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Author name code: novotny
ADS astronomy entries on 2022-09-14
author:"Novotny, Eva" 

Title: A Narrative Computer Programme for Solar Evolution
Authors: Gough, D. O.; Novotny, E.
1995LIACo..32..369G    Altcode: 1995sews.book..369G
  No abstract at ADS

Title: On the asteroseismic calibration of solar-type stars
Authors: Gough, D. O.; Novotny, E.
1993ASPC...40..550G    Altcode: 1993ist..proc..550G; 1993IAUCo.137..550G
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Asteroseismic Calibration of Stellar Clusters
Authors: Gough, D. O.; Novotny, E.
1993ASPC...42..355G    Altcode: 1993gong.conf..355G
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Sensitivity of Solar Eigenfrequencies to the Age of the Sun
Authors: Gough, D. O.; Novotny, E.
1990SoPh..128..143G    Altcode: 1990IAUCo.121P.143G
  The increasing central concentration of the Sun with age modifies
  the acoustic eigenfrequencies. In particular, the frequency separation
  for modes with l + 1/2 ≪ n decreases as nuclear reactions augment
  the molecular-weight gradient in the energy-generating core. If,
  for example, the Sun were older than is generally believed, one
  might therefore expect d<SUB>l</SUB> to be smaller than current
  theoretical predictions. On the other hand, to ensure that the
  luminosity is consistent with observations, the presumed initial
  hydrogen abundance would need to be enhanced, thereby reducing the
  resultant molecular-weight gradient. Thus there is some degree of
  cancellation of the two major factors that determine d<SUB>l</SUB>.

Title: Introduction to stellar atmospheres and interiors
Authors: Novotny, Eva
1973itsa.book.....N    Altcode: 1973QB809.N68......
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Effects of Recent Opacity Corrections on a Main-Sequence
    Stellar Model of 2.25 M_{sun}
Authors: Novotny, Eva
1972ApJ...174..425N    Altcode:
  A comparison is made between models calculated with the opacities of
  Carson, Mayers, and Stibbs and the electron-scattering corrections
  of Watson with models based on the opacities of Cox, Stewart, and
  Eilers. The models have a mass of 2.25 M0 and a chemical composition
  with X = 0.596 and Z = 0.02 With the adopted formulae representing the
  new opacities, it is found that the percentage changes with respect
  to the model based on the opacities of Cox et at. can be as large
  as + 11 for the stellar radius, -42 for the luminosity, - 15 for the
  effective temperature, - 30 for the mass of the convective core, -8
  for the central pressure, and -4 for both the central density and the
  central temperature.

Title: An introduction to stellar atmospheres and interiors.
Authors: Novotny, E.
1971itsa.book.....N    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: A Model for the Interior of Zeta Herculis a.
Authors: Novotny, Eva
1961PhDT.........2N    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS