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Author name code: ichimoto
ADS astronomy entries on 2022-09-14
author:"Ichimoto, Kiyoshi" 

Title: Polarization calibration of the Tandem Etalon Magnetograph
    of the Solar Magnetic Activity Research Telescope at Hida Observatory
Authors: Yamasaki, Daiki; Nagata, Shin'ichi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
2022arXiv220810696Y    Altcode:
  The Tandem Etalon Magnetograph (TEM) is one of the instruments of the
  Solar Magnetic Activity Research Telescope of Hida Observatory. The
  TEM is a partial disk (320" x240") filter magnetograph which scans
  the wavelength around a Fe I line at 6303 angstrom and achieves
  polarimetric sensitivity of < 5x10^-4 for each wavelength. To obtain
  the polarimeter response matrix of the instrument, we have carried out
  end-to-end polarization calibrations of the instrument. We have also
  measured the polarization characteristics of the polarization beam
  splitter (PBS), which is a crucial component of the instrument. As a
  result of end-to-end calibration, we found significant spatial variation
  in the response matrix across the field of view. From a laboratory test,
  we found that 1% of the magnitude of a circular diattenuation of the
  PBS was due to the retardation caused by the stress in the cube and
  the linear diattenuation of the film. Although the spatial variation
  across the field of view is more than ten times larger, to achieve the
  polarimetric sensitivity of < 5x10^-4, this can be well explained by
  the polarization characteristic of the PBS and corrected by using the
  response matrix obtained in the end-to-end calibration. In addition, we
  also obtained the daily variation of the polarization property of the
  TEM. We found that the crosstalk from Stokes Q to V changes an amount
  comparable to the tolerance through a day. In the present configuration,
  we require a pixel-by-pixel calibration every 100 minutes to meet the
  accuracy requirement.

Title: Universal Correlation between the Ejected Mass and Total
    Flare Energy for Solar and Stellar Cold Plasma Ejection
Authors: Kotani, Yuji; Otsuji, Kenichi; Shibata, Kazunari; Asai,
   Ayumi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Ishii, Takako; Yamasaki, Daiki
2022cosp...44.2450K    Altcode:
  We often find spectral signatures of chromospheric plasma ejections
  accompanied by flares in various spatial scales in the solar and stellar
  atmospheres. Similar spectral signatures are found regardless of their
  wide range of scale. However, no physical quantities such as mass and
  energy have been estimated for flare energies covering over 10 orders
  of magnitude until now. In this study, we analyzed the spectra of
  cold plasma ejections associated with flares by performing H$\alpha$
  imaging spectroscopy of the solar full-disk with SMART/SDDI. We
  determined the ejected mass by cloud model fitting to the H$\alpha$
  spectrum. We estimated flare energy by DEM analysis using SDO/AIA
  for small-scale flares and by estimating the bolometric energy for
  large-scale flares. In addition, we constructed a scaling law for
  the total flare energy and the ejected mass and compared it with our
  observation. The results are in good agreement with the scaling law for
  small mass ejections with small flares in the quiet region for a coronal
  field strength of 5 G and filament eruptions with flares for that of 5 -
  50 G. We also compared it with the observations interpreted as stellar
  filament eruptions, and found that they were roughly consistent with
  the scaling law. These results suggest that cold plasma ejections with
  flares taking place on the sun and stars in a wide range of the energy
  scale are caused by a common mechanism.

Title: Sun-as-a-star analysis of H-alpha spectra for various active
    events on the Sun
Authors: Otsu, Takato; Asai, Ayumi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Namekata,
   Kosuke; Ishii, Takako
2022cosp...44.1380O    Altcode:
  The surface of the Sun can be observed with high spatial resolution. On
  the other hand, the surfaces of distant stars cannot be spatially
  resolved. From this background, detailed data of the Sun have been
  utilized for analysis of stellar data in recent years (e.g., Toriumi
  et al. 2020, Namekata et al. 2021). For comparison with stellar data,
  solar data are spatially integrated and such an analysis is called
  Sun-as-a-star analysis. Namekata et al. (2021) carried out Sun-as-a-star
  analysis of the H$\alpha$ spectra for solar flares accompanied by
  filament eruptions in order to interpret the H$\alpha$ spectra for a
  stellar flare. From a resemblance between them, the authors concluded
  that a stellar filament eruption associated the detected stellar
  flare. On the basis of Namekata et al. (2021), Sun-as-a-star analysis
  of H$\alpha$ spectra is useful to investigate the motion of plasma on
  a stellar surface. Therefore, it is important to study Sun-as-a-star
  analysis of H$\alpha$ spectra for, in addition to flares, other various
  active events on the Sun. Here we report a result of Sun-as-a-star
  analysis of H$\alpha$ spectra for various solar active events,
  namely, flares, filament eruptions, and prominence eruptions. We used
  full-disk solar H$\alpha$ spectral data observed by SMART/SDDI at Hida
  observatory, Kyoto University. SMART/SDDI can takes full-disk solar
  images in the wavelengths from H$\alpha$ $-9.0$~{\AA} to H$\alpha$
  $+9.0$~{\AA} with the spectral resolution of 0.25~{\AA} and the time
  cadence of 12-16 sec (Ichimoto et al. 2017). All analyzed events show
  brightening relative to pre-event and their changes in H$\alpha$
  equivalent width are the same orders of $10^{-4}$~{\AA}. However,
  there are different features in H$\alpha$ spectra depending on
  causes of brightening: brightening near H$\alpha$ center with red
  asymmetry and line broadening due to flares, brightening near H$\alpha$
  center accompanied by shifted absorptions due to filament eruptions,
  and shifted brightening due to prominence eruptions. These spectral
  features can be used to diagnose the causes of brightening even though
  the changes in the H$\alpha$ equivalent width are similar. Our result
  can be helpful in studying various active events on stars.

Title: Sun-as-a-star Analysis of Hα Spectra of a Solar Flare Observed
by SMART/SDDI: Time Evolution of Red Asymmetry and Line Broadening
Authors: Namekata, Kosuke; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Ishii, Takako T.;
   Shibata, Kazunari
2022ApJ...933..209N    Altcode: 2022arXiv220601395N
  Stellar flares sometimes show red/blue asymmetries of the Hα
  line, which can indicate chromospheric dynamics and prominence
  activations. However, the origin of asymmetries is not completely
  understood. For a deeper understanding of stellar data, we performed
  a Sun-as-a-star analysis of Hα line profiles of an M4.2-class solar
  flare showing dominant emissions from flare ribbons by using the
  data of the Solar Dynamics Doppler Imager on board the Solar Magnetic
  Activity Research Telescope at the Hida Observatory. Sun-as-a-star Hα
  spectra of the flare show red asymmetry of up to ~95 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>
  and line broadening of up to ~7.5 Å. The Sun-as-a-star Hα profiles
  are consistent with spectra from flare regions with weak intensity, but
  they take smaller redshift velocities and line widths by a factor of ~2
  than those with strong intensity. The redshift velocities, as well as
  line widths, peak out and decay more rapidly than the Hα equivalent
  widths, which is consistent with the chromospheric condensation
  model and spatially resolved flare spectra. This suggests that as
  a result of superposition, the nature of chromospheric condensation
  is observable even from stellar flare spectra. The time evolution of
  redshift velocities is found to be similar to that of luminosities
  of near-ultraviolet rays (1600 Å), while the time evolution of
  line broadening is similar to that of optical white lights. These Hα
  spectral behaviors in Sun-as-a-star view could be helpful to distinguish
  whether the origin of Hα red asymmetry of stellar flares is a flare
  ribbon or other phenomena.

Title: Detection of Filament Eruption from a Superflare on a
    Solar-Type Star
Authors: Namekata, Kosuke; Maehara, Hiroyuki; Honda, Satoshi; Notsu,
   Yuta; Okamoto, Soshi; Takahashi, Jun; Takayama, Masaki; Ohshima,
   Tomohito; Saito, Tomoki; Katoh, Noriyuki; Tozuka, Miyako; Murata,
   Katsuhiro; Ogawa, Futa; Niwano, Masafumi; Adachi, Ryo; Oeda, Motoki;
   Shiraishi, Kazuki; Isogai, Keisuke; Seki, Daikichi; Ishii, Takako;
   Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Nogami, Daisaku; Shibata, Kazunari
2021AGUFM.U43B..03N    Altcode:
  Solar flares are often accompanied by filament/prominence eruptions,
  sometimes leading to coronal mass ejections (CMEs) that directly affect
  the Earth's environment. Very large flares called `superflares' are
  found on some active solar-type (G-type main-sequence) stars (Maehara
  et al. 2012, Nature), but the association of filament eruptions/CMEs
  is unknown. Here we show that our optical spectroscopic observation of
  the young solar-type star EK Draconis reveals the first evidence for
  a stellar filament eruption associated with a superflare on solar-type
  stars (Namekata et al. submitted). We monitored EK Draconis for about
  30 nights with the TESS photometry and ground-based spectroscopy
  onboard the Seimei Telescope (Japan) and Nayuta Telescope (Japan),
  and finally detected a superflare with the TESS white-light and H-alpha
  (Figure 1A). After the superflare with radiated energy of 2.0×1033 erg,
  a blue-shifted hydrogen absorption component with a large velocity of
  -510 km s-1 appeared (Figure 1B). The temporal changes in the spectra
  greatly resemble those of the-Sun-as-a-star solar filament eruptions
  observed by SMART telescope at Hida Observatory, indicating a common
  process of solar and stellar filament eruptions. The comparison of this
  eruption with solar filament eruptions in terms of the length scale and
  velocity strongly suggests that this would eventually become a stellar
  CME. The erupted filament mass of 1.1×1018 g is 10 times larger than
  those of the largest solar CMEs. The huge filament eruption and an
  associated CME on the young solar-type star provide the opportunity
  to evaluate how they affect the environment of young exoplanets/young
  Earth and stellar mass/angular-momentum evolution.

Title: Probable detection of an eruptive filament from a superflare
    on a solar-type star
Authors: Namekata, Kosuke; Maehara, Hiroyuki; Honda, Satoshi; Notsu,
   Yuta; Okamoto, Soshi; Takahashi, Jun; Takayama, Masaki; Ohshima,
   Tomohito; Saito, Tomoki; Katoh, Noriyuki; Tozuka, Miyako; Murata,
   Katsuhiro L.; Ogawa, Futa; Niwano, Masafumi; Adachi, Ryo; Oeda,
   Motoki; Shiraishi, Kazuki; Isogai, Keisuke; Seki, Daikichi; Ishii,
   Takako T.; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Nogami, Daisaku; Shibata, Kazunari
2022NatAs...6..241N    Altcode: 2021NatAs...6..241N; 2021arXiv211204808N; 2021NatAs.tmp..246N
  Solar flares are often accompanied by filament/prominence eruptions
  (~10<SUP>4</SUP> K and ~10<SUP>10−11</SUP> cm<SUP>−3</SUP>),
  sometimes leading to coronal mass ejections that directly affect
  the Earth's environment<SUP>1,2</SUP>. `Superflares' are found on
  some active solar-type (G-type main-sequence) stars<SUP>3-5</SUP>,
  but the filament eruption-coronal mass ejection association has
  not been established. Here we show that our optical spectroscopic
  observation of the young solar-type star EK Draconis reveals evidence
  for a stellar filament eruption associated with a superflare. This
  superflare emitted a radiated energy of 2.0 × 10<SUP>33</SUP> erg,
  and a blueshifted hydrogen absorption component with a high velocity of
  −510 km s<SUP>−1</SUP> was observed shortly afterwards. The temporal
  changes in the spectra strongly resemble those of solar filament
  eruptions. Comparing this eruption with solar filament eruptions in
  terms of the length scale and velocity strongly suggests that a stellar
  coronal mass ejection occurred. The erupted filament mass of 1.1 ×
  10<SUP>18</SUP> g is ten times larger than those of the largest solar
  coronal mass ejections. The massive filament eruption and an associated
  coronal mass ejection provide the opportunity to evaluate how they
  affect the environment of young exoplanets/the young Earth<SUP>6</SUP>
  and stellar mass/angular momentum evolution<SUP>7</SUP>.

Title: Investigation on the Evolution of the Nonpotential Magnetic
    Field and the Onset Mechanism of the Successive M-class Solar Flares
    in the Active Region NOAA 12673 Based on a Nonlinear Force-Free
Authors: Yamasaki, Daiki; Inoue, Satoshi; Kusano, Kanya; Ishii,
   Takako; Asai, Ayumi; Nagata, Shin'ichi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
2021AGUFMSH23B..03Y    Altcode:
  In September 2017, Active region (AR) NOAA 12673 has produced many
  M-class and several X-class flares, one of which being an X9.3 flare,
  which is recorded as the largest solar flare in solar cycle 24. Although
  many M- and C-class flares have been observed before the occurrence
  of the X-flares, the magnetic field structure before the flares and
  the flare triggering mechanism have been not studied well. Therefore,
  in this study, we reveal the magnetic field structure prior to the
  flares and flare triggering mechanism, in particular, of M5.5 flare,
  which is the largest M-class flare observed in AR 12673. In our study,
  we analyzed the evolution of the three-dimensional magnetic field in AR
  12673, using a time series of nonlinear force-free field extrapolations
  of every 12 hours from 2017 September 4 00:00 UT to 6 00:00 UT. We
  found that three magnetic flux ropes (MFRs) formed by September 4,
  one of which produced the X9.3 flare on September 6. One MFR has
  positive magnetic twist, which is a different sign from the other two
  MFRs. Since the several M-class flares were observed when the time
  profile of the magnetic flux of the MFR accumulating the positive
  twist had a peak, we suggest that the formation of the MFR having the
  positive twist is closely related to the occurrence of the M-class
  flares, including an M5.5 flare. We further found a magnetic null in
  the magnetic field surrounding the MFRs, which, in particular, locates
  above the MFR having positive twist. By comparing with Atmospheric
  Imaging Assembly 1600 angstrom images, we found that the footpoints
  of the overlying field lines are anchored to the area where initial
  brightening associated with the M5.5 flare was observed. Therefore,
  we suggest that reconnection at the magnetic null possibly drove the
  M5.5 flare. In addition, M4.2 flares was observed about 4.5 hours after
  the onset of the M5.5 flare, and the initial brightenings and the flare
  ribbons were observed in spatially similar location in AIA 1600 angstrom
  in both flares. Interestingly, CME was only observed shortly after the
  peak time of the M5.5 flare. In our presentation, we further discuss
  the onset mechanism of the successive M-class flares and the cause of
  the difference on the CME association in these two M-class flares.

Title: Space weather benchmarks on Japanese society
Authors: Ishii, Mamoru; Shiota, Daikou; Tao, Chihiro; Ebihara,
   Yusuke; Fujiwara, Hitoshi; Ishii, Takako; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Kataoka,
   Ryuho; Koga, Kiyokazu; Kubo, Yuki; Kusano, Kanya; Miyoshi, Yoshizumi;
   Nagatsuma, Tsutomu; Nakamizo, Aoi; Nakamura, Masao; Nishioka, Michi;
   Saito, Susumu; Sato, Tatsuhiko; Tsugawa, Takuya; Yoden, Shigeo
2021EP&S...73..108I    Altcode:
  We surveyed the relationship between the scale of space weather events
  and their occurrence rate in Japan, and we discussed the social
  impact of these phenomena during the Project for Solar-Terrestrial
  Environment Prediction (PSTEP) in 2015-2019. The information was
  compiled for domestic users of space weather forecasts for appropriate
  preparedness against space weather disasters. This paper gives
  a comprehensive summary of the survey, focusing on the fields of
  electricity, satellite operations, communication and broadcasting,
  satellite positioning usage, aviation, human space activity, and
  daily life on the Earth's surface, using the cutting-edge knowledge
  of space weather. Quantitative estimations of the economic impact
  of space weather events on electricity supply and aviation are also
  given. Some topics requiring future research, which were identified
  during the survey are also described.

Title: PSTEP: project for solar-terrestrial environment prediction
Authors: Kusano, Kanya; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Ishii, Mamoru; Miyoshi,
   Yoshizumi; Yoden, Shigeo; Akiyoshi, Hideharu; Asai, Ayumi; Ebihara,
   Yusuke; Fujiwara, Hitoshi; Goto, Tada-Nori; Hanaoka, Yoichiro;
   Hayakawa, Hisashi; Hosokawa, Keisuke; Hotta, Hideyuki; Hozumi,
   Kornyanat; Imada, Shinsuke; Iwai, Kazumasa; Iyemori, Toshihiko; Jin,
   Hidekatsu; Kataoka, Ryuho; Katoh, Yuto; Kikuchi, Takashi; Kubo, Yûki;
   Kurita, Satoshi; Matsumoto, Haruhisa; Mitani, Takefumi; Miyahara,
   Hiroko; Miyoshi, Yasunobu; Nagatsuma, Tsutomu; Nakamizo, Aoi; Nakamura,
   Satoko; Nakata, Hiroyuki; Nishizuka, Naoto; Otsuka, Yuichi; Saito,
   Shinji; Saito, Susumu; Sakurai, Takashi; Sato, Tatsuhiko; Shimizu,
   Toshifumi; Shinagawa, Hiroyuki; Shiokawa, Kazuo; Shiota, Daikou;
   Takashima, Takeshi; Tao, Chihiro; Toriumi, Shin; Ueno, Satoru;
   Watanabe, Kyoko; Watari, Shinichi; Yashiro, Seiji; Yoshida, Kohei;
   Yoshikawa, Akimasa
2021EP&S...73..159K    Altcode:
  Although solar activity may significantly impact the global environment
  and socioeconomic systems, the mechanisms for solar eruptions and
  the subsequent processes have not yet been fully understood. Thus,
  modern society supported by advanced information systems is at risk
  from severe space weather disturbances. Project for solar-terrestrial
  environment prediction (PSTEP) was launched to improve this situation
  through synergy between basic science research and operational
  forecast. The PSTEP is a nationwide research collaboration in Japan
  and was conducted from April 2015 to March 2020, supported by a
  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas from the
  Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of
  Japan. By this project, we sought to answer the fundamental questions
  concerning the solar-terrestrial environment and aimed to build a
  next-generation space weather forecast system to prepare for severe
  space weather disasters. The PSTEP consists of four research groups and
  proposal-based research units. It has made a significant progress in
  space weather research and operational forecasts, publishing over 500
  refereed journal papers and organizing four international symposiums,
  various workshops and seminars, and summer school for graduate students
  at Rikubetsu in 2017. This paper is a summary report of the PSTEP and
  describes the major research achievements it produced.

Title: Relationship between three-dimensional velocity of filament
    eruptions and CME association
Authors: Seki, Daikichi; Otsuji, Kenichi; Ishii, Takako T.; Asai,
   Ayumi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
2021EP&S...73...58S    Altcode: 2021arXiv210204578S
  It is widely recognised that filament disappearances or eruptions are
  frequently associated with Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs). Since CMEs
  are a major source of disturbances of the space environment surrounding
  the Earth, it is important to investigate these associations in detail
  for the better prediction of CME occurrence. However, the proportion
  of filament disappearances associated with CMEs is under debate. The
  estimates range from ∼ 10 to ∼ 90% and could be affected by the
  manners to select the events. In this study, we aim to reveal what
  parameters control the association between filament eruptions and
  CMEs. We analysed the relationships between CME associations and the
  physical parameters of filaments including their length, maximum
  ascending velocity, and direction of eruptions using 28 events of
  filament eruptions observed in Hα . We found that the product of the
  maximum radial velocity and the filament length is well correlated with
  the CME occurrence. If the product is larger than 8.0 ×10<SUP>6</SUP>
  km<SUP>2</SUP>s-<SUP>1</SUP>, the filament will become a CME with a
  probability of 93%, and if the product is smaller than this value,
  it will not become a CME with a probability of 100%. We suggest a
  kinetic-energy threshold above which filament eruptions are associated
  with CMEs. Our findings also suggest the importance of measuring the
  velocity vector of filament eruption in three-dimensional space for
  the better prediction of CME occurrence.

Title: Special issue "Solar-terrestrial environment prediction:
    toward the synergy of science and forecasting operation of space
    weather and space climate"
Authors: Kusano, Kanya; Ishii, Mamoru; Berger, Tomas; Miyoshi,
   Yoshizumi; Yoden, Shigeo; Liu, Huixin; Onsager, Terry; Ichimoto,
2021EP&S...73..198K    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Unusual enhancement of   30 MeV proton flux in an ICME
    sheath region
Authors: Oka, Mitsuo; Obara, Takahiro; Nitta, Nariaki V.; Yashiro,
   Seiji; Shiota, Daikou; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
2021EP&S...73...31O    Altcode:
  In gradual Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) events, shock waves driven
  by coronal mass ejections (CMEs) play a major role in accelerating
  particles, and the energetic particle flux enhances substantially
  when the shock front passes by the observer. Such enhancements are
  historically referred to as Energetic Storm Particle (ESP) events,
  but it remains unclear why ESP time profiles vary significantly from
  event to event. In some cases, energetic protons are not even clearly
  associated with shocks. Here, we report an unusual, short-duration
  proton event detected on 5 June 2011 in the compressed sheath
  region bounded by an interplanetary shock and the leading edge of the
  interplanetary CME (or ICME) that was driving the shock. While &lt; 10
  MeV protons were detected already at the shock front, the higher-energy
  (&gt; 30 MeV) protons were detected about four hours after the shock
  arrival, apparently correlated with a turbulent magnetic cavity embedded
  in the ICME sheath region.

Title: Small-scale Turbulent Motion of the Plasma in a Solar Filament
    as the Precursor of Eruption
Authors: Seki, Daikichi; Otsuji, Kenichi; Isobe, Hiroaki; Del Zanna,
   Giulio; Ishii, Takako T.; Sakaue, Takahito; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi;
   Shibata, Kazunari
2021ApJ...918...38S    Altcode: 2021arXiv210611875S
  A filament, a dense cool plasma supported by the magnetic fields in
  the solar corona, often becomes unstable and erupts. It is empirically
  known that the filament often demonstrates some activations such
  as a turbulent motion prior to eruption. In our previous study, we
  analyzed the Doppler velocity of an Hα filament and found that the
  standard deviation of the line-of-sight velocity distribution in a
  filament, which indicates the increasing amplitude of the small-scale
  motions, increased prior to the onset of the eruption. Here, we
  present a further analysis on this filament eruption, which initiated
  approximately at 03:40 UT on 2016 November 5 in the vicinity of NOAA
  Active Region 12605. It includes a coronal line observation and the
  extrapolation of the surrounding magnetic fields. We found that both
  the spatially averaged microturbulence inside the filament and the
  nearby coronal line emission increased 6 and 10 hr prior to eruption,
  respectively. In this event, we did not find any significant changes
  in the global potential field configuration preceding the eruption for
  the past 2 days, which indicates that there is a case in which it is
  difficult to predict the eruption only by tracking the extrapolated
  global magnetic fields. In terms of space weather prediction, our
  result on the turbulent motions in a filament could be used as the
  useful precursor of a filament eruption.

Title: Instrumental design of the Solar Observing Satellite:
Authors: Suematsu, Yoshinori; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Hara, Hirohisa;
   Kawate, Tomoko; Katsukawa, Yukio; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Imada, Shinsuke
2021SPIE11852E..3KS    Altcode:
  The EUV High-Throughput Spectroscopic Telescope (EUVST) of Solar-C
  mission is a revolutionary spectrometer that is designed to provide
  high-quality and high cadence spectroscopic data covering a wide
  temperature range of the chromosphere to flaring corona to investigate
  the energetics and dynamics of the solar atmosphere. The EUVST consists
  of only two imaging optical components; a 28-cm clear aperture off-axis
  parabolic primary mirror and a two-split ellipsoidal grating without a
  blocking filter for visible light before the primary mirror to achieve
  unprecedented high spatial and temporal resolution in EUV-UV imaging
  spectroscopic observations. For this reason, about 53 W of sunlight
  is absorbed by the multilayer coating on the mirror. We present an
  instrumental design of the telescope, particularly, primary mirror
  assembly which enables slit-scan observations for imaging spectroscopy,
  an image stabilizing tip-tilt control, and a focus adjustment on
  orbit, together with an optomechanical design of the primary mirror
  and its supporting system which gives optically tolerant wavefront
  error against a large temperature increase due to an absorption of
  visible and IR lights.

Title: Unusual enhancement of  30 MeV proton flux in an ICME sheath
Authors: Oka, Mitsuo; Obara, Takahiro; Nitta, Nariaki; Yashiro, Seiji;
   Shiota, Daikou; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
2021EGUGA..23..421O    Altcode:
  In gradual Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) events, shock waves driven
  by coronal mass ejections (CMEs) play a major role in accelerating
  particles, and the energetic particle flux enhances substantially
  when the shock front passes by the observer. Such enhancements are
  historically referred to as Energetic Storm Particle (ESP) events,
  but it remains unclear why ESP time profiles vary significantly from
  event to event. In some cases, energetic protons are not even clearly
  associated with shocks. Here we report an unusual, short-duration proton
  event detected on 5 June 2011 in the compressed sheath region bounded
  by an interplanetary shock and the leading-edge of the interplanetary
  CME (or ICME) that was driving the shock. While &lt;10 MeV protons
  were detected already at the shock front, the higher-energy (&gt;30
  MeV) protons were detected about four hours after the shock arrival,
  apparently correlated with a turbulent magnetic cavity embedded in
  the ICME sheath region.

Title: Detection of mass ejection from a superflare on a solar-type
Authors: Namekata, Kosuke; Maehara, Hiroyuki; Honda, Satoshi; Notsu,
   Yuta; Okamoto, Soshi; Takahashi, Jun; Takayama, Masaki; Ohshima,
   Tomohito; Saito, Tomoki; Katoh, Noriyuki; Tozuka, Miyako; Murata,
   Katsuhiro; Ogawa, Futa; Niwano, Masafumi; Adachi, Ryo; Oeda, Motoki;
   Shiraishi, Kazuki; Isogai, Keisuke; Ishii, Takako; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi;
   Nogami, Daisaku; Shibata, Kazunari
2021csss.confE.152N    Altcode:
  Solar and stellar flares are caused by the sudden release of magnetic
  energy on the surfaces. In the case of the Sun, mass ejections often
  accompany solar flares and affect the Earth's environment. Active
  solar-type stars (G-type main-sequence stars) sometimes show larger
  `superflares' (Maehara et al. 2012) that may cause more huge mass
  ejections than those of solar flares. The stellar mass ejections can
  greatly affect the exoplanet habitability and the stellar mass evolution
  (e.g. Airapetian et al. 2020). However, no observational indication
  of mass ejection has been reported especially for solar-type stars.We
  conducted spectroscopic monitoring observations of the active young
  solar analog EK Dra (a famous zero-age main-sequence G-dwarf) by our
  new 3.8-m Seimei telescope, simultaneously with TESS photometry. Our
  time-resolved optical spectroscopic observation shows clear evidence for
  a stellar mass ejection associated with a superflare on the solar-type
  star (Namekata et al. submitted). After the superflare brightening
  with the radiated energy of 2.0×10<SUP>33</SUP> erg observed by TESS,
  a blue-shifted H-alpha absorption component with a velocity of -510 km
  s<SUP>-1</SUP> appeared. The velocity gradually decayed in 2 hours and
  the deceleration 0.34 km s<SUP>-2</SUP> was consistent with the surface
  gravity on EK Dra (0.30 ± 0.05 km s<SUP>-2</SUP>). The temporal changes
  in the spectra greatly resemble that of a solar mass ejection observed
  by the SMART telescope at Hida observatory. Moreover, the ejected
  mass of 1.1×10<SUP>18</SUP> g roughly corresponds to those predicted
  from solar flare-energy/ejected-mass relation. These discoveries imply
  that a huge stellar mass ejection occurs possibly in the same way as
  solar ones. Our high-quality dataset can be helpful for future studies
  to estimate its impacts on the young-planet atmosphere around young
  solar-type stars as well as stellar mass/angular momentum evolution.

Title: Evolution of the Nonpotential Magnetic Field in the Solar
    Active Region 12673 Based on a Nonlinear Force-free Modeling
Authors: Yamasaki, Daiki; Inoue, Satoshi; Nagata, Shin'ichi; Ichimoto,
2021ApJ...908..132Y    Altcode: 2020arXiv201201008Y
  Active region (AR) 12673 has produced many M-class and several X-class
  flares, one of which being an X9.3 flare, which is recorded as the
  largest solar flare in solar cycle 24. We studied the evolution of the
  three-dimensional flare-productive magnetic field within AR 12673,
  using a time series of nonlinear force-free field extrapolations of
  every 12 hr from 2017 September 4 00:00 UT to 6 00:00 UT. Our analysis
  found that three magnetic flux ropes (MFRs) formed by September 4,
  one of which produced the X9.3 flare on September 6. One MFR has
  positive magnetic twist, which is a different sign from the other two
  MFRs. Since the temporal evolution of the magnetic flux of the MFR
  accumulating the positive twist is consistent with the profile of the
  GOES X-ray flux well observed from September 4 to 6, we suggest that
  the formation of the MFR having the positive twist is closely related
  to the occurrence of the M-class flares, including an M5.5 flare. We
  further found a magnetic null in the magnetic field surrounding
  the MFRs, in particular above the MFR having positive twist before
  the M5.5 flare, which is the largest M-flare observed during this
  period. By comparing with Atmospheric Imaging Assembly 1600 Å images,
  we found that the footpoints of the overlying field lines are anchored
  to the area where the brightening was initially observed. Therefore,
  we suggest that reconnection induced by the torus instability of the
  positively twisted MFR at the null possibly drove the M5.5 flare.

Title: First detection of stellar mass ejection from a superflare
    on a solar-type star
Authors: Namekata, Kosuke; Ishii, Takako; Shibata, Kazunari; Ichimoto,
   Kiyoshi; Honda, Satoshi; Maehara, Hiroyuki; Nogami, Daisaku; Notsu,
   Yuta; Okamoto, Soshi
2021cosp...43E1733N    Altcode:
  Active solar-type stars sometimes show large `superflares' that may
  cause huge mass ejections, greatly affecting the planetary environment
  and the stellar mass evolution. However, no observational indication of
  mass ejection has been reported especially for solar-type stars, and
  furthermore, the signatures of mass ejections are very controversial
  even for other kinds of magnetically active stars (e.g. cooler stars
  and giant stars). We conducted a spectroscopic monitoring observations
  of the active young solar-type star EK Draconis (EK Dra) by our new
  3.8-m Seimei telescope, simultaneously with TESS satellite. Our
  time-resolved optical spectroscopic observation shows the first,
  conclusive evidence for a stellar mass ejection associated with a
  superflare on the solar-type star. After the superflare brighntenings
  with the radiated energy of $2.0\times10^{33}$ erg observed by TESS,
  a blue-shifted H$\alpha$ absorption component with a velocity of
  $-510$ km s$^{-1}$ appeared. The velocity gradually decayed in 1-2
  hour and the deceleration 0.34 $km s$^{-2}$ was consistent with the
  surface gravity on EK Dra (0.30 \pm 0.05 $km s$^{-2}$). The temporal
  changes in the spectra greatly resemble that of solar mass ejections
  observed by SMART telescope at Hida observatory. Moreover, the ejected
  mass of $6.2\times10^{17}$ g corresponds to those predicted from solar
  flare-energy/ejected-mass relation. These discoveries imply that a huge
  stellar mass ejection did occur in the same way as solar ones, which
  enables us to estimate its impacts on planets as well as mass/angular
  momentum evolution.

Title: Statistical Analysis of the Relation between Coronal Mass
    Ejections and Solar Energetic Particles
Authors: Kihara, K.; Nitta, N.; Yashiro, S.; Asai, A.; Ichimoto, K.
2020AGUFMSH012..02K    Altcode:
  To improve the forecasting capability of impactful solar energetic
  particle (SEP) events, the relation between coronal mass ejections
  (CMEs) and SEP events needs to be better understood. Here we present
  a statistical study of SEP occurrences and timescales with respect
  to the CME source locations and speeds, considering all 257 fast
  (v<SUB>CME</SUB> ≥ 900 km/s) and wide (angular width ≥ 60°) CMEs
  that occurred between December 2006 and October 2017. We associate
  them with SEP events at energies above 10 MeV. Examination of the
  source region of each CME reveals that CMEs more often accompany a
  SEP event if they originate from the longitude of E20-W100 relative
  to the observer. However, a SEP event could still be absent if the
  CME is &lt; 2000 km/s. For the associated CME-SEP pairs, we compute
  three timescales for each of the SEP events, following Kahler (2005,
  2013); namely the timescale of the onset (TO), the rise time (TR),
  and the duration (TD). They are correlated with the longitude of
  the CME source region relative to the footpoint of the Parker spiral
  (ΔΦ) and v<SUB>CME</SUB>. The TO tends to be short for |ΔΦ| &lt;
  60° . This trend is weaker for TR and TD. The SEP timescales are only
  weakly correlated with v<SUB>CME</SUB>. Positive correlations of both
  TR and TD with v<SUB>CME</SUB> are seen in poorly connected (large
  |ΔΦ|) events. Additionally, TO appears to be negatively correlated
  with v<SUB>CME</SUB> for events with small |ΔΦ|.

Title: Estimation of Low-energy Cutoff of Non-thermal Electrons from
    a Spectro-polarimetric Observation
Authors: Anan, T.; Yoneya, T.; Ichimoto, K.; Ueno, S.; Shiota, D.;
   Nozawa, S.; Takasao, S.; Kawate, T.
2020AGUFMSH0430015A    Altcode:
  Low-energy cutoff of the non-thermal electron energy distribution
  is crucial to derive the total non-thermal electron energy. A flare
  kernel associated with a C4 class flare was observed in a spectral
  window including the He I triplet 1083.0 nm and Si I 1082.7 nm with a
  spectro-polarimeter on the Domeless Solar Telescope at Hida Observatory
  on 2015 August 9. The observed Stokes profiles of the He I triplet in
  the flare kernel are well reproduced through inversions considering
  the Zeeman and the Paschen-Back effects with a three-slab model of
  the flare kernel, in which two slabs which have upward and downward
  velocities produce emissions and one slab produces an absorption. The
  magnetic field strength inferred from the emission components of the
  He I line is 1400 G, which is significantly stronger than 690 G that
  is observed at the same location in the same line 6.5 hr before the
  flare. In addition, the photospheric magnetic field vector derived from
  the Si I10827 Å is similar to that of the flare kernel. To explain
  this result, we suggest that the emission in the He I triplet during
  the flare is produced in the deep layer, around which bombardment of
  non-thermal electrons leads to the formation of a coronal temperature
  plasma. Assuming a hydrogen column density at the location where the He
  I emissions are formed, and a power-law index of non-thermal electron
  energy distribution, we derived the low-energy cutoff of the non-thermal
  electron as 20-30 keV independently from methods using hard X-ray data.

Title: Sunrise Chromospheric Infrared spectroPolarimeter (SCIP)
for SUNRISE III: polarization modulation unit
Authors: Kubo, Masahito; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Katsukawa, Yukio;
   Kawabata, Yusuke; Anan, Tetsu; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Shinoda, Kazuya;
   Tamura, Tomonori; Nodomi, Yoshifumi; Nakayama, Satoshi; Yamada, Takuya;
   Tajima, Takao; Nakata, Shimpei; Nakajima, Yoshihito; Okutani, Kousei;
   Feller, Alex; del Toro Iniesta, Jose Carlos
2020SPIE11447E..A3K    Altcode:
  Polarization measurements of the solar chromospheric lines at
  high precision are key to present and future solar telescopes for
  understanding magnetic field structures in the chromosphere. The
  Sunrise Chromospheric Infrared spectroPolarimeter (SCIP) for Sunrise
  III is a spectropolarimeter with a polarimetric precision of 0.03 %
  (1 σ). The key to high-precision polarization measurements using
  SCIP is a polarization modulation unit that rotates a waveplate
  continuously at a constant speed. The rotating mechanism is a DC
  brushless motor originally developed for a future space mission, and
  its control logic was originally developed for the sounding rocket
  experiment CLASP. Because of our requirement on a speed of rotation
  (0.512 s/rotation) that was 10 times faster than that of CLASP, we
  optimized the control logic for the required faster rotation. Fast
  polarization modulation is essential for investigating the fine-scale
  magnetic field structures related to the dynamical chromospheric
  phenomena. We have verified that the rotation performance can achieve
  the polarization precision of 0.03 % (1 σ) required by SCIP and such
  a significant rotation performance is maintained under thermal vacuum
  conditions by simulating the environment of the Sunrise III balloon
  flight. The waveplate was designed as a pair of two birefringent
  plates made of quartz and sapphire to achieve a constant retardation
  in a wide wavelength range. We have confirmed that the retardation
  is almost constant in the 770 nm and 850nm wavelength bands of SCIP
  under the operational temperature conditions.

Title: Development of new tunable filter for solar observation in
    Hida observatory
Authors: Otsuji, Kenichi; Kimura, Gouichi; Nakatani, Yoshi-kazu;
   Kaneda, Naoki; Ishii, Takako T.; Hagino, Masaoki; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
2020SPIE11447E..A5O    Altcode:
  Solar Magnetic Activity Research Telescope (SMART) at Hida observatory
  is in operational to monitor the solar activity. As a new solar Hα
  observing instrument for SMART, we developed "Solar Dynamics Doppler
  Imager (SDDI)", which can measure the three-dimensional motion of solar
  eruptive phenomena. These eruptive events could be affective to the
  earth magnetism and cause serious damage to our society. The purpose
  of SMART/SDDI is monitoring and forecasting the geo-affective solar
  eruptions. In this paper, we present the development of the tunable
  filter "F40", the key component of SDDI. The features of TF40 are,
  (1) fast tuning of observation wavelength, (2) narrow transmission
  width and large free spectral range (FSR), (3) large field-of-view that
  covers the entire solar disk with a 20 cm objective lens. TF40 has 7
  stages of optical blocks. Each stage consists of a linear polarizer,
  calcites, a quartz as half waveplate and a Liquid Crystal Variable
  Retarder (LCVR), and has the periodic transmission profile with 0.05,
  0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.6 and 3.2 nm period at Hα line (656.2808 nm),
  respectively. Combining the 7 stages, the 0.025 nm transmission
  width and 3.2 nm FSR are achieved. Retardation of each LCVR and
  its dependence on applied voltage and temperature were measured for
  modeling its characteristics, with which we calculate the voltage
  for desired retardation. Best-shaped transmission profile is obtained
  by further adjustment of voltages of individual LCVRs using the real
  solar light. We report the performance and current observing status
  of the TF40.

Title: The Solar-C (EUVST) mission: the latest status
Authors: Shimizu, Toshifumi; Imada, Shinsuke; Kawate, Tomoko; Suematsu,
   Yoshinori; Hara, Hirohisa; Tsuzuki, Toshihiro; Katsukawa, Yukio; Kubo,
   Masahito; Ishikawa, Ryoko; Watanabe, Tetsuya; Toriumi, Shin; Ichimoto,
   Kiyoshi; Nagata, Shin'ichi; Hasegawa, Takahiro; Yokoyama, Takaaki;
   Watanabe, Kyoko; Tsuno, Katsuhiko; Korendyke, Clarence M.; Warren,
   Harry; De Pontieu, Bart; Boerner, Paul; Solanki, Sami K.; Teriaca,
   Luca; Schuehle, Udo; Matthews, Sarah; Long, David; Thomas, William;
   Hancock, Barry; Reid, Hamish; Fludra, Andrzej; Auchère, Frederic;
   Andretta, Vincenzo; Naletto, Giampiero; Poletto, Luca; Harra, Louise
2020SPIE11444E..0NS    Altcode:
  Solar-C (EUVST) is the next Japanese solar physics mission to
  be developed with significant contributions from US and European
  countries. The mission carries an EUV imaging spectrometer with
  slit-jaw imaging system called EUVST (EUV High-Throughput Spectroscopic
  Telescope) as the mission payload, to take a fundamental step towards
  answering how the plasma universe is created and evolves and how the
  Sun influences the Earth and other planets in our solar system. In
  April 2020, ISAS (Institute of Space and Astronautical Science) of JAXA
  (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) has made the final down-selection
  for this mission as the 4th in the series of competitively chosen
  M-class mission to be launched with an Epsilon launch vehicle in mid
  2020s. NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) has selected
  this mission concept for Phase A concept study in September 2019 and
  is in the process leading to final selection. For European countries,
  the team has (or is in the process of confirming) confirmed endorsement
  for hardware contributions to the EUVST from the national agencies. A
  recent update to the mission instrumentation is to add a UV spectral
  irradiance monitor capability for EUVST calibration and scientific
  purpose. This presentation provides the latest status of the mission
  with an overall description of the mission concept emphasizing on key
  roles of the mission in heliophysics research from mid 2020s.

Title: Sunrise Chromospheric Infrared SpectroPolarimeter (SCIP)
for sunrise III: system design and capability
Authors: Katsukawa, Y.; del Toro Iniesta, J. C.; Solanki, S. K.;
   Kubo, M.; Hara, H.; Shimizu, T.; Oba, T.; Kawabata, Y.; Tsuzuki,
   T.; Uraguchi, F.; Nodomi, Y.; Shinoda, K.; Tamura, T.; Suematsu,
   Y.; Ishikawa, R.; Kano, R.; Matsumoto, T.; Ichimoto, K.; Nagata, S.;
   Quintero Noda, C.; Anan, T.; Orozco Suárez, D.; Balaguer Jiménez,
   M.; López Jiménez, A. C.; Cobos Carrascosa, J. P.; Feller, A.;
   Riethmueller, T.; Gandorfer, A.; Lagg, A.
2020SPIE11447E..0YK    Altcode:
  The Sunrise balloon-borne solar observatory carries a 1 m aperture
  optical telescope and provides us a unique platform to conduct
  continuous seeing-free observations at UV-visible-IR wavelengths from
  an altitude of higher than 35 km. For the next flight planned for
  2022, the post-focus instrumentation is upgraded with new spectro-
  polarimeters for the near UV (SUSI) and the near-IR (SCIP), whereas
  the imaging spectro-polarimeter Tunable Magnetograph (TuMag) is capable
  of observing multiple spectral lines within the visible wavelength. A
  new spectro-polarimeter called the Sunrise Chromospheric Infrared
  spectroPolarimeter (SCIP) is under development for observing near-IR
  wavelength ranges of around 770 nm and 850 nm. These wavelength ranges
  contain many spectral lines sensitive to solar magnetic fields and
  SCIP will be able to obtain magnetic and velocity structures in the
  solar atmosphere with a sufficient height resolution by combining
  spectro-polarimetric data of these lines. Polarimetric measurements are
  conducted using a rotating waveplate as a modulator and polarizing beam
  splitters in front of the cameras. The spatial and spectral resolutions
  are 0.2" and 2 105, respectively, and a polarimetric sensitivity of
  0.03 % (1σ) is achieved within a 10 s integration time. To detect
  minute polarization signals with good precision, we carefully designed
  the opto-mechanical system, polarization optics and modulation, and
  onboard data processing.

Title: Current Status of the Solar-C_EUVST Mission
Authors: Imada, S.; Shimizu, T.; Kawate, T.; Toriumi, S.; Katsukawa,
   Y.; Kubo, M.; Hara, H.; Suematsu, Y.; Ichimoto, K.; Watanabe, T.;
   Watanabe, K.; Yokoyama, T.; Warren, H.; Long, D.; Harra, L. K.;
   Teriaca, L.
2020AGUFMSH056..05I    Altcode:
  Solar-C_EUVST (EUV High-Throughput Spectroscopic Telescope) is designed
  to comprehensively understand the energy and mass transfer from the
  solar surface to the solar corona and interplanetary space, and to
  investigate the elementary processes that take place universally
  in cosmic plasmas. As a fundamental step towards answering how the
  plasma universe is created and evolves, and how the Sun influences
  the Earth and other planets in our solar system, the proposed mission
  is designed to comprehensively understand how mass and energy are
  transferred throughout the solar atmosphere. Understanding the solar
  atmosphere, which connects to the heliosphere via radiation, the solar
  wind and coronal mass ejections, and energetic particles is pivotal
  for establishing the conditions for life and habitability in the solar
  system. <P />The two primary science objectives for Solar-C_EUVST are :
  I) Understand how fundamental processes lead to the formation of the
  solar atmosphere and the solar wind, II) Understand how the solar
  atmosphere becomes unstable, releasing the energy that drives solar
  flares and eruptions. Solar-C_EUVST will, A) seamlessly observe all
  the temperature regimes of the solar atmosphere from the chromosphere
  to the corona at the same time, B) resolve elemental structures of the
  solar atmosphere with high spatial resolution and cadence to track their
  evolution, and C) obtain spectroscopic information on the dynamics of
  elementary processes taking place in the solar atmosphere. <P />In this
  talk, we will first discuss the science target of the Solar-C_EUVST,
  and then discuss the current status of the Solar-C_EUVST mission.

Title: Thermal design of the Solar-C (EUVST) telescope
Authors: Suematsu, Yoshinori; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Hara, Hirohisa;
   Kawate, Tomoko; Katsukawa, Yukio; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Imada, Shinsuke;
   Nagae, Kazuhiro; Yamazaki, Atsumu; Hattori, Tomoya
2020SPIE11444E..3KS    Altcode:
  The EUV High-Throughput Spectroscopic Telescope (EUVST) of Solar-C
  mission consists of only two imaging optical components; a 28-cm clear
  aperture off-axis parabolic primary mirror and a two-split ellipsoidal
  grating without a blocking filter for visible light before the primary
  mirror to achieve unprecedented high spatial and temporal resolution in
  EUV-UV imaging spectroscopic observations. For this reason, about 60
  W of sunlight is absorbed by the multilayer coating on the mirror. We
  report a thermal design of telescope in which the temperature of the
  primary mirror bonding part and underlying tip-tilt and slit-scanning
  mechanisms is well lower than a glass transition temperature of adhesive
  (about 60°C) and thermal deformation of the primary mirror is small,
  although it is non-negligibly small.

Title: A sensitivity analysis of the updated optical design for
    EUVST on the Solar-C mission
Authors: Kawate, Tomoko; Tsuzuki, Toshihiro; Shimizu, Toshifumi;
   Imada, Shinsuke; Katsukawa, Yukio; Hara, Hirohisa; Suematsu, Yoshinori;
   Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Hattori, Tomoya; Narasaki, Shota; Warren, Harry P.;
   Teriaca, Luca; Korendyke, Clarence M.; Brown, Charles M.; Auchere,
2020SPIE11444E..3JK    Altcode:
  The EUV high-throughput spectroscopic telescope (EUVST) onboard the
  Solar-C mission has the high spatial (0.4”) resolution over a wide
  wavelength range in the vacuum ultraviolet. To achieve high spatial
  resolution under a design constraint given by the JAXA Epsilon launch
  vehicle, we further update the optical design to secure margins
  needed to realize 0.4” spatial resolution over a field of view of
  100”×100”. To estimate the error budgets of spatial and spectral
  resolutions due to installation and fabrication errors, we perform a
  sensitivity analysis for the position and orientation of each optical
  element and for the grating parameters by ray tracing with the Zemax
  software. We obtain point spread functions (PSF) for rays from 9
  fields and at 9 wavelengths on each detector by changing each parameter
  slightly. A full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the PSF is derived at
  each field and wavelength position as a function of the perturbation
  of each optical parameter. Assuming a mount system of each optical
  element and an error of each optical parameter, we estimate spatial
  and spectral resolutions by taking installation and fabrication errors
  into account. The results of the sensitivity analysis suggest that
  budgets of the total of optical design and the assembly errors account
  for 15% and 5.8% of our budgets of the spatial resolution in the long
  wavelength and short wavelength bands, respectively. On the other hand,
  the grating fabrication errors give a large degradation of spatial and
  spectral resolutions, and investigations of compensators are needed
  to relax the fabrication tolerance of the grating surface parameters.

Title: Temperature analysis of solar prominences by multi-wavelength
Authors: Okada, Sanetaka; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Machida, Aki; Tokuda,
   Satomi; Huang, Yuwei; UeNo, Satoru
2020PASJ...72...71O    Altcode: 2020PASJ..tmp..164O
  The aim of this paper is to determine the kinetic temperature of
  solar prominences from widths of emission lines with a careful
  evaluation of its validity, and to investigate the spatial
  distribution of the non-thermal velocity and the kinetic temperature
  in prominences. Spectroscopic observations of prominences were carried
  out using the Domeless Solar Telescope at the Hida observatory in four
  emission lines, i.e., H $\alpha$ $656.3\:$ nm, H $\beta$ $486.1\:$
  nm, Ca $^{+}$ IR $854.2\:$ nm, and Ca $^{+}$ K $393.4\:$ nm. We found
  systematic differences in temperature and its spatial distributions in
  prominences obtained from different pairs of spectral lines. The reason
  for the difference is that the intrinsic widths of emission lines
  determined by a single-slab model are different for optically thick
  and thin lines, and can be attributed to the assumption of a Gaussian
  profile of the non-thermal broadening in the single-slab model. With
  numerical experiments, we found that the observed differences among
  line pairs can be reproduced by a multi-slab model, in which each slab
  has different non-thermal broadening and line-of-sight velocity. The
  most accurate evaluation of the temperature is obtained with the
  pair of H $\beta$ and Ca $^{+}$ IR in our selection. Based on these
  results, we found the typical kinetic temperature of prominences to
  be 8000&amp;- $12000\:$ K, which is significantly higher than the
  temperature determined by radiative balance and suggests the presence
  of mechanical heating in prominences. Also suggested is the presence
  of positive spatial correlation between non-thermal velocity and
  temperature. We revisit past observational results on the prominence
  temperature and discuss the reason for discrepancies among them.

Title: Statistical Analysis of the Relation between Coronal Mass
    Ejections and Solar Energetic Particles
Authors: Kihara, Kosuke; Huang, Yuwei; Nishimura, Nobuhiko; Nitta,
   Nariaki V.; Yashiro, Seiji; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Asai, Ayumi
2020ApJ...900...75K    Altcode: 2020arXiv200708062K
  To improve the forecasting capability of impactful solar energetic
  particle (SEP) events, the relation between coronal mass ejections
  (CMEs) and SEP events needs to be better understood. Here we present
  a statistical study of SEP occurrences and timescales with respect
  to the CME source locations and speeds, considering all 257 fast
  (v<SUB>CME</SUB> ≥ 900 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>) and wide (angular width
  ≥60°) CMEs that occurred between 2006 December and 2017 October. We
  associate them with SEP events at energies above 10 MeV. Examination of
  the source region of each CME reveals that CMEs more often accompany a
  SEP event if they originate from the longitude of E20-W100 relative to
  the observer. However, an SEP event could still be absent if the CME is
  &lt;2000 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. For the associated CME-SEP pairs, we compute
  three timescales for each of the SEP events, namely the timescale of
  the onset (TO), the rise time (TR), and the duration (TD). They are
  correlated with the longitude of the CME source region relative to
  the footpoint of the Parker spiral (ΔΦ) and v<SUB>CME</SUB>. The
  TO tends to be short for $| {\rm{\Delta }}{\rm{\Phi }}| \ \lt $
  60°. This trend is weaker for TR and TD. The SEP timescales are only
  weakly correlated with v<SUB>CME</SUB>. Positive correlations of both
  TR and TD with v<SUB>CME</SUB> are seen in poorly connected (large $|
  {\rm{\Delta }}{\rm{\Phi }}| $ ) events. Additionally, TO appears to
  be negatively correlated with v<SUB>CME</SUB> for events with small $|
  {\rm{\Delta }}{\rm{\Phi }}| $ .

Title: SMART/SDDI Filament Disappearance Catalogue
Authors: Seki, Daikichi; Otsuji, Kenichi; Ishii, Takako T.; Hirose,
   Kumi; Iju, Tomoya; UeNo, Satoru; Cabezas, Denis P.; Asai, Ayumi;
   Isobe, Hiroaki; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Shibata, Kazunari
2020arXiv200303454S    Altcode:
  This paper describes a new SMART/SDDI Filament Disappearance Catalogue,
  in which we listed almost all the filament disappearance events
  that the Solar Dynamics Doppler Imager (SDDI) has observed since
  its installation on the Solar Magnetic Activity Research Telescope
  (SMART) in May 2016. Our aim is to build a database that can help
  predict the occurrence and severity of coronal mass ejections
  (CMEs). The catalogue contains miscellaneous information associated
  with filament disappearance such as flare, CME, active region,
  three-dimensional trajectory of erupting filaments, detection in
  Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS), occurrence of interplanetary CME
  (ICME) and Dst index. We also provide statistical information on the
  catalogue data. The catalogue is available from the following website:

Title: SMART/SDDI Filament Disappearance Catalogue
Authors: Seki, D.; Otsuji, K.; Ishii, T.; Hirose, K.; Iju, T.; UeNo,
   S.; Cabezas, D.; Asai, A.; Isobe, H.; Ichimoto, K.; Shibata, K.
2019SunGe..14...95S    Altcode:
  This paper describes a new "SMART/SDDI Filament Disappearance
  Catalogue," in which we listed almost all the filament disappearance
  events that the Solar Dynamics Doppler Imager (SDDI) has observed since
  its installation on the Solar Magnetic Activity Research Telescope
  (SMART) in May 2016. Our aim is to build a database that can help
  predict the occurrence and severity of coronal mass ejections
  (CMEs). The catalogue contains miscellaneous information associated
  with filament disappearance such as flare, CME, active region,
  three-dimensional trajectory of erupting filaments, detection in
  Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS), occurrence of interplanetary CME
  (ICME) and Dst index. We also provide statistical information on the
  catalogue data. The catalogue is available from the following website:

Title: Dynamic Processes of the Moreton Wave on 2014 March 29
Authors: Cabezas, Denis P.; Asai, Ayumi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Sakaue,
   Takahito; UeNo, Satoru; Ishitsuka, José K.; Shibata, Kazunari
2019ApJ...883...32C    Altcode: 2019arXiv190803534C
  On 2014 March 29, an intense solar flare classified as X1.0 occurred
  in active region 12017. Several associated phenomena accompanied this
  event, among them a fast-filament eruption, large-scale propagating
  disturbances in the corona and the chromosphere including a Moreton
  wave, and a coronal mass ejection. This flare was successfully detected
  in multiwavelength imaging in the Hα line by the Flare Monitoring
  Telescope (FMT) at Ica University, Peru. We present a detailed study
  of the Moreton wave associated with the flare in question. Special
  attention is paid to the Doppler characteristics inferred from the
  FMT wing (Hα ± 0.8 Å) observations, which are used to examine
  the downward/upward motion of the plasma in the chromosphere. Our
  findings reveal that the downward motion of the chromospheric material
  at the front of the Moreton wave attains a maximum velocity of 4 km
  s<SUP>-1</SUP>, whereas the propagation speed ranges between 640 and
  859 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. Furthermore, using the weak-shock approximation
  in conjunction with the velocity amplitude of the chromospheric motion
  induced by the Moreton wave, we derive the Mach number of the incident
  shock in the corona. We also performed the temperature-emission measure
  analysis of the coronal wave based on the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly
  observations, which allowed us to derive the compression ratio, and to
  estimate Alfvén and fast-mode Mach numbers on the order of 1.06-1.28
  and 1.05-1.27. Considering these results and the magnetohydrodynamics
  linear theory, we discuss the characteristics of the shock front and
  the interaction with the chromospheric plasma.

Title: The influence of Hinode/SOT NFI instrumental effects on the
    visibility of simulated prominence fine structures in Hα
Authors: Gunár, S.; Jurčák, J.; Ichimoto, K.
2019A&A...629A.118G    Altcode:
  Context. Models of entire prominences with their numerous fine
  structures distributed within the prominence magnetic field use
  approximate radiative transfer techniques to visualize the simulated
  prominences. However, to accurately compare synthetic images of
  prominences obtained in this way with observations and to precisely
  analyze the visibility of even the faintest prominence features,
  it is important to take into account the influence of instrumental
  properties on the synthetic spectra and images. <BR /> Aims: In the
  present work, we investigate how synthetic Hα images of simulated
  prominences are impacted by the instrumental effects induced by the
  Narrowband Filter Imager (NFI) of the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT)
  onboard the Hinode satellite. <BR /> Methods: To process the synthetic
  Hα images provided by 3D Whole-Prominence Fine Structure (WPFS) models
  into SOT-like synthetic Hα images, we take into account the effects of
  the integration over the theoretical narrow-band transmission profile
  of NFI Lyot filter, the influence of the stray-light and point spread
  function (PSF) of Hinode/SOT, and the observed noise level. This allows
  us to compare the visibility of the prominence fine structures in the
  SOT-like synthetic Hα images with the synthetic Hα line-center images
  used by the 3D models and with a pair of Hinode/SOT NFI observations
  of quiescent prominences. <BR /> Results: The comparison between
  the SOT-like synthetic Hα images and the synthetic Hα line-center
  images shows that all large and small-scale features are very similar
  in both visualizations and that the same very faint prominence fine
  structures can be discerned in both. This demonstrates that the
  computationally efficient Hα line-center visualization technique
  can be reliably used for the purpose of visualization of complex 3D
  prominence models. In addition, the qualitative comparison between the
  SOT-like synthetic images and prominence observations shows that the
  3D WPFS models can reproduce large-scale prominence features rather
  well. However, the distribution of the prominence fine structures
  is significantly more diffuse in the observations than in the models
  and the diffuse intensity areas surrounding the observed prominences
  are also not present in the synthetic images. We also found that the
  maximum intensities reached in the models are about twice as high as
  those present in the observations-an indication that the mass-loading
  assumed in the present 3D WPFS models might be too large.

Title: ngGONG: The Next Generation GONG - A New Solar Synoptic
    Observational Network
Authors: Hill, Frank; Hammel, Heidi; Martinez-Pillet, Valentin; de
   Wijn, A.; Gosain, S.; Burkepile, J.; Henney, C. J.; McAteer, J.; Bain,
   H. M.; Manchester, W.; Lin, H.; Roth, M.; Ichimoto, K.; Suematsu, Y.
2019BAAS...51g..74H    Altcode: 2019astro2020U..74H
  The white paper describes a next-generation GONG, a ground-based
  geographically distributed network of instrumentation to continually
  observe the Sun. This would provide data for solar magnetic field
  research and space weather forecasting, and would extend the time
  coverage of helioseismology.

Title: Development of Solar-C_EUVST structural design
Authors: Suematsu, Yoshinori; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Hara, Hirohisa;
   Katsukawa, Yukio; Kawate, Tomoko; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Imada, Shinsuke
2019SPIE11118E..1OS    Altcode:
  The Solar-C_EUVST is a mission designed to provide high-quality solar
  spectroscopic data covering a wide temperature range of the chromosphere
  to flaring corona. To fulfill a high throughput requirement, the
  instrument consists of only two optical components; a 28-cm primary
  mirror and a segmented toroidal grating which have high reflective
  coatings in EUV-UV range. We present a mission payload structural
  design which accommodates long focal length optical components and
  a launcher condition/launch environment (JAXA Epsilon). We also
  present a mechanical design of primary mirror assembly which enables
  slit-scan observations, an image stabilizing tip-tilt control, and a
  focus adjustment on orbit, together with an optomechanical design of
  the primary mirror and its supporting system which gives optically
  tolerant wavefront error against a large temperature increase due to
  an absorption of visible and IR lights.

Title: Concept study of Solar-C_EUVST optical design
Authors: Kawate, Tomoko; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Imada, Shinsuke; Tsuzuki,
   Toshihiro; Katsukawa, Yukio; Hara, Hirohisa; Suematsu, Yoshinori;
   Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Warren, Harry; Teriaca, Luca; Korendyke, Clarence
   M.; Brown, Charles
2019SPIE11118E..1NK    Altcode:
  The main characteristics of Solar-C_EUVST are the high temporal and
  high spatial resolutions over a wide temperature coverage. In order
  to realize the instrument for meeting these scientific requirements
  under size constraints given by the JAXA Epsilon vehicle, we examined
  four-dimensional optical parameter space of possible solutions of
  geometrical optical parameters such as mirror diameter, focal length,
  grating magnification, and so on. As a result, we have identified
  the solution space that meets the EUVST science objectives and rocket
  envelope requirements. A single solution was selected and used to define
  the initial optical parameters for the concept study of the baseline
  architecture for defining the mission concept. For this solution, we
  optimized the grating and geometrical parameters by ray tracing of the
  Zemax software. Consequently, we found an optics system that fulfills
  the requirement for a 0.4" angular resolution over a field of view of
  100" (including margins) covering spectral ranges of 170-215, 463-542,
  557-637, 690-850, 925-1085, and 1115-1275 A. This design achieves an
  effective area 10 times larger than the Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging
  Spectrometer onboard the Hinode satellite, and will provide seamless
  observations of 4.2-7.2 log(K) plasmas for the first time. Tolerance
  analyses were performed based on the optical design, and the moving
  range and step resolution of focus mechanisms were identified. In
  the presentation, we describe the derivation of the solution space,
  optimization of the optical parameters, and show the results of ray
  tracing and tolerance analyses.

Title: The Solar-C_EUVST mission
Authors: Shimizu, Toshifumi; Imada, Shinsuke; Kawate, Tomoko;
   Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Hara, Hirohisa; Katsukawa,
   Yukio; Kubo, Masahito; Toriumi, Shin; Watanabe, Tetsuya; Yokoyama,
   Takaaki; Korendyke, Clarence M.; Warren, Harry P.; Tarbell, Ted; De
   Pontieu, Bart; Teriaca, Luca; Schühle, Udo H.; Solanki, Sami; Harra,
   Louise K.; Matthews, Sarah; Fludra, A.; Auchère, F.; Andretta, V.;
   Naletto, G.; Zhukov, A.
2019SPIE11118E..07S    Altcode:
  Solar-C EUVST (EUV High-Throughput Spectroscopic Telescope) is a
  solar physics mission concept that was selected as a candidate for
  JAXA competitive M-class missions in July 2018. The onboard science
  instrument, EUVST, is an EUV spectrometer with slit-jaw imaging
  system that will simultaneously observe the solar atmosphere from the
  photosphere/chromosphere up to the corona with seamless temperature
  coverage, high spatial resolution, and high throughput for the first
  time. The mission is designed to provide a conclusive answer to the
  most fundamental questions in solar physics: how fundamental processes
  lead to the formation of the solar atmosphere and the solar wind, and
  how the solar atmosphere becomes unstable, releasing the energy that
  drives solar flares and eruptions. The entire instrument structure
  and the primary mirror assembly with scanning and tip-tilt fine
  pointing capability for the EUVST are being developed in Japan, with
  spectrograph and slit-jaw imaging hardware and science contributions
  from US and European countries. The mission will be launched and
  installed in a sun-synchronous polar orbit by a JAXA Epsilon vehicle in
  2025. ISAS/JAXA coordinates the conceptual study activities during the
  current mission definition phase in collaboration with NAOJ and other
  universities. The team is currently working towards the JAXA final
  down-selection expected at the end of 2019, with strong support from
  US and European colleagues. The paper provides an overall description
  of the mission concept, key technologies, and the latest status.

Title: Polarization Calibration of the Solar Magnetic Activity
    Research Telescope(SMART)-T4
Authors: Yamasaki, D.; Nagata, S.; Ichimoto, K.
2019spw..confE...6Y    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Design of all-reflective space-borne 1-m aperture solar
    optical telescope
Authors: Suematsu, Y.; Hara, H.; Katsukawa, Y.; Kano, R.; Shimizu,
   T.; Ichimoto, K.
2019SPIE11180E..0RS    Altcode:
  A 1-m aperture optical telescope is planned for a future Japanese solar
  mission. The telescope is designed to provide high spatial resolution
  data of solar lower atmosphere from the photosphere to the uppermost
  chromosphere with enhanced spectroscopic and spectro-polarimetric
  capabilities covering a wide wavelength region from UV to near IR where
  many useful spectral lines and continua exist for physical diagnosis of
  the solar magnetized atmosphere. We designed an allreflective telescope
  to fulfill the scientific and engineering requirements. From a thermal
  view point, a Gregorian telescope is the most suitable. To avoid
  chromatic aberration, a tri-aspheric-mirror collimator coupling to
  the Gregorian was designed to give a diffraction-limited performance
  over the FOV by allowing a field curvature. The field curvature can
  be compensated by an off-axis Ritchey Chretien reimaging optics at an
  entrance of focal plane instrument, which has an opposite sign in the
  field curvature to the Gregorian. We also briefly studied structural
  design of all-reflective 1-m aperture solar optical telescope for the
  space solar mission.

Title: Chromospheric polarimetry through multiline observations of
the 850 nm spectral region III: Chromospheric jets driven by twisted
    magnetic fields
Authors: Quintero Noda, C.; Iijima, H.; Katsukawa, Y.; Shimizu,
   T.; Carlsson, M.; de la Cruz Rodríguez, J.; Ruiz Cobo, B.; Orozco
   Suárez, D.; Oba, T.; Anan, T.; Kubo, M.; Kawabata, Y.; Ichimoto,
   K.; Suematsu, Y.
2019MNRAS.486.4203Q    Altcode: 2019MNRAS.tmp.1081N; 2019arXiv190409151Q
  We investigate the diagnostic potential of the spectral lines at 850
  nm for understanding the magnetism of the lower atmosphere. For that
  purpose, we use a newly developed 3D simulation of a chromospheric
  jet to check the sensitivity of the spectral lines to this phenomenon
  as well as our ability to infer the atmospheric information through
  spectropolarimetric inversions of noisy synthetic data. We start
  comparing the benefits of inverting the entire spectrum at 850 nm versus
  only the Ca II 8542 Å spectral line. We found a better match of the
  input atmosphere for the former case, mainly at lower heights. However,
  the results at higher layers were not accurate. After several tests,
  we determined that we need to weight more the chromospheric lines
  than the photospheric ones in the computation of the goodness of the
  fit. The new inversion configuration allows us to obtain better fits and
  consequently more accurate physical parameters. Therefore, to extract
  the most from multiline inversions, a proper set of weights needs to
  be estimated. Besides that, we conclude again that the lines at 850
  nm, or a similar arrangement with Ca II 8542 Å plus Zeeman-sensitive
  photospheric lines, pose the best-observing configuration for examining
  the thermal and magnetic properties of the lower solar atmosphere.

Title: Small-scale motions in solar filaments as the precursors
    of eruptions
Authors: Seki, Daikichi; Otsuji, Kenichi; Isobe, Hiroaki; Ishii,
   Takako T.; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Shibata, Kazunari
2019PASJ...71...56S    Altcode: 2019arXiv190208718S; 2019PASJ..tmp...48S
  Filaments, the dense cooler plasma floating in the solar corona
  supported by magnetic fields, generally exhibit certain activations
  before they erupt. In our previous study (Seki et al. 2017, ApJ, 843,
  L24), we observed that the standard deviation of the line-of-sight (LOS)
  velocities of the small-scale motions in a filament increased prior
  to its eruption. However, because that study only analyzed one event,
  it is unclear whether such an increase in the standard deviation of
  LOS velocities is common in filament eruptions. In this study, 12
  filaments that vanished in Hα line center images were analyzed in
  a manner similar to the one in our previous work; these included two
  quiescent filaments, four active region filaments, and six intermediate
  filaments. We verified that in all the 12 events, the standard deviation
  of the LOS velocities increased before the filaments vanished. Moreover,
  we observed that the quiescent filaments had approximately 10 times
  longer duration of an increase in the standard deviation than the
  other types of filaments. We concluded that the standard deviation
  of the LOS velocities of the small-scale motions in a filament can
  potentially be used as a precursor of a filament eruption.

Title: Synoptic Studies of the Sun as a Key to Understanding Stellar
Authors: Martinez Pillet, Valentin; Hill, Frank; Hammel, Heidi B.;
   de Wijn, Alfred G.; Gosain, Sanjay; Burkepile, Joan; Henney, Carl;
   McAteer, R. T. James; Bain, Hazel; Manchester, Ward; Lin, Haosheng;
   Roth, Markus; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Suematsu, Yoshinori
2019BAAS...51c.110M    Altcode: 2019astro2020T.110M; 2019arXiv190306944M
  Ground-based solar observations provide key contextual data (i.e., the
  "big picture") to produce a complete description of the only astrosphere
  we can study in situ: our Sun's heliosphere. This white paper outlines
  the current paradigm for ground-based solar synoptic observations,
  and indicates those areas that will benefit from focused attention.

Title: Comparison of Scattering Polarization Signals Observed by
CLASP: Possible Indication of the Hanle Effect
Authors: Ishikawa, R.; Trujillo Bueno, J.; Uitenbroek, H.; Kubo, M.;
   Tsuneta, S.; Goto, M.; Kano, R.; Narukage, N.; Bando, T.; Katsukawa,
   Y.; Ishikawa, S.; Giono, G.; Suematsu, Y.; Hara, H.; Shimizu, T.;
   Sakao, T.; Winebarger, A.; Kobayashi, K.; Cirtain, J.; Champey, P.;
   Auchère, F.; Štěpán, J.; Belluzzi, L.; Asensio Ramos, A.; Manso
   Sainz, R.; De Pomtieu, B.; Ichimoto, K.; Carlsson, M.; Casini, R.
2019ASPC..526..305I    Altcode:
  The Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP; Kano et
  al. 2012; Kobayashi et al. 2012; Kubo et al. 2014) observed, for the
  first time, the linear polarization produced by scattering processes
  in the hydrogen Lyman-α (121.57 nm) and Si III (120.56 nm) lines of
  the solar disk radiation. The complexity of the observed scattering
  polarization (i.e., conspicuous spatial variations in Q/I and U/I
  at spatial scales of 10″-20″ and the absence of center-to- limb
  variation at the Lyman-α center; see Kano et al. 2017) motivated us
  to search for possible hints of the operation of the Hanle effect by
  comparing: (a) the Lyman-α line center signal, for which the critical
  field strength (B<SUB>H</SUB>) for the onset of the Hanle effect is
  53 G, (b) the Lyman-α wing, which is insensitive to the Hanle effect,
  and (c) the Si III line, whose B<SUB>H</SUB> = 290 G. We focus on four
  regions with different total unsigned photospheric magnetic fluxes
  (estimated from SDO/HMI observations), and compare the corresponding
  U/I spatial variations in the Lyman-α wing, Lyman-α center, and Si III
  line. The U/I signal in the Lyman-α wing shows an antisymmetric spatial
  distribution, which is caused by the presence of a bright structure in
  all the selected regions, regardless of the total unsigned photospheric
  magnetic flux. In an internetwork region, the Lyman-α center shows an
  antisymmetric spatial variation across the selected bright structure,
  but it does not show it in other more magnetized regions. In the Si III
  line, the spatial variation of U/I deviates from the above-mentioned
  antisymmetric shape as the total unsigned photospheric magnetic flux
  increases. We argue that a plausible explanation of this differential
  behavior is the operation of the Hanle effect. <P />This work, presented
  in an oral contribution at this Workshop, has been published on The
  Astrophysical Journal (Ishikawa et al. 2017).

Title: Chapter 5.3 - Spectropolarimetry and Magnetic Structures
Authors: Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
2019sgsp.book..185I    Altcode:
  Spectropolarimetry is a powerful tool used to diagnose magnetic
  fields in the solar atmosphere. Zeeman and Hanlé effects provide the
  foundation for retrieving information about the magnetic field from
  the polarization observed in spectral lines. We described the basic
  concepts of spectropolarimetry in current solar observations and present
  an overview of the nature of magnetic fields in the photosphere and
  chromosphere and in prominences. We discuss structures such as sunspots
  and small-scale photospheric magnetic flux tubes and their distribution.

Title: Developments of a multi-wavelength spectro-polarimeter on
    the Domeless Solar Telescope at Hida Observatory
Authors: Anan, Tetsu; Huang, Yu-Wei; Nakatani, Yoshikazu; Ichimoto,
   Kiyoshi; UeNo, Satoru; Kimura, Goichi; Ninomiya, Shota; Okada,
   Sanetaka; Kaneda, Naoki
2018PASJ...70..102A    Altcode: 2018arXiv180302094A; 2018PASJ..tmp...66A
  To obtain full Stokes spectra in multi-wavelength windows
  simultaneously, we developed a new spectro-polarimeter on the Domeless
  Solar Telescope at Hida Observatory. The new polarimeter consists of
  a 60 cm aperture vacuum telescope on an altazimuth mounting, an image
  rotator, a high-dispersion spectrograph, and a polarization modulator
  and an analyzer composed of a continuously rotating waveplate with
  a retardation that is nearly constant at around 127° in 500-1100
  nm. There are also a polarizing beam splitter located close behind
  the focus of the telescope, fast and large format CMOS cameras, and
  an infrared camera. A slit spectrograph allows us to obtain spectra in
  as many wavelength windows as the number of cameras. We characterized
  the instrumental polarization of the entire system and established a
  polarization calibration procedure. The cross-talks among the Stokes Q,
  U, and V have been evaluated to be about 0.06%-1.2%, depending on the
  degree of the intrinsic polarizations. In a typical observing setup,
  a sensitivity of 0.03% can be achieved in 20-60 seconds for 500-1100
  nm. The new polarimeter is expected to provide a powerful tool for
  diagnosing the 3D magnetic field and other vector physical quantities
  in the solar atmosphere.

Title: Observational study on the fine structure and dynamics of a
    solar jet. II. Energy release process revealed by spectral analysis
Authors: Sakaue, Takahito; Tei, Akiko; Asai, Ayumi; Ueno, Satoru;
   Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Shibata, Kazunari
2018PASJ...70...99S    Altcode: 2017arXiv171008441S; 2018PASJ..tmp....6S
  We report on a solar jet phenomenon associated with the C5.4 class
  flare on 2014 November 11. The data of the jet was provided by the Solar
  Dynamics Observatory, the X-Ray Telescope (XRT) aboard Hinode, and the
  Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph and Domeless Solar Telescope (DST)
  at Hida Observatory, Kyoto University. These plentiful data enabled
  us to present this series of papers to discuss all the processes of
  the observed phenomena, including energy storage, event trigger,
  and energy release. In this paper, we focus on the energy release
  process of the observed jet, and mainly describe our spectral analysis
  on the Hα data of DST to investigate the internal structure of the
  Hα jet and its temporal evolution. This analysis reveals that in the
  physical quantity distributions of the Hα jet, such as line-of-sight
  velocity and optical thickness, there is a significant gradient in
  the direction crossing the jet. We interpret this internal structure
  as the consequence of the migration of the energy release site, based
  on the idea of ubiquitous reconnection. Moreover, by measuring the
  horizontal flow of the fine structures in the jet, we succeeded in
  deriving the three-dimensional velocity field and the line-of-sight
  acceleration field of the Hα jet. The analysis result indicates that
  part of the ejecta in the Hα jet experienced additional acceleration
  after it had been ejected from the lower atmosphere. This secondary
  acceleration was found to occur in the vicinity of the intersection
  between the trajectories of the Hα jet and the X-ray jet observed by
  Hinode/XRT. We propose that a fundamental cause of this phenomenon is
  magnetic reconnection involving the plasmoid in the observed jet.

Title: Study of the polarization produced by the Zeeman effect in
    the solar Mg I b lines
Authors: Quintero Noda, C.; Uitenbroek, H.; Carlsson, M.; Orozco
   Suárez, D.; Katsukawa, Y.; Shimizu, T.; Ruiz Cobo, B.; Kubo, M.; Oba,
   T.; Kawabata, Y.; Hasegawa, T.; Ichimoto, K.; Anan, T.; Suematsu, Y.
2018MNRAS.481.5675Q    Altcode: 2018arXiv181001067Q; 2018MNRAS.tmp.2566Q
  The next generation of solar observatories aim to understand the
  magnetism of the solar chromosphere. Therefore, it is crucial to
  understand the polarimetric signatures of chromospheric spectral
  lines. For this purpose, we here examine the suitability of the three
  Fraunhofer Mg I b<SUB>1</SUB>, b<SUB>2</SUB>, and b<SUB>4</SUB> lines
  at 5183.6, 5172.7, and 5167.3 Å, respectively. We start by describing
  a simplified atomic model of only six levels and three line transitions
  for computing the atomic populations of the 3p-4s (multiplet number
  2) levels involved in the Mg I b line transitions assuming non-local
  thermodynamic conditions and considering only the Zeeman effect using
  the field-free approximation. We test this simplified atom against
  more complex ones finding that, although there are differences in the
  computed profiles, they are small compared with the advantages provided
  by the simple atom in terms of speed and robustness. After comparing
  the three Mg I lines, we conclude that the most capable one is the
  b<SUB>2</SUB> line as b<SUB>1</SUB> forms at similar heights and always
  shows weaker polarization signals, while b<SUB>4</SUB> is severely
  blended with photospheric lines. We also compare Mg I b<SUB>2</SUB>
  with the K I D<SUB>1</SUB> and Ca II 8542 Å lines finding that the
  former is sensitive to the atmospheric parameters at heights that
  are in between those covered by the latter two lines. This makes Mg I
  b<SUB>2</SUB> an excellent candidate for future multiline observations
  that aim to seamlessly infer the thermal and magnetic properties of
  different features in the lower solar atmosphere.

Title: Space Weather Prediction from the Ground: Case of CHAIN
Authors: Seki, Daikichi; Ueno, Satoru; Isobe, Hiroaki; Otsuji, Kenichi;
   Cabezas, Denis P.; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Shibata, Kazunari; Chain Team
2018SunGe..13..157S    Altcode:
  In this article, we insist on the importance and the challenges of the
  prediction of solar eruptive phenomena including flares, coronal mass
  ejections (CME), and filament eruptions fully based on the ground-based
  telescopes. It is true that satellites' data are indispensable for the
  space weather prediction, but they are vulnerable to the space weather
  effects. Therefore, the ground-based telescopes can be complementary
  to them from the viewpoint of space weather prediction. From this
  view point, one possible new flare prediction method that makes use of
  H-alpha, red wings, and blue wings images obtained by the SDDI/SMART,
  the ground-based telescope at Hida Observatory, is presented. And
  in order to show the possibility for the actual operation based on
  that method, the recent progress of CHAIN project, the international
  observation network, is mentioned in terms of their outcomes and
  capacity buildings.

Title: Blue-wing enhancement of the chromospheric Mg II h and k
    lines in a solar flare
Authors: Tei, Akiko; Sakaue, Takahito; Okamoto, Takenori J.; Kawate,
   Tomoko; Heinzel, Petr; UeNo, Satoru; Asai, Ayumi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi;
   Shibata, Kazunari
2018PASJ...70..100T    Altcode: 2018PASJ..tmp...61T; 2018arXiv180305237T
  We performed coordinated observations of AR 12205, which showed a
  C-class flare on 2014 November 11, with the Interface Region Imaging
  Spectrograph (IRIS) and the Domeless Solar Telescope (DST) at Hida
  Observatory. Using spectral data in the Si IV 1403 Å, C II 1335 Å,
  and Mg II h and k lines from IRIS and the Ca II K, Ca II 8542 Å, and
  Hα lines from DST, we investigated a moving flare kernel during the
  flare. In the Mg II h line, the leading edge of the flare kernel showed
  an intensity enhancement in the blue wing and a smaller intensity of the
  blue-side peak (h2v) than that of the red-side one (h2r). The blueshift
  lasted for 9-48 s with a typical speed of 10.1 ± 2.6 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>,
  which was followed by a high intensity and a large redshift with a speed
  of up to 51 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> detected in the Mg II h line. The large
  redshift was a common property for all six lines, but the blueshift
  prior to it was found only in the Mg II lines. Cloud modeling of the
  Mg II h line suggests that the blue-wing enhancement with such a peak
  difference could have been caused by a chromospheric-temperature (cool)
  upflow. We discuss a scenario in which an upflow of cool plasma is
  lifted up by expanding hot plasma owing to the deep penetration of
  non-thermal electrons into the chromosphere. Furthermore, we found
  that the blueshift persisted without any subsequent redshift in the
  leading edge of the flare kernel during its decaying phase. The cause
  of such a long-lasting blueshift is also discussed.

Title: Measurement of vector magnetic field in a flare kernel with
    a spectropolarimetric observation in He I 10830 Å
Authors: Anan, Tetsu; Yoneya, Takurou; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; UeNo, Satoru;
   Shiota, Daikou; Nozawa, Satoshi; Takasao, Shinsuke; Kawate, Tomoko
2018PASJ...70..101A    Altcode: 2018arXiv180806821A; 2018PASJ..tmp..113A
  A flare kernel associated with a C4 class flare was observed in a
  spectral window including the He I triplet 10830 Å and Si I 10827
  Å with a spectropolarimeter on the Domeless Solar Telescope at
  Hida Observatory on 2015 August 9. The observed Stokes profiles of
  the He I triplet in the flare kernel in its post-maximum phase are
  well reproduced through inversions considering the Zeeman and the
  Paschen-Back effects with a three-slab model of the flare kernel,
  in which two slabs which have upward and downward velocities produce
  emissions and one slab produces an absorption. The magnetic field
  strength inferred from the emission components of the He I line is 1400
  G, which is significantly stronger than 690 G that is observed at the
  same location in the same line 6.5 hr before the flare. In addition,
  the photospheric magnetic field vector derived from the Si I10827 Å is
  similar to that of the flare kernel. To explain this result, we suggest
  that the emission in the He I triplet during the flare is produced in
  the deep layer, around which bombardment of non-thermal electrons leads
  to the formation of a coronal temperature plasma. Assuming a hydrogen
  column density at the location where the He I emissions are formed,
  and a power-law index of non-thermal electron energy distribution, we
  derived the low-energy cutoff of the non-thermal electron as 20-30 keV,
  which is consistent with that inferred from hard X-ray data obtained
  by RHESSI.

Title: CLASP Constraints on the Magnetization and Geometrical
    Complexity of the Chromosphere-Corona Transition Region
Authors: Trujillo Bueno, J.; Štěpán, J.; Belluzzi, L.; Asensio
   Ramos, A.; Manso Sainz, R.; del Pino Alemán, T.; Casini, R.; Ishikawa,
   R.; Kano, R.; Winebarger, A.; Auchère, F.; Narukage, N.; Kobayashi,
   K.; Bando, T.; Katsukawa, Y.; Kubo, M.; Ishikawa, S.; Giono, G.; Hara,
   H.; Suematsu, Y.; Shimizu, T.; Sakao, T.; Tsuneta, S.; Ichimoto, K.;
   Cirtain, J.; Champey, P.; De Pontieu, B.; Carlsson, M.
2018ApJ...866L..15T    Altcode: 2018arXiv180908865T
  The Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP) is a
  suborbital rocket experiment that on 2015 September 3 measured
  the linear polarization produced by scattering processes in the
  hydrogen Lyα line of the solar disk radiation. The line-center
  photons of this spectral line radiation mostly stem from the
  chromosphere-corona transition region (TR). These unprecedented
  spectropolarimetric observations revealed an interesting surprise,
  namely that there is practically no center-to-limb variation (CLV) in
  the Q/I line-center signals. Using an analytical model, we first show
  that the geometric complexity of the corrugated surface that delineates
  the TR has a crucial impact on the CLV of the Q/I and U/I line-center
  signals. Second, we introduce a statistical description of the solar
  atmosphere based on a 3D model derived from a state-of-the-art radiation
  magnetohydrodynamic simulation. Each realization of the statistical
  ensemble is a 3D model characterized by a given degree of magnetization
  and corrugation of the TR, and for each such realization we solve the
  full 3D radiative transfer problem taking into account the impact
  of the CLASP instrument degradation on the calculated polarization
  signals. Finally, we apply the statistical inference method presented
  in a previous paper to show that the TR of the 3D model that produces
  the best agreement with the CLASP observations has a relatively weak
  magnetic field and a relatively high degree of corrugation. We emphasize
  that a suitable way to validate or refute numerical models of the upper
  solar chromosphere is by confronting calculations and observations
  of the scattering polarization in ultraviolet lines sensitive to the
  Hanle effect.

Title: A Statistical Inference Method for Interpreting the CLASP
Authors: Štěpán, J.; Trujillo Bueno, J.; Belluzzi, L.; Asensio
   Ramos, A.; Manso Sainz, R.; del Pino Alemán, T.; Casini, R.; Kano, R.;
   Winebarger, A.; Auchère, F.; Ishikawa, R.; Narukage, N.; Kobayashi,
   K.; Bando, T.; Katsukawa, Y.; Kubo, M.; Ishikawa, S.; Giono, G.; Hara,
   H.; Suematsu, Y.; Shimizu, T.; Sakao, T.; Tsuneta, S.; Ichimoto, K.;
   Cirtain, J.; Champey, P.; De Pontieu, B.; Carlsson, M.
2018ApJ...865...48S    Altcode: 2018arXiv180802725S
  On 2015 September 3, the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha SpectroPolarimeter
  (CLASP) successfully measured the linear polarization produced by
  scattering processes in the hydrogen Lyα line of the solar disk
  radiation, revealing conspicuous spatial variations in the Q/I and U/I
  signals. Via the Hanle effect, the line-center Q/I and U/I amplitudes
  encode information on the magnetic field of the chromosphere-corona
  transition region, but they are also sensitive to the three-dimensional
  structure of this corrugated interface region. With the help of a simple
  line-formation model, here we propose a statistical inference method
  for interpreting the Lyα line-center polarization observed by CLASP.

Title: Formation of an Active Region Filament Driven By a Series
    of Jets
Authors: Wang, Jincheng; Yan, Xiaoli; Qu, Zhongquan; UeNo, Satoru;
   Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Deng, Linhua; Cao, Wenda; Liu, Zhong
2018ApJ...863..180W    Altcode: 2018arXiv180700992W
  We present a formation process of a filament in active region NOAA
  12574 during the period from 2016 August 11 to 12. Combining the
  observations of the Global Oscillation Network Group Hα, the Hida
  spectrum, and the Solar Dynamics Observatory/AIA 304 Å, the formation
  process of the filament is studied. It is found that cool material (T
  ∼ 10<SUP>4</SUP> K) is ejected by a series of jets originating from
  the western footpoint of the filament. Simultaneously, the magnetic flux
  emerged from the photosphere in the vicinity of the western footpoint of
  the filament. These observations suggest that cool material in the low
  atmosphere can be directly injected into the upper atmosphere and the
  jets are triggered by the magnetic reconnection between pre-existing
  magnetic fields and new emerging magnetic fields. A detailed study of
  a jet at 18:02 UT on August 11 with GST/BBSO TiO observations revealed
  that some dark threads appeared in the vicinity of the western footpoint
  after the jet and the projection velocity of plasma along the filament
  axis was about 162.6 ± 5.4 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. Using these observations
  of the Domeless Solar Telescope/Hida, we find that the injected plasma
  by a jet at 00:42 UT on August 12 was rotating. Therefore, we conclude
  that the jets not only supplied the material for the filament, but also
  injected the helicity into the filament simultaneously. Comparing the
  quantity of mass injection by the jets with the mass of the filament,
  we conclude that the estimated mass loading by the jets is sufficient
  to account for the mass in the filament.

Title: Does the solar granulation change with the activity cycle?
Authors: Muller, R.; Hanslmeier, A.; Utz, D.; Ichimoto, K.
2018A&A...616A..87M    Altcode:
  Context. Knowledge of the variation of the solar granulation properties
  (contrast and scale) with the 11-yr activity cycle is useful for a
  better understanding of the interaction between magnetic field and
  convection at global or local scales. A varying granulation may also
  contribute to irradiance variations and affect the p-mode damping
  rates and lifetimes. <BR /> Aims: HINODE/SOT blue continuum images
  taken in the frame of the synoptic program at the disk center on a
  daily basis between November 2006 and February 2016 are used. This
  period covers the minimum of activity between cycles 23 and 24 and the
  maximum of cycle 24. <BR /> Methods: The sharpness of a significant
  number of images was reduced because of instrumental aberrations or
  inaccurate focusing. Only the sharpest images were selected for this
  investigation. <BR /> Results: To be detectable with HINODE/SOT images,
  the variation of the granulation contrast and of the granulation scale
  at the disk center should have been larger than 3%. As it is not the
  case, it is concluded that they varied by less than 3% through the
  weak cycle 24.

Title: Space Weather Prediction from the Ground: Case of CHAIN
Authors: Seki, Daikichi; Ueno, Satoru; Isobe, Hiroaki; Otsuji, Kenichi;
   Cabezas, Denis P.; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Shibata, Kazunari; CHAIN team
2018arXiv180806295S    Altcode:
  In this article, we insist on the importance and the challenges of the
  prediction of solar eruptive phenomena including flares, coronal mass
  ejections (CME), and filament eruptions fully based on the ground-based
  telescopes. It is true that satellites' data are indispensable for the
  space weather prediction, but they are vulnerable to the space weather
  effects. Therefore, the ground-based telescopes can be complementary
  to them from the viewpoint of space weather prediction. From this
  view point, one possible new flare prediction method that makes use of
  H-alpha, red wings, and blue wings images obtained by the SDDI/SMART,
  the ground-based telescope at Hida Observatory, is presented. And
  in order to show the possibility for the actual operation based on
  that method, the recent progress of CHAIN project, the international
  observation network, is mentioned in terms of their outcomes and
  capacity buildings.

Title: Sunrise Chromospheric Infrared spectroPolarimeter (SCIP)
    for the SUNRISE balloon-borne solar observatory
Authors: Suematsu, Yoshinori; Katsukawa, Yukio; Hara, Hirohisa;
   Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Kubo, Masahito; Barthol,
   Peter; Riethmueller, Tino; Gandorfer, Achim; Feller, Alex; Orozco
   Suárez, David; Del Toro Iniesta, Jose Carlos; Kano, Ryouhei; Ishikawa,
   Shin-nosuke; Ishikawa, Ryohko; Tsuzuki, Toshihiro; Uraguchi, Fumihiro;
   Quintero Noda, Carlos; Tamura, Tomonori; Oba, Takayoshi; Kawabata,
   Yusuke; Nagata, Shinichi; Anan, Tetsu; Cobos Carrascosa, Juan Pedro;
   Lopez Jimenez, Antonio Carlos; Balaguer Jimenez, Maria; Solanki, Sami
2018cosp...42E3285S    Altcode:
  The SUNRISE balloon-borne solar observatory carries a 1 m aperture
  optical telescope, and allows us to perform seeing-free continuous
  observations at visible-IR wavelengths from an altitude higher than
  35 km. In the past two flights, in 2009 and 2013, observations mainly
  focused on fine structures of photospheric magnetic fields. For the
  third flight planned for 2021, we are developing a new instrument
  for conducting spectro-polarimetry of spectral lines formed over a
  larger height range in the solar atmosphere from the photosphere to
  the chromosphere. Targets of the spectro-polarimetric observation
  are (1) to determine 3D magnetic structure from the photosphere to
  the chromosphere, (2) to trace MHD waves from the photosphere to the
  chromosphere, and (3) to reveal the mechanism driving chromospheric
  jets, by measuring height- and time-dependent velocities and magnetic
  fields. To achieve these goals, a spectro-polarimeter called SCIP
  (Sunrise Chromospheric Infrared spectroPolarimeter) is designed to
  observe near-infrared spectrum lines sensitive to solar magnetic
  fields. The spatial and spectral resolutions are 0.2 arcsec and
  200,000, respectively, while 0.03% polarimetric sensitivity is
  achieved within a 10 sec integration time. The optical system employs
  an Echelle grating and off-axis aspheric mirrors to observe the two
  wavelength ranges centered at 850 nm and 770 nm simultaneously by
  two cameras. Polarimetric measurements are performed using a rotating
  waveplate and polarization beam-splitters in front of the cameras. For
  detecting minute polarization signals with good precision, we carefully
  assess the temperature dependence of polarization optics, and make
  the opto-structural design that minimizes the thermal deformation
  of the spectrograph optics. Another key technique is to attain good
  (better than 30 msec) synchronization among the rotating phase of
  the waveplate, read-out timing of cameras, and step timing of a
  slit-scanning mirror. On-board accumulation and data processing are
  also critical because we cannot store all the raw data read-out from the
  cameras. We demonstrate that we can reduce the data down to almost 10%
  with loss-less image compression and without sacrificing polarimetric
  information in the data. The SCIP instrument is developed by internal
  collaboration among Japanese institutes including Japan Aerospace
  Exploration Agency (JAXA), the Spanish Sunrise consortium, and the
  German Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) with a
  leadership of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ).

Title: Current State of UV Spectro-Polarimetry and its Future
Authors: Ishikawa, Ryohko; Sakao, Taro; Katsukawa, Yukio; Hara,
   Hirohisa; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Kubo, Masahito;
   Auchere, Frederic; De Pontieu, Bart; Winebarger, Amy; Kobayashi,
   . Ken; Kano, Ryouhei; Narukage, Noriyuki; Trujillo Bueno, Javier;
   Song, Dong-uk; Manso Sainz, Rafael; Asensio Ramos, Andres; Leenaarts,
   Jorritt; Carlsson, Mats; Bando, Takamasa; Ishikawa, Shin-nosuke;
   Tsuneta, Saku; Belluzzi, Luca; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Giono, Gabriel;
   Yoshida, Masaki; Goto, Motoshi; Del Pino Aleman, Tanausu; Stepan,
   Jiri; Okamoto, Joten; Tsuzuki, Toshihiro; Uraguchi, Fumihiro; Champey,
   Patrick; Alsina Ballester, Ernest; Casini, Roberto; McKenzie, David;
   Rachmeler, Laurel; Bethge, Christian
2018cosp...42E1564I    Altcode:
  To obtain quantitative information on the magnetic field in low beta
  regions (i.e., upper chromosphere and above) has been increasingly
  important to understand the energetic phenomena of the outer
  solar atmosphere such as flare, coronal heating, and the solar wind
  acceleration. In the UV range, there are abundant spectral lines that
  originate in the upper chromosphere and transition region. However,
  the Zeeman effect in these spectral lines does not give rise to easily
  measurable polarization signals because of the weak magnetic field
  strength and the larger Doppler broadening compared with the Zeeman
  effect. Instead, the Hanle effect in UV lines is expected to be a
  suitable diagnostic tool of the magnetic field in the upper atmospheric
  layers. To investigate the validity of UV spectro-polarimetry and
  the Hanle effect, the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter
  (CLASP), which is a NASA sounding- rocket experiment, was launched at
  White Sands in US on September 3, 2015. During its 5 minutes ballistic
  flight, it successfully performed spectro-polarimetric observations
  of the hydrogen Lyman-alpha line (121.57 nm) with an unprecedentedly
  high polarization sensitivity of 0.1% in this wavelength range. CLASP
  observed the linear polarization produced by scattering process in VUV
  lines for the first time and detected the polarization signals which
  indicate the operation of the Hanle effect. Following the success
  of CLASP, we are confident that UV spectro-polarimetry is the way
  to proceed, and we are planning the second flight of CLASP (CLASP2:
  Chromospheric LAyer SpectroPolarimeter 2). For this second flight we
  will carry out spectro-polarimetry in the Mg II h and k lines around
  280 nm, with minimum modifications of the CLASP1 instrument. The linear
  polarization in the Mg II k line is induced by scattering processes and
  the Hanle effect, being sensitive to magnetic field strengths of 5 to 50
  G. In addition, the circular polarizations in the Mg II h and k lines
  induced by the Zeeman effect can be measurable in at least plage and
  active regions. The combination of the Hanle and Zeeman effects could
  help us to more reliably infer the magnetic fields of the upper solar
  chromosphere. CLASP2 was selected for flight and is being developed for
  launch in the spring of 2019.Based on these sounding rocket experiments
  (CLASP1 and 2), we aim at establishing the strategy and refining the
  instrument concept for future space missions to explore the enigmatic
  atmospheric layers via UV spectro-polarimetry.

Title: Parallel processing of solar image restoration with phase
    diversity technique
Authors: Suzuki, Takahiro; Miura, Noriaki; Kuwamura, Susumu; Oya,
   Shin; Ueno, Satoru; Nakatani, Yoshikazu; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
2018SPIE10703E..32S    Altcode:
  We aim at improving solar images partially compensated by Adaptive
  Optics (AO) or Ground-Layer (GL) AO using a phase diversity (PD)
  method. To reduce computational time in the PD execution, we develop
  a computer cluster system that enables restoration of several images
  in parallel. We set a PD-observational system downstream of an AO
  system in the Hida Observatory in Japan. Driving the AO system, we
  recorded focused and defocused solar images. They were segmented to
  partial images, and then were restored by the PD method. We show the
  results of solar image restoration, and also demonstrate the reduction
  of processing time by the computer cluster.

Title: Blue wing enhancement of the chromospheric Mg II h and k
    lines in a solar flare
Authors: Tei, Akiko; Shibata, Kazunari; Asai, Ayumi; Ichimoto,
   Kiyoshi; Heinzel, Petr; Ueno, Satoru; Okamoto, Joten; Sakaue, Takahito;
   Kawate, Tomoko
2018cosp...42E3350T    Altcode:
  We performed coordinated observations of NOAA AR 12205, which produced
  a C-class flare on 2014 November 11, with the Interface Region Imaging
  Spectrograph (IRIS) and the Domeless Solar Telescope (DST) at Hida
  Observatory.Using spectral data in the Si IV 1403 Å, C II 1335 Å,
  and Mg II h and k lines from IRIS and the Ca II K, Ca II 8542 Å,
  and Hα lines from DST, we investigated the temporal and spatial
  evolution around a moving flare kernel.In the Mg II h line, the leading
  edge of the kernel showed intensity enhancement in the blue wing and
  difference between the blue-side peak and red-side one (I_{h2v} &lt;
  I_{h2r}).Then, the drastic change of the intensity in the red wing
  occurred.The blueshift lasted for 9-48 s with a speed of 10.1 ± 2.6
  km s^{-1} and it was followed by the strong redshift with a speed of
  up to 51 km s^{-1} detected in the Mg II h line.The strong redshift
  was a common property for all six lines but the blueshift prior to it
  was found only in the Mg II lines.A cloud modeling of the Mg II h line
  suggests that the blue wing enhancement with such peak difference can
  be caused by a chromospheric-temperature (cool) upflow.We discuss a
  scenario in which an upflow of cool plasma is lifted up by expanding
  (hot) plasma owing to the deep penetration of non-thermal electrons
  into the chromosphere.In addition, at the leading edge of the final
  flare footpoints, the blueshift persisted in the Mg II h line, which
  was not followed by any large redshift and intensity enhancement.Such
  long-lasting blueshift can be explained by cool upflow caused by small
  energy flux into the lower atmosphere.

Title: Experiments of GLAO using the domeless solar telescope of
    the Hida Observatory
Authors: Miura, Noriaki; Suzuki, Takahiro; Takahashi, Shinya; Kuwamura,
   Susumu; Baba, Naoshi; Oya, Shin; Ueno, Satoru; Nakatani, Yoshikazu;
   Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
2018SPIE10703E..36M    Altcode:
  We report experiments of solar ground-layer (GL) adaptive optics
  (AO) using the 60cm domeless solar telescope of the Hida Observatory,
  Japan. We developed an averaging-type GL wavefront sensor and confirmed
  that it properly worked in computer simulations. We set the wavefront
  sensor behind a conventional AO system and modified AO software so as
  to drive a deformable mirror using the GL sensor. We conducted solar
  observations with the GLAO system in September, 2017. It worked to
  improve observational images over wide fields.

Title: Solar polarimetry in the K I D<SUB>2</SUB> line : A novel
    possibility for a stratospheric balloon
Authors: Quintero Noda, C.; Villanueva, G. L.; Katsukawa, Y.; Solanki,
   S. K.; Orozco Suárez, D.; Ruiz Cobo, B.; Shimizu, T.; Oba, T.; Kubo,
   M.; Anan, T.; Ichimoto, K.; Suematsu, Y.
2018A&A...610A..79Q    Altcode: 2018arXiv180101655Q
  Of the two solar lines, K I D<SUB>1</SUB> and D<SUB>2</SUB>, almost
  all attention so far has been devoted to the D<SUB>1</SUB> line, as
  D<SUB>2</SUB> is severely affected by an O<SUB>2</SUB> atmospheric
  band. This, however, makes the latter appealing for balloon and space
  observations from above (most of) the Earth's atmosphere. We estimate
  the residual effect of the O<SUB>2</SUB> band on the K I D<SUB>2</SUB>
  line at altitudes typical for stratospheric balloons. Our aim is to
  study the feasibility of observing the 770 nm window. Specifically,
  this paper serves as a preparation for the third flight of the Sunrise
  balloon-borne observatory. The results indicate that the absorption
  by O<SUB>2</SUB> is still present, albeit much weaker, at the expected
  balloon altitude. We applied the obtained O<SUB>2</SUB> transmittance
  to K I D<SUB>2</SUB> synthetic polarimetric spectra and found that in
  the absence of line-of-sight motions, the residual O<SUB>2</SUB> has
  a negligible effect on the K I D<SUB>2</SUB> line. On the other hand,
  for Doppler-shifted K I D<SUB>2</SUB> data, the residual O<SUB>2</SUB>
  might alter the shape of the Stokes profiles. However, the residual
  O<SUB>2</SUB> absorption is sufficiently weak at stratospheric levels
  that it can be divided out if appropriate measurements are made,
  something that is impossible at ground level. Therefore, for the
  first time with Sunrise III, we will be able to perform polarimetric
  observations of the K I D<SUB>2</SUB> line and, consequently, we will
  have improved access to the thermodynamics and magnetic properties of
  the upper photosphere from observations of the K I lines.

Title: From Hinode to the Next-Generation Solar Observation Missions
Authors: Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Hara, Hirohisa; Katsukawa, Yukio;
   Ishikawa, Ryoko
2018ASSL..449..231I    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Pointing stability of Hinode and requirements for the next
    Solar mission Solar-C
Authors: Katsukawa, Y.; Masada, Y.; Shimizu, T.; Sakai, S.; Ichimoto,
2017SPIE10565E..28K    Altcode:
  It is essential to achieve fine pointing stability in a space mission
  aiming for high resolutional observations. In a future Japanese
  solar mission SOLAR-C, which is a successor of the HINODE (SOLAR-B)
  mission, we set targets of angular resolution better than 0.1 arcsec
  in the visible light and better than 0.2 - 0.5 arcsec in EUV and
  X-rays. These resolutions are twice to five times better than those of
  corresponding instruments onboard HINODE. To identify critical items
  to achieve the requirements of the pointing stability in SOLAR-C, we
  assessed in-flight performance of the pointing stability of HINODE that
  achieved the highest pointing stability in Japanese space missions. We
  realized that one of the critical items that have to be improved in
  SOLAR-C is performance of the attitude stability near the upper limit
  of the frequency range of the attitude control system. The stability
  of 0.1 arcsec (3σ) is required in the EUV and X-ray telescopes
  of SOLAR-C while the HINODE performance is slightly worse than the
  requirement. The visible light telescope of HINODE is equipped with
  an image stabilization system inside the telescope, which achieved
  the stability of 0.03 arcsec (3σ) by suppressing the attitude jitter
  in the frequency range lower than 10 Hz. For further improvement, it
  is expected to suppress disturbances induced by resonance between the
  telescope structures and disturbances of momentum wheels and mechanical
  gyros in the frequency range higher than 100 Hz.

Title: Instrument design and on-orbit performance of the solar
    optical telescope aboard hinode (Solar-B)
Authors: Suematsu, Yoshinori; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Katsukawa, Yukio;
   Tsuneta, Saku; Shimizu, Toshifumi
2017SPIE10566E..2ZS    Altcode:
  The Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) aboard Solar-B satellite (Hinode)
  is designed to perform high-precision photometric and polarimetric
  observations of the solar lower atmosphere in visible light spectra
  (388-668 nm) with a spatial resolution of 0.2 to 0.3 arcsec. The
  SOT consists of two components; the optical telescope assembly (OTA)
  consisting of a 50-cm aperture Gregorian telescope with a collimating
  lens unit and an active tip-tilt mirror for an image-stabilization and
  an accompanying focal plane package (FPP) housing two filtergraphs and a
  spectro-polarimeter. Since its first-light observation on 25 Oct. 2006,
  the image-stabilization system has been working with performance
  better than 0.01 arcsec rms and the SOT has been continuously
  providing unprecedented solar data of high spatial resolution. Since
  the opto-mechanical and -thermal performance of the OTA is crucial
  to attain unprecedented high-quality solar observations, we here
  describe in detail the instrument design and on-orbit diffraction-limit
  performance of the OTA, the largest state-of-the-art solar telescope
  yet flown in space.

Title: Instrument design of 1.5-m aperture solar optical telescope
    for the Solar-C Mission
Authors: Suematsu, Yoshinori; Katsukawa, Yukio; Shimizu, Toshifumi;
   Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
2017SPIE10564E..0TS    Altcode:
  A 1.5 m aperture optical telescope is planned for the next Japanese
  solar mission SOLAR-C as one of major three observing instruments. The
  optical telescope is designed to provide high-angular-resolution
  investigation of lower atmosphere from the photosphere to the uppermost
  chromosphere with enhanced spectroscopic and spectropolarimetric
  capability covering a wide wavelength region from 280 nm to 1100
  nm. The opto-mechanical and -thermal performance of the telescope is
  crucial to attain high-quality solar observations and we present a
  study of optical and structural design of the large aperture space
  solar telescope, together with conceptual design of its accompanying
  focal plane instruments: wide-band and narrow-band filtergraphs and
  a spectro-polarimeter for high spatial and temporal observations in
  the solar photospheric and chromospheric lines useful for sounding
  physical condition of dynamical phenomena.

Title: Chromospheric polarimetry through multiline observations of
    the 850-nm spectral region - II. A magnetic flux tube scenario
Authors: Quintero Noda, C.; Kato, Y.; Katsukawa, Y.; Oba, T.; de la
   Cruz Rodríguez, J.; Carlsson, M.; Shimizu, T.; Orozco Suárez, D.;
   Ruiz Cobo, B.; Kubo, M.; Anan, T.; Ichimoto, K.; Suematsu, Y.
2017MNRAS.472..727Q    Altcode: 2017arXiv170801333Q
  In this publication, we continue the work started in Quintero Noda et
  al., examining this time a numerical simulation of a magnetic flux
  tube concentration. Our goal is to study if the physical phenomena
  that take place in it, in particular, the magnetic pumping, leaves
  a specific imprint on the examined spectral lines. We find that the
  profiles from the interior of the flux tube are periodically doppler
  shifted following an oscillation pattern that is also reflected in
  the amplitude of the circular polarization signals. In addition, we
  analyse the properties of the Stokes profiles at the edges of the flux
  tube discovering the presence of linear polarization signals for the Ca
  II lines, although they are weak with an amplitude around 0.5 per cent
  of the continuum intensity. Finally, we compute the response functions
  to perturbations in the longitudinal field, and we estimate the field
  strength using the weak-field approximation. Our results indicate
  that the height of formation of the spectral lines changes during the
  magnetic pumping process, which makes the interpretation of the inferred
  magnetic field strength and its evolution more difficult. These results
  complement those from previous works, demonstrating the capabilities and
  limitations of the 850-nm spectrum for chromospheric Zeeman polarimetry
  in a very dynamic and complex atmosphere.

Title: Optical and thermal design of 1.5-m aperture solar UV visible
    and IR observing telescope for Solar-C mission
Authors: Suematsu, Y.; Katsukawa, Y.; Shimizu, T.; Ichimoto, K.;
   Horiuchi, T.; Matsumoto, Y.; Takeyama, N.
2017SPIE10565E..0RS    Altcode:
  The next Japanese solar mission, SOLAR-C, which has been envisaged
  after successful science operation of Hinode (SOLAR-B) mission, is
  perusing two plans: plan-A and plan-B, and under extensive study from
  science objectives as well as engineering point of view. The plan-A
  aims at performing out-of-ecliptic observations for investigating, with
  helioseismic approach, internal structure and dynamo mechanisms of the
  Sun. It also explores polar regions where fast solar wind is believed
  to originate. A baseline orbit for plan-A is a circular orbit of 1 AU
  distance from the Sun with its inclination at around or greater than
  40 degrees. The plan-B aims to study small-scale plasma processes and
  structures in the solar atmosphere which attract researchers' growing
  interest, followed by many Hinode discoveries [1], for understanding
  fully dynamism and magnetic nature of the atmosphere. With plan-B,
  high-angular-resolution investigation of the entire solar atmosphere
  (from the photosphere to the corona, including their interface layers,
  i.e., chromosphere and transition region) is to be performed with
  enhanced spectroscopic and spectro-polarimetric capability as compared
  with Hinode, together with enhanced sensitivity towards ultra-violet
  wavelengths. The orbit of plan-B is either a solar synchronous polar
  orbit of altitude around 600 km or a geosynchronous orbit to ensure
  continuous solar observations. After the decision of any one of the
  two plans, the SOLAR-C will be proposed for launch in mid-2010s. In
  this paper, we will present a basic design of one of major planned
  instrumental payload for the plan-B: the Solar Ultra-violet Visible
  and near IR observing Telescope (hereafter referred to as SUVIT). The
  basic concept in designing the SUVIT is to utilize as much as possible
  a heritage of successful telescope of the Solar Optical Telescope
  (SOT) aboard Hinode [2]. Major differences of SUVIT from SOT are
  the three times larger aperture of 1.5 m, which enables to collect
  one order of magnitude more photons than SOT, relatively shorter
  telescope length of 2.8 m to accommodate a launcher's nosecone size
  for possible dual-satellite-launch configuration, and much wider
  observing wavelength from UV (down to 250 nm) through near IR (up
  to 1100 nm). The large aperture is essentially important to attain
  scientific goals of the plan-B, especially for accurate diagnostics of
  the dynamic solar chromosphere as revealed by Hinode, although this
  make it difficult to design the telescope because of ten times more
  solar heat load introduced into the telescope. The SUVIT consists of
  two optically separable components; the telescope assembly (TA) and
  an accompanying focal plane package equipped with filtergraphs and
  spectrographs. Opto-mechanical and -thermal performance of the TA is
  crucial to attain high-quality solar observations and here we present
  a status of feasible study in its optical and thermal designing for
  diffraction-limited performance at visible wavelength in a reasonably
  wide field of view.

Title: Observational study on the fine structure and dynamics of a
    solar jet. I. Energy build-up process around a satellite spot
Authors: Sakaue, Takahito; Tei, Akiko; Asai, Ayumi; Ueno, Satoru;
   Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Shibata, Kazunari
2017PASJ...69...80S    Altcode: 2017arXiv170701262S
  We report on a solar jet phenomenon associated with successive flares
  on 2014 November 10. These explosive events were involved with the
  satellite spots' emergence around a δ-type sunspot in the decaying
  active region NOAA 12205. The data for this jet were provided by the
  Solar Dynamics Observatory, the X-Ray Telescope aboard Hinode, and the
  Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph and Domeless Solar Telescope
  at Hida Observatory, Kyoto University. These abundant data enabled
  us to present this series of papers to discuss the entire process of
  the observed phenomena, including the energy storage, event trigger,
  and energy release. In this paper, we focus on the energy build-up and
  trigger phases, by analyzing the photospheric horizontal flow field
  around the active region by an optical flow method. The analysis shows
  the following results: (1) The observed explosive phenomena involved
  three satellite spots, the magnetic fluxes of which successively
  reconnected with their pre-existing ambient fields; (2) All of these
  satellite spots emerged in the moat region of a pivotal δ-type
  sunspot, especially near its convergent boundary with the neighboring
  supergranules or moat regions of adjacent sunspots; (3) Around the
  jet ejection site, the positive polarities of the satellite spot and
  adjacent emerging flux encountered the global magnetic field with a
  negative polarity in the moat region of the pivotal δ-type sunspot,
  and thus the polarity inversion line was formed along the convergent
  boundary of the photospheric horizontal flow channels.

Title: Solar polarimetry through the K I lines at 770 nm
Authors: Quintero Noda, C.; Uitenbroek, H.; Katsukawa, Y.; Shimizu,
   T.; Oba, T.; Carlsson, M.; Orozco Suárez, D.; Ruiz Cobo, B.; Kubo,
   M.; Anan, T.; Ichimoto, K.; Suematsu, Y.
2017MNRAS.470.1453Q    Altcode: 2017arXiv170510002Q
  We characterize the K I D<SUB>1</SUB> &amp; D<SUB>2</SUB> lines in
  order to determine whether they could complement the 850 nm window,
  containing the Ca II infrared triplet lines and several Zeeman sensitive
  photospheric lines, that was studied previously. We investigate the
  effect of partial redistribution on the intensity profiles, their
  sensitivity to changes in different atmospheric parameters, and
  the spatial distribution of Zeeman polarization signals employing a
  realistic magnetohydrodynamic simulation. The results show that these
  lines form in the upper photosphere at around 500 km, and that they
  are sensitive to the line-of-sight velocity and magnetic field strength
  at heights where neither the photospheric lines nor the Ca II infrared
  lines are. However, at the same time, we found that their sensitivity
  to the temperature essentially comes from the photosphere. Then, we
  conclude that the K I lines provide a complement to the lines in the
  850 nm window for the determination of atmospheric parameters in the
  upper photosphere, especially for the line-of-sight velocity and the
  magnetic field.

Title: Temporal Evolution and Spatial Distribution of White-light
    Flare Kernels in a Solar Flare
Authors: Kawate, Tomoko; Ishii, Takako; Nakatani, Yoshikazu; Ichimoto,
   Kiyoshi; Asai, Ayumi; Morita, Satoshi; Masuda, Satoshi
2017SPD....4810002K    Altcode:
  On 2011 September 6, we observed an X2.1-class flare in continuum
  and Hα with a frame rate of about 30 Hz. After processing images
  of the event by using a speckle-masking image reconstruction, we
  identified white-light (WL) flare ribbons on opposite sides of the
  magnetic neutral line. We derive the light curve decay times of the
  WL flare kernels at each resolution element by assuming that the
  kernels consist of one or two components that decay exponentially,
  starting from the peak time. As a result, 42% of the pixels have two
  decay-time components with average decay times of 15.6 and 587 s,
  whereas the average decay time is 254 s for WL kernels with only one
  decay-time component. The peak intensities of the shorter decay-time
  component exhibit good spatial correlation with the WL intensity,
  whereas the peak intensities of the long decay-time components tend
  to be larger in the early phase of the flare at the inner part of
  the flare ribbons, close to the magnetic neutral line. The average
  intensity of the longer decay-time components is 1.78 times higher than
  that of the shorter decay-time components. If the shorter decay time is
  determined by either the chromospheric cooling time or the nonthermal
  ionization timescale and the longer decay time is attributed to the
  coronal cooling time, this result suggests that WL sources from both
  regions appear in 42% of the WL kernels and that WL emission of the
  coronal origin is sometimes stronger than that of chromospheric origin.

Title: Differences between Doppler velocities of ions and neutral
    atoms in a solar prominence
Authors: Anan, T.; Ichimoto, K.; Hillier, A.
2017A&A...601A.103A    Altcode: 2017arXiv170302132A
  Context. In astrophysical systems with partially ionized plasma,
  the motion of ions is governed by the magnetic field while the
  neutral particles can only feel the magnetic field's Lorentz force
  indirectly through collisions with ions. The drift in the velocity
  between ionized and neutral species plays a key role in modifying
  important physical processes such as magnetic reconnection, damping
  of magnetohydrodynamic waves, transport of angular momentum in plasma
  through the magnetic field, and heating. <BR /> Aims: This paper
  aims to investigate the differences between Doppler velocities of
  calcium ions and neutral hydrogen in a solar prominence to look for
  velocity differences between the neutral and ionized species. <BR />
  Methods: We simultaneously observed spectra of a prominence over an
  active region in H I 397 nm, H I 434 nm, Ca II 397 nm, and Ca II
  854 nm using a high dispersion spectrograph of the Domeless Solar
  Telescope at Hida observatory. We compared the Doppler velocities,
  derived from the shift of the peak of the spectral lines presumably
  emitted from optically-thin plasma. <BR /> Results: There are instances
  when the difference in velocities between neutral atoms and ions is
  significant, for example 1433 events ( 3% of sets of compared profiles)
  with a difference in velocity between neutral hydrogen atoms and
  calcium ions greater than 3σ of the measurement error. However, we
  also found significant differences between the Doppler velocities of
  two spectral lines emitted from the same species, and the probability
  density functions of velocity difference between the same species is not
  significantly different from those between neutral atoms and ions. <BR
  /> Conclusions: We interpreted the difference of Doppler velocities as
  being a result of the motions of different components in the prominence
  along the line of sight, rather than the decoupling of neutral atoms
  from plasma. <P />The movie attached to Fig. 1 is available at <A

Title: Indication of the Hanle Effect by Comparing the Scattering
    Polarization Observed by CLASP in the Lyα and Si III 120.65 nm Lines
Authors: Ishikawa, R.; Trujillo Bueno, J.; Uitenbroek, H.; Kubo, M.;
   Tsuneta, S.; Goto, M.; Kano, R.; Narukage, N.; Bando, T.; Katsukawa,
   Y.; Ishikawa, S.; Giono, G.; Suematsu, Y.; Hara, H.; Shimizu, T.;
   Sakao, T.; Winebarger, A.; Kobayashi, K.; Cirtain, J.; Champey, P.;
   Auchère, F.; Štěpán, J.; Belluzzi, L.; Asensio Ramos, A.; Manso
   Sainz, R.; De Pontieu, B.; Ichimoto, K.; Carlsson, M.; Casini, R.
2017ApJ...841...31I    Altcode:
  The Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter is a sounding
  rocket experiment that has provided the first successful measurement
  of the linear polarization produced by scattering processes in
  the hydrogen Lyα line (121.57 nm) radiation of the solar disk. In
  this paper, we report that the Si III line at 120.65 nm also shows
  scattering polarization and we compare the scattering polarization
  signals observed in the Lyα and Si III lines in order to search for
  observational signatures of the Hanle effect. We focus on four selected
  bright structures and investigate how the U/I spatial variations vary
  between the Lyα wing, the Lyα core, and the Si III line as a function
  of the total unsigned photospheric magnetic flux estimated from Solar
  Dynamics Observatory/Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager observations. In
  an internetwork region, the Lyα core shows an antisymmetric spatial
  variation across the selected bright structure, but it does not show
  it in other more magnetized regions. In the Si III line, the spatial
  variation of U/I deviates from the above-mentioned antisymmetric
  shape as the total unsigned photospheric magnetic flux increases. A
  plausible explanation of this difference is the operation of the Hanle
  effect. We argue that diagnostic techniques based on the scattering
  polarization observed simultaneously in two spectral lines with very
  different sensitivities to the Hanle effect, like Lyα and Si III,
  are of great potential interest for exploring the magnetism of the
  upper solar chromosphere and transition region.

Title: Polarization Calibration of the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha
    SpectroPolarimeter for a 0.1% Polarization Sensitivity in the VUV
Range. Part II: In-Flight Calibration
Authors: Giono, G.; Ishikawa, R.; Narukage, N.; Kano, R.; Katsukawa,
   Y.; Kubo, M.; Ishikawa, S.; Bando, T.; Hara, H.; Suematsu, Y.;
   Winebarger, A.; Kobayashi, K.; Auchère, F.; Trujillo Bueno, J.;
   Tsuneta, S.; Shimizu, T.; Sakao, T.; Cirtain, J.; Champey, P.; Asensio
   Ramos, A.; Štěpán, J.; Belluzzi, L.; Manso Sainz, R.; De Pontieu,
   B.; Ichimoto, K.; Carlsson, M.; Casini, R.; Goto, M.
2017SoPh..292...57G    Altcode:
  The Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha SpectroPolarimeter is a sounding
  rocket instrument designed to measure for the first time the linear
  polarization of the hydrogen Lyman-α line (121.6 nm). The instrument
  was successfully launched on 3 September 2015 and observations were
  conducted at the solar disc center and close to the limb during the
  five-minutes flight. In this article, the disc center observations are
  used to provide an in-flight calibration of the instrument spurious
  polarization. The derived in-flight spurious polarization is consistent
  with the spurious polarization levels determined during the pre-flight
  calibration and a statistical analysis of the polarization fluctuations
  from solar origin is conducted to ensure a 0.014% precision on the
  spurious polarization. The combination of the pre-flight and the
  in-flight polarization calibrations provides a complete picture of
  the instrument response matrix, and a proper error transfer method
  is used to confirm the achieved polarization accuracy. As a result,
  the unprecedented 0.1% polarization accuracy of the instrument in the
  vacuum ultraviolet is ensured by the polarization calibration.

Title: Discovery of Scattering Polarization in the Hydrogen Lyα
    Line of the Solar Disk Radiation
Authors: Kano, R.; Trujillo Bueno, J.; Winebarger, A.; Auchère, F.;
   Narukage, N.; Ishikawa, R.; Kobayashi, K.; Bando, T.; Katsukawa, Y.;
   Kubo, M.; Ishikawa, S.; Giono, G.; Hara, H.; Suematsu, Y.; Shimizu,
   T.; Sakao, T.; Tsuneta, S.; Ichimoto, K.; Goto, M.; Belluzzi, L.;
   Štěpán, J.; Asensio Ramos, A.; Manso Sainz, R.; Champey, P.;
   Cirtain, J.; De Pontieu, B.; Casini, R.; Carlsson, M.
2017ApJ...839L..10K    Altcode: 2017arXiv170403228K
  There is a thin transition region (TR) in the solar atmosphere where
  the temperature rises from 10,000 K in the chromosphere to millions
  of degrees in the corona. Little is known about the mechanisms that
  dominate this enigmatic region other than the magnetic field plays a
  key role. The magnetism of the TR can only be detected by polarimetric
  measurements of a few ultraviolet (UV) spectral lines, the Lyα line
  of neutral hydrogen at 121.6 nm (the strongest line of the solar UV
  spectrum) being of particular interest given its sensitivity to the
  Hanle effect (the magnetic-field-induced modification of the scattering
  line polarization). We report the discovery of linear polarization
  produced by scattering processes in the Lyα line, obtained with
  the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP) rocket
  experiment. The Stokes profiles observed by CLASP in quiet regions of
  the solar disk show that the Q/I and U/I linear polarization signals are
  of the order of 0.1% in the line core and up to a few percent in the
  nearby wings, and that both have conspicuous spatial variations with
  scales of ∼10 arcsec. These observations help constrain theoretical
  models of the chromosphere-corona TR and extrapolations of the
  magnetic field from photospheric magnetograms. In fact, the observed
  spatial variation from disk to limb of polarization at the line core
  and wings already challenge the predictions from three-dimensional
  magnetohydrodynamical models of the upper solar chromosphere.

Title: A New Solar Imaging System for Observing High-Speed Eruptions:
    Solar Dynamics Doppler Imager (SDDI)
Authors: Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Ishii, Takako T.; Otsuji, Kenichi; Kimura,
   Goichi; Nakatani, Yoshikazu; Kaneda, Naoki; Nagata, Shin'Ichi; UeNo,
   Satoru; Hirose, Kumi; Cabezas, Denis; Morita, Satoshi
2017SoPh..292...63I    Altcode:
  A new solar imaging system was installed at Hida Observatory to
  observe the dynamics of flares and filament eruptions. The system (Solar
  Dynamics Doppler Imager; SDDI) takes full-disk solar images with a field
  of view of 2520 arcsec×2520 arcsec at multiple wavelengths around
  the H α line at 6562 Å. Regular operation was started in May 2016,
  in which images at 73 wavelength positions spanning from H α −9 Å
  to H α +9 Å are obtained every 15 seconds. The large dynamic range
  of the line-of-sight velocity measurements (±400 kms−<SUP>1</SUP>)
  allows us to determine the real motions of erupting filaments in
  3D space. It is expected that SDDI provides unprecedented datasets
  to study the relation between the kinematics of filament eruptions
  and coronal mass ejections (CME), and to contribute to the real-time
  prediction of the occurrence of CMEs that cause a significant impact
  on the space environment of the Earth.

Title: Chromospheric polarimetry through multiline observations of
    the 850-nm spectral region
Authors: Quintero Noda, C.; Shimizu, T.; Katsukawa, Y.; de la Cruz
   Rodríguez, J.; Carlsson, M.; Anan, T.; Oba, T.; Ichimoto, K.;
   Suematsu, Y.
2017MNRAS.464.4534Q    Altcode: 2016arXiv161006651Q
  Future solar missions and ground-based telescopes aim to understand the
  magnetism of the solar chromosphere. We performed a supporting study in
  Quintero Noda et al. focused on the infrared Ca II 8542 Å line and we
  concluded that it is one of the best candidates because it is sensitive
  to a large range of atmospheric heights, from the photosphere to the
  middle chromosphere. However, we believe that it is worth trying to
  improve the results produced by this line observing additional spectral
  lines. In that regard, we examined the neighbourhood solar spectrum
  looking for spectral lines which could increase the sensitivity to
  the atmospheric parameters. Interestingly, we discovered several
  photospheric lines which greatly improve the photospheric sensitivity
  to the magnetic field vector. Moreover, they are located close to a
  second chromospheric line which also belongs to the Ca II infrared
  triplet, I.e. the Ca II 8498 Å line, and enhances the sensitivity to
  the atmospheric parameters at chromospheric layers. We conclude that the
  lines in the vicinity of the Ca II 8542 Å line not only increase its
  sensitivity to the atmospheric parameters at all layers, but also they
  constitute an excellent spectral window for chromospheric polarimetry.

Title: Investigating prominence turbulence with Hinode SOT
Authors: Hillier, A.; Matsumoto, T.; Ichimoto, K.
2017A&A...597A.111H    Altcode: 2016arXiv161008281H
  Quiescent prominences host a diverse range of flows, including
  Rayleigh-Taylor instability driven upflows and impulsive downflows,
  and so it is no surprise that turbulent motions also exist. As
  prominences are believed to have a mean horizontal guide field,
  investigating any turbulence they host could shed light on the
  nature of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence in a wide range of
  astrophysical systems. In this paper we have investigated the nature
  of the turbulent prominence motions using structure function analysis
  on the velocity increments estimated from Hα Dopplergrams constructed
  with observational data from Hinode Solar Optical Telescope (SOT). The
  probability density function of the velocity increments shows that as
  we look at increasingly small spatial separations the distribution
  displays greater departure from a reference Gaussian distribution,
  hinting at intermittency in the velocity field. Analysis of the
  even order structure functions for both the horizontal and vertical
  separations showed the existence of two distinct regions displaying
  different exponents of the power law with the break in the power
  law at approximately 2000 km. We hypothesise this to be a result
  of internal turbulence excited in the prominence by the dynamic
  flows of the system found at this spatial scale. We found that the
  scaling exponents of the pth order structure functions for these
  two regions generally followed the p/ 2 (smaller scales) and p/ 4
  (larger scales) laws that are the same as those predicted for weak MHD
  turbulence and Kraichnan-Iroshnikov turbulence respectively. However,
  the existence of the p/ 4 scaling at larger scales than the p/ 2
  scaling is inconsistent with the increasing nonlinearity expected
  in MHD turbulence. We also found that as we went to higher order
  structure functions, the dependence of the scaling exponent on the
  order p is nonlinear implying that intermittency may be playing an
  important role in the turbulent cascade. Estimating the heating from
  the turbulent energy dissipation showed that this turbulence would be
  very inefficient at heating the prominence plasma, but that the mass
  diffusion through turbulence driven reconnection was of the order
  of 10<SUP>10</SUP> cm<SUP>2</SUP> s<SUP>-1</SUP>. This is of similar
  order to that of the expected value of the ambipolar diffusion and a
  few orders of magnitude greater than Ohmic diffusion for a quiescent
  prominence. <P />The movie associated to Fig. 4 is available at <A

Title: Temporal Evolution and Spatial Distribution of White-light
    Flare Kernels in a Solar Flare
Authors: Kawate, T.; Ishii, T. T.; Nakatani, Y.; Ichimoto, K.; Asai,
   A.; Morita, S.; Masuda, S.
2016ApJ...833...50K    Altcode: 2016arXiv161004328K
  On 2011 September 6, we observed an X2.1-class flare in continuum
  and Hα with a frame rate of about 30 Hz. After processing images
  of the event by using a speckle-masking image reconstruction, we
  identified white-light (WL) flare ribbons on opposite sides of the
  magnetic neutral line. We derive the light curve decay times of the
  WL flare kernels at each resolution element by assuming that the
  kernels consist of one or two components that decay exponentially,
  starting from the peak time. As a result, 42% of the pixels have two
  decay-time components with average decay times of 15.6 and 587 s,
  whereas the average decay time is 254 s for WL kernels with only one
  decay-time component. The peak intensities of the shorter decay-time
  component exhibit good spatial correlation with the WL intensity,
  whereas the peak intensities of the long decay-time components tend
  to be larger in the early phase of the flare at the inner part of
  the flare ribbons, close to the magnetic neutral line. The average
  intensity of the longer decay-time components is 1.78 times higher than
  that of the shorter decay-time components. If the shorter decay time is
  determined by either the chromospheric cooling time or the nonthermal
  ionization timescale and the longer decay time is attributed to the
  coronal cooling time, this result suggests that WL sources from both
  regions appear in 42% of the WL kernels and that WL emission of the
  coronal origin is sometimes stronger than that of chromospheric origin.

Title: Discovery of Ubiquitous Fast-Propagating Intensity Disturbances
    by the Chromospheric Lyman Alpha Spectropolarimeter (CLASP)
Authors: Kubo, M.; Katsukawa, Y.; Suematsu, Y.; Kano, R.; Bando,
   T.; Narukage, N.; Ishikawa, R.; Hara, H.; Giono, G.; Tsuneta, S.;
   Ishikawa, S.; Shimizu, T.; Sakao, T.; Winebarger, A.; Kobayashi, K.;
   Cirtain, J.; Champey, P.; Auchère, F.; Trujillo Bueno, J.; Asensio
   Ramos, A.; Štěpán, J.; Belluzzi, L.; Manso Sainz, R.; De Pontieu,
   B.; Ichimoto, K.; Carlsson, M.; Casini, R.; Goto, M.
2016ApJ...832..141K    Altcode:
  High-cadence observations by the slit-jaw (SJ) optics system of the
  sounding rocket experiment known as the Chromospheric Lyman Alpha
  Spectropolarimeter (CLASP) reveal ubiquitous intensity disturbances
  that recurrently propagate in either the chromosphere or the transition
  region or both at a speed much higher than the speed of sound. The
  CLASP/SJ instrument provides a time series of two-dimensional images
  taken with broadband filters centered on the Lyα line at a 0.6 s
  cadence. The multiple fast-propagating intensity disturbances appear in
  the quiet Sun and in an active region, and they are clearly detected in
  at least 20 areas in a field of view of 527″ × 527″ during the 5
  minute observing time. The apparent speeds of the intensity disturbances
  range from 150 to 350 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, and they are comparable
  to the local Alfvén speed in the transition region. The intensity
  disturbances tend to propagate along bright elongated structures away
  from areas with strong photospheric magnetic fields. This suggests
  that the observed fast-propagating intensity disturbances are related
  to the magnetic canopy structures. The maximum distance traveled by
  the intensity disturbances is about 10″, and the widths are a few
  arcseconds, which are almost determined by a pixel size of 1.″03. The
  timescale of each intensity pulse is shorter than 30 s. One possible
  explanation for the fast-propagating intensity disturbances observed
  by CLASP is magnetohydrodynamic fast-mode waves.

Title: Analysis of a spatially deconvolved solar pore
Authors: Quintero Noda, C.; Shimizu, T.; Ruiz Cobo, B.; Suematsu,
   Y.; Katsukawa, Y.; Ichimoto, K.
2016MNRAS.460.1476Q    Altcode: 2016arXiv160501796Q; 2016MNRAS.tmp..847Q
  Solar pores are active regions with large magnetic field strengths
  and apparent simple magnetic configurations. Their properties
  resemble the ones found for the sunspot umbra although pores do
  not show penumbra. Therefore, solar pores present themselves as an
  intriguing phenomenon that is not completely understood. We examine
  in this work a solar pore observed with Hinode/SP using two state
  of the art techniques. The first one is the spatial deconvolution
  of the spectropolarimetric data that allows removing the stray
  light contamination induced by the spatial point spread function
  of the telescope. The second one is the inversion of the Stokes
  profiles assuming local thermodynamic equilibrium that let us to
  infer the atmospheric physical parameters. After applying these
  techniques, we found that the spatial deconvolution method does not
  introduce artefacts, even at the edges of the magnetic structure,
  where large horizontal gradients are detected on the atmospheric
  parameters. Moreover, we also describe the physical properties of
  the magnetic structure at different heights finding that, in the
  inner part of the solar pore, the temperature is lower than outside,
  the magnetic field strength is larger than 2 kG and unipolar, and
  the line-of-sight velocity is almost null. At neighbouring pixels,
  we found low magnetic field strengths of same polarity and strong
  downward motions that only occur at the low photosphere, below the
  continuum optical depth log τ = -1. Finally, we studied the spatial
  relation between different atmospheric parameters at different heights
  corroborating the physical properties described before.

Title: Status of Hida solar adaptive optics system and experiment
    of tomographic wavefront sensing
Authors: Miura, Noriaki; Oh-ishi, Akira; Kuwamura, Susumu; Baba,
   Naoshi; Hanaoka, Yoichiro; Ueno, Satoru; Nakatani, Yoshikazu;
   Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
2016SPIE.9909E..2NM    Altcode:
  An adaptive optics (AO) system is developed for the 60cm domeless
  solar telescope of the Hida Observatory, Japan. Its performances are
  analyzed by the computer simulations, and improved by replacing the
  Zernike polynomials by Karhunen-Loève functions. Also, a tomographic
  wavefront sensor is developed for a ground-layer AO system. From test
  data acquired at the Hida observatory, wavefront-phase maps both in
  the ground-layer and in an upper layer are successfully derived.

Title: Development of a near-infrared detector and a fiber-optic
    integral field unit for a space solar observatory SOLAR-C
Authors: Katsukawa, Yukio; Kamata, Yukiko; Anan, Tetsu; Hara,
   Hirohisa; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Bando, Takamasa; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi;
   Shimizu, Toshifumi
2016SPIE.9904E..5IK    Altcode:
  We are developing a high sensitivity and fast readout near-infrared
  (NIR) detector and an integral field unit (IFU) for making
  spectro-polarimetric observations of rapidly varying chromospheric
  spectrum lines, such as He I 1083 nm and Ca II 854 nm, in the
  next space-based solar mission SOLAR-C. We made tests of a 1.7 μm
  cutoff H2RG detector with the SIDECAR ASIC for the application in
  SOLAR-C. It's important to verify its perfor- mance in the temperature
  condition around -100 °C, which is hotter than the typical temperature
  environment used for a NIR detector. We built a system for testing the
  detector between -70 °C and -140 °C. We verified linearity, read-out
  noise, and dark current in both the slow and fast readout modes. We
  found the detector has to be cooled down lower than -100 °C because
  of significant increase of the number of hot pixels in the hotter
  environment. The compact and polarization maintenance IFU was designed
  using fiber-optic ribbons consisting of rectangular cores which exhibit
  good polarization maintenance. A Silicone adhesive DC-SE9187L was used
  to hold the fragile fiber-optic ribbons in a metal housing. Polarization
  maintenance property was confirmed though polarization calibration
  as well as temperature control are required to suppress polarization
  crosstalk and to achieve the polarization accuracy in SOLAR-C.

Title: Spectropolarimetric capabilities of Ca II 8542 Å line
Authors: Quintero Noda, C.; Shimizu, T.; de la Cruz Rodríguez, J.;
   Katsukawa, Y.; Ichimoto, K.; Anan, T.; Suematsu, Y.
2016MNRAS.459.3363Q    Altcode: 2016MNRAS.tmp..667Q; 2016arXiv160404957Q
  The next generation of space- and ground-based solar missions aim
  to study the magnetic properties of the solar chromosphere using the
  infrared Ca II lines and the He I 10830 Å line. The former seem to be
  the best candidates to study the stratification of magnetic fields in
  the solar chromosphere and their relation to the other thermodynamical
  properties underlying the chromospheric plasma. The purpose of this
  work is to provide a detailed analysis of the diagnostic capabilities
  of the Ca II 8542 Å line, anticipating forthcoming observational
  facilities. We study the sensitivity of the Ca II 8542 Å line
  to perturbations applied to the physical parameters of reference
  semi-empirical 1D model atmospheres using response functions and we
  make use of 3D magnetohydrodynamics simulations to examine the expected
  polarization signals for moderate magnetic field strengths. Our results
  indicate that the Ca II 8542 Å line is mostly sensitive to the layers
  enclosed in the range log τ = [0, -5.5], under the physical conditions
  that are present in our model atmospheres. In addition, the simulated
  magnetic flux tube generates strong longitudinal signals in its centre
  and moderate transversal signals, due to the vertical expansion of
  magnetic field lines, in its edge. Thus, observing the Ca II 8542 Å
  line we will be able to infer the 3D geometry of moderate magnetic
  field regions.

Title: Spectro-polarimetric observation in UV with CLASP to probe
    the chromosphere and transition region
Authors: Kano, Ryouhei; Ishikawa, Ryohko; Winebarger, Amy R.; Auchère,
   Frédéric; Trujillo Bueno, Javier; Narukage, Noriyuki; Kobayashi,
   Ken; Bando, Takamasa; Katsukawa, Yukio; Kubo, Masahito; Ishikawa,
   Shin-Nosuke; Giono, Gabriel; Hara, Hirohisa; Suematsu, Yoshinori;
   Shimizu, Toshifumi; Sakao, Taro; Tsuneta, Saku; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi;
   Goto, Motoshi; Cirtain, Jonathan W.; De Pontieu, Bart; Casini, Roberto;
   Manso Sainz, Rafael; Asensio Ramos, Andres; Stepan, Jiri; Belluzzi,
   Luca; Carlsson, Mats
2016SPD....4710107K    Altcode:
  The Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP) is a NASA
  sounding-rocket experiment that was performed in White Sands in
  the US on September 3, 2015. During its 5-minute ballistic flight,
  CLASP successfully made the first spectro-polarimetric observation in
  the Lyman-alpha line (121.57 nm) originating in the chromosphere and
  transition region. Since the Lyman-alpha polarization is sensitive
  to magnetic field of 10-100 G by the Hanle effect, we aim to infer
  the magnetic field information in such upper solar atmosphere with
  this experiment.The obtained CLASP data showed that the Lyman-alpha
  scattering polarization is about a few percent in the wings and
  the order of 0.1% in the core near the solar limb, as it had been
  theoretically predicted, and that both polarization signals have a
  conspicuous spatio-temporal variability. CLASP also observed another
  upper-chromospheric line, Si III (120.65 nm), whose critical field
  strength for the Hanle effect is 290 G, and showed a measurable
  scattering polarization of a few % in this line. The polarization
  properties of the Si III line could facilitate the interpretation of
  the scattering polarization observed in the Lyman-alpha line.In this
  presentation, we would like to show how the upper chromosphere and
  transition region are seen in the polarization of these UV lines and
  discuss the possible source of these complicated polarization signals.

Title: Development of the Universal Tunable Filter and High-resolution
    Imaging Observation with the Fuxian Solar Observatory
Authors: Hagino, M.; Ichimoto, K.; Ueno, S.; Kimura, G.; Otsuji, K.;
   Kitai, R.; Zhong, L.; Xu, Z.; Shinoda, K.; Hara, H.; Suematsu, Y.;
   Shimizu, T.
2016ASPC..504..103H    Altcode:
  We have developed a new narrow-band universal tunable filter to perform
  imaging spectroscopy of the solar chromosphere. The development stage
  of the filter has been almost finished and we shifted to the scientific
  observation phase by using large grand-based telescopes. Using the
  filter, a series of high-resolution images were obtained with the 1m
  vacuum solar telescope at the Fuxian Solar Observatory. We succeeded in
  observing several flares and fine structures of the chromospheric layer.

Title: Roles of Ground-based Solar Observations of Hida Observatory
    toward the Solar-C Era
Authors: Ueno, S.; Shibata, K.; Ichimoto, K.; Nagata, S.; Dorotovič,
   I.; Shahamatnia, E.; Ribeiro, R. A.; Fonseca, J. M.
2016ASPC..504..309U    Altcode:
  For the realization of the Solar-C satellite, discussions about
  scientific themes and preliminary observations are internationally
  carried out now. At Hida Observatory of Kyoto University, we will play
  the following roles toward the Solar-C era by utilizing the Domeless
  Solar Telescope (DST) and the international solar chromospherirc
  full-disk observation network (CHAIN project) that includes the
  Solar Magnetic Activity Research Telescope (SMART) with international
  collaborations, for example, such as the development of image-analysis
  software by UNINOVA (Portugal) and so on.

Title: CLASP: A UV Spectropolarimeter on a Sounding Rocket for
    Probing theChromosphere-Corona Transition Regio
Authors: Ishikawa, Ryohko; Kano, Ryouhei; Winebarger, Amy; Auchere,
   Frederic; Trujillo Bueno, Javier; Bando, Takamasa; Narukage,
   Noriyuki; Kobayashi, Ken; Katsukawa, Yukio; Kubo, Masahito; Ishikawa,
   Shin-nosuke; Giono, Gabriel; Tsuneta, Saku; Hara, Hirohisa; Suematsu,
   Yoshinori; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Sakao, Taro; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi;
   Cirtain, Jonathan; De Pontieu, Bart; Casini, Roberto; Manso Sainz,
   Rafael; Asensio Ramos, Andres; Stepan, Jiri; Belluzzi, Luca
2015IAUGA..2254536I    Altcode:
  The wish to understand the energetic phenomena of the outer solar
  atmosphere makes it increasingly important to achieve quantitative
  information on the magnetic field in the chromosphere-corona
  transition region. To this end, we need to measure and model the
  linear polarization produced by scattering processes and the Hanle
  effect in strong UV resonance lines, such as the hydrogen Lyman-alpha
  line. A team consisting of Japan, USA, Spain, France, and Norway has
  been developing a sounding rocket experiment called the Chromospheric
  Lyman-alpha Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP). The aim is to detect the
  scattering polarization produced by anisotropic radiation pumping in
  the hydrogen Lyman-alpha line (121.6 nm), and via the Hanle effect to
  try to constrain the magnetic field vector in the upper chromosphere
  and transition region. In this talk, we will present an overview
  of our CLASP mission, its scientific objectives, ground tests made,
  and the latest information on the launch planned for the Summer of 2015.

Title: A Real Source of a Stealth CME - Energetics of a Filament
    Eruption and Giant Arcade Formation
Authors: Asai, Ayumi; Ishii, Takako T.; Otsuji, Kenichi; Ichimoto,
   Kiyoshi; Shibata, Kazunari
2015IAUGA..2255125A    Altcode:
  Various active phenomena occurring on the solar surface are sources
  of disturbances in the solar-terrestrial environment. It is, however,
  sometimes said that solar flares, the most energetic explosions in the
  active phenome on the sun, are not crucially important for space weather
  researches, but coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are more significant. This
  is because not all flares are associated with CMEs, and therefore, not
  geo-effective, and because geo-effective CMEs sometimes occur without
  any notable active phenomena (such as flares) on the sun. The latter
  is sometimes called as a “stealth CME” event. However, for even
  such cases, we often see filament eruptions in H-alpha observations
  and formations of giant arcade in X-ray and/or extreme ultraviolet
  (EUV) observations.The geomagnetic storm with the Dst index of -105
  nT that occurred on October 8, 2012 was such a stealth event. We,
  on the other hand, recognize formation of an X-ray giant arcade and
  activation of an H-alpha filament on October 5, 2012. We examined the
  velocity field of the filament by using the H-alpha wing data obtained
  with SMART telescope at Hida Observatory, Kyoto University. We also
  derived the temperature and the volume emission measure by using the
  X-ray and EUV data obtained by Hinode/XRT and SDO/AIA. We discuss the
  energetics of this event on the solar surface

Title: Coupling of the magnetic field and gas flows inferred from
    the net circular polarization in a sunspot penumbra
Authors: Shaltout, Abdelrazek M. K.; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
2015PASJ...67...27S    Altcode:
  We analyze penumbral fine structure using high-resolution
  spectropolarimetric data obtained by the Solar Optical Telescope on
  board the Hinode satellite. The spatial correlation between the net
  circular polarization (NCP) and Evershed flow is investigated in
  detail. Here we obtain that negative NCP structures are correlated
  with the Evershed flow channels in the limb-side penumbra, and that
  negative NCP or depressions of positive NCP are associated with the
  Evershed flow channels in the disk center-side of the penumbra for a
  negative-polarity sunspot in NOAA 10923. The positive NCP dominant in
  the disk center-side penumbra is essentially attributed to interflow
  channels instead of Evershed flow channels. The stratification of
  magnetic field and velocity are investigated by using SIR-JUMP inversion
  with a one-component atmosphere, and the NCP of spectral lines in
  the limb-side and disk center-side of the penumbra is successfully
  reproduced. The inversion results show that an increased Evershed
  flow is associated with a strong magnetic field located in the deep
  photosphere. Our result does not match with the simple two-component
  penumbral models in which the penumbra consists of Evershed flow
  and interflow channels and the global NCP is attributed only to the
  Evershed flow channels.

Title: Simultaneous Transverse Oscillations of a Prominence and a
    Filament and Longitudinal Oscillation of Another Filament Induced
    by a Single Shock Wave
Authors: Shen, Yuandeng; Liu, Ying D.; Chen, P. F.; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
2014ApJ...795..130S    Altcode: 2014arXiv1409.1304S
  We present the first stereoscopic and Doppler observations of
  simultaneous transverse oscillations of a prominence and a filament and
  longitudinal oscillation of another filament launched by a single shock
  wave. Using Hα Doppler observations, we derive the three-dimensional
  oscillation velocities at different heights along the prominence
  axis. The results indicate that the prominence has a larger oscillation
  amplitude and damping time at higher altitude, but the periods at
  different heights are the same (i.e., 13.5 minutes). This suggests that
  the prominence oscillates like a linear vertical rigid body with one
  end anchored on the Sun. One of the filaments shows weak transverse
  oscillation after the passing of the shock, which is possibly due to
  the low altitude of the filament and the weakening (due to reflection)
  of the shock wave before the interaction. Large-amplitude longitudinal
  oscillation is observed in the other filament after the passing of
  the shock wave. The velocity amplitude and period are about 26.8 km
  s<SUP>-1</SUP> and 80.3 minutes, respectively. We propose that the
  orientation of a filament or prominence relative to the normal vector
  of the incoming shock should be an important factor for launching
  transverse or longitudinal filament oscillations. In addition, the
  restoring forces of the transverse prominence are most likely due
  to the coupling of gravity and magnetic tension of the supporting
  magnetic field, while that for the longitudinal filament oscillation
  is probably the resultant force of gravity and magnetic pressure.

Title: Precision VUV Spectro-Polarimetry for Solar Chromospheric
    Magnetic Field Measurements
Authors: Ishikawa, R.; Bando, T.; Hara, H.; Ishikawa, S.; Kano, R.;
   Kubo, M.; Katsukawa, Y.; Kobiki, T.; Narukage, N.; Suematsu, Y.;
   Tsuneta, S.; Aoki, K.; Miyagawa, K.; Ichimoto, K.; Kobayashi, K.;
   Auchère, F.; Clasp Team
2014ASPC..489..319I    Altcode:
  The Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP) is a VUV
  spectro-polarimeter optimized for measuring the linear polarization
  of the Lyman-α line (121.6 nm) to be launched in 2015 with NASA's
  sounding rocket (Ishikawa et al. 2011; Narukage et al. 2011; Kano et
  al. 2012; Kobayashi et al. 2012). With this experiment, we aim to (1)
  observe the scattering polarization in the Lyman-α line, (2) detect
  the Hanle effect, and (3) assess the magnetic fields in the upper
  chromosphere and transition region for the first time. The polarization
  measurement error consists of scale error δ a (error in amplitude
  of linear polarization), azimuth error Δφ (error in the direction
  of linear polarization), and spurious polarization ɛ (false linear
  polarization signals). The error ɛ should be suppressed below 0.1%
  in the Lyman-α core (121.567 nm ±0.02 nm), and 0.5% in the Lyman-α
  wing (121.567 nm ±0.05 nm), based on our scientific requirements shown
  in Table 2 of Kubo et al. (2014). From scientific justification, we
  adopt Δ φ&lt;2° and δ a&lt;10% as the instrument requirements. The
  spectro-polarimeter features a continuously rotating MgF<SUB>2</SUB>
  waveplate (Ishikawa et al. 2013), a dual-beam spectrograph with a
  spherical grating working also as a beam splitter, and two polarization
  analyzers (Bridou et al. 2011), which are mounted at 90 degree from
  each other to measure two orthogonal polarization simultaneously. For
  the optical layout of the CLASP instrument, see Figure 3 in Kubo et
  al. (2014). Considering the continuous rotation of the half-waveplate,
  the modulation efficiency is 0.64 both for Stokes Q and U. All the raw
  data are returned and demodulation (successive addition or subtraction
  of images) is done on the ground. <P />We control the CLASP polarization
  performance in the following three steps. First, we evaluate the
  throughput and polarization properties of each optical component in
  the Lyman-α line, using the Ultraviolet Synchrotron ORbital Radiation
  Facility (UVSOR) at the Institute for Molecular Science. The second
  step is polarization calibration of the spectro-polarimeter after
  alignment. Since the spurious polarization caused by the axisymmetric
  telescope is estimated to be negligibly small because of the symmetry
  (Ishikawa et al. 2014), we do not perform end-to-end polarization
  calibration. As the final step, before the scientific observation near
  the limb, we make a short observation at the Sun center and verify
  the polarization sensitivity, because the scattering polarization
  is expected to be close to zero at the Sun center due to symmetric
  geometry. In order to clarify whether we will be able to achieve the
  required polarization sensitivity and accuracy via these steps, we
  exercise polarization error budget, by investigating all the possible
  causes and their magnitudes of polarization errors, all of which are not
  necessarily verified by the polarization calibration. Based on these
  error budgets, we conclude that a polarization sensitivity of 0.1% in
  the line core, δ a&lt;10% and Δ φ&lt;2° can be achieved combined
  with the polarization calibration of the spectro-polarimeter and the
  onboard calibration at the Sun center(refer to Ishikawa et al. 2014,
  for the detail). <P />We are currently conducting verification tests
  of the flight components and development of the UV light source for
  the polarization calibration. From 2014 spring, we will begin the
  integration, alignment, and calibration. We will update the error
  budgets throughout the course of these tests.

Title: A Sounding Rocket Experiment for the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha
    Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP)
Authors: Kubo, M.; Kano, R.; Kobayashi, K.; Bando, T.; Narukage, N.;
   Ishikawa, R.; Tsuneta, S.; Katsukawa, Y.; Ishikawa, S.; Suematsu, Y.;
   Hara, H.; Shimizu, T.; Sakao, T.; Ichimoto, K.; Goto, M.; Holloway,
   T.; Winebarger, A.; Cirtain, J.; De Pontieu, B.; Casini, R.; Auchère,
   F.; Trujillo Bueno, J.; Manso Sainz, R.; Belluzzi, L.; Asensio Ramos,
   A.; Štěpán, J.; Carlsson, M.
2014ASPC..489..307K    Altcode:
  A sounding-rocket experiment called the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha
  Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP) is presently under development to measure
  the linear polarization profiles in the hydrogen Lyman-alpha (Lyα)
  line at 121.567 nm. CLASP is a vacuum-UV (VUV) spectropolarimeter to aim
  for first detection of the linear polarizations caused by scattering
  processes and the Hanle effect in the Lyα line with high accuracy
  (0.1%). This is a fist step for exploration of magnetic fields in
  the upper chromosphere and transition region of the Sun. Accurate
  measurements of the linear polarization signals caused by scattering
  processes and the Hanle effect in strong UV lines like Lyα are
  essential to explore with future solar telescopes the strength
  and structures of the magnetic field in the upper chromosphere and
  transition region of the Sun. The CLASP proposal has been accepted by
  NASA in 2012, and the flight is planned in 2015.

Title: Magnetic and Electric Field Diagnostics of Chromospheric Jets
    by Spectropolarimetric Observations of the HI Paschen Lines
Authors: Anan, T.; Casini, R.; Ichimoto, K.
2014ASPC..489...67A    Altcode:
  In order to study the magnetic and electric fields of chromospheric
  jets, we observed the full Stokes spectra of the Paschen series of
  neutral hydrogen in active region jets that took place at the solar limb
  on May 5, 2012. For the observations, we used the spectropolarimeter
  of the Domeless Solar Telescope at Hida observatory, Japan. Inversion
  of the Stokes spectra taking into account the effect of magnetic
  field on the energy structure and polarization of the hydrogen
  levels (including the Hanle effect and level-crossing effects)
  elucidates the magnetic field approximately aligned with the visible
  structure of the jets. In addition to the magnetic field, the energy
  structure and the polarization of the hydrogen levels is sensitive
  to electric field through the Stark effect, electric Hanle effect
  (analogous effect with the Hanle effect by magnetic field), and the
  level-crossing effects. Since, we found no definitive evidence of the
  polarization produced by the effect of electric field in the observed
  Stokes profiles, we derived upper limits of electric field felt by
  neutral atom moving across the magnetic field, and conclude that the
  velocity of the neutral atom perpendicular to the magnetic field was
  below several percents of the velocity bulk plasma motion.

Title: Large aperture solar optical telescope and instruments for
    the SOLAR-C mission
Authors: Suematsu, Y.; Katsukawa, Y.; Hara, H.; Kano, R.; Shimizu,
   T.; Ichimoto, K.
2014SPIE.9143E..1PS    Altcode:
  A large aperture solar optical telescope and its instruments
  for the SOLAR-C mission are under study to provide the critical
  physical parameters in the lower solar atmosphere and to resolve the
  mechanism of magnetic dynamic events happening there and in the upper
  atmosphere as well. For the precise magnetic field measurements and
  high angular resolution in wide wavelength region, covering FOV of 3
  arcmin x3 arcmin, an entrance aperture of 1.4 m Gregorian telescope is
  proposed. Filtergraphs are designed to realize high resolution imaging
  and pseudo 2D spectro-polarimetry in several magnetic sensitive lines of
  both photosphere and chromosphere. A full stokes polarimetry is carried
  out at three magnetic sensitive lines with a four-slit spectrograph
  of 2D image scanning mechanism. We present a progress in optical and
  structural design of SOLAR-C large aperture optical telescope and its
  observing instruments which fulfill science requirements.

Title: Feasibility study of an image slicer for future space
Authors: Calcines, A.; Ichimoto, K.
2014SPIE.9143E..4CC    Altcode:
  This communication presents the feasibility study of an image slicer for
  future space missions, especially for the integral field unit (IFU) of
  the SUVIT (Solar UV-Visible-IR telescope) spectro-polarimeter on board
  the Japanese-led solar space mission Solar-C as a backup option. The
  MuSICa (Multi-Slit Image slicer based on collimator-Camera) image
  slicer concept, originally developed for the European Solar Telescope,
  has been adapted to the SUVIT requirements. The IFU will reorganizes
  a 2-D field of view of 10 x 10 arcsec<SUP>2</SUP> into three slits of
  0.18 arcsec width by 185.12 arcsec length using flat slicer mirrors
  of 100 μm width. The layout of MuSICa for Solar-C is telecentric and
  offers an optical quality limited by diffraction. The entrance for the
  SUVIT spectro-polarimeter is composed by the three IFU slits and one
  ordinal long slit to study, using high resolution spectro-polarimetry,
  the solar atmosphere (Photosphere and Chromosphere) within a spectral
  range between 520 nm (optionally 280 nm) and 1,100 nm.

Title: Polarization properties of a birefringent fiber optic image
    slicer for diffraction-limited dual-beam spectropolarimetry
Authors: Schad, Thomas; Lin, Haosheng; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Katsukawa,
2014SPIE.9147E..6ES    Altcode:
  The birefringent fiber optic image slicer design, or BiFOIS,
  adapts integral field spectroscopy methods to the special needs of
  high-sensitivity, spatially-resolved spectropolarimetry. In solar
  astronomy these methods are of particular importance, as dynamic
  magnetism lies at the heart of various multi-scaled phenomena in the
  solar atmosphere. While integral field units (IFU) based on fiber
  optics have been in continual development for some time, standard
  stock multimode fibers do not typically preserve polarization. The
  importance of a birefringent fiber optic IFU design stems from the
  need for dual-beam spatio-temporal polarimetric modulation to correct
  for spurious polarization signals induced either by platform jitter or
  atmospheric seeing. Here we characterize the polarization response of a
  second generation BiFOIS IFU designed for solar spectropolarimetry. The
  unit provides 60 × 64 spatial imaging pixels in a densely-packed,
  high filling factor configuration. Particular attention is placed on
  the spatial uniformity of the IFU polarization response. Calibrated
  first-light solar observations are also presented to demonstrate the
  performance of the device in a real application.

Title: Development of a universal tunable filter for future solar
Authors: Hagino, M.; Ichimoto, K.; Kimura, G.; Nakatani, Y.; Kawate,
   T.; Shinoda, K.; Suematsu, Y.; Hara, H.; Shimizu, T.
2014SPIE.9151E..5VH    Altcode:
  We have developed a new narrowband tunable filter to perform imaging
  spectroscopy of the solar chromosphere. Using Liquid Crystal Variable
  Retarders (LCVRs) as the tuning elements for wavelength, wide-band
  polarizers and super achromatic half-wave plates, it is possible to make
  high speed tuning (about 0.1Sec), to exclude mechanical drives (and oil
  tank), and to cover a wide wavelength range (510-100nm). This filter
  builds up with seven stages each consisting of a pair of calcites,
  LCVR, half-wave plates and linear polarizer. The full width at half
  maximum (FWHM) of the filter transmission is about 0.025nm at 656.3nm.We
  demonstrate that the concept of the universal tunable filter using the
  LCVR's as tuning elements is highly promising for future application
  to space mission and ground based observations.

Title: Small-scale chromospheric jets above a sunspot light bridge
Authors: Louis, Rohan E.; Beck, Christian; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
2014A&A...567A..96L    Altcode: 2014arXiv1406.0103L
  Context. The chromosphere above sunspot umbrae and penumbrae shows
  several different types of fast dynamic events such as running
  penumbral waves, umbral flashes, and penumbral microjets. <BR /> Aims:
  The aim of this paper is to identify the physical driver responsible
  for the dynamic and small-scale chromospheric jets above a sunspot
  light bridge. <BR /> Methods: High-resolution broadband filtergrams
  of active region NOAA 11271 in Ca ii H and G band were obtained with
  the Solar Optical Telescope on board Hinode. We identified the jets in
  the Ca ii H images using a semi-automatic routine and determined their
  length and orientation. We applied local correlation tracking (LCT)
  to the G-band images to obtain the photospheric horizontal velocity
  field. The magnetic field topology was derived from a Milne-Eddington
  inversion of a simultaneous scan with the Spectropolarimeter. <BR />
  Results: The chromospheric jets consist of a bright, triangular-shaped
  blob that lies on the light bridge, while the apex of this blob extends
  into a spike-like structure that is bright against the dark umbral
  background. Most of the jets have apparent lengths of less than 1000
  km and about 30% of the jets have lengths between 1000-1600 km. The
  jets are oriented within ±35° to the normal of the spine of the light
  bridge. Most of them are clustered near the central part of the light
  bridge within a 2” area. The jets are seen to move rapidly along the
  light bridge and many of them cannot be identified in successive images
  taken with a 2 min cadence. The jets are primarily located on one side
  of the light bridge and are directed into the umbral core. The Stokes
  profiles at or close to the location of the blobs on the LB exhibit
  both a significant net circular polarization and multiple components,
  including opposite-polarity lobes. The magnetic field diverges from the
  light bridge towards the umbral cores that it separates. The LCT reveals
  that in the photosphere there is a predominantly uni-directional flow
  with speeds of 100-150 m s<SUP>-1</SUP> along the light bridge. This
  unidirectional flow is interrupted by a patch of weak or very small
  motions on the light bridge which also moves along the light bridge. <BR
  /> Conclusions: The dynamic short-lived chromospheric jets above the LB
  seem to be guided by the magnetic field lines. Reconnection events are
  a likely trigger for such phenomenon since they occur at locations where
  the magnetic field changes orientation sharply and where we also observe
  isolated patches of opposite-polarity magnetic components. We find no
  clear relation between the jets and the photospheric flow pattern.

Title: Development of a new solar adaptive optics system at the
    Hida Observatory
Authors: Miura, Noriaki; Oh-ishi, Ayumu; Aoki, Shotaro; Mogaki, Hikaru;
   Kuwamura, Susumu; Baba, Naoshi; Hanaoka, Yoichiro; Yamaguchi, Masashi;
   Ueno, Satoru; Nakatani, Yoshikazu; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
2014SPIE.9148E..31M    Altcode:
  We are developing a new adaptive optics (AO) system for the 60cm
  domeless solar telescope of the Hida Observatory, Japan. The system has
  a deformable mirror with 97 piezo-actuators, a Shack-Hartmann wavefront
  sensor with a 10×10-microlens array and standard personal computers. We
  conducted solar observations in September, 2013, and confirmed that our
  AO system cancelled image-shifts so that the deviations were within
  the resolution of the telescope. We report the detailed performances
  of our new AO system.

Title: The SUVIT Instrument on the Solar-C Mission
Authors: Tarbell, Theodore D.; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
2014AAS...22412363T    Altcode:
  Solar-C is a new space mission being proposed to JAXA, with significant
  contributions anticipated from NASA, ESA, and EU countries. The main
  scientific objectives are to: reveal the mechanisms for heating and
  dynamics of the chromosphere and corona and acceleration of the solar
  wind; determine the physical origin of the large-scale explosions
  and eruptions that drive short-term solar, heliospheric, and geospace
  variability; use the solar atmosphere as a laboratory for understanding
  fundamental physical processes; make unprecedented observations
  of the polar magnetic fields. The unique approaches of Solar-C to
  achieve these goals are to: determine the properties and evolution of
  the 3-dimensional magnetic field, especially on small spatial scales,
  and for the first time observed in the crucial low beta plasma region;
  observe all the temperature regimes of the atmosphere seamlessly at
  the highest spatial resolution ever achieved; observe at high cadence
  the prevailing dynamics in all regions of the atmosphere; determine
  physical properties from high resolution spectroscopic measurements
  throughout the atmosphere and into the solar wind. The powerful suite
  of instruments onboard Solar-C will be sensitive to temperatures from
  the photosphere 5500 K) to solar flares 20 MK) with no temperature
  gap, with spatial resolution at all temperatures of 0.3″ or less
  (0.1″ in the lower atmosphere) and at high cadence. The purpose of
  the Solar UV-Visible-IR Telescope (SUVIT) is to obtain chromospheric
  velocity, temperature, density and magnetic field diagnostics
  over as wide arange of heights as possible, through high cadence
  spectral line profiles and vector spectro-polarimetry. SUVIT is a
  meter-class telescope currently under study at 1.4m in order to obtain
  sufficientresolution and S/N. SUVIT has two complementary focal plane
  packages, the Filtergraph that makes high cadence imaging observations
  with the highest spatial resolution and the Spectro-polarimeter that
  makes precise spectro-polarimetric observations. With their powerful
  sets of spectral lines, FG and SP collect physical measurements from
  the lower photosphere to upper chromosphere with much better spatial
  and temporal resolution than Hinode SOT.

Title: Diagnosis of Magnetic and Electric Fields of Chromospheric
    Jets through Spectropolarimetric Observations of H I Paschen Lines
Authors: Anan, T.; Casini, R.; Ichimoto, K.
2014ApJ...786...94A    Altcode: 2014arXiv1402.4903A
  Magnetic fields govern the plasma dynamics in the outer layers
  of the solar atmosphere, and electric fields acting on neutral
  atoms that move across the magnetic field enable us to study the
  dynamical coupling between neutrals and ions in the plasma. In order
  to measure the magnetic and electric fields of chromospheric jets,
  the full Stokes spectra of the Paschen series of neutral hydrogen
  in a surge and in some active region jets that took place at the
  solar limb were observed on 2012 May 5, using the spectropolarimeter
  of the Domeless Solar Telescope at Hida observatory, Japan. First,
  we inverted the Stokes spectra taking into account only the effect of
  magnetic fields on the energy structure and polarization of the hydrogen
  levels. Having found no definitive evidence of the effects of electric
  fields in the observed Stokes profiles, we then estimated an upper
  bound for these fields by calculating the polarization degree under
  the magnetic field configuration derived in the first step, with the
  additional presence of a perpendicular (Lorentz type) electric field
  of varying strength. The inferred direction of the magnetic field on
  the plane of the sky approximately aligns to the active region jets
  and the surge, with magnetic field strengths in the range 10 G &lt;
  B &lt; 640 G for the surge. Using magnetic field strengths of 70, 200,
  and 600 G, we obtained upper limits for possible electric fields of
  0.04, 0.3, and 0.8 V cm<SUP>-1</SUP>, respectively. This upper bound
  is conservative, since in our modeling we neglected the possible
  contribution of collisional depolarization. Because the velocity of
  neutral atoms of hydrogen moving across the magnetic field derived
  from these upper limits of the Lorentz electric field is far below
  the bulk velocity of the plasma perpendicular to the magnetic field
  as measured by the Doppler shift, we conclude that the neutral atoms
  must be highly frozen to the magnetic field in the surge.

Title: A Chain of Winking (Oscillating) Filaments Triggered by an
    Invisible Extreme-ultraviolet Wave
Authors: Shen, Yuandeng; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Ishii, Takako T.; Tian,
   Zhanjun; Zhao, Ruijuan; Shibata, Kazunari
2014ApJ...786..151S    Altcode: 2014arXiv1403.7705S
  Winking (oscillating) filaments have been observed for many
  years. However, observations of successive winking filaments in
  one event have not yet been reported. In this paper, we present the
  observations of a chain of winking filaments and a subsequent jet that
  are observed right after the X2.1 flare in AR11283. The event also
  produced an extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) wave that has two components: an
  upward dome-like wave (850 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>) and a lateral surface
  wave (554 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>) that was very weak (or invisible)
  in imaging observations. By analyzing the temporal and spatial
  relationships between the oscillating filaments and the EUV waves,
  we propose that all the winking filaments and the jet were triggered
  by the weak (or invisible) lateral surface EUV wave. The oscillation
  of the filaments last for two or three cycles, and their periods,
  Doppler velocity amplitudes, and damping times are 11-22 minutes,
  6-14 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, and 25-60 minutes, respectively. We further
  estimate the radial component magnetic field and the maximum kinetic
  energy of the filaments, and they are 5-10 G and ~10<SUP>19</SUP> J,
  respectively. The estimated maximum kinetic energy is comparable to the
  minimum energy of ordinary EUV waves, suggesting that EUV waves can
  efficiently launch filament oscillations on their path. Based on our
  analysis results, we conclude that the EUV wave is a good agent for
  triggering and connecting successive but separated solar activities
  in the solar atmosphere, and it is also important for producing solar
  sympathetic eruptions.

Title: The Tandem Etalon Magnetograph of the Solar Magnetic Activity
    Research Telescope (SMART) at Hida Observatory
Authors: Nagata, Shin'ichi; Morita, Satoshi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi;
   Nishida, Keisuke; Nakatani, Yoshikazu; Kimura, Goichi; Kaneda, Naoki;
   Kitai, Reizaburou; UeNo, Satoru; Ishii, Takako T.
2014PASJ...66...45N    Altcode:
  The imaging photospheric magnetograph using tandem Fabry-Perot filters
  is newly installed in the Solar Magnetic Activity Research Telescope
  (SMART) of Hida Observatory, Kyoto University. The instrument,
  Tandem Etalon Magnetograph (TEM), consists of a rotating wave plate,
  tandem Fabry-Perot filters which scan the Fe I 6302.5 Å line with
  ∼ 130 mÅ bandwidth, a polarizing beam splitter, and two CCD cameras
  simultaneously taking orthogonally polarized light with a frame rate
  of 30 frames per second. We have confirmed that the Stokes vector map
  deduced from 20 s integration achieves a polarimetric sensitivity of
  ∼ 5 × 10<SUP>-4</SUP> for all polarization states at one wavelength,
  which is higher than is achieved with a space instrument such as the
  Spectro-Polarimeter aboard Hinode or the Helioseismic and Magnetic
  Imager aboard the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO). We expect the
  complementary observations by SMART/TEM, Hinode, and SDO can shed new
  light on the trigger and energy storage mechanism of solar flares.

Title: International Collaboration and Academic Exchange of the
    CHAIN Project in this Three Years (Period)
Authors: Ueno, Satoru; Shibata, Kazunari; Morita, Satoshi; Kimura,
   Goichi; Asai, Ayumi; Kitai, Reizaburo; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Nagata,
   Shin'ichi; Ishii, Takako; Nakatani, Yoshikazu; Masashi, Yamaguchi;
   et al.
2014SunGe...9...97U    Altcode:
  We will introduce contents of international collaboration and
  academic exchange of the CHAIN project in recent three years (ISWI
  period). After April of 2010, we have not obtained any enough budget
  for new instruments. Therefore, we have not been able to install new
  Flare Monitoring Telescopes (FMT) in new countries, such as Algeria. On
  the other hand, however, we have continued international academic
  exchange through scientific and educational collaboration with mainly
  Peru, such as data-analysis training, holding scientific workshops
  etc. Additionally, in this year, King Saudi University of Saudi Arabia
  and CRAAG of Algeria have planned to build a new FMT in their university
  by their own budget. Therefore, we have started some collaboration in
  the field of technical advices of instruments and scientific themes
  etc. Moreover, Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission
  (SUPARCO) also offered us participation in the CHAIN-project. We would
  like to continue to consider the possibility of academic collaboration
  with such new positive developing nations, too.

Title: Within the International Collaboration CHAIN: a Summary of
    Events Observed with Flare Monitoring Telescope (FMT) in Peru
Authors: Ishitsuka, J.; Asai, A.; Morita, S.; Terrazas, R.; Cabezas,
   D.; Gutierrez, V.; Martinez, L.; Buleje, Y.; Loayza, R.; Nakamura,
   N.; Takasao, S.; Yoshinaga, Y.; Hillier, A.; Otsuji, K.; Shibata, K.;
   Ishitsuka, M.; Ueno, S.; Kitai, R.; Ishii, T.; Ichimoto, K.; Nagata,
   S.; Narukage, N.
2014SunGe...9...85I    Altcode:
  In 2008 we inaugurated the new Solar Observatory in collaboration with
  Faculty of Sciences of San Luis Gonzaga de Ica National University,
  300 km south of Lima. In March of 2010 a Flare Monitoring Telescope
  of Hida Observatory of Kyoto University arrived to Ica, part of CHAIN
  Project (Continuous H-alpha Imaging Network). In October of the same
  year we hosted the First FMT Workshop in Ica, then in July of 2011 the
  Second FMT Workshop was opened. Since that we are focused on two events
  registered by FMT in Peru to publish results. FMT is a good tool to
  introduce young people from universities into scientific knowledge;
  it is good also for education in Solar Physics and outreach. Details
  of this successful collaboration will be explained in this presentation.

Title: Multi-Wavelength Observations of Large Amplitude Prominence
Authors: Shen, Yuandeng; Shibata, Kazunari; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Liu, Yu
2014cosp...40E3016S    Altcode:
  Multi-Wavelength observations of large amplitude prominence oscillations
  are important in diagnosing the physical property and eruption
  mechanism of prominences, as well as their ambient coronal magnetic
  fields. Such studies has led to a new discipline dubbed ‘’Prominence
  Seismology’’. However, up to the present, high-resolution and
  multi-wavelength observations of large amplitude oscillations are very
  scarce. Using high-resolution spectroscopic Halpha observations taken
  by the Solar Magnetic Activity Research Telescope (SMART) and the
  Solar Dynamics Observatory, we studied a series of intriguing large
  amplitude prominence (filament) oscillation events. We find that large
  amplitude horizontal and vertical prominence oscillations are often
  launched by large-scale shock waves associated with remote flares,
  while large amplitude longitudinal prominence oscillations are often
  associated with nearby micro jets or flare activities. Sometimes,
  longitudinal oscillations can also be launched by large-scale
  shocks. With the spectroscopic observations taken by the SMART, we can
  measure the Doppler velocity and even the three-dimensional velocity
  of the oscillations, with the so-called “Clould Model’’. The
  oscillation period, amplitude, and damping time are also determined
  from the Halpha observations. These prominence parameters are used to
  estimate the magnetic fields of the prominence and the surrounding
  corona using the method of prominence seismology. Other property of
  large amplitude oscillation prominences such as restoring forces and
  damping mechanisms are also discussed in our study.

Title: Properties of sunspot penumbral grains observed with Hinode
Authors: Zhang, Y.; Ichimoto, K.
2013A&A...560A..77Z    Altcode:
  Context. Penumbral grains (PGs) are small-scale (subarcsec) bright
  features found in the bright penumbral filament in the outer parts of
  sunspots. <BR /> Aims: We aim to study properties of PGs at the blue
  continuum (4504 Å) and the G-band (4305 Å) by using simultaneous
  seeing free data obtained by Broadband Filter Imager (BFI) on board
  Hinode. <BR /> Methods: We use an automatic identification and tracking
  algorithm to identify PGs, which were observed in a period of 170 min in
  the blue continuum and 88 min in the G-band. <BR /> Results: Our results
  indicate that 776 PGs were identified in the blue continuum, and 413
  PGs were identified in the G-band,. A statistical study reveals that
  about 55% of PGs move toward the umbra, about 13-19% of PGs move toward
  the surrounding granulation, and the rest are relatively static. The
  inward moving PGs are mostly located in the inner penumbra (up to
  0.6 of the distance from the umbra to the photosphere) and outward
  moving PGs are located in the outer penumbra. In the blue continuum
  (and G band), the average lifetime, speed, and brightness of inward
  moving PGs are 14.7 (13.5) min, 0.71 (0.70) km s<SUP>-1</SUP> and 0.89
  (0.88) of the quiet Sun. For outward moving PGs, the average lifetime,
  speed and brightness are 8.0 (7.0) min, 0.93 (0.65) km s<SUP>-1</SUP>
  and 0.99 (0.98) of the quiet Sun. For PGs that are relatively static,
  the average lifetime and brightness are 7.6 (6.0) min and 0.94 (0.91)
  of the quiet Sun. Moreover, our observational results show that the
  correlation between the temporal evolutions of the speed and brightness
  is complex.

Title: Emission Height and Temperature Distribution of White-light
    Emission Observed by Hinode/SOT from the 2012 January 27 X-class
    Solar Flare
Authors: Watanabe, Kyoko; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Masuda, Satoshi;
   Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Ohno, Masanori
2013ApJ...776..123W    Altcode: 2013arXiv1308.5059W
  White-light emissions were observed from an X1.7 class solar flare on
  2012 January 27, using three continuum bands (red, green, and blue) of
  the Solar Optical Telescope on board the Hinode satellite. This event
  occurred near the solar limb, and so differences in the locations of the
  various emissions are consistent with differences in heights above the
  photosphere of the various emission sources. Under this interpretation,
  our observations are consistent with the white-light emissions occurring
  at the lowest levels of where the Ca II H emission occurs. Moreover, the
  centers of the source regions of the red, green, and blue wavelengths
  of the white-light emissions are significantly displaced from each
  other, suggesting that those respective emissions are emanating from
  progressively lower heights in the solar atmosphere. The temperature
  distribution was also calculated from the white-light data, and we found
  the lower-layer emission to have a higher temperature. This indicates
  that high-energy particles penetrated down to near the photosphere,
  and deposited heat into the ambient lower layers of the atmosphere.

Title: Solar scintillation detection and ranging (SCIDAR) technique
    for measuring turbulent-layer heights
Authors: Miura, Noriaki; Oh-ishi, Ayumu; Shionoya, Shingo; Watanabe,
   Koji; Kuwamura, Susumu; Baba, Naoshi; Ueno, Satoru; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
2013MNRAS.434.1205M    Altcode: 2013MNRAS.tmp.1834M
  A solar SCIDAR (scintillation detection and ranging) technique is
  proposed for measuring the heights of turbulent layers using the Sun
  itself, instead of the binary stars used in night-time SCIDAR. A
  formula for the technique is derived under various assumptions:
  uniform intensity distributions on the solar surface and sparse
  speckle distributions on the image plane. It indicates that the
  cross-correlation of scintillation shadows yields peaks at positions
  corresponding to layer heights, although the shapes of peaks are
  blurred by both an extended seeing disc and a finite-sized field
  stop. A knife-edge effect caused by field stops in an observational
  system is also described, which yields another peak at the centre of
  the correlation plane. Observations were conducted using a solar SCIDAR
  system developed at the Hida Observatory in Japan. In many results,
  peaks on correlation planes demonstrated a contrast high enough for
  them to be distinguished from the background. Most of the distances to
  turbulent layers derived from the scintillation peaks were found to
  be between 2.5 and 3.5 km. Use of a high-performance adaptive-optics
  system upstream of the SCIDAR system is suggested in order to provide
  better results.

Title: Diffraction, Refraction, and Reflection of an
    Extreme-ultraviolet Wave Observed during Its Interactions with Remote
    Active Regions
Authors: Shen, Yuandeng; Liu, Yu; Su, Jiangtao; Li, Hui; Zhao, Ruijuan;
   Tian, Zhanjun; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Shibata, Kazunari
2013ApJ...773L..33S    Altcode: 2013arXiv1307.6098S
  We present observations of the diffraction, refraction, and reflection
  of a global extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) wave propagating in the solar
  corona. These intriguing phenomena are observed when the wave interacts
  with two remote active regions, and together they exhibit properties
  of an EUV wave. When the wave approached AR11465, it became weaker
  and finally disappeared in the active region, but a few minutes
  later a new wavefront appeared behind the active region, and it was
  not concentric with the incoming wave. In addition, a reflected wave
  was also simultaneously observed on the wave incoming side. When the
  wave approached AR11459, it transmitted through the active region
  directly and without reflection. The formation of the new wavefront
  and the transmission could be explained with diffraction and refraction
  effects, respectively. We propose that the different behaviors observed
  during the interactions may be caused by different speed gradients at
  the boundaries of the two active regions. We find that the EUV wave
  formed ahead of a group of expanding loops a few minutes after the
  start of the loops' expansion, which represents the initiation of
  the associated coronal mass ejection (CME). Based on these results,
  we conclude that the EUV wave should be a nonlinear magnetosonic wave
  or shock driven by the associated CME, which propagated faster than
  the ambient fast mode speed and gradually slowed down to an ordinary
  linear wave. Our observations support the hybrid model that includes
  both fast wave and slow non-wave components.

Title: Chromospheric Lyman Alpha SpectroPolarimeter: CLASP
Authors: Kobayashi, Ken; Kano, R.; Trujillo Bueno, J.; Winebarger,
   A. R.; Cirtain, J. W.; Bando, T.; De Pontieu, B.; Ishikawa, R.;
   Katsukawa, Y.; Kubo, M.; Narukage, N.; Sakao, T.; Tsuneta, S.;
   Auchère, F.; Asensio Ramos, A.; Belluzzi, L.; Carlsson, M.; Casini,
   R.; Hara, H.; Ichimoto, K.; Manso Sainz, R.; Shimizu, T.; Stepan,
   J.; Suematsu, Y.; Holloway, T.
2013SPD....44..142K    Altcode:
  The Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP) is a VUV
  spectropolarimeter optimized for measuring the linear polarization of
  the Lyman-alpha line (121.6 nm). The Lyman-alpha line is predicted to
  show linear polarization caused by atomic scattering in the chromosphere
  and modified by the magnetic field through the Hanle effect. The
  Hanle effect is sensitive to weaker magnetic fields than Zeeman
  effect, and is not canceled by opposing fields, making it sensitive
  to tangled or unresolved magnetic field structures. These factors make
  the Hanle effect a valuable tool for probing the magnetic field in the
  chromosphere above the quiet sun. To meet this goal, CLASP is designed
  to measure linear polarization with 0.1% polarization sensitivity
  at 0.01 nm spectral resolution and 10" spatial resolution. CLASP is
  scheduled to be launched in 2015.

Title: The SP_PREP Data Preparation Package for the Hinode
Authors: Lites, B. W.; Ichimoto, K.
2013SoPh..283..601L    Altcode:
  The Hinode/Spectro-Polarimeter (SP) is the first space-borne precision
  spectro-polarimeter for the study of solar phenomena. It is primarily
  intended for measuring the solar photospheric vector magnetic field at
  high spatial and spectral resolution. This objective requires that the
  data are calibrated and conditioned to a high degree of precision. We
  describe how the calibration package SP_PREP for the SP operates.

Title: The Hinode Spectro-Polarimeter
Authors: Lites, B. W.; Akin, D. L.; Card, G.; Cruz, T.; Duncan, D. W.;
   Edwards, C. G.; Elmore, D. F.; Hoffmann, C.; Katsukawa, Y.; Katz, N.;
   Kubo, M.; Ichimoto, K.; Shimizu, T.; Shine, R. A.; Streander, K. V.;
   Suematsu, A.; Tarbell, T. D.; Title, A. M.; Tsuneta, S.
2013SoPh..283..579L    Altcode:
  The joint Japan/US/UK Hinode mission includes the first large-aperture
  visible-light solar telescope flown in space. One component of the
  Focal Plane Package of that telescope is a precision spectro-polarimeter
  designed to measure full Stokes spectra with the intent of using those
  spectra to infer the magnetic-field vector at high precision in the
  solar photosphere. This article describes the characteristics of the
  flight hardware of the HinodeSpectro-Polarimeter, and summarizes its
  in-flight performance.

Title: High-Speed Imaging System for Solar-Flare Research at Hida
Authors: Ishii, Takako T.; Kawate, Tomoko; Nakatani, Yoshikazu;
   Morita, Satoshi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Masuda, Satoshi
2013PASJ...65...39I    Altcode:
  A high-speed imaging system for observing solar flares in the
  continuum and Hα wavelengths was installed on a φ 25 cm telescope
  of the Solar Magnetic Activity Research Telescope (SMART) at Hida
  observatory of Kyoto University. The aim of this system is to diagnose
  the spatio-temporal evolution of high-energy particles in solar flares
  by capturing the explosive evolution of chromospheric and photospheric
  flare kernels. The system acquires flare images covering a field of view
  of 344" × 258" with a spatial sampling of 0.215" pixel<SUP>-1</SUP>
  and a frame rate of 25 frames s<SUP>-1</SUP> . Initial data, including
  two white-light flares, demonstrate the diffraction-limited performance
  of the system. Observations have been in regular operation since
  2011 November. The system is expected to provide a data set that is
  highly complementary with Hinode/SOT, SDO/AIA, and other ground-based
  instruments for upcoming solar-flare research.

Title: The abundance of silicon in the solar atmosphere
Authors: Shaltout, A. M. K.; Beheary, M. M.; Bakry, A.; Ichimoto, K.
2013MNRAS.430.2979S    Altcode: 2013MNRAS.tmp..777S
  High-resolution solar spectra were used to determine the silicon
  abundance (ɛ<SUB>Si</SUB>) content by comparison with Si line synthesis
  relying on realistic hydrodynamical simulations of the solar surface
  convection, as 3D inhomogeneous model of the solar photosphere. Based
  on a set of 19 Si I and 2 Si II lines, with accurate transition
  probabilities as well as accurate observational data available,
  the solar photospheric Si abundance has been determined to be log
  ɛ<SUB>Si</SUB>(3D) = 7.53 ± 0.07. Here we derive the photospheric
  silicon abundance taking into account non-LTE effects based on 1D solar
  model, the non-LTE abundance value we find is log ɛ<SUB>Si</SUB>
  (1D) = 7.52 ± 0.08. The photospheric Si abundance agrees well with
  the results of Asplund and more recently published by Asplund et
  al. relative to previous 3D-based abundances, the consistency given
  that the quoted errors here are (±0.07 dex).

Title: Thermal Structure of Coronal Loops as Seen with Norikura
Authors: Krishna Prasad, S.; Singh, Jagdev; Ichimoto, K.
2013ApJ...765L..46K    Altcode: 2013arXiv1302.5905K
  The thermal structure of a coronal loop, both along and across
  the loop, is vital in determining the exact plasma heating
  mechanism. High-resolution spectroscopic observations of the
  off-limb corona were made using the 25 cm Norikura coronagraph,
  located at Norikura, Japan. Observations on a number of days were
  made simultaneously in four forbidden iron emission lines, namely,
  the [Fe XI] 7892 Å line, the [Fe XIII] 10747 Å and 10798 Å lines,
  and the [Fe XIV] 5303 Å line and on some days made only in the [Fe
  XI] 7892 Å and [Fe X] 6374 Å lines. Using temperature sensitive
  emission line ratios [Fe XIV] 5303 Å/[Fe XIII] 10747 Å and [Fe XI]
  7892 Å/[Fe X] 6374 Å, we compute the electron temperatures along
  18 different loop structures observed on different days. We find a
  significant negative temperature gradient in all of the structures
  observed in Fe XIV and Fe XIII and a positive temperature gradient in
  the structures observed in Fe XI and Fe X. Combining these results with
  the previous investigations by Singh and his collaborators, we infer
  that the loop tops, in general, appear hotter when observed in colder
  lines and colder when observed in relatively hotter lines as compared
  to their coronal foot points. We suggest that this contrasting trend
  observed in the temperature variation along the loop structures can be
  explained by a gradual interaction of different temperature plasma. The
  exact mechanism responsible for this interaction must be investigated
  further and has the potential to constrain loop heating models.

Title: Next space solar observatory SOLAR-C: mission instruments
    and science objectives
Authors: Katsukawa, Y.; Watanabe, T.; Hara, H.; Ichimoto, K.; Kubo,
   M.; Kusano, K.; Sakao, T.; Shimizu, T.; Suematsu, Y.; Tsuneta, S.
2012IAUSS...6E.207K    Altcode:
  SOLAR-C, the fourth space solar mission in Japan, is under study with a
  launch target of fiscal year 2018. A key concept of the mission is to
  view the photosphere, chromosphere, and corona as one system coupled
  by magnetic fields along with resolving the size scale of fundamental
  physical processes connecting these atmospheric layers. It is especially
  important to study magnetic structure in the chromosphere as an
  interface layer between the photosphere and the corona. The SOLAR-C
  satellite is equipped with three telescopes, the Solar UV-Visible-IR
  Telescope (SUVIT), the EUV/FUV High Throughput Spectroscopic Telescope
  (EUVS/LEMUR), and the X-ray Imaging Telescope (XIT). Observations
  with SUVIT of photospheric and chromospheric magnetic fields make it
  possible to infer three dimensional magnetic structure extending from
  the photosphere to the chromosphere and corona.This helps to identify
  magnetic structures causing magnetic reconnection, and clarify how
  waves are propagated, reflected, and dissipated. Phenomena indicative
  of or byproducts of magnetic reconnection, such as flows and shocks,
  are to be captured by SUVIT and by spectroscopic observations using
  EUVS/LEMUR, while XIT observes rapid changes in temperature distribution
  of plasma heated by shock waves.

Title: Instrument Design of the Large Aperture Solar UV Visible and
    IR Observing Telescope (SUVIT) for the SOLAR-C Mission
Authors: Suematsu, Y.; Katsukawa, Y.; Shimizu, T.; Ichimoto, K.;
   Takeyama, N.
2012ASPC..463..439S    Altcode:
  We present an instrumental design of one major solar observation payload
  planned for the SOLAR-C mission: the Solar Ultra-violet Visible and
  near IR observing Telescope (SUVIT). The SUVIT is designed to provide
  high-angular-resolution investigation of the lower solar atmosphere,
  from the photosphere to the uppermost chromosphere, with enhanced
  spectroscopic and spectro-polarimetric capability in wide wavelength
  regions from 280 nm (Mg II h&amp;k lines) to 1100 nm (He I 1083 nm
  line) with 1.5 m class aperture and filtergraphic and spectrographic

Title: Science and Instrument Design of 1.5-m Aperture Solar Optical
    Telescope for the SOLAR-C Mission
Authors: Suematsu, Y.; Katsukawa, Y.; Ichimoto, K.; Shimizu, T.
2012IAUSS...6E.208S    Altcode:
  We present science cases and a design of one of major instruments for
  SOLAR-C mission; 1.5-m-class aperture solar ultra-violet visible and
  near IR observing Telescope (SUVIT). The SOLAR-C mission aims at fully
  understanding dynamism and magnetic nature of the solar atmosphere by
  observing small-scale plasma processes and structures. The SUVIT is
  designed to provide high-angular-resolution investigation of lower
  atmosphere from the photosphere to the uppermost chromosphere with
  enhanced spectroscopic and spectro-polarimetric capability covering
  a wide wavelength region from 280 nm (Mg II h&amp;k) to 1100 nm (He
  I 1083 nm), using focal plane instruments: wide-band and narrow-band
  filtergraphs and a spectrograph for high-precision spectro-polarimetry
  in the solar photospheric and chromospheric lines. We will discuss
  about instrument design to realize the science cases.

Title: Emission Height and Temperature Distribution of White-Light
    Emission from the 2011 January 27 Flare Observed by Hinode/SOT
Authors: Watanabe, K.; Shimizu, T.; Masuda, S.; Ichimoto, K.
2012AGUFMSH52B..03W    Altcode:
  White light flares are flares that show an emission enhancement in
  the visible continuum. White-light emissions are well correlated
  with hard X-ray and radio emissions in time profile and emission
  location. This seems to imply that the origin of white-light emission
  is accelerated particles, in particular non-thermal elections. However,
  this is hard to understand in terms of the expected respective emission
  heights. Theoretically, white-light emissions are generated near the
  photosphere, but non-thermal electrons of energy ~50-100 keV should
  deposit their energy in the lower chromosphere, more than 500 km
  above the photosphere. Thus there should be ~500 km difference in
  the white-light and X-ray emission heights, which seems at odds with
  the observations. We investigate this question with observations
  of a near-limb X1.7 flare of 27 January 2012, using three continuum
  bands (red, green, and blue) of the Hinode Solar Optical Telescope
  (SOT). The near-limb location allowed us to determine the heights of the
  emissions. We found the white-light emissions to be located low down,
  apparently at the photosphere, with the Ca II H emission originating
  from higher up. We also calculated the temperature distribution from the
  three white-light continuum bands, and found the lower layer to have
  higher temperature. These findings suggest that high energy particles
  penetrate to near the photosphere, heating the ambient atmosphere from
  very low (near photospheric) layers.

Title: Design of large aperture solar optical telescope for the
    SOLAR-C mission
Authors: Suematsu, Y.; Katsukawa, Y.; Hara, H.; Shimizu, T.;
   Ichimoto, K.
2012SPIE.8442E..25S    Altcode:
  A large aperture optical telescope is planned for the next Japanese
  solar mission SOLAR-C as one of major three observing instruments. The
  optical telescope is designed to provide high-angular-resolution
  investigation of lower atmosphere from the photosphere to the uppermost
  chromosphere with enhanced spectroscopic and spectro-polarimetric
  capability covering a wide wavelength region from 280 nm to 1100
  nm. The opto-mechanical and -thermal performance of the telescope is
  crucial to attain high-quality solar observations and we present a
  study of optical and structural design of the large aperture space
  solar telescope, together with conceptual design of its accompanying
  focal plane instruments: wide-band and narrow-band filtergraphs and
  a spectro-polarimeter for high spatial and temporal observations in
  the solar photospheric and chromospheric lines useful for sounding
  physical condition of dynamical phenomena.

Title: Chromospheric Lyman-alpha spectro-polarimeter (CLASP)
Authors: Kano, Ryouhei; Bando, Takamasa; Narukage, Noriyuki; Ishikawa,
   Ryoko; Tsuneta, Saku; Katsukawa, Yukio; Kubo, Masahito; Ishikawa,
   Shin-nosuke; Hara, Hirohisa; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Suematsu, Yoshinori;
   Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Sakao, Taro; Goto, Motoshi; Kato, Yoshiaki; Imada,
   Shinsuke; Kobayashi, Ken; Holloway, Todd; Winebarger, Amy; Cirtain,
   Jonathan; De Pontieu, Bart; Casini, Roberto; Trujillo Bueno, Javier;
   Štepán, Jiří; Manso Sainz, Rafael; Belluzzi, Luca; Asensio Ramos,
   Andres; Auchère, Frédéric; Carlsson, Mats
2012SPIE.8443E..4FK    Altcode:
  One of the biggest challenges in heliophysics is to decipher the
  magnetic structure of the solar chromosphere. The importance of
  measuring the chromospheric magnetic field is due to both the key role
  the chromosphere plays in energizing and structuring the outer solar
  atmosphere and the inability of extrapolation of photospheric fields to
  adequately describe this key boundary region. Over the last few years,
  significant progress has been made in the spectral line formation
  of UV lines as well as the MHD modeling of the solar atmosphere. It
  is found that the Hanle effect in the Lyman-alpha line (121.567 nm)
  is a most promising diagnostic tool for weaker magnetic fields in
  the chromosphere and transition region. Based on this groundbreaking
  research, we propose the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter
  (CLASP) to NASA as a sounding rocket experiment, for making the first
  measurement of the linear polarization produced by scattering processes
  and the Hanle effect in the Lyman-alpha line (121.567 nm), and making
  the first exploration of the magnetic field in the upper chromosphere
  and transition region of the Sun. The CLASP instrument consists
  of a Cassegrain telescope, a rotating 1/2-wave plate, a dual-beam
  spectrograph assembly with a grating working as a beam splitter, and
  an identical pair of reflective polarization analyzers each equipped
  with a CCD camera. We propose to launch CLASP in December 2014.

Title: Developments of the wideband spectropolarimeter of the Domeless
    Solar Telescope at Hida Observatory
Authors: Anan, Tetsu; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Oi, Akihito; Kimura, Goichi;
   Nakatani, Yoshikazu; Ueno, Satoru
2012SPIE.8446E..1CA    Altcode:
  We developed a new universal spectropolarimeter on the Domeless Solar
  Telescope at Hida Observatory to realize precise spectropolarimetric
  observations in a wide range of wavelength in visible and near
  infrared. The system aims to open a new window of plasma diagnostics by
  using Zeeman effect, Hanle effect, Stark effect, and impact polarization
  to measure the external magnetic field, electric field, and anisotropies
  in atomic excitation in solar atmosphere. The polarimeter consists of a
  60 cm aperture vacuum telescope, a high dispersion vacuum spectrograph,
  polarization modulator and analyser composed of a continuously rotating
  waveplate whose retardation is constant in 400 - 1100 nm and Wallaston
  prisms located closely behind the focus of the telescope, and a fast
  and high sensitive CCD camera or a infrared camera. The duration for
  this polarimeter's achieving photometric accuracy of 10<SUP>-3</SUP>
  is 30 - 60 s. Instrumental polarization of the telescope is calibrated
  by using a remotely controllable turret accommodating linear polarizer
  attached at the entrance window of the telescope to induce well known
  polarized light into the telescope. Thus a Mueller matrix model of the
  telescope is established to compensate the instrumental polarization
  included in observed data within the required accuracy.

Title: Statistical Analysis of Doppler Velocity Field and Magnetic
    Structure around Cancellations in the Quiet Sun
Authors: Iida, Y.; Yokoyama, T.; Ichimoto, K.
2012ASPC..454...43I    Altcode:
  The cancellation is a convergence and a disappearance of the
  two opposite polarities and is thought as a main process of the
  flux disappearance in the photosphere. We investigate the spatial
  structures and time evolutions of Doppler velocity field around
  the cancellations in the quiet Sun by using Filtergram (FG) onboard
  Hinode. We found the characteristic redshifts in 7 cancellations, blue
  shifts in 2 cancellations, and no characteristic Doppler velocity in
  3 events. It is found that the stable downflow is coincident with the
  flux decrease. These results suggest that the Omega-loop submergence
  is a dominant scenario in the cancellation of the quiet Sun.

Title: Spicule Dynamics over Plage Region
Authors: Anan, T.; Kitai, R.; Hillier, A.; Kawate, T.; Ichimoto, K.;
   Shibata, K.
2012ASPC..454...91A    Altcode:
  We have studied spicular jets over a plage region and derived their
  dynamic characteristics using Hinode Solar Optical Telescope (SOT)
  high-resolution Ca II H images. We have identified 169 spicules over
  the target plage. This sample size permits us to derive statistically
  reliable results regarding spicular dynamics. The properties of plage
  spicules can be summarized as follows: (1) In a plage area, we clearly
  identify spicular jet features. (2) They are shorter in length than
  the quiet-region limb spicules, and follow ballistic motion under
  constant deceleration. (3) The majority (80%) of the plage spicules
  show a full rise and retreat (which we call ‘parabolic’ spicules),
  while 10% of them fade out without a complete retreat phase(which we
  call ‘fade out’ spicules). (4) The deceleration of the spicule is
  proportional to the velocity of ejection (i.e. the initial velocity).

Title: Chromospheric Anemone Jets Observed with Hinode/SOT and Hida
    Ca II Spectroheliograph
Authors: Morita, S.; Shibata, K.; Ueno, S.; Ichimoto, K.; Kitai, R.;
   Otsuji, K.
2012ASPC..454...95M    Altcode:
  We present the first simultaneous observations of chromospheric
  “anemone” jets in active regions with the Ca II H broadband
  filetergram on the Hinode/SOT and with the Ca II K spetroheliogram on
  the Domeless Solar Telescope (DST) at the Hida Observatory. During
  coordinated observation period, 9 chromospheric anemone jets were
  simultaneously observed with the two instruments. These observations
  revealed: (1) the jets are generated in the low chromosphere because
  these cannot be seen in Ca II K<SUB>3</SUB>, (2) these jets are
  associated with mixed polarity regions which are either small emerging
  flux regions or moving magnetic features, (3) the Ca II K line often
  show red or blue asymmetry in K<SUB>2</SUB>/K<SUB>1</SUB> component;
  the footpoint of the jets associated with emerging flux regions often
  show red asymmetry (2-16 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>), while the one with moving
  magnetic features show blue asymmetry (∼5 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>). The
  magnetic cancellations were observed at the footpoint of the jets. The
  canceling rates are of order of 10<SUP>16</SUP> Mx s<SUP>-1</SUP>, and
  the resulting magnetic energy release rate (1.1-10)×10<SUP>24</SUP> erg
  s<SUP>-1</SUP>, with the total energy release (1-13)×10<SUP>26</SUP>
  erg for the duration of the magnetic cancellations, ∼130 s. These
  are comparable to the estimated total energy, ∼10<SUP>26</SUP> erg,
  in a single chromospheric anemone jet.

Title: Coupling of the magnetic field and gas flows in sunspot
    penumbra inferred from the Hinode/SOT observation
Authors: Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Shaltout, Abdelrazek Mohammed
2012cosp...39..789I    Altcode: 2012cosp.meet..789I
  Sunspot penumbrae has been an enigmatic region that consists of fine
  scale filamentary structures harboring conspicuous gas flows known as
  the Evershed flow in the base of photosphere and the inverse-Evershed
  flow in higher layer. Recent high resolution observations including
  those by Hinode/SOT revealed that the penumbral magnetic field is
  highly fluctuating in its strength and inclination in space, and the
  geometry is called as interlocking comb structure. There is a strong
  coupling of the magnetic field and gas flow, i.e., many observational
  aspects suggest the origin of the sunspot penumbra as the vigorous
  thermal-convection of plasma under the inclined strong magnetic field
  of sunspots. However the relation between the magnetic field and gas
  flow is still an open issue to be settled. A number of observational
  and theoretical works suggest that the convective hot gas with a large
  flow speed is associated with a weak field. In this paper, we present an
  evidence of contradictory relation, i.e., a positive correlation between
  the field strength and flow velocity in photosphere. The geometry of
  the inverse-Evershed flow in conjunction with the interlocking magnetic
  field structure of penumbra is another issue that is not understood. We
  present an insight on the relation between the magnetic field structure
  and the inverse-Evershed flow based on the SOT/SP observations.

Title: Solar adaptive optics at the Hida Observatory: latest
    achievements of current system and design of new system
Authors: Miura, Noriaki; Miyazaki, Jun'ichi; Kuwamura, Susumu; Baba,
   Naoshi; Hanaoka, Yoichiro; Yamaguchi, Masashi; Ueno, Satoru; Nakatani,
   Yoshikazu; Nagata, Shin'ichi; Kitai, Reizaburou; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi;
   Takami, Hideki
2012SPIE.8447E..4DM    Altcode:
  Solar adaptive optics (AO) systems are developed at the 60cm
  domeless solar telescope in the Hida Observatory, Japan. An AO
  system currently used has a deformable mirror with high-speed 97
  electromagnetic actuators and a Shack- Hartmann wavefront sensor with a
  10x10-microlens array and 4000fps-CMOS camera. Its control frequency is
  about 1100-1400 Hz, and hence the -3dB cutoff frequency of the system
  is theoretically above 100 Hz. In parallel to developing the system,
  a new full-scaled AO system is designed to be applicable to various
  observations, such as highdispersion spectroscopy and simultaneous
  wide-range spectroscopy. The new system will work as classical AO at
  first. The details of the current system, observational results using
  it, and the design of the new AO system are described.

Title: Properties of Umbral Dots from Stray Light Corrected Hinode
Authors: Louis, Rohan E.; Mathew, Shibu K.; Bellot Rubio, Luis R.;
   Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Ravindra, B.; Raja Bayanna, A.
2012ApJ...752..109L    Altcode: 2012arXiv1204.4088L
  High-resolution blue continuum filtergrams from Hinode are employed
  to study the umbral fine structure of a regular unipolar sunspot. The
  removal of scattered light from the images increases the rms contrast
  by a factor of 1.45 on average. Improvement in image contrast renders
  identification of short filamentary structures resembling penumbrae
  that are well separated from the umbra-penumbra boundary and comprise
  bright filaments/grains flanking dark filaments. Such fine structures
  were recently detected from ground-based telescopes and have now been
  observed with Hinode. A multi-level tracking algorithm was used to
  identify umbral dots (UDs) in both the uncorrected and corrected images
  and to track them in time. The distribution of the values describing
  the photometric and geometric properties of UDs is more easily affected
  by the presence of stray light while it is less severe in the case
  of kinematic properties. Statistically, UDs exhibit a peak intensity,
  effective diameter, lifetime, horizontal speed, and a trajectory length
  of 0.29I <SUB>QS</SUB>, 272 km, 8.4 minutes, 0.45 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>,
  and 221 km, respectively. The 2 hr 20 minute time sequence depicts
  several locations where UDs tend to appear and disappear repeatedly
  with various time intervals. The correction for scattered light in the
  Hinode filtergrams facilitates photometry of umbral fine structure,
  which can be related to results obtained from larger telescopes and
  numerical simulations.

Title: The Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha SpectroPolarimeter: CLASP
Authors: Kobayashi, K.; Kano, R.; Trujillo-Bueno, J.; Asensio Ramos,
   A.; Bando, T.; Belluzzi, L.; Carlsson, M.; De Pontieu, R. C. B.; Hara,
   H.; Ichimoto, K.; Ishikawa, R.; Katsukawa, Y.; Kubo, M.; Manso Sainz,
   R.; Narukage, N.; Sakao, T.; Stepan, J.; Suematsu, Y.; Tsuneta, S.;
   Watanabe, H.; Winebarger, A.
2012ASPC..456..233K    Altcode:
  The magnetic field plays a crucial role in the chromosphere and the
  transition region, and our poor empirical knowledge of the magnetic
  field in the upper chromosphere and transition region is a major
  impediment to advancing the understanding of the solar atmosphere. The
  Hanle effect promises to be a valuable alternative to Zeeman effect
  as a method of measuring the magnetic field in the chromosphere and
  transition region; it is sensitive to weaker magnetic fields, and
  also sensitive to tangled, unresolved field structures. <P />CLASP
  is a sounding rocket experiment that aims to observe the Hanle effect
  polarization of the Lyman α (1215.67Å) line in the solar chromosphere
  and transition region, and prove the usefulness of this technique in
  placing constraints on the magnetic field strength and orientation
  in the low plasma-β region of the solar atmosphere. The Ly-α line
  has been chosen because it is a chromospheric/transition-region line,
  and because the Hanle effect polarization of this line is predicted to
  be sensitive to 10-250 Gauss, encompassing the range of interest. The
  CLASP instrument is designed to measure linear polarization in the
  Ly-α line with a polarization sensitivity of 0.1%. The instrument is
  currently funded for development. The optical design of the instrument
  has been finalized, and an extensive series of component-level tests
  are underway to validate the design.

Title: Precursor of Sunspot Penumbral Formation Discovered with
    Hinode SOT Observation
Authors: Shimizu, T.; Ichimoto, K.; Suematsu, Y.
2012ASPC..456...43S    Altcode:
  We newly found a precursory signature of sunspot penumbral formation
  in Ca II H images. The precursor is a dark annular zone (width 3"-5")
  around the umbra (pore), which was formed soon after the pore formation
  and existed until the penumbral formation. The penumbra was developed
  as if to fill the annular zone. Pre-existing ambient magnetic field
  islands were moved to be distributed at the outer edge of the annular
  zone and did not come into the zone. The observations indicate that
  the annular zone is different from sunspot moat flow region and that
  the zone is visible only in chromospheric Ca II H images, not in
  photospheric G-band images. We conclude that the annular zone reflects
  the formation of a magnetic canopy overlying the region surrounding
  the umbra at the chromospheric level, much before the formation of the
  penumbra at the photospheric level. We can predict the region and size
  of the penumbra, by looking at the appearance of dark zone around pores.

Title: Precursor of Sunspot Penumbral Formation Discovered with
    Hinode Solar Optical Telescope Observations
Authors: Shimizu, Toshifumi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Suematsu, Yoshinori
2012ApJ...747L..18S    Altcode: 2012arXiv1202.1025S
  We present observations of a precursory signature that would be helpful
  for understanding the formation process of sunspot penumbrae. The Hinode
  Solar Optical Telescope successfully captured the entire evolution of a
  sunspot from the pore to a large well-developed sunspot with penumbra
  in an emerging flux region appearing in NOAA Active Region 11039. We
  found an annular zone (width 3”-5”) surrounding the umbra (pore)
  in Ca II H images before the penumbra formed around the umbra. The
  penumbra developed as if to fill the annular zone. The annular zone
  shows weak magnetogram signals, meaning less magnetic flux or highly
  inclined fields there. Pre-existing ambient magnetic field islands were
  distributed at the outer edge of the annular zone and did not come into
  the zone. There are no strong systematic flow patterns in the zone,
  but we occasionally observed small magnetic flux patches streaming
  out. The observations indicate that the annular zone is different from
  the sunspot moat flow region and that it represents the structure in the
  chromosphere. We conclude that the annular zone reflects the formation
  of a magnetic canopy overlying the region surrounding the umbra at the
  chromospheric level, long before the formation of the penumbra at the
  photospheric level. The magnetic field structure in the chromosphere
  needs to be considered in the formation process of the penumbrae.

Title: First Simultaneous Observation of an Hα Moreton Wave, EUV
    Wave, and Filament/Prominence Oscillations
Authors: Asai, Ayumi; Ishii, Takako T.; Isobe, Hiroaki; Kitai,
   Reizaburo; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; UeNo, Satoru; Nagata, Shin'ichi; Morita,
   Satoshi; Nishida, Keisuke; Shiota, Daikou; Oi, Akihito; Akioka, Maki;
   Shibata, Kazunari
2012ApJ...745L..18A    Altcode: 2011arXiv1112.5915A
  We report on the first simultaneous observation of an Hα Moreton wave,
  the corresponding EUV fast coronal waves, and a slow and bright EUV
  wave (typical EIT wave). We observed a Moreton wave, associated with
  an X6.9 flare that occurred on 2011 August 9 at the active region
  NOAA 11263, in the Hα images taken by the Solar Magnetic Activity
  Research Telescope at Hida Observatory of Kyoto University. In the
  EUV images obtained by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly on board the
  Solar Dynamic Observatory we found not only the corresponding EUV fast
  "bright" coronal wave, but also the EUV fast "faint" wave that is not
  associated with the Hα Moreton wave. We also found a slow EUV wave,
  which corresponds to a typical EIT wave. Furthermore, we observed,
  for the first time, the oscillations of a prominence and a filament,
  simultaneously, both in the Hα and EUV images. To trigger the
  oscillations by the flare-associated coronal disturbance, we expect
  a coronal wave as fast as the fast-mode MHD wave with the velocity of
  about 570-800 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. These velocities are consistent with
  those of the observed Moreton wave and the EUV fast coronal wave.

Title: A Study on Red Asymmetry of Hα Flare Ribbons Using a
    Narrowband Filtergram in the 2001 April 10 Solar Flare
Authors: Asai, Ayumi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Kita, Reizaburo; Kurokawa,
   Hiroki; Shibata, Kazunari
2012PASJ...64...20A    Altcode: 2011arXiv1112.5912A
  We report on a detailed examination of the “red asymmetry” of the
  Hα emission line seen during the 2001 April 10 solar flare by using
  a narrowband filtergram. We investigated the temporal evolution and
  the spatial distribution of the red asymmetry by using Hα data taken
  with the 60-cm Domeless Solar Telescope at Hida Observatory, Kyoto
  University. We confirmed that the red asymmetry clearly appeared all
  over the flare ribbons, and the strong red asymmetry is located on the
  outer narrow edges of the flare ribbons, with a width of about 1.5"-3.0"
  (1000-2000 km), where strong energy releases occur. Moreover, we found
  that the red asymmetry, which also gives a measure of the Doppler
  shift of the Hα emission line, concentrates on a certain value,
  not depending on the intensity of the Hα kernels. This implies not
  only that the temporal evolutions of the red asymmetry and those of
  the intensity are not synchronous in each flare kernel, but also that
  the peak asymmetry (or velocity of the chromospheric condensation)
  of individual kernel is not a strong function of their peak intensity.

Title: Ly-alpha polarimeter design for CLASP rocket experiment
Authors: Kubo, M.; Watanabe, H.; Narukage, N.; Ishikawa, R.; Bando,
   T.; Kano, R.; Tsuneta, S.; Kobayashi, K.; Ichimoto, K.; Trujillo Bueno,
   J.; Song, D.
2011AGUFM.P11F1627K    Altcode:
  A sounding-rocket program called the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha
  Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP) is proposed to be launched in the Summer
  of 2014. CLASP will observe the upper solar chromosphere in Ly-alpha
  (121.567 nm), aiming to detect the linear polarization signal produced
  by scattering processes and the Hanle effect for the first time. The
  CLASP needs a rotating half-waveplate and a polarization analyzer
  working at the Ly-alpha wavelength to measure the linear polarization
  signal. We select Magnesium Fluoride (MgF2) as a material of the
  optical components because of its birefringent property and high
  transparency at UV wavelength. We have confirmed that the reflection
  at the Brewster's Angle of MgF2 plate is a good polarization analyzer
  for the Ly-alpha line by deriving its ordinary refractive index and
  extinction coefficient along the ordinary and extraordinary axes. These
  optical parameters are calculated with a least-square fitting in such a
  way that the reflectance and transmittance satisfy the Kramers-Kronig
  relation. The reflectance and transmittance against oblique incident
  angles for the s-polarized and the p-polarized light are measured
  using the synchrotron beamline at the Ultraviolet Synchrotron Orbital
  Radiation Facility (UVSOR). We have also measured a retardation of
  a zeroth-order waveplate made of MgF2. The thickness difference of
  the waveplate is 14.57 um.This waveplate works as a half-waveplate at
  121.74 nm. From this measurement, we estimate that a waveplate with
  the thickness difference of 15.71 um will work as a half-waveplate
  at the Ly-alpha wavelength. We have developed a rotating waveplate -
  polarization analyzer system called a prototype of CLASP polarimeter,
  and input the perfect Stokes Q and U signals. The modulation patterns
  that are consistent with the theoretical prediction are successfully
  obtained in both cases.

Title: The Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha SpectroPolarimeter (CLASP)j
Authors: Kobayashi, K.; Tsuneta, S.; Trujillo Bueno, J.; Bando, T.;
   Belluzzi, L.; Casini, R.; Carlsson, M.; Cirtain, J. W.; De Pontieu,
   B.; Hara, H.; Ichimoto, K.; Ishikawa, R.; Kano, R.; Katsukawa, Y.;
   Kim, T.; Kubo, M.; Manso Sainz, R.; Narukage, N.; Asensio Ramos,
   A.; Robinson, B.; Sakao, T.; Shimizu, T.; Stepan, J.; Suematsu, Y.;
   Watanabe, H.; West, E.; Winebarger, A. R.
2011AGUFM.P14C..05K    Altcode:
  We present an overview of the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha
  SpectroPolarimeter (CLASP) program. CLASP is a proposed sounding rocket
  experiment currently under development as collaboration between Japan,
  USA and Spain. The aim is to achieve the first measurement of magnetic
  field in the upper chromosphere and transition region of the Sun
  through the detection and measurement of Hanle effect polarization
  of the Lyman alpha line. The Hanle effect (i.e. the magnetic field
  induced modification of the linear polarization due to scattering
  processes in spectral lines) is believed to be a powerful tool for
  measuring the magnetic field in the upper chromosphere, as it is more
  sensitive to weaker magnetic fields than the Zeeman effect, and also
  sensitive to magnetic fields tangled at spatial scales too small to be
  resolved. The Lyman-alpha (121.567 nm) line has been chosen because
  it is a chromospheric/transition-region line, and because the Hanle
  effect polarization of the Lyman-alpha line is predicted to be sensitive
  to 10-250 Gauss, encompassing the range of interest. Hanle effect is
  predicted to be observable as linear polarization or depolarization,
  depending on the geometry, with a fractional polarization amplitude
  varying between 0.1% and 1% depending on the strength and orientation of
  the magnetic field. This quantification of the chromospheric magnetic
  field requires a highly sensitive polarization measurement. The
  CLASP instrument consists of a large aperture (287 mm) Cassegrain
  telescope mated to a polarizing beamsplitter and a matched pair
  of grating spectrographs. The polarizing beamsplitter consists
  of a continuously rotating waveplate and a linear beamsplitter,
  allowing simultaneous measurement of orthogonal polarizations and
  in-flight self-calibration. Development of the instrument is underway,
  and prototypes of all optical components have been tested using a
  synchrotron beamline. The experiment is proposed for flight in 2014.

Title: High speed imaging system in continuum and H-alpha at the Hida
    observatory for the study of high energy particles in solar flares
Authors: Ichimoto, K.; Kawate, T.; Yoshikazu, N.; Ishii, T.; Nagata,
   S.; Asai, A.; Masuda, S.; Kusano, K.; Yamamoto, T. T.; Minoshima,
   T.; Yokoyama, T.; Watanabe, K.
2011AGUFMSH41A1914I    Altcode:
  Non-thermal particles are the fundamental ingredient of solar flares
  that carry the bulk energy released from the coronal magnetic fields
  and cause subsequent heating of the solar atmosphere to produce the
  radiation of wide range of electro-magnetic waves. The observations of
  hard X-ray and radio emissions suggest a rapid change of population of
  high energy particles with a time scale of sub-second. Flare kernels
  observed in visible lights, ex., H-alpha and continuum, show drastic
  evolutions in space and time during the rising phase of solar flares,
  and thought to be representing the locations of the precipitation of
  high energy particles into the chromosphere. Therefore the observations
  of flare kernels with high spatial and temporal resolutions provide
  valuable diagnosis of the distribution of high energy particles together
  with the information of connectivity of coronal magnetic fields. We
  developed a new high speed imaging system on a 25cm diameter telescope
  of the Solar Magnetic Activity Research Telescope (SMART) at the Hida
  observatory of Kyoto University. Images in H-alpha (width~3A) and
  continuum (6547A, width~10A) are recorded simultaneously with two CCD
  cameras with a spatial sampling of 0.2 arcsec/pix, field coverage of
  344 arcsec x 258 arcsec, and a frame rate of 30fr/sec. Observation is
  conducted continuously by focusing a targeted active region every day,
  while only data sets that capture flare events are permanently stored
  for further analysis. The spatial and temporal evolutions of flare
  kernels thus obtained are combined with photospheric vector magnetic
  field taken by the SMART, SOT/Hinode and HMI/SDO, radio data by NoRH,
  hard X-ray image by RHESSI, and X-ray / UV images by SXT/Hinode
  and AIA/SDO to identify the instantaneous locations of high energy
  particles injection in the corona. In this paper we will present an
  overview of the observing system and its initial results. This work
  was carried out by the joint research program of the Solar-Terrestorial
  Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University.

Title: Center-to-Limb Variation of Microwave Emissions from
    Thermal-Rich and Thermal-Poor Solar Flares
Authors: Kawate, T.; Asai, A.; Ichimoto, K.
2011AGUFMSH41A1913K    Altcode:
  Non-thermal microwave emissions observed in the impulsive phase of
  solar flares are produced by the gyrosynchrotron mechanism, which
  depends on a number of physical parameters such as electron energy
  spectra, their pitch angle distribution, magnetic field strength,
  angle between line of sight and the magnetic field (viewing angle),
  and the number of electrons. Therefore, it is difficult to determine
  those physical parameters uniquely only from the observed quantities
  of individual microwave burst. Statistical analysis of microwave
  bursts by using a number of flare events provide us a way to find
  mutual relationships between different quantities, and thus are useful
  to restrict the possible domain of those physical quantities of the
  microwave source. The pitch angle distribution of accelerated electrons
  is of a crucial importance for the problem of particle acceleration in
  solar flares. A clue to know the pitch angle distribution of accelerated
  particles could be obtained from the center-to-limb variations of
  observed microwave emissions, since relativistic electrons trapped in
  flare loops emit the microwaves to the direction of their velocity, and
  the viewing angle effect, i.e., center-to-limb variation of the flare
  emission, can be related to the pitch angle distribution of accelerated
  electrons. A statistical analysis of microwave flare events is performed
  by using the event list of Nobeyama Radioheliograph in 1996-2009. We
  examine center-to-limb variations of17GHz and 34GHz flux by dividing
  the flare events into different groups with respect to the 'thermal
  plasma richness' (ratio of the peak flux of soft X-ray to non-thermal
  microwave emissions) and the duration of microwave bursts. It is
  found that peak flux of 17 and 34GHz tend to be higher toward the
  limb for thermal-rich flares with short durations. We propose that
  the thermal-rich flares, which are supposed to be associated with an
  efficient precipitation of high energy particles into the chromosphere,
  have a pitch angle distribution of non-thermal electrons with a higher
  population along the flare loop.

Title: Center-to-Limb Variation of Radio Emissions from Thermal-Rich
    and Thermal-Poor Solar Flares
Authors: Kawate, Tomoko; Asai, Ayumi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
2011PASJ...63.1251K    Altcode: 2011arXiv1107.1905K
  A statistical analysis of radio flare events was conducted by using
  the event list of Nobeyama Radioheliograph in the years 1996-2009. We
  examined center-to-limb variations of 17 GHz and 34 GHz fluxes by
  dividing the flare events into different groups according to the
  “thermal plasma richness” (ratio of the peak flux of soft X-ray to
  nonthermal radio emissions) and the duration of radio bursts. It was
  found that the peak flux at 17 and 34 GHz tended to be higher toward
  the limb for thermal-rich flares with short durations. We propose that
  the thermal-rich flares, which are supposed to be associated with an
  efficient precipitation of high-energy particles into the chromosphere,
  have a pitch-angle distribution of nonthermal electrons with a higher
  population along the flare loop.

Title: Focal plane instrument for the Solar UV-Vis-IR Telescope
    aboard SOLAR-C
Authors: Katsukawa, Yukio; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Shimizu, Toshifumi;
   Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Takeyama, Norihide
2011SPIE.8148E..0EK    Altcode: 2011SPIE.8148E..13K
  It is presented the conceptual design of a focal plane instrument for
  the Solar UV-Vis-IR Telescope (SUVIT) aboard the next Japanese solar
  mission SOLAR-C. A primary purpose of the telescope is to achieve
  precise as well as high resolution spectroscopic and polarimetric
  measurements of the solar chromosphere with a big aperture of 1.5 m,
  which is expected to make a significant progress in understanding basic
  MHD processes in the solar atmosphere. The focal plane instrument
  consists of two packages: A filtergraph package is to get not only
  monochromatic images but also Dopplergrams and magnetograms using a
  tunable narrow-band filter and interference filters. A spectrograph
  package is to perform accurate spectro-polarimetric observations for
  measuring chromospheric magnetic fields, and is employing a Littrow-type
  spectrograph. The most challenging aspect in the instrument design is
  wide wavelength coverage from 280 nm to 1.1 μm to observe multiple
  chromospheric lines, which is to be realized with a lens unit including
  fluoride glasses. A high-speed camera for correlation tracking of
  granular motion is also implemented in one of the packages for an
  image stabilization system, which is essential to achieve high spatial
  resolution and high polarimetric accuracy.

Title: Ly-alpha polarimeter design for CLASP rocket experiment
Authors: Watanabe, H.; Narukage, N.; Kubo, M.; Ishikawa, R.; Bando, T.;
   Kano, R.; Tsuneta, S.; Kobayashi, K.; Ichimoto, K.; Trujillo-Bueno, J.
2011SPIE.8148E..0TW    Altcode: 2011SPIE.8148E..25W; 2014arXiv1407.4577W
  A sounding-rocket program called the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha
  Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP) is proposed to be launched in the summer of
  2014. CLASP will observe the solar chromosphere in Ly-alpha (121.567
  nm), aiming to detect the linear polarization signal produced by
  scattering processes and the Hanle effect for the first time. The
  polarimeter of CLASP consists of a rotating half-waveplate, a beam
  splitter, and a polarization analyzer. Magnesium Fluoride (MgF2) is
  used for these optical components, because MgF2 exhibits birefringent
  property and high transparency at ultraviolet wavelength. The
  development and comprehensive testing program of the optical components
  of the polarimeter is underway using the synchrotron beamline at the
  Ultraviolet Synchrotron Orbital Radiation Facility (UVSOR). The first
  objective is deriving the optical constants of MgF2 by the measurement
  of the reflectance and transmittance against oblique incident angles
  for the s-polarized and the p-polarized light. The ordinary refractive
  index and extinction coefficient along the ordinary and extraordinary
  axes are derived with a least-square fitting in such a way that the
  reflectance and transmittance satisfy the Kramers-Krönig relation. The
  reflection at the Brewster's Angle of MgF2 plate is confirmed to become
  a good polarization analyzer at Ly-alpha. The second objective is the
  retardation measurement of a zeroth-order waveplate made of MgF2. The
  retardation of a waveplate is determined by observing the modulation
  amplitude that comes out of a waveplate and a polarization analyzer. We
  tested a waveplate with the thickness difference of 14.57 um. The 14.57
  um waveplate worked as a half-waveplate at 121.74 nm. We derived that
  a waveplate with the thickness difference of 15.71 um will work as a
  half-waveplate at Ly-alpha wavelength. We developed a prototype of CLASP
  polarimeter using the MgF2 half-waveplate and polarization analyzers,
  and succeeded in obtaining the modulation patterns that are consistent
  with the theoretical prediction. We confirm that the performance of
  the prototype is optimized for measuring linear polarization signal
  with the least effect of the crosstalk from the circular polarization.

Title: Statistical Study on the Nature of Solar-Flux Emergence
Authors: Otsuji, Kenichi; Kitai, Reizaburo; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi;
   Shibata, Kazunari
2011PASJ...63.1047O    Altcode: 2011arXiv1106.1955O
  We studied 101 flux emergence events ranging from small ephemeral
  regions to large emerging flux regions that were observed with the
  Hinode Solar Optical Telescope filtergram. We investigated how the
  total magnetic flux of the emergence event controls the nature of
  emergence. To determine the modes of emergences, horizontal velocity
  fields of the global motion of the magnetic patches in the flux emerging
  sites were measured by local correlation tracking. Between two main
  polarities of the large emerging flux regions with more than around 2
  × 10<SUP>19</SUP> Mx, there were converging flows of anti-polarity
  magnetic patches. On the other hand, small ephemeral regions showed
  no converging flow, but a simple diverging pattern. When we looked
  into the detailed features in the emerging sites, irrespective of
  the total flux and the spatial size, all of the emergence events
  were observed to consist of single or multiple elementary emergence
  unit(s). The typical size of unitary emergence is 4 Mm, and consistent
  with simulation results. From a statistical study of the flux emergence
  events, the maximum spatial distance between two main polarities, the
  magnetic flux growth rate and the mean separation speed were found
  to follow the power-law functions of the total magnetic flux with
  indices of 0.27, 0.57, and -0.16, respectively. From a discussion on
  the observed power-law relations, we obtained a physical view of solar
  flux emergence, in which the emerging magnetic fields float and evolve
  while balancing to the surrounding turbulent atmosphere.

Title: Overview of Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha SpectroPolarimeter
Authors: Narukage, Noriyuki; Tsuneta, Saku; Bando, Takamasa; Kano,
   Ryouhei; Kubo, Masahito; Ishikawa, Ryoko; Hara, Hirohisa; Suematsu,
   Yoshinori; Katsukawa, Yukio; Watanabe, Hiroko; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi;
   Sakao, Taro; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Kobayashi, Ken; Robinson, Brian; Kim,
   Tony; Winebarger, Amy; West, Edward; Cirtain, Jonathan; De Pontieu,
   Bart; Casini, Roberto; Trujillo Bueno, Javier; Stepan, Jiri; Manso
   Sainz, Rafael; Belluzzi, Luca; Asensio Ramos, Andres; Carlsson, Mats
2011SPIE.8148E..0HN    Altcode: 2011SPIE.8148E..16N
  The solar chromosphere is an important boundary, through which all of
  the plasma, magnetic fields and energy in the corona and solar wind
  are supplied. Since the Zeeman splitting is typically smaller than
  the Doppler line broadening in the chromosphere and transition region,
  it is not effective to explore weak magnetic fields. However, this is
  not the case for the Hanle effect, when we have an instrument with
  high polarization sensitivity (~ 0.1%). "Chromospheric Lyman- Alpha
  SpectroPolarimeter (CLASP)" is the sounding rocket experiment to detect
  linear polarization produced by the Hanle effect in Lyman-alpha line
  (121.567 nm) and to make the first direct measurement of magnetic
  fields in the upper chromosphere and lower transition region. To
  achieve the high sensitivity of ~ 0.1% within a rocket flight (5
  minutes) in Lyman-alpha line, which is easily absorbed by materials,
  we design the optical system mainly with reflections. The CLASP
  consists of a classical Cassegrain telescope, a polarimeter and a
  spectrometer. The polarimeter consists of a rotating 1/2-wave plate
  and two reflecting polarization analyzers. One of the analyzer also
  works as a polarization beam splitter to give us two orthogonal linear
  polarizations simultaneously. The CLASP is planned to be launched in
  2014 summer.

Title: The SOLAR-C mission: current status
Authors: Shimizu, Toshifumi; Tsuneta, Saku; Hara, Hirohisa; Ichimoto,
   Kiyoshi; Kusano, Kanya; Sakao, Taro; Sekii, Takashi; Suematsu,
   Yoshinori; Watanabe, Tetsuya
2011SPIE.8148E..0BS    Altcode: 2011SPIE.8148E..10S
  Two mission concepts (plan A: out-of-ecliptic mission and plan B:
  high resolution spectroscopic mission) have been studied for the next
  Japanese-led solar mission Solar-C, which will follow the scientific
  success of the Hinode mission. The both mission concepts are concluded
  as equally important and attractive for the promotion of space solar
  physics. In the meantime we also had to make efforts for prioritizing
  the two options, in order to proceed to next stage of requesting the
  launch of Solar-C mission at the earliest opportunity. This paper
  briefly describes the two mission concepts and the current status
  on our efforts for prioritizing the two options. More details are
  also described for the plan B option as the first-priority Solar-C
  mission. The latest report from the Solar-C mission concept studies
  was documented as "Interim Report on the Solar-C Mission Concept."

Title: Short telescope design of 1.5-m aperture solar UV visible
    and IR telescope aboard Solar-C
Authors: Suematsu, Y.; Katsukawa, Y.; Shimizu, T.; Ichimoto, K.;
   Horiuchi, T.; Matsumoto, Y.; Takeyama, N.
2011SPIE.8148E..0DS    Altcode: 2011SPIE.8148E..12S
  We present an optical and thermal design of one of major instrumental
  payload planned for SOLAR-C mission/Plan-B (high resolution
  spectroscopic option): the telescope assembly of Solar Ultra-violet
  Visible and near IR observing Telescope (SUVIT). To accommodate a
  launcher's nosecone size, a wide observing wavelength coverage from UV
  (down to 280 nm) through near IR (up to 1100 nm), and an 0.1 arcsec
  resolution in the field of 200 arcsec diameter, a short telescope
  design was made for a 1.5 m aperture solar Gregorian telescope with
  the compact design of three-mirror collimator unit.

Title: Modeling and verification of the diffraction-limited visible
    light telescope aboard the solar observing satellite HINODE
Authors: Katsukawa, Y.; Suematsu, Y.; Tsuneta, S.; Ichimoto, K.;
   Shimizu, T.
2011SPIE.8336E..0FK    Altcode: 2011SPIE.8336E..14K
  HINODE, Japanese for "sunrise", is a spacecraft dedicated for
  observations of the Sun, and was launched in 2006 to study the Sun's
  magnetic fields and how their explosive energies propagate through the
  different atmospheric layers. The spacecraft carries the Solar Optical
  Telescope (SOT), which has a 50 cm diameter clear aperture and provides
  a continuous series of diffraction-limited visible light images from
  space. The telescope was developed through international collaboration
  between Japan and US. In order to achieve the diffraction-limited
  performance, thermal and structural modeling of the telescope was
  extensively used in its development phase to predict how the optical
  performance changes dependent on the thermal condition in orbit. Not
  only the modeling, we devoted many efforts to verify the optical
  performance in ground tests before the launch. The verification in
  the ground tests helped us to find many issues, such as temperature
  dependent focus shifts, which were not identified only through the
  thermal-structural modeling. Another critical issue was micro-vibrations
  induced by internal disturbances of mechanical gyroscopes and momentum
  wheels for attitude control of the spacecraft. Because the structural
  modeling was not accurate enough to predict how much the image quality
  was degraded by the micro-vibrations, we measured their transmission
  in a spacecraft-level test.

Title: Seeing measurements using the solar limb - I. Comparison of
    evaluation methods for the Differential Image Motion Monitor
Authors: Kawate, T.; Hanaoka, Y.; Ichimoto, K.; Miura, N.
2011MNRAS.416.2154K    Altcode: 2011MNRAS.tmp.1125K
  Differential Image Motion Monitors (DIMMs) are used not only for stellar
  observations but also for solar observations with the limb as the target
  to evaluate the seeing. In stellar observations, the differential image
  motions along and perpendicular to the DIMM baseline are consistently
  employed to evaluate Fried's parameter. However this is not the case
  for solar-limb observations, in which we can measure the image motion
  only perpendicular to the limb. Therefore the validity of the methods
  so far proposed to calculate Fried's parameter from a DIMM using
  the solar limb is still open to examination. We have focused on this
  problem and carried out DIMM observations of the solar limb using a
  Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor of the Domeless Solar Telescope at
  Hida Observatory. Pairs of apertures in the Shack-Hartmann sensor
  act as multiple DIMMs that have different baselines in distance and
  orientation. We calculated Fried's parameters based on three evaluating
  methods (those of Sarazin &amp; Roddier, Sasiela and Conan et al.) and
  found that the method of Sarazin &amp; Roddier gives a consistent
  value of Fried's parameter over the set of multiple DIMMs.

Title: Magnetic Structure of Sunspots
Authors: Borrero, Juan M.; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
2011LRSP....8....4B    Altcode: 2011arXiv1109.4412B
  In this review we give an overview about the current state-of-knowledge
  of the magnetic field in sunspots from an observational point of
  view. We start by offering a brief description of tools that are most
  commonly employed to infer the magnetic field in the solar atmosphere
  with emphasis in the photosphere of sunspots. We then address separately
  the global and local magnetic structure of sunspots, focusing on the
  implications of the current observations for the different sunspots
  models, energy transport mechanisms, extrapolations of the magnetic
  field towards the corona, and other issues.

Title: Temporal Relation Between the Disappearance of Penumbral
    Fine-scale Structure and Evershed Flow
Authors: Kubo, M.; Ichimoto, K.; Lites, B. W.; Shine, R. A.
2011ApJ...731...84K    Altcode: 2011arXiv1102.1137K
  We investigate the temporal relation between the Evershed flow,
  dot-like bright features (penumbral grain), the complex magnetic
  field structure, and dark lanes (dark core) along bright filaments in
  a sunspot penumbra. We use a time series of high spatial resolution
  photospheric intensity, vector magnetic field maps, and Doppler velocity
  maps obtained with the Solar Optical Telescope aboard the Hinode
  spacecraft. We conclude that the appearance and disappearance of the
  Evershed flow and penumbra grains occur at nearly the same time and are
  associated with changes of the inclination angle of the magnetic field
  from vertical to more horizontal. This supports the idea that Evershed
  flow is a result of thermal convection in the inclined field lines. The
  dark core of the bright penumbral filament also appears coincidental
  with the Evershed flow. However, the dark-cored bright filament
  survives at least for 10-20 minutes after the disappearance of the
  Evershed flow. The heat input into the bright filament continues even
  after the end of heat transfer by the Evershed flow. This suggests that
  local heating along the bright filament is important for maintaining
  its brightness, in addition to heat transfer by the Evershed flow.

Title: Quantitative Comparison between the Polarization Data
    Taken with the Solar Flare Telescope and with the Hinode SOT
Authors: Hagino, M.; Hanaoka, Y.; Sakurai, T.; Ichimoto, K.
2011ASPC..437..359H    Altcode:
  The aim of this study is to establish the method to derive correct
  vector magnetic fields from imaging polarimetry data taken with the
  Solar Flare Telescope of the National Astronomical Observatory of
  Japan. We compared our imaging polarimetry data taken during 2006
  December with the spectro-polarimetry data taken with the Hinode
  Solar Optical Telescope. While the polarization signals obtained with
  the two instruments are basically consistent to each other, we found
  some systematic differences between them, particularly in transverse
  magnetic field vectors.

Title: Developments of the Multi-wavelength Polarimeter of the
    Domeless Solar Telescope at the Hida Observatory
Authors: Anan, T.; Ichimoto, K.; Ueno, S.; Kimura, G.; Nakatani, Y.;
   Kaneda, N.; Hagino, M.; Suzuki, I.
2011ASPC..437..365A    Altcode:
  A new universal spectropolarimeter is developed on the Domeless
  Solar Telescope (DST) at the Hida Observatory to realize precise
  spectropolarimetric observations in a wide range of wavelengths in
  visible and near infrared. The system aims to open a new window of
  plasma diagnostics by using Zeeman effect, Hanle effect, Stark effect
  and impact polarization for measuring the chromospheric magnetic
  fields, electric fields and unisotropically accelerated particles in
  the solar atmosphere. <P />The new system consists of a 60 cm aperture
  vacuum telescope, a high dispersion vacuum spectrograph, polarization
  modulator/analyser composed of a rotating waveplate and a Wallaston
  prism located after the entrance slit of the spectrograph, and a fast
  and large format CCD camera. <P />Spectral images in both orthogonal
  polarizations are taken simultaneously with a frame rate of ∼20 Hz
  while the waveplate rotates continuously in a rate of 1 rev./sec. Thus
  a high signal to noise ratio can be achieved in a short time. To
  calibrate the instrumental polarization of the telescope a remotely
  controllable turret accommodating linear polarizers is attached at the
  entrance window of the telescope to induce a well known polarization
  into the telescope. A Muellar matrix model of the telescope to correct
  the obtained data is under examination.

Title: The Chromospheric Lyman Alpha SpectroPolarimeter (CLASP)
Authors: Kobayashi, K.; Tsuneta, S.; Trujillo Bueno, J.; Cirtain,
   J. W.; Bando, T.; Kano, R.; Hara, H.; Fujimura, D.; Ueda, K.; Ishikawa,
   R.; Watanabe, H.; Ichimoto, K.; Sakao, T.; de Pontieu, B.; Carlsson,
   M.; Casini, R.
2010AGUFMSH11B1632K    Altcode:
  Magnetic fields in the solar chromosphere play a key role in the
  energy transfer and dynamics of the solar atmosphere. Yet a direct
  observation of the chromospheric magnetic field remains one of the
  greatest challenges in solar physics. While some advances have been
  made for observing the Zeeman effect in strong chromospheric lines,
  the effect is small and difficult to detect outside sunspots. The
  Hanle effect offers a promising alternative; it is sensitive to weaker
  magnetic fields (e.g., 5-500 G for Ly-Alpha), and while its magnitude
  saturates at stronger magnetic fields, the linear polarization signals
  remain sensitive to the magnetic field orientation. The Hanle effect
  is not only limited to off-limb observations. Because the chromosphere
  is illuminated by an anisotropic radiation field, the Ly-Alpha line is
  predicted to show linear polarization for on-disk, near-limb regions,
  and magnetic field is predicted to cause a measurable depolarization. At
  disk center, the Ly-Alpha radiation is predicted to be negligible
  in the absence of magnetic field, and linearly polarized to an order
  of 0.3% in the presence of an inclined magnetic field. The proposed
  CLASP sounding rocket instrument is designed to detect 0.3% linear
  polarization of the Ly-Alpha line at 1.5 arcsecond spatial resolution
  (0.7’’ pixel size) and 10 pm spectral resolution. The instrument
  consists of a 30 cm aperture Cassegrain telescope and a dual-beam
  spectropolarimeter. The telescope employs a “cold mirror’’ design
  that uses multilayer coatings to reflect only the target wavelength
  range into the spectropolarimeter. The polarization analyzer consists of
  a rotating waveplate and a polarizing beamsplitter that comprises MgF2
  plates placed at Brewster’s Angle. Each output beam of the polarizing
  beamsplitter, representing two orthogonal linear polarizations, is
  dispersed and focused using a separate spherical varied-line-space
  grating, and imaged with a separate 512x512 CCD camera. Prototypes
  of key optical components have been fabricated and tested. Instrument
  design is being finalized, and the experiment will be proposed for a
  2014 flight aboard a NASA sounding rocket.

Title: Observations of solar scattering polarization at high spatial
Authors: Snik, F.; de Wijn, A. G.; Ichimoto, K.; Fischer, C. E.;
   Keller, C. U.; Lites, B. W.
2010A&A...519A..18S    Altcode: 2010arXiv1005.5042S
  Context. The weak, turbulent magnetic fields that supposedly
  permeate most of the solar photosphere are difficult to observe,
  because the Zeeman effect is virtually blind to them. The Hanle
  effect, acting on the scattering polarization in suitable lines,
  can in principle be used as a diagnostic for these fields. However,
  the prediction that the majority of the weak, turbulent field resides
  in intergranular lanes also poses significant challenges to scattering
  polarization observations because high spatial resolution is usually
  difficult to attain. <BR /> Aims: We aim to measure the difference
  in scattering polarization between granules and intergranules. We
  present the respective center-to-limb variations, which may serve as
  input for future models. <BR /> Methods: We perform full Stokes filter
  polarimetry at different solar limb positions with the CN band filter
  of the Hinode-SOT Broadband Filter Imager, which represents the first
  scattering polarization observations with sufficient spatial resolution
  to discern the granulation. Hinode-SOT offers unprecedented spatial
  resolution in combination with high polarimetric sensitivity. The CN
  band is known to have a significant scattering polarization signal,
  and is sensitive to the Hanle effect. We extend the instrumental
  polarization calibration routine to the observing wavelength,
  and correct for various systematic effects. <BR /> Results: The
  scattering polarization for granules (i.e., regions brighter than
  the median intensity of non-magnetic pixels) is significantly larger
  than for intergranules. We derive that the intergranules (i.e., the
  remaining non-magnetic pixels) exhibit (9.8±3.0)% less scattering
  polarization for 0.2 &lt; μ ≤ 0.3, although systematic effects cannot
  be completely excluded. <BR /> Conclusions: These observations constrain
  MHD models in combination with (polarized) radiative transfer in terms
  of CN band line formation, radiation anisotropy, and magnetic fields.

Title: Temporal Evolution of a Rapidly-Moving Umbral Dot
Authors: Watanabe, Hiroko; Tritschler, Alexandra; Kitai, Reizaburo;
   Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
2010SoPh..266....5W    Altcode: 2010SoPh..tmp..147W
  We performed two-dimensional spectroscopic observations of the preceding
  sunspot of NOAA 10905 located off disk center (S8 E36, μ≈0.81) by
  using the Interferometric BI-dimensional Spectrometer (IBIS) operated
  at the Dunn Solar Telescope (DST) of the National Solar Observatory,
  New Mexico. The magnetically insensitive Fe I line at 709.04 nm
  was scanned in wavelength repetitively at an interval of 37 s to
  calculate sequences of maps of the line-wing and line-core intensity,
  and the line-of-sight Doppler velocity at different line depths (3%
  to 80%). Visual inspection of movies based on speckle reconstructions
  computed from simultaneous broadband data and the local continuum
  intensity at 709.04 nm revealed an umbral dot (UD) intruding rapidly
  from the umbral boundary to the center of the umbra. The apparent
  motion of this object was particularly fast (1.3 km s<SUP>−1</SUP>)
  when compared to typical UDs. The lifetime and size of the UD was 8.7
  min and 240 km, respectively. The rapid UD was visible even in the
  line-core intensity map of Fe I 709.04 nm and was accompanied by a
  persistent blueshift of about 0.06 km s<SUP>−1</SUP>.

Title: Observations of Chromospheric Anemone Jets with Hinode Ca II
    Broadband Filtergraph and Hida Ca II Spectroheliograph
Authors: Morita, Satoshi; Shibata, Kazunari; UeNo, Satoru; Ichimoto,
   Kiyoshi; Kitai, Reizaburo; Otsuji, Ken-ichi
2010PASJ...62..901M    Altcode: 2010arXiv1002.2143M
  We present the first simultaneous observations of chromospheric
  "anemone" jets in solar active regions with Hinode SOT Ca II H
  broadband filetergram and Ca II K spetroheliogram on the Domeless
  Solar Telescope (DST) at Hida Observatory. During the coordinated
  observation, 9 chromospheric anemone jets were simultaneously observed
  with the two instruments. These observations revealed three important
  features, i.e.: (1) the jets are generated in the lower chromosphere,
  (2) the length and lifetime of the jets are 0.4-5 Mm and 40-320 sec,
  (3) the apparent velocity of the jets with Hinode SOT are 3-24 km/s,
  while Ca II K3 component at the jets show blueshifts (in 5 events) in
  the range of 2- 6 km/s. The chromospheric anemone jets are associated
  with mixed polarity regions which are either small emerging flux regions
  or moving magnetic features. It is found that the Ca II K line often
  show red or blue asymmetry in K2/K1 component: the footpoint of the
  jets associated with emerging flux regions often show redshift (2-16
  km/s), while the one with moving magnetic features show blueshift
  (around 5 km/s). Detailed analysis of magnetic evolution of the jet
  foaming regions revealed that the reconnection rate (or canceling
  rate) of the total magnetic flux at the footpoint of the jets are of
  order of 10^{16} Mx/s, and the resulting magnetic energy release rate
  (1.1-10) x 10^{24} erg/s, with the total energy release (1-13) x 10^{26}
  erg for the duration of the magnetic cancellations, 130s. These are
  comparable to the estimated total energy, 10^{26} erg, in a single
  chromospheric anemone jet. An observation-based physical model of the
  jet is presented. The relation between chromospheric anemone jets and
  Ellerman bombs is discussed.

Title: Internal Fine Structure of Ellerman Bombs
Authors: Hashimoto, Yuki; Kitai, Reizaburo; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Ueno,
   Satoru; Nagata, Shin'ichi; Ishii, Takako T.; Hagino, Masaoki; Komori,
   Hiroyuki; Nishida, Keisuke; Matsumoto, Takuma; Otsuji, Kenichi;
   Nakamura, Tahei; Kawate, Tomoko; Watanabe, Hiroko; Shibata, Kazunari
2010PASJ...62..879H    Altcode:
  We conducted coordinated observations of Ellerman bombs (EBs) between
  Hinode Satellite and Hida Observatory (HOP12). CaII H broad-band
  filter images of NOAA 10966 on 2007 August 9 and 10 were obtained
  with the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) aboard the Hinode Satellite,
  and many bright points were observed. We identified a total of 4
  bright points as EBs, and studied the temporal variation of their
  morphological fine structures and spectroscopic characteristics. With
  high-resolution CaII H images of SOT, we found that the EBs, thus far
  thought of as single bright features, are composed of a few of fine
  subcomponents. Also, by using Stokes I/V filtergrams with Hinode/SOT,
  and CaII H spectroheliograms with Hida/Domeless Solar Telescope (DST),
  our observation showed: (1) The mean duration, the mean width, the
  mean length, and the mean aspect ratio of the subcomponents were
  390 s, 170 km, 450 km, and 2.7, respectively. (2) Subcomponents
  started to appear on the magnetic neutral lines, and extended their
  lengths from the original locations. (3) When the CaII H line of EBs
  showed the characteristic blue asymmetry, they are associated with the
  appearance or re-brightening of subcomponents. Summarizing our results,
  we obtained an observational view that elementary magnetic reconnections
  take place one by one successively and intermittently in EBs, and that
  their manifestation is the fine subcomponents of the EB phenomena.

Title: Spicule Dynamics over a Plage Region
Authors: Anan, Tetsu; Kitai, Reizaburo; Kawate, Tomoko; Matsumoto,
   Takuma; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Shibata, Kazunari; Hillier, Andrew; Otsuji,
   Kenichi; Watanabe, Hiroko; Ueno, Satoru; Nagata, Shin'ichi; Ishii,
   Takako T.; Komori, Hiroyuki; Nishida, Keisuke; Nakamura, Tahei; Isobe,
   Hiroaki; Hagino, Masaoki
2010PASJ...62..871A    Altcode: 2010arXiv1002.2288A
  We studied spicular jets over a plage area and derived their
  dynamic characteristics using Hinode Solar Optical Telescope (SOT)
  high-resolution images. A target plage region was near to the west limb
  of the solar disk. This location permitted us to study the dynamics
  of spicular jets without any overlapping effect of spicular structures
  along the line of sight. In this work, to increase the ease with which
  we could identify spicules on the disk, we applied the image processing
  method `MadMax' developed by Koutchmy et al. (1989). It enhances fine,
  slender structures (like jets), over a diffuse background. We identified
  169 spicules over the target plage. This sample permited us to derive
  statistically reliable results regarding spicular dynamics. The
  properties of plage spicules can be summarized as follows: (1) In a
  plage area, we clearly identified spicular jet features. (2) They were
  shorter in length than the quiet region limb spicules, and followed a
  ballistic motion under constant deceleration. (3) The majority (80%)
  of the plage spicules showed a cycle of rise and retreat, while 10% of
  them faded out without a complete retreat phase. (4) The deceleration
  of the spicule was proportional to the velocity of ejection (i.e.,
  the initial velocity).

Title: CaII K Spectral Study of an Emerging Flux Region using the
    Domeless Solar Telescope in Hida Observatory
Authors: Otsuji, Kenichi; Kitai, Reizaburo; Matsumoto, Takuma;
   Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Ueno, Satoru; Nagata, Shin'ichi; Isobe, Hiroaki;
   Shibata, Kazunari
2010PASJ...62..893O    Altcode: 2010arXiv1005.2025O
  A cooperative observation with Hida Observatory and the Hinode
  satellite was performed on an emerging flux region. Successive CaII
  K spectro-heliograms of the emerging flux region were taken by the
  Domeless Solar Telescope of Hida Observatory. Hinode observed the
  emerging flux region with CaII H and FeI Stokes IQUV filtergrams. In
  this study, detailed dynamics and the temporal evolution of the
  magnetic flux emergence was studied observationally. The event was first
  detected in the photospheric magnetic field signals; 3 minutes later,
  a horizontal expansion of the dark area was detected. Then, 7 minutes
  later than the horizontal expansion, the emerging loops were detected
  with a maximal rise speed of 2.1 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> at chromospheric
  heights. The observed dynamics of the emerging magnetic flux from the
  photosphere to the upper chromosphere was very consistent with the
  results of previous simulation studies. A gradual rising phase of flux
  tubes with a weak magnetic strength was confirmed by our observation.

Title: Optical setup and wavefront sensor for solar adaptive optics
    at the Domeless Solar Telescope, Hida Observatory
Authors: Miura, Noriaki; Yokoyama, Fumihito; Nefu, Maoto; Kuwamura,
   Susumu; Baba, Naoshi; Hanaoka, Yoichiro; Ueno, Satoru; Nakatani,
   Yoshikazu; Nagata, Shin'ichi; Kitai, Reizaburou; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi;
   Takami, Hideki
2010SPIE.7736E..54M    Altcode: 2010SPIE.7736E.172M
  A solar adaptive optics system for a high-dispersion spectrograph is
  developed at the 60 cm domeless solar telescope of the Hida Observatory
  in Japan. Details of its optical setup are described for implementing
  a scanning slit spectroscopy with wavefront correction. A wavefront
  sensor used in the system is specified and a technique of reducing
  computational cost in wavefront sensing is also described. In solar
  observations, the improvement of contrast in images obtained with the
  adaptive optics system was demonstrated when a sunspot was used as a
  target of wavefront sensing.

Title: Continuous H-alpha Imaging Network Project (CHAIN) with Ground-
    based Solar Telescopes for Space Weather Research
Authors: Ueno, S.; Shibata, K.; Ichimoto, K.; Kitai, R.; Nagata, S.;
   Kimura, G.; Nakatani, Y.
2010AfrSk..14...17U    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Quiescent Prominence Dynamics Observed with the Hinode Solar
    Optical Telescope. I. Turbulent Upflow Plumes
Authors: Berger, Thomas E.; Slater, Gregory; Hurlburt, Neal; Shine,
   Richard; Tarbell, Theodore; Title, Alan; Lites, Bruce W.; Okamoto,
   Takenori J.; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Katsukawa, Yukio; Magara, Tetsuya;
   Suematsu, Yoshinori; Shimizu, Toshifumi
2010ApJ...716.1288B    Altcode:
  Hinode/Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) observations reveal two new
  dynamic modes in quiescent solar prominences: large-scale (20-50 Mm)
  "arches" or "bubbles" that "inflate" from below into prominences, and
  smaller-scale (2-6 Mm) dark turbulent upflows. These novel dynamics are
  related in that they are always dark in visible-light spectral bands,
  they rise through the bright prominence emission with approximately
  constant speeds, and the small-scale upflows are sometimes observed to
  emanate from the top of the larger bubbles. Here we present detailed
  kinematic measurements of the small-scale turbulent upflows seen in
  several prominences in the SOT database. The dark upflows typically
  initiate vertically from 5 to 10 Mm wide dark cavities between the
  bottom of the prominence and the top of the chromospheric spicule
  layer. Small perturbations on the order of 1 Mm or less in size
  grow on the upper boundaries of cavities to generate plumes up to
  4-6 Mm across at their largest widths. All plumes develop highly
  turbulent profiles, including occasional Kelvin-Helmholtz vortex
  "roll-up" of the leading edge. The flows typically rise 10-15 Mm before
  decelerating to equilibrium. We measure the flowfield characteristics
  with a manual tracing method and with the Nonlinear Affine Velocity
  Estimator (NAVE) "optical flow" code to derive velocity, acceleration,
  lifetime, and height data for several representative plumes. Maximum
  initial speeds are in the range of 20-30 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, which
  is supersonic for a ~10,000 K plasma. The plumes decelerate in the
  final few Mm of their trajectories resulting in mean ascent speeds
  of 13-17 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. Typical lifetimes range from 300 to 1000
  s (~5-15 minutes). The area growth rate of the plumes (observed as
  two-dimensional objects in the plane of the sky) is initially linear
  and ranges from 20,000 to 30,000 km<SUP>2</SUP> s<SUP>-1</SUP> reaching
  maximum projected areas from 2 to 15 Mm<SUP>2</SUP>. Maximum contrast of
  the dark flows relative to the bright prominence plasma in SOT images
  is negative and ranges from -10% for smaller flows to -50% for larger
  flows. Passive scalar "cork movies" derived from NAVE measurements show
  that prominence plasma is entrained by the upflows, helping to counter
  the ubiquitous downflow streams in the prominence. Plume formation
  shows no clear temporal periodicity. However, it is common to find
  "active cavities" beneath prominences that can spawn many upflows in
  succession before going dormant. The mean flow recurrence time in these
  active locations is roughly 300-500 s (5-8 minutes). Locations remain
  active on timescales of tens of minutes up to several hours. Using a
  column density ratio measurement and reasonable assumptions on plume
  and prominence geometries, we estimate that the mass density in the
  dark cavities is at most 20% of the visible prominence density, implying
  that a single large plume could supply up to 1% of the mass of a typical
  quiescent prominence. We hypothesize that the plumes are generated from
  a Rayleigh-Taylor instability taking place on the boundary between
  the buoyant cavities and the overlying prominence. Characteristics,
  such as plume size and frequency, may be modulated by the strength
  and direction of the cavity magnetic field relative to the prominence
  magnetic field. We conclude that buoyant plumes are a source of
  quiescent prominence mass as well as a mechanism by which prominence
  plasma is advected upward, countering constant gravitational drainage.

Title: G-band and Hard X-ray Emissions of the 2006 December 14 Flare
    Observed by Hinode/SOT and Rhessi
Authors: Watanabe, Kyoko; Krucker, Säm; Hudson, Hugh; Shimizu,
   Toshifumi; Masuda, Satoshi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
2010ApJ...715..651W    Altcode: 2010arXiv1004.4259W
  We report on G-band emission observed by the Solar Optical Telescope on
  board the Hinode satellite in association with the X1.5-class flare on
  2006 December 14. The G-band enhancements originate from the footpoints
  of flaring coronal magnetic loops, coinciding with nonthermal hard
  X-ray bremsstrahlung sources observed by the Reuven Ramaty High Energy
  Solar Spectroscopic Imager. At the available 2 minute cadence, the
  G-band and hard X-ray intensities are furthermore well correlated in
  time. Assuming that the G-band enhancements are continuum emission from
  a blackbody, we derived the total radiative losses of the white-light
  flare (white-light power). If the G-band enhancements additionally have
  a contribution from lines, the derived values are overestimates. We
  compare the white-light power with the power in hard X-ray producing
  electrons using the thick-target assumption. Independent of the cutoff
  energy of the accelerated electron spectrum, the white-light power and
  the power of accelerated electrons are roughly proportional. Using
  the observed upper limit of ~30 keV for the cutoff energy, the hard
  X-ray producing electrons provide at least a factor of 2 more power
  than needed to produce the white-light emission. For electrons above
  40 keV, the powers roughly match for all four of the time intervals
  available during the impulsive phase. Hence, the flare-accelerated
  electrons contain enough energy to produce the white-light flare
  emissions. The observed correlation in time, space, and power strongly
  suggests that electron acceleration and white-light production in solar
  flares are closely related. However, the results also call attention
  to the inconsistency in apparent source heights of the hard X-ray
  (chromosphere) and white-light (upper photosphere) sources.

Title: Scattering Polarization in the Fe I 630 nm Emission Lines at
    the Extreme Limb of the Sun
Authors: Lites, B. W.; Casini, R.; Manso Sainz, R.; Jurčák, J.;
   Ichimoto, K.; Ishikawa, R.; Okamoto, T. J.; Tsuneta, S.; Bellot
   Rubio, L.
2010ApJ...713..450L    Altcode:
  Spectro-polarimetric observations with the Solar Optical Telescope
  onboard Hinode reveal the emission spectrum of the Fe I 630 nm lines
  at the solar limb. The emission shell extends for less than 1” thereby
  making it extremely difficult to detect from ground-based observatories
  viewing the limb through the Earth's atmosphere. The linear polarization
  signal is clearly due to scattering and it is predominantly oriented
  in the radial direction. Using a comprehensive atomic model of
  iron, we are able to interpret qualitatively the observed signals,
  including the radial orientation of the linear polarization. The Hanle
  effect causes the linear polarization of the Fe I 630 nm lines to be
  sensitive to magnetic fields between ~0.1 G and ~40 G, and also to
  be sensitive to the field's topology for stronger fields. The overall
  degree of observed polarization can be reproduced by randomly oriented
  horizontal magnetic fields of strength ≈2 G. The discovery of their
  scattering polarization signals thus opens a new diagnostic opportunity
  for these lines.

Title: Vector Magnetic Fields and Doppler Velocity Structures Around
    a Cancellation Site in the Quiet Sun
Authors: Iida, Y.; Yokoyama, T.; Ichimoto, K.
2010ApJ...713..325I    Altcode:
  A cancellation is thought to be a basic process of the photospheric
  magnetic field and plays an important role in magnetic flux budget and
  in various solar activities. There are two major theoretical scenarios
  for this phenomena, the "U-loop emergence" and the "Ω-loop submergence"
  models. It is important to clarify which is the dominant process during
  the cancellation for the estimation of the solar magnetic flux transport
  through the surface. We study the vector magnetic field and velocity
  structures around a quiet-Sun cancellation by using the Solar Optical
  Telescope on board the Hinode satellite. Transverse magnetic field
  connecting the canceling magnetic features and strong long-lasting
  Doppler redshift signal are found. The transverse field is observed in
  the first spectropolarimetric observation after the occurrence of the
  cancellation while the redshift is clearly delayed to the cancellation
  by 20 minutes. These results indicate that the observed cancellation
  is an "Ω-loop submergence."

Title: Magnetic Fields and Velocity Structures around a Cancellation
Authors: Iida, Y.; Yokoyama, T.; Ichimoto, K.
2010arXiv1002.4274I    Altcode:
  A cancellation is thought to be a basic process of the photospheric
  magnetic field and plays an important role in magnetic flux budget and
  in various solar activities. There are two major theoretical scenarios
  for this phenomena, i.e. the "U-loop emergence" and the Omega-loop
  submergence models. It is important to clarify which is the dominant
  process during the cancellation for the estimation of the solar magnetic
  flux transport through the surface. We study the vector magnetic field
  and velocity structures around a quiet Sun cancellation by using the
  Solar Optical Telescope on board Hinode satellite. Transverse magnetic
  field connecting the canceling magnetic features and strong long-lasting
  Doppler red-shift signal are found. The transverse field is observed in
  the first spectropolarimetric observation after the occurrence of the
  cancellation while the red-shift clearly delayed to the cancellation
  by 20 minutes. These results indicate that the observed cancellation
  is an Omega-loop submergence.

Title: Characteristic Dependence of Umbral Dots on thier Magnetic
Authors: Watanabe, Hiroko; Kitai, Reizaburo; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
2010cosp...38.2933W    Altcode: 2010cosp.meet.2933W
  Umbral dots (UDs) were observed in a stable sunspot in NOAA 10944 by
  the Hinode Solar Optical Telescope on 2007 March 1. The observation
  program consisted of blue continuum images and spectropolarimetric
  profiles of Fe I 630 nm line. An automatic detection algorithm for UDs
  was applied to the 2 hr continuous blue continuum images, and using
  the obtained data, the lifetime, size, and proper motion of UDs were
  calculated. The magnetic structure of the sunspot was derived through
  the inversion of the spectropolarimetric profiles. We calculated the
  correlations between UD's parameters (size, lifetime, occurrence rate,
  proper motion) and magnetic fields (field strength, inclination,
  azimuth), and obtained the following results. (1) Both the lifetime
  and size of UDs are almost constant regardless of the magnetic field
  strength at their emergence site. (2) The speed of UDs increases as
  the field inclination angle at their emergence site gets larger. (3)
  The direction of movement of UDs is nearly parallel to the direction of
  the horizontal component of magnetic field in the region with strongly
  inclined field, while UDs in the region with weakly inclined field show
  virtually no proper motion. Our results describe the basic properties
  of magnetoconvection in sunspots.

Title: Diagnosis of accelerated electrons in solar flare with radio
Authors: Kawate, Tomoko; Asai, Ayumi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
2010cosp...38.2982K    Altcode: 2010cosp.meet.2982K
  Many problems still remain in particle acceleration in solar flare;
  energy release site, particle acceleration mechanism, ratio of
  nonthermal energy to whole released energy, maximum energy of particles,
  energy spectrum of accelerated particles, spatial and temporal scale
  of acceleration, difference of accelerated condition between ions
  and electrons, etc. In this study, we discuss the characteristics of
  accelerated electrons using statistical results of multi-wavelength
  observations, mainly radio and hard X-ray data with non-thermal
  emission process. The data we analyze are from Nobeyama Radioheliograph
  (17GHz intensity and polarization, 34GHz intensity), RHESSI space
  telescope (X-ray, gamma-ray), SOHO space telescope (magnetic field
  in photosphere, EUV line emission), TRACE space telescope (UV, EUV)
  and from optical data of ground-based telescopes. Our aim is to impose
  some restrictions on the models of particle acceleration. To achieve
  this, we examine pitch angle distribution of accelerated electrons. We
  analyze practically in the following way. First, we pick up several
  flare events observed with Nobeyama Radioheliograph at different
  locations on the sun. Second, we identify the structure of flare
  loops from EUV and magnetic field distributions in the photosphere
  for each event. Third, we examine the radio flux, its polarization
  and the position of the radio source in the flare loops, especially
  focusing on their variations with the viewing angle to the magnetic
  field by referring to the geometry of the flare loop and the location
  of the flare on the sun. Finally, we compare the obtained properties
  of the radio sources with the emission mechanisms of gyro-synchrotron
  radiation to extract information of the pitch angle anisotropy.

Title: Fine scale dynamics of the Evershed flow
Authors: Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
2010cosp...38.2934I    Altcode: 2010cosp.meet.2934I
  Evershed flow is one of the most distinguished gas motion observed
  on the solar surface; the flow takes place systematically in sunspot
  penumbra whenever they present. Under low resolution observations,
  it looks a stationary horizontal out flow with a speed of 1 2km/s. The
  nature and origin of the Evershed flow, however, has been a longstanding
  mystery since its discovery in 1909. The Solar Optical Telescope
  (SOT) aboard Hinode revealed the fine scale structure of the penumbra
  and brought a significant progress on our understanding of the
  Evershed effect; The Evershed flow is confined in narrow channels
  with nearly horizontal magnetic fields embedded in deep layer of
  penumbral atmosphere. Individual flow channels are associated with
  tiny upflow of hot gas (source) at the inner end and down flow (sink)
  at the outer end. It is a dynamic phenomenon with the flow velocity
  exceeding the sound speed in the photosphere at the outer ends of the
  flow channels. SOT also discovered the 'twisting' motions of penumbral
  filaments which could be attributed to the manifestation of overturning
  convection. These observational results suggest that the Evershed flow
  is explained as a natural consequence of thermal convection taking place
  under strong, inclined magnetic fields of sunspot penumbra. There remain
  unsolved issues, however, i.e., What is the mechanism that drives the
  supersonic flow at the outer edge of the penumbra? What is the real
  origin of the twisting motion of the penumbral filaments? What is the
  origin of the enigmatic net circular polarization in penumbra? In this
  presentation, we focus on the dynamic (i.e., non-stationary) aspects
  of the Evershed flow found in fine scale features, and address the
  basic properties of the driving force of the Evershed flow.

Title: The Evershed Effect with SOT/Hinode
Authors: Ichimoto, K.
2010ASSP...19..186I    Altcode: 2009arXiv0903.2605I; 2010mcia.conf..186I
  The Solar Optical Telescope onboard Hinode revealed the fine-scale
  structure of the Evershed flow and its relation to the filamentary
  structures of the sunspot penumbra. The Evershed flow is confined in
  narrow channels with nearly horizontal magnetic fields embedded in
  a deep layer of the penumbral atmosphere. It is a dynamic phenomenon
  with flow velocity close to the photospheric sound speed. Individual
  flow channels are associated with tiny upflows of hot gas (sources)
  at the inner end and downflows (sinks) at the outer end. SOT/Hinode
  also discovered "twisting" motions of penumbral filaments, which may be
  attributed to the convective nature of the Evershed flow. The Evershed
  effect may be understood as a natural consequence of thermal convection
  under a strong, inclined magnetic field. Current penumbral models are
  discussed in the lights of these new Hinode observations.

Title: Magnetic Structure of Umbral Dots with SOT SP
Authors: Watanabe, H.; Kitai, R.; Ichimoto, K.; Katsukawa, Y.
2009ASPC..415..378W    Altcode:
  High resolution and seeing-free spectroscopic observations of a decaying
  sunspot were done with the Solar Optical Telescope aboard Hinode
  satellite. We report the magnetic structure and Doppler velocity fields
  around umbral dots (UDs), based on the Milne-Eddington inversion of the
  two iron absorption lines at 6302 Å. <P />The histograms of magnetic
  field strength (B), inclination angle (i), and Doppler velocity (v)
  of UDs showed a center-to-limb variation. Observed at the disk center,
  UDs had (i) slightly smaller field strength (ΔB = -17 Gauss) and
  (ii) relative blue shifts (Δv =28 m s<SUP>-1</SUP>) compared to their
  surroundings. When the sunspot approached to the limb, UDs and their
  surroundings showed almost no difference in the magnetic and Doppler
  values. This center-to-limb variation can be understood by the formation
  height difference in a cusp-shaped magnetized atmosphere around UDs,
  due to the weakly magnetized hot gas intrusion. In addition, some UDs
  showed oscillatory light curves with multiple peaks around 10 min,
  which may indicate the presence of the oscillatory convection.

Title: On the origin of reverse polarity patches found by Hinode in
    sunspot penumbrae
Authors: Sánchez Almeida, J.; Ichimoto, K.
2009A&A...508..963S    Altcode: 2009arXiv0909.3232S
  Context: The topology of penumbral magnetic fields is poorly known. The
  satellite Hinode has recently revealed penumbral structures of a
  magnetic polarity that is opposite to the main sunspot polarity. They
  may be direct confirmation that magnetic field lines and mass flows
  return to the solar interior throughout the penumbra, a configuration
  previously inferred from interpretation of observed Stokes profile
  asymmetries.<BR /> Aims: We try to point out the relationship
  between the reverse polarity features found by Hinode, and the
  model Micro-Structured Magnetic Atmospheres (MISMAs) proposed for
  sunspots.<BR /> Methods: The work is based on synthesis and inversion
  of sunspot Stokes profiles.<BR /> Results: Existing model MISMAs
  produce strongly redshifted reverse polarity structures as found
  by Hinode. Ad hoc model MISMAs also explain the asymmetric Stokes
  profiles observed by Hinode. The same modeling may be consistent with
  magnetograms of dark cored penumbral filaments if the dark cores are
  associated with the reverse polarity. This hypothetical relationship
  can only be identified in the far red wings of the spectral lines.<BR
  /> Conclusions: The reverse polarity patches may result from aligned
  magnetic field lines and mass flows that bend over and return to the
  solar interior throughout the penumbra.

Title: Magnetic Flux Budget in a Decaying Active Region
Authors: Kubo, M.; Lites, B. W.; Shimizu, T.; Ichimoto, K.
2009ASPC..415..359K    Altcode:
  We investigate the sunspot decay process in terms of the magnetic flux
  budget of a decaying sunspot. This article is based on results in Kubo
  et al. 2008. Please see this paper for further details.

Title: Is Flux Submergence an Essential Aspect of Flux Emergence?
Authors: Lites, B. W.; Frank, Z.; Shine, R. A.; Title, A. M.;
   Ichimoto, K.
2009ASPC..415..172L    Altcode:
  High resolution Hinode Spectro-Polarimeter observations permit one
  to examine the detailed structure of the magnetic field vector in
  emerging flux regions. We find the field to have a concave-upward
  geometry on the smallest scales observed (0.3 arcsec), indicating the
  presence of U-loops at the sites of approaching and canceling opposite
  polarities. This structure suggests that reconnection is taking place
  at or below the surface, allowing the emerging flux to rid itself of
  its considerable mass burden. Supersonic down flows are often observed
  adjacent to, but not coincident with, the sites of canceling flux. We
  propose that these are the sites that drain the mass contained in the
  buoyantly-rising flux elements. The observations then suggest a process
  of sub-surface reconnection producing O-loops that then are forced to
  descend with the intergranular convective down flows, thus making flux
  submergence important to the larger scale flux emergence process.

Title: Helical Shape and Twisting Motion as Intrinsic Properties of
    Penumbral Filaments
Authors: Shine, R. A.; Ryutova, M.; Berger, T. E.; Title, A. M.;
   Tarbell, T. D.; Ichimoto, K.
2009AGUFMSH23B1541S    Altcode:
  A wealth of high resolution data obtained with advanced ground based
  telescopes and the SOT instrument on HINODE have led to new findings
  in the properties of penumbral filaments and controversies in their
  interpretation. Here we address one such issue, namely the question of
  whether the apparent twist of filaments is real or is just a viewing
  effect. We show that the helical shape and twisting motions of penumbral
  filaments follow from first principles and represent an integral part of
  penumbra formation and dynamics. As such, these properties link together
  other observed features of filaments including their magnetic and
  thermal substructure and their impact on the overlying atmosphere. At
  all stages of penumbral dynamics, qualitative agreement of theory and
  observations is supported by quantitative analysis as well.

Title: Small-scale studies of magnetic fields with the SOT/Hinode
Authors: Ichimoto, K.
2009AGUFMSH53B..02I    Altcode:
  The Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) abord Hinode is a diffraction
  limitted telescope with a 50cm appeature. SOT provides high accuracy
  measurements of vector magnetic fields under unprecidentedly stable
  condition without the atmospheric seeing. The combination of high
  angular resolution (~0.32arcsec) with the high polarimetric accuracy
  (~0.1%) enable us to explore the new view of the small scale magnetic
  fields on the Sun, i.e., their formation, dynamics and influence
  on the upper atmosphere. In this paper, we will present the recent
  discoveries of the small scale magnetic fields made by SOT/Hinode,
  with a focus on the ubiquitous transient magnetic fields in the quiet
  sun, formation of the magnetic flux tubes, and dynamics of small scale
  magnetic fields in sunspots. Future perspective with a large apperture
  telescope will also be discussed.

Title: Characteristic Dependence of Umbral Dots on Their Magnetic
Authors: Watanabe, H.; Kitai, R.; Ichimoto, K.
2009ApJ...702.1048W    Altcode: 2009arXiv0907.2750W
  Umbral dots (UDs) were observed in a stable sunspot in NOAA 10944 by
  the Hinode Solar Optical Telescope on 2007 March 1. The observation
  program consisted of blue continuum images and spectropolarimetric
  profiles of Fe I 630 nm line. An automatic detection algorithm
  for UDs was applied to the 2 hr continuous blue continuum images,
  and using the obtained data, the lifetime, size, and proper motion
  of UDs were calculated. The magnetic structure of the sunspot was
  derived through the inversion of the spectropolarimetric profiles. We
  calculated the correlations between UD's parameters (size, lifetime,
  occurrence rate, proper motion) and magnetic fields (field strength,
  inclination, azimuth), and obtained the following results. (1) Both
  the lifetime and size of UDs are almost constant regardless of the
  magnetic field strength at their emergence site. (2) The speed of UDs
  increases as the field inclination angle at their emergence site gets
  larger. (3) The direction of movement of UDs is nearly parallel to
  the direction of the horizontal component of magnetic field in the
  region with strongly inclined field, while UDs in the region with
  weakly inclined field show virtually no proper motion. Our results
  describe the basic properties of magnetoconvection in sunspots. We
  will discuss our results in comparison to recent magnetohydrodynamic
  simulations by Schüssler &amp; Vögler and Rempel et al.

Title: Advances in solar adaptive optics system at the domeless
    solar telescope of the Hida Observatory
Authors: Miura, Noriaki; Noto, Yuuki; Kato, Shuusuke; Yokoyama,
   Fumihito; Kuwamura, Susumu; Baba, Naoshi; Hanaoka, Yoichiro; Nagata,
   Shin'ichi; Ueno, Satoru; Kitai, Reizaburo; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Takami,
2009SPIE.7439E..0UM    Altcode: 2009SPIE.7439E..19M
  A solar adaptive optics system for the 60 cm domeless solar
  telescope of the Hida Observatory in Japan is developed. A high-speed
  deformable mirror with 52 electromagnetic actuators is newly used in an
  experimental adaptive optics system. The use of the mirror resulted in
  the improvement of Strehl ratios in laboratory experiments. In solar
  observations, the system worked well when solar granulation was used
  as a target for wavefront sensing. An adaptive optics system being
  developed for a vertical spectrograph of the domeless solar telescope
  is described.

Title: The tandem Fabry-Perot filter imaging spectro-polarimeter
    for the Solar Magnetic Activity Research Telescope (SMART)
Authors: Nagata, Shin'ichi; Otsuji, Kenichi; Ishii, Takako T.;
   Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Ueno, Satoru; Kitai, Reizaburo; Kimura, Goichi;
   Shibata, Kazunari; Nakatani, Yoshikazu; Morita, Satoshi
2009SPIE.7438E..0VN    Altcode: 2009SPIE.7438E..22N
  In order to perform precise and high time cadence magnetic field
  measurement across the solar surface, the Tandem Fabry-Perot filter
  imaging spectro-polarimeter for the Solar Magnetic Activity Research
  Telescope (SMART) is revised. By using the CCD with moderate frame
  rate of 30fps, full Stokes vectors on the field-of-view 320"x240" can
  be obtained at 4 wavelengths around FeI6302 line within about 15s. The
  optical performance of the Tandem Fabry-Perof filters is investigated
  by using the spectrograph at the Domeless Solar Telescope at Hida
  Observatory. The test results show the full-width-half-maximum (FWHM)
  of the tandem filters is about 0.017nm over the 60mm clear aperture
  is achieved. The system is developed to start the regular observations
  from 2010.

Title: Magnetic Flux Budget of a Decaying Sunspot
Authors: Kubo, Masahito; Lites, Bruce W.; Shimizu, Toshifumi;
   Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
2009shin.confE...9K    Altcode:
  Numerous small magnetic elements called moving magnetic features (MMFs)
  are generally observed in the moat region that surrounds a sunspot. We
  attempt to address a basic question how much magnetic flux is carried
  away from a sunspot by MMFs and is subsequently removed from the
  photosphere. This is essential for understanding decay of sunspots
  and distribution of magnetic flux on the Sun. We estimate the magnetic
  flux budget in a decaying sunspot and its surrounding moat region by
  using a time series of the spatial distribution of vector magnetic
  fields in the photosphere. Spectropolarimetric measurements with the
  Solar Optical Telescope aboard the Hinode satellite allow us, for
  the first time, to know an accurate flux change without any effects
  of atmospheric seeing. The amount of magnetic flux that decreases
  in the sunspot and (inner) moat region is very similar to magnetic
  flux transported to the outer boundary of the moat region. The flux
  loss rates of magnetic elements with positive and negative polarities
  balance each other around the outer boundary of the moat region. These
  results suggest that most of the magnetic flux in the sunspot is
  transported to the outer boundary of the moat region as MMFs, and
  then the transported flux is removed from the photosphere by apparent
  collisions of opposite-polarity magnetic elements (called

Title: A New View of Fine Scale Dynamics and Magnetism of Sunspots
    Revealed by Hinode/SOT
Authors: Ichimoto, K.; Suematsu, Y.; Katsukawa, Y.; Tsuneta, S.;
   Shimojo, M.; Shimizu, T.; Shine, R. A.; Tarbell, T. D.; Berger, T.;
   Title, A. M.; Lites, B. W.; Kubo, M.; Yokoyama, T.; Nagata, S.
2009ASPC..405..167I    Altcode:
  The Solar Optical Telescope on-board Hinode is providing a new view of
  the fine scale dynamics in sunspots with its high spatial resolution and
  unprecedented image stability. We present three features related to the
  Evershed flow each of which raises a new puzzle in sunspot dynamics;
  i.e., twisting appearance of penumbral filaments, the source and sink
  of individual Evershed flow channels, and the net circular polarization
  in penumbrae with its spatial relation to the Evershed flow channels.

Title: Has Hinode Revealed the Missing Turbulent Flux of the
    Quiet Sun?
Authors: Lites, B. W.; Kubo, M.; Socas-Navarro, H.; Berger, T.; Frank,
   Z.; Shine, R.; Tarbell, T.; Title, A. M.; Ichimoto, K.; Katsukawa,
   Y.; Tsuneta, S.; Suematsu, Y.; Shimizu, T.; Nagata, S.
2009ASPC..405..173L    Altcode:
  The Hinode Spectro-Polarimeter has revealed the presence of surprisingly
  strong horizontal magnetic fields nearly everywhere in the quiet
  solar atmosphere. These horizontal fields, along with measures of the
  vertical fields, may be the signature of the “hidden turbulent flux”
  of the quiet Sun. The measured horizontal fields average at least to
  55 Gauss: nearly 5 times that of the measured longitudinal apparent
  flux density. The nature of these fields are reviewed, and discussed
  in the light of recent magneto-convection numerical simulations of
  the quiet Sun.

Title: Hinode Observation of the Magnetic Fields in a Sunspot Light
    Bridge Accompanied by Long-Lasting Chromospheric Plasma Ejections
Authors: Shimizu, Toshifumi; Katsukawa, Yukio; Kubo, Masahito; Lites,
   Bruce W.; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Tsuneta, Saku;
   Nagata, Shin'ichi; Shine, Richard A.; Tarbell, Theodore D.
2009ApJ...696L..66S    Altcode:
  We present high-resolution magnetic field measurements of a sunspot
  light bridge (LB) that produced chromospheric plasma ejections
  intermittently and recurrently for more than 1 day. The observations
  were carried out with the Hinode Solar Optical Telescope on 2007
  April 29 and 30. The spectro-polarimeter reveals obliquely oriented
  magnetic fields with vertical electric current density higher than
  100 mA m<SUP>-2</SUP> along the LB. The observations suggest that
  current-carrying highly twisted magnetic flux tubes are trapped below
  a cusp-shaped magnetic structure along the LB. The presence of trapped
  current-carrying flux tubes is essential for causing long-lasting
  chromospheric plasma ejections at the interface with pre-existing
  vertically oriented umbral fields. A bidirectional jet was clearly
  detected, suggesting magnetic reconnections occurring at very low
  altitudes, slightly above the height where the vector magnetic fields
  are measured. Moreover, we found another strong vertical electric
  current on the interface between the current-carrying flux tube
  and pre-existing umbral field, which might be a direct detection
  of the currents flowing in the current sheet formed at the magnetic
  reconnection sites.

Title: Small-scale oscillations in a quiescent prominence observed
    by HINODE/SOT. Prominence oscillations
Authors: Ning, Z.; Cao, W.; Okamoto, T. J.; Ichimoto, K.; Qu, Z. Q.
2009A&A...499..595N    Altcode:
  Context: Investigations of the behavior of small-scale threads can
  provide an alternative approach to studying prominence dynamics and
  understanding its origin and nature. <BR />Aims: The behavior of
  threads are analyzed in a quiescent prominence, including drifting
  and both the horizontally and vertically oscillating motions. These
  indicate waves in the solar prominence. <BR />Methods: We used the Hα
  images at a setting wavelength of +0.076 Å. A quiescent prominence
  was observed by HINODE/SOT on 2008 January 15 for about 3 h in
  total. <BR />Results: Consistent with previous findings, prominences
  show numerous thread-like structures. Some threads clearly exhibit both
  vertically and horizontally oscillatory motions, while others are only
  drifting. Complicated cases show both drifting and oscillatory motions
  simultaneously. In the upper part of the prominence, the threads are
  oscillating independently of each other. We find that three threads
  oscillate with the same phase for at least two periods. The oscillations
  seem to be strongly damped since they disappear after a few periods. The
  maximum number of observed periods is 8 in our observations. In the
  lower part of the prominence, however, the different threads have a
  mixed character with the individual oscillatory motions unstable for
  one entire period. Most oscillatory motions will disappear after a half
  period or less, while the new oscillatory motions are excited nearby. A
  5-min period is predominant, and the oscillating amplitudes show an
  average value of ±3.5 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. We find some upflows in the
  spicule layer, and they appear to transport the mass from photosphere
  (or spicules themselves) to the prominence. These upflows have an
  average velocity amplitude of 0.8 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. <BR />Conclusions:
  The threads exhibit three distinct behaviors. The first is only
  drifting, the second is typically oscillating, and the third shows
  both characteristics. There are no substantial differences between
  the periods of horizontally and vertically oscillating threads in
  this prominence.

Title: Magnetic Flux Budget of a Decaying Sunspot
Authors: Kubo, Masahito; Lites, B. W.; Shimizu, T.; Ichimoto, K.
2009SPD....40.0905K    Altcode:
  We estimate how much magnetic flux is lost in a decaying sunspot
  and how much magnetic flux is carried away from the sunspot through
  its surrounding moat region. A time series of spectropolarimetric
  measurements with the Solar Optical Telescope aboard Hinode allows us,
  for the first time, to investigate an accurate flux change without
  any effects of atmospheric seeing. The amount of magnetic flux that
  decreases in the sunspot and moat region is almost equal to that of
  magnetic flux transported to the outer boundary of the moat region. The
  flux loss rates of magnetic elements with positive and negative
  polarities are balanced each other around the outer boundary of the
  moat region. These results suggest that most of the magnetic flux in
  the sunspot is transported to the outer boundary of the moat region
  as moving magnetic features, and then removed from the photosphere by
  flux cancellation around the moat boundary.

Title: Prominence Formation Associated with an Emerging Helical
    Flux Rope
Authors: Okamoto, Takenori J.; Tsuneta, Saku; Lites, Bruce W.; Kubo,
   Masahito; Yokoyama, Takaaki; Berger, Thomas E.; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi;
   Katsukawa, Yukio; Nagata, Shin'ichi; Shibata, Kazunari; Shimizu,
   Toshifumi; Shine, Richard A.; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Tarbell, Theodore
   D.; Title, Alan M.
2009ApJ...697..913O    Altcode: 2009arXiv0904.0007O
  The formation and evolution process and magnetic configuration of
  solar prominences remain unclear. In order to study the formation
  process of prominences, we examine continuous observations of a
  prominence in NOAA AR 10953 with the Solar Optical Telescope on
  the Hinode satellite. As reported in our previous Letter, we find
  a signature suggesting that a helical flux rope emerges from below
  the photosphere under a pre-existing prominence. Here we investigate
  more detailed properties and photospheric indications of the emerging
  helical flux rope, and discuss their relationship to the formation of
  the prominence. Our main conclusions are: (1) a dark region with absence
  of strong vertical magnetic fields broadens and then narrows in Ca II
  H-line filtergrams. This phenomenon is consistent with the emergence
  of the helical flux rope as photospheric counterparts. The size of the
  flux rope is roughly 30,000 km long and 10,000 km wide. The width is
  larger than that of the prominence. (2) No shear motion or converging
  flows are detected, but we find diverging flows such as mesogranules
  along the polarity inversion line. The presence of mesogranules may
  be related to the emergence of the helical flux rope. (3) The emerging
  helical flux rope reconnects with magnetic fields of the pre-existing
  prominence to stabilize the prominence for the next several days. We
  thus conjecture that prominence coronal magnetic fields emerge in
  the form of helical flux ropes that contribute to the formation and
  maintenance of the prominence.

Title: Magnetic Structure of Umbral Dots Observed with the Hinode
    Solar Optical Telescope
Authors: Watanabe, Hiroko; Kitai, Reizaburo; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi;
   Katsukawa, Yukio
2009PASJ...61..193W    Altcode: 2008arXiv0811.1074W
  A high-resolution, seeing-free spectroscopic observation of a decaying
  sunspot was made with the Solar Optical Telescope aboard the Hinode
  satellite. The target was NOAA 10944, located in the west side of the
  solar surface from 2007 March 2 to March 4. The umbra included many
  umbral dots (UDs) with a size of ∼300 km in continuum light. We report
  on the magnetic structures and Doppler velocity fields around UDs, based
  on the Milne-Eddington inversions of the two iron absorption lines at
  6302Å. Histograms of the magnetic field strength (B), inclination angle
  (i), and Doppler velocity (v) of UDs showed a center-to-limb variation;
  observed at the disk center, the UDs had (i) slightly smaller field
  strength (ΔB = -17Gauss) and (ii) relative blue shifts (Δv = 28m
  s<SUP>-1</SUP>) compared to their surroundings. When the sunspot
  got close to the limb, UDs and their surroundings showed almost no
  difference in the magnetic and Doppler values. This center-to-limb
  variation can be understood by the formation height difference in
  a cusp-shaped magnetized atmosphere around UDs, due to the weakly
  magnetized hot gas intrusion. In addition, some UDs showed the
  oscillatory light curves with multiple peaks separated around 10min,
  which may indicate the presence of the oscillatory convection. We
  discuss our results within the frameworks of two theoretical models:
  the monolithic model (Schüssler &amp; Vögler 2006, ApJ, 641, L73)
  and the field-free intrusion model (Spruit &amp; Scharmer 2006, A&amp;A,
  447, 343).

Title: Fine scale structures of sunspots and their role on global
    sunspot energetics
Authors: Ichimoto, K.
2008AGUFMSH52A..05I    Altcode:
  The sunspot has highly structured atmosphere of strongly magnetized
  plasma; In visible light, the umbra contains a number of small
  bright patches called as umbral dots in its dark background, the
  penumbra consists of numerous bright and dark filaments with a width
  of 0.2--0.3 arcsec. The origin of these features has been a topic
  under debate for long time in the sunspot physics.The 'brightness'
  of sunspots is another topic under debate on sunspot physics, i.e.,
  how the energy for maintaining the brightness of umbrae (10- 20%
  of normal photosphere) and penumbrae (70-80% of normal photosphere)
  are carried to the solar surface. The Solar Optical Telescope (SOT)
  aboard Hinode revealed the close relationship between the fine scale
  filamentary structures and the plasma motions (Evershed flow) in
  sunspot penumbra; The Evershed flow is confined in narrow channels with
  nearly horizontal magnetic fields embedded in deep layer of penumbral
  atmosphere. It is a dynamic phenomenon with the flow velocity close
  to the sound speed in the photosphere, and individual flow channels
  are associated with tiny upflow (source) at the inner end and down flow
  (sink) at the outer end. The penumbral bright grains are well correlated
  with the upflowing gas, thus the Evershed effect can be interpreted
  as a consequence of the thermal convection under the strong inclined
  magnetic field of sunspot penumbra. We will present the new picture
  of the sunspot penumbra, and discuss the role of the fine structures
  on the global sunspot energetics.

Title: Formation of Solar Magnetic Flux Tubes and Convective
Authors: Nagata, S.; Ichimoto, K.
2008AGUFMSH52A..04N    Altcode:
  The observational evidence for the formation of solar magnetic flux
  tubes induced by convective instability was obtained by Hinode Solar
  Optical Telescope (SOT). Based on the seeing free observation with
  SOT, we found the cooling of an equipartition field strength flux tube
  precedes a transient downflow reaching 6 km s-1 and the intensification
  of the field strength to 2 kG. These observations agree very well with
  the theoretical predictions. Convective instability in the flux tubes
  is discussed by comparing the observations with numerical models.

Title: Erratum: "Magnetic Flux Loss and Flux Transport in a Decaying
    Active Region" (ApJ, 686, 1447 [2008])
Authors: Kubo, M.; Lites, B. W.; Shimizu, T.; Ichimoto, K.
2008ApJ...689.1456K    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Magnetic Landscape of the Sun's Polar Region
Authors: Tsuneta, S.; Ichimoto, K.; Katsukawa, Y.; Lites, B. W.;
   Matsuzaki, K.; Nagata, S.; Orozco Suárez, D.; Shimizu, T.; Shimojo,
   M.; Shine, R. A.; Suematsu, Y.; Suzuki, T. K.; Tarbell, T. D.; Title,
   A. M.
2008ApJ...688.1374T    Altcode: 2008arXiv0807.4631T
  We present observations of the magnetic landscape of the polar region
  of the Sun that are unprecedented in terms of spatial resolution,
  field of view, and polarimetric precision. They were carried out with
  the Solar Optical Telescope aboard Hinode. Using a Milne-Eddington
  inversion, we find many vertically oriented magnetic flux tubes
  with field strengths as strong as 1 kG scattered in latitude between
  70° and 90°. They all have the same polarity, consistent with the
  global polarity of the polar region. The field vectors are observed to
  diverge from the centers of the flux elements, consistent with a view
  of magnetic fields that are expanding and fanning out with height. The
  polar region is also found to have ubiquitous horizontal fields. The
  polar regions are the source of the fast solar wind, which is channeled
  along unipolar coronal magnetic fields whose photospheric source is
  evidently rooted in the strong-field, vertical patches of flux. We
  conjecture that vertical flux tubes with large expansion around the
  photospheric-coronal boundary serve as efficient chimneys for Alfvén
  waves that accelerate the solar wind.

Title: Cooperative observation of solar atmospheric heating by Hida
    observatory and Hinode
Authors: Kitai, R.; Hashimoto, Y.; Anan, T.; Watanabe, H.; Ishii,
   T. T.; Kawate, T.; Matsumoto, T.; Otsuji, K.; Nakamura, T.; Morita,
   S.; Nishizuka, N.; Nishida, K.; Ueno, S.; Nagata, S.; Ichimoto, K.;
   Shibata, K.
2008AGUFMSH41B1625K    Altcode:
  At Hida observatory of Kyoto University, we continue to study solar
  activities and fine structures with Domeless Solar Telescope (DST)
  and Solar Magnetic Activity Research Telescope (SMART). In this work,
  we will report some recent cooperative observational results with
  Hinode on the following topics: (1) Plage heating and waves Analysis
  of a long time series of CaII K spectrograms at a plage area showed
  us a clear co-existence of 3- and 5-min oscillation in Doppler
  velocity. We simulated the response of the VAL model atmosphere to
  the input of 3-min/5-min acoustic disturbances, in 1-D geometry and
  found that plage chromosphere is heated unsteadily by acoustic shock
  waves as was proposed by Carlsson and Stein (1997). (2) Disk spicules
  in and around plage regions We clearly identified numerous ejecting
  features in a plage area. Their morphological shapes of thin tapered
  cylinder and their dynamics strongly suggest that they are spicules
  in plage area. Plage spicules were observed to move under constant
  deceleration, which are driven by acoustic shock waves predicted by
  Shibata and Suematsu (1980) and Hansteen et al. (2007). Our results
  will be discussed from the view point of Type I, II classification
  of limb spicules ( de Pontieu et al. 2007). (3) Umbral dots We have
  confirmed that umbral dots are manifestation of magneto-convection in
  strong magnetic filed from the analysis of Hinode/SOT/BFI&amp;SP. We
  will discuss the plausibility of monolithic umbral model from the
  oscillatory brightening of umbral dots. (4) X-ray brightenings in the
  supergranular network XRT showed us numerous bright points in solar
  quiet regions. Possible relation between these XBPs and supergranular
  network pattern in quiet chromosphere was studied. XBPs were found to be
  located in the network not in the cell center. Many of network bright
  XBPs were consisted of magnetically bipolar loops. (5) Ellerman bombs
  By studying the fine structure of Ellerman bomb, we have found core-halo
  structure and loop like fine-structures in the chromosphere. Discussions
  on the origin of bombs will be given from the viewpoint of magnetic
  reconnection theory.

Title: Magnetic flux cancellation associated with a recurring solar
    jet observed with Hinode, RHESSI, and STEREO/EUVI
Authors: Chifor, C.; Isobe, H.; Mason, H. E.; Hannah, I. G.; Young,
   P. R.; Del Zanna, G.; Krucker, S.; Ichimoto, K.; Katsukawa, Y.;
   Yokoyama, T.
2008A&A...491..279C    Altcode:
  Aims: We study the physical properties of a recurring solar active
  region jet observed in X-rays and extreme-ultraviolet (EUV). <BR
  />Methods: Multi-wavelength data from all three instruments on
  board Hinode were analysed. X-ray imaging and spectroscopy of the
  microflaring emission associated with the jets was performed with the
  Reuven Ramaty High Energy Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI). Associated
  EUV jets were observed with the Sun Earth Connection Coronal and
  Heliospheric Investigation (SECCHI)/Extreme Ultraviolet Imager
  (EUVI) on board STEREO. <BR />Results: We found a correlation between
  recurring magnetic flux cancellation close to a pore, the X-ray jet
  emission, and associated Ca II H ribbon brightenings. We estimated the
  lower limit for the decrease in magnetic energy associated with the
  X-ray jet emission at 3 × 10<SUP>29</SUP> erg. The recurring plasma
  ejection was observed simultaneously at EUV and X-ray temperatures,
  associated with type III radio bursts and microflaring activity at the
  jet footpoint. <BR />Conclusions: The recurring jet (EUV and X-ray)
  emissions can be attributed to chromospheric evaporation flows due to
  recurring coronal magnetic reconnection. In this process, the estimated
  minimum loss in the magnetic energy is sufficient to account for the
  total energy required to launch the jet. <P />Movie of Fig. 3 is only
  available in electronic form via http://www.aanda.org

Title: Magnetic Flux Loss and Flux Transport in a Decaying Active
Authors: Kubo, M.; Lites, B. W.; Shimizu, T.; Ichimoto, K.
2008ApJ...686.1447K    Altcode: 2008arXiv0807.4340K
  We estimate the temporal change of magnetic flux normal to the solar
  surface in a decaying active region by using a time series of the
  spatial distribution of vector magnetic fields in the photosphere. The
  vector magnetic fields are derived from full spectropolarimetric
  measurements with the Solar Optical Telescope aboard Hinode. We compare
  a magnetic flux loss rate to a flux transport rate in a decaying sunspot
  and its surrounding moat region. The amount of magnetic flux that
  decreases in the sunspot and moat region is very similar to magnetic
  flux transported to the outer boundary of the moat region. The flux
  loss rates [(dF/dt)<SUB>loss</SUB>] of magnetic elements with positive
  and negative polarities balance each other around the outer boundary of
  the moat region. These results suggest that most of the magnetic flux
  in the sunspot is transported to the outer boundary of the moat region
  as moving magnetic features, and then removed from the photosphere by
  flux cancellation around the outer boundary of the moat region.

Title: Magnetic Fields of the Quiet Sun: A New Quantitative
    Perspective From Hinode
Authors: Lites, B. W.; Kubo, M.; Socas-Navarro, H.; Berger, T.; Frank,
   Z.; Shine, R.; Tarbell, T.; Title, A.; Ichimoto, K.; Katsukawa, Y.;
   Tsuneta, S.; Suematsu, Y.; Shimizu, T.; Nagata, S.
2008ASPC..397...17L    Altcode:
  This article summarizes results of studies presented in two papers
  already published: Lites et al. (2007a); Lites et al. (2007b). Please
  see these for further details.

Title: On-orbit Performance of the Solar Optical Telescope aboard
Authors: Ichimoto, K.; Katsukawa, Y.; Tarbell, T.; Shine, R. A.;
   Hoffmann, C.; Berger, T.; Cruz, T.; Suematsu, Y.; Tsuneta, S.; Shimizu,
   T.; Lites, B. W.
2008ASPC..397....5I    Altcode: 2008arXiv0804.3248I
  On-orbit performance of the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) aboard Hinode
  is described with some attention to its unpredicted aspects. In general,
  SOT reveals an excellent performance and has been providing outstanding
  data. Some unexpected features exist, however, in behaviours of the
  focus position, throughput and structural stability. Most of them are
  recovered by the daily operation i.e., frequent focus adjustment,
  careful heater setting and corrections in data analysis. The
  tunable filter contains air bubbles which degrade the data quality
  significantly. Schemes for tuning the filter without disturbing the
  bubbles have been developed and tested, and some useful procedures
  to obtain Dopplergrams and magnetograms are now available. October
  and March, when the orbit of satellite becomes nearly perpendicular
  to the direction towards the Sun, provide a favourable condition for
  continuous runs of the narrow-band filter imager.

Title: Evolution of Magnetic Field and Flow in NOAA 10930 Obtained
    by Hinode Observations
Authors: Magara, T.; Katsukawa, Y.; Ichimoto, K.; Tsuneta, S.;
   Yokoyama, T.; Nagata, S.; Inoue, S.
2008ASPC..397..135M    Altcode:
  We here present an initial result of investigations into the evolution
  of NOAA 10930 obtained by the Solar Optical Telescope on board
  Hinode. The fine-scale G-band images associated with three components of
  the magnetic field provide useful information on the characteristics
  of this active region. We derived three phases characterizing the
  evolution of magnetic field toward producing an X-class flare. We
  also study the nature of a rapid flow found in this active region by
  investigating the configuration of the magnetic field and flow.

Title: High Resolution Observations of Spicules with Hinode/SOT
Authors: Suematsu, Y.; Ichimoto, K.; Katsukawa, Y.; Shimizu, T.;
   Okamoto, T.; Tsuneta, S.; Tarbell, T.; Shine, R. A.
2008ASPC..397...27S    Altcode:
  High time cadence unprecedented images at the limb with Ca II H line
  filtergraph from the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) aboard Hinode
  have revealed that a spicule consists of highly dynamic multi-threads
  (typically twin) as thin as a few tenths of an arcsecond, and shows
  prominent lateral movement or oscillation with rotation on its axis
  during its life. This multi-thread structure and lateral motion indicate
  that the spicules can be driven by magnetic reconnection at unresolved
  spatial scales at their footpoints.

Title: Evolution of Magnetic Fields at the Boundary of the Penumbra
Authors: Kubo, M.; Ichimoto, K.; Shimizu, T.; Lites, B. W.; Tsuneta,
   S.; Suematsu, Y.; Katsukawa, Y.; Nagata, S.; Tarbell, T.; Shine,
   R. A.; Title, A. M.
2008ASPC..397...79K    Altcode:
  The formation of moving magnetic features (MMFs) separating from the
  penumbra were successfully observed with the Solar Optical Telescope
  (SOT) aboard the Hinode satellite. We find that bright features in
  the outer penumbra are located at the penumbral spines, which have
  magnetic fields more vertical than the surroundings, or located at the
  MMFs separating from the spines. This suggests that convection in the
  outer penumbra is related to the disintegration of the sunspot.

Title: Erratum: The Analysis of Penumbral Fine Structure Using an
    Advanced Inversion Technique
Authors: Jurcák, Jan; Bellot Rubio, Luis; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi;
   Katsukawa, Yukio; Lites, Bruce; Nagata, Shin'ichi; Shimizu, Toshifumi;
   Suematsu, Yoshinori; Tarbell, Theodore D.; Title, Alan M.; Tsuneta,
2008PASJ...60..933J    Altcode:
  In the article [PASJ 59, S601-S606 (2007)], the word ”CSIC” was
  omitted from the affiliation of Dr. Luis Bellot Rubio. The correct
  affiliation is : <SUP>2</SUP>Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía
  (CSIC), Apdo. de Correos 3004, 18080 Granada, Spain

Title: Evershed Flow Revealed by the Solar Optical Telescope aboard
Authors: Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Hinode Team
2008AstHe.101..378I    Altcode:
  The Evershed flow, which was discovered about 100 years ago, is
  still a mystery on its origin. The Solar Optical Telescope (SOT)
  aboard Hinode revealed the fine scale structure of the Evershed
  flow and its relation to the filamentary structures of the sunspot
  penumbra. The Evershed flow is confined in narrow channels embedded
  in deep penumbra that have nearly horizontal magnetic fields. It is
  a dynamic phenomenon with the flow velocity close to the sound speed
  of the photosphere, and individual flow channels are associated with
  tiny upflow of hot gas (source) at the inner end and down flow (sink)
  at the outer end. SOT/Hinode also discovered the enigmatic twisting
  motions of penumbral filaments and numerous tiny jets in the penumbral
  chromosphere. The SOT opened a new step towards the understanding of
  the sunspots, though further studies with magnetohydrodynamic modeling
  are necessary.

Title: Disintegration of Magnetic Flux in Decaying Sunspots as
    Observed with the Hinode SOT
Authors: Kubo, M.; Lites, B. W.; Ichimoto, K.; Shimizu, T.; Suematsu,
   Y.; Katsukawa, Y.; Tarbell, T. D.; Shine, R. A.; Title, A. M.; Nagata,
   S.; Tsuneta, S.
2008ApJ...681.1677K    Altcode: 2008arXiv0806.0415K
  Continuous observations of sunspot penumbrae with the Solar Optical
  Telescope aboard Hinode clearly show that the outer boundary of the
  penumbra fluctuates around its averaged position. The penumbral outer
  boundary moves inward when granules appear in the outer penumbra. We
  discover that such granules appear one after another while moving
  magnetic features (MMFs) are separating from the penumbral "spines"
  (penumbral features that have fields that are stronger and more vertical
  than those of their surroundings). These granules that appear in the
  outer penumbra often merge with bright features inside the penumbra
  that move with the spines as they elongate toward the moat region. This
  suggests that convective motions around the penumbral outer boundary are
  related to the disintegration of magnetic flux in the sunspot. We also
  find that dark penumbral filaments frequently elongate into the moat
  region in the vicinity of MMFs that detach from penumbral spines. Such
  elongating dark penumbral filaments correspond to nearly horizontal
  fields extending from the penumbra. Pairs of MMFs with positive and
  negative polarities are sometimes observed along the elongating dark
  penumbral filaments. This strongly supports the notion that such
  elongating dark penumbral filaments have magnetic fields with a "sea
  serpent"-like structure. Evershed flows, which are associated with the
  penumbral horizontal fields, may be related to the detachment of the
  MMFs from the penumbral spines, as well as to the formation of the MMFs
  along the dark penumbral filaments that elongate into the moat region.

Title: Polarization Calibration of the Solar Optical Telescope
    onboard Hinode
Authors: Ichimoto, K.; Lites, B.; Elmore, D.; Suematsu, Y.; Tsuneta,
   S.; Katsukawa, Y.; Shimizu, T.; Shine, R.; Tarbell, T.; Title, A.;
   Kiyohara, J.; Shinoda, K.; Card, G.; Lecinski, A.; Streander, K.;
   Nakagiri, M.; Miyashita, M.; Noguchi, M.; Hoffmann, C.; Cruz, T.
2008SoPh..249..233I    Altcode: 2008SoPh..tmp...69I
  The Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) onboard Hinode aims to obtain vector
  magnetic fields on the Sun through precise spectropolarimetry of
  solar spectral lines with a spatial resolution of 0.2 - 0.3 arcsec. A
  photometric accuracy of 10<SUP>−3</SUP> is achieved and, after the
  polarization calibration, any artificial polarization from crosstalk
  among Stokes parameters is required to be suppressed below the level
  of the statistical noise over the SOT's field of view. This goal was
  achieved by the highly optimized design of the SOT as a polarimeter,
  extensive analyses and testing of optical elements, and an end-to-end
  calibration test of the entire system. In this paper we review both
  the approach adopted to realize the high-precision polarimeter of the
  SOT and its final polarization characteristics.

Title: Image Stabilization System for Hinode (Solar-B) Solar Optical
Authors: Shimizu, T.; Nagata, S.; Tsuneta, S.; Tarbell, T.; Edwards,
   C.; Shine, R.; Hoffmann, C.; Thomas, E.; Sour, S.; Rehse, R.; Ito,
   O.; Kashiwagi, Y.; Tabata, M.; Kodeki, K.; Nagase, M.; Matsuzaki,
   K.; Kobayashi, K.; Ichimoto, K.; Suematsu, Y.
2008SoPh..249..221S    Altcode:
  The Hinode Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) is the first space-borne
  visible-light telescope that enables us to observe magnetic-field
  dynamics in the solar lower atmosphere with 0.2 - 0.3 arcsec spatial
  resolution under extremely stable (seeing-free) conditions. To achieve
  precise measurements of the polarization with diffraction-limited
  images, stable pointing of the telescope (&lt;0.09 arcsec, 3σ) is
  required for solar images exposed on the focal plane CCD detectors. SOT
  has an image stabilization system that uses image displacements
  calculated from correlation tracking of solar granules to control
  a piezo-driven tip-tilt mirror. The system minimizes the motions
  of images for frequencies lower than 14 Hz while the satellite and
  telescope structural design damps microvibration in higher frequency
  ranges. It has been confirmed from the data taken on orbit that
  the remaining jitter is less than 0.03 arcsec (3σ) on the Sun. This
  excellent performance makes a major contribution to successful precise
  polarimetric measurements with 0.2 - 0.3 arcsec resolution.

Title: The Solar Optical Telescope for the Hinode Mission: An Overview
Authors: Tsuneta, S.; Ichimoto, K.; Katsukawa, Y.; Nagata, S.; Otsubo,
   M.; Shimizu, T.; Suematsu, Y.; Nakagiri, M.; Noguchi, M.; Tarbell,
   T.; Title, A.; Shine, R.; Rosenberg, W.; Hoffmann, C.; Jurcevich,
   B.; Kushner, G.; Levay, M.; Lites, B.; Elmore, D.; Matsushita, T.;
   Kawaguchi, N.; Saito, H.; Mikami, I.; Hill, L. D.; Owens, J. K.
2008SoPh..249..167T    Altcode: 2008SoPh..tmp...74T; 2007arXiv0711.1715T
  The Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) aboard the Hinode satellite
  (formerly called Solar-B) consists of the Optical Telescope Assembly
  (OTA) and the Focal Plane Package (FPP). The OTA is a 50-cm
  diffraction-limited Gregorian telescope, and the FPP includes the
  narrowband filtergraph (NFI) and the broadband filtergraph (BFI), plus
  the Stokes Spectro-Polarimeter (SP). The SOT provides unprecedented
  high-resolution photometric and vector magnetic images of the
  photosphere and chromosphere with a very stable point spread function
  and is equipped with an image-stabilization system with performance
  better than 0.01 arcsec rms. Together with the other two instruments
  on Hinode (the X-Ray Telescope (XRT) and the EUV Imaging Spectrometer
  (EIS)), the SOT is poised to address many fundamental questions about
  solar magnetohydrodynamics. This paper provides an overview; the
  details of the instrument are presented in a series of companion papers.

Title: Frequent Occurrence of High-Speed Local Mass Downflows on
    the Solar Surface
Authors: Shimizu, T.; Lites, B. W.; Katsukawa, Y.; Ichimoto, K.;
   Suematsu, Y.; Tsuneta, S.; Nagata, S.; Kubo, M.; Shine, R. A.; Tarbell,
   T. D.
2008ApJ...680.1467S    Altcode: 2008arXiv0804.1167S
  We report on new spectropolarimetric measurements with simultaneous
  filter imaging observation, revealing the frequent appearance of
  polarization signals indicating high-speed, probably supersonic,
  downflows that are associated with at least three different
  configurations of magnetic fields in the solar photosphere. The
  observations were carried out with the Solar Optical Telescope on
  board the Hinode satellite. High-speed downflows are excited when a
  moving magnetic feature is newly formed near the penumbral boundary of
  sunspots. Also, a new type of downflows is identified at the edge of
  sunspot umbra that lack accompanying penumbral structures. These may
  be triggered by the interaction of magnetic fields swept by convection
  with well-concentrated magnetic flux. Another class of high-speed
  downflows are observed in quiet Sun and sunspot moat regions. These are
  closely related to the formation of small concentrated magnetic flux
  patches. High-speed downflows of all types are transient time-dependent
  mass motions. These findings suggest that the excitation of supersonic
  mass flows are one of the key observational features of the dynamical
  evolution occurring in magnetic-field fine structures on the solar

Title: Cooperative Observation of Ellerman Bombs between the Solar
    Optical Telescope aboard Hinode and Hida/Domeless Solar Telescope
Authors: Matsumoto, Takuma; Kitai, Reizaburo; Shibata, Kazunari;
   Nagata, Shin'ichi; Otsuji, Kenichi; Nakamura, Tahei; Watanabe, Hiroko;
   Tsuneta, Saku; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Shimizu,
   Toshifumi; Katsukawa, Yukio; Tarbell, Theodore D.; Lites, Bruce W.;
   Shine, Richard A.; Title, Alan M.
2008PASJ...60..577M    Altcode:
  High-resolution CaIIH broad-band filter images of NOAA10933 on 2007
  January 5 were obtained by the Solar Optical Telescope aboard the Hinode
  satellite. Many small-scale (∼1") bright points were observed outside
  the sunspot and inside the emerging flux region. We identified some of
  these bright points with Ellerman bombs (EBs) by using Hα images taken
  by the Domeless Solar Telescope at Hida observatory. The sub-arcsec
  structures of two EBs seen in CaIIH were studied in detail. Our
  observation showed the following two aspects: (1) The CaIIH bright
  points identified with EBs were associated with the bipolar magnetic
  field structures, as reported by previous studies. (2)The structure
  of the CaIIH bright points turned out to consist of the following two
  parts: a central elongated bright core (0.7" × 0.5") located along
  the magnetic neutral line and a diffuse halo (1.2"×1.8").

Title: The Solar Optical Telescope of Solar-B ( Hinode): The Optical
    Telescope Assembly
Authors: Suematsu, Y.; Tsuneta, S.; Ichimoto, K.; Shimizu, T.; Otsubo,
   M.; Katsukawa, Y.; Nakagiri, M.; Noguchi, M.; Tamura, T.; Kato, Y.;
   Hara, H.; Kubo, M.; Mikami, I.; Saito, H.; Matsushita, T.; Kawaguchi,
   N.; Nakaoji, T.; Nagae, K.; Shimada, S.; Takeyama, N.; Yamamuro, T.
2008SoPh..249..197S    Altcode: 2008SoPh..tmp...26S
  The Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) aboard the Solar-B satellite (Hinode)
  is designed to perform high-precision photometric and polarimetric
  observations of the Sun in visible light spectra (388 - 668 nm)
  with a spatial resolution of 0.2 - 0.3 arcsec. The SOT consists of
  two optically separable components: the Optical Telescope Assembly
  (OTA), consisting of a 50-cm aperture Gregorian with a collimating lens
  unit and an active tip-tilt mirror, and an accompanying Focal Plane
  Package (FPP), housing two filtergraphs and a spectro-polarimeter. The
  optomechanical and optothermal performance of the OTA is crucial to
  attain unprecedented high-quality solar observations. We describe in
  detail the instrument design and expected stable diffraction-limited
  on-orbit performance of the OTA, the largest state-of-the-art solar
  telescope yet flown in space.

Title: Emergence of a helical flux rope and prominence formation
Authors: Okamoto, T. J.; Tsuneta, S.; Lites, B. W.; Kubo, M.; Yokoyama,
   T.; Berger, T. E.; Ichimoto, K.; Katsukawa, Y.; Nagata, S.; Shibata,
   K.; Shimizu, T.; Shine, R. A.; Suematsu, Y.; Tarbell, T. D.; Title,
   A. M.
2008AGUSMSP43B..06O    Altcode:
  We report a discovery about emergence of a helical flux rope. The
  episode may be related to the formation and evolution of an active
  region prominence. Statistical studies by previous authors indicate that
  numerous prominences have the inverse-polarity configuration suggesting
  the helical magnetic configurations. There are two theoretical
  models about formation of such a coronal helical magnetic field in
  association with prominences: flux rope model and sheared-arcade
  model. We have so far no clear observational evidence to support
  either model. In order to find a clue about the formation of the
  prominence, we had continuous observations of NOAA AR 10953 with the
  SOT during 2007 April 28 to May 9. A prominence was located over the
  polarity inversion line in the south-east of the main sunspot. These
  observations provided us with a time series of vector magnetic fields
  on the photosphere under the prominence. We found four new features:
  (1) The abutting opposite-polarity regions on the two sides along
  the polarity inversion line first grew laterally in size and then
  narrowed. (2) These abutting regions contained vertically-weak,
  but horizontally-strong magnetic fields. (3) The orientations of
  the horizontal magnetic fields along the polarity inversion line on
  the photosphere gradually changed with time from a normal- polarity
  configuration to an inverse-polarity one. (4) The horizontal-magnetic
  field region was blueshifted. These indicate that helical flux rope
  emerges from below the photosphere into the corona along the polarity
  inversion line under the prominence. We suggest that this supply of a
  helical magnetic flux possibly into the corona is related to formation
  and maintenance of active-region prominences.

Title: Chromospheric Flows in the Vicinity of Magnetic Features in
    the Quiet Sun Observed with Hinode SOT
Authors: Tarbell, T.; de Pontieu, B.; Carlsson, M.; Hansteen, V.;
   McIntosh, S.; Ichimoto, K.
2008AGUSMSP41B..02T    Altcode:
  The Narrowband Filter Imager of the Solar Optical Telescope on Hinode
  can measure Doppler shifts and line-of- sight magnetic fields in two
  lines with contributions from the low chromosphere: Na D 589.6 nm and
  Mg b 517.3 nm. The SOT Spectro-Polarimeter also measures very accurate
  vector magnetic fields and Doppler velocities in the photosphere. These
  observations have diffraction-limited spatial resolution and superb
  stability. We present examples of these measurements in quiet sun
  at various disk positions. In addition to the expected granulation
  and f- and p-modes, conspicuous longer-lived downflows are seen near
  strong network flux elements. Transient upflows are also detected,
  presumably the base of flows seen in spicules at the limb and H-alpha
  mottles on the disk. Velocity features associated with emerging and
  cancelling magnetic features are also described. The observations are
  compared with synthesized images made from line profiles computed from
  the University of Oslo 3-D MHD simulations. This work was supported by
  NASA contract NNM07AA01C. The Hinode mission is operated by ISAS/JAXA,

Title: Photospheric Signature of Penumbral Microjets
Authors: Katsukawa, Y.; Jurcak, J.; Ichimoto, K.; Suemtasu, Y.;
   Tsuneta, S.; Shimizu, T.; Berger, T. E.; Shine, R. A.; Tarbell, T. D.;
   Lites, B. W.
2008AGUSMSP53A..03K    Altcode:
  HINODE Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) discovered ubiquitous occurrence
  of fine-scale jetlike activities in penumbral chromospheres, which
  are referred to as penumbral microjets. The microjets' small width
  of 400 km and short duration of less than 1 min make them difficult
  to identify in existing ground-based observations. The apparent
  rise velocity is faster than 50km/s and is roughly comparable to
  the Alfven speed in the sunspot chromosphere. These properties of
  penumbral microjets suggest that magnetic reconnection in uncombed
  magnetic field configuration is the most possible cause of penumbral
  microjets. In order to understand magnetic configuration associated with
  penumbral microjets and prove the chromospheric magnetic reconnection
  hypothesis, we investigated relationship between penumbral microjets
  seen in CaIIH images and photospheric magnetic fields measured by
  the HINODE spectro-polarimeter. We found the inclination angles of
  penumbral microjets measured in CaII H images are roughly consistent
  with inclination angles of relatively vertical magnetic field
  component in uncombed magnetic field configuration. In addition,
  strong and transient downflows are observed in the photosphere near
  the boundary of a horizontal flux tube associated with a penumbral
  microjet. The size of the downflow region is about 300km, which is
  close to the width of penumbral microjets seen in CaII H images. The
  downflow velocity of several km/s might be a result of an outflow of
  chromospheric magnetic reconnection and suffer deceleration due to
  the higher density in the photosphere.

Title: Sources and Sinks of the Evershed Flow
Authors: Shine, R. A.; Title, A. M.; Ichimoto, K.; Lites, B.
2008AGUSMSP31A..01S    Altcode:
  Extending the work of Ichimoto et al (2007), we investigate the sources
  and sinks of the Evershed flow in sunspot penumbra using data from the
  Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) instruments on the Hinode satellite. We
  use spectral maps taken with the Spectro-Polarimeter (SP) that provide
  detailed snapshots of the large sunspot in AR 10930 over a range
  of viewing angles as it rotated across the solar disk in December
  2006. These are supplemented by images taken with the Filtergraph
  (FG) instrument that show the dynamics of the structures. AR 10930 has
  some large sunspots showing sources and sinks within the penumbra as
  well as near the inner and outer boundaries. There are also regions
  of contact between penumbra of two sunspots (of opposite magnetic
  polarity) that show stronger horizontal flows and downdrafts than seen
  elsewhere in the penumbras. The relationship between Evershed "clouds"
  showing quasi-periodic variations in the spatially averaged Evershed
  flow and the penumbral fine structures is also investigated. This work
  was supported by NASA contract NNM07AA01C.

Title: Disintegration of Magnetic Flux in Decaying Sunspots as
    Observed with the Hinode/SOT
Authors: Kubo, M.; Lites, B. W.; Ichimoto, K.; Shimizu, T.; Suematsu,
   Y.; Katsukawa, Y.; Tarbell, T. D.; Shine, R. A.; Title, A. M.; Nagata,
   S.; Tsuneta, S.
2008AGUSMSP31B..01K    Altcode:
  Continuous observations of sunspot penumbrae with the Solar Optical
  Telescope aboard Hinode clearly show that the outer boundary of the
  penumbra fluctuates around its averaged position. The penumbral outer
  boundary moves inward when granules appear in the outer penumbra. We
  discover that such granules appear one after another while moving
  magnetic features (MMFs) are separating from the penumbral "spines"
  (penumbral features having fields that are stronger and more vertical
  than their surroundings). These granules that appear in the outer
  penumbra often merge with bright features inside the penumbra that move
  with spines as they elongate toward the moat region. This suggests that
  convective motions around the penumbral outer boundary are related to
  disintegration of magnetic flux in the sunspot. We also find that dark
  penumbral filaments frequently elongate into the moat region in the
  vicinity of MMFs that detach from penumbral spines. Such elongating
  dark penumbral filaments correspond to nearly horizontal fields
  extending from the penumbra. Pairs of MMFs with positive and negative
  polarities are sometimes observed along the elongating dark penumbral
  filaments. This strongly supports the notion that such elongating dark
  penumbral filaments have magnetic fields with a "sea serpent"-like
  structure. Evershed flows, which are associated with the penumbral
  horizontal fields, may be related to detachment of the MMFs from the
  penumbral spines, as well as to the formation of the MMFs along the
  dark penumbral filaments that elongate into the moat region.

Title: Formation of Solar Magnetic Flux Tubes with Kilogauss Field
    Strength Induced by Convective Instability
Authors: Nagata, Shin'ichi; Tsuneta, Saku; Suematsu, Yoshinori;
   Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Katsukawa, Yukio; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Yokoyama,
   Takaaki; Tarbell, Theodore D.; Lites, Bruce W.; Shine, Richard A.;
   Berger, Thomas E.; Title, Alan M.; Bellot Rubio, Luis R.; Orozco
   Suárez, David
2008ApJ...677L.145N    Altcode:
  Convective instability has been a mechanism used to explain
  the formation of solar photospheric flux tubes with kG field
  strength. However, the turbulence of the Earth's atmosphere has
  prevented ground-based observers from examining the hypothesis
  with precise polarimetric measurement on the subarcsecond scale
  flux tubes. Here we discuss observational evidence of this scenario
  based on observations with the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) aboard
  Hinode. The cooling of an equipartition field strength flux tube
  precedes a transient downflow reaching 6 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> and the
  intensification of the field strength to 2 kG. These observations
  agree very well with the theoretical predictions.

Title: Transient horizontal magnetic fields in solar plage regions
Authors: Ishikawa, R.; Tsuneta, S.; Ichimoto, K.; Isobe, H.; Katsukawa,
   Y.; Lites, B. W.; Nagata, S.; Shimizu, T.; Shine, R. A.; Suematsu,
   Y.; Tarbell, T. D.; Title, A. M.
2008A&A...481L..25I    Altcode: 2008arXiv0802.1769I
  Aims:We report the discovery of isolated, small-scale emerging
  magnetic fields in a plage region with the Solar Optical Telescope
  aboard Hinode. <BR />Methods: Spectro-polarimetric observations were
  carried out with a cadence of 34 s for the plage region located near
  disc center. The vector magnetic fields are inferred by Milne-Eddington
  inversion. <BR />Results: The observations reveal widespread occurrence
  of transient, spatially isolated horizontal magnetic fields. The
  lateral extent of the horizontal magnetic fields is comparable to
  the size of photospheric granules. These horizontal magnetic fields
  seem to be tossed about by upflows and downflows of the granular
  convection. We also report an event that appears to be driven by the
  magnetic buoyancy instability. We refer to buoyancy-driven emergence
  as type 1 and convection-driven emergence as type 2. Although both
  events have magnetic field strengths of about 600 G, the filling
  factor of type 1 is a factor of two larger than that of type 2. <BR
  />Conclusions: Our finding suggests that the granular convection in
  the plage regions is characterized by a high rate of occurrence of
  granular-sized transient horizontal fields.

Title: Suppression of convection around small magnetic concentrations
Authors: Morinaga, S.; Sakurai, T.; Ichimoto, K.; Yokoyama, T.;
   Shimojo, M.; Katsukawa, Y.
2008A&A...481L..29M    Altcode:
  Aims: It is well known that convective motions in the photosphere are
  suppressed by magnetic fields. However, it has been difficult to study
  the interaction between convection and small magnetic features, such
  as G-band bright points (GBPs) or pores with polarimetric measurements,
  because of the available spatial resolution (~1´´). This situation is
  changed by the advent of the Spectro-Polarimeter (SP) aboard the Hinode
  satellite, which has 0.3 arcsec spatial resolution. <BR />Methods:
  We analyzed the pore and its surrounding region in NOAA 10940 near the
  disk center. We obtained the field strength and filling factor through
  the Milne-Eddington inversion of the Stokes profiles. We also derived
  the line-of-sight velocity by the shift of the line core. Using these
  physical parameters, we investigated the physical conditions needed to
  suppress the convection. <BR />Results: We found that the convection
  is suppressed, not by the strength of the magnetic field itself,
  but by high concentration of magnetic flux tubes. We also found that
  GBPs and pores are distinguished in terms of the filling factor (f);
  f ≃ 0.6 for GBPs and f=0.8-0.9 for pores.

Title: Net circular polarization of sunspots in high spatial
Authors: Ichimoto, K.; Tsuneta, S.; Suematsu, Y.; Katsukawa, Y.;
   Shimizu, T.; Lites, B. W.; Kubo, M.; Tarbell, T. D.; Shine, R. A.;
   Title, A. M.; Nagata, S.
2008A&A...481L...9I    Altcode:
  Context: Net circular polarization (NCP) of spectral lines in
  sunspots has been most successfully explained by the presense of
  discontinuities in the magnetic field inclination and flow velocity
  along the line-of-sight in the geometry of the embedded flux tube model
  of penumbrae (Δγ-effect). <BR />Aims: The fine scale structure of
  NCP in a sunspot is examined with special attention paid to spatial
  relations of the Evershed flow to confirm the validity of the present
  interpretation of the NCP of sunspots. <BR />Methods: High resolution
  spectro-polarimetric data of a positive-polarity sunspot obtained
  by the Solar Optical Telescope aboard Hinode are analysed. <BR
  />Results: A positive NCP is associated with the Evershed flow
  channels in both limb-side and disk center-side penumbrae and with
  upflows in the penumbra at disk center. The negative NCP in the disk
  center-side penumbra is generated in inter-Evershed flow channels. <BR
  />Conclusions: The first result is apparently inconsistent with the
  current explanation of NCP with the Δγ-effect but rather suggests a
  positive correlation between the magnetic field strength and the flow
  velocity as the cause of the NCP. The second result serves as strong
  evidence for the presence of gas flows in inter-Evershed flow channels.

Title: Hinode SOT Observations of Solar Quiescent Prominence Dynamics
Authors: Berger, Thomas E.; Shine, Richard A.; Slater, Gregory L.;
   Tarbell, Theodore D.; Title, Alan M.; Okamoto, Takenori J.; Ichimoto,
   Kiyoshi; Katsukawa, Yukio; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Tsuneta, Saku; Lites,
   Bruce W.; Shimizu, Toshifumi
2008ApJ...676L..89B    Altcode:
  We report findings from multihour 0.2” resolution movies of
  solar quiescent prominences (QPs) observed with the Solar Optical
  Telescope (SOT) on the Hinode satellite. The observations verify
  previous findings of filamentary downflows and vortices in QPs. SOT
  observations also verify large-scale transverse oscillations in QPs,
  with periods of 20-40 minutes and amplitudes of 2-5 Mm. The upward
  propagation speed of several waves is found to be ~10 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>,
  comparable to the sound speed of a 10,000 K plasma, implying that
  the waves are magnetoacoustic in origin. Most significantly, Hinode
  SOT observations reveal that dark, episodic upflows are common in
  QPs. The upflows are 170-700 km in width, exhibit turbulent flow,
  and rise with approximately constant speeds of ~20 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>
  from the base of the prominence to heights of ~10-20 Mm. The upflows
  are visible in both the Ca II H-line and Hα bandpasses of SOT. The new
  flows are seen in about half of the QPs observed by SOT to date. The
  dark upflows resemble buoyant starting plumes in both their velocity
  profile and flow structure. We discuss thermal and magnetic mechanisms
  as possible causes of the plumes.

Title: Emergence of a Helical Flux Rope under an Active Region
Authors: Okamoto, Takenori J.; Tsuneta, Saku; Lites, Bruce W.; Kubo,
   Masahito; Yokoyama, Takaaki; Berger, Thomas E.; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi;
   Katsukawa, Yukio; Nagata, Shin'ichi; Shibata, Kazunari; Shimizu,
   Toshifumi; Shine, Richard A.; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Tarbell, Theodore
   D.; Title, Alan M.
2008ApJ...673L.215O    Altcode: 2008arXiv0801.1956O
  Continuous observations were obtained of NOAA AR 10953 with the Solar
  Optical Telescope (SOT) on board the Hinode satellite from 2007 April
  28 to May 9. A prominence was located over the polarity inversion
  line (PIL) to the southeast of the main sunspot. These observations
  provided us with a time series of vector magnetic fields on the
  photosphere under the prominence. We found four features: (1) The
  abutting opposite-polarity regions on the two sides along the PIL first
  grew laterally in size and then narrowed. (2) These abutting regions
  contained vertically weak but horizontally strong magnetic fields. (3)
  The orientations of the horizontal magnetic fields along the PIL on
  the photosphere gradually changed with time from a normal-polarity
  configuration to an inverse-polarity one. (4) The horizontal magnetic
  field region was blueshifted. These indicate that helical flux rope
  was emerging from below the photosphere into the corona along the PIL
  under the preexisting prominence. We suggest that this supply of a
  helical magnetic flux to the corona is associated with evolution and
  maintenance of active region prominences.

Title: The Horizontal Magnetic Flux of the Quiet-Sun Internetwork
    as Observed with the Hinode Spectro-Polarimeter
Authors: Lites, B. W.; Kubo, M.; Socas-Navarro, H.; Berger, T.; Frank,
   Z.; Shine, R.; Tarbell, T.; Title, A.; Ichimoto, K.; Katsukawa, Y.;
   Tsuneta, S.; Suematsu, Y.; Shimizu, T.; Nagata, S.
2008ApJ...672.1237L    Altcode:
  Observations of very quiet Sun using the Solar Optical
  Telescope/Spectro-Polarimeter (SOT/SP) aboard the Hinode spacecraft
  reveal that the quiet internetwork regions are pervaded by horizontal
  magnetic flux. The spatial average horizontal apparent flux density
  derived from wavelength-integrated measures of Zeeman-induced linear
  polarization is B<SUP>T</SUP><SUB>app</SUB> = 55 Mx cm <SUP>-2</SUP>, as
  compared to the corresponding average vertical apparent flux density of
  | B<SUP>L</SUP><SUB>app</SUB>| = 11 Mx cm <SUP>-2</SUP>. Distributions
  of apparent flux density are presented. Magnetic fields are organized on
  mesogranular scales, with both horizontal and vertical fields showing
  "voids" of reduced flux density of a few granules spatial extent. The
  vertical fields are concentrated in the intergranular lanes, whereas the
  stronger horizontal fields are somewhat separated spatially from the
  vertical fields and occur most commonly at the edges of the bright
  granules. High-S/N observations from disk center to the limb help
  to constrain possible causes of the apparent imbalance between |
  B<SUP>L</SUP><SUB>app</SUB>| and B<SUP>T</SUP><SUB>app</SUB>, with
  unresolved structures of linear dimension on the surface smaller by at
  least a factor of 2 relative to the SOT/SP angular resolution being one
  likely cause of this discrepancy. Other scenarios for explaining this
  imbalance are discussed. The horizontal fields are likely the source of
  the "seething" fields of the quiet Sun discovered by Harvey et al. The
  horizontal fields may also contribute to the "hidden" turbulent flux
  suggested by studies involving Hanle effect depolarization of scattered

Title: Solar Optical Telescope onboard Hinode for Diagnosing the
    Solar Magnetic Fields
Authors: Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Hinode/SOT Team
2008PFR.....2S1009I    Altcode:
  The Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) onboard Hinode is a 50 cm aperture
  telescope to observe the sun in visible lights (388-668 nm) for
  the first time with high and extremely stable spatial resolution
  from space. The focal plane package of SOT consists of Broad-band
  Filter Imager which provides the highest spatial resolution images
  of the solar photosphere, the Narrow-band Filter Imager which
  takes 2-dimentional Dopplergram and Magnetogram of photosphere and
  chromosphere in high cadence and with wide field of view, and the
  Spectro-Polarimeter which takes full Stokes line profiles to provide
  the highest precision magnetic field maps of the photosphere. The
  most outstanding characteristics of SOT is its continuous and uniform
  data quality with the unprecedentedly high precision and high spatial
  resolution of 0.2-0.3 arcsec. The door of the telescope was deployed on
  25th Oct. followed by a successful SOT first light. Initial check-outs
  of the instrument were conducted and superior performance of SOT was
  confirmed. SOT is starting the regular observation of the daily target
  region on the sun and producing excellent scientific data. Overview of
  the SOT instrument is summarized and initial results are demonstrated.

Title: Hinode Observations of Flux Emergence in Quiet and Active
Authors: Lites, B. W.; Centeno, R.; Kubo, M.; Socas-Navarro, H. Berger,
   T.; Frank, Z.; Shine, R.; Tarbell, T.; Title, A.; Ichimoto, K.;
   Katsukawa, Y.; Tsuneta, S.; Suematsu, Y.; Shimizu, T.; Nagata, S.
2008ASPC..383...71L    Altcode:
  We review briefly the observational understanding of emergence of
  flux in both the quiet Sun and active regions in the light of first
  results from the joint Japan/US/UK Hinode mission. That spacecraft
  is now providing us with our first continuous, high resolution
  measurements of the photospheric vector magnetic field, along with
  high resolution observations of the thermal and dynamic properties
  of the chromosphere and corona. This review is intended to present a
  few very early results and to highlight the potential for discovery
  offered by this extraordinary new mission. The discovery of ubiquitous
  horizontal magnetic flux in the quiet internetwork regions is presented.

Title: Mangetic field properties at the footpoints of solar
    microflares (active-region transient brightenings)
Authors: Shimizu, T.; Kano, R.; Katsukawa, Y.; Kubo, M.; Deluca, E.;
   Ichimoto, K.; Lites, B.; Nagata, S.; Sakao, T.; Shine, R.; Suematsu,
   Y.; Tarbell, T.; Title, A.; Tsuneta, S.
2007AGUFMSH52C..06S    Altcode:
  Solar active regions produce numerous numbers of small-scale explosive
  energy releases, i.e., microflares, which are captured by imaging
  observations in soft X-rays as transient brightenings of small-scale
  coronal loops. Thanks to advanced performance of X-Ray Telescope (XRT)
  onboard the Hinode satellite, we can investigate finer structure
  of the brightening X-ray sources in more details than we did with
  Yohkoh data. One of important questions on microflares is what causes
  microflares. The simultaneous visible-light observations by the Solar
  Optical Telescope (SOT) allow us to explore magnetic activities
  and magnetic field configuration at the photospheric footpoints
  of brightening loops, giving key observations to investigate the
  question. For our investigations of corona-photosphere magnetic
  coupling, we have established co-alignment between SOT and XRT
  with accuracy better than 1 arcsec (Shimizu et al. 2007, PASJ in
  press). It turns out that Ca II H observations are very useful
  to identify the exact positions of footpoints of X-ray transient
  brightening loops. Small "Kernels" are sometimes observed in Ca II H
  and they may be signature of highly accelerated non-thermal particles
  impinging on chromosphere. As already shown in Shimizu et al.(2002),
  frequent transient brightenings are observed at the locations where
  emerging activities are on going. However, another type of brightening
  triggering mechanism should exist to explain some observed multiple-loop
  brightenings. In the multiple-loop brightenings, multiple loops are
  magnetically in parallel with each other and no apparent magnetic
  activities, such as emerging and canceling, are observed at and near
  the footpoints. This paper will present SOT observations of some
  microflares observed with XRT.

Title: Small-Scale Jetlike Features in Penumbral Chromospheres
Authors: Katsukawa, Y.; Berger, T. E.; Ichimoto, K.; Lites, B. W.;
   Nagata, S.; Shimizu, T.; Shine, R. A.; Suematsu, Y.; Tarbell, T. D.;
   Title, A. M.; Tsuneta, S.
2007Sci...318.1594K    Altcode:
  We observed fine-scale jetlike features, referred to as penumbral
  microjets, in chromospheres of sunspot penumbrae. The microjets
  were identified in image sequences of a sunspot taken through a Ca II
  H-line filter on the Solar Optical Telescope on board the Japanese solar
  physics satellite Hinode. The microjets’ small width of 400 kilometers
  and short duration of less than 1 minute make them difficult to identify
  in existing observations. The microjets are possibly caused by magnetic
  reconnection in the complex magnetic configuration in penumbrae and
  have the potential to heat the corona above a sunspot.

Title: Chromospheric Alfvénic Waves Strong Enough to Power the
    Solar Wind
Authors: De Pontieu, B.; McIntosh, S. W.; Carlsson, M.; Hansteen,
   V. H.; Tarbell, T. D.; Schrijver, C. J.; Title, A. M.; Shine, R. A.;
   Tsuneta, S.; Katsukawa, Y.; Ichimoto, K.; Suematsu, Y.; Shimizu, T.;
   Nagata, S.
2007Sci...318.1574D    Altcode:
  Alfvén waves have been invoked as a possible mechanism for the heating
  of the Sun's outer atmosphere, or corona, to millions of degrees and
  for the acceleration of the solar wind to hundreds of kilometers per
  second. However, Alfvén waves of sufficient strength have not been
  unambiguously observed in the solar atmosphere. We used images of
  high temporal and spatial resolution obtained with the Solar Optical
  Telescope onboard the Japanese Hinode satellite to reveal that the
  chromosphere, the region sandwiched between the solar surface and
  the corona, is permeated by Alfvén waves with strong amplitudes on
  the order of 10 to 25 kilometers per second and periods of 100 to
  500 seconds. Estimates of the energy flux carried by these waves and
  comparisons with advanced radiative magnetohydrodynamic simulations
  indicate that such Alfvén waves are energetic enough to accelerate
  the solar wind and possibly to heat the quiet corona.

Title: Magnetic and Doppler Observations of the Photosphere and Low
    Chromosphere with the Solar Optical Telescope on Hinode
Authors: Tarbell, T. D.; Lites, B. W.; Shine, R. A.; Ichimoto, K.
2007AGUFMSH53A1064T    Altcode:
  We present magnetic field and Doppler shift measurements in the Mg
  I b line at 517.3 nm obtained with the Solar Optical Telescope's
  Narrowband Filter Imager on Hinode. The line core forms in the low
  chromosphere, and the wings where the measurements are made probably
  form around the temperature minimum. Stokes IQUV images in the red and
  blue wings are combined to make movies of longitudinal magnetograms
  and Dopplergrams. The direction of the transverse field component is
  also measurable in strong field concentrations. These are compared
  with very accurate photospheric magnetic measurements in Fe I 630.2 nm
  from the Spectro-Polarimeter. This comparison calibrates the filter
  longitudinal magnetograms in flux density and shows changes in field
  geometry with height. The Doppler measurements are calibrated using
  wavelength scans through the Mg line profile. A number of emerging and
  canceling magnetic features were observed in AR 10961 during its disk
  passage in late June and early July. Since these were made during the
  Hinode eclipse season, the observations have somewhat lower spatial
  resolution than usual (0.32 arcsecond pixels), but the uniformity
  and sensitivity are excellent. Intermittent upflows seen between
  canceling magnetic features are interpreted in terms of reconnection
  outflows. Strong, persistent downflows are seen adjacent to but not
  on flux concentrations outside of sunspots and pores. In the sunspot,
  running penumbral waves are clearly visible, and steady downflows are
  observed over the light bridges. Hinode is a Japanese mission developed
  and launched by ISAS/ JAXA, with NAOJ as domestic partner and NASA and
  STFC (UK) as international partners. It is operated by these agencies
  in cooperation with ESA and NSC (Norway).

Title: Chromospheric Anemone Jets as Evidence of Ubiquitous
Authors: Shibata, Kazunari; Nakamura, Tahei; Matsumoto, Takuma; Otsuji,
   Kenichi; Okamoto, Takenori J.; Nishizuka, Naoto; Kawate, Tomoko;
   Watanabe, Hiroko; Nagata, Shin'ichi; UeNo, Satoru; Kitai, Reizaburo;
   Nozawa, Satoshi; Tsuneta, Saku; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi;
   Shimizu, Toshifumi; Katsukawa, Yukio; Tarbell, Theodore D.; Berger,
   Thomas E.; Lites, Bruce W.; Shine, Richard A.; Title, Alan M.
2007Sci...318.1591S    Altcode: 2008arXiv0810.3974S
  The heating of the solar chromosphere and corona is a long-standing
  puzzle in solar physics. Hinode observations show the ubiquitous
  presence of chromospheric anemone jets outside sunspots in active
  regions. They are typically 3 to 7 arc seconds = 2000 to 5000 kilometers
  long and 0.2 to 0.4 arc second = 150 to 300 kilometers wide, and their
  velocity is 10 to 20 kilometers per second. These small jets have an
  inverted Y-shape, similar to the shape of x-ray anemone jets in the
  corona. These features imply that magnetic reconnection similar to that
  in the corona is occurring at a much smaller spatial scale throughout
  the chromosphere and suggest that the heating of the solar chromosphere
  and corona may be related to small-scale ubiquitous reconnection.

Title: Magnetic nature of coronal loops
Authors: Singh, Jagdev; Muneer, S.; Sakurai, Takashi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
2007BASI...35..437S    Altcode:
  It is generally believed that the magnetic pressure is much higher than
  the gas pressure in the coronal loops and these loops are isothermal
  in nature. We made systematic observations of four strong coronal
  emission lines in the visible and near infrared part of the spectrum
  for about 8 years. Two emission lines were observed at a time, making
  raster scans of a steady coronal region. We studied the variation
  of line widths of these lines and intensity ratios as a function
  of height. The relationship between the widths of these lines and
  intensity ratios indicates that the steady coronal loops are not
  magnetically isolated. These findings put restrictions on coronal loop
  models and indicate that the magnetic pressure in coronal loops may be
  much less than assumed. These results strongly suggest that magnetic
  field strength in the corona needs to be measured accurately.

Title: Twisting Motions of Sunspot Penumbral Filaments
Authors: Ichimoto, K.; Suematsu, Y.; Tsuneta, S.; Katsukawa, Y.;
   Shimizu, T.; Shine, R. A.; Tarbell, T. D.; Title, A. M.; Lites, B. W.;
   Kubo, M.; Nagata, S.
2007Sci...318.1597I    Altcode:
  The penumbra of a sunspot is composed of numerous thin, radially
  extended, bright and dark filaments carrying outward gas flows
  (the Evershed flow). Using high-resolution images obtained by the
  Solar Optical Telescope aboard the solar physics satellite Hinode, we
  discovered a number of penumbral bright filaments revealing twisting
  motions about their axes. These twisting motions are observed only
  in penumbrae located in the direction perpendicular to the symmetry
  line connecting the sunspot center and the solar disk center, and
  the direction of the twist (that is, lateral motions of intensity
  fluctuation across filaments) is always from limb side to disk-center
  side. Thus, the twisting feature is not an actual twist or turn of
  filaments but a manifestation of dynamics of penumbral filaments with
  three-dimensional radiative transfer effects.

Title: Fe XIV green/Fe XIII infrared line ratio diagnostics
Authors: Srivastava, A. K.; Singh, Jagdev; Dwivedi, B. N.; Muneer,
   S.; Sakurai, T.; Ichimoto, K.
2007BASI...35..457S    Altcode:
  We consider the first 27-level atomic model of Fe XIII (5.9 K &lt;
  log T_{e} &lt; 6.4 K) to estimate its ground level populations,
  taking account of electron as well as proton collisional excitations
  and de-excitations, radiative cascades, radiative excitations and
  de-excitations. Radiative cascade is important but the effect of
  dilution factor is negligible at higher electron densities. The
  ^{3}P_{1}-^{3}P_{0} and ^{3}P_{2}-^{3}P_{1} transitions in the
  ground configuration 3s^{2} 3p^{2} of Fe XIII result in two forbidden
  coronal emission lines in the infrared region, namely 10747 and 10798
  Å. While the 5303 Å green line is formed in the 3s^{2} 3p ground
  configuration of Fe XIV as a ^2P_{3/2}-^{2}P_{1/2} magnetic dipole
  transition. The line-widths of simultaneously observed Fe XIV green
  and Fe XIII infrared forbidden coronal emission lines can be a useful
  diagnostic tool to deduce temperature and nonthermal velocity in the
  largescale coronal structures using intensity ratios of the lines as
  the temperature signature, instead of assuming ion temperature to be
  equal to the electron temperature. Since the line intensity ratios
  I_{G5303}/I_{IR10747} and I_{G5303}/I_{IR10798} have very weak density
  dependence, they are ideal monitors of temperature mapping in the
  solar corona. The computed ratios will be compared with the recently
  obtained observations in our next paper.

Title: Hinode SOT observations of plume upflows and cascading
    downflows in quiescent solar prominences
Authors: Berger, T.; Shine, R.; Slater, G.; Tarbell, T.; Title, A.;
   Lites, B.; Tsuneta, S.; Okamoto, T. J.; Ichimoto, K.; Katsukawa, Y.;
   Sekii, T.; Suematsu, Y.; Shimizu, T.
2007AGUFMSH53A1065B    Altcode:
  We present several Hinode SOT filtergram movies of quiescent solar
  prominences that show newly discovered "plume-like" upflows and
  cascading "waterfall-like" downflows that persist for the entire
  multi-hour duration of the observations. The flow speeds are on the
  order of 10 km/sec with typical widths of 400-700 km. Preliminary
  calculations show that if the upflows are buoyancy driven, the
  associated thermal perturbation is on the order of 10,000 K, sufficient
  to explain the dark appearance of the upflows in the interference
  filter passbands. In addition we observe rotational vortices and
  body oscillations within the prominences. These new observations
  challenge current magnetostatic models of solar prominences by showing
  that prominence plasmas are in constant motion, often in directions
  perpendicular to the magnetic field lines proposed by the models. TRACE,
  Hinode/EIS, and Hinode/XRT observations are used to investigate the
  differential topology of the flows across temperature regimes.

Title: Coronal Transverse Magnetohydrodynamic Waves in a Solar
Authors: Okamoto, T. J.; Tsuneta, S.; Berger, T. E.; Ichimoto, K.;
   Katsukawa, Y.; Lites, B. W.; Nagata, S.; Shibata, K.; Shimizu, T.;
   Shine, R. A.; Suematsu, Y.; Tarbell, T. D.; Title, A. M.
2007Sci...318.1577O    Altcode: 2008arXiv0801.1958O
  Solar prominences are cool 10<SUP>4</SUP> kelvin plasma clouds
  supported in the surrounding 10<SUP>6</SUP> kelvin coronal plasma by
  as-yet-undetermined mechanisms. Observations from Hinode show fine-scale
  threadlike structures oscillating in the plane of the sky with periods
  of several minutes. We suggest that these represent Alfvén waves
  propagating on coronal magnetic field lines and that these may play
  a role in heating the corona.

Title: Quiet-Sun Internetwork Magnetic Fields from the Inversion of
    Hinode Measurements
Authors: Orozco Suárez, D.; Bellot Rubio, L. R.; del Toro Iniesta,
   J. C.; Tsuneta, S.; Lites, B. W.; Ichimoto, K.; Katsukawa, Y.; Nagata,
   S.; Shimizu, T.; Shine, R. A.; Suematsu, Y.; Tarbell, T. D.; Title,
   A. M.
2007ApJ...670L..61O    Altcode: 2007arXiv0710.1405O
  We analyze Fe I 630 nm observations of the quiet Sun at disk center
  taken with the spectropolarimeter of the Solar Optical Telescope aboard
  the Hinode satellite. A significant fraction of the scanned area,
  including granules, turns out to be covered by magnetic fields. We
  derive field strength and inclination probability density functions from
  a Milne-Eddington inversion of the observed Stokes profiles. They show
  that the internetwork consists of very inclined, hG fields. As expected,
  network areas exhibit a predominance of kG field concentrations. The
  high spatial resolution of Hinode's spectropolarimetric measurements
  brings to an agreement the results obtained from the analysis of
  visible and near-infrared lines.

Title: Center-to-Limb Variation of Stokes V Asymmetries in Solar
    Pores Observed with the Hinode Spectro-Polarimeter
Authors: Morinaga, Shuji; Nagata, Shin'ichi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi;
   Suematsu, Yoshinori; Tsuneta, Saku; Katsukawa, Yukio; Shimizu,
   Toshifumi; Shine, Richard A.; Tarbell, Theodore D.; Title, Alan M.;
   Lites, Bruce; Kubo, Masahito; Sakurai, Takashi
2007PASJ...59S.613M    Altcode:
  Here we present spectro-polarimetric measurements of several pores
  and the surrounding regions taken with the Solar Optical Telescope
  aboard Hinode at various viewing angles. We analyzed the Stokes V
  area asymmetry, and confirmed that it is depressed at the center of
  the pores, while it shows large positive values (a blue lobe larger
  than a red lobe) in the surrounding area; this is consistent with a
  previous report. In addition to this ring of positive asymmetry, we
  found regions of alternating positive and negative area asymmetries
  when weak V regions were observed near the solar limb. The positive
  asymmetry occurs on the disk-center side and the negative asymmetry
  on the limb side of the magnetic concentrations. These center-to-limb
  variations of the Stokes V area asymmetry can be interpreted as being
  a systematic inflow of plasma into the magnetic concentrations from
  their surroundings.

Title: Initial Results on Line-of-Sight Field Calibrations of SP/NFI
    Data Taken by SOT/Hinode
Authors: Chae, Jongchul; Moon, Yong-Jae; Park, Young-Deuk; Ichimoto,
   Kiyoshi; Sakurai, Takashi; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Tsuneta, Saku;
   Katsukawa, Yukio; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Shine, Richard A.; Tarbell,
   Theodore D.; Title, Alan M.; Lites, Bruce; Kubo, Masahito; Nagata,
   Shin'ichi; Yokoyama, Takaaki
2007PASJ...59S.619C    Altcode:
  We present initial results on the line-of-sight field calibration
  of the two kinds of Stokes I and V data taken by the Solar Optical
  Telescope on the satellite Hinode: spectral profiles of Stokes I and V
  parameters recorded on the Spectro-polarimeter (SP), and monochromatic
  images of the same parameters recorded on the Narrow-band Filter Imager
  (NFI). By applying the center-of-gravity method to the SP data of
  AR10930 taken on 2006 December 11, we determined the line-of-sight field
  at every location in the active region. As a result, we found that the
  line-of-sight field strength ranges up to 2kG in plages, even without
  taking into account the filling factor, and up to 3.5kG or higher values
  inside the umbra of the major sunspot. We calibrated the NFI data in
  reference to the field determined from the SP data. In regions outside
  the sunspots and the penumbral regions, we adopted a linear relation,
  B<SUB>||</SUB> = βV / I, between the circular polarization, V / I,
  and the line-of-sight field strength, B<SUB>||</SUB>, and obtained β =
  23.5kG in regions outside the sunspots, and β = 12.0kG in penumbral
  regions. In umbral regions of sunspots, a first-order polynomial was
  adopted to model the reversal of the polarization signal over the
  field strength.

Title: Initial Helioseismic Observations by Hinode/SOT
Authors: Sekii, Takashi; Kosovichev, Alexander G.; Zhao, Junwei;
   Tsuneta, Saku; Shibahashi, Hiromoto; Berger, Thomas E.; Ichimoto,
   Kiyoshi; Katsukawa, Yukio; Lites, Bruce; Nagata, Shin'ichi; Shimizu,
   Toshifumi; Shine, Richard A.; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Tarbell, Theodore
   D.; Title, Alan M.
2007PASJ...59S.637S    Altcode: 2007arXiv0709.1806S
  Results from initial helioseismic observations by the Solar Optical
  Telescope on-board Hinode are reported. It has been demonstrated
  that intensity oscillation data from the Broadband Filter Imager
  can be used for various helioseismic analyses. The k - ω power
  spectra, as well as the corresponding time-distance cross-correlation
  function, which promise high-resolution time-distance analysis below
  the 6-Mm travelling distance, were obtained for G-band and CaII-H
  data. Subsurface supergranular patterns were observed from our first
  time-distance analysis. The results show that the solar oscillation
  spectrum is extended to much higher frequencies and wavenumbers, and
  the time-distance diagram is extended to much shorter travel distances
  and times than were observed before, thus revealing great potential
  for high-resolution helioseismic observations from Hinode.

Title: Hinode Observations of Horizontal Quiet Sun Magnetic Flux
    and the “Hidden Turbulent Magnetic Flux”
Authors: Lites, Bruce; Socas-Navarro, Hector; Kubo, Masahito; Berger,
   Thomas; Frank, Zoe; Shine, Richard A.; Tarbell, Theodore D.; Title,
   Alan M.; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Katsukawa, Yukio; Tsuneta, Saku; Suematsu,
   Yoshinori; Shimizu, Toshifumi
2007PASJ...59S.571L    Altcode:
  We present observations of magnetic fields of the very quiet Sun
  near disk center using the Spectro-Polarimeter of the Solar Optical
  Telescope aboard the Hinode satellite. These observations reveal for
  the first time the ubiquitous presence of horizontal magnetic fields in
  the internetwork regions. The horizontal fields are spatially distinct
  from the vertical fields, demonstrating that they are not arising mainly
  from buffeting of vertical flux tubes by the granular convection. The
  horizontal component has an average “apparent flux density” of
  55Mxcm<SUP>-2</SUP> (assuming the horizontal field structures are
  spatially resolved), in contrast to the average apparent vertical flux
  density of 11Mxcm<SUP>-2</SUP>. The vertical fields reside mainly in
  the intergranular lanes, whereas the horizontal fields occur mainly
  over the bright granules, with a preference to be near the outside
  edge of the bright granules. The large apparent imbalance of vertical
  and horizontal flux densities is discussed, and several scenarios are
  presented to explain this imbalance.

Title: Strategy for the Inversion of Hinode Spectropolarimetric
    Measurements in the Quiet Sun
Authors: Orozco Suárez, David; Bellot Rubio, Luis R.; Del Toro
   Iniesta, Jose Carlos; Tsuneta, Saku; Lites, Bruce; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi;
   Katsukawa, Yukio; Nagata, Shin'ichi; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Shine,
   Richard A.; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Tarbell, Theodore D.; Title, Alan M.
2007PASJ...59S.837O    Altcode: 2007arXiv0709.2033O
  In this paper we propose an inversion strategy for the analysis of
  spectropolarimetric measurements taken by Hinode in the quiet Sun. The
  Spectro-Polarimeter of the Solar Optical Telescope aboard Hinode records
  the Stokes spectra of the FeI line pair at 630.2nm with unprecendented
  angular resolution, high spectral resolution, and high sensitivity. We
  discuss the need to consider a local stray-light contamination to
  account for the effects of telescope diffraction. The strategy is
  applied to observations of a wide quiet Sun area at disk center. Using
  these data we examine the influence of noise and initial guess models
  in the inversion results. Our analysis yields the distributions of
  magnetic field strengths and stray-light factors. They show that quiet
  Sun internetwork regions consist mainly of hG fields with stray-light
  contamination of about 0.8.

Title: Hinode Calibration for Precise Image Co-Alignment between
    SOT and XRT (2006 November-2007 April)
Authors: Shimizu, Toshifumi; Katsukawa, Yukio; Matsuzaki, Keiichi;
   Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Kano, Ryohei; Deluca, Edward E.; Lundquist,
   Loraine L.; Weber, Mark; Tarbell, Theodore D.; Shine, Richard A.;
   Sôma, Mitsuru; Tsuneta, Saku; Sakao, Taro; Minesugi, Kenji
2007PASJ...59S.845S    Altcode: 2007arXiv0709.4098S
  To understand the physical mechanisms for activity and heating in
  the solar atmosphere, the magnetic coupling from the photosphere
  to the corona is an important piece of information from the Hinode
  observations, and therefore precise positional alignment is required
  among the data acquired by different telescopes. The Hinode spacecraft
  and its onboard telescopes were developed to allow us to investigate
  magnetic coupling with co-alignment accuracy better than 1". Using
  the Mercury transit observed on 2006 November 8 and co-alignment
  measurements regularly performed on a weekly basis, we have determined
  the information necessary for precise image co-alignment, and have
  confirmed that co-alignment better than 1" can be realized between
  Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) and X-Ray Telescope (XRT) with our
  baseline co-alignment method. This paper presents results from the
  calibration for precise co-alignment of CCD images from SOT and XRT.

Title: Hinode Observations of a Vector Magnetic Field Change
    Associated with a Flare on 2006 December 13
Authors: Kubo, Masahito; Yokoyama, Takaaki; Katsukawa, Yukio; Lites,
   Bruce; Tsuneta, Saku; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Shimizu,
   Toshifumi; Nagata, Shin'ichi; Tarbell, Theodore D.; Shine, Richard A.;
   Title, Alan M.; Elmore David
2007PASJ...59S.779K    Altcode: 2007arXiv0709.2397K
  Continuous observations of the flare productive active region 10930
  were successfully carried out with the Solar Optical Telescope aboard
  the Hinode spacecraft during 2006 December 6 to 19. We focused on the
  evolution of photospheric magnetic fields in this active region, and the
  magnetic field properties at the site of the X3.4 class flare, using
  a time series of vector field maps with high spatial resolution. The
  X3.4 class flare occurred on 2006 December 13 at the apparent
  collision site between the large, opposite polarity umbrae. Elongated
  magnetic structures with alternatingly positive and negative polarities
  resulting from flux emergence appeared one day before the flare in the
  collision site penumbra. Subsequently, the polarity inversion line
  at the collision site became very complicated. The number of bright
  loops in CaII H increased during the formation of these elongated
  magnetic structures. Flare ribbons and bright loops evolved along
  the polarity inversion line and one footpoint of the bright loop was
  located in a region having a large departure of the field azimuth angle
  with respect to its surroundings. SOT observations with high spatial
  resolution and high polarization precision revealed temporal change in
  the fine structure of magnetic fields at the flare site: some parts of
  the complicated polarity inversion line then disappeared, and in those
  regions the azimuth angle of the photospheric magnetic field changed by
  about 90°, becoming more spatially uniform within the collision site.

Title: The Analysis of Penumbral Fine Structure Using an Advanced
    Inversion Technique
Authors: Jurcák, Jan; Bellot Rubio, Luis; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi;
   Katsukawa, Yukio; Lites, Bruce; Nagata, Shin'ichi; Shimizu, Toshifumi;
   Suematsu, Yoshinori; Tarbell, Theodore D.; Title, Alan M.; Tsuneta,
2007PASJ...59S.601J    Altcode: 2007arXiv0707.1560J
  We present a method to study the penumbral fine structure using data
  obtained by the spectropolarimeter on board Hinode. For the first
  time, the penumbral filaments can be considered as being resolved in
  spectropolarimetric measurements. This enables us to use inversion
  codes with only one-component model atmospheres, and thus to assign
  the obtained stratifications of the plasma parameters directly to the
  penumbral fine structure. This approach was applied to the limb-side
  part of the penumbra in the active region NOAA10923. Preliminary results
  show a clear dependence of the plasma parameters on the continuum
  intensity in the inner penumbra, i.e., a weaker and horizontal magnetic
  field along with an increased line-of-sight velocity are found in the
  low layers of the bright filaments. The results in the mid penumbra
  are ambiguous, and future analyses are necessary to unveil the magnetic
  field structure and other plasma parameters there.

Title: Fine-Scale Structures of the Evershed Effect Observed by the
    Solar Optical Telescope aboard Hinode
Authors: Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Shine, Richard A.; Lites, Bruce; Kubo,
   Masahito; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Tsuneta, Saku;
   Katsukawa, Yukio; Tarbell, Theodore D.; Title, Alan M.; Nagata,
   Shin'ichi; Yokoyama, Takaaki; Shimojo, Masumi
2007PASJ...59S.593I    Altcode:
  The small-scale structure of the Evershed effect is being studied
  using data obtained by the Spectropolarimeter and the Broadband Filter
  Imager of the Solar Optical Telescope aboard Hinode. We find that the
  Evershed flow starts at the leading edge of inwardly migrating bright
  penumbral grains, and turns to nearly a horizontal flow preferentially
  in the dark lanes of the penumbra. A number of small elongated regions
  that have an upward motion of ∼ 1kms<SUP>-1</SUP> are found in the
  deep photosphere distributed over the penumbra. They are cospatial
  with bright grains and have relatively horizontal magnetic fields. A
  number of patches having a strong downward motion associated with the
  opposite magnetic polarity from the sunspot are also found in the mid
  and outer penumbra. They could be identified as foot points of the
  Evershed flow channels, though the identification of individual pairs
  is not straightforward. Our results provide strong support for some
  recent findings from ground-based high-resolution observations, and
  are in general agreement with the well-known picture of the uncombed
  structure of the penumbra, in which the penumbrae consist of rising
  flux tubes carrying nearly horizontal Evershed flows embedded in more
  vertical background magnetic fields.

Title: Flare Ribbons Observed with G-band and FeI 6302Å, Filters
    of the Solar Optical Telescope on Board Hinode
Authors: Isobe, Hiroaki; Kubo, Masahito; Minoshima, Takashi; Ichimoto,
   Kiyoshi; Katsukawa, Yukio; Tarbell, Theodore D.; Tsuneta, Saku; Berger,
   Thomas E.; Lites, Bruce; Nagata, Shin'ichi; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Shine,
   Richard A.; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Title, Alan M.
2007PASJ...59S.807I    Altcode: 2007arXiv0711.3946I
  The Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) on board the Hinode satellite observed
  an X3.4 class flare on 2006 December 13. A typical two-ribbon structure
  was observed, not only in the chromospheric CaII H line, but also in
  the G-band and FeI 6302Å line. The high-resolution, seeing-free images
  achieved by SOT revealed, for the first time, sub-arcsec fine structures
  of the “white light” flare. The G-band flare ribbons on sunspot
  umbrae showed a sharp leading edge, followed by a diffuse inside,
  as well as a previously known core-halo structure. The underlying
  structures, such as umbral dots, penumbral filaments, and granules,
  were visible in the flare ribbons. Assuming that the sharp leading
  edge was directly heated by a particle beam and the diffuse parts were
  heated by radiative back-warming, we estimated the depth of the diffuse
  flare emission using an intensity profile of the flare ribbon. We found
  that the depth of the diffuse emission was about 100km or less from
  the height of the source of radiative back-warming. The flare ribbons
  were also visible in the Stokes-V images of FeI 6302Å, as a transient
  polarity reversal. This is probably related to a “magnetic transient”
  reported in the literature. The intensity increase in Stokes-I images
  indicates that the FeI 6302Å line was significantly deformed by the
  flare, which may cause such a magnetic transient.

Title: Small-Scale Magnetic-Flux Emergence Observed with Hinode
    Solar Optical Telescope
Authors: Otsuji, Kenichi; Shibata, Kazunari; Kitai, Reizaburo; Ueno,
   Satoru; Nagata, Shin'ichi; Matsumoto, Takuma; Nakamura, Tahei;
   Watanabe, Hiroko; Tsuneta, Saku; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Ichimoto,
   Kiyoshi; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Katsukawa, Yukio; Tarbell, Theodore D.;
   Lites, Bruce; Shine, Richard A.; Title Alan M.
2007PASJ...59S.649O    Altcode: 2007arXiv0709.3207O
  We observed small-scale magnetic-flux emergence in a sunspot moat region
  by the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) aboard the Hinode satellite. We
  analyzed filtergram images observed at wavelengths of Fe 6302Å, G band,
  and CaII H. In Stokes I images of Fe 6302Å, emerging magnetic flux was
  recognized as dark lanes. In the G band, they showed to be their shapes
  almost the same as in Stokes I images. These magnetic fluxes appeared
  as dark filaments in CaII H images. Stokes V images of Fe 6302Å showed
  pairs of opposite polarities at footpoints of each filament. These
  magnetic concentrations were identified to correspond to bright points
  in G band/CaII H images. From an analysis of time-sliced diagrams, we
  derived the following properties of emerging flux, which are consistent
  with those of previous studies: (1) Two footpoints separate each other
  at a speed of 4.2kms<SUP>-1</SUP> during the initial phase of evolution,
  and decrease to about 1kms<SUP>-1</SUP> 10minutes later. (2) CaII H
  filaments appear almost simultaneously with the formation of dark lanes
  in Stokes I in an observational cadence of 2minutes. (3) The lifetime
  of the dark lanes in the Stokes I and G band is 8minutes, while that
  of Ca filament is 12minutes. An interesting phenomena was observed,
  that an emerging flux tube expanded laterally in the photosphere with a
  speed of 3.8kms<SUP>-1</SUP>. A discussion on the horizontal expansion
  of the flux tube is given with refernce to previous simulation studies.

Title: Observations of Sunspot Oscillations in G Band and CaII H
    Line with Solar Optical Telescope on Hinode
Authors: Nagashima, Kaori; Sekii, Takashi; Kosovichev, Alexander G.;
   Shibahashi, Hiromoto; Tsuneta, Saku; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Katsukawa,
   Yukio; Lites, Bruce; Nagata, Shin'ichi; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Shine,
   Richard A.; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Tarbell, Theodore D.; Title, Alan M.
2007PASJ...59S.631N    Altcode: 2007arXiv0709.0569N
  Exploiting high-resolution observations made by the Solar Optical
  Telescope on board Hinode, we investigate the spatial distribution
  of the power spectral density of the oscillatory signal in and around
  the active region NOAA 10935. The G-band data show that in the umbra
  the oscillatory power is suppressed in all frequency ranges. On
  the other hand, in CaII H intensity maps oscillations in the umbra,
  so-called umbral flashes, are clearly seen with the power peaking around
  5.5mHz. The CaII H power distribution shows the enhanced elements with
  the spatial scale of the umbral flashes over most of the umbra, but
  there is a region with suppressed power at the center of the umbra. The
  origin and property of this node-like feature remain unexplained.

Title: Hinode SP Vector Magnetogram of AR10930 and Its
    Cross-Comparison with MDI
Authors: Moon, Yong-Jae; Kim, Yeon-Han; Park, Young-Deuk; Ichimoto,
   Kiyoshi; Sakurai, Takashi; Chae, Jongchul; Cho, Kyung Suk; Bong,
   Suchan; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Tsuneta, Saku; Katsukawa, Yukio; Shimojo,
   Masumi; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Shine, Richard A.; Tarbell, Theodore D.;
   Title, Alan M.; Lites, Bruce; Kubo, Masahito; Nagata, Shin'ichi;
   Yokoyama, Takaaki
2007PASJ...59S.625M    Altcode:
  We present one Hinode Spectropolarimeter (SP) magnetogram of AR 10930
  that produced several major flares. The inversion from Stokes profiles
  to magnetic field vectors was made using the standard Milne-Eddington
  code. We successfully applied the Uniform Shear Method for resolving
  the 180° ambiguity to the magnetogram. The inversion gave very strong
  magnetic field strengths (near 4500 gauss) for a small portion of area
  in the umbra. Considering that the observed V-profile of 6301.5Å was
  well-fitted as well as a direct estimation of the Zeeman splitting
  results in 4300-4600 gauss, we think that the field strengths
  should not be far from the actual value. A cross-comparison of the
  Hinode SP and SOHO MDI high resolution flux densities shows that the
  MDI flux density could be significantly underestimated by about a
  factor of two. In addition, it has a serious negative correlation
  (the so-called Zeeman saturation effect) with the Hinode SP flux
  density for umbral regions. Finally, we could successfully obtain
  a recalibrated MDI magnetogram that has been corrected for the
  Zeeman saturation effect using not only a pair of MDI intensity and
  magnetogram data simultaneously observed, but also the relationship
  from the cross-comparison between the Hinode SP and MDI flux densities.

Title: Formation Process of a Light Bridge Revealed with the Hinode
    Solar Optical Telescope
Authors: Katsukawa, Yukio; Yokoyama, Takaaki; Berger, Thomas E.;
   Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Kubo, Masahito; Lites, Bruce; Nagata, Shin'ichi;
   Shimizu, Toshifumi; Shine, Richard A.; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Tarbell,
   Theodore D.; Title, Alan M.; Tsuneta, Saku
2007PASJ...59S.577K    Altcode: 2007arXiv0709.2527K
  The Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) on-board Hinode successfully and
  continuously observed the formation process of a light bridge in a
  matured sunspot of the NOAA active region 10923 for several days with
  high spatial resolution. During its formation, many umbral dots were
  observed to be emerging from the leading edges of penumbral filaments,
  and rapidly intruding into the umbra. The precursor of the light bridge
  formation was also identified as a relatively slow inward motion of
  the umbral dots, which emerged not near the penumbra, but inside the
  umbra. The spectro-polarimeter on SOT provided physical conditions in
  the photosphere around the umbral dots and the light bridges. We found
  that the light bridges and the umbral dots had significantly weaker
  magnetic fields associated with upflows relative to the core of the
  umbra, which implies that there was hot gas with weak field strength
  penetrating from the subphotosphere to near the visible surface inside
  those structures. There needs to be a mechanism to drive the inward
  motion of the hot gas along the light bridges. We suggest that the
  emergence and the inward motion are triggered by a buoyant penumbral
  flux tube as well as subphotospheric flow crossing the sunspot.

Title: Umbral Fine Structures in Sunspots Observed with Hinode Solar
    Optical Telescope
Authors: Kitai, Reizaburo; Watanabe, Hiroko; Nakamura, Tahei; Otsuji,
   Ken-ichi; Matsumoto, Takuma; UeNo, Satoru; Nagata, Shin'ichi; Shibata,
   Kazunari; Muller, Richard; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Tsuneta, Saku; Suematsu,
   Yoshinori; Katsukawa, Yukio; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Tarbell, Theodore D.;
   Shine, Richard A.; Title, Alan M.; Lites, Bruce
2007PASJ...59S.585K    Altcode: 2007arXiv0711.3266K
  A high resolution imaging observation of a sunspot umbra was made with
  the Hinode Solar Optical Telescope. Filtergrams at wavelengths of the
  blue and green continua were taken during three consecutive days. The
  umbra consisted of a dark core region, several diffuse components,
  and numerous umbral dots. We derived basic properties of umbral dots
  (UDs), especially their temperatures, lifetimes, proper motions,
  spatial distribution, and morphological evolution. The brightness
  of UDs is confirmed to depend on the brightness of their surrounding
  background. Several UDs show fission and fusion. Thanks to the stable
  condition of the space observation, we could for the first time follow
  the temporal behavior of these events. The derived properties of the
  internal structure of the umbra are discussed from the viewpoint of
  magnetoconvection in a strong magnetic field.

Title: On Connecting the Dynamics of the Chromosphere and Transition
    Region with Hinode SOT and EIS
Authors: Hansteen, Viggo H.; de Pontieu, Bart; Carlsson, Mats;
   McIntosh, Scott; Watanabe, Tetsuya; Warren, Harry P.; Harra, Louise K.;
   Hara, Hirohisa; Tarbell, Theodore D.; Shine, Dick; Title, Alan M.;
   Schrijver, Carolus J.; Tsuneta, Saku; Katsukawa, Yukio; Ichimoto,
   Kiyoshi; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Shimizu, Toshifumi
2007PASJ...59S.699H    Altcode: 2007arXiv0711.0487H
  We use coordinated Hinode SOT/EIS observations that include
  high-resolution magnetograms, chromospheric, and transition region
  (TR) imaging, and TR/coronal spectra in a first test to study how
  the dynamics of the TR are driven by the highly dynamic photospheric
  magnetic fields and the ubiquitous chromospheric waves. Initial
  analysis shows that these connections are quite subtle and require a
  combination of techniques including magnetic field extrapolations,
  frequency-filtered time-series, and comparisons with synthetic
  chromospheric and TR images from advanced 3D numerical simulations. As a
  first result, we find signatures of magnetic flux emergence as well as
  3 and 5mHz wave power above regions of enhanced photospheric magnetic
  field in both chromospheric, transition region, and coronal emission.

Title: Can High Frequency Acoustic Waves Heat the Quiet Sun
Authors: Carlsson, Mats; Hansteen, Viggo H.; de Pontieu, Bart;
   McIntosh, Scott; Tarbell, Theodore D.; Shine, Dick; Tsuneta, Saku;
   Katsukawa, Yukio; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Shimizu,
   Toshifumi; Nagata, Shin'ichi
2007PASJ...59S.663C    Altcode: 2007arXiv0709.3462C
  We use Hinode/SOT Ca II H-line and blue continuum broadband observations
  to study the presence and power of high frequency acoustic waves at
  high spatial resolution. We find that there is no dominant power at
  small spatial scales; the integrated power using the full resolution of
  Hinode (0.05” pixels, 0.16” resolution) is larger than the power in
  the data degraded to 0.5” pixels (TRACE pixel size) by only a factor
  of 1.2. At 20 mHz the ratio is 1.6. Combining this result with the
  estimates of the acoustic flux based on TRACE data of Fossum &amp;
  Carlsson (2006), we conclude that the total energy flux in acoustic
  waves of frequency 5-40 mHz entering the internetwork chromosphere of
  the quiet Sun is less than 800 W m$^{-2}$, inadequate to balance the
  radiative losses in a static chromosphere by a factor of five.

Title: Formation of Moving Magnetic Features and Penumbral Magnetic
    Fields with Hinode/SOT
Authors: Kubo, Masahito; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Shimizu, Toshifumi;
   Tsuneta, Saku; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Katsukawa, Yukio; Nagata,
   Shin'ichi; Tarbell, Theodore D.; Shine, Richard A.; Title, Alan M.;
   Frank, Zoe A.; Lites, Bruce; Elmore, David
2007PASJ...59S.607K    Altcode: 2007arXiv0709.1853K
  Vector magnetic fields of moving magnetic features (MMFs) were well
  observed with the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) aboard the Hinode
  satellite. We focused on the evolution of three MMFs with the SOT in
  this study. We found that an MMF having relatively vertical fields
  with the same polarity as the sunspot was detached from the penumbra
  around the granules appearing in the outer penumbra. This suggests
  that granular motions in the outer penumbra are responsible for
  disintegration of the sunspot. Two MMFs with polarity opposite to
  the sunspot are located around the outer edge of horizontal fields
  extending from the penumbra. This is evidence that the MMFs with
  polarity opposite to the sunspot are the prolongation of penumbral
  horizontal fields. Redshifts larger than the sonic velocity in the
  photosphere are detected for some of the MMFs with polarity opposite
  to the sunspot.

Title: A Tale of Two Spicules: The Impact of Spicules on the Magnetic
Authors: de Pontieu, Bart; McIntosh, Scott; Hansteen, Viggo H.;
   Carlsson, Mats; Schrijver, Carolus J.; Tarbell, Theodore D.; Title,
   Alan M.; Shine, Richard A.; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Tsuneta, Saku;
   Katsukawa, Yukio; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Nagata,
2007PASJ...59S.655D    Altcode: 2007arXiv0710.2934D
  We use high-resolution observations of the Sun in CaIIH (3968Å)
  from the Solar Optical Telescope on Hinode to show that there are
  at least two types of spicules that dominate the structure of the
  magnetic solar chromosphere. Both types are tied to the relentless
  magnetoconvective driving in the photosphere, but have very different
  dynamic properties. “Type-I” spicules are driven by shock waves
  that form when global oscillations and convective flows leak into
  the upper atmosphere along magnetic field lines on 3--7minute
  timescales. “Type-II” spicules are much more dynamic: they form
  rapidly (in ∼ 10s), are very thin (≤ 200 km wide), have lifetimes
  of 10-150s (at any one height), and seem to be rapidly heated to
  (at least) transition region temperatures, sending material through
  the chromosphere at speeds of order 50--150kms<SUP>-1</SUP>. The
  properties of Type II spicules suggest a formation process that is
  a consequence of magnetic reconnection, typically in the vicinity
  of magnetic flux concentrations in plage and network. Both types of
  spicules are observed to carry Alfvén waves with significant amplitudes
  of order 20kms<SUP>-1</SUP>.

Title: Observation of a Coronal Mass Ejection and its Source Region
    with NOrikura Green-line Imaging System (NOGIS)
Authors: Suzuki, I.; Sakurai, T.; Ichimoto, K.
2007ASPC..369..543S    Altcode:
  NOrikura Green-line Imaging System (NOGIS), with its unique capability
  of Doppler imaging, was used to study a CME and its source region on
  1999 May 7. The source region at the north-east limb consisted of two
  loop systems. Prior to the CME, one of the two loops moved toward
  the neighboring other loop in the plane of the sky. Then, the loop
  apparently touched and destabilized the other loop, resulting in the
  CME with a red-shifted motion. In the NOGIS field-of-view, the CME
  propagated non-radially in the plane of the sky. These observations
  indicate that the direction of mass ejection was determined by the
  magnetic field configuration around the source region and the location
  of the initial energy release in the magnetic field structure.

Title: Estimate on SOT Light Level in Flight with Throughput
    Measurements in SOT Sun Tests
Authors: Shimizu, T.; Kubo, M.; Tarbell, T. D.; Berger, T. E.;
   Suematsu, Y.; Ichimoto, K.; Katsukawa, Y.; Miyashita, M.; Noguchi,
   M.; Nakagiri, M.; Tsuneta, S.; Elmore, D. F.; Lites, B. W.
2007ASPC..369...51S    Altcode:
  The SOT (Solar Optical Telescope, e.g., Shimizu 2004) optical
  system consists of 50cm-aperture optical telescope (OTA) and focal
  plane instrument (FPP). The solar light into the telescope penetrates
  through many optical elements located in OTA and FPP before illuminating
  CCDs. Natural solar light was fed to the integrated SOT in sun tests for
  verifying various optical aspects including the confirmation of photon
  throughput. CCD exposures provide the number of photons accumulated
  in an exposure duration with a clean-room test condition. To estimate
  the absolute intensity of the solar light at the telescope entrance
  in the clean-room test condition, we developed a pinhole-PSD sensor
  for simultaneous monitoring the solar light outside the clean room
  and measured the transmission of light through two flat mirrors of
  the heliostat and clean-room entrance window glass as a function of
  wavelength. The PSD sensor was pre-calibrated with continuous monitoring
  the solar light in a day long under a clear constant sky condition,
  determining the earth atmospheric attenuation and the PSD output for
  the solar light on orbit. These throughput measurements have provided
  an estimate on photon throughput for the SOT flight model. The results
  confirm suitable number of photons without saturation for proper CCD
  exposures in flight.

Title: Performance Characteristics of the Solar-B Spectro-Polarimeter
Authors: Lites, B. W.; Elmore, D. F.; Streander, K. V.; Hoffmann,
   C. M.; Tarbell, T. D.; Title, A. M.; Shine, R. A.; Ichimoto, K.;
   Tsuneta, S.; Shimizu, T.; Suematsu, Y.
2007ASPC..369...55L    Altcode:
  The Focal Plane Package (FPP) of the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT)
  includes the first precision Spectro-Polarimeter (SP) for solar space
  observations. The FPP/SP will provide high precision measures of
  the vector magnetic field in the solar photosphere. Here we present
  some as-built performance specifications for the entire system of
  telescope + polarimeter. The FPP-SP system represents significant
  gains in several aspects over existing spectro-polarimetric systems;
  notably, angular resolution, polarimetric accuracy, spectral purity,
  and most importantly, temporal continuity of stable, high angular
  resolution. In this short summary of the poster, a few of the
  performance characteristics of the SP are presented.

Title: Flare-Associated Oscillations in Coronal Multiple-Loops
    Observed with the Norikura Green-Line Imaging System
Authors: Hori, K.; Ichimoto, K.; Sakurai, T.
2007ASPC..369..213H    Altcode:
  We report the first detection of a magnetohydrodynamic kink
  oscillation in the coronal green line emission (Fe XIV 5303A,
  2MK) by the two-dimensional Doppler coronagraph NOGIS (Norikura
  Green-Line Imaging System) at the Norikura Solar Observatory, National
  Astronomical Observatory of Japan. It was an impulsively triggered
  damping oscillation in Doppler shift in a bundle of face-on coronal
  loops on the west limb. In the individual loops, both transverse
  (fast kink) and longitudinal modes were observed simultaneously. The
  longitudinal mode can be slow wave reflecting at both ends of the
  loop. The kink mode had larger amplitude than the longitudinal mode,
  and lasted up to ∼7 wave periods (&gt; 100 min). Oscillations in
  different loops were not synchronized in phase; the phase velocity
  increased smoothly with the loop length. Our preliminary results
  support the resonant mode conversion as a possible damping mechanism
  of the kink oscillations in a certain part of the observed loops.

Title: Calibration of the SOT Polarization
Authors: Ichimoto, K.; Suematsu, Y.; Shimizu, T.; Katsukawa, Y.;
   Noguchi, M.; Nakagiri, M.; Miyashita, M.; Tsuneta, S.; Tarbell, T. D.;
   Shine, R. A.; Hoffmann, C. M.; Cruz, T.; Lites, B. W.; Elmore, D. F.
2007ASPC..369...39I    Altcode:
  Calibration of SOT polarization property was performed using natural
  sunlight and well calibrated sheet polarizer (linear and circular)
  placed on the entrance of the telescope. The polarimeter response
  matrices were determined for the spectropolarimeter (SP) and the
  narrowband filter imager (NFI), and it is shown that they are well
  behave as predicted and constant over the field of view. The crosstalk
  between I,Q,U,V will be suppressed to the negligible level at the
  photometric accuracy of 10^{-3} after the calibration with the obtained
  matrices. The sensitivity of SOT on linear and circular polarizations
  at each wavelength observed by NFI are also obtained.

Title: Calibration of SOT Dopplergrams
Authors: Katsukawa, Y.; Ichimoto, K.; Sekii, T.; Suematsu, Y.; Tsuneta,
   S.; Shine, R. A.; Tarbell, T. D.
2007ASPC..369...43K    Altcode:
  Narrow-band Filter Imager on SOT provides Dopplergrams (DGs) which
  are images of Doppler (line- of-sight) velocities. Observations with
  DGs are critically important in studies of photospheric dynamics and
  helioseismology. The primary photospheric line used for DGs is Fe I 5576
  Å which is a line insensitive to Zeeman effect. We made a calibration
  function for the 5576 Å DGs to get actual Doppler velocities from
  velocity indexes using an atlas spectrum and simulated transmission
  profiles for the tunable filter (TF) on SOT. Using data sets taken
  in the natural sun-light test, we quantitatively evaluated accuracy
  of the DGs by comparing the rotational speed of the Sun measured
  with DGs with the expected one. There was a little systematic error
  in the velocity obtained by SOT, but the error was less than 20 %
  of the predicted velocities.

Title: Examinations of the Relative Alignment of the Instruments
    on SOT
Authors: Okamoto, T. J.; Katsukawa, Y.; Shimizu, T.; Ichimoto, K.;
   Suematsu, Y.; Tsuneta, S.; Tarbell, T. D.
2007ASPC..369...47O    Altcode:
  We report the results of the examination about the relative alignment
  among the instruments on SOT. We employ a test data set obtained in the
  natural sun-light test in May 2005, which has had a grid pattern over
  the entire FOV. SOT has the filtergraph (FG) and the spectro-polarimeter
  (SP). The FG consists of six broadband filter imagers (BFI) and six
  narrowband filter imagers (NFI). We examined the displacements among
  the images taken with different filters to an accuracy of better than
  0.1 pixel corresponding to 0.02”. It is important to know relative
  displacements and plate scales of these instruments for accurate
  alignment of observational data. We note that the values measured in
  our work are relative and it is needed to decide the absolute values
  with another way.

Title: Vector Spectropolarimetry of Dark-cored Penumbral Filaments
    with Hinode
Authors: Bellot Rubio, L. R.; Tsuneta, S.; Ichimoto, K.; Katsukawa,
   Y.; Lites, B. W.; Nagata, S.; Shimizu, T.; Shine, R. A.; Suematsu,
   Y.; Tarbell, T. D.; Title, A. M.; del Toro Iniesta, J. C.
2007ApJ...668L..91B    Altcode: 2007arXiv0708.2791B
  We present spectropolarimetric measurements of dark-cored penumbral
  filaments taken with Hinode at a resolution of 0.3". Our observations
  demonstrate that dark-cored filaments are more prominent in polarized
  light than in continuum intensity. Far from disk center, the Stokes
  profiles emerging from these structures are very asymmetric and show
  evidence for magnetic fields of different inclinations along the
  line of sight, together with strong Evershed flows of at least 6-7 km
  s<SUP>-1</SUP>. In sunspots closer to disk center, dark-cored penumbral
  filaments exhibit regular Stokes profiles with little asymmetries due
  to the vanishing line-of-sight component of the horizontal Evershed
  flow. An inversion of the observed spectra indicates that the magnetic
  field is weaker and more inclined in the dark cores as compared with
  the surrounding bright structures. This is compatible with the idea
  that dark-cored filaments are the manifestation of flux tubes carrying
  hot Evershed flows.

Title: Emergence of Small-Scale Magnetic Loops in the Quiet-Sun
Authors: Centeno, R.; Socas-Navarro, H.; Lites, B.; Kubo, M.; Frank,
   Z.; Shine, R.; Tarbell, T.; Title, A.; Ichimoto, K.; Tsuneta, S.;
   Katsukawa, Y.; Suematsu, Y.; Shimizu, T.; Nagata, S.
2007ApJ...666L.137C    Altcode: 2007arXiv0708.0844C
  We study the emergence of magnetic flux at very small spatial
  scales (less than 2") in the quiet-Sun internetwork. To this aim,
  a time series of spectropolarimetric maps was taken at disk center
  using the instrument SP/SOT on board Hinode. The LTE inversion of
  the full Stokes vector measured in the Fe I 6301 and 6302 Å lines
  allows us to retrieve the magnetic flux and topology in the region
  of study. In the example presented here, the magnetic flux emerges
  within a granular structure. The horizontal magnetic field appears
  prior to any significant amount of vertical field. As time goes on,
  the traces of the horizontal field disappear, while the vertical dipoles
  drift-carried by the plasma motions-toward the surrounding intergranular
  lanes. These events take place within typical granulation timescales.

Title: The Hinode (Solar-B) Mission: An Overview
Authors: Kosugi, T.; Matsuzaki, K.; Sakao, T.; Shimizu, T.; Sone,
   Y.; Tachikawa, S.; Hashimoto, T.; Minesugi, K.; Ohnishi, A.; Yamada,
   T.; Tsuneta, S.; Hara, H.; Ichimoto, K.; Suematsu, Y.; Shimojo, M.;
   Watanabe, T.; Shimada, S.; Davis, J. M.; Hill, L. D.; Owens, J. K.;
   Title, A. M.; Culhane, J. L.; Harra, L. K.; Doschek, G. A.; Golub, L.
2007SoPh..243....3K    Altcode:
  The Hinode satellite (formerly Solar-B) of the Japan Aerospace
  Exploration Agency's Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
  (ISAS/JAXA) was successfully launched in September 2006. As the
  successor to the Yohkoh mission, it aims to understand how magnetic
  energy gets transferred from the photosphere to the upper atmosphere
  and results in explosive energy releases. Hinode is an observatory
  style mission, with all the instruments being designed and built to
  work together to address the science aims. There are three instruments
  onboard: the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT), the EUV Imaging Spectrometer
  (EIS), and the X-Ray Telescope (XRT). This paper provides an overview
  of the mission, detailing the satellite, the scientific payload, and
  operations. It will conclude with discussions on how the international
  science community can participate in the analysis of the mission data.

Title: Chromospheric Micro-jets Discovered Above Sunspot Penumbrae
Authors: Katsukawa, Yukio; Tsuneta, S.; Suematsu, Y.; Ichimoto, K.;
   Shimizu, T.; Kubo, M.; Nagata, S.; Berger, T.; Tarbell, T.; Shine,
   R.; Title, A.
2007AAS...210.9413K    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39..219K
  The Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) aboard HINODE allows us to observe
  dynamical activities in the solar photosphere and the chromosphere
  with high and stable image quality of 0.2 arcseconds. This superior
  performance of SOT provides new findings of fine-scale transient
  activities occurring in the chromosphere. In this paper, we report
  discovery of fine-scale jet-like phenomena ubiquitously observed
  above sunspot penumbrae. The jets are identified in image sequences
  of a sunspot taken through a Ca II H line filter at 3968A. The Ca II
  H line is sensitive to about 10^4 K plasma in the chromosphere. <P
  />Their length is typically between 3000 and 10000km, and their
  width is smaller than 500km. It is notable that their lifetime
  is shorter than 1 minute. Those small spatial and temporal scale
  possibly makes it difficult to identify the phenomena in existing
  ground-based observations. The jets are easily identified when a
  sunspot is located far from the disk center, and motion of the bright
  features suggests that mass is erupted from lower chromosphere to upper
  atmosphere. Velocities of the motion are estimated to be 50 to 100 km/s
  from their lateral motion of intensity patterns. The velocities are much
  faster than sound speeds in the chromosphere. A possible cause of such
  high-speed jets is magnetic reconnection at the lower chromosphere
  resulted from fluted magnetic configuration in penumbrae which is
  suggested by vector magnetic field measurements in the photosphere.

Title: Hinode Data Calibration For Precise Image Co-alignment:
    XRT vs. SOT
Authors: Shimizu, Toshifumi; DeLuca, E. E.; Lundquist, L.; Sakao,
   T.; Kubo, M.; Narukage, N.; Kano, R.; Katsukawa, Y.; Ichimoto, K.;
   Suematsu, Y.; Tsuneta, S.; Tarbell, T.; Shine, D.; Hinode Team
2007AAS...210.9417S    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39Q.220S
  From late October in 2006, Hinode solar optical telescope (SOT) has
  started to produce series of 0.2-0.3 arcsec visible-light images,
  revealing dynamical behaviors of solar magnetic fields on the
  solar surface. Simultaneously, Hinode X-ray telescope (XRT) has been
  providing 1 arcsec resolution X-ray images of the solar corona, giving
  the location of heating and dynamics occuring in the corona. Precise
  image co-alignment of SOT data on XRT data with sub-arcsec accuracy is
  required to provide new information regarding connecting the corona to
  the photosphere. This presentation will give an introduction of Hinode
  between-telescopes' image co-alignment to SPD participants. For active
  region observations with sunspots, sunspots can be used as fiducial to
  co-align the data from the two telescopes each other. Satellite jitter
  in order of 1 arcsec or less is included in the series of XRT data,
  whereas image stabilization system (correlation tracker) removes the
  satellite jitter from the series of SOT images. Telescope pointings show
  orbital variation in order of a few arcsec, which can be well predicted
  from Hinode orbit information. Modeling co-alignment is under study
  and it is the only precise method for quiet Sun and limb observations.

Title: Hinode/SOT Observations Of Apparent "Thermal Plume" Motions
    In A Solar Prominence
Authors: Berger, Thomas; Tarbell, T.; Slater, G.; Tsuneta, S.;
   Suematsu, Y.; Ichimoto, K.; Katsukawa, Y.; Shimizu, T.; Kubo, M.;
   Nagata, S.
2007AAS...210.9433B    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39..222B
  We present 396.8 nm Ca II H-line observations of a large
  hedgerow, or "sheet", prominence seen on the solar western limb
  on 30-November-2006. The 16 second cadence observations show dark
  channels rising vertically at speeds of approximately 10 km/sec to
  heights of about 15 Mm above the limb. Many of the motions end in
  vortical overturning near the top of the sheet . Bright downflows of
  similar speed are also seen within the sheet, often in association
  with a dark channel that has risen to the top of the sheet. The dark
  channels are suggestive of hot material rising in thermal plumes
  within the prominence sheet. Similarly, the bright material motions
  appear to be density enhanced regions of turbulent downflow. Current
  models of sheet prominences do not include the observed dynamics. In
  these models, the prominence plasma is in a low-beta state and is
  constrained to move only along magnetic field lines. However the
  motions observed here are extremely complex, implying either that the
  magnetic field lines are undergoing turbulent motion, thus tangling
  and reconnecting constantly, or that the plasma is not constrained
  by the field and is in a high-beta convective state. We measure the
  motion of several representative "plumes" and downflows, estimate the
  density and temperature of the prominence plasma, and suggest several
  avenues for further investigation. <P />This work was supported by
  NASA under the Hinode/SOT contract NNM07AA01C.

Title: High Resolution Observation of Spicules in Ca II H with
Authors: Suematsu, Yoshinori; Katsukawa, Y.; Ichimoto, K.; Tsuneta, S.;
   Okamoto, T.; Nagata, S.; Shimizu, T.; Tarbell, T.; Shine, R.; Title, A.
2007AAS...210.9411S    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39..219S
  High cadence observation with a Ca II H broadband filtergraph
  (passband of 0.25 nm) of the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) aboard
  HINODE has revealed dynamical nature of solar limb spicules. Thanks to a
  diffraction-limited and low-scattered light property of the instrument,
  we can track the detailed evolution of individual spicules for the first
  time with a spatial resolution of 0.2 arcsec. The spicules in Ca II
  H are typically several arcsec tall and have multi-thread structure;
  each threads are a few tenth of arcsec wide. It should be stressed
  that most spicules do not show a simple up-and-down motion along a
  rigid path line. They start with bright structure emanating from Ca II
  H bright region, get widen and diffused with time and ascent, showing
  expansion with lateral or even helical motion in tall events. Small and
  short lived spicules tend to fade out after ascent. We will present
  new findings of spicule dynamics in different magnetic environments
  and discuss about long standing controversy of its motion and evolution.

Title: Hinode/SOT Observation of Fine Structure of the Evershed Flow
Authors: Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Suematsu, Y.; Tsuneta, S.; Katsukawa, Y.;
   Shimojo, M.; Kubo, M.; Shimizu, T.; Shine, R.; Tarbell, T.; Title,
   A.; Lites, B.; Elmore, D.; Yokoyama, T.; Nagaka, S.
2007AAS...210.9408I    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39..218I
  Small scale structure of the Evershed effect was studied using the
  Spectropolarimeter (SP) and Broadband Filter Imager (BFI) of SOT aboard
  Hinode. SP maps and high cadence continuum images of BFI coverting
  entire sunspots are used to investigate the spatial distribution of
  the flow field, brightness and magnetic fields. It is revealed that the
  Evershed flow starts at the front edge of inwardly migrating penumbral
  grains with an upward velocity component and turns to nearly holizontal
  flow preferentially in dark lanes (or dark core of filaments) of the
  penumbra. Our results are in general agreement with the well known
  uncombed penumbral concept in which the Evershed flow takes place
  in nearly holizontal field channels. We discovered a number of tiny
  elongated regions in deep photosphere in which there is an obvious
  upward motion of 1-1.5km/s distributing over the penumbra. <P />They
  could be identified as the 'foot points' of the individual Evershed
  flow channels. Cross-correlation among the flow speed, intensity,
  magnetic field strength and inclination, and distribution of string
  down flows in and around the penumbra will also be discussed.

Title: Magnetic Flux Emergence In The Quiet Sun Photosphere
Authors: Centeno, Rebecca; Lites, B.; Socas-Navarro, H.; Frank,
   Z.; Shine, R.; Tarbell, T.; Title, A.; Ichimoto, K.; Tsuneta, S.;
   Katsukawa, Y.; Suematsu, Y.; Kubo, M.; Shimizu, T.
2007AAS...210.9406C    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39..218C
  We study the emergence of magnetic flux at very small spacial scales
  (less than 1 arcsec) in the quiet Sun internetwork. To this aim, several
  time series of spectropolarimetric maps were taken at disk center using
  the instrument SP/SOT on board Hinode. The LTE inversion of the full
  Stokes vector measured in the Fe I 6301 and 6302 lines will allow us
  to retrieve the magnetic flux and topology in the region of study. We
  find that the magnetic flux emerges typically within the granular
  structures. In many cases, the horizontal magnetic field appears
  prior to any significant amount of vertical field. As time goes on,
  the traces of the horizontal field dissapear while the the vertical
  dipoles drift -carried by the plasma motions- towards the surrounding
  intergranular lanes. Sometimes they stay trapped there for a while
  but they eventually either disappear by disgregation/cancelation
  or agregate to other magnetic field concentrations giving rise to
  larger flux elements. The time scale of these events is of the order
  of 10-20 minutes.

Title: Hinode Observations of Umbral Dots
Authors: Hurlburt, Neal E.; Berger, T.; Ichimoto, K.; SOT Team
2007AAS...210.9409H    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39..218H
  We analyze observations of sunspot umbra taken by the Solar Optical
  Telescope (SOT) on Hinode to ascertain the properties of umbral
  dots. The observations consist of coordinated, multi-wavelength
  observing sequences spanning several hours for each spot
  considered. Typically these multi-wavelength observations include
  longitudinal magnetograms in 6302, and filtergrams in Calcium II H,
  G-band and blue continuum. We report on the spatial and temporal
  properties of the umbral dots and their relation to the umbral field
  and overlying chromosphere. <P />This work was supported in part by
  NASA in part under the Hinode/SOT contract NNM07AA01C.

Title: Formation of Moving Magnetic Features and Penumbral Magnetic
Authors: Kubo, Masahito; Ichimoto, K.; Shimizu, T.; Tsuneta, S.;
   Suematsu, Y.; Katsukawa, Y.; Nagata, S.; Lites, B. W.; Frank, Z.;
   Tarbell, T. D.; Shine, R. A.; Title, A. M.
2007AAS...210.9410K    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39..218K
  We investigate the formation process of Moving Magnetic Features
  (MMFs) observed with Hinode/SOT. Moving magnetic features are small
  magnetic elements moving outward in the moat region surrounding
  mature sunspots. We derive vector magnetic fields of MMFs around
  simple sunspots near the disk center. Most of MMFs with polarity
  opposite to the sunspot have large redshift around the penumbral outer
  boundary. We find that some of them have Doppler velocities of about
  10 km/s and such large Doppler motion is observed only in the Stokes
  V profile. The Stokes Q and U profiles in the same pixel do not have
  any significant Doppler motions. Horizontal magnetic fields of the
  penumbra frequently extend to the moat region and the MMFs having
  horizontal fields with polarity same as the sunspot are formed. The
  MMFs with polarity opposite to the sunspot appear around the outer
  edge of the extending penumbral fields. We also find penumbral spines,
  which have more vertical magnetic fields than the surroundings, branch
  off at their outer edge and MMFs having relatively vertical fields
  with polarity same as the sunspot are detached from the outer edge
  of the branch. The branch of penumbral spine is formed when granular
  cells in the moat region go into the penumbra.

Title: Ubiquitous Horizontal Magnetic Fields in the Quiet Solar
    Photosphere as Revealed by HINODE Meaurements
Authors: Lites, Bruce W.; Socas Navarro, H.; Berger, T.; Frank,
   Z.; Shine, R.; Tarbell, T.; Title, A.; Ichimoto, K.; Katsukawa,
   Y.; Tsuneta, S.; Suematsu, Y.; Kubo, M.; Shimizu, T.; Nagata, S.;
   Hinode Team
2007AAS...210.6303L    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39..171L
  Measurements with the HINODE Spectro-Polarimeter (SP) of the quiet
  Sun allow characterization of the weak, mixed-polarity magnetic
  flux at the highest angular resolution to date (0.3"), and with good
  polarimetric sensitivity(0.025% relative to the continuum). The image
  stabilization of the HINODE spacecraft allows long integrations with
  degradation of the image quality only by the evolution of the solar
  granulation. From the Stokes V profile measurements we find an average
  solar "Apparent Flux Density" of 14 Mx cm-2, with significant Stokes V
  signals at every position on the disk at all times. However, there are
  patches of meso-granular size (5-15") where the flux is very weak. At
  this high sensitivity, transverse fields produce measurable Stokes
  Q,U linear polarization signals over a majority of the area, with
  apparent transverse flux densities in the internetwork significantly
  larger than the corresponding longitudinal flux densities. When viewed
  at the center of the solar disk, the Stokes V signals (longitudinal
  fields) show a preference for occurrence in the intergranular lanes,
  and the Q,U signals occur preferably over the granule interiors,
  but neither association is exclusive. <P />Hinode is an international
  project supported by JAXA, NASA, PPARC and ESA. We are grateful to the
  Hinode team for all their efforts in the design, build and operation
  of the mission.

Title: Attempt to detect Aflven waves with Solar Optical Telescope
    aboard Hinode
Authors: Tsuneta, Saku; Suematsu, Y.; Ichimoto, K.; Katsukawa, Y.;
   Shimizu, T.; Nagata, S.; Orozco Suárez, D.; Lites, B.; Shine, D.;
   Tarbell, T.; Title, A.
2007AAS...210.9428T    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39..222T
  Flux tube on the sun may carry linear and torsional Alfven waves
  generated by photospheric motion. Photospheric motion of 2 km/s would
  provide magnetic fluctuation of 40G for 1KG tube and for the Alfven
  speed of 50km/s. This may be close to the detection limit of the Stokes
  Q and U signals for flux tubes located in the sun center. However,
  for flux tubes located near the limb, the fluctuation would be seen in
  the Stokes V signal, and can be detectable. <P />We also may be able
  to confirm the 90 degree phase shift between magnetic fluctuation and
  velocity fluctuation, which is easier to observe for flux tubes near
  the limb. Detection of waves would be important in terms of coronal
  heating and solar wind acceleration. An attempt to detect waves along
  flux tubes will be reported.

Title: Discovery Of Cool Cloud-like Structures In The Corona With
    Hinode Solar Optical Telescope
Authors: Okamoto, Takenori; Tsuneta, S.; Katsukawa, Y.; Ichimoto,
   K.; Suematsu, Y.; Shimizu, T.; Nagata, S.; Shibata, K.; Tarbell, T.;
   Shine, R.; Berger, T.; Lites, B.; Myers, D.
2007AAS...210.9426O    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39..221O
  A solar observation satellite Hinode (Japanese for sun rise) was
  launched in September 2006.Hinode carried 3 advanced solar telescopes,
  visible light telescope, EUV imaging spectrometer, and X-ray telescope
  to simultaneously observe the photosphere, chromosphere, transition
  region, and corona. In the performance verification phase of the Hinode
  spacecraft with its telescopes, we observed an active region AR10921
  near the west limb of the solar disk on November 9 2006. At this point,
  we planned to observe spicules on the limb with a broadband filter
  dedicated to Ca II H line (3968A). Ca II-H emission line (3968A) comes
  from plasma with temperature of approx. 10(4) K, which is much lower
  than the coronal temperature of 10(6-7) K. In addition to spectacular
  spicules, we find a large cloud-like structure located 10,000-20,000
  km above the limb. The cloud has a very complex fine structure with
  dominant horizontal thread-like structure. Some features are moving
  horizontally and also have clear vertical oscillatory motions. The
  periods and amplitudes of these oscillations are 130-250 seconds and
  200-850 km, respectively. The vertical oscillatory motion sometimes
  has a coherence length as long as 16,000 km. We conclude that from
  various observational features this vertical oscillation is a signature
  of Alfven waves propagating along the horizontal magnetic fields. We
  will discuss their origin and implications.

Title: Discovery Of Small-scale Horizontal Magnetic Structures On
    The Solar Photosphere
Authors: Ishikawa, Ryohko; Tsuneta, S.; Suematsu, Y.; Ichimoto, K.;
   Katsukawa, Y.; Nagata, S.; Ishobe, H.; Tarbell, T.; Lites, B. W.;
   Title, A.
2007AAS...210.9404I    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39..217I
  We discover two different types of episodes on the appearance
  of horizontal magnetic fields with Solar Optical Telescope aboard
  Hinode. <P />The first episode is an emergence of strong thin horizontal
  magnetic fields associated with separating vertical components on
  both ends. Its size is about two granules. We also detect strong area
  asymmetry of the environment Stokes Vprofile for the bout 8 minutes
  before the first emergence of the horizontal component. One of the
  footpoints has very strong downflows (several km/s), while the region
  with strong linear polarization signal has small blue shift, indicating
  an upward-moving horizontal flux. <P />The second episode appears to be
  more ubiquitous. Linear polarization signals appear inside granules (not
  in inter-granules). Their size is smaller than granules, and lifetime
  is longer than several minutes. We will summarize the nature of the
  two types of the horizontal magnetic fluxes, and discuss their origin.

Title: Hinode/SOT Observations of Sunspot Penumbral Dynamics and
Authors: Shine, Richard A.; Hagenaar, M.; Tarbell, T.; Title, A.;
   Lites, B.; Ichimoto, K.; Tsuneta, S.; Katsakawa, Y.; Suematsu, Y.;
   Nagata, S.; Kubo, M.; Shimizu, T.
2007AAS...210.9407S    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39..218S
  The Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) on the Hinode satellite (launched
  October 2006) has obtained long and nearly continuous time series of
  several large sunspots including those in NOAA AR's 10923, 10925,
  and 10930. Here we use high resolution movies taken primarily with
  the broad band Ca II (396.8nm) and G band (430.5nm) channels and
  magnetograms taken with the 630.2nm narrow band channel to study
  the details and short term evolution of penumbral fine structures
  as well as the long term evolution of the sunspots. We compute flow
  maps and use space/time slices to track motions of Evershed clouds,
  penumbral grains, and visualize oscillations. The data contain examples
  of penumbral formation and disintegration including "orphan" penumbra
  (i.e., penumbra without an obvious umbra). There is also an interesting
  instance of "colliding" penumbra in AR 10930 as two sunspots of opposite
  polarity converged. The zone of apparent shear was associated with
  several flares. <P />This work was supported by NASA contract NNM07AA01C

Title: Optical Performance of the Solar Optical Telescope aboard
Authors: Suematsu, Yoshinori; Ichimoto, K.; Katsukawa, Y.; Otsubo,
   M.; Tsuneta, S.; Nakagiri, M.; Noguchi, M.; Tamura, T.; Kato, Y.;
   Hara, H.; Miyashita, M.; Shimizu, T.; Kubo, M.; Sakamoto, Y.
2007AAS...210.9402S    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39Q.217S
  The Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) carried by HINODE was designed
  to perform a high-precision polarimetric observation of the Sun
  in visible light spectra with a spatial resolution of 0.2 - 0.3
  arcseconds. The SOT is a sophistcated instrument and consists of two
  separate optical parts; the Optical Telescope Assembly (OTA) which is
  50 cm aperture Gregorian telescope feeding the light into following
  observing instruments which is called the focal plane package (FPP)
  made of two filtergraphs and a spectro-polarimeter. The performance
  of the OTA is important because a spatial resolution and its temporal
  stability is mainly determined by this component. To keep the OTA in
  moderate temperature and optical thermal deformation small, it equipped
  newly designed components such as a heat dump and a secondary field stop
  aluminum mirror with high reflectivity silver coating and a temperature
  low-sensitive apochromatic collimataing lens unit with a UV/IR cut
  coating on the first surface. In addition, the SOT has an active image
  stabilization system consisting of correlation tracker, tip-tilt mirror
  and its controller against satellite pointing jitter. It was confirmed
  that this system freezes residual motion to the 0.01 arcsecond level
  on orbit. The image of sub-arcsecond G-band (430.5 nm) bright points
  clearly indicates that the SOT achieves the diffraction-limit on orbit;
  this is also confirmed using a phase diversity method. In this paper,
  we describe details of the design and on-orbit performance of the OTA.

Title: Magnetic Landscape Of Solar Polar Region With Solar Optical
    Telescope Aboard Hinode
Authors: Tsuneta, Saku; Suematsu, Y.; Ichimoto, K.; Shimizu, T.;
   Katsukawa, Y.; Nagata, S.; Orozco Suárez, D.; Lites, B.; Shine, D.;
   Tarbell, T.; Title, A.
2007AAS...210.9405T    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39..218T
  Solar polar region is the final destination for remnant magnetic
  fields due to meridional flow and granular diffusion, and is very
  important for the global solar dynamo. Hinode satellite carried out
  high-resolution spectro-polarimetric observations for the Northern
  pole on 2006 November 22 as a part of its performance verification
  program. We find ubiquitous isolated (positive and negative) patches
  in the Stokes V map (i.e. fields horizontal to local surface) all over
  the Arctic circle. The Q (vertical to local surface) map indicates
  scattered vertical flux tubes, which have bipolar feature in the U and
  V maps. This suggests canopy-like structure of the strong isolated flux
  tubes. This will be compared with equatorial landscape with similar
  distance from the sun center. Strong flux tube and weaker ubiquitous
  horizontal fields as represented by Stokes V would have implication
  to the current understanding of the global and local dynamo.

Title: Development of a Correlation Tracker and a Tip-Tilt Mirror
    System for SOLAR-B
Authors: Kodeki, Kazuhide; Kashiwagi, Yasuhiro; Miki, Shiro; Endoh,
   Makoto; Itoh, Osamu; Shimizu, Toshihumi; Matsuzaki, Keiichi; Nagata,
   Shinichi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Tsuneta, Saku
2007JSASS..55...57K    Altcode:
  The solar observation satellite “SOLAR-B,” which is being developed
  under the joint cooperation of JAXA and NAOJ with the U.S.A. (NASA)
  and the U.K. (PPARC), will be launched in summer 2006. SOLAR-B requires
  very high pointing stability for its three telescopes. In particular,
  the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT), which has the highest resolution
  and narrowest field of view among these telescopes, requires 0.06
  [arcsec]&lt;SUB&gt;3σ&lt;/SUB&gt; of short-term (10[s]) stability to
  meet the observation demands. However, it is very difficult to achieve
  such levels of stability by only using the satellite attitude control
  system due to disturbance from the observation equipment. Therefore,
  we propose using the Correlation Tracker and tip-tilt Mirror package
  (CTM), which stabilizes the sun observation image. CTM consists of
  a correlation tracker and a piezo-based tip-tilt mirror with servo
  control electronics. This paper describes the mechanism and the control
  and determination methods of the control gain of CTM as well as the
  results of experiments conducted to clarify its capability.

Title: Magnetic Field Diagnostic Capability of Solar-B/SOT:
    Filtergraph Instrument
Authors: Ichimoto, K.; Suematsu, Y.; Shimizu, T.; Katsukawa, Y.;
   Tsuneta, S.; Tarbell, T. D.; Shine, R. A.; Hoffmann, C. M.; Title,
   A. M.; Lites, B. W.; Elmore, D. F.; Streander, K. V.
2006ASPC..358..189I    Altcode:
  The Narrowband Filter Instrument (NFI) of the Solar Optical Telescope
  onboard Solar-B provides 2D magnetograms/Dopplergrams with a tunable
  Lyot filter (width ∼ 0.1 Å) in 6 selected wavelength bands, and
  spatial sampling of 0.08 arcsec/px. The Zeeman-effect sensitivity of
  NFI and the detection limits of weak magnetic fields are evaluated for
  2 photospheric and 3 chromospheric lines. Magnetic-field retrievability
  from the NFI observables is studied using synthetic Stokes profiles
  of Fe I 5250 Å. We find that, with optimized wavelength sampling at 4
  positions, the inferred magnetic field is sufficiently accurate under
  the hypothesis of constant magnetic field and velocity along the LOS.

Title: Observation of CME Source Regions by Coronal Emission-Line
Authors: Sakurai, T.; Hori, K.; Suzuki, I.; Ichimoto, K.
2006ihy..workE..35S    Altcode:
  Although observations with SOHO/LASCO show the behavior of CMEs beyond
  2.5 solar radii, connection between LASCO CMEs and their source
  regions in the lower corona observed with SOHO/EIT or Yohkoh/SXT
  is not trivial. One way to fill the gap would be to supplement the
  Doppler shift information of the moving CME mass. Such an instrument
  was built and has been operated since 1997 July at the Norikura Solar
  Observatory (2876 m above sea level) of NAOJ. The instrument we call
  NOGIS (NOrikura Green-line Imaging System) is made of a 10 cm-aperture
  coronagraph and a tunable birefringent filter. NOGIS can provide both
  intensity and Doppler velocity images of 2 MK plasmas using the coronal
  green-line emission at 5303 Angstrom of Fe XIV. An intensity image is
  made by subtracting the sky background (taken at far wings) from the
  line-center image. A Doppler image is constructed by subtracting a
  blue-wing image from a red-wing image. The line-of-sight velocity up
  to 25 km/s can be obtained with an accuracy of about 0.6 km/s. NOGIS
  covers a field of view of 1.03 - 1.33 solar radii in a full frame mode,
  or a local small area in a partial frame mode with higher cadence of
  about 1 minute. So far we have analyzed two CME events which showed
  favorable orientations of the regions against the plane of the sky
  (1999 May 7 and 2003 June 2). In both events, interaction between two
  magnetic flux systems (loops in the case of 1999 May 7 and arcades in
  the case of 2003 June 2) was observed.

Title: A Spectroscopic Observation of a Magnetic Reconnection Site
    in a Small Flaring Event
Authors: Hara, Hirohisa; Nishino, Yohei; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi;
   Delaboudinière, Jean-Pierre
2006ApJ...648..712H    Altcode:
  We have observed two types of coronal bidirectional flows in a flare
  with a small energy release through a spectroscopic observation of
  the Fe X emission line at 6374 Å with a ground-based coronagraph
  at the Norikura Solar Observatory. We find a bidirectional flow of
  +/-3 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> above the top of a flare loop. Remarkable
  increases of the line intensity and line width are not observed in
  the flow. From the loop geometry and sign of the Fe X Doppler velocity
  we conclude that the bidirectional flow is reconnection inflow above
  the flare loop. We estimate the reconnection rate to be ~0.003 for
  this event. The other bidirectional flow is observed along postflare
  loops with significant increases of the line intensity and Doppler
  velocity. This flow is interpreted as a cooling upflow having a velocity
  of ~10 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> along a postflare loop from its lower part. We
  also find that the increase of the nonthermal line width in the loop-top
  region starts when the line intensity reaches its peak. This supports
  the presence of a mechanism to enhance turbulent plasma motions in
  the loop-top region.

Title: Spectroscopic Studies of Solar Corona VI: Trend in Line-width
    Variation of Coronal Emission Lines with Height Independent of the
    Structure of Coronal Loops
Authors: Singh, Jagdev; Sakurai, Takashi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Muneer, S.
2006JApA...27..115S    Altcode:
  We have obtained spectroscopic observations in coronal emission lines
  by choosing two lines simultaneously, one [Fe x] 6374Å and the other
  [Fe xi] 7892Å or [Fe xiii] 10747Å or [Fe xiv] 5303 Å. We found that
  in 95 per cent of the coronal loops observed in 6374 Å, the FWHM of
  the emission line increases with height above the limb irrespective
  of the size, shape and orientation of the loop and that in case of
  5303Å line decreases with height in about 89 per cent of the coronal
  loops. TheFWHMof 7892Å and 10747Å emission lines show intermediate
  behavior. The increase in the FWHM of 6374Å line with height is the
  steepest among these four lines.We have also studied the intensity ratio
  and ratio of FWHM of these lines with respect to those of 6374Å as a
  function height above the limb. We found that the intensity ratio of
  7892Å and 10747Å lines with respect to 6374Åline increases with
  height and that of 5303Å to 6374Å decreases with height above the
  limb. This implies that temperature in coronal loops will appear
  to increase with height in the intensity ratio plots of 7892Å and
  6374 Å; and 10747Å and 6374Å whereas it will appear to decrease
  with height in intensity ratio of 5303Å to 6374Å line versus height
  plot. These findings are up to a height of about 200 arcsec above the
  limb. The varying ratios with height indicate that relatively hotter
  and colder plasma in coronal loops interact with each other. Therefore,
  the observed increase in FWHM with height above the limb of coronal
  emission lines associated with plasma at about 1MK may not be due to
  increase in non-thermal motions caused by coronal waves but due to
  interaction with the relatively hotter plasma. These findings also do
  not support the existing coronal loop models, which predict an increase
  in temperature of the loop with height above the limb.

Title: Spectroscopic Studies of Solar Corona VIII. Temperature and
    Non-Thermal Variations in Steady Coronal Structures
Authors: Singh, Jagdev; Sakurai, Takashi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Muneer,
   S.; Raveendran, A. V.
2006SoPh..236..245S    Altcode:
  With a view to investigate variations in parameters of coronal emission
  lines over a large range of radial distance from the limb, raster
  scans were made with sufficiently long exposure times on several days
  during September - October 2003. An analysis of the data shows that (i)
  in most of the coronal structures, the FWHM of the Fe XIV 5303 Å line
  decreases up to 300″±50″, (ii) the FWHM of the Fe X 6374 Å line
  increases up to about 200″ and then remains unchanged up to about
  500″, and (iii) the FWHMs of the Fe XI 7892 Å and Fe XIII 10747 Å
  lines show an intermediate behaviour with height. The analysis of the
  data also shows that the ratio of FWHM of 6374 Å to that of 5303 Å
  increases from 0.93 at the limb to 1.18 at 200″ above the limb. From
  this and the ratio of intensities of the two lines we infer that the
  plasma in steady coronal structures at a height of about 200″ has
  a temperature of about 1.5 MK and a non-thermal velocity around 17
  km s<SUP>−1</SUP>. The observations also show that non-homogeneous
  temperatures and non-thermal velocities largely exist in the lower
  corona up to about 300″±100″ above the limb. Amplitudes of
  variations in FWHM of different emission lines with height in the
  coronal loops are similar to those in the diffuse plasma around the
  coronal loops.

Title: Do the Line Widths of Coronal Emission Lines Increase with
    Height above the Limb?
Authors: Singh, Jagdev; Sakurai, Takashi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
2006ApJ...639..475S    Altcode:
  In our earlier studies we obtained off-the-limb spectroscopic
  observations in a number of forbidden emission lines ([Fe X-XIV]) to
  study the physical properties and their temporal variations in steady
  coronal structures. Short exposure times adopted in those observations
  permitted us to study the variation in line widths up to about 150"
  above the limb. With a view to investigating the variations in the
  parameters of coronal emission lines up to about 500", we made raster
  scans with exposure times that are longer than the earlier exposure
  times by a factor of about 10. We find that the FWHM of the [Fe XIV]
  5303 Å line decreases up to 300<SUP>”</SUP>+/-50<SUP>”</SUP> and
  then remains more or less the same up to 500", while that of the [Fe
  X] 6374 Å line increases up to about 250" and subsequently remains
  unchanged. The FWHMs of the [Fe XI] 7892 Å and [Fe XIII] 10747 Å
  lines show an intermediate behavior. Furthermore, the ratio of the
  FWHM of 6374 to 5303 Å increases from 0.93 at the limb to 1.18 at 200"
  above the limb. The nonvariability in the FWHM of emission lines after
  about 300" above the limb in steady coronal structures does not support
  the prevailing view that the nonthermal velocity increases with height
  due to either the coronal waves or the high-velocity solar wind. The
  present results indicate the inadequacy of the earlier coronal loop
  models. The observed variations in FWHM of the coronal emission lines
  with height above the limb can be explained by assuming the recent
  model of coronal loops proposed by Akiyama et al.

Title: Three-Dimensional Motion of Plasmas Associated with a Coronal
    Mass Ejection Observed with NOrikura Green-Line Imaging System (NOGIS)
Authors: Suzuki, Isao; Sakurai, Takashi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
2006PASJ...58..165S    Altcode:
  In order to investigate the structure and the driving mechanism of
  Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs), it is important to examine in detail
  the magnetic field structure in the low corona. NOrikura Green-line
  Imaging System, with its unique capability of Doppler imaging, was
  used to study a CME and its source region on 1999 May 7. Prior to the
  CME, a small loop at the north-east limb moved toward a neighboring
  larger loop in the plane of the sky. Then, the small loop apparently
  destabilized the large loop, resulting in the CME with a red-shifted
  motion. The CME propagated non-radially in the plane of the sky. These
  observations indicate that two loop systems were involved in this CME,
  and the direction of mass ejection was determined by the magnetic field
  configuration around the source region and the location of the initial
  energy release in the magnetic field structure. A brief discussion is
  given on the loop oscillation phenomenon observed during this event.

Title: Photopolarimetric measurement system of Mueller matrix with
    dual rotating waveplates
Authors: Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Shinoda, Kazuya; Yamamoto, Tetsuya;
   Kiyohara, Junko
2006PNAOJ...9...11I    Altcode:
  A new photopolarimetric measurement system of Mueller matrix of optical
  elements is developed using dual rotating waveplates. The waveplates in
  polarization generator and analyzer rotate continuously with a constant
  ratio of revolution speed, and the Mueller matrix of a sample can be
  obtained in a few seconds. General principle of such measurement and the
  optimization of operation parameters are discussed, followed by detailed
  descriptions of the constructed system. Some examples of its application
  are also demonstrated. The system is sensitive to &lt;10<SUP>-3</SUP>
  for each Mueller matrix element for weak polarization elements.

Title: The Solar Optical Telescope Onboard the Solar-B Capability
    of the Magnetic Field Diagnostic
Authors: Ichimoto, K.; Sot Team
2005ESASP.596E..81I    Altcode: 2005ccmf.confE..81I
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Complex Variations in Line-Intensity Ratio of Coronal Emission
    Lines with Height Above the Limb
Authors: Singh, Jagdev; Sakurai, Takashi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Watanabe,
2005BASI...33..362S    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Solar-B Mission
Authors: Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Solar-B Team
2005JKAS...38..307I    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Contamination evaluation and thermal vacuum bakeout for
    SOLAR-B visible-light and X-ray telescope
Authors: Tamura, Tomonori; Hara, Hirohisa; Tsuneta, Saku; Ichimoto,
   Kiyoshi; Kumagai, Kazuyoshi; Nakagiri, Masao; Shimizu, Toshifumi;
   Sakao, Taro; Kano, Ryouhei
2005RNAOJ...8...21T    Altcode:
  In the development of space telescopes, we are concerned about molecular
  outgassing materials from telescope components. In particular, for
  solar telescopes in space, the deposition of the outgassing materials
  may lead to the increase of solar absorptance at a mirror surface
  and it causes the thermal distortion due to the resultant temperature
  increase. The mirror reflectivity at vacuum ultraviolet wavelengths
  is very sensitive to molecular contamination. We have extensively
  evaluated reflectance at 121.6nm (Lyman-alpha) of the contamination
  witness mirrors exposed to the telescope testing environments in the
  SOLAR-B visible-light telescope program. Thermal vacuum bakeout of
  flight components is very effective process to reduce the outgassing
  rate. We have severe contamination control program during the assembly
  and testing of the SOLAR-B telescope up to launch of the satellite.

Title: Spectroscopic Studies of Solar Corona VII. Formation of a
    Coronal Loop by Evaporation
Authors: Singh, Jagdev; Sakurai, Takashi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Suzuki,
   Isao; Hagino, Masaoki
2005SoPh..226..201S    Altcode:
  We obtained time-sequence spectroscopic observations in (Fe X) 6374 Å
  and (Fe XIV) 5303 Å lines successively with the 25-cm coronagraph,
  and narrow-band and Doppler images in 5303 Å line by the 2-D 10-cm
  Doppler coronagraph "NOGIS" at the Norikura Solar Observatory, of
  a coronal region for about 7 h on 9 19-20, 2001. The raster scans
  were obtained with a quasi-periodicity of about 14 min and "NOGIS"
  obtained the images with an interval of about 1 min. The coronal region
  observed showed the formation of a coronal loop by a high-speed surge
  in the 6374 Å line rising from one of the footpoints of the loop. Off
  the limb spectroscopic observations in the 6374 Å line showed large
  velocities along the line of sight and vertical to the solar limb
  at the time of formation of the loop. The 5303 Å line observations
  showed negligible line-of-sight velocities and low vertical velocities
  when compared to those in the 6374 Å line. A hump in the intensity
  plots in 5303 Å with height appears to move up with respect to the
  solar limb with an average velocity of 4km s<SUP>−1</SUP>. The FWHM
  of the 6374 Å showed a much smaller value of about 0.7 Å near the
  foot point as compared to a value of 1.2 Å at larger heights at the
  beginning of observations. Later as the loop developed, the FWHM of
  6374 Å line showed a gradual decrease along the loop up to 70″ from
  the limb, reached a minimum value of about 0.5 Å and then increased
  with height during the formation of the loop; this trend lasted for
  about 2 h. About 3 h after the beginning of the formation of the loop,
  the FWHM of 6374 Å emission line showed normal values and normal rate
  of increase with height with some fluctuations. The FWHM of the 5303
  Å line did not show such variations along the loop and showed normal
  decrease in FWHM with height found earlier (Singh et al., 2003a). These
  observations suggest that a relatively cooler plasma at a temperature
  of about 0.7 MK or less (corresponding to minimum value of FWHM of 0.5
  Å) was ejected from the transition region with a large velocity of
  about 48km s<SUP>−1</SUP>, heated up in the corona by some process
  and formed a coronal loop with a height of about 200″ above the limb
  that had lifetime greater than 4 h. It appears that the plasma moved
  from one of the footpoints and the loop was formed by evaporation of
  chromospheric plasma. No large-scale brightening and Hα flare were
  observed in this region during the observational period of 7 h.

Title: Solar-B/Optical Telescope flight model is coming up
Authors: Suematsu, Yoshinori; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Shimizu, Toshifumi;
   Otsubo, Masashi; Nakagiri, Masao; Noguchi, Motokazu; Tamura, Tomonori;
   Kato, Yoshihiro; Hara, Hirohisa; Miyashita, Masakuni; Tsuneta, Saku;
   Katsukawa, Yukio; Kubo, Masahito; Sakamoto, Yasushi
2005naoj.book....4S    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Flare-induced coronal disturbances observed with Norikura
    "NOGIS" coronagraph
Authors: Hori, K.; Ichimoto, K.; Sakurai, T.; Sano, I.; Nishino, Y.
2005IAUS..226...36H    Altcode:
  A 2-dimensional Doppler coronagraph "NOGIS" (NOrikura Green-line
  Imaging System) at the Norikura Solar Observatory, NAOJ, is a unique
  imaging system that can provide both intensity and Doppler velocity
  of 2 MK plasma from the green coronal line emission λ5303 Å of
  Fe xiv. We present the first detection of a CME onset by NOGIS. The
  event was originally induced by a C9.1 confined flare that occurred
  on 2003 June 1 at an active region NOAA #10365 near the limb. This
  flare triggered a filament eruption in AR 10365, which later evolved
  into a partial halo CME as well as an M6.5 flare at the same AR 10365
  on 2003 June 2. The CME originated in a complex of two neighboring
  magnetic flux systems across the solar equator: AR 10365 and a bundle
  of face-on tall coronal loops. NOGIS observed i) a density enhancement
  in between the two flux systems in the early phase, ii) a blue-shifted
  bubble and jet that later appeared as (a part of) the CME, and iii)
  a red-shifted wave that triggered a periodic fluctuations in Doppler
  shifts in the face-on loops. These features are crucial to understand
  unsolved problems on a CME initiation (e.g., mass supply, magnetic
  configuration, and trigger mechanism) and on coronal loop oscillations
  (e.g., trigger and damping mechanisms). We stress a possibility that
  interaction between separatrices of the two flux systems played a key
  role on our event.

Title: Flare-associated Coronal Disturbances Observed with the
    Norikura Green-Line Imaging System. I. A Coronal Mass Ejection Onset
Authors: Hori, K.; Ichimoto, K.; Sakurai, T.; Sano, I.; Nishino, Y.
2005ApJ...618.1001H    Altcode:
  We present the first detection of an onset of a coronal mass ejection
  (CME) in the coronal green-line emission (Fe XIV λ5303, 2 MK) by
  the two-dimensional Doppler coronagraph NOGIS (Norikura Green-Line
  Imaging System) at the Norikura Solar Observatory, National Astronomical
  Observatory of Japan. On 2003 June 1-2, NOGIS continuously observed the
  birthplace of a CME that originated in a complex of two neighboring
  magnetic flux systems across the solar equator: a flare-productive
  NOAA Active Region 10365, and a bundle of face-on coronal loops
  overlaying a quiescent filament. An early precursor of the event
  was a density enhancement of a 2 MK plasma in between the two flux
  systems. Following a filament eruption from NOAA AR 10365 that was
  observed by the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) in the
  195 Å passband (1.6 MK), NOGIS observed a blueshifted bubble and a
  redshifted wave that almost simultaneously expanded from the boundary
  of NOAA AR 10365 and the overlying dense region. The redshifted wave
  propagated toward the face-on loop system and triggered a damping
  oscillation in Doppler shifts among the adjacent loops within the
  system. The blueshifted bubble propagated both inward and upward. The
  inward motion triggered an M6.5 flare in AR 10365, while the upward
  motion evolved into a partial halo CME that had an angular extent
  covering the latitudinal range of the two flux systems. Differing from
  typical CME disturbances that evolve within a single flux system with
  a bipolar arcade on its center, our event proceeded via interaction,
  which was a presumably magnetic reconnection between separatrices
  of the two flux systems. These observational properties may suggest
  the existence of “CME corridors” in multiple complex flux systems,
  from which huge CMEs can be launched.

Title: Oscillations in the coronal green-line intensity observed at
    Lomnický Stít and Norikura nearly simultaneously
Authors: Minarovjech, Milan; Rušin, Vojtech; Rybanský, Milan;
   Sakurai, Takashi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
2005naoj.book...36M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: A CME onset observed with Norikura NOGIS coronagraph
Authors: Hori, Kuniko; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Sakurai, Takashi; Sano,
   Issei; Nishino, Yohei
2005ARAOJ...7...51H    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The first build-up of the Solar-B flight models
Authors: Hara, Hirohisa; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Otsubo, Masashi; Katsukawa,
   Yukio; Kato, Yoshihiro; Kano, Ryohei; Kumagai, Kazuyoshi; Shibasaki,
   Kiyoto; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Shimojo, Masumi; Suematsu, Yoshinori;
   Tamura, Tomonori; Tsuneta, Saku; Noguchi, Motokazu; Nakagiri, Masao;
   Miyashita, Masakuni; Watanabe, Tesuya; Kosuchi, Takeo; Sakao, Taro;
   Matsuzaki, Keiichi; Kitakoshi, Yasunori; Kubo, Masahito; Sakamoto,
2005ARAOJ...7...46H    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Some coronal loops have cooler loop-tops
Authors: Singh, Jagdev; Sakurai, Takashi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
2005ARAOJ...7...50S    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Spectroscopic Studies of Steady Coronal Structures -- Line
    Width Variations with Height of Ion{Fe{X-XIV}} Emission Lines
Authors: Singh, J.; Sakurai, T.; Ichimoto, K.; Watanabe, T.
2004ASPC..325..235S    Altcode:
  We have obtained spectrographic observations of several steady coronal
  structures at the limb overlying the sunspot regions on several
  days in ion{Fe{x-xiv}} emission lines. The line-width measurements
  indicate that in steady coronal structures the FWHM of the 6374 AA line
  increases with height above the limb with an average value of 1.02
  mAA per arcsec. Whereas the FWHM of the 5303 AA line decreases with
  an average value of -0.66 mAA per arcsec. The FWHM of the 7892 AA and
  10747 AA lines increases with values of 0.55 and 0.29 mAA per arcsec,
  respectively. We find that FWHM of emission lines in coronal structures
  increases with height if the associated ionization temperature is less
  than 1.6 MK, with gradient depending upon the ionization temperature
  of the line, while the FWHM decreases with height for lines whose
  ionization temperature is greater than 1.6 MK. It implies that it
  may not always be possible to interpret the observed increase in FWHM
  with height in terms of an increase in the non-thermal velocity. To
  investigate further, we propose simultaneous observations in number of
  EUV lines with EIS onboard SolarB and in ion{Fe{x-xiv}} in the visible
  wavelengths with the 25-cm coronagraph at Norikura.

Title: Complex Variations in the Line-Intensity Ratio of Coronal
    Emission Lines with Height above the Limb
Authors: Singh, Jagdev; Sakurai, Takashi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Watanabe,
2004ApJ...617L..81S    Altcode:
  We obtained spectroscopic observations simultaneously in pairs of
  coronal emission lines, one line being [Fe X] λ6374 and the other
  line being [Fe XI] λ7892, [Fe XIII] λ10747, or [Fe XIV] λ5303, and
  we studied the variations in the intensity and FWHM ratios of these
  lines with respect to those of 6374 Å as a function of height above
  the limb. We find that the intensity ratio of the 7892 and 10747 Å
  line with respect to the 6374 Å line increases with height and that
  the intensity ratio of 5303 Å to 6374 Å decreases with height above
  the limb. This implies that the temperature in coronal loops will
  appear to increase with height if we consider the intensity ratio
  of 7892 Å to 6374 Å a negligible variation in temperature in the
  case of the 10747 and 6374 Å line pair, while the temperature will
  appear to decrease with height if we consider the intensity ratio of
  5303 Å to 6374 Å. The normalized FWHM (with respect to wavelength)
  ratio of 6374 Å to all the other coronal lines observed increases
  with height. The FWHM ratio at the limb depends on the pair of emission
  lines chosen; it is about 1 in the case of the 6374 and 7892 Å emission
  lines, indicating a common temperature and nonthermal velocity in the
  coronal loops near the limb, and it is about 0.7 at the limb in the
  case of the 6374 and 5303 Å lines and becomes about 1 at a height
  of 120". The varying FWHM ratios with height indicate that hotter
  and colder plasmas in coronal loops mix with each other. Therefore,
  the observed increase in the FWHM of coronal emission lines, which
  are associated with plasma at about 1 MK with height, may not be due
  to an increase in nonthermal motions caused by coronal waves but may
  be due to an interaction with relatively hotter plasma.

Title: The Red-Asymmetry Distribution at Hα  Flare Kernels Observed
    in the 2001 April 10 Solar Flare
Authors: Asai, A.; Ichimoto, K.; Shibata, K.; Kitai, R.; Kurokawa, H.
2004AGUFMSH13A1134A    Altcode:
  We report a detailed examination about the evolution of the Hα flare
  kernels during an X2.3 solar flare which occurred on 2001 April 10. The
  Hα red-asymmetry, that is, the red-shifted Hα emission, is observed
  at almost all Hα flare kernels, during the impulsive phase of the
  flare. At Hα kernels nonthermal particles and/or thermal conduction
  precipitate into the chromospheric plasma, and this is thought to lead
  the downward compression of the chromospheric plasma, which is observed
  as the reddening of Hα emission (e.g. Ichimoto &amp; Kurokawa 1984). We
  examined the evolution of the flare kernels inside the flare ribbons
  by using the Hα images obtained with the Domeless Solar Telescope
  at Hida Observatory, Kyoto University. We also examined the spatial
  distribution of the Hα kernels which show the red-asymmetry and their
  relationship with the intensity of the Hα kernels. We found that the
  stronger the red-asymmetry is, the brighter the Hα kernel is. Then, we
  compared the strengthes of the Hα red-asymmetry at hard X-ray emitting
  sources with those at the Hα kernels without the hard X-ray emissions.

Title: Flare-Induced Coronal Disturbances Observed with Norikura
"NOGIS" Coronagraph: A CME Onset
Authors: Hori, K.; Ichimoto, K.; Sakurai, T.; Nishino, Y.; Nogis Team
2004ASPC..325..415H    Altcode:
  We present the first detection of a CME onset in the coronal green
  line emission (ion{Fe{xiv}} 5303 AA, 2 MK) by a 2D Doppler coronagraph
  “NOGIS” at the Norikura Solar Observatory, NAOJ. Different from a
  typical CME that evolves within a single magnetic flux system with a
  single magnetic neutral line, NOGIS observed a CME that evolved across
  two neighboring magnetic flux systems; a flare-productive active region
  and an aggregate of face-on coronal loops with a streamer on its top. An
  early precursor of the event was a density enhancement of 2 MK plasma in
  the space between the two magnetic flux systems. In association with an
  M6.5 flare that occurred at the active region, a blue-shifted upward jet
  and expansion appeared from a site where the legs of the two systems
  apparently connected each other. This expansion later evolved into
  a partial halo CME with an angular extent covering the latitudinal
  range of the two systems. These observational properties suggest
  the existence of sl a CME corridor that is consisted of neighboring
  multiple magnetic-flux systems through which a huge CME launches off.

Title: Image stabilization system on SOLAR-B Solar Optical Telescope
Authors: Shimizu, Toshifumi; Nagata, Shin'ichi; Edwards, Chris;
   Tarbell, Theodore; Kashiwagi, Yasuhiro; Kodeki, Kazuhide; Ito,
   Osamu; Miyagawa, Hiroyuki; Nagase, Masayuki; Inoue, Syunsaku; Kaneko,
   Kazumasa; Sakamoto, Yasushi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Tsuneta, Saku; Miki,
   Shiro; Endo, Makoto; Tabata, Masaki; Nakaoji, Toshitaka; Matsuzaki,
   Keiichi; Kobayashi, Ken; Otsubo, Masashi; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Kumagai,
   Kazuyoshi; Noguchi, Motokazu; Tamura, Tomonori; Nakagiri, Masao
2004SPIE.5487.1199S    Altcode:
  Extremely stable pointing of the telescope is required for images on the
  CCD cameras to accurately measure the nature of magnetic field on the
  sun. An image stabilization system is installed to the Solar Optical
  Telescope onboard SOLAR-B, which stabilizes images on the focal plane
  CCD detectors in the frequency range lower than about 20Hz. The system
  consists of a correlation tracker and a piezo-based tip-tilt mirror with
  servo control electronics. The correlation tracker is a high speed CCD
  camera with a correlation algorithm on the flight computer, producing
  a pointing error from series of solar granule images. Servo control
  electronics drives three piezo actuators in the tip-tilt mirror. A
  unique function in the servo control electronics can put sine wave
  form signals in the servo loop, allowing us to diagnose the transfer
  function of the servo loop even on orbit. The image stabilization
  system has been jointly developed by collaboration of National
  Astronomical Observatory of Japan/Mitsubishi Electronic Corp. and
  Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center Solar and Astrophysics
  Laboratory. Flight model was fabricated in summer 2003, and we measured
  the system performance of the flight model on a laboratory environment
  in September 2003, confirming that the servo stability within 0-20 Hz
  bandwidth is 0.001-0.002 arcsec rms level on the sun.

Title: The Solar Optical Telescope onboard the Solar-B
Authors: Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Tsuneta, Saku; Suematsu, Yoshinori;
   Shimizu, Toshifumi; Otsubo, Masashi; Kato, Yoshihiro; Noguchi,
   Motokazu; Nakagiri, Masao; Tamura, Tomonori; Katsukawa, Yukio; Kubo,
   Masahito; Sakamoto, Yasushi; Hara, Hirohisa; Minesugi, Kenji; Ohnishi,
   Akira; Saito, Hideo; Kawaguchi, Noboru; Matsushita, Tadashi; Nakaoji,
   Toshitaka; Nagae, Kazuhiro; Sakamoto, Joji; Hasuyama, Yoshihiro;
   Mikami, Izumi; Miyawaki, Keizo; Sakurai, Yasushi; Kaido, Nobuaki;
   Horiuchi, Toshihida; Shimada, Sadanori; Inoue, Toshio; Mitsutake,
   Masaaki; Yoshida, Norimasa; Takahara, Osamu; Takeyama, Norihide;
   Suzuki, Masaharu; Abe, Shunichi
2004SPIE.5487.1142I    Altcode:
  The solar optical telescope onboard the Solar-B is aimed to perform a
  high precision polarization measurements of the solar spectral lines
  in visible wavelengths to obtain, for the first time, continuous
  sets of high spatial resolution (~0.2arcsec) and high accuracy
  vector-magnetic-field map of the sun for studying the mechanisms
  driving the fascinating activity phenomena occurring in the solar
  atmosphere. The optical telescope assembly (OTA) is a diffraction
  limited, aplanatic Gregorian telescope with an aperture of Φ500mm. With
  a collimating lens unit and an active folding mirror, the OTA provides
  a pointing-stabilized parallel beam to the focal plane package (FPP)
  with a field of view of about 360x200arcsec. In this paper we identify
  the key technical issues of OTA for achieving the mission goal and
  describe the basic concepts in its optical, mechanical and thermal
  designs. The strategy to verify the in-orbit performance of the
  telescope is also discussed.

Title: Calibration of the instrumental polarization of the Domeless
    Solar Telescope at the Hida Observatory
Authors: Kiyohara, Junko; Ueno, Satoru; Kitai, Reizaburo; Kurokawa,
   Hiroki; Makita, Mitsugu; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
2004SPIE.5492.1778K    Altcode:
  A new spectropolarimeter is developed at the Domeless Solar Telescope
  (DST) in Hida Observatory. It consists of a rotating waveplate,
  Wollaston prisms, and a high-dispersion spectrograph which is
  vertically installed at the focus of the DST. In order to realize
  a high-precision measurement, it is inevitable to compensate the
  instrumental polarization due to the DST. We observed the quiet
  region of the Sun, which is considered to be highly unpolarized,
  with and without a sheet linear polarizer or circular polarizer
  set at the entrance window of the telescope. The theoretical model
  which represents the total instrumental polarization of the DST with
  some characteristic parameters was calculated and compared with the
  observation. The model that two flat mirrors have different properties
  can explain the observation in 0.5% accuracy for the unpolarized light,
  and in 7% for the polarized light.

Title: The development of filter vector magnetographs for the Solar
    Magnetic Activity Research Telescope (SMART)
Authors: UeNo, Satoru; Nagata, Shin-ichi; Kitai, Reizaburo; Kurokawa,
   Hiroki; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
2004SPIE.5492..958U    Altcode:
  In recent years, it is beginning to be shown observationally and
  theoretically that the existence of the magnetic field is indispensable
  for active phenomena on the solar surface. In particular, the rotation
  or helicity of the magnetic field and their temporal variation are
  considered to be important factors which influence solar activity. In
  order to confirm this, it is necessary to compute vector components
  of the magnetic field with a higher accuracy than before. Therefore,
  we developed two kinds of filter-type magnetographs for the Solar
  Magnetic Activity Research Telescope (SMART) at Hida observatory, which
  allow us to observe the polarization components in sunlight with high
  accuracy. We use a Lyot filter in one of two sets of magnetographs. On
  the other hand, a tandem-typed Fabry-Perot filter is used in one
  more set. For these two instruments, we made the following concrete
  advances. 1. The method of coating of the pre-filters. 2. Special
  fine-anneal on the main lenses. 3. Highly accurate rotating
  wave-plate. 4. Simultaneous observation of two kinds of filtergrams
  which have orthogonally polarized light mutually by using Fabry-Perot
  channel. 5. Observation in four wavelengths which can suppress various
  errors. 6. Low apparent Doppler shift in the FOV due to the oblique
  incidence of the rays to the filters. 7. Large format CCD (large-sized
  chip, large full-well). 8. High speed data transfer interface between
  the CCD and PC. In this paper, we report the details of these points,
  the expected effect of them, and the results of initial measurements.

Title: Existence of Nanoparticle Dust Grains in the Inner Solar
Authors: Singh, Jagdev; Sakurai, Takashi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Hagino,
   Masaoki; Yamamoto, Tetsuya T.
2004ApJ...608L..69S    Altcode:
  Motivated by the recent paper by Habbal et al., we have made
  spectroscopic observations in the wavelength range of 1072.8-1079.0
  nm of the solar corona above the coronal hole region on several days
  using a coronagraph. We made raster scans above the coronal hole
  region as well as other coronal regions for comparison. The exposure
  time of 200 s at a single location permitted us to detect signals of
  the order of 10<SUP>-7</SUP> of the solar disk brightness. We did not
  find any indication of emission around 1074.7 nm due to fluorescence
  from silicon nanoparticle dust grains in the coronal hole region in the
  inner corona proposed by Habbal et al. This may be due to the absence
  of silicon nanoparticle dust grains in the coronal hole region or to
  our detection limit.

Title: High-cadence Hα imaging of solar flares
Authors: Hanaoka, Y.; Sakurai, T.; Noguchi, M.; Ichimoto, K.
2004AdSpR..34.2753H    Altcode:
  The Hα observation is a powerful tool to study the high-energy
  aspect of solar flares. Spiky brightenings of flare kernels at the
  Hα center reflect the rapid fluctuation in particle acceleration;
  linear polarization of Hα emission might be evidence of accelerated
  protons; red-shifts of the Hα line are caused by the chromospheric
  evaporation. To study the spiky brightenings of flare kernels with
  high-cadence imaging at the Hα center, a high-speed Hα camera for the
  Solar Flare Telescope at Mitaka, NAOJ, had been developed and it started
  the regular observation in 2001 July. However, the polarimetry and the
  Dopplermetry are also important and they are required to be carried
  out in parallel with the high-cadence imaging at the Hα center. Then,
  we upgraded the original high-speed Hα camera to a new Hα camera
  system for the multi-aspect Hα observations, which performs all
  of the high-cadence imaging, the linear polarization measurements,
  and the off-band imaging for velocity measurements. The new system
  started the observation in 2002 July. In this paper, the multi-aspect
  Hα imaging system is described and sample Hα images are presented.

Title: Spectroscopic studies of the solar corona using Fe X, XIII,
    XIV lines
Authors: Singh, Jagdev; Sakurai, Takashi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Suematsu,
   Yoshinori; Takeda, Aki
2004naoj.book...46S    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Spectroscopic observation of coronal waves
Authors: Sakurai, Takashi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Raju, K. P.; Singh,
2004naoj.book...45S    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Flare-induced mhd kink oscillation in coronal multiple loops
Authors: Hori, K.; Ichimoto, K.; Sakurai, T.
2004cosp...35.1302H    Altcode: 2004cosp.meet.1302H
  We provide the first detection of an MHD kink oscillation in the coronal
  green line emission (Fe XIV 5303A, 2MK) by a 2D Doppler coronagraph
  "NOGIS" at the Norikura Solar Observatory, NAOJ. It was a damping
  oscillation in Doppler shifts among an aggregate of face-on coronal
  loops that was standing at the solar limb with a streamer on its
  top. The oscillation was induced by a mass expansion, which started in
  association with an M6.5 flare and later evolved into a partial halo
  CME. The oscillation had a period of about 10 min in the inner loops
  while about 14 min in the outer loops, and lasted over 100 minutes. We
  discuss the trigger and the damping mechanisms of the oscillation. An
  application to the Solar-B and STEREO observation will be proposed
  for the similar coronal disturbances.

Title: Observation of CMEs with NOrikura Green-line Imaging System
Authors: Suzuki, I.; Sakurai, T.; Ichimoto, K.
2004cosp...35.1948S    Altcode: 2004cosp.meet.1948S
  Since 1980s, it has been discussed that CMEs are either planar
  loop-like (two-dimensional) or bubble-like (three-dimensional)
  structures. Although loop-like configurations were sometimes mentioned,
  the majority of opinion is in favor of bubble-like geometry. However,
  our view is that this issue has not yet been settled. For investigating
  the three-dimensional structure of CMEs, it is important to examine
  their driving mechanism and the magnetic field structure around their
  associated active regions near the solar surface. NOGIS (NOrikura
  Green-line Imaging System) at the Norikura Solar Observatory (NAOJ)
  consists of a 10-cm coronagraph and a tunable birefringent filter,
  and observes the coronal green-line emission (Fe XIV 5303Å), which
  is also one of the lines observed by LASCO C1. This coronagraph has
  a field of view of 1.05 -- 1.5R<SUB>⊙</SUB>, and can investigate
  the appearance of CME onset. Additionally, it can obtain the Doppler
  shift images of the green-line corona. We examined all data from 1997,
  which is the beginning of observation, to 2003 and found some events
  associated with CMEs. And from the Doppler shift images, we found the
  loop oscillations by the flare associated with CMEs. We show these
  events observed by NOGIS.

Title: Thermo-optical testing of the solar optical telescope of
    the Solar-B
Authors: Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Nakagiri, Masao; Suematsu, Yoshinori;
   Tamura, Tomonori; Tsuneta, Saku; Noguchi, Motokazu; Kato, Yoshihiro;
   Otsubo, Seiji; Katsukawa, Yukio; Kubo, Masahito
2004naoj.book....6I    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Fabrication of a bandpass filter for the solar optical
    telescope of Solar-B using the IBS
Authors: Waseda, Kouichi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
2004naoj.book...43W    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Oscillations in the Coronal Green-Line Intensity Observed at
    Lominický Štít and Norikura Nearly Simultaneously.
Authors: Minarovjech, Milan; Rušin, Vojtech; Rybanský, Milan;
   Sakurai, Takashi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
2003SoPh..213..269M    Altcode:
  We studied intensity oscillations of the coronal green line ([Fe xiv]
  530.3 nm) observed with two coronagraphs at Lomnický Štít and
  Norikura nearly simultaneously. In the spectroscopic data obtained
  at Norikura, we have detected and confirmed the earlier detection
  of 5-minute oscillations in photoelectric photometer observations
  made at Lomnický Štít. Quasi-periodic structures in the green-line
  intensity with a tangential speed up to 400 km s<SUP>−1</SUP> have
  been detected for the first time. We briefly discuss the implications
  of these oscillations on the coronal heating mechanisms.

Title: Spectroscopic Studies of the Solar Corona. IV. Physical
    Properties of Coronal Structure
Authors: Singh, Jagdev; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Sakurai, Takashi; Muneer, S.
2003ApJ...585..516S    Altcode:
  We obtained spectrographic observations of several coronal structures
  at the limb overlying the sunspot regions, simultaneously in the Fe
  XIV (5303 Å) and Fe X (6374 Å) emission lines on several days, and
  simultaneously in three coronal emission lines 6374 Å (Fe X), 10747 Å
  (Fe XIII), and 10798 Å (Fe XIII) on some other days. The slit width of
  160 μm provided a spatial resolution of 4" and a spectral resolution
  of 77 mÅ (Fe XIV), 128 mÅ (Fe X), and 291 mÅ (Fe XIII). The width
  and intensity of all these lines were computed using Gaussian fits to
  the observed line profiles. The FWHM of the emission lines increases
  at an average rate of 1.24 mÅ arcsec<SUP>-1</SUP> for Fe X, 0.29 mÅ
  arcsec<SUP>-1</SUP> for Fe XIII, and -0.66 mÅ arcsec<SUP>-1</SUP> for
  Fe XIV. These values are inversely correlated with the corresponding
  ionization temperature for these emission lines. We speculate that the
  FWHM of emission lines in coronal structures increases with height if
  the associated ionization temperature is less than 1.6×10<SUP>6</SUP>
  K, with the gradient depending upon the ionization temperature of
  the line, while it decreases with height for lines whose ionization
  temperature is greater than 1.6×10<SUP>6</SUP> K. It implies that it
  may not always be possible to interpret the observed increase in FWHM
  with height in terms of an increase in nonthermal velocity.

Title: High-Speed Hα Camera and the Real-Time Image Processing
    System for Solar Observations
Authors: Hanaoka, Yoichiro; Noguchi, Motokazu; Sakurai, Takashi;
   Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
2003SPIE.4853..576H    Altcode:
  We have developed a new digital imaging system for the Hα imager
  of the Solar Flare Telescope at Mitaka, NAOJ, for high-cadence
  observations of solar flares. To resolve individual spikes elementary
  bursts) of impulsive solar flares requires a time resolution within
  1 s and a spatial resolution of about 1", and the high-speed Hα
  camera realized them. Such high-resolution observations produce huge
  amount of data, and it has been the major difficulty to construct
  a high-cadence system. Generally the amount of data from solar
  optical observations is huge, because they are multi-dimensional
  (in space/time/wavelength/polarization status). Efficient real-time
  processing of observational data is essentially important to extract
  meaningful information from the raw data. Recent advances in computer
  technology have made possible to handle vast data with a small
  computer. Therefore, firstly we have developed a PC-based flexible
  real-time image processing system, which is applicable to various
  real-time data processings required for solar optical observations. The
  high-speed Hα camera is developed based on this system. In this paper,
  the real-time image processing system and the high-speed Hα camera
  system are described as well as the actual operation of the Hα camera.

Title: Spectroscopic Studies of the Solar Corona - V. Physical
    Properties of Coronal Structures
Authors: Singh, Jagdev; Sakurai, Takashi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Muneer, S.
2003SoPh..212..343S    Altcode:
  Spectra around the 6374 Å [Fe x] and 7892 Å [Fe xi] emission lines
  were obtained simultaneously with the 25-cm coronagraph at Norikura
  Observatory covering an area of 200<SUP>' '</SUP>×500<SUP>' '</SUP>
  of the solar corona. The line width, peak intensity and line-of-sight
  velocity for both the lines were computed using Gaussian fits to the
  observed line profiles at each location (4<SUP>' '</SUP>×4<SUP>'
  '</SUP>) of the observed coronal region. The line-width measurements
  show that in steady coronal structures the FWHM of the 6374 Å emission
  line increases with height above the limb with an average value of
  1.02 mÅ arc sec<SUP>−1</SUP>. The FWHM of the 7892 Å line also
  increases with height but at a smaller average value of 0.55 mÅ arc
  sec<SUP>−1</SUP>. These observations agree well with our earlier
  results obtained from observations of the red, green, and infrared
  emission lines that variation of the FWHM of the coronal emission lines
  with height in steady coronal structures depends on plasma temperatures
  they represent. The FWHM gradient is negative for high-temperature
  emission lines, positive for relatively low-temperature lines and
  smaller for emission lines in the intermediate temperature range. Such
  a behaviour in the variation of the FWHM of coronal emission lines with
  height above the limb suggests that it may not always be possible to
  interpret an increase in the FWHM of emission line with height as an
  increase in the nonthermal velocity, and hence rules out the existence
  of waves in steady coronal structures.

Title: Development of the Solar-B spacecraft
Authors: Tsuneta, Saku; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Suematsu, Yoshinori;
   Shimizu, Toshifumi; Hara, Hirohisa; Kano, Ryohei; Nagata, Shin'ichi;
   Tamura, Tomonori; Nakagiri, Masao; Noguchi, Motokazu; Kato, Yoshihiro;
   Watanabe, Tetsuya; Hanaoka, Yoichiro; Sawa, Masaki; Otsubo, Masashi;
   Kosugi, Takeo; Yamada, Takahiro; Sakao, Taro; Matsuzaki, Keiichi;
   Minesugi, Kenji; Onishi, Akira; Katsukawa, Yukio; Kobayashi, Ken;
   Kubo, Masahito
2003naoj.book....3T    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Development of Solar-B solar optical telescope
Authors: Suematsu, Yoshinori; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Shimizu, Toshifumi;
   Nagata, Shin'ichi; Tamura, Tomonori; Tsuneta, Saku; Noguchi, Motokazu;
   Kato, Yoshihiro; Nakagiri, Masao; Otsubo, Masashi; Hanaoka, Yoichiro;
   Katsukawa, Yukio; Kobayashi, Ken; Kubo, Masahito
2003naoj.book....5S    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: High-speed Hα camera for solar flare observations
Authors: Hanaoka, Yoichiro; Noguchi, Motokazu; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi;
   Sakurai, Takashi
2003naoj.book...19H    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Development of image stabilization system for solar optical
    telescope onboard Solar-B satellite
Authors: Nagata, Shinichi; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi;
   Tsuneta, Saku; Matsuzaki, Keiichi; Kobayashi, Ken
2003naoj.book....8N    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Spectroscopic Studies of the Solar Corona III. Density
    Diagnostics Using the Infrared Lines of Fe XIII
Authors: Singh, Jagdev; Sakurai, Takashi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Takeda,
2002PASJ...54..807S    Altcode:
  We have obtained spectrographic observations of several coronal
  regions in three emission lines (6374Å [Fe &lt;FONT SIZE="-2"&gt;X
  ], 10747Å [Fe &lt;FONT SIZE="-2"&gt;XIII ], and 10798Å [Fe &lt;FONT
  SIZE="-2"&gt;XIII ]) simultaneously. The 25-cm coronagraph at Norikura
  Observatory and two large-format CCD cameras were used. The peak
  intensity, velocity, and line-width values were derived from Gaussian
  fits to the observed line profile at each location of the observed
  region. The ratio of the intensities of the 10747Å and 10798Å emission
  lines in the individual coronal structures range between 1.0 and 2.5
  at 10" above the limb, which corresponds to a density range of 9.8 ×
  10<SUP>9</SUP> - 2.4 × 10<SUP>8</SUP> cm<SUP>-3</SUP>. The scale-height
  temperature values, derived from the variations of the intensity ratio
  with height above the limb for all individual coronal structures,
  range between 0.6 × 10<SUP>6</SUP>K and 8.3 × 10<SUP>6</SUP>K with
  a most frequent value around 1.8 × 10<SUP>6</SUP>K. The large values
  of the scale-height temperature for 70% of the structures indicate
  that these structures may not be in hydrostatic equilibrium nor be
  isothermal in nature.

Title: Spectroscopic Observation of Coronal Waves
Authors: Sakurai, T.; Ichimoto, K.; Raju, K. P.; Singh, J.
2002SoPh..209..265S    Altcode:
  A time sequence over 80 min of coronal green-line spectra was obtained
  with a corona- graph at the Norikura Solar Observatory. Doppler
  velocities, line intensities, and line widths were derived through
  fitting a single Gaussian to the observed line profiles. Coronal waves
  have been clearly detected in the Doppler velocity data. The Fourier
  analysis shows powers in a 1-3 mHz range, and in higher frequencies
  (5-7 mHz) at localized regions. The propagation speed of the waves
  was estimated by correlation analysis. The line intensity and line
  width did not show clear oscillations, but their phase relationship
  with the Doppler velocity indicates propagating waves rather than
  standing waves. The existence of Alfvén waves whose speed is 500 km
  s<SUP>−1</SUP> or faster is possible but inconclusive, while the
  existence of slower waves (of the order of 100 km s<SUP>−1</SUP>,
  possibly sound waves) is evident. The energy carried by the detected
  sound waves is far smaller than the required heat input rate to the
  quiet corona.

Title: Observational Study of the Three-Dimensional Magnetic Field
    Structure and Mass Motion in Active Regions
Authors: Choudhary, Debi Prasad; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
2002SoPh..209..349C    Altcode:
  Spectro-polarimetric observations of active regions were carried
  out in the spectral lines of Si i 10827.1 Å and He i 10830 Å to
  study the three-dimensional magnetic field structure and associated
  plasma flow properties. Comparison of Si i and He i magnetograms
  with the potential field model shows that a large fraction of the
  magnetic field is consistent with the potential field structure,
  by assuming that the height difference between the origin of the two
  lines is about 1200 km. The slope of the scatter plot between Si i
  and He i magnetograms is 0.5, 0.76 in an emerging flux and a larger
  active region, respectively. These values are lower than the scatter
  plot slopes obtained from Kitt Peak photospheric and chromospheric
  magnetograms, in which case the corresponding values are 0.83 and 0.9,
  respectively. Considering the height difference between these two sets
  of chromospheric magnetograms, this implies that the magnetic field
  spreads out faster near the transition region heights. Dopplergrams
  obtained by determining the centroid of the asymmetric line profiles
  show that, in case of emerging flux region, the chromospheric upflow
  regions are located in the magnetic neutral line areas.

Title: Spectroscopic Studies of the Solar Corona II. Properties of
    Green and Red Emission Lines in Open and Closed Coronal Structures
Authors: Singh, Jagdev; Sakurai, Takashi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Suematsu,
   Yoshinori; Takeda, Aki
2002PASJ...54..793S    Altcode:
  We obtained profiles of the green (Fe &lt;FONT SIZE="-2"&gt;XIV
  5303Å) and red (Fe &lt;FONT SIZE="-2"&gt;X 6374Å) emission lines
  simultaneously on 1998 July18-19 for about 4hours with a cadence
  of 10minutes, covering an area of about 200” × 500” in the
  solar corona. The line width (FWHM), intensity, and Doppler shift
  for both lines were computed using Gaussian fits to the observed
  line profiles. We then studied any systematic differences in these
  parameters between closed and open field structures, and their time
  variations. The derived line widths indicate that the FWHM of the red
  line increases with height above the limb at a rate of 0.5 - 2.6 mÅ
  arcsec<SUP>-1</SUP> and the green-line width decreases with height
  at a rate of 1.2 - 3.4 mÅ arcsec<SUP>-1</SUP>. The difference in
  the time-averaged values of the widths of the green line in open and
  closed coronal structures at a given height above the limb is small,
  whereas the width of the red line in open structures is substantially
  larger than that in the closed loop-like coronal structures.

Title: Contamination evaluation and control for SOLAR-B optical
Authors: Tamura, Tomonori; Hara, Hirohisa; Tsuneta, Saku; Ichimoto,
   Kiyoshi; Kumagai, Kazuyoshi
2002RNAOJ...6...49T    Altcode:
  In space telescopes, the deposition of molecular outgassing from its
  component parts may degrade the mirror reflectivity. In the case of the
  SOLAR-B visible light telescope, the molecular contamination is even
  more threatening since the deposited contaminants, when illuminated by
  the ultraviolet light from the sun, not only blacken but also promote
  further deposition. We thus started an extensive program to measure
  outgassing from all the non-metal material candidates to be used
  of the SOLAR-B telescope and to evaluate various chemical-cleaning
  (de-oil) procedures for the metal parts. The evaluation is based on
  NASA-MSFC-SPEC-1238 specification, and Thermoelectric Quartz Crystal
  Microbalance is the primary apparatus for the measurement. We are
  able to select the best possible adhesives and de-oil procedures for
  the flight model, whenever there are multiple choices. Conditions
  for the flight-model vacuum bakeout will also be established based on
  the measurements. The program significantly mitigates the risk due to
  molecular contamination the SOLAR-B program.

Title: Observation of the total solar eclipse on 21 June 2001
    in Zambia
Authors: Takahashi, Noritsugu; Yumoto, Kiyohumi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
2002AstHe..95..179T    Altcode:
  On 21 June 2001, path of totality in Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe,
  Mozambique, and Madagascar in Africa. The Japan Scientific Observation
  Team, consisting primarily of the members of the Solar Eclipse
  Subcommittee of the Committee for International Collaboration in
  Astronomy of the Science Council of JAPAN, visited Lusaka in Zambia
  to observe the total solar eclipse. Blessed with fine weather, the
  observation was successful. The outline of the influence of solar
  eclipse on the terrestrial magnetism, polarization of the flash
  spectrum, and other observation data, as well as the way educational
  activities were carried out, are reported.

Title: High-cadence H-alpha imaging of solar flares
Authors: Hanaoka, Y.; Sakurai, T.; Noguchi, M.; Ichimoto, K.
2002cosp...34E2277H    Altcode: 2002cosp.meetE2277H
  The H-alpha observation is a powerful tool to study the high-energy
  aspects of the solar flares. Spiky brightenings of flare kernels at
  H-alpha center reflect a rapid fluctuation in particle accelerations;
  redshifts of the H-alpha line are caused by chromospheric evaporation;
  polarization of H-alpha emission might be evidence of accelerated
  protons. Due to the impulsive, rapidly changing nature of the
  flares, highcadence image acquisition is required for the H-alpha
  observations. We are developing a new digital imaging system for the
  H-alpha imager of the Flare Telescope at Mitaka, NAOJ, to carry out
  high-cadence observation of solar flares in the H-alpha line. The
  problem in the high-cadence observations has been the handling of
  huge amount of data produced by such a type of observations, but
  the recent advance of the computer technology enables us to handle
  vast data with a small computer. We have already started the regular
  observation of high-cadence imaging at the H-alpha center with a time
  resolution of 1 sec in July 2001 (now it is 0.5 sec), and since then,
  we have collaborated with the Yohkoh satellite and RHESSI. Now, the
  development of a polarimeter/Dopplermeter system, which will work
  in parallel with the H-alpha center imagings, is under way. In the
  conference, we will present the system and some observational results.

Title: A High-Speed Hα Camera for Solar Flare Observations
Authors: Hanaoka, Y.; Noguchi, M.; Ichimoto, K.; Sakurai, T.
2002mwoc.conf..427H    Altcode:
  A single 11-year solar activity cycle is going to be covered by the
  Yohkoh observations that have started since 1991. In this paper
  the changes of coronal structures over the solar activity cycle,
  based upon the Yohkoh SXT observations, are reviewed, referring to
  previous observations which lead to important concepts for the origin
  of the solar activity and comparing with recent observations of the
  photosphere and corona by the other satellites.

Title: Plasma Polarization Spectroscopy 5.Measurement of Solar
    Magnetic Fields by Means of the Spectro-Polarimetory
Authors: Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
2002JPFR...78..752I    Altcode:
  Magnetic fields play a fundamental role in driving various dynamical
  phenomena of the solar atmosphere, and the precise measurement of
  photospheric magnetic fields is of vital importance in solar physics
  research. A measurement of the spectral line polarizations produced by
  the Zeeman effect provides the most powerful means for investigating
  solar magnetic fields. The principle of measurements and some aspects
  of recent observational results are presented.

Title: Spectroscopic Observation of Coronal Oscillations
Authors: Sakurai, T.; Ichimoto, K.; Raju, K. P.; Singh, J.
2002mwoc.conf...25S    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: On the disappearance of H-alpha filaments and soft X-ray
    enhancements as seen from Yohkoh SXT
Authors: Singh, Jagdev; Sakurai, T.; Ichimoto, K.
2001BASI...29..193S    Altcode:
  We have studied H-alpha images of the sun taken at Kodaikanal and
  Mitaka observatories and soft X-ray images obtained by SXT onboard
  Yohkoh for the years 1993 and 94. From events of disappearing quiescent
  H-alpha filaments and associated soft X-ray brightenings we find that
  in some cases H-alpha filament appears broken and diffused about a day
  earlier than beginning of the soft X-ray transient brightening which
  lasted for 7 - 10 hours. Further, enhancements began along filament
  channels and then moved along arches which were inclined to the
  filament direction. From these observations we postulate that heating
  of plasma in the filament begins when it appears broken and less dark
  and continues till it triggers some physical process, responsible to
  begin soft X-ray enhancement. It is not possible to say that if the
  H-alpha filament disappears earlier than the beginning of soft X-ray
  enhancement or vice versa as there is time difference between H-alpha
  and soft X-ray observations.

Title: A universal polarimeter using liquid crystal variable retarders
    at the Norikura Solar Observatory
Authors: Shinoda, Kazuya; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Fukuda, Takeo; Shin, Junho
2001RNAOJ...5...97S    Altcode:
  A universal Stokes polarimeter was developed for the 25-cm coronagraph
  of the Norikura Solar Observatory. The polarimeter utilizes two liquid
  crystal variable retarders (LCVR) as the polarization modulator and a
  Savart plate as the polarization analyser. By controlling the voltages
  applied to LCVRs, modulations of the polarization states are achieved
  more flexibly and efficiently in a wavelength range of 450-1,600 nm. The
  polarimeter is installed at the primary focus of the coronagraph to
  minimize the instrumental polarization caused by optics. Two orthogonal
  polarization states are measured simultaneously to minimize the effect
  of guiding errors and seeing effects. Combined with the coronagraph and
  the high resolution spectrograph at the coude focus, the polarimeter
  enables us not only observations of photospheric Zeeman effect but also
  various types of diagnostics of the solar atmosphere, including coronal
  Zeeman effect, Hanle effect, impact polarization, and Stark effect.

Title: A Spectroscopic Study of the Solar Corona from Norikura and
    SOHO data
Authors: Raju, K. P.; Sakurai, T.; Ichimoto, K.
2001IAUS..203..488R    Altcode:
  We report the results from a spectroscopic study of the solar corona,
  wherein, we examine some of the current problems in the corona, such
  as the plume-interplume differences in coronal holes, coronal loops in
  active regions and wave propagation in the corona. The distribution of
  emission line intensities, Doppler velocities and line widths in the
  corona were obtained from the spectroscopic observations made in the
  coronal emission lines from Norikura Coronagraph. The coronal images
  in Fe IX,X 171 Å and Fe XII 195 Å from SOHO EIT were used to get
  the temperature map of the corona. Combining both, the nonthermal
  velocities in the coronal region are obtained without the usual
  assumption of a uniform ion temperature. Following results are obtained
  from the study. (1) The Doppler velocities show excess blue-shifts
  over red-shifts in coronal holes with differences in plume-interplume
  regions. (2) The nonthermal velocities show a pronounced difference
  between the coronal hole and closed-field regions which points to the
  important role of nonthermal broadening mechanism in the acceleration
  of fast solar wind. (3) The nonthermal velocities are larger by about
  20% at the interplume regions as compared to plumes. This supports
  the view that the interplume regions are the source regions of the
  fast solar wind. (4) The preliminary analysis of the time sequence
  data shows signatures of wave propagation in the corona.

Title: Preliminary study of the evolution of solar magnetic structures
    and photospheric horizontal velocity fields
Authors: UeNo, S.; Kitai, R.; Ichimoto, K.; Sakurai, T.; Soltau, D.;
   Brandt, P. N.
2001AdSpR..26.1793U    Altcode:
  In October 1997, we made a coordinated observation of the solar
  photosphere and chromosphere at Hida observatory (Kyoto university,
  Japan) and at Teide observatory (Tenerife) over a 10 day. We obtained
  imaging data series continuously during 6 hr 45 min in G-band (4308 Å)
  observed with the Domeless Solar Telescope (DST) at Hida on 24th October
  (effective FOV; 96″×99″). Additionally, in this observation,
  we simultaneously observed image series of the chromosphere during
  the latter 4 hr 10 min in H α line center and H α ±0.6 Å. From
  these data set, we could detect that emerging flux tubes crossed
  the photosphere to the chromosphere and that 'convective collapse'
  phenomena appeared at the stage of the spot formation. Moreover,
  we confirmed that the lifetime of mesogranulation was about 4000 sec
  (70 min) from the temporal evolution of velocity patterns. We show
  here only a summary of these observations.

Title: The Physical Conditions in a Polar Coronal Hole and Nearby
    Regions from Norikura and SOHO Observations
Authors: Raju, K. P.; Sakurai, T.; Ichimoto, K.; Singh, Jagdev
2000ApJ...543.1044R    Altcode:
  The distribution of emission-line intensities, Doppler velocities, and
  line widths in a polar coronal hole and nearby regions are obtained
  from the spectroscopic observations carried out on 1998 November 3
  at the Norikura Solar Observatory, Japan. The coronal red line [Fe X]
  λ6374 that is prominent at coronal hole temperatures is used for the
  study. The coronal images in Fe IX and Fe X 171 Å and Fe XII 195 Å
  from the Extreme-Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) on the Solar and
  Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) are used to get the temperature map of
  the corona at the time of observation. Combining both, we have obtained
  the nonthermal velocities in the region without the usual assumption
  of a uniform ion temperature. Several plume structures are identified
  within the coronal hole, and it is found that line widths are smaller
  in plumes than in the interplume regions, which is also reported from
  recent SOHO observations. The line-of-sight Doppler velocities in
  the coronal hole are larger than those in the quiet region, probably
  because of the excess outflow in the coronal hole. A rough negative
  correlation between intensity and Doppler velocity, similar to that
  between intensity and line width, is observed in the coronal hole. The
  typical nonthermal velocity in coronal holes is 24 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>
  while that in quiet regions is 15 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. The enhanced
  nonthermal velocity in the coronal hole is suggestive of the important
  role of the nonthermal broadening mechanism in the acceleration of fast
  solar wind. Also, the nonthermal velocities are larger (up to 27%) at
  the interplume regions as compared to plumes. The findings generally
  support the prevailing view that the interplume regions are the source
  regions of the fast solar wind.

Title: Magnetic Field Evolution Leading to Solar Flares II. Cases
    with High Magnetic Shear and Flare-Related Shear Change
Authors: Li, Hui; Sakurai, Takashi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; UeNo, Satoru
2000PASJ...52..483L    Altcode:
  Following Paper I in which we considered five solar flares, we have
  selected another three solar flares greater than GOES X-ray class
  M/Hα importance 1. The three active regions discussed here are
  characterized by high magnetic shear. We investigated the spatial
  relationships among Hα flare ribbons, soft X-ray (SXR) flare
  loops, and magnetic configurations for the three flares produced
  in these active regions. Our results show that only one of these
  three flares satisfies the sufficient conditions for a flare to
  occur proposed by Hagyard (1990, AAA 052.075.047). We also discuss
  the magnetic shear changes around the flaring time only along the
  neutral lines associated with the studied flares and over the whole
  flaring area. The flare-related changes on the neutral line are small
  (2<SUP>d</SUP>eg-4<SUP>d</SUP>eg) and the association of these changes
  with the flares is not conclusive. The average shear in the flaring
  areas of the flares associated with high shear decreases significantly
  after the flares and it may be a better parameter to characterize the
  flare-related shear changes in such cases.

Title: Magnetic Field Evolution Leading to Solar Flares I. Cases
    with Low Magnetic Shear and Flux Emergence
Authors: Li, Hui; Sakurai, Takashi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; UeNo, Satoru
2000PASJ...52..465L    Altcode:
  We picked up five solar flares larger than GOES X-ray class M/Hα
  importance 1, and studied the magnetic evolution of the corresponding
  active regions. In particular, we investigated the spatial relationships
  among Hα flare ribbons, soft X-ray (SXR) flare loops, and magnetic
  configurations. Our results show that all of these flares are not
  associated with high magnetic shear, but with emerging flux, indicating
  that flux emergence is a common phenomenon in this kind of solar
  flare with low magnetic shear. The maximum values of the transverse
  magnetic fields on the neutral lines responsible for these flares are
  300-800 G. All of these flares but one have multiple (more than two) Hα
  ribbons, and almost all of these ribbons are located at the footpoints
  of SXR flare loops. The flare-related shear changes, which can be both
  positive and negative, may be determined by the balance of the energy
  carried by the emerging flux and that required to power the flare.

Title: Observations of Coronal Oscillations and Waves
Authors: Ichimoto, K.; Singh, J.
2000ASPC..205...11I    Altcode: 2000ltse.conf...11I
  Spectroscopic observations of coronal active regions were performed
  with coronagraphs at the Norikura Solar Observatory, and time
  variations of intensity and Doppler shift of coronal emission lines
  were investigated to study coronal oscillations and waves. It is found
  in most observational data that the Doppler signal shows definite
  time variabilities compared with the intensity. Periodic variations
  were found in Doppler signal with periods ranging from a few minutes
  to 40 minutes and amplitudes of 1km/s or less. Recent filter-based
  observations give a hint of transient disturbances of Doppler signal
  propagating upward in the corona.

Title: On the formation of a helmet streamer on January 24, 1992 at
    the south-west limb
Authors: Singh, Jagdev; Sakurai, T.; Ichimoto, K.; Hiei, E.
2000BASI...28...33S    Altcode:
  We have analysed the soft X-ray images of the sun obtained with
  the YOHKOH satellite, white light coronal images observed at Mauna
  Loa and H-alpha pictures of the sun taken at Mitaka and Kodaikanal
  to study helmet streamers. We find that heating of a filament and
  subsequent brightening in X-rays, and eruption in the region lead to
  the formation of the helmet streamer on January 24, 1992. In another
  event of February 24, 1993, only the brightening and eruption-like
  expansion of the brightening in soft X-rays lead to the formation of
  the streamer. No H-alpha filament was seen in this region before and
  after the event of brightening in soft X-rays and formation of streamer
  on February 24, 1993. We, therefore, postulate that the plasma in the
  streamer comes from the solar surface during the X-ray eruption, and
  magnetic field of the region perhaps helps in containing the plasma
  and the formation of the streamer.

Title: Active region dynamics
Authors: Harra, L. K.; Matthews, S. A.; Hara, H.; Ichimoto, K.
2000ssls.work..109H    Altcode:
  It has been frequently observed that in solar active regions the
  measured line widths are larger than those based on thermal equilibrium
  widths. This excess width (characterised as non-thermal velocity,
  V<SUB>nt</SUB>) has been proposed as a signature of the heating
  mechanism. The behaviour of the V<SUB>nt</SUB> at coronal temperatures
  has not produced consistent results with values ranging from 0 to
  100 km/s. We investigate this problem by using joint observations
  from Norikura Solar Observatory, Japan and the Coronal Diagnostic
  Spectrometer (CDS) on SOHO. We find that values of V<SUB>nt</SUB> range
  between 10-20 km/s. We analyse the dynamical bahaviour of different
  temperature loops and find that for loops with log T<SUB>e</SUB> &lt;
  5.8, the variability ∝T<SUB>e</SUB><SUP>0.39</SUP>. This is comparable
  to the dependence of non-thermal velocity on temperature which we have
  determined to be V<SUB>nt</SUB> ∝ T<SUB>e</SUB><SUP>0.35</SUP>. This
  suggests that the excess line broadening is caused by highly dynamical
  behaviour in the transition region for active regions. These results
  have significant implications for potential heating mechanisms and
  these are discussed.

Title: Multi-Wavelength Observations of a Large-Scale Jet and an
    Eruptive- Prominence on 28 August 1992
Authors: Watanabe, Ta.; Ashizawa, K.; Nakagawa, Y.; Miyazaki, H.;
   Irie, M.; Ichimoto, K.; Kurokawa, H.; Hudson, H.; Yatagai, H.
1999spro.proc..171W    Altcode:
  An eruption of a large (15<SUP>o</SUP>) north-south aligned quiescent
  prominence and associated coronal disturbance, which took place above
  the eastern solar limb near the equator on 28 August 1992, were observed
  at a wide range of wavelengths ranging from soft X-rays (Yohkoh) to
  microwaves (Nobeyama). The eruption was preceded by the formation of
  a large-scale jet which was apparently ejected near the root of the
  southern leg of the prominence. The characteristic outward speed of the
  jet was 450 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. A potential-field presentation of the
  coronal magnetic field suggests that the jet was formed along the open
  field which was located immediately to the west of the magnetic arcade,
  originally surrounding the eruptive prominence. The temperature of the
  jet is suggested to be comparable to that of the nearby quiet corona
  (2 × 10<SUP>6</SUP> K). In the course of the prominence eruption,
  helically twisted loops surrounding the prominence were observed. This
  suggests that magnetic reconnection of the sheared arcade took place
  underneath the erupting prominence.

Title: An imaging system of coronal green-line with a Lyot filter.
Authors: Imai, H.; Nishino, Y.; Shinoda, K.; Ichimoto, K.
1999RNAOJ...4..157I    Altcode:
  An experimental observation system for taking coronal images in the
  green line (Fe XIV 5303 Å) was constructed on the 25 cm coronagraph
  of the Norikura Solar Observatory. By re-arranging the birefringent
  elements and equipping rotating waveplates on a Lyot filter, the
  authors were able to obtain images in coronal green-line and sky
  continuum with a high time cadence. It is shown that this system
  can provide a powerful tool for diagnosing the physical processes in
  coronal transient phenomena.

Title: Shift-and-add reconstruction of solar granulation images
Authors: Baba, N.; Miura, N.; Sakurai, T.; Ichimoto, K.; Soltau, D.;
   Brandt, P.
1999SoPh..188...41B    Altcode:
  To restore an atmospherically degraded image of solar granulation the
  shift-and-add (SAA) method is applied to its specklegrams. It is the
  first time, to the best of our knowledge, that such a technique has
  been used for image reconstruction of solar granulation, a largely
  extended target. SAA, therefore, enables us to monitor restored images
  of solar granulation in a simple and fast way.

Title: Resolution Improvement of Solar Images
Authors: Miura, Noriaki; Baba, Naoshi; Sakurai, Takashi; Ichimoto,
   Kiyoshi; Soltau, Dirk; Brandt, Peter
1999SoPh..187..347M    Altcode:
  A method for the improvement of resolution in an observed solar image
  is proposed. A blind deconvolution method is used for restoration of an
  atmospherically-degraded solar image, and a super-resolution method is
  applied to its restored image to improve the resolution. It is confirmed
  that a blind deconvolution process can restore fine structures that are
  blurred in an observed image, and that the super-resolution process
  can make a cutoff frequency in a blind-deconvolved image higher. A
  time series of super-resolved images of a sunspot observed with the
  70-cm Vacuum Tower Telescope at Teide Observatory is presented.

Title: A New Imaging System of the Corona at Norikura
Authors: Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Noguchi, Motokazu; Tanaka, Nobuyuki;
   Kumagai, Kazuyoshi; Shinoda, Kazuya; Nishino, Tetsuo; Fukuda, Takeo;
   Sakurai, Takashi; Takeyama, Norihide
1999PASJ...51..383I    Altcode:
  A new imaging system of the coronal green line (Fe XIV 5303
  Angstroms) was constructed at the Norikura Solar Observatory. The
  system consists of a 10-cm coronagraph, a tunable Lyot filter, and
  a cooled CCD camera. The transmission curve of the Lyot filter can
  be modulated by two liquid-crystal variable retarders. This scheme
  provides quick wavelength tuning and efficient subtraction of sky
  background. Two-dimensional distributions of the intensity and
  Doppler shift of the coronal green line can be obtained within 30
  seconds with accuracies of better than 10<SUP>-6</SUP>I_Solar and 1 km
  s<SUP>-1</SUP>. Regular operation was started in 1997 September. The
  aim of the new system is to investigate plasma motions associated with
  the magnetic field reconnection and waves in the solar corona.

Title: Dynamics of solar active region loops
Authors: Harra-Murnion, L. K.; Matthews, S. A.; Hara, H.; Ichimoto, K.
1999A&A...345.1011H    Altcode:
  It has been frequently observed that in solar active regions the
  measured line widths are larger than those based on thermal equilibrium
  widths. This excess width (characterised as non-thermal velocity,
  V<SUB>nt</SUB>) has been proposed as a signature of the heating
  mechanism. The behaviour of the V<SUB>nt</SUB> at coronal temperatures
  has not produced consistent results with values ranging from 0 to 100
  km s(-1) . We investigate this problem by using joint observations
  from Norikura Solar Observatory, Japan and the Coronal Diagnostic
  Spectrometer (CDS) on SOHO. With CDS we determine temperatures, and
  with Norikura we obtain accurate line widths for Fe XIV (~2 MK). We
  find that values of V<SUB>nt</SUB> range between 10-20 km s(-1) . We
  analyse the dynamical behaviour of different temperature loops and
  find that for loops with Log T_e &lt; 5.8, the variability ~ T_e(0.39)
  . This is comparable to the dependence of non-thermal velocity on
  temperature which we have determined to be V<SUB>nt</SUB> ~ T_e(0.35)
  . This suggests that the excess line broadening is caused by highly
  dynamical behaviour in the transition region for active regions. These
  results have significant implications for potential heating mechanisms
  and these are discussed.

Title: Spectroscopic Studies of the Solar Corona I. Spatial Variations
    in Line Parameters of Green and Red Coronal Lines
Authors: Singh, Jagdev; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Imai, Hideki; Sakurai,
   Takashi; Takeda, Aki
1999PASJ...51..269S    Altcode:
  We obtained simultaneously profiles of the coronal green line (Fe
  XIV 5303 { Angstroms}) and red line ([Fe X] 6374 { Angstroms}) on a
  number of days at several regions covering an area of about 200”times
  500” in the solar corona. The intensity, velocity, and width for
  both of these lines were computed by making a Gaussian fit to the
  observed line profile. We find that in coronal structures the spatial
  variations in the red and green line intensities are correlated. The
  ratio of green- to red-line intensities varies between 0.6--9.2 for
  different coronal structures. The value of the intensity ratio in an
  individual coronal structure also varies with height above the solar
  limb along the structure. The range of values of the intensity ratio
  observed implies that most of the structures under investigation had
  a temperature in the range of 1.2--1.6times 10<SUP>6</SUP> K. Also,
  we find that in coronal structures the width of the red line increases
  with height above the limb, whereas the green-line width in the same
  region decreases with height. This behavior of the line widths can be
  explained if we assume the mixing of plasma in the middle and higher
  portions of the coronal structures by microturbulence or traveling
  waves, which have been detected recently. No Hα loops and activity
  were seen in these regions during the observation periods.

Title: Microscopic Nonthermal Plasma Motions of Coronal Loops in a
    Solar Active Region
Authors: Hara, H.; Ichimoto, K.
1999ApJ...513..969H    Altcode:
  We present a spectroscopic observation of a solar active region NOAA
  7590 with a coronagraph at the Norikura Solar Observatory, which
  provides high-resolution spectra of the visible coronal emission lines
  (Fe X λ6374, Fe XIV λ5303, Ca XV λ5694) with a spatial sampling
  of 2.0"×2.3". Nonthermal velocities (ξ) estimated from Fe X λ6374,
  Fe XIV λ5303, and Ca XV λ5694 in this observation are 14-20, 10-18,
  and 16-26 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, respectively. The first two results are
  consistent with the results obtained by Cheng et al. and others. Even
  in the Ca XV structures the present observation does not confirm the
  large nonthermal velocity of 40-60 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> to be typical
  value. The hypothesis that the nonthermal width in coronal emission
  lines is due to coronal Alfvén waves is tested by carefully examining
  the relationship between the width of coronal emission lines and
  orientation of coronal loops to the line-of-sight direction. From the
  comparison between edge-on loops in which the direction of magnetic
  field is nearly parallel to the line-of-sight direction and face-on
  loops in which the magnetic field is almost perpendicular to the
  line-of-sight direction, the full width at half-maximum (FWHM) of
  coronal emission lines for the edge-on loop appears to become smaller
  near the loop top than that for the face-on loops. The obvious decrease
  of FWHM of 0.04-0.07 Å (Δξ=3-5 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>) is found in the
  Fe XIV edge-on loops. Although this may be evidence for the Alfvén
  waves in coronal loops, the velocity amplitude seems to be too small
  to explain all the nonthermal velocity reported so far.

Title: Stray-Light Effect on Magnetograph Observations
Authors: Chae, Jongchul; Yun, Hong Sik; Sakurai, Takashi; Ichimoto,
1998SoPh..183..229C    Altcode:
  To examine the stray-light effect in magnetograph observations, we
  have determined the point spread functions of the vector magnetograph
  mounted on the Japanese Solar Flare Telescope based on two indirect
  methods, one analyzing the solar limb intensity profile, and the
  other using the Fourier power spectra of photospheric intensity
  distributions. Point spread functions consist of two parts: a blurring
  part which describes seeing and small-spread-angle stray light, and
  a scattering part which describes large-spread-angle stray light. The
  FWHM spatial resolution is typically 3.0”, and the amount of scattered
  light is about 15% on clear days. We find that the blurring part is
  well described by a Moffat function whose Fourier transform is given
  by an exponential function. Our results indicate that polarization
  measurements of low-intensity magnetic elements like sunspots may be
  significantly underestimated due to the large-spread-angle stray light,
  and polarization measurements of magnetic elements which are smaller
  than 5-7” appear to be disturbed by small-spread-angle stray light.

Title: Stray-light correction in magnetograph observations using
    the maximum entropy method
Authors: Chae, Jongchul; Yun, Hong Sik; Sakurai, Takashi; Ichimoto,
1998SoPh..183..245C    Altcode:
  We have developed a method of stray-light correction which is applicable
  to filter-based magnetograph observations. Stray-light-corrected Stokes
  images are obtained by performing the deconvolution of observed Stokes
  images by the point spread function which is determined from the Stokes
  I image. For image deconvolution, the maximum entropy principle is
  used to guarantee that intensity should be positive and polarization
  degrees should be less than unity. We present an iterative algorithm
  for the maximum entropy method, which seeks the solution in Fourier
  space and thus accomplishes fast convergence. We find that our method
  is effective in correcting stray light which has a spread angle greater
  than the full width at half maximum of the point spread function. We
  also discuss the effect of stray light on magnetograph calibration.

Title: Multi-wavelength observations of POST flare loops in two long
    duration solar flares
Authors: Harra-Murnion, L. K.; Schmieder, B.; van Driel-Gesztelyi,
   L.; Sato, J.; Plunkett, S. P.; Rudawy, P.; Rompolt, B.; Akioka, M.;
   Sakao, T.; Ichimoto, K.
1998A&A...337..911H    Altcode:
  We have analysed two Long Duration solar Events (LDEs) which produced
  large systems of Post Flare Loops (PFLs) and which have been observed by
  Yohkoh and ground-based observatories. Using the Maximum Entropy Method
  (MEM) image synthesis technique with new modulation patterns we were
  able to make hard X-ray (HXR) images of the post flare loops recorded
  in the L Channel (13.9-22.7 keV) of the Yohkoh Hard X-ray Telescope. We
  obtained co-aligned 2-D maps in Hα (10(4) K), in soft X-rays (5x 10(6)
  K) and in hard X-rays (20x 10(6) K). We conclude that the soft X-ray
  (SXR) loops lie higher than the Hα loops and the former are overlaid
  by HXR emission. This is suggestive of the magnetic reconnection
  process. However some details are not consistent with the standard
  models. Firstly the separation between the HXR source and the SXR
  loop increases with time, with the HXR source being approximately
  a factor of five larger than the equivalent source in impulsive
  flares. Secondly the cooling times deduced from observations are longer
  than the theoretically expected ones and the discrepancy increases
  with time. We review the current models in view of these results.

Title: Radiation testing of optical glasses and crystals for Solar-B
    optical instruments.
Authors: Nishino, Y.; Suematsu, Y.; Tsuneta, S.; Ichimoto, K.; Kobiki,
   T.; Takeyama, N.
1998RNAOJ...3..145N    Altcode: 1998RNOAJ...3..145N
  This report gives some results of γ-ray irradiation (Co<SUP>60</SUP>
  source) testing on optical glasses and crystals which may be used
  in the next Japanese solar space mission Solar-B. Ordinary optical
  glasses darken when exposed to high-energy radiation which is present
  in natural space environment. In case of Solar-B, whose orbit will be
  polar-sun-synchronous, the satellite will undergo the total dose of
  more than 1000 krad in five years. Hence it is very crucial for the
  success of the mission to know the feasibility of transmitting optical
  elements in space. The authors tested two kinds of fused silica, a
  fluorite, and ten kinds of UV transmitting glasses. Calcite was also
  tested. It was found that the fused silica is radiation-resistant but
  the other glasses and the fluorite are nonresistant and become quite
  opaque in UV and visible wavelength regions after the irradiation.

Title: Solar Active Region: Heating and Dynamics
Authors: Harra-Murnion, L. K.; Matthews, S. A.; Hara, H.; Ichimoto, K.
1998sxmm.confE..85H    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: An Interdisciplinary Study of the Eruptive Prominence of 28
    August 1992
Authors: Watanabe, Ta.; Yamamoto, M.; Hudson, H.; Irie, M.; Ichimoto,
   K.; Kurokawa, H.; Yatagai, H.
1998ASSL..229..101W    Altcode: 1998opaf.conf..101W
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Horizontal Flow Field in the Solar Photosphere
Authors: Kitai, R.; Funakoshi, Y.; Ueno, S.; Sano, S.; Ichimoto, K.
1998ASSL..229..319K    Altcode: 1998opaf.conf..319K
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Spectroscopic Study of a Quiescent Prominence
Authors: Park, Y. D.; Yun, H. S.; Ichimoto, K.; Sim, K. J.; Moon,
   Y. -J.
1998ASPC..150..217P    Altcode: 1998IAUCo.167..217P; 1998npsp.conf..217P
  No abstract at ADS

Title: HeI 10830 Intensity Oscillation in Quiescent Prominences
Authors: Park, Y. D.; Yun, H. S.; Ichimoto, K.
1998asct.conf...95P    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Joint Observations of an Active Region with Norikura and CDS
Authors: Harra-Murnion, L. K.; Matthews, S. A.; Hara, H.; Ichimoto, K.
1998ASPC..155..346H    Altcode: 1998sasp.conf..346H
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Soft X-ray Observations of Eruptive Prominences
Authors: Watanabe, T.; Yamamoto, M.; Hudson, H.; Irie, M.; Ichimoto,
   K.; Kurokawa, H.; Yatagai, H.
1998ASPC..150..376W    Altcode: 1998IAUCo.167..376W; 1998npsp.conf..376W
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Coronal and Interplanetary Disturbances Associated with an
    Eruptive Prominence of 28 August 1992
Authors: Watanabe, T.; Yamamoto, M.; Hudson, H.; Irie, M.; Ichimoto,
   K.; Kurokawa, H.; Yatagai, H.
1998asct.conf..313W    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: On the correlation between line width and line depth of the
    solar HeI 1083 NM line
Authors: Venkatakrishnan, P.; Sakurai, T.; Suematsu, Y.; Ichimoto, K.
1997BASI...25..527V    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Measurement of the coronal electron temperature at the total
    solar eclipse on 1994 November 3.
Authors: Ichimoto, K.; Kumagai, K.; Sano, I.; Kobiki, T.; Sakurai,
   T.; Munoz, A.
1997ASIC..494...31I    Altcode: 1997topr.conf...31I
  The coronal electron temperature was determined for the first time from
  the shape of weak depressions at 3900 Å and 4300 Å in the continuous
  coronal spectra. It was found that the coronal streamer has overall
  temperatures of about 1.5 - 1.7 MK, while the coronal hole has evidently
  lower temperature of 0.9 - 1.1 MK. No significant height variation of
  the temperature was found in the streamer, while the coronal hole shows
  evidence of increasing temperature with height. An acceleration of the
  expanding motion between 1.1 R<SUB>sun</SUB> and 2.0 R<SUB>sun</SUB>
  by ≡80 km s-1 was found in the streamer.

Title: Measurement of the Coronal Electron Temperature at the Total
    Solar Eclipse on 1994 November 3
Authors: Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Kumagai, Kazuyoshi; Sano, Issei; Kobiki,
   Toshihiko; Munoz, Alberto; Sakurai, Takashi
1996PASJ...48..545I    Altcode:
  A spectroscopic observation was carried out at the total solar eclipse
  on 1994 November 3 in Putre, Chile, in order to investigate the electron
  temperature and the expanding motion of the corona. The shape of weak
  depressions at 3900 Angstroms and 4300 Angstroms in the continuous
  coronal spectra was compared with the theoretical electron-scattered
  coronal spectra; thus, the magnitude of the electron thermal motion was
  determined directly. It was found that a coronal streamer on the eastern
  limb and a coronal hole on the south-pole have overall temperatures of
  about 1.5--1.7 MK and 0.9--1.1 MK, respectively. No significant height
  variation in the temperature was found in the streamer, while the
  coronal hole shows evidence of increasing temperature with height. An
  acceleration of the expanding motion between 1.1 RO and 2.0 RO by ~
  80 km s(-1) was found in the streamer.

Title: Enhanced He{I} Absorption at the Feet of Solar X-Ray Loops
Authors: Venkatakrishnan, P.; Sakurai, Takashi; Suematsu, Yoshinori;
   Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
1996PASJ...48L...1V    Altcode:
  A comparison of He{I} spectroheliograms and Yohkoh soft X-ray images
  of active regions indicates that He{I} absorption is enhanced at
  the feet of hot X-ray loops. It is suggested that the conduction of
  heat from the loops into the transition region at their feet would
  produce enhanced transition-region emission around 50 eV that would
  in turn cause enhanced excitation of He{I} leading to the excess He{I}
  absorption that is observed.

Title: A Coronal Velocity Field around a Long-Duration Event: Search
    for Reconnection Inflow
Authors: Hara, H.; Ichimoto, K.
1996ASPC..111..183H    Altcode: 1997ASPC..111..183H
  A coronal Doppler velocity field around an LDE-type solar flare at
  the peak phase is presented from observations with a ground-based
  coronagraph in a visible coronal emission line (Fe XIV 5303 Å). The
  flare loop was in an edge-on configuration to the line-of-sight
  direction. At the peak phase, the authors could not find any high-speed
  flow around the flare loop, corresponding to the reconnection inflow
  whose speed is 0.01 - 0.1 of the Alfvén speed. On the other hand,
  high-velocity components exceeding 10 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> and large line
  broadening in the emission line were observed near the brightest part
  of the flare loop in the decay phase.

Title: X-ray and Magnetic Features of H alpha Surges
Authors: Okubo, A.; Matsumoto, R.; Miyaji, S.; Akioka, M.; Zhang,
   H.; Shimojo, M.; Nishino, Y.; Ichimoto, K.; Shibata, K.; Sakurai, T.
1996mpsa.conf..437O    Altcode: 1996IAUCo.153..437O
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Measurement of the Coronal Electron Temperature at the Total
    Solar Eclipse on 3rd Nov. 1994
Authors: Ichimoto, K.; Kumagai, K.; Sano, I.; Kobiki, T.; Sakurai,
   T.; Munoz, A.
1996mpsa.conf..413I    Altcode: 1996IAUCo.153..413I
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Spectroscopic Analysis of Prominence Hα CAII H and K and
    Hei 10830
Authors: Park, Y. D.; Yun, H. S.; Ichimoto, K.
1995JApAS..16..384P    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Coordinated Observation of the Solar Corona Using the Norikura
    Coronagraph and the YOHKOH Soft X-Ray Telescope
Authors: Ichimoto, K.; Hara, H.; Takeda, A.; Kumagai, K.; Sakurai,
   T.; Shimizu, T.; Hudson, H. S.
1995ApJ...445..978I    Altcode:
  Spectroscopic observations of coronal emission lines were carried
  out at the Norikura Solar Observatory in cooperation with the soft
  X-ray telescope on board the Yohkoh satellite to study the plasma
  distributions at different temperatures. Intensity and velocity
  distributions in Fe XIV wavelength 5303 (green), Fe X wavelength
  6374 (red), and Ca XV wavelength 5694 (yellow) lines are compared
  with the soft X-ray images. It is found that the soft X-ray images
  closely resemble those of the yellow line that represents a rather
  high temperature component of the corona. On the other hand the
  low-temperature component seen in the green and the red lines shows
  quite a different distribution from that of the high-temperature
  component; the low-temperature component consists of many thin loops
  or streaks, while the high-temperature component is more diffuse. We
  find that the active elements of the cool component, i.e., complex
  loop systems, rapid changes of small structures, and localized large
  plasma motions, all tend to be cospatial with the hot component.

Title: An Imaging Observation of the Solar Corona in the Green Line
    with a Fabry-Perot Interferometer on a Coronagraph
Authors: Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Ohtani, Hiroshi; Ishigaki, Tsuyoshi;
   Maemura, Hiroyuki; Noguchi, Motokazu
1995PASJ...47..383I    Altcode:
  By using a scanning Fabry-Perot interferometer on a coronagraph, an
  imaging observation of the solar corona in the emission line (Fe XIV
  5303 Angstroms) was carried out. Subtraction of the scattered light
  was performed by changing the central wavelength of the transmission
  of the etalon, and thus a two-dimensional distribution of the
  emission line intensity was obtained with both high accuracy and high
  time resolution. The observed active region (NOAA 7576) was fairly
  stationary, showing no distinct active phenomena; the green line image
  showed more or less a similar distribution with the soft X-ray images
  obtained by the Yohkoh satellite. The observed characteristics can
  be attributed to the absence of a hot (3--5 MK) coronal component in
  this active region. The superiority of Fabry-Perot interferometry for
  imaging observations in the coronal emission lines is also discussed.

Title: Simultaneous Multifrequency Observations of an Eruptive
    Prominence at Millimeter Wavelengths
Authors: Irimajiri, Yoshihisa; Takano, Toshiaki; Nakajima, Hiroshi;
   Shibasaki, Kiyoto; Hanaoka, Yoichiro; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
1995SoPh..156..363I    Altcode:
  Radio images and spectra of an eruptive prominence were obtained
  from simultaneous multifrequency observations at 36 GHz, 89 GHz,
  and 110 GHz on May 28, 1991 with the 45-m radio telescope at Nobeyama
  Radio Observatory (NRO), the National Astronomical Observatory, Japan
  (NAOJ). The radio spectra indicated that the optical depth is rather
  thick at 36 GHz whereas it is thin at 89 and 110 GHz. The Hα data,
  taken at Norikura Solar Observatory, NAOJ, suggest that the eruption of
  an active region filament was triggered by an Hα flare. The shape and
  position of the radio prominence generally coincided with those of Hα
  images. The radio emission is explained with an isothermal cool thread
  model. A lower limit for the electron temperature of the cool threads
  is estimated to be 6100 K. The range of the surface filling factors
  of the cool threads is 0.3-1.0 after the Hα flare, and 0.2-0.5 in the
  descending phase of the eruptive prominence. The column emission measure
  and the electron number density are estimated to be of the order of
  10<SUP>28</SUP> cm<SUP>−5</SUP> and 10<SUP>10</SUP> cm<SUP>−3</SUP>,
  respectively. The physical parameters of a quiescent prominence are also
  estimated from the observations. The filling factors of the eruptive
  prominence are smaller than those of the quiescent prominence, whereas
  the emission measures and the electron densities are similar. These
  facts imply that each cool thread of the prominence did not expand
  after the eruption, while the total volume of the prominence increased.

Title: Solar Flare Telescope at Mitaka
Authors: Sakurai, Takashi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Nishino, Yohei; Shinoda,
   Kazuya; Noguchi, Motokazu; Hiei, Eijiro; Li, Ting; He, Fengbao; Mao,
   Weijun; Lu, Haitian; Ai, Guoxiang; Zhao, Zhaowang; Kawakami, Singo;
   Chae, Jong-Chul
1995PASJ...47...81S    Altcode:
  A new solar telescope constructed recently at Mitaka, Tokyo, is
  described. This instrument, called the Solar Flare Telescope, comprises
  four telescopes which respectively perform: (1) magnetic-field vector
  measurements, (2) Doppler-velocity measurements, (3) Hα observations,
  and (4) continuum observations. The instrument has been operated as
  a ground-based support for the X-ray satellite Yohkoh launched in
  1991 August.

Title: Measurement of the Coronal Electron Temperature at the Total
    Solar Eclipse on November 3, 1994
Authors: Ichimoto, K.; Kumagai, K.; Sano, Y.; Kobiki, T.; Sakurai,
   T.; Munos, A.
1995pist.conf...72I    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: He I λ1083nm Observations and Chromospheric and Coronal
Authors: Suematsu, Y.; Ichimoto, K.; Sakurai, T.
1995itsa.conf..413S    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Magnetic Evolution of the Activity Complex AR:7260 -
    a Roadmap
Authors: Leka, K. D.; Canfield, R. C.; Mickey, D. L.; van
   Driel-Gesztelyi, L.; Nitta, N.; Sakurai, T.; Ichimoto, K.
1994SoPh..155..301L    Altcode:
  The active region NOAA 7260 rotated onto the north solar hemisphere
  as a mature bipole: a dominant negative-polarity sunspot with trailing
  plage and scattered small spots in attendance. The dominantp spot itself
  had strong magnetic fields and covered almost 400 × 10<SUP>−6</SUP>
  of a solar hemisphere. For a period of seven days beginning 14 August,
  1992 this active region displayed rapid and drastic evolution: no fewer
  than 50 magnetic bipoles emerged in the area trailing the large sunspot,
  increasing the region's magnetic flux by more than 10<SUP>22</SUP>
  Mx. This new group of sunspots formed a complexβγδ configuration
  with twoδ spots and a high degree of magnetic shear.

Title: Peculiar magnetic field evolution of active region NOAA 7562
    in August 1993 - results from campaign observation with Yohkoh
Authors: Sakurai, T.; Suematsu, Y.; Ichimoto, K.; Kurokawa, H.; Kitai,
   R.; Akioka, M.; Tohmura, I.; Soltau, D.; Mickey, D. L.; Zhang, H.;
   Li, W.; Zirin, H.; Tang, F.
1994ESASP.373..337S    Altcode: 1994soho....3..337S
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Spectroscopic Observations of Coronal Emission Lines and
    their Relation to Soft X-ray Images
Authors: Ichimoto, K.; Kumagai, K.; Sakurai, T.; Hara, H.; Takeda,
   A.; YOHKOH SXT Team
1994kofu.symp..113I    Altcode:
  Spectroscopic observations of coronal emission lines were carried out
  to obtain the plasma distribution at different temperatures. Images
  in FeXIV5303A(green), FeX6374A(red) and CaXV5694A(yellow) are compared
  with the soft X-ray images taken with the Soft X-ray Telescope on board
  Yohkoh. It is found that the distributions of green and red lines are
  quit different from that of the soft X-rays, while the yellow line
  shows quite similar distribution.

Title: A Morphological Study of Magnetic Shear Development in a
    Flare-Productive Region NOAA 7270
Authors: Kurokawa, H.; Kitai, R.; Kawai, G.; Shibata, K.; Yaji, K.;
   Ichimoto, K.; Nitta, N.; Zhang, H.
1994kofu.symp..283K    Altcode:
  The evolutional changes of a flare-productive region NOAA 7270 were
  examined in details with high resolution H_alpha images, magnetograms
  and soft X-ray images to study the process of the magnetic shear
  development and its relation to the strong flare activity of the
  region. This study led us to the following results and a conclusion:(1)
  Several new bipolar pairs simultaneously and or successively emerged in
  NOAA 7270 from 5 through 7 September. (2) Magnetic shear configurations
  developed at three locations, where most of flares occurred from 5
  through 7 , September. (3)These magnetic shear configurations were
  formed by successive emergences of twisted magnetic ropes from below
  the photosphere.

Title: Flares in Active Region NOAA 7260 - Role of Emerging Flux
Authors: Nitta, N.; Driel-Gesztelyi, L. V.; Leka, K. D.; Mickey, D. L.;
   Metcalf, T. R.; Wuelser, J. -P.; Ichimoto, K.; Sakurai, T.; Shibata, K.
1994kofu.symp..385N    Altcode:
  Active region NOAA 7260 exhibited remarkable flare activity as an
  emerging flux region appeared in the following part and evolved into
  the delta configuration. While it is difficult to associate an emerging
  bipole with a flare both temporally and spatially, there is an overall
  correlation of the total darkness integrated over of the sunspot area,
  as measured in the Yohkoh/SXT white-light images, with the soft X-ray
  flux and flare occurrence. It appears that the flares in the emerging
  flux region occurred preferentially at locations close to the spot of
  preceding polarity that emerged in the earliest evolution of the region.

Title: Electron precipitation and mass motion in the 1991 June 9
    white-light flare
Authors: de La Beaujardiere, J. -F.; Canfield, R. C.; Metcalf, T. R.;
   Hiei, E.; Sakurai, T.; Ichimoto, K.
1994SoPh..151..389D    Altcode:
  We use Hα line profiles as a diagnostic of mass motion and
  nonthermal electron precipitation in the white-light flare (WLF) of
  1991 June 9 01:34 UT. We find only weak downflow velocities (≈10 km
  s<SUP>−1</SUP>) at the site of white-light emission, and comparable
  velocities elsewhere.We also find that electron precipitation is
  strongest at the WLF site. We conclude that continuum emission in this
  flare was probably caused by nonthermal electrons and not by dynamical
  energy transport via a chromospheric condensation.

Title: Behavior of Accelerated Electrons in a Small Impulsive Solar
    Flare on 1992 August 12
Authors: Takano, Toshiaki; Enome, Shinzo; Nakajima, Hiroshi; Shibasaki,
   Kiyoto; Nishio, Masanori; Hanaoka, Yoichiro; Torii, Chikayoshi;
   Sekiguchi, Hideaki; Bushimata, Takeshi; Kawashima, Susumu; Shinohara,
   Noriyuki; Irimajiri, Yoshihisa; Koshiishi, Hideki; Kosugi, Takeo;
   Shiomi, Yasuhiko; Sakurai, Takashi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
1994PASJ...46L..21T    Altcode:
  A GOES C1.0-class impulsive flare was observed by the new Nobeyama
  Radioheliograph on 1992 August 12 with 1 s temporal and 10(”) spatial
  resolutions at 17 GHz. The radio flare consisted of an impulsive phase
  of ~ 20 s and a decay phase of ~ 90 s. Radio images showed double
  sources in the impulsive phase, whereas in the decay phase a single
  elongated source appeared which connected the double sources. Soft
  X-ray images with Yohkoh/SXT show that the radio double sources
  correspond to foot points of newly appearing coronal loops and the
  single source was located at the top of one of the loops. The radio
  emission for both phases can be explained by gyrosynchrotron radiation
  from accelerated electrons. These loops began to brighten at their
  intersecting point ~ 1 min before the radio flare. All of these facts
  suggest that the reconnection of magnetic fields heated up the coronal
  loops and produced accelerated electrons, which ran through the loops,
  precipitated onto the foot points, and caused the radio flare. Less
  than 1% of the electrons were mirrored at the foot points and trapped
  at the top of the loop. The lack of radio emission in the loop top area
  during the impulsive phase implies that the accelerated electrons were
  highly beamed.

Title: Optical and SXT Observations of the x9 Flare of Nov. 1992
Authors: Ichimoto, K.; Sakurai, T.; Nishino, Y.; Noguchi, M.; Shinoda,
   K.; Yamaguchi, A.; Kumagai, K.; Hirayama, T.; Tsuneta, S.; Acton, L.
1994xspy.conf..259I    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Some Compact Flares Take Place in the Intersection of
    Magnetic Loops
Authors: Ai, G.; Li, W.; Hirayama, T.; Ichimoto, K.
1994xspy.conf...79A    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Flares in Active Region NOAA 7260
Authors: Nitta, N.; van Driel-Gesztelyi, L.; Leka, K. D.; Sakurai,
   T.; Shibata, K.; Ichimoto, K.; Canfield, R. C.; Wülser, J. -P.;
   Metcalf, T. R.; Mickey, D. L.
1994xspy.conf..111N    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: X-Ray Activity in Coronal Loops and its
    Photospheric/chromospheric Signatures
Authors: Sakurai, T.; Shibata, K.; Ichimoto, K.; Takata, M.
1994xspy.conf...37S    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Observation of a Large Eruptive Hα Prominence with Soft
    X-Rays on 30-31 July 1992
Authors: Miyazaki, H.; Miyasita, M.; Yamaguchi, A.; Ichimoto, K.;
   Kumagai, K.; Hirayama, T.; Tsuneta, S.
1994xspy.conf..277M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Construction of magneto-otical filters and their application
    to solar observations.
Authors: Miyazaki, H.; Sakurai, T.; Okamoto, T.; Ichimoto, K.;
   Miyashita, M.; Koyama, K.; Sakata, A.; Wada, S.
1993RNAOJ...2..417M    Altcode: 1993RNOAJ...2..417M
  The magneto-optical filter (MOF) is made of a transparent cell placed in
  a strong magnetic field. The cell contains the vapor of material like
  sodium. By utilizing the magneto-optical effect near the wavelength
  of a spectral line, MOF provides a very narrow and stable passband,
  which is particularly suitable for helioseimological observations. The
  cell becomes less transparent as it ages, and can only be used in
  observations for several months. The authors' aim was to construct a
  filter that can be continuously used for several years without losing
  the sodium vapor at the cell wall. This was achieved by heating the
  whole cell to about 200°C.

Title: Flares in Active Region NOAA 7260 - Role of Emerging Flux
    and Reconnection
Authors: Nitta, N.; Drel-Gesztelyi, L. V.; Leka, K. D.; Mickey, D. L.;
   Metcalf, T. R.; Wuelser, J. -P.; Ichimoto, K.; Sakurai, T.; Shibata, K.
1993BAAS...25.1223N    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Solar Flare Telescope project.
Authors: Ichimoto, K.; Sakurai, T.; Hiei, E.; Nishino, Y.; Shinoda, K.;
   Noguchi, M.; Imai, H.; Irie, M.; Miyashita, M.; Tanaka, N.; Kumagai,
   K.; Sano, I.; Suematsu, Y.; Okamoto, T.; Miyazaki, H.; Fukushima,
   H.; Yose, Y.; Zhao, Z. W.
1993RNAOJ...1..375I    Altcode: 1993RNOAJ...1..375I
  The Solar Flare Telescope was built at Mitaka in 1989. This instrument
  comprises four telescopes which observe (1) Hα images, (2) continuum
  images, (3) vector magnetic fields, and (4) Doppler velocities,
  respectively. The instrument aims at the study of energy build-up
  and energy release in solar flares, in cooperation with the Solar-A
  satellite (Yohkoh). The Solar Flare Telescope has been in operation
  since 1990 December.

Title: Magnetic Field Observation with the Solar Flare Telescope
Authors: Ichimoto, K.; Sakurai, T.; Nishino, Y.; Shinoda, K.; Noguchi,
   M.; Kumagai, K.; Imai, H.; Irie, M.; Miyashita, M.; Tanaka, N.; Sano,
   I.; Suematsu, Y.; Hiei, E.
1993ASPC...46..166I    Altcode: 1993IAUCo.141..166I; 1993mvfs.conf..166I
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Observations of X-ray Jets Using YOHKOH Soft X-Ray Telescope
Authors: Shibata, K.; Ishido, Y.; Acton, L.; Strong, K.; Hirayama,
   T.; Uchida, Y.; McAllister, A.; Matsumoto, R.; Tsuneta, S.; Shimizu,
   T.; Hara, H.; Sakurai, T.; Ichimoto, K.; Nishino, Y.; Ogawara, Y.
1993ASPC...46..343S    Altcode: 1993IAUCo.141..343S; 1993mvfs.conf..343S
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Correlation between X-ray Temporal Variability and Magnetic
    Environment in Solar Flares
Authors: Nitta, N.; Harvey, K.; Hudson, H.; Ichimoto, K.; Metcalf,
   T.; Mickey, D.; Sakai, J. -I.; Sakao, T.; Sakurai, T.; Takahashi, M.
1992AAS...181.5503N    Altcode: 1992BAAS...24.1211N
  The X-ray time history of a solar flare can reflect basic processes of
  heating and/or acceleration, which in turn may depend on the magnetic
  environment of the site. Some flares show a simple rise and fall
  temporal behavior, whereas others show more than one peak. Comparisons
  of images taken by the Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT) aboard the Yohkoh
  spacecraft with ground-based magnetic data (Hawaii, Kitt Peak and
  Mitaka) reveal that, at least for a flare-productive active region
  (NOAA 7260), flares with double-peaked and single-peaked time profiles
  occurred at systematically different locations within the region. We
  discuss this result in terms of theoretical models, especially those
  of coalescence of two current loops.

Title: Flare-Related Relaxation of Magnetic Shear as Observed with
    the Soft X-Ray Telescope of YOHKOH and with Vector Magnetographs
Authors: Sakurai, Takashi; Shibata, Kazunari; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi;
   Tsuneta, Saku; Acton, Loren W.
1992PASJ...44L.123S    Altcode:
  The soft X-ray Telescope of Yohkoh observed an M-class flare on 1992
  February 6. As the flare progressed, an initially sheared coronal loop
  structure was seen to evolve toward a relaxed magnetic configuration. In
  association with this evolution, the vector magnetograph observations
  detected a decrease in the electric currents.

Title: Effective Geometrical Thickness and Electron Density of a
    Flare of 1991 December 2 Observed with the Soft X-Ray Telescope of
    YOHKOH and Coronagraph
Authors: Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Hirayama, Tadashi; Yamaguchi, Asami;
   Kumagai, Kazuyoshi; Tsuneta, Saku; Hara, Hirohisa; Acton, Loren W.;
   Bruner, Marilyn E.
1992PASJ...44L.117I    Altcode:
  A very small geometrical thickness of 1000 km was found for an M3.7
  flare of 1991 December 2, which occurred beyond the limb. While
  the Yohkoh soft X-ray telescope gives the emission measure, a new
  coronagraph which can observe continuum images at 6630- Angstroms gives
  the electron column density originating from electron scattering of a
  10(7) K flare plasma. The reasoning for the latter is because [Fe XIV]
  5303 Angstroms images show a much different shape compared with X-ray
  and the 6630- Angstroms continuum, and there was no Hα emission. From
  these we obtained an electron density of 4times 10(10) cm(-3) and the
  above-mentioned small length in the line of sight. Since the apparent
  width of a flaring plasma both in soft X-ray and continuum images
  measured parallel to the limb is ~ 4 times 10(4) km at a height of 7
  times 10(4) km, the smallness of the effective length of 1000 km is
  striking, and may have significant bearing on the energy conversion
  of the flare. A brief discussion concerning the origin of the mass
  and magnetic morphology is given.

Title: Observations of X-Ray Jets with the YOHKOH Soft X-Ray Telescope
Authors: Shibata, Kazunari; Ishido, Yoshinori; Acton, Loren W.; Strong,
   Keith T.; Hirayama, Tadashi; Uchida, Yutaka; McAllister, Alan H.;
   Matsumoto, Ryoji; Tsuneta, Saku; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Hara, Hirohisa;
   Sakurai, Takashi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Nishino, Yohei; Ogawara, Yoshiaki
1992PASJ...44L.173S    Altcode:
  Time series of Soft X-ray Telescope images have revealed many X-ray
  jets in the solar corona. The typical size of a jet is 5 times 10(3)
  --4 times 10(5) km, the translational velocity is 30--300 km s(-1) ,
  and the corresponding kinetic energy is estimated to be 10(25) --10(28)
  erg. Many of the jets are associated with flares in X-ray bright points,
  emerging flux regions, or active regions. They sometimes occur several
  times from the same X-ray feature. In some cases, a dark void appears
  after ejection at the footpoint of the jet. The void seems to be
  the result of a change in the topology of the X-ray emitting plasma,
  perhaps due to magnetic reconnection. Some jets show a structure which
  suggests a helical magnetic field configuration along the jet. One
  of the jets associated with a flaring bright point was identified as
  being an Hα surge. In this case, the X-ray bright point is situated
  just on the Hα bright point at the footpoint of the surge. The top
  of the surge is not bright in X-rays. We briefly discuss the origin
  of these newly discovered X-ray jets.

Title: The X10 Flare of 1991 June 9: White Light, H-alpha, Magnetic
    Fields, and Electric Currents
Authors: de La Beaujardiere, J. -F.; Canfield, R. C.; Metcalf, T. R.;
   Hiei, E.; Sakurai, T.; Ichimoto, K.
1992AAS...180.4108D    Altcode: 1992BAAS...24..795D
  We present observations by several instruments of the white-light
  flare (WLF) of 1991 June 9 01:34 UT. A white-light image from the
  National Astronomical Observatory of Japan indicates the location
  of the WLF within the active region (NOAA 6659). Stokes polarimetry
  from Mees Solar Observatory (University of Hawai`i) yields a vector
  magnetogram and a map of the vertical electric currents. Also from
  Mees comes Hα imaging spectroscopy, which is an indicator of such
  specific chromospheric processes as nonthermal electron precipitation,
  high coronal pressure, and mass motion. Both Mees instruments provide
  continuum images, allowing coregistration of the various datasets. The
  white-light emission arises from an extended area including both
  sunspot umbra and penumbra. The active region magnetic field is strongly
  nonpotential and has numerous vertical electric current channels. The
  WLF is situated in an area of relatively low current density at the
  edge of the strongest current in the active region, and the nearby
  magnetic neutral line is highly sheared. The WLF site shows electron
  precipitation, but only in its penumbral portion; stronger magnetic
  mirroring in the umbra may inhibit precipitation there. Also, the
  precipitation is not especially strong (relative to that observed
  elsewhere in this flare), suggesting that the electron-beam model
  for WLFs is not appropriate in this case. Also, the lack of strong
  redshifts argues against a dynamical energy transport model.

Title: White-Light Flares of 1991 June in the NOAA Region 6659
Authors: Sakurai, Takashi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Hiei, Eijiro; Irie,
   Makoto; Kumagai, Kazuyoshi; Miyashita, Masakuni; Nishino, Yohei;
   Yamaguchi, Kisuke; Fang, Geng; Kambry, Maspul Aini; Zhao, Zhaowang;
   Shinoda, Kazuya
1992PASJ...44L...7S    Altcode:
  We report on observations of flare activities in an active region NOAA
  6659, which appeared on the sun in 1991 June. Among six X-class flares
  in this region, we observed three flares (June 4, 9, and 11), all of
  which were white-light flares. A detailed discussion is given concerning
  a particularly interesting white-light flare which occurred on June 11.

Title: Solar Meriodional Motions Derived from Sunspot Observations
Authors: Kambry, M. A.; Nishikawa, J.; Sakurai, T.; Ichimoto, K.;
   Hiei, E.
1991SoPh..132...41K    Altcode:
  Sunspot drawings obtained at the National Astronomical Observatory of
  Japan during the years 1954-1986 were used to determine meridional
  motions of the Sun. A meridional flow of a few ms<SUP>−1</SUP>
  was found, which is equatorward in the latitude range from -20°
  to +15° and is poleward at higher latitudes in both hemispheres. A
  northward flow of 0.01° day<SUP>−1</SUP> or 1.4 ms<SUP>−1</SUP>
  at mid-latitudes (between 10° and 20°) was also detected. From our
  limited data-set of three solar cycles, an indication of solar-cycle
  dependence of meridional motions was found.

Title: HeI 10830 Å Observations of Active Regions
Authors: Hiei, E.; Ichimoto, K.; Fang, G.
1991LNP...387...67H    Altcode: 1991fpsa.conf...67H
  A number of HeI 10830Å spectroheliograms were obtained with a 25-cm
  aperture coronagraph at the Norikura Solar Observatory. From these
  data we found; 1) a close relationship between the steady features
  in HeI 108301Å intensity, velocity fields, and the magnetic fields,
  2) darkenings of points in active regions with a time scale of 10-20
  minutes, and 3) various manifestations of flares in HeI 10830Å . The
  HeI 10830 Å line will give us sensitive diagnostics of chromospheric
  and coronal active phenomena.

Title: Construction and experimentation of the new 10 cm coronagraph
    at the Norikura Solar Observatory.
Authors: Kumagai, K.; Yamaguchi, A.; Ichimoto, K.; Nishino, Y.;
   Hirayama, T.
1991RNAOJ...1..139K    Altcode: 1991RNOAJ...1..139K
  A new 10 cm-aperture coronagraph was constructed and installed at the
  Norikura Solar Observatory of the National Astronomical Observatory. The
  basic optical design follows the original Lyot's one. The coronal
  images taken with a 2/3-inch commercial CCD camera are digitized
  and integrated with an image processing unit in order to increase the
  accuracy of the measurement. The primary purpose of this coronagraph is
  to observe the flare images beyond the limb in the electron scattering
  continuum, so that if combined with the X-ray observation from Solar-A,
  the distribution and its temporal changes of the electron density and
  effective line-of-sight length will be obtained for the 10<SUP>7</SUP>K
  plasma. Other objective of this coronagraph-imaging system is to
  acquire faint coronal images particularly in the IR region and to
  determine the prominence magnetic field.

Title: Solar Flare Telescope and 10-cm New Coronagraph
Authors: Ichimoto, K.; Sakurai, T.; Yamaguchi, A.; Kumagai, K.;
   Nishino, Y.; Suematsu, Y.; Hiei, E.; Hirayama, T.
1991LNP...387..320I    Altcode: 1991fpsa.conf..320I
  Two new telescopes were built at the National Astronomical
  Observatory of Japan, i.e. the Solar Flare Telescope and the 10-cm New
  Coronagraph. The Solar Flare Telescope was constructed at Mitaka to make
  observations of photospheric velocity fields, vector magnetic fields,
  and H and continuum images of active regions simultaneously. The whole
  system will be completed in 1991. The 10-cm new coronagraph, which
  was developed to make precise measurements of the coronal intensity in
  several wavelengths, has already been in operation for one year at the
  Norikura Solar Observatory. At present the accuracy of about 10-6 of
  the solar disk intensity is achieved in continuum light, but further
  improvement in the photometric accuracy remains to be done.

Title: Advances in solar observations.
Authors: Nishio, M.; Ichimoto, K.
1991AstHe..84..152N    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Construction of Long-Life Magneto-optical Filters for
    Helioseismology Observations
Authors: Sakurai, T.; Tanaka, K.; Miyazaki, H.; Ichimoto, K.; Sakata,
   A.; Wada, S.
1990LNP...367..277S    Altcode: 1990psss.conf..277S
  A design of magneto-optical filters we are developing is described. By
  heating the cell to about 200°C, a lifetime more than a year has
  been achieved.

Title: CCD data acquisition system installed on the spectrograph at
    the Norikura Solar Observatory.
Authors: Hamana, S.; Kumagai, K.; Ichimoto, K.; Sakurai, T.; Hiei, E.
1990RNAOJ...1...13H    Altcode: 1990RNOAJ...1...13H
  A new data acquisition system is installed on the 25-cm coudé-type
  coronagraph at the Norikura Solar Observatory. Three CCD cameras (2/3
  inch, 512×480 pixels) are mounted on the spectrograph; one at the short
  focal length exit window and the other two at the long focal length exit
  window. Fields of view along the entrance slit of the spectrograph are
  9'15″ 2'22″and 3'00″ respectively. Spectral images are digitized
  and integrated on the image processing unit. The new system has made
  possible (1) the observations in the near-infrared wavelength, (2)
  high accuracy in data compared to photographic observations, and (3)
  the analyses of large amounts of spectral data.

Title: Phase Relation between Velocities and Temperature Fluctuations
    of the Solar 5-Minute Oscillation
Authors: Ichimoto, K.; Hamana, S.; Kumagai, K.; Sakurai, T.; Hiei, E.
1990LNP...367..205I    Altcode: 1990psss.conf..205I
  Phase relations between the velocities and temperature oscillations in
  the solar photosphere are investigated on the - diagram. Distributions
  of the phase differences on the - plane are roughly reproduced
  by a simple analytical model, but the detailed fitting is not
  satisfactory. In the 5-minute band, temperature reaches its peak when
  the atmosphere is moving downward. The amount of the phase difference
  between temperature and velocity suggests the radiative damping time
  of 1-40 s. Identification of the g-mode oscillation is not clear.

Title: Spectral manifestations of the granular velocity field near
    the solar limb
Authors: Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Hiei, Eijiro; Nakagomi, Yoshiteru
1989PASJ...41..333I    Altcode:
  It is found that high-resolution spectra taken near the solar limb show
  very different wiggly line patterns of photospheric lines compared
  with those taken near the disk center. (1) The absorption line look
  like twisted threads. As the line of sight moves towards the limb,
  the lines first show a gradual redshift and then it is followed by a
  quick change to a blueshift. (2) The velocity distribution measured
  in the line core is displaced toward the limb relative to that in the
  line wing. These characteristics are well reproduced by an atmospheric
  model with a two-dimensional grandular velocity field. It is shown that
  the horizontal component of the grandular velocity plays an important
  role for producing a line wiggle near the solar limb.

Title: Evershed effect observed in various solar photospheric lines
Authors: Ichimoto, K.
1988VA.....31..113I    Altcode:
  Observational data of the Evershed effect are used to examine the
  validity of the models to account for the origin of the filamentary
  structure of the penumbra. The rolling convection model of Danielson
  (1961) and the elevated dark filament model of Moore (1981) and Cram
  et al. (1981) are considered. The dependence of the Evershed velocity
  on the equivalent width at the outer edge of the penumbra is compared
  with that in the inner penumbra. Also, the dependence of the Evershed
  velocity on the lower level excitation potential of spectral lines
  is studied. The results show that the elevated dark filament model
  produces a better agreement with the observational data than to rolling
  convection model.

Title: Evershed effect observed in various solar photospheric
    lines. II - Dependence on the excitation potential
Authors: Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
1988PASJ...40..103I    Altcode:
  A total of 85 photospheric lines are investigated in order to clarify
  the dependence of the Evershed velocity on the excitation potential
  of spectral lines. After removing the variation with the equivalent
  width and the Landé factor of the spectral lines, it is found that
  the shift of the line wing shows a variation with the excitation
  potential: the higher the excitation potential, the larger the line
  shift. The dependence on the excitation potential gives the author
  a clue for understanding the temperature-velocity structure in
  the sunspot penumbrae. Using two-component penumbral models with a
  prescribed velocity field, the author performs an LTE calculation of
  line profiles. The observed variation of the Evershed velocity with
  the excitation potential can be naturally explained by the penumbral
  model in which the penumbral dark regions carrying the Evershed motion
  are dense filaments elevated in the photosphere, where the temperature
  in the filaments is not much lower than that in the bright regions.

Title: The 17-MONTH Periodicity of Sunspot Activity
Authors: Akioka, M.; Kubota, J.; Suzuki, M.; Ichimoto, K.; Tohmura, I.
1987SoPh..112..313A    Altcode:
  A statistical study of sunspot activity during 1969 to 1986 was carried
  out by using the number of sunspot groups and their areas. We found a
  17-month periodicity, which is consistent with the 500-day periodicity
  of flare occurrence (Ichimoto et al., 1985).

Title: Evershed effect observed in various solar photospheric lines. I
    - Dependence of the velocity distribution across the penumbra on
    the equivalent width
Authors: Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
1987PASJ...39..329I    Altcode:
  The spatial variations of the Evershed effect across a sunspot
  penumbra is investigated using 88 photospheric lines. It is found
  that the position where the Evershed velocity reaches a maximum varies
  systematically with the equivalent width of the absorption line; the
  stronger lines show the maximum velocity at a more outward position
  of the penumbra. As a result, the dependence of the Evershed velocity
  on the equivalent width gets weak at the outer edge of the penumbra,
  where the degree of the line asymmetry is also reduced. To interpret the
  variations of the Evershed effect across the penumbra, LTE calculations
  of line profiles are performed based on some inhomogeneous penumbral
  models. The observed change of the dependence of velocities on the
  equivalent widths can be well explained by assuming that the material
  flow occurs in dense filaments elevated in the photo sphere, while the
  density, therefore the opacity, of the flow channel decreases towards
  the outer edge of the penumbra. On the other hand, it is difficult to
  explain the observed characteristics by the model that the Evershed
  flow is confined in the deep layer and sinks down under the photo
  sphere at the outer border of the penumbra.

Title: High resolution observation of Hα solar flares and temporal
    relation between Hα and X-ray, microwave emission
Authors: Kurokawa, H.; Kitahara, T.; Nakai, Y.; Funakoshi, Y.;
   Ichimoto, K.
1986Ap&SS.118..149K    Altcode:
  We studied the evolutional characteristics of fine structures in
  Hα flare emitting regions and their relation to X-ray and microwave
  emissions for selected events observed with the 60 cm Domeless Solar
  Telescope at Hida Observatory, University of Kyoto. The principal
  conclusions of this investigation are: (1) Hα kernel consists of some
  finer bright points or Hαflare points whose individual size is less
  than 1 arc sec. (2) Impulsive brightnenings of Hα flare points occurred
  simultaneously with the spikes of the hard X-ray and microwave bursts
  within the time resolution of our Hα observations which varied from
  1 to 10 s. (3) It is concluded that fast electron beams must be the
  principal mechanism of heating Hα flares during the impulsive phase
  of a flare.

Title: Periodic behaviour of solar flare activity
Authors: Ichimoto, K.; Kubota, J.; Suzuki, M.; Tohmura, I.; Kurokawa,
1985Natur.316..422I    Altcode:
  The periodic nature of solar activity has been studied using parameters
  such as the sunspot Wolf numbers, calcium plage areas and flare
  indices. The magnitude of the solar activity based on these parameters
  reveals periodicities other than the most pronounced 11-yr one. Any
  absolute detection of periodicity in active phenomena would have
  fundamental significance for our understanding of solar activity. Here
  we investigate the temporal variation of the flare activity of the Sun
  using the data of 8,821 Hα flares which occurred during the period
  January 1965 to February 1984, and show new evidence for 155-day and
  17-month periodicities of the flare activity. The 155-day periodicity
  is examined by taking into account the location of the flare on the
  Sun. It is suggested that the 155-day period may be related to the
  timescale for the storage and/or the escape of the magnetic field.

Title: Hα Red Asymmetry of Solar Flares
Authors: Ichimoto, K.; Kurokawa, H.
1984SoPh...93..105I    Altcode:
  The evolutional characteristics of the red asymmetry of Hα flare
  line profiles were studied by means of a quantitative analysis of
  Hα flare spectra obtained with the Domeless Solar Telescope at Hida
  Observatory. Red-shifted emission streaks of Hα line are found at the
  initial phase of almost all flares which occur near the disk center,
  and are considered to be substantial features of the red asymmetry. It
  is found that a downward motion in the flare chromospheric region is the
  cause of the red-shifted emission streak. The downward motion abruptly
  increases at the onset of a flare, attains its maximum velocity of
  about 40 to 100 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> shortly before the impulsive peak of
  the microwave burst, and rapidly decreases before the intensity of Hα
  line reaches its maximum. Referring to the numerical simulations made
  by Livshits et al. (1981) and Somov et al. (1982), we conclude that
  the conspicuous red-asymmetry or the red-shifted emission streak of
  Hα line is due to the downward motion of the compressed chromospheric
  flare region produced by the impulsive heating by energetic electron
  beam or thermal conduction.

Title: Anomalous V/R Variation in EW Lac
Authors: Kogure, T.; Asada, Y.; Ichimoto, K.; Suzuki, M.
1981IBVS.1952....1K    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS