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Author name code: goedbloed
ADS astronomy entries on 2022-09-14
author:"Goedbloed, J.P." 

Title: Advanced Magnetohydrodynamics
Authors: Goedbloed, J. P.; Keppens, Rony; Poedts, Stefaan
2010adma.book.....G    Altcode:
  Preface; Part III. Flow and Dissipation: 12. Waves and instabilities of
  stationary plasmas; 13. Shear flow and rotation; 14. Resistive plasma
  dynamics; 15. Computational linear MHD; Part IV. Toroidal Plasmas:
  16. Static equilibrium of toroidal plasmas; 17. Linear dynamics of
  static toroidal plasmas; 18. Linear dynamics of stationary toroidal
  plasmas; Part V. Nonlinear Dynamics: 19. Computational nonlinear MHD;
  20. Transonic MHD flows and shocks; 21. Ideal MHD in special relativity;
  Appendices; References; Index.

Title: PHOENIX: MHD spectral code for rotating laboratory and
    gravitating astrophysical plasmas
Authors: Blokland, J. W. S.; van der Holst, B.; Keppens, R.; Goedbloed,
   J. P.
2007JCoPh.226..509B    Altcode:
  The new PHOENIX code is discussed together with a sample of many
  new results that are obtained concerning magnetohydrodynamic
  (MHD) spectra of axisymmetric plasmas where flow and gravity are
  consistently taken into account. PHOENIX, developed from the CASTOR code
  [W. Kerner, J.P. Goedbloed, G.T.A. Huysmans, S. Poedts, E. Schwarz,
  J. Comput. Phys. 142 (1998) 271], incorporates purely toroidal, or both
  toroidal and poloidal flow and external gravitational fields to compute
  the entire ideal or resistive MHD spectrum for general tokamak or
  accretion disk configurations. These equilibria are computed by means of
  FINESSE [A.J.C. Beliën, M.A. Botchev, J.P. Goedbloed, B. van der Holst,
  R. Keppens, J. Comp. Physics 182 (2002) 91], which discriminates between
  the different elliptic flow regimes that may occur. PHOENIX makes use
  of a finite element method in combination with a spectral method for
  the discretization. This leads to a large generalized eigenvalue
  problem, which is solved by means of Jacobi-Davidson algorithm
  [G.L.G. Sleijpen, H.A. van der Vorst, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 17
  (1996) 401]. PHOENIX is compared with CASTOR, PEST-1 and ERATO for
  an internal mode of Soloviev equilibria. Furthermore, the resistive
  internal kink mode has been computed to demonstrate that the code can
  accurately handle small values for the resistivity. A new reference
  test case for a Soloviev-like equilibrium with toroidal flow shows that,
  on a particular unstable mode, the flow has a quantifiable stabilizing
  effect regardless of the direction of the flow. PHOENIX reproduces
  the Toroidal Flow induced Alfvén Eigenmode (TFAE, [B. van der Holst,
  A.J.C. Beliën, J.P. Goedbloed, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 (2000) 2865]) where
  finite resistivity in combination with equilibrium flow effects causes
  resonant damping. Localized ideal gap modes are presented for tokamak
  plasmas with toroidal and poloidal flow. Finally, we demonstrate the
  ability to spectrally diagnose magnetized accretion disk equilibria
  where gravity acts together with either purely toroidal flow or both
  toroidal and poloidal flow. These cases show that the MHD continua
  can be unstable or overstable due to the presence of a gravitational
  field together with equilibrium flow-driven dynamics [J.P. Goedbloed,
  A.J.C. Beliën, B. van der Holst, R. Keppens, Phys. Plasmas 11
  (2004) 28].

Title: Unstable magnetohydrodynamical continuous spectrum of accretion
    disks. A new route to magnetohydrodynamical turbulence in accretion
Authors: Blokland, J. W. S.; Keppens, R.; Goedbloed, J. P.
2007A&A...467...21B    Altcode: 2007astro.ph..3581B
  Context: We present a detailed study of localised magnetohydrodynamical
  (MHD) instabilities occurring in two-dimensional magnetized accretion
  disks. <BR />Aims: We model axisymmetric MHD disk tori, and solve
  the equations governing a two-dimensional magnetized accretion disk
  equilibrium and linear wave modes about this equilibrium. We show
  the existence of novel MHD instabilities in these two-dimensional
  equilibria which do not occur in an accretion disk in the cylindrical
  limit. <BR />Methods: The disk equilibria are numerically computed by
  the FINESSE code. The stability of accretion disks is investigated
  analytically as well as numerically. We use the PHOENIX code to
  compute all the waves and instabilities accessible to the computed
  disk equilibrium. <BR />Results: We concentrate on strongly magnetized
  disks and sub-Keplerian rotation in a large part of the disk. These disk
  equilibria show that the thermal pressure of the disk can only decrease
  outwards if there is a strong gravitational potential. Our theoretical
  stability analysis shows that convective continuum instabilities
  can only appear if the density contours coincide with the poloidal
  magnetic flux contours. Our numerical results confirm and complement
  this theoretical analysis. Furthermore, these results show that the
  influence of gravity can either be stabilizing or destabilizing on
  this new kind of MHD instability. In the likely case of a non-constant
  density, the height of the disk should exceed a threshold before this
  type of instability can play a role. <BR />Conclusions: This localised
  MHD instability provides an ideal, linear route to MHD turbulence in
  strongly magnetized accretion disk tori.

Title: Stationary field-aligned MHD flows at astropauses and in
    astrotails. Principles of a counterflow configuration between a
    stellar wind and its interstellar medium wind
Authors: Nickeler, D. H.; Goedbloed, J. P.; Fahr, H. -J.
2006A&A...454..797N    Altcode: 2012arXiv1203.5500N
  Context: .A stellar wind passing through the reverse shock is deflected
  into the astrospheric tail and leaves the stellar system either
  as a sub-Alfvénic or as a super-Alfvénic tail flow. An example
  is our own heliosphere and its heliotail.<BR /> Aims: . We present
  an analytical method of calculating stationary, incompressible, and
  field-aligned plasma flows in the astrotail of a star. We present a
  recipe for constructing an astrosphere with the help of only a few
  governing parameters, like the inner Alfvén Mach number and the outer
  Alfvén Mach number, the magnetic field strength within and outside the
  stellar wind cavity, and the distribution of singular points (neutral
  points) of the magnetic field within these flows. <BR /> Methods:
  . Within the framework of a one-fluid approximation, it is possible
  to obtain solutions of the governing MHD equations for stationary
  flows from corresponding static MHD equilibria, by using noncanonical
  mappings of the canonical variables. The canonical variables are
  the Euler potentials of the magnetic field of magnetohydrostatic
  equilibria. Thus we start from static equilibria determined by the
  distribution of magnetic neutral points, and assume that the Alfvén
  Mach number for the corresponding stationary equilibria is finite.<BR
  /> Results: .The topological structure, i.e. the distribution of
  magnetic neutral points, determines the geometrical structure of
  the interstellar gas - stellar wind interface. Additional boundary
  conditions like the outer magnetic field and the jump of the magnetic
  field across the astropause allow determination of the noncanonical
  transformations. This delivers the strength of the magnetic field at
  every point in the astrotail/astrosheath region beyond the reverse
  shock. <BR /> Conclusions: .The mathematical technique for describing
  such a scenario is applied to astrospheres in general, but is also
  relevant for the heliosphere. It shows the restrictions of the outer and
  the inner magnetic field strength in comparison with the corresponding
  Alfvén Mach numbers in the case of subalfvénic flows.

Title: Magneto-rotational overstability in accretion disks
Authors: Blokland, J. W. S.; van der Swaluw, E.; Keppens, R.;
   Goedbloed, J. P.
2005A&A...444..337B    Altcode: 2005astro.ph..4381B
  We present analytical and numerical studies of magnetorotational
  instabilities occuring in magnetized accretion disks. These calculations
  are performed for general radially stratified disks in the cylindrical
  limit. We elaborate on earlier analytical results and confirm and
  expand them with numerical computations of unstable eigenmodes of the
  full set of linearised compressible MHD equations. We compare these
  solutions with those found from approximate local dispersion equations
  from WKB analysis. In particular, we investigate the influence of a
  nonvanishing toroidal magnetic field component on the growth rate and
  oscillation frequency of magnetorotational instabilities in Keplerian
  disks. These calculations are performed for a constant axial magnetic
  field strength. We find the persistence of these instabilities in
  accretion disks close to equipartition. Our calculations show that
  these eigenmodes become overstable (complex eigenvalue), due to the
  presence of a toroidal magnetic field component, while their growth
  rate reduces slightly. Furthermore, we demonstrate the presence of
  magneto-rotational overstabilities in weakly magnetized sub-Keplerian
  rotating disks. We show that the growth rate scales with the rotation
  frequency of the disk. These eigenmodes also have a nonzero oscillation
  frequency, due to the presence of the dominant toroidal magnetic field
  component. The overstable character of the MRI increases as the rotation
  frequency of the disk decreases.

Title: Transonic instabilities in accretion disks
Authors: Goedbloed, J. P.; Keppens, R.
2005AIPC..784..639G    Altcode:
  In two previous publications, we have demonstrated that stationary
  rotation of magnetized plasma about a compact central object
  permits an enormous number of different MHD instabilities, with the
  well-known magneto-rotational instability as just one of them. We
  here concentrate on the new instabilities found that are driven by
  transonic transitions of the poloidal flow. A particularly promising
  class of instabilities, from the point of view of MHD turbulence in
  accretion disks, is the class of trans-slow Alfvén continuum modes,
  that occur when the poloidal flow exceeds a critical value of the slow
  magnetosonic speed. When this happens, virtually every magnetic/flow
  surface of the disk becomes unstable with respect to highly localized
  modes of the continuous spectrum. The mode structures rotate, in turn,
  about the rotating disk. These structures lock and become explosively
  unstable when the mass of the central object is increased beyond a
  certain critical value. Their growth rates then become huge, of the
  order of the Alfvén transit time. These instabilities appear to have
  all requisite properties to facilitate accretion flows across magnetic
  surfaces and jet formation.

Title: Response to “Comment on `Variational principles for
    stationary one- and two-fluid equilibria of axisymmetric laboratory
    and astrophysical plasmas' ” [Phys. Plasmas 12, 064701 (2005)]
Authors: Goedbloed, J. P.
2005PhPl...12f4702G    Altcode:
  Contrary to the Comment by McClements and Thyagaraja that the two-fluid
  equations for stationary axisymmetric equilibria are easier to deal
  with numerically than the corresponding ideal magnetohydrodynamics
  (MHD) equations, since they resolve the Alfvén singularity of
  the latter whereas transonic transitions do not create substantial
  numerical difficulties, the opposite proposition is maintained. The
  numerical solution of the single (MHD) or two (two-fluid) Bernoulli
  equations already eliminates the Alfvén singularity, but it presents
  major complications (such as the possible nonexistence, multiplicity,
  and hyperbolicity of the solutions) in the construction of stationary
  equilibria that are accurate enough to permit spectral analysis of
  the waves and instabilities of those equilibria. Furthermore, it is
  shown that imposing charge neutrality on the two-fluid equations not
  only obscures the solution procedure of the two independent Bernoulli
  equations but also eliminates the possibility of a self-consistent
  description of the charge imbalances that occur in rotating and
  gravitating astrophysical plasmas, such as Goldreich-Julian charges
  in magnetospheres of pulsars and massive black holes.

Title: Variational principles for stationary one- and two-fluid
    equilibria of axisymmetric laboratory and astrophysical plasmas
Authors: Goedbloed, J. P.
2004PhPl...11L..81G    Altcode:
  It is shown that the core equations of both the magnetohydrodynamics
  and the two-fluid description of stationary axisymmetric equilibrium
  flows may be derived from variational principles in terms of the
  core variables of the respective descriptions. The latter replace
  the primitive variables because of the stream function constraints
  associated with axisymmetry. This yields a concise representation of
  stationary flows in tokamaks, accretion disks, and jets, and permits
  accurate numerical implementation. Since hyperbolic flows occur in
  both descriptions, the limitation of the variational principles to
  elliptic flow regimes presents an intricate problem.

Title: Principles of Magnetohydrodynamics
Authors: Goedbloed, J. P. Hans; Poedts, Stefaan
2004prma.book.....G    Altcode:
  Part I. Plasma Physics Preliminaries: 1. Introduction; 2. Elements
  of plasma physics; 3. 'Derivation' of the macroscopic equations;
  Part II. Basic Magnetohydrodynamics: 4. The MHD model; 5. Waves and
  characteristics; 6. Spectral theory; 7. Waves and instabilities
  on inhomogeneous plasmas; 8. Magnetic structures and dynamics;
  9. Cylindrical plasmas; 10. Initial value problem and wave damping;
  11. Resonant absorption and wave heating; Appendices; References; Index.

Title: Transsonic instabilities in tokamaks and astrophysical
    accretion flows
Authors: Goedbloed, J. P. (Hans); Beliën, A. J. C.; van der Holst,
   B.; Keppens, R.
2004AIPC..703...42G    Altcode:
  Waves and instabilities of transonically rotating toroidal
  plasmas present a very complex problem of interest for the two
  unrelated fields of magnetically-dominated laboratory plasmas and
  gravitationally-dominated astrophysical plasmas. The complexity
  originates from the transonic transitions of the poloidal flow which
  causes the character of the rotating equilibrium states to change
  dramatically, from elliptic to hyperbolic or vice versa, when the
  poloidal velocity surpasses certain critical speeds. Associated with
  these transitions the different types of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)
  shocks may appear. Obviously, at such transitions the possible waves
  and instabilities of the system also change dramatically. We have
  investigated these changes for the two mentioned physical systems,
  starting from the point of view that the continuous spectrum of
  magnetohydrodynamics presents the best organizing principle for the
  structure of the complete spectrum since it is the most robust part of
  it. We found a new class of local MHD instabilities, that we called
  trans-slow Alfvén continuum modes, which are due to poloidal flows
  exceeding the critical slow magnetosonic speed. They operate both in
  laboratory plasmas (tokamaks), in the absence of gravitational effects,
  and in astrophysical plasmas (accretion tori), when the gravitational
  field of a compact object dominates the flow. They become extremely
  violent when the mass of the central object is large, providing a new
  route to MHD turbulence in plasmas rotating about a massive central

Title: Transsonic Instabilities in Laboratory and Astrophysical
Authors: Goedbloed, J. P. >
2004PhST..107..159G    Altcode:
  Waves and instabilities of transsonically rotating axisymmetric plasmas
  present a highly complex problem that is of interest for two unrelated
  fields of research, viz. laboratory tokamak confinement for the eventual
  thermonuclear energy production and the dynamics of a vast number of
  astrophysical plasmas rotating about compact objects, broadly indicated
  as accretion disks. The complexity originates from the transsonic
  transitions of the poloidal flow which causes the character of the
  rotating equilibrium states to change dramatically, from elliptic to
  hyperbolic or vice versa, when the poloidal velocity surpasses certain
  critical speeds. Associated with these transitions the different
  types of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) shocks may appear. Obviously, at
  such transitions the possible waves and instabilities of the system
  also change dramatically. We investigate these changes for the two
  mentioned classes of physical systems, starting from the point of
  view that the continuous spectrum of magnetohydrodynamics presents the
  best organizing principle for the structure of the complete spectrum
  of waves and instabilities since it is the most robust part of it, for
  that reason called the “essential spectrum” by mathematicians. The
  physical importance of the problem is that it provides the simplest
  approach to local waves and instabilities of the system and, possibly,
  to the onset of MHD turbulence in accretion disks.

Title: Three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations of in situ
    shock formation in the coronal streamer belt
Authors: Zaliznyak, Yu.; Keppens, R.; Goedbloed, J. P.
2003PhPl...10.4478Z    Altcode: 2004astro.ph..3122Z
  A numerical study of an idealized magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)
  configuration consisting of a planar wake flow embedded into a
  three-dimensional (3D) sheared magnetic field is presented. The
  simulations investigate the possibility for in situ development
  of large-scale compressive disturbances at cospatial current
  sheet-velocity shear regions in the heliosphere. Using a linear
  MHD solver, the systematical investigation of the destabilized
  wavenumbers, corresponding growth rates, and physical parameter
  ranges for dominant 3D sinuous-type instabilities in an equilibrium
  wake-current sheet system was done. Wakes bounded by sufficiently
  supersonic (Mach number M<SUB>s</SUB>&gt;2.6) flow streams are found
  to support dominant fully 3D sinuous instabilities when the plasma
  beta is of order unity. Fully nonlinear, compressible 2.5D and 3D
  MHD simulations show the self-consistent formation of shock fronts
  of fast magnetosonic type. They carry density perturbations far away
  from the wake's center. Shock formation conditions are identified
  in sonic and Alfvénic Mach number parameter space. Depending on the
  wake velocity contrast and magnetic field magnitude, as well as on the
  initial perturbation, the emerging shock patterns can be plane-parallel
  as well as fully three-dimensionally structured. Similar large-scale
  transients could therefore originate at distances far above coronal
  helmet streamers or at the location of the ecliptic current sheet.

Title: Adaptive Mesh Refinement for conservative systems:
    multi-dimensional efficiency evaluation
Authors: Keppens, R.; Nool, M.; Tóth, G.; Goedbloed, J. P.
2003CoPhC.153..317K    Altcode: 2004astro.ph..3124K
  Obtainable computational efficiency is evaluated when using an Adaptive
  Mesh Refinement (AMR) strategy in time accurate simulations governed
  by sets of conservation laws. For a variety of 1D, 2D, and 3D hydro-
  and magnetohydrodynamic simulations, AMR is used in combination with
  several shock-capturing, conservative discretization schemes. Solution
  accuracy and execution times are compared with static grid simulations
  at the corresponding high resolution and time spent on AMR overhead
  is reported. Our examples reach corresponding efficiencies of 5
  to 20 in multi-dimensional calculations and only 1.5-8% overhead is
  observed. For AMR calculations of multi-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic
  problems, several strategies for controlling the ∇.B=0 constraint
  are examined. Three source term approaches suitable for cell-centered B
  representations are shown to be effective. For 2D and 3D calculations
  where a transition to a more globally turbulent state takes place, it
  is advocated to use an approximate Riemann solver based discretization
  at the highest allowed level(s), in combination with the robust
  Total Variation Diminishing Lax-Friedrichs method on the coarser
  levels. This level-dependent use of the spatial discretization acts
  as a computationally efficient, hybrid scheme.

Title: Analogies of Rapidly Rotating Tokamaks and Accretion Disks
Authors: Goedbloed, J. P.; Belien, A. J. C.; van der Holst, B.
2003AIPC..669..642G    Altcode:
  Equilibrium, waves, and instabilities of tokamaks and accretion disks
  that are rotating with arbitrary transonic velocities have been solved
  by means of advanced numerical and analytical techniques. The different
  transonic flow regimes yield a surprisingly large number of new MHD
  waves and instabilities that (1) are relevant for turbulent processes in
  accretion disks, (2) provide a clear correspondence between tokamaks and
  accretion disk dynamics, with different influence of rotation profiles,
  gravity, and magnetic pressure, (3) provide a new angle on rapid
  transition phenomena in transonic MHD flows of rotating astrophysical
  plasmas. The new angle entails a complete revision of all previously
  obtained spectral results. The reason is that transonic flows upset
  the standard theoretical approach to plasma dynamics, consisting of
  a separate study of the equilibrium state and of the perturbations
  of this background. We will discuss a new approach to this dichotomy
  consisting of a study of the similarities of the nonlinear stationary
  flow patterns and the different linear wave structures that occur when
  the background speed traverses the full range of critical speeds (from
  `slow magnetosonic' to `Alfvén' to `fast magnetosonic'). This has
  required the development of new computational tools that yield the
  mentioned plethora of new waves and instabilities.

Title: Computer simulations of solar plasmas
Authors: Goedbloed, J. P.; Keppens, R.; Poedts, S.
2003SSRv..107...63G    Altcode:
  Plasma dynamics has been investigated intensively for toroidal
  magnetic confinement in tokamaks with the aim to develop a controlled
  thermonuclear energy source. On the other hand, it is known that
  more than 90% of visible matter in the universe consists of plasma,
  so that the discipline of plasma-astrophysics has an enormous
  scope. Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) provides a common theoretical
  description of these two research areas where the hugely different
  scales do not play a role. It describes the interaction of electrically
  conducting fluids with magnetic fields that are, in turn, produced by
  the dynamics of the plasma itself. Since this theory is scale invariant
  with respect to lengths, times, and magnetic field strengths, for
  the nonlinear dynamics it makes no difference whether tokamaks, solar
  coronal magnetic loops, magnetospheres of neutron stars, or galactic
  plasmas are described. Important is the magnetic geometry determined
  by the magnetic field lines lying on magnetic surfaces where also the
  flows are concentrated. Yet, transfer of methods and results obtained
  in tokamak research to solar coronal plasma dynamics immediately
  runs into severe problems with trans‘sonic’ (surpassing any one
  of the three critical MHD speeds) stationary flows. For those flows,
  the standard paradigm for the analysis of waves and instabilities,
  viz. a split of the dynamics in equilibrium and perturbations, appears
  to break down. This problem is resolved by a detailed analysis of the
  singularities and discontinuities that appear in the trans‘sonic’
  transitions, resulting in a unique characterization of the permissible
  flow regimes. It then becomes possible to initiate MHD spectroscopy of
  axi-symmetric transonic astrophysical plasmas, like accretion disks or
  solar magnetic loops, by computing the complete wave and instability
  spectra by means of the same methods (with unprecedented accuracy)
  exploited for tokamak plasmas. These large-scale linear programs are
  executed in tandem with the non-linear (shock-capturing, massively
  parallel) Versatile Advection Code to describe both the linear and
  the nonlinear phases of the instabilities.

Title: Stability and waves of transonic laboratory and space plasmas
Authors: Goedbloed, J. P.
2003SSRv..107..353G    Altcode:
  The properties of magnetohydrodynamic waves and instabilities
  of laboratory and space plasmas are determined by the overall
  magnetic confinement geometry and by the detailed distributions of
  the density, pressure, magnetic field, and background velocity of
  the plasma. Consequently, measurement of the spectrum of MHD waves
  (MHD spectroscopy) gives direct information on the internal state of
  the plasma, provided a theoretical model is available to solve the
  forward as well as the inverse spectral problems. This terminology
  entails a program, viz. to improve the accuracy of our knowledge of
  plasmas, both in the laboratory and in space. Here, helioseismology
  (which could be considered as one of the forms of MHD spectroscopy) may
  serve as a luminous example. The required study of magnetohydrodynamic
  waves and instabilities of both laboratory and space plasmas has
  been conducted for many years starting from the assumption of static
  equilibrium. Recently, there is a outburst of interest for plasma states
  where this assumption is violated. In fusion research, this interest
  is due to the importance of neutral beam heating and pumped divertor
  action for the extraction of heat and exhaust needed in future tokamak
  reactors. Both result in rotation of the plasma with speeds that do not
  permit the assumption of static equilibrium anymore. In astrophysics,
  observations in the full range of electromagnetic radiation has revealed
  the primary importance of plasma flows in such diverse situations
  as coronal flux tubes, stellar winds, rotating accretion disks,
  and jets emitted from radio galaxies. These flows have speeds which
  substantially influence the background stationary equilibrium state,
  if such a state exists at all. Consequently, it is important to study
  both the stationary states of magnetized plasmas with flow and the waves
  and instabilities they exhibit. We will present new results along these
  lines, extending from the discovery of gaps in the continuous spectrum
  and low-frequency Alfvén waves driven by rotation to the nonlinear
  flow patterns that occur when the background speed traverses the full
  range from sub-slow to super-fast.

Title: Waves and Instabilities in Accretion Disks: Magnetohydrodynamic
    Spectroscopic Analysis
Authors: Keppens, R.; Casse, F.; Goedbloed, J. P.
2002ApJ...569L.121K    Altcode: 2002astro.ph..3237K
  A complete analytical and numerical treatment of all magnetohydrodynamic
  waves and instabilities for radially stratified, magnetized accretion
  disks is presented. The instabilities are a possible source of
  anomalous transport. While recovering results on known hydrodynamic
  and both weak- and strong-field magnetohydrodynamic perturbations,
  the full magnetohydrodynamic spectra for a realistic accretion
  disk model demonstrate a much richer variety of instabilities
  accessible to the plasma than previously realized. We show that both
  weakly and strongly magnetized accretion disks are prone to strong
  nonaxisymmetric instabilities. The ability to characterize all waves
  arising in accretion disks holds great promise for magnetohydrodynamic
  spectroscopic analysis.

Title: Transonic Magnetohydrodynamic Flows in Laboratory and
    Astrophysical Plasmas
Authors: Goedbloed, J. P.
2001PhST...98...43G    Altcode:
  Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves control the dynamics of plasma, the
  main constituent of the universe. They occur as the natural response
  to global excitation. Frequency and wave forms are determined by
  the magnetic confinement geometry and distribution of background
  equilibrium variables. Hence, measurement of the spectrum of MHD waves
  gives direct information on the internal state of the plasma, provided
  a theoretical model is available to solve the forward and inverse
  spectral problems. This activity has been called MHD spectroscopy,
  [1, Goedbloed et al. Phys. Control. Fusion 35 B277 (1993)] in analogy
  with quantum mechanical spectroscopy which also involves eigenvalue
  problems of linear operators. The terminology also entails a program,
  viz. to improve the accuracy of our knowledge of plasmas, both in the
  laboratory and in astrophysics.

Title: Magnetohydrodynamic waves in laboratory and astrophysical
Authors: Goedbloed, J. P.
2000AIPC..537..109G    Altcode: 2000wdss.conf..109G
  The study of magnetohydrodynamic waves and instabilities of both
  laboratory and astrophysical plasmas has been conducted for many years
  starting from the assumption of static equilibrium. Recently, there
  is an outburst of interest for plasma states where this assumption is
  violated. In fusion research, this interest is due to the importance
  of neutral beam heating and pumped divertor action for the extraction
  of heat and exhaust needed in future tokamak reactors. Both result in
  rotation of the plasma with speeds that do not permit the assumption of
  static equilibrium anymore. In astrophysics, observations in the full
  range of electromagnetic radiation has revealed the primary importance
  of plasma flows in such diverse situations as coronal flux tubes,
  stellar winds, rotating accretion disks, and jets emitted from radio
  galaxies. These flows have speeds which substantially influence the
  background stationary equilibrium state, if such a state exists at
  all. Consequently, it is important to study both the stationary states
  of magnetized plasmas with flow and the waves and instabilities they
  exhibit. We will present new results along these lines, extending from
  the discovery of gaps in the continuous spectrum and low-frequency
  Alfvén waves driven by rotation to the nonlinear flow patterns that
  occur when the background speed traverses the full range from sub-slow
  to super-fast. The solutions obtained may bridge the gap between
  insights from linear and nonlinear analyses. .

Title: Stellar Winds, Dead Zones, and Coronal Mass Ejections
Authors: Keppens, R.; Goedbloed, J. P.
2000ApJ...530.1036K    Altcode: 1999astro.ph.10152K
  Axisymmetric stellar wind solutions are presented that were
  obtained by numerically solving the ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)
  equations. Stationary solutions are critically analyzed using
  the knowledge of the flux functions. These flux functions enter
  in the general variational principle governing all axisymmetric
  stationary ideal MHD equilibria. The magnetized wind solutions for
  (differentially) rotating stars contain both a “wind” and a “dead”
  zone. We illustrate the influence of the magnetic field topology on the
  wind acceleration pattern by varying the coronal field strength and the
  extent of the dead zone. This is evident from the resulting variations
  in the location and appearance of the critical curves for which the wind
  speed equals the slow, Alfvén, and fast speed. Larger dead zones cause
  effective, fairly isotropic acceleration to super-Alfvénic velocities
  as the polar, open field lines are forced to fan out rapidly with
  radial distance. A higher field strength moves the Alfvén transition
  outward. In the ecliptic, the wind outflow is clearly modulated by
  the extent of the dead zone. The combined effect of a fast stellar
  rotation and an equatorial dead zone in a bipolar field configuration
  can lead to efficient thermocentrifugal equatorial winds. Such winds
  show both a strong poleward collimation and some equatorward streamline
  bending due to significant toroidal field pressure at midlatitudes. We
  discuss how coronal mass ejections are then simulated on top of the
  transonic outflows.

Title: Stationary and Time-Dependent MHD Simulations of the Solar Wind
Authors: Keppens, R.; Goedbloed, J. P.
1999ESASP.448.1177K    Altcode: 1999ESPM....9.1177K; 1999mfsp.conf.1177K
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Numerical simulations of stellar winds: polytropic models
Authors: Keppens, R.; Goedbloed, J. P.
1999A&A...343..251K    Altcode: 1999astro.ph..1380K
  We discuss steady-state transonic outflows obtained by direct numerical
  solution of the hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic equations. We make
  use of the Versatile Advection Code, a software package for solving
  systems of (hyperbolic) partial differential equations. We proceed
  stepwise from a spherically symmetric, isothermal, unmagnetized,
  non-rotating Parker wind to arrive at axisymmetric, polytropic,
  magnetized, rotating models. These represent 2D generalisations of
  the analytical 1D Weber-Davis wind solution, which we obtain in the
  process. Axisymmetric wind solutions containing both a `wind' and a
  `dead' zone are presented. Since we are solving for steady-state
  solutions, we efficiently exploit fully implicit time stepping. The
  method allows us to model thermally and/or magneto-centrifugally driven
  stellar outflows. We particularly emphasize the boundary conditions
  imposed at the stellar surface. For these axisymmetric, steady-state
  solutions, we can use the knowledge of the flux functions to verify
  the physical correctness of the numerical solutions.

Title: Growth and saturation of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability
    with parallel and antiparallel magnetic fields
Authors: Keppens, Rony; Tóth, G.; Westermann, R. H. J.; Goedbloed,
   J. P.
1999JPlPh..61....1K    Altcode: 1999astro.ph..1166K
  Available from <A

Title: Numerical Simulations of Stellar Winds
Authors: Keppens, R.; Goedbloed, J. P.
1999SSRv...87..223K    Altcode:
  We discuss steady-state transonic outflows obtained by direct numerical
  solution of the hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic equations. We
  make use of the Versatile Advection Code, a software package for
  solving systems of (hyperbolic) partial differential equations. We
  model thermally and magneto-centrifugally driven stellar outflows
  as generalizations of the well-known Parker and Weber-Davis wind
  solutions. To obtain steady-state solutions efficiently, we exploit
  fully implicit time stepping.

Title: Two-dimensional equilibrium in coronal magnetostatic flux
tubes: an accurate equilibrium solver
Authors: Beliën, A. J. C.; Poedts, S.; Goedbloed, J. P.
1997CoPhC.106...21B    Altcode:
  To study linearized magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves, continuous spectra,
  and instabilities in coronal magnetic flux tubes that are anchored
  in dense chromospheric and photospheric regions, a two-dimensional
  numerical code, called PARIS, has been developed. PARIS solves the
  pertinent nonlinear Grad-Shafranov type, partial differential equation
  for the magnetic flux on a flux coordinate grid. Both a straight field
  line coordinate system and an orthogonal flux coordinate system are
  exploited. Isoparametric bicubic Hermite finite elements have been
  adopted to solve the Grad-Shafranov-like equation. These elements
  allow for a continuous representation of the flux and the gradient
  of the flux throughout the tube and can be aligned conveniently along
  the boundary of the tube. These properties are important to obtain an
  accurate representation of the solution on flux coordinate grids. An
  analytical test case is used to show that accurate solutions have
  been obtained, even for a small number of grid points. The equilibria
  calculated by PARIS are used to study the continuous spectra of
  two-dimensional magnetic flux tubes. One illustrative example is
  given here; extensive results are presented elsewhere (A.J.C. Beliën,
  S. Poedts and J.P. Goedbloed, Astron. Astrophys. 322 (1997) 995). The
  equilibria obtained by PARIS are also well suited to calculate the
  stability and the normal mode MHD spectrum.

Title: Continuous magnetohydrodynamic spectra of two-dimensional
    coronal magnetostatic flux tubes.
Authors: Belieen, A. J. C.; Poedts, S.; Goedbloed, J. P.
1997A&A...322..995B    Altcode:
  In this paper we derive the equations for the continuous ideal
  magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) spectrum of two-dimensional coronal
  loops, including gravity and expansion, in general curvilinear
  coordinates. The equations clearly show the coupling between Alfven
  and slow magnetosonic continuum waves when both pressure and geodesic
  curvature of the magnetic field lines are present. Gravity always
  gives rise to Alfven-slow mode coupling when the magnetic field is
  twisted. Numerical calculations show that the coupling of Alfven
  and slow magnetosonic continuum waves can be strong, especially for
  Alfven-like continuum waves, when the magnetic flux concentration
  near the bases of flux tubes is taken into account. Amplitude ratios
  of the parallel and perpendicular displacement components of 0.4 were
  obtained for concentration of the flux with a factor of 4. Gravity has
  less effect on the coupling of Alfven and slow magnetosonic continuum
  waves than the concentration of flux but it has a large influence on
  the low frequency slow magnetosonic-like continuum branches.

Title: Nonlinear MHD Simulations of Wave Dissipation in Flux Tubes
Authors: Poedts, S.; Tóth, G.; Beliën, A. J. C.; Goedbloed, J. P.
1997SoPh..172...45P    Altcode: 1997ESPM....8...45P
  The phase mixing and resonant dissipation of Alfvén waves is studied in
  both the 'closed' magnetic loops and the 'open' coronal holes observed
  in the hot solar corona. The resulting energy transfer from large
  to small length scales contributes to the heating of these magnetic
  structures. The nonlinear simulations show that the periodically varying
  shear flows that occur in the resonant layers are unstable. In coronal
  holes, the phase mixing of running Alfvén waves is speeded up by the
  'flaring out' of the magnetic field lines in the lower chromosphere.

Title: Nonlinear wave heating of solar coronal loops.
Authors: Poedts, S.; Goedbloed, J. P.
1997A&A...321..935P    Altcode:
  The heating of magnetically closed structures (loops) in the solar
  corona by the resonant absorption of incident waves is studied
  by means of numerical simulations in the framework of nonlinear
  resistive magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). It is shown that the dynamics
  in the resonant layer is indeed very nonlinear for typical coronal
  parameters. The effect of the nonlinearity on the efficiency of the
  resonant heating mechanism is investigated. It turns out that this
  heating mechanism may be less efficient than concluded from the linear
  MHD studies. As a matter of fact, the modification of the background
  magnetic field results in a shift of the resonance positions in time
  which in turn yields broader dissipation layers.

Title: Critical Issues in Transonic Magnetohydrodynamic Flows
Authors: Goedbloed, J. P.; Lifschitz, A. E.
1997ESASP.404..417G    Altcode: 1997cswn.conf..417G
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Slow Magnetosonic Waves and Instabilities in Expanded Flux
    Tubes Anchored in Chromospheric/Photospheric Regions
Authors: Beliën, A. J. C.; Poedts, S.; Goedbloed, J. P.
1997ESASP.404..193B    Altcode: 1997cswn.conf..193B
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Visualization of resonant absorption in solar coronal loops
    by simulation of soft X-ray images.
Authors: Belien, A. J. C.; Poedts, S.; Spoelder, H. J. W.; Leenders,
   R.; Goedbloed, J. P.
1996ComPh..10..573B    Altcode: 1996CoPhy..10..573B
  One of the proposed mechanisms to explain the heating of the solar
  corona is resonant absorption of magnetic Alfven waves. Numerical
  studies of this mechanism often involve large scale computations
  and produce large amounts of data that need to be visualized. In
  this article the authors present a method to visualize numerically
  calculated density and temperature evolutions of heating calculations
  by simulating the soft X-ray observations of the soft X-ray telescope
  aboard the Yohkoh satellite. The visualization method is applied to
  two different model calculations of the heating of coronal magnetic
  loops by the resonant absorption of Alfven waves. For these two
  cases, information on the variations of temperature and density can be
  extracted conveniently from the generated images. The resulting images
  reveal features that are characteristic of the resonant absorption
  process. This suggests that signatures of resonant absorption can be
  extracted from real soft X-ray observations of coronal loops.

Title: Calculation of Soft X-ray Images from MHD Simulations of
    Heating of Coronal Loops
Authors: Belien, A. J. C.; Poedts, S.; Goedbloed, J. P.
1996mpsa.conf..423B    Altcode: 1996IAUCo.153..423B
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Symmetry of Magnetohydrodynamic Flows
Authors: Goedbloed, J. P.; Lifschitz, A.
1996ApL&C..34..261G    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Magnetohydrodynamic Continua and Stratification Induced
    Alfvén Eigenmodes in Coronal Magnetic Loops
Authors: Beliën, A. J. C.; Poedts, S.; Goedbloed, J. P.
1996PhRvL..76..567B    Altcode:
  The continuous spectra of a 2D inhomogeneous, cylindrical magnetic flux
  tube are studied and applied to solar coronal loops. The density is
  stratified radially as well as longitudinally, while other equilibrium
  quantities only vary in the radial direction. Stratification causes
  gaps to appear in the continuous spectrum, and it is shown that
  discrete global, stratification-induced Alfvén eigenmodes occur in
  these gaps. These global modes may be important for the heating of
  coronal loops.

Title: 2D and 3D Nonlinear MHD Simulations of Coronal Loop Heating
    by Alfven Waves
Authors: Poedts, S.; Goedbloed, J. P.
1996mpsa.conf..425P    Altcode: 1996IAUCo.153..425P
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Alfven wave heating of coronal loops: photospheric excitation.
Authors: Halberstadt, G.; Goedbloed, J. P.
1995A&A...301..559H    Altcode:
  Alfven resonant heating of bounded coronal loops is investigated
  numerically in a two-dimensional model. A coronal loop is modelled as
  a cylindrical, magnetized plasma column, that is bounded by the high
  density photospheric plasma. Alfven wave excitation is assumed to be
  due to the convective motion of the photosphere. The excitation of
  coronal loops at the foot points by this photospheric motion, which
  is not incorporated in most existing models, is the main topic in the
  work described here. The dynamics of the heating of coronal loops due
  to the excited Alfven waves is treated by numerically solving the fully
  resistive linearized equations of magnetohydrodynamics for the described
  model. In previous work (Goedbloed &amp; Halberstadt 1994), it was shown
  that pure Alfven and pure fast magnetosonic waves no longer exist in
  bounded loops. In the present paper the general role of the fast wave
  component for Alfven heating is investigated. In particular, it is
  shown that the coupling of Alfven and fast waves gives rise to a new
  kind of eigenmodes, that consist of a global fast wave contribution and
  a localized and damped Alfven tail. These waves are efficiently excited
  by compressional fluid motion, and yield high Ohmic dissipation rates.

Title: Alfven heating of line-tied coronal loops. Surface excitation
Authors: Halberstadt, G.; Goedbloed, J. P.
1995A&A...301..577H    Altcode:
  Alfven resonant heating of closed coronal loops is investigated by
  linear magnetohydrodynamics simulations. The main subject of the
  presented work is the excitation of waves by the motion of the high
  density photospheric plasma. In recent two-dimensional calculations,
  the photospheric energy was introduced directly at the foot points
  of the loop (Strauss &amp; Lawson 1989; Halberstadt 1994a). This
  enables the direct excitation of Alfven waves by purely incompressible
  motion, and a high rate of energy transfer from the photosphere to
  the dissipative layers is assured. In this paper it is emphasized
  that a realistic model of loop excitation by convective motion mainly
  involves plasma compression and therefore the introduced photospheric
  energy must be transferred across the magnetic field lines to reach
  the resonant layers. This is simulated by an excitation source which
  is localized towards the end points of the loop and which has an energy
  flux in the cross field line direction only. Both the dissipation rate,
  and the coupling between the source and the loop are investigated. The
  presence of global modes in the Alfven spectrum simultaneously enhances
  the coupling and the dissipation rate. An estimate of the attainable
  X-ray flux is made.

Title: Magnetohydrodynamic waves in fusion and astrophysical plasmas.
Authors: Goedbloed, J. P.
1995AIPC..345..465G    Altcode:
  Macroscopic plasma dynamics in both controlled thermonuclear confinement
  machines and in the atmospheres of X-ray emitting stars is described
  by the equations of magnetohydrodynamics. This provides a vast area of
  overlapping research activities which is presently actively pursued. In
  this lecture the author concentrates on some important differences
  in the dynamics of the two confined plasma systems related to the
  very different geometries that are encountered and, thus, the role of
  the different boundary conditions that have to be posed. As a result,
  the basic MHD waves in a tokamak are quite different from those found
  in a solar magnetic flux tube. The result is that, whereas the three
  well-known MHD waves can be traced stepwise in the curved geometry of a
  tokamak, their separate existence is eliminated right from the start in
  a line-tied coronal loop because line-tying in general conflicts with
  the phase relationships between the vector components of the three
  velocity fields. The consequences are far-reaching, viz. completely
  different resonant frequencies and continuous spectra, absence of
  rational magnetic surfaces, and irrelevance of local marginal stability
  theory for coronal magnetic loops.

Title: The Influence of Line-Tying on Coronal Perturbations in a
    Gravitationally Stratified Equilibrium
Authors: van der Linden, R. A. M.; Hood, A. W.; Goedbloed, J. P.
1994SoPh..154...69V    Altcode:
  We study the influence of gravitational stratification of the
  solar atmosphere on the stability of coronal magnetic structures. In
  particular we question whether the (presumably stabilizing) influence
  of the anchoring of the magnetic field lines in the solar photosphere
  (`line-tying') can be adequately modelled by either `rigid wall'
  or `flow-through' boundary conditions on the coronal perturbations,
  as is commonly done. Using the ideal MHD model without gravitational
  effects,inertial line-tying alone cannot lead to afull stabilization,
  as marginal stability cannot be crossed by including only the rapid
  density increase at the photospheric interface.

Title: Magnetohydrodynamic waves in coronal flux tubes
Authors: Goedbloed, J. P.; Halberstadt, G.
1994A&A...286..275G    Altcode:
  The problem of the basic MHD waves of a coronal flux loop is
  investigated for the simplest configuration conceivable, viz. a plasma
  in a rectangular box, with an oblique magnetic field, and line-tied at
  the ends. The basic waves found are completely different from those
  found in a periodic box, representative for tokamak plasmas. They
  consist of an interwoven structure of Alfven and slow components with
  a ballooning factor, favouring minimal field line bending, and fast
  components without such a factor. The implications for stability are
  the existence of a global excess of stability in coronal loops, as
  opposed to local marginal stability at rational magnetic surfaces in
  tokamaks. The relationship to flares is pointed out. Pure Alfven and
  pure slow modes are only found as singular limiting cases of cluster
  spectra of Alfven-fast or slow-fast waves, where the fast components
  are localised in a photospheric boundary layer which is dictated by the
  requirements of line-tying. This justifies the assumption of continuous
  spectra in coronal loops, required for the mechanism of resonant Alfven
  wave heating. The waves consist of large amplitude Alfven components
  in the corona and fast components with a small but rapidly varying
  amplitude in the photospheric boundary layer, so that they appear to
  have all the right characteristics for effective transfer of energy
  from the photosphere to the corona.

Title: On the Quality of Resonant Absorption as a Coronal Loop
    Heating Mechanism
Authors: Poedts, S.; Belien, A. J. C.; Goedbloed, J. P.
1994SoPh..151..271P    Altcode:
  The qualityQ of a resonance is defined as the ratio of the total energy
  contained in the system to the dissipation per driving cycle. Hence,
  a `good quality' resonance is one with little losses, i.e., little
  dissipation per driving cycle. However, for heating coronal plasmas by
  means of resonant absorption of waves, `bad' quality resonances are
  required. Here, the quality of the MHD resonances that occur when an
  inhomogeneous coronal loop is excited by incident waves is investigated
  for typical coronal loop parameter values in the frame work of linear,
  resistive MHD. It is shown that the resonances in coronal loops have
  bad quality and, hence, yield a lot of Ohmic heating per driving cycle
  compared to the total energy stored in the loop. As a consequence, the
  time scales of the heating process are relatively short and resonant
  absorption turns out to be a viable candidate for the heating of the
  magnetic loops observed in the solar corona.

Title: 3D nonlinear wave heating of coronal loops
Authors: Poedts, S.; Goedbloed, J. P.
1994SSRv...68..103P    Altcode:
  The heating of solar coronal loops by the resonant absorption or
  phase-mixing of incident wave energy is investigated in the framework
  of 3D nonlinear magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) by means of numerical

Title: MHD waves in coronal flux tubes
Authors: Goedbloed, J. P.; Halberstadt, G.
1994SSRv...68..121G    Altcode:
  The basic MHD waves of a coronal flux loop are investigated for the
  rectangular box model of a plasma with oblique magnetic field and
  line-tied at the ends. The waves found are completely different
  from those in a periodic box, representative for tokamaks. They
  consist of a mixture of Alfvén components with a ballooning factor,
  favouring minimal field line bending, and fast components without such
  a factor. Pure Alfvén modes are only found as singular limiting cases
  of cluster spectra of Alfvén-fast waves, where the fast components
  are localised in a photospheric boundary layer which is dictated
  by the requirements of line-tying. This justifies the assumption of
  continuous spectra in coronal loops, required for the mechanism of
  resonant Alfvén wave heating. The waves consist of large amplitude
  Alfvén components in the corona and fast components with a small but
  rapidly varying amplitude in the boundary layer, so that they appear
  to have the right signature for effective transfer of energy from the
  photosphere to the corona.

Title: Nonlinear wave heating of the solar corona
Authors: Poedts, S.; Goedbloed, J. P.
1994smf..conf..396P    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The continuous ALfven spectrum of line-tied coronal loops
Authors: Halberstadt, G.; Goedbloed, J. P.
1993A&A...280..647H    Altcode:
  The effect of the photospheric boundary conditions on Alfven
  continuum waves in coronal magnetic loops is considered. A coronal
  loop is modeled as effectively line-tied to the photospheric plasma,
  such that the foot points of the loop are forced to follow the
  photospheric velocity perturbations. Starting from recent work on the
  nature of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves in line-tied magnetic loops
  (Goedbloed &amp; Halberstadt 1993), we derive an expression for the
  Alfven continuum frequencies in a line-tied cylindrical plasma, which
  reveals that the line-tied Alfven continuum no longer depends on the
  poloidal magnetic field and that the corresponding eigenmodes have a
  global ballooning character. Subsequently, we derive a variational
  principle by which the Alfven and slow continuum frequencies in a
  line-tied cylinder with density variation along the field lines can be
  obtained. It is shown that the line-tied Alfven continuum determines
  the coronal heating due to resonant absorption in coronal loops that
  are excited at the foot points.

Title: Resonant Heating of Line-Tied Coronal Loops
Authors: Halberstadt, G.; Goedbloed, J. P.
1993ASSL..183..583H    Altcode: 1993pssc.symp..583H
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Coronal heating: the role of resonant absorption.
Authors: Poedts, Stefaan; Goedbloed, J. P.
1992ESASP.348..253P    Altcode: 1992cscl.work..253P
  The efficiency and time scales of Alfvén wave heating of solar coronal
  loops is investigated by means of numerical simulations in the framework
  of both linear and nonlinear dissipative magnetohydrodynamics. The
  coronal loops are modeled by cylindrical plasma columns that are
  excited by waves that are incident on them. Parameter studies are
  presented of the efficiency of the coupling of the external source to
  the coronal loop plasma, the fraction of the power supplied by the
  external source that is actually absorbed and converted into heat,
  the quality of the resonances that occur, the basic time scales of
  the resonant absorption mechanism, and the temporal evolution of the
  energetics of the driven dissipative system. The results of these
  investigations indicate that resonant absorption is a viable heating
  mechanism for solar coronal loops.

Title: Line-Tying Effects on Stability and Heating of Solar Coronal
    Loops (With 2 Figures)
Authors: Halberstadt, G.; Goedbloed, J. P.; Poedts, S. M.; van der
   Linden, R. A. M.
1991mcch.conf..489H    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Stability of solar coronal loops
Authors: Goedbloed, J. P.
1990CoPhC..59...39G    Altcode:
  The equations of magnetohydrodynamics do not contain an intrinsic
  length scale determining the size of phenomena. Hence, size only enters
  through the external geometrical properties of the configurations
  considered. This is one of the reasons why tokamaks and solar coronal
  loops may be considered as similar objects. The equations of MHD do
  not distinguish between the two. It is only the geometry and, hence,
  the boundary conditions that discriminate between them. Whereas for
  tokamaks toroidal periodicity and normal confinement provide the
  appropriate boundary conditions, for coronal loops line-tying at the
  photosphere and some prescription for the behavior across the “edge”
  of the loop determine the solutions. The latter is a more complicated
  problem and gives rise to even more complex dynamics than encountered
  in tokamaks. Here, we consider the influence of the two mentioned
  groups of boundary conditions for the problem of the stability and
  disruption of a solar coronal loop. <P />We consider the stability
  properties of a single loop with twisted magnetic field lines under the
  simultaneous influence of photospheric line-tying and constraining by
  neighboring flux loops. The loops would be violently unstable without
  these two ingredients (i.e. for the corresponding tokamak problem). It
  is shown that line-tying alone in not sufficient for stability, but
  the neighboring flux tubes provide a normal boundary condition similar
  to a conducting shell in tokamaks. This stabilization gets lost on
  the time scale associated with reconnection of the tangetial magnetic
  field discontinuities present in the many-loop system. On this time
  scale the magnetic energy, which has been built up during the twisting
  of the field lines, gets released, resulting in a disruption of the
  loop. This process may be considered as the single loop variant of
  Parker's solar flare model.

Title: Kink modes in coronal loops.
Authors: Goedbloed, J. P.; Goossens, M.; Poedts, S.
1989plap.work..103G    Altcode:
  Spectral theory of magnetohydrodynamic waves and instabilities has been
  extensively developed. With proper modifications results obtained for
  tokamaks can be transferred to the study of stability of coronal flux
  loops and heating of the corona by means of Alfvén waves. In tokamaks
  external kink modes are stabilized by the geometric constraint that
  the modes should fit into the torus. In current-carrying coronal
  loops the opposite problem arises, viz. the apparent absence of
  external kink modes, as evidenced by their long life-time, spanning
  many orders of magnitude of the characteristic growth-time of these
  instabilities. Anchoring of the foot points of the field lines in the
  photosphere is generally considered to be the responsible agent for
  stabilization. Given the overall MHD stability of a coronal magnetic
  loop structure, the subtle analysis of Alfvén wave heating by means
  of the continuous spectrum may be undertaken. Here, an additional
  complication is encountered which turns out to be quite beneficial
  though from the point of view of heating efficiency. This gives rise to
  improper modes which have both a global character and a non-integrable
  part which admits quasi-dissipation.

Title: Stabilization of external kink modes by means of a limiter
Authors: Freidberg, J. P.; Goedbloed, J. P.; Rohatgi, R.
1983PhRvL..51.2105F    Altcode:
  It is shown that poloidal ring limiters are very effective in
  stabilizing ideal external kink modes in a tokamak. With one poloidal
  limiter all external modes are stable for q<SUB>a</SUB>&gt;1. However,
  toroidal limiters have negligible influence on stability. Reversed-field
  pinches require a finite number of poloidal limiters (typically six)
  to stabilize the strong external kink modes that would result if the
  conducting wall were removed.

Title: Stabilization of magnetohydrodynamic instabilities by
    force-free magnetic fields. II. Linear pinch.
Authors: Goedbloed, J. P.
1971Phy....53..501G    Altcode:
  The marginal-stability analysis, developed in a previous paper
  <SUP>1</SUP>), is applied to the stability problem of a linear
  pinch with a distributed current. Complete stability criteria
  are derived from the marginal equation of motion and it is shown
  that this method is equivalent to the application of the energy
  principle. For a sharp-pinch model of a dense plasma surrounded by a
  force-free magnetic field of constant α kinks, unstable modes of the
  surface-layer, and of the force-free region are shown to be absent
  if α is properly chosen. Explicit expressions for the growth rates
  of unstable configurations are derived. An appendix is devoted to the
  stability with respect to resistive tearing modes.

Title: Stabilization of magnetohydrodynamic instabilities by
    force-free magnetic fields. I. Plane plasma layer.
Authors: Goedbloed, J. P.
1971Phy....53..412G    Altcode:
  A marginal-stability analysis is applied to the stability problem of a
  plane plasma layer under the influence of gravity. Complete stability
  criteria are derived from the marginal equation of motion and it is
  shown that this method is equivalent to the application of the energy
  principle. Ideal magnetohydrodynamic instabilities, as occurring in
  simple plasma-vacuum systems, can be suppressed by replacing the vacuum
  by a force-free magnetic field, that is a field satisfying the relation
  ∇ × B = α B. Force-free fields of constant α are investigated in
  particular. By proper choice of α the gravitational instabilities,
  of nonlocal and of surface-layer type, are absent in a plane plasma
  layer supported from below by a horizontal force-free magnetic field. An
  appendix is devoted to a rigorous treatment of the influence of singular
  points of the marginal equation of motion on the stability analysis.

Title: Stabilization of magnetohydrodynamic instabilities by
force-free magnetic fields. III: Shearless magnetic fields.
Authors: Goedbloed, J. P.
1971Phy....53..535G    Altcode:
  The marginal-stability analysis, as given in two previous papers,
  is further elaborated for magnetic fields of constant direction
  in the plane case and for magnetic fields of constant pitch in the
  cylindrical case. For these shearless magnetic fields discontinuities
  arise in the stability criteria. The physical significance of these
  discontinuities is discussed. From the marginal-stability analysis
  the principle of exchange of stabilities is derived. This theory is
  applied to constant-pitch magnetic fields, which are shown to be
  necessarily unstable. Growth rates of the instabilities of these
  fields are calculated, correcting earlier results of Ware. Simple
  modifications of some constant-pitch models, namely Van der Laan's
  model of a constant-pitch force-free field and Alfvén's model of a
  constant-pitch field with parabolic pressure profile, prove to yield
  completely stable pinch configurations of a sharp or diffuse kind. An
  appendix is devoted to toroidal effects.