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Author name code: owocki
ADS astronomy entries on 2022-09-14
author:"Owocki, Stanley P." 

Title: Discovery and origin of the radio emission from the multiple
    stellar system KQ Vel
Authors: Leto, P.; Oskinova, L. M.; Buemi, C. S.; Shultz, M. E.;
   Cavallaro, F.; Trigilio, C.; Umana, G.; Fossati, L.; Pillitteri,
   I.; Krtička, J.; Ignace, R.; Bordiu, C.; Bufano, F.; Catanzaro,
   G.; Cerrigone, L.; Giarrusso, M.; Ingallinera, A.; Loru, S.; Owocki,
   S. P.; Postnov, K. A.; Riggi, S.; Robrade, J.; Leone, F.
2022MNRAS.515.5523L    Altcode: 2022MNRAS.tmp.2067L; 2022arXiv220714075L
  KQ Vel is a binary system composed of a slowly rotating magnetic Ap
  star with a companion of unknown nature. In this paper, we report the
  detection of its radio emission. We conducted a multifrequency radio
  campaign using the ATCA interferometer (band-names: 16 cm, 4 cm,
  and 15 mm). The target was detected in all bands. The most obvious
  explanation for the radio emission is that it originates in the
  magnetosphere of the Ap star, but this is shown unfeasible. The known
  stellar parameters of the Ap star enable us to exploit the scaling
  relationship for non-thermal gyro-synchrotron emission from early-type
  magnetic stars. This is a general relation demonstrating how radio
  emission from stars with centrifugal magnetospheres is supported by
  rotation. Using KQ Vel's parameters the predicted radio luminosity is
  more than five orders of magnitudes lower than the measured one. The
  extremely long rotation period rules out the Ap star as the source
  of the observed radio emission. Other possible explanations for the
  radio emission from KQ Vel, involving its unknown companion, have been
  explored. A scenario that matches the observed features (i.e. radio
  luminosity and spectrum, correlation to X-rays) is a hierarchical
  stellar system, where the possible companion of the magnetic star is a
  close binary (possibly of RS CVn type) with at least one magnetically
  active late-type star. To be compatible with the total mass of the
  system, the last scenario places strong constraints on the orbital
  inclination of the KQ Vel stellar system.

Title: MOBSTER - VI. The crucial influence of rotation on the radio
    magnetospheres of hot stars
Authors: Shultz, M. E.; Owocki, S. P.; ud-Doula, A.; Biswas, A.;
   Bohlender, D.; Chandra, P.; Das, B.; David-Uraz, A.; Khalack, V.;
   Kochukhov, O.; Landstreet, J. D.; Leto, P.; Monin, D.; Neiner, C.;
   Rivinius, Th; Wade, G. A.
2022MNRAS.513.1429S    Altcode: 2022arXiv220105512S; 2022MNRAS.tmp.1099S
  Numerous magnetic hot stars exhibit gyrosynchrotron radio emission. The
  source electrons were previously thought to be accelerated to
  relativistic velocities in the current sheet formed in the middle
  magnetosphere by the wind opening magnetic field lines. However, a
  lack of dependence of radio luminosity on the wind power, and a strong
  dependence on rotation, has recently challenged this paradigm. We have
  collected all radio measurements of magnetic early-type stars available
  in the literature. When constraints on the magnetic field and/or the
  rotational period are not available, we have determined these using
  previously unpublished spectropolarimetric and photometric data. The
  result is the largest sample of magnetic stars with radio observations
  that has yet been analysed: 131 stars with rotational and magnetic
  constraints, of which 50 are radio-bright. We confirm an obvious
  dependence of gyrosynchrotron radiation on rotation, and furthermore
  find that accounting for rotation neatly separates stars with and
  without detected radio emission. There is a close correlation between
  H α emission strength and radio luminosity. These factors suggest that
  radio emission may be explained by the same mechanism responsible for H
  α emission from centrifugal magnetospheres, i.e. centrifugal breakout
  (CBO), however, while the H α-emitting magnetosphere probes the cool
  plasma before breakout, radio emission is a consequence of electrons
  accelerated in centrifugally driven magnetic reconnection.

Title: Centrifugal breakout reconnection as the electron acceleration
    mechanism powering the radio magnetospheres of early-type stars
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Shultz, M. E.; ud-Doula, A.; Chandra, P.;
   Das, B.; Leto, P.
2022MNRAS.513.1449O    Altcode: 2022arXiv220205449O; 2022MNRAS.tmp.1106O
  Magnetic B-stars often exhibit circularly polarized radio emission
  thought to arise from gyrosynchrotron emission by energetic electrons
  trapped in the circumstellar magnetosphere. Recent empirical analyses
  show that the onset and strength of the observed radio emission
  scale with both the magnetic field strength and the stellar rotation
  rate. This challenges the existing paradigm that the energetic electrons
  are accelerated in the current sheet between opposite-polarity field
  lines in the outer regions of magnetized stellar winds, which includes
  no role for stellar rotation. Building on recent success in explaining
  a similar rotation-field dependence of H α line emission in terms of
  a model in which magnetospheric density is regulated by centrifugal
  breakout (CBO), we examine here the potential role of the associated
  CBO-driven magnetic reconnection in accelerating the electrons that
  emit the observed gyrosynchrotron radio. We show in particular that
  the theoretical scalings for energy production by CBO reconnection
  match well the empirical trends for observed radio luminosity,
  with a suitably small, nearly constant conversion efficiency ϵ ≍
  10<SUP>-8</SUP>. We summarize the distinct advantages of our CBO
  scalings over previous associations with an electromotive force,
  and discuss the potential implications of CBO processes for X-rays
  and other observed characteristics of rotating magnetic B-stars with
  centrifugal magnetospheres.

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: MOBSTER. VI. Radio magnetospheres
    of hot stars (Shultz+, 2022)
Authors: Shultz, M. E.; Owocki, S. P.; Ud-Doula, A.; Biswas, A.;
   Bohlender, D.; Chandra, P.; Das, B.; David-Uraz, A.; Khalack, V.;
   Kochukhov, O.; Landstreet, J. D.; Leto, P.; Monin, D.; Neiner, C.;
   Rivinius, T.; Wade, G. A.
2022yCat..75131429S    Altcode:
  By combining both published and unpublished radio observations,
  published rotational and magnetic data, and new determinations
  of magnetic models and rotational periods via space photometry and
  previously unpublished high- and low-resolution spectropolarimetry, we
  have conducted the largest analysis of the gyrosynchrotron emission
  properties of magnetic early-type stars undertaken to date. <P
  />Tables containing the stellar, rotational, and magnetic parameters
  and radio luminosities, as well as tables of longitudinal magnetic
  field measurements. <P />(5 data files).

Title: Method and new tabulations for flux-weighted line-opacity
    and radiation line-force in supersonic media
Authors: Poniatowski, L. G.; Kee, N. D.; Sundqvist, J. O.; Driessen,
   F. A.; Moens, N.; Owocki, S. P.; Gayley, K. G.; Decin, L.; de Koter,
   A.; Sana, H.
2022arXiv220409981P    Altcode:
  In accelerating and supersonic media, the interaction of photons
  with spectral lines can be of ultimate importance. However,
  fully accounting for such line forces currently can only be done
  by specialised codes in 1-D steady-state flows. More general cases
  and higher dimensions require alternative approaches. We presented a
  comprehensive and fast method for computing the radiation line-force
  using tables of spectral line-strength distribution parameters, which
  can be applied in arbitrary (multi-D, time-dependent) simulations,
  including those accounting for the line-deshadowing instability, to
  compute the appropriate opacities. We assumed local thermodynamic
  equilibrium to compute a flux-weighted line opacity from $&gt;4$
  million spectral lines. We derived the spectral line strength and
  tabulated the corresponding line-distribution parameters for a
  range of input densities $\rho\in[10^{-20},10^{-10}]gcm^{-3}$ and
  temperatures $T\in[10^4,10^{4.7}]K$. We found that the variation of
  the line distribution parameters plays an essential role in setting
  the wind dynamics in our models. In our benchmark study, we also
  found a good overall agreement between the O-star mass-loss rates
  of our models and those derived from steady-state studies using more
  detailed radiative transfer. Our models reinforce that self-consistent
  variation of the line-distribution parameters is important for the
  dynamics of line-driven flows. Within a well-calibrated O-star regime,
  our results support the proposed methodology. In practice, utilising the
  provided tables, yielded a factor $&gt;100$ speed-up in computational
  time compared to specialised 1-D model-atmosphere codes of line-driven
  winds, which constitutes an important step towards efficient multi-D
  simulations. We conclude that our method and tables are ready to be
  exploited in various radiation-hydrodynamic simulations where the line
  force is important.

Title: Electron scattering emission in the light curves of stars
    with centrifugal magnetospheres
Authors: Berry, I. D.; Owocki, S. P.; Shultz, M. E.; ud-Doula, A.
2022MNRAS.511.4815B    Altcode: 2022MNRAS.tmp..327B; 2022arXiv220200615B
  Strongly magnetic, rapidly rotating B-type stars with relatively weak
  winds form centrifugal magnetospheres (CMs), as the stellar wind becomes
  magnetically confined above the Kepler co-rotation radius. Approximating
  the magnetic field as a dipole tilted by an angle β with respect
  to the rotation axis, the CM plasma is concentrated in clouds at and
  above the Kepler radius along the intersection of the rotational and
  magnetic equatorial planes. Stellar rotation can bring such clouds in
  front of the stellar disc, leading to absorption of the order of 0.1
  mag ($\sim 10 {{\ \rm per\ cent}}$ of continuum flux). However, some
  stars with prominent CMs, such as σ Ori E, show an emission bump in
  addition to absorption dips, which has been so far unexplained. We show
  that emission can occur from electron scattering towards the observer
  when CM clouds are projected off the stellar limb. Using the rigidly
  rotating magnetosphere model, modified with a centrifugal breakout
  density scaling, we present a model grid of photometric light curves
  spanning parameter space in observer inclination angle i, magnetic
  obliquity angle β, critical rotation fraction W, and optical depth
  at the Kepler radius τ<SUB>K</SUB>. We show that τ<SUB>K</SUB> of
  order unity can produce emission bumps of the magnitude ~0.05 seen in
  σ Ori E. We discuss the implications for modelling the light curves
  of CM stars, as well as future work for applying the radiative transfer
  model developed here to 3D magnetohydrodynamic simulations of CMs.

Title: Detection of an extremely strong magnetic field in the
    double-degenerate binary merger product HD 144941
Authors: Shultz, M. E.; Kochukhov, O.; Labadie-Bartz, J.; David-Uraz,
   A.; Owocki, S. P.
2021MNRAS.507.1283S    Altcode: 2021MNRAS.tmp.1941S; 2021arXiv210711211S
  HD 144941 is an extreme He (EHe) star, a rare class of subdwarf OB
  star formed from the merger of two white dwarf (WD) stars. Uniquely
  amongst EHe stars, its light curve has been reported to be modulated
  entirely by rotation, suggesting the presence of a magnetic field. Here,
  we report the first high-resolution spectropolarimetric observations
  of HD 144941, in which we detect an extremely strong magnetic field
  both in circular polarization (with a line-of-sight magnetic field
  averaged over the stellar disc ⟨B<SUB>z</SUB>⟩ ~-8 kG) and in
  Zeeman splitting of spectral lines (yielding a magnetic modulus of
  ⟨B⟩ ~17 kG). We also report for the first time weak H α emission
  consistent with an origin and a centrifugal magnetosphere. HD 144941's
  atmospheric parameters could be consistent with either a subdwarf or a
  main-sequence (MS) star, and its surface abundances are neither similar
  to other EHe stars nor to He-strong magnetic stars. However, its H α
  emission properties can only be reproduced if its mass is around 1
  M<SUB>⊙</SUB>, indicating that it must be a post-MS object. Since
  there is no indication of binarity, it is unlikely to be a stripped
  star, and was therefore most likely produced in a WD merger. HD 144941
  is therefore further evidence that mergers are a viable pathway for
  the generation of fossil magnetic fields.

Title: H-alpha Emission as a Diagnostic of Plasma Transport Mechanics
    in Centrifugal Magnetospheres
Authors: Shultz, M. E.; Owocki, S.; Rivinius, Th.; Wade, G. A.;
   Neiner, C.; Alecian, E.; Kochukhov, O.; Bohlender, D.; ud-Doula, A.;
   Landstreet, J. D.; Sikora, J.; David-Uraz, A.; Petit, V.; Cerrahoğlu,
   P.; Fine, R.; Henson, G.; MiMeS Collaboration; BinaMIcS Collaboration
2021mobs.confE..29S    Altcode:
  Approximately one quarter of magnetic early (B5-B0) B-type type stars
  display Balmer line emission originating in centrifugal magnetospheres
  (CMs). Indeed, the CMs of these stars are uniquely detectable in
  all available magnetospheric diagnostics (radio synchrotron, NIR,
  Balmer emission, UV emission, and X-rays), and therefore represent an
  excellent opportunity for detailed study of magnetospheric plasmas. All
  CM host-stars are young, possess strong magnetic fields, and are rapid
  rotators, properties consistent with expectations from the Rigidly
  Rotating Magnetosphere model and evolutionary models incorporating
  magnetic braking. The nature of mass transport within CMs has been
  debated, with two competing scenarios: centrifugally driven magnetic
  reconnection due to overloading of the magnetic field by the stellar
  wind, and leakage arising from diffusion and drift of ions across
  magnetic field lines. We have conducted the first detailed study of the
  Halpha emission properties of the population of CM host stars. The
  results demonstrate that mass balancing must be accomplished by
  breakout. We find that emission strength is independent of mass-loss
  rate and can, to first order, be predicted simply by the strength of
  the equatorial magnetic field at the Kepler corotation radius. However,
  an apparent cutoff in the presence of emission lines at low luminosities
  may be indicative of diffusion/drift mechanisms becoming dominant in
  the weak-wind regime. We briefly point to potential implications of
  these results for X-ray and radio synchrotron emission.

Title: Can Magnetospheric Scattering Explain Inferred Emission in
    Photometric Light Curves of σ Ori E and Magnetic Stars Observed
    with TESS?
Authors: Berry, Ian; Owocki, Stanley; Shultz, Matt; ud-Doula, Asif
2021mobs.confE..43B    Altcode:
  σ Ori E is a prototypical magnetic B star with a rapid 1.2 day rotation
  period. Two dips in brightness can be seen in its photometric light
  curve, which was well fit by the Rigidly Rotating Magnetosphere (RRM)
  model. This model shows that if a star is rotating rapidly enough,
  then material will become trapped in the centrifugal magnetosphere
  (CM). However, this model only considers absorption and as such does
  not fully explain the light curve of σ Ori E. We must take emission
  into account as well. To do this, we examine the possibility of electron
  scattering from the CM being responsible for extra emission seen in σ
  Ori E's photometric light curve. These initial results could provide
  insight into explaining photometric light curves of other magnetic
  stars measured by TESS.

Title: Simulating the formation of η Carinae's surrounding nebula
    through unstable triple evolution and stellar merger-induced eruption
Authors: Hirai, Ryosuke; Podsiadlowski, Philipp; Owocki, Stanley P.;
   Schneider, Fabian R. N.; Smith, Nathan
2021MNRAS.503.4276H    Altcode: 2021MNRAS.tmp..595H; 2020arXiv201112434H
  η Carinae is an extraordinary massive star famous for its 19th
  century Great Eruption and the surrounding Homunculus nebula ejected
  in that event. The cause of this eruption has been the centre of
  a long-standing mystery. Recent observations, including light-echo
  spectra of the eruption, suggest that it most likely resulted from
  a stellar merger in an unstable triple system. Here we present a
  detailed set of theoretical calculations for this scenario; from the
  dynamics of unstable triple systems and the mass ejection from close
  binary encounters, to the mass outflow from the eruption caused by the
  stellar merger and the post-merger wind phase. In our model the bipolar
  post-merger wind is the primary agent for creating the Homunculus, as it
  sweeps up external eruption ejecta into a thin shell. Our simulations
  reproduce many of the key aspects of the shape and kinematics of both
  the Homunculus nebula and its complex surrounding structure, providing
  strong support for the merger-in-a-triple scenario.

Title: Dynamically inflated wind models of classical Wolf-Rayet stars
Authors: Poniatowski, L. G.; Sundqvist, J. O.; Kee, N. D.; Owocki,
   S. P.; Marchant, P.; Decin, L.; de Koter, A.; Mahy, L.; Sana, H.
2021A&A...647A.151P    Altcode: 2020arXiv201205823P
  Context. Vigorous mass loss in the classical Wolf-Rayet (WR)
  phase is important for the late evolution and final fate of massive
  stars. <BR /> Aims: We develop spherically symmetric time-dependent
  and steady-state hydrodynamical models of the radiation-driven wind
  outflows and associated mass loss from classical WR stars. <BR
  /> Methods: The simulations are based on combining the opacities
  typically used in static stellar structure and evolution models with
  a simple parametrised form for the enhanced line opacity expected
  within a supersonic outflow. <BR /> Results: Our simulations reveal
  high mass-loss rates initiated in deep and hot, optically thick
  layers around T ≈ 200 kK. The resulting velocity structure is
  non-monotonic and can be separated into three phases: (i) an initial
  acceleration to supersonic speeds (caused by the static opacity), (ii)
  stagnation and even deceleration, and (iii) an outer region of rapid
  re-acceleration (by line opacity). The characteristic structures seen
  in converged steady-state simulations agree well with the outflow
  properties of our time-dependent models. <BR /> Conclusions: By
  directly comparing our dynamic simulations to corresponding hydrostatic
  models, we explicitly demonstrate that the need to invoke extra energy
  transport in convectively inefficient regions of stellar structure and
  evolution models, in order to prevent drastic inflation of static
  WR envelopes, is merely an artefact of enforcing a hydrostatic
  outer boundary. Moreover, the dynamically inflated inner regions
  of our simulations provide a natural explanation for the often-found
  mismatch between predicted hydrostatic WR radii and those inferred from
  spectroscopy; by extrapolating a monotonic β-type velocity law from
  the observable supersonic regions to the invisible hydrostatic core,
  spectroscopic models likely overestimate the core radius by a factor
  of a few. Finally, we contrast our simulations with alternative recent
  WR wind models based on co-moving frame (CMF) radiative transfer to
  compute the radiation force. Since CMF transfer currently cannot handle
  non-monotonic velocity fields, the characteristic deceleration regions
  found here are avoided in such simulations by invoking an ad hoc very
  high degree of clumping.

Title: Line-drag damping of Alfvén waves in radiatively driven
    winds of magnetic massive stars
Authors: Driessen, F. A.; Kee, N. D.; Sundqvist, J. O.; Owocki, S. P.
2020MNRAS.499.4282D    Altcode: 2020MNRAS.tmp.2979D; 2020arXiv201005650D
  Line-driven stellar winds from massive (OB) stars are subject to a
  strong line-deshadowing instability. Recently, spectropolarimetric
  surveys have collected ample evidence that a subset of Galactic
  massive stars hosts strong surface magnetic fields. We investigate
  here the propagation and stability of magnetoradiative waves in such a
  magnetized, line-driven wind. Our analytic, linear stability analysis
  includes line-scattering from the stellar radiation, and accounts for
  both radial and non-radial perturbations. We establish a bridging law
  for arbitrary perturbation wavelength after which we analyse separately
  the long- and short-wavelength limits. While long-wavelength radiative
  and magnetic waves are found to be completely decoupled, a key result is
  that short-wavelength, radially propagating Alfvén waves couple to the
  scattered radiation field and are strongly damped due to the line-drag
  effect. This damping of magnetic waves in a scattering-line-driven flow
  could have important effects on regulating the non-linear wind dynamics,
  and so might also have strong influence on observational diagnostics
  of the wind structure and clumping of magnetic line-driven winds.

Title: The magnetic early B-type stars - IV. Breakout or leakage? H
    α emission as a diagnostic of plasma transport in centrifugal
Authors: Shultz, M. E.; Owocki, S.; Rivinius, Th; Wade, G. A.;
   Neiner, C.; Alecian, E.; Kochukhov, O.; Bohlender, D.; ud-Doula, A.;
   Landstreet, J. D.; Sikora, J.; David-Uraz, A.; Petit, V.; Cerrahoğlu,
   P.; Fine, R.; Henson, G.; Henson, G.; MiMeS Collaboratio; BinaMIcS
2020MNRAS.499.5379S    Altcode: 2020MNRAS.tmp.3072S; 2020arXiv200912336S
  Rapidly rotating early-type stars with strong magnetic fields
  frequently show H α emission originating in centrifugal magnetospheres
  (CMs), circumstellar structures in which centrifugal support due to
  magnetically enforced corotation of the magnetically confined plasma
  enables it to accumulate to high densities. It is not currently
  known whether the CM plasma escapes via centrifugal breakout (CB),
  or by an unidentified leakage mechanism. We have conducted the first
  comprehensive examination of the H α emission properties of all stars
  currently known to display CM-pattern emission. We find that the onset
  of emission is dependent primarily on the area of the CM, which can
  be predicted simply by the value B<SUB>K</SUB> of the magnetic field
  at the Kepler corotation radius R<SUB>K</SUB>. Emission strength is
  strongly sensitive to both CM area and B<SUB>K</SUB>. Emission onset
  and strength are not dependent on effective temperature, luminosity,
  or mass-loss rate. These results all favour a CB scenario; however, the
  lack of intrinsic variability in any CM diagnostics indicates that CB
  must be an essentially continuous process, i.e. it effectively acts as
  a leakage mechanism. We also show that the emission profile shapes are
  approximately scale-invariant, i.e. they are broadly similar across
  a wide range of emission strengths and stellar parameters. While
  the radius of maximum emission correlates closely as expected to
  R<SUB>K</SUB>, it is always larger, contradicting models that predict
  that emission should peak at R<SUB>K</SUB>.

Title: How the breakout-limited mass in B-star centrifugal
    magnetospheres controls their circumstellar H α emission
Authors: Owocki, Stanley P.; Shultz, Matt E.; ud-Doula, Asif;
   Sundqvist, Jon O.; Townsend, Richard H. D.; Cranmer, Steven R.
2020MNRAS.499.5366O    Altcode: 2020MNRAS.tmp.3094O; 2020arXiv200912359O
  Strongly magnetic B-type stars with moderately rapid rotation form
  'centrifugal magnetospheres' (CMs) from the magnetic trapping
  of stellar wind material in a region above the Kepler co-rotation
  radius. A long-standing question is whether the eventual loss of such
  trapped material occurs from gradual drift and/or diffusive leakage, or
  through sporadic 'centrifugal breakout' (CBO) events, wherein magnetic
  tension can no longer contain the built-up mass. We argue here that
  recent empirical results for Balmer-α emission from such B-star CMs
  strongly favour the CBO mechanism. Most notably, the fact that the
  onset of such emission depends mainly on the field strength at the
  Kepler radius, and is largely independent of the stellar luminosity,
  strongly disfavours any drift/diffusion process, for which the net mass
  balance would depend on the luminosity-dependent wind feeding rate. In
  contrast, we show that in a CBO model, the maximum confined mass in
  the magnetosphere is independent of this wind feeding rate and has a
  dependence on field strength and Kepler radius that naturally explains
  the empirical scalings for the onset of H α emission, its associated
  equivalent width, and even its line profile shapes. However, the general
  lack of observed Balmer emission in late-B and A-type stars could still
  be attributed to a residual level of diffusive or drift leakage that
  does not allow their much weaker winds to fill their CMs to the breakout
  level needed for such emission; alternatively, this might result from
  a transition to a metal-ion wind that lacks the requisite hydrogen.

Title: How Centrifugal Breakout from Magnetic B-stars Controls the
    Onset of Their H\alpha Emission
Authors: Owocki, S.; Shultz, M. E.; ud-Doula, A.; Sundqvist, J.
2020pase.conf..131O    Altcode:
  Strongly magnetic B-type stars with moderately rapid rotation form
  `centrifugal magnetospheres' (CMs), from the magnetic trapping
  of stellar wind material in a region above the Kepler co-rotation
  radius. (where outward centrifugal forces exceed the inward pull of
  gravity). A longstanding question is whether the eventual loss of
  such trapped material occurs from gradual drift/diffusive leakage,
  or through sporadic 'centrifugal break out' (CBO) events, wherein
  magnetic tension can no longer contain the built-up mass. We argue
  here that recent empirical results for Balmer-$\alpha$ emission from
  such B-star CMs strongly favor the CBO mechanism. Most notably, the
  fact that the onset of such emission depends mainly on the location and
  field strength at the Kepler radius, and is largely independent of the
  stellar luminosity strongly disfavors any drift/diffusion process, for
  which the net mass balance would depend on the luminosity-dependent wind
  feeding rate. In contrast, we show that in a CBO model the equilibrium
  mass in the magnetosphere is indeed independent of this wind feeding
  rate, and has a dependence on field strength and Kepler radius that
  naturally explains the empirical scalings for the onset of H$\alpha$
  emission. its associated equivalent width, and even its line profile
  shapes. However, the general lack of observed Balmer emission in
  late-B and A-type stars could still be attributed to a residual level
  of diffusive or drift leakage that does not allow their much weaker
  winds to fill their CMs to the breakout level needed for such emission.

Title: The effects of surface fossil magnetic fields on massive
    star evolution - II. Implementation of magnetic braking in MESA and
    implications for the evolution of surface rotation in OB stars
Authors: Keszthelyi, Z.; Meynet, G.; Shultz, M. E.; David-Uraz, A.;
   ud-Doula, A.; Townsend, R. H. D.; Wade, G. A.; Georgy, C.; Petit,
   V.; Owocki, S. P.
2020MNRAS.493..518K    Altcode: 2020arXiv200106239K; 2020MNRAS.tmp..227K
  The time evolution of angular momentum and surface rotation of massive
  stars are strongly influenced by fossil magnetic fields via magnetic
  braking. We present a new module containing a simple, comprehensive
  implementation of such a field at the surface of a massive star within
  the Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics (MESA) software
  instrument. We test two limiting scenarios for magnetic braking:
  distributing the angular momentum loss throughout the star in the
  first case, and restricting the angular momentum loss to a surface
  reservoir in the second case. We perform a systematic investigation
  of the rotational evolution using a grid of OB star models with
  surface magnetic fields (M<SUB>⋆</SUB> = 5-60 M<SUB>⊙</SUB>,
  Ω/Ω<SUB>crit</SUB> = 0.2-1.0, B<SUB>p</SUB> = 1-20 kG). We then employ
  a representative grid of B-type star models (M<SUB>⋆</SUB> = 5, 10,
  15 M<SUB>⊙</SUB>, Ω/Ω<SUB>crit</SUB> = 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, B<SUB>p</SUB>
  = 1, 3, 10, 30 kG) to compare to the results of a recent self-consistent
  analysis of the sample of known magnetic B-type stars. We infer that
  magnetic massive stars arrive at the zero-age main sequence (ZAMS)
  with a range of rotation rates, rather than with one common value. In
  particular, some stars are required to have close-to-critical rotation
  at the ZAMS. However, magnetic braking yields surface rotation rates
  converging to a common low value, making it difficult to infer the
  initial rotation rates of evolved, slowly rotating stars.

Title: On the Dynamical Requirements for Slow, Extended Acceleration
    in Massive-Star Winds
Authors: Hilligoss, D.; Owocki, S.
2020AAS...23511029H    Altcode:
  Hot, luminous, massive stars have winds that are driven by the
  line scattering of the star's radiation by minor ions. For a star
  with radius , the wind velocity v at radius r is commonly fit by
  a "beta velocity law", β. The original point-star CAK (Castor,
  Abbott, &amp; Klein) model for line-driving gives β, corresponding
  to an outward acceleration proportional to the local inward pull of
  gravity. But empirical data often suggests a much more gradual, extended
  acceleration, fit by approximately β = 2 or higher. We show here that
  this requires an enhanced line opacity in the both the inner and outer
  wind, with the minimum in-between defining a critical point that sets
  the maximum allowed mass-loss rate. We then present time-dependent
  hydrodynamic simulations that show the associated overloading of
  the inner-wind mass flux leads to cycles of stagnation, infall and
  recovery. While the resulting time-averaged velocity roughly fits the
  beta velocity form, this suggests such high-beta outflows should be
  intrinsically variable.

Title: The magnetic early B-type stars - III. A main-sequence
    magnetic, rotational, and magnetospheric biography
Authors: Shultz, M. E.; Wade, G. A.; Rivinius, Th; Alecian, E.; Neiner,
   C.; Petit, V.; Owocki, S.; ud-Doula, A.; Kochukhov, O.; Bohlender,
   D.; Keszthelyi, Z.; MiMeS Collaboration; BinaMIcS Collaboration
2019MNRAS.490..274S    Altcode: 2019MNRAS.tmp.2196S; 2019arXiv190902530S
  Magnetic confinement of stellar winds leads to the formation of
  magnetospheres, which can be sculpted into centrifugal magnetospheres
  (CMs) by rotational support of the corotating plasma. The conditions
  required for the CMs of magnetic early B-type stars to yield detectable
  emission in H α - the principal diagnostic of these structures -
  are poorly constrained. A key reason is that no detailed study of
  the magnetic and rotational evolution of this population has yet
  been performed. Using newly determined rotational periods, modern
  magnetic measurements, and atmospheric parameters determined via
  spectroscopic modelling, we have derived fundamental parameters,
  dipolar oblique rotator models, and magnetospheric parameters for 56
  early B-type stars. Comparison to magnetic A- and O-type stars shows
  that the range of surface magnetic field strength is essentially
  constant with stellar mass, but that the unsigned surface magnetic
  flux increases with mass. Both the surface magnetic dipole strength
  and the total magnetic flux decrease with stellar age, with the rate of
  flux decay apparently increasing with stellar mass. We find tentative
  evidence that multipolar magnetic fields may decay more rapidly than
  dipoles. Rotational periods increase with stellar age, as expected
  for a magnetic braking scenario. Without exception, all stars with H
  α emission originating in a CM are (1) rapid rotators, (2) strongly
  magnetic, and (3) young, with the latter property consistent with the
  observation that magnetic fields and rotation both decrease over time.

Title: Magnetic OB[A] Stars with TESS: probing their Evolutionary
    and Rotational properties (MOBSTER) - I. First-light observations
    of known magnetic B and A stars
Authors: David-Uraz, A.; Neiner, C.; Sikora, J.; Bowman, D. M.; Petit,
   V.; Chowdhury, S.; Handler, G.; Pergeorelis, M.; Cantiello, M.; Cohen,
   D. H.; Erba, C.; Keszthelyi, Z.; Khalack, V.; Kobzar, O.; Kochukhov,
   O.; Labadie-Bartz, J.; Lovekin, C. C.; MacInnis, R.; Owocki, S. P.;
   Pablo, H.; Shultz, M. E.; ud-Doula, A.; Wade, G. A.
2019MNRAS.487..304D    Altcode: 2019MNRAS.tmp.1133D; 2019arXiv190411539D
  In this paper we introduce the MOBSTER collaboration and lay out its
  scientific goals. We present first results based on the analysis of 19
  previously known magnetic O, B, and A stars observed in 2-min cadence
  in sectors 1 and 2 of the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS)
  mission. We derive precise rotational periods from the newly obtained
  light curves and compare them to previously published values. We also
  discuss the overall photometric phenomenology of the known magnetic
  massive and intermediate-mass stars and propose an observational
  strategy to augment this population by taking advantage of the
  high-quality observations produced by TESS.

Title: The crucial role of high resolution X-ray spectroscopy in
    studies of massive stars and their winds
Authors: Leutenegger, Maurice; Corcoran, Michael; David-Uraz,
   Alexandre; Gosset, Eric; Hamaguchi, Kenji; Huenemoerder, David;
   Mossoux, Enmanuelle; Nazé, Yaël; Owocki, Stanley; Petit, Véronique;
   Puls, Joachim; Rauw, Gregor; Sugawara, Yasuharu; ud-Doula, Asif
2019BAAS...51c.512L    Altcode: 2019astro2020T.512L
  High-resolution X-ray spectroscopy has proven to be a crucial tool
  for addressing a wide range of problems relating to massive stars. New
  X-ray observatories featuring high resolution spectroscopy with square
  meter collecting area are required.

Title: High Angular Resolution Astrophysics: Evolutionary Impact of
    Stellar Mass Loss
Authors: Gies, Douglas; Owocki, S. P.; Ridgway, S.; ten Brummelaar, T.
2019BAAS...51c.171G    Altcode: 2019astro2020T.171G
  This is a discussion of how high angular resolution investigations will
  explore the processes of mass ejection at unprecedented photospheric

Title: Hydrodynamical simulations and similarity relations for
    eruptive mass-loss from massive stars
Authors: Owocki, Stanley P.; Hirai, Ryosuke; Podsiadlowski, Philipp;
   Schneider, Fabian R. N.
2019MNRAS.485..988O    Altcode: 2019MNRAS.tmp..470O; 2019arXiv190206220O
  Motivated by the eruptive mass-loss inferred from Luminous Blue Variable
  (LBV) stars, we present 1D hydrodynamical simulations of the response
  from sudden energy injection into the interior of a very massive (100
  M_⊙) star. For a fiducial case with total energy addition set to a
  factor f = 0.5 of the net stellar binding energy, and applied within
  the stellar envelope, we detail the dynamical response that leads
  to ejection of the outermost 7.2 M_⊙. We find that the ejecta's
  variations in time t and radius r for the velocity v, density ρ, and
  temperature T are quite well fit by similarity forms in the variable
  r/t ≈ v. Specifically the scaled density follows a simple exponential
  decline ρt<SUP>3</SUP> ∼ exp (- r/v<SUB>o</SUB>t). This `exponential
  similarity' leads to analytic scaling relations for total ejecta mass
  ΔM and kinetic energy ΔK that agree well with the hydrodynamical
  simulations, with the specific-energy-averaged speed related to the
  exponential scale speed v<SUB>o</SUB> through \bar{v} ≡ √{2 Δ K/Δ
  M} = √{12} v_o, and a value comparable to the star's surface escape
  speed, v<SUB>esc</SUB>. Models with energy added in the core develop
  a surface shock breakout that propels an initial, higher speed ejecta
  (&gt;5000 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>), but the bulk of the ejected material
  still follows the same exponential similarity scalings with {\bar{v}}
  ≈ v_esc. A broader parameter study examines how the ejected mass
  and energy depends on the energy-addition factor f, for three distinct
  model series that locate the added energy in either the core, envelope,
  or near-surface. We conclude by discussing the relevance of these
  results for understanding LBV outbursts and other eruptive phenomena,
  such as failed supernovae and pulsational pair instability events.

Title: Extreme resonance line profile variations in the ultraviolet
spectra of NGC 1624-2: probing the giant magnetosphere of the most
    strongly magnetized known O-type star
Authors: David-Uraz, A.; Erba, C.; Petit, V.; Fullerton, A. W.;
   Martins, F.; Walborn, N. R.; MacInnis, R.; Barbá, R. H.; Cohen,
   D. H.; Maíz Apellániz, J.; Nazé, Y.; Owocki, S. P.; Sundqvist,
   J. O.; ud-Doula, A.; Wade, G. A.
2019MNRAS.483.2814D    Altcode: 2018MNRAS.tmp.3069D; 2018arXiv181110113D
  In this paper, we present high-resolution HST/COS observations
  of the extreme magnetic O star NGC 1624-2. These represent the
  first ultraviolet spectra of this archetypal object. We examine the
  variability of its wind-sensitive resonance lines, comparing it to
  that of other known magnetic O stars. In particular, the observed
  variations in the profiles of the C IV and Si IV doublets between
  low state and high state are the largest observed in any magnetic
  O-type star, consistent with the expected properties of NGC 1624-2's
  magnetosphere. We also observe a redshifted absorption component in the
  low state, a feature not seen in most stars. We present preliminary
  modelling efforts based on the Analytic Dynamical Magnetosphere
  (ADM) formalism, demonstrating the necessity of using non-spherically
  symmetric models to determine wind/magnetospheric properties of magnetic
  O stars.

Title: Line-driven ablation of circumstellar discs - III. Accounting
    for and analysing the effects of continuum optical depth
Authors: Kee, Nathaniel Dylan; Owocki, Stanley; Kuiper, Rolf
2018MNRAS.479.4633K    Altcode: 2018MNRAS.tmp.1637K; 2018arXiv180608753K
  In studying the formation of massive stars, it is
  essential to consider the strong radiative feedback on
  the stars' natal environments from their high luminosities
  (10<SUP>4</SUP>-10<SUP>6</SUP>L<SUB>⊙</SUB>). Given that massive stars
  contract to main-sequence-like radii before accretion finishes, one
  form this feedback takes is UV line-acceleration, resulting in outflows
  much like those expected from main-sequence massive stars. As shown by
  the prior papers in this series, in addition to driving stellar winds,
  such line forces also ablate the surface layers off of circumstellar
  discs within a few stellar radii of the stellar photosphere. This
  removal of material from an accretion disc in turn results in a
  decreased accretion rate onto the forming star. Quantifying this,
  however, requires accounting for the continuum optical depth of the
  disc along the non-radial rays required for the three-dimensional
  line-acceleration prescription used in this paper series. We introduce
  the `thin-disc approximation', allowing these continuum optical
  depths arising from an optically thick but geometrically thin disc
  to be dynamically treated in the context of radiation-hydrodynamics
  simulations. Using this approximation in full dynamical simulations,
  we show that such continuum optical depth effects only reduce the disc
  ablation by 30 per cent or less relative to previous simulations that
  ignored continuum absorption.

Title: Disruption of circumstellar discs by large-scale stellar
    magnetic fields
Authors: ud-Doula, Asif; Owocki, Stanley P.; Kee, Nathaniel Dylan
2018MNRAS.478.3049U    Altcode: 2018MNRAS.tmp.1171U; 2018arXiv180503001U
  Spectropolarimetric surveys reveal that 8-10 per cent of OBA stars
  harbor large-scale magnetic fields, but thus far no such fields have
  been detected in any classical Be stars. Motivated by this, we present
  here magnetohydrodynamical simulations for how a pre-existing Keplerian
  disc - like that inferred to form from decretion of material from
  rapidly rotating Be stars - can be disrupted by a rotation-aligned
  stellar dipole field. For characteristic stellar and disc parameters
  of a near critically rotating B2e star, we find that a polar surface
  field strength of just 10 G can significantly disrupt the disc, while
  a field of 100 G, near the observational upper limit inferred for
  most Be stars, completely destroys the disc over just a few days. Our
  parameter study shows that the efficacy of this magnetic disruption
  of a disc scales with the characteristic plasma beta (defined as
  the ratio between thermal and magnetic pressure) in the disc, but is
  surprisingly insensitive to other variations, e.g. in stellar rotation
  speed, or the mass-loss rate of the star's radiatively driven wind. The
  disc disruption seen here for even a modest field strength suggests
  that the presumed formation of such Be discs by decretion of material
  from the star would likely be strongly inhibited by such fields; this
  provides an attractive explanation for why no large-scale fields are
  detected from such Be stars.

Title: Radiation Transport Through Super-Eddington Stellar Winds
Authors: Guzik, Joyce A.; Fryer, Chris; Urbatsch, Todd J.; Owocki,
   Stanley P.
2018pas8.conf...33G    Altcode: 2018arXiv180600691G
  We present results of simulations to assess the feasibility of
  modeling outflows from massive stars using the Los Alamos 3-D radiation
  hydrodynamics code Cassio developed for inertial confinement fusion
  (ICF) applications. We find that a 1-D stellar envelope simulation
  relaxes into hydrostatic equilibrium using computing resources that
  would make the simulation tractable in 2-D. We summarize next steps
  to include more physics fidelity and model the response to a large
  and abrupt energy deposition at the base of the envelope.

Title: Hot-Star Winds: CIRs, DACs &amp; BRITE Spots
Authors: Owocki, Stanley P.
2018pas8.conf...48O    Altcode:
  The high luminosities of massive stars drive strong stellar winds,
  through line scattering of the star's continuum radiation. After
  summarizing the basic, steady-state CAK theory for wind driving by a
  power-law ensemble of lines, the discussion here %reviews how bright
  spots on the stellar surface can induce co-rotating interaction regions
  (CIR's) %with velocity law plateaus that lead to formation of discrete
  absorption components (DAC's) in UV wind lines. examines the origin
  of migrating discrete absorption components (DAC's) commonly seen in
  UV wind lines, with focus on the bright spot model proposed more than
  20 years ago by Cranmer &amp; Owocki. Within modern constraints of
  hot-star photometric variability observed by the BRITE satellites,
  we present a semi-analytic analysis for the spot size and amplitude
  needed to produce an overloaded wind that develops a kink transition
  to a slowly decelerating velocity plateau that form the DAC.

Title: 2D wind clumping in hot, massive stars from hydrodynamical
    line-driven instability simulations using a pseudo-planar approach
Authors: Sundqvist, J. O.; Owocki, S. P.; Puls, J.
2018A&A...611A..17S    Altcode: 2017arXiv171007780S
  Context. Clumping in the radiation-driven winds of hot, massive
  stars arises naturally due to the strong, intrinsic instability of
  line-driving (the line-deshadowing instability, hereafter LDI). But
  LDI wind models have so far mostly been limited to 1D, mainly because
  of the severe computational challenges regarding calculation of the
  multi-dimensional radiation force. Aim. In this paper we simulate
  and examine the dynamics and multi-dimensional nature of wind
  structure resulting from the LDI. <BR /> Methods: We introduce a
  pseudo-planar, box-in-a-wind method that allows us to efficiently
  compute the line force in the radial and lateral directions, and
  then use this approach to carry out 2D radiation-hydrodynamical
  simulations of the time-dependent wind. <BR /> Results: Our 2D
  simulations show that the LDI first manifests itself by mimicking
  the typical shell structure seen in 1D models, but that these shells
  quickly break up into complex 2D density and velocity structures,
  characterized by small-scale density "clumps" embedded in larger
  regions of fast and rarefied gas. Key results of the simulations are
  that density variations in the well-developed wind are statistically
  quite isotropic and that characteristic length scales are small;
  a typical clump size is ℓ<SUB>cl</SUB>/R<SUB>*</SUB> 0.01 at
  2R<SUB>*</SUB>, thus also resulting in rather low typical clump
  masses m<SUB>cl</SUB> 10<SUP>17</SUP> g. Overall, our results agree
  well with the theoretical expectation that the characteristic scale
  for LDI generated wind-structure is on the order of the Sobolev length
  ℓ<SUB>Sob</SUB>. We further confirm some earlier results that lateral
  "filling in" of radially compressed gas leads to somewhat lower
  clumping factors in 2D simulations than in comparable 1D models. We
  conclude by discussing an extension of our method toward rotating
  LDI wind models that exhibit an intriguing combination of large-
  and small-scale structures extending down to the wind base.

Title: Characterizing the turbulent porosity of stellar wind structure
    generated by the line-deshadowing instability
Authors: Owocki, Stanley P.; Sundqvist, Jon O.
2018MNRAS.475..814O    Altcode: 2017arXiv171203457O
  We analyse recent 2D simulations of the non-linear evolution of the
  line-deshadowing instability (LDI) in hot-star winds, to quantify
  how the associated highly clumped density structure can lead to
  a `turbulent porosity' reduction in continuum absorption and/or
  scattering. The basic method is to examine the statistical variations
  of mass column as a function of path length, and fit these to analytic
  forms that lead to simple statistical scalings for the associated
  mean extinction. A key result is that one can characterize porosity
  effects on continuum transport in terms of a single `turbulent porosity
  length', found here to scale as H ≈ (f<SUB>cl</SUB> - 1)a, where
  f<SUB>cl</SUB> ≡ 〈ρ<SUP>2</SUP>〉/〈ρ〉<SUP>2</SUP> is the
  clumping factor in density ρ, and a is the density autocorrelation
  length. For continuum absorption or scattering in an optically thick
  layer, we find the associated effective reduction in opacity scales
  as ∼ 1/√{1+τ_H}, where τ<SUB>H</SUB> ≡ κρH is the local
  optical thickness of this porosity length. For these LDI simulations,
  the inferred porosity lengths are small, only about a couple per cent
  of the stellar radius, H ≈ 0.02R<SUB>*</SUB>. For continuum processes
  like bound-free absorption of X-rays that are only marginally optically
  thick throughout the full stellar wind, this implies τ<SUB>H</SUB>
  ≪ 1, and thus that LDI-generated porosity should have little effect
  on X-ray transport in such winds. The formalism developed here could
  however be important for understanding the porous regulation of
  continuum-driven, super-Eddington outflows from luminous blue variables.

Title: Diffusion-plus-drift models for the mass leakage from
    centrifugal magnetospheres of magnetic hot-stars
Authors: Owocki, Stanley P.; Cranmer, Steven R.
2018MNRAS.474.3090O    Altcode: 2017arXiv171105414O
  In the subset of luminous, early-type stars with strong, large-scale
  magnetic fields and moderate to rapid rotation, material from the
  star's radiatively driven stellar wind outflow becomes trapped by
  closed magnetic loops, forming a centrifugally supported, corotating
  magnetosphere. We present here a semi-analytic analysis of how this
  quasi-steady accumulation of wind mass can be balanced by losses
  associated with a combination of an outward, centrifugally driven
  drift in the region beyond the Kepler co-rotation radius, and an
  inward/outward diffusion near this radius. We thereby derive scaling
  relations for the equilibrium spatial distribution of mass, and the
  associated emission measure for observational diagnostics like Balmer
  line emission. We discuss the potential application of these relations
  for interpreting surveys of the emission line diagnostics for OB stars
  with centrifugally supported magnetospheres. For a specific model of
  turbulent field-line-wandering rooted in surface motions associated
  with the iron opacity bump, we estimate values for the associated
  diffusion and drift coefficients.

Title: Line-driven ablation of circumstellar discs - II. Analysing
    the role of multiple resonances
Authors: Kee, Nathaniel Dylan; Owocki, Stanley; Kuiper, Rolf
2018MNRAS.474..847K    Altcode:
  We extend our previous study of radiative ablation of circumstellar
  discs by line-scattering of the star's radiation, accounting now for
  the effect of multiple line resonances off the stellar limb. For an
  analytic, three-dimensional model of the velocity structure of an
  equatorial Keplerian disc bounded at higher latitudes by a radially
  accelerating stellar wind outflow, we use root-finding methods to
  identify multiple resonances from a near-disc circumstellar location
  along starward rays both on and off the stellar core. Compared to our
  previous study that accounted only for the effect of on-core resonances
  in reducing the radiative driving through the scattering of radiation
  away from a near-disc circumstellar location, including off-limb
  resonances leads to additional radiative driving from scattering
  towards this location. Instead of the up to 50 per cent reduction in
  line-acceleration previously inferred from multiple resonance effects,
  we now find a more modest 15-20 per cent net reduction.

Title: Accretion, Outflows, and Winds of Magnetized Stars
Authors: Romanova, Marina M.; Owocki, Stanley P.
2018smfu.book..347R    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: On the optically thick winds of Wolf-Rayet stars
Authors: Gräfener, G.; Owocki, S. P.; Grassitelli, L.; Langer, N.
2017A&A...608A..34G    Altcode: 2017arXiv171004543G
  Context. The classical Wolf-Rayet (WR) phase is believed to mark the end
  stage of the evolution of massive stars with initial masses higher than
  25M<SUB>⊙</SUB>. Stars in this phase expose their stripped cores with
  the products of H- or He-burning at their surface. They develop strong,
  optically thick stellar winds that are important for the mechanical
  and chemical feedback of massive stars, and that determine whether the
  most massive stars end their lives as neutron stars or black holes. The
  winds of WR stars are currently not well understood, and their inclusion
  in stellar evolution models relies on uncertain empirical mass-loss
  relations. <BR /> Aims: We investigate theoretically the mass-loss
  properties of H-free WR stars of the nitrogen sequence (WN stars). <BR
  /> Methods: We connected stellar structure models for He stars with
  wind models for optically thick winds and assessed the degree to which
  these two types of models can simultaneously fulfil their respective
  sonic-point conditions. <BR /> Results: Fixing the outer wind law and
  terminal wind velocity ν<SUB>∞</SUB>, we obtain unique solutions
  for the mass-loss rates of optically thick, radiation-driven winds
  of WR stars in the phase of core He-burning. The resulting mass-loss
  relations as a function of stellar parameters agree well with previous
  empirical relations. Furthermore, we encounter stellar mass limits below
  which no continuous solutions exist. While these mass limits agree with
  observations of WR stars in the Galaxy, they contradict observations in
  the LMC. <BR /> Conclusions: While our results in particular confirm the
  slope of often-used empirical mass-loss relations, they imply that only
  part of the observed WN population can be understood in the framework
  of the standard assumptions of a smooth transonic flow and compact
  stellar core. This means that alternative approaches such as a clumped
  and inflated wind structure or deviations from the diffusion limit at
  the sonic point may have to be invoked. Qualitatively, the existence
  of mass limits for the formation of WR-type winds may be relevant for
  the non-detection of low-mass WR stars in binary systems, which are
  believed to be progenitors of Type Ib/c supernovae. The sonic-point
  conditions derived in this work may provide a possibility to include
  optically thick winds in stellar evolution models in a more physically
  motivated form than in current models.

Title: Super-Eddington stellar winds: unifying radiative-enthalpy
    versus flux-driven models
Authors: Owocki, Stanley P.; Townsend, Richard H. D.; Quataert, Eliot
2017MNRAS.472.3749O    Altcode: 2017arXiv170807790O
  We derive semi-analytic solutions for optically thick, super-Eddington
  stellar winds, induced by an assumed steady energy addition Δ
  {\dot{E}} concentrated around a near-surface heating radius R in
  a massive star of central luminosity L<SUB>*</SUB>. We show that
  obtaining steady wind solutions requires both that the resulting total
  luminosity L_o = L_\ast + Δ {\dot{E}} exceed the Eddington luminosity,
  Γ<SUB>o</SUB> ≡ L<SUB>o</SUB>/L<SUB>Edd</SUB> &gt; 1, and that the
  induced mass-loss rate be such that the 'photon-tiring' parameter,
  m ≡ {\dot{M}} GM/R L_o ≤ 1-1/Γ _o, ensuring the luminosity is
  sufficient to overcome the gravitational potential GM/R. Our analysis
  unifies previous super-Eddington wind models that either: (1) assumed
  a direct radiative flux-driving without accounting for the advection of
  radiative enthalpy that can become important in such an optically thick
  flow; or (2) assumed that such super-Eddington outflows are adiabatic,
  neglecting the effects of the diffusive radiative flux. We show that
  these distinct models become applicable in the asymptotic limits of
  small versus large values of mΓ<SUB>o</SUB>, respectively. By solving
  the coupled differential equations for radiative diffusion and wind
  momentum, we obtain general solutions that effectively bridge the
  behaviours of these limiting models. Two key scaling results are for
  the terminal wind speed to escape speed, which is found to vary as
  v_∞^2/v_esc^2 = Γ _o/(1+m Γ _o) -1, and for the final observed
  luminosity L<SUB>obs</SUB>, which for all allowed steady-solutions
  with m &lt; 1 - 1/Γ<SUB>o</SUB> exceeds the Eddington luminosity,
  L<SUB>obs</SUB> &gt; L<SUB>Edd</SUB>. Our super-Eddington wind
  solutions have potential applicability for modelling phases of eruptive
  mass-loss from massive stars, classical novae, and the remnants of
  stellar mergers.

Title: Destruction of Be star disk by large scale magnetic fields
Authors: Ud-Doula, Asif; Owocki, Stanley; Kee, Nathaniel Dylan;
   Vanyo, Michael
2017IAUS..329..453U    Altcode:
  Classical Be stars are rapidly rotating stars with circumstellar
  disks that come and go on time scale of years. Recent observational
  data strongly suggests that these stars lack the 10% incidence of
  global magnetic fields observed in other main-sequence B stars. Such
  an apparent lack of magnetic fields may indicate that Be disks are
  fundamentally incompatible with a significant large scale magnetic
  field. In this work, using numerical magnetohydrodynamics (MHD)
  simulations, we show that a dipole field of only 100G can lead to
  the quick disruption of a Be disk. Such a limit is in line with the
  observational upper limits for these objects.

Title: New Insights into the Puzzling P-Cygni Profiles of Magnetic
    Massive Stars
Authors: Erba, Christiana; David-Uraz, Alexandre; Petit, Véronique;
   Owocki, Stanley P.
2017IAUS..329..246E    Altcode: 2017arXiv170208535E
  Magnetic massive stars comprise approximately 10% of the total OB star
  population. Modern spectropolarimetry shows these stars host strong,
  stable, large-scale, often nearly dipolar surface magnetic fields of 1
  kG or more. These global magnetic fields trap and deflect outflowing
  stellar wind material, forming an anisotropic magnetosphere that
  can be probed with wind-sensitive UV resonance lines. Recent HST UV
  spectra of NGC 1624-2, the most magnetic O star observed to date, show
  atypically unsaturated P-Cygni profiles in the Civ resonant doublet,
  as well as a distinct variation with rotational phase. We examine the
  effect of non-radial, magnetically-channeled wind outflow on P-Cygni
  line formation, using a Sobolev Exact Integration (SEI) approach for
  direct comparison with HST UV spectra of NGC 1624-2. We demonstrate
  that the addition of a magnetic field desaturates the absorption
  trough of the P-Cygni profiles, but further efforts are needed to
  fully account for the observed line profile variation. Our study thus
  provides a first step toward a broader understanding of how strong
  magnetic fields affect mass loss diagnostics from UV lines.

Title: Investigating the Magnetospheres of Rapidly Rotating B-type
Authors: Fletcher, C. L.; Petit, V.; Nazé, Y.; Wade, G. A.; Townsend,
   R. H.; Owocki, S. P.; Cohen, D. H.; David-Uraz, A.; Shultz, M.
2017IAUS..329..369F    Altcode: 2017arXiv170206500F
  Recent spectropolarimetric surveys of bright, hot stars have found that
  ~10% of OB-type stars contain strong (mostly dipolar) surface magnetic
  fields (~kG). The prominent paradigm describing the interaction between
  the stellar winds and the surface magnetic field is the magnetically
  confined wind shock (MCWS) model. In this model, the stellar wind
  plasma is forced to move along the closed field loops of the magnetic
  field, colliding at the magnetic equator, and creating a shock. As the
  shocked material cools radiatively it will emit X-rays. Therefore, X-ray
  spectroscopy is a key tool in detecting and characterizing the hot wind
  material confined by the magnetic fields of these stars. Some B-type
  stars are found to have very short rotational periods. The effects of
  the rapid rotation on the X-ray production within the magnetosphere have
  yet to be explored in detail. The added centrifugal force due to rapid
  rotation is predicted to cause faster wind outflows along the field
  lines, leading to higher shock temperatures and harder X-rays. However,
  this is not observed in all rapidly rotating magnetic B-type stars. In
  order to address this from a theoretical point of view, we use the
  X-ray Analytical Dynamical Magnetosphere (XADM) model, originally
  developed for slow rotators, with an implementation of new rapid
  rotational physics. Using X-ray spectroscopy from ESA's XMM-Newton
  space telescope, we observed 5 rapidly rotating B-types stars to add
  to the previous list of observations. Comparing the observed X-ray
  luminosity and hardness ratio to that predicted by the XADM allows
  us to determine the role the added centrifugal force plays in the
  magnetospheric X-ray emission of these stars.

Title: Investigating the origin of cyclical wind variability in
    hot massive stars - II. Hydrodynamical simulations of corotating
    interaction regions using realistic spot parameters for the O giant
    ξ Persei
Authors: David-Uraz, A.; Owocki, S. P.; Wade, G. A.; Sundqvist, J. O.;
   Kee, N. D.
2017MNRAS.470.3672D    Altcode: 2017arXiv170603647D
  OB stars exhibit various types of spectral variability historically
  associated with wind structures, including the apparently ubiquitous
  discrete absorption components (DACs). These features have been
  proposed to be caused either by magnetic fields or non-radial
  pulsations. In this second paper of this series, we revisit the
  canonical phenomenological hydrodynamical modelling used to explain
  the formation of DACs by taking into account modern observations and
  more realistic theoretical predictions. Using constraints on putative
  bright spots located on the surface of the O giant ξ Persei derived
  from high precision space-based broad-band optical photometry obtained
  with the Microvariability and Oscillations of Stars (MOST) space
  telescope, we generate 2D hydrodynamical simulations of corotating
  interaction regions in its wind. We then compute synthetic ultraviolet
  (UV) resonance line profiles using Sobolev Exact Integration and
  compare them with historical timeseries obtained by the International
  Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) to evaluate if the observed behaviour of ξ
  Persei's DACs is reproduced. Testing three different models of spot
  size and strength, we find that the classical pattern of variability
  can be successfully reproduced for two of them: the model with the
  smallest spots yields absorption features that are incompatible with
  observations. Furthermore, we test the effect of the radial dependence
  of ionization levels on line driving, but cannot conclusively assess the
  importance of this factor. In conclusion, this study self-consistently
  links optical photometry and UV spectroscopy, paving the way to a
  better understanding of cyclical wind variability in massive stars in
  the context of the bright spot paradigm.

Title: A multi-wavelength view of NGC 1624-2
Authors: David-Uraz, A.; Petit, V.; MacInnis, R.; Erba, C.; Owocki,
   S. P.; Fullerton, A. W.; Walborn, N. R.; Cohen, D. H.
2017IAUS..329..394D    Altcode:
  Large magnetometric surveys have contributed to the detection of an
  increasing number of magnetic massive stars, and to the recognition
  of a population of magnetic massive stellar objects with distinct
  properties. Among these, NGC 1624-2 possesses the largest magnetic
  field of any O-type star; such a field confines the stellar wind into
  a circumstellar magnetosphere, which can be probed using observations
  at different wavelength regimes. Recent optical and X-ray observations
  suggest that NGC 1624-2's magnetosphere is much larger than that of
  any other magnetic O star. By modeling the variations of UV resonance
  lines, we can constrain its velocity structure. Furthermore, recent
  spectropolarimetric observations raise the possibility of a more
  complex field topology than previously expected. Putting all of
  these multi-wavelength constraints together will allow us to paint
  a consistent picture of NGC 1624-2 and its surprising behavior,
  giving us valuable insight into the ve! <P />ry nature of massive
  star magnetospheres.

Title: Magnetic massive stars as progenitors of `heavy' stellar-mass
    black holes
Authors: Petit, V.; Keszthelyi, Z.; MacInnis, R.; Cohen, D. H.;
   Townsend, R. H. D.; Wade, G. A.; Thomas, S. L.; Owocki, S. P.; Puls,
   J.; ud-Doula, A.
2017MNRAS.466.1052P    Altcode: 2016arXiv161108964P
  The groundbreaking detection of gravitational waves produced by the
  inspiralling and coalescence of the black hole (BH) binary GW150914
  confirms the existence of 'heavy' stellar-mass BHs with masses &gt;25
  M<SUB>⊙</SUB>. Initial characterization of the system by Abbott et
  al. supposes that the formation of BHs with such large masses from
  the evolution of single massive stars is only feasible if the wind
  mass-loss rates of the progenitors were greatly reduced relative to
  the mass-loss rates of massive stars in the Galaxy, concluding that
  heavy BHs must form in low-metallicity (Z ≲ 0.25-0.5 Z<SUB>⊙</SUB>)
  environments. However, strong surface magnetic fields also provide a
  powerful mechanism for modifying mass-loss and rotation of massive
  stars, independent of environmental metallicity. In this paper,
  we explore the hypothesis that some heavy BHs, with masses &gt;25
  M<SUB>⊙</SUB> such as those inferred to compose GW150914, could
  be the natural end-point of evolution of magnetic massive stars in a
  solar-metallicity environment. Using the MESA code, we developed a new
  grid of single, non-rotating, solar-metallicity evolutionary models for
  initial zero-age main sequence masses from 40 to 80 M<SUB>⊙</SUB>
  that include, for the first time, the quenching of the mass-loss due
  to a realistic dipolar surface magnetic field. The new models predict
  terminal-age main-sequence (TAMS) masses that are significantly greater
  than those from equivalent non-magnetic models, reducing the total
  mass lost by a strongly magnetized 80 M<SUB>⊙</SUB> star during
  its main-sequence evolution by 20 M<SUB>⊙</SUB>. This corresponds
  approximately to the mass-loss reduction expected from an environment
  with metallicity Z = 1/30 Z<SUB>⊙</SUB>.

Title: Mass and Angular Momentum Loss of B[e] Stars via Decretion
Authors: Krtička, J. K.; Owocki, S. P.; Kurfürst, P.
2017ASPC..508...73K    Altcode:
  We study the disks of B[e] stars assuming that the disks stem from the
  angular momentum loss from the central object. The angular momentum
  loss may be induced either by evolution of the stellar interior of
  critically rotating star or by merger event in a binary. In contrast
  to the usual stellar wind mass loss set by driving from the stellar
  luminosity, such decretion-disk mass loss is determined by the angular
  momentum loss needed to keep the central object in equilibrium. The
  angular momentum loss is given either by the interior evolution and
  decline in the star's moment of inertia, or by excess angular momentum
  present in a merging binary. Because the specific angular momentum
  in a Keplerian disk increases with the square root of the radius, the
  decretion mass loss associated with a required level of angular momentum
  loss depends crucially on the outer radius for viscous coupling of the
  disk. The magnetorotational instability can be the source of anomalous
  viscosity in decretion disks. The instability operates close to the
  star and disappears in the region where the disk orbital velocity is
  roughly equal to the sound speed. We study the differences between Be
  and B[e] star disks and discuss the reasons why stars of the stellar
  type B have disks, while other stars do not.

Title: Destruction of Be star disk by large scale magnetic fields
Authors: Ud-Doula, Asif; Owocki, Stanley P.; Kee, Nathaniel; Vanyo,
2017AAS...22915109U    Altcode:
  Classical Be stars are rapidly rotating stars with circumstellar
  disks that come and go on time scale of years. Recent observational
  data strongly suggests that these stars lack the ~10% incidence of
  global magnetic fields observed in other main-sequence B stars. Such
  an apparent lack of magnetic fields may indicate that Be disks are
  fundamentally incompatible with a significant large scale magnetic
  field. In this work, using numerical magnetohydrodynamics (MHD)
  simulations, we show that a dipole field of only 100G can lead to
  the quick disruption of a Be disk. Such a limit is in line with the
  observational upper limits for these objects.

Title: Line-driven ablation of circumstellar disks .
Authors: Kee, N. Dylan; Owocki, S.; Kuiper, R.; Sundqvist, J.
2017MmSAI..88..781K    Altcode:
  Evolved hot, luminous stars are known to drive strong mass
  loss (10<SUP>-10</SUP> to 10<SUP>-5</SUP> M_⊙/yr) through UV
  line-scattering. High-mass stars already drive such strong winds while
  still in their accretion epoch. This means stellar line-scattering
  forces can efficiently ablate material off the surface of a massive
  protostar's disk, and perhaps even shut off the final accretion onto
  the protostar. By using a fully three-dimensional line-scattering
  prescription, we quantify this effect, and it's potential role in
  setting the stellar upper mass limit.

Title: Pulsational Mass Ejection in Be Star Disks
Authors: Kee, N. D.; Owocki, S.; Townsend, R.; Müller, H. -R.
2016ASPC..506...47K    Altcode: 2014arXiv1412.8511D; 2014arXiv1412.8511K
  This work explores a Pulsationally Driven Orbital Mass Ejection
  (PDOME) model for the launching of Classical Be star disks. Under
  this model, a combination of rapid rotation and non-radial pulsation
  modes, characterized by their propagation direction and the relative
  phase of their velocity and density perturbations, are considered. As
  well, the orbital stability of material launched by such a mechanism
  is investigated.

Title: An `analytic dynamical magnetosphere' formalism for X-ray
    and optical emission from slowly rotating magnetic massive stars
Authors: Owocki, Stanley P.; ud-Doula, Asif; Sundqvist, Jon O.; Petit,
   Veronique; Cohen, David H.; Townsend, Richard H. D.
2016MNRAS.462.3830O    Altcode: 2016arXiv160708568O
  Slowly rotating magnetic massive stars develop `dynamical
  magnetospheres' (DMs), characterized by trapping of stellar wind outflow
  in closed magnetic loops, shock heating from collision of the upflow
  from opposite loop footpoints, and subsequent gravitational infall
  of radiatively cooled material. In 2D and 3D magnetohydrodynamic
  (MHD) simulations, the interplay among these three components is
  spatially complex and temporally variable, making it difficult to
  derive observational signatures and discern their overall scaling
  trends. Within a simplified, steady-state analysis based on overall
  conservation principles, we present here an `analytic dynamical
  magnetosphere' (ADM) model that provides explicit formulae for density,
  temperature, and flow speed in each of these three components - wind
  outflow, hot post-shock gas, and cooled inflow - as a function of
  colatitude and radius within the closed (presumed dipole) field lines of
  the magnetosphere. We compare these scalings with time-averaged results
  from MHD simulations, and provide initial examples of application
  of this ADM model for deriving two key observational diagnostics,
  namely hydrogen H α emission line profiles from the cooled infall,
  and X-ray emission from the hot post-shock gas. We conclude with a
  discussion of key issues and advantages in applying this ADM formalism
  towards derivation of a broader set of observational diagnostics and
  scaling trends for massive stars with such dynamical magnetospheres.

Title: The spectral temperature of optically thick outflows with
    application to light echo spectra from η Carinae's giant eruption
Authors: Owocki, Stanley P.; Shaviv, Nir J.
2016MNRAS.462..345O    Altcode: 2016arXiv160603681O
  The detection by Rest et al. of light echoes from η Carinae has
  provided important new observational constraints on the nature of its
  1840s era giant eruption. Spectra of the echoes suggest a relatively
  cool spectral temperature of about 5500 K, lower than the lower limit
  of about 7000 K suggested in the optically thick wind-outflow analysis
  of Davidson. This has led to a debate about the viability of this
  steady wind model relative to alternative, explosive scenarios. Here
  we present an updated analysis of the wind-outflow model using newer
  low-temperature opacity tabulations and accounting for the stronger
  mass-loss implied by the &gt;10 M<SUB>⊙</SUB> mass now inferred for
  the Homunculus. A major conclusion is that, because of the sharp drop
  in opacity due to recombination loss of free electrons for T &lt;
  6500 K, a low temperature of about 5000 K is compatible with, and
  indeed expected from, a wind with the extreme mass-loss inferred for
  the eruption. Within a spherical grey model in radiative equilibrium,
  we derive spectral energy distributions for various assumptions for
  the opacity variation of the wind, providing a basis for comparisons
  with observed light echo spectra. The scaling results here are also
  potentially relevant for other highly optically thick outflows,
  including those from classical novae, giant eruptions of luminous
  blue variables and supernovae Type IIn precursors. A broader issue
  therefore remains whether the complex, variable features observed from
  such eruptions are better understood in terms of a steady or explosive
  paradigm, or perhaps a balance of these idealizations.

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: MiMeS survey of magnetism in
    massive stars (Wade+, 2016)
Authors: Wade, G. A.; Neiner, C.; Alecian, E.; Grunhut, J. H.; Petit,
   V.; de Batz, B.; Bohlender, D. A.; Cohen, D. H.; Henrichs, H. F.;
   Kochukhov, O.; Landstreet, J. D.; Manset, N.; Martins, F.; Mathis, S.;
   Oksala, M. E.; Owocki, S. P.; Rivinius, T.; Shultz, M. E.; Sundqvist,
   J. O.; Townsend, R. H. D.; Ud-Doula, A.; Bouret, J. -C.; Braithwaite,
   J.; Briquet, M.; Carciofi, A. C.; David-Uraz, A.; Folsom, C. P.;
   Fullerton, A. W.; Leroy, B.; Marcolino, W. L. F.; Moffat, A. F. J.;
   Naze, Y.; St, Louis N.; Auriere, M.; Bagnulo, S.; Bailey, J. D.;
   Barba, R. H.; Blazere, A.; Bohm, T.; Catala, C.; Donati, J. -F.;
   Ferrario, L.; Harrington, D.; Howarth, I. D.; Ignace, R.; Kaper, L.;
   Luftinger, T.; Prinja, R.; Vink, J. S.; Weiss, W. W.; Yakunin, I.
2016yCat..74560002W    Altcode:
  To initiate the observational component of the MiMeS project,
  the collaboration was awarded a 640 hour Large Program (LP) with
  ESPaDOnS. This award was followed by LP allocations with Narval
  (137 nights, or 1213 hours), and with HARPSpol (30 nights , or 280
  hours). <P />The TC sample (summarized in Table 4) consists of stars
  that were established or suspected to be magnetic at the beginning
  of the project. The majority of these stars are confirmed period ic
  variables with periods ranging from approximately 1 d to 1.5 years,
  with the majority having a period of less than 10 days so that they
  are suitable candidates for observational monitoring and mapping. <P
  />(1 data file).

Title: Constraining the Extremely Hard X-ray Excess of Eta Carinae
    using XMM-Newton and NuSTAR
Authors: Sharma, Neetika; Hamaguchi, Kenji; Gull, Theodore R.;
   Corcoran, Michael F.; Madura, Thomas; Russell, Christopher Michael
   Post; Takahashi, Hiromitsu; Grefenstette, Brian; Yuasa, Tadayuki;
   Moffat, Anthony F. J.; Richardson, Noel; Groh, Jose H.; Pittard,
   Julian M.; Owocki, Stanley P.
2016AAS...22821806S    Altcode:
  Eta Carinae (η Car), the most luminous (L∼10<SUP>6.7</SUP>
  L<SUB>⊙</SUB>), evolved, supermassive star (M≥100 M<SUB>⊙</SUB>)
  in our Galaxy, has been extensively studied over the entire range of
  wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum, and yet it remains to be
  intriguingly mysterious. η Car is a binary system with an orbital
  period of 2024 days (5.53 years). The collision of the slow (∼500
  km s<SUP>-1</SUP>), dense winds from the primary star with the fast
  (∼3000 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>), thin winds from the companion, produces
  very hot plasma with temperatures of severals of millions of Kelvin
  via shock heating. Previously, the INTEGRAL and Suzaku observatories
  have suggested extremely high energy (15-100 keV) emission from η Car,
  which may arise from inverse Compton scattering of UV/optical photons
  by high-energy electrons accelerated in the wind colliding regions,
  or from the super hot plasma at the head-on collision. Recently,
  within a span of about 1.4 years (March 2014-July 2015), η Car
  was observed a total of 13 times with NuSTAR. The spectrum from the
  2015 July observation, shows a hard X-ray excess above ∼ 17 keV,
  which can be constrained with a flat power-law (Γ∼0.5) or very
  hot bremsstrahlung (kT∼10 keV) component. This hard X-ray excess is
  significantly above the background level below 25 keV and therefore
  should not be instrumental. The light curves of the narrow sections
  of energy bands above 10 keV do not show significant variation. We
  discuss the origin of this extremely hard excess component from combined
  analysis of the XMM-Newton and NuSTAR data.

Title: Modelling the Central Constant Emission X-ray component of
    η Carinae
Authors: Russell, Christopher M. P.; Corcoran, Michael F.; Hamaguchi,
   Kenji; Madura, Thomas I.; Owocki, Stanley P.; Hillier, D. John
2016MNRAS.458.2275R    Altcode: 2016MNRAS.tmp..119R; 2016arXiv160301629R
  The X-ray emission of η Carinae shows multiple features at various
  spatial and temporal scales. The central constant emission (CCE)
  component is centred on the binary and arises from spatial scales much
  smaller than the bipolar Homunculus nebula, but likely larger than the
  central wind-wind collision region between the stars as it does not
  vary over the ∼2-3 month X-ray minimum when it can be observed. Using
  large-scale 3D smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations, we
  model both the colliding-wind region between the stars, and the region
  where the secondary wind collides with primary wind ejected from the
  previous periastron passage. The simulations extend out to one hundred
  semimajor axes and make two limiting assumptions (strong coupling
  and no coupling) about the influence of the primary radiation field
  on the secondary wind. We perform 3D radiative transfer calculations
  on the SPH output to synthesize the X-ray emission, with the aim of
  reproducing the CCE spectrum. For the preferred primary mass-loss rate
  dot{M}_A≈ 8.5× 10^{-4} M_{⊙} yr<SUP>-1</SUP>, the model spectra
  well reproduce the observation as the strong- and no-coupling spectra
  bound the CCE observation for longitude of periastron ω ≈ 252°,
  and bound/converge on the observation for ω ≈ 90°. This suggests
  that η Carinae has moderate coupling between the primary radiation
  and secondary wind, that both the region between the stars and the
  comoving collision on the backside of the secondary generate the CCE,
  and that the CCE cannot place constraints on the binary's line of
  sight. We also discuss comparisons with common X-ray fitting parameters.

Title: Line-driven ablation of circumstellar discs - I. Optically
    thin decretion discs of classical Oe/Be stars
Authors: Kee, Nathaniel Dylan; Owocki, Stanley; Sundqvist, J. O.
2016MNRAS.458.2323K    Altcode: 2016arXiv160207874K; 2016MNRAS.tmp..245K
  The extreme luminosities of massive, hot OB stars drive strong stellar
  winds through line-scattering of the star's UV continuum radiation. For
  OB stars with an orbiting circumstellar disc, we explore here the
  effect of such line-scattering in driving an ablation of material
  from the disc's surface layers, with initial focus on the marginally
  optically thin decretion discs of classical Oe and Be stars. For this
  we apply a multidimensional radiation-hydrodynamics code that assumes
  simple optically thin ray tracing for the stellar continuum, but uses
  a multiray Sobolev treatment of the line transfer; this fully accounts
  for the efficient driving by non-radial rays, due to desaturation of
  line-absorption by velocity gradients associated with the Keplerian
  shear in the disc. Results show a dense, intermediate-speed surface
  ablation, consistent with the strong, blueshifted absorption of UV
  wind lines seen in Be shell stars that are observed from near the disc
  plane. A key overall result is that, after an initial adjustment to
  the introduction of the disc, the asymptotic disc destruction rate is
  typically just an order-unity factor times the stellar wind mass-loss
  rate. For optically thin Be discs, this leads to a disc destruction
  time of order months to years, consistent with observationally
  inferred disc decay times. The much stronger radiative forces of O
  stars reduce this time to order days, making it more difficult for
  decretion processes to sustain a disc in earlier spectral types,
  and so providing a natural explanation for the relative rarity of Oe
  stars in the Galaxy. Moreover, the decrease in line-driving at lower
  metallicity implies both a reduction in the winds that help spin-down
  stars from near-critical rotation, and a reduction in the ablation of
  any decretion disc; together these provide a natural explanation for
  the higher fraction of classical Be stars, as well as the presence of
  Oe stars, in the lower metallicity Magellanic Clouds. We conclude with a
  discussion of future extensions to study line-driven ablation of denser,
  optically thick, accretion discs of pre-main-sequence massive stars.

Title: The MiMeS survey of magnetism in massive stars: introduction
    and overview
Authors: Wade, G. A.; Neiner, C.; Alecian, E.; Grunhut, J. H.; Petit,
   V.; Batz, B. de; Bohlender, D. A.; Cohen, D. H.; Henrichs, H. F.;
   Kochukhov, O.; Landstreet, J. D.; Manset, N.; Martins, F.; Mathis, S.;
   Oksala, M. E.; Owocki, S. P.; Rivinius, Th.; Shultz, M. E.; Sundqvist,
   J. O.; Townsend, R. H. D.; ud-Doula, A.; Bouret, J. -C.; Braithwaite,
   J.; Briquet, M.; Carciofi, A. C.; David-Uraz, A.; Folsom, C. P.;
   Fullerton, A. W.; Leroy, B.; Marcolino, W. L. F.; Moffat, A. F. J.;
   Nazé, Y.; Louis, N. St; Aurière, M.; Bagnulo, S.; Bailey, J. D.;
   Barbá, R. H.; Blazère, A.; Böhm, T.; Catala, C.; Donati, J. -F.;
   Ferrario, L.; Harrington, D.; Howarth, I. D.; Ignace, R.; Kaper, L.;
   Lüftinger, T.; Prinja, R.; Vink, J. S.; Weiss, W. W.; Yakunin, I.
2016MNRAS.456....2W    Altcode: 2015arXiv151108425W
  The MiMeS (Magnetism in Massive Stars) project is a large-scale,
  high-resolution, sensitive spectropolarimetric investigation of the
  magnetic properties of O- and early B-type stars. Initiated in 2008 and
  completed in 2013, the project was supported by three Large Program
  allocations, as well as various programmes initiated by independent
  principal investigators, and archival resources. Ultimately, over 4800
  circularly polarized spectra of 560 O and B stars were collected with
  the instruments ESPaDOnS (Echelle SpectroPolarimetric Device for the
  Observation of Stars) at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, Narval
  at the Télescope Bernard Lyot and HARPSpol at the European Southern
  Observatory La Silla 3.6 m telescope, making MiMeS by far the largest
  systematic investigation of massive star magnetism ever undertaken. In
  this paper, the first in a series reporting the general results of the
  survey, we introduce the scientific motivation and goals, describe
  the sample of targets, review the instrumentation and observational
  techniques used, explain the exposure time calculation designed to
  provide sensitivity to surface dipole fields above approximately 100
  G, discuss the polarimetric performance, stability and uncertainty
  of the instrumentation, and summarize the previous and forthcoming

Title: Constraining the evolutionary state of the hot, massive
    companion star and the wind-wind collision region in Eta Carinae
Authors: Gull, Theodore Raymond; Corcoran, Michael F.; Damineli,
   Augusto; Groh, Jose; Hamaguchi, Kenji; Hillier, D. John; Madura,
   Thomas I.; Owocki, Stanley P.; Richardson, Noel D.; Weigelt, Gerd
2016hst..prop13395G    Altcode:
  Our primary goal is to constrain the physical properties of Eta
  Car's wind-wind collision region and the properties of Eta Car B,
  the hot, very massive secondary companion that is hidden from our
  view. We propose to do this by measuring the forbidden emission lines
  in the extended, interacting wind structures resolved in the inner
  1.5 arcseconds region. As the mass-loss structures evolve across the
  5.54-year orbital period, we will selectively map their spatial and
  velocity changes at critical phases using the spatial resolution of
  HST and moderate spectral resolving power of the STIS to generate
  spatial (2-D), velocity (1-D) data cubes of regions of critical
  collisional densities. We will use these spatial-velocity data cubes
  to drive ongoing 3-D models of the interacting winds, adding radiative
  transfer. We will (A) strongly constrain the 3-D mass loss from the
  system and (B) determine the properties of Eta Car B, the source of
  FUV radiation and the driving wind creating the X-ray emitting cavity
  out of the dominating wind of Eta Car A.

Title: θ Car: X-ray Emission from Low Density Radiation-Driven Winds
Authors: Doyle Mizusawa, Trisha; Petit, Veronique; Held Cohen, David;
   Fullerton, Alexander W.; Gagne, Marc; Leutenegger, Maurice A.; Li,
   Zequn; Owocki, Stanley P.; Sundqvist, Jon; Wade, Gregg
2016AAS...22712901D    Altcode:
  We present Chandra X-ray grating spectroscopy (and IUE spectroscopy)
  of the B0.2 V star, θ Carina. θ Car is in a critical transition
  region between the earliest B stars and the latest O stars, where the
  density of the wind is observed to decrease more than theoretically
  expected. In general, X-ray emission in this low-density wind regime
  should be less prominent, but observations have shown that there is
  a higher than expected production of X-ray emission from the winds
  of these stars; this severely challenges predictions of radiatively
  driven wind theory. We measure the f/i ratio, widths, and velocities
  of several Helium-like lines in the X-ray spectrum. The f/i ratio is a
  diagnostic of the radial location of the X-ray emitting plasma, which
  is sensitive to the specific transition of each He-like ion. We use
  θ Car to study the radiatively-driven mass-loss of early B-type stars.

Title: Eta Carinae's Thermal X-Ray Tail Measured with XMM-Newton
    and NuSTAR
Authors: Hamaguchi, Kenji; Corcoran, Michael F.; Gull, Theodore
   R.; Takahashi, Hiromitsu; Grefenstette, Brian W.; Yuasa, Takayuki;
   Stuhlinger, Martin; Russell, Christopher M. P.; Moffat, Anthony F. J.;
   Sharma, Neetika; Madura, Thomas I.; Richardson, Noel D.; Groh, Jose;
   Pittard, Julian M.; Owocki, Stanley
2016ApJ...817...23H    Altcode: 2016arXiv160201148H
  The evolved, massive highly eccentric binary system, η Car, underwent a
  periastron passage in the summer of 2014. We obtained two coordinated
  X-ray observations with XMM-Newton and NuSTAR during the elevated
  X-ray flux state and just before the X-ray minimum flux state around
  this passage. These NuSTAR observations clearly detected X-ray emission
  associated with η Car extending up to ∼50 keV for the first time. The
  NuSTAR spectrum above 10 keV can be fit with the bremsstrahlung tail
  from a kT ∼ 6 keV plasma. This temperature is ΔkT ∼ 2 keV higher
  than those measured from the iron K emission line complex, if the
  shocked gas is in collisional ionization equilibrium. This result
  may suggest that the companion star's pre-shock wind velocity is
  underestimated. The NuSTAR observation near the X-ray minimum state
  showed a gradual decline in the X-ray emission by 40% at energies
  above 5 keV in a day, the largest rate of change of the X-ray flux
  yet observed in individual η Car observations. The column density
  to the hardest emission component, N<SUB>H</SUB> ∼ 10<SUP>24</SUP>
  H cm<SUP>-2</SUP>, marked one of the highest values ever observed for
  η Car, strongly suggesting increased obscuration of the wind-wind
  colliding X-ray emission by the thick primary stellar wind prior
  to superior conjunction. Neither observation detected the power-law
  component in the extremely hard band that INTEGRAL and Suzaku observed
  prior to 2011. If the non-detection by NuSTAR is caused by absorption,
  the power-law source must be small and located very near the wind-wind
  collision apex. Alternatively, it may be that the power-law source is
  not related to either η Car or the GeV γ-ray source.

Title: Accretion, Outflows, and Winds of Magnetized Stars
Authors: Romanova, Marina M.; Owocki, Stanley P.
2016smfu.book..347R    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Constraining the evolutionary state of the hot, massive
    companion star and the wind-wind collision region in Eta Carinae
Authors: Gull, Theodore Raymond; Cherchneff, Isabelle; Corcoran,
   Michael F.; Damineli, Augusto; Groh, Jose; Hamaguchi, Kenji; Hillier,
   D. John; Icke, Vincent; Madura, Thomas I.; Owocki, Stanley P.;
   Richardson, Noel D.; Weigelt, Gerd
2016hst..prop12508G    Altcode:
  Our primary goal is to constrain the physical properties of Eta
  Car's wind-wind collision region and the properties of Eta Car B,
  the hot, very massive secondary companion that is hidden from our
  view. We propose to do this by measuring the forbidden emission lines
  in the extended, interacting wind structures resolved in the inner
  1.5 arcseconds region. As the mass-loss structures evolve across the
  5.54-year orbital period, we will selectively map their spatial and
  velocity changes at critical phases using the spatial resolution of
  HST and moderate spectral resolving power of the STIS to generate
  spatial {2-D}, velocity {1-D} data cubes of regions of critical
  collisional densities. We will use these spatial-velocity data cubes
  to drive ongoing 3-D models of the interacting winds, adding radiative
  transfer. We will {A} strongly constrain the 3-D mass loss from the
  system and {B} determine the properties of Eta Car B, the source of
  FUV radiation and the driving wind creating the X-ray emitting cavity
  out of the dominating wind of Eta Car A.

Title: Effect of scattering on the transonic solution topology and
    intrinsic variability of line-driven stellar winds
Authors: Sundqvist, Jon O.; Owocki, Stanley P.
2015MNRAS.453.3428S    Altcode: 2015arXiv150802955S
  For line-driven winds from hot, luminous OB stars, we examine the subtle
  but important role of diffuse, scattered radiation in determining both
  the topology of steady-state solutions and intrinsic variability in
  the transonic wind base. We use a smooth source function formalizm
  to obtain non-local, integral expressions for the direct and diffuse
  components of the line-force that account for deviations from the usual
  localized, Sobolev forms. As the scattering source function is reduced,
  we find the solution topology in the transonic region transitions from
  X-type, with a unique wind solution, to a nodal type, characterized by
  a degenerate family of solutions. Specifically, in the idealized case
  of an optically thin source function and a uniformly bright stellar
  disc, the unique X-type solution proves to be a stable attractor to
  which time-dependent numerical radiation-hydrodynamical simulations
  relax. But in models where the scattering strength is only modestly
  reduced, the topology instead turns nodal, with the associated solution
  degeneracy now manifest by intrinsic structure and variability that
  persist down to the photospheric wind base. This highlights the
  potentially crucial role of diffuse radiation for the dynamics and
  variability of line-driven winds, and seriously challenges the use of
  Sobolev theory in the transonic wind region. Since such Sobolev-based
  models are commonly used in broad applications like stellar evolution
  and feedback, this prompts development of new wind models, not only
  for further quantifying the intrinsic variability found here, but also
  for computing new theoretical predictions of global properties like
  velocity laws and mass-loss rates.

Title: Hydrodynamic and radiative transfer modeling of X-ray emission
from colliding WR winds: WR 140 &amp; the Galactic center
Authors: Russell, Christopher M. P.; Corcoran, Michael F.; Cuadra,
   Jorge; Owocki, Stanley P.; Wang, Q. Daniel; Hamaguchi, Kenji; Sugawara,
   Yasuharu; Pollock, Andrew M. T.; Kallman, Timothy R.
2015arXiv151101150R    Altcode:
  Colliding Wolf-Rayet (WR) winds produce thermal X-ray emission widely
  observed by X-ray telescopes. In wide WR+O binaries, such as WR 140,
  the X-ray flux is tied to the orbital phase, and is a direct probe
  of the winds' properties. In the Galactic center, $\sim$30 WRs orbit
  the super massive black hole (SMBH) within $\sim$10", leading to a
  smorgasbord of wind-wind collisions. To model the X-ray emission of WR
  140 and the Galactic center, we perform 3D hydrodynamic simulations
  to trace the complex gaseous flows, and then carry out 3D radiative
  transfer calculations to compute the variable X-ray spectra. The
  model WR 140 RXTE light curve matches the data well for all phases
  except the X-ray minimum associated with periastron, while the model
  spectra agree with the RXTE hardness ratio and the shape of the Suzaku
  observations throughout the orbit. The Galactic center model of the
  Chandra flux and spectral shape match well in the region r$&lt;$3",
  but the model flux falls off too rapidly beyond this radius.

Title: X-ray emission from the giant magnetosphere of the magnetic
    O-type star NGC 1624-2
Authors: Petit, V.; Cohen, D. H.; Wade, G. A.; Nazé, Y.; Owocki,
   S. P.; Sundqvist, J. O.; ud-Doula, A.; Fullerton, A.; Leutenegger,
   M.; Gagné, M.
2015MNRAS.453.3288P    Altcode: 2015arXiv150708621P
  We observed NGC 1624-2, the O-type star with the largest known magnetic
  field (B<SUB>p</SUB> ∼ 20 kG), in X-rays with the Advanced CCD Imaging
  Spectrometer (ACIS-S) camera on-board the Chandra X-ray Observatory. Our
  two observations were obtained at the minimum and maximum of the
  periodic Hα emission cycle, corresponding to the rotational phases
  where the magnetic field is the closest to equator-on and pole-on,
  respectively. With these observations, we aim to characterize the
  star's magnetosphere via the X-ray emission produced by magnetically
  confined wind shocks. Our main findings are as follows. (i) The observed
  spectrum of NGC 1624-2 is hard, similar to the magnetic O-type star
  θ<SUP>1</SUP> Ori C, with only a few photons detected below 0.8
  keV. The emergent X-ray flux is 30 per cent lower at the Hα minimum
  phase. (ii) Our modelling indicated that this seemingly hard spectrum
  is in fact a consequence of relatively soft intrinsic emission,
  similar to other magnetic Of?p stars, combined with a large amount
  of local absorption (∼1-3× 10<SUP>22</SUP> cm<SUP>-2</SUP>). This
  combination is necessary to reproduce both the prominent Mg and Si
  spectral features, and the lack of flux at low energies. NGC 1624-2 is
  intrinsically luminous in X-rays (log L^{em}_X∼ 33.4) but 70-95 per
  cent of the X-ray emission produced by magnetically confined wind shocks
  is absorbed before it escapes the magnetosphere (log L^{ISMcor}_X∼
  32.5). (iii) The high X-ray luminosity, its variation with stellar
  rotation, and its large attenuation are all consistent with a large
  dynamical magnetosphere with magnetically confined wind shocks.

Title: Accretion, Outflows, and Winds of Magnetized Stars
Authors: Romanova, Marina M.; Owocki, Stanley P.
2015SSRv..191..339R    Altcode: 2016arXiv160504979R; 2015SSRv..tmp...97R
  Many types of stars have strong magnetic fields that can dynamically
  influence the flow of circumstellar matter. In stars with accretion
  disks, the stellar magnetic field can truncate the inner disk and
  determine the paths that matter can take to flow onto the star. These
  paths are different in stars with different magnetospheres and periods
  of rotation. External field lines of the magnetosphere may inflate and
  produce favorable conditions for outflows from the disk-magnetosphere
  boundary. Outflows can be particularly strong in the propeller regime,
  wherein a star rotates more rapidly than the inner disk. Outflows may
  also form at the disk-magnetosphere boundary of slowly rotating stars,
  if the magnetosphere is compressed by the accreting matter. In isolated,
  strongly magnetized stars, the magnetic field can influence formation
  and/or propagation of stellar wind outflows. Winds from low-mass,
  solar-type stars may be either thermally or magnetically driven,
  while winds from massive, luminous O and B type stars are radiatively
  driven. In all of these cases, the magnetic field influences matter flow
  from the stars and determines many observational properties. In this
  chapter we review recent studies of accretion, outflows, and winds of
  magnetized stars with a focus on three main topics: (1) accretion onto
  magnetized stars; (2) outflows from the disk-magnetosphere boundary;
  and (3) winds from isolated massive magnetized stars. We show results
  obtained from global magnetohydrodynamic simulations and, in a number
  of cases compare global simulations with observations.

Title: Confirming HD 23478 as a new magnetic B star hosting an
    Hα-bright centrifugal magnetosphere
Authors: Sikora, J.; Wade, G. A.; Bohlender, D. A.; Neiner, C.;
   Oksala, M. E.; Shultz, M.; Cohen, D. H.; ud-Doula, A.; Grunhut, J.;
   Monin, D.; Owocki, S.; Petit, V.; Rivinus, T.; Townsend, R. H. D.
2015MNRAS.451.1928S    Altcode: 2015arXiv150502427S
  In this paper, we report 23 magnetic field measurements of the B3IV
  star HD 23478: 12 obtained from high-resolution Stokes V spectra using
  the ESPaDOnS (Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope) and Narval (Télescope
  Bernard Lyot) spectropolarimeters, and 11 from medium-resolution Stokes
  V spectra obtained with the DimaPol spectropolarimeter (Dominion
  Astronomical Observatory). HD 23478 was one of two rapidly rotating
  stars identified as potential `centrifugal magnetosphere' hosts based
  on IR observations from the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution
  Experiment survey. We derive basic physical properties of this star
  including its mass (M=6.1^{+0.8}_{-0.7} M_{⊙), effective temperature
  (T<SUB>eff</SUB> = 20 ± 2 kK), radius (R=2.7^{+1.6}_{-0.9} R_{⊙}),
  and age (τ_age=3^{+37}_{-1} Myr). We repeatedly detect weakly variable
  Zeeman signatures in metal, He, and H lines in all our observations
  corresponding to a longitudinal magnetic field of &lt;B<SUB>z</SUB>&gt;
  ≈ -2.0 kG. The rotational period is inferred from Hipparcos photometry
  (P<SUB>rot</SUB> = 1.0498(4) d). Under the assumption of the Oblique
  Rotator Model, our observations yield a surface dipole magnetic field
  of strength B<SUB>d</SUB> ≥ 9.5 kG that is approximately aligned
  with the stellar rotation axis. We confirm the presence of strong and
  broad Hα emission and gauge the volume of this star's centrifugal
  magnetosphere to be consistent with those of other Hα emitting
  centrifugal magnetosphere stars based on the large inferred Alfvén
  to Kepler radius ratio.

Title: A Coordinated X-Ray and Optical Campaign of the Nearest Massive
    Eclipsing Binary, δ Orionis Aa. I. Overview of the X-Ray Spectrum
Authors: Corcoran, M. F.; Nichols, J. S.; Pablo, H.; Shenar, T.;
   Pollock, A. M. T.; Waldron, W. L.; Moffat, A. F. J.; Richardson, N. D.;
   Russell, C. M. P.; Hamaguchi, K.; Huenemoerder, D. P.; Oskinova, L.;
   Hamann, W. -R.; Nazé, Y.; Ignace, R.; Evans, N. R.; Lomax, J. R.;
   Hoffman, J. L.; Gayley, K.; Owocki, S. P.; Leutenegger, M.; Gull,
   T. R.; Hole, K. T.; Lauer, J.; Iping, R. C.
2015ApJ...809..132C    Altcode: 2015arXiv150705101C
  We present an overview of four deep phase-constrained Chandra HETGS
  X-ray observations of δ Ori A. Delta Ori A is actually a triple
  system that includes the nearest massive eclipsing spectroscopic
  binary, δ Ori Aa, the only such object that can be observed with
  little phase-smearing with the Chandra gratings. Since the fainter
  star, δ Ori Aa2, has a much lower X-ray luminosity than the brighter
  primary (δ Ori Aa1), δ Ori Aa provides a unique system with which
  to test the spatial distribution of the X-ray emitting gas around δ
  Ori Aa1 via occultation by the photosphere of, and wind cavity around,
  the X-ray dark secondary. Here we discuss the X-ray spectrum and X-ray
  line profiles for the combined observation, having an exposure time of
  nearly 500 ks and covering nearly the entire binary orbit. The companion
  papers discuss the X-ray variability seen in the Chandra spectra,
  present new space-based photometry and ground-based radial velocities
  obtained simultaneously with the X-ray data to better constrain the
  system parameters, and model the effects of X-rays on the optical and
  UV spectra. We find that the X-ray emission is dominated by embedded
  wind shock emission from star Aa1, with little contribution from the
  tertiary star Ab or the shocked gas produced by the collision of the
  wind of Aa1 against the surface of Aa2. We find a similar temperature
  distribution to previous X-ray spectrum analyses. We also show that the
  line half-widths are about 0.3-0.5 times the terminal velocity of the
  wind of star Aa1. We find a strong anti-correlation between line widths
  and the line excitation energy, which suggests that longer-wavelength,
  lower-temperature lines form farther out in the wind. Our analysis
  also indicates that the ratio of the intensities of the strong and
  weak lines of Fe xvii and Ne x are inconsistent with model predictions,
  which may be an effect of resonance scattering.

Title: Revisiting the rigidly rotating magnetosphere model for
    σ Ori E - II. Magnetic Doppler imaging, arbitrary field RRM, and
    light variability
Authors: Oksala, M. E.; Kochukhov, O.; Krtička, J.; Townsend,
   R. H. D.; Wade, G. A.; Prvák, M.; Mikulášek, Z.; Silvester, J.;
   Owocki, S. P.
2015MNRAS.451.2015O    Altcode: 2015arXiv150504839O
  The initial success of the Rigidly Rotating Magnetosphere (RRM) model
  application to the B2Vp star σ Ori E by Townsend, Owocki &amp; Groote
  triggered a renewed era of observational monitoring of this archetypal
  object. We utilize high-resolution spectropolarimetry and the magnetic
  Doppler imaging (MDI) technique to simultaneously determine the magnetic
  configuration, which is predominately dipolar, with a polar strength
  B<SUB>d</SUB> = 7.3-7.8 kG and a smaller non-axisymmetric quadrupolar
  contribution, as well as the surface distribution of abundance of
  He, Fe, C, and Si. We describe a revised RRM model that now accepts
  an arbitrary surface magnetic field configuration, with the field
  topology from the MDI models used as input. The resulting synthetic
  H α emission and broad-band photometric observations generally
  agree with observations, however, several features are poorly fit. To
  explore the possibility of a photospheric contribution to the observed
  photometric variability, the MDI abundance maps were used to compute
  a synthetic photospheric light curve to determine the effect of the
  surface inhomogeneities. Including the computed photospheric brightness
  modulation fails to improve the agreement between the observed and
  computed photometry. We conclude that the discrepancies cannot be
  explained as an effect of inhomogeneous surface abundance. Analysis
  of the UV light variability shows good agreement between observed
  variability and computed light curves, supporting the accuracy of
  the photospheric light variation calculation. We thus conclude that
  significant additional physics is necessary for the RRM model to
  acceptably reproduce observations of not only σ Ori E, but also other
  similar stars with significant stellar wind-magnetic field interactions.

Title: The X-ray Lightcurve of the Supermassive star eta Carinae,
Authors: Corcoran, M. F.; Hamaguchi, K.; Liburd, J. K.; Morris, D.;
   Gull, T. R.; Madura, T. I.; Teodoro, M.; Moffat, A. F. J.; Richardson,
   N. D.; Russell, C. M. P.; Pollock, A. M. T.; Owocki, S. P.
2015arXiv150707961C    Altcode:
  Eta Carinae is the nearest example of a supermassive, superluminous,
  unstable star. Mass loss from the system is critical in shaping its
  circumstellar medium and in determining its ultimate fate. Eta Car
  currently loses mass via a dense, slow stellar wind and possesses
  one of the largest mass loss rates known. It is prone to episodes
  of extreme mass ejection via eruptions from some as-yet unspecified
  cause; the best examples of this are the large-scale eruptions which
  occurred in 19th century. Eta Car is a colliding wind binary in which
  strong variations in X-ray emission and in other wavebands are driven
  by the violent collision of the wind of eta Car-A and the fast, less
  dense wind of an otherwise hidden companion star. X-ray variations
  are the simplest diagnostic we have to study the wind-wind collision
  and allow us to measure the state of the stellar mass loss from both
  stars. We present the X-ray lightcurve over the last 20 years from
  ROSAT observations and monitoring with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer
  and the X-ray Telescope on the Swift satellite. We compare and contrast
  the behavior of the X-ray emission from the system over that timespan,
  including surprising variations during the 2014 X-ray minimum.

Title: Modeling Diffuse X-ray Emission around the Galactic Center
    from Colliding Stellar Winds
Authors: Russell, Christopher Michael Post; Cuadra, Jorge; Wang,
   Q. Daniel; Owocki, Stanley P.
2015AAS...22520303R    Altcode: 2015AAS...22520303P
  The Galactic center is a hotbed of astrophysical phenomena. The ~30
  evolved massive stars orbiting the SMBH on scales &lt;10" inject a large
  fraction of the matter that accretes onto the SMBH, and potentially
  creates large swaths of hot, X-ray emitting material around Sgr A*
  from their wind-wind collisions. Using the Gadget-2 SPH simulations
  of these evolved stars ejecting their winds over the last 1100 years
  from Cuadra et al. 2008, we solve the formal solution to the equation
  of radiative transfer for a grid of rays through the 6"x6" simulation
  volume to calculate the thermal X-ray emission from the diffuse hot
  gas. We then fold each of these energy-dependent pixel maps through the
  Chandra ACIS-S response function to directly compare with the recent
  3Ms X-ray Visionary Program observations of the Galactic center (Wang
  et al. 2013). The model X-ray flux, in absolute units, agrees well
  with the observations just outside the SMBH (whose emission is not
  included in this modeling), indicating that the shocked wind material
  from the evolved massive stars is indeed the source of diffuse X-ray
  emission at the Galactic center. The emission of the IRS13 cluster,
  though, is overestimated by two orders of magnitude, indicating a
  potential revision in the cluster stellar parameters. We will conclude
  by discussing future work, such as implementing the 'pressure-entropy'
  formulation of SPH for this calculation and including O stars and
  closely orbiting binaries.

Title: V444 Cygni X-ray and polarimetric variability: Radiative and
    Coriolis forces shape the wind collision region
Authors: Lomax, J. R.; Nazé, Y.; Hoffman, J. L.; Russell, C. M. P.;
   De Becker, M.; Corcoran, M. F.; Davidson, J. W.; Neilson, H. R.;
   Owocki, S.; Pittard, J. M.; Pollock, A. M. T.
2015A&A...573A..43L    Altcode: 2014arXiv1410.6117L
  We present results from a study of the eclipsing, colliding-wind
  binary V444 Cyg that uses a combination of X-ray and optical
  spectropolarimetric methods to describe the 3D nature of the
  shock and wind structure within the system. We have created the
  most complete X-ray light curve of V444 Cyg to date using 40 ks
  of new data from Swift, and 200 ks of new and archived XMM-Newton
  observations. In addition, we have characterized the intrinsic,
  polarimetric phase-dependent behavior of the strongest optical emission
  lines using data obtained with the University of Wisconsin's Half-Wave
  Spectropolarimeter. We have detected evidence of the Coriolis distortion
  of the wind-wind collision in the X-ray regime, which manifests itself
  through asymmetric behavior around the eclipses in the system's X-ray
  light curves. The large opening angle of the X-ray emitting region,
  as well as its location (i.e. the WN wind does not collide with the O
  star, but rather its wind) are evidence of radiative braking/inhibition
  occurring within the system. Additionally, the polarimetric results
  show evidence of the cavity the wind-wind collision region carves out
  of the Wolf-Rayet star's wind.

Title: Instabilities in the Envelopes and Winds of Very Massive Stars
Authors: Owocki, Stanley P.
2015ASSL..412..113O    Altcode: 2014arXiv1403.6745O
  The high luminosity of Very Massive Stars (VMS) means that radiative
  forces play an important, dynamical role both in the structure and
  stability of their stellar envelope, and in driving strong stellar-wind
  mass loss. Focusing on the interplay of radiative flux and opacity,
  with emphasis on key distinctions between continuum vs. line opacity,
  this chapter reviews instabilities in the envelopes and winds of
  VMS. Specifically, we discuss how: (1) the iron opacity bump can
  induce an extensive inflation of the stellar envelope; (2) the density
  dependence of mean opacity leads to strange mode instabilities in
  the outer envelope; (3) desaturation of line-opacity by acceleration
  of near-surface layers initiates and sustains a line-driven stellar
  wind outflow; (4) an associated line-deshadowing instability leads to
  extensive small-scale structure in the outer regions of such line-driven
  winds; (5) a star with super-Eddington luminosity can develop
  extensive atmospheric structure from photon bubble instabilities,
  or from stagnation of flow that exceeds the "photon tiring" limit;
  (6) the associated porosity leads to a reduction in opacity that can
  regulate the extreme mass loss of such continuum-driven winds. Two
  overall themes are the potential links of such instabilities to Luminous
  Blue Variable (LBV) stars, and the potential role of radiation forces
  in establishing the upper mass limit of VMS.

Title: Hydrodynamic and radiative transfer modeling of X-ray emission
from colliding WR winds: WR 140 and the Galactic center
Authors: Russell, C. M. P.; Corcoran, M. F.; Cuadra, J.; Owocki,
   S. P.; Wang, Q. D.; Hamaguchi, K.; Sugawara, Y.; Pollock, A. M. T.;
   Kallman, T. R.
2015wrs..conf..309R    Altcode:
  Colliding Wolf-Rayet (WR) winds produce thermal X-ray emission widely
  observed by X-ray telescopes. In wide WR+O binaries, such as WR 140,
  the X-ray flux is tied to the orbital phase, and is a direct probe
  of the winds’ properties. In the Galactic center, ~30 WRs orbit the
  super massive black hole (SMBH) within ~10”, leading to a smorgasbord
  of wind-wind collisions. To model the X-ray emission of WR 140 and
  the Galactic center, we perform 3D hydrodynamic simulations to trace
  the complex gaseous flows, and then carry out 3D radiative transfer
  calculations to compute the variable X-ray spectra. The model WR 140
  RXTE light curve matches the data well for all phases except the X-ray
  minimum associated with periastron, while the model spectra agree
  with the RXTE hardness ratio and the shape of the Suzaku observations
  throughout the orbit. The Galactic center model of the Chandra flux
  and spectral shape match well in the region r ≤ 3”, but the model
  flux falls off too rapidly beyond this radius.

Title: A Simple Mean-Field Diagnostic from Stokes V Spectra
Authors: Gayley, K. G.; Owocki, S. P.
2015IAUS..307..375G    Altcode:
  It is shown that the diagnostics from an observed circularly polarized
  line in a rapidly rotating star are directly interpretable, not in terms
  of the observed Stokes V profiles, but in terms of its antiderivative
  with respect to wavelength (in velocity units if preferred). This also
  leads to a new mean-field diagnostic that is just as easily obtained as
  the standard “center of gravity” approach, and is less susceptible
  to cancellation if the line-of-sight field changes sign over the face
  of the star.

Title: Extremely Hard X-ray Emission from Eta Carinae observed with
    XMM-Newton and NuSTAR around Periastron in 2014.5
Authors: Hamaguchi, Kenji; Corcoran, Michael F.; Takahashi, Hiromitsu;
   Yuasa, Tadayuki; Groh, Jose H.; Russell, Christopher Michael Post;
   Pittard, Julian M.; Madura, Thomas; Owocki, Stanley P.; Grefenstette,
2015AAS...22534417H    Altcode:
  The super massive colliding wind binary system, Eta Carinae, experienced
  another periastron passage in the summer of 2014. We monitored this
  event using the multiple X-ray observatories, Chandra, XMM-Newton,
  NuSTAR, Suzaku and Swift. With a high eccentricity of its 5.5 year
  orbit, X-ray emission from the wind-wind collision (WWC) increases
  strongly toward periastron but then drops sharply by more than two
  orders of magnitude in two weeks around periastron due probably to an
  eclipse and an intrinsic activity decline of the WWC plasma. In this
  observing campaign, XMM-Newton and NuSTAR coordinated two simultaneous
  observations around the X-ray flux maximum on June 6 and just before the
  flux minimum on July 28. These two observations captured Eta Carinae
  with X-ray focusing telescopes in the extreme hard X-ray band above
  10 keV for the first time.During the first observation, XMM and NuSTAR
  detected stable X-ray emission from the central binary system between
  1 - 40 keV. A fit of a 1-temperature bremsstrahlung model to the high
  energy slope in the NuSTAR spectrum derives an electron temperature of
  ~6 keV, which is significantly higher than an ionization temperature
  at ~4.5 keV, measured from the Fe K emission lines resolved in the XMM
  spectrum.This result suggests the presence of very hot plasma and/or
  X-ray reflection at surrounding cold material. During the second
  observation, the X-ray flux between 5 - 10 keV declined steadily by
  a factor of ~2 in a day, while the other energy bands were rather
  stable. This variation may be explained by an increase of the line of
  sight absorption to emission from the plasma component that dominates
  above 5 keV. NuSTAR did not detect, in either observation, the very
  hard non-thermal component that dominated emission above 25 keV seen
  in earlier INTEGRAL and Suzaku observations. We discuss the plasma
  condition and the wind structure of Eta Carinae around periastron,
  and the nature of the non-thermal component.

Title: The X-ray Lightcurve of Eta Carinae, 1996-2014
Authors: Corcoran, Michael F.; Hamaguchi, Kenji; Liburd, Jamar; Gull,
   Theodore R.; Madura, Thomas; Teodoro, Mairan; Moffat, Anthony F. J.;
   Richardson, Noel; Russell, Christopher Michael Post; Pollock, A.;
   Owocki, Stanley P.
2015AAS...22534415C    Altcode:
  Eta Carinae is the nearest example of a supermassive, superluminous,
  unstable star. Mass loss from the system is important in shaping
  its circumstellar medium and in determining the ultimate fate of the
  star. Eta Car loses mass via a dense, slow stellar wind and possesses
  one of the largest mass loss rates known. It is prone to episodes of
  extreme mass ejection via eruptions from some as-yet unspecified cause;
  the best examples of this are the large-scale eruptions which occurred
  in the mid-19th century, and then again about 50 years later. Eta
  Car is a colliding wind binary in which strong variations in X-ray
  emission and in other wavebands are driven by the violent collision
  of the wind of Eta Car and the fast, less dense wind of an otherwise
  hidden companion star. X-ray variations are the simplest diagnostic
  we have to study the wind-wind collision and allow us to measure the
  state of the stellar mass loss from both stars. We present the X-ray
  lightcurve over the last 20 years from monitoring observations with
  the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer and the X-ray Telescope on the Swift
  satellite, and compare and contrast the behavior of the X-ray emission
  from the system over that timespan, including surprising variations
  during the 2014 X-ray minimum.

Title: Measuring the shock-heating rate in the winds of O stars
    using X-ray line spectra
Authors: Cohen, David H.; Li, Zequn; Gayley, Kenneth G.; Owocki,
   Stanley P.; Sundqvist, Jon O.; Petit, Véronique; Leutenegger,
   Maurice A.
2014MNRAS.444.3729C    Altcode: 2014arXiv1409.0856C
  We present a new method for using measured X-ray emission line fluxes
  from O stars to determine the shock-heating rate due to instabilities
  in their radiation-driven winds. The high densities of these winds
  means that their embedded shocks quickly cool by local radiative
  emission, while cooling by expansion should be negligible. Ignoring
  for simplicity any non-radiative mixing or conductive cooling, the
  method presented here exploits the idea that the cooling post-shock
  plasma systematically passes through the temperature characteristic
  of distinct emission lines in the X-ray spectrum. In this way, the
  observed flux distribution among these X-ray lines can be used to
  construct the cumulative probability distribution of shock strengths
  that a typical wind parcel encounters as it advects through the
  wind. We apply this new method to Chandra grating spectra from five
  O stars with X-ray emission indicative of embedded wind shocks in
  effectively single massive stars. The results for all the stars are
  quite similar: the average wind mass element passes through roughly
  one shock that heats it to at least 10<SUP>6</SUP> K as it advects
  through the wind, and the cumulative distribution of shock strengths
  is a strongly decreasing function of temperature, consistent with a
  negative power law of index n ≈ 3, implying a marginal distribution
  of shock strengths that scales as T<SUP>-4</SUP>, and with hints of
  an even steeper decline or cut-off above 10<SUP>7</SUP> K.

Title: 3D Hydrodynamic &amp; Radiative Transfer Models of X-ray
    Emission from Colliding Wind Binaries
Authors: Russell, Christopher M. P.; Okazaki, Atsuo T.; Owocki,
   Stanley P.; Corcoran, Michael F.; Hamaguchi, Kenji; Sugawara, Yasuharu
2014efxu.conf..208R    Altcode: 2014arXiv1405.4803R
  Colliding wind binaries (CWBs) are unique laboratories for X-ray
  astrophysics. The massive stars in these systems possess powerful
  stellar winds with speeds up to $\sim$3000 km s$^{-1}$, and their
  collision leads to hot plasma (up to $\sim10^8$K) that emit thermal
  X-rays (up to $\sim$10 keV). Many X-ray telescopes have observed
  CWBs, including Suzaku, and our work aims to model these X-ray
  observations. We use 3D smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) to model
  the wind-wind interaction, and then perform 3D radiative transfer
  to compute the emergent X-ray flux, which is folded through X-ray
  telescopes' response functions to compare directly with observations. In
  these proceedings, we present our models of Suzaku observations of
  the multi-year-period, highly eccentric systems $\eta$ Carinae and WR
  140. The models reproduce the observations well away from periastron
  passage, but only $\eta$ Carinae's X-ray spectrum is reproduced at
  periastron; the WR 140 model produces too much flux during this more
  complicated phase.

Title: Theory of Winds from Hot, Luminous Massive Stars
Authors: Owocki, Stanley
2014arXiv1409.2084O    Altcode:
  The high luminosities of massive stars drive strong stellar winds,
  through line scattering of the star's continuum radiation. This paper
  reviews the dynamics of such line driving, building first upon the
  standard CAK model for steady winds, and deriving the associated
  analytic scalings for the mass loss rate and wind velocity law. It
  next summarizes the origin and nature of the strong Line Deshadowing
  Instability (LDI) intrinsic to such line-driving, including also the
  role of a diffuse-line-drag effect that stabilizes the wind base, and
  then describes how both instability and drag are incorporated in the
  Smooth Source Function (SSF) method for time-dependent simulations of
  the nonlinear evolution of the resulting wind structure. The review
  concludes with a discussion of the effect of the resulting extensive
  structure in temperature, density and velocity for interpreting
  observational diagnostics. In addition to the usual clumping effect on
  density-squared diagnostics, the spatial porosity of optically thick
  clumps can reduce single-density continuum absorption, and a kind of
  velocity porosity, or vorocity, can reduce the absorption strength
  of spectral lines. An overall goal is to illuminate the rich physics
  of radiative driving and the challenges that lie ahead in developing
  dynamical models for the often complex structure and variability of
  hot-star winds.

Title: The magnetic characteristics of Galactic OB stars from the
    MiMeS survey of magnetism in massive stars
Authors: Wade, G. A.; Grunhut, J.; Alecian, E.; Neiner, C.; Aurière,
   M.; Bohlender, D. A.; David-Uraz, A.; Folsom, C.; Henrichs, H. F.;
   Kochukhov, O.; Mathis, S.; Owocki, S.; Petit, V.; Petit
2014IAUS..302..265W    Altcode: 2013arXiv1310.3965W
  The Magnetism in Massive Stars (MiMeS) project represents the largest
  systematic survey of stellar magnetism ever undertaken. Based on a
  sample of over 550 Galactic B and O-type stars, the MiMeS project
  has derived the basic characteristics of magnetism in hot, massive
  stars. Herein we report preliminary results.

Title: Mass loss from inhomogeneous hot star winds. III. An
    effective-opacity formalism for line radiative transfer in
    accelerating, clumped two-component media, and first results on
    theory and diagnostics
Authors: Sundqvist, J. O.; Puls, J.; Owocki, S. P.
2014A&A...568A..59S    Altcode: 2014arXiv1405.7800S
  <BR /> Aims: We provide a fast and easy-to-use formalism for treating
  the reduction in effective opacity associated with optically thick
  clumps in an accelerating two-component medium. <BR /> Methods: We
  develop and benchmark effective-opacity laws for continuum and line
  radiative transfer that bridge the limits of optically thin and thick
  clumps. We then use this formalism to i) design a simple method for
  modeling and analyzing UV wind resonance lines in hot, massive stars,
  and ii) derive simple correction factors to the line force driving
  the outflows of such stars. <BR /> Results: Using a vorosity-modified
  Sobolev with exact integration (vmSEI) method, we show that, for a given
  ionization factor, UV resonance doublets may be used to analytically
  predict the upward corrections in empirically inferred mass-loss rates
  associated with porosity in velocity space (a.k.a. velocity-porosity, or
  vorosity). However, we also show the presence of a solution degeneracy:
  in a two-component clumped wind with given inter-clump medium density,
  there are always two different solutions producing the same synthetic
  doublet profile. We demonstrate this by application to SiIV and PV in B
  and O supergiants and derive, for an inter-clump density set to 1% of
  the mean density, upward empirical mass-loss corrections of typically
  factors of either ~5 or ~50, depending on which of the two solutions
  is chosen. Overall, our results indicate that this solution dichotomy
  severely limits the use of UV resonance lines as direct mass-loss
  indicators in current diagnostic models of clumped hot stellar winds. We
  next apply the effective line-opacity formalism to the standard CAK
  theory of line-driven winds. A simple vorosity correction factor to
  the CAK line force is derived, which for normalized velocity filling
  factor f<SUB>vel</SUB> simply scales as f<SUB>vel</SUB><SUP>α</SUP>,
  where α is the slope of the CAK line-strength distribution function. By
  analytic and numerical hydrodynamics calculations, we further show that
  in cases where vorosity is important at the critical point setting the
  mass-loss rate, the reduced line force leads to a lower theoretical
  mass loss, by simply a factor f<SUB>vel</SUB>. On the other hand, if
  vorosity is important only above this critical point, the predicted
  mass loss is not affected, but the wind terminal speed is reduced,
  by a factor scaling as f<SUB>vel</SUB><SUP>α/(2-2α)</SUP>. This
  shows that porosity in velocity space can have a significant impact
  not only on the diagnostics, but also on the dynamics and theory of
  radiatively driven winds.

Title: X-rays from magnetic massive OB stars
Authors: Petit, V.; Cohen, D. H.; Nazé, Y.; Gagné, M.; Townsend,
   R. H. D.; Leutenegger, M. A.; ud-Doula, A.; Owocki, S. P.; Wade, G. A.
2014IAUS..302..330P    Altcode:
  The magnetic activity of solar-type and low-mass stars is a well known
  source of coronal X-ray emission. At the other end of the main sequence,
  X-rays emission is instead associated with the powerful, radiatively
  driven winds of massive stars. Indeed, the intrinsically unstable
  line-driving mechanism of OB star winds gives rise to shock-heated,
  soft emission (~0.5 keV) distributed throughout the wind. Recently, the
  latest generation of spectropolarimetric instrumentation has uncovered
  a population of massive OB-stars hosting strong, organized magnetic
  fields. The magnetic characteristics of these stars are similar to
  the apparently fossil magnetic fields of the chemically peculiar ApBp
  stars. Magnetic channeling of these OB stars' strong winds leads to
  the formation of large-scale shock-heated magnetospheres, which can
  modify UV resonance lines, create complex distributions of cooled
  Halpha emitting material, and radiate hard (~2-5 keV) X-rays. This
  presentation summarizes our coordinated observational and modelling
  efforts to characterize the manifestation of these magnetospheres in
  the X-ray domain, providing an important contrast between the emission
  originating in shocks associated with the large-scale fossil fields of
  massive stars, and the X-rays associated with the activity of complex,
  dynamo-generated fields in lower-mass stars.

Title: Wind channeling, magnetospheres, and spindown of magnetic
    massive stars
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; ud-Doula, A.; Townsend, R. H. D.; Petit, V.;
   Sundqvist, J. O.; Cohen, D. H.
2014IAUS..302..320O    Altcode:
  A subpopulation (~10%) of hot, luminous, massive stars have been
  revealed through spectropolarimetry to harbor strong (hundreds to tens
  of thousand Gauss), steady, large-scale (often significantly dipolar)
  magnetic fields. This review focuses on the role of such fields
  in channeling and trapping the radiatively driven wind of massive
  stars, including both in the strongly perturbed outflow from open
  field regions, and the wind-fed “magnetospheres” that develop from
  closed magnetic loops. For B-type stars with weak winds and moderately
  fast rotation, one finds “centrifugal magnetospheres”, in which
  rotational support allows magnetically trapped wind to accumulate
  to a large density, with quite distinctive observational signatures,
  e.g. in Balmer line emission. In contrast, more luminous O-type stars
  have generally been spun down by magnetic braking from angular momentum
  loss in their much stronger winds. The lack of centrifugal support means
  their closed loops form a “dynamical magnetosphere”, with trapped
  material falling back to the star on a dynamical timescale; nonetheless,
  the much stronger wind feeding leads to a circumstellar density that
  is still high enough to give substantial Balmer emission. Overall, this
  review describes MHD simulations and semi-analytic dynamical methods for
  modeling the magnetospheres, the magnetically channeled wind outflows,
  and the associated spin-down of these magnetic massive stars.

Title: X-ray emission from magnetic massive stars
Authors: Naze, Y.; Pétit, V.; Rindbrand, M.; Cohen, D.; Owocki, S.;
   ud-Doula, A.; Wade, G.; Rauw, G.
2014xru..confE.292N    Altcode:
  Magnetically confined winds of early-type stars are expected to
  be sources of bright and hard X-rays. In an attempt to clarify the
  systematics of the observed X-ray properties, we have analyzed a large
  series of Chandra and XMM observations, corresponding to over 100
  exposures of 60% of the known magnetic massive stars listed recently
  by Petit et al. (2013). We notably show that the X-ray luminosity is
  strongly correlated with mass-loss rate, in agreement with predictions
  of magnetically confined wind models. We also investigated the
  behavior of other X-ray properties (plasma temperature, absorption,
  variability), yielding additional constraints on models. This work not
  only advances our knowledge of the X-ray emission of massive stars,
  but also suggests new observational and theoretical avenues to further
  explore magnetically confined winds.

Title: X-rays from Magnetically Confined Wind Shocks: Effect of
    Cooling-Regulated Shock Retreat
Authors: ud-Doula, A.; Owocki, S.; Townsend, R.; Pétit, V.; Cohen, D.
2014xru..confE.345U    Altcode:
  We use 2D MHD simulations to examine the effects of radiative cooling
  and inverse Compton (IC) cooling on X-ray emission from magnetically
  confined wind shocks (MCWS) in magnetic massive stars with radiatively
  driven stellar winds. For the standard dependence of mass loss rate on
  luminosity {dot M} ∼ L^{1.7} , the scaling of IC cooling with L and
  radiative cooling with {dot M} means that IC cooling become formally
  more important for lower luminosity stars. However, the overall effect
  of including IC cooling is quite modest. But for stars with high enough
  mass loss to keep the shocks radiative, the MHD simulations indicate a
  linear scaling of X-ray luminosity with mass loss rate; but for lower
  luminosity stars with weak winds, X-ray emission is reduced and softened
  by a shock retreat resulting from the larger post-shock cooling length,
  which within the fixed length of a closed magnetic loop forces the
  shock back to lower pre-shock wind speeds. A semi-analytic scaling
  yields X-ray luminosities that are in close agreement to time-averages
  computed from the MHD simulations. The results here provide a good
  basis for interpreting available X-ray observations from the growing
  list of massive stars with confirmed large-scale magnetic fields.

Title: X-rays from magnetically confined wind shocks: effect of
    cooling-regulated shock retreat
Authors: ud-Doula, Asif; Owocki, Stanley; Townsend, Richard; Petit,
   Veronique; Cohen, David
2014MNRAS.441.3600U    Altcode: 2014arXiv1404.5336U
  We use 2D magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations to examine the effects
  of radiative cooling and inverse Compton (IC) cooling on X-ray emission
  from magnetically confined wind shocks (MCWS) in magnetic massive stars
  with radiatively driven stellar winds. For the standard dependence of
  mass-loss rate on luminosity Ṁ∼ L<SUP>1.7</SUP>, the scaling of IC
  cooling with L and radiative cooling with Ṁ means that IC cooling
  become formally more important for lower luminosity stars. However,
  because the sense of the trends is similar, we find the overall
  effect of including IC cooling is quite modest. More significantly,
  for stars with high enough mass-loss to keep the shocks radiative,
  the MHD simulations indicate a linear scaling of X-ray luminosity with
  mass-loss rate; but for lower luminosity stars with weak winds, X-ray
  emission is reduced and softened by a shock retreat resulting from
  the larger post-shock cooling length, which within the fixed length of
  a closed magnetic loop forces the shock back to lower pre-shock wind
  speeds. A semi-analytic scaling analysis that accounts both for the wind
  magnetic confinement and this shock retreat yields X-ray luminosities
  that have a similar scaling trend, but a factor few higher values,
  compared to time-averages computed from the MHD simulations. The
  simulation and scaling results here thus provide a good basis for
  interpreting available X-ray observations from the growing list of
  massive stars with confirmed large-scale magnetic fields.

Title: Measuring mass-loss rates and constraining shock physics
    using X-ray line profiles of O stars from the Chandra archive
Authors: Cohen, David H.; Wollman, Emma E.; Leutenegger, Maurice
   A.; Sundqvist, Jon O.; Fullerton, Alex W.; Zsargó, Janos; Owocki,
   Stanley P.
2014MNRAS.439..908C    Altcode: 2014MNRAS.tmp..213C; 2014arXiv1401.7995C
  We quantitatively investigate the extent of wind absorption signatures
  in the X-ray grating spectra of all non-magnetic, effectively single O
  stars in the Chandra archive via line profile fitting. Under the usual
  assumption of a spherically symmetric wind with embedded shocks,
  we confirm previous claims that some objects show little or no
  wind absorption. However, many other objects do show asymmetric and
  blueshifted line profiles, indicative of wind absorption. For these
  stars, we are able to derive wind mass-loss rates from the ensemble
  of line profiles, and find values lower by an average factor of 3 than
  those predicted by current theoretical models, and consistent with Hα
  if clumping factors of f<SUB>cl</SUB> ≈ 20 are assumed. The same
  profile fitting indicates an onset radius of X-rays typically at r
  ≈ 1.5R<SUB>*</SUB>, and terminal velocities for the X-ray emitting
  wind component that are consistent with that of the bulk wind. We
  explore the likelihood that the stars in the sample that do not show
  significant wind absorption signatures in their line profiles have
  at least some X-ray emission that arises from colliding wind shocks
  with a close binary companion. The one clear exception is ζ Oph,
  a weak-wind star that appears to simply have a very low mass-loss
  rate. We also reanalyse the results from the canonical O supergiant ζ
  Pup, using a solar-metallicity wind opacity model and find dot{M}= 1.8
  × 10^{-6} {M_{⊙ {yr^{-1}}}}, consistent with recent multiwavelength

Title: Suppression of X-rays from radiative shocks by their thin-shell
Authors: Kee, Nathaniel Dylan; Owocki, Stanley; ud-Doula, Asif
2014MNRAS.438.3557K    Altcode: 2014MNRAS.tmp..136K; 2014arXiv1401.2063K
  We examine X-rays from radiatively cooled shocks, focusing on how their
  thin-shell instability reduces X-ray emission. For 2D simulations of
  collision between equal expanding winds, we carry out a parameter
  study of such instability as a function of the ratio of radiative
  versus adiabatic-expansion cooling lengths. In the adiabatic regime,
  the extended cooling layer suppresses instability, leading to planar
  shock compression with X-ray luminosity that follows closely the
  expected (L_X ∼ dot{M}^2) quadratic scaling with mass-loss rate
  dot{M}. In the strongly radiative limit, the X-ray emission now follows
  an expected linear scaling with mass-loss (L_X ∼ dot{M}), but the
  instability deforms the shock compression into extended shear layers
  with oblique shocks along fingers of cooled, dense material. The spatial
  dispersion of shock thermalization limits strong X-ray emission to the
  tips and troughs of the fingers, and so reduces the X-ray emission
  (here by about a factor 1/50) below what is expected from analytic
  radiative-shock models without unstable structure. Between these two
  limits, X-ray emission can switch between a high-state associated
  with extended shock compression, and a low-state characterized by
  extensive shear. Further study is needed to clarify the origin of this
  `shear mixing reduction factor' in X-ray emission, and its dependence
  on parameters like the shock Mach number.

Title: The Delta Ori Very Large Project: X-ray Emission and Stellar
Authors: Corcoran, Michael F.; Nichols, J. S.; Moffat, A. F.;
   Richardson, N.; Pollock, A.; Gull, T. R.; Hamaguchi, K.; Russell,
   C. M.; Evans, N. R.; Owocki, S. P.; Waldron, W. L.; Hoffman, J. L.;
   Lomax, J. R.; Gayley, K. G.; Oskinova, L.; Hamann, W.; Iping, R.;
   Ignace, R.; Naze, Y.; Leutenegger, M. A.; Hole, T.
2014AAS...22315114C    Altcode:
  Delt Ori is the nearest massive, single-lined eclipsing binary
  (O9. II+OB, $P=5^{d}.7324$). High resolution X-ray spectrometry combined
  with high-precision photometry from space offers a unique opportunity
  to geometrically measure the dynamics of the shocked gas around the
  primary star. We summarize our recent campaign of phase-constrained
  high-resolution X-ray spectra obtained with the CHANDRA/HETGS plus
  high-precision optical photometry with MOST. These observations provide
  local measurement of the distribution of the embedded, X-ray emitting
  shocks in the wind of an O star via radial velocity variations and
  occultation effects, along with standard $f/i$ ratio diagnostics,
  and enable us to look for correlations with the broad-band photometric
  variability. We discuss how these observations can help determine the
  primary star's clumping-corrected mass loss rate, and resolve critical
  uncertainties in our understanding of the connection between stellar
  and mass loss parameters.

Title: Constraints on decreases in Eta Carinae's mass loss from 3D
    SPH simulations of its binary colliding winds
Authors: Madura, Thomas; Gull, T. R.; Okazaki, A. T.; Russell, C. M.;
   Owocki, S. P.; Groh, J. H.; Corcoran, M. F.; Hamaguchi, K.; Teodoro, M.
2014AAS...22315526M    Altcode:
  Recent work suggests that the mass-loss rate of the LBV primary star in
  the massive, highly eccentric ( 0.9) colliding wind binary Eta Carinae
  dropped by a factor of 2-3 between 1999 and 2010. We present results
  from large- (±1545 au) and small- (±155 au) domain, 3D smoothed
  particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations of Eta Car’s colliding winds
  for three primary mass-loss rates (2.4, 4.8, and 8.5 × 10^-4 Msun/yr),
  investigating the effects on the dynamics of the binary wind-wind
  collision (WWC). These simulations include orbital motion, optically
  thin radiative cooling, and radiative forces. We find that the primary'
  mass-loss rate greatly affects the time-dependent hydrodynamics at
  all spatial scales investigated. The simulations also show that the
  post-shock wind of the companion star switches from the adiabatic to
  the radiative-cooling regime during periastron passage. This switchover
  is caused by the encroachment of the wind of the primary into the
  acceleration zone of the companion's wind, plus radiative inhibition
  of the companion’s wind by the super-luminous primary. The SPH
  simulations together with 1D radiative transfer models of the stellar
  spectra reveal that a factor of two or more drop in primary mass-loss
  rate should lead to substantial changes in numerous multiwavelength
  observables. Recent observations are not fully consistent with the
  model predictions, indicating that any drop in mass-loss rate was likely
  by a factor &lt; 2 and occurred after 2004. We speculate that most of
  the recent observed changes in Eta Car are due to a small increase in
  the WWC opening angle that produces significant effects because our
  line-of-sight to the system lies close to the dense walls of the WWC
  zone. A modest decrease in primary mass-loss rate may be responsible,
  but changes in the wind/stellar parameters of the companion cannot
  yet be fully ruled out. We suggest observations during Eta Car’s
  next periastron in 2014 to further test for decreases in mass-loss
  rate. If the primary's mass-loss rate is declining and continues to
  do so, the 2014 X-ray minimum should be even shorter than that of 2009.

Title: Constraints on decreases in η Carinae's mass-loss from 3D
    hydrodynamic simulations of its binary colliding winds
Authors: Madura, T. I.; Gull, T. R.; Okazaki, A. T.; Russell, C. M. P.;
   Owocki, S. P.; Groh, J. H.; Corcoran, M. F.; Hamaguchi, K.; Teodoro, M.
2013MNRAS.436.3820M    Altcode: 2013MNRAS.tmp.2552M; 2013arXiv1310.0487M
  Recent work suggests that the mass-loss rate of the primary star
  η<SUB>A</SUB> in the massive colliding wind binary η Carinae
  dropped by a factor of 2-3 between 1999 and 2010. We present results
  from large- (±1545 au) and small- (±155 au) domain, 3D smoothed
  particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations of η Car's colliding winds
  for three η<SUB>A</SUB> mass-loss rates (dot{M}_{η <SUB>A</SUB>}=
  2.4, 4.8 and 8.5 × 10<SUP>-4</SUP> M<SUB>⊙</SUB> yr<SUP>-1</SUP>),
  investigating the effects on the dynamics of the binary wind-wind
  collision (WWC). These simulations include orbital motion, optically
  thin radiative cooling and radiative forces. We find that dot{M}_{η
  <SUB>A</SUB>} greatly affects the time-dependent hydrodynamics at
  all spatial scales investigated. The simulations also show that the
  post-shock wind of the companion star η<SUB>B</SUB> switches from the
  adiabatic to the radiative-cooling regime during periastron passage
  (φ ≈ 0.985-1.02). This switchover starts later and ends earlier
  the lower the value of dot{M}_{η <SUB>A</SUB>} and is caused by the
  encroachment of the wind of η<SUB>A</SUB> into the acceleration zone
  of η<SUB>B</SUB>'s wind, plus radiative inhibition of η<SUB>B</SUB>'s
  wind by η<SUB>A</SUB>. The SPH simulations together with 1D radiative
  transfer models of η<SUB>A</SUB>'s spectra reveal that a factor of
  2 or more drop in dot{M}_{η <SUB>A</SUB>} should lead to substantial
  changes in numerous multiwavelength observables. Recent observations
  are not fully consistent with the model predictions, indicating that
  any drop in dot{M}_{η <SUB>A</SUB>} was likely by a factor of ≲2
  and occurred after 2004. We speculate that most of the recent observed
  changes in η Car are due to a small increase in the WWC opening
  angle that produces significant effects because our line of sight to
  the system lies close to the dense walls of the WWC zone. A modest
  decrease in dot{M}_{η <SUB>A</SUB>} may be responsible, but changes
  in the wind/stellar parameters of η<SUB>B</SUB>, while less likely,
  cannot yet be fully ruled out. We suggest observations during η Car's
  next periastron in 2014 to further test for decreases in dot{M}_{η
  <SUB>A</SUB>}. If dot{M}_{η <SUB>A</SUB>} is declining and continues to
  do so, the 2014 X-ray minimum should be even shorter than that of 2009.

Title: Erratum: "Constraints on Porosity and Mass Loss in O-star
    Winds from Modeling of X-Ray Emission Line Profile Shapes" <A
    href="/abs/2013ApJ...770...80L">(2013, ApJ, 770, 80)</A>
Authors: Leutenegger, Maurice A.; Cohen, David H.; Sundqvist, Jon O.;
   Owocki, Stanley P.
2013ApJ...777...81L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: On magnetic inhibition of photospheric macroturbulence
    generated in the iron-bump opacity zone of O-stars
Authors: Sundqvist, J. O.; Petit, V.; Owocki, S. P.; Wade, G. A.;
   Puls, J.; MiMeS Collaboration
2013MNRAS.433.2497S    Altcode: 2013arXiv1305.5549S; 2013MNRAS.tmp.1608S
  Massive, hot OB-stars show clear evidence of strong macroscopic
  broadening (in addition to rotation) in their photospheric spectral
  lines. This paper examines the occurrence of such `macroturbulence'
  in slowly rotating O-stars with strong, organized surface magnetic
  fields. Focusing on the C IV 5811 Å line, we find evidence for
  significant macroturbulent broadening in all stars except NGC 1624-2,
  which also has (by far) the strongest magnetic field. Instead, the
  very sharp C IV lines in NGC 1624-2 are dominated by magnetic Zeeman
  broadening, from which we estimate a dipolar field ∼20 kG. By
  contrast, magnetic broadening is negligible in the other stars (due
  to their weaker field strengths, on the order of 1 kG), and their C
  IV profiles are typically very broad and similar to corresponding
  lines observed in non-magnetic O-stars. Quantifying this by an
  isotropic, Gaussian macroturbulence, we derive v<SUB>mac</SUB> =
  2.2 ±^{0.9}_{2.2} km s<SUP>-1</SUP> for NGC 1624 and v<SUB>mac</SUB>
  ≈ 20-65 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> for the rest of the magnetic sample. <P
  />We use these observational results to test the hypothesis that the
  field can stabilize the atmosphere and suppress the generation of
  macroturbulence down to stellar layers where the magnetic pressure
  P<SUB>B</SUB> and the gas pressure P<SUB>g</SUB> are comparable. Using
  a simple grey atmosphere to estimate the temperature T<SUB>0</SUB>
  at which P<SUB>B</SUB> = P<SUB>g</SUB>, we find that T<SUB>0</SUB>
  &gt; T<SUB>eff</SUB> for all investigated magnetic stars, but that
  T<SUB>0</SUB> reaches the ∼ 160 000 K layers associated with the
  iron opacity bump in hot stars only for NGC 1624-2. This is consistent
  with the view that the responsible physical mechanism for photospheric
  O-star macroturbulence may be stellar gravity-mode oscillations excited
  by sub-surface convection zones, and it suggests that a sufficiently
  strong magnetic field can suppress such iron-bump generated convection
  and associated pulsational excitation.

Title: The Role of Thin-Shell Mixing in X-Ray Production in the
    Winds of Massive Stars
Authors: Kee, Nathaniel; Owocki, Stanley; ud-Doula, Asif
2013msao.confE..76K    Altcode:
  Strong, X-ray emitting shocks are an inherent feature of the hot,
  dense winds of luminous, massive stars. These shocks develop both
  due to intrinsic instabilities in the radiative driving and collision
  with the winds of a binary companion. In regions of high density where
  the shocks are radiative, the resulting narrowness of the the shock
  cooling region makes it subject to strong thin-shell instabilities. This
  poster presents 2D hydrodynamic modelling of the associated mixing of
  hot and cool gas as well as its effect on X-ray emission. An overall
  goal is to develop and test simple scaling relations for how thin-shell
  mixing reduces both the hardness and luminosity of X-ray emission from
  radiative shocks.

Title: Constraints on Porosity and Mass Loss in O-star Winds from
    the Modeling of X-Ray Emission Line Profile Shapes
Authors: Leutenegger, Maurice A.; Cohen, David H.; Sundqvist, Jon O.;
   Owocki, Stanley P.
2013ApJ...770...80L    Altcode: 2013arXiv1305.5595L
  We fit X-ray emission line profiles in high resolution XMM-Newton and
  Chandra grating spectra of the early O supergiant ζ Pup with models
  that include the effects of porosity in the stellar wind. We explore
  the effects of porosity due to both spherical and flattened clumps. We
  find that porosity models with flattened clumps oriented parallel to
  the photosphere provide poor fits to observed line shapes. However,
  porosity models with isotropic clumps can provide acceptable fits to
  observed line shapes, but only if the porosity effect is moderate. We
  quantify the degeneracy between porosity effects from isotropic clumps
  and the mass-loss rate inferred from the X-ray line shapes, and we show
  that only modest increases in the mass-loss rate (lsim 40%) are allowed
  if moderate porosity effects (h <SUB>∞</SUB> &lt;~ R <SUB>*</SUB>)
  are assumed to be important. Large porosity lengths, and thus strong
  porosity effects, are ruled out regardless of assumptions about clump
  shape. Thus, X-ray mass-loss rate estimates are relatively insensitive
  to both optically thin and optically thick clumping. This supports the
  use of X-ray spectroscopy as a mass-loss rate calibration for bright,
  nearby O stars.

Title: Using 3D Dynamic Models to Reproduce X-ray Properties of
    Colliding Wind Binaries
Authors: Russell, C. M. P.; Okazaki, A. T.; Owocki, S. P.; Corcoran,
   M. F.; Madura, T. I.; Leyder, J. -C.; Hamaguchi, K.
2013msao.confE.182R    Altcode:
  Colliding wind binaries (CWBs) are unique laboratories for X-ray
  astrophysics. Their wind-wind collisions produce hard X-rays that
  have been monitored extensively by several X-ray telescopes, such
  as RXTE, XMM, and Chandra. To interpret these X-ray light curves and
  spectra, we model the wind-wind interaction using 3D smoothed particle
  hydrodynamics (SPH), which incorporates radiative cooling and uses an
  anti-gravity approach to accelerate the winds according a β-law, and
  then solve the 3D formal solution of radiative transfer to synthesize
  the model X-ray properties. The results for the multi-year-period,
  highly eccentric CWBs η Carinae and WR140 match well the 2-10 keV
  RXTE light curve, hardness ratio, and dynamic spectra. This includes
  η Car's ∼3-month-long X-ray minimum associated with the 1998.0 and
  2003.5 periastron passages, which we find to occur as the primary
  wind encroaches into the secondary wind's acceleration region, and
  thus quenches the high temperature gas between the stars. Furthermore,
  the η Car modeling suggests the commonly inferred primary mass loss
  rate of ∼10^-3 Mo/yr, provides further evidence that the observer
  is mainly viewing the system through the secondary's shock cone, and
  suggests that periastron occurs ∼1 month after the onset of the X-ray
  minimum. For WR140, the decrease in model X-rays around periastron is
  less than observed, but there is very good agreement with the observed
  XMM spectrum taken on the rise before periastron. We also model the
  short-period (2.67 day) CWB HD150136, which harbors the nearest O3
  star. The imbalance of the wind strengths suggests a “wind-star”
  collision as the primary wind reaches the secondary star's surface, even
  when accounting for radiative braking, thus producing high-temperature,
  X-ray-emitting gas in a shock cone flowing around the surface of the
  secondary star. This model qualitatively reproduces the dip in X-ray
  emission associated with superior conjunction observed by Chandra, as
  well as an asymmetry around inferior conjunction due to the difference
  in occulting the leading and trailing-arms of the wind-star shock. We
  also discuss our preliminary results of accelerating the stellar winds
  according to CAK theory in the SPH code.

Title: The SimpleX Radiative Transfer Algorithm Applied to 3D SPH
    Simulations of Eta Car's Colliding Winds
Authors: Clementel, Nicola; Madura, Thomas; Gull, Theodore; Groh,
   Jose; Kruip, Chael; Owocki, Stanley; Okazaki, Atsuo; Icke, Vincent
2013msao.confE.144C    Altcode:
  Eta Carinae is a peculiar object that allow us to study, among other
  topics, massive binary interactions and evolution and binary colliding
  winds. In order to improve our knowledge of the system, we need to
  generate synthetic observations and compare them with the already
  available and future HST/STIS data. We present initial results from
  full 3D radiative transfer post-processing of 3D SPH hydrodynamical
  simulations of the interacting winds of Eta Carinae. We use SimpleX
  algorithm to obtain the ionization fractions of hydrogen and helium,
  this results in ionization maps of both species that constrain the
  regions where these lines can form. These results will allow us to
  put constraints on the number of ionizing photons coming from the
  companion. This construction of synthetic observations allows us to
  obtain insight into the highly complex 3D flows in Eta, from the shape
  of the ionized volume and its resulting optical/spectral appearance.

Title: Effects of the LBV Primary Star's Mass Loss Rate on Eta
    Carinae's Spatially-Extended, Time-Variable Massive Binary Colliding
Authors: Madura, Thomas; Gull, Theodore; Corcoran, Michael; Owocki,
   Stanley; Groh, Jose; Hillier, John; Hamaguchi, Kenji; Okazaki, Atsuo;
   Russell, Christopher; Clementel, Nicola
2013msao.confE.164M    Altcode:
  At the heart of Eta Carinae's spectacular bipolar “Homunculus" nebula
  lies an extremely luminous (5 × 10^6 Lo) colliding wind binary with a
  highly eccentric (e ~ 0.9), 5.54-year orbit and a total mass ≥ 110
  Mo. Our closest (D ~ 2.3 kpc) and best example of a pre-hypernova or
  pre-gamma ray burst environment, Eta Carinae is an ideal astrophysical
  laboratory for studying massive binary interactions, stellar wind-wind
  collisions, and massive star evolution. Over the past fifteen years,
  the central source has brightened by one stellar magnitude in the
  optical. Changes in P Cygni wind profiles such as Hα have also been
  observed. Extended X-ray monitoring and spectroscopy further indicate
  that the hydrogen column density in line of sight dropped two-fold
  by the 2009 periastron event. A simple interpretation for the cause
  of these changes is a factor of two drop in the mass-loss rate of the
  LBV primary star over the last decade and a half. However, 1D CMFGEN
  radiative transfer models predict that such a large change in the
  primary mass-loss rate would lead to huge changes in the observed
  stellar spectrum. In an effort to further investigate the effects
  that a change in the mass-loss rate of the primary would have on the
  system, we performed large- (±1620 au) and small- (±162 au) scale
  full 3D smoothed particle hydrodynamic (SPH) simulations of Eta Car's
  binary colliding winds assuming three different mass-loss rates for
  the LBV primary. Results from these new 3D simulations (which include
  optically-thin radiative cooling and radiation-driven stellar winds)
  combined with various multi-dimensional radiative transfer codes
  indicate that a factor of two change in the mass-loss rate of the
  primary should lead to significant changes in various X-ray, UV,
  Optical, and near-IR diagnostics. We discuss what changes are expected
  and why, and offer some possible explanations for the recent changes
  observed in Eta Car. We also discuss the importance of constraining
  this likely supernova progenitor's recent mass loss history.

Title: Populations of rotating stars. II. Rapid rotators and their
    link to Be-type stars
Authors: Granada, A.; Ekström, S.; Georgy, C.; Krtička, J.; Owocki,
   S.; Meynet, G.; Maeder, A.
2013A&A...553A..25G    Altcode: 2013arXiv1303.2393G
  Context. Even though it is broadly accepted that single Be stars are
  rapidly rotating stars surrounded by a flat rotating circumstellar
  disk, there is still a debate about how fast these stars rotate and
  also about the mechanisms involved in the angular-momentum and mass
  input in the disk. <BR /> Aims: We study the properties of stars
  that rotate near their critical-rotation rate and investigate the
  properties of the disks formed by equatorial mass ejections. <BR />
  Methods: We used the most recent Geneva stellar evolutionary tracks
  for rapidly rotating stars that reach the critical limit and used a
  simple model for the disk structure. <BR /> Results: We obtain that
  for a 9 M<SUB>⊙</SUB> star at solar metallicity, the minimum average
  velocity during the main-sequence (MS) phase to reach the critical
  velocity is around 330 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, whereas it would be 390
  km s<SUP>-1</SUP> at the metallicity of the Small Magellanic Cloud
  (SMC). Red giants or supergiants originating from very rapid rotators
  rotate six times faster and show N/C ratios three times higher than
  those originating from slowly rotating stars. This difference becomes
  stronger at lower metallicity. It might therefore be very interesting
  to study the red giants in clusters that show a large number of Be
  stars on the MS band. On the basis of our single-star models, we show
  that the observed Be-star fraction with cluster age is compatible with
  the existence of a temperature-dependent lower limit in the velocity
  rate required for a star to become a Be star. The mass, extension,
  and diffusion time of the disks produced when the star is losing
  mass at the critical velocity, obtained from simple parametrized
  expressions, are estimated to be between 9.4 × 10<SUP>-12</SUP>
  and 1.4 × 10<SUP>-7</SUP> M<SUB>⊙</SUB> (3 × 10<SUP>-6</SUP>
  to 4.7 × 10<SUP>-2</SUP> times the mass of the Earth), 2000 and
  6500 R<SUB>⊙</SUB>, and 10 and 30 yr. These values are not too
  far from those estimated for disks around Be-type stars. At a given
  metallicity, the mass and the extension of the disk increase with the
  initial mass and with age on the MS phase. Denser disks are expected
  in low-metallicity regions.

Title: Constraints on Porosity and Mass Loss in O-star Winds from
    Modeling of X-ray Emission Line Profile Shapes
Authors: Leutenegger, Maurice A.; Cohen, D. H.; Sundqvist, J.; Owocki,
   S. P.
2013HEAD...1312501L    Altcode:
  Spectrally resolved X-ray line shapes in massive stars provide
  important diagnostics of X-ray production mechanisms and they have
  also, surprisingly, been used to make some of the most accurate and
  model-independent wind mass-loss rate estimates. Measurements of several
  nearby O stars using the grating spectrometers onboard {\it Chandra}
  and XMM-{\it Newton} have revised downward the mass-loss rates of O
  stars, with implications for stellar evolution and the energy budget
  in clusters. But if these winds are porous, then the X-ray mass-loss
  rates might be subject to systematic underestimates. Here we present a
  formalism for modeling the effects of wind porosity on X-ray emission
  line profiles, and fit these models to Chandra and XMM observations
  of $\zeta$ Pup. We find that strong porosity effects are ruled out,
  and for moderate porosity we quantify the degeneracy between assumed
  porosity length and derived mass-loss rate. We conclude that mass-loss
  rates derived from fitting X-ray line profiles assuming no porosity
  effects are overestimated by at most 50\% if moderate porosity effects
  are indeed important.

Title: Thin-shell mixing in radiative wind-shocks and the
    L<SUB>x</SUB> ∼ L<SUB>bol</SUB> scaling of O-star X-rays
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Sundqvist, J. O.; Cohen, D. H.; Gayley, K. G.
2013MNRAS.429.3379O    Altcode: 2013MNRAS.tmp..501O; 2012arXiv1212.4235O
  X-ray satellites since Einstein have empirically established that the
  X-ray luminosity from single O-stars scales linearly with bolometric
  luminosity, L<SUB>x</SUB> ∼ 10<SUP>-7</SUP>L<SUB>bol</SUB>. But
  straightforward forms of the most favoured model, in which X-rays
  arise from instability-generated shocks embedded in the stellar
  wind, predict a steeper scaling, either with mass-loss rate L_x ∼
  dot{M}∼ L_bol^{1.7} if the shocks are radiative or with L_x ∼
  dot{M}<SUP>2</SUP> ∼ L_bol^{3.4} if they are adiabatic. This paper
  presents a generalized formalism that bridges these radiative versus
  adiabatic limits in terms of the ratio of the shock cooling length to
  the local radius. Noting that the thin-shell instability of radiative
  shocks should lead to extensive mixing of hot and cool material,
  we propose that the associated softening and weakening of the X-ray
  emission can be parametrized as scaling with the cooling length ratio
  raised to a power m, the `mixing exponent'. For physically reasonable
  values m ≈ 0.4, this leads to an X-ray luminosity L_x ∼ dot{M}^{0.6}
  ∼ L_bol that matches the empirical scaling. To fit observed X-ray
  line profiles, we find that such radiative-shock-mixing models require
  the number of shocks to drop sharply above the initial shock onset
  radius. This in turn implies that the X-ray luminosity should saturate
  and even decrease for optically thick winds with very high mass-loss
  rates. In the opposite limit of adiabatic shocks in low-density winds
  (e.g. from B-stars), the X-ray luminosity should drop steeply with
  dot{M}^2. Future numerical simulation studies will be needed to test
  the general thin-shell mixing ansatz for X-ray emission.

Title: A magnetic confinement versus rotation classification of
    massive-star magnetospheres
Authors: Petit, V.; Owocki, S. P.; Wade, G. A.; Cohen, D. H.;
   Sundqvist, J. O.; Gagné, M.; Maíz Apellániz, J.; Oksala, M. E.;
   Bohlender, D. A.; Rivinius, T.; Henrichs, H. F.; Alecian, E.; Townsend,
   R. H. D.; ud-Doula, A.; MiMeS Collaboration
2013MNRAS.429..398P    Altcode: 2012arXiv1211.0282P
  Building on results from the Magnetism in Massive Stars (MiMeS) project,
  this paper shows how a two-parameter classification of massive-star
  magnetospheres in terms of the magnetic wind confinement (which sets
  the Alfvén radius R<SUB>A</SUB>) and stellar rotation (which sets the
  Kepler co-rotation radius R<SUB>K</SUB>) provides a useful organization
  of both observational signatures and theoretical predictions. We
  compile the first comprehensive study of inferred and observed values
  for relevant stellar and magnetic parameters of 64 confirmed magnetic OB
  stars with T<SUB>eff</SUB> ≳ 16 kK. Using these parameters, we locate
  the stars in the magnetic confinement-rotation diagram, a log-log plot
  of R<SUB>K</SUB> versus R<SUB>A</SUB>. This diagram can be subdivided
  into regimes of centrifugal magnetospheres (CM), with R<SUB>A</SUB> &gt;
  R<SUB>K</SUB>, versus dynamical magnetospheres (DM), with R<SUB>K</SUB>
  &gt; R<SUB>A</SUB>. We show how key observational diagnostics, like
  the presence and characteristics of Hα emission, depend on a star's
  position within the diagram, as well as other parameters, especially
  the expected wind mass-loss rates. In particular, we identify two
  distinct populations of magnetic stars with Hα emission: namely,
  slowly rotating O-type stars with narrow emission consistent with
  a DM, and more rapidly rotating B-type stars with broader emission
  associated with a CM. For O-type stars, the high mass-loss rates
  are sufficient to accumulate enough material for line emission even
  within the relatively short free-fall time-scale associated with a DM:
  this high mass-loss rate also leads to a rapid magnetic spindown of
  the stellar rotation. For the B-type stars, the longer confinement
  of a CM is required to accumulate sufficient emitting material from
  their relatively weak winds, which also lead to much longer spindown
  time-scales. Finally, we discuss how other observational diagnostics,
  e.g. variability of UV wind lines or X-ray emission, relate to the
  inferred magnetic properties of these stars, and summarize prospects for
  future developments in our understanding of massive-star magnetospheres.

Title: Clumping in the inner winds of hot, massive stars from
    hydrodynamical line-driven instability simulations
Authors: Sundqvist, Jon O.; Owocki, Stanley P.
2013MNRAS.428.1837S    Altcode: 2012arXiv1210.1861S; 2012MNRAS.tmp..144S
  We investigate the effects of stellar limb darkening and photospheric
  perturbations for the onset of wind structure arising from the strong,
  intrinsic line-deshadowing instability (LDI) of a line-driven stellar
  wind. A linear perturbation analysis shows that including limb darkening
  reduces the stabilizing effect of the diffuse radiation, leading
  to a net instability growth rate even at the wind base. Numerical
  radiation-hydrodynamics simulations of the non-linear evolution of
  this instability then show that, in comparison with previous models
  assuming a uniformly bright star without base perturbations, wind
  structure now develops much closer (r ≲ 1.1R<SUB>⋆</SUB>) to the
  photosphere. This is in much better agreement with observations of
  O-type stars, which typically indicate the presence of strong clumping
  quite near the wind base.

Title: X-ray Parameters of WR 140 from the RXTE Monitoring Campaign
Authors: Lomax, Jamie R.; Corcoran, M. F.; Pollock, A.; Hoffman, J. L.;
   Moffat, A.; Owocki, S. P.; Pittard, J.; Russell, C. M.; Williams, P. M.
2013AAS...22114235L    Altcode:
  WR 140 is a colliding wind binary star system with an 8-year period and
  large eccentricity (0.9) that offers a unique testing ground for the
  physics of shocks, in large part due to the strongly variable separation
  between the two stars. The system is a made up of a very broad-line,
  carbon-rich Wolf-Rayet star and a luminous, hot O-type star, both of
  which have terminal velocities of approximately 3000 km/s. Besides
  coming from each of the winds, strong X-rays are generated in the
  shock where the two winds collide and provide a direct measure of wind
  parameters within the system. We present data regularly taken over
  11 years with the RXTE satellite. We discuss our spectral fitting and
  light curve analysis of these data with emphasis on their implications
  for the properties of the winds in WR 140.

Title: Discovery of a magnetic field in the rapidly rotating O-type
    secondary of the colliding-wind binary HD 47129 (Plaskett's star)
Authors: Grunhut, J. H.; Wade, G. A.; Leutenegger, M.; Petit, V.;
   Rauw, G.; Neiner, C.; Martins, F.; Cohen, D. H.; Gagné, M.; Ignace,
   R.; Mathis, S.; de Mink, S. E.; Moffat, A. F. J.; Owocki, S.; Shultz,
   M.; Sundqvist, J.; MiMeS Collaboration
2013MNRAS.428.1686G    Altcode: 2012arXiv1209.6326G
  We report the detection of a strong, organized magnetic field in the
  secondary component of the massive O8III/I+O7.5V/III double-lined
  spectroscopic binary system HD 47129 (Plaskett's star) in the context
  of the Magnetism in Massive Stars survey. Eight independent Stokes
  V observations were acquired using the Echelle SpectroPolarimetric
  Device for the Observations of Stars (ESPaDOnS) spectropolarimeter at
  the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope and the Narval spectropolarimeter at
  the Télescope Bernard Lyot. Using least-squares deconvolution we obtain
  definite detections of signal in Stokes V in three observations. No
  significant signal is detected in the diagnostic null (N) spectra. The
  Zeeman signatures are broad and track the radial velocity of the
  secondary component; we therefore conclude that the rapidly rotating
  secondary component is the magnetized star. Correcting the polarized
  spectra for the line and continuum of the (sharp-lined) primary, we
  measured the longitudinal magnetic field from each observation. The
  longitudinal field of the secondary is variable and exhibits extreme
  values of -810 ± 150 and +680 ± 190 G, implying a minimum surface
  dipole polar strength of 2850 ± 500 G. In contrast, we derive an upper
  limit (3σ) to the primary's surface magnetic field of 230 G. The
  combination of a strong magnetic field and rapid rotation leads us
  to conclude that the secondary hosts a centrifugal magnetosphere fed
  through a magnetically confined wind. We revisit the properties of the
  optical line profiles and X-ray emission - previously interpreted as a
  consequence of colliding stellar winds - in this context. We conclude
  that HD 47129 represents a heretofore unique stellar system - a close,
  massive binary with a rapidly rotating, magnetized component - that
  will be a rich target for further study.

Title: First 3DMHD simulation of a massive-star magnetosphere with
    application to Hα emission from θ<SUP>1</SUP> Ori C
Authors: ud-Doula, A.; Sundqvist, J. O.; Owocki, S. P.; Petit, V.;
   Townsend, R. H. D.
2013MNRAS.428.2723U    Altcode: 2012arXiv1210.5298U; 2012MNRAS.tmp..200U
  We present the first fully 3D magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation
  for magnetic channelling and confinement of a radiatively driven,
  massive-star wind. The specific parameters are chosen to represent
  the prototypical slowly rotating magnetic O star θ<SUP>1</SUP>
  Ori C, for which centrifugal and other dynamical effects of rotation
  are negligible. The computed global structure in latitude and radius
  resembles that found in previous 2D simulations, with unimpeded outflow
  along open field lines near the magnetic poles, and a complex equatorial
  belt of inner wind trapping by closed loops near the stellar surface,
  giving way to outflow above the Alfvén radius. In contrast to this
  previous 2D work, the 3D simulation described here now also shows how
  this complex structure fragments in azimuth, forming distinct clumps
  of closed loop infall within the Alfvén radius, transitioning in the
  outer wind to radial spokes of enhanced density with characteristic
  azimuthal separation of 15°-20°. Applying these results in a 3D code
  for line radiative transfer, we show that emission from the associated
  3D `dynamical magnetosphere' matches well the observed Hα emission
  seen from θ<SUP>1</SUP> Ori C, fitting both its dynamic spectrum over
  rotational phase and the observed level of cycle-to-cycle stochastic
  variation. Comparison with previously developed 2D models for the
  Balmer emission from a dynamical magnetosphere generally confirms
  that time averaging over 2D snapshots can be a good proxy for the
  spatial averaging over 3D azimuthal wind structure. Nevertheless,
  fully 3D simulations will still be needed to model the emission from
  magnetospheres with non-dipole field components, such as suggested
  by asymmetric features seen in the Hα equivalent-width curve of
  θ<SUP>1</SUP> Ori C.

Title: 3D Radiative Transfer in Eta Carinae: Initial Results from
    the SimpleX Algorithm Applied to 3D SPH Simulations of Eta Car’s
    Massive Binary Colliding Winds
Authors: Madura, Thomas; Gull, T. R.; Groh, J. H.; Clementel, N.;
   Kruip, C.; Owocki, S. P.; Okazaki, A. T.
2013AAS...22114816M    Altcode:
  An extremely luminous (&gt;5 x 10^6 L_Sun) colliding wind binary with a
  highly eccentric (e ~ 0.9), 5.54-year orbit, total mass of at least 110
  M_Sun, and distance of ~2.3 kpc, Eta Carinae is an ideal astrophysical
  laboratory for studying massive binary interactions, stellar wind-wind
  collisions, massive star evolution, and dust formation. Until very
  recently, our understanding of the system was limited by the lack of
  proper numerical models, which require a full three-dimensional (3D)
  treatment since orbital motion, especially during periastron, greatly
  affects the shape and dynamics of the wind-wind collision region formed
  between the stars. Continuing our theoretical investigations of this
  complex system, we present initial results from the application of the
  SimpleX algorithm for full 3D radiative transfer on an unstructured
  Delaunay grid to new 3D SPH simulations of Eta Car’s massive
  binary colliding winds that include radiation-driven stellar winds
  and radiative cooling. Depending on the ionizing fluxes assumed for
  the stars, different portions of the wind-wind interaction region
  and optically-thick wind of the LBV primary star are photoionized and
  capable of producing various forms of line emission. Application of the
  SimpleX algorithm to the 3D SPH code output further allows synthetic
  observations to be generated for comparison to available and future
  HST/STIS data. This work will be used to place strong constraints on the
  number of ionizing photons from the binary companion star Eta B since
  the geometry, spatial extent, and flux of each measured emission line
  strongly depends upon the assumed ionizing flux of the companion. By
  comparing this ionizing flux to stellar models for a range of O and WR
  stars, we hope to obtain a more accurate luminosity and temperature,
  and thus evolutionary state, for the as-yet unseen Eta B.

Title: Disks Surrounding Be stars: A Stellar Evolution Perspective
Authors: Granada, A.; Ekström, S.; Georgy, C.; Meynet, G.; Krtička,
   J.; Owocki, S. P.
2012ASPC..464..117G    Altcode:
  There is evidence that at least some stars undergoing the Be phenomenon
  are single, almost critically rotating stars surrounded by viscous
  Keplerian disks. By combining our new stellar evolutionary tracks
  for critically rotating B-type stars with different masses and
  metallicities, with the parametrized expressions by Krtička et
  al. (2011) describing the properties of a stationary viscous Keplerian
  disk surrounding a star rotating at its breakup limit, we are able to
  explore for the first time how the properties of such a disk changes
  along the main sequence evolution of the star. The results we obtain
  can be relevant in the understanding of the formation and existence
  of Keplerian viscous decretion disks around rapidly rotating single
  Be stars.

Title: Diagnosing Small- and Large-Scale Structure in the Winds of
    Hot, Massive OB-Stars
Authors: Sundqvist, J. O.; Owocki, S. P.
2012ASPC..464..301S    Altcode: 2012arXiv1205.3190S
  It is observationally as well as theoretically well established that
  the winds of hot, massive OB-stars are highly structured on a broad
  range of spatial scales. This paper first discusses consequences of
  the small-scale structures associated with the strong instability
  inherent to the line-driving of these winds. We demonstrate the
  importance of a proper treatment of such wind clumping to obtain
  reliable estimates of mass-loss rates, and also show that instability
  simulations that are perturbed at the lower boundary indeed display
  significant clumping quite close to the wind base, in general agreement
  with observations. But a growing subset of massive stars has also been
  found to possess strong surface magnetic fields, which may channel the
  star's outflow and induce also large-scale wind structures and cyclic
  behavior of spectral diagnostics. The paper concludes by showing that
  multi-dimensional, magneto-hydrodynamical wind simulations, together
  with detailed radiative-transfer modeling, can reproduce remarkably
  well the periodic Balmer line emission observed in slowly rotating
  magnetic O stars like HD 191612.

Title: The Dynamical Role of Radiative Driving in the Sources and
    Sinks of Circumstellar Matter in Massive Stars
Authors: Owocki, S.
2012ASPC..464..255O    Altcode:
  The high luminosity of massive stars drives strong stellar wind
  outflows. In magnetic massive stars, the channeling and trapping of
  wind material can feed a circumstellar magnetosphere, characterized
  either by transient suspension and dynamical infall in slow rotators,
  or by long-term centrifugal support in moderately fast rotators. In the
  non-magnetic but rapidly rotating Be stars, direct centrifugal ejection
  of material from the equatorial surface can feed a Keplerian decretion
  disk, with radiative forces now playing a potential key role in disk
  dissipation, through line-driven ablation from the disk surface. This
  contribution reviews these dynamical roles of radiative driving in the
  sources and sinks of circumstellar matter, within the context of using
  high resolution observations to test and constrain circumstellar models.

Title: The Nature and Consequences of Clumping in Hot, Massive
    Star Winds
Authors: Sundqvist, J. O.; Owocki, S. P.; Puls, J.
2012ASPC..465..119S    Altcode: 2011arXiv1110.0485S
  This review describes the evidence for small-scale structure,
  ‘clumping’, in the radiation line-driven winds of hot, massive
  stars. In particular, we focus on examining to what extent simulations
  of the strong instability inherent to line-driving can explain the
  multitude of observational evidence for wind clumping, as well as
  on how to properly account for extensive structures in density and
  velocity when interpreting the various wind diagnostics used to derive
  mass-loss rates.

Title: Massive Stars Near the Eddington Limit: Mass Loss and Envelope
Authors: Gräfener, G.; Vink, J. S.; Owocki, S. P.
2012ASPC..465..202G    Altcode:
  When massive stars approach the Eddington limit, their outer envelopes
  and winds become dominated by ‘opacity peaks’, i.e. by material
  properties. We discuss the physical consequences, namely the formation
  of strong Wolf-Rayet (WR) type winds and a radial extension of the
  stellar envelopes. The understanding of the physical processes in this
  regime is of basic importance for key phases of stellar evolution,
  such as the WR and LBV stage, and thus for questions on how massive
  stars evolve and how they end their lives.

Title: An X-Ray Survey of Colliding Wind Binaries
Authors: Gagné, M.; Fehon, G.; Savoy, M. R.; Cartagena, C. A.; Cohen,
   D. H.; Owocki, S. P.
2012ASPC..465..301G    Altcode: 2012arXiv1205.3510G
  We have compiled a list of 35 O + O binaries and 86 Wolf-Rayet (WR)
  binaries in the Milky Way and Magellanic clouds detected with the
  Chandra, XMM-Newton, and ROSAT satellites to probe the connection
  between their X-ray properties and their system characteristics. Of the
  WR binaries with published model parameters, all have log L<SUB>X</SUB>
  &gt; 32, kT &gt; 1 keV and log L<SUB>X</SUB>/L<SUB>bol</SUB> &gt;
  -7. The most X-ray luminous WR binaries are typically very long period
  systems. The WR binaries show a nearly four-order of magnitude spread
  in X-ray luminosity, even among among systems with very similar WR
  primaries. Among the O + O binaries, short-period systems have soft
  X-ray spectra and longer period systems show harder X-ray spectra
  again with a large spread in L<SUB>X</SUB>/L<SUB>bol</SUB>.

Title: General Discussion - Session II
Authors: Owocki, S.
2012ASPC..465..111O    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Physical Basis of the L<SUB>X</SUB> = L<SUB>bol</SUB>
    Empirical Law for O-Star X-Rays
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Sundqvist, J. O.; Cohen, D. H.; Gayley, K. G.
2012ASPC..465..153O    Altcode: 2011arXiv1110.0891O
  X-ray satellites since Einstein have empirically established that the
  X-ray luminosity from single O-stars scales linearly with bolometric
  luminosity, L<SUB>X</SUB> = 10<SUP>-7</SUP> L<SUB>bol</SUB>. But
  straightforward forms of the most favored model, in which X-rays
  arise from instability-generated shocks embedded in the stellar wind,
  predict a steeper scaling, either with mass-loss rate L<SUB>X</SUB>
  = M = L<SUB>bol</SUB><SUP>1.7</SUP> if the shocks are radiative, or
  with L<SUB>X</SUB> = M<SUP>2</SUP> = L<SUB>bol</SUB><SUP>3.4</SUP>
  if they are adiabatic. We present here a generalized formalism that
  bridges these radiative vs. adiabatic limits in terms of the ratio
  of the shock cooling length to the local radius. Noting that the
  thin-shell instability of radiative shocks should lead to extensive
  mixing of hot and cool material, we then propose that the associated
  softening and weakening of the X-ray emission can be parameterized
  by the cooling length ratio raised to a power m, the “mixing
  exponent". For physically reasonable values m ≍ 0.4, this leads to
  an X-ray luminosity L<SUB>X</SUB> = M<SUP>0.6</SUP> = L<SUB>bol</SUB>
  that matches the empirical scaling. We conclude by noting that such
  thin-shell mixing may also be important for X-rays from colliding wind
  binaries, and that future numerical simulation studies will be needed
  to test this thin-shell mixing ansatz for X-ray emission.

Title: Multi-Wavelength Implications of the Companion Star in
    η Carinae
Authors: Madura, T. I.; Gull, T. R.; Groh, J. H.; Owocki, S. P.;
   Okazaki, A.; Hillier, D. J.; Russell, C.
2012ASPC..465..313M    Altcode: 2011arXiv1111.2280M
  η Carinae is considered to be a massive colliding wind binary
  system with a highly eccentric (e = 0.9), 5.54-yr orbit. However,
  the companion star continues to evade direct detection as the primary
  dwarfs its emission at most wavelengths. Using three-dimensional SPH
  simulations of η Car's colliding winds and radiative transfer codes,
  we are able to compute synthetic observables across multiple wavebands
  for comparison to the observations. The models show that the presence
  of a companion star has a profound influence on the observed HST/STIS UV
  spectrum and Hα line profiles, as well as the ground-based photometric
  monitoring. Here, we focus on the bore-hole effect, wherein the fast
  wind from the hot secondary star carves a cavity in the dense primary
  wind, allowing increased escape of radiation from the hotter/deeper
  layers of the primary's extended wind photosphere. The results have
  important implications for interpretations of η Car's observables at
  multiple wavelengths.

Title: Magnetospheres of Massive Stars Across the EM Spectrum
Authors: Petit, V.; Owocki, S. P.; Oksala, M. E.; MiMeS Collaboration
2012ASPC..465...48P    Altcode: 2011arXiv1111.1238P
  Magnetic massive stars — which are being discovered with increasing
  frequency — represent a new category of wind-shaping mechanism for
  O and B stars. Magnetic channeling of these stars' radiation-driven
  winds, the Magnetically Confined Wind Shock paradigm, leads to
  the formation of a shock-heated magnetosphere, which can radiate
  X-rays, modify UV resonance lines, and create disks of Hα emitting
  material. The dynamical properties of these magnetospheres are well
  understood from a theoretical point of view as an interplay between the
  magnetic wind confinement and rotation. However, the manifestations
  of magnetospheres across the spectrum may be more complex and varied
  than first anticipated. On the other hand, recent advances in modeling
  these magnetospheres provide a key to better understand massive star
  winds in general. We will summarize the coordinated observational,
  theoretical, and modeling efforts from the Magnetism in Massive Star
  Project, addressing key outstanding questions regarding magnetosphere
  manifestations across the spectral domain.

Title: HD 96446: a puzzle for current models of magnetospheres?
Authors: Neiner, C.; Landstreet, J. D.; Alecian, E.; Owocki, S.;
   Kochukhov, O.; Bohlender, D.; MiMeS Collaboration
2012A&A...546A..44N    Altcode:
  Context. Oblique magnetic dipole fields have been detected in Bp stars
  for several decades, and more recently also in normal massive stars. In
  the past decade, it has been established that stellar magnetospheres
  form through the channelling and confinement of an outflowing stellar
  wind by the stellar magnetic field. This explains specific properties of
  magnetic massive stars, such as their rotationally modulated photometric
  light curve, Hα emission, UV spectra, and X-ray emission. <BR />
  Aims: In the framework of the MiMeS (Magnetism in Massive Stars)
  project, four HARPSpol observations of the magnetic Bp star <ASTROBJ>HD
  96446</ASTROBJ> have been obtained. <ASTROBJ>HD 96446</ASTROBJ> is
  very similar to σ Ori E, the prototype of centrifugally supported
  rigidly rotating magnetospheres (CM) and is therefore a perfect target
  to study the validity of this model. <BR /> Methods: We first updated
  the basic parameters of <ASTROBJ>HD 96446</ASTROBJ> and studied its
  spectral variability. We then analysed the HARPSpol spectropolarimetric
  observations using the LSD (Least-Squares Deconvolution) technique to
  derive the longitudinal magnetic field and Zeeman signatures in various
  types of lines. With LTE spectrum modelling, we derived constraints on
  the field modulus, the rotational velocity, and the inclination angle,
  and measured non-solar abundances of several elements which we checked
  with NLTE modelling. Finally, we calculated the magnetic confinement and
  Alfvén and Kepler radii from the stellar magnetic field and rotation
  properties, and we examined the various types of magnetospheres that
  may be present around <ASTROBJ>HD 96446</ASTROBJ>. <BR /> Results:
  We find radial velocity variations with a period around 2.23 h,
  that we attribute to β Cep-type p-mode pulsations. We detect clear
  direct magnetic Stokes V signatures with slightly varying values
  of the longitudinal magnetic field, typical of an oblique dipole
  rotator, and show that these signatures are not much perturbed by
  the radial velocity variations. The magnetic confinement parameter
  and Alfvén radius in the centrifugally supported, rigidly-rotating
  magnetosphere (CM) model points towards the presence of confined
  material in the magnetosphere. However, <ASTROBJ>HD 96446</ASTROBJ>
  does not present signatures of the presence of such confined material,
  such as Hα emission. <BR /> Conclusions: We conclude that, even
  though <ASTROBJ>HD 96446</ASTROBJ> fulfills all criteria to host
  a CM with confined material, it does not. The rotation period must
  be significantly revised, or another model of magnetosphere with a
  leakage mechanism will need to be developed to explain the magnetic
  environment of this star. <P />Based on observations obtained with
  the HARPSpol spectropolarimeter at ESO, Chile (Program ID 187.D-0917).

Title: A dynamical magnetosphere model for periodic Hα emission
    from the slowly rotating magnetic O star HD 191612
Authors: Sundqvist, Jon O.; ud-Doula, Asif; Owocki, Stanley P.;
   Townsend, Richard H. D.; Howarth, Ian D.; Wade, Gregg A.
2012MNRAS.423L..21S    Altcode: 2012MNRAS.tmpL.433S; 2012arXiv1203.1050S
  The magnetic O star HD 191612 exhibits strongly variable, cyclic
  Balmer line emission on a 538-d period. We show here that its
  variable Hα emission can be well reproduced by the rotational phase
  variation of synthetic spectra computed directly from full radiation
  magnetohydrodynamical simulations of a magnetically confined wind. In
  slow rotators such as HD 191612, wind material on closed magnetic
  field loops falls back to the star, but the transient suspension
  of material within the loops leads to a statistically overdense,
  low-velocity region around the magnetic equator, causing the spectral
  variations. We contrast such 'dynamical magnetospheres' (DMs) with
  the more steady-state 'centrifugal magnetospheres' of stars with
  rapid rotation, and discuss the prospects of using this DM paradigm
  to explain periodic line emission from also other non-rapidly rotating
  magnetic massive stars.

Title: Atomic physics of shocked plasma in winds of massive stars
Authors: Leutenegger, Maurice A.; Cohen, David H.; Owocki, Stanley P.
2012AIPC.1438..111L    Altcode:
  High resolution diffraction grating spectra of X-ray emission from
  massive stars obtained with Chandra and XMM-Newton have revolutionized
  our understanding of their powerful, radiation-driven winds. Emission
  line shapes and line ratios provide diagnostics on a number of key
  wind parameters. Modeling of resolved emission line velocity profiles
  allows us to derive independent constraints on stellar mass-loss
  rates, leading to downward revisions of a factor of a few from previous
  measurements. Line ratios in He-like ions strongly constrain the spatial
  distribution of Xray emitting plasma, confirming the expectations
  of radiation hydrodynamic simulations that X-ray emission begins
  moderately close to the stellar surface and extends throughout the
  wind. Some outstanding questions remain, including the possibility
  of large optical depths in resonance lines, which is hinted at by
  differences in line shapes of resonance and intercombination lines
  from the same ion. Resonance scattering leads to nontrivial radiative
  transfer effects, and modeling it allows us to place constraints on
  shock size, density, and velocity structure.

Title: Modeling High-energy Light curves of the PSR B1259-63/LS 2883
    Binary Based on 3D SPH Simulations
Authors: Takata, J.; Okazaki, A. T.; Nagataki, S.; Naito, T.; Kawachi,
   A.; Lee, S. -H.; Mori, M.; Hayasaki, K.; Yamaguchi, M. S.; Owocki,
   S. P.
2012ApJ...750...70T    Altcode: 2012arXiv1203.2179T
  Temporal changes of X-ray to very high energy gamma-ray emissions
  from the pulsar-Be-star binary PSR B1259-63/LS 2883 are studied based
  on three-dimensional smoothed particle hydrodynamic simulations
  of pulsar wind interaction with Be-disk and wind. We focus on the
  periastron passage of the binary and calculate the variation of
  the synchrotron and inverse-Compton emissions using the simulated
  shock geometry and pressure distribution of the pulsar wind. The
  characteristic double-peaked X-ray light curve from observations is
  reproduced by our simulation under a dense Be-disk condition (base
  density ~10<SUP>-9</SUP> g cm<SUP>-3</SUP>). We interpret the pre-
  and post-periastron peaks as being due to a significant increase
  in the conversion efficiency from pulsar spin-down power to the
  shock-accelerated particle energy at orbital phases when the pulsar
  crosses the disk before periastron passage, and when the pulsar
  wind creates a cavity in the disk gas after periastron passage,
  respectively. On the contrary, in the model TeV light curve, which
  also shows a double-peak feature, the first peak appears around the
  periastron phase. The possible effects of cooling processes on the
  TeV light curve are briefly discussed.

Title: Constraining the absolute orientation of η Carinae's binary
orbit: a 3D dynamical model for the broad [Fe III] emission
Authors: Madura, T. I.; Gull, T. R.; Owocki, S. P.; Groh, J. H.;
   Okazaki, A. T.; Russell, C. M. P.
2012MNRAS.420.2064M    Altcode: 2011arXiv1111.2226M
  We present a three-dimensional (3D) dynamical model for the broad
  [Fe III] emission observed in η Carinae using the Hubble Space
  Telescope/Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS). This model is
  based on full 3D smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations of η Car's
  binary colliding winds. Radiative transfer codes are used to generate
  synthetic spectroimages of [Fe III] emission-line structures at various
  observed orbital phases and STIS slit position angles (PAs). Through
  a parameter study that varies the orbital inclination i, the PA θ
  that the orbital plane projection of the line of sight makes with
  the apastron side of the semimajor axis and the PA on the sky of the
  orbital axis, we are able, for the first time, to tightly constrain
  the absolute 3D orientation of the binary orbit. To simultaneously
  reproduce the blueshifted emission arcs observed at orbital phase 0.976,
  STIS slit PA =+38° and the temporal variations in emission seen at
  negative slit PAs, the binary needs to have an i≈ 130° to 145°,
  θ≈-15° to +30° and an orbital axis projected on the sky at a PA
  ≈ 302° to 327° east of north. This represents a system with an
  orbital axis that is closely aligned with the inferred polar axis of
  the Homunculus nebula, in 3D. The companion star, η<SUB>B</SUB>, thus
  orbits clockwise on the sky and is on the observer's side of the system
  at apastron. This orientation has important implications for theories
  for the formation of the Homunculus and helps lay the groundwork
  for orbital modelling to determine the stellar masses. &lt;title
  type="main"&gt;Footnotes&lt;label&gt;1&lt;/label&gt;Low- and
  high-ionization refer here to atomic species with ionizations
  potentials (IPs) below and above the IP of hydrogen, 13.6
  eV.&lt;label&gt;2&lt;/label&gt;Measured in degrees from north to
  east.&lt;label&gt;3&lt;/label&gt;θ is the same as the angle φ
  defined in fig. 3 of O08.&lt;label&gt;4&lt;/label&gt;The outer edge
  looks circular only because this marks the edge of the spherical
  computational domain of the SPH simulation.

Title: A generalized porosity formalism for isotropic and anisotropic
    effective opacity and its effects on X-ray line attenuation in
    clumped O star winds
Authors: Sundqvist, Jon O.; Owocki, Stanley P.; Cohen, David H.;
   Leutenegger, Maurice A.; Townsend, Richard H. D.
2012MNRAS.420.1553S    Altcode: 2011MNRAS.tmp.2109S; 2011arXiv1111.1762S
  We present a generalized formalism for treating the porosity-associated
  reduction in continuum opacity that occurs when individual clumps
  in a stochastic medium become optically thick. As in previous work,
  we concentrate on developing bridging laws between the limits of
  optically thin and thick clumps. We consider geometries resulting in
  either isotropic or anisotropic effective opacity, and, in addition to
  an idealized model in which all clumps have the same local overdensity
  and scale, we also treat an ensemble of clumps with optical depths set
  by Markovian statistics. This formalism is then applied to the specific
  case of bound-free absorption of X-rays in hot star winds, a process
  not directly affected by clumping in the optically thin limit. We find
  that the Markov model gives surprisingly similar results to those found
  previously for the single-clump model, suggesting that porous opacity
  is not very sensitive to details of the assumed clump distribution
  function. Further, an anisotropic effective opacity favours escape
  of X-rays emitted in the tangential direction (the 'venetian blind'
  effect), resulting in a 'bump' of higher flux close to line centre
  as compared to profiles computed from isotropic porosity models. We
  demonstrate how this characteristic line shape may be used to diagnose
  the clump geometry, and we confirm previous results that for optically
  thick clumping to significantly influence X-ray line profiles, very
  large porosity lengths, defined as the mean free path between clumps,
  are required. Moreover, we present the first X-ray line profiles
  computed directly from line-driven instability simulations using a 3D
  patch method, and find that porosity effects from such models also are
  very small. This further supports the view that porosity has, at most,
  a marginal effect on X-ray line diagnostics in O stars, and therefore
  that these diagnostics do indeed provide a good 'clumping insensitive'
  method for deriving O star mass-loss rates.

Title: Stellar envelope inflation near the Eddington
    limit. Implications for the radii of Wolf-Rayet stars and luminous
    blue variables
Authors: Gräfener, G.; Owocki, S. P.; Vink, J. S.
2012A&A...538A..40G    Altcode: 2011arXiv1112.1910G
  Context. It has been proposed that the envelopes of luminous stars may
  be subject to substantial radius inflation. The peculiar structure of
  such inflated envelopes, with an almost void, radiatively dominated
  region beneath a thin, dense shell could mean that many in reality
  compact stars are hidden below inflated envelopes, displaying much
  lower effective temperatures. The inflation effect has been discussed
  in relation to the radius problem of Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars, but has yet
  failed to explain the large observed radii of Galactic WR stars. <BR
  /> Aims: We wish to obtain a physical perspective of the inflation
  effect, and study the consequences for the radii of WR stars, and
  luminous blue variables (LBVs). For WR stars the observed radii are
  up to an order of magnitude larger than predicted by theory, whilst S
  Doradus-type LBVs are subject to humongous radius variations, which
  remain as yet ill-explained. <BR /> Methods: We use a dual approach
  to investigate the envelope inflation, based on numerical models
  for stars near the Eddington limit, and a new analytic formalism
  to describe the effect. An additional new aspect is that we take
  the effect of density inhomogeneities (clumping) within the outer
  stellar envelopes into account. <BR /> Results: Due to the effect of
  clumping we are able to bring the observed WR radii in agreement with
  theory. Based on our new formalism, we find that the radial inflation
  is a function of a dimensionless parameter W, which largely depends on
  the topology of the Fe-opacity peak, i.e., on material properties. For
  W &gt; 1, we discover an instability limit, for which the stellar
  envelope becomes gravitationally unbound, i.e. there no longer exists
  a static solution. Within this framework we are also able to explain
  the S Doradus-type instabilities for LBVs like AG Car, with a possible
  triggering due to changes in stellar rotation. <BR /> Conclusions: The
  stellar effective temperatures in the upper Hertzsprung-Russell (HR)
  diagram are potentially strongly affected by the inflation effect. This
  may have particularly strong effects on the evolved massive LBV and
  WR stars just prior to their final collapse, as the progenitors of
  supernovae (SNe) Ibc, SNe II, and long-duration gamma-ray bursts
  (long GRBs).

Title: Revisiting the Rigidly Rotating Magnetosphere model for σ
    Ori E - I. Observations and data analysis
Authors: Oksala, M. E.; Wade, G. A.; Townsend, R. H. D.; Owocki,
   S. P.; Kochukhov, O.; Neiner, C.; Alecian, E.; Grunhut, J.
2012MNRAS.419..959O    Altcode: 2011MNRAS.tmp.1620O; 2011arXiv1109.0328O
  We have obtained 18 new high-resolution spectropolarimetric
  observations of the B2Vp star σ Ori E with both the Narval and ESPaDOnS
  spectropolarimeters. The aim of these observations is to test, with
  modern data, the assumptions of the Rigidly Rotating Magnetosphere (RRM)
  model of Townsend &amp; Owocki, applied to the specific case of σ Ori
  E by Townsend, Owocki &amp; Groote. This model includes a substantially
  offset dipole magnetic field configuration, and approximately reproduces
  previous observational variations in longitudinal field strength,
  photometric brightness and Hα emission. We analyse new spectroscopy,
  including H I, He I, C II, Si III and Fe III lines, confirming the
  diversity of variability in photospheric lines, as well as the double
  S-wave variation of circumstellar hydrogen. Using the multiline
  analysis method of least-squares deconvolution (LSD), new, more
  precise longitudinal magnetic field measurements reveal a substantial
  variance between the shapes of the observed and RRM model time-varying
  field. The phase-resolved Stokes V profiles of He I 5876 and 6678
  Å lines are fitted poorly by synthetic profiles computed from the
  magnetic topology assumed by Townsend et al.. These results challenge
  the offset dipole field configuration assumed in the application of the
  RRM model to σ Ori E, and indicate that future models of its magnetic
  field should also include complex, higher order components. &lt;title

Title: The Many Facets of Massive Star Mass Loss
Authors: Owocki, S.
2012iac..talk..363O    Altcode: 2012iac..talk..284O
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Instability &amp; Mass Loss near the Eddington Limit
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Shaviv, N. J.
2012ASSL..384..275O    Altcode:
  We review the physics of continuum-driven mass loss and its likely
  role in η Carinae and LBVs. Unlike a line-driven wind, which is
  inherently limited by self-shadowing, continuum driving can in
  principle lead to mass-loss rates up to the "photon-tiring" limit,
  for which the entire luminosity is expended in lifting the outflow. We
  discuss how instabilities near the Eddington limit give rise to a
  clumped atmosphere, and how the associated "porosity" can regulate
  a continuum-driven flow. We also summarize recent time-dependent
  simulations in which a mass flow stagnates because it exceeds the
  tiring limit, leading to complex time-dependent inflow and outflow
  regions. Porosity-regulated continuum driving in super-Eddington
  epochs can probably explain the large, near tiring-limit mass loss
  inferred for LBV giant eruptions. However, while these extreme flows
  can persist over dynamically long periods, they cannot be sustained
  for an evolutionary timescale; so ultimately it is stellar structure
  and evolution that sets the overall mass loss.

Title: X-ray Spectral Variations of the Extremely Massive Colliding
    Wind Binaries Eta Carinae and WR 140
Authors: Corcoran, Michael F.; Hamaguchi, K.; Pollock, A. M. T.;
   Russell, C. M. P.; Moffat, A. F. J.; Owocki, S.; Ishibashi, B.;
   Davidson, K.; Pittard, J. M.; Parkin, R.
2012AAS...21924901C    Altcode:
  The Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer has, for the first time, provided
  detailed measures of the X-ray spectral variations in the two most
  important, high mass, evolved, highly eccentric colliding wind binaries,
  Eta Carinae and WR 140 though multiple orbital cycles. We report on the
  breakthroughs RXTE has achieved for these two binaries in observations
  spanning 15 years.

Title: X-ray Modeling of \eta\ Carinae and WR140 from SPH Simulations
Authors: Russell, Christopher M. P.; Owocki, Stanley P.; Corcoran,
   Michael F.; Okazaki, Atsuo T.; Madura, Thomas I.
2011arXiv1111.0100R    Altcode:
  The colliding wind binary (CWB) systems \eta\ Carinae and WR140 provide
  unique laboratories for X-ray astrophysics. Their wind-wind collisions
  produce hard X-rays that have been monitored extensively by several
  X-ray telescopes, including RXTE. To interpret these X-ray light curves
  and spectra, we apply 3D hydrodynamic simulations of the wind-wind
  collision using smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH), with the recent
  improvements of radiative cooling and the acceleration of the stellar
  winds according to a \beta\ law. For both systems, the 2-10 keV RXTE
  light curves are well-reproduced in absolute units for most phases,
  but the light curve dips associated with the periastron passages are
  not well matched. In WR140, the dip is too weak, and in \eta\ Carinae,
  the large difference in wind speeds of the two stars leads to a hot,
  post-periastron bubble that produces excess emission toward the end
  of the X-ray minimum.

Title: Hydrodynamic Interaction between the Be Star and the Pulsar
    in the TeV Binary PSR B1259-63/LS 2883
Authors: Okazaki, Atsuo T.; Nagataki, Shigehiro; Naito, Tsuguya;
   Kawachi, Akiko; Hayasaki, Kimitake; Owocki, Stanley P.; Takata, Jumpei
2011PASJ...63..893O    Altcode: 2011arXiv1105.1481O
  We have been studying the interaction between the Be star and
  the pulsar in the TeV binary PSR B1259-63/LS 2883, using 3-D SPH
  simulations of the tidal and wind interactions in this Be-pulsar
  system. We first ran a simulation without pulsar wind nor Be wind,
  while taking into account only the gravitational effect of the pulsar
  on the Be disk. In this simulation, the gas particles are ejected at
  a constant rate from the equatorial surface of the Be star, which is
  tilted in a direction consistent with multi-waveband observations. We
  ran the simulation until the Be disk was fully developed and started to
  repeat a regular tidal interaction with the pulsar. Then, we turned on
  the pulsar wind and the Be wind. We ran two simulations with different
  wind mass-loss rates for the Be star, one for a B2 V type and the other
  for a significantly earlier spectral type. Although the global shape of
  the interaction surface between the pulsar wind and the Be wind agrees
  with the analytical solution, the effect of the pulsar wind on the Be
  disk is profound. The pulsar wind strips off an outer part of the Be
  disk, truncating the disk at a radius significantly smaller than the
  pulsar orbit. Our results, therefore, rule out the idea that the pulsar
  passes through the Be disk around periastron, which has been assumed in
  previous studies. It also turns out that the location of the contact
  discontinuity can be significantly different between phases when the
  pulsar wind directly hits the Be disk and those when the pulsar wind
  collides with the Be wind. It is thus important to adequately take
  into account the circumstellar environment of the Be star, in order
  to construct a satisfactory model for this prototypical TeV binary.

Title: Chandra X-ray spectroscopy of the very early O supergiant HD
93129A: constraints on wind shocks and the mass-loss rate
Authors: Cohen, David H.; Gagné, Marc; Leutenegger, Maurice A.;
   MacArthur, James P.; Wollman, Emma E.; Sundqvist, Jon O.; Fullerton,
   Alex W.; Owocki, Stanley P.
2011MNRAS.415.3354C    Altcode: 2011MNRAS.tmp..890C; 2011arXiv1104.4786C
  We present an analysis of both the resolved X-ray emission-line
  profiles and the broad-band X-ray spectrum of the O2 If* star HD 93129A,
  measured with the Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer
  (HETGS). This star is among the earliest and most massive stars in
  the Galaxy, and provides a test of the embedded wind-shock scenario in
  a very dense and powerful wind. A major new result is that continuum
  absorption by the dense wind is the primary cause of the hardness of
  the observed X-ray spectrum, while intrinsically hard emission from
  colliding wind shocks contributes less than 10 per cent of the X-ray
  flux. We find results consistent with the predictions of numerical
  simulations of the line-driving instability, including line broadening
  indicating an onset radius of X-ray emission of several tenths of
  R<SUB>*</SUB>. Helium-like forbidden-to-intercombination line ratios
  are consistent with this onset radius, and inconsistent with being
  formed in a wind-collision interface with the star's closest visual
  companion at a distance of 100 au. The broad-band X-ray spectrum is
  fitted with a dominant emission temperature of just kT= 0.6 keV along
  with significant wind absorption. The broad-band wind absorption and
  the line profiles provide two independent measurements of the wind
  mass-loss rate: 5.2<SUP>+1.8</SUP><SUB>-1.5</SUB> × 10<SUP>-6</SUP>
  M<SUB>⊙</SUB> yr<SUP>-1</SUP> and 6.8<SUP>+2.8</SUP><SUB>-2.2</SUB>×
  10<SUP>-6</SUP> M<SUB>⊙</SUB> yr<SUP>-1</SUP>, respectively. This
  is the first consistent modelling of the X-ray line-profile shapes
  and broad-band X-ray spectral energy distribution in a massive star,
  and represents a reduction of a factor of 3-4 compared to the standard
  Hα mass-loss rate that assumes a smooth wind.

Title: Interaction between the Be star and the compact companion in
    TeV γ-ray binaries
Authors: Okazaki, Atsuo T.; Nagataki, Shigehiro; Naito, Tsuguya;
   Kawachi, Akiko; Hayasaki, Kimitake; Owocki, Stanley P.; Takata, Jumpei
2011IAUS..272..628O    Altcode:
  We report on the results from 3-D SPH simulations of TeV binaries
  with Be stars. Since there is only one TeV binary (B 1259-63) where
  the nature of the compact companion has been established, we mainly
  focus on this Be-pulsar system. From simulations of B 1259-63 around
  periastron, we find that the pulsar wind dominates the Be-star wind
  and strips off an outer part of the Be-star disk, causing a strongly
  asymmetric, phase-dependent structure of the circumstellar material
  around the Be star. Such a large modulation may be detected by optical,
  IR, and/or UV observations at phases near periastron. We also discuss
  the results from simulations of another TeV binary LS I+61 303, for
  which the nature of the compact object is not yet known.

Title: X-Ray modeling of η Carinae &amp; WR 140 from SPH simulations
Authors: Russell, Christopher M. P.; Corcoran, Michael F.; Okazaki,
   Atsuo T.; Madura, Thomas I.; Owocki, Stanley P.
2011IAUS..272..630R    Altcode:
  The colliding wind binary (CWB) systems η Carinae and WR140 provide
  unique laboratories for X-ray astrophysics. Their wind-wind collisions
  produce hard X-rays that have been monitored extensively by several
  X-ray telescopes, including RXTE. To interpret these RXTE X-ray
  light curves, we apply 3D hydrodynamic simulations of the wind-wind
  collision using smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH). We find
  adiabatic simulations that account for the absorption of X-rays
  from an assumed point source of X-ray emission at the apex of the
  wind-collision shock cone can closely match the RXTE light curves of
  both η Car and WR140. This point-source model can also explain the
  early recovery of η Car's X-ray light curve from the 2009.0 minimum
  by a factor of 2-4 reduction in the mass loss rate of η Car. Our more
  recent models account for the extended emission and absorption along the
  full wind-wind interaction shock front. For WR140, the computed X-ray
  light curves again match the RXTE observations quite well. But for η
  Car, a hot, post-periastron bubble leads to an emission level that
  does not match the extended X-ray minimum observed by RXTE. Initial
  results from incorporating radiative cooling and radiative forces via
  an anti-gravity approach into the SPH code are also discussed.

Title: An Introduction to the Chandra Carina Complex Project
Authors: Townsley, Leisa K.; Broos, Patrick S.; Corcoran, Michael
   F.; Feigelson, Eric D.; Gagné, Marc; Montmerle, Thierry; Oey,
   M. S.; Smith, Nathan; Garmire, Gordon P.; Getman, Konstantin V.;
   Povich, Matthew S.; Remage Evans, Nancy; Nazé, Yaël; Parkin, E. R.;
   Preibisch, Thomas; Wang, Junfeng; Wolk, Scott J.; Chu, You-Hua; Cohen,
   David H.; Gruendl, Robert A.; Hamaguchi, Kenji; King, Robert R.;
   Mac Low, Mordecai-Mark; McCaughrean, Mark J.; Moffat, Anthony F. J.;
   Oskinova, L. M.; Pittard, Julian M.; Stassun, Keivan G.; ud-Doula,
   Asif; Walborn, Nolan R.; Waldron, Wayne L.; Churchwell, Ed; Nichols,
   J. S.; Owocki, Stanley P.; Schulz, N. S.
2011ApJS..194....1T    Altcode: 2011arXiv1102.4779T
  The Great Nebula in Carina provides an exceptional view into the
  violent massive star formation and feedback that typifies giant H II
  regions and starburst galaxies. We have mapped the Carina star-forming
  complex in X-rays, using archival Chandra data and a mosaic of 20
  new 60 ks pointings using the Chandra X-ray Observatory's Advanced
  CCD Imaging Spectrometer, as a testbed for understanding recent and
  ongoing star formation and to probe Carina's regions of bright diffuse
  X-ray emission. This study has yielded a catalog of properties of
  &gt;14,000 X-ray point sources; &gt;9800 of them have multiwavelength
  counterparts. Using Chandra's unsurpassed X-ray spatial resolution, we
  have separated these point sources from the extensive, spatially-complex
  diffuse emission that pervades the region; X-ray properties of this
  diffuse emission suggest that it traces feedback from Carina's massive
  stars. In this introductory paper, we motivate the survey design,
  describe the Chandra observations, and present some simple results,
  providing a foundation for the 15 papers that follow in this special
  issue and that present detailed catalogs, methods, and science results.

Title: Mass loss from inhomogeneous hot star winds. II. Constraints
    from a combined optical/UV study
Authors: Sundqvist, J. O.; Puls, J.; Feldmeier, A.; Owocki, S. P.
2011A&A...528A..64S    Altcode: 2011arXiv1101.5293S
  Context. Mass loss is essential for massive star evolution, thus
  also for the variety of astrophysical applications relying on its
  predictions. However, mass-loss rates currently in use for hot,
  massive stars have recently been seriously questioned, mainly because
  of the effects of wind clumping. <BR /> Aims: We investigate the
  impact of clumping on diagnostic ultraviolet resonance and optical
  recombination lines often used to derive empirical mass-loss rates
  of hot stars. Optically thick clumps, a non-void interclump medium,
  and a non-monotonic velocity field are all accounted for in a single
  model. The line formation is first theoretically studied, after which an
  exemplary multi-diagnostic study of an O-supergiant is performed. <BR
  /> Methods: We used 2D and 3D stochastic and radiation-hydrodynamic
  wind models, constructed by assembling 1D snapshots in radially
  independent slices. To compute synthetic spectra, we developed
  and used detailed radiative transfer codes for both recombination
  lines (solving the "formal integral") and resonance lines (using a
  Monte-Carlo approach). In addition, we propose an analytic method to
  model these lines in clumpy winds, which does not rely on optically
  thin clumping. <BR /> Results: The importance of the "vorosity"
  effect for line formation in clumpy winds is emphasized. Resonance
  lines are generally more affected by optically thick clumping than
  recombination lines. Synthetic spectra calculated directly from current
  radiation-hydrodynamic wind models of the line-driven instability are
  unable to in parallel reproduce strategic optical and ultraviolet lines
  for the Galactic O-supergiant λ Cep. Using our stochastic wind models,
  we obtain consistent fits essentially by increasing the clumping in
  the inner wind. A mass-loss rate is derived that is approximately two
  times lower than what is predicted by the line-driven wind theory,
  but much higher than the corresponding rate derived when assuming
  optically thin clumps. Our analytic formulation for line formation
  is used to demonstrate the potential importance of optically thick
  clumping in diagnostic lines in so-called weak-winded stars and to
  confirm recent results that resonance doublets may be used as tracers
  of wind structure and optically thick clumping. <BR /> Conclusions:
  We confirm earlier results that a re-investigation of the structures
  in the inner wind predicted by line-driven instability simulations
  is needed. Our derived mass-loss rate for λ Cep suggests that only
  moderate reductions of current mass-loss predictions for OB-stars are
  necessary, but this nevertheless prompts investigations on feedback
  effects from optically thick clumping on the steady-state, NLTE wind
  models used for quantitative spectroscopy.

Title: Mass and angular momentum loss via decretion disks
Authors: Krtička, J.; Owocki, S. P.; Meynet, G.
2011A&A...527A..84K    Altcode: 2011arXiv1101.1732K
  We examine the nature and role of mass loss via an equatorial decretion
  disk in massive stars with near-critical rotation induced by evolution
  of the stellar interior. In contrast to the usual stellar wind mass loss
  set by exterior driving from the stellar luminosity, such decretion-disk
  mass loss stems from the angular momentum loss needed to keep the star
  near and below critical rotation, given the interior evolution and
  decline in the star's moment of inertia. Because the specific angular
  momentum in a Keplerian disk increases with the square root of the
  radius, the decretion mass loss associated with a required level of
  angular momentum loss depends crucially on the outer radius for viscous
  coupling of the disk, and can be significantly less than the spherical,
  wind-like mass loss commonly assumed in evolutionary calculations. We
  discuss the physical processes that affect the outer disk radius,
  including thermal disk outflow, and ablation of the disk material
  via a line-driven wind induced by the star's radiation. We present
  parameterized scaling laws for taking account of decretion-disk mass
  loss in stellar evolution codes, including how these are affected
  by metallicity, or by presence within a close binary and/or a dense
  cluster. Effects similar to those discussed here should also be present
  in accretion disks during star formation, and may play an important
  role in shaping the distribution of rotation speeds on the ZAMS.

Title: Constraining the Properties of the Eta Carinae System via 3-D
SPH Models of Space-Based Observations: The Absolute Orientation of
    the Binary Orbit
Authors: Madura, Thomas I.; Gull, Theodore R.; Owocki, Stanley P.;
   Okazaki, Atsuo T.; Russell, Christopher M. P.
2011BSRSL..80..694M    Altcode:
  The extremely massive (&gt; 90 M_⊙) and luminous ( = 5 × 10^{6}
  L_⊙) star Eta Carinae, with its spectacular bipolar “Homunculus”
  nebula, comprises one of the most remarkable and intensely observed
  stellar systems in the Galaxy. However, many of its underlying
  physical parameters remain unknown. Multiwavelength variations
  observed to occur every 5.54 years are interpreted as being due
  to the collision of a massive wind from the primary star with the
  fast, less dense wind of a hot companion star in a highly elliptical
  (e ∼ 0.9) orbit. Using three-dimensional (3-D) Smoothed Particle
  Hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations of the binary wind-wind collision,
  together with radiative transfer codes, we compute synthetic spectral
  images of [Fe III] emission line structures and compare them to existing
  Hubble Space Telescope/Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (HST/STIS)
  observations. We are thus able, for the first time, to tightly constrain
  the absolute orientation of the binary orbit on the sky. An orbit with
  an inclination of i ∼ 40°, an argument of periapsis ω ∼ 255°,
  and a projected orbital axis with a position angle of ∼ 312° east
  of north provides the best fit to the observations, implying that
  the orbital axis is closely aligned in 3-D space with the Homunculus
  symmetry axis, and that the companion star orbits clockwise on the
  sky relative to the primary.

Title: X-ray Modeling of η Carinae &amp; WR140 from SPH Simulations
Authors: Russell, Christopher M. P.; Corcoran, Michael F.; Okazaki,
   Atsuo T.; Madura, Thomas I.; Owocki, Stanley P.
2011BSRSL..80..719R    Altcode: 2011arXiv1110.1692R
  The colliding wind binary (CWB) systems η Carinae and WR140 provide
  unique laboratories for X-ray astrophysics. Their wind-wind collisions
  produce hard X-rays that have been monitored extensively by several
  X-ray telescopes, including RXTE. To interpret these RXTE X-ray light
  curves, we model the wind-wind collision using 3D smoothed particle
  hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations. Adiabatic simulations that account
  for the emission and absorption of X-rays from an assumed point source
  at the apex of the wind-collision shock cone by the distorted winds
  can closely match the observed 2-10keV RXTE light curves of both η
  Car and WR140. This point-source model can also explain the early
  recovery of η Car's X-ray light curve from the 2009.0 minimum by
  a factor of 2-4 reduction in the mass loss rate of η Car. Our more
  recent models relax the point-source approximation and account for
  the spatially extended emission along the wind-wind interaction shock
  front. For WR140, the computed X-ray light curve again matches the
  RXTE observations quite well. But for η Car, a hot, post-periastron
  bubble leads to an emission level that does not match the extended
  X-ray minimum observed by RXTE. Initial results from incorporating
  radiative cooling and radiatively-driven wind acceleration via a new
  anti-gravity approach into the SPH code are also discussed.

Title: A proper description of clumping in hot star winds: the key
    to obtaining reliable mass-loss rates?
Authors: Sundqvist, Jon O.; Puls, Joachim; Feldmeier, Achim; Owocki,
   Stanley P.
2011BSRSL..80...48S    Altcode: 2010arXiv1010.3987S
  Small-scale inhomogeneities, or `clumping', in the winds of hot,
  massive stars are conventionally included in spectral analyses
  by assuming optically thin clumps. To reconcile investigations of
  different diagnostics using this microclumping technique, very low
  mass-loss rates must be invoked for O stars. Recently it has been
  suggested that by using the microclumping approximation one may actually
  drastically underestimate the mass-loss rates. Here we demonstrate
  this, present a new, improved description of clumpy winds, and show
  how corresponding models, in a combined UV and optical analysis, can
  alleviate discrepancies between previously derived rates and those
  predicted by the line-driven wind theory. Furthermore, we show that
  the structures obtained in time-dependent, radiation-hydrodynamic
  simulations of the intrinsic line-driven instability of such winds,
  which are the basis to our current understanding of clumping, in
  their present-day form seem unable to provide a fully self-consistent,
  simultaneous fit to both UV and optical lines. The reasons for this
  are discussed.

Title: Testing 3D SPH Models Of Eta Carina's Winds By HST, RXTE,
    VLT And VLTI Observations
Authors: Gull, Theodore R.; Madura, T.; Groh, J.; Weigelt, G.;
   Corcoran, M.; Owocki, S.; Russell, C.; Okazaki, A.
2011AAS...21733817G    Altcode: 2011BAAS...4333817G
  Observations of Eta Carina have been combined with three-dimensional
  smoothed-particle hydrodynamic (3DSPH) simulations providing
  considerable insight on this &gt;100 Mo binary that may become
  near-term supernovae, a GRB, or a staid WR binary. Understanding how
  this system loses 1e-3 Mo/yr, 500 km/s will provide new understanding
  of massive stellar evolution, including the first progenitors of GRBs,
  supernovae and pseudo-supernovae. <P />The 3DSPH models extend to 100
  semi-major axes ( 2000 AU, &lt;2” at 2300 pc). At these scales,
  HST/STIS resolves [Fe III] and [Fe II] spatial-velocity structures
  that change with orbital phase and position angle. Radiative transfer
  models combining temperature and density with EtaCar B's FUV lead to
  synthetic spectroimages of extended wind-wind interfaces. Model X-ray
  light curves provide orbital inclination and location of periastron
  but cannot determine sky PA. Synthetic spectro-images generated for
  a range of possible binary orientations lead to best-fit when the
  orbital axis is closely aligned with the Homunculus axis of symmetry,
  and periastron with EtaCar B on the far side of EtaCar A. VLTI/AMBER
  measures of the continuum, extended hydrogen and helium structures
  of EtaCar A demonstrate that, across periastron, EtaCar B penetrates
  the primary extended atmosphere. Spectroimagery observations of He
  10830 by VLT/CRIRES show blue-shifted emission extending to -1500
  km/s, consistent with wind-wind structures driven by the companion's
  fast wind. <P />The 2009.0 RXTE X-ray recovery and return of the
  spectroscopic high state was much sooner than the 1998.0 and 2003.5
  recoveries. What has changed? Suggestions range from a drop in the
  primary wind, changes in the secondary wind or line-of-sight shifting
  of the wind-wind boundary. We will discuss potential observational
  tests based upon predictions by 3DSPH models.

Title: Recent X-ray Variability of η Carinae: The Quick Road
    to Recovery
Authors: Corcoran, M. F.; Hamaguchi, K.; Pittard, J. M.; Russell,
   C. M. P.; Owocki, S. P.; Parkin, E. R.; Okazaki, A.
2010ApJ...725.1528C    Altcode:
  We report continued monitoring of the superluminous binary system η Car
  by the Proportional Counter Array on the Rossi X-ray Timing Observatory
  (RXTE) through the 2009 X-ray minimum. The RXTE campaign shows that
  the minimum began on 2009 January 16, consistent with the phasings
  of the two previous minima, and overall, the temporal behavior of the
  X-ray emission was similar to that observed by RXTE in the previous two
  cycles. However, important differences did occur. The 2-10 keV X-ray
  flux and X-ray hardness decreased in the 2.5 year interval leading up
  to the 2009 minimum compared to the previous cycle. Most intriguingly,
  the 2009 X-ray minimum was about 1 month shorter than either of the
  previous two minima. During the egress from the 2009 minimum the
  X-ray hardness increased markedly as it had during egress from the
  previous two minima, although the maximum X-ray hardness achieved was
  less than the maximum observed after the two previous recoveries. We
  suggest that the cycle-to-cycle variations, especially the unexpectedly
  early recovery from the 2009 X-ray minimum, might have been the result
  of a decline in η Car's wind momentum flux produced by a drop in η
  Car's mass loss rate or wind terminal velocity (or some combination),
  though if so the change in wind momentum flux required to match the
  X-ray variation is surprisingly large.

Title: Numerical models of collisions between core-collapse supernovae
    and circumstellar shells
Authors: van Marle, Allard Jan; Smith, Nathan; Owocki, Stanley P.;
   van Veelen, Bob
2010MNRAS.407.2305V    Altcode: 2010arXiv1004.2791V; 2010MNRAS.tmp.1295V
  Recent observations of luminous Type IIn supernovae (SNe) provide
  compelling evidence that massive circumstellar shells surround their
  progenitors. In this paper we investigate how the properties of such
  shells influence the SN light curve by conducting numerical simulations
  of the interaction between an expanding SN and a circumstellar shell
  ejected a few years prior to core collapse. Our parameter study explores
  how the emergent luminosity depends on a range of circumstellar
  shell masses, velocities, geometries and wind mass-loss rates, as
  well as variations in the SN mass and energy. We find that the shell
  mass is the most important parameter, in the sense that higher shell
  masses (or higher ratios of M<SUB>shell</SUB>/M<SUB>SN</SUB>) lead to
  higher peak luminosities and higher efficiencies in converting shock
  energy into visual light. Lower mass shells can also cause high peak
  luminosities if the shell is slow or if the SN ejecta are very fast,
  but only for a short time. Sustaining a high luminosity for durations
  of more than 100 d requires massive circumstellar shells of the order
  of 10 M<SUB>solar</SUB> or more. This reaffirms previous comparisons
  between pre-SN shells and shells produced by giant eruptions of
  luminous blue variables (LBVs), although the physical mechanism
  responsible for these outbursts remains uncertain. The light-curve
  shape and observed shell velocity can help diagnose the approximate
  size and density of the circumstellar shell, and it may be possible to
  distinguish between spherical and bipolar shells with multi-wavelength
  light curves. These models are merely illustrative. One can, of course,
  achieve even higher luminosities and longer duration light curves from
  interaction by increasing the explosion energy and shell mass beyond
  values adopted here.

Title: Modeling Broadband X-ray Absorption of Massive Star Winds
Authors: Leutenegger, Maurice A.; Cohen, David H.; Zsargó, Janos;
   Martell, Erin M.; MacArthur, James P.; Owocki, Stanley P.; Gagné,
   Marc; Hillier, D. John
2010ApJ...719.1767L    Altcode: 2010arXiv1007.0783L
  We present a method for computing the net transmission of X-rays emitted
  by shock-heated plasma distributed throughout a partially optically
  thick stellar wind from a massive star. We find the transmission
  by an exact integration of the formal solution, assuming that the
  emitting plasma and absorbing plasma are mixed at a constant mass
  ratio above some minimum radius, below which there is assumed to be no
  emission. This model is more realistic than either the slab absorption
  associated with a corona at the base of the wind or the exospheric
  approximation that assumes that all observed X-rays are emitted without
  attenuation from above the radius of optical depth unity. Our model is
  implemented in XSPEC as a pre-calculated table that can be coupled to a
  user-defined table of the wavelength-dependent wind opacity. We provide
  a default wind opacity model that is more representative of real wind
  opacities than the commonly used neutral interstellar medium (ISM)
  tabulation. Preliminary modeling of Chandra grating data indicates
  that the X-ray hardness trend of OB stars with spectral subtype can
  largely be understood as a wind absorption effect.

Title: Detection of high-velocity material from the wind-wind
    collision zone of Eta Carinae across the 2009.0 periastron passage
Authors: Groh, J. H.; Nielsen, K. E.; Damineli, A.; Gull, T. R.;
   Madura, T. I.; Hillier, D. J.; Teodoro, M.; Driebe, T.; Weigelt, G.;
   Hartman, H.; Kerber, F.; Okazaki, A. T.; Owocki, S. P.; Millour, F.;
   Murakawa, K.; Kraus, S.; Hofmann, K. -H.; Schertl, D.
2010A&A...517A...9G    Altcode: 2010arXiv1003.4527G
  We report near-infrared spectroscopic observations of the Eta Carinae
  massive binary system during 2008-2009 using the CRIRES spectrograph
  mounted on the 8 m UT 1 Very Large Telescope (VLT Antu). We detect a
  strong, broad absorption wing in He i λ10833 extending up to -1900
  km s<SUP>-1</SUP> across the 2009.0 spectroscopic event. Analysis of
  archival Hubble Space Telescope/Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph
  ultraviolet and optical data identifies a similar high-velocity
  absorption (up to -2100 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>) in the ultraviolet resonance
  lines of Si iv λλ1394, 1403 across the 2003.5 event. Ultraviolet
  resonance lines from low-ionization species, such as Si ii λλ1527,
  1533 and C ii λλ1334, 1335, show absorption only up to -1200
  km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, indicating that the absorption with velocities
  -1200 to -2100 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> originates in a region markedly
  more rapidly moving and more ionized than the nominal wind of the
  primary star. Seeing-limited observations obtained at the 1.6 m
  OPD/LNA telescope during the last four spectroscopic cycles of
  Eta Carinae (1989-2009) also show high-velocity absorption in He i
  λ10833 during periastron. Based on the large OPD/LNA dataset, we
  determine that material with velocities more negative than -900 km
  s<SUP>-1</SUP> is present in the phase range 0.976 ≤ ϕ ≤ 1.023 of
  the spectroscopic cycle, but absent in spectra taken at ϕ ≤ 0.94 and
  ϕ ≥ 1.049. Therefore, we constrain the duration of the high-velocity
  absorption to be 95 to 206 days (or 0.047 to 0.102 in phase). We propose
  that the high-velocity absorption component originates in shocked gas
  in the wind-wind collision zone, at distances of 15 to 45 AU in the
  line-of-sight to the primary star. With the aid of three-dimensional
  hydrodynamical simulations of the wind-wind collision zone, we find that
  the dense high-velocity gas is along the line-of-sight to the primary
  star only if the binary system is oriented in the sky such that the
  companion is behind the primary star during periastron, corresponding
  to a longitude of periastron of ω ~ 240°-270°. We study a possible
  tilt of the orbital plane relative to the Homunculus equatorial
  plane and conclude that our data are broadly consistent with orbital
  inclinations in the range i = 40°-60°. <P />Based on observations
  made with ESO Telescopes at the La Silla Paranal Observatory under
  programme IDs 381.D-0262, 282.D-5043, and 383.D-0240; with the Hubble
  Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (HST/STIS) under programs 9420
  and 9973; and with the 1.6 m telescope of the OPD/LNA (Brazil).

Title: A mass-loss rate determination for ζ Puppis from the
    quantitative analysis of X-ray emission-line profiles
Authors: Cohen, David H.; Leutenegger, Maurice A.; Wollman, Emma E.;
   Zsargó, Janos; Hillier, D. John; Townsend, Richard H. D.; Owocki,
   Stanley P.
2010MNRAS.405.2391C    Altcode: 2010arXiv1003.0892C; 2010MNRAS.tmp..603C
  We fit every emission line in the high-resolution Chandra grating
  spectrum of ζ Pup with an empirical line profile model that accounts
  for the effects of Doppler broadening and attenuation by the bulk
  wind. For each of 16 lines or line complexes that can be reliably
  measured, we determine a best-fitting fiducial optical depth, , and
  place confidence limits on this parameter. These 16 lines include
  seven that have not previously been reported on in the literature. The
  extended wavelength range of these lines allows us to infer, for the
  first time, a clear increase in τ<SUB>*</SUB> with line wavelength,
  as expected from the wavelength increase of bound-free absorption
  opacity. The small overall values of τ<SUB>*</SUB>, reflected in the
  rather modest asymmetry in the line profiles, can moreover all be
  fitted simultaneously by simply assuming a moderate mass-loss rate
  of 3.5 +/- 0.3 × 10<SUP>-6</SUP>M<SUB>solar</SUB>yr<SUP>-1</SUP>,
  without any need to invoke porosity effects in the wind. The quoted
  uncertainty is statistical, but the largest source of uncertainty in
  the derived mass-loss rate is due to the uncertainty in the elemental
  abundances of ζ Pup, which affects the continuum opacity of the wind,
  and which we estimate to be a factor of 2. Even so, the mass-loss
  rate we find is significantly below the most recent smooth-wind Hα
  mass-loss rate determinations for ζ Pup, but is in line with newer
  determinations that account for small-scale wind clumping. If ζ Pup
  is representative of other massive stars, these results will have
  important implications for stellar and Galactic evolution.

Title: Is Eta Carinae a Fast Rotator, and How Much Does the Companion
    Influence the Inner Wind Structure?
Authors: Groh, J. H.; Madura, T. I.; Owocki, S. P.; Hillier, D. J.;
   Weigelt, G.
2010ApJ...716L.223G    Altcode: 2010arXiv1006.4816G
  We analyze interferometric measurements of the luminous blue variable
  Eta Carinae with the goal of constraining the rotational velocity of
  the primary star and probing the influence of the companion. Using
  two-dimensional radiative transfer models of latitude-dependent
  stellar winds, we find that prolate-wind models with a ratio of the
  rotational velocity (v <SUB>rot</SUB>) to the critical velocity (v
  <SUB>crit</SUB>) of W = 0.77-0.92, inclination angle of i = 60°-90°,
  and position angle (P.A.) =108°-142° reproduce simultaneously K-band
  continuum visibilities from VLTI/VINCI and closure phase measurements
  from VLTI/AMBER. Interestingly, oblate models with W = 0.73-0.90 and
  i = 80°-90° produce similar fits to the interferometric data, but
  require P.A. =210°-230°. Therefore, both prolate and oblate models
  suggest that the rotation axis of the primary star is not aligned
  with the Homunculus polar axis. We also compute radiative transfer
  models of the primary star allowing for the presence of a cavity and
  dense wind-wind interaction region created by the companion star. We
  find that the wind-wind interaction has a significant effect on the
  K-band image mainly via free-free emission from the compressed walls
  and, for reasonable model parameters, can reproduce the VLTI/VINCI
  visibilities taken at phi<SUB>vb03</SUB> = 0.92-0.93. We conclude that
  the density structure of the primary wind can be sufficiently disturbed
  by the companion, thus mimicking the effects of fast rotation in the
  interferometric observables. Therefore, fast rotation may not be the
  only explanation for the interferometric observations. Intense temporal
  monitoring and three-dimensional modeling are needed to resolve these
  issues. <P />Based on observations made with VLTI/AMBER and VLTI/VINCI.

Title: Hot-Star Mass-Loss Mechanisms: Winds and Outbursts
Authors: Owocki, S.
2010ASPC..425..199O    Altcode:
  Mass loss from hot, massive stars can occur both through steady
  winds of OB and WR phases, and through relatively brief eruptions
  during their Luminous Blue Variable (LBV) phase. This talk reviews
  how radiative momentum associated with the extreme luminosity of such
  stars is tapped to drive their mass loss. For OB stars, the steady
  outflows seem well described by the classical theory of Castor, Abbott,
  and Klein (CAK) for scattering of continuum radiation from a stellar
  core by line-transitions of metal ions in an otherwise optically
  thin wind. For WR stars, the winds themselves become optically thick,
  leading to ionization shifts and mass loss that can exceed the single
  scattering limit, with driving now arising from a complex combination
  of continuum and line opacity. In LBVs, the mass loss can be even more
  extreme, with the mechanical energy even becoming comparable to the
  radiative luminosity, for example in giant eruptions when the star's
  luminosity can actually exceed the classical Eddington limit. A key
  theme of this review is to compare and contrast the nature of radiative
  driving in these various stages of massive-star evolution.

Title: Gamma-Ray Variability from Stellar Wind Porosity in Microquasar
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Romero, G. E.; Townsend, R. H. D.; Araudo,
   A. T.
2010ASPC..422...49O    Altcode:
  In the subclass of high-mass X-ray binaries known as “microquasars,”
  relativistic hadrons in the jets launched by the compact object can
  interact with cold protons from the star's radiatively driven wind,
  producing pions that then quickly decay into gamma rays. Since the
  resulting gamma-ray emissivity depends on the target density, the
  detection of rapid variability in microquasars with GLAST and the
  new generation of Cherenkov imaging arrays could be used to probe the
  clumped structure of the stellar wind. This paper summarizes recent
  analyses of how the “porosity length” of the stellar wind structure
  can set the level of fluctuation in gamma rays. A key result is that,
  for a porosity length defined by h ≡ L/f, i.e. as the ratio of the
  characteristic size L of clumps to their volume filling factor f, the
  relative fluctuation in gamma-ray emission in a binary with orbital
  separation a scales as (h/πa)<SUP>1/2</SUP> in the “thin-jet”
  limit, and is reduced by a factor ( 1 + φ a/2L )<SUP>-1/2</SUP> for a
  jet with a finite opening angle φ. For a thin jet and quite moderate
  porosity length h ≍ 0.03a, this implies a ca. 10% variation in the
  gamma-ray emission.

Title: Discovery of Rotational Braking in the Magnetic Helium-strong
    Star Sigma Orionis E
Authors: Townsend, R. H. D.; Oksala, M. E.; Cohen, D. H.; Owocki,
   S. P.; ud-Doula, A.
2010ApJ...714L.318T    Altcode: 2010arXiv1004.2038T
  We present new U-band photometry of the magnetic helium-strong star
  σ Ori E, obtained over 2004-2009 using the SMARTS 0.9 m telescope at
  Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory. When combined with historical
  measurements, these data constrain the evolution of the star's 1.19 day
  rotation period over the past three decades. We are able to rule out
  a constant period at the p <SUB>null</SUB> = 0.05% level, and instead
  find that the data are well described (p <SUB>null</SUB> = 99.3%)
  by a period increasing linearly at a rate of 77 ms per year. This
  corresponds to a characteristic spin-down time of 1.34 Myr, in good
  agreement with theoretical predictions based on magnetohydrodynamical
  simulations of angular momentum loss from magnetic massive stars. We
  therefore conclude that the observations are consistent with σ Ori
  E undergoing rotational braking due to its magnetized line-driven wind.

Title: Mass and angular momentum loss of first stars via decretion
Authors: Krtička, Jiří; Owocki, Stanley P.; Meynet, Georges
2010IAUS..265...69K    Altcode:
  Although the first stars were likely very hot and luminous, their low
  or zero metallicity implies that any mass loss through winds driven
  by line-scattering of radiation in metal ions was likely small or
  non-existent. Here we examine the potential role of another possible
  mechanism for mass loss in these first stars, namely via decretion
  disks associated with near-critical rotation induced from evolution of
  the stellar interior. In this case the mass loss is set by the angular
  momentum needed to keep the stellar rotation at or below the critical
  rate. In present evolutionary models, that mass loss is estimated by
  assuming effective release from a spherical shell at the surface. Here
  we examine the potentially important role of viscous coupling of the
  decretion disk in outward angular momentum transport, emphasizing
  that the specific angular momentum at the outer edge of the disk can
  be much larger than at the stellar surface. The net result is that,
  for a given stellar interior angular momentum excess, the mass loss
  required from a decretion disk can be significantly less than invoked
  in previous models assuming a direct, near-surface release.

Title: Signatures of the 3-D Wind-Wind Collision Cavity in η Car
Authors: Madura, T. I.; Owocki, S. P.
2010RMxAC..38...52M    Altcode:
  We discuss recent efforts to apply 3-D Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
  (SPH) simulations to model the binary wind collision in η Carinae,
  focusing on the Bore Hole effect, wherein the fast wind from the hot
  secondary star carves a cavity in the dense primary wind, allowing
  increased escape of radiation from the hotter/deeper layers of
  the primary's extended photosphere. This model may provide clues on
  how/where UV light is escaping the system, the illumination of distant
  material in various directions, and the parameters/orientation of the
  binary orbit. The role of interferometric observations in testing the
  models is also discussed.

Title: High Velocity Absorption during Eta Car B's periastron passage
Authors: Nielsen, Krister E.; Groh, J. H.; Hillier, J.; Gull, T. R.;
   Madura, T. I.; Owocki, S. P.; Okazaki, A. T.; Damineli, A.; Teodoro,
   M.; Weigelt, G.; Hartman, H.
2010AAS...21542605N    Altcode: 2010BAAS...42..341N
  Eta Car is one of the most luminous massive stars in the Galaxy,
  with repeated eruptions with a 5.5 year periodicity. These events are
  caused by the periastron passage of a massive companion in an eccentric
  orbit. We report the VLT/CRIRES detection of a strong high-velocity
  (&lt; 1900 km/s), broad absorption wing in He I at 10833 A during the
  2009.0 periastron passage. Previous observations during the 2003.5
  event have shown evidence of such high-velocity absorption in the He
  I 10833 transition, allowing us to conclude that the high-velocity
  gas is crossing the line-of-sight toward Eta Car over a time period
  of approximately 2 months. Our analysis of HST/STIS archival data
  with observations of high velocity absorption in the ultraviolet Si
  IV and C IV resonance lines, confirm the presence of a high-velocity
  material during the spectroscopic low state. The observations provide
  direct detection of high-velocity material flowing from the wind-wind
  collision zone around the binary system, and we discuss the implications
  of the presence of high-velocity gas in Eta Car during periastron.

Title: X-ray Modeling of η Carinae and WR140 From Hydrodynamic
Authors: Russell, Christopher M. P.; Corcoran, M. F.; Okazaki, A. T.;
   Madura, T. I.; Owocki, S. P.
2010AAS...21542602R    Altcode: 2010BAAS...42..341R
  The colliding wind binary (CWB) systems Eta Carinae and WR140 provide
  unique laboratories for X-ray astrophysics. Their wind-wind collisions
  produce hard X-rays, which have been monitored extensively by several
  X-ray telescopes, such as RXTE and Chandra. To interpret these X-ray
  light curves and spectra, we apply 3D hydrodynamic simulations of the
  wind-wind collision using both smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH)
  and finite difference methods. We find isothermal simulations that
  account for the absorption of X-rays from an assumed point source of
  X-ray emission at the apex of the wind-collision shock cone can closely
  match the RXTE light curves of both Eta Carinae and WR140. We are now
  applying simulations with self-consistent energy balance and extended
  X-ray emission to model the observed X-ray spectra. We present these
  results and discuss efforts to understand the earlier recovery of Eta
  Carinae's RXTE light curve from the 2009 minimum.

Title: 3D Modeling of Forbidden Line Emission in the Binary Wind
    Interaction Region of Eta Carinae
Authors: Madura, Thomas; Gull, T. R.; Owocki, S.; Okazaki, A. T.;
   Russell, C. M. P.
2010AAS...21542606M    Altcode: 2010BAAS...42..341M
  We present recent work using three-dimensional (3D) Smoothed Particle
  Hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations to model the high ([Fe III], [Ar III],
  [Ne III] and [S III]) and low ([Fe II], [Ni II]) ionization forbidden
  emission lines observed in Eta Carinae using the HST/STIS. These
  structures are interpreted as the time-averaged, outer extensions
  of the primary wind and the wind-wind interaction region directly
  excited by the FUV of the hot companion star of this massive binary
  system. We discuss how analyzing the results of the 3D SPH simulations
  and synthetic slit spectra and comparing them to the spectra obtained
  with the HST/STIS helps us determine the absolute orientation of
  the binary orbit and helps remove the degeneracy inherent to models
  based solely on the observed RXTE X-ray light curve. A key point of
  this work is that spatially resolved observations like those with
  HST/STIS and comparison to 3D models are necessary to determine the
  alignment or misalignment of the orbital angular momentum axis with
  the Homunculus, or correspondingly, the alignment of the orbital plane
  with the Homunculus skirt.

Title: The X-ray Variability Of Eta Car, 1996-2010
Authors: Corcoran, Michael F.; Hamaguchi, K.; Gull, T.; Owocki, S.;
   Pittard, J.
2010AAS...21542601C    Altcode: 2010BAAS...42..340C
  X-ray photometry in the 2--10 keV band of the the supermassive binary
  star Eta Car has been measured with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer
  from 1996--2010. The ingress to X-ray minimum is consistent with
  a period of 2024 days. The 2009 X-ray minimum began on January 16
  2009 and showed an unexpectedly abrupt recovery starting after 12 Feb
  2009. The X-ray colors become harder about half-way through all three
  minima and continue until flux recovery. The behavior of the fluxes
  and X-ray colors for the most recent X-ray minimum, along with Chandra
  high resolution grating spectra at key phases suggests a significant
  change in the inner wind of Eta Car, a possible indicator that the
  star is entering a new unstable phase of mass loss.

Title: Origin of the Central Constant Emission Component of Eta
Authors: Hamaguchi, Kenji; Corcoran, M. F.; Gull, T.; Ishibashi, K.;
   Pittard, J. M.; Hillier, D. J.; Damineli, A.; Davidson, K.; Nielsen,
   K. E.; Owocki, S.; Henley, D.; Pollock, A.; Okazaki, A.
2010AAS...21542603H    Altcode: 2010BAAS...42..341H
  The X-ray campaign observation of the wind-wind colliding (WWC) binary
  system, Eta Carinae, targeted at its periastron passage in 2003,
  presented a detailed view of the flux and spectral variations of the
  X-ray minimum phase. One of the discoveries in this campaign was a
  central constant emission (CCE) component very near the central WWC
  source (Hamaguchi et al. 2007, ApJ, 663, 522). The CCE component was
  noticed between 1-3 keV during the X-ray minima and showed no variation
  on either short timescales within any observation or long timescales
  of up to 10 years. Hamaguchi et al. (2007) discussed possible origins
  as collisionally heated shocks from the fast polar winds from Eta
  Car or the fast moving outflow from the WWC with the ambient gas,
  or shocked gas that is intrinsic to the wind of Eta Car. <P />During
  the 2009 periastron passage, we launched another focussed observing
  campaign of Eta Carinae with the Chandra, XMM-Newton and Suzaku
  observatories, concentrating on the X-ray faintest phase named the
  deep X-ray minimum. Thanks to multiple observations during the deep
  X-ray minimum, we found that the CCE spectrum extended up to 10 keV,
  indicating presence of hot plasma of kT 4-6 keV. This result excludes
  two possible origins that assume relatively slow winds (v 1000 km
  s<SUP>-1</SUP>) and only leaves the possibility that the CCE plasma
  is wind blown bubble at the WWC downstream. The CCE spectrum in 2009
  showed a factor of 2 higher soft band flux as the CCE spectrum in
  2003, while the hard band flux was almost unchanged. This variation
  suggests decrease in absorption column along the line of sight. We
  compare this result with recent increase in V-band magnitude of Eta
  Carinae and discuss location of the CCE plasma.

Title: The Spatially-resolved Interacting Winds of Eta Carinae:
    Implications on the Orbit Orientation
Authors: Gull, Theodore R.; Nielsen, K. E.; Corcoran, M.; Hamaguchi,
   K.; Madura, T.; Russell, C.; Hillier, D. J.; Owocki, S.; Okazaki, A. T.
2010AAS...21542604G    Altcode: 2010BAAS...42..341G
  Medium-dispersion long slit spectra, recorded by HST/STIS (R=8000,
  Theta=0.1"), resolve the extended wind-wind interaction region of the
  massive binary, Eta Carinae. During the high state, extending for about
  five years of the 5.54-year binary period, lines of [N II], [Fe III],
  [S III], [Ar III] and [Ne III] extend outwards to 0.4" with a velocity
  range of -500 to +200 km/s. By comparison, lines of [Fe II] and [Ni II]
  extend to 0.7" with a velocity range of -500 to +500 km/s. During the
  high state, driven by the lesser wind of Eta Car B and photo-ionized by
  the FUV of Eta Car B, the high excitation lines originate in or near
  the outer ballistic portions of the wind-wind interaction region. The
  lower excitation lines ([Fe II] and [Ni II]) originate from the
  boundary regions of the dominating wind of Eta Car A. As the binary
  system has an eccentricity exceeding 0.9, the two stars approach quite
  close across the periastron, estimated to be within 1 to 2 AU. As a
  result, Eta Car B moves into the primary wind structure, cutting off
  the FUV supporting the ionization of the high state lines. Forbidden
  emission lines of the doubly-ionized species disappear, He II 4686
  drops along with the collapse of the X-ray flux. <P />This behavior is
  understood through the 3-D models of A. Okazaki and of E. R. Parkin
  and Pittard. Discussion will address the orbit orientation relative
  to the geometry of the Homunculus, ejected by Eta Carinae in the 1840s.

Title: The extended interacting wind structure of Eta Carinae
Authors: Gull, T. R.; Nielsen, K. E.; Corcoran, M. F.; Madura, T. I.;
   Owocki, S. P.; Russell, C. M. P.; Hillier, D. J.; Hamaguchi, K.;
   Kober, G. V.; Weis, K.; Stahl, O.; Okazaki, A. T.
2009MNRAS.396.1308G    Altcode: 2009MNRAS.tmp..693G
  The highly eccentric binary system, η Car, provides clues to the
  transition of massive stars from hydrogen-burning via the CNO cycle to
  a helium-burning evolutionary state. The fast-moving wind of η Car B
  creates a cavity in η Car A's slower, but more massive, stellar wind,
  providing an in situ probe. The Hubble Space Telescope/Space Telescope
  Imaging Spectrograph (HST/STIS), with its high spatial and spectral
  resolutions, is well matched to follow temporal spatial and velocity
  variations of multiple wind features. We use observations obtained
  across 1998-2004 to produce a rudimentary three-dimensional model of the
  wind interaction in the η Car system. Broad (+/-500 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>)
  [FeII] emission line structures extend 0.7arcsec (~1600 au) from the
  stellar core. In contrast, [FeIII], [ArIII], [NeIII] and [SIII] lines
  extend only 0.3arcsec (700 au) from NE to SW and are blue shifted
  from -500 to +200 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. All observed spectral features
  vary with the 5.54-year orbital period. The highly ionized, forbidden
  emission disappears during the low state, associated with periastron
  passage. The high-ionization emission originates in the outer wind
  interaction region that is directly excited by the far-ultraviolet
  radiation from η Car B. The HST/STIS spectra reveal a time-varying,
  distorted paraboloidal structure, caused by the interaction of the
  massive stellar winds. The model and observations are consistent with
  the orbital plane aligned with the skirt of the Homunculus. However,
  the axis of the distorted paraboloid, relative to the major axis of the
  binary orbit, is shifted in a prograde rotation along the plane, which
  projected on the sky is from NE to NW. <P />Based on observations made
  with the National Aeronautics and Space Agency/European Space Agency
  (NASA/ESA) HST. Support for Programme numbers 7302, 8036, 8483, 8619,
  9083, 9337, 9420, 9973, 10957 and 11273 was provided by NASA directly
  to the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph Science Team and through
  grants from the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI), which is
  operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy,
  Incorporated, under NASA contract NAS5-26555. Based on observations made
  with European Southern Observatory telescopes at the La Silla or Paranal
  Observatories under programme IDs 070.D-0607, 071.D-0168, 074.D-0141,
  077.D-0618 and 380.D-0036. <P />E-mail: theodore.r.gull@nasa.gov

Title: Gamma-Ray Variability from Wind Clumping in High-Mass X-Ray
    Binaries with Jets
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Romero, G. E.; Townsend, R. H. D.; Araudo,
   A. T.
2009ApJ...696..690O    Altcode: 2009arXiv0902.2278O
  In the subclass of high-mass X-ray binaries known as "microquasars,"
  relativistic hadrons in the jets launched by the compact object can
  interact with cold protons from the star's radiatively driven wind,
  producing pions that then quickly decay into gamma rays. Since the
  resulting gamma-ray emissivity depends on the target density, the
  detection of rapid variability in microquasars with Gamma-Ray Large
  Area Space Telescope and the new generation of Cherenkov imaging arrays
  could be used to probe the clumped structure of the stellar wind. We
  show here that the fluctuation in gamma rays can be modeled using a
  "porosity length" formalism, usually applied to characterize clumping
  effects. In particular, for a porosity length defined by h ≡ ell/f,
  i.e., as the ratio of the characteristic size ell of clumps to their
  volume filling factor f, we find that the relative fluctuation in
  gamma-ray emission in a binary with orbital separation a scales as
  √{h/π a} in the "thin-jet" limit, and is reduced by a factor 1/√{1
  + φ a/2 ℓ} for a jet with a finite opening angle phi. For a thin jet
  and quite moderate porosity length h ≈ 0.03a, this implies a ca. 10%
  variation in the gamma-ray emission. Moreover, the illumination of
  individual large clumps might result in isolated flares, as has been
  recently observed in some massive gamma-ray binaries.

Title: On the behaviour of stellar winds that exceed the photon-tiring
Authors: van Marle, Allard Jan; Owocki, Stanley P.; Shaviv, Nir J.
2009MNRAS.394..595V    Altcode: 2009MNRAS.tmp..152V; 2008arXiv0812.0242V
  Stars can produce steady-state winds through radiative driving as long
  as the mechanical luminosity of the wind does not exceed the radiative
  luminosity at its base. This upper bound on the mass-loss rate is
  known as the photon-tiring limit. Once above this limit, the radiation
  field is unable to lift all the material out of the gravitational
  potential of the star, such that only part of it can escape and reach
  infinity. The rest stalls and falls back towards the stellar surface,
  making a steady-state wind impossible. Photon-tiring is not an issue
  for line-driven winds since they cannot achieve sufficiently high
  mass-loss rates. It can, however, become important if the star exceeds
  the Eddington limit and continuum interaction becomes the dominant
  driving mechanism. <P />This paper investigates the time-dependent
  behaviour of stellar winds that exceed the photon-tiring limit,
  using one-dimensional numerical simulations of a porosity-moderated,
  continuum-driven stellar wind. We find that the regions close to the
  star show a hierarchical pattern of high-density shells moving back
  and forth, unable to escape the gravitational potential of the star. At
  larger distances, the flow eventually becomes uniformly outward, though
  still quite variable. Typically, these winds have a very high density
  but a terminal flow speed well below the escape speed at the stellar
  surface. Since most of the radiative luminosity of the star is used
  to drive the stellar wind, such stars would appear much dimmer than
  expected from the super-Eddington energy generation at their core. The
  visible luminosity typically constitutes less than half of the total
  energy flow and can become as low as 10 per cent or less for those
  stars that exceed the photon-tiring limit by a large margin.

Title: Angular momentum loss and stellar spin-down in magnetic
    massive stars
Authors: ud-Doula, Asif; Owocki, Stanley P.; Townsend, Richard H. D.
2009IAUS..259..423U    Altcode: 2008arXiv0812.2836U
  We examine the angular momentum loss and associated rotational
  spin-down for magnetic hot stars with a line-driven stellar wind
  and a rotation-aligned dipole magnetic field. Our analysis here
  is based on our previous 2-D numerical MHD simulation study that
  examines the interplay among wind, field, and rotation as a function
  of two dimensionless parameters, W(=Vrot/Vorb) and ‘wind magnetic
  confinement’, η∗ defined below. We compare and contrast the 2-D,
  time variable angular momentum loss of this dipole model of a hot-star
  wind with the classical 1-D steady-state analysis by Weber and Davis
  (WD), who used an idealized monopole field to model the angular momentum
  loss in the solar wind. Despite the differences, we find that the total
  angular momentum loss averaged over both solid angle and time follows
  closely the general WD scaling ~ ṀΩR<SUP>2</SUP><SUB>A</SUB>. The
  key distinction is that for a dipole field Alfvèn radius R<SUB>A</SUB>
  is significantly smaller than for the monopole field WD used in their
  analyses. This leads to a slower stellar spin-down for the dipole
  field with typical spin-down times of order 1 Myr for several known
  magnetic massive stars.

Title: Dynamical simulations of magnetically channelled line-driven
    stellar winds - III. Angular momentum loss and rotational spin-down
Authors: Ud-Doula, Asif; Owocki, Stanley P.; Townsend, Richard H. D.
2009MNRAS.392.1022U    Altcode: 2008arXiv0810.4247U
  We examine the angular momentum loss and associated rotational
  spin-down for magnetic hot stars with a line-driven stellar wind
  and a rotation-aligned dipole magnetic field. Our analysis here is
  based on our previous two-dimensional numerical magnetohydrodynamics
  simulation study that examines the interplay among wind, field
  and rotation as a function of two dimensionless parameters: one
  characterizing the wind magnetic confinement () and the other the
  ratio (W ≡ V<SUB>rot</SUB>/V<SUB>orb</SUB>) of stellar rotation to
  critical (orbital) speed. We compare and contrast the two-dimensional,
  time-variable angular momentum loss of this dipole model of a hot-star
  wind with the classical one-dimensional steady-state analysis by
  Weber and Davis (WD), who used an idealized monopole field to model
  the angular momentum loss in the solar wind. Despite the differences,
  we find that the total angular momentum loss averaged over both solid
  angle and time closely follows the general WD scaling , where is the
  mass-loss rate, Ω is the stellar angular velocity and R<SUB>A</SUB>
  is a characteristic Alfvén radius. However, a key distinction here
  is that for a dipole field, this Alfvén radius has a strong-field
  scaling R<SUB>A</SUB>/R<SUB>*</SUB> ~ η<SUP>1/4</SUP><SUB>*</SUB>,
  instead of the scaling for a monopole field. This leads to a slower
  stellar spin-down time that in the dipole case scales as , where is
  the characteristic mass loss time and k is the dimensionless factor
  for stellar moment of inertia. The full numerical scaling relation
  that we cite gives typical spin-down times of the order of 1 Myr for
  several known magnetic massive stars.

Title: Inter-Division IV-V / Working Group Active B-Type Stars
Authors: Fabregat, Juan; Peters, Geraldine J.; Owocki, Stanley P.;
   Bjorkman, Karen S.; Gies, Douglas R.; Henrichs, Hubertus F.; McDavid,
   David A.; Neiner, Coralie; Stee, Philippe
2009IAUTA..27..242F    Altcode:
  The Working Group on Active B-type Stars (formerly known as the
  Working Group on Be Stars) was re-established under IAU Commission
  29 at the IAU General Assembly in Montreal, Quebec (Canada) in 1979,
  and has been continuously active to the present. Its main goal is to
  promote and stimulate research and international collaboration on the
  field of the active early-type (OB) stars.

Title: Division IV / Working Group Massive Stars
Authors: Owocki, Stanley P.; Crowther, Paul A.; Fullerton, Alexander
   W.; Koenigsberger, Gloria; Langer, Norbert; Leitherer, Claus; Massey,
   Philip L.; Meynet, Georges; Puls, Joachim; St-Louis, Nicole
2009IAUTA..27..236O    Altcode:
  Our Working Group studies massive, luminous stars, with historical
  focus on early-type (OB) stars, but extending in recent years to
  include massive red supergiants that evolve from hot stars. There
  is also emphasis on the role of massive stars in other branches of
  astrophysics, particularly regarding starburst galaxies, the first
  stars, core-collapse gamma-ray bursts, and formation of massive stars.

Title: Modeling The RXTE Light Curve of Eta Carinae and WR140
Authors: Russell, Christopher M. P.; Corcoran, M. F.; Owocki, S. P.;
   Okazaki, A. T.; Madura, T. I.
2009AAS...21340801R    Altcode: 2009BAAS...41..205R
  Colliding Wind Binaries (CWBs) are a key mechanism for X-ray production
  in young clusters and star-forming regions, such as the Orion and
  Carina Nebulae. Their extremely fast winds slam together to produce
  hard X-rays, allowing a direct diagnostic of the CWB's wind parameters
  and hence the evolutionary state of the stars. The Rossi X-ray Timing
  Explorer (RXTE) has been regularly monitoring the 2-10keV X-rays of
  Eta Carinae and WR140, two massive-star CWBs with highly eccentric
  orbits. Using 3D Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations to
  model the interaction of these winds, along with a simple model for
  the X-ray emission and absorption, we have been able to reproduce the
  RXTE light curves of both systems very well.

Title: IXO Spectroscopy Of High-mass Stars: Wind Shocks, Magnetic
    Confinement, And Colliding-wind Binaries
Authors: Gagné, Marc; Huenemoerder, D.; Osten, R.; Cohen, D.;
   Townsend, R.; Leutenegger, M.; Owocki, S.
2009AAS...21345414G    Altcode: 2009BAAS...41..352G
  High-resolution x-ray spectra of single and binary high-mass stars
  observed with the Chandra and XMM gratings in the 6-30 Å region show
  resolved, sometimes asymmetric line profiles of highly ionized N, O, Ne,
  Mg, Si, S and Fe. The line profiles are being used to probe mass-loss
  in the winds of some of the most luminous single stars like ζ Puppis
  (O4 If). Meanwhile, the forbidden-to-intercombination line ratio of
  the He-like ions are being used to localize the X-ray emitting regions
  around many hot, massive stars. The f/i ratios have been used to show,
  for example, that the x-rays from magnetic stars like θ<SUP>1</SUP>
  Orionis C (O6 V) arise close to the stellar photosphere, suggesting
  magnetic confinement, while the x-rays from Wolf-Rayet binaries
  are produced further away, in a wind interaction zone between the
  stars. The superior effective area of the CAT grating spectrometer
  on IXO will allow similar studies to be undertaken for a larger, more
  distant sample of stars spanning a range of masses, mass-loss rates,
  ages, and binary separations and with higher time cadence to look for
  dynamic phenomena. The high efficiency of the XMS microcalorimeter
  will allow us to detect rapid changes in temperature, column density
  and emission measure. The unsurpassed spectral resolution of the XMS
  at high energies will probe the very hottest, time variable lines of
  Ca XIX, Fe XXV, Fe XXVI and Fe Kα.

Title: Stellar Magnetospheres
Authors: Owocki, S.
2009EAS....39..223O    Altcode:
  The term “magnetosphere” originated historically from early
  spacecraft measurements of plasma trapped by the magnetic field of
  earth and other planets. But over the years this concept has also
  been applied to the magnetically channeled wind outflows from magnetic
  stars. The review here describes the basic magnetohydrodynamics (MHD)
  approach used to model such stellar magnetospheres, with emphasis on
  the central competition between confinement by the magnetic field
  vs. expansion of the stellar wind outflow. A key result is that,
  for a star with a dipole surface field B<SUB>ast</SUB>, surface
  radius {R<SUB>ast</SUB>}, and asymptotic wind momentum {dot M}
  v<SUB>∞</SUB>, this competition can be well characterized by a
  single “wind magnetic confinement parameter”, η<SUB>ast</SUB>
  equiv B<SUB>ast</SUB><SUP>2</SUP> R<SUB>ast</SUB><SUP>2</SUP>/{dot M}
  v<SUB>∞</SUB>. For large η<SUB>ast</SUB>, closed magnetic looops
  can confine parts of the wind up to an Alfvén radius R<SUB>A</SUB>
  ≈ η<SUB>1/4</SUB> R<SUB>ast</SUB>, leading to “magnetically
  confined wind shocks” that might produce the relatively hard X-ray
  emission seen in some magnetic stars. In rotating stars, R<SUB>A</SUB>
  also roughly characterizes the radius up to which material co-rotates
  with the underlying star. For the outflowing wind, the associated
  loss of angular momentum, can lead to spindown in the stellar rotation
  over a time much shorter than the star's evolutionary timescale. For
  confined material within R<SUB>A</SUB> but beyond the star's Keplerian
  corotation radius R<SUB>K</SUB>, the net centrifugal support against
  gravity can lead to a “rigidly rotating magnetosphere” composed
  of accumulating trapped wind. This can provide a natural explanation
  for the rotationally modulated Balmer line emission observed from
  magnetic Bp stars. Moreover, magnetic reconnection heating from
  episodic centrifugal breakout events might explain the occasional very
  hard X-ray flares seen from such stars. Overall, it seems clear that
  magnetic fields can play a strong role in confining and channeling such
  stellar wind outflows, providing a natural explanation for various
  observational signatures structure and variability in the winds and
  circumstellar envelopes of massive stars.

Title: 3D Modeling of the Massive Binary Wind Interaction Region in
    Eta Carinae
Authors: Madura, Thomas; Gull, T.; Owocki, S.; Okazaki, A.; Russell, C.
2009AAS...21340802M    Altcode: 2009BAAS...41..205M
  We present recent work on the theoretical modeling of low excitation
  ([Fe II]) and high excitation ([Fe III]) wind lines observed in Eta
  Carinae using the HST/STIS. The spatially resolved structures seen in
  these lines are interpreted as the time-averaged, outer extensions of
  the wind from the primary star and the wind-wind interaction region
  of the massive binary system. For most of the orbit, the wind-wind
  interface can be approximated as a cone with a half-opening angle of
  65° whose axis of rotation is aligned with the major axis of the binary
  orbit and appears to lie in the plane of the Homunculus disk. However,
  because the orbit is highly elliptical, this approximation breaks down
  at periastron and so full 3D Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH)
  simulations become necessary. By analyzing the results of these 3D
  SPH simulations of the binary interactions and comparing them to the
  spectra obtained with the HST/STIS we place further constraints on
  the orientation of the binary orbit, and hope to eventually determine
  how/where UV light is escaping in the system, to search for any direct
  signatures of the companion star, and to ultimately establish a mass
  ratio for the system.

Title: Resolving the Massive Binary Wind Interaction Of Eta Carinae
    with HST/STIS
Authors: Gull, Theodore R.; Nielsen, K.; Corcoran, M.; Hillier,
   J.; Madura, T.; Hamaguchi, K.; Kober, G.; Owocki, S.; Russell, C.;
   Okazaki, A.; Weis, K.; Stahl, O.
2009AAS...21340803G    Altcode: 2009BAAS...41..205G
  We have resolved the outer structures of the massive binary interacting
  wind of Eta Carinae using the HST/STIS. They extend as much as 0.7"
  (1600AU} and are highly distorted due to the very elliptical orbit
  of the binary system. Observations conducted from 1998.0 to 2004.3
  show spatial and temporal variations consistent with a massive,
  low excitation wind, seen by spatially resolved, velocity-broadened
  [Fe II], and a high excitation extended wind interaction region, seen
  by[Fe III], in the shape of a distorted paraboloid. The highly excited
  [Fe III] structure is visible for 90% of the 5.5-year period, but
  disappears as periastron occurs along with the drop of X-Rays as seen by
  RXTE. Some components appear in [Fe II] emission across the months long
  minimum. We will discuss the apparent differences between the bowshock
  orientation derived from the RXTE light curve and these structures
  seen by HST/STIS. Monitoring the temporal variations with phase using
  high spatial resolution with appropriate spectral dispersions proves
  to be a valuable tool for understanding massive wind interactions.

Title: Numerical simulations of continuum-driven winds of
    super-Eddington stars
Authors: van Marle, A. J.; Owocki, S. P.; Shaviv, N. J.
2008MNRAS.389.1353V    Altcode: 2008MNRAS.tmp..977V; 2008arXiv0806.4536V
  We present the results of numerical simulations of continuum-driven
  winds of stars that exceed the Eddington limit and compare these
  against predictions from earlier analytical solutions. Our models
  are based on the assumption that the stellar atmosphere consists of
  clumped matter, where the individual clumps have a much larger optical
  thickness than the matter between the clumps. This `porosity' of the
  stellar atmosphere reduces the coupling between radiation and matter,
  since photons tend to escape through the more tenuous gas between the
  clumps. This allows a star that formally exceeds the Eddington limit
  to remain stable, yet produce a steady outflow from the region where
  the clumps become optically thin. We have made a parameter study of
  wind models for a variety of input conditions in order to explore
  the properties of continuum-driven winds. <P />The results show that
  the numerical simulations reproduce quite closely the analytical
  scalings. The mass-loss rates produced in our models are much larger
  than can be achieved by line driving. This makes continuum driving a
  good mechanism to explain the large mass-loss and flow speeds of giant
  outbursts, as observed in η Carinae and other luminous blue variable
  stars. Continuum driving may also be important in population III stars,
  since line driving becomes ineffective at low metallicities. We also
  explore the effect of photon tiring and the limits it places on the
  wind parameters.

Title: Magnetic Models of Circumstellar Clouds around Massive Stars
Authors: Owocki, S.; Townsend, R.; Ud-Doula, A.
2008RMxAC..33...80O    Altcode:
  This talk reviewed recent efforts to develop dynamical models
  for the effects of a surface dipole field on radiatively driven
  wind outflows. One particular project applies magnetohydrodynamic
  (MHD) simulations of a Magnetically Confined Wind Shock (MCWS) model
  (originally developed by Babel &amp; Montmerle 1997) to explain X-ray
  emission observed by Rosat (Gagné et al. 1997) from the magnetic O7V
  star θ^{1 Ori C.

Title: High-Resolution Chandra X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy of
    the σ Orionis Cluster
Authors: Skinner, Stephen L.; Sokal, Kimberly R.; Cohen, David H.;
   Gagné, Marc; Owocki, Stanley P.; Townsend, Richard D.
2008ApJ...683..796S    Altcode: 2008arXiv0805.0714S
  We present results of a 90 ks Chandra X-ray observation of the young
  σ Orionis cluster (age ~ 3 Myr ) obtained with the HETGS. We use
  the high-resolution grating spectrum and moderate-resolution CCD
  spectrum of the massive central star σ Ori AB (O 9.5 V + B 0.5 V
  ) to test wind shock theories of X-ray emission and also analyze
  the high spatial resolution zero-order ACIS-S image of the central
  cluster region. Chandra detected 42 X-ray sources on the primary CCD
  (ACIS-S3). All but five have near-IR or optical counterparts and about
  one-fourth are variable. Notable high-mass stellar detections are σ Ori
  AB, the magnetic B star σ Ori E, and the B5 V binary HD 37525. Most
  of the other detections have properties consistent with lower mass K-
  or M-type stars. We present the first X-ray spectrum of the unusual
  infrared source IRS 1, located ≈3<SUP>”</SUP> north of σ Ori
  AB. Its X-ray properties and elongated mid-IR morphology suggest that
  it is an embedded low-mass T Tauri star whose disk/envelope is being
  photoevaporated by σ Ori AB. We focus on the radiative wind shock
  interpretation of the soft luminous X-ray emission from σ Ori AB, but
  also consider possible alternatives including magnetically confined wind
  shocks and colliding wind shocks. Its emission lines show no significant
  asymmetries or centroid shifts and are moderately broadened to HWHM ≈
  264 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, or one-fourth the terminal wind speed. Forbidden
  lines in He-like ions are formally undetected, implying strong UV
  suppression. The Mg XI triplet forms in the wind acceleration zone
  within one stellar radius above the surface. These X-ray properties
  are consistent in several respects with the predictions of radiative
  wind shock theory for an optically thin wind, but explaining the narrow
  line widths presents a challenge to the theory.

Title: Modelling the RXTE light curve of η Carinae from a 3D SPH
    simulation of its binary wind collision
Authors: Okazaki, A. T.; Owocki, S. P.; Russell, C. M. P.; Corcoran,
   M. F.
2008MNRAS.388L..39O    Altcode: 2008arXiv0805.1794O
  The very massive star system η Carinae exhibits regular 5.54 yr
  (2024 d) period disruptive events in wavebands ranging from the radio
  to X-ray. There is a growing consensus that these events likely stem
  from periastron passage of an (as yet) unseen companion in a highly
  eccentric (e ~ 0.9) orbit. This Letter presents 3D smoothed particle
  hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations of the orbital variation of the binary
  wind-wind collision, and applies these to modelling the X-ray light
  curve observed by the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE). By providing a
  global 3D model of the phase variation of the density of the interacting
  winds, the simulations allow computation of the associated variation in
  X-ray absorption, presumed here to originate from near the apex of the
  wind-wind interaction cone. We find that the observed RXTE light curve
  can be readily fitted if the observer's line of sight is within this
  cone along the general direction of apastron. Specifically, the data
  are well fitted by an assumed inclination i = 45° for the orbit's
  polar axis, which is thus consistent with orbital angular momentum
  being along the inferred polar axis of the Homunculus nebula. The fits
  also constrain the position angle φ that an orbital-plane projection
  makes with the apastron side of the semimajor axis, strongly excluding
  positions φ &lt; 9° along or to the retrograde side of the axis,
  with the best-fitting position given by φ = 27°. Overall the results
  demonstrate the utility of a fully 3D dynamical model for constraining
  the geometric and physical properties of this complex colliding wind
  binary system.

Title: Rotation and Mass Loss
Authors: Owocki, S.
2008ASPC..388...57O    Altcode:
  Stellar rotation can play an important role in structuring and enhancing
  the mass loss from massive stars. Initial 1D models focussed on the
  expected centrifugal enhancement of the line-driven mass flux from the
  equator of a rotating star, but the review here emphasizes that the
  loss of centrifugal support away from the stellar surface actually
  limits the steady mass flux to just the point-star CAK value, with
  models near critical rotation characterized by a slow, subcritical
  acceleration. Recent suggestions that such slow outflows might have
  high enough density to explain disks in Be or B[e] stars are examined
  in the context of 2D simulations of the “Wind Compressed Disk” (WCD)
  paradigm, together with a review of the tendency for poleward components
  of the line-driving force to inhibit WCD formation. When one accounts
  for equatorial gravity darkening, the net tendency is in fact for the
  relatively bright regions at higher latitude to drive a faster, denser
  “bipolar” outflow. I discuss the potential relevance for the bipolar
  form of nebulae from LBV stars like η Carinae, but emphasize that,
  since the large mass loss associated with the eruption of eta Carinae's
  Homunculus would heavily saturate line-driving, explaining its bipolar
  form requires development of analogous models for continuum-driven mass
  loss. I conclude with a discussion of how radiation seems inherently
  ill-suited to supporting or driving a geometrically thin, but optically
  thick disk or disk outflow. The disks inferred in Be and B[e] stars may
  instead be centrifugally ejected, with radiation inducing an ablation
  flow from the disk surface, and thus perhaps playing a greater role
  in destroying (rather than creating) an orbiting, circumstellar disk.

Title: 3-D SPH Simulations of Colliding Winds in η Carinae
Authors: Okazaki, Atsuo T.; Owocki, Stanley P.; Russell, Christopher
   M. P.; Corcoran, Michael F.
2008IAUS..250..133O    Altcode: 2008arXiv0803.3977O
  We study colliding winds in the superluminous binary η Carinae by
  performing three-dimensional, Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH)
  simulations. For simplicity, we assume both winds to be isothermal. We
  also assume that wind particles coast without any net external
  forces. We find that the lower density, faster wind from the secondary
  carves out a spiral cavity in the higher density, slower wind from the
  primary. Because of the phase-dependent orbital motion, the cavity is
  very thin on the periastron side, whereas it occupies a large volume
  on the apastron side. The model X-ray light curve using the simulated
  density structure fits very well with the observed light curve for a
  viewing angle of i = 54° and φ = 36°, where i is the inclination
  angle and φ is the azimuth from apastron.

Title: The Propagation of Kinks in Line-driven Winds
Authors: Feldmeier, A.; Rätzel, D.; Owocki, S. P.
2008ApJ...679..704F    Altcode:
  We show that discontinuities in spatial derivatives of the velocity and
  density law, so-called kinks, can propagate upstream at Mach numbers
  &gt; 1 with respect to radiative-acoustic waves in stellar winds
  driven by radiation scattering in spectral lines. This fast upstream
  propagation of kinks can, for example, explain the slow evolution of
  discrete absorption components found in P Cygni line profiles from
  O stars.

Title: Dynamical simulation of the “velocity-porosity” reduction
    in observed strength of stellar wind lines
Authors: Owocki, S. P.
2008cihw.conf..121O    Altcode:
  I use dynamical simulations of the line-driven instability to examine
  the potential role of the resulting flow structure in reducing the
  observed strength of wind absorption lines. Instead of the porosity
  length formalism used to model effects on continuum absorption, I
  suggest reductions in line strength can be better characterized in
  terms of a velocity clumping factor that is insensitive to spatial
  scales. Examples of dynamic spectra computed directly from instability
  simulations do exhibit a net reduction in absorption, but only at a
  modest 10-20% level that is well short of the ca. factor 10 required
  by recent analyses of PV lines.

Title: Using gamma-rays to probe the clumped structure of stellar
Authors: Romero, G. E.; Owocki, S. P.; Araudo, A. T.; Townsend,
   R. H. D.; Benaglia, P.
2008cihw.conf..191R    Altcode: 2007arXiv0708.1525R
  Gamma-rays can be produced by the interaction of a relativistic jet
  and the matter of the stellar wind in the subclass of massive X-ray
  binaries known as “microquasars”. The relativistic jet is ejected
  from the surroundings of the compact object and interacts with cold
  protons from the stellar wind, producing pions that then quickly decay
  into gamma-rays. Since the resulting gamma-ray emissivity depends on
  the target density, the detection of rapid variability in microquasars
  with GLAST and the new generation of Cherenkov imaging arrays could be
  used to probe the clumped structure of the stellar wind. In particular,
  we show here that the relative fluctuation in gamma rays may scale with
  the square root of the ratio of porosity length to binary separation,
  √{h/a}, implying for example a ca. 10% variation in gamma ray emission
  for a quite moderate porosity, h/a ∼ 0.01.

Title: Resonance scattering in the X-ray emission lines profiles of
    ζ Puppis
Authors: Leutenegger, M. A.; Cohen, D. H.; Kahn, S. M.; Owocki, S. P.;
   Paerels, F. B. S.
2008cihw.conf..213L    Altcode: 2007arXiv0708.1011L
  We present XMM-Newton Reflection Grating Spectrometer observations
  of pairs of X-ray emission line profiles from the O star ζ Pup that
  originate from the same He-like ion. The two profiles in each pair
  have different shapes and cannot both be consistently fit by models
  assuming the same wind parameters. We show that the differences in
  profile shape can be accounted for in a model including the effects of
  resonance scattering, which affects the resonance line in the pair but
  not the intercombination line. This implies that resonance scattering
  is also important in single resonance lines, where its effect is
  difficult to distinguish from a low effective continuum optical depth
  in the wind. Thus, resonance scattering may help reconcile X-ray line
  profile shapes with literature mass-loss rates.

Title: General Discussion
Authors: Moffat, Anthony F. J.; Hillier, D. J.; Hamann, Wolf-Rainer;
   Owocki, S. P.
2008cihw.conf..233M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Dynamical simulations of magnetically channelled line-driven
    stellar winds - II. The effects of field-aligned rotation
Authors: Ud-Doula, Asif; Owocki, Stanley P.; Townsend, Richard H. D.
2008MNRAS.385...97U    Altcode: 2007arXiv0712.2780U; 2008MNRAS.tmp..176U
  Building upon our previous magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) simulation study
  of magnetic channelling in radiatively driven stellar winds, we examine
  here the additional dynamical effects of stellar rotation in the (still)
  2D axisymmetric case of an aligned dipole surface field. In addition to
  the magnetic confinement parameter η<SUB>*</SUB> introduced in Paper
  I, we characterize the stellar rotation in terms of a parameter W ≡
  V<SUB>rot</SUB>/V<SUB>orb</SUB> (the ratio of the equatorial surface
  rotation speed to orbital speed), examining specifically models with
  moderately strong rotation W = 0.25 and 0.5, and comparing these to
  analogous non-rotating cases. Defining the associated Alfvén radius
  R<SUB>A</SUB> ~ η<SUP>1/4</SUP><SUB>*</SUB> R<SUB>*</SUB> and Kepler
  corotation radius R<SUB>K</SUB> ~ W<SUP>-2/3</SUP> R<SUB>*</SUB>,
  we find rotation effects are weak for models with R<SUB>A</SUB> &lt;
  R<SUB>K</SUB>, but can be substantial and even dominant for models with
  R<SUB>A</SUB> &gt;~ R<SUB>K</SUB>. In particular, by extending our
  simulations to magnetic confinement parameters (up to η<SUB>*</SUB>
  = 1000) that are well above those (η<SUB>*</SUB> = 10) considered
  in Paper I, we are able to study cases with R<SUB>A</SUB> &gt;&gt;
  R<SUB>K</SUB>; we find that these do indeed show clear formation of the
  rigid body disc predicted in previous analytic models, with however
  a rather complex, dynamic behaviour characterized by both episodes
  of downward infall and outward breakout that limit the build-up of
  disc mass. Overall, the results provide an intriguing glimpse into the
  complex interplay between rotation and magnetic confinement, and form
  the basis for a full MHD description of the rigid body discs expected
  in strongly magnetic Bp stars like σ Ori E.

Title: Continuum-Driven Winds from Super-Eddington Stars: A Tale of
    Two Limits
Authors: van Marle, A. J.; Owocki, S. P.; Shaviv, N. J.
2008AIPC..990..250V    Altcode: 2007arXiv0708.4207V
  Continuum driving is an effective method to drive a strong stellar
  wind. It is governed by two limits: the Eddington limit and the
  photon-tiring limit. A star must exceed the effective Eddington limit
  for continuum driving to overcome the stellar gravity. The photon-tiring
  limit places an upper limit on the mass loss rate that can be driven
  to infinity, given the energy available in the radiation field of the
  star. Since continuum driving does not require the presence of metals
  in the stellar atmosphere it is particularly suited to removing mass
  from low- and zero-metallicity stars and can play a crucial part
  in their evolution. Using a porosity length formalism we compute
  numerical simulations of super-Eddington, continuum driven winds to
  explore their behavior for stars both below and above the photon-tiring
  limit. We find that below the photon tiring limit, continuum driving
  can produce a large, steady mass loss rate at velocities on the order
  of the escape velocity. If the star exceeds the photon-tiring limit,
  a steady solution is no longer possible. While the effective mass loss
  rate is still very large, the wind velocity is much smaller.

Title: Ls i +61 303:. Microquasar or not Microquasar?
Authors: Romero, G. E.; Orellana, M.; Okazaki, A. T.; Owocki, S. P.
2008IJMPD..17.1875R    Altcode: 2007arXiv0712.1832R
  LS I +61 303 is a puzzling object detected from radio up to very
  high-energy gamma-rays. Variability has recently been observed in its
  high-energy emission. The object is a binary system, with a compact
  object and a Be star as primary. The nature of the secondary and
  the origin of the gamma-ray emission are not clearly established at
  present. Recent VLBA radio data have been used to claim that the system
  is a Be/neutron star colliding wind binary, instead of a microquasar. We
  review the main views on the nature of LS I +61 303 and present results
  of 3D SPH simulations that can shed some light on the nature of the
  system. Our results support an accretion powered source, compatible
  with a microquasar interpretation.

Title: The accretion regime of LS 5039: 3-D SPH simulations
Authors: Okazaki, A. T.; Romero, G. E.; Owocki, S. P.
2008int..workE..74O    Altcode: 2008PoS....67E..74O; 2008arXiv0811.1958O
  LS 5039 is a TeV gamma-ray binary with extended radio emission. It
  consists of a compact object in the mildly eccentric (e=0.35), 3.9-day
  orbit around a massive O star. The nature of the compact object is not
  yet established. In this paper, assuming that the compact object is a
  black hole, we study the accretion of O-star wind by the black hole,
  by performing three-dimensional Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH)
  simulations. In order to roughly emulate the effect of the stellar
  radiation effectively canceling the stellar gravity, we assume that
  the O star's gravity does not exert on the wind. The wind particles
  are ejected with half the observed terminal velocity in a narrow
  range of azimuthal and vertical angles toward the black hole, in
  order to emulate the wind significantly slower than the terminal
  speed, and optimize the resolution and computational efficiency of
  simulations. We find that the mass-accretion rate closely follows the
  classical Bondi-Hoyle-Littleton accretion rate, which is of the order
  of 10^{16}g/s around periastron. The accretion rate at this level
  would provide jets enough power to produce the gamma-rays detected
  by HESS. Since the accretion peak occurs near the periastron passage,
  we need a strong gamma-ray absorption around periastron in order for
  the microquasar scenario to be consistent with the observed orbital
  modulation of the TeV gamma-ray flux.

Title: Division Iv-V / Wg: Active B-Type Stars
Authors: Owocki, Stanley P.; Štefl, Stanislav; Aerts, Conny; Barbuy,
   Beatriz; Fabregat, Juan; Gies, Douglas R.; Guinan, Edward F.; Henrichs,
   Hubertus F.; Peters, Geraldine J.; Porter, John M.; Rivinius, Thomas;
   Štefl, Stanislav
2007IAUTB..26..151O    Altcode:
  The meeting of the Working Group on Active B-type Stars consisted of a
  business meeting followed by a scientific meeting containing invited
  and contributed talks. The titles of the talks and their presenters
  are listed below. We plan to publish a series of articles containing
  summaries of these talks in Issue No. 39 of the Be Star Newsletter.

Title: Eta Carinae: Preparing for the Next Spectroscopic Event and
    What We May Learn
Authors: Gull, Theodore R.; Corcoran, M.; Damineli, A.; Hillier, D.;
   Owocki, S.; Madura, T.; Weigelt, G.; Groh, J.; Nielsen, K.; Vieira
   Kober, G.; Weis, K.; Hartman, H.; Smith, N.; Hamaguchi, K.; Bautista,
   M.; Carinae Bunch, Eta
2007AAS...211.5103G    Altcode: 2007BAAS...39..815G
  Eta Carinae, with its historical ejection events of the 19th century
  and propinquity, provides an excellent test bed for understanding
  how the most massive stars transition from hydrogen burning to the
  presupernova stage. <P />The next X-ray and visible/UV spectroscopic
  event, associated with the binary periastron, is predicted to be January
  11, 2009 +/- 2 days. Observations are being prepared and proposed
  to test models of the binary system and response by the ejecta to
  changes in the photo-excitation. This poster will describe current
  and developing models and observations that are planned to test and
  further enhance these models. We solicit additional observational
  and modeling efforts. <P />We acknowledge the resources of the many
  observatories supporting this project.

Title: A Rigid-Field Hydrodynamics approach to modelling the
    magnetospheres of massive stars
Authors: Townsend, R. H. D.; Owocki, S. P.; Ud-Doula, A.
2007MNRAS.382..139T    Altcode: 2007MNRAS.tmp..978T; 2007arXiv0709.0694T
  We introduce a new Rigid-Field Hydrodynamics approach to modelling the
  magnetospheres of massive stars in the limit of very strong magnetic
  fields. Treating the field lines as effectively rigid, we develop
  hydrodynamical equations describing the one-dimensional flow along each,
  subject to pressure, radiative, gravitational and centrifugal forces. We
  solve these equations numerically for a large ensemble of field lines
  to build up a three-dimensional time-dependent simulation of a model
  star with parameters similar to the archetypal Bp star σOriE. Since
  the flow along each field line can be solved independently of other
  field lines, the computational cost of this approach is a fraction of
  an equivalent magnetohydrodynamical treatment. <P />The simulations
  confirm many of the predictions of previous analytical and numerical
  studies. Collisions between wind streams from opposing magnetic
  hemispheres lead to strong shock heating. The post-shock plasma cools
  initially via X-ray emission, and eventually accumulates into a warped,
  rigidly rotating disc defined by the locus of minima of the effective
  (gravitational plus centrifugal) potential. However, a number of novel
  results also emerge. For field lines extending far from the star,
  the rapid area divergence enhances the radiative acceleration of the
  wind, resulting in high shock velocities (up to ~3000kms<SUP>-1</SUP>)
  and hard X-rays. Moreover, the release of centrifugal potential energy
  continues to heat the wind plasma after the shocks, up to temperatures
  around twice those achieved at the shocks themselves. Finally, in some
  circumstances the cool plasma in the accumulating disc can oscillate
  about its equilibrium position, possibly due to radiative cooling
  instabilities in the adjacent post-shock regions.

Title: Accretion vs. colliding wind models for the gamma-ray binary
LS I +61 303: an assessment
Authors: Romero, G. E.; Okazaki, A. T.; Orellana, M.; Owocki, S. P.
2007A&A...474...15R    Altcode: 2007arXiv0706.1320R
  Context: LS I +61 303 is a puzzling Be/X-ray binary with variable
  gamma-ray emission up to TeV energies. The nature of the compact
  object and the origin of the high-energy emission are unclear. One
  family of models invokes particle acceleration in shocks from the
  collision between the B-star wind and a relativistic pulsar wind,
  whereas another centers on a relativistic jet powered by accretion from
  the Be star decretion disc onto a black hole. Recent high-resolution
  radio observations showing a putative “cometary tail” pointing away
  from the Be star near periastron have been cited as support for the
  pulsar-wind model. <BR />Aims: We wish to carry out a quantitative
  assessment of these competing models. <BR />Methods: We apply a
  “Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics” (SPH) code in 3D dynamical
  simulations for both the pulsar-wind-interaction and accretion-jet
  models. The former yields a dynamical description of the shape of
  the wind-wind interaction surface. The latter provides a dynamical
  estimation of the accretion rate under a variety of conditions, and
  how this varies with orbital phase. <BR />Results: The results allow
  critical evaluation of how the two distinct models confront the data
  in various wavebands. When one accounts for the 3D dynamical wind
  interaction under realistic constraints for the relative strength of
  the B-star and pulsar winds, the resulting form of the interaction
  front does not match the putative “cometary tail” claimed from
  radio observations. On the other hand, dynamical simulations of
  the accretion-jet model indicate that the orbital phase variation
  of accretion power includes a secondary broad peak well away from
  periastron, thus providing a plausible way to explain the observed
  TeV gamma ray emission toward apastron. <BR />Conclusions: Contrary to
  previous claims, the colliding-wind model is not clearly established
  for LS I +61 303, whereas the accretion-jet model can reproduce many
  key characteristics, such as required energy budget, lightcurve,
  and spectrum of the observed TeV gamma-ray emission.

Title: Continuum-driven versus line-driven mass loss and the
    Eddington limit
Authors: Owocki, Stanley P.
2007HiA....14..202O    Altcode:
  Basic stellar structure dictates that stars of ∼ 100 M<SUB></SUB> or
  more will be close to the Eddington limit, with luminosities in excess
  of 10<SUP>6</SUP> L<SUB></SUB>, and radiation pressure contributing
  prominently to the support against gravity. Although it is formally
  possible to generate static structure models of even more massive stars,
  recent studies of dense clusters show there is a sharp cutoff at masses
  above ∼ 150 M<SUB></SUB>. This talk examines the role of extreme mass
  loss is limiting the masses of stars, emphasizing in particular that
  continuum driving, possibly associated with structural instabilities of
  radiation dominated envelope, can lead to much stronger mass loss than
  is possible by the usual line-scattering mechanism of steady stellar
  winds. <P />However, population studies of very young, dense stellar
  clusters now suggest quite strongly that there is a sharp cutoff at
  masses above ca. 150 M<SUB></SUB> (see, e.g., the talk by Sally Oey,
  in this JD 05, p. 206). This is sometimes attributed to a mass limit
  on star formation by accretion processes, though there are competing
  formation scenarios by binary or cluster merging that would seem likely
  to lead to formation of even higher mass stars (see talks in JD14 and
  S237). <P />So given the above rough coincidence of the observational
  upper mass limit with the Eddington-limit domain of radiation-pressure
  dominance, it seems associated instabilities in stellar structure
  might actually be a more important factor in this upper mass limit,
  leading to extreme mass loss in LBV and/or giant eruption events,
  much as inferred from circumstellar nebulae observed around high mass
  stars like eta Carinae and the Pistol star.

Title: A Nozzle Analysis of Slow-Acceleration Solutions in
    One-dimensional Models of Rotating Hot-Star Winds
Authors: Madura, Thomas I.; Owocki, Stanley P.; Feldmeier, Achim
2007ApJ...660..687M    Altcode: 2007astro.ph..2007M
  One-dimensional (1D) stellar wind models for hot stars rotating at
  &gt;~75% of the critical rate show a sudden shift to a slow-acceleration
  mode, implying a slower, denser equatorial outflow that might
  be associated with the dense equatorial regions inferred for B[e]
  supergiants. Here we analyze the steady 1D flow equations for a rotating
  stellar wind based on a “nozzle” analogy for terms that constrain
  the local mass flux. For low rotation, we find the nozzle minimum
  occurs near the stellar surface, allowing a transition to a standard,
  CAK-type steep-acceleration solution; but for rotations &gt;~75% of the
  critical rate, this inner nozzle minimum exceeds the global minimum,
  implying near-surface supercritical solutions would have an overloaded
  mass-loss rate. In steady, analytic models in which the acceleration is
  assumed to be monotonically positive, this leads the solution to switch
  to a slow-acceleration mode. However, time-dependent simulations using
  a numerical hydrodynamics code show that, for rotation rates 75%-85%
  of critical, the flow can develop abrupt “kink” transitions from a
  steep acceleration to a decelerating solution. For rotations above 85%
  of critical, the hydrodynamic simulations confirm the slow acceleration,
  with the lower flow speed implying densities 5-30 times higher than
  the polar (or a nonrotating) wind. Still, when gravity darkening and
  2D flow effects are accounted for, it seems unlikely that rotationally
  modified equatorial wind outflows could account for the very large
  densities inferred for the equatorial regions around B[e] supergiants.

Title: Evidence for the Importance of Resonance Scattering in X-Ray
    Emission Line Profiles of the O Star ζ Puppis
Authors: Leutenegger, Maurice A.; Owocki, Stanley P.; Kahn, Steven M.;
   Paerels, Frits B. S.
2007ApJ...659..642L    Altcode: 2006astro.ph.10181L
  We fit the Doppler profiles of the He-like triplet complexes of O VII
  and N VI in the X-ray spectrum of the O star ζ Pup, using XMM-Newton
  RGS data collected over ~400 ks of exposure. We find that they cannot
  be well fit if the resonance and intercombination lines are constrained
  to have the same profile shape. However, a significantly better fit is
  achieved with a model incorporating the effects of resonance scattering,
  which causes the resonance line to become more symmetric than the
  intercombination line for a given characteristic continuum optical
  depth τ<SUB>*</SUB>. We discuss the plausibility of this hypothesis,
  as well as its significance for our understanding of Doppler profiles
  of X-ray emission lines in O stars.

Title: Overview of Active OB Stars
Authors: Owocki, S. P.
2007ASPC..361....3O    Altcode:
  In contrast to their classical ideal as constant, spherical, radiative
  envelopes, the hot, luminous, OB-type stars often exhibit signatures
  of activity, with associated variability and structure on a range of
  temporal and spatial scales. For example, spectral monitoring shows that
  even “normal" OB stars commonly exhibit variable Discrete Absorption
  Components (DACs) in UV lines formed in their stellar wind. And certain
  special classes -- e.g. Be, B[e], LBV, Bp stars -- are in effect
  defined by their particular signatures of activity. A common element is
  often the emission and/or absorption by circumstellar material. Thus
  a general theme here is to consider the physical mechanisms that can
  drive material off the nominally tightly bound hydrostatic stellar
  surface. Specifically I discuss the dynamical roles played by radiation,
  rotation, pulsation, and magnetic fields, and how these, individually
  or in combination, can eject the circumstellar clouds, disks, and/or
  mass outflows that seem to be at the root of many observed signatures of
  hot-star activity. In emphasizing a framework of physical commonalities,
  an overall goal is to foster exchanges among researchers specializing
  in the various classes of active OB stars.

Title: Discussion Session 4a: Structure and Dynamics of Circumstellar
Authors: Owocki, S. P.
2007ASPC..361..256O    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Active OB-Stars: Laboratories for Stellare and Circumstellar
Authors: Okazaki, A. T.; Owocki, S. P.; Stefl, S.
2007ASPC..361.....O    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Magnetic Fields and UV-line Variability in β Cephei
Authors: Schnerr, R. S.; Henrichs, H. F.; Owocki, S. P.; Ud-Doula,
   A.; Townsend, R. H. D.
2007ASPC..361..488S    Altcode: 2006astro.ph..3418S
  We present results of numerical simulations of wind variability in the
  magnetic B1 IVe star β Cephei. 2D-MHD simulations are used to determine
  the structure of the wind. From these wind models we calculate line
  profiles for different aspect angles to simulate rotation. The results
  are compared with the observed UV wind line profiles.

Title: Surface Flows and the Struve-Sahade Effect
Authors: Gayley, K. G.; Townsend, R.; Parsons, J.; Owocki, S.
2007ASPC..367..393G    Altcode:
  The Struve-Sahade effect is the tendency for double-line spectroscopic
  hot-star binaries to show anomalously deeper absorption in the
  blueshifted profile, particularly for the secondary. This effect breaks
  the expected profile reflection symmetry at mirror opposite phases,
  which is not easily done. It was suggested at the meeting in Les
  Isles-de-la-Madeleine that this effect might be explained by surface
  flows induced by irradiation from the companion, but no effort was made
  to constrain the observational characteristics of such a flow. Here
  we apply a binary synthesis code to the generation of observable
  line profiles to characterize the required flow speed and geometry,
  and argue that the generation of such flows is a plausible, though
  not proven, explanation for the source of the Struve- Sahade effect.

Title: The accretion mass regimes in the gamma-ray binary LS I
    +61° 303
Authors: Orellana, M.; Romero, G. E.; Okazaki, A. T.; Owocki, S. P.
2007BAAA...50..311O    Altcode:
  LS I +61° 303 is a puzzling Be/X-ray binary with variable emission up
  to TeV energies. The nature of the compact object and the origin of the
  high-energy emission are unclear. The usual assumption of microquasar
  models for the source is that the accretion rate is coupled to the jet
  power hence an energy budget constrain is imposed by the former. Here
  we compare the results of 3D-SPH simulations of the mass transference
  in LS I +61° 303 with analytically obtained values for the spherical
  accretion. In terms of the position of the local maxima, both kind
  of estimates show a similar evolution for the accretion rate along
  the orbit, but the accretion rates and the underlying physics are
  remarkably different.

Title: Gamma-ray emission from jet-clump interaction
Authors: Romero, G. E.; Owocki, S. P.; Araudo, A. T.; Townsend, R.
2007BAAA...50..319R    Altcode:
  Microquasars can produce gamma-rays through the interaction of a
  relativistic jet and matter of the wind from the stellar companion. The
  jet is ejected from the surroundings of the compact object and
  interacts with cold protons from the wind, producing pions that then
  quickly decay into gamma-rays. <P />In the present contribution we
  calculate the spectral energy distribution and light curve produced
  by the interaction of a clumpy wind with the relativistic jet.

Title: Radiative Forces in Interacting Binaries
Authors: Owocki, S.
2007ASPC..367..233O    Altcode:
  I review the role of radative forces in massive interacting binary
  systems, with particular emphasis on the distinction between forces
  arising from an internal vs. external radiation source. For an internal
  source, the multiple scattering of radiation makes possible a multiple
  momentum deposition that can keep the radiative flux strong even through
  a dense medium. In contrast, the force from an external illumination
  of an optically thick surface is inherently limited by the single
  scattering value of radiative momentum. As such, radiative forces from
  even a close companion star should have little effect in modifying the
  overall tidal distortion of stellar surfaces that define conditions for
  Roche lobe overflow, or in inhibiting an associated dense accretion
  stream. They can, however, play an important role in inhibiting or
  braking of a companion star's wind outflow, thereby reducing the
  strength and X-ray emission of wind-wind collision shocks. In very
  close systems, they can also induce parallel surface flows that might
  help explain certain peculiar spectroscopic signatures of such systems.

Title: A Steady, Radiative-Shock Method for Computing X-Ray Emission
    from Colliding Stellar Winds in Close, Massive Star Binaries
Authors: Antokhin, I. I.; Owocki, S. P.; Brown, J. C.
2007ASPC..367..165A    Altcode:
  We present a practical, efficient semi-analytic formalism for
  computing steady-state X-ray emission from radiative shocks from
  colliding stellar winds in relatively close (orbital period up to
  order tens of days), massive-star, binary systems. Our simplified
  approach idealizes the individual wind flows as smooth and steady,
  ignoring the intrinsic instabilities and associated structure thought
  to occur in such flows. By also suppressing thin-shell instabilities
  for wind-collision radiative shocks, our steady-state approach avoids
  the extensive structure and mixing that has thus far precluded reliable
  computation of X-ray emission spectra from time-dependent hydrodynamical
  simulations of close-binary, wind-collision systems; but in ignoring the
  unknown physical level of such mixing, the luminosity and hardness of
  X-ray spectra derived here represent upper limits to what is possible
  for a given set of wind and binary parameters.

Title: A Simple Nozzle Analysis of Slow-Acceleration Solutions in
    1-D Models of Rotating Line-Driven Stellar Winds
Authors: Owocki, S.
2006ASPC..355...65O    Altcode:
  For a star rotating at more than about 75% of the critical rate,
  <P />one-dimensional (1-D) models for the equatorial regions of a
  line-driven stellar wind show a sudden shift to a slow-acceleration
  solution, implying a slower, denser equatorial outflow that might be
  associated with the dense disks inferred for sgB[e] stars. To clarify
  the nature of this solution shift, I present here a simple analysis
  of the 1-D flow equations based on a nozzle analogy for the terms
  that constrain the local mass flux. At low rotation rates the nozzle
  minimum (or “throat”) occurs near the stellar surface, allowing
  a near-surface transition to a steeply accelerating, supercritical
  flow solution. But for rotations above about 75% of the critical rate,
  this local, inner nozzle minimum exceeds the global minimum approached
  asymptotically at large radii, implying that near-surface supercritical
  solutions would now have an overloaded mass loss rate. Maintaining a
  monotonically positive acceleration is then only possible if the flow
  is kept subcritical out to large radii, where the nozzle function
  approaches its absolute minimum. For fixed line-driving parameters,
  the associated enhancements in equatorial density are typically a
  factor 5-30 relative to the polar (or nonrotating) wind. However, when
  gravity darkening and 2-D flow effects are accounted for, it still
  seems unlikely that rotationally modified equatorial wind outflows
  could account for the very large densities inferred for the disks
  around supergiant B[e] stars.

Title: Quantitative Analysis of Resolved X-ray Emission Line Profiles
    of O Stars
Authors: Cohen, David H.; Leutenegger, M. A.; ud-Doula, A.; Owocki,
   S. P.
2006AAS...20913307C    Altcode: 2006BAAS...38.1081C
  The resolved x-ray emission line profiles of O stars carry a
  significant amount of information about the kinematics of the hot
  plasma in their massive stellar winds. They provide important clues
  to the x-ray production mechanism, and via the effects of continuum
  absorption, also place key constraints on conditions in the bulk,
  cool wind. Initial interpretations of the relatively symmetric form
  of observed profiles suggested significant mass-loss rate reductions,
  but recent studies argue that the profile shapes can be affected by
  wind clumping and the associated porosity, as well as by resonance
  scattering. We report here on the results of quantitative model fitting
  to several relatively high-resolution, high signal-to-noise Chandra and
  XMM-Newton spectra of O stars. We interpret the results of this analysis
  in light of recent adjustments to O star mass-loss rates based on the
  analysis of UV data and also in light of state-of-the-art 2D numerical
  simulations of the line-force instability. We show that reduced optical
  depth is statistically favored over porosity when high-quality data
  are quantitatively analyzed and that, in any case, porosity can only
  significantly affect line profile shapes when unrealistically large
  porosity scales are assumed. Further, we show that resonance scattering
  seems to be important in understanding the longer-wavelength oxygen and
  nitrogen lines in O stars with very dense winds, but is probably not
  significant for most other lines in the x-ray spectra of O stars or in
  hot stars with lower mass-loss rates. <P />We acknowledge support from
  grant AR5-6003X to Swarthmore College from the Chandra X-ray Center
  at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.

Title: Synthesis of Observables from Numerical Simulations of
    Magnetized Hot-Star Winds
Authors: St. Vincent, Stephen; Cohen, D. H.; ud-Doula, A.; Townsend,
   R. H.; Owocki, S. P.
2006AAS...20910103S    Altcode: 2006BAAS...38.1045S
  With the recent detection of large scale magnetic fields on several O
  and B stars, the anomalous X-ray emission detected from a subset of hot
  stars, and advances in numerical modeling, there is increasing interest
  in the role magnetic fields play in hot stars. We present synthesized
  diagnostics of magnetic hot stars, derived from state-of-the-art
  numerical simulations of both slowly rotating O stars with strong winds
  (e.g. theta1 Ori C) and rapidly rotating B stars with weaker winds and
  stronger fields (e.g. sigma Ori E). The numerical simulations include
  2-D ZEUS MHD simulations, as well as rigidly-rotating magnetosphere
  (RRM) simulations of the more magnetically dominated winds of early B
  stars. We present results on rotationally modulated H-alpha emission,
  as well as x-ray emission arising from magnetically channeled wind
  shocks and centrifugally driven magnetospheric breakout with the
  associated magnetic reconnection.

Title: Formation and Evolution of Disks around Classical Be Stars
Authors: Owocki, S.
2006ASPC..355..219O    Altcode:
  I review models for formation of Be star disks, with particular emphasis
  on the role of rapid stellar rotation in providing basis for launching
  stellar material into circumstellar orbit. Two key questions are: 1)
  How close must the rotation be to the critical rate at which material
  at the equtorial surface would effectively be in orbit? and 2) What
  mechanism(s) (e.g. radiative driving, magnetic torquing, pulsational
  overshoot) might provide the final boost of material from the surface
  into an orbiting disk? I also discuss the subsequent evolution of disk
  material, with emphasis on outward diffusion vs. radiative and/or
  wind ablation as possible destruction mechanisms that might explain
  the episodic disappearance of the signature disk emission lines in
  some Be stars.

Title: Modeling the Magnetospheres of Luminous Stars: Interactions
    Between Supersonic Radiation-Driven Winds and Stellar Magnetic Fields
Authors: Owocki, Stanley
2006APS..DPPNI2005O    Altcode:
  Hot, luminous stars (spectral types O and B) lack the hydrogen
  recombination convection zones that drive magnetic dynamo generation
  in the sun and other cool stars. Nonetheless observed rotational
  modulation of spectral lines formed in the strong, radiatively
  driven winds of hot-stars suggest magnetic perturbations analogous
  to those that induce “corotating interaction regions” in the solar
  wind. Indeed, recent advances in spectropolarimetric techniques have now
  led to direct detection of moderate to strong (100-10,000 G), tilted
  dipole magnetic fields in several hot stars. Using a combination of
  analytic and numerical MHD models, this talk will focus on the role
  of such magnetic fields in channelling, and sometimes confining,
  the radiatively driven mass outflows from such stars. In particular,
  I discuss how the resulting “magnetically confined wind shocks”
  can explain the moderately hard X-ray emission seen from the O7V
  star Theta-1 Ori C, and how the trapping of material in a “rigidly
  rotating magnetosphere” can explain the periodically modulated Balmer
  line emission seen from the magnetic B2pV star sigma Ori E. I also
  discuss how magnetic reconnection heating from episodic centrifugal
  breakout events might explain the occasional very hard X-ray flares
  seen from the latter star. I conclude with a brief discussion on the
  generation of hot-star fields and the broader relationship to other
  types of magnetospheres.

Title: The Effect of Porosity on X-Ray Emission-Line Profiles from
    Hot-Star Winds
Authors: Owocki, Stanley P.; Cohen, David H.
2006ApJ...648..565O    Altcode: 2006astro.ph..2054O
  We investigate the degree to which the nearly symmetric form of X-ray
  emission lines seen in Chandra spectra of early-type supergiant stars
  could be explained by the possibly porous nature of their spatially
  structured stellar winds. Such porosity could effectively reduce the
  bound-free absorption of X-rays emitted by embedded wind shocks, and
  thus allow a more similar transmission of redshifted and blueshifted
  emission from the back and front hemispheres, respectively. To obtain
  the localized self-shielding that is central to this porosity effect,
  it is necessary that the individual clumps be optically thick. In a
  medium consisting of clumps of size l and volume filling factor f,
  we argue that the general modification in effective opacity should
  scale approximately as κ<SUB>eff</SUB>~κ/(1+τ<SUB>c</SUB>), where,
  for a given atomic opacity κ and mean density ρ, the clump optical
  thickness scales as τ<SUB>c</SUB>=κρl/f. For a simple wind structure
  parameterization in which the “porosity length” h≡l/f increases with
  local radius r as h=h<SUP>'</SUP>r, we find that a substantial reduction
  in wind absorption requires a quite large porosity scale factor,
  h<SUP>'</SUP>&gt;~1, implying large porosity lengths h&gt;~r. The
  associated wind structure must thus have either a relatively large
  scale l&lt;~r, or a small volume filling factor f~l/r&lt;&lt;1, or
  some combination of these. We argue that the relatively small-scale,
  moderate compressions generated by intrinsic instabilities in line
  driving are unlikely to give such large porosity lengths. This raises
  questions about whether porosity effects could play a significant
  role in explaining nearly symmetric X-ray line profiles, leaving the
  prospect of instead having to invoke a substantial (approximately a
  factor of 5) downward revision in the assumed mass-loss rates.

Title: Dynamical Simulation of Magnetic Channeling and Reconnection
    for Hot-Star X-ray Emission
Authors: Owocki, Stanley
2006cxo..prop.4071O    Altcode:
  We propose to extend our development of dynamical models of magnetic
  mechanisms for hot-star X-ray emission, focusing on two parallel
  initiatives. The first will be to develop general 3D simulations of the
  Magnetically Confined Wind Shock (MCWS) model with application to stars
  with tilted-dipole or multipole fields. The second will be to analyze
  detailed plasma processes for the flare heating and X-ray emission
  from a newly discovered Centrifugually Driven Magnetic Reconnection
  (CDMR) mechanism. Both developments aim to enhance our capacity to
  interpret planned and archival Chandra observations of a growing list
  of magnetic hot-stars.

Title: Centrifugal Breakout of Magnetically Confined Line-Driven
    Stellar Winds
Authors: Ud-Doula, A.; Townsend, R. H. D.; Owocki, S. P.
2006IAUJD...1E..29U    Altcode:
  We present 2D MHD simulations of the radiatively driven outflow from
  a rotating hot star with a dipole magnetic field aligned with the
  star's rotation axis. We focus primarily on a model with moderately
  rapid rotation (half the critical value), and also a large magnetic
  confinement parameter, η_* ≡ {B_star^2 R_star^2}/{Mν_∞}=600 . The
  magnetic field channels and torques the wind outflow into an equatorial,
  rigidly rotating disk extending from near the Kepler corotation radius
  outwards. Even with fine-tuning at lower magnetic confinement, none
  of the MHD models produce a stable Keplerian disk. Instead, material
  below the Kepler radius falls back on to the stellar surface, while
  the strong centrifugal force on material beyond the corotation escape
  radius stretches the magnetic loops outwards, leading to episodic
  breakout of mass when the field reconnects. The associated dissipation
  of magnetic energy heats material to temperatures of nearly 10^8 K,
  high enough to emit hard (several keV) X-rays. Such centrifugal mass
  ejection represents a novel mechanism for driving magnetic reconnection,
  and seems a very promising basis for modeling X-ray flares recently
  observed in rotating magnetic Bp stars like Sigma Ori E.

Title: Continuum vs. Line Driven Mass Loss and the Eddington Limit
Authors: Owocki, S.
2006IAUJD...5E...3O    Altcode:
  Basic stellar structure dictates that stars of ca. 100 Msun or more will
  be close to the Eddington limit, with luminosities in excess of 10^6
  Lsun, and radiation pressure contributing prominently to the support
  against gravity. Although it is formally possible to generate static
  structure models of even more massive stars, there is little or no
  evidence such stars actually exist. This talk will focus on the role
  of extreme mass loss is limiting the masses of stars, emphasizing in
  particular that continuum driving, possibly associated with structural
  instabilities of radiation dominated envelope, can lead to much stronger
  mass loss than is possible by the usual line-scattering mechanism of
  steady stellar winds. I will briefly discuss the implications for the
  evolution of the most massive stars, including both the first stars
  and GRB progenitors.

Title: On the Role of Continuum-driven Eruptions in the Evolution
    of Very Massive Stars and Population III Stars
Authors: Smith, Nathan; Owocki, Stanley P.
2006ApJ...645L..45S    Altcode: 2006astro.ph..6174S
  We suggest that the mass lost during the evolution of very massive
  stars may be dominated by optically thick, continuum-driven outbursts
  or explosions, instead of by steady line-driven winds. In order for
  a massive star to become a Wolf-Rayet star, it must shed its hydrogen
  envelope, but new estimates of the effects of clumping in winds from
  O-type stars indicate that line driving is vastly insufficient. We
  discuss massive stars above roughly 40-50 M<SUB>solar</SUB>, which do
  not become red supergiants and for which the best alternative is mass
  loss during brief eruptions of luminous blue variables (LBVs). Our
  clearest example of this phenomenon is the 19th century outburst
  of η Carinae, when the star shed 12-20 M<SUB>solar</SUB> or more
  in less than a decade. Other examples are circumstellar nebulae of
  LBVs and LBV candidates, extragalactic η Car analogs (the so-called
  supernova impostors), and massive shells around supernovae and gamma-ray
  bursters. We do not yet fully understand what triggers LBV outbursts or
  what supplies their energy, but they occur nonetheless, and they present
  a fundamental mystery in stellar astrophysics. Since line opacity
  from metals becomes too saturated, the extreme mass loss probably
  arises from a continuum-driven wind or a hydrodynamic explosion,
  both of which are insensitive to metallicity. As such, eruptive mass
  loss could have played a pivotal role in the evolution and ultimate
  fate of massive metal-poor stars in the early universe. If they occur
  in these Population III stars, such eruptions would also profoundly
  affect the chemical yield and types of remnants from early supernovae
  and hypernovae thought to be the origin of long gamma-ray bursts.

Title: FUSE Observations of Variability in Hot-Star Winds
Authors: Fullerton, A. W.; Massa, D. L.; Prinja, R. K.; Howarth,
   I. D.; Willis, A. J.; Owocki, S. P.
2006ASPC..348..130F    Altcode:
  New constraints on the large-scale wind structures responsible for
  discrete absorption components are obtained from far-ultraviolet
  time-series observations of O supergiants in the Large Magellanic Cloud.

Title: Wind signatures in the X-ray emission-line profiles of the
    late-O supergiant ζ Orionis
Authors: Cohen, David H.; Leutenegger, Maurice A.; Grizzard, Kevin T.;
   Reed, Catherine L.; Kramer, Roban H.; Owocki, Stanley P.
2006MNRAS.368.1905C    Altcode: 2006astro.ph..2599C; 2006MNRAS.tmp..377C
  X-ray line-profile analysis has proved to be the most direct
  diagnostic of the kinematics and spatial distribution of the very hot
  plasma around O stars. The Doppler-broadened line profiles provide
  information about the velocity distribution of the hot plasma, while
  the wavelength-dependent attenuation across a line profile provides
  information about the absorption to the hot plasma, thus providing a
  strong constraint on its physical location. In this paper, we apply
  several analysis techniques to the emission lines in the Chandra
  High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer (HETGS) spectrum of
  the late-O supergiant ζ Ori (O9.7 Ib), including the fitting of a
  simple line-profile model. We show that there is distinct evidence for
  blueshifts and profile asymmetry, as well as broadening in the X-ray
  emission lines of ζ Ori. These are the observational hallmarks of a
  wind-shock X-ray source, and the results for ζ Ori are very similar
  to those for the earlier O star, ζ Pup, which we have previously
  shown to be well fit by the same wind-shock line-profile model. The
  more subtle effects on the line-profile morphologies in ζ Ori, as
  compared to ζ Pup, are consistent with the somewhat lower density wind
  in this later O supergiant. In both stars, the wind optical depths
  required to explain the mildly asymmetric X-ray line profiles imply
  reductions in the effective opacity of nearly an order of magnitude,
  which may be explained by some combination of mass-loss rate reduction
  and large-scale clumping, with its associated porosity-based effects
  on radiation transfer. In the context of the recent reanalysis of the
  helium-like line intensity ratios in both ζ Ori and ζ Pup, and also
  in light of recent work questioning the published mass-loss rates in
  OB stars, these new results indicate that the X-ray emission from ζ
  Ori can be understood within the framework of the standard wind-shock
  scenario for hot stars.

Title: Centrifugal Breakout of Magnetically Confined Line-driven
    Stellar Winds
Authors: ud-Doula, Asif; Townsend, Richard H. D.; Owocki, Stanley P.
2006ApJ...640L.191U    Altcode: 2006astro.ph..1193U
  We present two-dimensional MHD simulations of the radiatively
  driven outflow from a rotating hot star with a dipole
  magnetic field aligned with the star's rotation axis. We
  focus primarily on a model with moderately rapid rotation (half
  the critical value) and also a large magnetic confinement parameter,
  The magnetic field channels and torques the wind outflow into an
  equatorial, rigidly rotating disk extending from near the Kepler
  corotation radius outward. Even with fine-tuning at lower magnetic
  confinement, none of the MHD models produce a stable Keplerian
  disk. Instead, material below the Kepler radius falls back onto the
  stellar surface, while the strong centrifugal force on material beyond
  the corotation escape radius stretches the magnetic loops outward,
  leading to the episodic breakout of mass when the field reconnects. The
  associated dissipation of magnetic energy heats material to temperatures
  of nearly 10<SUP>8</SUP> K, high enough to emit hard (several keV)
  X-rays. Such centrifugal mass ejection represents a novel mechanism
  for driving magnetic reconnection and seems a very promising basis
  for modeling X-ray flares recently observed in rotating magnetic Bp
  stars like σ Ori E.

Title: Magnetic Coupling between Hot Stars and their Radiatively
    Driven Winds and Decretion Disks
Authors: Owocki, S.; Townsend, R.; Ud-Doula, A.
2006cosp...36.3548O    Altcode: 2006cosp.meet.3548O
  Spectropolarimetric techniques have led to detection of strong dipole
  magnetic fields in several hot early-type stars Using a combination
  of analytic and numerical MHD models this talk will focus on the
  role of such magnetic fields in channelling and sometimes confining
  the radiatively driven mass outflows from such stars In particular
  I discuss how the resulting magnetically confined wind shocks MCWS
  can explain the moderately hard X-ray emission seen from the O7V star
  Theta-1 Ori C and how the trapping of material in a rigidly rotating
  magnetosphere RRM can explain the periodically modulated Balmer line
  emission seen from the magnetic B2pV star sigma Ori E I also discuss
  how magnetic reconnection heating from episodic centrifugal breakout
  events might also explain the occasional very hard X-ray flares seen
  from the latter star

Title: Wind Signatures in the X-ray Emission Line Profiles of the
    O Supergiant zeta Orionis
Authors: Grizzard, K.; Cohen, D. H.; Leutenegger, M. A.; Reed, C.;
   Kramer, R. H.; Owocki, S. P.
2005AAS...20718222G    Altcode: 2005BAAS...37.1467G
  The profiles of X-ray emission lines from several hot stars are resolved
  by the Chandra grating spectrometers. These profile shapes provide
  information about the kinematics of the hot plasma around these stars
  and, via signatures of continuum attenuation, also provide information
  about the overlying cold stellar wind. We present a quantitative
  analysis of roughly one dozen emission lines in the Chandra HETGS
  spectrum of zeta Ori (O 9.7 Ib), and analyze the results in the context
  of the line-force instability shock model. The distribution in velocity
  space of the emission, along with the separate helium-like line ratio
  results, are consistent with the wind-shock scenario. But, although
  there is statistically significant evidence for some wind attenuation,
  the degree of wind attenuation is a factor of five to ten less than what
  would be expected in the context of a smooth, spherically symmetric wind
  and the UV-derived wind mass-loss rate. These results are consistent
  with those derived from the X-ray emission line profiles of the hotter
  O star, zeta Pup, and also with recent, independent evidence from UV
  spectroscopy, that O star mass-loss rates have been overestimated. <P
  />We acknowledge support from NASA contract NAS8-03060 and from the
  National Science Foundation, through their REU program at the Keck
  Northeast Astronomy Consortium, via contract AST-0353997.

Title: The Young Magnetic O Star θ<SUP>1</SUP> Ori C: Multi-phase
    Chandra Grating Spectra
Authors: Oksala, M. E.; Gagné, M.; Cohen, D. H.; Tonnesen, S. K.;
   Ud-Doula, A.; Owocki, S. P.; Townsend, R. H. D.; Macfarlane, J. J.
2005ASPC..337..289O    Altcode:
  Chandra high-energy grating spectra of the oblique magnetic rotator
  θ<SUP>1</SUP> Ori C (O6 V) obtained at four rotational phases,
  corresponding to four different viewing angles with respect to the
  magnetic axis, are used to constrain the temperature, spatial location,
  and kinematics of the hot plasma on this very young hot star with a
  strong (1100 G) dipole field. The plasma is moving but only at speeds
  of a few 100 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, much slower than the terminal wind
  velocity. It is close to the star (r ≤ 1.8 R<SUB>*</SUB>) and hot
  (peak temperature ∼30 MK). We analyze these diagnostics in conjuction
  with new 2D MHD simulations of the magnetically channeled wind shock
  mechanism on θ<SUP>1</SUP> Ori C. This model fits the data surprisingly
  well, reproducing the very high temperatures, relatively narrow lines,
  overall emission measure, and location of the X-ray emitting plasma.

Title: Erratum: “Chandra HETGS Multiphase Spectroscopy of
    the Young Magnetic O Star θ<SUP>1</SUP> Orionis C” (<A
    href="/abs/2005ApJ...628..986G">ApJ, 628, 986 [2005]</A>)
Authors: Gagné, Marc; Oksala, Mary E.; Cohen, David H.; Tonnesen,
   Stephanie K.; ud-Doula, Asif; Owocki, Stanley P.; Townsend, Richard
   H. D.; MacFarlane, Joseph J.
2005ApJ...634..712G    Altcode:
  Figure 13 of our paper shows the dependence of the
  forbidden-to-intercombination line ratio on formation radius
  and electron density for two He-like ions, Mg XI and S XV,
  assuming a 45,000 K photosphere. In calculating the PRISMSPECT
  line ratios, we neglected to include the flux from the upper
  <SUP>3</SUP>P<SUB>2</SUB>--&gt;<SUP>1</SUP>S<SUB>0</SUB> transition. For
  lower-Z ions such as Mg XI, the intercombination doublet is dominated by
  flux from the lower transition. But for higher-Z elements, this omission
  led us to underestimate the intercombination line strength from our
  model. <P />In addition, comparing the spectral type and luminosity
  of θ<SUP>1</SUP> Ori C with the recent calibrations of P. Massey et
  al. (<A href="/abs/2005ApJ...628..986G">ApJ, 628, 986 [2005]</A>)
  and F. Martins et al. (<A href="/abs/2005ApJ...628..986G">ApJ,
  628, 986 [2005]</A>) suggests that θ<SUP>1</SUP> Ori C is an
  O5.5 V star with radius R~10.6 R<SUB>solar</SUB> and effective
  temperature T<SUB>eff</SUB>~40,000 K. This new calibration makes
  θ<SUP>1</SUP> Ori C larger and cooler than both the “hot”
  and “cool” models in Table 3 of our original paper. <P />In the
  revised Figure 13 below, we show the corrected PRISMSPECT line ratios
  for Mg XI, Si XIII, and S XV as a function of u=R<SUB>*</SUB>/R
  for T<SUB>eff</SUB>=40,000 K. Also shown are the predictions
  from the analytic parametrization of G. R. Blumenthal et al. (<A
  href="/abs/2005ApJ...628..986G">ApJ, 628, 986 [2005]</A>). For Mg XI
  and Si XIII, we further show the predictions based on the R<SUB>0</SUB>
  values of D. Porquet et al. (<A href="/abs/2005ApJ...628..986G">ApJ,
  628, 986 [2005]</A>). The hatched regions in Figure 13 represent
  the 1 σ upper and lower bounds on f/i from the HETG data and
  u=R<SUB>*</SUB>/R from the PRISMSPECT model. Although the three f/i
  ratios yield different bounds on the formation radius, there is a
  range of radii, 1.7&lt;R/R<SUB>*</SUB>&lt;2.1, that is consistent
  with all three measured f/i ratios. Using G. R. Blumenthal et al. (<A
  href="/abs/2005ApJ...628..986G">ApJ, 628, 986 [2005]</A>) (Fig. 13,
  solid lines), the range of radii is 1.6&lt;R/R<SUB>*</SUB>&lt;2.0. The
  net effect of the corrected model and lower effective temperature
  is to place the X-ray-emitting plasma at a slightly larger radius
  than reported originally. <P />Figure 5c added here is a gray-scale
  image of emission measure per unit volume from the 375 ks snapshot
  of the MHD simulation shown in the upper and lower panels of
  Figure 5 of the original paper. Overlaid on the emission-measure
  map is a T=10<SUP>6</SUP> K contour. The new Figure 5c shows
  that the X-rays in the magnetically channeled wind shock (MCWS)
  model are formed over a range of radii, with an effective emission
  radius R~2R<SUB>*</SUB>, consistent with the revised f/i ratio
  calculations. <P />Thus, the only remaining discrepancy between
  the HETG data and the MCWS model is the overall X-ray variability,
  1-L<SUP>min</SUP><SUB>X</SUB>/L<SUP>max</SUP><SUB>X</SUB>~0.33. If the
  X-rays are produced, on average, at R~2R<SUB>*</SUB>, then occultation
  of an X-ray torus by the photosphere would produce a ~17% dip in visible
  X-ray luminosity at phase 0.5, only about half the observed drop. We
  suggest that the remaining absorption must occur in the dense gas in the
  magnetic equatorial plane. To test this idea, future absorption models
  will need to properly account for the ionization of the outflowing
  circumstellar plasma. <P />M. R. G. and D. H. C. would like to thank
  Swarthmore College students Micah Walter-Range for uncovering the
  PRISMSPECT modeling error and Steve St. Vincent for producing Figure 5c.

Title: A Rigidly Rotating Magnetosphere Model for the Circumstellar
    Environments of Magnetic OB Stars
Authors: Townsend, R.; Owocki, S.; Groote, D.
2005ASPC..337..314T    Altcode:
  We report on a new model for the circumstellar environments of rotating,
  magnetic hot stars. This model predicts the channeling of wind plasma
  into a corotating magnetosphere, where -- supported against gravity
  by centrifugal forces -- it can steadily accumulate over time. We
  apply the model to the B2p star σ Ori E, demonstrating that it can
  simultaneously reproduce the spectroscopic, photometric and magnetic
  variations exhibited by the star.

Title: Centrifugal Breakout of Magnetically Confined Line-Driven
    Stellar Winds
Authors: Ud-Doula, A.; Townsend, R.; Owocki, S.
2005ASPC..337..319U    Altcode:
  We present 2D MHD simulations of radiatively driven winds from a hot
  star having a dipole magnetic field aligned with the star's rotation
  axis. We focus in particular on a model with a moderately rapid
  rotation (about half the critical value), and also a strong magnetic
  confinement parameter, η<SUB>*</SUB> ≡ B<SUB>eq</SUB><SUP>2</SUP>
  R<SUB>*</SUB><SUP>2</SUP>/{dot M} v<SUB>∞</SUB> = 600. The magnetic
  field channels and torques the wind outflow into an equatorial,
  rigidly rotating disk extending from near the Keplerian co-rotation
  radius outwards. The strong centrifugal force on material in the
  outer edge of this disk stretches the magnetic loops, leading to
  episodic breakout of mass when the field reconnects. The associated
  dissipation of magnetic energy heats material to temperatures of nearly
  10<SUP>8</SUP> K, high enough to emit hard (several keV) X-rays. Such
  centrifugal mass ejection represents a novel mechanism for explaining
  X-ray flares recently observed in the magnetic Bp star σ Ori E.

Title: Dynamical Processes in the Formation of Hot-Star Disks
Authors: Owocki, S.
2005ASPC..337..101O    Altcode:
  The characteristic signature of Be stars is the Balmer line emission
  understood to arise in a circumstellar disk. Unlike the accretion
  disks of protostars or mass-exchange binary systems, the evolved and
  generally single or wide-binary status of Be stars seems to require
  that its disk must form from mass ejection (a.k.a. decretion) from the
  star itself. In this review, I use analogies with launching orbital
  satellites to discuss candidate processes (radiation, pulsation,
  magnetic) for driving such orbital mass ejection, with particular
  emphasis on the role of the rapid, possibly near-critical, rotation
  of Be stars in facilitating the formation of their signature disks.

Title: Radiatively Driven Stellar Winds and Aspherical Mass Loss
Authors: Owocki, S.
2005ASPC..332..169O    Altcode: 2005ASPC..332..171O
  The high luminosity of massive stars can drive substantial mass loss,
  with significant consequences for their evolution and ultimate fate. A
  key general issue regards the relative importance of the cumulative
  loss in the comparitively moderate, line-driven stellar winds that
  persist through much of the star's evolution, versus briefer episodes
  of much stronger, continuum-driven mass loss associated with Luminous
  Blue Variable (LBV) phases, when the star may approach or exceed the
  Eddington limit. Building upon the standard CAK <P />formalism for
  line-driven winds, the presentation here summarizes recent work on how
  the lateral structuring, or porosity, of a medium can moderate continuum
  driving, and lead to a much stronger mass loss that, as inferred for the
  giant eruption of eta Carina, approaches the “photon tiring” limit. A
  particular focus is the role of rapid (near-critical) stellar rotation
  in inducing an equatorial gravity darkening, with the associated polar
  brightening then driving both a higher polar mass flux and higher polar
  flow speed, a configuration that fits naturally with the inferred mass
  distribution and bipolar shape of the eta Carinae Homunculus nebula.

Title: The Rigidly Rotating Magnetosphere of σ Orionis E
Authors: Townsend, R. H. D.; Owocki, S. P.; Groote, D.
2005ApJ...630L..81T    Altcode: 2005astro.ph..3668T
  We characterize the observed variability of the magnetic helium-strong
  star σ Ori E in terms of a recently developed rigidly rotating
  magnetosphere model. This model predicts the accumulation
  of circumstellar plasma in two corotating clouds, situated
  in magnetohydrostatic equilibrium at the intersections between the
  magnetic and rotational equators. We find that the model can reproduce
  well the periodic modulations observed in the star's light curve,
  Hα emission-line profile, and longitudinal field strength, confirming
  that it furnishes an essentially correct, quantitative description of
  the star's magnetically controlled circumstellar environment.

Title: Chandra HETGS Multiphase Spectroscopy of the Young Magnetic
    O Star θ<SUP>1</SUP> Orionis C
Authors: Gagné, Marc; Oksala, Mary E.; Cohen, David H.; Tonnesen,
   Stephanie K.; ud-Doula, Asif; Owocki, Stanley P.; Townsend, Richard
   H. D.; MacFarlane, Joseph J.
2005ApJ...628..986G    Altcode: 2005astro.ph..4296G
  We report on four Chandra grating observations of the oblique magnetic
  rotator θ<SUP>1</SUP> Ori C (O5.5 V), covering a wide range of viewing
  angles with respect to the star's 1060 G dipole magnetic field. We
  employ line-width and centroid analyses to study the dynamics of
  the X-ray-emitting plasma in the circumstellar environment, as well
  as line-ratio diagnostics to constrain the spatial location, and
  global spectral modeling to constrain the temperature distribution and
  abundances of the very hot plasma. We investigate these diagnostics as
  a function of viewing angle and analyze them in conjunction with new
  MHD simulations of the magnetically channeled wind shock mechanism
  on θ<SUP>1</SUP> Ori C. This model fits all the data surprisingly
  well, predicting the temperature, luminosity, and occultation of the
  X-ray-emitting plasma with rotation phase.

Title: 2D simulations of the line-driven instability in hot-star
    winds. II. Approximations for the 2D radiation force
Authors: Dessart, L.; Owocki, S. P.
2005A&A...437..657D    Altcode: 2005astro.ph..3514D
  We present initial attempts to include the multi-dimensional nature of
  radiation transport in hydrodynamical simulations of the small-scale
  structure that arises from the line-driven instability in hot-star
  winds. Compared to previous 1D or 2D models that assume a purely
  radial radiation force, we seek additionally to treat the lateral
  momentum and transport of diffuse line-radiation, initially here
  within a 2D context. A key incentive is to study the damping effect
  of the associated diffuse line-drag on the dynamical properties of
  the flow, focusing particularly on whether this might prevent lateral
  break-up of shell structures at scales near the lateral Sobolev angle of
  ca. 1^o. Based on 3D linear perturbation analyses that show a viscous
  diffusion character for the damping at these scales, we first explore
  nonlinear simulations that cast the lateral diffuse force in the simple,
  local form of a parallel viscosity. We find, however, that the resulting
  strong damping of lateral velocity fluctuations only further isolates
  azimuthal zones, leading again to azimuthal incoherence down to the
  grid scale. To account then for the further effect of lateral mixing
  of radiation associated with the radial driving, we next explore models
  in which the radial force is azimuthally smoothed over a chosen scale,
  and thereby show that this does indeed translate to a similar scale for
  the resulting density and velocity structure. Accounting for both the
  lateral line-drag and the lateral mixing in a more self-consistent way
  thus requires a multi-ray computation of the radiation transport. As
  a first attempt, we explore further a method first proposed by Owocki
  (1999), which uses a restricted 3-ray approach that combines a radial
  ray with two oblique rays set to have an impact parameter p &lt;
  R<SUB>ast</SUB> within the stellar core. From numerical simulations
  with various grid resolutions (and p), we find that, compared to
  equivalent 1-ray simulations, the high-resolution 3-ray models show
  systematically a much higher lateral coherence. This first success
  in obtaining a lateral coherence of wind structures in physically
  consistent 2D simulations of the radiative instability motivates future
  development of more general multi-ray methods that can account for
  transport along directions that do not intersect the stellar core.

Title: Radiatively Driven Surface Flows in Close Hot-Star Binaries
Authors: Gayley, K. G.; Onifer, A. J.; Parsons, J.; Townsend, R.;
   Owocki, S. P.
2005AAS...206.4004G    Altcode: 2005BAAS...37..494G
  The radiative equilibrium condition at the surface of stars in close
  binaries requires that there be no net flux normal to the surface, but
  within a skin depth there will be net flux transverse to the surface. We
  investigate the possible consequences of such a transverse flux, and
  show for a plausible range in the uncertain transverse viscosity that
  surface flows of order the sound speed are possible. The observable
  consequences of such flows are an alteration of the rotationally
  broadened line shapes, in a manner consistent with the so-called
  “Struve-Sahade effect” in He I resonance lines. <P />The first author
  would like to acknowledge funding from the National Science Foundation
  (AST 00-98155).

Title: Inferring hot-star-wind acceleration from Line Profile
Authors: Dessart, L.; Owocki, S. P.
2005A&A...432..281D    Altcode: 2004astro.ph.11288D
  The migration of profile sub-peaks identified in time-monitored optical
  emission lines of Wolf-Rayet (WR) star spectra provides a direct
  diagnostic of the dynamics of their stellar winds via a measured
  Δ v<SUB>LOS</SUB>/Δ t, a line-of-sight velocity change per unit
  time. Inferring the associated wind acceleration scale from such an
  apparent acceleration then relies on the adopted intrinsic velocity
  of the wind material at the origin of this variable pattern. Such a
  characterization of the Line Emission Region (LER) is in principle
  subject to inaccuracies arising from line optical depth effects and
  turbulence broadening. In this paper, we develop tools to quantify
  such effects and then apply these to reanalyze the LER properties of
  time-monitored WR stars. We find that most program lines can be fitted
  well with a pure optically thin formation mechanism, that the observed
  line-broadening is dominated by the finite velocity extent of the
  LER, and that the level of turbulence inferred through Line Profile
  Variability (lpv) has only a minor broadening effect in the overall
  profile. Our new estimates of LER velocity centroids are systematically
  shifted outwards closer to terminal velocity compared to previous
  determinations, now suggesting WR-wind acceleration length scales β
  R<SUB>*</SUB> of the order of 10-20 R<SUB>⊙</SUB>, a factor of a few
  smaller than previously inferred. Based on radiation-hydrodynamics
  simulations of the line-driven-instability mechanism, we compute
  synthetic lpv for Ciii5696 Å for WR 111. The results match well the
  measured observed migration of 20-30 m s<SUP>-2</SUP>, equivalent to β
  R<SUB>*</SUB> ∼ 20 R<SUB>⊙</SUB>. However, our model stellar radius
  of 19 R<SUB>⊙</SUB>, typical of an O-type supergiant, is a factor 2-10
  larger than generally expected for WR core radii. Such small radii leave
  inferred acceleration scales to be more extended than expected from
  dynamical models of line driving, which typically match a “beta”
  velocity law v(r)=v<SUB>∞</SUB> (1-R<SUB>*</SUB>/r)<SUP>β</SUP>,
  with β ≈ 1-2; but the severity of the discrepancy is substantially
  reduced compared to previous analyses. We conclude with a discussion
  of how using lines formed deeper in the wind would provide a stronger
  constraint on the key wind dynamics in the peak acceleration region,
  while also potentially providing a diagnostic on the radial variation of
  wind clumping, an issue that remains crucial for reliable determination
  of O-star mass loss rates.

Title: A rigidly rotating magnetosphere model for circumstellar
    emission from magnetic OB stars
Authors: Townsend, R. H. D.; Owocki, S. P.
2005MNRAS.357..251T    Altcode: 2004astro.ph..8565T; 2005MNRAS.tmp...29T
  We present a semi-analytical approach for modelling circumstellar
  emission from rotating hot stars with a strong dipole magnetic field
  tilted at an arbitrary angle to the rotation axis. By assuming the
  rigid-field limit in which material driven (e.g. in a wind outflow)
  from the star is forced to remain in strict rigid-body corotation,
  we are able to solve for the effective centrifugal-plus-gravitational
  potential along each field line, and thereby identify the location of
  potential minima where material is prone to accumulate. Applying basic
  scalings for the surface mass flux of a radiatively driven stellar
  wind, we calculate the circumstellar density distribution that obtains
  once ejected plasma settles into hydrostatic stratification along field
  lines. The resulting accumulation surface resembles a rigidly rotating,
  warped disc, tilted such that its average surface normal lies between
  the rotation and magnetic axes. Using a simple model of the plasma
  emissivity, we calculate time-resolved synthetic line spectra for the
  disc. Initial comparisons show an encouraging level of correspondence
  with the observed rotational phase variations of Balmer-line emission
  profiles from magnetic Bp stars such as σ Ori E.

Title: A pseudo-planar, periodic-box formalism for modelling the
    outer evolution of structure in spherically expanding stellar winds
Authors: Runacres, M. C.; Owocki, S. P.
2005A&A...429..323R    Altcode: 2004astro.ph..5315R
  We present an efficient technique to study the 1D evolution of
  instability-generated structure in winds of hot stars out to very
  large distances (∼ 1000 stellar radii). This technique makes use of
  our previous finding that external forces play little rôle in the
  outer evolution of structure. Rather than evolving the entire wind,
  as is traditionally done, the technique focuses on a representative
  portion of the structure and follows it as it moves out with the
  flow. This requires the problem to be formulated in a moving reference
  frame. The lack of Galilean invariance of the spherical equations of
  hydrodynamics is circumvented by recasting them in a pseudo-planar
  form. By applying the technique to a number of problems we show that it
  is fast and accurate, and has considerable conceptual advantages. It is
  particularly useful to test the dependence of solutions on the Galilean
  frame in which they were obtained. As an illustration, we show that,
  in a one-dimensional approximation, the wind can remain structured
  out to distances of more than 1300 stellar radii from the central star.

Title: Chandra X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy of the Sigma Orionis
    Cluster and its Massive OB Stars
Authors: Skinner, S.; Cohen, D.; Gagne, M.; Owocki, S.; Townsend, R.
2004AAS...20510517S    Altcode: 2004BAAS...36.1520S
  The sigma Orionis cluster is an excellent target for studying the
  X-ray properties of a rich population of young stars with ages of a few
  million years viewed through low intervening extinction. The cluster
  population spans the entire stellar mass spectrum from massive OB stars
  to low-mass brown dwarfs. We present results of a sensitive Chandra
  observation of the sigma Orionis cluster acquired with ACIS-S/HETG. We
  use the newly acquired spectra to test hot star X-ray emission models
  based on the wind shock paradigm. <P />The grating spectrum of sigma
  Ori AB (O9.5V + B) is dominated by low-temperature emission lines
  originating in cool plasma (kT &lt; 1 keV). No significant asymmetries
  or Doppler shifts are seen, but the brightest lines do reveal slight
  excess broadening (albeit well below that expected for lines formed far
  out in the wind at the terminal speed of 1100 km/s). These properties,
  along with weak forbidden lines, are more suggestive of line formation
  closer to the star where the wind has not yet reached terminal speed. In
  sharp contrast, the ACIS-S CCD spectrum of the magnetic B star sigma
  Ori E (B2Vp) shows multi-temperature structure with a hot component
  at kT &gt; 2 keV and its emission is variable. The hotter plasma is
  inconsistent with classical (non-magnetic) wind shock models. It could
  originate in an as yet unseen late-type companion, but we discuss an
  alternate interpretation in terms of magnetically confined wind shocks
  and summarize related MHD model development for hot stars. <P />This
  work was supported by NASA / SAO grant GO3-4007A.

Title: A Porosity-Length Formalism for Photon-Tiring-limited Mass
    Loss from Stars above the Eddington Limit
Authors: Owocki, Stanley P.; Gayley, Kenneth G.; Shaviv, Nir J.
2004ApJ...616..525O    Altcode: 2004astro.ph..9573O
  We examine radiatively driven mass loss from stars near and above the
  Eddington limit. Building on the standard CAK theory of driving by
  scattering in an ensemble of lines with a power-law distribution of
  opacity, we first show that the formal divergence of such line-driven
  mass loss as a star approaches the Eddington limit is actually limited
  by the “photon tiring” associated with the work needed to lift
  material out of the star's gravitational potential. We also examine
  such tiring in simple continuum-driven models in which a specified
  outward increase in opacity causes a net outward acceleration above the
  radius where the generalized Eddington parameter exceeds unity. When
  the density at this radius implies a mass loss too close to the tiring
  limit, the overall result is flow stagnation at a finite radius. Since
  escape of a net steady wind is precluded, such circumstances are
  expected to lead to extensive variability and spatial structure. After
  briefly reviewing convective and other instabilities that also can be
  expected to lead to extensive structure in the envelope and atmosphere
  of a star near or above the Eddington limit, we investigate how the
  porosity of such a structured medium can reduce the effective coupling
  between the matter and radiation. Introducing a new “porosity-length”
  formalism, we derive a simple scaling for the reduced effective opacity
  and use this to derive an associated scaling for the porosity-moderated,
  continuum-driven mass-loss rate from stars that formally exceed the
  Eddington limit. For a simple super-Eddington model with a single
  porosity length that is assumed to be on the order of the gravitational
  scale height, the overall mass loss is similar to that derived in
  previous porosity models, given roughly by L<SUB>*</SUB>/a<SUB>*</SUB>c
  (where L<SUB>*</SUB> is the stellar luminosity and c and a<SUB>*</SUB>
  are the speed of light and the atmospheric sound speed). This is much
  higher than is typical of line-driven winds but is still only a few
  percent of the tiring limit. To obtain still stronger mass loss that
  approaches observationally inferred values near this limit, we draw
  on an analogy with the power-law distribution of line-opacity in
  the standard CAK model of line-driven winds and thereby introduce
  a “power-law-porosity” model in which the associated structure
  has a broad range of scales. We show that for power indices
  α<SUB>p</SUB>&lt;1, the mass-loss rate can be enhanced over the
  single-scale model by a factor that increases with the Eddington
  parameter as Γ<SUP>-1+1/α<SUB>p</SUB></SUP>. For lower α<SUB>p</SUB>
  (~0.5-0.6) and/or moderately large Γ (&gt;3-4), such models lead to
  mass-loss rates that approach the photon-tiring limit. Together with
  the ability to drive quite fast outflow speeds (of order the surface
  escape speed), the derived, near-tiring-limited mass loss offers a
  potential dynamical basis to explain the observationally inferred
  large mass loss and flow speeds of giant outbursts in η Carinae and
  other luminous blue variable stars.

Title: FUSE Observations of Variability in Hot-Star Winds
Authors: Fullerton, A. W.; Massa, D. L.; Prinja, R. K.; Howarth,
   I. D.; Willis, A. J.; Owocki, S. P.
2004astro.ph.10082F    Altcode:
  New constraints on the large-scale wind structures responsible for
  discrete absorption components are obtained from far-ultraviolet
  time-series observations of O supergiants in the Large Magellanic Cloud.

Title: MHD Simulation of Magnetically Confined Wind Shock (MCWS)
    Model for Hot Star X-ray Emission
Authors: Owocki, Stanley
2004cxo..prop.4011O    Altcode:
  We propose to use 3D dynamical simulations to model the X-ray
  spectrum from early-type stars with magnetic fields that channel their
  radiatively driven stellar winds into strong, Magnetically Confined
  Wind Shocks (MCWS). Building on our recent success in applying the MCWS
  model for interpreting the Chandra spectrum of the slowly rotating,
  moderately magnetic hot star theta-1 Ori C, our development will now
  focus on accounting for cases with much more rapid rotation and/or a
  much stronger degree of magnetic confinement. The results will yield
  predicted X-ray spectra for a range of rotation periods, wind mass
  loss rates, field strengths and orientations. This will provide an
  important new tool for interpreting X-ray observations of early-type
  stars with relatively hard X-ray spectra.

Title: A Steady, Radiative-Shock Method for Computing X-Ray Emission
    from Colliding Stellar Winds in Close, Massive-Star Binaries
Authors: Antokhin, I. I.; Owocki, S. P.; Brown, J. C.
2004ApJ...611..434A    Altcode:
  We present a practical, efficient, semianalytic formalism for computing
  steady state X-ray emission from radiative shocks between colliding
  stellar winds in relatively close (orbital period up to order tens of
  days) massive-star, binary systems. Our simplified approach idealizes
  the individual wind flows as smooth and steady, ignoring the intrinsic
  instabilities and associated structure thought to occur in such
  flows. By also suppressing thin-shell instabilities for wind-collision
  radiative shocks, our steady state approach avoids the extensive
  structure and mixing that has thus far precluded reliable computation of
  X-ray emission spectra from time-dependent hydrodynamical simulations
  of close-binary, wind-collision systems; but in ignoring the unknown
  physical level of such mixing, the luminosity and hardness of X-ray
  spectra derived here represent upper limits to what is possible for a
  given set of wind and binary parameters. A key feature of our approach
  is the separation of calculations for the small-scale shock-emission
  from the ram-pressure-balance model for determining the large-scale,
  geometric form of the wind-wind interaction front. Integrating the
  localized shock emission over the full interaction surface and using
  a warm-absorber opacity to take account of attenuation by both the
  smooth wind and the compressed, cooled material in the interaction
  front, the method can predict spectra for a distant observer at any
  arbitrary orbital inclination and phase. We illustrate results for a
  sample selection of wind, stellar, and binary parameters, providing
  both full X-ray light curves and detailed spectra at selected orbital
  phases. The derived spectra typically have a broad characteristic
  form, and by synthetic processing with the standard XSPEC package,
  we demonstrate that they simply cannot be satisfactorily fitted with
  the usual attenuated single- or two-temperature thermal-emission
  models. We conclude with a summary of the advantages and limitations
  of our approach and outline its potential application for interpreting
  detailed X-ray observations from close, massive-star binary systems.

Title: On the Steady Nature of Line-Driven Disk Winds
Authors: Pereyra, Nicolas A.; Owocki, Stanley P.; Hillier, D. John;
   Turnshek, David A.
2004ApJ...608..454P    Altcode: 2003astro.ph.11268P
  We perform an analytic investigation of the steady nature of line-driven
  disk winds, independent of hydrodynamic simulations. Our motive is to
  determine whether line-driven disk winds can account for the wide/broad
  UV resonance absorption lines seen in cataclysmic variables (CVs)
  and quasi-stellar objects (QSOs). In both CVs and QSOs, observations
  generally indicate that the absorption arising in the outflowing winds
  has a steady velocity structure on timescales exceeding years (for CVs)
  and decades (for QSOs). However, published results from hydrodynamic
  simulations of line-driven disk winds are mixed, with some researchers
  claiming that the models are inherently unsteady, while other models
  produce steady winds. The analytic investigation presented here shows
  that the line-driven disk winds can be steady if the accretion disk is
  steady and capable of locally supplying the corresponding mass flow. In
  particular, we show that a gravitational force initially increasing
  along the wind streamline, which is characteristic of disk winds, does
  not imply an unsteady wind. The steady nature of line-driven disk winds
  is consistent with the one-dimensional streamline disk wind models of
  Murray and collaborators and the 2.5-dimensional time-dependent models
  of Pereyra and collaborators. This paper emphasizes the underlying
  physics behind the steady nature of line-driven disk winds using
  mathematically simple models that mimic the disk environment.

Title: Rotation and Mass Ejection: the Launching of Be-Star Disks
    (Invited Review)
Authors: Owocki, S. P.
2004IAUS..215..515O    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Effects of Field-Aligned Rotation on the Magnetically
    Channeled Line-Driven Winds
Authors: Ud-Doula, A.; Owocki, S.
2004IAUS..215..525U    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Chandra HETGS Multi-phase Spectroscopy of the Young Magnetic
    O Star Theta 1 Ori C
Authors: Oksala, M.; Gagne, M.; Cohen, D.; Tonnesen, S.; ud-Doula,
   A.; Owocki, S.; MacFarlane, J.
2004AAS...204.6214O    Altcode: 2004BAAS...36..774O
  Chandra High-Energy Grating spectra obtained at four rotational phases
  of θ <SUP>1</SUP> Ori C (O6-7 V), corresponding to four different
  viewing angles with respect to the magnetic axis, are used to constrain
  the temperature, spatial location, and kinematics of the hot plasma
  on this very young hot star with a strong (1100 G) dipole field. The
  plasma is moving, but only at speeds of a few 100 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>,
  much slower than the terminal wind velocity. It is close to the star
  (within 1.5 R* of the surface) and hot (peak temperature 30 MK). We
  analyze these diagnostics in conjunction with new MHD simulations of
  the magnetically channeled wind shock mechanism on θ <SUP>1</SUP>
  Ori C. This model fits all the data surprisingly well, reproducing
  the very high temperatures, relatively narrow and unshifted lines,
  and the near-star source location.

Title: Be-star rotation: how close to critical?
Authors: Townsend, R. H. D.; Owocki, S. P.; Howarth, I. D.
2004MNRAS.350..189T    Altcode: 2003astro.ph.12113T
  We argue that, in general, observational studies of Be-star rotation
  have paid insufficient attention to the effects of equatorial gravity
  darkening. We present new line-profile calculations that emphasize
  the insensitivity of line width to rotation for fast rotators. Coupled
  with a critical review of observational procedures, these calculations
  suggest that the observational parameter v sini may systematically
  underestimate the true projected equatorial rotation velocity,
  v<SUB>e</SUB> sini, by some tens of per cent for rapid rotators. A
  crucial implication of this work is that Be stars may be rotating
  much closer to their critical velocities than is generally supposed,
  bringing a range of new processes into contention for the elusive
  physical mechanism responsible for the circumstellar disc thought to
  be central to the Be phenomenon.

Title: Kinematic model inversions of hot star recurrent DAC data -
    tests against dynamical CIR models
Authors: Krtička, J.; Barrett, R. K.; Brown, J. C.; Owocki, S. P.
2004A&A...417.1039K    Altcode: 2004astro.ph..1383K
  The Discrete Absorption Components (DACs) commonly observed in
  the ultraviolet lines of hot stars have previously been modelled
  by dynamical simulations of Corotating Interaction Regions (CIRs)
  in their line-driven stellar winds. Here we apply the kinematic DAC
  inversion method of Brown et al. to the hydrodynamical CIR models
  and test the reliability of the results obtained. We conclude that
  the inversion method is able to recover valuable information on the
  velocity structure of the mean wind and to trace movement of velocity
  plateaux in the hydrodynamical data, though the recovered density
  profile of the stream is correct only very near to the stellar surface.

Title: An XMM-Newton observation of the massive binary HD 159176
Authors: De Becker, M.; Rauw, G.; Pittard, J. M.; Antokhin, I. I.;
   Stevens, I. R.; Gosset, E.; Owocki, S. P.
2004A&A...416..221D    Altcode: 2004astro.ph..2663D
  We report the analysis of an XMM-Newton observation of the close binary
  HD 159176 (O7 V + O7 V). The observed L<SUB>X</SUB>/L<SUB>bol</SUB>
  ratio reveals an X-ray luminosity exceeding by a factor ∼7 the
  expected value for X-ray emission from single O-stars, therefore
  suggesting a wind-wind interaction scenario. EPIC and RGS spectra are
  fitted consistently with a two temperature mekal optically thin thermal
  plasma model, with temperatures ranging from ∼2 to 6×10<SUP>6</SUP>
  K. At first sight, these rather low temperatures are consistent with
  the expectations for a close binary system where the winds collide
  well before reaching their terminal velocities. We also investigate
  the variability of the X-ray light curve of HD 159176 on various short
  time scales. No significant variability is found and we conclude that
  if hydrodynamical instabilities exist in the wind interaction region of
  HD 159176, they are not sufficient to produce an observable signature in
  the X-ray emission. Hydrodynamic simulations using wind parameters from
  the literature reveal some puzzling discrepancies. The most striking one
  concerns the predicted X-ray luminosity which is one or more orders of
  magnitude larger than the observed one. A significant reduction of the
  mass loss rate of the components compared to the values quoted in the
  literature alleviates the discrepancy but is not sufficient to fully
  account for the observed luminosity. Because hydrodynamical models are
  best for the adiabatic case whereas the colliding winds in HD 159176 are
  most likely highly radiative, a totally new approach has been envisaged,
  using a geometrical steady-state colliding wind model suitable for
  the case of radiative winds. This model successfully reproduces the
  spectral shape of the EPIC spectrum, but further developments are still
  needed to alleviate the disagreement between theoretical and observed
  X-ray luminosities. <P />Based on observations with XMM-Newton, an ESA
  Science Mission with instruments and contributions directly funded by
  ESA Member States and the USA (NASA).

Title: Inference of hot star density stream properties from data
    on rotationally recurrent DACs
Authors: Brown, J. C.; Barrett, R. K.; Oskinova, L. M.; Owocki, S. P.;
   Hamann, W. -R.; de Jong, J. A.; Kaper, L.; Henrichs, H. F.
2004A&A...413..959B    Altcode:
  The information content of data on rotationally periodic
  recurrent discrete absorption components (DACs) in hot star
  wind emission lines is discussed. The data comprise optical
  depths τ(w,φ) as a function of dimensionless Doppler velocity
  w=(Δλ/λ<SUB>0</SUB>)(c/v<SUB>&amp;infy</SUB>) and of time expressed
  in terms of stellar rotation angle φ. This is used to study the
  spatial distributions of density, radial and rotational velocities, and
  ionisation structures of the corotating wind streams to which recurrent
  DACs are conventionally attributed. <P />The simplifying assumptions
  made to reduce the degrees of freedom in such structure distribution
  functions to match those in the DAC data are discussed and the problem
  then posed in terms of a bivariate relationship between τ(w,φ) and
  the radial velocity v<SUB>r</SUB>(r), transverse rotation rate Ω(r)
  and density ρ(r,φ) structures of the streams. The discussion applies
  to cases where: the streams are equatorial; the system is seen edge
  on; the ionisation structure is approximated as uniform; the radial
  and transverse velocities are taken to be functions only of radial
  distance but the stream density is allowed to vary with azimuth. The
  last kinematic assumption essentially ignores the dynamical feedback
  of density on velocity and the relationship of this to fully dynamical
  models is discussed. The case of narrow streams is first considered,
  noting the result of Hamann et al. (\cite{Ham01}) that the apparent
  acceleration of a narrow stream DAC is higher than the acceleration
  of the matter itself, so that the apparent slow acceleration of DACs
  cannot be attributed to the slowness of stellar rotation. Thus DACs
  either involve matter which accelerates slower than the general wind
  flow, or they are formed by structures which are not advected with the
  matter flow but propagate upstream (such as Abbott waves). It is then
  shown how, in the kinematic model approximation, the radial speed
  of the absorbing matter can be found by inversion of the apparent
  acceleration of the narrow DAC, for a given rotation law. <P />The
  case of broad streams is more complex but also more informative. The
  observed τ(w,φ) is governed not only by v<SUB>r</SUB>(r) and Ω(r)
  of the absorbing stream matter but also by the density profile across
  the stream, determined by the azimuthal (φ<SUB>0</SUB>) distribution
  function F<SUB>0</SUB>(φ<SUB>0</SUB>) of mass loss rate around the
  stellar equator. When F<SUB>0</SUB>(φ<SUB>0</SUB>) is fairly wide
  in φ<SUB>0</SUB>, the acceleration of the DAC peak τ(w,φ) in w
  is generally slow compared with that of a narrow stream DAC and the
  information on v<SUB>r</SUB>(r), Ω(r) and F<SUB>0</SUB>(φ<SUB>0</SUB>)
  is convoluted in the data τ(w,φ). <P />We show that it is possible,
  in this kinematic model, to recover by inversion, complete information
  on all three distribution functions v<SUB>r</SUB>(r), Ω(r) and
  F<SUB>0</SUB>(φ<SUB>0</SUB>) from data on τ(w,φ) of sufficiently
  high precision and resolution since v<SUB>r</SUB>(r) and Ω(r) occur
  in combination rather than independently in the equations. This
  is demonstrated for simulated data, including noise effects, and is
  discussed in relation to real data and to fully hydrodynamic models. <P
  />Figures \ref{fig:results1}, \ref{fig:results2}, \ref{fig:results7},
  \ref{fig:results8}, \ref{fig:results13}, \ref{fig:results14},
  \ref{fig:rotation1} and \ref{fig:rotation2} are only available in
  electronic form at http://www.edpsciences.org

Title: The Effect of Magnetic Field Tilt and Divergence on the Mass
    Flux and Flow Speed in a Line-driven Stellar Wind
Authors: Owocki, Stanley P.; ud-Doula, Asif
2004ApJ...600.1004O    Altcode: 2003astro.ph.10176O
  We carry out an extended analytic study of how the tilt and
  faster-than-radial expansion from a magnetic field affect the mass
  flux and flow speed of a line-driven stellar wind. A key motivation
  is to reconcile results of numerical MHD simulations with previous
  analyses that had predicted nonspherical expansion would lead to a
  strong speed enhancement. By including finite-disk correction effects,
  a dynamically more consistent form for the nonspherical expansion,
  and a moderate value of the line-driving power index α, we infer
  more modest speed enhancements that are in good quantitative agreement
  with MHD simulations and also are more consistent with observational
  results. Our analysis also explains simulation results that show the
  latitudinal variation of the surface mass flux scales with the square
  of the cosine of the local tilt angle between the magnetic field and
  the radial direction. Finally, we present a perturbation analysis of
  the effects of a finite gas pressure on the wind mass-loss rate and
  flow speed in both spherical and magnetic wind models, showing that
  these scale with the ratio of the sound speed to surface escape speed,
  a/v<SUB>esc</SUB>, and are typically 10%-20% compared to an idealized,
  zero-gas-pressure model.

Title: Stellar wind mechanisms and instabilities
Authors: Owocki, S.
2004EAS....13..163O    Altcode:
  I review driving mechanisms for stellar winds, using first the example
  of the coronal, pressure-driven solar wind, but then focussing mainly
  on radiation-pressure driven winds from hot, luminous stars. For
  the latter, I review the central role of line-opacity as a coupling
  between matter and radiation, emphasizing how the Doppler shift of
  an accelerating wind outflow exposes the strong line opacity to a
  substantial continuum flux, and thus allows the line force to sustain
  the outward acceleration against gravity. Through the CAK formalism that
  assumes a power-law distribution of line-opacity, I derive the mass
  loss rate and wind velocity law, and discuss how these are altered
  by various refinements like a finite-disk correction, ionization
  variations in opacity, and a non-zero sound speed. I also discuss how
  multiline scattering in Wolf-Rayet (WR) winds can allow them to exceed
  the single scattering limit, for which the wind and radiative momenta
  are equal. Through a time-dependent perturbation analysis, I show how
  the line-driving leads to a fast, inward “Abbott-wave” mode for long
  wavelength perturbations, and a strong Line-Deshadowing-Instability at
  short wavelengths, summarizing also 1D and 2D numerical simulations
  of the nonlinear evolution of this instability. I next discuss how
  rapid stellar rotation alters the latitudinal variation of mass
  loss and flow speed, and how this depends on treatment of gravity
  darkening, nonradial line forces, and “bi-stability” shifts in
  ionization. Finally, I conclude with a discussion of the large mass
  loss epochs of Luminous Blue Variable (LBV) stars, and how these might
  be modeled via super-Eddington, continuum driving moderated by the
  “porosity” associated with extensive spatial structure.

Title: Two-dimensional simulations of the line-driven instability
    in hot-star winds
Authors: Dessart, L.; Owocki, S. P.
2003A&A...406L...1D    Altcode:
  We report initial results of two-dimensional simulations of the
  nonlinear evolution of the line-driven instability (LDI) in hot-star
  winds. The method is based on the Smooth Source Function (SSF)
  formalism for nonlocal evaluation of the radial line-force, implemented
  separately within each of a set of radiatively isolated azimuthal
  grid zones. The results show that radially compressed “shells”
  that develop initially from the LDI are systematically broken up
  by Rayleigh-Taylor or thin-shell instabilities as these structures
  are accelerated outward. Through radial feedback of backscattered
  radiation, this leads ultimately to a flow structure characterized by
  nearly complete lateral incoherence, with structure extending down
  to the lateral grid scale, which here corresponds to angle sizes of
  order a fifth of a degree. We briefly discuss the implications for
  interpreting various observational diagnostics of wind structure, but
  also emphasize the importance of future extensions to include lateral
  line-drag effects of diffuse radiation, which may set a minimum lateral
  scale for break-up of flow structure.

Title: X-Ray Emission-Line Profile Modeling of O Stars: Fitting
    a Spherically Symmetric Analytic Wind-Shock Model to the Chandra
    Spectrum of ζ Puppis
Authors: Kramer, Roban H.; Cohen, David H.; Owocki, Stanley P.
2003ApJ...592..532K    Altcode: 2002astro.ph.11550K
  X-ray emission-line profiles provide the most direct insight into the
  dynamics and spatial distribution of the hot, X-ray-emitting plasma
  above the surfaces of OB stars. The O supergiant ζ Puppis shows
  broad, blueshifted, and asymmetric line profiles, generally consistent
  with the wind-shock picture of OB star X-ray production. We model
  the profiles of eight lines in the Chandra HETGS spectrum of this
  prototypical hot star. The fitted lines indicate that the plasma is
  distributed throughout the wind starting close to the photosphere,
  that there is significantly less attenuation of the X-rays by the
  overlying wind than is generally supposed, and that there is not a
  strong trend in wind absorption with wavelength.

Title: On multicomponent effects in stellar winds of stars at
    extremely low metallicity
Authors: Krtička, J.; Owocki, S. P.; Kubát, J.; Galloway, R. K.;
   Brown, J. C.
2003A&A...402..713K    Altcode: 2003astro.ph..3026K
  We calculate multicomponent line-driven wind models of stars at
  extremely low metallicity suitable for massive first generation
  stars. For most of the models we find that the multicomponent wind
  nature is not important for either wind dynamics or for wind temperature
  stratification. However, for stars with the lowest metallicities we
  find that multicomponent effects influence the wind structure. These
  effects range from pure heating to possible fallback of the nonabsorbing
  wind component. We present a simple formula for the calculation of
  metallicity for which the multicomponent effects become important. We
  show that the importance of the multicomponent nature of winds of
  low metallicity stars is characterised not only by the low density of
  driving ions, but also by lower mass-loss rate.

Title: High-Resolution Chandra Spectroscopy of τ Scorpii: A
    Narrow-Line X-Ray Spectrum from a Hot Star
Authors: Cohen, David H.; de Messières, Geneviève E.; MacFarlane,
   Joseph J.; Miller, Nathan A.; Cassinelli, Joseph P.; Owocki, Stanley
   P.; Liedahl, Duane A.
2003ApJ...586..495C    Altcode: 2002astro.ph.11412C
  Long known to be an unusual early-type star by virtue of its hard
  and strong X-ray emission, τ Scorpii poses a severe challenge to the
  standard picture of O-star wind-shock X-ray emission. The Chandra HETGS
  spectrum now provides significant direct evidence that this B0.2 star
  does not fit this standard wind-shock framework. The many emission
  lines detected with the Chandra gratings are significantly narrower
  than what would be expected from a star with the known wind properties
  of τ Sco, although they are broader than the corresponding lines
  seen in late-type coronal sources. While line ratios are consistent
  with the hot plasma on this star being within a few stellar radii of
  the photosphere, from at least one He-like complex there is evidence
  that the X-ray-emitting plasma is located more than a stellar radius
  above the photosphere. The Chandra spectrum of τ Sco is harder and
  more variable than those of other hot stars, with the exception of
  the young magnetized O star θ<SUP>1</SUP> Ori C. We discuss these
  new results in the context of wind, coronal, and hybrid wind-magnetic
  models of hot-star X-ray emission.

Title: X-ray emission line profile modeling of hot stars
Authors: Kramer, Roban H.; Tonnesen, Stephanie K.; Cohen, David H.;
   Owocki, Stanley P.; ud-Doula, Asif; MacFarlane, Joseph J.
2003RScI...74.1966K    Altcode: 2002astro.ph.12313K
  The launch of high-spectral-resolution x-ray telescopes (Chandra,
  XMM) has provided a host of new spectral line diagnostics for the
  astrophysics community. In this paper we discuss Doppler-broadened
  emission line profiles from highly supersonic outflows of massive
  stars. These outflows, or winds, are driven by radiation pressure and
  carry a tremendous amount of kinetic energy, which can be converted to
  x rays by shock-heating even a small fraction of the wind plasma. The
  unshocked, cold wind is a source of continuum opacity to the x rays
  generated in the shock-heated portion of the wind. Thus the emergent
  line profiles are affected by transport through a two-component,
  moving, optically thick medium. While complicated, the interactions
  among these physical effects can provide quantitative information
  about the spatial distribution and velocity of the x-ray-emitting and
  absorbing plasma in stellar winds. We present quantitative models of
  both a spherically-symmetric wind and a wind with hot plasma confined
  in an equatorial disk by a dipole magnetic field.

Title: FUSE observations of stellar wind variability in the LMC
    supergiant Sk -67deg166 (O4 If<SUP>+</SUP>)
Authors: Fullerton, Alexander W.; Massa, Derck L.; Prinja, Raman K.;
   Howarth, Ian D.; Willis, Allan J.; Owocki, Stanley P.
2003IAUS..212..182F    Altcode:
  We describe FUSE time-series observations of stellar wind variability
  in Sk -67deg166 (HDE 269698), a nitrogen-rich O4 supergiant in the LMC.

Title: Radiatively driven winds: shaping bipolar LBV nebulae
Authors: Dwarkadas, Vikram V.; Owocki, Stanley P.
2003IAUS..212..172D    Altcode:
  Massive stars which are fast rotators can give rise to asymmetric
  winds. These winds may result in the formation of aspherical wind-blown
  nebulae. In this work the theory of radiatively-driven winds from
  massive stars is used to model the formation of bipolar nebulae around
  LBV stars.

Title: Overloaded and fractured stellar winds
Authors: Feldmeier, Achim; Oskinova, Lida M.; Hamann, Wolf-Rainer;
   Owocki, Stanley P.
2003IAUS..212...56F    Altcode:
  We discuss the connection between wind overloading and discrete
  absorption components in P-Cygni line profiles from O-type
  stars. Overloading can create horizontal plateaus in the radial wind
  speed that cause the extra absorption in the line profile. The upstream
  propagation speed of these velocity plateaus is analyzed. The second
  part of the paper deals with X-ray emission from O-type stars. X-ray
  line profiles observed with Chandra and XMM are often symmetric,
  contrary to what is expected for lines from a homogeneous wind. We
  discuss the influence on line symmetry of photon escape channels in
  a strongly clumped wind.

Title: Clumps and shocks in the outer winds of hot stars
Authors: Runacres, Mark C.; Owocki, Stanley P.
2003IAUS..212..226R    Altcode:
  We present a moving periodic box technique to study the outer-wind
  evolution of instability-generated structure in hot-star winds. This
  has considerable computational and conceptual advantages

Title: Dynamical simulations of magnetically channeled line-driven
    stellar winds
Authors: Ud-Doula, Asif; Owocki, Stanley P.
2003IAUS..212..247U    Altcode:
  We present numerical magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the effect of
  stellar dipole magnetic fields on line-driven wind outflows from hot,
  luminous stars. Unlike previous fixed-field analyses, the simulations
  here take full account of the dynamical competition between field
  and flow, and thus apply to a full range of magnetic field strength,
  and within both closed and open magnetic topologies. A key result
  is that the overall degree to which the wind is influenced by the
  field depends largely on a single, dimensionless, `wind magnetic
  confinement parameter', η<SUB>*</SUB> = B<SUB>eq</SUB><SUP>2</SUP>
  R<SUB>*</SUB><SUP>2</SUP>/{dot M} v<SUB>∞</SUB>, which characterizes
  the ratio between magnetic field energy density and kinetic energy
  density of the wind. For weak confinement η<SUB>*</SUB> &lt;= 1,
  the field is fully opened by the wind outflow, but nonetheless for
  confinements as small as η<SUB>*</SUB> = 1/10 can have a significant
  back-influence in enhancing the density and reducing the flow speed
  near the magnetic equator. For stronger confinement η<SUB>*</SUB>
  &gt; 1, the magnetic field remains closed over a limited range of
  latitude and height about the equatorial surface, but eventually is
  opened into a nearly radial configuration at large radii. Within closed
  loops, the flow is channeled toward loop tops into shock collisions
  that are strong enough to produce hard X-rays, with the stagnated
  material then pulled by gravity back onto the star in quite complex
  and variable inflow patterns. Within open field flow, the equatorial
  channeling leads to oblique shocks that are again strong enough to
  produce X-rays, and also lead to a thin, dense, slowly outflowing
  `disk' at the magnetic equator. The polar flow is characterized by a
  faster-than-radial expansion that is more gradual than anticipated
  in previous 1D flow-tube analyses, and leads to a much more modest
  increase in terminal speed (&lt; 30%), consistent with observational
  constraints. Overall, the results here provide a dynamical groundwork
  for interpreting many types of observations, e.g. UV line-profile
  variability; red-shifted absorption or emission features; enhanced
  density-squared emission; and X-ray emission, that might be associated
  with perturbation of hot-star winds by surface magnetic fields.

Title: Instabilities in massive stars
Authors: Owocki, Stanley P.
2003IAUS..212..281O    Altcode:
  A defining property of massive stars is the dominant, dynamical role
  played by radiation throughout the stellar interior, atmosphere,
  and wind. Associated with this radiation hydrodynamics are several
  distinct kinds of instabilities that can lead to convection in
  both core and envelope, clumping in atmosphere and wind outflow,
  and perhaps even the dramatic mass loss outbursts associated with
  Luminous Blue Variable phases. Here I review these instabilities with
  emphasis on basic physical properties of radiative driving. I draw
  on two specific examples of dynamical instability, namely the strong
  instability associated with line-driving of a stellar wind outflow,
  and the global stellar instabilities associated with approaching or
  exceeding a modified Eddington limit. I conclude with a brief mention
  of recent ideas on the role of stellar rotation in the shaping of
  bipolar LBV outbursts.

Title: The Effects of Magnetic Fields on Line-Driven Hot-Star Winds
Authors: Ud-Doula, A.; Owocki, S.
2003ASPC..305..343U    Altcode: 2003astro.ph.10180U; 2003mfob.conf..343U
  This talk summarizes results from recent MHD simulations of the role
  of a dipole magnetic field in inducing large-scale structure in the
  line-driven stellar winds of hot, luminous stars. Unlike previous
  fixed-field analyses, the MHD simulations here take full account of the
  dynamical competition between the field and the flow. A key result is
  that the overall degree to which the wind is influenced by the field
  depends largely on a single, dimensionless `wind magnetic confinement
  parameter', $\eta_\ast (= B_{eq}^2 R_{\ast}^2/\dot{M} v_\infty$),
  which characterizes the ratio between magnetic field energy density and
  kinetic energy density of the wind. For weak confinement, $\eta_\ast
  \le 1$, the field is fully opened by wind outflow, but nonetheless,
  for confinement as small as $\eta_\ast=1/10$ it can have significant
  back-influence in enhancing the density and reducing the flow speed
  near the magnetic equator. For stronger confinement, $\eta_\ast &gt;
  1$, the magnetic field remains closed over limited range of latitude
  and height above the equatorial surface, but eventually is opened
  into nearly radial configuration at large radii. Within the closed
  loops, the flow is channeled toward loop tops into shock collisions
  that are strong enough to produce hard X-rays. Within the open field
  region, the equatorial channeling leads to oblique shocks that are
  again strong enough to produce X-rays and also lead to a thin, dense,
  slowly outflowing “disk” at the magnetic equator.

Title: Emission-line-profile variability as a contraint on the
    structure and dynamics of hot star winds
Authors: Dessart, Luc; Owocki, Stanley P.
2003IAUS..212..168D    Altcode:
  We present theoretical calculations of emission-line-profile
  variability (LPV), based on radiation hydrodynamics simulations of
  the infamous radiative instability of hot star winds. We demonstrate
  that spherically symmetric wind structures (shells) cannot account for
  the observed profile variability at line center. Hence, we resort to
  a model that breaks-up the wind volume into a number of independent
  star-centered cones. The essential approximation made here is that
  each of these cones can be described by a structure calculated with
  a one-dimensional (1D) radiation hydrodynamics model. Such pseudo-3D
  `patch'-method leads to a satisfactory reproduction of the fundamental
  characteristics of LPV observed in O-type and Wolf-Rayet star optical
  spectra: the low-level fluctuations in the profile centre region, a
  migration of variable sub-peaks from line center to edge, that mimics
  the underlying wind acceleration. Our method highlights the correlation
  between the velocity scale of profile sub-peaks at line center and the
  lateral extent of wind structures, while at line edge it reflects the
  intrinsic radial velocity dispersion of emitting clumps. However, our
  model fails to reproduce the increase in this characteristic velocity
  scale from line center to edge, which we believe is a shortcoming of
  our purely 1D hydrodynamics approach.

Title: Radiatively Driven Winds and the Formation of Bipolar
    Planetary Nebulae
Authors: Dwarkadas, V. V.; Owocki, S.
2003IAUS..209..467D    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Magnetic Spin-Up of Line-Driven Stellar Winds
Authors: Owocki, S.; Ud-Doula, A.
2003ASPC..305..350O    Altcode: 2003mfob.conf..350O; 2003astro.ph.10179O
  We summarize recent 2D MHD simulations of line-driven stellar winds
  from rotating hot-stars with a dipole magnetic field aligned to the
  star's rotation axis. For moderate to strong fields, much wind outflow
  is initially along closed magnetic loops that nearly corotate as a
  solid body with the underlying star, thus providing a torque that
  results in an effective angular momentum spin-up of the outflowing
  material. But instead of forming the “magnetically torqued disk”
  (MTD) postulated in previous phenemenological analyses, the dynamical
  simulations here show that material trapped near the tops of such
  closed loops tends either to fall back or break out, depending on
  whether it is below or above the Keplerian corotation radius. Overall
  the results raise serious questions about whether magnetic torquing
  of a wind outflow could naturally result in a Keplerian circumstellar
  disk. However, for very strong fields, it does still seem possible to
  form a %“magnetically confined, centrifugally supported, rigid-body
  disk”, centrifugally supported, “magnetically rigid disk” (MRD),
  in which the field not only forces material to maintain a rigid-body
  rotation, but for some extended period also holds it down against
  the outward centrifugal force at the loop tops. We argue that such
  rigid-body disks seem ill-suited to explain the disk emission from Be
  stars, but could provide a quite attractive paradigm for circumstellar
  emission from the magnetically strong Bp and Ap stars.

Title: X-ray Emission Line Profile Modeling of O stars: zeta Puppis
    as a Wind-Shock Source
Authors: Kramer, R. H.; Cohen, D. H.; Owocki, S. P.
2002AAS...20111305K    Altcode: 2002BAAS...34.1284K
  The origin of X-ray emission lines associated with O- and B-type stars
  is the subject of continuing controversy. Leading theories point to
  shocks in the star's massive, radiation-driven winds as the source of
  the X-rays. In recent years Chandra has taken high-resolution X-ray
  spectra of several hot stars, revealing broad and often asymmetric
  line profiles. At the same time, theoretical calculations of line
  profiles from spherically-symmetric shock distributions in the wind
  have shown the potential to produce similar profile shapes. We have
  parameterized a spherically-symmetric, distributed-shock wind model
  and fit it to several lines from the O4f star ζ Puppis. Our fits
  suggest lower than expected X-ray continuum opacities, and onset of
  shock formation within a few stellar radii.

Title: Radiatively Driven Winds and the Shaping of Bipolar Luminous
    Blue Variable Nebulae
Authors: Dwarkadas, Vikram V.; Owocki, Stanley P.
2002ApJ...581.1337D    Altcode:
  Nebulae around luminous blue variable (LBV) stars are often
  characterized by a bipolar, prolate form. In the standard interpretation
  of the generalized interacting stellar winds model, this bipolar form
  is attributed to an asymmetry in the density structure of the ambient
  medium. However, there is limited observational evidence to suggest
  that such an asymmetric medium is present in most LBV nebulae. In this
  work we use scaling relations derived from the theory of radiatively
  driven winds to model the outflows from LBV stars, taking account
  of stellar rotation and the associated latitudinal variation of the
  stellar flux due to gravity darkening. We show that, for a star rotating
  close to its critical speed, the decrease in effective gravity near
  the equator and the associated decrease in the equatorial wind speed
  results naturally in a bipolar, prolate interaction front, even for a
  spherically symmetric ambient medium. Moreover, when gravity darkening
  is included, the resulting density of the outburst is also strongest
  over the prolate poles. We discuss the implications of these results
  for the formation of windblown nebulae in general.

Title: Analysis of Doppler-Broadened X-ray Emission Line Profiles
    from Hot Stars
Authors: Cohen, D. H.; Kramer, R. H.; Owocki, S. P.
2002hrxs.confE...9C    Altcode:
  We show how X-ray emission arising within an accelerating, expanding
  medium that also contains a source of continuum absorption generates
  line profiles of a characteristic shape. A simple, spherical wind
  model based on this picture provides good fits to the Chandra HETGS
  spectrum of the prototypical O star, Zeta Pup. We discuss the model,
  the fitting procedure and the determination of confidence limits on the
  model parameters, and our initial results for this star. The derived
  fit parameters are consistent with a generic wind-shock scenario for
  Zeta Pup, but there are several surprising aspects of the results,
  including a lower-than-expected mean wind optical depth and a nearly
  complete lack of wavelength dependence of the results.

Title: X-ray Line Profiles of Magnetically Confined Hot-Star Winds
Authors: Tonnesen, S. K.; Cohen, D. H.; Owocki, S. P.; ud-Doula, A.;
   Gagne, M.; Oksala, M.
2002AAS...20111301T    Altcode: 2002BAAS...34.1284T
  With the discovery of a strong magnetic field on θ <SUP>1</SUP>
  Orionis C, the magnetically confined wind shock model has become a
  leading explanation for X-ray emission from some O and B stars. This
  model involves a dipole field that channels the stellar wind from both
  poles of the star towards the equator where the resulting shocks heat
  the wind to X-ray emitting temperatures. As the shocked wind cools,
  it feeds an equatorial disk that can be opaque to X-rays. In this
  poster we describe synthetic line profiles from both analytic models
  and magnetohydrodynamic numerical simulations of magnetically confined
  hot star winds. We discuss the effect of the closed vs. open field
  regions on line shape and width, and also discuss effects of absorption
  arising from the equatorial cooling disk and the cool polar wind. For
  a star with a tilted dipole, our viewing angle to the magnetically
  confined wind structure changes as the star rotates, making the line
  profiles phase-dependent. We compare our synthesized line profiles and
  band-pass fluxes to phase-resolved Chandra spectra of θ <SUP>1</SUP>
  Orionis C. This work is supported by the NASA, under grant NAS8-39073.

Title: Wavelet analysis of instability-generated line profile
    variations in hot-star winds
Authors: Dessart, L.; Owocki, S. P.
2002A&A...393..991D    Altcode:
  We investigate whether instability-generated structure of line-driven
  stellar winds can account for the emission line profile variability
  (LPV) observed in hot star spectra. In a previous paper, we introduced
  a three-dimensional (3D) “patch” method to compute the temporal
  evolution of the wind emissivity, based on 1D radiation hydrodynamics
  simulations. Here we apply a wavelet analysis to these synthetic LPVs,
  allowing a direct comparison with observations analysed in the same
  way, with particular focus on the characteristic velocity scale of
  LPVs at various frequency locations within the line profile. Wavelet
  analyses of observed LPV generally show this scale to increase from 50
  to 100-200 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> from line-centre to edge. We argue here
  that the characteristic sub-peak broadening is dominated at line-centre
  by the lateral spatial extent of wind structures, while at line-edge it
  is controlled by their intrinsic radial velocity dispersion. We find
  that the wavelet transforms of synthetic LPV yield characteristic
  widths that are comparable to observed values at line-centre, but
  much narrower at line-edges. We thus conclude that the patch size
  of 3 deg assumed here provides a reasonable representation of the
  lateral coherence length associated with observed LPV, but that the
  1D instability models that form the basis of the patch method have
  too low a radial velocity dispersion to reproduce the characteristic
  widths observed at line edge. We discuss how the latter limitation
  might be overcome by inclusion of radial velocity shear, and also
  outline possible approaches to developing multi-dimensional instability
  simulations that could account for such shear effects.

Title: Dynamical Simulations of Magnetically Channeled Line-driven
    Stellar Winds. I. Isothermal, Nonrotating, Radially Driven Flow
Authors: ud-Doula, Asif; Owocki, Stanley P.
2002ApJ...576..413U    Altcode: 2002astro.ph..1195U
  We present numerical magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of
  the effect of stellar dipole magnetic fields on line-driven wind
  outflows from hot, luminous stars. Unlike previous fixed-field
  analyses, the simulations here take full account of the dynamical
  competition between field and flow and thus apply to a full
  range of magnetic field strength and within both closed and open
  magnetic topologies. A key result is that the overall degree
  to which the wind is influenced by the field depends largely on
  a single, dimensionless “wind magnetic confinement parameter”
  η<SUB>*</SUB> (=B<SUP>2</SUP><SUB>eq</SUB>R<SUP>2</SUP><SUB>*</SUB>/
  Mv<SUB>∞</SUB>), which characterizes the ratio between magnetic
  field energy density and kinetic energy density of the wind. For
  weak confinement, η<SUB>*</SUB>&lt;=1, the field is fully opened
  by the wind outflow, but nonetheless, for confinements as small
  as η<SUB>*</SUB>=1/10 it can have a significant back-influence in
  enhancing the density and reducing the flow speed near the magnetic
  equator. For stronger confinement, η<SUB>*</SUB>&gt;1, the magnetic
  field remains closed over a limited range of latitude and height about
  the equatorial surface, but eventually is opened into a nearly radial
  configuration at large radii. Within closed loops, the flow is channeled
  toward loop tops into shock collisions that are strong enough to produce
  hard X-rays, with the stagnated material then pulled by gravity back
  onto the star in quite complex and variable inflow patterns. Within
  open field flow, the equatorial channeling leads to oblique shocks
  that are again strong enough to produce X-rays and also lead to a
  thin, dense, slowly outflowing “disk” at the magnetic equator. The
  polar flow is characterized by a faster-than-radial expansion that is
  more gradual than anticipated in previous one-dimensional flow tube
  analyses and leads to a much more modest increase in terminal speed
  (less than 30%), consistent with observational constraints. Overall,
  the results here provide a dynamical groundwork for interpreting many
  types of observations-e.g., UV line profile variability, redshifted
  absorption or emission features, enhanced density-squared emission,
  and X-ray emission-that might be associated with perturbation of
  hot-star winds by surface magnetic fields.

Title: Hydrodynamic Models of QSO Disk Winds
Authors: Hillier, D. J.; Pereyra, N. A.; Turnshek, D. A.; Owocki, S. P.
2002AAS...200.0509H    Altcode: 2002BAAS...34R.648H
  We present hydrodynamic time-dependent 2.5D models of line-driven
  accretion disk winds in QSOs. We assume that the wind originates
  from a standard Shakura-Sunyaev accretion disk. It is assumed that
  the X-ray emission orginates at the center of the disk so that the
  gas above the disk is partially shielded from the X-rays by the disk
  itself. The X-ray emission plays a crucial role in the dynamics of
  the wind by photoionizing gas in certain regions such that in these
  regions the line-radiation force is negligible. From the results of
  the hydrodynamic models, and assuming single scattering, we calculate
  theoretical CIV resonance line profiles. We attempt to confirm the
  results of Murray et al. (1995), who through 1D dynamical models showed
  that the disk wind scenario was consistent with a unified picture of
  BAL (Broad Absorption Line) and non-BAL QSOs, in which the existence of
  broad absorption lines was dependent on viewing angle. We find that the
  disk wind scenario may account for the detached absorption troughs and
  the multiple absorption troughs observed in the CIV line of many BAL
  QSOs. This scenario is also consistent with the X-ray-weak character
  of BAL QSOs. For the models presented in this work we use a black hole
  mass of M = 10<SUP>9</SUP> M<SUB>⊙ </SUB> and disk luminosity of L =
  10<SUP>47</SUP> erg ; s<SUP>-1</SUP>. We are currently studying our
  models by varying the values of the force multiplier parameters and
  varying the height of X-ray source at the disk center. We are also
  studying possible physical mechanisms to account for the UV emission
  lines within the accretion disk scenario. This work is funded by the
  National Science Foundation Grant AST-0071193.

Title: Ion Runaway Instability in Low-Density, Line-driven Stellar
Authors: Owocki, Stanley P.; Puls, Joachim
2002ApJ...568..965O    Altcode:
  We examine the linear instability of low-density, line-driven stellar
  winds to runaway of the heavy minor ions when the drift speed of these
  ions relative to the bulk, passive plasma of hydrogen and helium
  approaches or exceeds the plasma thermal speed. We first focus on
  the surprising results of recent steady state, two-component models,
  which indicate that the limited Coulomb coupling associated with
  suprathermal ion drift leads not to an ion runaway, but instead to a
  relatively sharp shift of both the ion and passive fluids to a much
  lower outward acceleration. Drawing on analogies with subsonic outflow
  in the solar wind, we provide a physical discussion of how this lower
  acceleration is the natural consequence of the weaker frictional
  coupling, allowing the ion line driving to maintain its steady
  state balance against collisional drag with a comparatively shallow
  ion velocity gradient. However, we then carry out a time-dependent,
  linearized stability analysis of these two-component steady solutions
  and thereby find that, as the ion drift increases from sub- to
  suprathermal speeds, a wave mode characterized by separation between
  the ion versus passive plasma goes from being strongly damped to being
  strongly amplified. Unlike the usual line-driven flow instability of
  high-density, strongly coupled flows, this ion separation instability
  occurs even in the long-wavelength Sobolev limit, although with only
  a modest spatial growth rate. At shorter wavelengths, the onset of
  instability occurs for ion drift speeds that are still somewhat below
  the plasma thermal speed and, moreover, generally has a very large
  spatial growth. For all wavelengths, however, the temporal growth
  rate exceeds the already rapid growth of line-driven instability by a
  typical factor of ~100, corresponding to the mass-density ratio between
  the bulk plasma and the driven minor ions. We further show that this
  ion separation mode has an inward propagation speed that is strongly
  enhanced (at its maximum by a similar factor of ~100) over the usual
  “Abbott wave” speed of a fully coupled, line-driven flow, implying
  that in the context of this separation mode, the entire domain of any
  steady state solution can be considered as “subcritical.” Finally,
  we note that, despite the extremely rapid linear growth rate, further
  analyses and/or simulations will be needed to determine whether the
  nonlinear evolution of this instability should lead to true ion runaway
  or instead might perhaps be limited by damping from two-stream plasma

Title: Emission profile variability in hot star winds. A pseudo-3D
    method based on radiation hydrodynamics simulations
Authors: Dessart, L.; Owocki, S. P.
2002A&A...383.1113D    Altcode:
  We present theoretical calculations of emission line profile variability
  based on hot star wind structure calculated numerically using radiation
  hydrodynamics simulations. A principal goal is to examine how well
  short-time-scale variations observed in wind emission lines can be
  modelled by wind structure arising from small-scale instabilities
  intrinsic to the line-driving of these winds. The simulations here
  use a new implementation of the Smooth Source Function formalism
  for line-driving within a one-dimensional (1D) operation of the
  standard hydrodynamics code ZEUS-2D. As in previous wind instability
  simulations, the restriction to 1D is necessitated by the computational
  costs of non-local integrations needed for the line-driving force;
  but we find that naive application of such simulations within an
  explicit assumption of spherically symmetric structure leads to an
  unobserved strong concentration of profile variability toward the line
  wings. We thus introduce a new “patch method” for mimicking a full
  3D wind structure by collecting random sequences of 1D simulations
  to represent the structure evolution along radial rays that extend
  over a selectable patch-size of solid angle. We provide illustrative
  results for a selection of patch sizes applied to a simulation with
  standard assumptions that govern the details of instability-generated
  wind structure, and show in particular that a typical model with a
  patch size of about 3 deg can qualitatively reproduce the fundamental
  properties of observed profile variations. We conclude with a discussion
  of prospects for extending the simulation method to optically thick
  winds of Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars, and for thereby applying our “patch
  method” to dynamical modelling of the extensive variability observed
  in wind emission lines from these WR stars.

Title: Line Forces in Keplerian Circumstellar Disks and Precession
    of Nearly Circular Orbits
Authors: Gayley, K.; Ignace, R.; Owocki, S.
2002BeSN...35...22G    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Mass Loss and Magnetospheres: X-rays from Hot Stars and Young
    Stellar Objects
Authors: Gagné, M.; Cohen, D.; Owocki, S.; Ud-Doula, A.
2002ASPC..262...31G    Altcode: 2002heus.conf...31G; 2001astro.ph..9090G
  The discovery of strong X-ray emission from hot stars was one one of
  the early surprises of the Einstein mission. Although wind shocks may
  produce most of the soft X-rays on some O stars, some young OB stars
  show variable hard X-ray emission that cannot be explained by standard
  instability-driven wind shocks. I present recent efforts to synthesize
  X-ray spectra of magnetically confined wind shocks. On the other end
  of the H-R diagram, X-ray flares on low-mass young stellar objects
  exhibit plasma temperatures &gt;50 MK, variable column densities, and
  very high emission measures, suggesting enormous magnetic loops. In
  high-mass and low-mass young stars, rotation, magnetospheres and disks
  may play a key role in the X-ray emission process.

Title: The Link between Radiation-Driven Winds and Pulsation in
    Massive Stars (invited paper)
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Cranmer, S. R.
2002ASPC..259..512O    Altcode: 2002rnpp.conf..512O; 2002IAUCo.185..512O
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The outer evolution of instability-generated structure in
    radiatively driven stellar winds
Authors: Runacres, M. C.; Owocki, S. P.
2002A&A...381.1015R    Altcode:
  We investigate stochastic structure in hot-star winds. The structure
  (i.e. inhomogeneities such as clumps and shocks) is generated
  by the instability of the line driving mechanism in the inner
  wind. It is self-excited in the sense that it persists even in the
  absence of explicit perturbations. The evolution of structure as it
  moves out with the flow is quantified by the radial dependence of
  statistical properties such as the clumping factor and the velocity
  dispersion. We find that structure evolves under the influence of
  two competing mechanisms. Dense clumps pressure-expand into the
  rarefied gas that separates them, but this expansion is counteracted
  by supersonic collisions among the clumps, which tend to compress
  them further. Because of such ongoing collisions, clumps can survive
  over an extended region out of pressure equilibrium with the rarefied
  surrounding gas. Moreover, the line-driving force has little rôle in
  maintaining the structure beyond about 20-30 R<SUB>*</SUB>, implying
  that the outer evolution can be simplified as a pure gasdynamical
  problem. In modelling the distant wind structure we find it is necessary
  to maintain a relatively fine constant grid spacing to resolve the
  often quite narrow dense clumps. We also find that variations in the
  heating and cooling, particularly the “floor” temperature to which
  shock-compressed gas is allowed to cool, can affect both the density and
  temperature variation. Finally, we find that increasing the value of the
  line-driving cut-off parameter kappa<SUB>max</SUB> can significantly
  enhance the level of flow structure. Overall, the results of our
  work suggest that structure initiated in the inner wind acceleration
  region can survive to substantial distances ( ~100 R<SUB>*</SUB>),
  and thus can have an important influence on observational diagnostics
  (e.g. infrared and radio emission) formed in the outer wind.

Title: Numerical Simulations of Magnetically Confined Line Driven
Authors: ud-Doula, A.; Owocki, S.
2001AAS...19913507U    Altcode: 2001BAAS...33.1506U
  We present fully dynamic numerical magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations
  of line-driven winds from hot stars with assumed dipolar magnetic fields
  at the stellar surface. The magnetic fields can guide the wind outflows
  from higher latitudes towards the magnetic equator causing them to
  collide there with speeds of hundreds of km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. This may
  lead to significant equatorial density enhancements and wind shocks
  may heat up the gas to temperatures high enough to produce X-rays. Our
  results show that the governing parameter for how much the wind is
  influenced by the field is the `magnetic confinement wind number',
  η <SUB>*</SUB> ( = B<SUP>2</SUP> R<SUB>*<SUP>2/{˙ </SUP></SUB> M}
  v<SUB>∞ </SUB>), which characterizes the ratio between magnetic field
  energy density and kinetic energy density of the wind. We find that
  for η <SUB>*</SUB> of the order of unity or greater, magnetic fields
  can channel or confine the winds, and lead to significant spatial and
  temporal variability of wind properties. Such characteristics contrast
  with the classical view of steady and spherical stellar winds from
  hot stars, and indeed provide a potential model for the X-ray emission
  and UV wind line variability often detected from such massive stars.

Title: Radiatively Driven Winds and the Shaping of Bipolar LBV Nebulae
Authors: Dwarkadas, V. V.; Owocki, S. P.
2001AAS...19913509D    Altcode: 2001BAAS...33Q1507D
  Nebulae around Luminous Blue Variable (LBV) stars are characterized
  by asymmetric, often bipolar shapes. A classic example is the
  Homunculus nebula around the massive star η Carinae. In the standard
  interpretation of the generalized interacting stellar winds models,
  the asymmetry in shape is attributed to an asymmetry in the density
  structure of the ambient medium. However the observational evidence
  does not support this. In this work we use scaling relations derived
  from the theory of radiatively driven winds to model the outflows from
  LBV stars. Rotation of the star, and the latitudinal variation of the
  stellar flux due to gravity darkening is taken into account. It is
  shown that a star rotating close to its critical velocity will emit
  a wind whose velocity is higher at the poles than the equator, which
  can give rise to an asymmetric, bipolar wind-blown nebula. Inclusion
  of gravity darkening shifts the relative density toward the poles,
  but does not change the overall shape of the interaction front. We
  discuss the implications of these results for the general formation
  of wind-blown nebulae. VVD is supported by NASA grant NAG5-3530, and
  by a grant from NASA administered by the American Astronomical Society.

Title: X-ray Emission Line Profile Modeling of Hot Stars
Authors: Kramer, R. H.; Reed, J. E.; Cohen, D. H.; Owocki, S. P.
2001AAS...19913513K    Altcode: 2001BAAS...33.1507K
  With the high spectral resolution afforded by the Chandra spectrometers,
  it is now possible to observe directly the Doppler shift of a wind
  outflow in X-ray emission lines from hot stars. This provides an
  important and relatively unambiguous diagnostic for addressing the
  decades-old mystery of X-ray production in such stars. We have developed
  a broadly applicable general model of wind-based X-ray line emission
  in an expanding medium, which we apply to new Chandra HETGS spectra of
  several hot stars. This model includes both continuum and line opacity,
  as well as velocity- and density-gradient effects. In this paper,
  we report on the properties of the model and the results of fits to
  the prototypical O supergiant, zeta Pup, as well as several other OB
  stars. Only in some cases can these high-resolution Chandra spectra
  be explained in the context of the standard wind-shock paradigm. This
  work was supported by NASA grant NAG5-10088 and by the Delware Space
  Grant Consortium.

Title: Chandra Emission Line Diagnostics of the Unusual Hot Star
    tau Scorpii
Authors: de Messieres, G. E.; Cardamone, C.; Cohen, D. H.; MacFarlane,
   J. J.; Owocki, S. P.; ud-Doula, A.
2001AAS...19913512D    Altcode: 2001BAAS...33R1507D
  It is generally believed that O and early-B stars produce X-rays via
  shocks embedded in their highly supersonic stellar winds. However,
  several lines of evidence point to other mechanisms operating in at
  least some unusual OB stars (those that are perhaps young, magnetized,
  cooler, or have circumstellar disks). The B0 V star tau Sco has long
  been known to be unusual in several ways, and to have harder and
  stronger X-ray emission than most hot stars. With the unprecedented
  spectral resolution provided by the Chandra gratings, we can begin to
  quantitatively assess the different X-ray production mechanisms that
  have been proposed for this unusual star. We report on line ratio
  analyses (of density, temperature, and local UV radiation field),
  as well as line widths and centroids, in order to discriminate among
  the various models. The notable results are that the copius very hot
  (kT &gt; 1 keV) plasma on this star is situated one or two stellar
  radii above the photosphere, and that it is quite stationary with
  respect to the star, in contrast to the appreciable wind velocity seen
  in UV lines. We discuss these new results in the context of several
  types of models, including those based on line-force instability,
  cloud-infall, magnetically confined wind shocks, and coronal magnetic
  reconnection. This work was partially funded by NASA grant number
  NAG5-10088 and by the Keck Northeast Astronomy Consortium.

Title: X-Ray Line Profiles from Parameterized Emission within an
    Accelerating Stellar Wind
Authors: Owocki, Stanley P.; Cohen, David H.
2001ApJ...559.1108O    Altcode: 2001astro.ph..1294O
  Motivated by recent detections by the XMM and Chandra satellites of
  X-ray line emission from hot, luminous stars, we present synthetic
  line profiles for X-rays emitted within parameterized models of a
  hot-star wind. The X-ray line emission is taken to occur at a sharply
  defined comoving-frame resonance wavelength, which is Doppler-shifted
  by a stellar wind outflow parameterized by a “β” velocity law,
  v(r)=v<SUB>∞</SUB>(1-R<SUB>*</SUB>/r)<SUP>β</SUP>. Above some
  initial onset radius R<SUB>o</SUB> for X-ray emission, the radial
  variation of the emission filling factor is assumed to decline as
  a power law in radius, f(r)~r<SUP>-q</SUP>. The computed emission
  profiles also account for continuum absorption within the wind,
  with the overall strength characterized by a cumulative optical
  depth τ<SUB>*</SUB>. In terms of a wavelength shift from line
  center scaled in units of the wind terminal speed v<SUB>∞</SUB>,
  we present normalized X-ray line profiles for various combinations
  of the parameters β, τ<SUB>*</SUB>, q, and R<SUB>o</SUB> and also
  including the effect of instrumental and/or macroturbulent broadening as
  characterized by a Gaussian with a parameterized width σ. We discuss
  the implications for interpreting observed hot-star X-ray spectra,
  with emphasis on signatures for discriminating between “coronal”
  and “wind-shock” scenarios. In particular, we note that in profiles
  observed so far the substantial amount of emission longward of line
  center will be difficult to reconcile with the expected attenuation
  by the wind and stellar core in either a wind-shock or coronal model.

Title: Line Forces in Keplerian Circumstellar Disks and Precession
    of Nearly Circular Orbits
Authors: Gayley, K. G.; Ignace, R.; Owocki, S. P.
2001ApJ...558..802G    Altcode: 2001astro.ph..3408G
  We examine the effects of optically thick line forces on orbiting
  circumstellar disks, such as occur around Be stars. For radially
  streaming radiation (e.g., as from a point source), line forces
  are effective only if there is a strong radial velocity gradient,
  as occurs, for example, in a line-driven stellar wind. However, we
  emphasize here that, within an orbiting disk, the radial shear of the
  azimuthal velocity leads to strong line-of-sight velocity gradients
  along nonradial directions. As such, we show that, in the proximity of a
  stellar surface extending over a substantial cone angle, the nonradial
  components of stellar radiation can impart a significant line force
  to such a disk, even in the case of purely circular orbits with no
  radial velocity. Given the highly supersonic nature of orbital velocity
  variations, we use the Sobolev approximation for the line transfer,
  extending to the disk case the standard CAK formalism developed
  for line-driven winds. We delineate the parameter regimes for which
  radiative forces might alter disk properties; but even when radiative
  forces are small, we analytically quantify higher-order effects in the
  linear limit, including the precession of weakly elliptical orbits. We
  find that optically thick line forces, both radial and azimuthal, can
  have observable implications for the dynamics of disks around Be stars,
  including the generation of either prograde or retrograde precession in
  slightly eccentric orbits. However, our analysis here suggests a net
  retrograde effect, in apparent contradiction with observed long-term
  variations of violet/red line profile asymmetries from Be stars, which
  are generally thought to result from prograde propagation of a one-arm,
  disk-oscillation mode. We also conclude that radiative forces may
  alter the dynamical properties at the surface of the disk where disk
  winds originate, and in the outer regions far from the star, and may
  even make low-density disks vulnerable to being blown off completely.

Title: X-ray Line Spectroscopy of Hot Stars
Authors: Cohen, David H.; Owocki, Stanley P.
2001tysc.confE.182C    Altcode:
  Chandra grating spectroscopy has provided a completely new view of high
  energy processes occurring on massive, hot stars. The initial results
  from high-resolution spectral observations of a small number of hot
  stars have been surprising, to say the least. The fast stellar winds
  of hot stars make these sources one of the few classes of astrophysical
  objects for which Chandra can make spectrally resolved measurements of
  line profiles. The observed line profiles vary significantly in both
  width and shape among the hot stars thus far observed. These results,
  along with line-ratio diagnostics of density and proximity to the
  photospheric UV field, are difficult to understand within the framework
  of any single theory of X-ray production on hot stars. In this talk,
  I will review the current observational results of high resolution
  Chandra spectroscopy of hot stars, and will discuss the implications
  for coronal, wind shock, and hybrid models of hot star X-rays.

Title: FUSE Observations of Stellar Wind Variability in {Sk -67°166}
Authors: Fullerton, A. W.; Massa, D. L.; Howarth, I. D.; Owocki,
   S. P.; Prinja, R. K.; Willis, A. J.
2000AAS...197.0802F    Altcode: 2000BAAS...32R1405F; 2000AAS...197..802F
  We present results from an 18-day campaign to monitor stellar wind
  variability in {Sk -67°166} (HDE 269698), an O4 If+ star in the Large
  Magellanic Cloud, with the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer
  (FUSE) satellite. Optical depth enhancements that progress from blue
  to red through the absorption trough are prominent in all unsaturated
  P Cygni profiles, particularly the resonance doublets of {S 4} and
  {P 5}. Related variability is evident in the resonance lines of {S 6}
  and {O 6}. The variations are qualitatively similar to those observed
  in the {Si 4} wind lines of the Galactic supergiant ζ Puppis [O4
  I(n)f] during a 16-day monitoring campaign with IUE. However, the FUSE
  observations contain more diagnostic information about the nature of
  the structures responsible for the observed variability. In particular,
  the relative amplitudes of the variations in {S 4} and {S 6} provide
  the first empirical constraint on the ionization equilibrium of these
  structures in an O star wind, while the variability of {O 6} traces the
  distribution of very hot gas. This work is based on observations made
  with the NASA-CNES-CSA Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer. FUSE is
  operated for NASA by the Johns Hopkins University under NASA contract

Title: Radiative Forces in Be Disks: Precession of Nearly Circular
Authors: Gayley, K.; Ignace, R.; Owocki, S.
2000AAS...197.6001G    Altcode: 2000BAAS...32.1502G
  We apply the standard CAK treatment of partially optically thick
  line forces to an orbiting disk around a B-type star, to delineate
  the parameter regimes where the radiative force may be expected to
  alter the global disk properties. Also, even when these radiative
  forces are small, we quantify the potentially important ramifications
  for higher-order perturbations such as one-arm mode confinement and
  precession of nearly circular orbits. We find that optically thick
  radiative forces, both radial and azimuthal, should be expected to be
  present in a Keplerian Be disk, and may have far-reaching implications
  for dynamical simulations over mode-precession timescales. Although our
  analysis is limited to a linear treatment of nearly circular orbits,
  we speculate that radiative forces may even control the saturation and
  nonlinear precession of observed large-amplitude one-arm modes. This
  work was supported in part by NASA grants NAG5-3530 and NAG5-4065.

Title: NGC 346-12, a Rapidly Rotating O9.5V Star in the SMC: Test
    Case of Weak Winds
Authors: Lanz, T.; Bouret, J. -C.; Heap, S. R.; Hubeny, I.; Hillier,
   D. J.; Lennon, D. J.; Smith, L. J.; Evans, C. J.; Owocki, S. P.
2000AAS...197.7811L    Altcode: 2000BAAS...32R1531L
  We have analyzed the UV and optical spectrum of the O9.5V Star, NGC
  346-12, using sophisticated, NLTE line-blanketed model atmospheres
  calculated with our code TLUSTY. The following stellar parameters
  were derived: T<SUB></SUB> eff=30,000 K, log g=3.5. An abundance
  analysis yields a metallicity, [Fe/H]=-1.0. The N/C abundance ratio
  is 25 times the solar ratio, indicating that material processed
  through the CNO-cycle has been brought up to the surface. Assuming
  a distance modulus, (m-M)=18.9, for the SMC, we have derived the
  luminosity, radius, and mass of the star. We found, similarly to higher
  luminosity galactic stars, a discrepancy between the mass derived
  from the spectroscopic analysis and from stellar evolution theory. We
  conclude that it is very likely that NGC 346-12 is a fast rotator,
  whose evolution has been affected by rotation. Furthermore, the wind
  of NGC 346-12 appears abnormal: while the C IV resonance lines do not
  reveal any indication of a wind, a weak P-Cygni profile is observed
  in N 5 1240. Various possible explanations for the low inferred ion
  density in the stellar wind, including an enhanced degree of wind
  ionization associated with ion frictional heating, or ion runaway
  due to frictional decoupling from the hydrogen-helium bulk plasma,
  are examined. This work was supported through a NASA/NRC RA award and
  STScI grants (GO 7437, AR 7985).

Title: Radiatively Driven Stellar Winds from Hot Stars
Authors: Owocki, S.
2000eaa..bookE1887O    Altcode:
  A stellar wind is the continuous, supersonic outflow of matter from a
  star. Among the most massive stars—which tend also to be the hottest
  and most luminous—the winds can be very strong, with important
  consequences both for the star's own evolution as well as for the
  surrounding interstellar medium. Such hot-star winds are understood
  to be driven by the pressure of the star's emitted radiation....

Title: Radiative Torque and Partial Spin-Down of Winds from Rotating
    Hot Stars
Authors: Gayley, K. G.; Owocki, S. P.
2000ApJ...537..461G    Altcode:
  We examine the degree to which the azimuthal component of the
  line-driving force can remove angular momentum from the equatorial wind
  of a rapidly rotating hot star, using a straightforward extension of
  the standard CAK formalism. We illustrate how even in a wind that is
  azimuthally symmetric, such a net azimuthal line force results from the
  prograde/retrograde velocity gradient asymmetries that are inherent
  to a non-rigidly rotating outflow. In particular, we show that the
  sense of the associated line torque always acts against the rotation
  whenever (as is generally the case) the azimuthal velocity falls below
  the linear outward increase (v<SUB>φ</SUB>~r) associated with rigid
  rotation. Through a parameter study based on two-dimensional numerical
  hydrodynamical simulations, we find that the net loss of wind angular
  momentum is significant but generally quite moderate, about 30%-40%,
  for a wide range of conditions. We then present an extensive analytic
  analysis that further illuminates the physical nature of the wind
  spin-down and its robust net magnitude. This emphasizes the inherent
  dynamical feedback between line driving and flow acceleration, which
  allows the radiative force to effectively amplify the Coriolis force
  in the rotating frame, and so cause the rotation speed to decrease even
  more steeply with radius than required to conserve angular momentum. A
  general conclusion is that, while the moderate net spin-down of the
  wind is not likely to have a major impact on the overall wind dynamics,
  it should be observable from emission line diagnostics, and that doing
  so would provide an independent test of line-driven wind theory.

Title: Stellar Winds APS Poster, Encyclopedia Article Available
Authors: Owocki, Stanley P.
2000BeSN...34...38O    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Book Review: Introduction to stellar winds / Cambridge U
    Press, 1999
Authors: Owocki, S. P.
2000SSRv...91..719O    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Outer Wind Evolution of Instability-Generated Clumped Structure
    in Hot Star Winds
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Runacres, M. C.; Cohen, D. H.
2000ASPC..204..183O    Altcode: 2000tiaf.conf..183O
  No abstract at ADS

Title: EUV/X-ray Emission and the Thermal and Ionization Structure
    of B Star Winds
Authors: Cohen, D. H.; Cassinelli, J. P.; Macfarlane, J. J.; Owocki,
   S. P.
2000ASPC..204...65C    Altcode: 2000tiaf.conf...65C; 2000astro.ph..8351C
  We discuss the EUV and X-ray properties of B stars, focusing on
  $\epsilon$ CMa (B2 II) which is the only star with both emission
  lines and a photospheric continuum detected with EUVE. We explore the
  modest effects of the photospheric EUV continua on the wind, as well as
  the much stronger effects of the short-wavelength EUV and soft X-ray
  emission lines. Attenuation of the EUV and soft X-ray emission by the
  wind plays an important role, and leads to the reprocessing of X-rays
  via He$^+$ ionization and the Bowen mechanism in the wind. Finally,
  we explore some of the new diagnostics that will shortly become
  available with the next generation of high spectral resolution X-ray
  telescopes. All of this analysis is presented in the context of a
  two component stellar wind--a dense component (clumps) that contains
  most of the mass but fills a negligible fraction of the volume, and
  a rarefied component that fills most of the volume but accounts for
  only a small fraction of the mass.

Title: Commission 36: Theory of Stellar Atmospheres: (Theorie des
    Atmospheres Stellaires)
Authors: Pallavicini, R.; Dravins, D.; Barbuy, B.; Cram, L.; Hubeny,
   I.; Owocki, S.; Saio, H.; Sasselov, D.; Spite, M.; Stepien, K.;
   Wehrse, R.
2000IAUTA..24..219P    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Working Group on Hot Massive Stars (Groupe De Travail Sur
    Les Etoiles Massives Chaudes)
Authors: Eenens, Philippe; Cassinelli, Joseph; Conti, Peter; Garmany,
   Catharine; van der Hucht, Karel; Kudritzki, Rolf; Lamers, Henny;
   Maeder, André; Moffat, Anthony; Owocki, Stanley
2000IAUTA..24..176E    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Effect of Instability-Generated Clumping on Wind Compressed
    Disk Inhibition
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Cohen, D. H.
2000ASPC..214..621O    Altcode: 2000bpet.conf..621O; 2000IAUCo.175..621O
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The First Extrasolar Measurement of Stellar He II and O III
Bowen Fluorescence Emission in the EUV: A New Diagnostic of Hot Star
    Wind Conditions Applied to ɛ Canis Majoris (B 2 II)
Authors: Cohen, David H.; Macfarlane, Joseph J.; Cassinelli, Joseph
   P.; Owocki, Stanley P.
1999APS..DPP.FO106C    Altcode:
  The B bright giant ɛ CMa is one of only two OB stars observable with
  the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) spectrometers (between 70
  Åand 760ÅOne of the most interesting aspects of this unique spectrum
  is the presence of strong emission lines at 304 ÅHe II Lyman-α) and
  374 ÅO III) due to the Bowen fluorescence mechanism. In this process,
  the He II 304 Åline pumps a resonance line of O III and the subsequent
  radiative decay yields several UV emission lines between 3000 Åand
  4000 ÅThese lines are observed in nebulae, AGN, and novae, but the
  final O III transition leads to emission near 400 Åwhich had never
  before been seen in any astrophysical object outside of the solar
  system. The Bowen emission lines are formed in the radiation-driven
  stellar wind of ɛ CMa, as is shown by the Doppler-broadened 304 Åline
  profile. Our modeling indicates that the He II 304 Åline is sensitive
  to the X-ray emission in the wind of ɛ CMa, due to the importance of
  X-rays photoionization in controlling the ionization of helium. We
  also explore the temperature-sensitivity of the 374 ÅÅand 435 ÅO
  III lines, and use the non-detection of the latter two lines to place
  an upper limit on the wind temperature.

Title: A Simple Scaling Analysis of X-Ray Emission and Absorption
    in Hot-Star Winds
Authors: Owocki, Stanley P.; Cohen, David H.
1999ApJ...520..833O    Altcode: 1999astro.ph..1250O
  We present a simple analysis of X-ray emission and absorption for
  hot-star winds, designed to explore the natural scalings of the
  observed X-ray luminosity with wind and stellar properties. We
  show that an exospheric approximation, in which all of the
  emission above the optical depth unity radius escapes the wind,
  reproduces very well the formal solution for radiation transport
  through a spherically symmetric wind. Using this approximation
  we find that the X-ray luminosity L<SUB>X</SUB> scales naturally
  with the wind density parameter Ṁ/v<SUB>∞</SUB>, obtaining
  L<SUB>X</SUB>~(Ṁ/v<SUB>∞</SUB>)<SUP>2</SUP> for optically thin
  winds, and L<SUB>X</SUB>~(Ṁ/v<SUB>∞</SUB>)<SUP>1+s</SUP> for
  optically thick winds with an X-ray filling factor that varies in radius
  as f~r<SUP>s</SUP>. These scalings with wind density contrast with the
  commonly inferred empirical scalings of X-ray luminosity L<SUB>X</SUB>
  with bolometric luminosity L<SUB>Bol</SUB>. The empirically derived
  linear scaling of L<SUB>X</SUB>~L<SUB>Bol</SUB> for thick winds can,
  however, be reproduced through a delicate cancellation of emission
  and absorption, if one assumes modest radial fall-off in the X-ray
  filling factor (s~-0.25 or s~-0.4, depending on details of the secondary
  scaling of wind density with luminosity). We also explore the nature
  of the X-ray spectral energy distribution in the context of this
  model and find that the spectrum is divided into a soft, optically
  thick part and a hard, optically thin part. Finally, we conclude
  that the energy-dependent emissivity must have a high-energy cutoff,
  corresponding to the maximum shock energy, in order to reproduce the
  general trends seen in X-ray spectral energy distributions of hot stars.

Title: Charge states of C and O from coronal holes: Non-Maxwellian
    distribution vs. unequal ion speeds
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Ko, Y. -K.
1999AIPC..471..263O    Altcode: 1999sowi.conf..263O
  The Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer (SWICS) on board Ulysses
  has compiled an extensive collection of ion charge state measurements in
  high-speed-wind streams. These provide important diagnostic constraints
  for the acceleration region of the large south polar coronal hole in
  which these charge states were “frozen-in.” Initial analyses of these
  data have inferred that the coronal electron distribution may deviate
  modestly from a Maxwellian (1) or that the coronal outflow speeds
  of heavy ions may vary with the ion mass (2) Here we apply a simple
  freezing-in approximation to examine the robustness and uniqueness of
  these inferences. In particular, we emphasize that careful attention
  to the ionization states of both Oxygen and Carbon provides the best
  potential diagnostic for a non-Maxwellian distribution of coronal
  electrons, since the similarity in their overall rate coefficients
  suggests a similar freezing-in location, while differences in their
  (comparatively high) ionization potentials provide a differential
  sensitivity to a high-energy electron tail. We also note the possibility
  that the freezing-in of the ionization state of these elements may
  begin in the underlying transition region of their source coronal hole.

Title: Line-driven Ablation and Wind Tilting by External Irradiation
Authors: Gayley, K. G.; Owocki, S. P.; Cranmer, S. R.
1999ApJ...513..442G    Altcode:
  The directional variation of the velocity gradient in a supersonic,
  radiatively accelerated flow gives an effectively anisotropic
  character to the line-scattering process. This leads to surprising
  consequences in source geometries that are more complex than isolated
  nonrotating stars. In this paper we explore the wind dynamics from
  a planar slab atmosphere that is irradiated by an external oblique
  source, within the framework of standard Castor, Abbott, &amp; Klein
  (CAK) wind theory. We show that the presence of externally incident
  radiation can be surprisingly effective at tilting the flow away
  from the vertical. Even more surprising is our conclusion that such
  illumination should often enhance the mass loss and can even induce
  outflow from a surface with no intrinsic radiation source. We examine
  the physical causes of such “line-driven ablation” and discuss the
  potential implications for modeling line-driven flows in massive-star
  binary and accretion-disk systems.

Title: Dynamics and variability of winds in WR+OB binaries
Authors: Gayley, K. G.; Owocki, S. P.
1999IAUS..193..168G    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Dynamics and variability of winds from single Wolf-Rayet stars
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Gayley, K. G.
1999IAUS..193..157O    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Line-driven Stellar Winds: The Dynamical Role of Diffuse
    Radiation Gradients and Limitations to the Sobolev Approach
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Puls, J.
1999ApJ...510..355O    Altcode:
  Line-driven stellar winds from hot, luminous OB stars have been most
  extensively modeled as smooth, steady state, supersonic outflows for
  which a local, Sobolev line-transfer treatment is used to compute
  the line-driving force. In this paper we apply a recently developed,
  nonlocal escape-integral source function (EISF) method for computing
  the line force toward time-dependent simulations. In accord with
  previous linear perturbation analyses, the initially most unstable
  flow fluctuations in numerical simulations here exhibit an outward
  phase propagation characterized by a positive correlation between
  velocity and density variations. However, such outward-mode waves
  quickly saturate by self-shadowing effects at a relatively low
  amplitude. Thus, much as in previous instability simulations, the
  nonlinear wind structure is still dominated by reverse shocks that
  arise from the somewhat slower (but less easily saturated) growth of
  inward-mode waves with an anticorrelated velocity-density structure. An
  unexpected result involves the important role that the diffuse,
  scattered radiation field--ignored in a Sobolev approach--plays in the
  dynamics around the wind sonic point. In particular, we find that the
  strong asymmetry in the forward and backward escape probabilities near
  the sonic point induces a marked depression in the scattering source
  function in this region. The resulting inwardly directed diffuse line
  force can significantly alter the mean wind conditions inferred from
  steady-wind models using the conventional Sobolev approach. We discuss
  the implications of these results and consider in particular why these
  effects have been overlooked in previous wind analyses.

Title: Turbulence in Line-Driven Stellar Winds
Authors: Owocki, Stanley
1999intu.conf...79O    Altcode:
  Hot, luminous OB stars have strong stellar winds driven by the
  line-scattering of the star's continuum radiation. This line-driving
  mechanism is understood to be highly unstable to small-scale
  perturbations. I will review efforts to simulate the nonlinear
  evolution of this instability using radiation hydrodynamics simulation
  codes. Because the usual local, Sobolev treatment for the line-force
  does not apply, a major challenge has been to develop computationally
  tractable methods for approximating the inherently non-local radiative
  transfer in the large number of wind-driving lines. Results of 1-D
  simulations generally show development of a highly compressible,
  stochastic wind structure dominated by strong reverse shocks and dense
  shells that arise from amplification of inward-mode radiatively-modified
  acoustic modes with anti-correlated velocity and density. In 2-D and
  3-D, linear analysis predicts that lateral variations in velocity should
  be strongly damped by the "line-drag" effect of the diffuse radiation
  scattered with the line resonance, suggesting possible suppression of
  classical Rayleigh-Taylor modes for lateral breakup of wind structure. I
  will summarize methods and preliminary results of recent efforts toward
  2-D simulation of the nonlinear wind structure. An overall goal is
  to develop connections with studies of highly compressible turbulent
  structure in other physical and astrophysical contexts.

Title: Co-Rotating Interaction Regions in 2D Hot-Star Wind Models
    with Line-Driven Instability
Authors: Owocki, Stanley P.
1999LNP...523..294O    Altcode: 1999vnss.conf..294O; 1999IAUCo.169..294O
  I review simulations of Co-rotating Interaction Regions (CIRs) in
  line-driven stellar winds. Previous CIR models have been based on a
  local, Sobolev treatment of the line-force, which effectively suppresses
  the strong, small-scale instability intrinsic to line-driving. Here I
  describe a new "3-ray-aligned-grid" method for computing the nonlocal,
  smooth-source-function line-force in 2D models that do include this
  line-driven instability. Preliminary results indicate that key overall
  features of large-scale CIRs can be quite similar in both Sobolev
  and non-Sobolev treatments, if the level of instability-generated
  wind structure is not too great. However, in certain models wherein
  the unstable self-excitation of wind variability penetrates back to
  the wind base, the stochastic, small-scale structure can become so
  dominant that it effectively disrupts any large-scale, CIR pattern.

Title: ISO-PHOT observations of Wolf-Rayet winds
Authors: Runacres, M. C.; Blomme, R.; Vyverman, K.; Cohen, M.;
   Leitherer, C.; Owocki, S. P.; Haas, M.
1999IAUS..193...96R    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Non-spherical Radiation-Driven Wind Models
Authors: Puls, Joachim; Petrenz, Peter; Owocki, Stanley P.
1999LNP...523..131P    Altcode: 1999IAUCo.169..131P; 1999vnss.conf..131P
  The present state of modelling radiatively driven stellar winds
  from rapidly rotating stars is reviewed. Various processes affecting
  the actual, still controversial wind structure are highlighted, in
  particular non-radial line-forces and gravity darkening, and useful
  scaling relations are provided. The importance of accounting for
  consistent NLTE line-forces depending both on the actual density
  structure and radiation field (as function of latitude and radius)
  is stressed, and some independent test calculations confirming earlier
  numerical results are reported.

Title: Line-Driven Ablation by External Irradiation
Authors: Gayley, Kenneth G.; Owocki, Stanley P.; Cranmer, Steven R.
1999LNP...523..151G    Altcode: 1999vnss.conf..151G; 1999IAUCo.169..151G
  The Sobolev approximation for supersonic flows creates an effective
  opacity distribution that is nonisotropic, because the line-of-sight
  velocity gradient is different in different directions. To better
  understand the importance of this phenomenon in a simplified geometry,
  we consider line-driven flows in the plane-parallel zero-sound-speed
  limit, and solve for the wind driven by radiation with an arbitrary
  angular distribution. One conclusion, surprising at first glance, is
  that the acceleration component normal to the surface is independent
  of both the strength and angular profile of the driving radiation
  field. The flow tilt and overall mass-loss rate do depend on the
  character of the radiation field. Also interesting is that mass loss
  through a surface may be generated or enhanced by irradiation that
  originates above the surface.

Title: Line-Driven Instability
Authors: Feldmeier, Achim; Owocki, Stanley
1998Ap&SS.260..113F    Altcode:
  Line-driven winds are subject to a strong radiation-hydrodynamic
  instability. We discuss the linear stability analysis and numerical
  simulations of the fully developed wind structure. The latter show
  sequences of strong reverse shocks, and two different families of clouds
  which mutually collide. Possible applications are the X-ray emission
  from O stars and the formation of dense clouds in broad absorption
  line quasars.

Title: Mass Loss from Rotating Hot-stars: Inhibition of Wind
    Compressed Disks by Nonradial Line-forces
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Cranmer, S. R.; Gayley, K. G.
1998Ap&SS.260..149O    Altcode:
  We review the dynamics of radiatively driven mass loss from rapidly
  rotating hot-stars. We first summarize the angular momentum conservation
  process that leads to formation of a Wind Compressed Disk(WCD) when
  material from a rapidly rotating star is driven gradually outward
  in the radial direction. We next describe how stellar oblateness
  and asymmetries in the Sobolev line-resonance generally leads to
  nonradialcomponents of the driving force is a line-driven wind,
  including an azimuthal spin-down force acting against the sense of
  the wind rotation, and a latitudinal force away from the equator. We
  summarize results from radiation-hydrodynamical simulations showing
  that these nonradial forces can lead to an effective suppressionof
  the equatorward flow needed to form a WCD, as well as a modest
  (∼ 25%) spin-downof the wind rotation. Furthermore, contrary to
  previous expectations that the wind mass flux should be enhanced by the
  reduced effective gravity near the equator, we show here that gravity
  darkening effects can actually lead to a reducedmass loss, and thus
  lower density, in the wind from the equatorial region. Finally, we
  examine the equatorial bistability model, and show that a sufficiently
  strong jump in wind driving parameters can, in principle, overcome the
  effect of reduced radiative driving flux, thus still allowing moderate
  enhancements in density in an equatorial, bistability zone wind.

Title: Line-Driven Ablation and Wind Tilting by External Irradiation
Authors: Gayley, K.; Owocki, S.; Cranmer, S.
1998AAS...192.2603G    Altcode: 1998BAAS...30..850G
  Sobolev opacity in a hot-star wind preferentially scatters photons that
  are incident along the direction of steepest velocity gradient. This
  non-isotropic response can rotate the force vector relative to the
  direction of net radiative flux, in a manner analogous to the way a
  non-isotropic sail and keel can allow a boat to sail upwind. For hot
  star binaries, the curious feedback between the radiative forces and
  the flows they drive allows for counter-intuitive self-consistent
  solutions. For example, we show that illumination that is purely
  external to a reflecting radiative-equilibrium atmosphere can ablate
  a highly tilted and fast wind, loosely reminiscent of “tacking”
  in the sailing analogy. The conclusion is that whenever the radiation
  source geometry is complicated, the non-isotropic nature of Sobolev
  opacity must be carefully accounted for to obtain even a qualitative
  understanding of the atmospheric response. Thus CAK theory continues
  to reveal new surprises even in its most basic formulation.

Title: Latitudinal Dependence of Radiatively Driven Mass Loss from
    Rapidly Rotating Hot-Stars
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Cranmer, S. R.; Gayley, K. G.
1998ASSL..233..205O    Altcode: 1998best.work..205O
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Effects of Gravity Darkening on Radiatively Driven Mass Loss
    from Rapidly Rotating Stars
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Gayley, K. G.; Cranmer, S. R.
1998ASPC..131..237O    Altcode: 1998phls.conf..237O
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Spectral Diagnostics of Blue Stars with Winds
Authors: Puls, J.; Kudritzki, R. -P.; Santolaya-Rey, A. E.; Herrero,
   A.; Owocki, S. P.; McCarthy, J. K.
1998ASPC..131..245P    Altcode: 1998phls.conf..245P
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Modelling Variability in Hot-Star Winds
Authors: Owocki, S. P.
1998cvsw.conf..325O    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: ISOPHOT Observations of Early-type Stars
Authors: Blomme, R.; Runacres, M. C.; Vyverman, K.; Cohen, M.;
   Leitherer, C.; Owocki, S. P.; Haas, M.
1998Ap&SS.255..145B    Altcode: 1997Ap&SS.255..145B
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Metallicity Dependence of Stellar Outflows and Their
Authors: Puls, J.; Springmann, U.; Owocki, S. P.
1998cvsw.conf..389P    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Wind variability of B supergiants. III. Corotating spiral
    structures in the stellar wind of HD 64760.
Authors: Fullerton, A. W.; Massa, D. L.; Prinja, R. K.; Owocki, S. P.;
   Cranmer, S. R.
1997A&A...327..699F    Altcode:
  Fourier analysis of two spectroscopic time series obtained with the
  IUE observatory confirm that the ultraviolet stellar wind profiles of
  HD 64760 (B0.5 Ib) are periodically variable. The periodic component
  consists of modulations that extend over most of the P Cygni absorption
  trough, and can frequently be traced through the emission lobe. The
  modulations coexist with variations due to the propagation of discrete
  absorption components, but there does not seem to be a direct link
  between these two types of variability. In a long time series obtained
  in 1995 January during the IUE MEGA Campaign, the modulations in
  the P Cygni profiles of the Si III, Si IV, C IV, and N V resonance
  lines were dominated by two sinusoidal variations with semi-amplitudes
  between ~5-10% of the continuum flux and periods of 1.202+/-0.004 and
  2.44+/-0.04days. The weak emission-lobe variability was predominantly
  due to the 2.4-day modulation. In the absorption trough, the ratio
  of the amplitude of the 1.2-day modulation to the amplitude of the
  2.4-day modulation increased systematically as a function of ionization
  potential. For both periods, the distribution of the phase constant with
  position in the absorption trough exhibited a maximum near -710km/s,
  and decreased symmetrically toward larger and smaller velocities. There
  was a systematic decrease in the value of the maximum phase between
  Si IV and N V. Only the 2.4-day period was present in a shorter time
  series obtained in 1993 March, when its amplitude was nearly twice its
  1995 value and it was more concentrated toward smaller velocities in
  the absorption trough. There is no clear evidence for phase bowing in
  the 1993 data. Since the 2.4- and 1.2-day periods are approximately
  a half and a quarter of the estimated rotational period of HD 64760,
  respectively, we interpret the modulations in terms of 2 (1993) and 4
  (1995) broad, corotating circumstellar structures that modulate the
  optical depth of the stellar wind. The bowed distribution of phase
  implies that the structures are azimuthally extended, probably
  spiral-shaped arms, and we develop a kinematic interpretation of
  the projected velocity associated with the phase turnover in terms
  of the degree of bending of the spirals. We derive a value for the
  exponent governing the radial expansion of the wind of β=~1, which
  is in good agreement with the canonical value for smooth, spherically
  symmetric winds and suggests that the spiral structures are long-lived
  perturbations through which material flows. The systematic phase lag
  associated with higher ions suggests that they are preferentially
  located along the inner, trailing edge of the spiral, as expected
  if the structures are formed by the collision of fast and slow winds
  originating from equally-spaced longitudinal sectors of the stellar
  surface. Although a photospheric process is implicated in the origin
  of these structures, it is not clear that magnetic fields or nonradial
  pulsations could readily account for the switch between 2- and 4-equally
  spaced surface patches that evidently occurred between 1993 and 1995.

Title: Sudden Radiative Braking in Colliding Hot-Star Winds
Authors: Gayley, K. G.; Owocki, S. P.; Cranmer, S. R.
1997ApJ...475..786G    Altcode:
  Hot, massive stars have strong stellar winds, and in hot-star binaries
  these winds can undergo violent collision. Because such winds are
  thought to be radiatively driven, radiative forces may also play an
  important role in moderating the wind collision. However, previous
  studies have been limited to considering how such forces may inhibit
  the initial acceleration of the companion stellar wind. In this paper
  we analyze the role of an even stronger radiative braking effect,
  whereby the primary wind is rather suddenly decelerated by the radiative
  momentum flux it encounters as it approaches a bright companion. We
  further show that the braking location and velocity law along the
  line of centers between the stars can be approximated analytically
  using a simple one-dimensional analysis. The results of this analysis
  agree well with a detailed two-dimensional hydrodynamical simulation
  of the wind collision in the WR + O binary V444 Cygni and demonstrate
  that radiative braking can significantly alter the bow-shock geometry
  and reduce the strength of the wind collision. <P />We then apply
  the derived analytic theory to a set of 14 hot-star binary systems,
  and conclude that radiative braking is likely to be of widespread
  importance for wind-wind collisions in WR + O binaries with close
  to medium separation, D &lt;~ 100 R<SUB>⊙</SUB>. It may also be
  important in other types of hot-star binaries that exhibit a large
  imbalance between the component wind strengths.

Title: Can the Line-Driven Instability Form BAL QSO Clouds?
Authors: Feldmeier, A.; Norman, C.; Pauldrach, A.; Owocki, S.; Puls,
   J.; Kaper, L.
1997ASPC..128..258F    Altcode: 1997meag.conf..258F
  No abstract at ADS

Title: ThePhysics of Stellar Winds Near the Eddington Limit
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Gayley, K. G.
1997ASPC..120..121O    Altcode: 1997lbv..conf..121O
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Far Infrared ISO Observations of RD 160529
Authors: Blomme, R.; Runacres, M. C.; Vyverman, K.; Cohen, M.;
   Leitherer, C.; Owocki, S. P.
1997ASPC..120...41B    Altcode: 1997lbv..conf...41B
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Inhibition FO Wind Compressed Disk Formation by Nonradial
    Line-Forces in Rotating Hot-Star Winds
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Cranmer, S. R.; Gayley, K. G.
1996ApJ...472L.115O    Altcode:
  We investigate the effects of nonradial line forces on the formation of
  a "wind-compressed disk" (WCD) around a rapidly rotating B star. Such
  nonradial forces can arise both from asymmetries in the line resonances
  in the rotating wind and from rotational distortion of the stellar
  surface. They characteristically include a latitudinal force component
  directed away from the equator and an azimuthal force component
  acting against the sense of rotation. Here we present results from
  radiation-hydrodynamical simulations showing that these nonradial
  forces can lead to an effective suppression of the equatorward
  flow needed to form a WCD as well as a modest (~20%) spin-down of
  the wind rotation. Furthermore, contrary to previous expectations
  that the wind mass flux should be enhanced by the reduced effective
  gravity near the equator, we show here that gravity darkening effects
  can actually lead to a reduced mass loss, and thus lower density,
  in the wind from the equatorial region. Overall, the results here
  thus imply a flow configuration that is markedly different from that
  derived in previous models of winds from rotating early-type stars. In
  particular, a major conclusion is that equatorial wind compression
  effects should be effectively suppressed in any radiatively driven
  stellar wind for which, as in the usual CAK formalism, the driving
  includes a significant component from optically thick lines. This
  presents a serious challenge to the WCD paradigm as an explanation for
  disk formation around Be and other rapidly rotating hot stars thought
  to have CAK-type, line-driven winds.

Title: The Incidence and Origin of Rotational Modulation in B
    Supergiant Winds
Authors: Massa, D.; Prinja, R. K.; Fullerton, A. W.; Owocki, S. P.;
   Cranmer, S. R.
1996AAS...189.9615M    Altcode: 1996BAAS...28.1401M
  We report the results of a 30 day IUE time series (with a mean sampling
  of ~ 3 times a day) of wind variability in two B supergiants with
  typical projected rotational velocities. The implied rotation periods
  for the program stars are &lt;= 18.6 days for one and &lt;= 27 days
  for the other. The wind variability in the more rapidly rotating
  supergiant clearly shows cyclical behavior with a period of ~ 7.7
  days. The modulation is most clearly seen at low velocity in the low
  ions (C ii lambda lambda 1335, Al iii lambda lambda 1860, and the Si
  iii lambda lambda 1300 triplets), demonstrating a photospheric origin
  of the disturbances. Furthermore, since the period of the variability
  is roughly half of the most probable rotation period of the star,
  we attribute the variability to rotational modulation of its wind
  by two distinct, equidistant surface features. We note, however,
  that there is also complex substructure to the modulation which is
  unresolved at our temporal sampling rate. The more slowly rotating
  supergiant does not show distinctly repeating structures in its wind
  lines, but there is an indication that a single feature is repeating
  on the same time scale as its rotation period. When considered in
  context with previous observations of a rapidly rotating supergiant,
  the current results indicate that wind variability in B supergiants
  is intimately linked to the presence of surface features on these stars.

Title: Effect of Gravity Darkening on Bistable Winds in B[e] Stars
Authors: Owocki, S.; Gayley, K.
1996AAS...189.4807O    Altcode: 1996BAAS...28.1337O
  The circumstellar envelopes B[e] stars are thought to have enhanced
  density near the equatorial plane. Lamers and Pauldrach (1991, A&amp;A,
  244, L5) proposed that this could be produced from a "bistability
  mechanism" in the radiatively driven wind, by which the lower effective
  temperature in rotationally gravity-darkened equatorial regions leads
  to an abrupt shift in the wind ionization, and an associated enhanced
  efficiency in the radiative driving. Here we describe how this picture
  is modified by taking self-consistent account of the reduced radiative
  flux associated with the reduced equatorial effective temperature. The
  general result is a reduction in the equatorial density enhancement, and
  thus a potentially significant moderation of the net bistability effect.

Title: Sudden radiative braking in colliding hot-star winds.
Authors: Gayley, K. G.; Owocki, S. P.; Cranmer, S. R.
1996RMxAC...5...68G    Altcode:
  When two hot-star winds collide, their interaction centers at the
  point where the momentum fluxes balance. However, in WR+O systems, the
  imbalance in the corporeal momentum fluxes may be extreme enough to
  preclude a standard head-on wind/wind collision. On the other hand,
  an important component of the total momentum flux in radiatively
  driven winds is carried by photons. Thus, if the wind interaction
  region has sufficient scattering opacity, it can reflect stellar
  photons and cause important radiative terms to enter the momentum
  balance. This radiative input would result in additional braking of
  the wind. We use a radiative-hydrodynamics calculation to show that
  such radiative braking can be an important effect in many types of
  colliding hot-star winds. Characterized by sudden deceleration of the
  stronger wind in the vicinity of the weak-wind star, it can allow a wind
  ram balance that would otherwise be impossible in many WR+O systems
  with separations less than a few hundred solar radii. It also greatly
  weakens the shock strength and the encumbent X ray production. We
  demonstrate the significant features of this effect using V444 Cygni
  as a characteristic example. We also derive a general analytic theory
  that applies to a wide class of binaries, yielding simple predictions
  for when radiative braking should play an important role.

Title: The Impact of Pulsations and Waves on Hot-Star Wind Variability
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.; Massa, D.; Owocki, S. P.
1996AAS...188.5907C    Altcode: 1996BAAS...28R.918C
  Hot luminous stars (O, B, W-R) are observed to have strong and variable
  stellar winds, and many classes of these stars are also inferred
  to pulsate radially or nonradially. It has been suspected for some
  time that these oscillations can induce periodic modulations in the
  surrounding stellar wind and produce observational signatures in, e.g.,
  ultraviolet P Cygni line profiles. However, the fact that most low-order
  and low-degree oscillation modes are evanescent in the photosphere
  (i.e., damping exponentially instead of propagating sinusoidally)
  presents a problem to the survival of significant wave amplitude in
  the wind. We find, though, that the presence of an accelerating wind
  can provide the necessary impetus for evanescent modes to effectively
  “tunnel” their way out of the interior. First, in the subsonic, or
  near-static wind, the reference frame of the temporal oscillations is
  itself beginning to propagate, and this implies that a small degree
  of group velocity is imparted to the evanescent waves. Second, in
  the supersonic wind, the density no longer falls off exponentially,
  but much more slowly, so the effective scale height grows much
  larger. Frequencies previously evanescent here no longer “see”
  as much of an underlying density gradient, and are free to propagate
  nearly acoustically. We model the propagation of oscillations into
  a hot-star wind via a numerical radiation-hydrodynamics code, and
  we find that evanescence is indeed not a hindrance to producing
  wind variability correlated with stellar pulsations. Preliminary
  models of strong (nonlinear) radial wind oscillations of the beta
  Cephei variable BW Vulpeculae show good agreement between observed
  and modeled base “radial velocity curves” and wind-contaminated UV
  profile variability. We are currently applying this general modeling
  technique to other systems, especially those which rotate rapidly
  and exhibit nonradial oscillations (e.g., zeta Puppis and HD 64760,
  extensively observed by the IUE MEGA project).

Title: The impact of pulsations and waves on hot-star wind
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.; Massa, D.; Owocki, S. P.
1996BAAS...28Q.918C    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Book Review: Instability and variability of hot-star winds /
    Kluwer, 1995
Authors: Moffat, A. F. J.; Owocki, S. P.; Fullerton, A. W.; St-Louis,
1996SSRv...76..375M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Nonlocal Escape-Integral Approximations for the Line Force
    in Structured Line-driven Stellar Winds
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Puls, J.
1996ApJ...462..894O    Altcode:
  We develop a nonlocal, integral escape-probability formalism for
  approximating both the direct and diffuse line force in a structured,
  radiatively driven stellar wind. Our approach represents a direct
  generalization of the local Sobolev escape-probability methods commonly
  applied in smooth, steady wind models. It naturally incorporates
  previous nonlocal force methods based on pure-absorption or smooth
  source function (S SF) approximations for the line transport. However,
  it also leads to the development of a new "escape-integral source
  function" (EISF) method, which, for the first time, takes into
  account the dynamical effects of gradients in the perturbed source
  function. Perturbation analyses, formulated here in terms of the
  perturbed escape probability, demonstrate how key aspects of the linear
  wind instability, including line-drag and phase-propagation reversals,
  are incorporated in the various nonlocal force approximations. The
  methods here thus provide the basis for further, more complete
  simulations of the nonlinear wind structure resulting from this strong
  line-driven flow instability.

Title: Inhibition of Wind Compressed Disk Formation by Nonradial
Authors: Owocki, S.; Gayley, K.; Cranmer, S.
1996AAS...188.3801O    Altcode: 1996BAAS...28..881O
  We investigate the effects of nonradial line-forces on the formation of
  a “Wind Compressed Disk” (WCD) around a rapidly rotating B-star. Such
  nonradial forces can arise from both asymmetries in the line resonances
  in the rotating wind, as well as from rotational distortion of the
  stellar surface. They characteristically include an azimuthal force
  component acting against the sense of rotation, and a latitudinal force
  component directed away from the equator. Here we present results from
  radiation-hydrodynamical simulations showing that these nonradial
  forces can lead to a significant spin-down of the wind rotation, as
  well as an effective suppression of the equatorward flow needed to
  form a WCD. The qualitative sense of these effects can be understood
  from simple physical arguments and analytic test cases, though further
  testing and analysis is still needed to confirm their quantitative
  importance. Nonetheless, these results indicate that nonradial force
  components can effectively inhibit equatorial wind compression in
  a line-driven outflow. If confirmed, these effects would seriously
  undermine the WCD paradigm as an explanation for disk formation around
  Be and other rapidly rotating hot stars with line-driven stellar winds.

Title: Hydrodynamical Simulations of Corotating Interaction Regions
    and Discrete Absorption Components in Rotating O-Star Winds
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.; Owocki, Stanley P.
1996ApJ...462..469C    Altcode: 1995astro.ph..8004C
  We present two-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations of corotating
  interaction regions (CIRs) in the wind from a rotating 0 star,
  together with resulting synthetic line profiles showing discrete
  absorption components (DACs). For computational tractability, we use a
  local, Sobolev treatment of the radiative force, which suppresses the
  small-scale instability intrinsic to line driving but still allows us to
  model the dynamics of large-scale wind structure. As a first step toward
  modeling the wind response to large-scale base perturbations (e.g., from
  surface magnetic fields or nonradial pulsations), the structure here is
  explicitly induced by localized increases or decreases in the radiative
  force, as would result from a bright or dark "star spot" near the star's
  equator. <P />We find that bright spots with enhanced driving generate
  high-density, low-speed streams, while dark spots generate low-density,
  high-speed streams. CIRs form where fast material collides with slow
  material; e.g., at the leading (trailing) edge of a stream from a dark
  (bright) spot, often steepening into shocks. The unperturbed supersonic
  wind obliquely impacts the high-density CIR and sends back a nonlinear
  signal that takes the form of a sharp propagating discontinuity ("kink"
  or "plateau") in the radial velocity gradient. In the wind's comoving
  frame, these features propagate inward at the fast characteristic speed
  derived by Abbott for radiatively modified acoustic waves, but because
  this is generally only slightly less than the outward wind speed, the
  features evolve only slowly outward in the star's frame. We find that
  these slow kinks, rather than the CIRs themselves, are more likely to
  result in DACs in the absorption troughs of unsaturated P Cygni line
  profiles. Because the hydrodynamic structure settles to a steady state
  in a frame corotating with the star, the more tightly spiraled kinks
  sweep by an observer on a longer timescale than material moving with
  the wind itself. This is in general accord with observations showing
  slow apparent accelerations for DACs.

Title: Sudden Radiative Braking in Colliding Hot-Star Winds
Authors: Gayley, K.; Owocki, S.; Cranmer, S.
1996AAS...188.6016G    Altcode: 1996BAAS...28Q.922G
  Hot, massive stars have strong stellar winds, and in hot-star binaries
  these winds can undergo violent collision. Because such winds are
  thought to be radiatively driven, radiative forces may also play an
  important role in moderating the wind collision. However, previous
  studies have been limited to considering how such forces may inhibit
  the initial acceleration of the companion stellar wind. In this
  poster we describe the role of an even stronger radiative braking
  effect, whereby the primary wind is rather suddenly decelerated by
  the radiative momentum flux it encounters as it approaches a bright
  companion. We show that the braking location and velocity law along
  the line of centers between the stars can be approximated analytically
  using a simple one-dimensional analysis. The results of this analysis
  agree well with a detailed two-dimensional hydrodynamical simulation of
  the wind collision in the WR+O binary V444 Cygni, and demonstrate that
  radiative braking can significantly alter the bow-shock geometry and
  reduce the strength of the wind collision. We also apply the derived
  analytic theory to a set of 14 hot-star binary systems, and conclude
  that radiative braking is likely to be of widespread importance for
  wind-wind collisions in WR+O binaries with close to medium separation,
  D &lt;= 100 R<SUB>sun</SUB>. It may also be important in other types of
  hot-star binaries that exhibit a large imbalance between the component
  wind strengths.

Title: Evidence for Wind Attenuation and a Multitemperature Plasma
    in the Combined EUVE and ROSAT Observations of epsilon Canis Majoris
    (B2 II)
Authors: Cohen, D. H.; Cooper, R. G.; Macfarlane, J. J.; Owocki,
   S. P.; Cassinelli, J. P.; Wang, P.
1996ApJ...460..506C    Altcode:
  We use both EUVE and ROSAT data sets to test three general , wind shock,
  and external-for the production of the observed high-energy emission
  from the B giant, η CMa (B2 II). Because of the very low interstellar
  opacity along its line of sight, η CMa is the only early-type star that
  has strong emission lines detected with the EUVE spectrometers. The
  line spectrum provides the first solid observational evidence that
  the emission is thermal. Theoretical EUV spectra based upon two-
  temperature model fits to the ROSA T data predict too much flux,
  especially in the iron line complex near 175 Å. We use progressively
  more complex models until we are able to achieve a fit to the combined
  data sets. We find that both a temperature distribution in the emitting
  plasma and some attenuation of the EUV and soft X-ray emission by the
  ionized stellar wind must be included in the models. The model fitting
  indicates that only 13% to 21% of the emission-line complex near 175 Å
  escapes the wind. This amount is consistent with the wind shock model,
  in which the emitting material is distributed throughout the stellar
  wind. It is much more absorption than is predicted by the external
  source model, where all of the emitting material is at radii beyond
  the cold stellar wind. And it is significantly less absorption than
  is expected in the coronal model, given what is known about the star's
  mass-loss rate. The derived temperature distribution and wind filling
  factor of hot gas are also qualitatively consistent with our numerical
  simulations of wind shocks. We conclude that although the observed flux
  from η CMa in the interval 54 eV &lt; E &lt; 100 eV is approximately
  the same as that above 100 eV, because of wind attenuation the total
  generated radiation in then EUV band between 54 eV and 100 eV is 5
  times greater than that in the X-ray region.

Title: On flow phenomena that emit X-rays in hot star winds.
Authors: Feldmeier, A.; Puls, J.; Kudritzki, R. P.; Pauldrach,
   A. W. A.; Owocki, S. P.; Reile, C.; Palsa, R.
1996rftu.proc...29F    Altcode:
  The X-ray emission from O stars may originate from instability-generated
  shocks in their stellar winds. Previous numerical simulations that
  assumed the wind to be isothermal could only draw limited conclusions
  concerning this emission. The authors present new calculations including
  the energy transfer in the wind. They confirm that up to a few stellar
  radii, radiative cooling is efficient, i.e., shock cooling zones are
  short compared with dynamical lengths. At larger radii, however, the
  wind structure changes drastically because all shocks are destroyed
  quickly due to a broadening of their cooling zones. The authors discuss
  the following flow phenomena as possible sources of X-rays: (1) inner
  radiative shocks; (2) shock merging; (3) outer adiabatic shocks;
  (4) leftover hot gas from shock destruction; and (5) an outer corona.

Title: Sudden radiative braking in colliding hot-star winds.
Authors: Gayley, K.; Owocki, S. P.; Cranmer, S. R.
1996BAAS...28..922G    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Importance of Radiative Braking for the Wind Interaction
    in the Close WR+O Binary V444 Cygni
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Gayley, K. G.
1995ApJ...454L.145O    Altcode:
  We describe radiation-hydrodynamical simulations of the wind interaction
  in the close WR+O binary V444 Cygni, with special emphasis on the
  potential role of the O-star light in decelerating the approaching
  massive WR wind. We demonstrate that such radiative braking can
  significantly alter the strength and overall geometry of the wind
  interaction, leading, for example, to a substantially wider opening
  angle for the wind bow shock. It can also cause the X-ray production
  to fall far below previous theoretical estimates based on collision
  of the two winds at their terminal speeds. We further find that the
  importance of radiative braking in this system depends crucially on
  the effectiveness of the WR wind line opacity in reflecting O-star
  light. This suggests that observational estimates of quite gross
  system characteristics, like the bow-shock opening angle, can be used
  to infer the degree of radiative braking, and so provide a useful new
  contraint for line-driving models of WR winds.

Title: Periodic Variations in Ultraviolet Spectral Lines of the
B0.5 Ib Star HD 64760: Evidence for Corotating Wind Streams Rooted
    in Surface Variations
Authors: Owocki, Stanley P.; Cranmer, Steven R.; Fullerton,
   Alexander W.
1995ApJ...453L..37O    Altcode:
  We discuss recently observed periodic modulations in the UV wind lines
  of the B-type supergiant HD 64760, with a focus on the peculiar,
  upwardly bowed shape seen in isoflux contours of the absorption
  variations plotted against velocity and time. We show that this
  qualitative impression of bowed contours is quantitatively confirmed by
  a peak in the phase for the associated periodic variation at very nearly
  the same line position as the apparent bow minimum. The bowed shape
  is significant because it indicates that wind variations evolve both
  blueward and redward, i.e., toward both larger and smaller line-of-sight
  velocities. We show here, however, that these characteristics arise
  naturally from absorption by strictly accelerating corotating wind
  streams seen in projection against the stellar disk. The quite good
  agreement obtained with the observed profile variations provides strong
  evidence for corotating stream modulations in this wind.

Title: Shocks and Shells in Hot Star Winds
Authors: Feldmeier, A.; Puls, J.; Reile, C.; Pauldrach, A. W. A.;
   Kudritzki, R. P.; Owocki, S. P.
1995Ap&SS.233..293F    Altcode:
  Radiation-driven winds of hot, massive stars showvariability in UV and
  optical line profiles on time scales of hours to days.Shock heating
  of wind material is indicated by the observed X-ray emission. We
  present time-dependent hydrodynamical models of these winds, where
  flowstructures originate from a strong instability of the radiative
  driving. Recent calculations (Owocki 1992) of the unstable growth
  of perturbations were restricted by the assumptions of 1-D spherical
  symmetry and isothermality of the wind. We drop the latter assumption
  and include the energy transfer in the wind. This leads to a severe
  numerical shortcoming, whereby all radiative cooling zones collapse
  and the shocks become isothermal again. We propose a method to hinder
  this collapse. Calculations for dense supergiant winds then show: (1)
  The wind consists of a sequence of narrow and dense shells, which are
  enclosed by strong reverse shocks (with temperatures of 10<SUP>6</SUP>
  to 10<SUP>7</SUP> K) on their starward facing side. (2) Collisions of
  shells are frequent up to 6 to 7 stellar radii. (3) Radiative cooling
  is efficient only up to 4 to 6R <SUB>*</SUB>. Beyond these radii,
  cooling zones behind shocks become broad and alter the wind structure
  drastically: all reverse shocks disappear, leaving regions ofpreviously
  heated gas.

Title: The IUE MEGA Campaign: Wind Variability and Rotation in
    Early-Type Stars
Authors: Massa, D.; Fullerton, A. W.; Nichols, J. S.; Owocki, S. P.;
   Prinja, R. K.; St-Louis, N.; Willis, A. J.; Altner, B.; Bolton, C. T.;
   Cassinelli, J. P.; Cohen, D.; Cooper, R. G.; Feldmeier, A.; Gayley,
   K. G.; Harries, T.; Heap, S. R.; Henriksen, R. N.; Howarth, I. D.;
   Hubeny, I.; Kambe, E.; Kaper, L.; Koenigsberger, G.; Marchenko, S.;
   McCandliss, S. R.; Moffat, A. F. J.; Nugis, T.; Puls, J.; Robert, C.;
   Schulte-Ladbeck, R. E.; Smith, L. J.; Smith, M. A.; Waldron, W. L.;
   White, R. L.
1995ApJ...452L..53M    Altcode:
  Wind variability in OB stars may be ubiquitous, and a connection
  between projected stellar rotation velocity and wind activity is well
  established. However, the origin of this connection is unknown. To
  probe the nature of the rotation connection, several of the attendees
  at the workshop on Instability and Variability of Hot-Star Winds
  drafted an IUE observing proposal. The goal of this program was to
  follow three stars for several rotations to determine whether the
  rotation connection is correlative or causal. The stars selected for
  monitoring all have rotation periods &lt;=5 days. They were HD 50896
  (WN5), HD 64760 (B0.5 Ib), and HD 66811 [ zeta Pup; O4 If(n)]. During
  16 days of nearly continuous observations in 1995 January (dubbed the
  "MEGA" campaign), 444 high-dispersion IUE spectra of these stars were
  obtained. This Letter presents an overview of the results of the MEGA
  campaign and provides an introduction to the three following Letters,
  which discuss the results for each star.

Title: Momentum Deposition in Wolf-Rayet Winds: Nonisotropic Diffusion
    with Effectively Gray Opacity
Authors: Gayley, Kenneth G.; Owocki, Stanley P.; Cranmer, Steven R.
1995ApJ...442..296G    Altcode:
  We derive the velocity and mass-loss rate of a steady state Wolf-Rayet
  (WR) wind, using a nonisotropic diffusion approximation applied to
  the transfer between strongly overlapping spectral lines. Following
  the approach of Friend &amp; Castor (1983), the line list is assumed
  to approximate a statistically parameterized Poisson distribution in
  frequency, so that photon transport is controlled by an angle-dependent,
  effectively gray opacity. We show the nonisotropic diffusion
  approximation yields good agreement with more accurate numerical
  treatments of the radiative transfer, while providing analytic insight
  into wind driving by multiple scattering. We illustrate, in particular,
  that multiple radiative momentum deposition does not require that
  photons be repeatedly reflected across substantial distances within
  the spherical envelope, but indeed is greatest when photons undergo a
  nearly local diffusion, e.g., through scattering by many lines closely
  spaced in frequency. Our results reiterate the view that the so-called
  'momentum problem' of Wolf-Rayet winds is better characterized as
  an 'opacity problem' of simply identifying enough lines. One way of
  increasing the number of thick lines in Wolf-Rayet winds is to transfer
  opacity from saturated to unsaturated lines, yielding a steeper opacity
  distribution than that found in OB winds. We discuss the implications
  of this perspective for extending our approach to W-R wind models
  that incorporate a more fundamental treatment of the ionization and
  excitation processes that determine the line opacity. In particular,
  we argue that developing statistical descriptions of the lines to
  allow an improved effective opacity for the line ensemble would offer
  several advantages for deriving such more fundamental W-R wind models.

Title: The Effect of Oblateness and Gravity Darkening on the Radiation
    Driving in Winds from Rapidly Rotating B Stars
Authors: Cranmer, Steven R.; Owocki, Stanley P.
1995ApJ...440..308C    Altcode:
  We calculate the radiative driving force for winds around rapidly
  rotating oblate B stars, and we estimate the impact these forces should
  have on the production of a wind compressed disk. The effects of limb
  darkening, gravity darkening, oblateness, and an arbitrary wind velocity
  field are included in the computation of vector 'oblate finite disk'
  (OFD) factors, which depend on both radius and colatitude in the
  wind. The impact of limb darkening alone, with or without rotation,
  can increase the mass loss by as much as 10% over values computed using
  the standard uniformly bright spherical finite disk factor. For rapidly
  rotating stars, limb darkening makes 'sub-stellar' gravity darkening the
  dominant effect in the radial and latitudinal OFD factors, and lessens
  the impact of gravity darkening at other visible latitudes (nearer
  to the oblate limb). Thus, the radial radiative driving is generally
  stronger over the poles and weaker over the equator, following the
  gravity darkening at these latitudes. The nonradial radiative driving
  is considerably smaller in magnitude than the radial component, but
  is directed both away from the equatorial plane and in a retrograde
  azimuthal direction, acting to decrease the effective stellar rotation
  velocity. These forces thus weaken the equatorward wind compression
  compared to wind models computed with nonrotating finite disk factors.

Title: The non-isotropic diffusion approximation in Wolf-Rayet winds
Authors: Gayley, K. G.; Owocki, S. P.
1995IAUS..163..158G    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The dynamics of Wolf-Rayet winds (Invited)
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Gayley, K. G.
1995IAUS..163..138O    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Hydrodynamical Simulations of Co-Rotating Interaction Regions
    and Discrete Absorption Components in Rotating O-Star Winds
Authors: Cranmer, S. R.; Owocki, S. P.
1994AAS...185.8003C    Altcode: 1994BAAS...26.1446C
  We present 2D hydrodynamical simulations of co-rotating stream
  structure in the winds from rotating O-stars, together with resulting
  synthetic line profiles showing discrete absorption components
  (DAC's). The azimuthal variation is induced by a local increase
  or decrease in the radiative driving force, as would arise from a
  “star spot” in the equatorial plane. Since much of the emergent
  wind structure seems independent of the exact method of perturbation,
  we expect similar morphology in winds perturbed by localized magnetic
  fields or non-radial pulsations. Because the radiative force depends
  on the local rate of mass loss, bright spots with enhanced driving
  generate high-density, low-velocity streams, while dark spots generate
  low-density, high-velocity streams. Co-rotating interaction regions
  (CIR's) form where fast material collides with slow material -- e.g. at
  the leading (trailing) edge of a stream from a dark (bright) spot,
  often steepening into shocks. The asymmetric wind also generates sharp
  propagating discontinuities (“kinks”) in the radial velocity gradient,
  which travel inward in the co-moving frame at the radiative-acoustic
  characteristic speed, and slowly outward in the star's frame. We find
  that these slow kinks, rather than the CIR's themselves, are more
  likely to result in high-opacity DAC's in the absorption troughs of
  unsaturated P Cygni line profiles. Because the hydrodynamic structure
  settles to a steady state in a frame co-rotating with the star, the
  more tightly-spiraled kinks sweep by an observer on a longer timescale
  than material moving with the wind itself. This is in general accord
  with observations showing slow apparent accelerations for DAC's.

Title: Instability and variability of hot-star winds
Authors: Moffat, Anthony F. J.; Owocki, Stanley P.; Fullerton, Alex
   W.; St-Louis, Nicole
1994Ap&SS.221.....M    Altcode:
  There are many unanswered questions in the area of hot-star wind
  instability and its observable manifestations. The workshop on the
  instability and variability of hot-star winds discussed many of these
  questions. The key issue was how time-dependent structures observed
  in hot-star winds relate to radiative and other instabilities. Further
  questions concerned the role of turbulence and the nature of its driver,
  and the effect of stellar rotation, pulsation, and magnetic fields on
  time-dependent phenomena in hot-star winds. Also discussed was the
  impact of stellar wind variability on the deprivation of mass-loss
  rates, on stellar evolution, and on momentum/energy deposition in
  the interstellar medium. For individual titles, see A95-78603 through

Title: Theory Review: Line-Driven Instability and Other Causes of
    Structure and Variability in Hot-Star Winds
Authors: Owocki, Stanley P.
1994Ap&SS.221....3O    Altcode:
  The winds of the hot, luminous, OB stars are driven by the
  line-scattering of the star's continuum radiation flux. Several kinds
  of observational evidence indicate that such winds are highly structured
  and variable. This paper will review possible theoretical causes of such
  wind structure. For relatively small-scale, stochastic variability, I
  review the role of the strong intrinsic instability of the line-driving
  process itself. For larger scale structure, I describe recent efforts
  to examine how disturbances from the underlying, rotating star can be
  translated outward into propagating features in the wind.

Title: 2-D Hydrodynamical Simulations of Wind Compressed Disks
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Cranmer, S. R.; Blondin, J. M.
1994Ap&SS.221..455O    Altcode:
  We present results of 2-D hydrodynamical simulations of a radiatively
  driven stellar wind from a rapidly rotating Be-star. These generally
  confirm predictions of the semi-analytic “Wind-Compressed-Disk”
  model recently proposed by Bjorkman and Cassinelli to explain the
  circumstellar disks inferred observationally to exist around such
  rapidly rotating stars. However, our numerical simulations are able to
  incorporate several important effects not accounted for in the simple
  model, including a dynamical treatment of the outward radiative driving
  and gas pressure, as well as a rotationally distorted, oblate stellar
  surface. This enables us to model quantitatively the compressed wind
  and shock that forms the equatorial disk. The simulation results thus
  do differ in several important details from the simple model, showing,
  for example, an inner diskinflow not possible in the heuristic approach
  of assuming a fixed outward velocity law. There is also no evidence
  for the predicted detachment of the disk that arises in the fixed
  outflow picture. The peak equatorward velocity in the dynamical models
  is furthermore about a factor of two smaller than the analytically
  predicted value of ∼ 50% the stellar equatorial rotation speed. As a
  result, the dynamical disks are somewhat weaker than predicted, with a
  wider opening angle, lower disk/pole density ratio, and smaller shock
  velocity jump (each by roughly the same factor of two).

Title: X-Ray Emission in Wind Instability Simulations
Authors: Cooper, R. G.; Owocki, S. P.
1994Ap&SS.221..427C    Altcode:
  We estimate X-ray emission by shock-heated regions in hot star winds,
  using temperature and density profiles calculated by time-dependent
  dynamical models; the shocks result from the instability of the
  line scattering force that drives the wind. For main sequence late O
  and early B stars, the model X-ray flux is generally well below the
  observed flux, though the shape of the model spectrum is approximately
  consistent with observations. For the early O supergiantζ Pup, the
  model spectral shape again agrees with observation; the total flux
  predicted by models is well above the observed flux, though significant
  uncertainties remain.

Title: Synthesis of Line Profiles from Models of Structured Winds
Authors: Puls, J.; Feldmeier, A.; Springmann, U. W. E.; Owocki, S. P.;
   Fullerton, A. W.
1994Ap&SS.221..409P    Altcode:
  On the basis of a a careful analysis of resonance line formation
  (both for singlets and doublets) in structured winds, presenttime
  dependent models of the line driven winds of hot stars (Owocki et al.,
  this volume; Feldmeier, this volume) are shown to be able to explain
  a number of observational features with respect to variability and
  structure: they are (in principle) able to reproduce theblack andbroad
  troughs (without any artificial “turbulence velocity”) and the
  “blue edge variability” observed in saturated resonance lines;
  they might explain the “long lived narrow absorption components”
  often observed in unsaturated lines at high velocities; they predict a
  relation between the “edge velocity” of UV-lines and the radiation
  temperature of the observed X-ray emission. As a first example of the
  extent to which theoretical models can be constrained by comparisons
  between observations and profiles calculated by spectrum synthesis from
  structured winds, we show here that models with deep-seated onset of
  structure formation (≳ 1.1R <SUB> * </SUB>) produce resonance lines
  which agreequalitatively with observational findings; in contrast,
  the here presented models with structure formation only well out in
  the wind (≳ 1.6R <SUB> * </SUB>) fail in this respect.

Title: Summary comments
Authors: Owocki, S. P.
1994Ap&SS.221..491O    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: 1-D Models of Induced Density Enhancements in Hot-Star Winds
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Fullerton, A. W.; Puls, J.
1994Ap&SS.221..437O    Altcode:
  We present a 1-D dynamical model of large-scale flow structures
  induced in a hot-star wind by an initial density perturbation in the
  inner wind. The resulting wind response is very complex, but includes
  strong density enhancements that propagate slowly outward through the
  wind. These density structures exhibit a very slow outward acceleration
  reminiscent of the discrete absorption components frequently observed
  in unsaturated UV lines formed in hot-star winds.

Title: Acceleration Efficiency in Line-driven Flows
Authors: Gayley, Kenneth G.; Owocki, Stanley P.
1994ApJ...434..684G    Altcode:
  We reexamine the physics of flow driving by line scattering of a
  continuum radiation source to determine the degree to which such line
  scattering can heat as well as accelerate the flow. Within the framework
  of the Sobolev theory for line transfer, we argue that the finite
  thermal width of the line scattering profile can lead to a significant
  'Doppler heating' via photon frequency redistribution within a Sobolev
  resonance layer. Quantitative computation of this heating shows,
  however, that it is largely canceled by a corresponding cooling by the
  diffuse radiation. The resulting reduction in net Doppler heating or
  cooling means that the overall effect is only of limited importance in
  the energy balance of line-driven stellar winds. Through simple scaling
  relations, we compare the effect to other competing heating or cooling
  terms, including the ion-drag frictional heating recently discussed
  by Springmann and Pauldrach. We also provide a physical explanation of
  the unexpected cooling effect, and comment that its near cancellation
  of the anticipated heating provides another example of the tendency
  for ideal Sobolev theory to apply to a higher order than expected.

Title: Two-dimensional Hydrodynamical Simulations of Wind-compressed
    Disks around Rapidly Rotating B Stars
Authors: Owocki, Stanley P.; Cranmer, Steven R.; Blondin, John M.
1994ApJ...424..887O    Altcode:
  We use a two-dimensional piecewise parabolic method (PPM) code to
  simulate numerically the hydrodynamics of a radiation-driven stellar
  wind from a rapidly rotating Be star. The results generally confirm
  predictions of the semianalytic 'wind-compressed disk' model recently
  proposed by Bjorkman and Cassinelli to explain the circumstellar
  disks inferred observationally to exist around such rapidly rotating
  stars. However, this numerical simulation is able to incorporate
  several important effects not accounted for in the simple model,
  including a dynamical treatment of the outward radiative driving and
  gas pressure, as well as a rotationally distorted, oblate stellar
  surface. This enables us to model quantitatively the compressed wind
  and shock that forms the equatorial disk. The simulation results thus
  do differ in several important details from the simple method, showing,
  for example, an inner disk inflow not possible in the heuristic approach
  of assuming a fixed outward velocity law. There is also no evidence
  for the predicted detachment of the disk that arises in the fixed
  outflow picture. The peak equatorward velocity in the dynamical models
  is furthermore about a factor of 2 smaller than the lytically predicted
  value of approximately 50% of the stellar equatorial rotation speed. As
  a result, the dynamical disks are somewhat weaker than predicted,
  with a wider opening angle, lower disk/pole density ratio, and smaller
  shock velocity jump. The principal cause of these latter differences
  appears to be an artificially strong equatorward drift of the subsonic
  outflow in the original analytic model. Much better agreement with the
  dynamical results can be obtained, however, from a slightly modified,
  analytic wind-compression model with a more detailed specification of
  the fixed wind outflow and a lower boundary set to the sonic radius
  along a rotationally oblate stellar surface. Hence, despite these
  detailed differences, the general predicted effect of disk formation
  by wind compression toward the equator is substantially confirmed.

Title: The Basic Physics of Hot-Star Winds
Authors: Owocki, S. P.
1994IAUS..162..475O    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Two-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations of wind-compressed
    disks around rapidly rotating B-stars
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Cranmer, S. R.; Blondin, J. M.
1994IAUS..162..469O    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: On the synthesis of resonance lines in dynamical models of
    structured hot-star winds.
Authors: Puls, J.; Owocki, S. P.; Fullerton, A. W.
1993A&A...279..457P    Altcode:
  We examine basic issues involved in synthesizing resonance-line
  profiles from 1-D, dynamical models of highly structured hot-star
  winds. Although these models exhibit extensive variations in density
  as well as velocity, the density scale length is still typically much
  greater than the Sobolev length. The line transfer is thus treated
  using a Sobolev approach, as generalized by Rybicki &amp; Hummer (1978)
  to take proper account of the multiple Sobolev resonances arising from
  the nonmonotonic velocity field. The resulting reduced-lambda-matrix
  equation describing nonlocal coupling of the source function is solved
  by iteration, and line profiles are then derived from formal solution
  integration using this source function. Two more approximate methods
  that instead use either a stationary or a structured, local source
  function yield qualitatively similar line-profiles, but are found to
  violate photon conservation by 10% or more. The full results suggest
  that such models may indeed be able to reproduce naturally some of the
  qualitative properties long noted in observed UV line profiles, such as
  discrete absorption components in unsaturated lines, or the blue-edge
  variability in saturated lines. However, these particular models do not
  yet produce the black absorption troughs commonly observed in saturated
  lines, and it seems that this and other important discrepancies (e.g.,
  in acceleration time scale of absorption components) may require
  development of more complete models that include rotation and other
  2-D and/or 3-D effects.

Title: Fluctuations at the blue edge of saturated wind lines in IUE
    spectra of O-type stars
Authors: Owocki, Stanley P.; Fullerton, Alex
1993dunw.rept.....O    Altcode:
  We examine basic issues involved in synthesizing resonance-line
  profiles from 1-D, dynamical models of highly structured hot-star
  winds. Although these models exhibit extensive variations in density
  as well as velocity, the density scale length is still typically much
  greater than the Sobolev length. The line transfer is thus treated
  using a Sobolev approach, as generalized by Rybicki &amp; Hummer (1978)
  to take proper account of the multiple Sobolev resonances arising from
  the nonmonotonic velocity field. The resulting reduced-Lambda-matrix
  equation describing nonlocal coupling of the source function is solved
  by iteration, and line profiles and then derived from formal solution
  integration using this source function. The more appropriate methods
  that instead use either a stationary or a structured, local source
  function yield qualitatively similar line-profiles, but are found to
  violate photon conservation by 10 percent or more. The full results
  suggest that such models may indeed be able to reproduce naturally
  some of the qualitative properties long noted in observed UV line
  profiles, such as discrete absorption components in unsaturated
  lines, or the blue-edge variability in saturated lines. However,
  these particular models do not yet produce the black absorption
  troughs commonly observed in saturated lines, and it seems that this
  and other important discrepancies (e.g., in acceleration time scale
  of absorption components) may require development of more complete
  models that include rotation and other 2-D and/or 3-D effects.

Title: Radiation Driven Winds of Hot Stars - some Remarks on
    Stationary Models and Spectrum Synthesis in Time-Dependent
    Simulations. (Ludwig Biermann Award Lecture 1992)
Authors: Puls, J.; Pauldrach, A. W. A.; Kudritzki, R. -P.; Owocki,
   S. P.; Najarro, F.
1993RvMA....6..271P    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Radiation driven winds of hot stars: Some remarks on stationary
    models and spectrum synthesis in time-dependent simulations
Authors: Puls, Joachim; Pauldrach, Adalbert W. A.; Kudritzki,
   Rolf-Peter; Owocki, Stanley P.; Najarro, Francisco
1992STIN...9421578P    Altcode:
  The basic concept of some stationary models and the way in which these
  models are used for and in how far they influence the determination of
  stellar and wind parameters of massive hot stars are discussed. However,
  as follows directly from the assumption of stationarity, these
  models are inherently incapable of describing a number of additional
  observational features, which immediately show that the nonstationary
  aspects of the wind must be of significant importance. A number of
  these features are discussed: the soft X-ray emission; the discrete
  absorption components; the temporal variability of the wind lines,
  where the blue edges are varying most significantly while the red
  emission part remains relatively constant; the electron scattering
  wings of recombination lines in Wolf-Rayet stars; the black troughs
  in saturated P-Cygni profiles; the variability of optical lines; and
  the nonthermal radio emission observed in massive stars. The basic
  picture resulting from the present dynamical models is discussed.

Title: 2-D Hydrodynamical Simulations of the Wind-Compressed-Disk
    Model for Be Stars
Authors: Owocki, S.; Cranmer, S.; Blondin, J.
1992AAS...181.1903O    Altcode: 1992BAAS...24.1150O
  We use a 2-D PPM code to simulate numerically the hydrodynamics
  of a radiation-driven stellar wind from a rapidly rotating
  B-star. The results generally confirm predictions of a semi-analytic
  “Wind-Compressed-Disk" model recently proposed by Bjorkman and
  Cassinelli to explain the circumstellar disks inferred observationally
  to exist around Be stars. However, this numerical simulation is able to
  incorporate several important effects not accounted for in the simple
  model, including a dynamical treatment of the outward radiative driving
  and gas pressure. This enables us to model quantatively the compressed
  wind and shock that forms the equatorial disk. The simulation results
  thus do differ in several important details from the simple model,
  showing, for example, cases of inner disk inflow not possible in the
  heuristic approach of assuming a fixed outward velocity law. This
  poster paper will present a detailed comparison of the analytic and
  numerical models.

Title: Time-Dependent Models of X-Ray Emission from Shocks in
    Radiatively Driven Stellar Winds (Contributed Poster)
Authors: Cooper, B. C.; Owocki, S. P.
1992ASPC...22..281C    Altcode: 1992nvos.work..281C
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Instabilities in Hot-Star Winds: Basic Physics and Recent
    Developments (Invited Paper)
Authors: Owocki, S. P.
1992ASPC...22..273O    Altcode: 1992nvos.work..273O
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Can Nonstationary Velocity Plateaus Account for Slowly Moving
    Discrete Absorption Components? (Contributed Poster)
Authors: Fullerton, A. W.; Owocki, S. P.
1992ASPC...22..177F    Altcode: 1992nvos.work..177F
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Instabilities in hot-star winds: Basic physics and recent
Authors: Owocki, Stanley P.
1992LNP...401..393O    Altcode: 1992aets.conf..393O
  The winds of the hot, luminous, OB stars are driven by the
  line-scattering of the star's continuum radiation flux. Several kinds
  of observational evidence indicate that such winds are highly structured
  and variable, and it seems likely that a root cause of this variability
  is the strong instability of the line-driving mechanism. This
  paper reviews the basic physics of the linear instability and
  summarizes results from numerical simulations of its nonlinear
  evolution. Particular emphasis is placed on the dynamical importance
  of the diffuse, scattered radiation field, and on recent methods for
  incorporating such scattering effects into the numerical simulations. I
  also summarize recent preliminary results on synthetic UV line, Ha,
  IR continuum spectra in dynamical wind models with extensive structure.

Title: X ray emission from dynamical shock models in hot-star winds
Authors: Owocki, Stanley P.
1991dunw.rept.....O    Altcode:
  The principal aim of this project was to determine whether x ray
  emission from instability-generated shocks in dynamical models of highly
  unstable hot-star winds could explain the x ray flux spectrum observed
  from such hot stars by Einstein and other x ray satellites. Our initial
  efforts focused on extending the earlier isothermal simulations of wind
  instabilities to include an explicit treatment of the energy balance
  between shock heating and simplified radiative cooling. It was found,
  however, that direct resolution of cooling regions behind shocks is
  often impractical, and thus additional, indirect methods for determining
  this shock x ray emission were also developed. The results indicate
  that the reverse shocks that dominate simple 1-D instability models
  typically have too little material undergoing a strong shock to produce
  the observed x ray emission. Other models with more strongly driven
  variability from the wind base sometimes show high-speed collisions
  between relatively dense clumps, and in these instances the computed
  x ray flux spectrum matches the observed spectrum quite well. This
  suggests that collisions between relatively large scale wind streams
  of different speeds may be more suited to producing the observed x
  rays than the reverse shocks arising from small-scale instabilities.

Title: The Effect of Viscosity on Steady Transonic Flow with a Nodal
    Solution Topology
Authors: Owocki, Stanley P.; Zank, Gary P.
1991ApJ...368..491O    Altcode:
  The effect of viscosity on a steady, transonic flow for which the
  inviscid limit has a nodal solution topology near the critical point
  is investigated. For the accelerating case, viscous solutions tend to
  repel each other, so that a very delicate choice of initial conditions
  is required to prevent them from diverging. Only the two critical
  solutions extend to arbitrarily large distances into both the subsonic
  and supersonic flows. For the decelerating case, the solutions tend
  to attract, and so an entire two-parameter family of solutions now
  extends over large distances. The general effect of viscosity on the
  solution degeneracy of a nodal topology is thus to reduce or limit
  it for the accelerating case and to enhance it for the decelerating
  case. The astrophysical implications of these findings are addressed.

Title: Instabilities in Line-driven Stellar Winds. V. Effect of an
    Optically Thick Continuum
Authors: Owocki, Stanley P.; Rybicki, George B.
1991ApJ...368..261O    Altcode:
  Earlier analyses of the linear instability of line-driven stellar winds
  are extended to the case, relevant to Wolf-Rayet stars, in which the
  continuum remains optically thick well above the sonic point. It
  is found that an optically thick flow driven by pure scattering
  lines is stabilized by the drag effect of the diffuse, scattered
  radiation. However, even a relatively small photon destruction
  probability can cause a flow with continuum optical thickness much
  greater than 1 to remain unstable, with a given growth rate. The
  implications of these results for the variability characteristics of
  winds from Wolf-Rayet stars are briefly discussed.

Title: Stellar Winds from Massive Stars: the Influence of X-Rays on
    the Dynamics
Authors: Stevens, I.; Cooper, G.; Owocki, S.
1991IAUS..143..318S    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Theory of Intrinsic Variability in Hot-Star Winds (review)
Authors: Owocki, S. P.
1991IAUS..143..155O    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: A Smooth Source Function Method for Including Scattering in
    Radiatively Driven Wind Simulations
Authors: Owocki, S. P.
1991ASIC..341..235O    Altcode: 1991sabc.conf..235O
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Steady State Solutions of Radiatively Driven Stellar
    Winds for a Non-Sobolev, Pure Absorption Model
Authors: Poe, C. H.; Owocki, S. P.; Castor, J. I.
1990ApJ...358..199P    Altcode:
  The steady state solution topology for absorption line-driven flows is
  investigated for the condition that the Sobolev approximation is not
  used to compute the line force. The solution topology near the sonic
  point is of the nodal type with two positive slope solutions. The
  shallower of these slopes applies to reasonable lower boundary
  conditions and realistic ion thermal speed v(th) and to the Sobolev
  limit of zero of the usual Castor, Abbott, and Klein model. At finite
  v(th), this solution consists of a family of very similar solutions
  converging on the sonic point. It is concluded that a non-Sobolev,
  absorption line-driven flow with a realistic values of v(th) has no
  uniquely defined steady state. To the extent that a pure absorption
  model of the outflow of stellar winds is applicable, radiatively driven
  winds should be intrinsically variable.

Title: The steady-state solutions of radiatively driven stellar
    winds for a non-Sobolev, pure-absorption model.
Authors: Poe, Clint H.; Owocki, Stanley P.; Castor, John I.
1990ASPC....7..278P    Altcode: 1990phls.work..278P
  The authors summarize here the reasons for the statement: to the
  extent that a pure-absorption model is applicable, radiatively driven
  stellar winds have no well defined steady state. Using the non-Sobolev,
  pure-absorption radiation force from Owocki et al., they find that
  the solution topology at the sonic point is a node, not a saddle or
  "x" as in the solar case. The number of transonic solutions increases
  from one unique solution for the "x" type to a range of solutions for
  the node type topology. Thus, in the pure-absorption approximation,
  line driven winds can have a range of possible mass-loss rates and
  terminal velocities.

Title: Instabilities in Line-driven Stellar Winds. IV. Linear
    Perturbations in Three Dimensions
Authors: Rybicki, G. B.; Owocki, S. P.; Castor, J. I.
1990ApJ...349..274R    Altcode:
  Nonradial wave propagation in line-driven stellar winds is analyzed
  including both finite disk effects and the line-drag effect of scattered
  line radiation. Within the local (WKB) analysis the results apply to
  wavelengths both longer and shorter than the Sobolev length. The finite
  disk causes short-wavelength waves with lateral velocity polarization
  to be unstable in the idealized case of pure absorption; however, the
  growth rates are smaller than for radially polarized waves, and the
  instability is damped by a relatively small amount of scattering. Hence,
  in realistic stellar winds, where the driving is primarily by scattering
  lines, perturbations with an arbitrary mixture of lateral and radial
  polarizations at the wind base should quickly become nearly radially
  polarized farther out in the wind. The implications of these results
  are discussed, both for interpretation of observational signatures of
  wind structure and for theoretical calculations aimed at modeling the
  nonlinear evolution of wind instabilities.

Title: Applicability of steady models for hot-star winds.
Authors: Owocki, Stanley P.; Poe, Clint H.; Castor, John I.
1990ASPC....7..283O    Altcode: 1990phls.work..283O
  Non-Sobolev models of radiatively driven stellar winds based on
  a pure-absorption approximation do not have a well-defined steady
  state. Here the authors examine the implications of this for flow
  time-dependence, showing that, under such circumstances, instabilities
  in the flow attain an absolute character that leads to intrinsic
  variability. In this case, steady solutions are inherently inapplicable
  because they do not represent physically realizable states. However,
  for actual hot-star winds, driving is principally by scattering, not
  pure-absorption. In practice, the relatively weak force associated
  with slight asymmetries in the diffuse, scattered radiation field may
  play a crucial role in breaking the solution degeneracy and in reducing
  the instability from an absolute to an advective character.

Title: Winds from Hot Stars.
Authors: Owocki, S. P.
1990RvMA....3...98O    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Physics of Instabilities in Radiatively Driven Stellar Winds
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Castor, J. I.; Rybicki, G. B.
1989ASSL..157..291O    Altcode: 1989IAUCo.113..291O; 1989plbv.coll..291O
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Time-dependent Models of Radiatively Driven Stellar
    Winds. I. Nonlinear Evolution of Instabilities for a Pure Absorption
Authors: Owocki, Stanley P.; Castor, John I.; Rybicki, George B.
1988ApJ...335..914O    Altcode:
  The authors describe results of numerical radiation-hydrodynamics
  simulations of the nonlinear evolution of instabilities in radiatively
  driven stellar winds. The wind is idealized as a spherically
  symmetric, isothermal flow driven by pure absorption of stellar
  radiation in a fixed ensemble of spectral lines. The simulations
  indicate that there is a strong tendency for the unstable flow to
  form rather sharp rarefactions in which the highest speed material
  has very low density. The growth of wave perturbations thus remains
  nearly exponential well beyond the linear regime, until the waves
  are kinematically steepened into strong shocks. The strongest shocks
  here are reverse shocks that arise to decelerate high-speed, rarefied
  flow as it impacts slower material that has been compressed into
  dense shells. The subsequent wind evolution shows a slow decay of the
  shocks and the gradual thermal decompression and interaction of the
  dense shells.

Title: Absolute Instability as a Cause of Intrinsic Variablity in
    Line-Driven Stellar Winds
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Poe, C. H.; Castor, J. I.
1988BAAS...20.1013O    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Steady Solutions for a Radiation-Driven Stellar Wind Not
    Based on the Sobolev Approximation
Authors: Poe, C. H.; Owocki, S. P.; Castor, J. I.
1988BAAS...20.1012P    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Time-Dependent Mass Loss from Hot Stars With and Without
    Radiative Driving
Authors: Castor, John I.; Owocki, Stanley P.; Rybicki, George B.
1988ASSL..148..229C    Altcode: 1988pmls.conf..229C
  A numerical hydrodynamics code is used to investigate two aspects of
  the winds of hot stars. The first is the question of the instability
  of the massive radiatively-driven wind of an O star that is caused
  by the line shape mechanism: modulation of the radiation force by
  velocity fluctuations. The evolution of this instability is studied in
  a model O star wind, and is found to lead to wave structures that are
  compatible with observations of wind instabilities. The other area of
  investigation is of main-sequence B star winds.

Title: Shock Formation from the Nonlinear Evolution of Instabilities
    in Line-Driven Stellar Winds
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Castor, J. I.; Rybicki, G. B.
1987BAAS...19..702O    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Shock Formation from the Nonlinear Evolution of Instabilities
    in Line-Driven Stellar Winds
Authors: Owocki, S.; Castor, J. I.; Rybicki, G. B.
1987sowi.conf..177O    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Nonlinear dynamics of instabilities in line-driven stellar
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Castor, J. I.; Rybicki, G. B.
1987ASSL..136..269O    Altcode: 1987ilet.work..269O
  The authors have been developing a numerical radiation-hydrodynamics
  program in order to study the nonlinear evolution of instabilities in
  line-driven winds from luminous, early-type stars. Initial tests of
  the code indicate that the velocity structure of nonlinear pulses in
  such a wind may be quite different than assumed in previous analyses.

Title: Instabilities in Line-driven Stellar Winds. III. Wave
    Propagation in the Case of Pure Line Absorption
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Rybicki, G. B.
1986ApJ...309..127O    Altcode:
  The spatial and temporal evolution of small-amplitude velocity
  perturbations is examined in the idealized case of a stellar wind that
  is driven by pure line absorption of the star's continuum radiation. It
  is established that the instability in the supersonic region is of the
  advective type relative to the star, but of the absolute type relative
  to the wind itself. It is also shown that the inward propagation of
  information in such a wind is limited to the sound speed, in contrast
  to the theory of Abbott, which predicts inward propagation faster than
  sound. This apparent contradiction is resolved through an extensive
  discussion of the analytically soluble case of zero sound speed.

Title: A Time-Dependent Line-Driven Wind Model Not Based on the
    Sobolev Approximation
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Castor, J. I.; Rybicki, G. B.
1986BAAS...18..953O    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Role of Nonclassical Electron Transport in the Lower
    Solar Transition Region
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Canfield, R. C.
1986ApJ...300..420O    Altcode:
  One problem in solar physics is concerned with an understanding of the
  observed brightness of the quiet solar atmosphere in spectral lines
  which are formed in the lower solar transition region. The present
  paper has the objective to examine the possibility that the observed
  line emission results from nonclassical electron transport effects
  which are associated with the inherently steep temperature gradients
  in the solar transition region. The height variation of the electron
  temperature is parameterized to enable correspondence with a variety
  of one-dimensional constant pressure transition region models. The
  models include empirical models, theoretical models, and the constant
  classical heat fluxx model used by Shoub (1983). The electron velocity
  distribution function is considered along with the effect on collisional
  excitation and ionization rates, and effects on heat transport.

Title: Instabilities in line-driven stellar winds. II - Effect
    of scattering.
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Rybicki, G. B.
1985ApJ...299..265O    Altcode:
  An earlier analysis (Owocki and Rybicki) of the linear instability
  of line-driven stellar winds is extended to take proper account of
  the dynamical effect of scattered radiation. The principal findings
  are as follows: (1) the drag effect of the mean scattered radiation
  does indeed greatly reduce the contribution of scattering lines to the
  instability at the very base of the wind, but the instability growth
  rate associated with such lines rapidly increases as the flow moves
  outward from the base, reaching more than 50 percent of the growth
  rate for pure absorption lines within a stellar radius of the surface,
  and eventually reaching 80 percent of that rate at large radii; (2)
  perturbations in the scattered radiation field may be important for the
  propagation of wind disturbances, but they have little effect on the
  wind instability; (3) the contribution of a strongly shadowed line to
  the wind instability is often reduced compared to that of an unshadowed
  line, but its effect is not one of damping in the outer parts of the
  wind. The primary conclusion derived from these results is thus that,
  even when all scattering effects are taken into account, the bulk of
  the flow in a line-driven stellar wind is still highly unstable.

Title: Effect of scattering on instabilities in line-driven stellar
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Rybicki, G. B.
1985NASCP2358..221O    Altcode: 1985onhm.rept..221O
  Line driven O-B stellar winds are unstable to perturbations of short
  spatial wavelength and the growth rates for such instabilities are very
  rapid. The nature of the nonlinear development of this instability
  is unknown, but might possibly be one of blobs of gas driven through
  ambient gas or a quasiregular train of outward moving shocks. In either
  case the resulting dissipation of mechanical energy might explain the
  observed anomalous heating n O-B stars as evidenced by their X-ray
  emission and high ionization state. It also might explain the observed
  fine structure of the absorption lines and their time variability. The
  driving due to the absorption of the stellar continuum flux was
  considered and the effects of the diffuse, scattered radiation field
  were neglected. It was shown that under certain special conditions
  the effect of scattering could reduce the instability growth rate to
  zero. A stability analysis that includes scattering, but that uses
  the more physically realistic assumption of complete redistribution
  instead of coherent scattering, and that includes the effects of
  transverse velocity gradients, which become important as the flow
  moves away from the stellar surface is presented. It is found that
  the instability is eliminated right at the base of the wind, but
  that as the flow moves outward the instability rate rapidly becomes
  equal to a substantial fraction of the calculated value, the fraction
  asymptotically reaching 80% at large radii. Since this still implies
  many e folds in a characteristic outflow time, the primary conclusion
  that these winds are highly unstable is unchanged.

Title: Effect of Scattering on the Instability of Radiation-Driven
    Stellar Winds
Authors: Rybicki, G. B.; Owocki, S. P.
1984BAAS...16R.993R    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Role of Non-Classical Transport in the Formation of the
    Ly-α Temperature Plateau
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Canfield, R. C.; McClymont, A. N.
1984BAAS...16..992O    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Instabilities in line-driven stellar winds. I. Dependence on
    perturbation wavelength.
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Rybicki, G. B.
1984ApJ...284..337O    Altcode:
  An analytical study is presented of the stability of absorption
  line-driven flows, such as found in stellar winds, in the presence
  of small-amplitude disturbances. A generalized calculation of the
  perturbed direct extinction force is performed and the evolution of
  the perturbation into the nonlinear regime and the dynamical results
  of perturbation in the scattered radiation field are examined. An
  expression is derived for the wavenumber variation of the perturbed line
  force from the milieu of nonoverlapping lines which have a power-law
  distribution in opacity. A linear dispersion analysis is carried out
  to model the growth and propagation of radiative-acoustic waves in
  absorption line-driven flows, which are found unstable to perturbations
  that may be smaller than the Sobolev length. No damping mechanism was
  found that would eliminate the absorption line-driven flows.

Title: On the Formation of Temperature Plateaus in the Solar
    Transition Region
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; McClymont, A. N.; Canfield, R. C.
1984BAAS...16..729O    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Effect of Scattered Radiation on the Instability of Hot
    Star Winds
Authors: Rybicki, G. B.; Owocki, S. P.
1984BAAS...16Q.725R    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The solar wind ionization state as a coronal temperature
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Holzer, T. E.; Hundhausen, A. J.
1983ApJ...275..354O    Altcode:
  The 'frozen' solar wind ionization state within a few solar radii
  of the photosphere suggests that ion measurements at 1 AU may yield
  information on the electron temperature conditions at the base of
  the coronal expansion. The freezing-in process is examined in light
  of traditional assumptions as to coronal expansion, where electron
  temperature decreases monotonically with height, the bulk flow of all
  charge states of a given ion species are equal to the proton speed,
  and the ion outflow is spherically symmetric. The consequences of
  the relaxation of these assumptions include the underestimation of
  the magnitude of a temperature maximum occurring near the freezing-in
  radius. Because it is associated with high speed, low density flow,
  an areal divergence that is faster than that in a spherical outflow
  lowers the ionization state freezing-in level relative to that which
  is typical in spherically symmetric expansion.

Title: The effect of a coronal shock wave on the solar wind ionization
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Hundhausen, A. J.
1983ApJ...274..414O    Altcode:
  In connection with studies of solar wind ionization state freezing, it
  is shown that, by using a Lagrangian approach of following individual
  fluid parcels, the techniques used previously for calculating
  ionization state variations in a steady state case can be extended
  straightforwardly to time-varying flows. The specific ionization
  state calculations presented are for a relatively simple picture
  of time-dependent coronal flow, based on a well-known model of a
  self-similar shock wave propagating through the corona. Time-dependent
  ionization effects for the sudden transition between two otherwise
  steady flows are likely to be limited to a narrow range of gas
  parcels which, having been shocked within the coronal freezing-in
  radius, pass a fixed interplanetary observer in an interval of a
  few tens of minutes. The amplitude of any rise in interplanetary
  ionization temperature associated with the coronal shock is likely
  to be considerably smaller than the jump in electron temperature that
  actually occurs in the corona.

Title: Interpreting the solar wind ionization state.
Authors: Owocki, S. P.
1983NASCP.2280.623O    Altcode: 1983sowi.conf..623O
  The ionization state of the solar coronal expansion is frozen within a
  few solar radii of the solar photosphere, and spacecraft measurements of
  the solar wind heavy ion charge state can therefore yield information
  about coronal conditions (e.g., electron temperature). Previous
  interpretations of the frozen-in ionization state have always
  assumed that in the coronal freezing-in region, (1) all heavy ions
  flow at the same bulk speed as protons, (2) the electron velocity
  distribution function is Maxwellian, and (3) conditions vary in
  space but not in time. The consequences of relaxing these assumptions
  for the interpretation of solar wind charge state measurements are
  examined. It is found that: (1) the temperature inferred by traditional
  interpretation of the interplanetary ionization state overestimates
  (underestimate) the actual coronal electron temperature if higher
  ion charge stages flow systematically faster (slower) than lower
  stages at the coronal freezing radius; (2) temperatures inferred
  from relative abundance measurements of ion-charge-stages with high
  ionization potentials moderately overestimate the actual coronal
  electron temperature if the high-energy tail of the coronal electron
  velocity distribution is enhanced relative to a Maxwellian distribution;
  (3) the propagation of a disturbance, e.g., a shock wave, through the
  corona can strongly affect the frozen-in charge state, but only over
  a time (a few times ten minutes) corresponding to the coronal transit
  time for the disturbance.

Title: Instabilities in Line-Driven Stellar Winds
Authors: Rybicki, G. B.; Owocki, S. P.
1983BAAS...15..968R    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The effect of a non-Maxwellian electron distribution on oxygen
    and iron ionization balances in the solar corona
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Scudder, J. D.
1983ApJ...270..758O    Altcode:
  Analytic expressions are derived for ionization and recombination
  rates in a parameterized non-Maxwellian electron velocity distribution
  with an enhanced high-energy tail. These expressions are then used in
  investigating the effect of such an enhancement in the high-energy tail
  of the coronal electron velocity distribution on the oxygen and iron
  ionization balances, O(+6) - O(+7) and Fe(+11) - Fe(+12). Relative to a
  Maxwellian of the same mean electron energy, the degree of ionization
  allowed by such a distribution is found to be either unchanged or
  slightly decreased for iron but often substantially increased for
  oxygen. The greater sensitivity of oxygen ionization balance to the
  high-energy distribution tail derives from the higher oxygen ionization
  threshold energy. It is noted that the electron temperature inferred
  from a measurement of the oxygen ionization ratio, O(+6)/O(+7), could
  indeed overestimate the actual coronal electron temperature by nearly
  10 to the 6th K if the coronal electron distribution is incorrectly
  assumed to be Maxwellian.

Title: The Stability of Line-Radiation-Driven Stellar Winds
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Rybicki, G.
1982BAAS...14..920O    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Radar Studies of the Non-Spherically Symmetric Solar Corona
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Newkirk, G. A.; Sime, D. G.
1982SoPh...78..317O    Altcode:
  We review the results of radar studies of the Sun made at El Campo,
  Texas 1961-69 with particular emphasis on the record of observed solar
  radar cross sections. Using ray traces which include the effects of
  refraction, absorption, and scattering in non-spherically symmetric
  models of the corona, we investigate the role of focusing by large-scale
  coronal geometries in enhancing the radar cross section. We find that
  certain coronal geometries (e.g. disk-center coronal holes) can, in
  principle, significantly increase the radar cross section. However
  the observations of large cross sections do not correspond very well
  with periods when such large-scale focusing geometries existed in
  the corona. We conclude that the present dataset does not support
  the hypothesis that radar observations of the Sun will be useful in
  determining the properties of large-scale coronal features.

Title: The ionization state in a gas with a non-Maxwellian electron
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Scudder, J. D.
1982SAOSR.392A.107O    Altcode: 1982csss....2..107O
  The inferred degree of ionization of a gas is often used in
  astrophysics as a diagnostic of the gas temperature. In the solar
  transition region and corona, in the outer atmospheres of cool stars,
  and in some portions of the interstellar medium), photoionization
  can be neglected, and the ionization state is fixed by the balance
  between ion-electron collisional ionization and dielectronic and/or
  radiative recombination. Under these conditions, higher degrees of
  ionization result from higher energy ion-electron collisions which are
  common in a high temperature gas. Actually, ionization occurs through
  collisions with electrons that have kinetic energies greater than
  the ionization potential of the given ion, and so the ionization rate
  depends on to the number of such high-energy electrons in the tail of
  the electron velocity distribution. High-velocity electrons move across
  large distances between effective coulomb collisions, and, in a strong
  temperature or density gradient, the tail can be overpopulated relative
  to Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution of equivalent energy density. Thus,
  the ionization rate can also be greatly increased. These effects
  for a parameterized form of the electron distribution function with
  an enhanced high-velocity tail, namely the kappa distribution are

Title: The ionization state of the solar wind
Authors: Owocki, Stanley Peter
1982PhDT........33O    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Ionization State of the Solar Wind.
Authors: Owocki, S. P.
1982PhDT.........2O    Altcode:
  The solar wind ionization state is "frozen" within a few solar
  radii of the photosphere, and measurements of the ions at 1 a.u. can
  therefore potentially yield information about conditions at the base
  of the coronal expansion. If ions are assumed to flow at a steady,
  common bulk speed in a plasma with a Maxwellian electron distribution,
  the interplanetary ionization state is characteristic of the electron
  temperature in the coronal "freezing-in" region. In this thesis, we
  examine the effect of relaxing one or more of these assumptions. The
  effects of intrinsic time variations (e.g. as in a coronal transient) in
  a uniform ion flow can be best understood through a Lagrangian approach
  of following individual fluid parcels; for example, in coronal outflow
  undergoing a strong shock, only fluid parcels shocked at or below the
  ambient freezing-in radius have their ionization state modified by
  the shock, and time-dependent ionization effects for the transition
  between two steady flows are thus likely to be limited to a narrow
  range of gas parcels which are shocked in the low corona and pass a
  fixed interplanetary observer in a few tens-of-minutes. We also find
  that differential flow of the ions in the freezing-in region can exert a
  strong influence on the relative abundance of various ionization stages
  in the solar wind, and so independent knowledge of ion flow speeds at
  the base will be needed if coronal temperatures are to be accurately
  inferred from solar wind ionization state measurements. Finally, because
  ionization occurs through collisions with electrons with energies above
  the ionization threshold, the ionization rate can be greatly increased
  in a non-Maxwellian electron distribution function with an enhanced
  high-energy tail. The ionization balances of some species are more
  sensitive to this high-energy tail than others, and so observations
  of the interplanetary ionization state of several species could be
  potentially exploited to constrain possible values of both the "core"
  and "tail" electron temperatures at the base of the solar wind.

Title: Time-Dependent Solar Wind Ionization
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Hundhausen, A. J.
1981BAAS...13..812O    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Ionization State of the Solar Wind
Authors: Owocki, S. P.
1981BAAS...13..544O    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Two-dimensional radiative transfer. II. The wings of Ca K
    and Mg k.
Authors: Owocki, S. P.; Auer, L. H.
1980ApJ...241..448O    Altcode:
  The effect of horizontal radiative transfer on the Ca K and Mg k line
  wing intensities in two-component models of the solar atmosphere is
  investigated. No significant influence on the spatially unresolved
  wing profiles of either line was found, even for models in which the
  lateral variation was extreme over distances approaching a vertical
  scale height. Horizontal contrast as measured by the spatially resolved
  Mg k profile was found to be markedly reduced by lateral transfer over
  scales at or below the current resolution limit. Contrast as measured
  in the Ca K wing was relatively unaffected and was maintained down to
  lateral sizes approaching a vertical scale height. The behavior of
  Ca K relative to Mg k is attributed to the larger amount of photon
  destruction by incoherent scattering in the Ca K wing, which limits
  the distance that photons can diffuse laterally and forces the line
  to be formed near LTE. It is therefore concluded that the small-scale
  photospheric temperature structure predicted by many models can be
  detected in Ca K, and that efforts toward reducing seeing limitations
  on the resolution of solar observations should be encouraged.

Title: Two Dimensional Radiative Transfer in Resonance Line Wings
Authors: Owocki, S. P.
1980BAAS...12..517O    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS