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Author name code: mattig
ADS astronomy entries on 2022-09-14
author:"Mattig, Wolfgang" 

Title: Book Review: Kommandosache Sonnengott. Geschichte der deutschen
    Sonnenforschung im Dritten Reich und unter alliierter Besatzung
Authors: Mattig, Wolfgang; Schmidt, Wolfgang; Seiler, Michael P.
2007JAHH...10...73M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Mercury Transit for Stray Light Evaluation: IPM-THEMIS Case
Authors: Briand, C.; Mattig, W.; Ceppatelli, G.; Mainella, G.
2006SoPh..234..187B    Altcode:
  Mercury's transit on the solar disk offers ideal conditions to determine
  the stray light level of instruments. We present here the results on the
  stray light level deduced from the observation of the Mercury transit
  on 2003 May 7th at the secondary focus of the THEMIS telescope with the
  broad-band and spectral channels of the IPM instrument. The scattered
  light in the broad-band channel is about 17% and about 25% in the
  spectral channel. The spread function was deduced for the two channels
  taking into account the observations on the limb and on Mercury's disk.

Title: The first decades of JOSO - the Joint Organization for Solar
Authors: Brandt, Peter N.; Mattig, Wolfgang
2005dsr..conf..240B    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The first decades of JOSO -- the Joint Organization for
    Solar Observations
Authors: Brandt, Peter N.; Mattig, Wolfgang
2005AcHA...25..240B    Altcode:
  In 1969 a group of leading European solar physicists established
  the Joint Organization for Solar Observations (JOSO) with the aim to
  promote international cooperation and to find an outstanding site for a
  new European solar observatory. After an extensive site test finally in
  1979 they found excellent sites on the Canary Islands for the deployment
  of several national instruments in the framework of the newly founded
  Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias. The well co-ordinated thriving
  international cooperation made the continuation of JOSO desirable
  even after the fulfilment of the originally planned goals. New fields
  of cooperation were found, in particular the ground-based support of
  the SOHO mission. After the fall of the “iron curtain” in 1989
  intensive collaboration with the Eastern-European institutes was
  initiated, and JOSO turned into an enterprise for broad scientific
  and technological exchange.

Title: JOSO - the Protagonist for a closer cooperation in Europe -
    some historical remarks
Authors: Mattig, W.
2004HvaOB..28....1M    Altcode:
  After two meetings about solar seeing in Rome (1961, 1962), 1969
  Solar Physicists from seven European countries founded an organization
  named JOSO to build an European Solar Observatory. Besides this the
  "Joint Organization for Solar Observation" supported every cooperation
  between the different institutes. In Bern 1974 a combined meeting
  between optical and radio colleagues took place and one year later it
  was proposed to create a Solar Physics Section as part of the European
  Physical Society. This was approved 1976, but the important meeting
  1975 in Firenze was numbered as the First European Solar Meeting. To
  build an European Large Solar Telescope the LEST-foundation was founded
  1983 in Stockholm, unfortunately it was dissolved in 2002. In the last
  ten years many countries from eastern Europe became members of JOSO,
  now colleagues from 27 countries are members of this joint organization.

Title: Obituary: Anton Bruzek (1915-2003)
Authors: Mattig, Wolfgang
2003SoPh..216....1M    Altcode: 2003SoPh..216....1.
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The History of the Joint Organization for Solar Observations
    (JOSO) 1969-2000
Authors: Brandt, P. N.; Mattig, W.
2003ANS...324...94B    Altcode: 2003ANS...324..K09B
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Merkur vor der Sonne. Eine Fisternis der besonderen Art
Authors: Mattig, Wolfgang; Soltau, Dirk
2003S&W....42d..66M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The history of the Joint Organization for Solar Observation
    (JOSO) 1969 - 2000
Authors: Brandt, Peter N.; Mattig, Wolfgang
2002ASSL..280..135B    Altcode: 2002osa3.book..135B
  In 1969 a group of leading European solar physicists established the
  Joint Organization for Solar Observations (JOSO) aiming at promoting
  international cooperation and at finding an outstanding site for a new
  European solar observatory. After extensive site testing, excellent
  locations were found in 1979 on the Canary Islands for the deployment
  of several national instruments in the framework of the newly founded
  Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias. The well co-ordinated thriving
  international cooperation made the continuation of JOSO desirable even
  after the fulfilment of the originally planned goals. New fields of
  cooperation were found, in particular the ground-based support for
  the SOHO mission. After the opening of the "iron curtain" in 1989,
  intensive collaboration with the Eastern European institutes was
  initated and JOSO turned into an enterprise for broad scientific and
  technological exchange.

Title: H. Haupt and JOSO
Authors: Mattig, W.
2001HvaOB..25....1M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Convective overshooting on the Sun: radiative effects
Authors: Kiefer, M.; Grabowski, U.; Mattig, W.; Stix, M.
2000A&A...355..381K    Altcode:
  We calculate solar models with convective overshooting at the top
  and at the base of the outer convection zone, and test the models
  by comparing their eigenfrequencies to the observed solar p-mode
  frequencies. Radiative temperature relaxation is included in form of a
  characteristic time that describes both optically thick and thin cases,
  and a modified mixing-length formalism is used, with gas parcels
  traveling varying path lengths. These modifications to the common
  mixing-length theory generally change the efficiency of the convective
  energy transport, and therefore the stratification at and immediately
  below the surface of the Sun. Radiative relaxation lowers the
  convective efficiency and so leads to a steeper temperature gradient,
  with the consequence that the temperature becomes somewhat larger in the
  near-surface layer, but slightly lower in the upper convection zone; due
  to the latter effect there is a negative correction to eigenfrequencies
  above ~ 2 mHz. The effect of convective parcels with varying path
  lengths is opposite. In the solar interior, radiative relaxation is in
  the diffusion limit and therefore has no immediate effect at the base of
  the convection zone. However, the larger mixing-length to scale-height
  ratio caused by the near-surface effect leads to farther overshooting
  at the base. The effect of the multiple-path models is in the same
  direction. For most of our models the extent of the overshooting is
  larger than permitted by the helioseismic constraint of ~ 0.1 pressure
  scale heights, but for some models it is marginal. At the surface the
  efficient optically thin radiative relaxation smoothes the temperature
  gradient. Both the radiation and the multiple-path effects lead to
  more extended overshooting. The models reach ~ 200 km of overshooting,
  with temperature fluctuations of up to several hundred Kelvin. We
  compare the results with spectroscopic investigations, and with recent
  three-dimensional hydrodynamic numerical simulations. A general result
  is that mixing-length theory appears unable to reproduce in detail
  the properties of solar convection that are directly observed at the
  surface or inferred by helioseismology. The improvements based on even
  sophisticated modifications remain limited.

Title: Walter Grotrians fundamentale Beiträge zur Physik der
Authors: Mattig, W.
1999S&W....38..557M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Geschichte der Sonnenforschung.
Authors: Mattig, W.
1999S&WSp...4...86M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Sonnenfinsternisse und die Lichtablenkung.
Authors: Mattig, W.
1998S&W....37.1045M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Velocity and intensity oscillations in sunspot penumbrae.
Authors: Sigwarth, M.; Mattig, W.
1997A&A...324..743S    Altcode:
  Velocity and intensity oscillations in the penumbra of a sunspot close
  to disc center are investigated at various atmospheric heights from the
  photosphere to the upper chromosphere using simultaneous time series
  of spectra of FeI 5123Å, Mg b1, Na D1/D2, NiI 5893Å, Hα and CaII
  8542Å. Line core shifts and intensity variations are determined for
  all positions along the slit and power, coherence and phase spectra
  are calculated. Both Doppler velocities and line core intensity
  fluctuations are significantly reduced inside the penumbra and the
  surrounding plage region in all atmospheric layers compared to the
  surrounding quiet sun. Inside the penumbra the velocity oscillations
  are found to be coherent over a larger spatial range in photospheric
  and middle chromospheric layers than outside. Velocity power spectra
  show the 5-minute oscillations up to lower chromospheric levels from
  the inner to outer penumbra boundary. Only in the layer below the
  temperature minimum the 5-minute oscillations are not detectable in
  the inner and central penumbra. In the upper chromosphere frequencies
  significantly changes from 6mHz at the inner penumbra to around 1.5mHz
  at the outer penumbra boundary. Intensity oscillations show power at
  low frequencies (<=2mHz) outside the spot and in the outer penumbra
  in all atmospheric layers while in the central penumbra power in
  the 5-minute range is present only in the layer below the temperature
  minimum. From a coherence and phase analysis we find upward propagating
  waves inside the penumbra with a different behavior in deeper and higher
  layers and compared to the quiet sun. No differences could be found
  for the oscillatory behavior in dark and bright penumbral filaments
  (at a mean spatial resolution of 1arcsec).

Title: Hans-Heinrich Voigt und die Göttinger Sonnenphysik.
Authors: Mattig, W.
1996S&W....35..818M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Temperature and velocity fluctuations in the deeper layers
    of the solar atmosphere.
Authors: Vollmoeller, P.; Komm, R.; Mattig, W.
1996A&A...306..294V    Altcode:
  To study temperature and velocity fluctuations in the lower photosphere
  of the Sun, we analyzed spectrograms obtained with the Vacuum Tower
  Telescope of the Observatorio del Teide in Tenerife in a spectral
  range at about 410nm, the secondary minimum of the continuum absorption
  coefficient. We find much larger temperature fluctuations than deduced
  by previous investigations at almost all photospheric heights. The
  velocity fluctuations show the same height dependence as deduced by
  earlier studies at mid- and upper photospheric layers (at heights
  larger than about 100km above τ_0_=1), but they do not increase as
  rapidly with decreasing height in the lower photosphere. The results
  indicate the existence of a velocity maximum located at the bottom
  of the photosphere or slightly below in subphotospheric layers. The
  location of this maximum agrees reasonably well with predictions of
  convection zone models.

Title: Die Sonne
Authors: Mattig, W.
1996AN....317...18M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Book Review: Die Sonne, C.H. Beck Verlag, 1995, 125p.,
    ISBN 978-3-406-39001-2
Authors: Posch, Thomas; Mattig, Wolfgang
1995Stern..71..306P    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Oscillations above sunspot umbrae.
Authors: Kentischer, T. J.; Mattig, W.
1995A&A...300..539K    Altcode:
  Long time series of two dimensional filtergrams of the chromosphere
  above a sunspot in the line cores of Hα (λ656.2nm), CaIIK (λ393.3nm)
  and in MgIb (λ517.3nm) were recorded simultaneously. The following
  conclusions can be drawn: The Power spectra of Hα and CaIIK show
  two distinct distributions between 5 and 9mHz. The first peak at
  5.9mHz is relatively narrow (FWHM=1.2mHz) and consists mainly of
  upward propagating waves travelling with sound speed (7km/s). There
  are indications that the oscillations found in this frequency domain
  have their origin in the underlaying layers. Therefore this first
  distribution may be a fingerprint of the photospheric resonator. A
  phase analysis of the horizontal propagations of the oscillations
  yields a typical inclination of the magnetic field lines in the umbral
  chromosphere of 5deg. A second distribution at 7.5mHz has a width of
  3.3mHz. The involved oscillations have characteristics of standing
  waves. There is no correlation between the oscillations found in the
  chromosphere and these, located near the temperature minimum layers,
  so they are confined to the chromosphere itself.

Title: Von der Rotverschiebung zum solaren Magnetfeld.
Authors: Mattig, W.
1995Stern..71..127M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: 25 Jahre JOSO - Joint Organization for Solar Observations.
Authors: Mattig, W.
1995Stern..71...63M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Dynamics of the solar granulation: bisector analysis
Authors: Hanslmeier, A.; Nesis, A.; Mattig, W.
1994A&A...288..960H    Altcode:
  Using four selected examples of bisector and line parameter variations
  due to granular/intergranular motions in the solar photosphere, we
  investigate in this paper the coherence between these parameters over
  single granular/intergranular areas. It is shown, that there is no
  definite correlation between intensity variations, velocity variations
  and the shape of the respective bisectors. This is in contradiction to
  some model calculations but is consistent with the results extracted
  from spatially highly resolved spectrograms in previous papers. We found
  enhancements of the line parameter full width at half maximum at the
  granular/intergranular border, non symmetric intensity and velocity
  variations around their maxima or minima values and a correlation
  between velocity variations on the horizontal scale with the full width
  at half maximum values (δfw). However, there is no correlation between
  δfw and continuum intensity, because the enhancement of δfw occurs
  at moderate values of continuum intensity. Since the full width at
  half maximum indicates enhanced non thermal motions, these areas are
  the location of post shock turbulence as it is described by newer
  hydrodynamical models. These examples are of course influenced by
  subjective selection but should be on the other hand also described
  by hydrodynamical model calculations.

Title: Spatial and height changes of oscillations in a sunspot
Authors: Marco, E.; Mattig, W.
1994smf..conf..257M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Dynamics of the solar granulation.
Authors: Nesis, A.; Hanslmeier, A.; Hammer, R.; Komm, R.; Mattig,
   W.; Staiger, J.
1993A&A...279..599N    Altcode:
  This investigation is based on a series of spectrograms of extraordinary
  spatial resolution taken with the vacuum tower telescope (VTT) at Izana
  (Tenerife) in 1990. The quantitative analysis of these spectrograms
  reveals an asymmetrical character of the granular flow (non-Benard like
  convection). We suggest that a typical granule consists of a region
  of high intensity and low turbulence in its interior and a region of
  high turbulence and moderate intensity at its border. In other words,
  we surmise that reigons of enhanced turbulence outline the borders
  of granules. By means of power and coherence analyses we found two
  different scaling laws for the small scale range: both the velocity
  and intensity power as well as various cross-correlation functions
  change their behavior near log k approximately = 0.8.

Title: Oscillations in sunspots near the solar limb and the influence
    of seeing effects
Authors: Federspiel, M.; Mattig, W.
1993A&A...276..227F    Altcode:
  Oscillations in sunspots near the solar limb were observed by
  measuring the variation of their geometric distance to a reference
  point (the limb) on time series of spectrograms. Observations carried
  out with this recently introduced technique are quite sensitive to
  seeing variations. Therefore we present a simple model to estimate the
  influence of seeing effects on the observations quantitatively. It turns
  out, that under poor seeing conditions the seeing-induced variations of
  the spot's position are of the same order of magnitude as the expected
  displacements due to oscillations. The strong influence of the seeing
  is clearly demonstrated for a series, which was obtained at the Capri
  station under unfavourable seeing conditions, in the frequency range
  where solar oscillations are expected. <P />A second sunspot was
  observed simultaneously under good seeing conditions in Hα, Hβ, the
  nearby Fe I 4860 Å line and in the continuum with the VTT equipment
  on Tenerife. As a result we find evidence for unusual non-photo spheric
  umbral oscillations in the range of 0.7±0.5 mHz and 3.5±0.5 mHz.

Title: Goals of ground-based solar observations.
Authors: Mattig, W.
1993ESASP1157...33M    Altcode: 1993srfs.book...33M
  Fruitful observations from spacecraft as well as from ground-based
  observatories both require close and coordinated cooperation between
  observers and theoreticians. Advantages of ground-based observations
  are the possibilities for studying long-term variations (many years),
  even outside active regions, and the fact that large telescopes with
  complex instrumentation can be used. Disadvantages are the limitations
  on the usable wavelength region and the distorting influence of the
  Earth's atmosphere. Promising attempts to minimise these distortions
  have, however, been made by applying new technologies. Nevertheless,
  observations of very small structures (≤0.2 arcsec) in the visible
  region over extended periods (many hours) will probably forever remain
  the domain of spaceborne instrumentation.

Title: Dynamics of the solar granulation - Coherence of line
    parameters and their variation with the height
Authors: Hanslmeier, A.; Nesis, A.; Mattig, W.
1993A&A...270..516H    Altcode:
  We give a coherence analysis of various line parameters deduced
  from spatially highly resolved solar photospheric spectra obtained
  with the VTT at Izana, Tenerife. The high quality of the spectra
  and the selection of the wavelength range containing lines of
  different strengths allow us to investigate the transition from
  coherent to noncoherent flow patterns in the photosphere which occurs
  about a height of 150 km. The low correlation values found here are
  explained by an enhanced resolution of random motions and phase shifts
  between the intensity-velocity coherence which therefore reduces the
  coefficients. Two data sets containing a different number of data
  samples are compared and show nearly an identical behavior.

Title: Rapid Variations in the Intergranular Space
Authors: Nesis, A.; Hanslmeier, A.; Hammer, R.; Komm, R.; Mattig,
   W.; Staiger, J.
1993ASPC...46..222N    Altcode: 1993mvfs.conf..222N; 1993IAUCo.141..222N
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Coherence Analysis of Photospheric Line Parameters in Active
    and Non-Active Solar Regions
Authors: Hanslmeier, A.; Mattig, W.; Nesis, A.
1993ASPC...46...36H    Altcode: 1993IAUCo.141...36H; 1993mvfs.conf...36H
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Ergebnisse und Probleme der Sonnenforschung.
Authors: Mattig, W.
1992AsSch..29R...6M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: What are the Boundaries of Solar Granules?
Authors: Nesis, A.; Hanslmeier, A.; Hammer, R.; Komm, R.; Mattig,
   W.; Staiger, J.
1992AAS...180.5109N    Altcode: 1992BAAS...24..814N
  This investigation is based on a series of spectrograms of extraordinary
  spatial resolution taken with the vacuum tower telescope(VTT) at Iza\
  na (Tenerife) in 1990. The quantitative analysis of these spectrograms
  revealed an asymmetrical character of the granular flow (non-Benard
  like convection). The intensity maximum and the maximum of the upward
  line-of-sight velocity do not coincide. In most cases the maximum of
  the velocity lies near the border of the granule and falls rapidly to
  the adjacent intergranular lane(from 1.5 to 0.2kmsec(-1) over 200km),
  but moderately towards the other intergranular lane. In some granules
  the position with zero velocity coincides with the position of highest
  intensity, whereas maxima of velocities with different signs lie at
  their border, thus reflecting a typical velocity profile of a rotating
  eddy. The low correlation(of less than 0.5) between intensity and
  Doppler velocity fluctuations along the spectrograph slit reflects
  the asymmetric character of the solar granular flow. Concerning
  the border of granules we find that bright regions often exhibit
  downward, instead of the expected upward velocity. Moreover, by
  investigating the broadening of a non-magnetically sensitive line,
  we were able to localize regions with enhanced turbulence within the
  intergranular space. We find that these regions do not always cover
  the whole intergranular lane, but are concentrated at the border of
  the granules, especially where the steep decrease of the velocity
  takes place. On the basis of these findings we suggest that a typical
  granule consists of a region of high intensity and low turbulence in
  its interior and a region of high turbulence and moderate intensity
  at its border. In other words, we surmise that regions of enhanced
  turbulence outline the borders of granules. Using our time series
  of spectrograms, which were taken every 15sec over a total of 5min,
  we followed the dynamics of these properties and the evolution of the
  steep intensity and velocity changes along the slit. These changes
  are connected with shear instabilities and turbulence production. The
  findings from non-active regions will be compared with those from
  active regions based on magnetically sensitive lines.

Title: Book Review: Opening the frontiers in solar research /
    Pergamon, 1991
Authors: Machado, M. E.; Mattig, W.; Simon, G. W.; Harrison, R. A.
1992Obs...112...70F    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Velocity Fluctuations; Energy Dissipation in the Solar
Authors: Komm, R.; Mattig, W.; Nesis, A.
1992ASPC...26..175K    Altcode: 1992csss....7..175K
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Dynamics of the solar granulation. I - A phenomenological
Authors: Nesis, A.; Hanslmeier, A.; Hammer, R.; Komm, R.; Mattig,
   W.; Staiger, J.
1992A&A...253..561N    Altcode:
  High-spatial-resolution spectrograms taken with the vacuum tower
  telescope in Tenerife were used to investigate the dynamics of the deep
  photospheric layers by tracing the motions of small-scale structures
  such as granulation. Based on a time series of these spectrograms,
  traces of line Doppler shifts were detected which show strong
  asymmetries within solar granules. The results are discussed within
  the framework of different granulation flow models.

Title: Bisector; Line Parameter Variation Over a Single Solar Granulum
Authors: Hanslmeier, A.; Mattig, W.; Nesis, A.
1992ASPC...26..168H    Altcode: 1992csss....7..168H
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The decay of granular motions and the generation of gravity
    waves in the solar photosphere
Authors: Komm, R.; Mattig, W.; Nesis, A.
1991A&A...252..827K    Altcode:
  The solar photosphere was investigated using a coherence analysis of
  rms-velocities. Results confirm that there is a distiction between
  the granular structures of the lower photosphere and the secondary
  structures of the higher photosphere. It is shown that the conversion
  of motions occurs well below a height of 200 km. In the layers of
  the higher photosphere (above 170 km) structures are found in the
  wavenumber range from 2.5 M/m to 7.0 M/m with a dominant scale of
  about 4.0 M/m. It is concluded that secondary motions are generated
  by decaying granular motions.

Title: The height dependence of velocity-intensity fluctuations and
    several non-dimensional parameters in the solar photosphere
Authors: Komm, R.; Mattig, W.; Nesis, A.
1991A&A...252..812K    Altcode:
  The quiet photosphere was studied using autocorrelation functions
  (ACFs) of intensity-velocity fluctuations. It is found that all ACFs
  get broader with height for the whole center-to-limb variation. For
  the length scale L, there is no significant center-to-limb variation
  but a general height dependence. In the lower photospheric layers
  (less than 150 km), L is of the order of 500 km, while in the higher
  layers L increases to 700 km. The vorticity is found to be 0.025/s
  in the lower photosphere and 0.001/s in the higher layers. The height
  dependence of several independent nondimensional parameters has been
  deduced to study the effect of dissipative processes on the granular
  motions. The Reynolds number is found to decrease from 5 x 10 exp 9
  at the continuum layers to 10 exp 8 at the temperature minimum; the
  Peclet number decreases from 70 to 1; and the magnetic Reynolds number
  is of the order of 500,000. It is concluded that granules are buoyantly
  rising turbulent structures which disintegrate due to turbulent mixing
  with the environment.

Title: The variation of the solar granulation structure in active
    and non-active regions
Authors: Hanslmeier, A.; Nesis, A.; Mattig, W.
1991A&A...251..307H    Altcode:
  With the aid of a coherence analysis between line-center velocities,
  continuum-brightness variations and residual intensities the
  height-dependent evolution of overshooting convective elements in
  the solar photosphere is studied in magnetically active and nonactive
  regions. Evidence of a structuring influence of the magnetic field on
  the height dependent evolution of temperature and velocity patterns
  is found. From a comparison of intensity and velocity-frequency
  distributions in nonactive and active regions enhanced downward motions
  in active regions were found. The results are in agreement with small
  fluxtube concepts.

Title: Selected examples of bisector and line parameter variation
    over a granular-intergranular region
Authors: Hanslmeier, A.; Mattig, W.; Nesis, A.
1991A&A...251..669H    Altcode:
  Four examples of bisector and corresponding line parameter variations
  over a granular-intergranular region are discussed. These detailed
  case studies permit a direct comparison with hydrodynamical model
  calculations. Generally, the variation of the line parameters is found
  to be more similar than for data where granular and intergranular areas
  are averaged. However, the transition from granulum to intergranulum
  was found to be nonmonotonic and at the position where the velocity
  gradients reach a minimum, the slope of the line parameter curves
  also changes.

Title: Granular and intergranular line profiles in solar active and
    quiet regions
Authors: Hanslmeier, A.; Mattig, W.; Nesis, A.
1991A&A...248..232H    Altcode:
  Two spectra obtained with high spatial resolution in active and
  nonactive regions of the sun have been analyzed. The enhanced
  fluctuations at subgranular scales in active regions observed in
  the power spectra of intensity and velocity, provide evidence for
  the existence of small magnetic flux tubes. Using the brightest and
  darkest continuum, intensity as indicators for granulum-intergranulum,
  granular and intergranular line profiles have been determined. In Ca(+)
  active regions, the intergranular profiles are changed more than
  the granular profiles. Also the full width at half maximum of the
  intergranular line profiles is enhanced in the active region. These
  results have been obtained without any polarization equipment and
  suggest that the magnetic elements are predominantly located in the
  intergranular regions.

Title: High spatial resolution solar photospheric line observations
    in Ca(+) active regions
Authors: Hanslmeier, A.; Mattig, W.; Nesis, A.
1991A&A...244..521H    Altcode:
  Spatially highly resolved solar photospheric line profiles are
  analyzed by calculating bisectors, line center velocities, and line
  asymmetries in order to investigate the influence of magnetic fields
  on these parameters. A set of three spectrograms containing regions
  of different magnetic activity is used. In the active regions, a
  reduction of continuum intensity fluctuations as well as small-scale
  velocity fluctuations is confirmed; however, on subgranual scales,
  the continuum intensity fluctuations and line center velocities for
  the lines originating higher than 200 km in the troposphere are found
  to be increasing in active regions and becoming equal to or higher
  than those in nonactive regions. Significant changes are observed in
  the profiles: the mean line asymmetry is negative in the nonactive
  regions and positive with a reduction of the standard deviation in
  the active regions.

Title: Granulation Spectroscopy: First Results from VTT-Tenerife
Authors: Nesis, A.; Hanslmeier, A.; Hammer, R.; Komm, R.; Mattig,
   W.; Staiger, J.
1991BAAS...23R1048N    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The small-scale velocity field in the solar photosphere
Authors: Komm, R.; Mattig, W.; Nesis, A.
1991A&A...243..251K    Altcode:
  The center-to-limb variation of velocity fluctuations derived from
  several spectral lines is presented and, from these data, the height
  dependence of the vertical and horizontal components of the small-scale
  velocity field is deduced. A strong decrease in the lower photosphere
  and a flat gradient in the upper photosphere are observed for both the
  horizontal and vertical velocity. It is concluded that the convective
  motions decay in the middle photosphere up to a height of about 170
  km and so-called secondary motions dominate the upper layers of the
  photosphere. A stability criterion is used to interpret this conversion
  of motions and, by utilizing the Richardson number and several length
  scales, it is shown that the stable stratification of the photosphere
  causes the decay of the granular convective motions.

Title: High resolution line profiles in quiet and plage regions of
    the sun
Authors: Guenther, E.; Mattig, W.
1991A&A...243..244G    Altcode:
  High-resolution spectra of plage regions and neighboring quiet regions
  in three photospheric lines were obtained using the Sacramento Peak
  Tower Telescope. The observations were made in plage regions of a
  relatively high magnetic field, showing large differences between
  the line profiles of quiet and plage regions. It appears likely that
  the magnetic field is stronger in the intergranular lanes than in the
  granules, and as the fields are stronger in the intergranular lanes, the
  latter change much more than the granules. Canopy type fields of flux
  tubes, which are rooted in the intergranular lanes and have a merging
  height that is not much higher than the height of formation of the
  observed iron lines, could be utilized to explain the observed features.

Title: Turbulence, fractals, and the solar granulation.
Authors: Brandt, P. N.; Greimel, R.; Guenther, E.; Mattig, W.
1991afa..conf...77B    Altcode:
  The authors give a brief, mostly qualitative introduction into
  the topics of convection and turbulence, and their description,
  mainly referring to laboratory experiments. Following Mandelbrot
  (1967), the concept of the fractal dimension is introduced and some
  earlier results of measurements of the fractal dimension in laboratory
  tubulence are discussed. The authors address the question whether hints
  of turbulence have been observed in the solar photosphere, and describe
  three independent methods of determining the fractal dimension of the
  solar granulation: the area-perimenter relation, the line and the plane
  intersection method. An analysis of a set of high resolution granulation
  photographs taken with the balloon-borne "Spectro-Stratoskop" telescope
  yields a fractal dimension of d ≍ 1.9 for granules of diameters
  &gt;1.32 arcsec and of d ≍ 1.3 for smaller granules, analysing the
  area-perimeter relation of approx. 40000 granules.

Title: A comparison of velocity and intensity power spectra in
    Ca<SUP>+</SUP> active and non active regions
Authors: Hanslmeier, A.; Mattig, W.
1991AdSpR..11e.263H    Altcode: 1991AdSpR..11..263H
  From an analysis of velocity powerspectra we found for scales smaller
  than 800km that the power in magnetically active regions exceeded the
  power in magnetically non active regions. This is in agreement with
  the flux tube concept, predicting the confinement of the magnetic
  field in small filigree structures. We also found evidence for an
  increase of the velocity power contribution at small scales in AR with
  photospheric height.

Title: Opening frontiers in solar research. Proceedings. Topical
    Meeting of the COSPAR Interdisciplinary Scientific Commission E
(Meetings E6 and E9) of the COSPAR 28. Plenary Meeting: Opening
    frontiers in solar research, The Hague (Netherlands), 25 Jun -
    6 Jul 1990.
Authors: Falciani, R.; Machado, M. E.; Mattig, W.; Simon, G. W.
1991AdSpR..11e....F    Altcode: 1991AdSpR..11R....F
  Contents: 1. Scientific coordination of solar physics missions in the
  1990s (Meeting E6). 2. High-resolution solar physics from space and
  the ground (Meeting E9).

Title: Oscillations in sunspots near the solar limb
Authors: Mattig, W.; Zerfass, M.
1991A&A...241..212M    Altcode:
  Using sunspot-spectrograms near the solar limb it is possible to
  determine the height of the formation of selected strong (chromospheric)
  lines by micrometric distance measurements. The time sequences of
  H-alpha and NaD line spectra have been analyzed to check the possibility
  of a time variation in the height of formation of these lines. Periods
  in the 3 min range, but also longer periods of about 10 min or more,
  have been found. The amplitude of the height variation is the range
  Delta-h (rms) = 100-200 km. This is a new method to study oscillations
  in sunspots, without making use of intensity or velocity variations
  but with a low spatial information.

Title: Solar Research and Programs of the DFG at Observatorio
    del Teide
Authors: Mattig, W.
1991ApL&C..28..157M    Altcode: 1991ApL....28..157M
  No abstract at ADS

Title: On the Dynamics of Granulation in Active Regions and the
    Heating Problem (With 2 Figures)
Authors: Nesis, A.; Hanslmeier, A.; Hammer, R.; Komm, R.; Mattig, W.
1991mcch.conf...36N    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Samples of recent high resolution solar observations at
Authors: Wiehr, E.; Mattig, W.
1991AdSpR..11e.199W    Altcode: 1991AdSpR..11..199W
  The new German telescopes in Izan~a (Tenerife) are now fully
  operational. The first spectroscopic observations demonstrate the
  outstanding quality of the site. Examples of the first scientific
  results are given. They are focused on the fine structure of the
  granulation, small fluxtubes and faculae, the Evershed-effect in
  sunspots and magnetic field strengths in prominences.

Title: Foreword
Authors: Falciani, Roberto; Machado, Marcos E.; Mattig, Wolfgang;
   Simon, George W.
1991AdSpR..11e...1F    Altcode: 1991AdSpR..11R...1F
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The height dependence of intensity structures in the solar
Authors: Komm, R.; Mattig, W.; Nesis, A.
1990A&A...239..340K    Altcode:
  The results are presented of a power and coherence analysis of intensity
  variations derived from the wings of the solar Mg b2 line. It is found
  that the power spectra can be represented by a power law function in
  the range of wavenumbers between 2.8/Mm. The deep photosphere shows
  the Kolmogorov (-5/3)-scaling law. The values of the exponent and also
  of the rms intensity itself decrease with height, attain a minimum,
  and increase again. While small structures are coherent up to higher
  photospheric layers, the coherence of the larger structures breaks
  down in the same layer where the rms intensity shows its minimum. It
  is concluded that the large intensity structures reflect the effect
  of convective overshoot, and the breakdown of the coherence reflects
  the disappearance of convective structures up to a certain height in
  the photosphere, while the small structures are of turbulent origin.

Title: High spatial resolution observations of some solar photospheric
    line profiles
Authors: Hanslmeier, A.; Mattig, W.; Nesis, A.
1990A&A...238..354H    Altcode:
  Results are presented of high resolution spectroscopic solar granulation
  observations with the Gregory Coude Telescope at Izana (Tenerife) in
  photospheric nonactive regions. Line asymmetries of four Fe I lines were
  analyzed depending on their origination in granular or intergranular
  regions. With the increased spatial resolution, instead of the classical
  C-shape, red line asymmetries are found in the intergranulum and
  blue line asymmetries in the granulum. Correlations between various
  line parameters such as continuum intensity, line center velocity,
  and equivalent width were examined. The results are in agreement with
  theoretical model calculations.

Title: Book Review: Particle physics and cosmology / John Wiley, 1989
Authors: Kleczek, J.; Mattig, W.; Kleczek, J.
1990SoPh..129..199K    Altcode: 1990SoPh..129..199C
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Penumbral oscillations in Na D lines
Authors: Marco, E.; Mattig, W.
1990Ap&SS.170...43M    Altcode:
  Penumbral oscillations were measured in two opposite parts in the
  penumbra of a spot, using photographic spectra of Na D lines. Power
  spectra of velocities show the presence of the 5-min oscillation
  with lowv <SUB>rms</SUB>. Coherence and phase analyses between the
  velocity fluctuations of the lines are also studied. The results seem
  to show that the 5-min oscillation is still surviving as a standing
  or evanescent wave at the height of formation of Na D lines.

Title: Line asymmetries in Ca<SUP>+</SUP>-active regions
Authors: Hanslmeier, A.; Mattig, W.
1990Ap&SS.170...51H    Altcode:
  Spatially-resolved Fe i line bisectors were studied in magnetically
  active and non-active regions. In active regions, small-scale velocities
  which are of convective origin, were reduced by a factor of 1.9 and
  individual bisectors originating in granular-intergranular regions
  showed a different behaviour.

Title: Observations of Line Asymmetries with a 2-D Diode Array
Authors: Hanslmeier, A.; Wittmann, A. D.; Mattig, W.
1990Ap&SS.170...47H    Altcode:
  From two-dimensional Reticon spectra obtained at the Gregory Coudé
  Telescope (Tenerife) two Fei lines were studied. It is shown that
  the resultant line bisectors could be separated according to their
  origination in granular-intergranular regions and that the resolved
  bisectors no longer had a C-shape form.

Title: Book Review: Solar photosphere: structure, convection and
    magnetic fields (IAU symposium no. 138) / Kluwer, 1990
Authors: Mattig, W.
1990SoPh..129..199M    Altcode: 1990SoPh..129..199S
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The decay process of the granulation and its influence on
    the absorption lines.
Authors: Nesis, A.; Hanslmeier, A.; Hammer, R.; Komm, R.; Mattig, W.
1990AGAb....5...33N    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Upper Boundary of the Solar Convection Zone -
    Hydrodynamical Aspects
Authors: Nesis, Anastasios; Hammer, Reiner; Mattig, Wolfgang
1990ASPC....9..113N    Altcode: 1990csss....6..113N
  Using spectrograms of high spatial resolution, the horizontal rms
  velocity of the granulation is measured at different depths in the
  photosphere. A steep vertical gradient of the horizontal velocity is
  found, indicating strong dissipation in the first 100 km. Using the
  boundary layer concept the dissipation is estimated to be 10 percent of
  the total energy. Beyond 200 km, granulation triggers gravity waves. The
  turbulent viscosity is estimated to be 10 to the 11th/sq cm/sec.

Title: On the fractal dimension of the solar granulation
Authors: Greimel, R.; Brandt, P. N.; Guenther, E.; Mattig, W.
1990VA.....33..413G    Altcode:
  Fractal dimension analysis may be used to determine whether the solar
  granulation represents homogeneous, isotropic turbulence in certain
  ranges of scale. Several attempts have been made to investigate
  this fractal dimension from white light granulation pictures of
  high spatial resolution, e.g. Roudier and Muller (1986), Darvann
  and Kusoffsky (1989), and Karpinsky (1990), who find a critical
  scale of granule sizes, at which the fractal dimension d changes
  abruptly. Using material from the "Spektro-Stratoskop" and analysing 42
  742 granules, we could confirm the results published earlier, i.e. a
  fractal dimension of approx. 1.3 for the small scales and d ≈ 2 for
  the large scales. However, we find a smooth transition between both
  regimes. Moreover, a closer inspection of the methods used reveals,
  that in all analyses the fractal dimension of the granulation at
  small scales seems to be dominated by technical problems, i.e. the
  limited resolution of the material, the definition of the granules,
  and — last but not least — the finite pixel size.

Title: The Influence of the Granulation on the Absorption Lines
    I. Nonactive Regions
Authors: Nesis, A.; Hanslmeier, A.; Hammer, R.; Komm, R.; Mattig, W.
1990PDHO....7..108N    Altcode: 1990ESPM....6..108N; 1990dysu.conf..108N
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The new filter device at the Vacuum Tower Telescope at the
    Observatorio del Teide.
Authors: Kentischer, T.; Mattig, W.
1990AGAb....5..100K    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: On the fractal dimension of the solar granulation.
Authors: Greimel, R.; Brandt, P. N.; Guenther, E.; Mattig, W.
1990AGAb....5....7G    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Influence of Magnetic Fields on Temperature Inhomogeneities
Authors: Hanslmeier, A.; Mattig, W.
1990PDHO....7..102H    Altcode: 1990dysu.conf..102H; 1990ESPM....6..102H
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Oscillations above sunspots near the limb.
Authors: Federspiel, M.; Mattig, W.
1990AGAb....5....8F    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: On the line asymmetry distribution in solar Ca<SUP>+</SUP>
    active and non active regions.
Authors: Hanslmeier, A.; Mattig, W.
1990AGAb....5...39H    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The height dependence of vertical and horizontal velocities
    attributed to the convective overshoot in the solar atmosphere
Authors: Nesis, A.; Mattig, W.
1989A&A...221..130N    Altcode:
  The paper presents the results of an analysis of the variation of the
  granular velocity fluctuations with height in the photosphere. For
  the vertical and horizontal granular velocity fluctuations a steep
  gradient in the deep photosphere, a velocity minimum, and a rise of
  the velocity above this minimum were found. It is argued that within
  these convective overshoot layers the ordered convective motion is
  converted gradually into another type of motion thereby inducing the
  velocity field of the higher photospheric layers.

Title: New results on the hydrodynamics of the overshoot layers in
    "active regions"
Authors: Nesis, A.; Fleig, K. -H.; Mattig, W.
1989hsrs.conf..321N    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Line assymetries and parameters in spatially highly resolved
Authors: Hanslmaier, A.; Mattig, W.; Nesis, A.
1989hsrs.conf..314H    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Results on the height dependence of granular velocity
Authors: Komm, R.; Mattig, W.
1989hsrs.conf..330K    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Granulation Line Asymmetries
Authors: Mattig, W.; Hanslmeier, A.; Nesis, A.
1989ASIC..263..187M    Altcode: 1989ssg..conf..187M
  No abstract at ADS

Title: RMS Velocities in Solar Active Regions
Authors: Nesis, A.; Fleig, K. -H.; Mattig, W.
1989ASIC..263..289N    Altcode: 1989ssg..conf..289N
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Dependence of solar line bisectors on equivalent widths.
Authors: Hanslmeier, A.; Mattig, W.; Nesis, A.
1989sasf.confP.251H    Altcode: 1988sasf.conf..251H; 1989IAUCo.104P.251H
  Spectroscopic highly resolved solar granulation observations lead to
  intense line asymmetries for rising and sinking elements. In order to
  average several granules it is better to use equivalent widths than
  continuum intensities.

Title: Intensity-Velocity Correlation in active and non-active
    solar areas
Authors: Hanslmeier, A.; Mattig, W.
1989AGAb....3....7H    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Oscillations in sunspots near the solar limb.
Authors: Mattig, W.; Zerfass, M.
1988ESASP.286..273M    Altcode: 1988ssls.rept..273M
  Using sunspot-spectrograms near the solar limb it is possible to
  determine the height of the formation of selected strong (chromospheric)
  lines by micrometric distance measurements. The authors have analysed
  the time sequences of Hα and Na D linespectra to check the possibility
  of a time variation in the height of formation of these lines. They
  have found periods in the 3 minutes range, but also longer periods. The
  amplitude of the height variation is in the range Δh(rms) = 100 -
  200 km. This is a new method to study oscillations in sunspots,
  without making use of intensity or velocity variations.

Title: Overshoot of horizontal and vertical velocities in the deep
    solar photosphere
Authors: Nesis, A.; Mattig, W.; Durrant, C. J.
1988A&A...201..153N    Altcode:
  The authors present the results of a coherence analysis of the
  centre-to-limb behaviour of the small-scale intensity and velocity
  fluctuations. The vertical velocity is coherent throughout the
  low-middle photosphere and is correlated with the continuum intensity
  variations. The horizontal velocity variations are not coherent with the
  intensity variations, and with the vertical velocity variations. The
  horizontal velocity is coherent only in the low atmosphere. Thus the
  horizontal motion is independent from the vertical motion and is not
  of convective nature.

Title: The gradient of the small-scale velocity fluctuation in the
    solar atmosphere
Authors: Nesis, A.; Fleig, K. H.; Mattig, W.; Wiehr, E.
1987A&A...182L...5N    Altcode:
  The vertical small-scale velocity gradient in the photosphere is
  determined using spectrograms of high spatial resolution obtained with
  the Gregory-Coude telescope in Izana on August 1, 1986. The measured
  Doppler shifts along the spectrograph slits are analyzed using spatial
  Fourier analysis. The height dependence of the size of the velocity
  fluctuations measured at Doppler velocity is examined. It is observed
  that both the amplitude of the smallest velocity structures and
  the integrated rms small-scale velocity decrease with height in the
  photosphere. The derived rms small-scale velocity values are compared
  with the data of Canfield (1976) and Nesis (1985), and good correlation
  is observed.

Title: The gradient of the small-scale velocity fluctuation in the
    solar atmosphere
Authors: Nesis, A.; Mattig, W.; Fleig, K. H.; Wiehr, E.
1987BAAS...19..942N    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Proceedings of the workshop on adaptive optics in solar
    observations,Freiburg, September 8 - 9, 1987.
Authors: Merkle, F.; Engvold, O.; Falomo, R.; Mattig, W.
1987pwoa.book.....M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Joint Discussion on Topics of Sessions 3 and 4
Authors: Stenflo, J. O.; Mattig, W.
1987rfsm.conf..116S    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Granulare Overshoot-Schichten als Randbedingungen
Authors: Nesis, A.; Komm, R.; Mattig, W.
1986MitAG..67..289N    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Einiges zur Streulichtkorrektur
Authors: Komm, R.; Hessenbruch, A.; Mattig, W.
1986MitAG..67..286K    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The LEST-Project
Authors: Mattig, W.
1986MitAG..67..258M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Tagung zur Vorbereitung des ersten SOT(Solar Optical
    Telescope)-Fluges in München.
Authors: Mattig, W.
1985S&W....24..632M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Oscillations of the sun's chromosphere. III - Simultaneous
    H-alpha observations from two sites
Authors: von Uexkuell, M.; Kneer, F.; Mattig, W.; Nesis, A.;
   Schmidt, W.
1985A&A...146..192V    Altcode:
  The authors analyze time sequences of Hα filtergrams taken
  simultaneously from two distant observatories, Capri and Izaña. By
  means of a coherence analysis the authors discriminate between
  instrumental effects including seeing and truly solar intensity
  fluctuations. Waves with periods as short as 60 s are present in the
  solar chromosphere; the lower limit is set by the time resolution of
  the observations.

Title: The High Resolution Structure of the Sun
Authors: Mattig, W.
1985LNP...233..141M    Altcode: 1985hrsp.proc..141M
  Observations of granulations, subgranular structures, and sunspots
  are discussed. The granule-intergranule contrast is examined. The
  intensity, velocity, and temperature fluctuations, and the height
  dependence of the granular structure are analyzed. The relation between
  the diameter of the granules and the umbral magnetic field strength is
  investigated. High resolution observations reveal small bright points
  of less than 1 arcsec across the solar disc and filigrees embedded
  in the granular pattern. The intensity of the filigree structure and
  the spatial distribution of the bright points are considered. Solar
  structures observed during rocket flights are studied. The
  characteristics of the penumbra and umbra of sunspots are described.

Title: Die Chromosphäre über Sonnenflecken.
Authors: Mattig, W.
1984S&W....23..559M    Altcode:
  Research findings on the nature of the chromosphere over sunspots
  is reviewed. The development of models of the sunspot-chromosphere
  is recapitulated, and observational findings on the structure and
  oscillations of the sunspot-chromosphere are discussed. Filtergrams of
  the region are shown and the temporal behavior of important spectral
  lines is presented.

Title: Chromospheric umbral oscillations.
Authors: Mattig, W.; von Uexküll, M.; Kneer, F.
1984ESASP.220...59M    Altcode: 1984ESPM....4...59M
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Phase-spectra of solar oscillations
Authors: Staiger, J.; Mattig, W.; Schmieder, B.; Deubner, F. -L.
1984MmSAI..55..147S    Altcode:
  Diode array measurements of intensity- and velocity-oscillations
  were made at the coude-telescope of Capri. From these observations
  phase-spectra were calculated to identify different types of waves
  within the solar atmosphere. The results indicate the existence of
  atmospheric gravity modes in the frequency-range below 2.5 mHz. No
  running acoustic waves were found in the photosphere for frequencies
  beyond 7.5 mHz. Vertical propagation seems only to take place for
  frequencies between 5 mHz and 7.5 mHz. No vertical propagation at
  all was found in the upper chromosphere. This seems to be due to the
  occurrence of wave reflection at the chromosphere-corona interface.

Title: Welche Bedeutung haben partielle Sonnenfinsternisse für
    die Sonnenphysik?
Authors: Mattig, W.
1984S&W....23..190M    Altcode:
  The use of solar-eclipse observations to correct for instrument
  and atmospheric effects in investigating solar phenomena is
  reviewed. Phenomena and techniques discussed include determining the
  dimensions of solar structures (resolution 40 km) from the moon's
  motion, measuring the true intensity of sunspot umbras by subtracting
  the scattered light measured on the moon's edge, calculating the
  actual limb-darkening function using the observed intensity drop at
  the moon's edge, and estimating the intensity fluctuations of the solar
  granulation and the velocity fluctuations of the solar surface. Graphs
  and photographs are provided.

Title: Studies of Overshoot
Authors: Nesis, A.; Durrant, C. J.; Mattig, W.
1984ssdp.conf..243N    Altcode:
  The authors present the results of a power and coherence analysis
  of the centre-to-limb behavior of the small-scale intensity and
  velocity fluctuations. The vertical velocity is coherent throughout the
  low-middle photosphere and is correlated with the continuum brightness
  pattern. The horizontal velocity pattern is not coherent with the
  vertical velocity and brightness patterns indicating lack of horizontal
  heat transport. The horizontal velocity patterns are coherent only in
  the low atmosphere. The mechanism causing the breakdown of coherence
  may be a property of the convective flow or the intrusion of a gravity
  wave field.

Title: LEST-Foundation gegründet.
Authors: Mattig, W.
1984S&W....23...64M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: On the instrumental and atmospheric stray-light for solar
Authors: Mattig, W.
1983SoPh...87..187M    Altcode:
  From aureole measurements made with a 40 cm-Vacuum-Telescope at Izaña
  (Tenerife) in the wavelength region 417 nm &lt; λ &lt; 785 nm and from
  a comparison with other aureole measurements we conclude the following:
  (a) Within one solar radius from the limb, the aureole is mostly
  of instrumental origin, (b) Beyond that distance, the contribution
  of atmospheric stray-light becomes noticeable, (c) The atmospheric
  contribution to the aureole intensity is, under good conditions at
  mountain stations, a very slowly decreasing function, and amounts to
  some 10<SUP>−5</SUP> of the solar disk intensity.

Title: The chromosphere above sunspot umbrae. IV. Frequency analysis
    of umbral oscillations.
Authors: von Uexküll, M.; Kneer, F.; Mattig, W.
1983A&A...123..263V    Altcode:
  The authors analyse time sequences of photographic spectrograms in Ca II
  H, K, 8498 Å, and 8542 Å, in Sodium D<SUB>1</SUB> and D<SUB>2</SUB>,
  in Ni I 5893 Å and Hα, obtained from two sunspots. The frequency
  analysis of line intensities and shifts for the umbral chromospheric
  oscillations in the period range 110 s-200 s is discussed.

Title: Balloon-borne imagery of the solar granulation. IV - The
    centre-to-limb variation of the intensity fluctuations
Authors: Durrant, C. J.; Mattig, W.; Nesis, A.; Schmidt, W.
1983A&A...123..319D    Altcode:
  A reanalysis of the white-light photographs of the granulation obtained
  during the flight of the balloon-borne Spektrostratoskop experiment
  is presented. A detailed examination of the power spectra of the
  intensity fluctuations at various times during the flight reveals a
  steady increase in a straylight and a substantial degree of astigmatism
  that changed with the focus setting. Allowing for the latter and
  normalizing all measurements to that with the least straylight, the
  rms relative intensity fluctuation at the center of the disk at 556 nm
  is increased from the previously reported value of 8.6 percent to 11.3
  percent. The overall change of rms fluctuation from the center of the
  disk to 0.3 micron is remarkably small, dropping some 10 percent. The
  results agree quite well with those of the Soviet Solar Stratospheric
  Observatory, when corrected roughly for instrumental degradation, and
  with a granulation model in which the granular temperature perturbation
  cuts off at a height of 35 km in the atmosphere.

Title: The chromosphere above sunspot umbrae. IV - Frequency analysis
    of umbral oscillations
Authors: Uexkuell, M. V.; Kneer, F.; Mattig, W.
1983A&A...123..263U    Altcode:
  An analysis is made of time sequences of photographic spectrograms in Ca
  II H, K, 8498 A, and 8542 A, in sodium D1 and D2, and in Ni I 5893 A and
  H-alpha obtained from two sunspots with the Vacuum Tower Telescope at
  Sacramento Peak Observatory. The two sunspot chromospheres are found to
  behave similarly with regard to their phase relationships but somewhat
  differently with regard to the oscillation resonant frequencies. In one
  and the same umbra, oscillation modes having different frequencies may
  be excited. The vertical velocity of propagation of the phase in umbral
  chromospheres, which is 10-25 km/s, decreases with increasing frequency
  and is much lower than the Alfven speed. The umbral chromospheric
  oscillations are thus slow mode waves. The downward motion enhances
  the intensity by some 65 deg (H-alpha) to 85 deg (D1), indicating
  dissipation of mechanical energy. It is also found that the mechanical
  energy flux of the umbral chromospheric oscillations is not sufficient
  to account for the chromospheric radiative losses.

Title: Die Mitte-Rand-Variation des granularen Geschwindigkeitsfeldes
Authors: Nesis, A.; Durrant, C. J.; Mattig, W.
1983MitAG..60..279N    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Johannes Peter Mehltretter.
Authors: Mattig, W.
1983MitAG..59....9M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Zur Struktur der Chromosphäre über Sonnenflecken
Authors: Kneer, F.; Mattig, W.; von Uexküll, M.
1982MitAG..55...65K    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Handbuch für Sonnenbeobachter.
Authors: Beck, R.; Belter, M.; Bendel, U.; Bruns, H. -J.; Dobrzewski,
   J.; Fritz, U.; Gericke, V.; Hänel, A.; Hammerschmidt, S.; Hilbrecht,
   H.; Jahn, J.; Lille, W.; Merz, A.; Monstein, C.; Mattig, W.; Neue,
   G.; Paech, W.; Reinsch, K.; Remmert, E.; Schmidt, I.; Schmiedeck,
   W.; Schröder, K. -P.; Seeck, A.; Staps, D.; Topcubasi, T.; Treutner,
   H.; Völker, P.; Vogt, O.; Wedel, B.
1982hfs..book.....B    Altcode:
  Contents: Instrumente und Hilfsmittel. Refraktor
  oder Reflektor. Zusatzgeräte am
  Okularauszug. Lichtdämpfung. Spezialgeräte. Fotografie. Auswertung
  von Fotos. Kinematografie und Video. Beobachtung
  und Auswertung. Beobachtung. Sonnenflecken.
  Positionsbestimmung. Wilson-Effekt. Lichtbrücken. White Light
  Network. Photosphärische Fackeln. Granulation. Amateurmäßige
  Magnetfeldbeobachtungen. Sonnenbeobachtung imH-alpha-Licht.
  Sonnenfinsternisse. Sonnenfinsternisexpeditionen. Beobachtbare

Title: Einfluß von Temperaturinhomogenitäten in der
    Sonnenatmosphäre auf die Bestimmung von Elementhäufigkeiten
Authors: Hermsen, W.; Holweger, H.; Mattig, W.
1982MitAG..55...91H    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The chromosphere above sunspot umbrae. III - Spatial and
    temporal variations of chromospheric lines
Authors: Kneer, F.; Mattig, W.; v. Uexkuell, M.
1981A&A...102..147K    Altcode:
  The lines Ca II H, K, 8542 A, Na I D(1) and D(2), Ni I 5893 A, and
  H-alpha, were analyzed in photographic spectrograms obtained from a
  sunspot. The following results are found for the umbra: (1) the H and K
  lines are highly correlated, with an emission cores maximum-intensities
  ratio of 1.2; (2) the K intensities are poorly correlated with those
  of 8542, D(2), and H-alpha; this behavior is attributed to atmospheric
  structure horizontal fluctuations having little correlations between
  those in high and low layers, (3) the periodic temporal fluctuations
  of the K emission core with umbral flashes are identified, and found to
  occur throughout the umbral area covered by the spectrograph slit; and
  (4) fluctuations in the photospheric Ni I 5893 A line cannot be matched
  to the chromospheric fluctuations, in accord with Giovanelli (1978).

Title: Solar granulation study in partial eclipse conditions using
    speckle interferometric techniques
Authors: Ricort, G.; Aime, C.; Deubner, F.; Mattig, W.
1981A&A....97..114R    Altcode:
  During the partial eclipse of April 29, 1976, photoelectric
  speckle-interferometric measurements of solar granulation were obtained
  using the 35 cm domeless coudé refractor of the Kiepenheuer Institute,
  operated at the Anacapri Island observatory. <P />A radial cut of
  the two-dimensional power spectrum of the intensity distribution was
  calculated and the empirical modulation transfer function (M.T.F.),
  determined from the lunar limb profile, was used for correcting the
  data. This experimental M.T.F. which contains the combined effects
  of instrumental diffraction and atmospheric seeing is found to be
  in very good agreement with Korff's theoretical model computed for
  a Fried parameter r0 equal to 2.3 cm. <P />The corrected intensity
  fluctuation (ΔI)r.m.s.= 16.5% for λ=5300 A. The maximum power is
  found to be split into two components located respectively at 0.2 and
  0.4 cycles per arc second. The shape of the power spectrum confirms
  the fall in energy towards very low spatial frequencies, whereas the
  poor precision obtained in the high frequency range cannot permit an
  exponential decrease of the solar granulation power spectrum to be
  confirmed or refuted.

Title: Granular-size horizontal velocities in the solar atmosphere
Authors: Mattig, W.; Mehltretter, J. P.; Nesis, A.
1981A&A....96...96M    Altcode:
  Observations of horizontal motions in the granulation of the solar
  photosphere and the center-to-limb variations are reported. Measurements
  of the Fe I 5121.649, Cr I 5122.121 and Fe I 5123.730 lines were
  obtained by the balloon-borne spectro-stratoscope with slit direction
  tangential to the limb. Following correction for known instrumental
  effects, rms line velocities are found to increase towards the limb,
  and to contain a horizontal component approximately twice as large as
  the vertical component. The results are noted to be in agreement with
  those of Keil and Canfield (1978) at lower photospheric heights, and
  those of Beckers and Canfield (1975) at greater photospheric heights.

Title: OSO-8 Observations of CAII H and K MGII H and K Lyman-Alpha
    and Lyman-Beta above a Sunspot
Authors: Kneer, F.; Scharmer, G.; Mattig, W.; Wyller, A.; Artzner,
   G.; Lemaire, P.; Vial, J. C.
1981SoPh...69..289K    Altcode:
  Observations with the French (L.P.S.P.) experiment on board OSO-8 of
  a sunspot and nearby plage region are described. The behaviour of the
  emission cores of the Ca II H and K and Mg II h and k resonance lines is
  very similar and the correspondence in intensity between the four lines
  persists in all observed features. In contrast, the Lyman lines show
  little correlation with the other lines. Their emission regions appear
  broader in the spectroheliograms than the underlying sunspot structure
  and must not necessarily possess a counterpart in lower layers. From
  the central intensity of Lα above the umbra an electron density of
  4.3 × 10<SUP>10</SUP> cm<SUP>-3</SUP> ≲n<SUB>e</SUB><SUP>*</SUP>
  ≲2.3 × 10<SUP>11</SUP> cm<SUP>-3</SUP> at 20 000 K is estimated.

Title: Sonnenfleckenchromosphären und der Wilson-Bappu-Effekt
Authors: Mattig, W.
1981MitAG..52Q.114M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Chromosphere above Sunspot Umbrae - Part Three - Spatial
    and Temporal Variations of Chromospheric Lines
Authors: Kneer, F.; Mattig, W.; Uexkull, M. V.
1981phss.conf..318K    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Sunspot chromospheres and their relation to the chromospheres
    of laten main sequence stars.
Authors: Mattig, W.; Kneer, F.
1981A&A....93...20M    Altcode:
  The sunspot umbra parameters such as spectral type, effective
  temperature, and chromospheric Ca II H and K line emission are related
  to the same parameters of luminosity class V stars of spectral type
  G 8 to M 2. The sunspots follow the Wilson-Bappu relation. It is
  concluded that the strong magnetic fields in umbrae may control the
  nonradiative energy supply of the sunspot chromosphere; however, the
  heating mechanism is not reflected in the average appearance of the
  H and K line cores.

Title: Coherence Analysis of Granular Intensity
Authors: Kneer, F. J.; Mattig, W.; Nesis, A.; Werner, W.
1980SoPh...68...31K    Altcode:
  A high resolution spectrogram of the Mg b<SUB>2</SUB> line from the
  quiet Sun disc centre is subjected to a coherence analysis. We find
  that the coherence between intensity fluctuations in the continuum
  and the wings of the line breaks down at a distance Δλ = 0.35
  Å from line centre. From this and the r.m.s. intensity contrast
  as a function of Δλ we are led to the following simple model of
  temperature fluctuation δT in the solar photosphere: A lower part
  (below 50 km, or τ<SUB>5000</SUB> &gt; 0.25) with strongly inward
  increasing δT and an upper part (above 50 km) with constant δT =
  75 K. The two parts are supposed to fluctuate incoherently.

Title: The mean vertical velocity of solar granulation
Authors: Mattig, W.
1980A&A....83..129M    Altcode:
  Direct measurements of vertical granular velocity fluctuations in
  spatially resolved spectrograms and the methods of their correction for
  the influence of atmospheric and instrumental smearing are critically
  discussed. An independent correction of the observations by Canfield
  and Mehltretter (1973) and by Keil and Canfield (1978) is reported. A
  vertical granular velocity component (without the oscillations) of
  0.8-1.2 km/s (rms) is obtained, which is very weakly dependent on
  height. These values are larger than the theoretical predictions by
  Nelson and Musman (1977) and constitute the main component of local
  'macroturbulent' broadening of unresolved line profiles.

Title: On the center to limb variation of the granular brightness
Authors: Schmidt, W.; Deubner, F. -L.; Mattig, W.; Mehltretter, J. P.
1979A&A....75..223S    Altcode:
  The center to limb variation of the granular brightness contrast
  was studied on the basis of slit-jaw photographs obtained with the
  balloon-borne Spektro-Stratoskop telescope, flown at an altitude of
  about 28 km on May 17, 1975 and during the partial solar eclipse of
  April 26, 1976 on Tenerife. Positions concentrate at cosine theta
  values of about 1, 0.6 and 0.2. The granular contrast was found to
  decrease monotonically towards the solar limb, with the magnitude of
  contrast about three times smaller at cosine theta 2 than at the disk
  center. The relative center to limb variation was found to be 10.4%
  (eclipse observations by a 40 cm evacuated Newtonian reflector at 422
  nm) and 8.6% (Spektro-Stratoskop observations at 556 nm). Discrepancies
  between these results and those reported by Deubner and Mattig (1975)
  are thought to be due to corrections for photographic noise and other

Title: Studies of granular velocities. VIII. The height dependence
    of the vertical granular velocity component.
Authors: Durrant, C. J.; Mattig, W.; Nesis, A.; Reiss, G.; Schmidt, W.
1979SoPh...61..251D    Altcode:
  Spectral observations of solar velocity fields made during a partial
  solar eclipse are described. Continuum intensity measurements at
  the lunar limb allow the modulation transfer function to be derived
  and the true spatial power spectrum of the velocity field to be
  reconstructed. The oscillatory and granular components are separated
  by applying spatial filters cutting off at 3″.7. The oscillatory
  component values are in good agreement with those of Canfield (1976) but
  the granular component has substantially more power and a smaller height
  gradient. The discrepancy can be resolved by noting the uncertainties
  of the seeing corrections and of the separation into components in
  the work of Canfield.

Title: Die Mitte-Rand-Variation des granularen Intensitätskontrastes
Authors: Schmidt, W.; Deubner, F. L.; Mattig, W.; Mehltretter, J. P.
1979MitAG..45..148S    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Die Höhenabhängigkeit der vertikalen granularen
Authors: Durrant, C. J.; Mattig, W.; Nesis, A.; Reiss, R.; Schmidt, W.
1979MitAG..45..149D    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Project Spectrostratoscope: Balloon-borne solar research
Authors: Mehltretter, J. P.; Mattig, W.; Vonalvensleben, A.
1978fifg.rept.....M    Altcode:
  A historical review of the project development (1961 to 1975) is
  followed by an outline description of the instrument. More details
  on the technical problems related to photometry and the quantitative
  analysis of the observations are then given. Focusing, instrument
  profile, instrumental polarization, pointing, and guiding stability
  are discussed. After a brief description of the balloon flight of
  17 May 1975, The functioning of critical components and the thermal
  behavior of the instrument are analyzed. The scientific program for
  the investigation of photospheric granulation by means of time series
  integrated light pictures and spectra with high angular and spectral
  resolutin is described; first results concerning life times temperature
  fluctuations, and velocities of granules are reported.

Title: The Chromosphere above Sunspot Umbrae II. The Interpretation
    of the H, K and IR Lines of CA II
Authors: Kneer, F.; Mattig, W.
1978A&A....65...17K    Altcode:
  Summary. The chromospheres above sunspot umbrae are investigated
  by comparing calculated and observed profiles of the Ca ii H, K,
  and infra-red lines. Statistical steady state is assumed for the
  level populations. We test several model chromospheres in hydrostatic
  equilibrium. We distinguish between chromospheres which are optically
  thick and optically thin at the centre of the K line. In view of the
  observed intensity ratio 1K3/1H3 1.15 we are forced to adopt a thick
  model as reference chromosphere. Key words: chromosphere - sunspot
  umbra - Ca ii lines

Title: The chromosphere above sunspot umbrae. I. Observations of
    the emission cores in the Ca II H- and K-lines.
Authors: Mattig, W.; Kneer, F.
1978A&A....65...11M    Altcode:
  Summary. Photographic spectra of the Ca ii H- and K- lines in sunspot
  umbrae are analysed. The emission features in the line profiles may be
  classified into minimum emission profiles that also lack self-reversal,
  and profiles which change rapidly in time and exhibit self-reversals
  (umbral flashes) that are most often strongly asymmetric. Average
  intensity profiles from the minimum emission parts of the umbra and
  characteristic intensities of the more active parts of the umbra are
  given. Key words: chromosphere - sunspot umbra - Ca ii lines

Title: Das geplante Sonnenobservatorium auf den Kanarischen Inseln.
Authors: Mattig, W.
1978S&W....17...51M    Altcode:
  Sites in southern Europe were evaluated in terms of their suitability
  for the stationing of a vacuum solar telescope. La Palma and Tenerife
  in the Canary Islands were eventually selected because of their low
  daily and seasonal temperature variations, and the high level of
  atmospheric stability encountered in that region. A 60 cm telescope,
  already under construction in Germany, and designed with the cooperation
  of the 12-nation Joint Organization for Solar Observation (JOSO), is
  described. The important data for the telescope are: coelostat with
  a 2 x 80 cm plane mirror, 70 cm spherical mirror, spectrograph with a
  15 m focal length, and Echelle-screen with a surface of 420 x 220 mm
  and 79 lines/mm. The telescope will be situated in a 30 meter tower.

Title: Chromosphärenmodell von Sonnenflecken
Authors: Kneer, F.; Mattig, W.
1978MitAG..43..141K    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Das geplante Sonnenobservatorium auf den Kanarischen Inseln
Authors: Mattig, W.
1978MitAG..43...32M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Korrektur von gemessenen granularen Geschwindigkeiten aus
Authors: Mattig, W.; Nesis, A.; Reiss, G.
1977MitAG..42..114M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Fraunhofer-Institut mit den Observatorien Schauinsland und
    Anacapri. Report for 1976.
Authors: Mattig, W.; Schroeter, E. H.
1977MitAG..41...81M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Studies of granular velocities. VII: Granular velocities
    around sunspots.
Authors: Mattig, W.; Nesis, A.
1976SoPh...50..255M    Altcode:
  Vertical small scale velocities deduced from highly resolved spectra
  in the center of the solar disk, obtained with a RCA image intensifier
  tube, are discussed. As a main result we find that the velocities of
  small elements (&lt; 2″) are remarkably larger in active regions
  around sunspots than in the quiet Sun. In both cases the velocities
  decrease with height in the solar atmosphere (Figure 2).

Title: Änderungen des Geschwindigkeitsfeldes in aktiven Gebieten
    durch das Magnetfeld
Authors: Mattig, W.; Nesis, A.
1976MitAG..40Q.162M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Fraunhofer-Institut mit den Observatorien Schauinsland und
    Anacapri. Report 1975.
Authors: Mattig, W.
1976MitAG..39...68M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Makroskopische Geschwindigkeiten in der unmittelbaren Umgebung
    von Sonnenflecken.
Authors: Mattig, W.; Nesis, A.
1976MitAG..38..217M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Nachrufe : Karl-Otto Kiepenheuer
Authors: Mattig, W.
1976MitAG..38...11M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: New observations of the granular intensity fluctuations.
Authors: Deubner, F. L.; Mattig, W.
1975A&A....45..167D    Altcode:
  White-light photographs of solar granulation obtained with a
  40-cm evacuated reflector during the partial eclipse of June 30,
  1973, are used for a statistical analysis of granular intensity
  fluctuations. Two-dimensional power spectra of the intensity
  distribution are calculated directly, and an instrument spread function
  derived from photometric scans across the lunar limb is employed for
  correcting the data. The mean FWHM of the spread function corresponded
  to 0.52 sec. The corrected RMS intensity fluctuation is found to be
  0.128 for a wavelength of 607 nm, and maximum power is found to occur
  at the wave number corresponding to a wavelength of 1340 km or 1.85 sec.

Title: Die Intensitätsfluktuation der Granulation
Authors: Deubner, F. L.; Mattig, W.
1975MitAG..36..148D    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Granulare Geschwindigkeiten in der Nähe von Sonnenflecken
Authors: Mattig, W.; Nesis, A.
1975MitAG..36..147M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Studies of Granular Velocities. VI: Changes in the Granular
    Velocity Field around Sunspots
Authors: Mattig, W.; Nesis, A.
1974SoPh...38..337M    Altcode:
  Observations with the image intensifier tube at the Coudé refractor in
  Capri seem to confirm that the velocity field near sunspots contains
  more small scale fluctuations than in non-active regions, and that
  these fluctuations decrease more rapidly with height.

Title: Sub- and Superhydrostatic Equilibrium in Sunspots
Authors: Mattig, W.
1974SoPh...36..275M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Studies of Granular Velocities. IV: Statistical Analysis of
    Granular Doppler-Shifts
Authors: Mattig, W.; Nesis, A.
1974SoPh...36....3M    Altcode:
  We present a statistical analysis of local Doppler shifts measured in
  the line λ6302.5 of Fe I. The main results are: If the oscillatory
  component is separated from the fluctuations of velocity, a granular
  rms velocity of about 200 m s<SUP>−1</SUP> is left over, which is
  strongly influenced by seeing.

Title: Studies of Granular Velocities. V: The Height Dependence of
    the Granular Doppler Shifts
Authors: Mattig, W.; Schlebbe, H.
1974SoPh...34..299M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Das Sonnenobservatorium auf dem Schauinsland.
Authors: Mattig, W.
1974S&W....13..259M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Quiet Sun
Authors: Mattig, W.
1973lsp2.conf....7M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Solar Magnetic Field Observations
Authors: Mattig, W.
1973lsp2.conf...25M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Astronomische Beobachtungen und kosmologische Modelle.
Authors: Mattig, W.
1973coco.conf..169M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Statistische Analyse granularer Dopplerverschiebungen
Authors: Mattig, W.; Nesis, A.
1973MitAG..34..114M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Granulare Geschwindigkeiten in der Sonnenatmosphäre
Authors: Nesis, A.; Mattig, W.
1972MitAG..31..150N    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Über die große Sonneneruption Anfang August 1972.
Authors: Born, R.; Brandt, P.; Mattig, W.; Wöhl, H.
1972S&W....11..339B    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Observations of Stray-Light and Sunspot Intensities during
    the Mercury Transit of 1970 May 9
Authors: Mattig, W.
1971SoPh...18..434M    Altcode:
  In order to test the usual method for correcting sunspot intensity
  measurements for stray light, we have measured, during the Mercury
  transit of 1970 May 9, the intensities of Mercury, a sunspot
  umbra, and the aureole. The direct observations result in Mercury
  intensities &lt; 0.06 I<SUB>⊙</SUB> and aureole intensities &lt;0.01
  I<SUB>⊙</SUB>. The stray light correction to the spot intensities
  has been &lt;(0.03 ± 0.01) I<SUB>⊙</SUB>. The main contribution
  to the stray light on the solar disc is shown to be produced by
  a spread-function with a half width of 10 arc sec. Consequently,
  for stray light corrections the range R ⩽ R<SUB>⊙</SUB> + +
  20″ in the aureole has to be measured very precisely; furthermore,
  a remarkable fraction of the stray light in the center of an umbra
  originates from the surrounding penumbra.

Title: Sonnenfleckenintensität und Streulichtmessungen während
    des Merkurdurchganges am 9. Mai 1970
Authors: Mattig, W.
1971MitAG..30..137M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Studies of Granular Velocities. I: Granular Doppler Shifts
    and Convective Motion
Authors: Mattig, W.; Mehltretter, J. P.; Nesis, A.
1969SoPh...10..254M    Altcode:
  The two available methods for determining the rms amplitude of the
  granular convective velocity field, namely the interpretation of line
  profiles, and direct measurements of velocity fluctuations in highly
  resolved spectra, give values (∼ 2 km/sec, and ∼ 0.4 km/sec,
  resp.) which are apparently inconsistent both in magnitude and
  in their dependence upon optical depth. We give both theoretical
  and observational evidence for the working hypothesis, that the
  best resolved spectra mainly show velocity fluctuations due to the
  oscillation of the solar atmosphere, whereas the contribution of the
  granular velocity field is greatly reduced because of atmospheric seeing
  and can be found only as a weak superposition to the oscillatory
  velocity field. Realistic assumptions for the typical size of
  the granulation (2″.5) and for the `seeing parameter' (1″),
  together with a simplified model of the granular velocity field,
  lead to correction factors of 30 to 40 between the true and observed
  amplitudes of the granular velocities.

Title: The Geometrical Height-Scale and the Pressure Equilibrium in
    the Sunspot Umbra
Authors: Mattig, W.
1969SoPh....8..291M    Altcode:
  Spectra of spots very near to the solar limb (limb distance ≈ 8″)
  are used to determine the height difference between the levels of
  formation of the continuum and the line cores of 60 medium-strong
  Fraunhofer lines. For all lines (with Rowland Intensity &lt; 10),
  this difference is &lt; 1″ (= 725 km) and well correlated with the
  Rowland intensity. The line absorption coefficient is calculated for
  some lines with known oscillator strength. This gives a possibility to
  deduce a value for the scale height of the umbra, which is found to be
  about 100 km, thus being equal to the photospheric scale height. Pure
  hydrostatic equilibrium exists, therefore, in the umbra, and vertical
  magnetic forces are negligible. Other methods for determining the
  scale height are discussed for comparison.

Title: On the Center-to-Limb Variation of Sunspot Brightness
Authors: Mattig, W.
1969SoPh....6..413M    Altcode:
  A preliminary analysis of recent measurements of the brightness
  ratio spot-photosphere of various authors leads to the result, that
  the limb-darkening of the umbra is considerably less than that of the
  photosphere. The small value of the center-to-limb variation implies a
  very small temperature gradient, which is, for optical depths τ&gt;0.2,
  about one order of magnitude smaller than previously thought (Figure
  3). This result would seem to rule out radiative equilibrium in the
  deeper layers (τ\S&gt;0.2) of sunspot umbrae.

Title: Inhomogene Sonnenmodelle und Geschwindigkeitsfluktuationen
    der Granulation
Authors: Mattig, W.; Mehltretter, J. P.
1969MitAG..27..204M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Sunspot Intensities and their Correction for Scattered Light
Authors: Kneer, F.; Mattig, W.
1968SoPh....5...42K    Altcode:
  Photoelectric measurements of monochromatic spot intensities obtained
  with the domeless Coudé refractor in Anacapri are given. The scattered
  light superimposed on the spot, as deduced from measurements outside
  the sun's limb, amounts on the average to about 4% of the photospheric
  intensity. The accuracy of the derived spot intensities is better than
  10%. Two of four investigated spots yielded temperatures below 3900K
  (ΔΘ &gt; 0.5).

Title: Fine Structure of Brightness, Velocity and Magnetic Field in
    the Penumbra
Authors: Mattig, W.; Mehltretter, J. P.
1968IAUS...35..187M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Über den Einfluβ der Bildunruhe auf die
    Intensitätsverteilung in Sonnenflecken. Mit 4 Textabbildungen
Authors: Birkle, K.; Mattig, W.
1965ZA.....60..264B    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Is There Radiative Equilibrium in Sunspots?.
Authors: Mattig, W.; Schröter, E. H.
1964ApJ...140..804M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Line formation in sunspots
Authors: Mattig, W.
1964susp.conf..194M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Über die Chromosphäre der Sonnenflecken. Mit 9
Authors: Mattig, W.
1963ZA.....56..161M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Zur physikalischen Struktur der Sonnenflecken
Authors: Mattig, W.
1961MitAG..14...47M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Die Mitte-Rand-Variation des Kontinuums für λbar =
    5893 Å und der Flügel der NaD-Linien im Sonnenspektrum. Mit 13
Authors: Mattig, W.; Schröter, E. H.
1961ZA.....52..195M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: A comparison between observed and theoretical intensity
    distribution in the wings of the NaD-lines
Authors: Mattig, W.; Schörter, E. H.
1960AnAp...23..911M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Intensity measurements in the wings of the NaD-lines
Authors: Mattig, W.; Schröter, E. H.
1960AnAp...23..913M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Über den Zusammenhang zwischen der Anzahl der
    extragalaktischen Objekte und der scheinbaren Helligkeit
Authors: Mattig, W.
1959AN....285....1M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Über den Zusammenhang zwischen Rotverschiebung und scheinbarer
Authors: Mattig, W.
1958AN....284..109M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Zur Linienabsorption im inhomogenen Magnetfeld der
    Sonnenflecken. Mit 8 Textabbildungen
Authors: Mattig, W.
1958ZA.....44..280M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Polaritäten und Maximalwerte magnetischer Feldstärken von
    Sonnenflecken im Zeitraum 1957 Januar I bis März 31
Authors: Künzel, H.; Mattig, W.; Schröter, E. H.
1957AN....284...33K    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Polaritäten und Maximalwerte magnetischer Feldstärken von
    Sonnenflecken im Zeitraum 1956 Juli I bis August 31
Authors: Künzel, H.; Mattig, W.; Schröter, E. H.
1957AN....283..251K    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Polaritäten und Maximalwerte magnetischer Feldstärken von
    Sonnenflecken im Zeitraum 1956 September I bis Dezember 31
Authors: Künzel, H.; Mattig, W.; Schröter, E. H.
1957AN....283..263K    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Polaritäten und Maximalwerte magnetischer Feldstärken von
    Sonnenflecken im Zeitraum 1956 April I bis Juni 30
Authors: Künzel, H.; Mattig, W.; Schröter, E. H.
1956AN....283..159K    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Polaritäten und Maximalwerte magnetischer Feldstärken von
    Sonnenflecken in dem Zeitraum 1956 Januar I-März 31
Authors: Künzel, H.; Mattig, W.; Schröter, E. H.
1956AN....283...89K    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Polaritäten und Maximalwerte magnetischer Feldstärken von
    Sonnenflecken in den Jahren 1954-1955
Authors: Künzel, H.; Mattig, W.; Schröter, E. H.
1956AN....283...28K    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Die radiale Verteilung der magnetischen Feldstärke in normalen
    Sonnenflecken. Mit 2 Textabbildungen
Authors: Mattig, W.
1953ZA.....31..273M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS