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Author name code: imada
ADS astronomy entries on 2022-09-14
author:"Imada, Shinsuke" 

Title: Inference of magnetic field during the Dalton minimum: Case
    study with recorded sunspot areas
Authors: Uneme, Shoma; Imada, Shinsuke; Lee, Harim; Park, Eunsu;
   Hayakawa, Hisashi; Iju, Tomoya; Moon, Yong-Jae
2022PASJ...74..767U    Altcode:
  The Dalton minimum is considered to be one of the unique solar activity
  periods that have been captured in direct sunspot observations since
  1610. Specifically, the solar magnetic field in this period is of great
  interest. Derfflinger and Prantner's sunspot observations of 1802-1824
  and 1800-1844 are the most important references for this period. To
  understand the solar magnetic activity in the Dalton minimum, it
  is important to estimate the latitude/longitude distribution of the
  sunspots and the sunspot areas for that duration. In this study, we
  analyze Derfflinger and Prantner's sunspot drawings to determine the
  sunspot parameters, particularly the sunspot area. We find that the
  sunspot areas obtained from Derfflinger's drawings are overemphasized by
  a factor of eight relative to those derived from modern observations. We
  also analyze Prantner's sunspot drawings to validate our analysis of
  Derfflinger's drawings. Further, we generate solar magnetograms from
  Derfflinger's sunspot drawings using a deep-learning model based on
  conditional generative adversarial networks. Our analysis of these
  sunspot areas will provide important information for restoring the
  magnetograms during the Dalton minimum.

Title: A spectral solar irradiance monitor (SoSpIM) on the JAXA
    Solar-C (EUVST) space mission
Authors: Harra, Louise K.; Watanabe, Kyoko; Haberreiter, Margit;
   Hori, Tomoaki; Hara, Hirohisa; Kretzschmar, Matthieu; Woods, Thomas;
   Shimizu, Toshifumi; Krucker, Samuel; Berghmans, David; Jin, Hidekatsu;
   Dominique, Marie; Eparvier, Francis G.; Gissot, Samuel; Leng Yeo, Kok;
   Pfiffner, Dany; Milligan, Ryan; Thiemann, Edward; Miyoshi, Yoshizumi;
   Imada, Shinsuke; Kawate, Tomoko; Chamberlin, Phillip; Rozanov, Eugene;
   Silvio Koller, -.; Barczynski, Krzysztof; Nozomu; Nishitani; Ieda,
   Akimasa; Langer, Patrick; Meier, Leandro; Tye, Daniel; Alberti, Andrea
2022cosp...44..834H    Altcode:
  The JAXA Solar-C (EUVST) mission (Shimizu et al., 2020) is designed
  to comprehensively understand how mass and energy are transferred
  throughout the solar atmosphere. The EUV High-Throughput Spectroscopic
  Telescope (EUVST) onboard does this by observing all the temperature
  regimes of the atmosphere from the chromosphere to the corona
  simultaneously. To enhance the EUVST scientific capabilities,
  there will be a Solar Spectral Irradiance Monitor (SoSpIM). SoSpIM
  will work hand-in-hand scientifically with EUVST, by providing the
  full Sun irradiance at sub-second time cadence combined with the
  spatially resolved spectroscopy from EUVST. The SoSPIM instrument
  will specifically address two aspects. These are: · Understand how
  the solar atmosphere becomes unstable, releasing the energy that
  drives solar flares - achieved through probing fast time cadence
  solar flare variations. · Measuring solar irradiance that impacts
  the Earth's thermosphere and the mesosphere, linking to spatially
  resolved measurements of the solar atmosphere with EUVST. SoSpIM will
  provide high time resolution measurements in 2 channels (a) in the
  corona through channel 1 (EUV) and (b) in the lower atmosphere through
  channel 2 (Lyman alpha). Each channel impacts different layers of the
  Earth's atmosphere.

Title: How Can Solar-C/SOSPIM Contribute to the Understanding of
    Quasi-Periodic Pulsations in Solar Flares?
Authors: Dominique, Marie; Harra, Louise K.; Watanabe, Kyoko; Hara,
   Hirohisa; Zhukov, Andrei; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Berghmans, David;
   Dolla, Laurent; Gissot, Samuel; Pfiffner, Dany; Imada, Shinsuke;
   Silvio Koller, -.; Meier, Leandro; Tye, Daniel; Alberti, Andrea
2022cosp...44.2524D    Altcode:
  Quasi-periodic pulsations (QPPs) refer to nearly-periodic oscillations
  that are often observed in irradiance time series during solar flares
  and have also been reported in several stellar flares. In the last
  years, several statistical studies based on Soft X-ray measurements
  have reached the conclusion that QPPs are present in most solar
  flares of class M and above. Still, as of today, we are still unsure
  of what causes QPPs. Several models could explain the presence of
  QPPs with periods matching the ones observed. More detailed analysis
  of the observational signatures of QPPs might help determine which
  of those models are actually playing a role in the generation of
  QPPs. However, as QPPs is a small timescale process (the period of
  QPPs is often reported to be less than a minute), such an analysis
  requires instruments with a good signal-to-noise and high sampling
  rate. In this context, the spectral solar irradiance monitor SOSPIM,
  that will be part of the JAXA SOLAR C mission and that will complement
  the EUVST spectrograph measurements, could be a valuable asset. SOSPIM
  will observe the solar chromosphere and corona in the Lyman-alpha
  and EUV spectral ranges at high cadence. In this presentation, we
  review the current knowledge of QPPs and describe what could be the
  contribution of SOSPIM to push their understanding one step forward.

Title: Long-term variation in the solar terrestrial enviroment
    related to solar cycle
Authors: Imada, Shinsuke; Tsujimura, Hodaka; Iijima, Haruhisa
2022cosp...44.1549I    Altcode:
  It is known that the solar activity fluctuates in a cycle of about 11
  years, and the global magnetic field structure of the sun changes with
  the fluctuation. This change in the magnetic field structure has a
  great effect on the solar wind from the sun into the interplanetary
  space, and as a result, the solar terrestrial environment also
  fluctuates in a cycle of about 11 years. In this research, we will
  stochastically discuss what the solar wind will look like in about
  10 years by combining the following solar cycle activity prediction
  model and the solar wind model that we have developed so far. In this
  research, we will combine the next solar cycle activity prediction
  model and the solar wind model that we have been developing so far,
  and probabilistically discuss what the solar wind will look like about
  10 years from now. In addition, we will verify whether the coronal
  hole generation, transportation, and disappearance on a time scale of
  several tens of days and the solar wind in the earth's orbit can be
  reproduced by our method using past observation results.

Title: Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere: Future Plans
    for Reconnection Observations
Authors: Imada, Shinsuke
2022cosp...44.1496I    Altcode:
  Magnetic reconnection has been recognized as one of the key mechanisms
  for heating and bulk acceleration of space plasmas. To date, many
  observations have been made on the solar corona to confirm the presence
  of high-temperature and high-speed plasma flows produced by magnetic
  reconnection above flare arcades. In this talk, I will introduce
  the study on plasma heating considers the time-dependent ionization
  process during a large solar flare on 2017 September 10, observed by
  Hinode/EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS). The observed Fe XXIV/Fe XXIII
  ratios increase downstream of the reconnection outflow, and they are
  consistent with the time-dependent ionization effect at a constant
  electron temperature Te = 25 MK. Moreover, this study also shows that
  the nonthermal velocity, which can be related to the turbulent velocity,
  reduces significantly along the downstream of the reconnection outflow,
  even when considering the time-dependent ionization process. The
  number of high-temperature lines observed by Hinode/EIS is limited,
  so it is difficult to make a sufficient diagnosis of the reconnection
  region. Recently, the next generation solar observation satellite
  Solar-C (EUVST) has been discussed intensively. An ultraviolet
  imaging spectrometer with dramatically improved spatial and temporal
  resolution is planned for this satellite. In the Solar-C era, thermal
  nonequilibrium plasma will be extensively discussed. I expect that
  Solar-C (EUVST) will reveal the reconnection region in detail.

Title: Factors That Determine the Power-law Index of an Energy
    Distribution of Solar Flares
Authors: Kawai, Toshiki; Imada, Shinsuke
2022ApJ...931..113K    Altcode:
  The power-law index of an occurrence frequency distribution of flares
  as a function of energy is one of the most important indicators to
  evaluate the contribution of small-scale flares to coronal heating. For
  a few decades, many studies tried to derive the power-law index using
  various instruments and methods. However, these results are various
  and the cause of this uncertainty is unknown due to the variety of
  observation conditions. Therefore, we investigated the dependence of
  the index on the solar activity, coronal features, released energy
  range, and active region properties such as magnetic flux, twist, and
  size. Our findings are (1) annual power-law index derived from time
  series of total solar irradiance (Sun-as-a-star observation analysis)
  has a negative correlation with sunspot number; (2) power-law index
  in active region is smaller than that of the quiet Sun and coronal
  holes; (3) power-law index is almost constant in the energy range of
  10<SUP>25</SUP> ≲ E ≲ 10<SUP>30</SUP> erg; and (4) active regions
  that have more magnetic free energy density, unsigned magnetic flux,
  and shear angle tend to have smaller power-law indices. Based on the
  results and energy-scaling law of Petschek-type reconnection, we suggest
  that the power-law index of sunspot-scale events is smaller than that
  of granule-scale events. Moreover, we indicated that sunspot-scale
  events follow CSHKP flare model whereas granule-scale events follow
  Parker's nanoflare model.

Title: Reproduction of the Earth's ionospheric response to solar
    flare emission spectra using physical-based models
Authors: Nishimoto, Shohei; Watanabe, Kyoko; Jin, Hidekatsu; Kawai,
   Toshiki; Imada, Shinsuke; Kawate, Tomoko
2021AGUFMSH55C1855N    Altcode:
  The X-rays and extreme ultraviolet (EUV) emitted during solar flares
  can rapidly change the physical composition of the Earth's ionosphere,
  causing sudden ionospheric disturbances and other space weather
  phenomena. (Dellinger 1937). Therefore, to understand how solar flare
  emission spectra affects the ionosphere, it is important to have an
  accurate understanding of the solar flare emission spectra. Solar
  flares with a long duration have a large effect on ionosphere because
  they have a large energy (Qian et al., 2010). The physics-based
  model is useful for accurately estimate the profile of solar flare
  emission. We verify the extent of reproducing the flare emission
  spectra using a newly proposed method based on the physical process
  of the flare loop (Kawai et al., 2020). In this method, we convert
  the soft X-ray light-curves observed during flare events into EUV
  emission spectra using a one-dimensional hydrodynamic calculation and
  the CHIANTI atomic database (Dere et al., 2019). We examined the EUV
  flare time-integrated irradiance and EUV flare line rise time for 21
  flare events by comparing the calculation results of the proposed
  method and observed EUV spectral data. Proposed method succeeded
  in reproducing the EUV flare time-integrated irradiance of Fe lines
  which have relatively higher formation temperature. For the EUV flare
  line rise time, there was acceptable correlation between the proposed
  method estimations and observations for all Fe flare emission lines. We
  used the solar flare emission spectral models and the Earth's whole
  atmospheric model to study the effect of X-rays and EUV emissions from
  flares on the ionosphere. For the solar flare emission spectral models,
  we used the physical model described above and an empirical model, the
  Flare Irradiance Spectral Model (FISM; Chamberlin et al., 2020). For
  the Earth's whole atmospheric model, we used the Ground-to-Topside Model
  of Atmosphere and Ionosphere for Aeronomy (GAIA; Jin et al., 2011). We
  compared the total electron content (TEC) variations corresponding to
  various solar flare emission spectra for 6 X-class flare events that
  occurred from 2010 to the 2021. The results show that the wavelengths
  of solar flare emissions that mainly affect TEC variations are soft
  X-rays (&lt;10 nm) and EUV emissions (especially 28-30, 32-34 nm).

Title: How Can Solar-C/SOSPIM Contribute to the Understanding of
    Quasi-Periodic Pulsations in Solar Flares?
Authors: Dominique, Marie; Dolla, Laurent; Zhukov, Andrei; Alberti,
   Andrea; Berghmans, David; Gissot, Samuel; Hara, Hirohisa; Harra,
   Louise; Imada, Shinsuke; Koller, Silvio; Meier, Leandro; Pfiffner,
   Daniel; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Tye, Daniel; Watanabe, Kyoko
2021AGUFMSH25E2124D    Altcode:
  Quasi-periodic pulsations (QPPs) refer to nearly-periodic oscillations
  that are often observed in irradiance time series during solar flares
  and have also been reported in several stellar flares. In the last
  years, several statistical studies based on Soft X-ray measurements
  have reached the conclusion that QPPs are present in most solar flares
  of class M and above. Still, the mechanism at the origin of QPPs is
  under debate. Are they caused by waves or periodic fluctuations of the
  magnetic reconnection driving the flare? Analyzing the characteristics
  of QPPs and their evolution during the flare could help identifying
  their origin. However, QPPs sometimes exhibit very different
  periodicities, and do not always happen during the same phase of the
  flare. All this could point to the coexistence of QPPs with different
  origin mechanism, and indicates the need for more observations. In this
  context, the spectral solar irradiance monitor SOSPIM, that will be
  part of the JAXA SOLAR C mission and that will complement the EUVST
  spectrograph measurements, could be a valuable asset. SOSPIM will
  observe the solar chromosphere and corona in the Lyman-alpha and EUV
  spectral ranges at high cadence. In this presentation, we review the
  current knowledge of QPPs and describe what could be the contribution
  of SOSPIM to push their understanding one step forward.

Title: Validation of computed extreme ultraviolet emission spectra
    during solar flares
Authors: Nishimoto, Shohei; Watanabe, Kyoko; Kawai, Toshiki; Imada,
   Shinsuke; Kawate, Tomoko
2021EP&S...73...79N    Altcode:
  X-rays and extreme ultraviolet (EUV) emissions from solar flares
  rapidly change the physical composition of the Earth's thermosphere
  and ionosphere, thereby causing space weather phenomena such as
  communication failures. Numerous empirical and physical models have been
  developed to estimate the effects of flare emissions on the Earth's
  upper atmosphere. We verified the reproduction of the flare emission
  spectra using a one-dimensional hydrodynamic calculation and the CHIANTI
  atomic database. To validate the proposed model, we used the observed
  EUV spectra obtained by the Extreme ultraviolet variability experiment
  (EVE) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). We examined the
  "EUV flare time-integrated irradiance" and "EUV flare line rise time"
  of the EUV emissions for 21 events by comparing the calculation
  results of the proposed model and observed EUV spectral data. The
  proposed model successfully reproduced the EUV flare time-integrated
  irradiance of the Fe VIII 131 Å, Fe XVIII 94 Å, and Fe XX133 Å, as
  well as the 55-355 Å and 55-135 Å bands. For the EUV flare line rise
  time, there was an acceptable correlation between the proposed model
  estimations and observations for all Fe flare emission lines. These
  results demonstrate that the proposed model can reproduce the EUV
  flare emission spectra from the emitting plasma with a relatively high
  formation temperature. This indicates that the physics-based model is
  effective for the accurate reproduction of the EUV spectral irradiance.

Title: Model-based reproduction and validation of the total spectra
    of a solar flare and their impact on the global environment at the
    X9.3 event of September 6, 2017
Authors: Watanabe, Kyoko; Jin, Hidekatsu; Nishimoto, Shohei; Imada,
   Shinsuke; Kawai, Toshiki; Kawate, Tomoko; Otsuka, Yuichi; Shinbori,
   Atsuki; Tsugawa, Takuya; Nishioka, Michi
2021EP&S...73...96W    Altcode:
  We attempted to reproduce the total electron content (TEC) variation
  in the Earth's atmosphere from the temporal variation of the solar
  flare spectrum of the X9.3 flare on September 6, 2017. The flare
  spectrum from the Flare Irradiance Spectral Model (FISM), and the
  flare spectrum from the 1D hydrodynamic model, which considers the
  physics of plasma in the flare loop, are used in the GAIA model,
  which is a simulation model of the Earth's whole atmosphere and
  ionosphere, to calculate the TEC difference. We then compared these
  results with the observed TEC. When we used the FISM flare spectrum,
  the difference in TEC from the background was in a good agreement with
  the observation. However, when the flare spectrum of the 1D-hydrodynamic
  model was used, the result varied depending on the presence or absence
  of the background. This difference depending on the models is considered
  to represent which extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation is primarily
  responsible for increasing TEC. From the flare spectrum obtained from
  these models and the calculation result of TEC fluctuation using GAIA,
  it is considered that the enhancement in EUV emission by approximately
  15-35 nm mainly contributes in increasing TEC rather than that of
  X-ray emission, which is thought to be mainly responsible for sudden
  ionospheric disturbance. In addition, from the altitude/wavelength
  distribution of the ionization rate of Earth's atmosphere by GAIA
  (Ground-to-topside Atmosphere and Ionosphere model for Aeronomy), it
  was found that EUV radiation of approximately 15-35 nm affects a wide
  altitude range of 120-300 km, and TEC enhancement is mainly caused by
  the ionization of nitrogen molecules.

Title: PSTEP: project for solar-terrestrial environment prediction
Authors: Kusano, Kanya; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Ishii, Mamoru; Miyoshi,
   Yoshizumi; Yoden, Shigeo; Akiyoshi, Hideharu; Asai, Ayumi; Ebihara,
   Yusuke; Fujiwara, Hitoshi; Goto, Tada-Nori; Hanaoka, Yoichiro;
   Hayakawa, Hisashi; Hosokawa, Keisuke; Hotta, Hideyuki; Hozumi,
   Kornyanat; Imada, Shinsuke; Iwai, Kazumasa; Iyemori, Toshihiko; Jin,
   Hidekatsu; Kataoka, Ryuho; Katoh, Yuto; Kikuchi, Takashi; Kubo, Yûki;
   Kurita, Satoshi; Matsumoto, Haruhisa; Mitani, Takefumi; Miyahara,
   Hiroko; Miyoshi, Yasunobu; Nagatsuma, Tsutomu; Nakamizo, Aoi; Nakamura,
   Satoko; Nakata, Hiroyuki; Nishizuka, Naoto; Otsuka, Yuichi; Saito,
   Shinji; Saito, Susumu; Sakurai, Takashi; Sato, Tatsuhiko; Shimizu,
   Toshifumi; Shinagawa, Hiroyuki; Shiokawa, Kazuo; Shiota, Daikou;
   Takashima, Takeshi; Tao, Chihiro; Toriumi, Shin; Ueno, Satoru;
   Watanabe, Kyoko; Watari, Shinichi; Yashiro, Seiji; Yoshida, Kohei;
   Yoshikawa, Akimasa
2021EP&S...73..159K    Altcode:
  Although solar activity may significantly impact the global environment
  and socioeconomic systems, the mechanisms for solar eruptions and
  the subsequent processes have not yet been fully understood. Thus,
  modern society supported by advanced information systems is at risk
  from severe space weather disturbances. Project for solar-terrestrial
  environment prediction (PSTEP) was launched to improve this situation
  through synergy between basic science research and operational
  forecast. The PSTEP is a nationwide research collaboration in Japan
  and was conducted from April 2015 to March 2020, supported by a
  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas from the
  Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of
  Japan. By this project, we sought to answer the fundamental questions
  concerning the solar-terrestrial environment and aimed to build a
  next-generation space weather forecast system to prepare for severe
  space weather disasters. The PSTEP consists of four research groups and
  proposal-based research units. It has made a significant progress in
  space weather research and operational forecasts, publishing over 500
  refereed journal papers and organizing four international symposiums,
  various workshops and seminars, and summer school for graduate students
  at Rikubetsu in 2017. This paper is a summary report of the PSTEP and
  describes the major research achievements it produced.

Title: Johann Christoph Müller's Sunspot Observations in 1719 -
1720: Snapshots of the Immediate Aftermath of the Maunder Minimum
Authors: Hayakawa, Hisashi; Iju, Tomoya; Kuroyanagi, Chiaki; Carrasco,
   Víctor M. S.; Besser, Bruno P.; Uneme, Shoma; Imada, Shinsuke
2021SoPh..296..154H    Altcode:
  The Maunder Minimum (1645 - 1715) was unique in terms of solar-cycle
  amplitudes and sunspot-position distributions registered in the last
  four centuries; however, little is known for its recovery and transition
  to the regular solar cycles until 1749 and the existing reconstructions
  vary from one to another here. This article presents a snapshot of Solar
  Cycle −3 including sunspot observations by Johann Christoph Müller
  (hereafter, JCM) in 1719 - 1720. We identified his sunspot drawings
  in the manuscript department of the National Library of Russia in
  St. Petersburg and compiled his biographical profile and observational
  expertise. Subsequently, we analysed his sunspot drawings and derived
  the group number and positions of the observed sunspots. The results
  and comparative analyses with contemporary observations revealed
  that JCM reported up to five sunspot groups, corresponding well with
  Sebastian Alischer's records but contrasting with Johann Rost's records
  in the existing databases. These comparisons indicated that Rost's
  extremely large values recorded in 1719 - 1720 probably represented
  individual sunspot numbers instead of sunspot group numbers, unlike
  the understanding in the existing databases. Accordingly, JCM's group
  number forms a robust reference for representing the solar activity
  in 1719 - 1720 and exhibits relatively moderate solar cycle amplitude
  in the immediate aftermath of the Maunder Minimum. Moreover, JCM's
  sunspot drawings provide significantly detailed information on sunspot
  positions. Our analyses could locate the reported sunspot groups in
  both solar hemispheres, unlike those in the Maunder Minimum, which
  support the suggested transition between Solar Cycles −4 and −3.

Title: Stephan Prantner's Sunspot Observations during the Dalton
Authors: Hayakawa, Hisashi; Uneme, Shoma; Besser, Bruno P.; Iju,
   Tomoya; Imada, Shinsuke
2021ApJ...919....1H    Altcode: 2021arXiv210505405H
  In addition to regular Schwabe cycles (≍11 yr), solar variability
  also shows longer periods of enhanced or reduced activity. Of these,
  reconstructions of the Dalton Minimum provide controversial sunspot
  group numbers and limited sunspot positions, partially due to limited
  source record accessibility. In this context, we analyzed Stephan
  Prantner's sunspot observations spanning from 1804 to 1844, the values
  of which had only been known through estimates despite their notable
  chronological coverage during the Dalton Minimum. We identified his
  original manuscript in Stiftsarchiv Wilten, near Innsbruck (Austria). We
  reviewed his biography (1782-1873) and located his observational sites
  at Wilten and Waidring, which housed the principal telescopes for his
  early and late observations: a 3.5 inch astronomical telescope and
  a Reichenbach 4 foot achromatic erecting telescope, respectively. We
  identified 215 days of datable sunspot observations, which is almost
  twice as much data as his estimated data in the existing databases
  (=115 days). In Prantner's records, we counted up to seven to nine
  sunspot groups per day and measured sunspot positions, which show their
  distributions in both solar hemispheres. These results strikingly
  emphasize the difference between the Dalton Minimum and the Maunder
  Minimum as well as the similarity between the Dalton Minimum and the
  weak solar cycles in the modern observations.

Title: Reanalyses of the sunspot observations of Fogelius and Siverus:
    two 'long-term' observers during the Maunder minimum
Authors: Hayakawa, Hisashi; Iju, Tomoya; Uneme, Shoma; Besser, Bruno
   P.; Kosaka, Shunsuke; Imada, Shinsuke
2021MNRAS.506..650H    Altcode: 2020MNRAS.tmp.2883H; 2020arXiv200914369H
  The solar activity during the Maunder minimum (MM; 1645-1715) has
  been considered significantly different from the one captured in
  modern observations, in terms of sunspot group number and sunspot
  positions, whereas its actual amplitudes and distributions are still
  under active discussions. In its core period (1650/1660-1700), Martin
  Fogelius and Heinrich Siverus have formed significant long-term series
  in the existing data bases. With numerous spotless days, they have been
  considered as the 13th and 7th most active observers before the end of
  the MM. In this study, we have analysed their original archival records,
  revised their data, have removed significant contaminations of the
  apparent 'spotless days' in the existing data bases, and cast caveats on
  the potential underestimation of the solar-cycle amplitude in the core
  MM. Still, they reported at best one sunspot group throughout their
  observational period and confirm the significantly suppressed solar
  cycles during the MM. This is also supported from the contemporary
  observations of Hook and Willoughby, analysed in this study. Based
  on their revised data, we have also derived positions of notable
  sunspot groups, which Siverus recorded in 1671 (≍N7.5° ± 2.5°),
  in comparison with those of Cassini's drawings (≍N10° ± 1°). Their
  coincidence in position and chronology in corrected dates indicates
  these sunspot groups were probably the same recurrent active region (AR)
  and its lifespan was significantly long (≥35 d) even during the MM.

Title: The Energy Conversion Rate of an Active Region Transient
    Brightening Estimated by Hinode Spectroscopic Observations
Authors: Kawai, Toshiki; Imada, Shinsuke
2021ApJ...918...51K    Altcode: 2021arXiv210606208K
  We statistically estimate the conversion rate of the energy released
  during an active region transient brightening to Doppler motion and
  thermal and nonthermal energies. We used two types of data sets for the
  energy estimation and detection of transient brightenings. One includes
  spectroscopic images of Fe XIV, Fe XV, and Fe XVI lines observed by
  the Hinode/EUV Imaging Spectrometer. The other includes images obtained
  from the 211 Å channel of the Solar Dynamics Observatory/Atmospheric
  Imaging Assembly (AIA). The observed active region was NOAA 11890 on
  2013 November 9 and 10. As a result, the released Doppler motion and
  nonthermal energies were found to be approximately 0.1%-1% and 10%-100%
  of the change in the amount of thermal energy in each enhancement,
  respectively. Using this conversion rate, we estimated the contribution
  of the total energy flux of AIA transient brightenings to the active
  region heating to be at most 2% of the conduction and radiative losses.

Title: A New Broadening Technique of the Numerically Unresolved
    Solar Transition Region and Its Effect on the Spectroscopic Synthesis
    Using Coronal Approximation
Authors: Iijima, Haruhisa; Imada, Shinsuke
2021ApJ...917...65I    Altcode: 2021arXiv210600864I
  The transition region is a thin layer of the solar atmosphere that
  controls the energy loss from the solar corona. Large numbers of
  grid points are required to resolve this thin transition region
  fully in numerical modeling. In this study, we propose a new
  numerical treatment, called LTRAC, which can be easily extended to
  the multidimensional domains. We have tested the proposed method
  using a one-dimensional hydrodynamic model of a coronal loop in an
  active region. The LTRAC method enables modeling of the transition
  region with a numerical grid size of 50-100 km, which is about 1000
  times larger than the physically required value. We used the velocity
  differential emission measure to evaluate the possible effects on
  the optically thin emission. Lower-temperature emissions were better
  reproduced by the LTRAC method than by previous methods. Doppler shift
  and nonthermal width of the synthesized line emission agree with
  those from a high-resolution reference simulation within an error
  of several kilometers per second above the formation temperature of
  10<SUP>5</SUP> K.

Title: Nonequilibrium Ionization Plasma during a Large Solar Limb
    Flare Observed by Hinode/EIS
Authors: Imada, S.
2021ApJ...914L..28I    Altcode: 2021arXiv210514660I
  This study on plasma heating considers the time-dependent ionization
  process during a large solar flare on 2017 September 10, observed
  by Hinode/EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS). The observed Fe XXIV/Fe
  XXIII ratios increase downstream of the reconnection outflow, and
  they are consistent with the time-dependent ionization effect at a
  constant electron temperature T<SUB>e</SUB> 25 MK. Moreover, this
  study also shows that the nonthermal velocity, which can be related
  to the turbulent velocity, reduces significantly along the downstream
  of the reconnection outflow, even when considering the time-dependent
  ionization process.

Title: Instrumental design of the Solar Observing Satellite:
Authors: Suematsu, Yoshinori; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Hara, Hirohisa;
   Kawate, Tomoko; Katsukawa, Yukio; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Imada, Shinsuke
2021SPIE11852E..3KS    Altcode:
  The EUV High-Throughput Spectroscopic Telescope (EUVST) of Solar-C
  mission is a revolutionary spectrometer that is designed to provide
  high-quality and high cadence spectroscopic data covering a wide
  temperature range of the chromosphere to flaring corona to investigate
  the energetics and dynamics of the solar atmosphere. The EUVST consists
  of only two imaging optical components; a 28-cm clear aperture off-axis
  parabolic primary mirror and a two-split ellipsoidal grating without a
  blocking filter for visible light before the primary mirror to achieve
  unprecedented high spatial and temporal resolution in EUV-UV imaging
  spectroscopic observations. For this reason, about 53 W of sunlight
  is absorbed by the multilayer coating on the mirror. We present an
  instrumental design of the telescope, particularly, primary mirror
  assembly which enables slit-scan observations for imaging spectroscopy,
  an image stabilizing tip-tilt control, and a focus adjustment on
  orbit, together with an optomechanical design of the primary mirror
  and its supporting system which gives optically tolerant wavefront
  error against a large temperature increase due to an absorption of
  visible and IR lights.

Title: Sunspot Observations at the Eimmart Observatory and in Its
    Neighborhood during the Late Maunder Minimum (1681-1718)
Authors: Hayakawa, Hisashi; Kuroyanagi, Chiaki; Carrasco, Víctor
   M. S.; Uneme, Shoma; Besser, Bruno P.; Sôma, Mitsuru; Imada, Shinsuke
2021ApJ...909..166H    Altcode:
  The Maunder Minimum (1645-1715; hereafter MM) is generally considered
  as the only grand minimum in the chronological coverage of telescopic
  sunspot observations. Characterized by scarce sunspot occurrences and
  their asymmetric concentrations in the southern solar hemisphere, the
  MM has frequently been associated with a special state of solar dynamo
  activity. As such, it is important to analyze contemporary observational
  records and improve our understanding of this peculiar interval,
  whereas the original records are frequently preserved in historical
  archives and can be difficult to access. In this study, we consult
  historical archives in the National Library of Russia, St. Petersburg,
  and analyze a series of sunspot observations conducted at the Eimmart
  Observatory from 1681 to 1709, which is the second-richest sunspot
  data set produced during the MM, following La Hire's series, among
  existing data sets. We have further extended our analyses to neighboring
  observations to extend our investigations up to 1718. We first analyze
  source documents and descriptions of observational instruments. Our
  analyses have significantly revised the existing data set, removed
  contaminations, and updated and labeled them as Eimmart Observatory (78
  days), Altdorf Observatory (4 days), Hoffmann (22 days), and Wideburg
  (25 days). The revisions have updated the temporal coverage of the
  contemporary sunspot observations from 73.4% to 66.9% from 1677 to
  1709. We have also derived the positions of the observed sunspot groups
  in comparison with contemporary observations. Our results indicate
  hemispheric asymmetry in the MM and recovery of sunspot groups in both
  hemispheres after 1716, supporting the common paradigm of the MM.

Title: Derfflinger's Sunspot Observations: Primary Dataset to
    Understand the Dalton Minimum
Authors: Hayakawa, Hisashi; Besser, Bruno P.; Imada, Shinsuke; Arlt,
   Rainer; Iju, Tomoya; Bourdin, Philippe; Kraml, Amand; Uneme, Shoma
2021cosp...43E.915H    Altcode:
  As various predictions indicate possible arrival of depressed solar
  cycles or even a secular/grand solar minimum, it is increasingly
  important to understand the actual solar activity during the existing
  solar secular/grand minima. The Dalton Minimum is arguably one of such
  solar secular/grand minima within the coverage of telescopic sunspot
  observations, while its sunspot group number has been differently
  reconstructed by various studies and its butterfly diagram has not been
  reconstructed. Here, we examine the original observational records
  of Derfflinger in Krememünster Observatory, spanning from 1802 to
  1824, covering the core period of the Dalton Minimum. We revise his
  sunspot group number and reconstruct the butterfly diagram. These
  reconstructions show that the Dalton Minimum was significantly different
  from the Maunder Minimum, both in terms of amplitude of its solar
  cycles and sunspot distributions.

Title: Science Objectives and Current Status of Solar-C_EUVST
Authors: Imada, Shinsuke
2021cosp...43E1790I    Altcode:
  SolarC EUVST is designed to comprehensively understand the energy
  and mass transfer from the solar surface to the solar corona and
  interplanetary space, and to investigate the elementary processes
  that take place universally in cosmic plasmas. The proposed mission
  is a fundamental step for answering how the plasma universe is created
  and evolves, and how the Sun influences the Earth and other planets in
  our solar system. The two primary science objectives for SolarC EUVST
  are : I) Understand how fundamental processes lead to the formation of
  the solar atmosphere and the solar wind, II) Understand how the solar
  atmosphere becomes unstable, releasing the energy that drives solar
  flares and eruptions. SolarC EUVST will, A) seamlessly observe all
  the temperature regimes of the solar atmosphere from the chromosphere
  to the corona at the same time, B) resolve elemental structures of the
  solar atmosphere with high spatial resolution and cadence to track their
  evolution, and C) obtain spectroscopic information on the dynamics of
  elementary processes taking place in the solar atmosphere. In this
  talk, we will first discuss the science target of the SolarC EUVST,
  and discuss the science topic associated flare in detail. Photospheric
  motions lead to the accumulation of free magnetic energy in the
  corona. This system eventually becomes unstable, releasing the energy
  through magnetic reconnection. This process of energy conversion
  heats the plasma to high temperatures and drives coronal mass ejections
  (CMEs). By measuring the properties of multi-temperature flaring plasma,
  SolarC EUVST will investigate why the reconnection is fast despite
  the high magnetic Reynolds number. It will also monitor the temporal
  evolution of solar active regions and identify the triggering mechanism
  for the flare and eruption. We will discuss the science objectives
  "Understand the Fast Magnetic Reconnection Process" and "Identify the
  Signatures of Global Energy Buildup and the Local Triggering of the
  Flare and Eruption". We also report the current status of SolarC EUVST.

Title: Energy Distribution of Small-scale Flares Derived Using a
    Genetic Algorithm
Authors: Kawai, Toshiki; Imada, Shinsuke
2021ApJ...906....2K    Altcode: 2020arXiv201106390K
  To understand the mechanism of coronal heating, it is crucial to derive
  the contribution of small-scale flares, the so-called nanoflares,
  to the heating up of the solar corona. To date, several studies have
  tried to derive the occurrence frequency distribution of flares
  as a function of energy to reveal the contribution of small-scale
  flares. However, there are no studies that derive the distribution with
  considering the following conditions: (1) evolution of the coronal
  loop plasma heated by small-scale flares, (2) loops smaller than the
  spatial resolution of the observed image, and (3) multiwavelength
  observation. To take into account these conditions, we introduce
  a new method to analyze small-scale flares statistically based on
  a one-dimensional loop simulation and a machine-learning technique,
  that is, the genetic algorithm. First, we obtain six channels of Solar
  Dynamics Observatory (SDO)/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) light
  curves of the active-region coronal loops. Second, we carry out many
  coronal loop simulations and obtain the SDO/AIA light curves for each
  simulation in a pseudo-manner. Third, using the genetic algorithm, we
  estimate the best combination of simulated light curves that reproduce
  the observation. Consequently, the observed coronal loops are heated by
  small-scale flares with energy flux larger than that typically required
  to heat up an active region intermittently. Moreover, we derive the
  occurrence frequency distribution which has various power-law indices
  in the range from 1-3, which partially supports the nanoflare heating
  model. In contrast, we find that 90% of the coronal heating is done
  by flares that have energy larger than 10<SUP>25</SUP> erg.

Title: Estimation of solar flare loop length by machine learning
Authors: Nishimoto, S.; Kawai, T.; Watanabe, K.; Imada, S.
2020AGUFMNG0040014N    Altcode:
  X-rays and extreme ultraviolet (EUV) emissions from solar flares
  rapidly change the physical composition of the Earth's thermosphere
  and ionosphere, thereby causing space weather phenomena such as
  communication failures. To predict the effects of flare emissions
  on the Earth's upper atmosphere and the occurrence of communication
  failures, numerous empirical and physical models have been developed
  which derive the flare spectral changes. <P />We have established
  a method to reproduce the flare loop emission using one-dimensional
  hydrodynamic calculation and the CHIANTI atomic database (Kawai et al.,
  2020). This method has successfully reproduced the time-integrated
  irradiance and time evolution of flare EUV lines. An important input
  parameter when using this method is the flare loop length. If the
  flare loop length can be estimated from the information of the Sun
  before flare, flare emissions can be estimated before the occurrence
  of flare by this method. <P />In this study, we attempted to estimate
  the flare ribbon distance related to the flare loop length from the
  observed images before flare using some machine learning techniques
  such as Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). We used active region
  images by Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) onboard Solar Dynamics
  Observatory (SDO) and loop images before flare by Atmospheric Imaging
  Assembly (AIA) onboard SDO as input to machine learning method. We
  obtained the ribbon distance from the observations of SDO/AIA 1600 Å
  as teacher data. <P />we tried to construct a CNN model using all flare
  events greater than M class observed by SDO. The CNN model, which uses
  the active area image as input, can estimate the ribbon distance with
  error within 45% for majority events. This result indicates that it is
  possible to estimate the ribbon distance from the active region image
  with a certain level accuracy. <P />In this presentation, we report
  the accuracy and latest results of the models for estimating the flare
  loop length from solar multi-wavelength real-time observations.

Title: Reproduction and validation of flare spectra and their impact
    on the global environment
Authors: Watanabe, K.; Jin, H.; Nishimoto, S.; Imada, S.; Kawai, T.;
   Kawate, T.
2020AGUFMSM050..02W    Altcode:
  It is well known that sudden increase of flare emissions accelerates the
  ionization and molecular dissociation of atmospheric components in the
  ionosphere and thermosphere, and it may cause the sudden ionospheric
  disturbance (SID). And then, communication failure also caused by
  the absorption of the short-wave by the SID is known as the Dellinger
  phenomenon (Dellinger 1937). In order to predict the occurrence of the
  Dellinger phenomenon, we must know the relationship with the flare
  emission which causes the Dellinger phenomenon. Therefore, in order
  to verify which wavelength of the solar flare spectrum influence the
  occurrence of the Dellinger phenomenon, we have developed a method
  to calculate the solar flare radiation spectrum and its effect on the
  Earth's atmosphere. For the flare emission, we constructed new model
  with physical processes (Imada et al. 2015, Kawai et al. 2020). In
  our model, the physical process of the plasma in the flare loop is
  reproduced by combining the one-dimensional hydrodynamic calculation
  using CANS (Coordinated Astronomical Numerical Software) 1D package
  with the CHIANTI atomic database (Dere et al. 2019). Then, in order to
  examine the effect of flare emission on the Earth's atmosphere, we put
  our calculated flare spectra into the Earth's atmospheric model GAIA
  (Ground-to-Topside Model of Atmosphere and Ionosphere for Aeronomy; Jin
  et al., 2011). Finally, we tried to reproduce the total electron content
  (TEC) variation for some flare events, then we compared calculated
  results with the observed TEC amount. Especially when we investigated
  about the X9.3 flare on September 6, 2017, it is considered that the
  EUV emission about 15-40 nm is mainly affected increasing TEC. This
  result was also confirmed from the altitude/wavelength distribution
  of the ionization rate of Earth's atmosphere by GAIA.

Title: Solar cycle-related variation in solar differential rotation
    and meridional flow in solar cycle 24
Authors: Imada, Shinsuke; Matoba, Kengo; Fujiyama, Masashi; Iijima,
2020EP&S...72..182I    Altcode:
  We studied temporal variation of the differential rotation and poleward
  meridional circulation during solar cycle 24 using the magnetic element
  feature tracking technique. We used line-of-sight magnetograms obtained
  using the helioseismic and magnetic imager aboard the Solar Dynamics
  Observatory from May 01, 2010 to March 26, 2020 (for almost the entire
  period of solar cycle 24, Carrington rotation from 2096 to 2229) and
  tracked the magnetic element features every 1 h. We also estimated
  the differential rotation and poleward meridional flow velocity
  profiles. The observed profiles are consistent with those of previous
  studies on different cycles. Typical properties resulting from torsional
  oscillations can also be observed from solar cycle 24. The amplitude of
  the variation was approximately ±10 m s-<SUP>1</SUP>. Interestingly,
  we found that the average meridional flow observed in solar cycle 24 is
  faster than that observed in solar cycle 23. In particular, during the
  declining phase of the cycle, the meridional flow of the middle latitude
  is accelerated from 10 to 17 m s-<SUP>1</SUP>, which is almost half of
  the meridional flow itself. The faster meridional flow in solar cycle
  24 might be the result of the weakest cycle during the last 100 years.

Title: The Solar-C (EUVST) mission: the latest status
Authors: Shimizu, Toshifumi; Imada, Shinsuke; Kawate, Tomoko; Suematsu,
   Yoshinori; Hara, Hirohisa; Tsuzuki, Toshihiro; Katsukawa, Yukio; Kubo,
   Masahito; Ishikawa, Ryoko; Watanabe, Tetsuya; Toriumi, Shin; Ichimoto,
   Kiyoshi; Nagata, Shin'ichi; Hasegawa, Takahiro; Yokoyama, Takaaki;
   Watanabe, Kyoko; Tsuno, Katsuhiko; Korendyke, Clarence M.; Warren,
   Harry; De Pontieu, Bart; Boerner, Paul; Solanki, Sami K.; Teriaca,
   Luca; Schuehle, Udo; Matthews, Sarah; Long, David; Thomas, William;
   Hancock, Barry; Reid, Hamish; Fludra, Andrzej; Auchère, Frederic;
   Andretta, Vincenzo; Naletto, Giampiero; Poletto, Luca; Harra, Louise
2020SPIE11444E..0NS    Altcode:
  Solar-C (EUVST) is the next Japanese solar physics mission to
  be developed with significant contributions from US and European
  countries. The mission carries an EUV imaging spectrometer with
  slit-jaw imaging system called EUVST (EUV High-Throughput Spectroscopic
  Telescope) as the mission payload, to take a fundamental step towards
  answering how the plasma universe is created and evolves and how the
  Sun influences the Earth and other planets in our solar system. In
  April 2020, ISAS (Institute of Space and Astronautical Science) of JAXA
  (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) has made the final down-selection
  for this mission as the 4th in the series of competitively chosen
  M-class mission to be launched with an Epsilon launch vehicle in mid
  2020s. NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) has selected
  this mission concept for Phase A concept study in September 2019 and
  is in the process leading to final selection. For European countries,
  the team has (or is in the process of confirming) confirmed endorsement
  for hardware contributions to the EUVST from the national agencies. A
  recent update to the mission instrumentation is to add a UV spectral
  irradiance monitor capability for EUVST calibration and scientific
  purpose. This presentation provides the latest status of the mission
  with an overall description of the mission concept emphasizing on key
  roles of the mission in heliophysics research from mid 2020s.

Title: Current Status of the Solar-C_EUVST Mission
Authors: Imada, S.; Shimizu, T.; Kawate, T.; Toriumi, S.; Katsukawa,
   Y.; Kubo, M.; Hara, H.; Suematsu, Y.; Ichimoto, K.; Watanabe, T.;
   Watanabe, K.; Yokoyama, T.; Warren, H.; Long, D.; Harra, L. K.;
   Teriaca, L.
2020AGUFMSH056..05I    Altcode:
  Solar-C_EUVST (EUV High-Throughput Spectroscopic Telescope) is designed
  to comprehensively understand the energy and mass transfer from the
  solar surface to the solar corona and interplanetary space, and to
  investigate the elementary processes that take place universally
  in cosmic plasmas. As a fundamental step towards answering how the
  plasma universe is created and evolves, and how the Sun influences
  the Earth and other planets in our solar system, the proposed mission
  is designed to comprehensively understand how mass and energy are
  transferred throughout the solar atmosphere. Understanding the solar
  atmosphere, which connects to the heliosphere via radiation, the solar
  wind and coronal mass ejections, and energetic particles is pivotal
  for establishing the conditions for life and habitability in the solar
  system. <P />The two primary science objectives for Solar-C_EUVST are :
  I) Understand how fundamental processes lead to the formation of the
  solar atmosphere and the solar wind, II) Understand how the solar
  atmosphere becomes unstable, releasing the energy that drives solar
  flares and eruptions. Solar-C_EUVST will, A) seamlessly observe all
  the temperature regimes of the solar atmosphere from the chromosphere
  to the corona at the same time, B) resolve elemental structures of the
  solar atmosphere with high spatial resolution and cadence to track their
  evolution, and C) obtain spectroscopic information on the dynamics of
  elementary processes taking place in the solar atmosphere. <P />In this
  talk, we will first discuss the science target of the Solar-C_EUVST,
  and then discuss the current status of the Solar-C_EUVST mission.

Title: Thermal design of the Solar-C (EUVST) telescope
Authors: Suematsu, Yoshinori; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Hara, Hirohisa;
   Kawate, Tomoko; Katsukawa, Yukio; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Imada, Shinsuke;
   Nagae, Kazuhiro; Yamazaki, Atsumu; Hattori, Tomoya
2020SPIE11444E..3KS    Altcode:
  The EUV High-Throughput Spectroscopic Telescope (EUVST) of Solar-C
  mission consists of only two imaging optical components; a 28-cm clear
  aperture off-axis parabolic primary mirror and a two-split ellipsoidal
  grating without a blocking filter for visible light before the primary
  mirror to achieve unprecedented high spatial and temporal resolution in
  EUV-UV imaging spectroscopic observations. For this reason, about 60
  W of sunlight is absorbed by the multilayer coating on the mirror. We
  report a thermal design of telescope in which the temperature of the
  primary mirror bonding part and underlying tip-tilt and slit-scanning
  mechanisms is well lower than a glass transition temperature of adhesive
  (about 60°C) and thermal deformation of the primary mirror is small,
  although it is non-negligibly small.

Title: A sensitivity analysis of the updated optical design for
    EUVST on the Solar-C mission
Authors: Kawate, Tomoko; Tsuzuki, Toshihiro; Shimizu, Toshifumi;
   Imada, Shinsuke; Katsukawa, Yukio; Hara, Hirohisa; Suematsu, Yoshinori;
   Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Hattori, Tomoya; Narasaki, Shota; Warren, Harry P.;
   Teriaca, Luca; Korendyke, Clarence M.; Brown, Charles M.; Auchere,
2020SPIE11444E..3JK    Altcode:
  The EUV high-throughput spectroscopic telescope (EUVST) onboard the
  Solar-C mission has the high spatial (0.4”) resolution over a wide
  wavelength range in the vacuum ultraviolet. To achieve high spatial
  resolution under a design constraint given by the JAXA Epsilon launch
  vehicle, we further update the optical design to secure margins
  needed to realize 0.4” spatial resolution over a field of view of
  100”×100”. To estimate the error budgets of spatial and spectral
  resolutions due to installation and fabrication errors, we perform a
  sensitivity analysis for the position and orientation of each optical
  element and for the grating parameters by ray tracing with the Zemax
  software. We obtain point spread functions (PSF) for rays from 9
  fields and at 9 wavelengths on each detector by changing each parameter
  slightly. A full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the PSF is derived at
  each field and wavelength position as a function of the perturbation
  of each optical parameter. Assuming a mount system of each optical
  element and an error of each optical parameter, we estimate spatial
  and spectral resolutions by taking installation and fabrication errors
  into account. The results of the sensitivity analysis suggest that
  budgets of the total of optical design and the assembly errors account
  for 15% and 5.8% of our budgets of the spatial resolution in the long
  wavelength and short wavelength bands, respectively. On the other hand,
  the grating fabrication errors give a large degradation of spatial and
  spectral resolutions, and investigations of compensators are needed
  to relax the fabrication tolerance of the grating surface parameters.

Title: Statistical Analysis of Asymmetric Sunspot Decay Observed
    by Hinode
Authors: Imada, Shinsuke; Kato, Shota; Fujiyama, Masashi
2020SoPh..295..154I    Altcode:
  We statistically studied the transport of magnetic flux in and around
  sunspots using a magnetic-element tracking technique to investigate
  whether sunspot-decay processes are isotropic. Using this method,
  we detected moving magnetic features (MMFs). The observed radius
  of an MMFs region was approximately 1.7 times the sunspot radius;
  furthermore, the average apparent velocity of MMFs was statistically
  estimated to be approximately 350 ms−<SUP>1</SUP>. We determined that
  the leading sunspots transport approximately 5% more magnetic flux to
  the Equator side than to the Pole side of the sunspots. In addition,
  the leading sunspots transport approximately 3% more magnetic flux to
  the back (East) than to the front (West) of the sunspots. On the other
  hand, the following sunspots do not show the magnetic-flux transport
  asymmetry. The statistics might not be sufficient for the analysis of
  the following sunspots. These asymmetries of magnetic flux transport
  might contribute to the cross-equatorial transport of net magnetic
  flux, which is an important physical quantity of polar magnetic-field

Title: Statistical and Observational Research on Solar Flare EUV
    Spectra and Geometrical Features
Authors: Nishimoto, Shohei; Watanabe, Kyoko; Imada, Shinsuke; Kawate,
   Tomoko; Lee, Kyoung-Sun
2020ApJ...904...31N    Altcode:
  We performed statistical analysis on the flare emission data to
  examine parameters related to the flare extreme-ultraviolet (EUV)
  spectra. This study used the data from the Geostationary Operational
  Environmental Satellite X-ray Sensors to determine the fundamental flare
  parameters. The relationship between soft X-ray data and EUV emission
  data observed by the Extreme Ultraviolet Variability Experiment on
  board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) MEGS-A was investigated
  for 50 events. The results showed the hotter Fe line emissions have
  strong correlation with soft X-ray data in many cases. However, our
  statistical study revealed that EUV flare peak flux of Fe XV, Fe XVI
  and He II lines have weak correlation with soft X-ray peak flux. In EUV
  line light curves, there was time difference in peak time, however the
  tendency to reach the peak in order from the hotter line to cooler line
  was not so clear. These results indicate that the temporal evolution
  of EUV emission can be roughly explained by soft X-ray data. However,
  the time changes of temperature and density distributions in the flare
  loop must be needed for accurate reproduction. Moreover, we compared the
  geometrical features of solar flares observed by the Atmospheric Imaging
  Assembly on board the SDO with the fundamental flare parameters for 32
  events. The ribbon distance strongly correlated with both soft X-ray
  flare rise and decay times. This results indicate that the geometrical
  feature is essential parameter for predicting flare emission duration.

Title: Nowcast of an EUV dynamic spectrum during solar flares
Authors: Kawai, Toshiki; Imada, Shinsuke; Nishimoto, Shohei; Watanabe,
   Kyoko; Kawate, Tomoko
2020JASTP.20505302K    Altcode: 2020arXiv200506099K
  In addition to X-rays, extreme ultraviolet (EUV) rays radiated
  from solar flares can cause serious problems, such as communication
  failures and satellite drag. Therefore, methods for forecasting EUV
  dynamic spectra during flares are urgently required. Recently, however,
  owing to the lack of instruments, EUV dynamic spectra have rarely been
  observed. Hence, we develop a new method that converts the soft X-ray
  light curve observed during large flare events into an EUV dynamic
  spectrum by using the Solar Dynamics Observatory/Atmospheric Imaging
  Assembly images, a numerical simulation, and atomic database. The
  simulation provides the solution for a coronal loop that is heated by a
  strong flare, and the atomic database calculates its dynamic spectrum,
  including X-ray and EUV irradiances. The coefficients needed for the
  conversion can be calculated by comparing the observed soft X-ray
  light curve with that of the simulation. We apply our new method to
  three flares that occurred in the active region 12673 on September 06,
  2017. The results show similarities to those of the Flare Irradiance
  Spectral Model, and reconstruct some of the EUV peaks observed by the
  EUV Variability Experiment onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory.

Title: Intrusion of Magnetic Peninsula toward the Neighboring
    Opposite-polarity Region That Triggers the Largest Solar Flare in
    Solar Cycle 24
Authors: Bamba, Yumi; Inoue, Satoshi; Imada, Shinsuke
2020ApJ...894...29B    Altcode: 2020arXiv200500688B
  The largest X9.3 solar flare in solar cycle 24 and the preceding
  X2.2 flare occurred on 2017 September 6, in the solar active region
  NOAA 12673. This study aims to understand the onset mechanism of these
  flares via analysis of multiple observational data sets from the Hinode
  and Solar Dynamics Observatory and results from a nonlinear force-free
  field extrapolation. The most noticeable feature is the intrusion of
  a major negative-polarity region, appearing similar to a peninsula,
  oriented northwest into a neighboring opposite-polarity region. We also
  observe proxies of magnetic reconnection related to the intrusion of
  the negative peninsula: rapid changes of the magnetic field around
  the intruding negative peninsula; precursor brightening at the tip
  of the negative peninsula, including a cusp-shaped brightening that
  shows a transient but significant downflow (∼100 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>)
  at a leg of the cusp; a dark tube-like structure that appears to be
  a magnetic flux rope that erupted with the X9.3 flare; and coronal
  brightening along the dark tube-like structure that appears to
  represent the electric current generated under the flux rope. Based
  on these observational features, we propose that (1) the intrusion
  of the negative peninsula was critical in promoting the push-mode
  magnetic reconnection that forms and grows a twisted magnetic flux
  rope that erupted with the X2.2 flare, and (2) the continuing intrusion
  progressing even beyond the X2.2 flare is further promoted to disrupt
  the equilibrium that leads the reinforcement of the magnetic flux rope
  that erupted with the X9.3 flare.

Title: A Solar Magnetic-fan Flaring Arch Heated by Nonthermal
    Particles and Hot Plasma from an X-Ray Jet Eruption
Authors: Lee, Kyoung-Sun; Hara, Hirohisa; Watanabe, Kyoko; Joshi,
   Anand D.; Brooks, David H.; Imada, Shinsuke; Prasad, Avijeet; Dang,
   Phillip; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Savage, Sabrina L.; Moore, Ronald;
   Panesar, Navdeep K.; Reep, Jeffrey W.
2020ApJ...895...42L    Altcode: 2020arXiv200509875L
  We have investigated an M1.3 limb flare, which develops as a magnetic
  loop/arch that fans out from an X-ray jet. Using Hinode/EIS, we
  found that the temperature increases with height to a value of over
  10<SUP>7</SUP> K at the loop top during the flare. The measured Doppler
  velocity (redshifts of 100-500 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>) and the nonthermal
  velocity (≥100 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>) from Fe XXIV also increase with
  loop height. The electron density increases from 0.3 × 10<SUP>9</SUP>
  cm<SUP>-3</SUP> early in the flare rise to 1.3 × 10<SUP>9</SUP>
  cm<SUP>-3</SUP> after the flare peak. The 3D structure of the loop
  derived with Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory/EUV Imager
  indicates that the strong redshift in the loop-top region is due to
  upflowing plasma originating from the jet. Both hard X-ray and soft
  X-ray emission from the Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic
  Imager were only seen as footpoint brightenings during the impulsive
  phase of the flare, then, soft X-ray emission moved to the loop top in
  the decay phase. Based on the temperature and density measurements and
  theoretical cooling models, the temperature evolution of the flare arch
  is consistent with impulsive heating during the jet eruption followed
  by conductive cooling via evaporation and minor prolonged heating in
  the top of the fan loop. Investigating the magnetic field topology and
  squashing factor map from Solar Dynamics Observatory/HMI, we conclude
  that the observed magnetic-fan flaring arch is mostly heated from low
  atmospheric reconnection accompanying the jet ejection, instead of from
  reconnection above the arch as expected in the standard flare model.

Title: White-light Emission and Chromospheric Response by an
    X1.8-class Flare on 2012 October 23
Authors: Watanabe, Kyoko; Imada, Shinsuke
2020ApJ...891...88W    Altcode:
  On 2012 October 23, a strong white-light emission, associated with
  an X1.8-class flare, was observed by the Solar Optical Telescope on
  board the Hinode satellite. White-light kernels were clearly observed
  along the Ca II H ribbons. RHESSI also observed hard X-ray emissions
  that were almost located on the white-light kernels. The total energy
  of the white-light emission was ∼ 10<SUP>27-28</SUP> erg, s-1 and
  the total energy of the accelerated electrons was almost of the same
  order when we used 40 keV as the lower energy cutoff. The white-light
  emission appears to have originated from nonthermal electrons in these
  energies. Moreover, the EUV imaging spectrometer on board the Hinode
  satellite performed a raster scan over this flaring active region and
  the flare occurred during the scan. Over the white-light kernels, we
  observed redshifts of a few tens of km s<SUP>-1</SUP> in Fe XII. It
  appears that these EUV responses originated from some accelerated
  electrons due to the solar flare and they are considered to be the
  source of the white-light emission. In fact, the electron density of
  the white-light kernels was less than 10<SUP>12</SUP> cm<SUP>-3</SUP>,
  which is sufficiently low for nonthermal electrons to penetrate into
  the photosphere.

Title: Thaddäus Derfflinger's Sunspot Observations during 1802-1824:
    A Primary Reference to Understand the Dalton Minimum
Authors: Hayakawa, Hisashi; Besser, Bruno P.; Iju, Tomoya; Arlt,
   Rainer; Uneme, Shoma; Imada, Shinsuke; Bourdin, Philippe-A.; Kraml,
2020ApJ...890...98H    Altcode: 2020arXiv200102367H
  As we are heading toward the next solar cycle, presumably with
  a relatively small amplitude, it is of significant interest to
  reconstruct and describe the past secular minima on the basis of actual
  observations at the time. The Dalton Minimum is often considered
  one of the secular minima captured in the coverage of telescopic
  observations. Nevertheless, the reconstructions of the sunspot group
  number vary significantly, and the existing butterfly diagrams have
  a large data gap during the period. This is partially because most
  long-term observations at that time have remained unexplored in
  historical archives. Therefore, to improve our understanding on the
  Dalton Minimum, we have located two series of Thaddäus Derfflinger's
  observational records spanning 1802-1824 (a summary manuscript
  and logbooks), as well as his Brander's 5.5 feet azimuthal quadrant
  preserved in the Kremsmünster Observatory. We have revised the existing
  Derfflinger's sunspot group number with Waldmeier classification, and
  eliminated all the existing "spotless days" to remove contaminations
  from solar elevation observations. We have reconstructed the butterfly
  diagram on the basis of his observations and illustrated sunspot
  distributions in both solar hemispheres. Our article aims to revise
  the trend of Derfflinger's sunspot group number and to bridge a data
  gap of the existing butterfly diagrams around the Dalton Minimum. Our
  results confirm that the Dalton Minimum is significantly different
  from the Maunder Minimum, both in terms of cycle amplitudes and sunspot
  distributions. Therefore, the Dalton Minimum is more likely a secular
  minimum in the long-term solar activity, while further investigations
  for the observations at that time are required.

Title: Statistical and Observational Research of Solar Flare EUV
    Spectra and Geometrical Features for Predicting Total Flare Emission
Authors: Nishimoto, S.; Watanabe, K.; Imada, S.; Kawai, T.; Kawate,
   T.; Lee, K. S.
2019AGUFMSH34A..04N    Altcode:
  We are performing statistical analysis of observed flare emissions for
  making the total flare emission spectra prediction model. The Flare
  Irradiance Spectral Model (FISM) (Chamberlin et al. 2006, 2007, 2008)
  is one of the total flare spectra prediction model which is currently
  most widely used. However, since FISM is empirical model, there are
  problems such as the uncertain physical process. In order to solve
  FISM's problems, we are trying to make new prediction model of total
  flare spectra. For this purpose, we searched for which flare parameter
  affect to the flare emission. We used the soft X-ray data (intensity
  &amp; duration) as fundamental parameter, and compared with EUV data
  observed by SDO/EVE MEGS-A statistically. We have 53 events which were
  MEGS-A observed with &gt;M3 class flare, and especially analyzed for 6
  EUV lines. We found the soft X-ray peak intensity was well correlated
  with EUV line peak intensity. The EUV rising time also well correlated
  with soft X-ray rising time, and hotter lines peaked earlier than cooler
  lines. Moreover, we also searched for the relationship with geometrical
  features (ribbon length &amp; width) of solar flare observed by SDO/AIA
  1600 Å for 32 events. We found the ribbon distance is related to the
  rising time of soft X-ray, and the ribbon length is related to the
  decay time of soft X-ray. From these results, we can say that the Fe
  line emissions can be explain by the soft X-ray emissions. Moreover,
  the soft X-ray light curve also can be estimated by the flare loop
  length. Then, we performed numerical simulations (Imada et al., 2015)
  using observational parameters obtained above results. In this paper,
  we show some results of numerical simulations, and will discuss which
  parameters strongly control the solar flare EUV emission spectra by
  comparing with observed data.

Title: The International Heliophysics Data Environment Alliance and
    its possible role in ISWAT
Authors: Masson, A.; Roberts, D. A.; Fung, S. F.; Miyoshi, Y.; Imada,
   S.; Malapert, J. C.; Arviset, C.
2019AGUFMSM31C3549M    Altcode:
  The IHDEA was formed as a result of the first International Heliophysics
  Data Environment (IHDE) meeting held at the European Space and Astronomy
  Centre (ESAC), Madrid, Spain, on October 17-18, 2018. Meeting attendees
  representing NASA, ESA, JAXA, and CNES have all agreed that increasing
  collaboration and coordination through the use of standard formats
  (for both data and metadata) and community-based data tools are
  critical for enabling interoperability of data systems and services
  while improving sharing of space-based, ground-based, and model-based
  heliophysics data sets. The newly created International Heliophysics
  Data Environment Alliance (IHDEA) is a collaborative organization
  whose goal is to guide the development of a data environment in
  which the international heliophysics and space weather research
  community can seamlessly find, access, and use all electronically
  accessible, heliophysics relevant data sets. The specific mission
  of the IHDEA is to facilitate global access to, and exchange of,
  high quality scientific data products managed across international
  boundaries. This will be achieved by adhering to, and promote the
  use of, a set of governing data standards, data exchange protocols,
  visualization and data analysis tools. The role of the IHDEA is to
  serve as the focal point to engage the heliophysics data centres and the
  scientific community, foster communication, and identify the standards
  and services that will best serve the heliophysics and space weather
  science needs. Practical examples will be provided, illustrating the
  mutual interest to foster collaboration between key heliophysics data
  providers. How IHDEA could support ISWAT information architecture will
  be discussed and in particular how IHDEA could facilitate information
  sharing and interconnection between ISWAT teams and Clusters.

Title: Hybrid Simulation for the Solar Modulation of the Galactic
    Cosmic Rays During Recent Solar Cycle
Authors: Miyake, S.; Matsumoto, T.; Kataoka, R.; Sato, T.; Shiota,
   D.; Miyahara, H.; Imada, S.; Ueno, H.
2019AGUFMSM31E3197M    Altcode:
  In the current and next weak solar cycles, we expect higher flux of
  galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) than that in the previous solar cycles
  because of the decreasing trend of the solar activity. It is important
  to quantitatively evaluate the high flux of galactic cosmic rays because
  it leads to the increase in the radiation exposure of aircrews and the
  increasing rates of single event upset events at spacecraft. However,
  reliable prediction of the increasing galactic cosmic rays in upcoming
  weak solar cycles is a challenges topic in the field of space weather
  forecast. Grand Minimum 7 (Gm7) is a new project for understanding of
  heliospheric environments during extremely weak solar cycle, such as
  past grand minima and current solar cycle. The purposes of Gm7 consists
  of revealing fundamental structure of the solar wind during extremely
  weak solar cycle, explaining a mechanism of unique solar modulation
  of the GCRs [1], and clarifying extreme space weather conditions
  on the resultant radiation exposure [2]. In order to achieve these
  objectives, we have developed a hybrid simulation model for the solar
  modulation of the GCRs in such a weak solar conditions, which solves
  the stochastic differential equations of energetic particles in the MHD
  solar wind resolved by adaptive mesh refinement technique [3]. In this
  presentation, we will show a first result of our hybrid simulation for
  the solar modulation of the GCRs during recent solar cycle. <P />[1]
  Kataoka, R., H. Miyahara, and F. Steinhilber, Space Weather, 10, S11001,
  2012. <P />[2] Miyake, S., R. Kataoka, and T. Sato, Space Weather,
  15(4), 589-605, 2017. <P />[3] Matsumoto, T., D. Shiota, R. Kataoka,
  H. Miyahara, and S. Miyake, Journal of Physics: Conference Series,
  1225, 012008, 2019.

Title: Estimation of temporal evolution of coronal hole by surface
    flux transport model and potential field source surface extrapolation
Authors: Watanabe, Y.; Imada, S.; Iijima, H.; Shiota, D.; Miyoshi, Y.
2019AGUFMSH43E3387W    Altcode:
  In this study, we will estimate the temporal evolution of coronal holes
  by the surface flux transport (SFT) model and the potential field source
  surface (PFSS) extrapolation method. Estimating the temporal evolution
  of coronal hole, especially low latitude coronal hole, is crucial for
  space weather study. So far, we have developed the SFT model calculation
  to predict the next solar cycle activity and construct the forecast
  scheme. The possible relationship between the polar magnetic fields
  in the solar minimum and the solar activity in the maximum of the next
  cycle has been intensively discussed. Iijima et al. (2017) calculated
  the polar magnetic field at the solar minimum with the SFT model and
  concluded that the polar magnetic field of the next cycle is weaker
  than the current solar cycle. This is because polar magnetic fields are
  well reproduced by the SFT model. On the other hand, it is not clear
  whether the middle latitude magnetic fields can be well reproduced or
  not by the SFT model calculation. The middle latitude magnetic fields
  estimation is crucial for estimating the temporal evolution of coronal
  hole. With regard to the September 2017 X9.3 flared active region
  (NOAA12673), we focused on the transport of the magnetic field and
  the associated time evolutions in the polar coronal holes and open
  field lines. We compare the temporal evolution of the solar surface
  magnetic field by the SFT model calculations and observations. Further,
  we also calculated a three-dimensional coronal magnetic field using the
  PFSS extrapolation method with the calculated surface magnetic field
  distribution as a boundary condition and traced the open magnetic field
  lines derived from the foot point of the coronal hole. Although with
  the case where coronal holes are generated for the active region that
  appeared behind the Sun, we estimated whether we can predict coronal
  holes by comparing the coronal hole temporal evolution estimated by
  the SFT/PFSS model and AIA observation.

Title: Prediction of Extreme Ultraviolet Dynamic Spectrum during
    Large Flare using Convolutional Neural Network
Authors: Kawai, T.; Imada, S.; Nishimoto, S.; Watanabe, K.; Kawate, T.
2019AGUFMSH31D3337K    Altcode:
  To forecast the influences of large flares on the earth, it is important
  to predict the time series of Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) spectrum
  during flares. This is because an enhancement of EUVs can increase the
  density of the upper atmosphere and it can crash satellites in the low
  earth orbit by atmospheric drag forces. Therefore, the development of
  methods to nowcast/forecast EUV dynamic spectra is required. We have
  developed two methods. The first one is to nowcast the EUV spectrum
  by using 1D hydrodynamic simulation and CHIANTI atomic database. We
  calculate the light curve of GOES/XRS-B when a flare occurs in the
  simulation. We convert it to observed one by stacking it with matching
  these peaks. The EUV dynamic spectrum can be calculated by converting
  it as same as XRS-B. The another one is to forecast the EUV spectrum
  by using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and 1D hydrodynamic
  simulation. We train a CNN to predict GOES/XRS-B light curves during
  flares as a response to the input of the past EUV maps and magnetograms
  observed by SDO/AIA. After that, we adjust the flare parameters in the
  simulation such as heating rate and duration to reconstruct predicted
  GOES/XRS-B light curves well. We applied these methods to M- and X-class
  flares occurred between 8:00 - 14:00 UT on 6 September 2017. We evaluate
  the accuracy of the prediction by comparing observed and predicted
  GOES/XRS-A light curves and total irradiance of SDO/AIA EUV maps.

Title: Achievements of Hinode in the first eleven years
Authors: Hinode Review Team; Al-Janabi, Khalid; Antolin, Patrick;
   Baker, Deborah; Bellot Rubio, Luis R.; Bradley, Louisa; Brooks,
   David H.; Centeno, Rebecca; Culhane, J. Leonard; Del Zanna, Giulio;
   Doschek, George A.; Fletcher, Lyndsay; Hara, Hirohisa; Harra,
   Louise K.; Hillier, Andrew S.; Imada, Shinsuke; Klimchuk, James A.;
   Mariska, John T.; Pereira, Tiago M. D.; Reeves, Katharine K.; Sakao,
   Taro; Sakurai, Takashi; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Shimojo, Masumi; Shiota,
   Daikou; Solanki, Sami K.; Sterling, Alphonse C.; Su, Yingna; Suematsu,
   Yoshinori; Tarbell, Theodore D.; Tiwari, Sanjiv K.; Toriumi, Shin;
   Ugarte-Urra, Ignacio; Warren, Harry P.; Watanabe, Tetsuya; Young,
   Peter R.
2019PASJ...71R...1H    Altcode:
  Hinode is Japan's third solar mission following Hinotori (1981-1982)
  and Yohkoh (1991-2001): it was launched on 2006 September 22 and is in
  operation currently. Hinode carries three instruments: the Solar Optical
  Telescope, the X-Ray Telescope, and the EUV Imaging Spectrometer. These
  instruments were built under international collaboration with the
  National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the UK Science and
  Technology Facilities Council, and its operation has been contributed
  to by the European Space Agency and the Norwegian Space Center. After
  describing the satellite operations and giving a performance evaluation
  of the three instruments, reviews are presented on major scientific
  discoveries by Hinode in the first eleven years (one solar cycle long)
  of its operation. This review article concludes with future prospects
  for solar physics research based on the achievements of Hinode.

Title: Effect of Morphological Asymmetry between Leading and Following
    Sunspots on the Prediction of Solar Cycle Activity
Authors: Iijima, H.; Hotta, H.; Imada, S.
2019ApJ...883...24I    Altcode: 2019arXiv190804474I
  The morphological asymmetry of leading and following sunspots is a
  well-known characteristic of the solar surface. In the context of the
  large-scale evolution of the surface magnetic field, the asymmetry
  has been assumed to have only a negligible effect. Using the surface
  flux transport (SFT) model, we show that the morphological asymmetry of
  leading and following sunspots has a significant impact on the evolution
  of the large-scale magnetic field on the solar surface. By evaluating
  the effect of the morphological asymmetry of each bipolar magnetic
  region (BMR), we observe that the introduction of asymmetry to the
  BMR model significantly reduces the contribution to the polar magnetic
  field, especially for large and high-latitude BMRs. Strongly asymmetric
  BMRs can even reverse regular polar field formation. The SFT simulations
  based on the observed sunspot record show that the introduction of
  morphological asymmetry reduces the root-mean-square difference from
  the observed axial dipole strength by 30%-40%. These results indicate
  that the morphological asymmetry of leading and following sunspots
  has a significant effect on the solar cycle prediction.

Title: A Transit of Venus Possibly Misinterpreted as an Unaided-Eye
    Sunspot Observation in China on 9 December 1874
Authors: Hayakawa, Hisashi; Sôma, Mitsuru; Tanikawa, Kiyotaka;
   Willis, David M.; Wild, Matthew N.; Macdonald, Lee T.; Imada, Shinsuke;
   Hattori, Kentaro; Richard Stephenson, F.
2019SoPh..294..119H    Altcode: 2019arXiv190802452H
  Large sunspots can be observed with the unaided eye under suitable
  atmospheric seeing conditions. Such observations are of particular
  value because the frequency of their appearance provides an approximate
  indication of the prevailing level of solar activity. Unaided-eye
  sunspot observations can be traced back well before the start of
  telescopic observations of the Sun, especially in the East Asian
  historical records. It is therefore important to compare more modern,
  unaided-eye sunspot observations with the results of telescopic
  sunspot observations, to gain a better understanding of the nature
  of the unaided-eye sunspot records. A previous comparison of Chinese
  unaided-eye sunspot records and Greenwich photo-heliographic results
  between 1874 and 1918 indicated that a few of the unaided-eye
  observations were apparently not supported by direct photographic
  evidence of at least one sunspot with a large area. This article
  reveals that one of such Chinese unaided-eye observations had possibly
  captured the transit of Venus on 9 December 1874. The Chinese sunspot
  records on this date are compared with Western sunspot observations
  on the same day. It is concluded that sunspots on the solar disk were
  quite small and the transit of Venus was probably misinterpreted as
  a sunspot (black spot) by the Chinese local intellectuals. This case
  indicates that sunspots or comparable "obscuring" objects with an area
  as large as 1000 millionths of the solar disk could reasonably have
  been seen with the unaided eye under suitable seeing conditions. It
  also confirms the visibility of sunspots near the solar limb with
  the unaided eye. This study provides an explanation of the apparent
  discrepancy between the Chinese unaided-eye sunspot observation on 9
  December 1874 and the Western sunspot observations using telescopes,
  as well as a basis for further discussion on the negative pairs in
  1900 and 1911, apparently without sufficiently large area.

Title: Development of Solar-C_EUVST structural design
Authors: Suematsu, Yoshinori; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Hara, Hirohisa;
   Katsukawa, Yukio; Kawate, Tomoko; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Imada, Shinsuke
2019SPIE11118E..1OS    Altcode:
  The Solar-C_EUVST is a mission designed to provide high-quality solar
  spectroscopic data covering a wide temperature range of the chromosphere
  to flaring corona. To fulfill a high throughput requirement, the
  instrument consists of only two optical components; a 28-cm primary
  mirror and a segmented toroidal grating which have high reflective
  coatings in EUV-UV range. We present a mission payload structural
  design which accommodates long focal length optical components and
  a launcher condition/launch environment (JAXA Epsilon). We also
  present a mechanical design of primary mirror assembly which enables
  slit-scan observations, an image stabilizing tip-tilt control, and a
  focus adjustment on orbit, together with an optomechanical design of
  the primary mirror and its supporting system which gives optically
  tolerant wavefront error against a large temperature increase due to
  an absorption of visible and IR lights.

Title: Concept study of Solar-C_EUVST optical design
Authors: Kawate, Tomoko; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Imada, Shinsuke; Tsuzuki,
   Toshihiro; Katsukawa, Yukio; Hara, Hirohisa; Suematsu, Yoshinori;
   Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Warren, Harry; Teriaca, Luca; Korendyke, Clarence
   M.; Brown, Charles
2019SPIE11118E..1NK    Altcode:
  The main characteristics of Solar-C_EUVST are the high temporal and
  high spatial resolutions over a wide temperature coverage. In order
  to realize the instrument for meeting these scientific requirements
  under size constraints given by the JAXA Epsilon vehicle, we examined
  four-dimensional optical parameter space of possible solutions of
  geometrical optical parameters such as mirror diameter, focal length,
  grating magnification, and so on. As a result, we have identified
  the solution space that meets the EUVST science objectives and rocket
  envelope requirements. A single solution was selected and used to define
  the initial optical parameters for the concept study of the baseline
  architecture for defining the mission concept. For this solution, we
  optimized the grating and geometrical parameters by ray tracing of the
  Zemax software. Consequently, we found an optics system that fulfills
  the requirement for a 0.4" angular resolution over a field of view of
  100" (including margins) covering spectral ranges of 170-215, 463-542,
  557-637, 690-850, 925-1085, and 1115-1275 A. This design achieves an
  effective area 10 times larger than the Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging
  Spectrometer onboard the Hinode satellite, and will provide seamless
  observations of 4.2-7.2 log(K) plasmas for the first time. Tolerance
  analyses were performed based on the optical design, and the moving
  range and step resolution of focus mechanisms were identified. In
  the presentation, we describe the derivation of the solution space,
  optimization of the optical parameters, and show the results of ray
  tracing and tolerance analyses.

Title: The Solar-C_EUVST mission
Authors: Shimizu, Toshifumi; Imada, Shinsuke; Kawate, Tomoko;
   Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Hara, Hirohisa; Katsukawa,
   Yukio; Kubo, Masahito; Toriumi, Shin; Watanabe, Tetsuya; Yokoyama,
   Takaaki; Korendyke, Clarence M.; Warren, Harry P.; Tarbell, Ted; De
   Pontieu, Bart; Teriaca, Luca; Schühle, Udo H.; Solanki, Sami; Harra,
   Louise K.; Matthews, Sarah; Fludra, A.; Auchère, F.; Andretta, V.;
   Naletto, G.; Zhukov, A.
2019SPIE11118E..07S    Altcode:
  Solar-C EUVST (EUV High-Throughput Spectroscopic Telescope) is a
  solar physics mission concept that was selected as a candidate for
  JAXA competitive M-class missions in July 2018. The onboard science
  instrument, EUVST, is an EUV spectrometer with slit-jaw imaging
  system that will simultaneously observe the solar atmosphere from the
  photosphere/chromosphere up to the corona with seamless temperature
  coverage, high spatial resolution, and high throughput for the first
  time. The mission is designed to provide a conclusive answer to the
  most fundamental questions in solar physics: how fundamental processes
  lead to the formation of the solar atmosphere and the solar wind, and
  how the solar atmosphere becomes unstable, releasing the energy that
  drives solar flares and eruptions. The entire instrument structure
  and the primary mirror assembly with scanning and tip-tilt fine
  pointing capability for the EUVST are being developed in Japan, with
  spectrograph and slit-jaw imaging hardware and science contributions
  from US and European countries. The mission will be launched and
  installed in a sun-synchronous polar orbit by a JAXA Epsilon vehicle in
  2025. ISAS/JAXA coordinates the conceptual study activities during the
  current mission definition phase in collaboration with NAOJ and other
  universities. The team is currently working towards the JAXA final
  down-selection expected at the end of 2019, with strong support from
  US and European colleagues. The paper provides an overall description
  of the mission concept, key technologies, and the latest status.

Title: Structure and dynamics of the hot flaring loop-top source
    observed by Hinode, SDO, RHESSI, and STEREO
Authors: Lee, Kyoung-Sun; Hara, Hirohisa; Watanabe, Kyoko; Joshi,
   Anand D.; Imada, Shinsuke; Brooks, David H.; Dang, Phillip; Shimizu,
   Toshifumi; Savage, Sabrina
2019AAS...23421605L    Altcode:
  We have investigated an M1.3 flare on 2014 January 13 around
  21:48 UT observed at the west limb using the Hinode, SDO, RHESSI,
  and STEREO. Especially, the Hinode/EIS scanned the flaring loop
  covering the loop-top region over the limb, which is a good target to
  investigate the dynamics of the flaring loop with their height. Using
  the multi-wavelength observations from the Hinode/EIS and SDO/AIA,
  we found a very hot emission above the loop-top observed in Fe XXIV
  and 131Å channel. Measuring the intensity, Doppler velocity and line
  width for the flaring loop, we found that hot emission observed at
  the cusp-like shape of the loop-top region which shows strong redshift
  about 500 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> in Doppler velocity and strong enhancement
  of the non-thermal velocity (line width enhancement) larger than 100
  km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. Combining with the STEREO observation, we have
  examined the 3D structure with loop tilt angle and have investigated
  the velocity distribution of the loop-top region. With the loop tilt
  angle, we could identify the strong redshift at the loop-top region
  may indicate an up-flow along the loop-top region. From RHESSI hard
  X-ray (HXR), and soft X-ray (SXR) emission, we found that the footpoint
  brightening region at the beginning of the flare has a both HXR (25-50
  keV) and SXR (12-25 keV) emission in which imply that the region has
  non-thermal emission or accelerated particles. Then, within 10 minutes
  the soft X-ray (SXR) emission observed near the cusp shape region at
  loop top. The temporal variation of the HXR and SXR emissions and the
  Doppler velocity variation of the hot plasma component at the loop-top
  imply that the strong flow in a hot component near loop-top could be
  the evaporation flows which detected at the corona along the tilted
  loop. Moreover, The temporal evolution of the temperature observed
  by SDO/AIA and Hinode/EIS also shows the cooling process of the flare
  plasma which is consistent with the impulsively heated flare model.

Title: Velocity Structure and Temperature Dependence of an
    Extreme-Ultraviolet Jet Observed by Hinode
Authors: Kawai, T.; Kanda, N.; Imada, S.
2019SoPh..294...74K    Altcode: 2019arXiv190410271K
  The acceleration mechanism of EUV and X-ray jets is still unclear. In
  general, there are two candidates for the mechanism. One is magnetic
  reconnection, and the other is chromospheric evaporation. We observed
  a relatively compact X-ray jet that occurred between 10:50 - 11:10 UT
  on 18 February 2011 by using the Solar Dynamics Observatory/Atmospheric
  Imaging Assembly, and the X-ray Telescope, Solar Optical Telescope, and
  EUV Imaging Spectrometer onboard Hinode. Our results are as follows:
  i) The EUV and X-ray observations show the general characteristics of
  X-ray jets, such as an arcade straddling a polarity inversion line, a
  jet bright point shown at one leg of the arcade, and a spire above the
  arcade. ii) The multi-wavelength observations and Ca II H line image
  show the existence of a low-temperature (≈ 10 000 K) plasma (i.e.,
  filament) at the center of the jet. iii) In the magnetogram and Ca II
  H line image, the filament exists over the polarity inversion line and
  arcade is also straddling it. In addition, magnetic cancellation occurs
  around the jet a few hours before and after the jet is observed. iv) The
  temperature distribution of the accelerated plasma, which was estimated
  from Doppler velocity maps, the calculated differential emission
  measure, and synthetic spectra show that there is no clear dependence
  between the plasma velocity and its temperature. For our third result,
  observations indicate that magnetic cancellation is probably related
  to the occurrence of the jet and filament formation. This suggests
  that the trigger of the jet is magnetic cancellation rather than
  flux emergence. The fourth result indicates that plasma acceleration
  accompanied by an X-ray jet seems to be caused by magnetic reconnection
  rather than chromospheric evaporation.

Title: Revisiting Kunitomo's Sunspot Drawings During 1835 - 1836
    in Japan
Authors: Fujiyama, Masashi; Hayakawa, Hisashi; Iju, Tomoya; Kawai,
   Toshiki; Toriumi, Shin; Otsuji, Kenichi; Kondo, Katsuya; Watanabe,
   Yusaku; Nozawa, Satoshi; Imada, Shinsuke
2019SoPh..294...43F    Altcode: 2019arXiv190303092F
  We revisit the sunspot drawings made by the Japanese astronomer Kunitomo
  Toubei during 1835 - 1836 and recount the sunspot group number for each
  image. There are two series of drawings, preliminary (P , containing
  17 days with observations) and summary (S , covering 156 days with
  observations), all made using brush and ink. S is a compilation of
  drawings for the period from February 1835, to March 1836. Presently,
  the P drawings are available only for one month, September 1835;
  those of other periods have presumably been lost. Another drawing
  (I ) lets us recover the raw group count (RGC) for 25 September 1836,
  on which the RGC has not been registered in the existing catalogs. We
  also revise the RGCs from P and S using the Zürich classification and
  determine that Kunitomo's results tend to yield smaller RGCs than those
  of other contemporary observers. In addition, we find that Kunitomo's
  RGCs and spot areas have a correlation (0.71) that is not very different
  from the contemporary observer Schwabe (0.82). Although Kunitomo's spot
  areas are much larger than those determined by Schwabe due to skill and
  instrument limitations, Kunitomo at least captured the growing trend
  of the spot activity in the early phase of Solar Cycle 8. We also
  determine the solar rotation axis to estimate the accurate position
  (latitude and longitude) of the sunspot groups in Kunitomo's drawings.

Title: Semiconservative reduced speed of sound technique for low
    Mach number flows with large density variations
Authors: Iijima, H.; Hotta, H.; Imada, S.
2019A&A...622A.157I    Altcode: 2018arXiv181204135I
  Context. The reduced speed of sound technique (RSST) has been
  used for efficient simulation of low Mach number flows in solar
  and stellar convection zones. The basic RSST equations are
  hyperbolic and are suitable for parallel computation by domain
  decomposition. The application of RSST is limited to cases in which
  density perturbations are much smaller than the background density. In
  addition, nonconservative variables are required to be evolved using
  this method, which is not suitable in cases where discontinuities such
  as shock waves coexist in a single numerical domain. <BR /> Aims:
  In this study, we suggest a new semiconservative formulation of the
  RSST that can be applied to low Mach number flows with large density
  variations. <BR /> Methods: We derive the wave speed of the original
  and newly suggested methods to clarify that these methods can reduce
  the speed of sound without affecting the entropy wave. The equations
  are implemented using the finite volume method. Several numerical
  tests are carried out to verify the suggested methods. <BR /> Results:
  The analysis and numerical results show that the original RSST is not
  applicable when mass density variations are large. In contrast, the
  newly suggested methods are found to be efficient in such cases. We
  also suggest variants of the RSST that conserve momentum in the
  machine precision. The newly suggested variants are formulated as
  semiconservative equations, which reduce to the conservative form of the
  Euler equations when the speed of sound is not reduced. This property
  is advantageous when both high and low Mach number regions are included
  in the numerical domain. <BR /> Conclusions: The newly suggested forms
  of RSST can be applied to a wider range of low Mach number flows.

Title: Effect of Magnetic Field Strength on Solar Differential
    Rotation and Meridional Circulation
Authors: Imada, S.; Fujiyama, M.
2018ApJ...864L...5I    Altcode: 2018arXiv180803005I
  We studied the solar surface flows (differential rotation and meridional
  circulation) using a magnetic element feature tracking technique by
  which the surface velocity is obtained using magnetic field data. We
  used the line-of-sight magnetograms obtained by the Helioseismic
  and Magnetic Imager on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory from
  2010 May 01 to 2017 August 16 (Carrington rotations 2096 to 2193) and
  tracked the magnetic element features every hour. Using our method, we
  estimated the differential rotation velocity profile. We found rotation
  velocities of ∼30 and -170 m s<SUP>-1</SUP> at latitudes of 0° and
  60° in the Carrington rotation frame, respectively. Our results are
  consistent with previous results obtained by other methods, such as
  direct Doppler, time-distance helioseismology, or cross-correlation
  analyses. We also estimated the meridional circulation velocity profile
  and found that it peaked at ∼12 m s<SUP>-1</SUP> at a latitude of
  45°, which is also consistent with previous results. The dependence
  of the surface flow velocity on the magnetic field strength was also
  studied. In our analysis, the magnetic elements with stronger and
  weaker magnetic fields largely represent the characteristics of the
  active region remnants and solar magnetic networks, respectively. We
  found that magnetic elements with a strong (weak) magnetic field show
  a faster (slower) rotation speed. On the other hand, magnetic elements
  with a strong (weak) magnetic field show slower (faster) meridional
  circulation velocity. These results might be related to the Sun’s
  internal dynamics.

Title: Electron Power-Law Spectra in Solar and Space Plasmas
Authors: Oka, M.; Birn, J.; Battaglia, M.; Chaston, C. C.; Hatch,
   S. M.; Livadiotis, G.; Imada, S.; Miyoshi, Y.; Kuhar, M.; Effenberger,
   F.; Eriksson, E.; Khotyaintsev, Y. V.; Retinò, A.
2018SSRv..214...82O    Altcode: 2018arXiv180509278O
  Particles are accelerated to very high, non-thermal energies in solar
  and space plasma environments. While energy spectra of accelerated
  electrons often exhibit a power law, it remains unclear how electrons
  are accelerated to high energies and what processes determine the
  power-law index δ . Here, we review previous observations of the
  power-law index δ in a variety of different plasma environments with
  a particular focus on sub-relativistic electrons. It appears that in
  regions more closely related to magnetic reconnection (such as the
  `above-the-looptop' solar hard X-ray source and the plasma sheet in
  Earth's magnetotail), the spectra are typically soft (δ ≳4). This
  is in contrast to the typically hard spectra (δ ≲4) that are
  observed in coincidence with shocks. The difference implies that
  shocks are more efficient in producing a larger non-thermal fraction
  of electron energies when compared to magnetic reconnection. A caveat
  is that during active times in Earth's magnetotail, δ values seem
  spatially uniform in the plasma sheet, while power-law distributions
  still exist even in quiet times. The role of magnetotail reconnection
  in the electron power-law formation could therefore be confounded
  with these background conditions. Because different regions have been
  studied with different instrumentations and methodologies, we point
  out a need for more systematic and coordinated studies of power-law
  distributions for a better understanding of possible scaling laws in
  particle acceleration as well as their universality.

Title: Sunspot drawings by Japanese official astronomers in 1749-1750
Authors: Hayakawa, Hisashi; Iwahashi, Kiyomi; Fujiyama, Masashi;
   Kawai, Toshiki; Toriumi, Shin; Hotta, Hideyuki; Iijima, Haruhisa;
   Imada, Shinsuke; Tamazawa, Harufumi; Shibata, Kazunari
2018PASJ...70...63H    Altcode: 2018arXiv180408614H; 2018PASJ..tmp...87H
  Sunspot observations with telescopes in the 18<SUP>th</SUP> century
  were carried out in Japan as well as elsewhere. One of these sunspot
  observations is recorded in an account called Sansaizusetsu narabini
  Kansei irai Jissoku Zusetsu (Charts of Three Worlds and Diagrams of
  Actual Observations since Kansei Era). We have analyzed manuscripts
  of this account to show a total of 15 sunspot drawings during
  1749-1750. These observations are considered to be carried out by
  contemporary official astronomers in Japan, with telescopes covered
  by zongurasus (&lt; zonglas in Dutch, corresponding to "sunglass"
  in English). We counted their group number of sunspots to locate
  them in long-term solar activity and show that their observations
  were situated near the solar maximum in 1750. We also computed their
  locations and areas, while we have to admit differences of the variant
  manuscripts with one another. These observational records show the
  spread of sunspot observations not only in Europe, but also in Japan,
  and hence may contribute to crosscheck, or possibly to improve the
  known sunspot indices.

Title: Science Objectives of the Solar-C_EUVST
Authors: Imada, Shinsuke; Suematsu, Yoshinori
2018cosp...42E1542I    Altcode:
  Solar-C EUVST (EUV High-Throughput Spectroscopic Telescope) is
  designed to comprehensively understand the energy and mass transfer
  from the solar surface to the solar corona and interplanetary
  space, and to investigate the elementary processes that take place
  universally in cosmic plasmas. The proposed mission is a fundamental
  step for answering how the plasma universe is created and evolves,
  and how the Sun influences the Earth and other planets in our solar
  system. The two primary science objectives for Solar-C EUVST are : I)
  Understand how fundamental processes lead to the formation of the solar
  atmosphere and the solar wind, II) Understand how the solar atmosphere
  becomes unstable, releasing the energy that drives solar flares and
  eruptions. Solar-C EUVST will, A) seamlessly observe all the temperature
  regimes of the solar atmosphere from the chromosphere to the corona at
  the same time, B) resolve elemental structures of the solar atmosphere
  with high spatial resolution and cadence to track their evolution,
  and C) obtain spectroscopic information on the dynamics of elementary
  processes taking place in the solar atmosphere. In this talk, we will
  first discuss the science target of the Solar-C EUVST, and discuss the
  science topic associated flare in detail. Photospheric motions lead to
  the accumulation of free magnetic energy in the corona. This system
  eventually becomes unstable, releasing the energy through magnetic
  reconnection. This process of energy conversion heats the plasma to
  high temperatures and drives coronal mass ejections (CMEs). By measuring
  the properties of multi-temperature flaring plasma, Solar-C EUVST will
  investigate why the reconnection is fast despite the high magnetic
  Reynolds number. It will also monitor the temporal evolution of solar
  active regions and identify the triggering mechanism for the flare
  and eruption. Therefore two important science objectives are defined
  for the flare physics. The first objective is "Understand the Fast
  Magnetic Reconnection Process". Magnetic reconnection is one of the
  fundamental processes for converting magnetic energy into the thermal
  and kinetic energy of the plasma. This process occurs much faster
  than is predicted by classical theory. Solar-C EUVST will observe the
  dynamics of magnetic structures to understand the mechanisms that lead
  to fast magnetic reconnection in partially or fully ionized plasmas. The
  second objective is "Identify the Signatures of Global Energy Buildup
  and the Local Triggering of the Flare and Eruption". Understanding the
  accumulation and release of free magnetic energy in the corona is a
  fundamental problem. Solar-C EUVST will perform long-term monitoring
  of active regions to identify the signatures of energy buildup and
  high-resolution observations to understand the triggers of energy

Title: First Ten Years of Hinode Solar On-Orbit Observatory
Authors: Shimizu, Toshifumi; Imada, Shinsuke; Kubo, Masahito
2018ASSL..449.....S    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Origin of the Solar Wind
Authors: Lee, Kyoung-Sun; Brooks, David H.; Imada, Shinsuke
2018ASSL..449...95L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Thermal Non-equilibrium Plasma Observed by Hinode
Authors: Imada, Shinsuke
2018ASSL..449..221I    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Statistical and observational research of solar flare for
    total spectra and geometrical features
Authors: Nishimoto, S.; Watanabe, K.; Imada, S.; Kawate, T.; Lee, K. S.
2017AGUFMSH41A2749N    Altcode:
  Impulsive energy release phenomena such as solar flares, sometimes
  affect to the solar-terrestrial environment. Usually, we use soft X-ray
  flux (GOES class) as the index of flare scale. However, the magnitude of
  effect to the solar-terrestrial environment is not proportional to that
  scale. To identify the relationship between solar flare phenomena and
  influence to the solar-terrestrial environment, we need to understand
  the full spectrum of solar flares. There is the solar flare irradiance
  model named the Flare Irradiance Spectral Model (FISM) (Chamberlin et
  al., 2006, 2007, 2008). The FISM can estimate solar flare spectra with
  high wavelength resolution. However, this model can not express the
  time evolution of emitted plasma during the solar flare, and has low
  accuracy on short wavelength that strongly effects and/or controls the
  total flare spectra. For the purpose of obtaining the time evolution
  of total solar flare spectra, we are performing statistical analysis
  of the electromagnetic data of solar flares. In this study, we select
  solar flare events larger than M-class from the Hinode flare catalogue
  (Watanabe et al., 2012). First, we focus on the EUV emission observed
  by the SDO/EVE. We examined the intensities and time evolutions of
  five EUV lines of 55 flare events. As a result, we found positive
  correlation between the "soft X-ray flux" and the "EUV peak flux" for
  all EVU lines. Moreover, we found that hot lines peaked earlier than
  cool lines of the EUV light curves. We also examined the hard X-ray
  data obtained by RHESSI. When we analyzed 163 events, we found good
  correlation between the "hard X-ray intensity" and the "soft X-ray
  flux". Because it seems that the geometrical features of solar flares
  effect to those time evolutions, we also looked into flare ribbons
  observed by SDO/AIA. We examined 21 flare events, and found positive
  correlation between the "GOES duration" and the "ribbon length". We
  also found positive correlation between the "ribbon length" and the
  "ribbon distance", however, there was no remarkable correlation of
  the "ribbon width". To understand physical process of flare emission,
  we performed numerical simulation (Imada et al., 2015), and compared
  with the observational flare model. We also discuss the flare numerical
  model which can be fitted to the observational flare model.

Title: Investigation of the magnetic neutral line region with the
frame of two-fluid equations: A possibility of anomalous resistivity
    inferred from MMS observations
Authors: Kobayashi, Y.; Kitamura, N.; Ieda, A.; Yoshizumi, M.; Imada,
   S.; Tsugawa, Y.; Burch, J. L.; Russell, C. T.; Moore, T. E.; Giles,
   B. L.; Paterson, W.; Torbert, R. B.; Ergun, R.; Saito, Y.; Yokota,
   S.; Machida, S.
2017AGUFMSM13B2355K    Altcode:
  Magnetic reconnection is a basic physical process by which energy of
  magnetic field is converted into the kinetic energy of plasmas. In
  recent years, MMS missionconsisting of four spacecraft has been
  conducted aiming at elucidating the physical mechanism of merging
  themagnetic fields in the vicinity of the magnetic neutral linethat
  exists in the central part of the structure. In this paper, we examine
  the magnetic field frozen-in relation near the magnetic neutral line
  as well as the causal relationship between electron and ion dynamics
  in the frame of two fluid equations.Theoretically, it is shown that
  electrons are frozen-in to the magnetic fields while ion's frozen-in
  relation is broken in the ion dissipation region. However, when we
  examined the observational data around 1307 UT on October 16, 2015 when
  MMS spacecraft passed through the vicinity of the magnetic neutral line
  [Burch et al., Science 2016] , it was confirmed that the frozen-ion
  relation was not established for electrons in the ion dissipation
  region. In addition, we found that intense wave electric fields in
  this region. From the spectral analysis of the waves, it turned out
  that their characteristic frequencies are the lower-hybrid and electron
  cyclotron frequencies.In the framework of the two-fluid equation, we can
  evaluate the values of each term of the equations of motion for both
  ions and electrons except for the collision term from MMS spacecraft
  data. Therefore, it is possible to obtain collision terms for both
  species. Since magnetospheric plasma is basically collisionless, it
  is considered that the collision term is due to anomalous resistivity
  associated with the excited waves . On the other hand, in the two-fluid
  equation system, the two vectors corresponding to the collision terms
  of ions and electrons have the same absolute value. Because the force
  exerted between the two is the internal force, they should face in
  the opposite direction. However, the vectors corresponding to the
  collision terms obtained by using the actual data did not satisfy
  such a condition. One of the possible reasons is that the momentum
  carried by the waves cannot be neglected. After careful examination,
  we conclude that the effect of the anomalous resistivity in the ion
  dissipation region acts to some degree that cannot be ignored in the
  equation of motion of the two-fluid system.

Title: Non-thermal Power-Law Distributions in Solar and Space Plasmas
Authors: Oka, M.; Battaglia, M.; Birn, J.; Chaston, C. C.; Effenberger,
   F.; Eriksson, E.; Fletcher, L.; Hatch, S.; Imada, S.; Khotyaintsev,
   Y. V.; Kuhar, M.; Livadiotis, G.; Miyoshi, Y.; Retino, A.
2017AGUFMSH51C2518O    Altcode:
  Particles are accelerated to very high, non-thermal energies in solar
  and space plasma environments. While energy spectra of accelerated
  particles often exhibit a power-law and are characterized by the
  power-law index δ, it remains unclear how particles are accelerated
  to high energies and how δ is determined. Here, we review previous
  observations of the power-law index δ in a variety of different plasma
  environments with a particular focus on sub-relativistic electrons. It
  appears that in regions more closely related to magnetic reconnection
  (such as the "above-the-looptop" solar hard X-ray source and the plasma
  sheet in Earth's magnetotail), the spectra are typically soft (δ&gt;
  4). This is in contrast to the typically hard spectra (δ&lt; 4)
  that are observed in coincidence with shocks. The difference implies
  that shocks are more efficient in producing a larger fraction of
  non-thermal electron energies than magnetic reconnection. A caveat
  is that during active times in Earth's magnetotail, δ values seem
  spatially uniform in the plasma sheet, while power-law distributions
  still exist even in quiet times. The role of magnetotail reconnection
  in the electron power-law formation could therefore be confounded
  with these background conditions. Because different regions have been
  studied with different instrumentations and methodologies, we point
  out a need for more systematic and coordinated studies of power-law
  distributions for a better understanding of possible scaling laws in
  particle acceleration as well as their universality.

Title: Cosmic Ray Modulation and Radiation Dose of Aircrews During
    Possible Grand Minimum
Authors: Miyake, S.; Kataoka, R.; Sato, T.; Imada, S.; Miyahara, H.;
   Shiota, D.; Matsumoto, T.; Ueno, H.
2017AGUFMSH53A2556M    Altcode:
  The Sun is exhibiting low solar activity levels since the descending
  phase of the last solar cycle, and it is likely to be continued as
  well as in the case of the past grand solar minima. The cosmic-ray
  modulation, which is the variation of the galactic cosmic ray (GCR)
  spectrum caused by the heliospheric environmental change, is basically
  anti-correlated with the solar activity. In the recent weak solar cycle,
  we thus expect that the flux of GCRs is getting higher than that in
  the previous solar cycles, leading to the increase in the radiation
  exposure in the space and atmosphere. In order to quantitatively
  evaluate the possible solar modulation of GCRs and resultant radiation
  exposure at flight altitude, we have developed the time-dependent and
  three-dimensional model of the cosmic-ray modulation. Our model can give
  the flux of GCRs anywhere in the heliosphere by assuming the variation
  of the solar wind speed, the strength of the heliospheric magnetic field
  (HMF), and its tilt angle. We solve the gradient-curvature drift motion
  of GCRs in the HMF, and therefore reproduce the 22-year variation
  of the cosmic-ray modulation. We also calculate the neutron monitor
  counting rate and the radiation dose of aircrews at flight altitude,
  by the air-shower simulation performed by PHITS (Particle and Heavy
  Ion Transport code System). In our previous study [1], we calculated
  the radiation dose at a flight altitude during the coming solar cycle
  by assuming the variation of the solar wind speed and the strength of
  the HMF expressed by sinusoidal curve, and obtained that an annual
  radiation dose of aircrews in 5 years around the next solar minimum
  will be up to 19% higher than that at the last cycle. In this study, we
  predict the new model of the heliospheric environmental change on the
  basis of a prediction model for the sunspot number. The quantitative
  predictions of the cosmic-ray modulation and the radiation dose at
  a flight altitude during possible Grand Minimum considering the new
  model for the heliospheric environmental change will be presented at
  the meeting. [1] S. Miyake, R. Kataoka, and T. Sato, Space Weather,
  15, 589-605, 2017.

Title: Solar Surface Velocity in the Large Scale estimated by Magnetic
    Element Tracking Method
Authors: Fujiyama, M.; Imada, S.; Iijima, H.; Machida, S.
2017AGUFMSH13A2474F    Altcode:
  The 11years variation in the solar activity is one of the
  important sources of decadal variation in the solar-terrestrial
  environment. Therefore, predicting the solar cycle activity is crucial
  for the space weather. To build the prediction schemes for the next
  solar cycle is a key for the long-term space weather study. Recently,
  the relationship between polar magnetic field at the solar minimum
  and next solar cycle activity is intensively discussed. Nowadays,
  many people believe that the polar magnetic field at the solar minimum
  is one of the best predictor for the next solar cycle. To estimate
  polar magnetic field, Surface Flux Transport (SFT) model have been
  often used. On the other hand, SFT model needs several parameters,
  for example Meridional circulation, differential rotation, turbulent
  diffusion etc.. So far, those parameters have not been fully understood,
  and their uncertainties may affect the accuracy of the prediction. In
  this study, we try to discuss the parameters which are used in
  SFT model. We focus on two kinds of the solar surface motions,
  Differential rotation and Meridional circulation. First, we have
  developed Magnetic Element Tracking (MET) module, which is able to
  obtain the surface velocity by using the magnetic field data. We have
  used SOHO/MDI and SDO/HMI for the magnetic field data. By using MET,
  we study the solar surface motion over 2 cycle (nearly 24 years), and
  we found that the velocity variation is related to the active region
  belt. This result is consistent with [Hathaway et al., 2011]. Further,
  we apply our module to the Hinode/SOT data which spatial resolution
  is high. Because of its high resolution, we can discuss the surface
  motion close to the pole which has not been discussed enough. Further,
  we discuss the relationship between the surface motion and the magnetic
  field strength and the location of longitude.

Title: Improvement of solar-cycle prediction: Plateau of solar axial
    dipole moment
Authors: Iijima, H.; Hotta, H.; Imada, S.; Kusano, K.; Shiota, D.
2017A&A...607L...2I    Altcode: 2017arXiv171006528I
  <BR /> Aims: We report the small temporal variation of the axial dipole
  moment near the solar minimum and its application to the solar-cycle
  prediction by the surface flux transport (SFT) model. <BR /> Methods:
  We measure the axial dipole moment using the photospheric synoptic
  magnetogram observed by the Wilcox Solar Observatory (WSO), the ESA/NASA
  Solar and Heliospheric Observatory Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI), and
  the NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager
  (HMI). We also use the SFT model for the interpretation and prediction
  of the observed axial dipole moment. <BR /> Results: We find that the
  observed axial dipole moment becomes approximately constant during
  the period of several years before each cycle minimum, which we call
  the axial dipole moment plateau. The cross-equatorial magnetic flux
  transport is found to be small during the period, although a significant
  number of sunspots are still emerging. The results indicate that the
  newly emerged magnetic flux does not contribute to the build up of
  the axial dipole moment near the end of each cycle. This is confirmed
  by showing that the time variation of the observed axial dipole moment
  agrees well with that predicted by the SFT model without introducing new
  emergence of magnetic flux. These results allow us to predict the axial
  dipole moment at the Cycle 24/25 minimum using the SFT model without
  introducing new flux emergence. The predicted axial dipole moment at
  the Cycle 24/25 minimum is 60-80 percent of Cycle 23/24 minimum, which
  suggests the amplitude of Cycle 25 is even weaker than the current
  Cycle 24. <BR /> Conclusions: The plateau of the solar axial dipole
  moment is an important feature for the longer-term prediction of the
  solar cycle based on the SFT model.

Title: Multi-Wavelength Spectroscopic Observations of a White Light
    Flare Produced Directly by Non-thermal Electrons
Authors: Lee, Kyoung-Sun; Imada, Shinsuke; Watanabe, Kyoko; Bamba,
   Yumi; Brooks, David
2017SPD....4810806L    Altcode:
  An X1.6 flare on 2014 October 22 was observed by multiple
  spectrometers in UV, EUV and X-ray (Hinode/EIS, IRIS, and RHESSI),
  and multi-wavelength imaging observations (SDO/AIA and HMI). We
  analyze a bright kernel that produces a white light (WL) flare with
  continuum enhancement and a hard X-ray (HXR) peak. Taking advantage of
  the spectroscopic observations of IRIS and Hinode/EIS, we measure the
  temporal variation of the plasma properties in the bright kernel in
  the chromosphere and corona. We find that explosive evaporation was
  observed when the WL emission occurred. The temporal correlation of
  the WL emission, HXR peak, and evaporation flows indicates that the
  WL emission was produced by accelerated electrons. We calculated the
  energy flux deposited by non-thermal electrons (observed by RHESSI) and
  compared it to the dissipated energy estimated from a chromospheric
  line (Mg II triplet) observed by IRIS. The deposited energy flux
  from the non-thermal electrons is about (3-7.7)x10<SUP>10</SUP> erg
  cm<SUP>-2</SUP> s<SUP>-1</SUP> for a given low-energy cutoff of 30-40
  keV, assuming the thick-target model. The energy flux estimated from
  the changes in temperature in the chromosphere measured using the Mg II
  subordinate line is about (4.6-6.7)×10<SUP>9</SUP> erg cm<SUP>-2</SUP>
  s<SUP>-1</SUP>: ∼6%-22% of the deposited energy. This comparison
  of estimated energy fluxes implies that the continuum enhancement was
  directly produced by the non-thermal electrons.

Title: Detection of Heating Processes in Coronal Loops by Soft
    X-ray Spectroscopy
Authors: Kawate, Tomoko; Narukage, Noriyuki; Ishikawa, Shin-nosuke;
   Imada, Shinsuke
2017SPD....4810615K    Altcode:
  Imaging and Spectroscopic observations in the soft X-ray band will open
  a new window of the heating/acceleration/transport processes in the
  solar corona. The soft X-ray spectrum between 0.5 and 10 keV consists
  of the electron thermal free-free continuum and hot coronal lines such
  as O VIII, Fe XVII, Mg XI, Si XVII. Intensity of free-free continuum
  emission is not affected by the population of ions, whereas line
  intensities especially from highly ionized species have a sensitivity of
  the timescale of ionization/recombination processes. Thus, spectroscopic
  observations of both continuum and line intensities have a capability of
  diagnostics of heating/cooling timescales. We perform a 1D hydrodynamic
  simulation coupled with the time-dependent ionization, and calculate
  continuum and line intensities under different heat input conditions
  in a coronal loop. We also examine the differential emission measure
  of the coronal loop from the time-integrated soft x-ray spectra. As a
  result, line intensity shows a departure from the ionization equilibrium
  and shows different responses depending on the frequency of the heat
  input. Solar soft X-ray spectroscopic imager will be mounted in the
  sounding rocket experiment of the Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager
  (FOXSI). This observation will deepen our understanding of heating
  processes to solve the “coronal heating problem”.

Title: Predicting Solar Cycle 25 using Surface Flux Transport Model
Authors: Imada, Shinsuke; Iijima, Haruhisa; Hotta, Hideyuki; Shiota,
   Daiko; Kusano, Kanya
2017SPD....4811106I    Altcode:
  It is thought that the longer-term variations of the solar activity
  may affect the Earth’s climate. Therefore, predicting the next
  solar cycle is crucial for the forecast of the “solar-terrestrial
  environment”. To build prediction schemes for the next solar
  cycle is a key for the long-term space weather study. Recently, the
  relationship between polar magnetic field at the solar minimum and
  next solar activity is intensively discussed. Because we can determine
  the polar magnetic field at the solar minimum roughly 3 years before
  the next solar maximum, we may discuss the next solar cycle 3years
  before. Further, the longer term (~5 years) prediction might be
  achieved by estimating the polar magnetic field with the Surface Flux
  Transport (SFT) model. Now, we are developing a prediction scheme
  by SFT model as a part of the PSTEP (Project for Solar-Terrestrial
  Environment Prediction) and adapting to the Cycle 25 prediction. The
  predicted polar field strength of Cycle 24/25 minimum is several
  tens of percent smaller than Cycle 23/24 minimum. The result suggests
  that the amplitude of Cycle 25 is weaker than the current cycle. We
  also try to obtain the meridional flow, differential rotation,
  and turbulent diffusivity from recent modern observations (Hinode
  and Solar Dynamics Observatory). These parameters will be used in
  the SFT models to predict the polar magnetic fields strength at the
  solar minimum. In this presentation, we will explain the outline of
  our strategy to predict the next solar cycle and discuss the initial
  results for Cycle 25 prediction.

Title: White paper of the "soft X-ray imaging spectroscopy"
Authors: Narukage, Noriyuki; Ishikawa, Shin-nosuke; Kawate, Tomoko;
   Imada, Shinsuke; Sakao, Taro
2017arXiv170604536N    Altcode:
  The solar corona is full of dynamic phenomena, e.g., solar flares,
  micro flares in active regions, jets in coronal holes and in the polar
  regions, X-ray bright points in quiet regions, etc. They are accompanied
  by interesting physical processes, namely, magnetic reconnection,
  particle acceleration, shocks, waves, flows, evaporation, heating,
  cooling, and so on. The understandings of these phenomena and processes
  have been progressing step-by-step with the evolution of the observation
  technology in EUV and X-rays from the space. But, there are fundamental
  questions remain unanswered, or haven't even addressed so far. Our
  scientific objective is to understand underlying physics of dynamic
  phenomena in the solar corona, covering some of the long-standing
  questions in solar physics such as particle acceleration in flares
  and coronal heating. In order to achieve these science objectives,
  we identify the imaging spectroscopy (the observations with spatial,
  temporal and energy resolutions) in the soft X-ray range (from ~0.5
  keV to ~10 keV) is a powerful approach for the detection and analysis
  of energetic events.

Title: Study on Precursor Activity of the X1.6 Flare in the Great
    AR 12192 with SDO, IRIS, and Hinode
Authors: Bamba, Yumi; Lee, Kyoung-Sun; Imada, Shinsuke; Kusano, Kanya
2017ApJ...840..116B    Altcode: 2017arXiv170405158B
  The physical properties and their contribution to the onset of a solar
  flare are still uncleare even though chromospheric brightening is
  considered a precursor phenomenon of a flare. Many studies suggested
  that photospheric magnetic field changes cause destabilization of
  large-scale coronal structure. We aim to understand how a small
  photospheric change contributes to a flare and to reveal how the
  intermediary chromosphere behaves in the precursor phase. We analyzed
  the precursor brightening of the X1.6 flare on 2014 October 22 in
  the AR 12192 using the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS)
  and Hinode/EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) data. We investigated a
  localized jet with the strong precursor brightening, and compared the
  intensity, Doppler velocity, and line width in C II, Mg II k, and Si
  IV lines by IRIS and He II, Fe xii, and Fe xv lines by Hinode/EIS. We
  also analyzed the photospheric magnetic field and chromospheric/coronal
  structures using the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)/Helioseismic and
  Magnetic Imager and Atmospheric Imaging Assembly. We found a significant
  blueshift (∼100 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>), which is related to the strong
  precursor brightening over a characteristic magnetic field structure,
  and the blueshift was observed at all of the temperatures. This might
  indicate that the flow is accelerated by Lorentz force. Moreover, the
  large-scale coronal loop that connects the foot points of the flare
  ribbons was destabilized just after the precursor brightening with the
  blueshift. It suggests that magnetic reconnection locally occurred in
  the lower chromosphere and it triggered magnetic reconnection of the
  X1.6 flare in the corona.

Title: IRIS, Hinode, SDO, and RHESSI Observations of a White Light
    Flare Produced Directly by Nonthermal Electrons
Authors: Lee, Kyoung-Sun; Imada, Shinsuke; Watanabe, Kyoko; Bamba,
   Yumi; Brooks, David H.
2017ApJ...836..150L    Altcode: 2017arXiv170106286L
  An X1.6 flare occurred in active region AR 12192 on 2014 October 22
  at 14:02 UT and was observed by Hinode, IRIS, SDO, and RHESSI. We
  analyze a bright kernel that produces a white light (WL) flare with
  continuum enhancement and a hard X-ray (HXR) peak. Taking advantage
  of the spectroscopic observations of IRIS and Hinode/EIS, we measure
  the temporal variation of the plasma properties in the bright kernel
  in the chromosphere and corona. We find that explosive evaporation
  was observed when the WL emission occurred, even though the intensity
  enhancement in hotter lines is quite weak. The temporal correlation of
  the WL emission, HXR peak, and evaporation flows indicates that the WL
  emission was produced by accelerated electrons. To understand the WL
  emission process, we calculated the energy flux deposited by non-thermal
  electrons (observed by RHESSI) and compared it to the dissipated
  energy estimated from a chromospheric line (Mg II triplet) observed
  by IRIS. The deposited energy flux from the non-thermal electrons is
  about (3-7.7) × 10<SUP>10</SUP> erg cm<SUP>-2</SUP> s<SUP>-1</SUP>
  for a given low-energy cutoff of 30-40 keV, assuming the thick-target
  model. The energy flux estimated from the changes in temperature in
  the chromosphere measured using the Mg II subordinate line is about
  (4.6-6.7) × 10<SUP>9</SUP> erg cm<SUP>-2</SUP> s<SUP>-1</SUP>:
  ∼6%-22% of the deposited energy. This comparison of estimated energy
  fluxes implies that the continuum enhancement was directly produced
  by the non-thermal electrons.

Title: UV/EUV High-Throughput Spectroscopic Telescope: A Next
    Generation Solar Physics Mission white paper
Authors: Imada, S.; Shimizu, T.; Kawate, T.; Hara, H.; Watanabe, T.
2017arXiv170104972I    Altcode:
  The origin of the activity in the solar corona is a long-standing
  problem in solar physics. Recent satellite observations, such as Hinode,
  Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph
  (IRIS), show the detail characteristics of the solar atmosphere and
  try to reveal the energy transfer from the photosphere to the corona
  through the magnetic fields and its energy conversion by various
  processes. However, quantitative estimation of energy transfer along
  the magnetic field is not enough. There are mainly two reason why it is
  difficult to observe the energy transfer from photosphere to corona; 1)
  spatial resolution gap between photosphere (a few 0.1 arcsec) and corona
  (a few arcsec), 2) lack in temperature coverage. Furthermore, there
  is not enough observational knowledge of the physical parameters in
  the energy dissipation region. There are mainly three reason why it is
  difficult to observe in the vicinity of the energy dissipation region;
  1) small spatial scale, 2) short time scale, 3) low emission. It is
  generally believed that the energy dissipation occurs in the very small
  scale and its duration is very short (10 second). Further, the density
  in the dissipation region might be very low. Therefore, the high spatial
  and temporal resolution UV/EUV spectroscopic observation with wide
  temperature coverage is crucial to estimate the energy transport from
  photosphere to corona quantitatively and diagnose the plasma dynamics
  in the vicinity of the energy dissipation region. Main Science Target
  for the telescope is quantitative estimation for the energy transfer
  from the photosphere to the corona, and clarification of the plasma
  dynamics in the vicinity of the energy dissipation region, where is the
  key region for coronal heating, solar wind acceleration, and/or solar
  flare, by the high spatial and temporal resolution UV/EUV spectroscopy.

Title: Structures of the Hall magnetic field in the dayside magnetic
    reconnection inferred from Geotail data
Authors: Tanaka, R.; Machida, S.; Uchino, H.; Imada, S.; Miyoshi,
   Y.; Seki, K.; Ieda, A.; Miyashita, Y.; Keika, K.; Saito, Y.
2016AGUFMSM13A2184T    Altcode:
  Using Geotail data, we have investigated the magnetic reconnection
  structure at the dayside magnetopause. In the magnetotail, symmetric
  reconnection generally occurs, since upstream conditions are almost
  the same on the northern and southern sides. On the other hand, at the
  dayside magnetopause, asymmetric reconnection tends to occurs, since
  magnetospheric and solar wind plasmas have different conditions. In
  addition, while magnetotail reconnection has a quadrupole structure of
  the magnetic field produced by the Hall effect, dayside reconnection
  has basically a dipole structure. In the present study we selected
  26 dayside reconnection events, based on simultaneous sign reversals
  of the ion outflow velocity and the magnetic field observed by Geotail
  from year 1994 to 2014. We find that the reconnection events have either
  quadrupole or dipole structure in the duskward magnetic field component
  (By). We further investigated the magnetic field structure near the
  neutral line by analyzing changes in the ion density and magnetic field
  when Geotail passed near the neutral line. In the quadrupole-structure
  cases, the ratio of the ion density in the magnetosheath to that
  at the magnetopause is 7.5 on average, and the ratio of Bz at the
  magnetopause to |Bz| in the magnetosheath is 1.5. On the other hand,
  in the dipole-structure cases, the average ion density ratio is 36.1,
  and the average magnetic field intensity ratio is 2.7. These values
  are greater than those for the quadrupole structure. These results
  indicate that dayside reconnection has the dipole structure in the
  Hall magnetic field when density asymmetry is large and the electron
  flux from the magnetosheath is much larger than that from the dayside
  magnetosphere. In the dipole structure, the Hall current flows along
  the separatrix toward and away from the diffusion region on the
  magnetosheath and magnetospheric sides, respectively.

Title: Hinode and IRIS Observations of the Magnetohydrodynamic Waves
    Propagating from the Photosphere to the Chromosphere in a Sunspot
Authors: Kanoh, Ryuichi; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Imada, Shinsuke
2016ApJ...831...24K    Altcode: 2016arXiv160803910K
  Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves have been considered as energy
  sources for heating the solar chromosphere and the corona. Although
  MHD waves have been observed in the solar atmosphere, there are a
  lack of quantitative estimates on the energy transfer and dissipation
  in the atmosphere. We performed simultaneous Hinode and Interface
  Region Imaging Spectrograph observations of a sunspot umbra to
  derive the upward energy fluxes at two different atmospheric layers
  (photosphere and lower transition region) and estimate the energy
  dissipation. The observations revealed some properties of the observed
  periodic oscillations in physical quantities, such as their phase
  relations, temporal behaviors, and power spectra, making a conclusion
  that standing slow-mode waves are dominant at the photosphere with
  their high-frequency leakage, which is observed as upward waves at
  the chromosphere and the lower transition region. Our estimates of
  upward energy fluxes are 2.0× {10}<SUP>7</SUP> erg cm<SUP>-2</SUP>
  s<SUP>-1</SUP> at the photospheric level and 8.3× {10}<SUP>4</SUP>
  erg cm<SUP>-2</SUP> s<SUP>-1</SUP> at the lower transition region
  level. The difference between the energy fluxes is larger than the
  energy required to maintain the chromosphere in the sunspot umbrae,
  suggesting that the observed waves can make a crucial contribution to
  the heating of the chromosphere in the sunspot umbrae. In contrast,
  the upward energy flux derived at the lower transition region level is
  smaller than the energy flux required for heating the corona, implying
  that we may need another heating mechanism. We should, however, note
  a possibility that the energy dissipated at the chromosphere might be
  overestimated because of the opacity effect.

Title: Quantitative estimation of the energy flux during an explosive
    chromospheric evaporation in a white light flare kernel observed by
    Hinode, IRIS, SDO, and RHESSI
Authors: Lee, Kyoung-Sun; Imada, Shinsuke; Kyoko, Watanabe; Bamba,
   Yumi; Brooks, David H.
2016usc..confE..77L    Altcode:
  An X1.6 flare occurred at the AR 12192 on 2014 October 22 at14:02 UT was
  observed by Hinode, IRIS, SDO, and RHESSI. We analyze a bright kernel
  which produces a white light (WL) flare with continuum enhancement
  and a hard X-ray (HXR) peak. Taking advantage of the spectroscopic
  observations of IRIS and Hinode/EIS, we measure the temporal variation
  of the plasma properties in the bright kernel in the chromosphere and
  corona. We found that explosive evaporation was observed when the WL
  emission occurred, even though the intensity enhancement in hotter lines
  is quite weak. The temporal correlation of the WL emission, HXR peak,
  and evaporation flows indicate that the WL emission was produced by
  accelerated electrons. To understand the white light emission processes,
  we calculated the deposited energy flux from the non-thermal electrons
  observed by RHESSI and compared it to the dissipated energy estimated
  from the chromospheric line (Mg II triplet) observed by IRIS. The
  deposited energy flux from the non-thermal electrons is about 3.1 ×
  1010erg cm-2 s-1 when we consider a cut-off energy 20 keV. The estimated
  energy flux from the temperature changes in the chromosphere measured
  from the Mg II subordinate line is about 4.6-6.7×109erg cm-2 s-1,
  ∼ 15-22% of the deposited energy. By comparison of these estimated
  energy fluxes we conclude that the continuum enhancement was directly
  produced by the non-thermal electrons.

Title: Project for Solar-Terrestrial Environment Prediction (PSTEP):
    Towards Predicting Next Solar Cycle
Authors: Imada, S.; Iijima, H.; Hotta, H.; Shiota, D.; Kanou, O.;
   Fujiyama, M.; Kusano, K.
2016usc..confE..83I    Altcode:
  It is believed that the longer-term variations of the solar activity can
  affect the Earth's climate. Therefore, predicting the next solar cycle
  is crucial for the forecast of the "solar-terrestrial environment". To
  build prediction schemes for the activity level of the next solar cycle
  is a key for the long-term space weather study. Although three-years
  prediction can be almost achieved, the prediction of next solar cycle
  is very limited, so far. We are developing a five-years prediction
  scheme by combining the Surface Flux Transport (SFT) model and the
  most accurate measurements of solar magnetic fields as a part of the
  PSTEP (Project for Solar-Terrestrial Environment Prediction),. We
  estimate the meridional flow, differential rotation, and turbulent
  diffusivity from recent modern observations (Hinode and Solar Dynamics
  Observatory). These parameters are used in the SFT models to predict
  the polar magnetic fields strength at the solar minimum. In this
  presentation, we will explain the outline of our strategy to predict
  the next solar cycle. We also report the present status and the future
  perspective of our project.

Title: Boosting magnetic reconnection by viscosity and thermal
Authors: Minoshima, Takashi; Miyoshi, Takahiro; Imada, Shinsuke
2016PhPl...23g2122M    Altcode: 2016arXiv160702839M
  Nonlinear evolution of magnetic reconnection is investigated by means of
  magnetohydrodynamic simulations including uniform resistivity, uniform
  viscosity, and anisotropic thermal conduction. When viscosity exceeds
  resistivity (the magnetic Prandtl number P <SUB>r m</SUB> &gt; 1 ), the
  viscous dissipation dominates outflow dynamics and leads to the decrease
  in the plasma density inside a current sheet. The low-density current
  sheet supports the excitation of the vortex. The thickness of the vortex
  is broader than that of the current for P <SUB>r m</SUB> &gt; 1 . The
  broader vortex flow more efficiently carries the upstream magnetic
  flux toward the reconnection region, and consequently, boosts the
  reconnection. The reconnection rate increases with viscosity provided
  that thermal conduction is fast enough to take away the thermal energy
  increased by the viscous dissipation (the fluid Prandtl number Pr &lt;
  1). The result suggests the need to control the Prandtl numbers for
  the reconnection against the conventional resistive model.

Title: A Comparative Study of Confined and Eruptive Solar Flares
    using Microwave Observations
Authors: Yashiro, S.; Akiyama, S.; Masuda, S.; Shimojo, M.; Asai,
   A.; Imada, S.; Gopalswamy, N.
2015AGUFMSH43B2447Y    Altcode:
  It is well known that about 10% X-class solar flares are not associated
  with coronal mass ejections (CMEs). These flares are referred to
  as confined flares, which are not associated with mass or energetic
  particles leaving the Sun. However, electrons are accelerated to MeV
  energies as indicated by the presence of microwave emission with a
  turnover frequency of ~15 GHz (Gopalswamy et al. 2009, IAU Symposium
  257, p. 283). In this paper, we extend the study of confined flares to
  lower soft X-ray flare sizes (M and above) that occurred in the time
  window of the Nobeyama Radioheliograph (NoRH). We also make use of the
  microwave spectral information from the Nobeyama Radio Polarimeters
  (NoRP). During 1996 - 2014, NoRH and NoRP observed 663 flares with
  size M1.0 or larger. Using the CME observations made by SOHO/LASCO
  and STEREO/SECCHI, we found 215 flares with definite CME association
  (eruptive flares) and 202 flares that definitely lacked CMEs (confined
  flares). The remaining 146 flares whose CME association is unclear are
  excluded from the analysis. We examined the peak brightness temperature
  and the spatial size obtained by NoRH. Although there is a large
  overlap between the two populations in these properties, we found
  that microwave sources with the largest spatial extent and highest
  brightness temperature are associated with eruptive flares. Spectral
  analysis using NoRP data showed a tendency that more confined flares
  had higher turnover frequency (≥17 GHz). We also compare the NoRH
  images with the photospheric magnetograms to understand the difference
  in the magnetic structure of the two types of flare sources.

Title: Modeling of magnetically confined plasma in hot coronal loops
Authors: Asgari-Targhi, M.; Imada, S.; Schmelz, J. T.
2015AGUFMSH13C2452A    Altcode:
  In this talk, we present results of three-dimensional MHD modeling
  for the Alfvén wave turbulence within loops with high temperatures
  ⩾ 5 MK. One of our findings is that for the Alfvén waves to create
  enough turbulence to heat the loops in the core of the active region,
  the footpoint velocity must be 5-6 km/s. We also present the results of
  the non-thermal line broadenings in these loops and draw a comparison
  between the observations and modeling.

Title: Energetic ion acceleration during magnetic reconnection in
    the Earth's magnetotail
Authors: Imada, Shinsuke; Hirai, Mariko; Hoshino, Masahiro
2015EP&S...67..203I    Altcode:
  In this paper, we present a comprehensive study of the energetic ion
  acceleration during magnetic reconnection in the Earth's magnetosphere
  using the Geotail data. A clear example of the energetic ion
  acceleration up to 1 MeV around an X-type neutral line is shown. We
  find that the energetic ions are localized at far downstream
  of reconnection outflow. The time variation of energetic ion and
  electron is almost the same. We observe ∼100 keV ions over the entire
  observation period. We study ten events in which the Geotail satellite
  observed in the vicinity of diffusion region in order to understand
  the reconnection characteristics that determine the energetic ion
  acceleration efficiency. We find that the reconnection electric field,
  total amount of reduced magnetic energy, reconnection rate, satellite
  location in the Earth's magnetosphere (both X <SUB>GSM</SUB> and Y
  <SUB>GSM</SUB>) show high correlation with energetic ion acceleration
  efficiency. Also, ion temperature, electron temperature, ion/electron
  temperature ratio, current sheet thickness, and electric field normal to
  the neutral sheet show low correlation. We do not find any correlation
  with absolute value of outflow velocity and current density parallel
  to magnetic field. The energetic ion acceleration efficiency is well
  correlated with large-scale parameters (e.g., total amount of reduced
  magnetic energy and satellite location), whereas the energetic electron
  acceleration efficiency is correlated with small-scale parameters
  (e.g., current sheet thickness and electric field normal to the neutral
  sheet). We conclude that the spatial size of magnetic reconnection is
  important for energetic ion acceleration in the Earth's magnetotail.

Title: High-energy ions produced by two approaching flow fronts in
    the magnetotail
Authors: Uchino, H.; Ieda, A.; Machida, S.; Imada, S.
2015AGUFMSM13D2549U    Altcode:
  During a substorm event in 2009, THEMIS probes observed high-energy
  (≲ 1MeV) ions and characteristic time evolution of the differential
  flux. The high-energy ions seem to be produced in the magnetotail,
  but existing acceleration theories cannot explain the production
  of such high-energy ions due to the limitation of dawn-dusk (DD)
  flow scale. We propose that if two approaching flow fronts exist
  simultaneously in the magnetotail, the production of high-energy ions
  can be achieved. Namely, some ideal ions are repeatedly reflected by the
  two fronts and accelerated to high energies, exceeding the energy-limit
  given by the product of the duskward electric field and DD scale
  length of the flows. In addition, this acceleration model similar to
  "first-order Fermi acceleration" can produce the observed differential
  flux change. We have analytically calculated the energy-gain of each
  ion between two approaching flow fronts, and roughly estimated the
  efficiency of the acceleration and the spectrum change. In order to
  include the DD flow scale, we have further performed a spatially 1-D
  (2-D in velocity) test particle simulation where a couple of flow
  fronts approach each other. Using the simulation, we have confirmed
  the production of high-energy ions as well as the change of the energy
  spectrum of ions associated with the acceleration. The simulation
  result shows that high-energy ions can be produced with shorter DD
  scale length compared to that of the simple acceleration for trapped
  particles in the flow front. If we assume that the DD scale length
  of the flow is 10Re, the simulated ion maximum energy near 1MeV and
  differential flux change are similar to those of the observation. This
  scale length is less than half of the length needed for the product
  with the duskward electric field to produce 1MeV ions. This estimated
  10Re flow scale in that event does not contradict previous studies.

Title: Observation and numerical modeling of chromospheric evaporation
    during the impulsive phase of a solar flare
Authors: Imada, Shinsuke; Murakami, Izumi; Watanabe, Tetsuya
2015PhPl...22j1206I    Altcode: 2015arXiv150604674I
  We have studied the chromospheric evaporation flow during the impulsive
  phase of the flare by using the Hinode/EUV Imaging Spectrometer
  observation and 1D hydrodynamic numerical simulation coupled to the
  time-dependent ionization. The observation clearly shows that the strong
  redshift can be observed at the base of the flaring loop only during the
  impulsive phase. We performed two different numerical simulations to
  reproduce the strong downflows in FeXII and FeXV during the impulsive
  phase. By changing the thermal conduction coefficient, we carried out
  the numerical calculation of chromospheric evaporation in the thermal
  conduction dominant regime (conductivity coefficient κ<SUB>0</SUB> =
  classical value) and the enthalpy flux dominant regime (κ<SUB>0</SUB>
  = 0.1 × classical value). The chromospheric evaporation calculation in
  the enthalpy flux dominant regime could reproduce the strong redshift
  at the base of the flare during the impulsive phase. This result might
  indicate that the thermal conduction can be strongly suppressed in some
  cases of flare. We also find that time-dependent ionization effect is
  important to reproduce the strong downflows in Fe XII and Fe XV.

Title: Photospheric Abundances of Polar Jets on the Sun Observed
    by Hinode
Authors: Lee, Kyoung-Sun; Brooks, David H.; Imada, Shinsuke
2015ApJ...809..114L    Altcode: 2015arXiv150704075L
  Many jets are detected at X-ray wavelengths in the Sun's polar
  regions, and the ejected plasma along the jets has been suggested to
  contribute mass to the fast solar wind. From in situ measurements
  in the magnetosphere, it has been found that the fast solar wind
  has photospheric abundances while the slow solar wind has coronal
  abundances. Therefore, we investigated the abundances of polar jets
  to determine whether they are the same as that of the fast solar
  wind. For this study, we selected 22 jets in the polar region observed
  by Hinode/EUV Imaging Spectroscopy (EIS) and X-ray Telescope (XRT)
  simultaneously on 2007 November 1-3. We calculated the First Ionization
  Potential (FIP) bias factor from the ratio of the intensity between high
  (S) and low (Si, Fe) FIP elements using the EIS spectra. The values of
  the FIP bias factors for the polar jets are around 0.7-1.9, and 75% of
  the values are in the range of 0.7-1.5, which indicates that they have
  photospheric abundances similar to the fast solar wind. The results
  are consistent with the reconnection jet model where photospheric
  plasma emerges and is rapidly ejected into the fast wind.

Title: Modeling of Hot Plasma in the Solar Active Region Core
Authors: Asgari-Targhi, M.; Schmelz, J. T.; Imada, S.; Pathak, S.;
   Christian, G. M.
2015ApJ...807..146A    Altcode:
  Magnetically confined plasma with temperatures ≥slant 5 {MK} are a
  feature of hot coronal loops observed in the core of active regions. In
  this paper, using observations and MHD modeling of coronal loops,
  we investigate whether wave heating (Alternating Current) models can
  describe the high temperature loops observed in the active region
  of 2012 September 7. We construct three-dimensional MHD models for
  the Alfvén wave turbulence within loops with high temperature. We
  find that for the Alfvén waves to create enough turbulence to
  heat the corona, the rms velocity at the footpoints must be 5-6 {km}
  {{{s}}}<SUP>-1</SUP>. We conclude that the Alfvén wave turbulence model
  may be a candidate for explaining how the hot loops are heated, provided
  the loops have a high velocity at their photospheric footpoints.

Title: Coronal behavior before the large flare onset
Authors: Imada, Shinsuke; Bamba, Yumi; Kusano, Kanya
2014PASJ...66S..17I    Altcode: 2014PASJ..tmp..103I; 2014arXiv1408.2585I
  Flares are a major explosive event in our solar system. They are
  often followed by a coronal mass ejection that has the potential
  to trigger geomagnetic storms. There are various studies aiming to
  predict when and where the flares are likely to occur. Most of these
  studies mainly discuss the photospheric and chromospheric activity
  before the flare onset. In this paper we study the coronal features
  before the famous large flare occurrence on 2006 December 13. Using the
  data from Hinode/Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS), X-Ray
  Telescope (XRT), and Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)/Extreme
  ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT), we discuss the coronal features
  in the large scale (a few 100″) before the flare onset. Our findings
  are as follows. (1) The upflows in and around the active region start
  growing from ∼ 10 to 30 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> a day before the flare. (2)
  The expanding coronal loops are clearly observed a few hours before the
  flare. (3) Soft X-ray and extreme ultraviolet intensity are gradually
  reduced. (4) The upflows are further enhanced after the flare. From
  these observed signatures, we conclude that the outer part of active
  region loops with low density was expanding a day before the flare
  onset, and the inner part with high density was expanding a few hours
  before the onset.

Title: Comparison between Hinode/SOT and SDO/HMI, AIA data for the
    study of the solar flare trigger process
Authors: Bamba, Yumi; Kusano, Kanya; Imada, Shinsuke; Iida, Yusuke
2014PASJ...66S..16B    Altcode: 2014arXiv1407.1887B; 2014PASJ..tmp..124B
  Understanding the mechanism that produces solar flares is important
  not only from the scientific point of view but also for improving
  space weather predictability. There are numerous observational and
  computational studies that have attempted to reveal the onset mechanism
  of solar flares. However, the underlying mechanism of flare onset
  remains elusive. To elucidate the flare trigger mechanism, we analyzed
  several flare events which were observed by Hinode/Solar Optical
  Telescope (SOT) in our previous study. Because of the limitation of
  the SOT field of view, however, only four events in the Hinode data
  sets have been usable. Therefore, increasing the number of events is
  required for evaluating the flare trigger models. We investigated the
  applicability of data obtained by the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)
  to increase the data sample for a statistical analysis of the flare
  trigger process. SDO regularly observes the full disk of the sun and all
  flares, although its spatial resolution is lower than that of Hinode. We
  investigated the M6.6 flare which occurred on 2011 February 13, and
  compared the analyzed data of SDO with the results of our previous study
  using Hinode/SOT data. Filter and vector magnetograms obtained by the
  Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager and filtergrams from the Atmospheric
  Imaging Assembly (AIA) 1600 Å were employed. From the comparison of
  small-scale magnetic configurations and chromospheric emission prior to
  the flare onset, we confirmed that the trigger region is detectable with
  the SDO data. We also measured the magnetic shear angles of the active
  region and the azimuth and strength of the flare trigger field. The
  results were consistent with our previous study. We concluded that
  statistical studies of the flare trigger process are feasible with SDO
  as well as Hinode data. We also investigated the temporal evolution
  of the magnetic field before the flare onset with SDO.

Title: Investigation of solar wind dependence of the plasma sheet
    based on long-term Geotail/LEP data evaluation
Authors: Saeki, R.; Seki, K.; Saito, Y.; Shinohara, I.; Miyashita,
   Y.; Imada, S.; Machida, S.
2014AGUFMSM53A..08S    Altcode:
  It is observationally known that the plasma density and temperature
  in plasma sheet are significantly changed by solar wind conditions
  [e.g., Terasawa et al., 1997]. Thus it is considered that the plasma
  sheet plasma is originated from the solar wind, and several entry
  mechanisms have been suggested. When the interplanetary magnetic field
  (IMF) is southward, the solar wind plasma enters the plasma sheet mainly
  through magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause. In contrast,
  for the northward IMF, the double-lobe reconnection [Song et al.,
  1999], abnormal diffusion [Johnson and Cheng., 1997], and plasma mixing
  through the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability caused by viscous interaction
  [Hasegawa et al., 2004] have been proposed. Relative contribution
  of each process is, however, far from understood. In the present
  study, we use magnetotail observations by the Geotail spacecraft
  at radial distances of 10-32 Re during 12-year period from 1995 to
  2006 to investigate properties of the plasma sheet. We conducted a
  statistical analysis with calibrated LEP-EA [Mukai et al., 1994] ion
  and electron data. We selected central plasma sheet observations and
  derived electron and ion temperature and density using the same method
  and criteria as Terasawa et al. [1997]. In addition, OMNI solar-wind
  data are used. The results show that the plasma sheet density (both
  ion and electron temperatures) has a good correlation with the solar
  wind density (kinetic energy) over the whole solar cycle. We find
  clear dawn-dusk asymmetry in the temperature ratio Ti/Te, i.e., the
  average Ti/Te is higher on the duskside than the dawn. The density
  also shows the dawn-dusk asymmetry and higher on the duskside than
  on the dawnside. A previous study by Wang et al. [2012] showed that
  Ti/Te is high (typically 5-10) in the magnetosheath. The statistical
  results, therefore, suggest that the shocked solar wind plasma can
  easily enter the duskside plasma sheet rather than the dawnside. We
  will discuss the possible mechanisms of the entry of the cold plasma
  into the duskside plasma sheet.

Title: Investigating Alfven Wave Turbulence in Chromosphere and
    Corona Using Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS)
Authors: Asgari-Targhi, M.; Imada, S.; DeLuca, E. E.
2014AGUFMSH53D..07A    Altcode:
  The solar corona is known to be very dynamic. Mass motions due to
  Alfven wave turbulence are one of the main causes of plasma flows
  within the coronal loops. Using observations from EIS we analyze the
  structure of active region loops observed on 2012 September 7. We
  study the spectral line profiles of Fe XII, Fe XIII, Fe XV and Fe
  XVI and compare the non-thermal line broadening from this region to
  line-of-sight velocity from our Alfven wave turbulence modeling of the
  loops. In our computations, the relationship between the width of the
  coronal emission lines and the orientation of the coronal loops with
  respect to the line-of-sight direction is taken in to account. We
  predict that in coronal loops, the transverse component of plasma
  flows with respect to the loop axis move at the speed of 15-40 km/s. In
  conclusion, Alfven waves are a strong candidate in explaining the flows
  within the coronal loops and play an important role in the heating of
  the chromosphere and corona.

Title: Formation of a Flare-Productive Active Region: Observation
    and Numerical Simulation of NOAA AR 11158
Authors: Toriumi, S.; Iida, Y.; Kusano, K.; Bamba, Y.; Imada, S.
2014SoPh..289.3351T    Altcode: 2014SoPh..tmp...40T; 2014arXiv1403.4029T
  We present a comparison of the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)
  analysis of NOAA Active Region (AR) 11158 and numerical simulations
  of flux-tube emergence, aiming to investigate the formation process of
  this flare-productive AR. First, we use SDO/Helioseismic and Magnetic
  Imager (HMI) magnetograms to investigate the photospheric evolution and
  Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) data to analyze the relevant coronal
  structures. Key features of this quadrupolar region are a long sheared
  polarity inversion line (PIL) in the central δ-sunspots and a coronal
  arcade above the PIL. We find that these features are responsible for
  the production of intense flares, including an X2.2-class event. Based
  on the observations, we then propose two possible models for the
  creation of AR 11158 and conduct flux-emergence simulations of the two
  cases to reproduce this AR. Case 1 is the emergence of a single flux
  tube, which is split into two in the convection zone and emerges at two
  locations, while Case 2 is the emergence of two isolated but neighboring
  tubes. We find that, in Case 1, a sheared PIL and a coronal arcade are
  created in the middle of the region, which agrees with the AR 11158
  observation. However, Case 2 never builds a clear PIL, which deviates
  from the observation. Therefore, we conclude that the flare-productive
  AR 11158 is, between the two cases, more likely to be created from a
  single split emerging flux than from two independent flux bundles.

Title: The soft x-ray photon-counting telescope for solar observations
Authors: Sakao, Taro; Narukage, Noriyuki; Suematsu, Yoshinori;
   Watanabe, Kyoko; Shimojo, Masumi; Imada, Shinsuke; Ishikawa,
   Shin-nosuke; DeLuca, Edward E.
2014SPIE.9144E..3DS    Altcode:
  We present overview and development activities of a soft X-ray
  photon-counting spectroscopic imager for the solar corona that
  we conceive as a possible scientific payload for future space
  solar missions including Japanese Solar-C. The soft X-ray imager
  will employ a Wolter I grazing-incidence sector mirror with which
  images of the corona (1 MK to beyond 10 MK) will be taken with
  the highest-ever angular resolution (0.5"/pixel for a focal length
  of 4 m) as a solar Xray telescope. In addition to high-resolution
  imagery, we attempt to implement photon-counting capability for the
  imager by employing a backside-illuminated CMOS image sensor as the
  focal-plane device. Imaging-spectroscopy of the X-ray corona will be
  performed for the first time in the energy range from ~0.5 keV up to
  10 keV. The imaging-spectroscopic observations with the soft X-ray
  imager will provide a noble probe for investigating mechanism(s) of
  magnetic reconnection and generation of supra-thermal (non-thermal)
  electrons associated with flares. Ongoing development activities in
  Japan towards the photon-counting imager is described with emphasis
  on that for sub-arcsecond-resolution grazing-incidence mirrors.

Title: New developments in rotating and linear motion mechanisms
    used in contamination sensitive space telescopes
Authors: Shimizu, Toshifumi; Watanabe, Kyoko; Nakayama, Satoshi;
   Tajima, Takao; Obara, Shingo; Imada, Shinsuke; Nishizuka, Naoto;
   Ishikawa, Shin-nosuke; Hara, Hirohisa
2014SPIE.9151E..38S    Altcode:
  We have been developing a rotating mechanism and a linear motion
  mechanism for their usage in contamination sensitive space
  telescopes. They both are needed for ~1.4 meter optical telescope
  and its focal plane instrument onboard SOLAR-C, the next-generation
  spaceborne solar observatory following Hinode. Highly reliable long life
  performance, low outgassing properties, and low level of micro-vibration
  are required along with their scientific performance. With the
  proto-type mechanisms, the long life performance and outgassing
  properties of the mechanisms have been evaluated in vacuum chambers. The
  level of micro-vibration excited during the operations of the rotating
  mechanism was measured by operating it on the Kestler table. This
  paper provides the overall descriptions of our mechanism developments.

Title: Observational Signatures of Alfven Wave Turbulence in Solar
    Coronal Loops
Authors: Asgari-Targhi, Mahboubeh; Imada, Shinsuke; DeLuca, Edward E.
2014AAS...22432325A    Altcode:
  The non-thermal width in coronal emission lines could be due to
  the Alfven wave turbulence. In order to find observational evidence
  of the Alfven waves that result in coronal heating, we examine and
  analyze the dynamics of an active region observed on 2012 September
  7. We use spectral line profiles of Fe XII, Fe XIII, Fe XV and Fe
  XVI obtained by Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) on
  Hinode spacecraft. Line profile observations from EIS were generated
  and compared with our computations of line of sight Alfven wave
  amplitude. We show non-thermal velocities, Doppler outflows, and
  intensities for loops in this active region and derive comparisons
  between our numerical results and observations from EIS. In our modeling
  we take into account the relationship between the width of the coronal
  emission lines and the orientation of the coronal loops with respect
  to the line-of-sight direction. We conclude that the Alfven wave
  turbulence model is a strong candidate for explaining how the observed
  loops are heated.

Title: Comparison of Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer
    Observations of Solar Coronal Loops with Alfvén Wave Turbulence
Authors: Asgari-Targhi, M.; van Ballegooijen, A. A.; Imada, S.
2014ApJ...786...28A    Altcode:
  The observed non-thermal widths of coronal emission lines could be
  due to Alfvén wave turbulence. To test this idea, we examine and
  analyze the dynamics of an active region observed on 2012 September
  7. We use spectral line profiles of Fe XII, Fe XIII, Fe XV, and Fe
  XVI obtained by the Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer on the
  it Hinode spacecraft. The observations show non-thermal velocities,
  Doppler outflows, and intensities for loops in this active region. The
  observed non-thermal velocities are compared with predictions from
  models for Alfvén wave turbulence in the observed coronal loops. This
  modeling takes into account the relationship between the width of the
  coronal emission lines and the orientation of the coronal loops with
  respect to the line-of-sight direction. We find that in order to produce
  the observed line widths we need to introduce a random parallel-flow
  component in addition to the perpendicular velocity due to Alfvén
  waves. The observed widths are consistent with photospheric footpoint
  velocities in the range 0.3-1.5 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. We conclude that
  the Alfvén wave turbulence model is a strong candidate for explaining
  how the observed loops are heated.

Title: Flux emergence and formation of a flare-productive active
Authors: Toriumi, Shin; Kusano, Kanya; Bamba, Yumi; Imada, Shinsuke;
   Iida, Yusuke
2014cosp...40E3375T    Altcode:
  We present a comparison of the SDO observation of NOAA Active Region
  (AR) 11158 and numerical simulations, aiming to investigate the flux
  emergence and the resultant formation of a flare-productive AR. First,
  we use SDO/HMI magnetograms to investigate the emerging flux events
  in the photosphere and AIA data to analyze the corresponding coronal
  EUV evolutions. Key features of this quadrupolar region are a long
  sheared polarity inversion line (PIL) in the central delta-sunspots
  and a coronal arcade. We find that these features are responsible
  for the production of a series of intense flares including X-
  and M-class events. Based on the observations, we then propose two
  possible scenarios for the creation of AR 11158 and conduct flux
  emergence simulations of the two cases to reproduce this AR. Case
  1 is the emergence of a single flux tube, which is split into two
  in the convection zone and emerges at two locations, while Case 2
  is the emergence of two isolated, but neighboring, flux tubes. We
  find that, in Case 1, a sheared PIL and a coronal arcade are created
  in the middle of the region, which agrees well with the AR 11158
  observation. However, Case 2 never build a clear PIL, which deviates
  from the observation. Therefore, we conclude that the flare-productive
  AR 11158 is, between the two models, more likely to be created from
  a single split emerging flux than two independent flux bundles.

Title: Spectroscopic Study of a Dark Lane and a Cool Loop in a Solar
    Limb Active Region by Hinode/EIS
Authors: Lee, Kyoung-Sun; Imada, S.; Moon, Y. -J.; Lee, Jin-Yi
2014ApJ...780..177L    Altcode:
  We investigated a cool loop and a dark lane over a limb active region
  on 2007 March 14 using the Hinode/EUV Imaging Spectrometer. The cool
  loop is clearly seen in the spectral lines formed at the transition
  region temperature. The dark lane is characterized by an elongated
  faint structure in the coronal spectral lines and is rooted on a
  bright point. We examined their electron densities, Doppler velocities,
  and nonthermal velocities as a function of distance from the limb. We
  derived electron densities using the density sensitive line pairs of
  Mg VII, Si X, Fe XII, Fe XIII, and Fe XIV spectra. We also compared
  the observed density scale heights with the calculated scale heights
  from each peak formation temperatures of the spectral lines under
  the hydrostatic equilibrium. We noted that the observed density scale
  heights of the cool loop are consistent with the calculated heights,
  with the exception of one observed cooler temperature; we also found
  that the observed scale heights of the dark lane are much lower than
  their calculated scale heights. The nonthermal velocity in the cool loop
  slightly decreases along the loop, while nonthermal velocity in the dark
  lane sharply falls off with height. Such a decrease in the nonthermal
  velocity may be explained by wave damping near the solar surface or
  by turbulence due to magnetic reconnection near the bright point.

Title: Velocity structure of solar flare plasmas
Authors: Watanabe, Tetsuya; Watanabe, Kyoko; Hara, Hirohisa; Imada,
2014cosp...40E3606W    Altcode:
  Thanks to its increased sensitivity and spectral resolution, EIS
  enabled emission line profile analysis for the first time in solar
  EUV spectroscopy, and it found detailed structures in velocity and
  temperature in solar flares. A widely accepted model for solar flares
  incorporates magnetic reconnection in the corona which results
  in local heating as well as acceleration of nonthermal particle
  beams. The standard model of solar flares is called the CSHKP model,
  arranging the initials of model proposers. We find loop-top hot source,
  fast outflows nearby, inflow structure flowing to the hot source that
  appeared in the impulsive phase of long-duration eruptive flares. From
  the geometrical relationships of these phenomena, we conclude that
  they provide evidence for magnetic reconnection that occurs near the
  loop-top region. The reconnection rate is estimated to 0.05 - 0.1,
  which supports the Petschek-type magnetic reconnection. The nonthermal
  particle beams will travel unimpeded until they reach the cold, dense
  chromosphere, where the energy of the beam is predominantly used to
  heat the chromosphere at the foot points of flaring loops. Explosive
  chromospheric evaporation happens when the beam energy is high enough
  that the chromosphere cannot radiate away energy fast enough and
  hence expands at high velocities into the corona. Spatially resolved
  observations of chromopheric evaporation during the initial phases of
  impulsive flares, a few bright points of Fexxiii and Fexxiv emission
  lines at the footpoints of flaring loops present dominated blue-shifted
  components of 300 - 400 kms (-1) , while Fexv/xvi lines are nearly
  stationary, and Feviii and Sivii lines present +50 kms (-1) red
  shifts. We will review these new views on dynamical structure in flares.

Title: White-Light Emission and related Chromospheric Response in
    an X1.8-class Flare on 2012 October 23
Authors: Watanabe, Kyoko; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Imada, Shinsuke
2014cosp...40E3604W    Altcode:
  In association with strong solar flares, we sometimes observe
  enhancements of visible continuum radiation, which is known as a
  ”white-light flare”. Because many observed events show a close
  correlation between the time profiles and locations of white-light
  emission, and the hard X-rays and/or radio emission, there is some
  consensus that the origin of white-light emission is non-thermal
  electrons. Generally, white-light emission is emitted from near the
  photosphere, however, non-thermal electrons are almost thermalized
  by the time they reach the lower chromosphere - and cannot reach
  the photosphere. So, still there is a problem concerning how the
  energy of non-thermal electrons propagates to the photosphere,
  and produces white-light emission. On October 23, 2012, white-light
  emission was observed by Hinode/SOT in association with the X1.8 class
  flare. Although the main phenomena of this solar flare occurred in a
  very compact region and the two Ca II H ribbons are separated by less
  than only 5 arcseconds, the white-light kernels are clearly observed
  along the Ca II H ribbons. Moreover, hard X-ray, and gamma-ray emission
  is present up to about 1 MeV, observed by the RHESSI satellite, and
  most of this emission is associated with the white-light kernels. The
  Hinode/EIS was also scanning over this flaring active region before the
  flare, and the flare occurred during the scan. Over the white-light
  kernel, strong red shifts were observed in FeXII etc. before the
  flare. In this paper, we will report the observed white-light emission,
  and chromospheric response obtained by the EUV observations. We also
  discuss the relationship between the downflows over the white-light
  kernel and the strength of the white-light emission, and try to show
  a possible prediction of how white-light emission can be produced by
  the transportation of non-thermal electrons.

Title: A quantitative study of ionospheric disturbance characteristics
    during solar flare events using the SuperDARN Hokkaido radar and
    solar radiation data
Authors: Watanabe, D.; Nishitani, N.; Imada, S.
2013AGUFMSA41B2106W    Altcode:
  Ionospheric disturbances during solar flare events have been studied by
  various kinds of observation instrument in the last few decades. Kikuchi
  et al. (1985) reported on the positive Doppler shift in the HF Doppler
  system data during solar flare events, and indicated that there are two
  possible factors of Doppler shift, i.e., (1) apparent ray path decrease
  by changing refraction index due to increasing electron densities in
  the D-region ionosphere, and (2) ray path decrease due to descending
  reflection point associated with increasing electron density in the
  F-region ionosphere. In this study, we use the SuperDARN Hokkaido
  Radar to investigate the detailed characteristics of solar flare
  effects on ionospheric disturbances. We focus on the positive Doppler
  shift of ground / sea scatter echoes just before sudden fade-out of
  echoes. Davies et al. (1962) showed that if the factor (1) is dominant,
  the Doppler shift should have positive correlation with slant range
  and negative correlation with elevation angle and frequency. On the
  other hand, if the factor (2) is dominant, the Doppler shift should
  have negative correlation with slant range and positive correlation with
  elevation angle and frequency. While Kikuchi et al. (1985) studied solar
  flare events and mainly discussed frequency dependence of Doppler shift,
  we study mainly slant range and elevation angle dependence, for the
  first time to the best of our knowledge. We found that the factor (1),
  in other words, increase of electron densities at D-region ionosphere,
  is dominant during solar flare events. This result is consistent
  with that of Kikuchi et al. In order to study characteristics of
  ionospheric disturbance in more detail, we are studying relationship
  between timing / amplitude of ionospheric disturbance and that of the
  solar irradiation changes, by comparing the HF radar data with high
  wavelength resolution irradiation data for X-ray and EUV from RHESSI
  and SDO satellites. Generally, X-ray radiation becomes more important
  for the changes in the D-region during solar flare events. Therefore we
  investigate relationship between X-ray flux changes and electron density
  variation in the D-region ionosphere intensively. Further, we estimated
  electron density changes in the ionsosphere by analyzing elevation
  angle dependence of Doppler shift in radar echoes quantitatively. We
  are estimating electron density by considering chemical reaction
  and photoreaction caused by solar radiation. We will compare the two
  electron density changes deduced from different two ways and evaluate
  the amplitude of ionospheric disturbance observed by the HF radar. More
  detailed analysis result will be reported.

Title: The Relationship between Extreme Ultraviolet Non-thermal Line
    Broadening and High-energy Particles during Solar Flares
Authors: Kawate, T.; Imada, S.
2013ApJ...775..122K    Altcode: 2013arXiv1308.3415K
  We have studied the relationship between the location of EUV non-thermal
  broadening and high-energy particles during large flares using the EUV
  Imaging Spectrometer on board Hinode, the Nobeyama Radio Polarimeter,
  the Nobeyama Radioheliograph, and the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly
  on board the Solar Dynamic Observatory. We have analyzed five large
  flare events that contain thermal-rich, intermediate, and thermal-poor
  flares classified by the definition discussed in the paper. We found
  that, in the case of thermal-rich flares, the non-thermal broadening
  of Fe XXIV occurred at the top of the flaring loop at the beginning
  of the flares. The source of 17 GHz microwaves is located at the
  footpoint of the flare loop. On the other hand, in the case of
  intermediate/thermal-poor flares, the non-thermal broadening of Fe
  XXIV occurred at the footpoint of the flare loop at the beginning of
  the flares. The source of 17 GHz microwaves is located at the top of
  the flaring loop. We discussed the difference between thermal-rich and
  intermediate/thermal-poor flares based on the spatial information of
  non-thermal broadening, which may provide clues that the presence of
  turbulence plays an important role in the pitch angle scattering of
  high-energy electrons.

Title: Saturation of Stellar Winds from Young Suns
Authors: Suzuki, Takeru K.; Imada, Shinsuke; Kataoka, Ryuho; Kato,
   Yoshiaki; Matsumoto, Takuma; Miyahara, Hiroko; Tsuneta, Saku
2013PASJ...65...98S    Altcode: 2012arXiv1212.6713S
  We investigated mass losses via stellar winds from Sun-like
  main-sequence stars with a wide range of activity levels. We performed
  forward-type magnetohydrodynamical numerical experiments for Alfvén
  wave-driven stellar winds with a wide range of input Poynting flux
  from the photosphere. Increasing the magnetic field strength and
  the turbulent velocity at the stellar photosphere from the current
  solar level, the mass-loss rate rapidly at first increases, owing
  to suppression of the reflection of the Alfvén waves. The surface
  materials are lifted up by the magnetic pressure associated with
  the Alfvén waves, and the cool dense chromosphere is intermittently
  extended to 10%#8211;20% of the stellar radius. The dense atmospheres
  enhance the radiative losses, and eventually most of the input Poynting
  energy from the stellar surface escapes by radiation. As a result, there
  is no more sufficient energy remaining for the kinetic energy of the
  wind; the stellar wind saturates in very active stars, as observed in
  Wood et al. (2002, ApJ, 574, 412; 2005, ApJ, 628, L143). The saturation
  level is positively correlated with B<SUB>r,</SUB><SUB>0</SUB>
  f<SUB>0</SUB>, where B<SUB>r,</SUB><SUB>0</SUB> and f<SUB>0</SUB>
  are the magnetic field strength and the filling factor of open flux
  tubes at the photosphere. If B<SUB>r,</SUB><SUB>0</SUB> f<SUB>0</SUB>
  is relatively large gtrsim 5 G, the mass-loss rate could be as high as
  1000 times. If such a strong mass loss lasts for ∼ 1 billion years,
  the stellar mass itself would be affected, which could be a solution to
  the faint young Sun paradox. We derived a Reimers-type scaling relation
  that estimates the mass-loss rate from an energetics consideration of
  our simulations. Finally, we derived the evolution of the mass-loss
  rates, dot;{M} ∝ t<SUP>-1.23</SUP>, of our simulations, combining
  with an observed time evolution of X-ray flux from Sun-like stars,
  which are shallower than dot;{M} ∝ t<SUP>-2.33±0.55</SUP> in Wood
  et al. (2005).

Title: Evidence for Hot Fast Flow above a Solar Flare Arcade
Authors: Imada, S.; Aoki, K.; Hara, H.; Watanabe, T.; Harra, L. K.;
   Shimizu, T.
2013ApJ...776L..11I    Altcode: 2013arXiv1309.3401I
  Solar flares are one of the main forces behind space weather
  events. However, the mechanism that drives such energetic phenomena is
  not fully understood. The standard eruptive flare model predicts that
  magnetic reconnection occurs high in the corona where hot fast flows are
  created. Some imaging or spectroscopic observations have indicated the
  presence of these hot fast flows, but there have been no spectroscopic
  scanning observations to date to measure the two-dimensional structure
  quantitatively. We analyzed a flare that occurred on the west solar
  limb on 2012 January 27 observed by the Hinode EUV Imaging Spectrometer
  (EIS) and found that the hot (~30MK) fast (&gt;500 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>)
  component was located above the flare loop. This is consistent with
  magnetic reconnection taking place above the flare loop.

Title: The Magnetic Systems Triggering the M6.6 Class Solar Flare
    in NOAA Active Region 11158
Authors: Toriumi, Shin; Iida, Yusuke; Bamba, Yumi; Kusano, Kanya;
   Imada, Shinsuke; Inoue, Satoshi
2013ApJ...773..128T    Altcode: 2013arXiv1306.2451T
  We report a detailed event analysis of the M6.6 class flare in the
  active region (AR) NOAA 11158 on 2011 February 13. AR 11158, which
  consisted of two major emerging bipoles, showed prominent activity
  including one X- and several M-class flares. In order to investigate
  the magnetic structures related to the M6.6 event, particularly the
  formation process of a flare-triggering magnetic region, we analyzed
  multiple spacecraft observations and numerical results of a flare
  simulation. We observed that, in the center of this quadrupolar AR,
  a highly sheared polarity inversion line (PIL) was formed through
  proper motions of the major magnetic elements, which built a sheared
  coronal arcade lying over the PIL. The observations lend support
  to the interpretation that the target flare was triggered by a
  localized magnetic region that had an intrusive structure, namely,
  a positive polarity penetrating into a negative counterpart. The
  geometrical relationship between the sheared coronal arcade and the
  triggering region is consistent with the theoretical flare model based
  on the previous numerical study. We found that the formation of the
  trigger region was due to the continuous accumulation of small-scale
  magnetic patches. A few hours before the flare occurred, the series of
  emerged/advected patches reconnected with a pre-existing field. Finally,
  the abrupt flare eruption of the M6.6 event started around 17:30 UT. Our
  analysis suggests that in the process of triggering flare activity,
  all magnetic systems on multiple scales are included, not only the
  entire AR evolution but also the fine magnetic elements.

Title: Hinode observations of the Venus corona during the 2012
    transit of Venus
Authors: Kanao, M.; Yamazaki, A.; Imada, S.; Shimizu, T.; Sakao, T.;
   Kasaba, Y.; Sakanoi, T.; Kagitani, M.; Nakamura, M.
2012AGUFM.P11D1851K    Altcode:
  The Hinode satellite successfully observed the transit of Venus on
  5th June 2012 with the highest spatial resolution. This presentation
  will focus on UV and soft X-ray data acquired with the EUV Imaging
  Spectrometer (EIS) and the X-ray Telescope (XRT) onboard Hinode. We
  expected the EUV and X-ray emissions from the charge exchange reaction
  by the solar wind impacting on the neutral particles in Venus upper
  atmosphere. The neutral particles escape through the photoreaction, the
  solar wind pick-up process, and so on, in connection with the solar wind
  and the solar radiation. However, there are few precedent observations
  of the escaping hydrogen and oxygen, ranging from a few eV to a few keV
  because of difficulty in the groundbased observations. The atmosphere
  loss can be estimated based on the two-dimensional image of the neutral
  particle density. Our estimation was made for 18.4nm (OVI), 19.3nm (OV)
  and 25.6nm (HII), which intensity and line profiles can be recorded with
  EIS, and 1.72-2.18nm (OVII), 1.60-1.90nm(OVIII), 2.85-3.37nm (CVI),
  3.50-4.03 nm (CV), which are located in XRT's broadband range. Multi
  wavelength observation could clarify the collision velocities between
  the solar wind and Venus neutral particles. Before the transit of Venus,
  for science planning purpose, we estimated the EUV and X-ray emission
  intensities by using typical solar wind parameters (the proton density
  10/cc and the solar wind velocity 400 km/sec) with a Venus atmosphere
  model. The photon production rate of the X-ray emission is estimated
  to be 1.1 x 10^25 photons/s, and that of the OVI emission line (18.4nm)
  is 6.9 x 10^23 photons/s. These values are much lower than the emissions
  from the solar corona, but unexpected signals may be observed dureing
  the transit. In this presentation, we will present the calculation
  results on intensity distribution of the Venus corona and some X-ray
  and EUV data acquired during the transit. Also we briefly compare
  the observed intensities in dark Venus feature with the calculation
  results and discuss the signification of the difference.

Title: Spectroscopic Study of a Dark Lane and a Cool Loop in a Solar
    Limb Active Region by Hinode/EIS
Authors: Lee, K.; Imada, S.; Moon, Y.; Lee, J.
2012AGUFMSH13A2241L    Altcode:
  We investigate a cool loop and a dark lane over a limb active region
  on 2007 March 14 by the Hinode/EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS). The cool
  loop is clearly seen in the EIS spectral lines formed at the transition
  region temperature (log T = 5.8). The dark lane is characterized by
  an elongated faint structure in coronal spectral lines (log T = 5.8 -
  6.1) and rooted on a bright point. We examine their electron densities,
  Doppler velocities, and non-thermal velocities as a function of distance
  from the limb using the spectral lines formed at different temperatures
  (log T = 5.4 - 6.4). The electron densities of the cool loop and the
  dark lane are derived from the density sensitive line pairs of Mg
  VII, Fe XII, and Fe XIV spectra. Under the hydrostatic equilibrium
  and isothermal assumption, we determine their temperatures from the
  density scale height. Comparing the scale height temperatures to the
  peak formation temperatures of the spectral lines, we note that the
  scale height temperature of the cool loop is consistent with a peak
  formation temperature of the Mg VII (log T = 5.8) and the scale height
  temperature of the dark lane is close to a peak formation temperature
  of the Fe XII and Fe XIII (log T = 6.1 - 6.2). It is interesting to
  note that the structures of the cool loop and the dark lane are most
  visible in these temperature lines. While the non-thermal velocity
  in the cool loop slightly decreases (less than 7 km {s<SUP>-1}</SUP>)
  along the loop, that in the dark lane sharply falls off with height. The
  variation of non-thermal velocity with height in the cool loop and the
  dark lane is contrast to that in off-limb polar coronal holes which
  are considered as source of the fast solar wind. Such a decrease in
  the non-thermal velocity may be explained by wave damping near the
  solar surface or turbulence due to magnetic reconnection near the
  bright point.

Title: Multi-wavelength Spectroscopic Observation of
    Extreme-ultraviolet Jet in AR 10960
Authors: Matsui, Y.; Yokoyama, T.; Kitagawa, N.; Imada, S.
2012ApJ...759...15M    Altcode: 2012arXiv1209.0867M
  We have studied the relationship between the velocity and temperature
  of a solar EUV jet. The highly accelerated jet occurred in the active
  region NOAA 10960 on 2007 June 5. Multi-wavelength spectral observations
  with EIS/Hinode allow us to investigate Doppler velocities at a wide
  temperature range. We analyzed the three-dimensional angle of the jet
  from stereoscopic analysis with STEREO. Using this angle and Doppler
  velocity, we derived the true velocity of the jet. As a result, we
  found that the cool jet observed with He II 256 Å log<SUB>10</SUB>
  T<SUB>e</SUB> [K] = 4.9 is accelerated to around 220 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>,
  which is over the upper limit of the chromospheric evaporation. The
  velocities observed with the other lines are below the upper limit
  of the chromospheric evaporation, while most of the velocities of
  the hot lines are higher than those of cool lines. We interpret
  that the chromospheric evaporation and magnetic acceleration occur
  simultaneously. A morphological interpretation of this event based on
  the reconnection model is given by utilizing the multi-instrumental

Title: LEMUR: Large European module for solar Ultraviolet
    Research. European contribution to JAXA's Solar-C mission
Authors: Teriaca, Luca; Andretta, Vincenzo; Auchère, Frédéric;
   Brown, Charles M.; Buchlin, Eric; Cauzzi, Gianna; Culhane, J. Len;
   Curdt, Werner; Davila, Joseph M.; Del Zanna, Giulio; Doschek, George
   A.; Fineschi, Silvano; Fludra, Andrzej; Gallagher, Peter T.; Green,
   Lucie; Harra, Louise K.; Imada, Shinsuke; Innes, Davina; Kliem,
   Bernhard; Korendyke, Clarence; Mariska, John T.; Martínez-Pillet,
   Valentin; Parenti, Susanna; Patsourakos, Spiros; Peter, Hardi; Poletto,
   Luca; Rutten, Robert J.; Schühle, Udo; Siemer, Martin; Shimizu,
   Toshifumi; Socas-Navarro, Hector; Solanki, Sami K.; Spadaro, Daniele;
   Trujillo-Bueno, Javier; Tsuneta, Saku; Dominguez, Santiago Vargas;
   Vial, Jean-Claude; Walsh, Robert; Warren, Harry P.; Wiegelmann,
   Thomas; Winter, Berend; Young, Peter
2012ExA....34..273T    Altcode: 2011ExA...tmp..135T; 2011arXiv1109.4301T
  The solar outer atmosphere is an extremely dynamic environment
  characterized by the continuous interplay between the plasma and the
  magnetic field that generates and permeates it. Such interactions play a
  fundamental role in hugely diverse astrophysical systems, but occur at
  scales that cannot be studied outside the solar system. Understanding
  this complex system requires concerted, simultaneous solar observations
  from the visible to the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) and soft X-rays, at
  high spatial resolution (between 0.1” and 0.3”), at high temporal
  resolution (on the order of 10 s, i.e., the time scale of chromospheric
  dynamics), with a wide temperature coverage (0.01 MK to 20 MK,
  from the chromosphere to the flaring corona), and the capability of
  measuring magnetic fields through spectropolarimetry at visible and
  near-infrared wavelengths. Simultaneous spectroscopic measurements
  sampling the entire temperature range are particularly important. These
  requirements are fulfilled by the Japanese Solar-C mission (Plan B),
  composed of a spacecraft in a geosynchronous orbit with a payload
  providing a significant improvement of imaging and spectropolarimetric
  capabilities in the UV, visible, and near-infrared with respect to
  what is available today and foreseen in the near future. The Large
  European Module for solar Ultraviolet Research (LEMUR), described
  in this paper, is a large VUV telescope feeding a scientific payload
  of high-resolution imaging spectrographs and cameras. LEMUR consists
  of two major components: a VUV solar telescope with a 30 cm diameter
  mirror and a focal length of 3.6 m, and a focal-plane package composed
  of VUV spectrometers covering six carefully chosen wavelength ranges
  between 170 Å and 1270 Å. The LEMUR slit covers 280” on the Sun with
  0.14” per pixel sampling. In addition, LEMUR is capable of measuring
  mass flows velocities (line shifts) down to 2 km s<SUP> - 1</SUP> or
  better. LEMUR has been proposed to ESA as the European contribution
  to the Solar C mission.

Title: Chromospheric Lyman-alpha spectro-polarimeter (CLASP)
Authors: Kano, Ryouhei; Bando, Takamasa; Narukage, Noriyuki; Ishikawa,
   Ryoko; Tsuneta, Saku; Katsukawa, Yukio; Kubo, Masahito; Ishikawa,
   Shin-nosuke; Hara, Hirohisa; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Suematsu, Yoshinori;
   Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Sakao, Taro; Goto, Motoshi; Kato, Yoshiaki; Imada,
   Shinsuke; Kobayashi, Ken; Holloway, Todd; Winebarger, Amy; Cirtain,
   Jonathan; De Pontieu, Bart; Casini, Roberto; Trujillo Bueno, Javier;
   Štepán, Jiří; Manso Sainz, Rafael; Belluzzi, Luca; Asensio Ramos,
   Andres; Auchère, Frédéric; Carlsson, Mats
2012SPIE.8443E..4FK    Altcode:
  One of the biggest challenges in heliophysics is to decipher the
  magnetic structure of the solar chromosphere. The importance of
  measuring the chromospheric magnetic field is due to both the key role
  the chromosphere plays in energizing and structuring the outer solar
  atmosphere and the inability of extrapolation of photospheric fields to
  adequately describe this key boundary region. Over the last few years,
  significant progress has been made in the spectral line formation
  of UV lines as well as the MHD modeling of the solar atmosphere. It
  is found that the Hanle effect in the Lyman-alpha line (121.567 nm)
  is a most promising diagnostic tool for weaker magnetic fields in
  the chromosphere and transition region. Based on this groundbreaking
  research, we propose the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter
  (CLASP) to NASA as a sounding rocket experiment, for making the first
  measurement of the linear polarization produced by scattering processes
  and the Hanle effect in the Lyman-alpha line (121.567 nm), and making
  the first exploration of the magnetic field in the upper chromosphere
  and transition region of the Sun. The CLASP instrument consists
  of a Cassegrain telescope, a rotating 1/2-wave plate, a dual-beam
  spectrograph assembly with a grating working as a beam splitter, and
  an identical pair of reflective polarization analyzers each equipped
  with a CCD camera. We propose to launch CLASP in December 2014.

Title: The x-ray/EUV telescope for the Solar-C mission: science and
    development activities
Authors: Sakao, Taro; Narukage, Noriyuki; Imada, Shinsuke; Suematsu,
   Yoshinori; Shimojo, Masumi; Tsuneta, Saku; DeLuca, Edward E.; Watanabe,
   Kyoko; Ishikawa, Shin-nosuke
2012SPIE.8443E..0AS    Altcode:
  We report science and development activities of the X-ray/EUV telescope
  for the Japanese Solar-C mission whose projected launch around 2019. The
  telescope consists of a package of (a) a normal-incidence (NI) EUV
  telescope and (b) a grazing-incidence (GI) soft X-ray telescope. The NI
  telescope chiefly provides images of low corona (whose temperature 1
  MK or even lower) with ultra-high angular resolution (0.2-0.3"/pixel)
  in 3 wavelength bands (304, 171, and 94 angstroms). On the other
  hand, the GI telescope provides images of the corona with a wide
  temperature coverage (1 MK to beyond 10 MK) with the highest-ever
  angular resolution (~0.5"/pixel) as a soft X-ray coronal imager. The
  set of NI and GI telescopes should provide crucial information for
  establishing magnetic and gas-dynamic connection between the corona and
  the lower atmosphere of the Sun which is essential for understanding
  heating of, and plasma activities in, the corona. Moreover, we attempt
  to implement photon-counting capability for the GI telescope with
  which imaging-spectroscopy of the X-ray corona will be performed for
  the first time, in the energy range from ~0.5 keV up to 10 keV. The
  imaging-spectroscopic observations will provide totally-new information
  on mechanism(s) for the generation of hot coronal plasmas (heated
  beyond a few MK), those for magnetic reconnection, and even generation
  of supra-thermal electrons associated with flares. An overview of
  instrument outline and science for the X-ray photoncounting telescope
  are presented, together with ongoing development activities in Japan
  towards soft X-ray photoncounting observations, focusing on high-speed
  X-ray CMOS detector and sub-arcsecond-resolution GI mirror.

Title: Flare Onset Observed with Hinode in the 2006 December 13 Flare
Authors: Asai, A.; Hara, H.; Watanabe, T.; Imada, S.
2012ASPC..454..303A    Altcode:
  We present a detailed examination of the preflare phenomena of
  the X3.4 flare that occurred on 2006 December 13. This flare was
  associated with a faint arc-shaped ejection, which is thought to be
  an MHD fast-mode shock wave, seen in the soft X-ray images taken
  with the Hinode X-Ray Telescope (XRT), just at the start of the
  impulsive phase of the flare. Even before the ejection, we found many
  preflare features, such as an S-shaped brightening (sigmoid) with XRT,
  chromospheric brightening at the footpoints of the sigmoid loops with
  the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT), a faint X-ray eruption with XRT,
  and so on. The EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) also observed the flare,
  and therefore, enabled us to examine the spectroscopic features. We
  discuss these phenomena and the energy release prosses.

Title: Self-organization of Reconnecting Plasmas to Marginal
    Collisionality in the Solar Corona
Authors: Imada, S.; Zweibel, E. G.
2012ApJ...755...93I    Altcode: 2012arXiv1206.2706I
  We explore the suggestions by Uzdensky and Cassak et al. that coronal
  loops heated by magnetic reconnection should self-organize to a state
  of marginal collisionality. We discuss their model of coronal loop
  dynamics with a one-dimensional hydrodynamic calculation. We assume that
  many current sheets are present, with a distribution of thicknesses,
  but that only current sheets thinner than the ion skin depth can
  rapidly reconnect. This assumption naturally causes a density-dependent
  heating rate which is actively regulated by the plasma. We report nine
  numerical simulation results of coronal loop hydrodynamics in which
  the absolute values of the heating rates are different but their
  density dependences are the same. We find two regimes of behavior,
  depending on the amplitude of the heating rate. In the case that the
  amplitude of heating is below a threshold value, the loop is in stable
  equilibrium. Typically, the upper and less dense part of a coronal
  loop is collisionlessly heated and conductively cooled. When the
  amplitude of heating is above the threshold, the conductive flux to the
  lower atmosphere required to balance collisionless heating drives an
  evaporative flow which quenches fast reconnection, ultimately cooling
  and draining the loop until the cycle begins again. The key elements
  of this cycle are gravity and the density dependence of the heating
  function. Some additional factors are present, including pressure-driven
  flows from the loop top, which carry a large enthalpy flux and play
  an important role in reducing the density. We find that on average the
  density of the system is close to the marginally collisionless value.

Title: Multi-wavelength Observations of an EUV Jet in AR 10960
Authors: Matsui, Y.; Yokoyama, T.; Imada, S.
2012ASPC..456...47M    Altcode:
  We analyzed the fine structure of a solar EUV jet based on the magnetic
  reconnection model. Multi-wavelength spectral observations with EIS
  allow us to know Doppler velocities at the wide temperature range. What
  we found is as follows: (1) The jet consists of multi-temperature plasma
  in a few 10<SUP>4</SUP> rm{K} to a few MK range. (2) The observed
  speed of the jet does not have dependence on the plasma temperature
  that is expected by the evaporation scenario. We interpret that the
  chromospheric evaporation jet have been accelerated by the magnetic
  Lorentz force over the speed expected by the evaporation scenario.

Title: Clear Detection of Chromospheric Evaporation Upflows with
    High Spatial/Temporal Resolution by Hinode XRT
Authors: Nitta, S.; Imada, S.; Yamamoto, T. T.
2012SoPh..276..183N    Altcode:
  We find clear evidence for typical chromospheric evaporation associated
  with small transient brightenings, using the data from the X-ray
  Telescope (XRT) onboard Hinode. We found 13 events, each having a pair
  of evaporation upflows arising almost symmetrically from both foot
  points of a magnetic loop. These facts strongly support the standard
  flare model based on the magnetic reconnection. The apparent upflow
  velocities of three of the events are ≈ 500 km s<SUP>−1</SUP>,
  while those of the other events are ≈ 100 km s<SUP>−1</SUP>. This
  is the first clear direct detection of evaporating upflow motion in
  soft X-ray images from Hinode/XRT; such images were obtained with high
  cadence (≈ 60 s) and high spatial resolution (1 arcsec).

Title: Dynamical Behaviors of the Solar Chromosphere Observed with
    Hinode Dynamics in Sunspot Light Bridges and Magnetic Reconnection
Authors: Shimizu, Toshifumi; Imada, Shinsuke
2012ASSP...33...23S    Altcode: 2012msdp.book...23S
  The Hinode's Solar Optical Telescope has revealed that the solar
  chromosphere is full of dynamical nature and much more dynamic than
  our thought. Observations of chromospheric dynamics in sunspot light
  bridges provides a new insight on the magnetic field topology for
  causing magnetic reconnection in the solar atmosphere and the process
  to supply and maintain the twisted flux in light bridges.

Title: One-dimensional Modeling for Temperature-dependent Upflow in
    the Dimming Region Observed by Hinode/EUV Imaging Spectrometer
Authors: Imada, S.; Hara, H.; Watanabe, T.; Murakami, I.; Harra,
   L. K.; Shimizu, T.; Zweibel, E. G.
2011ApJ...743...57I    Altcode: 2011arXiv1108.5031I
  We previously found a temperature-dependent upflow in the dimming region
  following a coronal mass ejection observed by the Hinode EUV Imaging
  Spectrometer (EIS). In this paper, we reanalyzed the observations along
  with previous work on this event and provided boundary conditions for
  modeling. We found that the intensity in the dimming region dramatically
  drops within 30 minutes from the flare onset, and the dimming region
  reaches the equilibrium stage after ~1 hr. The temperature-dependent
  upflows were observed during the equilibrium stage by EIS. The
  cross-sectional area of the flux tube in the dimming region does not
  appear to expand significantly. From the observational constraints,
  we reconstructed the temperature-dependent upflow by using a new method
  that considers the mass and momentum conservation law and demonstrated
  the height variation of plasma conditions in the dimming region. We
  found that a super-radial expansion of the cross-sectional area is
  required to satisfy the mass conservation and momentum equations. There
  is a steep temperature and velocity gradient of around 7 Mm from
  the solar surface. This result may suggest that the strong heating
  occurred above 7 Mm from the solar surface in the dimming region. We
  also showed that the ionization equilibrium assumption in the dimming
  region is violated, especially in the higher temperature range.

Title: Magnetic Reconnection in Non-equilibrium Ionization Plasma
Authors: Imada, S.; Murakami, I.; Watanabe, T.; Hara, H.; Shimizu, T.
2011ApJ...742...70I    Altcode: 2011arXiv1108.5026I
  We have studied the effect of time-dependent ionization and
  the recombination processes on magnetic reconnection in the solar
  corona. Petschek-type steady reconnection, in which the magnetic energy
  is mainly converted at the slow-mode shocks, was assumed. We carried out
  the time-dependent ionization calculation in the magnetic reconnection
  structure. We only calculated the transient ionization of iron;
  the other species were assumed to be in ionization equilibrium. The
  intensity of line emissions at specific wavelengths was also calculated
  for comparison with Hinode or other observations in future. We found
  the following: (1) iron is mostly in non-equilibrium ionization in the
  reconnection region; (2) the intensity of line emission estimated by
  the time-dependent ionization calculation is significantly different
  from that determined from the ionization equilibrium assumption;
  (3) the effect of time-dependent ionization is sensitive to the
  electron density in the case where the electron density is less than
  10<SUP>10</SUP> cm<SUP>-3</SUP> (4) the effect of thermal conduction
  lessens the time-dependent ionization effect; and (5) the effect of
  radiative cooling is negligibly small even if we take into account
  time-dependent ionization.

Title: Photon-counting soft x-ray telescope for the Solar-C mission
Authors: Sakao, Taro; Narukage, Noriyuki; Shimojo, Masumi; Tsuneta,
   Saku; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Miyazaki, Satoshi; Imada, Shinsuke;
   Nishizuka, Naoto; Watanabe, Kyoko; Dotani, Tadayasu; DeLuca, Edward
   E.; Ishikawa, Shin-nosuke
2011SPIE.8148E..0CS    Altcode: 2011SPIE.8148E..11S
  We report instrument outline as well as science of the photon-counting
  soft X-ray telescope that we have been studying as a possible scientific
  payload for the Japanese Solar-C mission whose projected launch around
  2019. Soft X-rays (~1- 10 keV) from the solar corona include rich
  information on (1) possible mechanism(s) for heating the bright core of
  active regions seen in soft X-rays (namely, the hottest portion in the
  non-flaring corona), (2) dynamics and magnetohydrodynamic structures
  associated with magnetic reconnection processes ongoing in flares,
  and even (3) generation of supra-thermal distributions of coronal
  plasmas associated with flares. Nevertheless, imaging-spectroscopic
  investigation of the soft X-ray corona has so far remained unexplored
  due to difficulty in the instrumentation for achieving this aim. With
  the advent of recent remarkable progress in CMOS-APS detector
  technology, the photon-counting X-ray telescope will be capable
  of, in addition to conventional photon-integration type exposures,
  performing imaging-spectroscopic investigation on active regions and
  flares, thus providing, for example, detailed temperature information
  (beyond the sofar- utilized filter-ratio temperature) at each spatial
  point of the observing target. The photon-counting X-ray telescope will
  emply a Wolter type I optics with a piece of a segmented mirror whose
  focal length 4 meters, combined with a focal-plane CMOS-APS detector
  (0.4-0.5"/pixel) whose frame read-out rate required to be as high as
  1000 fps.

Title: Favorable conditions for energetic electron acceleration
    during magnetic reconnection in the Earth's magnetotail
Authors: Imada, S.; Hirai, M.; Hoshino, M.; Mukai, T.
2011JGRA..116.8217I    Altcode:
  We have studied favorable conditions for energetic electron acceleration
  during magnetic reconnection in the Earth's magnetosphere using the
  Geotail data. We have found the strong energetic electron acceleration
  in some reconnection events. On the other hand, the other reconnection
  events show weak electron acceleration. To discuss what reconnection
  characteristics determine energetic electron acceleration efficiency, we
  have studied the reconnection characteristics for 10 events in which the
  Geotail satellite observed the vicinity of the diffusion region. We have
  classified the relationship between the reconnection characteristics
  and the electron acceleration efficiency into three types: (1) good
  correlation (absolute value of correlation coefficient ∣r∣ &gt;
  0.6); (2) ambiguous correlation (0.6 &gt; ∣r∣ &gt; 0.3); and
  (3) no correlation (0.3 &gt; ∣r∣). We found that ion heating,
  electron heating, current sheet thickness, reconnection electric field,
  and converging normal electric field could be categorized into good
  correlation. Ion/electron temperature ratio, total amount of reconnected
  magnetic energy, and reconnection rate were classified in ambiguous
  correlation. We could not find any correlation between energetic
  electron acceleration efficiency and absolute value of outflow velocity,
  current density parallel to magnetic field (Hall current system), and
  satellite location in the Earth's magnetosphere. From our analysis
  we claimed that the electrons are efficiently accelerated in a thin
  current sheet during fast reconnection events.

Title: Two Types of Extreme-ultraviolet Brightenings In AR 10926
    Observed by Hinode/EIS
Authors: Lee, K. -S.; Moon, Y. -J.; Kim, Sujin; Choe, G. S.; Cho,
   Kyung-Suk; Imada, S.
2011ApJ...736...15L    Altcode:
  We have investigated seven extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) brightenings in the
  active region AR 10926 on 2006 December 2 observed by the EUV Imaging
  Spectrometer on board the Hinode spacecraft. We have determined their
  Doppler velocities and non-thermal velocities from 15 EUV spectral
  lines (log T = 4.7 - 6.4) by fitting each line profile to a Gaussian
  function. The Doppler velocity maps for different temperatures are
  presented to show the height dependence of the Doppler shifts. It is
  found that the active region brightenings show two distinct Doppler
  shift patterns. The type 1 brightening shows a systematic increase
  of Doppler velocity from -68 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> (strong blueshift) at
  log T = 4.7 to -2 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> (weak blueshift) at log T = 6.4,
  while the type 2 brightenings have Doppler velocities in the range from
  -20 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> to 20 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. The type 1 brightening
  point is considered to sit in an upward reconnection outflow whose speed
  decreases with height. In both types of brightenings, the non-thermal
  velocity is found to be significantly enhanced at log T = 5.8 compared
  to the background region. We have also determined electron densities
  from line ratios and derived temperatures from emission measure loci
  using the CHIANTI atomic database. The electron densities of all
  brightenings are comparable to typical values in active regions (log
  N<SUB>e</SUB> = 9.9-10.4). The emission measure loci plots indicate
  that these brightenings should be multi-thermal whereas the background
  is isothermal. The differential emission measure as a function of
  temperature shows multiple peaks in the EUV brightening regions, while
  it has only a single peak (log T = 6.0) in the background region. Using
  Michelson Doppler Imager magnetograms, we have found that the type 1
  brightening is associated with a canceling magnetic feature with a flux
  canceling rate of 2.4 × 10<SUP>18</SUP> Mx hr<SUP>-1</SUP>. We also
  found the canceling magnetic feature and chromospheric brightenings
  in the type 1 brightening from the Hinode SOT and Transition Region
  and Coronal Explorer data. This observation corroborates our argument
  that brightening is caused by magnetic reconnection in a low atmosphere.

Title: Morphology, dynamics and plasma parameters of plumes and
    inter-plume regions in solar coronal holes
Authors: Wilhelm, K.; Abbo, L.; Auchère, F.; Barbey, N.; Feng, L.;
   Gabriel, A. H.; Giordano, S.; Imada, S.; Llebaria, A.; Matthaeus,
   W. H.; Poletto, G.; Raouafi, N. -E.; Suess, S. T.; Teriaca, L.; Wang,
   Y. -M.
2011A&ARv..19...35W    Altcode: 2011arXiv1103.4481W
  Coronal plumes, which extend from solar coronal holes (CH) into the high
  corona and—possibly—into the solar wind (SW), can now continuously
  be studied with modern telescopes and spectrometers on spacecraft,
  in addition to investigations from the ground, in particular, during
  total eclipses. Despite the large amount of data available on these
  prominent features and related phenomena, many questions remained
  unanswered as to their generation and relative contributions to
  the high-speed streams emanating from CHs. An understanding of the
  processes of plume formation and evolution requires a better knowledge
  of the physical conditions at the base of CHs, in plumes and in the
  surrounding inter-plume regions. More specifically, information is
  needed on the magnetic field configuration, the electron densities
  and temperatures, effective ion temperatures, non-thermal motions,
  plume cross sections relative to the size of a CH, the plasma bulk
  speeds, as well as any plume signatures in the SW. In spring 2007, the
  authors proposed a study on `Structure and dynamics of coronal plumes
  and inter-plume regions in solar coronal holes' to the International
  Space Science Institute (ISSI) in Bern to clarify some of these aspects
  by considering relevant observations and the extensive literature. This
  review summarizes the results and conclusions of the study. Stereoscopic
  observations allowed us to include three-dimensional reconstructions
  of plumes. Multi-instrument investigations carried out during several
  campaigns led to progress in some areas, such as plasma densities,
  temperatures, plume structure and the relation to other solar phenomena,
  but not all questions could be answered concerning the details of
  plume generation process(es) and interaction with the SW.

Title: Determining the Solar Source of a Magnetic Cloud Using a
    Velocity Difference Technique
Authors: Harra, L. K.; Mandrini, C. H.; Dasso, S.; Gulisano, A. M.;
   Steed, K.; Imada, S.
2011SoPh..268..213H    Altcode: 2010SoPh..tmp..210H; 2010SoPh..tmp..234H
  For large eruptions on the Sun, it is often a problem that the core
  dimming region cannot be observed due to the bright emission from the
  flare itself. However, spectroscopic data can provide the missing
  information through the measurement of Doppler velocities. In this
  paper we analyse the well-studied flare and coronal mass ejection
  that erupted on the Sun on 13 December 2006 and reached the Earth on
  14 December 2006. In this example, although the imaging data were
  saturated at the flare site itself, by using velocity measurements
  we could extract information on the core dimming region, as well as
  on remote dimmings. The purpose of this paper is to determine more
  accurately the magnetic flux of the solar source region, potentially
  involved in the ejection, through a new technique. The results of its
  application are compared to the flux in the magnetic cloud observed at
  1 AU, as a way to check the reliability of this technique. We analysed
  data from the Hinode EUV Imaging Spectrometer to estimate the Doppler
  velocity in the active region and its surroundings before and after
  the event. This allowed us to determine a Doppler velocity `difference'
  image. We used the velocity difference image overlayed on a Michelson
  Doppler Imager magnetogram to identify the regions in which the blue
  shifts were more prominent after the event; the magnetic flux in these
  regions was used as a proxy for the ejected flux and compared to the
  magnetic cloud flux. This new method provides a more accurate flux
  determination in the solar source region.

Title: Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmopshere Observed
    by Hinode
Authors: Imada, Shinsuke; Isobe, Hiroaki; Shimizu, Toshifumi
2011sswh.book...63I    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Ionization non-equilibrium plasma during magnetic reconnection
    in solar corona
Authors: Imada, S.; Murakami, I.; Watanabe, T.; Hara, H.; Shimizu, T.
2010AGUFMSH31A1788I    Altcode:
  Hinode can provide us both of the stored magnetic field energy in
  corona before magnetic reconnection and the most part of energy post
  reconnection stage. On the other hand, there is not enough observational
  knowledge of the physical parameters in the reconnection region. The
  inflow into the reconnection region, the temperature of the plasma in
  the reconnection region, and the temperatures and densities of the
  plasma jets predicted by reconnection, have not been quantitatively
  measured in sufficient. EIS on Hinode may provide some answers if
  solar cycle 24 ever produces a solar maximum. But it is important
  to answer why the most observation cannot detect the predicted flow
  or temperature in the reconnection region. One of the reasons why we
  cannot observe inside the magnetic reconnection region is due to its
  darkness. Generally we can see the bright cusp-like structure during
  solar flare, although the reconnection region is faint/blind. One may
  think that the temperature in the reconnection region is enough higher
  than that of cusp-like flare loops. Thus the wavelength of emission
  from reconnection region is different from flare loops. However, this
  is not entirely true. Magnetic reconnection causes rapid heating. Thus
  ionization cannot reach to the equilibrium stage. We have calculated
  the ionization process in the down stream of Petschek type magnetic
  reconnection. From our result, we can clearly see that plasma cannot
  reach the ionization equilibrium in the down stream of slow-mode
  shock. The typical emissions from magnetic reconnection region are
  FeIXX or FeXX, although the plasma temperature is equal to 40MK. The
  typical temperature and density of post flare loops are 10 MK and 10^11
  /cc, and the dominant emissions from post flare loops are from FeIXX
  to FeXXIII. Thus the wavelength of emission from reconnection region
  is not so much different from post flare loops. We will discuss how
  the emissions from reconnection region looks like by using several
  ionization calculations of magnetic reconnection.

Title: On the Origin of the Solar Moreton Wave of 2006 December 6
Authors: Balasubramaniam, K. S.; Cliver, E. W.; Pevtsov, A.; Temmer,
   M.; Henry, T. W.; Hudson, H. S.; Imada, S.; Ling, A. G.; Moore, R. L.;
   Muhr, N.; Neidig, D. F.; Petrie, G. J. D.; Veronig, A. M.; Vršnak,
   B.; White, S. M.
2010ApJ...723..587B    Altcode:
  We analyzed ground- and space-based observations of the eruptive flare
  (3B/X6.5) and associated Moreton wave (~850 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> ~270°
  azimuthal span) of 2006 December 6 to determine the wave driver—either
  flare pressure pulse (blast) or coronal mass ejection (CME). Kinematic
  analysis favors a CME driver of the wave, despite key gaps in coronal
  data. The CME scenario has a less constrained/smoother velocity versus
  time profile than is the case for the flare hypothesis and requires an
  acceleration rate more in accord with observations. The CME picture is
  based, in part, on the assumption that a strong and impulsive magnetic
  field change observed by a GONG magnetograph during the rapid rise phase
  of the flare corresponds to the main acceleration phase of the CME. The
  Moreton wave evolution tracks the inferred eruption of an extended
  coronal arcade, overlying a region of weak magnetic field to the west
  of the principal flare in NOAA active region 10930. Observations of
  Hα foot point brightenings, disturbance contours in off-band Hα
  images, and He I 10830 Å flare ribbons trace the eruption from 18:42
  to 18:44 UT as it progressed southwest along the arcade. Hinode EIS
  observations show strong blueshifts at foot points of this arcade
  during the post-eruption phase, indicating mass outflow. At 18:45
  UT, the Moreton wave exhibited two separate arcs (one off each flank
  of the tip of the arcade) that merged and coalesced by 18:47 UT to
  form a single smooth wave front, having its maximum amplitude in
  the southwest direction. We suggest that the erupting arcade (i.e.,
  CME) expanded laterally to drive a coronal shock responsible for the
  Moreton wave. We attribute a darkening in Hα from a region underlying
  the arcade to absorption by faint unresolved post-eruption loops.

Title: Experimental Simulation of Magnetic Reconnection in the
    Sunspot Light Bridge
Authors: Hayashi, Yoshinori; Tanabe, Hiroshi; Inomoto, Michiaki; Ono,
   Yasushi; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Imada, Shinsuke; Nishizuka, Naoto
2010APS..DPPCP9122H    Altcode:
  Intermittent and recurrent chromospheric plasma ejections were
  discovered in the sunspot light bridge (LB) by the Solar Optical
  Telescope of the Hinode satellite (Shimizu et al. 2009, ApJ, 696,
  L66). Strong current was observed under the jet, suggesting existence
  of twisted flux tube in the vertical background field. The magnetic
  reconnection between the flux tube and the vertical field is considered
  to cause the plasma ejection. It is left unsolved why the intermittent
  reconnection continuing more than one day. Note that the magnetic
  configuration of LB is similar to the spheromak plasma maintained
  by vertical field in the laboratory. We formed spheromak in the TS-4
  device and drove magnetic reconnection with center solenoid coil. We
  measured 2D magnetic profile of the reconnecting field lines between
  the spheromak and the solenoid coil by the magnetic probe array and
  local temperature, density and plasma flow at the reconnection point
  by the Langmuir probes and ion Doppler spectroscopy. We will discuss
  about the LB reconnection by comparing the laboratory experiment with
  the satellite observation.

Title: Mode Identification of MHD Waves in an Active Region Observed
    with Hinode/EIS
Authors: Kitagawa, N.; Yokoyama, T.; Imada, S.; Hara, H.
2010ApJ...721..744K    Altcode: 2010arXiv1008.1823K
  In order to better understand the possibility of coronal heating
  by MHD waves, we analyze Fe XII 195.12Å data observed with the EUV
  Imaging Spectrometer on board Hinode. We performed a Fourier analysis
  of EUV intensity and Doppler velocity time series data in the active
  region corona. Notable intensity and Doppler velocity oscillations were
  found for two moss regions out of the five studied, while only small
  oscillations were found for five apexes of loops. The amplitudes of the
  oscillations were 0.4%-5.7% for intensity and 0.2-1.2 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>
  for Doppler velocity. In addition, oscillations of only the Doppler
  velocity were seen relatively less often in the data. We compared
  the amplitudes of intensity and those of Doppler velocity in order to
  identify MHD wave modes and calculated the phase delays between Fourier
  components of intensity and those of Doppler velocity. The results
  are interpreted in terms of MHD waves as follows: (1) few kink modes
  or torsional Alfvén mode waves were seen in both moss regions and the
  apexes of loops, (2) upwardly propagating and standing slow mode waves
  were found in moss regions, and (3) consistent with previous studies,
  estimated values of energy flux of the waves were several orders of
  magnitude lower than that required for heating active regions.

Title: Accelerating Waves in Polar Coronal Holes as Seen by EIS
    and SUMER
Authors: Gupta, G. R.; Banerjee, D.; Teriaca, L.; Imada, S.;
   Solanki, S.
2010ApJ...718...11G    Altcode: 2010arXiv1005.3453G
  We present EIS/Hinode and SUMER/SOHO observations of propagating
  disturbances detected in coronal lines in inter-plume and plume
  regions of a polar coronal hole. The observation was carried out on
  2007 November 13 as part of the JOP196/HOP045 program. The SUMER
  spectroscopic observation gives information about fluctuations in
  radiance and on both resolved (Doppler shift) and unresolved (Doppler
  width) line-of-sight velocities, whereas EIS 40” wide slot images
  detect fluctuations only in radiance but maximize the probability
  of overlapping field of view between the two instruments. From
  distance-time radiance maps, we detect the presence of propagating
  waves in a polar inter-plume region with a period of 15-20 minutes
  and a propagation speed increasing from 130 ± 14 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>
  just above the limb to 330 ± 140 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> around 160” above
  the limb. These waves can be traced to originate from a bright region
  of the on-disk part of the coronal hole where the propagation speed
  is in the range of 25 ± 1.3 to 38 ± 4.5 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, with the
  same periodicity. These on-disk bright regions can be visualized as the
  base of the coronal funnels. The adjacent plume region also shows the
  presence of propagating disturbances with the same range of periodicity
  but with propagation speeds in the range of 135 ± 18 to 165 ± 43 km
  s<SUP>-1</SUP> only. A comparison between the distance-time radiance
  map of the two regions indicates that the waves within the plumes are
  not observable (may be getting dissipated) far off-limb, whereas this
  is not the case in the inter-plume region. A correlation analysis was
  also performed to find out the time delay between the oscillations at
  several heights in the off-limb region, finding results consistent with
  those from the analysis of the distance-time maps. To our knowledge,
  this result provides first spectroscopic evidence of the acceleration of
  propagating disturbances in the polar region close to the Sun (within
  1.2 R/R <SUB>sun</SUB>), which provides clues to the understanding of
  the origin of these waves. We suggest that the waves are likely either
  Alfvénic or fast magnetoacoustic in the inter-plume region and slow
  magnetoacoustic in the plume region. This may lead to the conclusion
  that inter-plumes are a preferred channel for the acceleration of the
  fast solar wind.

Title: Accelerating disturbances in polar plume and inter-plume
Authors: Gupta, Girjesh R.; Banerjee, Dipankar; Teriaca, Luca; Imada,
   Shinsuke; Solanki, Sami
2010cosp...38.2937G    Altcode: 2010cosp.meet.2937G
  We present EIS/Hinode &amp; SUMER/SoHO joint observations allowing the
  first spectroscopic detection of accelerating disturbances as recorded
  with coronal lines in inter-plume and plume regions of a polar coronal
  hole. From time-distance radiance maps, we detect the presence of
  propagating disturbances in a polar inter-plume region with a period
  of 15 to 20 min and a propagation speed increasing from 130±14 km/s
  just above the limb, to 330±140 km/s around 160" above the limb. These
  disturbances can also be traced to originate from a bright region of
  the on-disk part of the coronal hole where the propagation speed was
  found to be in the range of 25±1.3 to 38±4.5 km/s, with the same
  periodicity. These on-disk bright regions can be vi-sualized as the
  base of the coronal funnels. The adjacent plume region also shows the
  presence of propagating disturbance with the same range of period but
  with propagation speeds in the range of 135±18 to 165±43 km/s only. A
  comparison between the time-distance radiance map of both regions,
  indicate that the disturbances within the plumes are not observable (may
  be getting dissipated) far off-limb whereas this is not the case in the
  inter-plume region. Conclu-sions drawn from these observations in terms
  of accelerating waves or high speed jets/upflows will be discussed.

Title: Comparison of reconnection in magnetosphere and solar corona
Authors: Imada, Shinsuke; Hirai, Mariko; Isobe, Hiroaki; Oka, Mitsuo;
   Watanabe, Kyoko; Minoshima, Takashi
2010cosp...38.1940I    Altcode: 2010cosp.meet.1940I
  One of the most famous rapid energy conversion mechanisms in space is a
  magnetic reconnec-tion. The general concept of a magnetic reconnection
  is that the rapid energy conversion from magnetic field energy to
  thermal energy, kinetic energy or non-thermal particle energy. The
  understanding of rapid energy conversion rates from magnetic field
  energy to other energy is the fundamental and essential problem in
  the space physics. One of the important goals for studying magnetic
  reconnection is to answer what plasma condition/parameter controls
  the energy conversion rates. Earth's magnetotail has been paid
  much attention to discuss a mag-netic reconnection, because we can
  discuss magnetic reconnection characteristics in detail with direct
  in-situ observation. Recently, solar atmosphere has been focused as a
  space laboratory for magnetic reconnection because of its variety in
  plasma condition. So far considerable effort has been devoted toward
  understanding the energy conversion rates of magnetic reconnection,
  and various typical features associated with magnetic reconnection have
  been observed in the Earth's magnetotail and the solar corona. In this
  talk, we first introduce the variety of plasma condition/parameter in
  solar corona and Earth's magnetotail. Later, we discuss what plasma
  condition/parameter controls the energy conversion from magnetic field
  to especially non-thermal particle. To compare non-thermal electron and
  ion acceleration in magnetic reconnection, we used Hard X-ray (electron)
  /Neu-tron monitor (ion) for solar corona and Geotail in-situ measurement
  (electron and ion) for magnetoatil. We found both of electron and ion
  accelerations are roughly controlled by re-connection electric field
  (reconnection rate). However, some detail points are different in ion
  and electron acceleration. Further, we will discuss what is the major
  difference between solar corona and Earth's magnetotail for particle

Title: Ion Temperature and Non-Thermal Velocity in a Solar Active
Region: Using Emission Lines of Different Atomic Species
Authors: Imada, S.; Hara, H.; Watanabe, T.
2009ApJ...705L.208I    Altcode:
  We have studied the characteristics of the ion thermal temperature
  and non-thermal velocity in an active region observed by the EUV
  Imaging Spectrometer onboard Hinode. We used two emission lines of
  different atomic species (Fe XVI 262.98 Å and S XIII 256.69 Å) to
  distinguish the ion thermal velocity from the observed full width at
  half-maximum. We assumed that the sources of the two emission lines
  are the same thermal temperature. We also assumed that they have the
  same non-thermal velocity. With these assumptions, we could obtain
  the ion thermal temperature, after noting that M <SUB>sulfur</SUB> ~
  0.6M <SUB>iron</SUB>. We have carried out the ion thermal temperature
  analysis in the active region where the photon counts are sufficient
  (&gt;4500). What we found is as follows: (1) the common ion thermal
  temperatures obtained by Fe XVI and S XIII are ~2.5 MK, (2) the typical
  non-thermal velocities are ~13 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, (3) the highest
  non-thermal velocities (&gt;20 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>) are preferentially
  observed between the bright points in Fe XVI, while (4) the hottest
  material (&gt;3 MK) is observed relatively inside the bright points
  compared with the highest non-thermal velocity region.

Title: Coronal Mass Ejection Induced Outflows Observed with Hinode/EIS
Authors: Jin, M.; Ding, M. D.; Chen, P. F.; Fang, C.; Imada, S.
2009ApJ...702...27J    Altcode:
  We investigate the outflows associated with two halo coronal mass
  ejections (CMEs) that occurred on 2006 December 13 and 14 in NOAA
  10930, using the Hinode/EIS observations. Each CME was accompanied by
  an EIT wave and coronal dimmings. Dopplergrams in the dimming regions
  are obtained from the spectra of seven EIS lines. The results show
  that strong outflows are visible in the dimming regions during the
  CME eruption at different heights from the lower transition region to
  the corona. It is found that the velocity is positively correlated
  with the photospheric magnetic field, as well as the magnitude of
  the dimming. We estimate the mass loss based on height-dependent EUV
  dimmings and find it to be smaller than the CME mass derived from
  white-light observations. The mass difference is attributed partly to
  the uncertain atmospheric model, and partly to the transition region
  outflows, which refill the coronal dimmings.

Title: Evidence from the Extreme-Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer
    for Axial Filament Rotation before a Large Flare
Authors: Williams, David R.; Harra, Louise K.; Brooks, David H.;
   Imada, Shinsuke; Hansteen, Viggo H.
2009PASJ...61..493W    Altcode:
  In this article, we present observations made with the
  Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer on-board the Hinode solar
  satellite, of an active region filament in the HeII emission line at
  256.32Å. The host active region AR 10930 produces an X-class flare
  during these observations. We measure Doppler shifts with apparent
  velocities of up to 20km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, which are antisymmetric about
  the filament length and occur several minutes before the flare's
  impulsive phase. This is indicative of a rotation of the filament,
  which is in turn consistent with expansion of a twisted flux rope due
  to the MHD helical kink instability. This is the first time that such
  an observation has been possible in this transition-region line, and we
  note that the signature observed occurs before the first indications of
  pre-flare activity in the GOES solar soft X-ray flux, suggesting that
  the filament begins to destabilise in tandem with a reorganization of
  the local magnetic field. We suggest that this expansion is triggered
  by the decrease of magnetic tension around, and/or total pressure above,
  the filament.

Title: Propagating waves in polar coronal holes as seen by SUMER
    &amp; EIS
Authors: Banerjee, D.; Teriaca, L.; Gupta, G. R.; Imada, S.; Stenborg,
   G.; Solanki, S. K.
2009A&A...499L..29B    Altcode: 2009arXiv0905.1013B
  Context: To study the dynamics of coronal holes and the role of waves in
  the acceleration of the solar wind, spectral observations were performed
  over polar coronal hole regions with the SUMER spectrometer on SoHO and
  the EIS spectrometer on Hinode. <BR />Aims: Using these observations,
  we aim to detect the presence of propagating waves in the corona and
  to study their properties. <BR />Methods: The observations analysed
  here consist of SUMER spectra of the Ne viii 770 Å line (T = 0.6 MK)
  and EIS slot images in the Fe xii 195 Å line (T = 1.3 MK). Using the
  wavelet technique, we study line radiance oscillations at different
  heights from the limb in the polar coronal hole regions. <BR />Results:
  We detect the presence of long period oscillations with periods of 10
  to 30 min in polar coronal holes. The oscillations have an amplitude
  of a few percent in radiance and are not detectable in line-of-sight
  velocity. From the time distance maps we find evidence for propagating
  velocities from 75 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> (Ne viii) to 125 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>
  (Fe xii). These velocities are subsonic and roughly in the same ratio
  as the respective sound speeds. <BR />Conclusions: We interpret the
  observed propagating oscillations in terms of slow magneto-acoustic
  waves. These waves can be important for the acceleration of the fast
  solar wind.

Title: Multiwavelength Observation of Electron Acceleration in the
    2006 December 13 Flare
Authors: Minoshima, T.; Imada, S.; Morimoto, T.; Kawate, T.;
   Koshiishi, H.; Kubo, M.; Inoue, S.; Isobe, H.; Masuda, S.; Krucker,
   S.; Yokoyama, T.
2009ApJ...697..843M    Altcode: 2009arXiv0903.1144M
  We present a multiwavelength observation of a solar flare occurring on
  2006 December 13 with Hinode, RHESSI, and the Nobeyama Radio Observatory
  to study the electron acceleration site and mechanism. The Solar Optical
  Telescope (SOT) on board Hinode observed elongated flare ribbons, and
  RHESSI observed double-footpoint hard X-ray (HXR) sources appearing
  in part of the ribbons. A photospheric vector magnetogram obtained
  from SOT reveals that the HXR sources are located at the region where
  horizontal magnetic fields change direction. The region is interpreted
  as the footpoint of magnetic separatrix. Microwave images taken
  with the Nobeyama Radioheliograph show a loop structure connecting
  the HXR sources. The brighter parts of the microwave intensity are
  located between the top and footpoints of the loop. We consider these
  observations as evidence of electron acceleration near the magnetic
  separatrix and injection parallel to the field line.

Title: Observational Study of Particle Acceleration in the 2006
    December 13 Flare
Authors: Minoshima, T.; Morimoto, T.; Kawate, T.; Imada, S.;
   Koshiishi, H.; Masuda, S.; Kubo, M.; Inoue, S.; Isobe, H.; Krucker,
   S.; Yokoyama, T.
2008AGUFMSH41B1619M    Altcode:
  We study the particle acceleration in a flare on 2006 December 13,
  by using the Hinode, RHESSI, Nobeyama Radio Polarimeters (NoRP) and
  Nobeyama Radioheliograph (NoRH) observations. For technical reasons,
  both RHESSI and NoRH have a problem in imaging in this flare. Since we
  have succeeded in solving the problem, it is now possible to discuss
  the particle acceleration mechanism from an image analysis. This flare
  shows very long-lasting (1 hour) non-thermal emissions, consisting of
  many spikes. We focus on the second major spike at 02:29 UT, because
  the RHESSI image is available only in this period. The RHESSI 35-100 keV
  HXR image shows double sources located at the footpoints of the western
  soft X-ray (SXR) loop seen by the Hinode/XRT. The non-linear force-free
  (NLFF) modeling based on a magnetogram data by Inoue et al. shows the
  NLFF to potential magnetic transition of the loop, which would induce
  the electric field and then accelerate particles. Overlaying the HXR
  image on the photospheric three-dimensional magnetic field map taken
  by the Hinode Spectro-Polarimeter, we find that the HXR sources are
  located at the region where the horizontal magnetic fields invert. The
  NoRH 34 GHz microwave images show the loop structure connecting the
  HXR sources. The microwave peaks do not located at the top of the
  loop but between the loop top and the footpoints. The NoRP microwave
  spectrum shows the soft-hard-soft pattern in the period, same as the
  HXR spectrum (Ning 2008). From these observational results we suggest
  that the electrons were accelerated parallel to the magnetic field
  line near the magnetic separatrix.

Title: The dawn-dusk asymmetry of energetic electron in the Earth's
magnetotail: Observation and transport models
Authors: Imada, S.; Hoshino, M.; Mukai, T.
2008JGRA..11311201I    Altcode:
  We have studied the dawn-dusk asymmetry of the energetic/thermal
  particle in the plasma sheet using the Geotail data. We found the
  species- and energy-dependent dawn-dusk asymmetries in the plasma
  sheet. The dawn-dusk asymmetries have some typical structures, and
  we used a finite width two-dimensional model of the magnetotail to
  explain their characteristics. The characteristics and assumptions
  of our model can be summarized as follows: (1) the magnetotail
  convection is steady (both of magnetic field and electric field is
  steady), (2) the directions of electric fields are duskward, (3) the
  directions of magnetic fields are northward, (4) the magnetic field
  gradient is constant for earthward (constant for other directions),
  (5) the width of the magnetotail is constant in the entire plasma
  sheet (40 R<SUB>E</SUB>), (6) the plasma source region is steady at
  X<SUB>GSM</SUB> ∼ -100 R<SUB>E</SUB>, (7) the magnetic moment μ is
  conserved during transport, and (8) the particle spatial diffusion takes
  place only for dawn-dusk direction. In this model, we found that the
  energetic electrons cannot be provided sufficiently at the dusk flank
  with the simple adiabatic process (no spatial diffusion). Furthermore
  we applied the Bohm-type diffusion to the model and found that the
  observed asymmetries are well reproduced in the case that the diffusion
  coefficient is equal to 0.006/0.03v<SUB>⊥</SUB>r<SUB>g</SUB> for

Title: Strongly Blueshifted Phenomena Observed with Hinode EIS in
    the 2006 December 13 Solar Flare
Authors: Asai, Ayumi; Hara, Hirohisa; Watanabe, Tetsuya; Imada,
   Shinsuke; Sakao, Taro; Narukage, Noriyuki; Culhane, J. L.; Doschek,
   G. A.
2008ApJ...685..622A    Altcode: 2008arXiv0805.4468A
  We present a detailed examination of strongly blueshifted emission
  lines observed with the EUV Imaging Spectrometer on board the Hinode
  satellite. We found two kinds of blueshifted phenomenon associated
  with the X3.4 flare that occurred on 2006 December 13. One was related
  to a plasmoid ejection seen in soft X-rays. It was very bright in all
  the lines used for the observations. The other was associated with the
  faint arc-shaped ejection seen in soft X-rays. The soft X-ray ejection
  is thought to be a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) fast-mode shock wave. This
  is therefore the first spectroscopic observation of an MHD fast-mode
  shock wave associated with a flare.

Title: Doppler Shifts in the Boundary of the Dimming Region
Authors: Imada, S.; Hara, H.; Watanabe, T.; Asai, A.; Kamio, S.;
   Matsuzaki, K.; Harra, L. K.; Mariska, J. T.
2008ASPC..397..102I    Altcode:
  We present Hinode/EIS raster scan observations of the GOES X3.2
  flare that occurred on 2006 December 13. There was a small transient
  coronal hole which was located 200 arcsec east of the flare arcade. The
  transient coronal hole was strongly affected by the X-class flare, and
  the strong upflows were observed in Fe XV line 284.2 Å (log{T/{K}}
  = 6.3) at the boundary of dimming region. In this paper, we discuss
  how to obtain the velocity map by correcting the instrumental effects.

Title: Non-Gaussian Line Profiles in a Large Solar Flare Observed
    on 2006 December 13
Authors: Imada, S.; Hara, H.; Watanabe, T.; Asai, A.; Minoshima, T.;
   Harra, L. K.; Mariska, J. T.
2008ApJ...679L.155I    Altcode:
  We have studied the characteristics of the non-Gaussian line profile
  of the Fe XIV 274.20 Å line in and around a flare arcade. We found
  that broad non-Gaussian line profiles associated with redshifts
  are observed in the flare arcade. There were two typical types
  of broad line profiles. One was a distorted line profile caused by
  multiple flows, and the other was a symmetric line profile without any
  additional component. We successfully distinguished those two types
  using higher order statistical moments or M—the additional component
  contribution—defined in this Letter. The distorted/symmetric broad
  line profiles were preferentially observed in new/old flare loops,

Title: Outflows at the Edges of Active Regions: Contribution to
    Solar Wind Formation?
Authors: Harra, L. K.; Sakao, T.; Mandrini, C. H.; Hara, H.; Imada,
   S.; Young, P. R.; van Driel-Gesztelyi, L.; Baker, D.
2008ApJ...676L.147H    Altcode:
  The formation of the slow solar wind has been debated for many years. In
  this Letter we show evidence of persistent outflow at the edges of
  an active region as measured by the EUV Imaging Spectrometer on board
  Hinode. The Doppler velocity ranged between 20 and 50 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>
  and was consistent with a steady flow seen in the X-Ray Telescope. The
  latter showed steady, pulsing outflowing material and some transverse
  motions of the loops. We analyze the magnetic field around the active
  region and produce a coronal magnetic field model. We determine from
  the latter that the outflow speeds adjusted for line-of-sight effects
  can reach over 100 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. We can interpret this outflow as
  expansion of loops that lie over the active region, which may either
  reconnect with neighboring large-scale loops or are likely to open to
  the interplanetary space. This material constitutes at least part of
  the slow solar wind.

Title: Erratum: "Outflows at the Edges of Active Regions: Contribution
    to Solar Wind Formation?" (ApJ, 676, L147 [2008])
Authors: Harra, L. K.; Sakao, T.; Mandrini, C. H.; Hara, H.; Imada,
   S.; Young, P. R.; van Driel-Gesztelyi, L.; Baker, D.
2008ApJ...677L.159H    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Observation of energetic electrons within magnetic islands
Authors: Chen, L. -J.; Bhattacharjee, A.; Puhl-Quinn, P. A.; Yang,
   H.; Bessho, N.; Imada, S.; Mühlbachler, S.; Daly, P. W.; Lefebvre,
   B.; Khotyaintsev, Y.; Vaivads, A.; Fazakerley, A.; Georgescu, E.
2008NatPh...4...19C    Altcode:
  Magnetic reconnection is the underlying process that releases
  impulsively an enormous amount of magnetic energy in solar flares
  , flares on strongly magnetized neutron stars and substorms in the
  Earth's magnetosphere. Studies of energy release during solar flares,
  in particular, indicate that up to 50% of the released energy is
  carried by accelerated 20-100keV suprathermal electrons. How so
  many electrons can gain so much energy during reconnection has been
  a long-standing question. A recent theoretical study suggests that
  volume-filling contracting magnetic islands formed during reconnection
  can produce a large number of energetic electrons. Here we report the
  first evidence of the link between energetic electrons and magnetic
  islands during reconnection in the Earth's magnetosphere. The results
  indicate that energetic electron fluxes peak at sites of compressed
  density within islands, which imposes a new constraint on theories of
  electron acceleration.

Title: Discovery of a Temperature-Dependent Upflow in the Plage
    Region During a Gradual Phase of the X-Class Flare
Authors: Imada, Shinsuke; Hara, Hirohisa; Watanabe, Tetsuya; Kamio,
   Suguru; Asai, Ayumi; Matsuzaki, Keiichi; Harra, Louise K.; Mariska,
   John T.
2007PASJ...59S.793I    Altcode:
  We present Hinode/EIS raster scan observations of the plage region
  taken during the gradual phase of the GOES X3.2 flare that occurred on
  2006 December 13. The plage region is located 200" east of the flare
  arcade. The plage region has a small transient coronal hole. The
  transient coronal hole is strongly affected by an X-class flare,
  and upflows are observed at its boundary. Multi-wavelength spectral
  observations allow us to determine velocities from the Doppler shifts
  at different temperatures. Strong upflows along with stationary plasma
  have been observed in the FeXV line 284.2Å (log T / K = 6.3) in the
  plage region. The strong upflows reach almost 150kms<SUP>-1</SUP>, which
  was estimated by a two-component Gaussian fitting. On the other hand,
  at a lower corona/transition region temperature (HeII, 256.3Å, log T /
  K = 4.9), very weak upflows, almost stationary, have been observed. We
  find that these upflow velocities clearly depend on the temperature
  with the hottest line, FeXV, showing the fastest upflow velocity and the
  second-highest line, FeXIV, showing the second-highest upflow velocity
  (130kms<SUP>-1</SUP>). All velocities are below the sound speed. The
  trend of the upflow dependence on temperature dramatically changes
  at 1MK. These results suggest that heating may have an important role
  for strong upflow.

Title: Coronal Dimming Observed with Hinode: Outflows Related to a
    Coronal Mass Ejection
Authors: Harra, Louise K.; Hara, Hirohisa; Imada, Shinsuke; Young,
   Peter R.; Williams, David R.; Sterling, Alphonse C.; Korendyke,
   Clarence; Attrill, Gemma D. R.
2007PASJ...59S.801H    Altcode:
  Coronal dimming has been a signature used to determine the source
  of plasma that forms part of a coronal mass ejection (CME) for many
  years. Generally dimming is detected through imaging instruments such
  as SOHO EIT by taking difference images. Hinode tracked active region
  10930 from which there were a series of flares. We combined dimming
  observations from EIT with Hinode data to show the impact of flares
  and coronal mass ejections on the region surrounding the flaring
  active region, and we discuss evidence that the eruption resulted in
  a prolonged steady outflow of material from the corona. The dimming
  region shows clear structure with extended loops whose footpoints are
  the source of the strongest outflow (≈ 40 kms<SUP>-1</SUP>). This
  confirms that the loops that are disrupted during the event do lose
  plasma and hence are likely to form part of the CME. This is the
  first time the velocity of the coronal plasma has been measured in an
  extended dimming region away from the flare core. In addition there
  was a weaker steady outflow from extended, faint loops outside the
  active region before the eruption, which is also long lasting. These
  were disturbed and the velocity increased following the flare. Such
  outflows could be the source of the slow solar wind.

Title: Cluster observation of magnetic islands and energetic electrons
Authors: Chen, L.; Bhattacharjee, A.; Puhl-Quinn, P. A.; Yang, H.;
   Bessho, N.; Imada, S.; Muehlbachler, S.; Daly, P.; Lefebvre, B.;
   Fazakerley, A.; Georgescu, E.; Mouikis, C.
2007AGUSMSM53C..06C    Altcode:
  Magnetic reconnection is widely accepted to be a mechanism for
  electron acceleration, but exactly how electrons are accelerated
  during reconnection remains a long-standing question. A series of
  magnetic islands is observed in the magnetotail current sheet during
  active reconnection by multiple spacecraft. Electrons are hot within
  islands. The islands move away from the main reconnection sites with
  a velocity ~ 500 km/s based on multi-spacecraft timing analysis. The
  electric current distribution within an island varies significantly over
  a fraction of an ion inertial length in the out-of-plane direction,
  necessitating a 3D description. Associated with each island, is a
  burst of energetic electrons with energies ~35 to 120 keV. High
  time-resolution data reveal that energetic electron fluxes peak
  at sites of compressed density within magnetic islands. Within the
  islands, the density of O+ is higher than that of H+. The O+ ions are
  unmagnetized, and their density exhibits similar compression as the
  electron density, indicating that the density compression is not due
  to magnetic trapping by contracting islands, but most likely, due to
  the continuous injection of the ion and electron jets from the two
  reconnection sites bounding an island. The observation establishes a
  link between energetic electrons and magnetic islands, and provides
  supporting evidence for multiple reconnection sites.

Title: Particle Acceleration in the X3 Event on Dec. 13, 2007
Authors: Shibasaki, Kiyoto; Koshiishi, H.; Shimojo, M.; Minoshima,
   T.; Imada, S.; Sakao, T.; Hinode Team
2007AAS...210.9435S    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39..223S
  Even during the solar minimum period, the active region NOAA 10930 had
  a complex magnetic configuration especially around the main sunspot
  and produced a couple of X-class events. The one on Dec. 13, 2007 was
  well observed by Nobeyama Radioheliograph (NoRH) and Polarimeters
  (NoRP). Microwave emission associated with this event has several
  interesting characteristics: <P />1. Long lasting non-thermal phase <P
  />2. Very large decimetric flux (several thousand times of the quiet
  sun flux) and quite different time development of decimetric emission
  compared to shorter wavelengths <P />3. Very high turn-over frequency
  (around 35 GHz) <P />This event was also well observed by HINODE
  satellite and partially by RHESSI satellite. Optical telescope (SOT) and
  Soft X-ray telescope (XRT) onboard HINODE showed that the flare started
  around the polarity reversal line which divides the main sunspot and
  the closely associated small sunspot with opposite polarity. This line
  is the interface of the penumbrae of both sunspots. The flare ribbons
  started in the penumbrae and entered into umbrae of both sunspots. <P
  />Microwave images of the event at 17 and 34 GHz are synthesized
  and compared with optical and soft X-ray images taken by SOT and XRT
  respectively. Based on these overlays, frequency spectral information
  (NoRP) and RHESSI images in the later phase of the event, we try to
  locate particle acceleration site and discuss possible mechanisms of
  acceleration. <P />Hinode is an international project supported by JAXA,
  NASA, PPARC and ESA. We are grateful to the Hinode team for all their
  efforts in the design, development and operation of the mission. NoRH
  and NoRP are operated by Nobeyama Solar Radio Observatory, NAOJ. RHESSI
  is a NASA project.

Title: Energetic electron acceleration in the downstream reconnection
    outflow region
Authors: Imada, S.; Nakamura, R.; Daly, P. W.; Hoshino, M.; Baumjohann,
   W.; Mühlbachler, S.; Balogh, A.; RèMe, H.
2007JGRA..112.3202I    Altcode: 2007JGRA..11203202I
  Energetic electrons in an earthward reconnection outflow region have
  been observed by Cluster/Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging
  Detectors. We found a good correlation between the energetic electron
  enhancement and a normal magnetic field (B<SUB>z</SUB>) enhancement
  within a 0.25-s time resolution. The large normal magnetic field
  is thought to be associated with magnetic reconnection because the
  negative/positive B<SUB>z</SUB> reversal observed during the fast
  proton tailward/earthward flow reversal is a good indicator of magnetic
  reconnection. Using the four-spacecraft Cluster, we can clearly see
  that this large positive B<SUB>z</SUB> structure propagates in the
  earthward direction. Furthermore, we find that the energy spectrum
  of the energetic electrons becomes harder toward the downstream
  region. A negative B<SUB>z</SUB> enhancement is also observed. The
  intensity of energetic electron enhancement associated with the
  negative B<SUB>z</SUB> enhancement is weaker than that associated
  with the positive one. To discuss the temporal and spatial profile of
  energetic electron acceleration in the magnetic reconnection region,
  we determined the spacecraft position in the temporally evolving
  magnetic structures of reconnection. Our observation clearly indicates
  second-step acceleration, in addition to X line acceleration, of
  energetic electrons in the downstream reconnection outflow region.

Title: Electron acceleration by impulsive reconnection near
separatrices: Cluster observations
Authors: Mühlbachler, S.; Chen, L.; Imada, S.; Puhl-Quinn, P.;
   Lefebvre, B.; Bhattacharjee, A.; Daly, P.; Georgescu, E.
2006AGUFMSM43C..05M    Altcode:
  Near a magnetotail reconnection site, energetic electron bursts
  (50-100 keV) were observed by the Cluster spacecraft. These bursts
  correlate closely with spiky electric fields and pulse-like structures
  in the magnetic field. The spiky electric fields have DC components
  greater than 20 mV/m and AC components reaching 300 mV/m peak to
  peak. The pulse-like magnetic structures have Δ B/B ~ 1 and time
  durations comparable to one proton gyroperiod. Most of the energetic
  electron bursts were observed near the separatrices in the reconnection
  exhaust. Our observations are consistent with electron acceleration by
  electric fields at the separatrices. The strong correlation between the
  electron bursts and sudden commencements of large-amplitude electric
  and magnetic structures suggests that the underlying reconnection
  dynamics is impulsive and non-steady.

Title: Average profiles of energetic and thermal electrons in the
    magnetotail reconnection regions
Authors: Imada, S.; Hoshino, M.; Mukai, T.
2005GeoRL..32.9101I    Altcode: 2005GeoRL..3209101I
  We study plasma heating and acceleration around magnetic reconnection
  region by using GEOTAIL data. We carry out the superposed analysis
  of thermal temperature and energetic electrons flux as a function
  of distance from X-type neutral line, for both the near-Earth and
  the distant magnetotail. It is found that the enhanced energetic
  flux and high temperature regions are located around reconnection
  outflow region downstream away from the center of the X-type neutral
  region. Those heated and accelerated regions are symmetric in both
  of the tail- and earth-ward flow regions in the distant magnetotail,
  while in the near-Earth magnetotail more energetic electrons are
  preferentially observed in the earthward flow region. In addition,
  we also study electron heating and acceleration during the passage of
  plasmoid, which may correspond to O-type neutral line. We find the hot
  and energetic electrons behind the core of plasmoid but slightly away
  from the central plasma sheet.

Title: The Dawn-Dusk Asymmetry in Magnetosheath and the Leakage of
Energetic Electrons: The Geotail Observation
Authors: Imada, S.; Hoshino, M.; Mukai, T.
2005fmpp.conf...34I    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS