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Author name code: ofman
ADS astronomy entries on 2022-09-14
author:"Ofman, Leon" 

Title: Observations of Ion-Scale Cyclotron Waves and Their
    Relationship with Non-thermal Ion Distributions in the Solar Wind
Authors: Jian, Lan; Ofman, Leon; Wei, Hanying; Stevens, Michael;
   Alterman, Benjamin L.; Larson, Davin; Boardsen, Scott; Verniero, Jaye
2022cosp...44.1656J    Altcode:
  Among contemporary heliospheric missions, Parker Solar Probe (PSP)
  and Wind spacecraft have been observing non-thermal distributions
  of solar wind ions from about 0.08 AU (about 17 solar radii) to 1
  AU. There are sometimes secondary populations of protons and/or alpha
  particles as well as anisotropic ion distributions with respect to
  the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). On the other hand, using
  the high-cadence magnetic field data from PSP and Wind missions, we
  have detected the near-circularly-polarized electromagnetic waves
  in the solar wind, in the frequency range near the local proton
  and alpha-particle cyclotron frequencies. They are preferentially
  observed when the IMF is radial. Based on our long-term (covering
  more than two years) surveys of these waves using PSP and Wind data,
  we investigate the relationship between the non-thermal solar wind
  ion distributions and the properties of these ion-scale waves. We
  also statistically study the radial variations of these solar wind
  ion parameters and wave properties (occurrence rate, wave frequency,
  wave power, etc.) in the inner heliosphere. Such an investigation using
  the solar wind plasma as a natural laboratory would deepen our general
  understanding of wave-particle interactions at ion kinetic scales.

Title: Observations and Models of Proton and Alpha Particle Beams
    at PSP Perihelia with Implications for Solar Wind Heating
Authors: Ofman, Leon; Jian, Lan; Larson, Davin; Boardsen, Scott;
   Verniero, Jaye
2022cosp...44.1087O    Altcode:
  The Parker Solar Probe (PSP) Solar Wind Electrons Alphas & Protons
  (SWEAP)/Solar Probe Analyzers-Ions (SPAN-I) provide details of proton
  and alpha particle velocity distributions (VDFs), and associated kinetic
  wave activity detected with the FIELDS instrument. In particular the
  PSP observations at perihelia show that beam-core relative speed often
  exceeds the local Alfven speed, and that the ions temperatures are
  anisotropic with T$ _{\perp}/T_\parallel>1$. The origin of these ion
  beams and the implications for solar wind plasma kinetic heating are not
  well known. Recent hybrid modeling results show that large amplitude
  Alfven waves may drive the ion beams. Motivated by PSP observations
  we develop 2.5D and 3D hybrid-particle-in-cell (hybrid-PIC) models
  of proton and alpha particle super-Alfvenic beams in the solar wind
  plasma. We model for the first time the combined proton and alpha
  ion populations with beams and drifts, for a range of parameters
  relevant to PSP perihelia conditions. We find that beams and drifts
  drive nonlinearly coupled ion kinetic instabilities with associated
  ion-scale wave spectra in the inner-heliospheric solar wind. The
  results of the hybrid models provide the nonlinear evolution of the
  anisotropic core-beam ion VDFs, ion relative drifts, ion temperature
  anisotropies, and the wave k-spectra. We model the partition of the
  energies of the ions (thermal and kinetic), and waves (magnetic)
  due to the ion-kinetic instabilities. We conclude that the unstable
  ion beams can provide a mechanism for dissipating kinetic and waves
  energy resulting solar wind plasma heating.

Title: Excitation and Damping of Slow Magnetosonic Waves in Flaring
Hot Coronal Loops: Effects of Compressive Viscosity
Authors: Ofman, Leon; Wang, Tongjiang
2022ApJ...926...64O    Altcode: 2021arXiv211110696O
  Slow magnetosonic waves associated with flares were observed
  in coronal loops by Solar and Heliospheric Observatory/Solar
  Ultraviolet Measurements of Emitted Radiation, Solar Dynamics
  Observatory/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly in various EUV bandpasses,
  and other instruments. The excitation and damping of slow magnetosonic
  waves provides information on the magnetic, temperature, and density
  structure of the loops. Recently, it was found using 1.5D models
  that the thermal conduction is suppressed and compressive viscosity
  is enhanced in hot (T > 6 MK) flaring coronal loops. We model
  the excitation and dissipation of slow magnetosonic waves in hot
  coronal loops with realistic magnetic geometry, enhanced density, and
  temperature (compared to background corona) guided by EUV observations
  using a 3D magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) visco-resistive model. The effects
  of the compressive viscosity tensor component along the magnetic field
  are included with classical and enhanced viscosity coefficient values
  for the first time in a 3D MHD coronal loop model. The waves are excited
  by a velocity pulse at the footpoint of the loop at the coronal lower
  boundary. The modeling results demonstrate the excitation of the slow
  magnetosonic waves and nonlinear coupling to other wave modes, such
  as the kink and fast magnetosonic. We find significant leakage of
  the waves from the hot coronal loops with a small effect of viscous
  dissipation in cooler (6 MK) loops, and more significant effects of
  viscous dissipation in hotter (10.5 MK) coronal loops. Our results
  demonstrate that nonlinear 3D MHD models are required to fully account
  for the various wave couplings, damping, standing wave formation,
  and viscous dissipation in hot flaring coronal loops. Our viscous 3D
  MHD code provides a new tool for improved coronal seismology.

Title: Modeling Ion Beams, Kinetic Instabilities, and Waves Observed
    by the Parker Solar Probe near Perihelia
Authors: Ofman, Leon; Boardsen, Scott A.; Jian, Lan K.; Verniero,
   Jaye L.; Larson, Davin
2022ApJ...926..185O    Altcode: 2021arXiv211202357O
  Recent in situ observations from the Parker Solar Probe (PSP) mission
  in the inner heliosphere near perihelia show evidence of ion beams,
  temperature anisotropies, and kinetic wave activity, which are
  likely associated with kinetic heating and acceleration processes
  of the solar wind. In particular, the proton beams were detected by
  PSP/Solar Probe Analyzers-Ion (SPAN-I) and related magnetic fluctuation
  spectra associated with ion-scale waves were observed by the FIELDS
  instrument. We present the ion velocity distribution functions (VDFs)
  from SPAN-I and the results of 2.5D and 3D hybrid-particle-in-cell
  models of proton and α particle super-Alfvénic beams that drive
  ion kinetic instabilities and waves in the inner heliospheric solar
  wind. We model the evolution of the ion VDFs with beams, and obtain
  the ion relative drifts speeds, and ion temperature anisotropies for
  solar wind conditions near PSP perihelia. We calculate the partition
  of energies between the particles (ions) along and perpendicular and
  parallel to the magnetic field, as well as the evolution of magnetic
  energy, and compare to observationally deduced values. We conclude that
  the ion beam driven kinetic instabilities in the solar wind plasma near
  perihelia are important components in the cascade of energy from fluid
  to kinetic scales, an important component in the solar wind plasma
  heating process.

Title: Automated identification of transiting exoplanet candidates
    in NASA Transiting Exoplanets Survey Satellite (TESS) data with
    machine learning methods
Authors: Ofman, Leon; Averbuch, Amir; Shliselberg, Adi; Benaun, Idan;
   Segev, David; Rissman, Aron
2022NewA...9101693O    Altcode: 2021arXiv210210326O
  A novel artificial intelligence (AI) technique that uses machine
  learning (ML) methodologies combines several algorithms, which
  were developed by ThetaRay, Inc., is applied to NASA's Transiting
  Exoplanets Survey Satellite (TESS) dataset to identify exoplanetary
  candidates. The AI/ML ThetaRay system is trained initially with Kepler
  exoplanetary data and validated with confirmed exoplanets before its
  application to TESS data. Existing and new features of the data, based
  on various observational parameters, are constructed and used in the
  AI/ML analysis by employing semi-supervised and unsupervised machine
  learning techniques. By the application of ThetaRay system to 10,803
  light curves of threshold crossing events (TCEs) produced by the TESS
  mission, obtained from the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes, the
  algorithm yields about 50 targets for further analysis, and we uncover
  three new exoplanetary candidates by further manual vetting. This
  study demonstrates for the first time the successful application of
  the particular combined multiple AI/ML-based methodologies to a large
  astrophysical dataset for rapid automated classification of TCEs.

Title: Modeling the proton and particle beam and drift instabilities
    and the related ion-scale waves observed by the Parker Solar Probe
    in the solar wind
Authors: Ofman, Leon; Jian, Lan; Boardsen, Scott; Verniero, Jaye;
   Larson, Davin
2021AGUFMSH11A..04O    Altcode:
  Parker Solar Probe SPAN-I data near perihelia encounters (for example,
  E4-E8) find ion beams in protons and in alpha particle data, in
  addition to the proton-alpha drift velocity, and ion temperature
  anisotropies. The FIELDS instrument provides measurements of ion-scale
  waves with increased wave activity periods associated with enhanced ion
  beam magnitudes. It is well known from Vlasovs linear theory that ion
  velocity distributions (VDFs) with super-Alfvenic beams are subject
  to the ion-cyclotron instability and increase of ion temperature
  anisotropy with perpendicular and parallel (to the magnetic field)
  ion heating. Magnetosonic instability due to super-Alfvenic proton
  alpha drift can also contribute to the kinetic wave activity, produce
  anisotropic heating and ion scale waves. However, PSP data shows
  complex VDFs with multiple ion populations that require considering
  nonlinear interactions, growth, and nonlinear saturation of the ion
  instabilities. Motivated by the PSP observations we carry out 2.5D
  and 3D hybrid modeling of the expanding proton-alpha streaming solar
  wind plasma and study the excitation and relaxation of the ion kinetic
  instabilities, and their effects on ion-scale wave spectra. The models
  produce self-consistent proton and alpha particle VDFs, ion temperature
  anisotropies, and magnetic fluctuations spectra that can help understand
  the PSP ion and waves data and evaluate the impact of the ion kinetic
  instabilities on the heating of the SW plasma.

Title: Are the properties of the ion cyclotron wave in the solar
    wind indicative for their sources?
Authors: Wei, Hanying; Jian, Lan; Boardsen, Scott; Gershman, Daniel;
   Russell, Christopher; Ofman, Leon
2021AGUFMSH35C2068W    Altcode:
  Electromagnetic waves near the ion cyclotron frequency have been
  frequently observed in the solar wind from a wide range of heliocentric
  distances. These waves could play important roles in energy transferring
  or mediating the temperature anisotropy between ion species. The recent
  studies of Parker Solar Probe data and the Magnetospheric Multiscale
  data suggest ion beams appear to be a major source for generating these
  circularly polarized and field-aligned propagating waves. STEREO and
  WIND observations, both far away from the Earth bow shock to exclude
  it from being the source, provide a large sample set to investigate
  the wave properties statistically. We use these observations to infer
  the properties of the source ions by assuming they are generated
  from ion beam or ion with temperature anisotropies. We suggest that
  super-Alfvenic relative drift of or unstable ion temperature anisotropy
  could be the possible source of these widely observed waves (from 0.1
  to 1AU) in the heliosphere.

Title: Radial Evolution of the Ion-Scale Cyclotron Waves from 0.1
    to 1 AU Based on PSP, Wind, and STEREO Observations
Authors: Jian, Lan; Boardsen, Scott; Wei, Hanying; Ofman, Leon;
   Stevens, Michael; Verniero, Jaye; Larson, Davin; Russell, Christopher
2021AGUFMSH45A2348J    Altcode:
  Using the high-cadence magnetic field data from PSP (Parker
  Solar Probe), Wind, and STEREO (Solar Terrestrial Relations
  Observatory) missions, we have conducted long-term surveys of the
  circularly-polarized electromagnetic waves in the inner heliosphere
  and at 1 AU, in the frequency range near the local proton and
  alpha-particle cyclotron frequencies. Based on the large wave event
  lists from the three missions covering October 2018 March 2021, we
  investigate the radial evolution of the wave properties from 0.1 to
  1 AU statistically, including the occurrence rate, wave frequency,
  wave power, etc. These waves are left-hand (LH) or right-hand (RH)
  polarized in the spacecraft frame, and they often propagate in the
  direction near the local magnetic field. We first select the events
  in which LH and RH waves occur closely in time or simultaneously,
  and then analyze their intrinsic frequencies in the plasma frame and
  how the wave parameters vary with plasma conditions such as the solar
  wind ion temperature anisotropy and relative drift. The implication
  of the radial evolution of the LH and RH waves on models of solar wind
  heating and acceleration is discussed.

Title: Magnetohydrodynamic Waves in Open Coronal Structures
Authors: Banerjee, D.; Krishna Prasad, S.; Pant, V.; McLaughlin, J. A.;
   Antolin, P.; Magyar, N.; Ofman, L.; Tian, H.; Van Doorsselaere, T.;
   De Moortel, I.; Wang, T. J.
2021SSRv..217...76B    Altcode: 2020arXiv201208802B
  Modern observatories have revealed the ubiquitous presence of
  magnetohydrodynamic waves in the solar corona. The propagating waves
  (in contrast to the standing waves) are usually originated in the lower
  solar atmosphere which makes them particularly relevant to coronal
  heating. Furthermore, open coronal structures are believed to be the
  source regions of solar wind, therefore, the detection of MHD waves
  in these structures is also pertinent to the acceleration of solar
  wind. Besides, the advanced capabilities of the current generation
  telescopes have allowed us to extract important coronal properties
  through MHD seismology. The recent progress made in the detection,
  origin, and damping of both propagating slow magnetoacoustic waves and
  kink (Alfvénic) waves is presented in this review article especially
  in the context of open coronal structures. Where appropriate, we give
  an overview on associated theoretical modelling studies. A few of the
  important seismological applications of these waves are discussed. The
  possible role of Alfvénic waves in the acceleration of solar wind is
  also touched upon.

Title: Large-scale EUV Waves and Their Implications for Global
    Coronal Seismology
Authors: Liu, W.; Jin, M.; Wang, T.; Ofman, L.; Sun, X.
2021AAS...23832817L    Altcode:
  Large-scale extreme ultraviolet (EUV) waves associated with coronal mass
  ejections (CMEs) and solar flares can provide novel diagnostics of the
  solar corona on global scales, an area yet to be fully exploited. We
  perform detailed analysis of various behaviors, such as reflection,
  refraction, and diffraction of several well-observed EUV waves,
  including those associated with the SOL2017-09-10 X8.2 flare and
  the SOL2011-02-15 X2 flare. We also performed data-constrained MHD
  simulations of these events using the University of Michigan Alfven Wave
  Solar Model (AWSoM). By comparing the observations and simulations,
  we benchmark diagnostics of the magnetic field strengths and thermal
  properties of the solar corona. This opens the door to the full
  applications to global coronal seismology using large-scale EUV waves.

Title: Observations and 3D MHD Modeling of Small-scale Solar
    Prominence Oscillations
Authors: Ofman, L.; Kucera, T.; DeVore, C. R.
2021AAS...23810607O    Altcode:
  Small scale oscillations were recently observed in prominences with
  high resolution Hinode/SOT and IRIS SJI in unprecedented detail and
  identified as fast magnetosonic waves. The high-resolution observations
  provide evidence of flows of cool material, fluid instabilities
  such as Kelvin-Helmholtz and Rayleigh-Taylor, and the spectroscopic
  information provides evidence of Doppler shifts, heating, and cooling
  of the prominence material. Recently nonlinear fast magnetosonic
  waves were observed with periods in the range of 5-11 minutes and
  wavelengths in the plane of the sky (POS) of ~ 2000 km and flows,
  and the flows in narrow threads with POS speed ∼16-46 km/s. The
  nonlinear fast magnetosonic waves and flows were modeled using 2.5D MHD
  (Ofman & Kucera 2020). Here, we extend the study of the nonlinear
  fast magnetosonic waves using more realistic 3D MHD model. The model
  includes the 3D structure of the density and the magnetic field as well
  as mode coupling and demonstrate the propagating density compressions
  associated with the nonlinear fast magnetosonic waves, as well as the
  guided modes in the pillar. The 3D MHD modeling improve understanding
  of the POS effects in limb prominence oscillations observations. The
  results of the modeling are useful for coronal seismology of the
  prominence structure.

Title: Oblique High Mach Number Heliospheric Shocks: The Role of
    α Particles
Authors: Ofman, L.; Wilson, L. B.; Koval, A.; Szabo, A.
2021JGRA..12628962O    Altcode:
  Spacecraft observations of heliospheric shocks often find oscillations
  in the magnetic field and density both, upstream and downstream. The
  downstream magnetic oscillations of oblique collisionless shocks were
  detected by Wind with 10.9 samples s<SUP>-1</SUP> and DSCOVR spacecraft
  with high temporal resolution of 50 samples s<SUP>-1</SUP>. The
  density oscillations associated with the shocks are also evident in
  proton and α particle density by Wind (with much lower temporal
  resolution). Recently, we have investigated low Mach number low
  β oblique shock oscillations using satellite data and 2.5D hybrid
  modeling with electrons modeled as fluid and ions modeled as particles
  and found that α particles—an important component of heliospheric
  plasma—may affect considerably the downstream oscillations and the
  shock structure. The objective of the present study is to investigate
  the effects of α particles on high Mach number heliospheric shocks
  dynamics, oscillations, nonstationarity, and shock front rippling. We
  extend the study to high Mach number shocks (M &gt; 3), investigate
  several α particle typical densities, and compare the results for the
  various shock parameters. We model the effects of α particles on the
  shock ramp, wake, and downstream oscillation structure and the kinetic
  properties of proton and α particle velocity distributions at various
  locations downstream of the shocks. Using the 2.5D hybrid model we found
  that the modeled high Mach number quasi perpendicular shock magnetic
  and density structures are significantly affected by α particles with
  typical solar wind relative abundances, suggesting that the observed
  high Mach number shocks are similarly affected by α particles.

Title: Simulating the Solar Minimum Corona in UV Wavelengths with
    Forward Modeling II. Doppler Dimming and Microscopic Anisotropy Effect
Authors: Zhao, Jie; Gibson, Sarah E.; Fineschi, Silvano; Susino,
   Roberto; Casini, Roberto; Cranmer, Steven R.; Ofman, Leon; Li, Hui
2021ApJ...912..141Z    Altcode:
  In ultraviolet (UV) spectropolarimetric observations of the solar
  corona, the existence of a magnetic field, solar wind velocity, and
  temperature anisotropies modify the linear polarization associated with
  resonant scattering. Unlike previous empirical models or global models,
  which present blended results of the above physical effects, in this
  work, we forward-model expected signals in the H I Lyα line (121.6 nm)
  by adopting an analytic model that can be adjusted to test the roles
  of different effects separately. We find that the impact of all three
  effects is most evident in the rotation of the linear polarization
  direction. In particular, (1) for magnetic fields between ∼10 and
  ∼100 G, the Hanle effect modifies the linear polarization at low
  coronal heights, rotating the linear polarization direction clockwise
  (counterclockwise) when the angle between the magnetic field and the
  local vertical is greater (less) than the van Vleck angle, which is
  consistent with the result of Zhao et al.; (2) solar wind velocity,
  which increases with height, has a significant effect through the
  Doppler dimming effect at higher coronal heights, rotating the linear
  polarization direction in an opposite fashion to the Hanle effect;
  and (3) kinetic temperature anisotropies are most significant at
  lower heights in open nonradial magnetic field regions, producing
  tilt opposite to isotropic Doppler dimming. The fact that the three
  effects operate differently in distinct spatial regimes opens up the
  possibility for using linear polarization measurements in UV lines to
  diagnose these important physical characteristics of the solar corona.

Title: Slow-Mode Magnetoacoustic Waves in Coronal Loops
Authors: Wang, Tongjiang; Ofman, Leon; Yuan, Ding; Reale, Fabio;
   Kolotkov, Dmitrii Y.; Srivastava, Abhishek K.
2021SSRv..217...34W    Altcode: 2021arXiv210211376W
  Rapidly decaying long-period oscillations often occur in hot
  coronal loops of active regions associated with small (or micro-)
  flares. This kind of wave activity was first discovered with the
  SOHO/SUMER spectrometer from Doppler velocity measurements of hot
  emission lines, thus also often called "SUMER" oscillations. They
  were mainly interpreted as global (or fundamental mode) standing slow
  magnetoacoustic waves. In addition, increasing evidence has suggested
  that the decaying harmonic type of pulsations detected in light curves
  of solar and stellar flares are likely caused by standing slow-mode
  waves. The study of slow magnetoacoustic waves in coronal loops has
  become a topic of particular interest in connection with coronal
  seismology. We review recent results from SDO/AIA and Hinode/XRT
  observations that have detected both standing and reflected intensity
  oscillations in hot flaring loops showing the physical properties (e.g.,
  oscillation periods, decay times, and triggers) in accord with the SUMER
  oscillations. We also review recent advances in theory and numerical
  modeling of slow-mode waves focusing on the wave excitation and damping
  mechanisms. MHD simulations in 1D, 2D and 3D have been dedicated to
  understanding the physical conditions for the generation of a reflected
  propagating or a standing wave by impulsive heating. Various damping
  mechanisms and their analysis methods are summarized. Calculations
  based on linear theory suggest that the non-ideal MHD effects such
  as thermal conduction, compressive viscosity, and optically thin
  radiation may dominate in damping of slow-mode waves in coronal loops
  of different physical conditions. Finally, an overview is given of
  several important seismological applications such as determination of
  transport coefficients and heating function.

Title: Rossby Waves in Astrophysics
Authors: Zaqarashvili, T. V.; Albekioni, M.; Ballester, J. L.;
   Bekki, Y.; Biancofiore, L.; Birch, A. C.; Dikpati, M.; Gizon, L.;
   Gurgenashvili, E.; Heifetz, E.; Lanza, A. F.; McIntosh, S. W.; Ofman,
   L.; Oliver, R.; Proxauf, B.; Umurhan, O. M.; Yellin-Bergovoy, R.
2021SSRv..217...15Z    Altcode:
  Rossby waves are a pervasive feature of the large-scale motions of the
  Earth's atmosphere and oceans. These waves (also known as planetary
  waves and r-modes) also play an important role in the large-scale
  dynamics of different astrophysical objects such as the solar
  atmosphere and interior, astrophysical discs, rapidly rotating stars,
  planetary and exoplanetary atmospheres. This paper provides a review
  of theoretical and observational aspects of Rossby waves on different
  spatial and temporal scales in various astrophysical settings. The
  physical role played by Rossby-type waves and associated instabilities
  is discussed in the context of solar and stellar magnetic activity,
  angular momentum transport in astrophysical discs, planet formation,
  and other astrophysical processes. Possible directions of future
  research in theoretical and observational aspects of astrophysical
  Rossby waves are outlined.

Title: The effects of the multi-ion kinetic instabilities on
    electromagnetic cyclotron wave spectra in the solar wind
Authors: Ofman, Leon; Jian, Lan
2021cosp...43E.942O    Altcode:
  Electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves were identified in the solar
  wind (SW) in the past using in-situ data from STEREO (Jian et al. 2009),
  Wind, and other spacecraft data. In-situ data in the inner heliosphere
  form Helios 1 &amp; 2 show strong evidence of non-equilibrium
  (non-Maxwellian) ion velocity distribution functions (VDFs),
  differential alpha-proton streaming, ion temperature anisotropies, and
  various forms of magnetic fluctuation spectra with distinct ion kinetic
  scales effects. Parker Solar Probe perihelion measurements provide SW
  plasma data and are expected to provide VDFs of protons and alphas,
  with additional ion data expected from the Solar Orbiter. Motivated
  by these observations we carry out 2.5D and 3D hybrid modeling of
  the expanding proton-alpha streaming solar wind plasma and study the
  excitation and relaxation of the ion kinetic instabilities, and their
  effects on EMIC wave spectra. The models produce self-consistent ion
  VDFs, temperature anisotropies, and magnetic fluctuations spectra
  that can test and improve the predictions of linear Vlasov theory
  and compared to in-situ spacecraft measurements. The results help
  understanding the multi-ion SW plasma expansion and heating in the
  acceleration region close to the Sun.

Title: Modeling the effects of α particles on collisionless oblique
    heliospheric shocks
Authors: Ofman, Leon; Wilson, Lynn; Szabo, Adam; Koval, Andriy
2021APS..DPPBM0006O    Altcode:
  The α particles in the solar wind are the second most abundant ion,
  and can carry significant energy, momentum and mass flux. We investigate
  the effects of α particles on the dynamics and the oscillations in
  high-Mach number (M &gt;3) oblique heliospheric shocks. However,
  detailed in-situ observations of α particle properties in these
  shocks are rare, in particular at high cadence on-par with the
  magnetic field measurements. The downstream magnetic oscillations in
  oblique collisionless heliospheric shocks were detected by Wind with
  10.9 samples/s and recently by DSCOVR spacecraft with high temporal
  resolution of 50 samples/s. The ions were also detected by Wind, albeit
  with lower temporal resolution then the magnetic oscillation. It is
  expected that Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter will observe shocks
  in the inner heliosphere with detailed proton and α particle data
  with the expected increase of solar activity. Meanwhile, we report
  the results of 2.5D and 3D hybrid models of high Mach number shocks,
  where we investigate several α particle typical relative abundances,
  Mach numbers, and shock normal directions, and compare the results
  for the various shock parameters. In particular we model the effects
  of α particles on the shock ramp, wake, and downstream oscillations
  and study the kinetic properties of proton and α particle velocity
  distributions function (VDFs) downstream of the shocks. The modeling
  results demonstrate that with typical α particle solar wind abundances
  of 5% the dynamics and the oscillations of high-Mach number shocks
  is significantly affected, evident from comparison to proton only
  shock models. We discussed the implication of our modeling results to
  the interpretation of spacecraft observations. <P />LO acknowledges
  support by NASA Cooperative agreement NNG11PLA10A to CUA. Resources
  supporting this work were provided by the NASA High-End Computing(HEC)
  Program through the NASA Advanced Supercomputing (NAS) Division at
  Ames Research Center.

Title: Comprehensive modeling of EMIC wave generation and their
    impact on different plasma populations using a kinetic convection
    diffusion model
Authors: Kang, S. B.; Fok, M. C. H.; Glocer, A.; Ofman, L.; Denton,
   R. E.; Buzulukova, N.
2020AGUFMSM037..14K    Altcode:
  Electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves play important roles in
  charged particle dynamics in the inner magnetosphere, heating both
  thermal ions and cold electrons and causing loss of both ring current
  ions and radiation belt electrons. EMIC waves are one of the key
  phenomena connecting ring current, cold plasma, and radiation belt
  populations through wave-particle interaction. Ring current ions with
  anisotropic pressure provides a free energy source to excite EMIC waves,
  whereas cold plasma population provides a reservoir taking energy from
  EMIC waves and medium for EMIC waves to be able to propagate. Therefore,
  modeling of EMIC waves (in particular their wave spectra and amplitudes)
  and their impact on different plasma populations are also very
  important in order to understand the dynamics between ring current,
  plasmasphere, and radiation belts. Hybrid or full particle codes can
  self-consistently calculate EMIC wave growth, wave amplitude, and
  their interaction with particle populations conserving all the basic
  physics, but it is difficult to simulate this on global scale because
  of their high computational cost. As a compromise, we use Comprehensive
  Inner Magnetosphere and Ionosphere (CIMI) model, which is a kinetic
  convection-diffusion model including ring current, plasmasphere,
  and radiation belt and parameterization of EMIC wave saturation
  amplitude, which estimates EMIC waves from a linear growth rate and
  plasma parameters such as densities and plasma pressure. We calculate
  event-specific linear growth rate and estimate global power spectral
  densities from the plasma parameters simultaneously calculated in
  CIMI. Furthermore, we calculate quasi-linear diffusion coefficients in
  momentum space and evaluate how EMIC waves heat or scatter ring current
  ions and radiation belt electrons. We also calculate the dependence of
  saturated EMIC wave amplitudes on various plasma parameters using the
  empirical formulas obtained from by 2.5D hybrid models. To validate,
  we compare RBSP observation to our simulation. This investigation
  represents a state-of-the-art comprehensive study of EMIC wave growth
  and their effects on ring current ions and radiation belt electrons.

Title: Simulations of longitudinal oscillations in flaring coronal
    loops observed with SDO/AIA
Authors: Wang, T.; Ofman, L.; Bradshaw, S. J.
2020AGUFMSH0430014W    Altcode:
  Longitudinal intensity oscillations generated in flare-heated
  coronal loops were recently observed with SDO/AIA in 94 Å and 131
  Å channels. These oscillations have been interpreted as standing
  or reflected propagating slow magnetoacoustic waves. They are mostly
  triggered by a circular-ribbon flare located at one footpoint of the
  loop, which may be associated with a fan-spine magnetic topology. The
  propagation, damping, and excitation mechanisms of such slow-mode
  waves in flaring loops are still poorly understood. Recent studies
  based on linear theory and 1D MHD simulations have demonstrated
  the determination of effective transport coefficients from observed
  oscillations by coronal seismology techniques (Wang et al 2015, 2018,
  2019). Evidence for thermal conduction suppression and compressive
  viscosity enhancement has been found with this technique. The presence
  of anomalous transport processes in hot flaring plasma may help shed
  light on the wave excitation mechanism and long-standing puzzles such
  as long-duration EUV/X-ray flares. In this presentation, we report on
  the analyzed results for seven new oscillation events observed with
  SDO/AIA. By simulating the propagation of slow waves in a 2D and 3D
  MHD model of hot AR loop constrained by observations, we explore the
  effect of modified transport coefficients on the wave excitation and
  damping. We also study the effect of modified transport coefficients on
  the thermal evolution of a heated loop using a field-aligned HD model.

Title: Oblique High Mach Number Heliospheric Shocks: the Role of
    Alpha Particles
Authors: Ofman, L.; Koval, A.; Wilson, L. B., III; Szabo, A.
2020AGUFMSH0420012O    Altcode:
  Spacecraft observations of heliospheric shocks often show oscillations
  in the magnetic field and density, both upstream and downstream. The
  magnetic oscillations of oblique collisionless shocks were detected by
  Wind and DSCOVR with high temporal resolution of up to 50 samples/s. The
  density oscillations associated with the shocks are also evident in
  density by Wind (with lower temporal resolution). Recently, we have
  investigated low Mach number low-beta oblique shock oscillations using
  satellite data and 2.5D hybrid modeling with electrons modeled as
  fluid and ions modeled as particles and found that alpha particles
  may affect considerably the downstream oscillations and the shock
  structure. Here, we extend the study to high Mach number shocks
  (M&gt;3), investigate several alpha particle typical densities, and
  compare the results. Using the 2.5D hybrid model we found that high
  Mach number quasi-perpendicular shock magnetic and density structures
  are significantly affected by alpha particles typical densities,
  manifesting in effect on rippling, nonstationarity, and reformation
  of the shocks. Multiple point spacecraft observations are needed to
  properly account for these shock features. We investigate the effects
  of alpha particles relative abundance on the shock ramp, wake, and
  downstream oscillation structure as well as kinetic properties of
  proton and alpha particle velocity distributions.

Title: Coronal Heating by MHD Waves
Authors: Van Doorsselaere, Tom; Srivastava, Abhishek K.; Antolin,
   Patrick; Magyar, Norbert; Vasheghani Farahani, Soheil; Tian, Hui;
   Kolotkov, Dmitrii; Ofman, Leon; Guo, Mingzhe; Arregui, Iñigo; De
   Moortel, Ineke; Pascoe, David
2020SSRv..216..140V    Altcode: 2020arXiv201201371V
  The heating of the solar chromosphere and corona to the observed high
  temperatures, imply the presence of ongoing heating that balances
  the strong radiative and thermal conduction losses expected in the
  solar atmosphere. It has been theorized for decades that the required
  heating mechanisms of the chromospheric and coronal parts of the active
  regions, quiet-Sun, and coronal holes are associated with the solar
  magnetic fields. However, the exact physical process that transport
  and dissipate the magnetic energy which ultimately leads to the solar
  plasma heating are not yet fully understood. The current understanding
  of coronal heating relies on two main mechanism: reconnection and MHD
  waves that may have various degrees of importance in different coronal
  regions. In this review we focus on recent advances in our understanding
  of MHD wave heating mechanisms. First, we focus on giving an overview
  of observational results, where we show that different wave modes have
  been discovered in the corona in the last decade, many of which are
  associated with a significant energy flux, either generated in situ
  or pumped from the lower solar atmosphere. Afterwards, we summarise
  the recent findings of numerical modelling of waves, motivated by the
  observational results. Despite the advances, only 3D MHD models with
  Alfvén wave heating in an unstructured corona can explain the observed
  coronal temperatures compatible with the quiet Sun, while 3D MHD wave
  heating models including cross-field density structuring are not yet
  able to account for the heating of coronal loops in active regions to
  their observed temperature.

Title: Parker Solar Probe Proton Beams and Waves: Observations
    and Modeling
Authors: Ofman, L.; Jian, L.; Boardsen, S. A.
2020AGUFMSH0490014O    Altcode:
  Parker Solar Probe (PSP) observations with Solar Probe Analyzer for
  Ions (SPAN-I) detects the 3D velocity distribution function (VDF) of
  protons and a particles with evidence of super-Alfvénic beams. The
  data is supplemented with FIELDS instrument that shows evidence of
  accompanying ion-scale wave storms, such as reported in Verniero et
  al. (2020). We report new coordinated wave-particle investigations
  focusing on the periods with the extensive existence of proton beams
  near PSP perihelion. We use the observed plasma parameters of the proton
  beam events to setup 2.5D hybrid model (2 spatial dimensions with 3D
  velocity and magnetic field components). In the model the protons and
  alpha particles are modeled kinetically with Particle In Cell (PIC)
  method, while electrons are treated as fluid. We investigate the
  relaxation of the drift instability due to the proton beam events,
  the generation of non-thermal VDFs and temperature anisotropy of
  protons, the effects of alpha particles, and the associated spectrum
  of magnetic fluctuations. The modeling results are in good agreement
  with PSP observations, and allow investigating the onset and the kinetic
  evolution of proton beam events for a range of observationally motivated
  solar wind plasma parameters.

Title: Fast Magnetosonic Waves and Flows in a Solar Prominence Foot:
    Observations and Modeling
Authors: Ofman, Leon; Kucera, Therese A.
2020ApJ...899...99O    Altcode: 2020arXiv200605885O
  We study recent observations of propagating fluctuations in a prominence
  foot with Hinode Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) high-resolution
  observations in Ca II and Hα emission, which we identify as nonlinear
  fast magnetosonic waves. Here we analyze further the observations of
  propagating waves and flows with Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph
  Mg II slit jaw images, in addition to Hinode/SOT Ca II images. We find
  that the waves have typical periods in the range of 5-11 minutes and
  wavelengths in the plane of the sky (POS) of about 2000 km, while the
  flows in narrow threads have a typical speed in the POS of ∼16-46
  km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. We also detect apparent kink oscillations in the
  threads with flowing material, and apply coronal seismology to estimate
  the magnetic field strength in the range of 5-17 G. Using 2.5D MHD we
  model the combined effects of nonlinear waves and flows on the observed
  dynamics of the prominence material, and reproduce the propagating and
  refracting fast magnetosonic waves, as well as standing kink-mode waves
  in flowing material along the magnetic field. The modeling results are
  in good qualitative agreement with the observations of the various
  waves and flows in the prominence foot, further confirming coronal
  seismology analysis and improving the understanding of the fine-scale
  dynamics of the prominence material.

Title: Global Magnetohydrodynamics Simulation of EUV Waves and Shocks
    from the X8.2 Eruptive Flare on 2017 September 10
Authors: Jin, M.; Liu, W.; Cheung, C. M. M.; Nitta, N.; DeRosa,
   M. L.; Manchester, W.; Ofman, L.; Downs, C.; Petrosian, V.; Omodei,
   N.; Moschou, S. P.; Sokolov, I.
2019AGUFMSH32A..01J    Altcode:
  As one of the largest flare-CME eruptions during solar cycle 24, the
  2017 September 10 X8.2 flare event is associated with spectacular
  global EUV waves that transverse almost the entire visible solar
  disk, a CME with speed &gt; 3000 km/s, which is one of the fastest
  CMEs ever recorded, and &gt;100 MeV Gamma-ray emission lasting for
  more than 12 hours. All these unique observational features pose new
  challenge on current numerical models to reproduce the multi-wavelength
  observations. To take this challenge, we simulate the September 10
  event using a global MHD model (AWSoM: Alfven Wave Solar Model) within
  the Space Weather Modeling Framework and initiate CMEs by Gibson-Low
  flux rope. We assess several important observed and physical inputs
  (e.g., flux rope properties, polar magnetic field) in the model to
  better reproduce the multi-wavelength observations. We find that the
  simulated EUV wave morphology and kinematics are sensitive to the
  orientation of the initial flux rope introduced to the source active
  region. An orientation with the flux-rope axis in the north-south
  direction produces the best match to the observations, which suggests
  that EUV waves may potentially be used to constrain the flux-rope
  geometry for such limb or behind-the-limb eruptions that lack good
  magnetic field observations. By further combining with the white
  light and radio observations, we demonstrate the flux rope-corona
  interaction can greatly impact the early phase shock evolution (e.g.,
  geometry and shock parameters) therefore plays a significant role
  for particle acceleration near the Sun in this event. By propagating
  the CMEs into the heliosphere and beyond the Earth and Mars orbits, we
  compare the model results with the in-situ measurements and demonstrate
  the importance of input polar magnetic field on the realistic CME
  modeling therefore space weather forecasting.

Title: The effects of Alpha Particles on Oblique High Mach Number
    Heliospheric Shocks
Authors: Ofman, L.; Wilson, L. B., III; Koval, A.; Szabo, A.
2019AGUFMSH23B3401O    Altcode:
  Spacecraft observations of shocks often show oscillations in the
  magnetic field and density both, upstream and downstream. The magnetic
  oscillations of oblique collisionless shocks were detected by DSCOVR/MAG
  with high temporal resolution of 50 samples/s. The density oscillations
  associated with the shocks are seen by DSCOVR and Wind in protons and
  in α particle by Wind (with lower temporal resolution). Recently,
  we have investigated low Mach number low-β oblique shock oscillations
  using satellite data and 2.5D hybrid modeling with electrons modeled
  as fluid and ions modeled as particles. In particular we found that
  α particles may affect considerably the downstream oscillations and
  the shock structure. Here, we extend our previous study to high Mach
  number shocks (M&gt;3) and investigate a range of plasma β values in
  the β&lt;~1 range and compare the results to available observations
  of similar shocks. Using the 2.5D hybrid model we find that high Mach
  number shocks exhibit time-dependent corrugation (rippling) of the
  shock front. We investigate the effects of α particle abundances and
  other kinetic properties on the rippling and the non-stationarity of
  the oblique high Mach number shocks. We model the structure and the
  evolution of the proton and α particle velocity distributions in
  various locations in the downstream region of the shocks and discuss
  the observational implications.

Title: Determination of transport coefficients from flare-induced
    slow magnetoacoustic waves by parametric study
Authors: Wang, T.; Ofman, L.; Bradshaw, S. J.
2019AGUFMSH33D3408W    Altcode:
  Recent studies of slow-mode waves in a flaring coronal loop observed
  by SDO/AIA have revealed the suppression of thermal conduction and
  significant enhancement of compressive viscosity in hot (~ 10 MK)
  plasma (Wang et al. 2015, 2018). The strong suppression of thermal
  conduction may provide an explanation for the slower-than-expected
  cooling of flare plasma in the decay phase, while the anomalously
  enhanced viscosity can explain the quick formation of standing slow
  magnetosonic waves seen in observations. In this study we aim at
  developing a new coronal seismology tool for determining the transport
  coefficients in flaring loop plasma based on a parametrical study of
  wave properties. For this purpose we are using a 1D nonlinear MHD
  loop model in combination with the linear theory. We find that the
  classical thermal conductivity is suppressed by a factor of about 3
  derived from the observed phase shift between temperature and density
  perturbations, and the classical viscosity coefficient is enhanced by
  a factor of 10 from the observed decay time. Using the 1D loop model
  with these refined transport coefficients, we study the excitation
  of slow-mode waves by launching a flow pulse from one footpoint. The
  simulation can self-consistently produce the fundamental standing
  wave on a timescale in agreement with the observation. We extend
  the model to more realistic 2.5D MHD and study the effects of the
  seismology-determined transport coefficients on the wave excitation
  and damping times using simulations of a field-aligned hydrodynamic
  loop model with impulsive heating. We model the impulsive excitation
  of slow magnetosonic waves in a bipolar coronal active region (AR)
  using 2.5D MHD model that includes a hot and dense loop initially in
  hydrostatic equilibrium. We discuss the effect of the loop's transverse
  and longitudinal inhomogeneity on the resulting wave dynamics.

Title: Determination of Transport Coefficients by Coronal Seismology
of Flare-induced Slow-mode Waves: Numerical Parametric Study of a
    1D Loop Model
Authors: Wang, Tongjiang; Ofman, Leon
2019ApJ...886....2W    Altcode: 2019arXiv190910910W
  Recent studies of a flaring loop oscillation event on 2013 December
  28 observed by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly of the Solar Dynamics
  Observatory have revealed the suppression of thermal conduction and
  significant enhancement of compressive viscosity in hot (∼10 MK)
  plasma. In this study we aim at developing a new coronal seismology
  method for determining the transport coefficients based on a parametric
  study of wave properties using a 1D nonlinear magnetohydrodynamics
  (MHD) loop model in combination with the linear theory. The simulations
  suggest a two-step scheme: we first determine the effective thermal
  conduction coefficient from the observed phase shift between
  temperature and density perturbations as this physical parameter
  is insensitive to the unknown viscosity; then from the loop model
  with the obtained thermal conduction coefficient, we determine the
  effective viscosity coefficient from the observed decay time using
  the parametric modeling. With this new seismology technique we are
  able to quantify the suppression of thermal conductivity by a factor
  of about 3 and the enhancement of viscosity coefficient by a factor of
  10 in the studied flaring loop. Using the loop model with these refined
  transport coefficients, we study the excitation of slow magnetoacoustic
  waves by launching a flow pulse from one footpoint. The simulation can
  self-consistently produce the fundamental standing wave on a timescale
  in agreement with the observation.

Title: Hybrid Simulation of Solar-Wind-Like Turbulence
Authors: Roberts, D. Aaron; Ofman, Leon
2019SoPh..294..153R    Altcode:
  We present 2.5D hybrid simulations of the spectral and thermodynamic
  evolution of an initial state of magnetic field and plasma
  variables that in many ways represents solar wind fluctuations. In
  accordance with Helios near-Sun high-speed stream observations,
  we start with Alfvénic fluctuations along a mean magnetic field
  in which the fluctuations in the magnitude of the magnetic field are
  minimized. Since fluctuations in the radial flow speed are the dominant
  free energy in the observed fluctuations, we include a field-aligned
  v<SUB>∥</SUB>(k<SUB>⊥</SUB>) with an k<SUP>−1</SUP> spectrum
  of velocity fluctuations to drive the turbulent evolution. The
  flow rapidly distorts the Alfvénic fluctuations, yielding spectra
  (determined by spacecraft-like cuts) transverse to the field that
  become comparable to the k<SUB>∥</SUB> fluctuations, as in spacecraft
  observations. The initial near constancy of the magnetic field is lost
  during the evolution; we show this also takes place observationally. We
  find some evolution in the anisotropy of the thermal fluctuations,
  consistent with expectations based on Helios data. We present 2D spectra
  of the fluctuations, showing the evolution of the power spectrum
  and cross-helicity. Despite simplifying assumptions, many aspects
  of simulations and observations agree. The greatly faster evolution
  in the simulations is at least in part due to the small scales being
  simulated, but also to the non-equilibrium initial conditions and the
  relatively low overall Alfvénicity of the initial fluctuations.

Title: Pitch Angle Scattering of Sub-MeV Relativistic Electrons by
    Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves
Authors: Denton, R. E.; Ofman, L.; Shprits, Y. Y.; Bortnik, J.; Millan,
   R. M.; Rodger, C. J.; da Silva, C. L.; Rogers, B. N.; Hudson, M. K.;
   Liu, K.; Min, K.; Glocer, A.; Komar, C.
2019JGRA..124.5610D    Altcode:
  Electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves have long been considered to
  be a significant loss mechanism for relativistic electrons. This has
  most often been attributed to resonant interactions with the highest
  amplitude waves. But recent observations have suggested that the
  dominant energy of electrons precipitated to the atmosphere may often
  be relatively low, less than 1 MeV, whereas the minimum resonant energy
  of the highest amplitude waves is often greater than 2 MeV. Here we use
  relativistic electron test particle simulations in the wavefields of
  a hybrid code simulation of EMIC waves in dipole geometry in order
  to show that significant pitch angle scattering can occur due to
  interaction with low-amplitude short-wavelength EMIC waves. In the
  case we examined, these waves are in the H band (at frequencies above
  the He<SUP>+</SUP> gyrofrequency), even though the highest amplitude
  waves were in the He band frequency range (below the He<SUP>+</SUP>
  gyrofrequency). We also present wave power distributions for 29 EMIC
  simulations in straight magnetic field line geometry that show that the
  high wave number portion of the spectrum is in every case mostly due
  to the H band waves. Though He band waves are often associated with
  relativistic electron precipitation, it is possible that the He band
  waves do not directly scatter the sub-megaelectron volts (sub-MeV)
  electrons, but that the presence of He band waves is associated with
  high plasma density which lowers the minimum resonant energy so that
  these electrons can more easily resonate with the H band waves.

Title: On the Origin of Quasi-periodic Fast-mode Propagating Wave
Trains (QFPs): A Statistical Survey
Authors: Silver, Jay; Liu, Wei; Ofman, Leon
2019AAS...23421001S    Altcode:
  The magnetized solar corona hosts a variety of waves that are physically
  important and can serve as useful diagnostic tools. One type of such
  coronal waves are Quasi-periodic Fast-mode Propagating wave trains
  (QFPs), which were first detected in extreme ultraviolet (EUV) by
  the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) onboard the Solar Dynamics
  Observatory (SDO). QFPs are not uncommon and are generally associated
  with some, but not all solar flares and/or coronal mass ejections
  (CMEs). To search for physical conditions that can contribute to QFP
  production, we carried out a systematic survey of QFPs from the full
  SDO mission. We found that about 1/5 of global EUV waves were associated
  with QFPs. We also conducted a comparative study of two active regions
  (ARs) visible between October and November 2014, AR12192 and AR12205,
  with very different levels of QFP activity. AR12205 produced less
  flares but more QFPs, which were all associated with blow-out,
  eruptive flares and global EUV waves. In contrast, AR12192 produced
  more (mostly confined) flares, but with virtually no QFPs and less
  CMEs. This suggests that blow-out eruptions could be a necessary,
  but not sufficient condition for QFP production and/or detectability.

Title: The Global EUV Wave Associated with the SOL2017-09-10 X8.2
Flare: SDO/AIA Observations and Data-constrained MHD Simulations
Authors: Liu, Wei; Jin, Meng; Ofman, Leon; DeRosa, Marc L.
2019AAS...23430701L    Altcode:
  While large-scale extreme ultraviolet (EUV) waves associated with
  coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and solar flares are common, the EUV
  wave triggered by the X8 flare-CME eruption on 2017 September 10
  was an extreme. This was, to the best of our knowledge, the first
  detection of an EUV wave traversing the full-Sun corona over the entire
  visible disk and off-limb circumference, manifesting a truly global
  nature. In addition to commonly observed reflections, it had strong
  transmissions in and out of both polar coronal holes, at elevated
  wave speeds of &gt;2000 km/s within them. With an exceptionally large
  wave amplitude, it produced significant compressional heating to local
  coronal plasma. We present detailed analysis of SDO/AIA observations,
  global magnetic field extrapolations with the potential-field source
  surface (PFSS) model, and data-constrained MHD simulations of this
  event using the University of Michigan Alfven Wave Solar Model
  (AWSoM). By comparing the observations and simulations, we benchmark
  diagnostics of the magnetic field strengths and thermal properties of
  the solar corona on global scales. We discuss the future prospects of
  using such extreme EUV waves as probes for global coronal seismology,
  an area yet to be fully exploited.

Title: Reconstructing Extreme Space Weather From Planet Hosting Stars
Authors: Airapetian, Vladimir; Adibekyan, V.; Ansdell, M.; Alexander,
   D.; Barklay, T.; Bastian, T.; Boro Saikia, S.; Cohen, O.; Cuntz,
   M.; Danchi, W.; Davenport, J.; DeNolfo, G.; DeVore, R.; Dong, C. F.;
   Drake, J. J.; France, K.; Fraschetti, F.; Herbst, K.; Garcia-Sage,
   K.; Gillon, M.; Glocer, A.; Grenfell, J. L.; Gronoff, G.; Gopalswamy,
   N.; Guedel, M.; Hartnett, H.; Harutyunyan, H.; Hinkel, N. R.; Jensen,
   A. G.; Jin, M.; Johnstone, C.; Kahler, S.; Kalas, P.; Kane, S. R.;
   Kay, C.; Kitiashvili, I. N.; Kochukhov, O.; Kondrashov, D.; Lazio, J.;
   Leake, J.; Li, G.; Linsky, J.; Lueftinger, T.; Lynch, B.; Lyra, W.;
   Mandell, A. M.; Mandt, K. E.; Maehara, H.; Miesch, M. S.; Mickaelian,
   A. M.; Mouschou, S.; Notsu, Y.; Ofman, L.; Oman, L. D.; Osten, R. A.;
   Oran, R.; Petre, R.; Ramirez, R. M.; Rau, G.; Redfield, S.; Réville,
   V.; Rugheimer, S.; Scheucher, M.; Schlieder, J. E.; Shibata, K.;
   Schnittman, J. D.; Soderblom, David; Strugarek, A.; Turner, J. D.;
   Usmanov, A.; Van Der Holst, B.; Vidotto, A.; Vourlidas, A.; Way, M. J.;
   Wolk, Scott J.; Zank, G. P.; Zarka, P.; Kopparapu, R.; Babakhanova,
   S.; Pevtsov, A. A.; Lee, Y.; Henning, W.; Colón, K. D.; Wolf, E. T.
2019BAAS...51c.564A    Altcode: 2019astro2020T.564A; 2019arXiv190306853A
  The goal of this white paper is to identify and describe promising key
  research goals to aid the theoretical characterization and observational
  detection of ionizing radiation from quiescent and flaring upper
  atmospheres of planet hosts as well as properties of stellar coronal
  mass ejections (CMEs) and stellar energetic particle (SEP) events.

Title: Multi-fluid models and UV observations of coronal streamers
Authors: Ofman, Leon; Abbo, Lucia; Giordano, Silvio
2019shin.confE.197O    Altcode:
  The sources of the slow solar wind were long associated with coronal
  streamers through empirical connections from remote sensing and in-situ
  observations, and modeling. Near solar activity minimum the solar
  magnetic field is dominated by a tilted dipole and forms a streamer
  belt due to the outflow of the slow solar wind. Parker Solar Probe
  (PSP) will likely provide for the first time in-situ measurements in the
  stalks of streamers at perihelia. It has been found from Ulysses/SWICS
  observation that the signatures of the slow and fast solar wind could
  be identified by heavy ion abundances ratio. UV observations close to
  the Sun by the Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) on SOHO
  during the 1996 minimum activity has demonstrated that the streamer
  belt structure depends strongly on the observed emission lines, such
  as H I Ly alpha or O VI ions. Subsequent analysis and 2D multi-fluid
  modeling have shown that the variability of the heavy ion intensity
  in various parts of the streamers is associated with regions of slow
  solar wind outflow. We report the results of 3D multi-fluid models of
  coronal streamer belt and the associated emissivities of H I Ly alpha,
  O VI, and other heavy ions computed from the model results. We compare
  the results of the models with solar minimum observations and find good
  qualitative agreement. The 3D multi-fluid model allows computing the
  important line-of-sight integration effects on the observed streamer
  structure in the plane of the sky in the UV ion emission lines. The
  model shows the associations between the heavy ion properties in the
  cores and legs of streamers, and the slow solar wind outflow regions
  in realistic streamer belt structure, as well as in more realistic
  magnetic structure based on solar magnetogram boundary conditions. The
  results could be useful for understanding future PSP data.

Title: Nonlinear Evolution of Ion Kinetic Instabilities in the
    Solar Wind
Authors: Ofman, Leon
2019SoPh..294...51O    Altcode: 2019arXiv190311343O
  In-situ observations of the solar wind (SW) plasma from 0.29 to 1
  AU show that the protons and α particles are often non-Maxwellian,
  with evidence of kinetic instabilities, temperature anisotropies,
  differential ion streaming, and associated magnetic fluctuations
  spectra. The kinetic instabilities in the SW multi-ion plasma can lead
  to preferential heating of α particles and the dissipation of magnetic
  fluctuation energy, affecting the kinetic and global properties of
  the SW. Using for the first time a three-dimensional hybrid model,
  where ions are modeled as particles using the Particle-In-Cell
  (PIC) method and electrons are treated as fluid, we study the onset,
  nonlinear evolution and dissipation of ion kinetic instabilities. The
  Alfvén/ion cyclotron, and the ion drift instabilities are modeled in
  the region close to the Sun (∼10 R<SUB>s</SUB>). Solar wind expansion
  is incorporated in the model. The model produces self-consistent
  non-Maxwellian velocity distribution functions (VDFs) of unstable ion
  populations, the associated temperature anisotropies, and wave spectra
  for several typical SW instability cases in the nonlinear growth
  and saturation stage of the instabilities. The 3D hybrid modeling of
  the multi-ion SW plasma could be used to study the SW acceleration
  region close to the Sun, which will be explored by the Parker Solar
  Probe mission.

Title: Understanding the Role of α Particles in Oblique Heliospheric
    Shock Oscillations
Authors: Ofman, L.; Koval, A.; Wilson, L. B.; Szabo, A.
2019JGRA..124.2393O    Altcode:
  Recent observations by DSCOVR provide high temporal resolution (50
  samples per second) magnetic vector field data that allows investigating
  the details of oblique heliospheric shock oscillations. It was found
  that some of these shocks exhibit magnetic oscillations, both downstream
  and upstream of the shock front. The DSCOVR/MAG magnetic field data
  are supplemented by an extensive database of low Mach number (M &lt; 3)
  low-β (&lt;1) shock data observed by Wind albeit with lower temporal
  resolution. Motivated by the observations, we use the 2.5D hybrid
  model of the oblique shocks with α particles in addition to kinetic
  protons and electron fluid. We model the properties of the oblique
  shocks for a number of typical parameters found in observations and
  study the effects of the shock parameters and the relative α particle
  abundances on the properties of the shock magnetic field, density,
  and velocity oscillations. We find the α particles "surf" on the
  shock front and produce a wake of density oscillations. We examine
  the details of the phase space of the ions as well as the ion velocity
  distribution functions in various parts of the shock and study their
  nonthermal properties. We determine the effects of the α particle
  kinetic properties and abundances on the structure and dynamics of
  the shock downstream oscillations for a range of parameters relevant
  to low Mach number low-β heliospheric shocks.

Title: UV core dimming in coronal streamer belt and the projection
Authors: Abbo, L.; Giordano, S.; Ofman, L.
2019A&A...623A..95A    Altcode:
  During solar minimum activity, the coronal structure is dominated
  by a tilted streamer belt, associated with the sources of the slow
  solar wind. It is known that some UV coronal spectral observations
  show a quite evident core dimming in heavy ions emission in quiescent
  streamers. In this paper, our purpose is to investigate this phenomenon
  by comparing observed and simulated UV coronal ion spectral line
  intensities. First, we computed the emissivities and the intensities of
  HI Lyα and OVI spectral lines starting from the physical parameters
  of a time-dependent 3D three-fluid MHD model of the coronal streamer
  belt. The model is applied to a tilted dipole (10°) solar minimum
  magnetic structure. Next, we compared the results obtained from the
  model in the extended corona (from 1.5 to 4 R<SUB>⊙</SUB>) to the
  UV spectroscopic data from the Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer
  (UVCS) onboard SOHO during the minimum of solar activity (1996). We
  investigate the line-of-sight integration and projection effects in
  the UV spectroscopic observations, disentangled by the 3D multifluid
  model. The results demonstrate that the core dimming in heavy ions
  is produced by the physical processes included in the model (i.e.,
  combination of the effects of heavy ion gravitational settling,
  and energy exchange of the preferentially heated heavy ions through
  the interaction with electrons and protons) but it is visible only
  in some cases where the magnetic structure is simple, such as a
  (tilted) dipole. <P />Movie associated to Fig. 3 is available at <A

Title: Collisionless relaxation of the ion ring distribution in
    space plasma
Authors: Ofman, L.; Moore, T. E.; Glocer, A.
2019P&SS..165...75O    Altcode:
  Energetic processes often produce transversely-heated angular
  distributions of the magnetized core (lowest energy) plasma. This
  characteristic is found in solar wind ion pickup, resulting from
  cometary or interstellar gas ionization, in Earths' ionosphere, and
  with hot ions formed around the Space Transportation System during
  gas releases. We investigate the thermalization of O<SUP>+</SUP> ion
  pickup using the 2.5D hybrid simulation method (with fluid electrons
  and kinetic ions) of the ion pickup (ring) distributions, formed in
  the auroral ionosphere, with a range of ring velocities and thermal to
  magnetic pressure ratios. We find that in the unstable collisonless
  regime the anisotropy of the non-thermal distribution produces the
  ion-cyclotron instability, and the nonlinear relaxation is accompanied
  by wave-particle scattering that results in an emitted power of EMIC
  waves. We conclude that ionospheric pickup thermalization is slow due
  to the small ring speed compared to the thermal and Alfvén speeds,
  while in the solar wind and other space plasmas regions with larger
  ion-ring velocity the collisionless relaxation and thermalization is
  rapid in terms of O<SUP>+</SUP> ion gyro-period.

Title: Observed and simulated coronal UV lines at solar minimum
activity: The impact of the 3D tilted coronal streamer belt
Authors: Abbo, L.; Giordano, S.; Ofman, L.
2019NCimC..42...24A    Altcode:
  The aim of this study is to improve the knowledge of the slow solar
  wind origin. In particular, we compute the emissivities and the
  intensities of UV spectral lines starting from the physical parameters
  of a time-dependent 3D three-fluid MHD model of the tilted coronal
  streamer belt. The results obtained from the model are compared in
  the extended corona (at 1.5 and 1.9 R _{⊙} to the UV spectroscopic
  data from the Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) onboard SOHO
  in the streamer belt during the minimum of solar activity (1996). The
  discussion is focused on the importance of the projection effects due
  to the integration along the line of sight in the coronal ultraviolet
  observations of streamer core dimming.

Title: Global Magnetohydrodynamics Simulation of EUV Waves and Shocks
    from the X8.2 Eruptive Flare on 2017 September 10
Authors: Jin, Meng; Liu, Wei; Cheung, Mark; Nitta, Nariaki; Manchester,
   Ward; Ofman, Leon; Downs, Cooper; Petrosian, Vahe; Omodei, Nicola
2018csc..confE..66J    Altcode:
  As one of the largest flare-CME eruptions during solar cycle 24, the
  2017 September 10 X8.2 flare event is associated with spectacular
  global EUV waves that transverse almost the entire visible solar
  disk, a CME with speed &gt; 3000 km/s, which is one of the fastest
  CMEs ever recorded, and &gt;100 MeV Gamma-ray emission lasting for
  more than 12 hours. All these unique observational features pose new
  challenge on current numerical models to reproduce the multi-wavelength
  observations. To take this challenge, we simulate the September 10 event
  using a global MHD model (AWSoM: Alfven Wave Solar Model) within the
  Space Weather Modeling Framework and initiate CMEs by Gibson-Low flux
  rope. We conduct detailed comparisons of the synthesized EUV images with
  SDO/AIA observations of global EUV waves. We find that the simulated
  EUV wave morphology and kinematics are sensitive to the orientation
  of the initial flux rope introduced to the source active region. An
  orientation with the flux-rope axis in the north-south direction
  produces the best match to the observations, which suggests that EUV
  waves may potentially be used to constrain the flux-rope geometry for
  such limb or behind-the-limb eruptions that lack good magnetic field
  observations. We also compare observed and simulated EUV intensities
  in multiple AIA channels to perform thermal seismology of the global
  corona. Furthermore, we track the 3D CME-driven shock surface in the
  simulation and derive the time-varying shock parameters together with
  the dynamic magnetic connectivity between the shock and the surface
  of the Sun, with which we discuss the role of CME-driven shocks in
  the long-duration Gamma-ray events.

Title: A Truly Global Extreme Ultraviolet Wave from the SOL2017-09-10
    X8.2+ Solar Flare-Coronal Mass Ejection
Authors: Liu, Wei; Jin, Meng; Downs, Cooper; Ofman, Leon; Cheung,
   Mark C. M.; Nitta, Nariaki V.
2018csc..confE..40L    Altcode:
  We report SDO/AIA observations of an extraordinary global extreme
  ultraviolet (EUV) wave triggered by the X8.2+ flare-CME eruption on 2017
  September 10. This was one of the best EUV waves ever observed with
  modern instruments, yet it was likely the last one of such magnitudes
  of Solar Cycle 24 as the Sun heads toward the minimum. Its remarkable
  characteristics include the following. (1) The wave was observed,
  for the first time, to traverse the full-Sun corona over the entire
  visible solar disk and off-limb circumference, manifesting a truly
  global nature, owing to its exceptionally large amplitude, e.g., with
  EUV enhancements by up to 300% at 1.1 Rsun from the eruption. (2)
  This leads to strong transmissions (in addition to commonly observed
  reflections) in and out of both polar coronal holes, which are usually
  devoid of EUV waves. It has elevated wave speeds &gt;2000 km/s within
  them, consistent with the expected higher fast-mode magnetosonic wave
  speeds. The coronal holes essentially serve as new "radiation centers"
  for the waves being refracted out of them, which then travel toward the
  equator and collide head-on, causing additional EUV enhancements. (3)
  The wave produces significant compressional heating to local plasma
  upon its impact, indicated by long-lasting EUV intensity changes and
  differential emission measure increases at higher temperatures (e.g.,
  log T=6.2) accompanied by decreases at lower temperatures (e.g.,
  log T=6.0). These characteristics signify the potential of such EUV
  waves for novel magnetic and thermal diagnostics of the solar corona
  on global scales.

Title: A Truly Global Extreme Ultraviolet Wave from the SOL2017-09-10
    X8.2+ Solar Flare-Coronal Mass Ejection
Authors: Liu, Wei; Jin, Meng; Downs, Cooper; Ofman, Leon; Cheung,
   Mark C. M.; Nitta, Nariaki V.
2018ApJ...864L..24L    Altcode: 2018arXiv180709847L
  We report Solar Dynamics Observatory/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly
  (SDO/AIA) observations of an extraordinary global extreme ultraviolet
  (EUV) wave triggered by the X8.2+ flare-CME eruption on 2017 September
  10. This was one of the best EUV waves ever observed with modern
  instruments, yet it was likely the last one of such magnitudes of
  Solar Cycle 24 as the Sun heads toward the minimum. Its remarkable
  characteristics include the following. (1) The wave was observed,
  for the first time, to traverse the full-Sun corona over the entire
  visible solar disk and off-limb circumference, manifesting a truly
  global nature, owing to its exceptionally large amplitude, e.g.,
  with EUV enhancements by up to 300% at 1.1 {R}<SUB>⊙ </SUB> from
  the eruption. (2) This leads to strong transmissions (in addition to
  commonly observed reflections) in and out of both polar coronal holes
  (CHs), which are usually devoid of EUV waves. It has elevated wave
  speeds &gt;2000 {km} {{{s}}}<SUP>-1</SUP> within the CHs, consistent
  with the expected higher fast-mode magnetosonic wave speeds. The CHs
  essentially serve as new “radiation centers” for the waves being
  refracted out of them, which then travel toward the equator and collide
  head-on, causing additional EUV enhancements. (3) The wave produces
  significant compressional heating to local plasma upon its impact,
  indicated by long-lasting EUV intensity changes and differential
  emission measure increases at higher temperatures (e.g., {log}T=6.2)
  accompanied by decreases at lower temperatures (e.g., {log}T=6.0). These
  characteristics signify the potential of such EUV waves for novel
  magnetic and thermal diagnostics of the solar corona on global scales.

Title: Global Magnetohydrodynamics Simulation of EUV Waves and Shocks
    from the X8.2 Eruptive Flare on 2017 September 10
Authors: Jin, Meng; Liu, Wei; Cheung, Mark; Nitta, Nariaki; Manchester,
   Ward; Ofman, Leon; Downs, Cooper; Petrosian, Vahe; Omodei, Nicola
2018shin.confE.207J    Altcode:
  As one of the largest flare-CME eruptions during solar cycle 24, the
  2017 September 10 X8.2 flare event is associated with spectacular
  global EUV waves that transverse almost the entire visible solar
  disk, a CME with speed &gt; 3000 km/s, which is one of the fastest
  CMEs ever recorded, and &gt;100 MeV Gamma-ray emission lasting for
  more than 12 hours. All these unique observational features pose new
  challenge on current numerical models to reproduce the multi-wavelength
  observations. To take this challenge, we simulate the September 10 event
  using a global MHD model (AWSoM: Alfven Wave Solar Model) within the
  Space Weather Modeling Framework and initiate CMEs by Gibson-Low flux
  rope. We conduct detailed comparisons of the synthesized EUV images with
  SDO/AIA observations of global EUV waves. We find that the simulated
  EUV wave morphology and kinematics are sensitive to the orientation
  of the initial flux rope introduced to the source active region. An
  orientation with the flux-rope axis in the north-south direction
  produces the best match to the observations, which suggests that EUV
  waves may potentially be used to constrain the flux-rope geometry for
  such limb or behind-the-limb eruptions that lack good magnetic field
  observations. We also compare observed and simulated EUV intensities
  in multiple AIA channels to perform thermal seismology of the global
  corona. Furthermore, we track the 3D CME-driven shock surface in the
  simulation and derive the time-varying shock parameters together with
  the dynamic magnetic connectivity between the shock and the surface
  of the Sun, with which we discuss the role of CME-driven shocks in
  the long-duration Gamma-ray events.

Title: Modeling Flare-Generated Quasi-Periodic Propagating Fast
    Magnetosonic Waves Observed by SDO/AIA
Authors: Ofman, Leon; Liu, Wei
2018cosp...42E2492O    Altcode:
  Fast-propagating (phase speeds of ∼1000 km/s) quasi-periodic,
  fast-mode wave (QFPs) accompanying many solar flares have been
  discovered by SDO/AIA (Liu et al. 2011). They typically propagate in
  funnel-like structures associated with the expanding magnetic field
  topology of the active regions (ARs), driven by flare-pulsations
  duration of impulsive phase. The fast magnetosonic waves provide
  information on the magnetic, density, and temperature structure
  through coronal seismology. While all previously reported QFP waves
  originate from a single localized flaring source, we report the first
  AIA observation and 3D MHD modeling of counter-QFPs originating from
  two 'sympathetic' flares. The waves are excited at the two sources
  associated with flare locations and connected by magnetic loops,
  by time-depended forcing, constrained by the spatial (localized) and
  quasi-periodic temporal evolution of the flare pulsations. With the
  aid of 3D MHD modeling we investigate the excitation, propagation,
  nonlinearity, and interaction of the counter-propagating waves for
  a range of key parameters, such as the properties of the flaring
  sources and the background magnetic topology. In addition to QFPs,
  we find evidence of associated waves, such as trapped fast (kink)
  modes in coronal loops, and slow mode waves propagating along the
  AR loops. Our model results are in qualitative agreement with the
  AIA-observed counter propagating waves providing the first direct
  evidence of counter-propagating fast magnetosonic waves that carry
  significant energy flux in low-corona magnetic structures.

Title: The Best and Last of Solar Cycle 24 - The Global EUV Wave from
the X8 Flare-CME Eruption on 2017-Sept-10: SDO/AIA Observations and
    Data-constrained Simulations
Authors: Liu, Wei; Ofman, Leon; Nitta, Nariaki; Cheung, Mark; Downs,
   Cooper; Jin, Meng
2018cosp...42E2051L    Altcode:
  Global extreme ultraviolet (EUV) waves are commonly associated with
  coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and flares. One particular EUV wave
  that was triggered by the X8 flare-CME eruption on 2017 September
  10 was extraordinary - one of the best EUV waves ever observed with
  modern instruments (e.g., SDO/AIA and GOES/SUVI), yet likely the last
  one of such magnitudes in Cycle 24 as the Sun heads toward the solar
  minimum. We present here detailed analysis of SDO/AIA observations
  of this event and comparison with high-fidelity, data-constrained MHD
  simulations using the University of Michigan Alfven Wave Solar Model
  (AWSoM). Observational highlights include: (1) The EUV wave traverses
  almost the entire visible solar disk and circumference, manifesting its
  truly global nature. This vast range is mainly due to the exceptionally
  large wave amplitude, with EUV intensity changes by up to a factor of
  3 (as opposed to, e.g., 30% for moderate events). (2) The large wave
  amplitude also leads to the novel detection of strong transmission
  components (in addition to commonly observed reflections) into and
  through both polar coronal holes, at elevated apparent wave speeds up
  to 2600 km/s. (3) The wave also produces significant heating, indicated
  by long-lasting EUV intensity changes. As such, this EUV wave offers
  unique magnetic and thermal diagnostics of the global, CME-spawning
  corona. Our MHD simulations have largely reproduced the observed
  features. We find that the simulated EUV wave morphology and kinematics
  are sensitive to the orientation of the initial flux rope introduced to
  the host active region. An orientation with the flux-rope axis in the
  north-south direction produces the best match to the observations. This
  suggests that EUV waves may potentially be used to constrain the
  flux-rope geometry for such limb or behind-the-limb eruptions, whose
  source-region magnetic fields cannot be directly observed, and thus
  offer useful implications for space-weather predictions.

Title: Motions in Prominence Barbs Observed on the Solar Limb
Authors: Kucera, T. A.; Ofman, L.; Tarbell, T. D.
2018ApJ...859..121K    Altcode:
  We analyze and discuss an example of prominence barbs observed on the
  limb on 2016 January 7 by the Hinode/Solar Optical Telescope in Ca
  II and Hα, the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph, with slit jaw
  images and Mg II spectral data, and the Solar Dynamics Observatory’s
  Atmospheric Imaging Assembly. In the recent literature there has
  been a debate concerning whether these features, sometimes referred
  to as “tornadoes,” are rotating. Our data analysis provides no
  evidence for systematic rotation in the barbs. We do find line-of-sight
  motions in the barbs that vary with location and time. We also discuss
  observations of features moving along the barbs. These moving features
  are elongated parallel to the solar limb and tend to come in clusters
  of features moving along the same or similar paths in the plane of
  the sky during a period of 10 minutes to an hour, moving toward or
  away from the limb. The motion may have a component along the line
  of sight as well. The spectral data indicate that the features are
  Doppler shifted. We discuss possible explanations for these features.

Title: Effect of Transport Coefficients on Excitation of Flare-induced
    Standing Slow-mode Waves in Coronal Loops
Authors: Wang, Tongjiang; Ofman, Leon; Sun, Xudong; Solanki, Sami K.;
   Davila, Joseph M.
2018ApJ...860..107W    Altcode: 2018arXiv180503282W
  Standing slow-mode waves have been recently observed in flaring loops by
  the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly of the Solar Dynamics Observatory. By
  means of the coronal seismology technique, transport coefficients in
  hot (∼10 MK) plasma were determined by Wang et al., revealing that
  thermal conductivity is nearly suppressed and compressive viscosity is
  enhanced by more than an order of magnitude. In this study, we use 1D
  nonlinear MHD simulations to validate the predicted results from the
  linear theory and investigate the standing slow-mode wave excitation
  mechanism. We first explore the wave trigger based on the magnetic
  field extrapolation and flare emission features. Using a flow pulse
  driven at one footpoint, we simulate the wave excitation in two types
  of loop models: Model 1 with the classical transport coefficients and
  Model 2 with the seismology-determined transport coefficients. We
  find that Model 2 can form the standing wave pattern (within about
  one period) from initial propagating disturbances much faster than
  Model 1, in better agreement with the observations. Simulations of
  the harmonic waves and the Fourier decomposition analysis show that
  the scaling law between damping time (τ) and wave period (P) follows
  τ ∝ P <SUP>2</SUP> in Model 2, while τ ∝ P in Model 1. This
  indicates that the largely enhanced viscosity efficiently increases
  the dissipation of higher harmonic components, favoring the quick
  formation of the fundamental standing mode. Our study suggests that
  observational constraints on the transport coefficients are important
  in understanding both the wave excitation and damping mechanisms.

Title: Quasi-periodic Counter-propagating Fast Magnetosonic Wave
Trains from Neighboring Flares: SDO/AIA Observations and 3D MHD
Authors: Ofman, Leon; Liu, Wei
2018ApJ...860...54O    Altcode: 2018arXiv180500365O
  Since their discovery by the Solar Dynamics Observatory/Atmospheric
  Imaging Assembly (AIA) in the extreme ultraviolet, rapid (phase
  speeds of ∼1000 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>), quasi-periodic, fast-mode
  propagating (QFP) wave trains have been observed accompanying many solar
  flares. They typically propagate in funnel-like structures associated
  with the expanding magnetic field topology of the active regions
  (ARs). The waves provide information on the associated flare pulsations
  and the magnetic structure through coronal seismology (CS). The reported
  waves usually originate from a single localized source associated with
  the flare. Here we report the first detection of counter-propagating
  QFPs associated with two neighboring flares on 2013 May 22, apparently
  connected by large-scale, trans-equatorial coronal loops. We present
  the first results of a 3D MHD model of counter-propagating QFPs in
  an idealized bipolar AR. We investigate the excitation, propagation,
  nonlinearity, and interaction of the counter-propagating waves for a
  range of key model parameters, such as the properties of the sources
  and the background magnetic structure. In addition to QFPs, we also
  find evidence of trapped fast- (kink) and slow-mode waves associated
  with the event. We apply CS to determine the magnetic field strength
  in an oscillating loop during the event. Our model results are in
  qualitative agreement with the AIA-observed counter-propagating waves
  and used to identify the various MHD wave modes associated with the
  observed event, providing insights into their linear and nonlinear
  interactions. Our observations provide the first direct evidence of
  counter-propagating fast magnetosonic waves that can potentially lead
  to turbulent cascade and carry significant energy flux for coronal
  heating in low-corona magnetic structures.

Title: Understanding the Role of Alpha Particles in Oblique
    Heliospheric Shock Oscillations
Authors: Ofman, Leon; Koval, Andriy; Wilson, Lynn B., III; Szabo, Adam
2018tess.conf22302O    Altcode:
  Recent observations by DSCOVR provide high temporal resolution (50Hz)
  magnetic vector field data that allows investigating the details
  of oblique heliospheric shock oscillations. It was found that the
  shocks exhibits oscillations, both, downstream and upstream of the
  shock front. The DSCOVR/MAG magnetic field data is supplemented by
  extensive database of low-Mach number (M&lt;3) low-β (β&lt;1) shock
  data observed by WIND (Wilson et al. 2017) albeit with lower temporal
  resolution. Motivated by the observations we develop 1D and 2D hybrid
  models of the oblique shocks with alpha particles in addition to kinetic
  protons and electron fluid. We model the properties of the oblique
  shocks for a range of parameters found in observations and study the
  effects of the shock parameters, such as the Mach number, electron
  and ion beta, oblique angle, and the relative alpha abundances on the
  properties of the shock oscillations. We find that the alphas surf on
  the shock front and produce a wake. We examine the detail of the phase
  space of the ions as well as the ion velocity distribution functions in
  various parts of the shock and study their non-thermal properties. We
  determine the effects of the alpha kinetic properties, and abundances
  on the structure and dynamics of the shock oscillations for a range of
  parameters relevant to low Mach number low-beta shocks. The results help
  quantify the relation between the alpha particle physical parameters
  and the magnetic properties of oblique shocks in the heliosphere.

Title: Motions in Prominence Barbs Observed on the Solar Limb
Authors: Kucera, Therese Ann; Ofman, Leon; Tarbell, Theodore D.
2018tess.conf21059K    Altcode:
  We analyze and discuss an example of prominence barbs observed on the

Title: Excitation and Damping of Standing Slow-Mode Waves in Flaring
    Coronal Loops
Authors: Wang, Tongjiang; Ofman, Leon; Sun, Xudong; Solanki, Sami K.;
   Davila, Joseph M.
2018tess.conf22204W    Altcode:
  We analyze and model a flare-induced longitudinal oscillation event
  detected by SDO/AIA. The magnetic field extrapolation and flare emission
  features suggest that the wave event is generated by slipping and
  null-point-type reconnections in a closed fan-spine magnetic topology,
  and the large spine loop appears to be heated impulsively to the flare
  temperature before the wave disturbances travel along it. By means of
  the seismology technique, we determined the transport coefficients
  in hot (about 10 MK) plasma, and found that thermal conductivity is
  nearly suppressed and compressive viscosity is enhanced by more than
  an order of magnitude from the observed wave properties. Using a flow
  pulse injected at the loop's footpoint constrained by the observation,
  we simulate the excitation of slow-mode waves in two types of 1D loop
  models. We find that the models with the seismology-determined transport
  coefficients can excite the standing waves quickly as observed, while
  the models with the classical transport coefficients excites basically
  the reflecting propagating waves. Simulations of harmonic waves and
  the Fourier decomposition analysis reveal a scaling between damping
  time and wave period as T<SUB>d</SUB> ~ P in the former type of models,
  while T<SUB>d</SUB> ~ P<SUP>2</SUP> in the latter type. This suggests
  that anomalously large viscosity can efficiently enhance the dissipation
  of higher harmonic components, favoring quick setup of the fundamental
  standing mode. Our study indicates that observational constraints on
  the transport coefficients are crucial in understanding both the wave
  excitation and damping mechanisms.

Title: Global Magnetohydrodynamics Simulation of EUV Waves and Shocks
    from the X8.2 Eruptive Flare on 2017 September 10
Authors: Jin, Meng; Liu, Wei; Cheung, Chun Ming Mark; Nitta, Nariaki;
   Manchester, Ward; Ofman, Leon; Downs, Cooper; Petrosian, Vahe;
   Omodei, Nicola
2018tess.conf31905J    Altcode:
  As one of the largest flare-CME eruptions during solar cycle 24, the
  2017 September 10 X8.2 flare event is associated with spectacular
  global EUV waves that transverse almost the entire visible solar
  disk, a CME with speed &gt; 3000 km/s, which is one of the fastest
  CMEs ever recorded, and &gt;100 MeV Gamma-ray emission lasting for
  more than 12 hours. All these unique observational features pose new
  challenge on current numerical models to reproduce the multi-wavelength
  observations. To take this challenge, we simulate the September 10 event
  using a global MHD model (AWSoM: Alfven Wave Solar Model) within the
  Space Weather Modeling Framework and initiate CMEs by Gibson-Low flux
  rope. We conduct detailed comparisons of the synthesized EUV images with
  SDO/AIA observations of global EUV waves. We find that the simulated
  EUV wave morphology and kinematics are sensitive to the orientation
  of the initial flux rope introduced to the source active region. An
  orientation with the flux-rope axis in the north-south direction
  produces the best match to the observations, which suggests that EUV
  waves may potentially be used to constrain the flux-rope geometry for
  such limb or behind-the-limb eruptions that lack good magnetic field
  observations. We also compare observed and simulated EUV intensities
  in multiple AIA channels to perform thermal seismology of the global
  corona. Furthermore, we track the 3D CME-driven shock surface in the
  simulation and derive the time-varying shock parameters together with
  the dynamic magnetic connectivity between the shock and the surface
  of the Sun, with which we discuss the role of CME-driven shocks in
  the long-duration Gamma-ray events.

Title: Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in a twisting solar polar coronal
    hole jet observed by SDO/AIA
Authors: Zhelyazkov, I.; Zaqarashvili, T. V.; Ofman, L.; Chandra, R.
2018AdSpR..61..628Z    Altcode: 2017arXiv170603703Z
  We investigate the conditions under which the fluting (m = 2), m =
  3 , and m = 12 magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) modes in a uniformly twisted
  flux tube moving along its axis become unstable in order to model the
  Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) instability in a twisting solar coronal hole
  jet near the northern pole of the Sun. We employed the dispersion
  relations of MHD modes derived from the linearized MHD equations. We
  assumed real wavenumbers and complex angular wave frequencies, namely
  complex wave phse velocities. The dispersion relations were solved
  numerically at fixed input parameters (taken from observational data)
  and varying degrees of torsion of the internal magnetic field. It is
  shown that the stability of the modes depends upon five parameters:
  the density contrast between the flux tube and its environment, the
  ratio of the external and internal axial magnetic fields, the twist
  of the magnetic field lines inside the tube, the ratio of transverse
  and axial jet's velocities, and the value of the Alfvén Mach number
  (the ratio of the tube axial velocity to Alfvén speed inside the flux
  tube). Using a twisting jet of 2010 August 21 by SDO/AIA and other
  observations of coronal jets we set the parameters of our theoretical
  model and have obtained that in a twisted magnetic flux tube of radius
  of 9.8 Mm, at a density contrast of 0.474 and fixed Alfvén Mach
  number of ≅ 0.76 , for the three MHD modes there exist instability
  windows whose width crucially depends upon the internal magnetic field
  twist. It is found that for the considered modes an azimuthal magnetic
  field of 1.3 - 1.4 G (computed at the tube boundary) makes the width
  of the instability windows equal to zero, that is, it suppress the
  KH instability onset. On the other hand, the times for developing KH
  instability of the m = 12 MHD mode at instability wavelengths between
  15 and 12 Mm turn out to be in the range of 1.9 - 4.7 min that is in
  agreement with the growth rates estimated from the temporal evolution
  of the observed unstable jet's blobs in their initial stage.

Title: Excitation of flare-induced waves in coronal loops and the
    effects of radiative cooling
Authors: Provornikova, Elena; Ofman, Leon; Wang, Tongjiang
2018AdSpR..61..645P    Altcode: 2017arXiv170604219P
  EUV imaging observations from several space missions (SOHO/EIT,
  TRACE, and SDO/AIA) have revealed a presence of propagating
  intensity disturbances in solar coronal loops. These disturbances are
  typically interpreted as slow magnetoacoustic waves. However, recent
  spectroscopic observations with Hinode/EIS of active region loops
  revealed that the propagating intensity disturbances are associated
  with intermittent plasma upflows (or jets) at the footpoints which
  are presumably generated by magnetic reconnection. For this reason,
  whether these disturbances are waves or periodic flows is still being
  studied. This study is aimed at understanding the physical properties
  of observed disturbances by investigating the excitation of waves
  by hot plasma injections from below and the evolution of flows and
  wave propagation along the loop. We expand our previous studies based
  on isothermal 3D MHD models of an active region to a more realistic
  model that includes full energy equation accounting for the effects
  of radiative losses. Computations are initialized with an equilibrium
  state of a model active region using potential (dipole) magnetic field,
  gravitationally stratified density and temperature obtained from the
  polytropic equation of state. We model an impulsive injection of hot
  plasma into the steady plasma outflow along the loops of different
  temperatures, warm (∼1 MK) and hot (∼6 MK). The simulations show
  that hot jets launched at the coronal base excite slow magnetoacoustic
  waves that propagate to high altitudes along the loops, while the
  injected hot flows decelerate rapidly with heights. Our results
  support that propagating disturbances observed in EUV are mainly
  the wave features. We also find that the effect of radiative cooling
  on the damping of slow-mode waves in 1-6 MK coronal loops is small,
  in agreement with the previous conclusion based on 1D MHD models.

Title: Energy release from a stream of infalling prominence debris
    on 2011 September 7-8
Authors: Inglis, A. R.; Gilbert, H. R.; Ofman, L.
2017AGUFMSH43A2805I    Altcode:
  In recent years high-resolution and high-cadence EUV imaging
  has revealed a new phenomenon, impacting prominence debris, where
  prominence material from failed or partial eruptions can impact the
  lower atmosphere and release energy. We present a clear example of
  this phenomenon occurring on 2011 September 7-8. The initial eruption
  of prominence material was associated with an X1.8-class flare from
  AR11283, occurring at 22:30 UT on 2011 September 7, resulting in a
  semi-continuous stream of this material returning to the solar surface
  between 00:20 - 00:40 UT on 2011 September 8. A substantial area remote
  from the original active region experienced brightening in multiple EUV
  channels observed by SDO/AIA. Using the differential emission measure,
  we estimated the energetic properties of this event. We found that
  the radiated energy of the impacted plasma was of order 10^27 ergs,
  while the upper limit on the thermal energy peaked at 10^28 ergs. Based
  on these estimates we were able to determine the mass content of the
  debris to be in the range 2x10^14 &lt; m &lt; 2x10^15 g. Given typical
  promimence masses, the likely debris mass is towards the lower end of
  this range. This clear example of a prominence debris event shows that
  significant energy release takes place during these events, and that
  such impacts may be used as a novel diagnostic tool for investigating
  prominence material properties.

Title: Three-dimensional hybrid modeling of ion kinetic instabilities
    in space plasma
Authors: Ofman, L.
2017AGUFMSH33A2759O    Altcode:
  Ion kinetic instabilities in space plasma are believed to play an
  imprortant role in energy transport, heating, dissipation of turbulence,
  as well as in generating of spectrum of magnetic fluctuations in
  the kinetic frequency range. The velocity distribution functions
  (VDFs) of unstable ion populations are generally non-Maxwellian
  and provide the free energy source that drives the waves. The
  VDFs were measured in-situ by satellites such as Helios, WIND, and
  would be obtained in the future Parkers' Solar Probe close to the
  Sun. In particular, temperature anisotropy provides a measure of VDF
  non-equilibroum structure, that together with parallel-beta determine
  the threshold of kinetic instabilities, such as mirror, ion-cyclotron,
  and firehose. Drifting population of alphas with respect to protons
  lead to the magnetosonic instability. So far, these isntabilities
  were studied primaraly using 1.5D or 2.5D particle-in-cell (PIC)
  or hybrid models (where electrons are modeled as a fluid), i.e., in
  1 or 2 spatial dimensions with 3 components of velocity and magnetic
  field. I will present the results of recent full 3D hybrid models that
  studies these instabilities for heliospheric conditions and compare
  to previous modeling results. I will discuss the agreement and the
  differences between the 3D and more approximate models of the VDFs,
  the magnetic fluctuations spectra, and the temporal evolution of the
  anisotropy for typical instabilities relevant for space plasma. I will
  duscuss the use of the modeled VDFs for diagnostic of the physical
  processes that lead to space plasma energization from the observed
  VDFs in the heliospheric and magnetospheric plasma.

Title: Energy Release in the Solar Atmosphere from a Stream of
    Infalling Prominence Debris
Authors: Inglis, A. R.; Gilbert, H. R.; Ofman, L.
2017ApJ...847L..17I    Altcode: 2017arXiv170801555I
  Recent high-resolution and high-cadence extreme-ultraviolet (EUV)
  imaging has revealed a new phenomenon, impacting prominence debris,
  where prominence material from failed or partial eruptions can impact
  the lower atmosphere, releasing energy. We report a clear example of
  energy release and EUV brightening due to infalling prominence debris
  that occurred on 2011 September 7-8. The initial eruption of material
  was associated with an X1.8-class flare from AR 11283, occurring at
  22:30 UT on 2011 September 7. Subsequently, a semicontinuous stream
  of this material returned to the solar surface with a velocity v &gt;
  150 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, impacting a region remote from the original
  active region between 00:20 and 00:40 UT on 2011 September 8. Using
  the Solar Dynamics Observatory/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly, the
  differential emission measure of the plasma was estimated throughout
  this brightening event. We found that the radiated energy of the
  impacted plasma was {L}<SUB>{rad</SUB>}∼ {10}<SUP>27</SUP> erg,
  while the thermal energy peaked at ∼10<SUP>28</SUP> erg. From
  this we were able to determine the mass content of the debris to be
  in the range 2× {10}<SUP>14</SUP>&lt; m&lt; 2× {10}<SUP>15</SUP>
  g. Given typical prominence masses, the likely debris mass is toward
  the lower end of this range. This clear example of a prominence debris
  event shows that significant energy release takes place during these
  events and that such impacts may be used as a novel diagnostic tool
  for investigating prominence material properties.

Title: Effects of transport coefficients on excitation of
    flare-induced standing slow-mode waves
Authors: Wang, Tongjiang; Ofman, Leon; Davila, Joseph
2017SPD....48.0202W    Altcode:
  The flare-excited longitudinal intensity oscillations in hot flaring
  loops have been recently detected by SDO/AIA, and interpreted as the
  slow-mode standing waves. By means of the seismology technique we
  have, for the first time, determined the transport coefficients in the
  hot (&gt;9 MK) flare plasma, and found that thermal conductivity is
  suppressed by at least 3 times and viscosity coefficient is enhanced
  by a factor of 15 as the upper limit (Wang et al. 2015, ApJL, 811,
  L13). In this presentation, we first discuss possible causes for
  conduction suppression and viscosity enhancements. Then we use the
  nonlinear MHD simulations to validate the seismology method that is
  based on linear analytical analysis, and demonstrate the inversion
  scheme for determining transport coefficients using numerical parametric
  study. Finally, we show how the seismologically-determined transport
  coefficients are crucial for understanding the excitation of the
  observed standing slow-mode waves in coronal loops and the heating of
  the loop plasma by a footpoint flare.

Title: Realistic Modeling of Fast MHD Wave Trains in Coronal Active
Authors: Ofman, Leon; Sun, Xudong
2017SPD....4840503O    Altcode:
  Motivated by recent SDO/AIA observations we have developed realistic
  modeling of quasi-periodic, fast-mode propagating MHD wave trains (QFPs)
  using 3D MHD model initiated with potential magnetic field extrapolated
  from the solar coronal boundary. Localized quasi-periodic pulsations
  associated with C-class flares that drive the waves (as deduced from
  observations) are modeled with transverse periodic displacement of
  magnetic field at the lower coronal boundary. The modeled propagating
  speed and the form of the wave expansions matches the observed fast
  MHD waves speed &gt;1000 km/s and topology. We study the parametric
  dependence of the amplitude, propagation, and damping of the waves for
  a range of key model parameters, such as the background temperature,
  density, and the location of the flaring site within the active
  region. We investigate the interaction of multiple QFP wave trains
  excited by adjacent flaring sources. We use the model results to
  synthesize EUV intensities in multiple AIA channels and obtain the
  model parameters that best reproduce the properties of observed QFPs,
  such as the recent DEM analysis. We discuss the implications of our
  modeling results for the seismological application of QFPs for the
  diagnostic of the active region field, flare pulsations, end estimate
  the energy flux carried by the waves.

Title: Fast-mode Coronal EUV Wave Trains Associated with Solar Flares
    and CMEs
Authors: Liu, Wei; Ofman, Leon; Downs, Cooper; Karlicky, Marian;
   Chen, Bin
2017SPD....48.0401L    Altcode:
  As a new observational phenomenon, Quasi-periodic, Fast Propagating EUV
  wave trains (QFPs) are fast-mode magnetosonic waves closely related
  to quasi-periodic pulsations commonly detected in solar flares
  (traditionally with non-imaging observations). They can provide
  critical clues to flare energy release and serve as new tools for
  coronal seismology. We report recent advances in observing and modeling
  QFPs, including evidence of heating and cooling cycles revealed with
  differential emission measure (DEM) analysis that are consistent
  with alternating compression and rarefaction expected for magnetosonic
  waves. Through a statistical survey, we found a preferential association
  of QFPs with eruptive flares (with CMEs) rather than confined flares
  (without CMEs). We also identified some correlation with quasi-periodic
  radio bursts observed at JVLA and Ondrejov observatories. We will
  discuss the implications of these results and the potential roles of
  QFPs in coronal heating and energy transport.

Title: Dissipation of kinetic instabilities in proton-alpha solar
    wind plasma
Authors: Ofman, Leon; Roberts, D. A.; Vinas, A. -F.
2017shin.confE.114O    Altcode:
  Collisionless dissipation of kinetic instabilities plays an important
  role in shaping the properties of the solar wind plasma, as evident from
  WIND, Helios, ACE, and other satellite data. We present the results
  of 2.5D and 3D hybrid modeling or the proton-alpha solar wind plasma
  (with fluid electrons) and study parametrically the dissipation of
  magnetosonic drift and temperature anisotropy driven instabilities. We
  demonstrate the role of the background solar wind density and velocity
  inhomogeneities on the collisionless anisotropic heating and cooling of
  the plasma ion components. We find that the anisotropic plasma heating
  and the associated non-Maxwellian velocity distribution functions
  (VDFs) are affected by the background inhomogenities. We demonstrate
  the generation and evolution of the parallel and obliquely propagating
  kinetic wave spectra by the instabilities, and the associated dispersion
  relations. We discuss the relation of our modeling results to the
  kinetic dissipation processes observed in the solar wind.

Title: The effects of inhomogeneous proton-α drifts on the heating
    of the solar wind
Authors: Ofman, L.; Viñas, A. F.; Roberts, D. A.
2017JGRA..122.5839O    Altcode:
  Previous modeling studies have demonstrated that waves and
  super-Alfvénic drift can lead to perpendicular preferential heating of
  the α particles with respect to protons. Using 2.5-D hybrid model of
  the solar wind α-proton plasma, we study the effects of inhomogeneous
  (across the magnetic field) background streaming focusing on the fast
  solar wind. We explore the effects of an initial relative, inhomogeneous
  ion drift on the perpendicular ion heating and cooling and consider
  the effects of solar wind expansion. We study the spectrum of the
  magnetic fluctuations in the inhomogeneous background solar wind
  and demonstrate the generation of oblique waves and their effects on
  enhanced resonant anisotropic ion heating. The model reproduces the
  typical ion temperature anisotropy values seen in observations. Using
  our model, we find that inhomogeneous super-Alfvénic ion drift in the
  plasma generates significant power of oblique waves in the solar wind
  plasma, in addition to enhanced heating compared to the nondrifting
  populations. We demonstrate the effects of various inhomogeneity
  profiles and regions of the drift on the ion anisotropic heating in
  super-Alfvénic and near-Alfvénic drifts. We find that the cooling
  effect due to the solar wind expansion is not significant when
  super-Alfvénic drifts are considered.

Title: Growth and nonlinear saturation of electromagnetic ion
    cyclotron waves in multi-ion species magnetospheric plasma
Authors: Ofman, L.; Denton, R. E.; Bortnik, J.; An, X.; Glocer, A.;
   Komar, C.
2017JGRA..122.6469O    Altcode:
  The growth and saturation of electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC)
  waves is essential to the magnetospheric dynamics. Determining and
  isolating the effects of multiple ion parameters such as temperatures,
  anisotropies, and relative abundances is important for quantifying
  these processes in the magnetospheric plasma. In order to study these
  process, we utilize a 2.5-D hybrid model (where ions are modeled
  with the particle-in-cell (PIC) method, and electrons are modeled as
  background neutralizing fluid) to study the nonlinear electromagnetic
  wave-particle interactions of hot H<SUP>+</SUP>, cold H<SUP>+</SUP>,
  cold He<SUP>+</SUP>, and cold or hot O<SUP>+</SUP> ions for a broad
  range of typical magnetospheric parameters. The excitation of EMIC
  waves is driven by the temperature anisotropy of hot H<SUP>+</SUP>
  in our model. As a result, we quantify the parametric dependence of
  the linear growth, the nonlinear saturation level of perpendicular
  magnetic fluctuations, and the temporal evolution of the ion temperature
  anisotropies. We establish the relation between key plasma parameters
  and the saturated EMIC wave power, using either power law fits or a
  nonlinear regression method. We construct the dispersion relation of
  the waves using the results of the model and investigate the energy
  content in the various branches of the dispersion (k<SUB>∥</SUB>-ω
  space), showing that the different modes can generate wave power
  in different regions of k space. We find that large O<SUP>+</SUP>
  concentration reduces the growth and saturated amplitude of the waves;
  but the waves are less sensitive to the temperature of the O<SUP>+</SUP>
  in the temperature range relevant to the magnetosphere.

Title: Hα Doppler shifts in a tornado in the solar corona
Authors: Schmieder, B.; Mein, P.; Mein, N.; Levens, P. J.; Labrosse,
   N.; Ofman, L.
2017A&A...597A.109S    Altcode: 2016arXiv161202232S
  Context. High resolution movies in 193 Å from the Atmospheric
  Imaging Assembly (AIA) on the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO)
  show apparent rotation in the leg of a prominence observed during
  a coordinated campaign. Such structures are commonly referred to as
  tornadoes. Time-distance intensity diagrams of the AIA data show the
  existence of oscillations suggesting that the structure is rotating. <BR
  /> Aims: The aim of this paper is to understand if the cool plasma
  at chromospheric temperatures inside the tornado is rotating around
  its central axis. <BR /> Methods: The tornado was also observed in Hα
  with a cadence of 30 s by the MSDP spectrograph, operating at the Solar
  Tower in Meudon. The MSDP provides sequences of simultaneous spectra
  in a 2D field of view from which a cube of Doppler velocity maps is
  retrieved. <BR /> Results: The Hα Doppler maps show a pattern with
  alternatively blueshifted and redshifted areas of 5 to 10” wide. Over
  time the blueshifted areas become redshifted and vice versa, with
  a quasi-periodicity of 40 to 60 min. Weaker amplitude oscillations
  with periods of 4 to 6 min are superimposed onto these large period
  oscillations. <BR /> Conclusions: The Doppler pattern observed in
  Hα cannot be interpreted as rotation of the cool plasma inside the
  tornado. The Hα velocity observations give strong constraints on the
  possible interpretations of the AIA tornado.

Title: Inference of magnetic field in the coronal streamer invoking
    kink wave motions generated by multiple EUV waves
Authors: Srivastava, A. K.; Singh, Talwinder; Ofman, Leon; Dwivedi,
   Bhola N.
2016MNRAS.463.1409S    Altcode: 2016arXiv160600337S; 2016MNRAS.tmp.1136S
  We analyse the observations from Solar TErrestrial RElations
  Observatory (STEREO) of an oscillating coronal streamer. STEREO-B
  Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging (EUVI) temporal data on 2012 March 7 show
  an evolution of two consecutive EUV waves that interact with footpoint
  of a coronal streamer clearly evident in the co-spatial and co-temporal
  STEREO-B/COR-1 observations. The waves are observed in the STEREO-B/EUVI
  too, and its apparent energy exchange with coronal streamer generates
  kink oscillations. We apply the methodology of magnetohydrodynamic
  (MHD) seismology of the observed waves and determine the magnetic
  field profile of the coronal streamer. In particular, we estimate
  the phase velocities of the kink wave perturbations by tracking them
  at different heights. We also estimate electron densities inside and
  outside the streamer using spherically symmetric inversion of polarized
  brightness images in STEREO-B/COR-1. We detect two large-scale kink
  wave oscillations that diagnose exponentially decaying radial profiles
  of magnetic field in streamer up to 3 solar radii. Within the limit
  of observational and systematic uncertainties, we find that magnetic
  field of streamer varies slowly at various heights, although its
  nature always remains exponentially decaying with height. It is seen
  that during evolution of second kink motion in streamer, it increases
  in brightness (thus mass density), and also in areal extent slightly,
  which may be associated with decreased photospheric magnetic flux at
  footpoint of streamer. As a result, magnetic field profile produced
  by second kink wave is reduced within streamer compared to the one
  diagnosed by the first one.

Title: Observations and Modeling of Plasma Waves in the Solar
Authors: Liu, W.; Ofman, L.; Downs, C.
2016AGUFMSH14B..01L    Altcode:
  The solar atmosphere, especially the extended corona, provides rich
  observations of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves and plasma waves in
  general. Such waves can be used as seismological tools to probe the
  physical conditions of the medium in which they travel, such as the
  coronal magnetic field and plasma parameters. Recent high-resolution
  imaging and spectroscopic observations in extreme ultraviolet (EUV)
  by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) onboard the Solar Dynamics
  Observatory (SDO) and in UV by the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph
  (IRIS) have opened a new chapter in understanding these waves and
  in utilizing them for coronal seismology. We will review such new
  observations of two intimately related phenomena - global EUV waves
  (so-called "EIT waves") associated with coronal mass ejections (CMEs)
  and quasi-periodic, fast-mode magnetosonic wave trains associated with
  flares. We will focus on the generation and propagation of global
  EUV waves and their interaction with coronal structures, as well
  as the correlation of AIA-detected fast-mode wave trains with flare
  pulsations seen from radio to hard X-ray wavelengths. We will also
  present recent MHD modeling efforts in reproducing these waves using
  realistic, observationally-driven simulations. We will discuss the
  roles of such waves in energy transport within the solar atmosphere
  and in their associated CME/flare eruptions.

Title: Fundamental Physics of the Slow Solar Wind - What do we Know?
Authors: Ofman, L.; Abbo, L.; Antiochos, S. K.; Hansteen, V. H.;
   Harra, L.; Ko, Y. K.; Lapenta, G.; Li, B.; Riley, P.; Strachan, L.;
   von Steiger, R.; Wang, Y. M.
2016AGUFMSH42A..01O    Altcode:
  Fundamental physical properties of the slow solar wind (SSW), such
  as density, temperature, outflow speed, heavy ion abundances and
  charges states were obtained from in-situ measurements at 1AU in
  the past from WIND, ACE, and other spacecraft. Plasma and magnetic
  field measurement are available as close as 0.3 AU from Helios data,
  Spektr-R, and MESSENGER spacecraft. Remote sensing spectroscopic
  measurements are available in the corona and below from SOHO/UVCS,
  Hinode, and other missions. One of the major objectives of the Solar
  Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus missions is to study the sources of the
  SSW close to the Sun. The present state of understanding of the physics
  of the SSW is based on the combination of the existing observations,
  theoretical and numerical 3D MHD and multi-fluid models, that connect
  between the SSW sources in the corona and the heliosphere. Recently,
  hybrid models that combine fluid electrons and kinetic ions of the
  expanding solar wind were developed, and provide further insights of the
  local SSW plasma heating processes that related to turbulent magnetic
  fluctuations spectra and kinetic ion instabilities observed in the
  SSW plasma. These models produce the velocity distribution functions
  (VDFs) of the protons and heavier ions as well as the ion anisotropic
  temperatures. I will discuss the results of the above observations
  and models, and review the current status of our understanding of
  the fundamental physics of the SSW. I will review the open questions,
  and discuss how they could be addressed with near future observations
  and models.

Title: Growth and Nonlinear Saturation of Electromagnetic Ion
Cyclotron Waves In Multi-Ion Species Magnetospheric Plasma: 2.5D
    Hybrid Modeling
Authors: Ofman, L.; Denton, R. E.; Bortnik, J.; Glocer, A.; Roman,
   N. M.
2016AGUFMSM31A2458O    Altcode:
  We investigate the collisionless interactions of a multiple ion
  species magnetospheric plasma and study the parametric dependence of
  electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) wave growth and saturation. We
  utilize a 2.5D hybrid model (where ions are treated as particles
  using the PIC method, and electrons are modeled as a background
  neutralizing fluid) to study the nonlinear electromagnetic wave-particle
  interactions of cold H+, hot H+, He+, and O+ ions for a broad range
  of typical magnetospheric parameters. The excitation of EMIC waves
  is driven primarily by the temperature anisotropy of hot H+. We vary
  (independently) the initial parallel beta, temperature anisotropy,
  and concentrations of the hot H+ component, He+, and O+ ions in five
  sweeps of these parameters. The effects of O+ density and temperature
  are considered in two additional parameters sweeps. We investigate
  the parametric dependence of the initial brief linear growth, the
  nonlinear saturation level of perpendicular magnetic fluctuations, and
  the temporal evolution of the ion temperature anisotropies. We construct
  the dispersion relation of the waves using the results of the model
  at several times during the evolution at the initial growth stage and
  at the nonlinear saturated state and investigate the energy content in
  the various branches of the dispersion (in k||-ω space). We determine
  the distribution of energy in the left-hand polarized ion-resonant and
  the right-hand modes. The results are compared and contrasted with the
  predictions of linear Vlasov theory. We discuss the implications of our
  results for the physics of the inner magnetosphere and radiation belts.

Title: Power law "thermalization" of ion pickup and ionospheric
Authors: Moore, T. E.; Ofman, L.; Glocer, A.; Gershman, D. J.;
   Khazanov, G. V.; Paterson, W. R.
2016AGUFMSM51F2564M    Altcode:
  One observed feature of ionospheric outflows is that the active
  ion heating processes produce power law tails of the core plasma
  velocity distribution, as well as transverse or conic peaks in the
  angular distributions. This characteristic is shared with hot ion
  distributions produced by ion pickup in the solar wind, resulting from
  cometary or interstellar gas ionization, and with hot ions observed
  around the Space Transportation System during gas releases. We
  revisit relevant observations and consider the hypothesis that the
  ion pickup thermalization process tends to produce power law (𝛋)
  energy distributions, using a simulation of the instability of a simple
  pickup (ring) distribution. Simulation results are derived for cases
  representative of both solar wind pickup, where ion velocities exceed
  the local Alfvén speed, and ionospheric pickup, where the local
  Alfvén speed exceeds ion velocities. The sub-Alfvenic pickup ring
  distribution appears to have a slow growth rate (per ion gyro period),
  that is, the instability evolves more slowly in the latter case than
  in the former. Implications for ionospheric outflow are discussed.

Title: Slow Solar Wind: Observations and Modeling
Authors: Abbo, L.; Ofman, L.; Antiochos, S. K.; Hansteen, V. H.;
   Harra, L.; Ko, Y. -K.; Lapenta, G.; Li, B.; Riley, P.; Strachan, L.;
   von Steiger, R.; Wang, Y. -M.
2016SSRv..201...55A    Altcode: 2016SSRv..tmp...34A
  While it is certain that the fast solar wind originates from coronal
  holes, where and how the slow solar wind (SSW) is formed remains an
  outstanding question in solar physics even in the post-SOHO era. The
  quest for the SSW origin forms a major objective for the planned future
  missions such as the Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus. Nonetheless,
  results from spacecraft data, combined with theoretical modeling, have
  helped to investigate many aspects of the SSW. Fundamental physical
  properties of the coronal plasma have been derived from spectroscopic
  and imaging remote-sensing data and in situ data, and these results
  have provided crucial insights for a deeper understanding of the origin
  and acceleration of the SSW. Advanced models of the SSW in coronal
  streamers and other structures have been developed using 3D MHD and
  multi-fluid equations.

Title: Dynamic Mapping of Prominence Activity
Authors: Thompson, Barbara J.; Gilbert, Holly R.; Kirk, Michael
   S.; Mays, M. Leila.; Ofman, Leon; Uritsky, Vadim; Wyper, Peter;
   Hovis-Afflerbach, Beryl
2016usc..confE..82T    Altcode:
  We present the results of a prominence mapping effort designed to
  extract the dynamics of erupting prominences. The material from
  partially erupting prominences can fall back to the sun, tracing
  out the topology of the mid- and post-eruptive corona. One question
  involving the range of observed behavior is the role of magnetic
  field topology and evolution in determining the motion of the erupting
  prominence material. A variable-g ballistic approximation is applied
  to study the motion of the material, using the deviations from constant
  angular momentum as a means of quantifying the local Lorentz (and other)
  forces on each piece of material. Variations in dynamic behavior can be
  traced back to changes in the local magnetic field and the formation
  of instabilities such as Rayleigh-Taylor. We discuss the use of the
  prominence trajectories as a means of diagnosing eruptive topologies.

Title: Flare-associated Fast-mode Coronal Wave Trains Detected by
SDO/AIA: Recent Observational Advances
Authors: Liu, Wei; Ofman, Leon; Downs, Cooper; Cheung, Mark; De
   Pontieu, Bart
2016usc..confE.107L    Altcode:
  Quasi-periodic Fast Propagating wave trains (QFPs) are new observational
  phenomena discovered by SDO/AIA in extreme ultraviolet (EUV). They
  were interpreted as fast-mode magnetosonic waves using MHD modeling,
  and also found to be closely related to quasi-periodic pulsations
  in solar flare emission ranging from radio to X-ray wavelengths. The
  significance of QFPs lies in their diagnostic potential (and possibly
  in flare energy transport), because they can provide critical clues to
  flare energy release and serve as new tools for coronal seismology. In
  this presentation, we report recent advances in observing QFPs. In
  particular, using differential emission measure (DEM) inversion,
  we found clear evidence of heating and cooling cycles that are
  consistent with alternating compression and rarefaction expected for
  magnetosonic wave pulses. We also found that different local magnetic
  and plasma environments can lead to two distinct types of QFPs located
  in different spatial domains with respect to their accompanying coronal
  mass ejections (CMEs). More interestingly, from a statistical survey of
  over 100 QFP events, we found a preferential association with eruptive
  flares rather than confined flares. We will discuss the implications
  of these results and the potential roles of QFPs in coronal heating,
  energy transport, and solar eruptions.

Title: Determination of transport coefficients from flare-excited
    standing slow-mode waves observed by SDO/AIA
Authors: Wang; Tongjiang; Ofman, Leon; Davila, Joseph M.
2016usc..confE..36W    Altcode:
  The flare-excited longitudinal intensity oscillations in hot flaring
  loops have been recently detected by SDO/AIA in 94 and 131 Angstrom
  bandpasses. These oscillations show similar physical properties (such
  as period, decay time, and trigger) as the Doppler shift oscillations
  previously detected by the SOHO/SUMER spectrometer in flare lines formed
  above 6 MK, which were mostly interpreted as the slow-mode standing
  waves. By applying the coronal seismology method we have, for the first
  time, found quantitative evidence of thermal conduction suppression in
  a hot (&gt;9 MK) flare-heated loop with SDO/AIA (Wang et al. 2015, ApJL,
  811, L13). This result has significant implications in two aspects. The
  first aspect is that the conduction suppression suggests the need of
  greatly enhanced compressive viscosity to interpret the observed strong
  wave damping. The second aspect is that the conduction suppression
  provides a reasonable mechanism for explaining the long-duration events
  where the hot plasma detected in X-rays or EUV in many flares cools much
  slower than expected from the classical Spitzer conductive cooling. In
  this presentation, we first review the observational results of the
  event, and then discuss possible causes for conduction suppression
  and viscosity enhancements. In addition, we will use the nonlinear
  MHD simulations to validate the seismology method that is based on
  linear analytical analysis, and demonstrate the inversion scheme
  for determining transport coefficients using numerical parametric
  study. Finally, as an application of our analysis, we will demonstrate
  how the observationally-constrained transport coefficients are crucial
  in providing a self-consistent explanation for the rapid excitation
  of standing slow-mode waves in a coronal loop by a footpoint flare.

Title: Coronal and Flare Diagnostic with SDO/AIA-discovered Fast
    MHD Wave Trains in Active Regions
Authors: Ofman, Leon; Liu, Wei
2016usc..confE.106O    Altcode:
  Recently, SDO/AIA discovered quasi-periodic, fast-mode propagating
  MHD wave trains (QFPs) that propagate at high speeds of more than 1000
  km/s. The waves provide a new diagnostic tool for coronal seismology
  that includes information on the flare energy release and the magnetic
  structure of the active regions. Many events are now available in a
  statistical study. However, for improved accuracy of coronal seismology,
  3D MHD modeling is required and simple wave-mode analysis may be
  insufficient. We present new results of observationally constrained
  models of QFPs using our recently upgraded radiative, thermally
  conductive, visco-resistive 3D MHD code. The waves are excited by
  time-depended boundary conditions constrained by the spatial (localized)
  and quasi-periodic temporal evolution of a C-class flare typically
  associated with QFPs, and produce observable density and temperature
  fluctuations. We investigate parametrically the excitation, propagation,
  and damping of the waves for a range of key model parameters, such
  as the background temperature, density, magnetic field structure,
  and the location of the flaring site within the active region. We
  synthesize EUV intensities in multiple AIA channels and then obtain the
  model parameters that best reproduce the properties of observed QFPs,
  such as the recent DEM analysis. We discuss the implications of our
  modeling results for the seismological application of QFPs for the
  diagnostic of the active region field and flare pulsations.

Title: Dynamic Mapping of Prominence Activity
Authors: Thompson, Barbara J.; Uritsky, Vadim; Ofman, Leon
2016shin.confE.141T    Altcode:
  We present the results of a prominence mapping effort designed to
  extract the dynamics of both erupting and quiescent prominences. The
  material from partially erupting prominences can fall back to the sun,
  tracing out the topology of the post-eruptive corona. A variable-g
  ballistic approximation is applied to study the motion of the material,
  using the deviations from constant angular momentum as a means of
  quantifying the local Lorentz (and other) forces on each piece of
  material. Variations in dynamic behavior can be traced back to changes
  in the local magnetic field and the formation of instabilities such
  as Rayleigh-Taylor.

Title: Brightenings Caused by Falling Filament Material on 2011
    September 7
Authors: Gilbert, Holly; Inglis, Andrew; Mays, M. Leila; Ofman, Leon;
   Provornikova, Elena
2016shin.confE.138G    Altcode:
  Solar filaments exhibit a range of eruptive-like dynamic activity from
  the full, or partial, eruption of the filament mass and surrounding
  magnetic structure, as a CME, to a fully confined dynamic evolution or
  "failed" eruption. On 2011 September 7, a partial eruption of a filament
  was observed by SDO and STEREO, generating a substantial stream of
  returning filament material that exhibited a strong interaction with
  the solar surface. Similarly to the recently studied 2011 June 7 event,
  the impact sites show clear evidence of brightening in the observed
  EUV wavelengths due to energy release by the impact. We explore two
  plausible physical mechanisms that would cause such brightening:
  heating of the plasma due to the kinetic energy of the impacting
  material - compression of the plasma, or reconnection between the
  magnetic field of the low-laying loops with the field carried by the
  impacting material, or combination thereof. By analyzing the emission
  of the brightenings in several SDO/AIA wavelengths, and comparing the
  kinetic energy of the impacting material to the radiative energy we
  provide clues for the dominant mechanism of energy release involved in
  the observed brightenings. We compare this event to another in which
  we performed the same analysis (2011 June 7) where we determined that
  compression was the dominant mechanism.

Title: Motions in Prominence Barbs as observed by Hinode/SOT and IRIS
Authors: Kucera, Therese A.; Ofman, Leon; Tarbell, Theodore D.
2016SPD....47.0316K    Altcode:
  We discuss observations of prominence barb dynamics as observed by
  Hinode/SOT and IRIS. Prominence barbs extend outwards to the side of the
  main prominence spine and downwards towards the chromosphere. Their
  properties, including the structure of their magnetic field and
  the nature of the motions observed in them are a subject of current
  debate. We use a combination of high cadence, high resolution imaging,
  H-alpha Doppler, and Mg II line profile data to analyze and understand
  waves and flows in barbs and discuss their ramifications in terms of
  a model of the barb magnetic field as collection of dipped field lines.

Title: Fast-mode Coronal Wave Trains Detected by SDO/AIA: Recent
    Observational Progress
Authors: Liu, Wei; Downs, Cooper; Ofman, Leon
2016SPD....4730802L    Altcode:
  Quasi-periodic Fast Propagating wave trains (QFPs) are a new
  observational phenomenon discovered by SDO/AIA in extreme ultraviolet
  (EUV). They are fast-mode magnetosonic waves, closely related to
  quasi-periodic pulsations in solar flare emission ranging from
  radio to X-ray wavelengths. The significance of QFPs lies in their
  diagnostic potential, because they can provide critical clues to flare
  energy release and serve as new tools for coronal seismology. In
  this presentation, we report recent advances in observing QFPs. In
  particular, using differential emission measure (DEM) inversion,
  we found clear evidence of heating and cooling cycles that are
  consistent with alternating compression and rarefaction expected for
  magnetosonic wave pulses. We also found that different local magnetic
  and plasma environments can lead to two distinct types of QFPs located
  in different spatial domains with respect to their accompanying
  coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Moreover, recent IRIS observations
  of QFP source regions revealed sawtooth-like flare ribbon motions,
  indicative of pulsed magnetic reconnection, that are correlated with
  QFP excitation. More interestingly, from a statistical survey of over
  100 QFP events, we found a preferential association with eruptive
  flares rather than confined flares. We will discuss the implications
  of these results and the potential roles of QFPs in coronal heating,
  energy transport, and solar eruptions.

Title: Realistic Modeling of SDO/AIA-discovered Coronal Fast MHD
    Wave Trains in Active Regions
Authors: Ofman, Leon; Liu, Wei
2016SPD....47.0621O    Altcode:
  High-resolution EUV observations by space telescopes have provided
  plenty of evidence for coronal MHD waves in active regions. In
  particular, SDO/AIA discovered quasi-periodic, fast-mode propagating
  MHD wave trains (QFPs), which can propagate at speeds of ~1000 km/s
  perpendicular to the magnetic field. Such waves can provide information
  on the energy release of their associated flares and the magnetized
  plasma structure of the active regions. Before we can use these waves
  as tools for coronal seismology, 3D MHD modeling is required for
  disentangling observational ambiguities and improving the diagnostic
  accuracy. We present new results of observationally contained models
  of QFPs using our recently upgraded radiative, thermally conductive,
  visco-resistive 3D MHD code. The waves are excited by time-depended
  boundary conditions constrained by the spatial (localized) and
  quasi-periodic temporal evolution of a C-class flare typically
  associated with QFPs. We investigate the excitation, propagation,
  and damping of the waves for a range of key model parameters, such as
  the background temperature, density, magnetic field structure, and the
  location of the flaring site within the active region. We synthesize
  EUV intensities in multiple AIA channels and then obtain the model
  parameters that best reproduce the properties of observed QFPs. We
  discuss the implications of our model results for the seismological
  application of QFPs and for understanding the dynamics of their
  associated flares.

Title: Coronal Seismology of Flare-Excited Standing Slow-Mode Waves
    Observed by SDO/AIA
Authors: Wang, Tongjiang; Ofman, Leon; Davila, Joseph M.
2016SPD....47.0632W    Altcode:
  Flare-excited longitudinal intensity oscillations in hot flaring
  loops have been recently detected by SDO/AIA in 94 and 131 Å
  bandpasses. Based on the interpretation in terms of a slow-mode wave,
  quantitative evidence of thermal conduction suppression in hot (&gt;9
  MK) loops has been obtained for the first time from measurements
  of the polytropic index and phase shift between the temperature and
  density perturbations (Wang et al. 2015, ApJL, 811, L13). This result
  has significant implications in two aspects. One is that the thermal
  conduction suppression suggests the need of greatly enhanced compressive
  viscosity to interpret the observed strong wave damping. The other
  is that the conduction suppression provides a reasonable mechanism
  for explaining the long-duration events where the thermal plasma is
  sustained well beyond the duration of impulsive hard X-ray bursts in
  many flares, for a time much longer than expected by the classical
  Spitzer conductive cooling. In this study, we model the observed
  standing slow-mode wave in Wang et al. (2015) using a 1D nonlinear MHD
  code. With the seismology-derived transport coefficients for thermal
  conduction and compressive viscosity, we successfully simulate the
  oscillation period and damping time of the observed waves. Based on
  the parametric study of the effect of thermal conduction suppression
  and viscosity enhancement on the observables, we discuss the inversion
  scheme for determining the energy transport coefficients by coronal

Title: Quasi-periodic fast-mode magnetosonic wave trains within
    coronal waveguides associated with flares and CMEs
Authors: Liu, Wei; Ofman, Leon; Broder, Brittany; Karlický, Marian;
   Downs, Cooper
2016AIPC.1720d0010L    Altcode: 2015arXiv151207930L
  Quasi-periodic, fast-mode, propagating wave trains (QFPs) are a new
  observational phenomenon recently discovered in the solar corona by
  the Solar Dynamics Observatory with extreme ultraviolet (EUV) imaging
  observations. They originate from flares and propagate at speeds up to
  ∼2000 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> within funnel-shaped waveguides in the wakes
  of coronal mass ejections (CMEs). QFPs can carry suffcient energy fluxes
  required for coronal heating during their occurr ences. They can provide
  new diagnostics for the solar corona and their associated flares. We
  present recent observations of QFPs focusing on their spatio-temporal
  properties, temperature dependence, and statistical correlation
  with flares and CMEs. Of particular interest is the 2010-Aug-01 C3.2
  flare with correlated QFPs and drifting zebra and fiber radio bursts,
  which might be different manifestations of the same fast-mode wave
  trains. We also discuss the potential roles of QFPs in accelerating
  and/or modulating the solar wind.

Title: MHD Waves in the Solar Wind
Authors: Ofman, L.
2016GMS...216..241O    Altcode:
  This chapter focuses on reviewing several observational aspects of
  magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves in the solar wind, in particular on
  Alfvén waves, Alfvénic turbulent spectrum, and their role in heating
  and accelerating the solar wind. It also reviews computational models
  that incorporate Alfvén waves as the driving source of the wind
  in the lower corona (coronal holes) and in the inner heliosphere,
  with emphasis on multi-dimensional models. Evidence for MHD waves in
  the solar wind is obtained from interplanetary scintillation (IPS)
  observations using Earth-based radio telescope observations of distant
  (galactic) radio sources. The solar wind electron density variability
  in the line of sight affects the received radio signal. The propagating
  fluctuations and their correlations are used to estimate the solar wind
  velocity and the wave amplitude in the parallel and the perpendicular
  directions in line of sight.

Title: Evidence of thermal conduction suppression in hot coronal
loops: supplementary results
Authors: Wang, Tongjiang; Ofman, Leon; Sun, Xudong; Provornikova,
   Elena; Davila, Joseph M.
2016IAUS..320..202W    Altcode: 2015arXiv151002750W
  Slow magnetoacoustic waves were first detected in hot (&gt;6 MK) flare
  loops by the SOHO/SUMER spectrometer as Doppler shift oscillations in Fe
  xix and Fe xxi lines. Recently, such longitudinal waves have been found
  by SDO/AIA in the 94 and 131 Å channels. Wang et al. (2015) reported
  the first AIA event revealing signatures in agreement with a fundamental
  standing slow-mode wave, and found quantitative evidence for thermal
  conduction suppression from the temperature and density perturbations in
  the hot loop plasma of &gt;~ 9 MK. The present study extends the work of
  Wang et al. (2015) by using an alternative approach. We determine the
  polytropic index directly based on the polytropic assumption instead
  of invoking the linear approximation. The same results are obtained as
  in the linear approximation, indicating that the nonlinearity effect
  is negligible. We find that the flare loop cools slower (by a factor
  of 2-4) than expected from the classical Spitzer conductive cooling,
  approximately consistent with the result of conduction suppression
  obtained from the wave analysis. The modified Spitzer cooling timescales
  based on the nonlocal conduction approximation are consistent with
  the observed, suggesting that nonlocal conduction may account for
  the observed conduction suppression in this event. In addition, the
  conduction suppression mechanism predicts that larger flares may tend
  to be hotter than expected by the EM-T relation derived by Shibata &amp;
  Yokoyama (2002).

Title: Flare-associated Fast-mode Coronal Wave Trains Discovered by
SDO/AIA: Physical Properties and Implications
Authors: Liu, W.; Ofman, L.; Downs, C.; Cheung, C. M. M.; Broder,
   B.; De Pontieu, B.
2015AGUFMSH54B..02L    Altcode:
  Quasi-periodic Fast Propagating wave trains (QFPs) are a new
  observational phenomenon discovered in extreme ultraviolet (EUV) by
  the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) onboard the Solar Dynamics
  Observatory (SDO). They are fast-mode magnetosonic waves, closely
  related to quasi-periodic pulsations in solar flare emission ranging
  from radio to X-ray wavelengths. The significance of QFPs lies in their
  diagnostic potential, because they can provide critical clues to flare
  energy release and serve as new tools for coronal seismology. In
  this presentation, we report recent advances in observing and
  modeling QFPs. For example, using differential emission measure (DEM)
  inversion, we found clear evidence of heating and cooling cycles that
  are consistent with alternating compression and rarefaction expected
  for magnetosonic wave pulses. Moreover, recent IRIS observations
  of QFP source regions revealed sawtooth-like flare ribbon motions,
  indicative of pulsed magnetic reconnection, that are correlated with QFP
  excitation. More interestingly, from a survey of over 100 QFP events,
  we found a preferential association with eruptive flares rather than
  confined flares. We will discuss the implications of these results
  and the potential roles of QFPs in coronal heating, energy transport,
  and solar eruptions.

Title: Fast Wave Trains Associated with Solar Eruptions: Insights
    from 3D Thermodynamic MHD Simulations
Authors: Downs, C.; Liu, W.; Torok, T.; Linker, J.; Mikic, Z.;
   Ofman, L.
2015AGUFMSH22A..06D    Altcode:
  EUV imaging observations during the SDO/AIA era have provided new
  insights into a variety of wave phenomena occurring in the low
  solar corona. One example is the observation of quasi-periodic,
  fast-propagating wave trains that are associated with solar eruptions,
  including flares and CMEs. While there has been considerable
  progress in understanding such waves from both an observational
  and theoretical perspective, it remains a challenge to pin down
  their physical origin. In this work, we detail our results from
  a case-study 3D thermodynamic MHD simulation of a coronal mass
  ejection where quasi-periodic wave trains are generated during the
  simulated eruption. We find a direct correlation between the onset of
  non-steady reconnection in the flare current sheet and the generation
  of quasi-periodic wave train signatures when patchy, collimated
  downflows interact with the flare arcade. Via forward modeling of
  SDO/AIA observables, we explore how the appearance of the wave trains
  is affected by line-of-sight integration and the multi-thermal nature
  of the coronal medium. We also examine how the wave trains themselves
  are channeled by natural waveguides formed in 3D by the non-uniform
  background magnetic field. While the physical association of the
  reconnection dynamics to the generation of quasi-periodic wave trains
  appears to be a compelling result, unanswered questions posed from
  recent observations as well as future prospects will be discussed.

Title: Transition From Turbulence to Dissipation in the Solar Wind
Plasma: Results From Hybrid Simulations
Authors: Ofman, L.; Roberts, D. A.
2015AGUFMSH11E2419O    Altcode:
  Spacecraft observations such as WIND, and ACE show ample evidence of
  turbulent spectra of magnetic and velocity fluctuations, and kinetic
  dissipation in the solar wind plasma at ~1AU. Helios and MESSENGER
  confirm these properties close to the Sun at ~0.3AU, and future Solar
  Probe+ mission will provide information on turbulent spectra closer
  to the Sun in the outer corona. The transition between turbulence and
  dissipation occurs at scales that have clear dependence on heliocentric
  distance, as expected from solar wind expansion. We perform 2.5 hybrid
  modeling studies (where ions are described as particles, and electrons
  as background fluid) of the evolution of the turbulent spectra of
  fluctuations in electron-proton-He++ solar wind plasma at 1AU and closer
  to the Sun by varying the model plasma parameters. We investigate the
  dependence of the turbulence cascade and the transition to kinetic
  dissipation on the plasma parameters. We consider the effects of the
  solar wind expansion on the evolution of the turbulence and on the ion
  heating. We find important differences between the magnetic fluctuations
  spectrum, and the velocity fluctuations parallel and perpendicular to
  the field affected by ion-cyclotron, and mirror instabilities, as well
  as proton and alpha density fluctuations due to coupling to magnetosonic
  instability. We investigate the effects of the alpha-proton drift,
  and an injected spectrum on the turbulent magnetic fluctuations on
  the evolution of the solar wind plasma and the ion heating.

Title: Slow Solar Wind: Observable Characteristics for Constraining
Authors: Ofman, L.; Abbo, L.; Antiochos, S. K.; Hansteen, V. H.;
   Harra, L.; Ko, Y. K.; Lapenta, G.; Li, B.; Riley, P.; Strachan, L.;
   von Steiger, R.; Wang, Y. M.
2015AGUFMSH11F..03O    Altcode:
  The Slow Solar Wind (SSW) origin is an open issue in the post SOHO
  era and forms a major objective for planned future missions such as
  the Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus.Results from spacecraft data,
  combined with theoretical modeling, have helped to investigate many
  aspects of the SSW. Fundamental physical properties of the coronal
  plasma have been derived from spectroscopic and imaging remote-sensing
  data and in-situ data, and these results have provided crucial insights
  for a deeper understanding of the origin and acceleration of the
  SSW.Advances models of the SSW in coronal streamers and other structures
  have been developed using 3D MHD and multi-fluid equations.Nevertheless,
  there are still debated questions such as:What are the source regions
  of SSW? What are their contributions to the SSW?Which is the role
  of the magnetic topology in corona for the origin, acceleration and
  energy deposition of SSW?Which are the possible acceleration and heating
  mechanisms for the SSW?The aim of this study is to present the insights
  on the SSW origin and formationarisen during the discussions at the
  International Space Science Institute (ISSI) by the Team entitled
  ”Slowsolar wind sources and acceleration mechanisms in the corona”
  held in Bern (Switzerland) in March2014--2015. The attached figure will
  be presented to summarize the different hypotheses of the SSW formation.

Title: Deriving Kinematic Properties of Non-Radial, Asymmetric and
Deflecting CMEs: Methods and Implications
Authors: Thompson, B. J.; Liewer, P. C.; Mays, M. L.; Richardson,
   I. G.; Kwon, R.; Ofman, L.; Makela, P. A.; Ireland, J.; Hess, P.;
   Waldron, Z.
2015AGUFMSH33B2467T    Altcode:
  An improved understanding of the kinematic properties of CMEs and
  CME-associated phenomena has several impacts: 1) a less ambiguous
  method of mapping propagating structures into their inner coronal
  manifestations, 2) a clearer view of the relationship between the
  "main" CME and CME-associated brightenings, and 3) an improved
  identification of the heliospheric sources of shocks, Type II bursts,
  and SEPs. However, there are several challenges in characterizing
  the kinematic properties of CMEs. Most rapidly-evolving eruptions are
  accompanied by changes in the surrounding corona. The larger the impact
  on the surrounding corona, the more difficult it is to separate the
  "main" CME from the CME-associated brightenings. Complicating the
  issue is the range of observed propagation properties: super-radial
  expansion, asymmetric expansion, non-radial propagation, and alterations
  in the direction of propagation. These properties can be a function
  of both the internal magnetic structure of the CME and the structure
  of the corona through which the CME is propagating. While the relative
  contribution of internal/external factors can be difficult to assess,
  it is of fundamental importance because it not only reveals the nature
  of CMEs but also CME-associated phenomena such as EUV waves, Type
  II radio bursts, shocks, and SEPs. Most halo CMEs are a combination
  of both the "main" CME and the CME-associated brightenings, but
  new diagnostic methods such as time convolution mapping can help
  separate the CME mass from the impacted corona. Additionally, while
  most CME-fitting methods assume symmetry about the radial direction,
  adaptive methods allow us to study highly asymmetric CME expansion
  and take into account the fundamentally different natures of the CME
  and the shocked/deflected corona. Several methods will be examined,
  and each has their respective strengths and weaknesses; for example,
  the difference between the direction of a highly non-radial CME and a
  sun-centered model's orientation can exceed 45 degrees, which impacts
  our ability to correctly assess changes in propagation direction and
  the causes of these changes. We examine the assumptions inherent in
  these methods and how they may produce artifacts that can influence
  conclusions about CME kinematics.

Title: Coronal seismology of flare-excited longitudinal slow
    magnetoacoustic waves in hot coronal loops
Authors: Wang, T.; Ofman, L.; Sun, X.; Provornikova, E. A.; Davila,
   J. M.
2015AGUFMSH13B2435W    Altcode:
  The flare-excited longitudinal intensity oscillations in hot
  flaring loops have been recently detected by SDO/AIA in 94 and 131
  bandpasses. These oscillations show similar physical properties (such
  as period, decay time, and trigger) as those slow-mode standing waves
  previously detected by the SOHO/SUMER spectrometer in Doppler shift of
  flare lines formed above 6 MK. The multi-wavelength AIA observations
  with high spatio-temporal resolution and wide temperature coverage
  enable us to measure both thermal and wave properties of the oscillating
  hot plasma with unprecedented accuracy. These new measurements can
  be used to diagnose the complicated energy transport processes in
  flare plasma by a technique called coronal seismology based on the
  combination of observations and MHD wave theory. From a detailed case
  study we have found evidence for thermal conduction suppression in
  hot loops by measuring the polytropic index and analyzing the phase
  relationship between the temperature and density wave signals. This
  result is not only crucial for better understanding the wave dissipation
  mechanism but also provides an alternative mechanism to explain the
  puzzles of long-duration events and X-ray loop-top sources which show
  much slower cooling than expected by the classical Spitzer conductive
  cooling. This finding may also shed a light on the coronal heating
  problem because weak thermal conductivity implies slower cooling of hot
  plasma in nanoflares, so increasing the average coronal temperature
  for the same heating rate. We will discuss the effects of thermal
  conduction suppression on the wave damping and loop cooling based on
  MHD simulations.

Title: Nonlinear MHD Waves in a Prominence Foot
Authors: Ofman, L.; Knizhnik, K.; Kucera, T.; Schmieder, B.
2015ApJ...813..124O    Altcode: 2015arXiv150907911O
  We study nonlinear waves in a prominence foot using a 2.5D MHD model
  motivated by recent high-resolution observations with Hinode/Solar
  Optical Telescope in Ca ii emission of a prominence on 2012 October
  10 showing highly dynamic small-scale motions in the prominence
  material. Observations of Hα intensities and of Doppler shifts show
  similar propagating fluctuations. However, the optically thick nature
  of the emission lines inhibits a unique quantitative interpretation
  in terms of density. Nevertheless, we find evidence of nonlinear wave
  activity in the prominence foot by examining the relative magnitude of
  the fluctuation intensity (δI/I ∼ δn/n). The waves are evident as
  significant density fluctuations that vary with height and apparently
  travel upward from the chromosphere into the prominence material
  with quasi-periodic fluctuations with a typical period in the range
  of 5-11 minutes and wavelengths &lt;2000 km. Recent Doppler shift
  observations show the transverse displacement of the propagating
  waves. The magnetic field was measured with the THEMIS instrument
  and was found to be 5-14 G. For the typical prominence density the
  corresponding fast magnetosonic speed is ∼20 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>,
  in qualitative agreement with the propagation speed of the detected
  waves. The 2.5D MHD numerical model is constrained with the typical
  parameters of the prominence waves seen in observations. Our numerical
  results reproduce the nonlinear fast magnetosonic waves and provide
  strong support for the presence of these waves in the prominence
  foot. We also explore gravitational MHD oscillations of the heavy
  prominence foot material supported by dipped magnetic field structure.

Title: Stability of Rotating Magnetized Jets in the Solar
    Atmosphere. I. Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability
Authors: Zaqarashvili, Teimuraz V.; Zhelyazkov, Ivan; Ofman, Leon
2015ApJ...813..123Z    Altcode: 2015arXiv151001108Z
  Observations show various jets in the solar atmosphere with significant
  rotational motions, which may undergo instabilities leading to heat
  ambient plasma. We study the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (KHI) of
  twisted and rotating jets caused by the velocity jumps near the jet
  surface. We derive a dispersion equation with appropriate boundary
  conditions for total pressure (including centrifugal force of tube
  rotation), which governs the dynamics of incompressible jets. Then, we
  obtain analytical instability criteria of KHI in various cases, which
  were verified by numerical solutions to the dispersion equation. We
  find that twisted and rotating jets are unstable to KHI when the
  kinetic energy of rotation is more than the magnetic energy of the
  twist. Our analysis shows that the azimuthal magnetic field of 1-5
  G can stabilize observed rotations in spicule/macrospicules and
  X-ray/extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) jets. On the other hand, nontwisted
  jets are always unstable to KHI. In this case, the instability growth
  time is several seconds for spicule/macrospicules and a few minutes (or
  less) for EUV/X-ray jets. We also find that standing kink and torsional
  Alfvén waves are always unstable near the antinodes, owing to the jump
  of azimuthal velocity at the surface, while the propagating waves are
  generally stable. Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) vortices may lead to enhanced
  turbulence development and heating of surrounding plasma therefore,
  rotating jets may provide energy for chromospheric and coronal heating.

Title: Three-dimensional MHD modeling of vertical kink oscillations
    in an active region plasma curtain
Authors: Ofman, L.; Parisi, M.; Srivastava, A. K.
2015A&A...582A..75O    Altcode: 2015arXiv150505427O
  Context. Observations on 2011 August 9 of an X 6.9-class flare in
  active region (AR) 11263 by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA)
  on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), were followed by
  a rare detection of vertical kink oscillations in a large-scale
  coronal active region plasma curtain in extreme UV coronal lines
  with periods in the range 8.8-14.9 min. <BR /> Aims: Our aim is to
  study the generation and propagation of the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)
  oscillations in the plasma curtain taking the realistic 3D magnetic
  and the density structure of the curtain into account. We also aim to
  test and improve coronal seismology for a more accurate determination
  of the magnetic field than with the standard method. <BR /> Methods:
  We use the observed morphological and dynamical conditions, as well
  as plasma properties of the coronal curtain, to initialize a 3D
  MHD model of the observed vertical and transverse oscillations. To
  accomplish this, we implemented the impulsively excited velocity pulse
  mimicking the flare-generated nonlinear fast magnetosonic propagating
  disturbance interacting obliquely with the curtain. The model is
  simplified by utilizing an initial dipole magnetic field, isothermal
  energy equation, and gravitationally stratified density guided by
  observational parameters. <BR /> Results: Using the 3D MHD model, we
  are able to reproduce the details of the vertical oscillations and study
  the process of their excitation by a nonlinear fast magnetosonic pulse,
  propagation, and damping, finding agreement with the observations. <BR
  /> Conclusions: We estimate the accuracy of simplified slab-based
  coronal seismology by comparing the determined magnetic field
  strength to actual values from the 3D MHD modeling results, and
  demonstrate the importance of taking more realistic magnetic geometry
  and density for improving coronal seismology into account. <P />A
  movie associated to Fig. 1 is available in electronic form at <A

Title: Evidence of Thermal Conduction Suppression in a Solar Flaring
    Loop by Coronal Seismology of Slow-mode Waves
Authors: Wang, Tongjiang; Ofman, Leon; Sun, Xudong; Provornikova,
   Elena; Davila, Joseph M.
2015ApJ...811L..13W    Altcode: 2015arXiv150900920W
  Analysis of a longitudinal wave event observed by the Atmospheric
  Imaging Assembly (AIA) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory is
  presented. A time sequence of 131 Å images reveals that a C-class flare
  occurred at one footpoint of a large loop and triggered an intensity
  disturbance (enhancement) propagating along it. The spatial features
  and temporal evolution suggest that a fundamental standing slow-mode
  wave could be set up quickly after meeting of two initial disturbances
  from the opposite footpoints. The oscillations have a period of ∼12
  minutes and a decay time of ∼9 minutes. The measured phase speed of
  500 ± 50 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> matches the sound speed in the heated loop
  of ∼10 MK, confirming that the observed waves are of slow mode. We
  derive the time-dependent temperature and electron density wave signals
  from six AIA extreme-ultraviolet channels, and find that they are nearly
  in phase. The measured polytropic index from the temperature and density
  perturbations is 1.64 ± 0.08 close to the adiabatic index of 5/3 for
  an ideal monatomic gas. The interpretation based on a 1D linear MHD
  model suggests that the thermal conductivity is suppressed by at least
  a factor of 3 in the hot flare loop at 9 MK and above. The viscosity
  coefficient is determined by coronal seismology from the observed wave
  when only considering the compressive viscosity dissipation. We find
  that to interpret the rapid wave damping, the classical compressive
  viscosity coefficient needs to be enhanced by a factor of 15 as the
  upper limit.

Title: Evidence of thermal conduction depression in hot coronal loops
Authors: Wang, Tongjiang; Ofman, Leon; Sun, Xudong; Provornikova,
   Elena; Davila, Joseph
2015IAUGA..2257766W    Altcode:
  Slow magnetoacoustic waves were first detected in hot (&gt;6 MK) flare
  loops by the SOHO/SUMER spectrometer as Doppler shift oscillations in
  Fe XIX and Fe XXI lines. These oscillations are identified as standing
  slow-mode waves because the estimated phase speeds are close to the
  sound speed in the loop and some cases show a quarter period phase
  shift between velocity and intensity oscillations. The observed very
  rapid excitation and damping of standing slow mode waves have been
  studied by many authors using theories and numerical simulations,
  however, the exact mechanisms remain not well understood. Recently,
  flare-induced longitudinal intensity oscillations in hot post-flare
  loops have been detected by SDO/AIA. These oscillations have the
  similar physical properties as SUMER loop oscillations, and have
  been interpreted as the slow-mode waves. The multi-wavelength AIA
  observations with high spatio-temporal resolution and wide temperature
  coverage allow us to explore the wave excitation and damping mechanisms
  with an unprecedented detail to develope new coronal seismology. In this
  paper, we present accurate measurements of the effective adiabatic index
  (γ<SUB>eff</SUB>) in the hot plasma from the electron temperature and
  density wave signals of a flare-induced longitudinal wave event using
  SDO/AIA data. Our results strikingly and clearly reveal that thermal
  conduction is highly depressed in hot (∼10 MK) post-flare loops and
  suggest that the compressive viscosity is the dominant wave damping
  mechanism which allows determination of the viscosity coefficient from
  the observables by coronal seismology. This new finding challenges our
  current understanding of thermal energy transport in solar and stellar
  flares, and may provide an alternative explanation of long-duration
  events and enhance our understand of coronal heating mechanism. We will
  discuss our results based on non-ideal MHD theory and simulations. We
  will also discuss the flare trigger mechanism based on magnetic topology
  derived from SDO/HMI vector magnetic fields using nonlinear force-free
  field extrapolations and discuss the wave excitation mechanism based
  on 3D MHD modeling of the active region.

Title: Relative drifts and temperature anisotropies of protons and
α particles in the expanding solar wind: 2.5D hybrid simulations
Authors: Maneva, Y. G.; Ofman, L.; Viñas, A.
2015A&A...578A..85M    Altcode: 2014arXiv1410.3358M
  Context. We perform 2.5D hybrid simulations to investigate the origin
  and evolution of relative drift speeds between protons and α particles
  in the collisionless turbulent low- tildeβ solar wind plasma. <BR />
  Aims: We study the generation of differential streaming by wave-particle
  interactions and absorption of turbulent wave spectra. Next we focus
  on the role of the relative drifts for the turbulent heating and
  acceleration of ions in the collisionless fast solar wind streams. <BR
  /> Methods: The energy source is given by an initial broad-band spectrum
  of parallel propagating Alfvén-cyclotron waves, which co-exists with
  the plasma and is self-consistently coupled to the perpendicular
  ion bulk velocities. We include the effect of a gradual solar wind
  expansion, which cools and decelerates the minor ions. We here consider
  for the first time the combined effect of self-consistently initialized
  dispersive turbulent Alfvénic spectra with differentially streaming
  protons and α particles in the expanding solar wind outflows within
  a 2.5D hybrid simulation study. <BR /> Results: For differential
  streaming of V<SUB>αp</SUB> &lt; 0.5V<SUB>A</SUB>, the selected
  initial wave spectrum accelerates the minor ions in the non-expanding
  wind. At V<SUB>αp</SUB> = 0.5V<SUB>A</SUB> the relative drift speed
  remains nearly steady. For ions that stream below this threshold
  value, the waves act to increase the magnitude of the relative drift
  speed. Ions that stream faster than the threshold value become subject
  to a nonlinear streaming instability, and as the system evolves,
  their bulk velocities decrease. We find that the solar wind expansion
  strongly affects the relative drift speed and significantly slows down
  both ion species for all values of the relative drift speeds considered
  in this study. The initial nonresonant wave spectra interact with the
  particles, resulting in preferential and anisotropic heating for the
  minor ions with a prominent increase of their perpendicular temperature,
  which overcomes the effect of the double-adiabatic cooling that is
  due to the solar wind expansion. Finally, the initial parallel spectra
  undergo a micro-turbulent nonlinear cascade during which oblique waves
  are generated, whose intensity depends on the value of the relative
  drift speed.

Title: Turbulent photospheric drivers of multiscale solar corona
Authors: Uritsky, Vadim M.; Ofman, Leon; Davila, Joseph M.
2015TESS....121305U    Altcode:
  We investigate the collective dynamics of transient photospheric and
  coronal events detected using high-resolution solar magnetograms and
  coronal emission images. We focus on statistical, ensemble-averaged
  properties of the interacting solar regions [Uritsky et al., 2011,
  2013, 2014; Uritsky and Davila, 2012], as opposed to case-oriented
  methodologies recruited in some previous studies. The behavior
  of solar events is studied in the three-dimensional space-time
  enabling accurate representation of the event evolution. By applying
  advanced data analysis methods including feature tracking algorithms,
  multiscale correlation analysis and scaling analysis techniques,
  we identify leading physical scenarios of the photosphere - corona
  coupling in quiet and active solar regions, and strive to identify
  new statistical precursors of coronal eruptions. We also discuss the
  possibility of modeling multiscale photosphere - corona interactions
  using idealized three-dimensional MHD models. The obtained results
  shed a new light on the origin of multiscale dissipation in the
  solar corona by enabling quantitative validation of several popular
  statistical physical scenarios, such as e.g. intermittent turbulence,
  self-organized criticality, and topological complexity.

Title: Ion Heating in Inhomogeneous Expanding Solar Wind Plasma:
    The Role of Parallel and Oblique Ion-cyclotron Waves
Authors: Ozak, N.; Ofman, L.; Viñas, A. -F.
2015ApJ...799...77O    Altcode: 2014arXiv1407.4622O
  Remote sensing observations of coronal holes show that heavy ions
  are hotter than protons and their temperature is anisotropic. In-situ
  observations of fast solar wind streams provide direct evidence for
  turbulent Alfvén wave spectrum, left-hand polarized ion-cyclotron
  waves, and He<SUP>++</SUP> - proton drift in the solar wind plasma,
  which can produce temperature anisotropies by resonant absorption
  and perpendicular heating of the ions. Furthermore, the solar wind
  is expected to be inhomogeneous on decreasing scales approaching the
  Sun. We study the heating of solar wind ions in inhomogeneous plasma
  with a 2.5D hybrid code. We include the expansion of the solar wind
  in an inhomogeneous plasma background, combined with the effects of a
  turbulent wave spectrum of Alfvénic fluctuations and initial ion-proton
  drifts. We study the influence of these effects on the perpendicular ion
  heating and cooling and on the spectrum of the magnetic fluctuations
  in the inhomogeneous background wind. We find that inhomogeneities
  in the plasma lead to enhanced heating compared to the homogenous
  solar wind, and the generation of significant power of oblique waves
  in the solar wind plasma. The cooling effect due to the expansion is
  not significant for super-Alfvénic drifts, and is diminished further
  when we include an inhomogeneous background density. We reproduce the
  ion temperature anisotropy seen in observations and previous models,
  which is present regardless of the perpendicular cooling due to solar
  wind expansion. We conclude that small scale inhomogeneities in the
  inner heliosphere can significantly affect resonant wave ion heating.

Title: Spectroscopic Diagnosis of Propagating disturbances in coronal
loops: Waves or flows?
Authors: Wang, Tongjiang; Ofman, Leon; Davila, Joseph M.
2015arXiv150104082W    Altcode:
  The analysis of multiwavelength properties of propagating disturbances
  (PDs) using Hinode/EIS observations is presented. Quasi-periodic
  PDs were mostly interpreted as slow magnetoacoustic waves in early
  studies, but recently suggested to be intermittent upflows of the
  order of 50-150 km/s based on the Red-Blue (RB) asymmetry analysis of
  spectral line profiles. Using the forward models, velocities of the
  secondary component derived from the RB analysis are found significantly
  overestimated due to the saturation effect when its offset velocities
  are smaller than the Gaussian width. We developed a different method
  to examine spectral features of the PDs. This method is assuming that
  the excessive emission of the PD profile against the background (taken
  as that prior to the PD) is caused by a hypothetic upflow. The derived
  LOS velocities of the flow are on the order of 10-30 km/s from the warm
  (1-1.5 MK) coronal lines, much smaller than those inferred from the
  RB analysis. This result does not support the flow interpretation but
  favors of the early wave interpretation.

Title: Role of Parallel and Oblique Ion-Cyclotron Waves in Heating
    Ions in an Inhomogeneous Expanding Solar Wind Plasma
Authors: Ofman, L.; Ozak, N. O.; Vinas, A. F.
2014AGUFMSH33A4147O    Altcode:
  In-situ observations of fast solar wind streams at distances of
  0.29 AU and beyond by Helios and recently by MESSENGER, and at ~1
  AU by STEREO, ACE, and Wind spacecraft provide direct evidence for
  the presence of turbulent Alfvén wave spectrum and of left-hand
  polarized ion-cyclotron waves as well as He++ - proton drift in the
  solar wind plasma. The waves and the super-Alfvénic drift can produce
  temperature anisotropies by resonant absorption and perpendicular
  heating of the ions. Measurements indicate that proton velocity
  distributions are generally non-Maxwellian with evidence for beams,
  while remote sensing observations of coronal holes have shown that
  heavy ions are hotter than protons with a temperature anisotropy
  greater than one (Ti,perp&gt; Ti,||). In addition to the anisotropy,
  it is expected that the solar wind will be inhomogeneous on decreasing
  scales approaching the Sun. Here we use a 2.5 D hybrid code and extend
  previous work to study the heating of solar wind ions (H+, He+) in an
  inhomogeneous plasma background. We explore the effects of an initial
  ion drift and of a turbulent wave spectrum on the perpendicular ion
  heating and cooling and on the spectrum of the magnetic fluctuations
  in the inhomogeneous background solar wind. Using the 2D hybrid model
  we find that inhomogeneities in the plasma generate significant power
  of oblique waves in the solar wind plasma, in addition to enhanced
  heating compared to the homogenous solar wind case. We find that the
  cooling effect due to the solar wind expansion is only significant
  when sub-Alfvénic drifts are explored. On the other hand, the cooling
  is not significant in the presence of a super-Alfvénic drift, and it
  is even less significant when we include an inhomogeneous background
  density. We are able to reproduce the ion temperature anisotropy
  seen in observations and previous models and find that small-scale
  inhomogeneities in the inner heliosphere can have a significant impact
  on resonant wave ion heating.

Title: Modeling the heating and the acceleration of the fast solar
    wind ion
Authors: Ofman, L.; Vinas, A. F.
2014AGUFMSH33A4119O    Altcode:
  The solar wind is the major component of solar activity and
  is the variable background state for the propagating solar
  disturbances that affect the heliosphere and interact with planetary
  magnetospheres. However, the physical mechanisms of solar wind
  acceleration and heating are not fully understood. During periods of
  solar maxima streamers dominate the solar corona and the slow solar
  wind streams are ubiquitous in the heliosphere. The ion composition and
  the charge states of the solar wind streams measured in situ and are
  used to determine their coronal origin. The physical properties of the
  multi-ion solar wind plasma and turbulent wave spectra are modeled with
  multifluid models, while the kinetic processes that lead to solar wind
  ion heating by resonant waves and instabilities are modeled with 2.5
  hybrid models that include the kinetic ion wave-particle interactions
  and ion-cyclotron wave heating processes. We will show recent results of
  multi-fluid and hybrid models constrained by remote sensing and in situ
  observations of the solar wind and discuss how this modeling approach
  improves understanding of the heating and acceleration processes of
  the solar wind.

Title: Coronal Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) Waves and Their Seismological
Authors: Liu, W.; Ofman, L.
2014AGUFMSH23C..01L    Altcode:
  Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves can be used as seismological tools
  to probe the physical conditions of the solar corona, including its
  magnetic field and plasma parameters. Recent high cadence and full-disk
  imaging observations in extreme ultraviolet (EUV) by the Atmospheric
  Imaging Assembly (AIA) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)
  have opened a new chapter in understanding these waves and utilizing
  them for coronal seismology. We will review such new observations,
  focusing on two intimately related phenomena - global EUV waves
  (so-called "EIT waves") associated with coronal mass ejections (CMEs)
  and quasi-periodic, fast-mode magnetosonic wave trains associated
  with flares: (1) The generation and propagation of global EUV waves
  and their interaction with coronal structures, e.g., reflection and
  refraction, can provide diagnostics for the global corona in which they
  propagate, such as mapping the spatial distribution of the wave phase
  speed and thus the magnetic field strength. (2) AIA-detected fast-mode
  wave trains are closely correlated with flare pulsations seen from
  radio to hard X-rays and propagate at typically 500-2000 km/s along
  funnel-shaped waveguides often located within CME bubbles. They can
  provide diagnostics for flare energy release mechanisms and the local
  corona around the flaring active region. We will discuss the roles
  of such waves in energy transport within the solar atmosphere and in
  their associated CME/flare eruptions.

Title: Brightenings Associated with Falling Filament Material
Authors: Gilbert, H. R.; Inglis, A. R.; Mays, M. L.; Ofman, L.;
   Provornikova, E.; Thompson, B. J.; Young, C. A.
2014AGUFMSH13B4101G    Altcode:
  Solar filaments exhibit a range of eruptive-like dynamic activity,
  including in some cases the confined or 'failed' ejection of prominence
  material from the solar atmosphere. In rare cases material that
  fails to erupt exhibits a strong interaction with the lower corona as
  the material returns to the solar surface, observed as substantial
  broadband brightening of EUV emission. We investigate a selection
  of recent partial prominence eruptions in order to understand the
  apparent rarity of the brightening phenomenon. Using combined data
  from SDO/AIA and STEREO, we explore the energetics and kinematics of
  these events, assessing the likely conditions of both the corona and
  the prominence material that are required in order to explain these EUV
  brightenings. We further demonstrate the potential of this phenomenon
  as diagnostic tool for both prominence material conditions and the
  coronal magnetic field.

Title: SDO/AIA Observation and Modeling of Flare-excited Slow Waves
    in Hot Coronal Loops
Authors: Wang, T.; Ofman, L.; Provornikova, E.; Sun, X.; Davila, J. M.
2014AGUFMSH13A4074W    Altcode:
  The flare-excited standing slow waves were first detected by SOHO/SUMER
  as Doppler shift oscillations in hot (&gt;6 MK) coronal loops. It has
  been suggested that they are excited by small or micro- flares at one
  loop's footpoint. However, the detailed excitation mechanism remains
  unclear. In this study, we report an oscillation event observed by
  SDO/AIA in the 131 channel. The intensity disturbances excited by a
  C-class flare propagated back and forth along a hot loop for about two
  period with a strong damping. From the measured oscillation period
  and loop length, we estimate the wave phase speed to be about 410
  km/s. Using a regularized DEM analysis we determine the loop temperature
  and electron density evolution and find that the loop plasma is heated
  to a temperature of 8-12 MK with a mean about 9 MK. These measurements
  support the interpretation as slow magnetoacousic waves. Magnetic
  field extrapolation suggests that the flare is triggered by slipping
  and null-point-type reconnections in a fan-spine magnetic topology, and
  the injected (or impulsively evaporated) hot plasmas flowing along the
  large spine field lines form the oscillating hot loops. To understand
  why the propagating waves but not the standing waves as observed
  previously are excited in this event, we preform simulations using a
  3D MHD model based on the observed magnetic configuration including
  full energy equation. Our simulations indicate that the nature of
  loop temperature structure is critical for the excitation of whether
  propagating or standing waves in a hot loop. Our result demonstrates
  that the slow waves may be used for heating diagnostics of coronal
  loops with coronal seismology. We also discuss the application of
  coronal seismology for estimating the average magnetic field strength
  in the hot loop based on the observed slow waves.

Title: Advances in Observing Various Coronal EUV Waves in the SDO
    Era and Their Seismological Applications (Invited Review)
Authors: Liu, Wei; Ofman, Leon
2014SoPh..289.3233L    Altcode: 2014SoPh..tmp...67L; 2014arXiv1404.0670L
  Global extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) waves are spectacular traveling
  disturbances in the solar corona associated with energetic eruptions
  such as coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and flares. Over the past
  15 years, observations from three generations of space-borne EUV
  telescopes have shaped our understanding of this phenomenon and at
  the same time led to controversy about its physical nature. Since its
  launch in 2010, the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) onboard the
  Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) has observed more than 210 global
  EUV waves in exquisite detail, thanks to its high spatio-temporal
  resolution and full-disk, wide-temperature coverage. A combination of
  statistical analysis of this large sample, more than 30 detailed case
  studies, and data-driven MHD modeling, has been leading their physical
  interpretations to a convergence, favoring a bimodal composition
  of an outer, fast-mode magnetosonic wave component and an inner,
  non-wave CME component. Adding to this multifaceted picture, AIA has
  also discovered new EUV wave and wave-like phenomena associated with
  various eruptions, including quasi-periodic fast propagating (QFP)
  wave trains, magnetic Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities (KHI) in the
  corona and associated nonlinear waves, and a variety of mini-EUV
  waves. Seismological applications using such waves are now being
  actively pursued, especially for the global corona. We review such
  advances in EUV wave research focusing on recent SDO/AIA observations,
  their seismological applications, related data-analysis techniques,
  and numerical and analytical models.

Title: Brightenings Caused by Falling Filament Material on 2011
    September 7
Authors: Gilbert, Holly; Inglis, Andrew; Mays, Leila; Ofman, Leon;
   Provornikova, Elena
2014AAS...22432313G    Altcode:
  Solar filaments exhibit a range of eruptive-like dynamic activity from
  the full, or partial, eruption of the filament mass and surrounding
  magnetic structure, as a CME, to a fully confined dynamic evolution
  or ‘failed’ eruption. On 2011 September 7, a partial eruption of a
  filament was observed by SDO and STEREO, generating a substantial stream
  of returning filament material that exhibited a strong interaction with
  the solar surface. Similarly to the recently studied 2011 June 7 event,
  the impact sites show clear evidence of brightening in the observed
  EUV wavelengths due to energy release by the impact. We explore two
  plausible physical mechanisms that would cause such brightening:
  heating of the plasma due to the kinetic energy of the impacting
  material - compression of the plasma, or reconnection between the
  magnetic field of the low-laying loops with the field carried by the
  impacting material, or combination thereof. By analyzing the emission
  of the brightenings in several SDO/AIA wavelengths, and comparing the
  kinetic energy of the impacting material to the radiative energy we
  provide clues for the dominant mechanism of energy release involved in
  the observed brightenings. We compare this event to another in which
  we performed the same analysis (2011 June 7) where we determined that
  compression was the dominant mechanism.

Title: Two-dimensional hybrid models of H<SUP>+</SUP>-He<SUP>++</SUP>
    expanding solar wind plasma heating
Authors: Ofman, L.; Viñas, A. F.; Maneva, Y.
2014JGRA..119.4223O    Altcode:
  Preferential heating and acceleration of the solar wind He<SUP>++</SUP>
  ions compared to protons in fast solar wind streams have been known
  for decades, thanks to in situ spacecraft measurements at 0.29-5
  AU. Turbulent magnetic field fluctuations with approximate power
  law spectra have been observed as well. However, the exact causes
  of these processes are still not known due to the lack of detailed
  information on the magnetic field fluctuations and ion velocity
  distributions in the acceleration region of the solar wind. Here the
  collisionless heating processes in expanding solar wind plasma are
  investigated using 2-D hybrid modeling with parameters appropriate
  to the heliocentric distance of 10 R<SUB>S</SUB>. In this study the
  ion dynamics is described kinetically, while electrons are treated
  as a background massless fluid in an expanding solar wind model. The
  source of free energy for the heating is introduced through an initial
  nonequilibrium state of the plasma with large He<SUP>++</SUP> ion
  temperature anisotropy or with super-Alfvénic relative ion drift. We
  also employ an externally imposed spectrum of magnetic fluctuations in
  the frequency range below the proton gyroresonant frequency to heat
  the He<SUP>++</SUP> ions. We investigate the effects of solar wind
  radial expansion by modeling several values of the expansion rate
  in a parametric study. We find that the preferential ion heating is
  attained in both nonexpanding and expanding solar wind models. Thus,
  the expansion has little effect on the preferential He<SUP>++</SUP> ion
  heating by the processes considered here. Moreover, the expansion leads
  to faster evolution of the magnetosonic drift instability, reducing the
  drift velocity to lower values sooner, and the corresponding generation
  of the magnetic fluctuations that heat the ions, compared to the
  nonexpanding case. This is due to the reduction of the perpendicular
  particle velocities in the expanding (inflated) frame. For cases with
  little proton perpendicular heating, the solar wind expansion leads
  to the reduction of the proton temperature anisotropy to values less
  than one in the low-β<SUB>p∥</SUB> solar wind acceleration region
  consistent with some observed values. However, this effect must be
  offset by perpendicular proton heating—likely by the same process
  that heats the He<SUP>++</SUP> ions to be consistent with the full
  range of observed proton perpendicular temperature values.

Title: Modeling the multi-ion structure of the solar corona
Authors: Ofman, Leon; Provornikova, Elena; Wang, Tongjiang
2014AAS...22440805O    Altcode:
  The solar corona is typically observed in EUV by SDO/AIA and other
  instruments using the heavy ion emission lines such as Fe IX, Fe
  XII, and other ion emission lines. However, the relative (to protons)
  abundance of the emitting ions is very low and the collisional coupling
  between the Fe ions and electrons decreases rapidly with height in
  the low corona, while gravitational settling may become significant in
  quiescent long-lived magnetic structures, such as streamers. Thus, the
  structure of the weakly collisional solar corona imaged in Fe IX (and
  other heavy ions) may differ significantly from the structure of the
  main electron-proton constituents of the corona. The electron structure
  is observed by white light coronagraphs, and during solar eclipses in
  the low corona. I present the results of multi-fluid modeling of coronal
  streamers and other magnetic structures that demonstrate the effects of
  weak coupling between the heavy ions and the coronal electron-proton
  components, and show that the multi-ion coronal structure must be
  taken into account in interpretation of EUV observations.

Title: Height-dependent Refraction of A Global EUV Wave and Its
    Associated Sympathetic Eruptions
Authors: Liu, Wei; Ofman, Leon; Downs, Cooper; Schrijver, Karel
2014AAS...22421814L    Altcode:
  The height dependence of global extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) waves in
  the solar corona, especially of their wave-like behaviors such as
  transmission and reflection, is critical to understanding their physical
  nature. Prior observations of such behaviors, when detected on the solar
  disk, were compromised because height-dependent information is lost
  due to the line-of-sight projection from a top-down view. We report a
  global EUV wave on the limb observed by SDO/AIA from a side-view that
  evidently shows height-dependent transmission and refraction. As the
  wave travels through an active region, the orientation of the low-corona
  wave front changes from a forward inclination toward the solar surface
  to a backward inclination. This indicates that the EUV wave speed
  is lower at higher altitudes, which is expected because of the rapid
  drop with height of the Alfven and fast-mode speeds in active regions,
  as predicted by MHD models. When traveling into the active region,
  the EUV wave speed in the low corona increases from ~600 km/s to ~900
  km/s. In addition, in the neighborhood of the active region, sympathetic
  eruptions of local coronal structures take place sequentially upon
  the wave impact and may appear as wave reflection. Understanding
  propagation behaviors of global EUV waves brings us one step closer
  to fully utilizing them for seismological diagnostics of the global
  corona, such as mapping the spatial distribution of the Alfven speed
  and magnetic field strength.

Title: SDO/AIA observations and model of standing waves in hot
    coronal loops excited by a flare
Authors: Wang, Tongjiang; Ofman, Leon; Provornikova, Elena; Davila,
   Joseph M.
2014AAS...22432354W    Altcode:
  The strongly damped Doppler shift oscillations in hot coronal loops
  were first observed by SOHO/SUMER in flare lines formed at plasma
  temperature more than 6 MK. They were mainly interpreted as the
  standing slow magnetosonic waves excited by impulsive energy release
  at the loop’s footpoint based on the measured properties and on MHD
  modeling results. Longitudinal waves with similar properties have been
  recently observed by SDO/AIA in active region loops. In this study,
  we report a new event that exhibited the flare-excited intensity
  disturbances propagating back and forth in a hot coronal loop imaged by
  AIA in 131 bandpass. We measure the physical parameters of the wave and
  loop plasma, determine the loop geometry, and explore the triggering
  mechanism. We identify the wave modes (propagating or standing waves)
  based on these measurements and on 3D MHD modeling. A loop model
  is constructed with enhanced density in a hydrostatic equilibrium
  following potential or force-free magnetic field lines extrapolated
  from the photospheric magnetic field data observed by SDO/HMI. We also
  discuss the applications of coronal seismology to this event.

Title: Waves and jets in coronal loops: the effects of radiative
Authors: Provornikova, Elena; Ofman, Leon; Wang, Tongjiang
2014AAS...22432348P    Altcode:
  Observations with Hinode/EIS of coronal loops in solar active regions
  revealed that propagating disturbances of EUV intensity are associated
  with plasma upflows or jets at loops footpoints. To investigate the
  excitation and evolution of waves due to plasma jets, we expand recent
  studies with more realistic 3D MHD model that includes full energy
  equation with empirical heating and radiative cooling terms. We perform
  3D MHD simulations of loops by applying different flow drivers at the
  loops footpoints, a single upflow pulse and a broadband excitation of
  small amplitude (subsonic) velocity pulses. Parameters of the pulses
  are chosen according to the observed properties. We initialize the
  computations with an equilibrium state of a model active region using
  potential (dipole) magnetic field, gravitationally stratified density
  and temperature obtained from polytropic equation of state of the
  background coronal plasma. We study the initiation and the dynamics
  of plasma flows, excitation and damping of waves, and flow-wave
  interactions in the loops for various forms of heating. We investigate
  the effects of radiation losses on the damping of MHD waves on the
  jets in coronal loops.

Title: 3D MHD modeling of waves excited by hot plasma jets in active
    regions loops
Authors: Provornikova, Elena; Ofman, Leon; Wang, Tongjiang
2014shin.confE.158P    Altcode:
  EUV imaging and spectroscopic observations from several space
  missions (SOHO, TRACE, Hinode/EIS, SDO/AIA) have revealed a presence
  of propagating disturbances in solar coronal loops interpreted as
  MHD waves. Recent observations with Hinode/EIS of active region
  loops showed that propagating disturbances of EUV intensity are
  associated with plasma upflows (or jets) at loops footpoints. In our
  study we aim to investigate the excitation and evolution of waves
  in the loops due to hot plasma jets at their footpoints. We expand
  previous isothermal studies with more realistic 3D MHD model of active
  region that includes full energy equation accounting for effects of
  radiative losses. Computations are initialized with an equilibrium
  state of a model active region using potential (dipole) magnetic
  field, gravitationally stratified density and temperature obtained
  from polytropic equation of state of the background coronal plasma. We
  model two scenarios of wave excitation in both warm ( 1 MK) and hot (
  6 MK) loops: impulsive injection of hot plasma into the steady plasma
  outflow and repetitive small-scale hot plasma jets. Parameters of the
  jets are chosen according to the observed properties. We study the
  initiation and the dynamics of plasma flows, excitation and damping
  of waves, and flow-wave interactions in the loops. We investigate the
  effects of radiation losses on the damping of MHD waves on the jets
  in coronal loops.

Title: Modeling quasi-perpendicular shock front ion dynamics and
    magnetic evolution
Authors: Ofman, Leon; Gedalin, Michael; Provornikova, Elena
2014shin.confE..14O    Altcode:
  Collisionless shocks result from CMEs propagating in the heliosphere,
  and in regions of interaction between the solar wind and solar system
  bodies. The shocks are responsible for energetic processes and particle
  acceleration in the heliosphere. The magnetized shocks efficiently
  convert the energy of the directed ion flow into gyration energy of
  particles behind the shock front. Downstream ions play the key role
  in the postshock dynamics, including development of instabilities and
  eventual thermalization of the plasma. We use 2D hybrid model to study
  the magnetic evolution and the dynamics of ions in a quasi-perpendicular
  shock. The 2D hybrid modeling approach allows full kinetic nonlinear
  description of the proton and other ion motions, wave-particle
  interactions for parallel propagating and oblique waves, and velocity
  distribution functions (VDFs) in the magnetized plasma of the shocks,
  while the electrons are treated as background neutralizing fluid. The
  magnetic and VDFs structure of the shock can be directly compared to
  in-situ spacecraft measurements. The boundary conditions appropriate
  for shocks are non-periodic and finite difference solver is implemented
  for the fields. We investigate a broad range of shock parameters such
  as the Mach number and find the conditions where laminar, as well
  as corrugated shock-fronts are produced. The structure of the shock
  fronts affects the energy transfer between the shock and the particle
  populations, as well as the diagnostic of spacecraft measurements.

Title: Quasi-periodic Fast-mode Magnetosonic Wave Trains Detected
    by SDO/AIA and Their Correlation with Quasi-period Flare Pulsations
Authors: Liu, Wei; Ofman, Leon; Fleishman, Gregory; Downs, Cooper
2014shin.confE.157L    Altcode:
  Quasi-periodic fast propagating wave trains (QFPs; Liu et al. 2011,
  2012) are a new phenomenon recently discovered in extreme ultraviolet
  (EUV) by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) onboard the Solar
  Dynamics Observatory (SDO). They are fast-mode magnetosonic waves,
  closely related to quasi-periodic pulsations of solar flares observed
  from radio to hard X-rays. QFPs usually originate from a flare and
  propagate at typically 500-2000 km/s within a funnel-shaped waveguide
  located inside a CME bubble. QFPs can potentially be used for coronal
  seismological diagnostics and provide critical clues to flare energy
  release and particle acceleration processes. We will present recent
  observational and numerical results of QFPs and compare them with
  quasi-periodic flare pulsations.

Title: Nonlinear MHD waves in a Prominence Foot: Observations
    and Models
Authors: Ofman, Leon; Schmieder, Brigitte; Kucera, Therese; Knizhnik,
2014cosp...40E2338O    Altcode:
  Recent high-resolution observations with Hinode/SOT in Ca II emission
  of a prominence on October 12, 2012 show highly dynamic small-scale
  motions in the prominence material. Observations in Hα and of Doppler
  shifts show similar propagating fluctuations. However the optically
  thick nature of the emission lines inhibits unique quantitative
  interpretation in terms of density. Nevertheless, we find evidence of
  nonlinear wave activity in the prominence foot by examining the relative
  magnitude of the fluctuation intensity (dI/I~ dn/n). The waves are
  evident as significant density fluctuations (dn/n~O(1)) with weak height
  dependence, and apparently travel upward from the chromosphere into the
  prominence material with quasi-periodic fluctuations on the order of 5
  minutes, and wavelengths ~&lt;2000 km. Doppler shift observations show
  the transverse displacement of the propagating waves. The magnetic
  field is measured with THEMIS and is found to be 5-14 G. For the
  typical prominence density the corresponding fast magnetosonic speed
  is ~20 km/s in qualitative agreement with the propagation speed of
  the detected wave. We use 2D and 3D MHD numerical models to reproduce
  the nonlinear magnetosonic waves with the typical parameters of the
  prominence guided by observations. We investigate the parameter range
  of the model that fits the observed properties of the waves in order
  confirm the identification of the wave nature of these observations.

Title: Three-dimensional MHD modeling of flare-induced waves in
coronal loops: thermal effects
Authors: Provornikova, Elena; Ofman, Leon; Wang, Tongjiang
2014cosp...40E2635P    Altcode:
  EUV imaging and spectroscopic observations from several space missions
  (SOHO, TRACE, Hinode/EIS, SDO/AIA) have revealed the presence of
  MHD waves in solar coronal loops. Past analysis of SOHO/SUMER data
  suggested that slow magnetosonic waves in hot coronal loops are
  excited by flares at the loop`s footpoint. Recent Hinode/EIS observed
  propagating disturbances in active region loops were interpreted as
  flows as well as waves most likely generated by plasma outflows or
  jets. In order to understand dynamics of plasma in coronal loops due
  to flares or jets at the lower corona boundary, we perform full 3D
  MHD modeling of an active region and consider different mechanisms of
  wave excitation. We assume an initial equilibrium of the model active
  region with dipole magnetic field structure, gravitationally stratified
  density and temperature obtained from polytropic equation of state of
  the background coronal plasma. We extend previous isothermal studies
  by including full energy equation with empirical heating and radiative
  losses terms in the model. We study waves in both, short and long loops,
  and consider two excitation mechanisms in the model: impulsive plasma
  injection into the steady plasma upflow along the magnetic field lines,
  and impulsive heating at the footpoint of the loop. We show initiation
  and evolution of flows, excitation and damping of waves and flow-wave
  interaction in the loops. We compare our new results with previous
  models and observations.

Title: Measuring Temperature-dependent Propagating Disturbances in
    Coronal Fan Loops Using Multiple SDO/AIA Channels and the Surfing
    Transform Technique
Authors: Uritsky, Vadim M.; Davila, Joseph M.; Viall, Nicholeen M.;
   Ofman, Leon
2013ApJ...778...26U    Altcode: 2013arXiv1308.6195U
  A set of co-aligned high-resolution images from the Atmospheric
  Imaging Assembly (AIA) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory is
  used to investigate propagating disturbances (PDs) in warm fan loops
  at the periphery of a non-flaring active region NOAA AR 11082. To
  measure PD speeds at multiple coronal temperatures, a new data
  analysis methodology is proposed enabling a quantitative description
  of subvisual coronal motions with low signal-to-noise ratios of the
  order of 0.1%. The technique operates with a set of one-dimensional
  "surfing" signals extracted from position-time plots of several AIA
  channels through a modified version of Radon transform. The signals are
  used to evaluate a two-dimensional power spectral density distribution
  in the frequency-velocity space that exhibits a resonance in the
  presence of quasi-periodic PDs. By applying this analysis to the same
  fan loop structures observed in several AIA channels, we found that
  the traveling velocity of PDs increases with the temperature of the
  coronal plasma following the square-root dependence predicted for slow
  mode magneto-acoustic waves which seem to be the dominating wave mode in
  the loop structures studied. This result extends recent observations by
  Kiddie et al. to a more general class of fan loop system not associated
  with sunspots and demonstrating consistent slow mode activity in up
  to four AIA channels.

Title: Global Coronal Seismology in the Extended Solar Corona through
    Fast Magnetosonic Waves Observed by STEREO SECCHI COR1
Authors: Kwon, Ryun-Young; Kramar, Maxim; Wang, Tongjiang; Ofman,
   Leon; Davila, Joseph M.; Chae, Jongchul; Zhang, Jie
2013ApJ...776...55K    Altcode:
  We present global coronal seismology for the first time, which allows
  us to determine inhomogeneous magnetic field strength in the extended
  corona. From the measurements of the propagation speed of a fast
  magnetosonic wave associated with a coronal mass ejection (CME)
  and the coronal background density distribution derived from the
  polarized radiances observed by the STEREO SECCHI COR1, we determined
  the magnetic field strengths along the trajectories of the wave at
  different heliocentric distances. We found that the results have an
  uncertainty less than 40%, and are consistent with values determined
  with a potential field model and reported in previous works. The
  characteristics of the coronal medium we found are that (1) the density,
  magnetic field strength, and plasma β are lower in the coronal hole
  region than in streamers; (2) the magnetic field strength decreases
  slowly with height but the electron density decreases rapidly so that
  the local fast magnetosonic speed increases while plasma β falls off
  with height; and (3) the variations of the local fast magnetosonic
  speed and plasma β are dominated by variations in the electron
  density rather than the magnetic field strength. These results imply
  that Moreton and EIT waves are downward-reflected fast magnetosonic
  waves from the upper solar corona, rather than freely propagating
  fast magnetosonic waves in a certain atmospheric layer. In addition,
  the azimuthal components of CMEs and the driven waves may play an
  important role in various manifestations of shocks, such as type II
  radio bursts and solar energetic particle events.

Title: Rippled quasi-perpendicular collisionless shocks: Local and
    global normals
Authors: Ofman, L.; Gedalin, M.
2013JGRA..118.5999O    Altcode:
  Proper determination of the shock normal is necessary for reliable
  determination of observed heliospheric shock parameters and comparison
  of observations with theory. The existing methods work sufficiently
  well for low and moderate Mach numbers one-dimensional stationary
  shocks. Higher-Mach-number shocks are no longer planar at the scales
  of the ion convective gyroradius or smaller. In rippled shock fronts,
  the local shock normal may differ substantially from the global
  normal. The former is determined by the local direction of the fastest
  variation of the magnetic field, while the latter is determined by
  the far upstream and far downstream plasma conditions. Here we use
  2-D hybrid modeling of quasi-perpendicular collisionless shocks with
  moderate and high Mach numbers to quantify the difference between
  the directions of the two normals. We find that the angle between the
  local normal and the global normal may be as large as 40° within the
  front of a rippled heliospheric shock. The coplanarity method of the
  shock normal determination is sensitive to the choice of the region
  for the magnetic field averaging. We also find that the usage of the
  sliding averaging region in the close vicinity of the shock transition
  provides satisfactory estimates of the global normal.

Title: Energy Release from Impacting Prominence Material Following
    the 2011 June 7 Eruption
Authors: Gilbert, H. R.; Inglis, A. R.; Mays, M. L.; Ofman, L.;
   Thompson, B. J.; Young, C. A.
2013ApJ...776L..12G    Altcode: 2013arXiv1309.1769G
  Solar filaments exhibit a range of eruptive-like dynamic activity,
  ranging from the full or partial eruption of the filament mass
  and surrounding magnetic structure as a coronal mass ejection to
  a fully confined or failed eruption. On 2011 June 7, a dramatic
  partial eruption of a filament was observed by multiple instruments
  on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) and Solar-Terrestrial
  Relations Observatory. One of the interesting aspects of this event
  is the response of the solar atmosphere as non-escaping material
  falls inward under the influence of gravity. The impact sites show
  clear evidence of brightening in the observed extreme ultraviolet
  wavelengths due to energy release. Two plausible physical mechanisms
  for explaining the brightening are considered: heating of the plasma due
  to the kinetic energy of impacting material compressing the plasma, or
  reconnection between the magnetic field of low-lying loops and the field
  carried by the impacting material. By analyzing the emission of the
  brightenings in several SDO/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly wavelengths,
  and comparing the kinetic energy of the impacting material (7.6 ×
  10<SUP>26</SUP>-5.8 × 10<SUP>27</SUP> erg) to the radiative energy
  (≈1.9 × 10<SUP>25</SUP>-2.5 × 10<SUP>26</SUP> erg), we find
  the dominant mechanism of energy release involved in the observed
  brightening is plasma compression.

Title: Three-dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic Modeling of Propagating
    Disturbances in Fan-like Coronal Loops
Authors: Wang, Tongjiang; Ofman, Leon; Davila, Joseph M.
2013ApJ...775L..23W    Altcode: 2013arXiv1308.0282W
  Quasi-periodic propagating intensity disturbances (PDs) have been
  observed in large coronal loops in EUV images over a decade, and are
  widely accepted to be slow magnetosonic waves. However, spectroscopic
  observations from Hinode/EIS revealed their association with persistent
  coronal upflows, making this interpretation debatable. Motivated by the
  scenario that the coronal upflows could be the cumulative result of
  numerous individual flow pulses generated by sporadic heating events
  (nanoflares) at the loop base, we construct a velocity driver with
  repetitive tiny pulses, whose energy frequency distribution follows
  the flare power-law scaling. We then perform three-dimensional MHD
  modeling of an idealized bipolar active region by applying this
  broadband velocity driver at the footpoints of large coronal loops
  which appear open in the computational domain. Our model successfully
  reproduces the PDs with similar features as the observed, and shows
  that any upflow pulses inevitably excite slow magnetosonic wave
  disturbances propagating along the loop. We find that the generated
  PDs are dominated by the wave signature as their propagation speeds
  are consistent with the wave speed in the presence of flows, and the
  injected flows rapidly decelerate with height. Our simulation results
  suggest that the observed PDs and associated persistent upflows may
  be produced by small-scale impulsive heating events (nanoflares) at
  the loop base in the corona, and that the flows and waves may both
  contribute to the PDs at lower heights.

Title: Fast Magnetosonic Waves and Global Coronal Seismology in the
    Extended Solar Corona
Authors: Kwon, Ryun Young; Zhang, J.; Kramar, M.; Wang, T.; Ofman,
   L.; Davila, J. M.
2013SPD....4410303K    Altcode:
  We present global coronal seismology, for the first time, that
  allows us to determine inhomogeneous magnetic field strengths in
  a wide range of the extended solar corona. We use observations of
  propagating disturbance associated with a coronal mass ejection
  observed on 2011 August 4 by the COR1 inner coronagraphs on board
  the STEREO spacecraft. We establish that the disturbance is in fact
  a fast magnetosonic wave as the upper coronal counterpart of the EIT
  wave observed by STEREO EUVI and travels across magnetic field lines
  with inhomogeneous speeds, passing through various coronal regions
  such as quiet/active corona, coronal holes, and streamers. We derive
  magnetic field strengths along the azimuthal trajectories of the fronts
  at heliocentric distances 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0 Rs, using the varying
  speeds and electron densities. The derived magnetic field strengths are
  consistent with values determined with a potential field source surface
  model and reported in previous works. The ranges of the magnetic field
  strengths at these heliocentric distances are 0.44 ± 0.29, 0.23 ±
  0.15, and 0.26 ± 0.14 G, respectively. The uncertainty in determining
  magnetic field strengths is about 40 %. This work demonstrates that
  observations of fast magnetosonic waves by white-light coronagraphs
  can provide us with a unique way to diagnose magnetic field strength
  of an inhomogeneous medium in a wide spatial range of the extended
  solar corona.

Title: Quasi-periodic Fast-mode Magnetosonic Wave Trains Inside and
    Outside CME Bubbles Detected by SDO/AIA
Authors: Liu, Wei; Ofman, L.; Downs, C.; Title, A. M.
2013SPD....44...50L    Altcode:
  Quasi-periodic fast-mode magnetosonic wave trains both inside and
  outside expanding CME bubbles have recently been discovered by
  SDO/AIA (Liu et al. 2011, 2012; Shen &amp; Liu 2012). In general,
  a wave train inside a CME bubble originates from a flare site and
  propagates along a funnel of coronal loops at typically 1000-2000 km/s
  (Ofman et al. 2011). A wave train outside a CME usually originates
  from a CME flank and propagates in the low corona along the solar
  surface following the leading front of a global EUV wave at typically
  500-1000 km/s. The former is primarily seen in the cooler 171 Angstrom
  channel with a characteristic temperature of 0.8 MK, while the latter
  is pronounced in the hotter 193 and 211 Angstrom channels of typically
  1.6-2.0 MK. What is the relationship between the two types of wave
  trains? Why do they appear differently in location and wavelength
  (temperature)? To answer these questions, we report here for the
  first time the evidence that the wave train beyond the CME bubble is
  the continuation of the same wave train along the funnel within the
  CME. The continuous deceleration of the waves is consistent with the
  expected decrease of the local fast-mode speed with distance from the
  active region (e.g., Ofman et al. 2011; Downs et al. 2012). There is
  an abrupt change of the wave speed at the topological interface where
  the expanding CME flank is located, indicative of contrasting magnetic
  and plasma conditions, which can give rise to different (fast-mode)
  speeds and wavelength (temperature) dependent appearances of these wave
  trains.Abstract (2,250 Maximum Characters): Quasi-periodic fast-mode
  magnetosonic wave trains both inside and outside expanding CME bubbles
  have recently been discovered by SDO/AIA (Liu et al. 2011, 2012;
  Shen &amp; Liu 2012). In general, a wave train inside a CME bubble
  originates from a flare site and propagates along a funnel of coronal
  loops at typically 1000-2000 km/s (Ofman et al. 2011). A wave train
  outside a CME usually originates from a CME flank and propagates in
  the low corona along the solar surface following the leading front of a
  global EUV wave at typically 500-1000 km/s. The former is primarily seen
  in the cooler 171 Angstrom channel with a characteristic temperature
  of 0.8 MK, while the latter is pronounced in the hotter 193 and 211
  Angstrom channels of typically 1.6-2.0 MK. What is the relationship
  between the two types of wave trains? Why do they appear differently
  in location and wavelength (temperature)? To answer these questions,
  we report here for the first time the evidence that the wave train
  beyond the CME bubble is the continuation of the same wave train
  along the funnel within the CME. The continuous deceleration of the
  waves is consistent with the expected decrease of the local fast-mode
  speed with distance from the active region (e.g., Ofman et al. 2011;
  Downs et al. 2012). There is an abrupt change of the wave speed at
  the topological interface where the expanding CME flank is located,
  indicative of contrasting magnetic and plasma conditions, which can
  give rise to different (fast-mode) speeds and wavelength (temperature)
  dependent appearances of these wave trains.

Title: Modeling coronal loop oscillations in realistic magnetic and
    density structures
Authors: Ofman, Leon; Wang, T.; Malanushenko, A.; Davila, J. M.
2013SPD....4410404O    Altcode:
  Recently, ubiquitous coronal loop oscillations were detected in
  active region loops by SDO/AIA. Hinode/EIS observations indicate that
  quasi-periodic flows are present at footpoints of loops in active
  regions, and related propagating disturbances (PD's) were detected in
  open and closed loop structures. Recent 3D MHD models in idealized
  (bipolar) active regions (Ofman et al. 2012; Wang et al. 2013,
  this meeting) have demonstrated that the flows can produce slow
  magnetosonic waves in loops, as well as transverse oscillations. We
  extend the idealized studies by considering more realistic magnetic
  field structures modeled by including photospheric magnetic field
  extrapolated to the corona as boundary and initial conditions for
  the 3D MHD modeling. We use potential and nonlinear magnetic field
  extrapolations combined with gravitationally stratified density and
  introduce flows at the corona-transition region boundary in our 3D MHD
  model. We apply coronal seismology to the resulting loop oscillations
  and compare to oscillation events detected by SDO/AIA. We aim to
  improve the accuracy of coronal seismology by modeling coronal loop
  oscillations in realistic magnetic geometry and density structures.

Title: Three-Dimensional MHD Modeling of Propagating Disturbances
    in Fanlike AR Coronal Loops
Authors: Wang, Tongjiang; Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.
2013SPD....44...36W    Altcode:
  Quasi-periodic propagating intensity disturbances (PDs) have been
  observed in cool (about 1 MK) coronal loops in EUV images over a
  decade. They are widely accepted to be slow magnetosonic waves
  since their propagation velocity is close to the coronal sound
  speed. However, recent spectroscopic observations from Hinode/EIS
  revealed their association with persistent coronal upflows, making this
  interpretation debatable. Motivated by the scenario that the observed
  persistent upflows could be cumulative result of numerous individual
  flow pulses generated by sporadic heating events (nanoflares) at the
  loop base, we constructed a broadband velocity driver with repetative
  tiny pulses, whose energy frequency distribution follows the flare
  power-law scaling distribution. We then performed 3D MHD modeling
  of an idealized bipolar active region by applying this broadband
  velocity driver at the footpoints of coronal loops which appear open
  in the computational domain. Our model successfully reproduced the
  propagating disturbances with similar features as the observed. We
  find, based on our simulations, that upflow pulses unavoidably excites
  a slow magnetosonic wave fronts propagating along the loop with the
  phase speed which is much larger than the local flow speed as the flow
  velocity decreases with height. Our modeling results support that the
  observed PDs are mainly the signature of waves above the footpoints of
  the loops, and suggest that the observed PDs and associated persistent
  upflows may be driven by the same mechanism such as impulsive heating
  at the loop base.

Title: Slow mode waves and quasi-periodic upflows in the
    multi-temperature solar corona as seen by the SDO
Authors: Uritsky, Vadim; Davila, J. M.; Viall, N.; Ofman, L.
2013SPD....4410405U    Altcode:
  We report results the analysis of coronal fan loops in a non-flaring
  solar active region exhibiting temperature-dependent propagating optical
  disturbances. A 6-hour set of high resolution coronal observations
  provided by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on board the Solar
  Dynamics Observatory (SDO) has been used for characterizing apparent
  propagating patterns at multiple coronal temperatures (131A, 171A,
  193A and 211A). A new data analysis methodology has been developed
  enabling an identification of subvisual motions with low signal-to-noise
  ratios not previously examined in this context. The technique involves
  spatiotemporal tracking of fan loop filaments containing propagating
  disturbances, construction of position - time plots for different
  temperature channels, obtaining the waveforms of the propagating optical
  features, and evaluation of Fourier spectral power of the waveforms
  as a function of phase speed and frequency. Using this methodology,
  we identified the parameters of propagating optical disturbances in
  different magnetic geometries, and classified these events as waves
  and/or plasma jets. We explored coronal conditions favoring wave-like
  and jet-like traveling plasma density enhancements in fan loops and
  the mechanisms of their generation, damping and interaction. The
  results obtained are compared with the behavior of a resistive MHD
  model exhibiting both types of propagating disturbances.

Title: Brightenings Caused by Falling Filament Material in the 2011
    June 7 Event
Authors: Gilbert, Holly; Inglis, A.; Ofman, L.; Mays, L. M.; Thompson,
   B. J.; Young, A.
2013SPD....44...30G    Altcode:
  Solar filaments exhibit a range of eruptive-like dynamic activity from
  the full, or partial, eruption of the filament mass and surrounding
  magnetic structure, as a CME, to a fully confined dynamic evolution or
  ‘failed’ eruption. On 2011 June 7, a dramatic partial eruption of a
  filament was observed by multiple instruments and SDO and STEREO. One
  of the interesting aspects of this partial eruption was the response
  of the surface as non-erupting material fell back under the influence
  of gravity. The impact sites show clear evidence of brightening in the
  observed EUV wavelengths due to energy release by the impact. There
  are two plausible physical mechanisms of the brightening: heating
  of the plasma due to the kinetic energy of the impacting material -
  compression of the plasma, or reconnection between the magnetic field of
  the low-laying loops with the field carried by the impacting material,
  or combination thereof. By analyzing the emission of the brightenings
  in several SDO/AIA wavelength, and comparing the kinetic energy of the
  impacting material (with true velocity determined from triangulation
  of the two STEREO spacecraft) to the radiative energy we provide clues
  for the dominant mechanism of energy release involved in the observed

Title: The effect of broad-band Alfvén-cyclotron waves spectra on the
    preferential heating and differential acceleration of He<SUP>++</SUP>
    ions in the solar wind
Authors: Maneva, Y. G.; Ofman, L.; Viñas, A. F.
2013AIPC.1539...34M    Altcode:
  In anticipation of results from inner heliospheric missions such as
  the Solar Orbiter and the Solar Probe we present the results from
  1.5D hybrid simulations to study the role of magnetic fluctuations
  for the heating and differential acceleration of He<SUP>++</SUP>
  ions in the solar wind. We consider the effects of nonlinear
  Alfvén-cyclotron waves at different frequency regimes. Monochromatic
  nonlinear Alfvén-alpha-cyclotron waves are known to preferentially
  heat and accelerate He<SUP>++</SUP> ions in collisionless low
  beta plasma. In this study we demonstrate that these effects are
  preserved when higherfrequency monochromatic and broad-band spectra
  of Alfvén-proton-cyclotron waves are considered. Comparison between
  several nonlinear monochromatic waves shows that the ion temperatures,
  anisotropies and relative drift are quantitatively affected by the
  shift in frequency. Including a broad-band wave-spectrum results in
  a significant reduction of both the parallel and the perpendicular
  temperature components for the He<SUP>++</SUP> ions, whereas the proton
  heating is barely influenced, with the parallel proton temperature only
  slightly enhanced. The differential streaming is strongly affected
  by the available wave power in the resonant daughter ion-acoustic
  waves. Therefore for the same initial wave energy, the relative drift is
  significantly reduced in the case of initial wave-spectra in comparison
  to the simulations with monochromatic waves.

Title: Global Coronal Seismology in the Extended Solar Corona through
    Fast Magnetosonic Waves Observed by STEREO SECCHI COR1
Authors: Kwon, Ryun Young; Zhang, Jie; Kramar, Maxim; Wang, Tongjiang;
   Ofman, Leon; Davila, Joseph M.
2013shin.confE..75K    Altcode:
  We present global coronal seismology, for the first time, that allows us
  to determine inhomogeneous magnetic field strengths in a wide range of
  the extended solar corona. We use observations of a fast magnetosonic
  wave associated with a coronal mass ejection observed on 2011 August
  4 by the COR1 inner coronagraphs on board the STEREO spacecraft. In
  order to estimate inhomogeneous magnetic field strength, we choose the
  azimuthal trajectories of the wave front at heliocentric distances
  2.0, 2.5, and 3.0 solar radii and determine the speeds of the wave
  front and electron densities using polarized brightness images along
  the trajectories. The magnetic field strengths are derived with an
  uncertainty less than 40 % and consistent with values determined with a
  potential field source surface model and reported in previous works. The
  characteristics of the coronal medium revealed with our global coronal
  seismology are that: (1) density, magnetic field strength, plasma beta
  are lower in the coronal hole than in the streamers, (2) magnetic field
  strength decreases slowly with height but electron density decreases
  rapidly so that local fast magnetosonic speed increases while plasma
  beta falls off with height, and (3) the variations of local fast
  magnetosonic speed and plasma beta are in accordance with the electron
  density rather than magnetic field strength. These characteristics of
  the coronal medium imply that Moreton and EIT waves are downward shock
  fronts of fast magnetosonic waves refracted from the upper solar corona,
  rather than freely propagating fast magnetosonic waves in a certain
  solar atmospheric layer. In addition, the azimuthal components of
  CMEs may play an important role in various manifestations of shocks,
  such as type II radio bursts and solar energetic particle events.

Title: Turbulent heating and acceleration of He<SUP>++</SUP> ions
by spectra of Alfvén-cyclotron waves in the expanding solar wind:
    1.5-D hybrid simulations
Authors: Maneva, Y. G.; ViñAs, A. F.; Ofman, L.
2013JGRA..118.2842M    Altcode:
  Both remote sensing and in situ measurements show that the fast solar
  wind plasma significantly deviates from thermal equilibrium and is
  strongly permeated by turbulent electromagnetic waves, which regulate
  the ion temperature anisotropies and relative drifts. Thus, the ion
  kinetics is governed by heating and cooling related to absorption and
  emission of ion-acoustic and ion-cyclotron waves, as well as nonresonant
  pitch angle scattering and diffusion in phase space. Additionally,
  the solar wind properties are affected by its nonadiabatic expansion
  as the wind travels away from the Sun. In this study we present
  results from 1.5-D hybrid simulations to investigate the effects of
  a nonlinear turbulent spectrum of Alfvén-cyclotron waves and the
  solar wind expansion on the anisotropic heating and differential
  acceleration of protons and He<SUP>++</SUP> ions. We compare the
  different heating and acceleration by turbulent Alfvén-cyclotron
  wave spectra and by pure monochromatic waves. For the waves and the
  wave spectra used in our model, we find that the He<SUP>++</SUP>
  ions are preferentially heated and by the end of the simulations
  acquire much more than mass-proportional temperature ratios,
  T<SUB>α</SUB>/T<SUB>p</SUB>&gt;m<SUB>α</SUB>/m<SUB>p</SUB>. The
  differential acceleration between the two species strongly depends on
  the initial wave amplitude and the related spectral index and is often
  suppressed by the solar wind expansion. We also find that the expansion
  leads to perpendicular cooling for both species, and depending on the
  initial wave spectra, it can either heat or cool the ions in parallel
  direction. Despite the cooling effect of the expansion in perpendicular
  direction, the wave-particle interactions provide an additional heating
  source, and the perpendicular temperature components remain higher
  than the adiabatic predictions.

Title: Brightenings Caused by Falling Filament Material in the 2011
    June 7 Event
Authors: Gilbert, Holly; Inglis, Andrew; Mays, Leila; Ofman, Leon;
   Thompson, Barbara; Young, Alex
2013shin.confE..74G    Altcode:
  Solar filaments exhibit a range of eruptive-like dynamic activity,
  ranging from the full or partial eruption of the filament mass and
  surrounding magnetic structure as a coronal mass ejection (CME), to
  a fully confined dynamic evolution or 'failed' eruption. On 2011 June
  7, a dramatic partial eruption of a filament was observed by multiple
  instruments on SDO and STEREO. One of the interesting aspects of this
  partial eruption is the response of the solar atmosphere as non-escaping
  material falls inward under the influence of gravity. The impact sites
  show clear evidence of brightening in the observed EUV wavelengths due
  to energy release. Two plausible physical mechanisms explaining the
  brightening are considered: heating of the plasma due to the kinetic
  energy of impacting material compressing the plasma, or reconnection
  between the magnetic field of the low-lying loops and the field carried
  by the impacting material. By analyzing the emission of the brightenings
  in several SDO/AIA wavelengths, and comparing the kinetic energy of the
  impacting material ((2.12-60.4) - 10^26 ergs) to the radiative energy
  ( 10^25 ergs) we find the dominant mechanism of energy release involved
  in the observed brightening is plasma compression.

Title: Two-dimensional hybrid simulations of quasi-perpendicular
collisionless shock dynamics: Gyrating downstream ion distributions
Authors: Ofman, L.; Gedalin, M.
2013JGRA..118.1828O    Altcode:
  collisionless shocks undergo structural changes with the increase
  of the Mach number. These changes are related to the increasing
  role of the reflected ions, which have a highly nongyrotropic
  distribution. Eventually, it is expected that the shock front becomes
  nonstationary. At low and moderate Mach numbers, the fraction of
  reflected ions is small, yet recent observations show the existence
  of a well-pronounced structure of the postshock magnetic field in the
  close vicinity of the transition layer. Large amplitude oscillations
  were earlier interpreted as waves generated by the shock front or
  passing through the shock in the downstream direction. Here we show,
  using two-dimensional hybrid simulations of quasi-perpendicular
  shocks, that the gyration of the directly transmitted ions
  downstream of the ramp produces the spatial pressure variations,
  which are accompanied with the observed magnetic oscillations due
  to the momentum conservation. In a wide range of the upstream ion
  temperatures, the low and moderate-Mach-number shocks remain stationary
  and one-dimensional, so that the magnetic and electric field depend
  only on the coordinate along the shock normal. The downstream ion
  distributions gradually gyrotropize due to the collisionless mixing
  of gyrophases. Nonstationary effects in these shocks do not affect
  noticeably the ion dynamics. However, we find that with the increase
  of the Mach number, shocks form rippled fronts in the low-β and
  moderate-β regimes.

Title: Stochastic Coupling of Solar Photosphere and Corona
Authors: Uritsky, Vadim M.; Davila, Joseph M.; Ofman, Leon; Coyner,
   Aaron J.
2013ApJ...769...62U    Altcode: 2012arXiv1212.5610U
  The observed solar activity is believed to be driven by the dissipation
  of nonpotential magnetic energy injected into the corona by dynamic
  processes in the photosphere. The enormous range of scales involved
  in the interaction makes it difficult to track down the photospheric
  origin of each coronal dissipation event, especially in the presence of
  complex magnetic topologies. In this paper, we propose an ensemble-based
  approach for testing the photosphere-corona coupling in a quiet solar
  region as represented by intermittent activity in Solar and Heliospheric
  Observatory Michelson Doppler Imager and Solar TErrestrial RElations
  Observatory Extreme Ultraviolet Imager image sets. For properly adjusted
  detection thresholds corresponding to the same degree of intermittency
  in the photosphere and corona, the dynamics of the two solar regions is
  described by the same occurrence probability distributions of energy
  release events but significantly different geometric properties. We
  derive a set of scaling relations reconciling the two groups of
  results and enabling statistical description of coronal dynamics based
  on photospheric observations. Our analysis suggests that multiscale
  intermittent dissipation in the corona at spatial scales &gt;3 Mm is
  controlled by turbulent photospheric convection. Complex topology of
  the photospheric network makes this coupling essentially nonlocal and
  non-deterministic. Our results are in an agreement with the Parker's
  coupling scenario in which random photospheric shuffling generates
  marginally stable magnetic discontinuities at the coronal level,
  but they are also consistent with an impulsive wave heating involving
  multiscale Alfvénic wave packets and/or magnetohydrodynamic turbulent
  cascade. A back-reaction on the photosphere due to coronal magnetic
  reconfiguration can be a contributing factor.

Title: Observations and models of the slow solar wind in coronal
    streamers during solar minimum
Authors: Ofman, L.
2013AGUSMSH31B..05O    Altcode:
  A quiescent dipolar streamer belt often dominated the coronal streamer
  structures during past solar minima. Past UV observations with SOHO/UVCS
  show that the intensity of heavy ion emission lines (such as O VI and
  Mg X) is dimmer at the cores than at the streamer edges. Three-fluid
  2.5D models indicated that the observed emission variability is the
  signature of slow solar wind outflow regions, where Coulomb coupling
  between the electron, protons, and heavy ions leads to enhanced
  emission of heavy ions at the edges of streamers. Recently, Ofman et al
  (2011, 2012) have modeled in detail the three-fluid interactions and
  the emission in a quiescent streamer due to Ly α, O 5+, and Mg 9+
  ions at solar minimum, and used the model results to synthesize the
  corresponding line emissions. They found that the model results are
  in good agreement with observations, provided that the heavy ions
  experience preferential heating compared to protons. Similar results
  were found to hold for He++ ions in quiescent streamers. Recently, the
  2.5D three-fluid model was extended to full 3D, allowing modeling the
  ion abundance variations in tilted dipole streamer belt, and eventually
  in solar maximum streamers. I will discuss the implication of heavy
  ion emission structure in streamers and the corresponding three-fluid
  models on the understanding of the slow solar wind sources.

Title: Global oscillations and small scale dynamics of a filament
Authors: Tian, Hui; Ofman, Leon; Wang, Tongjiang
2013enss.confE.104T    Altcode:
  Using AIA data, we observed global oscillatory motions along the axis
  of a filament with detailed small scale dynamics. The global oscillation
  lasted for more than two days before the eruption of the filament. Both
  magnetic tension and gravity are likely to be involved in the global
  oscillation, as predicted by theoretical models. A closer look of the
  detailed dynamics within the filament suggests that torsional motions
  around the prominence axis are also present. Torsional motions around
  the two legs of the filament resemble the so-called "solar tornadoes"
  observed at limb by AIA. Variable counter-streaming flows in the
  prominence body were detected as well before the filament eruption. The
  HMI magnetic field data and multi-line diagnostics are used to
  investigate possible mechanisms responsible for the different types
  of oscillations and flows before the eventual eruption of the filament.

Title: Vertical kink oscillations of coronal loops triggered by
    recurrent jets
Authors: Wang, Tongjiang; Ofman, Leon; Davila, Joseph M.
2013enss.confE..99W    Altcode:
  Transverse coronal loop oscillations were first observed by TRACE
  in EUV images, and have been interpreted as global standing kink
  modes. These loop oscillations are thought to be excited by a blast
  wave in the form of a shock or a fast-mode wave produced by a flare
  or CME. In this presentation, we report simultaneous imaging and
  spectroscopic observations with SDO/AIA and Hinode/EIS of a vertical
  loop oscillations triggered by recurrent jets at the footpoints. These
  oscillations start with a fast disturbance traveling along the loop
  with the propagating speed more than 500 km/s, much faster than the
  apparent EUV jets. The vertical loop oscillations are associated with
  quasi-periodic outwardly propagating features with the speeds 30-300
  km/s, suggestive of loop expansions. In addition, we perform 3D MHD
  modeling of a typical such event to understand the excitation of kink
  oscillations by impulsive flows.

Title: Recent Advances in Observations of Coronal EUV Waves
Authors: Liu, Wei; Ofman, Leon; Aschwanden, Markus J.; Nitta, Nariaki;
   Zhao, Junwei; Title, Alan M.
2013enss.confE..67L    Altcode:
  MHD waves can be used as seismological tools to decipher otherwise
  elusive physical parameters of the solar corona, such as the magnetic
  field strength and plasma density. Recent high cadence, high resolution,
  full-disk imaging observations from SDO/AIA have opened a new chapter
  in understanding these waves. Various types of EUV waves associated with
  flares/CMEs have been discovered or observed in unprecedented detail. In
  this talk, we will review such new observations, focusing on the
  following topics and their interrelationships: (1) quasi-periodic fast
  waves traveling along coronal funnels within CME bubbles at speeds up
  to 2000 km/s, associated with flare pulsations at similar frequencies;
  (2) quasi-periodic wave trains within broad, diffuse pulses of global
  EUV waves (so-called "EIT waves") running ahead of CME fronts; (3)
  interactions of global EUV waves with local coronal structures on
  their paths, such as flux-rope coronal cavities and their embedded
  filaments (kink oscillations) and coronal holes or active regions
  (deflections). We will discuss the implications of these observations
  on coronal seismology, on their roles in transporting energy through
  different parts of the solar atmosphere, and on understanding their
  associated eruptive flares/CMEs.

Title: STEREO Observations of Fast Magnetosonic Waves in the Extended
    Solar Corona Associated with EIT/EUV Waves
Authors: Kwon, Ryun-Young; Ofman, Leon; Olmedo, Oscar; Kramar, Maxim;
   Davila, Joseph M.; Thompson, Barbara J.; Cho, Kyung-Suk
2013ApJ...766...55K    Altcode:
  We report white-light observations of a fast magnetosonic wave
  associated with a coronal mass ejection observed by STEREO/SECCHI/COR1
  inner coronagraphs on 2011 August 4. The wave front is observed in the
  form of density compression passing through various coronal regions such
  as quiet/active corona, coronal holes, and streamers. Together with
  measured electron densities determined with STEREO COR1 and Extreme
  UltraViolet Imager (EUVI) data, we use our kinematic measurements of
  the wave front to calculate coronal magnetic fields and find that the
  measured speeds are consistent with characteristic fast magnetosonic
  speeds in the corona. In addition, the wave front turns out to be
  the upper coronal counterpart of the EIT wave observed by STEREO
  EUVI traveling against the solar coronal disk; moreover, stationary
  fronts of the EIT wave are found to be located at the footpoints of
  deflected streamers and boundaries of coronal holes, after the wave
  front in the upper solar corona passes through open magnetic field
  lines in the streamers. Our findings suggest that the observed EIT
  wave should be in fact a fast magnetosonic shock/wave traveling in
  the inhomogeneous solar corona, as part of the fast magnetosonic wave
  propagating in the extended solar corona.

Title: New frontiers in wave studies and coronal seismology
Authors: Ofman, Leon
2013enss.confE..72O    Altcode:
  The launch of the SDO and the unprecedented high resolution, high
  cadence observations with AIA provide new details on wave activity in
  the solar corona. These observations, supplemented by spectroscopic
  data from Hinode/EIS, theory, and numerical modeling open new frontiers
  in wave studies and in coronal seismology - the use of waves for the
  determination of the physical parameters (such as the magnetic field
  and density) in the corona. The idealized theoretical wave studies
  were recently expanded by sophisticated there-dimensional MHD models
  that include additional phenomena, such as more realistic coronal loop
  magnetic and density structure, broad band waves, and quasi-periodic
  flows, enabling further expansion of coronal seismology as a tool
  for coronal plasma diagnostics. I will review the recent progress in
  observational and theoretical studied of waves and the development of
  coronal seismology.

Title: Coronal and Solar Wind Ion heating by dispersive Alfven waves -
    2.5D hybrid simulations
Authors: Maneva, Y.; Ofman, L.; Vinas, A.
2013enss.confE..65M    Altcode:
  We perform 2.5D hybrid simulations to model the preferential heating
  and differential acceleration of minor ions as observed by remote
  sensing in coronal holes and measured in situ in the fast solar wind
  at various heliospheric distances. We consider a low-beta plasma
  consisting of fluid electrons, particle-in-cell protons and He++ ions
  and different spectra of parallel propagating Alfven-cyclotron waves
  as initial energy source for the ion heating and acceleration. For
  fixed low wave-numbers the generated wave spectrum generally shifts
  towards higher frequencies in multi-species plasma. This effect is
  further enhanced when differential streaming is present due to the
  expected preferential acceleration of heavy ions in coronal holes. We
  use the results from the cold plasma linear theory to initialize the
  nonlinear 2.5D hybrid simulations and compare the resulting ion heating,
  temperature anisotropies and differential streaming when the initial
  wave spectra belongs to the alpha-cyclotron and the proton-cyclotron
  dispersion branches, with and without initial relative drifts, and
  study the nonlinear 2D effects, extending our previous 1D hybrid
  studies. Finally, we investigate the effect of a gradual solar wind
  expansion, consider its influence on the wave-particle interactions
  and discuss its implications for non-adiabatic perpendicular cooling
  for both ion species.

Title: Observations and Models of Slow Solar Wind with Mg<SUP>9
    +</SUP> Ions in Quiescent Streamers
Authors: Ofman, L.; Abbo, L.; Giordano, S.
2013ApJ...762...18O    Altcode: 2012arXiv1211.1524O
  Quiescent streamers are characterized by a peculiar UV signature as
  pointed out by the results from the observations of the Ultraviolet
  and Coronograph Spectrometer (UVCS) on board SOHO: the intensity of
  heavy-ion emission lines (such as O VI) shows dimmer core relative to
  the edges. Previous models show that the structure of the heavy-ion
  streamer emission relates to the acceleration regions of the slow solar
  wind at streamer legs and to gravitational settling processes in the
  streamer core. Observations of Mg<SUP>9 +</SUP> ion EUV emission in
  coronal streamers at solar minimum were first reported by the UVCS
  instrument. The Mg X 625 Å emission is an order of magnitude smaller
  than the O VI 1032 Å emission, requiring longer exposures to obtain
  statistically significant results. Here, Mg X coronal observations
  are analyzed and compared, for the first time, with the solar minimum
  streamer structure in hydrogen and O VI emissions. We employ the 2.5D
  three-fluid model, developed previously to study the properties of
  O<SUP>5 +</SUP> ions in streamers, and calculate for the first time the
  density, temperature, and outflow structure of Mg<SUP>9 +</SUP> ions
  in the solar minimum streamer. The Mg<SUP>9 +</SUP> ions are heated by
  an empirical radial heating function constrained by observations of the
  kinetic ion temperature obtained from Mg X emission line profiles. The
  detailed structure of Mg<SUP>9 +</SUP> density, temperature, and outflow
  speed is determined by the Coulomb momentum and energy exchange as
  well as electromagnetic interactions with electrons and protons in
  the three-fluid model of the streamer. The results of the model are
  in good qualitative agreement with observations, and provide insights
  on the possible link between the magnetic structure of the streamer,
  slow solar wind sources, and relative abundances of heavy ions.

Title: Ion heating and acceleration by Alfvén-cyclotron and kinetic
    Alfvén waves - 2.5D hybrid simulations
Authors: Maneva, Y. G.; Ofman, L.; Vinas, A.
2012AGUFMSH51B2251M    Altcode:
  We perform 2.5D hybrid simulations to investigate the anisotropic
  preferential heating and differential acceleration of heavy ions
  in the collisionless fast solar wind. We consider low plasma β
  conditions in the extended solar corona to study the turbulent ion
  heating and differential acceleration of He<SUP>++</SUP> ions by
  initial wave-spectra of parallel finite amplitude Alfvén-cyclotron
  waves and investigate their anisotropic cascade and energy transfer
  towards perpendicular wave numbers. We investigate the generation
  of oblique modes and compare the differential streaming, the ion
  heating and acceleration rates, when the initial wave-spectra consists
  of kinetic Alfvén waves and when initially parallel, and oblique
  Alfvén-cyclotron wave are considered. The results are applied to
  better understanding the anisotropic turbulent cascade in the solar
  wind, the origin of ion differential streaming and the regulation
  of ion temperature anisotropies via plasma micro-instabilities and
  wave-particle interactions.

Title: Two-dimensional hybrid models of ion dynamics in collisionless
    quasi-perpendicular shocks
Authors: Gedalin, M.; Ofman, L.
2012AGUFMSH32B..06G    Altcode:
  Spacecraft observations show that collisionless shocks are ubiquitous in
  the heliosphere from CME shock fronts to the heliospheric termination
  shock with broad range of Mach numbers. Evidently, quasi-perpendicular
  collisionless shocks undergo structural changes with the increase
  of the Mach number. These changes are related to the increasing
  role of the reflected ions, which have a highly non-gyrotropic
  distribution. Eventually, it is expected that the shock front becomes
  non-stationary and rippled. At low and moderate Mach numbers the
  fraction of reflected ions is small, yet recent observations show
  existence of a well-pronounced structure of the post-shock magnetic
  field in the close vicinity of the transition layer. Here we show, using
  2D hybrid simulations, that the gyration of the directly transmitted
  ions downstream of the ramp produces spatial pressure variations,
  accompanied with the observed magnetic oscillations due to the momentum
  conservation. In a wide range of the upstream ion temperatures the low
  and moderate Mach number shocks remain stationary and one-dimensional
  (on smaller scale than the variation of the global magnetic field),
  so that the magnetic and electric field depend only on the coordinate
  along the shock normal. The downstream ion distributions gradually
  gyrotropize due to the collisionless mixing of gyrophases of the ion
  velocity distributions. Non-stationary effects in these shocks do not
  affect noticeably the ion dynamics. However, we find that with the
  increase of the Mach number rippled fronts are formed in the low-beta
  and moderate-beta regimes.

Title: Three-fluid model of the slow solar wind with Mg9+ ions in
    quiescent steamers and comparison to observations
Authors: Ofman, L.; Abbo, L.; Giordano, S.
2012AGUFMSH53A2256O    Altcode:
  Quiescent streamers are characterized by a peculiar UV signature as
  pointed out by the results from the observations of the Ultraviolet and
  Coronograph Spectrometer (UVCS) on board SOHO: the intensity of heavy
  ion emission lines (such as OVI and Mg X) show dimmer core relative
  to the edges. Previous models have shown that the structure of the
  heavy ion streamer emission relates to the acceleration regions of the
  slow solar wind in open field regions and to gravitational settling
  processes in the streamers close field core. The UVCS instrument first
  produced observations of Mg X 625 A emission in coronal streamers at
  solar minimum, which is an order of magnitude smaller than the O VI
  1032A emission, requiring longer exposures for statistically significant
  results. We analyze and compare coronal Mg X observations for the first
  time with the solar minimum streamer structure in hydrogen and O VI
  emissions. We employ the 2.5D three-fluid model, developed previously
  to study the properties of O VI emission streamers, and calculate
  for the first time the density, temperature, and outflow structure of
  preferentially heated Mg 9+ ions in the solar minimum streamer. The
  structure of empirically heated Mg9+ ion density, temperature, and
  outflow speed in the streamer are determined by the Coulomb momentum and
  energy exchange as well as electromagnetic interactions with electrons
  and protons in the three-fluid model. The results of the model are
  in good qualitative agreement with observations, and provide insights
  on the possible link between the magnetic structure of the streamer,
  slow solar wind sources, and relative abundance variation of heavy ions.

Title: Erratum: "SDO/AIA Observation of Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability
    in the Solar Corona" <A href="/abs/2011ApJ...734L..11O">(2011, ApJ,
    734, L11)</A>
Authors: Ofman, L.; Thompson, B. J.
2012ApJ...760L..19O    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Persistent Doppler Shift Oscillations Observed with Hinode/EIS
in the Solar Corona: Spectroscopic Signatures of Alfvénic Waves
    and Recurring Upflows
Authors: Tian, Hui; McIntosh, Scott W.; Wang, Tongjiang; Ofman, Leon;
   De Pontieu, Bart; Innes, Davina E.; Peter, Hardi
2012ApJ...759..144T    Altcode: 2012arXiv1209.5286T
  Using data obtained by the EUV Imaging Spectrometer on board Hinode,
  we have performed a survey of obvious and persistent (without
  significant damping) Doppler shift oscillations in the corona. We
  have found mainly two types of oscillations from February to April
  in 2007. One type is found at loop footpoint regions, with a dominant
  period around 10 minutes. They are characterized by coherent behavior
  of all line parameters (line intensity, Doppler shift, line width,
  and profile asymmetry), and apparent blueshift and blueward asymmetry
  throughout almost the entire duration. Such oscillations are likely to
  be signatures of quasi-periodic upflows (small-scale jets, or coronal
  counterpart of type-II spicules), which may play an important role
  in the supply of mass and energy to the hot corona. The other type of
  oscillation is usually associated with the upper part of loops. They are
  most clearly seen in the Doppler shift of coronal lines with formation
  temperatures between one and two million degrees. The global wavelets
  of these oscillations usually peak sharply around a period in the range
  of three to six minutes. No obvious profile asymmetry is found and
  the variation of the line width is typically very small. The intensity
  variation is often less than 2%. These oscillations are more likely to
  be signatures of kink/Alfvén waves rather than flows. In a few cases,
  there seems to be a π/2 phase shift between the intensity and Doppler
  shift oscillations, which may suggest the presence of slow-mode standing
  waves according to wave theories. However, we demonstrate that such a
  phase shift could also be produced by loops moving into and out of a
  spatial pixel as a result of Alfvénic oscillations. In this scenario,
  the intensity oscillations associated with Alfvénic waves are caused by
  loop displacement rather than density change. These coronal waves may be
  used to investigate properties of the coronal plasma and magnetic field.

Title: Hybrid simulation of the shock wave formation behind the Moon
Authors: Israelevich, P.; Ofman, L.
2012epsc.conf...39I    Altcode: 2012espc.conf...39I
  A standing shock wave behind the Moon was predicted by Michel (1967)
  but never observed nor simulated. We use 1D hybrid code in order to
  simulate the collapse of the plasma-free cavity behind the Moon and
  for the first time to model the formation of this shock. Starting
  immediately downstream of the obstacle we consider the evolution of
  plasma expansion into the cavity in the frame of reference moving
  along with the solar wind. Wellknown effects as electric charging of
  the cavity affecting the plasma flow and counter streaming ion beams
  in the wake are reproduced. Near the apex of the inner Mach cone where
  the plasma flows from the opposite sides of the obstacle meet, a shock
  wave arises. The shock is produced by the interaction of oppositely
  directed proton beams in the plane containing solar wind velocity and
  interplanetary magnetic field vectors. In the direction across the
  magnetic field and the solar wind velocity, the shock results from
  the interaction of the plasma flow with the region of the enhanced
  magnetic field inside the cavity that plays the role of the magnetic
  barrier. Simulations with lower electron temperatures (Te~20eV) show
  weakened shock formation behind the moon at much greater distances. The
  shock disappears for typical solar wind conditions (Ti ~ Te) Therefore,
  in order to observe the trailing shock, a satellite should have a
  trajectory passing very close to the wake axis during the period of hot
  solar wind streams. We expect the shock to be produced at periods of
  high electron temperature solar wind streams (Ti&lt;&lt;Te~100eV). The
  appearance of the standing shock wave is expected at the distance of ~
  7RM downstream of the Moon.

Title: Hybrid simulation of the shock wave trailing the Moon
Authors: Israelevich, P.; Ofman, L.
2012JGRA..117.8223I    Altcode: 2012JGRA..11708223I
  A standing shock wave behind the Moon was predicted by Michel (1967)
  but never observed nor simulated. We use 1D hybrid code in order to
  simulate the collapse of the plasma-free cavity behind the Moon and
  for the first time to model the formation of this shock. Starting
  immediately downstream of the obstacle we consider the evolution of
  plasma expansion into the cavity in the frame of reference moving along
  with the solar wind. Well-known effects as electric charging of the
  cavity affecting the plasma flow and counterstreaming ion beams in the
  wake are reproduced. Near the apex of the inner Mach cone where the
  plasma flows from the opposite sides of the obstacle meet, a shock
  wave arises. We expect the shock to be produced at periods of high
  electron temperature solar wind streams (T<SUB>i</SUB> ≪ T<SUB>e</SUB>
  ∼ 100 eV). The shock is produced by the interaction of oppositely
  directed proton beams in the plane containing solar wind velocity and
  interplanetary magnetic field vectors. In the direction across the
  magnetic field and the solar wind velocity, the shock results from
  the interaction of the plasma flow with the region of the enhanced
  magnetic field inside the cavity that plays the role of the magnetic
  barrier. The appearance of the standing shock wave is expected at the
  distance of ∼7R<SUB>M</SUB> downstream of the Moon.

Title: Slow Magnetosonic Waves and Fast Flows in Active Region Loops
Authors: Ofman, L.; Wang, T. J.; Davila, J. M.
2012ApJ...754..111O    Altcode: 2012arXiv1205.5732O
  Recent extreme ultraviolet spectroscopic observations indicate
  that slow magnetosonic waves are present in active region (AR)
  loops. Some of the spectral data were also interpreted as evidence
  of fast (~100-300 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>) quasi-periodic flows. We have
  performed three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (3D MHD) modeling of
  a bipolar AR that contains impulsively generated waves and flows in
  coronal loops. The model AR is initiated with a dipole magnetic field
  and gravitationally stratified density, with an upflow-driven steadily
  or periodically in localized regions at the footpoints of magnetic
  loops. The resulting flows along the magnetic field lines of the AR
  produce higher density loops compared to the surrounding plasma by
  injection of material into the flux tubes and the establishment of
  siphon flow. We find that the impulsive onset of flows with subsonic
  speeds result in the excitation of damped slow magnetosonic waves that
  propagate along the loops and coupled nonlinearly driven fast-mode
  waves. The phase speed of the slow magnetosonic waves is close to
  the coronal sound speed. When the amplitude of the driving pulses is
  increased we find that slow shock-like wave trains are produced. When
  the upflows are driven periodically, undamped oscillations are produced
  with periods determined by the periodicity of the upflows. Based on
  the results of the 3D MHD model we suggest that the observed slow
  magnetosonic waves and persistent upflows may be produced by the same
  impulsive events at the bases of ARs.

Title: Quasi-periodic Fast-mode Wave Trains within a Global EUV Wave
    and Sequential Transverse Oscillations Detected by SDO/AIA
Authors: Liu, Wei; Ofman, Leon; Nitta, Nariaki V.; Aschwanden, Markus
   J.; Schrijver, Carolus J.; Title, Alan M.; Tarbell, Theodore D.
2012ApJ...753...52L    Altcode: 2012arXiv1204.5470L
  We present the first unambiguous detection of quasi-periodic wave
  trains within the broad pulse of a global EUV wave (so-called EIT wave)
  occurring on the limb. These wave trains, running ahead of the lateral
  coronal mass ejection (CME) front of 2-4 times slower, coherently
  travel to distances &gt;~ R <SUB>⊙</SUB>/2 along the solar surface,
  with initial velocities up to 1400 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> decelerating to
  ~650 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. The rapid expansion of the CME initiated at
  an elevated height of 110 Mm produces a strong downward and lateral
  compression, which may play an important role in driving the primary
  EUV wave and shaping its front forwardly inclined toward the solar
  surface. The wave trains have a dominant 2 minute periodicity that
  matches the X-ray flare pulsations, suggesting a causal connection. The
  arrival of the leading EUV wave front at increasing distances produces
  an uninterrupted chain sequence of deflections and/or transverse (likely
  fast kink mode) oscillations of local structures, including a flux-rope
  coronal cavity and its embedded filament with delayed onsets consistent
  with the wave travel time at an elevated (by ~50%) velocity within
  it. This suggests that the EUV wave penetrates through a topological
  separatrix surface into the cavity, unexpected from CME-caused magnetic
  reconfiguration. These observations, when taken together, provide
  compelling evidence of the fast-mode MHD wave nature of the primary
  (outer) fast component of a global EUV wave, running ahead of the
  secondary (inner) slow component of CME-caused restructuring.

Title: Ion heating by dissipation of nonlinear Alfven-cyclotron waves
Authors: Maneva, Yana G.; Ofman, L.; Vinas, A.
2012shin.confE.196M    Altcode:
  We present the results from hybrid simulations to investigate the
  ion heating and acceleration by dissipation of large-amplitude
  Alfven-cyclotron waves. We compare the resulting heating and
  acceleration by a monochromatic wave and a broad band wave spectra
  and find that for the same total wave energy input the broad band
  leads to similar heating but to a lower rate for the ion differential
  acceleration. We investigate the influence of solar wind expansion and
  show that its effect on the ion kinetics highly depends on the initial
  wave spectra and the relative drifts. In general the slow expansion
  considered in the model leads to perpendicular cooling and changes
  the energy input required for heating of the corona and acceleration
  of the solar wind.

Title: Growing Transverse Oscillations of a Multistranded Loop
    Observed by SDO/AIA
Authors: Wang, Tongjiang; Ofman, Leon; Davila, Joseph M.; Su, Yang
2012ApJ...751L..27W    Altcode: 2012arXiv1204.1376W
  The first evidence of transverse oscillations of a multistranded
  loop with growing amplitudes and internal coupling observed by the
  Atmospheric Imaging Assembly on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory
  is presented. The loop oscillation event occurred on 2011 March 8,
  triggered by a coronal mass ejection (CME). The multiwavelength analysis
  reveals the presence of multithermal strands in the oscillating loop,
  whose dynamic behaviors are temperature-dependent, showing differences
  in their oscillation amplitudes, phases, and emission evolution. The
  physical parameters of growing oscillations of two strands in 171 Å
  are measured and the three-dimensional loop geometry is determined
  using STEREO-A/EUVI data. These strands have very similar frequencies,
  and between two 193 Å strands a quarter-period phase delay sets
  up. These features suggest the coupling between kink oscillations of
  neighboring strands and the interpretation by the collective kink mode
  as predicted by some models. However, the temperature dependence of
  the multistranded loop oscillations was not studied previously and
  needs further investigation. The transverse loop oscillations are
  associated with intensity and loop width variations. We suggest that
  the amplitude-growing kink oscillations may be a result of continuous
  non-periodic driving by magnetic deformation of the CME, which deposits
  energy into the loop system at a rate faster than its loss.

Title: Slow-Mode Oscillations of Hot Loops Excited at Flaring
Authors: Wang, T.; Liu, W.; Ofman, L.; Davila, J.
2012ASPC..456..127W    Altcode: 2017arXiv170605427W
  The analysis of a hot loop oscillation event using SOHO/SUMER,
  GOES SXI, and RHESSI observations is presented. Damped Doppler shift
  oscillations were detected in the Fe xix line by SUMER, and interpreted
  as a fundamental standing slow mode. The evolution of soft X-ray
  emission from GOES/SXI and hard X-ray sources from RHESSI suggests
  that the oscillations of a large loop are triggered by a small flare,
  which may be produced by interaction (local reconnection) of this
  large loop with a small loop at its footpoint. This study provides
  clear evidence supporting our early conjecture that the slow-mode
  standing waves in hot coronal loops are excited by impulsive heating
  (small or microflares) at the loop's footpoint.

Title: Propagating Intensity Disturbances in Fan-like Coronal Loops:
    Flows or Waves?
Authors: Wang, T.; Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.
2012ASPC..455..227W    Altcode: 2011arXiv1101.6017W
  Quasi-periodic intensity disturbances propagating upward along the
  coronal structure have been extensively studied using EUV imaging
  observations from SOHO/EIT and TRACE. They were interpreted as either
  slow mode magnetoacoustic waves or intermittent upflows. In this study
  we aim at demonstrating that time series of spectroscopic observations
  are critical to solve this puzzle. Propagating intensity and Doppler
  shift disturbances in fanlike coronal loops are analyzed in multiple
  wavelengths using sit-and-stare observations from Hinode/EIS. We find
  that the disturbances did not cause the blue-wing asymmetry of spectral
  profiles in the warm (∼1.5 MK) coronal lines. The estimated small
  line-of-sight velocities also did not support the intermittent upflow
  interpretation. In the hot (∼2 MK) coronal lines the disturbances
  did cause the blue-wing asymmetry, but the double fits revealed that
  a high-velocity minor component is steady and persistent, while the
  propagating intensity and Doppler shift disturbances are mainly due
  to variations of the core component, therefore, supporting the slow
  wave interpretation. However, the cause for blueward line asymmetries
  remains unclear.

Title: SDO/AIA Detection of Quasi-periodic Wave Trains Within Global
    EUV ("EIT") Waves and Their Coronal Seismology Implications
Authors: Liu, Wei; Ofman, L.; Aschwanden, M. J.; Nitta, N.; Schrijver,
   C. J.; Title, A. M.; Tarbell, T. D.
2012AAS...22051501L    Altcode:
  The nature of global EUV waves (so-called "EIT waves") has long
  been under debate because of instrumental limitations and projection
  effects when viewed on the solar disk. We present here high cadence
  SDO/AIA observations of global EUV waves occurring on the limb. We
  report newly discovered quasi-periodic wave trains located in the low
  corona within a broad, diffuse pulse of the global EUV wave ahead of
  the lateral CME front/flank. These waves coherently travel to large
  distances on the order of 1 solar radii with initial velocities up
  to 1400 km/s. They have dominant 1-3 minute periodicities that often
  match the X-ray pulsations of the accompanying flare, suggestive of
  a causal connection. In addition, recently discovered quasi-periodic
  fast propagating (QFP) waves of 1000-2000 km/s (Liu, Title, Zhao et
  al. 2011 ApJL) are found in the funnel of coronal loops rooted at the
  flare kernel. These waves are spatially confined within the CME bubble
  and rapidly disappear while approaching the CME front, suggestive
  of strong damping and/or dispersion. These observations provide new
  evidence of the fast-mode wave nature of the primary, fast component
  of a global EUV wave, running ahead of a secondary, slow component
  of CME-caused restructuring of the coronal magnetic field. We suggest
  that the two types of quasi-periodic waves are both integral parts of
  global coronal dynamics manifested as a CME/flare eruption, and they
  have important implications for global and local coronal seismology.

Title: Stereo Observations Of Fast Magnetosonic Waves In The
    Extended Corona
Authors: Kwon, Ryun Young; Davila, J. M.; Ofman, L.
2012AAS...22052106K    Altcode:
  Here, we present fast magnetosonic waves propagating across solar
  radial magnetic fields. STEREO COR1 and EUVI observations showed
  coronal disturbances associated with flares/CMEs and they propagate
  in the low solar corona in the form of EIT waves and in the high
  solar corona (above 1.5 Rs) in the form of density compressions
  along radial magnetic field lines above EIT wave fronts. It turns out
  that the coronal disturbances pass through streamers which contain
  a magnetic separatrix. The wave energy appears to be trapped by the
  streamers and this leads to stationary fronts at the footpoints of the
  streamers. Our results suggest that the coronal disturbances associated
  with flares/CMEs are fast magnetosonic waves propagating with local fast
  magnetosonic speeds and passing through magnetic separatrices. Moreover,
  we conclude that EIT waves are ‘real’ fast magnetosonic waves. The
  speeds of the coronal disturbances are 475 ± 14, 926 ± 19, 1217 ±
  24, 1734 ± 48, and 1928 ± 42 km/s at 1.0, 1.6, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0 Rs,
  respectively. Using coronal seismology, we estimated magnetic field
  strengths corresponding to these speeds at the heights and they are
  1.81 ± 0.06, 0.98 ± 0.02, 0.70 ± 0.01, 0.55 ± 0.02, and 0.39 ±
  0.01 G, respectively.

Title: Growing Transverse Oscillations of a Multistranded Loop
    Observed by SDO/AIA
Authors: Wang, Tongjiang; Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.; Su, Y.
2012AAS...22020717W    Altcode:
  The flare-excited transverse loop oscillations previously observed by
  TRACE have been mainly interpreted as the global fast kink modes. These
  oscillations typically have a rapid decay, and their damping mechanism
  has been a major topic of theoretical studies. In this presentation,
  we report an unusual case of transverse loop oscillations with growing
  amplitudes observed by SDO/AIA for the first time. This oscillation
  event was triggered by a flare associated with a CME above the limb. The
  multiwavelength analysis reveals that the loop consists of multithermal
  strands and their dynamical behaviors are temperature-dependent. These
  strands have very similar oscillation frequencies and appear to
  oscillate in-phase or in a quarter-period phase delay. These features
  suggest the coupling between kink oscillations of neighboring strands
  and the interpretation by the collective kink mode as predicted by
  some models. The transverse loop oscillations are also associated with
  intensity and loop width variations. We determine the trigger of the
  oscillation and measure the 3-D loop geometry using STEREO/EUVI-A
  data. The possible mechanisms that can excite the growing kink
  oscillations will be discussed.

Title: Impulsively Driven Waves And Flows In Coronal Active Regions
Authors: Ofman, Leon; Wang, T.; Davila, J. M.; Liu, W.
2012AAS...22032204O    Altcode:
  Recent SDO/AIA and Hinode EIS observations indicate that both (super)
  fast and slow magnetosonic waves are present in active region (AR)
  magnetic structures. Evidence for fast (100-300 km/s) impulsive flows
  is found in spectroscopic and imaging observations of AR loops. The
  super-fast waves were observed in magnetic funnels of ARs. The
  observations suggest that waves and flow are produced by impulsive
  events, such as (micro) flares. We have performed three-dimensional
  magnetohydrodynamic (3D MHD) simulations of impulsively generated
  flows and waves in coronal loops of a model bi-polar active region
  (AR). The model AR is initiated with a dipole magnetic field and
  gravitationally stratified density, with impulsively driven flow at
  the coronal base of the AR in localized magnetic field structures. We
  model the excitation of the flows in hot (6MK) and cold (1MK) active
  region plasma, and find slow and fast magnetosonic waves produced by
  these events. We also find that high-density (compared to surrounding
  corona) loops are produced as a result of the upflows. We investigate
  the parametric dependence between the properties of the impulsive
  flows and the waves. The results of the 3D MHD modeling study supports
  the conjecture that slow magnetosonic waves are often produced by
  impulsive upflows along the magnetic field, and fast magnetosonic
  waves can result from impulsive transverse field line perturbations
  associated with reconnection events. The waves and flows can be used
  for diagnostic of AR structure and dynamics.

Title: Spectroscopic Diagnosis of Propagating Disturbances in Coronal
Loops: Waves or flows?
Authors: Wang, T.; Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.
2012ASPC..456...91W    Altcode:
  The analysis of multiwavelength properties of propagating disturbances
  (PDs) using Hinode/EIS observations is presented. Quasi-periodic PDs
  were mostly interpreted as slow magnetoacoustic waves in early studies,
  but recently suggested to be intermittent upflows of the order of
  50-150 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> based on the Red-Blue (RB) asymmetry analysis
  of spectral line profiles. Using the forward models, velocities of the
  secondary component derived from the RB analysis are found significantly
  overestimated due to the saturation effect when its offset velocities
  are smaller than the Gaussian width. We developed a different method
  to examine spectral features of the PDs. This method is assuming that
  the excessive emission of the PD profile against the background (taken
  as that prior to the PD) is caused by a hypothetic upflow. The derived
  LOS velocities of the flow are on the order of 10-30 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>
  from the warm (1-1.5 MK) coronal lines, much smaller than those
  inferred from the RB analysis. This result does not support the flow
  interpretation but favors of the early wave interpretation.

Title: Hybrid simulation of the shock wave trailing the Moon
Authors: Israelevich, P.; Ofman, L.
2012EGUGA..14.2121I    Altcode:
  Standing shock wave behind the Moon was predicted be Michel (1967)
  but never observed nor simulated. We use 1D hybrid code in order to
  simulate the collapse of the plasma-free cavity behind the Moon and
  for the first time to model the formation of this shock. Starting
  immediately downstream of the obstacle we consider the evolution of
  plasma expansion into the cavity in the frame of reference moving
  along with the solar wind. Well-known effects as electric charging of
  the cavity affecting the plasma flow and counter streaming ion beams
  in the wake are reproduced. Near the apex of the inner Mach cone where
  the plasma flows from the opposite sides of the obstacle meet, a shock
  wave arises. The shock is produced by the interaction of oppositely
  directed proton beams in the plane containing solar wind velocity and
  interplanetary magnetic field vectors. In the direction across the
  magnetic field and the solar wind velocity, the shock results from the
  interaction of the plasma flow with the region of the enhanced magnetic
  field inside the cavity that plays the role of magnetic barrier. The
  appearance of the standing shock wave is expected at the distance of ~
  7RM downstream of the Moon.

Title: Growing and coupled transverse oscillations of a multistranded
    loop observed by SDO/AIA
Authors: Wang, Tongjiang; Ofman, Leon; Davila, Joseph M.; Su, Yang
2012decs.confE..51W    Altcode:
  We report the first evidence of transverse oscillations of a
  multistranded loop with growing amplitudes and internal coupling
  observed by SDO/AIA. The loop oscillations were triggered by a
  flare-CME event occurring in an active region visible at the limb. The
  multiwavelength analysis reveals the temperature dependence of multiple
  strands, which show differences in their oscillation amplitudes,
  phases and emission evolution. The physical parameters of growing
  transverse oscillations in 171A band are measured and the 3-D loop
  geometry is determined using STEREO/EUVI-A data. The strands have very
  similar oscillation frequencies and appear to oscillate in-phase or in
  a quarter-period phase delay. The observed oscillation properties of
  the loop strands agree with theoretically expected coupling between
  neighboring strands of a loop that undergoes a global kink mode
  oscillation. The transverse loop oscillations are also associated with
  intensity and loop width variations. We discuss the possible mechanisms
  that can excite the kink oscillations with growing amplitudes, and
  their associations with intensity and loop width variations.

Title: Modeling waves, flows, and instabilities produced by impulsive
    events in coronal active regions
Authors: Ofman, L.; Liu, W.; Wang, T. J.; Davila, J. M.; Thompson,
   B. J.
2012decs.confE..73O    Altcode:
  Recent high-resolution observations by SDO/AIA combined with spectral
  data from Hinode provide insights into the properties of MHD waves,
  flows, and instabilities in coronal active region plasma and
  their connection with impulsive energy release. Shear flow driven
  instabilities, such as the Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) instability were
  only recently detected in detail in the corona. I will present recent
  results of 3D MHD models of slow and fast magnetosonic waves in active
  regions excited by jets and quasi-periodic flows driven by micro-flares
  at loops' footpoints. I will discuss models of super-fast magnetosonic
  waves detected recently by SDO/AIA. I will also discuss models of global
  (EIT) waves, and KH instabilities driven by CMEs. The relations between
  waves, flows, instabilities, and impulsive events such as flares and
  CMEs are becoming apparent thanks to the combination of observational
  data analysis and the 3D MHD modeling. Understanding these relations
  is useful for coronal seismology and for tracing the flow of energy
  from the transition region to the corona.

Title: SDO/AIA Observations of Various Coronal EUV Waves Associated
    with Flares/CMEs and Their Coronal Seismology Implications
Authors: Liu, Wei; Ofman, Leon; Aschwanden, Markus J.; Nitta, Nariaki;
   Zhao, Junwei; Title, Alan M.
2012decs.confE..87L    Altcode:
  MHD waves can be used as diagnostic tools of coronal seismology to
  decipher otherwise elusive critical physical parameters of the solar
  corona, such as the magnetic field strength and plasma density. They
  are analogous to acoustic waves used in helioseismology, but with
  complexities arising from the magnetic field and nonlinearity. Recent
  high cadence, high resolution, full-disk imaging observations from
  SDO/AIA have opened a new chapter in understanding these waves. Various
  types of EUV waves associated with flares/CMEs have been discovered
  or observed in unprecedented detail. In this presentation, we will
  review such new AIA observations, focusing on the following topics and
  their interrelationships: (1) quasi-periodic fast waves traveling along
  coronal funnels within CME bubbles at speeds up to 2000 km/s, associated
  with flare pulsations at similar frequencies; (2) quasi-periodic wave
  trains within broad, diffuse pulses of global EUV waves (so-called
  EIT waves) running ahead of CME fronts; (3) interactions of global EUV
  waves with local coronal structures on their paths, such as flux-rope
  coronal cavities and their embedded filaments (kink oscillations)
  and coronal holes/active regions (deflections). We will discuss the
  implications of these observations on coronal seismology, on their roles
  in transporting energy through different parts of the solar atmosphere,
  and on understanding their associated eruptive flares/CMEs.

Title: SDO/AIA Observations of Quasi-periodic Fast (~1000 km/s)
    Propagating (QFP) Waves as Evidence of Fast-mode Magnetosonic Waves
in the Low Corona: Statistics and Implications
Authors: Liu, W.; Ofman, L.; Title, A. M.; Zhao, J.; Aschwanden, M. J.
2011AGUFMSH33A2043L    Altcode:
  Recent EUV imaging observations from SDO/AIA led to the discovery of
  quasi-periodic fast (~2000 km/s) propagating (QFP) waves in active
  regions (Liu et al. 2011). They were interpreted as fast-mode
  magnetosonic waves and reproduced in 3D MHD simulations (Ofman
  et al. 2011). Since then, we have extended our study to a sample
  of more than a dozen such waves observed during the SDO mission
  (2010/04-now). We will present the statistical properties of these waves
  including: (1) Their projected speeds measured in the plane of the sky
  are about 400-2200 km/s, which, as the lower limits of their true speeds
  in 3D space, fall in the expected range of coronal Alfven or fast-mode
  speeds. (2) They usually originate near flare kernels, often in the wake
  of a coronal mass ejection, and propagate in narrow funnels of coronal
  loops that serve as waveguides. (3) These waves are launched repeatedly
  with quasi-periodicities in the 30-200 seconds range, often lasting
  for more than one hour; some frequencies coincide with those of the
  quasi-periodic pulsations (QPPs) in the accompanying flare, suggestive
  a common excitation mechanism. We obtained the k-omega diagrams and
  dispersion relations of these waves using Fourier analysis. We estimate
  their energy fluxes and discuss their contribution to coronal heating
  as well as their diagnostic potential for coronal seismology.

Title: Three-Dimensional MHD Models of Waves and Flows in Coronal
    Active Region Loops
Authors: Ofman, L.; Wang, T.; Davila, J. M.
2011AGUFMSH34B..02O    Altcode:
  Recent observations show that slow magnetosonic waves are present in
  active region loops, and are often associated with subsonic up-flows
  of coronal material. In order to study the relation between up-flows
  and waves we develop a 3D MHD model of an idealized bi-polar active
  region with flows in coronal loops. The model is initiated with a
  dipole magnetic field and gravitationally stratified isothermal
  atmosphere. To model the effects of flares, coronal material is
  injected in small-scale regions at the base of the model active
  region. The up-flows have sub-sonic speeds of ∼100 km/s and are
  steady or periodic, producing higher density loops by filling magnetic
  flux-tubes with injected material. We find that the up-flows produce
  fast and slow magnetosonic waves that propagate in the coronal loops. We
  perform a parametric study of up-flow magnitude and periodicity, and the
  relation with the resulting waves. As expected, we find that the up-flow
  speed decreases with loop height due to the diverge of the flux tubes,
  while the slow magnetosonic speed is independent of height. When the
  amplitude of the driving pulses is increased above the sound speed,
  we find that slow shocks are produced in the loops. Using the results
  of the 3D MHD model we show that observed slow magnetosonic waves in
  active region loops can be driven by impulsive flare-produced up-flows
  at the transition region/corona interface of active regions.

Title: Propagating low-frequency waves in coronal streamers observed
    by STEREO COR1
Authors: Kwon, R.; Davila, J. M.; Ofman, L.
2011AGUFMSH43C1981K    Altcode:
  Compressional and transverse propagating waves high above the solar
  surface may play an important role in heating and accelerating the solar
  wind. Waves with periods of about an hour were detected in streamers
  in the past using SOHO/LASCO observations. STEREO COR1 provides us
  with the coronagraph (~4 solar radius) with high temporal resolution
  (5 min time cadence) so that it allows us to study low frequency waves
  systematically and address line-of-sight ambiguity. We present a method
  to detect the periodic oscillations along coronal streamers observed
  by STEREO COR1 and to determine the wavelength, period and phase speed
  with wavelet analysis. Further, we discuss physical implications of
  our results and the possible origin of the waves we found.

Title: Hybrid Modeling of Solar Wind Ion Heating
Authors: Maneva, Y. G.; Ofman, L.; Vinas, A. -
2011AGUFMSH53B2038M    Altcode:
  Hybrid simulations are performed to describe the anisotropic and
  preferential heating of protons and minor ions in a hot multi-species
  solar wind plasma. The electrons are considered as a massless fluid
  to ensure that the total charge and current are conserved, whereas the
  ions are treated fully kinetically. The energy source is a spectrum of
  Alfvén-cyclotron waves. The minor ions are differentially accelerated
  depending the wave spectra, the values of their plasma β and their
  relative number densities. We discuss the effects of the heating by
  Alfvén-cyclotron wave spectra on the ions and compare them with the
  ion heating by pure monochromatic large-amplitude Alfvén-cyclotron
  waves. We consider the effects of solar wind expansion and compare
  the results for various forms of Alfvénic wave spectra on the ion
  heating and acceleration in expanding solar wind plasma. The heating
  by Alfvén-cyclotron waves in both homogeneous and inhomogeneous
  plasma is considered in 2.5D study. We find that inhomogeneity leads to
  preferential heating of minor and heavy ions, whereas their differential
  acceleration is strongly dependent on the input wave spectra considered.

Title: Modeling Super-fast Magnetosonic Waves Observed by SDO in
    Active Region Funnels
Authors: Ofman, L.; Liu, W.; Title, A.; Aschwanden, M.
2011ApJ...740L..33O    Altcode:
  Recently, quasi-periodic, rapidly propagating waves have been observed
  in extreme ultraviolet by the Solar Dynamics Observatory/Atmospheric
  Imaging Assembly (AIA) instrument in about 10 flare/coronal mass
  ejection (CME) events thus far. A typical example is the 2010 August 1
  C3.2 flare/CME event that exhibited arc-shaped wave trains propagating
  in an active region (AR) magnetic funnel with ~5% intensity variations
  at speeds in the range of 1000-2000 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. The fast
  temporal cadence and high sensitivity of AIA enabled the detection
  of these waves. We identify them as fast magnetosonic waves driven
  quasi-periodically at the base of the flaring region and develop
  a three-dimensional MHD model of the event. For the initial state
  we utilize the dipole magnetic field to model the AR and include
  gravitationally stratified density at coronal temperature. At the
  coronal base of the AR, we excite the fast magnetosonic wave by
  periodic velocity pulsations in the photospheric plane confined to a
  funnel of magnetic field lines. The excited fast magnetosonic waves
  have similar amplitude, wavelength, and propagation speeds as the
  observed wave trains. Based on the simulation results, we discuss the
  possible excitation mechanism of the waves, their dynamical properties,
  and the use of the observations for coronal MHD seismology.

Title: Coronal Seismology in the SDO Era: AIA Observations of Various
    Coronal Waves Associated with CMEs/Flares
Authors: Liu, Wei; Ofman, Leon; Aschwanden, Markus J.; Nitta, Nariaki;
   Zhao, Junwei; Title, Alan M.
2011sdmi.confE..49L    Altcode:
  MHD waves, as critical diagnostic tools of coronal seismology, can be
  used to decipher otherwise elusive physical parameters of the solar
  corona, such as the magnetic field strength and plasma density. They
  are analogous to acoustic waves used in helioseismology. Recent high
  cadence, high resolution, full-disk imaging observations from SDO/AIA
  have opened a new chapter in understanding these waves. Various types
  of waves associated with flares and/or CMEs have been discovered. In
  this presentation, we will review such new AIA observations, focusing
  on the following topics: (1) fine structures in CME-related global EUV
  waves (so-called EIT waves), including a diffuse pulse superimposed
  with multiple sharp fronts or "ripples" (Liu et al. 2010, ApJL); (2)
  quasi-periodic fast waves traveling in coronal funnels at speeds up to
  2000 km/s and associated with flares pulsating at similar frequencies
  (Liu et al. 2011, ApJL); (3) interaction of global EUV waves with local
  coronal structures on their paths, such as flux-rope coronal cavities
  (triggered kink oscillations, Liu et al. in preparation) and coronal
  holes/active regions (deflection). We will discuss the implications
  of these observations on coronal seismology and on understanding their
  associated flares and CMEs. We also anticipate to exchange ideas with
  helioseismologists at this workshop, in a hope to bring together coronal
  seismology and helioseismology techniques to advance our understanding
  of solar oscillations from the interior to the upper atmosphere.

Title: Slow Magnetoacoustic Wave Oscillation of an Expanding
    Coronal Loop
Authors: Schmidt, J. M.; Ofman, L.
2011ApJ...739...75S    Altcode:
  We simulated an expanding loop or slow coronal mass ejection (CME)
  in the solar corona dimensioned with size parameters taken from real
  coronal expanding loops observed with the STEREO spacecraft. We find
  that the loop expands to Sun's size within about one hour, consistent
  with slow CME observations. At the top of the loop, plasma is being
  blown off the loop, enabled with the reconnection between the loop's
  flux rope magnetic field and the radial magnetic field of the Sun,
  thus yielding feeding material for the formation of the slow solar
  wind. This mechanism is in accordance with the observed blob formation
  of the slow solar wind. We find wave packets traveling with local
  sound speed downward toward the footpoints of the loop, already seen
  in coronal seismology observations and simulations of stationary
  coronal loops. Here, we generalize these results for an expanding
  medium. We also find a reflection of the wave packets, identified
  as slow magnetoacoustic waves, at the footpoints of the loop. This
  confirms the formation of standing waves within the coronal loop. In
  particular, the reflected waves can partly escape the loop top and
  contribute to the heating of the solar wind. The present study improves
  our understanding on how loop material can emerge to form blobs, major
  ingredients of slow CMEs, and how the release of the wave energy stored
  in slow magnetoacoustic waves, and transported away from the Sun within
  expanding loops, contributes to the acceleration and formation of the
  slow solar wind.

Title: Hybrid simulation of ion-acoustic waves excitation by
    non-linear Alfvén wave
Authors: Israelevich, P. L.; Ofman, L.
2011AdSpR..48...25I    Altcode:
  The results of one dimensional hybrid simulation of standing Alfvén
  wave in low beta plasma are presented. Plasma is accelerated from the
  anti-nodes toward the nodes of the standing waves with finite amplitude
  under the action of the variable magnetic field pressure. As a result,
  a sharp maximum of the number density (and electron pressure) arises
  near the nodes of the standing wave. The plasma flow is spatially
  modulated with half wavelength of the driving Alfvén wave. Standing
  ion-acoustic waves produced by spatial modulation of the flow are
  observed in hybrid simulation. The effective parallel electric field
  E<SUP>∗</SUP>=E+{1}/{ne}∇p<SUB>e</SUB> appears due to both electron
  pressure gradient near the nodes and electron pressure variations in
  the acoustic waves.

Title: Direct Imaging of Quasi-periodic Fast Propagating Waves of
    ~2000 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> in the Low Solar Corona by the Solar Dynamics
    Observatory Atmospheric Imaging Assembly
Authors: Liu, Wei; Title, Alan M.; Zhao, Junwei; Ofman, Leon;
   Schrijver, Carolus J.; Aschwanden, Markus J.; De Pontieu, Bart;
   Tarbell, Theodore D.
2011ApJ...736L..13L    Altcode: 2011arXiv1106.3150L
  Quasi-periodic propagating fast mode magnetosonic waves in the solar
  corona were difficult to observe in the past due to relatively low
  instrument cadences. We report here evidence of such waves directly
  imaged in EUV by the new Atmospheric Imaging Assembly instrument
  on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory. In the 2010 August 1 C3.2
  flare/coronal mass ejection event, we find arc-shaped wave trains of
  1%-5% intensity variations (lifetime ~200 s) that emanate near the
  flare kernel and propagate outward up to ~400 Mm along a funnel of
  coronal loops. Sinusoidal fits to a typical wave train indicate a phase
  velocity of 2200 ± 130 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. Similar waves propagating
  in opposite directions are observed in closed loops between two flare
  ribbons. In the k-ω diagram of the Fourier wave power, we find a
  bright ridge that represents the dispersion relation and can be well
  fitted with a straight line passing through the origin. This k-ω
  ridge shows a broad frequency distribution with power peaks at 5.5,
  14.5, and 25.1 mHz. The strongest signal at 5.5 mHz (period 181 s)
  temporally coincides with quasi-periodic pulsations of the flare,
  suggesting a common origin. The instantaneous wave energy flux
  of (0.1-2.6) × 10<SUP>7</SUP> erg cm<SUP>-2</SUP> s<SUP>-1</SUP>
  estimated at the coronal base is comparable to the steady-state heating
  requirement of active region loops.

Title: Multi-fluid Model of a Streamer at Solar Minimum and Comparison
    with Observations
Authors: Ofman, Leon; Abbo, Lucia; Giordano, Silvio
2011ApJ...734...30O    Altcode:
  We present the results of a time-dependent 2.5-dimensional three-fluid
  magnetohydrodynamic model of the coronal streamer belt, which is
  compared with the slow solar wind plasma parameters obtained in the
  extended corona by the UV spectroscopic data from the Ultraviolet
  Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) on board SOHO during the past
  minimum of solar activity (Carrington Rotation 1913). Our previous
  three-fluid streamer model has been improved by considering the solar
  magnetic field configuration relevant for solar minimum conditions,
  and preferential heating for O<SUP>5 +</SUP> ions. The model was run
  until a fully self-consistent streamer solution was obtained in the
  quasi-steady state. The plasma parameters from the multi-fluid model
  were used to compute the expected UV observables from H I Lyα 1216
  Å and O VI 1032 Å spectral lines, and the results were compared in
  detail with the UVCS measurements. A good agreement between the model
  and the data was found. The results of the study provide insight into
  the acceleration and heating of the multi-ion slow solar wind.

Title: SDO/AIA Observation of Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability in the
    Solar Corona
Authors: Ofman, L.; Thompson, B. J.
2011ApJ...734L..11O    Altcode: 2011arXiv1101.4249O
  We present observations of the formation, propagation, and decay of
  vortex-shaped features in coronal images from the Solar Dynamics
  Observatory associated with an eruption starting at about 2:30
  UT on 2010 April 8. The series of vortices were formed along the
  interface between an erupting (dimming) region and the surrounding
  corona. They ranged in size from several to 10 arcsec and traveled
  along the interface at 6-14 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. The features were
  clearly visible in six out of the seven different EUV wave bands of
  the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly. Based on the structure, formation,
  propagation, and decay of these features, we identified the event as
  the first observation of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (KHI) in the
  corona in EUV. The interpretation is supported by linear analysis and
  by a nonlinear 2.5-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic model of KHI. We
  conclude that the instability is driven by the velocity shear between
  the erupting and closed magnetic field of the coronal mass ejection. The
  shear-flow-driven instability can play an important role in energy
  transfer processes in coronal plasma.

Title: SDO/AIA Observations of a Global EUV Disturbance Traveling
into a Coronal Cavity and Its Subsequent Oscillations: New Evidence
    of Fast Mode MHD Waves
Authors: Liu, Wei; Aschwanden, M. J.; Ofman, L.; Nitta, N. V.; Tarbell,
   T. D.
2011SPD....42.0906L    Altcode: 2011BAAS..43S.0906L
  We report new SDO/AIA observations of a global EUV disturbance
  that propagates at 600 km/s and sweeps through a coronal cavity,
  instigating its bodily transverse oscillations. The high temporal
  resolution and large FOV of AIA allow us to clearly see, for the first
  time, the timing coincidence between the onsets of the oscillations
  and the arrival of the disturbance at increasing distances covering
  300 Mm in the neighborhood of the cavity. There is a time delay of
  the oscillations from the near side to the far side of the cavity,
  which is consistent with the travel time of the global perturbation. In
  addition, we find a fine structure consisting of evenly spaced pulses
  of periods 100-120 s within the global disturbance. In contrast, the
  CME loop expansion falls behind the global disturbance at a smaller
  velocity of 200 km/s. These observations suggests that this global
  disturbance is a real fast mode MHD wave that continues propagating
  into the cavity, rather than an apparent wave caused by CME expulsion
  that is not expected to penetrate through a topological separatrix,
  including the flux rope cavity boundary here. The cavity and its
  hosted prominence have oscillation amplitudes of 20 km/s and periods
  of 20-30 minutes. Such unusually long periods, compared with a few
  minutes commonly observed in coronal loops, likely reflect kink mode
  oscillations of the long cavity flux rope of a large length (a fraction
  of the solar radius).

Title: Evidence For Forced Kink-mode Loop Oscillations Observed
    By Sdo/aia
Authors: Wang, Tongjiang; Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.; Su, Y.
2011SPD....42.2113W    Altcode: 2011BAAS..43S.2113W
  Transverse loop oscillations were first discovered by TRACE in EUV
  wavelength and interpreted as global fast kink modes. These oscillations
  are impulsively excited by flares or filament eruptions and often show
  a strong damping within few oscillation periods. The oscillations and
  the damping mechanism have been intensively studied in observation
  and theory, leading to great advance in coronal seismology. However,
  measurements of the damping rate remains difficult, often limited
  by the short length of the detectable oscillation sequence in one
  single filter. SDO/AIA with multiple wavebands of unprecedentedly high
  sensitivity and wide temperature coverage provides a good opportunity
  in improving the accuracy of these measurements. Here we present an
  example of long-lasting oscillation events observed using SDO/AIA. In
  this event, kink oscillations of a slowly evolving coronal loop seen
  in 171, 193 and 211 A bands are excited by several flow ejections. The
  oscillations last over one and a half hours with periods of 3-4 min
  and no evident decay. In particular, the amplitudes of the oscillations
  show increase during the period of a large flow ejection with speeds of
  200-300 km/s which lasts for about a half hour, and then falls down at
  speeds of 60-70 km/s measured in 304 A band. We interpret the growing
  oscillations as driven fast magnetosonic waves by impacting flows. We
  perform preliminary 3D MHD study of the event using an idealized
  bipolar active region model.

Title: 3D Structure and the Evolution of EUV Bright Points Observed
by STEREO/SECCHI/EUVI: Evidence for Coronal Magnetic Reconnection
    Driven by Emerging Magnetic Flux?
Authors: Kwon, Ryun Young; Davila, J. M.; Ofman, L.
2011SPD....42.1808K    Altcode: 2011BAAS..43S.1808K
  The 3D structure of EUV bright points and its physical relation
  with the underlying magnetic flux concentrations are unveiled here
  observationally for the first time. The heights of EUV bright points
  have been measured within their lifetimes by 3D reconstruction method
  developed by Kwon, Chae, &amp; Zhang (2010) using data sets taken from
  STEREO/SECCHI/EUVI. We found three distinct changes in the heights which
  were decreasing, increasing, and constant. In general, EUV bright points
  are multi-temperature loop system whose hot loops (T 10<SUP>6</SUP>.2K)
  with an average height of 8.9Mm are overlying cooler loops (T &lt;
  10<SUP>6</SUP>.0K) with an average height of 6.7Mm. This loop system has
  cool legs which have the peak temperature of T 10<SUP>4</SUP>.9K and
  an average height of 5.2Mm. The heights were found to have remarkable
  correlations with lengths and distances of two opposite magnetic
  flux concentrations, indicating that the 3D structures of bright
  points were determined by the geometry of associated photospheric
  magnetic fluxes. Accordingly, the three types of bright points we
  found were associated with three distinct types of their underlying
  magnetic fragments: converging, diverging, and shearing. In all cases,
  both flux emergences and flux cancellations were observed during the
  lifetimes of the bright points. The flux emergences were dominant in
  the initial phase and the flux cancellations were significant after
  the intensities reached their maxima. Our results suggest that EUV
  bright points may be the flaring loop systems (Masuda et al. 1994)
  formed by coroanl magnetic reconnection and the flux emergence appears
  to be important to driving the coronal magnetic reconnection.

Title: Pulsed Flows Along a Cusp Structure Observed with SDO/AIA
Authors: Thompson, Barbara; Démoulin, P.; Mandrini, C.; Mays, M.;
   Ofman, L.; Van Driel-Gesztelyi, L.; Viall, N.
2011SPD....42.2117T    Altcode: 2011BAAS..43S.2117T
  We present observations of a cusp-shaped structure that formed after
  a flare and coronal mass ejection on 14 February 2011. Throughout
  the evolution of the cusp structure, blob features up to a few Mm in
  size were observed flowing along the legs and stalk of the cusp at
  projected speeds ranging from 50 to 150 km/sec. Around two dozen blob
  features, on order of 1 - 3 minutes apart, were tracked in multiple
  AIA EUV wavelengths. The blobs flowed outward (away from the Sun)
  along the cusp stalk, and most of the observed speeds were either
  constant or decelerating. We attempt to reconstruct the 3-D magnetic
  field of the evolving structure, discuss the possible drivers of the
  flows (including pulsed reconnection and tearing mode instability),
  and compare the observations to studies of pulsed reconnection and
  blob flows in the solar wind and the Earth's magnetosphere.

Title: Direct Imaging by SDO/AIA of Quasi-periodic Propagating Fast
    Mode Magnetosonic Waves of  2000 km/s in the Solar Corona
Authors: Liu, Wei; Title, A. M.; Zhao, J.; Ofman, L.; Schrijver,
   C. J.; Aschwanden, M. J.; De Pontieu, B.; Tarbell, T. D.
2011SPD....42.2114L    Altcode: 2011BAAS..43S.2114L
  Quasi-periodic, propagating fast mode magnetosonic waves in the
  corona were difficult to observe in the past due to relatively low
  instrument cadences. We report here unprecedented evidence of such
  waves directly imaged in EUV by the new SDO/AIA instrument. In the 2010
  August 1 C3.2 flare/CME event, we find arc-shaped wave trains of 1-5%
  intensity variations emanating near the flare kernel and propagating
  outward along a funnel of coronal loops. Sinusoidal fits to a typical
  wave train indicate a phase velocity of 2350 +/- 210 km/s. Similar
  waves propagating in opposite directions are observed in closed loops
  between two flare ribbons. In the k-omega diagram of the Fourier wave
  power, we find a bright ridge that represents the dispersion relation
  and can be well fitted with a straight line passing through the
  origin, giving an equal phase and group velocity of 1630 +/- 760 km/s
  averaged over the event. This k-omega ridge shows a broad frequency
  distribution with prominent power at four non-harmonic frequencies,
  5.5, 14.5, 25.1, and 37.9 mHz, among which the 14.5 mHz (period:
  69 s) signal is the strongest. The signal at 5.5 mHz (period: 181 s,
  same as chromospheric 3-minute oscillations) temporally coincides with
  flare pulsations, suggesting a common origin of possibly quasi-periodic
  magnetic reconnection. The instantaneous wave energy flux of (0.1-2.6)e7
  ergs/cm<SUP>2</SUP>/s estimated at the coronal base is comparable to
  the steady-state heating requirement of active region loops.

Title: Modeling Waves And Flows In Active Region Loops
Authors: Ofman, Leon; Wang, T.; Davila, J. M.
2011SPD....42.1815O    Altcode: 2011BAAS..43S.1815O
  Recent Hinode/EIS observations indicated that slow magnetosonic
  waves are present in active region loops. Some of the spectral data
  were also interpreted as evidence of quasi-periodic flows. We perform
  three dimensional MHD model of an active region with waves and flows in
  coronal loops. The model is initiated with a dipole magnetic field and
  gravitationally stratified density, and velocity pulses are driven
  periodically in localized regions at the footpoints of magnetic
  loops. The resulting flows produce higher density loops compared to
  the surrounding plasma by injecting material along the field. We find
  that the excitation of periodic flows with subsonic speeds result in
  the excitation of slow magnetosonic waves that propagate along the
  loops. The phase speed of the waves is 100 km/s, close to coronal sound
  speed. When the amplitude of the driving pulses is increased we find
  that slow shock trains are produced. Using the results of the 3D MHD
  model we suggest that the observed slow magnetosonic waves and quasi
  periodic-flows are driven by the same quasi-periodic impulsive events
  at the bases of active regions.

Title: Modeling Fast Magnetosonic Waves Observed by SDO in Active
    region Funnels
Authors: Ofman, Leon; Liu, W.; Title, A.; Aschwanden, M.
2011SPD....42.2104O    Altcode: 2011BAAS..43S.2104O
  Recently, quasi-periodic, propagating waves have been observed in EUV by
  the SDO/AIA instrument in about 10 flare/CME events thus far. A typical
  example is the waves associated with the 2010 August 1 C3.2 flare/CME
  that exhibited arc-shaped wave trains propagating in an active region
  magnetic funnel with 5% intensity variations at speeds in the range
  of 1000-2000 km/s. The fast temporal cadence and high sensitivity of
  AIA enabled the detection of these waves. We identify them as fast
  magnetosonic waves driven quasi-periodically at the base of the flaring
  region, and develop a three-dimensional MHD model of the event. For
  the initial state we utilize the dipole magnetic field to model the
  active region, and include gravitationally stratified density at coronal
  temperature. At the coronal base of the active region we excite the fast
  magnetosonic wave by periodic velocity pulsations in the photospheric
  plane confined to the funnel of magnetic field line. The excited fast
  magnetosonic waves have similar amplitude, wavelength and propagation
  speeds as the observed wave trains. Based on the simulation results, we
  discuss the possible excitation mechanism of the waves, their dynamical
  properties, and the use of the event for coronal MHD seismology.

Title: Slow-Mode Oscillations of Hot Coronal Loops Excited at
    Flaring Footpoints
Authors: Wang, Tongjiang; Liu, W.; Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.
2011SPD....42.2214W    Altcode: 2011BAAS..43S.2214W
  A large number of strongly damped oscillations in hot coronal loops
  have been observed by SOHO/SUMER in the past decade in Doppler shifts
  of flaring (&gt;6 MK) lines (Fe XIX and Fe XXI). These oscillations
  with periods on the order of 10-30 min were interpreted as fundamental
  standing slow modes. They often manifest features such as recurrence
  and association with a flow (100-300 km/s) pulse preceding to the
  oscillation, which suggests that they are likely driven by microflares
  at the footpoints. With coordinated RHESSI observations, we have found
  a dozen such events supporting this conjecture. A typical event is
  presetned here. By analyzing RHESSI hard X-ray and GOES/SXI soft
  X-ray emissions as well as SUMER Doppler shifts, we identify the
  flare that triggers the loop oscillations. From RHESSI spectra, we
  measure physical parameters such as temperature, emission measure,
  and thermal/non-thermal energy contents as functions of time. We
  discuss the wave excitation mechanism based on these observations. Our
  results provide important observational constraints that can be used
  for improving theoretical models of magnetosonic wave excitation,
  and for coronal seismology.

Title: The Role of Active Region Loop Geometry. II. Symmetry Breaking
in Three-dimensional Active Region: Why are Vertical Kink Oscillations
    Observed so Rarely?
Authors: Selwa, M.; Solanki, S. K.; Ofman, L.
2011ApJ...728...87S    Altcode:
  We present numerical results of simulations of kink oscillations of
  coronal loops in an idealized active region (AR) that is initialized
  as a potential dipole magnetic configuration with gravitationally
  stratified density. We consider loops, with density higher than
  the surrounding plasma, embedded into the dipolar AR. We study the
  excitation of kink oscillations of such loops by velocity pulses at
  different positions, of a given duration and amplitude. The position of
  the pulse varies in the parametric studies. For a central (symmetric)
  loop within the AR, we find that the amplitude of vertical kink
  oscillations is significantly amplified in comparison to horizontal
  kink oscillations for exciters located centrally (symmetrically) below
  the loop. For pulses initiated further from such a symmetric loop a
  combination of vertical and horizontal oscillations is excited. The
  scenario changes significantly when we study an inclined loop
  (non-symmetric within a dipole field). In this case, we do not
  see vertical kink oscillations of any significant amplitude being
  excited, while horizontal ones can be easily detected. These results
  indicate that the reason why vertical kink oscillations are observed so
  rarely is that their excitation requires a set of conditions to occur
  simultaneously: the exciting pulse must be located roughly below the
  loop apex and the loop itself must be located symmetrically within
  the group of loops. The new findings of the present study show the
  importance of not only the position of the pulse, but mainly of the
  location of the loop within the set of field lines having the same
  magnetic connectivity. We find that the slow propagating wave is excited
  in all the studied loops and its excitation does not depend either on
  the geometry of the loop or the pulse. We discuss TRACE observations
  of coronal loop oscillations in view of our findings and find that
  our results can be used for identifying the polarization of the kink
  mode based on the location of the loop within the set of field lines
  of the same connectivity and the position of the flare.

Title: Probing the Thermodynamics and Kinematics of Solar Coronal
Authors: Airapetian, V.; Ofman, L.; Sittler, E. C.; Kramar, M.
2011ApJ...728...67A    Altcode:
  We present the results of a resistive magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model of
  an equatorially confined streamer belt using observational constraints
  for the heating and acceleration of the solar wind. To initiate the
  2.5 dimensional MHD calculations, we used the Potential Field Source
  Surface model of the coronal magnetic field configuration with the
  boundary conditions at the photosphere specified by the National Solar
  Observatory/GONG magnetogram data. Calculations were performed for the
  fully thermal conductive model with observationally constrained heat
  flux, q <SUB>eff</SUB>, and the effective temperature, T <SUB>eff</SUB>,
  derived from the semi-empirical steady-state two-dimensional model of
  the solar corona. We compared the results of the model to a polytropic
  solution (polytropic index γ = 1.05), and demonstrate that our MHD
  model is in better agreement with reconstructed density and observed
  flow velocity than the polytropic model for the coronal streamer
  structure observed during 2008 February 1-13 by the COR1 coronagraph
  on board the STEREO spacecraft.

Title: The Role of Active Region Loop Geometry. I. How Can it Affect
    Coronal Seismology?
Authors: Selwa, M.; Ofman, L.; Solanki, S. K.
2011ApJ...726...42S    Altcode:
  We present numerical results of coronal loop oscillation excitation
  using a three-dimensional (3D) MHD model of an idealized active region
  (AR) field. The AR is initialized as a potential dipole magnetic
  configuration with gravitationally stratified density and contains a
  loop with a higher density than its surroundings. We study different
  ways of excitation of vertical kink oscillations of this loop by
  velocity: as an initial condition, and as an impulsive excitation
  with a pulse of a given position, duration, and amplitude. We vary the
  geometry of the loop in the 3D MHD model and find that it affects both
  the period of oscillations and the synthetic observations (difference
  images) that we get from oscillations. Due to the overestimated
  effective length of the loop in the case of loops which have maximum
  separation between their legs above the footpoints (&gt;50% of observed
  loops), the magnetic field obtained from coronal seismology can also
  be overestimated. The 3D MHD model shows how the accuracy of magnetic
  field strength determined from coronal seismology can be improved. We
  study the damping mechanism of the oscillations and find that vertical
  kink waves in 3D stratified geometry are damped mainly due to wave
  leakage in the horizontal direction.

Title: SDO/AIA Observation of Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability in the
    Solar Corona associated with CME
Authors: Ofman, L.; Thompson, B. J.
2010AGUFMSH14A..02O    Altcode:
  We present observations of the formation, propagation and decay
  of vortex-shaped features in coronal images from the Solar Dynamics
  Observatory (SDO) associated with Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) at about
  2:34UT on Apr 8, 2010. The series of vortices are seen at 3:20UT
  to 3:37UT formed along the interface between erupting (dimming)
  region and the surrounding corona and ranged in size from several
  to ten arcseconds, traveling along the interface at approximately
  5 km/sec. The features are clearly visible in five out of the six
  different EUV wavebands of the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA). Based
  on the structure, formation, propagation and decay of these features, we
  conclude that these are the first observations of the Kelvin-Helmholtz
  (KH) instability in the corona. The KH instability is likely driven
  by the velocity shear between the erupting and closed magnetic field
  regions. We compare the dynamics and structure of SDO/AIA observation
  to an MHD model of KH instability in the nonlinear stage in magnetized
  plasma, and find good agreement.

Title: Winds from Luminous Late-type Stars. II. Broadband Frequency
    Distribution of Alfvén Waves
Authors: Airapetian, V.; Carpenter, K. G.; Ofman, L.
2010ApJ...723.1210A    Altcode: 2010arXiv1008.3955A
  We present the numerical simulations of winds from evolved giant
  stars using a fully nonlinear, time-dependent 2.5-dimensional
  magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) code. This study extends our previous fully
  nonlinear MHD wind simulations to include a broadband frequency spectrum
  of Alfvén waves that drive winds from red giant stars. We calculated
  four Alfvén wind models that cover the whole range of the Alfvén wave
  frequency spectrum to characterize the role of freely propagated and
  reflected Alfvén waves in the gravitationally stratified atmosphere
  of a late-type giant star. Our simulations demonstrate that, unlike
  linear Alfvén wave-driven wind models, a stellar wind model based
  on plasma acceleration due to broadband nonlinear Alfvén waves can
  consistently reproduce the wide range of observed radial velocity
  profiles of the winds, their terminal velocities, and the observed
  mass-loss rates. Comparison of the calculated mass-loss rates with the
  empirically determined mass-loss rate for α Tau suggests an anisotropic
  and time-dependent nature of stellar winds from evolved giants.

Title: Web-Based Data Processing System for Automated Detection of
    Oscillations with Applications to the Solar Atmosphere
Authors: Sych, R. A.; Nakariakov, V. M.; Anfinogentov, S. A.; Ofman, L.
2010SoPh..266..349S    Altcode: 2010SoPh..tmp..154S; 2010arXiv1005.3591S
  A web-based, interactive system for the remote processing of imaging
  data sets (i.e., EUV, X-ray, and microwave) and the automated
  interactive detection of wave and oscillatory phenomena in the solar
  atmosphere is presented. The system targets localized, but spatially
  resolved, phenomena such as kink, sausage, and longitudinal propagating
  and standing waves. The system implements the methods of Periodmapping
  for pre-analysis, and Pixelized Wavelet Filtering for detailed analysis
  of the imaging data cubes. The system is implemented on the dedicated
  data-processing server http://pwf.iszf.irk.ru, which is situated at
  the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Irkutsk, Russia. Input
  data in the .sav, .fits, or .txt formats can be submitted via the
  local and/or global network (the Internet). The output data can be in
  the png, jpeg, and binary formats, on the user's request. The output
  data are periodmaps; narrowband amplitude, power, phase and correlation
  maps of the wave's sources at significant harmonics and in the chosen
  spectral intervals, and mpeg movies of their evolution. The system
  was tested by the analysis of the EUV and microwave emission from the
  active region NOAA 10756 on 4 May 2005 observed with TRACE and the
  Nobeyama Radioheliograph. The similarity of the spatial localization
  of three-minute propagating waves, near the footpoint of locally open
  magnetic-field lines determined by the potential-field extrapolation,
  in both the transition region and the corona was established. In the
  transition region the growth of the three-minute amplitude was found
  to be accompanied by the decrease in the line-of-sight angle to the
  wave-propagation direction.

Title: Wave Modeling of the Solar Wind
Authors: Ofman, Leon
2010LRSP....7....4O    Altcode:
  The acceleration and heating of the solar wind have been studied
  for decades using satellite observations and models. However, the
  exact mechanism that leads to solar wind heating and acceleration
  is poorly understood. In order to improve the understanding of the
  physical mechanisms that are involved in these processes a combination
  of modeling and observational analysis is required. Recent models
  constrained by satellite observations show that wave heating in
  the low-frequency (MHD), and high-frequency (ion-cyclotron) range
  may provide the necessary momentum and heat input to coronal plasma
  and produce the solar wind. This review is focused on the results of
  several recent solar modeling studies that include waves explicitly in
  the MHD and the kinetic regime. The current status of the understanding
  of the solar wind acceleration and heating by waves is reviewed.

Title: Modeling the Slow Solar Wind during the Solar Minimum
Authors: Ofman, L.; Kramar, M.
2010ASPC..428..321O    Altcode: 2010arXiv1004.4847O
  During the solar minimum, STEREO observations show that the
  three-dimensional structure of the solar corona can be described
  well by a tilted bipolar magnetic configuration. The slow solar wind
  is modeled using a three-fluid model that includes heavy ions such
  as He II and O VI. The model is initialized with a dipole magnetic
  field and spherically symmetric density. The resulting steady state,
  non-potential, and non-uniform streamer configuration calculated with
  this model is compared to STEREO observations of the streamer density
  structure. SOHO/UVCS observations are used to compare the O VI emission
  to model results. We discuss the unique properties of the solar wind
  produced in this configuration.

Title: Three-dimensional MHD Model Of Active Region Loop Oscillations
    With Background Flow
Authors: Ofman, Leon; Schmidt, J.; Wang, T.
2010AAS...21630204O    Altcode:
  Recent observations by Hinode satellite show that oscillating coronal
  loops with periods of several minutes contain cool flowing material
  at 100 km/s. The flow may affects significantly the oscillations and
  the damping of the wave energy. We model the oscillating loops with
  background flow in 3D MHD model of a bi-polar active region, that
  includes the effects of loop curvature and chromospheric boundary
  conditions. The oscillations are excited impulsively by a velocity
  pulse. We study the effects of flow magnitude, and loop parameters
  on the excitation and damping of the oscillations. The results of the
  parametric study have implication for coronal seismology, and for wave
  heating of active region coronal loops.

Title: Three-dimensional MHD Modeling Of Waves In Active Regions:
    Comparison To Observations
Authors: Schmidt, Joachim; Ofman, L.
2010AAS...21640717S    Altcode: 2010BAAS...41..862S
  We present the results of 3D MHD models of waves in active regions
  generated by a CME. We study the propagation and reflection of the
  waves in the solar corona and compare to recent STEREO observations. We
  also investigate the excitation of oscillations in individual coronal
  loops in realistic active region magnetic field initialized with
  extrapolated WSO magnetogram data. We compare the results of the model
  to EUV observations and demonstrate the development and application
  of coronal seismology.

Title: What Do High-resolution EIT Waves Tell Us About CMEs?
Authors: Thompson, Barbara; Biesecker, D. A.; Nitta, N.; Ofman, L.;
   West, M. J.
2010AAS...21640229T    Altcode:
  Although many studies have demonstrated that some coronal waves are
  not generated by coronal mass ejections, we have learned a great
  deal about the ability of coronal mass ejections to drive large-scale
  coronal waves, also called "EIT waves." We present new results based
  on EIT wave amplitude, timing, speed, and direction of propagation,
  with respect to their correlation with CME-related dimmings, speeds,
  locations and widths. Furthermore, we demonstrate the ability to
  correlate different aspects of EIT waves with some of the observed
  structure of CMEs observed in coronagraph data. Finally, we expand
  on the discussion of the types of wave modes that can be generated
  by a coronal mass ejection, and how these observations can serve as a
  diagnostic of the type of impulse a CME can deliver to the surrounding
  corona. These diagnostics are obtained by examining the motion of
  individual field lines, requiring high-resolution observations like
  those provided by TRACE and SDO/AIA.

Title: The Role of Active Region Topology in Excitation, Trapping,
    and Damping of Coronal Loop Oscillations
Authors: Selwa, M.; Ofman, L.
2010ApJ...714..170S    Altcode:
  We investigate the role of magnetic field topology in dense coronal
  loop oscillation by the means of three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic
  numerical simulations of two models of idealized active regions
  (ARs). The first AR model is initialized as a straight cylinder
  surrounded by the field lines of the same length and orientation. The
  second model consists of a potential dipole magnetic configuration and
  contains a loop with a higher density than its surroundings. Dipole
  field lines have position-dependent length and orientation in contrary
  to straight ones. We study different ways of excitation of transverse
  loop oscillations by an external pulse and a nearly eigenmode excitation
  implemented inside the loop. We find that perturbation acting directly
  on a single loop excites oscillations both in cylindrical and dipole
  loops. However, the leakage of the wave energy is larger in a curved
  loop compared to a straight loop. External excitation of the whole AR
  is efficient in the excitation of oscillation in the straight field
  configuration, but results in less efficient excitation in the case of
  dipole field. We show that excitation of collective motion of straight
  field lines having the same wave periods and planes of the oscillations
  requires much less energy than excitation of dipole field lines having
  position-dependent orientation and wave periods and being excited
  individually, not having a collective mode of oscillation. We conclude
  that coherent motion of straight field lines is one of the factors that
  decrease the energy leakage from an oscillating loop, while individual
  motions of dipole field lines require more energy from the source to
  produce the loop oscillations, and also lead to higher damping rate
  compared to the straight field case. We discuss Transition Region and
  Coronal Explorer (TRACE) observations of coronal loop oscillations in
  view of our theoretical findings. We show several examples of time
  signatures of transversal loop oscillations observed by TRACE that
  agree with numerical simulations of externally excited oscillations.

Title: Acceleration and Heating of Solar Wind Ions by Nonlinear Waves
Authors: Ofman, L.
2010aogs...21....1O    Altcode:
  Recent advances in observations and modeling provide better
  understanding of the possible role of waves in the acceleration and
  heating of the solar wind. Ulysses, ACE, Helios, SOHO, TRACE, and other
  satellite observations found ample evidence for waves in the corona and
  in the solar wind. Numerical models show that nonlinear interaction
  between MHD waves and the plasma can provide the necessary momentum
  and heat input to produce the fast solar wind in coronal holes. It
  was also found that the heating of solar wind protons and heavy ions
  is more significant than of electrons. Temperature anisotropy suggests
  that ion-cyclotron wave heating is taking place in heavy ions. In this
  review article, several recent observations and numerical models of
  nonlinear wave driven wind are discussed.

Title: Propagating Intensity Disturbances In Coronal Loops: Waves
    Or Flows?
Authors: Wang, Tongjiang; Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.
2010AAS...21640715W    Altcode: 2010BAAS...41..862W
  Quasi-periodic propagating intensity disturbances were found by
  SOHO/EIT and TRACE imaging observations in fanlike coronal loops
  10 year ago. The 3 min and 5 min oscillations have been interpreted
  as propagating slow magnetoacoustic waves which originate from the
  photospheric p-mode oscillations due to the wave leakage. However,
  some cases show oscillations with periodicities of more than 10 min,
  which are hard to explain by wave leakage, and so were argued in some
  studies that they may be periodic flows. In this presentation, we report
  the first observation of multiple-periodic (12 and 25 min) propagating
  disturbances along a fan-like coronal structure simultaneously
  detected in both intensity and Doppler shift in the Fe XII line with
  EIS onboard Hinode. We measured Doppler shift amplitude of 1-2 km/s,
  relative intensity amplitude of (3-5)% and the apparent propagation
  speed of 100-120 km/s. The amplitude relationship between intensity
  and Doppler shift oscillations provides convincing evidence that these
  propagating features are a manifestation of slow magnetoacoustic waves
  but not flows. The feature of symmetric line profiles also confirms
  that the measured small Doppler-shift amplitudes are not due to the
  line wing enhancement caused by high-speed flows. A new application
  of coronal seismology is provided based on these observations, with
  which we determine the inclination angle of the magnetic field and
  the temperature of a coronal loop. We will also show the result of
  multi-temperature line analysis to explore the temperature-dependent
  behavior of this phenomenon.

Title: Hybrid model of inhomogeneous solar wind plasma heating by
Alfvén wave spectrum: Parametric studies
Authors: Ofman, L.
2010JGRA..115.4108O    Altcode: 2010JGRA..11504108O
  Observations of the solar wind plasma at 0.3 AU and beyond show that
  a turbulent spectrum of magnetic fluctuations is present. Remote
  sensing observations of the corona indicate that heavy ions
  are hotter than protons and their temperature is anisotropic
  (T<SUB>$\perp$</SUB>/T<SUB>$\parallel$</SUB> $\gg$ 1). We study
  the heating and the acceleration of multi-ion plasma in the solar
  wind by a turbulent spectrum of Alfvénic fluctuations using a 2-D
  hybrid numerical model. In the hybrid model the protons and heavy
  ions are treated kinetically as particles, while the electrons
  are included as neutralizing background fluid. This is the first
  two-dimensional hybrid parametric study of the solar wind plasma that
  includes an input turbulent wave spectrum guided by observation with
  inhomogeneous background density. We also investigate the effects of
  He<SUP>++</SUP> ion beams in the inhomogeneous background plasma density
  on the heating of the solar wind plasma. The 2-D hybrid model treats
  parallel and oblique waves, together with cross-field inhomogeneity,
  self-consistently. We investigate the parametric dependence of
  the perpendicular heating, and the temperature anisotropy in the
  H<SUP>+</SUP>-He<SUP>++</SUP> solar wind plasma. It was found that the
  scaling of the magnetic fluctuations power spectrum steepens in the
  higher-density regions, and the heating is channeled to these regions
  from the surrounding lower-density plasma due to wave refraction. The
  model parameters are applicable to the expected solar wind conditions
  at about 10 solar radii.

Title: Global Simulation of an Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope
Authors: Schmidt, J. M.; Ofman, L.
2010ApJ...713.1008S    Altcode:
  We use the observation of an Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT)
  wave in the lower solar corona, seen with the two Solar Terrestrial
  Relations Observatory (STEREO) spacecraft in extreme ultraviolet light
  on 2007 May 19, to model the same event with a three-dimensional
  (3D) time-depending magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) code that includes
  solar coronal magnetic fields derived with Wilcox Solar Observatory
  magnetogram data, and a solar wind outflow accelerated with empirical
  heating functions. The model includes a coronal mass ejection (CME)
  of Gibson and Low flux rope type above the reconstructed active region
  with parameters adapted from observations to excite the EIT wave. We
  trace the EIT wave running as circular velocity enhancement around the
  launching site of the CME in the direction tangential to the sphere
  produced by the wave front, and compute the phase velocities of the
  wave front. We find that the phase velocities are in good agreement
  with theoretical values for a fast magnetosonic wave, derived with
  the physical parameters of the model, and with observed phase speeds
  of an incident EIT wave reflected by a coronal hole and running at
  about the same location. We also produce in our 3D MHD model the
  observed reflection of the EIT wave at the coronal hole boundary,
  triggered by the magnetic pressure difference between the wave front
  hitting the hole and the boundary magnetic fields of the coronal hole,
  and the response of the coronal hole, which leads to the generation of
  secondary reflected EIT waves radiating away in different directions
  than the incident EIT wave. This is the first 3D MHD model of an EIT
  wave triggered by a CME that includes realistic solar magnetic field,
  with results comparing favorably to STEREO Extreme Ultraviolet Imager

Title: Streamers study at solar minimum: combination of UV
    observations and numerical modeling
Authors: Abbo, Lucia; Ofman, Leon; Giordano, Silvio
2010AIPC.1216..387A    Altcode:
  The present study concerns a comparison between the slow solar
  wind plasma parameters obtained in the extended corona by the UV
  spectroscopic data from the Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS)
  onboard SOHO during the minimum of solar activity (1996) and the results
  of a time-dependent 2.5 D three-fluid MHD model of coronal streamer
  belt. The aim of the study is to improve the knowledge of the slow
  solar wind acceleration mechanism and the origin of its variability.

Title: Excitation of vertical kink waves in a solar coronal arcade
    loop by a periodic driver
Authors: Selwa, M.; Murawski, K.; Solanki, S. K.; Ofman, L.
2010A&A...512A..76S    Altcode:
  <BR /> Aims: We study an oscillatory driver as a possible excitation
  mechanism of vertical kink loop oscillations in the ideal MHD
  regime. <BR /> Methods: We consider a solar coronal magnetic arcade
  with a dense photospheric layer. The two-dimensional numerical model
  that we implement includes the effects of nonlinearity and line
  curvature on the excitation and attenuation of fast magnetosonic kink
  waves. We investigate the effects of a driven sinusoidal pressure
  pulse and compare it with the impulsive excitation by a pressure
  pulse that impacts the overlying loop. <BR /> Results: Our numerical
  simulations reveal wave signatures that are reminiscent of vertical
  loop oscillations seen in TRACE observational data. <BR /> Conclusions:
  We conclude that attenuation of vertical kink oscillations can be
  reduced to the value observed by adopting an oscillatory instead of an
  impulsive excitation. An oscillatory driver also naturally explains why
  only a small subset of all loops is excited to oscillate transversally
  in an active region.

Title: 2.5d Mhd Simulations Of Winds From Red Giants Stars: Broadband
    Alfvén Waves
Authors: Airapetian, Vladimir; Carpenter, K.; Ofman, L.
2010AAS...21542703A    Altcode: 2010BAAS...42..342A
  We present the numerical simulations of winds from evolved giant
  stars using a fully non-linear, time dependent, 2.5-dimensional
  magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) code. This study extends our previous
  fully non-linear MHD wind simulations to the parameter space that
  describes winds from red giant stars. In the current version of this
  Alfvén wave driven model, a wind is driven by randomly generated
  low-frequency non-linear Alfvén waves in a broadband frequency
  range at the base of the wind. We simulate freely propagated and
  partially reflected Alfvén waves in the gravitationally stratified
  atmosphere of a late-type giant star, in a self-consistent manner,
  until a steady-state wind is formed. Our simulations demonstrate
  that, unlike linear Alfven wave-driven wind models, a stellar wind
  model based on plasma acceleration due to low frequency broad-band
  non-linear Alfvén waves, can consistently reproduce the observed radial
  velocity profiles of the winds, their terminal velocities, the turbulent
  broadening of UV lines emitted from those winds and the observed mass
  loss rates. We find that conversion of non-linear transverse Alfvén
  waves into longitudinal magnetosonic waves plays the major role in
  depositing momentum and energy into the stellar wind. The fitting of
  mass-loss rates from α Tau with the predicted rate suggests a highly
  anisotropic stellar wind in this evolved giant. The model also predicts
  a variation of the wind mass-loss rates on time scales of 1 month.

Title: Propagating intensity disturbances in coronal loops: Waves
    or flows?
Authors: Wang, Tongjiang; Ofman, Leon; Davila, Joseph
2010cosp...38.2924W    Altcode: 2010cosp.meet.2924W
  Quasi-periodic propagating intensity disturbances were found by
  SOHO/EIT and TRACE imaging observations in fanlike coronal loops
  10 year ago. The 3 min and 5 min oscillations have been interpreted
  as propagating slow magnetoacoustic waves which originate from the
  photospheric p-mode oscillations due to the wave leakage. However,
  some cases show oscil-lations with periodicities of more than 10 min,
  which are hard to explain by wave leakage, and so were argued in
  some studies that they may be periodic flows. In this presentation,
  we report the first observation of multiple-periodic (12 and 25
  min) propagating disturbances along a fan-like coronal structure
  simultaneously detected in both intensity and Doppler shift in
  the Fe xii line with EIS onboard Hinode. We measured Doppler shift
  amplitude of 1-2 km/s, relative intensity amplitude of (3-5)% and the
  apparent propagation speed of 100-120 km/s. The amplitude relationship
  between intensity and Doppler shift oscillations provides convinc-ing
  evidence that these propagating features are a manifestation of slow
  magnetoacoustic waves but not flows. The feature of symmetric line
  profiles also confirms that the measured small Doppler-shift amplitudes
  are not due to the line wing enhancement caused by high-speed flows. A
  new application of coronal seismology is provided based on these
  observations, with which we determine the inclination angle of the
  magnetic field and the temperature of a coronal loop. We will also show
  the result of multi-temperature spectral line analysis to explore the
  temperature-dependent behavior of this phenomenon.

Title: Ion-acoustic Waves Excitation by a standing Alfvén wave
Authors: Israelevich, Peter; Ofman, Leon
2010cosp...38.2039I    Altcode: 2010cosp.meet.2039I
  The results of hybrid simulation of standing Alfvén wave in low
  beta plasma are presented. Plasma is accelerated from the anti-nodes
  toward the nodes of the standing waves with finite amplitude under
  the action of the magnetic field pressure. As a result, a sharp
  maximum of the number density (and electron pressure) arises near
  the nodes. The plasma flow is modulated by the doubled frequency of
  the driving Alfvén wave thus giving rise to ion-acoustic waves. The
  effective parallel electric field appears due to both electron pressure
  gradient near the nodes and electron pressure variations in the acoustic
  waves. Landau damping limits the amplitude of the exited ion-acoustic
  waves. In the 1D case, Landau damping can be avoided only if Te is
  much larger than Ti, since the electric current is perpendicular to the
  background magnetic field. However, if ion-acoustic waves are excited
  by alternating field-aligned current (i.e. by oblique Alfvén wave),
  the ion-acoustic instability occurs for strong currents with carriers
  velocity larger than cs, and the excitation becomes more effective. This
  process may account for the observations of parallel electric field
  in the auroral ionosphere.

Title: Comparison of observations and multi-fluid models of streamers
    at solar minimum
Authors: Ofman, Leon; Abbo, Lucia; Giordano, Silvio; Kramar, Maxim
2010cosp...38.2940O    Altcode: 2010cosp.meet.2940O
  We present the results comparison between the slow solar wind plasma
  parameters obtained in the extended corona by the UV spectroscopic data
  from the Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrom-eter (UVCS) on-board SOHO and
  STEREO during the past minima of solar activity (CR1913; and CR2066)
  and the results of a time-dependent 2.5D three-fluid MHD model of the
  coronal streamer belt. The previous three-fluid (e, p, and O5+ or He++
  ) streamer model has been improved by considering real solar magnetic
  field obtained by Wilcox Solar Observatory as boundary condition, and
  PFSS model as initial state of the magnetic configuration. This is the
  first study that incorporates real magnetic field in the three-fluid
  model. The model was run until fully self consistent streamer was
  formed in the quasi-steady state. The electron density reconstructed
  from STEREO Cor1 observations was compared to the results of the
  three-fluid model to validate the model. The plasma parameters from
  the multi-fluid model were used to compute the expected UV observables
  from HI Ly-α and OVI 1032 spectral lines and the results were compared
  in details with the UVCS measurements.

Title: Hinode/EIS Observations of Propagating Slow Magnetoacoustic
    Waves in a Coronal Loop
Authors: Wang, T. J.; Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.
2009ASPC..415...28W    Altcode:
  We present the first Hinode/EIS observations of 5 min quasi-periodic
  oscillations detected in the transition region and corona at the
  footpoint of a coronal loop. The oscillations are characterized by a
  series of wave packets with nearly constant period, typically persisting
  for 4--6 cycles. There is an in-phase relation between Doppler shift
  and intensity oscillations, indicating upwardly propagating slow
  magnetoacoustic waves in the loop. We find that the oscillations
  detected in the five coronal lines are highly correlated, and the
  amplitude decreases with increasing temperature. These oscillations
  may be caused by the leakage of the photospheric p-modes through the
  chromosphere and transition region into the corona, which has been
  suggested as the source for intensity oscillations previously observed
  by TRACE. The temperature dependence of the oscillation amplitudes
  can be explained by damping of the waves traveling along the loop with
  multithread structure near the footpoint.

Title: Two-dimensional Hybrid model of Collisionless Relaxation of
    Ion Distributions downstream of Quasi-perpendicular Shocks
Authors: Ofman, L.; Gedalin, M.
2009AGUFMSH42A..05O    Altcode:
  Recent STEREO observations reveal that large scale downstream
  magnetic oscillations are quite typical for quasi-perpendicular
  low-Mach number shock. It has been shown recently, both in theory and
  1D hybrid simulations, that these oscillations are, most plausibly,
  related to the collisionless relaxation of the downstream gyrating ion
  distributions. A number of observed shocks exhibit clear deviations from
  one-dimensionality. We extend our previous analysis to two-spatial
  dimensions by using 2D hybrid code, which allows studying the
  inhomogeneity along the shock front. We investigate in detail the
  formation of gyrating distributions in this 2D geometry and further
  relaxation of these distributions accompanying with generation of
  magnetic oscillations.

Title: Global simulation of an EIT wave
Authors: Schmidt, J. M.; Ofman, L.
2009AGUFMSH41B1658S    Altcode:
  We use the observation of an EIT wave in the lower solar corona, seen
  with the two STEREO s/c in extreme ultraviolet light on 19 May 2007,
  to model the same event with a three-dimensional (3D) time-depending
  magneto hydrodynamic (MHD) code that includes solar coronal magnetic
  fields derived with Wilcox Solar Observatory magnetogram data, a solar
  wind outflow accelerated with empirical heating functions. The model
  includes a coronal mass ejection (CME) of Gibson and Low flux rope
  type above the reconstructed active region with parameters adapted from
  observations to excite the EIT wave. We trace the EIT wave running as
  circular velocity enhancement around the launching site of the CME in
  the direction tangential to the sphere produced by the wavefront, and
  compute the phase velocities of the wavefront. We find that the phase
  velocities are in good agreement with theoretical values for a fast
  magnetosonic wave, derived with the physical parameters of the model,
  and with observed phase speeds of an EIT wave reflected by a coronal
  hole and running at about the same location. We also produce in our
  3D MHD model the observed reflection of the EIT wave at the coronal
  hole boundary, triggered by the magnetic pressure difference between
  the wave front hitting the hole and the boundary magnetic fields of
  the coronal hole, and the response of the coronal hole, which leads
  to the generation of secondary reflected EIT waves radiating away in
  different direction than the incident EIT wave.

Title: Dynamics of Coronal Streamers: 2.5D MHD simulations with
    semi-empirical heating and momentum terms
Authors: Airapetian, V.; Ofman, L.; Sittler, E. C.; Kramar, M.
2009AGUFMSH41B1657A    Altcode:
  We present the results of fully non-linear resistive magnetohydrodynamic
  (MHD) simulations of an equatorially confined streamer belt
  using observational constrains in a two-fluid 2.5D MHD modeling
  in spherical geometry . Specifically, we used the PFSS model of
  the initial coronal magnetic field configuration with the boundary
  conditions at the photosphere specified by the NSO/GONG magnetogram
  data. Calculations were performed for the fully thermally conductive
  case with the two-component (electrons and protons) heat flux, qeff ,
  and the effective temperature, Teff, derived from the semi-empirical
  steady-state model (SG model). Our simulations were performed between
  the coronal base at 1.02 to 5 solar radii. We show that our MHD
  simulations are more realistic than polytropic models, and capable
  of reproducing basic thermodynamic and kinematic properties of the
  coronal streamer structure observed in July 3-17, 2007 by COR1 STEREO.

Title: Progress, Challenges, and Perspectives of the 3D MHD Numerical
    Modeling of Oscillations in the Solar Corona
Authors: Ofman, Leon
2009SSRv..149..153O    Altcode:
  Recent high temporal and spatial resolution satellite observations of
  the solar corona provide ample evidence of oscillations in coronal
  structures. The observed waves and oscillations can be used as
  a diagnostic tool of the poorly known coronal parameters, such
  as magnetic field, density, and temperature. The emerging field
  of coronal seismology relies on the interpretation of the various
  coronal oscillations in terms of theoretically known wave modes, and
  the comparison of observed and theoretical wave mode properties for the
  determination of the coronal parameters. However, due to complexity of
  coronal structures the various modes are coupled, and the application
  of linear theory of idealized structures to coronal loops and active
  regions limits the usefulness of such methods. Improved coronal
  seismology can be achieved by the development of full 3D MHD dynamical
  model of relevant coronal structures and the oscillation phenomena. In
  addition to improved accuracy compared to linear analysis, 3D MHD models
  allow the diagnostic method to include nonlinearity, compressibility,
  and dissipation. The current progress made with 3D MHD models of waves
  in the corona is reviewed, and the challenges facing further development
  of this method are discussed in the perspective of future improvement
  that will be driven by new high resolution and high cadence satellite
  data, such as received from Hinode and STEREO, and expected from SDO.

Title: Collisionless relaxation of ion distributions downstream of
    laminar quasi-perpendicular shocks
Authors: Ofman, L.; Balikhin, M.; Russell, C. T.; Gedalin, M.
2009JGRA..114.9106O    Altcode: 2009JGRA..11409106O
  Directed flow of incident ions provides the free energy which is
  redistributed in a shock among heated ions and electrons, accelerated
  particles, and magnetic compression. In low Mach number laminar shock
  the main channel of conversion is into downstream gyrating ions. Just
  behind the shock transition the ion distribution is substantially
  nongyrotropic, which results in spatially periodic variations of
  the ion pressure and, consequently, in time stationary downstream
  oscillations of the magnetic field. In the absence of significant level
  of nonstationarity, gyrotropization is due to the gyrophase mixing and
  slow. Theoretical analysis of the phenomenon and supporting hybrid
  simulations are presented. It is shown that these oscillations are
  more likely to be observed at low Mach number low β shocks, while at
  higher Mach numbers or higher β they may be obscured by waves crossing
  the shocks.

Title: Hinode/EIS observations of propagating low-frequency slow
    magnetoacoustic waves in fan-like coronal loops
Authors: Wang, T. J.; Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.; Mariska, J. T.
2009A&A...503L..25W    Altcode: 2009arXiv0908.0310W
  Aims: We report the first observation of multiple-periodic propagating
  disturbances along a fan-like coronal structure simultaneously detected
  in both intensity and Doppler shift in the Fe xii 195 Å line with the
  EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) onboard Hinode. A new application of
  coronal seismology is provided based on this observation. <BR />Methods:
  We analyzed the EIS sit-and-stare mode observation of oscillations
  using the running difference and wavelet techniques. <BR />Results:
  Two harmonics with periods of 12 and 25 min are detected. We measured
  the Doppler shift amplitude of 1-2 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, the relative
  intensity amplitude of 3%-5% and the apparent propagation speed of
  100-120 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. <BR />Conclusions: The amplitude relationship
  between intensity and Doppler shift oscillations provides convincing
  evidence that these propagating features are a manifestation of slow
  magnetoacoustic waves. Detection lengths (over which the waves are
  visible) of the 25 min wave are about 70-90 Mm, much longer than those
  of the 5 min wave previously detected by TRACE. This difference may
  be explained by the dependence of damping length on the wave period
  for thermal conduction. Based on a linear wave theory, we derive an
  inclination of the magnetic field to the line-of-sight about 59 ±
  8°, a true propagation speed of 128 ± 25 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> and
  a temperature of 0.7 ± 0.3 MK near the loop's footpoint from our
  measurements. <P />Appendix is only available in electronic form at

Title: Analysis of Active Region and Quiet Sun Spectra from SERTS-99
Authors: Coyner, Aaron J.; Davila, J. M.; Brosius, J. W.; Ofman, L.
2009SPD....40.1216C    Altcode:
  The Solar EUV Research Telescope and Spectrograph is a rocket-based
  instrument that uses high resolution extreme ultraviolet spectra to
  investigate features in the solar corona and transition region. The 1999
  flight occurred on 24 June 1999 and obtained spectra from both active
  regions and quiet sun regions on the solar disk covering a spectral
  bandpass 300-355 angstroms We report here the calibrated intensities
  and measured linewidths determined from the spatially-averaged spectra
  of both active regions and quiet sun regions respectively. In addition,
  we determine a distribution of non-thermal velocity components from the
  measured linewidths of the identified lines. This distribution provides
  a quantitative constraint on the available energy of non-thermal origin
  in the observed regions which is available for coronal heating.

Title: Propagating Slow Magnetoacoustic Waves in Coronal Loops
    Observed by Hinode/EIS
Authors: Wang, T. J.; Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.
2009ApJ...696.1448W    Altcode: 2009arXiv0902.4480W
  We present the first Hinode/EUV Imaging Spectrometer observations of
  5 minute quasi-periodic oscillations detected in a transition-region
  line (He II) and five coronal lines (Fe X, Fe XII, Fe XIII, Fe XIV,
  and Fe XV) at the footpoint of a coronal loop. The oscillations
  exist throughout the whole observation, characterized by a series of
  wave packets with nearly constant period, typically persisting for
  4-6 cycles with a lifetime of 20-30 minutes. There is an approximate
  in-phase relation between Doppler shift and intensity oscillations. This
  provides evidence for slow magnetoacoustic waves propagating upward from
  the transition region into the corona. We find that the oscillations
  detected in the five coronal lines are highly correlated, and the
  amplitude decreases with increasing temperature. The amplitude of
  Doppler shift oscillations decrease by a factor of about 3, while
  that of relative intensity decreases by a factor of about 4 from Fe
  X to Fe XV. These oscillations may be caused by the leakage of the
  photospheric p-modes through the chromosphere and transition region
  into the corona, which has been suggested as the source for intensity
  oscillations previously observed by Transition Region and Coronal
  Explorer. The temperature dependence of the oscillation amplitudes
  can be explained by damping of the waves traveling along the loop with
  multithread structure near the footpoint. Thus, this property may have
  potential value for coronal seismology in diagnostic of temperature
  structure in a coronal loop.

Title: Propagating Slow Magnetoacoustic Waves in Coronal Loops
    Observed by Hinode/EIS
Authors: Wang, Tongjiang; Ofman, L.; Davila, J.
2009SPD....40.3003W    Altcode:
  We present two cases of propagating slow magnetoacoustic waves in
  coronal loops observed by Hinode/EIS. In the first case, the 5-min
  waves were detected in a transition-region line (He II) and five coronal
  lines (Fe X - Fe XV) at a plage region. We find that the oscillations
  detected in coronal lines are highly correlated, and the amplitude
  decreases with increasing temperature. These waves may be caused by
  the leakage of the p-modes through the chromosphere and transition
  region into the corona. The temperature dependence of the oscillation
  amplitudes can be explained by damping of the waves traveling along
  the loop with multithermal fine structure near the footpoint. In
  the second case, outwardly propagating (on the order of 100 km/s)
  quasi-periodic disturbances along a fan-like coronal structure were
  for the first time detected simultaneously in intensity and Doppler
  shift. The measured amplitudes for the oscillations are consistent
  with the interpretation in terms of slow magnetoacoustic waves rather
  than high-speed outflows. The waves contain multiple harmonics of the
  periods of 12 min and 25 min. Their origin is not clear. The damping
  length of these low-frequency waves is distinctly longer than that of 5
  min waves previously detected by TRACE in the similar structure. A new
  application of coronal seismology is given based on this observation,
  with which the true sound speed and temperature near the loop's
  footpoint are estimated. The work of LO and TJW was supported by NRL
  grant N00173-06-1-G033. LO was also supported by NASA grant NNG06GI55G.

Title: Probing Thermodynamic and Kinematic Properties of a Coronal
    Streamer Event Formed During the Solar Minimum
Authors: Airapetian, Vladimir; Ofman, L.; Sitter, E., Jr.; Kramar, M.
2009SPD....40.1409A    Altcode:
  We present the results of semi-empirical time-dependent fully non-linear
  magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of an equatorially confined
  streamer belt using observational constrains in a two-fluid 2.5D MHD
  modeling. Specifically, we reproduced the COR1 STEREO observations of
  an equatorially confined streamer obtained in July 3-17, 2007. For
  this streamer event we used the PFSS model of the initial coronal
  magnetic field configuration with the boundary conditions at the
  photosphere specified by the NSO/GONG magnetogram data. Calculations
  were performed for nearly isothermal polytropic flow and for the fully
  thermally conductive case with the two-component (electrons and protons)
  heat flux, q<SUB>eff, </SUB>and the effective temperature, T<SUB>eff
  </SUB>, derived from a semi-empirical state-state model (SG model). We
  show that our realistic MHD simulations are capable of reproducing
  basic thermodynamic and kinematic properties of the observed coronal
  streamer structure at distances between 1.5 to 4 solar radii.

Title: Constraints On Coronal Non-thermal Velocities From SERTS
    1991-1997 Observations
Authors: Coyner, Aaron J.; Davila, J. M.; Ofman, L.
2009SPD....40.1302C    Altcode:
  The determination of non-thermal velocities from spectral line
  observations provide insight into the availability of additional energy
  sources within the observed regions of the corona. These non-thermal
  velocities can be attributed to waves, electron beams, turbulent
  motions among other potential sources. Observationally constraining
  these velocities directly limits the available energy for heating
  within the observed coronal regions. We present the determination
  of non-thermal velocity distributions from the 397 identified lines
  from the SERTS 1991-1997 flights covering the spectral range 171-355
  angstroms along with the distributions for the 253 lines identified
  in active regions, the 102 lines from quiet sun regions, and 42 lines
  from off limb observations respectively. We find that for all four
  the velocity distributions peak at non-thermal velocities between
  23-30 km/s independent of activity level suggesting that many of these
  non-thermal velocities are likely the result of non-thermal motions
  of cooling plasma visible in both active and quiet regions; however
  the active region distribution does exhibit a more pronounced high
  velocity tail with a secondary bump which could .be the result of a
  component resulting from heating of the coronal plasma.

Title: Three-Dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic Models of Twisted
    Multithreaded Coronal Loop Oscillations
Authors: Ofman, L.
2009ApJ...694..502O    Altcode:
  The multithreaded structure of active region coronal loops was
  deduced from past spectroscopic observations. Recent high-resolution
  observations by Transition Region and Coronal Explorer and Hinode
  satellites provided direct evidence that active region loops consist
  of multiple magnetic threads filled with plasma with higher density
  than neighboring loop material. High-resolution observations of loops
  near a flare site suggest that the threads are twisted or tangled,
  the magnetic field is not force free, and flows are present. To better
  understand these observations, we developed for the first time a
  three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic model of twisted multithreaded
  loops that oscillate as a result of an impulsive event. The twist is
  induced by applying a rotating velocity field at the footpoint of the
  initially parallel set of threads, and parallel flow is included. The
  oscillations of the twisted loops are excited by a fast magnetosonic
  pulse. The evolution and the damping of the fast magnetosonic wave
  excited in the twisted multithreaded loop are compared to oscillations
  of a four-parallel-threaded loop. It was found that twisted loop
  oscillations result in filamented current and velocity structure that
  cannot be described by the fundamental kink mode. When parallel flow
  is present, the oscillation induces nonlinear compressive modulation
  of the flow and density in the threads. The twisted loop oscillates
  and damps faster than the parallel-threaded loop. The results of the
  study demonstrate the effects of the twist, internal loop structure,
  and flow on the evolution of the waves in coronal active region loops.

Title: Three-dimensional MHD modeling of waves in active region loops
Authors: Ofman, Leon; Selwa, Małgorzata
2009IAUS..257..151O    Altcode:
  Observations show that MHD waves are one of the most important
  universal processes in the heliosphere. These waves are likely to
  play an important role in energy transfer in the heliosphere, and
  they can be used as a diagnostic tool of the properties of the local
  magneto-fluid environment. Recent observations by TRACE and Hinode
  satellites provide ample evidence of oscillations in coronal active
  region loops. The oscillations were interpreted as fast (kink), slow,
  and Alfvén modes, and the properties of the waves were used for
  coronal seismology. However, due to the complex interactions of the
  various modes in the inhomogeneous active region plasma, and due to
  nonlinearity, idealized linear theory is inadequate to properly describe
  the waves. To overcome this theoretical shortcoming we developed 3D MHD
  models of waves in active region loops. We investigated the effects of
  3D active region magnetic and density structure on the oscillations and
  the wave dissipation, and we investigated the oscillation of individual
  loops. Some loops were constructed to contain several threads and
  twist. Here, we present the results of our models, and show how they
  can be used to understand better the properties of the waves, and of
  the active regions.

Title: Development of Solar Wind Model Driven by Empirical Heat Flux
    and Pressure Terms
Authors: Sittler, E. C.; Ofman, L.; Selwa, M. A.; Kramar, M.
2008AGUFMSH13B1537S    Altcode:
  We are developing a time stationary self-consistent 2D MHD model
  of the solar corona and solar wind as suggested by Sittler
  et al. (2003). Sittler &amp; Guhathakurta (1999) developed a
  semi-empirical steady state model (SG model) of the solar wind in a
  multipole 3-streamer structure, with the model constrained by Skylab
  observations. Guhathakurta et al. (2006) presented a more recent
  version of their initial work. Sittler et al. (2003) modified the
  SG model by investigating time dependent MHD, ad hoc heating term
  with heat conduction and empirical heating solutions. Next step of
  development of 2D MHD models was performed by Sittler &amp; Ofman
  (2006). They derived effective temperature and effective heat flux
  from the data-driven SG model and fit smooth analytical functions to
  be used in MHD calculations. Improvements of the Sittler &amp; Ofman
  (2006) results now show a convergence of the 3-streamer topology
  into a single equatorial streamer at altitudes &gt; 2 RS. This is a
  new result and shows we are now able to reproduce observations of an
  equatorially confined streamer belt. In order to allow our solutions
  to be applied to more general applications, we extend that model by
  using magnetogram data and PFSS model as a boundary condition. Initial
  results were presented by Selwa et al. [2008]. We choose solar minimum
  magnetogram data since during solar maximum the boundary conditions
  are more complex and the coronal magnetic field may not be described
  correctly by PFSS model. As the first step we studied the simplest
  2D MHD case with variable heat conduction, and with empirical heat
  input combined with empirical momentum addition for the fast solar
  wind. We use realistic magnetic field data based on NSO/GONG data,
  and plan to extend the study to 3D. This study represents the first
  attempt of fully self-consistent realistic model based on real data and
  including semi-empirical heat flux and semi-empirical effective pressure
  terms. References: Sittler E. C. Jr. and Guhathakurta M., 1999, ApJ,
  523, 812-826 Sittler E. C. Jr., Ofman L., Gibson S., Guhathakurta M.,
  Davila J., Skoug R., Fludra A., Holzer T., 2003, Solar Wind 10, 113
  Sittler, E. C. Jr. and Ofman L., 2006, ILWS, GOA, India Guhathakurta,
  M., E. C. Sittler Jr. and L. Ofman, JGR, Vol 111, A11215, 2006. Selwa,
  M., L. Ofman, E. C. Sittler Jr. and M. Kramar, Development of solar
  wind model driven by empirical heat flux, SHINE Meeting, 2008.

Title: The role of AR topology on excitation, trapping and damping
    of individual loop oscillations
Authors: Selwa, M. A.; Ofman, L.
2008AGUFMSH13A1517S    Altcode:
  We investigate the role of magnetic field topology on individual
  dense loop oscillation by the means of 3D MHD numerical simulations of
  two models of idealized active regions (AR's). The first model of AR
  is initialized as a straight cylinder surrounded by the fieldlines
  of the same length and orientation. The second model consists of
  a force-free dipole magnetic configuration and contains a loop
  with a higher density than its surroundings. Dipole fieldlines
  have position dependent length and orientation. We study different
  ways of excitation of transverse loop oscillations by an external
  pulse and by a nearly eigenmode excitation implemented inside the
  loop. We find that perturbation acting directly on a single loop
  excites oscillations both in cylindrical and dipole loop. However,
  the leakage of the wave energy is larger in a curved loop compared to
  straight loop. External excitation of the whole AR is efficient in the
  excitation of oscillation in the straight cylindrical AR, but results
  in less efficient excitation in the case of dipole AR loop. We claim
  that excitation of collective motion of straight fieldlines having the
  same wave-periods and planes of the oscillations requires much less
  energy than excitation of dipole fieldlines having position-dependent
  orientation and wave-periods and being excited individually, not having
  a collective mode of oscillation. We conclude that coherent motion of
  straight fieldlines is one of the factors that decreases the energy
  leakage from an oscillating loop, while individual motions of dipole
  fieldlines require more energy from the source to produce the loop
  oscillations, and also lead to higher damping rate compared to the
  straight field case.

Title: Acceleration and heating of solar wind ions by turbulent
    wave spectrum
Authors: Ofman, L.
2008AGUFMSH43A1648O    Altcode:
  We model the heating and the acceleration of multi-ion plasma of
  the solar wind by turbulent spectrum of Alfvénic fluctuations in the
  resonant and nonresonant frequency range. The modeling effort is guided
  by the observed properties of the spectrum and the measured physical
  parameters of the solar wind plasma in the heliosphere in-situ, as well
  as close to the sun from remote sensing observations. We start with
  2.5D multifluid model that includes ion-cyclotron terms to study the
  nonresonant wave heating and acceleration, and proceed with 2D hybrid
  model that extends into the resonant frequency range. In addition
  to protons the model includes helium ions, and other heavy ions,
  and the results of the turbulent Alfvénic wave spectrum is compared
  to observation. In the hybrid model the protons and heavy ions are
  treated kinetically, while the electrons are included as neutralizing
  background fluid. This model allows to extend the study to resonant
  frequency range, and explore the nonlinear saturation of the heating
  for resonant and nonresonant waves. The models are used to explore the
  effect of non-homogeneous background density across the magnetic field,
  and of ion beams on the heating by turbulent wave spectrum.

Title: 3D MHD Simulations of Excitation and Damping of Vertical Kink
    Waves in Coronal Active Region Loops
Authors: Selwa, M.; Ofman, L.
2008ASPC..397..189S    Altcode:
  We present numerical results of a three dimensional MHD model of
  an idealized active region field. The active region is initialized
  as a force-free dipole magnetic configuration with gravitationally
  stratified density and contains a loop with a higher density than
  its surroundings. We study different ways of exciting vertical
  kink oscillations by velocity: as an initial condition, and as an
  impulsive excitation with a pulse of a given position, duration, and
  amplitude. These properties are varied in the parametric studies. We
  find that vertical kink oscillations amplitude is significantly
  amplified in comparison to horizontal kink oscillations amplitude
  for exciters located centrally (symmetrically) below the loop, which
  explains why the pure vertical kink mode is so rarely observed in
  comparison to the horizontally polarized one. We observe that vertical
  kink waves in 3D stratified geometry are damped mainly due to wave
  leakage. We compare our simulation with TRACE observational data and
  find qualitative agreement. We plan to search for vertical kink modes
  in Hinode data, and compare to our models.

Title: Standing fast magnetoacoustic kink waves of solar coronal
    loops with field-aligned flow
Authors: Gruszecki, M.; Murawski, K.; Ofman, L.
2008A&A...488..757G    Altcode:
  Aims: We refer to the recent observational data of Hinode, which
  detected weakly-attenuated coronal loop oscillations in the presence
  of background flow (Ofman &amp; Wang 2008, A&amp;A, 482, L9). Vertical
  loop oscillations that lasted for three wave periods were reported
  with a wave period P = 113 ± 2 s, attenuation time τ = 560 ± 260 s,
  and wave amplitude A<SUB>{max</SUB>} = 0.67 ± 0.12 Mm. Ofman &amp;
  Wang (2008) estimated the flow speed within the range of 74-123 km
  s<SUP>-1</SUP>. We consider impulsively generated standing fast
  magnetoacoustic kink waves of a straight solar coronal slab with
  field-aligned internal flow. We aim to determine the influence of
  such flow on the spatial and temporal signatures of these waves. <BR
  />Methods: The time-dependent, ideal magnetohydrodynamic equations are
  solved numerically. <BR />Results: The numerical results show that as a
  result of wave scattering on inhomogeneous flow kink waves experience
  stronger attenuation than for a still plasma, while P remains weakly
  altered by this flow. Numerically evaluated values of A<SUB>{max</SUB>}
  and P are close to the observational data. A value of τ is about two
  times smaller than observed.

Title: Three-dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic Wave Behavior in Active
Regions: Individual Loop Density Structure
Authors: McLaughlin, J. A.; Ofman, L.
2008ApJ...682.1338M    Altcode:
  We present the numerical results from a three-dimensional (3D) nonlinear
  MHD simulation of wave activity in an idealized active region in
  which individual, realistic loop density structure is included. The
  active region is modeled by an initially force-free, dipole magnetic
  configuration with gravitationally stratified density and contains a
  loop with a higher density than its surroundings. This study represents
  an extension to the model of Ofman &amp; Thompson. As found in their
  work, we see that fast wave propagation is distorted by the Alfvén
  speed profile and that the wave propagation generates field line
  oscillations, which are rapidly damped. We find that the addition of
  a high-density loop significantly changes the behavior inside that
  loop, specifically in that the loop can support trapped waves. We
  also find that the impact of the fast wave impulsively excites both
  horizontal and vertical loop oscillations. From a parametric study
  of the oscillations, we find that the amplitude of the oscillations
  decreases with increasing density contrast, whereas the period and
  damping time increase. This is one of the key results presented here:
  that individual loop density structure can influence the damping rate,
  and specifically that the damping time increases with increasing density
  contrast. All these results were compared with an additional study
  performed on a straight coronal loop with similar parameters. Through
  comparison with the straight loop, we find that the damping mechanism
  in our curved loop is wave leakage due to curvature. The work performed
  here highlights the importance of including individual loop density
  structure in the modeling of active regions and illustrates the need
  for obtaining accurate density measurements for coronal seismology.

Title: Hinode observations of transverse waves with flows in
    coronal loops
Authors: Ofman, L.; Wang, T. J.
2008A&A...482L...9O    Altcode:
  Aims: We report the first evidence for transverse waves in coronal
  multithreaded loops with cool plasma ejected from the chromosphere
  flowing along the threads. These observations are good candidates for
  coronal seismology. <BR />Methods: We analyzed observations made with
  Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) on board the Hinode satellite in the Ca
  II H line filter. <BR />Results: The oscillations are visible for about
  3 periods, with a period lasting about 2 min, with weak damping. We see
  the oscillations in thin threads (~0.5 arcsec) of cool plasma flowing in
  the coronal loops with speeds in the range 74-123 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. <BR
  />Conclusions: Observations indicate that the waves exhibit different
  properties in the various threads. In some threads, the waves are nearly
  standing fundamental kink modes with a phase speed of about 1250 km
  s<SUP>-1</SUP>, whereas the dynamics of other threads is consistent
  with propagating fast magnetosonic waves. Based on the observed wave
  and loop properties and the assumed active region loop density in the
  range (1-5) × 10<SUP>9</SUP> cm<SUP>-3</SUP>, the estimated energy
  flux is sufficient to heat the loops to coronal temperatures, and the
  average magnetic field in the threads is estimated as 20 ± 7 G.

Title: Identification of types of kink modes in coronal loops:
    principles and application to TRACE results
Authors: Wang, T.; Solanki, S.; Selwa, M.; Ofman, L.
2008AGUSMSP31C..08W    Altcode:
  We explore the possible signatures of different types of kink modes
  (horizontal and vertical oscillations in their fundamental mode and
  second harmonic) which may arise in coronal loops. Based on the 3D
  geometrical parameters of 14 TRACE loops of transverse oscillations,
  we simulate qualitatively the loop displacements due to these types
  of kink mode oscillations. We find that for many combinations of
  viewing and loop geometry it is not straightforward to distinguish
  between the two types of kink modes. We have also considered Doppler
  signatures and found that these can in principle help to obtain
  unique identifications of the oscillation modes. We then compared
  the simulated spatial signatures with the observations for 14
  TRACE loops. We find that two cases of loop oscillations previously
  identified as a fundamental horizontal mode appear to be a fundamental
  vertical mode, while in two other cases it is not possible to clearly
  distinguish between a horizontal oscillation of the fundamental
  mode and the second-harmonic, and in six cases it is not possible
  to clearly distinguish between a fundamental horizontal mode and a
  second-harmonic vertical mode. In addition, for the particular case
  that the oscillating loop has a S-shape, we find that the fundamental
  vertical oscillation can take on the appearance of the horizontal second
  harmonic due to projection effects. We also present numerical results
  of three dimensional MHD model of an idealized active region field with
  S-shaped field-lines. The active region is initialized as a force-free
  dipole magnetic configuration with uniform density and contains a loop
  with a higher density than its surroundings. We introduce a velocity
  pulse which models the impact of a flare on surrounding fields. Both
  the qualitative study and the MHD simulation support the conclusion
  of the presence of fundamental mode of vertical kink oscillations in
  an S-shaped loop. Our interpretation can naturally solve the puzzle of
  the absence of the fundamental mode and the apparent presence of second
  harmonic oscillations observed in a TRACE loop by De Moortel and Brady

Title: Three dimensional MHD models of twisted multi-threaded loop
Authors: Ofman, L.
2008AGUSMSP41C..07O    Altcode:
  The multi-threaded structure of active region coronal loops was
  deduced from past spectroscopic observations. Recent high resolution
  observations by TRACE and Hinode provide direct evidence that active
  region loops consist of multiple magnetic threads filled with plasma
  with higher density than neighboring loop material. High resolution
  observations of loops near a flare site suggest that the threads are
  twisted, and the magnetic field is not force-free. To better understand
  these observations I developed 3D MHD model of twisted multi-threaded
  loop oscillations. The twist is induced by applying rotating velocity
  field at the foot-point of the initially parallel set of threads. The
  oscillations of the twisted loops are excited by a fast magnetosonic
  pulse. The evolution and the damping of the fast magnetosonic wave
  excited in the twisted multi-threaded loop is compared to the wave in
  single threaded loop, and to parallel threaded loop. The results of the
  study show the effect of the twist and internal loop structure on the
  damping of the waves. *Visiting Associate Professor, Tel Aviv University

Title: 3D MHD model of kink waves in a loop anchored in a realistic
    active region
Authors: Selwa, Malgorzata; Ofman, Leon; Wang, Tongjiang; Solanki, Sami
2008cosp...37.2804S    Altcode: 2008cosp.meet.2804S
  We present numerical results of three dimensional MHD model of the
  active region field. The active region is initialized using MDI data
  of 15 May 2001, 02:57 UT and potential extrapolation of the magnetic
  field with gravitationally stratified density and contains a loop
  with a higher density than its surroundings. The potential model
  imitates the original TRACE AR quite well, however, the choice of
  particular loop within AR is inaccurate due to limitation of the
  plane-of-the-sky view. This study represents an extension to the
  model of Ofman (2007). We introduce a velocity pulse based on TRACE
  observations to model the impact of a flare on surrounding fields, and
  study the resulting loop oscillations. The flare is initialized as a
  semispherical velocity pulse at the bottom of AR and corresponds to the
  event between loop's footpoints captured by TRACE. We investigate the
  influence of a realistic dense loop on the excitation and damping of
  the oscillations and compare our results with TRACE observations. By
  the means of 3D computer simulation we confirm that considering
  combination of viewing and loop geometry and Doppler signatures it
  is straightforward to distinguish between at least two types of kink
  modes: horizontal and vertical in the real loop observed by Aschwanden
  et al. (2002). We find that oscillation previously identified as a
  fundamental horizontal mode (Aschwanden et al. 2002) appears to be a
  fundamental vertical mode. As such vertical kink oscillations are not
  as rare compared to horizontal ones as previously thought.

Title: Oscillation of twisted multi-threaded loops in coronal
    active regions
Authors: Ofman, Leon
2008cosp...37.2274O    Altcode: 2008cosp.meet.2274O
  Recent high resolution observations by Hinode satellite shows that
  coronal active region loops near the site of a flare are multi-threaded
  structures that are oscillating, and may be twisted non-force-free
  structures. The physical properties of the threads are not identical,
  and the oscillations can vary in each thread. I report the results
  of three-dimensional MHD simulation of a twisted non-force-free
  multi-threaded loop, that exhibits damped oscillations. The loop was
  initialized with four threads of high density plasma (compared to
  surrounding corona), and the twist was obtained by inducing rotation
  velocity field centered at one footpoint. The resulting twisted
  structure was impacted by a fast magnetosonic pulse that produced
  damped oscillations in the structure. I compare the results of the
  twisted multi-threaded loop model to oscillations of a straight
  (untwisted) multi-threaded loop, and to Hinode observations of
  oscillating coronal loop structures. I find that the twist affects the
  oscillations considerably, which suggest a new method for diagnostic
  of the non-force-free field.

Title: 3D simulations of damping of waves in a loop anchored in
a dipole active region: does resonant absorption take place in
    realistic loops?
Authors: Selwa, M. A.; Ofman, L.
2007AGUFMSH53A1056S    Altcode:
  We present numerical results of three dimensional MHD model of an
  idealized active region field. The active region is initialized
  as a force-free dipole magnetic configuration with gravitationally
  stratified density and contains a loop with a higher density than
  its surroundings. This study represents an extension to the model
  of McLaughlin &amp; Ofman (2007). We examine the impact of different
  density profiles of the loop on damping of kink waves by introducing
  a velocity pulse which models the impact of a flare on surrounding
  fields. We compare our results with a straight cylinder model of the
  loop which can be solved analytically. We study the resulting loop
  oscillations and compare our results with TRACE observations.

Title: Propagating Alfven waves in Coronal Loops Observed by Hinode
Authors: Ofman, L.; Wang, T.
2007AGUFMSH52C..02O    Altcode:
  Observations made with Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) on board the Hinode
  satellite reveal that coronal loop with flowing cool chromospheric
  material exhibit periodic oscillation. Additional related observations
  were obtained by EIS imaging spectrometer. The oscillations are visible
  for about 3 periods in multiple strands of the loops in transverse
  direction to the loop axis, suggesting that these are Alfvén
  waves propagating along the strands of the loop. The period of the
  oscillations is about 2 minutes and the damping time is on the order
  of 1000 seconds. The flow velocity of the cool material and the phase
  speed of the waves were determined directly, by comparing frames of
  the observed time sequence. The phase speed agrees with the expected
  speed of standing waves for the observed loop length and period. We
  find that MHD model of the waves in a coronal loop is in good agreement
  with observations. We also find that the energy flux in the observed
  waves appears to be sufficient to heat the loop to coronal temperatures.

Title: Numerical Simulations of Slow Standing Waves in a Curved
    Solar Coronal Loop
Authors: Selwa, M.; Ofman, L.; Murawski, K.
2007ApJ...668L..83S    Altcode:
  We consider slow standing waves that are impulsively excited in a
  curved solar coronal loop. The numerical model we implement includes
  the effect of nonlinearity in the frame of two-dimensional ideal
  magnetohydrodynamics. We discuss the role of curved magnetic field
  lines and of the slow and fast pulses overlapping at one of the loop's
  footpoints in the excitation and attenuation of slow standing waves. We
  find that slow waves can be excited faster in curved loops than in slabs
  due to the combined effect of the pulse inside and outside the loop.

Title: The Energetics of the Slow Solar Wind
Authors: Ofman, L.
2007ASPC..369..569O    Altcode:
  Observations and numerical models show that the slow solar wind is
  associated with coronal streamers. However, the exact heating and
  acceleration mechanism of the slow wind is unknown. Moreover, the
  energization mechanism is likely to be different for electrons, protons,
  and heavy ions. Some of the main objectives of Solar-B is to understand
  the opening of magnetic field and heating of the coronal plasma that
  forms the solar wind. Recent results of three-fluid numerical models
  of the slow solar wind heating and acceleration in coronal streamers
  are shown. The possible heating mechanisms of electrons, protons,
  and heavy ions in the slow wind, and the formation of open flux in
  streamers is discussed. The relation of the numerical results to past
  observations by SOHO, and Ulysses spacecraft, and future observations
  with Solar-B is discussed.

Title: Attenuation of Alfvén waves in straight and curved coronal
Authors: Gruszecki, M.; Murawski, K.; Solanki, S. K.; Ofman, L.
2007A&A...469.1117G    Altcode:
  Aims:We consider impulsively generated Alfvén waves in coronal loops
  to investigate the role of energy leakage on wave attenuation, which
  includes lateral leakage, leakage into dense photospheric regions and
  nonlinear driving of magnetosonic waves. <BR />Methods: A coronal loop
  is modelled either as a straight magnetic slab or as a curved slab
  of smooth mass density profiles. We perform numerical simulations of
  2.5D ideal magnetohydrodynamic equations to determine the signatures of
  Alfvén waves. <BR />Results: The numerical results show that lateral
  leakage of Alfvén waves is significant in comparison to leakage into
  the photospheric regions for realistic corona to photospheric density
  ratios. Energy leakage is enhanced by curvature of magnetic field lines
  and for large amplitude Alfvén waves for which nonlinear driving of
  magnetosonic waves is more significant than in the linear regime.

Title: Two-dimensional hybrid model of wave and beam heating of
    multi-ion solar wind plasma
Authors: Ofman, L.; ViñAs, A. F.
2007JGRA..112.6104O    Altcode: 2007JGRA..11206104O
  We study the heating and the acceleration of protons and heavy ions
  by waves in the solar wind, as well as the nonlinear influence of
  heavy ions on the wave structure, using a two-dimensional (2-D) hybrid
  model. Protons and heavy ions are treated kinetically by solving their
  equations of motion in the self-consistent electric and magnetic fields
  of the waves, while electrons are treated as a neutralizing background
  fluid. We use the 2-D hybrid code to investigate more realistic 2-D
  plasma model than previous 1-D simulation and analytical studies,
  which allows parallel as well as obliquely propagating waves and
  localized driver. Using the hybrid code, we consider for the first
  time the heating and acceleration of protons and heavy ions by a
  driven-input spectrum of Alfvén/cyclotron waves and by heavy ion
  beam in the multispecies coronal plasma in two spatial dimensions. We
  find that the ion beam is more efficient in generating temperature
  anisotropy than the driven wave spectrum in our model. We discuss the
  observational implication of the results to the solar wind.

Title: The Influence Of Helium Ions And Heating On Coronal Streamer
Authors: Ofman, Leon
2007AAS...210.3001O    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39..142O
  The magnetic and compositional structure and dynamics of a coronal
  streamer is investigated using thermally conductive multi-fluid
  model. The variation of proton density, and He I/He II abundances
  is studied as a function of latitude and height. The effects of
  various heating rates, and heating profiles on the formation, and
  the compositional structure of streamers are studied. The dependence
  of the acceleration profile of the multi-component slow solar wind,
  as well as the properties of the differential ion outflow on the heat
  input is investigated numerically and compared to observations.

Title: Coronal Heating and Acceleration of the Solar Wind
Authors: Ofman, L.
2007ASPC..370...82O    Altcode:
  The heating of the solar corona to millions of degrees have puzzled
  solar physicist for decades. The related process of solar wind
  acceleration is also not well understood. Although, the exact physical
  mechanisms of these processes are being debated, current spectroscopic,
  and white light observations of the corona provide important constrains
  on the possible models. I provide a brief overview of the relevant
  observations by Ulysses, SOHO, and RHESSI spacecrafts, and discuss
  the theoretical models of the possible heating and acceleration
  mechanisms. I show the results of computations that lead towards the
  understanding of these processes.

Title: 2d Simulations Of Excitation And Damping Of Vertical Kink Waves
Authors: Selwa, Malgorzata; Murawski, K.; Solanki, S. K.; Ofman, L.
2007AAS...210.9115S    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39S.206S
  We consider different kinds of excitation of fast vertical kink
  standing waves in a solar coronal loop that is embedded in a potential
  arcade. The two dimensional numerical model we implement includes the
  effects of field line curvature and nonlinearity on the excitation
  and damping of standing fast magnetosonic waves. We investigate the
  effects of a driven sinusodial pressure pulse and compare it with an
  impulsive excitation by a pressure pulse that impacts the overlaying
  loop. The results of the numerical simulations reveal wave signatures
  which are characteristic of vertical loop oscillations seen in recent
  TRACE observational data.

Title: 3d Simulations Of Excitation And Damping Of Waves In A Dipole
    Active Region
Authors: Selwa, Malgorzata; Ofman, L.; McLaughlin, J.
2007AAS...210.9114S    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39R.206S
  We present numerical results of three dimensional MHD model of an
  idealized active region field. The active region is initialized
  as a force-free dipole magnetic configuration with gravitationally
  stratified density and contains a loop with a higher density than
  its surroundings. This study represents an extension to the model of
  McLaughlin &amp; Ofman (2007). We examine the impact of a different
  density profiles of the loop on excitation and damping of kink waves by
  introducing a velocity or pressure pulse which models the impact of a
  flare on surrounding fields. We study the resulting loop oscillations
  and compare our results with TRACE observations.

Title: Understanding coronal heating and solar wind acceleration:
    Case for in situ near-Sun measurements
Authors: McComas, D. J.; Velli, M.; Lewis, W. S.; Acton, L. W.;
   Balat-Pichelin, M.; Bothmer, V.; Dirling, R. B.; Feldman, W. C.;
   Gloeckler, G.; Habbal, S. R.; Hassler, D. M.; Mann, I.; Matthaeus,
   W. H.; McNutt, R. L.; Mewaldt, R. A.; Murphy, N.; Ofman, L.; Sittler,
   E. C.; Smith, C. W.; Zurbuchen, T. H.
2007RvGeo..45.1004M    Altcode:
  The solar wind has been measured directly from 0.3 AU outward,
  and the Sun's atmosphere has been imaged from the photosphere out
  through the corona. These observations have significantly advanced our
  understanding of the influence of the Sun's varying magnetic field on
  the structure and dynamics of the corona and the solar wind. However,
  how the corona is heated and accelerated to produce the solar wind
  remains a mystery. Answering these fundamental questions requires
  in situ observations near the Sun, from a few solar radii (R <SUB> S
  </SUB>) out to ~20 R <SUB> S </SUB>, where the internal, magnetic, and
  turbulent energy in the coronal plasma is channeled into the bulk energy
  of the supersonic solar wind. A mission to make such observations has
  long been a top priority of the solar and space physics community. The
  recent Solar Probe study has proven that such a mission is technically
  feasible and can be accomplished within reasonable resources.

Title: Three-dimensional MHD Model of Wave Activity in a Coronal
    Active Region
Authors: Ofman, L.
2007ApJ...655.1134O    Altcode:
  MHD wave activity associated with a flare was observed in coronal active
  region AR 8270 in the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) by the Transition
  Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) satellite on 1998 July 14. In
  this study, a three-dimensional MHD model of the active region field
  was initialized using a National Solar Observatory (NSO) Kitt Peak
  magnetogram and potential extrapolation of the magnetic field, together
  with gravitationally stratified density. To model the observed wave
  activity following the flare, a velocity pulse was launched into a model
  active region from below. It was found that the global oscillations
  in the model active region are in good qualitative agreement with
  observations. The main difference between the observations and the
  model is in the oscillation of several individual loops that damp on
  longer timescales compared to the corresponding magnetic field line
  oscillation damping in the model.

Title: Observing The He II Off-Limb Corona From Solar Orbiter
Authors: Giordano, S.; Fineschi, S.; Ofman, L.; Mancuso, S.; Abbo, L.
2007ESASP.641E..31G    Altcode:
  The SOLar Orbiter, SOLO, represents a unique platform for off-limb
  solar corona observations, because of the near-Sun, helio-synchronous
  and out-of-ecliptic perspective. We discuss as the simultaneous
  monochromatic imaging of the UltraViolet spectral lines emitted by
  the neutral hydrogen (HI) and singly ionized helium ions (HeII) in
  solar corona in addition to the visible light imaging allows to use
  the Doppler dimming diagnostics to derive velocity maps of the full
  corona and the maps of the abundance of helium relative to hydrogen. We
  compute the expected HeII 303. 78 A, HI Lyα 1215. 56 A and Visible
  Light emissivity for a coronal model derived from a MHD computation of
  the coronal physical parameters, such as electron and ions density,
  kinetic temperatures and outflow velocity in the region from 1. 2
  to 5. 0 solar radii. The UV lines are Doppler dimmed in presence of
  outflows, moreover we take into account the possibility of pumping
  effect on the He II line due to nearby Si XI 303. 32 A spectral line
  which can excited the He II line for plasma speeds around 450 km/s. We
  study as the helium coronal diagnostics from the out-of-ecliptic and
  helio-synchronous observations can moreover address the understanding
  of the processes leading to the elemental composition of the coronal
  streamers and hole boundaries, as example to establish roles of
  gravitational settling and Coulomb drag.

Title: 3D MHD Model of Waves in an Active Region
Authors: Ofman, L.; McLaughlin, J.
2006AGUFMSH33B0416O    Altcode:
  Wave activity associated with flares and CME's have been observed with
  SOHO, TRACE, and other satellites. The propagation and dissipation of
  the waves provide information on the coronal magnetic structures. In
  particular, MHD waves were observed in coronal active region AR8270
  following a flare with TRACE on July 14, 1998. In this study, three
  dimensional MHD model of the active region field was constructed using
  National Solar Observatory (NSO) Kitt Peak magnetogram and potential
  extrapolation of the magnetic field, together with gravitationally
  stratified density as the initial state. The model was evolved to steady
  state, and a velocity pulse with amplitude of ~100 km/sec was launched
  into the active region from below to mimic the observed effect of the
  flare. It was found that the global oscillations in the model active
  region are in good qualitative agreement with observations. The main
  difference between the observations and the model is in the oscillation
  of several individual loops that damp on longer time scale, compared
  to the corresponding magnetic field line oscillation damping in the
  model. We investigate the effects of global active region magnetic
  structure, as well as local loop structure on the trapping and damping
  of waves in the active region.

Title: Numerical simulations of vertical oscillations of a
    multi-stranded coronal loop
Authors: Gruszecki, M.; Murawski, K.; Selwa, M.; Ofman, L.
2006A&A...460..887G    Altcode:
  Aims. We consider impulsively generated oscillations in a 2D model of
  a curved solar coronal arcade loop that consists of up to 5 strands
  of dense plasma. <BR /> Methods: . First we do a simulation for a loop
  which consists of two curved strands. We evaluate by means of numerical
  simulations the influence of the distance between the strands and their
  number on wave period, attenuation time, and amplitudes of standing
  kink waves. <BR /> Results: . The results of the numerical simulations
  reveal that only strands which are very close to each other (distance
  comparable to the strand width) considerably change the collective
  behavior of kink oscillations. More distant strands also exhibit weak
  coupling of the oscillations. However, their behavior can essentially
  be explained in terms of separate oscillating loops. We compare the
  numerical results with recent TRACE observational findings, and find
  qualitative agreement. <BR />

Title: 3D MHD Wave Behavior in Active Regions: Trapped Modes
Authors: McLaughlin, J. A.; Ofman, L.
2006AGUFMSH33B0413M    Altcode:
  We present the numerical results of a fast magnetoacoustic wave
  propagating within an idealized active region. The active region is
  modeled by an initially force-free, dipole magnetic configuration with
  gravitationally stratified density and contains a loop with a higher
  density than its surroundings. This study represents an extension to
  the model of Ofman &amp;Thompson (2002). As found in their work, we see
  that fast wave propagation is distorted by the Alfvén speed profile
  and that the wave propagation generates fieldline oscillations and
  these oscillations are rapidly damped. Inside the high density loop,
  we find that the amplitude of these oscillations decreases as the
  density contrast, ξ, increases. We also find that the high density
  loop undergoes both vertical and horizontal oscillations. We calculate
  how the rate of wave damping in our loop varies with ξ and find a
  local minimum at about ξ=2.5, and we argue that this is evidence of
  wave trapping. Thus, this work illustrates the importance of obtaining
  accurate loop density measurements for coronal seismology.

Title: Semi-Empirically Derived Heating Function of the
    Corona-Heliopshere During the Whole- Sun Month
Authors: Guhathakurta, M.; Sittler, E.; Ofman, L.
2006AGUFMSH23B0354G    Altcode:
  In spite of many recent developments in observations and models of the
  solar corona, the exact form of the heating function of the solar wind
  plasma is unknown. Here we attempt to make some progress on that problem
  by applying a previously developed simplified magnetohydrodynamic
  model to a unique synthesis of remote sensing coronal observations
  from SOHO and Spartan 201 and in-situ data from Ulysses during the
  quiescent phase of solar cycle 23 (1995-1997) which also included the
  Whole Sun Month (August/September, 1996) study period. Our analysis
  provides for the first time an empirically derived estimate of the
  heat flux and temperature profile of the corona and interplanetary
  medium as a function of latitude and radial distance for this data
  set. Our results suggest that the effective heat flux and temperature
  may include thermal and non-thermal components possibly providing as
  much as half of the total heat input. The primary contribution of our
  analysis is that parameters calculated from our model provide insight
  into the energy deposition profile and the model results can be used as
  a test of observations of flow speed and temperature using different
  observational techniques for this period. The main limitations of the
  model are calculations of the magnetic field in equatorial regions,
  and the neglect of force balance across field lines.

Title: Semiempirically derived heating function of the corona
    heliosphere during the Whole Sun Month
Authors: Guhathakurta, M.; Sittler, E. C.; Ofman, L.
2006JGRA..11111215G    Altcode:
  In spite of many recent developments in observations and models of the
  solar corona, the exact form of the heating function of the solar wind
  plasma is unknown. Here we attempt to make some progress on that problem
  by applying a previously developed simplified magnetohydrodynamic
  model to a unique synthesis of remote sensing coronal observations from
  SOHO and Spartan 201, and in-situ data from Ulysses spacecraft during
  the quiescent phase of solar cycle 23 (1995-1997) which also included
  the Whole Sun Month (August/September 1996) study period. Our analysis
  provides for the first time an empirically derived estimate of the heat
  flux and temperature profile of the corona and interplanetary medium
  over the solar polar regions as a function of latitude and radial
  distance for this data set. The latitudinal and radial variation is
  extended to include the equatorial regions but with less fidelity given
  the significant structure associated with the streamer belt. Our results
  suggest that both thermal and nonthermal heating terms contribute to
  the temperature and heat flux in the low corona, particularly above
  the poles, with the non-thermal component possibly providing as much
  as half of the total heat input.

Title: Improved input to the empirical coronal mass ejection (CME)
    driven shock arrival model from CME cone models
Authors: Xie, H.; Gopalswamy, N.; Ofman, L.; St. Cyr, O. C.; Michalek,
   G.; Lara, A.; Yashiro, S.
2006SpWea...410002X    Altcode:
  We study the Sun-Earth travel time of interplanetary shocks driven
  by coronal mass ejections (CMEs) using empirical cone models. Three
  different cone models have been used to obtain the radial speeds of
  the CMEs, which are then used as input to the empirical shock arrival
  (ESA) model to obtain the Sun to Earth travel time of the shocks. We
  compare the predicted and observed shock transit times and find that
  the accuracy of the ESA model is improved by applying CME radial speeds
  from the cone models. There are two ways of calculating the shock travel
  time: using the ESA model or using the simplified ESA formula obtained
  by an exponential fit to the ESA model. The average mean error in the
  travel time with the cone model speeds is 7.8 hours compared to 14.6
  hours with the sky plane speed, which amounts to an improvement of
  46%. With the ESA formula, the corresponding mean errors are 9.5 and
  11.7 hours, respectively, representing an improvement of 19%. The cone
  models minimize projection effects and hence can be used to obtain
  CME radial speeds. When input to the ESA model, the large scatter in
  the shock travel time is reduced, thus improving CME-related space
  weather predictions.

Title: Three-Dimensional MHD Models of Waves in Active Regions:
    Application to Coronal Seismology
Authors: McLaughlin, J. A.; Ofman, L.
2006ESASP.617E.102M    Altcode: 2006soho...17E.102M
  We present results from three-dimensional MHD simulations of the
  behaviour of MHD waves in 3D models of coronal active regions and
  loops. The models of the active regions are constructed by using a
  dipole magnetic field and gravitationally stratified coronal density
  structure. We compare the main features of the model with those
  seen recently by the SOHO and TRACE satellites and investigate the
  application of the results to coronal seismology. We discuss the
  possible applications of STEREO data to the improvement of our model.

Title: Waves In Active Regions: Comparing Observations And 3D
    MHD Models
Authors: Ofman, Leon; McLaughlin, J.
2006SPD....37.1802O    Altcode: 2006BAAS...38..246O
  Recent TRACE observations of active regions in EUV shows waveactivity
  in coronal active regions following impulsive events.Motivated by
  these observations we construct 3D MHD models of theactive regions
  using photospheric magnetic field as boundarycondition from SOHO
  MDI or Kitt Peak data, and nonuniform densitystructure to model
  individual loops. We introduce several forms ofvelocity and density
  pulses to model the effects of impulsiveevents, such as flares,
  and follow the evolution of the modelactive region. We find good
  agreement between the observedevolution of active regions, and the 3D
  MHD models. Thus, wedemonstrate that the 3D MHD models can be used
  for coronalseismology. In the near future STEREO data may provide
  improvedinput for these models.

Title: Oscillations of Hard X-Ray Flare Emission Observed by RHESSI:
    Effects of Super-Alfvénic Beams?
Authors: Ofman, L.; Sui, L.
2006ApJ...644L.149O    Altcode:
  Recent Reuven Ramaty High-Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI)
  observations of hard X-ray (&gt;25 keV) emission from several flares
  show damped oscillations with periods of 2-4 minutes and damping times
  of several tens of minutes. We analyze the observations of the 2005
  January 19 flare that show the quasi-periodic, damped oscillations,
  and we propose a physical mechanism for this phenomenon. Namely,
  we suggest that super-Alfvénic beams in the vicinity of the
  reconnection region lead to the excitation of the oscillations. The
  oscillations damp as the flows and the reconnecting magnetic fields
  dissipate during the decay phase of the flare. We show the results of
  2.5-dimensional viscoresistive MHD simulations of this mechanism, and we
  find qualitative agreement with the RHESSI observations. In addition,
  we find that the flows destabilize the current sheet, which leads to
  an increased reconnection rate compared to the case without the beams.

Title: 3d Mhd Wave Behavior In Active Regions: Modeling Techniques
Authors: McLaughlin, James A.; Ofman, L.
2006SPD....37.0116M    Altcode: 2006BAAS...38..218M
  We have performed simulations of three-dimensional MHD wave propagation
  in models of coronal active regions. Here, we present descriptions of
  the methodology and techniques that are used in the construction of such
  simulations. These include:1) The MHD equations solved and the velocity
  perturbations used to simulate, for example, incoming EIT waves.2)
  The construction of the active region model using extrapolations of the
  observed photospheric magnetic field and gravitational stratification of
  the coronal density structure.3) The inclusion of the density structure
  of individual, realistic coronal loops using a new technique.We also
  discuss the application of the model to coronal seismology and the
  possibility of using STEREO data to the improvement of the simulations.

Title: 3D MHD models of waves in active regions: application to
    coronal seismology
Authors: McLaughlin, J. A.; Ofman, L.
2006AGUSMSH52A..06M    Altcode:
  We present results from three-dimensional MHD simulations of the
  behavior of MHD waves in realistic models of coronal active regions. The
  models of the active regions are constructed by using the observed
  photospheric magnetic field and gravitationally stratified coronal
  density structure with individual loops. We compare the main features
  of the model with those seen recently by the SOHO and TRACE satellites,
  and investigate the application of the results to coronal seismology. We
  discuss the possible application of STEREO data to the improvement of
  our model.

Title: 2D MHD model of the solar corona and solar wind: Recent results
Authors: Sittler, E. C., Jr.; Ofman, L.
2006ilws.conf..128S    Altcode:
  We have been developing a self-consistent 2D MHD steady-state model of
  the solar corona and solar wind. This model is empirically constrained
  by 2D maps of the effective temperature, Teff , and heat flux, qeff ,
  as originally derived by Sittler and Guhathakurta or SG model. The
  SG model has been applied to Mark II K-coronameter data, Skylab,
  Spartan and SOHO/LASCO white light coronagraph data, plus plasma
  and magnetic field Ulysses data. Our model uses the MHD conservation
  equations of mass, momentum and energy with a multipole expansion of
  the coronal magnetic field up to octupole term as the initial state
  for the MHD solutions. At present our MHD solutions are confined
  between the coronal base at 1.03 RS and 5 RS and will be expanded to
  larger heliocentric distances in the future. In order to make our MHD
  solutions more tractable, we have fit smooth analytical functions to
  Teff and qeff derived from the data-driven SG model. We will present
  solutions under these conditions, some of the difficulties we have
  had to deal with and show the future direction of our research.

Title: Magnetohydrodynamic waves throughout the heliosphere
Authors: Ofman, L.
2006cosp...36.2675O    Altcode: 2006cosp.meet.2675O
  Magnetohydrodynamic waves are observed in the solar corona the solar
  wind and in planetary magnetospheres and play an important role in
  energy transport in heliospheric plasma Observations of the MHD waves
  serve as a diagnostic tool of heliospheric dynamical processes and of
  the magnetized plasma structures throughout the heliosphere Thus the
  observations and the theoretical studies of MHD waves advances our
  understanding of important heliospherical processes which governs
  the sun s influence on earth I will present an overview of current
  observations of MHD waves throughout the heliosphere and of recent
  theoretical and computational models of MHD waves in heliospheric plasma
  I will discuss how cross-disciplinary international collaborative
  study of the universal MHD wave processes in the heliosphere can be
  carried out during IHY 2007

Title: Wave acceleration of the fast solar wind
Authors: Ofman, Leon
2006AdSpR..38...64O    Altcode:
  Observations show that the solar wind exhibits two modes of outflow:
  the slow (∼400 km s <SUP>-1</SUP>), high density, highly variable
  wind that emerges from equatorial solar regions, and the high latitude,
  fast (∼800 km s <SUP>-1</SUP>), low density, steady solar wind. The
  bi-modal solar wind outflow is most evident near minima of solar
  activity. Theoretical studies of the fast solar wind in open magnetic
  structures motivated by SOHO, Ulysses, and Helios observations indicate
  that both, high frequency kinetic waves, and low frequency MHD waves
  play a role in its acceleration and heating. Ion-cyclotron waves have
  been suggested as the main energy source of the solar wind. However,
  there are theoretical difficulties with the ion-cyclotron wave heating
  of the protons, and these waves do not heat electrons. Low frequency
  MHD waves are still the best candidates to transport momentum and
  energy far from the Sun, to accelerate the solar wind on large spatial
  scales. I will present recently developed two-dimensional three-fluid
  model that includes explicit wave acceleration, and visco-resistive
  dissipation. The model describes electrons, protons, and minor ions as
  three coupled fluids that are heated by different heating processes
  with the parameters constrained by observations. I will present
  the results of 2.5D three-fluid simulations of the fast solar wind
  plasma that combine the effects of MHD waves self-consistently, and
  ion-cyclotron waves parametrically on the acceleration and heating
  processes. I will present the results of hybrid kinetic models of
  ion-cyclotron wave heating of the heavy ions in the solar wind plasma.

Title: A 3D Numerical Toolkit for Modeling the Heliosphere
Authors: Spicer, D. S.; Davila, J. M.; Ofman, L.
2005AGUFMSH11A0258S    Altcode:
  We present results from a numerical toolkit that can be used by
  observers, analysts, and modelers to study solar activity and its effect
  on the heliosphere. The core of the toolkit is a 3D AMR unstructured
  mesh high order Godunov code that was orginally designed to model the
  magnetospheric-ionospheric system. We plan to make the code available
  in portable code form through the CCMC.

Title: Two-dimensional hybrid modeling of wave heating in the solar
    wind plasma
Authors: Ofman, L.; Vinas, A.
2005AGUFMSH53A1253O    Altcode:
  We study the heating and the acceleration of protons, and heavy ions by
  waves in the solar wind, as well as the nonlinear influence of heavy
  ions on the wave structure using a 2D hybrid model. Protons and heavy
  ions are treated kinetically by solving their equations of motion in
  the self-consistent electric and magnetic fields of the waves, while
  electrons are treated as a neutralizing background MHD fluid. We use
  the 2D hybrid code to investigate more realistic obliquely propagating
  waves, boundary conditions, and background field structures, than
  previous 1D-simulation and analytical studies. Using the 2D hybrid
  code we consider for the first time the heating and acceleration of
  protons and heavy ions by a driven-input spectrum of Alfvén/cyclotron
  waves in the multi-species coronal plasma. We discuss the observational
  implication of the results to the solar wind, as well as the relation
  to the acceleration of stellar winds with hot magnetized coronae.

Title: Solar Probe: Humanity's First Visit to a Star (Invited)
Authors: McComas, D. J.; Velli, M.; Lewis, W. S.; Acton, L. W.;
   Balat-Pichelin, M.; Bothmer, V.; Dirling, R. B.; Eng, D. A.; Feldman,
   W. C.; Gloeckler, G.; Guhathakurtha, M.; Habbal, S. R.; Hassler, D. M.;
   Mann, I.; Maldonado, H. M.; Matthaeus, W. H.; McNutt, R. L.; Mewaldt,
   R. A.; Murphy, N.; Ofman, L.; Potocki, K. A.; Sittler, E. C.; Smith,
   C. W.; Zurbuchen, T. H.
2005ESASP.592..279M    Altcode: 2005ESASP.592E..42M; 2005soho...16E..42M
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Multifluid Models of the Solar Wind
Authors: Ofman, L.
2005ESASP.592..205O    Altcode: 2005ESASP.592E..32O; 2005soho...16E..32O
  No abstract at ADS

Title: High-frequency Alfvén waves in multi-ion coronal plasma:
    Observational implications
Authors: Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.; Nakariakov, V. M.; ViñAs, A. -F.
2005JGRA..110.9102O    Altcode: 2005JGRA..11009102O
  We investigate the effects of high-frequency (of order ion
  gyrofrequency) Alfvén and ion-cyclotron waves on ion emission lines
  by studying the dispersion of these waves in a multi-ion coronal
  plasma. For this purpose we solve the dispersion relation of the
  linearized multifluid and Vlasov equations in a magnetized multi-ion
  plasma with coronal abundances of heavy ions. We also calculate the
  dispersion relation using nonlinear one-dimensional hybrid kinetic
  simulations of the multi-ion plasma. When heavy ions are present the
  dispersion relation of parallel propagating Alfvén cyclotron waves
  exhibits the following branches (in the positive Ω - k quadrant):
  right-hand polarized nonresonant and left-hand polarized resonant
  branch for protons and each ion. We calculate the ratio of ion to
  proton velocities perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field
  for each wave modes for typical coronal parameters and find strong
  enhancement of the heavy ion perpendicular fluid velocity compared
  with proton perpendicular fluid velocity. The linear multifluid cold
  plasma results agree with linear warm plasma Vlasov results and with
  the nonlinear hybrid simulation model results. In view of our findings
  we discuss how the observed nonthermal line broadening of minor ions
  in coronal holes may relate to the high-frequency wave motions.

Title: Semi-Empirical Model of Electron Heat Flux: Soho and Ulysses
Authors: Sittler, E. C., Jr.; Skoug, Ruth; Ofman, Leon; Fludra,
2005ESASP.592..445S    Altcode: 2005soho...16E..78S; 2005ESASP.592E..78S
  No abstract at ADS

Title: MHD Waves and Heating in Coronal Holes
Authors: Ofman, Leon
2005SSRv..120...67O    Altcode:
  Coronal holes have been identified as source regions of the fast solar
  wind, and MHD wave activity has been detected in coronal holes by
  remote sensing, and in situ in fast solar wind streams. I review some
  of the most suggestive wave observations, and discuss the theoretical
  aspects of MHD wave heating and solar wind acceleration in coronal
  holes. I review the results of single fluid 2.5D MHD, as well as
  multi-fluid 2.5D MHD models of waves in coronal holes, the heating,
  and the acceleration of the solar wind be these waves.

Title: Modeling Wave Activity in Coronal Active Regions
Authors: Ofman, L.
2005AGUSMSH13B..02O    Altcode:
  Wave activity in coronal active regions has been detected recently
  in EUV and as Doppler velocity oscillations by SOHO, and in EUV by
  TRACE. The properties of the waves are determined by the excitation
  mechanism, and by the local physical conditions, such as magnetic
  field strength and geometry, temperature, and density. It has been
  demonstrated that the phase speeds of the various wave modes can
  be determined from observations. Using 3D MHD model I investigate
  the generation, propagation, and damping of MHD waves in active
  regions, with the goal of developing a diagnostic tool of active
  region physical properties. Photospheric magnetograms were used as the
  boundary conditions for the magnetic field model, and the initial state
  was constructed using force-free extrapolation, and gravitationally
  stratified density. Here I expand previous studies, and investigate
  possible excitation mechanism, as well as the damping of the transverse
  oscillations due to resistivity, and leakage. I also investigate the
  generation, propagation, and damping of longitudinal oscillations in
  the active region loops. In the present study improved boundary and
  initial conditions are developed, and the effects of chromospheric
  coupling on the excitation and damping of the waves are investigated.

Title: Improved Empirical CME Arrival Time Model Via Cone Model
Authors: Xie, H.; Gopalswamy, N.; Ofman, L.; Michalek, G.; Lara, A.;
   Yashiro, S.
2005AGUSMSH53A..09X    Altcode:
  In this study, we compare the results obtained from two cone models
  and carry out the statistical study of the distribution of the actual
  size and space speed of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs). We improved
  the existing empirical CME arrival (ECA) model, based on previously
  developed empirical models and provided the prediction of CME transit
  time from the Sun to the Earth. The previous ECA model was in good
  agreement with the observations for high-speed CMEs. However, the
  agreement was not as good for low-speed events. One of possible reasons
  may be due to errors caused by the significant scatter of CME projection
  speeds in low projected-speed events. Using the cone models we reduced
  the errors and improved the accuracy of the ECA model by applying the
  cone models to halo CMEs erupted from near disk center of the Sun
  (within &lt; 30 deg.) to determine the actual speed. We found that
  both cone models provide similar improved accuracy for the arrival time.

Title: Three dimensional MHD models of active region loops
Authors: Ofman, Leon
2005AdSpR..36.1572O    Altcode:
  Present imaging and spectroscopic observations of active region
  loops allow to determine many physical parameters of the coronal
  loops, such as the density, temperature, velocity of flows in loops,
  and the magnetic field. However, due to projection effects many of
  these parameters remain ambiguous. Three dimensional (3D) imaging
  in EUV by the STEREO spacecraft will help to resolve the projection
  ambiguities, and the observations could be used to setup 3D MHD models
  of active region loops to study the dynamics and stability of active
  regions. Here the results of 3D MHD models of active region loops, and
  the progress towards more realistic 3D MHD models of active regions
  are presented. In particular the effects of impulsive events on the
  excitation of active region loop oscillations, and the generation,
  propagations and reflection of EIT waves are shown. It is demonstrated
  how 3D MHD models together with 3D EUV observations can be used as
  a diagnostic tool for active region loop physical parameters, and to
  advance the science of the sources of solar coronal activity.

Title: Coronal Heating in Open vs. Closed Field
Authors: Ofman, L.
2004ESASP.575...41O    Altcode: 2004soho...15...41O
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Transverse Oscillations in a Coronal Loop Arcade
Authors: Verwichte, E.; Nakariakov, V. M.; Ofman, L.; Deluca, E. E.
2004ESASP.575..460V    Altcode: 2004soho...15..460V
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Alfvén waves in the solar corona, the solar wind, and the
Authors: Ofman, L.
2004AGUFMSM44A..02O    Altcode:
  Observations and theoretical models show that Alfvén waves play an
  important role in many physical processes taking place in the plasma
  of the "local cosmos." For example, Alfvén waves are still the major
  candidates for the acceleration and heating of the fast solar wind,
  since they were proposed nearly 4 decades ago. Recently, MHD waves were
  observed in coronal loops in the EUV with the TRACE satellite. The
  SOHO, and TRACE instrument provide evidence for slow magnetosonic
  waves in coronal plumes. In-situ Helios and Ulysses spacecraft find
  ample evidence for the presence of propagating Alfvén waves in the
  solar wind. The CLUSTER mission provides for the first time multi-point
  view of the magnetospheric and solar wind plasma environment, and in
  particular high cadence magnetic field measurements with the Fluxgate
  Magnetometer (FGM), that enables to study the properties of Alfvén
  waves in various parts of the magnetosphere simultaneously. I will
  discuss the observations and modeling of Alfvén waves starting from the
  low corona (loops), continuing into the solar wind, the magnetosphere,
  and to the auroral ionosphere. I will present the results of MHD,
  multifluid, and hybrid models of low-frequency (MHD), as well as kinetic
  Alfvén waves in the plasma in various parts of the "local cosmos",
  and I will discuss the role Alfvén waves play in the energization of
  the plasma, and as a diagnostic tool of the plasma physical processes.

Title: Characteristics of transverse oscillations in a coronal
    loop arcade
Authors: Verwichte, E.; Nakariakov, V. M.; Ofman, L.; Deluca, E. E.
2004SoPh..223...77V    Altcode:
  TRACE observations from 15 April 2001 of transverse oscillations in
  coronal loops of a post-flare loop arcade are investigated. They
  are considered to be standing fast kink oscillations. Oscillation
  signatures such as displacement amplitude, period, phase and damping
  time are deduced from 9 loops as a function of distance along the loop
  length. Multiple oscillation modes are found with different amplitude
  profile along the loop length, suggesting the presence of a second
  harmonic. The damping times are consistent with the hypothesis of
  phase mixing and resonant absorption, although there is a clear bias
  towards longer damping times compared with previous studies. The
  coronal magnetic field strength and coronal shear viscosity in the
  loop arcade are derived.

Title: Parallel electric field in the auroral ionosphere: excitation
    of acoustic waves by Alfvén waves
Authors: Israelevich, P.; Ofman, L.
2004AnGeo..22.2797I    Altcode:
  Available from <A

Title: Multiple ions resonant heating and acceleration by
    Alfvén/cyclotron fluctuations in the corona and the solar wind
Authors: Xie, Hong; Ofman, Leon; ViñAs, Adolfo
2004JGRA..109.8103X    Altcode:
  We study the interaction between protons, multiple minor ions
  (O<SUP>5+</SUP>, He<SUP>++</SUP>), and a given Alfvén/cyclotron
  fluctuation spectra in the corona and the solar wind. One-dimensional
  hybrid simulations are performed in initially homogeneous,
  collisionless, magnetized plasma with waves propagating parallel to
  the background magnetic field. The self-consistent hybrid simulations
  and linear Vlasov theory are used to study the effect of the driving
  spectrum, ion drift velocity, and microinstabilities on the coronal
  plasma and solar wind heating. The simulation results provide a clear
  picture of wave-particle interaction and successfully explain (1) how
  the driving spectrum frequency range and the power law index affect
  the resonant heating, (2) how ion double-peak distribution is formed
  and how differential flows affect the resonant interaction via the
  change of the resonant wave dispersion relation, and (3) how local
  microinstabilities affect minor ion heating and constraint the values
  of plasma parameters observed in the solar wind.

Title: Three-fluid model of the heating and acceleration of the fast
    solar wind
Authors: Ofman, L.
2004JGRA..109.7102O    Altcode:
  A new three-fluid, two-dimensional, wave-driven model that includes, for
  the first time, heat conduction, viscous, and resistive dissipation for
  protons and electrons in two-dimensional coronal hole is presented. The
  fast solar wind model includes electron, proton, and He<SUP>++</SUP> or
  O<SUP>5+</SUP> ion fluids. The heating of the solar wind plasma due to
  MHD waves is modeled as follows: A broadband spectrum of low-frequency
  Alfvén waves is launched from the base of the corona. The waves deposit
  momentum and heat into the plasma to produce the fast solar wind. The
  values of the resistivity and shear viscosity coefficients required
  to produce the hot and fast solar wind consistent with observations
  are orders of magnitude larger than classical values. An empirical
  heating term that represents the contribution of additional heating
  processes, such as resonant heating by ion cyclotron waves, is included
  for the heavy ions and for protons in three out of four cases in the
  present study.

Title: Loop Density Enhancement by Nonlinear Magnetohydrodynamic Waves
Authors: Terradas, J.; Ofman, L.
2004ApJ...610..523T    Altcode:
  We study the possibility that waves in coronal loops can produce
  density enhancements at loop tops. The mechanism involved is the
  ponderomotive force of standing magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves. We
  study the effect of large-amplitude waves in loops by first using a
  simple second-order one-dimensional MHD model for which analytical
  expressions are available. This simple model shows how Alfvén waves
  can excite density fluctuations on slow timescales. Next, we solve the
  time-dependent nonlinear 2.5-dimensional MHD equations in an arcade
  model, in order to study the effect of nonuniform Alfvén speed along
  the loop on large-amplitude waves. Finally, we solve the nonlinear
  three-dimensional MHD equations in a flux-tube configuration. Waves
  are launched by an initial transverse velocity profile in the loop,
  with footpoints fixed in the photosphere. We find that large initial
  disturbances produce a pressure imbalance along the loop, which results
  in an upflow from its legs. The accumulation of mass at the top of
  the oscillating loop can produce significant density enhancements for
  typical coronal conditions. In a later stage, the pressure gradient
  becomes dominant and inhibits the concentration of mass at the loop
  top. We find that oscillating loops observed by the EUV telescope
  on board TRACE on 1998 July 14 exhibit emission measure enhancements
  consistent with this mechanism.

Title: Development of MHD Wave Diagnostic and Models of Coronal
    Active Regions
Authors: Ofman, L.; Thompson, B. J.; Davila, J. M.
2004AAS...204.9504O    Altcode: 2004BAAS...36..826O
  We investigate the generation, propagation, and damping of MHD waves in
  active regions, with the goal to develop a diagnostic tool of active
  region structure, dynamics, and stability. We used 3D MHD model to
  study the generation and the propagation of EIT waves in a simple
  model of an active regions, and the interaction of EIT waves with
  the active region magnetic field. We model the oscillation of active
  region loops numerically using the 3D MHD model active regions. Such
  oscillations have been recently observed by TRACE. We use photospheric
  magnetograms as the boundary conditions for the magnetic field model,
  and construct an initial field using force-free extrapolation. Finite
  plasma temperature, density, and gravity are included in the model. We
  construct loop density structures in the model, guided by TRACE and EIT
  observations in the EUV. We demonstrate that by comparing the results
  of the MHD models of waves in an active region to observations we will
  be able to construct a diagnostic tool for the physical properties of
  the active regions, such as magnetic field and density structure.

Title: Multiple Ions Resonant Heating and acceleration by
    Alfvén/cyclotron Fluctuations in the corona and the solar Wind
Authors: Hong, X.; Ofman, L.
2004AAS...204.7201H    Altcode: 2004BAAS...36R.798H
  We study the interaction between protons, multiple minor ions
  (O<SUP>5+</SUP>, He<SUP>++</SUP>) and a given Alfvén/cyclotron
  fluctuations spectra in the corona and the solar wind. One-dimensional
  hybrid simulations are performed in initially homogeneous,
  collisionless, magnetized plasma with waves propagating parallel to the
  background magnetic field. The self-consistent hybrid simulations and
  linear Vlasov theory are used to study how multiple minor species and
  the differential drift velocity may affect the resonance interaction
  between cyclotron waves and the solar wind protons. The results of
  the simulations provide a clear picture of wave-particle interaction
  under various plasma conditions, which can explain 1) how multiple
  minor ions affect the resonant heating of the coronal plasma and
  the solar wind by a given wave spectrum, relative drift velocity,
  and micro-instability; 2) how energy is distributed and transferred
  among waves and different ion species; 3) the growth and damping of
  different beam micro-instability modes, including both, right-hand and
  left-hand waves; 4) the formation of ion double-peak distribution and
  He<SUP>++</SUP> anisotropy in the solar wind.

Title: Cone model for halo CMEs: Application to space weather
Authors: Xie, Hong; Ofman, Leon; Lawrence, Gareth
2004JGRA..109.3109X    Altcode:
  In this study, we present an innovative analytical method to determine
  the angular width and propagation orientation of halo Coronal Mass
  Ejections (CMEs). The relation of CME actual speed with apparent
  speed and its components measured at different position angle has been
  investigated. The present work is based on the cone model proposed by
  [2002]. We have improved this model by (1) eliminating the ambiguity via
  a new analytical approach, (2) using direct measurements of projection
  onto the plane of the sky (POS), (3) determining the actual radial
  speeds from projection speeds at different position angles to clarify
  the uncertainty of projection speeds in previous empirical models. Our
  analytical approach allows us to use coronagraph data to determine
  accurately the geometrical features of POS projections, such as major
  axis, minor axis, and the displacement of the center of its projection,
  and to determine the angular width and orientation of a given halo
  CME. Our approach allows for the first time the determination of the
  actual CME speed, width, and source location by using coronagraph
  data quantitatively and consistently. The method greatly enhances the
  accuracy of the derived geometrical and kinematical properties of halo
  CMEs, and can be used to optimize Space Weather forecasts. The applied
  model predications are in good agreement with observations.

Title: Theoretical Aspects of Wave Acceleration in Open Magnetic
Authors: Ofman, L.
2004ESASP.547..345O    Altcode: 2004soho...13..345O
  Theoretical studies of the solar wind outflow in open magnetic
  structures motivated by SOHO observations indicate that both, high
  frequency ion-cyclotron waves and low frequency MHD waves play a role in
  the acceleration and heating of the solar wind plasma. In particular,
  the high temperature anisotropy of O5+ ions deduced from SOHO UVCS
  observations suggests that resonant heating due to ion cyclotron waves
  is important in minor ions. However, there are theoretical difficulties
  with the ion-cyclotron wave heating model of protons. It appears that
  low-frequency waves are still required to transport energy and to
  accelerate the solar wind on large scales. In addition, the source of
  electron heating is still an open question. I will review some of the
  recent wave heating models of the fast solar wind. I will discuss the
  threefluid model, that describes electrons, protons, and heavy ions as
  coupled fluids. This description allows to model different properties
  and heating processes for each particle species and to model the
  high temperature of the heavy ions in accordance with observations. I
  will show the results of 2.5D three-fluid, simulations of the solar
  wind plasma that combine the effects of MHD waves selfconsistently,
  and ion-cyclotron waves empirically as the sources of energy. I will
  review several results of hybrid kinetic models of ion-cyclotron wave
  heating and relaxation of heavy ion anisotropy.

Title: The origin of the slow solar wind in coronal streamers
Authors: Ofman, L.
2004AdSpR..33..681O    Altcode:
  The highly variable slow solar wind has been associated with
  low-latitude regions of the heliosphere most clearly by the Ulysses
  spacecraft. Although, it is evident today that the slow solar wind
  originates in coronal helmet streamers, the mechanism of the slow solar
  wind acceleration, and the origin of the variability are still being
  debated. The combination of new observations and numerical modeling
  are beginning to address these questions. I will discuss how recent
  in-situ observations by Ulysses, white light and EUV observations by
  the LASCO and UVCS instruments on SOHO advanced our understanding
  of the streamer structure, dynamics, and stability. I will briefly
  review the current state of numerical MHD modeling of streamers,
  and the possible mechanisms that may produce the highly variable slow
  wind. I will present the results of recent heat-conductive MHD modeling
  of multiple streamer slow solar wind with heating function constrained
  by observations. I will show how multi-fluid numerical modeling of the
  slow solar wind in streamers helps to identify the regions of the slow
  solar wind outflow.

Title: 3D MHD Simulation of the Interaction of Fast Magnetosonic
    Waves and a Coronal Active Region
Authors: Terradas, J.; Ofman, L.
2004ESASP.547..469T    Altcode: 2004soho...13..469T
  We present a three-dimensional MHD simulation of the local interaction
  between fast magnetoacoustic waves and a coronal active region
  observed with the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) on
  June 13, 1998. The 3D MHD model is initiated with the active region
  magnetic field calculated from the extrapolation of photospheric
  magnetograms. The corona is assumed to be isothermal and resistive
  dissipation is included in the model. We compare the main features
  of the simulated wave with the wave observed with TRACE. We find that
  many aspects of the simulation match the observations. In particular,
  we show how the wave's trajectory is modified, undergoing strong
  reflection and refraction away from the active region.

Title: 3D MHD Models of Active Region Loops
Authors: Ofman, L.
2004cosp...35.4568O    Altcode: 2004cosp.meet.4568O
  Present imaging and spectroscopic observations of active region loops
  allow to determine many physical parameters of the coronal loops, such
  as the density, temperature, velocity of flows in loops, and possibly
  the magnetic field. However, due to projection effects many of these
  parameters remain ambiguous. Three dimensional imaging in EUV by the
  STEREO spacecraft will help to resolve the projection ambiguities, and
  the observations could be used to setup 3D MHD models of active region
  loops to study the dynamics and stability. Here I present the results
  of 3D MHD models of active region loops, and the progress toward more
  realistic 3D MHD models of active regions. In particular I show the
  effects of impulsive events on the excitation of active region loop
  oscillations, and the generation, propagations and reflection of EIT
  waves. I show how 3D MHD models together with 3D EUV observations can
  be used as a diagnostic tool for active region loop physical parameters,
  and to advance the science of the sources of solar coronal activity.

Title: Looptop Density Enhancement By Nonlinear Magnetohydrodynamic
Authors: Terradas, J.; Ofman, L.
2003AGUFMSH42B0539T    Altcode:
  We discuss the possibility that disturbances generated in flares can
  produce the emission measure enhancement at the top of coronal loops
  observed by the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer ({TRACE}). The
  mechanism involved is the ponderomotive force of standing waves in
  the loops. We study the effect of large amplitude waves in loops
  using first a simple one-dimensional model for which analytical
  expressions are available, and second by solving the time dependent
  nonlinear magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations in a more realistic
  three-dimensional configuration. Waves are launched by an initial
  transverse velocity profile in the loop with footpoints fixed in the
  photosphere. We find that large initial disturbances can provide an
  imbalance along the loop, which results in an upflow from the legs of
  the loop. The accumulation of mass at the top of the loop produces a
  strong density enhancement. In a later stage, the pressure gradient
  becomes dominant and inhibits the concentration of mass at the loop

Title: Alfvén Waves in Multi-ion Coronal Plasma: Observational
Authors: Ofman, L.; Nakariakov, V. M.; Davila, J. M.
2003AGUFMSH11D1129O    Altcode:
  We investigate low-frequency Alfvén waves in a multi-ion coronal plasma
  by deriving the dispersion relation of the linearized three-fluid
  equations in magnetized plasma with coronal parameters. We study
  the effect of collisions on the velocity amplitude of minor ions due
  to the Alfvén waves compared to the proton wave amplitude. We find
  that in the collisionless plasma the minor ion velocity is reduced
  by the factor Z/A compared to protons, where Z is the ion charge,
  and A is mass in units of proton mass. When the collision frequency
  is much larger then the Alfvén wave frequency the velocity amplitude
  of the minor ions is equal to the proton velocity amplitude. We show
  the effects of minor ions and collisions on the dispersion relation
  of Alfvén waves in the three fluid plasma. In view of our results we
  show how the observed nonthermal line broadening of minor ions relates
  to the wave motions of protons as a function of heliocentric distance,
  and the plasma physical parameters.

Title: Development of 2D MHD Self-Consistent Empirical Model of the
    Corona and Solar Wind
Authors: Sittler, E. C.; Ofman, L.; Gibson, S.; Holzer, T.; Davila,
   J.; Guhathakurta, M.
2003AGUFMSH42D..07S    Altcode:
  We are developing a 2D MHD self-consistent empirical model of
  the solar corona and solar wind. We constrain the solution using
  empirically determined estimates of the effective pressure for the
  momentum equation and effective heat flux for the energy equation
  provided from coronagraph data and Ulysses plasma and magnetic field
  data. Our solutions are steady state and do not use a polytrope which
  we know is not valid in the solar corona. We have been able to achieve
  preliminary convergence. We will present the results of an error
  analysis. Our results are presently only valid during solar minimum,
  but are generalizing so it can be used during the transition toward
  solar maximum (i.e., three current sheets). We will also present some
  preliminary results which will allow us to apply our solutions to
  solar maximum conditions.

Title: Multiple Ions Resonant Heating and Acceleration by
    Alfven/cyclotron Fluctuations in the Solar Wind
Authors: Xie, H.; Ofman, L.
2003AGUFMSH11D1133X    Altcode:
  We study the interaction between protons, and multiple minor ions
  (O5+, He++) and a given cyclotron resonant spectra in coronal hole
  plasma. One-dimensional hybrid simulations are performed in initially
  homogeneous, collisionless, magnetized plasma with waves propagating
  parallel to the background magnetic field. The self-consistent hybrid
  simulations are used to study how multiple minor species may affect
  the resonance interaction between a spectrum of waves and the solar
  wind protons. The results of the simulations provide a clear picture
  of wave-particle interaction under various coronal conditions, which
  can explain 1) how multiple minor ions affect the resonant heating and
  the temperature anisotropy of the solar wind protons by a given wave
  spectrum; 2) how energy is distributed and transferred among waves and
  different ion species; 3) the growth and damping of different beam
  microinstability modes, including both inward and outward waves; 4)
  the formation of proton double-peak distribution in the solar wind.

Title: Flows in coronal loops driven by Alfvén waves: 1.5 MHD
    simulations with transparent boundary conditions
Authors: Grappin, R.; Léorat, J.; Ofman, L.
2003AIPC..679..750G    Altcode:
  We investigate time-dependent siphon flows in coronal loops driven
  by Alfvén waves. We consider a 1.5 D isothermal, MHD model in which
  the coordinate is the abscissa along the loop, with an external
  gravity field reversing sign in the middle, and a uniform magnetic
  field parallel to the x-axis. We use transparent boundary conditions,
  meant to describe the upper part of the loop. The reaction of the loop
  to Alfvén waves depends entirely on whether we allow or not incoming
  parallel velocity fluctuations: only in the latter case do transonic
  flows arise, but the flow is in that case generated by a nonlinear
  coupling of the waves with the boundaries.

Title: Development of Multidimensional MHD Model for the Solar Corona
    and Solar Wind
Authors: Sittler, E. C.; Ofman, L.; Gibson, S.; Guhathakurta, M.;
   Davila, J.; Skoug, R.; Fludra, A.; Holzer, T.
2003AIPC..679..113S    Altcode:
  We are developing a time stationary self-consistent 2D MHD model of
  the solar corona and solar wind that explicitly solves the energy
  equation, using a semi-empirical 2D MHD model of the corona to provide
  an empirically determined effective heat flux qeff (i.e., the term
  effective means the possible presence of wave contributions). But,
  as our preliminary results indicate, in order to achieve high
  speed winds over the poles we also need to include the empirically
  determined effective pressure Peff as a constraint in the momentum
  equation, which means that momentum addition by waves above 2 RS are
  required to produce high speed winds. At present our calculations do
  not include the Peff constraint. The estimates of Peff and qeff come
  from the semi-empirical 2D MHD model of the solar corona by Sittler
  and Guhathakurta (1999a,2002) which is based on Mk-III, Skylab and
  Ulysses observations. For future model development we plan to use SOHO
  LASCO, CDS, EIT, UVCS and Ulysses data as constraints for our model
  calculations. The model by Sittler and Guhathakurta (1999a, 2002) is
  not a self-consistent calculation. The calculations presented here is
  the first attempt at providing a self-consistent calculation based on
  empirical constraints.

Title: Damped Oscillations of Multithreaded Coronal Loops: results
    of 3D MHD Simulations
Authors: Ofman, L.; Terradas, J.
2003SPD....34.0108O    Altcode: 2003BAAS...35..806O
  Recently, scaling laws of the damping time of coronal loop oscillations
  were constructed from TRACE observations in the EUV of damped coronal
  loop oscillations (Ofman and Aschwanden 2002). The scaling laws suggest
  that the damping of the oscillations is due to phase mixing with
  anomalously high viscosity or resistivity. The phase mixing dissipation
  scenario is most likely realized due to the multithread structure of
  the coronal loops as suggested by observations. We develop a resistive
  3D MHD model of an active region coronal loop in low-beta plasma. We
  model the damping of an active region coronal loop oscillations using
  the resistive 3D MHD equations. The oscillations are excited by a model
  "EIT wave" that hits the loop. We investigate the evolution and the
  damping of the oscillations in a multithreaded loop and compare the
  results with a cylindrical loop. We find that the damping time is
  strongly dependent on the resistivity for the multithreaded loop,
  while for the cylindrical loop the damping time is weakly dependent
  on resistivity, in agreement with previous analytical results. We
  investigate the effects of boundary conditions, resistivity, and loop
  parameters on the damping rate in the multithreaded loop.

Title: Winds from “Non-Coronal” and “Hybrid” Stars Driven by
    MHD Waves
Authors: Airapetian, V. S.; Carpenter, K.; Ofman, L.
2003AAS...202.3214A    Altcode: 2003BAAS...35..745A
  Observations obtained with IUE, HST and FUSE provide extensive data
  on atmospheric heating and wind dynamics for late-type luminous
  stars. The physical processes which drive winds in these stars are
  poorly understood, despite decades of study. In our previous study we
  have shown that observational signatures of winds can be interpreted
  by our model of winds driven by propagated Alfvén waves in stellar
  atmospheres and launched at a single frequency at the wind base
  (Airapetian et al. 2000). We extend our MHD calculations of winds
  from luminous late-type stars to include an Alfvén wave driver
  with a broad-band frequency range. The calculations are applied to
  “non-coronal” (α Tau) and “hybrid” (β Dra) giant stars to
  consistently reproduce the observed velocity profiles of the winds,
  its terminal velocity, the turbulent broadening of UV lines and mass
  loss rates. The nature of wind variability in luminous late-type stars
  is discussed. We also present the preliminary results of our first
  MHD and LTE radiative transfer calculations to model the UV spectra
  from the K5 giant, α Tau. <P />This research is supported by the NASA
  Research grant from GSFC No. NAG5-12869.

Title: Observations of Slow Solar Wind Outflow in Coronal Streamers
    and the Relation to Current Sheet Structure
Authors: Strachan, L.; Ofman, L.; Panasyuk, A. V.
2003SPD....34.0602S    Altcode: 2003BAAS...35Q.817S
  UVCS/SOHO observations have allowed measurements of the slow solar
  wind outflow in streamers by using O VI emission at 1032 and 1037
  Å (Strachan et al 2002). Here we analyze the UVCS data to obtain
  more detailed outflow velocities of O 5+ in the legs and stalks of
  streamers. According to MHD models current sheets are believed to
  exist in the stalks and legs of coronal streamers, and the slow solar
  wind outflow speed peaks at same locations. In this work we compare
  the observations of outflow velocities to the velocities predicted
  by three-fluid model that includes O 5+. We present some preliminary
  data and discuss constraints on the observed and model values of the
  streamer parameters.

Title: Nanoflare Frequency Distribution Scaling from Wave Heating:
    Results of Nonlinear Loop Modeling
Authors: Davila, J. M.; Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.; Ofman, L.
2003SPD....34.1601D    Altcode: 2003BAAS...35..832D
  The statistics of nanoflare events observed by TRACE in the EUV and
  Yohkoh in soft X-rays exhibits a power law relation between the peak
  thermal energy and the number of events per energy interval. Using
  1D coronal loop model with nonlinear coupling to the chromosphere
  (Ofman, Klimchuk, and Davila 1998) we calculate the distribution of
  heating events due to the dissipation of waves driven by a random
  Alfven wave source. Initial results show that the number of heating
  events per energy bin scale with energy with the power of 2+/-
  0.4. The scaling is consistent with the observed value of 1.86+/-0.07
  at 171Å and 1.81+/-0.10 at 195Å found with TRACE (Aschwanden and
  Parnell 2002). Thus, we conclude that in the nanonflare energy range
  (E&lt;10<SUP>28</SUP> erg) the observed frequency distribution of peak
  energy is consistent with wave heating.

Title: 3D MHD Simulation of the Interaction of Fast Magnetoacoustic
    Waves and Coronal Active Regions
Authors: Terradas, J.; Ofman, L.
2003SPD....34.0109T    Altcode: 2003BAAS...35..806T
  Following the work of Ofman and Thompson (2002), we present a
  three-dimensional MHD simulation of the local interaction between
  fast magnetosonic waves and coronal active regions. In order to
  have a realistic simulation, in the present work the active region
  is modeled by an initially potential magnetic field configuration
  calculated from the extrapolation of photospheric magnetograms. The
  density is gravitationally stratified and we also include resistive
  dissipation in the model. We compare the main features of the simulated
  wave with a wave observed with the Transition Region and Coronal
  Explorer (TRACE). We find that many aspects of the simulation match
  the observations. In particular, we show how the wave's trajectory
  is modified, undergoing strong reflection and refraction away from
  the active region. We also discuss how we can use the simulations as
  a tool to understand the three-dimensional topology and stability of
  active regions, in anticipation of the STEREO mission.

Title: Consequences of proton and alpha anisotropies in the solar
wind: Hybrid simulations
Authors: Gary, S. Peter; Yin, Lin; Winske, Dan; Ofman, Leon; Goldstein,
   Bruce E.; Neugebauer, Marcia
2003JGRA..108.1068G    Altcode:
  Alfvén fluctuations propagating away from the Sun in the solar
  corona and solar wind transfer energy via cyclotron resonances to
  ions of successively larger charge-to-mass ratios. This can yield
  T<SUB>⟂</SUB>/T<SUB>∥</SUB> &gt; 1 for each ion species, where the
  subscripts refer to directions relative to the background magnetic
  field. If these anisotropies become sufficiently large, they drive
  electromagnetic ion cyclotron instabilities. This paper describes
  two-dimensional hybrid simulations of a collisionless, homogeneous,
  magnetized plasma to study the consequences of scattering by enhanced
  field fluctuations from such instabilities. The ions in the simulations
  consist of majority protons and minority alpha particles with initial
  bi-Maxwellian velocity distributions and representative solar wind
  parameters including a nonzero alpha/proton relative speed. The
  simulations show that both helium and proton cyclotron instabilities
  reduce the driving anisotropy, reduce initial differences between
  the proton and alpha particle anisotropies, and, as a new result,
  usually reduce initial alpha/proton speeds. These results are somewhat
  different from theoretical predictions of ion scattering by interaction
  with outward propagating Alfvén-cyclotron waves but are consistent
  with observations from Ulysses.

Title: Empirically Constrained Multidimensional MHD Model for the
    Solar Corona and Solar Wind
Authors: Sittler, E. C.; Ofman, L.; Gibson, S.; Guthathakurta, M.;
   Skoug, R.; Fludra, A.; Davila, J.; Holzer, T.
2002AGUFMSH21A0502S    Altcode:
  We are developing a time stationary self-consistent 2D MHD model of
  the solar corona and solar wind that explicitly solves the energy
  equation, using a semi-empirical 2D MHD model of the corona to provide
  an empirically determined effective heat flux q<SUB>eff</SUB> (i.e.,
  the term effective means the possible presence of wave contributions)
  for the energy equation and effective pressure P<SUB>eff</SUB>
  for the momentum equation. Preliminary results indicated that in
  order to achieve high speed winds over the poles we not only needed
  to use q<SUB>eff</SUB> in the energy equation, but also needed to
  include the empirically determined effective pressure P<SUB>eff</SUB>
  as a constraint in the momentum equation, which means that momentum
  addition by waves above 2 R<SUB>S</SUB> are required to produce high
  speed winds. A solution which only included q<SUB>eff</SUB> showed high
  acceleration over the poles below 2 R<SUB>S</SUB>, but then drooped
  above that radial distance indicating we needed momentum addition above
  that height to get high speed flows over the poles. We will show new
  results which include the added constraint of P<SUB>eff</SUB> in the
  momentum equation. This method will allows us to estimate the momentum
  addition term due to waves as a function of height and latitude within
  the corona. The estimates of P<SUB>eff</SUB> and q<SUB>eff</SUB> come
  from the semi-empirical 2D MHD model of the solar corona by Sittler and
  Guhathakurta (1999, 2002) which is based on Mk-III, Skylab and Ulysses
  observations. For future model development we plan to use SOHO LASCO,
  CDS, EIT, UVCS, Spartan 201-05 and Ulysses data as constraints for
  our model calculations. The model by Sittler and Guhathakurta (1999,
  2002) is not a self-consistent calculation. The calculations presented
  here are a continuing effort to provide a self-consistent calculation
  based on empirical constraints.

Title: Doppler oscillations in hot coronal loops
Authors: Curdt, W.; Wang, T. J.; Innes, D. E.; Solanki, S. K.;
   Dammasch, I. E.; Kliem, B.; Ofman, L.
2002ESASP.506..581C    Altcode: 2002ESPM...10..581C; 2002svco.conf..581C
  Recently, a new kind of damped oscillations of hot coronal loops was
  revealed by the Solar Ultraviolet Measurements of Emitted Radiation
  (SUMER) spectrometer on SOHO. Such events seem to be a common feature
  observed in active region loops, seen very often when these lines
  brighten. The oscillations always have an impulsive trigger and
  are strongly damped while they cool down. However, in lines formed
  at coronal temperatures of ≍2 MK never any signature of these
  oscillations has been observed. In this study, we present the main
  properties of Doppler oscillations derived from a statistical study
  of 17 flare-like events, and a comparison with TRACE transverse loop
  oscillations. We also discuss the oscillation modes and their damping

Title: Kink oscillations of coronal loops as a tool for the
    determination of coronal magnetic field
Authors: Nakariakov, Valery; Ofman, Leon
2002ESASP.506..461N    Altcode: 2002svco.conf..461N; 2002ESPM...10..461N
  We develop a new method for the determination of the absolute value
  of the magnetic field strength in coronal closed magnetic structures,
  based on the analysis of flare-generated oscillations of coronal
  loops. Interpretation of the quasi-harmonic oscillations observed in
  terms of global standing kink waves allows to connect the period of
  the oscillations and the loops length with the magnetic field strength
  in the loops. Improved diagnostic of the loop length, the oscillation
  period, and the plasma density in the loop will significantly improve
  the method's precision.

Title: Consequences of proton and alpha anisotropies in the solar
wind: Hybrid simulations
Authors: Gary, S. P.; Yin, L.; Winske, D.; Ofman, L.; Goldstein,
   B. E.; Neugebauer, M.
2002AGUFMSH12A0390G    Altcode:
  Alfvén-like fluctuations in the solar corona and solar
  wind may cascade from lower to higher frequencies where they
  transfer energy via cyclotron resonances to ions of successively
  higher charge-to-mass-ratios. This yields T<SUB>perpendicular to
  }/T<SUB>{∥ </SUB></SUB> &gt; 1 for each ion species, where the
  subscripts refer to directions relative to the background magnetic
  field. If sufficiently large, these anisotropies drive electromagnetic
  ion cyclotron instabilities. This manuscript describes the use of
  two-dimensional hybrid simulations of a collisionless, homogeneous,
  magnetized plasma with both protons and alpha particles to study
  the consequences of scattering by enhanced field fluctuations from
  such instabilities. The most important new results are that both
  helium and proton cyclotron instabilities reduce initial differences
  between the proton and alpha particle anisotropies, and also reduce
  initial alpha/proton relative speeds. These simulation results are
  different from theoretical predictions of ion responses to their direct
  interaction with cascading Alfvén/cyclotron waves, but are consistent
  with observations from the Ulysses spacecraft.

Title: EUV Dimmings: Simple or Enigmatic?
Authors: Thompson, B.; Biesecker, D. A.; Ofman, L.; St. Cyr, O. C.;
   Wills-Davey, M. J.
2002AGUFMSH52A0488T    Altcode:
  EUV dimmings are large-scale depletions in coronal EUV emission
  associated with coronal mass ejections. Their occurrence is nearly
  perfect in correlation with fast CMEs. Many of the EUV dimming
  observations appear to correspond well in appearance and behavior to
  SXR dimmings. It has been assumed that the dimmings are merely the
  location of the CME mass removal in the corona, and that their similar
  appearance to coronal holes is because they are transient coronal
  holes with fieldlines opened by the coronal mass ejection. However,
  not all CMEs have dimmings, and large-scale EUV dimmings have also
  been caused by heating of local plasma, and due to absorption by cool
  material "clouds" evolving in the wake of an eruption. Additionally,
  there are several ways in which these regions "heal," presumably due to
  the closing down of the open field lines. The presentation will include
  a range of EUV dimming observations, a discussion of their origin,
  and what they might imply about the nature of the associated CMEs.

Title: Resonant heating and acceleration of ions in coronal holes
    driven by cyclotron resonant spectra
Authors: Ofman, L.; Gary, S. P.; ViñAs, A.
2002JGRA..107.1461O    Altcode:
  Recent observations and models suggest that the resonant absorption
  of ion cyclotron waves heats and accelerates the ions in the
  solar wind. Velocity distributions of minor ions derived from
  SOHO Ultraviolet Cronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) observations in
  coronal holes indicate that the minor ion temperature anisotropy is
  T<SUB>⟂</SUB>/T<SUB>∣∣</SUB> &gt; 10 and that outflow speeds
  are higher than those of the solar wind protons. Here one-dimensional
  hybrid simulations of initially homogeneous, collisionless plasmas are
  used to study a model of coronal plasmas including kinetic protons, a
  tenuous component of oxygen ions, and massless fluid electrons. Spectra
  of ion cyclotron resonant Alfvén waves are imposed on the system
  to study the resultant heating of both ion species. We investigate
  the effects of various power spectra of the form f<SUP>-1</SUP> or
  f<SUP>-5/3</SUP> and vary the input frequency range. We find that the
  ion heating strongly depends on the power contained in the frequency
  range of the input spectrum that can resonate with the ions. The minor
  O<SUP>5+</SUP> ions are easily heated and become anisotropic due to
  various forms of the spectra. The protons remain nearly isotropic
  and are weakly heated in most cases in this study. We investigate the
  self-consistent fluctuation spectrum generated by the response of the
  ions and the non-Maxwellian features in the velocity distribution.

Title: Acceleration and Heating of the Fast Solar Wind by
    Ion-Cyclotron and MHD Waves
Authors: Ofman, L.
2002AGUFMSH12A0417O    Altcode:
  The basic plasma properties of the fast solar wind as deduced from
  observations suggest that both, high frequency ion-cyclotron waves,
  and low frequency MHD waves play a role in the acceleration and heating
  of the coronal hole plasma. The heating due to high-frequency waves
  is particularly important in minor ions, such as O<SUP>5+</SUP>. I
  will present the results of 3-fluid, simulations of the solar wind
  plasma that combine the effects of ion-cyclotron, and MHD waves. The
  low frequency waves are included self-consistently as the source
  of momentum and heating of protons and electrons. Additional heat
  and momentum input terms due to ion-cyclotron waves are included
  in protons and minor ions. The 3-fluid gyrotropic model allows for
  T<SUB>perpendicular to &gt;T_∥ </SUB> of the ions in accordance
  with observations. The heating term that contributes mostly to the
  perpendicular temperature of minor ions is constructed using the
  saturated state of the hybrid kinetic model of the solar wind plasma
  at several locations in the coronal hole, with the plasma β and other
  parameters varying with radial distance. Iterative update of these
  parameters is planed in a future study. The temperature anisotropy
  estimated from SOHO UVCS spectral observations is used to constrain
  the hybrid kinetic modeling. Ulysses and Helios observations are used
  to constrain the asymptotic solar wind speed and mass flux.

Title: Hot Coronal Loop Oscillations Observed by SUMER: Slow
    Magnetosonic Wave Damping by Thermal Conduction
Authors: Ofman, L.; Wang, Tongjiang
2002ApJ...580L..85O    Altcode:
  Recently, strongly damped Doppler shift oscillations of hot (T&gt;6 MK)
  coronal loops were observed with the Solar Ultraviolet Measurement
  of Emitted Radiation (SUMER) spectrometer on board the Solar and
  Heliospheric Observatory. The oscillations are interpreted as signatures
  of slow-mode magnetosonic waves excited impulsively in the loops. Using
  a one-dimensional MHD code, we model the oscillations and the damping of
  slow magnetosonic waves in a model coronal loop. We find that because
  of the high temperature of the loops, the large thermal conduction,
  which depends on temperature as T<SUP>2.5</SUP>, leads to rapid damping
  of the slow waves on a timescale comparable to observations (5.5-29
  minutes). The scaling of the dissipation time with period agrees well
  with SUMER observations of 35 cases in 17 events. We also find that the
  decay time due to compressive viscosity alone is an order of magnitude
  longer than the observed decay times.

Title: Estimating random transverse velocities in the fast solar
    wind from EISCAT Interplanetary Scintillation measurements
Authors: Canals, A.; Breen, A. R.; Ofman, L.; Moran, P. J.; Fallows,
   R. A.
2002AnGeo..20.1265C    Altcode:
  Interplanetary scintillation measurements can yield estimates of a
  large number of solar wind parameters, including bulk flow speed,
  variation in bulk velocity along the observing path through the solar
  wind and random variation in transverse velocity. This last parameter
  is of particular interest, as it can indicate the flux of low-frequency
  Alfvén waves, and the dissipation of these waves has been proposed
  as an acceleration mechanism for the fast solar wind. Analysis of IPS
  data is, however, a significantly unresolved problem and a variety of a
  priori assumptions must be made in interpreting the data. Furthermore,
  the results may be affected by the physical structure of the radio
  source and by variations in the solar wind along the scintillation
  ray path. We have used observations of simple point-like radio
  sources made with EISCAT between 1994 and 1998 to obtain estimates
  of random transverse velocity in the fast solar wind. The results
  obtained with various a priori assumptions made in the analysis are
  compared, and we hope thereby to be able to provide some indication
  of the reliability of our estimates of random transverse velocity
  and the variation of this parameter with distance from the Sun.<BR
  /><BR />Key words. Interplanetary physics (MHD waves and turbulence;
  solar wind plasma; instruments and techniques)

Title: Damping Time Scaling of Coronal Loop Oscillations Deduced
    from Transition Region and Coronal Explorer Observations
Authors: Ofman, L.; Aschwanden, M. J.
2002ApJ...576L.153O    Altcode:
  The damping mechanism of recently discovered coronal loop transverse
  oscillations provides clues to the mechanism of coronal heating. We
  determine the scaling of the damping time with the parameters of the
  loops observed in extreme ultraviolet by the Transition Region and
  Coronal Explorer. We find excellent agreement of the scaling power
  to the power predicted by phase mixing and poor agreement with the
  power predicted by the wave leakage or ideal decay of the cylindrical
  kink mode mechanisms. Phase mixing leads to rapid dissipation of the
  Alfvén waves due to the variation of the Alfvén speed across the
  wave front and formation of small scales. Our results suggest that
  the loop oscillations are dissipated by phase mixing with anomalously
  high viscosity.

Title: Interaction of EIT Waves with Coronal Active Regions
Authors: Ofman, L.; Thompson, B. J.
2002ApJ...574..440O    Altcode:
  Large-scale coronal waves associated with flares were first observed
  by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) Extreme ultraviolet
  Imaging Telescope (EIT). We present the first three-dimensional MHD
  modeling of the interaction of the EIT waves with active regions and the
  possibility of destabilization of an active region by these waves. The
  active region is modeled by an initially force-free, bipolar magnetic
  configuration with gravitationally stratified density. We include
  finite thermal pressure and resistive dissipation in our model. The
  EIT wave is launched at the boundary of the region, as a short time
  velocity pulse that travels with the local fast magnetosonic speed
  toward the active region. We find that the EIT wave undergoes strong
  reflection and refraction, in agreement with observations, and induces
  transient currents in the active region. The resulting Lorentz force
  leads to the dynamic distortion of the magnetic field and to the
  generation of secondary waves. The resulting magnetic compression
  of the plasma induces flows, which are particularly strong in the
  current-carrying active region. We investigate the effect of the
  magnetic field configuration and find that the current-carrying active
  region is destabilized by the impact of the wave. Analysis of the
  three-dimensional interaction between EIT waves and active regions can
  serve as a diagnostic of the active region coronal magnetic structure
  and stability.

Title: Self-consistent 2D MHD modeling of multi-streamer coronal
Authors: Ofman, L.; Sittler, E. C.; Gibson, S.; Holzer, T. E.;
   Guhathakurta, M.
2002AGUSMSH21B..02O    Altcode:
  Recently, a semi-empirical 2D MHD model of the solar corona was
  constructed by Sittler and Guhathakurta [1999]. The model uses an
  empirical electron density and empirical magnetic field during solar
  minimum as input to the conservation equations of mass, momentum,
  and energy to derive an empirical effective heat flux, or empirical
  heating function. This semi-empirical model is not a self-consistent
  calculation. We explore the possibility of developing a self-consistent
  model that uses the empirical heating function as a constraint for the
  calculations. This allows us to solve the energy equation without use of
  a polytrope which we know does not apply near the Sun. For our initial
  attempt we use the empirically derived magnetic field model obtained
  from observed streamer topologies and Ulysses boundary conditions to
  initialize our self-consistent 2D MHD model of the solar corona. We
  solve the thermally conductive energy equations with an empirical
  heating function, and obtain 3-streamer structure with self-consistent
  magnetic field, current-sheets, solar wind outflow, density, and
  temperature. We compare the results of the thermally conductive model
  to the polytropic model, and to the empirical model. We find that
  the self-consistent magnetic field structure is more realistic then
  the empirical model. We find that the thermally conductive streamers
  result in more diffuse current-sheets than in the polytropic model. We
  also find that the heating function reduces the heliocentric distance
  of the streamers' cusp, and produces more rapid acceleration of the
  solar wind in the thermally conductive model then in the polytropic
  model, consistent with observations. We investigate the effect of
  various forms of the heating function, and of an empirically derived
  heat flux on the solutions.

Title: Chromospheric Leakage of Alfvén Waves in Coronal Loops
Authors: Ofman, L.
2002ApJ...568L.135O    Altcode:
  The recently observed rapid damping of coronal loop oscillations
  generated discussion regarding the physical mechanism responsible for
  the damping, with the leakage into the chromosphere suggested as one
  of the possible mechanisms. I study the leakage of Alfvén waves into
  the chromospheric footpoints of a coronal loop using the nonlinear
  viscoresistive 1.5-dimensional MHD model. The waves were launched by
  an initial transverse velocity profile in the loop. I find that the
  leakage time of long-wavelength transverse oscillations, such as the
  ones observed recently by the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer
  (TRACE), is 5 times longer than the observed damping time of the
  oscillations. For the loop recently observed by TRACE, I conclude that
  the observed damping of the long-wavelength oscillations is not due
  to leakage into the chromosphere. However, depending on particular
  chromospheric and coronal properties, chromospheric leakage may be
  significant in some events of coronal loop oscillations.

Title: The Origin of the Slow Solar Wind in Coronal Streamers
Authors: Ofman, L.
2002cosp...34E.825O    Altcode: 2002cosp.meetE.825O
  The highly variable slow solar wind has been associated with
  low-latitude regions of the heliosphere most clearly by the Ulysses
  spacecraft. Although, it is clear today that the slow solar wind
  is associated with coronal helmet streamers, the mechanism of the
  slow solar wind acceleration, and the origin of its variability
  are still being debated. The combination of new observations and
  numerical modeling began to address these questions. I will discuss
  how recent white light and EUV observations of streamers by the
  LASCO and UVCS instruments on SOHO advanced our understanding of the
  streamer structure, dynamics, and stability. I will briefly review the
  current state of numerical MHD modeling of streamers, and the possible
  mechanisms that may produce the highly variable slow wind. I will show
  how multifluid numerical modeling of the slow solar wind in streamers
  helps to identify the regions of the slow solar wind outflow. I will
  present the results of recent attempts of self-consistent MHD modeling
  of multiple streamer slow solar wind with empirical heating function
  constrained by observations.

Title: Resonant Heating and Acceleration of Ions in Coronal Holes
    by High-Frequency Wave Spectrum
Authors: Ofman, L.; Gary, S. P.; Vinas, A.
2001AGUFMSH11A0696O    Altcode:
  Recent observations and models suggest that the resonant absorption
  of ion cyclotron waves heats and accelerates the ions in the solar
  wind. Velocity distributions of minor ions derived from SOHO UVCS
  observations in coronal holes indicate that the minor ion temperature
  anisotropy &gt;10 and outflow speeds is higher then the solar wind
  protons. Using 1D hybrid code we investigate the effects of differential
  flow and anisotropy on the stability of the solar wind plasma. We
  investigate the heating and the acceleration of the solar wind plasma
  ions by including an input spectrum of the form f<SUP>-1</SUP> and
  f<SUP>-5/3</SUP>. We find that the ion heating strongly depends on the
  power contained in the frequency range of the power-law spectrum that
  can resonate with the ions. The heating also depends on the plasma β ,
  and the abundance of the minor ions. We investigate the self-consistent
  fluctuations spectrum generated by the response of the ions. We have
  used second-order theory (Gary and Tokar 1985) to evaluate the rates
  of proton heating, anisotropy formation, and acceleration, and have
  compared these predictions against the simulation results.

Title: New Observations of Oscillating Coronal Loops
Authors: Reeves, K. K.; Shoer, J.; Deluca, E. E.; Winebarger, A. R.;
   Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.
2001AGUFMSH11A0704R    Altcode:
  One of the most promising discoveries of the TRACE mission is the first
  observations of transverse oscillations in coronal loops (Aschwanden
  et al 1999, Nakariakov et al 1999). Loops are set into motion from
  nearby flares, oscillate with a well defined frequency and decay
  on a time scale of 10 minutes. While the theoretical study of MHD
  waves in the corona has a long history, observational support has
  dramatically increased over the past 10 years as coronal instruments
  have improved. The transverse oscillations have been identified as
  standing kink modes for the 14-July-1998 observations cited above. In
  this paper we present clear evidence for a decaying global kink modes
  observed by TRACE on 15-Apr-2001. Six different loops have been observed
  to oscillate with a frequency in the range: 15-20 mHz (compared with
  4 mHz for 14-July-1998) and a decay time in the range: 8-23 minutes
  (compared with 11 minutes for the earlier event). The implications
  for these results for coronal diagnostics and solar coronal seismology
  will be discussed.

Title: Publicly Available Numerical Codes for Modeling the X-ray
    and Microwave Emissions from Solar and Stellar Activity
Authors: Holman, G. D.; Mariska, J. T.; McTiernan, J. M.; Ofman, L.;
   Petrosian, V.; Ramaty, R.
2001AAS...199.9302H    Altcode: 2001BAAS...33.1444H
  We have posted numerical codes on the Web for modeling the
  bremsstrahlung x-ray emission and the gyrosynchrotron radio emission
  from solar and stellar activity. In addition to radiation codes,
  steady-state and time-dependent Fokker-Planck codes are provided for
  computing the distribution and evolution of accelerated electrons. A
  1-D hydrodynamics code computes the response of the stellar atmosphere
  (chromospheric evaporation). A code for modeling gamma-ray line
  spectra is also available. On-line documentation is provided for each
  code. These codes have been developed for modeling results from the
  High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (HESSI) along with related
  microwave observations of solar flares. Comprehensive codes for
  modeling images and spectra of solar flares are under development. The
  posted codes can be obtained on NASA/Goddard's HESSI Web Site at
  http://hesperia.gsfc.nasa.gov/hessi/modelware.htm This work is supported
  in part by the NASA Sun-Earth Connection Program.

Title: Reconnection remnants in the magnetic cloud of October 18-19,
1995: A shock, monochromatic wave, heat flux dropout, and energetic
    ion beam
Authors: Collier, Michael R.; Szabo, A.; Farrell, W. M.; Slavin,
   J. A.; Lepping, R. P.; Fitzenreiter, R.; Thompson, B.; Hamilton,
   D. C.; Gloeckler, G.; Ho, G. C.; Bochsler, P.; Larson, D.; Ofman, L.
2001JGR...10615985C    Altcode:
  Evidence is presented that the Wind spacecraft observed particle and
  field signatures on October 18-19, 1995, due to reconnection near
  the foot points of a magnetic cloud (i.e., between 1 and 5 solar
  radii). These signatures include (1) an internal shock traveling
  approximately along the axis of the magnetic cloud, (2) a simple
  compression of the magnetic field consistent with the foot point
  magnetic fields being thrust outward at speeds much greater than the
  solar wind speed, (3) an electron heat flux dropout occurring within
  minutes of the shock, indicating a topological change resulting from
  disconnection from the solar surface, (4) a very cold 5 keV proton
  beam, and (5) an associated monochromatic wave. We expect that given
  observations of enough magnetic clouds, Wind and other spacecraft
  will see signatures similar to the ones reported here indicating
  reconnection. However, these observations require the spacecraft to
  be fortuitously positioned to observe the passing shock and other
  signatures and will therefore be associated with only a small fraction
  of magnetic clouds. Consistent with this, a few magnetic clouds observed
  by Wind have been found to possess internal shock waves.

Title: Electromagnetic heavy ion cyclotron instability: Anisotropy
    constraint in the solar corona
Authors: Gary, S. Peter; Yin, Lin; Winske, Dan; Ofman, Leon
2001JGR...10610715G    Altcode:
  The electromagnetic proton cyclotron anisotropy instability
  is driven by T<SUB>⊥p</SUB>/T<SUB>∥p</SUB>&gt;1 where
  p represents protons and the directional subscripts
  denote directions relative to the background magnetic
  field. Fluctuating field growth leads to wave-particle scattering,
  which in turn imposes an upper bound on the anisotropy of the form
  and the fitting parameters S<SUB>p</SUB>&lt;~1 and
  α<SUB>p</SUB>~=0.4. Recent SOHO observations indicate that minority
  heavy ions are substantially hotter and more anisotropic than protons
  in the solar corona. Here linear theory and hybrid simulations
  have been carried out in a model of a homogeneous, magnetized,
  collisionless plasma with anisotropic minority oxygen ions (denoted
  by subscript O). These calculations show that the electromagnetic
  oxygen ion cyclotron anisotropy instability also leads to
  wave-particle scattering, which constrains that anisotropy by the form
  S<SUB>o</SUB>~10 and α<SUB>O</SUB>~0.4. This constraint should be
  observable in the solar corona.

Title: Three-Fluid 2.5-dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic Model of the
    Effective Temperature in Coronal Holes
Authors: Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.
2001ApJ...553..935O    Altcode:
  Recent SOHO Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS)
  observations show that protons and minor ions are hot
  (T<SUB>p</SUB>&gt;10<SUP>6</SUP> K, T<SUB>i</SUB>&gt;10<SUP>7</SUP>
  K) and anisotropic in coronal holes. A possible cause of the large
  perpendicular motions is unresolved Alfvénic fluctuations in
  the solar wind. Using the three-fluid 2.5-dimensional MHD model,
  we have shown that the unresolved Alfvénic fluctuations lead to
  apparent proton temperature and anisotropy consistent with UVCS
  observations. However, Alfvén waves with realistic amplitudes cannot
  reproduce the O<SUP>5+</SUP> perpendicular temperature and anisotropy
  deduced from UVCS observations. This suggests that the minor ions are
  heated by a different mechanism than protons.

Title: Determination of the coronal magnetic field by coronal loop
Authors: Nakariakov, V. M.; Ofman, L.
2001A&A...372L..53N    Altcode:
  We develop a new method for the determination of the absolute value
  of the magnetic field strength in coronal closed magnetic structures,
  based on the analysis of flare-generated oscillations of coronal
  loops. Interpretation of the oscillations observed in terms of global
  standing kink waves allows to connect the period of the oscillations and
  the loops length with the magnetic field strength in the loops. For loop
  oscillations observed with TRACE on 14th July 1998 and 4th July 1999,
  we estimate the magnetic field strength as 4-30 G. Using TRACE 171 Å
  and 195 Å images of the loop, taken on 4th July 1999 to determine the
  plasma density, we estimate the magnetic field in the loop as 13+/-
  9 G. Improved diagnostic of the loop length, the oscillation period,
  and the plasma density in the loop will significantly improve the
  method's precision.

Title: Multifluid and Hybrid Modeling of Waves in Coronal Holes:
    Implications for Heating Theories
Authors: Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.
2001AGUSM..SH22E01O    Altcode:
  Recent SOHO Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS)
  observations show that protons and minor ions are hot
  (T<SUB>p&gt;10<SUP>6</SUP></SUB> K, T<SUB>i&gt;10<SUP>7</SUP></SUB>
  K) and anisotropic in coronal holes. A possible cause of the large
  perpendicular motions is unresolved Alfvénic fluctuations in the
  solar wind. Using the three-fluid 2.5D MHD model we have shown
  that the unresolved Alfvénic fluctuations lead to apparent proton
  temperature and anisotropy consistent with UVCS observations. However,
  \Alfven waves with realistic amplitudes can not reproduce the
  O<SUP>5+</SUP> perpendicular temperature and anisotropy deduced from
  UVCS observations. We use the hybrid model to investigate constrains
  on the anisotropy of the minor ions. Our results suggests that
  the minor ions are heated and accelerated by high-frequency waves (
  ~10<SUP>3</SUP> Hz), while proton heating occurs by low frequency waves
  ( ~10<SUP>-3</SUP> Hz).

Title: Interaction of EIT Waves with Coronal Active Regions
Authors: Ofman, L.
2001AGUSM..SH31D11O    Altcode:
  We use 3D MHD modeling to investigate the interaction of the EIT waves
  with active regions. The active region is modeled by an initially
  force-free, bipolar, magnetic configuration. We include gravity,
  finite thermal pressure, and resistive dissipation in our model. The
  EIT wave is launched at the boundary of the region, as short time
  velocity pulse that travels with the local fast magnetosonic speed
  ( ~ 250 km/s) towards the active region. We investigate the effect
  of the pulse amplitude and direction relative to the active region
  magnetic field orientation. We find that the EIT wave reconnects with
  the active region magnetic field, and induces transient currents. The
  currents and the resulting Lorenz force lead to the dynamic distortion
  of the active region magnetic field, and the generation of secondary
  waves that propagate away from the active regions. The Lorenz force
  compresses the plasma and induces flow along the magnetic flux tubes
  producing active region loops. Analysis of the interaction between
  the EIT wave and the active region can serve as a diagnostic of the
  active region coronal magnetic structure. We show animations of the
  interaction of the EIT waves with the active regions.

Title: Constraints on the O<SUP>+5</SUP> Anisotropy in the Solar
Authors: Ofman, L.; Viñas, A.; Gary, S. P.
2001ApJ...547L.175O    Altcode:
  Velocity distributions of O<SUP>+5</SUP> ions derived from
  Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) observations in coronal
  holes indicate that the O<SUP>+5</SUP> ions are highly anisotropic
  (T<SUB>⊥i</SUB>/T<SUB>∥i</SUB>~30-300 at 3.5 R<SUB>solar</SUB>). The
  observations provide empirical values for the electron density and
  the ion temperatures. It is well known that the electromagnetic
  ion cyclotron instability is driven by temperature anisotropy. The
  instability leads to the rapid decrease of anisotropy and transfer of
  part of the kinetic energy of the particles into the magnetic field
  fluctuations. Here we use linear theory and hybrid simulations combined
  with the empirical values of the densities and the temperatures to
  investigate the ion cyclotron instability of the anisotropic minor ions
  in the coronal hole plasma. We find that an initial O<SUP>+5</SUP>
  anisotropy of 50 decreases by an order of magnitude within ~300-900
  proton cyclotron periods. Thus, the ion cyclotron instability constrains
  the anisotropy of O<SUP>+5</SUP> ions that can be sustained in the
  solar corona without continuous perpendicular heating.

Title: Acceleration of the Fast Solar Wind by Solitary Waves in
    Coronal Holes
Authors: Ofman, Leon
2001STIN...0132396O    Altcode:
  The purpose of this investigation is to develop a new model for the
  acceleration of the fast solar wind by nonlinear. time-dependent
  multidimensional MHD simulations of waves in solar coronal
  holes. Preliminary computational studies indicate that nonlinear waves
  are generated in coronal holes by torsional Alfvén waves. These waves
  in addition to thermal conduction may contribute considerably to the
  accelerate the solar wind. Specific goals of this proposal are to
  investigate the generation of nonlinear solitary-like waves and their
  effect on solar wind acceleration by numerical 2.5D MHD simulation
  of coronal holes with a broad range of plasma and wave parameters; to
  study the effect of random disturbances at the base of a solar coronal
  hole on the fast solar wind acceleration with a more advanced 2.5D
  MHD model and to compare the results with the available observations;
  to extend the study to a full 3D MHD simulation of fast solar wind
  acceleration with a more realistic model of a coronal hole and solar
  boundary conditions. The ultimate goal of the three year study is
  to model the, fast solar wind in a coronal hole, based on realistic
  boundary conditions in a coronal hole near the Sun, and the coronal hole
  structure (i.e., density, temperature. and magnetic field geometry,)
  that will become available from the recently launched SOHO spacecraft.

Title: Three-fluid 2.5D MHD models of waves in solar coronal holes
    and the relation to SOHO/UVCS observations
Authors: Ofman, L.
2000AIPC..537..119O    Altcode: 2000wdss.conf..119O
  The physical properties of the minor ions in the corona
  provide clues on the coronal heating and solar wind acceleration
  mechanism. Recent observations show that protons and minor ions are hot
  (T<SUB>p</SUB>&gt;10<SUP>6</SUP> K, T<SUB>i</SUB>&gt;10<SUP>8</SUP>
  K) and anisotropic in coronal holes. A possible cause of the large
  perpendicular motions is unresolved Alfvénic fluctuations in
  the solar wind. Using the three-fluid 2.5D MHD model I have shown
  that the unresolved Alfvénic fluctuations lead to apparent proton
  temperature and anisotropy consistent with UVCS observations. I show
  the calculated dependence of the apparent kinetic temperatures of
  protons and O<SUP>5+</SUP> ions with heliocentric distance and compare
  the results to the UVCS observations. .

Title: Imaging the Sun in extreme ultraviolet and in X-rays with
    spaceborne instruments
Authors: Ofman, Leon
2000OptPN..11...54O    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Source regions of the slow solar wind in coronal streamers
Authors: Ofman, L.
2000GeoRL..27.2885O    Altcode:
  Recent SOHO/UVCS observations of the O<SUP>5+</SUP> ion line emission
  at 1032Å in coronal streamers indicate that the emission is stronger
  by an order of magnitude at the edges (legs) of streamers than in the
  central core of streamers. In contrast, the brightness of the Ly-α
  emission peaks in the core of streamers. I have developed the first
  2.5D, three-fluid numerical MHD model of the slow solar wind flow
  in a coronal streamer. Using the model I find that the enhancement
  of the oxygen line emission occurs due to the enhanced abundances
  of O<SUP>5+</SUP> ions in the legs of streamer caused by the Coulomb
  friction with the outflowing protons. Thus, the enhanced O<SUP>5+</SUP>
  emission traces the source regions of the slow solar wind in coronal
  streamers. The identification of these regions helps to understand
  the origins and the composition of the slow solar wind.

Title: Three-dimensional MHD modeling of an impulsive excitation of
    a coronal loop motivated by TRACE observations
Authors: Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.
2000SPD....31.0604O    Altcode: 2000BAAS...32..838O
  Recently, decaying transversal oscillations of bright coronal loops
  in the 171 Angstroms and 195 Angstroms emission lines were observed
  with the imaging telescope on-board the TRACE satellite. The loop
  oscillations were excited impulsively by a solar flare in the adjacent
  active region. Using 3D MHD model of the loop the period and the decay
  rate of the oscillations, together with the loop geometry, density,
  and temperature can be used to determine the average magnetic field of
  the loop, and the magnetic or viscous Reynolds number (R). Recently,
  Nakariakov et al. (1999) used the R<SUP>1/5</SUP> heating time scaling
  to determine the range of the dissipation coefficients in the loop
  observed with TRACE. Using the linearized 3D MHD model we investigate
  the coupling of the decaying transverse mode and the internal Alfvén
  mode, and examine the relation between the decay time of the transverse
  oscillations and the heating time of the loop for a range of Reynolds
  numbers, and wavenumbers. We use the nonlinear 3D MHD model with more
  realistic loop geometry, boundary conditions, and mode coupling to study
  the relaxation of the impulsively excited coronal loop oscillation. We
  find that when the Reynolds number is large (R=10<SUP>4</SUP>) the
  nonlinear effects become important at the resonant dissipation layer,
  and the heating time decreases compared to the linear case. We plan
  to expand the nonlinear 3D model to include the effects of gravity,
  and loop curvature to better model the loop oscillations observed
  by TRACE. LO would like to acknowledge support by the NASA SR&amp;T,
  and the HPCC programs.

Title: Three-dimensional MHD modeling of an impulsive excitation of
    a coronal loop motivated by TRACE observations.
Authors: Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.
2000BAAS...32..837O    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Dissipation of Slow Magnetosonic Waves in Coronal Plumes
Authors: Ofman, L.; Nakariakov, V. M.; Sehgal, N.
2000ApJ...533.1071O    Altcode:
  Recently, slow magnetosonic waves were identified in polar plumes,
  at heights up to about 1.2 R<SUB>solar</SUB> using the Extreme
  Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) observations of quasi-periodic EUV
  intensity fluctuations, and higher in the corona using the Ultraviolet
  Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) white-light channel. First, we derive
  the linear dispersion relation for the slow waves in the viscous
  plasma. Next, we derive and solve an evolutionary equation of the
  Burgers type for the slow waves, incorporating the effects of radial
  stratification, quadratic nonlinearity, and viscosity. Finally, we
  model the propagation and dissipation of slow magnetosonic waves in
  polar plumes using one-dimensional and two-dimensional MHD codes in
  spherical geometry. The waves are launched at the base of the corona
  with a monochromatic source. We find that the slow waves nonlinearly
  steepen as they propagate away from the Sun into the solar wind. The
  nonlinear steepening of the waves leads to enhanced dissipation owing to
  compressive viscosity at the wave fronts. The efficient dissipation of
  the slow wave by compressive viscosity leads to damping of the waves
  within the first solar radii above the surface. We investigate the
  parametric dependence of the wave properties.

Title: Propagation and Dissipation of Slow Magnetosonic Waves in
    Coronal Plumes
Authors: Ofman, L.
2000ASPC..205..147O    Altcode: 2000ltse.conf..147O
  Recently, slow magnetosonic waves were identified in polar plumes at
  heights of up to ~1.2R<SUB>odot</SUB> using the Extreme Ultraviolet
  Imaging Telescope (EIT) on board the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
  (SOHO) spacecraft. We model the propagation of these waves in solar
  polar coronal plumes, and the dissipation of the waves by compressive
  viscosity. First, we estimate the damping rate of the waves using
  linear theory. Next, we model the slow magnetosonic wave with a 2D
  MHD code in spherical geometry and assume azimuthal symmetry of the
  plumes. We find that the slow magnetosonic waves generated at the base
  of the plumes by periodic compressions propagate outward and dissipate
  in the plumes. The background atmosphere includes Parker's flow and
  the corresponding density stratified by gravity close to the Sun. The
  stratification leads to the nonlinear steepening, and to enhanced
  dissipation over the linear rate of the waves. The dissipation may
  contribute to the heating and the acceleration of the solar wind. By
  observing the density structure of the plumes during an eclipse it
  may be possible to learn more about these waves.

Title: UVCS WLC Observations of Compressional Waves in the South
    Polar Coronal Hole
Authors: Ofman, L.; Romoli, M.; Poletto, G.; Noci, G.; Kohl, J. L.
2000ApJ...529..592O    Altcode:
  Recent SOHO Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) white light
  channel (WLC) observations of the south polar coronal hole plumes and
  interplume regions produce signatures of quasi-periodic variations in
  the polarized brightness (pB) at a heliocentric distance of 1.9 solar
  radii (R<SUB>solar</SUB>). The Fourier power spectrum of the pB time
  series shows significant peaks at about 1.6-2.5 mHz and additional
  smaller peaks at longer and shorter timescales. Wavelet analysis of
  the pB time series shows that the coherence time of the fluctuations
  is about 30 minutes. The new observations strongly suggest that the
  fluctuations are compressional wave packets propagating in the coronal
  hole high above the limb. The presence of compressional waves may have
  important implications that help to explain the heating of coronal
  holes and the fast solar wind acceleration.

Title: Nonlinear dissipative spherical Alfvén waves in solar
    coronal holes
Authors: Nakariakov, V. M.; Ofman, L.; Arber, T. D.
2000A&A...353..741N    Altcode:
  The weakly nonlinear dynamics of linearly polarized, spherical Alfvén
  waves in coronal holes is investigated. An evolutionary equation,
  combining the effects of spherical stratification, nonlinear steepening
  and dissipation due to shear viscosity is derived. The equation is a
  spherical analog of the scalar Cohen-Kulsrud-Burgers equation. Three
  main stages of the wave evolution are distinguished: geometrical
  amplification, wave breaking and enhanced dissipation. The wave
  dissipation is dramatically increased by the nonlinear transfer of
  energy to smaller scales. The scenario of the nonlinear dissipation is
  practically independent of viscosity. The dissipation rate is stronger
  for highest amplitudes, and depends weakly on the wave period and the
  temperature of the atmosphere. Waves with periods less than 300 s and
  initial amplitudes about 2-3% of the Alfvén speed at the base of the
  corona are subject to the nonlinear steepening and dissipation in less
  than 10 solar radii. For the Alfvén waves with amplitudes less than
  25 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> at the base of the corona, the maximum amplitude
  of up to 200 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> is reached at several solar radii. The
  nonlinear distortion of the wave shape is accompanied by the generation
  of longitudinal motions and density perturbations.

Title: Acceleration of the Fast Solar Wind by Solitary Waves in
    Coronal Holes
Authors: Ofman, Leon
2000STIN...0021484O    Altcode:
  The purpose of this investigation is to develop a new model for the
  acceleration of the fast solar wind by nonlinear, time-dependent
  multidimensional MHD simulations of waves in solar coronal
  holes. Preliminary computational studies indicate that solitary-like
  waves are generated in coronal holes nonlinearly by torsional Alfven
  waves. These waves in addition to thermal conduction may contribute
  considerably to the accelerate the solar wind. Specific goals of this
  proposal are to investigate the generation of nonlinear solitary-like
  waves and their effect on solar wind acceleration by numerical 2.5D
  MHD simulation of coronal holes with a broad range of plasma and wave
  parameters; to study the effect of random disturbances at the base of
  a solar coronal hole on the fast solar wind acceleration with a more
  advanced 2.5D MHD model and to compare the results with the available
  observations; to extend the study to a full 3D MHD simulation of fast
  solar wind acceleration with a more realistic model of a coronal hole
  and solar boundary conditions. The ultimate goal of the three year study
  is to model the fast solar wind in a coronal hole, based on realistic
  boundary conditions in a coronal hole near the Sun, and the coronal
  hole structure (i.e., density, temperature, and magnetic field geometry)
  that will become available from the recently launched SOHO spacecraft.

Title: Winds from Luminous Late-Type Stars. I. The Effects of
    Nonlinear Alfvén Waves
Authors: Airapetian, V. S.; Ofman, L.; Robinson, R. D.; Carpenter,
   K.; Davila, J.
2000ApJ...528..965A    Altcode:
  We present the results of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) modeling of winds
  from luminous late-type stars using a 2.5-dimensional, nonlinear MHD
  computer code. We assume that the wind is generated within an initially
  hydrostatic atmosphere and is driven by torsional Alfvén waves
  generated at the stellar surface. Two cases of atmospheric topology
  are considered: case I has longitudinally uniform density distribution
  and isotropic radial magnetic field over the stellar surface, and case
  II has an isotropic, radial magnetic field with a transverse density
  gradient, which we refer to as an “atmospheric hole.” We use the
  same set of boundary conditions for both models.The calculations
  are designed to model a cool luminous star, for which we assume an
  initial hydrostatic pressure scale height of 0.072 R<SUB>*</SUB>,
  an Alfvén wave speed of 92 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> at the surface, and a
  wave period of 76 days, which roughly corresponds with the convective
  turnover time. For case I the calculations produce a wind with terminal
  velocity of ~22 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> and a mass loss rate comparable to the
  expected value of 10<SUP>-6</SUP> M<SUB>solar</SUB> yr<SUP>-1</SUP>. For
  case II we predict a two-component wind: a fast (25 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>)
  and relatively dense wind outside of the atmospheric hole and a slow
  (15 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>), rarefied wind inside of the hole.

Title: Numerical Simulations of Trapped Slow Magnetosonic Waves in
    Solar Coronal Plumes
Authors: Ofman, L.; Deforest, C. E.
2000AdSpR..25.1909O    Altcode:
  Recent observations of polar plumes in the southern solar coronal
  hole by the Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) on board
  the SOHO spacecraft show signatures of quasi-periodic compressional
  waves. Here, we present the results of a nonlinear, 2D MHD simulation
  of the slow magnetosonic waves in plumes for typical coronal conditions
  consistent with observations. Our numerical simulations confirm the
  interpretation of the observed intensity fluctuations as propagating
  slow magnetosonic waves. On March 7 1996 DeForest and Gurman (1998)
  detected quasi-periodic intensity variations of 10-20% in the EIT
  Fe IX and X line emission at 171A&amp;ring that propagate outward
  in several polar plumes at 75-150 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> with a period of
  10-15 minutes. The observed propagation velocity agrees well with the
  expected sound velocity inside the plumes. The lower phase speed in
  the plumes than in the ambient plasma leads to partial trapping of the
  slow magnetosonic waves in the plumes. The slow magnetosonic waves may
  contribute to the heating of the lower corona by compressive dissipation

Title: Dissipation and Steepening of Slow Magnetosonic Waves in
    Polar Plumes and the Effect on the Solar Wind Close to the Sun
Authors: Ofman, L.
1999ESASP.446..515O    Altcode: 1999soho....8..515O
  Recently, slow magnetosonic waves were identified in polar plumes at
  heights up to about 1.2Rs, using Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Telescope
  (EIT) observations of quasi-periodic EUV intensity fluctuations (Ofman,
  Nakariakov, DeForest 1999). We model the propagation and dissipation of
  slow magnetosonic waves in polar plumes using 2D MHD code in spherical
  geometry. We find that outward propagating slow magnetosonic waves may
  become trapped due to transverse density and temperature structure of
  the plumes. The slow waves nonlinearly steepen in the gravitationally
  stratified plumes. The nonlinear steepening of the waves leads to
  enhanced acceleration of the subsonic solar wind due to momentum
  transfer, and to the enhances dissipation due to compressive viscosity
  at the wave-fronts. The slow waves can contribute to the heating of
  coronal holes close to the Sun (r&lt;2Rs), a region where the shear
  Alfven wave heating is inefficient.

Title: Alfvén wave phase mixing driven by velocity shear in
    two-dimensional open magnetic configurations
Authors: Ruderman, M. S.; Goldstein, M. L.; Roberts, D. A.; Deane,
   A.; Ofman, L.
1999JGR...10417057R    Altcode:
  Phase mixing of torsional Alfvén waves in axisymmetric equilibrium
  magnetic configurations with purely poloidal magnetic field and
  stationary flow along the field lines in resistive viscous plasmas
  is studied. The characteristic wavelength along the magnetic field
  lines is assumed to be much smaller than the characteristic scale
  of inhomogeneity in the magnetic field direction, and the WKB method
  is used to obtain an analytic solution describing phase mixing. The
  general solution is applied to a particular configuration with
  the radial magnetic field and flow under the assumptions that the
  magnetic field and density are independent of the polar angle in the
  spherical coordinates and the flow velocity is independent of the radial
  coordinate. The only source of phase mixing in this configuration is
  velocity shear. The analytical solution is compared with a numerical
  simulation of the fully nonlinear resistive MHD equations. The numerical
  and analytical results are in good agreement. Consequences for wave
  energy deposition into the solar corona and solar wind and for the
  evolution of the Alfvén wave energy spectrum are discussed.

Title: TRACE observation of damped coronal loop oscillations:
    Implications for coronal heating
Authors: Nakariakov, V. M.; Ofman, L.; Deluca, E. E.; Roberts, B.;
   Davila, J. M.
1999Sci...285..862N    Altcode:
  The imaging telescope on board the Transition Region and Coronal
  Explorer (TRACE) spacecraft observed the decaying transversal
  oscillations of a long [(130 ± 6) × 10<SUP>6</SUP> meters], thin
  [diameter (2.0 ± 0.36) × 10<SUP>6</SUP> meters], bright coronal
  loop in the 171 angstrom FeIX emission line. The oscillations were
  excited by a solar flare in the adjacent active region. The decay
  time of the oscillations is 14.5 ± 2.7 minutes for an oscillation
  with a frequency 3.90 ± 0.13 millihertz. The coronal dissipation
  coefficient is estimated to be eight to nine orders of magnitude
  larger than the theoretically predicted classical value. The larger
  dissipation coefficient may solve existing difficulties with wave
  heating and reconnection theories.

Title: Alfvén wave phase mixing driven by velocity shear in two
Authors: Ruderman, M. S.; Goldstein, M. L.; Roberts, D. A.; Deane,
   A.; Ofman, L.
1999AIPC..471..337R    Altcode: 1999sowi.conf..337R
  We investigate the role of velocity shears in producing strong phase
  mixing and damping of Alfvén waves. We show that phase mixing damps
  waves in regions of strong velocity shear, thus providing a possible
  source of heat to the solar corona and solar wind. We compare the linear
  solutions with direct numerical solution of the three-dimensional
  equations of compressible (resistive) magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). In
  regions far removed from the velocity shear, the simulations show
  that the radial evolution of the wave amplitudes follows closely WKB
  theory. In the shear layer, strong damping occurs in the numerical
  simulations, quantitatively close to that computed from the linearized

Title: Two-fluid 2.5D MHD model of the fast solar wind and the
    effective proton temperature
Authors: Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.
1999AIPC..471..405O    Altcode: 1999sowi.conf..405O
  Recent SOHO/UVCS observations indicate that the perpendicular proton
  and ion temperatures are much larger than electron temperatures (Kohl et
  al. 1997). In the present study we simulate numerically the solar wind
  flow in a coronal hole with the two-fluid approach. For simplicity,
  we neglect electron inertia. We investigate the effects of electron
  and proton temperatures on the solar wind acceleration by nonlinear
  waves. In the model the nonlinear waves are generated by Alfvén waves
  with frequencies in the 10<SUP>-3</SUP> Hz range, driven at the base
  of the coronal hole. The resulting electron and proton flow profile
  exhibits density and velocity fluctuations. The fluctuations may steepen
  into shocks as they propagate away from the sun. We construct the proton
  velocity distribution and a synthetic Ly-α line profile by including
  the combined effects of temperature and velocity fluctuations in the
  model, and compare them to the UVCS observations.

Title: Temporal Evolution and Physical Properties of North Polar
    Coronal Hole from SPARTAN 201-05, SOHO, TRACE and Mk3
Authors: Guhathakurta, M.; Deforest, C.; Fisher, R. R.; Ofman, L.;
   Kucera, T.; Gibson, S.; Spartan201 Team
1999AAS...194.3203G    Altcode: 1999BAAS...31..870G
  Polar coronal rays/plumes as long lived structures that extend out
  to 6 R_sun were first observed during the first flight of SPARTAN 201
  spacecraft during April 11-12 of 1993. In this paper we will present
  detail observations from the WLC aboard Spartan 201 spacecraft (31
  Oct.- 2 Nov.,1998) of the north polar coronal hole and comapre its
  physical properties to the past three Spartan missions. We will present
  comparisons of the Spartan WL observations with the Mk3 pB observations,
  SOHO LASCO and EIT observations, and finally the high resolution TRACE
  171 Angstroms observations, to characterize the north polar coronal
  hole all the way from the base of the corona out to 30 R_sun. We will
  also look for signatures of waves (quasi-period variations) in the
  coronal hole plumes and interplume regions in the high cadence Spartan
  pB observations obtained during this mission.

Title: A Numerical Package for Modeling Solar Flares and Interpreting
    HESSI Data
Authors: Holman, G. D.; Mariska, J. T.; McTiernan, J. M.; Ofman, L.;
   Petrosian, V.; Ramaty, R. R.
1999AAS...194.8008H    Altcode: 1999BAAS...31..966H
  HESSI, the High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager, will observe the
  x-ray and gamma-ray emission from solar flares with an unprecedented
  combination of spectral, spatial, and temporal resolution. The
  quantitative interpretation of the HESSI data will require a level of
  numerical modeling not generally demanded by previous observations. In
  view of this, we are developing an integrated package of modular
  numeric codes and models for the analysis and interpretation
  of these data. The package will focus on the energetic electrons
  produced during the impulsive phase of flares. It will compute both
  the bremsstrahlung x-ray/gamma-ray emission and the gyrosynchrotron
  radio emission from model flare configurations and initial electron
  distributions. Steady-state and time-dependent Fokker-Planck codes
  will compute the transport of suprathermal electrons. A hydrodynamic
  code will compute the response of the flare plasma in the model
  configurations. The proposed computational package will allow for
  comprehensive modeling of energized electrons in different flare
  scenarios. The predicted emissions can be compared directly with
  HESSI and radio images and spectra. The package will provide the
  necessary framework for comparing electron acceleration models with
  HESSI data. This work is supported in part by the NASA Sun-Earth
  Connection Program.

Title: Determination of the Reynolds number from TRACE Observation
    of Damped Coronal Loop Oscillations Induced by a Flare
Authors: Ofman, L.; Nakariakov, V. M.; Deluca, E.; Roberts, B.;
   Davila, J. M.
1999AAS...194.7909O    Altcode: 1999BAAS...31..964O
  The Transition Region and Coronal Expolorer (TRACE) observes the solar
  corona with unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution. We analyzed
  active region loop observation in the 171 Angstroms Fe IX emission line,
  and report the direct observations of damped transverse oscillations
  of a long (130+/-6 Mm) thin (diameter 2+/-0.36 Mm) bright active region
  loop. The oscillations were detected following a flare in the adjacent
  active region. We determined the oscillation frequency and the decay
  time by the least-square fit of an exponentially decaying sinusoidal
  function. Using the dispersion relation for the transverse oscillations,
  and the observed loop geometry we estimated the Alfven crossing time
  in the loop. The Alfven time can be used to determine the magnetic
  field strength in the loop if the density is known. All parts of the
  loop were observed to oscillate transversly in-phase, implying that the
  ocillation is a global mode of the loop. Using dissipative MHD model for
  resonant absorption of global mode oscillations for the coronal loop
  we determined the Reynolds number that produces the observed damping
  rate of the observed global mode. The value of the Reynolds number is
  in the 10(5-10^6) range, which is eight to nine orders of magnitude
  smaller than the classical coronal value. We discuss the important
  implication of the small Reynolds number on coronal heating theories.

Title: Slow Magnetosonic Waves in Coronal Plumes
Authors: Ofman, L.; Nakariakov, V. M.; DeForest, C. E.
1999ApJ...514..441O    Altcode:
  Recent observations of polar plumes in the southern solar coronal
  hole by the Extreme-Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) on board
  the SOHO spacecraft show signatures of quasi-periodic compressional
  waves with periods of 10-15 minutes. The relative wave amplitude
  was found to increase with height in the plumes up to about 1.2
  R<SUB>solar</SUB>. Using a one-dimensional linear wave equation for
  the magnetosonic wave, we show that the waves are propagating and
  that their amplitude increases with height. The observed propagation
  velocity agrees well with the expected sound velocity inside the
  plumes. We present the results of the first nonlinear, two-dimensional,
  magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation of the magnetosonic waves in
  plumes for typical coronal conditions consistent with observations
  and gravitationally stratified solar corona. We find numerically
  that outward-propagating slow magnetosonic waves are trapped, and
  nonlinearly steepen in the polar plumes. The nonlinear steepening of
  the magnetosonic waves may contribute significantly to the heating of
  the lower corona by compressive dissipation.

Title: Signatures of Nonlinear Waves in Coronal Plumes and Holes
Authors: Ofman, Leon
1999STIN...0119003O    Altcode:
  In recent Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer/Solar and Heliospheric
  Observatory (UVCS/SOHO) White Light Channel (WLC) observations we found
  quasi-periodic variations in the polarized brightness (pB) in the polar
  coronal holes at heliocentric distances of 1.9-2.45 solar radii. The
  motivation for the observation is the 2.5D Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD)
  model of solar wind acceleration by nonlinear waves, that predicts
  compressive fluctuations in coronal holes. To help identify the waves
  observed with the UVCS/WLC we model the propagation and dissipation
  of slow magnetosonic waves in polar plumes using 1D MHD code in
  spherical geometry, We find that the slow waves nonlinearly steepen
  in the gravitationally stratified plumes. The nonlinear steepening of
  the waves leads to enhanced dissipation due to compressive viscosity
  at the wave-fronts.

Title: Two-fluid 2.5D MHD Simulations of the Fast Solar Wind in
    Coronal Holes and the Relation to UVCS Observations
Authors: Davila, J. M.; Ofman, L.
1999SSRv...87..165D    Altcode:
  Recent SOHO/UVCS observations indicate that the perpendicular proton
  and ion temperatures are much larger than electron temperatures. In
  the present study we simulate numerically the solar wind flow in a
  coronal hole with the two-fluid approach. We investigate the effects
  of electron and proton temperatures on the solar wind acceleration
  by nonlinear waves. In the model the nonlinear waves are generated
  by Alfvén waves with frequencies in the 10<SUP>-3</SUP> Hz range,
  driven at the base of the coronal hole. The resulting electron and
  proton flow profile exhibits density and velocity fluctuations. The
  fluctuations may steepen into shocks as they propagate away from
  the sun. We calculate the effective proton temperature by combining
  the thermal and wave velocity of the protons, and find qualitative
  agreement with the proton kinetic temperature increase with height
  deduced from the UVCS Ly-α observations by Kohl et al. (1998).

Title: SOHO Observations of Density Fluctuations in Coronal Holes
Authors: Ofman, L.; Romoli, M.; Noci, G.; Poletto, G.; Kohl, J. L.;
   Howard, R. A.; Cyr, C. St.; Deforest, C. E.
1999SSRv...87..287O    Altcode:
  In recent UVCS/SOHO White Light Channel (WLC) observations we found
  quasi-periodic variations in the polarized brightness (pB) in the
  polar coronal holes at heliocentric distances of 1.9 to 2.45 solar
  radii. The motivation for the observation is the 2.5D MHD model of
  solar wind acceleration by nonlinear waves, that predicts compressive
  fluctuations in coronal holes. In February 1998 we performed new
  observations using the UVCS/WLC in the coronal hole and obtained
  additional data. The new data corroborate our earlier findings with
  higher statistical significance. The new longer observations show that
  the power spectrum peaks in the 10 12 minute range. These timescales
  agree with EIT observations of brightness fluctuations in polar
  plumes. We performed preliminary LASCO/C2 observations in an effort
  to further establish the coronal origin of the fluctuations.

Title: Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer Observations of Density
    Fluctuations in the Solar Wind
Authors: Ofman, L.; Romoli, M.; Poletto, G.; Noci, G.; Kohl, J. L.
1998ApJ...507L.189O    Altcode:
  In the Letter “Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer
  Observations of Density Fluctuations in the Solar Wind” by
  L. Ofman, M. Romoli, G. Poletto, G. Noci, and J. L. Kohl (<A
  href="/abs/1997ApJ...491L.111">ApJ, 491, L111 [1997]</A>), there was
  an error in the data reduction of the polarized brightness (pB). It
  was assumed that the cadence of the data and the exposure time are
  equal. However, the correct cadence is30 s longer than the exposure
  time because of the time it takes the polarizer to change orientation
  between exposures. This error does not affect the main result of the
  Letter, i.e., the detection of quasi-periodic density fluctuations in
  the solar wind. However, the correct cadences of the data in Table 1
  are 30 s longer. This correction can be taken into account in Figure
  1 by multiplying the times by 1.5 and dividing the frequencies by
  the same factor. Thus, the highest peak in the power spectrum is at
  1.8+/-0.07 mHz (the corresponding period is 9.3+/-0.4 minutes). The
  correction factor is 1.1 in Figure 2 because of the longer exposure
  time in this observation.

Title: SUMER Observations of the Evolution and the Disappearance of
    a Solar Prominence
Authors: Ofman, L.; Kucera, T. A.; Mouradian, Z.; Poland, A. I.
1998SoPh..183...97O    Altcode:
  The mechanisms that lead to the formation and the disappearance of
  prominences are poorly understood, at present. An arch-shaped prominence
  was observed with the Solar Ultraviolet Measurements of Emitted
  Radiation (SUMER) spectrometer on board the Solar and Heliospheric
  Observatory (SOHO) on 31 March-1 April 1996. The observations were
  performed at three wave-bands in the Lyman continuum. Ten successive
  images were obtained at 41-minute time intervals. Based on computed
  models of Gouttebroze, Heinzel, and Vial (1993), we have determined the
  temperature distribution of the prominence using the intensity ratio of
  876 Å and 907 Å. The observed time sequence shows that parts of the
  prominence disappear possibly by heating, while other parts exhibit
  heating and cooling with apparent outward motion. We model the heat
  input with the linearized MHD equations using a prescribed initial
  density and a broad-band spectrum of Alfvén waves. We find a good
  qualitative agreement with observations. In the model the prominence
  is heated by the resonant absorption of Alfvén waves with frequencies
  that match the resonant condition for a particular flux tube structure
  that is determined by the magnetic field topology and plasma density.

Title: Solar wind acceleration by large-amplitude nonlinear waves:
    Parametric study
Authors: Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.
1998JGR...10323677O    Altcode:
  We investigate the parametric dependence of the solar wind acceleration
  by large-amplitude nonlinear (LAN) magnetohydrodynamic waves. For
  this purpose we model numerically the self-consistent problem of
  the solar wind with waves by solving time-dependent, nonlinear,
  resistive 2.5-dimensional (three-dimensional with azimuthal symmetry)
  MHD equations driven by Alfvén waves. We find that when the Alfvén
  wave amplitude is above a parameter-dependent threshold, LAN waves are
  generated in the model coronal hole. For typical coronal parameters the
  solar wind speed and density fluctuate considerably on a timescale of
  ~10-40 min and with an amplitude of up to several hundred kmilometers
  per second near the Sun (r&lt;~10R<SUB>S</SUB>) in agreement with
  recent interplanetary scintillation observations. The solar wind speed
  is inversely dependent on the driving frequency in the range 0.35-3
  mHz. The amplitude of the velocity fluctuations increases with the
  amplitude of the magnetic field and the driving Alfvén waves at the
  base of the corona and decreases with the coronal temperature. We found
  that for the same typical solar wind and Alfvén wave parameters and an
  isothermal initial atmosphere, the WKB model predicts 30% higher flow
  velocities far from the Sun (32R<SUB>S</SUB>) than our self-consistent
  wave model with high-frequency Alfvén waves (f=2.78mHz), conforming
  to the WKB approximation. However, our model predicts significantly
  higher average flow speed near the Sun. When low-frequency non-WKB
  waves drive the wind, our model predicts 25% higher solar wind speed
  than the WKB model far from the Sun. This result of our model is in
  agreement with linear studies of solar wind acceleration by Alfvén
  waves that take into account Alfvén wave reflection.

Title: Observation of Prominence Heating and the Heating Mechanism
Authors: Ofman, L.; Mouradian, Z.; Kucera, T. A.; Poland, A. I.
1998ASPC..150..159O    Altcode: 1998IAUCo.167..159O; 1998npsp.conf..159O
  No abstract at ADS

Title: A Self-consistent Model for the Resonant Heating of Coronal
Loops: The Effects of Coupling with the Chromosphere
Authors: Ofman, L.; Klimchuk, J. A.; Davila, J. M.
1998ApJ...493..474O    Altcode:
  We present the first model of resonant heating of coronal loops that
  incorporates the dependence of the loop density on the heating rate. By
  adopting the quasi-static equilibrium scaling law ρ ~ Q<SUP>5/7</SUP>,
  where ρ is the density and Q is the volumetric heating rate, we
  are able to approximate the well-known phenomena of chromospheric
  evaporation and chromospheric condensation, which regulate the coronal
  density. We combine this scaling law with a quasi-nonlinear MHD model
  for the resonant absorption of Alfvén waves in order to study the
  spatial and temporal dependence of the heating. We find that the heating
  is concentrated in multiple resonance layers, rather than in the single
  layer of previous models, and that these layers drift throughout the
  loop to heat the entire volume. These newfound properties are in much
  better agreement with coronal observations.

Title: Atmospheric Dynamics of Luminous Late-Type Stars
Authors: Airapetian, V. S.; Ofman, L.; Robinson, R. D.; Carpenter,
   K.; Davila, J.
1998ASPC..154.1569A    Altcode: 1998csss...10.1569A
  We present first results of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) calculations of
  winds from luminous late-type stars using an existing, 2.5D, non-linear
  MHD code recently developed by Ofman &amp; Davila (e.g., Ofman &amp;
  Davila 1997). We assume that the wind is initiated in a hydrostatic
  atmosphere with an isothermal pressure scale height of 0.072 R* and a
  “chromospheric hole” modeled by a transverse density structure and
  a radial magnetic field. To ensure that we are accurately assessing
  the terminal velocity of the wind, we carried out the calculations
  to a height of 20 stellar radii. We find that in the higher density
  (low Alfven velocity) regions outside of the “chromospheric hole” the
  Alfven waves are freely propagating. Ponderomotive forces associated
  with these waves drive radial, compressive motions and contribute to
  stellar wind acceleration. The compressive motions then excite slow
  magnetosonic waves which non-linearly steepen into solitary waves that
  propagate on top of a background flow. This situation is similar to
  solar coronal hole models. In the lower density “chromospheric hole”
  region the Alfven wave are strongly reflected, and produce a substantial
  outflow, with both radial and azimuthal velocities approaching the
  local Alfven speed. Our results are in qualitative agreement with
  observational signatures of winds in cool, luminous late-type stars.

Title: Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer Observations of Density
    Fluctuations in the Solar Wind
Authors: Ofman, L.; Romoli, M.; Poletto, G.; Noci, G.; Kohl, J. L.
1997ApJ...491L.111O    Altcode:
  Recent Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) white-light
  channel (WLC) observations on board the Solar and Heliospheric
  Observatory (SOHO) indicate quasi-periodic variations in the
  polarized brightness (pB) in the polar coronal holes. This is
  the first observation of possible signatures of compressional
  waves high above the limb (at heliocentric distances in the range
  1.9-2.45 R<SUB>solar</SUB>). The Fourier power spectrum of the
  pB time series at 1.9 R<SUB>solar</SUB> shows significant peak
  at about 6 minutes and possible fluctuations on longer timescales
  (20-50 minutes). The observation at 1.9 R<SUB>solar</SUB> is the only
  currently available WLC data set with sufficient cadence to resolve
  the 6 minute period. These preliminary observations may result from
  density fluctuations caused by compressional waves propagating in
  polar coronal holes. We stress that our results are preliminary, and
  we plan future high-cadence observations in both plume and interplume
  regions of coronal holes. Recently, Ofman &amp; Davila used a 2.5 D
  MHD model and found that Alfvén waves with an amplitude of 20-70 km
  s<SUP>-1</SUP> at the base of the coronal hole can generate nonlinear,
  high-amplitude compressional waves that can contribute significantly to
  the acceleration of the fast solar wind. The nonlinear solitary-like
  waves appear as fluctuations in the density and the radial outflow
  velocity and contribute significantly to solar wind acceleration
  in open magnetic field structures. The motivation for the reported
  observations is the MHD model prediction.

Title: IPS Observations of the Solar Wind Velocity and the
    Acceleration Mechanism
Authors: Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.; Coles, W. A.; Grall, R. R.;
   Klinglesmith, M. T.
1997ESASP.415..361O    Altcode: 1997cpsh.conf..361O
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Fast Solar Wind Acceleration by Nonlinear Waves in Coronal
Authors: Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.
1997AAS...191.7414O    Altcode: 1997BAAS...29.1326O
  We use the 2.5D (3D with azimuthal symmetry) MHD equations to model
  numerically the solar wind acceleration in a nonhomogeneous coronal
  hole. We investigate the parametric dependence of the solar wind
  acceleration by nonlinear MHD waves with a monochromatic and a broad
  band driving source. We find that when the Alfven wave amplitude is
  above a parameter dependent threshold , large amplitude nonlinear
  longitudinal waves are generated and contribute to the radial
  acceleration. The calculated solar wind speed and density fluctuates
  considerably on a time scale of tens of minutes with an amplitude of
  up to several hundred km/s near the sun (4R_sun&lt;r&lt;10R_sun). The
  amplitude of the fluctuations decreases with the distance from the
  sun. Using the monochromatic driver we find that the solar wind speed
  and the amplitude of the nonlinear waves is inversely dependent on
  the driving frequency in the range 0.3-3 mHz. The acceleration due to
  the broad band driver depends on the power spectrum of the driver. The
  amplitude of the nonlinear waves and the acceleration increases with
  the magnitude of the magnetic field and decreases with the temperature
  of the coronal hole.

Title: A Self-Consistent Model for the Resonant Heating of Coronal
Loops: the Effects of Coupling with the Chromosphere
Authors: Klimchuk, J. A.; Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.
1997SPD....28.0504K    Altcode: 1997BAAS...29..909K
  The physical nature of coronal heating remains one of the great problems
  of solar physics. One of the several theories that are being pursued
  is the resonant absorption of MHD waves. While promising in several
  respects, this theory has suffered from a glaring deficiency: the
  computed heating is incompatible with both the assumed density and
  the observed structure of coronal loops. We present the first model
  of resonant heating of coronal loops that incorporates the dependence
  of the loop density on the heating rate. By adopting the quasi-static
  equilibrium scaling law rho ~ Q(5/7) , where rho is the density and Q is
  the volumetric heating rate, we are able to approximate the well-known
  phenomena of chromospheric evaporation and chromospheric condensation,
  which regulate the coronal density. We combine this scaling law with
  a linearized MHD model for the resonant absorption of Alfven waves
  to study the spatial and temporal dependence of the heating. We find
  that the heating is concentrated in multiple resonance layers, rather
  than the single layer of previous models, and that these layers drift
  throughout the loop to heat the entire volume. These new properties
  are in much better agreement with coronal observations, including
  recent observations from the CDS and EIT instruments on SOHO, as well
  as earlier observations from the SXT instrument on Yohkoh.

Title: Do First Results from SOHO UVCS Indicate That the Solar Wind
    Is Accelerated by Solitary Waves?
Authors: Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.
1997ApJ...476L..51O    Altcode:
  The Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) on board the recently
  launched US-European Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) satellite
  has found O VI and H I emission lines with a broad component that
  corresponds to ~300 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> unresolved motions at about
  0.7 solar radii above the photosphere. These motions appear to be
  independent of ion mass. We suggest that the large Doppler broadening of
  the ion emission lines observed by the UVCS are signatures of solitary
  waves in the solar wind plasma. According to our recent 2.5-dimensional
  (i.e., three-dimensional with azimuthal symmetry) MHD simulations,
  these waves may contribute significantly to the solar wind acceleration
  and may generate velocity fluctuations with a magnitude that agrees
  with the above observations.

Title: Solar Wind Acceleration by Solitary Waves in Coronal Holes
Authors: Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.
1997ApJ...476..357O    Altcode:
  Coronal holes are well-known sources of the high-speed solar wind;
  however, the exact acceleration mechanism of the fast wind is still
  unknown. We solve numerically the time-dependent, nonlinear, resistive
  2.5-dimensional MHD equations and find that solitary waves are generated
  in coronal holes nonlinearly by torsional Alfvén waves. The solitary
  wave phase velocity was found to be slightly above the sound speed
  in the coronal hole; for example, with the driving Alfvén wave
  amplitude v<SUB>d</SUB> ~ 36 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> and plasma β = 5%,
  the solitary wave phase speed is ~185 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. We show with a
  more simplified analytical model of the coronal hole that sound waves
  are generated nonlinearly by Alfvén waves. We find numerically that
  these waves steepen nonlinearly into solitary waves. In addition,
  ohmic heating takes place in the coronal hole inhomogeneities owing
  to phase-mixing of the torsional Alfvén waves. When solitary
  waves are present, the solar wind speed and density fluctuate
  considerably on timescales of ~20-40 minutes in addition to the
  Alfvénic fluctuations. The solitary wave-driven wind might be in
  better qualitative agreement with observations than the thermally
  driven and WKB Alfvén wave solar wind models.

Title: Possible Signatures of Nonlinear MHD Waves in the Solar Wind:
    UVCS Observatio ns and Models
Authors: Ofman, L.; Romoli, M.; Davila, J. M.; Poletto, G.; Kohl,
   J.; Noci, G.
1997ESASP.404..571O    Altcode: 1997cswn.conf..571O
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Solitary waves in coronal holes-predicted signatures close
    to the sun
Authors: Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.
1997AIPC..385..227O    Altcode: 1997recs.conf..227O
  Coronal holes are well known sources of the high speed solar wind,
  however, the exact acceleration mechanism of the wind is still
  unknown. We find that solitary waves may be generated in coronal
  holes nonlinearly by Alfvén waves. The solitary waves may efficiently
  accelerate the fast solar wind in addition to thermal conduction. We
  solve numerically the time-dependent, nonlinear, resistive 2.5-D MHD
  equations in spherical geometry with azimuthal symmetry to model solar
  wind acceleration by waves in coronal holes. Torsional Alfvén waves
  are driven at the base of the model coronal hole and propagate into the
  corona. Ohmic heating layers are found to occur at the coronal hole
  boundaries due to phase-mixing of the torsional Alfvén waves. The
  nonlinear coupling of the perpendicular (to the background magnetic
  field) components of the velocity and the magnetic field to the radial
  component of the momentum equation leads to the acceleration of the
  solar wind in the radial direction and to the generation of solitary
  waves. The solitary wave phase velocity was found to be above the sound
  speed in the coronal hole, with the driving Alfvén wave amplitude
  v<SUB>d</SUB>~25 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, and plasma β=2.5%. We discuss
  the implication of our results to the proposed in-situ observations
  in the region r&lt;10R<SUB>s</SUB> with the future solar probe mission.

Title: A New Mechanism for Solar Wind Acceleration
Authors: Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.
1997IAUJD..19E..34O    Altcode:
  We investigate the parametric dependence of a new solar wind
  acceleration mechanism by nonlinear magneto-hydrodynamic waves, by
  solving numerically the time-dependent, nonlinear, resistive 2.5-D
  MHD equations. We find that large amplitude nonlinear longitudinal
  waves are generated in coronal holes by torsional Alfven waves for
  a broad range of parameters in the 10^6 K magnetized plasma. The
  structure and the dependence of the phase speed on the amplitude of
  these waves are similar to solitary waves. We find that the solar wind
  speed and density fluctuate considerably on a time scales of ~20-40
  min with an amplitude of several hundred km s^{-1}. The amplitude
  of the radial velocity fluctuations increases with the amplitude of
  the driving torsional Alfven waves at the base of the corona and the
  magnetic field strength, decreases with the temperature, and nearly
  independent of the driving frequency. The typical driving frequency
  of the Alfven waves is in the mHz range, determined by wave reflection
  in the radially stratified coronal hole, with an amplitude of 30-60 km
  s^{-1}. For typical coronal hole parameters the nonlinear wave driven
  wind accelerates to more than twice the Parker's solar wind speed and
  is in qualitative agreement with recent SOHO observations.

Title: Heating of coronal holes by the resonant absorption and
    dissipation of Alfvén waves
Authors: Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.
1996AIPC..382..149O    Altcode:
  Coronal hole regions are well known sources of high-speed solar
  wind, however to account for the observed properties of the solar
  wind a source of energy must be included in addition to heat
  conduction. Alfvén waves were suggested as the possible source
  of heating that accelerates the solar wind. We investigate the
  heating and propagation of Alfvén waves in coronal holes via 2-D
  MHD simulation in slab geometry. Resonance heating layers are found
  to occur when shear Alfvén waves are driven at the coronal boundary
  and a continuous density profile is assumed for the coronal hole. The
  heating is enhanced by phase mixing when coronal hole inhomogeneities
  (i.e., plumes) are included. We investigate the dependence of the
  heating rate on the driver frequency and the Lundquist number S and
  find a good agreement with the analytical S<SUP>1/3</SUP> scaling
  of the dissipation length for uniform background magnetic field. We
  find that when S=10<SUP>4</SUP> the low frequency Alfvén waves
  can be a significant source of heating of coronal holes at several
  solar radii. At larger values of S nonlinear effects may reduce the
  effective dissipation length. We also find that the radial dependence
  of the heating rate has the same form as the observed scale height
  temperature radial profiles observed by SPARTAN 201-01.

Title: Acceleration of the Solar Wind by Solitary Waves in Coronal
Authors: Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.
1996AAS...188.8602O    Altcode: 1996BAAS...28..963O
  Coronal holes are well known sources of the high speed solar wind,
  however, the exact acceleration mechanism of the wind is still
  unknown. We solve numerically the time-dependent, nonlinear, resistive
  2(1)/(2)-D MHD equations and find that solitons are generated in
  coronal holes nonlinearly by torsional Alfven waves. Initially,
  the ponderomotive force due to Alfven waves excites longitudinal
  magnetosonic waves by coupling to the radial component of the momentum
  equation. Next, these waves steepen into solitons that accelerate
  the solar wind to supersonic speed in the radial direction even in
  a low-beta plasma. The solitary wave phase velocity was found to be
  slightly above the sound speed in the coronal hole; for example, with
  the driving Alfven wave amplitude v_d~40 km s(-1) , and plasma beta =5%
  the soliton phase speed ~ 200 km s(-1) . We investigate the parametric
  dependence of the soliton wavelength and frequency on the plasma beta ,
  and on the driving Alfven wave amplitude and frequency. More simplified
  analytical model of the coronal hole leads to the Benjamin-Ono equation
  that predicts the generation of solitons analytically. The compressive
  dissipation of solitary waves may contribute significantly to coronal
  hole heating. In addition, Ohmic heating takes place near the coronal
  hole boundaries due to phase-mixing of the torsional Alfven waves in
  the inhomogeneous regions. When solitary waves are present the solar
  wind fluctuates considerably on long time scales and on small spatial
  scales in addition to the Alfvenic fluctuations. This is in better
  qualitative agreement with observations than the thermally driven and
  WKB Alfven wave solar wind models.

Title: Are thermal sudden disappearances of prominences driven by
    resonant absorption of Alfven waves?
Authors: Ofman, L.; Mouradian, Z.
1996A&A...308..631O    Altcode:
  In the present study we propose the resonant absorption of Alfven waves
  as the heating mechanism that leads to thermal sudden disappearances
  (DBt) of prominences. The physical parameters of prominence flux tubes
  are used with the low-{be}, linearized, resistive magnetohydrodynamic
  (MHD) model to calculate the heating times of prominences for a range of
  wavenumbers. The heating time dependence on the wavenumbers is compared
  to the measured times for DBt of quiescent prominences and a qualitative
  agreement is found. We find that present observational evidence is in
  qualitative agreement with the predictions of the resonant absorption
  heating mechanism for DBt of prominences. However, more observations
  of DBt are required to establish the heating mechanism with a higher
  degree of certainty.

Title: Signatures of Global Mode Alfven Resonance Heating in
    Coronal Loops
Authors: Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.; Shimizu, T.
1996ApJ...459L..39O    Altcode:
  The Yohkoh Soft X-Ray Telescope (SXT) observations of active region
  coronal loops transient brightening is analyzed, and the scaling of
  the thermal energy release with loop lengths is found to be Eth ~
  L1.60+/-0.09. The numerically determined scaling of the global
  mode heating rate for the resonant absorption of Alfven waves,
  H ~ L, is found to agree with the heating rate deduced from the
  observed thermal energy scaling, provided that the magnetic field
  scales as B ~ L-0.70+/-0.05 and the waves are driven with a omega -1
  spectrum. Previous analytical and numerical studies have shown that the
  heating due to resonant absorption of Alfven waves is most efficient at
  the global mode frequency. In agreement with these studies, we suggest
  that coronal loop transient X-ray brightenings occur when a given
  length coronal loop is perturbed at its global mode frequency by random
  footpoint motions, which results in more efficient heating of the loop.

Title: Nonlinear Excitation of Global Modes and Heating in Randomly
    Driven Coronal Loops
Authors: Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.
1996ApJ...456L.123O    Altcode:
  We solve the nonlinear three-dimensional MHD equations for fully
  compressible, low- beta , resistive plasma to model resonant Alfven
  wave heating of a coronal loop. Alfven waves are driven in the loop by
  a (pseudo)random time-dependent forcing with a bounded amplitude. We
  find that global modes are excited and resonantly heat the loop in
  the nonlinear regime in three dimensions. Resonant heating occurs in
  several narrow layers accompanied by high velocity and magnetic field
  shear. The narrow dissipation layers are affected by the self-consistent
  velocity shear and are carried around by the flow. Consequently, the
  topology of the perpendicular magnetic field and the ohmic heating
  regions differs significantly from the linear or single-frequency
  driver regimes, and the heating is spread more uniformly inside the
  loop. The heating rate varies significantly on a timescale of one to
  several global mode periods. We conclude that, in solar active regions,
  random field-line motions can excite global mode oscillations and
  resonantly heat the loops with a time-varying heating rate.

Title: Alfvén wave heating of coronal holes and the relation to
    the high-speed solar wind
Authors: Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.
1995JGR...10023413O    Altcode:
  Coronal hole regions are well-known sources of high-speed solar
  wind; however, to account for the observed properties of the solar
  wind, a source of energy must be included in addition to heat
  conduction. Alfvén waves were suggested as the possible source of
  heating that accelerates the solar wind. We investigate the heating
  and propagation of the fast and shear Alfvén waves in coronal holes
  via numerical solution of the time-dependent, linearized, resistive,
  low-β, two-dimensional MHD equations in slab geometry. The waves are
  driven at the lower boundary of the coronal hole and propagate into the
  corona. We find that fast waves are partially reflected at the coronal
  hole boundary and significant part of the wave energy leaks out of the
  coronal hole. We compare the calculated wavelengths and the attenuation
  rate of the fast waves in the leaky waveguide formed by the coronal
  hole with the analytical ideal MHD solutions for k<SUB>y</SUB>=0, where
  k<SUB>y</SUB> is the perpendicular wavenumber, and find an excellent
  agreement. When k<SUB>y</SUB>≠0 the fast waves couple to the shear
  Alfvén waves and transfer energy across field lines. <P />Resonance
  heating layers are found to occur when shear Alfvén waves are driven
  and a continuous density profile is assumed for the coronal hole. When
  resonance absorption is considered, the leakage is small compared to
  the heating rate. The heating is enhanced by phase mixing when coronal
  hole inhomogeneities (i.e., plumes) are included. We investigate the
  dependence of the heating rate on the driver frequency and the Lundquist
  number S and find a good agreement with the analytical S<SUP>1/3</SUP>
  scaling of the dissipation length. We find that when S=10<SUP>4</SUP>
  the low-frequency Alfvén waves can be a significant source of heating
  of coronal holes at several solar radii. At larger values of S,
  nonlinear effects might reduce the effective dissipation length. We
  discuss the relation of our results to the observed properties of
  high-speed solar wind and coronal holes.

Title: Nonlinear resonant absorption of Alfvén waves in three
    dimensions, scaling laws, and coronal heating
Authors: Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.
1995JGR...10023427O    Altcode:
  The nonlinear evolution of the resonant absorption of standing and
  propagating Alfvén waves in an inhomogeneous plasma is studied via
  solution of the time-dependent, three-dimensional, low-β, resistive
  MHD equations over a wide parameter range. When the nonlinear effects
  become important, the velocities at the dissipation layer were found to
  be lower than the linear scaling of S<SUP>1/3</SUP> would predict, where
  S is the Lundquist number. Highly sheared velocities that are subject
  to the Kelvin-Helmholtz-like instability were found at the narrow
  dissipation layers. Three-dimensional Kelvin-Helmholtz-like vortices
  appear at and near the dissipation layers and propagate along the slab
  of plasma when traveling Alfvén wave solution are considered. The
  narrow resonant heating layers are deformed by the self-consistent
  shear flow. In the solar active regions where the resonant absorption
  of Alfvén waves is believed to occur, the instability may lead to
  turbulent enhancement of the dissipation parameters and account for the
  observed turbulent velocities inferred from the nonthermal broadening
  of x-ray and EUV emission lines. The self consistent J×B force changes
  significantly the density structure of the loop that leads to a shift
  in the global mode frequency response of the loop and a subsequent
  drop in the heating rate. In the solar corona the density evolution
  of the loop is likely to be dominated by evaporation of material from
  the transition region.

Title: Reply to “Comment on nonlinear studies of coronal heating
    by the resonant absorption of Alfvén waves” by J. V. Hollweg
Authors: Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.; Steinolfson, R. S.
1995GeoRL..22.2679O    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Observations and physical interpretations of the solar wind
    flow properties as obtained from white light coronagraph aboard
    SPARTAN 201-01
Authors: Guhathakurta, Madhulika; Fisher, Richard; Ofman, Leon
1995sowi.conf...64G    Altcode:
  The solar corona was observed with an externally occulted White Light
  Coronagraph (WLC) carried on the SPARTAN 201-1 spacecraft on 11-12
  Apr. 1993. With observations from WLC and the ground based Mauna Loa
  White Light Coronagraph, a large number of polar plumes both in the
  north and south polar holes were traced from 1.16 to 5.5 Rs. Flow
  properties of the solar wind in coronal holes have been determined
  (Habbal et al., 1995) by using a two fluid model constrained by
  density profiles and scale height temperatures from the white light
  observations, and interplanetary measurements of the flow speed and
  proton mass flux from Ulysses' south polar passage. Provisions for
  acceleration by Alfven waves, as well as electron and proton heating,
  are included in the momentum and the energy equations respectively. The
  model computations fit remarkably well the empirical constraints of
  the two different density structures (plumes and coronal holes) for a
  range of input parameters. In this study we investigate the physical
  nature of the heating function used in the two-fluid model. Alfven
  waves have been suggested as the possible source of heating that
  accelerates the solar wind (Ofman and Davila, 1995). We utilize the
  density contrast observed in WLC data in the plume and ambient coronal
  hole region to estimate the Alfven wave frequencies responsible for
  heating these structures. The source heating function utilized in the
  two fluid model of the solar wind acceleration will be compared with
  the resonant Alfven wave heating function.

Title: Heating of coronal holes by the resonant absorption
    and dissipation of Alfven waves and its relation to solar wind
Authors: Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.
1995sowi.confQ..66O    Altcode:
  Coronal hole regions are well known sources of high-speed solar wind,
  however to account for the observed properties of the solar wind
  a source of momentum and heat must be included. Alfven waves were
  suggested as the possible source of heating that accelerates the solar
  wind. We investigate the propagation of the Alfven waves in coronal
  holes via numerical solution of the linearized 2-D resistive MHD
  equations in slab geometry. The Alfven waves are driven at the lower
  boundary of the coronal hole and propagate into the corona. The waves
  are reflected at the coronal hole boundary and part of the wave energy
  leaks out of the coronal hole. We compare the calculated wavelengths
  and the attenuation rate of the fast mode Alfven waves in the leaky
  waveguide formed by the coronal hole with the analytical ideal MHD
  solutions. The formation of resonance heating layers is found to occur
  when shear Alfven waves propagate in an inhomogeneous coronal hole. The
  heating is enhanced when fast mode waves couple to the shear Alfven
  waves. The narrow heating layers are formed near the location of the
  ideal resonance, which might occur near the coronal hole boundary for
  a nearly constant density coronal hole, surrounded by a higher density
  plasma. We investigate the dependence of the heating on the driver
  frequency, the Lundquist number, and on the heliocentric distance. and
  find that the low frequency Alfven waves can be an efficient source
  of heating at large distances from the Sun. We discuss the relation
  of our results to the observed properties of high-speed solar wind
  and coronal holes.

Title: Coronal Heating by the Resonant Absorption of Alfven Waves:
    Wavenumber Scaling Laws
Authors: Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.; Steinolfson, R. S.
1995ApJ...444..471O    Altcode:
  The importance of global modes in coronal loop heating is well
  established. In the present work the scaling of the global-mode resonant
  heating rate with the perturbation wavenumbers is studied with the
  numerical solution of the linearized time-dependent MHD equations for
  a full compressible, low-beta, resistive plasma using an implicit
  integration scheme. The numerical simulations demonstrate that the
  dissipation on inhomogeneities in the background Alfven speed occurs in
  narrow resonant layer with the highest heating rate at the global-mode
  frequency. The global-mode heating rate H <SUB>r</SUB> was found to
  scale as H (Sub r) approximately k <SUB>y</SUB> <SUP>1.03</SUP> when k
  <SUB>z</SUB> = 0.1, and as H <SUB>r</SUB> approximately k <SUB>y</SUB>
  <SUP>-1.93</SUP> when k <SUB>z</SUB> = 0.75, where k <SUB>y</SUB> and
  k <SUB>z</SUB> are the wavenumbers in the perpendicular and parallel to
  the magnetic field directions, respectively, while the dependence of H
  <SUB>r</SUB> on k <SUB>z</SUB> is more complex. The quality factor Q
  of the MHD resonance cavity scales as Q approximately k <SUB>y</SUB>
  <SUP>-1.8</SUP> for k <SUB>z</SUB> = 0.75 and as Q approximately k
  <SUB>y</SUB> <SUP>-1.46</SUP> for k <SUB>z</SUB> = 0.1. The numerically
  determined heating rate scaling, the global-mode fequency, and the
  quality factor are in good agreement with the analytical linear
  theory. The magnitude of the perturbed velocities was found to
  decrease with k <SUB>y</SUB>. Assuming typical coronal loop parameters
  (B <SUB>0</SUB> = 100-200 G, upsilon <SUB>A</SUB> = 2000-4000 km/s),
  the Alfven waves can supply the required heating to a low-Q loops.

Title: Heating of Coronal Holes by the Resonant Absorption and
    Dissipation of Alfvén Waves
Authors: Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.
1995SPD....26..907O    Altcode: 1995BAAS...27..974O
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Magnetic Reconnection and Current-Sheet Formation at X-type
    Neutral Points
Authors: Steinolfson, R. S.; Ofman, L.; Morrison, P. J.
1995GMS....86..189S    Altcode: 1995spcb.book..189S
  Numerical solutions of the nonlinear, resistive magnetohydrodynamic
  (MHD) equations are used to study the evolution of a perturbed or
  stressed x-type neutral point. By performing individual simulations
  for both compressible and incompressible plasmas, we are able to
  demonstrate that the important physics for this problem involves just
  the interaction between the plasma flow velocity and the magnetic
  field and that the thermodynamics has a relatively passive effect. We
  have also done separate simulations for both solid, conducting wall
  boundary conditions at a fixed distance from the x-point and for
  open boundary conditions that adjust as required by the evolving
  solution within the boundaries. With solid, conducting wall boundary
  conditions, our solutions for azimuthally symmetric disturbances agree
  (for essentially linear perturbations) with those obtained in previous
  analytic linear studies. In this case the stressed x-point relaxes back
  to the unstressed state on a time scale somewhat shorter than the time
  scale for the linear resistive tearing mode. Perturbations that are
  not azimuthally symmetric can relax even faster than the symmetric
  modes. When the conditions at the boundary are free to adjust, the
  disturbances grow in amplitude on an Alfvén time scale with the
  eventual formation of a current sheet separating two y-points. This
  rapid growing behavior is, of course, in sharp contrast to the
  relatively slow decaying solutions obtained with closed boundaries. The
  growing solutions qualitatively agree with previous analytic x-point
  solutions that have been suggested as an explanation for the rapid
  energy conversion in flares and substorms.

Title: Nonlinear studies of coronal heating by the resonant absorption
    of Alfvén waves
Authors: Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.; Steinolfson, R. S.
1994GeoRL..21.2259O    Altcode:
  The first nonlinear study of the instability of the resonant
  absorption is presented in this paper. The nonlinear evolution of the
  resonant absorption of Alfvén waves in an inhomogeneous plasma is
  studied via solution of the time-dependent 3-D, low-β, resistive
  MHD equations. Highly sheared velocities that are subject to the
  Kelvin-Helmholtz like instability are found at the narrow dissipation
  layers. Three dimensional Kelvin-Helmholtz like vortices appear at and
  near the dissipation layers and propagate along the slab of plasma. The
  narrow resonant heating layers are deformed by the self-consistent
  shear flow. In the solar active regions where the resonant absorption of
  Alfvén waves is believed to occur the instability may lead to turbulent
  enhancement of the dissipation parameters and account for the observed
  turbulent velocities inferred from the non-thermal broadening of x-ray
  and EUV emission lines.

Title: Coronal Heating by the Resonant Absorption of Alfven Waves
Authors: Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.; Steinolfson, R. S.
1994scs..conf..473O    Altcode: 1994IAUCo.144..473O
  Nonlinear evolution and stability of the resonant absorption layer
  is considered by solving the time-dependent 3D, low-β, resistive MHD
  equations with the Lax-Wendroff explicit method. The narrow resonant
  heating layers are deformed by the self-consistent shear flow. When
  the driver amplitude is small compared to the average Alfvén speed the
  dissipation layer appears to be stable and the driver-period-averaged
  ohmic heating rate saturates at a slightly higher than the linear
  rate. When the driver amplitude is large (F<SUB>d</SUB> ≍ 1) the
  resonant heating may become unstable.

Title: Coronal Heating by the Resonant Absorption of Alfven Waves:
    The Effect of Viscous Stress Tensor
Authors: Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.; Steinolfson, R. S.
1994ApJ...421..360O    Altcode:
  The time-dependent linearized magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) equations
  for a fully compressible, low-beta, viscoresistive plasma are
  solved numerically using an implicit integration scheme. The full
  viscosity stress tensor (Braginskii 1965) is included with the five
  parameters eta<SUB>i</SUB> i = 0 to 4. In agreement with previous
  studies, the numerical simulations demonstrate that the dissipation
  on inhomogeneities in the background Alfven speed occurs in a
  narrow resonant layer. For an active region in the solar corona
  the values of eta<SUB>i</SUB> are eta<SUB>o</SUB> = 0.65 g/cm/s,
  eta<SUB>1</SUB> = 3.7 x 10<SUP>-12</SUP> g/cm/s, eta<SUB>2</SUB> =
  4 eta<SUB>1</SUB>, eta<SUB>3</SUB> = 1.4 x 10<SUP>-6</SUP> g/cm/s,
  eta<SUB>4</SUB> = 2 eta<SUB>3</SUB>, with n = 10<SUP>10</SUP>/cu
  cm, T = 2 x 10<SUP>6</SUP> K, and B = 100 G. When the Lundquist
  number S = 10<SUP>4</SUP> and R<SUB>1</SUB> much greater than S
  (where R<SUB>1</SUB> is the dimensionless shear viscous number)
  the width of the resistive dissipation layer d<SUB>r</SUB> is 0.22a
  (where a is the density gradient length scale) and d<SUB>r</SUB>
  approximately S<SUP>-1/3</SUP>. When S much greater than R<SUB>1</SUB>
  the shear viscous dissipation layer width d<SUB>r</SUB> scales as
  R<SUB>1</SUB><SUP>-1/3</SUP>. The shear viscous and the resistive
  dissipation occurs in an overlapping narrow region, and the total
  heating rate is independent of the value of the dissipation parameters
  in agreement with previous studies. Consequently, the maximum values
  of the perpendicular velocity and perpendicular magnetic field scale
  as R<SUB>1</SUB><SUP>-1/3</SUP>. It is evident from the simulations
  that for solar parameters the heating due to the compressive viscosity
  (R<SUB>0</SUB> = 560) is negligible compared to the resistive and the
  shear viscous (R<SUB>1</SUB>) dissipation and it occurs in a broad layer
  of order a in width. In the solar corona with S approximately equals
  10<SUP>4</SUP> and R<SUB>1</SUB> approximately equals 10<SUP>14</SUP>
  (as calculated from the Braginskii expressions), the shear viscous
  resonant heating is of comparable magnitude to the resistive resonant

Title: Nonlinear Evolution of Coronal Heating by the Resonant
    Absorption of Alfven Waves
Authors: Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.; Steinolfson, R. S.
1993AAS...183.5904O    Altcode: 1993BAAS...25.1386O
  The nonlinear 3-D MHD equations for a fully compressible, low-beta,
  visco-resistive plasma are solved numerically using the Lax-Wendroff
  integration scheme (the explicit integration scheme was found to
  converge considerably faster in terms of physical time per CPU time
  than the Alternating Direction Implicit method). The calculations
  are initiated with the solutions of the linearized version of the MHD
  equations (Ofman, Davila, and Steinolfson 1994, Ap.J., in press), with
  inhomogeneous background density, and a constant magnetic field. The
  numerical simulations demonstrate that the narrow dissipation layer
  is affected by the self-consistent velocity shear: i.e., the regions
  of high ohmic heating are carried around by the flow. Consequently,
  the topology of the perpendicular magnetic field and the ohmic heating
  regions differs significantly from the linear case. Additional harmonics
  of the driver frequency appear in the temporal oscillations with the
  dominant frequency of double the driver frequency. When the Lundquist
  number is S=10(3) the average width of the resistive dissipation layer
  is 0.4a (where a is the density gradient length scale) and consistent
  with the linear results. When the driver amplitude is small compared
  to the average Alfven speed the dissipation layer appears to be
  stable and the ohmic heating rate is enhanced by about 15% over the
  linear heating rate. When the driver amplitude is comparable to the
  average Alfven speed the nonlinear effects dominate the evolution and
  the resonant heating layer may become unstable. A parametric study
  of the instability is presented. The effect of the self-consistent
  velocity on the instability is considered by generalizing the linear
  theory (Davila 1987) to include shear flow and solving the linearized
  dispersion relation of the resonant absorption with the background
  shear flow. (*) NRC-NAS Resident Research Associate.

Title: Magnetic Reconnection at Stressed X-Type Neutral Points
Authors: Ofman, L.; Morrison, P. J.; Steinolfson, R. S.
1993ApJ...417..748O    Altcode:
  The reconnection and relaxation of two-dimensional stressed
  (nonpotential) X-type neutral point magnetic fields are studied via
  solution of the nonlinear resistive two-dimensional MHD equations
  and by analytical solution of the linear eigenvalue problem. Previous
  linear studies (Craig &amp; McClymont 1991; Hassam 1992; Craig &amp;
  Watson 1992), have shown that such stressed fields may relax on a time
  substantially shorter (i.e., ∼ |log η|<SUP>2</SUP>, where η is the
  resistivity) than the usual time scale for linear reconnection (i.e.,
  η<SUP>3/5</SUP>. We have generalized the linear dispersion relation for
  azimuthally nonsymmetric perturbations and have found that for modes
  with azimuthal mode numbers m &gt; 0, the relaxation can occur at a
  rate faster than that for n = m = 0, where n is the radial "quantum"
  number. All of the results presented are for frozen-in (line-tied)
  boundary conditions at some distance from the X-point, and we emphasize
  that these boundary conditions are essential in order to obtain our
  solutions. We find that for nearly azimuthally symmetric magnetic
  perturbations the fields relax incompressibly and nonlinearly to the
  unstressed X-type neutral point at a rate close to that predicted by
  linear theory. Also, fully compressible nonlinear MHD simulations have
  been performed, which show that the interaction between the plasma
  flow velocity and the magnetic field is the important physical effect,
  while the inclusion of thermodynamics does not affect the evolution
  considerably. A Liapunov functional for the nonlinear incompressible
  two-dimensional resistive MHD equations is derived to show that the
  current-free X-point configuration is a global equilibrium to which
  general initial conditions relax.

Title: Coronal Heating by the Resonant Absorption of Alfven Waves:
    The Effects of Viscous Stress Tensor
Authors: Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M.; Steinolfson, R. S.
1993BAAS...25.1202O    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Reconnection of Magnetic Fields with Stressed X-type Neutral
Authors: Ofman, L.; Steinolfson, R. S.; Morrison, P. J.
1992AAS...180.5503O    Altcode: 1992BAAS...24..819O
  The reconnection of two-dimensional stressed X-type neutral point
  magnetic fields is studied via solution of the nonlinear resistive
  MHD equations and by analytical solution of the linear eigenvalue
  problem. Previous linear studies [I. Craig and A. McClymont, Ap. J. 371,
  L41 (1991); A. Hassam, Ap. J. submitted (1991)] have shown that such
  stressed fields may relax on a time substantially shorter than the usual
  time scale for liner reconnection (i.e. eta (3/5) ). We find that for
  azimuthally symmetric (m=0) and nonsymmetric (m&gt;0) perturbations,
  the fields relax to the unstressed X-type neutral point at a rate
  close to that predicted by linear theory, provided the fields at the
  boundaries are fixed, and there is no flow through the boundaries. If
  outflowing boundary conditions are imposed, we find that the perturbed
  X-point evolves into a sheet current within several Alfven times. This
  process is of the type proposed to explain solar flare discharges
  [J. Dungey, Phil. Mag. 44 354 (1953)].

Title: Nonlinear Evolution of the Resistive Tearing Mode Instability
    with Shear Flow and Viscosity
Authors: Ofman, L.; Morrison, P. J.; Steinolfson, R. S.
1991BAAS...23.1042O    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Determination of force-free magnetic fields above the
    photosphere using three-component boundary conditions - Moderately
    non-linear case
Authors: Cuperman, S.; Ofman, L.; Semel, M.
1990A&A...230..193C    Altcode:
  The calculation of the magnetic field components and the tracing
  of the magnetic field lines above the photosphere are considered
  within the framework of the nonlinear force-free field model, upon
  using three-component magnetic fields as boundary conditions. This
  vertical integration represents an extrapolation in the small and is
  free of any implicit or explicit assumption in the large. As a study
  case, an analytical model providing magnetic field components at a
  surface (representing the photosphere) and above it is used. Magnetic
  field components and magnetic field lines at z greater than 0 are
  obtained. Their comparison with the analytical ones provides a measure
  of the calculational accuracy. The method is demonstrated for the case
  of moderately nonlinear force-free forces.

Title: Resistive Tearing Mode Instability with Shear Flow and
Authors: Ofman, L.; Steinolfson, R. S.; Chen, X. L.; Morrison, P. J.
1990BAAS...22..853O    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Thermally Conductive Magnetohydrodynamic Flows in
    Helmet-Streamer Coronal Structures
Authors: Cuperman, S.; Ofman, L.; Dryer, M.
1990ApJ...350..846C    Altcode:
  The behavior of thermally conductive plasma flows in helmet-streamer
  coronal structures is investigated within the framework of
  the axisymmetric nonrotating one-fluid MHD model. Continuous
  subsonic-supersonic solutions satisfying observed boundary conditions
  at the sun as well as the vanishing of the temperature at infinity
  are obtained and presented. Special attention is paid to the combined
  effects of conductive flow (and corresponding thermal force) and
  rapidly diverging magnetic field on the critical points. In this,
  the heliocentric distance of the neutral point determining the
  separation between closed and open field lines (cusp) is treated as
  a free parameter. These thermally conductive solutions are contrasted
  with those provided by corresponding isothermal models.

Title: The absolute value and sign of the function alpha(r) in the
    force-free magnetic field modelling of photospheric observations
Authors: Cuperman, S.; Ofman, L.; Semel, M.
1990A&A...227..227C    Altcode:
  A relatively simple method for the determination of the quantity α =
  J/B characterizing the force-free magnetic fields based on photospheric
  vector magnetic fields is presented. Magnetic configurations
  for which the sign of α does not change are considered. <P
  />The method consists of two steps, namely: (a) Expression of
  force-free field equations in terms of the observed quantities
  B<SUB>z</SUB>, B<SUP>2</SUP><SUB>x</SUB>, B<SUP>2</SUP><SUB>y</SUB>
  and B<SUB>x</SUB>B<SUB>y</SUB> and determination of |α|; (b) Selection
  of the proper sign of α (corresponding to the magnetic configuration
  under consideration) by (i) solving the FFF equations under the
  assumptions α = - |α| and α = +|α|, (ii) using the two types of
  solutions to calculate the surface energy integral E<SUB>S</SUB>(z)
  = ∫ (B<SUP>2</SUP><SUB>x</SUB> + B<SUP>2</SUP><SUB>y</SUB>
  + B<SUP>2</SUP><SUB>x</SUB>)ds, and (iii) retaining the sign that
  leads to a decrease with height (z) of E<SUB>s</SUB>(z). <P />The
  proposed method is tested by considering three different FFF magnetic
  configurations for which analytical solutions exist.

Title: Extrapolation of photospheric potential magnetic fields using
    oblique boundary values - A simplified approach
Authors: Cuperman, S.; Ofman, L.; Semel, M.
1990A&A...227..583C    Altcode:
  The problem of extrapolating photospheric potential magnetic fields
  is addressed using the oblique line-of-sight component B1(rs) as a
  boundary condition and reducing it to that for the normal line-of-sight
  component Bz(rs). The observed B1(rs) component is used along with
  the direction cosines of the line-of-sight alpha, beta, and gamma
  to calculate semianalytically the photospheric components Bx(rs)
  and By(rs). All these values are used to find the normal photospheric
  component Bx(rs). Finally, using the distribution Bz(rs) as boundary
  values, the relatively simpler problem corresponding to the case
  in which the normal components are known is solved. The method is
  tested on the case of an analytical model configuration for which
  exact solutions in the half-space above the photosphere exist.

Title: Reply
Authors: Cuperman, S.; Ofman, L.; Dryer, M.
1989JGR....9410153C    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Determination of constant-alpha force-free magnetic fields
    above the photosphere using three-component boundary conditions
Authors: Cuperman, S.; Ofman, L.; Semel, M.
1989A&A...216..265C    Altcode:
  The constant-α, force-free magnetic field equations are
  numerically integrated for the case in which all three field
  components are specified at the photo sphere and used as boundary
  conditions. Test-cases successfully compare the numerical results with
  exact analytical values.

Title: On the dispersion of ion cyclotron waves in
    H<SUP>+</SUP>-He<SUP>+</SUP><SUP>+</SUP> solar wind-like magnetized
Authors: Cuperman, S.; Ofman, L.; Dryer, M.
1988JGR....93.2533C    Altcode:
  We investigate by computer simulation experiments the nonlinear behavior
  of mixed H<SUP>+</SUP>-He<SUP>+</SUP><SUP>+</SUP> plasma systems under
  the particular physical conditions found by the linear theory to allow
  the parallel propagation of only weakly damped electromagnetic ion
  cyclotron waves at the alpha particle cyclotron frequency. Here the
  waves are generated by anisotropic proton populations. The essentially
  nonlinear results of our computer simulations indicate a strong damping
  of the parallel propagating electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves and a
  significant dip in the energy spectrum, both centered cyclotron waves
  and a significant dip in the energy spectrum, both centered at about

Title: On the Dispersion of Ion Cyclotron Waves in Magnetized
    H<SUP>+</SUP> -He<SUP>++</SUP> Solar Wind-Like Plasmas
Authors: Cuperman, S.; Ofman, L.; Dryer, M.
1987sowi.conf..346C    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Nonlinear aspects of collective, electromagnetic interactions
    in magnetized plasmas with anisotropic protons and isotropic alpha
Authors: Cuperman, S.; Ofman, L.; Dryer, M.
1986JPlPh..36..387C    Altcode:
  We use computer simulation experiments to investigate the nonlinear
  behaviour of plasmas with a mixture of anisotropic protons and isotropie
  alpha particles, embedded in a static magnetic field. Specifically,
  we study the linearly predicted ‘stop-band’ for the propagation of
  the proton-produced electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves in conjunction
  with the energization of the heavier ions by the same waves. For this,
  three cases are considered: (1) proton + electron plasma; (2) proton +
  electron + cold alpha particle plasma, and (3) proton + electron + warm
  alpha particle plasma. Among the main results obtained we mention the
  following, (a) In the presence of significant relative He<SUP>2+</SUP>
  concentrations (either cold or warm) all proton-produced left-polarized
  waves having frequencies above the alpha-particle gyrofrequency are
  practically suppressed, during the entire nonlinear evolution of
  the system, indicating that particle-wave-particle interactions
  are confined to the low-frequency branch of the waves, (b) The
  ‘remnant’ wave energy, i.e. that part of the wave energy not
  transferred to the particles, decreases significantly when going from
  case 1 to case 3. (c) Nevertheless, in all three cases, the initial
  proton thermal anisotropy relaxes to the same quasi-equilibrium value
  ( 1·5). (d) The cold alpha particles in case 2 are strongly heated by
  their non-resonant interaction with the proton-produced ion cyclotron
  electromagnetic waves, (e) In contrast, the initially warm isotropic
  alpha particles in case 3 are heated by resonant interaction with the
  proton-produced waves, resulting in an increase in the perpendicular
  energy and a decrease in the parallel energy. The physical processes
  involved in the collisionless interaction of these mixed protons and
  heavier ions (alpha particles) are discussed.