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Author name code: norton
ADS astronomy entries on 2022-09-14
author:"Norton, Aimee A." 

Title: Dependence of the Continuum Intensities on the Magnetic Fields
    at Different Evolution Phases of Sunspots
Authors: Li, Qiaoling; Zhang, Li; Yan, Xiaoli; Norton, Aimee A.;
   Wang, Jingcheng; Yang, Liheng; Xue, Zhike; Kong, Defang
2022ApJ...936...37L    Altcode:
  The relationship between the continuum intensities and magnetic
  fields for stable and decaying sunspots is analyzed using the
  scattered-light-corrected data from the Helioseismic and Magnetic
  Imager. From our analysis, the main differences between stable and
  decaying sunspots are as follows. In the continuum intensity range from
  0.35I <SUB>qs</SUB> to 0.65I <SUB>qs</SUB>, where I <SUB>qs</SUB> is
  the continuum intensity of the quiet solar surface, the relationship
  between continuum intensity and transverse magnetic field and the
  relationship between continuum intensity and inclination display a
  much higher scatter during the decaying phase of the sunspots. During
  and after the formation of the light bridge, the scatter plots show
  a bifurcation that indicates that the two umbrae separated by the
  light bridge have different thermodynamic properties. The continuum
  intensity of the umbra in a decaying sunspot is brighter than that of
  the stable sunspot, indicating that the temperatures in the umbra of
  decaying sunspots are higher. Furthermore, our results show that the
  mean continuum intensity of the umbra gradually increases during the
  decay of the sunspot, but the mean continuum intensity of the penumbra
  remains constant. Simultaneously, the vertical and transverse magnetic
  field strengths in the umbra gradually decrease, and the vertical
  magnetic field strengths in the penumbra gradually increase. The
  changes in the umbra occur earlier than the changes in the penumbra of
  the decaying sunspot, suggesting that the umbral and penumbral decay
  may be an interdependent process during the decay of the sunspot.

Title: On the Hemispheric Bias Seen in Vector Magnetic Field Data
Authors: Liu, Yang; Griñón-Marín, Ana Belén; Hoeksema, Jon T.;
   Norton, Aimee A.; Sun, Xudong
2022SoPh..297...17L    Altcode:
  The east-west component of the magnetic field, B<SUB>ϕ</SUB>, as
  observed in solar magnetograms containing quiet regions, is found to
  change its sign when the regions cross the central meridian. It is
  seen in both HMI/SDO and VSM/SOLIS full disk vector magnetograms. A
  mismatch between the calibrated line-of-sight and transverse fields is
  the reason for this hemispheric bias problem. Here mismatch means that
  one of the fields is either over-estimated or under-estimated. For HMI
  data, the transverse field is over-estimated. This mismatch is caused
  ultimately by a filling factor that is not precisely determined when
  unresolved structures are present. An updated inversion procedure for
  HMI observations, developed recently, is able to derive the filling
  factor with reasonable accuracy. The new data show that the hemispheric
  bias problem has been mitigated substantially.

Title: Observational evidence of spot-producing magnetic ring's
    split during MHD evolution
Authors: Norton, Aimee; Dikpati, Mausumi; McIntosh, Scott; Gilman,
2021AGUFMSH55D1876N    Altcode:
  Spot-producing toroidal rings of 6-degree latitudinal width, with peak
  field of 15 kG, have been found to undergo dynamical splitting due
  to nonlinear MHD. Split-time depends on the latitude-location of the
  ring. Ring-splitting occurs fastest, within a few weeks, at latitudes
  20-25 degrees. Rossby waves work as perturbations to drive instability
  of spot-producing toroidal rings. The ring-split is caused by the `mixed
  stress' or cross correlations of perturbation velocities and magnetic
  fields, which arise due to the interaction of Rossby Waves. Mixed
  stress carries magnetic energy and flux from the ring-peak to its
  shoulders, eventually leading to the ring-split. The two split-rings
  migrate away from each other, the high latitude counterpart slipping
  poleward faster, due to migrating mixed stress and magnetic curvature
  stress. Broader toroidal bands do not split. Much stronger rings of 35
  kG, despite being narrow, don't split, due to rigidity from stronger
  magnetic fields within the ring. The analysis of magnetograms from MDI
  during solar cycle 23 indicates emergence of active regions sometimes
  at the same longitudes but separated in latitude by 20-degrees or more,
  which could be evidence of active regions emerging from split-rings,
  which consistently contribute to occasional high latitude excursions of
  observed butterfly wings during ascending, peak and descending phases of
  a solar cycle. In the future, observational studies using much longer
  term magnetograms including GONG and SDO/HMI can determine how often
  new spots are found at higher latitudes than their lower latitude
  counterparts, and how the combinations influence solar eruptions and
  space weather events.

Title: Characterizing -sunspots of Solar Cycle 24 using data from
    the Helioseismic Magnetic Imager
Authors: Levens, Peter; Norton, Aimee; Linton, Mark; Knizhnik, Kalman
2021AGUFMSH55D1880L    Altcode:
  A classification of sunspots with complex magnetic configuration,
  -spots, are defined as regions with both positive and negative
  magnetic polarity umbrae within 2 degrees each other and within a
  shared penumbra. -spots are disproportionately responsible for the
  most energetic flares and eruptions during any given solar cycle,
  i.e. while only 8% of Cycle 24 spots were -spots, 80% of the X-class
  flares originated from them. A new quantity, the degree of (DoD), is
  introduced to characterize the fraction of active region umbral flux
  that is participating in the configuration. See the attached figure
  showing NOAA 12673 with contours outlining the umbral regions in a
  configuration with a DoD of 70%. For sunspot groups in Solar Cycle 24,
  we analyze Spaceweather HMI Active Region Patches (SHARPs) to calculate
  the temporal variations of DoD, magnetic flux, flux emergence rate,
  polarity footpoint separation, tilt angle and rotation rate for -spots
  and a control group of sunspots that are not in a configuration. We
  report the calculated quantities at the time the region is at the
  maximum DoD and also at the time of maximum magnetic flux. Our goal is
  to isolate the regions of the -spot which are critical to our space
  weather prediction capabilities in order to gain insight into how
  -spots form. This work was supported by NASA HSR grant NNH18ZDA001N.

Title: Improvement of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI)
    Vector Magnetic Field Inversion Code
Authors: Griñón-Marín, Ana Belén; Pastor Yabar, Adur; Liu, Yang;
   Hoeksema, J. Todd; Norton, Aimee
2021ApJ...923...84G    Altcode: 2021arXiv210909131B; 2021arXiv210909131G
  A spectral line inversion code, Very Fast Inversion of the Stokes Vector
  (VFISV), has been used since 2010 May to infer the solar atmospheric
  parameters from the spectropolarimetric observations taken by the
  Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) on board the Solar Dynamics
  Observatory. The magnetic filling factor, the fraction of the surface
  with a resolution element occupied by magnetic field, is set to have
  a constant value of 1 in the current version of VFISV. This report
  describes an improved inversion strategy for the spectropolarimetric
  data observed with HMI for magnetic field strengths of intermediate
  values in areas spatially not fully resolved. The VFISV inversion code
  has been modified to enable inversion of the Stokes profiles with two
  different components: one magnetic and one nonmagnetic. In this scheme,
  both components share the atmospheric components except for the magnetic
  field vector. In order to determine whether the new strategy is useful,
  we evaluate the inferred parameters inverted with one magnetic component
  (the original version of the HMI inversion) and with two components (the
  improved version) using a Bayesian analysis. In pixels with intermediate
  magnetic field strengths (e.g., plages), the new version provides
  statistically significant values of filling fraction and magnetic
  field vector. Not only does the fitting of the Stokes profile improve,
  but also the inference of the magnetic parameters and line-of-sight
  velocity are obtained uniquely. The new strategy is also proven to
  be effective for mitigating the anomalous hemispheric bias in the
  east-west magnetic field component in moderate field regions.

Title: Locating Activity Nests of Sunspots in Solar Cycle 24 using
    Data from the Helioseismic Magnetic Imager
Authors: Mendez, Alex; Norton, Aimee; Chen, Ruizhu
2021AGUFMSH55D1877M    Altcode:
  Active region nests are locations on the Sun where sunspots repeatedly
  emerge month after month. Other stars show similar nesting behavior
  of magnetic activity. The precise physical mechanism that causes
  nests is unknown but could be an instability acting on the magnetic
  field in the interior of the Sun or star or could be due to flow
  fields such as giant convection cells causing preferred locations of
  magnetic flux emergence. Activity nests host a great majority of solar
  energetic events and as such, are crucial to our understanding of space
  weather. We analyze data from the SPEAR (Solar Plage, Ephemeral and
  Active Region) Catalogue created from Spaceweather HMI Active Region
  Patch (SHARP) data. We identify the nest locations in each hemisphere
  during Solar Cycle 24, and record the average lifetime, number of
  sunspots and rotation rate of each nest, see figure in which sunspots
  associated with unique nests are shown grouped by color and plotted as
  a function of longitude and Carrington rotation number. The percentage
  of sunspots and magnetic flux contained in the nests is higher than
  previously reported. This research is supported by the NSF ASSURE REU
  program operated through UC Berkeley Space Sciences Lab and by NASA
  Grant 80NSSC20K0602 to Stanford University and beneficial interactions
  with the COFFIES team.

Title: Dynamical Splitting of Spot-producing Magnetic Rings in a
    Nonlinear Shallow-water Model
Authors: Dikpati, Mausumi; Norton, Aimee A.; McIntosh, Scott W.;
   Gilman, Peter A.
2021ApJ...922...46D    Altcode:
  We explore the fundamental physics of narrow toroidal rings during their
  nonlinear magnetohydrodynamic evolution at tachocline depths. Using
  a shallow-water model, we simulate the nonlinear evolution of
  spot-producing toroidal rings of 6° latitudinal width and a peak field
  of 15 kG. We find that the rings split; the split time depends on the
  latitude of each ring. Ring splitting occurs fastest, within a few
  weeks, at latitudes 20°-25°. Rossby waves work as perturbations to
  drive the instability of spot-producing toroidal rings; the ring split
  is caused by the "mixed stress" or cross-correlations of perturbation
  velocities and magnetic fields, which carry magnetic energy and flux
  from the ring peak to its shoulders, leading to the ring split. The two
  split rings migrate away from each other, the high-latitude counterpart
  slipping poleward faster due to migrating mixed stress and magnetic
  curvature stress. Broader toroidal bands do not split. Much stronger
  rings, despite being narrow, do not split due to rigidity from stronger
  magnetic fields within the ring. Magnetogram analysis indicates the
  emergence of active regions sometimes at the same longitudes but
  separated in latitude by 20° or more, which could be evidence of
  active regions emerging from split rings, which consistently contribute
  to observed high-latitude excursions of butterfly wings during the
  ascending, peak, and descending phases of a solar cycle. Observational
  studies in the future can determine how often new spots are found at
  higher latitudes than their lower-latitude counterparts and how the
  combinations influence solar eruptions and space weather events.

Title: Deciphering the Deep Origin of Active Regions via Analysis
    of Magnetograms
Authors: Dikpati, Mausumi; McIntosh, Scott W.; Chatterjee, Subhamoy;
   Norton, Aimee A.; Ambroz, Pavel; Gilman, Peter A.; Jain, Kiran;
   Munoz-Jaramillo, Andres
2021ApJ...910...91D    Altcode:
  In this work, we derive magnetic toroids from surface magnetograms
  by employing a novel optimization method, based on the trust region
  reflective algorithm. The toroids obtained in this way are combinations
  of Fourier modes (amplitudes and phases) with low longitudinal
  wavenumbers. The optimization also estimates the latitudinal width of
  the toroids. We validate the method using synthetic data, generated
  as random numbers along a specified toroid. We compute the shapes and
  latitudinal widths of the toroids via magnetograms, generally requiring
  several m's to minimize residuals. A threshold field strength is
  chosen to include all active regions in the magnetograms for toroid
  derivation, while avoiding non-contributing weaker fields. Higher
  thresholds yield narrower toroids, with an m = 1 dominant pattern. We
  determine the spatiotemporal evolution of toroids by optimally weighting
  the amplitudes and phases of each Fourier mode for a sequence of five
  Carrington Rotations (CRs) to achieve the best amplitude and phases for
  the middle CR in the sequence. Taking more than five causes "smearing"
  or degradation of the toroid structure. While this method applies no
  matter the depth at which the toroids actually reside inside the Sun,
  by comparing their global shape and width with analogous patterns
  derived from magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) tachocline shallow water model
  simulations, we infer that their origin is at/near the convection zone
  base. By analyzing the "Halloween" storms as an example, we describe
  features of toroids that may have caused the series of space weather
  events in 2003 October-November. Calculations of toroids for several
  sunspot cycles will enable us to find similarities/differences in
  toroids for different major space weather events.

Title: Oscillations observed in umbra, plage, quiet-Sun and the
    polarity inversion line of active region 11158 using Helioseismic
    Magnetic Imager/Solar Dynamics Observatory data
Authors: Norton, A. A.; Stutz, R. B.; Welsch, B. T.
2021RSPTA.37900175N    Altcode: 2021arXiv210101349N
  Using data from the Helioseismic Magnetic Imager, we report on the
  amplitudes and phase relations of oscillations in quiet-Sun, plage,
  umbra and the polarity inversion line (PIL) of an active region
  NOAA#11158. We employ Fourier, wavelet and cross-correlation spectra
  analysis. Waves with 5 min periods are observed in umbra, PIL and plage
  with common phase values of φ(v, I) = π/2, φ(v, B<SUB>los</SUB>)
  = -(π/2). In addition, φ(I, B<SUB>los</SUB>) = π in plage are
  observed. These phase values are consistent with slow standing or
  fast standing surface sausage wave modes. The line width variations,
  and their phase relations with intensity and magnetic oscillations,
  show different values within the plage and PIL regions, which may
  offer a way to further differentiate wave mode mechanics. Significant
  Doppler velocity oscillations are present along the PIL, meaning
  that plasma motion is perpendicular to the magnetic field lines, a
  signature of Alvènic waves. A time-distance diagram along a section
  of the PIL shows Eastward propagating Doppler oscillations converting
  into magnetic oscillations; the propagation speeds range between 2
  and 6 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. Lastly, a 3 min wave is observed in select
  regions of the umbra in the magnetogram data. <P />This article is
  part of the Theo Murphy meeting issue `High-resolution wave dynamics
  in the lower solar atmosphere'.

Title: Derivation of Toroid Patterns from Analysis of Magnetograms
    And Inferring Their Deep-origin
Authors: Chatterjee, S.; Dikpati, M.; McIntosh, S. W.; Norton, A. A.;
   Ambroz, P.; Gilman, P.; Jain, K.; Munoz-Jaramillo, A.
2020AGUFMSH0020013C    Altcode:
  We employ a novel optimization method based on Trust Region Reflective
  algorithm to derive magnetic toroids from surface magnetograms. Toroids
  obtained are combinations of Fourier modes (amplitudes and phases)
  with low longitudinal wavenumbers. After validating the method using
  synthetic data generated as random numbers along a specified toroid,
  we compute shapes and latitudinal-widths of toroids from magnetograms,
  usually requiring several m 's to minimize residuals. By comparing
  properties of these toroids with patterns produced in the bottom
  toroidal band undergoing MHD evolution in a 3D thin-shell shallow-water
  type model, we infer their deep origin at/near convention-zone's base
  or tachocline. A threshold field-strength is chosen to include all
  active regions in magnetograms for toroid derivation, while avoiding
  non-contributing weaker fields. Higher thresholds yield narrower
  toroids, with m = 1 dominant, implying that stronger active regions
  are erupting from the core of the toroids at bottom. We determine the
  spatio-temporal evolution of toroids by optimally weighting amplitudes
  and phases of each Fourier mode for a sequence of 5 Carrington Rotations
  (CRs) to get the best amplitude and phases for the middle CR in the
  sequence. Taking more than 5 causes 'smearing' or degradation of toroid
  structure. As an example case, we analyze 'Halloween' storms toroids,
  and describe the features that might have caused the series of space
  weather events in October-November of 2003. We compare features of
  these toroids with analogous patterns derived from model-output. To find
  similarities/differences in toroids for different major space weather
  events, we will analyze long-term magnetograms for several solar cycles.

Title: Properties of Delta Spots Observed with HMI
Authors: Norton, A. A.; Knizhnik, K. J.; Linton, M.; Tarr, L.
2019AGUFMSH41F3333N    Altcode:
  The theory has been promoted that delta-spots are formed by the kink
  instability acting on rising flux ropes. Delta-spots are especially
  interesting as they are responsible for the majority of explosive
  flares. We examine the photospheric properties of delta-spots observed
  with HMI between 2011-2018. During this time, 86% of the X-class
  flares were produced by active regions classified as deltas at some
  point during their disk crossing. We provide an initial examination
  of properties, such as rotation and flux emergence rates, of these
  regions and consider how these properties relate to their formation.

Title: State of the Profession Considerations for Laboratory
Authors: Savin, Daniel Wolf; Babb, James F.; Barklem, Paul; Bellan,
   Paul M.; Betancourt-Martinez, Gabriele; Blum, Jürgen; Boersma,
   Christiaan; Boryta, Mark D.; Brisset, Julie; Brogan, Crystal; Cami,
   Jan; Caselli, Paola; Chutjian, Ara; Corrales, Lia; Crabtree, Kyle;
   Dominguez, Gerardo; Federman, Steven R.; Fontes, Christopher J.;
   Freedman, Richard; Gavilan-Marin, Lisseth; Gibson, Brad; Golub, Leon;
   Gorczyca, Thomas W.; Hahn, Michael; Hartmann, Dieter; Hörst, Sarah M.;
   Hudson, Reggie L.; Ji, Hantao; Kreckel, Holger; Kuhn, Jeffrey; Lawler,
   James E.; Lee, Timothy J.; Leutenegger, Maurice A.; Mancini, Roberto;
   Marler, Joan P.; Mashonkina, Lyudmila I.; McCarthy, Michael C.;
   McCoustra, Martin; McGuire, Brett A.; Milam, Stefanie N.; Montgomery,
   Mike; Murphy, Nicholas A.; Nave, Gillian; Nelson, Robert M.; Nollett,
   Kenneth M.; Norton, Aimee A.; Novotný, Oldřich; Papol, Anthony;
   Raymond, John C.; Salama, Farid; Sciamma-O'Brien, Ella M.; Smith,
   Randall; Sosolik, Chad; Sousa-Silva, Clara; Spyrou, Artemis; Stancil,
   Phillip C.; Sung, Keeyoon; Tennyson, Jonathan; Timmes, Frank; Trimble,
   Virginia L.; Venot, Olivia; Wahlgren, Glenn; Wargelin, Bradford J.;
   Winget, Don; Wood, Michael P.
2019BAAS...51g...7S    Altcode: 2019astro2020U...7S
  Astrophysics advances, in part, through laboratory astrophysics studies
  of the underlying processes controlling the observed properties of
  the Cosmos. These studies encompass both theoretical and experimental
  research. Robust support for laboratory astrophysics is critically
  needed to maximize the scientific return of astronomical observations.

Title: Astrophysical Science enabled by Laboratory Astrophysics
    Studies in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical (AMO) Physics
Authors: Savin, Daniel Wolf; Babb, James F.; Bellan, Paul M.; Brogan,
   Crystal; Cami, Jan; Caselli, Paola; Corrales, Lia; Dominguez, Gerardo;
   Federman, Steven R.; Fontes, Chris J.; Freedman, Richard; Gibson,
   Brad; Golub, Leon; Gorczyca, Thomas W.; Hahn, Michael; Hartmann,
   Dieter; Hörst, Sarah M.; Hudson, Reggie L.; Kuhn, Jeffrey; Lawler,
   James E.; Leutenegger, Maurice A.; Marler, Joan P.; McCarthy, Michael
   C.; McGuire, Brett A.; Milam, Stefanie N.; Murphy, Nicholas A.; Nave,
   Gillian; Norton, Aimee A.; Papol, Anthony; Raymond, John C.; Salama,
   Farid; Sciamma-O'Brien, Ella M.; Smith, Randall; Sosolik, Chad;
   Sousa-Silva, Clara; Stancil, Phillip C.; Timmes, Frank; Trimble,
   Virginia L.; Wargelin, Bradford J.
2019BAAS...51c..96S    Altcode: 2019astro2020T..96S
  We highlight a few of the many astrophysical advances that will become
  possible with advances in AMO laboratory astrophysics. This submission
  supersedes the previous submission.

Title: Exploring Sunspot Emergence with the Helioseismic and
    Magnetic Imager
Authors: Venkatesan, Vidya; Scherrer, Phil; Bogart, Rick; Baldner,
   Charles; Norton, AImee
2019AAS...23335902V    Altcode:
  The physics behind sunspot emergence is still not well understood. One
  of the goals of the Helioseismic Magnetic Imager (HMI) onboard the
  Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO) is to explore the science behind
  active region emergence. With HMI's virtually continuous 45-sec data
  sampling, it has become possible for the first time to view the detailed
  evolution of active regions at high cadence and with reasonably high
  resolution. We have made a series of movies to visualize the initial
  phases of sunspot emergence. We found evidence of the classic picture
  of magnetic flux tubes developing into sunspots as their tops broke
  through the photosphere in some of the data sets. We also found that
  spots often appear well before their active regions are identified. With
  this and additional data, we hope to extract information leading to
  improvements in automated and unbiased detection of spot emergence and
  to help understand some of the conundrums of spot emergence, including
  their non-random longitudinal distribution which cannot be explained
  by visibility alone.

Title: IRIS and SDO Observations of Solar Jetlets Resulting from
    Network-edge Flux Cancelation
Authors: Panesar, Navdeep K.; Sterling, Alphonse C.; Moore, Ronald L.;
   Tiwari, Sanjiv K.; De Pontieu, Bart; Norton, Aimee A.
2018ApJ...868L..27P    Altcode: 2018arXiv181104314P
  Recent observations show that the buildup and triggering of minifilament
  eruptions that drive coronal jets result from magnetic flux cancelation
  at the neutral line between merging majority- and minority-polarity
  magnetic flux patches. We investigate the magnetic setting of 10
  on-disk small-scale UV/EUV jets (jetlets, smaller than coronal X-ray
  jets but larger than chromospheric spicules) in a coronal hole by using
  IRIS UV images and SDO/AIA EUV images and line-of-sight magnetograms
  from SDO/HMI. We observe recurring jetlets at the edges of magnetic
  network flux lanes in the coronal hole. From magnetograms coaligned
  with the IRIS and AIA images, we find, clearly visible in nine cases,
  that the jetlets stem from sites of flux cancelation proceeding at
  an average rate of ∼1.5 × 10<SUP>18</SUP> Mx hr<SUP>-1</SUP>, and
  show brightenings at their bases reminiscent of the base brightenings
  in larger-scale coronal jets. We find that jetlets happen at many
  locations along the edges of network lanes (not limited to the base
  of plumes) with average lifetimes of 3 minutes and speeds of 70 km
  s<SUP>-1</SUP>. The average jetlet-base width (4000 km) is three
  to four times smaller than for coronal jets (∼18,000 km). Based on
  these observations of 10 obvious jetlets, and our previous observations
  of larger-scale coronal jets in quiet regions and coronal holes, we
  infer that flux cancelation is an essential process in the buildup and
  triggering of jetlets. Our observations suggest that network jetlet
  eruptions might be small-scale analogs of both larger-scale coronal
  jets and the still-larger-scale eruptions producing CMEs.

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: Gemini Planet Imager spectra of
    HR 8799 c/d/e (Greenbaum+, 2018)
Authors: Greenbaum, A. Z.; Pueyo, L.; Ruffio, J. -B.; Wang, J. J.;
   De Rosa, R. J.; Aguilar, J.; Rameau, J.; Barman, T.; Marois, C.;
   Marley, M. S.; Konopacky, Q.; Rajan, A.; Macintosh, B.; Ansdell, M.;
   Arriaga, P.; Bailey, V. P.; Bulger, J.; Burrows, A. S.; Chilcote,
   J.; Cotten, T.; Doyon, R.; Duchene, G.; Fitzgerald, M. P.; Follette,
   K. B.; Gerard, B.; Goodsell, S. J.; Graham, J. R.; Hibon, P.; Hung,
   L. -W.; Ingraham, P.; Kalas, P.; Larkin, J. E.; Maire, J.; Marchis,
   F.; Metchev, S.; Millar-Blanchaer, M. A.; Nielsen, E. L.; Norton, A.;
   Oppenheimer, R.; Palmer, D.; Patience, J.; Perrin, M. D.; Poyneer, L.;
   Rantakyro, F. T.; Savransky, D.; Schneider, A. C.; Sivaramakrishnan,
   A.; Song, I.; Soummer, R.; Thomas, S.; Wallace, J. K.; Ward-Duong,
   K.; Wiktorowicz, S.; Wolff, S.
2018yCat..51550226G    Altcode:
  HR 8799 was observed with the GPI Integral Field Spectrograph (IFS)
  (Macintosh et al. 2014PNAS..11112661M), using its K1 and K2 filters,
  on 2013 November 17 (median seeing 0.97") and November 18 (median
  seeing 0.75 arcsec), respectively, during GPI's first light. The data
  were acquired with a continuous field-of-view (FOV) rotation near
  the meridian transit to achieve maximum FOV rotation suitable for
  ADI processing (Marois et al. 2006ApJ...641..556M). Conditions are
  described in detail in Ingraham et al. (2014ApJ...794L..15I). During
  the last 10 exposures of the K1 observations, cryocooler power was
  decreased to 30% to reduce vibration, and the last 14 exposures of the
  K2 observations had the cryocooler power decreased. Since commissioning,
  linear-quadratic-Gaussian control has been implemented (Poyneer et
  al. 2016ApOpt..55..323P) and the cryocooling system has been upgraded
  with active dampers to mitigate cryocooler cycle vibrations. HR 8799
  was observed again on 2016 September 19 in GPI's H band (median seeing
  0.97"), as a part of the GPI Expolanet Survey with the updated active
  damping system. Planet b falls outside the FOV in these data. <P />(1
  data file).

Title: Precursors of magnetic flux emergence in the moat flows of
    active region AR12673
Authors: Attie, Raphael; Kirk, Michael; Thompson, Barbara; Muglach,
   Karin; Norton, Aimee
2018csc..confE..34A    Altcode:
  We report on observations of magnetic disturbances in active region
  AR12673 between Sep. 1 and Sep. 3, 2017 seen as a disruption of the moat
  flow several hours before the onset of strong flux emergence near the
  main sunspot. The moat flow is commonly known as a radially oriented
  strong outflow of photospheric plasma surrounding sunspots which ends
  abruptly and thus shapes an annular pattern around the penumbra. Using
  highly accurate methods of tracking this photospheric flow applied
  to SDO/HMI data, we are able to describe the evolution of the moat
  surrounding the main sunspot of AR 12673. We find that several hours
  before the emergence of strong magnetic flux near the main sunspot the
  moat boundaries are broken at these very same locations. This behavior
  is observed both on Sep. 1st and Sep. 3rd. There is no such behavior
  observed in the absence of flux emergence. These observational results
  pose the question of how often they occur in other active regions and
  whether the disruption of the moat flow might be, like in this case,
  an indication of impending enhanced magnetic activity or simply a
  coincidental event.

Title: HMI Data Corrected for Scattered Light Compared to Hinode
    SOT-SP Data
Authors: Norton, A. A.; Duvall, T. L., Jr.; Schou, J.; Cheung,
   M. C. M.; Scherrer, P. H.; Chu, K. C.; Sommers, J.
2018csc..confE.101N    Altcode:
  In March 2018, the Helioseismic Magnetic Imager (HMI) team began
  providing full-disk data to the public on a daily basis that were
  corrected for scattered light. In addition to the intensity and
  magnetogram data, the improved vector magnetic field maps are also
  provided. The process uses a Richardson-Lucy algorithm and a known
  PSF. The deconvolution results in a few percent decrease in umbral
  intensity corresponding to a 200 K decrease in temperature, a doubling
  of the intensity contrast of granulation from 3.6 to 7.2%, an increase
  in total field strength values (not only line-of-sight B) in plage by
  1.4, faculae brightening and network darkening, and a partial correction
  for the convective blue-shift. The new data series can be found in
  JSOC with names similar to the original but with the qualifying term
  '_dcon' or '_dconS' appended (denoting whether the deconvolution
  was applied to the filtergrams or Stokes images). Comparisons to
  near-simultaneous Hinode SOT-SP data demonstrate that the correction
  brings the two instruments into much better agreement, including the
  inverted magnetic field parameters. We compare our results to similar
  efforts in the literature such as work by Diaz Baso and Asensio Ramos
  (2018) in which HMI intensity and magnetogram data was enhanced using
  neural networks and super-resolution.

Title: The Extended Solar Cycle: Muddying the Waters of Solar/Stellar
    Dynamo Modeling Or Providing Crucial Observational Constraints?
Authors: Srivastava, Abhishek K.; McIntosh, Scott W.; Arge,
   N.; Banerjee, Dipankar; Dikpati, Mausumi; Dwivedi, Bhola N.;
   Guhathakurta, Madhulika; Karak, B. B.; Leamon, Robert J.; Matthew,
   Shibu K.; Munoz-Jaramillo, Andres; Nandy, D.; Norton, Aimee; Upton,
   L.; Chatterjee, S.; Mazumder, Rakesh; Rao, Yamini K.; Yadav, Rahul
2018FrASS...5...38S    Altcode: 2018arXiv180707601S
  In 1844 Schwabe discovered that the number of sunspots increased and
  decreased over a period of about 11 years, that variation became known
  as the sunspot cycle. Almost eighty years later, Hale described the
  nature of the Sun's magnetic field, identifying that it takes about 22
  years for the Sun's magnetic polarity to cycle. It was also identified
  that the latitudinal distribution of sunspots resembles the wings of
  a butterfly showing migration of sunspots in each hemisphere that
  abruptly start at mid-latitudes (about ±35(o) ) towards the Sun's
  equator over the next 11 years. These sunspot patterns were shown
  to be asymmetric across the equator. In intervening years, it was
  deduced that the Sun (and sun-like stars) possess magnetic activity
  cycles that are assumed to be the physical manifestation of a dynamo
  process that results from complex circulatory transport processes in
  the star's interior. Understanding the Sun's magnetism, its origin
  and its variation, has become a fundamental scientific objective
  the distribution of magnetism, and its interaction with convective
  processes, drives various plasma processes in the outer atmosphere
  that generate particulate, radiative, eruptive phenomena and shape the
  heliosphere. In the past few decades, a range of diagnostic techniques
  have been employed to systematically study finer scale magnetized
  objects, and associated phenomena. The patterns discerned became
  known as the “Extended Solar Cycle” (ESC). The patterns of the ESC
  appeared to extend the wings of the activity butterfly back in time,
  nearly a decade before the formation of the sunspot pattern, and to
  much higher solar latitudes. In this short review, we describe their
  observational patterns of the ESC and discuss possible connections
  to the solar dynamo as we depart on a multi-national collaboration to
  investigate the origins of solar magnetism through a blend of archived
  and contemporary data analysis with the goal of improving solar dynamo
  understanding and modeling.

Title: Perspectives on Astrophysics Based on Atomic, Molecular,
    and Optical (AMO) Techniques
Authors: Savin, Daniel Wolf; Babb, James F.; Bellan, Paul M.; Brogan,
   Crystal; Cami, Jan; Caselli, Paola; Corrales, Lia; Dominguez, Gerardo;
   Federman, Steven R.; Fontes, Chris J.; Freedman, Richard; Gibson,
   Brad; Golub, Leon; Gorczyca, Thomas W.; Hahn, Michael; Hörst, Sarah
   M.; Hudson, Reggie L.; Kuhn, Jeffrey; Lawler, James E.; Leutenegger,
   Maurice A.; Marler, Joan P.; McCarthy, Michael C.; McGuire, Brett A.;
   Milam, Stefanie N.; Murphy, Nicholas A.; Nave, Gillian; Norton, Aimee
   A.; Papol, Anthony; Raymond, John C.; Salama, Farid; Sciamma-O'Brien,
   Ella M.; Smith, Randall; Sosolik, Chad; Sousa-Silva, Clara; Stancil,
   Phillip C.; Timmes, Frank; Trimble, Virginia L.; Wargelin, Bradford J.
2018arXiv181106157S    Altcode:
  About two generations ago, a large part of AMO science was dominated by
  experimental high energy collision studies and perturbative theoretical
  methods. Since then, AMO science has undergone a transition and is now
  dominated by quantum, ultracold, and ultrafast studies. But in the
  process, the field has passed over the complexity that lies between
  these two extremes. Most of the Universe resides in this intermediate
  region. We put forward that the next frontier for AMO science is to
  explore the AMO complexity that describes most of the Cosmos.

Title: The Magnetic Response of the Solar Atmosphere to Umbral Flashes
Authors: Houston, S. J.; Jess, D. B.; Asensio Ramos, A.; Grant,
   S. D. T.; Beck, C.; Norton, A. A.; Krishna Prasad, S.
2018ApJ...860...28H    Altcode: 2018arXiv180300018H
  Chromospheric observations of sunspot umbrae offer an exceptional
  view of magnetoacoustic shock phenomena and the impact they have on
  the surrounding magnetically dominated plasma. We employ simultaneous
  slit-based spectro-polarimetry and spectral imaging observations of
  the chromospheric He I 10830 Å and Ca II 8542 Å lines to examine
  fluctuations in the umbral magnetic field caused by the steepening of
  magnetoacoustic waves into umbral flashes. Following the application
  of modern inversion routines, we find evidence to support the scenario
  that umbral shock events cause expansion of the embedded magnetic
  field lines due to the increased adiabatic pressure. The large number
  statistics employed allow us to calculate the adiabatic index, γ =
  1.12 ± 0.01, for chromospheric umbral locations. Examination of
  the vector magnetic field fluctuations perpendicular to the solar
  normal revealed changes up to ∼200 G at the locations of umbral
  flashes. Such transversal magnetic field fluctuations have not been
  described before. Through comparisons with nonlinear force-free field
  extrapolations, we find that the perturbations of the transverse field
  components are oriented in the same direction as the quiescent field
  geometries. This implies that magnetic field enhancements produced by
  umbral flashes are directed along the motion path of the developing
  shock, hence producing relatively small changes, up to a maximum
  of ∼8°, in the inclination and/or azimuthal directions of the
  magnetic field. Importantly, this work highlights that umbral flashes
  are able to modify the full vector magnetic field, with the detection
  of the weaker transverse magnetic field components made possible by
  high-resolution data combined with modern inversion routines.

Title: Advance detection of strong photospheric flux emergence
    revealed by disruption of moat flows
Authors: Attié, Raphael; Thompson, Barbara J.; Muglach, Karin;
   Norton, Aimee Ann
2018tess.conf30602A    Altcode:
  We report on observations of precursors of magnetic disturbances in AR
  12673 seen as a disruption of the moat flow several hours before the
  onset of strong flux emergence near the main sunspot. The moat flow is
  commonly known as a radially oriented strong outflow of photospheric
  plasma surrounding sunspots which ends abruptly and thus shapes an
  annular pattern around the penumbra. Using highly accurate methods of
  tracking this photospheric flow applied to SDO/HMI data, we are able
  to describe the evolution of the moat surrounding the main sunspot of
  AR 12673. We find that several hours before the emergence of strong
  magnetic flux near the main sunspot the moat boundaries are broken at
  these very same locations. Because we detect this specific behavior both
  on Sep. 1st and Sep. 3rd, our observations suggest that the disruption
  of the moat flow is a precursor of the enhanced magnetic activity
  which, in this case, led to the strong flaring activity starting on
  Sep 6th. This study is part of a broader statistical survey that
  aims at characterizing emerging active regions. In light of these
  new observations, our survey will also determine to what extent such
  a disruption of the moat flow is followed by strong flux emergence
  around sunspots, i.e., is this a peculiar response specific to AR
  12673, or is it a characteristic disturbance defining a subset of
  active regions prone to flaring activity?

Title: Tracking algorithms and machine learning for the
    characterization of active regions over the solar cycle 24
Authors: Attié, Raphael; Thompson, Barbara J.; Kirk, Mechael S.;
   Norton, Aimee Ann
2018tess.conf31604A    Altcode:
  Since the year 2010, SDO is sending more than a terabyte of solar
  observations per day. <P />By offering such an unprecedented large
  and varied data sets, this mission has propelled the solar physics
  community into the era of "Big Data" analytics. As an answer to this
  new technical and scientific challenge, we present here a threefold
  innovative framework for efficient data mining and analysis of the solar
  photosphere using SDO/HMI: <P />(i) A method for tracking the horizontal
  photospheric flows uses an improved version of "Balltracking". We will
  present the most recent version of this feature tracking algorithm,
  its advantage over other more traditional methods like Local
  Correlation Tracking (LCT) and how it has been specifically tuned
  to handle the massive HMI datastream. Coupled with flow segmentation
  algorithms, it offers an unprecedented view of the evolution of the
  supergranulation. <P />(ii) A method for tracking the magnetic flux
  using HMI data called "Magnetic Balltracking". We will show how it
  enables us to accurately track magnetic elements on magnetograms in
  the Lagrange reference frame, and systematically derive parameters
  such as the position, velocity, and fragments area and how we use
  it to automate the detection of flux emergence. <P />(iii) The above
  methods define a tracking framework whose output feed databases that
  become the input of machine learning algorithms for classification
  purposes. We will show how this expands our knowledge-base e.g. on
  the properties of large-scale photospheric flows prior to and after
  the emergence of active regions, and on how the flows interact with
  the magnetic field over large areas and long time scales. <P />Through
  these examples we will demonstrate how this framework contributes to
  a sensible characterization of the evolution of active regions during
  the whole solar cycle.

Title: Update on Stray Light Corrected Data from HMI/SDO
Authors: Norton, Aimee Ann
2018tess.conf20750N    Altcode:
  We provide an update on Helioseismic Magnetic Imager (HMI) data products
  that have been corrected for stray light using a Richardson-Lucy
  algorithm and a known PSF. The deconvolution results in a few percent
  decrease in umbral intensity corresponding to ~200 K cooler, a doubling
  of the intensity contrast of granulation from 3.6 to 7.2%, an increase
  in field strengths in plage by ~1.4, faculae brightening and network
  darkening, and a partial correction for the convective blueshift. All
  routine HMI data products will be upgraded for at least one full-disk
  image per day, beginning on March 1 2018. The new data series are
  named similar to the original but with the qualifying term '_dcon' or
  '_dconS' appended (denoting whether the deconvolvution was applied
  to the filtergrams or Stokes images). As resources allow, we will
  post-process data to produce extended time-series upon request. All
  data will be available to the public at the SDO JSOC. Deconvolved
  data are particularly advantageous for irradiance modeling, tracking,
  co-alignment, plage magnetic field measurement, and helioseismology
  around sunspots.

Title: Erratum: “Why Is the Great Solar
    Active Region 12192 Flare-rich but CME-poor?” (<A
href="http://doi.org/10.1088/2041-8205/804/2/l28">2015, ApJL, 804,
Authors: Sun, Xudong; Bobra, Monica G.; Hoeksema, J. Todd; Liu, Yang;
   Li, Yan; Shen, Chenglong; Couvidat, Sebastien; Norton, Aimee A.;
   Fisher, George H.
2017ApJ...850L..43S    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Super-flaring Active Region 12673 Has One of the Fastest
    Magnetic Flux Emergence Ever Observed
Authors: Sun, Xudong; Norton, Aimee A.
2017RNAAS...1...24S    Altcode: 2017RNAAS...1a..24S; 2017arXiv171108383S
  The flux emergence rate of AR 12673 is greater than any values reported
  in the literature of which we are aware.

Title: The Emergence of Kinked Flux Tubes as the Source of Delta-Spots
    on the Photosphere
Authors: Knizhnik, K. J.; Linton, M.; Norton, A. A.; DeVore, C. R.
2017AGUFMSH13A2462K    Altcode:
  It has been observationally well established that the magnetic
  configurations most favorable to producing energetic flaring events
  reside in so called delta-spots. These delta-spots are a subclass of
  sunspots, and are classified as sunspots which have umbrae (dark regions
  in the interior of sunspots) with opposite magnetic polarities that
  share a common penumbra. They are characterized by strong rotation and
  an extremely compact magnetic configuration, and are observed to follow
  an inverse-Hale law. They are also observed to have strong twist. It
  has been shown that over 90% of X-class flares that occurred during
  solar cycles 22 and 23 originated in delta-spots (Guo, Lin &amp; Deng,
  2014). Understanding the origin of delta-spots, therefore, is a crucial
  step towards the ultimate goal of space weather forecasting. In this
  work, we argue that delta-spots arise during the emergence of kinked
  flux tubes into the corona, and that their unique properties are due
  to the emergence of knots present in the kink mode of twisted flux
  tubes. We present numerical simulations that study the emergence
  of both kink-stable and unstable flux tubes into the solar corona,
  and demonstrate quantitatively that their photospheric signatures
  are drastically different, with the latter flux tubes demonstrating
  strong coherent rotation and a very tight flux distribution on the
  photosphere. We show that the coronal magnetic field resulting from
  the emergence of a kinked flux tube contains more free energy than
  the unkinked case, potentially leading to more energetic flares. We
  discuss the implications of our simulations for observations. This
  work was supported by the Chief of Naval Research through the National
  Research Council.

Title: Photometric Properties of Network and Faculae Derived from
    HMI Data Compensated for Scattered Light
Authors: Criscuoli, Serena; Norton, Aimee; Whitney, Taylor
2017ApJ...847...93C    Altcode: 2017arXiv170901593C
  We report on the photometric properties of faculae and network,
  as observed in full-disk, scattered-light-corrected images from the
  Helioseismic Magnetic Imager. We use a Lucy-Richardson deconvolution
  routine that corrects an image in less than one second. Faculae are
  distinguished from network through proximity to active regions. This is
  the first report that full-disk observations, including center-to-limb
  variations, reproduce the photometric properties of faculae and
  network observed previously only in sub-arcsecond-resolution; small
  field-of-view studies, I.e. that network, as defined by distance from
  active regions, exhibit higher photometric contrasts. Specifically,
  for magnetic flux values larger than approximately 300 G, the network
  is brighter than faculae and the contrast differences increase toward
  the limb, where the network contrast is about twice the facular one. For
  lower magnetic flux values, network appear darker than faculae. Contrary
  to reports from previous full-disk observations, we also found that
  network exhibits a higher center-to-limb variation. Our results are
  in agreement with reports from simulations that indicate magnetic
  flux alone is a poor proxy of the photometric properties of magnetic
  features. We estimate that the contribution of faculae and network
  to Total Solar Irradiance variability of the current Cycle 24 is
  overestimated by at least 11%, due to the photometric properties of
  network and faculae not being recognized as different. This estimate
  is specific to the method employed in this study to reconstruct
  irradiance variations, so caution should be paid when extending it to
  other techniques.

Title: Stray Light Correction of HMI Data
Authors: Norton, Aimee Ann; Duvall, Thomas; Schou, Jesper; Cheung,
   Mark; Scherrer, Philip H.
2017SPD....4820705N    Altcode:
  The point spread function (PSF) for HMI is an Airy function convolved
  with a Lorentzian. The parameters are bound by ground-based testing
  before launch, then post-launch off-limb light curves, lunar eclipse
  and Venus transit data. The PSF correction is programmed in C and runs
  within the HMI data processing pipeline environment. A single full-disk
  intensity image can be processed in less than one second. Deconvolution
  of the PSF on the Stokes profile data (a linear combination of
  original filtergrms) is less computationally expensive and is shown
  to be equivalent to deconvolution applied at the original filtergram
  level. Results include a decrease in umbral darkness of a few percent
  (~200 K cooler), a doubling of the granulation contrast in intensity
  from 3.6 to 7.2%, an increase in plage field strengths by a factor of
  1.5, and a partial correction of the convective blueshift in Doppler
  velocities. Requests for data corrected for stray light are welcome
  and will be processed by the HMI team.

Title: The Emergence of Kinked Flux Tubes as the Source of Delta-Spots
    on the Photosphere
Authors: Knizhnik, Kalman; Linton, Mark; Norton, Aimee Ann
2017SPD....4830005K    Altcode:
  It has been observationally well established that the magnetic
  configurations most favorable to producing energetic flaring events
  reside in so called delta-spots. These delta-spots are a subclass of
  sunspots, and are classified as sunspots which have umbrae (dark regions
  in the interior of sunspots) with opposite magnetic polarities that
  share a common penumbra. They are characterized by strong rotation and
  an extremely compact magnetic configuration, and are observed to follow
  an inverse-Hale law. It has been shown that over 90% of X-class flares
  that occurred during solar cycles 22 and 23 originated in delta-spots
  (Guo, Lin &amp; Deng, 2014). Understanding the origin of delta-spots,
  therefore, is a crucial step towards the ultimate goal of space
  weather forecasting. In this work, we argue that delta-spots arise
  during the emergence of kinked flux tubes into the corona, and that
  their unique properties are due to the emergence of knots present in
  the kink mode of twisted flux tubes. We present numerical simulations
  that study the emergence of both kink-stable and unstable flux tubes
  into the solar corona, and demonstrate quantitatively that their
  photospheric signatures are dramatically different, with the latter
  flux tubes demonstrating strong coherent rotation and a very tight flux
  distribution on the photosphere. We show that the coronal magnetic
  field resulting from the emergence of a kinked flux tube contains
  significantly more free energy than the unkinked case, potentially
  leading to more energetic flares. We discuss the implications of our
  simulations for observations.

Title: Photometric Properties of Network and faculae derived by HMI
    data compensated for scattered-light
Authors: Criscuoli, Serena; Norton, Aimee Ann; Whitney, Taylor
2017SPD....4820703C    Altcode:
  We report on the photometric properties of faculae and network
  as observed in full-disk,scattered-light corrected images from
  the Helioseismic Magnetic Imager (HMI). We usea Lucy-Richardson
  deconvolution routine that corrects a full-disk intensity image in
  lessthan one second. Faculae are distinguished from network through
  proximity to activeregions in addition to continuum intensity and
  magnetogram thresholds. This is the firstreport that full-disk image
  data, including center-to-limb variations, reproduce the photometric
  properties of faculae and network observed previously only in
  sub-arcsecond resolution, small field-of-view studies, i.e. that network
  exhibit in general higher photometric contrasts. More specifically,
  for magnetic flux values larger than approximately 300 G, the network
  is always brighter than faculae and the contrast differences increases
  toward the limb, where the network contrast is about twice the facular
  one. For lower magnetic flux values, pixels in network regions appear
  always darker than facular ones. Contrary to reports from previous
  full-disk observations, we also found that network exhibits a higher
  center-to-limb variation. Our results are in agreement with reports
  from simulations that indicate magnetic flux alone is a poor proxy
  of the photometric properties of magnetic features. We estimate
  that the facular and network contribution to irradiance variability
  of the current Cycle 24 is overestimated by at least 11% due to the
  photometric properties of network and faculae not being recognized as
  distinctly different.

Title: Joy's Law: a survey of its forms
Authors: Norton, Aimee A.
2017shin.confE..54N    Altcode:
  Any dynamo model worth its salt should be able to reproduce the
  observed distribution of tilt angles of bipolar magnetic regions. Since
  the progress of a given solar cycle and the amplitude of future
  cycles can be affected by the tilt of a single region (see Nagy's
  'Rogue Active Region' contribution), tilts are a crucial ingredient
  with consequences for the frequency of grand minima and maxima (see
  Ölçek's 'Long Term Activity in BL Model' contribution). Average
  tilts are commonly described as a simple function of latitude, i.e.,
  Joy's law. But tilts have also been explored as a function of flux,
  time, toroidal field strength and cycle strength. The scatter about
  the mean tilt angle is thought to be a function of the rise time of
  the flux rope through the convection zone. I explore the literature to
  report on which form best captures the Sun's behavior while inflicting
  a minimal amount of pain when incorporated into numerical simulations.

Title: The Emergence of Kinked Flux Tubes as the Source of Delta-Spots
    on the Photosphere
Authors: Knizhnik, Kalman Joshua; Linton, Mark G.; Norton, Aimee A.
2017shin.confE.165K    Altcode:
  It has been observationally well established that the magnetic
  configurations most favorable to producing energetic flaring events
  reside in so called delta-spots. These delta-spots are a subclass of
  sunspots, and are classified as sunspots which have umbrae (dark regions
  in the interior of sunspots) with opposite magnetic polarities that
  share a common penumbra. They are characterized by strong rotation and
  an extremely compact magnetic configuration, and are observed to follow
  an inverse-Hale law. They are also observed to have strong twist. It
  has been shown that over 90% of X-class flares that occurred during
  solar cycles 22 and 23 originated in delta-spots (Guo, Lin &amp; Deng,
  2014). Understanding the origin of delta-spots, therefore, is a crucial
  step towards the ultimate goal of space weather forecasting. In this
  work, we argue that delta-spots arise during the emergence of kinked
  flux tubes into the corona, and that their unique properties are due
  to the emergence of knots present in the kink mode of twisted flux
  tubes. We present numerical simulations that study the emergence
  of both kink-stable and unstable flux tubes into the solar corona,
  and demonstrate quantitatively that their photospheric signatures
  are drastically different, with the latter flux tubes demonstrating
  strong coherent rotation and a very tight flux distribution on the
  photosphere. We show that the coronal magnetic field resulting from the
  emergence of a kinked flux tube contains significantly more free energy
  than the unkinked case, potentially leading to more energetic flares. We
  discuss the implications of our simulations for observations. This
  work was supported by the Chief of Naval Research through the National
  Research Council.

Title: Magnetic Flux Emergence and Decay Rates for Preceder and
    Follower Sunspots Observed with HMI
Authors: Norton, A. A.; Jones, E. H.; Linton, M. G.; Leake, J. E.
2017ApJ...842....3N    Altcode: 2017arXiv170502053N
  We quantify the emergence and decay rates of preceder (p) and
  follower (f) sunspots within 10 active regions from 2010 to 2014
  using Space-weather Helioseismic Magnetic Imager Active Region
  Patch data. The sunspots are small to mid-sized regions and contain
  a signed flux within a single polarity sunspot of (1.1{--}6.5)×
  {10}<SUP>21</SUP> {Mx}. The net unsigned flux within the regions,
  including plage, ranges from (5.1{--}20)× {10}<SUP>21</SUP> {Mx}. Rates
  are calculated with and without intensity contours to differentiate
  between sunspot formation and flux emergence. Signed flux emergence
  rates, calculated with intensity contours, for the p (f) spots average
  6.8(4.9)× {10}<SUP>19</SUP> {Mx} hr<SUP>-1</SUP>, while decay rates
  are -1.9(-3.4)× {10}<SUP>19</SUP> {Mx} hr<SUP>-1</SUP>. The mean,
  signed flux emergence rate of the regions, including plage, is 7.1×
  {10}<SUP>19</SUP> {Mx} hr<SUP>-1</SUP>, for a mean peak flux of 5.9×
  {10}<SUP>21</SUP> {Mx}. Using a synthesis of these results and others
  reported previously, there is a clear trend for larger flux regions to
  emerge faster than smaller ones. Observed emergence rates (dφ /{dt},
  Mx hr<SUP>-1</SUP>) scale with total signed peak flux, {\tilde{φ
  }}<SUB>\max </SUB>, as a power law with an exponent of 0.36, I.e.,
  dφ /{dt}=A{\tilde{φ }}<SUB>\max </SUB><SUP>0.36</SUP>. The observed
  rates may assist in constraining the boundary and initial conditions
  in simulations which already demonstrate increased rates for flux
  tubes with higher buoyancy and twist, or in the presence of a strong
  upflow. Overall, the observed emergence rates are smaller than those
  in simulations, which may indicate a slower rise of the flux in the
  interior than what is captured in simulations.

Title: HMI Data Corrected for Stray Light Now Available
Authors: Norton, A. A.; Duvall, T. L.; Schou, J.; Cheung, M. C. M.;
   Scherrer, P. H.
2016usc..confE..95N    Altcode:
  The form of the point spread function (PSF) derived for HMI is an
  Airy function convolved with a Lorentzian. The parameters are bound
  by observational ground-based testing of the instrument conducted
  prior to launch (Wachter et al., 2012), by full-disk data used to
  evaluate the off-limb behavior of the scattered light, as well as by
  data obtained during the Venus transit. The PSF correction has been
  programmed in both C and cuda C and runs within the JSOC environment
  using either a CPU or GPU. A single full-disk intensity image can
  be deconvolved in less than one second. The PSF is described in more
  detail in Couvidat et al. (2016) and has already been used by Hathaway
  et al. (2015) to forward-model solar-convection spectra, by Krucker et
  al. (2015) to investigate footpoints of off-limb solar flares and by
  Whitney, Criscuoli and Norton (2016) to examine the relations between
  intensity contrast and magnetic field strengths. In this presentation,
  we highlight the changes to umbral darkness, granulation contrast
  and plage field strengths that result from stray light correction. A
  twenty-four hour period of scattered-light corrected HMI data from
  2010.08.03, including the isolated sunspot NOAA 11092, is currently
  available for anyone. Requests for additional time periods of interest
  are welcome and will be processed by the HMI team.

Title: MHD Waves at Umbral-Penumbral Boundary Observed with
    Hinode/SOT-SP and SDO/HMI
Authors: Norton, A. A.; Tarbell, T. D.; Scherrer, P. H.; Baldner, C. S.
2016usc..confE.114N    Altcode:
  The conversion of p-modes and other perturbations in the near-surface
  layers into MHD waves that can propagate along and across magnetic field
  lines is a topic of interest for energy transport. The photospheric
  signatures of MHD waves are weak due to low amplitudes at the
  beta=1 equipartion level where mode-conversion occurs. We report on
  oscillations observed with Hinode SOT/SP and HMI in which we have time
  series for sunspots 12186 (11.10.2014) and 12434 (17.10.2015). In
  the Milne-Eddington inversion results from SP, oscillations in the
  inclination angle and velocity are found at the umbral-penumbral
  boundary with 5 minute periods. HMI data also shows distinct
  umbral-penumbral boundary oscillations consistent with the SP data. We
  discuss surface versus body modes that might explain these observations.

Title: Observables Processing for the Helioseismic and Magnetic
    Imager Instrument on the Solar Dynamics Observatory
Authors: Couvidat, S.; Schou, J.; Hoeksema, J. T.; Bogart, R. S.;
   Bush, R. I.; Duvall, T. L.; Liu, Y.; Norton, A. A.; Scherrer, P. H.
2016SoPh..291.1887C    Altcode: 2016SoPh..tmp..120C; 2016arXiv160602368C
  NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) spacecraft was launched
  11 February 2010 with three instruments onboard, including the
  Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI). After commissioning, HMI
  began normal operations on 1 May 2010 and has subsequently observed
  the Sun's entire visible disk almost continuously. HMI collects
  sequences of polarized filtergrams taken at a fixed cadence with two
  4096 ×4096 cameras, from which are computed arcsecond-resolution maps
  of photospheric observables that include line-of-sight velocity and
  magnetic field, continuum intensity, line width, line depth, and the
  Stokes polarization parameters [I ,Q ,U ,V ]. Two processing pipelines
  have been implemented at the SDO Joint Science Operations Center (JSOC)
  at Stanford University to compute these observables from calibrated
  Level-1 filtergrams, one that computes line-of-sight quantities every
  45 seconds and the other, primarily for the vector magnetic field, that
  computes averages on a 720-second cadence. Corrections are made for
  static and temporally changing CCD characteristics, bad pixels, image
  alignment and distortion, polarization irregularities, filter-element
  uncertainty and nonuniformity, as well as Sun-spacecraft velocity. We
  detail the functioning of these two pipelines, explain known issues
  affecting the measurements of the resulting physical quantities,
  and describe how regular updates to the instrument calibration impact
  them. We also describe how the scheme for computing the observables
  is optimized for actual HMI observations. Initial calibration of
  HMI was performed on the ground using a variety of light sources and
  calibration sequences. During the five years of the SDO prime mission,
  regular calibration sequences have been taken on orbit to improve and
  regularly update the instrument calibration, and to monitor changes
  in the HMI instrument. This has resulted in several changes in the
  observables processing that are detailed here. The instrument more
  than satisfies all of the original specifications for data quality and
  continuity. The procedures described here still have significant room
  for improvement. The most significant remaining systematic errors are
  associated with the spacecraft orbital velocity.

Title: XIPE: the x-ray imaging polarimetry explorer
Authors: Soffitta, P.; Bellazzini, R.; Bozzo, E.; Burwitz, V.;
   Castro-Tirado, A.; Costa, E.; Courvoisier, T.; Feng, H.; Gburek,
   S.; Goosmann, R.; Karas, V.; Matt, G.; Muleri, F.; Nandra, K.;
   Pearce, M.; Poutanen, J.; Reglero, V.; Sabau Maria, D.; Santangelo,
   A.; Tagliaferri, G.; Tenzer, C.; Vink, J.; Weisskopf, M. C.; Zane,
   S.; Agudo, I.; Antonelli, A.; Attina, P.; Baldini, L.; Bykov, A.;
   Carpentiero, R.; Cavazzuti, E.; Churazov, E.; Del Monte, E.; De
   Martino, D.; Donnarumma, I.; Doroshenko, V.; Evangelista, Y.; Ferreira,
   I.; Gallo, E.; Grosso, N.; Kaaret, P.; Kuulkers, E.; Laranaga, J.;
   Latronico, L.; Lumb, D. H.; Macian, J.; Malzac, J.; Marin, F.; Massaro,
   E.; Minuti, M.; Mundell, C.; Ness, J. U.; Oosterbroek, T.; Paltani, S.;
   Pareschi, G.; Perna, R.; Petrucci, P. -O.; Pinazo, H. B.; Pinchera,
   M.; Rodriguez, J. P.; Roncadelli, M.; Santovincenzo, A.; Sazonov,
   S.; Sgro, C.; Spiga, D.; Svoboda, J.; Theobald, C.; Theodorou, T.;
   Turolla, R.; Wilhelmi de Ona, E.; Winter, B.; Akbar, A. M.; Allan,
   H.; Aloisio, R.; Altamirano, D.; Amati, L.; Amato, E.; Angelakis,
   E.; Arezu, J.; Atteia, J. -L.; Axelsson, M.; Bachetti, M.; Ballo, L.;
   Balman, S.; Bandiera, R.; Barcons, X.; Basso, S.; Baykal, A.; Becker,
   W.; Behar, E.; Beheshtipour, B.; Belmont, R.; Berger, E.; Bernardini,
   F.; Bianchi, S.; Bisnovatyi-Kogan, G.; Blasi, P.; Blay, P.; Bodaghee,
   A.; Boer, M.; Boettcher, M.; Bogdanov, S.; Bombaci, I.; Bonino, R.;
   Braga, J.; Brandt, W.; Brez, A.; Bucciantini, N.; Burderi, L.; Caiazzo,
   I.; Campana, R.; Campana, S.; Capitanio, F.; Cappi, M.; Cardillo,
   M.; Casella, P.; Catmabacak, O.; Cenko, B.; Cerda-Duran, P.; Cerruti,
   C.; Chaty, S.; Chauvin, M.; Chen, Y.; Chenevez, J.; Chernyakova, M.;
   Cheung, C. C. Teddy; Christodoulou, D.; Connell, P.; Corbet, R.; Coti
   Zelati, F.; Covino, S.; Cui, W.; Cusumano, G.; D'Ai, A.; D'Ammando,
   F.; Dadina, M.; Dai, Z.; De Rosa, A.; de Ruvo, L.; Degenaar, N.;
   Del Santo, M.; Del Zanna, L.; Dewangan, G.; Di Cosimo, S.; Di Lalla,
   N.; Di Persio, G.; Di Salvo, T.; Dias, T.; Done, C.; Dovciak, M.;
   Doyle, G.; Ducci, L.; Elsner, R.; Enoto, T.; Escada, J.; Esposito,
   P.; Eyles, C.; Fabiani, S.; Falanga, M.; Falocco, S.; Fan, Y.; Fender,
   R.; Feroci, M.; Ferrigno, C.; Forman, W.; Foschini, L.; Fragile, C.;
   Fuerst, F.; Fujita, Y.; Gasent-Blesa, J. L.; Gelfand, J.; Gendre, B.;
   Ghirlanda, G.; Ghisellini, G.; Giroletti, M.; Goetz, D.; Gogus, E.;
   Gomez, J. -L.; Gonzalez, D.; Gonzalez-Riestra, R.; Gotthelf, E.; Gou,
   L.; Grandi, P.; Grinberg, V.; Grise, F.; Guidorzi, C.; Gurlebeck, N.;
   Guver, T.; Haggard, D.; Hardcastle, M.; Hartmann, D.; Haswell, C.;
   Heger, A.; Hernanz, M.; Heyl, J.; Ho, L.; Hoormann, J.; Horak, J.;
   Huovelin, J.; Huppenkothen, D.; Iaria, R.; Inam Sitki, C.; Ingram,
   A.; Israel, G.; Izzo, L.; Burgess, M.; Jackson, M.; Ji, L.; Jiang, J.;
   Johannsen, T.; Jones, C.; Jorstad, S.; Kajava, J. J. E.; Kalamkar, M.;
   Kalemci, E.; Kallman, T.; Kamble, A.; Kislat, F.; Kiss, M.; Klochkov,
   D.; Koerding, E.; Kolehmainen, M.; Koljonen, K.; Komossa, S.; Kong,
   A.; Korpela, S.; Kowalinski, M.; Krawczynski, H.; Kreykenbohm, I.;
   Kuss, M.; Lai, D.; Lan, M.; Larsson, J.; Laycock, S.; Lazzati, D.;
   Leahy, D.; Li, H.; Li, J.; Li, L. -X.; Li, T.; Li, Z.; Linares, M.;
   Lister, M.; Liu, H.; Lodato, G.; Lohfink, A.; Longo, F.; Luna, G.;
   Lutovinov, A.; Mahmoodifar, S.; Maia, J.; Mainieri, V.; Maitra, C.;
   Maitra, D.; Majczyna, A.; Maldera, S.; Malyshev, D.; Manfreda, A.;
   Manousakis, A.; Manuel, R.; Margutti, R.; Marinucci, A.; Markoff, S.;
   Marscher, A.; Marshall, H.; Massaro, F.; McLaughlin, M.; Medina-Tanco,
   G.; Mehdipour, M.; Middleton, M.; Mignani, R.; Mimica, P.; Mineo, T.;
   Mingo, B.; Miniutti, G.; Mirac, S. M.; Morlino, G.; Motlagh, A. V.;
   Motta, S.; Mushtukov, A.; Nagataki, S.; Nardini, F.; Nattila, J.;
   Navarro, G. J.; Negri, B.; Negro, Matteo; Nenonen, S.; Neustroev,
   V.; Nicastro, F.; Norton, A.; Nucita, A.; O'Brien, P.; O'Dell, S.
2016SPIE.9905E..15S    Altcode:
  XIPE, the X-ray Imaging Polarimetry Explorer, is a mission dedicated to
  X-ray Astronomy. At the time of writing XIPE is in a competitive phase
  A as fourth medium size mission of ESA (M4). It promises to reopen
  the polarimetry window in high energy Astrophysics after more than 4
  decades thanks to a detector that efficiently exploits the photoelectric
  effect and to X-ray optics with large effective area. XIPE uniqueness is
  time-spectrally-spatially- resolved X-ray polarimetry as a breakthrough
  in high energy astrophysics and fundamental physics. Indeed the payload
  consists of three Gas Pixel Detectors at the focus of three X-ray
  optics with a total effective area larger than one XMM mirror but with
  a low weight. The payload is compatible with the fairing of the Vega
  launcher. XIPE is designed as an observatory for X-ray astronomers with
  75 % of the time dedicated to a Guest Observer competitive program and
  it is organized as a consortium across Europe with main contributions
  from Italy, Germany, Spain, United Kingdom, Poland, Sweden.

Title: Comparison of Coronal Extrapolation Methods for Cycle 24
    Using HMI Data
Authors: Arden, William M.; Norton, Aimee A.; Sun, Xudong; Zhao, Xuepu
2016ApJ...823...21A    Altcode: 2016arXiv160304385A
  Two extrapolation models of the solar coronal magnetic field
  are compared using magnetogram data from the Solar Dynamics
  Observatory/Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager instrument. The two
  models, a horizontal current-current sheet-source surface (HCCSSS)
  model and a potential field-source surface (PFSS) model, differ in their
  treatment of coronal currents. Each model has its own critical variable,
  respectively, the radius of a cusp surface and a source surface, and it
  is found that adjusting these heights over the period studied allows
  for a better fit between the models and the solar open flux at 1 au
  as calculated from the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF). The HCCSSS
  model provides the better fit for the overall period from 2010 November
  to 2015 May as well as for two subsets of the period: the minimum/rising
  part of the solar cycle and the recently identified peak in the IMF
  from mid-2014 to mid-2015 just after solar maximum. It is found that an
  HCCSSS cusp surface height of 1.7 R <SUB>⊙</SUB> provides the best fit
  to the IMF for the overall period, while 1.7 and 1.9 R <SUB>⊙</SUB>
  give the best fits for the two subsets. The corresponding values for
  the PFSS source surface height are 2.1, 2.2, and 2.0 R <SUB>⊙</SUB>
  respectively. This means that the HCCSSS cusp surface rises as the
  solar cycle progresses while the PFSS source surface falls.

Title: On HMI's Mod-L Sequence: Test and Evaluation
Authors: Liu, Yang; Baldner, Charles; Bogart, R. S.; Bush, R.;
   Couvidat, S.; Duvall, Thomas L.; Hoeksema, Jon Todd; Norton, Aimee Ann;
   Scherrer, Philip H.; Schou, Jesper
2016SPD....47.0810L    Altcode:
  HMI Mod-L sequence can produce full Stokes parameters at a cadence of 90
  seconds by combining filtergrams from both cameras, the front camera and
  the side camera. Within the 90-second, the front camera takes two sets
  of Left and Right Circular Polarizations (LCP and RCP) at 6 wavelengths;
  the side camera takes one set of Linear Polarizations (I+/-Q and I+/-U)
  at 6 wavelengths. By combining two cameras, one can obtain full Stokes
  parameters of [I,Q,U,V] at 6 wavelengths in 90 seconds. In norminal
  Mod-C sequence that HMI currently uses, the front camera takes LCP and
  RCP at a cadence of 45 seconds, while the side camera takes observation
  of the full Stokes at a cadence of 135 seconds. Mod-L should be
  better than Mod-C for providing vector magnetic field data because
  (1) Mod-L increases cadence of full Stokes observation, which leads
  to higher temporal resolution of vector magnetic field measurement;
  (2) decreases noise in vector magnetic field data because it uses
  more filtergrams to produce [I,Q,U,V]. There are two potential issues
  in Mod-L that need to be addressed: (1) scaling intensity of the two
  cameras’ filtergrams; and (2) if current polarization calibration
  model, which is built for each camera separately, works for the combined
  data from both cameras. This presentation will address these questions,
  and further place a discussion here.

Title: Relation between Intensity Contrast and Magnetic Field for
    Active and Quiet Regions Observed on the Solar Photosphere
Authors: Whitney, Taylor; Criscuoli, Serena; Norton, Aimee Ann
2016SPD....47.1209W    Altcode:
  Current solar modeling techniques assume that active and quiet regions
  can be considered in the same manner. However, recent results from
  numerical simulations and high-spatial resolution observations indicate
  that radiative properties of small magnetic elements depend on whether
  they are located in plages, network, or quiet areas. These studies have
  been carried out typically at, or close to, disk center. In this study,
  data from the Helioseismic Magnetic Imager (HMI) are used to investigate
  the differences between magnetic elements located in Network/Quiet and
  Active Regions (AR) observed at different positions over the solar disk.

Title: The Processing of Observables Made by the HMI Instrument on SDO
Authors: Hoeksema, Jon Todd; Schou, Jesper; Couvidat, Sebastien;
   Bogart, Richard S.; Bush, Rock; Duvall, Thomas L.; Liu, Yang; Norton,
   Aimee Ann; Scherrer, Philip H.
2016SPD....47.0808H    Altcode:
  The Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) acquires sequences of
  polarized filtergrams of the Sun from which observable quantities
  are computed. The observables include five line-of-sight quantities -
  magnetic field, velocity, continuum intensity, line depth, and line
  width - as well as Stokes polarization parameters. The process of
  turning a set of filtergrams into calibrated measurements is quite
  involved. Since May 2010 the streams of data from HMI’s two cameras
  have been treated separately. The frame list for the Doppler camera
  repeats every 45 seconds and the images are combined to determine
  the line-of-sight observables. The Vector camera sequence measures
  additional polarizations and so requires 135s; images from ten sequences
  are combined every 720s to determine the four Stokes polarization
  parameters at each of six wavelengths, as well as the LoS observables. A
  variety of calibration corrections are made to the Level-1 filtergrams
  to account for distortion, image motion and alignment, polarization,
  wavelength and intensity irregularities, camera issues, solar rotation,
  and other effects. Residual random variations in the final observables
  are consistent with photon noise levels, but systematic errors remain
  that have not been fully corrected. Of particular concern are those
  associated with the velocity of the instrument relative to the Sun
  due to the geosynchronous orbit of the Solar Dynamics Observatory
  (SDO) spacecraft. This presentation describes the creation of the
  observables, characterizes the residual errors, and indicates plans
  for future improvements - including correction for the instrument point
  spread function. All HMI data are available at http://jsoc.stanford.edu.

Title: Amplitudes of MHD Waves in Sunspots
Authors: Norton, Aimee Ann; Cally, Paul; Baldner, Charles; Kleint,
   Lucia; Tarbell, Theodore D.; De Pontieu, Bart; Scherrer, Philip H.;
   Rajaguru, Paul
2016SPD....47.1009N    Altcode:
  The conversion of p-modes into MHD waves by strong magnetic fields
  occurs mainly in the sub-photospheric layers. The photospheric
  signatures of MHD waves are weak due to low amplitudes at the beta=1
  equipartion level where mode-conversion occurs. We report on small
  amplitude oscillations observed in the photosphere with Hinode SOT/SP
  in which we analyze time series for sunspots ARs 12186 (11.10.2014)
  and 12434 (17.10.2015). No significant magnetic field oscillations
  are recovered in the umbra or penumbra in the ME inversion. However,
  periodicities in the inclination angle are found at the umbral/penumbral
  boundary with 5 minute periods. Upward propagating waves are indicated
  in the intensity signals correlated between HMI and AIA at different
  heights. We compare SP results with the oscillations observed in HMI
  data. Simultaneous IRIS data shows transition region brightening above
  the umbral core.

Title: Precision tests of the Standard Model with Kaon decays at CERN
Authors: Lamanna, G.; Ambrosino, F.; Antonelli, A.; Anzivino, G.;
   Arcidiacono, R.; Baldini, W.; Balev, S.; Batley, J. R.; Behler, M.;
   Bifani, S.; Biino, C.; Bizzeti, A.; Bloch-Devaux, B.; Bocquet, G.;
   Bolotov, V.; Bucci, F.; Cabibbo, N.; Calvetti, M.; Cartiglia, N.;
   Ceccucci, A.; Cenci, P.; Cerri, C.; Cheshkov, C.; Chèze, J. B.;
   Clemencic, M.; Collazuol, G.; Costantini, F.; Cotta Ramusino, A.;
   Coward, D.; Cundy, D.; Dabrowski, A.; D'Agostini, G.; Dalpiaz, P.;
   Damiani, C.; Danielsson, H.; De Beer, M.; Dellacasa, G.; Derré,
   J.; Dibon, H.; Di Filippo, D.; DiLella, L.; Doble, N.; Duk, V.;
   Engelfried, J.; Eppard, K.; Falaleev, V.; Fantechi, R.; Fidecaro,
   M.; Fiorini, L.; Fiorini, M.; Fonseca Martin, T.; Frabetti, P. L.;
   Fucci, A.; Gallorini, S.; Gatignon, L.; Gersabeck, E.; Gianoli, A.;
   Giudici, S.; Gonidec, A.; Goudzovski, E.; Goy Lopez, S.; Gushchin, E.;
   Hallgren, B.; Hita-Hochgesand, M.; Holder, M.; Hristov, P.; Iacopini,
   E.; Imbergamo, E.; Jeitler, M.; Kalmus, G.; Kekelidze, V.; Kleinknecht,
   K.; Kozhuharov, V.; Kubischta, W.; Kurshetsov, V.; Lamanna, G.;
   Lazzeroni, C.; Lenti, M.; Leonardi, E.; Litov, L.; Madigozhin, D.;
   Maier, A.; Mannelli, I.; Marchetto, F.; Marel, G.; Markytan, M.;
   Marouelli, P.; Martini, M.; Masetti, L.; Massarotti, P.; Mazzucato,
   E.; Michetti, A.; Mikulec, I.; Misheva, M.; Molokanova, N.; Monnier,
   E.; Moosbrugger, U.; Morales Morales, C.; Moulson, M.; Movchan, S.;
   Munday, D. J.; Napolitano, M.; Nappi, A.; Neuhofer, G.; Norton, A.;
   Numao, T.; Obraztsov, V.; Palladino, V.; Patel, M.; Pepe, M.; Peters,
   A.; Petrucci, F.; Petrucci, M. C.; Peyaud, B.; Piandani, R.; Piccini,
   M.; Pierazzini, G.; Polenkevich, I.; Popov, I.; Potrebenikov, Yu.;
   Raggi, M.; Renk, B.; Retière, F.; Riedler, P.; Romano, A.; Rubin,
   P.; Ruggiero, G.; Salamon, A.; Saracino, G.; Savrié, M.; Scarpa, M.;
   Semenov, V.; Sergi, A.; Serra, M.; Shieh, M.; Shkarovskiy, S.; Slater,
   M. W.; Sozzi, M.; Spadaro, T.; Stoynev, S.; Swallow, E.; Szleper, M.;
   Valdata-Nappi, M.; Valente, P.; Vallage, B.; Velasco, M.; Veltri, M.;
   Venditti, S.; Wache, M.; Wahl, H.; Walker, A.; Wanke, R.; Widhalm, L.;
   Winhart, A.; Winston, R.; Wood, M. D.; Wotton, S. A.; Yushchenko, O.;
   Zinchenko, A.; Ziolkowski, M.; NA48/2 Collaboration; NA62 Collaboration
2016NPPP..273.1671L    Altcode:
  Effects of new physics in flavor could be found both in Flavor Changing
  Neutral Current (FCNC) processes and in Lepton Flavor Violation
  (LFV) modes. The former offer the possibility to deeply test the
  standard model in a clean environment, while the latter are sensitive
  to contribution from several models beyond the standard model. In
  the Kaon sector both FCNC and LFV will be investigated in the NA62
  experiment. In addition the kaons sector is an ideal place where to
  look for new particles and tiny effects, in the region of hundreds
  of MeV/c<SUP>2</SUP>. In this paper prospects for exotic searches in
  NA62 will be presented, together with recent results from NA48/2 and
  NA62-RK on LFV kaon decays modes.

Title: The Magnetic Classification of Solar Active Regions 1992-2015
Authors: Jaeggli, S. A.; Norton, A. A.
2016ApJ...820L..11J    Altcode: 2016arXiv160302552J
  The purpose of this Letter is to address a blindspot in our knowledge
  of solar active region (AR) statistics. To the best of our knowledge,
  there are no published results showing the variation of the Mount
  Wilson magnetic classifications as a function of solar cycle based
  on modern observations. We show statistics for all ARs reported in
  the daily Solar Region Summary from 1992 January 1 to 2015 December
  31. We find that the α and β class ARs (including all sub-groups,
  e.g., βγ, βδ) make up fractions of approximately 20% and 80% of
  the sample, respectively. This fraction is relatively constant during
  high levels of activity however, an increase in the α fraction to
  about 35% and and a decrease in the β fraction to about 65% can
  be seen near each solar minimum and are statistically significant
  at the 2σ level. Over 30% of all ARs observed during the years of
  solar maxima were appended with the classifications γ and/or δ,
  while these classifications account for only a fraction of a percent
  during the years near the solar minima. This variation in the AR
  types indicates that the formation of complex ARs may be due to the
  pileup of frequent emergence of magnetic flux during solar maximum,
  rather than the emergence of complex, monolithic flux structures.

Title: Tilt Angle and Footpoint Separation of Small and Large Bipolar
    Sunspot Regions Observed with HMI
Authors: McClintock, B. H.; Norton, A. A.
2016ApJ...818....7M    Altcode: 2016arXiv160204154M
  We investigate bipolar sunspot regions and how tilt angle and footpoint
  separation vary during emergence and decay. The Helioseismic and
  Magnetic Imager on board the Solar Dynamic Observatory collects data
  at a higher cadence than historical records and allows for a detailed
  analysis of regions over their lifetimes. We sample the umbral tilt
  angle, footpoint separation, and umbral area of 235 bipolar sunspot
  regions in Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager—Debrecen Data with an
  hourly cadence. We use the time when the umbral area peaks as time zero
  to distinguish between the emergence and decay periods of each region
  and we limit our analysis of tilt and separation behavior over time
  to within ±96 hr of time zero. Tilt angle evolution is distinctly
  different for regions with small (≈30 MSH), midsize (≈50 MSH),
  and large (≈110 MSH) maximum umbral areas, with 45 and 90 MSH being
  useful divisions for separating the groups. At the peak umbral area,
  we determine median tilt angles for small (7.°6), midsize (5.°9),
  and large (9.°3) regions. Within ±48 hr of the time of peak umbral
  area, large regions steadily increase in tilt angle, midsize regions
  are nearly constant, and small regions show evidence of negative
  tilt during emergence. A period of growth in footpoint separation
  occurs over a 72-hr period for all of the regions from roughly 40 to
  70 Mm. The smallest bipoles (&lt;9 MSH) are outliers in that they do
  not obey Joy's law and have a much smaller footpoint separation. We
  confirm the Muñoz-Jaramillo et al. (2015) results that the sunspots
  appear to be two distinct populations.

Title: SDO/HMI Vector Magnetic Field Observations of the Solar
    Polar Region
Authors: Sun, X.; Hoeksema, J. T.; Liu, Y.; Norton, A. A.; Sainz Dalda,
   A.; Hayashi, K.
2015AGUFMSH23A2429S    Altcode:
  SDO/HMI is now providing full-disk vector magnetograms of the
  Sun. Although the instrument is optimized for strong field in active
  regions, data from the quieter regions can still provide valuable
  diagnostics if treated carefully. Here we present our first attempt at
  inferring the vector field in the polar regions. Through deep averaging
  (96 min) of the Stokes profiles, we find that many unipolar patches
  reach 5-sigma signal-to-noise ratio, so magnetic field can be inferred
  with confidence. The inclination of the field in these patches appears
  to deviate from the radial direction. We discuss the implications for
  global coronal field topology and our next steps of work.

Title: The Sun's Photospheric Convection Spectrum
Authors: Hathaway, David H.; Teil, Thibaud; Norton, Aimee A.;
   Kitiashvili, Irina
2015ApJ...811..105H    Altcode: 2015arXiv150803022H
  Spectra of the cellular photospheric flows are determined from
  full-disk Doppler velocity observations acquired by the Helioseismic
  and Magnetic Imager (HMI) instrument on the Solar Dynamics Observatory
  spacecraft. Three different analysis methods are used to separately
  determine spectral coefficients representing the poloidal flows, the
  toroidal flows, and the radial flows. The amplitudes of these spectral
  coefficients are constrained by simulated data analyzed with the same
  procedures as the HMI data. We find that the total velocity spectrum
  rises smoothly to a peak at a wavenumber of about 120 (wavelength of
  about 35 Mm), which is typical of supergranules. The spectrum levels
  off out to wavenumbers of about 400, and then rises again to a peak
  at a wavenumber of about 3500 (wavelength of about 1200 km), which
  is typical of granules. The velocity spectrum is dominated by the
  poloidal flow component (horizontal flows with divergence but no curl)
  at wavenumbers above 30. The toroidal flow component (horizontal flows
  with curl but no divergence) dominates at wavenumbers less than 30. The
  radial flow velocity is only about 3% of the total flow velocity at
  the lowest wavenumbers, but increases in strength to become about 50%
  at wavenumbers near 4000. The spectrum compares well with the spectrum
  of giant cell flows at the lowest wavenumbers and with the spectrum
  of granulation from a 3D radiative-hydrodynamic simulation at the
  highest wavenumbers.

Title: The Coronal Global Evolutionary Model: Using HMI Vector
    Magnetogram and Doppler Data to Model the Buildup of Free Magnetic
    Energy in the Solar Corona
Authors: Fisher, G. H.; Abbett, W. P.; Bercik, D. J.; Kazachenko,
   M. D.; Lynch, B. J.; Welsch, B. T.; Hoeksema, J. T.; Hayashi, K.;
   Liu, Y.; Norton, A. A.; Dalda, A. Sainz; Sun, X.; DeRosa, M. L.;
   Cheung, M. C. M.
2015SpWea..13..369F    Altcode: 2015arXiv150506018F
  The most violent space weather events (eruptive solar flares and
  coronal mass ejections) are driven by the release of free magnetic
  energy stored in the solar corona. Energy can build up on timescales
  of hours to days, and then may be suddenly released in the form of a
  magnetic eruption, which then propagates through interplanetary space,
  possibly impacting the Earth's space environment. Can we use the
  observed evolution of the magnetic and velocity fields in the solar
  photosphere to model the evolution of the overlying solar coronal
  field, including the storage and release of magnetic energy in such
  eruptions? The objective of CGEM, the Coronal Global Evolutionary Model,
  funded by the NASA/NSF Space Weather Modeling program, is to develop
  and evaluate such a model for the evolution of the coronal magnetic
  field. The evolving coronal magnetic field can then be used as a
  starting point for magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) models of the corona,
  which can then be used to drive models of heliospheric evolution and
  predictions of magnetic field and plasma density conditions at 1AU.

Title: Why Is the Great Solar Active Region 12192 Flare-rich but
Authors: Sun, Xudong; Bobra, Monica G.; Hoeksema, J. Todd; Liu, Yang;
   Li, Yan; Shen, Chenglong; Couvidat, Sebastien; Norton, Aimee A.;
   Fisher, George H.
2015ApJ...804L..28S    Altcode: 2015arXiv150206950S; 2015ApJ...804L..28.
  Solar active region (AR) 12192 of 2014 October hosts the largest sunspot
  group in 24 years. It is the most prolific flaring site of Cycle 24
  so far, but surprisingly produced no coronal mass ejection (CME) from
  the core region during its disk passage. Here, we study the magnetic
  conditions that prevented eruption and the consequences that ensued. We
  find AR 12192 to be “big but mild” its core region exhibits weaker
  non-potentiality, stronger overlying field, and smaller flare-related
  field changes compared to two other major flare-CME-productive ARs
  (11429 and 11158). These differences are present in the intensive-type
  indices (e.g., means) but generally not the extensive ones (e.g.,
  totals). AR 12192's large amount of magnetic free energy does not
  translate into CME productivity. The unexpected behavior suggests
  that AR eruptiveness is limited by some relative measure of magnetic
  non-potentiality over the restriction of background field, and that
  confined flares may leave weaker photospheric and coronal imprints
  compared to their eruptive counterparts.

Title: The Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) Vector Magnetic
Field Pipeline: Magnetohydrodynamics Simulation Module for the Global
    Solar Corona
Authors: Hayashi, K.; Hoeksema, J. T.; Liu, Y.; Bobra, M. G.; Sun,
   X. D.; Norton, A. A.
2015SoPh..290.1507H    Altcode: 2015arXiv150405217H; 2015SoPh..tmp...48H
  Time-dependent three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) simulation
  modules are implemented at the Joint Science Operation Center (JSOC)
  of the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). The modules regularly produce
  three-dimensional data of the time-relaxed minimum-energy state of the
  solar corona using global solar-surface magnetic-field maps created
  from Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) full-disk magnetogram
  data. With the assumption of a polytropic gas with specific-heat
  ratio of 1.05, three types of simulation products are currently
  generated: i) simulation data with medium spatial resolution using
  the definitive calibrated synoptic map of the magnetic field with
  a cadence of one Carrington rotation, ii) data with low spatial
  resolution using the definitive version of the synchronic frame
  format of the magnetic field, with a cadence of one day, and iii)
  low-resolution data using near-real-time (NRT) synchronic format of the
  magnetic field on a daily basis. The MHD data available in the JSOC
  database are three-dimensional, covering heliocentric distances from
  1.025 to 4.975 solar radii, and contain all eight MHD variables: the
  plasma density, temperature, and three components of motion velocity,
  and three components of the magnetic field. This article describes
  details of the MHD simulations as well as the production of the input
  magnetic-field maps, and details of the products available at the
  JSOC database interface. To assess the merits and limits of the model,
  we show the simulated data in early 2011 and compare with the actual
  coronal features observed by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA)
  and the near-Earth in-situ data.

Title: Coronal Open Magnetic Flux - Comparing two models to the IMF
    at 1 AU
Authors: Arden, William; Norton, Aimee A.
2015TESS....111101A    Altcode:
  We present results of two extrapolation techniques for modeling the
  magnitude of solar coronal open magnetic flux at 1 AU: PFSS (Potential
  field - source surface) and HCCSSS (Horizontal current - current sheet -
  source surface). SDO/HMI photospheric magnetic field data from August
  2010 through July 2014 are used as input. We compare the modeling
  results to the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) data contained in
  the OMNI database. We discuss temporal variations in magnitude over
  the rising part of solar cycle 24.

Title: Why Is the Great Solar Active Region 12192 CME-Poor?
Authors: Sun, Xudong; Bobra, Monica G.; Hoeksema, Todd; Liu, Yang;
   Li, Yan; Shen, Chenglong; Couvidat, Sebastien; Norton, Aimee A.;
   Fisher, George H.
2015TESS....140802S    Altcode:
  Solar active region (AR) 12192 of October 2014 hosts the largest
  sunspot group in 24 years. It is the most prolific flaring site of
  Cycle 24, but surprisingly produced no coronal mass ejection (CME) from
  the core region during its disk passage. Here, we study the magnetic
  conditions that prevented eruption and the consequences that ensued. We
  find AR 12192 to be "big but mild"; its core region exhibits weaker
  non-potentiality, stronger overlying field, and smaller flare-related
  field changes compared to two other major flare-CME-productive ARs
  (11429 and 11158). These differences are present in the intensive-type
  indices (e.g., means) but generally not the extensive ones (e.g.,
  totals). AR 12192's large amount of magnetic free energy does not
  translate into CME productivity. The unexpected behavior suggests
  that AR eruptiveness is limited by some relative measure of magnetic
  non-potentiality over the restriction of background field, and that
  confined flares may leave weaker photospheric and coronal imprints
  compared to their eruptive counterparts.

Title: The Sun's Interior Structure and Dynamics, and the Solar Cycle
Authors: Broomhall, A. -M.; Chatterjee, P.; Howe, R.; Norton, A. A.;
   Thompson, M. J.
2015sac..book..191B    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Hemispheric Coupling: Comparing Dynamo Simulations and
Authors: Norton, A. A.; Charbonneau, P.; Passos, D.
2015sac..book..251N    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Magnetic Helicity, Tilt, and Twist
Authors: Pevtsov, Alexei A.; Berger, Mitchell A.; Nindos, Alexander;
   Norton, Aimee A.; van Driel-Gesztelyi, Lidia
2015sac..book..285P    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Sun's Interior Structure and Dynamics, and the Solar Cycle
Authors: Broomhall, A. -M.; Chatterjee, P.; Howe, R.; Norton, A. A.;
   Thompson, M. J.
2014SSRv..186..191B    Altcode: 2014arXiv1411.5941B
  The Sun's internal structure and dynamics can be studied with
  helioseismology, which uses the Sun's natural acoustic oscillations
  to build up a profile of the solar interior. We discuss how solar
  acoustic oscillations are affected by the Sun's magnetic field. Careful
  observations of these effects can be inverted to determine the
  variations in the structure and dynamics of the Sun's interior as
  the solar cycle progresses. Observed variations in the structure and
  dynamics can then be used to inform models of the solar dynamo, which
  are crucial to our understanding of how the Sun's magnetic field is
  generated and maintained.

Title: Re-examining Sunspot Tilt Angle to Include Anti-Hale Statistics
Authors: McClintock, B. H.; Norton, A. A.; Li, J.
2014ApJ...797..130M    Altcode: 2014arXiv1412.5094M
  Sunspot groups and bipolar magnetic regions (BMRs) serve as
  an observational diagnostic of the solar cycle. We use Debrecen
  Photohelographic Data (DPD) from 1974-2014 that determined sunspot tilt
  angles from daily white light observations, and data provided by Li
  &amp; Ulrich that determined sunspot magnetic tilt angle using Mount
  Wilson magnetograms from 1974-2012. The magnetograms allowed for BMR
  tilt angles that were anti-Hale in configuration, so tilt values ranged
  from 0 to 360° rather than the more common ±90°. We explore the
  visual representation of magnetic tilt angles on a traditional butterfly
  diagram by plotting the mean area-weighted latitude of umbral activity
  in each bipolar sunspot group, including tilt information. The large
  scatter of tilt angles over the course of a single cycle and hemisphere
  prevents Joy's law from being visually identified in the tilt-butterfly
  diagram without further binning. The average latitude of anti-Hale
  regions does not differ from the average latitude of all regions in
  both hemispheres. The distribution of anti-Hale sunspot tilt angles
  are broadly distributed between 0 and 360° with a weak preference for
  east-west alignment 180° from their expected Joy's law angle. The
  anti-Hale sunspots display a log-normal size distribution similar
  to that of all sunspots, indicating no preferred size for anti-Hale
  sunspots. We report that 8.4% ± 0.8% of all bipolar sunspot regions
  are misclassified as Hale in traditional catalogs. This percentage
  is slightly higher for groups within 5° of the equator due to the
  misalignment of the magnetic and heliographic equators.

Title: Systematic Errors and Uncertainties in the HMI Magnetic Data
Authors: Norton, A. A.
2014AGUFMSH53A4198N    Altcode:
  Near-continuous, full-disk measurements of the Stokes I, Q,
  U and V profiles with a 40962 camera on-board HMI make possible
  the investigation of solar events in new and important ways. We
  summarize the uncertainties and systematic errors in the HMI vector
  and line-of-sight magnetic field data, including synoptic maps. Some
  of these were estimated prior to launch and others were unanticipated
  or newly determined. We showcase the NOAA AR 11944 and January 2014
  HMI data to illustrate the magnitude of errors and the dependence on
  spacecraft parameters (especially orbital velocity) and solar physics
  conditions. We estimate the relative importance of the uncertainties
  and how these errors propagate through the models for space weather
  event analysis.

Title: Hemispheric Coupling: Comparing Dynamo Simulations and
Authors: Norton, A. A.; Charbonneau, P.; Passos, D.
2014SSRv..186..251N    Altcode: 2014arXiv1411.7052N; 2014SSRv..tmp...51N
  Numerical simulations that reproduce solar-like magnetic cycles can be
  used to generate long-term statistics. The variations in north-south
  hemispheric solar cycle synchronicity and amplitude produced
  in simulations has not been widely compared to observations. The
  observed limits on solar cycle amplitude and phase asymmetry show that
  hemispheric sunspot area production is no more than 20 % asymmetric for
  cycles 17-23 and that phase lags do not exceed 20 % (or two years) of
  the total cycle period, as determined from Royal Greenwich Observatory
  sunspot data. Several independent studies have found a long-term trend
  in phase values as one hemisphere leads the other for, on average, four
  cycles. Such persistence in phase is not indicative of a stochastic
  phenomenon. We compare these observational findings to the magnetic
  cycle found in a numerical simulation of solar convection recently
  produced with the EULAG-MHD model. This long "millennium simulation"
  spans more than 1600 years and generated 40 regular, sunspot-like
  cycles. While the simulated cycle length is too long (∼40 yrs) and
  the toroidal bands remain at too high of latitudes (&gt;30°), some
  solar-like aspects of hemispheric asymmetry are reproduced. The model
  is successful at reproducing the synchrony of polarity inversions and
  onset of cycle as the simulated phase lags do not exceed 20 % of the
  cycle period. The simulated amplitude variations between the north and
  south hemispheres are larger than those observed in the Sun, some up
  to 40 %. An interesting note is that the simulations also show that
  one hemisphere can persistently lead the other for several successive
  cycles, placing an upper bound on the efficiency of transequatorial
  magnetic coupling mechanisms. These include magnetic diffusion,
  cross-equatorial mixing within latitudinally-elongated convective
  rolls (a.k.a. "banana cells") and transequatorial meridional flow
  cells. One or more of these processes may lead to magnetic flux
  cancellation whereby the oppositely directed fields come in close
  proximity and cancel each other across the magnetic equator late
  in the solar cycle. We discuss the discrepancies between model and
  observations and the constraints they pose on possible mechanisms of
  hemispheric coupling.

Title: Magnetic Helicity, Tilt, and Twist
Authors: Pevtsov, Alexei A.; Berger, Mitchell A.; Nindos, Alexander;
   Norton, Aimee A.; van Driel-Gesztelyi, Lidia
2014SSRv..186..285P    Altcode:
  Since its introduction to astro- and solar physics, the concept of
  helicity has proven to be useful in providing critical insights into
  physics of various processes from astrophysical dynamos, to magnetic
  reconnection and eruptive phenomena. Signature of helicity was also
  detected in many solar features, including orientation of solar active
  regions, or Joy's law. Here we provide a summary of both solar phenomena
  and consider mutual relationship and its importance for the evolution
  of solar magnetic fields.

Title: The Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) Vector Magnetic
Field Pipeline: Overview and Performance
Authors: Hoeksema, J. Todd; Liu, Yang; Hayashi, Keiji; Sun, Xudong;
   Schou, Jesper; Couvidat, Sebastien; Norton, Aimee; Bobra, Monica;
   Centeno, Rebecca; Leka, K. D.; Barnes, Graham; Turmon, Michael
2014SoPh..289.3483H    Altcode: 2014SoPh..tmp...57H; 2014arXiv1404.1881H
  The Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) began near-continuous
  full-disk solar measurements on 1 May 2010 from the Solar Dynamics
  Observatory (SDO). An automated processing pipeline keeps pace
  with observations to produce observable quantities, including the
  photospheric vector magnetic field, from sequences of filtergrams. The
  basic vector-field frame list cadence is 135 seconds, but to reduce
  noise the filtergrams are combined to derive data products every 720
  seconds. The primary 720 s observables were released in mid-2010,
  including Stokes polarization parameters measured at six wavelengths,
  as well as intensity, Doppler velocity, and the line-of-sight magnetic
  field. More advanced products, including the full vector magnetic field,
  are now available. Automatically identified HMI Active Region Patches
  (HARPs) track the location and shape of magnetic regions throughout
  their lifetime.

Title: The Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) Vector Magnetic
Field Pipeline: Optimization of the Spectral Line Inversion Code
Authors: Centeno, R.; Schou, J.; Hayashi, K.; Norton, A.; Hoeksema,
   J. T.; Liu, Y.; Leka, K. D.; Barnes, G.
2014SoPh..289.3531C    Altcode: 2014SoPh..tmp...44C; 2014arXiv1403.3677C
  The Very Fast Inversion of the Stokes Vector (VFISV) is a
  Milne-Eddington spectral line inversion code used to determine the
  magnetic and thermodynamic parameters of the solar photosphere from
  observations of the Stokes vector in the 6173 Å Fe I line by the
  Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) onboard the Solar Dynamics
  Observatory (SDO). We report on the modifications made to the original
  VFISV inversion code in order to optimize its operation within
  the HMI data pipeline and provide the smoothest solution in active
  regions. The changes either sped up the computation or reduced the
  frequency with which the algorithm failed to converge to a satisfactory
  solution. Additionally, coding bugs which were detected and fixed in
  the original VFISV release are reported here.

Title: Observations of Beta Pictoris b with the Gemini Planet Imager
Authors: Chilcote, J.; Graham, J.; Barman, T.; Fitzgerald, M.; Larkin,
   J.; Macintosh, B.; Bauman, B.; Burrows, A.; Cardwell, A.; De Rosa, R.;
   Dillon, D.; Doyon, R.; Dunn, J.; Erikson, D.; Gavel, D.; Goodsell,
   S.; Hartung, M.; Hibon, P.; Ingraham, P.; Kalas, P.; Konopacky, Q.;
   Maire, J.; Marchis, F.; Marley, M.; Mcbride, J.; Millar-Blanchaer, M.;
   Morzinski, K.; Norton, A.; Oppenheimer, B.; Palmer, D.; Patience, J.;
   Pueyo, L.; Rantakyro, F.; Sadakuni, N.; Saddlemyer, L.; Savransky,
   D.; Serio, A.; Soummer, R.; Sivaramakrishnan, A.; Song, I.; Thomas,
   S.; Wallace, K.; Wiktorowicz, S.; Wolff, S.
2014tybp.confE..27C    Altcode:
  Using the recently installed Gemini Planet Imager (GPI), we present
  measurements of the planetary companion to the nearby young star
  beta Pic. GPI is a facility class instrument located at Gemini South
  designed to image and provide low-resolution spectra of Jupiter sized,
  self-luminous planetary companions around young nearby stars. We
  present the current imaged spectrum and atmospheric models of the
  planet based upon GPI's R ∼50 integral field spectrograph. Further,
  we present a joint analysis of the GPI and NACO astrometry, and the
  Snellen et al. (2014) radial velocity measurement of beta Pic b that
  provides the first constraint on the argument of periastron, providing
  a causal link to the infalling, evaporating bodies.

Title: Connecting the Dots - Magnetic Field in the Inner Heliosphere
Authors: Hoeksema, Jon Todd; Liu, Yang; Sun, Xudong; Norton, Aimee Ann
2014AAS...22432364H    Altcode:
  At any given time the Earth is connected by a cluster of magnetic field
  lines to the solar photosphere. The same holds true for any location
  in the heliosphere - be it a solar orbiting spacecraft, region of
  particle acceleration, source of southward IMF, flare site, ICME,
  co-rotating interaction region, comet, planet, etc. That cluster
  of field lines may have a common origin that is relatively easy
  to identify, e.g. in the center of a high speed stream originating
  in an equatorial coronal hole. More often the geometry is complex -
  adjacent field lines may come from widely separated places, the coronal
  topology may be convoluted, and the field will have been distorted
  during its transit. Furthermore, conditions change and history is
  important - foot points move or reconnect, the corona is dynamic -
  sometimes dramatically so, and the prior state of the heliosphere
  matters. Conversely, a region of interest, e.g. an active region,
  coronal hole, reconnection site, or shock, may be linked simply or in a
  more complex way to one or many other locations in the heliosphere. We
  bring together a variety of coronal and heliospheric modeling tools and
  new sources of comprehensive solar data to improve the knowledge of
  how points in the heliosphere are connected to each other and to the
  photosphere and how those connections evolve in time. Our goal is to
  determine not only the useful magnetic connections in the corona and
  inner heliosphere, but the implications of the corona's fundamental
  skeletal structure for understanding sources of in situ observations.

Title: A "breathing" source surface for cycles 23 and 24
Authors: Arden, W. M.; Norton, A. A.; Sun, X.
2014JGRA..119.1476A    Altcode:
  The potential field source surface (PFSS) model is used to represent
  the large-scale geometry of the solar coronal magnetic fields. The
  height of the source surface in this model can be taken as a free
  parameter. Previous work suggests that varying the source surface height
  during periods of solar minimum yields better agreement between PFSS
  models and the measured magnitude of the interplanetary magnetic field
  (IMF) open flux at 1 AU—in other words, the source surface "breathes"
  in and out over the course of the solar cycle. We examine the evolution
  of open flux during all of cycle 23 and the first part of cycle 24
  using photospheric magnetic field maps from the Solar and Heliospheric
  Observatory's Michelson Doppler Imager and Solar Dynamics Observatory's
  Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager instruments. We determine the value
  of source surface height that provides a best fit to the IMF open flux
  at 1 AU (using the OMNI 2 data set) for the time period 1996-2012. The
  canonical 2.5 R<SUB>s</SUB> source surface matches the measured IMF
  open flux during periods of solar maximum but needs to be raised by
  approximately 15-30% in order to match the measured IMF open flux at
  the periods of solar minimum.

Title: Recovering Joy's Law as a Function of Solar Cycle, Hemisphere,
    and Longitude
Authors: McClintock, B. H.; Norton, A. A.
2013SoPh..287..215M    Altcode: 2013arXiv1305.3205M
  Bipolar active regions in both hemispheres tend to be tilted with
  respect to the East-West Equator of the Sun in accordance with
  Joy's law, which describes the average tilt angle as a function of
  latitude. Mt. Wilson Observatory data from 1917 - 1985 are used to
  analyze the active-region tilt angle as a function of solar cycle,
  hemisphere, and longitude, in addition to the more common dependence on
  latitude. Our main results are as follows: i) We recommend a revision of
  Joy's law towards a weaker dependence on latitude (slope of 0.13 - 0.26)
  and without forcing the tilt to zero at the Equator. ii) We determine
  that the hemispheric mean tilt value of active regions varies with each
  solar cycle, although the noise from a stochastic process dominates
  and does not allow for a determination of the slope of Joy's law on an
  11-year time scale. iii) The hemispheric difference in mean tilt angles,
  1.1<SUP>∘</SUP>±0.27, over Cycles 16 to 21 was significant to a
  three-σ level, with average tilt angles in the Northern and Southern
  hemispheres of 4.7<SUP>∘</SUP>±0.26 and 3.6<SUP>∘</SUP>±0.27,
  respectively. iv) Area-weighted mean tilt angles normalized by
  latitude for Cycles 15 to 21 anticorrelate with cycle strength for
  the southern hemisphere and whole-Sun data, confirming previous
  results by Dasi-Espuig et al. (Astron. Astrophys.518, A7, 2010). The
  Northern Hemispheric mean tilt angles do not show a dependence on cycle
  strength. v) Mean tilt angles do not show a dependence on longitude
  for any hemisphere or cycle. In addition, the standard deviation of
  the mean tilt is 29 - 31<SUP>∘</SUP> for all cycles and hemispheres,
  indicating that the scatter is due to the same consistent process even
  if the mean tilt angles vary.

Title: A data-driven time-dependent three-dimensional MHD simulation
    of solar active regions with HMI vector magnetic field data
Authors: Hayashi, Keiji; Hoeksema, J. T.; Liu, Y.; Sun, X.; Bobra,
   M.; Norton, A. A.
2013SPD....4430204H    Altcode:
  We investigate the dynamics of the solar active regions by means
  of our data-driven time-dependent three-dimensional MHD simulation
  model using the HMI vector magnetic field data. The simulations start
  with pre-emergence phase, or very early phase of the active region so
  that the development of the loop structures and other signatures of
  the active regions will be traced. We tested several cases, mainly
  for AR 11158 of Feb. 2011. Either of the plasma motion or electric
  field, inferred from the DAVE4VM (Schuck, 2008) is given to the
  solar-surface boundary surface of the simulation box to which the
  method of projected normal characteristics (Nakagawa et al. 1987;
  Wu and Wang, 1987) is applied to ensure the numerical stability and
  consistency in physics. As our first attempt, we choose the ideal MHD
  equations without any additional terms except gravity. The results of
  the simulation show that the method can trace some signatures of the
  solar active regions, such as development of the magnetic-field loop
  and (nonlinear) twist. Not having all information at the simulation
  initial time, nor all physics processes on the photosphere, at
  transition region, and in the solar corona, agreements in plasma
  quantities with the other observation such as AIA image data are
  limited. No flare-like eruptions were obtained under a simulation
  setting we currently test. The temporal sequences of three-component
  vector data can give good constraints on the MHD simulation studies of
  the sub-Alfvenic region, though, we will need more observations, and
  probably assumptions, to fulfill the physics system. The MHD simulation
  can be a powerful tool to bridge the measurements and observation,
  helping interpretation and giving requirement.

Title: How much more can sunspots tell us about the solar dynamo?
Authors: Norton, Aimee A.; Jones, Eric H.; Liu, Y.; Hayashi, K.;
   Hoeksema, J. T.; Schou, Jesper
2013IAUS..294...25N    Altcode:
  Sunspot observations inspired solar dynamo theory and continue
  to do so. Simply counting them established the sunspot cycle
  and its period. Latitudinal distributions introduced the tough
  constraint that the source of sunspots moves equator-ward as the
  cycle progresses. Observations of Hale's polarity law mandated
  hemispheric asymmetry. How much more can sunspots tell us about
  the solar dynamo? We draw attention to a few outstanding questions
  raised by inherent sunspot properties. Namely, how to explain sunspot
  rotation rates, the incoherence of follower spots, the longitudinal
  spacing of sunspot groups, and brightness trends within a given sunspot
  cycle. After reviewing the first several topics, we then present new
  results on the brightness of sunspots in Cycle 24 as observed with
  the Helioseismic Magnetic Imager (HMI). We compare these results
  to the sunspot brightness observed in Cycle 23 with the Michelson
  Doppler Imager (MDI). Next, we compare the minimum intensities of five
  sunspots simultaneously observed by the Hinode Solar Optical Telescope
  Spectropolarimeter (SOT-SP) and HMI to verify that the minimum
  brightness of sunspot umbrae correlates well to the maximum field
  strength. We then examine 90 and 52 sunspots in the north and south
  hemisphere, respectively, from 2010 - 2012. Finally, we conclude that
  the average maximum field strengths of umbra 40 Carrington Rotations
  into Cycle 24 are 2690 Gauss, virtually indistinguishable from the
  2660 Gauss value observed at a similar time in Cycle 23 with MDI.

Title: PREFACE:  Eclipse on the Coral Sea: Cycle 24 Ascending
Authors: Cally, Paul; Erdélyi, Robert; Norton
2013JPhCS.440a1001C    Altcode:
  A total solar eclipse is the most spectacular and awe-inspiring
  astronomical phenomenon most people will ever see in their
  lifetimes. Even hardened solar scientists draw inspiration from it. The
  eclipse with 2 minutes totality in the early morning of 14 November 2012
  (local time) drew over 120 solar researchers (and untold thousands of
  the general public) to the small and picturesque resort town of Palm
  Cove just north of Cairns in tropical north Queensland, Australia,
  and they were rewarded when the clouds parted just before totality
  to reveal a stunning solar display. <P />Eclipse photograph <P />The
  eclipse was also the catalyst for an unusually broad and exciting
  conference held in Palm Cove over the week 12--16 November. Eclipse on
  the Coral Sea: Cycle 24 Ascending served as GONG 2012, LWS/SDO-5, and
  SOHO 27, indicating how widely it drew on the various sub-communities
  within solar physics. Indeed, as we neared the end of the ascending
  phase of the peculiar Solar Cycle 24, it was the perfect time to
  bring the whole community together to discuss our Sun's errant recent
  behaviour, especially as Cycle 24 is the first to be fully observed by
  the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). The whole-Sun perspective was a
  driving theme of the conference, with the cycle probed from interior
  (helioseismology), to atmosphere (the various lines observed by the
  Atmospheric Imaging Assemble (AIA) aboard SDO, the several instruments
  on Hinode, and other modern observatories), and beyond (CMEs etc). The
  quality of the presentations was exceptional, and the many speakers
  are to be commended for pitching their talks to the broad community
  present. <P />These proceedings draw from the invited and contributed
  oral presentations and the posters exhibited in Palm Cove. They give an
  (incomplete) snapshot of the meeting, illustrating its broad vistas. The
  published contributions are organized along the lines of the conference
  sessions, as set out in the Contents, leading off with a provocative
  view of Cycle 24 thus far from Sarbani Basu. Other invited papers
  presented here include an appreciation of Hinode's view of solar
  activity as the cycle rises by Toshifumi Shimizu; a first taxonomy of
  magnetic tornadoes and chromospheric swirls by Sven Wedemeyer {\it et
  al}; an analysis of Hinode/EIS observations of transient heating events;
  a timely re-examination of solar dynamo theory by Paul Charbonneau;
  an exciting teaser for the solar potential of the Murchison Widefield
  Array now operating in Western Australia by Steven Tingay {\it et al};
  an overview and critique of the state of nonlinear force-free magnetic
  field extrapolation theory and practice by Mike Wheatland and Stuart
  Gilchrist; and a masterful review of atmospheric MHD wave coupling to
  the Sun's internal p-mode oscillations by Elena Khomenko and Irantzu
  Calvo Santamaria. The many contributed papers published here are no less
  exciting. <P />All papers have been refereed to a high standard. The
  editors thank all the referees, drawn both from conference attendees
  and the wider community, who have taken their tasks very seriously and
  provided very detailed and helpful reports. Nearly all contributions
  have been substantially improved by the process. We must also thank
  our financial sponsors. Both the Global Oscillations Network Group
  (GONG) and LWS/SDO were generous in their support, as were the School
  of Mathematical Sciences and the Monash Centre for Astrophysics (MoCA)
  at Monash University, Melbourne, and the Centre for Astronomy at James
  Cook University, Townsville. The Local Organizing Committee and the
  many students who assisted before and during the conference also deserve
  high praise for facilitating such a memorable meeting. <P />Paul Cally,
  Robert Erdélyi and Aimee Norton <P />Conference photograph

Title: How do the magnetic field strengths and intensities of sunspots
    vary over the solar cycle?
Authors: Norton, A. A.; Jones, E. H.; Liu, Y.
2013JPhCS.440a2038N    Altcode:
  Many efforts have been made to determine if sunspot umbrae continuum
  intensities and magnetic field strengths are different at sunspot
  maximum than at sunspot minimum. The results are inconsistent, probably
  due to differences in sample size and analysis methodology. However,
  five out of six studies reviewed in this paper agree that sunspots are
  darker and stronger at sunspot maximum than later in the same cycle,
  i.e. sunspots brighten during the declining phase of the sunspot
  cycle. The trend during the rising phase is not agreed upon. Better
  statistics during the rising phase is crucial to determine if umbrae
  exhibit a cyclical or linear brightness trend over the cycle. We further
  this work by analyzing the intensities of 179 sunspots observed with
  the Helioseismic Magnetic Imager (HMI) for the rising phase of Sunspot
  Cycle 24. We find no significant trend in the brightness of sunspot
  umbrae in HMI data during Carrington Rotations 2097-2129 in either
  hemisphere. Future studies should place limits on sunspots included in
  the data sample, i.e. use only the leading sunspot in a bipolar active
  region after most of the flux has emerged but prior to sunspot decay,
  hopefully separating the effects of surface conditions from those of
  the interior where the magnetic flux is generated.

Title: Stray Light Correction for HMI Data
Authors: Norton, A. A.; Duvall, T.; Schou, J.; Cheung, M.
2013enss.confE..95N    Altcode:
  Our goal is to find a deconvolution routine that can remove scattered
  light in sunspot umbrae without introducing extraneous power in high
  spatial frequencies in helioseismology analysis of the same data. Using
  ground-based calibration data, a third-order polynomial fit was obtained
  for the instrumental modulation transfer function (MTF). Images of the
  solar limb and the limb and disk of Venus during its transit were used
  to model stray light. An Airy function and a Lorentzian are used in
  combination to model the instrumental point spread function (PSF) for
  HMI which is made to be positive definite everywhere and zero above
  the ideal optical Nyquist frequency. Deconvolution was carried out
  using a Lucy-Richardson algorithm on a graphics processing unit. The
  deconvolved image is then compared to the original to determine the
  extent of introduced Gibb's phenomenon (ringing) and how the power
  changes as a function of spatial frequency.

Title: Motion of magnetic elements at the solar equator observed
    by SDO/HMI
Authors: Hayashi, K.; Norton, A.; Liu, Y.; Sun, X.; Hoeksema, J. T.
2012AGUFMSH41D2129H    Altcode:
  Characterizing motions of the solar magnetic field near the solar
  equator is important for understanding the symmetry and asymmetry
  of large scale structures in the solar interior, solar corona,
  and solar wind. The SDO/HMI has been observing the full-disk solar
  magnetic field, with a cadence of 12 minutes or 45 seconds, since April
  2010. With high-cadence long-term observations of the solar photospheric
  magnetic field, we analyze the motion of the magnetic field elements,
  specifically latitudinal motion, near the solar equator. The regions
  that are divergent, convergent or cross-equatorial and appear, in
  general, to be coherent on a spatial scale of ~15 degrees longitude
  and last for several days.

Title: The Dynamic Polar Magnetic Field Before Its Polarity Reversal
Authors: Sun, X.; Hoeksema, J. T.; Liu, Y.; Sainz Dalda, A.; Norton,
   A.; Hayashi, K.
2012AGUFMSH41D2130S    Altcode:
  We characterize the magnetic field in the Sun's polar region using the
  spectropolarimetric measurement from the Helioseismic and Magnetic
  Imager (HMI) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). With
  HMI's high cadence, continuous time coverage, and moderate spectral and
  spatial resolution, we are able to estimate the polar magnetic flux, its
  latitudinal distribution, and its temporal variation over three years
  (2010-2012) during Cycle 24's rising phase. A comparison with higher
  spectral resolution observations from Hinode SOT/SP provides constraints
  on the flux estimates. The tracking of individual magnetic element
  movements yields new insight on the polar field's dynamic behavior
  leading up to the polarity reversal. We compare the result with that
  from the HMI line-of-sight data, as well as MDI data for Cycle 23. All
  observations indicate an earlier reversal of the northern hemisphere
  owing to more solar activity in the rising phase, which resulted in
  a significant hemispheric asymmetry.

Title: Evolution of the solar luminosity during solar cycle 23
Authors: Vieira, L. A.; Schrijver, C.; DeRosa, M. L.; Norton, A.;
   Dudok de Wit, T.; Da Silva, L.; Vuets, A.
2012AGUFMSH12A..04V    Altcode:
  The effect of the solar activity on the solar luminosity, which is
  the total electromagnetic solar output, is one of the fundamental
  questions in solar physics. Changes of the solar luminosity can arise
  from changes of the energy flux in the convection zone that can also
  affects other solar parameters such as the surface temperature, the
  apparent radius and shape, and the symmetry of the radiative field
  itself. Additionally, understanding the latitudinal distribution of the
  flux density is needed to compare the solar variability and its stellar
  analogues. Nevertheless, our observations of the solar flux density
  are limited to a region near the ecliptic plane, which have provided
  just a raw estimate of the variability of the solar luminosity. Here
  we present a reconstruction of the solar flux density and solar
  luminosity for the solar cycle 23 and ascending phase of cycle 24. The
  reconstruction is based on a combination of a state-of-art solar surface
  magnetic flux transport model and a semi-empirical total and spectral
  irradiance model. The flux transport model is based on assimilation
  of MDI/SOHO and HMI/SDO magnetograms. The irradiance model's free
  parameters are estimated by minimizing the difference between
  the model's output and the PMOD Composite of TSI measurements. We
  have obtained a good agreement between the model's output and the
  measurements. The distribution of active regions leads to a clear
  low latitude brightening during the solar maximum. This brightening
  results from the balance of the contributions from bright (faculae and
  network) and dark features (sunspots) located in the solar surface,
  which peaks near the solar equator. As the effects of dark features
  are limited to a narrower region, the variability of the flux density
  at the poles is dominated by the evolution of faculae and network. The
  preliminary results indicate that the heat flux blocked by sunspots
  is lower than the flux leaked by bright features. Consequently, an
  increase of the luminosity through the cycle is observed as previously
  estimated based on near ecliptic measurements. This work also enables
  an assessment of the properties of solar variability when viewed from
  out of the ecliptic, i.e., such as we might be viewing other stars of
  solar activity level. Finally, the limitations of the model and future
  strategies to extend the reconstruction of the flux density and solar
  luminosity will be presented.

Title: Magnetic Helicity in Emerging Active Regions: A Statistical
Authors: Liu, Y.; Hayashi, K.; Hoeksema, J. T.; Norton, A. A.; Schuck,
   P. W.; Sun, X.
2012AGUFMSH53B..03L    Altcode:
  Magnetic helicity in emerging active regions in early phase of solar
  cycle 24 is studied using HMI vector magnetic field data. Magnetic
  helicity in active-region corona is computed from the helicity flux
  across the photosphere, which is derived using the measured vector
  magnetic field on the photosphere and the velocity field computed from
  time-series vector magnetic field data using the algorithm DAVE4VM
  (Schuck 2008). It is found that the helicity in the active-region
  corona is mainly contributed by the photospheric shear motion while
  the emergence only contributes a small fraction, and it also shows
  a weak hemisphere preference that is consistent with the so-called
  hemisphere helicity rule. Correlation between magnetic flux emergence
  and helicity injection into the corona is discussed, and its implication
  to occurrence of solar flares is explored.

Title: How the inclination of Earth's orbit affects incoming solar
Authors: Vieira, L. E. A.; Norton, A.; Dudok de Wit, T.; Kretzschmar,
   M.; Schmidt, G. A.; Cheung, M. C. M.
2012GeoRL..3916104V    Altcode:
  The variability in solar irradiance, the main external energy source
  of the Earth's system, must be critically studied in order to place
  the effects of human-driven climate change into perspective and allow
  plausible predictions of the evolution of climate. Accurate measurements
  of total solar irradiance (TSI) variability by instruments onboard
  space platforms during the last three solar cycles indicate changes of
  approximately 0.1% over the sunspot cycle. Physics-based models also
  suggest variations of the same magnitude on centennial to millennia
  time-scales. Additionally, long-term changes in Earth's orbit modulate
  the solar irradiance reaching the top of the atmosphere. Variations of
  orbital inclination in relation to the Sun's equator could potentially
  impact incoming solar irradiance as a result of the anisotropy of
  the distribution of active regions. Due to a lack of quantitative
  estimates, this effect has never been assessed. Here, we show that
  although observers with different orbital inclinations experience
  various levels of irradiance, modulations in TSI are not sufficient
  to drive observed 100 kyr climate variations. Based on our model we
  find that, due to orbital inclination alone, the maximum change in
  the average TSI over timescales of kyrs is ∼0.003 Wm<SUP>-2</SUP>,
  much smaller than the ∼1.5 Wm<SUP>-2</SUP> annually integrated change
  related to orbital eccentricity variations, or the 1-8 Wm<SUP>-2</SUP>
  variability due to solar magnetic activity. Here, we stress that
  out-of-ecliptic measurements are needed in order to constrain models
  for the long-term evolution of TSI and its impact on climate.

Title: On Relationship Between CMEs' Speed and Magnetic Field
    Structure in the Corona and Inner Heliosphere
Authors: Liu, Yang; Shen, Chenglong; Hayashi, K.; Hoeksema, J. T.;
   Norton, A. A.; Sun, X.
2012shin.confE..79L    Altcode:
  In this study, we search for correlation between the speed of active
  region-related haloCMEs and the configuration of the ambient magnetic
  fields. Having studied 99 halo CMEsin the period from 2000 to 2004,
  we find that CMEs under the heliospheric currentsheet (streamer)
  are significantly slower than CMEs situated under unidirectional
  openfield structures (pseudo-streamer or coronal hole). The average
  speed of the former is883 km s^(-1), while the latter is 1388 km
  s^(-1). The effect is not biased by the flareimportance. This implies
  that the ambient magnetic field structure plays a role indetermining
  the speed of the halo CMEs. We further test this hypothesis by
  searching forasymmetry in distribution of CMEs' speed in the North-
  and South-hemisphere, becausethe features of the corona and inner
  heliosphere, such as streamers, pseudo-streamers andcoronal holes,
  are primarily determined by the polar field and distribution of solar
  active regions. Both are asymmetric. Consequently, configuration of
  large-scale magnetic field (streamer and pseudo-streamer) should have
  North-South asymmetry. It is found, based on the data in the NASA CMEs
  catalog (http://cdaw.gsfc.nasa.gov/CME_list/) in 1996-2009, that the
  (yearly-averaged) CMEs speed is faster in South hemisphere before the
  polar field reversal (years 2002-2003) and slower after the reversal. A
  test from our 3D MHD simulation also confirms it.

Title: Geomagnetic Indices and the Solar Magnetic Open Flux
Authors: Norton, Aimee Ann; Arden, W. M.
2012AAS...22020603N    Altcode:
  On 23 Jan 2012, an M8.7-class solar flare erupted from Active Region
  1402, followed by an Earth-directed coronal mass ejection (CME) which
  left the Sun at approximately 750 km/s and triggered a geomagnetic storm
  a day later. We examine this event through the change in solar open
  magnetic flux computed using a potential field source surface (PFSS)
  model based on measurements of the photospheric magnetic field from
  the Solar Dynamics Observatory’s Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager
  (SDO/HMI). We examine the solar magnetic open flux over a number
  of regions on the solar surface (total, northern and southern polar
  regions, equatorial region and both hemispheres) and correlate these
  with geomagnetic indices. This research is a small step in a larger
  project to investigate the long-term (i.e. years) correlation between
  open solar flux and geomagnetic activity. This correlation will lead
  to an increased understanding of the Sun-Earth magnetic interaction
  and should enhance our ability to predict space weather. The latter
  is increasingly critical as our terrestrial electrical and electronic
  infrastructure becomes more and more sensitive and vulnerable to
  large-scale solar activity.

Title: Footpoint Separation and Evershed Flow of Active Regions
Authors: Norton, Aimee Ann; Jones, E. H.
2012AAS...22020604N    Altcode:
  The bipolar nature of active regions and sunspot groups within
  the Sun’s photosphere is generally attributed to the emergence
  of magnetic flux tubes that originate from shear and turbulent
  pumping at the base of the Sun’s convection zone. There is debate,
  however, as to exactly how well-connected active regions are to
  solar interior. A connection to the solar interior during the ascent
  of a flux tube through the convection zone is a requirement within
  numerical models designed to describe the observed characteristics of
  active regions, e.g. Joy’s law tilt and latitude emergence, however,
  these models also predict post-emergence behavior of sunspots that
  is not supported observationally (Schussler and Rempel, 1995; Fan,
  2009; Toth and Gerlei, 2003). It has been suggested (Rubio et al.,
  2008; Schussler and Rempel, 1995) that a bipolar magnetic region might
  lose its connection quickly upon emergence. Using data from SDO/HMI,
  we examine the footpoint separation and the Evershed flow of a number
  of active regions over time to detect the disconnection process of a
  sunspot from its magnetic roots.

Title: The Vector Magnetic Fields of Sunspots as Observed with HMI
Authors: Norton, Aimee Ann; H. M. I. Vector Magnetic Field Team
2012AAS...22020605N    Altcode:
  The strongest sunspots yet produced by Cycle 24 are analyzed using an
  updated Milne-Eddington inversion code (VFISV, Borrero et al. 2010) with
  the full-disk polarimetric filtergram data observed with HMI. We compare
  the maximum strengths of the observed sunspots to those reported for
  ascending Cycle 23 spots. We note any magnetic field trends during daily
  and disk-crossing time periods that may be instrument-dependent. Updates
  to the inversion code include a regularization of the minimization
  function to bias the solution towards a lower eta0 in the case of
  double minima.

Title: A First Look at Magnetic Field Data Products from SDO/HMI
Authors: Liu, Y.; Scherrer, P. H.; Hoeksema, J. T.; Schou, J.; Bai,
   T.; Beck, J. G.; Bobra, M.; Bogart, R. S.; Bush, R. I.; Couvidat,
   S.; Hayashi, K.; Kosovichev, A. G.; Larson, T. P.; Rabello-Soares,
   C.; Sun, X.; Wachter, R.; Zhao, J.; Zhao, X. P.; Duvall, T. L., Jr.;
   DeRosa, M. L.; Schrijver, C. J.; Title, A. M.; Centeno, R.; Tomczyk,
   S.; Borrero, J. M.; Norton, A. A.; Barnes, G.; Crouch, A. D.; Leka,
   K. D.; Abbett, W. P.; Fisher, G. H.; Welsch, B. T.; Muglach, K.;
   Schuck, P. W.; Wiegelmann, T.; Turmon, M.; Linker, J. A.; Mikić,
   Z.; Riley, P.; Wu, S. T.
2012ASPC..455..337L    Altcode:
  The Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI; Scherrer &amp; Schou 2011)
  is one of the three instruments aboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory
  (SDO) that was launched on February 11, 2010 from Cape Canaveral,
  Florida. The instrument began to acquire science data on March 24. The
  regular operations started on May 1. HMI measures the Doppler velocity
  and line-of-sight magnetic field in the photosphere at a cadence of
  45 seconds, and the vector magnetic field at a 135-second cadence,
  with a 4096× 4096 pixels full disk coverage. The vector magnetic
  field data is usually averaged over 720 seconds to suppress the p-modes
  and increase the signal-to-noise ratio. The spatial sampling is about
  0".5 per pixel. HMI observes the Fe i 6173 Å absorption line, which
  has a Landé factor of 2.5. These data are further used to produce
  higher level data products through the pipeline at the HMI-AIA Joint
  Science Operations Center (JSOC) - Science Data Processing (Scherrer et
  al. 2011) at Stanford University. In this paper, we briefly describe the
  data products, and demonstrate the performance of the HMI instrument. We
  conclude that the HMI is working extremely well.

Title: Polarization Calibration of the Helioseismic and Magnetic
    Imager (HMI) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)
Authors: Schou, J.; Borrero, J. M.; Norton, A. A.; Tomczyk, S.;
   Elmore, D.; Card, G. L.
2012SoPh..275..327S    Altcode:
  As part of the overall ground-based calibration of the Helioseismic
  and Magnetic Imager (HMI) instrument an extensive set of polarimetric
  calibrations were performed. This paper describes the polarimetric
  design of the instrument, the test setup, the polarimetric model,
  the tests performed, and some results. It is demonstrated that HMI
  achieves an accuracy of 1% or better on the crosstalks between Q,
  U, and V and that our model can reproduce the intensities in our
  calibration sequences to about 0.4%. The amount of depolarization
  is negligible when the instrument is operated as intended which,
  combined with the flexibility of the polarimeter design, means that
  the polarimetric efficiency is excellent.

Title: Design and Ground Calibration of the Helioseismic and Magnetic
    Imager (HMI) Instrument on the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)
Authors: Schou, J.; Scherrer, P. H.; Bush, R. I.; Wachter, R.;
   Couvidat, S.; Rabello-Soares, M. C.; Bogart, R. S.; Hoeksema, J. T.;
   Liu, Y.; Duvall, T. L.; Akin, D. J.; Allard, B. A.; Miles, J. W.;
   Rairden, R.; Shine, R. A.; Tarbell, T. D.; Title, A. M.; Wolfson,
   C. J.; Elmore, D. F.; Norton, A. A.; Tomczyk, S.
2012SoPh..275..229S    Altcode:
  The Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) investigation (Solar
  Phys. doi:10.1007/s11207-011-9834-2, 2011) will study the solar
  interior using helioseismic techniques as well as the magnetic field
  near the solar surface. The HMI instrument is part of the Solar
  Dynamics Observatory (SDO) that was launched on 11 February 2010. The
  instrument is designed to measure the Doppler shift, intensity, and
  vector magnetic field at the solar photosphere using the 6173 Å Fe I
  absorption line. The instrument consists of a front-window filter, a
  telescope, a set of waveplates for polarimetry, an image-stabilization
  system, a blocking filter, a five-stage Lyot filter with one tunable
  element, two wide-field tunable Michelson interferometers, a pair
  of 4096<SUP>2</SUP> pixel cameras with independent shutters, and
  associated electronics. Each camera takes a full-disk image roughly
  every 3.75 seconds giving an overall cadence of 45 seconds for the
  Doppler, intensity, and line-of-sight magnetic-field measurements
  and a slower cadence for the full vector magnetic field. This article
  describes the design of the HMI instrument and provides an overview of
  the pre-launch calibration efforts. Overviews of the investigation,
  details of the calibrations, data handling, and the science analysis
  are provided in accompanying articles.

Title: First Science Results from the High Speed SAAO
Authors: Potter, S.; Buckley, D.; O'Donoghue, D.; O'Connor, J.; Fourie,
   P.; Evans, G.; Sass, C.; Crause, L.; Butters, O.; Norton, A.; Mukai,
   K.; Still, M.
2011ASPC..449...27P    Altcode:
  We report on the completion of a new 2 channel, HIgh speed
  Photo-POlarimeter (HIPPO) to be used on the 1.9 m optical telescope of
  the South African Astronomical Observatory. The instrument makes use
  of rapidly counter-rotating (10 Hz), super-achromatic half and quarter
  wave-plates, a fixed Glan-Thompson beamsplitter and two photo-multiplier
  tubes that record the modulated O and E beams. Each modulated beam
  permits an independent measurement of the polarization and therefore the
  capability of simultaneous 2 filter observations. All Stokes parameters
  are recorded every 0.1 s and photometry every 1 ms. Post-binning of data
  is possible in order to improve the signal. This is ideal for measuring,
  e.g., the rapid variability of the optical polarization from magnetic
  Cataclysmic Variable stars (mCVs). We will present our first science
  results made in February 2008. Specifically the discovery of short
  quasi-periodic (∼ 3-5 minutes) variations in the circular polarized
  emissions from the recently discovered mCV candidate IGRJ14536-5522.

Title: Sunspot Groups Simultaneously Observed with HMI and MDI
Authors: Norton, A. A.; Schou, J.; Liu, Y.; Hoeksema, J. T.
2011sdmi.confE..42N    Altcode:
  Simultaneous data from HMI and MDI is analyzed for active regions 11084
  and 11087. We showcase the improved quality of HMI 45-second magnetogram
  data over MDI magnetogram data due to higher spectral and spatial
  sampling as well as better optical alignment and a magnetically more
  sensitive spectral line. Specifically, HMI magnetogram data contains
  less leakage of p-mode signal, umbrae do not show saturation at low
  intensities, and HMI flux values are consistent with vector data. We
  show comparisons of magnetic time series and power spectra observed
  by HMI and MDI for sunspot, plage and quiet-Sun.

Title: Recovering Joy's Law, Tilt Angle as a Function of Longitude,
    and Tilt Angle Change during Emergence
Authors: McClintock, Bruce H.; Norton, Aimee A.
2011sdmi.confE..73M    Altcode:
  Bipolar active regions in both hemispheres tend to be tilted with
  respect to the East-West equator of the Sun in accordance with Joy’s
  law which describes the tilt angle as a function of latitude. Joy's law
  can be generalized as: average tilt angle = 2° + 0.2° ´ latitude. Mt
  Wilson Observatory (MWO) data from 1917-1985 are used to analyze the
  active region tilt angle as a function of hemisphere and longitude,
  in addition to the more common dependence on latitude. We determine
  the minimum number of sunspot groups needed to recover Joy's law
  in any given amount of time. We present hemispheric differences in
  Joy's law for cycles 17-21. Sunspot cycle 17 and 19 show a small but
  significant dependence of tilt angle on longitude over portions of
  the solar cycle. This implies that toroidal fields at the base of the
  convection zone are tipped with respect to the solar equatorial plane,
  affecting the initial angle at which magnetic field ropes begin their
  rise. Finally, we use SDO/HMI data to record the change of tilt angle
  over time as a sunspot group emerges.

Title: Polarization in Soft X-ray Intermediate Polars
Authors: Katajainen, S.; Lehto, H. J.; Piirola, V.; Berdyugin, A.;
   Norton, A.; Butters, O.
2010ASPC..435..237K    Altcode:
  The evolutionary connection between polars and intermediate polars
  (IPs) is not yet well established. Soft X-ray IPs are good candidates
  for progenitors of polars, but their magnetic field strengths are
  poorly constrained. Only a handful of them are known to be circularly
  polarized and converting polarized fractions into magnetic field
  strengths is problematic, so it is still unclear whether they are of
  comparable magnetic field strength to polars or not. We have performed
  a polarimetric survey for a sample of Soft X-ray IPs. Results provide
  evidences that some IPs have comparable magnetic field strengths to
  some polars and can hence evolve from one to the other as their orbital
  period decreases and synchronism is achieved.

Title: The Adaptive Optics Summer School Laboratory Activities
Authors: Ammons, S. M.; Severson, S.; Armstrong, J. D.; Crossfield,
   I.; Do, T.; Fitzgerald, M.; Harrington, D.; Hickenbotham, A.; Hunter,
   J.; Johnson, J.; Johnson, L.; Li, K.; Lu, J.; Maness, H.; Morzinski,
   K.; Norton, A.; Putnam, N.; Roorda, A.; Rossi, E.; Yelda, S.
2010ASPC..436..394A    Altcode: 2011arXiv1111.2015A
  Adaptive Optics (AO) is a new and rapidly expanding field of
  instrumentation, yet astronomers, vision scientists, and general AO
  practitioners are largely unfamiliar with the root technologies crucial
  to AO systems. The AO Summer School (AOSS), sponsored by the Center for
  Adaptive Optics, is a week-long course for training graduate students
  and postdoctoral researchers in the underlying theory, design, and
  use of AO systems. AOSS participants include astronomers who expect
  to utilize AO data, vision scientists who will use AO instruments to
  conduct research, opticians and engineers who design AO systems, and
  users of high-bandwidth laser communication systems. In this article
  we describe new AOSS laboratory sessions implemented in 2006-2009 for
  nearly 250 students. The activity goals include boosting familiarity
  with AO technologies, reinforcing knowledge of optical alignment
  techniques and the design of optical systems, and encouraging
  inquiry into critical scientific questions in vision science using
  AO systems as a research tool. The activities are divided into three
  stations: Vision Science, Fourier Optics, and the AO Demonstrator. We
  briefly overview these activities, which are described fully in other
  articles in these conference proceedings (Putnam et al., Do et al.,
  and Harrington et al., respectively). <P />We devote attention to
  the unique challenges encountered in the design of these activities,
  including the marriage of inquiry-like investigation techniques with
  complex content and the need to tune depth to a graduate- and PhD-level
  audience. According to before-after surveys conducted in 2008, the vast
  majority of participants found that all activities were valuable to
  their careers, although direct experience with integrated, functional
  AO systems was particularly beneficial.

Title: Solar-Cycle Characteristics Examined in Separate Hemispheres:
    Phase, Gnevyshev Gap, and Length of Minimum
Authors: Norton, A. A.; Gallagher, J. C.
2010SoPh..261..193N    Altcode: 2010arXiv1001.3186N
  According to research results from solar-dynamo models, the northern
  and southern hemispheres may evolve separately throughout the solar
  cycle. The observed phase lag between the northern and southern
  hemispheres provides information regarding how strongly the hemispheres
  are coupled. Using hemispheric sunspot-area and sunspot-number data
  from Cycles 12 - 23, we determine how out of phase the separate
  hemispheres are during the rising, maximum, and declining period of
  each solar cycle. Hemispheric phase differences range from 0 - 11, 0 -
  14, and 2 - 19 months for the rising, maximum, and declining periods,
  respectively. The phases appear randomly distributed between zero
  months (in phase) and half of the rise (or decline) time of the solar
  cycle. An analysis of the sunspot cycle double peak, or Gnevyshev gap,
  is conducted to determine if the double-peak is caused by the averaging
  of two hemispheres that are out of phase. We confirm previous findings
  that the Gnevyshev gap is a phenomenon that occurs in the separate
  hemispheres and is not due to a superposition of sunspot indices from
  hemispheres slightly out of phase. Cross hemispheric coupling could
  be strongest at solar minimum, when there are large quantities of
  magnetic flux at the Equator. We search for a correlation between the
  hemispheric phase difference near the end of the solar cycle and the
  length of solar-cycle minimum, but found none. Because magnetic flux
  diffusion across the Equator is a mechanism by which the hemispheres
  couple, we measured the magnetic flux crossing the Equator by examining
  Kitt Peak Vacuum Telescope and SOLIS magnetograms for Solar Cycles 21 -
  23. We find, on average, a surplus of northern hemisphere magnetic flux
  crossing during the mid-declining phase of each solar cycle. However,
  we find no correlation between magnitude of magnetic flux crossing the
  Equator, length of solar minima, and phase lag between the hemispheres.

Title: SOLIS Vector Spectromagnetograph: Status and Science
Authors: Henney, C. J.; Keller, C. U.; Harvey, J. W.; Georgoulis,
   M. K.; Hadder, N. L.; Norton, A. A.; Raouafi, N. -E.; Toussaint, R. M.
2009ASPC..405...47H    Altcode: 2008arXiv0801.0013H
  The Vector Spectromagnetograph (VSM) instrument has recorded
  photospheric and chromospheric magnetograms daily since August
  2003. Full-disk photospheric vector magnetograms are observed
  at least weekly and, since November 2006, area-scans of active
  regions daily. Quick-look vector magnetic images, plus X3D and FITS
  formated files, are now publicly available daily. In the near future,
  Milne-Eddington inversion parameter data will also be available and
  a typical observing day will include three full-disk photospheric
  vector magnetograms. Besides full-disk observations, the VSM is
  capable of high temporal cadence area-scans of both the photosphere
  and chromosphere. Carrington rotation and daily synoptic maps are
  also available from the photospheric magnetograms and coronal hole
  estimate images.

Title: Daily Full-Disk SOLIS Inverted Vector Magnetic Field Data
Authors: Streander, Kim; Norton, A. A.; SOLIS Team
2009SPD....40.0917S    Altcode:
  Inverted vector magnetic field data from the SOLIS VSM (Synoptic
  Optical Long-term Investigations of the Sun Vector Spectromagnetograph)
  instrument are now available at:http://solis.nso.edu/. Both full-disk
  and smaller field-of-view data containing active regions are
  available. The inversion is based on the least-squares minimization
  FORTRAN code developed by the HAO group, initially used with Advanced
  Stokes Polarimeter data (Skumanich and Lites, 1987; Auer, Heasley and
  House, 1977). The main code modification is that a scattered light,
  or quiet-Sun profile, is simulated for every center-to-limb position
  on the disk. This simulated profile is used as the scattered light
  profile, instead of an observed profile averaged from pixels with low
  polarization within a small field of view. The data are inversions of
  Stokes I, Q, U and V profiles of the Fe I 630.1 and 630.2 nm lines
  using a Milne-Eddington (ME) model atmosphere. Stokes I, Q, U and
  V profile weights are 0.01, 1.0, 1.0 and 0.1, respectively. All the
  Milne-Eddington inverted data are corrected for the 180º ambiguity
  using the Non-Potential Field Calculation (NPFC) method developed by
  Manolis Georgoulis (Johns Hopkins). Note that data are only inverted
  if the observed polarization signal is above a certain threshold.Data
  are available daily (weather permitting) beginning April 1, 2009
  onwards. Also available is a sample of data from March 2008 containing
  several active regions near the equator.

Title: Causes of Solar Activity
Authors: Giampapa, Mark S.; Gibson, Sarah; Harvey, J. W.; Hill, Frank;
   Norton, Aimee A.; Pevtsov, A.
2009astro2010S..92G    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Tilted Solar Dipole as Observed and Modeled during the
    1996 Solar Minimum
Authors: Norton, A. A.; Raouafi, N. -E.; Petrie, G. J. D.
2008ApJ...682.1306N    Altcode:
  We examine the tilt of the solar magnetic dipole away from the
  rotational axis near the 1996 solar minimum. A persistent tilted
  dipole may result from an MHD instability acting on the toroidal
  bands in the solar interior. Nonaxisymmetric eruption of sunspots
  has been predicted by dynamo theory and observed in sunspot location
  patterns. The decay of follower spots and the poleward migration of
  flux could create polar caps that are slightly misaligned with the
  north-south rotational axis. To investigate this, we analyze the coronal
  streamer geometry observed with LASCO-C2 and the center of gravity of
  the polar caps defined by coronal hole boundaries in EIT images and the
  unipolar magnetic regions in KPVT magnetograms. We model the coronal
  hole boundaries and neutral line locations by potential field source
  surface (PFSS) modeling using Kitt Peak magnetograms. Our results
  are consistent with an observed tilt of 5°-10° in the heliospheric
  current sheet at solar minimum and the idea of persistent off-axis
  magnetic polar caps for CRs 1911-1919. The coronal holes show a stable
  azimuthal angle for CRs 1911-1919 with a rotation rate slightly less
  than the Carrington rate. The PFSS modeling is able to recreate the
  observed coronal hole geometry and predict the maximum extent of the
  heliospheric current sheet as observed by streamer locations. A 6°
  observed tilt of the polar caps during this time is consistent with
  the analytical value provided from the PFSS dipole terms. However,
  the determination of a tilt of the magnetic polar caps is dominated
  by noise. The LASCO coronal streamer geometry traces out an 10° tilt
  of the solar dipole from the equatorial plane during CRs 1915-1919.

Title: Evidence for Polar Jets as Precursors of Polar Plume Formation
Authors: Raouafi, N. -E.; Petrie, G. J. D.; Norton, A. A.; Henney,
   C. J.; Solanki, S. K.
2008ApJ...682L.137R    Altcode: 2008arXiv0806.3045R
  Observations from the Hinode/XRT telescope and STEREO/SECCHI/EUVI
  are utilized to study polar coronal jets and plumes. The study
  focuses on the temporal evolution of both structures and their
  relationship. The data sample, spanning 2007 April 7-8, shows that
  over 90% of the 28 observed jet events are associated with polar
  plumes. EUV images (STEREO/SECCHI) show plume haze rising from the
  location of approximately 70% of the polar X-ray (Hinode/XRT) and EUV
  jets, with the plume haze appearing minutes to hours after the jet was
  observed. The remaining jets occurred in areas where plume material
  previously existed, causing a brightness enhancement of the latter after
  the jet event. Short-lived, jetlike events and small transient bright
  points are seen (one at a time) at different locations within the base
  of preexisting long-lived plumes. X-ray images also show instances
  (at least two events) of collimated thin jets rapidly evolving into
  significantly wider plumelike structures that are followed by the
  delayed appearance of plume haze in the EUV. These observations provide
  evidence that X-ray jets are precursors of polar plumes and in some
  cases cause brightenings of plumes. Possible mechanisms to explain
  the observed jet and plume relationship are discussed.

Title: A global SOLIS vector spectromagnetograph (VSM) network
Authors: Streander, K. V.; Giampapa, M. S.; Harvey, J. W.; Henney,
   C. J.; Norton, A. A.
2008SPIE.7014E..7PS    Altcode: 2008SPIE.7014E.251S
  Understanding the Sun's magnetic field related activity is far
  from complete as reflected in the limited ability to make accurate
  predictions of solar variability. To advance our understanding of solar
  magnetism, the National Solar Observatory (NSO) constructed the Synoptic
  Optical Long-term Investigations of the Sun (SOLIS) suite of instruments
  to conduct high precision optical measurements of processes on the Sun
  whose study requires sustained observations over long time periods. The
  Vector Spectromagnetograph (VSM), the principal SOLIS instrument,
  has been in operation since 2003 and obtains photospheric vector data,
  as well as photospheric and chromospheric longitudinal magnetic field
  measurements. Instrument performance is being enhanced by employing
  new, high-speed cameras that virtually freeze seeing, thus improving
  sensitivity to measure the solar magnetic field configuration. A major
  operational goal is to provide real-time and near-real-time data for
  forecasting space weather and increase scientific yield from shorter
  duration solar space missions and ground-based research projects. The
  National Solar Observatory proposes to build two near-duplicates of
  the VSM instrument and place them at international sites to form a
  three-site global VSM network. Current electronic industry practice
  of short lifetime cycles leads to improved performance and reduced
  acquisition costs but also to redesign costs and engineering impacts
  that must be minimized. The current VSM instrument status and experience
  gained from working on the original instrument is presented herein and
  used to demonstrate that one can dramatically reduce the estimated
  cost and fabrication time required to duplicate and commission two
  additional instruments.

Title: Evidence for polar jets as early stage of polar plume formation
Authors: Raouafi, N. E.; Petrie, G. J. D.; Norton, A. A.; Henney, C. J.
2008AGUSMSH31A..09R    Altcode:
  Observations from the Hinode/XRT telescope and STEREO/SECCHI are
  utilized to study polar coronal jets and plumes. The study is
  particularly focused on the time evolution of jets and how they
  relate to polar plumes. We find that most polar jets are associated
  with polar plumes. The data sample used for the present study shows
  almost a one-to-one spatial correspondence between jets and plumes
  (the inverse correspondence has to be evaluated). EUV images show
  plume haze rising from the same location of observed polar x-ray and
  EUV jets with a time delay ranging from minutes to hours. A number of
  jets occured at the same location of long-lived polar plumes. The latter
  brightened after the jet eruption. An instance of rapid evolution from
  a jet to a plume state is also recorded by XRT alone. We believe that
  x-ray jets represent the early stage of formation of polar plumes and
  evaluate different mechanisms leading to the formation of polar plumes
  after jet eruption.

Title: The Tilted Solar Dipole: Coronal Streamer and Polar Cap
    Geometry Observed Near Solar Minimum
Authors: Norton, A. A.; Raouafi, N. -E.
2008ASPC..383..405N    Altcode:
  We examine the tilt of the solar magnetic dipole away from the
  rotational axis near solar minimum. The coronal streamer geometry
  as observed with LASCO-C2 at 5 R<SUB>⊙</SUB> traces out an
  approximately 10° tilt of the solar dipole from the equatorial
  plane during Carrington rotations 1915--1919. We also analyze
  the center-of-gravity of the polar caps as defined by coronal hole
  boundaries in EIT images. A persistent tilted dipole may result from
  an MHD instability acting upon the toroidal magnetic bands in the
  solar interior. A non-axisymmetric eruption of sunspots mapping out
  an m=1 pattern in longitude has been predicted by dynamo theory and
  observed in sunspot location patterns. The decay of the follower spots
  and migration of this flux poleward could create polar caps that are
  slightly misaligned with the North--South rotational axis. Our results
  are consistent with an observed tilt of ≤ 10 ° in the heliospheric
  current sheet at solar minimum.

Title: The Solar Oxygen Abundance Determined from Polarimetric
Authors: Norton, Aimee A.; Socas-Navarro, H.
2007AAS...210.2502N    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39..131N
  In this work we present support for recent claims that advocate a
  downward revision of the solar oxygen abundance. Our analysis employs
  spatially-resolved spectro-polarimetric observations including the Fe
  I lines at 6302 Angstroms, and the O I infrared triplet around 7774
  Angstroms, in the quiet Sun. We used the Fe I lines to reconstruct the
  three-dimensional thermal and magnetic structure of the atmosphere. The
  simultaneous O I observations were then employed to determine the
  abundance of oxygen at each pixel, using both LTE and non-LTE (NLTE)
  approaches to the radiative transfer. In this manner, we obtain
  values of log eo=8.64 (NLTE) and 8.94 (LTE) dex. We find an unsettling
  fluctuation of the oxygen abundance over the field of view. This is
  likely an artifact indicating that, even with this relatively refined
  strategy, important physical ingredients are still missing in the
  picture. By examining the spatial distribution of the abundance,
  we estimate realistic confidence limits of approximately 0.1 dex.

Title: The Solar Oxygen Crisis: Probably Not the Last Word
Authors: Socas-Navarro, H.; Norton, A. A.
2007ApJ...660L.153S    Altcode:
  In this work we present support for recent claims that advocate a
  downward revision of the solar oxygen abundance. Our analysis employs
  spatially resolved spectropolarimetric observations including the Fe
  I lines at 6302 Å and the O I infrared triplet around 7774 Å in the
  quiet Sun. We used the Fe I lines to reconstruct the three-dimensional
  thermal and magnetic structure of the atmosphere. The simultaneous
  O I observations were then employed to determine the abundance of
  oxygen at each pixel, using both LTE and non-LTE (NLTE) approaches
  to the radiative transfer. In this manner, we obtain values of
  logɛ<SUB>O</SUB>=8.63 (NLTE) and 8.93 (LTE) dex. We find an unsettling
  fluctuation of the oxygen abundance over the field of view. This is
  likely an artifact indicating that, even with this relatively refined
  strategy, important physical ingredients are still missing in the
  picture. By examining the spatial distribution of the abundance,
  we estimate realistic confidence limits of approximately 0.1 dex.

Title: A Note on Saturation Seen in the MDI/SOHO Magnetograms
Authors: Liu, Y.; Norton, A. A.; Scherrer, P. H.
2007SoPh..241..185L    Altcode:
  A type of saturation is sometimes seen in sunspot umbrae in MDI/SOHO
  magnetograms. In this paper, we present the underlying cause of such
  saturation. By using a set of MDI circular polarization filtergrams
  taken during an MDI line profile campaign observation, we derive
  the MDI magnetograms using two different approaches: the on-board
  data processing and the ground data processing, respectively. The
  algorithms for processing the data are the same, but the former
  is limited by a 15-bit lookup table. Saturation is clearly seen in
  the magnetogram from the on-board processing simulation, which is
  comparable to an observed MDI magnetogram taken one and a half hours
  before the campaign data. We analyze the saturated pixels and examine
  the on-board numerical calculation method. We conclude that very low
  intensity in sunspot umbrae leads to a very low depth of the spectral
  line that becomes problematic when limited to the 15-bit on-board
  numerical treatment. This 15-bit on-board treatment of the values
  is the reason for the saturation seen in sunspot umbrae in the MDI
  magnetogram. Although it is possible for a different type of saturation
  to occur when the combination of a strong magnetic field and high
  velocity moves the spectral line out of the effective sampling range,
  this saturation is not observed.

Title: Magnetic Field Vector Retrieval With the Helioseismic and
    Magnetic Imager
Authors: Borrero, J. M.; Tomczyk, S.; Norton, A.; Darnell, T.; Schou,
   J.; Scherrer, P.; Bush, R.; Liu, Y.
2007SoPh..240..177B    Altcode: 2006astro.ph.11565B
  We investigate the accuracy to which we can retrieve the solar
  photospheric magnetic field vector using the Helioseismic and Magnetic
  Imager (HMI) that will fly onboard of the Solar Dynamics Observatory by
  inverting simulated HMI profiles. The simulated profiles realistically
  take into account the effects of the photon noise, limited spectral
  resolution, instrumental polarization modulation, solar p modes, and
  temporal averaging. The accuracy of the determination of the magnetic
  field vector is studied by considering the different operational modes
  of the instrument.

Title: Spectral Line Selection for HMI
Authors: Norton, A. A.; Pietarila Graham, J. D.; Ulrich, R. K.;
   Schou, J.; Tomczyk, S.; Liu, Y.; Lites, B. W.; López Ariste, A.;
   Bush, R. I.; Socas-Navarro, H.; Scherrer, P. H.
2006ASPC..358..193N    Altcode:
  We present information on two spectral lines, Fe I 6173 Å and Ni I 6768
  Å, that were candidates for use in the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager
  (HMI) instrument. Both Fe I and Ni I profiles have clean continuum and
  no blends that threaten performance. The higher Landé factor of Fe
  I means its operational velocity range in regions of strong magnetic
  field is smaller than for Ne I. Fe I performs better than Ni I for
  vector magnetic field retrieval. Inversion results show that Fe I
  consistently determines field strength and flux more accurately than
  the Ni I line. Inversions show inclination and azimuthal errors are
  recovered to ≈2° above 600 Mx/cm<SUP>2</SUP> for Fe I and above
  1000 Mx/cm<SUP>2</SUP> for Ni I. The Fe I line was recommended, and
  ultimately chosen, for use in HMI.

Title: Magnetic Field Vector Retrieval with HMI
Authors: Borrero, J. M.; Tomczyk, S.; Norton, A. A.; Darnell, T.;
   Schou, J.; Scherrer, P.; Bush, R. I.; Lui, Y.
2006ASPC..358..144B    Altcode:
  The Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI), on board the Solar Dynamics
  Observatory (SDO), will begin data acquisition in 2008. It will provide
  the first full-disk, high temporal cadence observations of the full
  Stokes vector with a 0.5 arcsec pixel size. This will allow for a
  continuous monitoring of the Solar magnetic-field vector. HMI data will
  advance our understanding of the small- and large-scale magnetic field
  evolution, its relation to the solar and global dynamic processes,
  coronal field extrapolations, flux emergence, magnetic helicity, and
  the nature of the polar magnetic fields. We summarize HMI's expected
  operation modes, focusing on the polarization cross-talk induced
  by the solar oscillations, and how this affects the magnetic-field
  vector determination.

Title: Spectral Line Selection for HMI: A Comparison of Fe I 6173
    Å and Ni I 6768 Å
Authors: Norton, A. A.; Graham, J. Pietarila; Ulrich, R. K.; Schou,
   J.; Tomczyk, S.; Liu, Y.; Lites, B. W.; Ariste, A. López; Bush,
   R. I.; Socas-Navarro, H.; Scherrer, P. H.
2006SoPh..239...69N    Altcode: 2006SoPh..tmp...88N; 2006astro.ph..8124N
  We present a study of two spectral lines, Fe I 6173 Å and Ni I 6768 Å,
  that were candidates to be used in the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager
  (HMI) for observing Doppler velocity and the vector magnetic field. The
  line profiles were studied using the Mt. Wilson Observatory, the
  Advanced Stokes Polarimeter and the Kitt Peak-McMath Pierce telescope
  and one-meter Fourier transform spectrometer atlas. Both Fe I and Ni
  I profiles have clean continua and no blends that threaten instrument
  performance. The Fe I line is 2% deeper, 15% narrower, and has a 6%
  smaller equivalent width than the Ni I line. The potential of each
  spectral line to recover pre-assigned solar conditions is tested
  using a least-squares minimization technique to fit Milne-Eddington
  models to tens of thousands of line profiles that have been sampled
  at five spectral positions across the line. Overall, the Fe I line
  has a better performance than the Ni I line for vector-magnetic-field
  retrieval. Specifically, the Fe I line is able to determine field
  strength, longitudinal and transverse flux four times more accurately
  than the Ni I line in active regions. Inclination and azimuthal angles
  can be recovered to ≈2<SUP>°</SUP> above 600 Mx cm<SUP>−2</SUP>
  for Fe I and above 1000 Mx cm<SUP>−2</SUP> for Ni I. Therefore, the
  Fe I line better determines the magnetic-field orientation in plage,
  whereas both lines provide good orientation determination in penumbrae
  and umbrae. We selected the Fe I spectral line for use in HMI due to
  its better performance for magnetic diagnostics while not sacrificing
  velocity information. The one exception to the better performance of the
  Fe I line arises when high field strengths combine with high velocities
  to move the spectral line beyond the effective sampling range. The
  higher g<SUB>eff</SUB> of Fe I means that its useful range of velocity
  values in regions of strong magnetic field is smaller than Ni I.

Title: Analysis and visualization of small-scale structures occurring
    in high-resolution MHD simulation
Authors: Norton, A.; Mininni, P.; Clyne, J.; Poquet, A.
2006AGUFMSH13A0406N    Altcode:
  We present methods of combining quantitative and visualization
  techniques to identify and analyze structures, such as folds
  and current sheets, resulting from three-dimensional MHD flow
  simulation. These methods have been applied to the results of direct
  numerical simulations with grids up to 15363 points. A desktop suite
  of analysis and visualization tools ("Vapor") has been developed at
  NCAR for interactive analysis of huge datasets. Simulation data on
  very large grids are analyzed and visualized directly from a wavelet
  representation, enabling interactive isolation of current sheets and
  vortices, and analysis of their time-evolution. Flow integration and
  volume rendering are applied to local regions in the grid, combined
  with numerical analysis to characterize geometric structures that
  result. These techniques enabled the discovery of parallel current
  and vorticity sheets, found to form at the same spatial locations,
  and the sheets were seen to further destabilize and fold or roll-up
  after an initial exponential phase. A self-similar evolution of the
  current and vorticity maxima was also identified and characterized
  using these methods.

Title: The WASP Project and SuperWASP Camera
Authors: Pollacco, D.; Skillen, I.; Collier Cameron, A.; Christian,
   D.; Irwin, J.; Lister, T.; Street, R.; West, R.; Clarkson, W.; Evans,
   N.; Fitzsimmons, A.; Haswell, C.; Hellier, C.; Hodgkin, S.; Horne,
   K.; Jones, B.; Kane, S.; Keenan, F.; Norton, A.; Osborne, J.; Ryans,
   R.; Wheatley, P.
2006Ap&SS.304..253P    Altcode: 2006Ap&SS.tmp..107P
  The WASP project and infrastructure supporting the SuperWASP Facility
  are described. As the instrument, reduction pipeline and archive system
  are now fully operative we expect the system to have a major impact in
  the discovery of bright exo-planet candidates as well in more general
  variable star projects.

Title: Saturation Effect Seen In The MDI/SOHO Magnetograms
Authors: Liu, Yang; Norton, A. A.
2006SPD....37.0715L    Altcode: 2006BAAS...38Q.230L
  Saturation phenomenon is sometimes seen in the sunspots' umbrae
  in SOHO/MDI magnetograms. In this paper, we present a research on
  understanding the cause for this saturation. By using a set of MDI line
  profile campaign data, we simulated the MDI measurement of magnetic
  field, and compared it with one MDI magnetogram taken some times apart
  of this line-profile data set. We found that the saturation areas
  shown in the MDI magnetogram don't appear in the simulated magnetogram
  from the line-profile data. We conclude that very low intensity in
  the sunspots' umbrae that leads to failure of on-board computation,
  is the reason causing the saturation.

Title: Recovering Solar Toroidal Field Dynamics from Sunspot Location
Authors: Norton, Aimee A.; Gilman, Peter A.
2005ApJ...630.1194N    Altcode: 2005astro.ph..6025N
  We analyze both Kitt Peak magnetogram data and MDI continuum
  intensity sunspot data to search for the following solar toroidal
  band properties: width in latitude and the existence of a tipping
  instability (longitudinal m=1 mode) for any time during the solar
  cycle. In order to determine the extent to which we can recover the
  toroidal field dynamics, we forward-model artificially generated sunspot
  distributions from subsurface toroidal fields that we have assigned
  certain properties. Sine-curve fitting of Kitt Peak magnetogram data
  provided an upper limit of 15° to the tipping amplitude but could not
  adequately separate the tip from the width of the toroidal band. We
  then analyzed two sunspot distribution parameters using MDI and model
  data: the average latitudinal separation of sunspot pairs as a function
  of longitudinal separation and the number of sunspot pairs creating
  a given angle with respect to the east-west direction. A toroidal
  band of 10° width with a constant tipping of 5° best fits MDI data
  early in the solar cycle, when the sunspot band is at high latitudes
  (&gt;18.5d). A toroidal band of 20° width with a tipping amplitude
  decreasing in time from 5<SUP>deg</SUP> to 0<SUP>deg</SUP> best fits MDI
  data late in the solar cycle when the sunspot band is at low latitudes
  (&lt;18.5d). Model data generated by untipped toroidal bands cannot fit
  MDI high-latitude data using χ<SUP>2</SUP> goodness-of-fit criteria and
  can fit only one sunspot distribution parameter at low latitudes. Tipped
  toroidal bands satisfy χ<SUP>2</SUP> criteria at both high and low
  latitudes for both sunspot distribution parameters. We conclude that
  this is evidence to reject the null hypothesis-that toroidal bands
  in the solar tachocline do not experience a tipping instability-in
  favor of the hypothesis that the toroidal band experiences an m=1
  tipping instability for a significant portion of the solar cycle. Our
  finding that the band widens from 10° early in the solar cycle to 20°
  late in the solar cycle may be explained in theory by magnetic drag
  spreading the toroidal band due to altered flow along the tipped field
  lines. Higher m modes, most notably m=2 and 6, are apparent in MDI data,
  but further analysis is needed to determine this property in detail.

Title: The 2004 transit of Venus observed from the Open University
Authors: Chamber, P.; Cooper, A.; Norton, A.; Rix, A.; Stewart, M.;
   Tanner, J. D.
2005JBAA..115..144C    Altcode:
  The purpose of this report is to compare the accuracies of five
  different techniques for determining contact times. Recordings and
  measurements of the transit were taken through four instruments,
  the Open University's Meade LX200 for accurate timing of the third
  contact, and a Meade ETX 105 for coverage of the whole transit. Both
  were recorded on digital videotape. In addition, images were recorded
  on a webcam on a 100mm telescope and visual estimates were made with an
  ETX125. Analysis of the LX200 tapes gave an accuracy of ±5 seconds for
  the time of contact. Methods are compared in the Conclusions. Several
  other telescopes were used on campus for public displays of the
  event. There was minimal black drop.

Title: Deciphering Toroidal Field Dynamics from Sunspot Statistics
Authors: Norton, A. A.; Gilman, P. A.
2004AAS...204.5304N    Altcode: 2004BAAS...36..756N
  We are interested in what solar surface magnetism can tell us about
  the interior toroidal magnetic fields. Because some fraction of
  solar surface magnetism must be a direct result of the dynamics of the
  interior toroidal field, we feel it is worthwhile to study the patterns
  of flux which emerge and attempt to recover the basic properties of
  the toroidal bands and their time dependent behavior. <P />New theory
  predicts a global instability resulting in a tipping of the toroidal
  bands with respect to the equatorial plane. We search for evidence of a
  tipped toroidal field for some phases of the solar cycle by examining
  the dominant latitude of emerging flux as a function of longitude. In
  order to determine the extent to which we can recover the toroidal
  field dynamics from observations, we use a model to artificially
  generate sunspot distributions from subsurface toroidal fields that
  we have assigned certain properties such as latitudinal width, peak
  field strength and degree of tipping with respect to the equatorial
  plane. Observational studies set an upper limit of 15 degrees to the
  tipping angle. Model results which best fit the observed data are
  those having a toroidal band with a tipping angle of 10 degrees at
  high latitudes (early in the sunspot cycle) gradually decreasing to
  0 degrees as the sunspot band migrates towards the equator.

Title: Magnetic Field-Minimum Intensity Correlation in Sunspots:
    A Tool for Solar Dynamo Diagnostics
Authors: Norton, Aimee A.; Gilman, Peter A.
2004ApJ...603..348N    Altcode:
  Within a sunspot umbra, the continuum intensity is known to be
  inversely proportional to the magnetic field strength. Studied less
  is the relationship between the minimum continuum intensity and the
  maximum field strength of different sunspots. We conduct a test of this
  global relationship, using brightness ratios and magnetic field data
  from the Advanced Stokes Polarimeter and the Michelson Doppler Imager
  (MDI) for 10 sunspot umbrae of various sizes observed 1998 May-2003
  June. We determine that the peak field strengths of sunspots can be
  ascertained from a fit to their corresponding brightness ratios with
  an accuracy of ~100 G, nearly twice the accuracy that a fit to the MDI
  magnetogram values can provide. We then analyze continuum intensity
  data from the MDI to characterize the distribution of sunspots as a
  function of latitude. We hand-select 331 and 321 umbrae, respectively,
  in the northern and southern hemispheres during Carrington rotations
  1910-2003. Although the average location of sunspot eruption moves
  equatorward throughout the solar cycle, the northern hemisphere shows
  darker umbrae located systematically closer to the equator, while
  brighter umbrae are found at higher latitudes. These findings confirm
  the results of simulations that show strong flux emerging radially
  while weak flux emerges nonradially, causing weak flux to emerge
  poleward of its original toroidal field position. The average umbral
  intensity decreased in the north through the solar cycle, reaching
  a minimum intensity around sunspot maximum, possible evidence of the
  toroidal field strength peaking at solar maximum. This finding is in
  opposition to previous observations suggesting an increase late in
  the cycle. The southern hemisphere umbral distribution appears more
  disorganized and periodic in nature.

Title: Acceleration Effects in MDI Magnetogram Data
Authors: Norton, A.; Settele, A.
2003SoPh..214..227N    Altcode:
  Acceleration effects are found in the Michelson Doppler Imager
  (MDI) magnetogram data because changes in the line profiles during
  the 30-s measurement are introduced by underlying p-mode velocity
  variations. This imparts an oscillatory component to the magnetic flux
  signal. Simulated profiles using Maltby M and Harvard Smithsonian
  Reference Atmospheres (HSRA) are shifted in accordance with a given
  velocity amplitude and period and the MDI algorithm for data measurement
  is applied. The simulated oscillatory component to the magnetic flux
  density always has a phase difference with respect to the underlying
  velocity of −90°. The maximum introduced RMS amplitude is a function
  of velocity amplitude and field strength, but realistic errors are
  on the order of 5/2000 G, or 0.25% of field strength. Comparison
  of simulations with observations shows RMS amplitudes of MDI flux
  density are much greater than predicted by this effect. A 2-component
  HSRA model, tested to determine if stronger fields with smaller fill
  factors could fit the data, still can not reproduce the observations. It
  is concluded that oscillatory amplitudes of magnetic flux density
  measured with MDI are not due to acceleration effects, although the
  effect could contribute up to 25% of the measured amplitude. Attempts
  to remove acceleration effects from the magnetic flux signal are not
  successful. Also, we confirm that velocities measured in linearly
  polarized light in the vicinity of a strong magnetic field contain
  larger errors than velocities measured in circularly polarized light
  (Yang and Norton, 2001).

Title: The Search for a Tipped Toroidal Field
Authors: Norton, A. A.; Gilman, P. A.; Henney, C. J.; Cally, P. S.
2003SPD....34.1903N    Altcode: 2003BAAS...35..842N
  A magnetic tipping instability of the tachocline toroidal field has
  been predicted (Cally et al., 2003) that could produce a toroidal
  field tipped with respect to the equatorial axis. One result of a
  tipped toroidal band is the eruption of magnetic flux over a range of
  latitudes from the same toroidal ring. The longitudinal dependence
  of this flux emergence would contribute to non-axisymmetry of the
  whole flux emergence pattern by giving it a longitudinal wavenumber
  m=1 dependence. We search for evidence (or lack thereof) of a tipped
  toroidal field for some phases of the solar cycle by examining the
  dominant latitude of emerging flux as a function of longitude. We use
  the existing observational data from Kitt Peak synoptic Carrington
  Rotation magnetograms to identify the location of strong flux,
  independently in each hemisphere, and test whether the location of
  the flux reveals a pattern compatible with the tipping instability m=1.

Title: Observing MHD Oscillations in Sunspot
Authors: Norton, A. A.; Uitenbroek, H.
2003PADEU..13..109N    Altcode:
  Attempts to detect magnetohydrodynamic waves in the solar photosphere by
  identifying oscillations in the magnetic field have proved problematic
  due to suspected contributions from systematic temperature and density
  fluctuations causing the spectral line formation height to vary, which
  in turn samples a vertical gradient in the magnetic field strength. We
  investigate this effect in sunspot umbrae and penumbrae through the
  analysis of data obtained with the Advanced Stokes Polarimeter in
  spectral lines with notoriously different temperature sensitivities. The
  temporal behavior of the magnetic field strength in sunspot is presented
  with special consideration to line formation physics occurring in
  the dynamic solar atmosphere. These results are compared to forward
  modeling of Stokes profiles with a radiative transfer code given a
  sunspot atmosphere perturbed by an MHD oscillation.

Title: The Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) on SDO: Full Vector
    Magnetography with a Filtergraph Polarimeter
Authors: Graham, J. D.; Norton, A.; López Ariste, A.; Lites, B.;
   Socas-Navarro, H.; Tomczyk, S.
2003ASPC..307..131G    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Vector Magnetic Field Measurement Capabiliity of the
    Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager on SDO
Authors: Bush, R.; Scherrer, P.; Schou, J.; Liu, Y.; Tomczyk, S.;
   Graham, J.; Norton, A.
2002AGUFMSH52A0464B    Altcode:
  The Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) instrument has been selected
  as part of the payload complement of the Solar Dynamics Observatory
  Spacecraft. In this poster we describe the observing technique for
  measuring solar vector magnetic fields. The expected performance of
  the HMI instrument will be discussed including results of modeling
  the observing lines and instrument.

Title: Observing MHD oscillations: the effects of vertical magnetic
    gradients and thermodynamic fluctuations
Authors: Norton, A. A.; Uitenbroek, H.
2002ESASP.505..281N    Altcode: 2002solm.conf..281N; 2002IAUCo.188..281N
  Attempts to detect magnetohydrodynamic waves in the solar photosphere by
  identifying oscillations in the magnetic field have proved problematic
  due to suspected contributions from systematic temperature and density
  fluctuations causing the spectral line formation height to vary, which
  in turn samples a vertical gradient in the magnetic field strength. We
  investigate this effect through the analysis of data obtained with the
  Advanced Stokes Polarimeter in spectral lines with notoriously different
  temperature sensitivities. The temporal behavior of the magnetic field
  strength in sunspot and plage is presented with special consideration to
  line formation physics occurring in the dynamic solar atmosphere. These
  results are compared to forward modeling of Stokes profiles with a
  radiative transfer code given a sunspot atmosphere perturbed by an MHD
  oscillation. The possibility of a thermodynamic diagnostic is discussed.

Title: Inference of Solar Vector Magnetic Fields with Filtergraph
Authors: Graham, J. D.; Lites, B. W.; López Ariste, A.; Norton, A.;
   Socas-Navarro, H.; Tomczyk, S.
2002AAS...200.5611G    Altcode: 2002BAAS...34..736G
  We investigate the diagnostic potential of polarimetric measurements
  with filtergraph instruments. Numerical simulations are used to
  explore the possibility of inferring the magnetic field vector, its
  filling factor, and the thermodynamics of model atmospheres when
  only a few wavelength measurements are available. The simulations
  assume the magnetic sun to be represented by Milne-Eddington (ME)
  atmospheres. The results indicate that two wavelength measurements
  are insufficient to reliably determine the magnetic parameters,
  regardless of whether magnetograph techniques or least-squares fitting
  inversions are used. However, as few as four measurements analyzed
  with the inversion technique provide enough information to retrieve the
  intrinsic magnetic field with an accuracy better than 10 generated by
  more general models and ASP data passed through a simulated filtergraph.

Title: Systematic errors in measuring solar magnetic fields with a
    FPI spectrometer and MDI
Authors: Settele, A.; Carroll, T. A.; Nickelt, I.; Norton, A. A.
2002A&A...386.1123S    Altcode:
  We will show the potential errors of observations using instruments,
  where a line spectrum is obtained not instantly but by scanning through
  the spectral line in time. We give two examples in simulations of
  a sunspot observation with the measuring procedure of a typical
  Fabry-Perot interferometer (FPI) spectrometer and the Michelson
  Doppler Imager (MDI) on board of the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
  (SOHO). The effect described is inherent for observations with a low
  intensity input signal, where the accumulation time for one image and
  therefore the whole process of measuring a spectrum is relatively high
  compared to the timescale of the underlying physical processes. We show
  that our simulated data produce an error in magnetic field strength and
  - in a time series - result in an apparent oscillation of the magnetic
  field strength, while the input contained only velocity oscillations. As
  the FPI spectrometer is being used more and more widely, one has to
  be aware of the disadvantages and potential errors when interpreting
  its data. We encourage every observer to do the simple simulation as
  described for every specific setup used.

Title: Microquasars
Authors: Chadwick, P.; Norton, A.
2001Obs...121..361C    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Center-to-Limb Angle Dependence of Phases (v, δ|B|) Observed
    with the Michelson Doppler Imager
Authors: Norton, A. A.; Ulrich, R. K.; Liu, Y.
2001ApJ...561..435N    Altcode:
  We test the hypothesis that phases between line-of-sight magnetic
  and velocity signals depend upon center-to-limb angle if the magnetic
  response to photospheric velocity perturbations is both magneto-acoustic
  and Alfvénic. The Michelson Doppler Imager observes two bipolar active
  regions. Sunspots exhibit the predicted shift toward phase angles
  of 0° at the limb. Phases for the first sunspot group are -100°,
  -55°, and -31° for data at center-to-limb angles of 14°, 41°,
  and 60°. Phases for the second sunspot group are -107°, -66°, and
  -14° for data at center-to-limb angles of 16°, 29°, and 57°. The
  systematic march from ~-90° phase angles at disk center toward 0°
  at the limb could be interpreted that Alfvén waves are more easily
  observed at the limb. Unexpectedly, leading sunspot phases split
  into positive and negative values as the far side sunspot fields turn
  away from the observer. This cannot be explained mathematically by the
  change of positive to negative field because phase angles are calculated
  using δ|B|. Consistent wave propagation direction, or motion guided by
  field lines, is implied since matter moving away from an observer along
  negative lines must simultaneously move toward the observer on positive
  lines to produce this result. Plage behavior is consistent with the
  observed splitting of phases in the leading sunspot. All plage phases
  are ~-90° at disk center but split into positive and negative groups
  near the limb. Limbward plage phases are 17° for negative polarity
  and -95° for positive polarity. Field configurations calculated from
  the potential field model show phases differ between open loops, where
  outgoing waves could exist, and closed loops whose finite length may
  trap waves.

Title: Observed Phases (v, δB) as a Function of Center to Limb Angle
Authors: Norton, A. A.; Liu, Y.; Ulrich, R. K.
2001ASPC..236..305N    Altcode: 2001aspt.conf..305N
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Measuring Magnetic Oscillations in the Solar Photosphere:
    Coordinated Observations with MDI, ASP and MWO
Authors: Norton, A. A.; Ulrich, R. K.
2000SoPh..192..403N    Altcode:
  A comprehensive observing effort was undertaken to simultaneously obtain
  full Stokes profiles as well as longitudinal magnetogram maps of a
  positive plage region on 8 December, 1998 with the Michelson Doppler
  Imager, the Advanced Stokes Polarimeter and Mt. Wilson Observatory
  magnetograph. We compare 1.2” spatially-averaged signals of velocities
  as well as filter magnetograph longitudinal flux signals with Stokes
  determined fluctuations in filling factor, field inclination, magnetic
  flux and field strength. The velocity signals are in excellent
  agreement. Michelson Doppler Imager magnetic flux correlates best
  with fluctuations in the Advanced Stokes Polarimeter filling factor,
  not inclination angle or field strength. A correlated flux and filling
  factor change in the absence of a field strength fluctuation can be
  understood in terms of internally unperturbed flux tubes being buffeted
  by external pressure fluctuations. The 12.5” square aperture spatially
  averaged Mt. Wilson magnetograph signals are compared with Michelson
  Doppler Imager signals from the corresponding observing area. Velocity
  signals are in superb agreement. Magnetic signals exhibit similar
  oscillatory behavior. Lack of Advanced Stokes Polarimeter data for this
  time excludes interpretation of magnetic fluctuations as due to filling
  factor or field inclination angle. Mt. Wilson Observatory simultaneous
  sampling of the nickel and sodium spectral line profiles with several
  wing pairs allowed inter-comparison of signals from different heights
  of formation. Slight phase shifts and large propagation speeds for the
  velocity signals are indicative of modified standing waves. Phase speeds
  associated with magnetic signals are characteristic of photospheric
  Alfvén speeds for plage fields. The phase speed increase with height
  agrees with the altitude dependence of the Alfvén speed. The observed
  fluctuations and phases are interpreted as a superposition of signatures
  from the horizontal component of the driving mechanism sweeping the
  field lines in/out of the resolution area and the magnetic response
  of the flux tube to this buffeting.

Title: Commission 46: Teaching of Astronomy: (Enseignement de
Authors: Fierro, Julieta; Isobe, Syuzo; Jones, B.; Batten, A.;
   Arellano, A.; Gervaldi, M.; Guinan, E.; Tush, W.; Hoff, D.; Martinez,
   P.; McNally, D.; Norton, A.; Narlikar, J.; Pasachoff, J.; Percy, J.;
   Wentzel, D.
2000IAUTA..24..423F    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Study of solar photospheric MHD oscillations: Observations
    with MDI, ASP and MWO
Authors: Norton, Aimee Ann
2000PhDT........90N    Altcode:
  Magnetodydrodynamical waves are expected to be an important energy
  transport mechanism in the solar atmosphere. This thesis uses data
  from a spectro-polarimeter and longitudinal magnetographs to study
  characteristics of magneto-hydrodynamical oscillations at photospheric
  heights. Significant oscillatory magnetic power is observed with the
  Michelson Doppler Imager in three frequency regimes: 0.5--1.0, 3.0--3.5
  and 5.5--6.0 mHz corresponding to timescales of magnetic evolution,
  p-modes and the three minute resonant sunspot oscillation. Spatial
  distribution of magnetogram oscillatory power exhibits the same general
  features in numerous datasets. Low frequency magnetogram power is found
  in rings with filamentary structure surrounding sunspots. Five minute
  power peaks in extended regions of plage. Three minute oscillations
  are observed in sunspot umbra. Phase angles between velocity and
  magnetic fluctuations are found to be approximately -90°, a signature
  of magnetoacoustic waves, in disk-center active region data. Phase
  dependence upon observation angle is established through sunspot
  values decreasing from -100° at disk-center towards -31° at the
  limb, confirming greater Alfen wave visibility at the limb. Consistent
  propagation direction or field-aligned velocities explain an unexpected
  phase jump from negative to positive values for divergent sunspot
  fields observed away from disk-center. Simultaneously obtained Stokes
  profiles and longitudinal magnetogram maps of a positive plage region
  provide time series which could be compared. The velocity signals are in
  excellent agreement. Magnetic flux correlates best with fluctuations in
  filling factor, not inclination angle or field strength, implying the
  responsible physical mechanism is internally unperturbed flux tubes
  being buffeted by external pressure fluctuations. Sampling signals
  from different heights of formation provides slight phase shifts
  and large propagation speeds for velocity, indicative of modified
  standing waves. Phase speeds associated with magnetic signals are
  characteristic of photospheric Alfven speeds for plage fields. The
  phase speed increase with height agrees with the altitude dependence of
  the Alfven speed. Observed fluctuations, phase angles and phase lags
  are interpreted as a superposition of signatures from the horizontal
  component of the driving mechanism sweeping the field lines in/out
  of the resolution area and the magnetic response of the flux tube to
  this buffeting.

Title: Characteristics of MHD Oscillations Observed with MDI
Authors: Norton, A. A.; Ulrich, R. K.; Bush, R. I.; Tarbell, T. D.
1999ASPC..184..136N    Altcode:
  We report on the spatial distribution of magnetic oscillatory power and
  phase angles between velocity and magnetic signals as observed with the
  Michelson Doppler Imager. The dataset is 151.25arcsec x 151.25arcsec
  containing sunspot from Dec 2, 1997 with a temporal sampling interval
  of 60 seconds and spatial sampling of 0.605arcsec. Simultaneously
  observed continuum intensity and surface velocity accompany the magnetic
  information. We focus on three frequency regimes: 0.5-1.0, 3.0-3.5 and
  5.5-6.0 mHz corresponding roughly to timescales of magnetic evolution,
  p-modes and the 3 minute resonant sunspot oscillation. Significant low
  frequency magnetic power is found in lower flux pixels, 100-300 Gauss,
  in a striking ring with filamentary structure surrounding sunspot. Five
  minute oscillatory magnetic power peaks in extended regions of flux
  600-800 Gauss. The 3 minute oscillation is observed in sunspot umbra
  in pixels whose flux measures 1300-1500 Gauss. Phase angles of -90°
  between velocity and magnetic flux in the 3.0-3.5 and 5.5-6.0 mHz
  regimes suggest the MHD oscillations are magnetoacoustic in nature.

Title: Characteristics of Magnetohydrodynamic Oscillations Observed
    with the Michelson Doppler Imager
Authors: Norton, A. A.; Ulrich, R. K.; Bush, R. I.; Tarbell, T. D.
1999ApJ...518L.123N    Altcode: 1999astro.ph..7256N
  We report on the spatial distribution of the magnetogram oscillatory
  power and the phase angles between velocity and magnetogram signals
  as observed with the Michelson Doppler Imager. The data set is
  151.25" × 151.25", containing the sunspot from 1997 December 2
  with a temporal sampling interval of 60 s and spatial sampling of
  0.605". The simultaneously observed continuum intensity and surface
  velocity accompany the magnetic information. We focus on three frequency
  regimes: 0.5-1.0, 3.0-3.5, and 5.5-6.0 mHz, corresponding roughly to
  timescales of magnetic evolution, p-modes, and the 3 minute resonant
  sunspot oscillation. Significant low-frequency magnetogram power
  is found in lower flux pixels, 100-300 G, in a striking ring with
  filamentary structure surrounding the sunspot. The 5 minute magnetogram
  power peaks in extended regions of flux that measure 600-800 G. The
  3 minute oscillation is observed in the sunspot umbra in pixels whose
  flux measures 1300-1500 G. Phase angles of approximately -90° between
  velocity and magnetic flux in the 3.0-3.5 and 5.5-6.0 mHz regimes are
  found in regions of significant cross amplitude.

Title: MHD Wave Search: Coordinated ASP/MDI Observations
Authors: Norton, A. A.; Ulrich, R. K.
1999soho....9E..75N    Altcode:
  We search for the signature of MHD waves in data obtained during
  coordinated observations with the Advanced Stokes Polarimeter and the
  Michelson Doppler Imager on Dec 8, 1998. MDI observed a small sunspot
  and surrounding plage in the hi-resolution field of view for roughly
  five hours. During this time, the 84.7” ASP slit repeatedly scanned
  a 4.2” area within the MDI field of view observing plage and sunspot
  for 45 minutes each. We compare the MDI filtergram signals to the full
  Stokes data of the ASP. The spatial distribution of MDI magnetogram
  power is presented in grayscale plots to provide contextual information
  regarding ASP slit placement.

Title: MHD oscillations observed in the solar photosphere with the
    Michelson Doppler Imager
Authors: Norton, A.; Ulrich, R. K.; Bogart, R. S.; Bush, R. I.;
   Hoeksema, J. T.
1998IAUS..185..453N    Altcode:
  Magnetohydrodynamic oscillations are observed in the solar photosphere
  with the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI). Images of solar surface
  velocity and magnetic field strength with 4” spatial resolution
  and a 60 second temporal resolution are analyzed. A two dimensional
  gaussian aperture with a FWHM of 10” is applied to the data in
  regions of sunspot, plage and quiet sun and the resulting averaged
  signal is returned each minute. Significant power is observed in the
  magnetic field oscillations with periods of five minutes. The effect
  of misregistration between MDI's left circularly polarized (LCP) and
  right circularly polarized (RCP) images has been investigated and is
  found not to be the cause of the observed magnetic oscillations. It is
  assumed that the large amplitude acoustic waves with 5 minute periods
  are the driving mechanism behind the magnetic oscillations. The nature
  of the magnetohydrodynamic oscillations are characterized by their
  phase relations with simultaneously observed solar surface velocity

Title: Long Term Multiwavelength Monitoring of High Mass X-ray
Authors: Roche, P.; Coe, M.; Everall, C.; Fabregat, J.; Reglero, V.;
   Prince, T.; Chakrabarty, D.; Bildsten, L.; Norton, A.; Unger, S.;
   Buckley, D.
1994AIPC..308..487R    Altcode: 1994exrb.conf..487R
  We present a summary of the Southampton/Valencia/Caltech/SAAO campaign
  for long-term, multiwavelength monitoring of high mass x-ray binaries. A
  number of sources have been observed in unusual states, including
  detailed studies of the Be/x-ray transients X Persei (4U0352+309: disk
  loss state, 1988-1990), 3A1118-616 (transient outburst, Jan. 1991),
  GX 1+4 (outburst Sept. 1993) and EXO2030+375 (periastron passsage,
  June 1993).

Title: The Identification of Potential Counterparts to X-Ray Binaries
    Using Cosmos
Authors: Roche, P.; Norton, A.
1992ASSL..174..431R    Altcode: 1992doss.conf..431R
  No abstract at ADS