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Author name code: park-sung-hong
ADS astronomy entries on 2022-09-14
=author:"Park, Sung-Hong" 

Title: Solar Flares and Magnetic Helicity
Authors: Toriumi, Shin; Park, Sung-Hong
2022arXiv220406010T    Altcode:
  Solar flares and coronal mass ejections are the largest energy release
  phenomena in the current solar system. They cause drastic enhancements
  of electromagnetic waves of various wavelengths and sometimes eject
  coronal material into the interplanetary space, disturbing the magnetic
  surroundings of orbiting planets including the Earth. It is generally
  accepted that solar flares are a phenomenon in which magnetic energy
  stored in the solar atmosphere above an active region is suddenly
  released through magnetic reconnection. Therefore, to elucidate the
  nature of solar flares, it is critical to estimate the complexity
  of the magnetic field and track its evolution. Magnetic helicity,
  a measure of the twist of coronal magnetic structures, is thus used
  to quantify and characterize the complexity of flare-productive active
  regions. This chapter provides an overview of solar flares and discusses
  how the different concepts of magnetic helicity are used to understand
  and predict solar flares.

Title: Using Machine Learning Tools To Estimate Photospheric Velocity
    Fields Prior To The Formation Of Active Regions.
Authors: Lennard, Matthew; Tremblay, Benoit; Asensio Ramos, Andres;
   Hotta, Hideyuki; Iijima, Haruhisa; Park, Sung-Hong; Silva, Suzana;
   Verth, Gary; Fedun, Viktor
2021AGUFMSH45B2371L    Altcode:
  In recent years a number of major advances have been made using
  numerical modelling to better our understanding of magnetic structures
  and the evolution of active regions (AR, see e.g. Hotta &
  Iijima, 2020; Chen et al, 2021). In particular, these high resolution
  simulations provide us with the means to study the photospheric flows
  associated with the aforementioned magnetic structures. In practice,
  plasma flows at the solar surface cannot be directly recovered;
  the component transverse to the line-of-sight must be inferred from
  observational data. Inferences depend on the method, the observational
  data used as input, the spatial resolution of the data and its
  cadence. Tracking methods such as local correlation tracking (LCT)
  are promising, but the flows they measure are optical and cannot be
  used to estimate the flow patterns of an AR until shortly before the
  emergence of flux. Another issue with applying LCT to estimate AR
  flows is that the recovered velocity field is usually not smooth,
  which precludes advanced flow analysis. Besides, depending on the
  data, there is a considerable chance of having 'holes' in the velocity
  field. Therefore, although LCT methodology can help give a hint on
  general flow properties, a more sophisticated technique is necessary
  to perform proper analysis on the flow topology. There are also
  limitations in the region of the Sun in which we can accurately track
  flows as well as problems with accurately extracting longitudinal and
  latitudinal velocities. Recently, deep learning has shown promise in
  capturing subtleties in Quiet Sun flows at spatial and temporal scales
  that typically cannot be recovered by tracking methods (Asensio Ramos
  et al, 2017). The DeepVel neural network is trained to infer plasma
  flows from surface data using examples from detailed numerical models
  (i.e., supervised learning). Using a version of DeepVel that was
  trained using a high-resolution numerical simulation of the evolution
  of an AR (e.g. Hotta & Iijima, 2020) we developed the algorithm
  for predicting flow trajectories from high resolution observational
  data. This method was directly compared with previous contenders for
  tracking flows and shows more realistic plasma flow field estimation
  as well as an increase of reconstruction efficiency.

Title: The flare likelihood and region eruption forecasting
(FLARECAST) project: flare forecasting in the big data & machine
    learning era
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Bloomfield, D. Shaun; Piana,
   Michele; Massone, Anna Maria; Soldati, Marco; Gallagher, Peter T.;
   Pariat, Etienne; Vilmer, Nicole; Buchlin, Eric; Baudin, Frederic;
   Csillaghy, Andre; Sathiapal, Hanna; Jackson, David R.; Alingery,
   Pablo; Benvenuto, Federico; Campi, Cristina; Florios, Konstantinos;
   Gontikakis, Constantinos; Guennou, Chloe; Guerra, Jordan A.;
   Kontogiannis, Ioannis; Latorre, Vittorio; Murray, Sophie A.; Park,
   Sung-Hong; von Stachelski, Samuelvon; Torbica, Aleksandar; Vischi,
   Dario; Worsfold, Mark
2021JSWSC..11...39G    Altcode: 2021arXiv210505993G
  The European Union funded the FLARECAST project, that ran from January
  2015 until February 2018. FLARECAST had a research-to-operations
  (R2O) focus, and accordingly introduced several innovations into the
  discipline of solar flare forecasting. FLARECAST innovations were:
  first, the treatment of hundreds of physical properties viewed as
  promising flare predictors on equal footing, extending multiple
  previous works; second, the use of fourteen (14) different machine
  learning techniques, also on equal footing, to optimize the immense
  Big Data parameter space created by these many predictors; third,
  the establishment of a robust, three-pronged communication effort
  oriented toward policy makers, space-weather stakeholders and the wider
  public. FLARECAST pledged to make all its data, codes and infrastructure
  openly available worldwide. The combined use of 170+ properties (a
  total of 209 predictors are now available) in multiple machine-learning
  algorithms, some of which were designed exclusively for the project,
  gave rise to changing sets of best-performing predictors for the
  forecasting of different flaring levels, at least for major flares. At
  the same time, FLARECAST reaffirmed the importance of rigorous training
  and testing practices to avoid overly optimistic pre-operational
  prediction performance. In addition, the project has (a) tested new
  and revisited physically intuitive flare predictors and (b) provided
  meaningful clues toward the transition from flares to eruptive flares,
  namely, events associated with coronal mass ejections (CMEs). These
  leads, along with the FLARECAST data, algorithms and infrastructure,
  could help facilitate integrated space-weather forecasting efforts
  that take steps to avoid effort duplication. In spite of being
  one of the most intensive and systematic flare forecasting efforts
  to-date, FLARECAST has not managed to convincingly lift the barrier of
  stochasticity in solar flare occurrence and forecasting: solar flare
  prediction thus remains inherently probabilistic.

Title: Magnetic Helicity Flux across Solar Active Region
    Photospheres. II. Association of Hemispheric Sign Preference with
    Flaring Activity during Solar Cycle 24
Authors: Park, Sung-Hong; Leka, K. D.; Kusano, Kanya
2021ApJ...911...79P    Altcode: 2021arXiv210213331P
  In our earlier study (Paper I) of this series, we examined the
  hemispheric sign preference (HSP) of magnetic helicity flux dH/dt
  across photospheric surfaces of 4802 samples of 1105 unique active
  regions (ARs) observed during solar cycle 24. Here, we investigate
  any association of the HSP, expressed as a degree of compliance,
  with flaring activity, analyzing the same set of dH/dt estimates as
  used in Paper I. The AR samples under investigation are assigned to
  heliographic regions (HRs) defined in the Carrington longitude-latitude
  plane with a grid spacing of 45° in longitude and 15° in latitude. For
  AR samples in each of the defined HRs, we calculate the degree of HSP
  compliance and the average soft X-ray flare index. The strongest flaring
  activity is found to be in one distinctive HR with an extremely low-HSP
  compliance of 41% as compared to the mean and standard deviation of
  62% and 7%, respectively, over all HRs. This sole HR shows an anti-HSP
  (i.e., <50%) and includes the highly flare-productive AR NOAA 12673,
  however this AR is not uniquely responsible for the HR's low HSP. We
  also find that all HRs with the highest flaring activity are located
  in the southern hemisphere, and they tend to have lower degrees of HSP
  compliance. These findings point to the presence of localized regions
  of the convection zone with enhanced turbulence, imparting a greater
  magnetic complexity and a higher flaring rate to some rising magnetic
  flux tubes.

Title: Data-driven MHD Simulation of Successive Solar Plasma Eruptions
Authors: Kaneko, Takafumi; Park, Sung-Hong; Kusano, Kanya
2021ApJ...909..155K    Altcode: 2021arXiv210112395K
  Solar flares and plasma eruptions are sudden releases of magnetic
  energy stored in the plasma atmosphere. To understand the physical
  mechanisms governing their occurrences, three-dimensional magnetic
  fields from the photosphere up to the corona must be studied. The
  solar photospheric magnetic fields are observable, whereas the coronal
  magnetic fields cannot be measured. One method for inferring coronal
  magnetic fields is performing data-driven simulations, which involves
  time-series observational data of the photospheric magnetic fields with
  the bottom boundary of magnetohydrodynamic simulations. We developed
  a data-driven method in which temporal evolutions of the observational
  vector magnetic field can be reproduced at the bottom boundary in the
  simulation by introducing an inverted velocity field. This velocity
  field is obtained by inversely solving the induction equation and
  applying an appropriate gauge transformation. Using this method,
  we performed a data-driven simulation of successive small eruptions
  observed by the Solar Dynamics Observatory and the Solar Magnetic
  Activity Telescope in 2017 November. The simulation well reproduced
  the converging motion between opposite-polarity magnetic patches,
  demonstrating successive formation and eruptions of helical flux ropes.

Title: Lagrangian chaotic saddles and objective vortices in solar
Authors: Chian, Abraham C. -L.; Silva, Suzana S. A.; Rempel, Erico L.;
   Bellot Rubio, Luis R.; Gošić, Milan; Kusano, Kanya; Park, Sung-Hong
2020PhRvE.102f0201C    Altcode:
  We report observational evidence of Lagrangian chaotic saddles
  in plasmas, given by the intersections of finite-time unstable and
  stable manifolds, using an ≈22 h sequence of spacecraft images of the
  horizontal velocity field of solar photosphere. A set of 29 persistent
  objective vortices with lifetimes varying from 28.5 to 298.3 min are
  detected by computing the Lagrangian averaged vorticity deviation. The
  unstable manifold of the Lagrangian chaotic saddles computed for ≈11
  h exhibits twisted folding motions indicative of recurring vortices in
  a magnetic mixed-polarity region. We show that the persistent objective
  vortices are formed in the gap regions of Lagrangian chaotic saddles
  at supergranular junctions.

Title: Magnetic Helicity Flux across Solar Active Region
    Photospheres. I. Hemispheric Sign Preference in Solar Cycle 24
Authors: Park, Sung-Hong; Leka, K. D.; Kusano, Kanya
2020ApJ...904....6P    Altcode: 2020arXiv201006134P
  A hemispheric preference in the dominant sign of magnetic helicity
  has been observed in numerous features in the solar atmosphere,
  i.e., left-handed/right-handed helicity in the northern/southern
  hemisphere. The relative importance of different physical processes
  that may contribute to the observed hemispheric sign preference (HSP)
  of magnetic helicity is still under debate. Here, we estimate magnetic
  helicity flux (dH/dt) across the photospheric surface for 4802 samples
  of 1105 unique active regions (ARs) that appeared over an 8 yr period
  from 2010 to 2017 during solar cycle 24, using photospheric vector
  magnetic field observations by the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager
  (HMI) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). The estimates
  of dH/dt show that 63% and 65% of the investigated AR samples in the
  northern and southern hemispheres, respectively, follow the HSP. We
  also find a trend that the HSP of dH/dt increases from ∼50%-60%
  up to ∼70%-80% as ARs (1) appear at the earlier inclining phase
  of the solar cycle or higher latitudes and (2) have larger values of
  $| {dH}/{dt}| $ , the total unsigned magnetic flux, and the average
  plasma-flow speed. These observational findings support the enhancement
  of the HSP mainly by the Coriolis force acting on a buoyantly rising
  and expanding flux tube through the turbulent convection zone. In
  addition, the differential rotation on the solar surface as well as
  the tachocline α-effect of a flux-transport dynamo may reinforce the
  HSP for ARs at higher latitudes.

Title: Time Series Analysis of Photospheric Magnetic Parameters
of Flare-Quiet Versus Flaring Active Regions: Scaling Properties
    of Fluctuations
Authors: Lee, Eo-Jin; Park, Sung-Hong; Moon, Yong-Jae
2020SoPh..295..123L    Altcode: 2020arXiv200813085L
  Time series of photospheric magnetic parameters of solar active regions
  (ARs) are used to answer the question whether scaling properties of
  fluctuations embedded in such time series help to distinguish between
  flare-quiet and flaring ARs. We examine a total of 118 flare-quiet and
  118 flaring AR patches, Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager Active Region
  Patches (called HARPs), which were observed from 2010 to 2016 by the
  Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) on board the Solar Dynamics
  Observatory (SDO). Specifically, the scaling exponent of fluctuations
  is derived applying the Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) method
  to a dataset of 8-day time series of 18 photospheric magnetic
  parameters at 12-min cadence for all HARPs under investigation. We
  first find a statistically significant difference in the distribution
  of the scaling exponent between the flare-quiet and flaring HARPs,
  in particular for some space-averaged, signed parameters associated
  with magnetic field line twist, electric current density, and current
  helicity. The flaring HARPs tend to show higher values of the scaling
  exponent compared to those of the flare-quiet ones, even though there is
  considerable overlap between their distributions. In addition, for both
  the flare-quiet and the flaring HARPs the DFA analysis indicates that i)
  time series of most of various magnetic parameters under consideration
  are non-stationary, and ii) time series of the total unsigned magnetic
  flux and the mean photospheric magnetic free energy density in general
  present a non-stationary, persistent property, while the total unsigned
  flux near magnetic polarity inversion lines and parameters related to
  current density show a non-stationary, anti-persistent trend in their
  time series.

Title: An Observational Test of Solar Plasma Heating by Magnetic
    Flux Cancellation
Authors: Park, Sung-Hong
2020ApJ...897...49P    Altcode: 2020arXiv200507953P
  Recent observations suggest that magnetic flux cancellation may play
  a crucial role in heating the Sun's upper atmosphere (chromosphere,
  transition region, corona). Here, we intended to validate an analytic
  model for magnetic reconnection and consequent coronal heating, driven
  by a pair of converging and canceling magnetic flux sources of opposite
  polarities. For this test, we analyzed photospheric magnetic field
  and multiwavelength ultraviolet/extreme ultraviolet (EUV) observations
  of a small-scale flux cancellation event in a quiet-Sun internetwork
  region over a target interval of 5.2 hr. The observed cancellation
  event exhibits a converging motion of two opposite-polarity magnetic
  patches on the photosphere and redshifted Doppler velocities (downflows)
  therein consistently over the target interval, with a decrease in
  magnetic flux of both polarities at a rate of 10<SUP>15</SUP> Mx
  s<SUP>-1</SUP>. Several impulsive EUV brightenings, with differential
  emission measure values peaked at 1.6-2.0 MK, are also observed in
  the shape of arcades with their two footpoints anchored in the two
  patches. The rate of magnetic energy released as heat at the flux
  cancellation region is estimated to be in the range of (0.2-1) ×
  10<SUP>24</SUP> erg s<SUP>-1</SUP> over the target interval, which
  can satisfy the requirement of previously reported heating rates
  for the quiet-Sun corona. Finally, both short-term (a few to several
  tens of minutes) variations and long-term (a few hours) trends in the
  magnetic energy release rate are clearly shown in the estimated rate of
  radiative energy loss of electrons at temperatures above 2.0 MK. All
  these observational findings support the validity of the investigated
  reconnection model for plasma heating in the upper solar atmosphere
  by flux cancellation.

Title: A Comparison of Flare Forecasting Methods. IV. Evaluating
    Consecutive-day Forecasting Patterns
Authors: Park, Sung-Hong; Leka, K. D.; Kusano, Kanya; Andries, Jesse;
   Barnes, Graham; Bingham, Suzy; Bloomfield, D. Shaun; McCloskey,
   Aoife E.; Delouille, Veronique; Falconer, David; Gallagher, Peter T.;
   Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Kubo, Yuki; Lee, Kangjin; Lee, Sangwoo; Lobzin,
   Vasily; Mun, JunChul; Murray, Sophie A.; Hamad Nageem, Tarek A. M.;
   Qahwaji, Rami; Sharpe, Michael; Steenburgh, R. A.; Steward, Graham;
   Terkildsen, Michael
2020ApJ...890..124P    Altcode: 2020arXiv200102808P
  A crucial challenge to successful flare prediction is
  forecasting periods that transition between "flare-quiet" and
  "flare-active." Building on earlier studies in this series in which we
  describe the methodology, details, and results of flare forecasting
  comparison efforts, we focus here on patterns of forecast outcomes
  (success and failure) over multiday periods. A novel analysis is
  developed to evaluate forecasting success in the context of catching
  the first event of flare-active periods and, conversely, correctly
  predicting declining flare activity. We demonstrate these evaluation
  methods graphically and quantitatively as they provide both quick
  comparative evaluations and options for detailed analysis. For the
  testing interval 2016-2017, we determine the relative frequency
  distribution of two-day dichotomous forecast outcomes for three
  different event histories (I.e., event/event, no-event/event, and
  event/no-event) and use it to highlight performance differences between
  forecasting methods. A trend is identified across all forecasting
  methods that a high/low forecast probability on day 1 remains high/low
  on day 2, even though flaring activity is transitioning. For M-class
  and larger flares, we find that explicitly including persistence or
  prior flare history in computing forecasts helps to improve overall
  forecast performance. It is also found that using magnetic/modern
  data leads to improvement in catching the first-event/first-no-event
  transitions. Finally, 15% of major (I.e., M-class or above) flare
  days over the testing interval were effectively missed due to a lack
  of observations from instruments away from the Earth-Sun line.

Title: Onset Mechanism of M6.5 Solar Flare Observed in Active
    Region 12371
Authors: Kang, Jihye; Inoue, Satoshi; Kusano, Kanya; Park, Sung-Hong;
   Moon, Yong-Jae
2019ApJ...887..263K    Altcode: 2019arXiv191105337K
  We studied a flare onset process in terms of stability of a
  three-dimensional (3D) magnetic field in active region 12371 producing
  an eruptive M6.5 flare in 2015 June 22. In order to reveal the 3D
  magnetic structure, we first extrapolated the 3D coronal magnetic
  fields based on time series of the photospheric vector magnetic fields
  under a nonlinear force-free field (NLFFF) approximation. The NLFFFs
  nicely reproduced the observed sigmoidal structure which is widely
  considered to be preeruptive magnetic configuration. In particular,
  we found that the sigmoid is composed of two branches of sheared arcade
  loops. On the basis of the NLFFFs, we investigated the sheared arcade
  loops to explore the onset process of the eruptive flare using three
  representative magnetohydrodynamic instabilities: the kink, torus,
  and double arc instabilities (DAI). The DAI, recently proposed by
  Ishiguro &amp; Kusano, is a double arc loop that can be more easily
  destabilized than a torus loop. Consequently, the NLFFFs are found to
  be quite stable against the kink and torus instabilities. However,
  the sheared arcade loops formed prior to the flare possibly become
  unstable against the DAI. As a possible scenario for the onset
  process of the M6.5 flare, we suggest a three-step process: (1)
  double arc loops are formed by the sheared arcade loops through the
  tether-cutting reconnection during an early phase of the flare, (2)
  the DAI contributes to the expansion of destabilized double arc loops,
  and (3) finally, the torus instability makes the full eruption.

Title: Which Photospheric Characteristics Are Most Relevant to
    Active-Region Coronal Mass Ejections?
Authors: Kontogiannis, Ioannis; Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Guerra,
   Jordan A.; Park, Sung-Hong; Bloomfield, D. Shaun
2019SoPh..294..130K    Altcode: 2019arXiv190906088K
  We investigate the relation between characteristics of coronal mass
  ejections and parameterizations of the eruptive capability of solar
  active regions widely used in solar flare-prediction schemes. These
  parameters, some of which are explored for the first time, are
  properties related to topological features, namely, magnetic
  polarity-inversion lines (MPILs) that indicate large amounts of
  stored non-potential (i.e. free) magnetic energy. We utilize the
  Space Weather Database of Notifications, Knowledge, Information
  (DONKI) and the Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronograph (LASCO)
  databases to find flare-associated coronal mass ejections and
  their kinematic characteristics, while properties of MPILs are
  extracted from Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) vector
  magnetic-field observations of active regions to extract the
  properties of source-region MPILs. The correlation between all
  properties and the characteristics of CMEs ranges from moderate to
  very strong. More significant correlations hold particularly for
  fast CMEs, which are most important in terms of adverse space-weather
  manifestations. Non-neutralized currents and the length of the main
  MPIL exhibit significantly stronger correlations than the rest of the
  properties. This finding supports a causal relationship between coronal
  mass ejections and non-neutralized electric currents in highly sheared,
  conspicuous MPILs. In addition, non-neutralized currents and MPIL length
  carry distinct, independent information as to the eruptive potential of
  active regions. The combined total amount of non-neutralized electric
  currents and the length of the main polarity-inversion line, therefore,
  reflect more efficiently than other parameters the eruptive capacity
  of solar active regions and the CME kinematic characteristics stemming
  from these regions.

Title: A Comparison of Flare Forecasting Methods. III. Systematic
    Behaviors of Operational Solar Flare Forecasting Systems
Authors: Leka, K. D.; Park, Sung-Hong; Kusano, Kanya; Andries, Jesse;
   Barnes, Graham; Bingham, Suzy; Bloomfield, D. Shaun; McCloskey,
   Aoife E.; Delouille, Veronique; Falconer, David; Gallagher, Peter
   T.; Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Kubo, Yuki; Lee, Kangjin; Lee, Sangwoo;
   Lobzin, Vasily; Mun, JunChul; Murray, Sophie A.; Hamad Nageem, Tarek
   A. M.; Qahwaji, Rami; Sharpe, Michael; Steenburgh, Robert A.; Steward,
   Graham; Terkildsen, Michael
2019ApJ...881..101L    Altcode: 2019arXiv190702909L
  A workshop was recently held at Nagoya University (2017 October
  31-November 2), sponsored by the Center for International Collaborative
  Research, at the Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research,
  Nagoya University, Japan, to quantitatively compare the performance
  of today’s operational solar flare forecasting facilities. Building
  upon Paper I of this series, in Paper II we described the participating
  methods for this latest comparison effort, the evaluation methodology,
  and presented quantitative comparisons. In this paper, we focus on
  the behavior and performance of the methods when evaluated in the
  context of broad implementation differences. Acknowledging the short
  testing interval available and the small number of methods available,
  we do find that forecast performance: (1) appears to improve by
  including persistence or prior flare activity, region evolution,
  and a human “forecaster in the loop” (2) is hurt by restricting
  data to disk-center observations; (3) may benefit from long-term
  statistics but mostly when then combined with modern data sources
  and statistical approaches. These trends are arguably weak and must
  be viewed with numerous caveats, as discussed both here and in Paper
  II. Following this present work, in Paper IV (Park et al. 2019) we
  will present a novel analysis method to evaluate temporal patterns of
  forecasting errors of both types (i.e., misses and false alarms). Hence,
  most importantly, with this series of papers, we demonstrate the
  techniques for facilitating comparisons in the interest of establishing
  performance-positive methodologies.

Title: A Comparison of Flare Forecasting Methods. II. Benchmarks,
    Metrics, and Performance Results for Operational Solar Flare
    Forecasting Systems
Authors: Leka, K. D.; Park, Sung-Hong; Kusano, Kanya; Andries, Jesse;
   Barnes, Graham; Bingham, Suzy; Bloomfield, D. Shaun; McCloskey,
   Aoife E.; Delouille, Veronique; Falconer, David; Gallagher, Peter
   T.; Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Kubo, Yuki; Lee, Kangjin; Lee, Sangwoo;
   Lobzin, Vasily; Mun, JunChul; Murray, Sophie A.; Hamad Nageem, Tarek
   A. M.; Qahwaji, Rami; Sharpe, Michael; Steenburgh, Robert A.; Steward,
   Graham; Terkildsen, Michael
2019ApJS..243...36L    Altcode: 2019arXiv190702905L
  Solar flares are extremely energetic phenomena in our solar
  system. Their impulsive and often drastic radiative increases,
  particularly at short wavelengths, bring immediate impacts that motivate
  solar physics and space weather research to understand solar flares
  to the point of being able to forecast them. As data and algorithms
  improve dramatically, questions must be asked concerning how well the
  forecasting performs; crucially, we must ask how to rigorously measure
  performance in order to critically gauge any improvements. Building
  upon earlier-developed methodology of Paper I (Barnes et al. 2016),
  international representatives of regional warning centers and
  research facilities assembled in 2017 at the Institute for Space-Earth
  Environmental Research, Nagoya University, Japan to, for the first time,
  directly compare the performance of operational solar flare forecasting
  methods. Multiple quantitative evaluation metrics are employed, with the
  focus and discussion on evaluation methodologies given the restrictions
  of operational forecasting. Numerous methods performed consistently
  above the “no-skill” level, although which method scored top marks
  is decisively a function of flare event definition and the metric
  used; there was no single winner. Following in this paper series, we
  ask why the performances differ by examining implementation details
  (Leka et al. 2019), and then we present a novel analysis method to
  evaluate temporal patterns of forecasting errors in Paper IV (Park
  et al. 2019). With these works, this team presents a well-defined and
  robust methodology for evaluating solar flare forecasting methods in
  both research and operational frameworks and today’s performance
  benchmarks against which improvements and new methods may be compared.

Title: Flare Productivity of Major Flaring Solar Active Regions:
    A Time-Series Study of Photospheric Magnetic Properties
Authors: Lee, Eo-Jin; Park, Sung-Hong; Moon, Yong-Jae
2018SoPh..293..159L    Altcode: 2018arXiv181012505L
  A solar active region (AR) that produces at least one M- or X-class
  major flare tends to produce multiple flares during its passage across
  the solar disk. It will be interesting to see if we can estimate how
  flare-productive a given major flaring AR is for a time interval of
  several days through investigating time series of its photospheric
  magnetic field properties. For this, we studied 93 major flaring ARs
  that were observed from 2010 to 2016 by the Helioseismic and Magnetic
  Imager (HMI) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). More
  specifically, for each AR under study, the mean and fluctuation
  were calculated from an 8-day time series of each of 18 photospheric
  magnetic parameters extracted from the Space-weather HMI Active Region
  Patch (SHARP) vector magnetogram products at 12 min cadence. We then
  compared these with the AR 8-day flare index, which is defined as the
  sum of soft X-ray peak fluxes of flares produced in the AR during the
  same interval as the 8-day SHARP parameter time series. As a result,
  we found that the 8-day flare index is well correlated with the mean
  and/or fluctuation values of some magnetic parameters (with correlation
  coefficients of 0.6 - 0.7 in log-log space). Interestingly, the 8-day
  flare index shows a slightly better correlation with the fluctuation
  than the mean for the SHARP parameters associated with the surface
  integral of photospheric magnetic free energy density. We also discuss
  how the correlation varies if the 8-day flare index is compared with
  the mean or fluctuation calculated from an initial portion of the
  SHARP parameter time series.

Title: A new analysis of stability of active regions for understanding
    and predicting the onset of solar eruptions
Authors: Kusano, Kanya; Park, Sung-Hong; Iju, Tomoya; Muhamad, Johan;
   Ishiguro, Naoyuki; Inoue, Satoshi; Bamba, Yumi
2018csc..confE..25K    Altcode:
  Solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are believed to be the
  explosive liberation of magnetic energy in the solar corona and may
  cause space weather disturbances. However, the critical condition for
  their onset is not yet well understood, and thus our predictability
  of when, where, and how large events will occur is not sufficiently
  reliable yet. Which kind of instability determines the critical
  condition for the onset of solar eruptions is a key question of this
  problem, because magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) instabilities must play an
  important role in driving solar eruptions. The torus instability and
  the kink-mode instability have been investigated as candidates of the
  key driver of solar eruptions. Recently, Ishiguro and Kusano (2017)
  proposed that a new instability called double-arc instability (DAI)
  may work as the initial driver of solar flares and it can trigger the
  onset of solar eruptions. Though the DAI is one of the hoop-force
  driven instabilities like the torus instability (TI), the critical
  condition of the DAI, given by a new parameter kappa, is different
  from the TI. Based on the theory of the DAI, we have developed a
  numerical model which can evaluate the stability and the stored free
  energy within each solar active region using the nonlinear force-free
  field extrapolation. We analyzed the various solar active regions by
  applying this model onto the Space-weather HMI Active Region Patches
  (SHARP). In this paper, we report the results of the analyses for
  how the stability of the DAI evolved in several flare-active regions
  and how that of 200 sampled active regions correlates with the flare
  activities. The results are consistent with the theoretical scenario
  of the DAI as the initial driver of solar eruptions and they suggest
  that the kappa parameter could improve the prediction not only for
  the capability of solar eruptions but also for the location where
  large flares are most likely to be triggered within each active
  region. Finally, we discuss the applicability of nonlinear force-free
  field extrapolation for the operational forecast of solar flares.

Title: Magnetohydrodynamic Modeling of a Solar Eruption Associated
    with an X9.3 Flare Observed in the Active Region 12673
Authors: Inoue, Satoshi; Shiota, Daikou; Bamba, Yumi; Park, Sung-Hong
2018ApJ...867...83I    Altcode: 2018arXiv180902309I
  On 2017 September 6, the solar active region 12673 produced an
  X9.3 flare, regarded to be the largest to have occurred in solar
  cycle 24. In this work we have performed a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)
  simulation in order to reveal the three-dimensional (3D) dynamics of
  the magnetic fields associated with the X9.3 solar flare. We first
  performed an extrapolation of the 3D magnetic field based on the
  observed photospheric magnetic field prior to the flare and then used
  this as the initial condition for the MHD simulation, which revealed a
  dramatic eruption. In particular, we found that a large coherent flux
  rope composed of highly twisted magnetic field lines formed during
  the eruption. A series of small flux ropes were found to lie along
  a magnetic polarity inversion line prior to the flare. Reconnection
  occurring between each flux rope during the early stages of the eruption
  formed the large, highly twisted flux rope. Furthermore, we observed a
  writhing motion of the erupting flux rope. Understanding these dynamics
  is important in the drive to increase the accuracy of space weather
  forecasting. We report on the detailed dynamics of the 3D eruptive
  flux rope and discuss the possible mechanisms of the writhing motion.

Title: Photospheric Shear Flows in Solar Active Regions and Their
    Relation to Flare Occurrence
Authors: Park, Sung-Hong; Guerra, Jordan A.; Gallagher, Peter T.;
   Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Bloomfield, D. Shaun
2018SoPh..293..114P    Altcode: 2018arXiv180707714P
  Solar active regions (ARs) that produce major flares typically exhibit
  strong plasma shear flows around photospheric magnetic polarity
  inversion lines (MPILs). It is therefore important to quantitatively
  measure such photospheric shear flows in ARs for a better understanding
  of their relation to flare occurrence. Photospheric flow fields were
  determined by applying the Differential Affine Velocity Estimator
  for Vector Magnetograms (DAVE4VM) method to a large data set of 2548
  coaligned pairs of AR vector magnetograms with 12-min separation over
  the period 2012 - 2016. From each AR flow-field map, three shear-flow
  parameters were derived corresponding to the mean («S »), maximum
  (S<SUB>max</SUB>) and integral (S<SUB>sum</SUB>) shear-flow speeds along
  strong-gradient, strong-field MPIL segments. We calculated flaring
  rates within 24 h as a function of each shear-flow parameter and we
  investigated the relation between the parameters and the waiting
  time (τ ) until the next major flare (class M1.0 or above) after
  the parameter observation. In general, it is found that the larger
  S<SUB>sum</SUB> an AR has, the more likely it is for the AR to produce
  flares within 24 h. It is also found that among ARs which produce major
  flares, if one has a larger value of S<SUB>sum</SUB> then τ generally
  gets shorter. These results suggest that large ARs with widespread
  and/or strong shear flows along MPILs tend to not only be more flare
  productive, but also produce major flares within 24 h or less.

Title: Operational Flare Forecasting Benchmarks and Initial
    Performance Comparisons
Authors: Leka, K. D.; Park, Sung-Hong
2018cosp...42E1978L    Altcode:
  We present here select preliminary results from a recent workshop,
  "Benchmarks for Operational Solar Flare Forecasts" held at the
  Institute for Sun-Earth Environmental Research (ISEE) in Nagoya,
  Japan, in late 2017. Numerous methods were tested in a head-to-head
  operational forecasting performance exercise. Results are quantified
  using standard validation metrics, with a preference for metrics based
  on the probabilistic forecasts (rather than categorical results which
  are impacted by probability thresholds). We present here a preliminary
  analysis of the performance impacts of general method attributes,
  addressing questions centered on “which approaches demonstrate
  improvement in operational performance, and which approaches do not?”

Title: The critical conditions for the onset of solar flares and
    coronal mass ejections
Authors: Kusano, Kanya; Iju, Tomoya; Muhamad, Johan; Ishiguro, Naoyuki;
   Inoue, Satoshi; Bamba, Yumi; Shiota, Daikou; Park, Sung-Hong; Asahi,
   Yuki; Mizuno, Yuta
2018cosp...42E1887K    Altcode:
  Solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are believed to be the
  explosive liberation of magnetic energy in the solar corona. However,
  the critical condition for their onset is not yet well understood, and
  thus the accurate prediction of their onset is still difficult. Which
  kind of instability determines the critical condition is a key question
  of this problem, because magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) instabilities, e.g.,
  the kink and torus modes of instabilities, may cause the explosive
  energy liberation in the solar corona. Recently, Ishiguro and Kusano
  (2017) proposed that a new instability called double-arc instability
  (DAI) may work as the initial driver of solar flares and it can
  trigger the onset of the solar eruption by destabilizing the torus
  instability. In this paper, we analyze the spatiotemporal evolution
  of three-dimensional magnetic field structure which is reconstructed
  by the nonlinear force-free field (NLFFF) extrapolation technique for
  the solar active regions NOAA 11158 and 12673. The result suggests
  that the critical condition for the DAI well explains the onset of the
  major flares occurred in these active regions. Finally, we discuss the
  applicability of the critical condition to the prediction of flares and
  CMEs based on the statistical analysis of three hundred active regions.

Title: Testing and Improving a Set of Morphological Predictors of
    Flaring Activity
Authors: Kontogiannis, Ioannis; Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Park,
   Sung-Hong; Guerra, Jordan A.
2018SoPh..293...96K    Altcode: 2018arXiv180706371K
  Efficient prediction of solar flares relies on parameters that
  quantify the eruptive capability of solar active regions. Several
  such quantitative predictors have been proposed in the literature,
  inferred mostly from photospheric magnetograms and/or white-light
  observations. Two of them are the Ising energy and the sum of the total
  horizontal magnetic field gradient. The former has been developed from
  line-of-sight magnetograms, while the latter uses sunspot detections
  and characteristics, based on continuum images. Aiming to include
  these parameters in an automated prediction scheme, we test their
  applicability on regular photospheric magnetic field observations
  provided by the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) instrument
  onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). We test their efficiency
  as predictors of flaring activity on a representative sample of active
  regions and investigate possible modifications of these quantities. The
  Ising energy appears to be an efficient predictor, and the efficiency
  is even improved if it is modified to describe interacting magnetic
  partitions or sunspot umbrae. The sum of the horizontal magnetic
  field gradient appears to be slightly more promising than the three
  variations of the Ising energy we implement in this article. The new
  predictors are also compared with two very promising predictors: the
  effective connected magnetic field strength and the total unsigned
  non-neutralized current. Our analysis shows that the efficiency of
  morphological predictors depends on projection effects in a nontrivial
  way. All four new predictors are found useful for inclusion in an
  automated flare forecasting facility, such as the Flare Likelihood
  and Region Eruption Forecasting (FLARECAST), but their utility, among
  others, will ultimately be determined by the validation effort underway
  in the framework of the FLARECAST project.

Title: Operational Flare Forecasting Benchmarks and Initial
    Performance Comparisons
Authors: Leka, K. D.; Park, Sung-Hong; Barnes, Graham
2018tess.conf41407L    Altcode:
  It is the end of a magnetic cycle, and we recently asked two questions:
  (1) "How well do operational flare forecasting methods presently
  work?" and (2) "What is needed to quantitatively answer that question to
  begin with?" We present here select preliminary results from a recent
  workshop, "Benchmarks for Operational Solar Flare Forecasts" held at
  the Institute for Sun-Earth Environmental Research (ISEE) in Nagoya,
  Japan, in late 2017. Numerous methods were tested in a head-to-head
  operational forecasting performance exercise. Results are quantified
  using standard validation metrics, with a preference for metrics based
  on the probabilistic forecasts (rather than categorical results which
  are impacted by probability thresholds). We discuss how to best assess
  the relative performance of different methods, and present an initial
  analysis of general method attributes, addressing questions centered
  on "which approaches lead to improvement in operational performance,
  and which approaches do not?” <P />Support for the workshop and this
  analysis is acknowledged from the Nagoya University/Institute for
  Space-Earth Environmental Research (ISEE) Center for International
  Collaborative Research (CICR).

Title: Connecting Coronal Mass Ejections to Their Solar Active Region
Sources: Combining Results from the HELCATS and FLARECAST Projects
Authors: Murray, Sophie A.; Guerra, Jordan A.; Zucca, Pietro; Park,
   Sung-Hong; Carley, Eoin P.; Gallagher, Peter T.; Vilmer, Nicole;
   Bothmer, Volker
2018SoPh..293...60M    Altcode: 2018arXiv180306529M
  Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and other solar eruptive phenomena can be
  physically linked by combining data from a multitude of ground-based
  and space-based instruments alongside models; however, this can be
  challenging for automated operational systems. The EU Framework Package
  7 HELCATS project provides catalogues of CME observations and properties
  from the Heliospheric Imagers on board the two NASA/STEREO spacecraft
  in order to track the evolution of CMEs in the inner heliosphere. From
  the main HICAT catalogue of over 2,000 CME detections, an automated
  algorithm has been developed to connect the CMEs observed by STEREO
  to any corresponding solar flares and active-region (AR) sources
  on the solar surface. CME kinematic properties, such as speed and
  angular width, are compared with AR magnetic field properties, such as
  magnetic flux, area, and neutral line characteristics. The resulting
  LOWCAT catalogue is also compared to the extensive AR property
  database created by the EU Horizon 2020 FLARECAST project, which
  provides more complex magnetic field parameters derived from vector
  magnetograms. Initial statistical analysis has been undertaken on the
  new data to provide insight into the link between flare and CME events,
  and characteristics of eruptive ARs. Warning thresholds determined
  from analysis of the evolution of these parameters is shown to be a
  useful output for operational space weather purposes. Parameters of
  particular interest for further analysis include total unsigned flux,
  vertical current, and current helicity. The automated method developed
  to create the LOWCAT catalogue may also be useful for future efforts
  to develop operational CME forecasting.

Title: Forecasting Solar Flares Using Magnetogram-based Predictors
    and Machine Learning
Authors: Florios, Kostas; Kontogiannis, Ioannis; Park, Sung-Hong;
   Guerra, Jordan A.; Benvenuto, Federico; Bloomfield, D. Shaun;
   Georgoulis, Manolis K.
2018SoPh..293...28F    Altcode: 2018arXiv180105744F
  We propose a forecasting approach for solar flares based on data from
  Solar Cycle 24, taken by the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI)
  on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) mission. In particular,
  we use the Space-weather HMI Active Region Patches (SHARP) product that
  facilitates cut-out magnetograms of solar active regions (AR) in the
  Sun in near-realtime (NRT), taken over a five-year interval (2012 -
  2016). Our approach utilizes a set of thirteen predictors, which are
  not included in the SHARP metadata, extracted from line-of-sight and
  vector photospheric magnetograms. We exploit several machine learning
  (ML) and conventional statistics techniques to predict flares of
  peak magnitude &gt;M1 and &gt;C1 within a 24 h forecast window. The
  ML methods used are multi-layer perceptrons (MLP), support vector
  machines (SVM), and random forests (RF). We conclude that random
  forests could be the prediction technique of choice for our sample,
  with the second-best method being multi-layer perceptrons, subject to
  an entropy objective function. A Monte Carlo simulation showed that
  the best-performing method gives accuracy ACC =0.93 (0.00 ), true
  skill statistic TSS =0.74 (0.02 ), and Heidke skill score HSS =0.49
  (0.01 ) for &gt;M1 flare prediction with probability threshold 15%
  and ACC =0.84 (0.00 ), TSS =0.60 (0.01 ), and HSS =0.59 (0.01 ) for
  &gt;C1 flare prediction with probability threshold 35%.

Title: Non-neutralized Electric Currents in Solar Active Regions
    and Flare Productivity
Authors: Kontogiannis, Ioannis; Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Park,
   Sung-Hong; Guerra, Jordan A.
2017SoPh..292..159K    Altcode: 2017arXiv170807087K
  We explore the association of non-neutralized currents with solar
  flare occurrence in a sizable sample of observations, aiming to show
  the potential of such currents in solar flare prediction. We used
  the high-quality vector magnetograms that are regularly produced by
  the Helioseismic Magnetic Imager, and more specifically, the Space
  weather HMI Active Region Patches (SHARP). Through a newly established
  method that incorporates detailed error analysis, we calculated
  the non-neutralized currents contained in active regions (AR). Two
  predictors were produced, namely the total and the maximum unsigned
  non-neutralized current. Both were tested in AR time-series and a
  representative sample of point-in-time observations during the interval
  2012 - 2016. The average values of non-neutralized currents in flaring
  active regions are higher by more than an order of magnitude than in
  non-flaring regions and correlate very well with the corresponding
  flare index. The temporal evolution of these parameters appears to
  be connected to physical processes, such as flux emergence and/or
  magnetic polarity inversion line formation, that are associated with
  increased solar flare activity. Using Bayesian inference of flaring
  probabilities, we show that the total unsigned non-neutralized current
  significantly outperforms the total unsigned magnetic flux and other
  well-established current-related predictors. It therefore shows good
  prospects for inclusion in an operational flare-forecasting service. We
  plan to use the new predictor in the framework of the FLARECAST project
  along with other highly performing predictors.

Title: The 17 March 2015 storm: the associated magnetic flux rope
    structure and the storm development
Authors: Marubashi, Katsuhide; Cho, Kyung-Suk; Kim, Rok-Soon; Kim,
   Sujin; Park, Sung-Hong; Ishibashi, Hiromitsu
2016EP&S...68..173M    Altcode:
  The objective of this study is (1) to determine the magnetic cloud
  (MC) structure associated with the 17 March 2015 storm and (2) to
  gain an insight into how the storm developed responding to the solar
  wind conditions. First, we search MC geometries which can explain the
  observed solar wind magnetic fields by fitting to both cylindrical
  and toroidal flux rope models. Then, we examine how the resultant
  MC geometries can be connected to the solar source region to find
  out the most plausible model for the observed MC. We conclude that
  the observations are most consistently explained by a toroidal flux
  rope with the torus plane nearly parallel to the ecliptic plane. It
  is emphasized that the observations are characterized by the peculiar
  spacecraft crossing through the MC, in that the magnetic fields to be
  observed are southward throughout the passage. For understanding of
  the storm development, we first estimate the injection rate of the
  storm ring current from the observed Dst variation. Then, we derive
  an expression to calculate the estimated injection rate from the
  observed solar wind variations. The point of the method is to evaluate
  the injection rate by the convolution of the dawn-to-dusk electric
  field in the solar wind and a response function. By using the optimum
  response function thus determined, we obtain a modeled Dst variation
  from the solar wind data, which is in good agreement with the observed
  Dst variation. The agreement supports the validity of our method to
  derive an expression for the ring current injection rate as a function
  of the solar wind variation.[Figure not available: see fulltext.]

Title: Enabling Solar Flare Forecasting at an Unprecedented Level:
    the FLARECAST Project
Authors: Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Pariat, Etienne; Massone, Anna
   Maria; Vilmer, Nicole; Jackson, David; Buchlin, Eric; Csillaghy,
   Andre; Bommier, Veronique; Kontogiannis, Ioannis; Gallagher, Peter;
   Gontikakis, Costis; Guennou, Chloé; Murray, Sophie; Bloomfield,
   D. Shaun; Alingery, Pablo; Baudin, Frederic; Benvenuto, Federico;
   Bruggisser, Florian; Florios, Konstantinos; Guerra, Jordan; Park,
   Sung-Hong; Perasso, Annalisa; Piana, Michele; Sathiapal, Hanna;
   Soldati, Marco; Von Stachelski, Samuel; Argoudelis, Vangelis;
   Caminade, Stephane
2016cosp...41E.657G    Altcode:
  We attempt a brief but informative description of the Flare
  Likelihood And Region Eruption Forecasting (FLARECAST) project,
  European Commission's first large-scale investment to explore the
  limits of reliability and accuracy for the forecasting of major solar
  flares. The consortium, objectives, and first results of the project
  - featuring an openly accessible, interactive flare forecasting
  facility by the end of 2017 - will be outlined. In addition, we will
  refer to the so-called "explorative research" element of project,
  aiming to connect solar flares with coronal mass ejections (CMEs)
  and possibly pave the way for CME, or eruptive flare, prediction. We
  will also emphasize the FLARECAST modus operandi, namely the diversity
  of expertise within the consortium that independently aims to science,
  infrastructure development and dissemination, both to stakeholders and
  to the general public. Concluding, we will underline that the FLARECAST
  project responds squarely to the joint COSPAR - ILWS Global Roadmap
  to shield society from the adversities of space weather, addressing
  its primary goal and, in particular, its Research Recommendations
  1, 2 and 4, Teaming Recommendations II and III, and Collaboration
  Recommendations A, B, and D. The FLARECAST project has received funding
  from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
  under grant agreement No. 640216.

Title: Observations of a Series of Flares and Associated Jet-like
    Eruptions Driven by the Emergence of Twisted Magnetic Fields
Authors: Lim, Eun-Kyung; Yurchyshyn, Vasyl; Park, Sung-Hong; Kim,
   Sujin; Cho, Kyung-Suk; Kumar, Pankaj; Chae, Jongchul; Yang, Heesu;
   Cho, Kyuhyoun; Song, Donguk; Kim, Yeon-Han
2016ApJ...817...39L    Altcode: 2015arXiv151201330L
  We studied temporal changes of morphological and magnetic properties
  of a succession of four confined flares followed by an eruptive flare
  using the high-resolution New Solar Telescope (NST) operating at the Big
  Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO) and Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI)
  magnetograms and Atmospheric Image Assembly (AIA) EUV images provided by
  the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). From the NST/Hα and the SDO/AIA
  304 Å observations we found that each flare developed a jet structure
  that evolved in a manner similar to evolution of the blowout jet: (1)
  an inverted-Y-shaped jet appeared and drifted away from its initial
  position; (2) jets formed a curtain-like structure that consisted
  of many fine threads accompanied by subsequent brightenings near
  the footpoints of the fine threads; and finally, (3) the jet showed
  a twisted structure visible near the flare maximum. Analysis of the
  HMI data showed that both the negative magnetic flux and the magnetic
  helicity have been gradually increasing in the positive-polarity region,
  indicating the continuous injection of magnetic twist before and during
  the series of flares. Based on these results, we suggest that the
  continuous emergence of twisted magnetic flux played an important role
  in producing successive flares and developing a series of blowout jets.

Title: Comparison between the eruptive X2.2 flare on 2011 February
    15 and confined X3.1 flare on 2014 October 24
Authors: Jing, Ju; Xu, Yan; Lee, Jeongwoo; Nitta, Nariaki V.; Liu,
   Chang; Park, Sung-Hong; Wiegelmann, Thomas; Wang, Haimin
2015RAA....15.1537J    Altcode:
  We compare two contrasting X-class flares in terms of magnetic free
  energy, relative magnetic helicity and decay index of the active regions
  (ARs) in which they occurred. The events in question are the eruptive
  X2.2 flare from AR 11158 accompanied by a halo coronal mass ejection
  (CME) and the confined X3.1 flare from AR 12192 with no associated
  CME. These two flares exhibit similar behavior of free magnetic energy
  and helicity buildup for a few days preceding them. A major difference
  between the two flares is found to lie in the time-dependent change
  of magnetic helicity of the ARs that hosted them. AR 11158 shows a
  significant decrease in magnetic helicity starting ∼4 hours prior
  to the flare, but no apparent decrease in helicity is observed in AR
  12192. By examining the magnetic helicity injection rates in terms
  of sign, we confirmed that the drastic decrease in magnetic helicity
  before the eruptive X2.2 flare was not caused by the injection of
  reversed helicity through the photosphere but rather the CME-related
  change in the coronal magnetic field. Another major difference we find
  is that AR 11158 had a significantly larger decay index and therefore
  weaker overlying field than AR 12192. These results suggest that the
  coronal magnetic helicity and the decay index of the overlying field
  can provide a clue about the occurrence of CMEs.

Title: Causes of the Sep. 12-13, 2014 geomagnetic storms
Authors: Cho, Kyung-Suk; Kim, Rooksoon; Park, Sung-Hong; Kim, Sujin
2015IAUGA..2249582C    Altcode:
  Solar cycle 24 is very modest compared to previous solar cycles. The
  solar maximum phase may have been reached in the middle of 2014 and
  the sunspot number has decreased since the beginning of 2015. During
  this period, it has been reported that only few events produced strong
  X-class flares, solar proton events, and geomagnetic storms. In this
  study we have investigated causes of the multiple geomagnetic storms
  occurred on September 12-13, 2014. The geomagnetic storm forecast
  model based on the CME observations was used for identification of
  the causes of the geomagnetic storms. Details of the solar source
  region were investigated to give an answer why the geomagnetic
  storms were not so strong even though they were related to fast
  coronal mass ejections with large earth-ward direction. As a result,
  we found that the first weak storm was driven by the CME related to
  M4.6 flare and the second minor storm was driven by one of the fast
  CMEs related to strong X1.6 flare. Our result shows that the reason
  why the second storm was not strong is that it was caused by the CME
  with northward magnetic field. Therefore we suggest that one of the
  essential ingredients for geomagnetic storm forecasting is to find
  out the magnetic field direction of earth-ward CMEs, which can be
  accomplished by investigating magnetic fields of their solar source
  regions a few days before their arrival to the earth.

Title: Development of technique to detect and classify small-scale
    magnetic flux cancellation and rapid blue-shifted excursions
Authors: Chen, Xin; Deng, Na; Lamb, Derek A.; Jing, Ju; Liu, Chang;
   Liu, Rui; Park, Sung-Hong; Wang, Haimin
2015RAA....15.1012C    Altcode: 2015arXiv150101226C
  We present a set of tools for detecting small-scale solar magnetic
  cancellations and the disk counterpart of type II spicules (the
  so-called Rapid Blueshifted Excursions (RBEs)), using line-of-sight
  photospheric magnetograms and chromospheric spectroscopic observations,
  respectively. For tracking magnetic cancellation, we improve the
  Southwest Automatic Magnetic Identification Suite (SWAMIS) so that
  it is able to detect certain obscure cancellations that can be easily
  missed. For detecting RBEs, we use a normalized reference profile to
  reduce false-positive detections caused by the non-uniform background
  and seeing condition. Similar to the magnetic feature tracking in
  SWAMIS, we apply a dual-threshold method to enhance the accuracy of
  RBE detection. These tools are employed to analyze our coordinated
  observations using the Interferometric BIdimensional Spectrometer at the
  Dunn Solar Telescope of the National Solar Observatory and Hinode. We
  present the statistical properties of magnetic cancellations and RBEs,
  and explore their correlation using this data set.

Title: Burst Locating Capability of the Korean Solar Radio Burst
    Locator (KSRBL)
Authors: Hwangbo, Jung-Eun; Bong, Su-Chan; Park, Sung-Hong; Lee,
   Dae-Young; Cho, Kyung-Suk; Lee, Jaejin; Park, Young-Deuk
2015JASS...32...91H    Altcode:
  The Korean Solar Radio Burst Locator (KSRBL) is a solar radio
  spectrograph observing the broad frequency range from 0.245 to 18 GHz
  with the capability of locating wideband gyrosynchrotron bursts. Due to
  the characteristics of a spiral feed, the beam center varies in a spiral
  pattern with frequency, making a modulation pattern over the wideband
  spectrum. After a calibration process, we obtained dynamic spectra
  consistent with the Nobeyama Radio Polarimeter (NoRP). We compared and
  analyzed the locations of bursts observed by KSRBL with results from
  the Nobeyama Radioheliograph (NoRH) and Atmospheric Imaging Assembly
  (AIA). As a result, we found that the KSRBL provides the ability to
  locate flaring sources on the Sun within around 2'.

Title: A Trio of Confined Flares in AR 11087
Authors: Joshi, Anand D.; Forbes, Terry G.; Park, Sung-Hong; Cho,
2015ApJ...798...97J    Altcode:
  We investigate three flares that occurred in active region, AR 11087,
  observed by the Dutch Open Telescope (DOT) on 2010 July 13, in a
  span of three hours. The first two flares have soft X-ray class B3,
  whereas the third flare has class C3. The third flare not only was the
  largest in terms of area and brightness but also showed a very faint
  coronal mass ejection (CME) associated with it, while the earlier two
  flares had no associated CME. The active region, located at 27° N,
  26° E, has a small U-shaped active region filament to the south of
  the sunspot, and a quiescent filament is located to its west. Hα
  observations from DOT, as well as extreme-ultraviolet images and
  magnetograms from the STEREO spacecraft and Solar Dynamics Observatory,
  are used to study the dynamics of the active region during the three
  flares. Our observations imply that the first two flares are confined
  and that some filament material drains to the surface during these
  flares. At the onset of the third flare downflows are again observed
  within the active region, but a strong upflow is also observed at the
  northern end of the adjacent quiescent filament to the west. It is at
  the latter location that the CME originates. The temporal evolution of
  the flare ribbons and the dynamics of the filaments are both consistent
  with the idea that reconnection in a pre-existing current sheet leads
  to a loss of equilibrium.

Title: Magnetic Structure and Nonthermal Electrons in the X6.9 Flare
    on 2011 August 9
Authors: Hwangbo, Jung-Eun; Lee, Jeongwoo; Park, Sung-Hong; Kim,
   Sujin; Lee, Dae-Young; Bong, Su-Chan; Kim, Yeon-Han; Cho, Kyung-Suk;
   Park, Young-Deuk
2014ApJ...796...80H    Altcode:
  The 2011 August 9 flare is one of the largest X-ray flares of sunspot
  cycle 24, but spatial information is rather limited due to its position
  close to the western limb. This paper presents information about
  the location of high-energy electrons derived from hard X-ray and
  microwave spectra obtained with the Reuven Ramaty High-Energy Solar
  Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) and the Korean Solar Radio Burst Locator
  (KSRBL), respectively. The KSRBL microwave spectrum shows significant
  fluxes at low frequencies, implying that the high-energy electrons
  reside in a coronal volume highly concentrated at strong magnetic
  fields, and rapidly expanding with decreasing magnetic fields. After a
  simple modeling of the microwave spectrum, we found that the microwave
  source should be located above the inner pair of magnetic poles in a
  large quadrupolar configuration. The time-dependent evolution of the
  magnetic field distribution and total nonthermal energy derived from
  the microwave spectra is also consistent with the standard picture
  of multiple magnetic reconnections recurring at a magnetic null point
  that forms above the magnetic quadrupoles and moves up with time.

Title: 우주환경 지상관측기 자료통합시스템 개발

Title: 우주환경 지상관측기 자료통합시스템 개발

Title: Development of Data Integration System for Ground-Based Space
    Weather Observational Facilities
Authors: Baek, Ji-Hye; Choi, Seonghwan; Lee, Jae-Jin; Kim, Yeon-Han;
   Bong, Su-Chan; Park, Young-Deuk; Kwak, Young-Sil; Cho, Kyung-Suk;
   Hwang, Junga; Jang, Bi-Ho; Yang, Tae-Yong; Hwang, Eunmi; Park,
   Sung-Hong; Park, Jongyeob
2013PKAS...28...65B    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Study of Magnetic Helicity Injection in the Active Region NOAA
    9236 Producing Multiple Flare-associated Coronal Mass Ejection Events
Authors: Park, Sung-Hong; Kusano, Kanya; Cho, Kyung-Suk; Chae,
   Jongchul; Bong, Su-Chan; Kumar, Pankaj; Park, So-Young; Kim, Yeon-Han;
   Park, Young-Deuk
2013ApJ...778...13P    Altcode: 2013arXiv1308.5774P
  To better understand a preferred magnetic field configuration and its
  evolution during coronal mass ejection (CME) events, we investigated
  the spatial and temporal evolution of photospheric magnetic fields in
  the active region NOAA 9236 that produced eight flare-associated CMEs
  during the time period of 2000 November 23-26. The time variations
  of the total magnetic helicity injection rate and the total unsigned
  magnetic flux are determined and examined not only in the entire
  active region but also in some local regions such as the main sunspots
  and the CME-associated flaring regions using SOHO/MDI magnetogram
  data. As a result, we found that (1) in the sunspots, a large amount
  of positive (right-handed) magnetic helicity was injected during most
  of the examined time period, (2) in the flare region, there was a
  continuous injection of negative (left-handed) magnetic helicity during
  the entire period, accompanied by a large increase of the unsigned
  magnetic flux, and (3) the flaring regions were mainly composed of
  emerging bipoles of magnetic fragments in which magnetic field lines
  have substantially favorable conditions for making reconnection with
  large-scale, overlying, and oppositely directed magnetic field lines
  connecting the main sunspots. These observational findings can also
  be well explained by some MHD numerical simulations for CME initiation
  (e.g., reconnection-favored emerging flux models). We therefore conclude
  that reconnection-favored magnetic fields in the flaring emerging flux
  regions play a crucial role in producing the multiple flare-associated
  CMEs in NOAA 9236.

Title: Multiwavelength Study of a Solar Eruption from AR NOAA 11112
    I. Flux Emergence, Sunspot Rotation and Triggering of a Solar Flare
Authors: Kumar, Pankaj; Park, Sung-Hong; Cho, K. -S.; Bong, S. -C.
2013SoPh..282..503K    Altcode: 2012arXiv1210.3413K
  We analyze the multiwavelength observations of an M2.9/1N flare
  that occurred in the active region (AR) NOAA 11112 in the vicinity
  of a huge filament system on 16 October 2010. SDO/HMI magnetograms
  reveal the emergence of a bipole (within the existing AR) 50 hours
  prior to the flare event. During the emergence, both the positive and
  negative sunspots in the bipole show translational as well as rotational
  motion. The positive-polarity sunspot shows significant motion/rotation
  in the south-westward/clockwise direction, and we see continuously
  pushing/sliding of the surrounding opposite-polarity field region. On
  the other hand, the negative-polarity sunspot moves/rotates in the
  westward/anticlockwise direction. The positive-polarity sunspot rotates
  ≈ 70<SUP>∘</SUP> within 30 hours, whereas the one with negative
  polarity rotates ≈ 20<SUP>∘</SUP> within 10 hours. SDO/AIA 94 Å
  EUV images show the emergence of a flux tube in the corona, consistent
  with the emergence of the bipole in HMI. The footpoints of the flux
  tube were anchored in the emerging bipole. The initial brightening
  starts at one of the footpoints (western) of the emerging loop system,
  where the positive-polarity sunspot pushes/slides towards a nearby
  negative-polarity field region. A high speed plasmoid ejection (speed
  ≈ 1197 km s<SUP>−1</SUP>) was observed during the impulsive phase
  of the flare, which suggests magnetic reconnection of the emerging
  positive-polarity sunspot with the surrounding opposite-polarity
  field region. The entire AR shows positive-helicity injection before
  the flare event. Moreover, the newly emerging bipole reveals the
  signature of a negative (left-handed) helicity. These observations
  provide unique evidence of the emergence of twisted flux tubes from
  below the photosphere to coronal heights, triggering a flare mainly
  due to the interaction between the emerging positive-polarity sunspot
  and a nearby negative-polarity sunspot by the shearing motion of the
  emerging positive sunspot towards the negative one. Our observations
  also strongly support the idea that the rotation can most likely be
  attributed to the emergence of twisted magnetic fields, as proposed
  by recent models.

Title: Multiwavelength Study of a Solar Eruption from AR NOAA 11112:
    II. Large-Scale Coronal Wave and Loop Oscillation
Authors: Kumar, Pankaj; Cho, K. -S.; Chen, P. F.; Bong, S. -C.;
   Park, Sung-Hong
2013SoPh..282..523K    Altcode: 2012arXiv1210.3417K
  We analyze multiwavelength observations of an M2.9/1N flare that
  occurred in AR NOAA 11112 on 16 October 2010. AIA 211 Å EUV images
  reveal the presence of a faster coronal wave (decelerating from ≈
  1390 to ≈ 830 km s<SUP>−1</SUP>) propagating ahead of a slower wave
  (decelerating from ≈ 416 to ≈ 166 km s<SUP>−1</SUP>) towards
  the western limb. The dynamic radio spectrum from Sagamore Hill
  radio telescope shows the presence of a metric type II radio burst,
  which reveals the presence of a coronal shock wave (speed ≈ 800 km
  s<SUP>−1</SUP>). The speed of the faster coronal wave, derived from
  AIA 211 Å images, is found to be comparable to the coronal shock
  speed. AIA 171 Å high-cadence observations showed that a coronal
  loop, which was located at a distance of ≈ 0.32R<SUB>⊙</SUB> to
  the west of the flaring region, started to oscillate by the end of
  the impulsive phase of the flare. The results indicate that the faster
  coronal wave may be the first driver of the transversal oscillations
  of coronal loop. As the slower wave passed through the coronal loop,
  the oscillations became even stronger. There was a plasmoid eruption
  observed in EUV and a white-light CME was recorded, having velocity of
  ≈ 340 - 350 km s<SUP>−1</SUP>. STEREO 195 Å images show an EIT
  wave, propagating in the same direction as the lower-speed coronal
  wave observed in AIA, but decelerating from ≈ 320 to ≈ 254 km
  s<SUP>−1</SUP>. These observations reveal the co-existence of both
  waves (i.e. coronal Moreton and EIT waves), and the type II radio
  burst seems to be associated with the coronal Moreton wave.

Title: Evolution of Relative Magnetic Helicity and Current Helicity
    in NOAA Active Region 11158
Authors: Jing, Ju; Park, Sung-Hong; Liu, Chang; Lee, Jeongwoo;
   Wiegelmann, Thomas; Xu, Yan; Deng, Na; Wang, Haimin
2012ApJ...752L...9J    Altcode:
  Both magnetic and current helicities are crucial ingredients for
  describing the complexity of active-region magnetic structure. In this
  Letter, we present the temporal evolution of these helicities contained
  in NOAA active region 11158 during five days from 2011 February 12
  to 16. The photospheric vector magnetograms of the Helioseismic and
  Magnetic Imager on board the Solar Dynamic Observatory were used as
  the boundary conditions for the coronal field extrapolation under the
  assumption of nonlinear force-free field, from which we calculated
  both relative magnetic helicity and current helicity. We construct a
  time-altitude diagram in which altitude distribution of the magnitude
  of current helicity density is displayed as a function of time. This
  diagram clearly shows a pattern of upwardly propagating current
  helicity density over two days prior to the X2.2 flare on February
  15 with an average propagation speed of ~36 m s<SUP>-1</SUP>. The
  propagation is synchronous with the emergence of magnetic flux into
  the photosphere, and indicative of a gradual energy buildup for the
  X2.2 flare. The time profile of the relative magnetic helicity shows
  a monotonically increasing trend most of the time, but a pattern
  of increasing and decreasing magnetic helicity above the monotonic
  variation appears prior to each of two major flares, M6.6 and X2.2,
  respectively. The physics underlying this bump pattern is not fully
  understood. However, the fact that this pattern is apparent in the
  magnetic helicity evolution but not in the magnetic flux evolution
  makes it a useful indicator in forecasting major flares.

Title: The Occurrence and Speed of CMEs Related to Two Characteristic
    Evolution Patterns of Helicity Injection in Their Solar Source Regions
Authors: Park, Sung-Hong; Cho, Kyung-Suk; Bong, Su-Chan; Kumar,
   Pankaj; Chae, Jongchul; Liu, Rui; Wang, Haimin
2012ApJ...750...48P    Altcode: 2012arXiv1203.1690P
  Long-term (a few days) variation of magnetic helicity injection
  was calculated for 28 solar active regions that produced 47 coronal
  mass ejections (CMEs) to find its relationship to the CME occurrence
  and speed using SOHO/MDI line-of-sight magnetograms. As a result, we
  found that the 47 CMEs can be categorized into two different groups by
  two characteristic evolution patterns of helicity injection in their
  source active regions, which appeared for ~0.5-4.5 days before their
  occurrence: (1) a monotonically increasing pattern with one sign of
  helicity (Group A 30 CMEs in 23 active regions) and (2) a pattern
  of significant helicity injection followed by its sign reversal
  (Group B 17 CMEs in 5 active regions). We also found that CME speed
  has a correlation with average helicity injection rate with linear
  correlation coefficients of 0.85 and 0.63 for Group A and Group B,
  respectively. In addition, these two CME groups show different
  characteristics as follows: (1) the average CME speed of Group B
  (1330 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>) is much faster than that of Group A (870
  km s<SUP>-1</SUP>), (2) the CMEs in Group A tend to be single events
  whereas those in Group B mainly consist of successive events, and (3)
  flares related to the CMEs in Group B are relatively more energetic
  and impulsive than those in Group A. Our findings therefore suggest
  that the two CME groups have different pre-CME conditions in their
  source active regions and different CME characteristics.

Title: Initiation of Coronal Mass Ejection and Associated Flare
    Caused by Helical Kink Instability Observed by SDO/AIA
Authors: Kumar, Pankaj; Cho, K. -S.; Bong, S. -C.; Park, Sung-Hong;
   Kim, Y. H.
2012ApJ...746...67K    Altcode: 2011arXiv1111.4360K
  In this paper, we present multiwavelength observations of helical
  kink instability as a trigger of a coronal mass ejection (CME) which
  occurred in active region NOAA 11163 on 2011 February 24. The CME
  was associated with an M3.5 limb flare. High-resolution observations
  from the Solar Dynamics Observatory/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly
  suggest the development of helical kink instability in the erupting
  prominence, which implies a flux rope structure of the magnetic
  field. A brightening starts below the apex of the prominence with
  its slow rising motion (~100 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>) during the activation
  phase. A bright structure, indicative of a helix with ~3-4 turns, was
  transiently formed at this position. The corresponding twist of ~6π-8π
  is sufficient to generate the helical kink instability in a flux rope
  according to recently developed models. A slowly rising blob structure
  was subsequently formed at the apex of the prominence, and a flaring
  loop was observed near the footpoints. Within 2 minutes, a second blob
  was formed in the northern prominence leg. The second blob erupts (like
  a plasmoid ejection) with the detachment of the northern prominence
  leg, and flare intensity maximizes. The first blob at the prominence
  apex shows rotational motion in the counterclockwise direction in the
  plane of sky, interpreted as the unwinding motion of a helix, and it
  also erupts to give the CME. RHESSI hard X-ray (HXR) sources show the
  two footpoint sources and a loop-top source during the flare. We found
  RHESSI HXR flux, soft X-ray flux derivative, and CME acceleration in
  the low corona correlate well, which is in agreement with the standard
  flare model (CSHKP). We also discuss the possible role of ballooning
  as well as torus instabilities in driving the CME. We conclude that
  the CME and flare were triggered by the helical kink instability in
  a flux rope and accelerated mainly by the torus instability.

Title: Geometry of the 20 November 2003 magnetic cloud
Authors: Marubashi, Katsuhide; Cho, Kyung-Suk; Kim, Yeon-Han; Park,
   Yong-Deuk; Park, Sung-Hong
2012JGRA..117.1101M    Altcode: 2012JGRA..11701101M
  This study is an attempt to find a coherent interpretation of the
  link between the 20 November 2003 magnetic cloud (MC) and its solar
  source. Most previous studies agree on the orientation of the MC, but
  the orientation is nearly perpendicular to the axis of the post-eruption
  arcade (PEA) or the orientation of the neutral line in the solar source
  region. We first determine the geometry of this MC by fitting methods
  with both torus and cylinder models. Three possible geometries are
  obtained, which can reproduce the observed magnetic field variations
  associated with the MC, one from the cylinder fit and two from the torus
  fit. The cylinder fit gives the MC orientation with a tilt of a large
  angle (∼60°) from the ecliptic plane and nearly perpendicular to the
  PEA axis, being similar to those from previous studies. In contrast,
  two torus fit results give the MC axis with tilt angles less than
  20° from the ecliptic plane. The two torus results correspond to
  the spacecraft encounter with the eastern flank of the flux rope loop
  (model A) and the western flank of the loop (model B), respectively. In
  either case, the orientation of the loop around the apex is nearly
  parallel to the PEA as observed by the SOHO/extreme ultraviolet imaging
  telescope instrument in the most plausible solar source region of a
  halo coronal mass ejection (CME), which appeared in the field of view
  of Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) C2 at 08:50 UT,
  18 November 2003. The magnetic helicity of the PEA region is positive
  in agreement with the helicity of the MC. The 3-D reconstruction from
  the Solar Mass Ejection Imager data shows that the main part of the
  ejected plasma expands mainly to the west of the Sun-Earth line. Thus,
  we reach the most straightforward interpretation of the link between the
  MC and its solar source as follows. The MC was created in association
  with the launch of the CME that was first observed by the LASCO C2 at
  08:50 UT, 18 November 2003, and propagated through interplanetary space
  with its orientation almost unchanged. The spacecraft encountered the
  eastern flank of the loop as described by model A.

Title: Observing the reconnection region in a transequatorial
    loop system
Authors: Liu, Rui; Wang, Tong-Jiang; Lee, Jeongwoo; Stenborg,
   Guillermo; Liu, Chang; Park, Sung-Hong; Wang, Hai-Min
2011RAA....11.1209L    Altcode:
  A vertical current sheet is a crucial element in many flare/coronal
  mass ejection (CME) models. For the first time, Liu et al. reported
  a vertical current sheet directly imaged during the flare rising
  phase with the EUV Imaging Telescope (EIT) onboard the Solar and
  Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). As a follow-up study, here we present
  the comprehensive analysis and detailed physical interpretation of
  the observation. The current sheet formed due to the gradual rise
  of a transequatorial loop system. As the loop legs approached each
  other, plasma flew at ~ 6 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> into a local area where a
  cusp-shaped flare loop subsequently formed and the current sheet was
  seen as a bright, collimated structure of global length (&gt;= 0.25
  R<SUB>odot</SUB>) and macroscopic width ((5-10)×10<SUP>3</SUP>km),
  extending from 50 Mm above the flaring loop to the border of the EIT
  field of view (FOV). The reconnection rate in terms of the Alfvén
  Mach number is estimated to be only 0.005-0.009, albeit a halo CME was
  accelerated from ~ 400 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> to ~ 1300 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>
  within the coronagraph FOV. Drifting pulsating structures at metric
  frequencies were recorded during the impulsive phase, implying tearing
  of the current sheet in the high corona. A radio Type III burst
  occurred when the current sheet was clearly seen in EUV, indicative of
  accelerated electrons beaming upward from the upper tip of the current
  sheet. A cusp-shaped dimming region was observed to be located above the
  post-flare arcade during the decay phase in EIT; both the arcade and the
  dimming expanded with time. With the Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer
  (CDS) aboard SOHO, a clear signature of chromospheric evaporation was
  seen during the decay phase, i.e., the cusp-shaped dimming region was
  associated with plasma upflows detected with EUV hot emission lines,
  while the post-flare loop was associated with downflows detected with
  cold lines. This event provides a comprehensive view of the reconnection
  geometry and dynamics in the solar corona.

Title: Study of Magnetic Helicity Injection in the Active Region
    NOAA 11158 Associated with the X-class Flare of 2011 February 15
Authors: Park, Sung-Hong; Cho, K.; Kim, Y.; Bong, S.; Gary, D. E.;
   Park, Y.
2011SPD....42.2227P    Altcode: 2011BAAS..43S.2227P
  The main objective of this study is to examine a long-term (a few
  days) precondition and a trigger mechanism for an X2.2 flare peaking
  at 01:56 UT on 2011 February 15 in GOES soft X-ray flux. For this,
  we investigated the variation of magnetic helicity injection through
  the photospheric surface of the flare-productive active region NOAA
  11158 during (1) the long-term period of February 11 to 15 with a
  1-hour cadence and (2) the short-term period of 01:26 to 02:10 UT
  on February 15 with a 45-second cadence. The helicity injection was
  determined using line-of-sight magnetograms with high spatial and
  temporal resolution taken by the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager
  (HMI) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). As a result, we
  found two characteristic phases of helicity injection related to the
  X2.2 flare. A large amount of positive helicity was first injected
  over 2 days with a phase of monotonically increasing helicity. And
  then the flare started simultaneously with a significant injection of
  the opposite (negative) sign of helicity around the flaring magnetic
  polarity inversion line. This observational finding clearly supports
  the previous studies that there is a continuous injection of helicity
  a few days before flares and a rapid injection of the helicity in the
  opposite sign into an existing helicity system triggers flares.

Title: Gradual Inflation of Active-region Coronal Arcades Building
    up to Coronal Mass Ejections
Authors: Liu, Rui; Liu, Chang; Park, Sung-Hong; Wang, Haimin
2010ApJ...723..229L    Altcode: 2010arXiv1008.4863L
  The pre-coronal mass ejection (pre-CME) structure is of great
  importance to understanding the origin of CMEs, which, however, has
  been largely unknown for CMEs originating from active regions. In
  this paper, we investigate this issue using the wavelet-enhanced EUV
  Imaging Telescope (EIT) observations combined with the Large Angle and
  Spectrometric Coronagraph, Michelson Doppler Imager, and GOES soft X-ray
  observations. Selected for studying are 16 active-region coronal arcades
  whose gradual inflation lead up to CMEs. Twelve of them clearly build
  upon post-eruptive arcades resulting from a preceding eruption; the
  remaining four are located high in the corona in the first place and/or
  have existed for days. The observed inflation lasts for 8.7 ± 4.1 hr,
  with the arcade rising from 1.15 ± 0.06 R <SUB>sun</SUB> to 1.36 ±
  0.07 R <SUB>sun</SUB> within the EIT field of view (FOV). The rising
  speed is less than 5 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> most of the time. Only at the
  end of this quasi-static stage does it increase to tens of kilometers
  per second over tens of minutes. The arcade then erupts out of the
  EIT FOV as a CME with similar morphology. This pre-CME structure is
  apparently unaffected by the flares occurring during its quasi-static
  inflation phase, but is closely coupled with the flare occurring during
  its acceleration phase. For four events that are observed on the disk,
  it is found that the gradual inflation of the arcade is accompanied by
  significant helicity injection from the photosphere. In particular,
  a swirling structure, which is reminiscent of a magnetic flux rope,
  was observed in one of the arcades over 4 hr prior to the subsequent
  CME, and the growth of the arcade is associated with the injection of
  helicity of opposite sign into the active region via flux emergence. We
  propose a four-phase evolution paradigm for the observed CMEs, i.e.,
  a quasi-static inflation phase which corresponds to the buildup of
  magnetic free energy in the corona, followed by the frequently observed
  three-phase paradigm, including an initial phase, an acceleration phase,
  and a gradual phase.

Title: Time Evolution of Coronal Magnetic Helicity in the Flaring
    Active Region NOAA 10930
Authors: Park, Sung-Hong; Chae, Jongchul; Jing, Ju; Tan, Changyi;
   Wang, Haimin
2010ApJ...720.1102P    Altcode: 2010arXiv1008.1558P
  To study the three-dimensional (3D) magnetic field topology and its
  long-term evolution associated with the X3.4 flare of 2006 December 13,
  we investigate the coronal relative magnetic helicity in the flaring
  active region (AR) NOAA 10930 during the time period of December
  8-14. The coronal helicity is calculated based on the 3D nonlinear
  force-free magnetic fields reconstructed by the weighted optimization
  method of Wiegelmann, and is compared with the amount of helicity
  injected through the photospheric surface of the AR. The helicity
  injection is determined from the magnetic helicity flux density proposed
  by Pariat et al. using Solar and Heliospheric Observatory/Michelson
  Doppler Imager magnetograms. The major findings of this study are the
  following. (1) The time profile of the coronal helicity shows a good
  correlation with that of the helicity accumulation by injection through
  the surface. (2) The coronal helicity of the AR is estimated to be -4.3
  × 10<SUP>43</SUP> Mx<SUP>2</SUP> just before the X3.4 flare. (3) This
  flare is preceded not only by a large increase of negative helicity,
  -3.2 × 10<SUP>43</SUP> Mx<SUP>2</SUP>, in the corona over ~1.5 days
  but also by noticeable injections of positive helicity through the
  photospheric surface around the flaring magnetic polarity inversion
  line during the time period of the channel structure development. We
  conjecture that the occurrence of the X3.4 flare is involved with
  the positive helicity injection into an existing system of negative

Title: Productivity of Solar Flares and Magnetic Helicity Injection
    in Active Regions
Authors: Park, Sung-hong; Chae, Jongchul; Wang, Haimin
2010ApJ...718...43P    Altcode: 2010arXiv1005.3416P
  The main objective of this study is to better understand how magnetic
  helicity injection in an active region (AR) is related to the occurrence
  and intensity of solar flares. We therefore investigate the magnetic
  helicity injection rate and unsigned magnetic flux, as a reference. In
  total, 378 ARs are analyzed using SOHO/MDI magnetograms. The 24 hr
  averaged helicity injection rate and unsigned magnetic flux are compared
  with the flare index and the flare-productive probability in the next
  24 hr following a measurement. In addition, we study the variation of
  helicity over a span of several days around the times of the 19 flares
  above M5.0 which occurred in selected strong flare-productive ARs. The
  major findings of this study are as follows: (1) for a sub-sample of
  91 large ARs with unsigned magnetic fluxes in the range from (3-5)
  × 10<SUP>22</SUP> Mx, there is a difference in the magnetic helicity
  injection rate between flaring ARs and non-flaring ARs by a factor
  of 2; (2) the GOES C-flare-productive probability as a function of
  helicity injection displays a sharp boundary between flare-productive
  ARs and flare-quiet ones; (3) the history of helicity injection
  before all the 19 major flares displayed a common characteristic:
  a significant helicity accumulation of (3-45) × 10<SUP>42</SUP>
  Mx<SUP>2</SUP> during a phase of monotonically increasing helicity over
  0.5-2 days. Our results support the notion that helicity injection is
  important in flares, but it is not effective to use it alone for the
  purpose of flare forecast. It is necessary to find a way to better
  characterize the time history of helicity injection as well as its
  spatial distribution inside ARs.

Title: Time Evolution of Coronal Magnetic Helicity in the Flaring
    Active Region NOAA 10930
Authors: Park, Sung-Hong; Jing, J.; Wang, H.
2010AAS...21640508P    Altcode: 2010BAAS...41..890P
  To study the three-dimensional (3D) magnetic field topology and its
  long-term (a few days) evolution associated with the X3.4 flare of
  2006 December 13, we investigate the temporal evolution of the relative
  coronal magnetic helicity in NOAA active region (AR) 10930 during the
  time period of December 8, 21:20 UT through December 14, 5:00 UT. The
  coronal helicity is calculated based on the 3D nonlinear force-free
  (NLFF) magnetic fields reconstructed by the optimization method
  (Wheatland et al. 2000) as implemented by Wiegelmann (2004). As the
  boundary conditions for the force-free reconstruction, we use the
  preprocessed Hinode Spectropolarimeter (SP) vector magnetograms in
  which the net Lorentz force and the torque in the photosphere are
  minimized (see Wiegelmann et al. 2006 for the details). The major
  findings of this study are: (1) a negative (left-handed) helicity
  of -5×10<SUP>43</SUP> Mx<SUP>2</SUP> in the AR corona is estimated
  right before the X3.4 flare; (2) the major flare is preceded by
  a significantly and consistently large amount of negative helicity
  injection (-2×10<SUP>43</SUP> Mx<SUP>2</SUP>) into the corona over 2
  days; (3) the temporal variation of helicity is comparable to that of
  the rotational speed in the southern sunspot with positive polarity;
  (4) in general, the time profile of the coronal helicity is well-matched
  with that of the helicity accumulation by the time integration of the
  simplified helicity injection rate (Chae 2001) determined by using
  SOHO MDI magnetograms; (5) at the time period of the channel structure
  development (December 11, 4:00-8:00 UT) with newly emerging flux and
  just right before the C5.7 class flare, the time variation of the
  coronal helicity shows a rapid and huge increase of negative helicity,
  but that of the helicity accumulation by MDI magnetograms indicates
  a monotonous increase of negative helicity.

Title: Study of magnetic helicity in solar active regions and its
    relationship with solar eruptions
Authors: Park, Sung-Hong
2010PhDT.......286P    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Temporal Evolution of Free Magnetic Energy Associated with
    Four X-Class Flares
Authors: Jing, Ju; Chen, P. F.; Wiegelmann, Thomas; Xu, Yan; Park,
   Sung-Hong; Wang, Haimin
2009ApJ...696...84J    Altcode:
  We study the temporal variation of free magnetic energy
  E <SUB>free</SUB> around the time of four X-class flares. The
  high-cadence photospheric vector magnetograms obtained by the digital
  vector magnegograph system at the Big Bear Solar Observatory are
  used as the boundary conditions to reconstruct the three-dimensional
  nonlinear force-free (NLFF) coronal field. In order to remove the
  effect of the net Lorentz force and torque acting in the photosphere,
  the vector magnetograms are preprocessed using the method devised by
  Wiegelmann et al.. Then a well-tested multigrid-like optimization
  code by Wiegelmann is applied to the preprocessed boundary data to
  extrapolate the NLFF coronal field with which we are able to estimate
  the free energy E <SUB>free</SUB>. In all the four events, we find
  a significant drop of E <SUB>free</SUB> starting ~15 minutes before
  the peak time of the associated nonthermal flare emission, although
  long-term trend varies from event to event. We discuss the physical
  implication of the result, i.e., the magnetic relaxation is already
  going on in the corona well before the flare reconnection.

Title: Three-Dimensional Structure Analysis of Electric Current
    Helicity in AR NOAA 10930 Associated with the X3.4 Flare of 2006
    December 13
Authors: Park, Sung-Hong; Jing, J.; Wang, H.
2009SPD....40.2012P    Altcode:
  We investigate the three-dimensional (3D) electric current helicity
  in active region NOAA 10930 before and after the 4B/X3.4 flare of
  2006 December 13. By using the optimization method (Wheatland et
  al. 2000) as implemented by Wiegelmann (2004), we extrapolate the 3D
  nonlinear force-free magnetic fields. The Hinode vector magnetograms
  preprocessed by the method devised by Wiegelmann et al (2006) are
  used as the boundary conditions for the extrapolation. The averaged
  unsigned current helicity is calculated in local areas of the central
  darkening region around the flaring magnetic polarity inversion line and
  a peripheral brightening region at progressively higher altitude. We
  also examine the spatial relationship between the unsigned current
  helicity and soft X-ray emission from Hinode XRT.

Title: The Variation of Relative Magnetic Helicity around Major Flares
Authors: Park, Sung-Hong; Lee, Jeongwoo; Choe, G. S.; Chae, Jongchul;
   Jeong, Hyewon; Yang, Guo; Jing, Ju; Wang, Haimin
2008ApJ...686.1397P    Altcode: 2010arXiv1004.2856P
  We have investigated the variation of magnetic helicity over a span
  of several days around the times of 11 X-class flares which occurred
  in seven active regions (NOAA 9672, 10030, 10314, 10486, 10564, 10696,
  and 10720) using the magnetograms taken by the Michelson Doppler Imager
  (MDI) on board the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). As a
  major result we found that each of these major flares was preceded
  by a significant helicity accumulation, (1.8-16) × 10<SUP>42</SUP>
  Mx<SUP>2</SUP> over a long period (0.5 to a few days). Another finding
  is that the helicity accumulates at a nearly constant rate, (4.5-48)
  × 10<SUP>40</SUP> Mx<SUP>2</SUP> hr<SUP>-1</SUP>, and then becomes
  nearly constant before the flares. This led us to distinguish the
  helicity variation into two phases: a phase of monotonically increasing
  helicity and the following phase of relatively constant helicity. As
  expected, the amount of helicity accumulated shows a modest correlation
  with time-integrated soft X-ray flux during flares. However, the
  average helicity change rate in the first phase shows even stronger
  correlation with the time-integrated soft X-ray flux. We discuss the
  physical implications of this result and the possibility that this
  characteristic helicity variation pattern can be used as an early
  warning sign for solar eruptions.

Title: Statistical Correlations between Parameters of Photospheric
    Magnetic Fields and Coronal Soft X-Ray Brightness
Authors: Tan, Changyi; Jing, Ju; Abramenko, V. I.; Pevtsov, A. A.;
   Song, Hui; Park, Sung-Hong; Wang, Haimin
2007ApJ...665.1460T    Altcode:
  Using observations of more than 160 active regions, we investigate
  the relationship between the coronal X-ray brightness, L<SUB>B</SUB>,
  and five parameters derived from the photospheric magnetic fields. The
  coronal X-ray brightness and the magnetic measures were obtained
  from co-aligned SFD composite images from the Yohkoh SXT and
  full-disk magnetograms from the SOHO MDI, respectively. The
  magnetic parameters are (1) the length of strong-gradient
  magnetic neutral lines, L<SUB>GNL</SUB>, (2) the magnetic energy
  dissipation, ɛ, (3) the unsigned line-of-sight magnetic flux, Φ,
  (4) the horizontal velocities, V<SUB>h</SUB>, of random footpoint
  motions in the photosphere, and (5) a proxy for the Poynting flux,
  E=(1/4π)V<SUB>h</SUB>B<SUB>z</SUB><SUP>2</SUP>, which characterizes
  the energy flux from the photosphere into the corona due to random
  footpoint motions. All measures except V<SUB>h</SUB> were analyzed
  in both the extensive (total) and intensive (average over an area)
  forms. In addition, we used the area-averaged strong gradient
  (&gt;50 G) of the magnetic field, ∇B<SUB>z</SUB>, as an intensive
  form of L<SUB>GNL</SUB>. We found that the Pearson correlation
  coefficient between the total X-ray brightness and the total magnetic
  measures decreases as 0.97, 0.88, 0.86, and 0.47 for Φ, E, ɛ, and
  L<SUB>GNL</SUB>, respectively. The correlation coefficient between
  the averaged X-ray brightness and the averaged magnetic measures
  varied as 0.67, 0.71, 0.57, and 0.49 for &lt;Φ&gt;, , &lt;ɛ&gt;,
  and &lt;∇B<SUB>z</SUB>&gt;, respectively. We also found that the
  velocities of the footpoint motions have no dependencies with Φ and
  L<SUB>B</SUB>. We concluded that the observed high correlation between
  L<SUB>B</SUB> and E is mainly due to the magnetic field. The energy
  of the Poynting flux is in the range 10<SUP>6.7</SUP>-10<SUP>7.6</SUP>
  ergs cm<SUP>-2</SUP> s<SUP>-1</SUP> for the majority of active regions,
  which is sufficient to heat the corona due to footpoint random motions
  of magnetic flux tubes.

Title: Two Phases of Helicity Variation Around Major Flares
Authors: Park, Sung-Hong; Chae, J.; Jeong, H.; Choe, G.; Lee, J.;
   Yang, G.; Jing, J.; Wang, H.
2006SPD....37.2201P    Altcode: 2006BAAS...38..249P
  We have investigated the magnetic helicity injection rates in three
  active regions (NOAA 10484, 10486 and 10696) around the times of four
  X-class flares using the MDI/SOHO magnetograms. In all cases, the
  total magnetic flux of the individual active region changed little
  with time, and the helicity variation is directly related to the
  variation of field line winding. This also justifies our measurement of
  magnetic helicity injection rates using a local correlation tracking
  method. Our analysis reveals that there were two distinct phases of
  helicity variation around those flares. In the first phase that starts
  a few days before the flare onset, the helicity accumulates at a nearly
  constant rate. The second phase usually starts 3-12 hours before the
  flare onset and lasts until 3-20 hours after the flare. During this
  phase, the helicity injection rate is negligible and the magnitude
  of helicity remains almost constant or increases only slightly. This
  characteristic pattern in the helicity evolution may imply a physical
  link between magnetic winding and flare occurrence, and could be used
  as an early warning sign of impending flares.

Title: The Effect of Bright Lenses on the Astrometric Observations
    of Gravitational Microlensing Events
Authors: Jeong, Youngjin; Han, Cheongho; Park, Sung-Hong
1999ApJ...511..569J    Altcode:
  In current microlensing experiments, information about the physical
  parameters of individual lenses is obtained from the Einstein
  timescales. However, the nature of MACHOs is still very uncertain,
  despite the large number of detected events. This uncertainty is mainly
  due to the degeneracy of the lens parameters in the measured Einstein
  timescales. The degeneracy can be improved in a general fashion if
  the angular Einstein ring radius θ<SUB>E</SUB>, and thus the MACHO
  proper motion, can be measured by conducting accurate astrometric
  measurements of centroid displacement in the source-star image. In this
  paper, we analyze the influence of bright lenses on the astrometric
  measurements of the centroid displacement and investigate the effect on
  the determination of θ<SUB>E</SUB>. We find that if an event is caused
  by a bright lens, the centroid displacement is distorted by the flux
  of the lens, and the resulting astrometric ellipse becomes rounder
  and smaller with increasing lens brightness, causing an incorrect
  determination of the angular Einstein ring radius. A lens-blended
  event cannot be distinguished from a dark-lens event just from the
  trajectory of the measured centroid displacements because both events
  have elliptical trajectories; this is the degeneracy between dark and
  bright-lens events. For the resolution of the bright-lens degeneracy,
  additional information from high-precision photometric and spectroscopic
  follow-up observations of the event are required.

Title: The Effect of Bright Lenses in the Astrometric Measurements
    of MACHO Proper Motion
Authors: Jeong, Youngjin; Han, Cheongho; Park, Sung-Hong
1998astro.ph..7165J    Altcode:
  In current microlensing experiments, the information about the physical
  parameters of individual lenses are obtained from the Einstein
  timescales. However, the nature of MACHOs is still very uncertain
  despite the large number of detected events. This uncertainty is mainly
  due to the degeneracy of the lens parameters in the measured Einstein
  timescales. The degeneracy can be lifted in a general fashion if the
  angular Einstein ring radius $\theta_{\rm E}$, and thus the MACHO
  proper motion, can be measured by conducting accurate astrometric
  measurements of centroid displacement in the source star image. In this
  paper, we analyze the influence of bright lenses on the astrometric
  measurements of the centroid displacement and investigate this effect
  on the determination of $\theta_{\rm E}$. We find that if an event is
  caused by a bright lens, the centroid displacement is distorted by the
  flux of the lens and resulting astrometric ellipse becomes rounder
  and smaller with increasing lens brightness, causing an incorrect
  determination of the angular Einstein ring radius. A lens-blended event
  cannot be distinguished from a dark lens event from the trajectory
  of the measured centroid displacements alone because both events have
  elliptical trajectories: the degeneracy between dark and bright lens
  events. We also find that even with information from the analysis of
  the light curve of the event it will still be difficult to resolve
  the degeneracy caused by the bright lens because the light curve is
  also affected by lens blending.