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Author name code: hara
ADS astronomy entries on 2022-09-14
author:"Hara, Hirohisa" 

Title: Quiet Sun Center to Limb Variation of the Linear Polarization
    Observed by CLASP2 Across the Mg II h and k Lines
Authors: Rachmeler, L. A.; Bueno, J. Trujillo; McKenzie, D. E.;
   Ishikawa, R.; Auchère, F.; Kobayashi, K.; Kano, R.; Okamoto,
   T. J.; Bethge, C. W.; Song, D.; Ballester, E. Alsina; Belluzzi,
   L.; Pino Alemán, T. del; Ramos, A. Asensio; Yoshida, M.; Shimizu,
   T.; Winebarger, A.; Kobelski, A. R.; Vigil, G. D.; Pontieu, B. De;
   Narukage, N.; Kubo, M.; Sakao, T.; Hara, H.; Suematsu, Y.; Štěpán,
   J.; Carlsson, M.; Leenaarts, J.
2022ApJ...936...67R    Altcode: 2022arXiv220701788R
  The CLASP2 (Chromospheric LAyer Spectro-Polarimeter 2) sounding rocket
  mission was launched on 2019 April 11. CLASP2 measured the four Stokes
  parameters of the Mg II h and k spectral region around 2800 Å along a
  200″ slit at three locations on the solar disk, achieving the first
  spatially and spectrally resolved observations of the solar polarization
  in this near-ultraviolet region. The focus of the work presented here
  is the center-to-limb variation of the linear polarization across these
  resonance lines, which is produced by the scattering of anisotropic
  radiation in the solar atmosphere. The linear polarization signals of
  the Mg II h and k lines are sensitive to the magnetic field from the
  low to the upper chromosphere through the Hanle and magneto-optical
  effects. We compare the observations to theoretical predictions
  from radiative transfer calculations in unmagnetized semiempirical
  models, arguing that magnetic fields and horizontal inhomogeneities
  are needed to explain the observed polarization signals and spatial
  variations. This comparison is an important step in both validating and
  refining our understanding of the physical origin of these polarization
  signatures, and also in paving the way toward future space telescopes
  for probing the magnetic fields of the solar upper atmosphere via
  ultraviolet spectropolarimetry.

Title: Development of Fast and Precise Scan Mirror Mechanism for an
    Airborne Solar Telescope
Authors: Oba, Takayoshi; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Katsukawa, Yukio; Kubo,
   Masahito; Kawabata, Yusuke; Hara, Hirohisa; Uraguchi, Fumihiro;
   Tsuzuki, Toshihiro; Tamura, Tomonori; Shinoda, Kazuya; Kodeki,
   Kazuhide; Fukushima, Kazuhiko; Morales Fernández, José Miguel;
   Sánchez Gómez, Antonio; Balaguer Jimenéz, María; Hernández
   Expósito, David; Gandorfer, Achim
2022arXiv220713864O    Altcode:
  We developed a scan mirror mechanism (SMM) that enable a slit-based
  spectrometer or spectropolarimeter to precisely and quickly map
  an astronomical object. The SMM, designed to be installed in the
  optical path preceding the entrance slit, tilts a folding mirror
  and then moves the reflected image laterally on the slit plane,
  thereby feeding a different one-dimensional image to be dispersed by
  the spectroscopic equipment. In general, the SMM is required to scan
  quickly and broadly while precisely placing the slit position across
  the field-of-view (FOV). These performances are highly in demand for
  near-future observations, such as studies on the magnetohydrodynamics of
  the photosphere and the chromosphere. Our SMM implements a closed-loop
  control system by installing electromagnetic actuators and gap-based
  capacitance sensors. Our optical test measurements confirmed that the
  SMM fulfils the following performance criteria: i) supreme scan-step
  uniformity (linearity of 0.08%) across the wide scan range (${\pm}$1005
  arcsec), ii) high stability (3${\sigma}$ = 0.1 arcsec), where the
  angles are expressed in mechanical angle, and iii) fast stepping speed
  (26 ms). The excellent capability of the SMM will be demonstrated
  soon in actual use by installing the mechanism for a near-infrared
  spectropolarimeter onboard the balloon-borne solar observatory for
  the third launch, Sunrise III.

Title: A spectral solar irradiance monitor (SoSpIM) on the JAXA
    Solar-C (EUVST) space mission
Authors: Harra, Louise K.; Watanabe, Kyoko; Haberreiter, Margit;
   Hori, Tomoaki; Hara, Hirohisa; Kretzschmar, Matthieu; Woods, Thomas;
   Shimizu, Toshifumi; Krucker, Samuel; Berghmans, David; Jin, Hidekatsu;
   Dominique, Marie; Eparvier, Francis G.; Gissot, Samuel; Leng Yeo, Kok;
   Pfiffner, Dany; Milligan, Ryan; Thiemann, Edward; Miyoshi, Yoshizumi;
   Imada, Shinsuke; Kawate, Tomoko; Chamberlin, Phillip; Rozanov, Eugene;
   Silvio Koller, -.; Barczynski, Krzysztof; Nozomu; Nishitani; Ieda,
   Akimasa; Langer, Patrick; Meier, Leandro; Tye, Daniel; Alberti, Andrea
2022cosp...44..834H    Altcode:
  The JAXA Solar-C (EUVST) mission (Shimizu et al., 2020) is designed
  to comprehensively understand how mass and energy are transferred
  throughout the solar atmosphere. The EUV High-Throughput Spectroscopic
  Telescope (EUVST) onboard does this by observing all the temperature
  regimes of the atmosphere from the chromosphere to the corona
  simultaneously. To enhance the EUVST scientific capabilities,
  there will be a Solar Spectral Irradiance Monitor (SoSpIM). SoSpIM
  will work hand-in-hand scientifically with EUVST, by providing the
  full Sun irradiance at sub-second time cadence combined with the
  spatially resolved spectroscopy from EUVST. The SoSPIM instrument
  will specifically address two aspects. These are: · Understand how
  the solar atmosphere becomes unstable, releasing the energy that
  drives solar flares - achieved through probing fast time cadence
  solar flare variations. · Measuring solar irradiance that impacts
  the Earth's thermosphere and the mesosphere, linking to spatially
  resolved measurements of the solar atmosphere with EUVST. SoSpIM will
  provide high time resolution measurements in 2 channels (a) in the
  corona through channel 1 (EUV) and (b) in the lower atmosphere through
  channel 2 (Lyman alpha). Each channel impacts different layers of the
  Earth's atmosphere.

Title: How Can Solar-C/SOSPIM Contribute to the Understanding of
    Quasi-Periodic Pulsations in Solar Flares?
Authors: Dominique, Marie; Harra, Louise K.; Watanabe, Kyoko; Hara,
   Hirohisa; Zhukov, Andrei; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Berghmans, David;
   Dolla, Laurent; Gissot, Samuel; Pfiffner, Dany; Imada, Shinsuke;
   Silvio Koller, -.; Meier, Leandro; Tye, Daniel; Alberti, Andrea
2022cosp...44.2524D    Altcode:
  Quasi-periodic pulsations (QPPs) refer to nearly-periodic oscillations
  that are often observed in irradiance time series during solar flares
  and have also been reported in several stellar flares. In the last
  years, several statistical studies based on Soft X-ray measurements
  have reached the conclusion that QPPs are present in most solar
  flares of class M and above. Still, as of today, we are still unsure
  of what causes QPPs. Several models could explain the presence of
  QPPs with periods matching the ones observed. More detailed analysis
  of the observational signatures of QPPs might help determine which
  of those models are actually playing a role in the generation of
  QPPs. However, as QPPs is a small timescale process (the period of
  QPPs is often reported to be less than a minute), such an analysis
  requires instruments with a good signal-to-noise and high sampling
  rate. In this context, the spectral solar irradiance monitor SOSPIM,
  that will be part of the JAXA SOLAR C mission and that will complement
  the EUVST spectrograph measurements, could be a valuable asset. SOSPIM
  will observe the solar chromosphere and corona in the Lyman-alpha
  and EUV spectral ranges at high cadence. In this presentation, we
  review the current knowledge of QPPs and describe what could be the
  contribution of SOSPIM to push their understanding one step forward.

Title: Probing Upflowing Regions in the Quiet Sun and Coronal Holes
Authors: Schwanitz, Conrad; Harra, Louise; Raouafi, Nour E.; Sterling,
   Alphonse C.; Moreno Vacas, Alejandro; del Toro Iniesta, Jose Carlos;
   Orozco Suárez, David; Hara, Hirohisa
2021SoPh..296..175S    Altcode: 2021arXiv211012753S
  Recent observations from Parker Solar Probe have revealed that the
  solar wind has a highly variable structure. How this complex behaviour
  is formed in the solar corona is not yet known, since it requires
  omnipresent fluctuations, which constantly emit material to feed
  the wind. In this article we analyse 14 upflow regions in the solar
  corona to find potential sources for plasma flow. The upflow regions
  are derived from spectroscopic data from the EUV Imaging Spectrometer
  (EIS) on board Hinode determining their Doppler velocity and defining
  regions which have blueshifts stronger than −6 kms−<SUP>1</SUP>. To
  identify the sources of these blueshift data from the Atmospheric
  Imaging Assembly (AIA) and the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI),
  on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), and the X-ray Telescope
  (XRT), on board Hinode, are used. The analysis reveals that only 5 out
  of 14 upflows are associated with frequent transients, like obvious
  jets or bright points. In contrast to that, seven events are associated
  with small-scale features, which show a large variety of dynamics. Some
  resemble small bright points, while others show an eruptive nature, all
  of which are faint and only live for a few minutes; we cannot rule out
  that several of these sources may be fainter and, hence, less obvious
  jets. Since the complex structure of the solar wind is known, this
  suggests that new sources have to be considered or better methods used
  to analyse the known sources. This work shows that small and frequent
  features, which were previously neglected, can cause strong upflows in
  the solar corona. These results emphasise the importance of the first
  observations from the Extreme-Ultraviolet Imager (EUI) on board Solar
  Orbiter, which revealed complex small-scale coronal structures.

Title: How Can Solar-C/SOSPIM Contribute to the Understanding of
    Quasi-Periodic Pulsations in Solar Flares?
Authors: Dominique, Marie; Dolla, Laurent; Zhukov, Andrei; Alberti,
   Andrea; Berghmans, David; Gissot, Samuel; Hara, Hirohisa; Harra,
   Louise; Imada, Shinsuke; Koller, Silvio; Meier, Leandro; Pfiffner,
   Daniel; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Tye, Daniel; Watanabe, Kyoko
2021AGUFMSH25E2124D    Altcode:
  Quasi-periodic pulsations (QPPs) refer to nearly-periodic oscillations
  that are often observed in irradiance time series during solar flares
  and have also been reported in several stellar flares. In the last
  years, several statistical studies based on Soft X-ray measurements
  have reached the conclusion that QPPs are present in most solar flares
  of class M and above. Still, the mechanism at the origin of QPPs is
  under debate. Are they caused by waves or periodic fluctuations of the
  magnetic reconnection driving the flare? Analyzing the characteristics
  of QPPs and their evolution during the flare could help identifying
  their origin. However, QPPs sometimes exhibit very different
  periodicities, and do not always happen during the same phase of the
  flare. All this could point to the coexistence of QPPs with different
  origin mechanism, and indicates the need for more observations. In this
  context, the spectral solar irradiance monitor SOSPIM, that will be
  part of the JAXA SOLAR C mission and that will complement the EUVST
  spectrograph measurements, could be a valuable asset. SOSPIM will
  observe the solar chromosphere and corona in the Lyman-alpha and EUV
  spectral ranges at high cadence. In this presentation, we review the
  current knowledge of QPPs and describe what could be the contribution
  of SOSPIM to push their understanding one step forward.

Title: Electron Density Dependence of Extreme Ultraviolet Line
    Intensity Ratios in Ar XIV
Authors: Nakamura, Nobuyuki; Numadate, Naoki; Kono, Yasutaka; Murakami,
   Izumi; Kato, Daiji; Sakaue, Hiroyuki A.; Hara, Hirohisa
2021ApJ...921..115N    Altcode:
  We report the electron density dependence of extreme ultraviolet line
  intensity ratios in Ar XIV studied using a well-defined electron beam
  ion trap plasma. The purpose of this study is to examine the potential
  of the Ar XIV lines in diagnosing the electron density of solar corona
  active regions with a temperature higher than 3 MK. The experimentally
  obtained dependence is in good agreement with collisional-radiative
  model calculations, which ensures the usability of the Ar XIV lines.

Title: Mapping of Solar Magnetic Fields from the Photosphere to the
    Top of the Chromosphere with CLASP2
Authors: McKenzie, D.; Ishikawa, R.; Trujillo Bueno, J.; Auchere, F.;
   del Pino Aleman, T.; Okamoto, T.; Kano, R.; Song, D.; Yoshida, M.;
   Rachmeler, L.; Kobayashi, K.; Narukage, N.; Kubo, M.; Ishikawa, S.;
   Hara, H.; Suematsu, Y.; Sakao, T.; Bethge, C.; De Pontieu, B.; Vigil,
   G.; Winebarger, A.; Alsina Ballester, E.; Belluzzi, L.; Stepan, J.;
   Asensio Ramos, A.; Carlsson, M.; Leenaarts, J.
2021AAS...23810603M    Altcode:
  Coronal heating, chromospheric heating, and the heating &amp;
  acceleration of the solar wind, are well-known problems in solar
  physics. Additionally, knowledge of the magnetic energy that
  powers solar flares and coronal mass ejections, important drivers
  of space weather, is handicapped by imperfect determination of the
  magnetic field in the sun's atmosphere. Extrapolation of photospheric
  magnetic measurements into the corona is fraught with difficulties and
  uncertainties, partly due to the vastly different plasma beta between
  the photosphere and the corona. Better results in understanding
  the coronal magnetic field should be derived from measurements of
  the magnetic field in the chromosphere. To that end, we are pursuing
  quantitative determination of the magnetic field in the chromosphere,
  where plasma beta transitions from greater than unity to less than
  unity, via ultraviolet spectropolarimetry. The CLASP2 mission, flown
  on a sounding rocket in April 2019, succeeded in measuring all four
  Stokes polarization parameters in UV spectral lines formed by singly
  ionized Magnesium and neutral Manganese. Because these ions produce
  spectral lines under different conditions, CLASP2 thus was able to
  quantify the magnetic field properties at multiple heights in the
  chromosphere simultaneously, as shown in the recent paper by Ishikawa
  et al. In this presentation we will report the findings of CLASP2,
  demonstrating the variation of magnetic fields along a track on
  the solar surface and as a function of height in the chromosphere;
  and we will illustrate what is next for the CLASP missions and the
  demonstration of UV spectropolarimetry in the solar chromosphere.

Title: Instrumental design of the Solar Observing Satellite:
Authors: Suematsu, Yoshinori; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Hara, Hirohisa;
   Kawate, Tomoko; Katsukawa, Yukio; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Imada, Shinsuke
2021SPIE11852E..3KS    Altcode:
  The EUV High-Throughput Spectroscopic Telescope (EUVST) of Solar-C
  mission is a revolutionary spectrometer that is designed to provide
  high-quality and high cadence spectroscopic data covering a wide
  temperature range of the chromosphere to flaring corona to investigate
  the energetics and dynamics of the solar atmosphere. The EUVST consists
  of only two imaging optical components; a 28-cm clear aperture off-axis
  parabolic primary mirror and a two-split ellipsoidal grating without a
  blocking filter for visible light before the primary mirror to achieve
  unprecedented high spatial and temporal resolution in EUV-UV imaging
  spectroscopic observations. For this reason, about 53 W of sunlight
  is absorbed by the multilayer coating on the mirror. We present an
  instrumental design of the telescope, particularly, primary mirror
  assembly which enables slit-scan observations for imaging spectroscopy,
  an image stabilizing tip-tilt control, and a focus adjustment on
  orbit, together with an optomechanical design of the primary mirror
  and its supporting system which gives optically tolerant wavefront
  error against a large temperature increase due to an absorption of
  visible and IR lights.

Title: GRB 210308A: MITSuME Okayama optical upper limits
Authors: Ogata, S.; Hosokawa, R.; Murata, K. L.; Adachi, R.; Niwano,
   M.; Ogawa, F.; Nakamura, N.; Ito, N.; Takamatsu, H.; Hara, H.; Yatsu,
   Y.; Kawai, N.; MITSuME Collaboration
2021GCN.29621....1O    Altcode:
  We observed the field of GRB 210308A (D'Elia et al.,GCN Circular #29619)
  with the optical three color (g', Rc, and Ic) CCD cameras attached
  to the MITSuME 50 cm telescope of Okayama Astrophysical Observatory,
  Okayama, Japan. The observation with a series of 60 sec exposures
  started at 2021-03-08 11:03:59 UT.(4.5 hours after Swift BAT trigger)
  We stacked the images with good conditions. We did not detect the
  optical afterglow reported previously (D'Elia et al.,GCN Circular
  #29619) in all three bands. We obtained the 5-sigma limits of the
  stacked images as follows. T0+[hour] MID-UT T-EXP[sec] 5-sigma limits
  4.5 11:51:53 4440 g'&gt;17.6, Rc&gt;17.8, Ic&gt;17.8
  T0+ : Elapsed time after the burst T-EXP: Total Exposure time We used
  the PS1 catalog for flux calibration. The magnitudes are expressed
  in the AB system. The images were processed in real-time through the
  MITSuME GPU reduction pipeline (Niwano et al. 2021, PASJ, Vol.73,
  Issue 1, Pages 4-24; https://github.com/MNiwano/Eclaire).

Title: GRB 210306A: MITSuME Akeno optical observation
Authors: Hosokawa, R.; Adachi, R.; Murata, K. L.; Niwano, M.; Ogawa,
   F.; Nakamura, N.; Ito, N.; Ogata, S.; Takamatsu, H.; Hara, H.; Yatsu,
   Y.; Kawai, N.; MITSuME Collaboration
2021GCN.29608....1H    Altcode:
  We observed the field of GRB 210306A (D'Elia et al. GCN #29597,
  Watson et al. GCN 29598, Romanov GCN #29599, Strausbaugh et al. GCN
  #29600, Ohno et al. GCN #29602, Hentunen et al. GCN #29603, Stecklum
  et al. GCN #29604, Veres et al. GCN #29605, Lipunov et al. GCN
  #29606, Zhu et al. GCN #29607) with the optical three color (g',
  Rc, and Ic) CCD cameras attached to the MITSuME 50 cm telescope
  of Akeno Observatory, Yamanashi, Japan. The observation with
  a series of 60 sec exposures started at 2021-03-06 09:12:03 UT
  (5.3 hours after Swift BAT trigger). We stacked the images with
  good conditions. We marginally detected the point source at the
  position consistent with the afterglow detected previously(D'Elia
  et al. GCN #29597, Watson et al. GCN 29598, Romanov GCN #29599,
  Strausbaugh et al. GCN #29600, Hentunen et al. GCN #29603,
  Stecklum et al. GCN #29604, Zhu et al. GCN #29607). We measured the
  magnitudes as follows. T0+[hour] MID-UT T-EXP[sec] measured magnitudes
  5.3 11:38:10 8160 g'=20.0+/-0.4, Rc=20.2+/-0.4, Ic=19.0+/-0.3
  T0+ : Elapsed time after the burst T-EXP: Total Exposure time We used
  PS1 catalog for flux calibration. The magnitudes are expressed in the
  AB system. The images were processed in real-time through the MITSuME
  GPU reduction pipeline (Niwano et al. 2021, PASJ, Vol.73, Issue 1,
  Pages 4-24; https://github.com/MNiwano/Eclaire).

Title: GRB 210318B: MITSuME Okayama optical upper limits
Authors: Hosokawa, R.; Murata, K. L.; Adachi, R.; Niwano, M.; Ogawa,
   F.; Nakamura, N.; Ito, N.; Ogata, S.; Takamatsu, H.; Hara, H.; Yatsu,
   Y.; Kawai, N.; MITSuME Collaboration
2021GCN.29675....1H    Altcode:
  We observed the field of GRB 210318B (Troja et al. GCN Circular #29663,
  Svinkin et al. GCN Circular #29664, Stamatikos et al. GCN Circular
  #29666, Lipunov et al. GCN Circular #29667, Malacaria et al. GCN
  Circular #29668) with the optical three color (g', Rc, and Ic) CCD
  cameras attached to the MITSuME 50 cm telescope of Okayama Astrophysical
  Observatory, Okayama, Japan. The observation with a series of 60 sec
  exposures started at 2021-03-19 19:11:03 UT.(40.4 hours after Swift BAT
  trigger) We stacked the images with good conditions. We did not find any
  new point sources within the Swift XRT circle (Troja et al. GCN Circular
  #29663) in all three bands. We obtained the 5-sigma limits of the
  stacked images as follows. T0+[hour] MID-UT T-EXP[sec] 5-sigma limits
  40.4 19:50:32 2040 g'&gt;14.3, Rc&gt;14.2, Ic&gt;13.4
  T0+ : Elapsed time after the burst T-EXP: Total Exposure time We used
  the UCAC4 catalog for flux calibration. The magnitudes are expressed
  in the AB system. The images were processed in real-time through the
  MITSuME GPU reduction pipeline (Niwano et al. 2021, PASJ, Vol.73,
  Issue 1, Pages 4-24; https://github.com/MNiwano/Eclaire).

Title: GRB 210212A: MITSuME Akeno optical upper limits
Authors: Murata, K. L.; Adachi, R.; Hosokawa, R.; Niwano, M.; Ogawa,
   F.; Nakamura, N.; Ito, N.; Ogata, S.; Takamatsu, H.; Hara, H.; Yatsu,
   Y.; Kawai, N.; MITSuME Collaboration
2021GCN.29496....1M    Altcode:
  We observed the field of GRB 210212A (Troja et al. GCN #29487,
  Beardmore et al. GCN #29489, Palmer et al. GCN #29491, Kuin et
  al. GCN #29492, Hu et al. GCN #29494, Tohuvavohu et al. GCN #29495)
  with the optical three color (g', Rc, and Ic) CCD cameras attached
  to the MITSuME 50 cm telescope of Akeno Observatory, Yamanashi,
  Japan. The observation with a series of 60 sec exposures started at
  2021-02-12 08:51:45 UT(4.43 hours after the Swift BAT trigger). We
  stacked the images with good conditions. We did not find any new point
  sources within the enhanced Swift XRT circle (Beardmore et al. GCN
  #29489) in all three bands. We obtained the 5-sigma limits of the
  stacked images as follows. T0+[hour] MID-UT T-EXP[sec] 5-sigma limits
  8.6 13:05:08 5400 g'&gt;18.6, Rc&gt;18.5, Ic&gt;17.8
  T0+ : Elapsed time after the burst T-EXP: Total Exposure time We used
  the PS1 catalog for flux calibration. The magnitudes are expressed
  in the AB system. The images were processed in real-time through the
  MITSuME GPU reduction pipeline (Niwano et al. 2021, PASJ, Vol.73,
  Issue 1, Pages 4-24; https://github.com/MNiwano/Eclaire).

Title: GRB 210222B: MITSuME Akeno optical upper limits
Authors: Hosokawa, R.; Murata, K. L.; Adachi, R.; Niwano, M.; Ogawa,
   F.; Nakamura, N.; Ito, N.; Ogata, S.; Takamatsu, H.; Hara, H.; Yatsu,
   Y.; Kawai, N.; MITSuME Collaboration
2021GCN.29565....1H    Altcode:
  We observed the field of GRB 210222B (Lipunov et al. GCN #29544, Gropp
  et al. GCN #29545, Hu et al. GCN #29546, Strausbaugh et al. GCN #29547,
  Mong et al. GCN #29548, Perley et al. GCN #29549, Mong et al. GCN
  #29550, Zhu et al. GCN #29551, Fernandez et al. GCN #29552, Lipunov et
  al. GCN #29554, Jelinek et al. GCN #29557, Zheng et al. GCN #29558,
  Siegel et al. GCN #29559, Page et al. GCN #29560, Ukwatta et al. GCN
  #29561, Gokuldass et al. GCN #29562, Belkin et al. GCN #29563) with
  the optical three color (g', Rc, and Ic) CCD cameras attached to the
  MITSuME 50 cm telescope of Akeno Observatory, Yamanashi, Japan. The
  observation with a series of 60 sec exposures started at 2021-02-23
  11:00:13 UT(12.4hours after the Swift BAT trigger). We stacked the
  images with good conditions. We did not detect the optical afterglow
  reported previously (Gropp et al. GCN #29545, Hu et al. GCN #29546,
  Strausbaugh et al. GCN #29547, Mong et al. GCN #29548, Perley et al. GCN
  #29549, Mong et al. GCN #29550, Zhu et al. GCN #29551, Fernandez et
  al. GCN #29552, Lipunov et al. GCN #29554, Jelinek et al. GCN #29557,
  Siegel et al. GCN #29559, Gokuldass et al. GCN #29562, Belkin et al. GCN
  #29563) in all three bands. We obtained the 5-sigma limits of the
  stacked images as follows. T0+[hour] MID-UT T-EXP[sec] 5-sigma limits
  12.4 15:18:25 14100 g'&gt;19.6, Rc&gt;19.9, Ic&gt;19.2
  T0+ : Elapsed time after the burst T-EXP: Total Exposure time We used
  the PS1 catalog for flux calibration. The magnitudes are expressed
  in the AB system. The images were processed in real-time through the
  MITSuME GPU reduction pipeline (Niwano et al. 2021, PASJ, Vol.73,
  Issue 1, Pages 4-24; https://github.com/MNiwano/Eclaire).

Title: GRB 210209A: MITSuME Akeno optical upper limits
Authors: Hosokawa, R.; Adachi, R.; Murata, K. L.; Niwano, M.; Ogawa,
   F.; Nakamura, N.; Ito, N.; Ogata, S.; Takamatsu, H.; Hara, H.; Yatsu,
   Y.; Kawai, N.; MITSuME Collaboration
2021GCN.29455....1H    Altcode:
  We observed the field of GRB 210209A (Laha et al. GCN #29442, Evans et
  al. GCN #29443, Perri et al. GCN #29449, Breeveld et al. GCN #29453)
  with the optical three color (g', Rc, and Ic) CCD cameras attached
  to the MITSuME 50 cm telescope of Akeno Observatory, Yamanashi,
  Japan. The observation with a series of 60 sec exposures started at
  2021-02-10 08:49:41 UT(11.2 hour after the Swift BAT trigger). Since
  the first 17 images were taken under high airmass conditions, we
  stacked the images with good conditions. We did not find any new
  point sources within the enhanced Swift XRT circle (Evans et al. GCN
  #29443) in all three bands. We obtained the 5-sigma limits of the
  stacked images as follows. T0+[hour] MID-UT T-EXP[sec] 5-sigma limits
  11.2 09:14:41 600 g'&gt;17.2, Rc&gt;17.6, Ic&gt;17.1
  T0+ : Elapsed time after the burst T-EXP: Total Exposure time We used
  the PS1 catalog for flux calibration. The magnitudes are expressed
  in the AB system. The images were processed in real-time through the
  MITSuME GPU reduction pipeline (Niwano et al. 2021, PASJ, Vol.73,
  Issue 1, Pages 4-24; https://github.com/MNiwano/Eclaire).

Title: GRB 210218A: MITSuME Akeno optical upper limits
Authors: Ogawa, F.; Hosokawa, R.; Murata, K. L.; Adachi, R.; Niwano,
   M.; Nakamura, N.; Ito, N.; Ogata, S.; Takamatsu, H.; Hara, H.; Yatsu,
   Y.; Kawai, N.; MITSuME Collaboration
2021GCN.29532....1O    Altcode:
  We observed the field of GRB 210218A (Sbarufatti et al. GCN #29529, Zhu
  et al. GCN #29530, Xin et al. GCN #29531) with the optical three color
  (g', Rc, and Ic) CCD cameras attached to the MITSuME 50 cm telescope of
  Akeno Observatory, Yamanashi, Japan. The observation with a series of
  10 sec exposures started at 2021-02-18 13:36:05 UT(46 seconds after the
  Swift BAT trigger). We stacked the images with good conditions. We did
  not find any new point sources within the Swift BAT circle (Sbarufatti
  et al. GCN #29529) in all three bands. We obtained the 5-sigma limits of
  the stacked images as follows. T0+[sec] MID-UT T-EXP[sec] 5-sigma limits
  46 14:03:01 1220 g'&gt;17.3, Rc&gt;17.5, Ic&gt;16.7
  T0+ : Elapsed time after the burst T-EXP: Total Exposure time We used
  the UCAC4 catalog for flux calibration. The magnitudes are expressed
  in the AB system. The images were processed in real-time through the
  MITSuME GPU reduction pipeline (Niwano et al. 2021, PASJ, Vol.73,
  Issue 1, Pages 4-24; https://github.com/MNiwano/Eclaire).

Title: Mapping solar magnetic fields from the photosphere to the
    base of the corona
Authors: Ishikawa, Ryohko; Bueno, Javier Trujillo; del Pino Alemán,
   Tanausú; Okamoto, Takenori J.; McKenzie, David E.; Auchère,
   Frédéric; Kano, Ryouhei; Song, Donguk; Yoshida, Masaki; Rachmeler,
   Laurel A.; Kobayashi, Ken; Hara, Hirohisa; Kubo, Masahito; Narukage,
   Noriyuki; Sakao, Taro; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Bethge,
   Christian; De Pontieu, Bart; Dalda, Alberto Sainz; Vigil, Genevieve D.;
   Winebarger, Amy; Ballester, Ernest Alsina; Belluzzi, Luca; Štěpán,
   Jiří; Ramos, Andrés Asensio; Carlsson, Mats; Leenaarts, Jorrit
2021SciA....7.8406I    Altcode: 2021arXiv210301583I
  Routine ultraviolet imaging of the Sun's upper atmosphere shows the
  spectacular manifestation of solar activity; yet we remain blind to
  its main driver, the magnetic field. Here we report unprecedented
  spectropolarimetric observations of an active region plage and
  its surrounding enhanced network, showing circular polarization in
  ultraviolet (Mg II $h$ &amp; $k$ and Mn I) and visible (Fe I) lines. We
  infer the longitudinal magnetic field from the photosphere to the
  very upper chromosphere. At the top of the plage chromosphere the
  field strengths reach more than 300 gauss, strongly correlated with
  the Mg II $k$ line core intensity and the electron pressure. This
  unique mapping shows how the magnetic field couples the different
  atmospheric layers and reveals the magnetic origin of the heating in
  the plage chromosphere.

Title: GRB 210104A: MITSuME Akeno optical observation
Authors: Hosokawa, R.; Adachi, R.; Niwano, M.; Murata, K. L.; Ogawa,
   F.; Nakamura, N.; Ito, N.; Ogata, S.; Takamatsu, H.; Hara, H.; Yatsu,
   Y.; Kawai, N.; MITSuME Collaboration
2021GCN.29237....1H    Altcode:
  We observed the field of GRB 210104A (The Fermi GBM team , GCN 29232,
  E. Troja et al., GCN 29233, B. Biltzinger et al., GCN 29234) with
  the optical three color (g', Rc, and Ic) CCD cameras attached to the
  MITSuME 50 cm telescope of Akeno Observatory, Yamanashi, Japan. The
  observation started at 2021-01-04 11:27:54 UT (55s after Swift BAT
  trigger). We detected the point source at the position consistent with
  the afterglow detected previously(E. Troja et al., GCN 29233, L. P. Xin
  et al., GCN 29235, Y.-D. Hu et al., GCN 29236). We measured the
  magnitudes as follows. T0+[sec] MID-UT T-EXP[sec] measured magnitudes
  55 11:28:24 60 g'=14.6+/-0.1, Rc=14.2+/-0.1, Ic=13.8+/-0.1
  T0+ : Elapsed time after the burst T-EXP: Total Exposure time We used
  PS1 catalog for flux calibration. The magnitudes are expressed in the AB
  system. The images were processed in real-time through the MITSuME GPU
  reduction pipeline (Niwano et al., https://doi.org/10.1093/pasj/psaa091,
  https://arxiv.org/abs/2008.11486; https://github.com/MNiwano/Eclaire).

Title: Multicolor-optical observations of the flat-spectrum radio
    quasar Ton 599 and quasar 3C279
Authors: Hosokawa, R.; Murata, K. L.; Niwano, M.; Wang, S.; Adachi,
   R.; Ogawa, F.; Nakamura, N.; Ito, N.; Ogata, S.; Takamatsu, H.; Hara,
   H.; Yatsu, Y.; Kawai, N.
2021ATel14353....1H    Altcode:
  We monitor the flat-spectrum radio quasar Ton 599 with three optical
  bands (g', Rc, and Ic) using the MITSuME 50 cm Telescopes at Akeno
  Observatory and Okayama Astrophysical Observatory in Japan.

Title: Multicolor-optical observation of the flaring blazar BL
Authors: Hosokawa, R.; Murata, K. L.; Niwano, M.; Wang, S.; Adachi,
   R.; Ogawa, F.; Nakamura, N.; Ito, N.; Ogata, S.; Takamatsu, H.; Hara,
   H.; Yatsu, Y.; Kawai, N.
2021ATel14334....1H    Altcode:
  The flaring blazar BL Lacertae was in the bright state in optical,
  X-ray and gamma-ray around August 2020 (ATel #13930, #13933, #13956,
  #13958, #13963, #13964) and in another bright state around October 2020
  (ATel #14065, #14069, #14072, #14081, #14096).

Title: Sunrise Chromospheric Infrared spectroPolarimeter (SCIP)
for SUNRISE III: optical design and performance
Authors: Tsuzuki, Toshihiro; Katsukawa, Yukio; Uraguchi, Fumihiro;
   Hara, Hirohisa; Kubo, Masahito; Nodomi, Yoshifumi; Suematsu, Yoshinori;
   Kawabata, Yusuke; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Gandorfer, Achim; Feller, Alex;
   Grauf, Bianca; Solanki, Sami; Carlos del Toro Iniesta, Jose
2020SPIE11447E..AJT    Altcode:
  The Sunrise Chromospheric Infrared spectroPolarimeter (SCIP) is a
  near-IR spectro-polarimeter instrument newly designed for Sunrise III,
  which is a balloon-borne solar observatory equipped with a 1 m optical
  telescope. To acquire high-quality 3D magnetic and velocity fields,
  SCIP selects the two wavelength bands centered at 850 nm and 770 nm,
  which contain many spectrum lines that are highly sensitive to magnetic
  fields permeating the photosphere and chromosphere. To achieve high
  spatial and spectral resolution (0.21 arcsec and 2 × 10<SUP>5</SUP>),
  SCIP optics adopt a quasi-Littrow configuration based on an echelle
  grating and two high-order aspheric mirrors. Using different diffraction
  orders of the echelle grating, dichroic beam splitter, and polarizing
  beam-splitters, SCIP can obtain s- and p-polarization signals in the
  two wavelength bands simultaneously within a relatively small space. We
  established the wavefront error budget based on tolerance analysis,
  surface figure errors, alignment errors, and environmental changes. In
  addition, we performed stray light analysis, and designed light traps
  and baffles needed to suppress unwanted reflections and diffraction
  by the grating. In this paper, we present the details of this optical
  system and its performance.

Title: GRB 201203A: MITSuME Okayama optical upper limits
Authors: Niwano, M.; Hosokawa, R.; Murata, K. L.; Adachi, R.; Ogawa,
   F.; Nakamura, N.; Ito, N.; Ogata, S.; Takamatsu, H.; Hara, H.; Yatsu,
   Y.; Kawai, N.; MITSuME Collaboration
2020GCN.28992....1N    Altcode:
  We observed the field of GRB 201203A (S. Dichiara et al.,
  GCN Circular #28985) with the optical three color (g', Rc,
  and Ic) CCD cameras attached to the MITSuME 50 cm telescope
  of Okayama Astrophysical Observatory, Okayama, Japan. The
  observation started at 12:02:06 UT. We did not find any new
  point sources within the Swift-XRT circle ( V. D'Elia et
  al., GCN Circular #28990) in all three bands. We obtained the
  5-sigma limits as follows. T0+[hour] MID-UT T-EXP[sec] 5-sigma limits
  6.9 13:45:28.19 9000 g'&gt;17.9, Rc&gt;18.6, Ic&gt;17.7
  T0+ : Elapsed time after the burst T-EXP: Total Exposure time We used
  the PS1 catalog for flux calibration. The magnitudes are expressed
  in the AB system. The images were processed in real-time through the
  MITSuME GPU reduction pipeline (Niwano et al., 10.1093/pasj/psaa091,
  arXiv:2008.11486; https://github.com/MNiwano/Eclaire).

Title: Sunrise Chromospheric Infrared spectroPolarimeter (SCIP)
for SUNRISE III: opto-mechanical analysis and design
Authors: Uraguchi, Fumihiro; Tsuzuki, Toshihiro; Katsukawa, Yukio;
   Hara, Hirohisa; Iwamura, Satoru; Kubo, Masahito; Nodomi, Yoshifumi;
   Suematsu, Yoshinori; Kawabata, Yusuke; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Gandorfer,
   Achim; del Toro Iniesta, Jose Carlos
2020SPIE11447E..ABU    Altcode:
  The Sunrise Chromospheric Infrared spectroPolarimeter (SCIP) is a
  near-IR spectro-polarimeter instrument newly designed for Sunrise III,
  a balloon-borne solar observatory with a 1-m diameter telescope. In
  order to achieve the strict requirements the SCIP wavefront error, it is
  necessary to quantify the errors due to environmen- tal effects such as
  gravity and temperature variation under the observation conditions. We
  therefore conducted an integrated opto-mechanical analysis incorporating
  mechanical and thermal disturbances into a finite element model of
  the entire SCIP structure to acquire the nodal displacements of each
  optical element, then fed them back to the optical analysis software
  in the form of rigid body motion and surface deformation fitted by
  polynomials. This method allowed us to determine the error factors
  having a significant influence on optical performance. For example,
  no significant wavefront degradation was associated with the structural
  mountings because the optical element mounts were well designed based
  on quasi-kinematic constraints. In contrast, we found that the main
  factor affecting wavefront degradation was the rigid body motions of
  the optical elements, which must be mini- mized within the allowable
  level. Based on these results, we constructed the optical bench using a
  sandwich panel as the optical bench consisting of an aluminum-honeycomb
  core and carbon fiber reinforced plastic skins with a high stiffness
  and low coefficient of thermal expansion. We then confirmed that the
  new opto-mechanical model achieved the wavefront error requirement. In
  this paper, we report the details of this integrated opto-mechanical
  analysis, including the wavefront error budgeting and the design of
  the opto-mechanics.

Title: GRB 201223A: MITSuME Akeno optical observation
Authors: Hosokawa, R.; Murata, K. L.; Adachi, R.; Niwano, M.; Ogawa,
   F.; Nakamura, N.; Ito, N.; Ogata, S.; Takamatsu, H.; Hara, H.; Yatsu,
   Y.; Kawai, N.; MITSuME Collaboration
2020GCN.29164....1H    Altcode:
  We observed the field of GRB 201223A (J.D. Gropp et al., GCN #29158,
  J. Wood et al., GCN #29161) with the optical three color (g', Rc,
  and Ic) CCD cameras attached to the MITSuME 50 cm telescope of Akeno
  Observatory, Yamanashi, Japan. The observation started at 2020-12-23
  17:59:18 UT (52s after Swift BAT trigger). We detected the point source
  at the position consistent with the afterglow detected previously
  (Lipunov et al. GCN #29157, Gropp et al., GCN #29158, Z.P. Zhu
  et al. GCN #29159, Y.-D. Hu et al. GCN #29160). We measured the
  magnitudes as follows. T0+[sec] MID-UT T-EXP[sec] measured magnitudes
  52 17:59:48 60 g'=15.45+/-0.05, Rc=15.04+/-0.03, Ic=14.77+/-0.04
  T0+ : Elapsed time after the burst T-EXP: Total Exposure time We used
  PS1 catalog for flux calibration. The magnitudes are expressed in the AB
  system. The images were processed in real-time through the MITSuME GPU
  reduction pipeline (Niwano et al., https://doi.org/10.1093/pasj/psaa091,
  https://arxiv.org/abs/2008.11486; https://github.com/MNiwano/Eclaire).

Title: The Solar-C (EUVST) mission: the latest status
Authors: Shimizu, Toshifumi; Imada, Shinsuke; Kawate, Tomoko; Suematsu,
   Yoshinori; Hara, Hirohisa; Tsuzuki, Toshihiro; Katsukawa, Yukio; Kubo,
   Masahito; Ishikawa, Ryoko; Watanabe, Tetsuya; Toriumi, Shin; Ichimoto,
   Kiyoshi; Nagata, Shin'ichi; Hasegawa, Takahiro; Yokoyama, Takaaki;
   Watanabe, Kyoko; Tsuno, Katsuhiko; Korendyke, Clarence M.; Warren,
   Harry; De Pontieu, Bart; Boerner, Paul; Solanki, Sami K.; Teriaca,
   Luca; Schuehle, Udo; Matthews, Sarah; Long, David; Thomas, William;
   Hancock, Barry; Reid, Hamish; Fludra, Andrzej; Auchère, Frederic;
   Andretta, Vincenzo; Naletto, Giampiero; Poletto, Luca; Harra, Louise
2020SPIE11444E..0NS    Altcode:
  Solar-C (EUVST) is the next Japanese solar physics mission to
  be developed with significant contributions from US and European
  countries. The mission carries an EUV imaging spectrometer with
  slit-jaw imaging system called EUVST (EUV High-Throughput Spectroscopic
  Telescope) as the mission payload, to take a fundamental step towards
  answering how the plasma universe is created and evolves and how the
  Sun influences the Earth and other planets in our solar system. In
  April 2020, ISAS (Institute of Space and Astronautical Science) of JAXA
  (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) has made the final down-selection
  for this mission as the 4th in the series of competitively chosen
  M-class mission to be launched with an Epsilon launch vehicle in mid
  2020s. NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) has selected
  this mission concept for Phase A concept study in September 2019 and
  is in the process leading to final selection. For European countries,
  the team has (or is in the process of confirming) confirmed endorsement
  for hardware contributions to the EUVST from the national agencies. A
  recent update to the mission instrumentation is to add a UV spectral
  irradiance monitor capability for EUVST calibration and scientific
  purpose. This presentation provides the latest status of the mission
  with an overall description of the mission concept emphasizing on key
  roles of the mission in heliophysics research from mid 2020s.

Title: Sunrise Chromospheric Infrared SpectroPolarimeter (SCIP)
for sunrise III: system design and capability
Authors: Katsukawa, Y.; del Toro Iniesta, J. C.; Solanki, S. K.;
   Kubo, M.; Hara, H.; Shimizu, T.; Oba, T.; Kawabata, Y.; Tsuzuki,
   T.; Uraguchi, F.; Nodomi, Y.; Shinoda, K.; Tamura, T.; Suematsu,
   Y.; Ishikawa, R.; Kano, R.; Matsumoto, T.; Ichimoto, K.; Nagata, S.;
   Quintero Noda, C.; Anan, T.; Orozco Suárez, D.; Balaguer Jiménez,
   M.; López Jiménez, A. C.; Cobos Carrascosa, J. P.; Feller, A.;
   Riethmueller, T.; Gandorfer, A.; Lagg, A.
2020SPIE11447E..0YK    Altcode:
  The Sunrise balloon-borne solar observatory carries a 1 m aperture
  optical telescope and provides us a unique platform to conduct
  continuous seeing-free observations at UV-visible-IR wavelengths from
  an altitude of higher than 35 km. For the next flight planned for
  2022, the post-focus instrumentation is upgraded with new spectro-
  polarimeters for the near UV (SUSI) and the near-IR (SCIP), whereas
  the imaging spectro-polarimeter Tunable Magnetograph (TuMag) is capable
  of observing multiple spectral lines within the visible wavelength. A
  new spectro-polarimeter called the Sunrise Chromospheric Infrared
  spectroPolarimeter (SCIP) is under development for observing near-IR
  wavelength ranges of around 770 nm and 850 nm. These wavelength ranges
  contain many spectral lines sensitive to solar magnetic fields and
  SCIP will be able to obtain magnetic and velocity structures in the
  solar atmosphere with a sufficient height resolution by combining
  spectro-polarimetric data of these lines. Polarimetric measurements are
  conducted using a rotating waveplate as a modulator and polarizing beam
  splitters in front of the cameras. The spatial and spectral resolutions
  are 0.2" and 2 105, respectively, and a polarimetric sensitivity of
  0.03 % (1σ) is achieved within a 10 s integration time. To detect
  minute polarization signals with good precision, we carefully designed
  the opto-mechanical system, polarization optics and modulation, and
  onboard data processing.

Title: Current Status of the Solar-C_EUVST Mission
Authors: Imada, S.; Shimizu, T.; Kawate, T.; Toriumi, S.; Katsukawa,
   Y.; Kubo, M.; Hara, H.; Suematsu, Y.; Ichimoto, K.; Watanabe, T.;
   Watanabe, K.; Yokoyama, T.; Warren, H.; Long, D.; Harra, L. K.;
   Teriaca, L.
2020AGUFMSH056..05I    Altcode:
  Solar-C_EUVST (EUV High-Throughput Spectroscopic Telescope) is designed
  to comprehensively understand the energy and mass transfer from the
  solar surface to the solar corona and interplanetary space, and to
  investigate the elementary processes that take place universally
  in cosmic plasmas. As a fundamental step towards answering how the
  plasma universe is created and evolves, and how the Sun influences
  the Earth and other planets in our solar system, the proposed mission
  is designed to comprehensively understand how mass and energy are
  transferred throughout the solar atmosphere. Understanding the solar
  atmosphere, which connects to the heliosphere via radiation, the solar
  wind and coronal mass ejections, and energetic particles is pivotal
  for establishing the conditions for life and habitability in the solar
  system. <P />The two primary science objectives for Solar-C_EUVST are :
  I) Understand how fundamental processes lead to the formation of the
  solar atmosphere and the solar wind, II) Understand how the solar
  atmosphere becomes unstable, releasing the energy that drives solar
  flares and eruptions. Solar-C_EUVST will, A) seamlessly observe all
  the temperature regimes of the solar atmosphere from the chromosphere
  to the corona at the same time, B) resolve elemental structures of the
  solar atmosphere with high spatial resolution and cadence to track their
  evolution, and C) obtain spectroscopic information on the dynamics of
  elementary processes taking place in the solar atmosphere. <P />In this
  talk, we will first discuss the science target of the Solar-C_EUVST,
  and then discuss the current status of the Solar-C_EUVST mission.

Title: GRB 201214B: MITSuME Akeno optical upper limits
Authors: Nakamura, N.; Hosokawa, R.; Murata, K. L.; Adachi, R.;
   Niwano, M.; Ogawa, F.; Ito, N.; Ogata, S.; Takamatsu, H.; Hara, H.;
   Yatsu, Y.; Kawai, N.; MITSuME Collaboration
2020GCN.29056....1N    Altcode:
  We observed the field of GRB 201214B (The Fermi GBM team, GCN
  #29039, P. Evans et al., GCN #29043, V. Lipunov et al., GCN #29044,
  D. Palmer et al., GCN #29045, B. Sbarufatti et al., GCN #29052 )
  with the optical three color (g', Rc, and Ic) CCD cameras attached
  to the MITSuME 50 cm telescope of Akeno Observatory, Yamanashi,
  Japan. The observation with a series of 60 sec exposures started at
  2020-12-15 18:51:41 UT(28.8 hour after trigger). We did not find any
  new point sources within the enhanced Swift BAT circle (D. Palmer et
  al., GCN #29045) in all three bands. We obtained the 5-sigma limits of
  the stacked images as follows T0+[hour] MID-UT T-EXP[sec] 5-sigma limits
  28.8 18:51:41 10380 g'&gt;20.9, Rc&gt;21.0, Ic&gt;20.3
  T0+ : Elapsed time after the burst T-EXP: Total Exposure time
  We used the PS1 catalog for flux calibration. The magnitudes
  are expressed in the AB system. The images were processed in
  real-time through the MITSuME GPU reduction pipeline (Niwano et al.,
  https://doi.org/10.1093/pasj/psaa091, https://arxiv.org/abs/2008.11486;

Title: Thermal design of the Solar-C (EUVST) telescope
Authors: Suematsu, Yoshinori; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Hara, Hirohisa;
   Kawate, Tomoko; Katsukawa, Yukio; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Imada, Shinsuke;
   Nagae, Kazuhiro; Yamazaki, Atsumu; Hattori, Tomoya
2020SPIE11444E..3KS    Altcode:
  The EUV High-Throughput Spectroscopic Telescope (EUVST) of Solar-C
  mission consists of only two imaging optical components; a 28-cm clear
  aperture off-axis parabolic primary mirror and a two-split ellipsoidal
  grating without a blocking filter for visible light before the primary
  mirror to achieve unprecedented high spatial and temporal resolution in
  EUV-UV imaging spectroscopic observations. For this reason, about 60
  W of sunlight is absorbed by the multilayer coating on the mirror. We
  report a thermal design of telescope in which the temperature of the
  primary mirror bonding part and underlying tip-tilt and slit-scanning
  mechanisms is well lower than a glass transition temperature of adhesive
  (about 60°C) and thermal deformation of the primary mirror is small,
  although it is non-negligibly small.

Title: A sensitivity analysis of the updated optical design for
    EUVST on the Solar-C mission
Authors: Kawate, Tomoko; Tsuzuki, Toshihiro; Shimizu, Toshifumi;
   Imada, Shinsuke; Katsukawa, Yukio; Hara, Hirohisa; Suematsu, Yoshinori;
   Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Hattori, Tomoya; Narasaki, Shota; Warren, Harry P.;
   Teriaca, Luca; Korendyke, Clarence M.; Brown, Charles M.; Auchere,
2020SPIE11444E..3JK    Altcode:
  The EUV high-throughput spectroscopic telescope (EUVST) onboard the
  Solar-C mission has the high spatial (0.4”) resolution over a wide
  wavelength range in the vacuum ultraviolet. To achieve high spatial
  resolution under a design constraint given by the JAXA Epsilon launch
  vehicle, we further update the optical design to secure margins
  needed to realize 0.4” spatial resolution over a field of view of
  100”×100”. To estimate the error budgets of spatial and spectral
  resolutions due to installation and fabrication errors, we perform a
  sensitivity analysis for the position and orientation of each optical
  element and for the grating parameters by ray tracing with the Zemax
  software. We obtain point spread functions (PSF) for rays from 9
  fields and at 9 wavelengths on each detector by changing each parameter
  slightly. A full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the PSF is derived at
  each field and wavelength position as a function of the perturbation
  of each optical parameter. Assuming a mount system of each optical
  element and an error of each optical parameter, we estimate spatial
  and spectral resolutions by taking installation and fabrication errors
  into account. The results of the sensitivity analysis suggest that
  budgets of the total of optical design and the assembly errors account
  for 15% and 5.8% of our budgets of the spatial resolution in the long
  wavelength and short wavelength bands, respectively. On the other hand,
  the grating fabrication errors give a large degradation of spatial and
  spectral resolutions, and investigations of compensators are needed
  to relax the fabrication tolerance of the grating surface parameters.

Title: GRB 201104B: MITSuME Akeno optical observation
Authors: Hosokawa, R.; Adachi, R.; Murata, K. L.; Niwano, M.; Ogawa,
   F.; Nakamura, N.; Ito, N.; Ogata, S.; Takamatsu, H.; Hara, H.; Yatsu,
   Y.; Kawai, N.; MITSuME Collaboration
2020GCN.28870....1H    Altcode:
  We observed the field of GRB 201104B (B. Sbarufatti et al., GCN #28825)
  with the optical three color (g', Rc, and Ic) CCD cameras attached
  to the MITSuME 50 cm telescope of Akeno Observatory, Yamanashi,
  Japan. The observation with a series of 60 sec exposures started at
  2020-11-05 08:14:33 UT. The first 29 images were heavily affected
  by twilight at Akeno Observatory. We marginally detected the point
  source at the position consistent with the afterglow detected
  previously (Marshall et al., GCN #28827, Vielfaure et al., GCN
  #28840, Oates et al., GCN #28851, Belkin et al., GCN #28852, Belkin
  et al., GCN #28856, and Gupta et al., GCN #28860). We measured the
  magnitudes as follows. T0+[hour] MID-UT T-EXP[sec] measured magnitudes
  15.2 2020-11-05 12:59:59 21360
  g'=21.5+/-0.3, Rc=20.7+/-0.2, Ic=20.3+/-0.3
  T0+ : Elapsed time after the burst T-EXP: Total Exposure time
  We used the PS1 catalog for flux calibration. The magnitudes
  are expressed in the AB system. The images were processed in
  real-time through the MITSuME GPU reduction pipeline (Niwano et al.,
  https://doi.org/10.1093/pasj/psaa091, https://arxiv.org/abs/2008.11486;

Title: GRB 201017A: MITSuME Akeno optical upper limits
Authors: Hosokawa, R.; Murata, K. L.; Adachi, R.; Niwano, M.; Ogawa,
   F.; Nakamura, N.; Ito, N.; Ogata, S.; Takamatsu, H.; Hara, H.; Yatsu,
   Y.; Kawai, N.; MITSuME Collaboration
2020GCN.28684....1H    Altcode:
  We observed the field of GRB 201017A (The Fermi GBM team, GCN
  #28665, A. D'Ai et al., GCN #28666, V. Lipunov et al., GCN #28667,
  L. P. Xin et al., GCN #28672, S. Belkin et al., GCN #28679) with
  the optical three color (g', Rc, and Ic) CCD cameras attached
  to the MITSuME 50 cm telescope of Akeno Observatory, Yamanashi,
  Japan. The observation started at 2020-10-17 12:53:15 UT.(186
  min after trigger) Since some images were heavily affected by bad
  weather, we stacked the images with good conditions. We did not
  find any new point sources within the enhanced Swift/XRT circle
  (M. R. Goad et al., GCN #28671) in all three bands. We obtained
  the 5-sigma limits as follows T0+[min] MID-UT T-EXP[sec] 5-sigma limits
  296 17:53:37 9480 g'&gt;20.0,Rc&gt;19.9,Ic&gt;19.2
  T0+ : Elapsed time after the burst T-EXP: Total Exposure time
  We used the PS1 catalog for flux calibration. The magnitudes
  are expressed in the AB system. The images were processed in
  real-time through the MITSuME GPU reduction pipeline (Niwano et al.,
  accepted for publication in PASJ, https://arxiv.org/abs/2008.11486;

Title: GRB 201020A: MITSuME Akeno optical observation
Authors: Adachi, R.; Hosokawa, R.; Murata, K. L.; Niwano, M.; Ogawa,
   F.; Nakamura, N.; Ito, N.; Ogata, S.; Takamatsu, H.; Hara, H.; Yatsu,
   Y.; Kawai, N.; MITSuME Collaboration
2020GCN.28697....1A    Altcode:
  We observed the field of GRB 201020A (E. Ambrosi et al.,GCN Circular
  #28696) with the optical three color (g', Rc, and Ic) CCD cameras
  attached to the MITSuME 50 cm telescope of Akeno Observatory, Yamanashi,
  Japan. The observation started at 2020-10-20 08:31:00 UT. The first
  28 images were heavily affected by twilight at Akeno Observatory. We
  detected the point source at the position consistent with the afterglow
  detected previously (E. Ambrosi et al. GCN #28696). We measured the
  magnitudes as follows. T0+[min] MID-UT T-EXP[sec] measured magnitudes
  196 09:15:39 1260 g'=19.4+/-0.2, Rc=18.4+/-0.1, Ic=18.4+/-0.2
  T0+ : Elapsed time after the burst T-EXP: Total Exposure time We
  used GSC2.3 and PS1 catalog for flux calibration. The magnitudes
  are expressed in the AB system. The images were processed in
  real-time through the MITSuME GPU reduction pipeline (Niwano et al.,
  accepted for publication in PASJ, https://arxiv.org/abs/2008.11486;

Title: GRB 201024A: MITSuME Akeno optical upper limits
Authors: Niwano, M.; Murata, K. L.; Hosokawa, R.; Adachi, R.; Ogawa,
   F.; Nakamura, N.; Ito, N.; Ogata, S.; Takamatsu, H.; Hara, H.; Yatsu,
   Y.; Kawai, N.; MITSuME Collaboration
2020GCN.28779....1N    Altcode:
  We observed the field of GRB 201024A (F. E. Marshall et al.,GCN
  Circular #28761) with the optical three color (g', Rc, and Ic) CCD
  cameras attached to the MITSuME 50 cm telescope of Akeno Observatory,
  Yamanashi, Japan. We observed for two nights. The observation with a
  series of 60 sec exposures started at 2020-10-24 16:04:04UT for the
  first night and 2020-10-25 15:56:17UT for the second night. We stacked
  the images with good conditions each night. We did not detect the
  point source reported by other telescopes (Lipunov et al. GCN Circular
  #28760, Fernandez-Garcia et al. #28763, de Ugarte Postigo et al. #28764,
  Martin Jelinek et al. #28766). We obtained the 5-sigma limits of the
  stacked images as follows. T0+[hour] MID-UT T-EXP[sec] 5-sigma limits
  13.78 2020-10-24T18:27:11 11520 g'&gt;20.2, Rc&gt;20.4, Ic&gt;19.7
  38.48 2020-10-25T17:17:59 1980 g'&gt;19.4, Rc&gt;19.6, Ic&gt;18.8
  T0+: Elapsed time after the burst T-EXP: Total Exposure time We used the
  PS1 catalog for flux calibration. The magnitudes are expressed in the
  AB system. The images were processed in real-time through the MITSuME
  GPU reduction pipeline (Niwano et al., accepted for publication in PASJ,
  https://arxiv.org/abs/2008.11486; https://github.com/MNiwano/Eclaire).

Title: GRB 201027A: MITSuME Akeno optical upper limits
Authors: Hosokawa, R.; Hara, H.; Adachi, R.; Niwano, M.; Ogawa, F.;
   Murata, K. L.; Nakamura, N.; Ito, N.; Ogata, S.; Takamatsu, H.; Yatsu,
   Y.; Kawai, N.; MITSuME Collaboration
2020GCN.28802....1H    Altcode:
  We observed the field of GRB 201027A (V. Lipunov et al., GCN #28787,
  S. B. Cenko et al., GCN #28788, Y.-D. Hu et al., GCN #28794 )
  with the optical three color (g', Rc, and Ic) CCD cameras attached
  to the MITSuME 50 cm telescope of Akeno Observatory, Yamanashi,
  Japan. The observation with a series of 60 sec exposures started at
  2020-10-27 18:43:12 UT(17.2 hour after trigger). Since the first
  18 images were taken under high airmass conditions, we stacked
  the images with good conditions. We did not find any new point
  sources within the enhanced Swift/XRT circle (J.P. Osborne et al.,
  GCN #28792) in all three bands. We obtained the 5-sigma limits of the
  stacked images as follows. T0+[hour] MID-UT T-EXP[sec] 5-sigma limits
  17.6 19:19:32 3180 g'&gt;19.5,Rc&gt;20.0,Ic&gt;19.1
  T0+ : Elapsed time after the burst T-EXP: Total Exposure time
  We used the PS1 catalog for flux calibration. The magnitudes
  are expressed in the AB system. The images were processed in
  real-time through the MITSuME GPU reduction pipeline (Niwano et al.,
  https://doi.org/10.1093/pasj/psaa091, https://arxiv.org/abs/2008.11486;

Title: GRB 201001A: MITSuME Akeno optical upper limits
Authors: Hosokawa, R.; Ogata, S.; Murata, K. L.; Adachi, R.; Niwano,
   M.; Ogawa, F.; Nakamura, N.; Ito, N.; Takamatsu, H.; Hara, H.; Yatsu,
   Y.; Kawai, N.; MITSuME Collaboration
2020GCN.28548....1H    Altcode:
  We observed the field of GRB 201001A(Fermi GBM Team, GCN 28538;
  David et al., GCN 28539) with the optical three color (g', Rc, and
  Ic) CCD cameras attached to the MITSuME 50 cm telescope of Akeno
  Observatory, Yamanashi, Japan. The observation with a series of 60
  sec exposures started at 2020-10-01 16:44:38UT. Since some images
  were heavily affected by the moon, we stacked the images with good
  conditions. We did not find any new point sources within the enhanced
  Swift/XRT error circle (Evans et al., GCN 28540) in the 60 sec exposure
  images and the stacked images. We obtained the 5-sigma limits of the
  stacked images as follows. T0+[hour] MID-UT T-EXP[sec] 5-sigma limits
  6.8 2020-10-01T19:06:10.46 4020 g'&gt;19.0, Rc&gt;19.3, Ic&gt;18.9
  T0+: Elapsed time after the burst T-EXP: Total Exposure time We used
  the PS1 catalog for flux calibration. The magnitudes are expressed
  in the AB system. The images were processed in real-time through
  the MITSuME GPU reduction pipeline (Niwano et al., accepted
  for publication in PASJ, https://arxiv.org/abs/2008.11486;
  https://github.com/MNiwano/Eclaire). --
  ____________ 東京工業大学
  河合研究室 修士1年 細川稜平 hosokawa@hp.phys.titech.ac.jp

Title: GRB 201006A: MITSuME Akeno optical upper limits
Authors: Ito, N.; Hosokawa, R.; Murata, K. L.; Adachi, R.; Niwano,
   M.; Ogawa, F.; Nakamura, N.; Ogata, S.; Takamatsu, H.; Hara, H.;
   Yatsu, Y.; Kawai, N.; MITSuME Collaboration
2020GCN.28571....1I    Altcode:
  We observed the field of GRB 201006A (J.D. Gropp et al.,GCN
  #28560, S.Mereghetti et al., GCN #28561, R. Hamburg et al., GCN #
  28564) with the optical three color (g', Rc, and Ic) CCD cameras
  attached to the MITSuME 50 cm telescope of Akeno Observatory,
  Yamanashi, Japan. The observation started at 13:31:53 UT. Since
  some images were heavily affected by bad weather and the moon,
  we stacked the images with good conditions. We did not find
  any new point sources within the enhanced Swift/XRT circle
  (M.R. Goad et al., GCN #28562) in all three bands. We obtained the
  5-sigma limits as follows. T0+[hour] MID-UT T-EXP[sec] 5-sigma limits
  12.2 16:27:01 4020.0 g'&gt;19.5,Rc&gt;19.4,Ic&gt;18.9
  T0+ : Elapsed time after the burst T-EXP: Total Exposure time We used
  PS1 catalog for flux calibration. The magnitudes are expressed in the
  AB system. The images were processed in real-time through the MITSuME
  GPU reduction pipeline (Niwano et al., accepted for publication in PASJ;
  arXiv2008.11486 https://github.com/MNiwano/Eclaire)

Title: GRB 200907B: MITSuME Okayama optical upper limits
Authors: Hosokawa, R.; Murata, K. L.; Adachi, R.; Niwano, M.; Ogawa,
   F.; Nakamura, N.; Ito, N.; Ogata, S.; Takamatsu, H.; Hara, H.; Yatsu,
   Y.; Kawai, N.; MITSuME Collaboration
2020GCN.28393....1H    Altcode:
  We observed the field of GRB 200907B (Beardmore et al., GCN 28384;
  Evans et al., GCN 28385,28391) with the optical three color (g',
  Rc, and Ic) CCD cameras attached to the MITSuME 50 cm telescope of
  Okayama Astrophysical Observatory, Okayama, Japan. The observation
  with a series of 60 sec exposures started at 2020-09-07 18:52:16UT. We
  did not find any new point sources within the enhanced Swift/XRT
  error circle (Evans et al., GCN 28391) in the 60 sec exposure
  images and the stacked images. We obtained the 5-sigma limits of
  the stacked images as follows. T0+[sec] MID-UT T-EXP[sec] 5-sigma limits
  65 2020-09-07T19:19:48 2100 g'&gt;17.1, Rc&gt;17.9, Ic&gt;17.3
  T0+: Elapsed time after the burst T-EXP: Total Exposure time We used the
  PS1 catalog for flux calibration. The magnitudes are expressed in the
  AB system. The images were processed in real-time through the MITSuME
  GPU reduction pipeline (Niwano et al., accepted for publication in PASJ,
  https://arxiv.org/abs/2008.11486; https://github.com/MNiwano/Eclaire).

Title: GRB 200819A: MITSuME Akeno optical upper limits
Authors: Murata, K. L.; Hosokawa, R.; Adachi, R.; Niwano, M.;
   Ogawa, F.; Nakamura, N.; Ito, N.; Ogata, S.; Takamatsu, H.; Hara,
   H.; Yatsu, Y.; Kawai, N.; Horiuchi, Takashi; Hanayama, Hidekazu;
   MITSuME Collaboration
2020GCN.28269....1M    Altcode:
  We observed the field of GRB 200819A (Dichiara et al., GCN 28263;
  Evans et al., GCN 28265) with the optical three color (g', Rc, and
  Ic) CCD cameras attached to the MITSuME 50 cm telescope of Akeno
  Observatory, Yamanashi, Japan. The observation with a series of
  60 sec exposures started on 2020-08-19 15:45:44 UT. Some images
  were heavily affected by bad weather conditions. We stacked
  the images with good weather conditions. We did not find any
  new point sources within the enhanced Swift/XRT error circle
  (Evans et al., GCN 28265) of the stacked images. We obtained the
  5-sigma limits as follows. T0+[sec] MID-UT T-EXP[sec] 5-sigma limits
  ~290 2020-08-19T17:36:48 5640 g'&gt;18.4, Rc&gt;19.0, Ic&gt;19.3
  T0+: Elapsed time after the burst T-EXP: Total Exposure time We used
  the PS1 catalog for flux calibration. The magnitudes are expressed
  in the AB system. The images were processed in real-time through
  the MITSuME GPU reduction pipeline (Niwano et al., submitted;

Title: GRB 200806A: MITSuME Akeno optical upper limits
Authors: Murata, K. L.; Adachi, R.; Hosokawa, R.; Niwano, M.; Ogawa,
   F.; Nakamura, N.; Ito, N.; Ogata, S.; Takamatsu, H.; Hara, H.; Yatsu,
   Y.; Kawai, N.; MITSuME Collaboration
2020GCN.28215....1M    Altcode:
  We observed the field of GRB 200806A (Ambrosi et al., GCN 28211;
  Beardmore et al., GCN 28214) with the optical three color (g',
  Rc, and Ic) CCD cameras attached to the MITSuME 50 cm telescope of
  Akeno Observatory, Yamanashi, Japan. The observation with a series
  of 60 sec exposures started on 2020-08-06 15:30:34 UT. The first
  15 images were heavily affected by the presence of the moon. We
  stacked the images excluding the 15 images and did not find any
  new point sources within the enhanced Swift/XRT error circle
  (Beardmore et al., GCN 28214) of the stacked images. We obtained
  the 5-sigma limits as follows. T0+[min] MID-UT T-EXP[sec] 5-sigma limits
  19 2020-08-06T15:57:10 960 g'&gt;16.7, Rc&gt;16.7, Ic&gt;16.9
  T0+: Elapsed time after the burst T-EXP: Total Exposure time We used
  the PS1 catalog for flux calibration. The magnitudes are expressed
  in the AB system. The images were processed in real-time through
  the MITSuME GPU reduction pipeline (Niwano et al., submitted;

Title: Resonant electron impact excitation of highly charged Fe ions
    studied with a compact electron beam ion trap
Authors: Monobe, Masashi; Sakaue, Hiroyuki A.; Kato, Daiji; Murakami,
   Izumi; Hara, Hirohisa; Watanabe, Tetsuya; Nakamura, Nobuyuki
2020XRS....49..511M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: GRB 200613A: MITSuME Akeno optical upper limits
Authors: Murata, K. L.; Ito, N.; Hosokawa, R.; Adachi, R.; Niwano,
   M.; Ogawa, F.; Nakamura, N.; Ogata, S.; Takamatsu, H.; Hara, H.;
   Yatsu, Y.; Kawai, N.; MITSuME Collaboration
2020GCN.27962....1M    Altcode:
  We observed the field of GRB 200613A (Fermi GBM team, GCN 27926;
  Bissaldi et al., GCN 27930; Ohno et al., GCN 27931) with the
  optical three color (g', Rc, and Ic) CCD cameras attached to the
  MITSuME 50 cm telescope of Akeno Observatory, Yamanashi, Japan. The
  observation started on 2020-06-15 11:33. We did not detect the
  optical afterglow (Kann et al., GCN 27935; Kennea et al., GCN 27936;
  Pozanenko et al., GCN 27937; Izzo et al., GCN 27939; Zhu et al.,
  GCN 27943; Marshall et al., GCN 27944; Liu et al., GCN 27949;
  Belkin et al., GCN 27958) in the stacked image. We obtained the
  5-sigma limits as follows. T0+[hour] MID-UT T-EXP[sec] 5-sigma limits
  54 2020-06-15T12:29:27 2040 g'&gt;19.3, Rc&gt;19.5, Ic&gt;18.6
  T0+: Elapsed time after the burst T-EXP: Total Exposure time We used
  the PS1 catalog for flux calibration. The magnitudes are expressed
  in the AB system. The images were processed in real-time through
  the MITSuME GPU reduction pipeline (Niwano et al., submitted;

Title: A Solar Magnetic-fan Flaring Arch Heated by Nonthermal
    Particles and Hot Plasma from an X-Ray Jet Eruption
Authors: Lee, Kyoung-Sun; Hara, Hirohisa; Watanabe, Kyoko; Joshi,
   Anand D.; Brooks, David H.; Imada, Shinsuke; Prasad, Avijeet; Dang,
   Phillip; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Savage, Sabrina L.; Moore, Ronald;
   Panesar, Navdeep K.; Reep, Jeffrey W.
2020ApJ...895...42L    Altcode: 2020arXiv200509875L
  We have investigated an M1.3 limb flare, which develops as a magnetic
  loop/arch that fans out from an X-ray jet. Using Hinode/EIS, we
  found that the temperature increases with height to a value of over
  10<SUP>7</SUP> K at the loop top during the flare. The measured Doppler
  velocity (redshifts of 100-500 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>) and the nonthermal
  velocity (≥100 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>) from Fe XXIV also increase with
  loop height. The electron density increases from 0.3 × 10<SUP>9</SUP>
  cm<SUP>-3</SUP> early in the flare rise to 1.3 × 10<SUP>9</SUP>
  cm<SUP>-3</SUP> after the flare peak. The 3D structure of the loop
  derived with Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory/EUV Imager
  indicates that the strong redshift in the loop-top region is due to
  upflowing plasma originating from the jet. Both hard X-ray and soft
  X-ray emission from the Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic
  Imager were only seen as footpoint brightenings during the impulsive
  phase of the flare, then, soft X-ray emission moved to the loop top in
  the decay phase. Based on the temperature and density measurements and
  theoretical cooling models, the temperature evolution of the flare arch
  is consistent with impulsive heating during the jet eruption followed
  by conductive cooling via evaporation and minor prolonged heating in
  the top of the fan loop. Investigating the magnetic field topology and
  squashing factor map from Solar Dynamics Observatory/HMI, we conclude
  that the observed magnetic-fan flaring arch is mostly heated from low
  atmospheric reconnection accompanying the jet ejection, instead of from
  reconnection above the arch as expected in the standard flare model.

Title: Locating Hot Plasma in Small Flares using Spectroscopic
    Overlappogram Data from the Hinode EUV Imaging Spectrometer
Authors: Harra, Louise; Matthews, Sarah; Long, David; Hasegawa,
   Takahiro; Lee, Kyoung-Sun; Reeves, Katharine K.; Shimizu, Toshifumi;
   Hara, Hirohisa; Woods, Magnus
2020SoPh..295...34H    Altcode: 2020arXiv200302908H
  One of the key processes associated with the "standard" flare model is
  chromospheric evaporation, a process during which plasma heated to high
  temperatures by energy deposition at the flare footpoints is driven
  upwards into the corona. Despite several decades of study, a number
  of open questions remain, including the relationship between plasma
  produced during this process and observations of earlier "superhot"
  plasma. The Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) onboard
  Hinode has a wide slot, which is often used as a flare trigger in the
  He II emission-line band. Once the intensity passes a threshold level,
  the study will switch to one focussed on the flaring region. However,
  when the intensity is not high enough to reach the flare trigger
  threshold, these datasets are then available during the entire flare
  period and provide high-cadence spectroscopic observations over a
  large field of view. We make use of data from two such studies of a
  C4.7 flare and a C1.6 flare to probe the relationship between hot Fe
  XXIV plasma and plasmas observed by the Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar
  Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) and the X-ray Telescope (XRT) to track
  where the emission comes from and when it begins. The flare trigger
  slot data used in our analysis has one-minute cadence. Although the
  spatial and spectral information are merged in the wide-slot data,
  it is still possible to extract when the hot plasma appears, through
  the appearance of the Fe Xxiv spectral image. It is also possible
  to derive spectrally pure Fe XXIV light curves from the EIS data,
  and compare them with those derived from hard X-rays, enabling a full
  exploration of the evolution of hot emission. The Fe XXIV emission
  peaks just after the peak in the hard X-ray lightcurve; consistent with
  an origin in the evaporation of heated plasma following the transfer
  of energy to the lower atmosphere. A peak was also found for the C4.7
  flare in the RHESSI peak temperature, which occurred before the hard
  X-rays peaked. This suggests that the first peak in hot-plasma emission
  is likely to be directly related to the energy-release process.

Title: Nonthermal Motions in a Polar Coronal Hole Measured with
    Hinode/EIS during an on-Orbit Partial Solar Eclipse on 2017 August 21
Authors: Hara, Hirohisa
2019ApJ...887..122H    Altcode:
  We have performed a spectroscopic observation over the south polar
  coronal hole (PCH) with the Hinode Extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) Imaging
  Spectrometer (EIS) during an on-orbit partial solar eclipse. In this
  partial eclipse, the Moon passed through the EIS observing area that
  was set in the south PCH at the height of 0.9-1.4 solar radii. Using
  the lunar occultation, we have corrected for the scattered light
  contamination from bright regions of the Sun that is present in the
  dark PCH emission line profiles. The nonthermal width of the corrected
  emission line profile in the PCH increases from the limb toward the
  high-altitude corona. It has also been confirmed that the nonthermal
  width tends to decrease beyond ∼1.2 solar radii. These results
  are consistent with the model in which outward-propagating Alfvén
  waves start being dissipated at ∼1.2 solar radii, as previously
  reported. The reduced energy within ∼1.4 solar radii contributes to
  atmospheric heating and the initial acceleration for the solar wind
  in the low corona. The remaining energy flux at 1.4 solar radii may
  be dissipated in the distant corona and is sufficient to provide the
  additional acceleration required to drive the fast solar wind.

Title: Achievements of Hinode in the first eleven years
Authors: Hinode Review Team; Al-Janabi, Khalid; Antolin, Patrick;
   Baker, Deborah; Bellot Rubio, Luis R.; Bradley, Louisa; Brooks,
   David H.; Centeno, Rebecca; Culhane, J. Leonard; Del Zanna, Giulio;
   Doschek, George A.; Fletcher, Lyndsay; Hara, Hirohisa; Harra,
   Louise K.; Hillier, Andrew S.; Imada, Shinsuke; Klimchuk, James A.;
   Mariska, John T.; Pereira, Tiago M. D.; Reeves, Katharine K.; Sakao,
   Taro; Sakurai, Takashi; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Shimojo, Masumi; Shiota,
   Daikou; Solanki, Sami K.; Sterling, Alphonse C.; Su, Yingna; Suematsu,
   Yoshinori; Tarbell, Theodore D.; Tiwari, Sanjiv K.; Toriumi, Shin;
   Ugarte-Urra, Ignacio; Warren, Harry P.; Watanabe, Tetsuya; Young,
   Peter R.
2019PASJ...71R...1H    Altcode:
  Hinode is Japan's third solar mission following Hinotori (1981-1982)
  and Yohkoh (1991-2001): it was launched on 2006 September 22 and is in
  operation currently. Hinode carries three instruments: the Solar Optical
  Telescope, the X-Ray Telescope, and the EUV Imaging Spectrometer. These
  instruments were built under international collaboration with the
  National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the UK Science and
  Technology Facilities Council, and its operation has been contributed
  to by the European Space Agency and the Norwegian Space Center. After
  describing the satellite operations and giving a performance evaluation
  of the three instruments, reviews are presented on major scientific
  discoveries by Hinode in the first eleven years (one solar cycle long)
  of its operation. This review article concludes with future prospects
  for solar physics research based on the achievements of Hinode.

Title: Development of Solar-C_EUVST structural design
Authors: Suematsu, Yoshinori; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Hara, Hirohisa;
   Katsukawa, Yukio; Kawate, Tomoko; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Imada, Shinsuke
2019SPIE11118E..1OS    Altcode:
  The Solar-C_EUVST is a mission designed to provide high-quality solar
  spectroscopic data covering a wide temperature range of the chromosphere
  to flaring corona. To fulfill a high throughput requirement, the
  instrument consists of only two optical components; a 28-cm primary
  mirror and a segmented toroidal grating which have high reflective
  coatings in EUV-UV range. We present a mission payload structural
  design which accommodates long focal length optical components and
  a launcher condition/launch environment (JAXA Epsilon). We also
  present a mechanical design of primary mirror assembly which enables
  slit-scan observations, an image stabilizing tip-tilt control, and a
  focus adjustment on orbit, together with an optomechanical design of
  the primary mirror and its supporting system which gives optically
  tolerant wavefront error against a large temperature increase due to
  an absorption of visible and IR lights.

Title: Concept study of Solar-C_EUVST optical design
Authors: Kawate, Tomoko; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Imada, Shinsuke; Tsuzuki,
   Toshihiro; Katsukawa, Yukio; Hara, Hirohisa; Suematsu, Yoshinori;
   Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Warren, Harry; Teriaca, Luca; Korendyke, Clarence
   M.; Brown, Charles
2019SPIE11118E..1NK    Altcode:
  The main characteristics of Solar-C_EUVST are the high temporal and
  high spatial resolutions over a wide temperature coverage. In order
  to realize the instrument for meeting these scientific requirements
  under size constraints given by the JAXA Epsilon vehicle, we examined
  four-dimensional optical parameter space of possible solutions of
  geometrical optical parameters such as mirror diameter, focal length,
  grating magnification, and so on. As a result, we have identified
  the solution space that meets the EUVST science objectives and rocket
  envelope requirements. A single solution was selected and used to define
  the initial optical parameters for the concept study of the baseline
  architecture for defining the mission concept. For this solution, we
  optimized the grating and geometrical parameters by ray tracing of the
  Zemax software. Consequently, we found an optics system that fulfills
  the requirement for a 0.4" angular resolution over a field of view of
  100" (including margins) covering spectral ranges of 170-215, 463-542,
  557-637, 690-850, 925-1085, and 1115-1275 A. This design achieves an
  effective area 10 times larger than the Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging
  Spectrometer onboard the Hinode satellite, and will provide seamless
  observations of 4.2-7.2 log(K) plasmas for the first time. Tolerance
  analyses were performed based on the optical design, and the moving
  range and step resolution of focus mechanisms were identified. In
  the presentation, we describe the derivation of the solution space,
  optimization of the optical parameters, and show the results of ray
  tracing and tolerance analyses.

Title: The Solar-C_EUVST mission
Authors: Shimizu, Toshifumi; Imada, Shinsuke; Kawate, Tomoko;
   Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Hara, Hirohisa; Katsukawa,
   Yukio; Kubo, Masahito; Toriumi, Shin; Watanabe, Tetsuya; Yokoyama,
   Takaaki; Korendyke, Clarence M.; Warren, Harry P.; Tarbell, Ted; De
   Pontieu, Bart; Teriaca, Luca; Schühle, Udo H.; Solanki, Sami; Harra,
   Louise K.; Matthews, Sarah; Fludra, A.; Auchère, F.; Andretta, V.;
   Naletto, G.; Zhukov, A.
2019SPIE11118E..07S    Altcode:
  Solar-C EUVST (EUV High-Throughput Spectroscopic Telescope) is a
  solar physics mission concept that was selected as a candidate for
  JAXA competitive M-class missions in July 2018. The onboard science
  instrument, EUVST, is an EUV spectrometer with slit-jaw imaging
  system that will simultaneously observe the solar atmosphere from the
  photosphere/chromosphere up to the corona with seamless temperature
  coverage, high spatial resolution, and high throughput for the first
  time. The mission is designed to provide a conclusive answer to the
  most fundamental questions in solar physics: how fundamental processes
  lead to the formation of the solar atmosphere and the solar wind, and
  how the solar atmosphere becomes unstable, releasing the energy that
  drives solar flares and eruptions. The entire instrument structure
  and the primary mirror assembly with scanning and tip-tilt fine
  pointing capability for the EUVST are being developed in Japan, with
  spectrograph and slit-jaw imaging hardware and science contributions
  from US and European countries. The mission will be launched and
  installed in a sun-synchronous polar orbit by a JAXA Epsilon vehicle in
  2025. ISAS/JAXA coordinates the conceptual study activities during the
  current mission definition phase in collaboration with NAOJ and other
  universities. The team is currently working towards the JAXA final
  down-selection expected at the end of 2019, with strong support from
  US and European colleagues. The paper provides an overall description
  of the mission concept, key technologies, and the latest status.

Title: Design of all-reflective space-borne 1-m aperture solar
    optical telescope
Authors: Suematsu, Y.; Hara, H.; Katsukawa, Y.; Kano, R.; Shimizu,
   T.; Ichimoto, K.
2019SPIE11180E..0RS    Altcode:
  A 1-m aperture optical telescope is planned for a future Japanese solar
  mission. The telescope is designed to provide high spatial resolution
  data of solar lower atmosphere from the photosphere to the uppermost
  chromosphere with enhanced spectroscopic and spectro-polarimetric
  capabilities covering a wide wavelength region from UV to near IR where
  many useful spectral lines and continua exist for physical diagnosis of
  the solar magnetized atmosphere. We designed an allreflective telescope
  to fulfill the scientific and engineering requirements. From a thermal
  view point, a Gregorian telescope is the most suitable. To avoid
  chromatic aberration, a tri-aspheric-mirror collimator coupling to
  the Gregorian was designed to give a diffraction-limited performance
  over the FOV by allowing a field curvature. The field curvature can
  be compensated by an off-axis Ritchey Chretien reimaging optics at an
  entrance of focal plane instrument, which has an opposite sign in the
  field curvature to the Gregorian. We also briefly studied structural
  design of all-reflective 1-m aperture solar optical telescope for the
  space solar mission.

Title: Structure and dynamics of the hot flaring loop-top source
    observed by Hinode, SDO, RHESSI, and STEREO
Authors: Lee, Kyoung-Sun; Hara, Hirohisa; Watanabe, Kyoko; Joshi,
   Anand D.; Imada, Shinsuke; Brooks, David H.; Dang, Phillip; Shimizu,
   Toshifumi; Savage, Sabrina
2019AAS...23421605L    Altcode:
  We have investigated an M1.3 flare on 2014 January 13 around
  21:48 UT observed at the west limb using the Hinode, SDO, RHESSI,
  and STEREO. Especially, the Hinode/EIS scanned the flaring loop
  covering the loop-top region over the limb, which is a good target to
  investigate the dynamics of the flaring loop with their height. Using
  the multi-wavelength observations from the Hinode/EIS and SDO/AIA,
  we found a very hot emission above the loop-top observed in Fe XXIV
  and 131Å channel. Measuring the intensity, Doppler velocity and line
  width for the flaring loop, we found that hot emission observed at
  the cusp-like shape of the loop-top region which shows strong redshift
  about 500 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> in Doppler velocity and strong enhancement
  of the non-thermal velocity (line width enhancement) larger than 100
  km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. Combining with the STEREO observation, we have
  examined the 3D structure with loop tilt angle and have investigated
  the velocity distribution of the loop-top region. With the loop tilt
  angle, we could identify the strong redshift at the loop-top region
  may indicate an up-flow along the loop-top region. From RHESSI hard
  X-ray (HXR), and soft X-ray (SXR) emission, we found that the footpoint
  brightening region at the beginning of the flare has a both HXR (25-50
  keV) and SXR (12-25 keV) emission in which imply that the region has
  non-thermal emission or accelerated particles. Then, within 10 minutes
  the soft X-ray (SXR) emission observed near the cusp shape region at
  loop top. The temporal variation of the HXR and SXR emissions and the
  Doppler velocity variation of the hot plasma component at the loop-top
  imply that the strong flow in a hot component near loop-top could be
  the evaporation flows which detected at the corona along the tilted
  loop. Moreover, The temporal evolution of the temperature observed
  by SDO/AIA and Hinode/EIS also shows the cooling process of the flare
  plasma which is consistent with the impulsively heated flare model.

Title: Comparison of Scattering Polarization Signals Observed by
CLASP: Possible Indication of the Hanle Effect
Authors: Ishikawa, R.; Trujillo Bueno, J.; Uitenbroek, H.; Kubo, M.;
   Tsuneta, S.; Goto, M.; Kano, R.; Narukage, N.; Bando, T.; Katsukawa,
   Y.; Ishikawa, S.; Giono, G.; Suematsu, Y.; Hara, H.; Shimizu, T.;
   Sakao, T.; Winebarger, A.; Kobayashi, K.; Cirtain, J.; Champey, P.;
   Auchère, F.; Štěpán, J.; Belluzzi, L.; Asensio Ramos, A.; Manso
   Sainz, R.; De Pomtieu, B.; Ichimoto, K.; Carlsson, M.; Casini, R.
2019ASPC..526..305I    Altcode:
  The Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP; Kano et
  al. 2012; Kobayashi et al. 2012; Kubo et al. 2014) observed, for the
  first time, the linear polarization produced by scattering processes
  in the hydrogen Lyman-α (121.57 nm) and Si III (120.56 nm) lines of
  the solar disk radiation. The complexity of the observed scattering
  polarization (i.e., conspicuous spatial variations in Q/I and U/I
  at spatial scales of 10″-20″ and the absence of center-to- limb
  variation at the Lyman-α center; see Kano et al. 2017) motivated us
  to search for possible hints of the operation of the Hanle effect by
  comparing: (a) the Lyman-α line center signal, for which the critical
  field strength (B<SUB>H</SUB>) for the onset of the Hanle effect is
  53 G, (b) the Lyman-α wing, which is insensitive to the Hanle effect,
  and (c) the Si III line, whose B<SUB>H</SUB> = 290 G. We focus on four
  regions with different total unsigned photospheric magnetic fluxes
  (estimated from SDO/HMI observations), and compare the corresponding
  U/I spatial variations in the Lyman-α wing, Lyman-α center, and Si III
  line. The U/I signal in the Lyman-α wing shows an antisymmetric spatial
  distribution, which is caused by the presence of a bright structure in
  all the selected regions, regardless of the total unsigned photospheric
  magnetic flux. In an internetwork region, the Lyman-α center shows an
  antisymmetric spatial variation across the selected bright structure,
  but it does not show it in other more magnetized regions. In the Si III
  line, the spatial variation of U/I deviates from the above-mentioned
  antisymmetric shape as the total unsigned photospheric magnetic flux
  increases. We argue that a plausible explanation of this differential
  behavior is the operation of the Hanle effect. <P />This work, presented
  in an oral contribution at this Workshop, has been published on The
  Astrophysical Journal (Ishikawa et al. 2017).

Title: CLASP Constraints on the Magnetization and Geometrical
    Complexity of the Chromosphere-Corona Transition Region
Authors: Trujillo Bueno, J.; Štěpán, J.; Belluzzi, L.; Asensio
   Ramos, A.; Manso Sainz, R.; del Pino Alemán, T.; Casini, R.; Ishikawa,
   R.; Kano, R.; Winebarger, A.; Auchère, F.; Narukage, N.; Kobayashi,
   K.; Bando, T.; Katsukawa, Y.; Kubo, M.; Ishikawa, S.; Giono, G.; Hara,
   H.; Suematsu, Y.; Shimizu, T.; Sakao, T.; Tsuneta, S.; Ichimoto, K.;
   Cirtain, J.; Champey, P.; De Pontieu, B.; Carlsson, M.
2018ApJ...866L..15T    Altcode: 2018arXiv180908865T
  The Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP) is a
  suborbital rocket experiment that on 2015 September 3 measured
  the linear polarization produced by scattering processes in the
  hydrogen Lyα line of the solar disk radiation. The line-center
  photons of this spectral line radiation mostly stem from the
  chromosphere-corona transition region (TR). These unprecedented
  spectropolarimetric observations revealed an interesting surprise,
  namely that there is practically no center-to-limb variation (CLV) in
  the Q/I line-center signals. Using an analytical model, we first show
  that the geometric complexity of the corrugated surface that delineates
  the TR has a crucial impact on the CLV of the Q/I and U/I line-center
  signals. Second, we introduce a statistical description of the solar
  atmosphere based on a 3D model derived from a state-of-the-art radiation
  magnetohydrodynamic simulation. Each realization of the statistical
  ensemble is a 3D model characterized by a given degree of magnetization
  and corrugation of the TR, and for each such realization we solve the
  full 3D radiative transfer problem taking into account the impact
  of the CLASP instrument degradation on the calculated polarization
  signals. Finally, we apply the statistical inference method presented
  in a previous paper to show that the TR of the 3D model that produces
  the best agreement with the CLASP observations has a relatively weak
  magnetic field and a relatively high degree of corrugation. We emphasize
  that a suitable way to validate or refute numerical models of the upper
  solar chromosphere is by confronting calculations and observations
  of the scattering polarization in ultraviolet lines sensitive to the
  Hanle effect.

Title: A Statistical Inference Method for Interpreting the CLASP
Authors: Štěpán, J.; Trujillo Bueno, J.; Belluzzi, L.; Asensio
   Ramos, A.; Manso Sainz, R.; del Pino Alemán, T.; Casini, R.; Kano, R.;
   Winebarger, A.; Auchère, F.; Ishikawa, R.; Narukage, N.; Kobayashi,
   K.; Bando, T.; Katsukawa, Y.; Kubo, M.; Ishikawa, S.; Giono, G.; Hara,
   H.; Suematsu, Y.; Shimizu, T.; Sakao, T.; Tsuneta, S.; Ichimoto, K.;
   Cirtain, J.; Champey, P.; De Pontieu, B.; Carlsson, M.
2018ApJ...865...48S    Altcode: 2018arXiv180802725S
  On 2015 September 3, the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha SpectroPolarimeter
  (CLASP) successfully measured the linear polarization produced by
  scattering processes in the hydrogen Lyα line of the solar disk
  radiation, revealing conspicuous spatial variations in the Q/I and U/I
  signals. Via the Hanle effect, the line-center Q/I and U/I amplitudes
  encode information on the magnetic field of the chromosphere-corona
  transition region, but they are also sensitive to the three-dimensional
  structure of this corrugated interface region. With the help of a simple
  line-formation model, here we propose a statistical inference method
  for interpreting the Lyα line-center polarization observed by CLASP.

Title: Sunrise Chromospheric Infrared spectroPolarimeter (SCIP)
    for the SUNRISE balloon-borne solar observatory
Authors: Suematsu, Yoshinori; Katsukawa, Yukio; Hara, Hirohisa;
   Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Kubo, Masahito; Barthol,
   Peter; Riethmueller, Tino; Gandorfer, Achim; Feller, Alex; Orozco
   Suárez, David; Del Toro Iniesta, Jose Carlos; Kano, Ryouhei; Ishikawa,
   Shin-nosuke; Ishikawa, Ryohko; Tsuzuki, Toshihiro; Uraguchi, Fumihiro;
   Quintero Noda, Carlos; Tamura, Tomonori; Oba, Takayoshi; Kawabata,
   Yusuke; Nagata, Shinichi; Anan, Tetsu; Cobos Carrascosa, Juan Pedro;
   Lopez Jimenez, Antonio Carlos; Balaguer Jimenez, Maria; Solanki, Sami
2018cosp...42E3285S    Altcode:
  The SUNRISE balloon-borne solar observatory carries a 1 m aperture
  optical telescope, and allows us to perform seeing-free continuous
  observations at visible-IR wavelengths from an altitude higher than
  35 km. In the past two flights, in 2009 and 2013, observations mainly
  focused on fine structures of photospheric magnetic fields. For the
  third flight planned for 2021, we are developing a new instrument
  for conducting spectro-polarimetry of spectral lines formed over a
  larger height range in the solar atmosphere from the photosphere to
  the chromosphere. Targets of the spectro-polarimetric observation
  are (1) to determine 3D magnetic structure from the photosphere to
  the chromosphere, (2) to trace MHD waves from the photosphere to the
  chromosphere, and (3) to reveal the mechanism driving chromospheric
  jets, by measuring height- and time-dependent velocities and magnetic
  fields. To achieve these goals, a spectro-polarimeter called SCIP
  (Sunrise Chromospheric Infrared spectroPolarimeter) is designed to
  observe near-infrared spectrum lines sensitive to solar magnetic
  fields. The spatial and spectral resolutions are 0.2 arcsec and
  200,000, respectively, while 0.03% polarimetric sensitivity is
  achieved within a 10 sec integration time. The optical system employs
  an Echelle grating and off-axis aspheric mirrors to observe the two
  wavelength ranges centered at 850 nm and 770 nm simultaneously by
  two cameras. Polarimetric measurements are performed using a rotating
  waveplate and polarization beam-splitters in front of the cameras. For
  detecting minute polarization signals with good precision, we carefully
  assess the temperature dependence of polarization optics, and make
  the opto-structural design that minimizes the thermal deformation
  of the spectrograph optics. Another key technique is to attain good
  (better than 30 msec) synchronization among the rotating phase of
  the waveplate, read-out timing of cameras, and step timing of a
  slit-scanning mirror. On-board accumulation and data processing are
  also critical because we cannot store all the raw data read-out from the
  cameras. We demonstrate that we can reduce the data down to almost 10%
  with loss-less image compression and without sacrificing polarimetric
  information in the data. The SCIP instrument is developed by internal
  collaboration among Japanese institutes including Japan Aerospace
  Exploration Agency (JAXA), the Spanish Sunrise consortium, and the
  German Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) with a
  leadership of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ).

Title: Probing the evolution of a coronal cavity within a solar
    coronal mass ejection.
Authors: Harra, Louise K.; Doschek, G. A.; Hara, Hirohisa; Long,
   David; Warren, Harry; Matthews, Sarah; Lee, Kyoung-Sun; Jenkins, Jack
2018cosp...42E1381H    Altcode:
  On the 10 September 2017, an X-class solar flare erupted at the solar
  limb. The associated coronal mass ejection (CME) had the classic three
  part structure with a bright core surrounded by a dark cavity. This
  event was captured perfectly by the Hinode EUV imaging spectrometer
  (EIS). The EIS instrument captured spectroscopically the flaring
  loops, the current sheet and the cavity for the first time. In the
  'standard flare model', magnetic reconnection of coronal loops occurs
  following the eruption of a magnetic flux rope. The flux rope is a key
  element of the flare process and eruption but is inherently difficult
  to observe. Dark cavities observed within a CME are assumed to be
  flux ropes. The observations we describe here, provide an insight
  into the characteristics of a cavity, and how the rapid injection of
  energy from the flare underneath forces the rapid expansion of the
  flux rope resulting in the eruption. Doppler shifts of over 200 km/s
  are measured at either end of the cavity. There is mixed temperature
  plasma - cool material in the centre that also has strong flows, and
  hot FeXXIV emission being observed. SDO Atmospheric Imaging Assembly
  (AIA) data shows that the cavity erupts rapidly, and is being driven
  by the non-thermal energy input from the flare below as measured from
  Fermi data.

Title: Current State of UV Spectro-Polarimetry and its Future
Authors: Ishikawa, Ryohko; Sakao, Taro; Katsukawa, Yukio; Hara,
   Hirohisa; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Kubo, Masahito;
   Auchere, Frederic; De Pontieu, Bart; Winebarger, Amy; Kobayashi,
   . Ken; Kano, Ryouhei; Narukage, Noriyuki; Trujillo Bueno, Javier;
   Song, Dong-uk; Manso Sainz, Rafael; Asensio Ramos, Andres; Leenaarts,
   Jorritt; Carlsson, Mats; Bando, Takamasa; Ishikawa, Shin-nosuke;
   Tsuneta, Saku; Belluzzi, Luca; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Giono, Gabriel;
   Yoshida, Masaki; Goto, Motoshi; Del Pino Aleman, Tanausu; Stepan,
   Jiri; Okamoto, Joten; Tsuzuki, Toshihiro; Uraguchi, Fumihiro; Champey,
   Patrick; Alsina Ballester, Ernest; Casini, Roberto; McKenzie, David;
   Rachmeler, Laurel; Bethge, Christian
2018cosp...42E1564I    Altcode:
  To obtain quantitative information on the magnetic field in low beta
  regions (i.e., upper chromosphere and above) has been increasingly
  important to understand the energetic phenomena of the outer
  solar atmosphere such as flare, coronal heating, and the solar wind
  acceleration. In the UV range, there are abundant spectral lines that
  originate in the upper chromosphere and transition region. However,
  the Zeeman effect in these spectral lines does not give rise to easily
  measurable polarization signals because of the weak magnetic field
  strength and the larger Doppler broadening compared with the Zeeman
  effect. Instead, the Hanle effect in UV lines is expected to be a
  suitable diagnostic tool of the magnetic field in the upper atmospheric
  layers. To investigate the validity of UV spectro-polarimetry and
  the Hanle effect, the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter
  (CLASP), which is a NASA sounding- rocket experiment, was launched at
  White Sands in US on September 3, 2015. During its 5 minutes ballistic
  flight, it successfully performed spectro-polarimetric observations
  of the hydrogen Lyman-alpha line (121.57 nm) with an unprecedentedly
  high polarization sensitivity of 0.1% in this wavelength range. CLASP
  observed the linear polarization produced by scattering process in VUV
  lines for the first time and detected the polarization signals which
  indicate the operation of the Hanle effect. Following the success
  of CLASP, we are confident that UV spectro-polarimetry is the way
  to proceed, and we are planning the second flight of CLASP (CLASP2:
  Chromospheric LAyer SpectroPolarimeter 2). For this second flight we
  will carry out spectro-polarimetry in the Mg II h and k lines around
  280 nm, with minimum modifications of the CLASP1 instrument. The linear
  polarization in the Mg II k line is induced by scattering processes and
  the Hanle effect, being sensitive to magnetic field strengths of 5 to 50
  G. In addition, the circular polarizations in the Mg II h and k lines
  induced by the Zeeman effect can be measurable in at least plage and
  active regions. The combination of the Hanle and Zeeman effects could
  help us to more reliably infer the magnetic fields of the upper solar
  chromosphere. CLASP2 was selected for flight and is being developed for
  launch in the spring of 2019.Based on these sounding rocket experiments
  (CLASP1 and 2), we aim at establishing the strategy and refining the
  instrument concept for future space missions to explore the enigmatic
  atmospheric layers via UV spectro-polarimetry.

Title: Optical alignment of the high-precision UV spectro-polarimeter
Authors: Song, Donguk; Ishikawa, Ryohko; Kano, Ryouhei; Yoshida,
   Masaki; Tsuzuki, Toshihiro; Uraguchi, Fumihiro; Shinoda, Kazuya;
   Hara, Hirohisa; Okamoto, Takenori J.; Auchère, Frédéric; McKenzie,
   David E.; Rachmeler, Laurel A.; Trujillo Bueno, Javier
2018SPIE10699E..2WS    Altcode:
  Chromospheric LAyer Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP2) is our next sounding
  rocket experiment after the success of Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha
  Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP1). CLASP2 is scheduled to launch in 2019,
  and aims to achieve high precision measurements (&lt; 0.1 %) of the
  linear and circular polarizations in the Mg ii h and k lines near the
  280 nm, whose line cores originate in the upper solar chromosphere. The
  CLASP2 spectro-polarimeter follows very successful design concept of
  the CLASP1 instrument with the minimal modification. A new grating was
  fabricated with the same radius of curvature as the CLASP1 grating, but
  with a different ruling density. This allows us to essentially reuse
  the CLASP1 mechanical structures and layout of the optics. However,
  because the observing wavelength of CLASP2 is twice longer than that
  of CLASP1, a magnifier optical system was newly added in front of the
  cameras to double the focal length of CLASP2 and to maintain the same
  wavelength resolution as CLASP1 (0.01 nm). Meanwhile, a careful optical
  alignment of the spectro-polarimeter is required to reach the 0.01 nm
  wavelength resolution. Therefore, we established an efficient alignment
  procedure for the CLASP2 spectro-polarimeter based on an experience
  of CLASP1. Here, we explain in detail the methods for achieving the
  optical alignment of the CLASP2 spectro-polarimeter and discuss our
  results by comparing with the performance requirements.

Title: Plasma Evolution within an Erupting Coronal Cavity
Authors: Long, David M.; Harra, Louise K.; Matthews, Sarah A.; Warren,
   Harry P.; Lee, Kyoung-Sun; Doschek, George A.; Hara, Hirohisa; Jenkins,
   Jack M.
2018ApJ...855...74L    Altcode: 2018arXiv180201391L
  Coronal cavities have previously been observed to be associated
  with long-lived quiescent filaments and are thought to correspond
  to the associated magnetic flux rope. Although the standard flare
  model predicts a coronal cavity corresponding to the erupting flux
  rope, these have only been observed using broadband imaging data,
  restricting an analysis to the plane-of-sky. We present a unique set of
  spectroscopic observations of an active region filament seen erupting
  at the solar limb in the extreme ultraviolet. The cavity erupted and
  expanded rapidly, with the change in rise phase contemporaneous with an
  increase in nonthermal electron energy flux of the associated flare. Hot
  and cool filamentary material was observed to rise with the erupting
  flux rope, disappearing suddenly as the cavity appeared. Although
  strongly blueshifted plasma continued to be observed flowing from
  the apex of the erupting flux rope, this outflow soon ceased. These
  results indicate that the sudden injection of energy from the flare
  beneath forced the rapid eruption and expansion of the flux rope,
  driving strong plasma flows, which resulted in the eruption of an
  under-dense filamentary flux rope.

Title: Photospheric and Coronal Abundances in an X8.3 Class Limb Flare
Authors: Doschek, G. A.; Warren, H. P.; Harra, L. K.; Culhane, J. L.;
   Watanabe, T.; Hara, H.
2018ApJ...853..178D    Altcode:
  We analyze solar elemental abundances in coronal post-flare
  loops of an X8.3 flare (SOL2017-09-10T16:06) observed on the west
  limb on 2017 September 10 near 18 UT using spectra recorded by
  the Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) on the Hinode
  spacecraft. The abundances in the corona can differ from photospheric
  abundances due to the first ionization potential (FIP) effect. In
  some loops of this flare, we find that the abundances appear to be
  coronal at the loop apices or cusps, but steadily transform from
  coronal to photospheric as the loop footpoint is approached. This
  result is found from the intensity ratio of a low-FIP ion spectral
  line (Ca XIV) to a high-FIP ion spectral line (Ar XIV) formed at
  about the same temperature (4-5 MK). Both lines are observed close in
  wavelength. Temperature, which could alter the interpretation, does
  not appear to be a factor based on intensity ratios of Ca XV lines
  to a Ca XIV line. We discuss the abundance result in terms of the
  Laming model of the FIP effect, which is explained by the action of
  the ponderomotive force in magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves in coronal
  loops and in the underlying chromosphere.

Title: Coronal Heating: Issues Revealed from Hinode Observations
Authors: Hara, Hirohisa
2018ASSL..449...65H    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: From Hinode to the Next-Generation Solar Observation Missions
Authors: Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Hara, Hirohisa; Katsukawa, Yukio;
   Ishikawa, Ryoko
2018ASSL..449..231I    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Resonant Electron Impact Excitation of 3d  Levels in
    Fe<SUP>14+</SUP> and Fe<SUP>15+</SUP>
Authors: Tsuda, Takashi; Shimizu, Erina; Ali, Safdar; Sakaue, Hiroyuki
   A.; Kato, Daiji; Murakami, Izumi; Hara, Hirohisa; Watanabe, Tetsuya;
   Nakamura, Nobuyuki
2017ApJ...851...82T    Altcode: 2017arXiv171003548T
  We present laboratory spectra of the 3p-3d transitions in
  Fe<SUP>14+</SUP> and Fe<SUP>15+</SUP> excited with a mono-energetic
  electron beam. In the energy-dependent spectra obtained by
  sweeping the electron energy, resonant excitation is confirmed
  as an intensity enhancement at specific electron energies. The
  experimental results are compared with theoretical cross sections
  calculated based on fully relativistic wave functions and the
  distorted wave approximation. Comparisons between the experimental
  and theoretical results show good agreement for the resonance
  strength. A significant discrepancy is, however, found for the
  non-resonant cross section in Fe<SUP>14+</SUP>. This discrepancy is
  considered to be the fundamental cause of the previously reported
  inconsistency of the model with the observed intensity ratio between
  the {}<SUP>3</SUP>{P}<SUB>2</SUB>{--}{}<SUP>3</SUP>{D}<SUB>3</SUB>
  and {}<SUP>1</SUP>{P}<SUB>1</SUB>{--}{}<SUP>1</SUP>{D}<SUB>2</SUB>

Title: SOLARIS: Solar Sail Investigation of the Sun
Authors: Appourchaux, Thierry; Auchère, Frédéric; Antonucci, Ester;
   Gizon, Laurent; MacDonald, Malcolm; Hara, Hirohisa; Sekii, Takashi;
   Moses, Daniel; Vourlidas, Angelos
2017arXiv170708193A    Altcode:
  In this paper, we detail the scientific objectives and outline
  a strawman payload of the SOLAR sail Investigation of the Sun
  (SOLARIS). The science objectives are to study the 3D structure
  of the solar magnetic and velocity field, the variation of total
  solar irradiance with latitude, and the structure of the corona. We
  show how we can meet these science objective using solar-sail
  technologies currently under development. We provide a tentative
  mission profile considering several trade-off approaches. We also
  provide a tentative mass budget breakdown and a perspective for a
  programmatic implementation.

Title: Measuring Velocities in the Early Stage of an Eruption:
    Using “Overlappogram” Data from Hinode EIS
Authors: Harra, Louise K.; Hara, Hirohisa; Doschek, George A.;
   Matthews, Sarah; Warren, Harry; Culhane, J. Leonard; Woods, Magnus M.
2017ApJ...842...58H    Altcode:
  In order to understand the onset phase of a solar eruption, plasma
  parameter measurements in the early phases are key to constraining
  models. There are two current instrument types that allow us to make
  such measurements: narrow-band imagers and spectrometers. In the
  former case, even narrow-band filters contain multiple emission lines,
  creating some temperature confusion. With imagers, however, rapid
  cadences are achievable and the field of view can be large. Velocities
  of the erupting structures can be measured by feature tracking. In the
  spectrometer case, slit spectrometers can provide spectrally pure images
  by “rastering” the slit to build up an image. This method provides
  limited temporal resolution, but the plasma parameters can be accurately
  measured, including velocities along the line of sight. Both methods
  have benefits and are often used in tandem. In this paper we demonstrate
  for the first time that data from the wide slot on the Hinode EUV
  Imaging Spectrometer, along with imaging data from AIA, can be used to
  deconvolve velocity information at the start of an eruption, providing
  line-of-sight velocities across an extended field of view. Using He
  II 256 Å slot data at flare onset, we observe broadening or shift(s)
  of the emission line of up to ±280 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. These are seen at
  different locations—the redshifted plasma is seen where the hard X-ray
  source is later seen (energy deposition site). In addition, blueshifted
  plasma shows the very early onset of the fast rise of the filament.

Title: Neon-like Iron Ion Lines Measured in NIFS/Large Helical Device
    (LHD) and Hinode/EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS)
Authors: Watanabe, Tetsuya; Hara, Hirohisa; Murakami, Izumi; Kato,
   Daiji; Sakaue, Hiroyuki A.; Morita, Shigeru; Suzuki, Chihiro; Tamura,
   Naoki; Yamamoto, Norimasa; Nakamura, Nobuyuki
2017ApJ...842...12W    Altcode:
  Line intensities emerging from the Ne-sequence iron ion (Fe XVII) are
  measured in the laboratory, by the Large Helical Device at the National
  Institute for Fusion Science, and in the solar corona by the EUV Imaging
  Spectrometer (EIS) on board the Hinode mission. The intensity ratios of
  Fe XVII λ 204.6/λ 254.8 are derived in the laboratory by unblending
  the contributions of the Fe XIII and XII line intensities. They are
  consistent with theoretical predictions and solar observations, the
  latter of which endorses the in-flight radiometric calibrations of the
  EIS instrument. The still remaining temperature-dependent behavior of
  the line ratio suggests the contamination of lower-temperature iron
  lines that are blended with the λ 204.6 line.

Title: Indication of the Hanle Effect by Comparing the Scattering
    Polarization Observed by CLASP in the Lyα and Si III 120.65 nm Lines
Authors: Ishikawa, R.; Trujillo Bueno, J.; Uitenbroek, H.; Kubo, M.;
   Tsuneta, S.; Goto, M.; Kano, R.; Narukage, N.; Bando, T.; Katsukawa,
   Y.; Ishikawa, S.; Giono, G.; Suematsu, Y.; Hara, H.; Shimizu, T.;
   Sakao, T.; Winebarger, A.; Kobayashi, K.; Cirtain, J.; Champey, P.;
   Auchère, F.; Štěpán, J.; Belluzzi, L.; Asensio Ramos, A.; Manso
   Sainz, R.; De Pontieu, B.; Ichimoto, K.; Carlsson, M.; Casini, R.
2017ApJ...841...31I    Altcode:
  The Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter is a sounding
  rocket experiment that has provided the first successful measurement
  of the linear polarization produced by scattering processes in
  the hydrogen Lyα line (121.57 nm) radiation of the solar disk. In
  this paper, we report that the Si III line at 120.65 nm also shows
  scattering polarization and we compare the scattering polarization
  signals observed in the Lyα and Si III lines in order to search for
  observational signatures of the Hanle effect. We focus on four selected
  bright structures and investigate how the U/I spatial variations vary
  between the Lyα wing, the Lyα core, and the Si III line as a function
  of the total unsigned photospheric magnetic flux estimated from Solar
  Dynamics Observatory/Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager observations. In
  an internetwork region, the Lyα core shows an antisymmetric spatial
  variation across the selected bright structure, but it does not show
  it in other more magnetized regions. In the Si III line, the spatial
  variation of U/I deviates from the above-mentioned antisymmetric
  shape as the total unsigned photospheric magnetic flux increases. A
  plausible explanation of this difference is the operation of the Hanle
  effect. We argue that diagnostic techniques based on the scattering
  polarization observed simultaneously in two spectral lines with very
  different sensitivities to the Hanle effect, like Lyα and Si III,
  are of great potential interest for exploring the magnetism of the
  upper solar chromosphere and transition region.

Title: Measurements of density dependent intensity ratios of extreme
    ultraviolet line emission from Fe X, XI, and XII
Authors: Shimizu, Erina; Ali, Safdar; Tsuda, Takashi; Sakaue, Hiroyuki
   A.; Kato, Daiji; Murakami, Izumi; Hara, Hirohisa; Watanabe, Tetsuya;
   Nakamura, Nobuyuki
2017A&A...601A.111S    Altcode:
  We report high-resolution density dependent intensity ratio measurements
  for middle charge states of iron in the extreme ultraviolet (EUV)
  spectral wavelength range of 160-200 Å. The measurements were
  performed at the Tokyo EBIT laboratory by employing a flat-field
  grazing incidence spectrometer installed on a low energy compact
  electron beam ion trap. The intensity ratios for several line pairs
  stemming from Fe X, Fe XI and Fe XII were extracted from spectra
  collected at the electron beam energies of 340 and 400 eV by varying
  the beam current between 7.5 and 12 mA at each energy. In addition,
  the effective electron densities were obtained experimentally by imaging
  the electron beam profile and ion cloud size with a pinhole camera and
  visible spectrometer, respectively. In this paper, the experimental
  results are compared with previous data from the literature and with the
  present calculations performed using a collisional-radiative model. Our
  experimental results show a rather good agreement with the calculations
  and previous reported results.

Title: Polarization Calibration of the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha
    SpectroPolarimeter for a 0.1% Polarization Sensitivity in the VUV
Range. Part II: In-Flight Calibration
Authors: Giono, G.; Ishikawa, R.; Narukage, N.; Kano, R.; Katsukawa,
   Y.; Kubo, M.; Ishikawa, S.; Bando, T.; Hara, H.; Suematsu, Y.;
   Winebarger, A.; Kobayashi, K.; Auchère, F.; Trujillo Bueno, J.;
   Tsuneta, S.; Shimizu, T.; Sakao, T.; Cirtain, J.; Champey, P.; Asensio
   Ramos, A.; Štěpán, J.; Belluzzi, L.; Manso Sainz, R.; De Pontieu,
   B.; Ichimoto, K.; Carlsson, M.; Casini, R.; Goto, M.
2017SoPh..292...57G    Altcode:
  The Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha SpectroPolarimeter is a sounding
  rocket instrument designed to measure for the first time the linear
  polarization of the hydrogen Lyman-α line (121.6 nm). The instrument
  was successfully launched on 3 September 2015 and observations were
  conducted at the solar disc center and close to the limb during the
  five-minutes flight. In this article, the disc center observations are
  used to provide an in-flight calibration of the instrument spurious
  polarization. The derived in-flight spurious polarization is consistent
  with the spurious polarization levels determined during the pre-flight
  calibration and a statistical analysis of the polarization fluctuations
  from solar origin is conducted to ensure a 0.014% precision on the
  spurious polarization. The combination of the pre-flight and the
  in-flight polarization calibrations provides a complete picture of
  the instrument response matrix, and a proper error transfer method
  is used to confirm the achieved polarization accuracy. As a result,
  the unprecedented 0.1% polarization accuracy of the instrument in the
  vacuum ultraviolet is ensured by the polarization calibration.

Title: Discovery of Scattering Polarization in the Hydrogen Lyα
    Line of the Solar Disk Radiation
Authors: Kano, R.; Trujillo Bueno, J.; Winebarger, A.; Auchère, F.;
   Narukage, N.; Ishikawa, R.; Kobayashi, K.; Bando, T.; Katsukawa, Y.;
   Kubo, M.; Ishikawa, S.; Giono, G.; Hara, H.; Suematsu, Y.; Shimizu,
   T.; Sakao, T.; Tsuneta, S.; Ichimoto, K.; Goto, M.; Belluzzi, L.;
   Štěpán, J.; Asensio Ramos, A.; Manso Sainz, R.; Champey, P.;
   Cirtain, J.; De Pontieu, B.; Casini, R.; Carlsson, M.
2017ApJ...839L..10K    Altcode: 2017arXiv170403228K
  There is a thin transition region (TR) in the solar atmosphere where
  the temperature rises from 10,000 K in the chromosphere to millions
  of degrees in the corona. Little is known about the mechanisms that
  dominate this enigmatic region other than the magnetic field plays a
  key role. The magnetism of the TR can only be detected by polarimetric
  measurements of a few ultraviolet (UV) spectral lines, the Lyα line
  of neutral hydrogen at 121.6 nm (the strongest line of the solar UV
  spectrum) being of particular interest given its sensitivity to the
  Hanle effect (the magnetic-field-induced modification of the scattering
  line polarization). We report the discovery of linear polarization
  produced by scattering processes in the Lyα line, obtained with
  the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP) rocket
  experiment. The Stokes profiles observed by CLASP in quiet regions of
  the solar disk show that the Q/I and U/I linear polarization signals are
  of the order of 0.1% in the line core and up to a few percent in the
  nearby wings, and that both have conspicuous spatial variations with
  scales of ∼10 arcsec. These observations help constrain theoretical
  models of the chromosphere-corona TR and extrapolations of the
  magnetic field from photospheric magnetograms. In fact, the observed
  spatial variation from disk to limb of polarization at the line core
  and wings already challenge the predictions from three-dimensional
  magnetohydrodynamical models of the upper solar chromosphere.

Title: UV/EUV High-Throughput Spectroscopic Telescope: A Next
    Generation Solar Physics Mission white paper
Authors: Imada, S.; Shimizu, T.; Kawate, T.; Hara, H.; Watanabe, T.
2017arXiv170104972I    Altcode:
  The origin of the activity in the solar corona is a long-standing
  problem in solar physics. Recent satellite observations, such as Hinode,
  Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph
  (IRIS), show the detail characteristics of the solar atmosphere and
  try to reveal the energy transfer from the photosphere to the corona
  through the magnetic fields and its energy conversion by various
  processes. However, quantitative estimation of energy transfer along
  the magnetic field is not enough. There are mainly two reason why it is
  difficult to observe the energy transfer from photosphere to corona; 1)
  spatial resolution gap between photosphere (a few 0.1 arcsec) and corona
  (a few arcsec), 2) lack in temperature coverage. Furthermore, there
  is not enough observational knowledge of the physical parameters in
  the energy dissipation region. There are mainly three reason why it is
  difficult to observe in the vicinity of the energy dissipation region;
  1) small spatial scale, 2) short time scale, 3) low emission. It is
  generally believed that the energy dissipation occurs in the very small
  scale and its duration is very short (10 second). Further, the density
  in the dissipation region might be very low. Therefore, the high spatial
  and temporal resolution UV/EUV spectroscopic observation with wide
  temperature coverage is crucial to estimate the energy transport from
  photosphere to corona quantitatively and diagnose the plasma dynamics
  in the vicinity of the energy dissipation region. Main Science Target
  for the telescope is quantitative estimation for the energy transfer
  from the photosphere to the corona, and clarification of the plasma
  dynamics in the vicinity of the energy dissipation region, where is the
  key region for coronal heating, solar wind acceleration, and/or solar
  flare, by the high spatial and temporal resolution UV/EUV spectroscopy.

Title: Polarization Calibration of the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha
    SpectroPolarimeter for a 0.1 % Polarization Sensitivity in the VUV
Range. Part I: Pre-flight Calibration
Authors: Giono, G.; Ishikawa, R.; Narukage, N.; Kano, R.; Katsukawa,
   Y.; Kubo, M.; Ishikawa, S.; Bando, T.; Hara, H.; Suematsu, Y.;
   Winebarger, A.; Kobayashi, K.; Auchère, F.; Trujillo Bueno, J.
2016SoPh..291.3831G    Altcode: 2016SoPh..tmp..177G
  The Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha SpectroPolarimeter (CLASP) is a sounding
  rocket experiment designed to measure for the first time the linear
  polarization of the hydrogen Lyman-α line (121.6 nm) and requires
  a 0.1 % polarization sensitivity, which is unprecedented for a
  spectropolarimeter in the vacuum UV (VUV) spectral range.

Title: Discovery of Ubiquitous Fast-Propagating Intensity Disturbances
    by the Chromospheric Lyman Alpha Spectropolarimeter (CLASP)
Authors: Kubo, M.; Katsukawa, Y.; Suematsu, Y.; Kano, R.; Bando,
   T.; Narukage, N.; Ishikawa, R.; Hara, H.; Giono, G.; Tsuneta, S.;
   Ishikawa, S.; Shimizu, T.; Sakao, T.; Winebarger, A.; Kobayashi, K.;
   Cirtain, J.; Champey, P.; Auchère, F.; Trujillo Bueno, J.; Asensio
   Ramos, A.; Štěpán, J.; Belluzzi, L.; Manso Sainz, R.; De Pontieu,
   B.; Ichimoto, K.; Carlsson, M.; Casini, R.; Goto, M.
2016ApJ...832..141K    Altcode:
  High-cadence observations by the slit-jaw (SJ) optics system of the
  sounding rocket experiment known as the Chromospheric Lyman Alpha
  Spectropolarimeter (CLASP) reveal ubiquitous intensity disturbances
  that recurrently propagate in either the chromosphere or the transition
  region or both at a speed much higher than the speed of sound. The
  CLASP/SJ instrument provides a time series of two-dimensional images
  taken with broadband filters centered on the Lyα line at a 0.6 s
  cadence. The multiple fast-propagating intensity disturbances appear in
  the quiet Sun and in an active region, and they are clearly detected in
  at least 20 areas in a field of view of 527″ × 527″ during the 5
  minute observing time. The apparent speeds of the intensity disturbances
  range from 150 to 350 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, and they are comparable
  to the local Alfvén speed in the transition region. The intensity
  disturbances tend to propagate along bright elongated structures away
  from areas with strong photospheric magnetic fields. This suggests
  that the observed fast-propagating intensity disturbances are related
  to the magnetic canopy structures. The maximum distance traveled by
  the intensity disturbances is about 10″, and the widths are a few
  arcseconds, which are almost determined by a pixel size of 1.″03. The
  timescale of each intensity pulse is shorter than 30 s. One possible
  explanation for the fast-propagating intensity disturbances observed
  by CLASP is magnetohydrodynamic fast-mode waves.

Title: The Characteristics of Solar X-Class Flares and CMEs: A
    Paradigm for Stellar Superflares and Eruptions?
Authors: Harra, Louise K.; Schrijver, Carolus J.; Janvier, Miho;
   Toriumi, Shin; Hudson, Hugh; Matthews, Sarah; Woods, Magnus M.; Hara,
   Hirohisa; Guedel, Manuel; Kowalski, Adam; Osten, Rachel; Kusano,
   Kanya; Lueftinger, Theresa
2016SoPh..291.1761H    Altcode: 2016SoPh..tmp..111H
  This paper explores the characteristics of 42 solar X-class flares that
  were observed between February 2011 and November 2014, with data from
  the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) and other sources. This flare
  list includes nine X-class flares that had no associated CMEs. In
  particular our aim was to determine whether a clear signature could
  be identified to differentiate powerful flares that have coronal
  mass ejections (CMEs) from those that do not. Part of the motivation
  for this study is the characterization of the solar paradigm for
  flare/CME occurrence as a possible guide to the stellar observations;
  hence we emphasize spectroscopic signatures. To do this we ask the
  following questions: Do all eruptive flares have long durations? Do
  CME-related flares stand out in terms of active-region size vs. flare
  duration? Do flare magnitudes correlate with sunspot areas, and, if so,
  are eruptive events distinguished? Is the occurrence of CMEs related to
  the fraction of the active-region area involved? Do X-class flares with
  no eruptions have weaker non-thermal signatures? Is the temperature
  dependence of evaporation different in eruptive and non-eruptive
  flares? Is EUV dimming only seen in eruptive flares? We find only one
  feature consistently associated with CME-related flares specifically:
  coronal dimming in lines characteristic of the quiet-Sun corona,
  i.e. 1 - 2 MK. We do not find a correlation between flare magnitude
  and sunspot areas. Although challenging, it will be of importance to
  model dimming for stellar cases and make suitable future plans for
  observations in the appropriate wavelength range in order to identify
  stellar CMEs consistently.

Title: Optical alignment of the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha
    Spectro-Polarimeter using sophisticated methods to minimize activities
    under vacuum
Authors: Giono, G.; Katsukawa, Y.; Ishikawa, R.; Narukage, N.;
   Kano, R.; Kubo, M.; Ishikawa, S.; Bando, T.; Hara, H.; Suematsu, Y.;
   Winebarger, A.; Kobayashi, K.; Auchère, F.; Trujillo Bueno, J.
2016SPIE.9905E..3DG    Altcode:
  The Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP) is a
  sounding-rocket instrument developed at the National Astronomical
  Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) as a part of an international
  collaboration. The instrument main scientific goal is to achieve
  polarization measurement of the Lyman-α line at 121.56 nm emitted from
  the solar upper-chromosphere and transition region with an unprecedented
  0.1% accuracy. The optics are composed of a Cassegrain telescope
  coated with a "cold mirror" coating optimized for UV reflection and
  a dual-channel spectrograph allowing for simultaneous observation of
  the two orthogonal states of polarization. Although the polarization
  sensitivity is the most important aspect of the instrument, the spatial
  and spectral resolutions of the instrument are also crucial to observe
  the chromospheric features and resolve the Ly-α profiles. A precise
  alignment of the optics is required to ensure the resolutions, but
  experiments under vacuum conditions are needed since Ly-α is absorbed
  by air, making the alignment experiments difficult. To bypass this
  issue, we developed methods to align the telescope and the spectrograph
  separately in visible light. We explain these methods and present
  the results for the optical alignment of the CLASP telescope and
  spectrograph. We then discuss the combined performances of both parts
  to derive the expected resolutions of the instrument, and compare them
  with the flight observations performed on September 3<SUP>rd</SUP> 2015.

Title: Development of a near-infrared detector and a fiber-optic
    integral field unit for a space solar observatory SOLAR-C
Authors: Katsukawa, Yukio; Kamata, Yukiko; Anan, Tetsu; Hara,
   Hirohisa; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Bando, Takamasa; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi;
   Shimizu, Toshifumi
2016SPIE.9904E..5IK    Altcode:
  We are developing a high sensitivity and fast readout near-infrared
  (NIR) detector and an integral field unit (IFU) for making
  spectro-polarimetric observations of rapidly varying chromospheric
  spectrum lines, such as He I 1083 nm and Ca II 854 nm, in the
  next space-based solar mission SOLAR-C. We made tests of a 1.7 μm
  cutoff H2RG detector with the SIDECAR ASIC for the application in
  SOLAR-C. It's important to verify its perfor- mance in the temperature
  condition around -100 °C, which is hotter than the typical temperature
  environment used for a NIR detector. We built a system for testing the
  detector between -70 °C and -140 °C. We verified linearity, read-out
  noise, and dark current in both the slow and fast readout modes. We
  found the detector has to be cooled down lower than -100 °C because
  of significant increase of the number of hot pixels in the hotter
  environment. The compact and polarization maintenance IFU was designed
  using fiber-optic ribbons consisting of rectangular cores which exhibit
  good polarization maintenance. A Silicone adhesive DC-SE9187L was used
  to hold the fragile fiber-optic ribbons in a metal housing. Polarization
  maintenance property was confirmed though polarization calibration
  as well as temperature control are required to suppress polarization
  crosstalk and to achieve the polarization accuracy in SOLAR-C.

Title: MAVEN observations of the Cycle 24 solar wind conditions at
    1.5 AU
Authors: Lee, Christina O.; Halekas, J.; Espley, J.; Thiemann, E.;
   Luhmann, J. G.; Hara; Lillis, R. J.; Larson, D.; Eparvier, F.; Jakosky,
   B. M.
2016shin.confE.177L    Altcode:
  The Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN) spacecraft went
  into orbit around Mars on 21 September 2014. The mission was designed
  in part to study the response of the upper atmosphere, ionosphere,
  and magnetosphere of Mars to solar and solar wind inputs. When MAVEN
  is on the Martian dayside and orbiting around its apoapsis altitude
  of 6200 km, the suite of instruments onboard can measure the upstream
  solar wind plasma (density, velocity), interplanetary magnetic field
  (magnitude and direction) and particle counts of SEP protons and
  electrons, as well as the EUV solar irradiance. Given the suite of
  plasma, particles, and field instruments onboard MAVEN, these 1.5 AU
  observations provide a unique and comprehensive data set that may be
  used to study the heliospheric conditions beyond the orbits of Earth
  and STEREO. Such studies may include understanding the dynamics and
  evolution of ICMEs and CIRs from the Sun out to 1.5 AU, or comparing
  the space weather effects observed at 1 AU and 1.5 AU for a given
  solar-heliospheric event period. We will present an overview of the
  space weather conditions observed thus far by MAVEN and highlight a
  number of space weather events at Mars triggered by CMEs, SEPs, flares,
  and CIRs of cycle 24. Numerical 3D simulations from WSA-Enlil-cone as
  well as observations from SOHO/LASCO, SDO/AIA, STEREO, and ACE will
  also be presented to provide global context to the events discussed.

Title: Recent progress of SPAN towards neutrino mass spectroscopy
Authors: Masuda, T.; Hara, H.; Miyamoto, Y.; Sasao, N.; Tanaka, M.;
   Uetake, S.; Yoshimi, A.; Yoshimura, K.; Yoshimura, M.
2016JPhCS.718f2043M    Altcode:
  SPAN (Spectroscopy of Atomic Neutrino) project aims to determine the
  absolute neutrino mass. The process we plan to use is a cooperative
  de-excitation of atoms in a metastable level emitting a neutrino pair
  associated with a photon. The photon energy spectrum of this process
  contains information on the absolute mass of neutrino. Key items of this
  experiment are a rate amplification using macro-coherence in a target
  medium in case of plural particles emission and an external triggering
  of the emission in order to scan the spectrum. We have demonstrated the
  rate amplification in two-photon emission from para-hydrogen gas which
  was coherently excited to its first vibrationally excited state. The
  coherence in the medium was generated by irradiating two driving laser
  pulses. The emission was stimulated by irradiating a mid-infrared
  laser pulse. The enhancement factor of more than 10<SUP>18</SUP> with
  respect to the spontaneous emission was achieved. This paper briefly
  summarizes the results.

Title: Spectro-polarimetric observation in UV with CLASP to probe
    the chromosphere and transition region
Authors: Kano, Ryouhei; Ishikawa, Ryohko; Winebarger, Amy R.; Auchère,
   Frédéric; Trujillo Bueno, Javier; Narukage, Noriyuki; Kobayashi,
   Ken; Bando, Takamasa; Katsukawa, Yukio; Kubo, Masahito; Ishikawa,
   Shin-Nosuke; Giono, Gabriel; Hara, Hirohisa; Suematsu, Yoshinori;
   Shimizu, Toshifumi; Sakao, Taro; Tsuneta, Saku; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi;
   Goto, Motoshi; Cirtain, Jonathan W.; De Pontieu, Bart; Casini, Roberto;
   Manso Sainz, Rafael; Asensio Ramos, Andres; Stepan, Jiri; Belluzzi,
   Luca; Carlsson, Mats
2016SPD....4710107K    Altcode:
  The Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP) is a NASA
  sounding-rocket experiment that was performed in White Sands in
  the US on September 3, 2015. During its 5-minute ballistic flight,
  CLASP successfully made the first spectro-polarimetric observation in
  the Lyman-alpha line (121.57 nm) originating in the chromosphere and
  transition region. Since the Lyman-alpha polarization is sensitive
  to magnetic field of 10-100 G by the Hanle effect, we aim to infer
  the magnetic field information in such upper solar atmosphere with
  this experiment.The obtained CLASP data showed that the Lyman-alpha
  scattering polarization is about a few percent in the wings and
  the order of 0.1% in the core near the solar limb, as it had been
  theoretically predicted, and that both polarization signals have a
  conspicuous spatio-temporal variability. CLASP also observed another
  upper-chromospheric line, Si III (120.65 nm), whose critical field
  strength for the Hanle effect is 290 G, and showed a measurable
  scattering polarization of a few % in this line. The polarization
  properties of the Si III line could facilitate the interpretation of
  the scattering polarization observed in the Lyman-alpha line.In this
  presentation, we would like to show how the upper chromosphere and
  transition region are seen in the polarization of these UV lines and
  discuss the possible source of these complicated polarization signals.

Title: Development of the Universal Tunable Filter and High-resolution
    Imaging Observation with the Fuxian Solar Observatory
Authors: Hagino, M.; Ichimoto, K.; Ueno, S.; Kimura, G.; Otsuji, K.;
   Kitai, R.; Zhong, L.; Xu, Z.; Shinoda, K.; Hara, H.; Suematsu, Y.;
   Shimizu, T.
2016ASPC..504..103H    Altcode:
  We have developed a new narrow-band universal tunable filter to perform
  imaging spectroscopy of the solar chromosphere. The development stage
  of the filter has been almost finished and we shifted to the scientific
  observation phase by using large grand-based telescopes. Using the
  filter, a series of high-resolution images were obtained with the 1m
  vacuum solar telescope at the Fuxian Solar Observatory. We succeeded in
  observing several flares and fine structures of the chromospheric layer.

Title: Doppler Shift of the Quiet Region Measured by Meridional
    Scans with the EUV Imaging Spectrometer on board Hinode
Authors: Kitagawa, N.; Hara, H.; Yokoyama, T.
2016ApJ...816...14K    Altcode: 2015arXiv151105213K
  Spatially averaged (&gt; 50") EUV spectral lines in the transition
  region of solar quiet regions are known to be redshifted. Because
  the mechanism underlying this phenomenon is unclear, we require
  additional physical information on the lower corona in order to
  limit the theoretical models. To acquire this information, we
  measured the Doppler shifts over a wide coronal temperature range
  ({log}T[{{K}}]=5.7-6.3) using the spectroscopic data taken by the Hinode
  EUV Imaging Spectrometer. By analyzing the data over the center-to-limb
  variations covering the meridian from the south to the north pole,
  we successfully measured the velocity to an accuracy of 3 {{km}}
  {{{s}}}<SUP>-1</SUP>. Below {log}T [{{K}}]=6.0, the Doppler shifts
  of the emission lines were almost zero with an error of 1-3 {{km}}
  {{{s}}}<SUP>-1</SUP>; above this temperature, they were blueshifted
  with a gradually increasing magnitude, reaching -6.3+/- 2.1 {{km}}
  {{{s}}}<SUP>-1</SUP> at {log}T [{{K}}]=6.25.

Title: A Study of the Coronal Non-thermal Velocity in Polar Regions
    During the Rise from Solar Minimum to Solar Maximum in Cycle 24
Authors: Harra, L.; Baker, D.; Edwards, S. J.; Hara, H.; Howe, R.;
   van Driel-Gesztelyi, L.
2015SoPh..290.3203H    Altcode: 2015SoPh..tmp....8H
  We explore the changes in coronal non-thermal velocity (V<SUB>nt</SUB>)
  measurements at the poles from solar minimum to solar maximum using
  Hinode EUV Imaging Spectrometer data. We find that although the
  intensity in the corona at the poles does tend to increase with
  the cycle, there are no significant changes in the V<SUB>nt</SUB>
  values. The locations of enhanced V<SUB>nt</SUB> values measured do not
  always have a counterpart in intensity, and they are sometimes located
  in weak emission regions. Unipolar magnetic streams, created through
  diffusion of the following polarity of the decaying active regions,
  slowly progress towards the poles. These streams are expected to
  be related to magnetic nulls as locations that indicate an increased
  likelihood for magnetic reconnection to occur. Through global potential
  field source-surface modelling, we determine how the number of nulls
  varied during the cycle and find that those that lie at &lt; 1.1
  solar radii vary significantly. We search for a correlation between
  the variation of the magnetic nulls and the V<SUB>nt</SUB> values,
  as it may be expected that with an increasing number of nulls, the
  V<SUB>nt</SUB> values in the corona increase as well. There is no
  correlation with the V<SUB>nt</SUB> values, however. This indicates
  that the magnetic structures that create the enhanced V<SUB>nt</SUB>
  behaviour are small-scale features and hence not easily measurable at
  the poles. Because they do not change during the solar cycle, they are
  likely to be created by a local dynamo. The variation of the upper
  range of V<SUB>nt</SUB> is reduced, which highlights that strongly
  dynamic behaviour is reduced as the solar maximum approaches. This
  is likely to be due to the reduced area of the polar coronal hole,
  which allows fewer opportunities for reconnection to occur between
  open and closed magnetic fields.

Title: CLASP: A UV Spectropolarimeter on a Sounding Rocket for
    Probing theChromosphere-Corona Transition Regio
Authors: Ishikawa, Ryohko; Kano, Ryouhei; Winebarger, Amy; Auchere,
   Frederic; Trujillo Bueno, Javier; Bando, Takamasa; Narukage,
   Noriyuki; Kobayashi, Ken; Katsukawa, Yukio; Kubo, Masahito; Ishikawa,
   Shin-nosuke; Giono, Gabriel; Tsuneta, Saku; Hara, Hirohisa; Suematsu,
   Yoshinori; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Sakao, Taro; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi;
   Cirtain, Jonathan; De Pontieu, Bart; Casini, Roberto; Manso Sainz,
   Rafael; Asensio Ramos, Andres; Stepan, Jiri; Belluzzi, Luca
2015IAUGA..2254536I    Altcode:
  The wish to understand the energetic phenomena of the outer solar
  atmosphere makes it increasingly important to achieve quantitative
  information on the magnetic field in the chromosphere-corona
  transition region. To this end, we need to measure and model the
  linear polarization produced by scattering processes and the Hanle
  effect in strong UV resonance lines, such as the hydrogen Lyman-alpha
  line. A team consisting of Japan, USA, Spain, France, and Norway has
  been developing a sounding rocket experiment called the Chromospheric
  Lyman-alpha Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP). The aim is to detect the
  scattering polarization produced by anisotropic radiation pumping in
  the hydrogen Lyman-alpha line (121.6 nm), and via the Hanle effect to
  try to constrain the magnetic field vector in the upper chromosphere
  and transition region. In this talk, we will present an overview
  of our CLASP mission, its scientific objectives, ground tests made,
  and the latest information on the launch planned for the Summer of 2015.

Title: Precision VUV Spectro-Polarimetry for Solar Chromospheric
    Magnetic Field Measurements
Authors: Ishikawa, R.; Bando, T.; Hara, H.; Ishikawa, S.; Kano, R.;
   Kubo, M.; Katsukawa, Y.; Kobiki, T.; Narukage, N.; Suematsu, Y.;
   Tsuneta, S.; Aoki, K.; Miyagawa, K.; Ichimoto, K.; Kobayashi, K.;
   Auchère, F.; Clasp Team
2014ASPC..489..319I    Altcode:
  The Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP) is a VUV
  spectro-polarimeter optimized for measuring the linear polarization
  of the Lyman-α line (121.6 nm) to be launched in 2015 with NASA's
  sounding rocket (Ishikawa et al. 2011; Narukage et al. 2011; Kano et
  al. 2012; Kobayashi et al. 2012). With this experiment, we aim to (1)
  observe the scattering polarization in the Lyman-α line, (2) detect
  the Hanle effect, and (3) assess the magnetic fields in the upper
  chromosphere and transition region for the first time. The polarization
  measurement error consists of scale error δ a (error in amplitude
  of linear polarization), azimuth error Δφ (error in the direction
  of linear polarization), and spurious polarization ɛ (false linear
  polarization signals). The error ɛ should be suppressed below 0.1%
  in the Lyman-α core (121.567 nm ±0.02 nm), and 0.5% in the Lyman-α
  wing (121.567 nm ±0.05 nm), based on our scientific requirements shown
  in Table 2 of Kubo et al. (2014). From scientific justification, we
  adopt Δ φ&lt;2° and δ a&lt;10% as the instrument requirements. The
  spectro-polarimeter features a continuously rotating MgF<SUB>2</SUB>
  waveplate (Ishikawa et al. 2013), a dual-beam spectrograph with a
  spherical grating working also as a beam splitter, and two polarization
  analyzers (Bridou et al. 2011), which are mounted at 90 degree from
  each other to measure two orthogonal polarization simultaneously. For
  the optical layout of the CLASP instrument, see Figure 3 in Kubo et
  al. (2014). Considering the continuous rotation of the half-waveplate,
  the modulation efficiency is 0.64 both for Stokes Q and U. All the raw
  data are returned and demodulation (successive addition or subtraction
  of images) is done on the ground. <P />We control the CLASP polarization
  performance in the following three steps. First, we evaluate the
  throughput and polarization properties of each optical component in
  the Lyman-α line, using the Ultraviolet Synchrotron ORbital Radiation
  Facility (UVSOR) at the Institute for Molecular Science. The second
  step is polarization calibration of the spectro-polarimeter after
  alignment. Since the spurious polarization caused by the axisymmetric
  telescope is estimated to be negligibly small because of the symmetry
  (Ishikawa et al. 2014), we do not perform end-to-end polarization
  calibration. As the final step, before the scientific observation near
  the limb, we make a short observation at the Sun center and verify
  the polarization sensitivity, because the scattering polarization
  is expected to be close to zero at the Sun center due to symmetric
  geometry. In order to clarify whether we will be able to achieve the
  required polarization sensitivity and accuracy via these steps, we
  exercise polarization error budget, by investigating all the possible
  causes and their magnitudes of polarization errors, all of which are not
  necessarily verified by the polarization calibration. Based on these
  error budgets, we conclude that a polarization sensitivity of 0.1% in
  the line core, δ a&lt;10% and Δ φ&lt;2° can be achieved combined
  with the polarization calibration of the spectro-polarimeter and the
  onboard calibration at the Sun center(refer to Ishikawa et al. 2014,
  for the detail). <P />We are currently conducting verification tests
  of the flight components and development of the UV light source for
  the polarization calibration. From 2014 spring, we will begin the
  integration, alignment, and calibration. We will update the error
  budgets throughout the course of these tests.

Title: A Sounding Rocket Experiment for the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha
    Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP)
Authors: Kubo, M.; Kano, R.; Kobayashi, K.; Bando, T.; Narukage, N.;
   Ishikawa, R.; Tsuneta, S.; Katsukawa, Y.; Ishikawa, S.; Suematsu, Y.;
   Hara, H.; Shimizu, T.; Sakao, T.; Ichimoto, K.; Goto, M.; Holloway,
   T.; Winebarger, A.; Cirtain, J.; De Pontieu, B.; Casini, R.; Auchère,
   F.; Trujillo Bueno, J.; Manso Sainz, R.; Belluzzi, L.; Asensio Ramos,
   A.; Štěpán, J.; Carlsson, M.
2014ASPC..489..307K    Altcode:
  A sounding-rocket experiment called the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha
  Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP) is presently under development to measure
  the linear polarization profiles in the hydrogen Lyman-alpha (Lyα)
  line at 121.567 nm. CLASP is a vacuum-UV (VUV) spectropolarimeter to aim
  for first detection of the linear polarizations caused by scattering
  processes and the Hanle effect in the Lyα line with high accuracy
  (0.1%). This is a fist step for exploration of magnetic fields in
  the upper chromosphere and transition region of the Sun. Accurate
  measurements of the linear polarization signals caused by scattering
  processes and the Hanle effect in strong UV lines like Lyα are
  essential to explore with future solar telescopes the strength
  and structures of the magnetic field in the upper chromosphere and
  transition region of the Sun. The CLASP proposal has been accepted by
  NASA in 2012, and the flight is planned in 2015.

Title: Large aperture solar optical telescope and instruments for
    the SOLAR-C mission
Authors: Suematsu, Y.; Katsukawa, Y.; Hara, H.; Kano, R.; Shimizu,
   T.; Ichimoto, K.
2014SPIE.9143E..1PS    Altcode:
  A large aperture solar optical telescope and its instruments
  for the SOLAR-C mission are under study to provide the critical
  physical parameters in the lower solar atmosphere and to resolve the
  mechanism of magnetic dynamic events happening there and in the upper
  atmosphere as well. For the precise magnetic field measurements and
  high angular resolution in wide wavelength region, covering FOV of 3
  arcmin x3 arcmin, an entrance aperture of 1.4 m Gregorian telescope is
  proposed. Filtergraphs are designed to realize high resolution imaging
  and pseudo 2D spectro-polarimetry in several magnetic sensitive lines of
  both photosphere and chromosphere. A full stokes polarimetry is carried
  out at three magnetic sensitive lines with a four-slit spectrograph
  of 2D image scanning mechanism. We present a progress in optical and
  structural design of SOLAR-C large aperture optical telescope and its
  observing instruments which fulfill science requirements.

Title: Development of a universal tunable filter for future solar
Authors: Hagino, M.; Ichimoto, K.; Kimura, G.; Nakatani, Y.; Kawate,
   T.; Shinoda, K.; Suematsu, Y.; Hara, H.; Shimizu, T.
2014SPIE.9151E..5VH    Altcode:
  We have developed a new narrowband tunable filter to perform imaging
  spectroscopy of the solar chromosphere. Using Liquid Crystal Variable
  Retarders (LCVRs) as the tuning elements for wavelength, wide-band
  polarizers and super achromatic half-wave plates, it is possible to make
  high speed tuning (about 0.1Sec), to exclude mechanical drives (and oil
  tank), and to cover a wide wavelength range (510-100nm). This filter
  builds up with seven stages each consisting of a pair of calcites,
  LCVR, half-wave plates and linear polarizer. The full width at half
  maximum (FWHM) of the filter transmission is about 0.025nm at 656.3nm.We
  demonstrate that the concept of the universal tunable filter using the
  LCVR's as tuning elements is highly promising for future application
  to space mission and ground based observations.

Title: New developments in rotating and linear motion mechanisms
    used in contamination sensitive space telescopes
Authors: Shimizu, Toshifumi; Watanabe, Kyoko; Nakayama, Satoshi;
   Tajima, Takao; Obara, Shingo; Imada, Shinsuke; Nishizuka, Naoto;
   Ishikawa, Shin-nosuke; Hara, Hirohisa
2014SPIE.9151E..38S    Altcode:
  We have been developing a rotating mechanism and a linear motion
  mechanism for their usage in contamination sensitive space
  telescopes. They both are needed for ~1.4 meter optical telescope
  and its focal plane instrument onboard SOLAR-C, the next-generation
  spaceborne solar observatory following Hinode. Highly reliable long life
  performance, low outgassing properties, and low level of micro-vibration
  are required along with their scientific performance. With the
  proto-type mechanisms, the long life performance and outgassing
  properties of the mechanisms have been evaluated in vacuum chambers. The
  level of micro-vibration excited during the operations of the rotating
  mechanism was measured by operating it on the Kestler table. This
  paper provides the overall descriptions of our mechanism developments.

Title: RHESSI and EIS observations of an above-the-looptop
    reconnection region
Authors: Glesener, Lindsay; Hara, Hirohisa; Krucker, Sam
2014AAS...22410406G    Altcode:
  A variety of solar flare observations suggest particle acceleration in
  the corona, at or above the flare looptop. Hard X-ray (HXR) studies,
  for example, occasionally reveal accelerated electrons above flare
  looptops, in some cases suggesting the location of the acceleration
  region. However, since coronal HXR sources are faint and the structure
  of the flare as seen in extreme ultraviolet (EUV) images is complicated,
  it is difficult to say where these sources lie with respect to,
  for example, the reconnection region.HXR and EUV observations can
  provide complementary information for investigating this topic. EUV
  imaging spectroscopy reveals bulk flows and locations of line-broadened
  (potentially turbulent) sources. Such observations can, for example,
  identify outflows from the reconnection region. HXR imaging places
  the flare-accelerated electrons in the context of the overall flare
  geometry, allowing comparison of the locations of accelerated electrons,
  the reconnection region, and the flare loop.In this work, data from
  RHESSI and Hinode/EIS are used to investigate above-the-looptop sources
  in the 2013 May 15 X-class flare. Above-the-looptop EIS flows and
  loop-top line-broadening are compared with RHESSI HXR sources in the
  preimpulsive phase of the flare.

Title: The SOLAR-C Mission
Authors: Hara, Hirohisa
2014cosp...40E1153H    Altcode:
  The SOLAR-C is a planned satellite mission that is led by the JAXA
  SOLAR-C working group as the 4th Japanese space solar observatory
  that follows the 3rd satellite mission, Hinode. Hinode equips three
  major science payloads to cover from the photosphere to the corona
  simultaneously and has revealed the ubiquitous emergence/submergence
  of small-scale bipolar fields and the formation of kilo Gauss magnetic
  flux tubes from vector magnetic field measurements on the photosphere,
  unexpected dynamical phenomena in the chromosphere, spectral signatures
  of small-scale coronal heating events near the chromosphere below its
  spatial resolution, and so forth. These are the universal magnetized
  plasma activity in the nearest star, and the essential energy source
  of the phenomena is of magnetic-field origin coupled with photospheric
  convective motion. To elucidate the newly-found solar active phenomena
  and the problems that have been tackled for a long time in solar
  physics, we try to understand the causal linkage between solar
  magnetic fields and active phenomena on the Sun in the true sense
  by high-resolution (0.1-0.3 arcsecs) instruments in space. SOLAR-C
  will observe photospheric and chromospheric activity by imaging
  and measure chromospheric magnetic fields by spectropolarimetry,
  in addition to photospheric magnetic fields. It visualizes the site
  of dynamical events for chromospheric and coronal heating by imaging
  and spectroscopy with comparable resolution and by high-resolution
  chromospheric magnetometry. In addition, SOLAR-C essentially contributes
  to space weather by estimating the stored magnetic energy in the
  corona via measurements of chromospheric magnetic fields. The coming
  sounding-rocket program CLASP and the further satellite mission SOLAR-D
  that may follow the SOLAR-C mission are also briefly mentioned.

Title: Velocity structure of solar flare plasmas
Authors: Watanabe, Tetsuya; Watanabe, Kyoko; Hara, Hirohisa; Imada,
2014cosp...40E3606W    Altcode:
  Thanks to its increased sensitivity and spectral resolution, EIS
  enabled emission line profile analysis for the first time in solar
  EUV spectroscopy, and it found detailed structures in velocity and
  temperature in solar flares. A widely accepted model for solar flares
  incorporates magnetic reconnection in the corona which results
  in local heating as well as acceleration of nonthermal particle
  beams. The standard model of solar flares is called the CSHKP model,
  arranging the initials of model proposers. We find loop-top hot source,
  fast outflows nearby, inflow structure flowing to the hot source that
  appeared in the impulsive phase of long-duration eruptive flares. From
  the geometrical relationships of these phenomena, we conclude that
  they provide evidence for magnetic reconnection that occurs near the
  loop-top region. The reconnection rate is estimated to 0.05 - 0.1,
  which supports the Petschek-type magnetic reconnection. The nonthermal
  particle beams will travel unimpeded until they reach the cold, dense
  chromosphere, where the energy of the beam is predominantly used to
  heat the chromosphere at the foot points of flaring loops. Explosive
  chromospheric evaporation happens when the beam energy is high enough
  that the chromosphere cannot radiate away energy fast enough and
  hence expands at high velocities into the corona. Spatially resolved
  observations of chromopheric evaporation during the initial phases of
  impulsive flares, a few bright points of Fexxiii and Fexxiv emission
  lines at the footpoints of flaring loops present dominated blue-shifted
  components of 300 - 400 kms (-1) , while Fexv/xvi lines are nearly
  stationary, and Feviii and Sivii lines present +50 kms (-1) red
  shifts. We will review these new views on dynamical structure in flares.

Title: Spectroscopy of Reconnection Inflow and Outflow in Solar Flares
Authors: Hara, Hirohisa
2014cosp...40E1154H    Altcode:
  We report reconnection inflow and outflow structures in a type of solar
  flares that were observed by spectroscopic observations with the Hinode
  EUV Imaging Spectrometer. A dark outflow has been found by EIS raster
  scan observations in hot emission lines like Fe XXIII and Fe XXIV as a
  structure extended from a site above a bright flare loop. The outflow
  structure is heated to ~10 MK, and the electron density of the outflow
  is enhanced by about a factor of 2 from the surrounding corona. The
  hot emission lines in the outflow structure show a large excess width,
  which may imply the presence of an internal flow structure or the plasma
  in a turbulent state. A high-density blob structure that appears above
  the loop-top region where the reconnection outflow collides shows the
  Doppler motion toward the low-altitude direction. The reconnection
  rate is estimated to be 0.01-0.1 in combination with the signature of
  reconnection inflow from the Doppler velocity measurement.

Title: UV spectropolarimeter design for precise polarization
    measurement and its application to the CLASP for exploration of
    magnetic fields in solar atmosphere
Authors: Narukage, Noriyuki; Katsukawa, Yukio; Hara, Hirohisa; Kubo,
   Masahito; Auchere, Frederic; Ishikawa, Ryohko; Kano, Ryouhei; Bando,
   Takamasa; Ishikawa, Shin-nosuke; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Tsuneta, Saku
2014cosp...40E2232N    Altcode:
  In order to measure the magnetic field in the region where the
  hot plasma from 10 (4) K to 10 (6) K is occupied, e.g., for solar
  atmosphere, the polarimetric measurements in ultra violet (UV)
  with 0.1% accuracy are required. In this paper, we propose a new
  UV spectropolarimeter design with 0.1% sensitivity in polarization
  measurement. This spectropolarimeter has two devices for the 0.1%
  accuracy. First, all optical components except the waveplate are the
  reflective type ones that can be equipped with the high reflectivity
  coating for the high throughput. Secondly, it equips the optically
  symmetric dual channels to measure the orthogonal linear polarization
  state simultaneously, using a concave diffraction grating as both the
  spectral dispersion element and the beam splitter. These two devices
  make the spurious polarizations caused by the photon noise, by the
  intensity variation of the observation target, and, by the instrument
  itself, enough small to achieve the 0.1% accuracy in polarization
  measurement. The spectropolarimeter thus designed is currently under
  fabrication for the sounding rocket project of Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha
  SpectroPolarimeter (CLASP) that aims at the direct measurement of the
  magnetic fields in solar atmosphere with Lyman-alpha line (121.6 nm)
  for the first time.

Title: Hot Plasma Associated with a Coronal Mass Ejection
Authors: Landi, E.; Miralles, M. P.; Raymond, J. C.; Hara, H.
2013ApJ...778...29L    Altcode:
  We analyze coordinated observations from the EUV Imaging Spectrometer
  (EIS) and X-Ray Telescope (XRT) on board Hinode of an X-ray Plasma
  Ejection (XPE) that occurred during the coronal mass ejection (CME)
  event of 2008 April 9. The XPE was trailing the CME core from behind,
  following the same trajectory, and could be identified both in EIS
  and XRT observations. Using the EIS spectrometer, we have determined
  the XPE plasma parameters, measuring the electron density, thermal
  distribution, and elemental composition. We have found that the XPE
  composition and electron density were very similar to those of the
  pre-event active region plasma. The XPE temperature was higher, and its
  thermal distribution peaked at around 3 MK also, typical flare lines
  were absent from EIS spectra, indicating that any XPE component with
  temperatures in excess of 5 MK was likely either faint or absent. We
  used XRT data to investigate the presence of hotter plasma components
  in the XPE that could have gone undetected by EIS and found that—if
  at all present—these components have small emission measure values
  and their temperature is in the 8-12.5 MK range. The very hot plasma
  found in earlier XPE observations obtained by Yohkoh seems to be
  largely absent in this CME, although plasma ionization timescales
  may lead to non-equilibrium ionization effects that could make bright
  lines from ions formed in a 10 MK plasma not detectable by EIS. Our
  results supersede the XPE findings of Landi et al., who studied the
  same event with older response functions for the XRT Al-poly filter;
  the differences in the results stress the importance of using accurate
  filter response functions.

Title: Evidence for Hot Fast Flow above a Solar Flare Arcade
Authors: Imada, S.; Aoki, K.; Hara, H.; Watanabe, T.; Harra, L. K.;
   Shimizu, T.
2013ApJ...776L..11I    Altcode: 2013arXiv1309.3401I
  Solar flares are one of the main forces behind space weather
  events. However, the mechanism that drives such energetic phenomena is
  not fully understood. The standard eruptive flare model predicts that
  magnetic reconnection occurs high in the corona where hot fast flows are
  created. Some imaging or spectroscopic observations have indicated the
  presence of these hot fast flows, but there have been no spectroscopic
  scanning observations to date to measure the two-dimensional structure
  quantitatively. We analyzed a flare that occurred on the west solar
  limb on 2012 January 27 observed by the Hinode EUV Imaging Spectrometer
  (EIS) and found that the hot (~30MK) fast (&gt;500 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>)
  component was located above the flare loop. This is consistent with
  magnetic reconnection taking place above the flare loop.

Title: The Location of Non-thermal Velocity in the Early Phases of
    Large Flares—Revealing Pre-eruption Flux Ropes
Authors: Harra, Louise K.; Matthews, Sarah; Culhane, J. L.; Cheung,
   Mark C. M.; Kontar, Eduard P.; Hara, Hirohisa
2013ApJ...774..122H    Altcode:
  Non-thermal velocity measurements of the solar atmosphere, particularly
  from UV and X-ray emission lines have demonstrated over the decades
  that this parameter is important in understanding the triggering of
  solar flares. Enhancements have often been observed before intensity
  enhancements are seen. However, until the launch of Hinode, it has
  been difficult to determine the spatial location of the enhancements to
  better understand the source region. The Hinode EUV Imaging Spectrometer
  has the spectral and spatial resolution to allow us to probe the early
  stages of flares in detail. We analyze four events, all of which
  are GOES M- or X-classification flares, and all are located toward
  the limb for ease of flare geometry interpretation. Three of the
  flares were eruptive and one was confined. In all events, pre-flare
  enhancement in non-thermal velocity at the base of the active region
  and its surroundings has been found. These enhancements seem to be
  consistent with the footpoints of the dimming regions, and hence may
  be highlighting the activation of a coronal flux rope for the three
  eruptive events. In addition, pre-flare enhancements in non-thermal
  velocity were found above the looptops for the three eruptive events.

Title: Chromospheric Lyman Alpha SpectroPolarimeter: CLASP
Authors: Kobayashi, Ken; Kano, R.; Trujillo Bueno, J.; Winebarger,
   A. R.; Cirtain, J. W.; Bando, T.; De Pontieu, B.; Ishikawa, R.;
   Katsukawa, Y.; Kubo, M.; Narukage, N.; Sakao, T.; Tsuneta, S.;
   Auchère, F.; Asensio Ramos, A.; Belluzzi, L.; Carlsson, M.; Casini,
   R.; Hara, H.; Ichimoto, K.; Manso Sainz, R.; Shimizu, T.; Stepan,
   J.; Suematsu, Y.; Holloway, T.
2013SPD....44..142K    Altcode:
  The Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP) is a VUV
  spectropolarimeter optimized for measuring the linear polarization of
  the Lyman-alpha line (121.6 nm). The Lyman-alpha line is predicted to
  show linear polarization caused by atomic scattering in the chromosphere
  and modified by the magnetic field through the Hanle effect. The
  Hanle effect is sensitive to weaker magnetic fields than Zeeman
  effect, and is not canceled by opposing fields, making it sensitive
  to tangled or unresolved magnetic field structures. These factors make
  the Hanle effect a valuable tool for probing the magnetic field in the
  chromosphere above the quiet sun. To meet this goal, CLASP is designed
  to measure linear polarization with 0.1% polarization sensitivity
  at 0.01 nm spectral resolution and 10" spatial resolution. CLASP is
  scheduled to be launched in 2015.

Title: Properties of a Solar Flare Kernel Observed by Hinode and SDO
Authors: Young, P. R.; Doschek, G. A.; Warren, H. P.; Hara, H.
2013ApJ...766..127Y    Altcode: 2012arXiv1212.4388Y
  Flare kernels are compact features located in the solar chromosphere
  that are the sites of rapid heating and plasma upflow during the rise
  phase of flares. An example is presented from a M1.1 class flare in
  active region AR 11158 observed on 2011 February 16 07:44 UT for which
  the location of the upflow region seen by EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS)
  can be precisely aligned to high spatial resolution images obtained by
  the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) and Helioseismic and Magnetic
  Imager (HMI) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). A string
  of bright flare kernels is found to be aligned with a ridge of strong
  magnetic field, and one kernel site is highlighted for which an upflow
  speed of ≈400 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> is measured in lines formed at 10-30
  MK. The line-of-sight magnetic field strength at this location is
  ≈1000 G. Emission over a continuous range of temperatures down to
  the chromosphere is found, and the kernels have a similar morphology
  at all temperatures and are spatially coincident with sizes at the
  resolution limit of the AIA instrument (lsim400 km). For temperatures
  of 0.3-3.0 MK the EIS emission lines show multiple velocity components,
  with the dominant component becoming more blueshifted with temperature
  from a redshift of 35 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> at 0.3 MK to a blueshift of
  60 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> at 3.0 MK. Emission lines from 1.5-3.0 MK show a
  weak redshifted component at around 60-70 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> implying
  multi-directional flows at the kernel site. Significant non-thermal
  broadening corresponding to velocities of ≈120 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> is
  found at 10-30 MK, and the electron density in the kernel, measured
  at 2 MK, is 3.4 × 10<SUP>10</SUP> cm<SUP>-3</SUP>. Finally, the Fe
  XXIV λ192.03/λ255.11 ratio suggests that the EIS calibration has
  changed since launch, with the long wavelength channel less sensitive
  than the short wavelength channel by around a factor two.

Title: SDO and Hinode observations of coronal heating at a flare
    kernel site
Authors: Young, P. R.; Doschek, G. A.; Warren, H. P.; Hara, H.
2013enss.confE..36Y    Altcode:
  Flare kernels are compact features located in the chromosphere that
  are the sites of rapid heating and plasma upflow during the rise phase
  of flares. They provide an excellent opportunity for testing models of
  energy transport and dissipation in the solar atmosphere as they are
  very bright and emit over a wide temperature range. A M1.1 class flare
  that peaked at 07:44 UT on 2011 February 16 was observed simultaneously
  by SDO and Hinode, and one flare kernel observed prior to the flare
  peak is highlighted. It is found to emit at all temperatures from
  the chromosphere through to 30 MK, with all AIA channels brightening
  simultaneously and rise times of only 1 minute. The kernel is located on
  a ridge of strong magnetic field close to a neutral line in the active
  region. The kernel is at the resolution limit of AIA, suggesting a size
  of &lt; 0.6 arcsec. Hinode/EIS allows velocity patterns in the kernel
  to be tracked over a wide temperature range and reveals a dominant high
  speed upflow of 400 km/s at temperatures of 10-30 MK, with both down
  and upflows measured at cooler temperatures of 1.5-3.0 MK, suggesting
  unresolved structures. All emission lines show evidence of significant
  non-thermal broadening, and the electron density of the plasma is 3.4
  x 10^10 cm-3. The observations are compared to models of chromospheric
  evaporation and similarities and differences are highlighted.

Title: Observations from SDO, Hinode, and STEREO of a Twisting and
    Writhing Start to a Solar-filament-eruption Cascade
Authors: Sterling, Alphonse C.; Moore, Ronald L.; Hara, Hirohisa
2012ApJ...761...69S    Altcode:
  We analyze data from SDO (AIA, HMI), Hinode (SOT, XRT, EIS), and STEREO
  (EUVI) of a solar eruption sequence of 2011 June 1 near 16:00 UT,
  with an emphasis on the early evolution toward eruption. Ultimately,
  the sequence consisted of three emission bursts and two filament
  ejections. SDO/AIA 304 Å images show absorbing-material strands
  initially in close proximity which over ~20 minutes form a
  twisted structure, presumably a flux rope with ~10<SUP>29</SUP>
  erg of free energy that triggers the resulting evolution. A jump
  in the filament/flux rope's displacement (average velocity ~20 km
  s<SUP>-1</SUP>) and the first burst of emission accompanies the
  flux-rope formation. After ~20 more minutes, the flux rope/filament
  kinks and writhes, followed by a semi-steady state where the flux
  rope/filament rises at (~5 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>) for ~10 minutes. Then
  the writhed flux rope/filament again becomes MHD unstable and violently
  erupts, along with rapid (50 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>) ejection of the filament
  and the second burst of emission. That ejection removed a field that
  had been restraining a second filament, which subsequently erupts as
  the second filament ejection accompanied by the third (final) burst of
  emission. Magnetograms from SDO/HMI and Hinode/SOT, and other data,
  reveal several possible causes for initiating the flux-rope-building
  reconnection, but we are not able to say which is dominant. Our
  observations are consistent with magnetic reconnection initiating the
  first burst and the flux-rope formation, with MHD processes initiating
  the further dynamics. Both filament ejections are consistent with the
  standard model for solar eruptions.

Title: Next space solar observatory SOLAR-C: mission instruments
    and science objectives
Authors: Katsukawa, Y.; Watanabe, T.; Hara, H.; Ichimoto, K.; Kubo,
   M.; Kusano, K.; Sakao, T.; Shimizu, T.; Suematsu, Y.; Tsuneta, S.
2012IAUSS...6E.207K    Altcode:
  SOLAR-C, the fourth space solar mission in Japan, is under study with a
  launch target of fiscal year 2018. A key concept of the mission is to
  view the photosphere, chromosphere, and corona as one system coupled
  by magnetic fields along with resolving the size scale of fundamental
  physical processes connecting these atmospheric layers. It is especially
  important to study magnetic structure in the chromosphere as an
  interface layer between the photosphere and the corona. The SOLAR-C
  satellite is equipped with three telescopes, the Solar UV-Visible-IR
  Telescope (SUVIT), the EUV/FUV High Throughput Spectroscopic Telescope
  (EUVS/LEMUR), and the X-ray Imaging Telescope (XIT). Observations
  with SUVIT of photospheric and chromospheric magnetic fields make it
  possible to infer three dimensional magnetic structure extending from
  the photosphere to the chromosphere and corona.This helps to identify
  magnetic structures causing magnetic reconnection, and clarify how
  waves are propagated, reflected, and dissipated. Phenomena indicative
  of or byproducts of magnetic reconnection, such as flows and shocks,
  are to be captured by SUVIT and by spectroscopic observations using
  EUVS/LEMUR, while XIT observes rapid changes in temperature distribution
  of plasma heated by shock waves.

Title: Production of High-Temperature Plasmas During the Early Phases
    of a C9.7 Flare. II. Bi-directional Flows Suggestive of Reconnection
    in a Pre-flare Brightening Region
Authors: Watanabe, T.; Hara, H.; Sterling, A. C.; Harra, L. K.
2012SoPh..281...87W    Altcode: 2012SoPh..tmp..185W
  The 6 June 2007 16:55 UT flare was well observed with high time-cadence
  sparse raster scans by the EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) on board
  the Hinode spacecraft. The observation covers an active region area
  of 240 arcsec × 240 arcsec with the 1 arcsec slit in about 160 seconds.

Title: Design of large aperture solar optical telescope for the
    SOLAR-C mission
Authors: Suematsu, Y.; Katsukawa, Y.; Hara, H.; Shimizu, T.;
   Ichimoto, K.
2012SPIE.8442E..25S    Altcode:
  A large aperture optical telescope is planned for the next Japanese
  solar mission SOLAR-C as one of major three observing instruments. The
  optical telescope is designed to provide high-angular-resolution
  investigation of lower atmosphere from the photosphere to the uppermost
  chromosphere with enhanced spectroscopic and spectro-polarimetric
  capability covering a wide wavelength region from 280 nm to 1100
  nm. The opto-mechanical and -thermal performance of the telescope is
  crucial to attain high-quality solar observations and we present a
  study of optical and structural design of the large aperture space
  solar telescope, together with conceptual design of its accompanying
  focal plane instruments: wide-band and narrow-band filtergraphs and
  a spectro-polarimeter for high spatial and temporal observations in
  the solar photospheric and chromospheric lines useful for sounding
  physical condition of dynamical phenomena.

Title: Chromospheric Lyman-alpha spectro-polarimeter (CLASP)
Authors: Kano, Ryouhei; Bando, Takamasa; Narukage, Noriyuki; Ishikawa,
   Ryoko; Tsuneta, Saku; Katsukawa, Yukio; Kubo, Masahito; Ishikawa,
   Shin-nosuke; Hara, Hirohisa; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Suematsu, Yoshinori;
   Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Sakao, Taro; Goto, Motoshi; Kato, Yoshiaki; Imada,
   Shinsuke; Kobayashi, Ken; Holloway, Todd; Winebarger, Amy; Cirtain,
   Jonathan; De Pontieu, Bart; Casini, Roberto; Trujillo Bueno, Javier;
   Štepán, Jiří; Manso Sainz, Rafael; Belluzzi, Luca; Asensio Ramos,
   Andres; Auchère, Frédéric; Carlsson, Mats
2012SPIE.8443E..4FK    Altcode:
  One of the biggest challenges in heliophysics is to decipher the
  magnetic structure of the solar chromosphere. The importance of
  measuring the chromospheric magnetic field is due to both the key role
  the chromosphere plays in energizing and structuring the outer solar
  atmosphere and the inability of extrapolation of photospheric fields to
  adequately describe this key boundary region. Over the last few years,
  significant progress has been made in the spectral line formation
  of UV lines as well as the MHD modeling of the solar atmosphere. It
  is found that the Hanle effect in the Lyman-alpha line (121.567 nm)
  is a most promising diagnostic tool for weaker magnetic fields in
  the chromosphere and transition region. Based on this groundbreaking
  research, we propose the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter
  (CLASP) to NASA as a sounding rocket experiment, for making the first
  measurement of the linear polarization produced by scattering processes
  and the Hanle effect in the Lyman-alpha line (121.567 nm), and making
  the first exploration of the magnetic field in the upper chromosphere
  and transition region of the Sun. The CLASP instrument consists
  of a Cassegrain telescope, a rotating 1/2-wave plate, a dual-beam
  spectrograph assembly with a grating working as a beam splitter, and
  an identical pair of reflective polarization analyzers each equipped
  with a CCD camera. We propose to launch CLASP in December 2014.

Title: Flare Onset Observed with Hinode in the 2006 December 13 Flare
Authors: Asai, A.; Hara, H.; Watanabe, T.; Imada, S.
2012ASPC..454..303A    Altcode:
  We present a detailed examination of the preflare phenomena of
  the X3.4 flare that occurred on 2006 December 13. This flare was
  associated with a faint arc-shaped ejection, which is thought to be
  an MHD fast-mode shock wave, seen in the soft X-ray images taken
  with the Hinode X-Ray Telescope (XRT), just at the start of the
  impulsive phase of the flare. Even before the ejection, we found many
  preflare features, such as an S-shaped brightening (sigmoid) with XRT,
  chromospheric brightening at the footpoints of the sigmoid loops with
  the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT), a faint X-ray eruption with XRT,
  and so on. The EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) also observed the flare,
  and therefore, enabled us to examine the spectroscopic features. We
  discuss these phenomena and the energy release prosses.

Title: Propagating Slow Magnetoacoustic Waves along the Continuous
    Outflows Observed with EIS/Hinode
Authors: Nishizuka, N.; Matsumoto, T.; Morita, S.; Hara, H.;
   Shibata, K.
2012ASPC..454..157N    Altcode:
  The high temporal relation data obtained from EIS/Hinode has been
  analyzed. In the ‘sit-and-stare’ mode observations, we focused
  on continuous outflows at the edge of the active region NOAA 10942
  on 2007 February 20. We found that the Doppler blueshift (∼20-50 km
  s<SUP>-1</SUP>) components, in Fe XII 195 Å emission line, propagating
  with the continuous plasma outflows from the edge of the active region,
  with the transverse velocity ranging 140-160 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. This
  suggests slow magnetoacoustic wave propagation along the open field
  line. We also found a jet around the active region, whose transverse
  velocity ∼170 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> and line-of-sight Doppler velocity
  ∼150 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>.

Title: The Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha SpectroPolarimeter: CLASP
Authors: Kobayashi, K.; Kano, R.; Trujillo-Bueno, J.; Asensio Ramos,
   A.; Bando, T.; Belluzzi, L.; Carlsson, M.; De Pontieu, R. C. B.; Hara,
   H.; Ichimoto, K.; Ishikawa, R.; Katsukawa, Y.; Kubo, M.; Manso Sainz,
   R.; Narukage, N.; Sakao, T.; Stepan, J.; Suematsu, Y.; Tsuneta, S.;
   Watanabe, H.; Winebarger, A.
2012ASPC..456..233K    Altcode:
  The magnetic field plays a crucial role in the chromosphere and the
  transition region, and our poor empirical knowledge of the magnetic
  field in the upper chromosphere and transition region is a major
  impediment to advancing the understanding of the solar atmosphere. The
  Hanle effect promises to be a valuable alternative to Zeeman effect
  as a method of measuring the magnetic field in the chromosphere and
  transition region; it is sensitive to weaker magnetic fields, and
  also sensitive to tangled, unresolved field structures. <P />CLASP
  is a sounding rocket experiment that aims to observe the Hanle effect
  polarization of the Lyman α (1215.67Å) line in the solar chromosphere
  and transition region, and prove the usefulness of this technique in
  placing constraints on the magnetic field strength and orientation
  in the low plasma-β region of the solar atmosphere. The Ly-α line
  has been chosen because it is a chromospheric/transition-region line,
  and because the Hanle effect polarization of this line is predicted to
  be sensitive to 10-250 Gauss, encompassing the range of interest. The
  CLASP instrument is designed to measure linear polarization in the
  Ly-α line with a polarization sensitivity of 0.1%. The instrument is
  currently funded for development. The optical design of the instrument
  has been finalized, and an extensive series of component-level tests
  are underway to validate the design.

Title: Post-Coronal Mass Ejection Plasma Observed by Hinode
Authors: Landi, E.; Raymond, J. C.; Miralles, M. P.; Hara, H.
2012ApJ...751...21L    Altcode:
  In the present work we study the evolution of an active region after
  the eruption of a coronal mass ejection (CME) using observations from
  the EIS and XRT instruments on board Hinode. The field of view includes
  a post-eruption arcade, a current sheet, and a coronal dimming. The
  goal of this paper is to provide a comprehensive set of measurements
  for all these aspects of the CME phenomenon made on the same CME
  event. The main physical properties of the plasma along the line of
  sight—electron density, thermal structure, plasma composition, size,
  and, when possible, mass—are measured and monitored with time for
  the first three hours following the CME event of 2008 April 9. We find
  that the loop arcade observed by EIS and XRT may not be related to the
  post-eruption arcade. Post-CME plasma is hotter than the surrounding
  corona, but its temperature never exceeds 3 MK. Both the electron
  density and thermal structure do not show significant evolution with
  time, while we found that the size of the loop arcade in the Hinode
  plane of the sky decreased with time. The plasma composition is the same
  in the current sheet, in the loop arcade, and in the ambient plasma,
  so all these plasmas are likely of coronal origin. No significant
  plasma flows were detected.

Title: Spectroscopic Observations of Continuous Outflows and
    Propagating Waves in Active Region NOAA 10942 with Hinode/EIS
Authors: Nishizuka, N.; Hara, H.
2012ASPC..455..219N    Altcode:
  We analyze "sit-and-stare" mode observations of continuous outflows and
  waves with the Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) on board
  Hinode, whose slit was located along the open field lines at the edge of
  active region NOAA 10942 on February 20, 2007. We found both intensity
  and velocity disturbances in Fe xii 195.12 Å propagating along the
  field lines with apparent speeds of 140 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. The Doppler
  shifts shows mean upward velocities of 30-50 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> and
  small velocity disturbances with amplitudes of 5-15 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>
  in phase with intensity disturbances of 3-5% amplitude relative to
  the mean intensity. Not only a quasi-periodicity of 10-13 minutes but
  also “tad pole” signatures—which may be evidence of propagating
  waves—were observed at the footpoints of the loops. Covariation
  of intensity and Doppler velocity is consistent with upward motion
  of propagating slow-mode magnetoacoustic waves. The energy flux of
  the waves was estimated to be 1-3× 10<SUP>5</SUP> erg s<SUP>-1</SUP>
  cm<SUP>-2</SUP>, which is not enough to account for coronal heating but
  sufficient for solar wind acceleration. High temporal spectroscopic
  observation also revealed intermittent signatures of line broadening
  at the footpoints of the loops. Each of them seems to correspond to
  the footpoints of propagating disturbances. This may indicate that
  the origins of flows and waves are unresolved explosive events at the
  lower atmosphere, by analogy to spectroscopic observations of a jet.

Title: Photosphere-Corona Connection in Active-Region Plage
Authors: Hara, H.
2012decs.confE..94H    Altcode:
  We discuss the relationships between the temperature of coronal
  loops and photospheric magnetic properties at their footpoints in
  an active-region plage from observations by Hinode. The motion of
  photospheric magnetic fields is tracked by the correlation tracking
  of SOT FG Stokes-V maps to estimate the photospheric horizontal
  velocity. We find that the horizontal velocity is anti-correlated
  with the filling factor of photospheric magnetic fields estimated from
  the SOT SP data. It is confirmed from high-resolution observations by
  Hinode that the footpoints of hot (warm) coronal loops in X-ray (EUV)
  observations are rooted at low (high) magnetic filing factor regions
  within the plage. The distribution of energy flux to the corona in
  the plage is calculated from observations according to a model in
  Katsukawa &amp; Tsuneta (2005). The distribution appears to explain
  the footpoint position of hot and warm loops.

Title: One-dimensional Modeling for Temperature-dependent Upflow in
    the Dimming Region Observed by Hinode/EUV Imaging Spectrometer
Authors: Imada, S.; Hara, H.; Watanabe, T.; Murakami, I.; Harra,
   L. K.; Shimizu, T.; Zweibel, E. G.
2011ApJ...743...57I    Altcode: 2011arXiv1108.5031I
  We previously found a temperature-dependent upflow in the dimming region
  following a coronal mass ejection observed by the Hinode EUV Imaging
  Spectrometer (EIS). In this paper, we reanalyzed the observations along
  with previous work on this event and provided boundary conditions for
  modeling. We found that the intensity in the dimming region dramatically
  drops within 30 minutes from the flare onset, and the dimming region
  reaches the equilibrium stage after ~1 hr. The temperature-dependent
  upflows were observed during the equilibrium stage by EIS. The
  cross-sectional area of the flux tube in the dimming region does not
  appear to expand significantly. From the observational constraints,
  we reconstructed the temperature-dependent upflow by using a new method
  that considers the mass and momentum conservation law and demonstrated
  the height variation of plasma conditions in the dimming region. We
  found that a super-radial expansion of the cross-sectional area is
  required to satisfy the mass conservation and momentum equations. There
  is a steep temperature and velocity gradient of around 7 Mm from
  the solar surface. This result may suggest that the strong heating
  occurred above 7 Mm from the solar surface in the dimming region. We
  also showed that the ionization equilibrium assumption in the dimming
  region is violated, especially in the higher temperature range.

Title: The Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha SpectroPolarimeter (CLASP)j
Authors: Kobayashi, K.; Tsuneta, S.; Trujillo Bueno, J.; Bando, T.;
   Belluzzi, L.; Casini, R.; Carlsson, M.; Cirtain, J. W.; De Pontieu,
   B.; Hara, H.; Ichimoto, K.; Ishikawa, R.; Kano, R.; Katsukawa, Y.;
   Kim, T.; Kubo, M.; Manso Sainz, R.; Narukage, N.; Asensio Ramos,
   A.; Robinson, B.; Sakao, T.; Shimizu, T.; Stepan, J.; Suematsu, Y.;
   Watanabe, H.; West, E.; Winebarger, A. R.
2011AGUFM.P14C..05K    Altcode:
  We present an overview of the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha
  SpectroPolarimeter (CLASP) program. CLASP is a proposed sounding rocket
  experiment currently under development as collaboration between Japan,
  USA and Spain. The aim is to achieve the first measurement of magnetic
  field in the upper chromosphere and transition region of the Sun
  through the detection and measurement of Hanle effect polarization
  of the Lyman alpha line. The Hanle effect (i.e. the magnetic field
  induced modification of the linear polarization due to scattering
  processes in spectral lines) is believed to be a powerful tool for
  measuring the magnetic field in the upper chromosphere, as it is more
  sensitive to weaker magnetic fields than the Zeeman effect, and also
  sensitive to magnetic fields tangled at spatial scales too small to be
  resolved. The Lyman-alpha (121.567 nm) line has been chosen because
  it is a chromospheric/transition-region line, and because the Hanle
  effect polarization of the Lyman-alpha line is predicted to be sensitive
  to 10-250 Gauss, encompassing the range of interest. Hanle effect is
  predicted to be observable as linear polarization or depolarization,
  depending on the geometry, with a fractional polarization amplitude
  varying between 0.1% and 1% depending on the strength and orientation of
  the magnetic field. This quantification of the chromospheric magnetic
  field requires a highly sensitive polarization measurement. The
  CLASP instrument consists of a large aperture (287 mm) Cassegrain
  telescope mated to a polarizing beamsplitter and a matched pair
  of grating spectrographs. The polarizing beamsplitter consists
  of a continuously rotating waveplate and a linear beamsplitter,
  allowing simultaneous measurement of orthogonal polarizations and
  in-flight self-calibration. Development of the instrument is underway,
  and prototypes of all optical components have been tested using a
  synchrotron beamline. The experiment is proposed for flight in 2014.

Title: Magnetic Reconnection in Non-equilibrium Ionization Plasma
Authors: Imada, S.; Murakami, I.; Watanabe, T.; Hara, H.; Shimizu, T.
2011ApJ...742...70I    Altcode: 2011arXiv1108.5026I
  We have studied the effect of time-dependent ionization and
  the recombination processes on magnetic reconnection in the solar
  corona. Petschek-type steady reconnection, in which the magnetic energy
  is mainly converted at the slow-mode shocks, was assumed. We carried out
  the time-dependent ionization calculation in the magnetic reconnection
  structure. We only calculated the transient ionization of iron;
  the other species were assumed to be in ionization equilibrium. The
  intensity of line emissions at specific wavelengths was also calculated
  for comparison with Hinode or other observations in future. We found
  the following: (1) iron is mostly in non-equilibrium ionization in the
  reconnection region; (2) the intensity of line emission estimated by
  the time-dependent ionization calculation is significantly different
  from that determined from the ionization equilibrium assumption;
  (3) the effect of time-dependent ionization is sensitive to the
  electron density in the case where the electron density is less than
  10<SUP>10</SUP> cm<SUP>-3</SUP> (4) the effect of thermal conduction
  lessens the time-dependent ionization effect; and (5) the effect of
  radiative cooling is negligibly small even if we take into account
  time-dependent ionization.

Title: Plasma Motions and Heating by Magnetic Reconnection in a 2007
    May 19 Flare
Authors: Hara, Hirohisa; Watanabe, Tetsuya; Harra, Louise K.; Culhane,
   J. Leonard; Young, Peter R.
2011ApJ...741..107H    Altcode:
  Based on scanning spectroscopic observations with the Hinode EUV
  imaging spectrometer, we have found a loop-top hot source, a fast
  jet nearby, and an inflow structure flowing to the hot source that
  appeared in the impulsive phase of a long-duration flare at the
  disk center on 2007 May 19. The hot source observed in Fe XXIII and
  Fe XXIV emission lines has the electron temperature of 12 MK and
  density of 1 × 10<SUP>10</SUP> cm<SUP>-3</SUP>. It shows excess
  line broadening, which exceeds the thermal Doppler width by ~100 km
  s<SUP>-1</SUP>, with a weak redshift of ~30 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. We have
  also observed a blueshifted faint jet whose Doppler velocity exceeds
  200 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> with an electron temperature of 9 MK. Coronal
  plasmas with electron temperature of 1.2 MK and density of 2.5 ×
  10<SUP>9</SUP> cm<SUP>-3</SUP> that flow into the loop-top region
  with a Doppler velocity of 20 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> have been identified
  in the Fe XII observation. They disappeared near the hot source,
  possibly by being heated to the hotter faint jet temperature. From
  the geometrical relationships of these phenomena, we conclude that
  they provide evidence for magnetic reconnection that occurs near the
  loop-top region. The estimated reconnection rate is 0.05-0.1, which
  supports the Petschek-type magnetic reconnection. Further supporting
  evidence for the presence of the slow-mode and fast-mode MHD shocks
  in the reconnection geometry is given based on the observed quantities.

Title: Overview of Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha SpectroPolarimeter
Authors: Narukage, Noriyuki; Tsuneta, Saku; Bando, Takamasa; Kano,
   Ryouhei; Kubo, Masahito; Ishikawa, Ryoko; Hara, Hirohisa; Suematsu,
   Yoshinori; Katsukawa, Yukio; Watanabe, Hiroko; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi;
   Sakao, Taro; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Kobayashi, Ken; Robinson, Brian; Kim,
   Tony; Winebarger, Amy; West, Edward; Cirtain, Jonathan; De Pontieu,
   Bart; Casini, Roberto; Trujillo Bueno, Javier; Stepan, Jiri; Manso
   Sainz, Rafael; Belluzzi, Luca; Asensio Ramos, Andres; Carlsson, Mats
2011SPIE.8148E..0HN    Altcode: 2011SPIE.8148E..16N
  The solar chromosphere is an important boundary, through which all of
  the plasma, magnetic fields and energy in the corona and solar wind
  are supplied. Since the Zeeman splitting is typically smaller than
  the Doppler line broadening in the chromosphere and transition region,
  it is not effective to explore weak magnetic fields. However, this is
  not the case for the Hanle effect, when we have an instrument with
  high polarization sensitivity (~ 0.1%). "Chromospheric Lyman- Alpha
  SpectroPolarimeter (CLASP)" is the sounding rocket experiment to detect
  linear polarization produced by the Hanle effect in Lyman-alpha line
  (121.567 nm) and to make the first direct measurement of magnetic
  fields in the upper chromosphere and lower transition region. To
  achieve the high sensitivity of ~ 0.1% within a rocket flight (5
  minutes) in Lyman-alpha line, which is easily absorbed by materials,
  we design the optical system mainly with reflections. The CLASP
  consists of a classical Cassegrain telescope, a polarimeter and a
  spectrometer. The polarimeter consists of a rotating 1/2-wave plate
  and two reflecting polarization analyzers. One of the analyzer also
  works as a polarization beam splitter to give us two orthogonal linear
  polarizations simultaneously. The CLASP is planned to be launched in
  2014 summer.

Title: The SOLAR-C mission: current status
Authors: Shimizu, Toshifumi; Tsuneta, Saku; Hara, Hirohisa; Ichimoto,
   Kiyoshi; Kusano, Kanya; Sakao, Taro; Sekii, Takashi; Suematsu,
   Yoshinori; Watanabe, Tetsuya
2011SPIE.8148E..0BS    Altcode: 2011SPIE.8148E..10S
  Two mission concepts (plan A: out-of-ecliptic mission and plan B:
  high resolution spectroscopic mission) have been studied for the next
  Japanese-led solar mission Solar-C, which will follow the scientific
  success of the Hinode mission. The both mission concepts are concluded
  as equally important and attractive for the promotion of space solar
  physics. In the meantime we also had to make efforts for prioritizing
  the two options, in order to proceed to next stage of requesting the
  launch of Solar-C mission at the earliest opportunity. This paper
  briefly describes the two mission concepts and the current status
  on our efforts for prioritizing the two options. More details are
  also described for the plan B option as the first-priority Solar-C
  mission. The latest report from the Solar-C mission concept studies
  was documented as "Interim Report on the Solar-C Mission Concept."

Title: Intensity Ratio of Density-sensitive Lines in Fe Ions Observed
    with a Well-defined Laboratory Plasma
Authors: Nakamura, Nobuyuki; Watanabe, Etsushi; Sakaue, Hiroyuki A.;
   Kato, Daiji; Murakami, Izumi; Yamamoto, Norimasa; Hara, Hirohisa;
   Watanabe, Tetsuya
2011ApJ...739...17N    Altcode:
  We present spectra of highly charged Fe ions in the extreme ultraviolet
  range observed using an electron beam ion trap equipped with a
  flat-field grazing incidence spectrometer. The density dependence of
  line intensity ratios is investigated for several density-sensitive
  lines of Fe XIII, XIV, and XV. Unlike previous studies where the
  electron density was estimated from theoretical considerations, here
  it is derived from electron beam profile measurements. The experimental
  data are compared with model calculations.

Title: Spectroscopic Observations of Continuous Outflows and
    Propagating Waves from NOAA 10942 with Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging
Authors: Nishizuka, N.; Hara, H.
2011ApJ...737L..43N    Altcode:
  We focused on "sit-and-stare" observations of an outflow region at the
  edge of active region NOAA 10942 on 2007 February 20 obtained by the
  Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer on board Hinode. We analyzed
  the data above the base of the outflow and found both continuous
  outflows and waves, which propagate from the base of the outflow. The
  spectra at the base of the outflow and at higher locations show
  different properties. The line profiles show blue-side asymmetry at the
  base of the outflow where nonthermal broadening becomes large because of
  fast upflows generated by heating events. On the other hand, at higher
  locations line profiles are symmetric and the intensity disturbances
  vary in phase with the velocity disturbances. The correlations
  between the intensity and velocity disturbances become noticeable at
  higher locations, so this indicates evidence of (at least locally)
  upward propagating slow-mode waves along the outflow. We also found a
  transient oscillation of different period in the wavelet spectrum. This
  indicates that a different wave is additionally observed during
  a limited period. High cadence spectroscopic observations revealed
  intermittent signatures of nonthermal velocities. Each of them seems to
  correspond to the base of the propagating disturbances. Furthermore, a
  jet was captured by the sit-and-stare observations across the slit. The
  similarity of line profiles of the outflow and the jet may indicate
  that the flows and waves originate in unresolved explosive events in
  the lower atmosphere of the corona.

Title: A Sounding Rocket Experiment for Spectropolarimetric
    Observations with the Ly<SUB>α</SUB> Line at 121.6 nm (CLASP)
Authors: Ishikawa, R.; Bando, T.; Fujimura, D.; Hara, H.; Kano,
   R.; Kobiki, T.; Narukage, N.; Tsuneta, S.; Ueda, K.; Wantanabe,
   H.; Kobayashi, K.; Trujillo Bueno, J.; Manso Sainz, R.; Stepan, J.;
   de Pontieu, B.; Carlsson, M.; Casini, R.
2011ASPC..437..287I    Altcode:
  A team consisting of Japan, USA, Spain, and Norway is developing a
  high-throughput Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha SpectroPolarimeter (CLASP),
  which is proposed to fly with a NASA sounding rocket in 2014. CLASP will
  explore the magnetism of the upper solar chromosphere and transition
  region via the Hanle effect of the Ly<SUB>α</SUB> line for the first
  time. This experiment requires spectropolarimetric observations with
  high polarimetric sensitivity (∼0.1%) and wavelength resolution
  (0.1 Å). The final spatial resolution (slit width) is being discussed
  taking into account the required high signal-to-noise ratio. We have
  demonstrated the performance of the Ly<SUB>α</SUB> polarimeter by
  extensively using the Ultraviolet Synchrotron ORbital Radiation Facility
  (UVSOR) at the Institute for Molecular Sciences. In this contribution,
  we report these measurements at UVSOR together with the current status
  of the CLASP project.

Title: Coronal-Temperature-Diagnostic Capability of the Hinode/
    X-Ray Telescope Based on Self-Consistent Calibration
Authors: Narukage, N.; Sakao, T.; Kano, R.; Hara, H.; Shimojo, M.;
   Bando, T.; Urayama, F.; DeLuca, E.; Golub, L.; Weber, M.; Grigis,
   P.; Cirtain, J.; Tsuneta, S.
2011SoPh..269..169N    Altcode: 2010arXiv1011.2867N; 2011SoPh..tmp....1N
  The X-Ray Telescope (XRT) onboard the Hinode satellite is an X-ray
  imager that observes the solar corona with unprecedentedly high angular
  resolution (consistent with its 1″ pixel size). XRT has nine X-ray
  analysis filters with different temperature responses. One of the most
  significant scientific features of this telescope is its capability
  of diagnosing coronal temperatures from less than 1 MK to more than
  10 MK, which has never been accomplished before. To make full use
  of this capability, accurate calibration of the coronal temperature
  response of XRT is indispensable and is presented in this article. The
  effect of on-orbit contamination is also taken into account in the
  calibration. On the basis of our calibration results, we review the
  coronal-temperature-diagnostic capability of XRT.

Title: Ionization non-equilibrium plasma during magnetic reconnection
    in solar corona
Authors: Imada, S.; Murakami, I.; Watanabe, T.; Hara, H.; Shimizu, T.
2010AGUFMSH31A1788I    Altcode:
  Hinode can provide us both of the stored magnetic field energy in
  corona before magnetic reconnection and the most part of energy post
  reconnection stage. On the other hand, there is not enough observational
  knowledge of the physical parameters in the reconnection region. The
  inflow into the reconnection region, the temperature of the plasma in
  the reconnection region, and the temperatures and densities of the
  plasma jets predicted by reconnection, have not been quantitatively
  measured in sufficient. EIS on Hinode may provide some answers if
  solar cycle 24 ever produces a solar maximum. But it is important
  to answer why the most observation cannot detect the predicted flow
  or temperature in the reconnection region. One of the reasons why we
  cannot observe inside the magnetic reconnection region is due to its
  darkness. Generally we can see the bright cusp-like structure during
  solar flare, although the reconnection region is faint/blind. One may
  think that the temperature in the reconnection region is enough higher
  than that of cusp-like flare loops. Thus the wavelength of emission
  from reconnection region is different from flare loops. However, this
  is not entirely true. Magnetic reconnection causes rapid heating. Thus
  ionization cannot reach to the equilibrium stage. We have calculated
  the ionization process in the down stream of Petschek type magnetic
  reconnection. From our result, we can clearly see that plasma cannot
  reach the ionization equilibrium in the down stream of slow-mode
  shock. The typical emissions from magnetic reconnection region are
  FeIXX or FeXX, although the plasma temperature is equal to 40MK. The
  typical temperature and density of post flare loops are 10 MK and 10^11
  /cc, and the dominant emissions from post flare loops are from FeIXX
  to FeXXIII. Thus the wavelength of emission from reconnection region
  is not so much different from post flare loops. We will discuss how
  the emissions from reconnection region looks like by using several
  ionization calculations of magnetic reconnection.

Title: The Chromospheric Lyman Alpha SpectroPolarimeter (CLASP)
Authors: Kobayashi, K.; Tsuneta, S.; Trujillo Bueno, J.; Cirtain,
   J. W.; Bando, T.; Kano, R.; Hara, H.; Fujimura, D.; Ueda, K.; Ishikawa,
   R.; Watanabe, H.; Ichimoto, K.; Sakao, T.; de Pontieu, B.; Carlsson,
   M.; Casini, R.
2010AGUFMSH11B1632K    Altcode:
  Magnetic fields in the solar chromosphere play a key role in the
  energy transfer and dynamics of the solar atmosphere. Yet a direct
  observation of the chromospheric magnetic field remains one of the
  greatest challenges in solar physics. While some advances have been
  made for observing the Zeeman effect in strong chromospheric lines,
  the effect is small and difficult to detect outside sunspots. The
  Hanle effect offers a promising alternative; it is sensitive to weaker
  magnetic fields (e.g., 5-500 G for Ly-Alpha), and while its magnitude
  saturates at stronger magnetic fields, the linear polarization signals
  remain sensitive to the magnetic field orientation. The Hanle effect
  is not only limited to off-limb observations. Because the chromosphere
  is illuminated by an anisotropic radiation field, the Ly-Alpha line is
  predicted to show linear polarization for on-disk, near-limb regions,
  and magnetic field is predicted to cause a measurable depolarization. At
  disk center, the Ly-Alpha radiation is predicted to be negligible
  in the absence of magnetic field, and linearly polarized to an order
  of 0.3% in the presence of an inclined magnetic field. The proposed
  CLASP sounding rocket instrument is designed to detect 0.3% linear
  polarization of the Ly-Alpha line at 1.5 arcsecond spatial resolution
  (0.7’’ pixel size) and 10 pm spectral resolution. The instrument
  consists of a 30 cm aperture Cassegrain telescope and a dual-beam
  spectropolarimeter. The telescope employs a “cold mirror’’ design
  that uses multilayer coatings to reflect only the target wavelength
  range into the spectropolarimeter. The polarization analyzer consists of
  a rotating waveplate and a polarizing beamsplitter that comprises MgF2
  plates placed at Brewster’s Angle. Each output beam of the polarizing
  beamsplitter, representing two orthogonal linear polarizations, is
  dispersed and focused using a separate spherical varied-line-space
  grating, and imaged with a separate 512x512 CCD camera. Prototypes
  of key optical components have been fabricated and tested. Instrument
  design is being finalized, and the experiment will be proposed for a
  2014 flight aboard a NASA sounding rocket.

Title: Hinode, STEREO and SOHO obervations of a CME event
Authors: Landi, E.; Raymond, J. C.; Miralles, M. P.; Hara, H.
2010AGUFMSH31D..01L    Altcode:
  Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) are among the most dramatic and violent
  dynamic events occurring in the solar atmosphere, and have significant
  impact on the near-Earth environment. So far, the physical processes
  responsible for their release and acceleration have not been completely
  understood, in part because of the lack of direct measurements of the
  CME plasma phycical parameters and evolution during the CME onset. Here
  we describe the analysis of multiwavelength observations from Hinode,
  SOHO and STEREO of the very early phases of a CME observed during the
  Whole Heliospheric Interval campaign. SECCHI/EUVI, SECCHI/COR1, SOHO/EIT
  and SOHO/LASCO images are used to reconstruct the 3D trajectory,
  velocity and acceleration up to 20 solar radii. Hinode/EIS, Hinode/XRT
  and SOHO/UVCS high resolution EUV spectra and X-ray images are used to
  measure the physical properties and the thermal structure of the core
  of the CME ejecta as a function of time up to 2.0 solar radii. The
  physical properties of the current sheet that formed after the CME
  erupted are also measured as a function of time.

Title: Modeling of EIS Spectrum Drift from Instrumental Temperatures
Authors: Kamio, S.; Hara, H.; Watanabe, T.; Fredvik, T.; Hansteen,
   V. H.
2010SoPh..266..209K    Altcode: 2010SoPh..tmp..137K; 2010arXiv1003.3540K
  An empirical model has been developed to reproduce the drift of the
  spectrum recorded by the EIS on Hinode using instrumental temperatures
  and relative motion of the spacecraft. The EIS spectrum shows an
  artificial drift in wavelength dimension in sync with the revolution of
  the spacecraft, which is caused by temperature variations inside the
  spectrometer. The drift amounts to 70 km s<SUP>−1</SUP> in Doppler
  velocity and introduces difficulties in velocity measurements. An
  artificial neural network is incorporated to establish a relationship
  between the instrumental temperatures and the spectral drift. This
  empirical model reproduces observed spectrum shift with an rms error
  of 4.4 km s<SUP>−1</SUP>. This procedure is robust and applicable to
  any spectrum obtained with EIS, regardless of the observing field. In
  addition, spectral curvatures and spatial offset in the north - south
  direction are determined to compensate for instrumental effects.

Title: Mode Identification of MHD Waves in an Active Region Observed
    with Hinode/EIS
Authors: Kitagawa, N.; Yokoyama, T.; Imada, S.; Hara, H.
2010ApJ...721..744K    Altcode: 2010arXiv1008.1823K
  In order to better understand the possibility of coronal heating
  by MHD waves, we analyze Fe XII 195.12Å data observed with the EUV
  Imaging Spectrometer on board Hinode. We performed a Fourier analysis
  of EUV intensity and Doppler velocity time series data in the active
  region corona. Notable intensity and Doppler velocity oscillations were
  found for two moss regions out of the five studied, while only small
  oscillations were found for five apexes of loops. The amplitudes of the
  oscillations were 0.4%-5.7% for intensity and 0.2-1.2 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>
  for Doppler velocity. In addition, oscillations of only the Doppler
  velocity were seen relatively less often in the data. We compared
  the amplitudes of intensity and those of Doppler velocity in order to
  identify MHD wave modes and calculated the phase delays between Fourier
  components of intensity and those of Doppler velocity. The results
  are interpreted in terms of MHD waves as follows: (1) few kink modes
  or torsional Alfvén mode waves were seen in both moss regions and the
  apexes of loops, (2) upwardly propagating and standing slow mode waves
  were found in moss regions, and (3) consistent with previous studies,
  estimated values of energy flux of the waves were several orders of
  magnitude lower than that required for heating active regions.

Title: On Redshifts and Blueshifts in the Transition Region and Corona
Authors: Hansteen, V. H.; Hara, H.; De Pontieu, B.; Carlsson, M.
2010ApJ...718.1070H    Altcode: 2010arXiv1001.4769H
  Emission lines formed in the transition region (TR) of the Sun have long
  been known to show pervasive redshifts. Despite a variety of proposed
  explanations, these TR downflows (and the slight upflows in the low
  corona) remain poorly understood. We present results from comprehensive
  three-dimensional MHD models that span the upper convection zone up to
  the corona, 15 Mm above the photosphere. The TR and coronal heating
  in these models is caused by the stressing of the magnetic field by
  photospheric and convection "zone dynamics," but also in some models by
  the injection of emerging magnetic flux. We show that rapid, episodic
  heating, at low heights of the upper chromospheric plasma to coronal
  temperatures naturally produces downflows in TR lines, and slight
  upflows in low coronal lines, with similar amplitudes to those observed
  with EUV/UV spectrographs. We find that TR redshifts naturally arise
  in episodically heated models where the average volumetric heating
  scale height lies between that of the chromospheric pressure scale
  height of 200 km and the coronal scale height of 50 Mm.

Title: Production of High-temperature Plasmas During the Early Phases
    of a C9.7 Flare
Authors: Watanabe, Tetsuya; Hara, Hirohisa; Sterling, Alphonse C.;
   Harra, Louise K.
2010ApJ...719..213W    Altcode:
  Explosive chromospheric evaporation is predicted from some current
  solar flare models. In this paper, we analyze a flare with high time
  cadence raster scans with the EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) on board
  the Hinode spacecraft. This observation covers an area of 240” ×
  240”, with the 1” slit in about 160 s. The early phases of a C9.7
  flare that occurred on 2007 June 6 were well observed. The purpose of
  our analysis is to study for the first time the spatially resolved
  spectra of high-temperature plasma, especially from Fe XXIII and Fe
  XXIV, allowing us to explore the explosive chromospheric evaporation
  scenario further. Sections of raster images obtained between 17:20:09
  and 17:20:29 (UT) show a few bright patches of emission from Fe
  XXIII/Fe XXIV lines at the footpoints of the flaring loops; these
  footpoints were not clearly seen in the images taken earlier, between
  17:17:30 and 17:17:49 (UT). Fe XXIII spectra at these footpoints show
  dominating blueshifted components of -(300 to 400) km s<SUP>-1</SUP>,
  while Fe XV/XIV lines are nearly stationary; Fe XII lines and/or
  lower temperature lines show slightly redshifted features, and Fe
  VIII and Si VII to He II lines show ~+50 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> redshifted
  components. The density of the 1.5-2 MK plasma at these footpoints is
  estimated to be 3 × 10<SUP>10</SUP> cm<SUP>-3</SUP> by the Fe XIII/XIV
  line pairs around the maximum of the flare. High-temperature loops
  connecting the footpoints appear in the Fe XXIII/XXIV images taken over
  17:22:49-17:23:08 (UT) which is near the flare peak. Line profiles of
  these high-temperature lines at this flare peak time show only slowly
  moving components. The concurrent cooler Fe XVII line at 254.8 Å is
  relatively weak, indicating the predominance of high-temperature plasma
  (&gt;10<SUP>7</SUP> K) in these loops. The characteristics observed
  during the early phases of this flare are consistent with the scenario
  of explosive chromospheric evaporation.

Title: Physical Conditions in a CME from Hinode, STEREO, and SOHO
Authors: Landi, E.; Raymond, J. C.; Miralles, M. P.; Hara, H.
2010ASPC..428..201L    Altcode:
  In the present work we analyze multiwavelength observations from
  Hinode, SOHO, and STEREO of the early phases of a CME. We use EIS,
  UVCS, and XRT to measure the physical properties of the CME ejecta as
  a function of time at 1.1 and 1.9 R<SUB>sun</SUB>. EUVI, COR 1, EIT,
  and LASCO images are used to measure the CME trajectory, velocity, and
  acceleration in 3D up to 5 R<SUB>sun</SUB>. The diagnostic results are
  used to determine the energy budget of the CME plasma and the heating
  rate, and to compare it to theoretical predictions.

Title: Response of the Solar Atmosphere to the Emergence of
    `Serpentine' Magnetic Field
Authors: Harra, L. K.; Magara, T.; Hara, H.; Tsuneta, S.; Okamoto,
   T. J.; Wallace, A. J.
2010SoPh..263..105H    Altcode:
  Active region magnetic flux that emerges to the photosphere from
  below will show complexity in the structure, with many small-scale
  fragmented features appearing in between the main bipole and then
  disappearing. Some fragments seen will be absorbed into the main
  polarities and others seem to cancel with opposite magnetic field. In
  this paper we investigate the response of the corona to the behaviour
  of these small fragments and whether energy through reconnection
  will be transported into the corona. In order to investigate this we
  analyse data from the Hinode space mission during flux emergence on
  1 - 2 December 2006. At the initial stages of flux emergence several
  small-scale enhancements (of only a few pixels size) are seen in the
  coronal line widths and diffuse coronal emission exists. The magnetic
  flux emerges as a fragmented structure, and coronal loops appear
  above these structures or close to them. These loops are large-scale
  structures - most small-scale features predominantly stay within the
  chromosphere or at the edges of the flux emergence. The most distinctive
  feature in the Doppler velocity is a strong ring of coronal outflows
  around the edge of the emerging flux region on the eastern side which
  is either due to reconnection or compression of the structure. This
  feature lasts for many hours and is seen in many wavelengths. We
  discuss the implications of this feature in terms of the onset of
  persistent outflows from an active region that could contribute to
  the slow solar wind.

Title: Physical Conditions in a Coronal Mass Ejection from Hinode,
    Stereo, and SOHO Observations
Authors: Landi, E.; Raymond, J. C.; Miralles, M. P.; Hara, H.
2010ApJ...711...75L    Altcode:
  In the present work, we analyze multiwavelength observations from
  Hinode, Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), and STEREO of the
  early phases of a coronal mass ejection (CME). We use Hinode/EIS
  and SOHO/UVCS high-resolution spectra to measure the physical
  properties of the CME ejecta as a function of time at 1.1 and 1.9
  solar radii. Hinode/XRT images are used in combination with EIS
  spectra to constrain the high temperature plasma properties of the
  ejecta. SECCHI/EUVI, SECCHI/COR 1, SOHO/EIT, and SOHO/LASCO images are
  used to measure the CME trajectory, velocity, and acceleration. The
  combination of measurements of plane of the sky velocities from two
  different directions allows us to determine the total velocity of the
  CME plasma up to 5 solar radii. Plasma properties, dynamical status,
  thermal structure, and brightness distributions are used to constrain
  the energy content of the CME plasma and to determine the heating
  rate. We find that the heating is larger than the kinetic energy,
  and compare it to theoretical predictions from models of CME plasma
  heating and acceleration.

Title: On red-shifts in the transition region and corona .
Authors: Hansteen, V. H.; Hara, H.; de Pontieu, B.; Carlsson, M.
2010MmSAI..81..729H    Altcode:
  We present evidence that transition region red-shifts are naturally
  produced in episodically heated models where the average volumetric
  heating scale height lies between that of the chromospheric
  pressure scale height of 200 km and the coronal scale height of
  50 Mm. In order to do so we present results from 3d MHD models
  spanning the upper convection zone up to the corona, 15 Mm above the
  photosphere. Transition region and coronal heating in these models
  is due both the stressing of the magnetic field by photospheric and
  convection `zone dynamics, but also in some models by the injection
  of emerging magnetic flux.

Title: Flows in active regions revealed from Hinode EIS Observations
Authors: Hara, Hirohisa
2010cosp...38.2930H    Altcode: 2010cosp.meet.2930H
  Hinode EUV imaging spectrometer (EIS) has revealed the presence of
  high-velocity upflow components of nearly coronal sound speed near
  footpoints of coronal loops in quiescent active regions. The upflow
  is detected as an enhancement with low emission at the blue wing of
  the emission-line profile. The low-emission component suggests the
  presence of spatially unresolved upflows and smallness of each heating
  volume. Such fast flows are not observed in the high corona in general,
  and are expected when the heat input to the loop system is concentrated
  at the footpoints of coronal loops. We will discuss the implications
  for coronal heating mechanisms from the EIS observations and other
  observable such as photospheric magnetic fields.

Title: Plasma Heating and Velocity Fields nearby Magnetic Reconnection
    Site Revealed from an EUV Emission-line Spectroscopy
Authors: Hara, Hirohisa
2010cosp...38.2958H    Altcode: 2010cosp.meet.2958H
  We report observational properties in the impulsive phase of a long
  duration flare on 2007 May 19 from spectroscopic observations with the
  Hinode EUV imaging spectrometer (EIS) with supplemental observations
  of Hinode SOT XRT, TRACE, and RHESSI. We have found an isolated
  hot source showing a largely enhanced nonthermal line broadening, a
  fast jet nearby, and an inflow structure to the hot source. Magnetic
  reconnection occurring above the loop-top region of the flare loop
  can account for these observations.

Title: Characteristics of the Nonthermal Velocity Signature Observed
    in the Impulsive Phase of the 2007 May 19 Flare
Authors: Hara, H.; Watanabe, T.; Bone, L. A.; Culhane, J. L.; van
   Driel-Gesztelyi, L.; Young, P. R.
2009ASPC..415..459H    Altcode:
  The Hinode EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) observed a long duration
  flare with a weak impulsive phase that appears to conform to the
  standard two-ribbon flare reconnection model. EIS scanned the flare
  site during the impulsive phase and observed Fe XXIII and Fe XXIV line
  emission that closely followed the flare hard X-ray emission while the
  line profiles showed significant non-thermal broadening. We suggest
  that a shock originating at the reconnection site which sweeps up and
  heats the coronal plasma can account for our observations.

Title: Coronal Plasma Motions in Active Region Loops Observed with
    Hinode EIS
Authors: Hara, H.
2009ASPC..415..252H    Altcode:
  The Hinode EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) has revealed the presence
  of high-velocity upflow components of nearly coronal sound speed
  near the footpoints of active region loops in a quiescent active
  region. The upflow is detected as subsonic line shifts with enhanced
  line broadenings when the emission line fitting by a Gaussian function
  is applied to the line-profile analysis for hot coronal emission lines,
  and it contributes to the line broadening because of the multiple
  components within the EIS spatial resolution, suggesting the presence of
  spatially unresolved upflows and the smallness of each heating volume.

Title: Ion Temperature and Non-Thermal Velocity in a Solar Active
Region: Using Emission Lines of Different Atomic Species
Authors: Imada, S.; Hara, H.; Watanabe, T.
2009ApJ...705L.208I    Altcode:
  We have studied the characteristics of the ion thermal temperature
  and non-thermal velocity in an active region observed by the EUV
  Imaging Spectrometer onboard Hinode. We used two emission lines of
  different atomic species (Fe XVI 262.98 Å and S XIII 256.69 Å) to
  distinguish the ion thermal velocity from the observed full width at
  half-maximum. We assumed that the sources of the two emission lines
  are the same thermal temperature. We also assumed that they have the
  same non-thermal velocity. With these assumptions, we could obtain
  the ion thermal temperature, after noting that M <SUB>sulfur</SUB> ~
  0.6M <SUB>iron</SUB>. We have carried out the ion thermal temperature
  analysis in the active region where the photon counts are sufficient
  (&gt;4500). What we found is as follows: (1) the common ion thermal
  temperatures obtained by Fe XVI and S XIII are ~2.5 MK, (2) the typical
  non-thermal velocities are ~13 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, (3) the highest
  non-thermal velocities (&gt;20 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>) are preferentially
  observed between the bright points in Fe XVI, while (4) the hottest
  material (&gt;3 MK) is observed relatively inside the bright points
  compared with the highest non-thermal velocity region.

Title: Distribution of jets and magnetic fields in a coronal hole
Authors: Kamio, S.; Hara, H.; Watanabe, T.; Curdt, W.
2009A&A...502..345K    Altcode:
  Context: Recent observations of ubiquitous jets in coronal holes suggest
  that they play an important role in coronal heating and solar wind
  acceleration. <BR />Aims: The aim of our study is to understand the
  magnetic connectivity and the formation of jets in coronal holes. The
  study of jets also helps to understand the magnetic field configuration
  in the coronal hole. <BR />Methods: A coordinated observation between
  EIS and SUMER was carried out in a polar coronal hole to investigate
  both the transition region and the corona. Spectropolarimeter (SP)
  data allowed us to examine the relationship between the distribution
  of jets and magnetic fields in the photosphere. <BR />Results: Coronal
  jets as well as explosive events and cool upflows were identified from
  EIS and SUMER data. The location of these events are correlated with
  network fields in the photosphere. <BR />Conclusions: Footpoints of
  coronal jets are connected to patches of vertical kG fields in the
  photosphere, which are thought to anchor open fields in the upper
  corona. Explosive events and cool upflows occur in network regions
  which harbor low-lying fields in the transition region.

Title: Differential Rotation Rate of X-ray Bright Points and Source
    Region of their Magnetic Fields
Authors: Hara, Hirohisa
2009ApJ...697..980H    Altcode:
  The differential rotation rate of the solar corona has statistically
  been estimated from the motion of X-ray bright points (XBPs) that
  were observed with the Yohkoh soft X-ray telescope and the source
  region of magnetic fields is discussed from the evaluated rotation
  rate. The rotation rate of a pair of XBPs in a given latitude band is
  calculated from the position of an XBP in an X-ray image and that of
  an arbitrary-chosen XBP in a different X-ray image obtained with a
  time lag Δt. We have made the histogram of rotation rate from such
  samples in each latitude band for many X-ray images, and it shows a
  symmetric distribution that is well fitted by a Voigt function, not
  a Gaussian function, with a background. The modal rates at various
  longitudes in a given latitude band become the same value when a
  height is adopted as a characteristic height of XBPs, and we define
  the modal value against latitude as the differential rotation rate
  of XBPs in the present study. The differential rotation rate shows
  a similar trend as that of photospheric magnetic fields evaluated
  from the local correlation technique. We find that the differential
  rotation rate changes with a parameter Δt that is associated with the
  lifetime of XBPs, and that it becomes smaller in height for shorter
  Δt with the lower end that approaches to the rotation rate determined
  from the photospheric Doppler measurements. This trend suggests that
  magnetic fields associated with XBPs with a short lifetime are rooted
  just below the surface of the Sun at the top of the convection zone,
  and that they have a different origin from active regions.

Title: The SOLAR-C Mission
Authors: Hara, Hirohisa; JAXA SOLAR-C Working Group
2009SPD....40.1802H    Altcode:
  The JAXA SOLAR-C Working Group is planning the next solar observing
  satellite SOLAR-C that follows Hinode (SOLAR-B) in orbit. Two plans,
  Plan-A and Plan-B, are concurrently examined. Plan-A is a plan by a
  spacecraft that is in an out-of-ecliptic interplanetary orbit to observe
  the polar regions of the Sun. In the Plan-A mission, the solar dynamo
  and the dynamics of the solar interior by helioseismic and magnetic
  field observations from an unprecedented vantage point are the central
  topics. Plan-B is a plan by a spacecraft in a sun-synchronous low-earth
  orbit or a geostationary orbit. It is a high-spatial resolution
  mission by largely enhanced spectroscopic and spectro-polarimetric
  observations. With these new capabilities, the fundamental physical
  processes in the heating and the dynamics of solar atmosphere are
  explored in the Plan-B. The SOLAR-C Science Definition Meeting was
  held with the participation of foreign scientists under the support
  of JAXA and ESA last November, and the mission is highly anticipated
  by the solar physicists over the world. The SOLAR-C working group
  wishes to realize the launch of spacecraft slightly after the middle
  of the 2010's.

Title: Physical Properties of Cooling Plasma in Quiescent Active
    Region Loops
Authors: Landi, E.; Miralles, M. P.; Curdt, W.; Hara, H.
2009ApJ...695..221L    Altcode:
  In the present work, we use SOHO/SUMER, SOHO/UVCS, SOHO/EIT, SOHO/LASCO,
  STEREO/EUVI, and Hinode/EIS coordinated observations of an active
  region (AR 10989) at the west limb taken on 2008 April 8 to study the
  cooling of coronal loops. The cooling plasma is identified using the
  intensities of SUMER spectral lines emitted at temperatures in the
  4.15 &lt;= log T &lt;= 5.45 range. EIS and SUMER spectral observations
  are used to measure the physical properties of the loops. We found that
  before cooling took place these loops were filled with coronal hole-like
  plasma, with temperatures in the 5.6 &lt;= log T &lt;= 5.9 range. SUMER
  spectra also allowed us to determine the plasma temperature, density,
  emission measure, element abundances, and dynamic status during the
  cooling process. The ability of EUVI to observe the emitting region
  from a different direction allowed us to measure the volume of the
  emitting region and estimate its emission measure. Comparison with
  values measured from line intensities provided us with an estimate
  of the filling factor. UVCS observations of the coronal emission
  above the active region showed no streamer structure associated with
  AR 10989 at position angles between 242°and 253fdg EIT, LASCO, and
  EUVI-A narrowband images and UVCS spectral observations were used to
  discriminate between different scenarios and monitor the behavior
  of the active region in time. The present study provides the first
  detailed measurements of the physical properties of cooling loops,
  a very important benchmark for theoretical models of loop cooling
  and condensation.

Title: Fe XIII Density Diagnostics in the EIS Observing Wavelengths
Authors: Watanabe, T.; Hara, H.; Yamamoto, N.; Kato, D.; Sakaue,
   H. A.; Murakami, I.; Kato, T.; Nakamura, N.; Young, P. R.
2009ApJ...692.1294W    Altcode:
  The diagnostic capability of Fe XIII line features seen in the
  170-210 Å waveband of the EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) on Hinode
  is investigated, with emphasis on density diagnostics applied to
  solar active regions. Four diagnostic line pairs are found to yield
  consistent densities ranging from 10<SUP>8.5</SUP> to 10<SUP>9.5</SUP>
  cm<SUP>-3</SUP> across an active region using a new theoretical model
  of the ion. In separate EIS observations of a small flare, the widely
  used line pair, Fe XIII λ203.8/λ202.0, is found to reach the high
  density limit predicted by a new theoretical model of the iron ion.

Title: High-precision density measurements in the solar
    corona. I. Analysis methods and results for Fe XII and Fe XIII
Authors: Young, P. R.; Watanabe, T.; Hara, H.; Mariska, J. T.
2009A&A...495..587Y    Altcode: 2008arXiv0805.0958Y
  Aims: The EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) instrument on board the Hinode
  satellite has access to some of the best coronal density diagnostics,
  and the high sensitivity of the instrument now allows electron number
  density, N_e, measurements to an unprecedented precision of up to
  ±5% in active regions. This paper gives a thorough overview of data
  analysis issues for the best diagnostics of Fe XII and Fe XIII and
  assesses the accuracy of the measurements. <BR />Methods: Two density
  diagnostics each from Fe XII (λ186.88/λ195.12 and λ196.64/λ195.12)
  and Fe XIII (λ196.54/λ202.04 and λ203.82/λ202.04) are analysed in
  two active region datasets from 2007 May 3 and 6 that yield densities
  in the range 8.5≤ log (N_e/cm<SUP>-3</SUP>)≤ 11.0. The densities
  are derived using v5.2 of the CHIANTI atomic database. Blending,
  line fitting, and instrumental issues are discussed, and line fit
  parameters presented. <BR />Results: The Fe XII and Fe XIII diagnostics
  show broadly the same trend in density across the active region,
  consistent with their similar temperatures of formation. However,
  the high precision of the EIS measurements demonstrates significant
  discrepancies of up to 0.5 dex in derived log N<SUB>e</SUB> values, with
  Fe XII always giving higher densities than Fe XIII. The discrepancies
  may partly be due to real physical differences between the emitting
  regions of the two plasmas, but the dominant factor lies in the
  atomic models of the two ions. Two specific problems are identified
  for Fe XII λ196.64 and Fe XIII λ203.82: the former is found to
  be underestimated in strength by the CHIANTI atomic model, while
  the high-density limit of the λ203.82/λ202.04 ratio appears to be
  inaccurate in the CHIANTI atomic model. The small grating tilt of the
  EIS instrument is found to be very significant when deriving densities
  from emission lines separated by more than a few angstroms. Revised
  wavelengths of 196.518± 0.003 Å and 196.647± 0.003 Å are suggested
  for the Fe XIII λ196.54 and Fe XII λ196.64 lines, respectively.

Title: Coronal Nonthermal Velocity Following Helicity Injection
    Before an X-Class Flare
Authors: Harra, L. K.; Williams, D. R.; Wallace, A. J.; Magara, T.;
   Hara, H.; Tsuneta, S.; Sterling, A. C.; Doschek, G. A.
2009ApJ...691L..99H    Altcode:
  We explore the "pre-flare" behavior of the corona in a three-day
  period building up to an X-class flare on 2006 December 13 by analyzing
  EUV spectral profiles from the Hinode EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS)
  instrument. We found an increase in the coronal spectral line widths,
  beginning after the time of saturation of the injected helicity as
  measured by Magara &amp; Tsuneta. In addition, this increase in line
  widths (indicating nonthermal motions) starts before any eruptive
  activity occurs. The Hinode EIS has the sensitivity to measure changes
  in the buildup to a flare many hours before the flare begins.

Title: EIS/ Hinode Observations of Doppler Flow Seen through the
    40-Arcsec Wide-Slit
Authors: Innes, D. E.; Attie, R.; Hara, H.; Madjarska, M. S.
2008SoPh..252..283I    Altcode: 2008SoPh..tmp..174I; 2008arXiv0807.1185I
  The Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) onboard Hinode
  is the first solar telescope to obtain wide-slit spectral images
  that can be used for detecting Doppler flows in transition region
  and coronal lines on the Sun and to relate them to their surrounding
  small-scale dynamics. We select EIS lines covering the temperature
  range 6×10<SUP>4</SUP> to 2×10<SUP>6</SUP> K that give spectrally
  pure images of the Sun with the 40-arcsec slit. In these images Doppler
  shifts are seen as horizontal brightenings. Inside the image it is
  difficult to distinguish shifts from horizontal structures but emission
  beyond the image edge can be unambiguously identified as a line shift
  in several lines separated from others on their blue or red side by
  more than the width of the spectrometer slit (40 pixels). In the blue
  wing of He II, we find a large number of events with properties (size
  and lifetime) similar to the well-studied explosive events seen in
  the ultraviolet spectral range. Comparison with X-Ray Telescope (XRT)
  images shows many Doppler shift events at the footpoints of small X-ray
  loops. The most spectacular event observed showed a strong blue shift
  in the transition region and lower corona lines from a small X-ray
  spot that lasted less than 7 min. The emission appears to be near
  a cool coronal loop connecting an X-ray bright point to an adjacent
  region of quiet Sun. The width of the emission implies a line-of-sight
  velocity of 220 km s<SUP>−1</SUP>. In addition, we show an example
  of an Fe XV shift with a velocity of about 120 km s<SUP>−1</SUP>,
  coming from what looks like a narrow loop leg connecting a small X-ray
  brightening to a larger region of X-ray emission.

Title: Flows and Nonthermal Velocities in Solar Active Regions
Observed with the EUV Imaging Spectrometer on Hinode: A Tracer of
    Active Region Sources of Heliospheric Magnetic Fields?
Authors: Doschek, G. A.; Warren, H. P.; Mariska, J. T.; Muglach, K.;
   Culhane, J. L.; Hara, H.; Watanabe, T.
2008ApJ...686.1362D    Altcode: 2008arXiv0807.2860D
  From Doppler velocity maps of active regions constructed from spectra
  obtained by the EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) on the Hinode spacecraft
  we observe large areas of outflow (20-50 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>) that can
  persist for at least a day. These outflows occur in areas of active
  regions that are faint in coronal spectral lines formed at typical
  quiet-Sun and active region temperatures. The outflows are positively
  correlated with nonthermal velocities in coronal plasmas. The bulk
  mass motions and nonthermal velocities are derived from spectral line
  centroids and line widths, mostly from a strong line of Fe XII at
  195.12 Å. The electron temperature of the outflow regions estimated
  from an Fe XIII to Fe XII line intensity ratio is about (1.2-1.4) ×
  10<SUP>6</SUP> K. The electron density of the outflow regions derived
  from a density-sensitive intensity ratio of Fe XII lines is rather low
  for an active region. Most regions average around 7 × 10<SUP>8</SUP>
  cm<SUP>-3</SUP>, but there are variations on pixel spatial scales
  of about a factor of 4. We discuss results in detail for two active
  regions observed by EIS. Images of active regions in line intensity,
  line width, and line centroid are obtained by rastering the regions. We
  also discuss data from the active regions obtained from other orbiting
  spacecraft that support the conclusions obtained from analysis of the
  EIS spectra. The locations of the flows in the active regions with
  respect to the longitudinal photospheric magnetic fields suggest that
  these regions might be tracers of long loops and/or open magnetic
  fields that extend into the heliosphere, and thus the flows could
  possibly contribute significantly to the solar wind.

Title: Overview of EIS Performance
Authors: Hara, H.
2008ASPC..397...11H    Altcode:
  The Hinode EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) is a high-sensitivity
  spectrometer to observe the solar transition region and corona in two
  extreme-ultraviolet wavelength bands of 166-211 and 245-291 Å. Hinode
  was successfully launched on 2006 Sep 23 06:36 JST and EIS has produced
  high-quality EUV spectra since the First Light Operation on 2006 Oct
  28. We report the on-orbit EIS performance after the launch in this
  short paper.

Title: Velocity Structure of Bright Points in a Coronal Hole
Authors: Kamio, S.; Hara, H.; Watanabe, T.; Curdt, W.
2008ASPC..397...35K    Altcode:
  We present the velocity structure of bright points in the corona
  and in the transition region. This is one of the first results from
  the coordinated observation with Hinode/EIS and SOHO/SUMER in April
  2007. Bright points in the corona are associated with bright patches in
  the transition region network. The result suggests coronal bright points
  are rooted in the magnetic field concentration of the network. No clear
  connection is found between velocities in the corona and the transition
  region, but observing time difference between EIS and SUMER could be
  the cause of the dissociation.

Title: Coronal Plasma Motions Revealed from Spectroscopic Observations
    with Hinode EIS
Authors: Hara, Hirohisa
2008AstHe.101..497H    Altcode:
  The author tries to understand why the solar corona is heated to a
  temperature of 10<SUP>6</SUP>K, in other words, how the energy of
  photospheric granular motions is transferred via magnetic fields
  and dissipated at the coronal height from observations with three
  telescopes on the Hinode spacecraft. An initial result from Hinode
  EUV spectroscopic observations on the motions of coronal plasmas near
  footpoints of coronal loops is briefly introduced.

Title: Strongly Blueshifted Phenomena Observed with Hinode EIS in
    the 2006 December 13 Solar Flare
Authors: Asai, Ayumi; Hara, Hirohisa; Watanabe, Tetsuya; Imada,
   Shinsuke; Sakao, Taro; Narukage, Noriyuki; Culhane, J. L.; Doschek,
   G. A.
2008ApJ...685..622A    Altcode: 2008arXiv0805.4468A
  We present a detailed examination of strongly blueshifted emission
  lines observed with the EUV Imaging Spectrometer on board the Hinode
  satellite. We found two kinds of blueshifted phenomenon associated
  with the X3.4 flare that occurred on 2006 December 13. One was related
  to a plasmoid ejection seen in soft X-rays. It was very bright in all
  the lines used for the observations. The other was associated with the
  faint arc-shaped ejection seen in soft X-rays. The soft X-ray ejection
  is thought to be a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) fast-mode shock wave. This
  is therefore the first spectroscopic observation of an MHD fast-mode
  shock wave associated with a flare.

Title: Long Duration Flare Observed with Hinode EIS
Authors: Culhane, J. L.; Hara, H.; Watanabe, T.; Matsuzaki, K.; Harra,
   L. K.; Cargill, P.; Mariska, J. T.; Doschek, G. A.
2008ASPC..397..121C    Altcode:
  The first Long Duration Event (LDE) observed with Hinode EIS using
  a high spectral resolution raster scan is described. The hot plasma
  features include a cusp-shaped arcade associated with a thermal RHESSI
  source, cooling post-flare loops, complex plasma flows and an EIT
  observation that shows expanding loops and inflows characteristic of
  the standard magnetic reconnection model for solar flares. A Coronal
  Mass Ejection (CME) is also seen by LASCO. The cusp is well observed
  in the Ca XVII line and we find enhanced line broadening above this
  region. Doppler velocity observations for the post-flare loops show both
  up-flows and down-flows that are interpreted as due to siphon flows.

Title: Long Duration Thermal Hard X-ray Sources Observed in Two
    Eruptive Flares
Authors: Bone, L. A.; Culhane, J. L.; van Driel-Gesztelyi, L.; Hara, H.
2008ASPC..397..160B    Altcode:
  We present observations of two eruptive flares on 17 of December
  2006 (C1.9) and 19 of May 2007 (B9.7) which had good coverage with
  both Hinode and RHESSI. In these flares we see a long lived, gradual
  thermal hard X-ray source of low emission measure and, relative to
  the loops observed with GOES and XRT, high temperature. The lack of a
  non-thermal hard X-ray component and impulsive behaviour is inconsistent
  with electron beam driven chromospheric evaporation.

Title: Doppler Shifts in the Boundary of the Dimming Region
Authors: Imada, S.; Hara, H.; Watanabe, T.; Asai, A.; Kamio, S.;
   Matsuzaki, K.; Harra, L. K.; Mariska, J. T.
2008ASPC..397..102I    Altcode:
  We present Hinode/EIS raster scan observations of the GOES X3.2
  flare that occurred on 2006 December 13. There was a small transient
  coronal hole which was located 200 arcsec east of the flare arcade. The
  transient coronal hole was strongly affected by the X-class flare, and
  the strong upflows were observed in Fe XV line 284.2 Å (log{T/{K}}
  = 6.3) at the boundary of dimming region. In this paper, we discuss
  how to obtain the velocity map by correcting the instrumental effects.

Title: Vertical Temperature Structures of the Solar Corona Derived
    with the Hinode X-Ray Telescope
Authors: Kano, Ryouhei; Sakao, Taro; Narukage, Noriyuki; Tsuneta,
   Saku; Kotoku, Jun'ichi; Bando, Takamasa; Deluca, Edward; Lundquist,
   Loraine; Golub, Leon; Hara, Hirohisa; Matsuzaki, Keiichi; Shimojo,
   Masumi; Shibasaki, Kiyoto; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Nakatani, Ichiro
2008PASJ...60..827K    Altcode:
  We obtained temperature structures in faint coronal features
  above and near the solar limb with the X-Ray Telescope aboard the
  Hinode satellite by accurately correcting the scattered X-rays
  from surrounding bright regions with occulted images during
  the solar eclipses. Our analysis yields a polar coronal hole
  temperature of about 1.0MK and an emission measure in the range of
  10<SUP>25.5</SUP>-10<SUP>26.0</SUP>cm<SUP>-5</SUP>. In addition,
  our methods allow us to measure the temperature and emission
  measure of two distinct quiet-Sun structures: radial (plume-like)
  structures near the boundary of the coronal-hole and diffuse quiet
  Sun regions at mid-latitudes. The radial structures appear to have
  increasing temperature with height during the first 100Mm, and
  constant temperatures above 100Mm. For the diffuse quiet-Sun region
  the temperatures are the highest just above the limb, and appear
  to decrease with height. These differences may be due to different
  magnetic configurations.

Title: Wavelengths and Intensities of Spectral Lines in the 171-211
    and 245-291 Å Ranges from Five Solar Regions Recorded by the
    Extreme-Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) on Hinode
Authors: Brown, C. M.; Feldman, U.; Seely, J. F.; Korendyke, C. M.;
   Hara, H.
2008ApJS..176..511B    Altcode:
  We present spectral line wavelengths, identifications, and intensities
  in the 171-211 and 245-291 Å ranges from five solar plasma regions
  recorded by the Extreme-Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS)
  on Hinode. The recorded data were emitted from a quiet region,
  two active areas on the solar disk, a limb region, and a region
  20” above the limb. The line list contains 500 lines of which 55%
  were identified with previously known transitions. Although the EIS
  spectral coverage is limited to two ranges approximately 40 Å wide,
  the identified lines belong to a total of 56 ions from 15 elements.

Title: Non-Gaussian Line Profiles in a Large Solar Flare Observed
    on 2006 December 13
Authors: Imada, S.; Hara, H.; Watanabe, T.; Asai, A.; Minoshima, T.;
   Harra, L. K.; Mariska, J. T.
2008ApJ...679L.155I    Altcode:
  We have studied the characteristics of the non-Gaussian line profile
  of the Fe XIV 274.20 Å line in and around a flare arcade. We found
  that broad non-Gaussian line profiles associated with redshifts
  are observed in the flare arcade. There were two typical types
  of broad line profiles. One was a distorted line profile caused by
  multiple flows, and the other was a symmetric line profile without any
  additional component. We successfully distinguished those two types
  using higher order statistical moments or M—the additional component
  contribution—defined in this Letter. The distorted/symmetric broad
  line profiles were preferentially observed in new/old flare loops,

Title: The Hinode X-Ray Telescope (XRT): Camera Design, Performance
    and Operations
Authors: Kano, R.; Sakao, T.; Hara, H.; Tsuneta, S.; Matsuzaki, K.;
   Kumagai, K.; Shimojo, M.; Minesugi, K.; Shibasaki, K.; DeLuca, E. E.;
   Golub, L.; Bookbinder, J.; Caldwell, D.; Cheimets, P.; Cirtain, J.;
   Dennis, E.; Kent, T.; Weber, M.
2008SoPh..249..263K    Altcode:
  The X-ray Telescope (XRT) aboard the Hinode satellite is a grazing
  incidence X-ray imager equipped with a 2048×2048 CCD. The XRT has
  1 arcsec pixels with a wide field of view of 34×34 arcmin. It is
  sensitive to plasmas with a wide temperature range from &lt; 1 to 30
  MK, allowing us to obtain TRACE-like low-temperature images as well as
  Yohkoh/SXT-like high-temperature images. The spacecraft Mission Data
  Processor (MDP) controls the XRT through sequence tables with versatile
  autonomous functions such as exposure control, region-of-interest
  tracking, flare detection, and flare location identification. Data are
  compressed either with DPCM or JPEG, depending on the purpose. This
  results in higher cadence and/or wider field of view for a given
  telemetry bandwidth. With a focus adjust mechanism, a higher resolution
  of Gaussian focus may be available on-axis. This paper follows the
  first instrument paper for the XRT (Golub et al., Solar Phys.243, 63,
  2007) and discusses the design and measured performance of the X-ray
  CCD camera for the XRT and its control system with the MDP.

Title: The Solar Optical Telescope of Solar-B ( Hinode): The Optical
    Telescope Assembly
Authors: Suematsu, Y.; Tsuneta, S.; Ichimoto, K.; Shimizu, T.; Otsubo,
   M.; Katsukawa, Y.; Nakagiri, M.; Noguchi, M.; Tamura, T.; Kato, Y.;
   Hara, H.; Kubo, M.; Mikami, I.; Saito, H.; Matsushita, T.; Kawaguchi,
   N.; Nakaoji, T.; Nagae, K.; Shimada, S.; Takeyama, N.; Yamamuro, T.
2008SoPh..249..197S    Altcode: 2008SoPh..tmp...26S
  The Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) aboard the Solar-B satellite (Hinode)
  is designed to perform high-precision photometric and polarimetric
  observations of the Sun in visible light spectra (388 - 668 nm)
  with a spatial resolution of 0.2 - 0.3 arcsec. The SOT consists of
  two optically separable components: the Optical Telescope Assembly
  (OTA), consisting of a 50-cm aperture Gregorian with a collimating lens
  unit and an active tip-tilt mirror, and an accompanying Focal Plane
  Package (FPP), housing two filtergraphs and a spectro-polarimeter. The
  optomechanical and optothermal performance of the OTA is crucial to
  attain unprecedented high-quality solar observations. We describe in
  detail the instrument design and expected stable diffraction-limited
  on-orbit performance of the OTA, the largest state-of-the-art solar
  telescope yet flown in space.

Title: Coronal Plasma Motions near Footpoints of Active Region Loops
    Revealed from Spectroscopic Observations with Hinode EIS
Authors: Hara, Hirohisa; Watanabe, Tetsuya; Harra, Louise K.; Culhane,
   J. Leonard; Young, Peter R.; Mariska, John T.; Doschek, George A.
2008ApJ...678L..67H    Altcode:
  The solar active region 10938 has been observed from the disk center
  to the west limb with the Hinode EUV Imaging Spectrometer. In the
  disk-center observation, subsonic upflow motions of tens of km
  s<SUP>-1</SUP> and enhanced nonthermal velocities have been found
  near the footpoints of the active region loops assuming a single
  Gaussian approximation for the emission-line profiles. When the same
  part of the active region is observed near the limb, both upflows
  and enhanced nonthermal velocities essentially decrease. There
  is a strong correlation between Doppler velocity and nonthermal
  velocity. Significant deviations from a single Gaussian profile are
  found in the blue wing of the line profiles for the upflows. These
  suggest that there are unresolved high-speed upflows. We discuss the
  implications for coronal heating mechanisms.

Title: Outflows at the Edges of Active Regions: Contribution to
    Solar Wind Formation?
Authors: Harra, L. K.; Sakao, T.; Mandrini, C. H.; Hara, H.; Imada,
   S.; Young, P. R.; van Driel-Gesztelyi, L.; Baker, D.
2008ApJ...676L.147H    Altcode:
  The formation of the slow solar wind has been debated for many years. In
  this Letter we show evidence of persistent outflow at the edges of
  an active region as measured by the EUV Imaging Spectrometer on board
  Hinode. The Doppler velocity ranged between 20 and 50 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>
  and was consistent with a steady flow seen in the X-Ray Telescope. The
  latter showed steady, pulsing outflowing material and some transverse
  motions of the loops. We analyze the magnetic field around the active
  region and produce a coronal magnetic field model. We determine from
  the latter that the outflow speeds adjusted for line-of-sight effects
  can reach over 100 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. We can interpret this outflow as
  expansion of loops that lie over the active region, which may either
  reconnect with neighboring large-scale loops or are likely to open to
  the interplanetary space. This material constitutes at least part of
  the slow solar wind.

Title: Observation and Modeling of Coronal "Moss" With the EUV
    Imaging Spectrometer on Hinode
Authors: Warren, Harry P.; Winebarger, Amy R.; Mariska, John T.;
   Doschek, George A.; Hara, Hirohisa
2008ApJ...677.1395W    Altcode: 2007arXiv0709.0396W
  Observations of transition region emission in solar active regions
  represent a powerful tool for determining the properties of hot coronal
  loops. We present the analysis of new observations of active region
  moss taken with the Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS)
  on the Hinode satellite. EIS observations of a density sensitive Fe
  XII line ratio suggest moss densities of approximately 10<SUP>10</SUP>
  cm<SUP>-3</SUP> and pressures of 3 × 10<SUP>16</SUP> cm<SUP>-3</SUP>
  K. We find that the moss intensities predicted by steady, uniformly
  heated loop models are too intense relative to the observations,
  consistent with previous work. To bring the steady heating model into
  agreement with the observations a filling factor is required. Our
  analysis indicates that the filling factor in the moss is nonuniform
  and varies inversely with the loop pressure. The intensities predicted
  by steady uniform heating are generally consistent with the EIS moss
  observations. There are, however, significant discrepancies for the
  coolest emission line available in the data we analyze.

Title: 2006 December 17 Long Duration Flare Observed with the Hinode
    EUV Imaging Spectrometer
Authors: Hara, Hirohisa; Watanabe, Tetsuya; Matsuzaki, Keiichi; Harra,
   Louise K.; Culhane, J. Leonard; Cargill, Peter; Mariska, John T.;
   Doschek, George A.
2008PASJ...60..275H    Altcode:
  A GOES C-class long-duration flare that occurred near the west limb on
  2006 December 17 was observed with the Hinode EUV Imaging Spectrometer
  (EIS) in raster-scan observations. Cusp-shaped arcades are prominent in
  the spectroheliogram of the CaXVII emission line at 192.86Å. Spatial
  relationships between hot flare loops with a cusp apex and cool post
  flare loops with various temperatures are clearly shown in the EIS
  observations. We find an enhanced line broadening above the bright
  loop-top region in the CaXVII observation. The Doppler observations of
  cooling post flare loops with coronal temperatures show both downflows
  and upflows along the loops, and these are interpreted as a part of
  siphon flows. Enhanced nonthermal line broadenings are identified at
  the top of the post flare loops.

Title: Erratum: "Outflows at the Edges of Active Regions: Contribution
    to Solar Wind Formation?" (ApJ, 676, L147 [2008])
Authors: Harra, L. K.; Sakao, T.; Mandrini, C. H.; Hara, H.; Imada,
   S.; Young, P. R.; van Driel-Gesztelyi, L.; Baker, D.
2008ApJ...677L.159H    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: An active region jet observed with Hinode
Authors: Chifor, C.; Young, P. R.; Isobe, H.; Mason, H. E.; Tripathi,
   D.; Hara, H.; Yokoyama, T.
2008A&A...481L..57C    Altcode:
  Aims:We study the physical properties of an active region (AR) jet in
  order to probe the mechanisms responsible for it. <BR />Methods: We
  report 2007 January 15/16 observations of a recurring jet situated on
  the west side of NOAA AR 10938. Multi-wavelength data from all three
  instruments onboard Hinode were analysed. This paper focuses on one
  instance of a jet observed with the Hinode/EUV Imaging Spectrometer
  (EIS). Using EIS raster data we measured the temperatures, Doppler
  shifts, density, and filling factor. <BR />Results: A strong
  blue-shifted component and an indication of a weak red-shifted
  component at the base of the jet was observed around Log T<SUB>e</SUB>
  = 6.2. The up-flow velocities exceeded 150 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. The
  jet component was seen over a range of temperatures between 5.4 and
  6.4 in Log T_e. Using Fe XII λ186 and λ195 line ratios, we measured
  densities above Log N<SUB>e</SUB> = 11 for the high-velocity up-flow
  component. We found that the density of the high-velocity up-flow
  increases with velocity. We estimate the filling factor in the jet
  up-flow to be &lt;0.03. With the Hinode/Solar Optical Telescope (SOT),
  we observed recurrent (quasi periodic) magnetic flux cancelations just
  before the recurrent jet emission was seen in images taken with the
  X-ray Telescope (XRT). <BR />Conclusions: The high-velocity up-flows,
  together with the density dependence on velocity, support an evaporation
  scenario for the acceleration of this jet. The high density and small
  filling factor, coupled with the high Doppler velocities are strongly
  suggestive of multiple small-scale magnetic reconnection events being
  responsible for the production of both EUV and X-ray jets.

Title: Characteristics of Anemone Active Regions Appearing in Coronal
    Holes Observed with the Yohkoh Soft X-Ray Telescope
Authors: Asai, Ayumi; Shibata, Kazunari; Hara, Hirohisa; Nitta,
   Nariaki V.
2008ApJ...673.1188A    Altcode: 2008arXiv0805.4474A
  Coronal structure of active regions appearing in coronal holes is
  studied, using data that were obtained with the Soft X-Ray Telescope
  (SXT) aboard Yohkoh between 1991 November and 1993 March. The following
  characteristics are found. Many of the active regions (ARs) appearing
  in coronal holes show a structure that looks like a sea anemone. Such
  active regions are called anemone ARs. About one-fourth of all active
  regions that were observed with SXT from their births showed the
  anemone structure. For almost all the anemone ARs, the order of the
  magnetic polarities is consistent with the Hale-Nicholson polarity
  law. These anemone ARs also showed, to a greater or lesser extent,
  an east-west asymmetry in the X-ray intensity distribution, such that
  the following (eastern) part of the AR was brighter than its preceding
  (western) part. This, as well as the anemone shape itself, is consistent
  with the magnetic polarity distribution around the anemone ARs. These
  observations also suggest that an active region appearing in coronal
  holes has a simpler (less sheared) and more preceding-spot-dominant
  magnetic structure than those appearing in other regions.

Title: Hinode: A New Solar Observatory in Space
Authors: Hara, Hirohisa
2008PFR.....2S1008H    Altcode:
  The third Japanese solar observing satellite, SOLAR-B, was launched on
  2006 Sep 23 from the Uchinoura Space Center of JAXA and it was named
  “Hinode” (sunrise). Hinode carries three major telescopes: Solar
  Optical Telescope (SOT), X-Ray Telescope (XRT), and Extreme-ultraviolet
  Imaging Spectrometer (EIS). These telescopes have been built in an
  international collaboration of Japan, US, and UK for understanding the
  formation mechanism of the solar corona, mechanism of dynamic events
  such as solar flares and coronal mass ejection, and general magnetic
  activities on the sun. All telescopes have started their commissioning
  activities after the successful launch of the spacecraft. The
  performance of the spacecraft that supports the diffraction-limited
  SOT observations and the first-light observation of each telescope
  are briefly introduced.

Title: Molecular Contamination Assessments on
    &lt;i&gt;Hinode&lt;/i&gt; X-Ray Telescope
Authors: Urayama, Fumitaka; Bando, Takamasa; Kano, Ryouhei; Hara,
   Hirohisa; Narukage, Noriyuki; Sakao, Taro
2008JSASS..56..536U    Altcode:
  The &lt;i&gt;Hinode&lt;/i&gt; (Solar-B) was launched by M-V rocket on 22
  September 2006 UT. The telemetry data of the &lt;i&gt;Hinode&lt;/i&gt;
  X-ray Telescope (XRT) showed that the X-ray count rate detected with
  the XRT had decreased rapidly since the operational heaters on the
  XRT telescope tube were turned on. This is attributed to the fact that
  molecular contaminants accumulated onto the CCD with the temperature
  of -60ºC resulting in the degradation of the XRT sensitivity. We baked
  the CCD at the temperature of 35ºC in order to remove the contaminants
  from the CCD surface. However many contaminant spots appeared on the
  surface. We found that major contaminant source existed in the telescope
  tube, and identified the contaminants as diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP)
  or DEHP-like organics. The mechanisms to yield the contaminant spots
  were discussed.

Title: The relation between explosive events and photospheric
    magnetic fields
Authors: Kamio, Suguru; Hara, Hirohisa; Watanabe, Tetsuya
2008cosp...37.1434K    Altcode: 2008cosp.meet.1434K
  The relationship between explosive events and photospheric magnetic
  fields in a quiet region is studied by high resolution data obtained
  with EIS and SOT on board Hinode. Data from quiet regions near the disk
  center were selected and reduced in this paper. He II λ 256.32 (log Te
  = 4.7) and other emission lines from the transition region were analyzed
  to find a signature of explosive events. Many line-broadening features
  are found in the transition region, while they are not found in the
  coronal emission lines such as Fe XII λ 195.12. Spectropolarimeter (SP)
  allowed us to study photospheric magnetic fields with unprecedentedly
  high resolution. In addition, the evolution of magnetic fields was
  captured by Narrowband filter imager (NFI). The result indicates that
  explosive events occurred around magnetic field patches in the network.

Title: Flare and Erupting Filament of 19th May, 2007 - Sources of
    a Magnetic Cloud Observed by Stereo
Authors: Culhane, J. Leonard; Bone, Laura; Hara, Hirohisa; Farrugia,
   Charles; Galvin, Antoinette; van Driel-Gesztelyi, Lidia; Popecki,
   Mark; Luhmann, Janet G.; Veronig, Astrid
2008cosp...37..609C    Altcode: 2008cosp.meet..609C
  A GOES Class B9.5 flare was observed on the Sun starting 19-May-2007
  at 12:51 UT. Data obtained by the Hinode, TRACE, RHESSI, STEREO and
  SOHO spacecraft will be discussed. The evolution and eventual eruption
  of a related Halpha filament were monitored by patrol observations at
  Kanzelhoehe. These observations and associated detection of EUV-emitting
  filament material will also be presented. The flare energetics and
  the possible role of the flare in the filament eruption will be
  examined. Finally the relationship of the magnetic configuration
  of the solar eruption along with the temperature and composition of
  erupting material will be assessed in relation to the properties of
  a magnetic cloud later detected by STEREO in-situ instruments near
  Earth on 22-May-2007.

Title: FeXIII density diagnostics for solar coronal and flare plasmas
Authors: Watanabe, Tetsuya; Hara, Hirohisa; Yamamoto, Norimasa; Kato,
   Takako; Young, Peter R.
2008cosp...37.3434W    Altcode: 2008cosp.meet.3434W
  Density sensitive FeXIII line ratios were obtained by EUV Imaging
  Spectrometer (EUV) on Hinode for quiet-sun, active region, and
  flare plasmas. Consistency of density estimates derived from various
  density-sensitive line pairs appearing in the EIS observing wavelengths
  will be discussed in comparison with theoretical models. The intensity
  ratios of FeXIIIλ203.8A/202.0A in flaring active region show its
  high-density limit, suggesting that densities at the foot points
  of flaring looops exceed 1012 cm-3 , though the value itself is not
  exactly consistent with the laboratory data.

Title: Coronal Plasma Motions near Footpoints of Active Region Loops
    Revealed from Spectroscopic Observations with {it Hinode} EIS
Authors: Hara, Hirohisa; Watanabe, Tetsuya; Harra, Louise K.; Culhane,
   J. Leonard; Young, Peter R.; Doschek, G. A.; Mariska, John
2008cosp...37.1175H    Altcode: 2008cosp.meet.1175H
  We have observed the solar active region 10938 from the disk center
  to the west limb with the Hinode EUV Imaging Spectrometer. In the
  disk center observation subsonic upflow motions of tens of km s-1 and
  enhanced nonthermal velocities have been found near the footpoints of
  the active-region loops assuming a single Gaussian approximation for
  the emission-line profiles. When the same part of the active region
  is observed near the limb, both upflows and enhanced nonthermal
  velocities essentially decrease, clearly showing that the enhanced
  nonthermal velocities in the disk center observation are mainly due to
  line-of-sight motions, which are likely parallel to magnetic field lines
  of the coronal loops. There is a strong correlation between Doppler
  velocity and nonthermal velocity in the upflow regions. The enhancement
  in the blue wing of the line profiles is found for the upflows as a
  significant deviation from a single Gaussian profile. These suggest
  that there are unresolved high-speed upflows near the footpoints of
  active region loops. We discuss the implications for coronal heating

Title: Differential Rotation Rate of the Solar Corona Estimated From
    X-Ray Bright Points
Authors: Hara, Hirohisa
2008cosp...37.1174H    Altcode: 2008cosp.meet.1174H
  The differential rotation rate of the solar corona has statistically
  been estimated from the motion of X-ray bright points (XBPs) that were
  observed with the Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT). The statistical
  height of XBP is estimated to be 10,000±2,000 km from the constraint
  in which the same rotation rate has to be expected in different
  longitudes. The differential rotation rate of the corona is finally
  derived by considering the height. The estimated rotation rate shows
  a similar trend for that of the photospheric magnetic fields that
  are evaluated from the local correlation technique. We find that the
  rotation rate on the equator changes with a parameter ∆t in the data
  analysis that is associated with the lifetime of XBP and that it becomes
  slower for shorter ∆t. This trend suggests that the magnetic fields
  associated with XBPs with a short lifetime are rooted very shallow
  part of the subsurface in the convection zone.

Title: Structures in flaring loops seen in FeXXIII 263.76A line
Authors: Watanabe, T.; Doschek, G. A.; Harra, L. K.; Hara, H.
2007AGUFMSH52C..03W    Altcode:
  EIS observed the highest temperature lines of FeXXIII263.76A,
  FeXXIV192.10A, 255.10A in the EIS observing wavelengths during a C4.2
  flare occurred on 16-Jan-07, as well as an FeXVII line at 254.83A. The
  raster scan of the flaring area took place during 2:36 - 2:41 UT nearly
  at the maximum phase of the flare. Comparing a monochromatic FeXXIII
  raster image with the other high spatial resolution images taken by the
  instruments on board the Hinode and those by Nobeyama Radio Heliograph,
  electron precipitation cites are indentified. Foot points with fast
  chromospheric evaporation are compact at the size of a few arcseconds,
  and the turbulence still remain around the top of flaring loops. Down
  flows are also seen in the lower temperature lines just outside the
  flaring loops.

Title: Continuous Plasma Outflows from the Edge of a Solar Active
    Region as a Possible Source of Solar Wind
Authors: Sakao, Taro; Kano, Ryouhei; Narukage, Noriyuki; Kotoku,
   Jun'ichi; Bando, Takamasa; DeLuca, Edward E.; Lundquist, Loraine L.;
   Tsuneta, Saku; Harra, Louise K.; Katsukawa, Yukio; Kubo, Masahito;
   Hara, Hirohisa; Matsuzaki, Keiichi; Shimojo, Masumi; Bookbinder, Jay
   A.; Golub, Leon; Korreck, Kelly E.; Su, Yingna; Shibasaki, Kiyoto;
   Shimizu, Toshifumi; Nakatani, Ichiro
2007Sci...318.1585S    Altcode:
  The Sun continuously expels a huge amount of ionized material into
  interplanetary space as the solar wind. Despite its influence on the
  heliospheric environment, the origin of the solar wind has yet to
  be well identified. In this paper, we report Hinode X-ray Telescope
  observations of a solar active region. At the edge of the active region,
  located adjacent to a coronal hole, a pattern of continuous outflow of
  soft-x-ray emitting plasmas was identified emanating along apparently
  open magnetic field lines and into the upper corona. Estimates of
  temperature and density for the outflowing plasmas suggest a mass
  loss rate that amounts to ~1/4 of the total mass loss rate of the
  solar wind. These outflows may be indicative of one of the solar wind
  sources at the Sun.

Title: Study of Two Long Duration Eruptive Flares with the Hinode
    and RHESSI Spacecraft
Authors: Culhane, J. L.; Bone, L.; Williams, D. R.; Brooks, D. H.;
   Vandriel-Gesztelyi, L.; Hara, H.; Veronig, A.
2007AGUFMSH52C..05C    Altcode:
  Two eruptive flares that occurred on 17 December 2006 and 19 May
  2007 were observed by the instruments on the Hinode and RHESSI
  spacecraft. Both share some of the characteristics of the well known
  event observed with Yohkoh in February, 1992 (Tsuneta et al., 1992)
  in that they seem largely thermal in character and exhibit many of
  the features of the standard Carmichael, Hirayama, Sturrock, Kopp,
  Pneuman (CHSKP) flare model. However for these events, much additional
  (e.g. SOHO) data is available including the observation of an associated
  erupting filament on 19th May that was seen at the Kanzelhoehe Solar
  Observatory. In this talk the role of the outflow termination shock
  in heating the flare plasma will be re-examined. In particular the
  presence of plasma over a wide temperature range in the flare cusps
  and the possibility of non-thermal effects following the shock heating,
  will be assessed. The behaviour of the erupting filament material will
  also be discussed.

Title: Solar Transition Region Features Observed with Hinode/EIS
Authors: Young, Peter R.; Del Zanna, Giulio; Mason, Helen E.; Doschek,
   George A.; Culhane, Len; Hara, Hirohisa
2007PASJ...59S.727Y    Altcode: 2007arXiv0706.1856Y
  Two types of solar active region feature prominent at transition region
  temperatures are identified in Hinode/EIS data of AR 10938 taken on
  2007 January 20. The footpoints of 1 MK TRACE loops are shown to emit
  strongly in emission lines formed at log T = 5.4-5.8, allowing the
  temperature increase along the footpoints to be clearly seen. A density
  diagnostic of Mg VII yields the density in the footpoints, with one
  loop showing a decrease from 3 × 10<SUP>9</SUP> cm<SUP>-3</SUP> at the
  base to 1.5 × 10<SUP>9</SUP> cm<SUP>-3</SUP> at a projected height
  of 20 Mm. The second feature is a compact active region transition
  region brightening which is particularly intense in O V emission
  (log T = 5.4) but also has a signature at temperatures up to log T =
  6.3. The Mg VII diagnostic gives a density of 4 × 10<SUP>10</SUP>
  cm<SUP>-3</SUP>, and emission lines of Mg VI and Mg VII show line
  profiles broadened by 50kms<SUP>-1</SUP> and wings extending beyond
  ± 200kms<SUP>-1</SUP>. Continuum emission in the short wavelength
  band is also found to be enhanced, and is suggested to be free-bound
  emission from recombination onto He<SUP>+</SUP>.

Title: Hot and Cool Loops Composing the Corona of the Quiet Sun
Authors: Matsuzaki, Keiichi; Hara, Hirohisa; Watanabe, Tetsuya; Dere,
   Kenneth P.; Brown, Charles M.; Culhane, Len
2007PASJ...59S.683M    Altcode:
  We performed a raster scan observation of the quiet Sun with the EUV
  Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) aboard Hinode and simultaneously analyzed
  observed emission lines of Fe VIII to XV. From a combined analysis,
  radiance maps from the observed emission lines were deconvolved into
  plasma components at five representative temperatures between 0.40MK and
  2.63MK. While the lowest temperature component shows network structures
  on spatial scales of between 10" and 20", the higher temperature
  components show thread-like patterns on larger scales. A comparison of
  emission measures at the different temperatures suggests that the lowest
  temperature component is mainly composed of bodies of small loops,
  rather than a collection of foot points of the higher temperature
  loops. The difference in morphologies is interpreted as being due to
  different magnetic field configurations, loops within super-granule
  cells and fields extending beyond the boundaries of super-granule cells,
  with distinct peak temperatures following a loop scaling law.

Title: Temperature and Density Structures of Solar Corona, A Test
    of Iron Line Diagnostic Capability of EIS Instrument on Board Hinode
Authors: Watanabe, Tetsuya; Hara, Hirohisa; Culhane, Len; Harra,
   Louise K.; Doschek, George A.; Mariska, John T.; Young, Peter R.
2007PASJ...59S.669W    Altcode:
  Increased diagnostic capability of the EUV Imaging Spectrometer
  (EIS) aboard Hinode (former Solar-B) has been demonstrated with
  a set of iron emission lines emerging in the two EIS observing
  wavelength bands (170-210Å and 250-290Å) and their line-intensity
  ratios. “Abundance-uncertainty” free relative emission measure
  distributions as a function of temperature were deduced using only iron
  emission lines of various ionization stages. First-light spectra of a
  small active region show iron lines ranging from FeVIII (185.2Å and
  186.6Å) through FeXVII (204.7Å, 254.9Å, and 269.4Å). Spectra of a
  C-class flare confirms the presence of one of these higher temperature
  lines (FeXVII at 254.9Å) more clearly, as well showing FeXXIV (192.0Å
  and 255.1Å) and FeXXIII (263.8Å), which are normally only seen at
  flare temperatures.

Title: Observations of Transient Active Region Heating with Hinode
Authors: Warren, Harry P.; Ugarte-Urra, Ignacio; Brooks, David H.;
   Cirtain, Jonathan W.; Williams, David R.; Hara, Hirohisa
2007PASJ...59S.675W    Altcode: 2007arXiv0711.0357W
  We present observations of transient active region heating events
  observed with the Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) and
  X-ray Telescope (XRT) on Hinode. This initial investigation focuses
  on NOAA active region 10940 as observed by Hinode on 2007 February 1
  between 12 and 19UT. In these observations we find numerous examples
  of transient heating events within the active region. The high spatial
  resolution and broad temperature coverage of these instruments allows
  us to track the evolution of coronal plasma. The evolution of the
  emission observed with XRT and EIS during these events is generally
  consistent with loops that have been heated and are cooling. We have
  analyzed the most energetic heating event observed during this period,
  a small GOES B-class flare, in some detail and present some of the
  spectral signatures of the event, such as relative Doppler shifts at
  one of the loop footpoints and enhanced line widths during the rise
  phase of the event. While the analysis of these transient events has
  the potential to yield insights into the coronal heating mechanism,
  these observations do not rule out the possibility that there is a
  strong steady heating level in the active region. Detailed statistical
  analysis will be required to address this question definitively.

Title: On Connecting the Dynamics of the Chromosphere and Transition
    Region with Hinode SOT and EIS
Authors: Hansteen, Viggo H.; de Pontieu, Bart; Carlsson, Mats;
   McIntosh, Scott; Watanabe, Tetsuya; Warren, Harry P.; Harra, Louise K.;
   Hara, Hirohisa; Tarbell, Theodore D.; Shine, Dick; Title, Alan M.;
   Schrijver, Carolus J.; Tsuneta, Saku; Katsukawa, Yukio; Ichimoto,
   Kiyoshi; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Shimizu, Toshifumi
2007PASJ...59S.699H    Altcode: 2007arXiv0711.0487H
  We use coordinated Hinode SOT/EIS observations that include
  high-resolution magnetograms, chromospheric, and transition region
  (TR) imaging, and TR/coronal spectra in a first test to study how
  the dynamics of the TR are driven by the highly dynamic photospheric
  magnetic fields and the ubiquitous chromospheric waves. Initial
  analysis shows that these connections are quite subtle and require a
  combination of techniques including magnetic field extrapolations,
  frequency-filtered time-series, and comparisons with synthetic
  chromospheric and TR images from advanced 3D numerical simulations. As a
  first result, we find signatures of magnetic flux emergence as well as
  3 and 5mHz wave power above regions of enhanced photospheric magnetic
  field in both chromospheric, transition region, and coronal emission.

Title: EUV Emission Lines and Diagnostics Observed with Hinode/EIS
Authors: Young, Peter R.; Del Zanna, Giulio; Mason, Helen E.; Dere,
   Ken P.; Landi, Enrico; Landini, Massimo; Doschek, George A.; Brown,
   Charles M.; Culhane, Len; Harra, Louise K.; Watanabe, Tetsuya; Hara,
2007PASJ...59S.857Y    Altcode: 2007arXiv0706.1857Y
  Quiet Sun and active region spectra from the Hinode/EIS instrument are
  presented, and the strongest lines from different temperature regions
  discussed. A list of emission lines recommended to be included in EIS
  observation studies is presented based on analysis of blending and
  diagnostic potential using the CHIANTI atomic database. In addition
  we identify the most useful density diagnostics from the ions covered
  by EIS.

Title: Hinode EUV Imaging Spectrometer Observations of Solar Active
    Region Dynamics
Authors: Mariska, John T.; Warren, Harry P.; Ugarte-Urra, Ignacio;
   Brooks, David H.; Williams, David R.; Hara, Hirohisa
2007PASJ...59S.713M    Altcode: 2007arXiv0708.4309M
  The EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) on the Hinode satellite is capable of
  measuring emission line center positions for Gaussian line profiles to a
  fraction of a spectral pixel, resulting in relative solar Doppler-shift
  measurements with an accuracy of a less than a km s<SUP>-1</SUP> for
  strong lines. We show an example of the application of that capability
  to an active region sit-and-stare observation in which the EIS slit
  is placed at one location on the Sun and many exposures are taken
  while the spacecraft tracking keeps the same solar location within
  the slit. For the active region examined (NOAA10930), we find that
  significant intensity and Doppler-shift fluctuations as a function of
  time are present at a number of locations. These fluctuations appear
  to be similar to those observed in high-temperature emission lines
  with other space-borne spectroscopic instruments. With its increased
  sensitivity over earlier spectrometers and its ability to image many
  emission lines simultaneously, EIS should provide significant new
  constraints on Doppler-shift oscillations in the corona.

Title: Velocity Structure of Jets in a Coronal Hole
Authors: Kamio, Suguru; Hara, Hirohisa; Watanabe, Tetsuya; Matsuzaki,
   Keiichi; Shibata, Kazunari; Culhane, Len; Warren, Harry P.
2007PASJ...59S.757K    Altcode: 2007arXiv0711.2848K
  The velocity structures of jets in a coronal hole have been derived
  for the first time. Hinode observations revealed the existence
  of many bright points in coronal holes. They are loop-shaped and
  sometimes associated with coronal jets. Spectra obtained with the
  Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer aboard Hinode were analyzed
  to infer the Doppler velocity of bright loops and jets in a coronal
  hole of the north polar region. Elongated jets above bright loops are
  found to be blue-shifted by 30kms<SUP>-1</SUP> at maximum, while foot
  points of bright loops are red-shifted. Blue-shifts detected in coronal
  jets are interpreted as being upflows produced by magnetic reconnection
  between emerging flux and the ambient field in the coronal hole.

Title: Discovery of a Temperature-Dependent Upflow in the Plage
    Region During a Gradual Phase of the X-Class Flare
Authors: Imada, Shinsuke; Hara, Hirohisa; Watanabe, Tetsuya; Kamio,
   Suguru; Asai, Ayumi; Matsuzaki, Keiichi; Harra, Louise K.; Mariska,
   John T.
2007PASJ...59S.793I    Altcode:
  We present Hinode/EIS raster scan observations of the plage region
  taken during the gradual phase of the GOES X3.2 flare that occurred on
  2006 December 13. The plage region is located 200" east of the flare
  arcade. The plage region has a small transient coronal hole. The
  transient coronal hole is strongly affected by an X-class flare,
  and upflows are observed at its boundary. Multi-wavelength spectral
  observations allow us to determine velocities from the Doppler shifts
  at different temperatures. Strong upflows along with stationary plasma
  have been observed in the FeXV line 284.2Å (log T / K = 6.3) in the
  plage region. The strong upflows reach almost 150kms<SUP>-1</SUP>, which
  was estimated by a two-component Gaussian fitting. On the other hand,
  at a lower corona/transition region temperature (HeII, 256.3Å, log T /
  K = 4.9), very weak upflows, almost stationary, have been observed. We
  find that these upflow velocities clearly depend on the temperature
  with the hottest line, FeXV, showing the fastest upflow velocity and the
  second-highest line, FeXIV, showing the second-highest upflow velocity
  (130kms<SUP>-1</SUP>). All velocities are below the sound speed. The
  trend of the upflow dependence on temperature dramatically changes
  at 1MK. These results suggest that heating may have an important role
  for strong upflow.

Title: Coronal Dimming Observed with Hinode: Outflows Related to a
    Coronal Mass Ejection
Authors: Harra, Louise K.; Hara, Hirohisa; Imada, Shinsuke; Young,
   Peter R.; Williams, David R.; Sterling, Alphonse C.; Korendyke,
   Clarence; Attrill, Gemma D. R.
2007PASJ...59S.801H    Altcode:
  Coronal dimming has been a signature used to determine the source
  of plasma that forms part of a coronal mass ejection (CME) for many
  years. Generally dimming is detected through imaging instruments such
  as SOHO EIT by taking difference images. Hinode tracked active region
  10930 from which there were a series of flares. We combined dimming
  observations from EIT with Hinode data to show the impact of flares
  and coronal mass ejections on the region surrounding the flaring
  active region, and we discuss evidence that the eruption resulted in
  a prolonged steady outflow of material from the corona. The dimming
  region shows clear structure with extended loops whose footpoints are
  the source of the strongest outflow (≈ 40 kms<SUP>-1</SUP>). This
  confirms that the loops that are disrupted during the event do lose
  plasma and hence are likely to form part of the CME. This is the
  first time the velocity of the coronal plasma has been measured in an
  extended dimming region away from the flare core. In addition there
  was a weaker steady outflow from extended, faint loops outside the
  active region before the eruption, which is also long lasting. These
  were disturbed and the velocity increased following the flare. Such
  outflows could be the source of the slow solar wind.

Title: Wavelength Determination for Solar Features Observed by the
    EUV Imaging Spectrometer on Hinode
Authors: Brown, Charles M.; Hara, Hirohisa; Kamio, Suguru; Feldman,
   Uri; Seely, John F.; Doschek, George A.; Mariska, John T.; Korendyke,
   Clarence M.; Lang, James; Dere, Kenneth P.; Culhane, Len; Thomas,
   Roger J.; Davila, Joseph M.
2007PASJ...59S.865B    Altcode:
  A wavelength calibration of solar lines observed by the high
  resolution EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) on the Hinode satellite
  is reported. Spectral features of the quiet sun and of two mildly
  active areas were measured and calibrated. A listing of the stronger
  observed lines with identification of the leading contributor ions
  is presented. 41 lines are reported, with 90% identified. Wavelength
  precisions (2σ) of ±0.0031Å for the EIS short band and ±0.0029Å
  for the EIS long band are obtained. These lines, typical of 1-2
  ×10<SUP>6</SUP> K plasmas, are recommended as standards for the
  establishment of EIS wavelength scales. The temperature of EIS varies
  by about 1D.5 C around the orbit and also with spacecraft pointing. The
  correlation of these temperature changes with wavelength versus pixel
  number scale changes is reported.

Title: Nonthermal Velocities in Solar Active Regions Observed with
    the Extreme-Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer on Hinode
Authors: Doschek, G. A.; Mariska, J. T.; Warren, H. P.; Brown, C. M.;
   Culhane, J. L.; Hara, H.; Watanabe, T.; Young, P. R.; Mason, H. E.
2007ApJ...667L.109D    Altcode:
  We discuss nonthermal velocities in an active region as revealed
  by the Extreme-Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) on the Hinode
  spacecraft. The velocities are derived from spectral line profiles in
  the extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) from a strong line of Fe XII at 195.12 Å
  by fitting each line profile to a Gaussian function. We compare maps
  of the full width at half-maximum values, the Fe XII spectral line
  intensity, the Fe XII Doppler shift, the electron temperature, and
  electron density. We find that the largest widths in the active region
  do not occur in the most intense regions, but seem to concentrate in
  less intense regions, some of which are directly adjacent to coronal
  loops, and some of which concentrate in regions which also exhibit
  relative Doppler outflows. The increased widths can also occur over
  extended parts of the active region.

Title: Comparison of solar spectra from the Hinode extreme-ultraviolet
    imaging spectrometer (EIS) to preflight calibrations
Authors: Seely, John; Feldman, Uri; Brown, Charles; Doschek, George;
   Hara, H.
2007SPIE.6688E..0WS    Altcode: 2007SPIE.6688E..29S
  The Extreme-Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) on the Hinode
  satellite records high-resolution solar spectra in the 170-210 Å
  and 246-290 Å wavelength ranges. The EIS optics operate at near
  normal incidence and consist of an off-axis parabolic mirror, a
  toroidal diffraction grating, two CCD detectors, and two thin aluminum
  filters. To increase the normal incidence efficiency, high-reflectance
  multilayer interference coatings were deposited on the mirror and the
  grating. Prior to launch, each of the optical components was calibrated
  using synchrotron radiation, and the spectral and spatial resolution
  of the complete instrument were measured. In this paper, we compare the
  preflight calibrations with the first-light spectra recorded in space.

Title: The EUV Imaging Spectrometer for Hinode
Authors: Culhane, J. L.; Harra, L. K.; James, A. M.; Al-Janabi, K.;
   Bradley, L. J.; Chaudry, R. A.; Rees, K.; Tandy, J. A.; Thomas, P.;
   Whillock, M. C. R.; Winter, B.; Doschek, G. A.; Korendyke, C. M.;
   Brown, C. M.; Myers, S.; Mariska, J.; Seely, J.; Lang, J.; Kent,
   B. J.; Shaughnessy, B. M.; Young, P. R.; Simnett, G. M.; Castelli,
   C. M.; Mahmoud, S.; Mapson-Menard, H.; Probyn, B. J.; Thomas, R. J.;
   Davila, J.; Dere, K.; Windt, D.; Shea, J.; Hagood, R.; Moye, R.; Hara,
   H.; Watanabe, T.; Matsuzaki, K.; Kosugi, T.; Hansteen, V.; Wikstol, Ø.
2007SoPh..243...19C    Altcode:
  The EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) on Hinode will observe solar corona
  and upper transition region emission lines in the wavelength ranges
  170 - 210 Å and 250 - 290 Å. The line centroid positions and profile
  widths will allow plasma velocities and turbulent or non-thermal line
  broadenings to be measured. We will derive local plasma temperatures and
  densities from the line intensities. The spectra will allow accurate
  determination of differential emission measure and element abundances
  within a variety of corona and transition region structures. These
  powerful spectroscopic diagnostics will allow identification
  and characterization of magnetic reconnection and wave propagation
  processes in the upper solar atmosphere. We will also directly study
  the detailed evolution and heating of coronal loops. The EIS instrument
  incorporates a unique two element, normal incidence design. The optics
  are coated with optimized multilayer coatings. We have selected highly
  efficient, backside-illuminated, thinned CCDs. These design features
  result in an instrument that has significantly greater effective area
  than previous orbiting EUV spectrographs with typical active region
  2 - 5 s exposure times in the brightest lines. EIS can scan a field
  of 6×8.5 arc min with spatial and velocity scales of 1 arc sec and
  25 km s<SUP>−1</SUP> per pixel. The instrument design, its absolute
  calibration, and performance are described in detail in this paper. EIS
  will be used along with the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) and the X-ray
  Telescope (XRT) for a wide range of studies of the solar atmosphere.

Title: The Hinode (Solar-B) Mission: An Overview
Authors: Kosugi, T.; Matsuzaki, K.; Sakao, T.; Shimizu, T.; Sone,
   Y.; Tachikawa, S.; Hashimoto, T.; Minesugi, K.; Ohnishi, A.; Yamada,
   T.; Tsuneta, S.; Hara, H.; Ichimoto, K.; Suematsu, Y.; Shimojo, M.;
   Watanabe, T.; Shimada, S.; Davis, J. M.; Hill, L. D.; Owens, J. K.;
   Title, A. M.; Culhane, J. L.; Harra, L. K.; Doschek, G. A.; Golub, L.
2007SoPh..243....3K    Altcode:
  The Hinode satellite (formerly Solar-B) of the Japan Aerospace
  Exploration Agency's Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
  (ISAS/JAXA) was successfully launched in September 2006. As the
  successor to the Yohkoh mission, it aims to understand how magnetic
  energy gets transferred from the photosphere to the upper atmosphere
  and results in explosive energy releases. Hinode is an observatory
  style mission, with all the instruments being designed and built to
  work together to address the science aims. There are three instruments
  onboard: the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT), the EUV Imaging Spectrometer
  (EIS), and the X-Ray Telescope (XRT). This paper provides an overview
  of the mission, detailing the satellite, the scientific payload, and
  operations. It will conclude with discussions on how the international
  science community can participate in the analysis of the mission data.

Title: The X-Ray Telescope (XRT) for the Hinode Mission
Authors: Golub, L.; DeLuca, E.; Austin, G.; Bookbinder, J.; Caldwell,
   D.; Cheimets, P.; Cirtain, J.; Cosmo, M.; Reid, P.; Sette, A.; Weber,
   M.; Sakao, T.; Kano, R.; Shibasaki, K.; Hara, H.; Tsuneta, S.; Kumagai,
   K.; Tamura, T.; Shimojo, M.; McCracken, J.; Carpenter, J.; Haight,
   H.; Siler, R.; Wright, E.; Tucker, J.; Rutledge, H.; Barbera, M.;
   Peres, G.; Varisco, S.
2007SoPh..243...63G    Altcode:
  The X-ray Telescope (XRT) of the Hinode mission provides an
  unprecedented combination of spatial and temporal resolution in solar
  coronal studies. The high sensitivity and broad dynamic range of XRT,
  coupled with the spacecraft's onboard memory capacity and the planned
  downlink capability will permit a broad range of coronal studies over
  an extended period of time, for targets ranging from quiet Sun to
  X-flares. This paper discusses in detail the design, calibration, and
  measured performance of the XRT instrument up to the focal plane. The
  CCD camera and data handling are discussed separately in a companion

Title: Coronal dimming observed with Hinode
Authors: Harra, Louise; Hara, H.; Young, P.; Williams, D.; Sterling,
   A.; Attrill, G.
2007AAS...210.6305H    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39..172H
  Coronal dimming has been a technique used to determine the source
  of plasma that forms part of a coronal mass ejection. Generally
  dimming is detected through imaging instruments such as SOHO EIT by
  taking difference images. In a few cases the SOHO-CDS has been used
  to determine outflowing material, and a decrease in density. Hinode
  tracked active region 10930 from which there were a series of flares. We
  combine dimming observations from EIT with Hinode data to show the
  impact of flares and coronal mass ejections on the region surrounding
  the flaring active region, and we discuss evidence that the eruption
  resulted in a prolonged steady outflow of material from the corona.

Title: EIS/Hinode Look At Active Region Dynamics
Authors: Ugarte-Urra, Ignacio; Warren, H. P.; Brooks, D. H.; Williams,
   D. R.; Cirtain, J. W.; McKenzie, D. E.; Weber, M.; Hara, H.; Harra,
   L. K.
2007AAS...210.9429U    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39..222U
  We present some initial results from the Hinode EUV Imaging Spectrometer
  (EIS) on the heating and cooling of active region loops. The events
  we observe are part of the short term active region evolution within
  the span of 50 hours of sit-and-stare observations. We investigate
  the temporal evolution of the intensity and Doppler shift of spectral
  lines formed at different temperatures. We then determine time lags
  and cooling times at various temperature regimes and discuss the
  results in the context of previous results provided by earlier space
  missions. This effort is considered a first step into the hydrodynamic
  modeling of the loop structures. The morphology of the structures is
  obtained from X-Ray Telescope (XRT) and TRACE images.

Title: A Long-duration Flare Observed With Hinode EIS
Authors: Hara, Hirohisa; Watanabe, T.; Harra, L.; Culhane, L.; Cargill,
   P.; Doschek, G.; Mariska, J.
2007AAS...210.6802H    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39..175H
  Long-duration solar flares generally have a cusp apex at the loop
  top. The cusp shape reflects the topology of magnetic fields near
  the flare-loop top and it is one of the indirect pieces of evidence
  supporting the occurrence of the magnetic reconnection process above
  flare loops. The Hinode EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) observed a
  long-duration flare that occurred on 2006 Dec 17. We present the first
  EIS spectroscopic observation of cusp-shaped flare loops. We also
  report velocity fields around the cusp structures and post-flare loops.

Title: Intercalibration of the X-ray Telescope and the EUV Imaging
    Spectrometer on Hinode
Authors: Golub, Leon; Cirtain, J.; DeLuca, E. E.; Hara, H.; Warren,
   H.; Weber, M.
2007AAS...210.9418G    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39..220G
  The X-Ray Telescope and the Extreme-Ultra Violet Imaging Spectrometer
  on Hinode are designed to measure the emission of excited ions formed
  at temperatures ranging from 10<SUP>4</SUP>-10<SUP>8</SUP> K. The
  temperature overlap of these two telescope is from 0.7 to 20 MK, and
  an on-orbit calibration of the sensitivity of the two instruments
  to solar features will provide a basis for future observational
  comparisons. Using calibrated samples of data from each instrument,
  and relying to a great extent on the CHIANTI spectral code, we have
  derived an estimate of the inter-calibration of the two telescope
  for a variety of different solar features and conditions. This is a
  major step in enhancing our ability to use the instruments together
  for providing quantitative diagnostics of the solar plasma.

Title: Continuous Upflow of Plasmas at the Edge of an Active Region
    as Revealed by the X-ray Telescope (XRT) aboard Hinode
Authors: Sakao, Taro; Kano, R.; Narukage, N.; Kotoku, J.; Bando, T.;
   DeLuca, E. E.; Lundquist, L. L.; Golub, L.; Kubo, M.; Katsukawa, Y.;
   Tsuneta, S.; Hara, H.; Matsuzaki, K.; Shimojo, M.; Shibasaki, K.;
   Shimizu, T.; Nakatani, I.
2007AAS...210.7205S    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39Q.179S
  We present X-ray imaging observations with Hinode X-Ray Telescope (XRT)
  of an active region NOAA AR 10942 made in the period of 20-22 February
  2007. A prominent feature that drew our particular attention is that
  there revealed continuous upflow of soft-X-ray-emitting plasmas along
  apparently-open field lines towards the outer corona emanating from the
  edge of the active region. <P />The field lines are originated from
  an ensamble of small spots of following polarity, and are located at
  a border between the active region and an adjacent equatorial coronal
  hole(s) located to the east. The upflow was observed to be continuous
  throughout the three days of observation intervals with projected
  velocity of 140 km/s, accompanied with undulating motion of the field
  lines. <P />We assert that these upflowing plasmas would be a possible
  source of slow solar wind material, which supports a foresighted
  notion which grew out of interplanetary scintillation observations
  that slow solar wind most likely has its origin in the vicinity of
  active regions with large flux expansion (Kojima et al. 1999). <P />A
  preliminaty analysis indicates that the temperature of the upflowing
  material near the base of the field lines is 1.3 MK with number density
  of 2 × 10<SUP>9 </SUP>/cm<SUP>3</SUP>. Assuming that all the material
  is to escape to the interplanetary space, this leads to a mass loss
  rate of 2 × 10<SUP>11</SUP> g/s which amounts to a good fraction of
  the total mass loss rate for solar wind. It is noteworthy that, even
  apart from this unique upflow, we see continuous (up)flows of plasmas
  anywhere around (surrounding) the active region. <P />Details of the
  upflow will be presented and their possible implication to slow solar
  wind discussed.

Title: Iron Line Ratio Analysis in an Active Region
Authors: Watanabe, Tetsuya; Hara, H.; Culhane, J. L.; Harra, L. K.;
   Doschek, G. A.; Mariska, J. T.; Young, P. R.; Hinode EIS Team
2007AAS...210.7204W    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39..179W
  Increased diagnostic capability of the EIS instrument on board Hinode
  (Solar-B) is demonstrated with a set of iron emission lines appearing
  in the two EIS observing wavelengths (170 - 210 A &amp; 250 - 290
  A) and their line intensity ratios. First-light spectra of a small
  active region show iron lines at the ionization stages of FeVIII
  (185.2 A &amp; 186.6 A) through FeXVII (204.7 A, 254.9 A, &amp; 269.4
  A). Decay phase spectra of a C-class flare confirms the presence of
  this higher temperature line; FeXVII at 254.9 A more clearly, as well
  as those lines of flare temperatures; FeXXIV (192.0 A &amp; 255.1 A)
  and FeXXIII (263.8 A).

Title: Temperature Structures Above Coronal Hole and Quiet Sun
Authors: Kano, Ryouhei; Sakao, T.; Narukage, N.; Kotoku, J.; Bando,
   T.; DeLuca, E. E.; Lundquist, L.; Golub, L.; Tsuneta, S.; Hara, H.;
   Shibasaki, K.; Shimojo, M.
2007AAS...210.9436K    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39..223K
  The X-ray Telescope (XRT) on board Hinode satelite has the capability
  to derive the temperature structure in the solar corona. We present
  the hieght dependence of the temperature above the limb. Because X-ray
  intensity above the limb is so faint, it is important to estimate the
  scattered light from disk corona. The eclipses happened on February 17
  and March 19 in 2007 at Hinode orbit. On February 17, we took X-ray
  images above the south polar coronal hole, while Moon passed it. On
  March 19, we took the data for quiet Sun in the same way. <P />We
  can estimated the scattered light from the eclipse data, and derived
  the scatter-free X-ray images above the solar limb. In this meeting,
  we will present the temperatures above coronal hole and quiet Sun,
  based on the eclipse data.

Title: Optical Performance of the Solar Optical Telescope aboard
Authors: Suematsu, Yoshinori; Ichimoto, K.; Katsukawa, Y.; Otsubo,
   M.; Tsuneta, S.; Nakagiri, M.; Noguchi, M.; Tamura, T.; Kato, Y.;
   Hara, H.; Miyashita, M.; Shimizu, T.; Kubo, M.; Sakamoto, Y.
2007AAS...210.9402S    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39Q.217S
  The Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) carried by HINODE was designed
  to perform a high-precision polarimetric observation of the Sun
  in visible light spectra with a spatial resolution of 0.2 - 0.3
  arcseconds. The SOT is a sophistcated instrument and consists of two
  separate optical parts; the Optical Telescope Assembly (OTA) which is
  50 cm aperture Gregorian telescope feeding the light into following
  observing instruments which is called the focal plane package (FPP)
  made of two filtergraphs and a spectro-polarimeter. The performance
  of the OTA is important because a spatial resolution and its temporal
  stability is mainly determined by this component. To keep the OTA in
  moderate temperature and optical thermal deformation small, it equipped
  newly designed components such as a heat dump and a secondary field stop
  aluminum mirror with high reflectivity silver coating and a temperature
  low-sensitive apochromatic collimataing lens unit with a UV/IR cut
  coating on the first surface. In addition, the SOT has an active image
  stabilization system consisting of correlation tracker, tip-tilt mirror
  and its controller against satellite pointing jitter. It was confirmed
  that this system freezes residual motion to the 0.01 arcsecond level
  on orbit. The image of sub-arcsecond G-band (430.5 nm) bright points
  clearly indicates that the SOT achieves the diffraction-limit on orbit;
  this is also confirmed using a phase diversity method. In this paper,
  we describe details of the design and on-orbit performance of the OTA.

Title: Optics and mechanisms for the Extreme-Ultraviolet Imaging
    Spectrometer on the Solar-B satellite
Authors: Korendyke, Clarence M.; Brown, Charles M.; Thomas, Roger J.;
   Keyser, Christian; Davila, Joseph; Hagood, Robert; Hara, Hirohisa;
   Heidemann, Klaus; James, Adrian M.; Lang, James; Mariska, John T.;
   Moser, John; Moye, Robert; Myers, Steven; Probyn, Brian J.; Seely,
   John F.; Shea, John; Shepler, Ed; Tandy, Jason
2006ApOpt..45.8674K    Altcode:
  The Extreme-Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) is the first of a
  new generation of normal-incidence, two-optical-element spectroscopic
  instruments developed for space solar extreme-ultraviolet astronomy. The
  instrument is currently mounted on the Solar-B satellite for a planned
  launch in late 2006. The instrument observes in two spectral bands,
  170-210 Å and 250-290 Å. The spectrograph geometry and grating
  prescription were optimized to obtain excellent imaging while still
  maintaining readily achievable physical and fabrication tolerances. A
  refined technique using low ruling density surrogate gratings and
  optical metrology was developed to align the instrument with visible
  light. Slit rasters of the solar surface are obtained by mechanically
  tilting the mirror. A slit exchange mechanism allows selection among
  four slits at the telescope focal plane. Each slit is precisely located
  at the focal plane. The spectrograph imaging performance was optically
  characterized in the laboratory. The resolution was measured using
  the Mg iii and Ne iii lines in the range of 171-200 Å. The He ii line
  at 256 Å and Ne iii lines were used in the range of 251-284 Å. The
  measurements demonstrate an equivalent resolution of ∼2 arc sec⁡ on
  the solar surface, in good agreement with the predicted performance. We
  describe the EIS optics, mechanisms, and measured performance.

Title: A Spectroscopic Observation of a Magnetic Reconnection Site
    in a Small Flaring Event
Authors: Hara, Hirohisa; Nishino, Yohei; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi;
   Delaboudinière, Jean-Pierre
2006ApJ...648..712H    Altcode:
  We have observed two types of coronal bidirectional flows in a flare
  with a small energy release through a spectroscopic observation of
  the Fe X emission line at 6374 Å with a ground-based coronagraph
  at the Norikura Solar Observatory. We find a bidirectional flow of
  +/-3 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> above the top of a flare loop. Remarkable
  increases of the line intensity and line width are not observed in
  the flow. From the loop geometry and sign of the Fe X Doppler velocity
  we conclude that the bidirectional flow is reconnection inflow above
  the flare loop. We estimate the reconnection rate to be ~0.003 for
  this event. The other bidirectional flow is observed along postflare
  loops with significant increases of the line intensity and Doppler
  velocity. This flow is interpreted as a cooling upflow having a velocity
  of ~10 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> along a postflare loop from its lower part. We
  also find that the increase of the nonthermal line width in the loop-top
  region starts when the line intensity reaches its peak. This supports
  the presence of a mechanism to enhance turbulent plasma motions in
  the loop-top region.

Title: The extreme UV imaging spectrometer for the JAXA Solar-B
Authors: Culhane, J. L.; Doschek, G. A.; Watanabe, T.; Smith, A.;
   Brown, C.; Hara, H.; Harra, L. K.; James, A. M.; al Janabi, K.;
   Kent, B.; Korendyke, C.; Lang, J.; Mariska, J.; Myers, S.; Seely,
   J.; Simnett, G.; Tandy, J.; Thomas, R.; Windt, D. L.
2006SPIE.6266E..0TC    Altcode: 2006SPIE.6266E..22C
  The ISAS/JAXA Solar-B mission includes an Extreme-UV Imaging
  Spectrometer (EIS). It detects photons in the wavelength ranges 17 -
  21 nm and 25 - 29 nm which include emission lines from several highly
  ionised species that exist at temperatures log T = 4.7, 5.6, 5.8,
  5.9 and 6.0 - 7.3 K. Instrument throughput is increased substantially
  by the use of multilayer coatings optimized for maximum reflectance
  in the two selected wavelength bands. The use of back-illuminated
  CCDs provides significantly enhanced quantum efficiency over that
  previously available from microchannel plate systems. In this paper we
  will describe the design and operation of the instrument and present
  its performance parameters e.g. spectral and spatial resolution and
  sensitivity. Preliminary results of recent calibration measurements
  will be described. The role of EIS in the Solar-B mission will be
  illustrated with reference to the anticipated observing strategy for
  the first three months of the mission which will be outlined.

Title: Contamination evaluation and thermal vacuum bakeout for
    SOLAR-B visible-light and X-ray telescope
Authors: Tamura, Tomonori; Hara, Hirohisa; Tsuneta, Saku; Ichimoto,
   Kiyoshi; Kumagai, Kazuyoshi; Nakagiri, Masao; Shimizu, Toshifumi;
   Sakao, Taro; Kano, Ryouhei
2005RNAOJ...8...21T    Altcode:
  In the development of space telescopes, we are concerned about molecular
  outgassing materials from telescope components. In particular, for
  solar telescopes in space, the deposition of the outgassing materials
  may lead to the increase of solar absorptance at a mirror surface
  and it causes the thermal distortion due to the resultant temperature
  increase. The mirror reflectivity at vacuum ultraviolet wavelengths
  is very sensitive to molecular contamination. We have extensively
  evaluated reflectance at 121.6nm (Lyman-alpha) of the contamination
  witness mirrors exposed to the telescope testing environments in the
  SOLAR-B visible-light telescope program. Thermal vacuum bakeout of
  flight components is very effective process to reduce the outgassing
  rate. We have severe contamination control program during the assembly
  and testing of the SOLAR-B telescope up to launch of the satellite.

Title: Development of Heater control equipment for the Solar-B XRT
    thermal vacuum test
Authors: Kumagai, Kazuyoshi; Kano, Ryohei; Hara, Hirohisa; Tamura,
   Tomonori; Sawa, Masaki; Tsuneta, Saku; Sakao, Taro; Matsuzaki, Keiichi
2005RNAOJ...8...29K    Altcode:
  The thermal vacuum test of the X-ray Telescope (XRT) aboard the
  Solar-B satellite was carried out at NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
  (GSFC) since January 2004. For this thermal test, we developed the
  Heater Sensor GSE (HS-GSE). It is an equipment to record flight
  temperature sensors in the X-ray camera and to control flight camera
  heaters. During the GSFC thermal test, the HS-GSE successfully recorded
  the camera temperatures every 10 seconds, and controlled the heaters
  automatically. We report the system of the HS-GSE successfully recorded
  the camera temperatures every 10 seconds, and controlled the heaters
  automatically. We report the system of the HS-GSE with the results in
  the thermal test.

Title: Completion of Solar-B/Optical Telescope flight model
Authors: Suematsu, Yoshinori; Ichimoto, Kiyosi; Shimizu, Toshifumi;
   Otsubo, Masashi; Nakagiri, Masao; Noguchi, Motokazu; Tamura, Tomonori;
   Katsukawa, Yukio; Kato, Yoshihiro; Hara, Hirohisa; Miyashita, Masakuni;
   Tsuneta, Saku; Kubo, Masahito; Sakamoto, Yasushi
2005ARAOJ...7...52S    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Solar-B/Optical Telescope flight model is coming up
Authors: Suematsu, Yoshinori; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Shimizu, Toshifumi;
   Otsubo, Masashi; Nakagiri, Masao; Noguchi, Motokazu; Tamura, Tomonori;
   Kato, Yoshihiro; Hara, Hirohisa; Miyashita, Masakuni; Tsuneta, Saku;
   Katsukawa, Yukio; Kubo, Masahito; Sakamoto, Yasushi
2005naoj.book....4S    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Solar-B EUV imaging spectrometer and its science goals
Authors: Culhane, J. L.; Harra, L. K.; Doschek, G. A.; Mariska, J. T.;
   Watanabe, T.; Hara, H.
2005AdSpR..36.1494C    Altcode:
  The Solar-B mission includes an Extreme-UV Imaging Spectrometer
  (EIS). It detects photons in the ranges 170-210 and 250-290 Å which
  include emission lines from several highly ionised species that exist
  at temperatures log T = 4.7, 5.6, 5.8, 5.9 and 6.0-7.3 K. In this
  paper, we will describe the design and operation of the instrument
  and present its performance parameters, e.g., spectral and spatial
  resolution and sensitivity. Preliminary results of recent calibration
  measurements will be described. Its role in the Solar-B mission will
  be illustrated with reference to several key science topics that the
  EIS is expected to address. The anticipated observing strategy for
  the first three months of the mission will be outlined.

Title: The first build-up of the Solar-B flight models
Authors: Hara, Hirohisa; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Otsubo, Masashi; Katsukawa,
   Yukio; Kato, Yoshihiro; Kano, Ryohei; Kumagai, Kazuyoshi; Shibasaki,
   Kiyoto; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Shimojo, Masumi; Suematsu, Yoshinori;
   Tamura, Tomonori; Tsuneta, Saku; Noguchi, Motokazu; Nakagiri, Masao;
   Miyashita, Masakuni; Watanabe, Tesuya; Kosuchi, Takeo; Sakao, Taro;
   Matsuzaki, Keiichi; Kitakoshi, Yasunori; Kubo, Masahito; Sakamoto,
2005ARAOJ...7...46H    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Variation of the X-ray Bright Point Number over the Solar
    Activity Cycle
Authors: Hara, H.; Nakakubo-Morimoto, K.
2004ASPC..325..307H    Altcode:
  We have counted the number of X-ray bright points (XBPs) in the
  quiet-Sun region from Yohkoh soft X-ray images during a period of
  1993--2000. Since we define XBPs as a small region that is less than 60
  arcsec with a significantly enhanced emission in soft X-ray intensity
  compared with the adjacent background corona, the number of XBPs in the
  whole Sun area is affected by the soft X-ray intensity of the background
  corona and the presence of active regions. Under these conditions,
  the number of XBPs in the whole Sun area is anti-correlated with the
  sunspot number due to the change of background X-ray intensity and the
  occultation by active regions during the 11-year activity cycle. In
  order to estimate the real number variation with little artifact,
  we have calculated the number of XBPs in a unit area by limiting the
  X-ray intensity range of the background corona and by removing a bias
  effect of a selected intensity threshold for the XBP counting. The
  evaluated change of the XBP number density in the quiet Sun is less
  than a factor of two over the period in the present study and there
  is no clear enhancement in XBP number near the solar minimum. We
  conclude that the number density of XBP is nearly independent of the
  11-year solar activity cycle. Since an XBP found in the quiet Sun is
  recognized to be an event which is produced through an interacting
  process of opposite-polarity magnetic fields in the quiet Sun, the
  low-amplitude variation of the XBP number density suggests that there
  is a mechanism to create solar magnetic fields, which are different
  from those associated with active regions, irrespective of the 11-year
  solar activity cycle.

Title: SolarB X-Ray Telescope (XRT)
Authors: Kano, R.; Hara, H.; Shimojo, M.; Tsuneta, S.; Sakao, T.;
   Matsuzaki, K.; Kosugi, T.; Golub, L.; Deluca, E. E.; Bookbinder,
   J. A.; Cheimets, P.; Owens, J. K.; Hill, L. D.
2004ASPC..325...15K    Altcode:
  The Soft X-ray Telescope (XRT) aboard SolarB is a grazing incidence
  X-ray telescope equipped with 2k × 2k CCD. XRT has 1 arcsec resolution
  with wide field-of-view of 34 × 34 arcmin. It is sensitive to
  &lt;1 MK to 30 MK, allowing us to obtain TRACE-like low temperature
  images as well. Co-alignment with SOT and EIS is realized through
  the XRT visible light telescope and with temperature overlap with
  EIS. Spacecraft mission data processor (MDP) controls XRT through
  the sequence tables with versatile autonomous functions such as
  exposure control, region-of-interest tracking, flare detection and
  flare location identification. Data are compressed either with DPCM or
  JPEG, depending on the purpose. This results in higher cadence and/or
  wider field-of-view for given telemetry bandwidth. With focus adjust
  mechanism, higher resolution of Gaussian focus may be available on-axis.

Title: SolarB EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS)
Authors: Hara, H.
2004ASPC..325...27H    Altcode:
  The Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) onboard Solar-B
  is designed and being developed under international collaboration
  to execute spectroscopic observations of the dynamical solar upper
  atmosphere in two extreme-ultraviolet wavelength ranges, 170--210 AA and
  250--290 AA. These bands include strong emission lines that are formed
  at 10<SUP>4.7</SUP>--10<SUP>7.3</SUP> K. A high-cadence spectroscopic
  observation with EIS is suitable for the studies of coronal heating
  process and it will reveal dynamical plasma motions in/around solar
  flares of all sizes. It is of particular importance to specify the key
  physics of coronal heating process and solar dynamic events through
  collaborative observations with SOT and XRT on the same spacecraft.

Title: Focal plane CCD camera for the X-Ray Telescope (XRT) aboard
Authors: Sakao, Taro; Kano, Ryouhei; Hara, Hirohisa; Matsuzaki,
   Keiichi; Shimojo, Masumi; Tsuneta, Saku; Kosugi, Takeo; Shibasaki,
   Kiyoto; Kumagai, Kazuyoshi; Sawa, Masaki; Tamura, Tomonori; Iwamura,
   Satoru; Nakano, Mitsuhiko; Du, Zhangong; Hiyoshi, Kenji; Horii,
   Michihiro; Golub, Leon; Bookbinder, Jay A.; Cheimets, Peter C.; Hill,
   Lawrence D.; Owens, Jerry K.
2004SPIE.5487.1189S    Altcode:
  We present scientific as well as engineering overview of the X-Ray
  Telescope (XRT) aboard the Japanese Solar-B mission to be launched in
  2006, with emphasis on the focal plane CCD camera that employs a 2k
  x 2k back-thinned CCD. Characterization activities for the flight CCD
  camera made at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ)
  are discussed in detail with some of the results presented.

Title: The Solar Optical Telescope onboard the Solar-B
Authors: Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Tsuneta, Saku; Suematsu, Yoshinori;
   Shimizu, Toshifumi; Otsubo, Masashi; Kato, Yoshihiro; Noguchi,
   Motokazu; Nakagiri, Masao; Tamura, Tomonori; Katsukawa, Yukio; Kubo,
   Masahito; Sakamoto, Yasushi; Hara, Hirohisa; Minesugi, Kenji; Ohnishi,
   Akira; Saito, Hideo; Kawaguchi, Noboru; Matsushita, Tadashi; Nakaoji,
   Toshitaka; Nagae, Kazuhiro; Sakamoto, Joji; Hasuyama, Yoshihiro;
   Mikami, Izumi; Miyawaki, Keizo; Sakurai, Yasushi; Kaido, Nobuaki;
   Horiuchi, Toshihida; Shimada, Sadanori; Inoue, Toshio; Mitsutake,
   Masaaki; Yoshida, Norimasa; Takahara, Osamu; Takeyama, Norihide;
   Suzuki, Masaharu; Abe, Shunichi
2004SPIE.5487.1142I    Altcode:
  The solar optical telescope onboard the Solar-B is aimed to perform a
  high precision polarization measurements of the solar spectral lines
  in visible wavelengths to obtain, for the first time, continuous
  sets of high spatial resolution (~0.2arcsec) and high accuracy
  vector-magnetic-field map of the sun for studying the mechanisms
  driving the fascinating activity phenomena occurring in the solar
  atmosphere. The optical telescope assembly (OTA) is a diffraction
  limited, aplanatic Gregorian telescope with an aperture of Φ500mm. With
  a collimating lens unit and an active folding mirror, the OTA provides
  a pointing-stabilized parallel beam to the focal plane package (FPP)
  with a field of view of about 360x200arcsec. In this paper we identify
  the key technical issues of OTA for achieving the mission goal and
  describe the basic concepts in its optical, mechanical and thermal
  designs. The strategy to verify the in-orbit performance of the
  telescope is also discussed.

Title: Design and Performance of Tip-Tilt Mirror System for Solar
Authors: Kodeki, Kazuhide; Fukushima, Kazuhiko; Hara, Hirohisa; Inoue,
   Masao; Kano, Ryouhei; Kashiwase, Toshio; Nagata, Shin'ichi; Sakao,
   Taro; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Tsuneta, Saku; Yoshida, Tsuyoshi
2004JSpRo..41..868K    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Development of the Solar-B X-ray telescope focal plane camera
Authors: Kano, Ryouhei; Hara, Hirohisa; Kumagai, Kazuyoshi; Sawa,
   Masaki; Tsuneta, Saku; Sakao, Taro; Matsuzaki, Keiichi
2004naoj.book....5K    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Variation of the X-Ray Bright Point Number over the Solar
    Activity Cycle
Authors: Hara, H.; Nakakubo-Morimoto, K.
2003ApJ...589.1062H    Altcode:
  We have counted the number of X-ray bright points (XBPs) in the
  quiet-Sun region from Yohkoh soft X-ray images during a period of
  1993-2000. Since we define XBPs as a small region that is less than ~60"
  with a significantly enhanced emission in soft X-ray intensity compared
  with the adjacent background corona, the number of XBPs in the whole Sun
  area is affected by the soft X-ray intensity of the background corona
  and the presence of the solar active regions. Under these conditions,
  the number of XBPs in the whole Sun area is anticorrelated with the
  sunspot number owing to the change of background X-ray intensity and
  the occultation by active regions during the 11 yr activity cycle. In
  order to estimate the real number variation with little artifact,
  we have calculated the number of XBPs in a unit area by limiting the
  X-ray intensity range of the background corona and by removing a bias
  effect of a selected intensity threshold for the XBP counting. The
  evaluated change of the XBP number density in the quiet Sun is less
  than a factor of 2 over the period in the present study, and there
  is no clear enhancement in XBP number near the solar minimum. We
  conclude that the number density of XBPs is nearly independent of
  the 11 yr solar activity cycle. Since an XBP found in the quiet Sun
  is believed to be an event that is produced through an interacting
  process of opposite-polarity magnetic fields in the quiet Sun, the
  low-amplitude variation of the XBP number density suggests that there
  is a mechanism to create solar magnetic fields, which are different
  from those associated with active regions, irrespective of the 11 yr
  solar activity cycle.

Title: Spatial and Temporal Properties of Hot and Cool Coronal Loops
Authors: Nagata, Shin'ichi; Hara, Hirohisa; Kano, Ryouhei; Kobayashi,
   Ken; Sakao, Taro; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Tsuneta, Saku; Yoshida, Tsuyoshi;
   Gurman, Joseph B.
2003ApJ...590.1095N    Altcode:
  A suite of images from the XUV Doppler Telescope (XDT), the Yohkoh Soft
  X-ray Telescope (SXT), and the Extreme-Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope
  (EIT) on the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) allow us to
  see the whole (T&gt;1 MK) temperature evolution of coronal loops. The
  detailed morphological comparison of an active region shows that hot
  loops seen in SXT (T&gt;3 MK) and cool loops seen in the the EIT 195
  Å band (T~1.5 MK) are located in almost alternating manner. The
  anticoincidence of the hot and the cool loops is conserved for a
  duration much longer than the estimated cooling timescale. However, both
  hot and cool loops have counterparts in the intermediate-temperature
  images. The cross-correlation coefficients are higher for neighboring
  temperature pairs and lower for pairs with larger temperature
  differences. These results suggest that loops are not isothermal but
  rather have a differential emission measure distribution of modest but
  finite width that peaks at different temperatures for different loops.

Title: Development of the Solar-B spacecraft
Authors: Tsuneta, Saku; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Suematsu, Yoshinori;
   Shimizu, Toshifumi; Hara, Hirohisa; Kano, Ryohei; Nagata, Shin'ichi;
   Tamura, Tomonori; Nakagiri, Masao; Noguchi, Motokazu; Kato, Yoshihiro;
   Watanabe, Tetsuya; Hanaoka, Yoichiro; Sawa, Masaki; Otsubo, Masashi;
   Kosugi, Takeo; Yamada, Takahiro; Sakao, Taro; Matsuzaki, Keiichi;
   Minesugi, Kenji; Onishi, Akira; Katsukawa, Yukio; Kobayashi, Ken;
   Kubo, Masahito
2003naoj.book....3T    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Contamination evaluation and control for SOLAR-B optical
Authors: Tamura, Tomonori; Hara, Hirohisa; Tsuneta, Saku; Ichimoto,
   Kiyoshi; Kumagai, Kazuyoshi
2002RNAOJ...6...49T    Altcode:
  In space telescopes, the deposition of molecular outgassing from its
  component parts may degrade the mirror reflectivity. In the case of the
  SOLAR-B visible light telescope, the molecular contamination is even
  more threatening since the deposited contaminants, when illuminated by
  the ultraviolet light from the sun, not only blacken but also promote
  further deposition. We thus started an extensive program to measure
  outgassing from all the non-metal material candidates to be used
  of the SOLAR-B telescope and to evaluate various chemical-cleaning
  (de-oil) procedures for the metal parts. The evaluation is based on
  NASA-MSFC-SPEC-1238 specification, and Thermoelectric Quartz Crystal
  Microbalance is the primary apparatus for the measurement. We are
  able to select the best possible adhesives and de-oil procedures for
  the flight model, whenever there are multiple choices. Conditions
  for the flight-model vacuum bakeout will also be established based on
  the measurements. The program significantly mitigates the risk due to
  molecular contamination the SOLAR-B program.

Title: The Temperature Analysis of Yohkoh/SXT Data using the CHIANTI
    Spectral Database
Authors: Shimojo, M.; Hara, H.; Kano, R.
2002mwoc.conf..419S    Altcode:
  Since the CHIANTI database for astrophysical emission line spectroscopy
  was extended to X-ray wavelengths below 50Å recently (Dere et
  al. 2000), a temperature response of YOHKOH/SXT has been able to
  calculate using the database. The functions of temperature responses of
  SXT are very important for plasma diagnostic since we usually derive
  the electron temperature of coronal plasma using the observed signal
  counts and the ratio of the temperature responses. In this paper,
  we present the properties of the SXT temperature responses which are
  calculated from the CHIANTI database and also compare them with the
  SXT temperature responses which are calculated using Mewe spectral
  databases (Mewe, et al., 1985, 1986). We calculated the filter ratios
  using CHIANTI database and compared them with the filter ratios which
  are calculated from Mewe database. At the result, it is found that
  the difference between temperatures which are derived using CHIANTI
  and Mewe database is about 2 MK around 5 MK, if we use Al and Al12
  filters for the plasma diagnostic. The result is the same as Schmelz
  et al.(1999). In the paper, we also discuss the effect of the CHIANTI
  spectral databases for previous works which used the filter ratios
  based on Mewe database.

Title: Soft X-Ray High-Temperature Regions above Solar Flare Loops
Authors: Akiyama, S.; Hara, H.
2002mwoc.conf..367A    Altcode:
  We analyzed 141 solar flare dates that were observed with the Yohkoh
  soft and hard X-ray telescopes to investigate general characteristics
  of soft X-ray high-temperature regions above flare loops. Although
  existence of the high-temperature region was first reported by Masuda
  et al. (1994), it has been criticized by several authors because
  the soft X-ray intensity of that region is weak and because it is
  usually located near a relatively large intensity gradient. A careful
  analysis is required for a systematic research that reveals general
  characteristics of the region and roles in the flare energy release
  mechanism. We carefully estimated the electron temperature of a flare
  site with the filter ratio technique from the Yohkoh soft X-ray data
  under an isothermal approximation after correcting the spacecraft
  pointing jitter and scattered X-rays due to the mirror micro-roughness,
  both of which are causes of the criticism. We have still found the
  high-temperature regions of 15--35 million degrees above flare loops
  for 64 flares in 141 events. A single flare event had single/multiple
  high-temperature region of 1--3 times 10<SUP>4</SUP> km in size. The
  region appeared at the hard X-ray impulsive phase and its temperature
  reached a maximum before the soft X-ray peak time. The volume emission
  measure of the region was 10<SUP>47--48</SUP> cm<SUP>3</SUP>, which
  was about ten times smaller than that of 10 million degree flare loops
  beneath. The high-temperature regions tended to move outwards at a
  speed of 10--20 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, which was systematically faster
  than the rising speed of flare loops of 4--6 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. When
  the high-temperature regions were located in asymmetrical point to the
  two footpoints of flare loop, the regions were located at the side
  of a weaker hard X-ray source measured with the Yohkoh hard X-ray
  telescope, showing that the high-temperature regions appear at the
  side of a footpoint with a weaker magnetic field than the other.

Title: On the Detection of Solar Coronal High-Velocity Fields Using
    the XUV Doppler Telescope
Authors: Kobayashi, Ken; Hara, Hirohisa; Kano, Ryohei; Nagata,
   Shin'ichi; Sakao, Taro; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Tsuneta, Saku; Yoshida,
   Tsuyoshi; Harrison, Richard
2000PASJ...52.1165K    Altcode:
  The XUV Doppler Telescope (XDT) is a sounding rocket experiment
  designed to detect flows in the solar corona using filter ratios. The
  XDT, successfully launched on 1998 January 31, is a normal incidence
  telescope composed of narrow-bandpass multilayer mirrors and capable
  of obtaining images 2 Å\ above and 2 Å\ below the Fe XIV 211 Å\
  (T = 1.7 MK) emission line. It has the potential to make a velocity map
  of the entire solar disk with just a few minutes of observation. The
  image ratio maps show features that translate to Doppler shifts of
  200 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> or more, including several `redshift' features
  located near footpoints of coronal loops. However, no corresponding
  velocity features were seen by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
  (SOHO) Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS) in the Mg IX 368 Å (T =
  1 MK) line, suggesting that the features are not caused by Doppler
  shift. Instead, the features seem to be related to contamination
  of lower temperature (T &lt; 1 MK) emission lines and the nearby
  density-sensitive Fe XIII lines. We conclude that while no flows were
  positively identified by the XDT, this observing technique is capable
  of detecting flows of 1000 km s^{-1} independently, and 200 km s^{-1}$
  when combined with simultaneous plasma diagnostic observation.

Title: Scalar curvature of massive ideal gases
Authors: Oshima, H.; Obata, T.; Hara, H.
2000AIPC..519..732O    Altcode: 2000stph.conf..732O

Title: Fluctuations in human's walking
Authors: Obata, T.; Ohyama, T.; Shimada, J.; Oshima, H.; Hara, H.;
   Fujita, S.
2000AIPC..519..720O    Altcode: 2000stph.conf..720O

Title: The Occurrence Probability of X-rays Plasma Ejections by
    Solar Flares
Authors: Akiyama, S.; Hara, H.
2000ASPC..205..137A    Altcode: 2000ltse.conf..137A
  We have investigated X-ray ejecta above flare loops, which were observed
  before soft X-ray peak time, using the Yohkoh soft X-ray observations
  in 1996 when the background corona was very weak. We found 35 plasma
  ejecta out of 84 flares and studied soft X-ray data to discover the
  probability to observe the plasma ejecta. On the other hand, we searched
  for prominence eruptions using Solar-Geophysical Data in the same flare
  series and found 16 prominence eruptions out of 29 flares having soft
  x-ray plasma ejecta. As a result, 76% of flares have plasma ejecta
  observed in either Hα or soft X-ray wavelength. It follows from this
  that there are many flare associated ejecta.

Title: Active region dynamics
Authors: Harra, L. K.; Matthews, S. A.; Hara, H.; Ichimoto, K.
2000ssls.work..109H    Altcode:
  It has been frequently observed that in solar active regions the
  measured line widths are larger than those based on thermal equilibrium
  widths. This excess width (characterised as non-thermal velocity,
  V<SUB>nt</SUB>) has been proposed as a signature of the heating
  mechanism. The behaviour of the V<SUB>nt</SUB> at coronal temperatures
  has not produced consistent results with values ranging from 0 to
  100 km/s. We investigate this problem by using joint observations
  from Norikura Solar Observatory, Japan and the Coronal Diagnostic
  Spectrometer (CDS) on SOHO. We find that values of V<SUB>nt</SUB> range
  between 10-20 km/s. We analyse the dynamical bahaviour of different
  temperature loops and find that for loops with log T<SUB>e</SUB> &lt;
  5.8, the variability ∝T<SUB>e</SUB><SUP>0.39</SUP>. This is comparable
  to the dependence of non-thermal velocity on temperature which we have
  determined to be V<SUB>nt</SUB> ∝ T<SUB>e</SUB><SUP>0.35</SUP>. This
  suggests that the excess line broadening is caused by highly dynamical
  behaviour in the transition region for active regions. These results
  have significant implications for potential heating mechanisms and
  these are discussed.

Title: Variation of X-Ray Bright Point Number Over the Solar
    Activity Cycle
Authors: Nakakubo, K.; Hara, H.
2000AdSpR..25.1905N    Altcode:
  X-ray bright points (XBPs) have been counted from Yohkoh/Soft X-ray
  Telescope (SXT) images obtained during the period from 1992 December
  to 1997 August. The number of XBPs did not change significantly until
  about 1995. It then varied inversely with the sunspot number and reached
  a maximum during the solar minimum. However, taking into account both
  the XBP's intensity histogram and the background coronal intensity
  histogram, it seems that the apparent observed increase of XBP number
  near the solar minimum is due to a decrease of the background intensity,
  not due to an actual increase. There appears to be little correlation
  between XBP and sunspot numbers

Title: Temperatures of Pre-Flare and Flaring Loops Observed with
    the Yohkoh Soft X-Ray Telescope
Authors: Yasuno, S.; Hiei, E.; Hara, H.; Watanabe, T.
2000AdSpR..25.1805Y    Altcode:
  We statistically investigate thermal characteristics of soft X-ray
  coronal loops in the pre-flare and flaring stages using the data
  observed between January 1992 and December 1992 with the soft X-ray
  telescope on board the Yohkoh satellite. The data cover the pre-flare
  phase in the periods of 30-90 minutes preceding the flares, the rising
  phases, and the peaks of flares in X- ray intensity, and the beginnings
  of the decay phases. We compare the thermal characteristics of soft
  X-ray coronal loops before they flare and those at the peaks of flares,
  and we find that the loops having higher temperatures in the pre-flare
  stages produce bigger and higher temperature flares later

Title: Initial Results from the XUV Doppler Telescope
Authors: Kano, R.; Hara, H.; Kobayashi, K.; Kumagai, K.; Nagata, S.;
   Sakao, T.; Shimizu, T.; Tsuneta, S.; Yoshida, T.
2000AdSpR..25.1739K    Altcode:
  We developed a unique telescope to obtain simultaneous XUV images and
  the velocity maps by measuring the line-of-sight Doppler shifts of the
  Fe XIV 211A&amp;ring line (T = 1.8 MK): the Solar XUV Doppler Telescope
  (hereafter XDT). The telescope was launched by the Institute of Space
  and Astronautical Science with the 22nd S520 rocket on January 31,
  1998, and took 14 XUV whole sun images during 5 minutes. Simultaneous
  observations of XDT with Yohkoh (SXT), SOHO (EIT, CDS, LASCO and MDI)
  were successfully carried out. The images taken with EIT, XDT and SXT
  are able to cover the wide temperature ranging from 1 to 10 MK, and
  clearly show the multi-temperature nature of the solar corona. Indeed,
  we notice that both the cool (1-2 MK) loops observed with EIT and
  XDT, and the hot (&gt;3 MK) loops observed with SXT exist in the same
  active regions but in a spatially exclusive way. The XDT red-blue ratio
  between longer- and shorter-wavelength bands of Fe XIV 211A&amp;ring
  line indicates a possible down-flow of 1.8 MK plasma near the footpoints
  of multiple cool loops

Title: X-Ray Eruptive Structures Associated with Small Flares
Authors: Akiyama, S.; Hara, H.
2000AdSpR..26..465A    Altcode:
  We searched for X-ray eruptive structures above the flare loops, whose
  soft X-ray flux at the peak phase ranges from class A to C in the
  GOES classification, using the Yohkoh soft X-ray observations in 1996
  when the background corona was very weak. We found 12 plasmoid-like or
  loop-like ejecta out of 43 flares studied. Existence of these eruptive
  structures implies that the magnetic reconnection model, which was
  strongly supported by Yohkoh observations of flares of a narrow range
  of X-ray peak flux, can explain the solar flares covering more than
  five orders of magnitude in the soft X-ray flux. We also found that
  the projected outgoing velocities of the ejecta are systematically
  slower in small flares than in large flares

Title: A Method for Characterizing Rotation Rates in the Soft
    X-Ray Corona
Authors: Weber, M. A.; Acton, L. W.; Alexander, D.; Kubo, S.; Hara, H.
1999SoPh..189..271W    Altcode:
  Differential rotation rates of soft X-ray features in the solar
  corona are quantified by a method of harmonic filtering using
  the Lomb-Scargle periodogram. This approach leads reasonably to a
  quantitative discrimination between uncertainty estimates and spectral
  leakage of the fundamental rotation frequency due to the presence
  of multiple rotating tracers. Mean rotation rates as a function of
  latitude and year are calculated for the years 1992-1997 (roughly
  the declining phase of the last solar activity cycle). The corona is
  found to have a small but measurable latitudinal gradient in rotation
  rate. The presence of multiple features places a lower bound of 1-2%
  on the relative uncertainties with which a `mean' rotation rate can
  be measured. The results are compared with autocorrelation estimates
  and found to agree within 1σ.

Title: Narrow-Bandpass Multilayer Mirrors for an Extreme-Ultraviolet
    Doppler Telescope
Authors: Hara, Hirohisa; Nagata, Shin'ichi; Kano, Ryouhei; Kumagai,
   Kazuyoshi; Sakao, Taro; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Tsuneta, Saku; Yoshida,
   Tsuyoshi; Ishiyama, Wakana; Oshino, Tetsuya; Murakami, Katsuhiko
1999ApOpt..38.6617H    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The XUV Doppler Telescope (XDT)
Authors: Sakao, T.; Tsuneta, S.; Hara, H.; Shimizu, T.; Kano, R.;
   Kumagai, K.; Yoshida, T.; Nagata, S.; Kobayashi, K.
1999SoPh..187..303S    Altcode:
  We present an overview and instrumental details of the solar XUV Doppler
  Telescope (XDT) launched in January 1998 with the S520CN-22 sounding
  rocket of the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science. The XDT
  observes nearly single-temperature solar corona at 1.8 MK with angular
  resolution of ≈ 5” pixel size, together with the ability to detect
  the coronal velocity field with a full-Sun field of view. By use of
  normal incidence optics whose primary and secondary mirrors are coated
  with multilayer materials in two sectors, the XDT takes images of the
  Sun in a set of shorter and longer wavelength bands around the Fe xiv
  211.3 Å emission line. Summation of a pair of images in the two bands
  provides an image of the 1.8 MK-corona while the difference between
  the two provides velocity images of the Fe xiv-emitting plasma. A brief
  description on the observation sequence together with the flight result
  is also given.

Title: Dynamics of solar active region loops
Authors: Harra-Murnion, L. K.; Matthews, S. A.; Hara, H.; Ichimoto, K.
1999A&A...345.1011H    Altcode:
  It has been frequently observed that in solar active regions the
  measured line widths are larger than those based on thermal equilibrium
  widths. This excess width (characterised as non-thermal velocity,
  V<SUB>nt</SUB>) has been proposed as a signature of the heating
  mechanism. The behaviour of the V<SUB>nt</SUB> at coronal temperatures
  has not produced consistent results with values ranging from 0 to 100
  km s(-1) . We investigate this problem by using joint observations
  from Norikura Solar Observatory, Japan and the Coronal Diagnostic
  Spectrometer (CDS) on SOHO. With CDS we determine temperatures, and
  with Norikura we obtain accurate line widths for Fe XIV (~2 MK). We
  find that values of V<SUB>nt</SUB> range between 10-20 km s(-1) . We
  analyse the dynamical behaviour of different temperature loops and
  find that for loops with Log T_e &lt; 5.8, the variability ~ T_e(0.39)
  . This is comparable to the dependence of non-thermal velocity on
  temperature which we have determined to be V<SUB>nt</SUB> ~ T_e(0.35)
  . This suggests that the excess line broadening is caused by highly
  dynamical behaviour in the transition region for active regions. These
  results have significant implications for potential heating mechanisms
  and these are discussed.

Title: Microscopic Nonthermal Plasma Motions of Coronal Loops in a
    Solar Active Region
Authors: Hara, H.; Ichimoto, K.
1999ApJ...513..969H    Altcode:
  We present a spectroscopic observation of a solar active region NOAA
  7590 with a coronagraph at the Norikura Solar Observatory, which
  provides high-resolution spectra of the visible coronal emission lines
  (Fe X λ6374, Fe XIV λ5303, Ca XV λ5694) with a spatial sampling
  of 2.0"×2.3". Nonthermal velocities (ξ) estimated from Fe X λ6374,
  Fe XIV λ5303, and Ca XV λ5694 in this observation are 14-20, 10-18,
  and 16-26 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, respectively. The first two results are
  consistent with the results obtained by Cheng et al. and others. Even
  in the Ca XV structures the present observation does not confirm the
  large nonthermal velocity of 40-60 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> to be typical
  value. The hypothesis that the nonthermal width in coronal emission
  lines is due to coronal Alfvén waves is tested by carefully examining
  the relationship between the width of coronal emission lines and
  orientation of coronal loops to the line-of-sight direction. From the
  comparison between edge-on loops in which the direction of magnetic
  field is nearly parallel to the line-of-sight direction and face-on
  loops in which the magnetic field is almost perpendicular to the
  line-of-sight direction, the full width at half-maximum (FWHM) of
  coronal emission lines for the edge-on loop appears to become smaller
  near the loop top than that for the face-on loops. The obvious decrease
  of FWHM of 0.04-0.07 Å (Δξ=3-5 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>) is found in the
  Fe XIV edge-on loops. Although this may be evidence for the Alfvén
  waves in coronal loops, the velocity amplitude seems to be too small
  to explain all the nonthermal velocity reported so far.

Title: Development and flight performance of tip-tilt mirror system
    for a sounding rocket observation of the Sun.
Authors: Shimizu, T.; Yoshida, T.; Tsuneta, S.; Sakao, T.; Kano,
   R.; Hara, H.; Nagata, S.; Kodeki, K.; Inoue, M.; Fukushima, K.;
   Kashiwase, T.
1999RNAOJ...4...43S    Altcode: 1999RNOAJ...4...43S
  A tip-tilt mirror (TTM) system was developed for the XUV Doppler
  telescope (XDT) on board an ISAS sounding rocket. The spatial resolution
  of the telescope is about 5″ whereas the pointing stability is
  only ±0.3° with the rocket pointing control system. To achieve
  better than 5″stability on the focal plane of the telescope, the
  TTM system controls the tilt of the secondary mirror with fixed-coil
  magnetic actuators. The control signal to stabilize focal-plane images
  is supplied by the position-sensitive detector (PSD) of a pin-hole
  telescope equipped inside XDT. Closed-loop controls are made with
  the on-board software on the DSP processor. The sounding rocket was
  successfully launched on 31 January 1998 from the Kagoshima Space
  Center of ISAS. TTM worked perfectly during the flight, and achieved
  better than 5″stability on the focal plane during CCD exposures.

Title: Design of a High-Resolution Extreme-Ultraviolet Imaging
    Spectrometer with Aberration-Corrected Concave Gratings
Authors: Harada, Tatsuo; Sakuma, Hideo; Takahashi, Kaoru; Watanabe,
   Tetsuya; Hara, Hirohisa; Kita, Toshiaki
1998ApOpt..37.6803H    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Development of the tip-tilt mirror system for the solar
    XUV telescope
Authors: Kodeki, Kazuhide; Fukushima, Kazuhiko; Kashiwase, Toshio;
   Inoue, Masao; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Yoshida, Tsuyoshi; Sakao, Taro;
   Hara, Hirohisa; Nagata, Shin'ichi; Kano, Ryouhei; Tsuneta, Saku
1998SPIE.3356..922K    Altcode:
  This paper describes the design and prelaunch performance of the
  tip-tilt mirror (TTM) system developed for the XUV Cassegrain telescope
  aboard the ISAS sounding rocket experiment. The spatial resolution
  of the telescope is about 5 arcsec, whereas the rocket pointing is
  only controlled to be within +/- 0.5 degree around the target without
  stability control. The TTM is utilized to stabilize the XUV image
  on the focal planes by tilting the secondary mirror with two-axes
  fixed-coil type actuators. The two position- sensitive detectors in
  the telescope optics and in the TTM mechanical structure from the
  normal and local closed-loop modes. The TTM has four grain modes with
  automatic transition among the modes. The low gain mode is used in
  the initial acquisition, and in case the TTM loses the tracking. The
  high gain mode is used in the normal tracking mode. This arrangement
  provides us with the wide initial acquisition angle with single TTM
  system as well as the high pointing accuracy once the tracking is
  established. The TTM has a launch-lock mechanism against the launch
  vibration of 16G. The closed-loop control with command and telemetry
  interface is done by the flight software against the launch vibration
  of 16G. The closed-loop control with command and telemetry interface
  is done by the flight software on the DSP processor. The use of the
  fast processor brings in the significant reduction in the weight and
  size of the control- electronics, more flexible control system, and
  shorter design and testing period.

Title: Using Strong Solar Coronal Emission Lines as Coronal Flux
Authors: Falconer, David A.; Jordan, Stuart D.; Brosius, Jeffrey W.;
   Davila, Joseph M.; Thomas, Roger J.; Andreatta, Vicenzo; Hara, Hirohisa
1998SoPh..180..179F    Altcode:
  We investigate the possibility that strong EUV lines observed with the
  Goddard Solar EUV Rocket Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS) provide
  good proxies for estimating the total coronal flux over shorter
  wavelength ranges. We use coordinated SERTS and Yohkoh observations
  to obtain both polynomial and power-law fits relating the broad-band
  soft X-ray fluxes to the intensities of Fexvi 335 Ú and 361 Ú, Fexv
  284 Ú and 417 Ú, and Mgix 368 Ú measured with SERTS. We found that
  the power-law fits best cover the full range of solar conditions from
  quiet Sun through active region, though not surprisingly the `cooler'
  Mgix 368 Ú line proves to be a poor proxy. The quadratic polynomial
  fits yield fair agreement over a large range for all but the Mgix
  line. However, the linear fits fail conspicuously when extrapolated
  into the quiet-Sun regime. The implications of this work for the Heii
  304 Ú line formation problem are also briefly considered.

Title: Solar Active Region: Heating and Dynamics
Authors: Harra-Murnion, L. K.; Matthews, S. A.; Hara, H.; Ichimoto, K.
1998sxmm.confE..85H    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: XUV Doppler Telescope Aboard Sounding Rocket
Authors: Yoshida, T.; Kano, R.; Nagata, S.; Hara, H.; Sakao, T.;
   Shimizu, T.; Tsuneta, S.
1998ASSL..229..383Y    Altcode: 1998opaf.conf..383Y
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Evolution of the Solar Corona from the Maximum to the Minimum
Authors: Hara, H.
1998ASSL..229....3H    Altcode: 1998opaf.conf....3H
  No abstract at ADS

Title: SXR Coronal Polar Jets and Recurrent Flashes
Authors: Koutchmy, S.; Hara, H.; Shibata, K.; Suematsu, Y.; Reardon, K.
1998ASSL..229...87K    Altcode: 1998opaf.conf...87K
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Joint Observations of an Active Region with Norikura and CDS
Authors: Harra-Murnion, L. K.; Matthews, S. A.; Hara, H.; Ichimoto, K.
1998ASPC..155..346H    Altcode: 1998sasp.conf..346H
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Erratum: "A High-Temperature Component in Coronal holes as
    Confirmed by a Parial-Eclipse Observation"
Authors: Hara, Hirohisa
1997PASJ...49..523H    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: XUV Doppler telescope with multilayer optics
Authors: Hara, Hirohisa; Kano, Ryouhei; Nagata, Shin'ichi; Sakao, Taro;
   Shimizu, Toshifumi; Tsuneta, Saku; Yoshida, Tsuyoshi; Kosugi, Takeo
1997SPIE.3113..420H    Altcode:
  We present an overview of a sounding-rocket experiment, which is
  scheduled to be launched by the Institute of Space and Astronautical
  Science (ISAS) in January 1998, the rising phase of the 11-year activity
  cycle of the sun. The purpose of this experiment is (1) to obtain
  whole-sun images taken in an XUV emission line, Fe XIV 211 angstrom,
  using the normal incidence multilayer optics with a high spectral
  resolution of (lambda) /(Delta) (lambda) approximately equals 40, and
  (2) to carry out the velocity-field measurement with detection limit
  as high as 100 km/s.

Title: Development of multilayer mirrors for the XUV Doppler telescope
Authors: Nagata, Shin'ichi; Hara, Hirohisa; Sakao, Taro; Shimizu,
   Toshifumi; Tsuneta, Saku; Yoshida, Tsuyoshi; Ishiyama, Wakana;
   Murakami, Katsuhiko; Oshino, Tetsuya
1997SPIE.3113..193N    Altcode:
  We present the development status of the normal incidence XUV multilayer
  mirrors for XUV Doppler telescope, which observes coronal velocity
  fields of the whole sun. The telescope has two narrow band-pass
  multilayer mirrors tuned to slightly longer and shorter wavelengths
  around the Fe XIV line at 211.3 Angstrom. From the intensity difference
  of the images taken with these two bands, we can obtain Dopplergram of
  1.8 MK plasma of the whole sun. It is required that the multilayer has
  high wavelength-resolution ((lambda) /(Delta) (lambda) approximately
  30 per mirror), anti-reflection coating for intense He II 304 angstrom
  emission line and high d-spacing uniformity of approximately 1%.

Title: A High-Temperature Component in Coronal Holes as Confirmed
    by a Partial-Eclipse Observation
Authors: Hara, Hirohisa
1997PASJ...49..413H    Altcode:
  We confirmed X-ray signals in coronal holes based upon a Yohkoh soft
  X-ray observation of a partial eclipse on 1993 November 13. The
  observed X-ray signals cannot be explained by those coming from
  one-million-degree plasmas alone, which were observed with the Skylab
  UV and EUV instruments. This suggests that higher-temperature plasmas
  are necessary to explain the present observation.

Title: SXR Coronal Flashes.
Authors: Koutchmy, S.; Hara, H.; Suematsu, Y.; Reardon, K.
1997A&A...320L..33K    Altcode:
  We provide evidence for the existence of a new type of soft X-ray
  (SXR) brightening event that we call coronal flashes. The phenomenon
  was observed on deep time series taken with the SXT of Yohkoh in the
  north polar coronal hole, near the sunspot minimum. Events last as
  short as 1.5 mn and the corresponding SXR flux span the range of
  energies, from single pixel brightenings corresponding to fluxes
  of about 10^24^erg but barely surpassing the level of the noise,
  to higher and more smeared multiple px brightenings still orders
  of magnitude smaller than the known small SXR bright points and/or
  transient brightenings. The typical occurrence rate of flashes is
  1-event/arcmin^2^/5mn with a 1/2mn integration time. At least part of
  the coronal flashes are recurrent and some of them could be associated
  with a SXR jet; it is not clear what is their optical counterpart.

Title: The Structure and Properties of Solar Active Regions and
    Quiet-Sun Areas Observed in Soft X-Rays with Yohkoh/SXT and in the
    Extreme-Ultraviolet with SERTS
Authors: Brosius, Jeffrey W.; Davila, Joseph M.; Thomas, Roger J.;
   Saba, Julia L. R.; Hara, Hirohisa; Monsignori-Fossi, Brunella C.
1997ApJ...477..969B    Altcode:
  We observed two solar active regions (NOAA regions 7563 and 7565),
  quiet-Sun areas, and a coronal hole region simultaneously with Goddard
  Space Flight Center's Solar EUV Rocket Telescope and Spectrograph
  (SERTS) and with the Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT) on 1993 August
  17. SERTS provided spatially resolved active region and quiet-Sun slit
  spectra in the 280 to 420 Å wavelength range, and images in the lines
  of He II λ303.8, Mg IX λ368.1, Fe XV λ284.1, and Fe XVI λλ335.4
  and 360.8 SXT provided images through multiple broadband filters in both
  the full-frame imaging mode and the partial-frame imaging mode. <P />The
  SERTS images in Fe XV (log T<SUB>max</SUB> = 6.33, where T<SUB>max</SUB>
  is the temperature which maximizes the fractional ion abundance in
  the available ionization equilibrium calculations, i.e., the formation
  temperature) and Fe XVI (log T<SUB>max</SUB> = 6.43) exhibit remarkable
  morphological similarity to the SXT images. Whereas the Fe XV and XVI
  images outline the loop structures seen with SXT, the cooler He II
  (log T<SUB>max</SUB> = 4.67) and Mg IX (log T<SUB>max</SUB> = 5.98)
  images outline loop footpoints. In addition, the Mg IX emission
  outlines other structures not necessarily associated with the hot
  loops; these may be cool (T &lt;~ 1 × 10<SUP>6</SUP> K) loops. <P
  />From the spatially resolved slit spectra, we obtained emission-line
  profiles for lines of He II λ303.8, Mg IX λ368.1, Fe XIII λ348.2,
  Si XI λ303.3, Fe XIV λ334.2, Fe XV λ284.1, and Fe XVI λ335.4
  for each spatial position. Based upon the spatial variations of the
  line intensities, active region 7563 systematically narrows when
  viewed with successively hotter lines, and appears narrowest in the
  broadband soft X-ray emission. The active region width (full width at
  half-maximum intensity) diminishes linearly with log T<SUB>max</SUB>;
  the linear fit yields an extrapolated effective log T<SUB>max</SUB>
  of 6.51 +/- 0.01 for the X-ray emission. The most intense, central core
  straddles the magnetic neutral line. <P />Active region and quiet-Sun
  one-dimensional temperature scans were derived from intensity ratios
  of spatially resolved SERTS slit spectral lines, and from coregistered
  SXT filter ratios. The highest plasma temperatures were measured in the
  most intense, central core of region 7563. The temperatures derived
  from Fe XVI λ335.4/Fe XV λ284.1 and Fe XVI λ335.4/Fe XIV λ334.2
  vary significantly (based upon the measurement uncertainties) but not
  greatly (factors of less than 1.5) across the slit. The average log
  T values derived from the above two ratios for region 7563 are 6.39
  +/- 0.04 and 6.32 +/- 0.02, respectively. Somewhat larger systematic
  variations were obtained from all available SXT filter ratios. The
  average active region log T values derived from the SXT AlMgMn/thin
  Al, thick Al/thin Al, and thick Al/AlMgMn filter ratios are 6.33 +/-
  0.03, 6.45 +/- 0.02, and 6.49 +/- 0.03, respectively. <P />Active
  region and quiet-Sun one-dimensional density scans were derived from
  intensity ratios of spatially resolved SERTS slit spectral lines of
  Fe XIII and Fe XIV. The derived densities show neither systematic nor
  significant variations along the slit in either the active region or
  the quiet-Sun, despite the fact that the intensities themselves vary
  substantially. This indicates that the product of the volume filling
  factor and the path length (fΔl) must be greater by factors of 3-5 in
  the active region core than in the outskirts. Furthermore, the derived
  active region densities are ~2 times the quiet-Sun densities. This
  density difference is adequate to explain the factor of ~4 intensity
  difference in Fe XII and Fe XIII between the active and quiet areas,
  but it is not adequate to explain the factor of ~8 intensity difference
  in Fe XIV between the active and quiet areas. We attribute the latter
  to a greater fΔl in the active regions. <P />Statistically significant
  Doppler shifts are not detected in region 7563 or in the quiet-Sun
  with any of the EUV lines.

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: Tokyo meridian circle catalog of
    O-B stars (Yasuda+ 1986)
Authors: Yasuda, H.; Hara, H.; Fukaya, R.; Ishii, H.
1997yCat.1249....0Y    Altcode:
  A catalog of the O-B stars, selected from "Blaauw-Parenago" list (1955,
  First IAU Symposium, "Co-ordination of galactic research") and Rubin's
  catalog (1962AJ.....67..491R, Cat. ), has been compiled on the FK4
  system by the observations made with Gautier 8-inch Meridian Circle at
  the Tokyo Astronomical Observatory during the period, 1971 to 1979. It
  contains 1059 stars and was compiled for the future establishment of
  high precision proper motions of O-B stars. <P />(1 data file).

Title: Evolution of the solar corona from solar maximum to minimum
Authors: Hara, H.
1997AdSpR..20.2279H    Altcode:
  A study on solar coronal activities related to the 11-year activity
  cycle is presented from the Yohkoh soft X-ray observations. Yohkoh was
  launched in August 1991, just after the solar maximum of the cycle 22
  and continues to observe the Sun in the declining phase of the magnetic
  activity cycle toward the solar minimum. The soft X-ray flux from the
  whole Sun in the declining phase essentially decreases with the size of
  active regions. The X-ray intensity in quiet regions in the declining
  phase decreases with the magnetic flux observed at the photosphere. The
  whole-Sun soft X-ray flux does not monotonically decrease, but there are
  periodic enhancements of the flux with about a one-year interval. The
  activity appears as bright clusters in the butterfly diagram of the
  soft X-ray intensity and corresponds to the emergence of complexes
  of activity in the sunspot zones. The high-latitude activity is also
  studied, and we find that the X-ray intensity of high-latitude regions
  fluctuates with time scale of about one year.

Title: Japanese sounding rocket experiment with the solar XUV
    Doppler telescope
Authors: Sakao, Taro; Tsuneta, Saku; Hara, Hirohisa; Kano, Ryouhei;
   Yoshida, Tsuyoshi; Nagata, Shin'ichi; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Kosugi,
   Takeo; Murakami, Katsuhiko; Wasa, Wakuna; Inoue, Masao; Miura,
   Katsuhiro; Taguchi, Koji; Tanimoto, Kazuo
1996SPIE.2804..153S    Altcode:
  We present an overview of an ongoing Japanese sounding rocket project
  with the Solar XUV Doppler telescope. The telescope employs a pair
  of normal incidence multilayer mirrors and a back-thinned CCD, and is
  designed to observe coronal velocity field of the whole sun by measuring
  line- of-sight Doppler shifts of the Fe XIV 211 angstroms line. The
  velocity detection limit is estimated to be better than 100 km/s. The
  telescope will be launched by the Institute of Space and Astronautical
  Science in 1998, when the solar activity is going to be increasing
  towards the cycle 23 activity maximum. Together with the overview of
  the telescope, the current status of the development of each telescope
  components including multilayer mirrors, telescope structure, image
  stabilization mechanism, and focal plane assembly, are reviewed. The
  observation sequence during the flight is also briefly described.

Title: The Structure and Properties of Solar Active Regions and
    Quiet Sun Areas Observed With SERTS and YOHKOH
Authors: Brosius, J. W.; Davila, J. M.; Thomas, R. J.; Hara, H.
1996AAS...188.3715B    Altcode: 1996BAAS...28..880B
  We observed solar active regions, quiet sun areas, and a coronal hole
  simultaneously with Goddard Space Flight Center's Solar EUV Rocket
  Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS), and with the Yohkoh Soft X-Ray
  Telescope (SXT) on 1993 August 17. SERTS provided spatially resolved
  active region and quiet sun spectra in the 280 to 420 Angstroms
  wavelength range, and images in the lines of He II 304 Angstroms,
  Mg IX 368 Angstroms, Fe XV 284 Angstroms, and Fe XVI 335 Angstroms
  and 360 Angstroms. The SERTS waveband is accessible to CDS, SUMER,
  and EIT on SOHO. SXT provided images through multiple broadband
  filters. The SERTS images in Fe XV (T=2 MK) and XVI (T=2.5 MK) exhibit
  remarkable morphological similarity to the SXT images. Whereas the
  Fe XV and XVI images outline the loop structures seen with SXT, the
  cooler He II (T=0.1 MK) and Mg IX (T=1 MK) images seem to outline loop
  footpoints. From the spatially resolved spectra, we obtained emission
  line profiles for lines of Fe X (1 MK) through Fe XVI, and Mg IX and
  Ni XVIII (3.2 MK) for each spatial position. Based upon the spatial
  variations of the line intensities, the active region systematically
  narrows as it is viewed with successively hotter lines. The active
  region appears narrowest in the X-ray emission, which is consistent
  with our understanding that Yohkoh is most sensitive to the hottest
  plasma in its line of sight. EUV emission from Fe XVII (T=5 MK) is weak
  but detectable in the active region core. The most intense, central
  core straddles the magnetic neutral line. Temperature maps obtained
  with SERTS image ratios and with SXT filter ratios are compared. Line
  intensity ratios indicate that the active region temperature is greatest
  in the central core, but that the density varies very little across the
  region. Significant Doppler shifts are not detected in the EUV lines.

Title: A high-temperature component in coronal holes observed with
Authors: Hara, H.; Tsuneta, S.; Acton, L. W.; Bruner, M. E.; Lemen,
   J. R.; Ogawara, Y.
1996AdSpR..17d.231H    Altcode: 1996AdSpR..17..231H
  Temperatures of coronal holes are estimated from several sets of soft
  X-ray images taken through various broad-band filters with the Soft
  X-ray Telescope (SXT) aboard Yohkoh. The effect of scattered X-rays from
  bright regions surrounding a temperature determination area, especially
  those from nearby active regions, is carefully removed with the point
  spread function derived from the post-launch data. An isothermal
  approximation is applied to thus corrected data. The temperatures of
  coronal holes near the disk center are found to be 1.8 - 2.4 x 10^6
  K, which is almost the same as those derived for quiet regions. The
  emission measures in coronal holes are estimated to be 10^25.5-26.2
  cm^-5, about ten times smaller than in quiet regions. We conclude that
  temperatures in coronal holes do not differ from those in quiet regions,
  and that the depression in soft X-ray intensity of coronal hole regions
  results from a lower density by a factor of 3 than quiet regions. We
  propose that the coronal hole component observed with the SXT is not
  the same one which is observed with the Skylab EUV instrument. An
  X-ray intensity from a coronal hole is independently confirmed by the
  eclipse observation on 1993 November 13, and consistent with intensities
  derived from the scattering correction.

Title: Discovery of a loop-top hard X-ray source in impulsive
    solar flares
Authors: Masuda, S.; Kosugi, T.; Tsuneta, S.; Hara, H.
1996AdSpR..17d..63M    Altcode: 1996AdSpR..17...63M
  Observations of a solar flare on 13 January, 1992 (17:25 UT) with the
  Hard X-ray Telescope (HXT; /1/) and the Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT;
  /2/) aboard Yohkoh /3/ clearly show an impulsive hard X-ray source well
  above a soft X-ray flaring loop. This source reveals that the primary
  energy release, maybe the magnetic reconnection, occurs well above the
  soft X-ray flaring loop. It is most plausible that this “loop-top”
  hard X-ray source represents the site where the downward plasma outflow,
  ejected from a reconnection point located above the hard X-ray source,
  collides with an underlying closed magnetic loop. This observation thus
  shows for the first time where the high-energy electrons are energized.

Title: A Coronal Velocity Field around a Long-Duration Event: Search
    for Reconnection Inflow
Authors: Hara, H.; Ichimoto, K.
1996ASPC..111..183H    Altcode: 1997ASPC..111..183H
  A coronal Doppler velocity field around an LDE-type solar flare at
  the peak phase is presented from observations with a ground-based
  coronagraph in a visible coronal emission line (Fe XIV 5303 Å). The
  flare loop was in an edge-on configuration to the line-of-sight
  direction. At the peak phase, the authors could not find any high-speed
  flow around the flare loop, corresponding to the reconnection inflow
  whose speed is 0.01 - 0.1 of the Alfvén speed. On the other hand,
  high-velocity components exceeding 10 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> and large line
  broadening in the emission line were observed near the brightest part
  of the flare loop in the decay phase.

Title: Structures and heating mechanisms of the solar corona
Authors: Hara, H.
1996PhDT........62H    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Loop-Top Hard X-ray Source in Solar Flares
Authors: Masuda, S.; Kosugi, T.; Shibata, K.; Hara, H.; Sakao, T.
1996mpsa.conf..203M    Altcode: 1996IAUCo.153..203M
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Spectroscopic observations in SOLAR-B.
Authors: Watanabe, T.; Hara, H.; Harada, T.
1996uxsa.conf..219W    Altcode: 1996uxsa.coll..219W
  An XUV spectroscopic imager is proposed on board SOLAR-B to link
  the observations in the photosphere and the corona, and to observe
  the velocity field in the transition region and lower corona. A 4,800
  gr/mm concave grating is responsible for spectroscopic measurements. In
  order to achieve high throughput of the instrument, the collecting
  mirror and the grating are LSM coated. Restriction of the observing
  wavelengths, which are, at the moment, 250 - 290 Å, reduces the
  abberations and increases the efficiency of the spectrograph system,
  which will enable, for the first time, high-cadence observations
  in these wavelengths. Introduction of a spherical grating with
  varied-spacings also help improving off-axis optical performances.

Title: Active Zones and Coronal Holes of the Sun and Their Cycle
    Variation Magnetic Activity Cycle in the X-ray Coronal Structures
Authors: Hara, H.
1996mpsa.conf..321H    Altcode: 1996IAUCo.153..321H
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Hard X-Ray Sources and the Primary Energy-Release Site in
    Solar Flares
Authors: Masuda, Satoshi; Kosugi, Takeo; Hara, Hirohisa; Sakao, Taro;
   Shibata, Kazunari; Tsuneta, Saku
1995PASJ...47..677M    Altcode:
  Accurately coaligned hard and soft X-ray images, taken simultaneously
  with the Hard X-ray Telescope (HXT) and the Soft X-ray Telescope
  (SXT) aboard Yohkoh, of impulsive solar flares on 1992 January 13
  (17:29 UT), 1992 October 4 (22:21 UT), and 1993 February 17 (10:35
  UT), occurring near the limb, clearly reveal that, in addition to
  double-footpoint sources, a hard X-ray source exists well above the
  corresponding soft X-ray loop structure around the peak time of the
  impulsive phase. This hard X-ray source shows an intensity variation
  similar to double-footpoint sources and a spectrum that is relatively
  hard compared with that of loop-top gradual source which appeared later
  in the flare. We believe that this is the first clear evidence that
  magnetic reconnection, which is responsible for the primary flare energy
  release, is under progress above the soft X-ray flaring loop. Maybe
  this “loop-top” hard X-ray source represents the reconnection site
  itself or the site where the downward plasma stream, ejected from
  the reconnection point far above the hard X-ray source, collides with
  the underlying closed magnetic loop. The characteristics of this hard
  X-ray source are quantitatively discussed in the schemes of thermal
  (T &gt;~ 10(8) K) and nonthermal interpretations of hard X-ray emission.

Title: Hot-Plasma Ejections Associated with Compact-Loop Solar Flares
Authors: Shibata, K.; Masuda, S.; Shimojo, M.; Hara, H.; Yokoyama,
   T.; Tsuneta, S.; Kosugi, T.; Ogawara, Y.
1995ApJ...451L..83S    Altcode:
  Masuda et al. found a hard X-ray source well above a soft X-ray loop
  in impulsive compact-loop flares near the limb. This indicates that
  main energy release is going on above the soft X-ray loop, and suggests
  magnetic reconnection occurring above the loop, similar to the classical
  model for two ribbon flares. If the reconnection hypothesis is correct,
  a hot plasma (or plasmoid) ejection is expected to be associated
  with these flares. Using the images taken by the soft X-ray telescope
  aboard Yohkoh, we searched for such plasma ejections in eight impulsive
  compact-loop flares near the limb, which are selected in an unbiased
  manner and include also the Masuda flare, 1992 January 13 flare. We
  found that all these flares were associated with X-ray plasma ejections
  high above the soft X-ray loop and the velocity of ejections is within
  the range of 50--400 km s-1. This result gives further support for
  magnetic reconnection hypothesis of these impulsive compact-loop flares.

Title: Coordinated Observation of the Solar Corona Using the Norikura
    Coronagraph and the YOHKOH Soft X-Ray Telescope
Authors: Ichimoto, K.; Hara, H.; Takeda, A.; Kumagai, K.; Sakurai,
   T.; Shimizu, T.; Hudson, H. S.
1995ApJ...445..978I    Altcode:
  Spectroscopic observations of coronal emission lines were carried
  out at the Norikura Solar Observatory in cooperation with the soft
  X-ray telescope on board the Yohkoh satellite to study the plasma
  distributions at different temperatures. Intensity and velocity
  distributions in Fe XIV wavelength 5303 (green), Fe X wavelength
  6374 (red), and Ca XV wavelength 5694 (yellow) lines are compared
  with the soft X-ray images. It is found that the soft X-ray images
  closely resemble those of the yellow line that represents a rather
  high temperature component of the corona. On the other hand the
  low-temperature component seen in the green and the red lines shows
  quite a different distribution from that of the high-temperature
  component; the low-temperature component consists of many thin loops
  or streaks, while the high-temperature component is more diffuse. We
  find that the active elements of the cool component, i.e., complex
  loop systems, rapid changes of small structures, and localized large
  plasma motions, all tend to be cospatial with the hot component.

Title: Comparison of Synoptic Maps of Solar Soft X-Ray Features,
    Photospheric Magnetic Fields, and Helium 1083 NM
Authors: Harvey, J.; Slater, G.; Nitta, N.; Shibata, K.; Tsuneta,
   S.; Sakurai, T.; Hara, H.
1994AAS...18512308H    Altcode: 1994BAAS...26Q1523H
  We studied the wealth of structural features visible in Yohkoh/SXT
  and NSO/KP synoptic maps of the Sun that cover Carrington rotations
  1847 through 1879. In order to do this comparison, various methods to
  reduce soft X-ray maps to simple structural elements were explored. In
  the end, the best way of comparing the various data sets turned out to
  be to filter the X-ray maps to emphasize high-spatial frequencies and
  then to either simply blink the various images or to make colorized
  composite maps that distinctively assign different colors to various
  quantities. Among the results are: 1. Active regions exhibit normal or
  "anemone" (fountain-like) X-ray loop structure tendency depending on
  whether the surrounding large-scale unipolarity of the magnetic field
  is small or large. 2. There is a systematic twist of the coronal loops
  around magnetic concentrations in the southern hemisphere and vice-versa
  in the north. The sense is the same as one would expect from the action
  of differential rotation. 3. Dark lanes in the X-ray images are centered
  over large-scale polarity patterns of one sign or the other. 4. The
  X-ray loops at the boundaries between large-scale opposite polarity
  patterns are frequently strongly sheared. The presence or absence of
  a filament in these locations may be related in a complicated way to
  the amount of shear. 5. At the resolution of the synoptic maps, the
  footpoints of X-ray loops are almost always rooted in locally strong
  magnetic concentrations and also in extra-dark 1083 nm elements.

Title: A loop-top hard X-ray source in a compact solar flare as
    evidence for magnetic reconnection
Authors: Masuda, S.; Kosugi, T.; Hara, H.; Tsuneta, S.; Ogawara, Y.
1994Natur.371..495M    Altcode:
  SOLAR flares are thought to be the result of magnetic reconnection
  — the merging of antiparallel magnetic fields and the consequent
  release of magnetic energy. Flares are classified into two
  types<SUP>1</SUP>: compact and two-ribbon. The two-ribbon flares,
  which appear as slowly-developing, long-lived large loops, are
  understood theoretically<SUP>2-6</SUP> as arising from an eruption
  of a solar prominence that pulls magnetic field lines upward into
  the corona. As the field lines form an inverted Y-shaped structure
  and relax, the reconnection of the field lines takes place. This view
  has been supported by recent observations<SUP>7-10</SUP>. A different
  mechanism seemed to be required, however, to produce the short-lived,
  impulsive compact flares. Here we report observations made with the
  Yohkoh<SUP>11</SUP> Hard X-ray Telescope<SUP>12</SUP> and Soft X-ray
  Telescope<SUP>13</SUP>, which show a compact flare with a geometry
  similar to that of a two-ribbon flare. We identify the reconnection
  region as the site of particle acceleration, suggesting that the
  basic physics of the reconnection process (which remains uncertain)
  may be common to both types of flare.

Title: Temperatures of Coronal Holes Observed with the YOHKOH SXT
Authors: Hara, Hirohisa; Tsuneta, Saku; Acton, Loren W.; Bruner,
   Marilyn E.; Lemen, James R.; Ogawara, Yoshiaki
1994PASJ...46..493H    Altcode:
  Temperatures of coronal holes have been estimated from several sets
  of soft X-ray images taken through various broad-band filters with the
  Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT) aboard Yohkoh. Since coronal holes are dark
  areas, a detailed examination of the telescope point spread function,
  which is slightly dependent on the X-ray wavelength, is of crucial
  importance. The calibration is made using post-launch data, and the
  effect of scattered X-rays from bright regions surrounding coronal
  holes, especially those from nearby active regions, is carefully
  removed. An isothermal approximation is applied to the thus-corrected
  data. The temperatures of coronal holes near the disk center are found
  to be 1.8--2.4 times 10(6) K, which is almost the same as those derived
  for quiet regions not including active regions. The emission measures
  in coronal holes are estimated to be 10(25.5--26.2) cm(-5) , about ten
  times smaller than those of quiet regions. We conclude that temperatures
  in coronal holes do not differ from those in quiet regions, and that
  the depression in the soft X-ray intensity of coronal hole regions
  results from a lower density by a factor of 3 than quiet regions.

Title: The X-ray Intensity Distribution of the Solar Corona and
    its Variability
Authors: Hara, H.
1994kofu.symp...57H    Altcode:
  We report initial analysis of image brightness distributions
  that concisely represent the spatial structure of the solar X-ray
  corona. This research makes use of histograms of pixel brightnesses
  obtained from whole-Sun images from the soft X-ray telescope
  (SXT) aboard Yohkoh. We discover that the soft X-ray intensity
  histogram essentially consists of a power-law distribution in bright
  regions and another one in less bright regions. Active regions
  show a power-law intensity distribution, whereas quiet regions have
  non-power law distribution. The comparison of the histograms in the
  active and less active phases shows that the integrated soft X-ray
  variability is related to a variation of the total area and the
  appearance/disappearance of bright component of active regions. The
  overall shapes of the X-ray histograms are similar to those of
  histograms of the photospheric magnetic fields given by Schrijver
  and Harvey (1989), implying that a coronal brightness distribution is
  related to a magnetic field distribution on the photosphere.

Title: Hard and Soft X-ray Observations of a Super-Hot Thermal Flare
    of 6 February, 1992
Authors: Kosugi, T.; Sakao, T.; Masuda, S.; Hara, H.; Shimizu, T.;
   Hudson, H. S.
1994kofu.symp..127K    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Spectroscopic Observations of Coronal Emission Lines and
    their Relation to Soft X-ray Images
Authors: Ichimoto, K.; Kumagai, K.; Sakurai, T.; Hara, H.; Takeda,
   A.; YOHKOH SXT Team
1994kofu.symp..113I    Altcode:
  Spectroscopic observations of coronal emission lines were carried out
  to obtain the plasma distribution at different temperatures. Images
  in FeXIV5303A(green), FeX6374A(red) and CaXV5694A(yellow) are compared
  with the soft X-ray images taken with the Soft X-ray Telescope on board
  Yohkoh. It is found that the distributions of green and red lines are
  quit different from that of the soft X-rays, while the yellow line
  shows quite similar distribution.

Title: Eclipses of the solar X-ray corona by Mercury and the Moon.
Authors: Hudson, H.; Freeland, S.; Lemen, J.; Kosugi, T.; Soma, M.;
   Watanabe, T.; Hara, H.; Shimizu, T.
1994BAAS...26..795H    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Temperature of Coronal Holes Measured by YOHKOH SXT
Authors: Hara, H.; Tsuneta, S.; Acton, L. W.; Lemen, J. R.; Ogawara, Y.
1994xspy.conf..217H    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Temperature Structure of Active Regions Deduced from the
    Helium-Like Sulphur Lines
Authors: Watanabe, T.; Hara, H.; Shimizu, T.; Hiei, E.; Mariska,
   J. T.; Bentley, R. D.; Fludra, A.; Lang, J.; Phillips, K. J. H.;
   Pike, C. D.; Bromage, B. J. I.
1994xspy.conf...55W    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Temperature and Density Structure of a Solar Flare Observed
    by the YOHKOH SXT and HXT
Authors: McTiernan, J.; Kane, S.; Loran, J.; Lemen, J.; Acton, L.;
   Hara, H.; Tsuneta, S.; Kosugi, T.
1994xspy.conf..255M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Temperature and Density Structure of the 1991 November 2 Flare
    Observed by the YOHKOH Soft X-Ray Telescope and Hard X-Ray Telescope
Authors: McTiernan, James M.; Kane, Sharad R.; Loran, Jon M.; Lemen,
   James R.; Acton, Loren W.; Hara, Hirohisa; Tsuneta, Saku; Kosugi, Takeo
1993ApJ...416L..91M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Dynamics of Coronal Holes as Determined From X-ray Synoptic
    Maps Derived From SXT Imagery
Authors: Slater, G. L.; Linford, G. A.; Strong, K. T.; Acton, L. W.;
   Tsuneta, S.; Hara, H.; Takahashi, T.; Hiei, H.; Kubo, M.; Harvey,
   K.; Bornmann, P.; McIntosh, P. S.; Sime, D.; Watari, S.
1993BAAS...25.1179S    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Classification of Active Regions Based on X-ray Images
    1. Active Regions appearing in Coronal Holes
Authors: Nitta, N.; Shibata, K.; Hara, H.
1993BAAS...25.1187N    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Yohkoh-SXT Observations from the Spartan and Nixt Max91
Authors: Morrison, M.; Bruner, M.; Freeland, S.; Lemen, J.; Linford,
   G.; Nitta, N.; Slater, G.; Strong, K.; Hara, H.; Kano, R.; Shimizu,
   T.; Tsuneta, S.; Hudson, H.; Ogawara, Y.; Kosugi, T.; Sakao, T.;
   Watanabe, T.; Takeda, A.; Acton, L.
1993BAAS...25.1213M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Observations of X-ray Jets Using YOHKOH Soft X-Ray Telescope
Authors: Shibata, K.; Ishido, Y.; Acton, L.; Strong, K.; Hirayama,
   T.; Uchida, Y.; McAllister, A.; Matsumoto, R.; Tsuneta, S.; Shimizu,
   T.; Hara, H.; Sakurai, T.; Ichimoto, K.; Nishino, Y.; Ogawara, Y.
1993ASPC...46..343S    Altcode: 1993IAUCo.141..343S; 1993mvfs.conf..343S
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Effective Geometrical Thickness and Electron Density of a
    Flare of 1991 December 2 Observed with the Soft X-Ray Telescope of
    YOHKOH and Coronagraph
Authors: Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Hirayama, Tadashi; Yamaguchi, Asami;
   Kumagai, Kazuyoshi; Tsuneta, Saku; Hara, Hirohisa; Acton, Loren W.;
   Bruner, Marilyn E.
1992PASJ...44L.117I    Altcode:
  A very small geometrical thickness of 1000 km was found for an M3.7
  flare of 1991 December 2, which occurred beyond the limb. While
  the Yohkoh soft X-ray telescope gives the emission measure, a new
  coronagraph which can observe continuum images at 6630- Angstroms gives
  the electron column density originating from electron scattering of a
  10(7) K flare plasma. The reasoning for the latter is because [Fe XIV]
  5303 Angstroms images show a much different shape compared with X-ray
  and the 6630- Angstroms continuum, and there was no Hα emission. From
  these we obtained an electron density of 4times 10(10) cm(-3) and the
  above-mentioned small length in the line of sight. Since the apparent
  width of a flaring plasma both in soft X-ray and continuum images
  measured parallel to the limb is ~ 4 times 10(4) km at a height of 7
  times 10(4) km, the smallness of the effective length of 1000 km is
  striking, and may have significant bearing on the energy conversion
  of the flare. A brief discussion concerning the origin of the mass
  and magnetic morphology is given.

Title: Observations of X-Ray Jets with the YOHKOH Soft X-Ray Telescope
Authors: Shibata, Kazunari; Ishido, Yoshinori; Acton, Loren W.; Strong,
   Keith T.; Hirayama, Tadashi; Uchida, Yutaka; McAllister, Alan H.;
   Matsumoto, Ryoji; Tsuneta, Saku; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Hara, Hirohisa;
   Sakurai, Takashi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Nishino, Yohei; Ogawara, Yoshiaki
1992PASJ...44L.173S    Altcode:
  Time series of Soft X-ray Telescope images have revealed many X-ray
  jets in the solar corona. The typical size of a jet is 5 times 10(3)
  --4 times 10(5) km, the translational velocity is 30--300 km s(-1) ,
  and the corresponding kinetic energy is estimated to be 10(25) --10(28)
  erg. Many of the jets are associated with flares in X-ray bright points,
  emerging flux regions, or active regions. They sometimes occur several
  times from the same X-ray feature. In some cases, a dark void appears
  after ejection at the footpoint of the jet. The void seems to be
  the result of a change in the topology of the X-ray emitting plasma,
  perhaps due to magnetic reconnection. Some jets show a structure which
  suggests a helical magnetic field configuration along the jet. One
  of the jets associated with a flaring bright point was identified as
  being an Hα surge. In this case, the X-ray bright point is situated
  just on the Hα bright point at the footpoint of the surge. The top
  of the surge is not bright in X-rays. We briefly discuss the origin
  of these newly discovered X-ray jets.

Title: High-Temperature Plasmas in Active Regions Observed with the
    Soft X-Ray Telescope aboard YOHKOH
Authors: Hara, Hirohisa; Tsuneta, Saku; Lemen, James R.; Acton,
   Loren W.; McTiernan, James M.
1992PASJ...44L.135H    Altcode:
  High-temperature plasmas reaching 5--6times 10(6) K in solar
  active regions have been found with the soft X-ray telescope aboard
  Yohkoh. NOAA region 6919 was investigated in detail using five different
  X-ray filters: The temperature of a bright loop in the active region
  is 5.7times 10(6) K, with an emission measure of 5.0times 10(28)
  cm(-5) ; in a fainter part of the region plasma, we find 5.0times
  10(6) \ K and 4.0times 10(27) cm(-5) . This indicates that such
  high-temperature plasmas exist in the active region, irrespective of
  the brightness. Another observation of the quiet corona was conducted in
  order to investigate the reliability of a temperature analysis with the
  same filter pairs which show such high temperatures in active regions:
  The inferred temperature was 2.7times 10(6) K, and the emission measure
  1.3times 10(26) cm(-5) , which is consistent with the typical results
  of Skylab. Therefore, the high-temperature plasmas in solar active
  regions are considered to be real.

Title: Observation of a Solar Flare at the Limb with the YOHKOH Soft
    X-Ray Telescope
Authors: Tsuneta, Saku; Hara, Hirohisa; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Acton,
   Loren W.; Strong, Keith T.; Hudson, Hugh S.; Ogawara, Yoshiaki
1992PASJ...44L..63T    Altcode:
  A long-enduring soft X-ray flare at the solar limb was well observed
  by the Soft X-ray Telescope aboard the Yohkoh spacecraft from its
  pre-flare stage through the post-flare phase. A “helmet streamer"
  arch appears several hours prior to the flare, in association with a
  continuous expansion and restructuring of the active-region magnetic
  structure. This arch then starts to flare, and increases its height and
  footpoint separation at v = 10--30 km s(-1) . The arch has a complex
  temperature structure in the rising phase, whereas the outer arches
  have systematically higher temperatures in the decay phase. Magnetic
  reconnection in a neutral sheet at the loop top, created by pre-flare
  magnetic restructuring, would explain this type of flare.

Title: Temperature Structure of Solar Flares Observed by the
Authors: McTiernan, J. M.; Kane, S. R.; Loran, J. M.; Lemen, J. R.;
   Acton, L. W.; Hara, H.; Tsuneta, S.
1992AAS...180.3002M    Altcode: 1992BAAS...24Q.775M
  Hot plasmas from several solar flares have been observed by the Soft
  X-ray Telescope (SXT) on board the Yohkoh satellite. For a sample of
  flares observed by the SXT with a variety of X-ray filters, we have
  calculated temperature and emission measures as functions of space and
  time. Initial results from this analysis show the following: (1) The
  flare plasmas range in temperarure from several million degrees K up to
  greater than 20 million degrees K, depending on the individual event;
  (2) The region with the higest temperature does not coincide with
  the brightest region. For example, for the flare of 15 November 1991
  (2238 UT) the temperature was typically 8-9 million degrees K on the
  bright kernels, with temperatures of 15-25 million degrees K on the
  edges of the bright regions. The average temperature for the flare was
  approximately 10 million degrees K. A preliminary interpretation of
  these observational results in terms of the temperature and density
  structure inside a magnetic loop will be presented.

Title: NASDA's Space Operations and Data System II
Authors: Hara, H.; Yamada, S.; Igarashi, S.; Horiguchi, K.; Kuniyasu,
   Y.; Kuroki, S.; Nishihata, S.; Oniyama, A.; Yambe, M.
1992aiaa.confV....H    Altcode:
  NASDA has begun the definition of its satellite tracking-and-control
  Space Operations and Data System II, which will encompass the launching
  of the COMETS telecommunications and broadcasting technology engineering
  satellite in 1997. The satellites that are to transfer data with COMETS
  via an intersatellite link encompass the next-generation earth-observing
  satellite ADEOS, the Tropical Rainfall Measurement Satellite, the
  Engineering Test Satellite II, and the Japanese Experiment Module
  of Space Station Freedom. Detailed schematics for these systems'
  interrelations are provided.