetic-helicity budget
  of the source solar active region and stereoscopic coronagraphic
  observations. Near-Sun CME magnetic fields are obtained by utilizing
  the principle of magnetic helicity conservation of flux-rope CMEs
  for coronagraphic observations. Interplanetary propagation of the
  inferred values is achieved by employing power-law prescriptions of the
  radial evolution of the CME-ICME magnetic fields. We hereby present a
  parametric study of our method, based on the observed statistics of
  input parameters, to infer the anticipated range of values for the
  near-Sun and interplanetary CME-ICME magnetic fields. This analysis
  is complemented by application of our method to several well-observed
  major CME-ICME events.

Title: Solar Flare Prediction Science-to-Operations: the ESA/SSA
    SWE A-EFFort Service
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Tziotziou, Konstantinos; Themelis,
   Konstantinos; Magiati, Margarita; Angelopoulou, Georgia
2016cosp...41E.656G    Altcode:
  We attempt a synoptical overview of the scientific origins of the
  Athens Effective Solar Flare Forecasting (A-EFFort) utility and
  the actions taken toward transitioning it into a pre-operational
  service of ESA's Space Situational Awareness (SSA) Programme. The
  preferred method for solar flare prediction, as well as key efforts
  to make it function in a fully automated environment by coupling
  calculations with near-realtime data-downloading protocols (from the
  Solar Dynamics Observatory [SDO] mission), pattern recognition (solar
  active-region identification) and optimization (magnetic connectivity
  by simulated annealing) will be highlighted. In addition, the entire
  validation process of the service will be described, with its results
  presented. We will conclude by stressing the need for across-the-board
  efforts and synergistic work in order to bring science of potentially
  limited/restricted interest into realizing a much broader impact
  and serving the best public interests. The above presentation was
  partially supported by the ESA/SSA SWE A-EFFort project, ESA Contract
  No. 4000111994/14/D/MRP. Special thanks go to the ESA Project Officers
  R. Keil, A. Glover, and J.-P. Luntama (ESOC), M. Bobra and C. Balmer
  of the SDO/HMI team at Stanford University, and M. Zoulias at the
  RCAAM of the Academy of Athens for valuable technical help.

Title: Predicting the near-Sun and Interplanetary Magnetic Field of
    CMEs using photospheric magnetograms and coronagraph images
Authors: Patsourakos, Spiros; Georgoulis, Manolis
2016EGUGA..18.4784P    Altcode:
  Earth-directed Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) containing a strong
  southward magnetic-field component upon arrival at 1 AU statistically
  account for the most powerful geomagnetic storms. Unfortunately, though,
  we currently lack routine diagnostics of the magnetic field of CMEs
  and its evolution in the inner heliosphere and the interplanetary (IP)
  medium. We hereby present a simple, yet powerful and easy-to-implement,
  method to deduce the near-Sun and IP magnetic field entrained in CMEs,
  by using photospheric magnetograms of the solar source regions and
  multi-viewpoint coronagraph images of the corresponding CMEs. The
  method relies on the principle of magnetic-helicity conservation
  in low plasma-beta, flux-rope CMEs and a power-law prescription of
  the radial evolution of the CME magnetic field in the IP medium. We
  outline a parametric study based on the observed statistics of input
  parameters to calculate a matrix of magnetic-field solutions for 10000
  synthetic CMEs. The robustness and possible limitations / ramifications
  of the method are deduced by a comparison with the distributions of
  the predicted CME-ICME magnetic fields at 0.3 and 1 AU using actual
  Messenger and ACE published observations.

Title: 25 Years of Self-organized Criticality: Numerical Detection
Authors: McAteer, R. T. James; Aschwanden, Markus J.; Dimitropoulou,
   Michaila; Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Pruessner, Gunnar; Morales, Laura;
   Ireland, Jack; Abramenko, Valentyna
2016SSRv..198..217M    Altcode: 2015SSRv..tmp...31M; 2015arXiv150608142M
  The detection and characterization of self-organized criticality
  (SOC), in both real and simulated data, has undergone many
  significant revisions over the past 25 years. The explosive
  advances in the many numerical methods available for detecting,
  discriminating, and ultimately testing, SOC have played a critical
  role in developing our understanding of how systems experience and
  exhibit SOC. In this article, methods of detecting SOC are reviewed;
  from correlations to complexity to critical quantities. A description
  of the basic autocorrelation method leads into a detailed analysis
  of application-oriented methods developed in the last 25 years. In
  the second half of this manuscript space-based, time-based and
  spatial-temporal methods are reviewed and the prevalence of power
  laws in nature is described, with an emphasis on event detection and
  characterization. The search for numerical methods to clearly and
  unambiguously detect SOC in data often leads us outside the comfort
  zone of our own disciplines—the answers to these questions are often
  obtained by studying the advances made in other fields of study. In
  addition, numerical detection methods often provide the optimum link
  between simulations and experiments in scientific research. We seek
  to explore this boundary where the rubber meets the road, to review
  this expanding field of research of numerical detection of SOC systems
  over the past 25 years, and to iterate forwards so as to provide some
  foresight and guidance into developing breakthroughs in this subject
  over the next quarter of a century.

Title: The Major Geoeffective Solar Eruptions of 2012 March 7:
    Comprehensive Sun-to-Earth Analysis
Authors: Patsourakos, S.; Georgoulis, M. K.; Vourlidas, A.; Nindos,
   A.; Sarris, T.; Anagnostopoulos, G.; Anastasiadis, A.; Chintzoglou,
   G.; Daglis, I. A.; Gontikakis, C.; Hatzigeorgiu, N.; Iliopoulos, A. C.;
   Katsavrias, C.; Kouloumvakos, A.; Moraitis, K.; Nieves-Chinchilla, T.;
   Pavlos, G.; Sarafopoulos, D.; Syntelis, P.; Tsironis, C.; Tziotziou,
   K.; Vogiatzis, I. I.; Balasis, G.; Georgiou, M.; Karakatsanis, L. P.;
   Malandraki, O. E.; Papadimitriou, C.; Odstrčil, D.; Pavlos, E. G.;
   Podlachikova, O.; Sandberg, I.; Turner, D. L.; Xenakis, M. N.; Sarris,
   E.; Tsinganos, K.; Vlahos, L.
2016ApJ...817...14P    Altcode:
  During the interval 2012 March 7-11 the geospace experienced a
  barrage of intense space weather phenomena including the second
  largest geomagnetic storm of solar cycle 24 so far. Significant
  ultra-low-frequency wave enhancements and relativistic-electron dropouts
  in the radiation belts, as well as strong energetic-electron injection
  events in the magnetosphere were observed. These phenomena were
  ultimately associated with two ultra-fast (&gt;2000 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>)
  coronal mass ejections (CMEs), linked to two X-class flares launched
  on early 2012 March 7. Given that both powerful events originated from
  solar active region NOAA 11429 and their onsets were separated by less
  than an hour, the analysis of the two events and the determination
  of solar causes and geospace effects are rather challenging. Using
  satellite data from a flotilla of solar, heliospheric and magnetospheric
  missions a synergistic Sun-to-Earth study of diverse observational
  solar, interplanetary and magnetospheric data sets was performed. It was
  found that only the second CME was Earth-directed. Using a novel method,
  we estimated its near-Sun magnetic field at 13 R<SUB>⊙</SUB> to be
  in the range [0.01, 0.16] G. Steep radial fall-offs of the near-Sun
  CME magnetic field are required to match the magnetic fields of the
  corresponding interplanetary CME (ICME) at 1 AU. Perturbed upstream
  solar-wind conditions, as resulting from the shock associated with the
  Earth-directed CME, offer a decent description of its kinematics. The
  magnetospheric compression caused by the arrival at 1 AU of the shock
  associated with the ICME was a key factor for radiation-belt dynamics.

Title: 25 Years of Self-Organized Criticality: Solar and Astrophysics
Authors: Aschwanden, Markus J.; Crosby, Norma B.; Dimitropoulou,
   Michaila; Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Hergarten, Stefan; McAteer, James;
   Milovanov, Alexander V.; Mineshige, Shin; Morales, Laura; Nishizuka,
   Naoto; Pruessner, Gunnar; Sanchez, Raul; Sharma, A. Surja; Strugarek,
   Antoine; Uritsky, Vadim
2016SSRv..198...47A    Altcode: 2014arXiv1403.6528A; 2014SSRv..tmp...29A
  Shortly after the seminal paper "Self-Organized Criticality: An
  explanation of 1/ f noise" by Bak et al. (1987), the idea has been
  applied to solar physics, in "Avalanches and the Distribution of Solar
  Flares" by Lu and Hamilton (1991). In the following years, an inspiring
  cross-fertilization from complexity theory to solar and astrophysics
  took place, where the SOC concept was initially applied to solar flares,
  stellar flares, and magnetospheric substorms, and later extended to
  the radiation belt, the heliosphere, lunar craters, the asteroid belt,
  the Saturn ring, pulsar glitches, soft X-ray repeaters, blazars,
  black-hole objects, cosmic rays, and boson clouds. The application
  of SOC concepts has been performed by numerical cellular automaton
  simulations, by analytical calculations of statistical (powerlaw-like)
  distributions based on physical scaling laws, and by observational
  tests of theoretically predicted size distributions and waiting
  time distributions. Attempts have been undertaken to import physical
  models into the numerical SOC toy models, such as the discretization
  of magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD) processes. The novel applications
  stimulated also vigorous debates about the discrimination between SOC
  models, SOC-like, and non-SOC processes, such as phase transitions,
  turbulence, random-walk diffusion, percolation, branching processes,
  network theory, chaos theory, fractality, multi-scale, and other
  complexity phenomena. We review SOC studies from the last 25 years
  and highlight new trends, open questions, and future challenges,
  as discussed during two recent ISSI workshops on this theme.

Title: Preface: Advances in solar physics
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Nakariakov, Valery M.
2015AdSpR..56.2677G    Altcode:
  The idea for this special issue of Advances in Space Research (ASR)
  was formulated during the 14th European Solar Physics Meeting (ESPM-14)
  that took place in Dublin, Ireland in September 2014. Since ASR does not
  publish conference proceedings, it was decided to extend a general call
  to the international solar-physics community for manuscripts pertinent
  to the following thematic areas: <P />New and upcoming heliospheric
  observational and data assimilation facilities.

Title: Analysing the Effects of Apodizing Windows on Local Correlation
    Tracking Using Nirvana Simulations of Convection
Authors: Louis, Rohan E.; Ravindra, B.; Georgoulis, Manolis K.;
   Küker, Manfred
2015SoPh..290.1135L    Altcode: 2015arXiv150202530L; 2015SoPh..tmp...25L
  We employ different shapes of apodizing windows in the local
  correlation tracking (LCT) routine to retrieve horizontal velocities
  using numerical simulations of convection. LCT was applied on a time
  sequence of temperature maps generated by the Nirvana code with four
  different apodizing windows, Gaussian, Lorentzian, trapezoidal, and
  triangular, with varying widths. In terms of correlations (between
  the LCT-retrieved and simulated flow field), the triangular and the
  trapezoidal perform the best and worst, respectively. By segregating
  the intrinsic velocities in the simulations on the basis of their
  magnitudes, we find that for all windows a significantly higher
  correlation is obtained for the intermediate and high-velocity bins and
  only modest or weak values in the low-velocity bins. The differences
  between the LCT-retrieved and simulated flow fields were determined
  spatially. They show large residuals at or close to the boundary of
  granules. The extent to which the horizontal flow vectors retrieved by
  LCT are similar to the simulated values entirely depends on the width
  of the central peak of the apodizing window for a given σ. Even though
  LCT suffers from a lack of spatial content, as seen in simulations,
  its simplicity and speed could serve as a viable first-order tool to
  probe horizontal flows. This would be an ideal tool for large data sets.

Title: Validation and Benchmarking of a Practical Free Magnetic
    Energy and Relative Magnetic Helicity Budget Calculation in Solar
    Magnetic Structures
Authors: Moraitis, K.; Tziotziou, K.; Georgoulis, M. K.; Archontis, V.
2014SoPh..289.4453M    Altcode: 2014arXiv1406.5381M; 2014SoPh..tmp..122M
  In earlier works we introduced and tested a nonlinear force-free
  (NLFF) method designed to self-consistently calculate the coronal
  free magnetic energy and the relative magnetic helicity budgets of
  observed solar magnetic structures. In principle, the method requires
  only a single, photospheric or low-chromospheric, vector magnetogram
  of a quiet-Sun patch or an active region and performs calculations
  without three-dimensional magnetic and velocity-field information. In
  this work we strictly validate this method using three-dimensional
  coronal magnetic fields. Benchmarking employs both synthetic,
  three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations and nonlinear
  force-free field extrapolations of the active-region solar corona. Our
  time-efficient NLFF method provides budgets that differ from those of
  more demanding semi-analytical methods by a factor of approximately
  three, at most. This difference is expected to come from the physical
  concept and the construction of the method. Temporal correlations show
  more discrepancies that are, however, soundly improved for more complex,
  massive active regions, reaching correlation coefficients on the order
  of, or exceeding, 0.9. In conclusion, we argue that our NLFF method
  can be reliably used for a routine and fast calculation of the free
  magnetic energy and relative magnetic helicity budgets in targeted
  parts of the solar magnetized corona. As explained in this article and
  in previous works, this is an asset that can lead to valuable insight
  into the physics and triggering of solar eruptions.

Title: Validation of the magnetic energy vs. helicity scaling in
    solar magnetic structures
Authors: Tziotziou, K.; Moraitis, K.; Georgoulis, M. K.; Archontis, V.
2014A&A...570L...1T    Altcode: 2014arXiv1409.8117T
  <BR /> Aims: We assess the validity of the free magnetic energy -
  relative magnetic helicity diagram for solar magnetic structures. <BR />
  Methods: We used two different methods of calculating the free magnetic
  energy and the relative magnetic helicity budgets: a classical,
  volume-calculation nonlinear force-free (NLFF) method applied to
  finite coronal magnetic structures and a surface-calculation NLFF
  derivation that relies on a single photospheric or chromospheric vector
  magnetogram. Both methods were applied to two different data sets,
  namely synthetic active-region cases obtained by three-dimensional
  magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) simulations and observed active-region cases,
  which include both eruptive and noneruptive magnetic structures. <BR
  /> Results: The derived energy-helicity diagram shows a consistent
  monotonic scaling between relative helicity and free energy with
  a scaling index 0.84 ± 0.05 for both data sets and calculation
  methods. It also confirms the segregation between noneruptive and
  eruptive active regions and the existence of thresholds in both free
  energy and relative helicity for active regions to enter eruptive
  territory. <BR /> Conclusions: We consider the previously reported
  energy-helicity diagram of solar magnetic structures as adequately
  validated and envision a significant role of the uncovered scaling in
  future studies of solar magnetism.

Title: Energy and helicity budgets of solar quiet regions
Authors: Tziotziou, K.; Tsiropoula, G.; Georgoulis, M. K.;
   Kontogiannis, I.
2014A&A...564A..86T    Altcode: 2014arXiv1403.0730T
  <BR /> Aims: We investigate the free magnetic energy and relative
  magnetic helicity budgets of solar quiet regions. <BR /> Methods:
  Using a novel nonlinear force-free method that requires single solar
  vector magnetograms we calculated the instantaneous free magnetic
  energy and relative magnetic helicity budgets in 55 quiet-Sun vector
  magnetograms. <BR /> Results: As in a previous work on active regions,
  we constructed here for the first time the (free) energy-(relative)
  helicity diagram of quiet-Sun regions. We find that quiet-Sun regions
  have no dominant sense of helicity and show monotonic correlations
  a) between free magnetic energy/relative helicity and magnetic
  network area and, consequently, b) between free magnetic energy and
  helicity. Free magnetic energy budgets of quiet-Sun regions represent
  a rather continuous extension of respective active-region budgets
  towards lower values, but the corresponding helicity transition is
  discontinuous because of the incoherence of the helicity sense in
  contrast to active regions. We furthermore estimated the instantaneous
  free magnetic-energy and relative magnetic-helicity budgets of the
  entire quiet Sun, as well as the respective budgets over an entire solar
  cycle. <BR /> Conclusions: Derived instantaneous free magnetic energy
  budgets and, to a lesser extent, relative magnetic helicity budgets
  over the entire quiet Sun are similar to the respective budgets of a
  sizeable active region, while total budgets within a solar cycle are
  found to be higher than previously reported. Free-energy budgets are
  similar to the energy needed to power fine-scale structures residing
  at the network, such as mottles and spicules.

Title: Free magnetic energy and relative magnetic helicity diagnostics
    for the quality of NLFF field extrapolations
Authors: Moraitis, Kostas; Archontis, Vasilis; Tziotziou, Konstantinos;
   Georgoulis, Manolis K.
2014cosp...40E2169M    Altcode:
  We calculate the instantaneous free magnetic energy and relative
  magnetic helicity of solar active regions using two independent
  approaches: a) a non-linear force-free (NLFF) method that requires
  only a single photospheric vector magnetogram, and b) well known
  semi-analytical formulas that require the full three-dimensional (3D)
  magnetic field structure. The 3D field is obtained either from MHD
  simulations, or from observed magnetograms via respective NLFF field
  extrapolations. We find qualitative agreement between the two methods
  and, quantitatively, a discrepancy not exceeding a factor of 4. The
  comparison of the two methods reveals, as a byproduct, two independent
  tests for the quality of a given force-free field extrapolation. We find
  that not all extrapolations manage to achieve the force-free condition
  in a valid, divergence-free, magnetic configuration. This research has
  been co-financed by the European Union (European Social Fund - ESF)
  and Greek national funds through the Operational Program "Education
  and Lifelong Learning" of the National Strategic Reference Framework
  (NSRF) - Research Funding Program: Thales. Investing in knowledge
  society through the European Social Fund.

Title: Irreversibility and the Point of No Return in the Evolution
    of Eruptive Active Regions
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.
2014cosp...40E.966G    Altcode:
  We combine multiple methods and findings to demonstrate that those
  eruptive solar active regions that form intense photospheric magnetic
  polarity inversion lines (PILs) enter a domain of irreversible
  evolution that will unavoidably force them to erupt at least once,
  giving rise to a major flare and an associated fast CME. Electric
  currents, Lorentz forces, free magnetic energy storage, and magnetic
  helicity, all play major roles in bringing the magnetic configuration
  on the verge of instability. The inferred irreversibility stems from
  the conservative properties of magnetic helicity in high magnetic
  Reynolds-number plasmas. In addition, the long-standing and fiercely
  debated classification of eruptive magnetic structures into sheared
  arcades and flux ropes is found to be of relatively little meaning:
  by means of the evolution above, the simplest possible sheared-arcade
  structure may gradually evolve into a flux rope susceptible to the
  helical-kink and the torus instabilities, among other destabilization
  mechanisms. Research partially supported by the EU Seventh Framework
  Programme under grant agreement No. PIRG07-GA-2010-268245 and by the
  European Union Social Fund (ESF) and Greek national funds through the
  Operational Program "Education and Lifelong Learning" of the National
  Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) - Research Funding Program:
  Thales. Investing in knowledge society through the European Social Fund.

Title: Using Magnetic Helicity Diagnostics to Determine the Nature
    of Solar Active-Region Formation
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.
2014cosp...40E.967G    Altcode:
  Employing a novel nonlinear force-free (NLFF) method that
  self-consistently infers instantaneous free magnetic-energy and
  relative magnetic-helicity budgets from single photospheric vector
  magnetograms, we recently constructed the magnetic energy-helicity
  (EH) diagram of solar active regions. The EH diagram implies dominant
  relative helicities of left-handed or right-handed chiralities for
  the great majority of active regions. The amplitude (budget) of these
  helicities scales monotonically with the free magnetic energy. This
  constructive, strongly preferential accumulation of a certain sense
  of magnetic helicity seems to disqualify recently proposed mechanisms
  relying on a largely random near-surface convection for the formation
  of the great majority of active regions. The existing qualitative
  formation mechanism for these regions remains the conventional
  Omega-loop emergence following a buoyant ascension from the bottom
  of the convection zone. However, exceptions to this rule include
  even eruptive active regions: NOAA AR 11283 is an obvious outlier
  to the EH diagram, involving significant free magnetic energy with a
  small relative magnetic helicity. Relying on a timeseries of vector
  magnetograms of this region, our methodology shows nearly canceling
  amounts of both senses of helicity and an overall course from a weakly
  left-handed to a weakly right-handed structure, in the course of which
  a major eruption occurs. For this and similarly behaving active regions
  the latest near-surface formation scenario might conceivably be employed
  successfully. Research partially supported by the EU Seventh Framework
  Programme under grant agreement No. PIRG07-GA-2010-268245 and by the
  European Union Social Fund (ESF) and Greek national funds through the
  Operational Program "Education and Lifelong Learning" of the National
  Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) - Research Funding Program:
  Thales. Investing in knowledge society through the European Social Fund.

Title: Higher topological invariants of magnetic field lines:
    observational aspects
Authors: Illarionov, Egor; Smirnov, Alexander; Georgoulis, Manolis K.;
   Sokoloff, Dmitry; Akhmet'ev, Peter
2014cosp...40E1270I    Altcode:
  Topology of magnetic field lines is directly involved in
  magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) theorems and equations. Being an invariant of
  motion in ideal MHD conditions, the magnetic field-line topology is a
  natural obstacle to the relaxation of magnetic field into a current-free
  (potential) field and contrariwise limits a dynamo generation. Usage
  of these conservational laws and writing of numerical relations require
  a quantification of topology. One of the simplest existing measures of
  magnetic topology is the mutual magnetic helicity, that expresses the
  combined action of interaction and linkage between different magnetic
  field lines. For practical purposes there exists the revised concept
  of relative magnetic helicity, that allows to estimate the complexity
  of field-line topology in case of open volume, i.e. when magnetic
  lines cross the boundaries of given 3D region. At the same time this
  concept remains a simple interpretation of linkage number in terms
  of individual lines. Our point however is that magnetic helicity is
  far from being unique or comprehensive quantification of magnetic
  field-line topology. To improve the situation we introduce a set of
  higher invariants which extends the idea of relative helicity and
  provides a new means to describe the magnetic field-line topology. To
  practically study the possibility of implementation of higher
  topological invariants we reconstruct several moments of mutual helicity
  from observed solar vector magnetograms with extrapolated magnetic field
  above the photosphere and discuss to what extent such knowledge could
  be instructive for understanding of the solar magnetic field evolution.

Title: Free magnetic energy and relative magnetic helicity in active
    and quiet solar regions and their role in solar dynamics
Authors: Tziotziou, Konstantinos; Archontis, Vasilis; Tsiropoula,
   Georgia; Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Moraitis, Kostas; Kontogiannis,
2014cosp...40E3428T    Altcode:
  We present a novel non-linear force-free method for the calculation of
  the instantaneous free magnetic energy and relative magnetic helicity
  budgets of a solar region from a single photospheric/chromospheric
  vector magnetogram. Our objective is to study the role of these
  quantities both in solar eruptions and in quiet-Sun dynamics. The
  validity of the method is tested using both observations and synthetic
  magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) models. The method is applied for the
  derivation of the energy-helicity (EH) diagram of solar active regions
  (ARs) from a sample of 162 vector magnetograms corresponding to 42
  different ARs, suggesting the existence of 4×10(31) erg and 2×10(42)
  Mx(2) thresholds in free energy and relative helicity, respectively, for
  ARs to enter eruptive territory. Furthermore, the dynamical evolution
  of both quantities in eruptive NOAA AR 11158, using a high-cadence
  5-day time series of vector magnetograms, suggests the formation of
  increasingly helical pre-eruption structures and a causal relation
  between flares and Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs). The method is
  also used to derive helicity and energy budgets in quiet Sun regions
  and construct the respective EH diagram. Our results highlight the
  importance of both energy and helicity in AR evolution and quiet-Sun
  dynamics and instigate further research on the underlying physics with
  three-dimensional MHD models. This work is supported by EU's Seventh
  Framework Programme via a Marie Curie Fellowship.

Title: Toward an Efficient Prediction of Solar Flares: Which
    Parameters, and How?
Authors: Georgoulis, M. K.
2013Entrp..15.5022G    Altcode:
  Solar flare prediction has become a forefront topic in contemporary
  solar physics, with numerous published methods relying on numerous
  predictive parameters, that can even be divided into parameter
  classes. Attempting further insight, we focus on two popular classes
  of flare-predictive parameters, namely multiscale (i.e., fractal
  and multifractal) and proxy (i.e., morphological) parameters, and we
  complement our analysis with a study of the predictive capability of
  fundamental physical parameters (i.e., magnetic free energy and relative
  magnetic helicity). Rather than applying the studied parameters to
  a comprehensive statistical sample of flaring and non-flaring active
  regions, that was the subject of our previous studies, the novelty of
  this work is their application to an exceptionally long and high-cadence
  time series of the intensely eruptive National Oceanic and Atmospheric
  Administration (NOAA) active region (AR) 11158, observed by the
  Helioseismic and Magnetic Ima! <P />ger on board the Solar Dynamics
  Observatory. Aiming for a detailed study of the temporal evolution of
  each parameter, we seek distinctive patterns that could be associated
  with the four largest flares in the AR in the course of its five-day
  observing interval. We find that proxy parameters only tend to show
  preflare impulses that are practical enough to warrant subsequent
  investigation with sufficient statistics. Combining these findings
  with previous results, we conclude that: (i) carefully constructed,
  physically intuitive proxy parameters may be our best asset toward
  an efficient future flare-forecasting; and (ii) the time series
  of promising parameters may be as important as their instantaneous
  values. Value-based prediction is the only approach followed so far. Our
  results call for novel signal and/or image processing techniques to
  efficiently utilize combined amplitude and temporal-profile information
  to optimize the inferred solar-flare probabilities.

Title: Magnetic helicity and free energy in solar active regions
Authors: Moraitis, K.; Georgoulis, M.; Tziotziou, K.; Archontis, V.
2013hell.confS..21M    Altcode:
  We study the evolution of the non-potential free magnetic energy
  and relative magnetic helicity budgets in solar active regions
  (ARs). For this we use a time-series of a three-dimensional, synthetic
  AR produced by magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) simulations. As a first
  step, we calculate the potential magnetic field that has the same
  normal components with the MHD field along all boundaries of the AR,
  by solving Laplace's equation. The free magnetic energy of the AR is
  then easily derived. From the two fields, MHD and potential one, we
  calculate the corresponding vector potentials with a recently proposed
  integration method. The knowledge of both fields and their respective
  vector potentials throughout the AR, allows us to estimate the relative
  magnetic helicity budget of the AR. Following this procedure for each
  snapshot of the AR, we reconstruct the evolution of free energy and
  helicity in the AR. Our method reproduces, for a synthetic AR, the
  energy/helicity relations known to hold in real active regions.

Title: A statistical study of current-sheet formation above solar
    active regions based on selforganized criticality
Authors: Dimitropoulou, M.; Isliker, H.; Vlahos, L.; Georgoulis, M.;
   Anastasiadis, A.; Toutountzi, A.
2013hell.conf...16D    Altcode:
  We treat flaring solar active regions as physical systems having
  reached the self-organized critical state. Their evolving magnetic
  configurations in the low corona may satisfy an instability criterion,
  related to the excession of a specific threshold in the curl of the
  magnetic field. This imposed instability criterion implies an almost
  zero resistivity everywhere in the solar corona, except in regions where
  magnetic-field discontinuities and. hence, local currents, reach the
  critical value. In these areas, current-driven instabilities enhance
  the resistivity by many orders of magnitude forming structures which
  efficiently accelerate charged particles. Simulating the formation
  of such structures (thought of as current sheets) via a refined SOC
  cellular-automaton model provides interesting information regarding
  their statistical properties. It is shown that the current density in
  such unstable regions follows power-law scaling. Furthermore, the size
  distribution of the produced current sheets is best fitted by power
  laws, whereas their formation probability is investigated against
  the photospheric magnetic configuration (e.g. Polarity Inversion
  Lines, Plage). The average fractal dimension of the produced current
  sheets is deduced depending on the selected critical threshold. The
  above-mentioned statistical description of intermittent electric
  field structures can be used by collisional relativistic test particle
  simulations, aiming to interpret particle acceleration in flaring active
  regions and in strongly turbulent media in astrophysical plasmas. The
  above work is supported by the Hellenic National Space Weather Research
  Network (HNSWRN) via the THALIS Programme.

Title: Free Magnetic Energy and Helicity in Active and Quiet Solar
    Regions and their role in Solar
Authors: Tziotziou, K.; Georgoulis, M. K.; Tsiropoula, G.; Moraitis,
   K.; Kontogiannis, I.
2013hell.conf....6T    Altcode:
  We present a novel nonlinear force-free method designed to calculate
  the instantaneous free magnetic energy and relative magnetic helicity
  budgets of a solar region from a single photospheric/chromospheric
  vector magnetogram of the region. Our objective is to study the role of
  these quantities in solar eruptions and quiet-Sun dynamics. We apply the
  method to (1) derive the energy/helicity diagram of solar active regions
  from a sample of 162 vector magnetograms corresponding to 42 different
  active regions (ARs), suggesting that there exist 4 1031 erg and 2 1042
  Mx2 thresholds in free energy and relative helicity, respectively, for
  ARs to enter eruptive territory, (2) study the dynamics of eruptive NOAA
  AR 11158 using a high-cadence 5-day time series of vector magnetograms,
  suggesting the formation of increasingly helical pre-eruption structures
  and a causal relation between flares and Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs)
  and, (3) derive helicity and energy budgets in quiet Sun regions and
  construct the respective energy/helicity diagram. Our results highlight
  the importance of these two parameters in AR evolution and quiet-Sun
  dynamics and instigate further research including detailed analysis
  with synthetic, magnetohydrodynamical models. This work is supported by
  EU's Seventh Framework Programme via a Marie Curie Fellowship and by
  the Hellenic National Space Weather Research Network (HNSWRN) via the
  THALIS Programme.

Title: Genesis of Free Magnetic Energy and Helicity in Solar Active
    Regions and their Role in Solar Eruptions
Authors: Georgoulis, M.
2013hell.confQ..17G    Altcode:
  Eruptive solar magnetic configurations are revisited in view of their
  magnetic energy and (relative) magnetic helicity budgets. We calculate
  these budgets via a novel self-consistent technique that requires
  neither photospheric flow velocity fields nor three-dimensional
  coronal magnetic field extrapolations of the observed photospheric
  structure. A single vector magnetogram of the structure is sufficient
  for the calculation of the instantaneous electric-current-induced
  (free) magnetic energy and helicity budgets. We apply the method to
  the intensely eruptive NOAA active region (AR) 11158 and report on
  the following findings: (1) significant budgets of free magnetic
  energy and helicity are developed in the AR, sufficient to power
  more than the observed eruptions; (2) eruption-related decreases of
  both budgets are noted, allowing estimation of the energy/helicity
  budgets of the eruptions themselves; (3) the AR complies with our
  previously and independently introduced energy/helicity diagram of
  solar active regions; and (4) a non-ideal transformation of mutual
  free energy and helicity terms into respective self terms results
  in increasingly helical pre-eruption structures. These findings
  suggest a new causal view of solar eruptions and the pre-eruption
  evolution of solar active regions. Parallel analysis with synthetic,
  magnetohydrodynamical models of active regions is underway, aiming to
  scrutinize our data analysis and subsequent interpretation. This work
  is supported by EU's Seventh Framework Programme via a Marie Curie
  Fellowship and by the Hellenic National Space Weather Research Network
  (HNSWRN) via the THALIS Programme.

Title: A Data-Driven, Integrated Flare Model Based on Self-Organized
Authors: Dimitropoulou, M.; Isliker, H.; Vlahos, L.; Georgoulis, M.
2013hell.conf....7D    Altcode:
  We interpret solar flares as events originating in solar active regions
  having reached the self-organized critical state, by alternatively
  using two versions of an "integrated flare model" - one static and
  one dynamic. In both versions the initial conditions are derived
  from observations aiming to investigate whether well-known scaling
  laws observed in the distribution functions of characteristic flare
  parameters are reproduced after the self-organized critical state
  has been reached. In the static model, we first apply a nonlinear
  force-free extrapolation that reconstructs the three-dimensional
  magnetic fields from two-dimensional vector magnetograms. We then locate
  magnetic discontinuities exceeding a threshold in the Laplacian of the
  magnetic field. These discontinuities are relaxed in local diffusion
  events, implemented in the form of cellular-automaton evolution
  rules. Subsequent loading and relaxation steps lead the system to
  self-organized criticality, after which the statistical properties of
  the simulated events are examined. In the dynamic version we deploy an
  enhanced driving mechanism, which utilizes the observed evolution of
  active regions, making use of sequential vector magnetograms. We first
  apply the static cellular automaton model to consecutive solar vector
  magnetograms until the self-organized critical state is reached. We
  then evolve the magnetic field inbetween these processed snapshots
  through spline interpolation, acting as a natural driver in the dynamic
  model. The identification of magnetically unstable sites as well as
  their relaxation follow the same rules as in the static model after each
  interpolation step. Subsequent interpolation/driving and relaxation
  steps cover all transitions until the end of the sequence. Physical
  requirements, such as the divergence-free condition for the magnetic
  field vector, are approximately satisfied in both versions of the
  model. We obtain robust power laws in the distribution functions of
  the modelled flaring events with scaling indices in good agreement
  with observations. We therefore conclude that well-known statistical
  properties of flares are reproduced after active regions reach
  self-organized criticality. The significant enhancement in both the
  static and the dynamic integrated flare models is that they initiate
  the simulation from observations, thus facilitating energy calculation
  in physical units. Especially in the dynamic version of the model,
  the driving of the system is based on observed, evolving vector
  magnetograms, allowing for the separation between MHD and kinetic
  timescales through the assignment of distinct MHD timestamps to each
  interpolation step.

Title: Acceleration and solar origin of solar energetic particles
    observed by SREM units
Authors: Anastasiadis, A.; Georgoulis, M.; Daglis, I.; Sandberg, I.;
   Nieminen, P.
2013hell.confQ..14A    Altcode:
  Within the previous solar cycle 23, SREM units onboard ESA's INTEGRAL
  and Rosetta spacecraft detected several tens of Solar Energetic Particle
  Events (SEPEs) and accurately pinpointed their onset, rise, and decay
  times. We have undertaken a detailed study to determine the solar
  sources and the subsequent interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs)
  that gave rise to these events, as well as the timing of SEPEs with
  regard to the onset of possible geomagnetic activity triggered by these
  ICMEs. We find that virtually all SREM SEPEs can be associated with
  CME-driven shocks. Moreover, for a number of wellstudied INTEGRAL/SREM
  SEPEs we see an association between the SEPE peak and the shock passage
  at L1, subject to the heliographic location of the source solar active
  region. Shortly after the SEPE peak (typically within a few hours), the
  ICMEdriven modulation of the magnetosphere kicks in, often associated
  with a dip of the Dst index, indicating storm conditions in geospace. In
  essence we find that SREM SEPEs can be seamlessly fit into a coherent
  and consistent heliophysical interpretation of solar eruptions all the
  way from Sun to Earth. Their contribution to space-weather forecasting
  may be significant and warrants additional investigation.

Title: Particle acceleration and nanoflare heating in coronal loops
Authors: Gontikakis, C.; Patsourakos, S.; Efthymiopoulos, C.;
   Anastasiadis, A.; Georgoulis, M.
2013hell.conf...18G    Altcode:
  We model nanoflare heating of extrapolated active-region coronal loops
  via the acceleration of electrons and protons in Harris-type current
  sheets. The kinetic energy of the accelerated particles is estimated
  using semi-analytical and test-particle-tracing approaches. Vector
  magnetograms and photospheric Doppler velocity maps of NOAA active
  region 09114, recorded by the Imaging Vector Magnetograph (IVM),
  were used for this analysis in order to compute a current-free field
  extrapolation of the active-region corona. The corresponding Poynting
  fluxes at the footpoints of 5000 extrapolated coronal loops were then
  calculated. Assuming that reconnecting current sheets develop along
  these loops, we utilized previous results to estimate the kinetic-energy
  gain of the accelerated particles and we related this energy to
  nanoflare heating and macroscopic loop characteristics. Kinetic
  energies of 0.1 to 8~keV (for electrons) and 0.3 to 470~keV (for
  protons) were found to cause heating rates ranging from 10^-6 to 1
  erg s^-1 cm^-3. Hydrodynamic simulations show that such heating rates
  can sustain plasma in coronal conditions inside the loops and generate
  plasma thermal distributions which are consistent with active region
  observations. We concluded the analysis by computing the form of Xray
  spectra generated by the accelerated electrons using the thick target
  approach that were found to be in agreement with observed X-ray spectra,
  thus supporting the plausibility of our nanoflare-heating scenario. This
  work is supported by EU's Seventh Framework Programme via a Marie Curie
  Fellowship and by the Hellenic National Space Weather Research Network
  (HNSWRN) via the THALIS Programme.

Title: Particle Acceleration in a Statistically Modeled Solar
    Active-Region Corona
Authors: Toutounzi, A.; Vlahos, L.; Isliker, H.; Dimitropoulou, M.;
   Anastasiadis, A.; Georgoulis, M.
2013hell.conf....8T    Altcode:
  Elaborating a statistical approach to describe the spatiotemporally
  intermittent electric field structures formed inside a flaring solar
  active region, we investigate the efficiency of such structures
  in accelerating charged particles (electrons). The large-scale
  magnetic configuration in the solar atmosphere responds to the strong
  turbulent flows that convey perturbations across the active region by
  initiating avalanche-type processes. The resulting unstable structures
  correspond to small-scale dissipation regions hosting strong electric
  fields. Previous research on particle acceleration in strongly turbulent
  plasmas provides a general framework for addressing such a problem. This
  framework combines various electromagnetic field configurations obtained
  by magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) or cellular automata (CA) simulations,
  or by employing a statistical description of the field's strength
  and configuration with test particle simulations. Our objective is to
  complement previous work done on the subject. As in previous efforts,
  a set of three probability distribution functions describes our
  ad-hoc electromagnetic field configurations. In addition, we work on
  data-driven 3D magnetic field extrapolations. A collisional relativistic
  test-particle simulation traces each particle's guiding center
  within these configurations. We also find that an interplay between
  different electron populations (thermal/non-thermal, ambient/injected)
  in our simulations may also address, via a re-acceleration mechanism,
  the so called `number problem'. Using the simulated particle-energy
  distributions at different heights of the cylinder we test our results
  against observations, in the framework of the collisional thick target
  model (CTTM) of solar hard X-ray (HXR) emission. The above work is
  supported by the Hellenic National Space Weather Research Network
  (HNSWRN) via the THALIS Programme.

Title: Sun-to-Earth Analysis of a Major Geoeffective Solar Eruption
    within the Framework of the
Authors: Patsourakos, S.; Vlahos, L.; Georgoulis, M.; Tziotziou,
   K.; Nindos, A.; Podladchikova, O.; Vourlidas, A.; Anastasiadis, A.;
   Sandberg, I.; Tsinganos, K.; Daglis, I.; Hillaris, A.; Preka-Papadema,
   P.; Sarris, M.; Sarris, T.
2013hell.conf...10P    Altcode:
  Transient expulsions of gigantic clouds of solar coronal plasma into
  the interplanetary space in the form of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs)
  and sudden, intense flashes of electromagnetic radiation, solar flares,
  are well-established drivers of the variable Space Weather. Given the
  innate, intricate links and connections between the solar drivers and
  their geomagnetic effects, synergistic efforts assembling all pieces
  of the puzzle along the Sun-Earth line are required to advance our
  understanding of the physics of Space Weather. This is precisely the
  focal point of the Hellenic National Space Weather Research Network
  (HNSWRN) under the THALIS Programme. Within the HNSWRN framework,
  we present here the first results from a coordinated multi-instrument
  case study of a major solar eruption (X5.4 and X1.3 flares associated
  with two ultra-fast (&gt;2000 km/s) CMEs) which were launched early
  on 7 March 2012 and triggered an intense geomagnetic storm (min Dst
  =-147 nT) approximately two days afterwards. Several elements of
  the associated phenomena, such as the flare and CME, EUV wave, WL
  shock, proton and electron event, interplanetary type II radio burst,
  ICME and magnetic cloud and their spatiotemporal relationships and
  connections are studied all way from Sun to Earth. To this end, we
  make use of satellite data from a flotilla of solar, heliospheric and
  magnetospheric missions and monitors (e.g., SDO, STEREO, WIND, ACE,
  Herschel, Planck and INTEGRAL). We also present our first steps toward
  formulating a cohesive physical scenario to explain the string of the
  observables and to assess the various physical mechanisms than enabled
  and gave rise to the significant geoeffectiveness of the eruption.

Title: Interpreting Eruptive Behavior in NOAA AR 11158 via the
    Region's Magnetic Energy and Relative-helicity Budgets
Authors: Tziotziou, Kostas; Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Liu, Yang
2013ApJ...772..115T    Altcode: 2013arXiv1306.2135T
  In previous works, we introduced a nonlinear force-free method
  that self-consistently calculates the instantaneous budgets of free
  magnetic energy and relative magnetic helicity in solar active regions
  (ARs). Calculation is expedient and practical, using only a single
  vector magnetogram per computation. We apply this method to a time
  series of 600 high-cadence vector magnetograms of the eruptive NOAA
  AR 11158 acquired by the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager on board the
  Solar Dynamics Observatory over a five-day observing interval. Besides
  testing our method extensively, we use it to interpret the dynamical
  evolution in the AR, including eruptions. We find that the AR builds
  large budgets of both free magnetic energy and relative magnetic
  helicity, sufficient to power many more eruptions than the ones it gave
  within the interval of interest. For each of these major eruptions,
  we find eruption-related decreases and subsequent free-energy and
  helicity budgets that are consistent with the observed eruption (flare
  and coronal mass ejection (CME)) sizes. In addition, we find that (1)
  evolution in the AR is consistent with the recently proposed (free)
  energy-(relative) helicity diagram of solar ARs, (2) eruption-related
  decreases occur before the flare and the projected CME-launch times,
  suggesting that CME progenitors precede flares, and (3) self terms of
  free energy and relative helicity most likely originate from respective
  mutual terms, following a progressive mutual-to-self conversion pattern
  that most likely stems from magnetic reconnection. This results in the
  non-ideal formation of increasingly helical pre-eruption structures
  and instigates further research on the triggering of solar eruptions
  with magnetic helicity firmly placed in the eruption cadre.

Title: Combining Particle Acceleration and Coronal Heating via
    Data-constrained Calculations of Nanoflares in Coronal Loops
Authors: Gontikakis, C.; Patsourakos, S.; Efthymiopoulos, C.;
   Anastasiadis, A.; Georgoulis, M. K.
2013ApJ...771..126G    Altcode: 2013arXiv1305.5195G
  We model nanoflare heating of extrapolated active-region coronal loops
  via the acceleration of electrons and protons in Harris-type current
  sheets. The kinetic energy of the accelerated particles is estimated
  using semi-analytical and test-particle-tracing approaches. Vector
  magnetograms and photospheric Doppler velocity maps of NOAA active
  region 09114, recorded by the Imaging Vector Magnetograph, were
  used for this analysis. A current-free field extrapolation of the
  active-region corona was first constructed. The corresponding Poynting
  fluxes at the footpoints of 5000 extrapolated coronal loops were then
  calculated. Assuming that reconnecting current sheets develop along
  these loops, we utilized previous results to estimate the kinetic
  energy gain of the accelerated particles. We related this energy
  to nanoflare heating and macroscopic loop characteristics. Kinetic
  energies of 0.1-8 keV (for electrons) and 0.3-470 keV (for protons)
  were found to cause heating rates ranging from 10<SUP>-6</SUP> to 1
  erg s<SUP>-1</SUP> cm<SUP>-3</SUP>. Hydrodynamic simulations show
  that such heating rates can sustain plasma in coronal conditions
  inside the loops and generate plasma thermal distributions that are
  consistent with active-region observations. We concluded the analysis
  by computing the form of X-ray spectra generated by the accelerated
  electrons using the thick-target approach. These spectra were found
  to be in agreement with observed X-ray spectra, thus supporting the
  plausibility of our nanoflare-heating scenario.

Title: Dynamic data-driven integrated flare model based on
    self-organized criticality
Authors: Dimitropoulou, M.; Isliker, H.; Vlahos, L.; Georgoulis, M. K.
2013A&A...553A..65D    Altcode:
  Context. We interpret solar flares as events originating in active
  regions that have reached the self-organized critical state. We describe
  them with a dynamic integrated flare model whose initial conditions
  and driving mechanism are derived from observations. <BR /> Aims: We
  investigate whether well-known scaling laws observed in the distribution
  functions of characteristic flare parameters are reproduced after
  the self-organized critical state has been reached. <BR /> Methods:
  To investigate whether the distribution functions of total energy,
  peak energy, and event duration follow the expected scaling laws,
  we first applied the previously reported static cellular automaton
  model to a time series of seven solar vector magnetograms of the NOAA
  active region 8210 recorded by the Imaging Vector Magnetograph on May
  1 1998 between 18:59 UT and 23:16 UT until the self-organized critical
  state was reached. We then evolved the magnetic field between these
  processed snapshots through spline interpolation, mimicking a natural
  driver in our dynamic model. We identified magnetic discontinuities
  that exceeded a threshold in the Laplacian of the magnetic field after
  each interpolation step. These discontinuities were relaxed in local
  diffusion events, implemented in the form of cellular automaton
  evolution rules. Subsequent interpolation and relaxation steps
  covered all transitions until the end of the processed magnetograms'
  sequence. We additionally advanced each magnetic configuration that
  has reached the self-organized critical state (SOC configuration)
  by the static model until 50 more flares were triggered, applied
  the dynamic model again to the new sequence, and repeated the same
  process sufficiently often to generate adequate statistics. Physical
  requirements, such as the divergence-free condition for the magnetic
  field, were approximately imposed. <BR /> Results: We obtain robust
  power laws in the distribution functions of the modeled flaring events
  with scaling indices that agree well with observations. Peak and total
  flare energy obey single power laws with indices -1.65 ± 0.11 and
  -1.47 ± 0.13, while the flare duration is best fitted with a double
  power law (-2.15 ± 0.15 and -3.60 ± 0.09 for the flatter and steeper
  parts, respectively). <BR /> Conclusions: We conclude that well-known
  statistical properties of flares are reproduced after active regions
  reach the state of self-organized criticality. A significant enhancement
  of our refined cellular automaton model is that it initiates and further
  drives the simulation from observed evolving vector magnetograms, thus
  facilitating energy calculation in physical units, while a separation
  between MHD and kinetic timescales is possible by assigning distinct
  MHD timestamps to each interpolation step.

Title: The relation between Magnetic Energy and Helicity and their
    accumulation in Eruptive Solar Active Regions
Authors: Tziotziou, K.; Georgoulis, M. K.; Raouafi, N. -E.
2013ASPC..470...59T    Altcode:
  Magnetic free energy and relative magnetic helicity are two important
  quantities characterizing solar active regions (ARs). Although the
  importance of free magnetic energy storage for solar eruptions is
  widely accepted, the role of magnetic helicity, that quantifies the
  stress and distortion of the magnetic field compared to its lowest
  (potential) energy state, is still under debate. A new nonlinear
  force-free method designed to calculate the instantaneous free magnetic
  energy and relative magnetic helicity budgets of a solar active region
  from a single vector magnetogram is presented. A sample of 40 vector
  magnetograms corresponding to different eruptive and non-eruptive ARs
  is used to calculate their free magnetic energy and relative magnetic
  helicity budgets, aiming to find a statistically robust correlation
  between them. The derived correlation implies that magnetic helicity,
  besides free magnetic energy, is a crucial ingredient for active
  regions hosting major (M-class and higher) solar eruptions. Eruptive
  active regions appear well segregated from non-eruptive ones in both
  free energy and relative helicity with eruptive major flares occurring
  in ARs with free energy and helicity exceeding 4×10<SUP>31</SUP>
  erg and 2×10<SUP>42</SUP> Mx<SUP>2</SUP>, respectively. Helicity is
  expelled from ARs mainly in the form of coronal mass ejections (CMEs)
  and the above helicity threshold agrees well with estimates of typical
  helicity contents of CMEs.

Title: Non-neutralized Electric Current Patterns in Solar Active
Regions: Origin of the Shear-generating Lorentz Force
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Titov, Viacheslav S.; Mikić, Zoran
2012ApJ...761...61G    Altcode: 2012arXiv1210.2919G
  Using solar vector magnetograms of the highest available spatial
  resolution and signal-to-noise ratio, we perform a detailed study
  of electric current patterns in two solar active regions (ARs): a
  flaring/eruptive and a flare-quiet one. We aim to determine whether
  ARs inject non-neutralized (net) electric currents in the solar
  atmosphere, responding to a debate initiated nearly two decades ago
  that remains inconclusive. We find that well-formed, intense magnetic
  polarity inversion lines (PILs) within ARs are the only photospheric
  magnetic structures that support significant net current. More intense
  PILs seem to imply stronger non-neutralized current patterns per
  polarity. This finding revises previous works that claim frequent
  injections of intense non-neutralized currents by most ARs appearing
  in the solar disk but also works that altogether rule out injection of
  non-neutralized currents. In agreement with previous studies, we also
  find that magnetically isolated ARs remain globally current-balanced. In
  addition, we confirm and quantify the preference of a given magnetic
  polarity to follow a given sense of electric currents, indicating a
  dominant sense of twist in ARs. This coherence effect is more pronounced
  in more compact ARs with stronger PILs and must be of sub-photospheric
  origin. Our results yield a natural explanation of the Lorentz force,
  invariably generating velocity and magnetic shear along strong PILs,
  thus setting a physical context for the observed pre-eruption evolution
  in solar ARs.

Title: Magnetic Energy and Helicity Properties of Eruptive Solar
    Active Regions
Authors: Georgoulis, M. K.; Tziotziou, K.; Raouafi, N.
2012AGUFMSH53B..02G    Altcode:
  We outline a new nonlinear force-free method designed to
  self-consistently calculate the magnetic energy and the relative
  magnetic helicity budgets of solar active regions using only
  a single vector magnetogram at the lower atmospheric boundary
  of these regions. The method is fast and has been successfully
  validated with well-known magnetic-energy and relative-helicity
  formulas that, however, are model-dependent and more computationally
  demanding. Application of the method to a sizable sample of vector
  magnetograms reveals that eruptive active regions exceed well-defined,
  physically meaningful thresholds in both their magnetic free-energy
  and relative magnetic-helicity budgets. Moreover, application to
  a high-cadence vector-magnetogram timeseries of an eruptive region
  observed by the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager onboard the Solar
  Dynamics Observatory leads to a physical interpretation of the region's
  dynamical evolution and reveals eruption-related energy and helicity
  changes. Several intriguing possibilities suggesting promising research
  avenues emerge from this analysis and are briefly discussed.

Title: Magnetic Energy and Helicity Budgets in the Active-region
    Solar Corona. II. Nonlinear Force-free Approximation
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Tziotziou, Kostas; Raouafi,
2012ApJ...759....1G    Altcode: 2012arXiv1209.5606G
  Expanding on an earlier work that relied on linear force-free (LFF)
  magnetic fields, we self-consistently derive the instantaneous
  free magnetic energy and relative magnetic helicity budgets of
  an unknown three-dimensional nonlinear force-free (NLFF) magnetic
  structure extending above a single known lower-boundary magnetic field
  vector. The proposed method does not rely on the detailed knowledge
  of the three-dimensional field configuration but is general enough to
  employ only a magnetic connectivity matrix on the lower boundary. The
  calculation yields a minimum free magnetic energy and a relative
  magnetic helicity consistent with this free magnetic energy. The
  method is directly applicable to photospheric or chromospheric vector
  magnetograms of solar active regions. Upon validation, it basically
  reproduces magnetic energies and helicities obtained by well known,
  but computationally more intensive and non-unique, methods relying on
  the extrapolated three-dimensional magnetic field vector. We apply
  the method to three active regions, calculating the photospheric
  connectivity matrices by means of simulated annealing, rather than a
  model-dependent NLFF extrapolation. For two of these regions we correct
  for the inherent LFF overestimation in free energy and relative helicity
  that is larger for larger, more eruptive, active regions. In the third
  region studied, our calculation can lead to a physical interpretation of
  observed eruptive manifestations. We conclude that the proposed method,
  including the proposed inference of the magnetic connectivity matrix,
  is practical enough to contribute to a physical interpretation of the
  dynamical evolution of solar active regions.

Title: The Magnetic Energy-Helicity Diagram of Solar Active Regions
Authors: Tziotziou, Kostas; Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Raouafi,
2012ApJ...759L...4T    Altcode: 2012arXiv1209.5612T
  Using a recently proposed nonlinear force-free method designed for
  single-vector magnetograms of solar active regions, we calculate
  the instantaneous free magnetic energy and relative magnetic helicity
  budgets in 162 vector magnetograms corresponding to 42 different active
  regions. We find a statistically robust, monotonic correlation between
  the free magnetic energy and the relative magnetic helicity in the
  studied regions. This correlation implies that magnetic helicity, in
  addition to free magnetic energy, may be an essential ingredient for
  major solar eruptions. Eruptive active regions appear well segregated
  from non-eruptive ones in both free energy and relative helicity with
  major (at least M-class) flares occurring in active regions with free
  energy and relative helicity exceeding 4 × 10<SUP>31</SUP> erg and 2
  × 10<SUP>42</SUP> Mx<SUP>2</SUP>, respectively. The helicity threshold
  agrees well with estimates of the helicity contents of typical coronal
  mass ejections.

Title: Study of the Three-Dimensional Shape and Dynamics of Coronal
    Loops Observed by Hinode/EIS
Authors: Syntelis, P.; Gontikakis, C.; Georgoulis, M. K.;
   Alissandrakis, C. E.; Tsinganos, K.
2012SoPh..280..475S    Altcode: 2012SoPh..tmp..119S; 2012arXiv1206.0126S
  We study plasma flows along selected coronal loops in NOAA Active
  Region 10926, observed on 3 December 2006 with Hinode'sEUVImaging
  Spectrograph (EIS). From the shape of the loops traced on intensity
  images and the Doppler shifts measured along their length we compute
  their three-dimensional (3D) shape and plasma flow velocity using a
  simple geometrical model. This calculation was performed for loops
  visible in the Fe VIII 185 Å, Fe X 184 Å, Fe XII 195 Å, Fe XIII
  202 Å, and Fe XV 284 Å spectral lines. In most cases the flow is
  unidirectional from one footpoint to the other but there are also cases
  of draining motions from the top of the loops to their footpoints. Our
  results indicate that the same loop may show different flow patterns
  when observed in different spectral lines, suggesting a dynamically
  complex rather than a monolithic structure. We have also carried out
  magnetic extrapolations in the linear force-free field approximation
  using SOHO/MDI magnetograms, aiming toward a first-order identification
  of extrapolated magnetic field lines corresponding to the reconstructed
  loops. In all cases, the best-fit extrapolated lines exhibit left-handed
  twist (α&lt;0), in agreement with the dominant twist of the region.

Title: Preface
Authors: Nakariakov, V. M.; Georgoulis, M. K.; Poedts, S.; van
   Driel-Gesztelyi, L.; Mandrini, C. H.; Leibacher, J.
2012SoPh..280..295N    Altcode: 2012SoPh..tmp..226N
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Micro-Sigmoids as Progenitors of Polar Coronal Jets
Authors: Raouafi, N. -E.; Bernasconi, P. N.; Rust, D. M.; Georgoulis,
   M. K.
2012ASPC..454..299R    Altcode:
  Observations from the Hinode X-ray telescope (XRT) are used to study
  the structure of X-ray bright points (XBPs), sources of coronal
  jets. Several jet events are found to erupt from S-shaped bright
  points, suggesting that coronal micro-sigmoids are progenitors of the
  jets. The observations may help to explain numerous characteristics
  of coronal jets, such as helical structures and shapes. They also
  suggest that solar activity may be self-similar within a wide range
  of scales in terms of both properties and evolution of the observed
  coronal structures.

Title: Pre-Eruption Magnetic Configurations in the Low Atmosphere
    of Solar Active Regions
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.
2012cosp...39..604G    Altcode: 2012cosp.meet..604G
  Major solar eruptions, namely flares and coronal mass ejections, rely
  on significant local accumulations of non-potential (free; stored in
  electric currents) magnetic energy and, quite likely, magnetic helicity
  in the solar atmosphere. Without [both of] them, eruptions cannot
  be powered. Simple tests can show that most free energy and helicity
  reside close to the lower atmospheric boundary in solar active regions,
  i.e. their photospheric or low chromospheric interface. Therefore,
  the pre-eruption configuration in this boundary should reflect these
  high free-energy and helicity conditions that jointly determine the
  degree of non-potentiality in active regions. We review the two main
  active-region photospheric/low-chromospheric configurations leading
  to major eruptions: instances of intense magnetic flux emergence in
  the absence of intense magnetic polarity inversion lines (PILs),
  and instances of strong PILs. In these configurations we discuss
  multiple measures that can be thought of as proxies of free magnetic
  energy and helicity and we outline a method to actually calculate these
  budgets. Combining information from different, but concerted, analyses
  and approaches, a new picture of eruption initiation emerges. We
  highlight this new insight and project on its physical plausibility
  and the advances that it may bring.

Title: Automated Detection of Eruptive Structures for Solar Eruption
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.
2012cosp...39..605G    Altcode: 2012cosp.meet..605G
  The problem of data processing and assimilation for solar eruption
  prediction is, for contemporary solar physics, more pressing than
  the problem of data acquisition. Although critical solar data, such
  as the coronal magnetic field, are still not routinely available,
  space-based observatories deliver diverse, high-quality information
  at such a high rate that a manual or semi-manual processing becomes
  meaningless. We discuss automated data analysis methods and explain,
  using basic physics, why some of them are unlikely to advance eruption
  prediction. From this finding we also understand why solar eruption
  prediction is likely to remain inherently probabilistic. We discuss
  some promising eruption prediction measures and report on efforts to
  adapt them for use with high-resolution, high-cadence photospheric and
  coronal data delivered by the Solar Dynamics Observatory. Concluding,
  we touch on the problem of physical understanding and synthesis of
  different results: combining different measures inferred by different
  data sets is a yet-to-be-done exercise that, however, presents our
  best opportunity of realizing benefits in solar eruption prediction
  via a meaningful, targeted assimilation of solar data.

Title: Plasma Blobs in the Solar Polar Regions: Outflows or Waves?
Authors: Raouafi, Nour-Eddine; Bernasconi, P. N.; Georgoulis, M. K.
2012AAS...22020104R    Altcode:
  We analyze EUV images from the Solar Dynamic Observatory
  (SDO). Anti-sunward propagating blob are found almost everywhere within
  the solar polar regions with velocities ranging from a few 10 km s-1
  to more than 100 km s-1. These structures are either flows or waves. In
  the former case they may reflect the structure of the nascent fast solar
  wind. The case is also important for the heating of the coronal plasma.

Title: Comment on “Resolving the 180° Ambiguity in Solar Vector
Magnetic Field Data: Evaluating the Effects of Noise, Spatial
    Resolution, and Method Assumptions”
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.
2012SoPh..276..423G    Altcode: 2011arXiv1106.4682G
  In a recent paper, Leka et al. (Solar Phys. 260, 83, 2009) constructed
  a synthetic vector magnetogram representing a three-dimensional
  magnetic structure defined only within a fraction of an arcsec
  in height. They rebinned the magnetogram to simulate conditions of
  limited spatial resolution and then compared the results of various
  azimuth disambiguation methods on the resampled data. Methods relying
  on the physical calculation of potential and/or non-potential magnetic
  fields failed in nearly the same, extended parts of the field of view
  and Leka et al. (Solar Phys. 260, 83, 2009) attributed these failures
  to the limited spatial resolution. This study shows that the failure
  of these methods is not due to the limited spatial resolution but due
  to the narrowly defined test data. Such narrow magnetic structures
  are not realistic in the real Sun. Physics-based disambiguation
  methods, adapted for solar magnetic fields extending to infinity,
  are not designed to handle such data; hence, they could only fail this
  test. I demonstrate how an appropriate limited-resolution disambiguation
  test can be performed by constructing a synthetic vector magnetogram
  very similar to that of Leka et al. (Solar Phys. 260, 83, 2009) but
  representing a structure defined in the semi-infinite space above
  the solar photosphere. For this magnetogram I find that even a simple
  potential-field disambiguation method manages to resolve the ambiguity
  very successfully, regardless of limited spatial resolution. Therefore,
  despite the conclusions of Leka et al. (Solar Phys. 260, 83, 2009),
  a proper limited-spatial-resolution test of azimuth disambiguation
  methods is yet to be performed in order to identify the best ideas
  and algorithms.

Title: Are Solar Active Regions with Major Flares More Fractal,
    Multifractal, or Turbulent Than Others?
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.
2012SoPh..276..161G    Altcode: 2011SoPh..tmp...15G; 2011SoPh..tmp..411G; 2011SoPh..tmp..146G;
   2011SoPh..tmp..215G; 2011arXiv1101.0547G
  Multiple recent investigations of solar magnetic-field measurements have
  raised claims that the scale-free (fractal) or multiscale (multifractal)
  parameters inferred from the studied magnetograms may help assess the
  eruptive potential of solar active regions, or may even help predict
  major flaring activity stemming from these regions. We investigate these
  claims here, by testing three widely used scale-free and multiscale
  parameters, namely, the fractal dimension, the multifractal structure
  function and its inertial-range exponent, and the turbulent power
  spectrum and its power-law index, on a comprehensive data set of
  370 timeseries of active-region magnetograms (17 733 magnetograms
  in total) observed by SOHO's Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) over
  the entire Solar Cycle 23. We find that both flaring and non-flaring
  active regions exhibit significant fractality, multifractality, and
  non-Kolmogorov turbulence but none of the three tested parameters
  manages to distinguish active regions with major flares from
  flare-quiet ones. We also find that the multiscale parameters,
  but not the scale-free fractal dimension, depend sensitively on the
  spatial resolution and perhaps the observational characteristics of
  the studied magnetograms. Extending previous works, we attribute the
  flare-forecasting inability of fractal and multifractal parameters to
  i) a widespread multiscale complexity caused by a possible underlying
  self-organization in turbulent solar magnetic structures, flaring and
  non-flaring alike, and ii) a lack of correlation between the fractal
  properties of the photosphere and overlying layers, where solar
  eruptions occur. However useful for understanding solar magnetism,
  therefore, scale-free and multiscale measures may not be optimal tools
  for active-region characterization in terms of eruptive ability or,
  ultimately, for major solar-flare prediction.

Title: Nanoflare heating of coronal loops in an active region
    triggered by reconnecting current sheets
Authors: Gontikakis, C.; Patsourakos, S.; Efthymiopoulos, C.;
   Anastasiadis, A.; Georgoulis, M.
2012hell.conf....7G    Altcode:
  The purpose of this work is to study the heating of coronal loops,
  produced by the acceleration of particles inside reconnecting current
  sheets (RCS) which represent nanoflares. We also study the hydrodynamic
  response of the loops atmosphere to such a heating event. The RCS are
  formed as discontinuities of the loop magnetic field caused by the
  photospheric shuffling motions. The coronal loops are represented
  by the closed magnetic lines of force calculated by the magnetic
  field extrapolation of the active region NOAA 9114 magnetogram. The
  photospheric motions at the loops footpoints are measured using local
  correlation tracking. The magnetic and electric fields accelerating
  particles at the RCS are computed using the loop magnetic fields and
  the photospheric motions. We further discuss the question of energy
  conservation inside the current sheet, and we present the statistical
  distributions of quantities relevant for particles acceleration and
  coronal heating for a number of the active region's coronal loops.

Title: Computer Vision for the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)
Authors: Martens, P. C. H.; Attrill, G. D. R.; Davey, A. R.; Engell,
   A.; Farid, S.; Grigis, P. C.; Kasper, J.; Korreck, K.; Saar, S. H.;
   Savcheva, A.; Su, Y.; Testa, P.; Wills-Davey, M.; Bernasconi, P. N.;
   Raouafi, N. -E.; Delouille, V. A.; Hochedez, J. F.; Cirtain, J. W.;
   DeForest, C. E.; Angryk, R. A.; De Moortel, I.; Wiegelmann, T.;
   Georgoulis, M. K.; McAteer, R. T. J.; Timmons, R. P.
2012SoPh..275...79M    Altcode: 2011SoPh..tmp..144M; 2011SoPh..tmp..213M; 2011SoPh..tmp....8M
  In Fall 2008 NASA selected a large international consortium to produce
  a comprehensive automated feature-recognition system for the Solar
  Dynamics Observatory (SDO). The SDO data that we consider are all of the
  Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) images plus surface magnetic-field
  images from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI). We produce
  robust, very efficient, professionally coded software modules that
  can keep up with the SDO data stream and detect, trace, and analyze
  numerous phenomena, including flares, sigmoids, filaments, coronal
  dimmings, polarity inversion lines, sunspots, X-ray bright points,
  active regions, coronal holes, EIT waves, coronal mass ejections
  (CMEs), coronal oscillations, and jets. We also track the emergence and
  evolution of magnetic elements down to the smallest detectable features
  and will provide at least four full-disk, nonlinear, force-free magnetic
  field extrapolations per day. The detection of CMEs and filaments is
  accomplished with Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)/Large
  Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) and ground-based Hα
  data, respectively. A completely new software element is a trainable
  feature-detection module based on a generalized image-classification
  algorithm. Such a trainable module can be used to find features that
  have not yet been discovered (as, for example, sigmoids were in the
  pre-Yohkoh era). Our codes will produce entries in the Heliophysics
  Events Knowledgebase (HEK) as well as produce complete catalogs for
  results that are too numerous for inclusion in the HEK, such as the
  X-ray bright-point metadata. This will permit users to locate data on
  individual events as well as carry out statistical studies on large
  numbers of events, using the interface provided by the Virtual Solar
  Observatory. The operations concept for our computer vision system is
  that the data will be analyzed in near real time as soon as they arrive
  at the SDO Joint Science Operations Center and have undergone basic
  processing. This will allow the system to produce timely space-weather
  alerts and to guide the selection and production of quicklook images and
  movies, in addition to its prime mission of enabling solar science. We
  briefly describe the complex and unique data-processing pipeline,
  consisting of the hardware and control software required to handle
  the SDO data stream and accommodate the computer-vision modules, which
  has been set up at the Lockheed-Martin Space Astrophysics Laboratory
  (LMSAL), with an identical copy at the Smithsonian Astrophysical
  Observatory (SAO).

Title: On the shape of active region coronal loops observed by
Authors: Syntelis, P.; Gontikakis, C.; Alissandrakis, C.; Georgoulis,
   M.; Tsinganos, K.
2012hell.confQ..14S    Altcode:
  We study plasma flows in NOAA Active Region (AR) 10926, observed on
  December 3, 2006 with Hinode's EUV Imaging Spectrograph (EIS). We
  measured the line-of-sight velocity along coronal loops in the Fe
  VIII 185A, Fe X 184A , Fe XII 195A, Fe XIII 202A, and Fe XV 284A
  spectral lines and reconstructed the three dimensional (3D) shape
  and velocity of plasma flow using a simple geometrical model. In
  most cases the flow is unidirectional from one footpoint to the other,
  resembling siphon flow. However there are also cases of draining motions
  from the top of the loops to their footpoints. The multi-wavelength
  observations of the AR indicate that similar loops may show different
  flow patterns if observed in different spectral lines. We have also
  carried out magnetic field extrapolations using an SOHO/MDI and an
  SOT/Spectropolarimeter (SP) magnetogram, in order to identify magnetic
  field lines corresponding to the reconstructed 3D loops.

Title: Monitoring solar energetic particles with an armada of
    European spacecraft and the new automated SEPF (Solar Energetic
    Proton Fluxes) Tool
Authors: Sandberg, I.; Daglis, I. A.; Anastasiadis, A.; Balasis, G.;
   Georgoulis, M.; Nieminen, P.; Evans, H.; Daly, E.
2012hell.conf....8S    Altcode:
  Solar energetic particles (SEPs) observed in interplanetary medium
  consist of electrons, protons, alpha particles and heavier ions (up
  to Fe), with energies from dozens of keVs to a few GeVs. SEP events,
  or SEPEs, are particle flux enhancements from background level (&lt;
  1 pfu, particle flux unit = particle cm-2sr-1s-1) to several orders
  of magnitude in the MeV range, and lasting from several hours to a
  few days. Intense SEPEs can reach fluence values as high as 1010
  protons cm-2 for E &gt; 30 MeV. The main part of SEPEs results
  from the acceleration of particles either by solar flares and/or by
  interplanetary shocks driven by Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs); these
  accelerated particles propagate through the heliosphere, traveling
  along the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). SEPEs show significant
  variability from one event to another and are an important part of space
  weather, because they pose a serious health risk to humans in space and
  a serious radiation hazard for the spacecraft hardware which may lead
  to severe damages. As a consequence, engineering models, observations
  and theoretical investigations related to the high energy particle
  environment is a priority issue for both robotic and manned space
  missions. The European Space Agency operates the Standard Radiation
  Environment Monitor (SREM) on-board six spacecraft: Proba-1, INTEGRAL,
  Rosetta, Giove-B, Herschel and Planck, which measures high-energy
  protons and electrons with a fair angular and spectral resolution. The
  fact that several SREM units operate in different orbits provides a
  unique chance for comparative studies of the radiation environment
  based on multiple data gathered by identical detectors. Furthermore,
  the radiation environment monitoring by the SREM unit onboard Rosetta
  may reveal unknown characteristics of SEPEs properties given the fact
  that the majority of the available radiation data and models only
  refer to 1AU solar distances. The Institute for Space Applications and
  Remote Sensing of the National Observatory of Athens (ISARS/NOA) has
  developed and validated a novel method to obtain flux spectra from SREM
  count rates. Using this method and by conducting detailed scientific
  studies we have showed in previous presentations and papers that the
  exploration and analysis of SREM data may contribute significantly to
  investigations and modeling efforts of SPE generation and propagation in
  the heliosphere and in the Earth's magnetosphere. ISARS/NOA recently
  released an automated software tool for the monitoring of Solar
  Energetic Proton Fluxes (SEPF) using measurements of SREM. The SEPF tool
  is based on the automated implementation of the inverse method developed
  by ISARS/NOA, permitting the calculation of high-energy proton fluxes
  from SREM data. Results of the method have been validated for selected
  number of past solar energetic particle events using measurements from
  other space-born proton monitors. The SEPF tool unfolds downlinked
  SREM count-rates, calculates the omnidirectional differential proton
  fluxes and provides results to the space weather community acting as
  a multi-point proton flux monitor on a daily-basis. The SEPF tool is a
  significant European space weather asset and will support the efforts
  towards an efficient European Space Situational Awareness programme.

Title: Solar Energetic Particle Events detected by the Standard
    Radiation Environment Monitor (SREM) onboard INTEGRAL
Authors: Georgoulis, M.; Daglis, I. A.; Anastasiadis, A.; Sandberg,
   I.; Balasis, G.; Nieminen, P.
2012hell.conf...10G    Altcode:
  The SREM is a cost-effective instrument mounted onboard multiple ESA
  missions. The SREM objective is the in-situ measurement of high-energy
  solar particles at the spacecraft location. Within the previous solar
  cycle 23, SREM units onboard ESA's INTEGRAL and Rosetta missions
  detected several tens of SEPEs and accurately pinpointed their onset,
  rise, and decay times. We have undertaken a detailed study to determine
  the solar sources and subsequent interplanetary coronal mass ejections
  (ICMEs) that gave rise to these events, as well as the timing of SEPEs
  with the onset of possible geomagnetic activity triggered by these
  ICMEs. We find that virtually all SREM SEPEs may be associated with
  CME-driven shocks. For a number of well-studied INTEGRAL/SREM SEPEs,
  moreover, we see an association between the SEPE peak and the shock
  passage at L1. Shortly (typically within a few hours) after the
  SEPE peak, the ICME-driven modulation of the magnetosphere kicks
  in, with either an increase or a dip of the Dst index, indicating
  stormy conditions in geospace. We conclude that, pending additional
  investigation, SREM units may prove useful for a short-term prediction
  of inclement space-weather conditions in Geospace, especially if
  mounted onboard dayside missions ahead of the magnetospheric bow shock.

Title: On Our Ability to Predict Major Solar Flares
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.
2012ASSP...30...93G    Altcode: 2012snc..book...93G
  We discuss the outstanding problem of solar flare prediction
  and briefly overview the various methods that have been developed
  to address it. A class of these methods, relying on the fractal
  and multifractal nature of solar magnetic fields, are shown to be
  inadequate for flare prediction. More promise seems delivered by
  morphological methods applying mostly to the photospheric magnetic
  configuration of solar active regions but a definitive assessment
  of their veracity is subject to a number of caveats. Statistical and
  artificial-intelligence methods are also briefly discussed, together
  with their possible shortcomings. The central importance of proper
  validation procedures for any viable method is also highlighted,
  together with the need for future studies that will finally judge
  whether practically meaningful flare prediction will ever become
  possible, if only purely probabilistic.

Title: Pre-Eruption Magnetic Configurations in the Active-Region
    Solar Photosphere
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.
2011IAUS..273..495G    Altcode:
  Most solar eruptions occur above strong photospheric magnetic polarity
  inversion lines (PILs). What overlays a PIL is unknown, however, and
  this has led to a debate over the existence of sheared magnetic arcades
  vs. helical magnetic flux ropes. We argue that this debate may be of
  little meaning: numerous small-scale magnetic reconnections, constantly
  triggered in the PIL area, can lead to effective transformation
  of mutual to self magnetic helicity (i.e. twist and writhe) that,
  ultimately, may force the magnetic structure above PILs to erupt to
  be relieved from its excess helicity. This is preliminary report of
  work currently in progress.

Title: Simulating flaring events in complex active regions driven
    by observed magnetograms
Authors: Dimitropoulou, M.; Isliker, H.; Vlahos, L.; Georgoulis, M. K.
2011A&A...529A.101D    Altcode: 2011arXiv1102.2352D
  Context. We interpret solar flares as events originating in active
  regions that have reached the self organized critical state, by using
  a refined cellular automaton model with initial conditions derived
  from observations. <BR /> Aims: We investigate whether the system,
  with its imposed physical elements, reaches a self organized critical
  state and whether well-known statistical properties of flares,
  such as scaling laws observed in the distribution functions of
  characteristic parameters, are reproduced after this state has been
  reached. <BR /> Methods: To investigate whether the distribution
  functions of total energy, peak energy and event duration follow
  the expected scaling laws, we first applied a nonlinear force-free
  extrapolation that reconstructs the three-dimensional magnetic
  fields from two-dimensional vector magnetograms. We then locate
  magnetic discontinuities exceeding a threshold in the Laplacian of the
  magnetic field. These discontinuities are relaxed in local diffusion
  events, implemented in the form of cellular automaton evolution
  rules. Subsequent loading and relaxation steps lead the system to
  self organized criticality, after which the statistical properties
  of the simulated events are examined. Physical requirements, such
  as the divergence-free condition for the magnetic field vector, are
  approximately imposed on all elements of the model. <BR /> Results:
  Our results show that self organized criticality is indeed reached
  when applying specific loading and relaxation rules. Power-law indices
  obtained from the distribution functions of the modeled flaring events
  are in good agreement with observations. Single power laws (peak and
  total flare energy) are obtained, as are power laws with exponential
  cutoff and double power laws (flare duration). The results are also
  compared with observational X-ray data from the GOES satellite for our
  active-region sample. <BR /> Conclusions: We conclude that well-known
  statistical properties of flares are reproduced after the system
  has reached self organized criticality. A significant enhancement
  of our refined cellular automaton model is that it commences the
  simulation from observed vector magnetograms, thus facilitating
  energy calculation in physical units. The model described in this
  study remains consistent with fundamental physical requirements,
  and imposes physically meaningful driving and redistribution rules.

Title: Nonlinear Force-Free Reconstruction of the Global Solar
Magnetic Field: Methodology
Authors: Contopoulos, I.; Kalapotharakos, C.; Georgoulis, M. K.
2011SoPh..269..351C    Altcode: 2010arXiv1011.5356C; 2011SoPh..tmp...23C
  We present a novel numerical method that allows the calculation of
  nonlinear force-free magnetostatic solutions above a boundary surface on
  which only the distribution of the normal magnetic field component is
  given. The method relies on the theory of force-free electrodynamics
  and applies directly to the reconstruction of the solar coronal
  magnetic field for a given distribution of the photospheric radial
  field component. The method works as follows: we start with any initial
  magnetostatic global field configuration (e.g. zero, dipole), and along
  the boundary surface we create an evolving distribution of tangential
  (horizontal) electric fields that, via Faraday's equation, give rise to
  a respective normal-field distribution approaching asymptotically the
  target distribution. At the same time, these electric fields are used as
  boundary condition to numerically evolve the resulting electromagnetic
  field above the boundary surface, modeled as a thin ideal plasma with
  non-reflecting, perfectly absorbing outer boundaries. The simulation
  relaxes to a nonlinear force-free configuration that satisfies the
  given normal-field distribution on the boundary. This is different from
  existing methods relying on a fixed boundary condition - the boundary
  evolves toward the a priori given one, at the same time evolving the
  three-dimensional field solution above it. Moreover, this is the first
  time that a nonlinear force-free solution is reached by using only the
  normal field component on the boundary. This solution is not unique,
  but it depends on the initial magnetic field configuration and on the
  evolutionary course along the boundary surface. To our knowledge, this
  is the first time that the formalism of force-free electrodynamics,
  used very successfully in other astrophysical contexts, is applied to
  the global solar magnetic field.

Title: Three-dimensional Structure of a Solar Active Region from
    Spatially and Spectrally Resolved Microwave Observations
Authors: Tun, Samuel D.; Gary, Dale E.; Georgoulis, Manolis K.
2011ApJ...728....1T    Altcode:
  We report on the structure of the solar atmosphere above active
  region (AR) 10923, observed on 2006 November 10, as deduced from
  multi-wavelength studies including combined microwave observations
  from the Very Large Array (VLA) and the Owens Valley Solar Array
  (OVSA). The VLA observations provide excellent image quality
  at a few widely spaced frequencies, while the OVSA data provide
  information at many intermediate frequencies to fill in the spectral
  coverage. Images at 25 distinct frequencies are used to provide
  spatially resolved spectra along many lines of sight in the AR,
  from which microwave spectral diagnostics are obtained for deducing
  maps of temperature, magnetic field, and column density. The derived
  quantities are compared with multiwavelength observations from the
  Solar and Heliospheric Observatory and Hinode spacecraft, and with a
  current-free magnetic field extrapolation. We find that a two-component
  temperature model is required to fit the data, in which a hot (&gt;2
  MK) lower corona above the strong-field plage and sunspot regions
  (emitting via the gyroresonance process) is overlaid with somewhat
  cooler (~1 MK) coronal loops that partially absorb the gyroresonance
  emission through the free-free (Bremsstrahlung) process. We also find
  that the extrapolated potential magnetic fields can quantitatively
  account for the observed gyroresonance emission over most of the AR,
  but in a few areas a higher field strength is required. The results
  are used to explore the coronal configuration needed to explain the
  observations. These results show that the bulk of free-free emission
  in both radio and X-rays emanates from two loop systems, distinguished
  by the location of their loop footpoints. We discuss the implications
  of such comparisons for studies of AR structure when better microwave
  spectral imaging becomes available in the future.

Title: Oscillations in a network region observed in the Hα line
    and their relation to the magnetic field
Authors: Kontogiannis, I.; Tsiropoula, G.; Tziotziou, K.; Georgoulis,
   M. K.
2010A&A...524A..12K    Altcode:
  <BR /> Aims: Our aim is to gain a better understanding of the
  interaction between acoustic oscillations and the small-scale magnetic
  fields of the Sun. To this end, we examine the oscillatory properties
  of a network region and their relation to the magnetic configuration of
  the chromosphere. We link the oscillatory properties of a network region
  and their spatial variation with the variation of the parameters of the
  magnetic field. We investigate the effect of the magnetic canopy and the
  diverging flux tubes of the chromospheric network on the distribution
  of oscillatory power over the network and internetwork. <BR /> Methods:
  We use a time series of high resolution filtergrams at five wavelengths
  along the Hα profile observed with the Dutch Open Telescope, as
  well as high resolution magnetograms taken by the SOT/SP onboard
  HINODE. Using wavelet analysis, we construct power maps of the 3,
  5 and 7 min oscillations of the Doppler signals calculated at ±0.35
  Å and ±0.7 Å from the Hα line center. These represent velocities
  at chromospheric and photospheric levels respectively. Through
  a current-free (potential) field extrapolation we calculate the
  chromospheric magnetic field and compare its morphology with the
  Hα filtergrams. We calculate the plasma β and the magnetic field
  inclination angle and compare their distribution with the oscillatory
  power at the 3, 5 and 7 min period bands. <BR /> Results: Chromospheric
  mottles seem to outline the magnetic field lines. The Hα ± 0.35
  Å Doppler signals are formed above the canopy, while the Hα ± 0.7
  Å corresponding ones below it. The 3 min power is suppressed at the
  chromosphere around the network, where the canopy height is lower than
  1600 km, while at the photosphere it is enhanced due to reflection. 3,
  5 and 7 min oscillatory power is increased around the network at the
  photosphere due to reflection of waves on the overlying canopy, while
  increased 5 and 7 min power at the chromosphere is attributed mainly
  to wave refraction on the canopy. At these high periods, power is also
  increased due to p-mode leakage because of the high inclinations of the
  magnetic field. <BR /> Conclusions: Our high resolution Hα observations
  and photospheric magnetograms provide the opportunity to highlight
  the details of the interaction between acoustic oscillations and the
  magnetic field of a network region. We conclude that several mechanisms
  that have been proposed such as p-mode leakage, mode conversion,
  reflection and refraction of waves on the magnetic canopy may act
  together and result to the observed properties of network oscillations.

Title: Micro-Sigmoids as Progenitors of Polar Coronal Jets
Authors: Raouafi, N. -E.; Bernasconi, P. N.; Rust, D. M.; Georgoulis,
   M. K.
2010arXiv1009.2951R    Altcode:
  Observations from the Hinode X-ray telescope (XRT) are used to study
  the structure of X-ray bright points (XBPs), sources of coronal
  jets. Several jet events are found to erupt from S-shaped bright
  points, suggesting that coronal micro-sigmoids are progenitors of the
  jets. The observations may help to explain numerous characteristics
  of coronal jets, such as helical structures and shapes. They also
  suggest that solar activity may be self-similar within a wide range
  of scales in terms of both properties and evolution of the observed
  coronal structures.

Title: Micro-sigmoids as Progenitors of Coronal Jets: Is Eruptive
    Activity Self-similarly Multi-scaled?
Authors: Raouafi, N. -E.; Georgoulis, M. K.; Rust, D. M.; Bernasconi,
   P. N.
2010ApJ...718..981R    Altcode: 2010arXiv1005.4042R
  Observations from the X-ray telescope (XRT) on Hinode are used to study
  the nature of X-ray-bright points, sources of coronal jets. Several
  jet events in the coronal holes are found to erupt from small-scale,
  S-shaped bright regions. This finding suggests that coronal
  micro-sigmoids may well be progenitors of coronal jets. Moreover,
  the presence of these structures may explain numerous observed
  characteristics of jets such as helical structures, apparent transverse
  motions, and shapes. Analogous to large-scale sigmoids giving rise to
  coronal mass ejections (CMEs), a promising future task would perhaps
  be to investigate whether solar eruptive activity, from coronal jets to
  CMEs, is self-similar in terms of properties and instability mechanisms.

Title: Heating Distribution Along Coronal Loops in two Active Regions
    Using a Simple Electrodynamic Calculation
Authors: Gontikakis, C.; Georgoulis, M.; Contopoulos, I.; Dara, H. C.
2010ASPC..424...25G    Altcode:
  The heating along hundreds of coronal loops of non flaring active
  regions is computed using a simple electrodynamic model. Photospheric
  motions generate electric fields inducing, electric potential
  differences at the footpoints of loops. These potential differences
  generate electric currents that lead to Ohmic heating. We computed
  the magnetic field extrapolation from the magnetograms of two
  active regions, namely NOAA AR 9366 (SOHO/MDI) and NOAA AR 10963,
  (HINODE/SOT). Closed magnetic field lines model the coronal loops. For
  each loop we computed the heating function and obtained the hydrostatic
  distribution of temperature and pressure. We found that the coronal
  heating is stronger near the footpoints of the loops and asymmetric
  along them. We obtained scaling laws that correlate the mean volumetric
  heating with the loop length, and the heating flux, through the loop
  footpoints with the magnetic field strength at the footpoints. Our
  results are in qualitative agreement with observations (see Gontikakis
  et al. 2008 for more details).

Title: Simulating Flaring Events via an Intelligent Cellular Automata
Authors: Dimitropoulou, M.; Vlahos, L.; Isliker, H.; Georgoulis, M.
2010ASPC..424...28D    Altcode:
  We simulate flaring events through a Cellular Automaton (CA) model,
  in which, for the first time, we use observed vector magnetograms as
  initial conditions. After non-linear force free extrapolation of the
  magnetic field from the vector magnetograms, we identify magnetic
  discontinuities, using two alternative criteria: (1) the average
  magnetic field gradient, or (2) the normalized magnetic field curl
  (i.e. the current). Magnetic discontinuities are identified at the
  grid-sites where the magnetic field gradient or curl exceeds a specified
  threshold. We then relax the magnetic discontinuities according to
  the rules of Lu and Hamilton (1991) or Lu et al. (1993), i.e. we
  redistribute the magnetic field locally so that the discontinuities
  disappear. In order to simulate the flaring events, we consider
  several alternative scenarios with regard to: (1) The threshold
  above which magnetic discontinuities are identified (applying low,
  high, and height-dependent threshold values); (2) The driving process
  that occasionally causes new discontinuities (at randomly chosen grid
  sites, magnetic field increments are added that are perpendicular (or
  may-be also parallel) to the existing magnetic field). We address the
  question whether the coronal active region magnetic fields can indeed
  be considered to be in the state of self-organized criticality (SOC).

Title: The "Sigmoid Sniffer” and the "Advanced Automated Solar
    Filament Detection and Characterization Code” Modules
Authors: Raouafi, Noureddine; Bernasconi, P. N.; Georgoulis, M. K.
2010AAS...21640232R    Altcode:
  We present two pattern recognition algorithms, the "Sigmoid
  Sniffer” and the "Advanced Automated Solar Filament Detection and
  Characterization Code,” that are among the Feature Finding modules
  of the Solar Dynamic Observatory: <P />1) Coronal sigmoids visible
  in X-rays and the EUV are the result of highly twisted magnetic
  fields. They can occur anywhere on the solar disk and are closely
  related to solar eruptive activity (e.g., flares, CMEs). Their
  appearance is typically synonym of imminent solar eruptions, so
  they can serve as a tool to forecast solar activity. Automatic
  X-ray sigmoid identification offers an unbiased way of detecting
  short-to-mid term CME precursors. The "Sigmoid Sniffer” module is
  capable of automatically detecting sigmoids in full-disk X-ray images
  and determining their chirality, as well as other characteristics. It
  uses multiple thresholds to identify persistent bright structures on
  a full-disk X-ray image of the Sun. We plan to apply the code to X-ray
  images from Hinode/XRT, as well as on SDO/AIA images. When implemented
  in a near real-time environment, the Sigmoid Sniffer could allow 3-7
  day forecasts of CMEs and their potential to cause major geomagnetic
  storms. <P />2)The "Advanced Automated Solar Filament Detection and
  Characterization Code” aims to identify, classify, and track solar
  filaments in full-disk Hα images. The code can reliably identify
  filaments; determine their chirality and other relevant parameters
  like filament area, length, and average orientation with respect to
  the equator. It is also capable of tracking the day-by-day evolution
  of filaments as they traverse the visible disk. The code was tested by
  analyzing daily Hα images taken at the Big Bear Solar Observatory from
  mid-2000 to early-2005. It identified and established the chirality
  of thousands of filaments without human intervention.

Title: Computer Vision for SDO: First Results from the SDO Feature
    Finding Algorithms
Authors: Martens, Petrus C.; Attrill, G.; Davey, A.; Engell, A.;
   Farid, S.; Grigis, P.; Kasper, J.; Korreck, K.; Saar, S.; Su, Y.;
   Testa, P.; Wills-Davey, M.; Bernasconi, P.; Raouafi, N.; Georgoulis,
   M.; Deforest, C.; Peterson, J.; Berghoff, T.; Delouille, V.; Hochedez,
   J.; Mampaey, B.; Verbeek, C.; Cirtain, J.; Green, S.; Timmons, R.;
   Savcheva, A.; Angryk, R.; Wiegelmann, T.; McAteer, R.
2010AAS...21630804M    Altcode:
  The SDO Feature Finding Team produces robust and very efficient
  software modules that can keep up with the relentless SDO data stream,
  and detect, trace, and analyze a large number of phenomena including:
  flares, sigmoids, filaments, coronal dimmings, polarity inversion
  lines, sunspots, X-ray bright points, active regions, coronal holes,
  EIT waves, CME's, coronal oscillations, and jets. In addition we track
  the emergence and evolution of magnetic elements down to the smallest
  features that are detectable, and we will also provide at least four
  full disk nonlinear force-free magnetic field extrapolations per day. <P
  />During SDO commissioning we will install in the near-real time data
  pipeline the modules that provide alerts for flares, coronal dimmings,
  and emerging flux, as well as those that trace filaments, sigmoids,
  polarity inversion lines, and active regions. We will demonstrate
  the performance of these modules and illustrate their use for science

Title: Solar Magnetic Helicity Injected into the Heliosphere:
    Magnitude, Balance, and Periodicities Over Solar Cycle 23
Authors: Georgoulis, M. K.; Rust, D. M.; Pevtsov, A. A.; Bernasconi,
   P. N.; Kuzanyan, K. M.
2009ApJ...705L..48G    Altcode:
  Relying purely on solar photospheric magnetic field measurements that
  cover most of solar cycle 23 (1996-2005), we calculate the total
  relative magnetic helicity injected into the solar atmosphere, and
  eventually shed into the heliosphere, over the latest cycle. Large
  active regions dominate the helicity injection process with ~5.7
  × 10<SUP>45</SUP> Mx<SUP>2</SUP> of total injected helicity. The
  net helicity injected is lsim1% of the above output. Peculiar
  active-region plasma flows account for ~80% of this helicity; the
  remaining ~20% is due to solar differential rotation. The typical
  helicity per active-region CME ranges between (1.8-7) × 10<SUP>42</SUP>
  Mx<SUP>2</SUP> depending on the CME velocity. Accounting for various
  minor underestimation factors, we estimate a maximum helicity injection
  of ~6.6 × 10<SUP>45</SUP> Mx<SUP>2</SUP> for solar cycle 23. Although
  no significant net helicity exists over both solar hemispheres,
  we recover the well-known hemispheric helicity preference, which is
  significantly enhanced by the solar differential rotation. We also
  find that helicity injection in the solar atmosphere is an inherently
  disorganized, impulsive, and aperiodic process.

Title: The correlation of fractal structures in the photospheric
    and the coronal magnetic field
Authors: Dimitropoulou, M.; Georgoulis, M.; Isliker, H.; Vlahos, L.;
   Anastasiadis, A.; Strintzi, D.; Moussas, X.
2009A&A...505.1245D    Altcode: 2009arXiv0908.3950D
  Context: This work examines the relation between the fractal properties
  of the photospheric magnetic patterns and those of the coronal
  magnetic fields in solar active regions. <BR />Aims: We investigate
  whether there is any correlation between the fractal dimensions of
  the photospheric structures and the magnetic discontinuities formed in
  the corona. <BR />Methods: To investigate the connection between the
  photospheric and coronal complexity, we used a nonlinear force-free
  extrapolation method that reconstructs the 3d magnetic fields using 2d
  observed vector magnetograms as boundary conditions. We then located
  the magnetic discontinuities, which are considered as spatial proxies
  of reconnection-related instabilities. These discontinuities form
  well-defined volumes, called here unstable volumes. We calculated
  the fractal dimensions of these unstable volumes and compared them
  to the fractal dimensions of the boundary vector magnetograms. <BR
  />Results: Our results show no correlation between the fractal
  dimensions of the observed 2d photospheric structures and the
  extrapolated unstable volumes in the corona, when nonlinear force-free
  extrapolation is used. This result is independent of efforts to
  (1) bring the photospheric magnetic fields closer to a nonlinear
  force-free equilibrium and (2) omit the lower part of the modeled
  magnetic field volume that is almost completely filled by unstable
  volumes. A significant correlation between the fractal dimensions of
  the photospheric and coronal magnetic features is only observed at the
  zero level (lower limit) of approximation of a current-free (potential)
  magnetic field extrapolation. <BR />Conclusions: We conclude that
  the complicated transition from photospheric non-force-free fields
  to coronal force-free ones hampers any direct correlation between
  the fractal dimensions of the 2d photospheric patterns and their
  3d counterparts in the corona at the nonlinear force-free limit,
  which can be considered as a second level of approximation in this
  study. Correspondingly, in the zero and first levels of approximation,
  namely, the potential and linear force-free extrapolation, respectively,
  we reveal a significant correlation between the fractal dimensions of
  the photospheric and coronal structures, which can be attributed to the
  lack of electric currents or to their purely field-aligned orientation.

Title: SOLIS Vector Spectromagnetograph: Status and Science
Authors: Henney, C. J.; Keller, C. U.; Harvey, J. W.; Georgoulis,
   M. K.; Hadder, N. L.; Norton, A. A.; Raouafi, N. -E.; Toussaint, R. M.
2009ASPC..405...47H    Altcode: 2008arXiv0801.0013H
  The Vector Spectromagnetograph (VSM) instrument has recorded
  photospheric and chromospheric magnetograms daily since August
  2003. Full-disk photospheric vector magnetograms are observed
  at least weekly and, since November 2006, area-scans of active
  regions daily. Quick-look vector magnetic images, plus X3D and FITS
  formated files, are now publicly available daily. In the near future,
  Milne-Eddington inversion parameter data will also be available and
  a typical observing day will include three full-disk photospheric
  vector magnetograms. Besides full-disk observations, the VSM is
  capable of high temporal cadence area-scans of both the photosphere
  and chromosphere. Carrington rotation and daily synoptic maps are
  also available from the photospheric magnetograms and coronal hole
  estimate images.

Title: Computer Vision for The Solar Dynamics Observatory
Authors: Martens, Petrus C.; Angryk, R. A.; Bernasconi, P. N.; Cirtain,
   J. W.; Davey, A. R.; DeForest, C. E.; Delouille, V. A.; De Moortel,
   I.; Georgoulis, M. K.; Grigis, P. C.; Hochedez, J. E.; Kasper, J.;
   Korreck, K. E.; Reeves, K. K.; Saar, S. H.; Savcheva, A.; Su, Y.;
   Testa, P.; Wiegelmann, T.; Wills-Davey, M.
2009SPD....40.1711M    Altcode:
  NASA funded a large international consortium last year to produce
  a comprehensive system for automated feature recognition in SDO
  images. The data we consider are all AIA and EVE data plus surface
  magnetic field images from HMI. Helioseismology is addressed by another
  group. <P />We will produce robust and very efficient software modules
  that can keep up with the relentless SDO data stream and detect, trace,
  and analyze a large number of phenomena, including: flares, sigmoids,
  filaments, coronal dimmings, polarity inversion lines, sunspots,
  X-ray bright points, active regions, coronal holes, EIT waves, CME's,
  coronal oscillations, and jets. In addition we will track the emergence
  and evolution of magnetic elements down to the smallest features
  that are detectable, and we will also provide at least four full
  disk nonlinear force-free magnetic field extrapolations per day. <P
  />A completely new software element that rounds out this suite is a
  trainable feature detection module, which employs a generalized image
  classification algorithm to produce the texture features of the images
  analyzed. A user can introduce a number of examples of the phenomenon
  looked and the software will return images with similar features. We
  have tested a proto-type on TRACE data, and were able to "train" the
  algorithm to detect sunspots, active regions, and loops. Such a module
  can be used to find features that have not even been discovered yet,
  as, for example, sigmoids were in the pre-Yohkoh era. <P />Our codes
  will produce entries in the Helio Events Knowledge base, and that will
  permit users to locate data on individual events as well as carry out
  statistical studies on large numbers of events, using the interface
  provided by the Virtual Solar Observatory.

Title: Just how much Helicity did the Sun Shed in Solar Cycle
    23? Magnitude, Balance, Periodicities, and Further Implications
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Rust, D. M.; Pevtsov, A. A.;
   Bernasconi, P. N.; Kuzanyan, K. M.
2009SPD....40.0606G    Altcode:
  Using solar magnetic field measurements, we calculate the total
  relative magnetic helicity injected in the solar atmosphere and
  eventually <P />transported to the heliosphere in the course of the
  latest solar cycle. We report on (i) the magnitude of the heliospheric
  helicity over cycle 23, (ii) the net helicity and its significance,
  and (iii) the possible <P />periodicities of helicity injection in
  the solar atmosphere. Our simple calculations raise several questions
  regarding the fundamental nature of solar magnetism. The lack of
  significant net helicity may place the solar dynamo in the category
  of <P />astrophysical dynamos without a net helicity effect over an
  average time scale. The strong enhancement of the hemispheric helicity
  preference by solar differential rotation - although the latter has a
  much weaker effect than intrinsic active-region plasma flows - warrants
  further investigation. Finally, the absence of any credible periodicity
  of helicity injection, in spite of numerous reported periodicities in
  solar activity, perhaps prompts the re-evaluation of the notion that the
  Sun works through a sequence of internal cycles: active-region emergence
  and evolution appears as an inherently disorganized, aperiodic process.

Title: On the Helical Fields Guiding Near-Relativistic Electron
    Beams in the Heliosphere
Authors: Rust, David M.; Haggerty, D. K.; Georgoulis, M. K.;
   Stenborg, G.
2009SPD....40.3202R    Altcode:
  Wavelet processing of the LASCO images of the solar corona brings
  out many subtle details that are easily missed in the intensity
  images. Specifically, wavelet processing can enhance the edges on
  large and small scales making it easier to detect and define helical
  features. We used the processed LASCO images obtained during the
  period 1997 -2001 to study the structure and motions of nearly radial
  streamers extending from coronal holes adjacent to flaring active
  regions. Some of the streamers show outward-propagating twist. These
  helical fields extend into the heliosphere where they would reach 1
  AU with a path length generally greater than the 1.2 AU of idealized
  fields following the Parker spiral. We focused on the regions from our
  earlier work (Rust et al., ApJ 687, 635, 2008) on flares associated
  with beams of near-relativistic electrons detected at 1 AU with the ACE
  spacecraft. Our study shows that the electron beam's typical delay of
  about 10 min in arriving at 1 AU may be due to their following a helical
  path from Sun to Earth. According to the reconnection jet model, the
  helical component may be introduced to open fields by earlier events
  involving reconnections with emerging, twisted flux ropes. Our study
  implies that the escaping electrons may be accelerated at the same
  time as the trapped electrons that produce X-ray flare emissions. <P
  />NASA supported this work with grant NNG 05GM69G.

Title: On the Solar Origins of Open Magnetic Fields in the Heliosphere
Authors: Rust, David M.; Haggerty, Dennis K.; Georgoulis, Manolis K.;
   Sheeley, Neil R.; Wang, Yi-Ming; DeRosa, Marc L.; Schrijver, Carolus J.
2008ApJ...687..635R    Altcode:
  A combination of heliospheric and solar data was used to identify open
  magnetic fields stretching from the lower corona to Earth orbit. 35
  near-relativistic electron beams detected at the ACE spacecraft
  "labeled" the heliospheric segments of the open fields. An X-ray
  flare occurred &lt;20 minutes before injection of the electrons
  in 25 events. These flares labeled the solar segment of the open
  fields. The flares occurred in western-hemisphere active regions (ARs)
  with coronal holes whose polarity agreed with the polarity of the
  beam-carrying interplanetary fields in 23 of the 25 events. We conclude
  that electron beams reach 1 AU from open AR fields adjacent to flare
  sites. The Wang &amp; Sheeley implementation of the potential-field
  source-surface model successfully identified the open fields in
  36% of cases. Success meant that the open fields reached the source
  surface within 3 heliographic deg of the interplanetary magnetic field
  connected to ACE at 1 AU. Inclusion of five near misses improves
  the success rate to 56%. The success rate for the Schrijver &amp;
  DeRosa PFSS implementation was 50%. Our results suggest that, even
  if the input magnetic data are updated frequently, the PFSS models
  succeed in only ~50% of cases to identify the coronal segment of open
  fields. Development of other techniques is in its infancy.

Title: Erratum: "Tests and Comparisons of Velocity-Inversion
    Techniques" (ApJ, 670, 1434 [2007])
Authors: Welsch, B. T.; Abbett, W. P.; DeRosa, M. L.; Fisher, G. H.;
   Georgoulis, M. K.; Kusano, K.; Longcope, D. W.; Ravindra, B.; Schuck,
   P. W.
2008ApJ...680..827W    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Probing Open Magnetic Fields at the Sun with near-relativistic
    electron beams
Authors: Haggerty, D. K.; Rust, D. M.; Georgoulis, M. K.
2008AGUSMSH43B..06H    Altcode:
  Processes associated with solar flares accelerate and inject
  near-relativistic electrons onto open coronal field lines. Some of
  these electron events propagate nearly scatter-free to 1 AU, where their
  spectra and angular distributions can be measured. We used a carefully
  selected list of electron events for which both the solar and near-Earth
  positions are well known. Soft X-ray images from Yohkoh determined the
  positions of coronal holes near active regions as well as the flares
  associated with the electron events. We chose relatively small events
  that exhibit nearly Gaussian shaped time-intensity profiles. These
  events should incur minimal coronal and heliospheric transport effects,
  which can affect the Sun-to-Earth path length. Twenty-five events
  met our criteria for inclusion in the study. We use three different
  methods to estimate the path-length of the electrons and two different
  potential-field source-surface calculations to trace the open fields
  from their intersection with the heliospheric field at 2.5 solar radii
  down to the base of the corona. We report on the successes and failures
  of these PFSS models to identify open fields in/near active regions
  and to indicate correctly which open coronal fields are connected to
  the interplanetary magnetic field at Earth.

Title: The Fundamental Instability of Solar Magnetic Eruptions
Authors: Georgoulis, M. K.
2008AGUSMSP23B..06G    Altcode:
  We present a simple metric that can adequately quantify the eruptive
  potential of solar active regions while in their pre-eruption
  phases. Regions with intense magnetic polarity inversion lines exhibit
  larger values of this metric, dubbed the effective connected magnetic
  field strength, Beff. Calculating the pre-flare values of Beff in 93
  flaring active regions and the peak Beff-values in 205 non-flaring ones
  we find a clear segregation between the two populations that helps draw
  a quantitative distinction between eruptive and non-eruptive active
  regions. Larger Beff-values statistically correlate with stronger
  flares and faster, more impulsively accelerated, coronal mass ejections
  (CMEs). Besides the obvious implications for space weather forecasting,
  this study underlines the fundamental insight that the Beff metric can
  bring toward a physical understanding of solar eruptions. A possible new
  eruption concept may eventually unify previous eruption models, relax
  excessive requirements posed by some of these models, and naturally
  explain confined vs. eruptive flares or fast (active-region) vs. slow
  (quiet-Sun) CMEs.

Title: Automatic Active-Region Identification and Azimuth
    Disambiguation of the SOLIS/VSM Full-Disk Vector Magnetograms
Authors: Georgoulis, M. K.; Raouafi, N. -E.; Henney, C. J.
2008ASPC..383..107G    Altcode: 2007arXiv0706.4444G
  The Vector Spectromagnetograph (VSM) of the NSO's Synoptic Optical
  Long-Term Investigations of the Sun (SOLIS) facility is now operational
  and obtains the first-ever vector magnetic field measurements of the
  entire visible solar hemisphere. To fully exploit the unprecedented
  SOLIS/VSM data, however, one must first address two critical problems:
  first, the study of solar active regions requires an automatic,
  physically intuitive, technique for active-region identification
  in the solar disk. Second, use of active-region vector magnetograms
  requires removal of the azimuthal 180° ambiguity in the orientation
  of the transverse magnetic field component. Here we report on an
  effort to address both problems simultaneously and efficiently. To
  identify solar active regions we apply an algorithm designed to locate
  complex, flux-balanced, magnetic structures with a dominant East--West
  orientation on the disk. Each of the disk portions corresponding
  to active regions is thereafter extracted and subjected to the
  Nonpotential Magnetic Field Calculation (NPFC) method that provides a
  physically-intuitive solution of the 180° ambiguity. Both algorithms
  have been integrated into the VSM data pipeline and operate in real
  time, without human intervention. We conclude that this combined
  approach can contribute meaningfully to our emerging capability for
  full-disk vector magnetography as pioneered by SOLIS today and will be
  carried out by ground-based and space-borne magnetographs in the future.

Title: Magnetic complexity in eruptive solar active regions and
    associated eruption parameters
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.
2008GeoRL..35.6S02G    Altcode: 2007arXiv0712.0143G
  Using an efficient magnetic complexity index in the active-region solar
  photosphere, we quantify the preflare strength of the photospheric
  magnetic polarity inversion lines in 23 eruptive active regions with
  flare/CME/ICME events tracked all the way from the Sun to the Earth. We
  find that active regions with more intense polarity inversion lines
  host statistically stronger flares and faster, more impulsively
  accelerated, CMEs. No significant correlation is found between the
  strength of the inversion lines and the flare soft X-ray rise times,
  the ICME transit times, and the peak D <SUB> st </SUB> indices of the
  induced geomagnetic storms. Corroborating these and previous results,
  we speculate on a possible interpretation for the connection between
  source active regions, flares, and CMEs. Further work is needed to
  validate this concept and uncover its physical details.

Title: Tests and Comparisons of Velocity-Inversion Techniques
Authors: Welsch, B. T.; Abbett, W. P.; De Rosa, M. L.; Fisher, G. H.;
   Georgoulis, M. K.; Kusano, K.; Longcope, D. W.; Ravindra, B.; Schuck,
   P. W.
2007ApJ...670.1434W    Altcode:
  Recently, several methods that measure the velocity of magnetized
  plasma from time series of photospheric vector magnetograms have been
  developed. Velocity fields derived using such techniques can be used
  both to determine the fluxes of magnetic energy and helicity into the
  corona, which have important consequences for understanding solar
  flares, coronal mass ejections, and the solar dynamo, and to drive
  time-dependent numerical models of coronal magnetic fields. To date,
  these methods have not been rigorously tested against realistic,
  simulated data sets, in which the magnetic field evolution and
  velocities are known. Here we present the results of such tests
  using several velocity-inversion techniques applied to synthetic
  magnetogram data sets, generated from anelastic MHD simulations of
  the upper convection zone with the ANMHD code, in which the velocity
  field is fully known. Broadly speaking, the MEF, DAVE, FLCT, IM, and
  ILCT algorithms performed comparably in many categories. While DAVE
  estimated the magnitude and direction of velocities slightly more
  accurately than the other methods, MEF's estimates of the fluxes of
  magnetic energy and helicity were far more accurate than any other
  method's. Overall, therefore, the MEF algorithm performed best in
  tests using the ANMHD data set. We note that ANMHD data simulate
  fully relaxed convection in a high-β plasma, and therefore do not
  realistically model photospheric evolution.

Title: Survey of Magnetic Helicity Injection in Regions Producing
    X-Class Flares
Authors: LaBonte, B. J.; Georgoulis, M. K.; Rust, D. M.
2007ApJ...671..955L    Altcode:
  Virtually all X-class flares produce a coronal mass ejection (CME),
  and each CME carries magnetic helicity into the heliosphere. Using
  magnetograms from the Michelson Doppler Imager on the Solar
  and Heliospheric Observatory, we surveyed magnetic helicity
  injection into 48 X-flare-producing active regions recorded by
  the MDI between 1996 July and 2005 July. Magnetic helicity flux
  was calculated according to the method of Chae for the 48 X-flaring
  regions and for 345 non-X-flaring regions. Our survey revealed that a
  necessary condition for the occurrence of an X-flare is that the peak
  helicity flux has a magnitude &gt;6×10<SUP>36</SUP> Mx<SUP>2</SUP>
  s<SUP>-1</SUP>. X-flaring regions also consistently had a higher net
  helicity change during the ~6 day measurement intervals than nonflaring
  regions. We find that the weak hemispherical preference of helicity
  injection, positive in the south and negative in the north, is caused
  by the solar differential rotation, but it tends to be obscured by the
  intrinsic helicity injection, which is more disorganized and tends to be
  of opposite sign. An empirical fit to the data shows that the injected
  helicity over the range 10<SUP>39</SUP>-10<SUP> 43</SUP> Mx<SUP>2</SUP>
  s<SUP>-1</SUP> is proportional to magnetic flux squared. Similarly,
  over a range of 0.3-3000 days, the time required to generate the
  helicity in a CME is inversely proportional to the magnetic flux
  squared. Most of the X-flare regions generated the helicity needed
  for a CME in a few days to a few hours.

Title: Magnetic Energy and Helicity Budgets in the Active Region
    Solar Corona. I. Linear Force-Free Approximation
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.; LaBonte, Barry J.
2007ApJ...671.1034G    Altcode: 2007arXiv0706.4122G
  We self-consistently derive the magnetic energy and relative magnetic
  helicity budgets of a three-dimensional linear force-free magnetic
  structure rooted in a lower boundary plane. For the potential magnetic
  energy we derive a general expression that gives results practically
  equivalent to those of the magnetic virial theorem. All magnetic energy
  and helicity budgets are formulated in terms of surface integrals
  applied to the lower boundary, thus avoiding computationally intensive
  three-dimensional magnetic field extrapolations. We analytically and
  numerically connect our derivations with classical expressions for the
  magnetic energy and helicity, thus presenting a unified treatment of
  the energy/helicity budgets in the constant-alpha approximation that
  is lacking so far. Applying our derivations to photospheric vector
  magnetograms of an eruptive and a noneruptive solar active region,
  we find that the most profound quantitative difference between these
  regions lies in the estimated free magnetic energy and relative magnetic
  helicity budgets. If this result is verified with a large number of
  active regions, it will advance our understanding of solar eruptive
  phenomena. We also find that the constant-alpha approximation gives
  rise to large uncertainties in the calculation of the free magnetic
  energy and the relative magnetic helicity. Therefore, care must be
  exercised when this approximation is applied to photospheric magnetic
  field observations. Despite its shortcomings, the constant-alpha
  approximation is adopted here because this study will form the basis
  of a comprehensive nonlinear force-free description of the energetics
  and helicity in the active region solar corona, which is our ultimate

Title: Quantifying turbulence in solar magnetic fields: can this
    help predict solar eruptions?
Authors: Georgoulis, M. K.
2007AGUFMSH14B..01G    Altcode:
  Magnetic fields in solar active regions present us with a beautiful,
  although inextricable, complexity, and undergo dynamical evolution that
  is often far from predictable. This behavior is commonly attributed
  to the inherently turbulent, filamentary nature of magnetic fields
  in the solar atmosphere. We ask whether this turbulence and its
  manifestations can help us predict solar eruptions. To this purpose,
  we briefly outline the physical relationship between turbulence and
  (critical) self-organization, as well as their phenomenology, such as
  spatiotemporal intermittency, self-similar fragmentation, fractality,
  and multifractality of solar active-region magnetic fields. We also
  review the array of techniques that have been recently implemented
  to quantify these turbulent features and we apply them to numerous
  flaring and nonflaring active regions aiming toward quantitative
  flare prediction. Results and conclusions are presented in hopes
  to intrigue and stimulate further discussion on this fascinating,
  clearly outstanding, problem.

Title: Quantitative Forecasting of Major Solar Flares
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Rust, David M.
2007ApJ...661L.109G    Altcode:
  We define the effective connected magnetic field, B<SUB>eff</SUB>,
  a single metric of the flaring potential in solar active regions. We
  calculated B<SUB>eff</SUB> for 298 active regions (93 X- and M-flaring,
  205 nonflaring) as recorded by SOHO/MDI during a 10 yr period covering
  much of solar cycle 23. We find that B<SUB>eff</SUB> is a robust
  criterion for distinguishing flaring from nonflaring regions. A
  well-defined 12 hr conditional probability for major flares depends
  solely on B<SUB>eff</SUB>. This probability exceeds 0.95 for M-class and
  X-class flares if B<SUB>eff</SUB>&gt;1600 G and B<SUB>eff</SUB>&gt;2100
  G, respectively, while the maximum calculated B<SUB>eff</SUB>-values
  are near 4000 G. Active regions do not give M-class and X-class
  flares if B<SUB>eff</SUB>&lt;200 G and B<SUB>eff</SUB>&lt;750 G,
  respectively. We conclude that B<SUB>eff</SUB> is an efficient
  flare-forecasting criterion that can be computed on a timely basis
  from readily available data.

Title: Assessment Of The Eruptive Potential In Solar Active Regions
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Rust, D. M.
2007AAS...210.9325G    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39Q.215G
  Solar active regions involving massive amounts of magnetic flux and
  conspicuous polarity inversion lines have always been considered likely
  sources of major flares and fast active-region CMEs. We quantify the
  magnetic complexity in the photospheric boundary of active regions
  and thereafter infer a well-defined 12-24-hour likelihood of major
  eruptions. Vector magnetograms are not required for our analysis,
  which is validated by application to about 300 active regions observed
  by SoHO/MDI over a period of a few to several days each. The proposed
  single metric favors a well-defined physical mechanism for major flares
  and CMEs and may lead to a detailed, quantitative, understanding of
  the flare/CME phenomenon. This work has received partial support by
  NASA Grant NNG05-GM47G.

Title: The Fundamental Role Of Magnetic Helicity In Major Solar
Authors: Rust, David M.; Georgoulis, M. K.
2007AAS...210.2913R    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39R.139R
  What is the role magnetic helicity plays in solar eruptions? To find
  out, we calculate the magnetic helicity flux for 48 X-class flaring
  solar active regions and for 345 M-class flaring regions. Each region
  was observed over a period of a few, to several, days by SoHO/MDI. We
  find consistently higher helicity buildup rates for the X-flaring
  regions. X-class flares do not occur if the peak helicity flux is
  smaller than 6 x 10<SUP>36</SUP> Mx<SUP>2</SUP>/s, with most nonflaring
  regions showing much smaller peaks. The weak hemispheric preference of
  magnetic <P />helicity is caused by the solar differential rotation,
  but it is blurred by the intrinsic helicity injection which is more
  disorganized and of opposite sign. Notably, X-flaring regions can
  generate the helicity for a typical CME within a few hours to a few
  days, contrary to most flare-quiescent regions that require from several
  tens to hundreds of days. We conclude that accumulation of magnetic
  helicity is a precondition for major flare/CME events. This work has
  received partial support by NASA Grants NAG5-13504 and NNG05-GM47G.

Title: LWS TR&amp;T Project on the CME - ICME Connection: A Progress
Authors: Georgoulis, M. K.
2006AGUFMSH21B..07G    Altcode:
  During the second year of the above LWS TR&amp;T Grant, we report on
  our efforts and progress. The Project highlights and will continue
  to uncover the wealth of eruptive diagnostics that can be obtained by
  studying vector (but also line-of-sight) magnetograms of solar active
  regions. Here we focus on one particular aspect of active-region
  physics: the elusive relation between the free magnetic energy and
  the magnetic helicity budget of eruptive and non-eruptive active
  regions. Besides shedding light into the eruption process itself,
  this analysis can uncover the true relation between the magnetic
  structures of the propagating ICMEs and that of the progenitor CMEs
  and the source active regions. This, as the title suggests, is the
  ultimate objective of the Project.

Title: Goals and Progress of the LWS Focused Science Topic on the
    CME--ICME Connection
Authors: Mikic, Z.; Deforest, C.; Devore, R.; Georgoulis, M.; Jackson,
   B.; Nitta, N.; Pizzo, V.; Odstrcil, D.
2006AGUFMSH21B..05M    Altcode:
  Our team addresses the NASA Living With a Star (LWS) Focused Science
  Topic "to determine the solar origins of the plasma and magnetic flux
  observed in an interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection (ICME)." In short,
  this team is examining the CME--ICME connection. Our team was formed
  as a result of awards from the LWS Targeted Research &amp;Technology
  competition in the fall of 2004. Our team is investigating the detailed
  relationship between the plasma and magnetic fields in active regions,
  the source regions of CMEs, and subsequent in situ measurements in
  interplanetary magnetic clouds. We plan to study this connection through
  detailed numerical simulations of CME initiation and propagation,
  theoretical investigations, and studies of the properties of active
  regions, CMEs, and magnetic clouds. We will discuss the goals of
  our team, how it fits into NASA's missions, and our progress so
  far. Research supported by NASA's Living With a Star Program.

Title: An Overview of Existing Algorithms for Resolving the
180<SUP>°</SUP> Ambiguity in Vector Magnetic Fields: Quantitative
    Tests with Synthetic Data
Authors: Metcalf, Thomas R.; Leka, K. D.; Barnes, Graham; Lites,
   Bruce W.; Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Pevtsov, A. A.; Balasubramaniam,
   K. S.; Gary, G. Allen; Jing, Ju; Li, Jing; Liu, Y.; Wang, H. N.;
   Abramenko, Valentyna; Yurchyshyn, Vasyl; Moon, Y. -J.
2006SoPh..237..267M    Altcode: 2006SoPh..tmp...14M
  We report here on the present state-of-the-art in algorithms used
  for resolving the 180° ambiguity in solar vector magnetic field
  measurements. With present observations and techniques, some assumption
  must be made about the solar magnetic field in order to resolve
  this ambiguity. Our focus is the application of numerous existing
  algorithms to test data for which the correct answer is known. In
  this context, we compare the algorithms quantitatively and seek to
  understand where each succeeds, where it fails, and why. We have
  considered five basic approaches: comparing the observed field to a
  reference field or direction, minimizing the vertical gradient of the
  magnetic pressure, minimizing the vertical current density, minimizing
  some approximation to the total current density, and minimizing some
  approximation to the field's divergence. Of the automated methods
  requiring no human intervention, those which minimize the square of
  the vertical current density in conjunction with an approximation for
  the vanishing divergence of the magnetic field show the most promise.

Title: Distinguishing Eruptive From Non-eruptive Solar Active Regions
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.
2006SPD....37.2003G    Altcode: 2006BAAS...38..248G
  Every intense magnetic flux accumulation in the Sun, known
  as activeregion (AR), engages into small-scale energy release
  activitiesmanifesting themselves as sub-flares. Of the several
  thousands of ARsthat emerge, evolve, and disappear within a typical
  solar cycle,however, only a tiny percentage will ever trigger one
  or more majorflares (X- or M-class). These flares are most commonly
  related tofurther eruptive activity, such as coronal mass ejections
  (CMEs).Identifying eruptive ARs while in their pre-eruption phases
  will bethe subject of this presentation. With little doubt existing
  over themagnetic origin of solar eruptions, I will highlight possible
  areas offuture research in AR magnetic fields. The timing of magnetic
  fieldstudies is excellent in view of the anticipated wealth of
  vectormagnetogram data from SOLIS, Solar-B, and the SDO. While our goal
  ispractical, namely the quantitative assessment of the eruptivepotential
  of ARs, the recommended tactic entails fundamental physicalproperties
  of AR magnetic fields such as their three-dimensionalstructure, energy
  budgets, and complexity, reflected on theirhelical properties. The
  elusive role of magnetic helicity in solareruptions and our limitations
  in assessing it will be particularlyemphasized.

Title: Reconstruction of an Inductive Velocity Field Vector from
    Doppler Motions and a Pair of Solar Vector Magnetograms
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.; LaBonte, Barry J.
2006ApJ...636..475G    Altcode: 2005astro.ph.11447G
  We outline a general methodology to infer the inductive velocity
  field vector in solar active regions. For the first time, both
  the field-aligned and the cross-field velocity components are
  reconstructed. The cross-field velocity solution accounts for the
  changes of the vertical magnetic field seen between a pair of successive
  active region vector magnetograms via the ideal induction equation. The
  field-aligned velocity is obtained using the Doppler velocity and the
  calculated cross-field velocity. Solving the ideal induction equation
  in vector magnetograms measured at a given altitude in the solar
  atmosphere is an underdetermined problem. In response, our general
  formalism allows the use of any additional constraint for the inductive
  cross-field velocity to enforce a unique solution in the induction
  equation. As a result, our methodology can give rise to new velocity
  solutions besides the one presented here. To constrain the induction
  equation, we use a special case of the minimum structure approximation
  that was introduced in previous studies and is already employed here
  to resolve the 180° ambiguity in the input vector magnetograms. We
  reconstruct the inductive velocity for three active regions, including
  NOAA AR 8210, for which previous results exist. Our solution believably
  reproduces the horizontal flow patterns in the studied active regions
  but breaks down in cases of localized rapid magnetic flux emergence or
  submergence. Alternative approximations and constraints are possible
  and can be accommodated into our general formalism.

Title: Emergence of undulatory magnetic flux tubes by small scale
Authors: Pariat, E.; Aulanier, G.; Schmieder, B.; Georgoulis, M. K.;
   Rust, D. M.; Bernasconi, P. N.
2006AdSpR..38..902P    Altcode:
  With Flare Genesis Experiment (FGE), a balloon borne observatory
  launched in Antarctica on January 2000, series of high spatial
  resolution vector magnetograms, Dopplergrams, and Hα filtergrams
  have been obtained in an emerging active region (AR 8844). Previous
  analyses of this data revealed the occurence of many short-lived
  and small-scale H <SUB>α</SUB> brightenings called 'Ellerman bombs'
  (EBs) within the AR. We performed an extrapolation of the field above
  the photosphere using the linear force-free field approximation. The
  analysis of the magnetic topology reveals a close connexion between
  the loci of EBs and the existence of "Bald patches" (BP) regions
  (BPs are regions where the vector magnetic field is tangential to
  the photosphere). Some of these EBs/BPs are magnetically connected
  by low-lying field lines, presenting a serpentine shape. This results
  leads us to conjecture that arch filament systems and active regions
  coronal loops do not result from the smooth emergence of large scale
  Ω-loops, but rather from the rise of flat undulatory flux tubes which
  get released from their photospheric anchorage by reconnection at BPs,
  which observational signature is Ellerman bombs.

Title: Observation of Small Scale Reconnection Role in Undulated
    Flux Tube Emergence
Authors: Pariat, E.; Aulanier, G.; Schmieder, B.; Georgoulis, M. K.;
   Rust, D. M.; Bernasconi, P. N.
2005ESASP.596E..34P    Altcode: 2005ccmf.confE..34P
  No abstract at ADS

Title: A New Technique for a Routine Azimuth Disambiguation of Solar
    Vector Magnetograms
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.
2005ApJ...629L..69G    Altcode:
  We introduce a nonpotential magnetic field calculation (NPFC) technique
  to perform azimuth disambiguation in solar vector magnetograms. It is
  shown that resolving the 180° ambiguity would be a numerically fully
  determined problem if the vertical electric current density was known
  a priori. Since this is not the case, we enforce a minimum-magnitude
  current density solution. The NPFC disambiguation is otherwise
  assumption-free, with the quality of the results depending on
  the quality of the measurements. The NPFC method first infers the
  nonpotential magnetic field component responsible for the assumed
  vertical currents and then determines the vertical magnetic field
  whose potential extrapolation, added to the nonpotential field,
  best reproduces the observationally inferred horizontal magnetic
  field. The technique is fast, effective, and physically sound, so it
  may be instrumental in a routine, real-time, disambiguation of future
  space-borne solar vector magnetograms.

Title: Distinguishing Between Eruptive and Quiescent Solar Active
Authors: Georgoulis, M. K.; Labonte, B. J.
2005AGUSMSH53B..05G    Altcode:
  We present a method to fully evaluate the energy-helicity formula in
  solar active regions by using only photospheric vector magnetograms of
  these active regions. At the moment, the method relies on the linear
  force-free approximation and provides the total magnetic energy,
  the magnetic energy of the vacuum (potential) magnetic field, and the
  non-potential (free) magnetic energy relating to the total magnetic
  helicity in an active region. The formulation of the technique allows
  an upgrade to a nonlinear force-free evaluation of the energy-helicity
  formula, which will be a more realistic approach especially when
  chromospheric vector magnetograms of solar active regions become
  available. Even with the linear force-free approximation, however,
  we find that the magnitudes of the total helicity, as well as the
  ratios of the free magnetic energy to the total magnetic energy are
  distinctly higher for eruptive active regions as compared to quiescent
  active regions. Eruptive active regions produce flares and might trigger
  CMEs, so the method presents a viable way to discriminate between these
  two types of active regions even in case a single vector magnetogram
  of these active regions is available.

Title: Boundary Flows in Solar Active Regions
Authors: Georgoulis, M. K.; Labonte, B. J.
2005AGUSMSH51C..10G    Altcode:
  We present a general technique to calculate the flow field at the
  altitude where vector magnetic field measurements of solar active
  regions have been obtained. The velocity field vector is reconstructed
  fully by solving the ideal induction equation of magnetohydrodynamics
  for the cross-field velocity component and by utilizing the
  Doppler velocity information to calculate the field-aligned velocity
  component. Because solving the induction equation is an under-determined
  problem, we have formulated our technique in such a way as to provide a
  unique solution of the induction equation when the vertical (normal to
  the boundary) component of the cross-field velocity is prescribed. We
  provide examples of various possible choices for the cross-field
  vertical velocity and we discuss the respective results. Moreover, we
  showcase the validity of our technique by predicting the particular area
  of NOAA active region 8210 from which a flare and a CME were triggered,
  using the reconstructed velocity field vector.

Title: Turbulence In The Solar Atmosphere: Manifestations And
    Diagnostics Via Solar Image Processing
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.
2005SoPh..228....5G    Altcode: 2005astro.ph.11449G
  Intermittent magnetohydrodynamical turbulence is most likely at work
  in the magnetized solar atmosphere. As a result, an array of scaling
  and multi-scaling image-processing techniques can be used to measure
  the expected self-organization of solar magnetic fields. While these
  techniques advance our understanding of the physical system at work,
  it is unclear whether they can be used to predict solar eruptions,
  thus obtaining a practical significance for space weather. We
  address part of this problem by focusing on solar active regions
  and by investigating the usefulness of scaling and multi-scaling
  image-processing techniques in solar flare prediction. Since solar
  flares exhibit spatial and temporal intermittency, we suggest that
  they are the products of instabilities subject to a critical threshold
  in a turbulent magnetic configuration. The identification of this
  threshold in scaling and multi-scaling spectra would then contribute
  meaningfully to the prediction of solar flares. We find that the fractal
  dimension of solar magnetic fields and their multi-fractal spectrum of
  generalized correlation dimensions do not have significant predictive
  ability. The respective multi-fractal structure functions and their
  inertial-range scaling exponents, however, probably provide some
  statistical distinguishing features between flaring and non-flaring
  active regions. More importantly, the temporal evolution of the above
  scaling exponents in flaring active regions probably shows a distinct
  behavior starting a few hours prior to a flare and therefore this
  temporal behavior may be practically useful in flare prediction. The
  results of this study need to be validated by more comprehensive works
  over a large number of solar active regions. Sufficient statistics may
  also establish critical thresholds in the values of the multi-fractal
  structure functions and/or their scaling exponents above which a flare
  may be predicted with a high level of confidence.

Title: Transport of Magnetic Helicity and Dynamics of Solar Active
Authors: Georgoulis, M. K.; Labonte, B. J.; Rust, D. M.
2005HiA....13..117G    Altcode:
  We outline a simple method to monitor variations of the magnetic
  helicity the current helicity and the non-potential (free) magnetic
  energy on the photospheric boundary of solar active regions. Explicit
  manifestations of dynamical activity in the solar atmosphere such as
  flares coronal mass ejections and filament eruptions may be related to
  these variations. While similar methods require knowledge of the vector
  potential and the velocity field vector on the photosphere our method
  requires only the photospheric potential magnetic field corresponding
  to the observed magnetograms. The calculation of the potential field
  for any given magnetogram is straightforward. Moreover our method
  relies on the constant-alpha force-free approximation assumed to hold
  in the active region. Whether the above is a realistic assumption
  can be tested using an array of well-documented methods. Therefore
  our technique may prove quite useful to at least a subset of active
  regions in which the linear force-free approximation is justifiable.

Title: Forecasting and Real-Time Diagnostics of Solar Coronal Mass
Authors: Georgoulis, M. K.; Labonte, B. J.
2004AGUFMSA43B..02G    Altcode:
  We discuss an operational, fully automated, algorithm to follow
  the dynamical evolution and the buildup of magnetic instabilities
  that give rise to coronal mass ejections (CMEs) in solar active
  regions. The tool relies on vector magnetic field measurements
  of the active region photosphere / chromosphere and performs the
  following tasks: (1) resolution of the 180-degree ambiguity in
  the magnetic field measurements and preparation for further use,
  (2) calculation of the magnetic forces and electric currents in
  the active region photosphere/chromosphere, (3) reconstruction of
  a magnetohydrodynamic velocity field corresponding to the measured
  magnetic field to calculate the buildup rate of the magnetic helicity
  in the active region atmosphere, and (4) estimation of the total
  magnetic helicity in the active region corona. We present examples
  showing that (I) flare- and CME-prolific active regions have much
  higher magnetic helicity, stronger magnetic forces and more intense
  cross-field electric currents than quiescent active regions, and
  (II) the magnetic helicity, chirality, magnetic flux, and magnetic
  energy of a CME can be calculated in real time from the results of the
  algorithm before and after the CME. As a result, we can both identify
  potentially eruptive areas on the visible solar disk and provide
  detailed quantitative diagnostics of the resulting CMEs. Additional
  work is required to predict the geoeffectiveness of these CMEs. For
  the algorithm to be useful we need full-disk, ideally uninterrupted,
  coverage of the solar magnetic field vector. This information will
  be available in a few years with the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager
  (HMI) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO; launch 2008). At
  the moment, full-disk vector magnetograms will be provided by the
  ground-based Vector Spectro-Magnetograph (VSM) of the Synoptic Optical
  Long-Term Investigation of the Sun (SOLIS) telescope. We will utilize
  the SOLIS vector magnetograms as soon as they become available.

Title: An Integrated Program to Forecast Geostorms
Authors: Labonte, B. J.; Rust, D.; Bernasconi, P.; Georgoulis, M.
2004AGUFMSA51B0243L    Altcode:
  We have developed several operational products and automated tools for
  assessing the helicity content of solar regions and their probability of
  launching a geoeffective coronal mass ejection. These include detection
  of active region sigmoids, measurement of magnetic helicity injection
  in active regions, measurement of the sense of helicity in solar
  filaments, and the estimate of magnetic helicity content of active
  regions from vector magnetogram observations. In this presentation
  we discuss a new program to integrate the separate products and tools
  into a single product that provides a quantitative mid-term forecast
  of solar activity that results in geomagnetic storms.

Title: Vertical Lorentz Force and Cross-Field Currents in the
    Photospheric Magnetic Fields of Solar Active Regions
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.; LaBonte, Barry J.
2004ApJ...615.1029G    Altcode:
  We demonstrate that the vertical Lorentz force and a corresponding lower
  limit of the cross-field electric current density can be calculated
  from vector magnetograms of solar active regions obtained at a single
  height in the solar atmosphere, provided that the vertical gradient
  of the magnetic field strength is known at this height. We use a
  predicted vertical magnetic field gradient derived from a previous
  analysis. By testing various force-free solutions, we find that the
  numerical accuracy of our method is satisfactory. Applying the method
  to active region photospheric vector magnetograms, we find vertical
  Lorentz forces ranging from several hundredths to a few tenths of
  the typical photospheric gravitational force, and typical cross-field
  current densities up to several times 10 mA m<SUP>-2</SUP>. The typical
  vertical current density is found to be 2-3 times smaller, on the order
  of 10-15 mA m<SUP>-2</SUP>. These differences are above the associated
  uncertainties. The values of the cross-field currents decrease in an
  averaged vector magnetogram, but the ratio of the cross-field to the
  vertical current density increases, also above the uncertainties. We
  conclude that the photospheric active region magnetic fields are not
  force-free, contrary to the conjectures of some recent studies.

Title: Resistive Emergence of Undulatory Flux Tubes
Authors: Pariat, E.; Aulanier, G.; Schmieder, B.; Georgoulis, M. K.;
   Rust, D. M.; Bernasconi, P. N.
2004ApJ...614.1099P    Altcode:
  During its 2000 January flight, the Flare Genesis Experiment observed
  the gradual emergence of a bipolar active region, by recording a series
  of high-resolution photospheric vector magnetograms and images in the
  blue wing of the Hα line. Previous analyses of these data revealed the
  occurrence of many small-scale, transient Hα brightenings identified
  as Ellerman bombs (EBs). They occur during the flux emergence,
  and many of them are located near moving magnetic dipoles in which
  the vector magnetic field is nearly tangential to the photosphere. A
  linear force-free field extrapolation of one of the magnetograms was
  performed to study the magnetic topology of small-scale EBs and their
  possible role in the flux emergence process. We found that 23 out of 47
  EBs are cospatial with bald patches (BPs), while 15 are located at the
  footpoints of very flat separatrix field lines passing through distant
  BPs. We conclude that EBs can be due to magnetic reconnection, not only
  at BP locations, but also along their separatrices, occurring in the
  low chromosphere. The topological analysis reveals, for the first time,
  that many EBs and BPs are linked by a hierarchy of elongated flux tubes
  showing aperiodic spatial undulations, whose wavelengths are typically
  above the threshold of the Parker instability. These findings suggest
  that arch filament systems and coronal loops do not result from the
  smooth emergence of large-scale Ω-loops from below the photosphere,
  but rather from the rise of undulatory flux tubes whose upper parts
  emerge because of the Parker instability and whose dipped lower parts
  emerge because of magnetic reconnection. EBs are then the signature
  of this resistive emergence of undulatory flux tubes.

Title: On the Self-Similarity of Unstable Magnetic Discontinuities
    in Solar Active Regions
Authors: Vlahos, Loukas; Georgoulis, Manolis K.
2004ApJ...603L..61V    Altcode:
  We investigate the statistical properties of possible magnetic
  discontinuities in two solar active regions over the course
  of several hours. We use linear force-free extrapolations to
  calculate the three-dimensional magnetic structure in the active
  regions. Magnetic discontinuities are identified using various selection
  criteria. Independently of the selection criterion, we identify large
  numbers of magnetic discontinuities whose free magnetic energies
  and volumes obey well-formed power-law distribution functions. The
  power-law indices for the free energies are in the range [-1.6,
  -1.35], in remarkable agreement with the power-law indices found in the
  occurrence frequencies of solar flare energies. This agreement and the
  strong self-similarity of the volumes that are likely to host flares
  suggest that the observed statistics of flares may be the natural
  outcome of a preexisting spatial self-organization accompanying the
  energy fragmentation in solar active regions. We propose a dynamical
  picture of flare triggering consistent with recent observations by
  reconciling our results with the concepts of percolation theory and
  self-organized criticality. These concepts rely on self-organization,
  which is expected from the fully turbulent state of the magnetic fields
  in the solar atmosphere.

Title: On the Resolution of the Azimuthal Ambiguity in Vector
    Magnetograms of Solar Active Regions
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.; LaBonte, Barry J.; Metcalf, Thomas R.
2004ApJ...602..446G    Altcode:
  We introduce a “structure minimization” technique to resolve the
  azimuthal ambiguity of 180°, intrinsic in solar vector magnetic
  field measurements. We resolve the 180° ambiguity by minimizing the
  inhomogeneities of the magnetic field strength perpendicular to the
  magnetic field vector. This relates to a minimization of the sheath
  currents that envelope the solar magnetic flux tubes, thus allowing
  for more space-filling and less complex magnetic fields. Structure
  minimization proceeds in two steps: First, it derives a local solution
  analytically, by means of a structure minimization function. Second,
  it reaches a global solution numerically, assuming smoothness of the
  magnetic field vector. Structure minimization (i) is disentangled from
  any use of potential or linear force-free extrapolations and (ii)
  eliminates pixel-to-pixel dependencies, thus reducing exponentially
  the required computations. We apply structure minimization to four
  active regions, located at various distances from disk center. The
  minimum structure solution for each case is compared with the
  “minimum energy” solution obtained by the slower simulated
  annealing algorithm. We find correlation coefficients ranging from
  significant to excellent. Moreover, structure minimization provides
  an ambiguity-free vertical gradient of the magnetic field strength
  that reveals the variation of the magnetic field with height. The
  simplicity and speed of the method allow a near real-time processing
  of solar vector magnetograms. This task was not possible in the past
  and may be of interest to both existing and future solar missions and
  ground-based magnetographs.

Title: Emerging Flux and the Heating of Coronal Loops
Authors: Schmieder, B.; Rust, D. M.; Georgoulis, M. K.; Démoulin,
   P.; Bernasconi, P. N.
2004ApJ...601..530S    Altcode:
  We use data collected by a multiwavelength campaign of observations
  to describe how the fragmented, asymmetric emergence of magnetic flux
  in NOAA active region 8844 triggers the dynamics in the active-region
  atmosphere. Observations of various instruments on board Yohkoh, SOHO,
  and TRACE complement high-resolution observations of the balloon-borne
  Flare Genesis Experiment obtained on 2000 January 25. We find that
  coronal loops appeared and evolved rapidly ~6+/-2 hr after the first
  detection of emerging magnetic flux. In the low chromosphere, flux
  emergence resulted in intense Ellerman bomb activity. Besides the
  chromosphere, we find that Ellerman bombs may also heat the transition
  region, which showed “moss” ~100% brighter in areas with Ellerman
  bombs as compared to areas without Ellerman bombs. In the corona,
  we find a spatiotemporal anticorrelation between the soft X-ray (SXT)
  and the extreme ultraviolet (TRACE) loops. First, SXT loops preceded
  the appearance of the TRACE loops by 30-40 minutes. Second, the TRACE
  and SXT loops had different shapes and different footpoints. Third,
  the SXT loops were longer and higher than the TRACE loops. We conclude
  that the TRACE and the SXT loops were formed independently. TRACE loops
  were mainly heated at their footpoints, while SXT loops brightened in
  response to coronal magnetic reconnection. In summary, we observed a
  variety of coupled activity, from the photosphere to the active-region
  corona. Links between different aspects of this activity lead to
  a unified picture of the evolution and the energy release in the
  active region.

Title: Emerging Flux and the Heating of Coronal Loops
Authors: Schmieder, B.; Démoulin, P.; Rust, D. M.; Georgoulis, M. K.;
   Bernasconi, P. N.
2004IAUS..219..483S    Altcode: 2003IAUS..219E..18S
  We suggest that coronal loop heating is caused by dissipation of
  magnetic energy as new magnetic flux emerges from the photosphere. Based
  on data from a multi wavelength campaign of observations during the
  flight of the Flare Genesis Experiment we describe how emergence
  of flux from the photosphere appears directly to heat the corona
  to 2-3 MK. Following intense heating the loops cool and become
  visible through the filters of the TRACE (Transition Region and
  Coronal Explorer)instrument at one million degrees. We determine the
  relaxation time of the cooling and compare it withtheoretical heating
  functions. The proposed mechanism is well accepted in flare loops but
  we suggest that the mechanism is generally valid and helps to explain
  the visibility of active region loops in transition region lines.

Title: Emergence of undulatory magnetic flux tubes by small scale
Authors: Pariat, E.; Aulanier, G.; Schmieder, B.; Georgoulis, M. K.;
   Rust, D. M.; Bernasconi, P. N.
2004cosp...35.1482P    Altcode: 2004cosp.meet.1482P
  With Flare Genesis Experiment (FGE), a balloon borne observatory
  launched in Antarctica on January 2000, series of high spatial
  resolution vector magnetograms, Dopplergrams, and Hα filtergrams
  have been obtained in an emerging active region (AR 8844). Previous
  analyses of this data revealed the occurence of many short-lived and
  small-scale Hα brightenings called 'Ellerman bombs' (EBs) within the
  AR. We performed an extrapolation of the field above the photosphere
  using the linear force-free field approximation. The analysis of the
  magnetic topology reveals a close connexion between the loci of EBs
  and the existence of “Bald patches” regions (BPs are regions where
  the vector magnetic field is tangential to the photosphere). Among
  47 identified EBs, we found that 23 are co-spatial with a BP, while
  19 are located at the footpoint of very flat separatrix field lines
  passing throught a distant BP. We reveal for the first time that
  some of these EBs/BPs are magneticaly connected by low-lying lines,
  presenting a 'sea-serpent' shape. This results leads us to conjecture
  that arch filament systems and active regions coronal loops do not
  result from the smooth emergence of large scale Ω loops, but rather
  from the rise of flat undulatory flux tubes which get released from
  their photospheric anchorage by reconnection at BPs, whose observational
  signature is Ellerman bombs.

Title: Statistical Properties of Flaring and Sub-Flaring Activity
    in the Solar Atmosphere
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.
2004hell.conf...15G    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Lorentz Forces and Helicity Diagnostics in Solar Active
    Regions Based on a Fast Resolution of the Azimuthal Ambiguity in
    Solar Vector Magnetograms
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Labonte, Barry J.; Rust, David M.
2004hell.conf...82G    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Calculation of a Minimum Total Magnetic Helicity in Solar
    Active Regions
Authors: Georgoulis, M. K.; Labonte, B. J.
2003AGUFMSH51A..03G    Altcode:
  Despite its extreme importance, the calculation of the total magnetic
  helicity in solar active regions remains an unresolved problem in
  solar physics. On the other hand, the helicity variations in an active
  region can be calculated partially, for longitudinal magnetograms,
  or in full, for vector magnetograms, but only by using coarse,
  uncertain velocity field maps, calculated by means of correlation
  tracking techniques. Whether one should apply correlation tracking
  to magnetograms or white-light continuum images is also unclear,
  as the two inputs do not yield identical outputs. We present a
  technique that provides a lower limit of the total magnetic helicity
  in active regions, without using any velocity fields. The temporal
  variation of the total helicity can also be calculated in full if
  a series of vector magnetograms is available. The method relies on
  a comparison between the best linear force-free approximation and
  the potential approximation for a given photospheric boundary and
  begins by demonstrating that a commonly used formula for the magnetic
  helicity density in the linear force-free approximation is, in fact,
  erroneous. We have tested our method on vector magnetograms acquired by
  the Imaging Vector Magnetograph (IVM) of the University of Hawaii. We
  discuss the pros and cons of our approach and we compare our results for
  the magnetic helicity variations with results obtained when classical
  methods are employed.

Title: Resolution of the Azimuthal Ambiguity in Photospheric Vector
    Magnetograms of Solar Active Regions
Authors: Georgoulis, M. K.; LaBonte, B. J.
2003SPD....34.1103G    Altcode: 2003BAAS...35Q.827G
  We describe a simple technique to resolve the inherent azimuthal
  ambiguity of 180<SUP>o</SUP> in vector magnetic field measurements of
  solar active regions. The desired azimuth solution is the one that
  minimizes an introduced function. This function includes a weighted
  combination of the height derivative of the magnetic field strength,
  calculated under conditions of minimum electric current density, and
  the vertical component of a current density vector purely perpendicular
  to the magnetic field lines. The above function reduces the number of
  ambiguity states to two for each location on the heliographic plane. The
  process is initially local, i.e., independent for each location on the
  heliographic plane. Then, the initial azimuth solution is subjected
  to a numerical analysis which yields the global azimuth solution
  and ensures maximum continuity of the photospheric magnetic field
  vector. This tactic reduces dramatically the required computing time to
  only a small fraction of the time required by existing techniques. The
  construction of the above-mentioned function is such that the method
  works equally well for active regions located either near or far
  from the center of the solar disk. The speed and simplicity of this
  novel technique may lead to a near real-time processing of acquired
  photospheric vector magnetograms. A reliable azimuth solution is a
  prerequisite for further analysis of solar magnetic fields. Reaching
  such a solution fast, is paramount for challenging modern problems,
  such as space weather forecasting, for example.

Title: Near-infrared chromospheric observatory
Authors: Labonte, Barry; Rust, David M.; Bernasconi, Pietro N.;
   Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Fox, Nicola J.; Kalkofen, Wolfgang; Lin,
2003SPIE.4853..140L    Altcode:
  NICO, the Near Infrared Chromosphere Observatory, is a platform for
  determining the magnetic structure and fources of heating for the
  solar chromosphere. NICO, a balloon-borne observatory, will use the
  largest solar telescope flying to map the magnetic fields, velocities,
  and heating events of the chromosphere and photosphere in detail. NICO
  will introduce new technologies to solar flight missions, such as
  wavefront sensing for monitoring telescope alignment, real-time
  correlation tracking and high-speed image motion compensation, and
  wide aperture Fabry-Perot etalons for extended spectral scanning.

Title: Transport of Helicity and Dynamics of Solar Active Regions
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Rust, David M.; Labonte, Barry J.
2003IAUJD...3E..29G    Altcode:
  We outline a simple method to monitor variations of the magnetic
  helicity the current helicity and the non-potential (free) magnetic
  energy on the photospheric boundary of solar active regions. Explicit
  manifestations of dynamical activity in the solar atmosphere such as
  flares coronal mass ejections and filament eruptions may be related to
  these variations. While similar methods require knowledge of the vector
  potential and the velocity field vector on the photosphere our method
  requires only the photospheric potential magnetic field corresponding
  to the observed magnetograms. The calculation of the potential field
  for any given magnetogram is straightforward. Moreover our method
  relies on the constant-alpha force-free approximation assumed to hold
  in the active region. Whether the above is a realistic assumption
  can be tested using an array of well-documented methods. Therefore
  our technique may prove quite useful to at least a subset of active
  regions in which the linear force-free approximation is justifiable.

Title: Flare Genesis Experiment: magnetic topology of Ellerman bombs
Authors: Schmieder, B.; Pariat, E.; Aulanier, G.; Georgoulis, M. K.;
   Rust, D. M.; Bernasconi, P. N.
2002ESASP.506..911S    Altcode: 2002svco.conf..911S; 2002ESPM...10..911S
  Flare Genesis Experiment (FGE), a balloon borne Observatory was launched
  in Antarctica on January 10, 2000 and flew during 17 days. FGE consists
  of an 80 cm Cassegrain telescope with an F/1.5 ultra-low-expansion
  glass primary mirror and a crystalline silicon secondary mirror. A
  helium-filled balloon carried the FGE to an altitude of 37 km
  (Bernasconi et al. 2000, 2001). We select among all the observations a
  set of high spatial and temporal resolution observations of an emerging
  active region with numerous Ellerman bombs (EBs). Statistical and
  morphology analysis have been performed. We demonstrate that Ellerman
  bombs are the result of magnetic reconnection in the low chromosphere
  by a magnetic topology analysis. The loci of EBs coincide with "bald
  patches" (BPs). BPs are regions where the vector field is tangential to
  the boundary (photosphere) along an inversion line. We conclude that
  emerging flux through the photosphere is achieved through resistive
  emergence of U loops connecting small Ω loops before rising in the
  chromosphere and forming Arch Filament System (AFS).

Title: Statistics, morphology, and energetics of Ellerman bombs
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Rust, David M.; Bernasconi, Pietro
   N.; Schmieder, Brigitte
2002ESASP.505..125G    Altcode: 2002IAUCo.188..125G; 2002solm.conf..125G
  We have performed a detailed analysis of several hundreds Hα Ellerman
  bombs in the low chromosphere, above an emerging flux region. We
  find that Ellerman bombs may be small-scale, low-altitude, magnetic
  reconnection events that heat the low chromosphere in the active
  region. Their energy content varies between 10<SUP>27</SUP> erg and
  10<SUP>28</SUP> erg, typical of sub-flaring activity.

Title: The Near-Infrared Chromosphere Observatory
Authors: Rust, David M.; Bernasconi, Pietro N.; Labonte, Barry J.;
   Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Fox, Nicola J.; Kalkofen, Wolfgang; Lin,
2002ESASP.505..561R    Altcode: 2002IAUCo.188..561R; 2002solm.conf..561R
  The Near-Infrared Chromosphere Observatory (NICO) is a proposed
  balloon-borne observatory aiming to investigate the magnetic structure
  and the sources of heating in the solar chromosphere. NICO will be based
  on the successful Flare Genesis Experiment (FGE), a pioneer in applying
  novel technologies for the study of the Sun. NICO will map magnetic
  fields, velocity fields, and heating events in the chromosphere with
  unprecedented quality.

Title: Vector magnetic field observations of flux tube emergence
Authors: Schmieder, B.; Aulanier, G.; Pariat, E.; Georgoulis, M. K.;
   Rust, D. M.; Bernasconi, P. N.
2002ESASP.505..575S    Altcode: 2002IAUCo.188..575S; 2002solm.conf..575S
  With Flare Genesis Experiment (FGE), a balloon borne Observatory high
  spatial and temporal resolution vector magnetograms have been obtained
  in an emerging active region. The comparison of the observations
  (FGE and TRACE) with a linear force-free field analysis of the region
  shows where the region is non-force-free. An analysis of the magnetic
  topology furnishes insights into the existence of "bald patches"
  regions (BPs are regions where the vector field is tangential to the
  boundary (photosphere) along an inversion line). Magnetic reconnection
  is possible and local heating of the chromopshere is predicted near the
  BPs. Ellerman bombs (EBs) were found to coincide with few BPs computed
  from a linear force-free extrapolation of the observed longitudinal
  field. But when the actual observations of transverse fields were used
  to identify BPs, then the correspondence with EB positions improved
  significantly. We conclude that linear force-free extrapolations must
  be done with the true observed vertical fields, which require the
  measurement of the three components of the magnetic field.

Title: Moving Dipolar Features in an Emerging Flux Region
Authors: Bernasconi, P. N.; Rust, D. M.; Georgoulis, M. K.; Labonte,
   B. J.
2002SoPh..209..119B    Altcode:
  On 25 January, 2000, we observed active region NOAA 8844 with the
  Flare Genesis Experiment (FGE), a balloon-borne observatory with an
  80-cm solar telescope. FGE was equipped with a vector polarimeter and
  a tunable Fabry-Pérot narrow-band filter. It recorded time series of
  filtergrams, vector magnetograms and Dopplergrams at the Ca i 6122.2 Å
  line, and Hα filtergrams with a cadence between 2.5 and 7.5 min. At
  the time of the observations, NOAA 8844 was located at approximately
  5° N 30° W. The region was growing rapidly; new magnetic flux was
  constantly emerging in three supergranules near its center. We report on
  the structure and behavior of peculiar moving dipolar features (MDFs)
  in the emerging flux, and we describe in detail how the FGE data were
  analyzed. In longitudinal magnetograms, the MDFs appeared to be small
  dipoles flowing into sunspots and supergranule boundaries. Previously,
  dipolar moving magnetic features (MMFs) have only been observed
  flowing out from sunspots. The FGE vector magnetograms show that the
  MDFs occurred in a region with nearly horizontal fields, the MDFs
  being distinguished as undulations in these fields. We identify the
  MDFs as stitches where the emerging flux ropes were still tied to the
  photosphere by trapped mass. We present a U-loop model that accounts for
  their unusual structure and behavior, as well as showing how emerging
  flux sheds entrained mass.

Title: Statistical Properties of the Energy Release in Emerging and
    Evolving Active Regions
Authors: Vlahos, Loukas; Fragos, Tassos; Isliker, Heinz; Georgoulis,
2002ApJ...575L..87V    Altcode: 2002astro.ph..7340V
  The formation and evolution of active regions are inherently complex
  phenomena. Magnetic fields generated at the base of the convection zone
  follow a chaotic evolution before reaching the solar surface. In this
  article, we use a two-dimensional probabilistic cellular automaton
  to model the statistical properties of the magnetic patterns formed
  on the solar surface and to estimate the magnetic energy released in
  the interaction of opposite polarities. We assume that newly emerged
  magnetic flux tubes stimulate the emergence of new magnetic flux in
  their neighborhood. The flux tubes move randomly on the surface of the
  Sun, and they cancel and release their magnetic energy when they collide
  with magnetic flux of opposite polarity, or diffuse into the “empty”
  photosphere. We assume that cancellation of magnetic flux in collisions
  causes “flares” and determine the released energy as the difference in
  the square of the magnetic field flux (E~B<SUP>2</SUP>). The statistics
  of the simulated flares follow a power-law distribution in energy,
  f(E)~E<SUP>-a</SUP>, where a=2.2+/-0.1. The size distribution function
  of the simulated active regions exhibits a power-law behavior with index
  k~1.93+/-0.08, and the fractal dimension of the magnetized areas on
  the simulated solar surface is close to D<SUB>F</SUB>~1.42+/-0.12. Both
  quantities, D<SUB>F</SUB> and k, are inside the range of the observed

Title: Statistics, Morphology, and Energetics of Ellerman Bombs
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Rust, David M.; Bernasconi, Pietro
   N.; Schmieder, Brigitte
2002ApJ...575..506G    Altcode:
  We investigate the statistical properties of Ellerman bombs in the
  dynamic emerging flux region NOAA Active Region 8844, underneath
  an expanding arch filament system. High-resolution chromospheric
  Hα filtergrams (spatial resolution 0.8"), as well as photospheric
  vector magnetograms (spatial resolution 0.5") and Dopplergrams, have
  been acquired by the balloon-borne Flare Genesis Experiment. Hα
  observations reveal the first “seeing-free” data set on Ellerman
  bombs and one of the largest samples of these events. We find that
  Ellerman bombs occur and recur in preferential locations in the low
  chromosphere, either above or in the absence of photospheric neutral
  magnetic lines. Ellerman bombs are associated with photospheric
  downflows, and their loci follow the transverse mass flows on the
  photosphere. They are small-scale events, with typical size 1.8"×1.1"
  , but this size depends on the instrumental resolution. A large number
  of Ellerman bombs are probably undetected, owing to limited spatial
  resolution. Ellerman bombs occur in clusters that exhibit fractal
  properties. The fractal dimension, with an average value ~1.4, does
  not change significantly in the course of time. Typical parameters
  of Ellerman bombs are interrelated and obey power-law distribution
  functions, as in the case of flaring and subflaring activity. We find
  that Ellerman bombs may occur on separatrix, or quasi-separatrix,
  layers, in the low chromosphere. A plausible triggering mechanism
  of Ellerman bombs is stochastic magnetic reconnection caused by the
  turbulent evolution of the low-lying magnetic fields and the continuous
  reshaping of separatrix layers. The total energies of Ellerman bombs
  are estimated in the range (10<SUP>27</SUP>, 10<SUP>28</SUP>) ergs, the
  temperature enhancement in the radiating volume is ~2×10<SUP>3</SUP>
  K, and the timescale of radiative cooling is short, of the order of
  a few seconds. The distribution function of the energies of Ellerman
  bombs exhibits a power-law shape with an index ~-2.1. This suggests
  that Ellerman bombs may contribute significantly to the heating of
  the low chromosphere in emerging flux regions.

Title: The Near-Infrared Chromosphere Observatory (NICO)
Authors: Rust, D. M.; Bernasconi, P. N.; LaBonte, B. J.; Georgoulis,
   M. K.; Kalkofen, W.; Fox, N. J.; Lin, H.
2002AAS...200.3902R    Altcode: 2002BAAS...34..701R
  NICO is a proposed cost-effective platform for determining the magnetic
  structure and sources of heating for the solar chromosphere. It is a
  balloon-borne observatory that will use the largest solar telescope
  flying and very high data rates to map the magnetic fields, velocities,
  and heating events of the chromosphere and photosphere in unprecedented
  detail. NICO is based on the Flare Genesis Experiment (FGE), which
  has pioneered in the application of technologies important to NASA's
  flight program. NICO will also introduce new technologies, such
  as wavefront sensing for monitoring telescope alignment; real-time
  correlation tracking and high-speed image motion compensation for
  smear-free imaging; and wide aperture Fabry-Perot filters for extended
  spectral scanning. The telescope is a classic Cassegrain design with
  an 80-cm diameter F/1.5 primary mirror made of Ultra-Low-Expansion
  glass. The telescope structure is graphite-epoxy for lightweight,
  temperature-insensitive support. The primary and secondary mirror
  surfaces are coated with silver to reflect more than 97% of the incident
  solar energy. The secondary is made of single-crystal silicon, which
  provides excellent thermal conduction from the mirror surface to its
  mount, with negligible thermal distortion. A third mirror acts as a
  heat dump. It passes the light from a 15-mm diameter aperture in its
  center, corresponding to a 322"-diameter circle on the solar surface,
  while the rest of the solar radiation is reflected back out of the
  front of the telescope. The telescope supplies the selected segment
  of the solar image to a polarization and spectral analysis package
  that operates with an image cadence 1 filtergram/sec. On-board data
  storage is 3.2 Terabytes. Quick-look images will be sent in near real
  time to the ground via the TDRSS communications link.

Title: Photospheric Vertical Current Density and Overlying Atmospheric
    Activity in an Emerging Flux Region
Authors: Georgoulis, M. K.; Rust, D. M.; Bernasconi, P. N.;
   Schmieder, B.
2002AAS...200.2004G    Altcode: 2002BAAS...34..673G
  Using high-resolution vector magnetograms obtained by the balloon-borne
  Flare Genesis Experiment (FGE), we construct maps of the vertical
  current density in the emerging flux region NOAA 8844. The vertical
  current density has been decomposed into components that are
  field-aligned and perpendicular to the magnetic field, thus allowing
  a straightforward identification of force-free areas, as well as of
  areas where the force-free approximation breaks down. Small-scale
  chromospheric activity, such as H α Ellerman bombs and Ultraviolet
  bright points in 1600 Åshow a remarkable correlation with areas of
  strong current density. Simultaneous data of overlying coronal loops,
  observed by TRACE in the Extreme Ultraviolet (171 Åand 195 Å), have
  been carefully co-aligned with the FGE photospheric maps. We find
  that the footpoints of the TRACE loops always coincide with strong
  vertical currents and enhancements of the current helicity density. We
  also investigate whether the force-free approximation is valid on the
  photosphere during various evolutionary stages of the active region.

Title: Sunspot Formation from Emerging Flux Ropes - Observations
    from Flare Genesis
Authors: Rust, D. M.; Bernasconi, P. N.; Georgoulis, M. K.; LaBonte,
   B. J.; Schmieder, B.
2001AGUSM..SP42A09R    Altcode:
  From January 10 to 27, 2000, the Flare Genesis payload observed
  the Sun while suspended from a balloon in the stratosphere above
  Antarctica. The goal of the mission was to acquire a long time series of
  high-resolution images and vector magnetograms of the solar photosphere
  and chromosphere. We obtained images, magnetograms and Dopplergrams
  in the magnetically sensitive Ca I line at 6122 Angstroms. Additional
  simultaneous images were obtained in the wing of H-alpha. On January
  25, 2000, we observed in NOAA region 8844 at N05 W30. The rapid
  development of a sunspot group that apparently included a delta spot
  (two polarities within one umbra). We considered a variety of models
  for interpreting these observations, including a twisted flux tube,
  a bipole that annihilates, a bipole that submerges, and a field
  distorted by mass loading. From the vector magnetograms and Doppler
  measurements, we conclude that nearly horizontal flux ropes are swept
  into the developing spot where they tilt upward to contribute to the
  familiar nearly vertical sunspot fields. The largest flux rope exhibited
  a twisted structure, and its angle with respect to the vertical was so
  great that it could be mistaken for a positive magnetic field merging
  into a negative sunspot. Flare Genesis was supported by NASA grant
  NAG5-8331 and by NSF grant OPP-9909167.

Title: Ellerman Bombs in a Solar Active Region: Statistical Properties
    and Implications
Authors: Georgoulis, M. K.; Rust, D. M.; Bernasconi, P. N.
2001AGUSM..SP52B05G    Altcode:
  We have embedded the concept of Self-Organized Criticality (SOC) in
  deterministic Cellular Automata (CA) models in an attempt to simulate
  the emergence of flaring and sub-flaring activity in solar active
  regions. SOC CA models reproduce reasonably well several aspects of the
  statistical properties of flares and, moreover, they allow predictions
  regarding the respective properties of the unresolved nanoflares. We
  compare the above-mentioned predictions with observed arcsecond and
  sub-arcsecond activity on the low-chromosphere, in a newly formed active
  region. The source of the observations is the Flare Genesis Experiment
  (FGE) which has provided us with high-resolution maps of the magnetic
  field and the velocity field vectors on the photospheric boundary, as
  well as Hα filtergrams on the low-chromosphere. Moreover, UV and EUV
  data from TRACE are used for determining the activity on the overlying
  atmospheric layers. We present preliminary results on the statistical
  properties of transient Hα brightenings (Ellerman Bombs) which
  correlate well with significant overlying UV emission. Implications
  of these results, as well as potential directions for modeling the
  low-lying activity in the solar atmosphere are discussed. This work
  was sponsored by NASA grant NAG5-8331 and NSF grant OPP-9909162

Title: Peculiar Moving Magnetic Features Observed With the Flare
    Genesis Experiment
Authors: Bernasconi, P. N.; Rust, D. M.; Georgoulis, M. K.; LaBonte,
   B. J.; Schmieder, B.
2001AGUSM..SP51A02B    Altcode:
  With the Flare Genesis Experiment (FGE), a balloon-borne 80-cm solar
  telescope, we observed the active region NOAA 8844 on January 25,
  2000 for several hours. FGE was equipped with a vector polarimeter
  and a lithium-niobate Fabry-Perot narrow-band filter. It recorded
  time series of filtergrams, vector magnetograms, and dopplergrams
  at the CaI 6122.2 Angstroms line, as well as Hα filtergrams, with a
  cadence between 2.5 and 7.5 minutes. At the time of the observations
  NOAA 8844 was located at approximately 5 deg N, 30 deg W. It was a new
  flux emergence that first appeared on the solar disk two days before
  and was still showing a very dynamic behavior. Its two main polarity
  parts were rapidly moving away from each other and new magnetic flux
  was constantly emerging from its center. Here we describe the structure
  and behavior of peculiar small moving magnetic dipoles (called moving
  magnetic features MMF's) that we observed near the trailing negative
  polarity sunspot of NOAA 8844. Presentations by D. M. Rust, and by
  M. K. Georgoulis at this meeting will focus on other aspects of the
  same active region. The MMF's took the form of small dipoles that first
  emerged into the photosphere near the center of a supergranular cell
  located next to the main trailing flux concentration. They rapidly
  migrated towards the spot, following the supergranular flow. The two
  polarities of the little dipoles did not separate; they moved together
  with same speed and in the same direction. The dipoles were oriented
  parallel to their motion toward the negative spot, with the positive
  polarity always leading. MMF's usually move away from sunspots, and
  their orientation is the reverse of what we see here. In addition,
  we noted that the dipole structure was not symmetric. The field lines
  of the trailing part of the MMF's (negative polarity) were always
  much more perpendicular to the local horizontal than the ones of the
  leading part. The trailing part looked more compact and circular, while
  the leading part was more elongated in the direction of the motion. We
  conclude that we observed a new type of MMF's with a totally different
  magnetic structure than previously seen. We present a possible model
  that could explain their unusual structure and behavior. This work
  was supported by NASA grant NAG5-8331 and NSF grant OPP-9909167.

Title: A comparison between statistical properties of solar X-ray
    flares and avalanche predictions in cellular automata statistical
    flare models
Authors: Georgoulis, M. K.; Vilmer, N.; Crosby, N. B.
2001A&A...367..326G    Altcode:
  We perform a tentative comparison between the statistical properties of
  cellular automata statistical flare models including a highly variable
  non-linear external driver and the respective properties of the WATCH
  flare data base, constructed during the maximum of solar cycle 21. The
  model is based on the concept of Self-Organized Criticality (SOC). The
  frequency distributions built on the measured X-ray flare parameters
  show the following characteristics: (1) The measured parameters (total
  counts, peak count-rates and, to a lesser extent, total duration) are
  found to be correlated to each other. Overall distribution functions of
  the first two parameters are robust power laws extending over several
  decades. The total duration distribution function is represented by
  either two power laws or a power law with an exponential roll-over. (2)
  By sub-grouping the peak count-rate and the total counts as functions of
  duration and constructing frequency distributions on these sub-groups,
  it is found that the slope systematically decreases with increasing
  duration. (3) No correlation is found between the elapsed time interval
  between successive bursts arising from the same active region and the
  peak intensity of the flare. Despite the inherent weaknesses of the
  SOC models to simulate realistically a number of physical processes
  thought to be at work in solar active regions and in flares' energy
  release, we show that the model is able to reproduce the bulk of the
  above statistical properties. We thus underline two main conclusions:
  (i) A global, statistical approach for the study of rapid energy
  dissipation and magnetic field line annihilation in complex, magnetized
  plasmas may be of equal importance with the localized, small-scale
  Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations, and (ii) refined SOC models are
  needed to establish a more physical connection between the cellular
  automata evolution rules and the observations.

Title: Microscale Structures on the Quiet Sun and Coronal Heating
Authors: Aletti, V.; Velli, M.; Bocchialini, K.; Einaudi, G.;
   Georgoulis, M.; Vial, J. -C.
2000ApJ...544..550A    Altcode:
  We present some results concerning transient brightenings on the quiet
  Sun, based on data from the Extreme-Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope on
  board the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory. Histograms of intensity
  are found to be well fitted by χ<SUP>2</SUP> distributions for
  small values of the intensity, while at high intensities power-law
  distributions are always observed. Also, the emission presents the
  same statistical properties when the resolution is downgraded by local
  averaging; i.e., it appears to be self-similar down to the resolution
  scale of the instruments. These properties are characteristic of
  the emission from a forced turbulent system whose dissipation scale
  is much smaller than the pixel dimension. On the basis of the data
  presented as well as other published results and our present theoretical
  understanding of MHD turbulence, we discuss the realism of the nanoflare
  scenario of coronal heating.

Title: Χωροχρονική εξέλιξη σύνθετων
    κέντρων δράσης - μηχανισμοί έκλυσης
ενέργειας στο ηλιακό στέμμα Title:
    Χωροχρονική εξέλιξη σύνθετων κέντρων
    δράσης - μηχανισμοί έκλυσης ενέργειας
στο ηλιακό στέμμα 

Title: Spatiotemporal evolution
    of complex active regions - mechanisms of energy release in the
    solar corona;
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.
2000PhDT.......275G    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: A Comparison between the WATCH Flare Data Statistical
    Properties and Predictions of the Statistical Flare Model
Authors: Crosby, N.; Georgoulis, M.; Vilmer, N.
1999ESASP.446..247C    Altcode: 1999soho....8..247C
  Solar burst observations in the deka-keV energy range originating from
  the WATCH experiment aboard the GRANAT spacecraft were used to perform
  frequency distributions built on measured X-ray flare parameters
  (Crosby et al., 1998). The results of the study show that: 1- the
  overall distribution functions are robust power laws extending over
  a number of decades. The typical parameters of events (total counts,
  peak count rates, duration) are all correlated to each other. 2- the
  overall distribution functions are the convolution of significantly
  different distribution functions built on parts of the whole data set
  filtered by the event duration. These "partial" frequency distributions
  are still power law distributions over several decades, with a slope
  systematically decreasing with increasing duration. 3- No correlation
  is found between the elapsed time interval between successive bursts
  arising from the same active region and the peak intensity of the
  flare. In this paper, we attempt a tentative comparison between the
  statistical properties of the self-organized critical (SOC) cellular
  automaton statistical flare models (see e.g. Lu and Hamilton (1991),
  Georgoulis and Vlahos (1996, 1998)) and the respective properties
  of the WATCH flare data. Despite the inherent weaknesses of the
  SOC models to simulate a number of physical processes in the active
  region, it is found that most of the observed statistical properties
  can be reproduced using the SOC models, including the various frequency
  distributions and scatter plots. We finally conclude that, even if SOC
  models must be refined to improve the physical links to MHD approaches,
  they nevertheless represent a good approach to describe the properties
  of rapid energy dissipation and magnetic field annihilation in complex
  and magnetized plasmas. Crosby N., Vilmer N., Lund N. and Sunyaev R.,
  A&amp;A; 334; 299-313; 1998 Crosby N., Lund N., Vilmer N. and Sunyaev
  R.; A&amp;A Supplement Series; 130, 233, 1998 Georgoulis M. and Vlahos
  L., 1996, Astrophy. J. Letters, 469, L135 Georgoulis M. and Vlahos L.,
  1998, in preparation Lu E.T. and Hamilton R.J., 1991, Astroph. J.,
  380, L89

Title: Derivation of Solar Flare Cellular Automata Models from a
    Subset of the Magnetohydrodynamic Equations
Authors: Vassiliadis, D.; Anastasiadis, A.; Georgoulis, M.; Vlahos, L.
1998ApJ...509L..53V    Altcode:
  Cellular automata (CA) models account for the power-law distributions
  found for solar flare hard X-ray observations, but their physics
  has been unclear. We examine four of these models and show that
  their criteria and magnetic field distribution rules can be derived
  by discretizing the MHD diffusion equation as obtained from a
  simplified Ohm's law. Identifying the discrete MHD with the CA
  models leads to an expression for the resistivity as a function
  of the current on the flux tube boundary, as may be expected from
  current-driven instabilities. Anisotropic CA models correspond to a
  nonlinear resistivity η(J), while isotropic ones are associated with
  hyperresistivity η(▽<SUP>2</SUP>J). The discrete equations satisfy
  the necessary conditions for self-organized criticality (Lu): there
  is local conservation of a field (magnetic flux), while the nonlinear
  resistivity provides a rapid dissipation and relaxation mechanism. The
  approach justifies many features of the CA models that were originally
  based on intuition.

Title: Variability of the occurrence frequency of solar flares and
    the statistical flare
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Vlahos, Loukas
1998A&A...336..721G    Altcode:
  Self-Organised Criticality (SOC), embedded in cellular automata
  models, has been so far viewed as an attractive phenomenological
  approach for studying the statistical behaviour of flaring activity
  in solar active regions. Well-known statistical properties of flares,
  like the robust scaling laws seen in the distribution functions of
  characteristic parameters of the events, as well as correlations linking
  those parameters, are successfully reproduced by SOC models. Recent
  observations, however, challenge the flexibility of SOC, as they
  reveal a variation of the flaring power-law indices over short-time
  activity periods. The initial SOC models, based on a small-amplitude,
  constant external driver and isotropic instability criteria, appear
  inefficient to predict variable power-law indices. In this paper we
  introduce a SOC-type numerical model, with a number of modifications of
  the original SOC concept. We show that scaling laws and correlations
  between the events' characteristic parameters survive under the
  action of a highly variable driver. A variable driver initiates
  a variability in the resulting power-law indices. We reproduce
  qualitatively and quantitatively the statistics of flaring activity
  during the 154-day periodicity. Moreover, small-scale, anisotropic
  instability criteria imply the existence of a soft population of
  events, with statistical properties analogous to those attributed to
  the hypothetical nanoflares. We show that numerous small-scale events
  could be the dominant energy release mechanism in cases of quiescent
  coronal activity.

Title: Statistical Properties of Magnetic Activity in the Solar Corona
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Velli, Marco; Einaudi, Giorgio
1998ApJ...497..957G    Altcode:
  The long-time statistical behavior of a two-dimensional section of
  a coronal loop subject to random magnetic forcing is presented. The
  highly intermittent nature of dissipation is revealed by means of
  magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence numerical simulations. Even with a
  moderate magnetic Reynolds number, intermittency is clearly present in
  both space and time. The response of the loop to the random forcing,
  as described either by the time series of the average and maximum
  energy dissipation or by its spatial distribution at a given time,
  displays a Gaussian noise component that may be subtracted to define
  discrete dissipative events. Distribution functions of both maximum
  and average current dissipation, for the total energy content, the
  peak activity, and the duration of such events are all shown to display
  robust scaling laws, with scaling indices δ that vary from δ ~= -1.3
  to δ ~= -2.8 for the temporal distribution functions, while δ ~=
  -2.6 for the overall spatial distribution of dissipative events.

Title: Microflare and nanoflare heating of active region loops.
Authors: Walsh, R. W.; Georgoulis, M.
1998joso.proc..105W    Altcode:
  In this work, the authors investigate the response of solar plasma
  contained within a coronal loop structure to the random deposition
  of many localised heating events on the scale of microflares and
  nanoflares. A statistical flaring approach based on self-organised
  criticality is used to generate the energy release which varies in
  both space and time. It is shown that for a 20 Mm active region loop
  although the average temperature over the duration of the simulation
  remains at typical coronal temperatures, the plasma can flare to over
  6×10<SUP>6</SUP>K at certain stages in its evolution.

Title: Electron Acceleration by Random DC Electric Fields
Authors: Anastasiadis, Anastasios; Vlahos, Loukas; Georgoulis,
   Manolis K.
1997ApJ...489..367A    Altcode:
  We present a global model for the acceleration of electrons in the
  framework of the statistical flare model of Vlahos et al. In this model,
  solar flares are the result of an internal self-organized critical
  (SOC) process in a complex, evolving, and highly inhomogeneous active
  region. The acceleration of electrons is due to localized DC electric
  fields closely related to the energy-release process in the active
  region. Our numerical results for the kinetic energy distribution of
  accelerated electrons show a power-law or an exponential-law behavior,
  depending on the maximum trapping time of the energetic particles
  inside the acceleration volume.

Title: MHD Turbulence and Statistics of Energy Release in the
    Solar Corona
Authors: Georgoulis, M.; Velli, M.; Einaudi, G.
1997ESASP.404..401G    Altcode: 1997cswn.conf..401G
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Variability of the Occurrence Frequency of Solar Flares and
    the Statistical Flare
Authors: Georgoulis, M. K.; Vlahos, L.
1997jena.confE..39G    Altcode:
  Self-Organized Criticality (SOC) embedded in cellular automata
  models has been so far acknowledged as an adequate qualitative way
  of studying the statistical behaviour of flaring activity in solar
  active regions. These models are able of producing robust power
  laws featuring the frequency distributions of the events obtained,
  which are closely consistent with observations of flares, as well
  as much steeper power-law cut-offs, which may indicate the existence
  of the presently unobserved nanoflares. SOC models are based on the
  substantial concept that active regions are driven dissipative nonlinear
  dynamical systems. The role of the external driver is attributed to the
  feedback of magnetic flux that is injected to the system through the
  photospheric boundary and to the random shuffling of the footpoints
  of coronal loops taking place on the upper photosphere. In previous
  numerical studies, the driver used was an infinitesimal perturbation
  acting on localized magnetic topologies due to which avalanche-type
  instabilities were triggered. Furthermore, the resulting power-law
  indices were unique. Recent observations, however, have shown that
  the scaling indices of flares' frequency distributions are not kept
  constant during certain phases of the solar activity, such as the
  154-day periodicity. To tackle this problem we investigate the role of
  the driver used, by introducing a highly variable driving mechanism. We
  show that the variability of the driver induces a respective variability
  in the resulting power-law indices. The variability of the indices
  can be well represented by a linear dependence between them and
  the driver's scaling index for both "nanoflaring" and "flaring"
  activity. Furthermore, a first attempt of connecting the driver with
  certain statistical properties of active regions is introduced. The
  results stand closely in favor of the observations of flaring activity
  during the 154-day periodicity.

Title: Statistical Properties of Magnetic Activity in the Solar Corona
Authors: Georgoulis, M. K.; Einaudi, G.; Velli, M.
1997jena.confE..38G    Altcode:
  A long-time statistical analysis of a two-dimensional section of a
  coronal loop has been carried out. The highly intermittent nature of
  the spatiotemporal evolution of the system has been revealed by means of
  Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Turbulence numerical simulations. Albeit the
  moderate magnetic Reynolds number, intermittency is strikingly present
  both in space and in time. This type of behaviour might physically
  motivate statistical theories to describe the long-term evolution of
  a turbulent corona, provided that such an environment is a driven
  dissipative nonlinear dynamical system. The coronal loop is driven
  by a random spatiotemporal magnetic forcing, which induces a noise
  component in the resulting timeseries. If this component is properly
  subtracted, the obtained spatiotemporal evolution can be statistically
  described in terms of robust scaling laws, occurring in the distribution
  functions of both maximum and average current dissipation for the
  total energy content, the peak activity and the duration of the events
  obtained. Adopting low-beta and large-aspect-ratio conditions for
  the coronal loop, we emphasize that, higher spatial resolution could
  well give rise both to localized equipartition, and to the emergence
  of super-Dreicer electric fields built-up in the vicinity of strong,
  intense current sheets.

Title: Coronal Heating by Nanoflares and the Variability of the
    Occurence Frequency in Solar Flares
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Vlahos, Loukas
1996ApJ...469L.135G    Altcode:
  It has been proposed that flares in the solar corona may well be
  a result of an internal self-organized critical (SOC) process in
  active regions. We have developed a cellular automaton SOC model
  that simulates flaring activity extending over an active sub-flaring
  background. In the resulting frequency distributions we obtain two
  distinct power laws. That of the weaker events is shorter and much
  steeper (power law with index ~=-3.26) than that of the intermediate
  and large events (power law with index ~=-1.73). The flatter power law
  is in close agreement with observations of flares. Weaker events are
  responsible for ~=90% of the total magnetic energy released, indicating
  a possible connection of nanoflares with coronal heating. Moreover,
  certain mechanisms cause the variability of the resulting indices
  and may provide answers to the problem of the variability of flares'
  occurrence frequency during the solar cycle.

Title: Are Flares the Result of a self-organisation Process in
    active Regions?
Authors: Georgoulis, M. K.; Vlahos, L.; Kluiving, R.
1996hell.conf...52G    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The statistical flare.
Authors: Vlahos, L.; Georgoulis, M.; Kluiving, R.; Paschos, P.
1995A&A...299..897V    Altcode:
  Solar and stellar flares are interpreted so far as an instability
  of a large scale magnetic neutral sheet. In this article, however,
  we assume that the active region is highly inhomogeneous: a large
  number of magnetic loops are simultaneously present interacting
  and randomly forming discontinuities in many independent points in
  space. These magnetic discontinuities release energy and force weaker
  discontinuities in their neighbourhood to release energy as well. This
  complex dynamical system releases constantly energy in the form of small
  and large scale explosions. Clustering of many discontinuities in the
  same area has the effect of larger scale explosions (flares). This
  type of flare with spatiotemporal fragmentation and clustering in
  small and large scale structures will be called here the statistical
  flare. The statistical flare is simulated using avalanche models
  originally introduced by Bak et al. (1988). Avalanche models applied
  so far to solar flares (Lu &amp; Hamilton 1991) were isotropic (the
  field was distributed equally to the closest neighbours of an unstable
  point). These models simulate relatively large events (microflares and
  flares). Here we introduce a more refined isotropic avalanche model
  as well as an anisotropic avalanche model (energy is distributed only
  among the unstable point and those neighbours that develop gradients
  higher than a critical value). The anisotropic model simulates
  better the smaller events (nanoflares): in contrast to the well-known
  results of the isotropic model (a power law with index ~-1.8 in the
  peak-luminosity distribution), the anisotropic model produces a much
  steeper power law with index ~-3.5. Finally, we introduce a mixed model
  (a combination of isotropic and anisotropic models) which gives rise
  to two distinct power-law regions in the peak-luminosity distribution,
  one with index ~-3.5 accounting for the small events, and one with index
  ~-1.8 accounting for large events. This last model therefore explains
  coronal heating as well as flaring. The three models introduced in this
  paper show length-scale invariant behaviour. Model-dependent memory
  effects are detected in the peak-luminosity time series produced by
  these models.