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Author name code: lambert
ADS astronomy entries on 2022-09-14
author:"Lambert, David L."  

Title: Lithium in red giants: the roles of the He-core flash and
    the luminosity bump
Authors: Deepak; Lambert, David L.
2021MNRAS.507..205D    Altcode: 2021arXiv210704624D; 2021MNRAS.tmp.1807D
  Lithium abundances for red giants in the GALAH DR3 survey are
  studied. The rare examples of Li-enriched stars with abundances A(Li)
  ≥1.5 are confirmed to be He-core burning stars belonging to or evolved
  from the red clump with similar masses and metallicity: M ≃ 1.1 ± 0.2
  M<SUB>⊙</SUB> and [Fe/H] ≃ -0.3 ± 0.3. Li enrichment over the Li
  abundance present in a star's predecessor at the tip of the red giant
  branch likely occurs in all these red clump stars. Examination of the
  elemental abundances (C to Eu) in the GALAH catalogue shows no anomalous
  abundances in red clump giants and, in particular, no dependence on the
  Li abundance, which ranges over at least five dex. Lithium synthesis is
  attributed to the He-core flash occurring in stars at the tip of the
  red giant branch. Models from the Modules for Experiments in Stellar
  Astrophysics (MESA) match the observed evolution of these stars along
  the red giant branch and to the red clump but only at the low effective
  temperature end of the observed spread of red clump giants. Run of Li
  abundance on the red giant branch is fairly well reproduced by MESA
  models. A speculation is presented that the series of He-core flashes
  not only leads to <SUP>7</SUP>Li synthesis from a star's internal
  reservoir of <SUP>3</SUP>He but also may lead to internal restructuring
  leading to the observed effective temperature spread of red clump stars
  at about a constant luminosity. Giants exhibiting marked Li enrichments
  are not found at other evolutionary phases and, in particular, not
  directly associated with the luminosity bump on the red giant branch
  for which the Li abundance increase does not exceed 0.3 dex.

Title: Lithium abundances and asteroseismology of red giants:
    understanding the evolution of lithium in giants based on
    asteroseismic parameters
Authors: Deepak; Lambert, David L.
2021MNRAS.505..642D    Altcode: 2021MNRAS.tmp.1175D; 2021MNRAS.505..642.; 2021MNRAS.505..642L;
  In this study, we explore the evolution of lithium in giant stars
  based on data assembled from the literature on asteroseismology and Li
  abundances for giants. Our final sample of 187 giants consists of 44
  red giant branch (RGB), 140 core He-burning (CHeB), and three giants
  with an unclassified evolutionary phase. For all 187 stars, the seismic
  parameters $\nu \rm _{max}$ (frequency of maximum oscillation power)
  and Δν (large frequency spacing) are available, while $\Delta \Pi
  \rm _{1}$ (the asymptotic gravity-mode period spacing) is available
  for a subset of 64. For some of the CHeB giants, mass estimates from
  the asteroseismic scaling relations are found to be underestimated
  when compared with mass estimates from isochrones based on seismic
  data. Whilst most of the Li-rich giants in the sample have masses less
  than 1.5 M<SUB>⊙</SUB>, they are also present up to and beyond the
  maximum mass expected to have suffered a core He-flash, i.e. $M\, \le$
  2.25 M<SUB>⊙</SUB>: this suggests contributions from other processes
  towards Li enrichment. To understand the evolution of giants in the
  $\Delta \Pi \rm _{1}\, -\, \Delta \nu$ plane, we use the Modules for
  Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics models that show the presence
  of mini-He-flashes following the initial strong core He-flash. From
  the distribution of A(Li) as a function of Δν, which is similar
  to the distribution of A(Li) as a function of luminosity, we find
  no indication of Li enrichment near the luminosity bump. Also, A(Li)
  trends to ~-1.5 dex near the RGB tip. The data also suggest a decrease
  in A(Li) with an increase in $\Delta \Pi \rm _{1}$ for CHeB giants.

Title: The Transition from Diffuse Molecular Gas to Molecular Cloud
    Material in Taurus
Authors: Federman, S. R.; Rice, Johnathan S.; Ritchey, A. M.; Kim,
   Hwihyun; Lacy, John H.; Goldsmith, Paul F.; Flagey, Nicolas; Mace,
   Gregory N.; Lambert, David L.
2021ApJ...914...59F    Altcode: 2021arXiv210612748F
  We study four lines of sight that probe the transition from diffuse
  molecular gas to molecular cloud material in Taurus. Measurements of
  atomic and molecular absorption are used to infer the distribution
  of species and the physical conditions toward stars behind the
  Taurus Molecular Cloud (TMC). New high-resolution spectra at
  visible and near-IR wavelengths of interstellar Ca II, Ca I, K I,
  CH, CH<SUP>+</SUP>, C<SUB>2</SUB>, CN, and CO toward HD 28975 and HD
  29647 are combined with data at visible wavelengths and published CO
  results from ultraviolet measurements for HD 27778 and HD 30122. Gas
  densities and temperatures are inferred from C<SUB>2</SUB>, CN, and CO
  excitation and CN chemistry. Our results for HD 29647 are noteworthy
  because the CO column density is 10<SUP>18</SUP> cm<SUP>-2</SUP> while
  C<SUB>2</SUB> and CO excitation reveals a temperature of 10 K and a
  density of ~1000 cm<SUP>-3</SUP>, more like conditions found in dark
  molecular clouds. Similar results arise from our chemical analysis
  for CN through reactions involving observations of CH, C<SUB>2</SUB>,
  and NH. Enhanced potassium depletion and a reduced CH/H<SUB>2</SUB>
  column density ratio also suggest the presence of a dark cloud. The
  directions toward HD 27778 and HD 30122 probe molecule-rich diffuse
  clouds, which can be considered CO-dark gas, while the sight line toward
  HD 28975 represents an intermediate case. Maps of dust temperature help
  refine the description of the material along the four sight lines and
  provide an estimate of the distance between HD 29647 and a clump in the
  TMC. An appendix provides results for the direction toward HD 26571;
  this star also probes diffuse molecular gas.

Title: Fluorine detection in hot extreme helium stars
Authors: Bhowmick, Anirban; Pandey, Gajendra; Lambert, David L.
2020JApA...41...40B    Altcode:
  The origin and evolution of hydrogen-deficient stars are not yet
  adequately understood. Their chemical peculiarities, along with
  hydrogen-deficiency, makes them stand out from the rest and sheds
  light on their possible origin. Severe fluorine enrichment (of the
  order of 800-8000) is one such characteristic feature of a class of
  hydrogen deficient stars, mainly the RCBs (R Coronae Borealis stars)
  and cool EHes (Extreme Helium stars) which enforces their close
  connection. For hot EHes, this relationship with the cooler EHes,
  based on their fluorine abundance is unexplored. Here, first estimates
  of fluorine abundances in hot EHes are presented and discussed in the
  light of their cooler counterparts to try to establish an evolutionary
  connection. The relation between these fluorine estimates with the
  other elemental abundances observed in these stars plays a pivotal
  role to predict the formation and evolution of these exotic stars.

Title: Galactic chemical evolution and chemical tagging with open
Authors: Reddy, Arumalla B. S.; Giridhar, Sunetra; Lambert, David L.
2020JApA...41...38R    Altcode:
  The article presents the consolidated results drawn from the
  chemical composition studies of Reddy et al. (2012, 2013, 2015,
  2016) and Reddy &amp; Lambert (2019), who through the high-dispersion
  echelle spectra (R =60000 ) of red giant members in a large sample
  of Galactic open clusters (OCs), derived stellar parameters and
  chemical abundances for 24 elements by either line equivalent widths
  or synthetic spectrum analyses. The focus of this article is on the
  issues with radial-metallicity distribution and the potential chemical
  tags offered by OCs. Results of these studies confirm the lack of an
  age-metallicity relation for OCs but argue that such a lack of trend
  for OCs arise from the limited coverage in metallicity compared to that
  of field stars which span a wide range in metallicity and age. Results
  demonstrate that the sample of clusters constituting a steep radial
  metallicity gradient of slope -0.052 ± 0.011 dex kpc-<SUP>1</SUP> at
  Rg<SUB>c</SUB>&lt; 12 kpc are younger than 1.5 Gyr and located close
  to the Galactic midplane (|z |&lt; 0.5 kpc). Whereas the clusters
  describing a shallow slope of -0.015 ± 0.007 dex kpc-<SUP>1</SUP> at
  Rg<SUB>c</SUB>&gt; 12 kpc are relatively old with a striking spread in
  age and height above the midplane (0.5&lt;|z |&lt; 2.5 kpc). Results of
  these studies reveal that OCs and field stars yield consistent radial
  metallicity gradients if the comparison is limited to samples drawn
  from the similar vertical heights. The computation of Galactic orbits
  reveals that the outer disk OCs were actually born inward of 12 kpc
  but the orbital eccentricity has taken them to present locations very
  far from their birthplaces. Published results for OCs show that the
  abundances of the heavy elements La, Ce, Nd and Sm but not so obviously
  Y and Eu vary from one cluster to another across a sample all having
  about the solar metallicity. For La, Ce, Nd and Sm the amplitudes
  of the variations at solar metallicity scale approximately with the
  main s-process contribution to solar system material. Consideration
  of published abundances of field stars suggest that such a spread
  in heavy element abundances is present for the thin and thick disk
  stars of different metallicity. This result provides an opportunity
  to chemically tag stars by their heavy elements and to reconstruct
  dissolved open clusters from the field star population.

Title: Detection of CH<SUP>+</SUP>, CH and H<SUB>2</SUB> Molecules
    in the Young Planetary Nebula IC 4997
Authors: Rao, N. Kameswara; Lambert, David L.; Reddy, Arumalla B. S.;
   García-Hernández, D. A.; Manchado, Arturo; Díaz-Luis, J. J.
2020PASP..132g4201R    Altcode: 2020arXiv200500903K
  We have detected CH<SUP>+</SUP> and CH molecular absorption lines from
  the youngcompact planetary nebula IC 4997 from high resolution optical
  spectra. A high-resolution infra-red (H and K bands) spectrum provides
  detection of H<SUB>2</SUB> emission lines among many other lines. The
  H<SUB>2</SUB> lines provide an excitation temperature of 2100 K which
  may result from UV fluorescence in the envelope or from shocks formed
  at the interface between an expanding outflow of ionized gas and the
  neutral envelope ejected when the star was on the AGB. It is suggested
  that the CH<SUP>+</SUP> may result from the endothermic reaction C +
  H<SUB>2</SUB> → CH<SUP>+</SUP> + H. Intriguingly, CH<SUP>+</SUP>
  and also CH show a higher expansion velocity than H<SUB>2</SUB>
  emission suggesting they may be part of the post-shocked gas. * Based
  on observations obtained with The Nordic Optical Telescope and The
  Harlan J. Smith Telescope.

Title: Abundance analyses of Li-enriched and normal giants in the
    GALAH survey
Authors: Deepak; Lambert, David L.; Reddy, Bacham E.
2020MNRAS.494.1348D    Altcode: 2020arXiv200305381D; 2020MNRAS.494.1348L; 2020MNRAS.tmp..684D
  Compositions of lithium-enriched and normal giants among the GALAH
  survey are compared. Except for Li, the only detectable abundance
  difference between lithium-enriched and normal giants among the
  investigated elements from carbon to europium occurs for carbon. Among
  Li-rich giants with A(Li) = 1.8-3.1, the C deficiency is very similar
  to that reported for the normal giants [with A(Li) &lt; 1.8] where
  the slight C deficiency arises from the first dredge-up. Carbon is
  slightly underabundant relative to normal giants among the super
  Li-rich giants where the Li abundance exceeds A(Li) = 3.2. The C
  abundance as well as the <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C ratios from
  the literature suggests that the addition of Li to create a Li-rich
  giant may occur independently of the abundance changes wrought by
  the first dredge-up. The creation of a super Li-rich giant, however,
  appears to occur with additional CN-cycle conversion of C to N. The
  probability of becoming a Li-rich giant is approximately independent
  of a star's mass, although the majority of the Li-rich giants are
  found to be low mass (M ≤ 2 M<SUB>⊙</SUB>). The frequency of the
  occurrence of Li-enriched giants among normal giants is about 1 per
  cent and slightly dependent on metallicity ([Fe/H]). Li-enriched and
  normal giants are found to have similar projected rotational velocity,
  which suggests that Li enrichment in giants is not linked to scenarios
  such as mergers and tidal interaction between binary stars.

Title: SALT revisits DY Cen: a rapidly evolving strontium-rich single
    helium star
Authors: Jeffery, C. Simon; Rao, N. Kameswara; Lambert, David L.
2020MNRAS.493.3565J    Altcode: 2020arXiv200203931J; 2020MNRAS.tmp..379J
  The hydrogen-deficient star DY Cen has been reported as an R CrB-type
  variable, an extreme helium star (with some hydrogen), and as a
  single-lined spectroscopic binary. It has been associated with a
  dramatic change in visual brightness and colour corresponding to a
  change in effective temperature ( T<SUB>eff</SUB>) of some 20 000 K in
  the last century. To characterize the binary orbit and T<SUB>eff</SUB>
  changes more precisely, new high-resolution spectroscopy has been
  obtained with SALT. The previous orbital period is not confirmed;
  previous measurements may have been confused by the presence of
  pulsations. Including data from earlier epochs (1987, 2002, and 2010),
  self-consistent spectral analyses from all four epochs demonstrate an
  increase in T<SUB>eff</SUB> from 18 800 to 24 400 K between 1987 and
  2015. Line profiles demonstrate that the surface rotation has increased
  by a factor of 2 over the same interval. This is commensurate with
  the change in T<SUB>eff</SUB> and an overall contraction. Rotation
  will exceed critical if contraction continues. The 1987 spectrum
  shows evidence of a very high abundance of the s-process element
  strontium. The very rapid evolution, non-negligible surface hydrogen
  and high surface strontium point to a history involving a very late
  thermal pulse. Observations over the next 30 yr should look for a
  decreasing pulsation period, reactivation of R CrB-type activity as
  the star seeks to shed angular momentum and increasing illumination
  by emission lines from nebular material ejected in the past.

Title: Science Operations Planning for the OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Sample
    Return Mission
Authors: Polit, A. T.; Enos, H. L.; Boynton, W. V.; Lambert, D.;
   Westermann, M. M.; Kidd, J. N.; Garcia, R.; Becker, T.; Balram-Knutson,
   S. S.; Harshman, K.; Lauretta, D. S.
2020LPI....51.2430P    Altcode:
  The OSIRIS-REx Science Planning Team has developed sophisticated
  processes and tools to address the complexities of the mission.

Title: Detection of Fluorine in Hot Extreme Helium Stars
Authors: Bhowmick, Anirban; Pandey, Gajendra; Lambert, David L.
2020ApJ...891...40B    Altcode: 2020arXiv200107472B
  The main objective of this paper is to explore abundances of fluorine
  in hot extreme helium stars (EHes). Overabundance of fluorine is a
  characteristic feature for cool EHes and R Coronae Borealis stars
  and further enforces their close connection. For hot EHes this
  relationship with the cooler EHes, based on their fluorine abundance
  is unexplored. We present in this paper the first abundance estimates
  of fluorine determined from singly ionized fluorine lines (F II)
  for 10 hot EHe stars from optical spectra. Fluorine abundances were
  determined using the F II lines in two windows centered at 3505 Å
  and 3850 Å. Six of the 10 stars show significant enhancement of
  fluorine similar to the cool EHes. Two carbon-poor hot EHes show no
  signature of fluorine and have a significant low upper limit for
  the F abundance. These fluorine abundances are compared with the
  other elemental abundances observed in these stars, which provide an
  idea about the formation and evolution of these stars. The trends of
  fluorine with C, O, and Ne show that significant helium burning after
  a CO-He white dwarf merger can account for a majority of the observed
  abundances. Predictions from simulations of white dwarf mergers are
  discussed in light of the observed abundances.

Title: Unveiling Vela - variability of interstellar lines in the
    direction of the Vela supernova remnant - III. Na D and Ca II K
Authors: Kameswara Rao, N.; Lambert, David L.; Reddy, Arumalla B. S.;
   Gupta, Ranjan; Muneer, S.; Varghese, Baba; Singh, Harinder P.
2020MNRAS.493..497K    Altcode: 2020MNRAS.tmp..267R; 2020arXiv200105790K; 2020MNRAS.493..497R
  High-resolution optical spectra were obtained in 2017-2019 with The
  Southern African Large Telescope of 15 stars in the direction of the
  Vela supernova remnant. Interstellar Ca II H &amp; K and Na I D lines
  are discussed in this paper. In particular, the line profiles are
  compared with profiles at a comparable spectral resolution obtained in
  1993-1996 by Cha and Sembach. Ten of the lines of sight show changes
  to one or more of the components in that line of sight. Changes
  include small changes (1-2 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>) in radial velocity
  and/or increases/decreases in equivalent width over the two decades
  between the periods of observation. Changes are more obvious in the
  Ca K line than in the Na D lines. These changes are attributed to
  gas disturbed by interactions between the supernova ejecta and the
  surrounding interstellar medium. A representative time-scale may be
  20-50 yr. Small-scale variations in line profiles across the face of
  the remnant suggest, as previously remarked, that a linear scale for
  interactions is a small fraction of the 40 pc size of the present

Title: Carbon and Oxygen Isotopic Ratios. II. Semiregular Variable
    M Giants
Authors: Lebzelter, Thomas; Hinkle, Kenneth H.; Straniero, Oscar;
   Lambert, David L.; Pilachowski, Catherine A.; Nault, Kristie A.
2019ApJ...886..117L    Altcode: 2019arXiv191204386L
  Carbon and oxygen isotopic ratios are reported for a sample
  of 51 SRb- and Lb-type variable asymptotic giant branch
  stars. Vibration-rotation first- and second-overtone CO lines in
  1.5-2.5 μm spectra were measured to derive isotopic ratios for
  <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C, <SUP>16</SUP>O/<SUP>17</SUP>O, and
  <SUP>16</SUP>O/<SUP>18</SUP>O. Comparisons with previous measurements
  for individual stars and with various samples of evolved stars, as
  available in the extant literature, are discussed. Using the oxygen
  isotopic ratios, the masses of the SRb stars can be derived. Combining
  the masses with Gaia luminosities, the SRb stars are shown to be
  antecedents of the Mira variables. The limiting parameters where
  plane-parallel, hydrostatic equilibrium model atmospheres can be used
  for abundance analysis of M giants are explored.

Title: The chemical composition of HIP 34407/HIP 34426 and other
    twin-star comoving pairs
Authors: Ramírez, I.; Khanal, S.; Lichon, S. J.; Chanamé, J.; Endl,
   M.; Meléndez, J.; Lambert, D. L.
2019MNRAS.490.2448R    Altcode: 2019MNRAS.tmp.2375R; 2019arXiv190907460R
  We conducted a high-precision elemental abundance analysis of the
  twin-star comoving pair HIP 34407/HIP 34426. With mean error of
  0.013 dex in the differential abundances (Δ[X/H]), a significant
  difference was found: HIP 34407 is more metal rich than HIP 34426. The
  elemental abundance differences correlate strongly with condensation
  temperature, with the lowest for the volatile elements like carbon
  around 0.05 ± 0.02 dex, and the highest up to about 0.22 ± 0.01 dex
  for the most refractory elements like aluminium. Dissimilar chemical
  composition for stars in twin-star comoving pairs is not uncommon,
  thus we compile previously published results like ours and look for
  correlations between abundance differences and stellar parameters,
  finding no significant trends with average effective temperature,
  surface gravity, iron abundance, or their differences. Instead, we
  found a weak correlation between the absolute value of abundance
  difference and the projected distance between the stars in each
  pair that appears to be more important for elements that have a low
  absolute abundance. If confirmed, this correlation could be an important
  observational constraint for binary star system formation scenarios.

Title: Overview of OSIRIS-REx Thermal Observations
Authors: Emery, J. P.; Rozitis, B.; Christensen, P. R.; Hamilton,
   V. E.; Haberle, C.; Simon, A. A.; Reuter, D. C.; Delbo, M.; Lim,
   L. F.; Clark, B. E.; Ryan, A.; Chesley, S. R.; Boynton, W. V.; Polit,
   A.; Westerman, M.; Becker, T.; Garcia, R.; Lambert, D.; Kidd, J.;
   Howell, E. S.; Nolan, M. C.; Enos, H. L.; Lauretta, D. S.
2019LPICo2189.2113E    Altcode:
  We provide an overview of OSIRIS-REx thermal observations along with
  some results.

Title: Fluorine Abundances in the Galactic Disk
Authors: Guerço, Rafael; Cunha, Katia; Smith, Verne V.; Hayes,
   Christian R.; Abia, Carlos; Lambert, David L.; Jönsson, Henrik;
   Ryde, Nils
2019ApJ...885..139G    Altcode: 2019arXiv190908655G
  The chemical evolution of fluorine is investigated in a sample of
  Milky Way red giant stars that span a significant range in metallicity
  from [Fe/H] ∼ -1.3 to 0.0 dex. Fluorine abundances are derived from
  vibration-rotation lines of HF in high-resolution infrared spectra near
  2.335 μm. The red giants are members of the thin and thick disk/halo,
  with two stars being likely members of the outer disk Monoceros
  overdensity. At lower metallicities, with [Fe/H] &lt; -0.4 to -0.5,
  the abundance of F varies as a primary element with respect to the
  Fe abundance, with a constant subsolar value of [F/Fe] ∼ -0.3 to
  -0.4 dex. At larger metallicities, however, [F/Fe] increases rapidly
  with [Fe/H] and displays a near-secondary behavior with respect to
  Fe. Comparisons with various models of chemical evolution suggest that
  in the low-metallicity regime (dominated here by thick-disk stars),
  a primary evolution of <SUP>19</SUP>F with Fe, with a subsolar [F/Fe]
  value that roughly matches the observed plateau, can be reproduced by
  a model incorporating neutrino nucleosynthesis in the aftermath of the
  core collapse in Type II supernovae. A primary behavior for [F/Fe]
  at low metallicity is also observed for a model including rapidly
  rotating low-metallicity massive stars, but this overproduces [F/Fe]
  at low metallicity. The thick-disk red giants in our sample span a
  large range of galactocentric distance (R <SUB> g </SUB> ∼ 6-13.7 kpc)
  yet display a roughly constant value of [F/Fe], indicating a very flat
  gradient (with a slope of 0.02 ± 0.03 dex kpc<SUP>-1</SUP>) of this
  elemental ratio over a significant portion of the Galaxy having | Z|
  &gt; 300 pc away from the Galaxy midplane.

Title: Oxygen abundance and the N/C versus N/O relation for AFG
    supergiants and bright giants
Authors: Lyubimkov, L. S.; Korotin, S. A.; Lambert, D. L.
2019MNRAS.489.1533L    Altcode: 2019arXiv190704634L
  Non-LTE analysis (where LTE is local thermodynamic equilibrium) of
  the oxygen abundances for 51 Galactic A-, F- and G-type supergiants
  and bright giants is performed. In contrast with carbon and nitrogen,
  oxygen does not show any significant systematic anomalies in its
  abundances log ɛ(O). There is no marked difference from the initial
  oxygen abundance, within the errors, for the log ɛ(O) determination
  across the T<SUB>eff</SUB> interval from 4500-8500 K and the \log g
  interval from 1.2-2.9 dex. This result agrees well with theoretical
  predictions for stellar models with rotation. With our new data for
  oxygen and our earlier non-LTE determinations of the N and C abundances
  for stars from the same sample, we constructed the [N/C] versus
  [N/O] relation for 17 stars. This relation is known to be a sensitive
  indicator of stellar evolution. A pronounced correlation between [N/C]
  versus [N/O] is found; the observed [N/C] increase from 0 to 1.6 dex is
  accompanied by a [N/O] increase from 0 to 0.9 dex. When comparing the
  observed [N/C] versus [N/O] relation with the theoretical one, we show
  that this relation reflects a strong dependence of the evolutionary
  changes in CNO abundances on the initial rotation velocities of
  stars. Given that the initial rotational velocities of these stars
  are expected to satisfy V<SUB>0</SUB> &lt; 150 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>,
  it is found that they are mostly post-first-dredge-up (post-FDU)
  objects. It is important that such initial velocities V<SUB>0</SUB>
  are typical for about 80 per cent of the stars in question (i.e. stars
  with masses 4-19 M<SUB>\odot</SUB>). A constancy of the total C+N+O
  abundance during stellar evolution is confirmed. The mean value of
  log ɛ(C+N + O) = 8.97 ± 0.08 found for AFG supergiants and bright
  giants seems to be very close to the initial values of 8.92 (the Sun)
  or 8.94 (unevolved B-type main-sequence stars).

Title: A New Near-IR C<SUB>2</SUB> Linelist for an Improved Chemical
    Analysis of Hydrogen-deficient, Carbon-rich Giants
Authors: García-Hernández, D. A.; Masseron, T.; Zamora, O.; Manchado,
   A.; Rao, N. K.; Reddy, A. B. S.; Lambert, D. L.; Yurchenko, S.;
   Tennyson, J.
2019ASPC..519..147G    Altcode:
  Diatomic carbon (C<SUB>2</SUB>) is ubiquitous in astronomical
  environments, from comets and stars to translucent clouds and
  the interstellar medium. In particular, the C<SUB>2</SUB> bands
  (mainly the Ballik-Ramsay and Phillips transitions) are an important
  source of opacity in the near-IR region of carbon stars such as the
  hydrogen deficient carbon-rich (HdC) or R Coronae Borealis (RCB)
  stars. Present C<SUB>2</SUB> linelists are still not accurate
  enough (e.g., in wavelength positions) to model the near-IR
  spectra of HdC and RCB stars, strongly limiting our ability to
  properly model their complex spectra and to extract the elemental
  (an isotopic, when possible) abundances of key elements like C,
  N, O, F, etc. Very recently, a new near-IR C<SUB>2</SUB> linelist
  (including both Ballik-Ramsay and Phillips systems, among others)
  have been generated by the ExoMol project (Yurchenko et al. 2018; see
  &lt;a href='www.exomol.com'&gt;www.exomol.com&lt;/a&gt;). The synthetic
  spectrum constructed for the benchmark HdC star HD 137613, using this
  new C<SUB>2</SUB> linelist, provides an unprecedented match to its
  high-resolution (R∼50,000) observed spectrum. The new C<SUB>2</SUB>
  linelist is thus expected to significantly improve the near-IR chemical
  analysis for HdC and RCB stars but also for normal carbon stars (e.g.,
  C-rich AGB and dwarf stars) and even Solar System bodies like comets.

Title: The Transition from Diffuse Atomic Gas to Molecular Cloud
    in Taurus
Authors: Federman, Steven; Rice, Johnathan S.; Ritchey, Adam; Kim,
   Hwihyun; Lacy, John H.; Goldsmith, Paul F.; Flagey, Nicolas; Mace,
   Gregory N.; Lambert, David L.
2019isms.confEWA06F    Altcode:
  We study four lines of sight that probe the transition from diffuse
  molecular gas to molecular cloud material in Taurus. Measurements of
  atomic and molecular absorption are used to infer the distribution of
  species and the physical conditions in the direction to stars behind
  the Taurus Molecular Cloud. New high-resolution spectra at visible and
  near infrared wavelengths of interstellar K I, CH, CH<SUP>+</SUP>,
  C<SUB>2</SUB>, CN, and CO toward HD 28975 and HD 29647 are combined
  with published results for HD 27778 and HD 30122. Gas densities and
  temperatures are inferred from analyses of C<SUB>2</SUB>, CN, and CO
  excitation. Our results for HD 29647 are noteworthy in that the CO
  column density is 10<SUP>18</SUP> cm<SUP>-2</SUP>, our analysis of CO
  and C<SUB>2</SUB> excitation reveal a temperature of 10 K and densities
  of about 1000 cm<SUP>-3</SUP>, and the CO excitation and radiation
  temperatures are the same, more like emission-line studies of dark
  molecular clouds. Similar results arise from our chemical analysis
  leading to CN through reactions involving the observed species CH
  and C<SUB>2</SUB>. The other directions are typical of molecule-rich
  diffuse clouds and can be considered CO-dark gas.

Title: Fluorine Abundances in the Globular Cluster M4
Authors: Guerço, Rafael; Cunha, Katia; Smith, Verne V.; Pereira,
   Claudio B.; Abia, Carlos; Lambert, David L.; de Laverny, Patrick;
   Recio-Blanco, Alejandra; Jönsson, Henrik
2019ApJ...876...43G    Altcode: 2019arXiv190310127G
  We present chemical abundances for the elements carbon, sodium, and
  fluorine in 15 red giants of the globular cluster M4, as well as six
  red giants of the globular cluster ω Centauri. The chemical abundances
  were calculated in LTE via spectral synthesis. The spectra analyzed are
  high-resolution spectra obtained in the near-infrared region around 2.3
  μm with the Phoenix spectrograph on the 8.1 m Gemini South Telescope,
  the IGRINS spectrograph on the McDonald Observatory 2.7 m Telescope,
  and the CRIRES spectrograph on the ESO 8.2 m Very Large Telescope. The
  results indicate a significant reduction in the fluorine abundances
  when compared to previous values from the literature for M4 and ω
  Centauri, due to a downward revision in the excitation potentials of
  the HF (1-0) R9 line used in the analysis. The fluorine abundances
  obtained for the M4 red giants are found to be anticorrelated with
  those of Na, following the typical pattern of abundance variations
  seen in globular clusters between distinct stellar populations. In M4,
  as the Na abundance increases by ∼+0.4 dex, the F abundance decreases
  by ∼-0.2 dex. A comparison with abundance predictions from two sets
  of stellar evolution models finds that the models predict somewhat
  less F depletion (∼-0.1 dex) for the same increase of +0.4 dex in Na.

Title: Comprehensive abundance analysis of red giants in the open
    clusters Stock 2, NGC 2168, 6475, 6991, and 7762
Authors: Reddy, Arumalla B. S.; Lambert, David L.
2019MNRAS.485.3623R    Altcode: 2019arXiv190202939R; 2019MNRAS.tmp..460R
  We have analysed high-dispersion Echelle spectra (R = 60 000) of red
  giant members of five open clusters to derive abundances for many
  elements from Na to Eu. The [Fe/H] values are -0.06 ± 0.03 for Stock
  2, -0.11 ± 0.03 for NGC 2168, -0.01 ± 0.03 for NGC 6475, 0.00 ± 0.03
  for NGC 6991, and -0.07 ± 0.03 for NGC 7662. Sodium is enriched in the
  giants relative to the abundance expected of main-sequence stars of the
  same metallicity. This enrichment of [Na/Fe] by about +0.25 attributed
  to the first dredge-up is discussed in the light of theoretical
  predictions and recently published abundance determinations. Abundance
  ratios [El/Fe] for other elements are with very few exceptions equal
  to those of field giants and dwarfs, i.e. [El/Fe] ≃ 0.00 for [Fe/H]
  ∼0.0. An exception is the overabundance of La, Ce, Nd, and Sm in
  NGC 6991 but this is consistent with our previous demonstration that
  the abundances of these s-process products vary by about ±0.2 among
  clusters of the same [Fe/H], a variation found also among field giants
  and dwarfs.

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: Visible obs. of GOT C+ Northern
    sightlines (Rice+, 2018)
Authors: Rice, J. S.; Federman, S. R.; Flagey, N.; Goldsmith, P. F.;
   Langer, W. D.; Pineda, J. L.; Lambert, D. L.
2019yCat..18580111R    Altcode:
  The data at visible wavelengths were taken at the McDonald Observatory
  in 2012 December, 2014 July, and 2017 October with the echelle
  spectrograph. Table 1 lists the stellar data and observational details
  for the seventeen lines of sight. Table 2 gives the results of fitting
  the absorption from the CaII, CaI, KI, CH<SUP>+</SUP>, CH and CN
  species. <P />(2 data files).

Title: Consequences of Refining the Distance to the Supergiant
    HD 169454
Authors: Federman, S. R.; Lambert, David L.
2019RNAAS...3...60F    Altcode: 2019RNAAS...3d..60F
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Chemical compositions of giants in the Hyades and Sirius
Authors: Ramya, P.; Reddy, Bacham E.; Lambert, David L.
2019MNRAS.484..125R    Altcode: 2019arXiv190106050R; 2018MNRAS.tmp.3335R
  An abundance analysis for 20 elements from Na to Eu is reported for 34 K
  giants from the Hyades supercluster and for 22 K giants from the Sirius
  supercluster. Observed giants were identified as highly probable members
  of their respective superclusters by Famaey et al. Three giants each
  from the Hyades and Praesepe open clusters were similarly observed
  and analysed. Each supercluster shows a range in metallicity: -0.20
  ≤ [Fe/H] ≤ +0.25 for the Hyades supercluster and -0.22 ≤ [Fe/H]
  ≤ +0.15 for the Sirius supercluster with the metal-rich tail of the
  metallicity distribution of the Hyades supercluster extending beyond
  that of the Sirius supercluster and spanning the metallicity of the
  Hyades and Praesepe cluster giants. Relative elemental abundances
  [El/Fe] across the supercluster giants are representative of the
  Galactic thin disc as determined from giants in open clusters analysed
  in a similar way to our approach. Judged by metallicity and age, very
  few and likely none of the giants in these superclusters originated
  in an open cluster: the pairings include the Hyades supercluster with
  the Hyades - Praesepe open clusters and the Sirius supercluster with
  the U Ma open cluster. Literature on main-sequence stars attributed to
  the two superclusters and the possible relation to the associated open
  cluster is reviewed. It is suggested that the Hyades supercluster's
  main-sequence population contains few stars from the two associated
  open clusters. As suggested by some previous investigations, the Sirius
  supercluster, when tightly defined kinematically, appears to be well
  populated by stars shed by the U Ma open cluster.

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: Ga, Ge, As, Kr, Cd, Sn and Pb
    column densities (Ritchey+, 2018)
Authors: Ritchey, A. M.; Federman, S. R.; Lambert, D. L.
2018yCat..22360036R    Altcode:
  The primary aim of our extensive search of the HST/Space Telescope
  Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) archive was the identification of sight
  lines showing significant absorption from AsIIλ1263, CdIIλ2145,
  SnIIλ1400, and PbIIλ1433. In addition to searching for absorption
  from As II, Cd II, Sn II, and Pb II, we sought to incorporate available
  data on GaII, GeII, and KrI into our analysis so that the abundances
  of all seven n-capture elements could be analyzed in a consistent
  manner. We also examined the HST/Goddard High-Resolution Spectrograph
  (GHRS) data on GeIIλ1237, along with STIS data for the weaker GeII
  line at 1602.5λ. <P />(6 data files).

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: Abundance analyses of V652 Her
    and HD 144941 (Pandey+, 2017)
Authors: Pandey, G.; Lambert, D. L.
2018yCat..18470127P    Altcode:
  High-resolution optical spectra of V652 Her and HD 144941 were
  obtained on 2011 May 13 at the coude focus of the W.J. McDonald
  Observatory's Harlan J. Smith 2.7m telescope with the Robert
  G. Tull cross-dispersed echelle spectrograph at a resolving power of
  R=60000. Three thirty-minute exposures were recorded for each of these
  stars. <P />(3 data files).

Title: Abundances and Depletions of Neutron-capture Elements in the
    Interstellar Medium
Authors: Ritchey, A. M.; Federman, S. R.; Lambert, D. L.
2018ApJS..236...36R    Altcode: 2018arXiv180301089R
  We present an extensive analysis of the gas-phase abundances and
  depletion behaviors of neutron-capture elements in the interstellar
  medium (ISM). Column densities (or upper limits to the column densities)
  of Ga II, Ge II, As II, Kr I, Cd II, Sn II, and Pb II are determined
  for a sample of 69 sight lines with high- and/or medium-resolution
  archival spectra obtained with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph
  on board the Hubble Space Telescope. An additional 59 sight lines with
  column density measurements reported in the literature are included
  in our analysis. Parameters that characterize the depletion trends
  of the elements are derived according to the methodology developed
  by Jenkins. (In an appendix, we present similar depletion results
  for the light element B.) The depletion patterns exhibited by Ga and
  Ge comport with expectations based on the depletion results obtained
  for many other elements. Arsenic exhibits much less depletion than
  expected, and its abundance in low-depletion sight lines may even
  be supersolar. We confirm a previous finding by Jenkins that the
  depletion of Kr increases as the overall depletion level increases
  from one sight line to another. Cadmium shows no such evidence of
  increasing depletion. We find a significant amount of scatter in the
  gas-phase abundances of Sn and Pb. For Sn, at least, the scatter may
  be evidence of real intrinsic abundance variations due to s-process
  enrichment combined with inefficient mixing in the ISM.

Title: The Connection between Different Tracers of the Diffuse
Interstellar Medium: Kinematics
Authors: Rice, Johnathan S.; Federman, S. R.; Flagey, Nicolas;
   Goldsmith, Paul F.; Langer, William D.; Pineda, Jorge L.; Lambert,
   D. L.
2018ApJ...858..111R    Altcode: 2018arXiv180406908R
  Using visible, radio, microwave, and submillimeter data, we study
  several lines of sight toward stars generally closer than 1 kpc on
  a component-by-component basis. We derive the component structure
  seen in absorption at visible wavelengths from Ca II, Ca I, K I,
  CH, CH<SUP>+</SUP>, and CN and compare it to emission from H I, CO
  and its isotopologues, and C<SUP>+</SUP> from the GOT C+ survey. The
  correspondence between components in emission and absorption helps
  create a more unified picture of diffuse atomic and molecular gas in
  the interstellar medium. We also discuss how these tracers are related
  to the CO-dark H<SUB>2</SUB> gas probed by C<SUP>+</SUP> emission and
  discuss the kinematic connections among the species observed.

Title: A-type Stellar Abundances: A Corollary to Herschel Observations
    of Debris Disks
Authors: Draper, Zachary H.; Matthews, Brenda; Venn, Kim; Lambert,
   David; Kennedy, Grant; Sitnova, Tatyana
2018ApJ...857...93D    Altcode:
  In order to assess the relationship between metallicity and exoplanetary
  systems, we compare the abundances of AF-type main-sequence stars
  with debris disk properties assessed using Herschel observations of
  an unbiased survey of nearby stars. Hot stars are not as commonly
  observed, given their unique constraints in data reduction, lack of
  metal lines, and “astrophysical noise” from rotation speed. Here,
  we address that deficiency using new and archival spectra of 83 AF-type
  stars. We measure the abundances of a few species in addition to Fe in
  order to classify the stars with Ap/Am or Lambda Boo signatures. Lambda
  Boo stars have a chemical signature of solar-abundant volatile species
  and sub-solar refractory abundances that is hypothesized to be altered
  by the pollution of volatiles. Overall, we see no correlation between
  debris disks and metallicity, primarily because the sample size is
  cut significantly when using only reliable fits to the spectroscopic
  data. The abundance measured from the Mg II 4481 blend is a useful
  diagnostic because it can be reliably measured at large v·sin(i)
  and is found to be lower around stars with bright debris disks. We
  find that Lambda Boo stars have brighter debris disks compared to a
  bias-free sample of AF stars. The trend with disk brightness and Mg
  abundances suggests pollution effects can be significant and used as
  a marker for the stability of planetary systems. We explore trends
  with other species, such as with the C/O ratios, but are significantly
  limited by the low number of reliable detections.

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: Abundance ratio for 5 local
    stellar associations (Reddy+, 2015)
Authors: Reddy, A. B. S.; Lambert, D. L.
2018yCat..74541976R    Altcode:
  In this paper, we have performed a homogeneous and a comprehensive
  abundance analysis using high-resolution spectroscopy. High-resolution
  and high signal-to-noise (S/N) spectra of the program stars
  were obtained during the nights of 2015 February 10-11 with the
  Robert G. Tull coude cross-dispersed echelle spectrograph (Tull et
  al. 1995PASP..107..251T) of the 2.7 m Harlan J. Smith reflector at the
  McDonald Observatory. We employed a Tektronix 2048x2048 24 μm pixel,
  backside illuminated and anti-reflection coated CCD as a detector and
  an R2 echelle grating with 52.67 grooves/mm with exposures centred at
  5060 Å. <P />(7 data files).

Title: Iota Horologii Is Unlikely to Be an Evaporated Hyades Star
Authors: Ramírez, I.; Yong, D.; Gutiérrez, E.; Endl, M.; Lambert,
   D. L.; Do Nascimento, J. -D., Jr.
2017ApJ...850...80R    Altcode: 2017arXiv171005930R
  We present a high-precision chemical analysis of ι Hor (iota
  Horologii), a planet-host field star thought to have formed in
  the Hyades. Elements with atomic number 6≤slant Z≤slant 30
  have abundances that are in excellent agreement with those of the
  cluster within the ±0.01 dex (or ≃ 2 % ) precision errors. Heavier
  elements show a range of abundances such that about half of the Z&gt;
  30 species analyzed are consistent with those of the Hyades, while
  the other half are marginally enhanced by 0.03 ± 0.01 dex (≃ 7+/-
  2 % ). The lithium abundance, A(Li), is very low compared to the
  well-defined A(Li)-{T}<SUB>{eff</SUB>} relation of the cluster. For
  its {T}<SUB>{eff</SUB>}, ι Hor’s lithium content is about half
  the Hyades’. Attributing the enhanced lithium depletion to the
  planet would require a peculiar rotation rate, which we are unable to
  confirm. Our analysis of ι Hor’s chromospheric activity suggests
  {P}<SUB>{rot</SUB>}=5 days, which is significantly shorter than
  previously reported. Models of Galactic orbits place ι Hor hundreds
  of parsecs away from the cluster at formation. Thus, we find the claim
  of a shared birthplace very difficult to justify.

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: Line list for red giants in open
    clusters (Reddy+, 2015)
Authors: Reddy, A. B. S.; Giridhar, S.; Lambert, D. L.
2017yCat..74504301R    Altcode:
  Observations were carried out during observing runs in 2011 May and
  November, 2012 November and 2013 March using the Robert G. Tull echelle
  spectrograph (Tull et al. 1995PASP..107..251T) at the coude focus of the
  2.7m Harlan J. Smith telescope located at the McDonald Observatory. On
  all occasions we employed a 2048x2048 24μm pixel, backside-illuminated,
  anti-reflection coated CCD as a detector and the 52.67 grooves/mm
  echelle grating with exposures centred at 5060Å. <P />(2 data files).

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: Hercules stream K giants analysis
    (Ramya+, 2016)
Authors: Ramya, P.; Reddy, B. E.; Lambert, D. L.; Musthafa, M. M.
2017yCat..74601356R    Altcode:
  Our sample of giants was chosen from Famaey et al. (2005,
  Cat. J/A+A/430/165). <P />Spectra of 58 giants in the Hercules stream
  were obtained using the Robert G. Tull coude spectrograph at the
  Harlan J. Smith Telescope. Observed spectra cover the wavelength range
  3800-10000Å. However, beyond ~5800Å, coverage is incomplete because
  of gaps between the recorded portions of the spectral orders, which
  progressively increase towards redder wavelengths. <P />(9 data files).

Title: Non-local Thermodynamic Equilibrium Abundance Analyses of
    the Extreme Helium Stars V652 Her and HD 144941
Authors: Pandey, Gajendra; Lambert, David L.
2017ApJ...847..127P    Altcode: 2017arXiv170807945P
  Optical high-resolution spectra of V652 Her and HD 144941, the two
  extreme helium stars with exceptionally low C/He ratios, have been
  subjected to a non-LTE abundance analysis using the tools TLUSTY
  and SYNSPEC. Defining atmospheric parameters were obtained from a
  grid of non-LTE atmospheres and a variety of spectroscopic indicators
  including He I and He II line profiles, and the ionization equilibrium
  of ion pairs such as C II/C III and N II/N III. The various indicators
  provide a consistent set of atmospheric parameters: T <SUB>eff</SUB>
  = 25,000 ± 300 K, log g = 3.10 ± 0.12(cgs), and ξ = 13 ± 2 km
  s<SUP>-1</SUP> are provided for V652 Her, and T <SUB>eff</SUB> = 22,000
  ± 600 K, log g = 3.45 ± 0.15 (cgs), and ξ = 10 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>
  are provided for HD 144941. In contrast to the non-LTE analyses, the
  LTE analyses—LTE atmospheres and an LTE line analysis—with the
  available indicators do not provide a consistent set of atmospheric
  parameters. The principal non-LTE effect on the elemental abundances is
  on the neon abundance. It is generally considered that these extreme
  helium stars with their very low C/He ratio result from the merger of
  two helium white dwarfs. Indeed, the derived composition of V652 Her
  is in excellent agreement with predictions by Zhang &amp; Jeffery, who
  model the slow merger of helium white dwarfs; a slow merger results
  in the merged star having the composition of the accreted white
  dwarf. In the case of HD 144941, which appears to have evolved from
  metal-poor stars, a slow merger is incompatible with the observed
  composition but variations of the merger rate may account for the
  observed composition. More detailed theoretical studies of the merger
  of a pair of helium white dwarfs are to be encouraged.

Title: Abundance Analyses of the New R Coronae Borealis Stars:
    ASAS-RCB-8 and ASAS-RCB-10
Authors: Hema, B. P.; Pandey, Gajendra; Kamath, Devika; Kameswara Rao,
   N.; Lambert, David; Woolf, Vincent M.
2017PASP..129j4202H    Altcode: 2017arXiv170701268H
  Abundance analyses of the two newly discovered R Coronae Borealis (RCB)
  stars ASAS-RCB-8 and ASAS-RCB-10 were conducted using high-resolution
  optical spectra and model atmospheres. Their chemical compositions place
  the pair among the majority class of RCBs. ASAS-RCB-10 is one of the
  most N-poor majority RCBs with an above average O abundance. Relative
  to ASAS-RCB-10, ASAS-RCB-8 is H poor by 1.6 dex, O-poor by 0.7 dex
  but N-rich by 0.8 dex suggesting a higher contamination by CNO-cycled

Title: Solar Twins and the Barium Puzzle
Authors: Reddy, Arumalla B. S.; Lambert, David L.
2017ApJ...845..151R    Altcode: 2017arXiv170707051R
  Several abundance analyses of Galactic open clusters (OCs) have
  shown a tendency for Ba but not for other heavy elements (La-Sm)
  to increase sharply with decreasing age such that Ba was claimed to
  reach [Ba/Fe] ≃ +0.6 in the youngest clusters (ages &lt; 100 Myr)
  rising from [Ba/Fe] = 0.00 dex in solar-age clusters. Within the
  formulation of the s-process, the difficulty to replicate higher Ba
  abundance and normal La-Sm abundances in young clusters is known as the
  barium puzzle. Here, we investigate the barium puzzle using extremely
  high-resolution and high signal-to-noise spectra of 24 solar twins and
  measured the heavy elements Ba, La, Ce, Nd, and Sm with a precision
  of 0.03 dex. We demonstrate that the enhanced Ba II relative to La-Sm
  seen among solar twins, stellar associations, and OCs at young ages
  (&lt;100 Myr) is unrelated to aspects of stellar nucleosynthesis but
  has resulted from overestimation of Ba by standard methods of LTE
  abundance analysis in which the microturbulence derived from the Fe
  lines formed deep in the photosphere is insufficient to represent the
  true line broadening imposed on Ba II lines by the upper photospheric
  layers from where the Ba II lines emerge. Because the young stars have
  relatively active photospheres, Ba overabundances most likely result
  from the adoption of a too low value of microturbulence in the spectrum
  synthesis of the strong Ba II lines but the change of microturbulence
  in the upper photosphere has only a minor affect on La-Sm abundances
  measured from the weak lines.

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: Elemental abundances of solar
    sibling candidates (Ramirez+, 2014)
Authors: Ramirez, I.; Bajkova, A. T.; Bobylev, V. V.; Roederer, I. U.;
   Lambert, D. L.; Endl, M.; Cochran, W. D.; MacQueen, P. J.; Wittenmyer,
   R. A.
2017yCat..17870154R    Altcode:
  We used the Tull coude spectrograph on the 2.7 m Harlan J. Smith
  Telescope at McDonald Observatory (Tull et al. 1995PASP..107..251T) to
  observe most of our targets (23). All but three of them were observed
  in 2012 December; the others were observed in 2013 March. The rest
  of our targets (seven) have too-low declinations to be observed from
  McDonald Observatory. Instead, they were observed using the Magellan
  Inamori Kyocera Echelle (MIKE) spectrograph on the 6.5 m Telescope at
  Las Campanas Observatory (Bernstein et al. 2003SPIE.4841.1694B) in 2013
  April. Slit sizes were chosen so that the spectral resolution of the
  data is about 60000 in the visible part of the spectrum. We targeted
  a S/N per pixel of at least 200 at 6000 Å. Only one of our targets
  (HD 46100) has a significantly lower S/N spectrum. <P />(2 data files).

Title: The Origin of B-type Runaway Stars: Non-LTE Abundances as
    a Diagnostic
Authors: McEvoy, Catherine M.; Dufton, Philip L.; Smoker, Jonathan
   V.; Lambert, David L.; Keenan, Francis P.; Schneider, Fabian R. N.;
   de Wit, Willem-Jan
2017ApJ...842...32M    Altcode: 2017arXiv170803527M
  There are two accepted mechanisms to explain the origin of runaway
  OB-type stars: the binary supernova (SN) scenario and the cluster
  ejection scenario. In the former, an SN explosion within a close
  binary ejects the secondary star, while in the latter close multibody
  interactions in a dense cluster cause one or more of the stars to be
  ejected from the region at high velocity. Both mechanisms have the
  potential to affect the surface composition of the runaway star. tlusty
  non-LTE model atmosphere calculations have been used to determine
  the atmospheric parameters and the C, N, Mg, and Si abundances for a
  sample of B-type runaways. These same analytical tools were used by
  Hunter et al. for their analysis of 50 B-type open-cluster Galactic
  stars (I.e., nonrunaways). Effective temperatures were deduced using
  the Si-ionization balance technique, surface gravities from Balmer
  line profiles, and microturbulent velocities derived using the
  Si spectrum. The runaways show no obvious abundance anomalies when
  compared with stars in the open clusters. The runaways do show a spread
  in composition that almost certainly reflects the Galactic abundance
  gradient and a range in the birthplaces of the runaways in the Galactic
  disk. Since the observed Galactic abundance gradients of C, N, Mg,
  and Si are of a similar magnitude, the abundance ratios (e.g., N/Mg)
  are as obtained essentially uniform across the sample.

Title: Multi-wavelength Study of Diffuse Atomic and Molecular Gas
Authors: Federman, Steven Robert; Rice, Johnathan; Flagey, Nicolas;
   Ritchey, Adam M.; Welty, Daniel E.; Goldsmith, Paul; Langer, William;
   Pineda, Jorge L.; Lambert, David L.; Lemaire, Jean-Louis
2017AAS...23021506F    Altcode:
  Diffuse atomic and molecular gas is revealed through a combination
  of absorption lines against background targets and emission. We
  describe a project that combines results on ultraviolet (UV) and
  visible absorption with those obtained from the Herschel key program
  GOTC+ (Galactic Observations of Terahertz C<SUP>+</SUP>) to develop
  a comprehensive picture of neutral diffuse gas in the Galaxy. [C
  II], H I, and CO emission acquired for the GOTC+ survey reveal
  the presence of warm neutral atomic gas, cold neutral atomic gas,
  CO-dark H<SUB>2</SUB> gas (molecular gas not seen in CO emission),
  and denser molecular gas in different kinematic components. We derive
  the component structure (number of clouds and their column densities)
  seen in absorption at visible wavelengths from Ca II, Ca I, K I, CH,
  CH<SUP>+</SUP>, and CN and compare that to the emission from [C II],
  H I, and CO and its isotopologues. Absorption lines from additional
  atoms (including C I, O I, and Ni II) and molecules (CO) from UV
  spectra obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope are used to expand the
  kinematic correspondences. Preliminary results on physical conditions
  (gas temperature and density) inferred from analyses of CN chemistry
  and excitation of neutral and singly-ionized carbon, neutral oxygen,
  and CO are also presented.

Title: Unveiling Vela: time variability of interstellar lines in
    the direction of the Vela supernova remnant - II. Na D and Ca II
Authors: Kameswara Rao, N.; Lambert, David L.; Reddy, Arumalla B. S.;
   Gupta, Ranjan; Muneer, S.; Singh, Harinder P.
2017MNRAS.467.1186K    Altcode: 2017MNRAS.467.1186R; 2017arXiv170104349K; 2017MNRAS.tmp..142K
  In a survey conducted between 2011 and 2012 of interstellar Na I D
  line profiles in the direction of the Vela supernova remnant (SNR), a
  few lines of sight showed dramatic changes in low-velocity absorption
  components with respect to profiles from 1993 to 1994 reported by
  Cha &amp; Sembach. Three stars - HD 63578, HD 68217 and HD 76161 -
  showed large decrease in strength over the 1993-2012 interval. HD
  68217 and HD 76161 are associated with the Vela SNR whereas HD 63578 is
  associated with γ<SUP>2</SUP> Velorum wind bubble. Here, we present
  high spectral resolution observations of Ca II K lines obtained with
  the Southern African Large Telescope towards these three stars along
  with simultaneous observations of Na I D lines. These new spectra
  confirm that the Na D interstellar absorption weakened drastically
  between 1993-1994 and 2011-2012 but show for the first time that the
  Ca II K line is unchanged between 1993-1994 and 2015. This remarkable
  contrast between the behaviour of Na D and Ca II K absorption lines
  is a puzzle concerning gas presumably affected by the outflow from
  the SNR and the wind from γ<SUP>2</SUP> Velorum.

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: C and O abundances across the
    Hertzsprung gap (Adamczak+, 2014)
Authors: Adamczak, J.; Lambert, D. L.
2017yCat..17910058A    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Parsec-scale Variations in the <SUP>7</SUP>Li I/<SUP>6</SUP>Li
    I Isotope Ratio Toward IC 348 and the Perseus OB 2 Association
Authors: Knauth, D. C.; Taylor, C. J.; Ritchey, A. M.; Federman,
   S. R.; Lambert, D. L.
2017ApJ...835L..16K    Altcode: 2017arXiv170400357K
  Measurements of the lithium isotopic ratio in the diffuse interstellar
  medium from high-resolution spectra of the Li I λ6708 resonance doublet
  have now been reported for a number of lines of sight. The majority
  of the results for the <SUP>7</SUP>Li/<SUP>6</SUP>Li ratio are similar
  to the solar system ratio of 12.2, but the line of sight toward o Per,
  a star near the star-forming region IC 348, gave a ratio of about two,
  the expected value for gas exposed to spallation and fusion reactions
  driven by cosmic rays. To examine the association of IC 348 with cosmic
  rays more closely, we measured the lithium isotopic ratio for lines
  of sight to three stars within a few parsecs of o Per. One star, HD
  281159, has <SUP>7</SUP>Li/<SUP>6</SUP>Li ≃ 2 confirming production
  by cosmic rays. The lithium isotopic ratio toward o Per and HD 281159
  together with published analyses of the chemistry of interstellar
  diatomic molecules suggest that the superbubble surrounding IC 348 is
  the source of the cosmic rays. <P />Based on observations obtained
  with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope, which is a joint project of the
  University of Texas at Austin, the Pennsylvania State University,
  Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, and Georg-August-Universität

Title: The evolution of the Milky Way: new insights from open clusters
Authors: Reddy, Arumalla B. S.; Lambert, David L.; Giridhar, Sunetra
2016MNRAS.463.4366R    Altcode: 2016MNRAS.tmp.1394R; 2016arXiv160902619R
  We have collected high-dispersion echelle spectra of red giant members
  in the 12 open clusters (OCs) and derived stellar parameters and
  chemical abundances for 26 species by either line equivalent widths or
  synthetic spectrum analyses. We confirm the lack of an age-metallicity
  relation for OCs but argue that such a lack of trend for OCs arise
  from the limited coverage in metallicity compared to that of field
  stars which span a wide range in metallicity and age. We confirm
  that the radial metallicity gradient of OCs is steeper (flatter)
  for R<SUB>gc</SUB> &lt; 12 kpc (&gt;12 kpc). We demonstrate that the
  sample of clusters constituting a steep radial metallicity gradient
  of slope -0.052 ± 0.011 dex kpc<SUP>-1</SUP> at R<SUB>gc</SUB> &lt;
  12 kpc are younger than 1.5 Gyr and located close to the Galactic
  mid-plane (| z| &lt; 0.5 kpc) with kinematics typical of the thin
  disc. Whereas the clusters describing a shallow slope of -0.015 ± 0.007
  dex kpc<SUP>-1</SUP> at R<SUB>gc</SUB> &gt; 12 kpc are relatively old,
  thick disc members with a striking spread in age and height above the
  mid-plane (0.5 &lt; | z| &lt; 2.5 kpc). Our investigation reveals that
  the OCs and field stars yield consistent radial metallicity gradients if
  the comparison is limited to samples drawn from the similar vertical
  heights. We argue via the computation of Galactic orbits that all
  the outer disc clusters were actually born inwards of 12 kpc but the
  orbital eccentricity has taken them to present locations very far from
  their birthplaces.

Title: Prospecting for Chemical Tags among Open Clusters
Authors: Lambert, David L.; Reddy, Arumalla B. S.
2016ApJ...831..202L    Altcode: 2016arXiv160808594L
  Determination of the chemical composition of red giants in a large
  sample of open clusters (OCs) shows that the abundances of the heavy
  elements La, Ce, Nd, and Sm, but not so obviously Y and Eu, vary
  from one cluster to another across a sample in which all the clusters
  have nearly solar metallicity. For La, Ce, Nd, and Sm the amplitudes
  of the variations at solar metallicity scale approximately with the
  main s-process contribution to solar system material. Consideration
  of published abundances of field stars suggests that such a spread in
  heavy-element abundances is present for the thin and thick disk stars
  of different metallicities. This new result provides an opportunity
  to chemically tag stars by their heavy elements and to reconstruct
  dissolved OCs from the field-star population.

Title: HD 179821 (V1427 Aql, IRAS 19114+0002) - a massive post-red
    supergiant star?
Authors: Şahin, T.; Lambert, David L.; Klochkova, Valentina G.;
   Panchuk, Vladimir E.
2016MNRAS.461.4071S    Altcode: 2016arXiv160700142S
  We have derived elemental abundances of a remarkable star, HD
  179821, with unusual composition (e.g. [Na/Fe] = 1.0 ± 0.2 dex) and
  extra-ordinary spectral characteristics. Its metallicity at [Fe/H]
  = 0.4 dex places it among the most metal-rich stars yet analysed. The
  abundance analysis of this luminous star is based on high-resolution and
  high-quality (S/N ≈ 120-420) optical echelle spectra from McDonald
  Observatory and Special Astronomy Observatory. The data includes five
  years of observations over 21 epochs. Standard 1D local thermodynamic
  equilibrium analysis provides a fresh determination of the atmospheric
  parameters over all epochs: &lt;italic&gt;T<SUB>eff</SUB>&lt;/italic&gt;
  = 7350 ± 200 K, log g= +0.6 ± 0.3, and a microturbulent velocity ξ
  = 6.6 ± 1.6 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> and [Fe/H] = 0.4 ± 0.2, and a carbon
  abundance [C/Fe] = -0.19 ± 0.30. We find oxygen abundance [O/Fe]
  = -0.25 ± 0.28 and an enhancement of 0.9 dex in N. A supersonic
  macroturbulent velocity of 22.0 ± 2.0 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> is determined
  from both strong and weak Fe I and Fe II lines. Elemental abundances
  are obtained for 22 elements. HD 179821 is not enriched in s-process
  products. Eu is overabundant relative to the anticipated [X/Fe] ≈
  0.0. Some peculiarities of its optical spectrum (e.g. variability in
  the spectral line shapes) is noticed. This includes the line profile
  variations for H α line. Based on its estimated luminosity, effective
  temperature and surface gravity, HD 179821 is a massive star evolving
  to become a red supergiant and finally a Type II supernova.

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: Kepler-10 chemical composition
    (Liu+, 2016)
Authors: Liu, F.; Yong, D.; Asplund, M.; Ramirez, I.; Melendez,
   J.; Gustafsson, B.; Howes, L. M.; Roederer, I. U.; Lambert, D. L.;
   Bensby, T.
2016yCat..74562636L    Altcode:
  We obtained high resolution and high SNR spectra with the
  Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT), the Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET)
  and the Magellan Clay Telescope. <P />We observed Kepler-10 with the
  Echelle SpectroPolarimetric Device for the Observation of Stars at
  the CFHT during 2013 June. The spectral revolving power is 68000 and
  the spectral range is 3800-8900Å. <P />We also observed Kepler-10
  with the High Resolution Spectrograph (HRS) on the HET at McDonald
  Observatory during 2011 May. A total integration time of 6.8h was
  needed to achieve SNR&gt;350 per pixel. The spectrum has a spectral
  resolving power of 60000 and covers 4100-7800Å, with a gap of about
  100Å around 6000Å. <P />(4 data files).

Title: Follow-up observations of extremely metal-poor stars identified
    from SDSS
Authors: Aguado, D. S.; Allende Prieto, C.; González Hernández,
   J. I.; Carrera, R.; Rebolo, R.; Shetrone, M.; Lambert, D. L.;
   Fernández-Alvar, E.
2016A&A...593A..10A    Altcode: 2016arXiv160600604A
  Context. The most metal-poor stars in the Milky Way witnessed the
  early phases of formation of the Galaxy, and have chemical compositions
  that are close to the pristine mixture from Big Bang nucleosynthesis,
  polluted by one or few supernovae. <BR /> Aims: Only two dozen stars
  with ([Fe/H] &lt; -4) are known, and they show a wide range of abundance
  patterns. It is therefore important to enlarge this sample. We present
  the first results of an effort to identify new extremely metal-poor
  stars in the Milky Way halo. <BR /> Methods: Our targets have been
  selected from low-resolution spectra obtained as part of the Sloan
  Digital Sky Survey, and followed-up with medium resolution spectroscopy
  on the 4.2 m William Herschel Telescope and, in a few cases, at high
  resolution on the 9.2 m Hobby-Eberly Telescope. Stellar parameters
  and the abundances of magnesium, calcium, iron, and strontium have
  been inferred from the spectra using classical model atmospheres. We
  have also derived carbon abundances from the G band. <BR /> Results:
  We find consistency between the metallicities estimated from SDSS
  and those from new data at the level of 0.3 dex. The analysis of
  medium resolution data obtained with ISIS on the WHT allows us to
  refine the metallicities and in some cases measure other elemental
  abundances. Our sample contains 11 new metal-poor stars with [Fe/H] &lt;
  -3.0, one of them with an estimated metallicity of [Fe/H] ~ -4.0. We
  also discuss metallicity discrepancies of some stars in common with
  previous works in the literature. Only one of these stars is found
  to be C-enhanced at about [C/Fe] ~ + 1, whereas the other metal-poor
  stars show C abundances at the level of [C/Fe] ~ + 0.45. <P />Based
  on observations obtained with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope, which is a
  joint project of the University of Texas at Austin, the Pennsylvania
  State University, Stanford University, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität
  München, and Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.The reduced spectra
  as FITS files are only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to <A
  (<A href=""></A>) or via <A

Title: Chemical compositions and kinematics of the Hercules stream
Authors: Ramya, P.; Reddy, Bacham E.; Lambert, David L.; Musthafa,
   M. M.
2016MNRAS.460.1356R    Altcode: 2016MNRAS.tmp..646R; 2016arXiv160404821R
  An abundance analysis is reported of 58-K giants identified by Famaey
  et al. (2005, A&amp;A, 430, 165) as highly probable members of the
  Hercules stream selected from stars north of the celestial equator in
  the Hipparcos catalogue. The giants have compositions spanning the
  interval [Fe/H] from -0.17 to +0.42 with a mean value of +0.15 and
  relative elemental abundances [El/Fe] representative of the Galactic
  thin disc. Selection effects may have biased the selection from the
  Hipparcos catalogue against the selection of metal-poor stars. Our
  reconsideration of the recent extensive survey by Bensby et al. of FG
  dwarfs, including metal-poor stars, provides a [Fe/H] distribution for
  the Hercules stream, which is similar to that from the 58 giants. It
  appears that the stream is dominated by metal-rich stars from the
  thin disc. We discuss suggestions in the literature that the stream
  includes metal-poor stars from the thick disc.

Title: HD 16771: A lithium-rich giant in the red-clump stage
Authors: Reddy, Arumalla B. S.; Lambert, David L.
2016A&A...589A..57R    Altcode: 2016arXiv160305309R
  <BR /> Aims: We report the discovery of a young lithium rich giant,
  HD 16771, in the core-helium burning phase that does not seem to
  fit existing proposals of Li synthesis near the luminosity function
  bump or during He-core flash. We aim to understand the nature of
  Li enrichment in the atmosphere of HD 16771 by exploring various Li
  enhancement scenarios. <BR /> Methods: We have collected high-resolution
  echelle spectra of HD 16771 and derived stellar parameters and chemical
  abundances for 27 elements by either line equivalent widths or synthetic
  spectrum analyses. <BR /> Results: HD 16771 is a Li-rich (log ɛ(Li)
  = + 2.67 ± 0.10 dex) intermediate mass giant star (M = 2.4 ± 0.1
  M<SUB>⊙</SUB>) with age ~ 0.76 ± 0.13 Gyr and located at the red
  giant clump. Kinematics and chemical compositions are consistent with
  HD 16771 being a member of the Galactic thin disk population. The
  non-detection of <SUP>6</SUP>Li (&lt;3%), a low carbon isotopic ratio
  (<SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C = 12 ± 2), and the slow rotation (vsin
  I = 2.8 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>) all suggest that lithium might have been
  synthesized in this star. On the contrary, HD 16771 with a mass of
  2.4 M<SUB>⊙</SUB> has no chance of encountering luminosity function
  bump and He-core flash where the possibility of fast deep-mixing
  for Li enrichment in K giants has been suggested previously. <BR />
  Conclusions: Based of the evolutionary status of this star, we discuss
  the possibility that <SUP>7</SUP>Li synthesis in HD 16771 is triggered
  by the engulfment of close-in planet(s) during the RGB phase.

Title: The detailed chemical composition of the terrestrial planet
    host Kepler-10
Authors: Liu, F.; Yong, D.; Asplund, M.; Ramírez, I.; Meléndez,
   J.; Gustafsson, B.; Howes, L. M.; Roederer, I. U.; Lambert, D. L.;
   Bensby, T.
2016MNRAS.456.2636L    Altcode: 2015arXiv151109287L
  Chemical abundance studies of the Sun and solar twins have demonstrated
  that the solar composition of refractory elements is depleted when
  compared to volatile elements, which could be due to the formation
  of terrestrial planets. In order to further examine this scenario, we
  conducted a line-by-line differential chemical abundance analysis of the
  terrestrial planet host Kepler-10 and 14 of its stellar twins. Stellar
  parameters and elemental abundances of Kepler-10 and its stellar twins
  were obtained with very high precision using a strictly differential
  analysis of high quality Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, Hobby-Eberly
  Telescope and Magellan spectra. When compared to the majority of
  thick disc twins, Kepler-10 shows a depletion in the refractory
  elements relative to the volatile elements, which could be due to
  the formation of terrestrial planets in the Kepler-10 system. The
  average abundance pattern corresponds to ∼13 Earth masses, while
  the two known planets in Kepler-10 system have a combined ∼20 Earth
  masses. For two of the eight thick disc twins, however, no depletion
  patterns are found. Although our results demonstrate that several
  factors [e.g. planet signature, stellar age, stellar birth location and
  Galactic chemical evolution (GCE)] could lead to or affect abundance
  trends with condensation temperature, we find that the trends give
  further support for the planetary signature hypothesis.

Title: Unveiling Vela - time variability of Na I D lines in the
    direction of the Vela supernova remnant
Authors: Rao, N. Kameswara; Muneer, S.; Lambert, David L.; Varghese,
   B. A.
2016MNRAS.455.2529R    Altcode: 2015arXiv151006494K
  High-resolution spectral profiles of Na I D lines from the interstellar
  medium towards 64 stars in the direction of the Vela supernova
  remnant are presented. This survey conducted mostly between 2011
  and 12 complements an earlier survey of the same stars by Cha &amp;
  Sembach done in the 1993-96 period. The interval of 15-18 yr provides a
  base line to search for changes in the interstellar profiles. Dramatic
  disappearance of strong absorption components at low radial velocity is
  seen towards three stars - HD 63578, HD 68217, HD 76161 - over 15-18 yr;
  HD 68217 and HD 76161 are associated with the Vela SNR but HD 63578 is
  likely associated with the wind bubble of γ<SUP>2</SUP> Velorum. The
  vanishing of these cold neutral clouds in the short time of 15-18 yr
  needs some explanation. Other changes are seen in high-velocity Na
  D components.

Title: Local associations and the barium puzzle
Authors: Reddy, Arumalla B. S.; Lambert, David L.
2015MNRAS.454.1976R    Altcode: 2015arXiv150802815R
  We have observed high-dispersion echelle spectra of main-sequence stars
  in five nearby young associations - Argus, Carina-Near, Hercules-Lyra,
  Orion and Subgroup B4 - and derived abundances for elements ranging
  from Na to Eu. These are the first chemical abundance measurements for
  two of the five associations, while the remaining three associations
  are analysed more extensively in our study. Our results support the
  presence of chemical homogeneity among association members with a
  typical star-to-star abundance scatter of about 0.06 dex or less over
  many elements. The five associations show log ɛ(Li) consistent with
  their age and share a solar chemical composition for all elements with
  the exception of Ba. We find that all the heavy elements (Y, Zr, La,
  Ce, Nd, Sm and Eu) exhibit solar ratios, i.e. [X/Fe] ≃ 0, while Ba
  is overabundant by about 0.2-0.3 dex. The origin of the overabundance
  of Ba is a puzzle. Within the formulation of the s-process, it is
  difficult to create a higher Ba abundance without a similar increase in
  the s-process contributions to other heavy elements (La-Sm). Given that
  Ba is represented by strong lines of Ba II and La-Sm are represented by
  rather weak ionized lines, the suggestion, as previously made by other
  studies, is that the Ba abundance may be systematically overestimated
  by standard methods of abundance analysis perhaps because the upper
  reaches of the stellar atmospheres are poorly represented by standard
  model atmospheres. A novel attempt to analyse the Ba I line at 5535
  Å gives a solar Ba abundance for stars with effective temperatures
  hotter than about 5800 K but increasingly subsolar Ba abundances for
  cooler stars with apparent Ba deficiencies of 0.5 dex at 5100 K. This
  trend with temperature may signal a serious non-local thermodynamical
  equilibrium effect on the Ba I line.

Title: Early-type stars observed in the ESO UVES Paranal Observatory
    Project - V. Time-variable interstellar absorption
Authors: McEvoy, Catherine M.; Smoker, Jonathan V.; Dufton, Philip L.;
   Smith, Keith T.; Kennedy, Michael B.; Keenan, Francis P.; Lambert,
   David L.; Welty, Daniel E.; Lauroesch, James T.
2015MNRAS.451.1396M    Altcode: 2015arXiv150601348M
  The structure and properties of the diffuse interstellar medium (ISM)
  on small scales, sub-au to 1 pc, are poorly understood. We compare
  interstellar absorption lines, observed towards a selection of O-
  and B-type stars at two or more epochs, to search for variations over
  time caused by the transverse motion of each star combined with changes
  in the structure in the foreground ISM. Two sets of data were used: 83
  VLT/UVES spectra with approximately 6 yr between epochs and 21 McDonald
  observatory 2.7-m telescope echelle spectra with 6-20 yr between
  epochs, over a range of scales from ∼0-360 au. The interstellar
  absorption lines observed at the two epochs were subtracted and searched
  for any residuals due to changes in the foreground ISM. Of the 104
  sightlines investigated with typically five or more components in Na
  I D, possible temporal variation was identified in five UVES spectra
  (six components), in Ca II, Ca I and/or Na I absorption lines. The
  variations detected range from 7 per cent to a factor of 3.6 in column
  density. No variation was found in any other interstellar species. Most
  sightlines show no variation, with 3σ upper limits to changes of the
  order 0.1-0.3 dex in Ca II and Na I. These variations observed imply
  that fine-scale structure is present in the ISM, but at the resolution
  available in this study, is not very common at visible wavelengths. A
  determination of the electron densities and lower limits to the total
  number density of a sample of the sightlines implies that there is
  no striking difference between these parameters in sightlines with,
  and sightlines without, varying components.

Title: The Dissimilar Chemical Composition of the Planet-hosting
    Stars of the XO-2 Binary System
Authors: Ramírez, I.; Khanal, S.; Aleo, P.; Sobotka, A.; Liu, F.;
   Casagrande, L.; Meléndez, J.; Yong, D.; Lambert, D. L.; Asplund, M.
2015ApJ...808...13R    Altcode: 2015arXiv150601025R
  Using high-quality spectra of the twin stars in the XO-2 binary system,
  we have detected significant differences in the chemical composition
  of their photospheres. The differences correlate strongly with the
  elements’ dust condensation temperature. In XO-2N, volatiles are
  enhanced by about 0.015 dex and refractories are overabundant by
  up to 0.090 dex. On average, our error bar in relative abundance is
  0.012 dex. We present an early metal-depletion scenario in which the
  formation of the gas giant planets known to exist around these stars are
  responsible for a 0.015 dex offset in the abundances of all elements
  while 20 M<SUB>⨁</SUB> of non-detected rocky objects that formed
  around XO-2S explain the additional refractory-element difference. An
  alternative explanation involves the late accretion of at least 20
  M<SUB>⨁</SUB> of planet-like material by XO-2N, allegedly as a result
  of the migration of the hot Jupiter detected around that star. Dust
  cleansing by a nearby hot star as well as age or Galactic birthplace
  effects can be ruled out as valid explanations for this phenomenon.

Title: Comprehensive abundance analysis of red giants in the open
    clusters NGC 1342, 1662, 1912, 2354 and 2447
Authors: Reddy, Arumalla B. S.; Giridhar, Sunetra; Lambert, David L.
2015MNRAS.450.4301R    Altcode: 2015arXiv150405508R
  We have observed high-dispersion echelle spectra of red giant
  members in the five open clusters (OCs) NGC 1342, NGC 1662, NGC
  1912, NGC 2354 and NGC 2447 and determined their radial velocities
  and chemical compositions. These are the first chemical abundance
  measurements for all but NGC 2447. We combined our clusters from
  this and previous papers with a sample drawn from the literature for
  which we remeasured the chemical abundances to establish a common
  abundance scale. With this homogeneous sample of OCs, we study the
  relative elemental abundances of stars in OCs in comparison with field
  stars as a function of age and metallicity. We find a range of mild
  enrichment of heavy (Ba-Eu) elements in young OC giants over field
  stars of the same metallicity. Our analysis supports that the youngest
  stellar generations in cluster might be underrepresented by the solar
  neighbourhood field stars.

Title: The C<SUP>14</SUP>N/C<SUP>15</SUP>N Ratio in Diffuse Molecular
Authors: Ritchey, A. M.; Federman, S. R.; Lambert, D. L.
2015ApJ...804L...3R    Altcode: 2015arXiv150308221R
  We report the first detection of C<SUP>15</SUP>N in diffuse
  molecular gas from a detailed examination of CN absorption lines in
  archival spectra, obtained with the Ultraviolet and Visual Echelle
  Spectrograph of the Very Large Telescope of stars probing local diffuse
  clouds. Absorption from the C<SUP>15</SUP>N isotopologue is confidently
  detected (at ≳ 4σ ) in three out of the four directions studied and
  appears as a very weak feature between the main <SUP>12</SUP>CN and
  <SUP>13</SUP>CN absorption components. Column densities for each CN
  isotopologue are determined through profile fitting, after accounting
  for weak additional line-of-sight components of <SUP>12</SUP>CN,
  which are seen in the absorption profiles of CH and CH<SUP>+</SUP> as
  well. The weighted mean value of C<SUP>14</SUP>N/C<SUP>15</SUP>N for the
  three sight lines with detections of C<SUP>15</SUP>N is 274 ± 18. Since
  the diffuse molecular clouds toward our target stars have relatively
  high gas kinetic temperatures and relatively low visual extinctions,
  their C<SUP>14</SUP>N/C<SUP>15</SUP>N ratios should not be affected
  by chemical fractionation. The mean C<SUP>14</SUP>N/C<SUP>15</SUP>N
  ratio that we obtain should therefore be representative of the
  ambient <SUP>14</SUP>N/<SUP>15</SUP>N ratio in the local interstellar
  medium. Indeed, our mean value agrees well with that derived from
  millimeter-wave observations of CN, HCN, and HNC in local molecular
  clouds. <P />Based on observations made with the Very Large Telescope
  of the European Southern Observatory, Paranal, Chile, under programs
  065.I-0526, 071.C-0367, 071.C-0513, 076.C-0431, and 092.C-0019.

Title: Mid-infrared variations of R Coronae Borealis stars
Authors: Rao, N. Kameswara; Lambert, David L.
2015MNRAS.447.3664R    Altcode: 2014arXiv1412.7623K
  Mid-infrared (IR) photometry of R Coronae Borealis stars obtained
  from various satellites from Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS)
  to Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) has been utilized in
  studying the variations of the circumstellar dust's contributions
  to the spectral energy distribution of these stars. The variation
  of the fractional coverage (R) of dust clouds and their blackbody
  temperatures (T<SUB>d</SUB>) have been used in trying to understand the
  dust cloud evolution over the three decades spanned by the satellite
  observations. In particular, it is shown that a prediction R ∝ T_d^4
  developed in the paper is satisfied, especially by those stars for
  which a single collection of clouds dominates the IR fluxes.

Title: Carbon abundance and the N/C ratio in atmospheres of A-, F-
    and G-type supergiants and bright giants
Authors: Lyubimkov, Leonid S.; Lambert, David L.; Korotin, Sergey A.;
   Rachkovskaya, Tamara M.; Poklad, Dmitry B.
2015MNRAS.446.3447L    Altcode: 2014arXiv1411.2722L
  Based on our prior accurate determination of fundamental parameters
  for 36 Galactic A-, F- and G-type supergiants and bright giants
  (luminosity classes I and II), we undertook a non-LTE analysis of
  the carbon abundance in their atmospheres. It is shown that the
  non-LTE corrections to the C abundances derived from C I lines are
  negative and increase with the effective temperature T<SUB>eff</SUB>;
  the corrections are especially significant for the infrared C I lines
  with wavelengths 9060-9660 Å. The carbon underabundance as a general
  property of the stars in question is confirmed; a majority of the stars
  studied has the carbon deficiency [C/Fe] between -0.1 and -0.5 dex,
  with a minimum at -0.7 dex. When comparing the derived C deficiency
  with the N excess found by us for the same stars earlier, we obtain
  a pronounced N versus C anticorrelation, which could be expected from
  predictions of the theory. We found that the ratio [N/C] spans mostly
  the range from 0.3 to 1.7 dex. Both these enhanced [N/C] values and the
  C and N anomalies themselves are an obvious evidence of the presence
  on a star's surface of mixed material from stellar interiors; so, a
  majority of programme stars passed through the deep mixing during the
  main sequence (MS) and/or the first dredge-up (FD) phase. Comparison
  with theoretical predictions including rotationally induced mixing shows
  that the stars are either post-MS objects with the initial rotational
  velocities V<SUB>0</SUB> = 200-300 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> or post-FD objects
  with V<SUB>0</SUB> = 0-300 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. The observed N versus C
  anticorrelation reflects a dependence of the C and N anomalies on the
  V<SUB>0</SUB> value: on average the higher V<SUB>0</SUB> the greater
  the anomalies. It is shown that an absence of detectable lithium in
  the atmospheres of the stars, which is accompanied with the observed
  N excess and C deficiency, is quite explainable.

Title: On the Binary Helium Star DY Centauri: Chemical Composition
    and Evolutionary State
Authors: Pandey, Gajendra; Kameswara Rao, N.; Jeffery, C. Simon;
   Lambert, David L.
2014ApJ...793...76P    Altcode: 2014arXiv1408.3798P
  DY Cen has shown a steady fading of its visual light by about one
  magnitude in the last 40 yr, suggesting a secular increase in its
  effective temperature. We have conducted non-local thermodynamic
  equilibrium (LTE) and LTE abundance analyses to determine the star's
  effective temperature, surface gravity, and chemical composition
  using high-resolution spectra obtained over two decades. The derived
  stellar parameters for three epochs suggest that DY Cen has evolved
  at a constant luminosity and has become hotter by about 5000 K in
  23 yr. We show that the derived abundances remain unchanged for the
  three epochs. The derived abundances of the key elements, including F
  and Ne, are as observed for the extreme helium stars resulting from
  a merger of a He white dwarf with a C-O white dwarf. Thus DY Cen by
  chemical composition appears to also be a product of a merger of two
  white dwarfs. This appearance seems to be at odds with the recent
  suggestion that DY Cen is a single-lined spectroscopic binary.

Title: High-Resolution Optical Spectroscopy of the R Coronae Borealis
    Star V532 Ophiuchi at Maximum Light
Authors: Kameswara Rao, N.; Lambert, David L.; Woolf, Vincent M.;
   Hema, B. P.
2014PASP..126..813K    Altcode: 2014arXiv1407.3696K; 2014PASP..126..813R
  Not Available <P />Based on observations obtained with the Harlan
  J. Smith Telescope of McDonald Observatory of the University of Texas
  at Austin.

Title: Searching for Dust around Hyper Metal Poor Stars
Authors: Venn, Kim A.; Puzia, Thomas H.; Divell, Mike; Côté,
   Stephanie; Lambert, David L.; Starkenburg, Else
2014ApJ...791...98V    Altcode: 2014arXiv1407.1449V
  We examine the mid-infrared fluxes and spectral energy distributions
  for stars with iron abundances [Fe/H] &lt;-5, and other metal-poor
  stars, to eliminate the possibility that their low metallicities are
  related to the depletion of elements onto dust grains in the formation
  of a debris disk. Six out of seven stars examined here show no mid-IR
  excesses. These non-detections rule out many types of circumstellar
  disks, e.g., a warm debris disk (T &lt;= 290 K), or debris disks with
  inner radii &lt;=1 AU, such as those associated with the chemically
  peculiar post-asymptotic giant branch spectroscopic binaries and RV Tau
  variables. However, we cannot rule out cooler debris disks, nor those
  with lower flux ratios to their host stars due to, e.g., a smaller
  disk mass, a larger inner disk radius, an absence of small grains,
  or even a multicomponent structure, as often found with the chemically
  peculiar Lambda Bootis stars. The only exception is HE0107-5240, for
  which a small mid-IR excess near 10 μm is detected at the 2σ level;
  if the excess is real and associated with this star, it may indicate
  the presence of (recent) dust-gas winnowing or a binary system.

Title: Carbon and Oxygen Abundances across the Hertzsprung Gap
Authors: Adamczak, Jens; Lambert, David L.
2014ApJ...791...58A    Altcode: 2014arXiv1407.2157A
  We derived atmospheric parameters and spectroscopic abundances for C
  and O for a large sample of stars located in the Hertzsprung gap in the
  Hertzsprung-Russell diagram in order to detect chemical peculiarities
  and get a comprehensive overview of the population of stars in this
  evolutionary state. We have observed and analyzed high-resolution
  spectra (R = 60,000) of 188 stars in the mass range 2-5 M <SUB>⊙</SUB>
  with the 2.7 m Harlan J. Smith Telescope at the McDonald Observatory
  including 28 stars previously identified as Am/Ap stars. We find that
  the C and O abundances of the majority of stars in the Hertzsprung gap
  are in accordance with abundances derived for local lower-mass dwarfs
  but detect expected peculiarities for the Am/Ap stars. The C and O
  abundances of stars with T <SUB>eff</SUB> &lt; 6500 K are slightly
  lower than for the hotter objects but the C/O ratio is constant in the
  analyzed temperature domain. No indication of an alteration of the C
  and O abundances of the stars by mixing during the evolution across
  the Hertzsprung gap could be found before the homogenization of their
  atmospheres by the first dredge-up.

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: Abundances of red giants in open
    clusters (Reddy+, 2013)
Authors: Reddy, A. B. S.; Giridhar, S.; Lambert, D. L.
2014yCat..74313338R    Altcode:
  High-resolution optical spectra of the program stars were obtained
  during the nights of 2011 January 12-14 and March 15-18 with the
  Robert G. Tull echelle coude spectrograph on the 2.7-m Harlan J. Smith
  telescope at the McDonald observatory using a 2048x2048 pixel Tektronix
  charge-coupled device as a detector. <P />(2 data files).

Title: Elemental Abundances of Solar Sibling Candidates
Authors: Ramírez, I.; Bajkova, A. T.; Bobylev, V. V.; Roederer,
   I. U.; Lambert, D. L.; Endl, M.; Cochran, W. D.; MacQueen, P. J.;
   Wittenmyer, R. A.
2014ApJ...787..154R    Altcode: 2014arXiv1405.1723R
  Dynamical information along with survey data on metallicity and in
  some cases age have been used recently by some authors to search
  for candidates of stars that were born in the cluster where the Sun
  formed. We have acquired high-resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio
  spectra for 30 of these objects to determine, using detailed elemental
  abundance analysis, if they could be true solar siblings. Only two of
  the candidates are found to have solar chemical composition. Updated
  modeling of the stars' past orbits in a realistic Galactic potential
  reveals that one of them, HD 162826, satisfies both chemical and
  dynamical conditions for being a sibling of the Sun. Measurements
  of rare-element abundances for this star further confirm its solar
  composition, with the only possible exception of Sm. Analysis of
  long-term high-precision radial velocity data rules out the presence of
  hot Jupiters and confirms that this star is not in a binary system. We
  find that chemical tagging does not necessarily benefit from studying
  as many elements as possible but instead from identifying and carefully
  measuring the abundances of those elements that show large star-to-star
  scatter at a given metallicity. Future searches employing data products
  from ongoing massive astrometric and spectroscopic surveys can be
  optimized by acknowledging this fact.

Title: C<SUP>15</SUP>N in Diffuse Molecular Clouds
Authors: Federman, Steven Robert; Ritchey, Adam M.; Lambert, David L.
2014AAS...22422004F    Altcode:
  We report the first detection of C<SUP>15</SUP>N in absorption
  in diffuse molecular gas from a detailed examination of archival
  VLT/UVES data covering the CN lines near 3875 Å. Absorption from the
  C<SUP>15</SUP>N isotopologue is detected in three out of the four
  directions studied and appears as a very weak feature between the
  main <SUP>12</SUP>CN and <SUP>13</SUP>CN absorption lines. Column
  densities for each CN isotopologue are determined through profile
  fitting, after accounting for weak additional line-of-sight components,
  which are observed in CH and CH<SUP>+</SUP>. The weighted mean value
  of C<SUP>14</SUP>N/C<SUP>15</SUP>N for the three sight lines with
  detections of C<SUP>15</SUP>N is 277±16, in very good agreement with
  the terrestrial <SUP>14</SUP>N/<SUP>15</SUP>N ratio of 272. Our results
  help to clarify the situation regarding the nitrogen isotope ratio in
  the solar neighborhood, with important implications for interstellar
  chemistry and Galactic chemical evolution.

Title: Dust Around R Coronae Borealis Stars. II. Infrared Emission
    Features in an H-poor Environment
Authors: García-Hernández, D. A.; Rao, N. Kameswara; Lambert, D. L.
2013ApJ...773..107G    Altcode: 2013arXiv1307.0294G
  Residual Spitzer/Infrared Spectrograph spectra for a sample of 31 R
  Coronae Borealis (RCB) stars are presented and discussed in terms of
  narrow emission features superimposed on the quasi-blackbody continuous
  infrared emission. A broad ~6-10 μm dust emission complex is seen in
  the RCBs showing an extreme H-deficiency. A secondary and much weaker
  ~11.5-15 μm broad emission feature is detected in a few RCBs with the
  strongest ~6-10 μm dust complex. The Spitzer infrared spectra reveal
  for the first time the structure within the ~6-10 μm dust complex,
  showing the presence of strong C-C stretching modes at ~6.3 and 8.1
  μm as well as of other dust features at ~5.9, 6.9, and 7.3 μm, which
  are attributable to amorphous carbonaceous solids with little or no
  hydrogen. The few RCBs with only moderate H-deficiencies display the
  classical "unidentified infrared bands (UIRs)" and mid-infrared features
  from fullerene-related molecules. In general, the characteristics of
  the RCB infrared emission features are not correlated with the stellar
  and circumstellar properties, suggesting that the RCB dust features
  may not be dependent on the present physical conditions around RCB
  stars. The only exception seems to be the central wavelength of the 6.3
  μm feature, which is blueshifted in those RCBs showing also the UIRs,
  i.e., the RCBs with the smallest H deficiency.

Title: Hot bottom burning and s-process nucleosynthesis in massive
    AGB stars at the beginning of the thermally-pulsing phase
Authors: García-Hernández, D. A.; Zamora, O.; Yagüe, A.;
   Uttenthaler, S.; Karakas, A. I.; Lugaro, M.; Ventura, P.; Lambert,
   D. L.
2013A&A...555L...3G    Altcode: 2013arXiv1306.2134G
  We report the first spectroscopic identification of massive Galactic
  asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars at the beginning of the thermal
  pulse (TP) phase. These stars are the most Li-rich massive AGBs
  found to date, super Li-rich AGBs with log ɛ (Li) ~ 3-4. The high
  Li overabundances are accompanied by weak or no s-process element
  (i.e. Rb and Zr) enhancements. A comparison of our observations
  with the most recent hot bottom burning (HBB) and s-process
  nucleosynthesis models confirms that HBB is strongly activated
  during the first TPs but the <SUP>22</SUP>Ne neutron source needs
  many more TP and third dredge-up episodes to produce enough Rb at
  the stellar surface. We also show that the short-lived element Tc,
  usually used as an indicator of AGB genuineness, is not detected in
  massive AGBs, which is in agreement with the theoretical predictions
  when the <SUP>22</SUP>Ne neutron source dominates the s-process
  nucleosynthesis. <P />Appendix A is available in electronic form at
  <A href="http://www.aanda.org">http://www.aanda.org</A>

Title: Comprehensive abundance analysis of red giants in the open
    clusters NGC 2527, 2682, 2482, 2539, 2335, 2251 and 2266
Authors: Reddy, Arumalla B. S.; Giridhar, Sunetra; Lambert, David L.
2013MNRAS.431.3338R    Altcode: 2013arXiv1303.1104R
  We have analysed high-resolution echelle spectra of red giant members
  for seven open clusters in the Galactic anticentre direction to explore
  their chemical compositions. Cluster membership has been confirmed
  by radial velocity. The spread in temperatures and gravities being
  very small among the red giants, nearly the same stellar lines were
  employed for all stars thereby reducing the abundance errors: the
  errors of the average abundance for a cluster were generally in the
  0.02-0.05 dex range. Our present sample covers Galactocentric distances
  of 8.3-11.3 kpc and an age range of 0.2-4.3 Gyr. A careful comparison
  of our results for the cluster NGC 2682 (M67) to other high-resolution
  abundance studies in the literature shows general good agreement for
  almost all elements in common.

Title: The changing nebula around the hot R Coronae Borealis star
    DY Centauri
Authors: Rao, N. Kameswara; Lambert, David L.; García-Hernández,
   D. A.; Manchado, Arturo
2013MNRAS.431..159R    Altcode: 2013arXiv1301.5773K; 2013MNRAS.431..159K; 2013MNRAS.tmp..884K;
  Among the distinguishing characteristics of the remarkable hot R
  Coronae Borealis star DY Centauri, which was recently found to be a
  spectroscopic binary, is the presence of nebular forbidden lines in its
  optical spectrum. A compilation of photometry from 1970 to the present
  suggests that the star has evolved to higher effective temperatures. A
  comparison of spectra from 2010 with earlier spectra has shown that
  between 2003 and 2010, the 6717 and 6730 Å emission lines of [S II]
  underwent a dramatic change in their fluxes. This suggests that there
  was an increase in the nebula's electron density from 290 to 3140
  cm<SUP>-3</SUP> between 1989 and 2010, while the stellar temperature
  increased from 19 500 to 25 000 K. The nebular radius is about 0.02
  pc, which is 60 000 times larger than the semimajor axis of the DY Cen
  binary system. The rapid changes of stellar temperature and the nebula's
  response to these changes demonstrate stellar evolution in action.

Title: Erratum: Chemical compositions of stars in two stellar streams
    from the Galactic thick disc
Authors: Ramya, P.; Reddy, Bacham E.; Lambert, David L.
2013MNRAS.430.2510R    Altcode: 2013MNRAS.tmp..705R
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Atmospheric Composition of Weak G Band Stars: CNO and Li
Authors: Adamczak, Jens; Lambert, David L.
2013ApJ...765..155A    Altcode: 2013arXiv1301.5571A
  We determined the chemical composition of a large sample of weak
  G band stars—a rare class of G and K giants of intermediate mass
  with unusual abundances of C, N, and Li. We have observed 24 weak G
  band stars with the 2.7 m Harlan J. Smith Telescope at the McDonald
  Observatory and derived spectroscopic abundances for C, N, O, and
  Li, as well as for selected elements from Na-Eu. The results show
  that the atmospheres of weak G band stars are highly contaminated
  with CN-cycle products. The C underabundance is about a factor of 20
  larger than for normal giants and the <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C
  ratio approaches the CN-cycle equilibrium value. In addition to the
  striking CN-cycle signature the strong N overabundance may indicate the
  presence of partially ON-cycled material in the atmospheres of the weak
  G band stars. The exact mechanism responsible for the transport of the
  elements to the surface has yet to be identified but could be induced
  by rapid rotation of the main sequence progenitors of the stars. The
  unusually high Li abundances in some of the stars are an indicator
  for Li production by the Cameron-Fowler mechanism. A quantitative
  prediction of a weak G band star's Li abundance is complicated by the
  strong temperature sensitivity of the mechanism and its participants. In
  addition to the unusual abundances of CN-cycle elements and Li, we
  find an overabundance of Na that is in accordance with the NeNa chain
  running in parallel with the CN cycle. Apart from these peculiarities,
  the element abundances in a weak G band star's atmosphere are consistent
  with those of normal giants.

Title: Spectroscopic followup of three bright halo stars selected
    from SDSS and GALEX photometry
Authors: Sahin, Timur; Lambert, David L.; Allende Prieto, Carlos
2013arXiv1303.4853S    Altcode:
  We aim to reveal the nature of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
  (SDSS) stars: SDSSJ100921.40+375233.9, SDSSJ015717.04+135535.9, and
  SDSSJ171422.43+283657.2, showing apparently high NUV excesses for their
  g-z colors, as expected for extremely low-metallicity stars. High
  resolution (R=60 000) spectra of the stars with a wide wavelength
  coverage were obtained to determine their chemical compositions with
  the Tull echelle spectrograph on the 2.7 m telescope at the McDonald
  Observatory. We derived the spectroscopic parameters Teff =5820+-125 K,
  log g =3.9+-0.2, and vt =1.1+-0.5 km/s for SDSSJ100921.40+375233.9,
  Teff=6250+-125 K, log g =3.7+-0.2, and vt =4.0+-0.5 km/s for
  SDSSJ015717.04+135535.9, and Teff=6320+-125 K, log g =4.1+-0.3,
  and vt =1.5+-0.5 km/s for SDSS J171422.43+283657.2, and elemental
  abundances were computed for 21 elements for J100921 and J171422 and
  for 19 elements for J015717 for the first time. We find metallicities
  of [Fe/H]= -1.30, -0.94, and -0.80 for SDSSJ100921.40+375233.9,
  J015717.04+135535.9, and J171422.43+283657.2, respectively. On the
  basis of calculated abundance ratios for J171422.43+283657.2 and
  J015717.04+135535.9, we also report that these two program stars
  have the expected composition of main-sequence halo turnoff stars,
  but with low-alpha abundances, i.e., the [alpha/Fe] ratio is ~0.0 for
  J171422.43+283657.2 and ~0.1 for J015717.04+135535.9. The latter one
  shows typical halo or thick-disk alpha-element abundances, but has a
  substantial rotational line broadening and vsini=40 +- 0.5 km/s.

Title: Carbon, nitrogen and oxygen abundances in atmospheres of the
    5-11 M<SUB>⊙</SUB> B-type main-sequence stars
Authors: Lyubimkov, Leonid S.; Lambert, David L.; Poklad, Dmitry B.;
   Rachkovskaya, Tamara M.; Rostopchin, Sergey I.
2013MNRAS.428.3497L    Altcode: 2012arXiv1212.0987L; 2012MNRAS.tmp..222L
  Fundamental parameters and the carbon, nitrogen and oxygen abundances
  are determined for 22 B-type stars with distances d ≤ 600 pc and slow
  rotation (v sin i ≤ 66 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>). The stars are selected
  according to their effective temperatures T<SUB>eff</SUB> and surface
  gravities log g, namely: T<SUB>eff</SUB> is between 15 300 and 24
  100 K and log g is mostly greater than 3.75; therefore, stars with
  medium masses of 5-11 M<SUB>⊙</SUB> are selected. Theory predicts
  for the stars with such parameters that the C, N and O abundances in
  their atmospheres should correspond to their initial values. Non-local
  thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) analysis of C ii, N ii and O ii
  lines is implemented. The following mean C, N and O abundances are
  obtained: log ɛ(C) = 8.31 ± 0.13, log ɛ(N) = 7.80 ± 0.12 and log
  ɛ(O) = 8.73 ± 0.13. These values are in very good agreement with
  recent data on the C, N and O abundances for nearby B stars from other
  authors; it is important that different techniques are applied by us
  and other authors. When excluding for the stars HR 1810 and HR 2938,
  which can be mixed, we obtain the following mean abundances for the
  remaining 20 stars: log ɛ(C) = 8.33 ± 0.11, log ɛ(N) = 7.78 ± 0.09
  and log ɛ(O) = 8.72 ± 0.12; these values are in excellent agreement
  with a present-day cosmic abundance standard (CAS) of Nieva &amp;
  Przybilla. <P />The derived mean N and O abundances in unevolved B stars
  are very close to the solar photospheric abundances, as well as to the
  protosolar ones. However, the mean C abundance is somewhat lower than
  the solar one; this small but stable carbon deficiency is confirmed
  by other authors. One may suggest two possibilities to explain the
  observed C deficiency. First, current non-LTE computations of C ii
  lines are still partially inadequate. In this case the C deficiency
  is invalid, so one may conclude that the Sun and the local unevolved B
  stars have the same metallicity. This would mean that during the Sun's
  life (i.e. for the past 4.5 × 10<SUP>9</SUP> yr) the metallicity of
  the solar neighbourhood has not markedly changed; so, an intensive
  enrichment of the solar neighbourhood by metals occurred before
  the Sun's birth. Secondly, the C deficiency in the local B stars is
  valid; it is supposed that the Sun can migrate during its life from
  inner parts of the Galactic disc where it has born, so its observed
  chemical composition can differ from the composition of young stars
  in its present neighbourhood.

Title: Oxygen Abundances in Nearby FGK Stars and the Galactic Chemical
    Evolution of the Local Disk and Halo
Authors: Ramírez, I.; Allende Prieto, C.; Lambert, D. L.
2013ApJ...764...78R    Altcode: 2013arXiv1301.1582R
  Atmospheric parameters and oxygen abundances of 825 nearby FGK
  stars are derived using high-quality spectra and a non-local
  thermodynamic equilibrium analysis of the 777 nm O I triplet
  lines. We assign a kinematic probability for the stars to be
  thin-disk (P <SUB>1</SUB>), thick-disk (P <SUB>2</SUB>), and halo
  (P <SUB>3</SUB>) members. We confirm previous findings of enhanced
  [O/Fe] in thick-disk (P <SUB>2</SUB> &gt; 0.5) relative to thin-disk
  (P <SUB>1</SUB> &gt; 0.5) stars with [Fe/H] &lt;~ -0.2, as well as a
  "knee" that connects the mean [O/Fe]-[Fe/H] trend of thick-disk stars
  with that of thin-disk members at [Fe/H] &gt;~ -0.2. Nevertheless,
  we find that the kinematic membership criterion fails at separating
  perfectly the stars in the [O/Fe]-[Fe/H] plane, even when a very
  restrictive kinematic separation is employed. Stars with "intermediate"
  kinematics (P <SUB>1</SUB> &lt; 0.7, P <SUB>2</SUB> &lt; 0.7) do not
  all populate the region of the [O/Fe]-[Fe/H] plane intermediate between
  the mean thin-disk and thick-disk trends, but their distribution is
  not necessarily bimodal. Halo stars (P <SUB>3</SUB> &gt; 0.5) show
  a large star-to-star scatter in [O/Fe]-[Fe/H], but most of it is
  due to stars with Galactocentric rotational velocity V &lt; -200 km
  s<SUP>-1</SUP> halo stars with V &gt; -200 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> follow
  an [O/Fe]-[Fe/H] relation with almost no star-to-star scatter. Early
  mergers with satellite galaxies explain most of our observations, but
  the significant fraction of disk stars with "ambiguous" kinematics
  and abundances suggests that scattering by molecular clouds and
  radial migration have both played an important role in determining
  the kinematic and chemical properties of solar neighborhood stars.

Title: Abundance analysis of an extended sample of open clusters:
    A search for chemical inhomogeneities
Authors: Reddy, Arumalla B. S.; Giridhar, Sunetra; Lambert, David L.
2013ASInC...9...77A    Altcode:
  We have initiated a program to explore the presence of chemical
  inhomogeneities in the Galactic disk using the open clusters as ideal
  probes. We have analyzed high-dispersion echelle spectra (R ≥ 55,000)
  of red giant members for eleven open clusters to derive abundances
  for many elements. The membership to the cluster has been confirmed
  through their radial velocities and proper motions. The spread in
  temperatures and gravities being very small among the red giants,
  nearly the same stellar lines were employed thereby reducing the random
  errors. The errors of average abundance for the cluster were generally
  in 0.02 to 0.07 dex range. Our present sample covers galactocentric
  distances of 8.3 to 11.3 kpc and an age range of 0.2 to 4.3 Gyrs. Our
  earlier analysis of four open clusters (Reddy A.B.S. et al., 2012,
  MNRAS, 419,1350) indicate that abundances relative to Fe for elements
  from Na to Eu are equal within measurement uncertainties to published
  abundances for thin disk giants in the field. This supports the view
  that field stars come from disrupted open clusters. In the enlarged
  sample of eleven open clusters we find cluster to cluster abundance
  variations for some s- and r- process elements, with certain elements
  such as Zr and Ba showing large variation. These differences mark the
  signatures that these clusters had formed under different environmental
  conditions (Type II SN, Type Ia SN, AGB stars or a mixture of any of
  these) unique to the time and site of formation. These eleven clusters
  support the widely held impression that there is an abundance gradient
  such that the metallicity [Fe/H] at the solar galactocentric distance
  decreases outwards at about -0.1 dex per kpc.

Title: The Hot R Coronae Borealis Star DY Centauri is a Binary
Authors: Rao, N. Kameswara; Lambert, David L.; García-Hernández,
   D. A.; Jeffery, C. Simon; Woolf, Vincent M.; McArthur, Barbara
2012ApJ...760L...3R    Altcode: 2012ApJ...760L...3K; 2012arXiv1210.4199K
  The remarkable hot R Coronae Borealis (RCB) star DY Cen is revealed
  to be the first and only binary system to be found among the RCB stars
  and their likely relatives, including the extreme helium stars and the
  hydrogen-deficient carbon stars. Radial velocity determinations from
  1982 to 2010 have shown that DY Cen is a single-lined spectroscopic
  binary in an eccentric orbit with a period of 39.67 days. It is also
  one of the hottest and most H-rich member of the class of RCB stars. The
  system may have evolved from a common envelope to its current form.

Title: The Galactic R Coronae Borealis Stars and the Final He-shell
Flash Object V4334 Sgr (Sakurai's Object): A Comparison
Authors: Hema, B. P.; Pandey, Gajendra; Lambert, David L.
2012arXiv1211.6219H    Altcode:
  The high resolution optical spectra of H-deficient stars, R Coronae
  Borealis stars and H-deficient carbon stars are analyzed by synthesizing
  the C2 Swan bands (0,1), (0,0), and (1,0) using our detailed line-list
  and Uppsala model atmosphere, to determine the C-abundances and the
  12C/13C ratios which are potential clues to the formation process of
  these stars. The C-abundances derived from C2 bands are about the same
  for the adopted models constructed with different carbon abundances over
  the range 8.5 (C/He = 0.1%) to 10.5 (C/He = 10%). The carbon abundances
  derived from C I lines are a factor of four lower than that adopted for
  the model atmosphere over the same C/He interval, as reported by Asplund
  et al.: 'the carbon problem'. In principle, the carbon abundances
  obtained from C2 Swan bands and that adopted for the model atmosphere
  can be equated for a particular choice of C/He that varies from star
  to star (unlike C I lines). Then, the carbon problem for C2 bands is
  eliminated. However, such C/He ratios are in general less than those
  of the extreme helium stars, the seemingly natural relatives to the RCB
  and HdC stars. The derived carbon abundances and the 12C/13C ratios are
  discussed in light of the double degenerate (DD) and the final flash
  (FF) scenarios. The carbon abundance and the 12C/13C ratios for the
  FF product, Sakurai's Object is derived. The carbon abundance in the
  Sakurai's object is 10 times higher than in the RCB star VZ Sgr. On
  an average, the carbon abundance in the Sakurai's Object is about 10
  to 100 times higher than in RCB stars. The 12C/13C ratio in Sakurai's
  Object is 3.4, the equilibrium value, as expected for FF products.

Title: High-resolution Optical Spectroscopy of DY Cen: Diffuse
    Interstellar Bands in a Proto-fullerene Circumstellar Environment?
Authors: García-Hernández, D. A.; Kameswara Rao, N.; Lambert,
   David L.
2012ApJ...759L..21G    Altcode: 2012arXiv1210.1165G
  We search high-resolution and high-quality VLT/UVES optical spectra
  of the hot R Coronae Borealis star DY Cen for electronic transitions
  of the C<SUB>60</SUB> molecule and diffuse interstellar bands
  (DIBs). We report the non-detection of the strongest C<SUB>60</SUB>
  electronic transitions (e.g., those at ~3760, 3980, and 4024
  Å). The absence of C<SUB>60</SUB> absorption bands may support
  recent laboratory results, which show that the ~7.0, 8.5, 17.4, and
  18.8 μm emission features seen in DY Cen—and other similar objects
  with polycyclic-aromatic-hydrocarbon-like dominated IR spectra—are
  attributable to proto-fullerenes or fullerene precursors rather than to
  C<SUB>60</SUB>. DIBs toward DY Cen are normal for its reddening; the
  only exception is the DIB at 6284 Å (possibly also the 7223 Å DIB)
  which is found to be unusually strong. We also report the detection of
  a new broad (FWHM ~ 2 Å) and unidentified feature centered at ~4000
  Å. We suggest that this new band may be related to the circumstellar
  proto-fullerenes seen at infrared wavelengths.

Title: Lithium abundance in atmospheres of F- and G-type supergiants
    and bright giants
Authors: Lyubimkov, Leonid S.; Lambert, David L.; Kaminsky, Bogdan M.;
   Pavlenko, Yakov V.; Poklad, Dmitry B.; Rachkovskaya, Tamara M.
2012MNRAS.427...11L    Altcode: 2012arXiv1212.6057L
  Lithium in the atmosphere of a F or G supergiant reflects the initial
  Li abundance and the internal history of the star. During evolution of a
  star from the main sequence (MS) to the supergiant phase, lithium may be
  destroyed by, for example, rotationally induced mixing in the MS stars
  and strongly diluted by development of the supergiant's convective
  envelope. In order to probe the connection between atmospheric
  Li abundance and evolutionary predictions, we present a non-local
  thermodynamic equilibrium abundance analysis of the resonance doublet
  Li I at 6707.8 Å for 55 Galactic F and G supergiants and bright
  giants (we observed 43 of them, the remaining 12 are added from Luck
  and Wepfer's list). The derived lithium abundances log ɛ(Li) may be
  considered in three groups, namely: (i) 10 Li-rich giants with log
  ɛ(Li) = 2.0-3.2 (all 10 are F-type or A9 stars); (ii) 13 G- to K0-type
  stars with Li abundances in the narrow range log ɛ(Li) = 1.1-1.8;
  (iii) all other stars provide just upper limits to the Li abundance. <P
  />The derived Li abundances are compared with theoretical predictions
  of 2-15 M<SUB>⊙</SUB> stars (both rotating and non-rotating). Our
  results are generally in good agreement with theory. In particular,
  the absence of detectable lithium for the majority of programme stars
  is explainable. The comparison suggests that the stars may be separated
  by mass M into two groups, namely M ≲ 6 M<SUB>⊙</SUB> and M &gt;
  6 M<SUB>⊙</SUB>. All Li-rich giants and supergiants with log ɛ(Li)
  ≥ 2.0 have masses M &lt; 6 M<SUB>⊙</SUB>; this conclusion follows
  not only from our work but also from a scrutiny of published data. 11 of
  13 stars with log ɛ(Li) = 1.1-1.8, specifically the stars with M &lt;
  6 M<SUB>⊙</SUB>, show good agreement with the post-first dredge-up
  surface abundance log ɛ(Li) ≈ 1.4 predicted for the non-rotating 2-6
  M<SUB>⊙</SUB> stellar models. An absence of Li-rich stars in the range
  M &gt; 6 M<SUB>⊙</SUB> agrees with the theoretical prediction that F
  and G supergiants and giants with M &gt; 6 M<SUB>⊙</SUB> cannot show
  detectable lithium. <P />We note that present theory appears unable to
  account for the derived Li abundances for some stars, namely for (i) a
  few relatively low-mass Li-rich giants (M &lt; 6 M<SUB>⊙</SUB>), whose
  high Li abundances accompanied by rather high rotational velocities
  or substantial nitrogen excess contradict theoretical predictions;
  (ii) the relatively high-mass supergiants HR 461 and HR 8313 (M &gt;
  6 M<SUB>⊙</SUB>) with the detected abundances log ɛ = 1.3-1.5. It
  is possible that the lithium in such stars was synthesized recently.

Title: Chemical compositions of stars in two stellar streams from
    the Galactic thick disc
Authors: Ramya, P.; Reddy, Bacham E.; Lambert, David L.
2012MNRAS.425.3188R    Altcode: 2012arXiv1207.0767R
  We present abundances for 20 elements for stars in two stellar streams
  identified by Arifyanto &amp; Fuchs: 18 stars from the Arcturus stream
  and 26 from a new stream, which we call the AF06 stream, both from the
  Galactic thick disc. Results show that both streams are metal poor and
  very old (10-14 Gyr) with kinematics and abundances overlapping with
  the properties of local field thick-disc stars. Both streams exhibit
  a range in metallicity but with relative elemental abundances that are
  identical to those of thick-disc stars of the same metallicity. These
  results show that neither stream can result from dissolution of an open
  cluster. It is highly unlikely that either stream represents tidal
  debris from an accreted satellite galaxy. Both streams most probably
  owe their origin to dynamical perturbations within the Galaxy.

Title: Lithium Abundances in nearby FGK Dwarf and Subgiant Stars:
    Internal Destruction, Galactic Chemical Evolution, and Exoplanets
Authors: Ramírez, I.; Fish, J. R.; Lambert, D. L.; Allende Prieto, C.
2012ApJ...756...46R    Altcode: 2012arXiv1207.0499R
  We derive atmospheric parameters and lithium abundances for 671
  stars and include our measurements in a literature compilation of
  1381 dwarf and subgiant stars. First, a "lithium desert" in the
  effective temperature (T <SUB>eff</SUB>) versus lithium abundance
  (A <SUB>Li</SUB>) plane is observed such that no stars with T
  <SUB>eff</SUB> ~= 6075 K and A <SUB>Li</SUB> ~= 1.8 are found. We
  speculate that most of the stars on the low A <SUB>Li</SUB> side of
  the desert have experienced a short-lived period of severe surface
  lithium destruction as main-sequence or subgiant stars. Next, we search
  for differences in the lithium content of thin-disk and thick-disk
  stars, but we find that internal processes have erased from the
  stellar photospheres their possibly different histories of lithium
  enrichment. Nevertheless, we note that the maximum lithium abundance
  of thick-disk stars is nearly constant from [Fe/H] = -1.0 to -0.1,
  at a value that is similar to that measured in very metal-poor halo
  stars (A <SUB>Li</SUB> ~= 2.2). Finally, differences in the lithium
  abundance distribution of known planet-host stars relative to otherwise
  ordinary stars appear when restricting the samples to narrow ranges
  of T <SUB>eff</SUB> or mass, but they are fully explained by age
  and metallicity biases. We confirm the lack of a connection between
  low lithium abundance and planets. However, we find that no low A
  <SUB>Li</SUB> planet-hosts are found in the desert T <SUB>eff</SUB>
  window. Provided that subtle sample biases are not responsible for
  this observation, this suggests that the presence of gas giant planets
  inhibit the mechanism responsible for the lithium desert.

Title: An upper limit on the sulphur abundance in HE 1327-2326
Authors: Bonifacio, P.; Caffau, E.; Venn, K. A.; Lambert, D. L.
2012A&A...544A.102B    Altcode: 2012arXiv1207.1806B
  Context. Star HE 1327-2326 is a unique object, with the lowest measured
  iron abundance ([Fe/H] ~ -6) and a peculiar chemical composition that
  includes large overabundances of C, N, and O with respect to iron. One
  important question is whether the chemical abundances in this star
  reflect the chemical composition of the gas cloud from which it was
  formed or if they have been severely affected by other processes,
  such as dust-gas winnowing. <BR /> Aims: We measure or provide an
  upper limit to the abundance of the volatile element sulphur, which
  can help to discriminate between the two scenarios. <BR /> Methods: We
  observed HE 1327-2326 with the high resolution infra-red spectrograph
  CRIRES at the VLT to observe the S i lines of Multiplet 3 at 1045
  nm. <BR /> Results: We do not detect the S i line. A 3σ upper limit
  on the equivalent width (EW) of any line in our spectrum is EW &lt;
  0.66 pm. Using either one-dimensional static or three-dimensional
  hydrodynamical model-atmospheres, this translates into a robust upper
  limit of [S/H] &lt; -2.6. <BR /> Conclusions: This upper limit does
  not provide conclusive evidence for or against dust-gas winnowing,
  and the evidence coming from other elements (e.g., Na and Ti) is
  also inconclusive or contradictory. The formation of dust in the
  atmosphere versus an origin of the metals in a metal-poor supernova
  with extensive "fall-back" are not mutually exclusive. It is possible
  that dust formation distorts the peculiar abundance pattern created by a
  supernova with fall-back, thus the abundance ratios in HE 1327-2326 may
  be used to constrain the properties of the supernova(e) that produced
  its metals, but with some caution. <P />Based on spectra obtained with
  CRIRES at the 8.2 m Antu ESO telescope, programme 386.D-0095.

Title: Two groups within the thick disc of the Milky Way?
Authors: Stanford, Laura M.; Lambert, David L.
2012MNRAS.424.2118S    Altcode: 2012MNRAS.tmp.3327S
  Compositions of F and G dwarf stars in two groups of thick disc stars
  are presented. The groups identified by Schuster et al. have mean
  characteristics ([Fe/H], V(rot), Age, σ<SUP>W'</SUP>) of (-0.7 dex,
  120 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, 12.5 Gyr, 62 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>) and (-0.4, 160,
  10.0, 45.8). Abundances for 23 elements obtained from high-resolution
  spectra are presented for 59 stars in the metal-rich group and 27 stars
  in the metal-poor group. The run of abundance ratios [X/Fe] versus
  [Fe/H] for the two groups define a single relation for each element
  (designated as X) with no intrinsic scatter and without a measurable
  discontinuity at -0.6 &lt; [Fe/H] &lt; -0.5, the metallicity at which
  the two groups overlap. The relations [X/Fe] versus [Fe/H] are those
  determined previously for thick disc stars. It is suggested that these
  two groups and the thick disc as a whole have a common origin in terms
  of prior chemical evolution.

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: Red giants abundances in 4 open
    clusters (Reddy+, 2012)
Authors: Reddy, A. B. S.; Giridhar, S.; Lambert, D. L.
2012yCat..74191350R    Altcode:
  Clusters were selected from the New catalogue of optically visible
  open clusters and candidates (Dias et al., 2002, Cat. B/ocl). <P
  />Observations were conducted during 1999 February 6-10 with Tull
  echelle coude spectrograph on the 2.7-m Harlan J. Smith telescope at
  the McDonald observatory. <P />(2 data files).

Title: The <SUP>7</SUP>Li/<SUP>6</SUP>Li Isotope Ratio near the
    Supernova Remnant IC 443
Authors: Taylor, C. J.; Ritchey, A. M.; Federman, S. R.; Lambert, D. L.
2012ApJ...750L..15T    Altcode: 2012arXiv1203.6057T
  We present an analysis of <SUP>7</SUP>Li/<SUP>6</SUP>Li isotope ratios
  along four sight lines that probe diffuse molecular gas near the
  supernova remnant IC 443. Recent gamma-ray observations have revealed
  the presence of shock-accelerated cosmic rays interacting with the
  molecular cloud surrounding the remnant. Our results indicate that the
  <SUP>7</SUP>Li/<SUP>6</SUP>Li ratio is lower in regions more strongly
  affected by these interactions, a sign of recent Li production by
  cosmic rays. We find that <SUP>7</SUP>Li/<SUP>6</SUP>Li ≈7 toward
  HD 254755, which is located just outside the visible edge of IC 443,
  while <SUP>7</SUP>Li/<SUP>6</SUP>Li ≈3 along the line of sight to HD
  43582, which probes the interior region of the supernova remnant. No
  evidence of <SUP>7</SUP>Li synthesis by neutrino-induced spallation
  is found in material presumably contaminated by the ejecta of a
  core-collapse supernova. The lack of a neutrino signature in the
  <SUP>7</SUP>Li/<SUP>6</SUP>Li ratios near IC 443 is consistent with
  recent models of Galactic chemical evolution, which suggest that the
  ν-process plays only a minor role in Li production. <P />Based on
  observations obtained with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope, which is a
  joint project of the University of Texas at Austin, the Pennsylvania
  State University, Stanford University, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität
  München, and Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.

Title: The Galactic R Coronae Borealis Stars: The C<SUB>2</SUB> Swan
    Bands, the Carbon Problem, and the <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C Ratio
Authors: Hema, B. P.; Pandey, Gajendra; Lambert, David L.
2012ApJ...747..102H    Altcode: 2012arXiv1201.1357H
  Observed spectra of R Coronae Borealis (RCB) and hydrogen-deficient
  carbon (HdC) stars are analyzed by synthesizing the C<SUB>2</SUB>
  Swan bands (1, 0), (0, 0), and (0, 1) using our detailed line
  list and the Uppsala model atmospheres. The (0, 1) and (0, 0)
  C<SUB>2</SUB> bands are used to derive the <SUP>12</SUP>C abundance,
  and the (1, 0) <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>13</SUP>C band to determine the
  <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C ratios. The carbon abundance derived
  from the C<SUB>2</SUB> Swan bands is about the same for the adopted
  models constructed with different carbon abundances over the range 8.5
  (C/He = 0.1%) to 10.5 (C/He = 10%). Carbon abundances derived from C
  I lines are about a factor of four lower than the carbon abundance
  of the adopted model atmosphere over the same C/He interval, as
  reported by Asplund et al., who dubbed the mismatch between adopted and
  derived C abundance as the "carbon problem." In principle, the carbon
  abundances obtained from C<SUB>2</SUB> Swan bands and that assumed
  for the model atmosphere can be equated for a particular choice of
  C/He that varies from star to star. Then, the carbon problem for
  C<SUB>2</SUB> bands is eliminated. However, such C/He ratios are in
  general less than those of the extreme helium stars, the seemingly
  natural relatives to the RCB and HdC stars. A more likely solution to
  the C<SUB>2</SUB> carbon problem may lie in a modification of the model
  atmosphere's temperature structure. The derived carbon abundances and
  the <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C ratios are discussed in light of
  the double degenerate and the final flash scenarios.

Title: HETDEX: A Magnitude-limited Spectroscopic Sample Of Stars In
    The Galaxy Down To V 20
Authors: Allende-Prieto, Carlos; Shetrone, M.; Odewahn, S. C.;
   Benedict, G.; Castanheira, B. G.; de Jong, R.; Lambert, D. L.;
   MacQueen, P. J.; Marshall, J. L.; McArthur, B. E.; Sneden, C.;
   HETDEX Collaboration
2012AAS...21942407A    Altcode:
  Spectroscopic surveys of stars in the Milky Way are growing rapidly in
  size and scope, with the ambitious goals of unravelling the Galaxy's
  formation and evolution, and finding out whether our galaxy fits
  the current paradigm of hierarchical galaxy formation driven by cold
  dark matter. These surveys follow target selection algorithms aimed
  at extracting the most information out of a coarse sampling of the
  stars in the Galaxy, and as result they are seriously biased. HETDEX
  will be the first project to change that -- obtaining low-resolution
  (R 750) spectra covering 350-550 nm that will render radial velocities
  and overall metallicity for a flux-limited sample of &gt; 100,000
  stars down to V 20 over 60 square degrees. Questions that we hope to
  address include: 1) the incidence of gross chemical peculiarities, 2)
  the metallicity distributions of the main Galactic components, and 3)
  the frequency of cold substructure over a range of scales. We show
  simulated data and explore the performances of our preliminary data
  analysis software.

Title: Abundance Patterns of Neutron-Capture Elements in the
    Interstellar Medium
Authors: Ritchey, Adam M.; Federman, S. R.; Lambert, D. L.
2012AAS...21930204R    Altcode:
  We present the results of an archival survey of neutron-capture elements
  in diffuse interstellar clouds from HST/STIS observations of over
  50 Galactic sight lines. Existing measurements of the interstellar
  abundances of Kr, Rb, Cd, and Sn have indicated deficiencies in our
  understanding of the production of elements beyond the iron peak
  via slow and rapid neutron-capture processes. The elements Kr and
  Rb, which are primarily synthesized by massive stars through the
  weak s-process and the r-process, are found to be underabundant in
  interstellar gas compared to expectations based on current knowledge
  of dust depletion. At the same time, Cd and Sn, which are produced in
  larger part by the main s-process in low-mass AGB stars, exhibit less
  depletion than expected. By combining new abundance determinations for
  As, Cd, Sn, and Pb with recent surveys of Ga, Ge, Kr, and Rb, our study
  seeks to reveal the causes of the inferred deficit in the contribution
  from massive stars to the abundances of neutron-capture elements in
  the current epoch. We find that while Ga, Ge, and Pb follow normal
  depletion patterns, As is significantly overabundant, with an overall
  depletion level similar to Sn. Yet, unlike Sn, As is almost entirely
  a product of massive-star nucleosynthesis. The ultimate resolution of
  these discrepancies will likely involve a deeper understanding of dust
  grain depletion than presently exists. <P />This research was funded
  by the Space Telescope Science Institute through grant HST-AR-12123.

Title: The Galactic R Coronae Borealis Stars: The C2 Swan Bands,
    The Carbon Problem, and The 12C/13C Ratio
Authors: Hema, B.; Pandey, G.; Lambert, D. L.
2012nuco.confE.195H    Altcode: 2012PoS...146E.195H
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Chemical composition of a sample of candidate post-asymptotic
    giant branch stars
Authors: Rao, S. Sumangala; Giridhar, Sunetra; Lambert, David L.
2012MNRAS.419.1254R    Altcode: 2011MNRAS.tmp.1790R
  We have derived elemental abundances for a sample of nine IRAS
  sources with colours similar to those of post-asymptotic giant branch
  (post-AGB) stars. For IRAS 01259+6823, IRAS 05208-2035, IRAS 04535+3747
  and IRAS 08187-1905, this is the first detailed abundance analysis
  based upon high-resolution spectra. Mild indication of s-processing
  for IRAS 01259+6823, IRAS 05208-2035 and IRAS 08187-1905 has been
  found and a more comprehensive study of s-process-enhanced objects
  IRAS 17279-1119 and IRAS 22223+4327 has been carried out. <P />We
  have also made a contemporary abundance analysis of the high Galactic
  latitude supergiants BD+39°4926 and HD 107369. The former is heavily
  depleted in refractories and estimated [Zn/H] of -0.7 dex most likely
  gives initial metallicity of the star. For HD 107369 the abundances
  of α and Fe-peak elements are similar to those of halo objects and
  moderate deficiency of s-process elements is seen. IRAS 07140-2321,
  despite being a short-period binary with a circumstellar shell, does
  not exhibit selective depletion of refractory elements. <P />We have
  compiled the stellar parameters and abundances for post-AGB stars
  with s-process enhancement, those showing significant depletion of
  condensable elements and those showing neither. The compilation shows
  that the s-process-enhanced group contains a very small number of
  binaries, and observed [α/Fe] are generally similar to thick-disc
  values. It is likely that they represent AGB evolution of single
  stars. <P />The compilation of the depleted group contains a larger
  fraction of binaries and generally supports the hypothesis of dusty
  discs surrounding binary post-AGB stars inferred via the shape of their
  spectral energy distribution and mid-infrared interferometry. IRAS
  07140-2321 and BD+39°4926 are difficult to explain with this scenario
  and indicate the existence of an additional parameter/condition
  needed to explain the depletion phenomenon. However, the conditions
  for discernible depletion, minimum temperature of 5000 K and initial
  metallicity larger than -1.0 dex found from our earlier work still
  serve as useful criteria.

Title: Lithium isotope ratios near the supernova remnant IC 443
Authors: Ritchey, A. M.; Taylor, C. J.; Federman, S. R.; Lambert, D. L.
2012MSAIS..22..137R    Altcode:
  The rapid rise in the <SUP>7</SUP>Li abundance for stars of near
  solar metallicity requires the existence of one or more stellar
  sources of <SUP>7</SUP>Li. Likely candidates include red giant
  and asymptotic giant branch stars, which produce <SUP>7</SUP>Li
  via the Cameron-Fowler mechanism, and Type II supernovae, in which
  <SUP>7</SUP>Li is synthesized by neutrino-induced spallation. Direct
  evidence of the neutrino-process remains elusive, yet could be provided
  by detailed studies of Li isotope ratios in interstellar gas surrounding
  supernova remnants. Here, we present the results of the first such
  investigation, based on high-resolution measurements of Li I along
  four lines of sight through the supernova remnant IC 443. While our
  observations probe material presumably contaminated by the ejecta
  of a core-collapse supernova, we find no evidence of <SUP>7</SUP>Li
  synthesis by neutrino-induced spallation. Rather, our results indicate
  that the abundance of <SUP>6</SUP>Li relative to <SUP>7</SUP>Li has
  been enhanced by interactions between shock-accelerated cosmic rays
  and the molecular cloud surrounding the remnant. Future observations
  will help to establish unequivocally the role that neutrino spallation
  plays in <SUP>7</SUP>Li production.

Title: Spectroscopic investigation of SDSS J100921.40 + 375233.9
    selected from SDSS and GALEX photometry
Authors: Şahin, Timur; Lambert, David L.; Allende Prieto, Carlos
2012ASInC...6..265S    Altcode: 2012arXiv1203.1461S; 2012ASInC...6..265C
  In this study, we aim to reveal the nature of the Sloan Digital
  Sky Survey (SDSS) star: SDSS J100921.40+375233.9, suspected to
  have an extremely low metallicity We observed this star at high
  spectral resolution and performed an abundance analysis. We derived
  the spectroscopic parameters T_{eff} =5820±125 K, log g = 3.9±0.2,
  and ξ_t = 1.1±0.5 km s^{-1}. The star is consistent with belonging
  to the thick disk.

Title: Comprehensive abundance analysis of red giants in the open
    clusters NGC 752, 1817, 2360 and 2506
Authors: Reddy, Arumalla B. S.; Giridhar, Sunetra; Lambert, David L.
2012MNRAS.419.1350R    Altcode: 2011MNRAS.tmp.1851R; 2011arXiv1109.2678R
  We have analysed high-dispersion echelle spectra (R ≳ 50 000) of red
  giant members for four open clusters to derive abundances for many
  elements. The spread in temperatures and gravities being very small
  among the red giants nearly the same stellar lines were employed thereby
  reducing the random errors. The errors of average abundance for the
  cluster were generally in the range 0.02-0.07 dex. Our present sample
  covers Galactocentric distances of 8.3-10.5 kpc. The [Fe/H] values are
  -0.02 ± 0.05 for NGC 752, -0.07 ± 0.06 for NGC 2360, -0.11 ± 0.05 for
  NGC 1817 and -0.19 ± 0.06 for NGC 2506. Abundances relative to Fe for
  elements from Na to Eu are equal within measurement uncertainties to
  published abundances for thin-disc giants in the field. This supports
  the view that field stars come from disrupted open clusters.

Title: The chemical abundances of open clusters: NGC 752, NGC 1817,
    NGC 2360 and NGC 2506
Authors: Reddy, Arumalla B. S.; Giridhar, Sunetra; Lambert, David L.
2012ASInC...4..197R    Altcode:
  Since the Galactic Open Clusters (OCs) provide a sample of stars
  homogeneous in age and chemical composition and their distances are
  well determined, they were recognized as suitable candidates to study
  the chemical evolution of Galaxy. We have analyzed high-dispersion
  echelle spectra (Rgeq50,000) of 3-4 red giant members for each open
  cluster to derive abundances for a whole range of elements including
  light as well as heavy elements. The membership to the cluster has been
  confirmed through their radial velocities and proper motions. The spread
  in temperatures and gravities being very small, nearly the same stellar
  lines were employed thereby reducing the random errors. Most of these
  clusters are located in Galactic anti-center direction and we found
  [Fe/H] values of -0.02±0.05 for NGC 752, -0.07±0.06 for NGC 2360,
  -0.11±0.05 for NGC 1817 and -0.19±0.06 for NGC 2506. Abundances
  relative to Fe for elements from Na to Eu are equal within measurement
  uncertainties to published abundances for thin disk giants in the
  field with the possible exception of mild anomalies for Mn, Cu, Ba,
  Ce and Nd. This supports the view that field stars come from disrupted
  open clusters.

Title: Nebula around R Corona Borealis
Authors: Kameswara Rao, N.; Lambert, David L.
2011arXiv1112.6225K    Altcode:
  The star R Corona Borealis (R CrB) shows forbidden lines of [O II],
  [N II], and [S II] during the deep minimum when the star is fainter
  by about 8 to 9 magnitudes from normal brightness, suggesting the
  presence of nebular material around it. We present low and high spectral
  resolution observations of these lines during the ongoing deep minimum
  of R CrB, which started in July 2007. These emission lines show double
  peaks with a separation of about 170 km/s. The line ratios of [S II]
  and [O II] suggest an electron density of about 100 cm$^{-3}$. We
  discuss the physical conditions and possible origins of this low
  density gas. These forbidden lines have also been seen in other R
  Coronae Borealis stars during their deep light minima and this is a
  general characteristic of these stars, which might have some relevance
  to their origins.

Title: The Distribution of the Elements in the Galactic Disk. III. A
    Reconsideration of Cepheids from l = 30° to 250°
Authors: Luck, R. Earle; Lambert, David L.
2011AJ....142..136L    Altcode: 2011arXiv1108.1947L
  This paper reports on the spectroscopic investigation of 238 Cepheids in
  the northern sky. Of these stars, about 150 are new to the study of the
  galactic abundance gradient. These new Cepheids bring the total number
  of Cepheids involved in abundance distribution studies to over 400. In
  this work, we also consider systematics between various studies and also
  those which result from the choice of models. We find that systematic
  variations exist at the 0.06 dex level both between studies and model
  atmospheres. In order to control the systematic effects our final
  gradients depend only on abundances derived herein. A simple linear
  fit to the Cepheid data from 398 stars yields a gradient d[Fe/H]/dR
  <SUB>G</SUB> = -0.062 ± 0.002 dex kpc<SUP>-1</SUP> which is in good
  agreement with previously determined values. We have also re-examined
  the region of the "metallicity island" of Luck et al. With the doubling
  of the sample in that region and our internally consistent abundances,
  we find that there is scant evidence for a distinct island. We also find
  in our sample the first reported Cepheid (V1033 Cyg) with a pronounced
  Li feature. The Li abundance is consistent with the star being on its
  redward pass toward the first giant branch.

Title: Chemical Compositions of a sample of candidate post-AGB stars
Authors: Sumangala Rao, S.; Giridhar, Sunetra; Lambert, David L.
2011arXiv1109.1676S    Altcode:
  We have derived elemental abundances for a sample of nine IRAS sources
  with colours similar to those of post-AGB stars. For IRAS 01259+6823,
  IRAS 05208-2035, IRAS 04535+3747 and IRAS 08187-1905 this is the first
  detailed abundance analysis based upon high resolution spectra. Mild
  indication of s-processing for IRAS 01259+6823, IRAS 05208-2035 and IRAS
  08187-1905 have been found and a more comprehensive study of s-process
  enhanced objects IRAS 17279-1119 and IRAS 22223+4327 have been carried
  out. We have also made a contemporary abundance analysis of the high
  galactic latitude supergiants BD+39 4926 and HD 107369. The former
  is heavily depleted in refractories and estimated [Zn/H] of -0.7 dex
  most likely gives initial metallicity of the star. For HD 107369 the
  abundances of alpha and Fe-peak elements are similar to those of halo
  objects and moderate deficiency of s-process elements is seen. IRAS
  07140-2321 despite being a short period binary with circumstellar shell
  does not exhibit selective depletion of refractory elements. We have
  compiled the stellar parameters and abundances for post-AGB stars
  with s-process enhancement, those showing significant depletion
  of condensable elements and those showing neither. The compilation
  shows that the s-process enhanced group contains very small number
  of binaries, and observed [alpha/Fe] are generally similar to thick
  disc values. It is likely that they represent AGB evolution of single
  stars.The compilation of depleted group contains larger fraction
  of binaries and generally supports the hypothesis of dusty discs
  surrounding binary post-AGB stars inferred via the shape of their SED
  and mid IR interferometry. IRAS 07140-2321 and BD+39 4926 are difficult
  to explain with this scenario and indicate the existence of additional
  parameter/condition needed to explain the depletion phenomenon.

Title: Dust around R Coronae Borealis Stars. I. Spitzer/Infrared
    Spectrograph Observations
Authors: García-Hernández, D. A.; Rao, N. Kameswara; Lambert,
   David L.
2011ApJ...739...37G    Altcode: 2011ApJ...739...37A; 2011arXiv1107.1185G
  Spitzer/infrared spectrograph (IRS) spectra from 5 to 37 μm
  for a complete sample of 31 R Coronae Borealis stars (RCBs) are
  presented. These spectra are combined with optical and near-infrared
  photometry of each RCB at maximum light to compile a spectral
  energy distribution (SED). The SEDs are fitted with blackbody flux
  distributions and estimates are made of the ratio of the infrared flux
  from circumstellar dust to the flux emitted by the star. Comparisons for
  29 of the 31 stars are made with the Infrared Astronomical Satellite
  (IRAS) fluxes from three decades earlier: Spitzer and IRAS fluxes
  at 12 μm and 25 μm are essentially equal for all but a minority
  of the sample. For this minority, the IRAS to Spitzer flux ratio
  exceeds a factor of three. The outliers are suggested to be stars
  where formation of a dust cloud or dust puff is a rare event. A single
  puff ejected prior to the IRAS observations may have been reobserved
  by Spitzer as a cooler puff at a greater distance from the RCB. RCBs
  which experience more frequent optical declines have, in general, a
  circumstellar environment containing puffs subtending a larger solid
  angle at the star and a quasi-constant infrared flux. Yet, the estimated
  subtended solid angles and the blackbody temperatures of the dust show
  a systematic evolution to lower solid angles and cooler temperatures
  in the interval between IRAS and Spitzer. Dust emission by these RCBs
  and those in the LMC is similar in terms of total 24 μm luminosity and
  [8.0]-[24.0] color index.

Title: Is the Post-AGB Star SAO 40039 Mildly Hydrogen-Deficient?
Authors: Sumangala Rao, S.; Pandey, Gajendra; Lambert, David L.;
   Giridhar, Sunetra
2011ApJ...737L...7S    Altcode: 2011arXiv1107.1316S; 2011ApJ...737L...7R
  We have conducted an LTE abundance analysis for SAO 40039, a warm
  post-AGB star whose spectrum is known to show surprisingly strong
  He I lines for its effective temperature and has been suspected of
  being H-deficient and He-rich. High-resolution optical spectra are
  analyzed using a family of model atmospheres with different He/H
  ratios. Atmospheric parameters are estimated from the ionization
  equilibrium set by neutral and singly ionized species of Fe and Mg,
  the excitation of Fe I and Fe II lines, and the wings of the Paschen
  lines. On the assumption that the He I lines are of photospheric
  and not chromospheric origin, a He/H ratio of approximately unity
  is found by imposing the condition that the adopted He/H ratio of
  the model atmosphere must equal the ratio derived from the observed
  He I triplet lines at 5876, 4471, and 4713 Å, and singlet lines at
  4922 and 5015 Å. Using the model with the best-fitting atmospheric
  parameters for this He/H ratio, SAO 40039 is confirmed to exhibit
  mild dust-gas depletion, i.e., the star has an atmosphere deficient
  in elements of high condensation temperature. The star appears to be
  moderately metal-deficient with [Fe/H] = -0.4 dex. But the star's
  intrinsic metallicity as estimated from Na, S, and Zn, elements
  of a low condensation temperature, is [Fe/H]<SUB>o</SUB> ~= -0.2
  ([Fe/H]<SUB>o</SUB> refers to the star's intrinsic metallicity). The
  star is enriched in N and perhaps O as well, changes reflecting the
  star's AGB past and the event that led to He enrichment.

Title: Origin of Lithium Enrichment in K Giants
Authors: Kumar, Yerra Bharat; Reddy, Bacham E.; Lambert, David L.
2011ApJ...730L..12K    Altcode: 2011arXiv1102.2299B
  In this Letter, we report on a low-resolution spectroscopic survey
  for Li-rich K giants among 2000 low-mass (M &lt;= 3 M <SUB>sun</SUB>)
  giants spanning the luminosity range from below to above the luminosity
  of the clump. Fifteen new Li-rich giants including four super Li-rich
  K giants (log epsilon(Li) &gt;=3.2) were discovered. A significant
  finding is that there is a concentration of Li-rich K giants at
  the luminosity of the clump or red horizontal branch. This new
  finding is partly a consequence of the fact that our low-resolution
  survey is the first large survey to include giants well below and
  above the red giant branch (RGB) bump and clump locations in the H-R
  diagram. Origin of the lithium enrichment may be plausibly attributed to
  the conversion of <SUP>3</SUP>He via <SUP>7</SUP>Be to <SUP>7</SUP>Li
  by the Cameron-Fowler mechanism but the location for the onset of the
  conversion is uncertain. Two possible opportunities to effect this
  conversion are discussed: the bump in the first ascent of the RGB and
  the He-core flash at the tip of the RGB. The finite luminosity spread
  of the Li-rich giants serves to reject the idea that Li enhancement is,
  in general, a consequence of a giant swallowing a large planet.

Title: Are C<SUB>60</SUB> Molecules Detectable in Circumstellar
    Shells of R Coronae Borealis Stars?
Authors: García-Hernández, D. A.; Kameswara Rao, N.; Lambert, D. L.
2011ApJ...729..126G    Altcode: 2011arXiv1101.2253G
  The hydrogen-poor, helium-rich, and carbon-rich character of the
  gas around R Coronae Borealis (RCB) stars has been suggested to be a
  site for formation of C<SUB>60</SUB> molecules. This suggestion is
  not supported by observations reported here showing that infrared
  transitions of C<SUB>60</SUB> are not seen in a large sample of RCB
  stars observed with the Infrared Spectrograph on the Spitzer Space
  Telescope. The infrared C<SUB>60</SUB> transitions are seen, however,
  in emission and blended with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)
  features in spectra of DY Cen and possibly also of V854 Cen, the two
  least hydrogen-deficient (hydrogen deficiency of only ~10-100) RCB
  stars. The speculation is offered that C<SUB>60</SUB> (and the PAHs) in
  the moderately H-deficient circumstellar envelopes may be formed by the
  decomposition of hydrogenated amorphous carbon but fullerene formation
  is inefficient in the highly H-deficient environments of most RCBs.

Title: The Abundance of Boron in Diffuse Interstellar Clouds
Authors: Ritchey, A. M.; Federman, S. R.; Sheffer, Y.; Lambert, D. L.
2011ApJ...728...70R    Altcode: 2010arXiv1012.4457R
  We present a comprehensive survey of boron abundances in diffuse
  interstellar clouds from observations made with the Space Telescope
  Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) of the Hubble Space Telescope. Our
  sample of 56 Galactic sight lines is the result of a complete search
  of archival STIS data for the B II λ1362 resonance line, with each
  detection confirmed by the presence of absorption from O I λ1355, Cu
  II λ1358, and Ga II λ1414 (when available) at the same velocity. Five
  previous measurements of interstellar B II from Goddard High Resolution
  Spectrograph observations are incorporated in our analysis, yielding
  a combined sample that more than quadruples the number of sight lines
  with significant boron detections. Our survey also constitutes the
  first extensive analysis of interstellar gallium from STIS spectra and
  expands on previously published results for oxygen and copper. The
  observations probe both high- and low-density diffuse environments,
  allowing the density-dependent effects of interstellar depletion to be
  clearly identified in the gas-phase abundance data for each element. In
  the case of boron, the increase in relative depletion with line-of-sight
  density amounts to an abundance difference of 0.8 dex between the warm
  and cold phases of the diffuse interstellar medium. The abundance of
  boron in warm, low-density gas is found to be B/H = (2.4 ± 0.6) ×
  10<SUP>-10</SUP>, which represents a depletion of 60% relative to the
  meteoritic boron abundance. Beyond the effects of depletion, our survey
  reveals sight lines with enhanced boron abundances that potentially
  trace the recent production of <SUP>11</SUP>B, resulting from
  spallation reactions involving either cosmic rays or neutrinos. Future
  observations will help to disentangle the relative contributions from
  the two spallation channels for <SUP>11</SUP>B synthesis. <P />Based
  in part on observations made with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope,
  obtained from the Multimission Archive at the Space Telescope Science
  Institute (MAST). STScI is operated by the Association of Universities
  for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under NASA contract NAS5-26555.

Title: Neon and CNO Abundances for Extreme Helium Stars—A Non-LTE
Authors: Pandey, Gajendra; Lambert, David L.
2011ApJ...727..122P    Altcode: 2010arXiv1011.5035P
  A non-LTE (NLTE) abundance analysis was carried out for three extreme
  helium stars (EHes): BD+10° 2179, BD-9° 4395, and LS IV+6° 002,
  from their optical spectra with NLTE model atmospheres. NLTE TLUSTY
  model atmospheres were computed with H, He, C, N, O, and Ne treated
  in NLTE. Model atmosphere parameters were chosen from consideration
  of fits to observed He I line profiles and ionization equilibria
  of C and N ions. The program SYNSPEC was then used to determine
  the NLTE abundances for Ne as well as H, He, C, N, and O. LTE neon
  abundances from Ne I lines in the EHes: LSE 78, V1920 Cyg, HD 124448,
  and PV Tel, are derived from published models and an estimate of the
  NLTE correction applied to obtain the NLTE Ne abundance. We show that
  the derived abundances of these key elements, including Ne, are well
  matched with semi-quantitative predictions for the EHe resulting from
  a cold merger (i.e., no nucleosynthesis during the merger) of an He
  white dwarf with a C-O white dwarf.

Title: Lithium abundances in the α Per cluster
Authors: Balachandran, Suchitra C.; Mallik, Sushma V.; Lambert,
   David L.
2011MNRAS.410.2526B    Altcode: 2010MNRAS.tmp.1582B; 2010arXiv1009.2323B
  Lithium (Li) abundances are presented and discussed for 70 members of
  the 50-Myr-old open cluster α Per. More than half of the abundances
  are from new high-resolution spectra. The Li abundance in the F-type
  stars is equal to its presumed initial abundance, confirming previous
  suggestions that pre-main-sequence depletion is ineffective for these
  stars. Intrinsic star-to-star scatter in Li abundance among these
  stars is comparable to the measurement uncertainties. There is marginal
  evidence that the stars of high projected rotational velocity (v sin
  i) follow a different abundance versus temperature trend from the slow
  rotators. For stars cooler than about 5500 K, the Li abundance declines
  steeply with decreasing temperature and there develops a star-to-star
  scatter in the Li abundance. This scatter is shown to resemble the
  well-documented scatter seen in the 70-Myr-old Pleiades cluster. The
  scatter appears to be far less pronounced in the 30-Myr clusters,
  which have been studied for Li abundance.

Title: Interstellar CN and CH<SUP>+</SUP> in Diffuse Molecular Clouds:
    <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C Ratios and CN Excitation
Authors: Ritchey, A. M.; Federman, S. R.; Lambert, D. L.
2011ApJ...728...36R    Altcode: 2010arXiv1012.1296R
  We present very high signal-to-noise ratio absorption-line
  observations of CN and CH<SUP>+</SUP> along 13 lines of sight
  through diffuse molecular clouds. The data are examined to extract
  precise isotopologic ratios of <SUP>12</SUP>CN/<SUP>13</SUP>CN and
  <SUP>12</SUP>CH<SUP>+</SUP>/<SUP>13</SUP>CH<SUP>+</SUP> in order
  to assess predictions of diffuse cloud chemistry. Our results
  on <SUP>12</SUP>CH<SUP>+</SUP>/<SUP>13</SUP>CH<SUP>+</SUP>
  confirm that this ratio does not deviate from the ambient
  <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C ratio in local interstellar clouds,
  as expected if the formation of CH<SUP>+</SUP> involves nonthermal
  processes. We find that <SUP>12</SUP>CN/<SUP>13</SUP>CN, however, can be
  significantly fractionated away from the ambient value. The dispersion
  in our sample of <SUP>12</SUP>CN/<SUP>13</SUP>CN ratios is similar to
  that found in recent surveys of <SUP>12</SUP>CO/<SUP>13</SUP>CO. For
  sight lines where both ratios have been determined, the
  <SUP>12</SUP>CN/<SUP>13</SUP>CN ratios are generally fractionated in the
  opposite sense compared to <SUP>12</SUP>CO/<SUP>13</SUP>CO. Chemical
  fractionation in CO results from competition between selective
  photodissociation and isotopic charge exchange (ICE). An
  inverse relationship between <SUP>12</SUP>CN/<SUP>13</SUP>CN and
  <SUP>12</SUP>CO/<SUP>13</SUP>CO follows from the coexistence of CN
  and CO in diffuse cloud cores. However, an ICE reaction with CN may
  mitigate the enhancements in <SUP>12</SUP>CN/<SUP>13</SUP>CN for
  lines of sight with low <SUP>12</SUP>CO/<SUP>13</SUP>CO ratios. For
  two sight lines with high values of <SUP>12</SUP>CO/<SUP>13</SUP>CO,
  our results indicate that about 50% of the carbon is locked up in CO,
  which is consistent with the notion that these sight lines probe
  molecular cloud envelopes where the transition from C<SUP>+</SUP>
  to CO is expected to occur. An analysis of CN rotational excitation
  yields a weighted mean value for T <SUB>01</SUB>(<SUP>12</SUP>CN)
  of 2.754 ± 0.002 K, which implies an excess over the temperature
  of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) of only 29 ± 3 mK. This
  modest excess eliminates the need for a local excitation mechanism
  beyond electron and neutral collisions. The rotational excitation
  temperatures in <SUP>13</SUP>CN show no excess over the temperature
  of the CMB. <P />Based in part on observations made with the Very
  Large Telescope of the European Southern Observatory, Paranal, Chile,
  under programs 065.I-0526, 071.C-0367, 071.C-0513, and 076.C-0431.

Title: Nitrogen enrichment in atmospheres of A- and F-type supergiants
Authors: Lyubimkov, Leonid S.; Lambert, David L.; Korotin, Sergey A.;
   Poklad, Dmitry B.; Rachkovskaya, Tamara M.; Rostopchin, Sergey I.
2011MNRAS.410.1774L    Altcode: 2010arXiv1009.0054L
  Using new accurate fundamental parameters of 30 Galactic A and F
  supergiants, namely their effective temperatures T<SUB>eff</SUB>
  and surface gravities log g, we implemented a non-LTE analysis of the
  nitrogen abundance in their atmospheres. It is shown that the non-LTE
  corrections to the N abundances increase with T<SUB>eff</SUB>. The
  nitrogen overabundance as a general feature of this type of stars is
  confirmed. A majority of the stars have a nitrogen excess [N/Fe] between
  0.2 and 0.9 dex with the maximum position of the star's distribution on
  [N/Fe] between 0.4 and 0.7 dex. The N excesses are discussed in light
  of predictions for B-type main sequence (MS) stars with rotationally
  induced mixing and for their next evolutionary phase, i.e. A- and F-type
  supergiants that have experienced the first dredge-up. Rotationally
  induced mixing in the MS progenitors of the supergiants may be a
  significant cause of the nitrogen excesses. When comparing our results
  with predictions of the theory developed for stars with the mixing, we
  find that the bulk of the supergiants (28 of 30) show the N enrichment
  that can be expected (i) either after the MS phase for stars with the
  initial rotational velocities v<SUB>0</SUB>= 200-400 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>
  (ii) or after the first dredge-up for stars with v<SUB>0</SUB>= 50-400
  km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. The latter possibility is preferred on account
  of the longer lifetime for stars on red-blue loops following the
  first dredge-up. Two supergiants without a discernible N enrichment,
  namely HR 825 and HR 7876, may be post-MS objects with the relatively
  low initial rotational velocity of about 100 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. The
  suggested range for v<SUB>0</SUB> is approximately consistent with
  inferences from the observed projected rotational velocities of B-type
  MS stars, progenitors of A and F supergiants.

Title: Interstellar Lithium and Rubidium in the Diffuse Gas Near
    IC 443
Authors: Ritchey, Adam M.; Taylor, C. J.; Federman, S. R.; Lambert,
   D. L.
2011AAS...21725623R    Altcode: 2011BAAS...4325623R
  We present an analysis of interstellar lithium and rubidium from
  observations made with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope at McDonald
  Observatory of the Li I λ6707 and Rb I λ7800 absorption lines
  along four lines of sight through the supernova remnant IC 443. The
  observations probe interstellar material polluted by the ejecta of a
  core-collapse (Type II) supernova and can thus be used to constrain
  the contribution from massive stars to the synthesis of lithium and
  rubidium. Production of <SUP>7</SUP>Li is expected to occur through
  neutrino spallation in the helium and carbon shells of the progenitor
  star during the terminal supernova explosion, while both <SUP>6</SUP>Li
  and <SUP>7</SUP>Li are synthesized via spallation and fusion reactions
  involving cosmic rays accelerated by the remnant. Gamma-ray emission
  from IC 443 provides strong evidence for the interaction of accelerated
  cosmic rays with the ambient atomic and molecular gas. Rubidium is
  also produced by massive stars through the weak s-process in the
  He- and C-burning shells and the r-process during core collapse. We
  examine interstellar <SUP>7</SUP>Li/<SUP>6</SUP>Li isotope ratios as
  well as Li/K and Rb/K ratios along each line of sight, and discuss
  the implications of our results in the context of nucleosynthesis
  associated with Type II supernovae.

Title: Abundance analysis of RV Tauri like stars
Authors: Sudhakar, Sumangala Rao; Giridhar, Sunetra; Lambert, David L.
2011ASInC...3..121S    Altcode:
  We have done comprehensive abundance analysis using high resolution
  spectra for IRAS01427+4633, IRAS 06165+3158 and IRAS 19135+3937
  which occupy the RV Tauri box in the IRAS two colour diagram. We
  have also analyzed RV Tauri stars SU Gem, V453 Oph and TX Per. We
  find abundance anomalies caused by selective depletion of refractive
  elements for SU Gem and IRAS 19135+3937, although the effect is less
  distinct for the later. This effect has been observed in some post-AGB
  stars and RV Tauri stars of spectroscopic class B. We have done a
  detailed abundance analysis for V453 Oph which is the only galactic
  RV Tauri star reported to exhibit s-process enhancement. We find
  relative enrichment of α elements Mg, Si, Ca and Ti generally seen
  in old disk or halo objects and modest s-process enhancement [s/Fe =
  0.6]. We find very mild indication of s-processing in IRAS 06165+3158;
  a metal-poor object with RV Tauri like colours.

Title: High-resolution optical spectroscopy of the F supergiant
    protoplanetary nebula IRAS 18095+2704
Authors: Şahin, T.; Lambert, David L.; Klochkova, V. G.;
   Tavolganskaya, N. S.
2011MNRAS.410..612S    Altcode: 2010arXiv1008.0358S
  An abundance analysis is presented for IRAS 18095+2704 (V887 Her),
  a post-asymptotic giant branch star and protoplanetary nebula. The
  analysis is based on high-resolution optical spectra from the McDonald
  Observatory and the Special Astrophysical Observatory. Standard analysis
  using a classical Kurucz model atmosphere and the line analysis program
  MOOG provides the atmospheric parameters: T<SUB>eff</SUB>= 6500 K,
  log g=+0.5, microturbulent velocity ξ= 4.7 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> and
  [Fe/H]=-0.9. Extraction of these parameters is based on excitation of Fe
  I lines, ionization equilibrium between neutral and ions of Mg, Ca, Ti,
  Cr and Fe, and the wings of hydrogen Paschen lines. Elemental abundances
  are obtained for 22 elements and upper limits for an additional
  four elements. These results show that the star's atmosphere has not
  experienced a significant number of C- and s-process enriching thermal
  pulses. Abundance anomalies as judged relative to the compositions
  of unevolved and less-evolved normal stars of a similar metallicity
  include Al, Y and Zr deficiencies with respect to Fe of about 0.5
  dex. Judged by composition, the star resembles an RV Tauri variable
  that has been mildly affected by dust-gas separation reducing the
  abundances of the elements of highest condensation temperature. This
  separation may occur in the stellar wind. There are indications that
  the standard one-dimensional local thermodynamic equilibrium analysis is
  not entirely appropriate for IRAS 18095+2704. These include a supersonic
  macroturbulent velocity of 23 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, emission in Hα and the
  failure of predicted profiles to fit observed profiles of Hβ and Hγ.

Title: Comprehensive abundance studies of four open clusters
Authors: Arumalla, Bala Sudhakara Reddy; Giridhar, Sunetra; Lambert,
   David L.
2011ASInC...3..133A    Altcode:
  Galactic open clusters are excellent tools to study the chemical
  evolution of Galaxy. They provide a sample of stars homogeneous
  in age and chemical composition and their distances are well
  determined. We have analyzed high resolution spectra (40,000) of
  red giant members for each cluster to derive abundances for a whole
  range of elements including light as well as heavy elements. We have
  measured equivalent widths for large number of lines for each species
  and have used model atmosphere grid developed by Kurucz and Castelli
  and 2009 version of spectrum synthesis code. For each cluster 4-5 red
  giants are analyzed. The membership to the cluster has been confirmed
  through their radial velocities and proper motions. The spread in
  temperatures and gravities being very small nearly the same stellar
  lines were employed thereby reducing the random errors. The errors of
  average abundance for the cluster were generally in 0.02 to 0.07 dex
  range. <P />Our present sample covers galactocentric distance range
  of 8.8 to 10.98 kpc. Most of these clusters are located in anti-center
  direction. NGC 752 exhibits near-solar [Fe/H] of -0.05, NGC 2360 -0.11,
  NGC 1817 -0.15 and NGC 2506 -0.32. The cluster to cluster variations
  are encountered for alpha elements, Fe-peak elements and for s and
  r-process elements. The present sample is quite modest and would be
  extended for a larger set of clusters. For each cluster the observed
  chemical abundance patterns, when sufficiently different in one or
  more elements, offer the possibility to reconstruct now dispersed
  stellar aggregates of the protogalactic disk and so improve our basic
  understanding of the disk formation process.

Title: Erratum: A search for interstellar anthracene toward the
    Perseus anomalous microwave emission region
Authors: Iglesias-Groth, S.; Manchado, A.; Rebolo, R.; González
   Hernández, J. I.; García-Hernández, D. A.; Lambert, D. L.
2010MNRAS.409..880I    Altcode: 2010MNRAS.tmp.1653I
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Granulation Signatures in the Spectrum of the Very Metal-poor
    Red Giant HD 122563
Authors: Ramírez, I.; Collet, R.; Lambert, D. L.; Allende Prieto,
   C.; Asplund, M.
2010ApJ...725L.223R    Altcode: 2010arXiv1011.4077R
  A very high resolution (R = λ/Δλ = 200, 000), high signal-to-noise
  ratio (S/N ~= 340) blue-green spectrum of the very metal-poor ([Fe/H]
  ~= -2.6) red giant star HD 122563 has been obtained by us at McDonald
  Observatory. We measure the asymmetries and core wavelengths of a set
  of unblended Fe I lines covering a wide range of line strength. Line
  bisectors exhibit the characteristic C-shape signature of surface
  convection (granulation) and they span from about 100 m s<SUP>-1</SUP>
  in the strongest Fe I features to 800 m s<SUP>-1</SUP> in the
  weakest ones. Core wavelength shifts range from about -100 to -900
  m s<SUP>-1</SUP>, depending on line strength. In general, larger
  blueshifts are observed in weaker lines, but there is increasing
  scatter with increasing residual flux. Assuming local thermodynamic
  equilibrium (LTE), we synthesize the same set of spectral lines using
  a state-of-the-art three-dimensional (3D) hydrodynamic simulation
  for a stellar atmosphere of fundamental parameters similar to those
  of HD 122563. We find good agreement between model predictions and
  observations. This allows us to infer an absolute zero point for
  the line shifts and radial velocity. Moreover, it indicates that
  the structure and dynamics of the simulation are realistic, thus
  providing support to previous claims of large 3D-LTE corrections to
  elemental abundances and fundamental parameters of very metal-poor
  red giant stars obtained with standard 1D-LTE spectroscopic analyses,
  as suggested by the hydrodynamic model used here.

Title: The Interstellar <SUP>7</SUP>Li/<SUP>6</SUP>Li Ratio in the
    Diffuse Gas Near IC 443
Authors: Ritchey, A. M.; Taylor, C. J.; Federman, S. R.; Lambert, D. L.
2010mwac.meet..T07R    Altcode:
  Supernova remnants are believed to be the primary acceleration sites
  of Galactic cosmic rays (GCR), which are essential to gas-phase
  interstellar chemistry since they are a major source of ionization in
  both diffuse and dense environments. The interaction of accelerated
  particles with interstellar gas will also synthesize isotopes of the
  light elements Li, Be, and B through the spallation of CNO nuclei
  (producing all stable LiBeB isotopes) and through α+α fusion
  (yielding <SUP>6</SUP>Li and <SUP>7</SUP>Li, only). Type II supernovae
  may provide an additional source of <SUP>7</SUP>Li and <SUP>11</SUP>B
  during core collapse through neutrino-induced spallation in the
  He and C shells of the progenitor star (the ν-process). However,
  direct observational evidence for light element synthesis resulting
  from cosmic-ray or neutrino-induced spallation is rare. Here, we
  examine <SUP>7</SUP>Li/<SUP>6</SUP>Li isotope ratios along four lines
  of sight through the supernova remnant IC 443 using observations of
  the Li I λ6707 doublet made with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET) at
  McDonald Observatory. <P />The <SUP>7</SUP>Li/<SUP>6</SUP>Li ratio in
  the general interstellar medium is expected to be similar to the ratio
  of ~12 that characterizes solar system material. A local enhancement
  in the cosmic-ray flux will act to lower <SUP>7</SUP>Li/<SUP>6</SUP>Li,
  yielding a ratio of ~2 when cosmic rays dominate Li synthesis. Gamma-ray
  emission from IC 443 provides strong evidence for the interaction
  of cosmic rays accelerated by the remnant with the ambient atomic
  and molecular gas. Yet this material has also been contaminated
  by the ejecta of a Type II supernova, which should be enriched in
  <SUP>7</SUP>Li. We are seeking <SUP>7</SUP>Li/<SUP>6</SUP>Li ratios
  that are either higher than the solar system ratio as a result of
  the ν-process or lower due to cosmic-ray spallation. Since the
  fine structure separation of the Li I doublet is comparable to the
  isotope shift (~7 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>) and each fine structure line
  is further split into hyperfine components, the velocity structure
  along the line of sight must be carefully constrained if meaningful
  <SUP>7</SUP>Li/<SUP>6</SUP>Li ratios are to be determined. In our
  analysis, the strongest components seen in K I and CH are used to
  synthesize the complex Li I profiles. We will discuss the implications
  of our results on <SUP>7</SUP>Li/<SUP>6</SUP>Li (and Li/K) ratios in
  the context of Li production by Type II supernovae.

Title: Surprising Metallicity of a Newly Discovered M79 Post-AGB Star
Authors: Sahin, T.; Lambert, D. L.
2010ASPC..432..254S    Altcode: 2009arXiv0910.5567S
  A detailed chemical composition analysis based on a high-resolution
  (R≍35,000) CCD spectrum is presented for a newly discovered post-AGB
  star in the globular cluster M79 for the first time. The elemental
  abundance results of M79 post-AGB star are found to be [C/Fe] ≍ -0.7,
  [O/Fe] = +1.4, [α-process/Fe] ≍ 0.5, and [s-process/Fe] ≍ -0.1. The
  surprising result is that the iron abundance of the star is apparently
  about 0.6 dex less than that of the cluster’s red giants as reported
  by published studies including a recent high-resolution spectroscopic
  analysis by Carretta and colleagues.

Title: A search for interstellar anthracene towards the Perseus
    anomalous microwave emission region
Authors: Iglesias-Groth, S.; Manchado, A.; Rebolo, R.; González
   Hernández, J. I.; García-Hernández, D. A.; Lambert, D. L.
2010MNRAS.407.2157I    Altcode: 2010arXiv1005.4388I; 2010MNRAS.tmp.1136I
  We report the discovery of a new broad interstellar (or circumstellar)
  band at 7088.8 +/- 2.0 Å coincident to within the measurement
  uncertainties with the strongest band of the anthracene cation
  (C<SUB>14</SUB>H<SUB>10</SUB><SUP>+</SUP>) as measured in gas-phase
  laboratory spectroscopy at low temperatures. The band is detected
  in the line of sight of star Cernis 52, a likely member of the
  very young star cluster IC 348, and is probably associated with
  cold absorbing material in an intervening molecular cloud of the
  Perseus star-forming region where various experiments have recently
  detected anomalous microwave emission. From the measured intensity
  and available oscillator strength we find a column density of implying
  that ~0.008 per cent of the carbon in the cloud could be in the form
  of C<SUB>14</SUB>H<SUB>10</SUB><SUP>+</SUP>. A similar abundance has
  been recently claimed for the naphthalene cation in this cloud. This is
  the first location outside the Solar system where specific polycyclic
  aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are identified. We report observations
  of interstellar lines of CH and CH<SUP>+</SUP> that support a rather
  high column density for these species and for molecular hydrogen. The
  strength ratio of the two prominent diffuse interstellar bands at
  5780 and 5797 Å suggests the presence of a `zeta'-type cloud in the
  line of sight (consistent with steep far-ultraviolet extinction and
  high molecular content). The presence of PAH cations and other related
  hydrogenated carbon molecules which are likely to occur in this type of
  clouds reinforces the suggestion that electric dipole radiation from
  fast-spinning PAHs is responsible of the anomalous microwave emission
  detected towards Perseus.

Title: Manganese Abundances in the Globular Cluster ω Centauri
Authors: Cunha, Katia; Smith, Verne V.; Bergemann, Maria; Suntzeff,
   Nicholas B.; Lambert, David L.
2010ApJ...717..333C    Altcode: 2010arXiv1005.2363C
  We present manganese abundances in 10 red giant members of the globular
  cluster ω Centauri; eight stars are from the most metal-poor population
  (RGB MP and RGB MInt1) while two targets are members of the more
  metal-rich groups (RGB MInt2 and MInt3). This is the first time Mn
  abundances have been studied in this peculiar stellar system. The
  LTE values of [Mn/Fe] in ω Cen overlap those of Milky Way stars in
  the metal-poor ω Cen populations ([Fe/H] ~-1.5 to -1.8), however
  unlike what is observed in Milky Way halo and disk stars, [Mn/Fe]
  declines in the two more metal-rich RGB MInt2 and MInt3 targets. Non-LTE
  calculations were carried out in order to derive corrections to the LTE
  Mn abundances. The non-LTE results for ω Cen in comparison with the
  non-LTE [Mn/Fe] versus [Fe/H] trend obtained for the Milky Way confirm
  and strengthen the conclusion that the manganese behavior in ω Cen
  is distinct. These results suggest that low-metallicity supernovae
  (with metallicities &lt;= -2) of either Type II or Type Ia dominated
  the enrichment of the more metal-rich stars in ω Cen. The dominance
  of low-metallicity stars in the chemical evolution of ω Cen has
  been noted previously in the s-process elements where enrichment from
  metal-poor asymptotic giant branch stars is indicated. In addition,
  copper, which also has metallicity-dependent yields, exhibits lower
  values of [Cu/Fe] in the RGB MInt2 and MInt3 ω Cen populations.

Title: Oxygen Isotopic Ratios in Cool R Coronae Borealis Stars
Authors: García-Hernández, D. A.; Lambert, David L.; Kameswara Rao,
   N.; Hinkle, Ken H.; Eriksson, Kjell
2010ApJ...714..144G    Altcode: 2010arXiv1003.2901A
  We investigate the relationship between R Coronae Borealis (RCB)
  stars and hydrogen-deficient carbon (HdC) stars by measuring precise
  <SUP>16</SUP>O/<SUP>18</SUP>O ratios for five cool RCB stars. The
  <SUP>16</SUP>O/<SUP>18</SUP>O ratios are derived by spectrum synthesis
  from high-resolution (R ~ 50, 000) K-band spectra. Lower limits to the
  <SUP>16</SUP>O/<SUP>17</SUP>O and <SUP>14</SUP>N/<SUP>15</SUP>N ratios
  as well as Na and S abundances (when possible) are also given. RCB
  stars in our sample generally display less <SUP>18</SUP>O than HdC
  stars—the derived <SUP>16</SUP>O/<SUP>18</SUP>O ratios range from 3
  to 20. The only exception is the RCB star WX CrA, which seems to be an
  HdC-like star with <SUP>16</SUP>O/<SUP>18</SUP>O = 0.3. Our result of
  a higher <SUP>16</SUP>O/<SUP>18</SUP>O ratio for the RCB stars must
  be accounted for by a theory of the formation and evolution of HdC
  and RCB stars. We speculate that a late dredge-up of products of He
  burning, principally <SUP>12</SUP>C and <SUP>16</SUP>O, may convert an
  <SUP>18</SUP>O-rich HdC star into an <SUP>18</SUP>O-poor RCB star as
  the H-deficient star begins its final evolution from a cool supergiant
  to the top of the white dwarf cooling track.

Title: Lithium abundances in the α Persei Cluster
Authors: Mallik, Sushma V.; Balachandran, Suchitra C.; Lambert,
   David L.
2010IAUS..268..339M    Altcode:
  As a sequel to the Li observations by Balachandran, Lambert &amp;
  Stauffer (1988, 1996) in 35 stars of the 50 Myr old cluster α Persei,
  we have obtained and analyzed high resolution spectra of another
  51 stars. Following a reconsideration of the cluster membership of
  the stars (Prosser 1992, Makarov 2006, Mermilliod et al. 2008, and
  Patience et al. 2002), we discuss the Li abundances for 70 stars. With
  our larger sample, we reexamine the question of whether the scatter
  in Li abundance at a given T<SUB>eff</SUB> seen in young clusters at
  cool temperatures is real or not.

Title: Light elements - one observer's historical perspective
Authors: Lambert, David L.
2010IAUS..268....3L    Altcode: 2014arXiv1412.3876L
  This essay attempts to provide a historical perspective on some of
  the key questions that engaged the attention of participants at the
  symposium. In particular, the writer offers and comments on a personal
  list of milestones in the literature published between 1957 and 1982.

Title: Boron abundances in diffuse interstellar clouds
Authors: Ritchey, Adam M.; Federman, S. R.; Sheffer, Y.; Lambert, D. L.
2010IAUS..268..237R    Altcode: 2009arXiv0912.3579R
  We present a comprehensive survey of B abundances in diffuse
  interstellar clouds from HST/STIS observations along 56 Galactic sight
  lines. Our sample is the result of a complete search of archival
  STIS data for the B II λ1362 resonance line, with each detection
  confirmed by the presence of absorption from other dominant ions at
  the same velocity. The data probe a range of astrophysical environments
  including both high-density regions of massive star formation as well
  as low-density paths through the Galactic halo, allowing us to clearly
  define the trend of B depletion onto interstellar grains as a function
  of gas density. Many extended sight lines exhibit complex absorption
  profiles that trace both local gas and gas associated with either
  the Sagittarius-Carina or Perseus spiral arm. Our analysis indicates
  a higher B/O ratio in the inner Sagittarius-Carina spiral arm than
  in the vicinity of the Sun, which may suggest that B production in
  the current epoch is dominated by a secondary process. The average
  gas-phase B abundance in the warm diffuse ISM [log ɛ(B) = 2.38±0.10]
  is consistent with the abundances determined for a variety of Galactic
  disk stars, but is depleted by 60% relative to the solar system
  value. Our survey also reveals sight lines with enhanced B abundances
  that potentially trace recent production of <SUP>11</SUP>B either by
  cosmic-ray or neutrino-induced spallation. Such sight lines will be
  key to discerning the relative importance of the two production routes
  for <SUP>11</SUP>B synthesis.

Title: Insights into the s-process and r-process as revealed by
    globular clusters
Authors: Yong, D.; Karakas, A. I.; Lambert, D. L.; Chieffi, A.;
   Limongi, M.
2010IAUS..265...54Y    Altcode:
  We present abundance measurements for a large number of neutron-capture
  elements in giant stars of the globular clusters M4, M5, and M13. The
  relative abundance ratios differ between all three clusters. For all
  clusters, we find that the mean abundances for the elements from
  Ba to Hf can be well explained by scaled versions of the solar s-
  and r-process abundances, albeit with different mixtures of s- and
  r-process material for each clusters.

Title: Accurate fundamental parameters for A-, F- and G-type
    Supergiants in the solar neighbourhood
Authors: Lyubimkov, Leonid S.; Lambert, David L.; Rostopchin, Sergey
   I.; Rachkovskaya, Tamara M.; Poklad, Dmitry B.
2010MNRAS.402.1369L    Altcode: 2009MNRAS.tmp.1881L; 2009arXiv0911.1335L
  The following parameters are determined for 63 Galactic supergiants
  in the solar neighbourhood: effective temperature T<SUB>eff</SUB>;
  surface gravity logg iron abundance logɛ(Fe) microturbulent parameter
  V<SUB>t</SUB>; mass M/M<SUB>solar</SUB> age t and distance d. A
  significant improvement in the accuracy of the determination of logg,
  and all parameters dependent on it, is obtained through application
  of van Leeuwen rereduction of the Hipparcos parallaxes. The typical
  error in the logg values is now +/-0.06dex for supergiants with
  distances d &lt; 300 pc and +/-0.12dex for supergiants with d between
  300 and 700 pc; the mean error in T<SUB>eff</SUB> for these stars is
  +/-120K. For supergiants with d &gt; 700 pc, parallaxes are uncertain or
  unmeasurable, so typical errors in their logg values are 0.2-0.3dex. <P
  />A new T<SUB>eff</SUB> scale for A5-G5 stars of luminosity classes
  Ib-II is presented. Spectral subtypes and luminosity classes of several
  stars are corrected. Combining the T<SUB>eff</SUB> and logg with
  evolutionary tracks, stellar masses and ages are determined; a majority
  of the sample has masses between 4 and 15M<SUB>solar</SUB> and, hence,
  their progenitors were early to middle B-type main-sequence stars. <P
  />Using FeII lines, which are insensitive to departures from local
  thermodynamic equilibrium, the microturbulent parameter V<SUB>t</SUB>
  and the iron abundance logɛ(Fe) are determined from high-resolution
  spectra. The parameter V<SUB>t</SUB> is correlated with gravity:
  V<SUB>t</SUB> increases with decreasing logg. The mean iron abundance
  for the 48 supergiants with distances d &lt; 700 pc is logɛ(Fe) =
  7.48 +/- 0.09, a value close to the solar value of 7.45 +/- 0.05,
  and thus the local supergiants and the Sun have the same metallicity.

Title: High-resolution spectroscopy of the R Coronae Borealis and
    Other Hydrogen Deficient Stars
Authors: Rao, N. Kameswara; Lambert, David L.
2010ASSP...17..177R    Altcode: 2010rasp.book..177R; 2010rast.conf..177R; 2010ASSP...17..177K;
  High-resolution spectroscopy is a very important tool for studying
  stellar physics, perhaps, particularly so for such enigmatic objects
  like the R Coronae Borealis and related Hydrogen deficient stars that
  produce carbon dust in addition to their peculiar abundances. Examples
  of how high-resolution spectroscopy is used in the study of these stars
  to address the two major puzzles are presented: (i) How are such rare
  H-deficient stars created? and (ii) How and where are the obscuring
  soot clouds produced around the R Coronae Borealis stars?

Title: Rubidium in the Interstellar Medium
Authors: Walker, Kyle M.; Federman, S. R.; Knauth, David C.; Lambert,
   David L.
2009ApJ...706..614W    Altcode: 2009arXiv0910.2288W
  We present observations of interstellar rubidium toward o Per, ζ Per,
  AE Aur, HD 147889, χ Oph, ζ Oph, and 20 Aql. Theory suggests that
  stable <SUP>85</SUP>Rb and long-lived <SUP>87</SUP>Rb are produced
  predominantly by high-mass stars, through a combination of the weak
  s- and r-processes. The <SUP>85</SUP>Rb/<SUP>87</SUP>Rb ratio was
  determined from measurements of the Rb I line at 7800 Å and was
  compared to the solar system meteoritic ratio of 2.59. Within 1σ
  uncertainties, all directions except HD 147889 have Rb isotope
  ratios consistent with the solar system value. The ratio toward
  HD 147889 is much lower than the meteoritic value and similar to
  that toward ρ Oph A; both lines of sight probe the Rho Ophiuchus
  Molecular Cloud. The earlier result was attributed to a deficit of
  r-processed <SUP>85</SUP>Rb. Our larger sample suggests instead that
  <SUP>87</SUP>Rb is enhanced in these two lines of sight. When the total
  elemental abundance of Rb is compared to the K elemental abundance,
  the interstellar Rb/K ratio is significantly lower than the meteoritic
  ratio for all the sight lines in this study. Available interstellar
  samples for other s- and r- process elements are used to help interpret
  these results.

Title: The Chemical Composition of Cernis 52 (BD+31° 640)
Authors: González Hernández, J. I.; Iglesias-Groth, S.; Rebolo,
   R.; García-Hernández, D. A.; Manchado, A.; Lambert, D. L.
2009ApJ...706..866G    Altcode: 2009ApJ...706..866H; 2009arXiv0910.2310G
  We present an abundance analysis of the star Cernis 52 in whose
  spectrum we recently reported the naphthalene cation in absorption
  at 6707.4 Å. This star is on a line of sight to the Perseus
  molecular complex. The analysis of high-resolution spectra using a
  χ2-minimization procedure and a grid of synthetic spectra provides the
  stellar parameters and the abundances of O, Mg, Si, S, Ca, and Fe. The
  stellar parameters of this star are found to be T <SUB>eff</SUB> =
  8350 ± 200 K, log(g/cm s<SUP>2</SUP>)=4.2 ± 0.4 dex. We derived a
  metallicity of [Fe/H] = -0.01 ± 0.15. These stellar parameters are
  consistent with a star of ~2 M <SUB>sun</SUB> in a pre-main-sequence
  evolutionary stage. The stellar spectrum is significantly veiled in the
  spectral range λλ5150-6730 Å up to almost 55% of the total flux at
  5150 Å and decreasing toward longer wavelengths. Using Johnson-Cousins
  and Two Micron All Sky Survey photometric data, we determine a distance
  to Cernis 52 of 231<SUP>+135</SUP> <SUB>-85</SUB> pc considering the
  error bars of the stellar parameters. This determination places the
  star at a similar distance to the young cluster IC 348. This together
  with its radial velocity, v<SUB>r</SUB> = 13.7 ± 1 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>,
  its proper motion and probable young age support Cernis 52 as a likely
  member of IC 348. We determine a rotational velocity of vsin i =
  65 ± 5 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> for this star. We confirm that the stellar
  resonance line of Li I at 6707.8 Å is unable to fit the broad feature
  at 6707.4 Å. This feature should have a interstellar origin and could
  possibly form in the dark cloud L1470 surrounding all the cluster IC
  348 at about the same distance.

Title: Rb-Rich Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars in the Magellanic Clouds
Authors: García-Hernández, D. A.; Manchado, A.; Lambert, D. L.;
   Plez, B.; García-Lario, P.; D'Antona, F.; Lugaro, M.; Karakas, A. I.;
   van Raai, M. A.
2009ApJ...705L..31G    Altcode: 2009arXiv0909.4391G
  We present high-resolution (R ~ 60,000) optical spectra of a carefully
  selected sample of heavily obscured and presumably massive O-rich
  asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars in the Magellanic Clouds. We
  report the discovery of strong Rb I lines at 7800 Å in four Rb-rich
  LMC stars at luminosities equal to or greater than the standard
  adopted luminosity limit for AGB stars (M <SUB>bol</SUB> ~ -7.1),
  confirming that "hot bottom burning" may produce a flux excess in
  the more massive AGB stars. In the SMC sample, just one of the five
  stars with M <SUB>bol</SUB> &lt; -7.1 was detected in Rb; the other
  stars may be massive red supergiants. The Rb-rich LMC AGB stars might
  have stellar masses of at least ~6-7 M <SUB>sun</SUB>. Our abundance
  analyses show that these Rb-rich stars are extremely enriched in Rb
  by up to 10<SUP>3</SUP>-10<SUP>5</SUP> times solar but seem to have
  only mild Zr enhancements. The high Rb/Zr ratios, if real, represent a
  severe problem for the s-process, even if the <SUP>22</SUP>Ne source
  is operational as expected for massive AGB stars; it is not possible
  to synthesize copious amounts of Rb without also overproducing Zr. The
  solution to the problem may lie with an incomplete present understanding
  of the atmospheres of luminous AGB stars.

Title: High-resolution optical spectroscopy of a newly discovered
    post-AGB star with a surprising metallicity in the globular cluster
Authors: Şahin, T.; Lambert, David L.
2009MNRAS.398.1730S    Altcode: 2009MNRAS.tmp.1162S; 2009arXiv0906.3706S; 2009MNRAS.tmp.1270S;
  An abundance analysis based on a high-resolution spectrum is presented
  for a newly discovered post-asymptotic giant branch (PAGB) star in
  the globular cluster M79. The surprising result is that the iron
  abundance of the star is apparently about 0.6 dex less than that of
  the cluster's red giants as reported by published studies including
  a recent high-resolution spectroscopic analysis by Carretta and
  colleagues. Abundances relative to iron appear to be the same for
  the PAGB star and the red giants for the 15 common elements. It is
  suggested that the explanation for the lower abundances of the PAGB
  star may be that its atmospheric structure differs from that of a
  classical atmosphere; the temperature gradient may be flatter than
  predicted by a classical atmosphere.

Title: Granulation in K-type dwarf stars. II. Hydrodynamic simulations
    and 3D spectrum synthesis
Authors: Ramírez, I.; Allende Prieto, C.; Koesterke, L.; Lambert,
   D. L.; Asplund, M.
2009A&A...501.1087R    Altcode: 2009arXiv0905.3101R
  Aims: To explore the impact of surface inhomogeneities on stellar
  spectra, granulation models need to be computed. Ideally, the most
  fundamental characteristics of these models should be carefully
  tested before applying them to the study of more practical matters,
  such as the derivation of photospheric abundances. Our goal is to
  analyze the particular case of a K-dwarf. <BR />Methods: We construct a
  three-dimensional radiative-hydrodynamic model atmosphere of parameters
  T_eff=4820 K, log g=4.5, and solar chemical composition. Using this
  model and 3D spectrum synthesis, we computed a number of Fe i and Fe
  ii line profiles. The observations presented in the first paper of this
  series were used to test the model predictions. The effects of stellar
  rotation and instrumental imperfections are carefully taken into account
  in the synthesis of spectral lines. <BR />Results: The theoretical
  line profiles show the typical signatures of granulation: the lines
  are asymmetric, with their bisectors having a characteristic C-shape
  and their core wavelengths shifted with respect to their laboratory
  values. The line bisectors span from about 10 to 250 m s<SUP>-1</SUP>,
  depending on line strength, with the stronger features showing larger
  span. The corresponding core wavelength shifts range from about -200 m
  s<SUP>-1</SUP> for the weak Fe i lines to almost +100 m s<SUP>-1</SUP>
  in the strong Fe i features. Based on observational results for the Sun,
  we argue that there should be no core wavelength shift for Fe i lines
  of EW≳100 mÅ. The cores of the strongest lines show contributions
  from the uncertain top layers of the model, where non-LTE effects
  and the presence of the chromosphere, which are important in real
  stars, are not accounted for. The Fe ii lines suffer from stronger
  granulation effects due to their deeper formation depth which makes them
  experience stronger temperature and velocity contrasts. For example,
  the core wavelength shifts of the weakest Fe ii lines are about -600
  m s<SUP>-1</SUP>. The comparison of model predictions to observed Fe
  i line bisectors and core wavelength shifts for our reference star,
  HIP 86 400, shows excellent agreement, with the exception of the core
  wavelength shifts of the strongest features, for which we suspect
  inaccurate theoretical values. Since this limitation does not affect
  the predicted line equivalent widths significantly, we consider our
  3D model validated for photospheric abundance work.

Title: Isotopic Titanium Abundances in Local M Dwarfs
Authors: Chavez, Joy; Lambert, David L.
2009ApJ...699.1906C    Altcode: 2009arXiv0905.2762C
  Relative abundances of the five stable isotopes of titanium
  (<SUP>46</SUP>Ti to <SUP>50</SUP>Ti) are measured for 11 M dwarfs
  belonging to the thin disk (four stars), thick disk (three stars),
  the halo (one star), and either the thick or the thin disk (three
  stars). Over the metallicity range of the sample (-1&lt; [Fe/H] &lt;0),
  the isotopic ratios are approximately constant at the solar system
  ratios. There is no discernible difference between the isotopic ratios
  for thin and thick disk stars. Isotopic ratios are in fair accord
  with recent calculations of Galactic chemical evolution despite the
  fact that such calculations underpredict [Ti/Fe] by about 0.4 dex at
  all metallicities.

Title: Ground-Based Observations of Interstellar CN and CH^+ in
Diffuse Molecular Clouds: the ^{12}C/^{13}C Ratio and the Excitation
    of ^{13}CN
Authors: Ritchey, Adam M.; Federman, Steven R.; Sheffer, Yaron;
   Lambert, David L.
2009mss..confEWI04R    Altcode:
  We present high signal-to-noise ratio observations of optical
  transitions in CN and CH^+ for a number of Galactic diffuse clouds. The
  data are examined to extract the ^{12}CN/^{13}CN and ^{12}CH^+/^{13}CH^+
  ratios along each line of sight in order to assess predictions of
  diffuse cloud chemistry. We find a weighted mean ^{12}CH^+/^{13}CH^+
  ratio of 74.4 ± 7.6. This result is consistent with the average
  ^{12}C/^{13}C ratio of 70 ± 7 for local interstellar clouds,
  confirming the theoretical expectation that ^{12}CH^+/^{13}CH^+
  represents the ambient carbon isotopic ratio. Our sample includes
  three sight lines for which previous studies had found much lower
  values of ^{12}CH^+/^{13}CH^+ that are not confirmed here. Thus, we
  find no evidence for variation in ^{12}C/^{13}C within 1 kpc of the
  Sun. The 12-to-13 ratios in both CN and CO, however, show significant
  fractionation away from the ambient value due to the opposing effects
  of photodissociation and charge exchange reactions. Our ^{12}CN/^{13}CN
  measurements are combined with determinations of ^{12}CO/^{13}CO from
  the literature to enable a detailed analysis of the effects of chemical
  fractionation in diffuse molecular clouds. We find suggestive evidence
  for an inverse relationship between ^{12}CN/^{13}CN and ^{12}CO/^{13}CO,
  resulting from the physical association of CN and CO in the cores of the
  clouds. Additionally, the isotopologic ratios examined here suggest that
  about 20 percent of C is locked up in CO in typical diffuse cloud cores,
  while up to 85 percent may reside in CO in the central portions of the
  Ophiuchus diffuse clouds. Finally, we examine rotational excitation
  temperatures in both ^{12}CN and ^{13}CN. Our weighted mean value of
  T_{01}(^{12}CN) = 2.754 ± 0.002 K implies an excess over the cosmic
  microwave background (CMB) of only 29 ± 3 mK, considerably smaller
  than some recent surveys have suggested. This modest excess can be
  accounted for if collisional excitation by electrons is occurring
  locally in some clouds, with derived electron densities of n_{e} = 0.1
  - 0.5 cm^{-3}. Yet, given the dispersion of 134 mK in our individual
  T_{01} measurements, the excess may not be physical. There is some
  indication of a greater excess in T_{12}(^{12}CN) based on our weighted
  mean of 2.847 ± 0.014 K, but the dispersion in these measurements is
  also greater (259 mK). The rotational excitation temperature observed
  in ^{13}CN, via the R(0), R(1), and P(1) lines, shows no excess over
  the CMB.

Title: Ground-based Observations Of Interstellar CN And CH<SUP>+</SUP>
In Diffuse Molecular Clouds: <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C Ratios
    And CN Excitation
Authors: Federman, Steven Robert; Ritchey, A. M.; Sheffer, Y.; Lambert,
   D. L.
2009AAS...21442503F    Altcode:
  We present high-resolution observations of optical transitions
  in CN and CH<SUP>+</SUP> for a number of Galactic diffuse
  clouds. We extract the <SUP>12</SUP>CN/<SUP>13</SUP>CN and
  ratios along each direction in order to assess predictions
  of diffuse cloud chemistry. We find a weighted mean
  <SUP>12</SUP>CH<SUP>+</SUP>/<SUP>13</SUP>CH<SUP>+</SUP> ratio
  of 74.4 ± 7.6. This result is consistent with the average
  <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C ratio of 70 ± 7 for local
  interstellar clouds and confirms theoretical expectations
  that <SUP>12</SUP>CH<SUP>+</SUP>/<SUP>13</SUP>CH<SUP>+</SUP>
  represents the ambient carbon isotopic ratio. Thus, we find no
  evidence for variation in <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C within 1
  kpc of the Sun. The isotopologic ratios in CN and CO, however,
  show significant fractionation away from the ambient value due
  to the opposing effects of photodissociation and charge exchange
  reactions. Our <SUP>12</SUP>CN/<SUP>13</SUP>CN measurements are
  combined with <SUP>12</SUP>CO/<SUP>13</SUP>CO ratios from the
  literature to study the effects of chemical fractionation in diffuse
  molecular clouds. We find evidence for an inverse relationship between
  <SUP>12</SUP>CN/<SUP>13</SUP>CN and <SUP>12</SUP>CO/<SUP>13</SUP>CO,
  resulting from the physical association of CN and CO in these cloud
  cores. The isotopologic ratios suggest that about 20 percent of C
  is locked up in CO in typical cores. Finally, we examine rotational
  excitation temperatures in <SUP>12</SUP>CN and <SUP>13</SUP>CN. Our
  weighted mean value of T<SUB>01</SUB>(<SUP>12</SUP>CN) = 2.754 ±
  0.002 K implies an excess over the cosmic microwave background
  (CMB) of only 29 ± 3 mK, considerably smaller than some recent
  surveys suggested. This modest excess likely arises from collisional
  excitation by electrons occurring locally in some clouds, with electron
  densities of 0.1 to 0.5 cm<SUP>-3</SUP>. Given the dispersion of
  134 mK in our individual T<SUB>01</SUB> measurements, the excess
  may not be physical. There is some indication of a greater excess
  in T<SUB>12</SUB>(<SUP>12</SUP>CN), but the dispersion in these
  measurements is also greater (259 mK). The rotational excitation
  temperature observed in <SUP>13</SUP>CN shows no excess over the CMB.

Title: CNO Abundances of Hydrogen-Deficient Carbon and R Coronae
Borealis Stars: A View of the Nucleosynthesis in a White Dwarf Merger
Authors: García-Hernández, D. A.; Hinkle, K. H.; Lambert, David. L.;
   Eriksson, K.
2009ApJ...696.1733G    Altcode: 2009arXiv0901.3667G
  We present high-resolution (R ~ 50, 000) observations of near-IR
  transitions of CO and CN of the five known hydrogen-deficient carbon
  (HdC) stars and four R Coronae Borealis (RCB) stars. We perform an
  abundance analysis of these stars by using spectrum synthesis and
  state-of-the-art MARCS model atmospheres for cool hydrogen-deficient
  stars. Our analysis confirms reports by Clayton and colleagues
  that those HdC stars exhibiting CO lines in their spectrum and the
  cool RCB star S Aps are strongly enriched in <SUP>18</SUP>O (with
  <SUP>16</SUP>O/<SUP>18</SUP>O ratios ranging from 0.3 to 16). Nitrogen
  and carbon are in the form of <SUP>14</SUP>N and <SUP>12</SUP>C,
  respectively. Elemental abundances for CNO are obtained from C I,
  C<SUB>2</SUB>, CN, and CO lines. Difficulties in deriving the carbon
  abundance are discussed. Abundances of Na from Na I lines and S from
  S I lines are obtained. Elemental and isotopic CNO abundances suggest
  that HdC and RCB stars may be related objects, and that they probably
  formed from a merger of an He white dwarf with a C-O white dwarf.

Title: Searching for the metal-weak thick disc in the solar
Authors: Reddy, B. E.; Lambert, D. L.
2009IAUS..254P..59R    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Frontier Science and Adaptive Optics On Existing and Next
    Generation Telescopes
Authors: Frogel, Jay A.; Alcock, Charles; Bolte, Michael; Freedman,
   Wendy; Kudritzki, Rolf-Peter; Kulkarni, Shri; Lambert, David; Martin,
   Pierre; Silva, David; Smith, William; Strittmatter, Peter
2009astro2010P..16F    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Granulation across the HR diagram
Authors: Ramírez, I.; Allende Prieto, C.; Lambert, D. L.; Koesterke,
   L.; Asplund, M.
2009MmSAI..80..618R    Altcode: 2009arXiv0908.4571R
  We have obtained ultra-high quality spectra (R=180,000; S/N&gt;300)
  with unprecedented wavelength coverage (4400 to 7400 Å) for a
  number of stars covering most of the HR diagram in order to test the
  predictions of models of stellar surface convection. Line bisectors
  and core wavelength shifts are both measured and modeled, allowing
  us to validate and/or reveal the limitations of state-of-the-art
  hydrodynamic model atmospheres of different stellar parameters. We
  show the status of our project and preliminary results.

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: Li abundances for 81 F dwarfs
    (Lambert+, 1991)
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Heath, J. E.; Edvardsson, B.
2009yCat..72530610L    Altcode:
  All observations where made at the W.J. McDonald Observatory with the
  coude spectrographs of the 2.1m and 2.7m reflectors. <P />(1 data file).

Title: Spectroscopic Properties of Granulation in K-type Dwarf Stars
Authors: Ramirez, Ivan; Allende Prieto, C.; Asplund, M.; Koesterke,
   L.; Lambert, D. L.
2009AAS...21340601R    Altcode: 2009BAAS...41..198R
  The presence of surface convection in K-type dwarfs is revealed in very
  high quality spectra of nine bright stars. The observed asymmetries and
  wavelength shifts of the Fe I absorption line profiles are mainly due
  to granulation. The bisectors of the strongest Fe I lines have a span
  of about 100 m/s and the central wavelengths of the weakest Fe I lines
  are shifted by up to -200 m/s. The blueshifts decrease for stronger Fe
  I lines, but they become independent of line strength for equivalent
  widths larger than about 100 mA. The detection of this "plateau"
  in the velocity shifts of the strongest Fe I lines is necessary to
  remove the non-negligible uncertainty introduced by granulation in the
  determination of absolute radial velocities. Line profiles computed
  using a 3D model atmosphere accurately reproduce the observations, with
  statistical tests showing an agreement at the 95 % confidence level,
  which validates the 3D model for spectroscopic studies of abundances
  and fundamental parameters of K-dwarfs. We find that 3D effects reduce
  the difference in the iron abundance determined separately from Fe II
  and Fe I lines, which is about 0.15 dex for 1D models, by two thirds,
  thus alleviating significantly the iron ionization imbalance problem in
  K-dwarfs. However, the 3D iron abundances from Fe I lines show a small
  dependence with excitation potential, similar to the 1D case, possibly
  due to non-LTE effects that have not been taken into account. We also
  find that the 3D correction to the effective temperatures of solar
  metallicity K-dwarfs derived with the infrared flux method is about +30
  K. Finally, we show that the 3D spectrum synthesis of molecular bands
  greatly improves the agreement with the observational data compared
  to the 1D analysis, which overestimates the abundances derived from
  molecular features by a factor of 2.

Title: Granulation in K-type dwarf stars. I. Spectroscopic
Authors: Ramírez, I.; Allende Prieto, C.; Lambert, D. L.
2008A&A...492..841R    Altcode: 2008arXiv0810.5247R
  Aims: We seek to detect and quantify the effects of surface
  convection (granulation) on the line spectra of K-dwarfs as a first
  step towards a rigorous testing of hydrodynamic models for their
  atmospheres. <BR />Methods: Very high-resolution (R≃160 000-210
  000), high signal-to-noise ratio (S/N⪆300) spectra of nine bright
  K-dwarfs were obtained with the 2dcoudé spectrograph on the 2.7 m
  telescope at McDonald Observatory to determine wavelength shifts and
  asymmetries of Fe i lines. Spectra of the same stars acquired with the
  High Resolution Spectrograph (R≃120,000) on the 9.2 m Hobby Eberly
  Telescope were used as radial velocity templates to calibrate the
  wavelength scale of the 2dcoudé spectra. <BR />Results: The observed
  shapes and positions of Fe i lines reveal asymmetries and wavelength
  shifts that indicate the presence of granulation. In particular, line
  bisectors show characteristic C-shapes while line core wavelengths are
  blueshifted by an amount that increases with decreasing equivalent
  width (EW). On average, Fe i line bisectors have a span that ranges
  from nearly 0 for the weakest lines (residual core flux ⪆0.7) to
  about 75 m s<SUP>-1</SUP> for the strongest lines (residual core flux
  ≃0.3), while wavelength shifts range from about -150 m s<SUP>-1</SUP>
  in the weakest (EW≃10 mÅ) lines to 0 in the strongest (EW⪆100 mÅ)
  features. A more detailed inspection of the bisectors and wavelength
  shifts reveals star-to-star differences that are likely associated
  with differences in stellar parameters, projected rotational velocity,
  and stellar activity. While the first two are understood and confirmed
  by our data, the relation to stellar activity, which is based on our
  finding that the largest departures from the expected behavior are
  seen in the most active stars, requires further investigation. For
  the inactive, slow projected rotational velocity stars, we detect,
  unequivocally, a plateau in the line-shifts at high EW values (EW⪆100
  mÅ), a behavior that had been identified before only in the solar
  spectrum. The detection of this plateau allows us to determine the
  zero point of the convective blueshifts, which is useful to determine
  absolute radial velocities. Thus, we are able to measure such velocities
  with a mean uncertainty of about 60 m s<SUP>-1</SUP> for four of our
  sample stars.

Title: Heavy Element Abundances in Giant Stars of the Globular
    Clusters M4 and M5
Authors: Yong, David; Karakas, Amanda I.; Lambert, David L.; Chieffi,
   Alessandro; Limongi, Marco
2008ApJ...689.1031Y    Altcode: 2008arXiv0808.2505Y
  We present a comprehensive abundance analysis of 27 heavy elements
  in bright giant stars of the globular clusters M4 and M5 based on
  high-resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio spectra obtained with the
  Magellan Clay Telescope. We confirm and expand on previous results
  for these clusters by showing that (1) all elements heavier than,
  and including, Si have constant abundances within each cluster, (2)
  the elements from Ca to Ni have indistinguishable compositions in M4
  and M5, (3) Si, Cu, Zn, and all s-process elements are approximately
  0.3 dex overabundant in M4 relative to M5, and (4) the r-process
  elements Sm, Eu, Gd, and Th are slightly overabundant in M5 relative
  to M4. The cluster-to-cluster abundance differences for Cu and Zn are
  intriguing, especially in light of their uncertain nucleosynthetic
  origins. We confirm that stars other than Type Ia supernovae must
  produce significant amounts of Cu and Zn at or below the clusters'
  metallicities. If intermediate-mass AGB stars or massive stars are
  responsible for the Cu and Zn enhancements in M4, the similar [Rb/Zr]
  ratios and (preliminary) Mg isotope ratios in both clusters may be
  problematic for either scenario. For the elements from Ba to Hf, we
  assume that the s- and r-process contributions are scaled versions
  of the solar s- and r-process abundances. We quantify the relative
  fractions of s- and r-process material for each cluster and show that
  they provide an excellent fit to the observed abundances. <P />Based
  on observations made with the Magellan Clay Telescope at Las Campanas

Title: Bengt Gustafsson's stellar journey
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
2008PhST..133a4001L    Altcode:
  This essay celebrates Bengt Gustafsson's 65th birthday by commenting
  on a selection of Bengt's many significant papers on topics in stellar

Title: The evolution of carbon, sulphur and titanium isotopes from
    high redshift to the local Universe
Authors: Hughes, G. L.; Gibson, B. K.; Carigi, L.; Sánchez-Blázquez,
   P.; Chavez, J. M.; Lambert, D. L.
2008MNRAS.390.1710H    Altcode: 2008MNRAS.tmp.1117H; 2008arXiv0808.3111H
  Recent observations of carbon, sulphur and titanium isotopes at
  redshifts z~1 and in the local stellar disc and halo have opened a new
  window into the study of isotopic abundance patterns and the origin
  of the chemical elements. Using our Galactic chemical evolution code
  GETOOL, we have examined the evolution of these isotopes within the
  framework of a Milky Way-like system. We have three aims in this work:
  first, to test the claim that novae are required, in order to explain
  the carbon isotope patterns in the Milky Way; secondly, to test the
  claim that sulphur isotope patterns at high redshift require an initial
  mass function (IMF) biased towards massive stars; and thirdly, to test
  extant chemical evolution models against new observations of titanium
  isotopes that suggest an anti-correlation between trace-to-dominant
  isotopes with metallicity. Based upon our dual-infall galactic chemical
  evolution modelling of a Milky Way-like system and the subsequent
  comparison with these new and unique data sets, we conclude the
  following: novae are not required to understand the evolution
  of <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C in the solar neighbourhood;
  a massive star-biased IMF is consistent with the low ratios of
  <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C and <SUP>32</SUP>S/<SUP>34</SUP>S seen
  in one high-redshift late-type spiral, but the consequent super-solar
  metallicity prediction for the interstellar medium in this system seems
  highly unlikely; and deficient isotopes of titanium are predicted to
  correlate positively with metallicity, in apparent disagreement with
  the new data sets; if confirmed, classical chemical evolution models
  of the Milky Way (and the associated supernovae nucleosynthetic yields)
  may need a substantial overhaul to be made consistent.

Title: The SEGUE Stellar Parameter Pipeline. III. Comparison with
    High-Resolution Spectroscopy of SDSS/SEGUE Field Stars
Authors: Allende Prieto, Carlos; Sivarani, Thirupathi; Beers,
   Timothy C.; Lee, Young Sun; Koesterke, Lars; Shetrone, Matthew;
   Sneden, Christopher; Lambert, David L.; Wilhelm, Ronald; Rockosi,
   Constance M.; Lai, David K.; Yanny, Brian; Ivans, Inese I.; Johnson,
   Jennifer A.; Aoki, Wako; Bailer-Jones, Coryn A. L.; Re Fiorentin, Paola
2008AJ....136.2070A    Altcode: 2007arXiv0710.5780A
  We report high-resolution spectroscopy of 125 field stars previously
  observed as part of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and its program for
  Galactic studies, the Sloan Extension for Galactic Understanding
  and Exploration (SEGUE). These spectra are used to measure radial
  velocities and to derive atmospheric parameters, which we compare with
  those reported by the SEGUE Stellar Parameter Pipeline (SSPP). The SSPP
  obtains estimates of these quantities based on SDSS ugriz photometry and
  low-resolution (R ~ 2000) spectroscopy. For F- and G-type stars observed
  with high signal-to-noise ratios (S/Ns), we empirically determine
  the typical random uncertainties in the radial velocities, effective
  temperatures, surface gravities, and metallicities delivered by the SSPP
  to be 2.4 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, 130 K (2.2 %), 0.21 dex, and 0.11 dex,
  respectively, with systematic uncertainties of a similar magnitude
  in the effective temperatures and metallicities. We estimate random
  errors for lower S/N based on numerical simulations. <P />Based on
  observations obtained with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope (a joint project
  of the University of Texas at Austin, Pennsylvania State University,
  Stanford University, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, and
  Georg-August-Universität Göttingen), the W. M. Keck Observatory
  (operated as a scientific partnership among the California Institute
  of Technology, the University of California and NASA), and the Subaru
  Telescope (operated by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan).

Title: Searching for the metal-weak thick disc in the solar
Authors: Reddy, Bacham E.; Lambert, David L.
2008MNRAS.391...95R    Altcode: 2008arXiv0809.0966R; 2008MNRAS.tmp.1207R
  An abundance analysis is presented of 60 metal-poor stars drawn from
  catalogues of nearby stars provided by Arifyanto et al. and Schuster
  et al. In an attempt to isolate a sample of metal-weak thick disc
  stars, we applied the kinematic criteria V<SUB>rot</SUB> &gt;=
  100kms<SUP>-1</SUP>,|U<SUB>LSR</SUB>| &lt;= 140kms<SUP>-1</SUP>
  (LSR - local standard of rest) and |W<SUB>LSR</SUB>| &lt;=
  100kms<SUP>-1</SUP>. 14 stars satisfying these criteria and having
  [Fe/H] &lt;= -1.0 are included in the sample of 60 stars. Eight of the
  14 have [Fe/H] &gt;= -1.3 and may be simply thick disc stars of slightly
  lower than average [Fe/H]. The other six have [Fe/H] from -1.3 to -2.3
  and are either metal-weak thick disc stars or halo stars with kinematics
  mimicking those of the thick disc. The sample of 60 stars is completed
  by eight thick disc stars, 20 stars of a hybrid nature (halo or thick
  disc stars) and 18 stars with kinematics distinctive of the halo.

Title: Ultraviolet Survey of CO and H<SUB>2</SUB> in Diffuse Molecular
Clouds: The Reflection of Two Photochemistry Regimes in Abundance
Authors: Sheffer, Y.; Rogers, M.; Federman, S. R.; Abel, N. P.;
   Gredel, R.; Lambert, D. L.; Shaw, G.
2008ApJ...687.1075S    Altcode: 2008arXiv0807.0940S
  We carried out a comprehensive far-UV survey of <SUP>12</SUP>CO and
  H<SUB>2</SUB> column densities along diffuse molecular Galactic sight
  lines. This sample includes new measurements of CO from HST spectra
  along 62 sight lines and new measurements of H<SUB>2</SUB> from FUSE
  data along 58 sight lines. In addition, high-resolution optical data
  were obtained at the McDonald and European Southern Observatories,
  yielding new abundances for CH, CH<SUP>+</SUP>, and CN along 42 sight
  lines to aid in interpreting the CO results. These new sight lines were
  selected according to detectable amounts of CO in their spectra and
  provide information on both lower density (&lt;=100 cm<SUP>-3</SUP>)
  and higher density diffuse clouds. A plot of log N(CO) versus log
  N(H<SUB>2</SUB>) shows that two power-law relationships are needed for
  a good fit of the entire sample, with a break located at log N(CO ,
  cm <SUP>-2</SUP>) = 14.1 and log N(H<SUB>2</SUB>) = 20.4, corresponding
  to a change in production route for CO in higher density gas. Similar
  logarithmic plots among all five diatomic molecules reveal additional
  examples of dual slopes in the cases of CO versus CH (break at log
  N = 14.1, 13.0), CH<SUP>+</SUP> versus H<SUB>2</SUB> (13.1, 20.3),
  and CH<SUP>+</SUP> versus CO (13.2, 14.1). We employ both analytical
  and numerical chemical schemes in order to derive details of the
  molecular environments. In the denser gas, where C<SUB>2</SUB> and CN
  molecules also reside, reactions involving C<SUP>+</SUP> and OH are the
  dominant factor leading to CO formation via equilibrium chemistry. In
  the low-density gas, where equilibrium chemistry studies have failed
  to reproduce the abundance of CH<SUP>+</SUP>, our numerical analysis
  shows that nonequilibrium chemistry must be employed for correctly
  predicting the abundances of both CH<SUP>+</SUP> and CO.

Title: Evidence for the Naphthalene Cation in a Region of the
    Interstellar Medium with Anomalous Microwave Emission
Authors: Iglesias-Groth, S.; Manchado, A.; García-Hernández, D. A.;
   González Hernández, J. I.; Lambert, D. L.
2008ApJ...685L..55I    Altcode: 2008arXiv0809.0778I
  We report high-resolution spectroscopy of the moderately reddened
  (A<SUB>V</SUB> = 3) early-type star Cernis 52 located in a region of the
  Perseus molecular cloud complex with anomalous microwave emission. In
  addition to the presence of the most common diffuse interstellar
  bands (DIBs) we detect two new interstellar or circumstellar bands
  coincident to within 0.01% in wavelength with the two strongest bands
  of the naphthalene cation (C<SUB>10</SUB>H<SUB>8</SUB><SUP>+</SUP>)
  as measured in gas-phase laboratory spectroscopy at low temperatures
  and find marginal evidence for the third strongest band. Assuming
  these features are caused by the naphthalene cation, from the measured
  intensity and available oscillator strengths we find that 0.008% of the
  carbon in the cloud could be in the form of this molecule. We expect
  hydrogen additions to cause hydronaphthalene cations to be abundant
  in the cloud and to contribute via electric dipole radiation to the
  anomalous microwave emission. The identification of new interstellar
  features consistent with transitions of the simplest polycyclic
  aromatic hydrocarbon adds support to the hypothesis that this type
  of molecules are the carriers of both diffuse interstellar bands and
  anomalous microwave emission.

Title: Signatures of Granulation in the Spectra of K-Dwarfs
Authors: Ramírez, I.; Allende Prieto, C.; Lambert, D. L.; Asplund, M.
2008ASPC..393..255R    Altcode: 2007arXiv0712.0387R
  Very high resolution (R&gt;150,000) spectra of a small sample of
  nearby K-dwarfs have been acquired to measure the line asymmetries
  and central wavelength shifts caused by convective motions present
  in stellar photospheres. This phenomenon of granulation is modeled
  by 3D hydrodynamical simulations but they need to be confronted with
  accurate observations to test their realism before they are used in
  stellar abundance studies. We find that the line profiles computed
  with a 3D model agree reasonably well with the observations. The line
  bisectors and central wavelength shifts on K-dwarf spectra have a
  maximum amplitude of only about 200 m s<SUP>-1</SUP> and we have been
  able to resolve these granulation effects with a very careful observing
  strategy. By computing a number of iron lines with 1D and 3D models
  (assuming local thermodynamic equilibrium), we find that the impact of
  3D-LTE effects on classical iron abundance determinations is negligible.

Title: Fluorine in R Coronae Borealis Stars
Authors: Pandey, G.; Lambert, D. L.; Rao, N. K.
2008ASPC..391...35P    Altcode:
  Neutral fluorine (F I) lines are identified in the optical spectra
  of several R Coronae Borealis stars (RCBs) at maximum light. These
  lines provide the first measurement of the fluorine abundance in
  these stars. Fluorine is enriched in some RCBs by factors of 800 to
  8000 relative to its likely initial abundance. The overabundances of
  fluorine are evidence for the synthesis of fluorine. These results are
  discussed in the light of the scenario that RCBs are formed by accretion
  of an He white dwarf by a C-O white dwarf. Sakurai's object (V4334 Sgr),
  a final He-shell flash product, shows no detectable F I lines.

Title: An Eclectic Look at Stellar Compositions
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
2008ASPC..390..517L    Altcode:
  Much effort in stellar spectroscopy is devoted to abundance analyses
  of stars which satisfy exactly or broadly the hypothesis that the
  composition of the stellar atmosphere is that of the star's natal
  cloud. Studies of Galactic chemical evolution, for example, exploit
  this hypothesis. This essay, on the contrary, discusses stars for which
  the hypothesis demonstrably fails because either the star since birth
  has gained products of nucleosynthesis or other than nuclear processes
  have operated to change the composition of the atmosphere. This eclectic
  look comments on diffusion in HgMn stars and in residents of the Spite
  plateau, the H-deficient cool carbon (HdC) stars, and diverse stars
  considered to be affected by dust-gas winnowing.

Title: Center-to-Limb Variation of Solar Three-dimensional
    Hydrodynamical Simulations
Authors: Koesterke, L.; Allende Prieto, C.; Lambert, D. L.
2008ApJ...680..764K    Altcode: 2008arXiv0802.2177K
  We examine closely the solar center-to-limb variation of continua
  and lines and compare observations with predictions from both a
  three-dimensional (3D) hydrodynamic simulation of the solar surface
  (provided by M. Asplund and collaborators) and one-dimensional (1D)
  model atmospheres. Intensities from the 3D time series are derived by
  means of the new synthesis code ASSepsilonT, which overcomes limitations
  of previously available codes by including a consistent treatment of
  scattering and allowing for arbitrarily complex line and continuum
  opacities. In the continuum, we find very similar discrepancies between
  synthesis and observation for both types of model atmospheres. This
  is in contrast to previous studies that used a "horizontal" and
  time-averaged representation of the 3D model and found a significantly
  larger disagreement with observations. The presence of temperature and
  velocity fields in the 3D simulation provides a significant advantage
  when it comes to reproducing solar spectral line shapes. Nonetheless,
  a comparison of observed and synthetic equivalent widths reveals that
  the 3D model also predicts more uniform abundances as a function
  of position angle on the disk. We conclude that the 3D simulation
  provides not only a more realistic description of the gas dynamics,
  but despite its simplified treatment of the radiation transport, it
  also predicts reasonably well the observed center-to-limb variation,
  which is indicative of a thermal structure free from significant
  systematic errors.

Title: Ultraviolet Survey Of
    <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>16</SUP>O/<SUP>13</SUP>C<SUP>16</SUP>O And
    <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>16</SUP>O/H<SUB>2</SUB> In Diffuse Molecular Clouds
Authors: Sheffer, Yaron; Rogers, M.; Federman, S. R.; Lambert, D. L.;
   Gredel, R.; Abel, N. P.; Shaw, G.
2008AAS...212.0505S    Altcode: 2008BAAS...40Q.195S
  We analyzed archival HST/STIS and FUSE data to extract column
  densities of <SUP>12</SUP>CO, <SUP>13</SUP>CO, and H<SUB>2</SUB>
  along all diffuse molecular sight lines that show evidence of
  CO absorption. High-resolution spectra of CH<SUP>+</SUP>, CH,
  and CN acquired at McDonald Observatory and ESO expanded the
  database of results on these species as an aid in interpreting
  the UV measurements. The average value of the 12-to-13 carbon
  ratio in the solar neighborhood is known to be 70 ± 7 from radio
  observations of CO emission and from optical determinations of
  the <SUP>12</SUP>CH<SUP>+</SUP>/<SUP>13</SUP>CH<SUP>+</SUP>
  ratio. We find that most (17 of 25) sight lines have
  <SUP>12</SUP>CO/<SUP>13</SUP>CO ratios consistent with 12/13 = 70,
  with the rest showing significant fractionation. Of the latter, 5
  directions have lower <SUP>12</SUP>CO/<SUP>13</SUP>CO ratios, which
  can be attributed to charge exchange between <SUP>12</SUP>CO and
  <SUP>13</SUP>C<SUP>+</SUP>, while 3 sight lines have higher ratios
  due to selective photodissociation effected by self shielding of
  <SUP>12</SUP>CO. A comparison of <SUP>12</SUP>CO and H<SUB>2</SUB>
  column densities shows the dependence of the CO/H<SUB>2</SUB> ratio
  on physical conditions, notably total gas density. We find that the
  CN/CH<SUP>+</SUP> ratio is better than CN/CH as a tracer of total
  gas density, owing to the preferential formation of CH<SUP>+</SUP>
  and CN in lower- or higher-density clouds, respectively. We use both
  analytical CN chemistry and numerical modeling with CLOUDY to infer
  that many of our sight lines belong to a low-density regime of diffuse
  molecular gas, where non-equilibrium chemistry is needed for correctly
  predicting CH<SUP>+</SUP> and CO abundances.

Title: Rubidium in the Interstellar Medium
Authors: Walker, Kyle M.; Federman, S. R.; Knauth, D. C.; Lambert,
   D. L.
2008AAS...212.0503W    Altcode: 2008BAAS...40..194W
  We present high-resolution observations of interstellar rubidium
  toward ο Per, ζ Per, AE Aur, HD 147889, χ Oph, ζ Oph, and 20
  Aql to obtain the <SUP>85</SUP>Rb/<SUP>87</SUP>Rb isotope ratio
  in each direction. Both the stable <SUP>85</SUP>Rb and long-lived
  <SUP>87</SUP>Rb isotopes are created through the neutron capture s-
  and r- processes. Theoretical predictions indicate that <SUP>85</SUP>Rb
  is mainly an r-process nuclide, whereas <SUP>87</SUP>Rb is produced
  mainly through the s-process. The Rb I line at 7800 Angstroms is
  the focus of our study on rubidium in diffuse interstellar gas. The
  <SUP>85</SUP>Rb/<SUP>87</SUP>Rb ratio was compared to the Solar
  System meteoritic ratio of 2.59. The ratio toward HD 147889 is much
  lower than the meteoritic value, but consistent with the low ratio
  toward ρ Oph A measured previously. We attribute these results to a
  deficit of r-processed <SUP>85</SUP>Rb in the Rho Ophiuchus Molecular
  Cloud. Within the mutual uncertainties, all other lines of sight are
  consistent with the ratio for the Solar System.

Title: s-Process Abundances in Globular Clusters: M4 vs. M5 and
    NGC 1851
Authors: Yong, David; Grundahl, Frank; Karakas, Amanda; Lambert,
   David L.
2008AIPC.1001..226Y    Altcode:
  We present s-process abundances for giant stars in the globular
  clusters M4, M5, and NGC 1851. We find that all s-process elements are
  overabundant in M4 relative to M5. Curiously, the abundances of Cu and
  Zn are also overabundant in M4 which may offer clues to the synthesis
  of these elements. For NGC 1851, we find that the abundances of the
  s-process elements Zr and La exhibit a large dispersion. The abundances
  of Zr and La also appear to have a bimodal distribution reinforcing
  the idea that there are two stellar populations in this cluster.

Title: Could the Ultra-Metal-Poor Stars be Chemically Peculiar and
    Not Related to the First Stars?
Authors: Venn, K. A.; Lambert, David L.
2008ApJ...677..572V    Altcode: 2008arXiv0801.0752V
  Chemically peculiar stars define a class of stars that show unusual
  elemental abundances due to stellar photospheric effects and not due
  to natal variations. In this paper, we compare the elemental abundance
  patterns of the ultra-metal-poor stars with metallicities [ Fe/H ] ~
  - 5 to those of a subclass of chemically peculiar stars. These include
  post-AGB stars, RV Tauri variable stars, and the Lambda Bootis stars,
  which range in mass, age, binarity, and evolutionary status, yet can
  have iron abundance determinations as low as [ Fe/H ] ~ - 5. These
  chemical peculiarities are interpreted as due to the separation of
  gas and dust beyond the stellar surface, followed by the accretion of
  dust-depleted gas. Contrary to this, the elemental abundances in the
  ultra-metal-poor stars are thought to represent yields of the most
  metal-poor supernovae and, therefore, observationally constrain the
  earliest stages of chemical evolution in the universe. Detailed chemical
  abundances are now available for HE 1327-2326 and HE 0107-5240, the two
  extreme ultra-metal-poor stars in our Galaxy, and for HE 0557-4840,
  another ultra-metal-poor star found by the Hamburg/ESO survey. There
  are interesting similarities in their abundance ratios to those of
  the chemically peculiar stars; e.g., the abundances of the elements
  in their photospheres are related to the condensation temperature of
  that element. If these three stars are chemically peculiar, then their
  CNO abundances suggest true metallicities of [ X/H ] ~ - 2 to -4. It
  is important to establish the nature of these stars, since they are
  used as tests of the early chemical evolution of the Galaxy.

Title: Dust in R Coronae Borealis stars
Authors: Lambert, David; Rao, N. Kameswara; Garcia-Hernandez, D. A.
2008sptz.prop50212L    Altcode:
  R Coronae Borealis stars (RCBs) provide an unique circumstellar
  environment that is hydrogen-deficient, helium-rich and carbon-rich in
  which dust condensation occurs. Litle is known about how and where the
  dust condensation process, compositions of the dust, and the trigger
  for dust formation. The hydrogen-poor carbon-rich and metal-poor (in
  some cases) character of the gas may facilitate the formation of dust
  species which are not seen in the interstellar medium or in envelopes
  of normal stars. Spitzer/IRS spectroscopy offers a great opportunity
  to characterize the infrared spectra of RCBs. Surprisingly, Spitzer
  has not systematically observed a complete sample of RCB stars in the
  previous four cycles and, thus, a comprehensive study of these dusty and
  fascinating stars is at present lacking. Completely inadequate spectra
  have been obtained from ground-based telescopes, even after nearly four
  decades since the discovery of the IR excess of RCB stars. We propose
  to obtain a library of Spitzer/IRS spectra of 18 RCB stars. Our goal
  is to observe stars across the chemical composition range observed
  in RCBs and to extend observations to the coolest RCB stars. These
  spectra will be complemented with the existing Spitzer/IRS spectra of 12
  warmer RCB stars, creating a complete sample of 30 RCBs observed with
  Spitzer. Present knowledge of the dust features in RCBs depends on our
  previous ISO spectra of the 3 brightest RCB stars in the 3 to 25 micron
  region. A representative inventory of infrared spectra and dust features
  in our complete sample of RCB stars will provide important clues to
  the composition and dust formation process in these unique stars.

Title: High-resolution spectroscopy of the R Coronae Borealis star
    V Coronae Australis
Authors: Rao, N. Kameswara; Lambert, David L.
2008MNRAS.384..477R    Altcode: 2007arXiv0710.5030K; 2008MNRAS.tmp...38R
  Optical high-resolution spectra of the R Coronae Borealis star V CrA
  at light maximum and during minimum light are discussed. Abundance
  analysis confirms previous results showing that V CrA has the
  composition of the small subclass of R Coronae Borealis (RCB) stars
  know as `minority' RCBs, i.e. the Si/Fe and S/Fe ratios are 100 times
  their solar values. A notable novel result for RCBs is the detection of
  the 1-0 Swan system <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>13</SUP>C bandhead indicating
  that <SUP>13</SUP>C is abundant: spectrum synthesis shows that
  <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C is about 3-4. Absorption-line profiles
  are variable at maximum light with some lines showing evidence of
  splitting by about 10 kms<SUP>-1</SUP>. A spectrum obtained as the
  star was recovering from a deep minimum shows the presence of cool
  C<SUB>2</SUB> molecules with a rotational temperature of about 1200K,
  a temperature suggestive of gas in which carbon is condensing into
  soot. The presence of rapidly outflowing gas is shown by blueshifted
  absorption components of the NaI D and KI 7698 Å resonance lines. <P
  />Based on observations obtained with (1) The Blanco 4-m Telescope at
  the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, which is operated by AURA,
  Inc., under contract to the National Science Foundation of USA and
  (2) The Harlan J. Smith Telescope of the W. J. McDonald Observatory
  of the University of Texas at Austin. <P />E-mail: nkrao@iiap.res.in

Title: Rubidium and Lead Abundances in Giant Stars of the Globular
    Clusters M4 and M5
Authors: Yong, David; Lambert, David L.; Paulson, Diane B.; Carney,
   Bruce W.
2008ApJ...673..854Y    Altcode: 2007arXiv0710.2367Y
  We present measurements of the neutron-capture elements Rb and Pb for
  bright giants in the globular clusters M4 and M5. The clusters are of
  similar metallicity ([Fe/H] simeq - 1.2) , but M4 is decidedly s-process
  enriched relative to M5: [Ba/Fe] = + 0.6 for M4 but 0.0 for M5. The
  Rb and Pb abundances were derived by comparing synthetic spectra with
  high-resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio spectra obtained with MIKE
  on the Magellan Telescope. Abundances of Y, Zr, La, and Eu were also
  obtained. In M4, the mean abundances from 12 giants are [Rb/Fe] = 0.39
  +/- 0.02 (σ = 0.07), [Rb/Zr] = 0.17 +/- 0.03 (σ = 0.08), and [Pb/Fe]
  = 0.30 +/- 0.02 (σ = 0.07). In M5, the mean abundances from two giants
  are [Rb/Fe] = 0.00 +/- 0.05 (σ = 0.06), [Rb/Zr] = 0.08 +/- 0.08 (σ =
  0.11), and [Pb/Fe] = - 0.35 +/- 0.02 (σ = 0.04). Within the measurement
  uncertainties, the abundance ratios [Rb/Fe], [Pb/Fe], and [Rb/X] for
  X = Y, Zr, and La are constant from star to star in each cluster, and
  none of these ratios are correlated with O or Na abundances. While M4
  has a higher Rb abundance than M5, the ratios [Rb/X] are similar in
  both clusters, indicating that the nature of the s-products is very
  similar for each cluster but the gas from which M4's stars formed had
  a higher concentration of these products. <P />Based on observations
  made with the Magellan Clay Telescope at Las Campanas Observatory.

Title: Fluorine in R Coronae Borealis Stars
Authors: Pandey, Gajendra; Lambert, David L.; Kameswara Rao, N.
2008ApJ...674.1068P    Altcode: 2007arXiv0711.2363P
  Neutral fluorine (F I) lines are identified in the optical spectra
  of several R Coronae Borealis stars (RCBs) at maximum light. These
  lines provide the first measurement of the fluorine abundance in these
  stars. Fluorine is enriched in some RCBs by factors of 800-8000 relative
  to its likely initial abundance. The overabundances of fluorine are
  evidence for the synthesis of fluorine. These results are discussed
  in the light of the scenario that RCBs are formed by accretion of an
  He white dwarf by a C-O white dwarf. Sakurai's object (V4334 Sgr),
  a final He-shell flash product, shows no detectable F I lines.

Title: Do R Coronae Borealis stars evolve from white dwarf mergers?
Authors: Lambert, David L.; Kameswara Rao, N.; Hinkle, Kenneth H.;
   Garcia-Hernandez, D. A.; Eriksson, Kjell
2008noao.prop..316L    Altcode:
  Phoenix spectra of C_2, CN and CO lines will provide oxygen isotopic
  abundance ratios (^16O/^17O/^18O) and CNO abundances for cool R Coronae
  Borealis (RCB) stars. The ratios, especially the ^16O/^18O ratio, will
  be used to test the two leading scenarios for RCB production. These
  observations were prompted by Clayton et al.'s striking discovery of
  low ^16O/^18O (&lt;1) ratios for H-deficient carbon (HdC) stars. This
  ratio requires the formation of HdC stars by the merger of two white
  dwarfs as some ^14N is burnt to ^18O. The HdC are possible immediate
  relatives of the RCBs. Yet, our Phoenix observations of the cool RCB
  S Aps give a higher ratio (^16O/^18O=16) than for the HdCs perhaps
  questioning a direct evolutionary connection between HdC and RCB
  stars. Also, our Phoenix CNO abundance analysis of HdCs shows the ^14N
  to ^18O conversion is far from complete. In this proposal, we seek to
  extend our CNO elemental and isotopic abundance analyses from one RCB
  to several in order to explore the evolutionary connection between HdC
  and RCB stars and to constrain the nucleosynthesis that occurs during
  the cannibalism of a He white dwarf by a C-O white dwarf.

Title: Further spectroscopic studies of FIP effect in semi-regular
    and RV Tauri stars
Authors: Kameswara Rao, N.; Reddy, Eswar; Lambert, D. L.
2008BASIP..25...53K    Altcode: 2008BASI...25S..53K
  Rao and Reddy (2005) have earlier showed that the surface elemental
  abundances (deficiencies) in RV Tauri stars CE Vir and EQ Cas are
  related to the First Ionization Potential (FIP) of the element. Thus
  suggesting that elemental abundances are probably controlled by magnetic
  fields such that the stellar winds remove the elements that could get
  easily ionized by the stellar radiation field. Both CE Vir and EQ Cas
  have Teff close to 4200 K and might evolve into hotter RV Tauri (B)
  type stars. We intiated a systematic survey of RV Tauri and semiregular
  variables brighter than 10.5 with VBT echelle to investigate (i)
  what sort of stars would show FIP effect, is it confined to selected
  temperature range (around 4000 K)? (ii) Is the effect seen during full
  pulsation cycle? How similar is the magnetically controlled stellar
  wind to the solar wind? Do these stars possess chromospheres, similar
  to sun? We found few other stars that show FIP effect e.g. V Pyx being
  one of them. We discuss these abundance patterns.

Title: Emission lines in high resolution spectra of EHe stars
Authors: Pandey, Gajendra; Kameswara Rao, N.; Lambert, D. L.
2008BASIP..25Q..55P    Altcode: 2008BASI...25Q..55P
  The hydrogen-poor stars whose origins and evolution are not yet
  understood include hydrogen-deficient carbon stars (HdC), R CrB stars,
  Extreme helium (EHe) stars, He-rich sdOs, H-poor central stars of PN
  ([WC]), and non DA-white dwarfs. Three scenarios are predicted for
  the formation of R CrBs/EHes/[WC] stars; fist: involving a merger of
  two white dwarfs (DD), second: a He-shell flash in a post-AGB star,
  and the third: close-binary evolution. The theory of stellar evolution
  predicts that about one-third of all white dwarfs which are of the
  non DA variety are the result of either DD scenario or final He-shell
  flash scenario making R CrBs/EHes/[WC] stars, an important segment of
  mainstream stellar evolution. Most of the EHes show absorption line
  spectra except for the hot R CrBs and [WC] stars which show emission
  lines. The hot EHes showing emissions overlap with [WC] stars and
  the cool EHes with R CrBs in their effective temperatures. We have
  obtained high resolution spectra of couple of EHes and R CrBs, to
  search for the presence of emission lines to determine the mass-loss
  rates and to test the evolutionary connections with [WC] stars
  and/or He-rich sdOs. The spectra are from VBT echelle spectrometer
  and McDonald. Surface composition of EHes show C/He about 0.01 (by
  number) similar to He-rich sdOs, whereas [WC] stars show C/He about 1
  (by number). If EHes are to become [WC] stars they have to lose mass
  and alter their surface composition.

Title: Fluorine abundances in R CrB and EHe stars
Authors: Pandey, Gajendra; Kameswara Rao, N.; Lambert, D. L.
2008BASIP..25R..55P    Altcode: 2008BASI...25R..55P
  Neutral fluorine lines are identified in the spectra of warm R CrB
  stars and cool EHe stars obtained from VBT echelle spectrometer and
  McDonald. The overabundance of fluorine in these H-deficient stars
  gives us clues to their origin and evolutionary connection. Synthesis
  of fluorine is discussed in the light of single-star evolution,
  close-binary evolution, and double-degenerate mergers that results in
  H-deficiency in these stars.

Title: An abundance survey of the Galactic thick disk
Authors: Reddy, B. E.; Lambert, D. L.; Allende Prieto, C.
2008mru..conf...69R    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Fluorine in R Coronae Borealis and Extreme Helium Stars
Authors: Pandey, Gajendra; Lambert, David L.; Kameswara Rao, N.
2007arXiv0712.3971P    Altcode:
  Neutral fluorine lines are identified in the optical spectra of several
  R Coronae Borealis stars (RCBs) at maximum light. These lines provide
  the first measurement of the fluorine abundance in these stars. Fluorine
  is enriched in some RCBs by factors of 800 to 8000 relative to its
  likely initial abundance. The overabundances of fluorine are evidence
  for the synthesis of fluorine. These results are discussed in the light
  of the scenario that RCBs are formed by accretion of an He white dwarf
  by a C-O white dwarf. Sakurai's object (V4334 Sgr), a final He-shell
  flash product, shows no detectable neutral fluorine lines.

Title: Searching For Alpha-poor Stars In The Galactic Halo
Authors: For, Bi-Qing; Lambert, D.; Sneden, C.; Ivans, I.
2007AAS...21110317F    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39Q.922F
  It has been known for more than 40 years that metal-poor stars have
  chemical compositions that are enriched by alpha-elements (e.g., Mg,
  Si, S, Ca and possibly Ti). These elements are overabundant by a factor
  of roughly two compared with the Fe-peak elements. A few striking
  exceptions have been discovered in recent years, such as BD+80 245,
  G4-36, CS 22966-043 and HE 1424-0241. Similarly low-alpha abundance
  patterns are also seen in the Sagittarius dSph galaxy. However,
  we know almost nothing about what the true occurance frequency
  of these alpha-poor stars is and how they form. We are conducting
  the first homogeneous spectroscopic survey of suspected metal poor
  ([Fe/H]&lt;=-0.75) and alpha-poor ([Mg/Fe]&lt;=+0.2) stars in the
  Galactic halo. We are obtaining high resolution, high signal-to-noise
  data with the 2dCoude spectrograph of the McDonald Observatory 2.7m
  telescope. The goal of this survey is to derive atmospheric parameters
  Teff, log g and metallicity in a consistent way, and then to perform
  a detailed analysis of the elemental abundance ratios, in particular
  the abundances of neutron-capture and alpha-elements. Here we present
  the preliminary results of this search. This work is supported by NSF
  grant AST-0607708.

Title: Titanium Isotope Ratios Measured in Cool Stars
Authors: Chavez, Joy M.; Lambert, D. L.
2007AAS...211.5912C    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39..843C
  This study measures, for the first time, titanium isotope ratios
  in low-mass stars and compares them to models of Galactic chemical
  evolution. The isotopes of titanium are tracers of the nucleosynthetic
  events in the galaxy. <SUP>46</SUP>Ti and <SUP>47</SUP>Ti are the
  products of oxygen burning, while <SUP>48</SUP>Ti and <SUP>49</SUP>Ti
  are the result of <SUP>48</SUP>Cr and <SUP>49</SUP>Cr decay. Formation
  of <SUP>50</SUP>Ti occurs in more rare environments, resulting from
  electron capture. Because of these different formation sites, studying
  the isotopes provides a look into the nucleosynthetic environments
  in the history of the Galaxy. The ratios of the minor (46, 47, 49,
  50) isotopes is measured from the isotopic features seen in the TiO
  spectra. Using the 2d coude' spectrograph at the 2.7 m telescope at
  McDonald Observatory, I observed 12 M dwarf spectra at a resolving
  power of 120,000. I selected stars from various Galactic kinematic
  population, observing an even mix of thin disk, thick disk and halo
  stars. Using spectrum synthesis, I measured the isotopic ratios from
  the isotopic features seen in the TiO gamma 0-0 band from 7054 to 7085
  Angstroms. I measured these ratios, <SUP>46</SUP>Ti/<SUP>48</SUP>Ti
  and <SUP>50</SUP>Ti/<SUP>48</SUP>Ti, because these are predicted to
  increase significantly with metallicity. Comparisons among the minor
  isotopes are also valuable since these features are relatively the same
  strength. I also fit these ratios: <SUP>46</SUP>Ti/<SUP>47</SUP>Ti,
  <SUP>50</SUP>Ti/<SUP>47</SUP>Ti, <SUP>49</SUP>Ti/<SUP>50</SUP>Ti. These
  stars, ranging in metallicity from -0.8 to 0.0 [Fe/H], seem to show
  little trend in the ratios with metallicity.

Title: A Half-Century of Spectroscopic Astrophysics
Authors: Lambert, David L.
2007AAS...211.7401L    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39R.864L
  In this talk, I shall highlight the growth of spectroscopic
  astrophysics over the last half century by drawing on examples of
  interesting results and challenges in the field of elemental and
  isotopic abundance determinations as applied to problems in stellar
  evolution and nucleosynthesis. In addition to mapping the growth in
  our understanding of stellar atmospheres and spectral line formation,
  I hope to show how progress in atomic and molecular spectroscopy has
  stimulated the growth of the field and how nuclear astrophysics has
  provided challenges and opportunities. Quantitative stellar spectroscopy
  is not an exhausted topic; the talk may end with a glimpse of the
  future for the next generations of students of the elements and stars.

Title: Obituary: Ralph Robert Robbins, Jr., 1938-2005
Authors: Hemenway, Mary Kay; Jefferys, William H.; Lambert, David L.
2007BAAS...39.1078H    Altcode:
  Ralph Robert Robbins, Jr., died on 2 December 2005, in Kyle,
  Texas. His wife, Maria Elena Robbins, his daughters Julia Robbins
  Kelso and Stephanie Juarez Balles, his son Matthew Juarez, and five
  grandchildren survive him. Bob was on the faculty at the University
  of Texas from 1968 until his retirement in 2003. <P />Bob was born
  in Wichita, Kansas, on 2 September 1938, the only son of Mildred and
  Ralph Robert Robbins, Sr. Guided by his high school's policy to provide
  a practical education to children of working-class parents, Bob began
  high school with a heavy dose of vocational courses until the results
  of a test indicated his special talent in mathematics. He was awarded
  a full scholarship to Yale University, graduating magna cum laude in
  mathematics in 1960. He won the Warner Prize in Mathematics at Yale
  that year. He received his Ph.D. in 1966 with a dissertation entitled
  "The Triplet Spectrum of Neutral Helium in Expanding Nebulae" from the
  University of California at Berkeley. His interest in college teaching
  was ignited at this time through summer teaching positions at San Mateo
  California Junior College and the Ohio State University. Following
  a year at Texas as a McDonald Observatory Post-doctoral Fellow,
  Bob taught for a year in the physics department of the University
  of Houston before returning to the University of Texas at Austin
  as an Assistant Professor of Astronomy in 1968. He was promoted to
  Associate Professor in 1972. <P />Bob's research in the early 1970s on
  theoretical studies of helium was of vital importance to astronomers
  for over three decades. These pioneering calculations became vital to
  observational astronomers in the mid-1990s as interest grew in the
  primordial helium produced by the Big Bang. <P />Bob's interest and
  influence in education was international in scope. In the summers
  1968-1970, he was a government consultant in Mathematics in East
  Pakistan (now Bangladesh). He consulted with the government that was
  preparing a master plan for technical education. While teaching all the
  mathematics instructors of the polytechnic institutes of the country,
  he co-authored a textbook "Polytechnic Mathematics." Bob also was active
  for many years in Commission 46 of the International Astronomical Union,
  including compiling overviews of educational materials available in
  English for over a decade and serving on the organizing committee for
  several international meetings. <P />In the 1970s, Bob and William
  Jefferys refined their view of how introductory astronomy should be
  taught — pioneering a "minds-on, hands-on" approach that emphasized
  "learning by doing" even in the non-science majors courses. This
  innovative work in astronomy education led to several co-authored
  books: a general-level textbook (Discovering Astronomy), a book to
  accompany upper-division laboratory courses (Modern Astronomy: an
  Activities Approach), and a workbook for college teachers (Effective
  Astronomy Teaching and Student Reasoning Ability). Bob also popularized
  self-paced astronomy courses that demanded in-depth understanding
  from students as well as requiring observations of the sky and small
  experiments. Bob was named a Piper Professor in 1972, a statewide award
  that recognized his teaching excellence. For many years Bob served both
  as an American Astronomical Society Shapley Visiting Lecturer and as
  a National Science Foundation Chautauqua lecturer, thus bringing his
  expertise to colleges and college instructors across the nation. <P
  />Bob was fascinated with not only how undergraduate students learn,
  but also how people of past civilizations learned about astronomy and
  used it in their lives and rituals. Bob's colleague William Jefferys
  recalled a 1967 Spring Break trip: "We got into Bob's white and purple
  Dodge and went to Mexico with a large tent, big enough for the party of
  six. We camped on the beach and by the side of the road, got royally
  bitten by mosquitoes, suffered a broken spring and flat tire on the
  car (both of which were fixed in Mexico, but the tire expired just as
  we reentered the US). We also saw many interesting sites, and Bob's
  interest in archaeoastronomy may have been kindled or at least renewed
  on that trip." <P />In the 1980s, Bob became increasingly interested
  in archaeoastronomy. Being part Cherokee, he honored his own ethnic
  heritage through his studies and the new courses he developed and
  taught. His field research covered sites in central Texas, New Mexico,
  Mexico, and Central America. He regaled his colleagues with tales
  of his travels through guerilla-infested jungles with a platoon of
  soldiers as a very essential escort to get to a site of astronomical
  influence. This interest grew to publications in archaeoastronomy
  and extended his teaching from the astronomy department to offering
  graduate classes in the Institute for Latin American Studies on Archeo-
  and Ethno-Astronomy at the University of Texas. <P />As an involved
  faculty member, Bob served on education committees of the American
  Astronomical Society, the University of Texas Graduate Studies Committee
  in Math and Science Education for the College of Education, as well
  as departmental and college committees. He served as undergraduate
  advisor for two years and chair of the Graduate Admissions Committee
  for four years for the Astronomy Department. He took special interest
  in preparing astronomy graduate students, both in formal courses and
  in mentoring situations, to become better teachers. <P />Bob's final
  years of teaching were hampered by the onset of Parkinson's and Lewy
  Body diseases that forced his retirement. He met his disability with
  courage and dignity. A gentle person who cared deeply about students
  and student learning, his friends and family will miss him.

Title: Carbon Stars in the Bulge -- or Beyond It?
Authors: Wahlin, R.; Eriksson, K.; Gustafsson, B. >; Ryde, N.;
   Westerlund, B.; Lambert, D. L.
2007ASPC..378..410W    Altcode:
  The carbon stars in the direction of the Bulge were recently proposed
  to belong to the Sagittarius system which, with its lower metallicity,
  would more easily produce carbon stars. The compositions of the carbon
  stars might be used to distinguish between true members of the Bulge and
  members of the Sagittarius stream seen through the Bulge. We present
  oxygen abundances for a sample of carbon stars in the Sagittarius
  dwarf galaxy including its tidal stream, and towards the galactic
  Bulge. The abundances were determined from infrared spectra obtained
  with the ISAAC spectrometer on VLT (R=1500). We find that the oxygen
  abundances of the Bulge carbon stars are compatible with membership
  of the Sagittarius stream, but we also discuss possible scenarios that
  might explain their abundances if they were true Bulge members.

Title: Hubble Space Telescope Survey of Interstellar
    <SUP>12</SUP>CO/<SUP>13</SUP>CO in the Solar Neighborhood
Authors: Sheffer, Y.; Rogers, M.; Federman, S. R.; Lambert, D. L.;
   Gredel, R.
2007ApJ...667.1002S    Altcode: 2007arXiv0706.3855S
  We examine 20 diffuse and translucent Galactic sight lines
  and extract the column densities of the <SUP>12</SUP>CO and
  <SUP>13</SUP>CO isotopologues from their ultraviolet A-X absorption
  bands detected in archival Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph
  data with λ/Δλ&gt;=46,000. Five more targets with Goddard
  High-Resolution Spectrograph data are added to the sample that
  more than doubles the number of sight lines with published Hubble
  Space Telescope observations of <SUP>13</SUP>CO. Most sight lines
  have <SUP>12</SUP>CO-to-<SUP>13</SUP>CO isotopic ratios that
  are not significantly different from the local value of 70 for
  <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C, which is based on millimeter-wave
  observations of rotational lines in emission from CO and H<SUB>2</SUB>CO
  inside dense molecular clouds, as well as on results from optical
  measurements of CH<SUP>+</SUP>. Five of the 25 sight lines are found
  to be fractionated toward lower <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C values,
  while three sight lines in the sample are fractionated toward higher
  ratios, signaling the predominance of either isotopic charge exchange or
  selective photodissociation, respectively. There are no obvious trends
  of the <SUP>12</SUP>CO-to-<SUP>13</SUP>CO ratio with physical conditions
  such as gas temperature or density, yet <SUP>12</SUP>CO/<SUP>13</SUP>CO
  does vary in a complicated manner with the column density of either
  CO isotopologue, owing to varying levels of competition between
  isotopic charge exchange and selective photodissociation in the
  fractionation of CO. Finally, rotational temperatures of H<SUB>2</SUB>
  show that all sight lines with detected amounts of <SUP>13</SUP>CO
  pass through gas that is on average colder by 20 K than the gas without
  <SUP>13</SUP>CO. This colder gas is also sampled by CN and C<SUB>2</SUB>
  molecules, the latter indicating gas kinetic temperatures of only 28 K,
  enough to facilitate an efficient charge exchange reaction that lowers
  the value of <SUP>12</SUP>CO/<SUP>13</SUP>CO.

Title: The Chemical Compositions of the Type II Cepheids-The BL
    Herculis and W Virginis Variables
Authors: Maas, Thomas; Giridhar, Sunetra; Lambert, David L.
2007ApJ...666..378M    Altcode: 2007arXiv0706.2029M
  Abundance analyses from high-resolution optical spectra are presented
  for 19 type II Cepheids in the Galactic field. The sample includes
  both short-period (BL Her) and long-period (W Vir) stars. This is
  the first extensive abundance analysis of these variables. The C, N,
  and O abundances with similar spreads for the BL Her and W Vir show
  evidence for an atmosphere contaminated with 3α process and CN-cycling
  products. A notable anomaly of the BL Her stars is an overabundance
  of Na by a factor of about 5 relative to their presumed initial
  abundances. This overabundance is not seen in the W Vir stars. The
  abundance anomalies running from mild to extreme in W Vir stars but
  not seen in the BL Her stars are attributed to dust-gas separation
  that provides an atmosphere deficient in elements of high condensation
  temperature, notably, Al, Ca, Sc, Ti, and s-process elements. Such
  anomalies have previously been seen among RV Tau stars which represent
  a long-period extension of the variability enjoyed by the type II
  Cepheids. Comments are offered on how the contrasting abundance
  anomalies of BL Her and W Vir stars may be explained in terms of the
  stars' evolution from the blue horizontal branch.

Title: Iron abundances of B-type post-asymptotic giant branch stars
in globular clusters: Barnard29 in M13 and ROA5701 in ωCen
Authors: Thompson, H. M. A.; Keenan, F. P.; Dufton, P. L.; Ryans,
   R. S. I.; Smoker, J. V.; Lambert, D. L.; Zijlstra, A. A.
2007MNRAS.378.1619T    Altcode: 2007MNRAS.tmp..506T; 2007arXiv0705.2196T
  High-resolution optical and ultraviolet (UV) spectra of two B-type
  post-asymptotic giant branch (post-AGB) stars in globular clusters,
  Barnard29 in M13 and ROA5701 in ωCen, have been analysed using model
  atmosphere techniques. The optical spectra have been obtained with
  FEROS on the ESO 2.2-m telescope and the 2d-Coudé spectrograph on
  the 2.7-m McDonald telescope, while the UV observations are from the
  Goddard high-resolution spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope
  (HST). Abundances of light elements (C, N, O, Mg, Al and S) plus Fe have
  been determined from the optical spectra, while the UV data provide
  additional Fe abundance estimates from FeIII absorption lines in the
  1875-1900 Å wavelength region. A general metal underabundance relative
  to young B-type stars is found for both Barnard29 and ROA5701. These
  results are consistent with the metallicities of the respective
  clusters, as well as with previous studies of the objects. The derived
  abundance patterns suggest that the stars have not undergone a gas-dust
  separation, contrary to previous suggestions, although they may have
  evolved from the AGB before the onset of the third dredge-up. However,
  the Fe abundances derived from the HST spectra are lower than those
  expected from the metallicities of the respective clusters, by 0.5
  dex for Barnard29 and 0.8 dex for ROA5701. A similar systematic
  underabundance is also found for other B-type stars in environments
  of known metallicity, such as the Magellanic Clouds. These results
  indicate that the FeIII UV lines may yield abundance values which are
  systematically too low by typically 0.6 dex and hence such estimates
  should be treated with caution. <P />This paper includes data taken
  at the McDonald Observatory of the University of Texas at Austin,
  and on the ESO 2.2-m La Silla, programme 0077.D-025(A). <P />E-mail:

Title: Infrared High-Resolution Spectroscopy of Post-AGB Circumstellar
Disks. I. HR 4049: The Winnowing Flow Observed?
Authors: Hinkle, Kenneth H.; Brittain, Sean D.; Lambert, David L.
2007ApJ...664..501H    Altcode: 2007arXiv0704.1237H
  High-resolution infrared spectroscopy in the 2.3-4.6 μm region is
  reported for the peculiar A supergiant, single-lined spectroscopic
  binary HR 4049. Lines from the CO fundamental and first overtone, OH
  fundamental, and several H<SUB>2</SUB>O vibration-rotation transitions
  have been observed in the near-infrared spectrum. The spectrum of HR
  4049 appears principally in emission through the 3 and 4.6 μm region
  and in absorption in the 2 μm region. The 4.6 μm spectrum shows a
  rich “forest” of emission lines. All the spectral lines observed in
  the 2.3-4.6 μm spectrum are shown to be circumbinary in origin. The
  presence of OH and H<SUB>2</SUB>O lines confirm the oxygen-rich nature
  of the circumbinary gas, which is in contrast to the previously detected
  carbon-rich material. The emission and absorption line profiles show
  that the circumbinary gas is located in a thin, rotating layer near
  the dust disk. The properties of the dust and gas circumbinary disk
  and the spectroscopic orbit yield masses for the individual stars,
  M<SUB>AI</SUB>~0.58 M<SUB>solar</SUB> and M<SUB>secondary</SUB>~0.34
  M<SUB>solar</SUB>. Gas in the disk also has an outward flow with
  a velocity of &gt;~1 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. The severe depletion of
  refractory elements but near-solar abundances of volatile elements
  observed in HR 4049 results from abundance winnowing. The separation
  of the volatiles from the grains in the disk and the subsequent
  accretion by the star are discussed. Contrary to prior reports,
  the HR 4049 carbon and oxygen isotopic abundances are typical AGB
  values, <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C=6<SUP>+9</SUP><SUB>-4</SUB>
  and <SUP>16</SUP>O/<SUP>17</SUP>O&gt;200.

Title: Chemical Composition of Several Pulsating Variable Stars of
    the λ Boo and δ Sct Types
Authors: Gopka, V.; Yushchenko, A.; Kim, C.; Lambert, D.; Rostopchin,
   S.; Kim, S. -L.; Jeon, Y. -B.; Dorokhova, T.; Tarasov, A.; Chernyshova,
2007ASPC..362..249G    Altcode:
  Objects. We present investigation of four pulsating stars: λ Boo,
  HD210111, ρ Pup and V2314 Oph. <P />Observations. High resolution
  spectroscopic observations of these stars were made with the 2.7 meter
  telescope at the McDonald observatory, the VLT and the 2 meter telescope
  at the Terskol observatory. Photometric observations of V2314 Oph were
  secured using the 1.2- to 0.4-meter telescopes at five observatories,
  namely Bohyunsan &amp; Sobak (Korea), Crimea (Ukraine), Maidanak
  (Uzbekistan), and Dushak-Erekdag (Turkmenistan). <P />Methods. Chemical
  composition was investigated using a spectrum synthesis method for
  all elements except iron. A frequency analysis of photometric data
  of V2314 Oph was made. Results. λ Boo - We found the abundances of
  several light elements, which were not investigated earlier. HD210111 -
  upper limits of abundances of La, Ce, and Nd and the abundance of Dy and
  Yb are found for the first time. The profiles of lines in the spectrum
  are clearly disturbed by pulsation. V2314 Oph appears to be a new λ
  Boo type star. Its chemical composition is presented for the first time
  as also are the values of several frequencies of light variations. For
  ρ Pup, we give a detailed chemical composition for 33 elements. The
  abundance pattern of this star is similar to that of δ Sct.

Title: Interplay between Diffusion, Accretion and Nuclear Reactions
    in the Atmospheres of Sirius and Przybylski's Star
Authors: Yushchenko, A.; Gopka, V.; Goriely, S.; Lambert, D.; Shavrina,
   A.; Kang, Y. W.; Rostopchin, S.; Valyavin, G.; Lee, B. -C.; Kim, C.
2007ASPC..362...46Y    Altcode: 2006astro.ph.10611Y
  The abundance anomalies in chemically peculiar B-F stars are usually
  explained by diffusion of chemical elements in the stable atmospheres
  of these stars. But it is well known that peculiar stars with similar
  temperatures and gravities show very different chemical compositions. We
  show that the abundance patterns of several stars can be influenced
  by accretion and (or) nuclear reactions in stellar atmospheres. The
  first case is one of the hottest Am stars - Sirius. We determined the
  abundances of more than 50 chemical elements in the atmosphere of Sirius
  A and show that Sirius A was contaminated by s-process enriched matter
  from Sirius B (now a white dwarf). The second case is the well known
  Przybylski's star. The abundance pattern of this star is the second
  most studied one after the Sun with abundances determined for about 60
  chemical elements. Spectral lines of radioactive elements with short
  decay times were found in the spectrum of this star. We report the
  results of our investigation on the stratification of chemical elements
  in the atmosphere of Przybylski's star and the new identification of
  lines corresponding to short-lived actinides in its spectrum. Possible
  explanations of the abundances pattern of Przybylski's star (as
  well as HR465 and HD965) can be the natural radioactive decays of
  thorium and uranium, the explosion of a companion as a supernova or
  the spallation reactions. These three hypotheses and (or) diffusion
  can possibly explain the abundance pattern of Przybylski's star and
  several similar objects such as HR465 and HD965.

Title: Oxygen abundances in nearby stars. Clues to the formation
    and evolution of the Galactic disk
Authors: Ramírez, I.; Allende Prieto, C.; Lambert, D. L.
2007A&A...465..271R    Altcode: 2007astro.ph..1362R
  The abundances of iron and oxygen are homogeneously determined in
  a sample of 523 nearby (d&lt;150 pc) FGK disk and halo stars with
  metallicities in the range -1.5&lt;[Fe/H]&lt;0.5. Iron abundances were
  obtained from an LTE analysis of a large set of Fe I and Fe II lines
  with reliable atomic data. Oxygen abundances were inferred from a
  restricted non-LTE analysis of the 777 nm O I triplet. We adopted the
  infrared flux method temperature scale and surface gravities based
  on Hipparcos trigonometric parallaxes. Within this framework, the
  ionization balance of iron lines is not satisfied: the mean abundances
  from the Fe I lines are systematically lower by 0.06 dex than those
  from the Fe II lines for dwarf stars of T<SUB>eff</SUB>&gt;5500 K and
  [Fe/H]&lt;0.0, and giant stars of all temperatures and metallicities
  covered by our sample. The discrepancy worsens for cooler and metal-rich
  main-sequence stars. We use the stellar kinematics to compute the
  probabilities of our sample stars to be members of the thin disk,
  thick disk, or halo of the Galaxy. We find that the majority of the
  kinematically-selected thick-disk stars show larger [O/Fe] ratios
  compared to thin-disk stars while the rest show thin-disk abundances,
  which suggests that the latter are thin-disk members with unusual
  (hotter) kinematics. A close examination of this pattern for disk stars
  with ambiguous probabilities shows that an intermediate population with
  properties between those of the thin and thick disks does not exist,
  at least in the solar neighborhood. Excluding the stars with unusual
  kinematics, we find that thick-disk stars show slowly decreasing
  [O/Fe] ratios from about 0.5 to 0.4 in the -0.8&lt;[Fe/H]&lt;-0.3
  range. Using a simple model for the chemical evolution of the thick
  disk we show that this trend results directly from the metallicity
  dependence of the Type II supernova yields. At [Fe/H]&gt;-0.3, we find
  no obvious indication of a sudden decrease (i.e., a "knee") in the
  [O/Fe] vs. [Fe/H] pattern of thick-disk stars that would connect the
  thick and thin disk trends at a high metallicity. We conclude that Type
  Ia supernovae (SN Ia) did not contribute significantly to the chemical
  enrichment of the thick disk. In the -0.8&lt;[Fe/H]&lt;+0.3 range,
  thin-disk stars show decreasing [O/Fe] ratios from about 0.4 to 0.0
  that require a SN Ia contribution. The implications of these results
  for studies of the formation and evolution of the Galactic disk are
  discussed. <P />Tables 4-6 are only available in electronic form at
  the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or via
  http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/465/271 Partially based
  on observations obtained with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope, which is a
  joint project of the University of Texas at Austin, the Pennsylvania
  State University, Stanford University, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität
  München, and Georg-August-Universität Göttingen; and data from the
  UVES Paranal Observatory Project (ESO DDT Program ID 266.D-5655).

Title: Correlations between Lithium and Technetium Absorption Lines
    in the Spectra of Galactic S Stars
Authors: Vanture, Andrew D.; Smith, Verne V.; Lutz, Julie; Wallerstein,
   George; Lambert, David; Gonzalez, Guillermo
2007PASP..119..147V    Altcode:
  Correlations between the presence of the 6707 Å line of lithium
  and the resonance lines of technetium (4238 and 4262 Å) in a large
  sample of Galactic S stars are analyzed. Half of the sample stars are
  intrinsic S stars (those exhibiting technetium in their spectra),
  and 1/3 of these stars also have strong lithium lines in their
  spectra. Stars having both lithium and technetium in their spectra
  are interpreted as intermediate-mass thermally pulsating asymptotic
  giant branch (TP-AGB) stars in which lithium is produced by the
  Cameron-Fowler mechanism. The production of lithium is predicted to
  occur in high-luminosity (M<SUB>bol</SUB>&lt;=-6) TP-AGB stars by
  the hot-bottom burning (HBB) mechanism. Data on the carbon isotope
  ratios of stars in our sample agree with the predictions of HBB;
  however, oxygen isotope ratios in these stars do not agree with
  the predictions of HBB. Furthermore, the available luminosities
  for our sample stars are below the minimum value necessary for HBB
  to occur in available models. Cool-bottom processing (CBP) is one
  possible explanation for the presence of lithium in the spectra of
  these stars. Intrinsic S stars having technetium but no lithium in
  their spectra are interpreted as lower mass (1.5-3 M<SUB>solar</SUB>)
  thermally pulsating AGB stars that have not undergone CBP. Extrinsic S
  stars constitute the remaining half of the sample. Carbon and oxygen
  isotope ratios, as well as the lack of technetium and lithium in the
  spectra of these stars, are consistent with these being low-mass red
  giant branch stars (1-2 M<SUB>solar</SUB>), with mass transfer from
  a now extinct thermally pulsating AGB star being responsible for the
  enhanced abundance of s-process elements.

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: Oxygen abundances in nearby stars
    (Ramirez+, 2007)
Authors: Ramirez, I.; Allende Prieto, C.; Lambert, D. L.
2007yCat..34650271R    Altcode:
  We provide in Table 4 basic (HIP and HD numbers, V magnitude and
  parallax) and kinematic (radial velocities and heliocentric space
  velocity) data for our sample stars. The kinematic probabilities of
  being a thin-disk, thick-disk, and halo member are also given. Table 5
  contains the line data used in our abundance computations as well as the
  equivalent widths of the lines measured in the solar spectrum. Stellar
  parameters and abundances are given in Table 6. Effective temperatures
  were derived using color calibrations based on the infrared flux
  method temperature scale while surface gravities were determined from
  the Hipparcos parallaxes and estimates of the stellar masses based on
  theoretical isochrones. We provide the mean abundance of iron determined
  from Fe I and Fe II lines separately and a mean [Fe/H] value obtained
  after applying our empirical re-scaling of the Fe I abundances. LTE
  and non-LTE oxygen abundances derived from the 777nm OI triplet are
  also given. The last three columns of Table 6, if available, provide
  our estimates of the stellar ages. <P />(3 data files).

Title: Spectroscopy of the Post-AGB Disk around HR 4049
Authors: Hinkle, Kenneth H.; Brittain, S. D.; Lambert, D. L.
2006AAS...209.8102H    Altcode: 2006BAAS...38.1006H
  High-resolution infrared spectroscopy in the 2.3-4.6 μm region is
  reported for the peculiar star HR 4049. HR 4049 has severe depletion
  of refractory elements but solar abundances of volatile elements
  suggesting a winnowing process. Lines from the CO fundamental
  and first overtone, OH fundamental, and several H<SUB>2</SUB>O
  vibration-rotation transitions have been observed in the near-infrared
  spectrum. The spectrum of HR 4049 appears in emission through the
  3 and 4.6 μm region and in absorption in the 2 μm region. The
  4.6 μm spectrum shows a rich 'forest' of emission lines. All the
  spectral lines observed in the 2.3-4.6 μm spectrum are shown to
  be circumstellar in origin. The presence of OH and H<SUB>2</SUB>O
  lines confirm the oxygen-rich nature of the circumstellar gas. HR
  4049 has an oxygen-rich circumbinary disk surrounded by a carbon-rich
  circumstellar shell. The emission and absorption line profiles show
  that the gas is located in a thin, rotating layer near the circumbinary
  dust ring. In addition to rotation, gas in the ring is also flowing
  outward with a velocity of at least 1 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. A model
  is described where the gas is driven from the grains in a winnowing
  process producing the observed surface abundances. Contrary to prior
  reports, the HR 4049 carbon and oxygen isotopic abundances are typical
  for an AGB or post-AGB star. <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C=9±6 and
  <SUP>16</SUP>O/<SUP>17</SUP>O&gt;200. Assuming that the binary orbit
  is co-planer with the disk, the mass of the post-AGB star is 0.58
  solar mass and the mass of the unseen companion is 0.34 solar mass.

Title: High-Resolution Calibration of the SDSS/SEGUE Spectroscopic
    Analysis Pipeline
Authors: Sivarani, T.; Beers, T. C.; Lee, Y.; Krugler, J.; Wilhelm,
   R.; Allende Prieto, C.; Sneden, C.; Lambert, D. L.; Shetrone, M.;
   Johnson, J.; Ivans, I.; Rockosi, C.; Lai, D.; Morrison, H.; Aoki, W.
2006AAS...20916810S    Altcode: 2006BAAS...38.1139S
  We present a discussion of efforts to obtain external validation of the
  estimated atmospheric parameters (Teff, log g, [Fe/H]) obtained from
  medium-resolution (R = 2000) SDSS spectroscopy and ugriz photometry,
  which are being employed for both the completed SDSS-I and the
  ongoing SEGUE survey. The SDSS/SEGUE spectroscopic pipeline makes
  use of a number of methods for the estimation of each parameter, with
  estimated internal errors on the order of σ(Teff) = 150 K, σ(log g)
  = 0.4 dex, and σ([Fe/H]) = 0.3 dex. Over the course of the past two
  years, we have obtained over 100 high-resolution optical spectra of
  SDSS/SEGUE stars using the HET, KECK and SUBARU telescopes. For the
  KECK/HIRES spectra, which have R = 40000, we have performed standard
  high-resolution analyses to estimate the stellar parameters. For the
  HET and KECK-ESI data, which have R = 15000 and R = 5000, respectively,
  we have performed synthetic spectra matching in order to to estimate
  the stellar parameters. We find that the derived stellar parameters
  agree well with the SDSS/SEGUE pipeline estimates for the temperature
  range 5000 K &lt; Teff &lt; 6500K; the errors are of the order of the
  internal errors expected from the SDSS/SEGUE pipeline. For effective
  temperatures in the range 4000 K to 5000 K the estimated parameters
  from the high-resolution spectroscopy exhibit offsets relative to the
  SDSS/SEGUE pipeline values on the order of ΔTeff = 200 K, Δlogg =
  0.8 dex, and Δ[Fe/H] = 0.4 dex. Similar offsets exist for stars with T
  &gt; 6500 K. The main reason for these offsets appears to arise due to
  varying microturbulence, for which the medium-resolution SDSS spectra
  are not sensitive. We also have performed external checks on pipline
  radial velocities. We find that the errors in radial velocities are
  on the order of 7 km/s for stars, which is at the expected level.

Title: Fundamental parameters and abundances of metal-poor stars:
    the SDSS standard BD +17 4708
Authors: Ramírez, I.; Allende Prieto, C.; Redfield, S.; Lambert, D. L.
2006A&A...459..613R    Altcode: 2006astro.ph..8559R
  The atmospheric parameters and iron abundance of the Sloan Digital
  Sky Survey (SDSS) spectrophotometric standard star BD +17 4708
  are critically examined using up-to-date Kurucz model atmospheres,
  LTE line formation calculations, and reliable atomic data. We find
  T<SUB>eff</SUB>=6141 ± 50 K, log g=3.87 ± 0.08, and [Fe/H]=-1.74
  ± 0.09. The line-of-sight interstellar reddening, bolometric flux,
  limb-darkened angular diameter, stellar mass, and the abundances
  of Mg, Si, and Ca are also obtained: E(B-V)=0.010 ± 0.003,
  f<SUB>bol</SUB>=(4.89±0.10) × 10<SUP>-9</SUP> erg cm<SUP>-2</SUP>
  s<SUP>-1</SUP>, θ=0.1016 ± 0.0023 mas, M=0.91 ± 0.06~M_⊙,
  [Mg/Fe]=0.40 ± 0.10, [Si/Fe]=0.35 ± 0.11, [Ca/Fe]=0.36 ± 0.11. This
  star is a unique example of a moderately metal-poor star for which the
  effective temperature (T<SUB>eff</SUB>) can be accurately constrained
  from the observed spectral energy distribution (corrected for
  reddening). Such analysis leads to a value that is higher than most
  spectroscopic results previously reported in the literature (~5950
  K). Interstellar reddening was estimated using various prescriptions,
  including an analysis of interstellar lines. The surface gravity of the
  star was inferred from the fitting of the wings of the Mg I b lines. We
  used transition probabilities measured in the laboratory and reliable
  damping constants for unblended Fe lines to derive the iron abundance
  using both Fe I and Fe II lines. We find that the ionization balance
  of Fe lines is satisfied only if a low T<SUB>eff</SUB> (~5950 K)
  is adopted. The mean iron abundance we obtain from the Fe II lines
  corresponds to A_Fe=5.77 ± 0.09 ([Fe/H]=-1.74 for our derived
  A<SUB>Fe,⊙</SUB>=7.51) while that from the Fe I lines is A_Fe=5.92
  ± 0.11, and therefore with our preferred T<SUB>eff</SUB> (6141 K),
  the discrepancy between the mean iron abundance from Fe I and Fe II
  lines cannot be explained by overionization by UV photons as the main
  non-LTE effect. Interestingly, the Fe I excitation balance is satisfied
  with a T<SUB>eff</SUB> only slightly warmer than our preferred solution
  and not with the lower value of 5950 K. We also comment on non-LTE
  effects and the importance of inelastic collisions with neutral H
  atoms in the determination of oxygen abundances in metal-poor stars
  from the 7774 Å O I triplet.

Title: The Nature of Interstellar Gas toward the Pleiades Revealed
    in Absorption Lines
Authors: Ritchey, A. M.; Martinez, M.; Pan, K.; Federman, S. R.;
   Lambert, D. L.
2006ApJ...649..788R    Altcode: 2006astro.ph..6644R
  We present high-resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio absorption-line
  observations of CN, Ca II, Ca I, CH<SUP>+</SUP>, and CH along 20 lines
  of sight toward members of the Pleiades. The acquired data enable the
  most detailed study to date of the interaction between cluster stars and
  the surrounding interstellar gas. Total equivalent widths are consistent
  with previous investigations, except where weaker features are detected
  owing to our greater sensitivity. Mean b-values for the molecular
  species indicate that toward most of the Pleiades, CH is associated with
  the production of CH<SUP>+</SUP> rather than CN. An analysis of radial
  velocities reveals a kinematic distinction between ionized atomic gas
  and molecular and neutral gas. Molecular components are found with
  velocities in the local standard of rest of either ~+7 or ~+9.5 km
  s<SUP>-1</SUP>, with the higher velocity components being associated
  with the strongest absorption. Atomic gas traced by Ca II shows a strong
  central component at v<SUB>LSR</SUB>~+7 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, exhibiting
  velocity gradients indicative of cloud-cluster interactions. Gas density
  estimates derived from measured CH/CH<SUP>+</SUP> column density ratios
  show good agreement with those inferred from H<SUB>2</SUB> rotational
  populations, yielding typical values of n~50 cm<SUP>-3</SUP>. Our models
  do not include the important time-dependent effects on CH<SUP>+</SUP>
  formation, which may ultimately be needed to extract physical conditions
  in these clouds.

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: Elemental abundances for 176 stars
    (Reddy+, 2006)
Authors: Reddy, B. E.; Lambert, D. L.; Allende Prieto, C.
2006yCat..73671329R    Altcode:
  High-resolution spectra of the program stars were obtained during the
  period 2002 December-2004 June at the Harlan J. Smith 2.7-m telescope
  of the W.J. McDonald Observatory, using the 2dcoude echelle spectrometer
  with a 2048x2048 Tektronix CCD as detector. <P />(2 data files).

Title: RCoronae Borealis at the 2003 light minimum
Authors: Kameswara Rao, N.; Lambert, David L.; Shetrone, Matthew D.
2006MNRAS.370..941K    Altcode: 2006MNRAS.370..941R; 2006astro.ph..5218K; 2006MNRAS.tmp..631K
  A set of five high-resolution optical spectra of R CrB obtained in
  2003 March is discussed. At the time of the first spectrum (March 8),
  the star was at V = 12.6, a decline of more than six magnitudes. By
  March 31, the date of the last observation, the star at V = 9.3 was on
  the recovery to maximum light (V = 6). The 2003 spectra are compared
  with the extensive collection of spectra from the 1995-1996 minimum
  presented previously. Spectroscopic features common to the two minima
  include the familiar ones also seen in spectra of other R Coronae
  Borealis stars (RCBs) in decline: sharp emission lines of neutral
  and singly ionized atoms, broad emission lines including HeI, [NII]
  6583 Å, Na D and CaII H &amp; K lines, and blueshifted absorption
  lines of Na D, and KI resonance lines. Prominent differences between
  the 2003 and 1995-1996 spectra are seen. The broad Na D and Ca H
  &amp; K lines in 2003 and 1995-1996 are centred approximately on
  the mean stellar velocity. The 2003 profiles are fit by a single
  Gaussian, but in 1995-1996 two Gaussians separated by about 200 km
  s<SUP>-1</SUP> were required. However, the HeI broad emission lines
  are fit by a single Gaussian at all times; the emitting He and Na-Ca
  atoms are probably not colocated. The C<SUB>2</SUB> Phillips 2-0
  lines were detected as sharp absorption lines and the C<SUB>2</SUB>
  Swan band lines as sharp emission lines in 2003, but in 1995-1996
  the Swan band emission lines were broad and the Phillips lines were
  undetected. The 2003 spectra show CI sharp emission lines at minimum
  light with a velocity changing in 5 d by about 20 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>
  when the velocity of `metal' sharp lines is unchanged; the CI emission
  may arise from shock-heated gas. Reexamination of spectra obtained
  at maximum light in 1995 shows extended blue wings to strong lines
  with the extension dependent on a line's lower excitation potential;
  this is the signature of a stellar wind, also revealed by published
  observations of the HeI 10830 Å line at maximum light. Changes in
  the cores of the resonance lines of AlI and Na D (variable blueshifts)
  and the CaII infrared (IR) lines (variable blueshifts and redshifts)
  suggest complex flow patterns near the photosphere. The spectroscopic
  differences at the two mimima show the importance of continued scrutiny
  of the declines of R CrB (and other RCBs). Thorough understanding of
  the outer atmosphere and circumstellar regions of R CrB will require
  such continued scrutiny. <P />Based on observations obtained with the
  Hobby-Eberly Telescope, which is a joint project of the University of
  Texas at Austin, the Pennsylvania State University, Stanford University,
  Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and Georg-August-Universität
  Göttingen. <P />E-mail: dll@anchor.as.utexas.edu (DLL)

Title: Water Vapor on Supergiants: The 12 μm TEXES Spectra of
    μ Cephei
Authors: Ryde, N.; Richter, M. J.; Harper, G. M.; Eriksson, K.;
   Lambert, D. L.
2006ApJ...645..652R    Altcode: 2006astro.ph..3384R
  Several recent papers have argued for warm, semidetached, molecular
  layers surrounding red giant and supergiant stars, a concept known as
  a MOLsphere. Spectroscopic and interferometric analyses have often
  corroborated this general picture. Here we present high-resolution
  spectroscopic data of pure rotational lines of water vapor at 12 μm
  for the supergiant μ Cep. This star has often been used to test the
  concept of molecular layers around supergiants. Given the prediction of
  an isothermal, optically thick water vapor layer in local thermodynamic
  equilibrium around the star (MOLsphere), we expected the 12 μm lines
  to be in emission or at least in absorption but filled in by emission
  from the molecular layer around the star. Our data, however, show the
  contrary; we find definite absorption. Thus, our data do not easily fit
  into the suggested isothermal MOLsphere scenario. The 12 μm lines,
  therefore, put new, strong constraints on the MOLsphere concept and
  on the nature of water seen in signatures across the spectra of early
  M supergiants. We also find that the absorption is even stronger
  than that calculated from a standard, spherically symmetric model
  photosphere without any surrounding layers. A cool model photosphere,
  representing cool outer layers, is, however, able to reproduce the
  lines, but this model does not account for water vapor emission at
  6 μm. Thus, a unified model for water vapor on μ Cep appears to be
  lacking. It does seem necessary to model the underlying photospheres
  of these supergiants in their whole complexity. The strong water vapor
  lines clearly reveal inadequacies of classical model atmospheres.

Title: VLT UVES Observations of Interstellar Molecules and Diffuse
    Bands in the Magellanic Clouds
Authors: Welty, D. E.; Federman, S. R.; Gredel, R.; Thorburn, J. A.;
   Lambert, D. L.
2006ApJS..165..138W    Altcode: 2006astro.ph..3332W
  We discuss the abundances of interstellar CH, CH<SUP>+</SUP>, and
  CN in the Magellanic Clouds, derived from spectra of seven SMC
  and 13 LMC stars obtained (mostly) with the VLT UVES. CH and/or
  CH<SUP>+</SUP> have now been detected toward three SMC and nine LMC
  stars; CN is detected toward Sk 143 (SMC) and Sk -67 2 (LMC). These
  data represent nearly all the optical detections of these molecular
  species in interstellar media beyond the Milky Way. In the LMC, the
  CH/H<SUB>2</SUB> ratio is comparable to that found for diffuse Galactic
  molecular clouds in four sight lines but is lower by factors of 2.5-4.0
  in two others. In the SMC, the CH/H<SUB>2</SUB> ratio is comparable
  to the local Galactic value in one sight line but is lower by factors
  of 10-15 in two others. The abundance of CH in the Magellanic Clouds
  thus appears to depend on local physical conditions and not just on
  metallicity. In both the SMC and the LMC, the observed relationships
  between the column density of CH and those of CN, CH<SUP>+</SUP>,
  Na I, and K I are generally consistent with the trends observed in
  our Galaxy. <P />Using existing data for the rotational populations
  of H<SUB>2</SUB> in these sight lines, we estimate temperatures,
  radiation field strengths, and local hydrogen densities for the
  diffuse molecular gas. The inferred temperatures range from about
  45 to 90 K, the radiation fields range from about 1 to 900 times
  the typical local Galactic field, and the densities (in most cases)
  lie between 100 and 600 cm<SUP>-3</SUP>. Densities estimated from the
  observed N(CH), under the assumption that CH is produced via steady
  state gas-phase reactions, are considerably higher than those derived
  from H<SUB>2</SUB>. Much better agreement is found by assuming that
  the CH is made via the (still undetermined) process(es) responsible
  for the observed CH<SUP>+</SUP>. A significant fraction of the CH and
  CH<SUP>+</SUP> in diffuse molecular material in the SMC and LMC may
  be produced in photon-dominated regions. The excitation temperature
  obtained from the populations of the two lowest CN rotational levels
  toward Sk -67 2 is quite consistent with the temperature of the cosmic
  microwave background radiation measured with COBE. <P />Toward most
  of our targets, the UVES spectra also reveal absorption at velocities
  corresponding to the Magellanic Clouds ISM from several of the strongest
  of the diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs; at 5780, 5797, and 6284 Å). On
  average, the three DIBs are weaker by factors of 7-9 (LMC) and about 20
  (SMC), compared to those typically observed in Galactic sight lines with
  similar N(H I), presumably due to the lower metallicities and stronger
  radiation fields in the LMC and SMC. The three DIBs are also weaker (on
  average, but with some exceptions), by factors of order 2-6, relative
  to E(B-V), N(Na I), and N(K I) in the Magellanic Clouds. The detection
  of several of the so-called C<SUB>2</SUB> DIBs toward Sk 143 and Sk -67
  2 with strengths similar to those in comparable Galactic sight lines,
  however, indicates that no single, uniform scaling factor (e.g., one
  related to metallicity) applies to all DIBs (or for all sight lines)
  in the Magellanic Clouds. <P />Based on observations collected at
  the European Southern Observatory, Chile, under programs 67.C-0281,
  70.D-0164, 72.C-0064, 72.C-0682, and 74.D-0109.

Title: Lithium Isotopic Abundances in Metal-poor Halo Stars
Authors: Asplund, Martin; Lambert, David L.; Nissen, Poul Erik;
   Primas, Francesca; Smith, Verne V.
2006ApJ...644..229A    Altcode: 2005astro.ph.10636A
  Very high quality spectra of 24 metal-poor halo dwarfs and subgiants
  have been acquired with ESO's VLT/UVES for the purpose of determining
  Li isotopic abundances. The derived one-dimensional, non-LTE <SUP>
  7</SUP>Li abundances from the Li I 670.8 nm line reveal a pronounced
  dependence on metallicity but with negligible scatter around this
  trend. Very good agreement is found between the abundances from the Li I
  670.8 nm line and the Li I 610.4 nm line. The estimated primordial <SUP>
  7</SUP>Li abundance is <SUP>7</SUP>Li/H=(1.1-1.5)×10<SUP>-10</SUP>,
  which is a factor of 3-4 lower than predicted from standard big bang
  nucleosynthesis with the baryon density inferred from the cosmic
  microwave background. Interestingly, <SUP>6</SUP>Li is detected in 9
  of our 24 stars at the &gt;=2 σ significance level. Our observations
  suggest the existence of a <SUP> 6</SUP>Li plateau at the level
  of logɛ<SUB><SUP>6</SUP>Li</SUB>~0.8 however, taking into account
  predictions for <SUP>6</SUP>Li destruction during the pre-main-sequence
  evolution tilts the plateau such that the <SUP>6</SUP>Li abundances
  apparently increase with metallicity. Our most noteworthy result is the
  detection of <SUP>6</SUP>Li in the very metal-poor star LP 815-43. Such
  a high <SUP>6</SUP>Li abundance during these early Galactic epochs
  is very difficult to achieve by Galactic cosmic-ray spallation and
  α-fusion reactions. It is concluded that both Li isotopes have a
  pre-Galactic origin. Possible <SUP>6</SUP>Li production channels include
  protogalactic shocks and late-decaying or annihilating supersymmetric
  particles during the era of big bang nucleosynthesis. The presence of
  <SUP>6</SUP>Li limits the possible degree of stellar <SUP> 7</SUP>Li
  depletion and thus sharpens the discrepancy with standard big bang
  nucleosynthesis. <P />Based on observations collected at the European
  Southern Observatory, Paranal, Chile (observing programs 65.L-0131,
  68.D-0091, and 273.D-5043).

Title: Elemental abundance survey of the Galactic thick disc
Authors: Reddy, Bacham E.; Lambert, David L.; Allende Prieto, Carlos
2006MNRAS.367.1329R    Altcode: 2006MNRAS.tmp..343R; 2005astro.ph.12505R
  We have performed an abundance analysis for F- and G- dwarfs of the
  Galactic thick-disc component. A sample of 176 nearby (d&lt;= 150pc)
  thick-disc candidate stars was chosen from the Hipparcos catalogue and
  subjected to a high-resolution spectroscopic analysis. Using accurate
  radial velocities combined with the Hipparcos astrometry, kinematics
  (U, V and W) and Galactic orbital parameters were computed. We
  estimate the probability for a star to belong to the thin disc,
  the thick disc or the halo. With a probability P&gt;= 70 per cent
  taken as certain membership, we assigned 95 stars to the thick disc,
  13 to the thin disc, and 20 to the halo. The remaining 48 stars in the
  sample cannot be assigned with reasonable certainty to one of the three
  components. <P />Abundances of C, O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr,
  Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Y, Ba, Ce, Nd and Eu have been obtained. The
  abundances for the thick-disc stars are compared with those for the
  thin-disc members from Reddy et al. The ratios of α-elements (O, Mg,
  Si, Ca and Ti) to iron for thick-disc stars show a clear enhancement
  compared to thin-disc members in the range -0.3 &lt; [Fe/H] &lt;
  -1.2. There are also other elements - Al, Sc, V, Co, and possibly Zn -
  which show enhanced ratios to iron in the thick disc relative to the
  thin disc. The abundances of Na, Cr, Mn, Ni and Cu (relative to Fe) are
  very similar for thin- and thick-disc stars. The dispersion in abundance
  ratios [X/Fe] at given [Fe/H] for thick-disc stars is consistent with
  the expected scatter due to measurement errors, suggesting a lack of
  `cosmic' scatter. <P />A few stars classified as members of the thick
  disc by our kinematic criteria show thin-disc abundances. These stars,
  which appear older than most thin-disc stars, are also, on average,
  younger than the thick-disc population. They may have originated early
  in the thin-disc history, and been subsequently scattered to hotter
  orbits by collisions. The thick disc may not include stars with [Fe/H]
  &gt; -0.3. The observed compositions of the thin and thick discs seem
  to be consistent with the models of galaxy formation by hierarchical
  clustering in a Lambda cold dark matter (ΛCDM) universe.

Title: Testing Rotational Mixing Predictions with New Boron Abundances
    in Main-Sequence B-Type Stars
Authors: Mendel, J. T.; Venn, K. A.; Proffitt, C. R.; Brooks, A. M.;
   Lambert, D. L.
2006ApJ...640.1039M    Altcode: 2005astro.ph.12084M
  New boron abundances for seven main-sequence B-type stars are
  determined from HST STIS spectroscopy around the B III 2066 Å
  line. Boron abundances provide a unique and critical test of stellar
  evolution models that include rotational mixing, since boron is
  destroyed in the surface layers of stars through shallow mixing long
  before other elements are mixed from the stellar interior through deep
  mixing. The stars in this study are all on or near the main sequence
  and are members of young Galactic clusters. They show no evidence of
  mixing with gas from H-burning layers from their CNO abundances. Boron
  abundances range from 12+log(B/H)&lt;=1.0 to 2.2. The boron abundances
  are compared to the published values of the stellar nitrogen abundances
  [all have 12+log(N/H)&lt;=7.8] and to their host cluster ages (4-16 Myr)
  to investigate the predictions from models of massive star evolution
  with rotational mixing effects. We find that the variations in boron
  and nitrogen are generally within the range of the predictions from the
  stellar evolution models with rotation (where predictions for models
  with rotation rates from 0 to 450 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> and μ-barriers
  are examined), especially given their age and mass ranges. Three stars
  (of 34 B-type stars with detailed boron abundance determinations)
  deviate from the model predictions, showing either much larger boron
  depletions than can be explained by the rotating model predictions or
  a spectroscopic mass that is lower than expected, given the rotating
  model predictions for its age and abundances. The results from these
  three stars suggest that rotational mixing could be more efficient
  than that currently modeled at the highest rotation rates.

Title: Rubidium and Lead Abundances in Giant Stars of the Globular
    Clusters M13 and NGC 6752
Authors: Yong, David; Aoki, Wako; Lambert, David L.; Paulson, Diane B.
2006ApJ...639..918Y    Altcode: 2005astro.ph.11413Y
  We present measurements of the neutron-capture elements Rb and Pb in
  five giant stars of the globular cluster NGC 6752 and Pb measurements in
  four giants of the globular cluster M13. The abundances were derived by
  comparing synthetic spectra with high-resolution, high signal-to-noise
  ratio spectra obtained using HDS on the Subaru telescope and MIKE
  on the Magellan telescope. The program stars span the range of the
  O-Al abundance variation. In NGC 6752, the mean abundances are
  [Rb/Fe]=-0.17+/-0.06 (σ=0.14), [Rb/Zr]=-0.12+/-0.06 (σ=0.13),
  and [Pb/Fe]=-0.17+/-0.04 (σ=0.08). In M13 the mean abundance is
  [Pb/Fe]=-0.28+/-0.03 (σ=0.06). Within the measurement uncertainties,
  we find no evidence for star-to-star variation for either Rb or Pb
  within these clusters. None of the abundance ratios [Rb/Fe], [Rb/Zr],
  or [Pb/Fe] are correlated with the Al abundance. NGC 6752 may have
  slightly lower abundances of [Rb/Fe] and [Rb/Zr] compared to the small
  sample of field stars at the same metallicity. For M13 and NGC 6752 the
  Pb abundances are in accord with predictions from a Galactic chemical
  evolution model. If metal-poor intermediate-mass asymptotic giant
  branch stars did produce the globular cluster abundance anomalies,
  then such stars do not synthesize significant quantities of Rb or
  Pb. Alternatively, if such stars do synthesize large amounts of Rb or
  Pb, then they are not responsible for the abundance anomalies seen in
  globular clusters. <P />Based in part on data collected at the Subaru
  Telescope, which is operated by the National Astronomical Observatory
  of Japan, and on observations made with the Magellan Clay Telescope
  at Las Campanas Observatory.

Title: An Analysis of Ultraviolet Spectra of Extreme Helium Stars
    and New Clues to Their Origins
Authors: Pandey, Gajendra; Lambert, David L.; Jeffery, C. Simon; Rao,
   N. Kameswara
2006ApJ...638..454P    Altcode: 2005astro.ph.10161P
  Abundances of about 18 elements including the heavy elements Y and
  Zr are determined from Hubble Space Telescope Space Telescope Imaging
  Spectrograph ultraviolet spectra of seven extreme helium stars (EHes):
  LSE 78, BD +10 2179, V1920 Cyg, HD 124448, PV Tel, LS IV-1 2, and
  FQ Aqr. New optical spectra of BD +10 2179, V1920 Cyg, and HD 124448
  were analyzed, and published line lists of LSE 78, HD 124448, and PV
  Tel were analyzed afresh. The abundance analyses are done using LTE
  line formation and LTE model atmospheres especially constructed for
  these EHes. The stellar parameters derived from an EHe's UV spectrum
  are in satisfactory agreement with those derived from its optical
  spectrum. Adopted abundances for the seven EHes are from a combination
  of the UV and optical analyses. Published results for an additional 10
  EHes provide abundances obtained in a nearly uniform manner for a total
  of 17 EHes, the largest sample on record. <P />The initial metallicity
  of an EHe is indicated by the abundance of elements from Al to Ni;
  Fe is adopted to be the representative of initial metallicity. Iron
  abundances range from approximately solar to about 1/100 solar. Clues
  to EHe evolution are contained within the H, He, C, N, O, Y, and Zr
  abundances. Two novel results are (1) the O abundance for some stars is
  close to the predicted initial abundance yet the N abundance indicates
  almost complete conversion of initial C, N, and O to N by the CNO
  cycles; and (2) three of the seven stars with UV spectra show a strong
  enhancement of Y and Zr attributable to an s-process. <P />The observed
  compositions are discussed in light of expectations from accretion of
  an He white dwarf by a C-O white dwarf. Qualitative agreement seems
  likely except that a problem may be presented by those stars in which
  the O abundance is close to the initial O abundance. <P />Based on
  observations obtained with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, which
  is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy
  (AURA), Inc., under NASA contract NAS 5-26555.

Title: The HdC stars as recently merged white dwarf binaries
Authors: Hinkle, Kenneth; Lambert, David; Smith, Verne; Lebzelter,
2006noao.prop..391H    Altcode:
  The hydrogen-deficient carbon star HD 137613 has been reported
  by Clayton et al. (2005) to have the extraordinary isotopic ratio
  ^16O/^18O ~ 0.8. The solar system ratio is ~500 and carbon stars
  typically have yet larger ratios. The explanation proposed for the
  ^16O/^18O value observed in HD 137613 is that the HdC stars are recently
  merged white dwarf binaries. The observed supergiant HdC star is a
  transient post-merger phase. If so, we have the rare opportunity to see
  helium-burning shell products in a low gravity stellar environment. To
  test this model we propose to measure the CNO elemental abundances
  for HD 137613 as well as the other four hydrogen- deficient carbon
  stars. Comparison of the measure abundances with models will lead to
  considerable insight into stellar mergers and nucleosynthesis.

Title: Getting a handle on the origin of the Galactic Bulge
Authors: Lambert, David L.; Ryde, Nils; Hinkle, Kenneth; Smith, Verne
   V.; Gustafsson, Bengt; Edvardsson, Bengt; Asplund, Martin; Johansson,
   Sveneric; Wahlin, Rurik
2006noao.prop..268L    Altcode:
  The origin, chemical properties, and evolution history of the
  Galactic Bulge remain poorly understood. Abundance ratios of bulge
  stars, especially in the [(alpha)/Fe] vs [Fe/H] diagram, serve to
  constrain the evolutionary models. Measuring, for instance, a high
  (alpha) over-abundance indicates rapid and early star-formation. Thus,
  we propose an infrared based study of the (alpha) elements, including
  oxygen, of ten stars in two low-extinction windows towards the bulge. We
  will also re-investigate the oxygen abundance trends found from optical
  spectra of K giants in Baade's window by McWilliam &amp; Rich (2004),
  which indicate a surprising cession of oxygen production in the bulge
  for metallicities larger than -0.5. The infrared, with lower extinction
  and molecular rather than atomic abundance indicators, is a preferred
  wavelength region to study abundances in bulge stars.

Title: Mg Isotope Ratios in Giant Stars of the Globular Clusters
    M13 and M71
Authors: Yong, David; Aoki, Wako; Lambert, David L.
2006ApJ...638.1018Y    Altcode: 2005astro.ph.10591Y
  We present Mg isotope ratios in four red giants of the globular
  cluster M13 and one red giant of the globular cluster M71
  based on high-resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio spectra
  obtained with HDS on the Subaru Telescope. We confirm earlier
  results by Shetrone that for M13 the ratio varies from
  in stars with the highest Al abundance to
  (<SUP>25</SUP>Mg+<SUP>26</SUP>Mg)/<SUP>24</SUP>Mg~=0.2 in stars with
  the lowest Al abundance. However, we separate the contributions
  of all three isotopes and find a considerable spread in the
  ratio <SUP>24</SUP>Mg:<SUP>25</SUP>Mg:<SUP>26</SUP>Mg, with values
  ranging from 48:13:39 to 78:11:11. As in NGC 6752, we find a positive
  correlation between <SUP>26</SUP>Mg and Al, an anticorrelation between
  <SUP>24</SUP>Mg and Al, and no correlation between <SUP>25</SUP>Mg and
  Al. In M71, our one star has a Mg isotope ratio of 70:13:17. For both
  clusters, even the lowest ratios of <SUP>25</SUP>Mg/<SUP>24</SUP>Mg
  and <SUP>26</SUP>Mg/<SUP>24</SUP>Mg exceed those observed in
  field stars at the same metallicity, a result also found in
  NGC 6752. The contribution of <SUP>25</SUP>Mg to the total Mg
  abundance is constant within a given cluster and between clusters with
  For M13 and NGC 6752, the ranges of the Mg isotope ratios are similar
  and both clusters show the same correlations between Al and Mg isotopes,
  suggesting that the same process is responsible for the abundance
  variations in these clusters. While existing models fail to reproduce
  all the observed abundances, we continue to favor the scenario in
  which two generations of asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars produce
  the observed abundances. A first generation of metal-poor AGB stars
  pollutes the entire cluster and is responsible for the large ratios of
  <SUP>25</SUP>Mg/<SUP>24</SUP>Mg and <SUP>26</SUP>Mg/<SUP>24</SUP>Mg
  observed in cluster stars with compositions identical to field stars
  at the same metallicity. Differing degrees of pollution by a second
  generation of AGB stars of the same metallicity as the cluster provides
  the star-to-star scatter in Mg isotope ratios. <P />Based on data
  collected at the Subaru Telescope, which is operated by the National
  Astronomical Observatory of Japan.

Title: Carbon stars in local group dwarf galaxies: C and O abundances
Authors: Wahlin, R.; Eriksson, K.; Gustafsson, B.; Hinkle, K. H.;
   Lambert, D. L.; Ryde, N.; Westerlund, B.
2006MmSAI..77..955W    Altcode: 2006astro.ph..5244W
  We present abundances of carbon and oxygen as well as abundance
  ratios <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C for a sample of carbon stars
  in the LMC, SMC, Carina, Sculptor and Fornax dwarf galaxies. The
  overall metallicities in these dwarf galaxies are lower than in the
  galactic disc. The observations cover most of the AGB and we discuss
  the abundance patterns in different regions along the AGB. The
  abundances are determined from infrared spectra obtained with the
  ISAAC spectrometer on VLT (R=1500) and the Phoenix Spectrometer on
  Gemini South (R=50000). The synthetic spectra used in the analysis
  were computed with MARCS model atmospheres. We find that the oxygen
  abundance is decreasing with decreasing overall metallicity of the
  system while the C/O ratio at a given evolutionary phase is increasing
  with decreasing oxygen abundance. <P />Based on observations collected
  at the European Southern Observatory, Paranal, Chile (ESO Programme
  70.D-0414 &amp; 072.D-0501)

Title: Rubidium and lead abundances in globular clusters .
Authors: Yong, D.; Aoki, W.; Carney, B. W.; Grundahl, F.; Lambert,
   D. L.; Nissen, P. E.; Paulson, D. B.
2006MmSAI..77..991Y    Altcode:
  We present a brief and biased summary of key star-to-star abundance
  variations recently observed in globular clusters and some possible
  explanations for these variations. Measurements of the neutron-capture
  elements rubidium (Rb) and lead (Pb) in the globular clusters M 13
  and NGC 6752 are then presented along with preliminary measurements
  in M 4 and M 5. The abundance ratios [Rb/Zr] and [Pb/Fe] are used to
  test the globular cluster AGB pollution scenario and to gain insight
  into AGB nucleosynthesis.

Title: Heaviest s-process elements in the atmospheres of barium stars
Authors: Gopka, Vera F.; Yushchenk, Alexander; Lambert, David; Drake,
   Natalia; Rostopchin, Sergey
2006isna.confE.105G    Altcode: 2006PoS....28E.105G
  The detailed chemical abundance patterns of barium stars HD204075
  and HD101013 are used for investigations of heaviest s-process
  elements. Special attention is devoted to elements with Z&gt;70, up to
  Pb. Spectrum synthesis method is used for abundance calculations. High
  resolu- tion spectra were obtained at 2.7 meter telescope of McDonald
  observatory (spectral resolution R=60,000, signal to noise ratio
  S/N&gt;400) and VLT (R=80,000, S/N&gt;400). CNO and Fe abun- dances are
  found for HD204075 and HD101013. Heavy (Z≥64) elements abundances
  are found for HD204075. The results of previous investigations of
  HD204075 and our data is in good aggre- ment with s-process enriched
  pattern. Our estimates show that the abundances of Z≥64 elements in
  HD101013 are significantly higher than in HD204075.

Title: Lithium Isotopic Abundances in Metal-Poor Stars: A Problem
    for Standard Big Bang Nucleosynthesis?
Authors: Nissen, Poul E.; Asplund, Martin; Lambert, David L.; Primas,
   Francesca; Smith, Verne V.
2005Msngr.122...32N    Altcode:
  Spectra obtained with VLT/UVES suggest the existence of the Li isotope
  in several metal-poor stars at a level that challenges ideas about its
  synthesis. The Li abundance is, on the other hand, a factor of three
  lower than predicted by standard Big Bang nucleosynthesis theory. Both
  problems may be explained if decaying supersymmetric particles affect
  the synthesis of light elements in the Big Bang.

Title: Trends and Scatter of Abundance Ratios for Metal-poor
    Turnoff Stars
Authors: Nissen, P. E.; Asplund, M.; Lambert, D. L.; Primas, F.;
   Smith, V. V.
2005ASPC..336...55N    Altcode:
  Trends and scatter of abundances of Li, O, Ca and Fe in metal-poor
  stars are discussed with particular emphasis on new results obtained
  by analyzing high resolution ESO VLT/UVES spectra of 23 turnoff stars
  using effective temperatures derived from the Hα line. Evidence of a
  significant cosmic scatter in O/Fe and Ca/Fe at a given metallicity is
  found, whereas the scatter in Li/H is very small, i.e. less than 0.03
  dex. The results are compared to previous data for halo, thick and
  thin disk stars, and to the prediction of the primordial Li abundance
  from WMAP.

Title: Abundances of AGB stars in the LMC and SMC: A Work in Progress
Authors: McSaveney, J. A.; Wood, P.; Lattanzio, J. C.; Hinkle, K.;
   Lambert, D. L.
2005ASPC..336..339M    Altcode:
  In order to calibrate stellar evolution and nucleosynthesis models,
  a selection of highly evolved AGB stars in the LMC and SMC have
  been observed to determine element abundances. These stars are
  more evolved than those studied by Smith et al.(2002). They require
  the use of dynamical atmospheres and pulsation models to determine
  the abundances. We present the data so far and detail some of the
  approaches started.

Title: Infrared Spectroscopy of Evolved, Interacting Binary Stars
Authors: Hinkle, K. H.; Fekel, F. C.; Joyce, R. R.; Smith, V. V.;
   Lambert, D. L.
2005ASPC..336..173H    Altcode:
  Two interacting binary systems, V2116 Oph and HR 4049, are
  discussed. These systems both are evolved and contain disks but are
  otherwise very different. Both cases illustrate the role the measurement
  of cosmic abundances can have in understanding the evolutionary history
  of stellar systems.

Title: Observations of Rotational Mixing in 10 to 40
    M<SUB>⊙</SUB>. Stars
Authors: Venn, K. A.; Lambert, D. L.
2005ASPC..336...93V    Altcode:
  The surface abundances of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen in massive stars
  are now recognized to be affected by rotational mixing, even during
  the main-sequence phase. Stellar evolution scenarios that include
  rotational effects have broader implications for stellar masses,
  lifetimes, and supernova yields, thus it is important to constrain
  observationally these new model predictions further. One unique and
  powerful constraint is provided by the surface abundance of boron,
  which is depleted through exposure to hot gas lying just below the
  stellar surface when rotationally mixed. Boron depletions are larger
  and occur earlier than nitrogen or other enrichments that require gas to
  be mixed from the stellar interior up to the surface. Boron abundances
  in main-sequence B-type stars are reviewed, and discussed relative to
  nitrogen enrichments, stellar masses, and ages (when the stars are in
  clusters). Two observational tests to study the nucleosynthesis of
  boron from main-sequence B-stars are also briefly discussed because
  of this element's unique position (with lithium and beryllium) at
  the intersection of stellar astrophysics, cosmic ray nucleosynthesis,
  and primordial nucleosynthesis.

Title: The Magnesium Abundance In 52 B Stars: A Test Of Metallicity
Authors: Lyubimkov, L. S.; Rostopchin, S. I.; Rachkovskaya, T. M.;
   Poklad, D. B.; Lambert, D. L.
2005ASPC..336..335L    Altcode:
  From high-resolution spectra a non-LTE analysis of the mg 4481.2
  Å feature is implemented for 52 nearby early and medium B stars
  on the main sequence (MS). The magnesium abundance is determined;
  it is found that log \varepsilon(Mg) = 7.67 ± 0.21 on average. It
  is shown that uncertainties in the microturbulent parameter ťare the
  main source of errors in log \varepsilon(Mg). When using 36 stars with
  the most reliable ťvalues derived from ol and nl lines, we obtain the
  mean abundance log \varepsilon(Mg) = 7.59 ± 0.15. The latter value
  is precisely confirmed for several hot B stars from an analysis of
  the mg 7877 Å weak line. The derived abundance log \varepsilon(Mg)
  = 7.59 ± 0.15 is in excellent agreement with the solar magnesium
  abundance log \varepsilon<SUB>sun</SUB>(Mg) = 7.55 ± 0.02, as well
  as with the proto-Sun abundance log \varepsilon<SUB>ps</SUB>(Mg) =
  7.62 ± 0.02. Thus, it is confirmed that the Sun and the B-type MS
  stars in our neighborhood have the same metallicity.

Title: The Revised Solar Abundance of Oxygen
Authors: Allende Prieto, C.; Lambert, D. L.
2005LPICo1278....9A    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Li Abundance Survey in Galactic Thin Disk
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Reddy, B. E.
2005ASPC..336..347L    Altcode:
  Lithium abundances for a sample of 451 F and G dwarfs including 181 new
  stars all belonging to the Galactic thin disk are discussed. Lithium
  abundances, metallicities ([Fe/H]), masses, and ages are determined
  (Lambert &amp; Reddy 2004). The field stars span a larger range in
  [Fe/H] than the open clusters for which [Fe/H] ≃ 0.0±0.2. The
  initial Li from which stars formed has been traced from stars for
  which astration of lithium is believed to be unimportant.

Title: On the Origin of Sulfur
Authors: Ryde, N.; Lambert, D. L.
2005ASPC..336..355R    Altcode: 2005astro.ph.10136R
  We present our work on the halo evolution of sulfur, based on
  observations of the S I lines around 9220 Å for ten stars for which
  the S abundance was obtained previously from much weaker S I lines at
  8694 Å. We cannot confirm the rise and the high [S/Fe] abundances for
  low [Fe/H], as claimed in the literature from analysis of the 8694 Å
  lines. The reasons for claims of an increase in [S/Fe] with decreasing
  [Fe/H] are probably twofold: uncertainties in the measurements of the
  weak 8694 Å lines, and systematic errors in metallicity determinations
  from Fe I lines. The near-infrared sulfur triplet at 9212.9, 9228.1,
  and 9237.5 Å are preferred for an abundance analysis of sulfur for
  metal-poor stars. Our work was presented in full by Ryde &amp; Lambert

Title: Green --- Not grey
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
2005ASPC..336..289L    Altcode:
  A miscellany of thoughts gathered before, during and after the meeting
  is assembled here. I attempt to illustrate the extraordinary range in
  observing tools that has become available since I took my first steps in
  1960 towards the field of cosmic abundances. Serendipity is highlighted
  as a source of particular delight for observers. A commentary on the
  apparent discrepancies between the <SUP>6</SUP>Li and <SUP>7</SUP>Li
  abundances of metal-poor dwarfs on the Spite plateau is presented to
  show the breadth of disciplines that may be gathered under the umbrella
  represented by a single problem in spectroscopic astrophysics involving
  cosmic abundances.

Title: Li-Rich K Giants: A Few New Cases
Authors: Reddy, Bacham E.; Lambert, David L.
2005BASI...33Q.374R    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Abundances in giant stars of the globular cluster NGC 6752
Authors: Yong, D.; Grundahl, F.; Nissen, P. E.; Jensen, H. R.; Lambert,
   D. L.
2005A&A...438..875Y    Altcode: 2005astro.ph..4283Y
  Recent theoretical yields and chemical evolution models demonstrate that
  intermediate-mass AGB stars cannot reproduce the observed abundance
  distributions of O, Na, Mg, and Al. As a further observational test
  of this finding, we present elemental abundance ratios [X/Fe] for 20
  elements in 38 bright giants of the globular cluster NGC 6752 based on
  high-resolution, high signal-to-noise spectra obtained with UVES on the
  VLT. This is the most complete spectroscopic analysis of this cluster in
  terms of the number of elements considered and the number of stars in
  the sample. The stars span more than 1000 K in effective temperature
  and more than 3 visual magnitudes along the red giant branch. None
  of the abundance ratios [X/Fe] show a correlation with evolutionary
  status. For Si and heavier elements, the small scatter in [X/Fe] may be
  attributable to the measurement uncertainties. Our mean abundance ratios
  [X/Fe] are in good agreement with previous studies of this cluster
  and are also consistent with other globular clusters and field stars
  at the same metallicity. The mean abundance ratios [Ba/Eu] and [La/Eu]
  exhibit values, in agreement with field stars at the same metallicity,
  that lie approximately midway between the pure r-process and the solar
  (s-process + r-process) mix, indicating that AGB stars have played a
  role in the chemical evolution of the proto-cluster gas. For the first
  time, we find possible evidence for an abundance variation for elements
  heavier than Al in this cluster. We find a correlation between [Si/Fe]
  and [Al/Fe] which is consistent with the abundance anomalies being
  synthesized via proton captures at high temperatures. Leakage from the
  Mg-Al chain into <SUP>28</SUP>Si may explain the Si excess in stars
  with the highest [Al/Fe]. We identify correlations between [Y/Fe] and
  [Al/Fe], [Zr/Fe] and [Al/Fe], and [Ba/Fe] and [Al/Fe] suggesting that Y,
  Zr, and Ba abundances may increase by about 0.1 dex as Al increases by
  about 1.3 dex. While the correlations are statistically significant,
  the amplitudes of the variations are small. If the small variations in
  Y, Zr, and Ba are indeed real, then the synthesis of the Al anomalies
  must have taken place within an unknown class of stars that also ran
  the s-process.

Title: Abundance Analyses of Field RV Tauri Stars. VI. An Extended
Authors: Giridhar, Sunetra; Lambert, David L.; Reddy, Bacham E.;
   Gonzalez, Guillermo; Yong, David
2005ApJ...627..432G    Altcode: 2005astro.ph..3344G
  An abundance analysis is presented and discussed for a sample of 14 RV
  Tauri stars. The present abundance data and those from our previous
  papers and by other workers are combined in an attempt to further
  understanding of the dust-gas separation process that afflicts many RV
  Tauri variables. We propose that a star's intrinsic (i.e., initial)
  metallicity is given by the photospheric zinc abundance. Variables
  warmer than about 5000 K and with an initial metallicity [Fe/H]&gt;=-1
  are affected by dust-gas separation. Variables of all metallicities and
  cooler than about T<SUB>eff</SUB>~=5000 K are unaffected by dust-gas
  separation. The RV Tauri variables show a spread in their C abundances,
  with the lower boundary of the points in the C versus Zn plane falling
  close to the predicted trend for giants after the first dredge-up. The
  upper boundary is inhabited by a few stars that are carbon-rich. The
  O abundances in the mean follow the predicted trend from unevolved
  stars, in line with the expectation that photospheric O abundance is
  unaffected by the first dredge-up. An evolutionary scenario involving
  mass loss by a first-ascent or early-AGB red giant, the primary star
  of a binary, is sketched.

Title: Three Li-rich K Giants: IRAS 12327-6523, 13539-4153, and
Authors: Reddy, Bacham E.; Lambert, David L.
2005AJ....129.2831R    Altcode: 2005astro.ph..3253R
  We report on spectroscopic analyses of three K giants previously
  suggested to be Li-rich: IRAS 12327-6523, 13539-4153, and
  17596-3952. High-resolution optical spectra and the LTE model
  atmospheres are used to derive the stellar parameters (T<SUB>eff</SUB>,
  logg, [Fe/H]), elemental abundances, and the isotopic ratio
  <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C. IRAS 13539-4153 shows an extremely
  high Li abundance of logɛ(Li)~4.2, a value 10 times greater than the
  present Li abundance in the local interstellar medium. This is the third
  highest Li abundance yet reported for a K giant. IRAS 12327-6523 shows
  a Li abundance of logɛ(Li)~1.4. IRAS 17596-3952 is a rapidly rotating
  (Vsini~35 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>) K giant with logɛ(Li)~2.2. Infrared
  photometry shows the presence of an IR excess, suggesting mass loss. A
  comparison is made between these three stars and previously recognized
  Li-rich giants.

Title: VLT/UVES Observations of Molecules and Diffuse Bands in the
    ISM of the Magellanic Clouds
Authors: Welty, D. E.; Federman, S. R.; Gredel, R.; Lambert, D. L.;
   Thorburn, J. A.
2005AAS...206.3815W    Altcode: 2005BAAS...37..492W
  We report some initial results on the abundances of interstellar CH,
  CH+, and CN in the Magellanic Clouds, derived from high S/N spectra of
  5 SMC and 9 LMC stars obtained with the VLT/UVES. We detect CH and/or
  CH+ toward 2 SMC and 8 LMC stars, and detect CN toward one of the LMC
  stars. To our knowledge, these are the first reported detections of
  these molecular species in the ISM of the Magellanic Clouds, apart
  from those of CH and CH+ toward SN 1987A. The column densities now
  available for CH, H2, K I, and Na I indicate that all those species are
  typically less abundant in the Magellanic Clouds than in our Galaxy,
  presumably due to the lower metallicities and generally stronger ambient
  radiation fields there. The relationships among those four species,
  however, appear to be similar to those observed in the Galactic ISM,
  except that Na I/H2, K I/H2, and CH/H2 are generally lower in the
  SMC. <P />Toward most of our targets, the UVES spectra also reveal
  absorption at velocities corresponding to the Magellanic Clouds ISM
  from several of the typically strongest of the enigmatic diffuse
  interstellar bands (e.g., those at 5780, 5797, and 6284 A). In most
  cases, the Magellanic Clouds DIBs are weaker, for a given N(H), than
  those typically observed in our Galaxy (again presumably due to the
  lower metallicities and stronger radiation fields) --- but they are
  also weaker, relative to Na I, than in the Milky Way. <P />We comment
  briefly on the implications of these data for models of diffuse cloud
  chemistry in low-metallicity systems and for the properties of the
  (still unidentified) carriers of the DIBs. <P />This work has been
  supported by NASA LTSA grant NAG5-11413 to the University of Chicago.

Title: Surface abundances of light elements for a large sample
    of early B-type stars - IV. The magnesium abundance in 52 stars -
    a test of metallicity
Authors: Lyubimkov, L. S.; Rostopchin, S. I.; Rachkovskaya, T. M.;
   Poklad, D. B.; Lambert, D. L.
2005MNRAS.358..193L    Altcode: 2005MNRAS.tmp..141L; 2005astro.ph..1389L
  From high-resolution spectra a non-local thermodynamic equilibrium
  analysis of the MgII 4481.2-Åfeature is implemented for 52 early
  and medium local B stars on the main sequence (MS). The influence
  of the neighbouring line AlIII 4479.9-Åis considered. The magnesium
  abundance is determined; it is found that logɛ(Mg) = 7.67 +/- 0.21 on
  average. It is shown that uncertainties in the microturbulent parameter
  V<SUB>t</SUB> are the main source of errors in logɛ(Mg). When using
  36 stars with the most reliable V<SUB>t</SUB> values derived from
  OII and NII lines, we obtain the mean abundance logɛ(Mg) = 7.59 +/-
  0.15. The latter value is precisely confirmed for several hot B stars
  from an analysis of the MgII 7877-Åweak line. The derived abundance
  logɛ(Mg) = 7.59 +/- 0.15 is in excellent agreement with the solar
  magnesium abundance logɛ<SUB>solar</SUB> (Mg) = 7.55 +/- 0.02, as
  well as with the proto-Sun abundance logɛ<SUB>ps</SUB>(Mg) = 7.62 +/-
  0.02. Thus, it is confirmed that the Sun and the B-type MS stars in
  our neighbourhood have the same metallicity.

Title: Carbon stars in local group dwarf galaxies: C &amp;
    O abundances
Authors: Wahlin, R.; Eriksson, K.; Gustafsson, B.; Hinkle, K. H.;
   Lambert, D. L.; Ryde, N.; Westerlund, B.
2005ESASP.560.1017W    Altcode: 2005csss...13.1017W
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Oxygen, sodium and iron abundances in the Hyades
Authors: Allende Prieto, C.; Yong, D.; Lambert, D. L.
2005ESASP.560..389A    Altcode: 2005csss...13..389A
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer Measurements of
    Interstellar Fluorine
Authors: Federman, S. R.; Sheffer, Yaron; Lambert, David L.; Smith,
   V. V.
2005ApJ...619..884F    Altcode: 2004astro.ph.10362F
  The source of fluorine is not well understood, although core-collapse
  supernovae, Wolf-Rayet stars, and asymptotic giant branch stars have
  been suggested. A search for evidence of the ν-process during Type
  II supernovae is presented. Absorption from interstellar F I is
  seen in spectra of HD 208440 and HD 209339A acquired with the Far
  Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer. In order to extract the column
  density for F I from the line at 954 Å, absorption from H<SUB>2</SUB>
  has to be modeled and then removed. Our analysis indicates that for
  H<SUB>2</SUB> column densities less than about 3×10<SUP>20</SUP>
  cm<SUP>-2</SUP>, the amount of F I can be determined from λ954. For
  these two sight lines, there is no clear indication for enhanced F
  abundances resulting from the ν-process in a region shaped by past
  supernovae. <P />Based on observations made with the NASA/CNES/CSA Far
  Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE), which is operated for NASA
  by the Johns Hopkins University under NASA contract NAS 5-32985.

Title: Lithium isotopic abundances in metal-poor stars
Authors: Asplund, Martin; Nissen, Poul Erik; Lambert, David L.;
   Primas, Francesca; Smith, Verne V.
2005IAUS..228...53A    Altcode:
  We report on a survey of <SUP>7</SUP>Li and <SUP>6</SUP>Li isotopic
  abundances in metal-poor halo stars. The spectra of the 24 stars
  observed with VLT/UVES are of exceptionally high quality: S/N&gt;400
  and resolving power R ≃ 120 000. The <SUP>7</SUP>Li abundances on
  our Hα T<SUB>eff</SUB>-scale show very small intrinsic scatter and
  a pronounced [Fe/H]-dependence. The resulting estimated primordial
  <SUP>7</SUP>Li abundance is about 0.5 dex lower than predicted from
  Big Bang nucleosynthesis and the baryon density inferred by the cosmic
  microwave background. Nine of the stars yield a positive detection
  (&gt;2σ) of <SUP>6</SUP>Li, which suggests the existence of a
  <SUP>6</SUP>Li plateau for halo stars. The most interesting result is
  the presence of <SUP>6</SUP>Li in the very metal-poor ([Fe/H]=-2.74)
  dwarf LP815-43 at the level of <SUP>6</SUP>Li/<SUP>7</SUP>Li ≃
  0.05±0.02. According to models for stellar Li depletion due to
  diffusion or rotationally-induced mixing, a 0.5 dex <SUP>7</SUP>Li
  depletion would require an unrealistic high initial <SUP>6</SUP>Li
  abundance (log <SUP>6</SUP>Li ≥ 2.0). Simultaneously, the
  observed high <SUP>6</SUP>Li abundance at such low [Fe/H] can not be
  reconciled with existing models for Galactic cosmic ray spallation and
  α-fusion reactions. This opens up exciting prospects of pre-Galactic
  <SUP>6</SUP>Li production, possibly due to cosmological cosmic rays
  or late-decaying massive particles such as the gravitino or neutralino
  in the Big Bang.

Title: Oxygen in galactic disk stars: non-LTE abundances from the
    777 nm O I triplet
Authors: Ramirez, Ivan; Allende Prieto, Carlos; Lambert, David L.
2005IAUS..228..271R    Altcode: 2005astro.ph..6744R
  Oxygen abundances for a large sample of dwarf and giant stars
  kinematically selected to be part of the Galactic thin and thick disks
  have been determined from a non-LTE analysis of the O I triplet lines
  at 777 nm. The abundance analysis was performed using the infrared
  flux method temperature scale, trigonometric surface gravities, and
  accurate atomic data. Within this framework, the ionization balance of
  iron lines could not be satisfied and so we adopted the iron abundances
  from Fe II lines only given that they are relatively less sensitive
  to changes in the atmospheric parameters. We show the resulting [O/Fe]
  vs. [Fe/H] relationship and briefly discuss its implications.

Title: Phoenix Spectra of Carbon Stars in the LMC
Authors: Wahlin, Rurik; Eriksson, Kjell; Gustafsson, Bengt; Hinkle,
   Kenneth; Lambert, David; Ryde, Nils; Westerlund, Bengt
2005hris.conf..439W    Altcode:
  We present high-resolution, IR-spectra of Carbon stars in the LMC
  obtained with the Phoenix spectrometer on the Gemini South 8-meter
  telescope. This is part of an ongoing project where CNO abundances
  and 12C/13C ratios of Carbon Stars are determined in Local-Group
  dwarf galaxies of different metallicities. The spectra obtained so
  far cover two 20 cm 1 wide spectral regions in the H and K bands. The
  bands contain lines from CN, C2, and CO, with 12C and 13C isotopes, and
  several atomic lines. The spectra are analyzed with synthetic spectra
  of model atmospheres from the MARCS spherical-model-atmosphere code.

Title: Testing Rotational Mixing in Massive Stars with Boron
    Abundances in Main-Sequence B-type Stars.
Authors: Mendel, J. T.; Venn, K. A.; Proffitt, C.; Brooks, A. M.;
   Lambert, D. L.
2004AAS...205.1302M    Altcode: 2004BAAS...36S1358M
  Boron's role is crucial in verifying the new stellar evolution models
  of massive stars that include rotation because its surface abundance
  is depleted at an observable level long before CNO-elements are
  mixed upwards from the interior to the surface. While most stars
  with boron depletions do show nitrogen enrichments, Venn et al
  (2002) found 2 boron-poor stars without nitrogen enhancements;
  furthermore, they showed that the depletion levels of these 12-13
  solar mass stars were uncharacteristically high. In this poster, we
  present new boron abundances for seven main-sequence B-type stars
  from HST STIS spectroscopy. These target stars are all members of
  OB associations, and they have normal, unenriched surface nitrogen
  abundances, but suggestively weak B III line strengths from archival
  IUE spectroscopy. Five stars could be studied in fine detail, while
  the rotational velocities for two stars were so large that we could
  only estimate their abundances. For all seven targets, the boron
  abundances, nitrogen abundances, stellar parameters, and ages are
  all in very good agreement with predictions from the Maeder &amp;
  Meynet (2000) and Heger &amp; Langer (2000) stellar models, assuming
  rotational velocities between 200 and 300 km/s.

Title: RCoronae Borealis stars at minimum light - UW Cen
Authors: Kameswara Rao, N.; Reddy, Bacham E.; Lambert, David L.
2004MNRAS.355..855K    Altcode: 2004astro.ph..9211K; 2004MNRAS.tmp..486K; 2004astro.ph..9211R;
  Two high-resolution optical spectra of the R Coronae Borealis (R CrB)
  star UW Cen in decline are discussed. A spectrum from mid-1992 when the
  star had faded by 3mag shows just a few differences with the spectrum
  at maximum light. The ubiquitous sharp emission lines seen in R CrB at
  a similar drop below maximum light are absent. In contrast, a spectrum
  from mid-2002 when the star was 5mag below maximum light shows an
  array of sharp emission lines and a collection of broad emission
  lines. Comparisons are made with spectra of R CrB obtained during
  the deep 1995-1996 minimum. The many common features are discussed in
  terms of a torus-jet geometry.

Title: Lithium in Very Metal-poor Dwarf Stars - Problems for Standard
    Big Bang Nucleosynthesis?
Authors: Lambert, David L.
2004AIPC..743..206L    Altcode: 2004astro.ph.10418L
  The standard model of primordial nucleosynthesis by the Big
  Bang as selected by the WMAP-based estimate of the baryon density
  (Ωbh<SUP>2</SUP>) predicts an abundance of <SUP>7</SUP>Li that is a
  factor of three greater than the generally reported abundance for stars
  on the Spite plateau, and an abundance of <SUP>6</SUP>Li that is about
  a thousand times less than is found for some stars on the plateau. This
  review discusses and examines these two discrepancies. They can likely
  be resolved without major surgery on the standard model of the Big
  Bang. In particular, stars on the Spite plateau may have depleted
  their surface lithium abundance over their long lifetime from the
  WMAP-based predicted abundances down to presently observed abundances,
  and synthesis of <SUP>6</SUP>Li (and <SUP>7</SUP>Li) via α + α fusion
  reactions may have occurred in the early Galaxy. Yet, there remain
  fascinating ways in which to remove the two discrepancies involving
  aspects of a new cosmology, particularly through the introduction of
  exotic particles.

Title: Galactic Abundance Gradient in Boron
Authors: Semler, D.; Venn, K. A.; Lambert, D. L.
2004AAS...205.2103S    Altcode: 2004BAAS...36R1376S
  We present B III stellar abundances in five main sequence B-stars with
  different galactocentric distances from HST UV STIS spectroscopy. The
  boron gradient is of interest because the present-day interstellar
  boron abundance is dominated by spallation reactions between galactic
  cosmic rays and interstellar oxygen atoms. Knowing the present-day
  oxygen gradient is near -0.07 dex/kpc, then a determination of a
  boron gradient allows us to examine spallation reactions and the
  galactic cosmic ray flux with distance. Based on the low nitrogen
  abundances, the program stars (LS 5130, NGC 6231-295, NGC 884-2361,
  S 285-6, and S 289-2) are thought to be unmixed with CNO-cycled gas,
  and thus their stellar boron abundances should be representative of
  the present-day boron in the interstellar medium at each galactocentric
  location. However, while enriched nitrogen is an indicator that boron
  depletion has occurred, unenriched nitrogen levels do not guarantee
  undepleted boron levels for a star. Two stars have well determined
  boron abundances, which yield a boron abundance gradient of -0.06
  dex/kpc. Due to low S/N or a lack of a boron feature, upper limits
  are set for three additional stars. The most simple interpretation
  of this nearly linear B/O gradient is that the formation of boron and
  the galactic cosmic ray flux is similar throughtout the Galactic disk.

Title: Oxygen In The Galactic Disk: Non-LTE Abundances From The 777
    nm O I Triplet
Authors: Ramirez, I.; Allende Prieto, C.; Lambert, D. L.
2004AAS...205.5212R    Altcode: 2004BAAS...36.1424R
  Oxygen abundances for a large sample of dwarf stars in the Galactic thin
  and thick disks are determined from a non-LTE analysis of the oxygen
  triplet lines at 777 nm. Kinematic criteria are employed to determine
  whether a star belongs to the thin or thick disk. Temperatures are
  obtained from photometric calibrations based on the infrared flux
  method and surface gravities from Hipparcos parallaxes and stellar
  evolution calculations. High resolution spectra from the HET and the
  2.7 m telescopes at McDonald Observatory, and the VLTI-UVES archive are
  used. Metallicities are derived from relatively unblended Fe I and Fe
  II lines for which reliable laboratory gf values are available. Oxygen
  abundances are obtained from the triplet lines at 777 nm and a
  restricted non-LTE analysis, i.e. spectrum synthesis was performed
  with non-LTE level populations on an LTE atmospheric structure. We
  confirm previous studies that suggest higher oxygen abundances in
  the thick disk than in the thin disk although our preliminary results
  favor a smooth transition instead of two completely separate trends,
  i.e. thick disk stars with intermediate and relatively lower oxygen
  abundances are also found.

Title: The Hobby-Eberly Telescope: performance upgrades, status,
    and plans
Authors: Booth, John A.; Adams, Mark T.; Barker, Edwin S.; Bash,
   Frank N.; Fowler, James R.; Good, John M.; Hill, Gary J.; Kelton,
   Philip W.; Lambert, David L.; MacQueen, Phillip J.; Palunas, Povilas;
   Ramsey, Lawrence W.; Wesley, Gordon L.
2004SPIE.5489..288B    Altcode:
  The Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET) is a fixed-elevation, 9.2-m telescope
  with a spherical primary mirror and a tracker at prime focus to follow
  astronomical objects. The telescope was constructed for $13.9M over
  the period 1994-1997. A series of extensive engineering upgrades
  and corrective actions have been completed recently, resulting in
  significantly improved delivered image quality and increased operational
  efficiency. The telescope's Spherical Aberration Corrector (SAC) optics
  were recoated with a highly reflective and durable broadband coating at
  Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The software mount model that
  maintains optical alignment of the SAC with the 11-m primary mirror
  array was recalibrated and improved. The acquisition and guiding optics
  for both the High Resolution Spectrograph (HRS) and the Low Resolution
  Spectrograph (LRS) were reworked and improved, allowing for better focus
  and SAC alignment monitoring and control. Recoating of the primary
  mirror segment array was begun. Telescope images of 0.82 arcseconds
  have been recorded for sustained periods in preliminary testing
  following the engineering upgrade, an improvement of 50% over previous
  best performance. Additional engineering upgrades are scheduled to
  consolidate these performance gains and to continue improving delivered
  image quality, throughput, and telescope operational efficiency. The
  HET is now capable of the science performance for which it was designed.

Title: HD 153720  - A SB2 system with twin metallic-line components
Authors: Yushchenko, A. V.; Gopka, V. F.; Khokhlova, V. L.; Lambert,
   D. L.; Kim, C.; Kang, Y. W.
2004A&A...425..171Y    Altcode:
  We report the results of abundance determinations for the components
  of the SB2 star HD 153720 from high resolution (R=60 000) echelle high
  signal-to-noise spectra of the wavelength region 3595-10 260 Å taken
  with the 2.7 m telescope of the McDonald Observatory We found the values
  of the atmospheric parameters of the primary to be effective temperature
  T<SUB>eff</SUB> = 7425 K and surface gravity log g,= 4.0 cgs, and of
  the secondary to be T<SUB>eff</SUB> = 7125 K and log g,= 3.9 cgs. The
  microturbulent velocity is v<SUB>micro</SUB>= 2.7 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>
  for both components, and the projected rotational velocity is v sin
  i ,= 15 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> also for both components. The abundances
  of about 20 elements were determined with the method of spectrum
  synthesis. The components of HD 153720 are metallic-line stars. Possible
  inconsistencies between old and new measurements of radial velocities
  may be explained by the existence of third body in this system. A
  review of recent high resolution spectral observations of eight A4-F1
  binaries shows that only one of these systems can be classified as
  normal. <P />Based on observations obtained at the 2.7-m telescope of
  the McDonald Observatory. <P />The data are only available in electronic
  form at http://www.edpsciences.org

Title: The R Coronae Borealis stars: carbon abundances from forbidden
    carbon lines
Authors: Pandey, Gajendra; Lambert, David L.; Rao, N. Kameswara;
   Gustafsson, Bengt; Ryde, Nils; Yong, David
2004MNRAS.353..143P    Altcode: 2004MNRAS.tmp..228P; 2004astro.ph..5600P
  Spectra of several R Coronae Borealis (RCB) stars at maximum light
  have been examined for the [CI] 9850- and 8727-Åabsorption lines. The
  9850-Åline is variously blended with an FeII and CN lines, but positive
  identifications of the [CI] line are made for RCrB and SUTau. The
  8727-Åline is detected in the spectrum of the five stars observed
  in this wavelength region. Carbon abundances are derived from the
  [CI] lines using the model atmospheres and atmospheric parameters
  used by Asplund et al. <P />Although the observed strength of a CI
  line is constant from cool to hot RCB stars, the strength is lower
  than predicted by an amount equivalent to a factor of 4 reduction
  of the gf-value of a line. Asplund et al. dubbed this `the carbon
  problem' and discussed possible solutions. <P />The [CI] 9850-Åline
  seen clearly in RCrB and SUTau confirms the magnitude of the carbon
  problem revealed by the CI lines. The [CI] 8727-Åline measured in
  five stars shows an enhanced carbon problem. The gf-value required
  to fit the observed [CI] 8727-Åline is a factor of 15 less than the
  well-determined theoretical gf-value. We suggest that the carbon problem
  for all lines may be alleviated to some extent by a chromospheric-like
  temperature rise in these stars. The rise far exceeds that predicted
  by our non-local thermodynamic equilibrium calculations, and requires
  a substantial deposition of mechanical energy.

Title: Li Enrichment, Mass Loss, and CN Abundances in High Rotating
    K Giants
Authors: Drake, N. A.; de La Reza, R.; da Silva, L.; Lambert, D. L.
2004IAUS..215..242D    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: S<SUP>4</SUP>N: A spectroscopic survey of stars in the solar
    neighborhood.  The Nearest 15 pc
Authors: Allende Prieto, C.; Barklem, P. S.; Lambert, D. L.; Cunha, K.
2004A&A...420..183A    Altcode: 2004astro.ph..3108P; 2004astro.ph..3108A
  We report the results of a high-resolution spectroscopic survey of all
  the stars more luminous than M_V = 6.5 mag within 14.5 pc from the
  Sun. The Hipparcos catalog's completeness limits guarantee that our
  survey is comprehensive and free from some of the selection effects in
  other samples of nearby stars. The resulting spectroscopic database,
  which we have made publicly available, includes spectra for 118 stars
  obtained with a resolving power of R ≃ 50 000, continuous spectral
  coverage between ∼ 362-921 nm, and typical signal-to-noise ratios
  in the range 150-600. We derive stellar parameters and perform a
  preliminary abundance and kinematic analysis of the F-G-K stars
  in the sample. The inferred metallicity ([Fe/H]) distribution is
  centered at about -0.1 dex, and shows a standard deviation of 0.2
  dex. A comparison with larger samples of Hipparcos stars, some of
  which have been part of previous abundance studies, suggests that
  our limited sample is representative of a larger volume of the local
  thin disk. We identify a number of metal-rich K-type stars which
  appear to be very old, confirming the claims for the existence of
  such stars in the solar neighborhood. With atmospheric effective
  temperatures and gravities derived independently of the spectra, we
  find that our classical LTE model-atmosphere analysis of metal-rich
  (and mainly K-type) stars provides discrepant abundances from neutral
  and ionized lines of several metals. This ionization imbalance could
  be a sign of departures from LTE or inhomogeneous structure, which
  are ignored in the interpretation of the spectra. Alternatively,
  but seemingly unlikely, the mismatch could be explained by systematic
  errors in the scale of effective temperatures. Based on transitions of
  majority species, we discuss abundances of 16 chemical elements. In
  agreement with earlier studies we find that the abundance ratios to
  iron of Si, Sc, Ti, Co, and Zn become smaller as the iron abundance
  increases until approaching the solar values, but the trends reverse
  for higher iron abundances. At any given metallicity, stars with a low
  galactic rotational velocity tend to have high abundances of Mg, Si,
  Ca, Sc, Ti, Co, Zn, and Eu, but low abundances of Ba, Ce, and Nd. The
  Sun appears deficient by roughly 0.1 dex in O, Si, Ca, Sc, Ti, Y,
  Ce, Nd, and Eu, compared to its immediate neighbors with similar iron
  abundances. <P />Based on observations made with the 2.7 m telescope at
  the McDonald Observatory of the University of Texas at Austin (Texas),
  and the 1.52 m telescope at the European Southern Observatory (La
  Silla, Chile) under the agreement with the CNPq/Observatorio Nacional
  (Brazil). <P />Tables 3-5 are only available in electronic form at
  the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or
  via http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/420/183

Title: Surface abundances of light elements for a large sample of
    early B-type stars - III. An analysis of helium lines in spectra of
    102 stars
Authors: Lyubimkov, L. S.; Rostopchin, S. I.; Lambert, D. L.
2004MNRAS.351..745L    Altcode:
  Non-local thermodynamic equilibrium analysis of He I lines in spectra of
  102 B stars is implemented in order to derive the helium abundance He/H,
  the microturbulent parameter V<SUB>t</SUB> and the projected rotation
  velocity v sini. A simultaneous determination of He/H and V<SUB>t</SUB>
  for the stars is effected by analysing equivalent widths of the 4471-
  and 4922-Å lines primarily as indicators of He/H and the 4713-, 5016-,
  5876- and 6678-Å lines primarily as indicators of V<SUB>t</SUB>. The
  rotation velocities v sini are found from profiles of the same
  lines. It is shown that, when V<SUB>t</SUB> &gt; 7 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>,
  the V<SUB>t</SUB>(He I) values determined from He I lines are
  systematically overestimated as compared with the V<SUB>t</SUB>(OII,
  NII) values derived from OII and NII lines. This discrepancy is
  especially appreciable for hot evolved B giants with V<SUB>t</SUB>(He I)
  = 16-23 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> and may indicate a failure of classical model
  atmospheres to represent the strong He I lines for these stars. <P
  />Two programme stars, HR 1512 and 7651, are found to be helium-weak
  stars. The remaining 100 stars are divided into three groups according
  to their masses M. The microturbulent parameter V<SUB>t</SUB>(He I)
  is low for all stars of group A (M= 4.1-6.9 M<SUB>solar</SUB>) and for
  all stars with the relative ages t/t<SUB>MS</SUB> &lt; 0.8 of group
  B (M= 7.0-11.2 M<SUB>solar</SUB>). Their V<SUB>t</SUB>(He I) values
  are within the 0 to 5 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> range, as a rule; the mean
  value is V<SUB>t</SUB>= 1.7 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. Only evolved giants of
  group B, which are close to the termination of the main-sequence (MS)
  evolutionary phase (t/t<SUB>MS</SUB> &gt; 0.8), show V<SUB>t</SUB>(He
  I) up to 11 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. The helium abundance He/H is correlated
  with the relative age t/t<SUB>MS</SUB> in both groups; the averaged
  He/H enhancement during the MS phase is 26 per cent. For group C,
  containing the most massive stars (M= 12.4-18.8 M<SUB>solar</SUB>), the
  V<SUB>t</SUB>(He I) values display a correlation with t/t<SUB>MS</SUB>,
  varying from 4 to 23 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. The He/H determination for
  hot evolved B giants of the group with V<SUB>t</SUB>(He I) &gt; 15
  km s<SUP>-1</SUP> depends on a choice between the V<SUB>t</SUB>(He I)
  and V<SUB>t</SUB>(OII, NII) scales. The mean He/H enrichment by 67 per
  cent during the MS phase is found, if the abundances He/H are based on
  the V<SUB>t</SUB>(OII, NII) scale; however, two evolved giants with
  especially high v sini, HR 7446 and 7993, show the He/H enhancement
  by about a factor of 2.5. When using the same V<SUB>t</SUB> scale,
  we found a trend of He/H with projected rotational velocities v sini
  a large dispersion for v sini &gt; 150 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> can result
  from differences in masses M. <P />A comparison with the stellar model
  computations with rotationally induced mixing shows that the observed
  helium enrichment during the MS phase can be explained by rotation with
  initial velocities 250-400 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. The He/H distribution on
  M and v sini based on the V<SUB>t</SUB>(OII, NII) scale seems to be in
  better agreement with the theory than one based on the V<SUB>t</SUB>(He
  I) scale. The mean value He/H = 0.10 derived for stars in the zero age
  main sequence (ZAMS) vicinity can be adopted as the typical initial
  helium abundance for early B stars in the solar neighbourhood.

Title: The chemical composition and circumstellar environment of
    the variable star QY Sge
Authors: Goswami, Aruna; Kameswara Rao, N.; Lambert, D. L.
2004ASPC..310..430G    Altcode: 2004vslg.conf..430G; 2004IAUCo.193..430G
  Chemical composition studies of the variable star QY Sge show abundance
  anomalies suggestive of the pattern exhibited by the warmer RV Tau
  variables. Abundance analysis indicates a near-solar atmosphere with
  highly condensable elements depleted by several factors. Evidence of
  broad Na D emission features in its spectrum, a characteristic feature
  of R CrB stars taken at minimum, however, raises the question of its
  spectral classification. We address this question through a comparative
  analysis of its spectrum with those of γ Cyg, 89 Her and R CrB taken at
  minimum, in addition to abundance analysis. We also discuss a possible
  physical scenario of the circumstellar environment accounting for the
  characteristics of the distinct spectroscopic features.

Title: Boron Benchmarks for the Galactic Disk
Authors: Boesgaard, Ann Merchant; McGrath, Elizabeth J.; Lambert,
   David L.; Cunha, Katia
2004ApJ...606..306B    Altcode:
  Sixteen Population I solar-type dwarfs have been selected to ascertain
  the baseline B abundance in the Galactic disk for a range of a factor of
  4 in metallicity: from [Fe/H] of -0.5 to +0.1. All the stars selected
  are undepleted in Be, which ensures that they have also retained their
  full initial abundance of B. Evaluation of the trend of B with Fe
  provides a means to study the evolution of B in the Galactic disk. We
  observed 16 bright stars around the B I 2497 Å line, using the STIS
  echelle spectrograph on HST. New observations of Li and Be in some
  stars were made, and previous abundance studies of Li and Be in these
  stars were reevaluated using revised parameters and a modified spectral
  synthesis code for consistency with the B measurements. Abundances of
  B were calculated by spectrum synthesis with the revised MOOG code,
  which accounts for the increased opacity in the UV due to metals;
  the LTE B abundances were then corrected for non-LTE effects. Four
  additional stars with undepleted Be have HST B observations, which
  increase our sample to 20. For these disk stars there is a shallow slope
  for B versus Fe and Be versus Fe, such that as Fe increases by a factor
  of 4, B and Be increase by 1.7 times. The slope for B<SUB>LTE</SUB>
  versus Fe is 0.31+/-0.09, for B<SUB>NLTE</SUB> versus Fe 0.40+/-0.12,
  and for Be versus Fe 0.38+/-0.14. We have estimated the effect of
  additional UV opacity from Mg and find that an increase of 0.3 dex
  in Mg results in a higher B abundances by 0.1 dex for all the disk
  stars. Individual stars are not consistently above (or below) the mean
  in both B and Be, implying that the star-to-star differences are not
  due to variations in the elemental content of the “natal” clouds. We
  find that the trend of B abundance with [Fe/H] is consistent with
  the general trend observed in halo stars. If we connect the halo and
  disk stars, then an increase in the Fe abundance by 10<SUP>3</SUP> is
  accompanied by increases of 100 times in B and 550 times in Be. However,
  fitting two separate relations for the disk and the halo stars results
  in a somewhat steeper slope for Be for the halo stars (1.08+/-0.07)
  relative to the disk stars (0.38+/-0.14). This is the case for B also
  in LTE, with B<SUB>halo</SUB> (0.90+/-0.07) versus B<SUB>disk</SUB>
  (0.32+/-0.12). However, the NLTE B abundance increases more slowly
  for halo stars than the Be abundance does; since this is not predicted
  by light-element synthesis or depletion, we suggest that a full NLTE
  analysis would be preferable to making the (small) corrections to the
  LTE abundances. Some of the lowest metallicity stars are thought to
  have only upper limits on the B abundance; if that is the case, the
  NLTE B slope is steeper, nearing 1.0. The abundance of B in the disk
  stars is observed to be a factor of ~15<SUP>+7</SUP><SUB>-5</SUB> more
  than the abundance of Be in these stars, a result consistent with the
  predictions of Galactic cosmic-ray (GCR) spallation, B/Be=15+/-5. The
  upper envelope for Li versus Fe yields Li/B and Li/Be ratios that,
  when coupled with models and predictions, indicate that 20%-45%
  of Li might be produced by GCRs. While there is no evidence to
  support the production of B by neutrino spallation, we cannot rule
  it out. <P />Based on observations obtained with the NASA/ESA Hubble
  Space Telescope (HST) through the Space Telescope Science Institute,
  which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in
  Astronomy, Inc., under NASA contract NAS5-26555.

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: Masses, ages and metallicities
    of F-G dwarfs (Lambert+, 2004)
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Reddy, B. E.
2004yCat..73490757L    Altcode:
  Lithium abundances are presented for a total of 451 F-G dwarfs. The
  aim of this survey of Lithium abundance is to document the astration
  of Li as a function of stellar mass, age, and metallicity. These data
  are given in table1.dat, which includes 157 stars for which the Li
  abundance is determined for the first time. Almost all stars belonging
  to thin disc population. <P />(1 data file).

Title: Lithium abundances of the local thin disc stars
Authors: Lambert, David L.; Reddy, Bacham E.
2004MNRAS.349..757L    Altcode: 2004astro.ph..1259L
  Lithium abundances are presented for a sample of 181 nearby F and G
  dwarfs with accurate Hipparcos parallaxes. The stars are on circular
  orbits about the Galactic centre and, hence, are identified as belonging
  to the thin disc. This sample is combined with two published surveys
  to provide a catalogue of lithium abundances, metallicities ([Fe/H]),
  masses, and ages for 451 F-G dwarfs, almost all belonging to the thin
  disc. The lithium abundances are compared and contrasted with published
  lithium abundances for F and G stars in local open clusters. The
  field stars span a larger range in [Fe/H] than the clusters for which
  [Fe/H]~= 0.0 +/- 0.2. The initial (i.e. interstellar) lithium abundance
  of the solar neighbourhood, as derived from stars for which astration
  of lithium is believed to be unimportant, is traced from logɛ(Li) =
  2.2 at [Fe/H]=-1 to logɛ(Li) = 3.2 at +0.1. This form for the evolution
  is dependent on the assumption that astration of lithium is negligible
  for the stars defining the relation. An argument is advanced that this
  latter assumption may not be entirely correct, and, the evolution of
  lithium with [Fe/H] may be flatter than previously supposed. A sharp
  Hyades-like Li dip is not seen among the field stars and appears to
  be replaced by a large spread among lithium abundances of stars more
  massive than the lower mass limit of the dip. Astration of lithium by
  stars of masses too low to participate in the Li dip is discussed. These
  stars show little to no spread in lithium abundance at a given [Fe/H]
  and mass.

Title: The Interstellar Rubidium Isotope Ratio toward ρ Ophiuchi A
Authors: Federman, S. R.; Knauth, David C.; Lambert, David L.
2004ApJ...603L.105F    Altcode: 2004astro.ph..1601F
  The isotope ratio <SUP>85</SUP>Rb/<SUP>87</SUP>Rb places constraints on
  models of the nucleosynthesis of heavy elements, but there is no precise
  determination of the ratio for material beyond the solar system. We
  report the first measurement of the interstellar Rb isotope ratio. Our
  measurement of the Rb I line at 7800 Å for the diffuse gas toward ρ
  Oph A yields a value of 1.21+/-0.30 (1 σ) that differs significantly
  from the meteoritic value of 2.59. The Rb/K elemental abundance ratio
  for the cloud also is lower than that seen in meteorites. Comparison
  of the <SUP>85</SUP>Rb/K and <SUP>87</SUP>Rb/K ratios with meteoritic
  values indicates that the interstellar <SUP>85</SUP>Rb abundance
  in this direction is lower than the solar system abundance. We
  attribute the lower abundance to a reduced contribution from the
  r-process. Interstellar abundances for Kr, Cd, and Sn are consistent
  with much less r-process synthesis for the solar neighborhood compared
  to the amount inferred for the solar system.

Title: Magnesium Isotope Ratios in Hyades Stars
Authors: Yong, David; Lambert, David L.; Allende Prieto, Carlos;
   Paulson, Diane B.
2004ApJ...603..697Y    Altcode: 2003astro.ph.12054Y
  Using classical model atmospheres and an LTE analysis, Mg
  isotope ratios <SUP>24</SUP>Mg:<SUP>25</SUP>Mg:<SUP>26</SUP>Mg
  are measured in 32 Hyades dwarfs covering effective temperatures
  4000K&lt;=T<SUB>eff</SUB>&lt;=5000K. We find no significant trend
  in any isotope ratio versus T<SUB>eff</SUB>, and the mean isotope
  ratio is in excellent agreement with the solar value. We determine
  stellar parameters and Fe abundances for 56 Hyades dwarfs covering
  4000K&lt;=T<SUB>eff</SUB>&lt;=6200K. For stars warmer than 4700 K,
  we derive a cluster mean value of [Fe/H]=0.16+/-0.02 (σ=0.1),
  in good agreement with previous studies. For stars cooler than
  4700 K, we find that the abundance of Fe from ionized lines
  exceeds the abundance of Fe from neutral lines. At 4700 K,
  [Fe/H]<SUB>II</SUB>-[Fe/H]<SUB>I</SUB>~=0.3dex, while at 4000 K
  [Fe/H]<SUB>II</SUB>-[Fe/H]<SUB>I</SUB>~=1.2dex. This discrepancy
  between the Fe abundance from neutral and ionized lines likely reflects
  inadequacies in the model atmospheres and the presence of non-LTE or
  other effects. Despite the inability of the models to reproduce the
  ionization equilibrium for Fe, the Mg isotope ratios appear immune to
  these problems and remain a powerful tool for studying Galactic chemical
  evolution. <P />Data presented here were obtained at the W. M. Keck
  Observatory, which is operated as a scientific partnership among the
  California Institute of Technology, the University of California,
  and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The Observatory
  was made possible by the generous financial support of the W. M. Keck

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: Spectroscopic survey in solar
    neighborhood (Allende Prieto+ 2004)
Authors: Allende Prieto, C.; Barklem, P. S.; Lambert, D. L.; Cunha, K.
2004yCat..34200183A    Altcode:
  Tables with kinematic data and chemical abundances for the sample. The
  atomic line data are also provided. The data in FITS are available
  in the internet from the project site S4N (Spectrsocopic Survey of
  Stars in the Solar Neighborhood) at http://hebe.as.utexas.edu/s4n/
  and at its mirror http://www.astro.uu.se/~s4n/ <P />(5 data files).

Title: A high-resolution spectral analysis of the suspected
    spectroscopic binary HD 165553
Authors: Goswami, A.; Rao, N. K.; Lambert, D. L.
2004Obs...124...47G    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: On the Galactic chemical evolution of sulfur
Authors: Ryde, N.; Lambert, D. L.
2004A&A...415..559R    Altcode: 2003astro.ph.12070R
  Sulfur abundances have been determined for ten stars to resolve a debate
  in the literature on the Galactic chemical evolution of sulfur in the
  halo phase of the Milky Way. Our analysis is based on observations of
  the S I lines at 9212.9, 9228.1, and 9237.5 Å for stars for which
  the S abundance was obtained previously from much weaker S I lines
  at 8694.0 and 8694.6 Å. In contrast to the previous results showing
  [S/Fe] to rise steadily with decreasing [Fe/H], our results show that
  [S/Fe] is approximately constant for metal-poor stars ([Fe/H]⪉ -1)
  at [S/Fe] ≃ +0.3. Thus, sulfur behaves in a similar way to the
  other \alpha elements, with an approximately constant [S/Fe] for
  metallicities lower than [Fe/H]≃ -1. We suggest that the reason
  for the earlier claims of a rise of [S/Fe] is partly due to the use
  of the weak S I 8694.0 and 8694.6 Å lines and partly uncertainties
  in the determination of the metallicity when using Fe I lines. The S
  I 9212.9, 9228.1, and 9237.5 Å lines are preferred for an abundance
  analysis of sulfur for metal-poor stars.

Title: Abundances of Neutron-Capture Elements in the Hot Extreme
    Helium Stars V1920 Cygni and HD 124448
Authors: Pandey, Gajendra; Lambert, David L.; Rao, N. Kameswara;
   Jeffery, C. Simon
2004ApJ...602L.113P    Altcode: 2004astro.ph..1263P
  Analysis of Hubble Space Telescope Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph
  ultraviolet spectra of two hot extreme helium (EHe) stars, V1920
  Cyg and HD 124448, provides the first measurements of abundances
  of neutron-capture elements for EHe stars. Although the two stars
  have similar abundances for elements up through the iron group, they
  differ strikingly in their abundances of heavier elements: V1920 Cyg
  is enriched by a factor of 30 in light neutron-capture elements (Y/Fe
  and Zr/Fe) relative to HD 124448. These differences in abundances of
  neutron-capture elements among EHe stars are exhibited by the R CrB
  stars and are evidence supporting the view that there is an evolutionary
  connection between these two groups of hydrogen-deficient stars. Also,
  the abundances of Y and Zr in V1920 Cyg provide evidence that at least
  one EHe star went through an s-process synthesis episode in its earlier
  evolution. <P />Based on observations obtained with the NASA/ESA Hubble
  Space Telescope, which is operated by the Association of Universities
  for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under NASA contract NAS5-26555.

Title: Mg Isotopic Ratios in Giant Stars of the Globular Cluster
    NGC 6752
Authors: Yong, D.; Grundahl, F.; Lambert, D. L.; Nissen, P. E.;
   Shetrone, M. D.
2004oee..sympE..61Y    Altcode:
  We have measured Mg isotopic ratios in 20 bright red giants in the
  globular cluster NGC 6752 based on high-resolution (R ∼110,000),
  high signal-to-noise spectra obtained with UVES on the VLT. We find a
  variation in the ratio <SUP>24</SUP>Mg:<SUP>25</SUP>Mg:<SUP>26</SUP>Mg
  with values ranging from 53:9:39 to 83:10:7. We combined our sample
  with 21 RGB bump stars (Grundahl et al. 2002) and measured the
  abundances of O, Na, Mg, Al, and Fe. The abundances of the samples
  are consistent and exhibit the usual anticorrelations between O-Na
  and Mg-Al. We found a positive correlation between <SUP>26</SUP>Mg
  and Al, a mild anticorrelation between <SUP>24</SUP>Mg and Al, and
  no correlation between <SUP>25</SUP>Mg and Al. Neither the elemental
  nor isotopic abundances show a dependence on evolutionary status and,
  as Gratton et al. (2001) have shown, main sequence stars display the
  abundance variations. This strongly suggests that the star-to-star
  abundance variations are a result of varying degrees of pollution with
  intermediate mass AGB stars being likely polluters. The composition
  of the ambient and processed material can be inferred from the
  extremes of the abundance variations. The least contaminated stars
  (lowest Na and Al and highest O and Mg abundances) have a Mg isotopic
  ratio around 80:10:10 and a composition ([O/Fe], [Na/Fe], [Mg/Fe],
  [Al/Fe]) ≍(0.6 ,-0.1, 0.5, 0.0). The most polluted stars have a Mg
  isotopic ratio around 60:10:30 and a composition ([O/Fe], [Na/Fe],
  [Mg/Fe], [Al/Fe]) ≍(-0.1, 0.6, 0.3, 1.2). The least polluted stars
  have abundances of <SUP>25</SUP>Mg and <SUP>26</SUP>Mg relative to
  <SUP>24</SUP>Mg that are considerably higher than predicted for ejecta
  from Z = 0 supernovae. Zero metallicity AGB stars may be responsible
  for these higher abundances. Our measured Mg isotopic ratios reveal
  another layer to the globular cluster star-to-star abundance variations
  that demands extensions of our present theoretical knowledge of stellar
  nucleosynthesis by giant stars.

Title: <SUP>6</SUP>Li: A Clue for Planet Accretion in Stars
Authors: Reddy, B. E.; Lambert, D. L.
2004oee..sympE..50R    Altcode:
  Using high quality (S/N ≥ 350) and very high resolution spectra
  (R≅ 125,000) we have searched for <SUP>6</SUP>Li in stars hosting
  planets. For this study we have chosen a sample of 15 stars out
  of which 9 are known to have planets, one is a binary, and 5 are
  not known to have planets. From detailed profile-fitting analysis
  of Li resonance line at 6700Å we find no significant amount of
  <SUP>6</SUP>Li relative to <SUP>7</SUP>Li in any of the planet hosting
  stars (<SUP>6</SUP>Li/<SUP>7</SUP>Li &lt;∼0.03).

Title: Observational aspects of stellar nucleosynthesis
Authors: Lambert, David L.
2004cmpe.conf...81L    Altcode:
  After several introductory sections, the author discusses two issues
  of nucleosynthesis not addressed by the other lecturers: the origins
  of Li, Be, and B; the s-process.

Title: The Rise of the s-Process in the Galaxy
Authors: Simmerer, J.; Sneden, C.; Woolf, V.; Lambert, D. L.
2004oee..sympE..53S    Altcode:
  Throughout the history of the Galaxy, the production of
  neutron-capture elements (those with Z&gt;30) has been dictated
  mainly by two nucleosynthetic processes: the s-process and the
  r-process. Elements generated by the s(low)-process are believed
  to be formed in the He-burning regions of low to intermediate mass
  stars, while r(apid)-process elements likely originate in massive
  star supernovae. In the most metal-poor stars, those elements with
  large s-process components are deficient with respect to those with
  large r-process components. This is consistent with the expected
  nucleosynthetic output from the massive stars that probably dominated
  the element forming processes early on in the Galaxy. Typically,
  the measurement of the s-/r-process has been carried out with the
  elements Ba and Eu, since the former is produced almost entirely in
  the s-process and the latter in the r-process. Here, instead of Ba,
  we measure the s-process element La, since new and highly accurate
  atomic data have become available for La and Eu, making the results
  much more precise than they have been.

Title: Fluorine Abundances in the LMC and the Galaxy
Authors: Cunha, K.; Smith, V. V.; Lambert, D. L.
2004oee..sympE..12C    Altcode:
  To date, fluorine abundances have only been measured in a sample
  of asymptotic giant branch stars and in a few K- and M-giants with
  near-solar metallicities in our Galaxy. The behavior of fluorine versus
  metallicity has yet to be probed. In this work we discuss the first
  results for fluorine abundances measured outside of the Milky Way and
  in stars with metallicities significantly lower than solar. The sample
  consists of 9 red giants from the Large Magellanic Cloud and 2 red
  giants from the Galactic globular cluster ω Centauri. The fluorine
  abundances are derived from vibration-rotation transitions of HF
  using infrared spectra obtained with the Phoenix spectrograph on the
  Gemini South 8.1m telescope. The behavior of fluorine abundances with
  metallicity may suggest that Wolf-Rayet stars are an important source
  of fluorine production.

Title: Elemental Abundances in the Galactic Disk
Authors: Reddy, B. E.; Tomkin, J.; Lambert, D. L.; Allende Prieto, C.
2004oee..sympE..49R    Altcode:
  Here, we discussed our recent results of elemental abundance survey
  of Galactic disk based on 181 F- and G-type dwarfs (published by
  Reddy et al. 2003, MNRAS, 340, 304). Using high-resolution and high
  signal-to-noise spectra we obtained quantitative abundances for 27
  elements: C, N, O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, K, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co,
  Ni, Cu, Zn, Sr, Y, Zr, Ba, Ce, Nd, and Eu. For the entire sample we
  have determined kinematic (U,V,W) and the orbital parameters (peri-
  and apo- Galactic distances). <P />The alpha-elements -- O, Mg,
  Si, Ca, and Ti -- show [α/Fe] to increase slightly with decreasing
  [Fe/H]. Heavy elements with dominant contributions at solar metallicity
  from the s-process show [s/Fe] to decrease slightly with decreasing
  [Fe/H]. Scatter in [X/Fe] at a fixed [Fe/H] is entirely attributable
  to the small measurement errors, after excluding the few thick disk
  stars and the s-process enriched CH subgiants. Tight limits are set on
  `cosmic' scatter. If a weak trend with [Fe/H] is taken into account,
  the composition of a thin disk star expressed as [X/Fe] is independent
  of the star's age and birthplace for elements contributed in different
  proportions by massive stars (Type II SN), exploding white dwarfs
  (Type Ia SN), and asymptotic red giant branch stars. <P />By combining
  our sample with published studies, we deduced properties of thin and
  thick disk stars. Thick disk stars are primarily identified by their
  V<SUB>LSR</SUB> in the range - 40 to -100 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. These
  are very old stars with origins in the inner Galaxy and metallicities
  [Fe/H] &lt;∼-0.4. At the same [Fe/H], the sampled thin disk stars
  have V<SUB>LSR</SUB> ∼0 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, and are generally younger
  with a birthplace at about the Sun's Galactocentric distance. In the
  range -0.35 ≥ [Fe/H] ≥ -0.70, well represented by present thin
  and thick disk samples, [X/Fe] of the thick disk stars is greater
  than that of thin disk stars for Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Ti, and Eu. [X/Fe]
  is very similar for the thin and thick disk for -- notably -- Na, and
  iron-group elements. Barium ([Ba/Fe]) may be underabundant in thick
  relative to thin disk stars. These results extend previous ideas about
  composition differences between the thin and thick disk.

Title: Isotopic abundance analysis of field and cluster stars
Authors: Yong, D.; Lambert, D. L.
2003AAS...203.9902Y    Altcode: 2003BAAS...35.1368Y
  Our understanding of the evolution of the Galaxy is built in part on
  the interpretation of observed abundance ratios in stars of different
  metallicity. While elemental abundances may be easier to measure,
  different stellar sites and nucleosynthetic processes may be responsible
  for the production of the individual isotopes. Therefore, isotope ratios
  may provide a more detailed insight into the chemical evolution of the
  Galaxy. We conducted a search for cool metal-poor stars from which
  we measured Mg isotope ratios to study the chemical history of the
  Galaxy. Our data are in fair agreement with predictions that assume the
  isotopes are the product of massive stars. We find an intrinsic scatter
  at all metallicities which may be due to ejecta from AGB stars. To
  gauge non-LTE effects and inadequacies in the model atmospheres,
  we measured Mg isotope ratios in the Hyades open cluster. While the
  model atmospheres did not reproduce ionization equilibrium for Fe,
  the Mg isotope ratios were immune to these problems. <P />We have also
  used isotope ratios to study globular cluster chemical evolution. Every
  well studied Galactic globular cluster shows star-to-star differences in
  and correlations between the light elements. The mechanism responsible
  for these variations remains poorly understood. We measured Mg isotope
  ratios in the giant stars of globular cluster NGC 6752. Varying degrees
  of pollution by AGB stars of the same generation as the observed stars
  may explain our measured isotopic and elemental abundances. <P />This
  research was supported by the Robert A. Welch Foundation of Houston,

Title: Magnesium Isotopic Abundance Ratios in Cool Stars
Authors: Yong, David; Lambert, David L.; Ivans, Inese I.
2003ApJ...599.1357Y    Altcode: 2003astro.ph..9079Y
  From high-resolution spectra of 61 cool dwarfs and giants, Mg isotopic
  abundance ratios <SUP>24</SUP>Mg:<SUP>25</SUP>Mg:<SUP>26</SUP>Mg are
  derived from spectral synthesis of the MgH A-X lines near 5140 Å. Our
  sample spans the range -2.5&lt;=[Fe/H]&lt;=0.1, including the first
  measurements of Mg isotope ratios in stars with metallicities below
  [Fe/H]=-2.0. We confirm the decrease in <SUP>25</SUP>Mg/<SUP>24</SUP>Mg
  and <SUP>26</SUP>Mg/<SUP>24</SUP>Mg with decreasing [Fe/H], as predicted
  by recent models of Galactic chemical evolution in which the Mg isotopes
  are produced in massive stars. A subset of kinematically identified
  thin-disk stars have Mg isotope ratios in excellent agreement with the
  predictions. Within the measurement uncertainties, these thin-disk stars
  show no scatter about the predictions. Several of our stars are likely
  members of the thick disk, and their high Mg isotopic ratios may reflect
  the nucleosynthetic history of the thick disk, which is distinct from
  the predictions for, and observations of, the thin disk. For thick-disk
  and halo stars we find a scatter in <SUP>25</SUP>Mg/<SUP>24</SUP>Mg and
  <SUP>26</SUP>Mg/<SUP>24</SUP>Mg exceeding our measurement uncertainties
  and increasing with increasing metallicity. Our data suggest that
  an additional source of <SUP>25</SUP>Mg and <SUP>26</SUP>Mg is
  required. Intermediate-mass asymptotic giant branch stars are likely

Title: A High-Resolution Spectrum of the R Coronae Borealis Star
    V2552 Ophiuchi
Authors: Rao, N. Kameswara; Lambert, David L.
2003PASP..115.1304R    Altcode: 2003astro.ph..8447R; 2003astro.ph..8447K
  Photometry and low-resolution spectroscopy have added V2552 Oph
  to the rare class of R Coronae Borealis variables. We confirm this
  classification of V2552 Oph through a comparison of our high-resolution
  optical spectrum of this star and that of R CrB and other F-type
  members of the class. We show that V2552 Oph most closely resembles
  Y Mus and FH Sct, stars in which Sr, Y, and Zr are enhanced.

Title: S<SUP>4</SUP>N: A Spectroscopic Survey of Stars in the Solar
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Allende Prieto, C.; Cunha, K.
2003csss...12..875L    Altcode:
  We are using the McDonald 2.7m and ESO 1.52m telescopes <P />to
  obtain spectra of nearby stars at high-resolution, high S/N, and
  with complete optical coverage. The sample includes all stars in the
  Hipparcos catalog brighter than M<SUB>V</SUB> = 6.5 (∼ K2 V) within
  a 12770 pc<SUP>3</SUP> sphere centered at the Sun. The survey is 78 %
  complete. The database will be publicly released in approximately 1
  year. We plan to: 1) Provide homogeneous radial velocities with the
  accuracy required to exploiting in full the accurate proper motions
  and parallaxes determined by Hipparcos (0.1 &lt; σ (v) &lt; 1.0 km
  s<SUP>-1</SUP>); 2) Provide homogeneous chemical abundances for a
  large (&gt; 30) number of elements with an accuracy of 0.04 dex; 3)
  Determine the fundamental stellar parameters for the sample using an
  array of different methods. We discuss potential applications.

Title: Erratum: “An Ultra-High-Resolution Survey of the
    Interstellar <SUP>7</SUP>Li/<SUP>6</SUP>Li Isotope Ratio in the
    Solar Neighborhood” (<A href="/abs/2003ApJ...586..268K">ApJ, 586,
    268 [2003]</A>)
Authors: Knauth, David C.; Federman, S. R.; Lambert, David L.
2003ApJ...594..664K    Altcode:
  An error occurred in Table 10 because author corrections were not
  transferred faithfully during the production process. The corrected
  table appears below. The Press sincerely regrets this error.

Title: Fluorine Abundances in the Large Magellanic Cloud and ω
Centauri: Evidence for Neutrino Nucleosynthesis?
Authors: Cunha, Katia; Smith, Verne V.; Lambert, David L.; Hinkle,
   Kenneth H.
2003AJ....126.1305C    Altcode: 2003astro.ph..5303C
  The behavior of fluorine with metallicity has not yet been probed in
  any stellar population. In this work, we present the first fluorine
  abundances measured outside of the Milky Way from a sample of red
  giants in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), as well the Galactic
  globular cluster ω Centauri. The fluorine abundances are derived
  from vibration-rotation transitions of HF using infrared spectra
  obtained with the Phoenix spectrograph on the Gemini South 8.1 m
  telescope. It is found that the abundance ratio of F/O declines as the
  oxygen abundance decreases. The values of F/O are especially low in
  the two ω Cen giants; this very low value of F/O probably indicates
  that <SUP>19</SUP>F synthesis in asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars
  is not the dominant source of fluorine in stellar populations. The
  observed decline in F/O with lower O abundances is in qualitative
  agreement with what is expected if <SUP>19</SUP>F is produced via H-
  and He-burning sequences in very massive stars, with this fluorine
  then ejected in high mass-loss rate Wolf-Rayet winds. A quantitative
  comparison of observations with this process awaits results from more
  detailed chemical evolution models incorporating the yields from
  Wolf-Rayet winds. Perhaps of more significance is the quantitative
  agreement between the Galactic and LMC results with predictions from
  models in which <SUP>19</SUP>F is produced from neutrino nucleosynthesis
  during core collapse in supernovae of Type II. The very low values
  of F/O in ω Cen are also in agreement with neutrino nucleosynthesis
  models if the “peculiar” star formation history of ω Cen, with
  two to four distinct episodes of star formation, is considered. <P
  />Based on observations obtained at the Gemini Observatory, which is
  operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy,
  Inc., under a cooperative agreeement with the NSF on behalf of the
  Gemini partnership: the National Science Foundation (United States),
  the Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council (United Kingdom),
  the National Research Council (Canada), CONICYT (Chile), the Australian
  Research Council (Australia), CNPq (Brazil), and CONICET (Argentina).

Title: Non-LTE Model Atmospheres for Late-Type Stars. I. A Collection
    of Data for Light Neutral and Singly Ionized Atoms
Authors: Allende Prieto, Carlos; Lambert, David L.; Hubeny, Ivan;
   Lanz, Thierry
2003ApJS..147..363A    Altcode: 2003astro.ph..3559A; 2003astro.ph..3559P
  With the goal of producing a reliable set of model atoms and singly
  ionized ions for use in building NLTE model atmospheres, we have
  combined measured energy levels, critically compiled line transition
  probabilities, and resonance-averaged calculations of photoionization
  cross sections. <P />A majority of the elements from Li to Ca are
  considered, covering most of the important species in late-type
  atmospheres. These include elements that contribute free electrons
  and/or continuous opacity in the ultraviolet (e.g., Mg and Si), as well
  as trace elements whose abundance determinations rely on ultraviolet
  lines (e.g., B from B I lines). The new data complement and, for the
  species in common, supersede a previous collection of model atoms
  originally designed for use in studies of early-type stars.

Title: Finding Cool Subdwarfs Using a V-J Reduced Proper-Motion
Diagram: Stellar Parameters for 91 Candidates
Authors: Yong, David; Lambert, David L.
2003PASP..115..796Y    Altcode: 2003astro.ph..6076Y
  We present the results of a search for cool subdwarfs for
  which our candidates were drawn from a V-J reduced proper-motion
  diagram constructed by Salim &amp; Gould. Kinematic (U, V, and W)
  and self-consistent stellar parameters (T<SUB>eff</SUB>, logg,
  [Fe/H], and ξ<SUB>t</SUB>) are derived for 91 candidate subdwarfs
  based on high-resolution spectra. The observed stars span 3900
  K&lt;T<SUB>eff</SUB>&lt; 6200 K and -2.63&lt;[Fe/H]&lt;0.25 including
  only three giants (logg&lt;4.0). Of the sample, 77 stars have MgH lines
  present in their spectra. With more than 56% of our candidate subdwarfs
  having [Fe/H]&lt;=-1.5, we show that the V-J reduced proper-motion
  diagram readily identifies metal-poor stars.

Title: Non-LTE Model Atmospheres for Late-Type Stars. II. Restricted
    Non-LTE Calculations for a Solar-like Atmosphere
Authors: Allende Prieto, Carlos; Hubeny, Ivan; Lambert, David L.
2003ApJ...591.1192A    Altcode: 2003astro.ph..3560A; 2003astro.ph..3560P
  We test our knowledge of the atomic opacity in the solar UV
  spectrum. Using the atomic data compiled in the first paper in
  this series from modern, publicly available databases, we perform
  calculations that are compared with space-based observations of
  the Sun. At wavelengths longer than about 2600 Å, LTE modeling can
  reproduce quite closely the observed fluxes; uncertainties in the atomic
  line data account fully for the differences between calculated and
  observed fluxes. At shorter wavelengths, departures from LTE appear
  to be important, since our LTE and restricted non-LTE calculations
  differ. Analysis of visible/near-IR Na I and O I lines, two species
  that produce a negligible absorption in the UV, shows that observed
  departures from LTE for these species can be reproduced very accurately
  with restricted (fixed atmospheric structure) non-LTE calculations.

Title: Further Evidence for Chemical Fractionation from Ultraviolet
    Observations of Carbon Monoxide
Authors: Federman, S. R.; Lambert, David L.; Sheffer, Yaron; Cardelli,
   Jason A.; Andersson, B. -G.; van Dishoeck, Ewine F.; Zsargó, J.
2003ApJ...591..986F    Altcode: 2003astro.ph..4170F
  Ultraviolet absorption from interstellar <SUP>12</SUP>CO and
  <SUP>13</SUP>CO was detected toward ρ Oph A and χ Oph. The
  measurements were obtained at medium resolution with the Goddard
  High Resolution Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope. Column
  density ratios, N(<SUP>12</SUP>CO)/N(<SUP>13</SUP>CO), of 125+/-23
  and 117+/-35 were derived for the sight lines toward ρ Oph
  A and χ Oph, respectively. A value of 1100+/-600 for the ratio
  N(<SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>16</SUP>O)/N(<SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>18</SUP>O) toward
  ρ Oph A was also obtained. Absorption from vibrationally excited
  H<SUB>2</SUB> (v<SUP>”</SUP>=3) was clearly seen toward this star as
  well. The ratios are larger than the isotopic ratios for carbon and
  oxygen appropriate for ambient interstellar material. Since for both
  carbon and oxygen the more abundant isotopomer is enhanced, selective
  isotopic photodissociation plays the key role in the fractionation
  process for these directions. The enhancement arises because the more
  abundant isotopomer has lines that are more optically thick, resulting
  in more self-shielding from dissociating radiation. A simple argument
  involving the amount of self-shielding [from N(<SUP>12</SUP>CO)] and
  the strength of the ultraviolet radiation field permeating the gas
  (from the amount of vibrationally excited H<SUB>2</SUB>) shows that
  selective isotopic photodissociation controls the fractionation seen in
  these two sight lines, as well as the sight line to ζ Oph. <P />Based
  on observations obtained with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope
  through the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated
  by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc.,
  under NASA contract NAS5-26555.

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: [X/Fe] of Galactic disc F and G
    dwarfs (Reddy+, 2003)
Authors: Reddy, B. E.; Tomkin, J.; Lambert, D. L.; Allende Prieto, C.
2003yCat..73400304R    Altcode:
  All the observations were made at the Harlan J. Smith 2.7-m telescope
  at McDonald Observatory, using the 2dcoude echelle spectrometer
  (Tull et al., 1995PASP..107..251T) with a 2048x2048 pixel Tektronix
  charge-coupled device (CCD) as detector. <P />(3 data files).

Title: Nucleosynthesis in FG Sge
Authors: Arnone, E.; Gallino, R.; Lambert, D. L.; Straniero, O.
2003NuPhA.718..536A    Altcode:
  We present an attempt of interpretation of the sudden appearance of
  an extremely unusual chemical composition of FG Sge.

Title: Mg isotopic ratios in giant stars of the globular cluster
    NGC 6752
Authors: Yong, D.; Grundahl, F.; Lambert, D. L.; Nissen, P. E.;
   Shetrone, M. D.
2003A&A...402..985Y    Altcode: 2003astro.ph..3057Y
  Mg isotopic abundance ratios are measured in 20 bright red giants
  in globular cluster NGC 6752 based on very high-resolution
  (R ~ 110 000), high signal-to-noise spectra obtained with
  UVES on the VLT. There is a considerable spread in the ratio
  <SUP>24</SUP>Mg:<SUP>25</SUP>Mg:<SUP>26</SUP>Mg with values ranging
  from 53:9:39 to 83:10:7. We measured the abundances of O, Na, Mg,
  Al, and Fe combining our sample with 21 RGB bump stars (Grundahl et
  al. \cite{grundahl02}). The abundances of the samples are consistent
  and exhibit the usual anticorrelations between O-Na and Mg-Al. A
  positive correlation is found between <SUP>26</SUP>Mg and Al, a mild
  anticorrelation is found between <SUP>24</SUP>Mg and Al, while no
  correlation is found between <SUP>25</SUP>Mg and Al. None of the
  elemental or isotopic abundances show a dependence on evolutionary
  status and, as shown by Gratton et al. (\cite{gratton01}), the abundance
  variations exist even in main sequence stars. This strongly suggests
  that the star-to-star abundance variations are a result of varying
  degrees of pollution with intermediate mass AGB stars being likely
  polluters. Consideration of the extremes of the abundance variations
  provides the composition of the ambient material and the processed
  material. In the least contaminated stars (lowest Na and Al and
  highest O and Mg abundances), we infer a Mg isotopic ratio around
  80:10:10 and a composition ([O/Fe], [Na/Fe], [Mg/Fe], [Al/Fe]) =~
  (0.6, -0.1, 0.5, 0.0). In the most polluted stars, we find a Mg
  isotopic ratio around 60:10:30 and a composition ([O/Fe], [Na/Fe],
  [Mg/Fe], [Al/Fe]) =~ (-0.1, 0.6, 0.3, 1.2). Even for the least polluted
  stars, the abundances of <SUP>25</SUP>Mg and <SUP>26</SUP>Mg relative
  to <SUP>24</SUP>Mg are considerably higher than predicted for ejecta
  from Z=0 supernovae. Zero metallicity AGB stars may be responsible for
  these higher abundances. Our measured Mg isotopic ratios reveal another
  layer to the globular cluster star-to-star abundance variations that
  demands extensions of our present theoretical knowledge of stellar
  nucleosynthesis by giant stars. <P />Based on observations obtained
  with the ESO Very Large Telescope UVES spectrograph for programmes
  67.D-0145 and 65.L-0165.

Title: Interstellar Fluorine toward Stars in Cep OB2
Authors: Federman, S. R.; Sheffer, Yaron; Lambert, David L.; Smith,
   V. V.
2003AAS...202.2909F    Altcode: 2003BAAS...35..738F
  Massive stars, through their terminal supernova explosions, seed
  interstellar clouds with newly synthesized elements. In order to
  understand the details of chemical evolution in a site of star
  formation, the interstellar material toward stars in Cep OB2 was
  studied via absorption lines seen in FUSE spectra. A search for the F
  I resonance lines at 951 and 954 Å toward HD 208440 and HD 209339A was
  conducted to help resolve the origin of this element: is F synthesized
  primarily in Type II supernovae, whose effects should be revealed in
  a region of ongoing massive star formation, or in asymptotic giant
  branch stars? Syntheses of H<SUB>2</SUB> Lyman bands near 1060 Å were
  used to remove H<SUB>2</SUB> absorption in the vicinity of λ 954,
  the stronger of the two F I lines. In the process, we determined
  the maximium H<SUB>2</SUB> column density before H<SUB>2</SUB>
  absorption becomes black in this wavelength region. Our upper limits
  on λ 951 are consistent with the measures from the 954 Å line. The
  inferred F abundances are similar to the abundance derived for the
  gas toward δ Sco from measurements with the Copernicus satellite. <P
  />Further comparisons among elemental abundance ratios were performed
  to discern the presence of enhanced F in an environment shaped by
  past SNe II. First, we obtained the elemental abundance of Cl (from
  FUSE spectra of Cl I and II) to determine the expected amount of F
  depletion onto grains. Then, we derived the elemental abundances of N
  I and O I from FUSE and HST spectra, respectively, because these two
  elements show modest amounts of depletion and are synthesized through
  other processes. Our results indicate that the F abundance and the F/O
  and F/N elemental abundance ratios are not enhanced for the two sight
  lines studied to date. <P />This research was supported by NASA grant
  NAG5-10305 and by the STScI grant associated with the program GO-08693.

Title: Minute steps on the quest of the s-process
Authors: Gallino, R.; Arnone, E.; Cristallo, S.; Masera, S.; Travaglio,
   C.; Lambert, D. L.; Lugaro, M.; Käppeler, F.; van Winckel, H.;
   Reyniers, M.; Straniero, O.; Davis, A. M.
2003NuPhA.718..181G    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Water vapor in the outer atmospheres of red giants probed by
    high-resolution, mid-infrared observations
Authors: Ryde, Nils; Lacy, John H.; Richter, Matthew J.; Lambert,
   David L.; Greathouse, Thomas K.
2003ASSL..283..227R    Altcode: 2003mlps.work..227R
  Here, we report on our detection of water vapor in the mid-infrared
  (11-12 microns) spectrum of the K1.5 giant. Arcturus (α Boo) obtained
  with the high-resolution, infrared spectrograph TEXES. The detection
  is presented in detail in Ryde et al. 2002 ApJ. We are successful
  in modeling several resolved, rotational lines of water vapor and
  vibration-rotational (1.5-microns) and rotational lines of OH with a
  modified MARCS photosphere.

Title: The chemical compositions of Galactic disc F and G dwarfs
Authors: Reddy, Bacham E.; Tomkin, Jocelyn; Lambert, David L.;
   Allende Prieto, Carlos
2003MNRAS.340..304R    Altcode: 2002astro.ph.11551R
  Photospheric abundances are presented for 27 elements from carbon to
  europium in 181 F and G dwarfs from a differential local thermodynamic
  equilibrium (LTE) analysis of high-resolution and high signal-to-noise
  ratio spectra. Stellar effective temperatures (T<SUB>eff</SUB>)
  were adopted from an infrared flux method calibration of Strömgren
  photometry. Stellar surface gravities (g) were calculated from Hipparcos
  parallaxes and stellar evolutionary tracks. Adopted T<SUB>eff</SUB> and
  g values are in good agreement with spectroscopic estimates. Stellar
  ages were determined from evolutionary tracks. Stellar space motions
  (U, V, W) and a Galactic potential were used to estimate Galactic
  orbital parameters. These show that the vast majority of the stars
  belong to the Galactic thin disc. <P />Relative abundances expressed
  as [X/Fe] generally confirm previously published results. We give
  results for C, N, O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, K, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn,
  Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Sr, Y, Zr, Ba, Ce, Nd and Eu. The α elements - O,
  Mg, Si, Ca and Ti - show [α/Fe] to increase slightly with decreasing
  [Fe/H]. Heavy elements with dominant contributions at solar metallicity
  from the s-process show [s/Fe] to decrease slightly with decreasing
  [Fe/H]. Scatter in [X/Fe] at a fixed [Fe/H] is entirely attributable
  to the small measurement errors, after excluding the few thick disc
  stars and the s-process-enriched CH subgiants. Tight limits are set on
  `cosmic' scatter. If a weak trend with [Fe/H] is taken into account,
  the composition of a thin disc star expressed as [X/Fe] is independent
  of the star's age and birthplace for elements contributed in different
  proportions by massive stars (Type II supernovae), exploding white
  dwarfs (Type Ia supernovae) and asymptotic red giant branch stars. <P
  />By combining our sample with various published studies, comparisons
  between thin and thick disc stars are made. In this composite sample,
  thick disc stars are primarily identified by their V<SUB>LSR</SUB>
  in the range -40 to -100 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. These are very old stars
  with origins in the inner Galaxy and metallicities [Fe/H]&lt;=-0.4. At
  the same [Fe/H], the sampled thin disc stars have V<SUB>LSR</SUB>~ 0 km
  s<SUP>-1</SUP>, and are generally younger with a birthplace at about the
  Sun's Galactocentric distance. In the range -0.35 &gt;=[Fe/H]&gt;=-0.70,
  well represented by present thin and thick disc samples, [X/Fe] of
  the thick disc stars is greater than that of thin disc stars for Mg,
  Al, Si, Ca, Ti and Eu. [X/Fe] is very similar for the thin and thick
  disc for - notably - Na and iron-group elements. Barium ([Ba/Fe]) may
  be underabundant in thick relative to thin disc stars. These results
  extend previous ideas about composition differences between the thin
  and thick disc.

Title: An Ultra-high-Resolution Survey of the Interstellar
    <SUP>7</SUP>Li/<SUP>6</SUP>Li Isotope Ratio in the Solar Neighborhood
Authors: Knauth, David C.; Federman, S. R.; Lambert, David L.
2003ApJ...586..268K    Altcode: 2002astro.ph.12233K
  In an effort to probe the extent of variations in the
  interstellar <SUP>7</SUP>Li/<SUP>6</SUP>Li ratio seen previously,
  ultra-high-resolution (R~360,000), high signal-to-noise spectra
  of stars in the Perseus OB2 and Scorpius OB2 associations were
  obtained. These measurements confirm our earlier findings of an
  interstellar <SUP>7</SUP>Li/<SUP>6</SUP>Li ratio of about 2 toward ο
  Per, the value predicted from models of Galactic cosmic-ray spallation
  reactions. Observations of other nearby stars yield limits consistent
  with the isotopic ratio of ~12 seen in carbonaceous chondrite
  meteorites. If this ratio originally represented the gas toward ο
  Per, then to decrease the original isotope ratio to its current value
  an order of magnitude increase in the Li abundance is expected, but
  it is not seen. The elemental K/Li ratio is not unusual, although
  Li and K are formed via different nucleosynthetic pathways. Several
  proposals to account for the low <SUP>7</SUP>Li/<SUP>6</SUP>Li ratio
  were considered, but none seems satisfactory. Analysis of the Li and K
  abundances from our survey highlighted two sight lines where depletion
  effects are prevalent. There is evidence for enhanced depletion toward
  X Per, since both abundances are lower by a factor of 4 when compared
  to other sight lines. Moreover, a smaller Li/H abundance is observed
  toward 20 Aql, but the K/H abundance is normal, suggesting enhanced Li
  depletion (relative to K) in this direction. Our results suggest that
  the <SUP>7</SUP>Li/<SUP>6</SUP>Li ratio has not changed significantly
  during the last 4.5 billion years and that a ratio of ~12 represents
  most gas in the solar neighborhood. In addition, there appears to be
  a constant stellar contribution of <SUP>7</SUP>Li, indicating that
  one or two processes dominate its production in the Galaxy.

Title: A Spectral Analysis of HD 165553
Authors: Goswami, Aruna; Kameswara Rao, N.; Lambert, D. L.
2003BASI...31..341G    Altcode:
  High resolution spectra of HD 165553, a star reported to be a
  spectroscopic binary of spectral type F8 Ib are analysed. The stellar
  parameters - effective temperature, surface gravity and microturbulence
  are determined using model atmospheres. A detail chemical composition
  study indicates a near-solar composition for HD 165553. Comparison of
  its spectrum with that of Cyg, a normal supergiant of spectral type
  F8 Iab indicates that the star is of a later spectral type; a spectral
  type G Iab seems more likely for HD 165553.

Title: Carbon Stars in the Local Group -- Detailed Abundance Analysis
    of Carbon Stars in the LMC
Authors: Lambert, David L.; Eriksson, Kjell; Gustafsson, Bengt;
   Hinkle, Kenneth H.; Ryde, Nils; Wahlin, Rurik; Westerlund, Bengt
2003noao.prop..265L    Altcode:
  Using the Phoenix on Gemini we propose to observe a sample of carbon
  stars in the LMC in four different wavelength regions at high spectral
  resolution and with high S/N. The spectra will provide CO, CN, and
  C_2 and atomic lines from which elemental and isotopic C, N, and O
  abundances and metal abundances will be derived by an approach similar
  to that previously used for Galactic field carbon stars (Lambert et
  al. 1986). We will then be able to calibrate lower resolution spectra
  of carbon stars in other Local Group galaxies. The observational study
  of carbon stars is a key to understanding late evolutionary stages
  and nucleosynthesis of low mass stars.

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: Stellar parameters for 134 cool
    subdwarfs (Yong+, 2003)
Authors: Yong, D.; Lambert, D. L.
2003yCat..61150022Y    Altcode:
  Table 1 contains the list of candidates observed at McDonald Observatory
  on the 2.7m Harlan J. Smith telescope and on the 9.2m Hobby-Eberly
  telescope (HET) between 1999 November and 2002 April. The 2.7m data
  were obtained using the cross-dispersed echelle spectrometer (Tull et
  al., 1995PASP..107..251T) at the coude f/32.5 focus with a resolving
  power of either 30000 or 60000. The detector was a Tektronix CCD with
  24{mu}m<SUP>2</SUP> pixels in a 2048x2048 format. For this setting,
  the spectral coverage was from 3800 to 8900{AA} with gaps between the
  orders beyond 5800{AA}. The HET data were taken with the Upgraded Fiber
  Optic Echelle spectrograph (Harlow et al., 1996AAS...189.4207H) at a
  resolving power of 11000 on a 1024x1024 CCD. The spectral coverage was
  from 4500 to 9000{AA} with gaps between the orders beyond 7300{AA}. <P
  />(1 data file).

Title: Magnesium Isotope Ratios in NGC 6752 Red Giant Stars
Authors: Grundahl, F.; Nissen, P. E.; Yong, D.; Lambert, D. L.;
   Briley, M.
2003ASPC..296..383G    Altcode: 2003nhgc.conf..383G
  No abstract at ADS

Title: A Search for Cool Subdwarfs: Stellar Parameters for 134
Authors: Yong, David; Lambert, David L.
2003PASP..115...22Y    Altcode: 2002astro.ph..9347Y
  The results of a search for cool subdwarfs are presented. Kinematic
  (U, V, and W) and stellar parameters (T<SUB>eff</SUB>, logg,
  [Fe/H], and ξ<SUB>t</SUB>) are derived for 134 candidate subdwarfs
  based on high-resolution spectra. The observed stars span 4200
  K&lt;T<SUB>eff</SUB>&lt;6400 K and -2.70&lt;[Fe/H]&lt;0.25 including
  only eight giants (logg&lt;4.0). Of the sample, 100 stars have MgH
  bands present in their spectra. The targets were selected by their
  large reduced proper motion, by the offset from the solar-metallicity
  main sequence, or from the literature. We confirm the claims made by
  Ryan that the NLTT catalog is a rich source of subdwarfs and verify
  the success of the reduced proper-motion constraint in identifying
  metal-poor stars. Based in part on observations obtained with the
  Hobby-Eberly Telescope, which is a joint project of the University of
  Texas at Austin, the Pennsylvania State University, Stanford University,
  Ludwig-Maximillians-Universität München, and Georg-August-Universität

Title: What does the Unexpected Detection of Water Vapor in Arcturus'
    Atmosphere Tell us?
Authors: Ryde, N.; Lambert, D. L.; Richter, M. J.; Lacy, J. H.;
   Greathouse, T. K.
2003ASPC..293..214R    Altcode: 2003tdse.conf..214R; 2002astro.ph.10181R
  In this talk we presented and discussed our unexpected detection
  of water vapor in the disk-averaged spectrum of the K2IIIp red
  giant Arcturus [for details, see Ryde et al. (2002)]. Arcturus,
  or alpha Bootes is, with its effective temperature of 4300 K, the
  hottest star yet to show water vapor features. We argue that the
  water vapor is photospheric and that its detection provides us with
  new insights into the outer parts of the photosphere. We are not
  able to model the water vapor with a standard, one-component, 1D,
  radiative-equilibrium, LTE model photosphere, which probably means we
  are lacking essential physics in such models. However, we are able to
  model several OH lines of different excitation and the water-vapor
  lines satisfactorily after lowering the temperature structure of
  the very outer parts of the photosphere at log tau(500)=-3.8 and
  beyond compared to a flux-constant, hydrostatic, standard marcs model
  photosphere. Our new semi-empirical model is consistently calculated
  from the given temperature structure. We will discuss some possible
  reasons for a temperature decrease in the outer-most parts of the
  photosphere and the assumed break-down of the assumptions made in
  classical model-atmosphere codes. In order to understand the outer
  photospheres of these objects properly, we will, most likely, need
  3D hydrodynamical models of red giants also taking into account full
  non-LTE and including time-dependent effects of, for example, acoustic
  wave heating sensitive to thermal instabilities.

Title: Lithium Enrichment in High Rotating K Giants
Authors: Drake, N. A.; de La Reza, R.; da Silva, L.; Lambert, D. L.
2003IAUS..210P.D20D    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Detection of Water Vapor in Arcturus (K2IIIp)
Authors: Ryde, N.; Lacy, J. H.; Richter, M. J.; Lambert, D. L.;
   Greathouse, T. K.
2003IAUS..210P.E67R    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: NLTE Line Formation in Late-Type Stellar Atmospheres
Authors: Allende Prieto, C.; Hubeny, I.; Lambert, D. L.; Lanz, T.
2003IAUS..210P.A24A    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: High-Resolution Studies of Diffuse Interstellar Gas
Authors: Federman, Steven R.; Knauth, David C.; Lambert, David L.;
   Pan, Kaike
2003IAUJD..20E..10F    Altcode:
  We describe two recent projects undertaken at McDonald Observatory whose
  success required high-resolution measurements. First high-resolution
  spectra revealed a 7Li/6Li ratio of about 2 in gas toward o
  Persei a value consistent with expectations of Galactic cosmic ray
  spallation but much lower than the meteoritic value (12.3). In order
  to probe the extent in the variation of this ratio we performed an
  ultra-high-resolution survey. The line of sight toward o Per remains
  the only one with an isotope ratio different from the meteoritic
  value but this sight line shows no other indication of an enhanced Li
  abundance. Second through a high-resolution study of gas seen toward
  stars in rho Oph Cep OB2 and Cep OB3 we gleaned information about the
  structure of the diffuse material along the line of sight. Line widths
  (b-values) and column densities yielded the various distributions
  among species for individual velocity components. For instance CN
  resides in the densest central portion of a diffuse cloud while Ca+
  is much more widely distributed. Moreover gas containing CH arises
  from two sources: CH associated with dense gas containing CN and CH
  arising from the synthesis of CH+ in less dense material.

Title: Chemical Abundances in 12 Red Giants of the Large Magellanic
    Cloud from High-Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy
Authors: Smith, Verne V.; Hinkle, Kenneth H.; Cunha, Katia; Plez,
   Bertrand; Lambert, David L.; Pilachowski, Catherine A.; Barbuy,
   Beatriz; Meléndez, Jorge; Balachandran, Suchitra; Bessell, Michael
   S.; Geisler, Douglas P.; Hesser, James E.; Winge, Claudia
2002AJ....124.3241S    Altcode: 2002astro.ph..8417S
  High-resolution infrared spectra (λ/Δλ=50,000) have been obtained for
  12 red giant members of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) with the Gemini
  South 8.3 m telescope and Phoenix spectrometer. Two wavelength regions,
  at 15540 and 23400 Å, were observed. Quantitative chemical abundances
  of carbon (both <SUP>12</SUP>C and <SUP>13</SUP>C), nitrogen, and oxygen
  were derived from molecular lines of CO, CN, and OH, while sodium,
  scandium, titanium, and iron abundances were obtained from neutral
  atomic lines. The 12 LMC red giants span a metallicity range from
  [Fe/H]=-1.1 to [Fe/H]=-0.3. It is found that values for both [Na/Fe] and
  [Ti/Fe] in the LMC giants fall below their corresponding Galactic values
  (at these same [Fe/H] abundances) by about ~0.1-0.5 dex; this effect is
  similar to abundance patterns found in the few dwarf spheroidal galaxies
  with published abundances. The program red giants all show evidence of
  first dredge-up mixing of material exposed to the CN cycle, that is,
  low <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C ratios and lower <SUP>12</SUP>C with
  higher <SUP>14</SUP>N abundances. The carbon and nitrogen trends are
  similar to what is observed in samples of Galactic red giants, although
  the LMC red giants seem to show smaller <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C
  ratios for a given stellar mass. This relatively small difference in the
  carbon isotope ratios between LMC and Galactic red giants could be due
  to increased extra mixing in stars of lower metallicity, as suggested
  previously in the literature. Comparisons of the oxygen-to-iron ratios
  in the LMC and the Galaxy indicate that the trend of [O/Fe] versus
  [Fe/H] in the LMC falls about 0.2 dex below the Galactic trend. Such
  an offset can be modeled as due to an overall lower rate of supernovae
  per unit mass in the LMC relative to the Galaxy, as well as a slightly
  lower ratio of supernovae of Type II to supernovae of Type Ia. Based on
  observations obtained at the Gemini Observatory, which is operated by
  the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under a
  cooperative agreement with the NSF on behalf of the Gemini partnership:
  the National Science Foundation (US), the Particle Physics and Astronomy
  Research Council (UK), the National Research Council (Canada), CONICYT
  (Chile), the Australian Research Council (Australia), CNPq (Brazil),
  and CONICET (Argentina).

Title: Detection of Water Vapor in the Photosphere of Arcturus
Authors: Ryde, N.; Lambert, D. L.; Richter, M. J.; Lacy, J. H.
2002ApJ...580..447R    Altcode: 2002astro.ph..7368R
  We report detections of pure rotation lines of OH and H<SUB>2</SUB>O in
  the K1.5 III red giant star Arcturus (α Bootis) using high-resolution,
  infrared spectra covering the regions 806-822 cm<SUP>-1</SUP> (12.2-12.4
  μm) and 884-923 cm<SUP>-1</SUP> (10.8-11.3 μm). Arcturus is the
  hottest star yet to show water vapor features in its disk-averaged
  spectrum. We argue that the water vapor lines originate from the
  photosphere, albeit in the outer layers. We are able to predict the
  observed strengths of OH and H<SUB>2</SUB>O lines satisfactorily
  after lowering the temperature structure of the outermost parts of
  the photosphere (logτ<SUB>500</SUB>=-3.8 and beyond) compared to a
  flux-constant, hydrostatic, standard MARCS model photosphere. Our new
  model is consistently calculated including chemical equilibrium and
  radiative transfer from the given temperature structure. Possible
  reasons for a temperature decrease in the outermost parts of the
  photosphere and the assumed breakdown of the assumptions made in
  classical model atmosphere codes are discussed.

Title: Macroturbulent and rotational broadening in the spectra of
    B-type supergiants
Authors: Ryans, R. S. I.; Dufton, P. L.; Rolleston, W. R. J.; Lennon,
   D. J.; Keenan, F. P.; Smoker, J. V.; Lambert, D. L.
2002MNRAS.336..577R    Altcode:
  The absorption-line spectra of early B-type supergiants show
  significant broadening that implies that an additional broadening
  mechanism (characterized here as `macroturbulence') is present in
  addition to rotational broadening. Using high-resolution spectra
  with signal-to-noise ratios of typically 500, we have attempted to
  quantify the relative contributions of rotation and macroturbulence,
  but even with data of this quality significant problems were
  encountered. However, for all our targets, a model where macroturbulence
  dominates and rotation is negligible is acceptable; the reverse scenario
  leads to poor agreement between theory and observation. Additionally,
  there is marginal evidence for the degree of broadening increasing with
  line strength, possibly a result of the stronger lines being formed
  higher in the atmosphere. Acceptable values of the projected rotational
  velocity are normally less than or equal to 50 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, which
  may also be a typical upper limit for the rotational velocity. Our
  best estimates for the projected rotational velocity are typically
  10-20 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> and hence compatible with this limit. These
  values are compared with those predicted by single star evolutionary
  models, which are initially rapidly rotating. It is concluded that
  either these models underestimate the rate of rotational breaking or
  some of the targets may be evolving through a blue loop or are binaries.

Title: A search for <SUP>6</SUP>Li in stars with planets
Authors: Reddy, Bacham E.; Lambert, David L.; Laws, Chris; Gonzalez,
   Guillermo; Covey, Kevin
2002MNRAS.335.1005R    Altcode: 2002astro.ph..5268R
  Using very high-resolution (R~ 125000) and high-quality (signal-to-noise
  ratio &gt;= 350) spectra, we have searched for <SUP>6</SUP>Li in
  stars hosting extrasolar planets. From detailed profile-fitting
  of the LiI resonance line at 6707.7 Å, we find no significant
  amount of <SUP>6</SUP>Li relative to <SUP>7</SUP>Li for any of eight
  planet-bearing stars (<SUP>6</SUP>Li/<SUP>7</SUP>Li &lt;= 0.0-0.03)
  with strong LiI lines. In particular, we do not confirm the presence
  of <SUP>6</SUP>Li with <SUP>6</SUP>Li/<SUP>7</SUP>Li = 0.13 reported by
  Israelian et al. for HD 82943, a star with two known planets. Several of
  the eight stars plus HD 219542 A, the planetless primary of a binary,
  have been identified in the literature as possible recipients of
  accreted terrestrial material. For all of the planet-hosting stars
  and an additional five planetless stars, we find no <SUP>6</SUP>Li.

Title: The isotopic mixture of barium in the metal-poor subgiant
    HD 140283
Authors: Lambert, David L.; Allende Prieto, Carlos
2002MNRAS.335..325L    Altcode: 2002astro.ph..5376L
  Analyses of the abundances of neutron-capture elements have led to the
  belief that these elements in metal-poor stars are r-process products
  with relative abundances closely resembling those found in the Solar
  system. This picture was challenged by Magain, who found that a pure
  r-process mix of the barium isotopes was inconsistent with the mix of
  odd to even barium isotopes derived from analysis of the BaII line
  at 4554 Å in the spectrum of the metal-poor subgiant HD 140283. In
  this paper, we address Magain's challenge using new high-resolution
  high signal-to-noise spectra of HD 140283, and find, in contrast to
  his result, that a solar-like r-process isotopic mixture provides a
  fair fit to the observed 4554-Å profile.

Title: High resolution spectroscopy of QY Sge.
Authors: Kameswara Rao, N.; Goswami, A.; Lambert, D. L.
2002BASI...30..671K    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Lemaître-Schwarzschild Problem Revisited
Authors: Füzfa, A.; Gerard, J. -M.; Lambert, D.
2002GReGr..34.1411F    Altcode: 2001gr.qc.....9097F
  The Lemaître and Schwarzschild analytical solutions for a relativistic
  spherical body of constant density are linked together through the use
  of the Weyl quadratic invariant. The critical radius for gravitational
  collapse of an incompressible fluid is shown to vary continuously from
  9/8 of the Schwarzschild radius to the Schwarzschild radius itself
  while the internal pressures become locally anisotropic.

Title: Ultraviolet Detection of Interstellar
    <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>17</SUP>O and the CO Isotopomeric Ratios toward
    X Persei
Authors: Sheffer, Yaron; Lambert, David L.; Federman, S. R.
2002ApJ...574L.171S    Altcode: 2002astro.ph..6449S
  We report the detection of fully resolved absorption lines of
  A-X bands from interstellar <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>17</SUP>O and
  <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>18</SUP>O, through high-resolution spectroscopy
  of X Persei with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph.3 The first
  ultraviolet measurement of an interstellar <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>17</SUP>O
  column density shows that its isotopomeric ratio is
  Simultaneously, the second ultraviolet detection of interstellar
  <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>18</SUP>O establishes its isotopomeric ratio
  at 3000+/-600. These ratios are about five times higher than local
  ambient oxygen isotopic ratios in the ISM. Such severe fractionation
  of rare species shows that both <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>17</SUP>O and
  <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>18</SUP>O are destroyed by photodissociation,
  whereas <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>16</SUP>O avoids destruction through
  self-shielding. This is to be contrasted with our ratio of
  <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>16</SUP>O/<SUP>13</SUP>C<SUP>16</SUP>O=73+/-12 toward
  X Per, which is indistinguishable from <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C,
  the result of a balance between the photodissociation of
  <SUP>13</SUP>C<SUP>16</SUP>O and its preferential formation via the
  isotope exchange reaction between CO and C<SUP>+</SUP>.

Title: O/Fe in metal-poor main sequence and subgiant stars
Authors: Nissen, P. E.; Primas, F.; Asplund, M.; Lambert, D. L.
2002A&A...390..235N    Altcode: 2002astro.ph..5372N
  A study of the O/Fe ratio in metal-poor main sequence and subgiant
  stars is presented using the \ion{Oi},6300 Å line, the O I 7774 Å
  triplet, and a selection of weak Fe Ii lines observed on high-resolution
  spectra acquired with the VLT UVES spectrograph. The \ion{Oi line is
  detected in the spectra of 18 stars with -2.4 &lt; [Fe/H] &lt; -0.5,
  and the triplet is observed for 15 stars with Fe/H ranging from -1.0
  to -2.7. The abundance analysis was made first using standard model
  atmospheres taking into account non-LTE effects on the triplet: the
  \ion{Oi} line and the triplet give consistent results with [O/Fe]
  increasing quasi-linearly with decreasing [Fe/H] reaching [O/Fe] =~
  +0.7 at [Fe/H] = -2.5. This trend is in reasonable agreement with
  other results for [O/Fe] in metal-poor dwarfs obtained using standard
  atmospheres and both ultraviolet and infrared OH lines. There is also
  broad agreement with published results for [O/Fe] for giants obtained
  using standard model atmospheres and the \ion{Oi} line, and the OH
  infrared lines, but the O I lines give higher [O/Fe] values which may,
  however, fall into place when non-LTE effects are considered. When
  hydrodynamical model atmospheres representing stellar granulation in
  dwarf and subgiant stars replace standard models, the [O/Fe] from the
  \ion{Oi} and Fe Ii lines is decreased by an amount which increases
  with decreasing [Fe/H]. These 3D effects on [O/Fe] is compounded by
  the opposite behaviour of the \ion{Oi} (continuous opacity effect)
  and Fe Ii lines (excitation effect). The [O/Fe] vs. [Fe/H] relation
  remains quasi-linear extending to [O/Fe] =~ +0.5 at [Fe/H] = -2.5,
  but with a tendency of a plateau with [O/Fe] =~ +0.3 for -2.0 &lt;
  [Fe/H] &lt; -1.0, and a hint of cosmic scatter in [O/Fe] at [Fe/H] =~
  -1.0. Use of the hydrodynamical models disturbs the broad agreement
  between the oxygen abundances from the \ion{Oi} , O I, and OH lines,
  but 3D non-LTE effects may serve to erase these differences. The [O/Fe]
  values from the \ion{Oi} line and the hydrodynamical model atmospheres
  for dwarfs and subgiant stars are lower than the values for giants
  using standard model atmospheres and the \ion{Oi}, and O I lines. Based
  on observations collected at the European Southern Observatory, Chile
  (ESO Nos. 65.L-0131, 65.L-0507, and 67.D-0439).

Title: New Clues to the Origin of the Extreme Helium Stars
Authors: Lambert, David
2002hst..prop.9417L    Altcode: 2002hst..prop.5765L
  The extreme helium stars {EHes} are H-poor supergiants whose
  origins are not yet understood despite thorough analyses of optical
  spectra. This proposal seeks STIS echelle spectra for 7 stars from
  which novel data on their chemical compositions will be obtained to
  pin down key abundances. First, even the EHe's initial metallicity is
  uncertain; certain abundance ratios - e.g., Ca/S, Ti/S, and Fe/S -
  imply alterations of surface abundances among elements from Na to
  Ni resulting from fractionation or diffusive separation, possibly
  the result of winnowing of dust grains from gas. The zinc abundance
  measurable only from UV spectra will be a powerful clue to the
  true metallicity because it is known not to be removed by such
  winnowing. Second, elements affected by the s-process, the last of
  the major nucleosynthetic processes for which surface abundances are
  unknown for EHes, will be studied. The new abundances will be used to
  probe the evolutionary origins of these peculiar stars by comparisons
  with theoretical scenarios involving a merger of white dwarfs or a final
  He-shell flash in a low mass white dwarf, and with observed abundances
  for R Coronae Borealis stars that would seem to be close relatives
  of the EHes. Spectrophotometric observations of EHes obtained with GO
  8603 will give accurate estimates of effective temperature and surface
  gravity that will be used in our abundance determinations.

Title: Boron in the Small Magellanic Cloud: A Novel Test of
    Light-Element Production
Authors: Brooks, A. M.; Venn, K. A.; Lambert, D. L.; Lemke, M.; Cunha,
   K.; Smith, V. V.
2002ApJ...573..584B    Altcode: 2002astro.ph..4026B
  Hubble Space Telescope Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS)
  observations of the B III resonance line at λ2066 have been obtained
  and analyzed for two Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) B-type stars. While
  boron is not detected in either star, upper limits to the boron
  abundance are set, with 12+log(B/H)&lt;=1.6 for both AV 304 and NGC
  346-637. The upper limits are consistent with the relationship between
  boron and oxygen previously reported for Galactic disk stars. The SMC
  upper limits are discussed in light of that galaxy's star formation
  history, present oxygen abundance, and present cosmic-ray flux. The
  UV spectrum has also been used to determine the iron-group abundances
  in the SMC stars. For AV 304, [Fe/H]=-0.6+/-0.2, from both an absolute
  and a differential analysis (with respect to the Galactic B-type star
  HD 36591). This is consistent with results from A-F supergiants in the
  SMC. A lower iron abundance is found for NGC 346-637, [Fe/H]=-1.0+/-0.3,
  but this is in good agreement with the supergiant iron abundances in
  NGC 330, another young SMC cluster. We propose that NGC 346-637 might
  be an unrecognized binary, however, which complicates its spectral
  analysis. Based on observations made with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space
  Telescope, obtained at the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is
  operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy,
  Inc., under NASA contract NAS5-26555. These observations are associated
  with proposal GO 07400.

Title: High-resolution spectroscopy of QY Sge: an obscured RV Tauri
Authors: Kameswara Rao, N.; Goswami, Aruna; Lambert, David L.
2002MNRAS.334..129K    Altcode: 2002astro.ph..3411K; 2002MNRAS.334..129R; 2002astro.ph..3411R
  The first high-resolution optical spectra of QY Sge are presented and
  discussed. Menzies &amp; Whitelock, on the basis of photometry and
  low-resolution spectra, suggested that this G0I supergiant was obscured
  by dust and seen only by scattered light from a circumstellar reflection
  nebula. The new spectra confirm and extend this picture. Photospheric
  lines are unusually broad indicating scattering of photons from dust
  in the stellar wind. The presence of very broad, NaD emission lines
  is confirmed. Sharp emission lines from low levels of abundant neutral
  metal atoms are reported for the first time. An abundance analysis of
  photospheric lines shows that the stellar atmosphere is of approximately
  solar composition but with highly condensable (e.g. Sc and Ti) elements
  depleted by factors of 5-10.

Title: A Reappraisal of the Solar Photospheric C/O Ratio
Authors: Allende Prieto, Carlos; Lambert, David L.; Asplund, Martin
2002ApJ...573L.137A    Altcode: 2002astro.ph..6089A; 2002astro.ph..6089P
  An accurate determination of photospheric solar abundances requires
  detailed modeling of the solar granulation and accounting for departures
  from local thermodynamical equilibrium (LTE). We argue that the
  forbidden C I line at 8727 Å is largely immune to departures from
  LTE and can be realistically modeled using LTE radiative transfer
  in a time-dependent three-dimensional simulation of solar surface
  convection. We analyze the [C I] line in the solar flux spectrum to
  derive the abundance logɛ(C)=8.39+/-0.04 dex. Combining this result
  with our parallel analysis of [O I] λ6300, we find C/O=0.50+/-0.07,
  in agreement with the ratios measured in the solar corona from gamma-ray
  spectroscopy and solar energetic particles.

Title: Surface abundances of light elements for a large sample of
    early B-type stars - II. Basic parameters of 107 stars
Authors: Lyubimkov, Leonid S.; Rachkovskaya, Tamara M.; Rostopchin,
   Sergey I.; Lambert, David L.
2002MNRAS.333....9L    Altcode:
  Effective temperatures T<SUB>eff</SUB>, surface gravities logg
  and interstellar extinctions A<SUB>V</SUB> are found for 107 B
  stars. Distances d of the stars, which are based on the derived
  T<SUB>eff</SUB>, logg and A<SUB>V</SUB> values, show good agreement
  with those obtained from the Hipparcos parallaxes. Comparing the
  T<SUB>eff</SUB> and logg values with evolutionary computations,
  we infer masses, radii, luminosities, ages and relative ages of
  the stars. Empirical relations between the T<SUB>eff</SUB> and
  logg parameters, on the one hand, and the photometric indices Q,
  [c<SUB>1</SUB>] and β, on the other hand, are constructed; these
  relations give a fast method for the T<SUB>eff</SUB> and logg
  estimation of early and medium B stars. Inclusion of the infrared
  J, H and K colours into the T<SUB>eff</SUB>, logg and A<SUB>V</SUB>
  determination shows that (i) the T<SUB>eff</SUB> and logg parameters
  are altered only slightly; (ii) the A<SUB>V</SUB> value is rather
  sensitive to these colours, so an accuracy better than 0.05mag in the
  JHK data is necessary for precise A<SUB>V</SUB> evaluation.

Title: High-Resolution Measurements of Intersystem Bands of Carbon
    Monoxide toward X Persei
Authors: Sheffer, Yaron; Federman, S. R.; Lambert, David L.
2002ApJ...572L..95S    Altcode: 2002astro.ph..5082S
  In an echelle spectrum of X Per acquired with the Space Telescope
  Imaging Spectrograph, we have identified individual rotational
  lines of 11 triplet-singlet (intersystem) absorption bands of
  <SUP>12</SUP>CO. Four bands provide first detections for interstellar
  clouds. From a comparison with the ζ Oph sight line, we find that
  X Per is obscured by a higher <SUP>12</SUP>CO column density of
  1.4×10<SUP>16</SUP> cm<SUP>-2</SUP>. Together with the high spectral
  resolution of 1.3 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, this allows (1) an improved
  measurement of previously published interstellar f-values for seven
  bands and (2) an extraction of the first astrophysical oscillator
  strengths for d-X (8-0), (9-0), and (10-0), as well as for e-X
  (12-0). The <SUP>13</SUP>CO d-X (12-0) band, previously suspected to
  exist toward ζ Oph, is now readily resolved and modeled. Our derived
  intersystem f-values for <SUP>12</SUP>CO include a few mild (&lt;=34%)
  disagreements with recent predictions from a perturbation analysis
  calculated for the interstellar excitation temperature. Overall, the
  comparison confirms the superiority of employing multiple singlet levels
  in the calculations of mixing coefficients over previous single-level
  predictions. Based on observations obtained with the NASA/ESA Hubble
  Space Telescope through the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is
  operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy,
  Inc., under NASA contract NAS5-26555.

Title: Rapidly Rotating Lithium-rich K Giants: The New Case of the
    Giant PDS 365
Authors: Drake, Natalia A.; de la Reza, Ramiro; da Silva, Licio;
   Lambert, David L.
2002AJ....123.2703D    Altcode: 2002astro.ph..2158D
  PDS 365 is a newly detected, rapidly rotating (vsini=20 km
  s<SUP>-1</SUP>), single, low-mass giant star that with HD 233517 and HD
  219025 forms a remarkable ensemble of single K giants with the unique
  properties of rapid rotation, very strong Li lines, an asymmetrical Hα
  profile, and a large far-infrared excess. Their vsini values are between
  18 and 23 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, and their LTE Li abundances, logɛ(Li), are
  between 2.9 and 3.9. Detailed analysis of PDS 365 reveals it to be a ~1
  M<SUB>solar</SUB> giant with a value of <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C
  approximately equal to 12. A clear relation between high rotational
  velocities and very high Li abundances for K giant stars is found
  only when asymmetrical Hα profiles and large far-infrared excesses
  are present. If we consider single K giants, we find that among rapid
  (vsini&gt;=8 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>) rotators, a very large proportion
  (~50%) are Li-rich giants. This proportion is in contrast with a very
  low proportion (~2%) of Li-rich stars among the much more common slowly
  rotating K giants. This striking difference is discussed in terms of
  proposed mechanisms for Li enrichment.

Title: The outer atmosphere of the M-type supergiant alpha Orionis:
    K I 7699 Åemission
Authors: Plez, B.; Lambert, D. L.
2002A&A...386.1009P    Altcode: 2002astro.ph..3209P
  Spatially-resolved high-resolution long-slit spectra of Betelgeuse's
  circumstellar shell are described for a spectral window centered on
  the 7699 Å resonance line of neutral potassium. The K I emission
  from resonance fluorescent scattering of photospheric photons which
  is mapped out to 50 arcsec from the star is approximately spherically
  symmetric with a brightness decreasing as r<SUP>-2.36 +/- 0.03</SUP>,
  where r is the radial distance from the star. Our measurements together
  with the earlier theoretical interpretation by Rodgers &amp; Glassgold
  suggest that the mass loss rate is about 2 x 10<SUP>-6</SUP> M_sun
  y<SUP>-1</SUP>. The K I emission is far from homogeneous: intensity
  inhomogeneities are seen down to the seeing limit of about 1 arcsec and
  the velocity resolution of about 2 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. There is clear
  evidence for a thin shell of 50 arcsec radius. This is identified with
  the weaker circumstellar absorption component known as S2. Estimates are
  made of the density of K atoms in this shell ( =~ 6 x 10<SUP>-5</SUP>

Title: Water in Arcturus' Atmosphere
Authors: Ryde, N.; Lambert, D. L.; Richter, M. J.; Lacy, J. H.
2002AAS...200.7807R    Altcode: 2002BAAS...34..779R
  We report on a detection of water vapor in the K1.5III red-giant star
  Arcturus (α Bootis) using high-resolution, infrared spectra covering
  the regions 806-822 cm<SUP>-1</SUP> (12.2-12.4 μ m) and 884-925
  cm<SUP>-1</SUP> (10.8-11.3 μ m). Arcturus is the hottest star yet
  to have shown water-vapor features in its disk-averaged spectrum. We
  argue that the water vapour lines originate from the photosphere
  of the star. In calculating the synthetic spectra, we find that no
  existing water-vapor line list has wavelength assignments sufficiently
  accurate for our high-resolution spectra. Therefore, we assembled
  a new water line-list based on laboratory measurement found in the
  literature. The photosphere of Arcturus is modeled with the MARCS
  model-atmosphere code with atmospheric parameters from a detailed
  study of Arcturus based on the entire mid-infrared, low-resolution
  Infrared Space Observatory spectrum (Decin et al. 1997). Using a
  photospheric model based on these parameters, we are able to model
  several OH lines of different excitation and the water-vapor lines
  satisfactorily first after lowering the temperature structure of the
  very outer parts of the photosphere at τ <SUB>500</SUB>=-3.8 and
  beyond compared to a flux-constant, hydrostatic, standard MARCS model
  photosphere. Our new model is consistently calculated from the given
  temperature structure. Possible reasons for a temperature decrease in
  the outer-most parts of the photosphere and the assumed break-down
  of the assumptions made in classical model-atmosphere codes will
  be discussed. This work was supported by the Swedish Foundation for
  International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education, Stiftelsen
  Blanceflor Boncompagni-Ludovisi, née Bildt, and the Robert A. Welch
  Foundation of Houston, Texas

Title: Boron in Solar-Type Galactic Disk Stars
Authors: McGrath, E. J.; Boesgaard, A. M.; Lambert, D. L.; Cunha, K.
2002AAS...200.0714M    Altcode: 2002BAAS...34..652M
  This is the first study of the abundance of boron in Population I
  solar-type stars that are undepleted in beryllium. The requirement that
  the stars be undepleted in Be ensures that they have also retained their
  full initial abundance of boron, and thus provides a means to study the
  evolution of B in the Galactic disk. Using the STIS echelle spectrograph
  onboard HST, we observed sixteen bright stars around the B I 2497
  Å line. Ten of these stars had corresponding Keck HIRES data which
  was used to determine spectroscopic temperatures and new metallicity
  values. Previous abundance studies of Li and Be in these stars were
  reevaluated using these revised parameters for consistency. Boron
  abundances were calculated by fitting the data to a modified spectral
  synthesis code which accounts for the increased opacity in the UV due
  to metals, and were then corrected for non-LTE effects. We find that
  the trend of boron abundance with metallicity is consistent with the
  general trend observed in halo stars, although there may be a slight
  flattening of the slope in the disk. In addition, the abundance of
  B is observed to be a factor of ~15 more than the abundance of Be in
  these stars. This work was funded by HST grant GO-087701.

Title: Spectroscopic Study of IRAS 19285+0517 (PDS 100): A Rapidly
    Rotating Li-Rich K Giant
Authors: Reddy, Bacham E.; Lambert, David L.; Hrivnak, Bruce J.;
   Bakker, Eric J.
2002AJ....123.1993R    Altcode: 2001astro.ph.12259R
  We report on photometry and high-resolution spectroscopy for IRAS
  19285+0517. The spectral energy distribution based on visible and
  near-infrared photometry and far-infrared fluxes shows that the
  star is surrounded by dust at a temperature of T<SUB>d</SUB>~250
  K. Spectral line analysis shows that the star is a K giant with a
  projected rotational velocity of vsini=9+/-2 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. We
  determined the atmospheric parameters: T<SUB>eff</SUB>=4500 K,
  logg=2.5, ξ<SUB>t</SUB>=1.5 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, and [Fe/H]=0.14
  dex. The LTE abundance analysis shows that the star is Li-rich
  [logɛ(Li)=2.5+/-0.15], but with essentially normal C, N, O, and
  metal abundances. Spectral synthesis of molecular CN lines yields
  the carbon isotopic ratio <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C=9+/-3,
  a signature of post-main-sequence evolution and dredge-up on the
  red giant branch (RGB). Analysis of the Li resonance line at 6707
  Å for different <SUP>6</SUP>Li/<SUP>7</SUP>Li ratios shows that
  the Li profile can be best fitted with a predicted profile for pure
  <SUP>7</SUP>Li. Far-infrared excess, high Li abundance, and rapid
  rotation suggest that a planet has been swallowed or, perhaps, that
  an instability in the RGB outer layers triggered a sudden enrichment
  of Li and caused mass loss.

Title: Signatures of Convection in the Spectrum of Procyon:
    Fundamental Parameters and Iron Abundance
Authors: Allende Prieto, Carlos; Asplund, Martin; García López,
   Ramón J.; Lambert, David L.
2002ApJ...567..544A    Altcode: 2001astro.ph.11055A; 2001astro.ph.11055P
  We have observed the spectrum of Procyon A (F5 IV) from 4559 to 5780
  Å with a signal-to-noise ratio of ~10<SUP>3</SUP> and a resolving
  power of 2×10<SUP>5</SUP>. We have measured the line bisectors
  and relative line shifts of a large number of Fe I and Fe II lines,
  comparing them to those found in the solar spectrum. A three-dimensional
  hydrodynamical model atmosphere has been computed and is tested against
  observations. The model reproduces in detail most of the features
  observed, although we identify some room for improvement. At all levels,
  the comparison of the three-dimensional time-dependent calculations
  with the observed spectral lines shows a much better agreement than for
  classical homogeneous models, making it possible to refine previous
  estimates of the iron abundance, the projected rotational velocity,
  the limb darkening, and the systemic velocity of the Procyon binary
  system. The difference between the iron abundance determined with
  the three-dimensional model and its one-dimensional counterpart is
  &lt;~0.05 dex. We find consistency between the iron abundance derived
  from Fe I and Fe II lines, suggesting that departures from LTE in the
  formation of the studied lines are relatively small. The scatter in
  the iron abundance determined from different lines still exceeds the
  expectations from the uncertainties in the atomic data, pointing out
  that one or more components in the modeling can be refined further.

Title: Convective Wavelength Shifts in the Spectra of Late-Type Stars
Authors: Allende Prieto, Carlos; Lambert, David L.; Tull, Robert G.;
   MacQueen, Phillip J.
2002ApJ...566L..93A    Altcode: 2002astro.ph..1355P; 2002astro.ph..1355A
  We present ultrahigh-resolution spectra for a set of nearby F-G-K
  stars on, or close to, the main sequence. The wavelength shifts of
  stellar lines relative to their laboratory wavelengths are measured for
  more than a thousand Fe I lines per star, finding a clear correlation
  with line depth. The observed patterns are interpreted as convective
  blueshifts that become more prominent for weaker lines, which are formed
  in deeper atmospheric layers. A morphological sequence with spectral
  type or effective temperature is apparent. Two K giant stars have also
  been studied. The velocity span between weak and strong lines for these
  stars is larger than for the dwarfs and subgiants of similar spectral
  types. Our results show that convective wavelength shifts may seriously
  compromise the accuracy of absolute spectroscopic radial velocities
  but that an empirical correction may be applied to measured velocities.

Title: An independent view?
Authors: Lambert, David L.
2002HiA....12..445L    Altcode:
  The current dispute over the oxygen abundance in metal-poor stars has
  been viewed from a distance by this observer who would claim a measure
  of independence despite an intermittent interest in oxygen abundance
  determinations over 3 decades. This summary attempts to persuade all
  participants whether they advocate a "high" or "low" oxygen abundance
  or are simply bemused by the dispute that in resolving the present
  disagreements we shall learn not only about the oxygen abundance of
  these oldest Galactic stars but shall achieve a deeper understanding
  of the atmospheres of the stars.

Title: A Spectroscopic Search for Massive Thorne-Zytkow Objects
Authors: Kuchner, M. J.; Vakil, D.; Smith, V. V.; Lambert, D. L.;
   Plez, B.; Phinney, E. S.
2002ASPC..263..131K    Altcode: 2002scmc.conf..131K
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Spectroscopic Analysis of Two Carbon-rich Post-Asymptotic
    Giant Branch Stars
Authors: Reddy, Bacham E.; Lambert, David L.; Gonzalez, G.; Yong, David
2002ApJ...564..482R    Altcode: 2001astro.ph..9068R
  The chemical compositions of the C-rich post-asymptotic giant branch
  (pAGB) stars IRAS 05113+1347 and IRAS 22272+5424 are determined
  from high-resolution optical spectra using standard LTE model
  atmosphere-based techniques. The stars are C, N, and s-process enriched,
  suggesting efficient operation of the third dredge-up in the AGB star
  following a first dredge-up that increased the N abundance. Lithium is
  present with an abundance requiring Li manufacture. With this pair,
  abundance analyses are now available for 11 C-rich pAGBs. A common
  history is indicated and, in particular, the s-abundances, especially
  the relative abundances of light to heavy s-process elements, follow
  recent predictions for the third dredge-up in AGB stars.

Title: Observation And Modelling Of Stratospheric Filaments During
    The Pico3 Campaign
Authors: Cammas, J. -P.; Mascart, P.; Ancellet, G.; Lambert, D.;
   Peuch, V. -H.; Nédelec, P.
2002EGSGA..27.4942C    Altcode:
  The Meso-NHC model (Meso-scale Non-Hydrostatic and Chemical model)
  is used to study a Stratosphere - Troposhere Exchange process during
  the formation of strato- spheric filaments consecutive to planetary
  wave breaking events. We use a grid-nested simulation with horizontal
  resolutions of 30 km and 10 km, with a vertical resolu- tion of 300
  m. The model is initialised with ARPEGE (Météo-France) analyses for
  meteorological variables and with MOCAGE (Météo-France) analyses for
  chemical variables. The data set used to evaluate the performances of
  the model is the PICO3 data set gathered during an airborne campaign
  over NW Africa with the french jet aircraft equiped with in-situ
  measurements of O3 and CO and an airborne O3 lidar. Results from a
  simulation of a case study will be described.

Title: Boron Abundances in B-Type Stars: A Test of Rotational
    Depletion during Main-Sequence Evolution
Authors: Venn, K. A.; Brooks, A. M.; Lambert, David L.; Lemke, M.;
   Langer, N.; Lennon, D. J.; Keenan, F. P.
2002ApJ...565..571V    Altcode: 2001astro.ph..8263V
  Boron abundances have been derived for seven main-sequence B-type
  stars from Hubble Space Telescope STIS spectra around the B III
  λ2066 line. In two stars, boron appears to be undepleted with
  respect to the presumed initial abundance. In one star, boron is
  detectable but is clearly depleted. In the other four stars, boron
  is undetectable, implying depletions of 1-2 dex. Three of these four
  stars are nitrogen enriched, but the fourth shows no enrichment
  of nitrogen. Only rotationally induced mixing predicts that boron
  depletions are unaccompanied by nitrogen enrichments. The inferred
  rate of boron depletion from our observations is in good agreement
  with these predictions. Other boron-depleted nitrogen-normal
  stars are identified from the literature. In addition, several
  boron-depleted nitrogen-rich stars are identified, and while all
  fall on the boron-nitrogen trend predicted by rotationally induced
  mixing, a majority have nitrogen enrichments that are not uniquely
  explained by rotation. The spectra have also been used to determine
  iron group (Cr, Mn, Fe, and Ni) abundances. The seven B-type stars
  have near-solar iron group abundances, as expected for young stars in
  the solar neighborhood. We have also analyzed the halo B-type star PG
  0832+676. We find [Fe/H]=-0.88+/-0.10, and the absence of the B III
  line gives the upper limit [B/H]&lt;-2.5. These and other published
  abundances are used to infer the star's evolutionary status as a
  post-asymptotic giant branch star. Based on observations made with
  the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, obtained at the Space Telescope
  Science Institute, which is operated by the Association of Universities
  for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under NASA contract NAS 5-26555. These
  observations are associated with proposal GO 07400.

Title: The Rise of the S-process
Authors: Simmerer, J. A.; Sneden, C.; Woolf, V. M.; Lambert, D. L.
2001AAS...199.9110S    Altcode: 2001BAAS...33Q1438S
  Throughout the history of the Galaxy, the composition of neutron-capture
  elements (those with atomic numbers greater than 30) has been
  dictated mainly by two nucleosynthetic processes: the s-process and
  the r-process. Elements generated by the s(low)-process are believed
  to be formed in the He-burning of low to intermediate mass stars,
  while r(apid)-process elements likely originate in massive star
  supernovae. In the most metal-poor stars, those elements with large
  s-process components are deficient with respect to those with large
  r-process components. This is consistent with expected nucleosynthetic
  output from the massive stars that probably dominated the element
  forming processes early on in the Galaxy. Typically the measurement
  of the s-/r-process has been carried out with the elements Ba and Eu,
  since the former is produced almost entirely in the s-process and
  the latter in the r-process. Here we use the s-process element La to
  measure the s-process, since new and highly accurate atomic data have
  become available for La and Eu, making the results much more precise
  than they have been. Our sample includes 200 stars in the range range
  -2.5&lt;[Fe/H]&lt;-1, for which we have gathered new high resolution
  (R ~60,000) and signal-to-noise (S/N&gt;100) spectra, and from which
  we derive La/Eu. We have also derived La/Eu from the data of Woolf et
  al. (1995) in order to cover a higher metallicity range. Preliminary
  results indicate that La/Eu rises steadily, if not entirely smoothly,
  over the range -2&gt;[Fe/H]&gt;0, with the s-process apparently
  beginning to "turn on" near [Fe/H] ~-1.8. The higher metallicity data
  of Woolf et al. indicates that the rise to the solar La/Eu is gradual,
  but may show evidence of scatter.

Title: Boron in the Small Magellanic Cloud: A Novel Test of Light
    Element Formation
Authors: Brooks, A. M.; Venn, K. A.; Lambert, D. L.; Lemke, M.; Cunha,
   K.; Smith, V. V.
2001AAS...199.5405B    Altcode: 2001BAAS...33.1382B
  Hubble Space Telescope STIS observations of the B 3 resonance line at
  2066 Å have been obtained and analyzed for two Small Magellanic Cloud
  (SMC) B-type stars. Boron is not detected in either star. However,
  upper limits to the boron abundance are set, with 12+log(B/H) &lt;= 1.6
  for both AV 304 and NGC 346-637. These results suggest that boron may
  scale quadratically with oxygen (B α O<SUP>2</SUP>) in the SMC, as is
  expected for a pure cosmic-ray spallation standard model. However, the
  results are also consistent with the scaling law B α O<SUP>1.4</SUP>
  found for F and G dwarfs in the disk of the Galaxy by Smith etal
  (2001). Also, mixing due to rapid-rotation could have depleted boron
  in our SMC B-star targets. The UV spectrum of AV 304 has also been
  used to determine an iron-group abundance, [Fe/H]=-0.6+/-0.2, from
  both an absolute and a differential analysis, with respect to the
  Galactic B-star HD 36591. This is consistent with results from the A-F
  supergiants in the SMC. Support for proposal GO#08161 was provided by
  NASA through a grant from the Space Telescope Science Institute.

Title: Boron Abundances in Main Sequence B-type Stars: A Test of
    Rotational Depletion during Main Sequence Evolution
Authors: Venn, K. A.; Brooks, A. M.; Lambert, D. L.; Lemke, M.;
   Langer, N.; Lennon, D. J.; Keenan, F. P.
2001AAS...19913703V    Altcode: 2001BAAS...33.1512V
  Boron abundances have been derived for seven main sequence B-type stars
  from HST STIS spectra around the BIII 2066 A line. Boron abundances
  range from normal to severly depleted. One boron depleted star shows no
  nitrogen enrichment, which is an abundance pattern uniquely predicted
  from the rotationally-induced mixing models, e.g., Heger and Langer
  2000. Other stars show boron depletions that correlate with nitrogen
  enrichments; this pattern is predicted by rotationally-induced mixing,
  but also by other theories. The inferred rate of boron depletion (i.e.,
  boron versus age) from our observations is also in good agreement with
  the predictions. Based on observations made with the NASA/ESA Hubble
  Space Telescope, obtained at the Space Telescope Science Institute,
  which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in
  Astronomy, Inc., under NASA contract NAS 5-26555. These observations
  are associated with proposal GO-7400.

Title: Boron and Iron in AV 304: A B-dwarf in the SMC
Authors: Brooks, A. M.; Venn, K. A.; Lambert, D. L.; Lemke, M.
2001AAS...198.9303B    Altcode: 2001BAAS...33.1179B
  An upper limit in the boron abundance in AV 304 is determined as a
  test of cosmic ray spallation as the production of boron. Boron is
  determined from the B III resonance line at 2066 A from HST STIS
  data. AV 304 does not show signs of mixing or mass loss, which can
  destroy the fragile boron atom. The abundance othe boron seed nucleus,
  oxygen, is also well known in this star, and O is approximately the
  same from location to location in the SMC. Thus, the boron abundance
  from AV 304 should be representative of the abundance in ththe entire
  galaxy. We find an upper limit of 12+log(B/H)=1.7. This boron upper
  limit is lower than the oxygen depletion relative to the solar
  neighborhood by 0.3 dex. This is unlike the Galactic studies that
  suggest that boron scales linearly with oxygen. Additionally, the
  numerous Fe-group elements in the UV spectrum allows for a detailed
  Fe-group abundance determination. We find 12+log(Fe/H)=0.7+/-0.1,
  primarily from Fe III lines. The abundance is in excellent agreement
  with determinations from Fe I and Fe II lines in A-K supergiants in
  the SMC, and supports that O and Fe have the same underabundance in
  the SMC. We appreciate support for this project from NASA GO-08661,
  and Clare Boothe Luce research funds.

Title: A high resolution spectroscopic study of XX Ophiuchi
Authors: Goswami, Aruna; Rao, N. K.; Lambert, D. L.
2001BASI...29..295G    Altcode:
  The star XX Oph has been known to exhibit peculiar spectral
  variabilities since the work of Merrill in 1924. A high resolution
  spectroscopic study of the XX Oph spectra taken in July 1996 and later
  in June 1997 also exhibit distinctly different line profiles in several
  spectral regions, the most pronounced variations being in the sodium D
  and H? profiles. We have estimated the displacement velocities of the
  strong emission line profiles and their absorption components whenever
  possible and made an attempt to examine possible physical scenarios
  that can account for its peculiar variability.

Title: Physical Conditions in the Foreground Gas of Reflection
Nebulae: NGC 2023, vdB 102, and NGC 7023
Authors: Knauth, David C.; Federman, S. R.; Pan, K.; Yan, M.; Lambert,
   David L.
2001ApJS..135..201K    Altcode: 2001astro.ph..3151K
  High-resolution optical spectra of HD 37903 and HD 147009, which
  illuminate the reflection nebulae NGC 2023 and vdB 102, were obtained
  for comparison with our results for HD 200775 and NGC 7023. Ground-based
  measurements of the molecules CH, C<SUB>2</SUB>, and CN and the
  atoms Na I and K I were analyzed to extract physical conditions in
  the foreground cloud. Estimates of the gas density, gas temperature,
  and flux of ultraviolet radiation were derived and were compared with
  the results from infrared and radio studies of the main molecular
  cloud. The conditions are similar to those found in studies of diffuse
  clouds. The foreground material is less dense than the gas in the
  molecular cloud behind the star(s). The gas temperature was set at 40
  K, the temperature determined for the foreground gas in NGC 7023. The
  flux of ultraviolet radiation was found to be less intense than in the
  molecular material behind the star(s). The column densities of Na I
  and K I were reproduced reasonably well when the extinction curve for
  the specific line of sight was adopted. We obtained NEWSIPS data from
  the IUE archive for HD 37903 and HD 200775. The ultraviolet data on
  C I and CO allow extraction of the physical conditions by alternate
  methods. General agreement among the various diagnostics was found,
  leading to self-consistent pictures of the foreground photodissociation
  regions. An appendix describes checks on the usefulness of IUE NEWSIPS
  data for interstellar studies. Equivalent widths are compared with
  a previous analysis of IUE observations for interstellar gas toward
  20 Aql. Excellent agreement is found with NEWSIPS results having
  smaller errors. A comparison of NEWSIPS data for C I toward X Per
  with data acquired with the Hubble Space Telescope shows similar
  levels of agreement in equivalent widths and that the derived column
  densities from IUE results are accurate to better than a factor of 2
  for absorption lines of moderate strength.

Title: Nucleosynthesis and Mixing on the Asymptotic Giant
    Branch. III. Predicted and Observed s-Process Abundances
Authors: Busso, Maurizio; Gallino, Roberto; Lambert, David L.;
   Travaglio, Claudia; Smith, Verne V.
2001ApJ...557..802B    Altcode: 2001astro.ph..4424B
  We present the results of s-process nucleosynthesis calculations
  for asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars of different metallicities
  and different initial stellar masses (1.5 and 3 M<SUB>solar</SUB>),
  and we present comparisons of them with observational constraints from
  high-resolution spectroscopy of evolved stars over a wide metallicity
  range. The computations were based on previously published stellar
  evolutionary models that account for the third dredge-up phenomenon
  occurring late on the AGB. Neutron production is driven by the
  <SUP>13</SUP>C(α,n)<SUP>16</SUP>O reaction during the interpulse
  periods in a tiny layer in radiative equilibrium at the top of the He-
  and C-rich shell. The neutron source <SUP>13</SUP>C is manufactured
  locally by proton captures on the abundant <SUP>12</SUP>C; a few protons
  are assumed to penetrate from the convective envelope into the radiative
  layer at any third dredge-up episode, when a chemical discontinuity
  is established between the convective envelope and the He- and C-rich
  zones. A weaker neutron release is also guaranteed by the marginal
  activation of the reaction <SUP>22</SUP>Ne(α,n)<SUP>25</SUP>Mg during
  the convective thermal pulses. Owing to the lack of a consistent model
  for <SUP>13</SUP>C formation, the abundance of <SUP>13</SUP>C burnt
  per cycle is allowed to vary as a free parameter over a wide interval
  (a factor of 50). The s-enriched material is subsequently mixed with
  the envelope by the third dredge-up, and the envelope composition
  is computed after each thermal pulse. We follow the changes in the
  photospheric abundance of the Ba-peak elements (heavy s [hs]) and that
  of the Zr-peak ones (light s [ls]), whose logarithmic ratio [hs/ls] has
  often been adopted as an indicator of the s-process efficiency (e.g.,
  of the neutron exposure). Our model predictions for this parameter
  show a complex trend versus metallicity. Especially noteworthy is
  the prediction that the flow along the s-path at low metallicities
  drains the Zr and Ba peaks and builds an excess at the doubly magic
  <SUP>208</SUP>Pb, which is at the termination of the s-path. We
  then discuss the effects on the models of variations in the crucial
  parameters of the <SUP>13</SUP>C pocket, finding that they are not
  critical for interpreting the results. The theoretical predictions
  are compared with published abundances of s-elements for AGB giants
  of classes MS, S, SC, post-AGB supergiants, and for various classes of
  binary stars, which supposedly derive their composition by mass transfer
  from an AGB companion. This is done for objects belonging both to the
  Galactic disk and to the halo. The observations in general confirm the
  complex dependence of neutron captures on metallicity. They suggest
  that a moderate spread exists in the abundance of <SUP>13</SUP>C
  that is burnt in different stars. Although additional observations
  are needed, it seems that a good understanding has been achieved of
  s-process operation in AGB stars. Finally, the detailed abundance
  distribution including the light elements (CNO) of a few s-enriched
  stars at different metallicities are examined and satisfactorily
  reproduced by model envelope compositions.

Title: Abundance analyses of cool extreme helium stars
Authors: Pandey, Gajendra; Kameswara Rao, N.; Lambert, David L.;
   Jeffery, C. Simon; Asplund, Martin
2001MNRAS.324..937P    Altcode: 2001astro.ph..1518P
  Extreme helium stars (EHes) with effective temperatures from 8000 to
  13000K are among the coolest EHes and overlap the hotter R CrB stars in
  effective temperature. The cool EHes may represent an evolutionary link
  between the hot EHes and the R CrB stars. Abundance analyses of four
  cool EHes, BD+1°4381 (FQ Aqr), LS IV -14°109, BD -1°3438 (NO Ser) and
  LS IV -1°002 (V2244 Oph), are presented. All these stars show evidence
  of H- and He-burning at earlier stages of their evolution. To test for
  an evolutionary connection, the chemical compositions of cool EHes are
  compared with those of hot EHes and R CrB stars. Relative to Fe, the
  N abundance of these stars is intermediate between those of hot EHes
  and R CrB stars. For the R CrB stars, the metallicity M derived from
  the mean of Si and S appears to be more consistent with the kinematics
  than that derived from Fe. When metallicity M derived from Si and S
  replaces Fe, the observed N abundances of EHes and R CrB stars fall at
  or below the upper limit corresponding to thorough conversion of initial
  C and O to N. There is an apparent difference between the composition
  of R CrB stars and EHes, the former having systematically higher [N/M]
  ratios. The material present in the atmospheres of many R CrB stars is
  heavily CN- and ON-cycled. Most of the EHes have only CN-cycled material
  in their atmospheres. There is an indication that the CN- and ON-cycled
  N in EHes was partially converted to Ne by α-captures. If EHes are
  to evolve to R CrB stars, fresh C in EHes has to be converted to N;
  the atmospheres of EHes have just sufficient hydrogen to raise the N
  abundance to the level of R CrB stars. If Ne is found to be normal in
  R CrB stars, the proposal that EHes evolve to R CrB stars fails. The
  idea that R CrB stars evolve to EHes is ruled out; the N abundance in
  R CrB stars has to be reduced to the level of EHes, as the C/He, which
  is observed to be uniform across EHes, has to be maintained. Hence the
  inferred [N/M], C/He and [Ne/M] ratios, and the H-abundances of these
  two groups indicate that the EHes and the R CrB stars may not be on the
  same evolutionary path. The atmospheres of H-deficient stars probably
  consist of three ingredients: a residue of normal H-rich material,
  substantial amounts of H-poor CN(O)-cycled material, and C- (and O-)
  rich material from gas exposed to He-burning. This composition could
  be a result of final He-shell flash in a single post-AGB star (FF
  scenario), or a merger of two white dwarfs (DD scenario). Although
  the FF scenario accounts for Sakurai's object and other stars (e.g.,
  the H-poor central stars of planetary nebulae), present theoretical
  calculations imply higher C/He and O/He ratios than are observed in
  EHes and R CrB stars. Quantitative predictions are lacking for the
  DD scenario.

Title: Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of R Coronae Borealis Stars --
    Broad Lines from an Accretion Disc?
Authors: Lambert, David
2001hst..prop.9228L    Altcode:
  STIS spectra of three R Coronae Borealis {RCB} stars will provide novel
  data on hot gas near these stars; such data can be obtained only from
  HST. RCBs are hydrogen-deficient and fade at unpredictable times as a
  carbon soot cloud obscures the star. Optical spectra taken when a star
  has faded reveal an emission line spectrum containing sharp {FWHM 15
  km s^-1} and broad {FWHM 250 km s^-1} lines. The latter are of much
  higher excitation than the former. For R CrB, it has been suggested
  that the broad lines arise from an accretion disk around a compact
  secondary. These optical lines are visible only during the infrequent
  extreme fadings of a RCB. Although IUE spectra reveal high-excitation
  emission lines at maximum light, the IUE spectra lack the spectral
  resolution to distinguish broad from sharp lines. STIS spectra will
  resolve the broad-line from a sharp-line component, and, in the case,
  of R CrB, where repeat visits are requested, be used to search for
  velocity variations as the companion orbits the RCB. In addition,
  the line intensity ratios will provide new estimates of the physical
  conditions of the gas emitting the broad lines. This proposal may help
  to answer the question - How are RCBs formed? And this answer may show
  that, although RCBs are rare, many low mass stars evolve through the
  RCB on their path to extinction as a white dwarf.

Title: The Forbidden Abundance of Oxygen in the Sun
Authors: Allende Prieto, Carlos; Lambert, David L.; Asplund, Martin
2001ApJ...556L..63A    Altcode: 2001astro.ph..6360P; 2001astro.ph..6360A
  We reexamine closely the solar photospheric line at 6300 Å, which is
  attributed to a forbidden line of neutral oxygen and is widely used
  in analyses of other late-type stars. We use a three-dimensional
  time-dependent hydrodynamical model solar atmosphere that has been
  tested successfully against observed granulation patterns and an array
  of absorption lines. We show that the solar line is a blend with a
  Ni I line, as previously suggested but oftentimes neglected. Thanks
  to accurate atomic data on the [O I] and Ni I lines, we are able to
  derive an accurate oxygen abundance for the Sun: logɛ(O)=8.69+/-0.05
  dex, a value at the lower end of the distribution of previously
  published abundances but in good agreement with estimates for the
  local interstellar medium and hot stars in the solar neighborhood. We
  conclude by discussing the implication of the Ni I blend on oxygen
  abundances derived from [O I] λ6300 in disk and halo stars.

Title: Infrared Space Observatory Spectra of R Coronae Borealis
    Stars. I. Emission Features in the Interval 3-25 Microns
Authors: Lambert, David L.; Rao, N. Kameswara; Pandey, Gajendra;
   Ivans, Inese I.
2001ApJ...555..925L    Altcode: 2001astro.ph..3400L
  Infrared Space Observatory 3-25 μm spectra of the R Coronae Borealis
  stars V854 Cen, R CrB, and RY Sgr are presented and discussed. Sharp
  emission features coincident in wavelength with the well-known
  unidentified emission features are present in the spectrum of V854
  Cen but not in the spectra of R CrB and RY Sgr. Since V854 Cen is
  not particularly hydrogen-poor and has 1000 times more hydrogen than
  the other stars, the emission features are probably from a carrier
  containing hydrogen. There is a correspondence between the features
  and the emission from laboratory samples of hydrogenated amorphous
  carbon. A search for C<SUB>60</SUB> in emission or absorption proved
  negative. Amorphous carbon particles account for the broad emission
  features seen between 6 and 14 μm in the spectrum of each star. Based
  on observations with ISO, an ESA project with instruments funded by
  ESA member states (especially the PI countries: France, Germany, the
  Netherlands, and the UK) and with the participation of ISAS and NASA.

Title: Line identification in the Ca II K spectral region of
    sharp-lined B-type stars
Authors: Lehner, N.; Trundle, C.; Keenan, F. P.; Sembach, K. R.;
   Lambert, D. L.
2001A&A...370..996L    Altcode:
  Previous Ca Ii K observations of the B-type star HD 83206 have revealed
  putative high-velocity interstellar clouds (HVCs) at Local Standard of
  Rest (LSR) velocities of -80 and -110 kms<SUP>-1</SUP>. Similar results
  were also found for the sightline towards HD 135485. In this article,
  we show that these absorption lines are in fact due to stellar S Ii
  features. As the Ca Ii K absorption line in B-type stars is often
  used to assess the presence and distance of HVCs, we also present a
  very high quality spectrum of HD 83206 in the Ca Ii K region ( ~ +/-
  4 Å or +/- 300 kms<SUP>-1</SUP>), so that in the future confusion
  between stellar lines and HVC features may be avoided.

Title: Chemical Compositions of Four Metal-poor Giant Stars
Authors: Giridhar, Sunetra; Lambert, David L.; Gonzalez, Guillermo;
   Pandey, Gajendra
2001PASP..113..519G    Altcode: 2001astro.ph..2307G
  We present the chemical compositions of four K giants (CS 22877-1,
  CS 22166-16, CS 22169-35, and BS 16085-0050) that have [Fe/H] in the
  range -2.4 to -3.1. Metal-poor stars with [Fe/H]&lt;-2.5 are known to
  exhibit considerable star-to-star variations of many elements. This
  quartet confirms this conclusion. CS 22877-1 and CS 22166-16 are
  carbon-rich. There is significant spread of [α/Fe] within our samples,
  where [α/Fe] is computed from the mean of the [Mg/Fe] and [Ca/Fe]
  ratios. BS 16085-0050 is remarkably α-enriched with a mean [α/Fe]
  of +0.7, but CS 22169-35 is α-poor. The aluminum abundance also shows
  a significant variation over the sample. A parallel and unsuccessful
  search among high-velocity late-type stars for metal-poor stars is

Title: The Primordial Lithium Abundance
Authors: Vargas-Ferro, O.; Smith, V. V.; Lambert, D. L.; Hobbs, L. M.
2001AAS...198.4401V    Altcode: 2001BAAS...33..845V
  Lithium abundances are presented for a sample of 23 halo dwarf and
  subgiant stars. The abundances are derived from high signal-to-noise
  (S/N ~ 400), high-resolution (R = 120,000) spectra obtained at McDonald
  Observatory. The program stars span the metallicity range of [Fe/H] =
  -3.0 to -1.0 and abundances ( or upper limits) are also determined for
  the minor isotope <SUP>6</SUP>Li. The <SUP>6</SUP>Li abundances are used
  to constrain possible stellar mixing and Li destruction, as well as the
  contribution to the lithium abundance from cosmic-ray synthesis. The
  primordial lithium abundance is estimated by an extrapolation to zero
  Fe abundance. This research is supported, by part, by the Texas Advanced
  Research Program (003661-0003-1999) and the National Science Foundation

Title: Chemical compositions of metal-poor stars - dreams and
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
2001NuPhA.688...29L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Emission-line spectra of XX Ophiuchi in 1996 and 1997
Authors: Goswami, A.; Rao, N. K.; Lambert, D. L.
2001Obs...121...97G    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: (T<SUB>eff</SUB>, log g, [Fe/H]) Classification of
    Low-Resolution Stellar Spectra using Artificial Neural Networks
(CD-ROM Directory: contribs/snider)
Authors: Snider, S.; Qu, Y.; Allende Prieto, C.; von Hippel, T.;
   Beers, T. C.; Sneden, C.; Lambert, D. L.; Rossi, S.
2001ASPC..223.1344S    Altcode: 2001csss...11.1344S
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Chemical Compositions of Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars -
    A Tool for Understanding the Evolution of Cool Stars and Stellar
Systems (CD-ROM Directory: contribs/lambert1)
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
2001ASPC..223..163L    Altcode: 2001csss...11..163L
  No abstract at ADS

Title: An Analysis of the K I λ7698 Line Profile in the Halo Turnoff
    Star HD 84937 and Its Implications for Lithium Isotopic Studies
Authors: Smith, Verne V.; Vargas-Ferro, Omar; Lambert, David L.;
   Olgin, John G.
2001AJ....121..453S    Altcode:
  The line profile of the resonance line of K I at 7698 Å has been
  analyzed in the halo turnoff star HD 84937, using a high-resolution
  (λ/Δλ=110,000), high signal-to-noise ratio (S/N=550) spectrum. Three
  different groups have reported detecting <SUP>6</SUP>Li in this star,
  based on a red asymmetry in the Li I λ6707 line profile (<SUP>6</SUP>Li
  displays an isotopic shift of about 0.15 Å to the red, relative to
  <SUP>7</SUP>Li, in this line). It is possible, however, that convection
  could introduce this red asymmetry by mass motions of <SUP>7</SUP>Li in
  the star's atmosphere. At the metallicity of HD 84937, the K I resonance
  line at 7698 Å is expected to have a similar line strength to the Li
  I λ6707 feature, and both these lines are resonance transitions. In
  addition, both potassium and lithium have similar first ionization
  potentials. The result of these similarities is that the Li I and
  K I lines are formed at nearly identical regions in the atmosphere
  of HD 84937. This study presents a line profile analysis of the K I
  line, which has negligible isotopic splitting and is effectively a
  single-component line, in HD 84937. Any possible convective motions of
  sufficient magnitude to produce a spurious detection of <SUP>6</SUP>Li
  should also produce detectable asymmetries in the K I line. No such
  asymmetries are found here, strengthening the case that the previously
  reported detections of <SUP>6</SUP>Li in HD 84937 are real.

Title: R200,000 Spectroscopic Observations of Procyon. The Surface
Convection and Radial Velocity (CD-ROM Directory: contribs/allende2)
Authors: Allende Prieto, C.; Asplund, M.; García López, R. J.;
   Lambert, D. L.; Nordlund, Å.
2001ASPC..223..760A    Altcode: 2001csss...11..760A
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Lithium Isotope Ratios in Metal-Poor Halo Stars
Authors: Asplund, Martin; Lambert, David L.; Nissen, Poul Erik;
   Primas, Francesca; Smith, Verne V.
2001coev.conf...95A    Altcode:
  Equipped with very high quality observations obtained from VLT/UVES
  and the new generation of 3D hydrodynamical model atmospheres, we
  have initiated a survey of <SUP>6</SUP>Li/<SUP>7</SUP>Li ratios in
  metal-poor halo stars. Here we present the first preliminary results of
  this investigation, reporting four new likely detections at a similar
  level (<SUP>6</SUP>Li/<SUP>7</SUP>Li = 2 - 5%) to that previously
  found for HD 84937, BD +26°3578 and G271-162.

Title: From Brightness and Colour to Size and Temperature (CD-ROM
Directory: contribs/lambert2)
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Allende Prieto, C.
2001ASPC..223..821L    Altcode: 2001csss...11..821L
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Betelgeuse Circumstellar Shell: K I 7699Å Emission (CD-ROM
Directory: contribs/plez)
Authors: Plez, B.; Lambert, D. L.
2001ASPC..223.1632P    Altcode: 2001csss...11.1632P
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Chemical Compositions of the SRD Variable Stars. III. KK
    Aquilae, AG Aurigae, Z Aurigae, W Leo Minoris, and WW Tauri
Authors: Giridhar, Sunetra; Lambert, David L.; Gonzalez, Guillermo
2000PASP..112.1559G    Altcode: 2000astro.ph..8428G
  Chemical compositions are derived from high-resolution spectra for
  five field SRd variables. These supergiants not previously analyzed
  are shown to be metal poor: KK Aql with [Fe/H]=-1.2, AG Aur with
  [Fe/H]=-1.8, Z Aur with [Fe/H]=-1.4, W LMi with [Fe/H]=-1.1, and WW Tau
  with [Fe/H]=-1.1. Their compositions are, except for two anomalies,
  identical to within the measurement errors to the compositions of
  subdwarfs, subgiants, and less evolved giants of the same [Fe/H]. One
  anomaly is an s-process enrichment for KK Aql, the first such enrichment
  reported for an SRd variable. The second and more remarkable anomaly
  is a strong lithium enrichment for W LMi, also a first for field SRd
  variables. The Li I λ6707 profile is not simply that of a photospheric
  line but includes strong absorption from redshifted gas, suggesting,
  perhaps, that lithium enrichment results from accretion of Li-rich
  gas. This potential clue to lithium enrichment is discussed in light
  of various proposals for lithium synthesis in evolved stars.

Title: Light-Element Abundance Patterns in the Orion
    Association. I.Hubble Space Telescope Observations of Boron in
    G Dwarfs
Authors: Cunha, Katia; Smith, Verne V.; Parizot, Etienne; Lambert,
   David L.
2000ApJ...543..850C    Altcode: 2000astro.ph..5437C
  The boron abundances for two young solar-type members of the Orion
  association, BD -6°1250 and HD 294297, are derived from Hubble
  Space Telescope STIS spectra of the B I transition at 2496.771
  Å. The best-fit boron abundances for the target stars are 0.13 and
  0.44 dex lower than the solar meteoritic value of logɛ(B)=2.78. An
  anticorrelation of boron and oxygen is found for Orion when these
  results are added to previous abundances obtained for four B-type stars
  and the G-type star BD -5°1317. An analysis of the uncertainties in the
  abundance calculations indicates that the observed anticorrelation is
  probably real. The B versus O relation observed in the Orion association
  does not follow the positive correlation of boron versus oxygen that
  is observed for the field stars with roughly solar metallicity. The
  observed anticorrelation can be accounted for by a simple model in which
  two poorly mixed components of gas (supernova ejecta and boron-enriched
  ambient medium) contribute to the new stars that form within the
  lifetime of the association. This model predicts an anticorrelation
  for Be as well, at least as strong as for boron.

Title: Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of R Coronae Borealis Stars --
    Broad Lines from an Accretion Disc?
Authors: Lambert, David
2000hst..prop.8615L    Altcode: 2000hst..prop.4951L
  STIS spectra of three R Coronae Borealis {RCB} stars will provide novel
  data on hot gas near these stars; such data can be obtained only from
  HST. RCBs are hydrogen-deficient and fade at unpredictable times as a
  carbon soot cloud obscures the star. Optical spectra taken when a star
  has faded reveal an emission line spectrum containing sharp {FWHM 15
  km s^-1} and broad {FWHM 250 km s^-1} lines. The latter are of much
  higher excitation than the former. For R CrB, it has been suggested
  that the broad lines arise from an accretion disk around a compact
  secondary. These optical lines are visible only during the infrequent
  extreme fadings of a RCB. Although IUE spectra reveal high-excitation
  emission lines at maximum light, the IUE spectra lack the spectral
  resolution to distinguish broad from sharp lines. STIS spectra will
  resolve the broad-line from a sharp-line component, and, in the case,
  of R CrB, where repeat visits are requested, be used to search for
  velocity variations as the companion orbits the RCB. In addition,
  the line intensity ratios will provide new estimates of the physical
  conditions of the gas emitting the broad lines. This proposal may help
  to answer the question - How are RCBs formed? And this answer may show
  that, although RCBs are rare, many low mass stars evolve through the
  RCB on their path to extinction as a white dwarf.

Title: The Interstellar Isotopic Ratio of Boron toward Omicron Persei
    and Nearby Sight Lines
Authors: Lambert, David
2000hst..prop.8622L    Altcode: 2000hst..prop.4958L
  The isotopic ratio 11B/10B will be determined for diffuse
  interstellar material along lines of sight to o Persei, 40 Persei,
  Zeta Persei, and X Persei that pass close to the star- forming
  region IC 348. High-resolution spectra of the Li I 6707A line
  toward o and Zeta Per show remarkably different isotopic ratios for
  lithium. Particularly striking is the ratio 7Li/6Li 3 for o Per while
  Zeta Per shows a quasi-solar { 10} ratio. The significance of the very
  low ratio for o Per is that it is essentially the value predicted for
  production by relativistic cosmic rays through spallation reactions;
  it is the only interstellar or stellar measurement that approaches
  this theoretical value. This discovery provides a novel opportunity to
  measure the isotopic B ratio of gas with a Li concentration dominated
  by spallation induced by relativistic cosmic rays. Feasibility of
  isotopic measurements has been demonstrated by our GHRS observations
  of the interstellar B II 1362A resonance line that provided the
  first extra-solar measurement of 11B/10B. Comparison of the observed
  and predicted isotopic B {and Li} ratios will test the relative
  importance of B synthesis by cosmic rays and Type II supernovae,
  and test proposals that invoke high-fluxes of high-energy particles
  in star-forming regions as major players in light element synthesis.

Title: Surface abundances of light elements for a large sample
    of early B-type stars - I. Spectral observations of 123 stars;
    measurements of hydrogen and helium lines; infrared photometry
Authors: Lyubimkov, L. S.; Lambert, D. L.; Rachkovskaya, T. M.;
   Rostopchin, S. I.; Tarasov, A. E.; Poklad, D. B.; Larionov, V. M.;
   Larionova, L. V.
2000MNRAS.316...19L    Altcode:
  High-resolution spectral observations of 123 B0-B5 stars in the
  main sequence evolutionary phase were obtained at two observatories,
  namely the McDonald Observatory (McDO) and the Crimean Astrophysical
  Observatory (CrAO). Accurate equivalent widths W of two Balmer lines,
  Hβ and Hγ, and ten Hei lines were obtained for all the stars, as well
  as of the Heiiλ4686 line for the hottest ones. A careful analysis of
  the measured equivalent widths was performed. It is shown that there
  is a very good agreement between the W values derived from the McDO and
  CrAO spectra for 14 common stars. A comparison with published data leads
  to the conclusion that the W values measured earlier by some authors
  for strong Hei lines are very likely to be underestimated. Infrared
  photometric observations in the J, H, and K bands were performed for
  70 programme stars. All these data will be used in other papers: in
  particular for the T<SUB>eff</SUB> and logg determination and for the
  He, C, N and O abundance analyses.

Title: The Galactic Abundance Gradients of Boron and Iron
Authors: Lambert, David
2000hst..prop.8621L    Altcode: 2000hst..prop.4957L
  This proposal aims to provide the first measurement of the Galactic
  abundance gradients for Boron and Iron. Boron abundances will be
  obtained for 5 B-type stars {with Galactocentric distances between
  4-15 kpc} from the BIII 2066 Angstrom line. Optical spectroscopy of
  these {and other B-type} stars has yielded abundance gradients of -0.07
  dex/kpc for N &amp; the Alpha-elements {O, Mg, Si}. Determination of
  Boron abundances require UV spectra and HST/STIS. It is significant
  that stellar nucleosynthesis which is the leading source of oxygen
  {via Type II SN} is unlikely to be a major contributor to B synthesis
  {spallation being the leading candidate}. Hence, a measurement of
  the B abundance gradient provides novel information on the gradient
  of cosmic ray flux in the Galaxy. The same STIS spectra will also
  provide FeIII lines that will be used to obtain the first estimate
  of the present abundance gradient for iron {thought to originate
  predominantly in Type I SN}. Recent advances in modelling the chemical
  evolution of the Galactic disk have led to definite predictions of the
  spatial variation of the Alpha/Fe ratio in competing Galaxy formation
  scenarios, viz. the biased infall and biased outflow models. This study
  should yield differential Fe abundances accurate to +/-0.1 dex - which
  will allow a Alpha/Fe gradient to be compared directly with theory,
  as a critical test of formation models.

Title: Abundance analysis of extreme helium stars
Authors: Pandey, Gajendra; Kameswara Rao, N.; Lambert, David L.;
   Jeffery, C. Simon; Asplund, Martin
2000BASI...28..303P    Altcode:
  High resolution spectra were obtained for a sample of hydrogen-deficient
  stars which are hotter than the R CrB stars and cooler among the
  extreme helium stars (EHe). We believe that these stars are transition
  objects evolving either to EHe stars or R CrB stars. We aim to explore
  the evolutionary link between our program stars, R CrB stars and EHe
  stars. Distribution of these stars in the log g - log Teff plane shows
  similar L/M ratios (??4.0). These objects have an abundance pattern
  like R CrB stars and EHe stars.

Title: Newly synthesized lithium in the interstellar medium
Authors: Knauth, D. C.; Federman, S. R.; Lambert, David L.; Crane, P.
2000Natur.405..656K    Altcode:
  Astronomical observations of elemental and isotopic abundances
  provide the means to determine the source of elements and to reveal
  their evolutionary pathways since the formation of the Galaxy some 15
  billion years ago. The abundance of lithium is particularly interesting
  because, although some of it is thought to be primordial, most results
  from spallation reactions (in which Galactic cosmic rays break apart
  larger nuclei in the interstellar medium). Spallation reactions are
  crucial for the production of other light elements, such as beryllium
  and boron, so observations of lithium isotopic abundances can be used
  to test model predictions for light-element synthesis in general. Here
  we report observations of <SUP>7</SUP>Li and <SUP>6</SUP>Li abundances
  in several interstellar clouds lying in the direction of the star ο
  Persei. We find the abundance ratio <SUP>7</SUP>Li/<SUP>6</SUP>Li to
  be about 2, which is significantly lower than the average Solar System
  value of 12.3 (refs 6, 7). An abundance ratio of 2 is clear evidence
  that the observed lithium must have resulted entirely from spallation,
  confirming a basic tenet of light-element synthesis. The total lithium
  abundance, however, is not enhanced as expected.

Title: The atmospheric parameters and chemical composition of early
    B-type giants in h and chi Persei
Authors: Vrancken, M.; Lennon, D. J.; Dufton, P. L.; Lambert, D. L.
2000A&A...358..639V    Altcode:
  Atmospheric parameters and surface chemical compositions are presented
  for eight stars, classified as B1 or B2 but with a range of luminosity
  classes, in the northern double cluster h and chi Persei. Echelle
  spectroscopy (covering the wavelength region 3900 to 4700 Ä) and
  grating spectroscopy (of the Balmer, Hγ and Hβ lines) were analysed
  using non-LTE synthetic spectra based on LTE line-blanketed atmosphere
  structures. High microturbulences are found in our sample, and this
  quantity must be included in the computation of the non-LTE level
  populations; its effect is generally to decrease the derived metal
  abundances by typically 0.1 dex but by up to 0.4 dex. Our absolute
  abundances are in reasonable agreement with those previously found
  for main sequence B-type stars, while we find some evidence for
  small abundance variations (particularly for nitrogen) within our
  sample. One star (BD+56 678) appears to be a spectrum variable and at
  two epochs shows a highly enriched nitrogen spectrum. Our atmospheric
  parameters imply that two stars have previously been mis-identified as
  main sequence objects and a distance modulus, at the higher end of the
  values previously deduced. The observational HR diagram is consistent
  with stellar evolutionary models that explicitly include the effects
  of rotation.

Title: Lines of Circumstellar C<SUB>2</SUB>, CN, and CH<SUP>+</SUP>
    in the Optical Spectra of Post-AGB Stars
Authors: Bakker, Eric J.; Lambert, David L.; van Dishoeck, Ewine F.
2000IAUS..177..217B    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: High-resolution optical spectroscopy of the sharp-lined B-type
    star HD83206
Authors: Lehner, N.; Dufton, P. L.; Lambert, D. L.; Ryans, R. S. I.;
   Keenan, F. P.
2000MNRAS.314..199L    Altcode:
  Very-high-resolution (R~160000) spectroscopic observations are
  presented for the early B-type star, HD83206. Because it has very
  sharp metal lines, this star affords an opportunity to test theories
  of model atmospheres and line formation. Non-LTE model atmosphere
  calculations have been used to estimate the atmospheric parameters and
  absolute metal abundances (C, N, O, Mg and Si); an LTE analysis was
  also undertaken to investigate the validity of this simpler approach
  and to estimate an iron abundance. For the non-LTE calculations,
  there is excellent agreement with observations of the Balmer lines Hα
  and Hδ and the lines of Siii and Siiii for atmospheric parameters of
  T<SUB>eff</SUB>~=21700+/-600K and logg~=4.00+/-0.15dex. The agreement
  is less convincing for the LTE calculations, and a higher gravity is
  deduced. Careful comparison of the metal line profiles with non-LTE
  calculations implies that the projected rotational and microturbulent
  velocities have maximum values of ~=5 and ~=2kms<SUP>-1</SUP>,
  respectively. The latter value is smaller than has often been adopted in
  LTE model atmosphere analyses of main-sequence stars. Non-LTE absolute
  metal abundances are estimated, and a comparison with those for
  normal B-type stars (deduced using similar non-LTE techniques) shows
  no significant differences. A comparison of the abundances deduced
  using non-LTE and LTE calculations implies systematic differences
  of 0.1-0.2dex, showing the importance of using a non-LTE approach
  when accurate absolute abundances are required. Its location in the
  Hertzsprung-Russell diagram and normal metal abundance lead us to
  conclude that HD83206 is probably a main-sequence B-type star. As such,
  it is among the sharpest-lined young B-type star discovered to date.

Title: The Near-Ultraviolet Continuum of Late-Type Stars
Authors: Allende Prieto, Carlos; Lambert, David L.
2000AJ....119.2445A    Altcode: 2000astro.ph..1508P; 2000astro.ph..1508A
  Analyses of the near-ultraviolet continuum of late-type stars have led
  to controversial results regarding the performance of state-of-the-art
  model atmospheres. The release of the homogeneous International
  Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) final archive and the availability of the
  high-accuracy Hipparcos parallaxes provide an opportunity to revisit
  this issue, as accurate stellar distances make it possible to compare
  observed absolute fluxes with the predictions of model atmospheres. The
  near-UV continuum is highly sensitive to T<SUB>eff</SUB> and [Fe/H],
  and once the gravity is constrained from the parallax, these parameters
  may be derived from the analysis of low-dispersion, long-wavelength
  (2000-3000 Å) IUE spectra for stars previously studied by Alonso,
  Arribas, &amp; Martínez-Roger using the Infrared Flux Method (IRFM). A
  second comparison is carried out against the stars spectroscopically
  investigated by Gratton, Carretta, &amp; Castelli. It is shown that
  there is a good agreement between T<SUB>eff</SUB> values obtained
  from the IRFM and those from the near-UV continuum, and a remarkable
  correspondence between observed and synthetic fluxes for stars with 4000
  K&lt;=T<SUB>eff</SUB>&lt;=6000 K of any metallicity and gravity. These
  facts suggest that model atmospheres provide an adequate description
  of the near-UV continuum forming region and that the opacities involved
  are essentially understood.

Title: Lithium Isotope Ratios for Interstellar Clouds toward ζ and
    o Persei
Authors: Knauth, D. C.; Federman, S. R.; Lambert, D. L.; Crane, P.
2000AAS...196.4006K    Altcode: 2000BAAS...32..738K
  As part of a study on the variation in the <SUP>7</SUP>Li/<SUP>6</SUP>Li
  ratio, high signal to noise, high resolution spectroscopy of Li I (λ
  6708) and K I (λ 4044) were obtained toward ζ and o Per. The lithium
  isotope shift is approximately the same as its fine structure splitting
  ( ~ 0.158 Angstroms), resulting in a blend of the <SUP>7</SUP>Li and
  <SUP>6</SUP>Li lines. Use of the K I line as a velocity template allowed
  for a straightforward determination of the lithium isotope ratio. The
  K I line at λ 4044 is a suitable template because it is of comparable
  strength to the Li I lines. Our high resolution observations show
  remarkably disparate isotope ratios: <SUP>7</SUP>Li/<SUP>6</SUP>Li =
  10.6 +/- 2.9 toward ζ Per and 3.6 +/- 0.6 and 1.7 +/- 0.3 toward o
  Per. While the results for ζ Per are consistent with the meteoritic
  value, the ratios for o Per's clouds suggest recent Galactic cosmic ray
  spallation. This is the first unambiguous evidence for an interstellar
  <SUP>7</SUP>Li/<SUP>6</SUP>Li ratio that differs dramatically from
  the Solar System value. The low ratios indicate a higher flux of
  cosmic rays toward o Per than toward ζ Per. A higher flux of cosmic
  rays toward o Per was suggested earlier in a study of OH and HD
  chemistry (Federman, Weber, &amp; Lambert 1996, ApJ, 463,181). The
  total lithium abundance and the K/Li ratio are useful in placing the
  <SUP>7</SUP>Li/<SUP>6</SUP>Li ratio into context. We obtained total
  Li abundances of (12.2 +/- 2.2) x 10<SUP>-10</SUP> toward ζ Per and
  (9.8 +/- 3.5) x 10<SUP>-10</SUP> toward o Per. The columns of K I and
  Li I yielded K/Li ratios that revealed no discernable trend. Since a
  Li isotope ratio ~ 2 toward o Per suggests newly processed lithium,
  the comparable total Li abundances and K/Li ratios are unexpected.

Title: Boron and Iron in Two B-dwarfs: A Test of Rotation in Massive
    Star Evolution
Authors: Brooks, A. M.; Venn, K. A.; Lambert, D. L.; Lemke, M.;
   Langer, N.
2000AAS...196.4010B    Altcode: 2000BAAS...32..738B
  We have used HST STIS spectra to determine boron and iron abundances
  in two well-studied B-stars. The boron abundances are used to search
  for evidence of rotational mixing while these stars are still on
  the main-sequence. New stellar evolution models (Heger et al. 2000)
  that include rotational mixing predict rapid depletion of boron
  from the surface before significant enrichments in nitrogen occur
  (both being affected by mixing with hotter gas from the H-burning
  layers). Examination of the new boron abundances, particularly with
  respect to nitrogen, suggest that rotation has affected the chemistry
  of one star, but not the other. In addition, we have calculated Fe-group
  abundances in these stars, which were previously unavailable, or highly
  uncertain, from optical spectroscopy.

Title: Evidence for Newly Synthesized Lithium in Interstellar Space
Authors: Knauth, David C.; Federman, Steven R.; Lambert, David L.;
   Crane, Phillipe
2000astro.ph..4315K    Altcode:
  As a part of a study on the variation in the 7Li/6Li ratio,
  high signal to noise, high resolution spectroscopy of Li I (6708
  Angstroms) and K I (4044 Angstroms) were obtained toward zeta and o
  Per. The lithium isotope shift is approximately the same as its fine
  structure splitting (0.158 Angstroms), resulting in a blend of the 7Li
  and 6Li lines. Use of the K I line as a velocity template allowed a
  straightforward determination of the lithium isotopic ratio. Our high
  resolution observations show remarkably disparate isotope ratios:
  7Li/6Li = 1 0.6 +/- 2.9 toward zeta Per and 3.6 +/- 0.6 and 1.7 +/-
  0.3 toward o Per. While the results toward zeta Per are consistent
  with the meteoritic value, the ratio toward o Per's clouds suggest
  recent Galactic cosmic ray spallation. This is the first clear and
  unambiguous evidence for an interstellar 7Li/6Li ratio that differs
  dramatically from the Solar System value. The low ratio indicates a
  higher cosmic ray flux toward o Per than toward zeta Per. A higher
  flux of cosmic rays toward o Per was suggested earlier in a study of
  OH and HD chemistry (Federman, Weber, &amp; Lambert 1996, ApJ 463,
  181). The total lithium abundances and the K/Li ratio are useful in
  placing the 7Li/6Li ratio into context. We obtained total lithium
  abundances of (12.2 +/- 2.2) x 10^(-10) toward zeta Per and (9.8 +/-
  3.5) x 10^(-10) toward o Per. The columns of K I and Li I yielded K/Li
  ratios that revealed no discernable trend. Since a Li isotope ratio
  ~2 toward o Per suggests newly processed lithium, the comparable total
  Li abundances and K/Li ratios are unexpected.

Title: High-resolution spectroscopy of V854 Cen in decline -
    absorption and emission lines of C<SUB>2</SUB> molecules
Authors: Kameswara Rao, N.; Lambert, David L.
2000MNRAS.313L..33K    Altcode: 2000MNRAS.313L..33R; 2000astro.ph..2237R; 2000astro.ph..2237K
  High-resolution optical spectra of the R Coronae Borealis (RCB) star
  V854 Centauri in the early stages of a decline show, in addition to the
  features reported for other RCBs in decline, narrow absorption lines
  from the C<SUB>2</SUB> Phillips system. The low rotational temperature,
  T<SUB>rot</SUB>=1150K, of the C<SUB>2</SUB> ground electronic state
  suggests the cold gas is associated with the developing shroud of carbon
  dust. These absorption lines were not seen at a fainter magnitude on
  the rise from minimum light, nor at maximum light. This is the first
  detection of cold gas around an RCB star.

Title: The Isotopic Abundances of Magnesium in Stars
Authors: Gay, Pamela L.; Lambert, David L.
2000ApJ...533..260G    Altcode: 1999astro.ph.11217G
  Isotopic abundance ratios
  <SUP>24</SUP>Mg:<SUP>25</SUP>Mg:<SUP>26</SUP>Mg are derived for 20 stars
  from high-resolution spectra of the MgH A-X 0-0 band at 5140 Å. With
  the exception of the weak G-band giant HR 1299, the stars are dwarfs
  that sample the metallicity range -1.8&lt;[Fe/H]&lt;0.0. The abundance
  of <SUP>25</SUP>Mg and <SUP>26</SUP>Mg relative to the dominant isotope
  <SUP>24</SUP>Mg decreases with decreasing [Fe/H] in fair accord with
  predictions from a recent model of Galactic chemical evolution in which
  the Mg isotopes are synthesized by massive stars. Several stars appear
  especially enriched in the heavier Mg isotopes, suggesting contamination
  by material from the envelopes of intermediate-mass asymptotic giant
  branch stars.

Title: Georges Lemaitre: une étoile qui n'état pas double.
Authors: Lambert, D.
2000C&T...116...46L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Chemical Evolution of the Globular Cluster ω Centauri
    (NGC 5139)
Authors: Smith, Verne V.; Suntzeff, Nicholas B.; Cunha, Katia; Gallino,
   Roberto; Busso, Maurizio; Lambert, David L.; Straniero, Oscar
2000AJ....119.1239S    Altcode:
  We present abundances for 22 chemical elements in 10 red giant members
  of the massive Galactic globular cluster ω Centauri. The spectra
  are of relatively high spectral resolution and signal-to-noise. Using
  these abundances plus published literature values, abundance trends
  are defined as a function of the standard metallicity indicator
  iron. The lowest metallicity stars in ω Cen have [Fe/H]~-1.8, and
  the initial abundance distribution in the cluster is established
  at this metallicity. The stars in the cluster span a range of
  [Fe/H]~-1.8 to -0.8. At the lowest metallicity, the heavy-element
  abundance is found to be well characterized by a scaled solar system
  r-process distribution, as found in other stellar populations at this
  metallicity. As iron increases, the s-process heavy-element abundances
  increase dramatically. Comparisons of the s-process increases with
  recent stellar models finds that s-process nucleosynthesis in 1.5-3
  M<SUB>solar</SUB> asymptotic giant branch stars (AGB) fits well the
  heavy-element abundance distributions. In these low-mass AGB stars,
  the dominant neutron source is <SUP>13</SUP>C(α,n)<SUP>16</SUP>O. A
  comparison of the Rb/Zr abundance ratios in ω Cen finds that these
  ratios are consistent with the <SUP>13</SUP>C source. The reason ω
  Cen displays such a large s-process component is possibly due to the
  fact that in such a relatively low-mass stellar system, AGB ejecta,
  because of their low velocity winds, are more efficiently retained
  in the cluster relative to the much faster moving Type II supernova
  ejecta. Significant s-process enrichment relative to Fe, from the
  lower mass AGB stars, would require that the cluster was active in
  star formation for quite a long interval of time, of the order of 2-3
  Gyr. The AGB ejecta were mixed with the retained fraction of Type II
  supernova ejecta and with the residual gas of initial composition. The
  analysis of α-rich elements shows that no significant amounts
  of Type Ia supernova debris were retained by the cluster. In this
  context, interpretation of the low and constant observed [Cu/Fe]~-0.6
  (derived here for the first time in this cluster) finds a plausible

Title: Abundance Analyses of Field RV Tauri Stars. V. DS Aquarii,
    UY Arae, TW Camelopardalis, BT Librae, U Monocerotis, TT Ophiuchi,
    R Scuti, and RV Tauri
Authors: Giridhar, Sunetra; Lambert, David L.; Gonzalez, Guillermo
2000ApJ...531..521G    Altcode: 1999astro.ph..9081G
  Abundance analyses are presented and discussed for eight RV Tauri
  variables. The RVB star UY Ara shows the abundance anomalies seen
  in other RVB stars, namely, elements that condense into grains at
  high temperature are underabundant, but elements of low condensation
  temperature are much less underabundant. This pattern is ascribed
  to a separation of dust from gas with accretion of gas but not dust
  by the atmosphere. Abundances for two RVC stars with earlier results
  for other RVC stars show that these intrinsically metal-poor stars do
  not show effects of dust-gas separation. Analyses of five RVA stars
  show that these cooler stars are very largely unaffected by dust-gas
  separation. It is proposed that the deeper convective envelope of cooler
  stars dilutes anomalies resulting from dust-gas separation. Possible
  sites for dust formation and dust-gas separation-the dusty wind off
  the RV Tauri variable or a dusty circumbinary disk-are reviewed and
  observational tests suggested.

Title: A Uniform Analysis of Boron in F and G Disk Dwarfs fromHubble
    Space Telescope Archival Spectra
Authors: Cunha, Katia; Smith, Verne V.; Boesgaard, Ann M.; Lambert,
   David L.
2000ApJ...530..939C    Altcode:
  The boron abundance is derived for 14 near-solar metallicity F and
  G dwarfs from the archived data set of spectra obtained with the
  Hubble Space Telescope Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph in the
  region of the B I resonance line near 2497 Å. These abundances
  are derived in a uniform way with respect to recent work on solar
  boron. The synthetic spectra of the B I region were calculated by
  means of an improved linelist to fit the spectra of the stars spanning
  a range in T<SUB>eff</SUB> between 5650 and 6700 K and metallicity
  between [Fe/H]=-0.75 and +0.15. The synthetic spectra were computed
  considering all major sources of metal opacities and, in particular,
  an updated lower value of Mg I b-f opacity at 2500 Å was used in
  the calculations. Adopting Li and Be abundances from the literature,
  significant B depletions (~0.3-0.5 dex) are found only for the two stars
  with the most extreme Li depletions (&gt;=2.5 dex) and Be depletions
  (&gt;=1.5 dex), although the trend of B versus Be indicates that mild
  B depletions may exist in many of the stars. These results are in
  concordance with the Boesgaard et al. conclusion that a slow mixing
  in the outer envelope is responsible for depletions of Li, Be, and
  B. Stars with less severe Li and Be depletions exhibit roughly solar
  [B/Fe] ratios. A comparison of the boron abundances from the disk stars
  (with undepleted boron) with metal-poor halo dwarfs reveals that B is
  linearly related to Fe over the entire range of metallicities from
  [Fe/H]~-2.5 to 0.1. The B/Be ratio found for stars with near-solar
  metallicities and no Li depletion is B/Be=27+/-5, equal to the solar
  ratio (B/Be=23).

Title: CO Imaging of Late-Type Circumstellar Shells
Authors: Gustafsson, Bengt; Eriksson, Kjell; Lambert, David L.;
   Olofsson, Hans; Ryde, Nils; Schoier, Fredrik L.
2000noao.prop..293G    Altcode:
  Microwave emission lines and optical resonance lines have been used
  to image circumstellar shells on the sky. Now it is possible to
  image resonance scattering from infrared vibration-rotational carbon
  monoxide lines (see Ryde et al. A&amp; A 347, L35, 1999). Infrared CO is
  formed closer to the star than microwave CO and provides complementary
  information. Infrared CO mapping is especially powerful because many
  CO lines of differing excitation are present, allowing the extraction
  of excitation temperature and abundance from the measured column
  densities. Previous on-star observations have led to the detection
  of multiple velocity components in the CO lines, formed in different
  parts of the circumstellar shell. We have found in an earlier observing
  run with this method that the shell of CO gas around Mira (4 arcsec-10
  arcsec from the star) is spherically symmetric and homogeneous. But we
  also trace from the data a region close to the star devoid of gas or
  at least of CO (Ryde et al. ApJ, soon to be submitted). Each CO line
  can be used to image the circumstellar outflow at different stellar
  radii. Information on the velocity structure and the development of
  clumps in the flow will be extracted. The present proposal focuses on
  the study of shells around carbon stars for which we have complementary
  mm and optical data. We will furthermore for the first time map detached
  shells with this method.

Title: Model Photospheres for Late-Type Stars from the Inversion
of High-Resolution Spectroscopic Observations: Groombridge 1830 and
    ɛ Eridani
Authors: Allende Prieto, Carlos; García López, Ramón J.; Lambert,
   David L.; Ruiz Cobo, Basilio
2000ApJ...528..885A    Altcode: 1999astro.ph..7368P; 1999astro.ph..7368A
  An inversion technique to recover LTE one-dimensional model photospheres
  for late-type stars, which was previously applied to the Sun by Allende
  Prieto et al. in 1998, is now employed to reconstruct, semiempirically,
  the photospheres of cooler dwarfs: the metal-poor Groombridge 1830 and
  the active star of solar metallicity ɛ Eridani. The model atmospheres
  we find reproduce satisfactorily all the considered weak-to-moderate
  neutral lines of metals, satisfying in detail the excitation equilibrium
  of iron, the wings of strong lines, and the slope of the optical
  continuum. The retrieved models show a slightly steeper temperature
  gradient than flux-constant model atmospheres in the layers where
  logτ&lt;=-0.5. We argue that these differences should reflect missing
  ingredients in the flux-constant models and point to granular-like
  inhomogeneities as the best candidate. The iron ionization equilibrium
  is well satisfied by the model for Gmb 1830, but not for ɛ Eri, for
  which a discrepancy of 0.2 dex between the logarithmic iron abundance
  derived from neutral and singly ionized lines may signal departures from
  LTE. The chemical abundances of calcium, titanium, chromium, and iron
  derived with the empirical models from neutral lines do not differ much
  from previous analyses based on flux-constant atmospheric structures.

Title: Compositions of Highly-evolved Stars
Authors: Lambert, David L.
2000IAUJD...5E...2L    Altcode:
  Aspects of the chemical compositions of highly-evolved stars will
  be discussed. Emphasis will be placed on the more evolved stars
  - AGB and post-AGB stars. Indicators of mixing to be discussed
  will be selected from the following: Li, C,N, and O including the
  <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C ratio, and the s-process.

Title: The Interstellar Lithium Isotope Ratio Toward Per OB2
Authors: Knauth, D. C.; Ferderman, S. R.; Lambert, D. L.; Crane, P.
2000IAUS..198..338K    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Boron abundance of the Orion B-star HD 35299 : B III as a
    test of non-LTE
Authors: Lemke, M.; Cunha, K.; Lambert, D. L.
2000LIACo..35..223L    Altcode: 2000ghgc.conf..223L
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Summary
Authors: Lambert, David L.
2000IAUJD...8E...6L    Altcode:
  An attempt will be made to summarize the results presented at this
  Joint Discussion. In addition to highlighting evidence in favour of
  a particular relation between oxygen and iron abundances, remaining
  areas of dispute will be listed.

Title: Selective Depletion of Elements in Stellar Atmospheres:
    A Unified Picture?
Authors: Bakker, Eric J.; Gonzalez, Guillermo; Lambert, David L.
2000IAUS..177..523B    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The R Coronae Borealis stars - atmospheres and abundances
Authors: Asplund, M.; Gustafsson, B.; Lambert, D. L.; Rao, N. K.
2000A&A...353..287A    Altcode:
  An abundance analysis of the H-deficient and He- and C-rich R Coronae
  Borealis (R CrB) stars has been undertaken to examine the ancestry of
  the stars. The investigation is based on high-resolution spectra and
  line-blanketed H-deficient model atmospheres. The models successfully
  reproduce the flux distributions and all spectral features, both
  molecular bands and high-excitation transitions, with one important
  exception, the C i lines. Since photoionization of C i dominates
  the continuous opacity, the line strengths of C i are essentially
  independent of the adopted carbon abundance and stellar parameters. All
  predicted C i lines are, however, much too strong compared with
  observations, with a discrepancy in abundance corresponding to 0.6 dex
  with little star-to-star scatter. Various solutions of this “carbon
  problem” have been investigated. A possible solution is that classical
  model atmospheres are far from adequate descriptions of supergiants such
  as the R CrB stars. We can also not exclude completely, however, the
  possibility that the gf-values for the C i lines are in error. This is
  supported by the fact that the C ii, [C i] and C_2 lines are reproduced
  by the models with no apparent complications. In spite of the carbon
  problem, various tests suggest that abundance ratios are little affected
  by the uncertainties. Judging by chemical composition, the R CrB stars
  can be divided into a homogeneous majority group and a diverse minority,
  which is characterized by extreme abundance ratios, in particular as
  regards Si/Fe and S/Fe. All stars show evidence of H- and He-burning in
  different episodes as well as mild s-process enhancements. Four of the
  majority members are Li-rich, while overabundances of Na, Al, Si and
  S are attributes of all stars. An anti-correlation found between the
  H and Fe abundances of H-deficient stars remains unexplained. These
  enigmatic stars are believed to be born-again giants, formed either
  through a final He-shell flash in a post-AGB star or through a merger
  of two white dwarfs. Owing to a lack of theoretical predictions of
  the resulting chemical compositions, identification of the majority
  and minority groups with the two scenarios is unfortunately only
  preliminary. Furthermore, <ASTROBJ>Sakurai's object</ASTROBJ> and
  <ASTROBJ>V854 Cen</ASTROBJ> exhibit aspects of both majority and
  minority groups, which may suggest that the division into two groups
  is too simplistic.

Title: Division IV: Stars: (Etoiles)
Authors: Cram, Lawrence; Barbuy, Beatriz; Gerbaldi, Michele; Lambert,
   David; Pallavicini, Roberto; Zahn, Jean-Paul; Zinnecker, Hans
2000IAUTA..24..173C    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The 1995-96 decline of R Coronae Borealis: high-resolution
    optical spectroscopy
Authors: Kameswara Rao, N.; Lambert, David L.; Adams, Mark T.; Doss,
   David R.; Gonzalez, Guillermo; Hatzes, Artie P.; James, C. Renée;
   Johns-Krull, C. M.; Luck, R. Earle; Pandey, Gajendra; Reinsch, Klaus;
   Tomkin, Jocelyn; Woolf, Vincent M.
1999MNRAS.310..717K    Altcode: 1999astro.ph..7099R; 1999astro.ph..7099K; 1999MNRAS.310..717R
  A set of high-resolution optical spectra of R CrB acquired before,
  during and after its 1995-96 decline is discussed. All of the
  components reported from earlier declines are seen. This novel data
  set provides new information on these components including several
  aspects not previously seen in declines of R CrB and other R Coronae
  Borealis stars. In the latter category is the discovery that the
  onset of the decline is marked by distortions of absorption lines
  of high-excitation lines, and quickly followed by emission in these
  and in low-excitation lines. This `photospheric trigger' implies that
  dust causing the decline is formed close to the star. These emission
  lines fade quickly. After 1995 November 2, low-excitation narrow
  (FWHM ~12kms<SUP>-1</SUP>) emission lines remain. These appear to be
  a permanent feature, slightly blueshifted from the systemic velocity,
  and unaffected by the decline except for a late and slight decrease
  of flux at minimum light. The location of the warm dense gas providing
  these lines is uncertain. Absorption lines unaffected by overlying sharp
  emission are greatly broadened, weakened and redshifted at the faintest
  magnitudes when scattered light from the star is a greater contributor
  than direct light transmitted through the fresh soot cloud. A few broad
  lines (FWHM ~=300kms<SUP>-1</SUP>) are seen at and near minimum light
  with approximately constant flux: prominent among these are the Hei
  triplet series, Nai D and [Nii] lines. These lines are blueshifted by
  about 30kms<SUP>-1</SUP> relative to the systemic velocity, with no
  change in velocity over the several months for which the lines were
  seen. It is suggested that these lines, especially the Hei lines,
  arise from an accretion disc around an unseen compact companion which
  may be a low-mass white dwarf. If so, R CrB is similar to the unusual
  post-asymptotic giant branch star 89 Her.

Title: (Teff,log g,[Fe/H]) Classification of Low-Resolution Stellar
    Spectra using Artificial Neural Networks
Authors: Snider, Shawn; Qu, Yuan; Allende Prieto, Carlos; von Hippel,
   Ted; Beers, Timothy C.; Sneden, Chistopher; Lambert, David L.
1999astro.ph.12404S    Altcode:
  New generation large-aperture telescopes, multi-object spectrographs,
  and large format detectors are making it possible to acquire very
  large samples of stellar spectra rapidly. In this context, traditional
  star-by-star spectroscopic analysis are no longer practical. New
  tools are required that are capable of extracting quickly and with
  reasonable accuracy important basic stellar parameters coded in the
  spectra. Recent analyses of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) applied to
  the classification of astronomical spectra have demonstrated the ability
  of this concept to derive estimates of temperature and luminosity. We
  have adapted the back-propagation ANN technique developed by von
  Hippel et al. (1994) to predict effective temperatures, gravities
  and overall metallicities from spectra with resolving power ~ 2000
  and low signal-to-noise ratio. We show that ANN techniques are very
  effective in executing a three-parameter (Teff,log g,[Fe/H]) stellar
  classification. The preliminary results show that the technique is
  even capable of identifying outliers from the training sample.

Title: Spectroscopic Observations of Convective Patterns in the
    Atmospheres of Metal-poor Stars
Authors: Allende Prieto, Carlos; García López, Ramón J.; Lambert,
   David L.; Gustafsson, Bengt
1999ApJ...526..991A    Altcode: 1999astro.ph..7046A; 1999astro.ph..7046P
  Convective line asymmetries in the optical spectrum of two metal-poor
  stars, Gmb 1830 and HD 140283, are compared to those observed for solar
  metallicity stars. The line bisectors of the most metal-poor star, the
  subgiant HD 140283, show a significantly larger velocity span that the
  expectations for a solar-metallicity star of the same spectral type
  and luminosity class. The enhanced line asymmetries are interpreted
  as the signature of the lower metal content, and therefore opacity,
  in the convective photospheric patterns. These findings point out the
  importance of the three-dimensional convective velocity fields in the
  interpretation of the observed line asymmetries in metal-poor stars and,
  in particular, urge caution when deriving isotopic ratios from observed
  line shapes and shifts using one-dimensional model atmospheres. The
  mean line bisector of the photospheric atomic lines is compared with
  those measured for the strong Mg I b<SUB>1</SUB> and b<SUB>2</SUB>
  features. The upper parts of the bisectors are similar, and-assuming
  they overlap-the bottom ends of the stronger lines, which are formed
  higher in the atmosphere, go much farther to the red. This is in
  agreement with the expected decreasing of the convective blueshifts
  in upper atmospheric layers, and is compatible with the high-velocity
  redshifts observed in the chromosphere, transition region, and corona
  in late-type stars.

Title: A Consistency Test of Spectroscopic Gravities for Late-Type
Authors: Allende Prieto, Carlos; García López, Ramón J.; Lambert,
   David L.; Gustafsson, Bengt
1999ApJ...527..879A    Altcode: 1999astro.ph..7155P; 1999astro.ph..7155A
  Chemical analyses of late-type stars are usually carried out
  following the classical recipe: LTE line formation and homogeneous,
  plane-parallel, flux-constant, and LTE model atmospheres. We review
  different results in the literature that have suggested significant
  inconsistencies in the spectroscopic analyses, pointing out the
  difficulties in deriving independent estimates of the stellar
  fundamental parameters and hence, detecting systematic errors. The
  trigonometric parallaxes measured by the Hipparcos mission provide
  accurate appraisals of the stellar surface gravity for nearby
  stars, which are used here to check the gravities obtained from the
  photospheric iron ionization balance. We find an approximate agreement
  for stars in the metallicity range -1.0&lt;=[Fe/H]&lt;=0, but the
  comparison shows that the differences between the spectroscopic and
  trigonometric gravities decrease toward lower metallicities for more
  metal-deficient dwarfs (-2.5&lt;=[Fe/H]&lt;=-1.0), which casts a shadow
  upon the abundance analyses for extreme metal-poor stars that make use
  of the ionization equilibrium to constrain the gravity. The comparison
  with the strong-line gravities derived by Edvardsson and Fuhrmann
  confirms that this method provide systematically larger gravities than
  the ionization balance. The strong-line gravities get closer to the
  physical ones for the stars analyzed by Fuhrmann, but they are even
  further away than the iron ionization gravities for the stars of lower
  gravities in Edvardsson's sample. The confrontation of the deviations
  of the iron ionization gravities in metal-poor stars, reported here
  with departures from the excitation balance found in the literature,
  show that they are likely to be induced by the same physical mechanism.

Title: Optical observations of three Galactic halo stars: evidence
    for cloudlets in intermediate- and high-velocity interstellar clouds
Authors: Lehner, N.; Sembach, K. R.; Lambert, D. L.; Ryans, R. S. I.;
   Keenan, F. P.
1999A&A...352..257L    Altcode:
  Very high resolution (R ~ 160000) absorption line measurements of the
  interstellar Ca Ii K and Na I D lines and medium resolution (R ~ 50000)
  measurements of the interstellar Ti Ii (3384 Ä) line towards three
  Galactic halo stars are presented. The data have signal-to-noise
  ratios of ~ 90-240. The sightlines studied clearly show several
  intermediate-high velocity interstellar clouds with local standard
  of rest velocities in the range ~ - 40 to -110 \km. Two different
  methods have been used to analyze these data. Line profile fitting
  allows us to model multiple components for the different high-velocity
  clouds separated by only a few km. The close proximity of the lines in
  velocity space indicates that the cloudlets are related. Conversion
  of the absorption profiles to apparent optical depth profiles also
  allows us to examine the column densities and their ratios as a
  function of velocity. Variations in N(ion {Ca}{ii})/N(ion {Na}i),
  N(ion {Ca}{ii})/N(ion {Ti}{ii}) and N(ion {Ti}{ii})/N(ion {Na}i)
  with cloud velocity are discussed.

Title: Fundamental parameters of nearby stars from the comparison with
evolutionary calculations: masses, radii and effective temperatures
Authors: Allende Prieto, C.; Lambert, D. L.
1999A&A...352..555A    Altcode: 1999astro.ph.11002P; 1999astro.ph.11002A
  The Hipparcos mission has made it possible to constrain the positions
  of nearby field stars in the colour-magnitude diagram with very
  high accuracy. These positions can be compared with the predictions
  of stellar evolutionary calculations to provide information on the
  basic parameters of the stars: masses, radii, effective temperatures,
  ages, and chemical composition. The degeneracy between mass, age,
  and metallicity is not so large as to prevent a reliable estimate of
  masses, radii and effective temperatures, at least for stars of solar
  metallicity. The evolutionary models of Bertelli et al. (1994) predict
  those parameters finely, and furthermore, the applied transformation
  from the theoretical (log g- T_eff) to the observational (M_v-B-V)
  plane is precise enough to derive radii with an uncertainty of ~ 6%,
  masses within 8%, and T_effs within ~ 2% for a certain range of the
  stellar parameters. This is demonstrated by means of comparison with
  the measurements in eclipsing binaries and the InfraRed Flux Method. The
  application of the interpolation procedure in the theoretical isochrones
  to the stars within 100 pc from the Sun observed with Hipparcos
  provides estimates for 17,219 stars. Table~1 is only available in
  electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp to: cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr
  ( or via http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: The R CrB stars (Asplund+, 2000)
Authors: Asplund, M.; Gustafsson, B.; Lambert, D. L.; Rao, N. K.
1999yCat..33530287A    Altcode:
  Adopted line data, measured equivalent widths and derived elemental
  abundances for the individual lines observed in R Coronae Borealis
  and Extreme Helium stars. (2 data files).

Title: The Chemical Compositions of the SRD Variable Stars. II. WY
    Andromedae, VW Eridani, and UW Librae
Authors: Giridhar, Sunetra; Lambert, David L.; Gonzalez, Guillermo
1999PASP..111.1269G    Altcode: 1999astro.ph..7389G
  Chemical compositions are derived from high-resolution spectra for three
  stars classed as SRd variables in the General Catalogue of Variable
  Stars. These stars are shown to be metal-poor supergiants: WY And with
  [Fe/H]=-1.0, VW Eri with [Fe/H]=-1.8, and UW Lib with [Fe/H]=-1.2. Their
  compositions are identical to within the measurement errors to the
  compositions of subdwarfs, subgiants, and less evolved giants of the
  same [Fe/H]. The stars are at the tip of the first giant branch or
  in the early stages of evolution along the asymptotic giant branch
  (AGB). There is no convincing evidence that these SRd variables are
  experiencing thermal pulsing and the third dredge-up on the AGB. The
  SRd variables appear to be at the cool limit of the sequence of RV
  Tauri variables.

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: Fundamental parameters of stars
    (Allende Prieto+, 1999)
Authors: Allende Prieto, C.; Lambert, D. L.
1999yCat..33520555A    Altcode:
  The Hipparcos mission has made it possible to constrain the positions
  of nearby field stars in the colour-magnitude diagram with very
  high accuracy. These positions can be compared with the predictions
  of stellar evolutionary calculations to provide information on the
  basic parameters of the stars: masses, radii, effective temperatures,
  ages, and chemical composition. The degeneracy between mass, age,
  and metallicity is not so large as to prevent a reliable estimate
  of masses, radii and effective temperatures, at least for stars of
  solar metallicity. The evolutionary models of Bertelli et al. (1994,
  Cat. &lt;J/A+AS/106/275&gt;) predict those parameters finely,
  and furthermore, the applied transformation from the theoretical
  log(g)-T<SUB>eff</SUB> to the observational M<SUB>v</SUB>-B-V plane
  is precise enough to derive radii with an uncertainty of ~6%, masses
  within 8%, and Teffs within ~2% for a certain range of the stellar
  parameters. This is demonstrated by means of comparison with the
  measurements in eclipsing binaries and the InfraRed Flux Method. The
  application of the interpolation procedure in the theoretical isochrones
  to the stars within 100pc from the Sun observed with Hipparcos provides
  estimates for 17,219 stars included in this Table. (1 data file).

Title: Physical Conditions in the Photodissociation Regions of Two
Reflection Nebulae: NGC 2023 and vdB 102
Authors: Knauth, D. C.; Federman, S. R.; Lambert, D. L.
1999AAS...19410904K    Altcode:
  We obtained high resolution optical spectra of the illuminating stars
  in two reflection nebulae, NGC 2023 and vdB 102. Such observations probe
  the photodissociation regions (PDRs) in front of the stars. Ground-based
  measurements of the atoms, Na I and K I, and the molecules, CH, CN,
  and C_2, were analyzed to extract the physical conditions present
  in each PDR. Estimates of the gas density, gas temperature and flux
  of ultraviolet radiation were derived and compared with the results
  from infrared and radio studies. The conditions derived are similar to
  those found in these previous studies. The foreground material is less
  dense than the gas in the molecular cloud behind the star(s). The gas
  temperature was set at 30 K since the temperature had a negligible
  effect on the chemistry and since this is the temperature inferred
  for the foreground PDR toward HD 200775, the illuminating source
  of NGC 7023. The flux of ultraviolet radiation was found to be less
  intense than in the molecular material. The columns of Na I and K I
  were reproduced when the extinction curve for the line of sight was
  adopted. Future studies should include the effects of the specific
  extinction curve when modeling reflection nebulae and their associated
  photodissociation regions.

Title: Rubidium in Metal-deficient Disk and Halo Stars
Authors: Tomkin, Jocelyn; Lambert, David L.
1999ApJ...523..234T    Altcode: 1999astro.ph..5164T
  We report the first extensive study of stellar Rb
  abundances. High-resolution spectra have been used to determine, or set
  upper limits on, the abundances of this heavy element and the associated
  elements Y, Zr, and Ba in 44 dwarfs and giants with metallicities
  spanning the range -2.0&lt;[Fe/H]&lt;0.0. In metal-deficient stars
  Rb is systematically overabundant relative to Fe; we find an average
  [Rb/Fe] of +0.21 for the 32 stars with [Fe/H]&lt;-0.5 and measured
  Rb. This behavior contrasts with that of Y, Zr, and Ba, which, with
  the exception of three new CH stars (HD 23439A and B and BD +5°3640),
  are consistently slightly deficient relative to Fe in the same stars;
  excluding the three CH stars, we find that the stars with [Fe/H]&lt;-0.5
  have average [Y/Fe], [Zr/Fe], and [Ba/Fe] of -0.19 (24 stars), -0.12
  (28 stars), and -0.06 (29 stars), respectively. The different behavior
  of Rb on the one hand and Y, Zr, and Ba on the other can be attributed
  in part to the fact that in the Sun and in these stars Rb has a large
  r-process component while Y, Zr, and Ba are mostly s-process elements
  with only small r-process components. In addition, the Rb s-process
  abundance is dependent on the neutron density at the s-processing
  site. Published observations of Rb in s-process enriched red giants
  indicate a higher neutron density in the metal-poor giants. These
  observations imply a higher s-process abundance for Rb in metal-poor
  stars. The calculated combination of the Rb r-process abundance, as
  estimated for the stellar Eu abundances, and the s-process abundance,
  as estimated for red giants, accounts satisfactorily for the observed
  run of [Rb/Fe] with [Fe/H].

Title: Isotopic lithium abundances in five metal-poor disk stars
Authors: Nissen, P. E.; Lambert, D. L.; Primas, F.; Smith, V. V.
1999A&A...348..211N    Altcode: 1999astro.ph..6306N
  High resolution (R =~ 110 000), very high S/N spectra centered on the
  6707.8 Ä Li I line have been obtained with the ESO Coudé Echelle
  Spectrometer for five, metal-poor (-0.8 &lt; [Fe/H] &lt; -0.6) disk
  stars in the turnoff region of the HR-diagram. The instrumental
  and stellar atmospheric line broadening have been determined from
  two unblended iron lines and used in a model atmosphere synthesis
  of the profile of the Li I line as a function of the lithium
  isotope ratio. This has led to a detection of \element[][6]{Li}
  in <ASTROBJ>HD 68284</ASTROBJ> and <ASTROBJ>HD 130551</ASTROBJ>
  with element [][6]{Li}/element [][7]{Li} =~ 0.05, whereas the other
  stars, <ASTROBJ>HR 2883</ASTROBJ>, <ASTROBJ>HR 3578</ASTROBJ> and
  <ASTROBJ>HR 8181</ASTROBJ>, have \element[][6]{Li}/\element[][7]{Li}
  close to zero. By comparing T_eff -values and absolute magnitudes
  based on Hipparcos parallaxes with recent stellar evolutionary tracks,
  the masses of the stars have been derived. It is shown that the two
  stars with \element[][6]{Li} present have a significantly higher
  mass, {cal M}/{cal M}_⊙ =~ 1.05, than the other three stars for
  which values between 0.85 and 1.0 {cal M}_⊙ are obtained. The
  results are discussed in terms of models for the galactic evolution
  of the light elements and depletion of the lithium isotopes in
  stellar envelopes. It is shown that the measured \element[][6]{Li}
  abundances are in agreement with standard cosmic ray production of
  \element[][6]{Li} in the galactic disk and a moderate depletion (0.5
  dex) in the stars. Recent models for the evolution of \element[][6]{Li}
  including alpha + alpha fusion reactions and predicting a high lithium
  isotopic ratio, element [][6]{Li}/element [][7]{Li} =~ 0.3 at [Fe/H]
  = -0.6, require a high degree of \element[][6]{Li} depletion ( =~
  1.0 dex) to fit the observations. Furthermore, these models imply
  a \element[][7]{Li} abundance about 0.2 dex higher than observed
  for metal-poor disk stars. Based on observations carried out at the
  European Southern Observatory, La Silla, Chile

Title: Mercury Elemental and Isotopic Abundances in Mercury-Manganese
Authors: Woolf, Vincent M.; Lambert, David L.
1999ApJ...521..414W    Altcode:
  Hg II abundances have been determined for 42 mercury-manganese (HgMn)
  stars by fitting synthetic spectra to observed spectra of the 3984
  Å Hg II line. Twenty of the stars had lines sharp enough to allow
  their Hg isotopic abundance mixes to be estimated. The Hg abundance is
  reported for more HgMn stars here than in any other single work. No
  correlation was found between Hg II abundance and T<SUB>eff</SUB>
  or the mean central wavelength of HgMn λ3984 stars. The mean
  central wavelength of λ3984 , an indicator of the Hg isotopic mix,
  is loosely correlated with T<SUB>eff</SUB>: stars with primarily
  heavy Hg isotopes tend to be cooler, although one star, 46 Aql,
  has almost pure <SUP>204</SUP>Hg and T<SUB>eff</SUB> in about the
  middle of the temperature range for HgMn stars. We find that there
  is no evidence that any of the HgMn stars have <SUP>196</SUP>Hg or
  <SUP>198</SUP>Hg. For the very sharp-lined stars, the <SUP>204</SUP>Hg
  abundance decreases with increasing T<SUB>eff</SUB>. No correlation is
  seen between the mean central wavelength and the surface gravity. No
  correlation was found between the projected rotational velocity and
  the Hg II abundance or the central wavelength of λ3984, although
  this result may be biased by the selection of stars with low reported
  vsini. Hg I λ4358 was measured at high spectral resolution for seven
  HgMn stars. The isotopic shifts are too small, and the hyperfine
  components are too weak to allow unambiguous isotopic abundance
  ratios to be found. Hg I abundances correlate fairly well with
  Hg II abundances. Some of the Hg isotopic mixtures are difficult
  to explain using only diffusion. HR 7245 has approximately equal
  abundances of <SUP>199</SUP>Hg, <SUP>200</SUP>Hg, <SUP>202</SUP>Hg,
  and <SUP>204</SUP>Hg but very little <SUP>201</SUP>Hg, and 11 Per has
  Hg that is mostly <SUP>199</SUP>Hg and <SUP>204</SUP>Hg. Calculations
  show that hyperfine splitting of <SUP>201</SUP>Hg changes the radiative
  forces it feels compared with other isotopes, which may alter diffusion
  of that isotope enough to explain its absence in HR 7245, but we
  have found no possible explanation for the Hg isotopic mix found in
  11 Per. These are the first very high resolution measurements of Hg
  II λ3984 for HR 7245 and 11 Per. Although diffusion may be acting
  in HgMn stars, either there are one or more other mechanisms acting
  to help produce the overabundances and isotopic mixtures seen or our
  understanding of diffusion is lacking on some important point.

Title: Preliminary results on the circumstellar envelopes of alpha
    ORI and R Leo from CO 4.6 micron line emission
Authors: Ryde, N.; Gustafsson, B.; Hinkle, K. H.; Eriksson, K.;
   Lambert, D. L.; Olofsson, H.
1999A&A...347L..35R    Altcode:
  CO 4.6 mu m vibration-rotational lines are detected in fluorescent
  emission from the inner regions of the Betelgeuse (<ASTROBJ>alpha
  Orionis</ASTROBJ>) and <ASTROBJ>R Leonis</ASTROBJ> stellar winds. The
  spatially and spectrally resolved 1-0 R(1), R(2), and R(3) line profiles
  are found to be highly useful probes of circumstellar shells. The
  current data sample only a few regions of the circumstellar shells of
  the program stars. However, now it should be possible to obtain envelope
  maps and absolute flux estimates, allowing new independent estimates
  of mass loss rates. This will open up new possibilities in the study
  of the structure and dynamics of stellar winds around red giants. The
  temperature 4arcsec away from alpha Ori is found to be 38(+6}_{-5} {K)
  . For R Leo the temperature 4arcsec North is derived to be 24(+3}_{-2}
  {K) and 4arcsec South 35(+7}_{-4} {K) .

Title: Intereclipse Spectroscopic Snapshot of epsilon Aurigae with
    the Hubble Space Telescope
Authors: Sheffer, Yaron; Lambert, David L.
1999PASP..111..829S    Altcode: 1999astro.ph..5129S
  A single-epoch low-resolution Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph
  spectrum of the eclipsing binary epsilon Aurigae was obtained
  while the secondary was orbiting toward eclipse by the primary. The
  spectrum as recorded between 1175 and 1461 Å is rich with emission and
  absorption lines which include stellar and interstellar components. The
  emission-line profiles have the appearance of double-peaked emission
  with a stronger red component at a radial velocity of +108 km s^-1, an
  overlying unresolved absorption component at -20 km s^-1, and a weaker
  blue emission bump at ~-92 km s^-1. We compare these observational
  results with known orbital properties of the epsilon Aur binary system
  and propose that the emission originates at the inner radius of the disk
  surrounding the enigmatic secondary. We interpret the kinematic data
  as a possible means to uncover the underlying stellar masses, and we
  speculate about the binary's relationship to other “high-mass” models.

Title: The Boron Abundance of the Orion G-Dwarf Member BD -05°1317
Authors: Cunha, Katia; Smith, Verne V.; Lambert, David L.
1999ApJ...519..844C    Altcode:
  The boron abundance is derived for the young Orion solar-type member
  BD -05°1317 from Hubble Space Telescope Goddard High Resolution
  Spectrograph spectra of the B I resonance lines near 2497 Å. The
  abundance of logɛ(B)=2.1+/-0.2 is ~0.6-0.7 dex below solar. As this
  young pre-main-sequence star has an undepleted lithium abundance,
  such a low boron abundance in a near-solar metallicity star is
  unexpected. No simple explanation apparently accounts for the low boron
  abundance observed for this star. A comparison of the boron and oxygen
  abundances in BD -05°1317 with those of other near-solar metallicity
  disk stars suggests that there might be a large scatter (~0.8 dex)
  in the boron abundance at a given oxygen abundance. Such a scatter
  also has been reported in the literature for beryllium at a given
  metallicity. <P />Based on observations obtained with the NASA/ESA
  Hubble Space Telescope through Space Telescope Science Institute,
  which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in
  Astronomy, Inc., under NASA contract NAS-5-26555.

Title: Three Very Young HGMN Stars in the Orion OB1 Association
Authors: Woolf, Vincent M.; Lambert, David L.
1999ApJ...520L..55W    Altcode: 1999astro.ph..5233W
  We report the detection of three mercury-manganese stars in the Orion
  OB1 association. HD 37886 and BD -0°984 are in the approximately
  1.7 million year old Orion OB1b. HD 37492 is in the approximately 4.6
  million year old Orion OB1c. Orion OB1b is now the youngest cluster
  with known HgMn star members. This places an observational upper limit
  on the timescale needed to produce the chemical peculiarities seen
  in mercury-manganese stars, which should help in the search for the
  cause or causes of the peculiar abundances in HgMn and other chemically
  peculiar upper main-sequence stars.

Title: Further Evidence for Chemical Fractionation from Ultraviolet
    Observations of Interstellar Carbon Monoxide
Authors: Federman, S. R.; Lambert, David L.; Sheffer, Yaron; Cardelli,
   Jason A.; Andersson, B. -G.; van Dishoeck, Ewine F.; Zsargo, J.
1999AAS...194.7109F    Altcode: 1999BAAS...31Q.944F
  Ultraviolet absorption from interstellar (12) CO and (13) CO was
  detected toward rho Oph A and chi Oph. The measurements were obtained
  at medium resolution with the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph
  on the Hubble Space Telescope. Equivalent widths were converted into
  column densities through the use of f-values from Chan et al. (1993,
  Chem. Phys., 170, 123). Column density ratios, N((12) CO)/N((13) CO),
  of 125 +/- 23 and 117 +/- 35 were derived for the sight lines toward
  rho Oph A and chi Oph, respectively. A value of 1000 +/- 500 for
  the ratio N((12) C(16) O)/N((12) C(18) O) toward rho Oph A was also
  obtained. These ratios are larger than the isotopic ratios for carbon
  and oxygen appropriate for the ambient material. Since for both carbon
  and oxygen the more abundant isotopic variant is enhanced, selective
  isotope photodissociation plays the key role in the fractionation
  process. The enhancement arises because the more abundant variant has
  lines that are more optically thick, resulting in more self shielding
  from dissociating radiation. A simple argument involving the amount
  of self shielding (from N((12) CO)) and the strength of the UV field
  permeating the gas (from the amount of vibrationally excited H_2 seen
  in our spectra) shows that selective isotope photodissociation does
  control the fractionation seen in these two sight lines, as well as
  the sight line to zeta Oph.

Title: The rapid evolution of the born-again giant Sakurai's object
Authors: Asplund, M.; Lambert, D. L.; Kipper, T.; Pollacco, D.;
   Shetrone, M. D.
1999A&A...343..507A    Altcode: 1998astro.ph.11208A
  The extraordinarily rapid evolution of the born-again giant Sakurai's
  object following discovery in 1996 has been investigated. The
  evolution can be traced both in a continued cooling of the stellar
  surface and dramatic changes in chemical composition on a timescale
  of a mere few months. The abundance alterations are the results
  of the mixing and nuclear reactions which have ensued due to the
  final He-shell flash which occurred during the descent along the
  white dwarf cooling track. The observed changes in the H and Li
  abundances can be explained by ingestion and burning of the H-rich
  envelope and Li-production through the Cameron-Fowler mechanism. The
  rapidly increasing abundances of the light s-elements (including Sc)
  are consistent with current s-processing by neutrons released from
  the concomitantly produced (13) C. However, the possibility that the
  s-elements have previously been synthesized during the AGB-phase and
  only mixed to the surface in connection with the final He-shell flash
  in the pre-white dwarf cannot be convincingly ruled out either. Since
  Sakurai's object shows substantial abundance similarities with the R
  CrB stars and has recently undergone R CrB-like visual fading events,
  the “birth” of an R CrB star may have been witnessed for the first
  time ever. Sakurai's object thus lends strong support for the suggestion
  that at least some of the R CrB stars have been formed through a final
  He-shell flash in a post-AGB star.

Title: The spectrum of the cool R Coronae Borealis variable Z Ursae
    Minoris at minimum
Authors: Goswami, A.; Rao, N. K.; Lambert, D. L.
1999Obs...119...22G    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Observation and Analysis of High-Resolution Optical Line
    Profiles in Comet Hyakutake (C/1996 B2)
Authors: Combi, M. R.; Cochran, A. L.; Cochran, W. D.; Lambert, D. L.;
   Johns-Krull, C. M.
1999ApJ...512..961C    Altcode:
  Very high resolution (R~200,000) and high signal-to-noise echelle
  spectra were obtained of comet Hyakutake (C/1996 B2) using the 2D coudé
  spectrograph on the 2.7 m telescope at W. J. McDonald Observatory during
  1996 in late March and early April. Doppler resolved profiles are
  presented for individual lines of the major optical neutral species:
  CN, C<SUB>2</SUB>, NH<SUB>2</SUB>, O(<SUP>1</SUP>D) at 6300 Å,
  and H Balmer-α at 6563 Å. They are consistent with the expected
  expansion of a water-dominated cometary coma. Because of the small
  aperture and the small geocentric distance of the comet, the profiles
  of CN, C<SUB>2</SUB>, and NH<SUB>2</SUB> are totally shaped by the
  outflowing hydrodynamic coma. The NH<SUB>2</SUB> is the narrowest of
  the group because of the very short lifetime of the NH<SUB>2</SUB>
  parent (NH<SUB>3</SUB>). The profile of C<SUB>2</SUB> is somewhat
  broadened, compared with NH<SUB>2</SUB>, because of the relatively
  larger contribution of C<SUB>2</SUB> radicals farther from the nucleus
  where the bulk outflow speed is larger. Any exothermic ejection
  speed they receive upon their production would be quenched. Although
  the profile of CN is broader than C<SUB>2</SUB>, this is due to the
  fact that most of the CN lines are blends of two closely spaced but
  nearly equal strength components. Because O(<SUP>1</SUP>D) atoms in
  the region samples are produced mainly by the photodissociation of
  water which results in a prompt emission photon, the line retains
  contributions of both the basic coma expansion velocity and the 1.6
  km s<SUP>-1</SUP> exothermal ejection speed of the O(<SUP>1</SUP>D)
  atoms. The H Balmer-α line is complicated by a chance coincidence
  of a line of H<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUP>+</SUP> and/or NH<SUB>2</SUB> and by
  optical depth effects in solar Lyβ which are primarily responsible
  for the Balmer-α excitation. However, the width of the line wings is
  consistent with other comet observations, including Hyakutake itself,
  and the production by dissociation of H<SUB>2</SUB>O and OH and partial
  thermalization. We have successfully reproduced these data using a
  hybrid kinetic/hydrodynamic and Monte Carlo approach which include the
  important physical/chemical processes which can shape the spectral
  lines. Because the model includes no adjustable fitting parameters,
  the model-data agreement indicates that the underlying assumptions
  and calculated coma outflow speeds are quite reasonable.

Title: DZ Andromedae : A search for the spectral evidence of its
    possible RCB nature
Authors: Goswami, Aruna; Kameswara Rao, N.; Lambert, David L.
1999BASI...27..129G    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Sodium in Faint Stars of NGC 6752
Authors: Briley, M. M.; Smith, V. V.; Suntzeff, N. B.; Bell, R. A.;
   Hesser, J. E.; Lambert, D. L.; Smith, G. H.
1999AAS...19312407B    Altcode: 1999BAAS...31Q.669B
  Spectra of the Na I D-lines in two subgiant stars (M<SUB>V</SUB>
  +2.2) of the globular cluster NGC 6752 are presented. These stars
  are of similar brightness and color and are known to possess differing
  abundances of C and N at their surfaces. Our spectra show that they also
  exhibit differences in Na I line strengths, with abundance differences
  of Δ [Na/Fe] = 0.3. The Na abundances correlate with CN band strength,
  as is also the case for the more luminous NGC 6752 members. This result
  requires the mechanism responsible for a significant component of the Na
  differences (as well as the C and N variations) observed in the bright
  giants to be in operation before the NGC 6752 stars evolve appreciably
  up the red giant branch. Additional spectra of three main-sequence stars
  (M<SUB>V</SUB> = +5.8) further suggest these abundance differences
  are actually in place well below the main-sequence turn-off.

Title: Physical conditions in the photodissociation regions of two
reflection nebulae: NGC 2023 and vdB 102.
Authors: Knauth, D. C.; Federman, S. R.; Lambert, D. L.
1999BAAS...31R1243K    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Convection in Metal-Poor Stars as Traced from Spectral Line
Authors: Allende Prieto, C.; Asplund, M.; García López, R. J.;
   Gustafsson, B.; Lambert, D. L.
1999ASPC..173..205A    Altcode: 1999sstt.conf..205A
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Neural Network Techniques Applied to Low Resolution Spectra
    of Halo Stars
Authors: Qu, Y.; Snider, S.; von Hippel, T.; Sneden, C.; Lambert,
   D. L.; Beers, T. C.; Rossi, S.
1998AAS...193.4409Q    Altcode: 1998BAAS...30.1316Q
  Recent large surveys of Galactic halo stars have uncovered kinematically
  and chemically diverse substructures that contain vital clues to the
  early evolution of the Galaxy. As extant spectroscopic sample sizes
  grow into the thousands, traditional star-by-star chemical composition
  analyses simply will not be able to keep pace. New analytical tools
  must be found that can attack the large spectroscopic databases
  in a partially or fully automated fashion (thus providing useful
  astrophysical data nearly in “real-time") without sacrificing
  information content. Here, for a variety of halo-population stars,
  we present preliminary results of applying an artificial neural
  network code to low resolution (Requiv lambda /delta lambda ~ 2000)
  spectra in the wavelength range 3800--5000 Angstroms. We have adapted
  the back-propogation neural network technique originally devised
  for stellar spectral classification (von Hippel et al. 1994, MNRAS,
  269, 97) to predict effective temperatures, gravities, and overall
  metallicities from spectra that are being gathered by Beers and
  colleagues (e.g. 1992, AJ, 103, 1987). First results demonstrate that
  with properly trained neural networks, the T_eff and [Fe/H] values
  may be predicted to typically +/-50K and +/-0.2 dex, respectively,
  for stars with well-determined parameters from the literature. We will
  discuss these trends, as well as additional studies of the application
  to log g predictions, and experiments that focus in on individual
  abundance ratios (principally [C/Fe], [Ba/Fe], and [Sr/Fe]).

Title: Abundance Analyses of Field RV Tauri Stars. IV. AD Aquilae,
    DS Aquarii, V360 Cygni, AC Herculis, and V453 Ophiuchi
Authors: Giridhar, Sunetra; Lambert, David L.; Gonzalez, Guillermo
1998ApJ...509..366G    Altcode:
  Abundance analyses are presented and discussed for five RV Tauri
  variables. Three stars--DS Aqr, V360 Cyg, and V453 Oph--are RV C stars
  by spectroscopic classification, i.e., metal lines are weak. They
  are shown to be metal poor with [Fe/H] from -1.0 to -2.2 with normal
  relative abundances of other elements. By contrast, AD Aql and AC Her
  are RV B stars with an odd abundance pattern: elements that condense
  into grains at a high temperatures are underabundant (i.e., [Fe/H]
  = -2.1 for AD Aql) but elements with a low condensation temperatures
  are much less underabundant (i.e., [S/H] = 0.0 and [Zn/H] = -0.1 for
  AD Aql). This abundance pattern is ascribed to a separation of dust
  and gas in the upper atmosphere of the star. The present analyses with
  previously published results are used to investigate the systematics
  of the dust-gas separation in RV Tauri variables. The process is
  apparently inoperative in stars with an initial metallicity of about
  [Fe/H] &lt;~ -1.0 RV C stars and similar variables in globular clusters
  are immune to the dust-gas separation. The process achieves more severe
  effects in RV B than in RV A stars. The strength of the abundance
  anomalies attributed to dust-gas separation is not correlated with
  reported infrared excesses. After correction for the effects of the
  dust-gas separation, there is no strong evidence from the abundances
  that evolution along the AGB and experience of the third dredge-up
  preceded the formation of the majority of the RV Tauri variables.

Title: Ultra High Resolution Spectroscopy of K I and CA II in B5
Authors: Andersson, B. -G.; Wannier, P. G.; Lambert, D. L.
1998AAS...193.6508A    Altcode: 1998BAAS...30.1341A
  We present ultrahigh resolution spectroscopic observations of K I
  (R=350,000) and Ca II (R=130,000) towards stars in the molecular cloud
  B5. Even though this is a kinematically simple sightline, intersecting
  only one molecular cloud, the lineshapes are still complex. Further,
  the relative velocity structure between tracers, such as mm-wave CO,
  21cm HI and optical absorption lines show significant offsets. We show
  decompositions of the optical lines and discuss the variation in the
  column density ratios K I/Ca II for the resolved velocity components.

Title: The Circumstellar Shell of the
Post-Asymptotic Giant Branch Star HD 56126:
    <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>13</SUP>C Isotope
    Ratio and <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>16</SUP>O Column Density
Authors: Bakker, Eric J.; Lambert, David L.
1998ApJ...508..387B    Altcode: 1998astro.ph..4231B
  We have made the first detection of circumstellar absorption lines
  of the <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>13</SUP>C A <SUP>1</SUP>Π<SUB>u</SUB>-X
  <SUP>1</SUP>Σ<SUP>+</SUP><SUB>g</SUB> (Phillips) system 1-0 band
  and the <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>16</SUP>O X <SUP>1</SUP>Σ<SUP>+</SUP>
  first-overtone 2-0 band in the spectrum of the post-AGB star HD 56126
  (IRAS 07134+1005). All current detections of circumstellar molecular
  absorption lines toward HD 56126 (<SUP>12</SUP>C<SUB>2</SUB>,
  <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>13</SUP>C, <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>14</SUP>N,
  <SUP>13</SUP>C<SUP>14</SUP>N, and <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>16</SUP>O)
  yield the same heliocentric velocity of V<SUB>CSE</SUB> =
  77.6 +/- 0.4 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. The <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUB>2</SUB>,
  <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>13</SUP>C, and <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>16</SUP>O lines
  give rotational temperatures and integrated column densities of
  T<SUB>rot</SUB> = 328 +/- 37 K, log N<SUB>int</SUB> = 15.34 +/- 0.10
  cm<SUP>-2</SUP>, T<SUB>rot</SUB> = 256 +/- 30 K, log N<SUB>int</SUB> =
  13.79 +/- 0.12 cm<SUP>-2</SUP>, and T<SUB>rot</SUB> = 51 +/- 37 K, log
  N<SUB>int</SUB> = 18.12 +/- 0.13 cm<SUP>-2</SUP>, respectively. The
  rotational temperatures are lower for molecules with a higher
  permanent dipole moment. Derived relative column densities ratios
  are <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUB>2</SUB>/<SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>13</SUP>C = 36 +/-
  13 and <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>16</SUP>O/(<SUP>12</SUP>C<SUB>2</SUB>
  + <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>13</SUP>C) = 606 +/- 230. Combined with
  data from a previous paper, we find relative column densities
  of <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>16</SUP>O/(<SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>14</SUP>N
  + <SUP>13</SUP>C<SUP>14</SUP>N) = 475 +/- 175 and
  = 38 +/- 2. Under chemical equilibrium conditions,
  <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>13</SUP>C is formed twice as easily as
  <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUB>2</SUB>. The isotopic exchange reaction for
  <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUB>2</SUB> is too slow to significantly alter
  the <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUB>2</SUB>/<SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>13</SUP>C
  ratio, and the <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUB>2</SUB> to
  <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>13</SUP>C ratio is a good measure of half
  the carbon isotope ratio: <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C = 2
  × <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUB>2</SUB>/<SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>13</SUP>C =
  72 +/- 26. This is in agreement with our prediction that the
  isotopic exchange reaction for <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>14</SUP>N
  is efficient and our observation in Paper III of
  <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>14</SUP>N/<SUP>13</SUP>C<SUP>14</SUP>N = 38 +/-
  2. A fit of the C<SUB>2</SUB> excitation model of van Dishoeck &amp;
  Black to the relative population distribution of C<SUB>2</SUB>
  yields n<SUB>c</SUB> σ/I = 3.3 +/- 1.0 × 10<SUP>-14</SUP>. At r
  ~= 10<SUP>16</SUP> cm, this translates into n<SUB>c</SUB> = 1.7
  × 10<SUP>7</SUP> cm<SUP>-3</SUP> and Ṁ~=2.5×10<SUP>-4</SUP>
  M<SUB>⊙</SUB> yr<SUP>-1</SUP>.

Title: Spectra of Cool Stars in the J Band (1.0-1.3 μm) at Medium
Authors: Joyce, Richard R.; Hinkle, Kenneth H.; Wallace, Lloyd;
   Dulick, Michael; Lambert, David L.
1998AJ....116.2520J    Altcode:
  A spectroscopic survey of 103 cool S-, C-, and M-type stars was
  undertaken with the Kitt Peak cryogenic spectrograph on the 1.3 m
  telescope to make a detailed search for new molecular bands in the
  1.0-1.3 μm J-band region. While the spectra have high signal-to-noise
  ratios and good repeatability, no strong new features were found. Higher
  resolution spectra of a small sample of representative stars observed
  with the 4 m Fourier transform spectrometer were invoked in order
  to identify the features in these spectra. With few exceptions, the
  details of these spectra are well understood. Laboratory spectra were
  obtained to aid in the identification of some weak features. Spectral
  features from dominant lines of Ti, Fe, Al, Si, Mn, Na, and K, and
  molecular bands due to TiO, TiS, ZrO, ZrS, VO, H_2O, and CN, have been
  identified in the spectra. Several weak unidentified bands are found.

Title: Isotopic Lithium Abundances in Nine Halo Stars
Authors: Smith, Verne V.; Lambert, David L.; Nissen, Poul E.
1998ApJ...506..405S    Altcode:
  High-resolution echelle spectra of the 6707.8 Å Li I absorption line
  in spectra of metal-poor halo dwarfs and subgiants are analyzed for
  the isotopic fractions of <SUP>6</SUP>Li and <SUP>7</SUP>Li. Positive
  detections of <SUP>6</SUP>Li are reported for two stars, HD 84937 and
  BD +26° 3578, and tight upper limits to the <SUP>6</SUP>Li fraction
  are obtained for an additional seven stars. Two stars, HD 116064 and
  BD +26° 2606, were found to be double-lined spectroscopic binaries
  and were rejected from the analysis. Elemental Li abundances were also
  derived for the nine program stars: the Li abundance is identical across
  the sample (excluding the spectroscopic binaries) to within +/-0.04 dex
  in log ɛ(Li). Two processes involving high-energy particles (cosmic
  rays) are considered as origins of the <SUP>6</SUP>Li: spallation
  reactions (e.g., O + p --&gt; <SUP>6</SUP>Li) and α-α fusion
  reactions. The contribution of spallation reactions may be assessed
  empirically using the published Be and B abundances. The observed
  <SUP>6</SUP>Li/Be ratio is significantly in excess of that expected
  from spallation. In view of the fact that the surface <SUP>6</SUP>Li
  abundance has almost certainly been somewhat depleted by exposure to
  warm protons, the conclusion is that α-α reactions produced most
  of the observed <SUP>6</SUP>Li. Consequences of this conclusion are
  sketched. <P />Based on observations carried out at the European
  Southern Observatory, La Silla, Chile, and McDonald Observatory,
  University of Texas.

Title: Is DZ Andromedae an R Coronae Borealis variable?
Authors: Goswami, A.; Rao, N. K.; Lambert, D. L.
1998Obs...118..213G    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Spectra of Cool Stars in the J Band (1.0-1.3 micrometer)
    at Medium Resolution
Authors: Joyce, Richard R.; Hinkle, Kenneth H.; Wallace, Lloyd;
   Dulick, Michael; Lambert, David L.
1998STIN...9917985J    Altcode:
  A spectroscopic survey of 103 cool S-, C-, and M-type stars was
  undertaken with the Kitt Peak cryogenic spectrograph (CRSP) on the
  1.3-m telescope to make a detailed search for new molecular bands
  in the 1.0-1.3 micrometer J-band region. While the spectra have
  high signal-to-noise (S/N) and good repeatability, no strong new
  features were found. Higher-resolution spectra of a small sample
  of representative stars observed with the 4-m Fourier transform
  spectrometer (FTS) were invoked in order to identify the features
  in these spectra. With few exceptions, the details of these spectra
  are well understood. Laboratory spectra were obtained to aid in
  the identification of some weak features. Spectral features from
  dominant lines of Ti, Fe, Al, Si, Mn, Na, and K, and molecular bands
  due to TiO, TiS, ZrO, ZrS, VO, H2O, and CN have been identified in
  the spectra. Several weak unidentified bands are found.

Title: Spectral variability of the binary HR 4049
Authors: Bakker, Eric J.; Lambert, David L.; Van Winckel, Hans;
   McCarthy, James K.; Waelkens, Christoffel; Gonzalez, Guillermo
1998A&A...336..263B    Altcode: 1998astro.ph..2120B
  The C I, Na I D, and Hα lines of the post-AGB binary HR 4049 have
  been studied. Na I D variability results from a photospheric absorption
  component ([Na/H]=-1.6+/-0.2) which follows the velocity of the primary
  and a stationary, non-photospheric component. An emission component
  is attributed to the circumbinary disc, and an absorption component
  to mass-loss from the system with a velocity of 5.3+/-0.5 km s(-1)
  . The Hα profile varies with the orbital period. The two strong shell
  type emission peaks are identified as from one single broad emission
  feature with an absorption centered around -7.5 km s(-1) . The intensity
  variations are largely attributed to a differential amount of reddening
  towards the Hα emitting region and the stellar continuum. The radial
  velocities suggest that the Hα emission moves in phase with the
  primary, but with a slightly lower velocity amplitude. From this we
  infer that the Hα emission comes from outside the orbit of the primary,
  but still gravitationally bound to the primary. Hα also shows a weak
  emission feature at -21.3+/-3.5 km s(-1) , which originates from the
  circumbinary disc and a weak absorption feature at -7.5+/-1.6 km s(-1)
  due to absorption by the circumbinary disc. We propose two competing
  models that could account for the observed velocity and intensity
  variations of the Hα profile. Model I: light from the primary reflects
  on a localized spot near the inner radius of the circumbinary disc
  which is closest to the primary. Model II: Hα emission originates
  in the outer layers of the extended atmosphere of the primary due to
  activity. These activities are locked to the position of the primary
  in its orbit. We discuss the similarities of variability and shape of
  the Hα emission of HR 4049 with those of early type T-Tauri stars
  (e.g SU Aur). Based on observations obtained at the McDonald, ESO,
  CTIO, and La Palma observatories.

Title: The Circumstellar Shell of the Post-Asymptotic Giant Branch
Star HD 56126: The <SUP>12</SUP>CN/<SUP>13</SUP>CN Isotope Ratio
    and Fractionation
Authors: Bakker, Eric J.; Lambert, David L.
1998ApJ...502..417B    Altcode: 1997astro.ph.11173B
  We have detected circumstellar absorption lines of the <SUP>12</SUP>CN
  and <SUP>13</SUP>CN violet and red system in the spectrum of
  the post-AGB star HD 56126. From a synthetic spectrum analysis,
  we derive a Doppler broadening parameter of b = 0.51 +/- 0.04
  km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, <SUP>12</SUP>CN/<SUP>13</SUP>CN = 38 +/- 2,
  and a lower limit of 2000 on <SUP>12</SUP>CN/<SUP>14</SUP>CN and
  <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>14</SUP>N/<SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>15</SUP>N. A simple
  chemical model has been computed of the circumstellar shell surrounding
  HD 56126 that takes into account the gas-phase ion-molecule reaction
  between CN and C<SUP>+</SUP>. From this we infer that this reaction
  leads to isotopic fractionation of CN. Taking into account the isotopic
  exchange reaction and the observed <SUP>12</SUP>CN/<SUP>13</SUP>CN,
  we find <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C ~ 67 (for T<SUB>kin</SUB> = 25
  K). Our analysis suggests that <SUP>12</SUP>CN has a somewhat higher
  rotational temperature than <SUP>13</SUP>CN: T<SUB>rot</SUB> = 11.5
  +/- 0.6 and 8.0 +/- 0.6 K, respectively. We identify possible causes
  for this difference in excitation temperature, among which is the N"
  dependence of the isotopic exchange reaction.

Title: The Chemical Compositions of the SRd Variable Stars. I. XY
    Aquarii, RX Cephei, AB Leonis, and SV Ursae Majoris
Authors: Giridhar, Sunetra; Lambert, David L.; Gonzalez, Guillermo
1998PASP..110..671G    Altcode:
  Chemical compositions are derived from high-resolution spectra for four
  stars classed as SRd variables in the General Catalogue of Variable
  Stars. Two stars-XY Aquarii and RX Cephei-are of solar metallicity
  and most likely not variable stars. Their spectroscopic effective
  temperatures and surface gravities correspond to the spectral types G0
  V for XY Aqr and G8 III for RX Cep. Two stars are undisputed variables
  and shown here to be metal-poor supergiants: AB Leonis with [Fe/H]
  ~=-1.6 and SV Ursae Majoris with [Fe/H] ~=-1.4. The metallicities and
  high radial velocities show them to be halo stars.

Title: Boron in Very Metal Poor Stars
Authors: Garcia Lopez, Ramon J.; Lambert, David L.; Edvardsson, Bengt;
   Gustafsson, Bengt; Kiselman, Dan; Rebolo, Rafael
1998ApJ...500..241G    Altcode: 1998astro.ph..1167G; 1998astro.ph..1167L
  We have observed the B I 2497 A line to derive the boron abundances
  of two very metal-poor stars selected to help in tracing the origin
  and evolution of this element in the early Galaxy: BD +23 3130 and
  HD 84937. The observations were conducted using the Goddard High
  Resolution Spectrograph on board the Hubble Space Telescope. A
  very detailed abundance analysis via spectral synthesis has been
  carried out for these two stars, as well as for two other metal-poor
  objects with published spectra, using both Kurucz and OSMARCS model
  photospheres, and taking into account consistently the NLTE effects
  on the line formation. We have also re-assessed all published boron
  abundances of old disk and halo unevolved stars. Our analysis shows
  that the combination of high effective temperature (Teff &gt; 6000 K,
  for which boron is mainly ionized) and low metallicity ([Fe/H]&lt;-1)
  makes it difficult to obtain accurate estimates of boron abundances
  from the B I 2497 A line. This is the case of HD 84937 and three other
  published objects (including two stars with [Fe/H] ~ -3), for which only
  upper limits can be established. BD +23 3130, with [Fe/H] ~ -2.9 and
  logN(B)_NLTE=0.05+/-0.30, appears then as the most metal-poor star for
  which a firm measurement of the boron abundance presently exists. The
  evolution of the boron abundance with metallicity that emerges from
  the seven remaining stars with Teff &lt; 6000 K and [Fe/H]&lt;-1,
  for which beryllium abundances were derived using the same stellar
  parameters, shows a linear increase with a slope ~ 1. Furthermore, the
  B/Be ratio found is constant at a value ~ 20 for stars in the range
  -3&lt;[Fe/H]&lt;-1. These results point to spallation reactions of
  ambient protons and alpha particles with energetic particles enriched
  in CNO as the origin of boron and beryllium in halo stars.

Title: Abundance similarities between the RCrB star V854Cen and the
    born-again Sakurai's object
Authors: Asplund, Martin; Gustafsson, Bengt; Kameswara Rao, N.;
   Lambert, David L.
1998A&A...332..651A    Altcode: 1998astro.ph..1068A
  The elemental abundances of the mildly hydrogen-deficient R Coronae
  Borealis (RCrB) star V854Cen have been estimated. The RCrB stars
  have been divided into majority and minority classes judging by their
  abundance patterns. Class assignment has previously been unambiguous
  but V854Cen has traits of both the minority and majority class. Neither
  V854Cen nor the three obvious minority members show any clear abundance
  signatures of having been affected by e.g. dust-gas separation as often
  observed in post-AGB stars. By chemical composition, V854Cen closely
  resembles Sakurai's object, which has probably recently experienced
  a final He-shell flash. Therefore V854Cen and Sakurai's object may
  share the same evolutionary background, which would add support for
  the final-flash scenario as a viable origin of the RCrB stars. Most
  of the few differences in abundance ratios between the stars could if
  so be attributed to milder H-ingestion in connection with the final
  He-shell flash of V854Cen. The identification of either the majority or
  the minority group, if any, as final flash objects, remain uncertain,
  however, due to the unclear membership status of V854Cen.

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: Radial velocities of HR 4049
    (Bakker+ 1998)
Authors: Bakker, E. J.; Lambert, D. L.; van Winckel, H.; McCarthy,
   J. K.; Waelkens, C.; Gonzalez, G.
1998yCat..33360263B    Altcode:
  The C I, Na I D, and Hα lines of the post-AGB binary HR 4049 have
  been studied. Na I D variability results from a photospheric absorption
  component ([Na/H]=-1.6+/-0.2) which follows the velocity of the primary
  and a stationary, non-photospheric component. An emission component
  is attributed to the circumbinary disc, and an absorption component
  to mass-loss from the system with a velocity of 5.3+/-0.5km/s. The
  Hα profile varies with the orbital period. The two strong shell type
  emission peaks are identified as from one single broad emission feature
  with an absorption centered around -7.5km/s. The intensity variations
  are largely attributed to a differential amount of reddening towards the
  Hα emitting region and the stellar continuum. The radial velocities
  suggest that the Hα emission moves in phase with the primary, but
  with a slightly lower velocity amplitude. From this we infer that the
  Hα emission comes from outside the orbit of the primary, but still
  gravitationally bound to the primary. Hα also shows a weak emission
  feature at -21.3+/-3.5km/s, which originates from the circumbinary
  disc and a weak absorption feature at -7.5+/-1.6km/s due to absorption
  by the circumbinary disc. We propose two competing models that could
  account for the observed velocity and intensity variations of the Hα
  profile. Model I: light from the primary reflects on a localized spot
  near the inner radius of the circumbinary disc which is closest to the
  primary. Model II: Hα emission originates in the outer layers of the
  extended atmosphere of the primary due to activity. These activities
  are locked to the position of the primary in its orbit. We discuss
  the similarities of variability and shape of the Hα emission of HR
  4049 with those of early type T-Tauri stars (e.g SU Aur). <P />(9
  data files).

Title: The <SUP>11</SUP>B/<SUP>10</SUP>B Ratio of Local Interstellar
    Diffuse Clouds
Authors: Lambert, David L.; Sheffer, Yaron; Federman, S. R.; Cardelli,
   Jason A.; Sofia, Ulysses J.; Knauth, David C.
1998ApJ...494..614L    Altcode:
  The isotopic ratio <SUP>11</SUP>B/<SUP>10</SUP>B of gas in diffuse
  interstellar clouds toward ζ Oph, κ Ori, and δ Sco is measured
  using HST/Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph echelle spectra
  of the B II 1362 Å line. To within the errors of measurement,
  the three lines of sight give identical results for a mean value of
  <SUP>11</SUP>B/<SUP>10</SUP>B = 3.4 +/- 0.7, a value quite similar to
  the solar system ratio of 4.05. These results show that the latter
  value is not highly anomalous and that a ratio higher than 2.5, as
  predicted for boron produced from spallation reactions controlled
  by high-energy cosmic rays, most probably requires a general
  explanation. The observed ratio is consistent with additional boron
  production either by spallation by low-energy (“Orion”) cosmic rays
  or by neutrino-induced spallation of carbon in Type II supernovae. The
  total abundance of B in the diffuse clouds is a factor of 5 less than
  the meteoritic value. This depletion of B is consistent with that
  found for Cu and Ga, two elements with a condensation temperature
  similar to B. <P />Based on observations obtained with the NASA/ESA
  Hubble Space Telescope through the Space Telescope Science Institute,
  which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in
  Astronomy, Inc., under NASA contract NAS4-26555.

Title: FG Sagittae: A Newborn R Coronae Borealis Star?
Authors: Gonzalez, Guillermo; Lambert, David L.; Wallerstein, George;
   Rao, N. Kameswara; Smith, Verne V.; McCarthy, James K.
1998ApJS..114..133G    Altcode:
  We have monitored FG Sge's spectroscopic changes since the time just
  prior to its dramatic fading in 1992 August. The most significant
  qualitative changes in the spectrum include large variations in the
  strength of the C<SUB>2</SUB> molecular bands and the gradual appearance
  of broad blueshifted high-velocity (~200 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> relative
  to the photosphere) absorption components of the Na I D lines. During
  the deep minima of 1994 May and 1996 June, an emission-line spectrum
  temporarily appeared superimposed on a weak continuum; in addition to
  the previously reported nebular emission lines, the spectra displayed
  the C<SUB>2</SUB> and rare earth element lines in emission. Much of
  the behavior exhibited by FG Sge since 1992 resembles that seen in R
  CrB stars, including the photometric behavior, the evolution of the
  Na I D line profiles, variations of the C<SUB>2</SUB> band strengths,
  and the appearance of narrow emission lines. <P />The results of our
  abundance analysis (using model atmospheres with a solar He/H ratio)
  indicate that the carbon abundance is currently greater than that
  determined by Langer et al., who reported on the dramatic increase
  in the abundances of the rare earth elements in FG Sge. We derive
  higher relative abundances of the rare earths ([Me/Fe] ~ 3) than
  either Langer et al. or Kipper &amp; Kipper, which we attribute to
  some enhancement of these elements since ~1970. We confirm previous
  claims that the relative scandium abundance is high ([Sc/Fe] ~ 1) in
  FG Sge and suggest that it is the result of neutron captures by the
  light elements leading up to <SUP>45</SUP>Sc. <P />The Hα profile of
  FG Sge is very similar to that of V854 Cen, a R CrB star deficient in
  H by 2-3 dex. This is the first evidence pointing toward H-deficiency
  in the atmosphere of FG Sge, which further strengthens its link
  with the R CrB class. Additional study is required before we can say
  definitively whether or not its atmosphere is H deficient. <P />Based in
  part on observations collected at the Kitt Peak National Observatory,
  National Optical Astronomy Observatories (NOAO), which is operated by
  the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy Inc. (AURA)
  under cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation.

Title: Chemical composition of the CP Hg-Mn components of
    approximately equal mass in the SB2 system 46 Draconis
Authors: Tsymbal, V. V.; Kotchukhov, O. P.; Khokhlova, V. L.; Lambert,
   D. L.
1998AstL...24...90T    Altcode: 1998PAZh...24..116T
  We have performed the most complete (to date) atmospheric-abundance
  analysis of the components of approximately equal mass in the SB2
  system 46 Dra using the high-resolution, S/N = &gt; 200 CCD spectra
  obtained with the echelle spectrograph of the 2.7-m McDonald Observatory
  telescope. The abundances of 25 elements were determined from lines in
  the wide spectral range 3800 to 9000 A. The rotation of the components
  is shown to be synchronized and coaxial with the orbital motion. The
  chemical anomalies of both components were found to be generally
  similar: an underabundance of He, C, N, O, and Al; a nearly solar
  abundance of iron-peak elements; and considerable overabundances
  of P, Mn, Ga, Sr, Y, Zr, Ba, Pt, Au, and Hg, which increase with
  increasing atomic number. However, we found significant differences
  in the abundances of some elements in components A and B, similar to
  those that were previously detected in the analogous SB2 system ARAur:
  an underabundance of Al and Ni in component A with a smaller anomaly
  or a normal abundance of these two elements in component B. Component
  A shows a considerably greater overabundance of Ga and considerably
  smaller overabundances of Sr and Pt than component B does.There are
  also differences between the systems themselves: in contrast to AR Aur,
  in which only component A exhibits great overabundances of Y, Ba, and
  Hg, these elements are equally greatly enhanced in both components of
  46 Dra. The most striking difference between components A and B of 46
  Dra, which are similar in all physical parameters, is the difference
  in the isotopic composition of mercury which was first detected by
  Cowley and Aikman (1975) and confirmed in this study. It is concluded
  that the abundance difference between the components could arise after
  the synchronization of the rotation and the arrival of the stars at
  the main sequence.

Title: The B11/B10 Ratio in Interstellar Space
Authors: Federman, S. R.; Lambert, D. L.; Sheffer, Y.; Cardelli, J. A.
1998ASPC..143..302F    Altcode: 1998sigh.conf..302F
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Boron in Lithium- and Beryllium-Deficient F Stars
Authors: Boesgaard, Ann Merchant; Deliyannis, Constantine P.; Stephens,
   Alex; Lambert, David L.
1998ASPC..154..903B    Altcode: 1998csss...10..903B
  The Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph (GHRS) has been used with the
  Hubble Space Telescope (HST) to observe the B 1 region at 2497 AA in
  nine F and G dwarfs of approximately solar metallicity. The stars were
  selected because they have a variety of Li and Be deficiencies. Most
  of the nine stars were newly observed at 3131 AA for Be 2 and 6708 AA
  for Li 1 at high spectral resolution and high signal-to-noise ratios at
  the Keck I 10-m telescope, the Canada-France-Hawaii 3.6-m telescope and
  the University of Hawaii 2.2-m telescope. Spectrum synthesis has been
  used to determine the Li and Be abundances or upper limits, as well
  as B abundances in our nine program stars and in five other stars from
  the HST archive. Corrections to the B and Li abundances due to non-LTE
  effects have been applied. The stars originate from the region on the
  ZAMS of the Li (and Be) dip. In spite of large deficiencies in Li and
  Be, we find a striking uniformity in the B abundances, i.e. there
  is no B dip. For the coolest and most evolved star in our sample,
  zeta Her A, the B abundance is a factor of three lower than the mean
  for the other stars. This star also has the largest Be deficiency
  (more than a factor of 60) and the largest Li deficiency (more than
  a factor of 500). These data, together with other studies of the Li
  dip, argue strongly against diffusion and mass loss and in favor of
  slow mixing as the cause of the Li and Be dip and the absence of a
  B dip. Six stars with [Fe/H] from -0.75 to +0.15 have Be abundances
  ranging from the maximum of the sample to a factor of four (0.6 dex)
  below the maximum yet these stars have a B/Be ratio that is constant
  to within +/-0.10 dex and that is close to the predictions of galactic
  cosmic ray spallation of 10-15. This indicates that the galactic cosmic
  ray production of B and Be is not uniform relative to the production
  of elements such as Fe by nucleosynthesis in stars.

Title: Boron in Lithium- and Beryllium-deficient F Stars
Authors: Boesgaard, Ann Merchant; Deliyannis, Constantine P.; Stephens,
   Alex; Lambert, David L.
1998ApJ...492..727B    Altcode:
  The Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph (GHRS) has been used with the
  Hubble Space Telescope (HST) to observe the B I region at 2497 Å in
  nine F and G dwarfs of approximately solar metallicity. The stars were
  selected because they have a variety of Li and Be deficiencies. Most
  of the nine stars were newly observed at high spectral resolution
  and high signal-to-noise ratios at the Keck I 10 m telescope, the
  Canada-France-Hawaii 3.6 m telescope, and the University of Hawaii 2.2
  m telescope at 3131 Å for Be II and 6708 Å for Li I. With spectrum
  synthesis we have determined the abundances of B in our nine program
  stars and in five other stars from the HST archive. The stellar
  parameters we have used have been determined in a self-consistent
  way for the program stars and the archive stars. Spectrum synthesis
  has also been used to determine the Li and Be abundances or upper
  limits. Corrections to the B and Li abundances due to non-LTE effects
  have been applied. <P />The stars originate from the region on the
  ZAMS of the Li (and Be) dip. In spite of large deficiencies in Li
  and Be, we find a striking uniformity in the B abundances, i.e.,
  there is no B dip. In all cases the Li deficiency is greater than the
  Be deficiency. For the coolest and most evolved star in our sample,
  ζ Her A, the B abundance is 0.6 dex lower than the mean for the other
  stars. This star also has the largest Be deficiency (more than a factor
  of 80) and the largest Li deficiency (more than a factor of 600). These
  data, together with other studies of the Li dip, argue strongly against
  diffusion and mass loss and in favor of slow mixing as the cause of the
  Li and Be dip and the absence of a B dip. <P />Six stars with [Fe/H]
  from -0.75 to +0.15 have Be abundances ranging from the maximum of
  the sample to a factor of 4 below the maximum, yet these stars have a
  B/Be ratio that is constant to within +/-0.10 dex and that is close
  to the predictions of Galactic cosmic-ray spallation of 10-15. The
  Be range for four stars with solar metallicity is still a factor of
  2, and yet the B/Be ratio is constant to within +/-0.03 dex. These
  results imply that the Galactic cosmic-ray production of B and Be
  is not uniform relative to the production of elements such as Fe by
  stellar nucleosynthesis. <P />Based on observations obtained with the
  NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope through the Space Telescope Science
  Institute which is operated by the Association of Universities for
  Research in Astronomy, Inc., under NASA contract NAS5-26555.

Title: The B5 Molecular Cloud Halo: The Cool Atomic and Molecular
Authors: Wannier, P.; Andersson, B. -G.; Penprase, B. E.; Federman,
   S.; Lambert, D.
1998ASPC..143..285W    Altcode: 1998sigh.conf..285W
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Chemical Evolution of the Orion Association. IV. The Oxygen
    and Iron Abundances of F and G Stars
Authors: Cunha, Katia; Smith, Verne V.; Lambert, David L.
1998ApJ...493..195C    Altcode:
  Oxygen and iron abundances are derived for a sample of pre-main-sequence
  F and G stars of the Orion association. Results for association members
  are compared with results published previously for main-sequence B
  stars in the association. The abundances reveal that the F and G stars
  exhibit the pattern of abundances shown by the main-sequence B stars:
  the stars have a single iron abundance, but there is a star-to-star
  variation of oxygen abundance. Oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor stars are
  roughly segregated on the sky.

Title: A Retrospective Introduction
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
1998HiA....11...94L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: A Brief History of Noncommutative Space-Time
Authors: Heller, M.; Lambert, D.; Madore, J.
1998AcC....24...51H    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Differential Calculi on Generalized Clifford Algebras
Authors: Kpamegan, A. B.; Lambert, D.
1998AcC....24...87K    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Chemical Abundance Trends Among RV Tauri Stars
Authors: Gonzalez, G.; Lambert, D. L.
1998ASPC..135...34G    Altcode: 1998hcsp.conf...34G
  We have obtained high resolution spectra of 9 field and 3 globular
  cluster RV Tau stars. Employing LTE abundance analyses, we have
  discovered that the chemical abundances of the photospheres of the field
  RV Tau stars correlate with condensation temperature. The globular
  cluster RV Tau stars do not display this pattern (except possibly
  V1 in Omega Cen), but instead display the products of CNO cycling in
  their photospheres. We discuss possible u sources of these trends.

Title: The rise and fall of the NaMgAl stars.
Authors: Tomkin, J.; Edvardsson, B.; Lambert, D. L.; Gustafsson, B.
1997A&A...327..587T    Altcode: 1997astro.ph..7208T
  We have made new abundance determinations for a sample of NaMgAl
  stars. These stars, which are a subgroup of the nearby metal-rich
  field F and G disk dwarfs, were first identified by Edvardsson
  et al. (1993A&amp;A...275..101E) on the basis of their apparent
  enrichment in Na, Mg and Al relative to other elements. The discovery
  of a planetary companion to the nearby solar type star 51 Peg (Mayor
  &amp; Queloz, 1995Natur.378..355M) combined with Edvardsson et al.'s
  earlier identification of 51 Peg as a NaMgAl star highlighted the
  group's potential importance. Our new analysis, which uses new spectra
  of higher resolution and better wavelength coverage than the analysis
  of Edvardsson et al., shows that the Na, Mg and Al abundances of the
  NaMgAl stars are indistinguishable from those of non-NaMgAl stars with
  otherwise similar properties. The group thus appears to be spurious. Our
  study, which includes 51 Peg, also provides the most complete set
  of abundances for this star available to date. The new Fe abundance,
  [Fe/H]=+0.20+/-0.07, of 51 Peg confirms earlier measurements of its
  metal richness. Abundances for 19 other elements, including C, N and O,
  reveal a fairly uniform enrichment similar to that of Fe and show no
  evidence of abnormality compared to other metal rich stars of similar
  spectral type.

Title: Probing the Photodissociation Region toward HD 200775
Authors: Federman, S. R.; Knauth, D. C.; Lambert, David L.
1997ApJ...489..758F    Altcode:
  The illuminating source of the photodissociation region associated with
  the reflection nebula NGC 7023 is HD 200775. We probed the foreground
  atomic and molecular material through diagnostics observed in absorption
  against the background star. Ground-based measurements of Na I, K I,
  and Ca II and of the molecules CH, CH<SUP>+</SUP>, C<SUB>2</SUB>,
  and CN were analyzed in order to extract the physical conditions
  for this material. In particular, estimates for gas density, gas
  temperature, and the flux of ultraviolet radiation were derived and
  compared with information obtained from maps of radio emission. The
  foreground material has lower density than the other portions of the
  photodissociation region; the observed excitation of C<SUB>2</SUB>,
  the observed column of C<SUB>2</SUB>, and the columns of neutral sodium
  and potassium are reproduced when the extinction curve derived for
  this line of sight is adopted. Future models of the NGC 7023 nebula
  should include the effects associated with this extinction curve. The
  observed CN column density is larger than our predicted amount; an
  additional contribution from the background molecular cloud is inferred.

Title: Synthesis of the elements in stars: forty years of progress
Authors: Wallerstein, George; Iben, Icko, Jr.; Parker, Peter;
   Boesgaard, Ann Merchant; Hale, Gerald M.; Champagne, Arthur E.; Barnes,
   Charles A.; Käppeler, Franz; Smith, Verne V.; Hoffman, Robert D.;
   Timmes, Frank X.; Sneden, Chris; Boyd, Richard N.; Meyer, Bradley S.;
   Lambert, David L.
1997RvMP...69..995W    Altcode:
  Forty years ago Burbidge, Burbidge, Fowler, and Hoyle combined
  what we would now call fragmentary evidence from nuclear physics,
  stellar evolution and the abundances of elements and isotopes in the
  solar system as well as a few stars into a synthesis of remarkable
  ingenuity. Their review provided a foundation for forty years of
  research in all of the aspects of low energy nuclear experiments and
  theory, stellar modeling over a wide range of mass and composition, and
  abundance studies of many hundreds of stars, many of which have shown
  distinct evidence of the processes suggested by B<SUP>2</SUP>FH. In
  this review we summarize progress in each of these fields with emphasis
  on the most recent developments.

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: Abundances of 9 solar-type stars
    (Tomkin+ 1997)
Authors: Tomkin, J.; Edvardsson, B.; Lambert, D. L.; Gustafsson, B.
1997yCat..33270587T    Altcode:
  Line identifications, measured equivalent widths and derived chemical
  abundances in 9 solar-type dwarf stars, which are identified by their
  Bright Star (HR, (Cat. &lt;V/50&gt;)) numbers. (1 data file).

Title: McDonald Observatory High Spectral Resolution Observations
    of Comet Hale-Bopp
Authors: Cochran, A. L.; Barker, E. S.; Cochran, W. D.; Lambert, D. L.
1997DPS....29.3721C    Altcode: 1997BAAS...29.1050C
  We observed comet Hale-Bopp with the 2DCoude spectrograph on the 2.7m
  telescope at McDonald Observatory. This is a cross-dispersed echelle
  spectrograph located at the coude focus. It is capable of working in
  two different resolution regimes: the lower spectral resolving power
  is R=60,000; the higher spectral resolving power is R=180,000. Comet
  Hale-Bopp was observed with this spectrograph on 4 nights in fall
  1996 with R=60,000. It was observed an additional 17 nights from 21
  February through 7 April 1997 using the R=180,000 mode on 8 nights
  and the R=60,000 mode on 9 nights. The R=180,000 observations were
  obtained on 28 February through 3 March when the comet was at ~ 1.1
  (pre-perihelion) and 1.5au heliocentric and geocentric distances
  respectively. Hale-Bopp was also observed at R=180,000 on 4 through
  7 April when the comet was at ~ 0.9 (post-perihelion) and 1.4au
  heliocentric and geocentric distances. The R=60,000 observations were
  obtained on 21 through 23 February, 15 and 16 March, and 26 through
  29 March, all pre-perihelion. In the R=60,000 mode, the spectral
  coverage is complete from ~ 3800--5800 Angstroms. From 5800--10,000
  Angstroms the spectral coverage is broken by increasing interorder
  gaps. In the R=180,000 mode, spectral coverage is much more limited,
  with 14--20 spectral orders of approximately 20 Angstroms each. Thus,
  in the higher spectral resolving power regime, specific molecular
  features were targeted. In this regime, individual molecular lines
  could be fully resolved and thus we measure the velocity broadening of
  the various species. On all nights, the slit was placed at different
  locations in the coma so that differences can be studied between the
  dustier and less dusty regions of the coma. We will show the effect on
  the line width of different regions of the coma and of different epochs
  in the comet's passage. In addition, these spectra will be useful for
  the study of isotope ratios in the coma, particularly (12) C/(13) C.

Title: Abundance Analyses of Type II Cepheids in Globular Clusters
Authors: Gonzalez, Guillermo; Lambert, David L.
1997AJ....114..341G    Altcode:
  We have determined the photospheric compositions of five luminous F-G
  variables in globular clusters: V11 in M2, V42 in M5, V84 in M5, V2 in
  M10, and V17 in M28, three of which are classified as RV Tau variable
  stars. Unlike the recent findings that the photospheres of field RV
  Tau variables have been altered by a gas-dust separation process,
  none of these stars, except possibly V2 in M10, show such signs. We
  suggest that either a smaller carbon abundance in the photosphere
  of a globular cluster RV Tau star (compared to its field analogues)
  might be a factor in the gas-dust separation process due to the lack
  of sufficient carbon grain formation, or the stellar winds and their
  efficacy as dust-grain separators is influenced by the metallicity of
  the stellar envelope which, unlike the photosphere, is never subject
  to alteration by a dust-gas separation. Our analysis is most complete
  for V84, for which we have estimated the abundances of 19 chemical
  elements. Compared to the other giants in M5, this star displays a
  very large excess of Na and a deficit of O. This finding is consistent
  with a recently proposed mechanism of Na production in the ON-cycling
  region of metal-poor RGB stars. The value of [Al/Fe] for V84 is also
  high (also consistent with ON-cycling), but a comparison with the
  other cluster giants cannot be performed until Al is measured in their
  spectra. The s-process elements are not significantly enhanced in the
  atmosphere of V84 relative to the other cluster members.

Title: On the Hydrogen Deficient Nature of Z UMi
Authors: Goswami, A.; Rao, N. K.; Lambert, D. L.; Gonzalez, G.
1997PASP..109..796G    Altcode:
  Z Ursa Minoris was classified by Benson et al. (1994) a a R Coronae
  Borealis (RCB) variable star from its light variations. Hydrogen
  deficiency, which is a defining feature of RCB stars, was not
  established. To investigate this aspect we have obtained high
  resolution spectra in both blue (4200-4630\AA) and red (5050-7950\AA)
  regions. Lines of the CH molecule (G band) at about 4300\AA, which
  are present in spectra of N-type carbon stars are weak or absent in
  the spectrum of Z UMi indicating its hydrogen deficient nature and
  membership of the rare class of RCB variables. (SECTION: Stars)

Title: A stellar endgame - the born-again Sakurai's object.
Authors: Asplund, M.; Gustafsson, B.; Lambert, D. L.; Kameswara Rao, N.
1997A&A...321L..17A    Altcode: 1997astro.ph..4005A
  The surface chemical composition of this remarkable star shows that it
  is hydrogen-deficient, carbon-rich and enriched in the light s-process
  elements. Spectra taken in May and October 1996 indicate a decrease in
  the surface hydrogen abundance by 0.7dex in five months along with an
  increase in the abundances of Li, Sr, Y and Zr. The abundance changes
  are in agreement with the hypothesis of the star being a rapidly
  evolving "born-again" AGB star experiencing a final He-shell flash,
  similar to FGSge. The ^12^C/^13^C ratio in October is very low, also
  suggesting hydrogen ingestion. By chemical composition, Sakurai's
  object resembles the R Coronae Borealis (RCrB) stars.

Title: Abundance Analyses of Field RV Tauri Variables. III. DY
    Aquilae, SS Geminorum, CT Orionis, and CE Virginis
Authors: Gonzalez, Guillermo; Lambert, David L.; Giridhar, Sunatra
1997ApJ...481..452G    Altcode:
  Analyses of the photospheric compositions of the four field RV
  Tauri stars, DY Aql, SS Gem, CT Ori, and CE Vir, indicate that to
  varying degrees they have experienced fractionation processes that
  have preferentially depleted their atmospheres of elements with high
  condensation temperatures. This corroborates our previous studies,
  which showed similar patterns in five other field RV Tauri stars. <P
  />Two stars in our sample, DY Aql and CE Vir, were found to have strong
  Li I resonance lines, with corresponding lithium abundances near log
  ɛ(Li) = 0.0; this is not significantly different from that found in
  less evolved M giants. These are also the coolest stars displaying a
  correlation of photospheric abundances with condensation temperatures.

Title: Abundance Analyses of the Field RV Tauri Variables: EP Lyrae,
    DY Orionis, AR Puppis, and R Sagittae
Authors: Gonzalez, Guillermo; Lambert, David L.; Giridhar, Sunetra
1997ApJ...479..427G    Altcode:
  Analyses of the photospheric compositions of the four field RV
  Tauri stars, EP Lyr, DY Ori, AR Pup, and R Sge, indicate that to
  varying degrees they have experienced fractionation processes that
  have preferentially depleted their atmospheres of elements with high
  condensation temperatures. The depletion, as indicated by, for instance,
  [S/Fe], is greatest for DY Ori, [S/Fe] = 2.5, and least for R Sge,
  [S/Fe] = 0.9. The initial composition, presumably indicated by the
  sulfur abundance, was nearly solar for AR Pup, R Sge, and DY Ori, while
  it was about 0.6 dex less than solar for EP Lyr. This implies that
  the RV Tauri stars as a group may not be as metal-poor as previously
  thought--they are instead “metal-depleted.” The field RV Tauri's are
  not halo stars, but probably belong to the thick disk. This brings
  to seven the number of type II Cepheids that show such a trend; the
  other three are IW Car and V1 in ω Cen, RV Tauri stars, and ST Pup,
  a W Virginis star. <P />The <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C ratios for
  EP Lyr and DY Ori are 9 +/- 1 and 6 +/- 3, respectively, indicating
  that CN-cycled material has been mixed with their surface layers. This
  is consistent with the general consensus that RV Tau stars are in a
  post-AGB evolutionary stage. There is also evidence that EP Lyr has
  a stellar mass companion, but additional observations are required
  to calculate an orbit; hence, EP Lyr could be a link to the group
  of metal-depleted, high-latitude A-F supergiants, all of which are

Title: The Spectrum of the Cool R Coronae Borealis Variable S Apodis
    in a Deep Decline
Authors: Goswami, Aruna; Rao, N. K.; Lambert, D. L.; Smith, V. V.
1997PASP..109..270G    Altcode:
  A high resolution spectrum (5575 - 8875\AA) of the cool R Coronae
  Borealis variable S Apodis in its 1993 deep decline is discussed. Narrow
  or chromospheric emission lines of Na I, K I, Ca II, and Ba II and
  broad emission lines of He I 7065\AA and Na I D are seen, as expected
  from published reports of warmer RCBs in decline. The surprise of the
  S Aps spectrum is the considerable blue shift of the broad emissions
  component to the Na D lines. The blue shift may result from lines
  formed in a bipolar flow which is obscured asymmetrically by soot
  clouds along the line of sight. (SECTION: Stars)

Title: Boron Abundances of B Stars of the Orion Association
Authors: Cunha, Katia; Lambert, David L.; Lemke, Michael; Gies,
   Douglas R.; Roberts, Lewis C.
1997ApJ...478..211C    Altcode:
  The boron abundance of four B-type stars from the Orion association has
  been determined from Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph (GHRS)/Hubble
  Space Telescope (HST) spectra covering the B II 1362 Å resonance
  line. After correction for large non-LTE effects, the mean boron
  abundance is similar to the meteoritic abundance, but a factor of 4
  (0.6 dex) greater than published abundances of boron in interstellar
  gas. This difference in boron abundance between young stars and gas
  is unexplained. <P />The Orion stars were selected by their oxygen
  abundances: two are enriched in oxygen by about 60% relative to the
  others. Analysis of the GHRS spectra shows that the O-rich stars are
  deficient in boron by about 250% (0.4 dex) relative to the O-poor
  stars. Then, if the differences in oxygen abundance reflect differing
  levels of contamination of the natal clouds with (O-rich) ejecta
  of local Type II supernovae, the ejecta were not enriched in boron
  synthesized by the ν-process. <P />Based on observations obtained
  with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope through the Space Telescope
  Science Institute, which is operating the Association of Universities
  for research in Astronomy, Inc., under NASA contract NAS5-26555.

Title: Division IV: Stars. Introduction to Division IV's commission
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
1997IAUTA..23..277L    Altcode:
  Commissions 26: Double &amp; multiple stars, 29: Stellar spectra,
  35: Stellar constitution, 36: Theory of stellar atmospheres, 45:
  Stellar classification.

Title: High-resolution spectroscopy of R CrB - pulsations, shells
    and mass loss
Authors: Rao, N. Kameswara; Lambert, David L.
1997MNRAS.284..489R    Altcode:
  High spectral resolution observations obtained in 1994 and spanning
  three pulsation cycles of R CrB are discussed along with available UBV
  photometric observations for the same epochs. Model atmosphere based
  analyses of the spectra at pulsation light maximum and minimum show
  the atmosphere to be cooler by 500 K at minimum. Radial velocities
  of high- and low-excitation lines at maximum light show, on one
  occasion, a marked velocity difference. Weak blueshifted Hα emission
  is seen in spectra at the phase of minimum light. In addition to a
  photospheric component, the Na i D lines show absorption components
  from circumstellar gas. One strong component not seen in 1990 or early
  1993 may be a result of gas ejected during the late-1933 deep decline.

Title: Chemical Composition of Approximately Equal Mass Hg-Mn
    Components of the SB2 System 46 Draconis
Authors: Tsymbal, V. V.; Kotchoukhov, O. P.; Lambert, D. L.; Khokhlova,
   V. L.
1997OAP....10...78T    Altcode:
  We report results of the most complete up to date elemental
  abundance analysis of approximately equal mass Hg-Mn components of
  chemically-peculiar SB2 system 46 Dra. The high-dispersion S/N &gt;=
  200 CCD spectrum were obtained with the echelle spectrograph of the
  McDonald Observatory 2.7-m reflector. Lines in the wide spectral region
  of 3800-9000 Angstroms were identified and the chemical composition
  of each component was determined for 25 elements. Chemical anomalies
  of both components are found to be roughly similar: He, C, N, O
  and Al deficiency, nearly normal abundance of iron-peak elements,
  large excesses of P, Mn, Ga, Sr, Y, Zr, Ba, Pt, Au and Hg which show a
  common trend with atomic number. However we found significant abundance
  differences between the components especially for Ne, Al, S, V, Mn,
  Ni, Ga, Sr, Zr and Pt.

Title: Isotopic Carbon Abundances in M71
Authors: Briley, Michael M.; Smith, Verne V.; King, Jeremy; Lambert,
   David L.
1997AJ....113..306B    Altcode:
  High resolution echelle spectra of the 8005 Angstroms CN bands are
  presented for five bright giants in the globular cluster M71 (C1951
  +186, NGC 6838). An analysis of the (13) CN feature included in
  this region confirms the results of \cite{briley94a}; that the M71
  red giants evince low (12}C/({13)) C ratios and that these ratios
  are correlated with CN band strengths (CN-strong stars having lower
  (12}C/({13)) C ratios). This finding is consistent with the theory
  that the star-to-star CN band strength variations, as well as the
  oxygen and possibly sodium differences observed in M71, are related
  to the CN(O)-cycle of hydrogen burning. (One asymptotic giant branch
  candidate is also included in the present sample, which exhibits both
  weak-CN band strength and a low (12}C/({13)) C ratio.) Examination of
  published data on CN band strengths and (12}C/({13)) C ratios among
  the more metal-poor clusters implies a metallicity dependence in
  the efficiency of the underlying mechanism responsible for the low
  (12}C/({13)) C ratios. A likely candidate appears to be the mixing
  of CN(O)-processed material into the stellar atmospheres, although a
  primordial source of CN-processing cannot be ruled out.

Title: Sodium abundance variations in main-sequence stars of the
    globular cluster 47 Tucanae
Authors: Briley, Michael M.; Smith, Verne V.; Suntzeff, Nicholas B.;
   Lambert, David L.; Bell, Roger A.; Hesser, James E.
1996Natur.383..604B    Altcode:
  GALACTIC globular clusters were once thought to be chemically
  homogeneous, having formed quite rapidly from relatively small
  condensations of primordial gas<SUP>29</SUP>. In many clusters,
  significant star-to-star variations in light-element abundances have
  been observed<SUP>1-4</SUP> in evolved giant stars. These variations
  have been attributed to the presence at the stellar surfaces of
  nucleosynthesis products generated deep within the stars. But other
  observations<SUP>13</SUP> have suggested that some of this variability
  was established earlier in the stars' lifetimes, perhaps as a result of
  inhomogeneities in the gas cloud from which the cluster formed. Here
  we report the observation of variations in the sodium abundances of
  unevolved (main-sequence) stars in the cluster 47 Tucanae. Although
  these variations are similar to those observed in evolved cluster stars,
  they cannot be explained by mixing, in the framework of current models
  of stellar evolution. This indicates either that the gas out of which
  47 Tuc formed was chemically inhomogeneous, or that some mechanism
  for altering the surface element abundances of stars operates while
  they are still on the main sequence.

Title: Lithium in Lower Main-Sequence Stars of the alpha Persei
Cluster: Erratum
Authors: Balachandran, Suchitra; Lambert, David L.; Stauffer, John R.
1996ApJ...470.1243B    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Detection of Quiescent Extreme Ultraviolet Emission from
the Very Low Mass Dwarf van Biesbroeck 8: Evidence for a Turbulent
    Field Dynamo
Authors: Drake, Jeremy J.; Stern, Robert A.; Stringfellow, Guy;
   Mathioudakis, Mihalis; Laming, J. Martin; Lambert, David L.
1996ApJ...469..828D    Altcode:
  We report the detection of quiescent EUV emission from the very low
  mass dwarf VB 8 by the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) in the
  Lexan/B band (65-190 Å). We interpret this emission in terms of a
  hot coronal plasma and combine this information with previous X-ray
  detections to estimate the quiescent plasma temperature and emission
  measure. The combined observations made by Einstein, ROSAT, and EUVE
  between 1979 and 1994 are consistent with a quiescent coronal plasma
  temperature of (2-6) x 10<SUP>6</SUP> degrees and indicate the same
  emission measure to within a factor of about 2. The nonflaring corona
  of VB 8 then appears relatively constant over timescales of more than
  10 yr. Our results are consistent with the picture of a turbulently
  driven or distributive dynamo for VB 8, rather than with a large-scale
  field dynamo which appears to dominate the solar corona. Evidence from
  X-ray and optical data concerning the long-term coronal variability of
  the more active stars of higher mass also points toward the idea that
  active late-type stars in general are dominated by a turbulent dynamo.

Title: The emission-line spectrum of the hot R Coronae Borealis star
    MV SGR
Authors: Pandey, Gajendra; Kameswara Rao, N.; Lambert, David L.
1996MNRAS.282..889P    Altcode:
  Spectra of MV Sgr obtained at CTIO in 1992 May show many emission
  lines in the red. Most of the emission lines show two components with a
  minimum centred at the stellar velocity. Species represented include H,
  HeI, TiII and FeII. Of special interest is emission in the LiI 6707-A
  resonance doublet. [OI] and [NII] emission indicate the presence of a
  nebula around the star. The radial velocity of the absorption lines
  (AlIII, SiIII, NII and CII) and FeII emission lines agrees with the
  radial velocity given by Jeffery et al.

Title: Study of the air-sea interactions at the mesoscale: the
    SEMAPHORE experiment
Authors: Eymard, L.; Planton, S.; Durand, P.; Le Visage, C.; Le Traon,
   P. Y.; Prieur, L.; Weill, A.; Hauser, D.; Rolland, J.; Pelon, J.;
   Baudin, F.; Bénech, B.; Brenguier, J. L.; Caniaux, G.; de Mey, P.;
   Dombrowski, E.; Druilhet, A.; Dupuis, H.; Ferret, B.; Flamant, C.;
   Flamant, P.; Hernandez, F.; Jourdan, D.; Katsaros, K.; Lambert, D.;
   Lefèvre, J. M.; Le Borgne, P.; Le Squere, B.; Marsoin, A.; Roquet,
   H.; Tournadre, J.; Trouillet, V.; Tychensky, A.; Zakardjian, B.
1996AnGeo..14..986E    Altcode:
  The SEMAPHORE (Structure des Echanges Mer-Atmosphère, Propriétés des
  Hétérogénéités Océaniques: Recherche Expérimentale) experiment
  has been conducted from June to November 1993 in the Northeast Atlantic
  between the Azores and Madeira. It was centered on the study of the
  mesoscale ocean circulation and air-sea interactions. The experimental
  investigation was achieved at the mesoscale using moorings, floats,
  and ship hydrological survey, and at a smaller scale by one dedicated
  ship, two instrumented aircraft, and surface drifting buoys, for
  one and a half month in October-November (IOP: intense observing
  period). Observations from meteorological operational satellites as
  well as spaceborne microwave sensors were used in complement. The
  main studies undertaken concern the mesoscale ocean, the upper
  ocean, the atmospheric boundary layer, and the sea surface, and first
  results are presented for the various topics. From data analysis and
  model simulations, the main characteristics of the ocean circulation
  were deduced, showing the close relationship between the Azores front
  meander and the occurrence of Mediterranean water lenses (meddies), and
  the shift between the Azores current frontal signature at the surface
  and within the thermocline. Using drifting buoys and ship data in the
  upper ocean, the gap between the scales of the atmospheric forcing and
  the oceanic variability was made evident. A 2 °C decrease and a 40-m
  deepening of the mixed layer were measured within the IOP, associated
  with a heating loss of about 100 W m-2. This evolution was shown to be
  strongly connected to the occurrence of storms at the beginning and the
  end of October. Above the surface, turbulent measurements from ship and
  aircraft were analyzed across the surface thermal front, showing a 30%
  difference in heat fluxes between both sides during a 4-day period, and
  the respective contributions of the wind and the surface temperature
  were evaluated. The classical momentum flux bulk parameterization was
  found to fail in low wind and unstable conditions. Finally, the sea
  surface was investigated using airborne and satellite radars and wave
  buoys. A wave model, operationally used, was found to get better results
  compared with radar and wave-buoy measurements, when initialized using
  an improved wind field, obtained by assimilating satellite and buoy wind
  data in a meteorological model. A detailed analysis of a 2-day period
  showed that the swell component, propagating from a far source area,
  is underestimated in the wave model. A data base has been created,
  containing all experimental measurements. It will allow us to pursue
  the interpretation of observations and to test model simulations in
  the ocean, at the surface and in the atmospheric boundary layer, and to
  investigate the ocean-atmosphere coupling at the local and mesoscales.

Title: Lines of Circumstellar C2, CN, and CH+ in the Optical Spectra
    of Post-Agb Stars
Authors: Bakker, Eric J.; Lambert, David L.; van Dishoeck, Ewine F.
1996astro.ph..9030B    Altcode:
  Recent optical spectra of post-AGB stars show the presence of C2, CN,
  and CH+ originating in the circumstellar shell. We present here new,
  higher resolution spectra which provide constraints on the physical
  parameters and information on the line profiles. An empirical curve of
  growth for the C2 Phillips and CN Red system lines in the spectrum of
  HD 56126 yields b = 0.50 (+0.59, -0.23) km/s. CH+ (0,0) emission lines
  in the spectrum of the Red Rectangle have been resolved with a FWHM
  approx 8.5 pm 0.8 km/s. The circumstellar CN lines of IRAS 08005--2356
  are resolved into two separate components with a velocity separation
  of Delta v = 5.7 pm 2.0 km/s. The line profiles of CN of HD 235858
  have not been resolved.

Title: Spectral Variations of DY Cen
Authors: Giridhar, Sunetra; Rao, N. Kameswara; Lambert, David L.
1996JApA...17...23G    Altcode:
  Two high resolution spectra of the hot RCrB star DY Cen in the red
  region are compared. The photospheric absorption lines show a radial
  velocity variation of 12 kms-1 between 1989 July and 1992 May. Emission
  components to some CII lines present in 1989 are almost entirely
  absent in 1992. Nebular forbidden lines of [OI], [NII] and [SII]
  appear unchanged from 1989 to 1992

Title: The boron isotope ratio in the interstellar medium
Authors: Federman, S. R.; Lambert, David L.; Cardelli, Jason A.;
   Sheffer, Yaron
1996Natur.381..764F    Altcode:
  OBSERVATIONS of the abundances of elements provide insight into
  their production and distribution. The production of light elements
  (in particular, lithium, beryllium and boron) is dominated by
  spallation reactions<SUP>1</SUP>, in which cosmic rays break
  apart more massive nuclei. Models<SUP>2,3</SUP> suggest that the
  <SUP>11</SUP>B/<SUP>10</SUP>B ratio should be about 2.5, but the
  observed ratio in the Solar System is about 4 (refs 4,5). This has
  led to the suggestion<SUP>5</SUP> that the pre-solar nebula was
  subjected to bombardment by low-energy Galactic cosmic rays, leading
  to an overproduction of <SUP>11</SUP>B (ref. 6). Until now, it has
  not been possible to measure the <SUP>11</SUP>B/<SUP>10</SUP>B ratio
  in the interstellar medium, because the lines are very weak. Here we
  present a spectroscopic measurement of the <SUP>11</SUP>B/<SUP>10</SUP>B
  ratio in the interstellar gas lying between the Earth and the star δ
  Scorpii, made using the Hubble Space Telescope. Our measured ratio,
  3.4<SUP>+1.3</SUP><SUB>-0.6</SUB>, is comparable to the meteoritic
  value<SUP>5</SUP>, but somewhat lower. Further measurements will be
  needed to establish whether the ratio reported here is characteristic
  of the interstellar medium in general.

Title: Cosmic Ray--induced Chemistry toward Perseus OB2
Authors: Federman, S. R.; Weber, Jody; Lambert, David L.
1996ApJ...463..181F    Altcode:
  New measurements of absorption from interstellar OH at 3078 and
  3081 Å are presented for three directions toward the Perseus OB2
  association. The measured equivalent widths are in excellent agreement
  with previous determinations for ο and ζ Per. Our measurements also
  provide stringent upper limits for the line of sight to ζ Per. The
  available data on λ3078 toward ο and ζ Per with published equivalent
  widths for the (0, 0) band of the D-X electronic transition near 1222
  Å are used to determine the oscillator strength for the D-X band;
  the value agrees with theory. The first ground-based detections
  of absorption from interstellar Ti II λ3072 are discussed in
  an appendix. <P />Cosmic-ray ionization followed by ion-molecule
  reactions is found to be the primary means of producing OH and HD
  in the environment probed by our observations. Our OH data are used
  in conjunction with a simple but adequate chemical model to obtain
  estimates of the cosmic-ray ionization rate. These estimates then
  yield a value for the local interstellar D/H ratio of (1.5±0.5) x
  10<SUP>-5</SUP> from available observations of HD that is consistent
  with more direct measures. Furthermore, the derived rate allows us to
  place limits on the production of NH through gas-phase processes.

Title: High-Resolution Observations of Comet Hyakutake (1996 B2):
    O ((1) D)
Authors: Cochran, A. L.; Lambert, D. L.; Cochran, W. D.
1996AAS...188.6208C    Altcode: 1996BAAS...28..927C
  We obtained observations of comet Hyakutake (1996B2) with the 2DCoude
  spectrograph on the McDonald Observatory 2.7-m telescope on 30
  March 1996 UT. The observations were at a nominal resolving power of
  185,000. The spectra included the O((1) D) (6300 Angstroms) emission
  line from the comet. The doppler shift was sufficient to separate
  clearly the cometary emission line from the telluric oxygen line. The
  spectrograph entrance slit subtended 0.34x8.2arcsec on the sky. A ThAr
  line had a width of approximately 3 pixels with this setup (FWHM=0.034
  Angstroms), while the cometary emission line was clearly resolved at ~
  6 pixels. The O((1) D) emission arises from the photodissociation of
  H<SUB>2</SUB>O, the dominant parent ice. The branching ratio to produce
  the oxygen ((1) D) is approximately 7% of the photodissociations. The
  production of the oxygen emission line is by prompt emission. Thus,
  the width of the 6300 Angstroms O((1) D) line is a direct measure of
  the gas outflow velocity of the coma. We will present our observations
  of this emission line along with modeling of the data to derive the
  outflow velocity. These observations represent a unique opportunity
  to study a comet at such high spectral resolving power in order to
  accurately measure the line width.

Title: The Boron Isotope Ratio in Interstellar Space
Authors: Federman, S. R.; Lambert, D. L.; Cardelli, J. A.; Sheffer, Y.
1996AAS...188.0710F    Altcode: 1996BAAS...28Q.833F
  We derived the (11) B/(10) B ratio along the sight lines toward
  two stars, kappa Ori and delta Sco, from spectra acquired with the
  Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph on HST. These interstellar
  ratios, which are the first determinations beyond the Solar System,
  were based on analysis of absorption from the weak resonance line
  of B II at 1362 Angstroms. The interstellar value obtained from our
  analysis is similar for the two sight lines -- namely, 4 +/- 1. The
  interstellar value agrees with the boron isotope ratio of 4.05 +/-
  0.05 for the Solar System. Our findings are consistent with detailed
  models of light element nucleosynthesis, which include the effects of
  spallation from cosmic ray protons on interstellar CNO, from enhanced
  fluxes of low energy C and O nuclei on interstellar protons, and from
  neutrinos on (12) C during a supernova explosion. Particular models
  predict a constant isotope ratio from the time the Solar System formed
  to the present. Furthermore, our analysis of the B II line yielded an
  isotope shift of 13.7 +/- 3.5 m Angstroms which agrees with the shift
  of 13.3 m Angstroms obtained from large-scale quantal computations.

Title: High-Resolution Observations of Interstellar C 2 Toward
    zeta Ophiuchi
Authors: Sembach, Kenneth R.; Danks, Anthony C.; Lambert, David L.
1996ApJ...460L..61S    Altcode:
  We present high-resolution ( lambda / Delta lambda ~ 540,000)
  absorption-line observations of two weak C2 lines in the 2--0 band
  of the Phillips system in the direction of zeta Ophiuchi. These
  high signal-to-noise ratio (S/N ~ 230--380) data were obtained at
  the McDonald Observatory 2.7 m telescope using the coude echelle
  spectrograph in double-pass mode. The C2 line profiles are resolved
  into two components, having a spacing of ~1.14 km s-1, as has been
  seen for other molecular species such as CN, CO, and CH. Unlike these
  molecules, however, the strengths of the two narrow C2 components
  are very similar. We briefly discuss the implications these results
  have for understanding the chemical behavior of diatomic molecules in
  diffuse interstellar clouds.

Title: The abundance of boron in evolved A- and B-type stars.
Authors: Venn, K. A.; Lambert, D. L.; Lemke, M.
1996A&A...307..849V    Altcode: 1995astro.ph..8001V
  Boron abundances in A- and B-type stars may be a successful way to
  track evolutionary effects in these hot stars. The light elements
  - Li, Be, and B - are tracers of exposure to temperatures more
  moderate than those in which the H-burning CN-cycle operates. Thus,
  any exposure of surface stellar layers to deeper layers will affect
  these light element abundances. Li and Be are used in this role
  in investigations of evolutionary processes in cool stars, but are
  not observable in hotter stars. An investigation of boron, however,
  is possible through the BII 1362A resonance line. We have gathered
  high resolution spectra from the IUE database of A- and B-type
  stars near 10M<SUB>sun</SUB>_ for which nitrogen abundances have
  been determined (by Gies &amp; Lambert and Venn). The BII 1362A
  line is blended throughout the temperature range of this program,
  requiring spectrum syntheses to recover the boron abundances. For no
  star could we synthesize the 1362A region using the meteoritic/solar
  boron abundance of logɛ(B)=2.88 (Anders &amp; Grevesse); a lower boron
  abundance was necessary which may reflect evolutionary effects (e.g.,
  mass loss or mixing near the main-sequence), the natal composition
  of the star forming regions, or a systematic error in the analyses
  (e.g., non-LTE effects). Regardless of the initial boron abundance, and
  despite the possibility of non-LTE effects, it seems clear that boron
  is severely depleted in some stars. It may be that the nitrogen and
  boron abundances are anticorrelated, as would be expected from mixing
  between the H-burning and outer stellar layers. If, as we suspect, a
  residue of boron is present in the A-type supergiants, we may exclude
  a scenario in which mixing occurs continuously between the surface and
  the deep layers operating the CN-cycle. Further exploitation of the
  BII 1362A line as an indicator of the evolutionary status of A- and
  B-type stars will require a larger stellar sample to be observed with
  higher signal-to-noise as attainable with the Hubble Space Telescope.

Title: The Chemical Composition of Field RR Lyrae Stars. I. Iron
    and Calcium
Authors: Lambert, David L.; Heath, James E.; Lemke, Michael; Drake,
1996ApJS..103..183L    Altcode:
  Iron and calcium abundances for 18 local field RR Lyrae stars
  are obtained from high-resolution spectra taken near minimum
  light. Abundance analyses are presented using model atmospheres defined
  by published photometry. Analyses were also undertaken using model
  atmospheres chosen to fit the excitation equilibrium of Fe I and the
  ionization equilibrium of iron. Systematic differences between the two
  analyses are discussed. Contributions of non-LTE effects are assessed
  quantitatively. The Fe abundance is given most reliably by Fe II lines
  analyzed with the photometric models, and the Ca abundance is probably
  best given by combining this Fe abundance with the Ca/ Fe ratio given
  by the photometric (or the spectroscopic) model atmospheres and the
  Ca I and Fe I lines. The Ca/Fe ratio of these RR Lyrae stars follows
  the well-known variation of [Ca/Fe] with [Fe/H] found for dwarfs and
  giants; most notably, the metal-rich ([Fe/H] ≃ 0) RR Lyrae stars
  do not have an anomalous Ca/Fe ratio. New calibrations are presented
  of the δS - [Fe/ H] and M<SUB>v</SUB> - [Fe/H] relations. Appendices
  provide critical evaluations of published gf-values for the Fe I and
  Fe ii lines used in this analysis.

Title: Observational evidence for evolutionary links
Authors: Lambert, D.
1996ASPC...96..443L    Altcode: 1996hds..conf..443L
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Hydrogen-deficient nature of Z UMi
Authors: Goswami, A.; Rao, N. K.; Gonzalez, G.; Lambert, D. L.
1996ASPC...96...58G    Altcode: 1996hds..conf...58G
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Spectral variations of DY CEN
Authors: Giridhar, S.; Rao, N. K.; Lambert, D. L.
1996ASPC...96..171G    Altcode: 1996hds..conf..171G
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Spectrum of S APS at deep minimum
Authors: Rao, N. K.; Goswami, A.; Smith, V. V.; Lambert, D. L.
1996ASPC...96...59R    Altcode: 1996hds..conf...59R
  No abstract at ADS

Title: MV SGR - the emission line spectrum
Authors: Pandey, G.; Rao, N. K.; Lambert, D. L.
1996ASPC...96..167P    Altcode: 1996hds..conf..167P
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The boron isotope ratio in interstellar space.
Authors: Federman, S. R.; Lambert, D. L.; Cardelli, J. A.; Sheffer, Y.
1996BAAS...28..833F    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: R CR B pulsation and mass loss
Authors: Rao, N. K.; Lambert, D. L.
1996ASPC...96...60R    Altcode: 1996hds..conf...60R
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Surface composition of the RCB stars - refinement of a few
    mere facts
Authors: Rao, N. K.; Lambert, D. L.
1996ASPC...96...43R    Altcode: 1996hds..conf...43R
  No abstract at ADS

Title: A Fine Abundance Analysis of Four Stars in the gamma Per
    Cluster- a Cautionary Tale
Authors: Gonzalez, Guillermo; Lambert, David L.
1996AJ....111..424G    Altcode:
  High-resolution spectra of the F5 I β supergiant α Per and three
  dwarfs belonging to the α Per cluster were obtained in order to search
  for systematic differences in the abundances. Using LTE analyses of
  the spectroscopic data we have found that [Fe/H] is about 0.3-0.5
  dex smaller for α Per as compared to the dwarfs, which we ascribe
  primarily to non-LTE effects in the analysis of α Per. If this result
  is confirmed, then it will be necessary to correct LTE abundance
  analyses that have been performed on supergiants. Surprisingly, our
  estimate for the mean value of [Fe/H] for the dwarfs is 0.17±0.06 dex;
  this value is significantly larger than the accepted value for the
  cluster, about [Fe/H]=0.04. While we have not been able to determine
  the source of this discrepancy, there is some evidence that it is due
  to chromospheric activity.

Title: Carbon Isotopes in M71 Giants - CNO, Mixing, and Metallicity
Authors: Briley, M. M.; Smith, V. V.; King, J. R.; Lambert, D. L.
1995AAS...187.8208B    Altcode: 1995BAAS...27.1405B
  High resolution echelle spectra of the 8005 Angstroms CN feature in
  five M71 bright red giants are presented. A synthetic spectrum analysis
  of the (13) CN feature in this region yields (12}C/({13)) C ratios
  considerably lower than those expected from standard first dredge-up
  models for all five stars. The low ratios imply substantial exposure
  of envelope material to the CN and/or CNO-cycle of H-burning. This is
  a well known contradiction between theory and observation in the case
  of evolved low mass stars and thought to be the result of some "extra"
  mixing process operating after the first dredge-up phase of red giant
  evolution. The (12}C/({13)) C ratios are also found to be correlated
  with CN band strengths (CN-strong stars having lower (12}C/({13))
  C ratios) and anticorrelated with O abundances (O-poor stars having
  lower (12}C/({13)) C ratios). This is entirely consistent with the
  suggestion that the star-to-star CN band strength variations, and
  to a lesser extent O abundance differences, observed in M71 and other
  globular cluster bright red giants are associated with H-burning via the
  CN(O)-cycle. A comparison with (12}C/({13)) C ratios observed in more
  metal-poor cluster giants reveals a trend of decreasing (12}C/({13))
  C ratios with decreasing metallicity. This suggests a metallicity
  dependence to the efficiency of any underlying mixing mechanism and a
  natural explanation for the smaller star-to-star variations in [O/Fe]
  and [Na/Fe] seen in M71 by Sneden et al. (1994, AJ, 107, 1773) when
  compared to its more metal-poor counterparts (M3, M13, M10, etc.). One
  asymptotic giant branch candidate is included in the present sample,
  which exhibits both weak-CN band strength and a low (12}C/({13))
  C ratio. This work was partially supported by a grant from the Fund
  for Astrophysical Research.

Title: The Chemical Composition of Omega Centauri.I.Heavy-Element
    Abundances of Seven Warm Giants
Authors: Smith, Verne V.; Cunha, Katia; Lambert, David L.
1995AJ....110.2827S    Altcode:
  We derive abundances for a range of elements (O, Ca, Sc, Ti, Fe,
  Ni, Y, Ba, La, and Eu) in seven giant stars in the massive Galactic
  globular cluster ω Centauri. These giant stars have similar stellar
  parameters (T<SUB>eff</SUB>=4000-4500 K and log g =0.5-t.5) but
  they sample metallicities from [Fe/H]= -2.2 up to - t.3. As in other
  metal-poor populations, we find that the α elements (O, Ca, and Ti) are
  overabundant relative to Fe, by +0.2-0.3 dex. The Ni/Fe and Sc/Fe ratios
  are indistinguishable from solar. As found by previous investigators,
  the s-process elements (Y, Ba, and La) show a dramatic increase in
  abundance with increasing [Fe/H]: the slope of the trend of [s/Fe]
  with [Fe/H] is approximately 3. For the first time, Eu abundances
  are determined in a number of ω Cen stars. We find a remarkable
  deficiency in [Eu/Fe] in most of the ω Cen stars when compared to
  field stars. Although Eu is usually identified with the r process,
  we argue that the Eu abundances in ω Cen can be explained largely
  as s process in origin. The implications for this type of chemical
  evolution in ω Cen, relative to most of the metal-poor populations
  studied previously, are discussed.

Title: The r-Process Element Europium in Galactic Disk F and G
    Dwarf Stars
Authors: Woolf, Vincent M.; Tomkin, Jocelyn; Lambert, David L.
1995ApJ...453..660W    Altcode:
  Abundances of the r-process element Eu have been derived for 81 nearby
  field F and G disk dwarfs. Galactic orbital properties and abundances
  of 15 other elements have previously been derived for these stars
  by Edvardsson et al. The average logarithmic abundance ratio [Eu/Fe]
  increases from -0.1 to 0.4 with decreasing Fe abundance over the range
  -0.9 ≤ [Fe/H] ≤ +0.3. Scatter in [Eu/Fe] at a given [Fe/H] is
  consistent with observational and analysis uncertainties in [Eu/Fe]. <P
  />The Eu abundances from this study and the published Ba abundances show
  [Eu/Ba] to increase with stellar age. This is interpreted as indicating
  a change in the relative number of r-process and s-process sites
  over the history of the Galaxy or a change in the efficiency of the
  sites. Thus we cannot assume that the ratio of r-process to s-process
  contributions to heavy element abundances has remained constant, even
  recently. The Th/Nd stellar chronometer depends on this ratio being
  constant; thus, the variation in [Eu/Ba] reported here may indicate
  that the Th/Nd chronometer needs revision. <P />The variation of [Eu/Fe]
  with [Fe/H] is found to most closely resemble the variations of oxygen
  and the α elements which are thought to be produced primarily in
  Type II supernovae. When compared to theoretical models for Galactic
  r-process nucleosynthesis, the abundance trend found for the stars we
  have studied corresponds most closely to models in which the r-process
  site is Type II supernovae. Although this correspondence has previously
  been reported, in the metallicity range observed in this study the
  Eu abundances reported here correlate more closely to the predictions
  based on Type II supernovae models than previous data have.

Title: Chemical Evolution of the Orion Association. III. The Lithium
    Abundance of F and G Stars
Authors: Cunha, Katia; Smith, Verne V.; Lambert, David L.
1995ApJ...452..634C    Altcode:
  We derive lithium abundances for a sample of 25 late F to early G dwarfs
  in the direction of the Orion association from spectra obtained with
  the McDonald Observatory's 2.1 m telescope plus a Cassegrain cross-
  dispersed echelle spectrometer at a spectral resolution of 60,000. Iron
  abundances are also derived for the slowly rotating stars. A kinematical
  discussion, combined with information on rotation and X-ray emission
  for the stars, led us to conclude that 10 stars in our sample are
  members of the Ic and Id subgroups of Orion, while two are probable
  members of the Ib subgroup, with the remaining stars being field stars
  in the direction of Orion. The Li abundances obtained for the seven
  members of the Ic subgroup with υ sin i &gt; 20 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>
  show a small scatter, comparable to our uncertainties in the abundance
  determinations themselves. The mean non-LTE Li abundance for the
  rapidly rotating Ic members is log ɛ(Li) = 3.2±0.1 very close to the
  solar system meteoritic value of 3.3. If the Orion interstellar gas
  is representative of local Galactic gas, there is apparently little
  evidence of an increase in the Li abundance over the last 5 Gyr.

Title: In situ synthesis of ^6^Li by galactic cosmic rays in halo
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
1995A&A...301..478L    Altcode:
  An evaluation is made of the proposal that galactic cosmic rays
  decelerated in envelopes of halo stars provide for nucleosynthesis
  of ^6^Li and other light nuclides at observable levels. It is argued
  that while this mode of nucleosynthesis is unimportant for Be and
  B, it may just possibly provide for observable amounts of ^6^Li in
  extremely metal-poor stars near the main sequence turnoff.

Title: The Chemical Composition of Red Giants. IV. The Neutron
    Density at the s-Process Site
Authors: Lambert, David L.; Smith, Verne V.; Busso, Maurizio; Gallino,
   Roberto; Straniero, Oscar
1995ApJ...450..302L    Altcode:
  Rubidium abundances are determined from the Rb 1 7800 A line via
  synthetic spectra for a sample of M, MS, and S giants. The Rb abundance
  increases with increasing s-process enrichment. A ratio Rb/Sr ≃
  0.05 is derived for the s-processed material from the He-burning
  shell. Thanks to the branch in the s-process path at <SUP>85</SUP>Kr
  the Rb/Sr ratio may be used to determine the neutron density at the
  time of s-processing. The derived ratio is consistent with predicted
  neutron densities for operation of the s-process during the interpulse
  intervals in low-mass asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars but clearly
  inconsistent with much higher neutron densities predicted for the
  running of the s-process in the He-shell thermal pulses of intermediate
  mass AGB stars and probably also of low-mass AGB stars. <P />Zirconium
  isotopic abundances are determined from ZrO bandheads near 6925 Å
  via synthetic spectra for a sample of S stars. No evidence is found
  for the isotope <SUP>96</SUP>Zr whose synthesis is controlled by the
  branch in the s-process path at <SUP>95</SUP>Zr. This observation
  shows that the observed stars are not intermediate mass stars with
  massive (M<SUB>C</SUB> ≳ 1 M<SUB>sun</SUB>) cores. The absence of
  <SUP>96</SUP>Zr sets an upper limit on the neutron density at the
  s-process site which is higher than and, therefore, consistent with
  the limit set by the Rb abundances in related stars.

Title: Boron Abundances in Orion and Boron Production in Type II
Authors: Lambert, David
1995hst..prop.6077L    Altcode: 1995hst..prop.2550L
  The Orion OB1 association comprises four subgroups of differing
  ages. The youngest stars show higher oxygen abundances than the oldest
  stars. This enrichment has been shown to be due to contamination of the
  natal gas by oxygen- rich ejecta from supernovae. The boron abundance
  will be derived from the B II 1362 Angstrom line for three stars in the
  Orion OB1 association having different oxygen abundances. A positive
  correlation of the boron and oxygen abundance will, if present,
  indicate that boron, as ^11B, is synthesized by the supernovae held
  responsible for the oxygen abundances. This will be the first direct
  evidence for ^11B production by supernovae.

Title: High-Resolution Spectroscopy with HST - Final GTO Observations
    of Stars.
Authors: Lambert, David
1995hst..prop.6289L    Altcode:
  This proposal concludes GTO observations by D. L. Lambert using the
  GHRS. Four problems are addressed. (1) The ultraviolet spectrum of
  Eps Aur will be obtained from 1190-1450A with G140L. IUE observations
  show that in this interval the spectrum is emitted by the enigmatic
  secondary and not the A-type supergiant. These observations will provide
  the first detailed spectrum of the secondary. (2) Two high galactic
  latitude B stars will be observed at 1360A with G160M to obtain the
  boron abundance. These stars are too far from the galactic plane to
  have been born in the plane and, therefore, the boron abundance will
  refer to their sites of formation, presumably gas clouds far from the
  plane. (3) Theta Uma will be observed at 2090A with ECH-B in an attempt
  to obtain the 10B/11B isotopic ratio from the B I 2089A resonance
  line. (4) Interstellar CO bands in Zeta Oph will be observed with
  ECH-A to high S/N in order to define the line profiles, to search for
  weak high rotational lines and to confirm the isotopic ratios derived
  previously from G160M spectra.

Title: A Very High Resolution Survey of Interstellar CH and CH +
Authors: Crane, Philippe; Lambert, David L.; Sheffer, Yaron
1995ApJS...99..107C    Altcode:
  We report the results of a survey at very high spectral resolution
  of interstellar CH and CH<SUP>+</SUP> in diffuse clouds toward 20
  bright stars, and medium-resolution observations to determine radial
  velocities. The high-resolution observations [(λ/δλ) ∼ 500,000]
  resolve all the CH<SUP>+</SUP> and all the CH lines. Most of the CH
  lines show multiple overlapping components at this resolution. It
  is often possible to associate a weak broad CH component with a
  CH<SUP>+</SUP> component of similar radial velocity and width. The
  implications of these results for CH and CH<SUP>+</SUP> formation
  scenarios are discussed.

Title: Nucleosynthesis and Mixing on the Asymptotic Giant
    Branch. II. Carbon and Barium Stars in the Galactic Disk
Authors: Busso, M.; Lambert, D. L.; Beglio, L.; Gallino, R.; Raiteri,
   C. M.; Smith, V. V.
1995ApJ...446..775B    Altcode:
  We study the role played by nucleosynthesis processes in thermal
  pulses and by mixing episodes (the third dredge-up) in determining
  the abundances of intrinsic and extrinsic asymptotic giant branch
  (AGB) stars. This is done by comparing results from AGB models
  with observations of s-process and CNO nuclei in C stars (N-type)
  and in various classes of Ba stars (Ba dwarfs, CH subgiants, and Ba
  II giants) with metallicities typical of the disk population. The
  complementary information coming from abundances of Li and Mg isotopes
  is also discussed. According to a generally accepted scenario, the
  main neutron source at the origin of s-process nucleosynthesis is
  assumed to be the reaction <SUP>13</SUP>C(α, n)<SUP>16</SUP>O; a
  minor contribution derives also from the marginal activation of the
  reaction <SUP>22</SUP>Ne(α, n)<SUP>25</SUP>Mg at the end of each
  flash. Making use of the latest neutron- capture cross sections and
  parameterizing the amount of <SUP>13</SUP>C burnt per pulse, we compute
  the nucleosynthesis occurring in the He shell and the dredge-up of
  material to the surface according to recent AGB models. Using envelope
  abundances after the first dredge-up derived from observations of
  first-ascent red giants and ad opting standard prescriptions for mass
  loss, we succeed in fitting the photospheric compositions of C and
  Ba stars within their uncertainties. Our results confirm that C stars
  (N-type) are evolutionary descendants of normal (Tc-rich) S stars and
  are characterized by the same spread in mean neutron exposures (0.2-0.4
  mbarn<SUP>-1</SUP>). As for the binary Ba stars, their abundances
  are compatible with the from an AGB primary component to a dwarf or
  giant secondary. We show that several constraints, including the Mg
  isotope ratios and the neutron density derived from the Rb/Sr ratio,
  require that s-processing occur in low-mass AGB stars but exclude the
  possibility that barium stars derive from primaries of intermediate
  mass (3 ≤ M/M<SUB>sun</SUB> ≤ 8) efficiently burning the neutron
  source <SUP>22</SUP>Ne. The s-process enriched binary Ba giants show
  mean neutron exposures covering a wider range, reaching higher values
  (up to 1.0 mbarn<SUP>-1</SUP>) than for normal (single) C stars. An
  inverse correlation of the mean neutron exposure with metallicity is
  also present. Hence, the higher efficiency in s-processing shown by
  several Ba stars is interpreted as an indication that the metallicity
  range they cover is larger than for intrinsic AGB stars commonly
  observed. In fact, if the amount of primary <SUP>13</SUP>C burnt
  is roughly constant for the studied stars, their effectiveness in
  producing neutron-rich nuclei must increase (nonlinearly) toward
  lower metal contents. In this scenario the exponential distributions
  of neutron exposures provided by low-mass AGB stars can account well
  for the s-process abundances observed in Population I AGB stars,
  with no need to invoke strong single neutron exposures, as sometimes
  suggested in the past.

Title: Vibrationally Excited H 2, HCl, and NO + in the Diffuse Clouds
    toward zeta Ophiuchi
Authors: Federman, S. R.; Cardell, Jason A.; van Dishoeck, Ewine F.;
   Lambert, David L.; Black, J. H.
1995ApJ...445..325F    Altcode:
  Absorption lines from vibrationally excited H2 and from HCl were
  detected in the ultraviolet spectrum of Zeta Oph with the Hubble
  Space Telescope (HST). Improved upper limits on NO(+) absorption were
  obtained as well. The data were analyzed with an updated version of
  a chemical model for diffuse clouds (van Dishoeck &amp; Black 1986)
  as a guide to understanding this gaseous environment. The comparisons
  suggest that the flux of ultraviolet radiation impinging on the cloud
  surface is approximately 1-2 times the average interstellar radiation
  field, which is lower than once believed.

Title: The discovery of high-velocity flares in NV and the detection
    of carbon in the double degenerate binary GP COM
Authors: Marsh, T. R.; Wood, Janet H.; Horne, Keith; Lambert, D.
1995MNRAS.274..452M    Altcode:
  We present time-resolved ultraviolet spectra of the ultrashort-period
  binary GP Com taken with the Hubble Space Telescope. During
  our observations GP Com displayed spectacular variability in the
  dominant NV emission line which showed three large flares in 13h of
  observations. We isolate the flare spectrum which reveals CIV emission
  at a level of 0.094 times the NV flux; this is the first detection of
  carbon in GP Com. We obtain a 3sigma upper limit of 0.015 upon the
  ratio of SiIV to NV emission, supporting evidence from optical data
  that heavy elements are under-abundant relative to nitrogen in GP
  Com. There are many other features in the spectrum that we have been
  unable to identify. We suggest that the flare emission could come
  from irradiation of the accretion disc in GP Com or from variable
  mass loss in a wind. Subtraction of the flare spectrum followed by
  phase-folding on the 46-min orbital period of GP Com reveals the
  ultraviolet counterpart to the `S'-wave known from optical data. The
  `S'-wave is seen in NV, CIV, NI 1493, and a line at 1335A, which may
  be CII 1335.

Title: Carbon in Field F and G Disk Dwarfs
Authors: Tomkin, Jocelyn; Woolf, Vincent M.; Lambert, David L.;
   Lemke, Michael
1995AJ....109.2204T    Altcode:
  We have determined C abundances from observations of the 7100 Å C I
  lines in 105 field disk F and U main-sequence stars. We use the results
  to investigate the enrichment of C in the Galactic disk over the range
  -0.8≤[Fe/H]≤+0.2. A moderate enrichment of C in metal-deficient
  stars, such that [C/Fe]∼+0.20±0.05 at [Fe/H]=-0.8, is found. This
  is consistent with the results of earlier investigations based on
  more limited samples of stars. With the aid of ages and galactocentric
  distances for the same stars determined by Edvardsson et al. (1993),
  we examine the relation between stellar age and C abundance. For
  stars in the same range of galactocentric distance, we find only a
  weak correlation between the stars' C abundances and their ages. The
  moderate enrichment of C in metal-deficient disk stars is qualitatively
  similar to that seen for O and the a elements. We compare the behavior
  of the stellar [C/Fe], [0/Fe], and [a/Fe] abundances as functions of
  metallicity (using O and α element abundances from Edvardsson et al.),
  with the predictions of Timmes et al. `s [ApJS (in press) (1995)]
  new models of Galactic chemical evolution. The comparison confirms
  Timmes et al. `s conclusion that, with regard to the variation of these
  abundances with metallicity, the best agreement between observation and
  theory is provided by models in which the iron yields of II supernovae
  are reduced by a factor of 2 below the (uncertain) value adopted for
  their standard models. A similar comparison of the [C/O] and [C/α]
  abundances, which are much less sensitive to the Type II supernovae
  iron yields, as functions of metallicity, shows substantial agreement
  of observation and theory.

Title: The Demise of the Metal Poor Disk?: Spectroscopic Iron
Authors: Ryan, Sean G.; Lambert, David L.
1995AJ....109.2068R    Altcode:
  High resolution spectra of metal-poor disk giants initially believed to
  have [Fe/II]&lt;-1.0 have yielded generally higher abundances than had
  been claimed on the basis of DDO photometry. Although good agreement
  has been found for giants identified chemically and kinematically
  with the halo, most of the stars in our sample that were previously
  identified with the metal-poor disk are found to have abundances
  [Fe/H]&gt;-1.0, typical of thick disk stars which their kinematics
  also match. Although we cannot convincingly explain the errors in
  the DDO abundances, we conclude that the disk does not contribute as
  significantly to the stellar population of the galaxy at [Fe/H]&lt;-1.0
  as might have been thought.

Title: The High-Resolution Cross-Dispersed Echelle White Pupil
    Spectrometer of the McDonald Observatory 2.7-m Telescope
Authors: Tull, Robert G.; MacQueen, Phillip J.; Sneden, Christopher;
   Lambert, David L.
1995PASP..107..251T    Altcode:
  A new high-resolution cross-dispersed echelle spectrometer has
  been installed at the coude focus of the McDonald Observatory 2.7-m
  telescope. Its primary goal was to simultaneously gather spectra over
  as much of the spectral range 3400A to 1 micron as practical, at a
  resolution R = lambda/delta-lambda =~ 60,000 with signal-to-noise ratio
  of ~100 for stars down to magnitude 11, using 1-hour exposures. In the
  instrument as built, two exposures are all that are needed to cover
  the full range. Featuring a white-pupil design, fused silica prism
  ross disperser, and folded Schmidt camera with a Tektronix 2048 X 2048
  CCD used at either of two foci, it has been in regularly-scheduled
  operation since April 1992. Design details and performance will be
  described. (SECTION: Astronomical Instrumentation)

Title: A Survey of Lithium in the Red Giants of the Magellanic Clouds
Authors: Smith, Verne V.; Plez, Bertrand; Lambert, David L.; Lubowich,
   D. A.
1995ApJ...441..735S    Altcode:
  A spectroscopic search for the Li 1 6707 A resonance line has been
  carried out in 112 red giants from both the Small and Large Magellanic
  Clouds. The spectra are a mixture of high- (R = λ/{DELTA}λ = 18,000)
  and low-resolution (R = 4000) data, and the stars surveyed consist
  of spectral types M, S, and C. Most of these stars have absolute
  bolometric magnitude, M_bol_, determinations available from various
  published investigations. The Li I line is detected in 35 of these
  red giants (29 S stars and six C stars). All stars with a measurable
  Li I feature are asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars with the majority
  (26) being luminous S stars within the narrow luminosity range of -7.2
  &lt;~M_bol_ &lt;~ 6.0(M_bol_ = -6.52 +/- 0.38 in this subset of the
  stars). Abundance estimates of lithium in these stars fall in the range
  of log ɛ(Li)~1.0-4.0. The presence of Li in these highly evolved AGB
  stars is ascribed to hot-bottom convective envelope (HBCE) burning and
  a comparison of the Li abundances derived here with published models
  of HBCE shows reasonably good agreement.

Title: Emission Line Spectrum of the Hot R-Coronae Type Star
Authors: Pandey, G.; Rao, N. K.; Lambert, D. L.
1995JApAS..16..327P    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Hubble Space Telescope Observations of C 2 Molecules in
    Diffuse Interstellar Clouds
Authors: Lambert, David L.; Sheffer, Yaron; Federman, S. R.
1995ApJ...438..740L    Altcode:
  Interstellar C2 F-X (1342 A) and D-X (2313 A) bands in the spectrum of
  zeta Oph were detected using the Goddard High-Resolution Spectrograph
  (GHRS) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The total C2 column density
  is (1.79 +/- 0.06) 10<SUP>13</SUP>/sq cm for an adopted f-value of
  0.0545 for the 2313 A band of the Mulliken (D-X) system. Relative
  f-values for the 0-0 F-X, 0-0 D-X, and 2-0 A-X (Phillips) bands
  are derived by combining ultraviolet and near-infrared spectra:
  f<SUB>00</SUB><SUP>FX</SUP>/f<SUB>00</SUB><SUP>DX</SUP> = 1.83 +/- 0.18
  and f<SUB>20</SUB><SUP>AX</SUP>/f<SUB>00</SUB><SUP>DX</SUP> = 0.0226 +/-
  0.0029. For the Mulliken system, lines are detected up to a rotational
  level J double prime = 24. The relative populations along the rotational
  ladder are shown to be consistent with the physical and environmental
  conditions suggested by other diagnostics. Interstellar C2 molecules
  were detected towards zeta Per (N(C2) = (0.80 +/- 0.23) 10<SUP>13</SUP>)
  but not towards Beta<SUP>1</SUP>, pi, and omega<SUP>1</SUP> Sco(N(C2)
  less than or equal to 0.17 x 10<SUP>13</SUP>/sq cm.

Title: Line asymmetries in the metal-poor star HD 140283
Authors: Allende Prieto, C.; García López, R. J.; Lambert, D. L.;
   Gustafsson, B.
1995IAUS..176P.107A    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Lithium abundances for a sample of F and G stars in the
    Orion association.
Authors: Cunha, K.; Smith, V. V.; Lambert, D. L.
1995MmSAI..66..371C    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Chemical Composition of the RV Tauri Variable IW Carinae
Authors: Giridhar, Sunetra; Rao, N. Kameswara; Lambert, David L.
1994ApJ...437..476G    Altcode:
  Analysis of the RV Tauri star IW Carinae shows a photospheric
  composition unlike that reported previously for a few other RV Tau
  stars but resembling that of certain post-asymptotic giant branch
  stars (post-AGB) stars. IW Car is carbon-rich: several lines of
  C I are detected and suggest C/O greater than or = 1. The star is
  generally metal poor. The composition of (Fe/H) approximately -1.0,
  (Ca/H) approximately = -1.9 but (Zn/H) approximately 0.0 reflects that
  of gas of solar metallicity from which easily condensable elements
  have condensed into dust grains and been removed from the star's
  photosphere. Separation of gas and dust may have occurred in the
  present or recent stellar wind of IW Car. These characteristics also
  suggest that RV Tauri stars are post-AGB objects.

Title: Sodium in Weak G-Band Giants
Authors: Drake, Jeremy J.; Lambert, David L.
1994ApJ...435..797D    Altcode:
  Sodium abundances have been determined for eight weak G-band giants
  whose atmospheres are greatly enriched with products of the CN-cycling
  H-burning reactions. Systematic errors are minimized by comparing
  the weak G-band giants to a sample of similar but normal giants. If,
  further, Ca is selected as a reference element, model atmosphere-related
  errors should largely be removed. For the weak-G-band stars (Na/Ca) =
  0.16 +/- 0.01, which is just possibly greater than the result (Na/Ca) =
  0.10 /- 0.03 from the normal giants. This result demonstrates that the
  atmospheres of the weak G-band giants are not seriously contaminated
  with products of ON cycling.

Title: Boron in the extreme Population II star HD 140283 and the
    production of light elements in the Early Galaxy
Authors: Edvardsson, B.; Gustafsson, B.; Johansson, S. G.; Kiselman,
   D.; Lambert, D. L.; Nissen, P. E.; Gilmore, G.
1994A&A...290..176E    Altcode: 1994astro.ph..3002E
  Using observations of the 2496.7A Bi line with the HST GHRS at a
  nominal resolving power of 90,000, we have found the abundance of
  boron of HD140283 to be logɛ_B_(=12+log(N_B_/N_H_))=0.34+/-0.20. This
  result is found when a significant non-LTE effect in the formation of
  the Bi line is taken into account. The resulting N_B_/N_Be_ ratio is
  about 17 (in the range 9-34), which is in very good agreement with
  what is expected from spallation by cosmic rays. We conclude that
  this origin of Be and B in the Early Galaxy is the most probable of
  recently suggested formation mechanisms.

Title: Intersystem Transitions of Interstellar Carbon Monoxide toward
    zeta Ophiuchi
Authors: Federman, S. R.; Cardelli, Jason A.; Sheffer, Yaron; Lambert,
   David L.; Morton, D. C.
1994ApJ...432L.139F    Altcode:
  Absorption from seven intersystem (triplet-singlet) transitions of
  interstellar (12)CO were detected in ultraviolet spectra of zeta
  Oph. The observed equivalent widths are approximately consistent with
  the transitions' predicted f-values and the (12) CO column density
  derived from the weakest of the observed A-X bands. These unsaturated
  intersystem transitions provide the opportunity to measure the (12)CO
  column density for heavily reddened (dense) sight lines. Laboratory
  measurements of oscillator strengths more precise than available ones
  will be needed to derive accurate column densities.

Title: The lithium isotope ratio in metal-poor stars.
Authors: Nissen, P. E.; Lambert, D. L.; Smith, V. V.
1994Msngr..76...36N    Altcode:
  In the present article the scientific reasons for studying the lithium
  isotope ratio in stars are briefly reviewed, and the reduction and
  analysis of recent observations of the Li I 6707.8 Aresonance line
  in spectra of metal-poor stars are discussed in some detail. The aim
  and prospects of obtaining similar observations for fainter and more
  interesting stars with the ESO VLT are also touched upon.

Title: Chemical Evolution of the Orion Association. II. The Carbon,
    Nitrogen, Oxygen, Silicon, and Iron Abundances of Main-Sequence
    B Stars
Authors: Cunha, Katia; Lambert, David L.
1994ApJ...426..170C    Altcode:
  Carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and silicon abundances are presented from
  local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) and non-LTE analyses of C II,
  N II, and Si III lines in the spectra of 18 main-sequence B stars
  from the four subgroups comprising the Orion association. Iron LTE
  abundances from Fe III lines are also presented. The C, N, and Fe
  abundances show no significant variations across the subgroups, but the
  O and Si abundances are found to be higher for some of the youngest
  stars that are collocated on the sky and at a common distance. The O
  and Si abundances are correlated. Although such a correlation may in
  part reflect measurement errors, it is suggested that the enrichment
  of young stars in O and Si arose because they were formed from regions
  of the molecular cloud enriched with the ejecta of Type II supernovae,
  which are predicted to be rich in O and Si but not in C and N. With
  the exception of one star, we see no evidence for CN-cycled material on
  the stars' surfaces. The stellar abundances agree, within the expected
  uncertainties, with published nebular analyses that show Orion to be
  slightly underabundant in C, N, and O relative to the Sun.

Title: Boron Abundances in Early Type Stars
Authors: Venn, K. A.; Lambert, D. L.; Lemke, M.
1994AAS...184.3115V    Altcode: 1994BAAS...26..910V
  Boron is a trace element in hot stars which can be observed from the B
  II resonance line at 1362 Angstroms. We have used IUE archival spectra
  to examine the B abundances in early type stars. The abundances of
  boron in A and B-type stars were originally calculated by Boesgaard
  &amp; Heacox (1978 ApJ 226, 888) from Copernicus spectra as a method of
  testing the predictions of galactic cosmic ray spallation reactions. We
  are primarily interested in the effects of stellar evolution on
  B. Boesgaard &amp; Heacox do not report any relationship between
  evolutionary state and the B abundance, however there are very few
  evolved stars in their sample and the few studied have very large
  uncertainties in B. Boron is destroyed by protons at temperatures
  above about 4 million K, thus the stellar surface B abundance is a
  sensitive monitor of evolutionary processes, such as mass loss and
  mixing, which would lead to large losses in the surface B. Gies &amp;
  Lambert (1992 ApJ 387, 673) found evidence of CNO-cycled gas in some
  slightly evolved B-type stars, suggesting that some mixing may occur
  in massive stars near the main-sequence. We examine the B abundances
  in these stars for evidence of a boron-nitrogen relationship.

Title: Chemical Transitions for Interstellar C 2 and CN in Cloud
Authors: Federman, S. R.; Strom, C. J.; Lambert, D. L.; Cardelli,
   Jason A.; Smith, V. V.; Joseph, C. L.
1994ApJ...424..772F    Altcode:
  Observations were made of absorption from CH, C2, and CN toward
  moderately reddened stars in Sco, OB2, Ceo OB3, and Taurus/Auriga. For
  these directions, most of the reddening is associated with a
  single cloud complex, for example, the rho Ophiuchus molecular
  cloud, and as a result, the observations probe moderately dense
  material. When combined with avaliable data for nearby directions,
  the survey provides the basis for a comprehensive analysis of the
  chemistry for these species. The chemical transitions affecting C2
  and CN in cloud envelopes were analyzed. The depth into a cloud at
  which a transition takes place was characterized by tau<SUB>uv</SUB>,
  the grain optical depth at 1000 A. One transition at tau<SUB>uv</SUB>
  approx. = 2, which arises from, the conversion of C(+) into CO, affects
  the chemistries for both molecules because of the key role this ion
  plays. A second one involving production terms in the CN chemistry
  occurs at tau<SUB>uv</SUB> of approx. = 3; neutral reactions which C2
  and CH is more important at larger values for tau<SUB>uv</SUB>. The
  transition from photodissociation to chemical destruction takes place
  at tau<SUB>uv</SUB> approx. = 4.5 for C2 and CN. The observational
  data for stars in Sco OB2, Cep OB3, and Taurus/Auriga were studied
  with chemical rate equations containing the most important production
  and destruction mechanisms. Because the sample of stars in Sco OB2
  includes sight lines with A<SUB>v</SUB> ranging from 1-4 mag, sight
  lines dominated by photochemistry could be analyzed separately from
  those controlled by gas-phase destruction. The analysis yielded values
  for two poorly known rate constants for reactions involved in the
  production of CN; the reactions are C2 + N yields CN + C and C(+) +
  NH yields all products. The other directions were analyzed with the
  inferred values. The predicted column densities for C2 and CN agree
  with the observed values to better than 50%, and in most instances
  20%. When combining the estimates for density and temperature derived
  from chemical modeling and molecular excitation for a specific cloud,
  such as the rho Ophiuchus molecular cloud, the portion of the cloud
  envelope probed by C2 and CN absorption was found to be in pressure

Title: Isotopic Carbon Ratios among M71 Bright Red Giants
Authors: Briley, Michael M.; Smith, Verne V.; Lambert, David L.
1994ApJ...424L.119B    Altcode:
  We present high signal-to-noise, high-resolution spectra of 8005 A
  CN-12 and CN-13 lines in two groups of CN strong/weak M71 (C1951+186,
  NGC 6838) bright giants chosen for their different (O/Fe) and (Na/Fe)
  abundances, as well as CN band strengths. These abundance variations in
  M71, as well as similar star-to-star differences in (O/Fe) and (Na/Fe)
  seen in other clusters (e.g., M92, M15, M13, M3, and M5), have been
  suggested to result from differing degrees of deep mixing. Our analysis
  of the present observations with synthetic spectra yields C-12/C-13
  ratios ranging from 4.9 to 8.9; the CN-strong/O-poor stars exhibit
  slightly lower ratios. This C-12/C-13 difference between the two groups
  may conceivably be the result of differing degrees of the dredge-up.

Title: Fluorescent K i 7699 Angstrom Emission from Circumstellar
Shells of Red Giants: Evidence for Highly Asymmetric Winds
Authors: Plez, Bertrand; Lambert, David L.
1994ApJ...425L.101P    Altcode:
  Potassium atoms in the circumstellar shells of R Aql, V Hya, g Her,
  and R Leo are detected through fluorescent emission at 7699 A at
  angular distances of up to several seconds of arc from the star. As
  traced by the 7699 A emission, the shells are highly asymmetric.

Title: High-Resolution Spectroscopy of V1853 Cygni (LS II +34 degrees
26): Birth of a Planetary Nebula?
Authors: Smith, Verne V.; Lambert, David L.
1994ApJ...424L.123S    Altcode:
  High-resolution optical spectra are discussed for the high-latitude
  B-supergiant V1853 Cyg (LS II + 34 deg 26), which has been
  identified recently as a hot post-asymptotic giant branch (AGB)
  star with far-infrared Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) colors
  similar to those of dusty planetary nebulae. Spectra obtained on
  eight nights between 1993 August and November reveal strong emission
  lines of H-alpha, beta, and gamma, as well as a variety of profiles
  (absorption, emission, P Cygni) for the He I lines. A photospheric
  spectrum of absorption lines, fairly typical of B1-2 supergiants, is
  present, but the lines are asymmetric and their shapes and equivalent
  widths vary significantly on a night-to-night basis. The velocity of
  the absorption lines varies by approximately 40 km/s. Emission lines
  from permitted (C II, N II, Si II, and Fe III) and forbidden (N II),
  (O I), (S II), and (Fe II) transitions are visible at a constant radial
  velocity over the observing interval. This object may be in the process
  of becoming a planetary nebula.

Title: The Carbon Underabundance of the Secondary of V356 Sagittarii
Authors: Tomkin, Jocelyn; Lambert, David L.
1994PASP..106..365T    Altcode:
  We report observations of visual and near-infrared C I, N I, and O I
  lines in the A2 II secondary of V356 Sgr made during a total eclipse
  of the primary. We confirm the weakness of the secondary's C I lines
  first seen in ultraviolet observations. Based on a marginal detection
  of the 9100A C I lines we estimate that relative to a standard star
  (HR 7145; A0 II) of similar spectral type the [C/Fe] abundance ratio of
  the secondary is -1.7 +/- 0.3 dex. The secondary is not significantly
  underabundant in N or O. We interpret the C poorness of the secondary
  as a result of mass transfer, which has removed its outer layers and
  exposed its CN-processed interior. (SECTION: Stars)

Title: The R Coronae Borealis stars - a few mere facts.
Authors: Lambert, David L.; Rao, N. Kameswara
1994JApA...15...47L    Altcode:
  This review presents a selection of recent highlights of observations of
  R Coronae Borealis (RCB) variables. Emphasis is placed on an abundance
  analysis of a complete sample (18 stars) of the warm galactic RCBs. It
  is shown that 14 of the 18 have very similar compositions: the iron
  mass fraction ranges about a factor of 3 around the solar value
  (assuming C/He=3%) but abundance ratios X/Fe for elements from Na to
  Ba show little variation. By contrast, the other 4 stars are deficient
  in iron but not in Na, Si, S and some other elements. With for example,
  (Si/Fe) approximately equal to 2, the quartet is indeed 'peculiar'. One
  of the quartet, V854 Cen shows depletions of elements (other than CNO)
  similar to the depletions seen in interstellar medium corresponding
  to average log n (H<SUB>tot</SUB>)=1.5. Scenarios for creating RCB
  from normal single and double stars are summarized.

Title: V356 Sagittarii - Mass Transfer for the Masses
Authors: Tomkin, J.; Lambert, D. L.
1994ASPC...56..397T    Altcode: 1994ibs..conf..397T
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Chemical abundances in the Orion association.
Authors: Cunha, K.; Lambert, D. L.
1994BAAS...26R.795C    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The McDonald 2.7-in Echelle Spectrometer
Authors: Tull, Robert G.; MacQueen, Phillip; Sneden, Chris; Lambert,
   David L.
1994ASPC...55..148T    Altcode: 1994oaem.conf..148T
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Interstellar Carbon Monoxide toward zeta Ophiuchi
Authors: Lambert, David L.; Sheffer, Yaron; Gilliland, Ronald L.;
   Federman, S. R.
1994ApJ...420..756L    Altcode:
  Interstellar CO A-X bands in the spectrum of zeta Oph were recorded
  at high Sound-to-Noise (S/N) with grating G160M of the Goddard High
  Resolution Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope. Isotopic
  fractionation of CO is severe: CO-12/CO-13 = 167, C(16)O/C(18)O
  approximately equal to 1550 and C(16)O/C(17)O is greater than 5900 are
  found where C-12/C-13 = 70, O-16/O-18 = 500, and O-16.O-17 = 2600 are
  observed or expected. Standard models of the zeta Oph cloud predict
  CO-12/CO-13 is less than or approximately 70. The higher observed
  ratio suggests that photodissociation of CO, not the isotopic charge
  exchange reaction ((13)C(+) + CO reversible reaction (12)C(+) +
  (13)(CO), is the dominant influence on the CO-12/CO-13 ratio.

Title: Report of IAU Commission 29: Stellar spectra (Spectres
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
1994IAUTA..22..305L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Stellar Photospheres and Molecules - a View from the Bridge
Authors: Lambert, David L.
1994LNP...428....1L    Altcode: 1994mse..conf....1L; 1994IAUCo.146....1L
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Nature of Interstellar Cloud Envelopes -- Physical
    Conditions and Structure
Authors: Lambert, David
1994hst..prop.5389L    Altcode: 1994hst..prop.1835L
  GHRS/G160M spectra of interstellar CO bands and atomic lines toward
  two stars will be analyzed to give the column density ratio 12C16O/
  13C16O and excitation temperatures for CO and C I. The ratio of column
  densities will not, in general, equal the 'true' 12C/13C ratio provided
  by optical spectroscopy of the CH+ molecular ion. The fractionation
  of CO is driven in opposite directions by isotopic charge exchange
  and selective photodissociation. The ratio 12C16O/ 13C16O for a known
  12C/13C provides novel information on the physical conditions in a
  diffuse cloud. These conditions are also obtained from analysis of
  excitation. Since different probes sample different regions of a cloud,
  the structure of the cloud is discernible. The proposed experiment
  has been applied successfully by us to Zeta Oph's diffuse clouds. Now,
  we propose to use fractionation and excitation as new tools to probe
  other portions of the Rho Oph Molecular Cloud.

Title: Stars and planets
Authors: Lambert, David; Donohoe, Bill; Townsend, Tony
1994stpl.book.....L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Physical Conditions in Cloud Envelopes from Measurements of
    Optical Absorption Lines
Authors: Federman, S. R.; Strom, C. J.; Lambert, D. L.; Smith, V. V.;
   Cardelli, Jason A.; Joseph, C. L.
1994ASPC...58...60F    Altcode: 1994icdi.conf...60F
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The chemical compositions of Algol systems - V. Confirmation
    of carbon deficiencies in the primaries of eight systems.
Authors: Tomkin, J.; Lambert, D. L.; Lemke, M.
1993MNRAS.265..581T    Altcode:
  We use low-noise CCD spectra of 4267-Å C II line in the spectra of
  eight Algol-type eclipsing binaries to measure the C abundances of
  their primaries. A differential LTE analysis of the Algol binaries
  with respect to single standard stars of the same spectral type
  shows marginal to moderate deficiencies of C in the primaries of the
  binaries. We find [C/H] abundances of -0.62 for U CrB, -0.34 for u Her,
  ≤+0.24 for δ Lib, -0.22 for β Per, -0.18 for U Sge, -0.48 for λ
  Tau, -0.35 for TX UMa and -0.16 for RS Vul with respect to the average
  C abundance of single B-type standard stars. These results confirm
  those of Cugier and Hardorp, who have used IUE observations of the
  1300-Å C II lines to determine C abundances in the same stars. The C
  deficiencies are a consequence of a previous episode of mass transfer
  in which the secondary, which was initially the more massive star,
  has transferred C-deficient, CNO-cycle processed material to the
  primary. A comparison of observed and theoretical abundances suggests
  that the mass transfer cannot have been extremely non-conservative,
  although it may have been mildly so.

Title: The hot R Coronae Borealis star DY Centauri : nebular and
    photospheric lines.
Authors: Rao, N. Kameswara; Giridhar, S.; Lambert, D. L.
1993A&A...280..201R    Altcode:
  High resolution spectra in the red region of the hot R CrB star DY Cen
  show the following characteristics: a strong absorption line spectrum
  dominated by lines of C II, N II, and Ne I inverse P-Cygni type profiles
  of some C II and He I lines, and emission lines of (N II), (S II)
  and (O I). The star also seems to posses an expanding chromosphere or
  stellar wind region. The forbidden lines indicate the presence of a low
  excitation nebula with an electron temperature of less than or equal
  to 10 000 K and an electron density of 450/cu cm. The presence of low
  excitation nebulae may be a common property of the hotter R CrB stars.

Title: Lithium Abundances and Other Clues to Envelope Burning in
    Small Magellanic Cloud Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars
Authors: Plez, Bertrand; Smith, Verne V.; Lambert, David L.
1993ApJ...418..812P    Altcode:
  We present a chemical analysis of seven luminous asymptotic giant
  branch stars and one M supergiant of the Small Magellanic Cloud. The
  abundances are derived from high-resolution spectra by spectrum
  synthesis using new, spherically symmetric, opacity sampling model
  atmospheres. The average metallicity is [Fe/H] = -0.5, in accordance
  with other determinations of the SMC's metallicity. The AGB stars
  show signs of envelope burning, being Li rich, C poor, and with a
  low <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C ratio. The s-process elements (Rb,
  Zr, Nd) abundance pattern is different from that in the solar system,
  and is characteristic of a high exposure at low neutron density. This
  is not peculiar to the SMC, however, but seems to be an effect of
  metallicity: Galactic Ba, CH, and S-type stars at the same metallicity
  display similar s-process element abundance patterns. Apparently, the
  <SUP>13</SUP>C neutron source is operating in these intermediate-mass
  thermally pulsing AGB stars.

Title: The chemical evolution of the galactic disk II. Observational
Authors: Edvardsson, B.; Andersen, J.; Gustafsson, B.; Lambert, D. L.;
   Nissen, P. E.; Tomkin, J.
1993A&AS..102..603E    Altcode:
  We recently discussed the chemical evolution of the galactic disk based
  on the detailed analysis of 189 F and early G disk dwarfs (Edvardsson
  et al. 1993). Here we describe the related solar observations, compare
  equivalent widths of programme stars observed both from ESO and McDonald
  observatories and tabulate equivalent widths.

Title: Abundances in CH Subgiants: Evidence of Mass Transfer onto
    Main-Sequence Companions
Authors: Smith, Verne V.; Coleman, Howard; Lambert, David L.
1993ApJ...417..287S    Altcode:
  Carbon, oxygen, and s-process abundances, as well as abundances of other
  metals, such as iron, calcium, or nickel, are presented for a sample
  of nine CH subgiants. The abundances are derived from high-resolution,
  high-S/N spectra. The CH subgiants in this sample are found to have
  mild metal-deficiencies ([Fe/H] ≍ 0.0 to -0.4), a range of s-process
  overabundances ([s-process/Fe] ≍ <SUP>+</SUP>0.2 to <SUP>+</SUP>1.0),
  and C/O ratios from 0.4 to 2.0. When compared to the barium giant stars,
  the CH subgiants tend to have larger C/O ratios, however, the barium
  giants have deep convective envelopes that are presumably absent from
  the CH subgiants, which lie on, or near, the main sequence. As the CH
  subgiants evolve up the red giant branch and develop deep convective
  envelopes, their carbon-rich atmospheres will be mixed with material
  less abundant in C and their C/O ratios will decrease. It is thus quite
  probable that the majority of the barium giant stars have evolved from
  CH subgiant progenitors. The heavy-element abundance distributions of
  the CH subgiants studied here, as well as published analyses of other
  barium and CH giant stars, indicate that the s-process abundance
  enhancements are created by neutrons from the <SUP>13</SUP>C(α,
  n)<SUP>16</SUP>O neutron source.

Title: Ultraviolet Transitions of Low Condensation Temperature Heavy
    Elements and New Data for Interstellar Arsenic, Selenium, Tellurium,
    and Lead
Authors: Cardelli, Jason A.; Federman, S. R.; Lambert, David L.;
   Theodosiou, C. E.
1993ApJ...416L..41C    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Detection of Boron, Cobalt, and Other Weak Interstellar Lines
    toward zeta Ophiuchi
Authors: Federman, S. R.; Sheffer, Y.; Lambert, D. L.; Gilliland, R. L.
1993ApJ...413L..51F    Altcode:
  Numerous weak lines from interstellar atomic species toward Zeta
  Ophiuchi were observed with the Goddard High-Resolution Spectrograph. Of
  particular note are the first interstellar detection of cobalt and
  the detection of boron in this sight line. These measurements provide
  estimates for the amount of depletion for the two elements. Boron,
  a volatile, and cobalt, a refractory element, display the depletion
  pattern found by Savage et al. (1992). The abundance of phosphorus
  in the H II region associated with the star was obtained from a
  detection of P III. Additional weak lines from S I, C I, Ni II, and
  Cu II were detected for the first time; these lines provide the basis
  for refinements in oscillator strength and column density. Analysis of
  the neutral sulfur data indicates that the atomic gas is more widely
  distributed than the molecular material in the main component.

Title: The Chemical Evolution of the Galactic Disk - Part One -
    Analysis and Results
Authors: Edvardsson, B.; Andersen, J.; Gustafsson, B.; Lambert, D. L.;
   Nissen, P. E.; Tomkin, J.
1993A&A...275..101E    Altcode: 2009A&A...500..391E
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Optical emission bands in the spectrum of the R CrB star V854
    CEN at minimum.
Authors: Rao, N. K.; Lambert, D. L.
1993MNRAS.263L..27K    Altcode: 1993MNRAS.263L..27R
  Several unidentified broad emission features, previously seen only
  in the spectrum of the nebulosity in the Red Rectangle, have been
  observed in a spectrum of the R CrB star V854 Cen taken in a deep
  minimum. Similarities and differences between the bands from the
  two sources are noted. The presence of the bands associated with an
  R CrB star may suggest that their carrier does not contain hydrogen
  atoms. Extended red emission seen from the Red Rectangle and probably
  associated with hydrogenated carbon grains is not present in the
  spectrum of V854 Cen.

Title: Lithium in the Barium Stars
Authors: Lambert, David L.; Smith, Verne V.; Heath, James
1993PASP..105..568L    Altcode:
  Analysis of high resolution (lambda/Delta-lambda - 150,000) spectra
  of classical barium giants reveals that an unidentiifed line is
  a major contribtor to the stellar absorption feature at 6707.8 A
  attributed previously to a blend of CN lines and the Li I resonance
  doublet. The strength of the unidentified line is well correlated
  with the strength of a Ce II line. In contrast to published reports
  of positive identifications of absorption due to the Li I doublet,
  an acceptable fit of a synthetic spectrum to the observed spectrum of
  a barium giant is obtainable without a significant contribution from
  the Li I doublet. Upper limits to the Li abundance of classical barium
  giants are now consistent with those expected of CH subgiants evolve
  into barium giants. (SECTION: Stars)

Title: On the Absolute Magnitude of V482 Cygni, an R Coronae
    Borealis Star
Authors: Rao, N. K.; Lambert, David L.
1993PASP..105..574R    Altcode:
  An identification of V482 Cyg, an R CrB star, with a quadruple system
  containing a K5III star is rejected. High-resolution spectra show that
  the radial velocity of V482 Cyg and the K5III star differ by 35 km
  s^-1, and the interstellar NaD lines are much stronger in the spectrum
  of V482 Cyg. These observations suggest that V482 Cyg is much more
  distant than the K5III star and has an absolute magnitude of M_V ~-5,
  similar to that of R CrB stars in the LMC. (SECTION: Stars)

Title: The 6Li/ 7Li Ratio in the Metal-poor Halo Dwarfs HD 19445
    and HD 84937
Authors: Smith, Verne V.; Lambert, David L.; Nissen, Poul E.
1993ApJ...408..262S    Altcode:
  High-resolution high SNR spectra of the Li I 6707 A line in the
  subdwarfs HD 19445 and HD 84937 have been analyzed for the presence
  of Li-6. By measurement of the Li I line's wavelength and analysis
  of its profile, the atmosphere of HD 84937 is shown to have a small
  amount of Li-6: R = Li-6/Li = 0.05 +/- 0.02. For HD 19445, an upper
  limit is set of R less than 0.02. The presence of Li-6 in HD 84937
  is consistent with the mild depletion of Li-6 predicted by standard
  (nonrotating) models and the initial presence of Li-6 in the halo
  produced by (principally) alpha-on-alpha fusion reactions involving
  the cosmic rays that are required to account for the Be and B observed
  in subdwarfs. Depletion of Li-6 in the lower mass star HD 19445 is
  expected to remove the initial Li-6 content and, hence, the absence of
  Li-6 is expected. If Yale models of rotating subdwarfs are adopted,
  the predicted severe depletion of Li-6 and the observed survival of
  Li-6 in HD 84937 have to be reconciled. Four suggestions are made:
  the rotating models are inapplicable to halo dwarfs, production of Li-6
  by cosmic rays has been underestimated, the required high initial Li-6
  abundance of the halo was produced prior to the formation of the Galaxy,
  or the Li-6 was produced in stellar flares.

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: Chemical evolution of the galactic
    disk II. (Edvardsson+ 1993)
Authors: Edvardsson, B.; Andersen, J.; Gustafsson, B.; Lambert, D. L.;
   Nissen, P. E.; Tomkin, J.
1993yCat..41020603E    Altcode:
  (1993A&amp;A...275..101E, see catalog &lt;J/A+A/275/101&gt;) from
  observations at ESO and McDonald observatories are compared. (4
  data files).

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: Chemical evolution of the galactic
    disk I. (Edvardsson+ 1993)
Authors: Edvardsson, B.; Andersen, J.; Gustafsson, B.; Lambert, D. L.;
   Nissen, P. E.; Tomkin, J.
1993yCat..32750101E    Altcode:
  From high resolution, high S/N spectroscopic observations of carefully
  selected northern and southern stars, abundances of O, Na, Mg, Al,
  Si, Ca, Ti, Fe, Ni, Y, Zr, Ba and Nd, as well as photometric ages,
  are derived for 189 nearby field F and G stars. <P />(2 data files).

Title: High Resolution Spectroscopy of the R Coronae Borealis Star,
    V854 Centauri, During A Deep Minimum
Authors: Kameswara Rao, N.; Lambert, David L.
1993AJ....105.1915K    Altcode: 1993AJ....105.1915R
  The R Coronae Borealis star V854 Cen was observed at minimum light (V
  about 15) at high spectral resolution from 5480 to 7070 A. The spectrum
  consists of three components: a continuum devoid of photospheric lines,
  a collection of sharp emission lines of Sc II, Ti II, Y II, and Ba II,
  and broad emission lines of forbidden O I, forbidden N II, forbidden S
  II, H-alpha, Na D, and C2 Swan bands. A low resolution spectrum reveals
  additional lines of Ca II, forbidden C I, and other species. The sharp
  emission lines are considered to be chromospheric lines. The broad
  lines with a full width of 400-500 km/s come from an extended region
  with a temperature of about 7000 K, but an electron density of 50/cu
  cm or less. It is suggested that V854 Cen may be a bipolar nebula.

Title: The Boron Abundance of Procyon
Authors: Lemke, Michael; Lambert, David L.; Edvardsson, Bengt
1993PASP..105..468L    Altcode:
  The B I 2496.8 A resonance line and HST/GHRS echelle spectra are used
  with model atmospheres and synthetic spectra to derive the B abundance
  of the F dwarfs Procyon (alpha CMi), Theta UMa, and Iota Peg. The B
  abundance (log epsilon(B)~/=2.3) of Theta UMa and Iota Peg is similar
  to that derived by Boesgaard and Heacox from the B II resonance line in
  spectra of A and B-type stars. These two dwarfs show normal abundances
  of Li, Be, and B. Procyon, which is highly depleted in Li and Be, is
  depleted in B by a factor of at least 3. Comparison of the spectra
  of Procyon and the halo dwarf HD 140283 shows that the B abundance
  assigned by Duncan, Lambert, and Lemke (1992) to three halo dwarfs is
  not greatly overestimated as a result of contamination of the B I line
  by an unidentified line. (SECTION: Stars)

Title: Books-Received - Frontiers of Stellar Evolution
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
1993JBAA..103...42L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The observed chemical evolution of the Galactic disk.
Authors: Edvardsson, B.; Gustafsson, B.; Andersen, J.; Nissen, P. E.;
   Lambert, D. L.; Tomkin, J.
1993AGAb....8..105E    Altcode: 1993AGAb....8..105.
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Optical emission bands in the spectrum of the R CrB star V854
    Cen at minimum.
Authors: Rao, N. K.; Lambert, D. L.
1993oebs.book.....R    Altcode:
  Several unidentified broad emission features previously seen only
  in the spectrum of the nebulosity in the Red Rectangle have been
  observed in a spectrum of the R CrB star V854 Cen taken in a deep
  minimum. Similarities and differences between the bands from the
  two sources are noted. The presence of the bands associated with a
  R CrB star may suggest that their carrier does not contain hydrogen
  atoms. Extended red emission seen from the Red Rectangle and probably
  associated with hydrogenated carbon grains is not present in the
  spectrum of V854 Cen.

Title: Quantitative stellar spectroscopy with large optical
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
1993PhST...47..186L    Altcode:
  After noting that a generation of large optical telescopes is under
  construction and commenting briefly on the problems in stellar
  spectroscopy that these telescopes will address, the review focuses
  on the need for more complete information on the interactions between
  H atoms and the atoms whose spectral lines are to be investigated in
  stellar spectra. The H-atom collisions may determine the atomic lines'
  widths and may influence the excitation and ionization of the atom.

Title: CNO abundances in the Orion OB association.
Authors: Cunha, K.; Lambert, D. L.
1993oee..conf..274C    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Observational signatures of stellar nucleosynthesis -
    a sampler.
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
1993oee..conf..257L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Nucleosynthesis and mixing in C and Ba stars
Authors: Busso, M.; Beglio, L.; Gallino, R.; Lambert, D. L.; Raiteri,
   C. M.; Smith, V. V.
1993nuco.conf..515B    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: MS and S stars with and without Tc.
Authors: Busso, M.; Gallino, R.; Lambert, D. L.; Raiteri, C. M.;
   Smith, V. V.
1993oee..conf..416B    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Detection of boron, cobalt, and other weak interstellar lines
    toward Zeta Ophiuchi.
Authors: Federman, S. R.; Sheffer, Y.; Lambert, D. L.; Gilliland, R. L.
1993dbco.book.....F    Altcode:
  Numerous weak lines from interstellar atomic species toward ζ Ophiuchi
  were observed with the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph. Of
  particular note are the first interstellar detection of cobalt and
  the detection of boron in this sight line. These measurements provide
  estimates for the amount of depletion for the two elements. Boron,
  a volatile, and cobalt, a refractory element, display the depletion
  pattern found by Savage et al. (1992). The abundance of phosphorus
  in the H II region associated with the star was obtained from a
  detection of P III. Additional weak lines from S I, C I, Ni II, and
  Cu II were detected for the first time, these lines provide the basis
  for refinements in oscillator strength and column density. Analysis of
  the neutral sulfur data indicates that the atomic gas is more widely
  distributed than the molecular material in the main component.

Title: The Abundance of Boron in Three Halo Stars
Authors: Duncan, Douglas K.; Lambert, David L.; Lemke, Michael
1992ApJ...401..584D    Altcode:
  B abundances for three halo stars: HD 140283, HD 19445, and HD 201891
  are presented. Using recent determinations of the Be abundance in HD
  140283, B/Be of 10 +5/-4 is found for this star, and similar ratios
  are inferred for HD 19445 and HD 201891. This ratio is equal to the
  minimum value of 10 expected from a synthesis of B and Be by high-energy
  cosmic-ray spallation reactions in the interstellar medium. It is
  shown that the accompanying synthesis of Li by alpha on alpha fusion
  reactions is probably a minor contributor to the observed 'primordial'
  Li of halo stars. The observed constant ratios of B/O and Be/O are
  expected if the principal channel of synthesis involves cosmic-ray
  CNO nuclei from the supernovae colliding with interstellar protons.

Title: High Resolution Spectroscopy of the Semi-Regular Variable
Authors: Giridhar, Sunetra; Rao, N. K.; Lambert, David L.
1992JApA...13..307G    Altcode:
  A detailed spectroscopic investigation of LR Sco which was earlier
  misclassified as R CrB star is made. Atmospheric parameters and
  elemental abundances are determined using detailed depth-dependent model
  atmospheres and line synthesis technique. Most of the elements show
  near solar abundances. The strength of circumstellar components seen in
  Na D lines are used to derive the mass loss rate. Another independent
  estimate of mass loss rate is made using the observed infrared flux
  from 1-100Μm. These two approaches lead to nearly the same value of
  mass loss rate when M <SUB>v</SUB>is assumed to be - 4.5 for this star.

Title: Nucleosynthesis and Mixing on the Asymptotic Giant
    Branch. I. MS and S Stars with and without TC
Authors: Busso, M.; Gallino, R.; Lambert, D. L.; Raiteri, C. M.;
   Smith, V. V.
1992ApJ...399..218B    Altcode:
  The study fits the elemental abundances observed in MS and S giants
  using self-consistent models of nucleosynthesis and dredge-up for the
  TP-AGB evolutionary phases of low-mass stars. The initial envelope
  abundances of C-12, C-13, and N-14 are taken from observations of red
  giants that experienced the first dredge-up and are not yet on the
  AGB. It is found that the observed abundances of MS and S stars are
  readily explained by TP-AGB models of low-mass stars in which neutrons
  are released by the C-13(alpha, n)O-16 neutron source and in which
  the effects of mass loss and mixing due to envelope penetration are
  taken into account. The observed distributions of s-elements alone do
  not suffice to derive the neutron exposure in the He-shell, because
  the observed distributions are strongly affected also by how and
  when the third dredge-up occurs. The relative roles of mixing and of
  nucleosynthesis may be estimated by requiring the models to reproduce
  the abundances of C as well as of the s-elements. It is shown that
  single Tc-poor S star may exist, if the dredge-up phenomenon occurs
  rarely enough to allow Tc to decay between successive mixing episodes.

Title: Behavioral Study of Yellow Supergiants: III. [N II] Emission
    of HR 8752 from 1961-1991
Authors: Sheffer, Yaron; Lambert, David L.
1992PASP..104.1054S    Altcode:
  McDonald spectra of HR 8752 from the last 16 years reveal a constant
  radial velocity and a variable equivalent width of the [N II]
  emission at 6583A. The 1976-91 interval confirms and expands the
  increasing equivalent width trend first reported in Sheffer and Lambert
  (1987). The current equivalent wideth of 230 mA is the strongest [N
  II] emission ever observed from HR 8752. By analyzing published Band
  V photometry we establish that the cuase of [N II] equivalent width
  variability is the variable continuum of HR 8752. Extension of the
  analyzed interval back to the 1961 discovery epoch is accomplished by
  a survey of both the spectroscopic and photometric literature. This
  uncovers a remarkable minimum in [N II] strength around 1973 and
  possibly demonstrates a cyclical behavior of the continuum with a
  30-year period, or longer. (SECTION: Stars)

Title: Chemical Evolution of the Orion Association. I. The Oxygen
    Abundance of Main-Sequence B Stars
Authors: Cunha, Katia; Lambert, David L.
1992ApJ...399..586C    Altcode:
  Oxygen abundances are presented from LTE and non-LTE analyses of O
  II lines in spectra of 18 B mainsequence stars of the four subgroups
  comprising the Orion association. The lowest abundances are found in the
  oldest subgroups (Ia and Ib). The youngest subgroup Id, the Trapezium
  cluster, and some stars of the slightly older Ic subgroup seem to have
  an abundance that is up to about 40 percent higher. It is suggested
  that this enrichment resulted from the mixing of supernovae ejecta from
  the Ic subgroup with those adjacent portions of the dense molecular
  cloud that subsequently collapsed to form the Trapezium cluster. These
  stellar analyses confirm published abundance analyses of the H II
  region's emission lines that show Orion to have an oxygen abundance
  that is less than that of the Sun: the mean LTE/NLTE abundances are
  log epsilon(O) = 8.67/8.65 +/- 0.12 for the 18 stars whereas the solar
  abundance is log epsilon(O) = 8.93.

Title: Book-Review - Frontiers of Stellar Evolution
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
1992Sci...258.1015L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Fractionation of CO in the Diffuse Clouds toward zeta Ophiuchi
Authors: Sheffer, Yaron; Federman, S. R.; Lambert, David L.; Cardelli,
   Jason A.
1992ApJ...397..482S    Altcode:
  An analysis of CO A-X bands in diffuse clouds toward Zeta Ophiuchi
  is presented. The results provide isotopic ratios that constitute
  the strongest observational evidence for highly localized isotopic
  fractionation of CO in diffuse portions of an interstellar cloud. The
  value of the fractionation implies that selective photodissociation
  is the controlling influence of the fractionation. The molecule's
  excitation temperature is discussed and a lower limit to the O-16/O-18
  ratio is provided. The absence of CO lines from the gas that provides
  broad CH+ and CH lines commonly attributed to warm gas behind a shock
  front is addressed.

Title: The Carbon-to-Oxygen Ratio in Halo Dwarfs
Authors: Tomkin, Jocelyn; Lemke, Michael; Lambert, David L.; Sneden,
1992AJ....104.1568T    Altcode:
  C I and O I lines have been observed in 34 metal-poor dwarfs and
  subgiants, and both LTE and non-LTE analyses of these lines have
  been performed. Analysis of the lines is vitiated by a systematic
  temperature-dependent error, showing that present methods of analysis
  may not give the correct elemental abundances. The (C/O) ratios are,
  however, almost independent of effective temperature and are therefore
  reliable. These ratios are found to be essentially constant over the
  metallicity range (Fe/H) = -2.7 - -1.0 in the survey. The mean value
  is (C/O) = -0.57 +/- 0.12. Analysis of CH lines gives (C/Fe) = -0.14
  +/- 0.20. It is considered that the O abundance in halo stars is more
  reliably indicated by the forbidden O I line, and it is suggested that
  (O/Fe) = +0.45 +/- 0.1 is representative for (Fe/H) less than -1. It is
  suggested that (C/Fe) = -0.1 and (O/Fe) about +0.5 are representative
  of the halo.

Title: A fine analysis of calcium and iron lines in the spectrum of
    the subdwarf Groombridge 1830.
Authors: Smith, G.; Lambert, D. L.; Ruck, M. J.
1992A&A...263..249S    Altcode:
  A detailed model atmosphere analysis of calcium and iron lines is
  used to derive a set of self-consistent atmospheric parameter for
  the subdwarf Gmb 1830. T(eff) is found to be 5170 +/- 70 K, slightly
  hotter than previous estimates based on photometric indices. The
  surface gravity is slightly greater than that of the sun. There is a
  clear difference in logarithmic abundance, relative to the sun, between
  calcium and iron such that (Ca/H) exceeds (Fe/H) by about 0.3 dex. The
  logarithmic abundance of magnesium, relative to the sun, is close to
  that of calcium. Test calculations indicate that it is the relative
  abundance of alpha-particle elements, presumably mainly Mg and Si,
  which largely controls the electron pressure of the atmosphere. The
  microturbulence in Gmb 1830 is similar to that found in other G and
  early K type dwarf stars.

Title: Lithium-Rich Red Giants in the Magellanic Clouds
Authors: Lubowich, D. A.; Smith, V. V.; Lambert, D. L.
1992AAS...181.2306L    Altcode: 1992BAAS...24.1158L
  No abstract at ADS

Title: High- Velocity Interstellar Gas Toward HD 169454
Authors: Federman, S. R.; Lambert, D. L.
1992AJ....104..691F    Altcode:
  The interstellar spectrum of HD 169454 reveals Na D and Ca K absorption
  at about + 100 km/s. Measurements made at high resolution resolve
  4 narrow (about 2-3 km/s) features whose N(Ca II)/N(Na I) ratios
  are small. This high-velocity gas is, therefore, unique in that it
  resembles local quiescent gas, not shocked gas. Redshifted gas is also
  seen in moderate-resolution spectra of faint stars lying in the same
  portion of the sky as HD 169454. The resulting picture is one in which
  a supernova explosion or stellar winds within the Sct OB3 association
  at a distance of about 1.5 kpc is pushing quiescent gas away from the
  sun. The gas is seen only in stars estimated to be at most 3 kpc, but
  greater than 2 kpc, away. If HD 169454 is at this greater distance,
  its absolute magnitude would be about -9, making it the second most
  luminous B star in the Galaxy.

Title: Fluorine in red giant stars : evidence for nucleosynthesis.
Authors: Jorissen, A.; Smith, V. V.; Lambert, D. L.
1992A&A...261..164J    Altcode:
  Flourine abundances were determined in several K giants and asymptotic
  giant branch (AGB) stars, using the infrared vibration-rotation lines of
  HF. The data presented constitute the only available information on the
  fluorine abundance outside the solar system and provide invaluable clues
  to the question of the nucleosynthetic origin of F. The observations
  confirm that F production occurs at a He-burning site and constrain
  the current models of AGB stars.

Title: Scientific Requirements for High-Resolution Spectroscopy with
    the VLT
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
1992ESOC...40...11L    Altcode: 1992hrsw.conf...11L
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Stellar Evolution Nucleosynthesis and High-Resolution
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
1992ESOC...40...23L    Altcode: 1992hrsw.conf...23L
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Boron in Main Sequence STARS-CYC3HIGH
Authors: Lambert, David
1992hst..prop.4840L    Altcode:
  Boron abundances have been obtained for a sample of Pop. I and Pop. II
  stars from GHRS grating/echelle spectra of the BI resonance lines
  at 2497 A. Stars to be observed in Cycle 3 include Procyon and high
  galactic latitude early type stars. Boron will A B I line at 2089A will
  be observed in Procyon in order to measure the 11B/10B ratio. In the
  high latitude B stars, Boron will be sought from the B II doublet at
  1362A. A second region at 1305A will provide profiles of SiIII lines; a
  SiIII line is blended with the B II line. Boron will provide a new clue
  to origins of these young solar-metallicity massive stars in the halo.

Title: Boron and Chemical Evolution of the Galactic Disk CYC3-MEDIUM
Authors: Lambert, David
1992hst..prop.4418L    Altcode:
  Exploratory observations will be made of the B I resonance 2090A in
  Theta UMa from which the 11B/10B may be measureable.

Title: The Transitions Involving the Chemistry of C<SUB>2</SUB>
    and CN in Interstellar Cloud Envelopes
Authors: Strom, C. J.; Federman, S. R.; Lambert, D. L.; Smith, V. V.;
   Cardelli, J. A.; Joseph, C. L.
1992AAS...180.4304S    Altcode: 1992BAAS...24..797S
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Li Abundances in Luminous Magellanic Cloud AGB stars
Authors: Plez, B.; Smith, V. V.; Lambert, D. L.
1992AAS...180.2607P    Altcode: 1992BAAS...24..768P
  Improved model atmospheres including spherical geometry and better
  opacities treated in Opacity Sampling (Plez, Brett, Nordlund, 1992,
  Astron. Astrophys., in press) have been used to extract Li abundances in
  Magellanic Cloud AGB and Supergiant stars. The effect of sphericity on
  the derivation of stellar parameters and chemical composition has been
  investigated. The C/O ratio has been found to be a critical parameter
  that has to be carefully estimated in S type stars, before any reliable
  abundance may be determined. This is due to the rapid variation of TiO
  partial pressure with the C/O ratio when it nears one. This results in
  changes in the atmospheric structure and in the veiling of the spectrum
  by the numerous TiO lines. Preliminary results will be discussed that
  suggest Li enhancement in the most luminous AGB stars. This confirms the
  discovery by Smith and Lambert (1989, Ap.J. letters, 345, L75 and 1990,
  Ap.J. Letters, 361, L69) of Li enrichment in luminous S stars of the
  Magellanic Clouds and supports their conclusion that the excess Li was
  produced as a result of envelope burning. This research is supported
  in part by the NSF (AST 91-15090) and the Robert A. Welch Foundation
  of Houston, Texas.

Title: The Chemical Composition of Magellanic Cloud Cepheids and
    Nonvariable Supergiants
Authors: Luck, R. E.; Lambert, David L.
1992ApJS...79..303L    Altcode:
  Abundance analyses of 14 Cepheids and nonvariable supergiants in the
  Magellanic Clouds (seven stars in each Cloud) are presented along with
  comparison data on four Galactic objects. Elemental abundances derived
  include Li, C, N, O, the α-elements, the Fe peak, and limited data on
  the heavy elements. Only HV 5497 in the LMC shows any detectable Li
  [log ɛ(Li) = 2.5] among the Cloud objects. It is also unique (among
  LMC objects analyzed) in that it is metal-rich ([Fe/HI~+0.2) which may
  explain its Li-rich nature. Our CNO data when combined with previous
  results suggest a disparity between the LMC and the SMC supergiants in
  that the SMC stars have an essentially constant [0/Fe] ratio, while
  the LMC stars do not. The [0/Fe] ratios within both Clouds are lower
  than the ratio found in Galactic stars of similar metallicity, but are
  comparable to the [0/Fe] ratios found in Galactic supergiants. Both
  Clouds show a range of CNO abundances larger than that of Galactic
  supergiants, but this could be a result of analysis deficiencies and
  small sample sizes. The [Fe/H] ratios are consistent with the analysis
  errors dominating the abundance dispersion in the SMC, while within the
  LMC a real dispersion in [Fe/H] is possible. For the heavier elements,
  we confirm previous results which indicate the light s-and r-process
  elements (Sr, Y, Zr) show Galactic ratios with respect to Fe, but that
  the heavy s- and r-process elements (Ba-Sm) are enhanced in the Clouds.

Title: The p-nuclei: abundances and origins
Authors: Lambert, David L.
1992A&ARv...3..201L    Altcode:
  The review discusses the solar system (meteoritic) abundances
  and the possible modes of nucleosynthesis of the 30-odd
  p-nuclei from<SUP>74</SUP>Se to<SUP>196</SUP>Hg. In addition
  to a discussion of the abundances for bulk meteorites, isotopic
  anomalies related to the p-nuclei are discussed; e.g., the Xe-HL
  associated with the ‘interstellar’ diamonds and the extinct
  radionuclides<SUP>146</SUP>Sm and<SUP>92</SUP>Nb. Various proposed
  schemes of synthesizing p-nuclei are reviewed. It is noted that the
  7-process (i.e., photoerosion) operating in SN Ia (exploding C-O white
  dwarfs) appears capable of accounting for the relative and absolute
  abundances of all but one or two of the rarest of p-nuclei. Synthesis
  of these latter nuclei is also discussed.

Title: Carbon, Nitrogen, and Oxygen Abundances in Early B-Type Stars
Authors: Gies, Douglas R.; Lambert, David L.
1992ApJ...387..673G    Altcode:
  A survey of the C, N, and O abundances in a sample of early B-type
  stars which was undertaken to test the hypothesis of Liubimkov (1984)
  that CN-cycled material is mixed to the surfaces of these stars during
  their core hydrogen-burning phase. Equivalent widths of generally weak
  lines are obtained using high-signal-to-noise Reticon spectra of 39
  stars in four spectral regions. Effective temperatures and gravities
  for these stars are derived. Projected rotational velocities are
  measured using a cross-correlation technique. Abundances are derived
  using LTE methods and non-LTE equivalent width calculations. He, C, N,
  and O abundances of the nonsupergiant stars in the sample are found
  to be very close to the values found for the Orion Nebula, with the
  notable exception of a few stars which show enhanced N, a signature of
  CN-cycled material. No compelling evidence for a systematic increase in
  N abundance with evolutonary age was found; thus Liubimkov's claim that
  mixing occurs generally in main-sequence B stars cannot be confirmed.

Title: The Chemical Composition of Blue Horizontal Branch Stars in
    M4 and NGC 6397
Authors: Lambert, David L.; McWilliam, Andrew; Smith, Verne V.
1992ApJ...386..685L    Altcode:
  High-resolution (lambda/Delta lambda is approximately equal to 18,000)
  spectra of two horizontal branch stars in M4 and one in NGC 6397
  provide a metallicity in good agreement with the values obtained
  previously by others from analyses of cluster red giants. For one HB
  star in M4, the C, N, O abundances derived from near-infrared C I,
  N I, O I lines are consistent with those obtained for red giants by
  Brown et al. (1990). The result suggests that the He-core flash cannot
  always result in products of He-burning being mixed into the envelope.

Title: Detection of boron in halo dwarf stars : implications for
    early galactic cosmic rays and primordial nucleosynthesis.
Authors: Lemke, M.; Lambert, D. L.; Duncan, D. K.
1992BAAS...24..681L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Detection of Boron in Halo Dwarf Stars: Implications for
    Early Galactic Cosmic Rays and Primordial Nucleosynthesis
Authors: Lemke, M.; Lambert, D. L.; Duncan, D. K.
1992AAS...179.1309L    Altcode: 1992BAAS...24Q.681L
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Chemical and Dynamical Evolution of the Galactic Disk
Authors: Gustafsson, B.; Edvardsson, B.; Nissen, P.; Lambert, D. L.;
   Tomkin, J.; Andersen, J.
1992IAUS..149...75G    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Observational Effects of Nucleosynthesis in Evolved Stars
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
1992eatc.conf...92L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Abundance of Boron in Three Halo Stars
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Lemke, M.
1992ESOC...44..319L    Altcode: 1992swhs.conf..319L
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Lithium-rich red giants in the Magellanic Clouds.
Authors: Lubowich, D. A.; Smith, V. V.; Lambert, D. L.
1992BAAS...24R1158L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Observation of Bariam star HD 46407
Authors: Lambert, David
1992iue..prop.4418L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Atomic data, stellar atmospheres, and the Hubble Space
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
1992HiA.....9..557L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The chemical evolution of luminous stars; problems or
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
1992iesh.conf..156L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Chemical evolution of the Orion association. I. The oxygen
    abundance of main sequence B stars.
Authors: Cunha, K.; Lambert, D. L.
1992ceoa.book.....C    Altcode:
  Oxygen abundances are presented from LTE and non-LTE analyses of O
  II lines in spectra of 18 B main sequence stars of the four subgroups
  comprising the Orion association. The lowest abundances are found in the
  oldest subgroups (Ia and Ib). The youngest subgroup Id, the Trapezium
  cluster, and some stars of the slightly older Ic subgroup seem to have
  an abundance that is up to about 40 percent higher. It is suggested that
  this enrichment resulted from the mixing of supernovae ejecta from the
  Ic subgroup with those adjacent portions of the dense molecular cloud
  that subsequently collapsed to form the Trapezium cluster. These stellar
  analyses confirm published abundance analyses of the H II region's
  emission lines that show Orion to have an oxygen abundance that is
  less than that of the Sun: the mean LTE/NLTE abundances are logɛ(O) =
  8.67/8.65±0.12 for the 18 stars whereas the solar abundance is logɛ(O)
  = 8.93.

Title: Diffuse interstellar clouds
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Federman, S. R.
1992HiA.....9...65L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Lithium abundances for 81 F dwarfs.
Authors: Lambert, David L.; Heath, James E.; Edvardsson, Bengt
1991MNRAS.253..610L    Altcode:
  Lithium abundances are presented for 81 main-sequence stars with
  effective temperatures of about 5800-6700 K. A novel result of the
  survey is that, in old disk dwarfs too low in mass to belong to
  the Li-gap, Li is generally not depleted beyond the moderate level
  attributed to the convection zone of the premain- and main-sequence
  phase but, when depletion occurs, it is very effective. Li-poor old
  disk stars at luminosities too low to be identified with the Li-gap
  exist, but are rare.

Title: Interstellar 12C/ 13C Ratio Revisited
Authors: Crane, Philippe; Hegyi, Dennis J.; Lambert, David L.
1991ApJ...378..181C    Altcode:
  Recent 107-in telescope observations of the molecular ion CH(+) at 4232
  A in the direction of Zeta Oph are reported. One-dimensional spectra
  were extracted from the frames using procedures in IRAF. A Gaussian
  line profile was fitted to the data at random points well separated
  from the CH(+) features. The resulting distribution of equivalent
  widths is presented. Results for the individual spectra are summarized
  as well as the errors assigned to the individual results. Histograms
  of the equivalent widths for the CH-12(+) and CH-13(+) lines are shown
  and compared to the data from Stahl at al. (1989), and good agreement
  is found. It is concluded that the C-12/C-13 ratio toward Zeta Oph is
  closer to 70 than to 45, as argued by Hawkins et al. (1985).

Title: Lithium Abundances in Carbon Stars
Authors: Denn, Grant R.; Luck, R. E.; Lambert, David L.
1991ApJ...377..657D    Altcode:
  High-dispersion, high SNR ratio spectra near 6707 A have provided
  Li abundances for 29 cool carbon stars. For the carbon stars, with
  the exception of the J star WZ Cas, the Li abundance ranges from log
  epsilon(Li) = -0.6 to -1.7 and is uncorrelated with the C-12/C-13,
  C/O and other abundance ratios, and the effective temperature. The
  Li abundances are on average lower than found for M giants. This
  difference may be due to a systematic underestimate of the carbon stars'
  effective temperatures by 200-400 K. It is possible that Li may be
  destroyed at the base of an asymptotic giant branch star's convective
  envelope. When the base temperature increases substantially, Li may
  be produced by the B-7 transport mechanism, as in the super Li-rich SC
  (J-type) star WZ Cas with log epsilon(Li) = 6.5.

Title: First Results from the Goddard High-Resolution Spectrograph:
    C i, S i, and CO toward XI Persei and the Physical Conditions in
    Diffuse Clouds
Authors: Smith, Andrew M.; Bruhweiler, Frederick C.; Lambert, David
   L.; Savage, Blair D.; Cardelli, Jason A.; Ebbets, Dennis C.; Lyu,
   Cheng-Hsuan; Sheffer, Yaron
1991ApJ...377L..61S    Altcode:
  Observations made by the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph of
  the cool, neutral interstellar gas in the line of sight to Xi Per
  are reported. Heliocentric velocities and equivalent widths were
  measured for absorption lines of C I and S I. Synthetic spectra were
  computed and fitted to the observed CO(2-0) and (3-0) bands in the A
  IPi - X 1Sigma(+) system. Derived populations of the C I ground-state
  fine-structure levels and the CO ground-state rotational levels were
  used to derive densities of two of the three, and possibly four,
  detected cloud components. The velocity component displaying the
  strongest C I absorption reveals extraordinarily high pressure.

Title: Oxygen abundances in Orion-association B-stars
Authors: Cunha, K.; Lambert, D. L.
1991BAAS...23.1264C    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Vibration-rotation bands of CH in the solar infrared spectrum
    and the solar carbon abundance
Authors: Grevesse, N.; Lambert, D. L.; Sauval, A. J.; van Dishoeck,
   E. F.; Farmer, C. B.; Norton, R. H.
1991A&A...242..488G    Altcode:
  High resolution solar spectra obtained from the ATMOS Fourier Transform
  Spectrometer (Spacelab 3 flight on April 29-May 6, 1985) have made
  it possible to identify and measure a large number of lines of the
  vibration-rotation fundamental bands of the X2 Pi state of CH. From
  about 100 lines of the 1-0, 2-1, and 3-2 bands and adopting theoretical
  transition probabilities, a solar carbon abundance of 8.60 + or -
  0.05 is derived. This value is compared with new results inferred
  from other carbon abundance indicators. The final recommended solar
  abundance of carbon is 8.60 + or - 0.05.

Title: The Chemical Composition of Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars -
    the S-Process
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
1991IAUS..145..299L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Frontiers of stellar evolution
Authors: Lambert, David L.
1991ASPC...20.....L    Altcode: 1991fse..conf.....L
  Bibliographic codes for individual papers begin with "1992fse..book".

Title: An abundance analysis of three Lambda Bootis stars.
Authors: Venn, K.; Lambert, D. L.
1991ASPC...20..624V    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Abundance Connection - the View from the Trenches
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
1991IAUS..145..451L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The chemical composition of luminous stars: problems or
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
1991ccls.book.....L    Altcode:
  The surface chemical composition of a luminous star changes as the
  star evolves. Spectroscopic definition of the changes may be used to
  test stellar evolutionary models. This essay discusses some of the
  observed and predicted changes in three different groups of luminous
  stars: hot massive stars, yellow supergiants, and luminous asymptotic
  giant branch stars.

Title: Surface Chemical Composition, Nuclear Processing, and Deep
Mixing: Main Sequence to First Dredge-Up
Authors: Lambert, David L.
1991LNP...388..325L    Altcode: 1991ctsm.conf..325L
  The standard theory of the structure of moderate mass stars predicts
  that, except for a few light nuclides, the composition of a main
  sequence star is identical to that of its parental interstellar
  cloud. Aspects of the depletion of Li in main sequence stars are
  discussed. Standard theory predicts that the composition of a red giant
  and its main sequence progenitor must differ because the giant's deep
  convective envelope brings to the surface material previously exposed
  to warm protons. Observations of Li, 12C/13C and 16O/17O/18O in giants
  are related to the predictions for standard models.

Title: Isotopic Abundances of Carbon and Oxygen and Fractionation
    in Interstellar Carbon Monoxide
Authors: Lambert, David
1990hst..prop.1065L    Altcode:
  HRS observations of the CO A-X system between 1250 and 1550 A will
  be acquired and analyzed to obtain abundances of 12C16O, 13C16O,
  12C17O, and 12C18O, and to study the rotational excitation of the
  CO molecule. Additional observations of the weak inter-combination
  line of C II at 2324 A have provided the C+ abundance which plays an
  important role in chemical fractionation. Diffuse interstellar gas
  towards local stars (e.g. Zeta Oph) will be observed lines of the less
  abundant isotopic species of CO. A check on the Galactic gradient in
  the 12C/13C ratio will be attempted by observing stars about 1 kpc
  towards and away from the Galactic center.

Title: Carbon Chemistry in Interstellar Diffuse Clouds - the c2
Molecule :CYCLE 1 Observations
Authors: Lambert, David
1990hst..prop.1066L    Altcode:
  Observations of the C2 molecule in interstellar diffuse clouds are
  based on the Phillips near-infrared system. The ultraviolet D-X (lambda
  ~2310 A) and F-X (lambda ~1341 A) transitions should provide detectable
  C2 lines on HRS echelle spectra for lines-of-sight for which Phillips
  system lines are essentially undetectable. Observations of C2 will be
  attempted for line of sight containing rather little H2 (log N(H2) &lt;~
  20.6). The D-X and F-X bands transitions will be calibrated against the
  Phillips system through observations of zeta Oph. The relation between
  C2, H2, and other abundant molecules will be interpreted using cloud
  models and thorough chemical reaction networks. Rotational excitation
  will also be measured and interpreted.

Title: High resolution spectroscopy of R Coronae Borealis during
    the 1988-1989 minimum.
Authors: Lambert, David L.; Rao, N. Kameswara; Giridhar, Sunetra
1990JApA...11..475L    Altcode:
  Moderate-resolution spectra of the C2 Swan 0-1 bandhead, the Na I D
  lines and the K I resonance lines near 7660 A obtained at minimum light
  during the 1988-1989 decline of R CrB are discussed and interpreted in
  terms of a popular model for R CrB declines. High-resolution spectra
  obtained at maximum light show blue-shifted, chromospheric emission
  in the cores of the Na I D and the Sc II 4246.8 A lines.

Title: The Chemical Composition of Three Lambda Bootis Stars
Authors: Venn, Kim A.; Lambert, David L.
1990ApJ...363..234V    Altcode:
  Abundance analyses are reported for three certain members (Lambda
  Boo, 29 Cyg, Pi1 Ori) of the class of rapidly rotating, metal-poor
  A-type stars known as Lambda Bootis stars. Model atmosphere analysis
  of high-resolution, high signal-to-noise spectra shows that the metal
  deficiencies are more severe than previously reported: Fe/H = -2.0,
  -1.8, -1.3 for Lambda Boo, 29 Cyg, and Pi1 Ori, respectively. Other
  metals (Mg, Ca, Ti, and Sr) are similarly underabundant, with Na
  often having a smaller underabundance. C, N, O, and S have near-solar
  abundances. Vega is shown to be a mild Lambda Boo star. The abundance
  anomalies of the Lambda Boo stars resemble those found for the
  interstellar gas in which the metals are depleted through formation
  of interstellar grains. It is suggested that the Lambda Boo stars are
  created when circumstellar (or interstellar) gas is separated from
  the grains and accreted by the star. The bulk of the interstellar
  grains comprises a circumstellar cloud or disk that is detectable by
  its infrared radiation.

Title: The Interstellar 12C/ 13C Ratio toward MU Normae
Authors: Crane, Philippe; Lambert, David L.; Palazzi, Eliana
1990ApJ...363..192C    Altcode:
  In this paper, the (C-12)/(C-13) ratio in the interstellar cloud
  toward the star Mu Normae (HD 149038) is determined by estimating the
  abundance of (C-13)H(+) relative to (C-12)H(+). The equivalent widths
  of the lines for these ions were determined at 4232 and 3957 A. For
  the (C-12)H(+) lines, these values were 26.988 + or - 0.108 mA at
  4232 A and 15.561 + or - 0.250 mA, respectively, and for (C-13)H(+)
  the corresponding values were 0.556 + or - 0.0 mA and 0.202 + or -
  0.171 mA. The (C-12)/(C-13) ratio obtained from the 4232 A line was
  56.9 + or - 6.4, while that from the 3957 A line was 85 + or - 72.

Title: On the Occurrence of Enhanced Lithium in Magellanic Cloud
    Red Giants
Authors: Smith, Verne V.; Lambert, David L.
1990ApJ...361L..69S    Altcode:
  High-resolution spectra have been obtained for 27 red giants in the
  Magellanic Clouds spanning a range in bolometric absolute magnitudes
  (M_bol_ ~ -5 to -9). In a previous study, we found that five out of five
  luminous asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars in the Small Magellanic
  Cloud (SMC) showed enhanced Li I resonance doublets (6707 A); the
  extension here of our previous work reveals that the "Li- strong"
  red giants in both Magellanic Clouds are luminous (M_bol_ ~ -6 to -7)
  stars on the AGB. Lower luminosity (M_bol_ ~ -5.0 to -5.5) AGB stars
  show no Li I features, while the very luminous (M_bol_ ~ -7 to -9)
  red giants that are identified as massive, core-burning supergiants
  also show no Li I features. We suggest that the enhanced Li abundances
  in these luminous AGB stars are a byproduct of envelope burning in the
  more massive (M ~ 4-8 M_sun_) AGB stars. We also demonstrate that these
  Li-strong AGB stars may be a significant source of ^7^Li in a galaxy.

Title: High Dispersion Spectral Observations with the GHRS/HST of
    Interstellar Lines Toward Xi Persei
Authors: Smith, A. M.; Savage, B.; Jura, M.; Ebbets, D.; Bruhweiler,
   F.; Cardelli, J.; Lambert, D.
1990BAAS...22.1277S    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Is LR SCO and RCB star?
Authors: Giridhar, S.; Kameswara-Rao, N.; Lambert, D. L.
1990Obs...110..120G    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: CN, CH, and CH + toward zeta Ophiuchi
Authors: Lambert, David L.; Sheffer, Yaron; Crane, Philippe
1990ApJ...359L..19L    Altcode:
  Observations with a resolution of 600,000 of interstellar absorption
  from the CN 3874.6 A, CH 4300.3 A, and CH(+) 4232.5 A lines reveal
  several new features of the clouds along the line of sight toward
  Zeta Oph. The CN line consists of two overlapping components which
  are similar to those seen in the CO pure rotational lines. The CH(+)
  line is well described by a single Gaussian line profile with FWHM
  of 3.5 km/s. The CH profile is a composite of a CN-like profile and
  a CH(+)-like profile, indicating for the first time that CH exists in
  two regions of very different character.

Title: Chemical Compositions of Four High-Latitude A--F Supergiants
Authors: Luck, R. Earle; Bond, Howard E.; Lambert, David L.
1990ApJ...357..188L    Altcode:
  The atmospheric parameters and chemical composition of HR 6144,
  HD 161796, 89 Her, and HR 7671, four representative members of the
  class of A- and F-type supergiants lying at high Galactic latitudes,
  are determined. The abundance results for HR 6144, HD 161796, and 89
  Her are strongly atypical of Population I supergiants in that they are
  slightly metal-poor and have an overabundance of both C and N. Their
  locations in the H-R diagram and the difficulty of assigning them to
  Population I suggest that high-latitude supergiants are low-mass stars
  in a post-AGB evolutionary stage. However, they do not reveal the heavy
  s-process element enhancements seen in highly evolved B stars. HR 7671
  differs from the other three stars in that it is very metal-poor,
  slightly deficient in C and O, has s-process abundances enhanced by
  a factor of four above solar, and has a surprising amount of Li. It
  may be a post-AGB star descended from a Li-rich S-type star.

Title: S Stars without Technetium: The Binary Star Connection
Authors: Brown, Jeffery A.; Smith, Verne V.; Lambert, David L.;
   Dutchover, Edward, Jr.; Hinkle, Kenneth H.; Johnson, Hollis R.
1990AJ.....99.1930B    Altcode:
  An exploratory survey of non-Mira MS and S star radial velocities
  and the He I 10830 A triplet are used to test the assertion that S
  stars without Tc are spectroscopic binaries, probably with white-dwarf
  companions. It is found that the He I 10830 A triplet is a prominent
  feature of the spectra of S stars without Tc, but the He I line is
  undetectable in the spectra of most S stars without Tc. Also, when
  radial-velocity variations attributable to orbital motion are detected
  for S stars without Tc, the variations have a higher frequency that
  that of S stars with Tc. The results suggest that the S stars without
  Tc are spectroscopic binaries and are probably related to the G and
  K giant Barium stars.

Title: Identification of solar vibration-rotation lines of NH and
    the solar nitrogen abundance
Authors: Grevesse, N.; Lambert, D. L.; Sauval, A. J.; van Dishoeck,
   E. F.; Farmer, C. B.; Norton, R. H.
1990A&A...232..225G    Altcode:
  High resolution solar spectra obtained from the ATMOS Fourier Transform
  Spectrometer (Spacelab 3 flight on April 29 - May 6, 1985) made it
  possible to detect for the first time vibration-rotation lines of NH
  from the X3 Sigma(-) state near 3 microns. Using recent theoretical
  results for the transition probabilities of 23 selected measured lines
  of the 1-0 and 2-1 bands, a solar abundance of nitrogen of 8.06 + or -
  0.07 is derived. This value is compared with the result derived from
  N I lines and agrees with the abundance obtained from the 3s-3p, 3p-3d
  and 3s-prime - 3p-prime transitions, A(N) = 8.00 + or - 0.09. The final
  recommended solar abundance of nitrogen is A(N) = 8.00 + or - 0.05.

Title: Infrared Spectroscopy of Four Carbon Stars with 9.8-Micron
    Emission from Silicate Grains
Authors: Lambert, David L.; Hinkle, Kenneth H.; Smith, Verne V.
1990AJ.....99.1612L    Altcode:
  High-resolution K band and low resolution 4 micron spectra were obtained
  for four carbon stars showing IR emission by silicate grains. The
  results of the analysis of the K band spectra show that they are J-type
  stars. These results, together with published spectral classifications,
  show that all known carbon stars with a silicate emission feature are
  J-type stars. The 4 micron spectra are very similar to the spectra
  of classical J-type carbon stars, and do not show SiO bands that
  might come from a M giant companion. A binary model with a luminous
  M giant companion as a source of the silicate grain is rejected. It
  is proposed that the silicate grains formed from gas ejecta at or
  before the He-core flash, and that the flash initiates severe mixing,
  leading to the star's conversion to a J-type carbon star. The ejecta are
  stored in an accretion disk around a low mass unevolved companion. If
  it can be shown that the hypothesized accretion disk is stable and may
  be heated adequately, this binary model appears to account for these
  peculiar carbon stars.

Title: Carbon, Nitrogen, and Oxygen Abundances in the Chemically
    Peculiar Stars of the Upper Main Sequence
Authors: Roby, Scott W.; Lambert, David L.
1990ApJS...73...67R    Altcode:
  Low-noise, high-resolution Reticon spectra are used to obtain C, N,
  and O abundances for chemically peculiar stars with surface temperatures
  between 7,000 and 15,000 K. The analysis includes C I, C II, N I, and O
  I lines for 13 Am and related stars, nine Hg-Mn stars, 15 magnetic Ap
  stars, and five standard stars. The C and O abundances show a roughly
  monotonic increase with surface temperature. The C and O results are in
  general agreement with radiative diffusion theory. The N abundances,
  however, show that N is slightly deficient in cool nonmagnetic stars
  and very deficient above 10,000 K in nonmagnetic stars. The results
  for N disagree with simple diffusion predictions, suggesting that
  a more detailed model is needed for partially ionized N near the
  stellar surface.

Title: High-Resolution Spectroscopy of the C 2 Swan 0--0 Band from
    Comet P/Halley
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Sheffer, Y.; Danks, A. C.; Arpigny, C.;
   Magain, P.
1990ApJ...353..640L    Altcode:
  High-resolution spectra of the C2 Swan system's 0-0 band from Comet
  P/Halley in March 1986 show that the populations of the upper state's
  rotational levels may be described by two rotational temperatures. The
  low rotational levels provide a low temperature, Trot = about 600 -
  700 K. The higher levels correspond to about 3200 K. If a contribution
  from the 3200-K molecules is subtracted from the populations of the
  low-J-prime levels, the latter are characterized by Trot = about 190
  K. A comparison with recent predictions for C2 molecules fluorescing
  in sunlight shows that the observed and predicted level populations
  are in good agreement for J-prime greater than about 15, but there is
  a sharp disagreement for the low rotational levels.

Title: The Chemical Composition of Red Giants. III. Further CNO
    Isotopic and s-Process Abundances in Thermally Pulsing Asymptotic
    Giant Branch Stars
Authors: Smith, Verne V.; Lambert, David L.
1990ApJS...72..387S    Altcode:
  Near-IR and IR spectra are analyzed to obtain elemental and isotopic C,
  N, and O abundance, iron peak abundances, and heavy element s-process
  abundances for a sample of M, MS, and S giants. The compositions of
  the M giants are similar to those of G and K giants and consistent
  with predictions for giants that have deep convective envelopes and
  so have experienced the first dredge-up. The MS and S giants have
  compositions that show the signatures of the third dredge-up that
  occurs in thermally pulsing AGB stars. The sample shows that C-12,
  a principal product of the He-burning shell, has been added to the
  envelopes of MS and S stars. The C-12 enrichment is correlated with
  a more marked enrichment of the s-process elements that are predicted
  to be synthesized when a neutron source is ignited in the He-burning
  shell. The MS and S giants show a higher N abundance than the M giants,
  attributed to the expected deep mixing that occurs with the onset of
  the episodic third dredge-up.

Title: On a Search for O-17 in Super-Metal-Rich Red Giants
Authors: Campbell, Bruce; Lambert, David L.; Maillard, Jean-Pierre
1990PASP..102...79C    Altcode:
  High-resolution infrared (4100-4500/cm) spectra of the SMR giants
  Alpha Ser and Tau Dra and eight other giants are analyzed to obtain
  the C-12/C-13 and O-16/O-17/O-18 ratios from the CO vibration-rotation
  first-overtone bands. It is shown that the lower limits to the O-16/0-17
  ratios together with published estimates for Alpha Ser and Mu Leo are
  consistent with predictions for giants after the first dredge-up.

Title: The Chemical Composition of Stars
Authors: Lambert, David L.
1990arpf.symp...75L    Altcode: 1990arpf.conf...75L
  A review is presented of how advances in astronomical spectrometers are
  providing opportunities for stellar spectroscopists to address a wide
  variety of problems of stellar nucleosynthesis and evolution. Three
  major topics are addressed in detail: (1) important astrophysical
  problems whose solutions are dependent on accurate data on stellar
  chemical compositions; (2) the stellar spectra that are basic
  ingredients with which an abundance analysis commences; and (3) the
  methods and associated tools of the abundance analysis that are applied
  to the stellar spectra and other observations, such as photometry,
  to obtain the abundances. These tools include a library of atomic and
  molecular data and model stellar atmospheres.

Title: The chemical evolution of the galactic disk.
Authors: Edvardsson, B.; Gustafsson, B.; Andersen, J.; Nissen, P. E.;
   Lambert, D. L.; Tomkin, J.
1990apsu.conf...21E    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Abundances in solar type disk stars.
Authors: Edvardsson, B.; Gustafsson, B.; Andersen, J.; Nissen, P. E.;
   Lambert, D. L.; Tomkin, J.
1990nba..meet...93E    Altcode: 1990taco.conf...93E
  Abundances of O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Ti, Fe, Ni, Y, Zr, Ba and Nd
  have been derived for up to 189 solar type stars with known ages and
  space velocities.

Title: The chemical composition of Algol systems - IV. The primary
    of R CMa.
Authors: Tomkin, Jocelyn; Lambert, David L.
1989MNRAS.241..777T    Altcode:
  Low-noise Reticon observations of visible and near-infrared C, N,
  O, S, and Fe lines were used to determine the abundances of these
  elements in the F1 V primary of the eclipsing binary R CMa. It was
  found that C/H = 0.0 + or - 0.2, N/H = 0.4 + or - 0.2, O/H = 0.3 +
  or - 0.3, S/H = 0.1 + or - 0.2, and Fe/H = 0.1 + or - 0.1. Except
  for a possible reduction of the C/N ratio (C/N = -0.4 + or - 0.2)
  resulting from a small C depletion and N enhancement, this composition
  is the same as the solar one enriched by approximately 0.1 dex. The
  very low-mass secondary of this semi-detached system must have lost
  a large fraction of its original mass. Some of this material would
  have been extensively processed during the secondary's main-sequence
  lifetime and would therefore have had a highly non-solar CNO-abundance
  distribution. A discussion of the primary's observed CNO abundances
  suggests that they are consistent with most, but not all, plausible
  mass-transfer scenarios.

Title: Synthesis of Lithium and s-Process Elements in Small Magellanic
    Cloud Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars
Authors: Smith, Verne V.; Lambert, David L.
1989ApJ...345L..75S    Altcode:
  High-resolution spectroscopy is presented for five luminous (M_bol_ ~
  -6 to -7) asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars in the Small Magellanic
  Cloud (SMC). These stars are found to be metal-poor ([Fe/H] ~ -0.5)
  but s-process-enriched, relative to Fe-peak elements, by up to a factor
  of 10: these are s-process enhancements that are comparable to those
  observed in Galactic S stars; thus, these SMC AGB stars have experienced
  a third dredge-up. Of more interest is the fact that all five red
  giants have rather strong Li I resonance lines (6707 A); an abundance
  analysis reveals these stars to have Li abundances that are 100-1000
  times that expected in red giants. We argue that these very luminous
  (and probably massive) AGB stars have synthesized Li as predicted by
  certain stellar models of hot-bottom convective-envelope burning. We
  discuss the observations and models as a basis for understanding certain
  phases of red giant evolution and as a potentially significant source
  of Li in the universe.

Title: Analysis of coordinated observations of a giant stellar flare
Authors: Lambert, David L.
1989uta..rept.....L    Altcode:
  Multi-wavelength observations of a giant flare on the star AD Leo were
  obtained with the 2.1 m and 0.9 m telescopes at McDonald Observatory
  and the International Ultraviolet Explorer satellite. The quality,
  spectral coverage, and time resolution of the data represented a major
  improvement over any published stellar flare data. Two theoretical,
  quantitative flare models were developed. Combining the models,
  the chromospheric emission model predictions in the hydrogen Balmer
  lines, Da II K, Mg II h + k and the optical continuum were compared
  to the observations, with the result that much of the gradual phase
  flare emission could be produced by the x ray and conductive heated
  atmospheres. The models lend insight into the impulsive phase flare
  emission, but do not reproduce it. Soft x ray and conductive heating of
  the chromosphere is a natural consequence of the coronal temperatures
  that have been observed during the gradual phase of flares on the sun
  and on M dwarf stars. The improved flare observations and quantitative
  flare models presented here show that these heating mechanisms can
  produce atmospheres whose emission matches many of the observed stellar
  flare features.

Title: A Search for Lithium-rich Giant Stars
Authors: Brown, Jeffery A.; Sneden, Christopher; Lambert, David L.;
   Dutchover, Edward, Jr.
1989ApJS...71..293B    Altcode:
  Lithium abundances or upper limits have been determined for 644 bright
  G-K giant stars selected from the DDO photometric catalog. Two of these
  giants possess surface lithium abundances approaching the 'cosmic' value
  of the interstellar medium and young main-sequence stars, and eight more
  giants have Li contents far in excess of standard predictions. At least
  some of these Li-rich giants are shown to be evolved to the stage of
  having convectively mixed envelopes, either from the direct evidence
  of low surface carbon isotope ratios, or from the indirect evidence
  of their H-R diagram positions. Suggestions are given for the unique
  conditions that might have allowed these stars to produce or accrete new
  lithium for their surface layers, or simply to preserve from destruction
  their initial lithium contents. The lithium abundance of the remaining
  stars demonstrates that giants only very rarely meet the expectations
  of standard first dredge-up theories; the average extra Li destruction
  required is about 1.5 dex. The evolutionary states of these giants and
  their average masses are discussed briefly, and the Li distribution
  of the giants is compared to predictions of Galactic chemical evolution.

Title: HR 107 - an F-type mild barium dwarf star.
Authors: Tomkin, J.; Lambert, D. L.; Edvardsson, B.; Gustafsson, B.;
   Nissen, P. E.
1989A&A...219L..15T    Altcode:
  The bright star HR 107 (HD 2454) with a spectral type F5V is shown
  to have a composition similar to that of a mild Barium giant. This
  discovery, which extends detection of bariumlike abundance anomalies
  to the early F dwarfs, is consistent with the idea that barium stars
  are created when the secondary star (the present barium star) of a
  binary accretes mass from the primary (now, the white dwarf companion)
  when the latter is an asymptotic giant branch star self-enriched in
  carbon and the s-process elements.

Title: Zirconium sulphide in S stars.
Authors: Hinkle, Kenneth H.; Lambert, David L.; Wing, Robert F.
1989MNRAS.238.1365H    Altcode:
  Observations of J-band spectra from 7400-9700/cm were obtained for
  three type-M and type-S Mira variables near minimum light. Two sets
  of triple-headed bands been been discovered in the J-band spectrum of
  the S-type Mira R And: at 7877, 7957, and 8030/cm and at 8379, 8459,
  and 8530/cm. Additional heads are noted in R And at 7477/cm, near the
  short-wavelength edge of the atmospheric window, and at 8968, 9031,
  and 9063/cm. Conspicuous features in the spectra of Chi Cyg and R Cas
  have been identified with the VO, TiO, and H2O bands.

Title: Classical Yang-Mills fields with conformal invariance: from
    exact solutions to qualitative analysis
Authors: Antoine, J. -P.; Lambert, D.; Sepulchre, J. -A.
1989CQGra...6..295A    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Molecular Bands in the 1.1.-1.4μm Spectra of M-S Stars
Authors: Hinkle, K. H.; Lambert, D. L.; Wing, R. F.
1989eprg.proc...61H    Altcode: 1989IAUCo.106...61H
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The chemical composition of main sequence stars
Authors: Lambert, David L.
1989AIPC..183..168L    Altcode: 1989cam..conf..168L
  This review examines some recent observational enquires into the
  chemical evolution of the Galaxy. After brief discussions of the
  galactic abundance gradient and the age-metallicity relationship, the
  major part of the review is devoted to a compilation and discussion of
  the variation of the abundances of the chemical elements in disk and
  halo stars; i.e., the run of [el/Fe] vs [Fe/H] for all the key elements
  (el) from C to Eu.

Title: The Chemical Composition of Asymptotic Giant Branch
    Stars(invited Paper)
Authors: Lambert, David L.
1989eprg.proc..101L    Altcode: 1989IAUCo.106..101L
  Low resolution spectroscopic and photometric studies of Magellanic
  Cloud AGB stars are reviewed. Consideration is given to the spectral
  classification and chemical composition of AGB stars, the role of
  technetium in the atmospheres of S stars, and the chemical composition
  of Galactic M, S, and C stars. The role of the third dredge-up of C-12
  and s-process elements in the M-S-C sequence is examined. Data on the
  chemical compositions of normal Galactic M-S-C- stars are reviewed,
  showing that the data are consistent with the expectations for the
  third dredge-up on AGB stars.

Title: Neutron source, neutron density and the origin of barium stars.
Authors: Malaney, Robert A.; Lambert, David L.
1988MNRAS.235..695M    Altcode:
  The authors present new high resolution spectra of the MgH profiles
  in nine barium stars, and determine, by spectral synthesis techniques,
  the magnesium isotopic ratios in each star. When compared with recent
  AGB nucleosynthesis calculations, they can emphatically rule out the
  operation of the <SUP>22</SUP>Ne(α, n)<SUP>25</SUP>Mg reaction as the
  neutron source responsible for the s-process enhancements observed in
  these barium stars. The authors identify the properties required of
  future AGB stellar models if the much favoured origin for the barium
  stars, namely an AGB mass transfer scenario, is to be made consistent
  with the observations reported here. Alternative evolutionary origins
  of the barium stars are discussed.

Title: The Peculiar Supergiant HR 4049
Authors: Lambert, David L.; Hinkle, Kenneth H.; Luck, R. Earle
1988ApJ...333..917L    Altcode:
  New high-resolution spectra of the HR 4049, a warm supergiant with
  an infrared excess in the visible and near-infrared as well as the
  K band, are discussed. The K band spectrum shows weak absorption
  lines attributable to circumstellar CO. The CO lines provide an
  excitation temperature of 300 K and a column density of 10 to the
  20th/sq cm. The chemical composition of the photosphere is derived
  from visible and near-infrared spectra and an LTE model atmosphere
  analysis. Spectroscopic indicators indicate that T(eff) is roughly 7500
  K and log g is roughly 1.0. The star is very metal-poor but rich in C,
  N, and O. The star resembles the previously analyzed halo stars BD +39
  deg 4926 and HD 46703, which appear to be evolving between the tip of
  the AGB and the top of the white dwarf cooling track.

Title: S-Process--Enriched Cool Stars with and without Technetium:
    Clues to Asymptotic Giant Branch and Binary Star Evolution
Authors: Smith, Verne V.; Lambert, David L.
1988ApJ...333..219S    Altcode:
  High-resolution spectra at λ4260 have been obtained for 40 stars
  of type MS or S to search for the presence of Tc I. In addition,
  previously published Tc surveys provide an additional 18 stars for
  a total sample of 58 MS or S stars. Most of these stars have also
  been observed in Zr I, Y II, La II, and Nd II lines. These stars
  show general s-process abundance enhancements. Of the total sample,
  38% of these s-process-enriched stars do not show Tc. The authors
  suggest that the MS and S stars are composed of two major groups: (1)
  Tc-containing stars which are currently thermally pulsing AGB stars
  undergoing third dredge-up and (2) Tc-poor stars which represent the
  coolest members of the barium star class, where s-process enrichment
  is probably the result of binary mass transfer in the past.

Title: Lithium in Lower--Main-Sequence Stars of the alpha Persei
Authors: Balachandran, Suchitra; Lambert, David L.; Stauffer, John R.
1988ApJ...333..267B    Altcode:
  Lithium abundances are presented for main-sequence stars of spectral
  types F, G, and K in the young open cluster Alpha Per. For 46
  cluster members, a correlation between Li abundance and projected
  rotational velocity v sin i is found: all of the Li-poor stars are slow
  rotators. Two explanations are proposed to account for the correlation:
  (1) that the Li depletion is introduced following a rapid spin-down
  phase experienced by young low-mass stars, and that this episode of
  Li depletion may be the dominant one determining the spread of Li
  abundances among young low-mass main-sequence stars, and (2) that
  star formation has occurred over a finite period such that the older
  stars have undergone a spin-down and depletion of Li by a means that
  may or may not depend on rotation. The Li abundance in the warm and
  rapidly rotating stars appears to be undepleted, as is predicted by
  recent models of pre-main-sequence stars. The depletion observed in
  the cool stars exceeds the level predicted by these models.

Title: On the Identification of Molecules in the Cool Carbon Stars
Authors: Lambert, David L.
1988PASP..100.1202L    Altcode:
  Various problems encountered in identifying molecular lines in the
  rich spectra of cool carbon and related stars are considered. Special
  attention is given to the FeH, ZrS, and CN molecules. Following a review
  of the principles of identifying stellar lines, recent successful
  identifications are discussed that illustrate the wide range in the
  incompleteness of the laboratory spectroscopy.

Title: Erratum - the Rapidly Rotating Spotted Red Dwarf Flare Star
Authors: Pettersen, B. R.; Lambert, D. L.; Tomkin, J.; Sandmann,
   W. H.; Huang, L.
1988A&A...203..210P    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Frontiers in Stellar Evolution
Authors: Barnes, T. G., III; Lambert, D. L.
1988BAAS...20R.966B    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Possible identifications of the 3.4 μm feature.
Authors: Danks, Anthony C.; Lambert, D. L.
1988ioch.rept...86D    Altcode:
  A feature at 3.4 micrometer was first detected in Comet Halley by
  the IKS spectrometer on board the Vega 1 probe; and subsequently from
  the ground. The feature has since been reported in Comet Wilson. The
  presence of the feature is of considerable interest for a number of
  reasons. First, it may represent the detection of a new parent molecule,
  and when combined with data from Giotto and Vega yield new information
  on cometary chemistry and the early solar system composition. Secondly,
  it may represent a link to the interstellar medium, the feature
  corresponds in wavelength and shape with an interstellar feature
  seen in absorption in a luminous star, towards the Galactic center
  known as GC-IRS7. The feature in turn is thought to be related with
  a growing family of unidentified infrared emission features seen in
  stellar objects, planetary nebulae, reflection nebulae, HII regions
  and extra galactic sources. These features occur at wavelengths 3.3,
  3.4, 3.5, 6.2, 7.7, 8.6, and 11.25 micrometers. Further identification
  theory is given.

Title: The Carbon Chemistry in Interstellar Clouds toward Moderately
    Reddened Stars
Authors: Federman, S. R.; Lambert, D. L.
1988ApJ...328..777F    Altcode:
  New data for C2 toward X Per, HD 206267, HD 207198, and Gamma Cep,
  for CH and CN toward X Per, and for CO toward HD 207198 have been
  obtained. The column densities of CH, C2, CN, and CO toward the stars
  in the Cepheus OB2 association are similar to reddened directions in
  Perseus and in Ophiuchus, indicating a similarity in physical conditions
  for the foreground clouds. The available data for other directions have
  been analyzed and the resulting data applied to study the transition
  from a photochemical regime to a chemical regime. The data for N(CN),
  N(C2), and N(CO) have been plotted against N(CH) to elucidate the
  chemistry of carbon-bearing molecules more clearly. The observed trends
  for CN and C2 suggest a change in slope at N(CH) of roughly 5 x 10
  to the 13th/sq cm. Below this value, photodestruction is predicted
  to dominate and the slope is determined by the photochemistry. For
  directions with more N(CH), a linear correlation consistent with
  destruction by chemical reactions is expected.

Title: Oxygen Isotopic Abundances in Evolved Stars. IV. Five K Giants
Authors: Harris, Michael J.; Lambert, David L.; Smith, Verne V.
1988ApJ...325..768H    Altcode:
  Oxygen isotopic ratios have been measured in the atmospheres of
  Alpha UMa, Beta Gem, Beta UMi, Alpha Ari, and Alpha Ser. It is shown
  that some of the stars in this and previous samples have probably
  experienced the helium core flash, and that the O-16/O-17 ratios tend
  to confirm that 'extramixing' of CNO-cycled material into the stars'
  envelopes has occurred as a result of the flash. The oxygen isotopic
  ratios are much smaller than the anomalously high ratios seen in stars
  in the later thermal-pulsing state of evolution. Hence, the anomalous
  ratios cannot be explained by the helium core flash. It is proposed
  that they are due to the addition by the third dredge-up mechanism
  of helium-burned material which is devoid of both O-17 and O-18 and
  therefore dilutes the O-17 and O-18 abundances acquired during earlier
  evolutionary stages. This process may also explain the oxygen isotope
  ratios seen in barium stars, if these are formed by mass transfer from
  a thermally pulsing binary companion.

Title: Isotopic magnesium abundances in stars.
Authors: McWilliam, Andrew; Lambert, David L.
1988MNRAS.230..573M    Altcode:
  High-resolution spectra of the MgH A-X system near 5130 Å provide
  the isotopic abundance ratios <SUP>25</SUP>Mg/<SUP>24</SUP>Mg and
  <SUP>26</SUP>Mg/<SUP>24</SUP>Mg for a sample of stars including several
  old disc dwarfs and giants, a classical and a mild barium star, and a
  weak G-band giant. The <SUP>25</SUP>Mg and <SUP>26</SUP>Mg isotopes
  are underabundant in metal-poor stars. This result is qualitatively
  consistent with predictions of stellar nucleosynthesis. The isotopic
  ratios are normal for the barium stars and the weak G-band star.

Title: Solutions of Minkowskian sigma models on hyperbolic complex
    Grassmann manifolds
Authors: Lambert, D.; Piette, B.
1988CQGra...5..307L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C Ratio in Unevolved Cool Stars
Authors: Chmielewski, Y.; Lambert, D. L.
1988IAUS..132..589C    Altcode:
  The authors show that the carbon isotope ratio
  <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C in the atmosphere of dwarf stars
  can be determined with reasonable accuracy from high resolution,
  high signal-to-noise ratio observations of the CH G-band in their
  spectra. A preliminary analysis of these features in the spectra of
  μ Her, δ Eri and τ Cet yields <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C values
  of 84, 80 and 150, respectively.

Title: Chemical Composition as a Signature of Stellar Evolution :
    the Barium Stars
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
1988IAUS..132..563L    Altcode:
  The hypothesis that barium stars are the product of mass transfer
  across a binary system is reviewed with special attention given to the
  chemical composition of AGB stars (the mass-losing star in the binary)
  and the Ba stars (the mass-gaining star).

Title: A New Absorption - Line Orbit for the Symbiotic Nova AG Pegasi
Authors: Slovak, M. H.; Lambert, D. L.
1988ASSL..145..265S    Altcode: 1988IAUCo.103..265S; 1988syph.book..265S
  Precise cross-correlation absorption-line velocities have been derived
  using high resolution near infrared coudé spectra for the symbiotic
  nova AG Pegasi. A revised weighted orbital solution is presented based
  on both extant photographic and the new absorption-line velocities.

Title: Observations of s-Process Indicators in Barium Stars
Authors: Malaney, R. A.; Lambert, D. L.
1988ode..conf..522M    Altcode:
  The relative abundances of the magnesium isotopes and the abundance
  of atomic rubidium observed in a stellar atmosphere are known to
  be indicators of the s-process neutron source and neutron density,
  respectively. This paper reports observations of these key s-process
  indicators in the cool Ba II star, HD 178717, using molecular MgH
  lines at 5101 Å and 5107 Å, and the Rb I line at 7800 Å. It is
  determined that the <SUP>22</SUP>Ne(α, n)<SUP>25</SUP>Mg source,
  believed to operate in intermediate-mass AGB stars, is unlikely to be
  responsible for the s-process in this star.

Title: Spectroscopic observations of yellow supergiants :
    II. Multiperiodic variability of HR 8752.
Authors: Sheffer, Yaron; Lambert, David L.
1987PASP...99.1277S    Altcode:
  The authors discuss optical spectra obtained over the decade 1977 to
  1986 and find complex variations in radial velocity and in Fe I emission
  intensity. Power spectra of core velocities of high-excitation N I lines
  reveal two significant peaks, at 421 days and at 315 days. A bimodal
  radial pulsation for HR 8752 is inferred. Possible longer periods may
  involve other modes and/or an orbital period due to the hot companion
  of the supergiant. Short-term quasi-periodic variability in V and in
  (B-V) supports the pulsation scenario with its dominant time scale
  of 420 days. Various observables set the behavior of HR 8752 apart
  from that of ρ Cas. This may be due to evolutionary or environmental
  effects, or both.

Title: Further Observations of the He i 10830 Angstrom Chromospheric
    Line in Stars
Authors: Lambert, David L.
1987ApJS...65..255L    Altcode:
  Observations obtained from July 1983 to January 1987 of the
  chromospheric He I triplet at 10830 A are presented for 19 late-type
  stars. The results confirm the suggestion by O'Brien and Lambert (1986)
  that the 10830 A feature in K giants to the left of the coronal dividing
  line (CDL) is broad, shallow, and constant. Arcturus and Gamma Dra to
  the right of the CDL are found to show a variable 10830 A feature. The
  variations appear to be periodic for Alpha Boo, with a basic interval
  of about 78 days. It is suggested that the rotational period is about
  233 days. For Gamma Dra the He I triplet was in emission with a variable
  equivalent width from 1983 to 1987.

Title: The Strange Case of Beta Lyrae
Authors: Tomkin, Jocelyn; Lambert, David L.
1987S&T....74..354T    Altcode:
  The interior structure and composition of Beta Lyrae are examined. Beta
  Lyrae is composed of a primary (B8 giant) and a secondary component; the
  primary component is less massive (2 solar masses) than the secondary
  component (12 solar masses) and is shedding its outer layer and
  transferring it to the secondary component. The development of binaries
  from main-sequence dwafs to red giants is described. The chemical
  composition of Beta Lyrae and the CNO cycle are analyzed. The binary
  displays He poorness, He richness, C,N,O abundances characteristic
  of hydrogen burning, and a cosmic dose of other elements. The three
  episodes of mass transfer for Beta Lyrae, which will result in the
  Beta Lyrae system forming a single compact object, are discussed.

Title: On the Absence of Young White Dwarf Companions to Five
    Technetium Stars
Authors: Smith, Verne V.; Lambert, David L.
1987AJ.....94..977S    Altcode:
  A search for hot companions to five stars of type MS and S has
  been carried out using the International Ultraviolet Explorer
  (IUE) satellite. No hot companions were detected for the MS stars
  HR 85, 4647, 6702, and 8062, and the S star HR 8714. Limits on
  the luminosities of possible white dwarf companions provide lower
  limits of 2 - 5×10<SUP>8</SUP>yr to the ages of any degenerate
  companions. All five stars exhibit strong Tc I lines, and the presence
  of technetium, with a half-life of 2.1×10<SUP>5</SUP>yr, signifies
  recent nucleosynthesis. The limits on the ages of possible white dwarf
  companions that are ≥1000 half-lives of Tc exclude the possibility
  that the s-process elemental enhancements seen in these MS and S stars
  resulted from mass transfer from a more highly evolved companion (as
  is probably the mechanism by which barium stars are created). These
  MS and S stars represent a sample of true thermally pulsing asymptotic
  giant-branch stars.

Title: On the evolutionary status of MU Leonis.
Authors: Harris, Michael J.; Lambert, David L.; Smith, Verne V.
1987PASP...99.1003H    Altcode:
  The paper presents the abundances of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen and
  the carbon and oxygen isotopic ratios measured in the CN-strong giant
  star Mu Leo from CO and CN lines derived from a new 2-2.5 spectrum
  and published equivalent widths of C2 and forbidden O I lines. The
  relative abundances of C-12, N-14, and O-16 and the C-12/C-13 ratio
  suggest that Mu Leonis has undergone the first red-giant dredge-up. The
  CNO abundances suggest that Mu Leo is probably a metal-rich red giant
  that has experienced the first dredge-up.

Title: A Revised Orbit for the Symbiotic Nova AG Pegasi
Authors: Slovak, M. H.; Lambert, D. L.
1987BAAS...19.1087S    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Neutron-Exposure Variations in MS and S Stars, and the
    Implications for s-Process Nucleosynthesis
Authors: Smith, Verne V.; Lambert, David L.; McWilliam, Andrew
1987ApJ...320..862S    Altcode:
  High-resolution, near-infrared spectra have been obtained for 34
  stars of types MS and S along with 14 M giants used as comparison
  stars. Equivalent width measurements of spectral lines arising from
  the heavy s-process species La II and Nd II, relative to the lighter
  s-process species Y II, indicate a large range of neutron exposures in
  the MS and S stars. The indicated range of mean neutron exposures is
  approximately τ<SUB>0</SUB> ≈ 0.1 - 0.6 mb<SUP>-1</SUP>. The solar
  system s-process distribution is characterized by τ<SUB>0</SUB> =
  0.26 mb<SUP>-1</SUP>.The overall enhancement of s-process elements
  observed in the MS and S stars indicates that they are substantial
  contributors to the Galactic production of s-process nuclei.

Title: Stellar Spectroscopy, Evolution, and Nucleosynthesis on the
    Asymptotic Giant Branch
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
1987BAAS...19.1113L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: High Resolution Spectroscopy and Analysis of the
    C<SUB>2</SUB>(0,0) Band in Comet P/Halley
Authors: Danks, A. C.; Lambert, D. L.; Sheffer, Y.; Arpigny, C.;
   Dossin, F.; Magain, P.
1987BAAS...19.1124D    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The rapidly rotating spotted red dwarf flare star Gliese 890.
Authors: Pettersen, B. R.; Lambert, D. L.; Tomkin, J.; Sandmann,
   W. H.; Lin, H.
1987A&A...183...66P    Altcode:
  The authors present the results of spectroscopic, photometric, and
  polarimetric observations of the spotted rapidly rotating M-dwarf
  Gliese 890. Broad spectral lines and starspot modulation of the star's
  luminosity with a period of 0.4312 days imply a rotational velocity
  of 70 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> with the rotation axis inclined 60°-90° to
  the line of sight. Flare activity is reported for the first time on
  this dM1.5e red dwarf. The authors discuss briefly some scenarios to
  explain why this spotted flare star rotates so unusually rapidly.

Title: A Search for 14C 16O in the Atmospheres of Evolved Stars
Authors: Harris, Michael J.; Lambert, David L.
1987ApJ...318..868H    Altcode:
  The detection of (C-14)(O-16) in the spectra of MS, S, and C stars
  would provide evidence of the operation of the (C-13)(alpha, n)(O-16)
  process in the helium-burning shell during the double shell-burning
  phase corresponding to a star's sojourn on the AGB. In this paper, MS,
  S, and C star spectra of the first-overtone vibration-rotation bands
  of the CO molecule at 2.4 microns are analyzed, and no evidence for
  the presence of (C-14)(O-16) is found. Lower limits on the C-12/C-14
  ratio ranging from 5000 to 28,500 are determined.

Title: Are the red supergiants epsilon Peg and 12 PUP victims of
    mild s-processing ?
Authors: Smith, Verne V.; Lambert, David L.
1987MNRAS.226..563S    Altcode:
  An abundance analysis of eight G and K supergiants has been performed
  with particular emphasis on two stars, Epsilon Peg and 12 Pup. It has
  been reported (Kovacs, 1983) that these two stars exhibit selective
  enhancement of Ba and, in the case of 12 Pup, Sr. Such a pattern
  of abundance enhancement would occur for very mild s-processing
  followed by extensive pollution of the star's outer envelope with this
  processed material. This type of mixing is not predicted by current
  models of stellar evolution. The previous Ba and Sr abundances were
  based on very strong lines of Ba II and Sr II and such lines are
  sensitive to microturbulence and conditions in the higher layers
  of the stellar atmosphere. This analysis compares the Ba II and
  Sr II line-strengths in Epsilon Peg and 12 Pup with six other cool
  supergiants and also utilizes weak Ba I and Sr I lines seen in the
  spectra of these stars. No enhancements of Ba or Sr, relative to the
  other supergiants, are found for Epsilon Peg or 12 Pup. In addition,
  calculations of the abundances produced by mild s-processing followed
  by extensive mixing with the outer envelope show that Co and Sc should
  also be enhanced substantially. Such enhancements are not observed in
  any of the supergiants.

Title: Chemical evolution of the galaxy: abundances of the light
    elements (sodium to calcium).
Authors: Lambert, David L.
1987JApA....8..103L    Altcode:
  The abundances of the light (Na to Ca) elements in disk and halo
  stars are reviewed. New analyses are emphasized. Elements considered
  are the alpha nuclei (Mg, Si, and Ca), and the odd-even nuclei (Na
  and Al, also Mg-25 and Mg-26). The alpha nuclei are overabundant
  (relative to Fe) in the old disk and halo stars. Halo stars have
  alpha/Fe = about 0.3 with extreme halo stars showing possibly higher
  overabundances. The scatter in alpha/Fe at a given Fe/H is small. To
  within the observational errors, the abundance patterns for Mg, Si,
  and Ca are identical. For disk stars, the Na and Al abundances relative
  to Mg are almost independent of Fe/H. Halo stars show Na/Mg less than 0
  and Al/Mg less than 0, but the form of the mean relation and the scatter
  about the relation between odd-even/Mg and Fe/H remains uncertain.

Title: Isotopic Abundances of Silicon in Four Red Giants
Authors: Lambert, David L.; McWilliam, Andrew; Smith, Verne V.
1987Ap&SS.133..369L    Altcode:
  High-resolution spectra near 4 μm of the four red giants—β
  Peg,o <SUP>1</SUP> Ori, 10 Dra, and HR 1105—have been
  analysed to obtain estimates of the<SUP>28</SUP>Si/<SUP>29</SUP>Si
  and<SUP>28</SUP>Si/<SUP>30</SUP>Si abundance ratios. For βPeg and the
  S star HR 1105, the<SUP>28</SUP>Si/<SUP>29</SUP>Si ratio is close to
  the solar ratio (<SUP>28</SUP>Si/<SUP>29</SUP>Si=20).<SUP>29</SUP>Si
  appears to be underabundant in the MS staro <SUP>1</SUP> Ori
  (<SUP>28</SUP>Si/<SUP>29</SUP>Si=40) and the M star 10 Dra
  (<SUP>28</SUP>Si/<SUP>29</SUP>Si∼53). The<SUP>30</SUP>Si isotope
  appears to be underabundant by, perhaps, about a factor of 2 in all
  four stars.

Title: Oxygen Isotopic Abundances in Evolved Stars. III. 26 Carbon
Authors: Harris, Michael J.; Lambert, David L.; Hinkle, Kenneth H.;
   Gustafsson, Bengt; Eriksson, Kjell
1987ApJ...316..294H    Altcode:
  Oxygen isotope ratios have been measured in 21 ordinary N-type carbon
  stars and in five <SUP>13</SUP>C-rich J-type stars. The ratios in
  the ordinary N-type stars are 550 ≤ <SUP>16</SUP>O/<SUP>17</SUP>O
  ≤ 4100 and 700 ≤ <SUP>16</SUP>O/<SUP>18</SUP>O ≤ 2400. These
  ratios are much higher than expected and are extremely difficult to
  explain in terms of present theories of stellar evolution. The J-type
  stars exhibit ratios 350 ≤ <SUP>16</SUP>O/<SUP>17</SUP>O ≤ 850,
  <SUP>16</SUP>O/<SUP>18</SUP>O ratios being very uncertain. Together with
  nitrogen abundances measured by Lambert et al., these ratios preclude
  the envelope burning (hot-bottom convection) hypothesis which has been
  proposed for these stars.

Title: Lithium in the Alpha Per Cluster
Authors: Balachandran, S.; Lambert, D. L.; Stauffer, J. R.
1987BAAS...19..702B    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Velocity Structure of Stellar Atmospheres: R Scuti
Authors: Mozurkewich, David; Gehrz, R. D.; Hinkle, K. H.; Lambert,
   D. L.
1987ApJ...314..242M    Altcode:
  Ten 2 micron spectra of R Scuti, the brightest RV Tauri variable, are
  analyzed. The period, determined from the atomic absorption lines, is
  142 days, not 70 days as proposed to explain the visible spectrum. The
  infrared atomic absorption lines trace out a continuous, repeatable
  velocity curve which is interpreted as the radial pulsation of the
  star. The mean velocity is 37 km/s and the net displacement during
  a cycle is 5 x 10 to the 12th cm. The CO lines form in the cooler
  upper atmosphere. The dominant feature is material falling toward the
  star at about 20 km/s. The region is supported by a shock wave which
  passes through it once each pulsation; material heated by the shock
  is responsible for the formation of the CO emission lines. An extended
  envelope where the atomic emission lines form surrounds the star.

Title: Alpha Cygni as a radial-velocity variable.
Authors: Parthasarathy, M.; Lambert, David L.
1987JApA....8...51P    Altcode:
  One hundred and twentythree radial velocities for α Cyg are derived
  between December 1977 and October 1982. These photospheric velocities
  are derived from N I lines near 8700 Å. Semiregular variations in
  radial velocities are present with periods of 7 to 20 days. The range
  of variation of 14.3 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> observed in present radial
  velocities of α Cyg is close to the sum of the amplitudes (10.44 km
  s<SUP>-1</SUP>) of all the pulsation periods from 7 to 101 days and
  is also approximately equal to micro- and macro-turbulent velocities.

Title: Combined satellite and ground-based observations of the
    quiescent, high latitude symbiotic variable AG Draconis=BD+67°922
Authors: Slovak, M. H.; Cassinelli, J. P.; Anderson, C. M.; Lambert,
   D. L.
1987Ap&SS.131..765S    Altcode: 1987IAUCo..93..765S
  Satellite observations, from Einstein, IUE, and IRAS, have been
  combined with ground-based observations to derive the quiescent energy
  distribution of the symbiotic star AG Draconis. A detailed comparison
  is made between the combined observations and various steady-state
  composite models, including blackbody accretion disks.

Title: The C-12/C-13 and O-16/O-18 ratios in the solar photosphere
Authors: Harris, Michael J.; Lambert, David L.; Goldman, Aaron
1987MNRAS.224..237H    Altcode:
  The abundances of C-12, C-13 and O-18 in the solar photosphere have been
  measured from more than 900 lines of the fundamental vibration-rotation
  bands of isotopically substituted CO species. It is found that log
  N(C-12) = 8.71 + or - 0.10, C-12/C-13 = 84 + or - 5, and O-16/O-18
  = 440 + or - 50, i.e., the solar and terrestrial isotopic ratios
  are essentially identical. These results, together with the known
  abundances of lighter isotopes, constrain unorthodox models of the sun's
  evolution which require the surface layers to have been subjected to
  high temperatures. A requirement that the derived molecular abundance
  be independent of the excitation potential and wavelength is not met by
  all empirical model solar atmospheres. The Holweger and Muller (1974)
  model meets the requirement and the Vernazza, Avrett and Loeser (1976)
  model does not.

Title: The chemical composition of peculiar field stars in the
    galactic halo.
Authors: Lambert, David L.
1987ESOC...27...47L    Altcode: 1987sedo.work...47L
  Data on the chemical composition of selected peculiar field halo stars
  are reviewed. The selection of unevolved stars includes those early-type
  stars with a Pop. I composition despite their residency and, perhaps,
  their birth in the halo. The rare N-rich subdwarfs and dwarf stars
  with anomalous elemental abundance ratios are discussed. Selection of
  evolved peculiar stars is restricted to the post He-core flash stars on
  and beyond the horizontal branch. The chemical composition of A-type
  horizontal branch, RR Lyrae, Pop. II variable (BL Her, W Vir, RV Tau)
  and A-F supergiant stars is reviewed.

Title: Observations of molecules in stellar atmospheres - Chemistry
    near thermal equilibrium.
Authors: Lambert, David L.
1987IAUS..120..583L    Altcode:
  A general review is given of the astrophysical information obtainable
  from observations of molecules in stellar photospheres. Through selected
  examples, the use of molecules as thermometers (e.g., the OH 3 μm
  V-R lines in the Sun and α Ori) and as probes of the isotopic (e.g.,
  <SUP>i</SUP>Mg in metal-poor dwarfs, <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C
  in cool carbon stars) and elemental abundances (e.g., CNO in red
  giants) is sketched. All of the selected analyses assume that local
  thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) prevails.

Title: Spectroscopic Observations of Nova Cygni 1975: The Coronal
Line Region Revisited: Erratum
Authors: Ferland, G. J.; Lambert, D. L.; Woodman, J. H.
1986ApJS...62..939F    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The 10830 Angstrom Chromospheric Line of Helium in Bright Stars
Authors: Obrien, George T., Jr.; Lambert, David L.
1986ApJS...62..899O    Altcode:
  Results of a survey of the chromospheric line He I 10830 A in sixty F,
  G, and K giants are presented. A weak He line appears in middle and
  late F supergiants, increases greatly in strength by spectral type G0,
  appears in all observed K stars, and disappears around type M1. Many of
  the less luminous K stars show a constant 10830 A line which appears
  similar in shape to that seen in the sun. Stars showing this profile
  lie to the left of a well-defined boundary in the H-R diagram. Most
  of the luminous and cooler K stars to the right of this boundary line
  show highly variable He I profiles; variations on a time scale of a
  month are common. Observations suggest episodic ejection of matter and
  a subsequent return of some fraction of this matter to the photosphere
  in these stars. The non-LTE radiative transfer problem for helium in
  a stellar chromosphere is modelled.

Title: Heavy-Element Abundances in the Mild Barium Stars Omicron
    Virginis and 16 Serpentis
Authors: Tomkin, Jocelyn; Lambert, David L.
1986ApJ...311..819T    Altcode:
  High-resolution Digicon and Reticon observations are used to determine
  detailed heavy-element abundances for the mild barium stars O Vir and 16
  Ser and a standard star (Ep Vir). A comparison of their heavy-element
  abundances with those of the classical Ba II stars does not reveal
  any significant difference in the element-to-element ratios, but the
  overall enhancements (relative to iron) are smaller in the mild barium
  stars. This suggests that the mild barium stars originated from the
  same binary mechanism as the classical Ba II stars. The initial masses
  of the Ba II stars' former AGB components may have been significantly
  less than those of normal field red giants. Low masses for the Ba
  II star progenitors imply that the Ba II stars, while they belong to
  Population I, are older than the average Population I object, and so
  account for their observed tendency to be metal deficient.

Title: Resolution of the (OI)+NH<SUB>2</SUB> Blend in Comet P/halley
Authors: Arpigny, C.; Magain, P.; Manfroid, J.; Dossin, F.; Danks,
   A. C.; Lambert, D. L.
1986ESASP.250c..81A    Altcode:
  Spectra of P/Halley were taken at very high resolution (0.15A)
  to evaluate contamination of the forbidden oxygen doublet by NH2
  features at low resolution. Comparison is made with other bright
  comets. Appreciable variations are found in the NH2/(OI) ratio and
  in the relative intensities of the NH2 emissions themselves. The
  accuracy obtained on the oxygen abundance derived from the (OI) lines
  is discussed. Mapping of these emissions over the coma is required to
  correctly remove any important NH2 contribution at low resolution. This
  should also provide information on the origin of the oxygen atoms in
  the 1D level.

Title: The Chemical Composition of Red Giants. II. Helium Burning
    and the s-Process in the MS and S Stars
Authors: Smith, Verne V.; Lambert, David L.
1986ApJ...311..843S    Altcode:
  Carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, Fe-peak, and heavy s-process elemental
  abundances have been determined for an additional 12 stars of type M,
  MS, or S. When combined with results obtained previously for nine stars
  of type M or MS and the K5 giant α Tau, abundances are available for
  22 cool red giants. Mg-isotopic ratios and technetium abundances are
  estimated for selected stars. Of the 22 stars studied, eight are of
  type MS and three of type S. Four of the MS stars show no measurable
  enhancements of the s-process elements. The seven stars which exhibit
  s-process enhancements also show increasing <SUP>12</SUP>C abundances
  and the <SUP>12</SUP>C abundances correlate with both absolute s-process
  enhancement and integrated neutron exposure. The results for the
  s-process and <SUP>12</SUP>C-rich stars are compared to theoretical
  models of low-mass (1 - 2 M_sun;), thermally pulsing AGB stars.

Title: The Chemical Composition of Carbon Stars. I. Carbon, Nitrogen,
    and Oxygen in 30 Cool Carbon Stars in the Galactic Disk
Authors: Lambert, David L.; Gustafsson, Bengt; Eriksson, Kjell;
   Hinkle, Kenneth H.
1986ApJS...62..373L    Altcode:
  Chemical compositions of 30 Galactic carbon stars are determined from
  high-resolution infrared spectra and new model atmospheres. Elemental C,
  N, and O abundances are quite similar to those seen in planetary nebulae
  and are consistent with those reported for G to M giants. Carbon stars
  show only modest carbon enrichments: C/O is less than 1.6, and half the
  sample have C/O less than 1.1. The <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C ratio
  is between 20 and 90 except for a few <SUP>13</SUP>C-rich stars. When
  line blanketing by HCN and C<SUB>2</SUB>H<SUB>2</SUB> is included,
  models predict the observed intensity of the H<SUB>2</SUB> quadrupole
  lines. This and other evidence shows that the carbon stars are not

Title: Carbon abundances and meridional mixing in rapidly rotating
    early-A stars.
Authors: Lambert, David L.; McKinley, Lindsay K.; Roby, Scott W.
1986PASP...98..927L    Altcode:
  Carbon abundances are obtained from lines of C I at 9100 A for 22
  early-A main-sequence stars with projected rotational velocities of up
  to 180 km/s. The abundance shows no significant trend with increasing
  rotation. A preliminary conclusion is that meridional mixing currents
  do not bring CN-processed material into the atmospheres of these
  rotating A stars. Several carbon deficient stars are tentatively
  identified as chemically peculiar A stars. Future surveys should cover
  a sufficient wavelength interval to permit a spectral classification
  and a determination of the microturbulence.

Title: Spectroscopic observations of yellow supergiants: I. Radial
    pulsations of Rho Cassiopeiae.
Authors: Sheffer, Yaron; Lambert, David L.
1986PASP...98..914S    Altcode:
  High-resolution Reticon spectra of the F8 Ia-0 supergiant ρ Cas
  providing lines of differing excitation potential are employed to
  construct radial-velocity curves which reveal a semiregular pulsation
  of the atmosphere. Analysis of line-doubling episodes supports the
  presence of a dominant radial pulsation mode with a period around 500
  days, significantly longer than the radial fundamental mode predicted
  on the basis of Cepheid-like PLC relations for a star evolving to
  the red supergiant region. Predicted periods for fundamental radial
  pulsations in stars returning toward the blue supergiant region are
  comparable to the observed quasi-period.

Title: The Carbon Chemistry in Interstellar Clouds Toward Moderately
    Reddened Stars
Authors: Federman, S. R.; Lambert, D. L.
1986BAAS...18.1025F    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Spectroscopy, Photometry and Direct Filter Imagery of Comet
Authors: Arpigny, C.; Dossin, F.; Manfroid, J.; Magain, P.; Danks,
   A. C.; Lambert, D. L.; Sterken, C.
1986Msngr..45....8A    Altcode: 1986Msngr..45....8S
  Observational techniques and instrumentation applied in ground-based
  studies of the cometary coma during the post-perihelion phase of
  the recent passage of Comet Halley are summarized. Applications of
  a 1.5 m telescope equipped with a coude spectrograph for long slit
  investigations of spectral intensity distributions, a 1.4 m CAT,
  coude echelle spectrometer and reticon to evaluate the C-12/C-13
  isotopic abundance ratio, and a 50 cm photometric telescope for
  narrow bandwidth spectroscopy are described. Finally, the 1.5 m Danish
  telescope, equipped with a CCD camera, collected high spatial resolution
  photographs of the various coma components when the comet was 0.42 AU
  from the sun.

Title: Spectroscopic Observations of Nova Cygni 1975: The Coronal
    Line Region Revisited
Authors: Ferland, G. J.; Lambert, D. L.; Woodman, J. H.
1986ApJS...60..375F    Altcode:
  A synopsis of the McDonald Observatory spectrophotometric observations
  of Nova Cyg 1975 (V1500 Cyg) is presented. These data are presented
  in a form in which they can be readily accessed in the future, and
  also a study is conducted of the continuous spectrum during the early
  nebular phase. It is shown that: (1) the remnant probably maintained a
  luminosity at or above the Eddington limit for at least a year after
  outburst, (2) free-free emission from the coronal line region made a
  significant contribution to the optical continuum, and (3) the coronal
  line region was probably a significant source of ionizing radiation. The
  energetics of this nova appear to be dominated by the lift-off energy
  from the white dwarf and radiation from the coronal line region. Thus
  the light curve of Nova Cyg may tell more about the cooling of the
  coronal line region than about the decline of the central object. In
  appendices the argon abundance of Nova Cyg (less than 8 times solar)
  is discussed and it is described how to obtain copies of the McDonald
  nova data.

Title: Isotopic Abundances of Magnesium in the Metal-poor Subgiant
    nu INDI
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; McWilliam, A.
1986ApJ...304..436L    Altcode:
  An isotopic abundance analysis for Mg in the metal-poor subgiant v Indi
  is reported. A high-resolution, high signal-to-noise spectrum centered
  near 5131 Å in combination with synthetic spectra gives the ratios
  <SUP>25</SUP>Mg/<SUP>24</SUP>Mg and <SUP>26</SUP>Mg/<SUP>24</SUP>Mg
  &lt; 3%. The <SUP>25</SUP>Mg and <SUP>26</SUP>Mg isotopes are
  obviously underabundant relative to solar system material, where
  <SUP>25</SUP>Mg/24Mg = 13% and <SUP>26</SUP>Mg/<SUP>24</SUP>Mg =
  14%. These results confirm an earlier finding for Gmb 1830, a slightly
  cooler and more metal-rich dwarf. An elemental abundance analysis
  is presented for an interesting set of elements: Li, C, O, Mg, Si,
  Ca, V, Mn, Ti, Fe, Co, Ni, Y, Ba, La, Ce, and Eu. The results show
  that v Ind is a typical metal-poor subgiant with [Fe/H] = -1.52, and,
  relative to Fe, a significant overabundance of oxygen ([O/Fe] = +0.52),
  Mg, Si, and Ca.

Title: Lithium in Late-Type Giants. IV. The Subgiant CH Stars
Authors: Smith, V. V.; Lambert, D. L.
1986ApJ...303..226S    Altcode:
  Lithium abundances in 10 subgiant CH stars and one giant CH star are
  reported. In no star was the Li I resonance doublet detected, and
  upper limits to the lithium abundance in the range log epsilon-(Li)
  of no more than 0.7 to log epsilon(Li) = 1.5 /log epsilon(H) = 12.0/
  were determined for this sample of stars. The subgiant CH stars are on,
  or near, the main sequence, and as they evolve up the red giant branch,
  the deepening convective envelopes will dilute lithium by a factor
  of about 30-50. This dilution factor, along with the upper limits
  to the current lithium abundances, would give the subgiant CH stars
  when they become red giants distinctly lower Li abundances than are
  observed in the classical barium stars. This suggests that subgiant
  CH stars are not progenitors of the classical barium stars. As the
  subgiant CH stars do show C-12 and s-process enhancements and are
  all binaries with low-luminosity companions, they may represent mass
  transfer from a former asymptotic giant branch star (now a white dwarf)
  onto a main-sequence companion (now a subgiant CH star).

Title: The chemical compositions of algol systems - III. Beta
    Lyrae-nucleosynthesis revealed.
Authors: Balachandran, S.; Lambert, D. L.; Tomkin, J.; Parthasarathy,
1986MNRAS.219..479B    Altcode:
  The B8 primary of the eclipsing binary star Beta Lyr is subjected to
  high S/N ratio Reticon observations of the visible and near-IR lines
  of He, C, N, O, Ne, and Fe, in order to determine their abundances. N
  is noted to be extremely overabundant (20 times more so than in the
  sun); C and O are very overabundant relative to N. The resulting C/N
  and O/N ratios of respectively 5 and 8 are sufficiently close to the
  equilibrium ratios of the CNO cycle as to leave little doubt that the
  material has been fully processed by the CNO cycle. The spectroscopic
  evidence found for He enrichment and extreme CNO cycling confirms the
  major compositional changes demanded by the theory of nuclear burning,
  thereby supporting current understanding of Beta Lyr.

Title: On the CH + Ion in Diffuse Interstellar Clouds
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Danks, A. C.
1986ApJ...303..401L    Altcode:
  A survey of 65 lines of sight in the southern Milky Way for the
  interstellar line of CH(+) at 4232 A yielded 30 detections. The
  CH(+) column density N(CH+) is shown to be well correlated with
  the rotationally excited H2 detected by surveys with the Copernicus
  satellite: log N(CH+)/N(H2)ex inversely proportional to 2500/T(ex),
  where T(ex) is the excitation temperature of H2 provided by the observed
  populations in rotational levels J of about 3-5. This correlation is
  strong evidence that CH(+) is formed in warm gas where the reaction
  C(+) + H2 yields CH(+) + H is effective. Shocks probably provide the
  necessary heating.

Title: Epsilon Aurigae in eclipse. II. Optical absorption lines from
    the secondary.
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Sawyer, S. R.
1986PASP...98..389L    Altcode:
  Optical high-resolution 2.7-m McDonald Observatory observations of
  Epsilon Aur obtained during the 1982-1985 eclipse are discussed, with
  focus on the K I resonance lines, some Fe II and Ti II lines in the
  blue, and the near-infrared N I excitation lines. The N I lines are
  immune to contamination by the secondary, and their radial velocity
  decline over the three-year interval fits the predicted velocity
  curve. The 7664 A and 7699 A K I lines strengthen greatly during the
  eclipse due to gas in orbit around the secondary passing in front of
  the primary, and the velocity pattern analysis indicates a mass of the
  secondary to solar mass ratio of between about 3 and 6 and a primary
  mass of 3 solar masses. The data are consistent with the picture of
  a low-mass post-AGB primary having lost mass through a wind and by
  Roche-lobe transfer to the secondary, and which will evolve to a white
  dwarf in less than 10,000 years.

Title: Infrared flux excesses of the warm carbon stars.
Authors: Dominy, J. F.; Lambert, D. L.; Gehrz, R. D.; Mozurkewich, D.
1986AJ.....91..951D    Altcode:
  Infrared photometry of 31 stars having enhanced atmospheric carbon
  abundances (types R, CH, Ba II) has been obtained to test for the
  presence of circumstellar dust emission reported by others. Supplemented
  by published ground-based and IRAS photometry, energy distributions
  spanning the range 0.33-100 microns have been examined. No new excesses
  large enough to be ascribed to the presence of dust having T = 1000-1500
  K have been found in this survey of warm carbon stars. Some marginal
  evidence exists for the presence of warm (T = 300 K) dust associated
  with two stars. One star, BD + 17 deg 3325, earlier reported to have
  excess emission at 3.5 microns, has been shown to have no substantail
  flux excess at wavelengths as long as 4.6 microns, and perhaps 10.2
  microns. The distinctive colors of carbon-rich stars are found to be
  caused by increased line blanketing relative to the ordinary giants,
  and not due to circumstellar dust emission.

Title: Carbon Abundances in Halo Dwarfs
Authors: Tomkin, J.; Sneden, C.; Lambert, D. L.
1986ApJ...302..415T    Altcode:
  A spectrum synthesis analysis has been made of Digicon observations
  of CH in 32 halo F and G dwarfs with iron abundances as low as (Fe/H)
  approximately equal to -2.5. The results, combined with earlier results,
  also based on spectrum synthesis of Digicon CH spectra, show that
  carbon follows iron down to (Fe/H) about -1.8; at lower metallicities
  there is evidence of a positive trend in (C/Fe). It is suggested that
  the change in slope of the (C/Fe) vs (Fe/H) relationship at (Fe/H)
  about -1.8 is due to the appearance of Type I supernovae. The sense
  of the change of slope is consistent with the prediction that Type I
  supernovae are inefficient producers of carbon. More carbon abundances,
  determined from analysis of CH in even more metal-deficient stars and,
  also, determined from C I lines, are needed in order to establish
  the relationship between carbon and iron abundances in extremely
  metal-deficient (Fe/H less than about -2.0) dwarfs more firmly. One of
  the program stars (BD -0 degrees 4470) is found to be a double-lined
  spectroscopic binary composed of two nearly identical halo dwarfs.

Title: A spectrocopic view of Epsilon Aurigae.
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
1986HiA.....7..151L    Altcode:
  Spectroscopic observations from the ultraviolet, visible, and infrared
  obtained at the recent eclipse are discussed. The rotation curve for
  the disk around the secondary suggests that secondary is a low mass star
  (or binary). This result with the known mass function suggests that the
  primary may be a low mass (m<SUB>1</SUB> ≤ the Chandrasekhar limit,
  1.4 M_sun;) star leaving the AGB and evolving to the white dwarf region.

Title: The Chemical Composition of Cool Stars: II-The Hydrogen
    Deficient Stars (review)
Authors: Lambert, David L.
1986ASSL..128..127L    Altcode: 1986hdsr.proc..127L; 1986IAUCo..87..127L
  The chemical composition of the R Coronae Borealis and cool hydrogen
  deficient carbon stars is reviewed. Similarities and differences
  between these stars and the hot He stars are noted. Proposed origins
  for the hydrogen deficient stars are sketched. Recent claims that
  normal (spectral type N) cool carbon stars are hydrogen deficient
  are shown to be unfounded. Attention is drawn to the curious case of
  population II variables (RV Tauri, W Virginis, and RR Lyrae stars)
  whose atmospheres show striking deficiencies of heavy elements and
  may be hydrogen deficient.

Title: Oxygen isotopic abundances in evolved stars. II. Eight MS
    and S stars.
Authors: Harris, M. J.; Lambert, D. L.; Smith, V. V.
1985ApJ...299..375H    Altcode:
  Oxygen isotope ratios have been measured in five MS stars, two S
  stars, and the slightly s-process-rich M giant 30 Her. Both the
  <SUP>16</SUP>O/<SUP>17</SUP>O and <SUP>16</SUP>O/<SUP>18</SUP>O
  ratios are found to be much larger than expected from stellar
  evolution theories. Both <SUP>16</SUP>O/<SUP>17</SUP>O and
  <SUP>16</SUP>O/<SUP>18</SUP>O are found to correlate well with
  the abundance of <SUP>12</SUP>C and with the degree of neutron
  exposure necessary to explain the s-process element abundances. These
  correlations cannot be explained by current theoretical models of
  AGB stars, nor by simple modifications of these models. Explosive
  nucleosynthesis in the envelope at extremely high temperatures during
  the helium core flash is tentatively proposed to explain them.

Title: Carbon, nitrogen and oxygen in intermediate-mass supergiants :
    is oxygen underabundant ?
Authors: Luck, R. E.; Lambert, D. L.
1985ApJ...298..782L    Altcode:
  New CNO analyses of two southern Cepheids and four early F-type
  nonvariable supergiants are presented. Results for the new and
  previous CNO analyses of intermediate-mass supergiants of spectral
  type F, G, and K including the Cepheid variables are scrutinized for
  possible causes of the systematically low oxygen abundances found in
  these stars. A mild oxygen deficiency (0.3 dex relative to the solar
  abundance) is confirmed. After a comprehensive discussion of potential
  sources of error, it is concluded that the uncertainties arising from
  the abundance analysis, as well as the uncertainty surrounding the
  stars' initial composition, do not yet demand that the O deficiency
  be attributed exclusively to the dredge-up of ON-cycled material.

Title: Isotopic Abundances of Magnesium in Metal Poor Stars
Authors: McWilliam, A.; Lambert, D. L.
1985BAAS...17..841M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Erratum - Oxygen Isotopic Abundances in the Atmospheres of
    Seven Red Giant Stars
Authors: Harris, M. J.; Lambert, D. L.
1985ApJ...295..285H    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The chemical composition of red giants. I. Dredge-up in the
    M and MS stars.
Authors: Smith, V. V.; Lambert, D. L.
1985ApJ...294..326S    Altcode:
  Carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, Fe-peak, and heavy, s-process elemental
  abundances have been determined for nine red giants of type M and
  MS. The source material are high-resolution, high signal-to-noise
  digital spectra in the infrared and near-infrared. The abundances of
  the Fe-peak and heavier elements are based on atomic lines and are
  referenced to a comparison red giant, alpha Tau, to minimize non-LTE
  effects. The CNO abundances are based on molecular lines from CO, OH,
  and CN. The CNO abundances clearly show the effects of CN-processed
  material being dredged to the surface, while one MS giant shows an
  excess of C-12, probably the result of He-burning products being dredged
  up during thermal pulses on the asymptotic giant branch (AGB). The three
  MS giants studied all show enhancements of the s-process elements Sr,
  Y, Zr, Ba, and Nd. A range of integrated neutron exposures is evident
  with one star showing a large enhancement of Ba and Nd relative to Sr,
  Y, and Zr, while the other two show much lower enhancements of Ba and
  Nd. It is suggested that the MS stars are AGB stars and that their
  compositions reflect the addition of C-12 and s-process material from
  He-burning thermal pulses.

Title: The chromospheric He I D3 line in main-sequence stars.
Authors: Danks, A. C.; Lambert, D. L.
1985A&A...148..293D    Altcode:
  High-resolution low-noise spectra of 21 unevolved stars of spectral
  types, F, G, and K and luminosity classes V or IV were examined for the
  chromospheric He I 5876 Å (D<SUB>3</SUB>) line. The equivalent width
  of the D<SUB>3</SUB> absorption line is correlated with the coronal
  soft X-ray flux, and with the flux in the Ca II H and K chromospheric
  emission cores. Rotational modulation of the D<SUB>3</SUB> line is
  detected in χ<SUP>1</SUP>Ori, and suggested for κ Cet and ɛ Eri.

Title: Oxygen isotopic abundances in evolved stars. I. Six barium
Authors: Harris, M. J.; Lambert, D. L.; Smith, V. V.
1985ApJ...292..620H    Altcode:
  Harris and Lambert (1984) have reported observations of the O-16/O-17
  and O-16/O-18 ratios in several red giant stars. The obtained data
  may be used as a basis for interpretation of the oxygen isotope ratios
  in stars which are believed to be further evolved, namely the barium,
  carbon, and S stars. The present investigation is concerned with the
  results for a group of classical and mild barium stars. Abundance
  determinations were made by analysis of high-resolution 2.3 micron
  spectra. In this spectral region the first overtone vibration-rotation
  bands of the CO molecule's ground electronic state give rise to a large
  number of absorption lines, including lines due to the isotopically
  substituted species (C-13)(O-16), (C-12)(O-17), and (C-12)(O-18). The
  stars studied include the Ba II stars HD 178717, HD 121447, HD 101013,
  and HR 774, and the mild barium stars 0 Vir and 16 Ser.

Title: Oxygen in Intermediate-Mass Supergiants
Authors: Luck, R. E.; Lambert, D. L.
1985BAAS...17Q.560L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Light-element abundances in 20 F and G dwarfs.
Authors: Tomkin, J.; Lambert, D. L.; Balachandran, S.
1985ApJ...290..289T    Altcode:
  Red and near-IR spectral lines of the Galaxy are analyzed to extract
  Na, Mg, Al, Si and Ca abundances. The data were obtained using a 2.7
  m telescope fitted with a coudespectrograph and a Reticon photodiode
  array tuned to the 6160, 6350, 6570, 6696, 7860 and 8740 wavelengths
  of 20 F and G dwarfs in the disk and halo. The abundances were then
  compared to recorded Fe abundances, particularly the forbidden Fe/H
  ratio. Even numbered atomic number elemental abundances followed the
  ratio down to values of -0.4, then increased relative to Fe in the
  transition from disk to halo. The abundances of odd-numbered elements
  more closely tracked the abundance of Mg in the disk, and experienced
  a fairly abrupt decrease in the disk-halo transition.

Title: CNO abundances and <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C ratios in
    30 galactic N stars.
Authors: Gustafsson, B.; Lambert, D. L.; Hinkle, K. H.; Eriksson, K.
1985ESOC...21..151G    Altcode: 1985pdce.work..151G; 1985pdcn.conf..151G
  CNO abundances and C-12/C-13 ratios have been determined for 30 bright
  galactic N stars by means of high-resolution FTS spectra, obtained with
  the Kitt Peak 4 m Mayall reflector and covering the spectral region
  from 4000/cm to 6600/cm. The spectra were analyzed with a new grid of
  model atmospheres. Weak second-overtone vibration-rotation lines of CO
  were used for determining the oxygen abundances, while C2 lines of the
  Phillips system were used in the carbon determinations. Lines of the
  Ballik-Ramsay system give similar results. The nitrogen abundances
  were obtained from weak CN lines of the red system, and such lines
  were also used for the determination of C-12/C-13 ratios. Consistent
  isotopic ratios were obtained from the C-13O lines.

Title: The chemical composition of cool stars: I - The barium
    stars. (Review paper)
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
1985ASSL..114..191L    Altcode: 1985cseh.proc..191L
  The chemical composition of barium stars and their putative relatives
  is reviewed. Main sequence stars showing heavy element excesses,
  subgiant CH stars, classical and mild barium giants, Sr-Ba supergiants,
  and early R stars are reviewed. A cursory interpretation of the
  abundance anomalies in terms of the key processes of nucleosynthesis
  is presented. Mass transfer across a binary system is identified as
  a plausible explanation for composition of barium stars.

Title: A Search for White Dwarf Companions of Asymptotic Giant
    Branch Stars
Authors: Lambert, David L.
1985iue..prop.2178L    Altcode:
  A search will be carried out for hot, degenerate companions of red
  giant stars whose atmospheres show evidence of recent contamination
  by the products of Heburning nucleosynthesis. Observational data will
  consist-of IUE short wavelength spectra of Peculiar M giants whose
  chemical compositions have already been determined by Smith and Lambert
  (1984). Many of these stars appear to be true asymptotic giant branch
  (AGB) stars undergoing thermal pulses and the resultant dredge-up of
  12C and s-process material. However, as is the case with the G and K
  giant Barium stars, mass transfer across a binary system may turn a
  normal star into one whose composition mimics that of an AGB star. In
  understanding stellar evolution, the question of whether a peculiar
  red giant is the result of its own internal processes or the result
  of mass transfer from a more highly evolved companion is of crucial
  importance. Many of the stars in Smith and Lambert's study show the
  presence of the unstable element technetium (half-life = 2 x 10^5
  yr), thus if they are the result of mass transfer from a former AGB
  companion, the remnant stellar core must be hot and luminous; an ideal
  target for IUE. Lack of a hot companion will provide hard evidence that
  Smith and Lambert have indeed analyzed true AGB stars whose peculiar
  compositions are the result of internal processes and, hence, key
  objects in our understanding of the late stages of stellar evolution.

Title: The CN radical in diffuse interstellar clouds.
Authors: Federman, S. R.; Danks, A. C.; Lambert, D. L.
1984ApJ...287..219F    Altcode:
  A survey of 15 lines of sight for the CN B2Sigma(+) X2Sigma(+)
  interstellar absorption lines shows that the CN column density
  in diffuse interstellar clouds follows the relation log N(CN) is
  proportional to m log N(H2), where m is approximately equal to 3. This
  result is reproduced by a reaction network in which CN is produced
  primarily from C2 by the neutral-neutral reaction C2 + N yields CN + C,
  and photodissociation is the main destruction pathway for the neutral
  molecules CH, C2, and CN. The CN radical is the first molecular species
  observed in diffuse clouds that requires a neutral-neutral reaction
  for its formation in the gas phase. The network also reproduces the
  observed ratio N(CN)/N(H2).

Title: Carbon monoxide band intensities in M giant.
Authors: McWilliam, A.; Lambert, D. L.
1984PASP...96..882M    Altcode:
  The strength of the CO 2.3 μm bands was measured photometrically in
  an attempt to identify extremely carbon poor M giants. Magnitudes
  of about 200 bright M stars were obtained through a J filter, and
  narrow filters centered on 2.17 μm, and 2.40 μm. No M giants with CO
  indices indicative of extremely low carbon abundances were positively
  identified. The tight correlation of CO index to effective temperature
  does not extend to the extremely late and variable M giants. The CO
  index in M giants defined by the 2.17 μm and 2.40 μm magnitudes
  was calibrated by a spectrum synthesis technique. The dependence of
  CO index upon carbon abundance, the <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C
  ratio, surface gravity, effective temperature, and microturbulent
  velocity was investigated. Predicted and observed CO indices are in
  excellent agreement for stars with a spectroscopically determined
  carbon abundance.

Title: Oxygen isotopic abundances in the atmospheres of seven red
    giant stars.
Authors: Harris, M. J.; Lambert, D. L.
1984ApJ...285..674H    Altcode:
  Theoretical arguments and observations indicate that on joining the red
  giant branch all stars undergo a dredge-up process which brings to the
  surface material which underwent CN-cycle reaction during the preceding
  main-sequence evolution. The stars' atmospheres are thus enriched in,
  for example, C-13 and N-14, Harris and Lambert (1984) have shown that
  measurements of O-17 and O-18 abundances in the red supergiants Alpha
  Ori and Alpha Sco may constrain explanations of the low C-12/C-13
  ratios observed in these stars. The present investigation is concerned
  with an extension of this analysis to seven other red giants of lower
  mass. The considered stars cover a range of spectral types from K1 to
  M5, and include the metal-poor low-mass object Alpha Boo. The results
  obtained for the seven red giants and the data of Harris and Lambert for
  the two red supergiants, show that the O-16/O-18 ratios in these stars
  are consistent with the solar system and local interstellar values.

Title: Light element abundances in disk and halo dwarfs.
Authors: Tomkin, J.; Lambert, D. L.; Balachandran, S.
1984PASP...96R.796T    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Carbon, nitrogen and oxygem abundances in Betelgeuse.
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Brown, J. A.; Hinkle, K. H.; Johnson, H. R.
1984ApJ...284..223L    Altcode:
  Elemental abundances of C, N, and O in the red M supergiant Belegeuse
  are discussed to characterize their source. The discussion is based
  on previous data on weak CO second-overtone V-R lines near 1.6 micron,
  the NH fundamental V-R 1-0 and 2-1 bands between 3 and 4 microns, the OH
  fundamental V-R bands near 3 microns, and the CN red system lines near
  2 microns. Attention is also given to the forbidden O I lines and the
  8000 A CN red system lines, and to comparisons between models for the
  stellar atmosphere and the data. A model for an effective temperature
  of 3800 K, a surface gravity of 0.0, and a microturbulence of 4 km/sec
  is adopted which, if Betelgeuse is metal rich, would require forbidden
  lines of Fe/H to be near 0.1. The forbidden CNO would be -0.04 relative
  to the sun. The C/N ratio is nonsolar, which suggests contamination
  of the Betelgeuse atmosphere with CN processed material.

Title: The Two Micron Spectrum of R Souti
Authors: Mozurkewich, D.; Gehrz, R. D.; Hinkle, K. H.; Lambert, D. L.
1984BAAS...16.1013M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Lithium in late-type giants. III. The weak G band giants.
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Sawyer, S. R.
1984ApJ...283..192L    Altcode:
  Li abundances are presented for nine different stars to demonstrate that
  the abundances are consistent with the cosmic value. The observations
  were made with the coude telescope and echelle spectrometer on
  La Silla, covering the Li I 6707 A resonance doublet and the 800
  A 2-0 band. The survey included the HD stars 18636, 31274, 36552,
  40402, 78146 and 82595 and the HR stars 1299 and 4154, all Southern
  Hemisphere weak Fraunhofer G band objects. Both Li-6 and Li-7 were
  detected in HR 1299. It is suggested that the Li detected in all the
  stars convected outward quickly and survived, while C diffused inward
  and was converted to C-13 and N-14. The Li abundances can be observed
  in both main sequence and red giant stars.

Title: The lithium isotope ratio in F and G stars.
Authors: Andersen, J.; Gustafsson, B.; Lambert, D. L.
1984A&A...136...65A    Altcode:
  The lithium doublet at 6707 Å has been observed at high spectral
  resolution in the spectra of 8 solar-type dwarfs, known to have strong
  Li lines, and in the Population II star ν Ind. The wavelength shifts of
  the lines and the line profiles were analyzed in attempts to determine
  the <SUP>6</SUP>Li/<SUP>7</SUP>Li ratios. An upper limit of about 0.10
  was found, in conflict with earlier claims that some of these stars
  are rich in <SUP>6</SUP>Li. However, it is suggested that some of them
  have a <SUP>6</SUP>Li/<SUP>7</SUP>Li ratio significantly different from
  zero and that the isotopic ratio possibly is correlated with v sin i.

Title: IUE observations of DQ Herculis and its nebula, and the nature
    of thecold nova shells.
Authors: Ferland, G. J.; Williams, R. E.; Lambert, D. L.; Shields,
   G. A.; Slovak, M.; Gondhalekar, P. M.; Truran, J. W.
1984ApJ...281..194F    Altcode:
  The nebula ejected in the 1934 outburst of the classical nova DQ Her
  is remarkable for its unprecedentedly low temperature of Te 500 K as
  measured by Williams et al. (1978). In this paper, IUE observations
  are combined with Steward optical spectra. It is confirmed that the
  gas is quite cold. It is further shown that the gas is ionized by the
  radiation field of the central object. X-ray, ultraviolet, optical and
  infrared observations of the underlying binary are combined with the
  extreme-ultraviolet continuum deduced from the level of ionization of
  the nebula to obtain a composite energy distribution for the central
  object. This energy distribution bears no resemblance to that predicted
  by theoretical models of accretion disks. Photoionization models of the
  nebula using the deduced continuum, as well as theoretical accretion
  disk continua, are presented to show that the low electron temperature
  is the result of the very high metal abundances which characterize
  nova shells. Infrared fine-structure lines are efficient coolants,
  and low temperatures are achieved for a wide variety of radiation
  fields. The implications of these results for nebulae surrounding
  other old novae are discussed.

Title: Oxygen isotopes in the atmospheres of Betelgeuse and Antares.
Authors: Harris, M. J.; Lambert, D. L.
1984ApJ...281..739H    Altcode:
  Betelgeuse (Alpha Ori) and Antares (Alpha Sco) are red supergiants with
  an extensive convective outer envelope. The present investigation is
  concerned with an analysis of high-resolution 5 micron spectra of the
  two stars. The considered spectra had been acquired with the Fourier
  transform spectrometer at the coude focus of the Mayall 4 m reflector. A
  red supergiant's extensive atmosphere ensures that the less abundant
  species involving O-17 and O-18 contribute a significant number of
  lines. The obtained isotopic abundance ratios are presented in a table,
  taking into account C-12/C-13, O-16/O-17, O-16/O-18, and O-17/O-18. The
  nucleosynthesis of oxygen isotopes is discussed. An analysis of the
  oxygen isotopes in the atmosphere of the two stars shows that O-17 is
  enriched because of the CNO cycles and convective mixing.

Title: Nitrogen abundances in disk and halo dwarfs.
Authors: Tomkin, J.; Lambert, D. L.
1984ApJ...279..220T    Altcode:
  Atmospheric parameters and abundances are calculated for 14 F and
  G dwarfs of the disk and halo populations with metal deficiencies
  between -2.3 and -0.3 on the basis of high-resolution spectra of the
  3360-A NH and 4310-A CH bands obtained using a coudespectrograph and
  a 936-diode Digicon on the 2.7-m telescope at McDonald Observatory,
  with resolutions 26 pm (NH) and 12 pm (CH). The results are presented
  in tables and graphs and discussed in the light of theoretical models
  of N nucleosynthesis through CNO cycles. The identification of N as
  a primary element in these objects is explained by the tendency of O
  to be less deficient than C, N, or Fe.

Title: The CN Radical in Diffuse Interstellar Clouds
Authors: Federman, S. R.; Danks, A. C.; Lambert, D. L.
1984BAAS...16..484F    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: A high-resolution infrared spectrum of the Wolf-Rayet star
    HD 193793.
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Hinkle, K. H.
1984PASP...96..222L    Altcode:
  A high-resolution infrared (2.0 - 2.4 μm) spectrum of
  the WC7 Wolf-Rayet star HD 193793 is presented. A weak He I
  2p<SUP>1</SUP>P<SUP>0</SUP> - 2s<SUP>1</SUP>S absorption line is
  identified at a velocity of -2650 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. Emission lines
  are identified with transitions in He I, He II (weak), and C IV. The
  strongest emission line at about 2.06 μm has previously been assigned
  to He I 2p<SUP>1</SUP>P<SUP>0</SUP> - 2s<SUP>1</SUP>S with C IV 3d
  → 3p as a minor contributor but the authors' spectrum shows that
  C IV not He I is the dominant contributor. A preliminary analysis of
  the recombination lines gives an abundance ratio C/He &gt; 0.08.

Title: A Search for Lithium-Rich Giant Stars
Authors: Sneden, C.; Brown, J. A.; Dutchover, E., Jr.; Lambert, D. L.
1984BAAS...16R.490S    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Niobium and rubidium in the barium star zeta Capricorni.
Authors: Smith, V. V.; Lambert, D. L.
1984PASP...96..226S    Altcode:
  An abundance analysis of the elements Rb to Nb (relative to the
  G-giant standard ɛ Vir) has been carried out for the barium
  star ζ Cap using low-noise, high-resolution Digicon and Reticon
  spectra. Tech's (1971) low abundance of Nb in ζ Cap suggests that the
  s-process ceased less than about a million years ago. The authors'
  improved analysis finds a higher Nb abundance consistent with the
  complete decay of <SUP>93</SUP>Zr to <SUP>93</SUP>Nb; i.e., more than
  3×10<SUP>6</SUP> years have elapsed since the principal phase of
  s-processing. The abundance of Rb suggests a neutron density of N(n)
  ≡ 10<SUP>7</SUP>cm<SUP>-3</SUP> for the s-process site at the close
  of s-processing.

Title: High Latitude F-Type Supergiants
Authors: Luck, R. E.; Bond, H. E.; Lambert, D. L.
1984BAAS...16R.490L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: La Terre, notre planète
Authors: Lambert, D.
1984C&T...100Q.112L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The CH radical in diffuse interstellar clouds.
Authors: Danks, A. C.; Federman, S. R.; Lambert, D. L.
1984A&A...130...62D    Altcode:
  Observations of the interstellar CH A-X R<SUB>2</SUB>(1) line at 4300.3
  Å are presented for 29 lines of sight extending form 140 to 2800
  pc in the Galactic plane. A comparison of the CH and H<SUB>2</SUB>
  column density shows that N(CH) ∝ N(H<SUB>2</SUB>) as expected
  for production of CH by a gas phase reaction network running in
  molecular hydrogen. The network also reproduces the observed ratio
  N(CH)/N(H<SUB>2</SUB>) for these diffuse interstellar clouds.

Title: The solar system
Authors: Lambert, David
1984sosy.book.....L    Altcode: 1984QB501.3.L354...
  Text and photographs demonstrate that of the various planets, only
  Earth can support life.

Title: Nitrogen Abundances in Disk and Halo Dwarfs
Authors: Tomkin, Jocelyn; Lambert, David L.
1984LNP...193..220T    Altcode: 1984csss....3..220T
  High-resolution Digicon spectra of the NH band at 3360 Å have been
  analyzed by spectrum synthesis to determine nitrogen abundances in
  14 disk and halo F and G dwarfs with metal deficiencies covering the
  range -2.3 ≤ [Fe/H] ≤ -0.3. We have determined carbon abundances
  from parallel observations and analysis of CH. In all stars nitrogen
  closely follows carbon and iron; i.e. [N/C] = 0.0. We conclude that
  nitrogen is a primary element.

Title: High resolution stellar spectrometry - Application to the Li
    isotope problem
Authors: Andersen, J.; Gustafsson, B.; Lambert, D. L.
1983Msngr..34...26A    Altcode:
  The ESO's CoudeEchelle Spectrometer is presently used in investigtions
  of the mechanisms by which Li is produced in stars and the connection
  between atmospheric Li abundance and the degree of mixing in the stellar
  envelope. Determinations are made by measurements of the Li-6/Li-7
  isotopic abundance ratio, and of the Li abundance in such evolved
  stars as those with weak G-bands, whose chemical composition suggests
  that their atmospheres are mixed with large amounts of CNO-processed
  interior materials. The present observations have nearly doubled the
  number of weak G-band stars with Li, enlarging the observational
  bases for attempts to understand the conditions under which these
  stars preserve or produce Li.

Title: The D<SUB>3</SUB> 5876 Å line in main sequence stars:
    a search for rotational modulation in ɛ Eri and κ Cet.
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Obrien, G. T.
1983A&A...128..110L    Altcode:
  High-resolution, low-noise spectra of the He I 5876 Å (D<SUB>3</SUB>)
  absorption line in 6 main sequence stars are discussed. A marked
  variation of D<SUB>3</SUB> in κ Cet over a 17 d period is attributed
  to rotational modulation: the equivalent width W<SUB>λ</SUB> varied
  between 17.4 and 25.8 mÅ. No modulation is seen in ɛ Eri. The
  D<SUB>3</SUB> line was also seen in spectra of χ<SUP>1</SUP> Ori,
  χ Eri, and ζ Dor, but not seen in ο<SUP>2</SUP> Eri.

Title: Epsilon Aurigae in eclipse. I. Ultraviolet spectroscopy during
    INGRESS and totality.
Authors: Parthasarathy, M.; Lambert, D. L.
1983PASP...95.1012P    Altcode:
  Epsilon Aurigae is a long-period eclipsing system containing a F0 Ia
  supergiant and an unseen slightly less-massive secondary. A primary
  eclipse began in mid-1982 with the unseen companion passing in front
  of the supergiant. Low-resolution ultraviolet (IUE) spectra of Epsilon
  Aur in 1982 and early 1983 provide eclipse light curves extending
  into the total phase of the current eclipse. The depth of eclipse
  from 3000 A to 1700 A is slightly deeper than at visual wavelengths
  (0.8 m). The depth declines for wavelengths less than 1700 A and
  is just 0.2 m at wavelengths less than 1300 A. The disappearance of
  the eclipse at wavelengths less than 1300 A may be attributed to a
  hot star or spot within the disk-shaped secondary. A main-sequence
  star of spectral type B0 accounts for the observations. However, an
  alternative site of the ultraviolet excess may be the primary's upper
  photosphere or chromosphere.

Title: Heavy-element abundances in the classical barium star HR 774.
Authors: Tomkin, J.; Lambert, D. L.
1983ApJ...273..722T    Altcode:
  Low-noise high-resolution Digicon and Reticon spectra of HR 774 are
  analyzed to determine abundances for all accessible heavy elements in
  the visual and near-infrared. The authors find evidence of departures
  from LTE as large as 0.5 dex affecting the low-excitation neutral
  lines of heavy elements in HR 774 and the standard star (β Gem). These
  severe effects cancel in a comparison of HR 774 with β Gem. Abundances
  of 19 heavy elements (Z ≥ 37) are determined and used to derive
  s-process overabundances. The predicted s-process abundances fit the
  derived s-process abundances remarkably well. The pattern of s-process
  abundances is consistent with the <SUP>13</SUP>C(α, n)<SUP>16</SUP>O
  reaction as the neutron source and excludes the <SUP>22</SUP>Ne(α,
  n)<SUP>25</SUP>Mg reaction.

Title: The Chemical Composition of M and MS Giants
Authors: Smith, V. V.; Lambert, D. L.
1983BAAS...15R.981S    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Epsilon Aurigae
Authors: Parthasarathy, M.; Lambert, D. L.
1983IAUC.3857....1P    Altcode: 1983IAUC.3857....0P
  M. Parthasarathy and D. L. Lambert, McDonald Observatory, communicate
  the following correction to their note on IAUC 3848: "Observations of
  epsilon Aur during totality phase show variation in the strength of the
  K 770-nm resonance line. W-lambda was 0.055 nm during 1982 Dec.-1983
  Mar. and 0.043 nm during 1983 Apr.-July. The H-alpha line is broad,
  and the emission in the wings has disappeared."

Title: Interstellar C2 in the Ophiucus clouds.
Authors: Danks, A. C.; Lambert, D. L.
1983A&A...124..188D    Altcode:
  Interstellar lines of the C<SUB>2</SUB> molecule are reported from high
  resolution high signal to noise spectra of ζ Oph, χ Oph and ρ Oph
  A. Rotational level populations for the C<SUB>2</SUB> toward ζ Oph are
  not described by a single rotational temperature. The populations are
  quite consistent with a competition between collisional and radiative
  excitation under conditions expected for the ζ Oph cloud. The
  excitation of the C<SUB>2</SUB> molecules toward χ Oph and ρ Oph A
  is similar to the results found for ζ Oph. The C<SUB>2</SUB> column
  density is N(C<SUB>2</SUB>) = 2.2×10<SUP>13</SUP>, 3.5×10<SUP>13</SUP>
  and 2.6×10<SUP>13</SUP> cm<SUP>-2</SUP> toward ζ Oph, χ Oph and ρ
  Oph A respectively.

Title: Epsilon Aurigae
Authors: Parthasarathy, M.; Lambert, D. L.
1983IAUC.3848....2P    Altcode: 1983IAUC.3848....0P
  M. Parthasarathy and D. L. Lambert, McDonald Observatory, report:
  " Observations of epsilon Aur during totality near zero phase show a
  significant decrease in the strength of the K 770-nm resonance line:
  W-lambda was 0.055 nm during 1982 Dec.-1983 Mar., 0.040 nm during
  Apr.-May and 0.024 nm during July. The Na D lines also decreased
  in strength, their strength now being similar to that before the
  eclipse. The H-alpha line is broad, and the emission in the wings has
  disappeared. These observations suggest that the neutral gas is mostly
  confined to the outer regions of the eclipsing object."

Title: Do all barium stars have a white dwarf companion ?
Authors: Dominy, J. F.; Lambert, D. L.
1983ApJ...270..180D    Altcode:
  International Ultraviolet Explorer short-wavelength, low-dispersion
  spectra were analyzed for four barium, two mild barium, and one R-type
  carbon star in order to test the hypothesis that the barium and related
  giants are produced by mass transfer from a companion now present as
  a white dwarf. An earlier tentative identification of a white dwarf
  companion to the mild barium star Zeta Cyg is confirmed. For the
  other stars, no ultraviolet excess attributable to a white dwarf is
  seen. Limits are set on the bolometric magnitude and age of a possible
  white dwarf companion. Since the barium stars do not have obvious
  progenitors among main-sequence and subgiant stars, mass transfer must
  be presumed to occur when the mass-gaining star is already on the
  giant branch. This restriction, and the white dwarf's minimum age,
  which is greater than 8 x 10 to the 8th yr, determined for several
  stars, effectively eliminates the hypothesis that mass transfer from
  an asymptotic giant branch star creates a barium star. Speculations
  are presented on alternative methods of producing a barium star in a
  binary system.

Title: HR 4912 : a variable of the old-disk population.
Authors: Luck, R. E.; Lambert, D. L.; Bond, H. E.
1983PASP...95..413L    Altcode:
  Spectrographic observations of the F3 Ia low-amplitude variable (period
  44-68 days) star HR 4912 are reported. Spectra obtained with an echelle
  spectrograph on the 4-m telescope at Cerro Tololo in April, 1981, at
  5200-6900 A and nominal resolution 0.1 A were digitized using the KPNO
  microdensitometer, reconstructed, and smoothed; digital spectra obtained
  with a Reticon-equipped coudespectrometer on the 2.7-m reflector at
  McDonald Observatory in June, 1982, in 100-A exposures at 5380, 6300,
  6385, 6470, 6560, and 8710 A were FFT smoothed; the continuum was set
  by hand from both data sets, and usable equivalent widths were obtained
  for about 300 lines. The analytical model and its basic assumptions
  are discussed. Tables of calculated metallic and CNO abundances are
  presented. From the relatively low Fe/H ratio (-1.2) it is inferred
  that HR 4912 is a representative of the old-disk population and not
  a classical cepheid. The absolute magnitude estimation (about -4)
  places the star to the left of the asymptotic giant branch on the
  HR-diagram evolutionary track for a 0.6-solar-mass-function CO-core
  model, consistent with an SRd-variable classification.

Title: The chemical composition of Algol systems- II. The carbon
    and nitrogen abundances of the secondaries of U CEP and U Sge.
Authors: Parthasarathy, M.; Lambert, D. L.; Tomkin, J.
1983MNRAS.203.1063P    Altcode:
  A spectrum synthesis analysis of Digicon spectra of CH and CN in the
  secondaries of U Cep and U Sge shows that they are carbon deficient,
  [C/Fe] ∼ -0.5, and nitrogen rich, [N/Fe] ∼ +0.5. The metal
  abundance of both secondaries is normal, [Fe/H] = 0.0 ± 0.3. <P />The
  C deficiency and N overabundance of the secondaries are the result of
  conversion of C to N by the CN cycle, while the secondaries were on the
  main sequence, followed by mixing to the surface. These abundances are
  therefore observational evidence in favour of the generally accepted
  idea that the secondaries of semi- detached systems are post- main-
  sequence objects. <P />The C deficiency and N overabundance of the
  secondaries are more marked than in the typical single G or K giant. We
  interpret this as a result of mass loss of the unprocessed surface
  material prior to the onset of mixing. At the time of mixing in the
  secondaries there was less unprocessed material and therefore less
  dilution of the CN cycle processed material than in a single G or K
  giant. <P />Mass loss subsequent to mixing does not alter the surface
  composition of the secondaries. This explains why secondaries that
  have suffered much more extensive mass loss than those of U Cep or
  U Sge do not show the extremes of composition that one would expect
  in the absence of mixing. An example is the secondary of S Cnc (K2),
  which has a mass of only 0.2M<SUB>sun</SUB> and for which - from a
  preliminary analysis of CH - we find [C/Fe] ∼ -0.5.

Title: High-resolution spectra of C2 Swan bands from comet West
    1976 VI
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Danks, A. C.
1983ApJ...268..428L    Altcode:
  The present study of the comet West 1976 VI was intended to probe the
  C2 band structure by using sufficient spectral resolution to resolve
  the rotational structure of the bands. The study demonstrates that
  high-resolution spectra of the 0-0 Swan band provide an accurate
  determination of the C-12/C-13 ratio. The spectral resolution should,
  if possible, slightly exceed that employed on comet West. The conducted
  analysis of the C2 Swan Delta v = -1 sequence provides an excitation
  temperature of 3500 K for comet West at a heliocentric distance of
  0.78 AU, which is considerably cooler than the vibrational temperature
  predicted by two recent calculations describing cometary C2 molecules
  bathed in sunlight.

Title: The pure rotation spectrum of the hydroxyl radical and the
    solar oxygen abundance
Authors: Goldman, A.; Murcray, D. G.; Lambert, D. L.; Dominy, J. F.
1983MNRAS.203..767G    Altcode:
  Observations of pure rotation 2pi (0-0) lines of the hydroxyl radical
  in the solar photospheric spectrum provide a new and independent
  determination of the solar oxygen abundance. These OH lines with
  the Holweger-Mueller (1974) model atmosphere give log epsilon (O)
  = 8.84, which is within 0.08 dex of the abundance provided by the
  O I forbidden lines and the same model. It is pointed out that a
  detection of the CH pure rotation lines would permit a determination
  of the O/C abundance ratio with a much reduced sensitivity to the
  model atmosphere uncertainties. Selected combinations of atomic and
  molecular (not including the OH pure rotation lines) lines give log
  epsilon (O)/epsilon (C) = 0.23 + or - 0.03 dex.

Title: Combined X-ray, Ultraviolet and Ground-based Observations of
    the Symbiotic Star AG Draconis at Quiescence
Authors: Slovak, M. H.; Anderson, C. M.; Cassinelli, J. P.; Lambert,
   D. L.
1983BAAS...15Q.665S    Altcode: 1983BAAS...15Z.665S
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Evidence of non-LTE in photospheric lines of G and K giants.
Authors: Brown, J. A.; Tomkin, J.; Lambert, D. L.
1983ApJ...265L..93B    Altcode:
  A local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) model atmosphere analysis of
  weak Zr I and Ti I lines in 33 field G and K giants suggests that,
  on the average, Zr is 0.4 dex less abundant relative to Ti than it is
  in the sun. The fact that Zr and Ti abundances based on Zr II and Ti
  II lines do not show any relative overabundance of Zr shows that this
  Zr underabundance is not real; rather it is strong evidence that some
  lines of neutral metal atoms are subject to significant departures from
  LTE. The departures from LTE are more pronounced for the Zr I lines
  than for the Ti I lines. The nearly identical ionization potentials
  of Zr and Ti and the similarity of the excitation potentials of the
  Zr and Ti lines rule out alternative explanations of the spurious Zr
  underabundance, such as poor choice of the stellar temperatures and
  gravities or errors in the model atmospheres.

Title: Non-resonance lines of neutral calcium in the spectra of
    Arcturus and beta Virginis.
Authors: Smith, G.; Lambert, D. L.
1983A&A...117..177S    Altcode:
  Selected regions containing calcium lines of moderately high excitation
  (2.5-3.0 eV) in the spectra of Arcturus (K2III, m/v/ =0.0) and Beta
  Virginis (F8V, m/v/ =3.6) have been recorded at a dispersion of 1
  A/mm and with signal/noise of approximately 100 using a silicon diode
  array. A conventional analysis, based on an LTE model atmosphere and
  using all relatively unblended lines for which precise oscillator
  strengths are now available, leads to extremely consistent values for
  calcium abundance and microturbulence. The microturbulence is shown
  to have a value of about 1.5 km/s in both stars. There is marginal
  evidence for a departure from LTE in one multiplet in the Arcturus
  spectrum. The dependence of the derived abundance on model atmosphere,
  effective temperature, and surface gravity is investigated.

Title: Epsilon Aurigae in Eclipse
Authors: Lambert, David L.
1983iue..prop.1484L    Altcode:
  A continuation of our IUE program of ultraviolet spectroscopy and
  spectrophotometry of the unique long-period binary Epsilon Aur is
  proposed during the current total eclipse, the first since 1956. The
  ultraviolet eclipse curves are being used to define the characteristics
  of the secondary and the geometry of the system. High-dispersion
  spectra of the supergiant primary, which is eclipsed by the secondary,
  provides absorption/emission lines produced by circumstellar gas and,
  perhaps, the large disk around the secondary. A complementary program
  of ground-based spectroscopy begun in November 1981 will be continued
  beyond the predicted date of fourth contact (1984 May).

Title: Planet earth
Authors: Lambert, David; Bailey, Jacqui
1983plea.book.....L    Altcode: 1983QB631.L24......
  Presents various aspects of the earth, including its origin, weather,
  oceans and seas, atmosphere, living inhabitants, and possible future

Title: Epsilon Aurigae
Authors: Parthasarathy, M.; Lambert, D. L.
1983IAUC.3766....2P    Altcode: 1983IAUC.3766....0P
  M. Parthasarathy and D. L. Lambert, McDonald Observatory, report:
  "Observations of epsilon Aur made since 1981 show a systematic
  increase in the strength of the K I 770-nm resonance line: W-lambda
  = 12 pm in early March 1982 (before the eclipse) but W-lambda = 54
  pm now. The Na D lines behave similarly. The strengths of the high-
  excitation lines Mg II 448 nm, Si II 635 nm and N 869 nm have not varied
  significantly. Our IUE observations show that the eclipse depth is ~
  1 mag from 310 to 155 nm. However, the eclipse depth at 125 to 143
  nm is ~ 0.3 mag. First contact occurred before July 29. The O 130-nm
  emission and the P-Cyg-type emission of Mg II 280-nm lines do not seem
  to show significant variation associated with the eclipse. Fe II lines
  of ultraviolet multiplets 1, 62 and 63 show variation in the strength
  of their emission components."

Title: On C3 molecules in diffuse interstellar clouds.
Authors: Clegg, R. E. S.; Lambert, D. L.
1982MNRAS.201..723C    Altcode: 1982MNRAS.201..722C
  New observations at 4050 A of reddened stars are presented, the
  excitation of C3 levels is analyzed and the limits on C3 abundance are
  discussed. The details of the observed stars and obtained spectra are
  shown. Upper limits to the column density of C3 were calculated from
  the weak-line approximation for the absorption band equivalent width,
  and the radiative life-time of several vibrational levels in the upper
  1-pi-u state was measured through a laser fluorescence technique. It
  is shown that the population of C3 molecules in excited vibrational
  states is neglible. The radiative deexcitation rate from v(2) = 1 is
  estimated from the harmonic oscillator relation, and the relative
  populations having v(2) = O and 1 are calculated. The C3 molecules
  are expected to be in the (0,0,0) ground vibrational state for which
  the rotational levels are thermalized. The interstellar C3 chemistry
  is examined, showing rates for reactions relevant to C3 formation and
  destruction. Predicted concentrations of C0, C2, and C3 are plotted
  as a function of visual extinction.

Title: The chemical composition of R CrB and XX Cam.
Authors: Cottrell, P. L.; Lambert, D. L.
1982ApJ...261..595C    Altcode:
  The R Coronae Borealis stars R CrB and XX Cam are examined using
  extensive high-resolution Reticon data. Effective temperatures, values
  of log g, microturbulent velocities, and C/He values are determined,
  along with elemental abundances and abundance ratios for a wide range of
  species, including the light and heavy s-process elements. Helium- and
  carbon-rich models are employed, as is an appropriate model atmosphere
  code. The evolutionary history of R CrB stars is discussed in detail. It
  is concluded that both CNO cycle and 3-alpha processed material must
  have been mixed into the observable layers. The He core and He shell
  flashes are suggested as possible triggers for the mixing and for the
  extensive mass loss required to expose the heavily processed layers.

Title: High-resolution 3 μm spectroscopy of IRC +10216.
Authors: Clegg, R. E. S.; Hinkle, K. H.; Lambert, D. L.
1982MNRAS.201...95C    Altcode:
  The fundamental vibration-rotation lines of HCl near 3 microns were
  sought in high-resolution spectra of IRC+10216, obtained with a
  Fourier transform spectrometer, and an analysis of the CH4 nu3 band
  was made. The predicted value of the HCl column density, based on the
  expectation that Cl is fully associated into HCl in the circumstellar
  shell, is 10 to 20 times greater than the upper limit on the observed
  column density of HCl-35, which is 2.3 x 10 to the fifteenth/cm2. This
  discrepancy suggests that Cl is not fully associated into HCl, but
  rather may reside in another molecule, such as CH3Cl, or a condensate,
  such as FeCl2 or MgCl2. Although the CH3Cl nu1 band is not present,
  the limit on its column density does not exclude it as a sink of Cl
  atoms. CH4 nu3 lines yield a rotational temperature of 160 K plus or
  minus 25 K, and a column density of 1.8 x 10 to the sixteenth/cm2.

Title: Physical conditions in the accretion disk of V603 Aql.
Authors: Ferland, G. J.; Lambert, D. L.; McCall, M. L.; Shields,
   G. A.; Slovak, M. H.
1982ApJ...260..794F    Altcode:
  Ultraviolet and optical spectra of the old nova V603 Aql are
  discussed. The UV-optical continuum is dominated by emission from the
  accretion disk. Emission lines from ions of H, He, C, N, and O are
  identified. These lines are probably formed in a circumstellar shell
  with radius comparable to the binary separation, density ten billion
  per cu cm, and a roughly solar chemical composition. This corona
  is probably heated by radiation emitted by the underlying accretion
  disk. Photoionization calculations of the structure and emission-line
  spectrum of the corona are presented, and the effects of this gas on
  the X-ray continuum are discussed.

Title: The peculiar spectroscopic behaviour of the R Coronae Borealis
    star RY SGR
Authors: Cottrell, P. L.; Lambert, D. L.
1982Obs...102..149C    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The CN red system in the solar spectrum
Authors: Sneden, C.; Lambert, D. L.
1982ApJ...259..381S    Altcode:
  Solar CN lines from leading bands of the Delta-v = -2, -1, 0, +1, +2,
  and +3 sequences of the A 2Pi-X 2 Sigma(+) red system are analyzed to
  provide band absorption oscillator strengths, radiative lifetimes of
  the A 2Pi state and the electronic transition moment. The results
  are compared with recent experimental results and an ab initio
  calculation. In general, the solar analysis is consistent with both
  the experiments and the ab initio predictions. Additional experiments
  are called for in order to resolve one outstanding discrepancy and to
  provide accurate oscillator strengths for the infrared (Delta-v is
  less than or equal to -1) sequences which are potentially key bands
  in the analysis of spectra of cool stars.

Title: Lithium in late-type giants. II. 31 M giants and supergiants.
Authors: Luck, R. E.; Lambert, D. L.
1982ApJ...256..189L    Altcode:
  A spectrum-synthesis technique accounting for TiO line blanketing and
  extracting Li abundances was developed to compensate for the unresolved
  TiO line depression of the Li I 6707 A doublet in high-resolution,
  high-SNR spectra of 31 M giants and supergiants. Li abundances in
  a 25-star sample show a large scatter about a mean log epsilon(Li)
  value of about -0.2. A renewed discussion of Li abundances for G and K
  giants offers new evidence for Li abundance control by stellar mass,
  consistent with M giant data. Two stars, Alpha Ori and 119 Tau, show
  no detectable Li line, and it is suggested that this Li deficiency may
  result from mass loss at the pre-main sequence phase, or from internal
  mixing and nuclear processing leading to Li destruction.

Title: Carbon, nitrogen and oxygen abundances in Sirius and Vega.
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Roby, S. W.; Bell, R. A.
1982ApJ...254..663L    Altcode:
  Carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen abundances are obtained from C I,
  N I, and O I high excitation permitted lines in the spectra of the
  standard A star Vega and the 'hot' Am star Sirius. Vega has normal
  abundances. Relative to Vega, Sirius is C deficient by 0.60 dex,
  N enhanced by 0.22 dex, and O deficient by 0.27 dex.

Title: Time-resolved spectroscopy of the C<SUB>2</SUB> Phillips
    system and revised interstellar C<SUB>2</SUB> abundances.
Authors: Erman, P.; Lambert, D. L.; Larsson, M.; Mannfors, B.
1982ApJ...253..983E    Altcode:
  The high frequency deflection technique is used to measure radiative
  lifetimes of vibrational levels of the C2 A 1Pi u state. The mean
  lifetime for levels v-prime = 3, 4, 6, and 7 is found to be 11
  microseconds, and results are used to derive absorption oscillation
  strengths of the Phillips (A 1Pi u-X1Sigma g +) system. The f-values
  for the infrared band which correspond to those for the near infrared
  bands are subject to larger uncertainty, due to the lack of information
  on the R e 2 variation at large internuclear separations, and the R
  e 2 model can be better defined by extending the lifetime results to
  both the lower (v-prime not greater than 2) and higher (v-prime not
  less than 8) levels.

Title: Binary stars: mass transfer and chemical composition.
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
1982NASCP2238..114L    Altcode: 1982IUE82......114L; 1982NASCP2338..114L; 1982auva.nasa..114L
  It is noted that mass exchange (and mass loss) within a binary system
  should produce observable changes in the surface chemical composition
  of both the mass losing and mass gaining stars as a stellar interior
  exposed to nucleosyntheses is uncovered. Three topics relating
  mass exchange and/or mass loss to nucleosynthesis are sketched:
  the chemical composition of Algol systems; the accretion disk of a
  cataclysmic variable fed by mass from a dwarf secondary star; and the
  hypothesis that classical Ba II giants result from mass transfer from
  a more evolved companion now present as a white dwarf.

Title: The Primary Component of Algol Systems of Low Mass Ratio
Authors: Lambert, David L.
1982iue..prop.1130L    Altcode:
  High dispersion spectra between 1300 and 1800 A are to be obtained for
  the primary component of low mass-ratio Algol systems. The spectra
  will yield the chemical abundance of carbon, nitrogen, boron, and
  other elements. It is predicted that nuclear processed material from
  inside the secondary and transferred to the primary will have produced
  abundance anomalies on the primary. In conjunction with ground-based
  spectroscopy, definition of these anomalies and a comparison with
  theoretical predictions is the primary goal of the program.

Title: Ultraviolet properties of the symbiotic stars.
Authors: Slovak, M. H.; Lambert, D. L.
1982ASSL...95..103S    Altcode: 1982nss..coll..103S; 1982IAUCo..70..103S
  A general discussion of the UV spectra of symbiotic stars, including
  both the emission lines and the continua, is presented, with AG
  Pegasi considered as an illustrative example. It is noted that the
  IUE observations of the symbiotics have revealed UV properties which
  rival the diversity of the optical features. Nevertheless, the UV
  data have for the first time permitted the hot component to be studied
  relatively uncontaminated by the giant companion, which dominates the
  optical regime. The UV observations provide convincing evidence that
  many of the symbiotics have hot stellar companions embedded in the
  enshrouding nebula or accretion shell formed from the wind from one
  or possibly both of the components.

Title: Epsilon Aurigae in Eclipse
Authors: Lambert, David L.
1982iue..prop.1139L    Altcode:
  Ultraviolet spectroscopy and spectrophotometry of the unique
  long-period binary Epsilon Aur is proposed during the first total
  eclipse since 1956. The ultraviolet eclipse curves will be used to
  define the characteristics of the secondary and the geometry of the
  system. High-dispersion spectra of the supergiant primary, which is
  eclipsed by the secondary, will provide absorption/emission lines
  produced by circumstellar gas and, perhaps, the large disk around the
  secondary. A complementary program of ground-based spectroscopy will
  be conducted.

Title: A detailed analysis of three R CrB stars.
Authors: Cottrell, P. L.; Lambert, D. L.; Schönberner, D.
1982BAAS...14..576C    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Carbon, nitrogen and oxygen abundances in main-sequence
    stars. II. 20F and G stars.
Authors: Clegg, R. E. S.; Lambert, D. L.; Tomkin, J.
1981ApJ...250..262C    Altcode:
  High-resolution Reticon spectra of red and near-infrared C I, N I,
  and O I lines have been analyzed to determine C, N, and O abundances
  in a sample of 20 F and G main-sequence stars. Their iron abundances,
  which have been determined from analysis of additional Reticon spectra
  of red Fe I lines, cover the Fe/H range from -0.9 to 0.4. Sulfur
  abundances have also been obtained. It is found that the variations
  of the carbon and sulfur abundances closely follow those of iron. The
  oxygen abundance varies much more slowly than iron (O/Fe = 0.48 (+ or -
  0.07) Fe/H). This result confirms an earlier conclusion that oxygen is
  overabundant in more metal-deficient stars. The behavior of the nitrogen
  abundance appears to be similar to that of iron (N/Fe = 0.0 + or -
  0.2). However, the unavailability of nitrogen abundances for the most
  metal-deficient stars in the sample makes this result less certain than
  the results for the other elements. These results are discussed in the
  light of current theories of stellar nucleosynthesis of the elements.

Title: A high resolution IUE spectrum of the GO-GSIA supergiant
    HR 8752.
Authors: Stickland, D. J.; Lambert, D. L.
1981A&A...102..296S    Altcode:
  A high-resolution long-wavelength IUE spectrum of the G0-G5Ia supergiant
  HR 8752 and its B main sequence companion is discussed. The supergiant,
  which dominates for wavelengths greater than approximately 2700 A,
  appears to have a normal spectrum. The spectrum of the B star contains
  several deep asymmetric absorption lines. It is argued that these
  lines are interstellar and not circumstellar in origin.

Title: Circumstellar shells of luminous supergiants. I. Carbon
    monoxide in rho CAS and HR 8752.
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Hinkle, K. H.; Hall, D. N. B.
1981ApJ...248..638L    Altcode:
  High resolution spectra are presented for the 2.3 micron, CO Delta-v =
  2 region in the two F Ia supergiants HR 8752 and Rho Cas, which have
  extensive circumstellar shells without infrared excesses that indicate
  circumstellar gas with little dust. The new spectra show strong CO
  Delta-v = 2 lines of circumstellar origin at kinetic temperatures
  near 2000 K. The CO line profile in Rho Cas resembles that of the
  circumstellar component of atomic lines at shorter wavelengths,
  and a standard model with spherical symmetry and acceleration to the
  escape velocity gives a lower limit to the rate of mass loss of 0.01
  solar masses/year. Infrared CO and visual circumstellar lines in HR
  8752 show a progression of line profiles with time over the five-year
  interval 1975-1979, with the C-12/C-13 ratio being 15 and a photosphere
  pulsation period of nearly three years.

Title: Carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen abundances in G and K giants.
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Ries, L. M.
1981ApJ...248..228L    Altcode:
  C, N and O abundances are presented for 32 G and K giants and
  subgiants, where the primary indicators of abundances are: (1) the
  C(2) lines at 5086 and 5135 A; (2) the O I forbidden lines at 6300
  and 6363 A, and (3) CN red system lines. The CNO abundances show that
  CN-processed material has been dredged to the surface of the giants,
  with the C abundance reduced, that of N increased, and O remaining
  unchanged. Lower mass giants are found to be C-13-rich, relative
  to standard predictions. Relative to the C-13-normal clump giants,
  a larger mass of processed material is dredged to the surface of
  the rich giants. This material is, however, less processed than that
  of the normal stars. This result is consistent with the view of the
  occurrence of mixing in the radiative zone between the core and the
  outer convection zone of a main sequence star.

Title: A study of CNO elements in barium stars.
Authors: Sneden, C.; Lambert, D. L.; Pilachowski, C. A.
1981ApJ...247.1052S    Altcode:
  Carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen abundances are presented for seven mild
  barium stars and two classical barium stars. The mild barium stars
  do not show the carbon enhancement typical of the classical Ba II
  stars. The CNO abundances of the mild barium and normal G and K giants
  are identical. An s-process enhancement is confirmed for some of the
  mild barium stars. The marked division in the abundance patterns and
  the recent discovery of low-mass comparisons to the classical Ba II
  stars but not the mild barium stars suggest that the two types of barium
  stars are unrelated. A possible explanation for the mild barium stars
  is that the abundance of rare s-process elements in the interstellar
  clouds is not uniform. The mild barium stars were formed in clouds
  containing an above average abundance of the s-process elements but
  approximately normal abundances of other elements.

Title: The ultraviolet spectrum of the twin-degenerate interacting
    binary G 61-29.
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Slovak, M. H.
1981PASP...93..477L    Altcode:
  A low-resolution IUE spectrum (1200 A-1900 A) of the twin-degenerate
  white-dwarf binary star G61-29 is presented. A comparison is made to
  similar IUE spectra of the old novae DQ Her and V603 Aql. G61-29 shows
  N V 1240 A and He II 1640 A in emission. Unlike the old novae, the C
  IV 1550 A doublet is not present. It is proposed that the mass-losing
  He white dwarf (with a mass of 0.02 solar mass) is the H-exhausted,
  He-rich core of an old star in which the original CNO nuclei have been
  converted to N-14 by the CNO-cycles.

Title: The abundances of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen in the
atmospheres of cepheid variables : evidence for helium enrichment.
Authors: Luck, R. E.; Lambert, D. L.
1981ApJ...245.1018L    Altcode:
  An analysis is presented of the abundances of carbon, nitrogen,
  oxygen and 14 heavier elements in the atmospheres of 14 Cepheid
  variables and five nonvariable supergiants. Model atmospheres and a
  spectrum synthesis code were used to derive CNO and metal abundances
  as well as effective temperatures, surface gravities, microturbulences
  and macroturbulences for the program stars on the basis of Reticon
  spectra obtained in 100-A spectral regions centered at 5380, 6300,
  6385, 6560 and 8710 A. The CNO abundances obtained indicate a level
  of atmospheric mixing with CN-cycle and ON-cycle processed material
  beyond that predicted by standard calculations for both the Cepheids
  and nonvariable supergiants, particularly evident in a reduction of O
  abundances. A possible explanation for the mixing level is suggested
  in which core convection or meridional mixing induced by rapid rotation
  caused extensive mixing into the H-burning shell and ON processing zone
  when the Cepheids were main-sequence OB stars. The O depletion is noted
  to imply a significant He enrichment, corresponding to an envelope He
  mass fraction of up to 0.8 in the double-mode Cepheid TU Cas.

Title: Rho Cassiopeiae
Authors: Hinkle, K. H.; Lambert, D. L.; Tomkin, J.; Luck, R. E.
1981IAUC.3580....3H    Altcode:
  K. H. Hinkle, Kitt Peak National Observatory; D. L. Lambert and
  J. Tomkin, University of Texas at Austin; and R. E. Luck, Louisiana
  State University, write that they observed rho Cas = HR 9045 during
  Feb. 23-26. The circumstellar line profiles now contain a striking
  emission component. The circumstellar CO vibration-rotation band heads
  near 2.3 um, which were previously seen in absorption, are now in
  emission. Low J CO lines show the emission superposed on an absorption
  line. Similar profiles are seen in many neutral atomic lines in the red
  and near infrared. While the profiles of the circumstellar lines have
  developed strong emission since they were last observed in June 1980,
  the current phase may have begun in Sept. 1979 when the photospheric
  lines were observed to double. Photometric and spectroscopic monitoring
  of this peculiar supergiant would be of interest.

Title: UV Spectroscopy of Symbiotic Stars, Recurrent &amp; Old Novae
Authors: Lambert, David L.
1981iue..prop..788L    Altcode:
  This proposal describes a combination of a program of ultraviolet
  spectroscopy of the symbiotic variables, and the old and recurrent
  novae. Low resolution IUE spectra have been obtained which provide both
  the emission line spectra of the nebula as well as the continuum of
  the hot, underlying star. A completion of the low resolution survey
  is proposed. A program of IUE observations of the symbiotic variable
  AG Pegasus was initiated in June 1979, and has continued through
  1980. Line profile and radial velocity variations provide important
  clues to the distribution of hot gas within the binary. These data
  are being complemented by optical observations at the McDonald
  Observatory. Nearinfrared data yield the orbit of the cool M giant;
  the line profiles of [O III], H-alpha, He II, He I, and Fe II
  provide information on the ionized gas within the system. The IUE
  low resolution spectra for other symbiotics are being combined with
  groundbased observations to determine the physical structure of these
  peculiar variables. Old novae are being studied, using the IUE low
  resolution spectra to derive the structure of the accretion disk and
  the hot gaseous region (a corona above the disk?) responsible for
  the emission lines. A series of complementary groundbased and IUE
  observations are proposed in the event of a recurrent nova eruption.

Title: Peculiar Red Giants: A Search For White Dwarf Companions
Authors: Lambert, David L.
1981iue..prop..784L    Altcode:
  The carbon and s-process element abundances in the atmosphere of a
  red giant are not predicted to be enhanced until the star is in a
  thermally pulsing double shell burning phase, that is, the red giant
  has become cool and highly luminous. The classical Barium (and other
  peculiar giants) which are warm and not highly luminous do not fit
  this prediction. Special conditions (e.g. anomalous mixing events
  at the time of the He-core flash) in a small fraction of red giants
  have been invoked to explain these low luminosity peculiar giants. The
  recent discovery by McClure and collaborators that some, possibly all,
  classical Ba II giants are binaries with low mass companions provides
  a new explanation for the composition anomalies. it is possible that
  mass from a thermally pulsing primary was transferred to the secondary
  which we now detect as the red giant. The primary may remain as a
  white dwarf (or neutron star). Indeed, IUE spectra of the Ba II star
  Zeta Cap indicates a white dwarf companion (Bohm-Vitense 1980). We
  propose to search for the ultraviolet continuum of a WD companion to
  the classical R (hot carbon) stars, additional Ba II stars, and the
  CH or Population II Ba II stars in order to test the hypothesis that
  the low-luminosity peculiar red giants of types equivalent to G and
  K result from mass transfer.

Title: Ultraviolet spectroscopy of old novae and symbiotic stars.
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Slovak, M. H.; Shields, G. A.; Ferland, G. J.
1981NASCP2171..461L    Altcode: 1981uviu.nasa..461L; 1980IUE80......461L; 1981NASCP3171..461L
  The IUE spectra are presented for two old novae and for two of the
  symbiotic variables. Prominent emission line spectra are revealed as a
  continuum whose appearance is effected by the system inclination. These
  data provide evidence for hot companions in the symbiotic stars, making
  plausible the binary model for these peculiar stars. Recent IUE spectra
  of dwarf novae provide additional support for the existence of optically
  thick accretion disks in active binary systems. The ultraviolet data
  of the eclipsing dwarf novae EX Hya and BV Cen appear flatter than
  for the noneclipsing systems, an effect which could be ascribed to
  the system inclination.

Title: The chemical composition of red giants - The first dredge-up
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
1981ASSL...88..115L    Altcode: 1981pprg.work..115L
  The first dredge-up changes the red giant atmosphere abundances of Li,
  Be and B and the participants in the CNO-cycle. Theoretical predictions
  are reviewed and compared with the observed abundance changes. For the
  G and K giants of mass less than about 3 solar masses, the observed
  and predicted abundance changes are in fair agreement. The (C-13) rich
  giants appear during the main sequence phase to have experienced a slow
  mixing within the radiative zone outside the core. The supergiants
  including Cepheids show an O deficiency that is not predicted by
  standard theory. The speculation is offered that the ON-cycle processed
  material is transported out by rotationally induced meridional currents
  or by convection cells to layers that during the red giant phase fall
  within the deep convective envelope. Several classes of peculiar low
  luminosity red giants are briefly discussed.

Title: The iron abundance in the Hyades cluster.
Authors: Branch, D.; Lambert, D. L.; Tomkin, J.
1980ApJ...241L..83B    Altcode:
  Low-noise Reticon spectra of the moon and two Hyades G dwarfs are
  used to derive the metallicity of the Hyades Cluster. The relative
  temperatures of the sun and the Hyades stars are determined from the
  wings of their H-alpha profiles, and iron abundances are based on weak
  Fe I lines. The spectroscopic result is an Fe/H ratio of 0.20 + or -
  0.1, in good agreement with photometric determinations of the Hyades
  metallicity. The B-V color of the sun is inferred to be 0.64 + or 0.02.

Title: The size and surface brightness of the circumstellar gas
    shell surrounding Betelgeuse
Authors: Honeycutt, R. K.; Kephart, J. E.; Bernat, A. P.; Gow, C. E.;
   Sandford, M. T., II; Lambert, D. L.
1980ApJ...239..565H    Altcode:
  We have obtained direct images of the K i gas shell surrounding the
  M supergiant Betelgeuse using a two-dimensional television system and
  a 2 Å bandpass filter. The emission extends to at least 50".

Title: The Keenan and Wing bands in S stars.
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Clegg, R. E. S.
1980MNRAS.191..367L    Altcode:
  The paper presents new observations of the near infrared spectra of S
  stars as part of a survey of the unidentified Keenan and Wing bands. A
  new band is found at 9014 A, and the bands were not present in normal
  M giants and dwarfs. Several new identifications are proposed including
  two new bands in the near infrared at 8219 and 8235 A provided by CeO;
  a new band with heads at 7503 and 7509 A in a spectrum of R And is
  tentatively attributed to YS. It is suggested that the heavy element
  sulfides and possibly chlorides are leading candidates as the potential
  carriers of Keenan and Wing bands.

Title: Isotopic abundances of magnesium in five G and K dwarfs.
Authors: Tomkin, J.; Lambert, D. L.
1980ApJ...235..925T    Altcode:
  The paper reports on an analysis of high-resolution low-noise Reticon
  observations of MgH lines in the spectra of Mu Cas, Epsilon Eri, 61
  Cyg A and B, and Gmb 1830 by spectrum synthesis. It is shown that the
  mixtures of the isotopes in Mu Cas, Epsilon Eri, and 61 Cyg A and B
  are not significantly different from the terrestrial mixture. Attention
  is also given to a nonterrestrial mixture which is found in Gmb 1830.

Title: The study of small molecules in stellar atmospheres
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
1980LIACo..21..173L    Altcode: 1980smsl.conf..173L
  The review discusses several important or unique contributions of small
  molecules to the study of the chemical composition and atmospheric
  structure of main sequence and evolved stars. Highlighted topics
  include: the line identification problem and the astrophysical needs
  for extensions of available laboratory spectra; the determination of
  stellar C, N and O abundances and the f values for relevant transitions
  of diatomic molecules; the isotopic abundance ratios C-12/C-13 in G
  and K giants and carbon stars and Mg-24/Mg-25/Mg-26 in late-type stars;
  the role of small molecules in defining the chromospheres of late-type
  stars and the complex atmospheres of long-period variables.

Title: Lithium in late-type giants. I. G and K giants.
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Dominy, J. F.; Sivertsen, S.
1980ApJ...235..114L    Altcode:
  Lithium abundances for about 50 G and K giants have been derived from
  new high-resolution, low-noise spectra by spectrum synthesis. Ca
  abundances obtained from the 6798 A Ca I line are well correlated
  with the Fe/H forbidden line abundance given by published narrow-band
  photometry. This correlation is strong evidence that the Ca and,
  therefore, the Li abundances are free from large systematic errors. The
  Li abundance and the C-12/C-13 ratio are correlated. Red giants with
  mass not less than 1.3 solar mass show the predicted Li abundance
  and C-12/C-13 ratio. Giants with a high C-13 abundance show lower Li
  abundances. It is suggested that Li is a rough measure of a star's mass
  and that the high C-13 stars are low-mass giants with mass not greater
  than 1.3 solar mass. The CN cycle is probably the source of the excess
  C-13. Spallation reactions cannot account for these abundances.

Title: UV Spectroscopy of Symbiotic Stars, Recurrent and Old Novae
Authors: Lambert, David L.
1980iue..prop..470L    Altcode:
  I propose to obtain low resolution ultraviolet spectra of two magnetic
  white dwarfs. For one of these stars, the main point is to search
  for evidence of elements other than hydrogen in the spectrum, and to
  improve the data on which magnetic modelling is based. The other star
  is the remarkable high-field (B &gt;= 10^8 gauss) white dwarf GD229,
  which has a unique spectrum of strong, broad lines. It is hoped that an
  ultraviolet spectrum will make it possible to understand the spectrum
  of this star.

Title: The oxygen abundance in metal-poor stars.
Authors: Sneden, C.; Lambert, D. L.; Whitaker, R. W.
1979ApJ...234..964S    Altcode:
  Oxygen abundances in the atmospheres of a dozen unevolved stars
  of various metallicities (Fe/H in the closed interval -2.3 -0.3)
  have been derived. In nearly all cases, the metal-poor stars exhibit
  an enhanced oxygen triplet at 7700 A. Substantial overabundances of
  oxygen are indicated for the program stars. This result is discussed
  in the light of current galactic nucleosynthesis theories.

Title: Isotopes of titanium in cool stars.
Authors: Clegg, R. E. S.; Lambert, D. L.; Bell, R. A.
1979ApJ...234..188C    Altcode:
  A program of stellar Ti isotopic-abundance determinations is described
  and related to changes that may have occurred in the Ti isotopic
  abundance ratios during the chemical evolution of the Galaxy, and to
  whether the abundance ratios are perturbed in the S and MS stars having
  atmospheres with enhanced abundances of s-process nuclei resulting from
  convective mixing after internal exposure to neutrons. High-resolution
  (0.07 A) Reticon spectra of portions of the TiO gamma (0,0), gamma
  (0,1), and delta (0,0) bands were the source material, and particular
  emphasis was placed on the definition of the continuum level. The
  isotopic abundance ratios are terrestrial in all of the sample, and
  errors in the (Ti-i)/(Ti-48) ratio are typically plus or minus 25%
  for the dwarfs and plus or minus 50% for the giants. The observations
  show that the magic nucleus Ti-50 is not enhanced in S and MS stars.

Title: Observations of emission lines in M supergiants
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
1979uta..rept.....L    Altcode:
  Copernicus observations of Mg 2 h and k emission lines from M
  giants and supergiants are described. Supergiants with extensive
  circumstellar gas shells show an asymmetric k line. The asymmetry is
  ascribed to superimposed lines of Fe 1 and Mn 1. The Mg 2 line width
  fit the Wilson-Bappu relation derived from observations of G and K
  Stars. Results of correlated ground-based observations include (1) the
  discovery of K 1 fluorescent emission from the Betelgeuse shell; (2)
  extimates of the mass-loss rates; and (3) the proposal that silicate
  dust grains must account for the major fraction of the Si atoms in
  the Betelgeuse shell.

Title: He I 10830 Å emission from alpha Bootis and alpha
Authors: Obrien, G.; Lambert, D. L.
1979ApJ...229L..33O    Altcode:
  The He I 10830 A line has been detected in emission in the spectra
  of Alpha Boo and Alpha-1 Her, two stars for which evidence of a
  high-temperature chromosphere has heretofore been lacking. The 10830
  A emission from Alpha Boo is variable on a time scale of 1 week. He I
  10830 A emission from Alpha-1 Her, a star surrounded by an extensive
  circumstellar gas and dust shell, is surprising. It is proposed that
  the emission may result from a shock front created when high-velocity
  infalling gas meets the photosphere.

Title: He I 10830 Å Studies of Chromospheres and Mass Loss in Late
    Type Stars
Authors: O'Brien, G.; Lambert, D.
1979BAAS...11..448O    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The chemical composition of Algol systems - I. The secondary
    in U Cep.
Authors: Parthasarathy, M.; Lambert, D. L.; Tomkin, J.
1979MNRAS.186..391P    Altcode:
  An abundance analysis of the G8 III secondary of the U Cep system is
  performed on the basis of the Reticon spectra 430 A wide, centered at
  wavelengths of 6200, 6320, and 8620 A, and obtained with a resolution
  of 1.9 A. A rotational velocity of 90 + or - 8 km/s applied to the
  spectrum of the standard star Kappa Gem is found to provide an excellent
  fit to the secondary's spectrum, indicating that the star is rotating
  synchronously. A spectrum-synthesis analysis of the secondary's chemical
  composition reveals normal abundances of metals (Fe/H = 0.0 + or - 0.3)
  and s-process elements, which are consistent with the values expected
  from theories of close-binary evolution. It is noted that the Ca II IR
  triplet lines are weak in the secondary of U Cep relative to standard
  stars and that a weakening of the IR absorption lines is likely to
  be accompanied by enhanced chromospheric emission in the Ca II H and
  K lines.

Title: A search for coronal emission lines in HD 153919 (3U 1700-37).
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Tomkin, J.
1979ApJ...228L..37L    Altcode:
  Low-noise Reticon spectra of HD 153919, which is identified with
  the X-ray source 3U 1700-37, do not show the 5303-A forbidden Fe XIV
  emission line previously reported by Dupree et al. (1977). The new
  spectra provides an upper limit to the central intensity of a forbidden
  Fe XIV line which is at least a factor of 6 below the intensity reported
  by Dupree et al. A variation in the forbidden Fe XIV emission-line flux
  could occur if the X-ray flux were variable on a time scale of years.

Title: Carbon monoxide emission and the eta Carinae stage of nova
    NQ Vulpculae.
Authors: Ferland, G. J.; Lambert, D. L.; Netzer, H.; Hall, D. N. B.;
   Ridgway, S. T.
1979ApJ...227..489F    Altcode:
  The detection of first-overtone vibration-rotation emission bands
  of CO at 2.3 microns from Nova NQ Vul is reported. These bands were
  detected in a 1.6-2.4-micron spectrum obtained shortly after the first
  sharp drop in visual magnitude. It is suggested that the previously
  discovered 5-micron excess can be identified with emission in the
  stronger fundamental bands of CO and that the CO emission originates
  within or near the nova ejecta. A temperature of 3500 + or - 750 K
  is derived, a lower limit of 3 is placed on the C-12/C-13 isotopic
  abundance ratio, and the fundamental-band CO emission at 4.8 microns is
  predicted to be approximately 40 times stronger than the first-overtone
  emission at 2.3 microns. Other emission lines in the spectrum are
  identified as recombination lines of H, C, and Na. A model of the
  ionization structure of the ejecta is presented which can explain in
  a semiquantitative way several important features of the spectrum.

Title: Magnesium isotopes and s-process elements in the barium star
    HR 774.
Authors: Tomkin, J.; Lambert, D. L.
1979ApJ...227..209T    Altcode:
  We have analyzed low-noise high-resolution Reticon spectra of MgH and
  selected unblended s-process element lines in the Ba star HR 774. We
  find that the isotopic abundances of Mg are terrestrial (24Mg: 25Mg:
  26Mg = 79:10:11). Large overabundances of the s-process elements (Y,
  +0.9dex; Zr, +0.8dex; Mo, +1.0dex; La, +1.1 dex; Nd, +1.Sdex) with
  respect to the normal K giant p Gem are determined. These results
  imply that the neutrons responsible for the s-process enhancements
  are provided by the `3C(a, n)'6O reaction and not the 22Ne(a, n)25Mg
  reaction. If the latter reaction were the primary neutron source,
  substantial overabundances of 25Mg and 26Mg would be predicted for HR
  774, e.g., 24Mg 25Mg 26Mg. This is incompatible with our analysis of
  the MgH lines. Our conclusion accords with the theoretical expectations
  of Truran and Iben who suggest that in low-mass Ba stars, such as
  HR 774, `3C(a, n)'6O rather than 22Ne(a, n)25Mg is the major source
  of neutrons. Iron is found to be 0.2 dex deficient with respect
  to Gem. Carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen abundances are determined by
  analysis of Reticon spectra of Swan system C2 lines, red system CN
  lines, and the 6300 A forbidden 0 1 line. Nitrogen and oxygen have the
  same abundances as in a 0.2 dex metal-deficient, and otherwise normal,
  mixed K giant, while carbon is 0.4 dex overabundant. The 12C/13C ratio
  is 23 + 2. In addition, `2C/'3C ratios of 23 + 3 13 + 1, and 24 + 2
  have been determined for the Ba stars HR 2392, HR 4474, and HR 5058,
  respectively. These results are used to interpret the evolutionary
  state of the Ba stars. Subject headings: nucleosynthesis - stars:
  abundances - stars: Ba ii - stars: individual - stars: late type

Title: Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of Symbiotic Stars
Authors: Lambert, David L.
1979iue..prop..215L    Altcode:
  This proposal describes a program of ultraviolet spectroscopy of
  the symbiotic stars, recurrent and old novae. Low resolution spectra
  should provide both the emission line spectrum of the hot gas in these
  systems and the continuous spectrum of the hot (T ~ 10^5 K) star in the
  binary system. Selected stars will also be observed at high resolution
  in order to obtain useful line- profile information. Some stars will
  also be observed from the McDonald Observatory to obtain complementary
  spectrophotometry. The ultraviolet spectrum and - when available -
  the groundbased observations will be combined to obtain information
  on the physical structure of these binary systems and the chemical
  composition of the surrounding nebula.

Title: On the identification of FeH and CeO in S stars.
Authors: Clegg, R. E. S.; Lambert, D. L.
1978ApJ...226..931C    Altcode:
  Observations of stellar spectra at a resolution of 0.2 A support the
  identification of FeH and CeO in S stars by resolving the rotational
  structure of the bands. FeH lines are also identified in 61 Cyg B (K5
  V), Alpha Tau (K5 III), and in two M giants. CeO is present in the
  pure S star R Gem and in R And, an S star with TiO. The possibility
  of measuring Fe and Ce isotope ratios is discussed.

Title: Electron scattering in the expanding atmosphere of P Cygni.
Authors: Bernat, A. P.; Lambert, D. L.
1978PASP...90..520B    Altcode:
  High signal4onoise observations of hydrogen- and helium-line profiles
  in the spectrum of P Cyg show a new feature-broad weak emission
  wings extending to :1: 1500 km 1 from the line center. The wings are
  attributed to electron scattering in the extended atmosphere above
  the line formation region. A simple model calculation shows that an
  optical depth Te 0.2 for the electron scattering layer will fit the Ha
  observations. The broad wings are stronger for the He I lines and Te
  0.4 is suggested. Key words: broad emission lines-stellar atmospheres-P
  Cygni stars-electron scattering

Title: Emission lines in the spectrum of Vega?
Authors: Barker, E. S.; Lambert, D. L.; Tomkin, J.; Africano, J.
1978PASP...90..514B    Altcode:
  High-resolution low-noise spectra of the OI and Ca II near-infrared
  lines in Vega were obtained in 1977 and 1978. The violet-shifted
  emission components discovered by Johnson and Wisniewski are not
  detected. The absence of the emission lines suggests that either Vega
  is a subtle variable or the emission lines were of instrumental origin.

Title: Titanium Isotope Ratios in Cool Stars
Authors: Clegg, R. E. S.; Lambert, D. L.; Bell, R. A.
1978BAAS...10..636C    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: HeI 10830 Å Observations of Late Type Stars
Authors: O'Brien, G.; Lambert, D.
1978BAAS...10..647O    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C ratio in stellar
    atmospheres. IX. The cool carbon star V460 Cygni.
Authors: Dominy, J. F.; Hinkle, K. H.; Lambert, D. L.; Hall, D. N. B.;
   Ridgway, S. T.
1978ApJ...223..949D    Altcode:
  The isotopic abundance ratio 12C/13C is derived for the cool carbon star
  V460 Cygni (= DS Pegasi). A new 0.2 A resolution, low-noise (S/N &gt;
  200) spectrum of the 7650-8460 A region was obtained with a silicon
  diode Reticon array. A curve-of-growth analysis of the CN red system
  lines gives 12C/13C = 30 + 13. An independent analysis was made of CO
  vibrationrotation lines identified on a 0.08 cm -1 resolution spectrum
  obtained with a Fourier transform spectrometer. This gave 12C/13C =
  35 + 12. A mean value 12C/13C - 32 + 9 is proposed. It is suggested
  that the 3a process was the primary source of the additional carbon
  which converted the oxygen-rich progenitor into its present carbon-rich
  state. Subject headings: stars: abundances - stars: carbon - stars:

Title: Spectrum variations of the superluminous star HR 8752.
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Luck, R. E.
1978MNRAS.184..405L    Altcode:
  The spectral evolution of the Ia-O supergiant HR 8752 from 1950 to 1977
  is discussed on the basis of near-IR spectroscopy performed in 1977
  and plate material for the years 1965, 1969, 1973, 1974, and 1976. It
  is demonstrated observationally that HR 8752 has developed into a
  spectroscopic twin of the F8 Ia supergiant Rho Cas and returned close
  to the spectral type of G0 Ia assumed in 1950, that HR 8752 migrated
  slowly to the right across the H-R diagram in the intervening 30 yr to
  reach a spectral type of K2-K5 Ia in 1973, that a faster return to an
  earlier spectral type commenced after 1973, and that the star may now
  be in its 'equilibrium' position. The data suggest that a shell of gas
  was ejected and that HR 8752 underwent a 'flare' in the period between
  1973 and 1976. Possible models for the spectrum changes are examined,
  and a tentative explanation is considered for the ionized gas shell
  around the star.

Title: Carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen abundances in main-sequence
    stars. I. Procyon and the Hyades cluster stars 45 Tauri and HD 27561.
Authors: Tomkin, J.; Lambert, D. L.
1978ApJ...223..937T    Altcode:
  High signal-to-noise observations of C I, N I, and 0 1 lines in the
  near-infrared spectra of Procyon and the Hyades cluster main-sequence
  stars 45 Tau and HD 27561 have been analyzed to determine their carbon,
  nitrogen, and oxygen abundances. The carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen
  abundances of all three stars are solar. The estimated uncertainty of
  the abundances is +0.2 dex. Analysis of observations of the forbidden
  carbon and oxygen lines, CH blue system (0, 0) and (1, 1) band lines,
  and CN violet system (0, 0) band lines in Procyon provides a check
  of the results obtained from the permitted atomic lines. The solar
  C/N ratio of the Hyades cluster dwarfs allows the less-than-solar C/N
  ratio of the Hyades giants recently determined by Lambert and Ries to be
  unambiguously interpreted as the effect of CNO cycle processing during
  the giants' main-sequence lifetime. The iron abundances of Procyon,
  45 Tau, and HD 27561 derived from the equivalent widths of Fe I and Fe
  ii lines are found to be solar. This result is consistent with previous
  spectroscopic determinations of the iron abundance of Hyades cluster
  stars. The discrepancy between the spectroscopic determinations of a
  solar metal content of the Hyades and the metal richness inferred from
  photometry is discussed. Subject headings: clusters: open - stars:
  abundances - stars: individual

Title: Detection of the secondary of Algol.
Authors: Tomkin, J.; Lambert, D. L.
1978ApJ...222L.119T    Altcode:
  The first spectroscopic detection of Algol B is reported. The
  Na D lines of the secondary of Algol are identified on low-noise
  spectra, and measurements of these lines are used to determine the
  primary/secondary mass ratio as well as the individual masses of Algol
  A, B, and C. Solutions for the orbital elements yield values of 201
  (+ or 6) km/s for the semiamplitude of the Algol B velocity curve
  and -9 (+ or - 11) km/s for the systemic velocity, in addition to a
  primary/secondary mass ratio of 4.6 + or - 0.1. The masses of Algol A,
  B, and C are estimated to be approximately 3.7, 0.81, and 1.7 solar
  masses, respectively. It is concluded that Algol B fills its Roche
  lobe and that mass transfer from Algol B to Algol A could explain the
  radio and X-ray emission from this eclipsing binary system.

Title: Light-element abundances in the weak G-band star HR 6766.
Authors: Sneden, C.; Lambert, D. L.; Tomkin, J.; Peterson, R. C.
1978ApJ...222..585S    Altcode:
  Results are presented for a model-atmosphere analysis of iron-peak
  elements, the CNO group, and lithium in the weak G-band star HR
  6766. Synthetic spectra are generated to derive the carbon, nitrogen,
  oxygen, and lithium abundances; the C-12/C-13 ratio is determined from
  a curve-of-growth analysis. An effective temperature of 4750 + or 100
  K is estimated along with log g of 2.0 + or - 0.4 and a microturbulent
  velocity of 2.0 + or - 0.5 km/s. The overall metal abundance derived
  from these parameters is shown to indicate a marginally significant
  metal deficiency, and it is suggested that HR 6766 appears to be in
  most respects a normal late G or early K giant. An analysis of the
  carbon abundance based purely on the G band of CH reveals a very large
  underabundance of carbon. A C-12/C-13 ratio of about 4.1 is obtained,
  the results are compared with those for Epsilon Virginis, and the mass
  and luminosity of HR 6766 are discussed.

Title: Constraints on the properties of circumstellar shells from
    observations of thermal CO and SiO millimeter line emission.
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Vanden Bout, P. A.
1978ApJ...221..854L    Altcode:
  An attempt to detect CO and SiO microwave emission from Betelgeuse and
  long-period variables (LPVs) is described. The absence of SiO 86 GHz
  emission from the Betelgeuse circumstellar shell is shown to require
  that either all Si is associated into silicate dust grains or SiO
  molecule formation is inhibited. The former explanation is consistent
  with published estimates of the column density of silicate grains. The
  latter explanation is supported by the absence of emission in the CO 115
  GHz line. Circumstellar absorption lines are not present in the TiO y(0,
  0) band near 7100 A. TiO, like SiO and CO, appears to be underabundant
  in the shell. The new detections of circumstellar microwave emission
  include an observation of the CO 115 GHz line from R Cas (the first LPV
  for which both SiO 86 GHz emission and CO 115 GHz emission are seen)
  and of the SiO 86 GHz line from the S star Cyg. The absence of the
  isotopic line 30SiO at 84 GHz shows that the shells around R Cas,
  R Leo, and Cyg have an optical depth in the 86 GHz line of r &lt;
  10. This suggests that the SiO molecules contain a minor fraction
  of the total Si and that a substantial fraction of the Si is in the
  silicate grains. The shell around R Leo has been detected through
  the K I fluorescent emission. This confirms that the shells are
  large. Subject headings: radio sources: lines - stars: abundances -
  stars: circumstellar shells - stars: long-period variables

Title: Mg II h and k emission from luminous M stars.
Authors: Bernat, A. P.; Lambert, D. L.
1978MNRAS.183P..17B    Altcode:
  Mg II h and k emission lines of the M2 giant beta Peg and the M5
  supergiant alpha Her were detected in Copernicus observations. In the
  alpha Her profiles, similar to alpha Ori and alpha Sco profiles, the k
  line is asymmetric and the h line is symmetric. The possibility that the
  k line asymmetry is produced by overlying absorption is discussed. In
  beta Peg, both h and k lines are asymmetric, and line formation in an
  expanding chromosphere is indicated. The observations are in accord
  with one formulation of the Wilson-Bappu relation but deviate from
  another form of the Wilson-Bappu relation.

Title: The abundances of the elements in the solar in the solar
photosphere - IX: Na top Ca.
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Luck, R. E.
1978MNRAS.183...79L    Altcode:
  A critical rediscussion of photospheric abundances is given for elements
  in the periodic table between sodium and calcium. The photospheric
  evidence for each element except chlorine and argon is briefly reviewed,
  and a critical assessment is presented concerning theoretical and
  experimental information on the f-values for each spectrum. Results of
  an abundance analysis are examined for a reference model atmosphere
  obtained by combining the model of Holweger and Mueller (1974) with
  a constant isotropic microturbulent velocity of 1.0 km/s. Effects of
  model-atmosphere uncertainties are evaluated by comparing the results
  with sample abundances yielded by five other recent model atmospheres. A
  comparison of the solar abundances with those determined for type C-1
  carbonaceous chondrites shows that the accuracy of the solar abundances
  within the Na-Ca range is now at the + or - 0.1 dex level.

Title: The remarkable extent of the circumstellar gas shell
    surrounding Betelgeuse.
Authors: Bernat, A. P.; Honeycutt, R. K.; Kephart, J. E.; Gow, C. E.;
   Sandford, M. T., II; Lambert, D. L.
1978ApJ...219..532B    Altcode:
  A two-dimensional television system has been used to study the spatial
  extent of the K I 7699-A resonance-line emission from the gas shell
  surrounding the M supergiant Betelgeuse. This emission has been traced
  out to a minimum radius of 29 arcsec (about 600 stellar radii).

Title: The abundances of the elements in the solar photosphere -
    VIII. Revised abundances of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen.
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
1978MNRAS.182..249L    Altcode:
  All available atomic and molecular signatures of carbon, nitrogen
  and oxygen are integrated to provide solar photospheric abundances
  of the three elements. The CI 8727 wavelength line, the CH A-X and
  C2 Swan systems, the NI lines and the OI 6300 and 6363 wavelength
  lines are the principal sources for the abundances; the effects of
  such phenomena as solar granulation and infrared limb darkening on
  the assessments are mentioned. Abundance ratios (by number of atoms)
  are calculated as 0.56 for carbon/oxygen and 0.12 for nitrogen/oxygen.

Title: Carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen abundances in 11 G and K giants.
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Ries, L. M.
1977ApJ...217..508L    Altcode:
  Carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen abundances have been determined for
  11 G and K giants. High resolution photoelectric scans of C2, CH,
  CN, forbidden OI, and forbidden CI lines have been combined with
  recent model atmospheres. Relative to the solar atmosphere, the
  C abundances are depressed, the N abundances enhanced, and the O
  abundances unchanged. The observed CNO abundances and the previously
  obtained C-12/C-13 ratios are in good agreement with the predictions
  for a giant after the convective envelope has mixed material to the
  surface from the zone which was partially processed during the star's
  main-sequence lifetime.

Title: Direct Observations of the Circumstellar Gas Shell of
Authors: Bernat, A. P.; Honecutt, R. K.; Kephart, J. E.; Lambert,
   D. L.; Gow, C. E.; Sandford, M. T.
1977BAAS....9..650B    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Determination and Interpretation of Stellar Chemical and
    Isotopic Abundances
Authors: Lambert, D.
1977BAAS....9..573L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Spectrum Variations in the Superluminous star HR 8752
Authors: Luck, R. E.; Lambert, D. L.
1977BAAS....9..643L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>13</SUP>C Ratio of V460 Cygni.
Authors: Dominy, J. F.; Lambert, D. L.; Kinkle, K. H.; Hall, D. N. B.;
   Ridgway, S. T.
1977BAAS....9Q.604D    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C ratio in stellar
    atmospheres. VIII. The very metal-deficient giant HD 122563.
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Sneden, C.
1977ApJ...215..597L    Altcode:
  High-resolution Digicon spectra of the CH 4300-A band in the
  metal-deficient giant HD 122563 are analyzed for the atmospheric
  C-12/C-13 ratio. Nine (C-13)H lines are identified. A C-12/C-13 ratio of
  5 + or - 2 is deduced. This low value shows that the present atmosphere
  has been seriously affected by internal mixing and processing. This
  extreme mixing is not predicted by stellar evolutionary calculations. It
  is suggested that the anomalous abundances of CNO may be explained on
  the assumption that modified products of He burning in the core or in
  a shell have been mixed to the surface.

Title: A high-resolution infrared spectrum of IRC +10216.
Authors: Barnes, T. G.; Beer, R.; Hinkle, K. H.; Lambert, D. L.
1977ApJ...213...71B    Altcode:
  The IR-emitting core and shell of IRC +10216 are investigated using
  a high-resolution spectrum covering the wavelength interval between 3
  and 5 microns. Line identifications made or confirmed include those due
  to (C-12)(O-16), (C-13)(O-16), (C-12)(O-17), and (C-12)(O-18). A mean
  heliocentric velocity of about -32 km/s is obtained from the 42 least
  blended (C-12)O and (C-13)O lines, and the following isotopic abundance
  ratios are derived by comparing equivalent widths of the observed lines:
  C-12/C-13, C-12/C-14, O-16/O-17, and O-17/O-18. The structure of the
  expanding gas shell is examined, an explanation is offered for the
  lack of P Cygni profiles in the spectrum, and an unsuccessful search
  for other molecules is briefly discussed. It is concluded that a low
  C-12/C-13 ratio is not necessarily a signature of a carbon star.

Title: Spectroscopic observations of Nova Cygni 1975: the coronal
    line phase.
Authors: Ferland, G.; Lambert, D. L.; Woodman, J. H.
1977ApJ...213..132F    Altcode:
  Identifications of the coronal lines [Fe x] 6374 A, [Fe xi] 7892 A, and
  [S VIII] 9911 A in Nova Cygni 1975 are discussed. These lines appear on
  moderate ( 8 A) resolution photoelectric scans from late 1975 September
  through 1976 January. As the coronal lines weakened, the [Fe vii]
  6087 A line strengthened. Coronal line profiles differ from those
  of the other forbidden lines. Identification of these coronal lines
  confirms the infrared discovery of coronal lines. Subject headings:
  line identifications - stars: individual - stars: novae

Title: Isotopes of titanium in Aldebaran.
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Luck, R. E.
1977ApJ...211..443L    Altcode:
  The titanium isotopic abundance ratios in the K5 giant Aldebaran
  (Alpha Tau) are estimated from photoelectric high-resolution (40 mA)
  scans of portions of the TiO gamma-system (0, 0) band between 7070
  and 7082 A. An application of spectrum synthesis techniques shows that
  the overall Ti isotopic abundance ratio is terrestrial to within 50%,
  with individual ratios terrestrial to within 25%. The (1, 0) and (0,
  1) gamma-system band heads are reviewed as potential isotopic abundance
  indicators in late M stars.

Title: The <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C ratio in stellar
    atmospheres. VI. Five luminous cool stars.
Authors: Hinkle, K. H.; Lambert, D. L.; Snell, R. L.
1976ApJ...210..684H    Altcode:
  A simple curve-of-growth technique is described for extracting the
  C-12/C-13 ratio for M stars from high-resolution spectra of CO infrared
  vibration-rotation lines. The technique is applied to the CO lines at
  1.6 and 2.3 microns in spectra of two M supergiants (Alpha Ori and
  Alpha Sco), two M giants (Alpha Her and Beta Peg), and a Mira-type
  variable (Chi Cyg). As a check on the CO analysis, the C-12/C-13 ratio
  is derived from the red CN system at 8000 A for Alpha Sco, Alpha Ori,
  and Beta Peg. The CO analysis is also applied to the K giant Alpha
  Boo as a check. The CN and CO results are found to be in general
  agreement, and the C-12/C-13 ratio in all the examined stars is shown
  to be considerably lower than the solar-system value. It is suggested
  that these stars were formed from clouds with a C-12/C-13 ratio of 40
  to 89 and that their atmospheres now exhibit an enhancement of C-13
  abundance due to internal production and mixing to the surface.

Title: K I 7699 Å emission from the Betelgeuse shell.
Authors: Bernat, A. P.; Lambert, D. L.
1976ApJ...210..395B    Altcode:
  A map of the circumstellar gas shell around Betelgeuse is presented
  from observations of the fluorescent emission in the K I 7699 A
  resonance line. The observations obtained at 3 sec and 5 sec from
  the star indicate approximate spherical symmetry in the 10 km/s
  expanding shell responsible for the blueshifted sharp cores seen in
  strong resonance and low excitation lines. Calculations show that the
  density of neutral K atoms is approximately constant between 3 sec and
  5 sec from the star. The emission profiles in the west show a second,
  higher velocity, component at 5 sec from the star.

Title: Silicon monoxide in the 4 micron infrared spectrum of
    long-period variables.
Authors: Hinkle, K. H.; Barnes, T. G.; Lambert, D. L.; Beer, R.
1976ApJ...210L.141H    Altcode:
  The first-overtone sequence of vibration-rotation transitions of the
  free radical silicon monoxide are shown to have extreme phase-dependent
  variations in the spectra of two M-type long-period variables,
  Omicron Ceti and R Leonis, and the mild S-type long-period variable,
  Chi Cygni. At maximum light, the SiO band heads are not detectable. Near
  minimum light, the band heads of (Si-25)O are detected in the 4-micron
  spectra of all three stars. The band heads of the terrestrially less
  abundant isotopic species, (Si-29)O and (Si-30)O, are detected in
  Chi Cygni. Possible explanations of the phase-dependent behavior are
  discussed, and the role of the stellar chromosphere is considered.

Title: The <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C ratio in stellar
    atmospheres. VII. 38 giants and supergiants.
Authors: Tomkin, J.; Luck, R. E.; Lambert, D. L.
1976ApJ...210..694T    Altcode:
  The `2C/'8C ratios of 38 G, K, and M giants and supergiants have
  been determined. Included are the four Hyades cluster giants y Tau,
  Tau, E Tau, and 0' Tau (ratios 19, 23, 22, and 20, respectively); the
  primary of a Aur (ratio 27); the Ba star 16 Ser (ratio 33); and the KO
  Il-Ill star 37 Com which has the low ratio of 3.4. We point out that,
  at all giant and supergiant luminosities, there are stars with `2C/13C
  ratios too low to be explained by models of the evolution of static
  single stars. We discuss the effects of mass loss, meridional mixing,
  mixing at the helium flash, and the presence of a low-mass companion;
  we suggest that these four effects offer adequate scope to account for
  the observed low `2C/13C ratios. Subject headings: stars: abundances -
  stars: late-type - stars: supergiants

Title: Isotopic Abundances of Magnesium in Arcturus
Authors: Tomkin, J.; Lambert, D. L.
1976ApJ...208..436T    Altcode:
  High-resolution photoelectric scans of selected lines oftheA2H-X2 +
  (0,0) band of MgH in the spectrum of Arcturus are compared with
  synthetic spectra to show that the 24Mg/26Mg isotope ratio in the
  atmosphere of Arcturus is 7.2( +3, - 1.5), the same as the terrestrial
  ratio. There is evidence that the 25Mg isotope is deficient. We
  tentatively conclude that the 24Mg/25Mg ratio is about twice the
  terrestrial ratio of 7.9. Subject headings: molecular processes -
  stars: abundances - stars: individual - stars: late-type

Title: V1500 Cygni
Authors: Young, P. J.; Lambert, D. L.; Kemp, J. C.; Rudy, R. J.;
   Sykes, M. V.
1976IAUC.2981....1Y    Altcode:
  P. J. Young, Department of Astronomy, University of Texas at Austin,
  writes: "This nova was examined visually with the 208-cm Struve
  reflector at McDonald Observatory on July 6 (coude periscope 500 x)
  and July 8 (Cassegrain focus 1200 x) with excellent seeing conditions
  on both occasions. No associated nebulosity as large as 0".1 was
  observed with either scotopic or photopic vision when the Airy disks,
  of size ~ 0".05, of the two twelfth-magnitude stars &lt; 1' north
  of the nova could be seen. Spectroscopic scans by D. L. Lambert at
  the coude focus of the 270-cm reflector indicate that 10 percent
  of the luminosity in the scotopic visual band is due to the [O III]
  emission at 4959 A and 5007 A; this also accounts for 30 percent of
  the luminosity seen in the photopic band with minor contributions
  from H-alpha blended with [N II]. The scotopic visual magnitude was
  11.20, and photoelectric measurement yielded mean values V 12.00, B-V =
  +0.51, U-B = -0.25 (on July 8.353 UT; with cooled 8575 photomultiplier
  tube). The absence of an observed nebulosity is in conflict with
  the prediction that the gas shell should be ~ 0".4 in diameter,
  assuming an expansion velocity of 1300 km/s, a distance of 1.4 kpc
  and a roughly spherically-symmetric ejection." J. C. Kemp, R. J. Rudy
  and M. V. Sykes, Department of Physics, University of Oregon, report:
  "Based on 12 cycles observed from 1 July to 25 July 1976 the current
  light curve has a peak-to-peak amplitude of 0m.20 in unfiltered light
  (3500-5500 A). The period of variations is currently 0d.1384 with an
  epoch of the even minimum on 1976 July 16.333 UT. The true orbital
  period might be twice the period of light variations. The even minima
  are rounded and symmetrical, while the odd minima tend to show a
  slow drop and a rapid rise. The difference, if real, is obscured by
  random variability and by progressive changes. A careful search for
  the even/odd effect is urged. Power spectra of the rapid flickering
  (IAUC 2973) show peaks at 122s and 196s, but it has not been established
  that either of these is a real or persistent period."

Title: Profiles of the RB I resonance lines in the Arcturus spectrum
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Luck, R. E.
1976Obs....96..100L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Spectroscopic observations of nova Cygni 1975.
Authors: Tomkin, J.; Woodman, J.; Lambert, D. L.
1976A&A....48..319T    Altcode:
  Summary. High resolution photoelectric scans of the CaiiH, Cai, CH+,
  NaiD2, Lii and Ki 7699A interstellar lines in the spectrum of Nova
  Cygni 1975 provide a distance estimate that yields an absolute visual
  magnitude of the nova at maximum of -9.5 to -10.5. Low resolution scans
  of the spectrum from 3100 to 11000 A and medium resolution scans of
  Hcc are discussed. These observations cover the period August 30 to
  September 18. Key words: novae - interstellar lines

Title: Copernicus observations of Betelgeuze and Antares.
Authors: Bernat, A. P.; Lambert, D. L.
1976ApJ...204..830B    Altcode:
  The Mg II h and k lines were observed strongly in emission by
  Copernicus scans of the M supergiants alpha Ori and alpha Sco. The
  striking symmetry in the k line as contrasted with the symmetric h
  line, as observed previously was confirmed. Estimates of absolute
  chromospheric fluxes were obtained. Measured values for the widths
  of the h and k lines do not follow a Wilson-Bappu relationship. Upper
  limits determined for other chromospheric lines of alpha Ori tend to
  exclude the existence of extensive and/or hot regions surrounding this
  supergiant. Observed weakening by fluorescence of the Fe L 4307 A line
  is good evidence that the Mn I and Fe I resonance transitions overlying
  the Mg II k-line profile are responsible for the strong asymmetry of
  this line in the two stars. However, quantitative study shows that the
  absorption provided by the cool circumstellar shells is insufficient to
  provide the observed asymmetry. Additional absorption may be provided
  by a cool turbulent region at the top of the chromosphere.

Title: Line profiles of diffuse interstellar lines at 5780 Å,
    5797 Å.
Authors: Danks, A. C.; Lambert, D. L.
1976MNRAS.174..571D    Altcode:
  Photoelectric coude scanner observations of the interstellar diffuse
  lines at 5780 and 5797 A are reported. With a resolution of about 0.2 A,
  line-profile differences are seen in the sample of eight stars. In part,
  these are attributed to the overlapping contributions from several
  clouds in the line of sight. Intrinsic profile differences are also
  suggested. The hypothesis that some of the diffuse lines represent
  electronic transitions in large molecules is examined. Synthetic
  spectra are shown which approximate the observed profiles. Excitation
  of these hypothetical molecules is examined. Their stability against
  photodissociation by the interstellar ultraviolet-radiation field is
  noted as a key problem for future study.

Title: The <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C ratio in the classical
    cepheid T Monocerotis.
Authors: Loumos, G. L.; Lambert, D. L.; Tomkin, J.
1975PASP...87..859L    Altcode:
  Observations of the CN lines at 8000 A in the classical cepheid T Mon
  near minimum light are discussed. Weak ` CN features are identified and
  an abundance ratio `2C/' C = 9 3 is derived. Similar observations for
  two other cepheids show no detectable ` CN lines; the corresponding
  limits are `2C/' C &gt; 17 ( Gem) and &gt; 12 (7)Aql). Key words:
  cepheids - abundances - stellar evolution - spectroscopy

Title: Observations of circumstellar gas shells around Betelgeuse
    and Antares.
Authors: Bernat, A. P.; Lambert, D. L.
1975ApJ...201L.153B    Altcode:
  Results are presented on the direct observations of the circumstellar
  shell around alpha-Ori, along with new observations of the Ca II
  infrared triplet lines which provide lower limits for the Ca(+)
  shell radii for alpha-Ori and alpha-Sco (Antares). The 8542-A line
  in alpha-Ori does not show a circumstellar absorption core, and
  the shell radius limit is estimated to be at least 31 times stellar
  radius. A 108-mA circumstellar core is observed in the 8542-A line in
  Antares for which a shell radius equal to 4.0 times stellar radius is
  suggested. The discovery of circumstellar emission through resonance
  line scattering will provide valuable additional information on the
  physical conditions in the shell.

Title: The <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C ratio in stellar
    atmospheres. V. Twelve K giants and subgiants.
Authors: Dearborn, D. S. P.; Lambert, D. L.; Tomkin, J.
1975ApJ...200..675D    Altcode:
  High-resolution photoelectric scans of portions of the CN red system
  in the spectra of 12 K giants and subgiants have been analyzed for the
  12C/13C abundance ratio with the following results: &gt;50 (5 Eri),
  &gt;30 ( Cep), 51 I 5 (v2 CMa), 24 I 3 (y Cep), 34 I 4 (53 Eri), 16 +
  2 (L Cep), 12 I 2(0 Cet), 22 I 2 (A Sgr), 20 I 2 ( Dra), 15 I 2 (p
  Boo), 18 I 2(5 Sgr), and 25 + 2 (5 And). This sample of stars have
  relatively low absolute luminosities (log L/L0 &lt; 2.1). Stellar
  evolution calculations predict that their atmospheres will contain
  an overabundance of 13C as a result of a convective envelope which
  has brought to the surface 13C produced in the interior during
  main-sequence burning. The 13C is observed in all except the two
  faintest stars. Interpretations of the observed range of results, 5
  &lt; 12C/'3C &lt; 55, for giants and subgiants are discussed. Subject
  headings: abundances, stellar - late-type stars molecules

Title: The infrared excess of cool giant stars: a chromospheric
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Snell, R. L.
1975MNRAS.172..277L    Altcode:
  The idea that the infrared excesses of evolved M stars may contain a
  contribution from a chromosphere is explored using alpha Ori and W Hya
  as test cases. The spectrum of alpha Ori between 8 and 30 millimicrons
  can be interpreted satisfactorily in terms of three components: a
  photosphere, a silicate dust cloud, and a cool chromosphere (temperature
  about 5000 K), which is optically thick at 14 millimicrons. A similar
  modelling for W Hya suggests a hotter chromosphere (temperature about
  8000 K), with unit optical depth at 30 millimicrons. Some consequences
  of these chromospheres are briefly discussed.

Title: Absence of the 4400 Å diffuse emission feature.
Authors: Danks, A. C.; Lambert, D. L.
1975A&A....41..455D    Altcode:
  Summary. New spectroscopic observations of 7 stars which exhibit the
  4430 A diffuse interstellar line are presented. A previously reported
  emission wing at 4400 A is not confirmed. An alternative mechanism to
  grains for the production of the 4430 feature is proposed. Key words:
  interstellar medium molecules

Title: The <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C ratio in stellar
    atmospheres. IV. Eleven G and K type giants.
Authors: Tomkin, J.; Lambert, D. L.; Luck, R. E.
1975ApJ...199..436T    Altcode:
  High-resolution photoelectric scans of portions of the 44), 5-1,
  2-0, 3-1, and 42 bands of the CN red system in the spectra of 11
  late-type giants have been obtained. Analysis of the 12CN and `3CN
  line intensities gives the following 12C!13C abundance ratios: 20 +
  3 (E Vir), 22 + 3 ( Cyg), 19 + 2 (p Cet), 11.5 + 1.5 (E Cyg), 22 + 4
  (46 LMi), 17 + 4 ( Cep), 19 I 3 (a Ari), 6.5 + 1 (y Leo A), 18 I 3 (a
  Hya), 13 I 2 ( Dra), and 13 I 3 ( Sge). Revised 12C!13C ratios of 14
  and 9 are derived for a Ser and a Tau, respectively. The low 12C/13C
  ratios of E Cyg and a Ser are interpreted as evidence that they have
  been extensively mixed during the core helium flash. Subject headings:
  abundances, stellar - late-type stars - molecules

Title: Copernicus observations of Betelgeuse and Antares
Authors: Bernat, A. P.; Lambert, D. L.
1975STIN...7524598B    Altcode:
  Copernicus observations of the M-supergiants, alpha Ori and alpha Sco,
  are presented. The MgII h and k resonance lines are strongly in emission
  in both stars. The k line is highly asymmetric in both stars but the
  h line is symmetric. Upper limits for several other resonance lines
  are given for alpha Ori. The possibility is explored that the k line
  asymmetry is caused by overlying resonance lines of MnI and FeI formed
  in the cool circumstellar gas shells around these stars. Observations
  of the MnI 4030-4033 A lines are used to show that circumstellar shell
  absorption is too weak to explain the asymmetry. It is suggested that
  the absorption occurs in a cool turbulent region between the base of
  the circumstellar shell and the top of the chromosphere.

Title: Ultraviolet Observations of the Chromosphere of Two
Authors: Bernat, A. P.; Lambert, D. L.
1975BAAS....7..359B    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Formation of molecular lines in stellar atmospheres.
Authors: Hinkle, K. H.; Lambert, D. L.
1975MNRAS.170..447H    Altcode:
  Statistical equilibrium of electronic states of diatomic molecules
  in stellar atmospheres is examined. Atmospheres discussed are
  representative of the sun, Arcturus (K-giant) and Betelgeuse
  (M-supergiant). A comparison of the relative collisional and radiative
  contributions to the equilibrium of the ground electronic state shows
  that this state is collisionally controlled and that the line source
  function for vibration-rotation transitions within this state is
  equivalent to the Planck function. Examination of the equilibrium for
  excited electronic states demonstrates that the exchange between these
  states and the ground electronic state is most probably determined by
  radiative excitation. This result implies that scattering rather than
  pure absorption is the appropriate mechanism for the formation of lines
  belonging to these electronic transitions. The scattering hypothesis
  is given a preliminary check against solar observations. Areas for
  future investigations are outlined.

Title: Isotopic abundance ratios for carbon and nitrogen in nova
    Herculis 1934.
Authors: Sneden, C.; Lambert, D. L.
1975MNRAS.170..533S    Altcode:
  Spectra of Nova Herculis 1934 taken during an episode of intense CN
  absorption are analyzed to determine the isotopic abundance ratios
  of C12/C13 and N14/N15. Synthetic spectrum analysis, based on the
  wavelengths, excitation potentials, and oscillator strengths for the
  CN lines, and radial velocity measurements indicate that C(12)N(14) was
  the dominant species in the Nova, and that the minimum abundance limit
  for C12/C13 is about 1.5, while the minimum for N14/N15 is about 2. The
  results are compared with predictions based on models of thermonuclear
  runaways in hydrogen-rich envelopes of white dwarfs. It is noted that
  the nova material may have been contaminated with C13-rich material
  prior to or during the eruption. Possible causes of this isotope
  enrichment are presented.

Title: The <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C ratio in comet Kohoutek
Authors: Danks, A. C.; Lambert, D. L.; Arpigny, C.
1975NASSP.355..137D    Altcode: 1975coko.conf..137D
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C ratio in late-type stellar
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
1975MSRSL...9..405L    Altcode: 1975assp.conf..405L; 1975apes.conf..405L
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C Ratio in the Atmosphere of
    the k2 Supergiant Epsilon Pegasi
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Tomkin, J.
1974ApJ...194L..89L    Altcode:
  The 12C/13C abundance ratio in the atmosphere of the K2 Th supergiant
  E Peg is derived from high-resolution photoelectric spectral scans
  of lines from the CN red system. The high 13C abundance, 12C/13C =
  5.1 + 0 5 and Greene's demonstration that the atmosphere is rich in
  N and deficient in C and 0, are consistent with the hypothesis that
  the star has undergone extensive internal mixing. Subject headings:
  abundances, stellar - late-type stars - stars, individual

Title: The <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C ratio in comet Kohoutek
Authors: Danks, A. C.; Lambert, D. L.; Arpigny, C.
1974ApJ...194..745D    Altcode:
  Results are presented for photoelectric scans of the C<SUB>2</SUB>
  1 to 0 band head at 4737 A at resolutions of 0.14 to 0.50 A in the
  comet Kohoutek. On the basis of medium-resolution scans and of one
  high-resolution scan two values are obtained for the C-12/C-13 ratio
  which are consistent within the experimental errors with the terrestrial
  values of C-12/C-13 equal to 89. The study also demonstrates the
  limitations imposed by NH2 blends.

Title: The <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C ratio in stellar
    atmospheres. III. Alpha Tauri, Beta Geminorum, and Mu Leonis.
Authors: Tomkin, J.; Lambert, D. L.
1974ApJ...193..631T    Altcode:
  High-resolution photoelectric scans of portions of the 2-0 and 4-0
  bands of the CN red system in the spectra of three K giants alpha Tau,
  beta Gem, and mu Leo have been obtained. Analysis of the C-12N and
  C-13N line intensities provides the C-12/C-13 abundance ratios for
  these atmospheres. The results are C-12/C-13 equals 12 plus or minus 2
  (alpha Tau), equals 16 plus or minus (2 beta Gem), equals 18 plus or
  minus 2 (mu Leo).

Title: The <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C ratio in stellar
    atmospheres. II. CN and CO in Alpha Orionis.
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Dearborn, D. S.; Sneden, C.
1974ApJ...193..621L    Altcode:
  The isotopic abundance ratio C-12/C-13 for the M supergiant alpha
  Orionis is derived from photoelectric high-resolution scans of the
  CN 2-0 red system and high-resolution interferometric spectra of the
  CO second-overtone bands. The two molecules yield consistent results
  and the final value for the C-12/C-13 ratio is 7.0 plus or minus
  1.5. Rationale is offered for the causes contributing to an earlier
  suggestion that C-12/C-13 ratios from CO and CN were in disagreement.

Title: The Silicon Monoxide Radical and the Atmosphere of α Orionis
Authors: Beer, R.; Lambert, D. L.; Sneden, C.
1974PASP...86..806B    Altcode:
  We present new molecular constants, line positions, and transition
  probabilities for the first-overtone vibration-rotation bands in the X 1
  Sigma+ electronic ground state of SiO, together with an estimate of the
  SiO abundance and silicon isotope ratios in the atmosphere of alpha Ori.

Title: Atmospheric Motions in Red Supergiants
Authors: Brooke, A. L.; Lambert, D. L.; Barnes, T. G., III
1974PASP...86..419B    Altcode:
  Radial velocities obtained from interferometric spectra of a a Ori,
  a Her, and a Sco have been analyzed to investigate expansion and other
  large-scale motions in their atmospheres. In a Ori evidence of such
  motions is found. They appear to be sporadic in time or position on the
  surface of the star. If these motions are an observational indication
  of mass loss, they lead to extremely high instantaneous loss rates. It
  has not been possible to infer an average rate of mass loss. Key words:
  supergiant - radial velocity - mass loss - infrared - interferometer

Title: Aluminum Oxide in Stellar Spectra: an Infrared Electronic
Authors: Luck, R. Earle; Lambert, David L.
1974PASP...86..276L    Altcode:
  The possibility of detecting the infrared electronic transition A2llj -
  X2 + of AlO in spectra of cool stars is reviewed. It is shown that the
  transition may be of importance in Mira-type variables. Additional
  laboratory investigation of the transition is needed. Key words:
  molecular spectra - infrared - Mira variables

Title: The oxygen abundance in the metal-deficient star HD 122563.
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Sneden, C.; Ries, L. M.
1974ApJ...188...97L    Altcode:
  The forbidden neutral oxygen line at 6300.3 A has been detected in the
  spectrum of the metaldeficient star HD 122563. The [0 1] equivalent
  width, WA = 6.0 i 1.0 mA, and a modelatmosphere analysis provide an
  oxygen abundance log [N(O)/N(H)] = - 5.38 i 0.15 or a logarithmic
  overabundance of oxygen relative to the metals of [0/Fe] = +0.6. This
  relative overabundance of oxygen may be common to other metal-deficient
  stars. The probable role of convective mixing in altering the surface
  composition of evolved metal-deficient stars is pointed out. Subject
  headings: abundances, stellar - convection - stars, individual -
  weak-lined stars

Title: High resolution interferometry of cool stars
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
1974HiA.....3..237L    Altcode:
  A description is given of results obtained in a program of infrared high
  resolution spectroscopy of cool stars. The nature of infrared stellar
  spectra is considered along with questions regarding astrophysics
  and stellar infrared spectroscopy. An abundance analysis for alpha Ori
  (Betelgeuse) is conducted. The C-12/C-13 abundance ratio is examined and
  attention is given to the O-16/O-18 and O-16/O-17 abundance ratios. M
  stars and SiO vibration-rotation bands are discussed and questions
  regarding the characteristics of the molecular hydrogen quadrupole
  vibration-rotation lines are explored.

Title: Identification of the C<SUB>2</SUB> Phillips System in the
    Solar Spectrum
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Mallia, E. A.
1974BAICz..25..216L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Infrared spectra of gamma <SUP>2</SUP> Velorum and zeta Puppis.
Authors: Barnes, T. G.; Lambert, D. L.; Potter, A. E.
1974ApJ...187...73B    Altcode:
  Observations of y2 Vel and Pup are presented for the spectral region
  580() l 1,000 cm-1 (1.7- 0.9 M) at resolutions of 2 and 4 cm-1,
  respectively. This constitutes the first reported spectroscopy of a
  Wolf. Rayet star beyond 1.1 . The new spectral region contained numerous
  emission features for the WC8 component of y2 Vel, but only the Pfl
  line in absorption for the O4f star Pup. Line identifications are given
  for y2 Vel and are shown to be consistent with visual spectroscopy. The
  species identified are H, He i-li, and C ii-iv. in the spectral region
  0.8-il our identifications are in excellent accord with previous
  spectroscopy. However, after correcting the emission-line intensities
  for dilution by the O9 I component of y2 Vel, we find the lines to be
  2-5 times stronger than the same lines in the WC7 star HD 192103, as
  given by Kuhi. This is attributed in part to a 1-M excess in HD 192103
  and in part to a lower excitation in y2 Vel. From the absence of He I Al
  0830 in Pup we are able to exclude the presence of an oft-conjectured
  WN companion. The blueshifted absorption component to He I Al 0830
  in y2 Vel and the line profile of the He ii A10,124 emission feature
  in Pup are also discussed. Subject headings: line identifications -
  spectra, infrared - stars, individual - Wolf-Rayet stars

Title: High resolution interferometry of cool stars.
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
1974sis..conf..237L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: H<SUB>2</SUB> quadrupole rotation-vibration lines in infrared
    spectra of cool stars.
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Brooke, A. L.; Barnes, T. G.
1973ApJ...186..573L    Altcode:
  The H2 quadrupole rotation-vibration fundamental band has been searched
  for in highresolution spectra of M giants and supergiants. H2 has been
  identified in the spectrum of a Her (MS II). Upper limits to the H2
  intensities are set for a Ori (M2 lab), a Sco (Ml-2 lab), R Leo (M8
  III), W Hya (M8e), and o Cet (M4 III-M7 III). These results are shown
  to be consistent with recent model-atmosphere predictions. Earlier
  identifications of 2-0 lines near 1 micron are reviewed, and alternative
  identifications for these stellar lines are presented. Subject headings:
  late-type stars - line identifications - molecules - spectra, infrared

Title: The <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C ratio in stellar
    atmospheres. I. Alpha Serpentis and Alpha Bootis.
Authors: Day, R. W.; Lambert, D. L.; Sneden, C.
1973ApJ...185..213D    Altcode:
  High-resolution photoelectric scans of portions of the (2-0) band of
  the CN red system have been analyzed to obtain the isotopic abundance
  ratio for two K giants. The results are 12C/11C = 12 i 2 for a Serpentis
  and 7.2 t 1.5 for a Bootis. An attempted independent determination
  of the 12C/13C ratio for a Ser from the CH A4200 band is discussed
  briefly. The marked enhancement of the isotope 13C relative to the
  solar-system abundance (12C/13C = 89) is in qualitative agreement with
  recent theoretical ideas on mixing in red giants. Subject headings:
  abundances, stellar - late-type stars - molecules - stars, individual

Title: The Possible Presence of C<SUB>2</SUB> Lines in Sunspot Spectra
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Mallia, E. A.
1973SoPh...31..123L    Altcode:
  Indirect evidence against the presence of C<SUB>2</SUB> lines
  in umbral spectra is discussed. The dominant role of CO in the
  molecular equilibrium of C at umbral temperatures ensures that
  CN, CH and C<SUB>2</SUB> lines are formed in the same atmospheric
  regions. Observations of CN and CH umbral lines are in good accord
  with predictions based on accepted umbral model atmospheres. This
  implies that C<SUB>2</SUB> must follow the predictions and that it is
  too weak to contribute to the umbral spectrum. C<SUB>2</SUB> lines in
  the photosphere and penumbrae are in excellent quantitative agreement
  with predictions. Additional tests are proposed.

Title: Improved Parameters for the <SUP>28</SUP>Si<SUP>16</SUP>O
    and <SUP>16</SUP>O<SUP>1</SUP>H Molecule
Authors: Beer, R.; Barnes, T. G.; Lambert, D. L.
1973rgs..conf...84B    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Molecular Spectra in Cool Stars: Lessons from Solar
Authors: Hinkle, K. H.; Lambert, D. L.; Mallia, E. A.
1973rgs..conf...63H    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C Abundance Ratio in the
    Atmospheres of Arcturus and Alpha Serpentis
Authors: Day, R. W.; Lambert, D. L.; Sneden, C.
1973rgs..conf...79D    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Infrared Spectra of γ<SUP>2</SUP> Velorum and ζ Puppis.
Authors: Barnes, T. G.; Lambert, D. L.; Potter, A. E.
1973BAAS....5...10B    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Model Atmosphere Calculations of Molecular Line Intensities
    for α Orionis
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
1973rgs..conf..350L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Vibration-Rotation Bands of NH in the Spectrum of Alpha Orionis
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Beer, R.
1972ApJ...177..541L    Altcode:
  Several lines of the 1-0 and 2-1 fundamental vibration-rotation bands
  of the NH radical are identified on a high-resolution spectrum of the
  supergiant a Orionis.

Title: Thallium in the Solar Atmosphere
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Mallia, E. A.; Smith, G.
1972SoPh...26..250L    Altcode:
  Umbral spectra are shown to contain an absorption
  feature attributable to the Tl I transition
  6p<SUP>2</SUP>P°<SUB>3/2</SUB>−7s<SUP>2</SUP>S<SUB>1/2</SUB> at
  5350 Å. Analysis of the umbral spectrum suggests a solar abundance
  in the 0.72&lt; log N(Tl)T&lt;1.10 on the standard scale log N(H)
  = 12.00. Unidentified blends limit the accuracy of the abundance

Title: Transition Probabilities for the Vibration-Rotation Bands of
    Silicon Monoxide
Authors: Hedelund, J.; Lambert, D. L.
1972ApL....11...71H    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Astronomical Infrared Spectroscopy with a Connes-Type
    Interferometer. III. Alpha Orionis, 2600-3450 CM^{-1}.
Authors: Beer, Reinhard; Hutchison, Robert B.; Norton, Robert H.;
   Lambert, David L.
1972ApJ...172...89B    Altcode:
  Recent spectra of a Ori in the 3-4- region at a resolving power
  of about t0,000 show clear evidence of the v = 1 sequence of the
  rotation-vibration bands of OH. A detailed investigation of the
  rotational and vibrational populations suggests that the OH is close to
  being in LTE at an apparent temperature of 4100 + 2002 K. We deduce an
  OH abundance of 1.2 X 1020 molecules and upper limits for H2O and H Cl
  of 8 X 1018 and 8 X 1012 molecules , respectively. We further deduce
  that the rms turbulence velocity in the region of OH line formation
  is 11.5 + 2 km s '. The implications of these data on abundances in
  M supergiant atmospheres are discussed.

Title: The <SUP>12</SUP>C/1<SUP>3</SUP>C ratio in the atmosphere
    of Arcturus.
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Dearborn, D. S.
1972saim.conf..147L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The (0,0) band of the gamma -system of TiO in the umbral
spectrum: The isotopic abundances of Ti.
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Mallia, E. A.
1972MNRAS.156..337L    Altcode:
  Photoelectric spectra of the y-system of TiO in sunspot umbrae are
  examined for the presence of the less abundant stable isotopes of
  Ti. From comparisons of computed spectra with observations in the
  wavelength region of minimum line density (7065-7085 A), the solar and
  terrestrial abundances of 46.47,49, 50Ti relative to 45Ti are shown to
  be equal to within +30 per cent. Analysis of 45TiO lines yields a value
  for the band oscillator strength: fo,o = with an adopted dissociation
  energy of TiO of eV and the model umbral atmosphere proposed by
  Stellmacher and Wiehr. A significant dependence of the f-value on
  dissociation energy and model atmosphere is found. Line profiles in
  the cc- and y-systems require a microturbulent velocity of = 1.2 0.1 km

Title: Observations of the OH radical in Betelgeuse.
Authors: Beer, R.; Norton, R. H.; Hutchison, R. B.; Lambert, D. L.;
   Martonchik, J. V.
1972saim.conf..145B    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: On the Abundance of Chlorine in the Sun
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Mallia, E. A.; Brault, J.
1971SoPh...19..289L    Altcode:
  A low-noise photoelectric scan which
  includes the predicted position of the ClI transition
  provides inconclusive evidence for the presence of the line in the solar
  photospheric spectrum. An upper limit logN(Cl) ⩽ 5.5 is derived. It
  is pointed out that the fundamental vibration rotation band of HC1 at
  3.3 μ should be detectable in the sunspot spectrum unless logN(Cl)
  &lt; 4.6. Sunspot spectra may also provide the isotopic abundance
  ratio N(Cl<SUP>35</SUP>)/N(Cl<SUP>37</SUP>).

Title: A Review of Models of the Solar Photosphere and Low
Chromosphere: The Temperature-Height Profile
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
1971RSPTA.270....3L    Altcode:
  Empirical and theoretical models of the photosphere and low chromosphere
  are reviewed with especial reference to the Bilderberg continuum
  atmosphere. The observations and analysis of the continuous spectrum
  are emphasized. A minimum electron temperature of 4300 K at lg τ
  <SUB>0</SUB>≈ -4 is suggested by new observations in the ultraviolet
  and far infrared.

Title: λ 4097.3 N iii emission in the chromospheric spectrum?
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
1971SoPh...16..336L    Altcode:
  The recent tentative identification of a chromospheric emission
  line at λ<SUB>⊙</SUB> = 4097.342 Å with the NIII transition
  3s<SUP>2</SUP>S<SUB>1/2</SUB> $#x2212; 3p<SUP>2</SUP>P∘<SUB>3/2</SUB>
  is discussed. It is shown that the observed intensity is inconsistent
  with the observed flux in the XUV resonance lines and considerably
  greater than the predicted intensity from the chromosphere-corona
  transition zone. Microphotometry of a plate shows that the `line'
  is a short interval of continuum between absorption lines.

Title: Magnesium hydride in theSun
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Mallia, E. A.; Petford, A. D.
1971MNRAS.154..265L    Altcode:
  Low noise photoelectric scans of the MgH A2ll-X2 (o, o) band in the
  spectrum of the solar disk are examined and accurate equivalent widths
  obtained. Analysis of these widths with a recent photospheric model
  atmosphere provides an estimate for the band oscillator strength:
  Jo,o = . A discussion of these weak MgH and strong Mg I lines in the
  disk spectrum and weak lines of MgH in the penumbral spectrum shows
  that limits can be set on the isotopic abundance ratios 25Mg/24Mg
  and 26Mg/24Mg. These limits are consistent with the terrestrial
  abundance ratios. Recent analyses of sunspot spectra which claim a
  marked overabundance of 25Mg and 25Mg relative to 24Mg are critically
  examined. It is proposed that these results are in error owing to the
  neglect of a contribution to the spectrum from bright umbral dots. A
  new method of analysis is outlined.

Title: Identification of NiH in the sunspot spectrum
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Mallia, E. A.
1971MNRAS.151..437L    Altcode:
  Photoelectric scans of the umbral spectrum in the wavelength interval
  6200-6700 A are examined and positive identifications established for
  NiH lines. The band oscillator strengths for the A2A - X2A and B2A -
  X2A systems are derived, foo = 5 X I0- and 6 x I0- respectively, for
  an adopted dissociation energy of eV. It is also shown that the solar
  isotopic and terrestrial isotopic abundance ratios for Ni55 and Ni60
  are probably equal.

Title: The Excitation of the Forbidden Coronal Lines. II: [Caxv]
    λλ 5694 and 5446
Authors: Chevalier, R. A.; Lambert, D. L.
1970SoPh...11..243C    Altcode:
  The excitation of the 2s<SUP>2</SUP>2p<SUP>2</SUP> ground configuration
  of CaXV is calculated for coronal densities and temperatures. The
  calculations include electron and proton excitation of the
  forbidden transitions and electron excitation via the first excited
  (2s2p<SUP>3</SUP>) configuration. It is shown that measurements of the
  line intensity ratio I(λ 5694)/I(λ 5446) are in good agreement with
  the predictions. The line to continuum observations for limb flares and
  coronal condensations are discussed. It is suggested that the calcium
  abundance in condensations is enhanced owing to diffusion processes.

Title: The SiH A2A-,X211 (o, o) band in theFraunhofer spectrum
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Mallia, E. A.
1970MNRAS.148..313L    Altcode:
  Low noise photoelectric scans of the solar disc and sunspot spectra are
  examined for lines attributable to the (o, o) band of the SiH system A2
  -X2H. Satisfactory identifications are established. A model atmosphere
  calculation provides a result for the band oscillator strength: foo =
  . Isotope shifts are calculated for the less abundant species, Si29H
  and Si30H. It is shown that the isotopic abundances are probably normal.

Title: The forbidden line [Ca  ii] λ7323 in the fraunhofer spectrum
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Mallia, E. A.
1969SoPh...10..311L    Altcode:
  New observations of the [CaII] λ7323 Fraunhofer line are
  reported. The blending H<SUB>2</SUB>O line was weak at the time of
  observation. Accurate estimates of the centre-limb variation of the
  equivalent width of the [CaII] transition are obtained and shown to
  be consistent with the calcium abundance log N(Ca) = 6.33.

Title: Forbidden Lines of NiIV in the Spectrum of RR Telescopii
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Thackeray, A. D.
1969Ap&SS...5..283L    Altcode:
  The rich spectrum of the slow nova RR Telescopii contains several strong
  unidentified lines. The possibility is re-examined that some of these
  lines are due to forbidden transitions of [Ni iv]. Success is partial
  but the new identifications include four strong lines (λλ5363, 5288,
  5060, 5042) from the multiplet a<SUP>4</SUP>F-a<SUP>2</SUP>G.

Title: The Excitation of the Forbidden Coronal Lines. I: Fe XIII
    λλ 10747, 10798 and 3388
Authors: Chevalier, R. A.; Lambert, D. L.
1969SoPh...10..115C    Altcode:
  The excitation of the lowest (3s<SUP>2</SUP>3p<SUP>2</SUP>)
  configuration of FeXIII is discussed for the range of density and
  temperatures experienced in the solar corona. The principal features
  are the introduction of proton collisions as an important mechanism
  for exciting the 3p<SUP>2</SUP><SUP>3</SUP>P levels, the use of
  improved electron collision strengths and a detailed discussion of
  the influence of the excited configurations. The predicted intensity
  ratios are shown to be consistent with available observations with
  the single exception of an eclipse measurement of the ratio of the
  intensities of the infrared lines.

Title: Intrinsic Reddening of Eta Carinae
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
1969Natur.223..726L    Altcode:
  PAGEL<SUP>1</SUP> has proposed a new method for the determination of
  the intrinsic and interstellar reddening for peculiar objects which is
  based on the intensities of the forbidden lines of ionized iron, and
  has applied the method to the interesting southern object Eta Carinae.

Title: The Excitation of the Coronal Lines of Fe XIII and Ca XV
Authors: Chevalier, R. A.; Lambert, D. L.
1969BAAS....1R.274C    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Forbidden Lines of Ca II in the Photospheric Spectrum
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Mallia, E. A.; Warner, B.
1969SoPh....7...11L    Altcode:
  On scans obtained with the Oxford photoelectric spectrometer,
  the [Ca II] transition 4s <SUP>2</SUP>S<SUB>1/2</SUB>-3d
  <SUP>2</SUP>D<SUB>3/2;</SUB> is identified with a weak Fraunhofer
  line. It is argued that the strength of the line is consistent with
  the abundance of calcium which is derived from the permitted lines of
  Ca I and Ca II.

Title: Forbidden Sulphur I Lines in the Solar Spectrum
Authors: Swings, J. P.; Lambert, D. L.; Grevesse, N.
1969SoPh....6....3S    Altcode:
  The [SI] lines are due to transitions within the
  3s<SUP>2</SUP>3p<SUP>4</SUP> ground configuration of neutral
  sulphur. The results are presented from a search for the
  [SI] lines in the Fraunhofer spectrum. Two identifications
  are proposed with faint features in the Fraunhofer spectrum:
  <SUP>1</SUP>D<SUB>2</SUB>-<SUP>1</SUP>S<SUB>0</SUB> at λ<SUB>⊙</SUB>
  = 7725.02 Å and <SUP>3</SUP>P<SUB>2</SUB>-<SUP>1</SUP>D<SUB>2</SUB>
  at λ<SUB>⊙</SUB> = 10821.23 Å. Their measured equivalent widths
  are shown to confirm the value for the solar abundance of sulphur,
  logN<SUB>S</SUB> = 7.21 (in the scale logN<SUB>H</SUB> = 12.00),
  which is derived from the permitted high-excitation lines. These
  lines give the first convincing identification of [SI] lines in an
  astrophysical source.

Title: The abundances of the elements in the solar
    photosphere-VII. Zn, Ga, Ge, Cd, In, Sn, Hg, Tl and Pb
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Mallia, E. A.; Warner, B.
1969MNRAS.142...71L    Altcode:
  A detailed account is presented of the limited number of Fraunhofer
  lines which are attributable to the heavier elements with ground state
  configurations of S2, s2p or s2p2. The Oxford photoelectric spectrometer
  was used to obtain new measurements of the equivalent width for selected
  lines of Zn I, Ge I, Cd I, In I and TI I. A thorough discussion is given
  of the available expe1imental and theoretical oscillator strengths. The
  following abundances are obtained on the standard scale where log N(H)
  = : logN(Zn) = logN(Ga) = logN(Ge) = 3'32 logN(Cd) = logN(In) = 1.71
  logN(Sn) = 1.71 logN(Hg) &lt; logN(Tl) 0.2 logN(Pb) =

Title: 20. Forbidden Sulphur I Lines in the Solar Spectrum
Authors: Swings, J. P.; Lambert, D. L.; Grevesse, N.
1969LIACo..15..209S    Altcode: 1969MSRSL..17..209S
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Forbidden sulphur I lines in the solar spectrum.
Authors: Swings, J. P.; Lambert, D. L.; Grevesse, N.
1969MSRSL..25..209S    Altcode: 1969tisa.conf..209S
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Abundance of Chlorine in the Sun
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Mallia, E. A.
1968SoPh....5..181L    Altcode:
  The CLI line λ 8375.943 (4s <SUP>4</SUP>P<SUB>5/2</SUB> − 4p
  <SUP>4</SUP>D∘7/2) is identified in the solar spectrum. This is
  the first identification of a chlorine line in solar spectrum. The
  measured equivalent width (W<SUB>λ</SUB> = 0.8 mÅ) corresponds to
  an abundance log N(Cl) = 5.65 on the scale log N(H) = 12.00.

Title: Absolute Wavelengths of Fraunhofer Lines: Convective Motions
    in the Solar Photosphere and the Gravitational Red Shift
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Mallia, E. A.
1968SoPh....3..499L    Altcode:
  Absolute wavelengths for Fraunhofer lines are compared with laboratory
  measurements for several atomic and molecular spectra. The wavelength
  differences are shown to be consistent with the proposal that the deeper
  layers of the photosphere are in convective motion: ν<SUB>e</SUB>
  ∼ -3 km/sec for log τ<SUB>0</SUB>&gt; -1.0. Convective motions in
  the outer layers (logτ<SUB>0</SUB>&lt; - 1.0) are shown to be very
  small. Wavelength shifts of Fraunhofer lines formed in these outer
  layers are in good quantitative agreement with the predictions of the
  General Theory of Relativity.

Title: The dissociation equilibrium of H^- in stellar atmospheres
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Pagel, B. E. J.
1968MNRAS.141..299L    Altcode:
  The assumption that the source function for continuous thermal
  radiation arising from H- in solar-type stellar atmospheres is
  adequately represented by the Planck function has previously been
  justified on the grounds that the dissociation equilibrium of the H-
  ion is governed by the associative detachment reaction H- + H H2 +
  e. This argument is re-examined in the light of recent theoretical
  and laboratory data on the rates of the relevant processes, taking
  into account (schematically) the presence of separate vibrational
  and rotational levels of the H2 molecule. The earlier conclusions are
  confirmed for the photospheres of main-sequence stars and of normal
  giants, at any rate for those giants in the range of spectral type
  G III to K III, and they are shown to be consistent with observed
  infra-red colour indices. A rise of temperature caused by departures
  from LTE in the solar chromosphere is found to be rather unlikely,
  though not altogether impossible, in view of plausible estimates of
  the relevant atomic parameters.

Title: The abundances of the elements in the solar photosphere-I,
    Carbon, nitrogen and oxygen
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
1968MNRAS.138..143L    Altcode:
  This paper discusses the determination of the abundances of carbon,
  nitrogen and oxygen in the solar atmosphere from an analysis of atomic
  and molecular spectra. A detailed discussion of the neutral atomic
  spectra is presented. Five molecular bands are considered: C2 Swan
  Band, CN red and violet systems, CO first overtone bands, and the CH
  (A2A-X211) band. With the exception of the CH band, the analysis of
  the molecular bands yields abundances which are in good accord with
  the results from the neutral atomic spectra. The following abundances
  are derived: log Ac = 8 , log AN = 7.93 and log A0 = on the standard
  scale log N11 = .

Title: The abundances of the elements in the solar
    photosphere-III. Silicon
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Warner, B.
1968MNRAS.138..213L    Altcode:
  The solar photospheric abundance of silicon is derived from application
  of theoretical oscillator strengths for transition arrays of the type
  3Pns- ' in Si I and 4s-4p in Si ii. The two stages of ionization are
  in agreement and lead to log N(Si) = 7.55 on the scale where log N(H)
  = . We discuss the interpretation of the proffles of strong Si I lines
  and suggest a modification of the solar model atmosphere. The [Si i]
  line at 1099141 A is found to be only a minor contributor to a blend
  with a telluric line.

Title: The C<SUP>12</SUP>/C<SUP>13</SUP> Ratio in the Solar
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Mallia, E. A.
1968ApL.....1...85L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The abundance of the elements in the solar
    photosphere-VI. Rubidium
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Mallia, E. A.
1968MNRAS.140...13L    Altcode:
  Low noise photoelectric scans of the Rb I resonance lines (AA 7800
  and 7947) have been obtained with the Oxford spectrometer. An analysis
  results in an improved abundance determination. logN(Rb) = 263 on the
  standard scale where log N(H) = .

Title: A Model Solar Photosphere.
Authors: Lambert, David L.
1968AJS....73Q..67L    Altcode:
  The results are presented of a comprehensive analysis of all available
  observations of the solar continuous spectrum between 5000 A and 25
  microns. The observations include absolute intensity measurements
  at the center of the solar disk and limb darkening observations at
  disk positions cos 6 ~ 0.2. A model photosphere is presented. The
  absolute intensities predicted by the model are in good agreement
  with the observed intensities; the differences do not exceed 4%. The
  predicted and observed limb darkening ratios differ by less than
  1%. The limitations on the model imposed by the present observations
  are discussed.

Title: Radiation Pressure and the Composition of the Solar Corona
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
1968ApL.....2...37L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Absorption lines of neutral silicon in the solar spectrum
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Warner, B.
1968MNRAS.139...35L    Altcode:
  We present a comprehensive description of the occurrence of Si I lines
  in the solar spectrum in the wavelength range 2935-25 578 A. Theoretical
  equivalent widths are calculated using a detailed curve of growth method
  and the f-values given in the preceding paper. Si I is found to account
  for, or is an important contributor in, about 550 solar lines. Some
  200 of these are new identifications. Many more Si I lines of moderate
  strength will appear in the solar spectrum but are masked by telluric
  absorption. It has been found possible to locate 32 new energy levels
  in Si I, mostly in the 7f, 8f and 9f confignrations. Transitions to
  these levels account for some previously unidentified, but moderately
  strong, solar lines.

Title: The abundances of the elements in the solar photosphere-V. The
    alkaline earths Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Warner, B.
1968MNRAS.140..197L    Altcode:
  A detailed account is given of available solar absorption lines arising
  from the neutral and ionized alkaline earth elements. Careful use of
  theoretical and experimental oscillator strengths leads to the following
  revized abundances, on the scale where log N(H) = : log N(Mg) = logN(Ca)
  = 633 log N(Sr) = log N(Ba) =

Title: The abundances of the elements in the solar
    photosphere-II. Sodium, aluminium, phosphorous, sulphur and potassium
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Warner, B.
1968MNRAS.138..181L    Altcode:
  A comprehensive account is given of the available solar absorption
  lines arising from the elements sodium, aluminium, phosphorus, sulphur
  and potassium. The use of improved oscillator strengths for selected
  lines leads to a revision of the abundances of these elements. The
  final values, on the scale log N(H) = , are logN(Na) = log N(Al) =
  logN(P) = log N(S) = 721 logN(K) = 505.

Title: A Simplified Model Solar Atmosphere
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
1968SoPh....3..118L    Altcode:
  A simplified representation of the temperature distribution in the
  solar photosphere is proposed: θ (τ<SUB>0</SUB>) = θ<SUB>0</SUB>
  - θ<SUB>1</SUB> logτ<SUB>0</SUB>. An expression is derived for the
  emergent continuous spectrum from the simple model. The limitations
  and applications of the simple model are discussed.

Title: The abundance of neon in the Sun
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
1967Obs....87..228L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Abundance of Helium in the Sun
Authors: Lambert, D. L.
1967Natur.215...43L    Altcode:
  THE observed abundances of elements are largely understood in terms
  of stellar nucleosynthesis. The origin of helium, however, remains
  a major problem. Indeed, Hoyle and Tayler<SUP>1</SUP> concluded that
  the chief fraction of the helium in the Galaxy was synthesized not in
  stellar interiors but either in the primordial fireball or in a massive
  object which preceded the formation of the stars. This communication
  presents a re-determination of the abundance of helium in the Sun and
  also reviews determinations of the abundance of helium in other objects.

Title: Forbidden Carbon I Lines in the Solar Spectrum
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Swings, J. P.
1967SoPh....2...34L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Forbidden nitrogen I lines in the infra-red solar spectrum
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Swings, J. P.
1967Obs....87..113L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Abundance of Boron in the Sun
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Mallia, E. A.; Warner, B.
1966Natur.211...56L    Altcode:
  IN a recent paper, Waddell and Slaughter<SUP>1</SUP> suggested
  that the composite feature at 8668.43 Å in the solar spectrum
  includes a high excitation line of B I. This line is one of a number
  first reported in the laboratory spectrum of B I by Gunnvald and
  Minnhagen<SUP>2</SUP> (Table 1). From the observed central depth
  of 0.015, a boron: hydrogen ratio of 4.0 × 10<SUP>-7</SUP> was
  deduced. The terrestrial ratio<SUP>3</SUP> is 7.6 × 10<SUP>-10</SUP>,
  while Russell's<SUP>4</SUP> photospheric upper limit is 1.1 ×
  10<SUP>-7</SUP>. This figure was later reduced by Babcock<SUP>5</SUP>
  to 2.8 × 10<SUP>-8</SUP>.

Title: The energy distribution in the solar continuous spectrum
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Willstrop, R. V.
1965Obs....85..124L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Abstract of solar limb-darkening in the infra-red region
Authors: Lambert, David L.
1965PhDT........76L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The spectroscopic binary H.D. 27149
Authors: Lambert, D. L.; Norman, A. R. D.; Jones, D. H. P.
1961Obs....81..145L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Observations de Neptune
Authors: Lambert
1929JO.....12...88L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS