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Author name code: piskunov
ADS astronomy entries on 2022-09-14
author:"Piskunov, Nikolai" 

Title: Evolution of brightness and magnetic features of young
    solar-type stars - I. The young G star HIP 89829
Authors: Perugini, G. M.; Marsden, S. C.; Waite, I. A.; Jeffers,
   S. V.; Piskunov, N.; Shaw, N.; Burton, D. M.; Mengel, M. W.; Hughes,
   J. E.; Hébrard, E. M.
2021MNRAS.508.3304P    Altcode: 2021MNRAS.tmp.2515P
  The evolution in latitude of sunspots is a key feature of the cyclic
  solar dynamo. Here, we present the results of a spectroscopic and
  spectropolarimetric monitoring campaign on the young (~20 Myr old)
  early G star HIP 89829, in order to investigate potential evolution
  in the distribution of the star's spots and magnetic features. Our
  analysis of this G5V star spans eight epochs, from June 2010 to August
  2015. The techniques of Doppler imaging and Zeeman-Doppler imaging were
  used to create brightness maps for each epoch and magnetic maps for
  two epochs. The brightness images show the star to have stable spot
  features with two main spot latitudes - a polar spot, often seen on
  young rapidly rotating stars such as this, and another highly unusual
  group of large spot features around the 20° and 30° latitudes. These
  lower spot latitudes appear to be rather stable over the 5 yr of
  observations. We included a solar-type differential rotation law into
  the imaging process and measured near-solid-body rotation for epochs
  where sufficient data exist for this analysis. The magnetic features
  show a dominant poloidal and a weaker toroidal magnetic field for both
  Stokes V epochs, which is unusual for a star with a rapid rotation
  period of 0.57 d. We conclude that HIP 89829 is an active young
  solar-type star with long-lived spots and near-solid-body rotation.

Title: HIRES, the High-resolution Spectrograph for the ELT
Authors: Marconi, A.; Abreu, M.; Adibekyan, V.; Aliverti, M.; Allende
   Prieto, C.; Amado, P.; Amate, M.; Artigau, E.; Augusto, S.; Barros,
   S.; Becerril, S.; Benneke, B.; Bergin, E.; Berio, P.; Bezawada,
   N.; Boisse, I.; Bonfils, X.; Bouchy, F.; Broeg, C.; Cabral, A.;
   Calvo-Ortega, R.; Canto Martins, B. L.; Chazelas, B.; Chiavassa,
   A.; Christensen, L.; Cirami, R.; Coretti, I.; Covino, S.; Cresci,
   G.; Cristiani, S.; Cunha Parro, V.; Cupani, G.; de Castro Leão,
   I.; Renan de Medeiros, J.; Furlande Souza, M. A.; Di Marcantonio,
   P.; Di Varano, I.; D'Odorico, V.; Doyon, R.; Drass, H.; Figueira,
   P.; Belen Fragoso, A.; Uldall Fynbo, J. P.; Gallo, E.; Genoni,
   M.; González Hernández, J.; Haehnelt, M.; Hlavacek-Larrondo, J.;
   Hughes, I.; Huke, P.; Humphrey, A.; Kjeldsen, H.; Korn, A.; Kouach,
   D.; Landoni, M.; Liske, J.; Lovis, C.; Lunney, D.; Maiolino, R.; Malo,
   L.; Marquart, T.; Martins, C.; Mason, E.; Molaro, P.; Monnier, J.;
   Monteiro, M.; Mordasini, C.; Morris, T.; Mucciarelli, A.; Murray,
   G.; Niedzielski, A.; Nunes, N.; Oliva, E.; Origlia, L.; Pallé,
   E.; Pariani, G.; Parr-Burman, P.; Peñate, J.; Pepe, F.; Pinna,
   E.; Piskunov, N.; Rasilla Piñeiro, J. L.; Rebolo, R.; Rees, P.;
   Reiners, A.; Riva, M.; Romano, D.; Rousseau, S.; Sanna, N.; Santos,
   N.; Sarajlic, M.; Shen, T. -C.; Sortino, F.; Sosnowska, D.; Sousa,
   S.; Stempels, E.; Strassmeier, K.; Tenegi, F.; Tozzi, A.; Udry,
   S.; Valenziano, L.; Vanzi, L.; Weber, M.; Woche, M.; Xompero, M.;
   Zackrisson, E.; Zapatero Osorio, M. R.
2021Msngr.182...27M    Altcode: 2020arXiv201112317M
  HIRES will be the high-resolution spectrograph at optical and
  near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths for ESO's Extremely Large Telescope
  (ELT). It will consist of three fibre-fed spectrographs providing a
  wavelength coverage of 0.4-1.8 µm (with a goal of 0.35-1.8 µm) at a
  spectral resolution of ~ 100 000. Fibre-feeding allows HIRES to have
  several interchangeable observing modes, including a single-conjugate
  adaptive optics (SCAO) module and a small diffraction-limited integral
  field unit in the NIR. It will therefore be able to operate in both
  seeing- and diffraction-limited modes. HIRES will address a wide range
  of science cases spanning nearly all areas of research in astrophysics
  and even fundamental physics. Some of the top science cases will be
  the detection of biosignatures from exoplanet atmospheres, finding the
  fingerprints of the first generation of stars (Pop III), tests on the
  stability of Nature's fundamental couplings, and the direct detection
  of the cosmic acceleration. The HIRES consortium is composed of more
  than 30 institutes from 14 countries, forming a team of more than 200
  scientists and engineers.

Title: Accurate Short-Characteristics Radiative Transfer in A
    Numerical Tool for Astrophysical RESearch (ANTARES)
Authors: Kostogryz, Nadiia M.; Kupka, Friedrich; Piskunov, Nikolai;
   Fabbian, Damian; Krüger, Daniel; Gizon, Laurent
2021SoPh..296...46K    Altcode:
  We aim to improve the accuracy of radiative energy transport in
  three-dimensional radiation hydrodynamical simulations in ANTARES
  (A Numerical Tool for Astrophysical RESearch). We implement in the
  ANTARES short-characteristics numerical schemes a modification of
  the Bézier interpolant solver. This method yields a smoother surface
  structure in simulations of solar convection and reduces the artifacts
  appearing due to the limited number of rays along which the integration
  is done. Reducing such artifacts leads to increased stability of the
  code. We show that our new implementation achieves a better agreement
  of the temperature structure and its gradient with a semi-empirical
  model derived from observations, as well as of synthetic spectral-line
  profiles with the observed solar spectrum.

Title: Optimal extraction of echelle spectra: Getting the most out
    of observations
Authors: Piskunov, Nikolai; Wehrhahn, Ansgar; Marquart, Thomas
2021A&A...646A..32P    Altcode: 2020arXiv200805827P
  Context. The price of instruments and observing time on modern
  telescopes is quickly increasing. Therefore, it is worth revisiting
  the data reduction algorithms to extract every bit of scientific
  information from available observations. Echelle spectrographs
  are typical instruments used in high-resolution spectroscopy, but
  attempts to improve the wavelength coverage and versatility of these
  instruments has resulted in a complicated and variable footprint of
  the entrance slit projection onto the science detector. Traditional
  spectral extraction methods generally fail to perform a truly optimal
  extraction when the slit image is not aligned with the detector
  columns and, instead, is tilted or even curved. <BR /> Aims: Here, we
  present the mathematical algorithms and examples of their application
  to the optimal extraction and the following reduction steps for echelle
  spectrometers equipped with an entrance slit that is imaged with various
  distortions. The new method minimises the loss of spectral resolution,
  maximises the signal-to-noise ratio, and efficiently identifies local
  outliers. In addition to the new optimal extraction, we present order
  splicing and a more robust continuum normalisation algorithm. <BR />
  Methods: We developed and implemented new algorithms that create a
  continuum-normalised spectrum. In the process, we account for the
  (variable) tilt or curvature of the slit image on the detector and
  achieve optimal extraction without prior assumptions about the slit
  illumination. Thus, the new method can handle arbitrary image slicers,
  slit scanning, and other observational techniques aimed at increasing
  the throughput or dynamic range. <BR /> Results: We compare our methods
  with other techniques for different instruments to illustrate the
  superior performance of the new algorithms compared to commonly used
  procedures. <BR /> Conclusions: Advanced modelling of the focal plane
  requires significant computational effort but it has proven worthwhile
  thanks to the retrieval of a greater store of science information
  from every observation. The described algorithms and tools are freely
  available as part of our PyReduce package.

Title: ELT-HIRES, the high resolution spectrograph for the ELT:
    the Phase A study and the path to construction
Authors: Marconi, A.; Abreu, M.; Adibekyan, V.; Aliverti, M.; Allende
   Prieto, C.; Amado, P.; Amate, M.; Artigau, E.; Augusto, S.; Barros, S.;
   Becerril, S.; Benneke, B.; Bergin, E.; Berio, P.; Bezawada, N.; Boisse,
   I.; Bonfils, X.; Bouchy, F.; Broeg, C.; Cabral, A.; Calvo-Ortega,
   R.; Canto Martins, B. L.; Chazelas, B.; Chiavassa, A.; Christensen,
   L.; Cirami, R.; Coretti, I.; Covino, S.; Cresci, G.; Cristiani, S.;
   Cunha Parro, V.; Cupani, G.; D'Odorico, V.; de Castro Leão, I.;
   de Medeiros, J. R.; de Souza, M.; Di Marcantonio, P.; Di Varano, I.;
   Doyon, R.; Drass, H.; Figueira, P.; Fragoso, A.; Fynbo, J.; Gallo,
   E.; Genoni, M.; González Hernández, J.; Gratton, R.; Haehnelt, M.;
   Hansen, C.; Hlavacek-Larrondo, J.; Hughes, I.; Huke, P.; Humphrey,
   A.; Kjeldsen, H.; Korn, A.; Kouach, D.; Landoni, M.; Liske, J.;
   Lovis, C.; Lunney, D.; Maiolino, R.; Malo, L.; Marquart, T.; Martins,
   C. J. A. P.; Maslowski, P.; Mason, E.; Micela, G.; Molaro, P.; Monnier,
   J.; Monteiro, M.; Mordasini, C.; Morris, T.; Mucciarelli, A.; Murray,
   G.; Niedzielski, A.; Niemczura, E.; Nisini, B.; Nunes, N.; Oliva,
   E.; Origlia, L.; Pallé, E.; Pariani, G.; Parr-Burman, P.; Pasquini,
   L.; Peñate, J.; Pepe, F.; Pietrzynski, G.; Pinna, E.; Piskunov,
   N.; Pollo, A.; Rasilla, J.; Rebolo, R.; Rees, P.; Reiners, A.; Riva,
   M.; Romano, D.; Rousseau, S.; Sanna, N.; Sarajlic, M.; Shen, T. -C.;
   Sortino, F.; Sosnowska, D.; Sousa, S.; Stempels, E.; Strassmeier, K.;
   Tenegi, F.; Tozzi, A.; Udry, S.; Valenziano, L.; Vanzi, L.; Weber,
   M.; Woche, M.; Xompero, M.; Zackrisson, E.; Zapatero Osorio, M. R.
2020SPIE11447E..26M    Altcode:
  HIRES is the high-resolution spectrograph of the European Extremely
  Large Telescope at optical and near-infrared wavelengths. It consists
  of three fibre-fed spectrographs providing a wavelength coverage of
  0.4-1.8 µm (goal 0.35-2.4 µm) at a spectral resolution of 100,000. The
  fibre-feeding allows HIRES to have several, interchangeable observing
  modes including a SCAO module and a small diffraction-limited IFU
  in the NIR. Therefore, it will be able to operate both in seeing-
  and diffraction-limited modes. Its modularity will ensure that HIRES
  can be placed entirely on the Nasmyth platform, if enough mass and
  volume is available, or part on the Nasmyth and part in the Coud`e
  room. ELT-HIRES has a wide range of science cases spanning nearly all
  areas of research in astrophysics and even fundamental physics. Among
  the top science cases there are the detection of biosignatures from
  exoplanet atmospheres, finding the fingerprints of the first generation
  of stars (PopIII), tests on the stability of Nature's fundamental
  couplings, and the direct detection of the cosmic acceleration. The
  HIRES consortium is composed of more than 30 institutes from 14
  countries, forming a team of more than 200 scientists and engineers.

Title: Shine BRITE: shedding light on stellar variability through
    advanced models
Authors: Fabbian, D.; Kupka, F.; Krüger, D.; Kostogryz, N. M.;
   Piskunov, N.
2020svos.conf..155F    Altcode: 2020arXiv200201560F
  The correct interpretation of the large amount of complex data from
  next-generation (in particular, space-based) observational facilities
  requires a very strong theoretical underpinning. One can predict
  that, in the near future, the use of atmospheric models obtained with
  three-dimensional (3-D) radiation magneto-hydrodynamics (RMHD) codes,
  coupled with advanced radiative transfer treatment including non-local
  thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) effects and polarisation, will
  become the norm. In particular, stellar brightness variability in cool
  stars (i.e., spectral types F-- M) can be caused by several different
  effects besides pulsation. In this review we have briefly discussed
  some published results, and mentioned aspects of recent progress. It
  then attempted to peek into what the future may hold for understanding
  this important aspect of the lives of stars.

Title: Hyperfine Splitting in the VALD Database of Spectral-line
Authors: Pakhomov, Yu. V.; Ryabchikova, T. A.; Piskunov, N. E.
2019ARep...63.1010P    Altcode: 2019arXiv191103189P
  The Vienna Atomic Line Database (VALD) has been supplemented with new
  data and new functionality—the possibility of taking into account the
  effect of hyperfine splitting (HFS) of atomic levels in the analysis of
  line profiles. This has been done through the creation of an ancillary
  SQL database with the HFS constants for atomic levels of 58 isotopes of
  30 neutral and singly-ionized atoms. The completeness of the collected
  data and new opportunities for studies of stars of various spectral
  types is analyzed. The database enables analysis of splitting of up to
  60% of lines with measurable effects in the ultraviolet (λ ≳ 1000
  Å ), and up to 100% of such lines in the optical and infrared ranges
  (λ ≲ 25 000 Å ) for A-M stars. In the spectra of hot O-B stars,
  it is necessary to use laboratory measurements for atoms in the second
  and higher stages of ionization.

Title: Evaluation of the Recent Atomic Data for Fe uc(i) Lines Based
    on Solar and Stellar Spectra
Authors: Ryabchikova, T.; Piskunov, N.; Sitnova, T.
2019SoPh..294..156R    Altcode:
  We performed an extensive comparative analysis of the recent
  experimental data on Fe I transition probabilities (TP) based on the
  observed solar and stellar spectra. This work is part of the Vienna
  Atomic Line database (VALD) activities. Our motivation is to keep
  the VALD line list as complete as possible and provide VALD users
  with substantiated recommendations for the most accurate atomic
  data. For assessment of data quality we choose the "normal" (as
  opposed to peculiar and/or magnetic) Main Sequence sharp-line stars
  of different effective temperatures with accurately known atmospheric
  parameters: Sun, Procyon, HD 32115, and 21 Peg. Theoretical spectra of
  these stars were synthesized for 1D plane-parallel model atmospheres
  accounting for non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) effects,
  and then they were compared with the observations. For all of the
  stars we derived atmospheric abundances based on the new and previous
  experimental TP. When using the new TPs the best agreement for iron
  is achieved with the TP of the Hannover group (Bard, Kock, and Kock,
  Astron. Astrophys.248, 315, 1991; Bard and Kock, Astron. Astrophys.282,
  1014, 1994). The Hannover set is recommended as the primary source
  of transition probabilities in stellar abundance analysis. The new
  TP data significantly increase the number of spectral lines of Fe
  I in the optical and red spectral regions available for accurate
  abundance analysis of stars in a wide range of temperatures and
  metallicities. Comparison with the observed stellar spectra invalidates
  some new experimental data despite the small given uncertainty of the
  laboratory measurements. Finally, we note the importance of accurate
  line-broadening data.

Title: Model-free inverse method for transit imaging of stellar
    surfaces. Using transit surveys to map stellar spot coverage
Authors: Aronson, Erik; Piskunov, Nikolai
2019A&A...630A.122A    Altcode: 2019arXiv190206555A
  Context. We present a model-free method for mapping surface brightness
  variations. <BR /> Aims: We aim to develop a method that is not
  dependent on either stellar atmosphere models or limb-darkening
  equation. This method is optimized for exoplanet transit surveys such
  that a large database of stellar spot coverage can be created. <BR />
  Methods: The method uses light curves from several transit events of the
  same system. These light curves are phase-folded and median-combined
  to for a high-quality light curve without temporal local brightness
  variations. Stellar specific intensities are extracted from this light
  curve using a model-free method. We search individual light curves
  for departures from the median-combined light curve. Such departures
  are interpreted as brightness variations on the stellar surface. A
  map of brightness variations on the stellar surface is produced by
  finding the brightness distribution that can produce a synthetic light
  curve that fits observations well. No assumptions about the size,
  shape, or contrast of brightness variations are made. <BR /> Results:
  We successfully reproduce maps of stellar disks from both synthetic
  data and archive observations from FORS2, the visual and near UV FOcal
  Reducer and low dispersion Spectrograph for the Very Large Telescope

Title: Spot evolution on LQ Hya from 2006-2017: temperature maps
    based on SOFIN and FIES data
Authors: Cole-Kodikara, Elizabeth M.; Käpylä, Maarit J.; Lehtinen,
   Jyri J.; Hackman, Thomas; Ilyin, Ilya V.; Piskunov, Nikolai;
   Kochukhov, Oleg
2019A&A...629A.120C    Altcode: 2019arXiv190408713C
  Context. LQ Hya is one of the most frequently studied young solar
  analogue stars. Recently, it has been observed to show intriguing
  behaviour when analysing long-term photometry. For instance, from
  2003-2009, a coherent spot structure migrating in the rotational
  frame was reported by various authors. However, ever since, the
  star has entered a chaotic state where coherent structures seem to
  have disappeared and rapid phase jumps of the photometric minima
  occur irregularly over time. <BR /> Aims: LQ Hya is one of the stars
  included in the SOFIN/FIES long-term monitoring campaign extending
  over 25 yr. Here, we publish new temperature maps for the star during
  2006-2017, covering the chaotic state of the star. <BR /> Methods:
  We used a Doppler imaging technique to derive surface temperature
  maps from high-resolution spectra. <BR /> Results: From the mean
  temperatures of the Doppler maps, we see a weak but systematic increase
  in the surface temperature of the star. This is consistent with the
  simultaneously increasing photometric magnitude. During nearly all
  observing seasons, we see a high-latitude spot structure which is
  clearly non-axisymmetric. The phase behaviour of this structure is very
  chaotic but agrees reasonably well with the photometry. Equatorial spots
  are also frequently seen, but we interpret many of them to be artefacts
  due to the poor to moderate phase coverage. <BR /> Conclusions: Even
  during the chaotic phase of the star, the spot topology has remained
  very similar to the higher activity epochs with more coherent and
  long-lived spot structures. In particular, we see high-latitude and
  equatorial spot activity, the mid latitude range still being most often
  void of spots. We interpret the erratic jumps and drifts in phase of
  the photometric minima to be caused by changes in the high-latitude spot
  structure rather than the equatorial spots. <P />Based on observations
  made with the Nordic Optical Telescope, operated by the Nordic Optical
  Telescope Scientific Association at the Observatorio del Roque de los
  Muchachos, La Palma, Spain, of the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias.

Title: Starspot activity of HD 199178. Doppler images from 1994-2017
Authors: Hackman, T.; Ilyin, I.; Lehtinen, J. J.; Kochukhov, O.;
   Käpylä, M. J.; Piskunov, N.; Willamo, T.
2019A&A...625A..79H    Altcode: 2018arXiv181202013H
  Context. Studying the spots of late-type stars is crucial for
  distinguishing between the various proposed dynamo mechanisms
  believed to be the main cause of starspot activity. For this research
  it is important to collect observation time series that are long
  enough to unravel both long- and short-term spot evolution. Doppler
  imaging is a very efficient method for studying spots of stars that
  cannot be angularly resolved. <BR /> Aims: High-resolution spectral
  observations during 1994-2017 are analysed in order to reveal long-
  and short-term changes in the spot activity of the FK Comae-type
  subgiant HD 199178. <BR /> Methods: Most of the observations were
  collected with the Nordic Optical Telescope. The Doppler imaging
  temperature maps were calculated using an inversion technique based on
  Tikhonov regularisation and utilising multiple spectral lines. <BR />
  Results: We present a unique series of 41 temperature maps spanning
  more than 23 years. All reliable images show a large cool spot region
  centred near the visible rotation pole. Some lower latitude cool
  features are also recovered, although the reliability of these is
  questionable. There is an expected anti-correlation between the mean
  surface temperature and the spot coverage. Using the Doppler images,
  we construct the equivalent of a solar butterfly diagram for HD
  199178. <BR /> Conclusions: HD 199178 clearly has a long-term large
  and cool spot structure at the rotational pole. This spot structure
  dominated the spot activity during the years 1994-2017. The size
  and position of the structure has evolved with time, with a gradual
  increase during the last years. The lack of lower latitude features
  prevents the determination of a possible differential rotation. <P
  />The spectra are only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to <A
  ( or via <A
  on observations made with the Nordic Optical Telescope, operated by the
  Nordic Optical Telescope Scientific Association at the Observatorio
  del Roque de los Muchachos, La Palma, Spain, of the Instituto de
  Astrofisica de Canarias.

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: HD199178 1994-2017 spectra
    (Hackman+, 2019)
Authors: Hackman, T.; Ilyin, I.; Lehtinen, J. J.; Kochukhov, O.;
   Kaepylae, M. J.; Piskunov, N.; Willamo, T.
2019yCat..36250079H    Altcode:
  The instruments used where the Rozhen high resolution spectrograph
  (R=35000), SOFIN (R=80000, R=1400000) and FIES (R=67000). Observation
  times and S/N-ratios are given in the log-file. The spectral regions
  used for Doppler images varied with the instruments and seasons. The
  regions were centred around the following wavelengths (in Angstroms):
  6265, 6411, 6431, 6439 6644, 6663 and 7511. <P />(2 data files).

Title: 4MOST: Project overview and information for the First Call
    for Proposals
Authors: de Jong, R. S.; Agertz, O.; Berbel, A. A.; Aird, J.;
   Alexander, D. A.; Amarsi, A.; Anders, F.; Andrae, R.; Ansarinejad,
   B.; Ansorge, W.; Antilogus, P.; Anwand-Heerwart, H.; Arentsen, A.;
   Arnadottir, A.; Asplund, M.; Auger, M.; Azais, N.; Baade, D.; Baker,
   G.; Baker, S.; Balbinot, E.; Baldry, I. K.; Banerji, M.; Barden,
   S.; Barklem, P.; Barthélémy-Mazot, E.; Battistini, C.; Bauer, S.;
   Bell, C. P. M.; Bellido-Tirado, O.; Bellstedt, S.; Belokurov, V.;
   Bensby, T.; Bergemann, M.; Bestenlehner, J. M.; Bielby, R.; Bilicki,
   M.; Blake, C.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.; Boeche, C.; Boland, W.; Boller,
   T.; Bongard, S.; Bongiorno, A.; Bonifacio, P.; Boudon, D.; Brooks,
   D.; Brown, M. J. I.; Brown, R.; Brüggen, M.; Brynnel, J.; Brzeski,
   J.; Buchert, T.; Buschkamp, P.; Caffau, E.; Caillier, P.; Carrick,
   J.; Casagrande, L.; Case, S.; Casey, A.; Cesarini, I.; Cescutti, G.;
   Chapuis, D.; Chiappini, C.; Childress, M.; Christlieb, N.; Church, R.;
   Cioni, M. -R. L.; Cluver, M.; Colless, M.; Collett, T.; Comparat, J.;
   Cooper, A.; Couch, W.; Courbin, F.; Croom, S.; Croton, D.; Daguisé,
   E.; Dalton, G.; Davies, L. J. M.; Davis, T.; de Laverny, P.; Deason,
   A.; Dionies, F.; Disseau, K.; Doel, P.; Döscher, D.; Driver, S. P.;
   Dwelly, T.; Eckert, D.; Edge, A.; Edvardsson, B.; Youssoufi, D. E.;
   Elhaddad, A.; Enke, H.; Erfanianfar, G.; Farrell, T.; Fechner, T.;
   Feiz, C.; Feltzing, S.; Ferreras, I.; Feuerstein, D.; Feuillet, D.;
   Finoguenov, A.; Ford, D.; Fotopoulou, S.; Fouesneau, M.; Frenk, C.;
   Frey, S.; Gaessler, W.; Geier, S.; Gentile Fusillo, N.; Gerhard,
   O.; Giannantonio, T.; Giannone, D.; Gibson, B.; Gillingham, P.;
   González-Fernández, C.; Gonzalez-Solares, E.; Gottloeber, S.; Gould,
   A.; Grebel, E. K.; Gueguen, A.; Guiglion, G.; Haehnelt, M.; Hahn, T.;
   Hansen, C. J.; Hartman, H.; Hauptner, K.; Hawkins, K.; Haynes, D.;
   Haynes, R.; Heiter, U.; Helmi, A.; Aguayo, C. H.; Hewett, P.; Hinton,
   S.; Hobbs, D.; Hoenig, S.; Hofman, D.; Hook, I.; Hopgood, J.; Hopkins,
   A.; Hourihane, A.; Howes, L.; Howlett, C.; Huet, T.; Irwin, M.; Iwert,
   O.; Jablonka, P.; Jahn, T.; Jahnke, K.; Jarno, A.; Jin, S.; Jofre,
   P.; Johl, D.; Jones, D.; Jönsson, H.; Jordan, C.; Karovicova, I.;
   Khalatyan, A.; Kelz, A.; Kennicutt, R.; King, D.; Kitaura, F.; Klar,
   J.; Klauser, U.; Kneib, J. -P.; Koch, A.; Koposov, S.; Kordopatis, G.;
   Korn, A.; Kosmalski, J.; Kotak, R.; Kovalev, M.; Kreckel, K.; Kripak,
   Y.; Krumpe, M.; Kuijken, K.; Kunder, A.; Kushniruk, I.; Lam, M. I.;
   Lamer, G.; Laurent, F.; Lawrence, J.; Lehmitz, M.; Lemasle, B.; Lewis,
   J.; Li, B.; Lidman, C.; Lind, K.; Liske, J.; Lizon, J. -L.; Loveday,
   J.; Ludwig, H. -G.; McDermid, R. M.; Maguire, K.; Mainieri, V.; Mali,
   S.; Mandel, H.; Mandel, K.; Mannering, L.; Martell, S.; Martinez
   Delgado, D.; Matijevic, G.; McGregor, H.; McMahon, R.; McMillan,
   P.; Mena, O.; Merloni, A.; Meyer, M. J.; Michel, C.; Micheva, G.;
   Migniau, J. -E.; Minchev, I.; Monari, G.; Muller, R.; Murphy, D.;
   Muthukrishna, D.; Nandra, K.; Navarro, R.; Ness, M.; Nichani, V.;
   Nichol, R.; Nicklas, H.; Niederhofer, F.; Norberg, P.; Obreschkow, D.;
   Oliver, S.; Owers, M.; Pai, N.; Pankratow, S.; Parkinson, D.; Paschke,
   J.; Paterson, R.; Pecontal, A.; Parry, I.; Phillips, D.; Pillepich,
   A.; Pinard, L.; Pirard, J.; Piskunov, N.; Plank, V.; Plüschke, D.;
   Pons, E.; Popesso, P.; Power, C.; Pragt, J.; Pramskiy, A.; Pryer,
   D.; Quattri, M.; Queiroz, A. B. d. A.; Quirrenbach, A.; Rahurkar,
   S.; Raichoor, A.; Ramstedt, S.; Rau, A.; Recio-Blanco, A.; Reiss, R.;
   Renaud, F.; Revaz, Y.; Rhode, P.; Richard, J.; Richter, A. D.; Rix,
   H. -W.; Robotham, A. S. G.; Roelfsema, R.; Romaniello, M.; Rosario, D.;
   Rothmaier, F.; Roukema, B.; Ruchti, G.; Rupprecht, G.; Rybizki, J.;
   Ryde, N.; Saar, A.; Sadler, E.; Sahlén, M.; Salvato, M.; Sassolas,
   B.; Saunders, W.; Saviauk, A.; Sbordone, L.; Schmidt, T.; Schnurr,
   O.; Scholz, R. -D.; Schwope, A.; Seifert, W.; Shanks, T.; Sheinis,
   A.; Sivov, T.; Skúladóttir, Á.; Smartt, S.; Smedley, S.; Smith,
   G.; Smith, R.; Sorce, J.; Spitler, L.; Starkenburg, E.; Steinmetz,
   M.; Stilz, I.; Storm, J.; Sullivan, M.; Sutherland, W.; Swann, E.;
   Tamone, A.; Taylor, E. N.; Teillon, J.; Tempel, E.; ter Horst, R.;
   Thi, W. -F.; Tolstoy, E.; Trager, S.; Traven, G.; Tremblay, P. -E.;
   Tresse, L.; Valentini, M.; van de Weygaert, R.; van den Ancker, M.;
   Veljanoski, J.; Venkatesan, S.; Wagner, L.; Wagner, K.; Walcher,
   C. J.; Waller, L.; Walton, N.; Wang, L.; Winkler, R.; Wisotzki, L.;
   Worley, C. C.; Worseck, G.; Xiang, M.; Xu, W.; Yong, D.; Zhao, C.;
   Zheng, J.; Zscheyge, F.; Zucker, D.
2019Msngr.175....3D    Altcode: 2019arXiv190302464D
  We introduce the 4-metre Multi-Object Spectroscopic Telescope (4MOST),
  a new high-multiplex, wide-field spectroscopic survey facility under
  development for the four-metre-class Visible and Infrared Survey
  Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA) at Paranal. Its key specifications
  are: a large field of view (FoV) of 4.2 square degrees and a high
  multiplex capability, with 1624 fibres feeding two low-resolution
  spectrographs (R = λ/Δλ 6500), and 812 fibres transferring light
  to the high-resolution spectrograph (R 20 000). After a description of
  the instrument and its expected performance, a short overview is given
  of its operational scheme and planned 4MOST Consortium science; these
  aspects are covered in more detail in other articles in this edition
  of The Messenger. Finally, the processes, schedules, and policies
  concerning the selection of ESO Community Surveys are presented,
  commencing with a singular opportunity to submit Letters of Intent
  for Public Surveys during the first five years of 4MOST operations.

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: V-band differential photometry
    for V889 Her (Willamo+, 2019)
Authors: Willamo, T.; Hackman, T.; Lehtinen, J. J.; Kapyla, M. J.;
   Ilyin, I.; Henry, G. W.; Jetsu, L.; Kochukhov, O.; Piskunov, N.
2019yCat..36220170W    Altcode:
  We present the Johnson V-band differential photometry of V889 Her,
  obtained with the Tennessee State University T3 0.4m Automatic
  Photoelectric Telescope. The analysis of the data has been done
  using the comparison star HD 171286; the V-magnitude of V889 Her
  is gained by adding the V-magnitude of HD 171286 (V=6.84; Oja,
  1987A&amp;AS...71..561O) to each data point. For further analysis
  we use the Continous Period Search-method (CPS; Lehtinen et al.,
  2011A&amp;A...527A.136L) to derive mean magnitudes for longer sets of
  data. <P />(1 data file).

Title: Long-term spot monitoring of the young solar analogue V889
Authors: Willamo, T.; Hackman, T.; Lehtinen, J. J.; Käpylä, M. J.;
   Ilyin, I.; Henry, G. W.; Jetsu, L.; Kochukhov, O.; Piskunov, N.
2019A&A...622A.170W    Altcode: 2018arXiv181105330W
  Context. Starspots are important manifestations of stellar magnetic
  activity. By studying their behaviour in young solar analogues, we can
  unravel the properties of their magnetic cycles. This gives crucial
  information of the underlying dynamo process. Comparisons with the
  solar cycle enable us to infer knowledge about how the solar dynamo
  has evolved during the Sun's lifetime. <BR /> Aims: Here we study the
  correlation between photometric brightness variations, spottedness, and
  mean temperature in V889 Her, a young solar analogue. Our data covers
  18 years of spectroscopic and 25 years of photometric observations. <BR
  /> Methods: We use Doppler imaging to derive temperature maps from
  high-resolution spectra. We use the Continuous Period Search method
  to retrieve mean V-magnitudes from photometric data. <BR /> Results:
  Our Doppler imaging maps show a persistent polar spot structure
  varying in strength. This structure is centred slightly off the
  rotational pole. The mean temperature derived from the maps shows an
  overall decreasing trend, as does the photometric mean brightness,
  until it reaches its minimum around 2017. The filling factor of cool
  spots, however, shows only a weak tendency to anti-correlate with the
  decreasing mean brightness. <BR /> Conclusions: We interpret V889 Her to
  have entered into a grand maximum in its activity. The clear relation
  between the mean temperature of the Doppler imaging surface maps and
  the mean magnitude supports the reliability of the Doppler images. The
  lack of correlation between the mean magnitude and the spottedness
  may indicate that bright features in the Doppler images are real. <P
  />Photometric data are only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to <A
  ( or via <A
  on observations made with the Nordic Optical Telescope, operated on
  the island of La Palma jointly by Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway,
  and Sweden, in the Spanish Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of
  the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias. Based on observations made
  with the HARPSpol instrument on the ESO 3.6m telescope at La Silla
  (Chile), under the programme ID 091.D-0836.

Title: VALD: The Meeting Point of Data Producers and Data Users
Authors: Ryabchikova, Tatiana; Pakhomov, Yury; Piskunov, Nikolai
2018Galax...6...93R    Altcode:
  Vienna Atomic Line Database (VALD) contains data on atomic and
  molecular energy levels and parameters of spectral lines required
  for stellar spectra analysis. Hundreds of millions of lines for fine
  spectral synthesis and for opacity calculations are collected in the
  present version of VALD (VALD3). Critical evaluation of the data and
  the diversity of extraction tools support the high popularity of
  VALD among users. The data model of VALD3 incorporates obligatory
  links to the bibliography making our database more attractive as a
  publishing platform for data producers. The VALD data quality and
  completeness are constantly improving allowing better reproduction
  of stellar spectra. To illustrate continuous evolution of the data
  content we present a comparative analysis of the recent experimental and
  theoretical atomic data for Fe-group elements, which will be included in
  the next VALD release. This release will also include a possibility for
  extracting the line data with full isotopic and hyperfine structures.

Title: A unique infrared spectropolarimetric unit for CRIRES+
Authors: Piskunov, Nikolai; Stempels, Eric; Lavail, Alexis; Escuti,
   Michael; Snik, Frans; Dolgopolov, Andrey; Rozel, Milan; Durandet,
   Candice; Hatzes, Artie; Bristow, Paul; Brucalassi, Anna; Cumani,
   Claudio; Dorn, Reinhold J.; Haimerl, Andreas; Heiter, Ulrike;
   Hinterschuster, Renate; Follert, Roman; Ives, Derek; Jung, Yves;
   Kerber, Florian; Klein, Barbara; Lizon, Jean-Louis; Marquart, Thomas;
   Molina-Conde, Ignacio; Pasquini, Luca; Paufique, Jérôme; Oliva,
   Ernesto; Reiners, Ansgar; Seemann, Ulf; Stegmeier, Jörg; Tordo,
   Sebastien; Valenti, Elena
2018SPIE10702E..34P    Altcode:
  High-resolution infrared spectropolarimetry has many science
  applications in astrophysics. One of them is measuring weak magnetic
  fields using the Zeeman effect. Infrared domain is particularly
  advantageous as Zeeman splitting of spectral lines is proportional
  to the square of the wavelength while the intrinsic width of the
  line cores increases only linearly. Important science cases include
  detection and monitoring of global magnetic fields on solar-type
  stars, study of the magnetic field evolution from stellar formation
  to the final stages of the stellar life with massive stellar winds,
  and the dynamo mechanism operation across the boundary between fully-
  and partially-convective stars. CRIRES+ (the CRIRES upgrade project)
  includes a novel spectropolarimetric unit (SPU) based on polar-
  ization gratings. The novel design allows to perform beam-splitting
  very early in the optical path, directly after the tertiary mirror
  of the telescope (the ESO Very Large Telescope, VLT), minimizing
  instrumental polariza- tion. The new SPU performs polarization
  beam-splitting in the near-infrared while keeping the telescope beam
  mostly unchanged in the optical domain, making it compatible with the
  adaptive optics system of the CRIRES+ instrument. The SPU consists
  of four beam-splitters optimized for measuring circular and linear
  polarization of spectral lines in YJ and HK bands. The SPU can perform
  beam switching allowing to correct for throughput in each beam and for
  variations in detector pixel sensitivity. Other new features of CRIRES+,
  such as substantially increased wavelength coverage, stability and
  advanced data reduction pipeline will further enhance the sensitivity
  of the polarimetric mode. The combination of the SPU, CRIRES+ and the
  VLT is a unique facility for making major progress in understanding
  stellar activity. In this article we present the design of the SPU,
  laboratory measurements of individual components and of the whole unit
  as well as the performance prediction for the operation at the VLT.

Title: Analysis of the polarimetric performance of the HARPS3
    Cassegrain adaptor unit
Authors: Dorval, Patrick; Snik, Frans; Piskunov, Nikolai; Navarro,
   Ramon; Kragt, Jan; ter Horst, Rik; Kunst, Peter; Snellen, Ignas;
   Naylor, Tim; Thompson, Samantha
2018SPIE10702E..6BD    Altcode:
  The third version of the High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher
  (HARPS3) instrument is built for a ten-year programme aimed at achieving
  10 cm/sec radial velocity precision on nearby stars to search for
  Earth-like planets. HARPS3 will be commissioned on the to-be-roboticized
  2.54-m Isaac Newton Telescope at La Palma in 2021. One of the main
  changes compared to its predecessors is the novel dual-beam Cassegrain
  focus, featuring a stabilised beam feed into the HARPS3 spectrograph
  and an insertable polarimetric sub-unit. This polarimetric sub-unit
  enables HARPS3 to directly measure stellar activity signatures,
  which can be useful for correcting activity-induced radial velocity
  jitter in the search for Earth-like planets. The sub-unit consists
  of superachromatic polymer quarter- and half-wave retarders for
  circular and linear polarizations respectively, designed to suppress
  polarized fringing, and a novel polarimetric beam splitter based
  on a wire-grid design, separating the two polarimetric beams by 30
  mm and feeding two separate science fibers. The dual-beam exchange
  implementation in combination with the extreme stability of the HARPS3
  spectrograph enables a polarimetric sensitivity of 10<SUP>-5</SUP>
  on bright stars. One of the main challenges of such a system is in the
  characterization of instrumental polarization effects which limit the
  polarimetric accuracy of the polarimetric observing mode. By design
  and characterization of this subsystem and by pre-emptively mitigating
  possible noise sources, we can minimize the noise characteristics of
  the polarization sub-unit to allow for precise observations. In this
  paper we report on the design, realization, assembly, alignment, and
  testing of the polarimetric unit to be installed in the Cassegrain
  Adaptor Unit of the HARPS3 spectrograph

Title: Full system test and early preliminary acceptance Europe
    results for CRIRES+
Authors: Brucalassi, Anna; Dorn, Reinhold J.; Follert, Roman;
   Hatzes, Artie; Bristow, Paul; Seemann, Ulf; Cumani, Claudio;
   Eschbaumer, Siegfried; Haimerl, Andreas; Haug, Marcus; Heiter, Ulrike;
   Hinterschuster, Renate; Ives, Derek J.; Jung, Yves; Kerber, Florian;
   Klein, Barbara; Lavail, Alexis; Lizon, Jean Louis; Marquart, Thomas;
   Moins, Christophe; Molina-Conde, Ignacio; Oliva, Ernesto; Pasquini,
   Luca; Paufique, Jérôme; Piskunov, Nikolai; Stegmeier, Jörg;
   Stempels, Eric; Tordo, Sebastien; Valenti, Elena; Anwand-Heerwart,
   Heiko; Hauptner, Katja; Jeep, Peter; Marvin, Christopher; Reiners,
   Ansgar; Rhode, Petra; Schmidt, Christof; Umlauf, Tim
2018SPIE10702E..39B    Altcode:
  CRIRES+ is the new high-resolution NIR echelle spectrograph intended to
  be operated at the platform B of VLT Unit telescope UT3. It will cover
  from Y to M bands (0.95-5.3um) with a spectral resolution of R = 50000
  or R=100000. The main scientific goals are the search of super-Earths
  in the habitable zone of low-mass stars, the characterisation
  of transiting planets atmosphere and the study of the origin and
  evolution of stellar magnetic fields. Based on the heritage of the
  old adaptive optics (AO) assisted VLT instrument CRIRES, the new
  spectrograph will present improved optical layout, a new detector
  system and a new calibration unit providing optimal performances in
  terms of simultaneous wavelength coverage and radial velocity accuracy
  (a few m/s). The total observing efficiency will be enhanced by a factor
  of 10 with respect to CRIRES. An innovative spectro-polarimetry mode
  will be also offered and a new metrology system will ensure very high
  system stability and repeatability. Fiinally, the CRIRES+ project will
  also provide the community with a new data reduction software (DRS)
  package. CRIRES+ is currently at the initial phase of its Preliminary
  Acceptance in Europe (PAE) and it will be commissioned early in 2019
  at VLT. This work outlines the main results obtained during the initial
  phase of the full system test at ESO HQ Garching.

Title: ELT-HIRES, the high resolution spectrograph for the ELT:
    results from the Phase A study
Authors: Marconi, A.; Allende Prieto, C.; Amado, P. J.; Amate, M.;
   Augusto, S. R.; Becerril, S.; Bezawada, N.; Boisse, I.; Bouchy,
   F.; Cabral, A.; Chazelas, B.; Cirami, R.; Coretti, I.; Cristiani,
   S.; Cupani, G.; de Castro Leão, I.; de Medeiros, J. R.; de Souza,
   M. A. F.; Di Marcantonio, P.; Di Varano, I.; D'Odorico, V.; Drass, H.;
   Figueira, P.; Fragoso, A. B.; Fynbo, J. P. U.; Genoni, M.; González
   Hernández, J. I.; Haehnelt, M.; Hughes, I.; Huke, P.; Kjeldsen,
   H.; Korn, A. J.; Landoni, M.; Liske, J.; Lovis, C.; Maiolino, R.;
   Marquart, T.; Martins, C. J. A. P.; Mason, E.; Monteiro, M. A.; Morris,
   T.; Murray, G.; Niedzielski, A.; Oliva, E.; Origlia, L.; Pallé, E.;
   Parr-Burman, P.; Parro, V. C.; Pepe, F.; Piskunov, N.; Rasilla, J. L.;
   Rees, P.; Rebolo, R.; Riva, M.; Rousseau, S.; Sanna, N.; Santos, N. C.;
   Shen, T. -C.; Sortino, F.; Sosnowska, D.; Sousa, S.; Stempels, E.;
   Strassmeier, K.; Tenegi, F.; Tozzi, A.; Udry, S.; Valenziano, L.;
   Vanzi, L.; Weber, M.; Woche, M.; Xompero, M.; Zackrisson, E.
2018SPIE10702E..1YM    Altcode:
  We present the results from the phase A study of ELT-HIRES, an
  optical-infrared High Resolution Spectrograph for ELT, which has just
  been completed by a consortium of 30 institutes from 12 countries
  forming a team of about 200 scientists and engineers. The top science
  cases of ELT-HIRES will be the detection of life signatures from
  exoplanet atmospheres, tests on the stability of Nature's fundamental
  couplings, the direct detection of the cosmic acceleration. However,
  the science requirements of these science cases enable many other
  groundbreaking science cases. The baseline design, which allows
  to fulfil the top science cases, consists in a modular fiber- fed
  cross-dispersed echelle spectrograph with two ultra-stable spectral
  arms providing a simultaneous spectral range of 0.4-1.8 μm at a
  spectral resolution of 100,000. The fiber-feeding allows ELT-HIRES to
  have several, interchangeable observing modes including a SCAO module
  and a small diffraction-limited IFU.

Title: Model-independent Exoplanet Transit Spectroscopy
Authors: Aronson, Erik; Piskunov, Nikolai
2018AJ....155..208A    Altcode: 2018arXiv180305327A
  We propose a new data analysis method for obtaining transmission
  spectra of exoplanet atmospheres and brightness variation across the
  stellar disk from transit observations. The new method is capable
  of recovering exoplanet atmosphere absorption spectra and stellar
  specific intensities without relying on theoretical models of stars
  and planets. We simultaneously fit both stellar specific intensity
  and planetary radius directly to transit light curves. This allows
  stellar models to be removed from the data analysis. Furthermore,
  we use a data quality weighted filtering technique to achieve an
  optimal trade-off between spectral resolution and reconstruction
  fidelity homogenizing the signal-to-noise ratio across the wavelength
  range. Such an approach is more efficient than conventional data
  binning onto a low-resolution wavelength grid. We demonstrate that our
  analysis is capable of reproducing results achieved by using an explicit
  quadratic limb-darkening equation and that the filtering technique helps
  eliminate spurious spectral features in regions with strong telluric
  absorption. The method is applied to the VLT FORS2 observations of the
  exoplanets GJ 1214 b and WASP-49 b, and our results are in agreement
  with previous studies. Comparisons between obtained stellar specific
  intensity and numerical models indicates that the method is capable of
  accurately reconstructing the specific intensity. The proposed method
  enables more robust characterization of exoplanetary atmospheres by
  separating derivation of planetary transmission and stellar specific
  intensity spectra (that is model-independent) from chemical and
  physical interpretation.

Title: Inside a VAMDC data node—putting standards into practical
Authors: Regandell, Samuel; Marquart, Thomas; Piskunov, Nikolai
2018PhyS...93c5001R    Altcode: 2018arXiv180309217R
  Access to molecular and atomic data is critical for many forms of remote
  sensing analysis across different fields. Many atomic and molecular
  databases are however highly specialised for their intended application,
  complicating querying and combination data between sources. The Virtual
  Atomic and Molecular Data Centre, VAMDC, is an electronic infrastructure
  that allows each database to register as a ‘node’. Through services
  such as VAMDC’s portal website, users can then access and query
  all nodes in a homogenised way. Today all major Atomic and Molecular
  databases are attached to VAMDC This article describes the software
  tools we developed to help data providers create and manage a VAMDC
  node. It gives an overview of the VAMDC infrastructure and of the
  various standards it uses. The article then discusses the development
  choices made and how the standards are implemented in practice. It
  concludes with a full example of implementing a VAMDC node using a
  real-life case as well as future plans for the node software.

Title: Deriving stellar parameters with the SME software package
Authors: Piskunov, N.
2017sbcs.conf..209P    Altcode:
  Photometry and spectroscopy are complementary tools for deriving
  accurate stellar parameters. Here I present one of the popular packages
  for stellar spectroscopy called SME with the emphasis on the latest
  developments and error assessment for the derived parameters.

Title: Program Package for the Analysis of High Resolution High
    Signal-To-Noise Stellar Spectra
Authors: Piskunov, N.; Ryabchikova, T.; Pakhomov, Yu.; Sitnova, T.;
   Alekseeva, S.; Mashonkina, L.; Nordlander, T.
2017ASPC..510..509P    Altcode: 2017arXiv171010856P
  The program package SME (Spectroscopy Made Easy), designed to perform
  an analysis of stellar spectra using spectral fitting techniques, was
  updated due to adding new functions (isotopic and hyperfine splittins)
  in VALD and including grids of NLTE calculations for energy levels
  of few chemical elements. SME allows to derive automatically stellar
  atmospheric parameters: effective temperature, surface gravity,
  chemical abundances, radial and rotational velocities, turbulent
  velocities, taking into account all the effects defining spectral line
  formation. SME package uses the best grids of stellar atmospheres that
  allows us to perform spectral analysis with the similar accuracy in
  wide range of stellar parameters and metallicities - from dwarfs to
  giants of BAFGK spectral classes.

Title: VALD3: Current Developments
Authors: Pakhomov, Yu.; Piskunov, N.; Ryabchikova, T.
2017ASPC..510..518P    Altcode: 2017arXiv171010854P
  Today Vienna Atomic Line Database (VALD) is one of main databases
  of atomic and molecular parameters required for stellar spectra
  analysis. We present the new features that recently appeared in the
  VALD3 release, including the effects of isotopic composition and
  hyperfine splitting. The latest version of VALD contains parameters
  for several isotopes of Li, Ca, Ti, Cu, Ba, Eu, and hyperfine splitting
  of 35 isotopes from Li to Eu.

Title: Main High-Resolution Near-IR Spectrometer for the VLT
Authors: Piskunov, N.
2017ASPC..510..514P    Altcode:
  We present the ongoing CRISES+ project on the development of a
  cross-dispersed high resolution near-infrared spectrometer for the
  ESO Very Large Telescope. The presentation highlights the relation
  between science objectives, technical solutions, and the structure of
  the project. We also share some of the insights on the implementation
  and management of the project that are crucial for keeping the tight
  time-line through efficient interaction between consortium members.

Title: Erratum: Spectral Properties of Cool Stars:
    Extended Abundance Analysis of 1617 Planet Search Stars (<A
href="https://doi.org/10.3847/0067-0049/225/2/32">2016, ApJS,
    225, 32</A>)
Authors: Brewer, John M.; Fischer, Debra A.; Valenti, Jeff A.;
   Piskunov, Nikolai
2017ApJS..230...12B    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Spectroscopy Made Easy: Evolution
Authors: Piskunov, Nikolai; Valenti, Jeff A.
2017A&A...597A..16P    Altcode: 2016arXiv160606073P; 2016A&A...597A..16P
  Context. The Spectroscopy Made Easy (SME) package has become a popular
  tool for analyzing stellar spectra, often in connection with large
  surveys or exoplanet research. SME has evolved significantly since
  it was first described in 1996, but many of the original caveats
  and potholes still haunt users. The main drivers for this paper are
  complexity of the modeling task, the large user community, and the
  massive effort that has gone into SME. <BR /> Aims: We do not intend
  to give a comprehensive introduction to stellar atmospheres, but will
  describe changes to key components of SME: the equation of state,
  opacities, and radiative transfer. We will describe the analysis and
  fitting procedure and investigate various error sources that affect
  inferred parameters. <BR /> Methods: We review the current status of
  SME, emphasizing new algorithms and methods. We describe some best
  practices for using the package, based on lessons learned over two
  decades of SME usage. We present a new way to assess uncertainties
  in derived stellar parameters. <BR /> Results: Improvements made to
  SME, better line data, and new model atmospheres yield more realistic
  stellar spectra, but in many cases systematic errors still dominate
  over measurement uncertainty. Future enhancements are outlined.

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: Extended abundance analysis of
    cool stars (Brewer+, 2016)
Authors: Brewer, J. M.; Fischer, D. A.; Valenti, J. A.; Piskunov, N.
2016yCat..22250032B    Altcode:
  The stellar spectra in this study were all collected using the
  HIRES spectrograph (R~70000) on the Keck I telescope as part
  of one or more radial-velocity planet-search programs under the
  collaborative umbrella known as the California Planet Survey (CPS;
  Howard+ 2010ApJ...721.1467H). <P />In addition to stellar spectra,
  our data also include 20 spectra of four different asteroids (4 Vesta,
  1036 Ganymed, 3 Juno, and 10 Hygiea) from five epochs throughout
  the 10-year period covered by the observations in our sample. These
  spectra provided disk-integrated solar spectra and were obtained to
  help calibrate our analysis by providing small zero-point offsets for
  solar parameters and abundances. <P />(4 data files).

Title: Characterizing the cross dispersion reflection gratings
    of CRIRES+
Authors: Follert, Roman; Taubert, Dieter; Hollandt, Jörg;
   Monte, Christian; Oliva, Ernesto; Seemann, Ulf; Löwinger, Tom;
   Anwand-Heerwart, Heiko; Schmidt, Christof; Dorn, Reinhold J.; Bristow,
   Paul; Hatzes, Artie; Reiners, Ansgar; Piskunov, Nikolai; Heiter,
   Ulrike; Stempels, Eric; Marquart, Thomas; Lavail, Alexis; Cumani,
   Claudio; Grunhut, Jason; Haimerl, Andreas; Hinterschuster, Renate;
   Ives, Derek J.; Jung, Yves; Kerber, Florian; Klein, Barbara; Lizon,
   Jean Louis; Molina-Conde, Ignacio; Nicholson, Belinda; Origlia, Livia;
   Pasquini, Luca; Paufique, Jérôme; Stegmeier, Jörg; Tordo, Sebastien
2016SPIE.9912E..2BF    Altcode:
  The CRIRES+ project attempts to upgrade the CRIRES instrument into a
  cross dispersed Echelle spectrograph with a simultaneous recording of
  8-10 diffraction orders. In order to transform the CRIRES spectrograph
  into a cross-dispersing instrument, a set of six reflection gratings,
  each one optimized for one of the wavelength bands CRIRES+ will
  operate in (YJHKLM), will be used as cross dispersion elements
  in CRIRES+. Due to the upgrade nature of the project, the choice
  of gratings depends on the fixed geometry of the instrument. Thus,
  custom made gratings would be required to achieve the ambitious design
  goals. Custom made gratings have the disadvantage, though, that they
  come at an extraordinary price and with lead times of more than 12
  months. To mitigate this, a set of off-the-shelf gratings was obtained
  which had grating parameters very close to the ones being identified
  as optimal. To ensure that the rigorous specifications for CRIRES+
  will be fulfilled, the CRIRES+ team started a collaboration with the
  Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt Berlin (PTB) to characterize
  gratings underconditions similar to the operating conditions in CRIRES+
  (angle of incidence, wavelength range). The respective test setup was
  designed in collaboration between PTB and the CRIRES+ consortium. The
  PTB provided optical radiation sources and calibrated detectors for
  each wavelength range. With this setup, it is possible to measure the
  absolute efficiency of the gratings both wavelength dependent and
  polarization state dependent in a wavelength range from 0.9 μm to
  6 μm.

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: FGK dwarfs atmospheric parameters
    (Ryabchikova+, 2016)
Authors: Ryabchikova, T.; Piskunov, N.; Pakhomov, Y.; Tsymbal, V.;
   Titarenko, A.; Sitnova, T.; Alexeeva, S.; Fossati, L.; Mashonkina, L.
2016yCat..74561221R    Altcode:
  For the spectroscopic analysis, we choose the 13 MS stars including
  the Sun (Table 1) in the 4900-6600K temperature range and with
  metallicity between [Fe/H]=-1.5 and +0.3dex. All the stars, except HD
  149026, have, at least, one interferometric determination of radius
  and effective temperature. <P />Spectra of the programme stars were
  obtained with different spectrographs. Most data were extracted from
  the following archives: the UVES/VLT and HARPS/3.6m spectrographs at
  ESO,2 the ELODIE/1.93-m spectrograph3 at the Observatoire de Haute
  Provence, and the ESPaDONs spectrograph at the Canada-France-Hawaii
  Telescope (CFHT). Spectra of beta Vir and HD 103095 were obtained
  with the FOCES spectrograph at 2.2-m telescope of the Calar Alto
  Observatory. One of the spectra of 61 Vir was obtained with the Hamilton
  Echelle Spectrograph attached to the Shane 3-m telescope of the Lick
  Observatory. Spectra of few stars, including that of the Sun reflected
  from Ganymede, were obtained with the HiReS/Keck spectrograph. <P />(3
  data files).

Title: HARPS3 for a roboticized Isaac Newton Telescope
Authors: Thompson, Samantha J.; Queloz, Didier; Baraffe, Isabelle;
   Brake, Martyn; Dolgopolov, Andrey; Fisher, Martin; Fleury, Michel;
   Geelhoed, Joost; Hall, Richard; González Hernández, Jonay I.; ter
   Horst, Rik; Kragt, Jan; Navarro, Ramón; Naylor, Tim; Pepe, Francesco;
   Piskunov, Nikolai; Rebolo, Rafael; Sander, Louis; Ségransan, Damien;
   Seneta, Eugene; Sing, David; Snellen, Ignas; Snik, Frans; Spronck,
   Julien; Stempels, Eric; Sun, Xiaowei; Santana Tschudi, Samuel;
   Young, John
2016SPIE.9908E..6FT    Altcode: 2016arXiv160804611T
  We present a description of a new instrument development, HARPS3,
  planned to be installed on an upgraded and roboticized Isaac Newton
  Telescope by end-2018. HARPS3 will be a high resolution (R≃115,000)
  echelle spectrograph with a wavelength range from 380-690 nm. It is
  being built as part of the Terra Hunting Experiment - a future 10-
  year radial velocity measurement programme to discover Earth-like
  exoplanets. The instrument design is based on the successful
  HARPS spectrograph on the 3.6m ESO telescope and HARPS-N on the
  TNG telescope. The main changes to the design in HARPS3 will be: a
  customised fibre adapter at the Cassegrain focus providing a stabilised
  beam feed and on-sky fibre diameter ≍1:4 arcsec, the implementation of
  a new continuous ow cryostat to keep the CCD temperature very stable,
  detailed characterisation of the HARPS3 CCD to map the effective pixel
  positions and thus provide an improved accuracy wavelength solution,
  an optimised integrated polarimeter and the instrument integrated into
  a robotic operation. The robotic operation will optimise our programme
  which requires our target stars to be measured on a nightly basis. We
  present an overview of the entire project, including a description of
  our anticipated robotic operation.

Title: EELT-HIRES the high-resolution spectrograph for the E-ELT
Authors: Marconi, A.; Di Marcantonio, P.; D'Odorico, V.; Cristiani,
   S.; Maiolino, R.; Oliva, E.; Origlia, L.; Riva, M.; Valenziano, L.;
   Zerbi, F. M.; Abreu, M.; Adibekyan, V.; Allende Prieto, C.; Amado,
   P. J.; Benz, W.; Boisse, I.; Bonfils, X.; Bouchy, F.; Buchhave,
   L.; Buscher, D.; Cabral, A.; Canto Martins, B. L.; Chiavassa, A.;
   Coelho, J.; Christensen, L. B.; Delgado-Mena, E.; de Medeiros, J. R.;
   Di Varano, I.; Figueira, P.; Fisher, M.; Fynbo, J. P. U.; Glasse,
   A. C. H.; Haehnelt, M.; Haniff, C.; Hansen, C. J.; Hatzes, A.; Huke,
   P.; Korn, A. J.; Leão, I. C.; Liske, J.; Lovis, C.; Maslowski,
   P.; Matute, I.; McCracken, R. A.; Martins, C. J. A. P.; Monteiro,
   M. J. P. F. G.; Morris, S.; Morris, T.; Nicklas, H.; Niedzielski, A.;
   Nunes, N. J.; Palle, E.; Parr-Burman, P. M.; Parro, V.; Parry, I.;
   Pepe, F.; Piskunov, N.; Queloz, D.; Quirrenbach, A.; Rebolo Lopez,
   R.; Reiners, A.; Reid, D. T.; Santos, N.; Seifert, W.; Sousa, S.;
   Stempels, H. C.; Strassmeier, K.; Sun, X.; Udry, S.; Vanzi, L.;
   Vestergaard, M.; Weber, M.; Zackrisson, E.
2016SPIE.9908E..23M    Altcode: 2016arXiv160900497M
  The first generation of E-ELT instruments will include an optic-infrared
  High Resolution Spectrograph, conventionally indicated as EELT-HIRES,
  which will be capable of providing unique breakthroughs in the fields
  of exoplanets, star and planet formation, physics and evolution of
  stars and galaxies, cosmology and fundamental physics. A 2-year long
  phase A study for EELT-HIRES has just started and will be performed
  by a consortium composed of institutes and organisations from Brazil,
  Chile, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden,
  Switzerland and United Kingdom. In this paper we describe the science
  goals and the preliminary technical concept for EELT-HIRES which will
  be developed during the phase A, as well as its planned development
  and consortium organisation during the study.

Title: 4MOST: the 4-metre Multi-Object Spectroscopic Telescope
    project at preliminary design review
Authors: de Jong, Roelof S.; Barden, Samuel C.; Bellido-Tirado,
   Olga; Brynnel, Joar G.; Frey, Steffen; Giannone, Domenico; Haynes,
   Roger; Johl, Diana; Phillips, Daniel; Schnurr, Olivier; Walcher,
   Jakob C.; Winkler, Roland; Ansorge, Wolfgang R.; Feltzing, Sofia;
   McMahon, Richard G.; Baker, Gabriella; Caillier, Patrick; Dwelly,
   Tom; Gaessler, Wolfgang; Iwert, Olaf; Mandel, Holger G.; Piskunov,
   Nikolai A.; Pragt, Johan H.; Walton, Nicholas A.; Bensby, Thomas;
   Bergemann, Maria; Chiappini, Cristina; Christlieb, Norbert; Cioni,
   Maria-Rosa L.; Driver, Simon; Finoguenov, Alexis; Helmi, Amina; Irwin,
   Michael J.; Kitaura, Francisco-Shu; Kneib, Jean-Paul; Liske, Jochen;
   Merloni, Andrea; Minchev, Ivan; Richard, Johan; Starkenburg, Else
2016SPIE.9908E..1OD    Altcode:
  We present an overview of the 4MOST project at the Preliminary Design
  Review. 4MOST is a major new wide-field, high-multiplex spectroscopic
  survey facility under development for the VISTA telescope of ESO. 4MOST
  has a broad range of science goals ranging from Galactic Archaeology
  and stellar physics to the high-energy physics, galaxy evolution,
  and cosmology. Starting in 2021, 4MOST will deploy 2436 fibres in
  a 4.1 square degree field-of-view using a positioner based on the
  tilting spine principle. The fibres will feed one high-resolution (R
  20,000) and two medium resolution (R 5000) spectrographs with fixed
  3-channel designs and identical 6k x 6k CCD detectors. 4MOST will have
  a unique operations concept in which 5-year public surveys from both
  the consortium and the ESO community will be combined and observed in
  parallel during each exposure. The 4MOST Facility Simulator (4FS) was
  developed to demonstrate the feasibility of this observing concept,
  showing that we can expect to observe more than 25 million objects
  in each 5-year survey period and will eventually be used to plan and
  conduct the actual survey.

Title: Spectral Properties of Cool Stars: Extended Abundance Analysis
    of 1,617 Planet-search Stars
Authors: Brewer, John M.; Fischer, Debra A.; Valenti, Jeff A.;
   Piskunov, Nikolai
2016ApJS..225...32B    Altcode: 2016arXiv160607929B
  We present a catalog of uniformly determined stellar properties and
  abundances for 1,617 F, G, and K stars using an automated spectral
  synthesis modeling procedure. All stars were observed using the HIRES
  spectrograph at Keck Observatory. Our procedure used a single line
  list to fit model spectra to observations of all stars to determine
  effective temperature, surface gravity, metallicity, projected
  rotational velocity, and the abundances of 15 elements (C, N, O,
  Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, and Y). Sixty percent
  of the sample had Hipparcos parallaxes and V-band photometry, which
  we combined with the spectroscopic results to obtain mass, radius,
  and luminosity. Additionally, we used the luminosity, effective
  temperature, metallicity and α-element enhancement to interpolate in
  the Yonsei-Yale isochrones to derive mass, radius, gravity, and age
  ranges for those stars. Finally, we determined new relations between
  effective temperature and macroturbulence for dwarfs and subgiants. Our
  analysis achieved precisions of 25 K in {T}<SUB>{eff</SUB>}, 0.01 dex in
  [M/H], 0.028 dex for {log}g, and 0.5 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> in v\sin I based
  on multiple observations of the same stars. The abundance results were
  similarly precise, between ∼0.01 and ∼0.04 dex, though trends with
  respect to {T}<SUB>{eff</SUB>} remained for which we derived empirical
  corrections. The trends, though small, were much larger than our
  uncertainties and are shared with published abundances. We show that
  changing our model atmosphere grid accounts for most of the trend in
  [M/H] between 5000 and 5500 K, indicating a possible problem with the
  atmosphere models or opacities.

Title: The "+" for CRIRES: enabling better science at infrared
    wavelength and high spectral resolution at the ESO VLT
Authors: Dorn, Reinhold J.; Follert, Roman; Bristow, Paul; Cumani,
   Claudio; Eschbaumer, Siegfried; Grunhut, Jason; Haimerl, Andreas;
   Hatzes, Artie; Heiter, Ulrike; Hinterschuster, Renate; Ives, Derek
   J.; Jung, Yves; Kerber, Florian; Klein, Barbara; Lavail, Alexis;
   Lizon, Jean Louis; Löwinger, Tom; Molina-Conde, Ignacio; Nicholson,
   Belinda; Marquart, Thomas; Oliva, Ernesto; Origlia, Livia; Pasquini,
   Luca; Paufique, Jérôme; Piskunov, Nikolai; Reiners, Ansgar; Seemann,
   Ulf; Stegmeier, Jörg; Stempels, Eric; Tordo, Sebastien
2016SPIE.9908E..0ID    Altcode:
  The adaptive optics (AO) assisted CRIRES instrument is an IR (0.92
  - 5.2 μm) high-resolution spectrograph was in operation from 2006
  to 2014 at the Very Large Telescope (VLT) observatory. CRIRES was
  a unique instrument, accessing a parameter space (wavelength range
  and spectral resolution) up to now largely uncharted. It consisted
  of a single-order spectrograph providing long-slit (40 arcsecond)
  spectroscopy with a resolving power up to R=100 000. However the
  setup was limited to a narrow, single-shot, spectral range of
  about 1/70 of the central wavelength, resulting in low observing
  efficiency for many scientific programmes requiring a broad spectral
  coverage. The CRIRES upgrade project, CRIRES<SUP>+</SUP>, transforms
  this VLT instrument into a cross-dispersed spectrograph to increase the
  simultaneously covered wavelength range by a factor of ten. A new and
  larger detector focal plane array of three Hawaii 2RG detectors with
  5.3 μm cut-off wavelength will replace the existing detectors. For
  advanced wavelength calibration, custom-made absorption gas cells and
  an etalon system will be added. A spectro-polarimetric unit will allow
  the recording of circular and linear polarized spectra. This upgrade
  will be supported by dedicated data reduction software allowing the
  community to take full advantage of the new capabilities offered by
  CRIRES<SUP>+</SUP>. CRIRES<SUP>+</SUP> has now entered its assembly
  and integration phase and will return with all new capabilities by the
  beginning of 2018 to the Very Large Telescope in Chile. This article
  will provide the reader with an update of the current status of the
  instrument as well as the remaining steps until final installation at
  the Paranal Observatory.

Title: CRIRES+: A High Resolution Near-Infrared Spectro(Polari)Meter
    At The VLT
Authors: Lavail, Alexis; Piskunov, Nikolai; Heiter, Ulrike; Marquart,
   Thomas; Stempels, Eric; Crires+ Consortium
2016csss.confE..48L    Altcode:
  CRIRES, the CRyogenic high-resolution InfraRed Echelle Spectrograph
  has been removed from the ESO's Very Large Telescope in 2014 to
  undergo a massive upgrade. The upgraded CRIRES+ instrument will
  be a cross-dispersed spectrograph; gain a tenfold increase in
  simultaneous wavelength coverage; have new detectors, gas cells for
  wavelength calibration, polarimeter unit enabling spectropolarimeteric
  observations; and benefit from a new Data Reduction Software.

Title: Hunting For Strong Magnetic Fields In Rapidly Rotating Sun-Like
    Stars With Stokes-I Observations
Authors: Shulyak, Denis; Malo, Lison; Reiners, Ansgar; Kochukhov,
   Oleg; Jeffers, Sandra; Piskunov, Nikolai
2016csss.confE.118S    Altcode:
  Stars with convective envelopes can generate strong magnetic fields<BR
  /> through rotationally driven dynamos. Theory suggests that the
  maximum<BR /> magnetic field strength depends on the energy budget
  stored in<BR /> the stellar convective shell and can reach values
  of several kilogauss<BR /> in fastest rotating stars. We test this
  predictions by measuring<BR /> total magnetic flux and polarization
  in a sample of sun-like stars<BR /> that rotate close to the activity
  saturation limit.<BR /> We detect average magnetic flux densities of
  several hundred G in several of our targets,with the strongest field
  of about 1 kG in a K type star V383 Lac showing that young sun-like
  starscan produce average fields on the kG level.

Title: Hlinop: April 2016 Release
Authors: Barklem, Paul; Piskunov, Nikolai
2016zndo.....50215B    Altcode:
  First formal github release.  April 2016 version.

Title: Highlights of IAU Commission 29: Recent Advances and
    Perspectives on Stellar Spectroscopy
Authors: Cunha, Katia; Soderblom, David R.; Piskunov, Nikolai; Aoki,
   Wako; Asplund, Martin; Carpenter, Kenneth G.; Crowther, Paul; Melendez,
   Jorge; Venn, Kimberly; Hill, Vanessa; Yong, David
2016IAUTA..29..428C    Altcode:
  IAU Commission 29 - Stellar Spectra has been one of the IAU commissions
  from the onset, until its dissolution at the most recent IAU General
  Assembly in Honolulu in 2015. This commission belonged to IAU Division
  G (“Stars and Stellar Physics”), the latter committed with fostering
  research in stellar astrophysics. Within the general field of stellar
  astrophysics, stellar spectroscopy plays a key role, as stellar
  spectra are a powerful tool providing a view into the detailed physical
  properties of stars and the physical processes occuring within them.

Title: Accuracy of atmospheric parameters of FGK dwarfs determined
    by spectrum fitting
Authors: Ryabchikova, T.; Piskunov, N.; Pakhomov, Yu.; Tsymbal, V.;
   Titarenko, A.; Sitnova, T.; Alexeeva, S.; Fossati, L.; Mashonkina, L.
2016MNRAS.456.1221R    Altcode: 2015arXiv151106134R
  We performed extensive tests of the accuracy of atmospheric parameter
  determination for FGK stars based on the spectrum fitting procedure
  Spectroscopy Made Easy (SME). Our stellar sample consists of 13
  objects, including the Sun, in the temperature range 5000-6600 K and
  metallicity range -1.4-+0.4. The analysed stars have the advantage
  of having parameters derived by interferometry. For each star, we
  use spectra obtained with different spectrographs and different
  signal-to-noise ratios (S/N). For the fitting, we adopted three
  different sets of constraints and test how the derived parameters
  depend upon the spectral regions (masks) used in SME. We developed and
  implemented in SME a new method for estimating uncertainties in the
  resulting parameters based on fitting residuals, partial derivatives,
  and data uncertainties. For stars in the 5700-6600 K range, the best
  agreement with the effective temperatures derived by interferometry
  is achieved when spectrum fitting includes the H α and H β lines,
  while for cooler stars the choice of the mask does not affect the
  results. The derived atmospheric parameters do not strongly depend on
  spectral resolution and S/N of the observations, while the uncertainties
  in temperature and surface gravity increase with increasing effective
  temperature, with minima at 50 K in T<SUB>eff</SUB> and 0.1 dex in log
  g, for spectra with S/N=150-200. A non-local thermodynamic equilibrium
  (NLTE) analysis of the Ti I/Ti II and Fe I/Fe II ionization equilibria
  and abundances determined from the atomic C I (NLTE) and molecular
  CH species supports the parameters we derived with SME by fitting the
  observed spectra including the hydrogen lines.

Title: Scientific problems addressed by the Spektr-UV space project
    (world space Observatory—Ultraviolet)
Authors: Boyarchuk, A. A.; Shustov, B. M.; Savanov, I. S.; Sachkov,
   M. E.; Bisikalo, D. V.; Mashonkina, L. I.; Wiebe, D. Z.; Shematovich,
   V. I.; Shchekinov, Yu. A.; Ryabchikova, T. A.; Chugai, N. N.; Ivanov,
   P. B.; Voshchinnikov, N. V.; Gomez de Castro, A. I.; Lamzin, S. A.;
   Piskunov, N.; Ayres, T.; Strassmeier, K. G.; Jeffrey, S.; Zwintz,
   S. K.; Shulyak, D.; Gérard, J. -C.; Hubert, B.; Fossati, L.; Lammer,
   H.; Werner, K.; Zhilkin, A. G.; Kaigorodov, P. V.; Sichevskii, S. G.;
   Ustamuich, S.; Kanev, E. N.; Kil'pio, E. Yu.
2016ARep...60....1B    Altcode:
  The article presents a review of scientific problems and methods of
  ultraviolet astronomy, focusing on perspective scientific problems
  (directions) whose solution requires UV space observatories. These
  include reionization and the history of star formation in the Universe,
  searches for dark baryonic matter, physical and chemical processes
  in the interstellar medium and protoplanetary disks, the physics of
  accretion and outflows in astrophysical objects, from Active Galactic
  Nuclei to close binary stars, stellar activity (for both low-mass and
  high-mass stars), and processes occurring in the atmospheres of both
  planets in the solar system and exoplanets. Technological progress
  in UV astronomy achieved in recent years is also considered. The
  well advanced, international, Russian-led Spektr-UV (World Space
  Observatory—Ultraviolet) project is described in more detail. This
  project is directed at creating a major space observatory operational
  in the ultraviolet (115-310 nm). This observatory will provide an
  effective, and possibly the only, powerful means of observing in this
  spectral range over the next ten years, and will be an powerful tool
  for resolving many topical scientific problems.

Title: The EChO science case
Authors: Tinetti, Giovanna; Drossart, Pierre; Eccleston, Paul; Hartogh,
   Paul; Isaak, Kate; Linder, Martin; Lovis, Christophe; Micela, Giusi;
   Ollivier, Marc; Puig, Ludovic; Ribas, Ignasi; Snellen, Ignas; Swinyard,
   Bruce; Allard, France; Barstow, Joanna; Cho, James; Coustenis, Athena;
   Cockell, Charles; Correia, Alexandre; Decin, Leen; de Kok, Remco;
   Deroo, Pieter; Encrenaz, Therese; Forget, Francois; Glasse, Alistair;
   Griffith, Caitlin; Guillot, Tristan; Koskinen, Tommi; Lammer, Helmut;
   Leconte, Jeremy; Maxted, Pierre; Mueller-Wodarg, Ingo; Nelson, Richard;
   North, Chris; Pallé, Enric; Pagano, Isabella; Piccioni, Guseppe;
   Pinfield, David; Selsis, Franck; Sozzetti, Alessandro; Stixrude,
   Lars; Tennyson, Jonathan; Turrini, Diego; Zapatero-Osorio, Mariarosa;
   Beaulieu, Jean-Philippe; Grodent, Denis; Guedel, Manuel; Luz, David;
   Nørgaard-Nielsen, Hans Ulrik; Ray, Tom; Rickman, Hans; Selig,
   Avri; Swain, Mark; Banaszkiewicz, Marek; Barlow, Mike; Bowles, Neil;
   Branduardi-Raymont, Graziella; du Foresto, Vincent Coudé; Gerard,
   Jean-Claude; Gizon, Laurent; Hornstrup, Allan; Jarchow, Christopher;
   Kerschbaum, Franz; Kovacs, Géza; Lagage, Pierre-Olivier; Lim, Tanya;
   Lopez-Morales, Mercedes; Malaguti, Giuseppe; Pace, Emanuele; Pascale,
   Enzo; Vandenbussche, Bart; Wright, Gillian; Ramos Zapata, Gonzalo;
   Adriani, Alberto; Azzollini, Ruymán; Balado, Ana; Bryson, Ian;
   Burston, Raymond; Colomé, Josep; Crook, Martin; Di Giorgio, Anna;
   Griffin, Matt; Hoogeveen, Ruud; Ottensamer, Roland; Irshad, Ranah;
   Middleton, Kevin; Morgante, Gianluca; Pinsard, Frederic; Rataj, Mirek;
   Reess, Jean-Michel; Savini, Giorgio; Schrader, Jan-Rutger; Stamper,
   Richard; Winter, Berend; Abe, L.; Abreu, M.; Achilleos, N.; Ade, P.;
   Adybekian, V.; Affer, L.; Agnor, C.; Agundez, M.; Alard, C.; Alcala,
   J.; Allende Prieto, C.; Alonso Floriano, F. J.; Altieri, F.; Alvarez
   Iglesias, C. A.; Amado, P.; Andersen, A.; Aylward, A.; Baffa, C.;
   Bakos, G.; Ballerini, P.; Banaszkiewicz, M.; Barber, R. J.; Barrado,
   D.; Barton, E. J.; Batista, V.; Bellucci, G.; Belmonte Avilés,
   J. A.; Berry, D.; Bézard, B.; Biondi, D.; Błęcka, M.; Boisse, I.;
   Bonfond, B.; Bordé, P.; Börner, P.; Bouy, H.; Brown, L.; Buchhave,
   L.; Budaj, J.; Bulgarelli, A.; Burleigh, M.; Cabral, A.; Capria,
   M. T.; Cassan, A.; Cavarroc, C.; Cecchi-Pestellini, C.; Cerulli,
   R.; Chadney, J.; Chamberlain, S.; Charnoz, S.; Christian Jessen,
   N.; Ciaravella, A.; Claret, A.; Claudi, R.; Coates, A.; Cole, R.;
   Collura, A.; Cordier, D.; Covino, E.; Danielski, C.; Damasso, M.;
   Deeg, H. J.; Delgado-Mena, E.; Del Vecchio, C.; Demangeon, O.; De Sio,
   A.; De Wit, J.; Dobrijévic, M.; Doel, P.; Dominic, C.; Dorfi, E.;
   Eales, S.; Eiroa, C.; Espinoza Contreras, M.; Esposito, M.; Eymet,
   V.; Fabrizio, N.; Fernández, M.; Femenía Castella, B.; Figueira,
   P.; Filacchione, G.; Fletcher, L.; Focardi, M.; Fossey, S.; Fouqué,
   P.; Frith, J.; Galand, M.; Gambicorti, L.; Gaulme, P.; García López,
   R. J.; Garcia-Piquer, A.; Gear, W.; Gerard, J. -C.; Gesa, L.; Giani,
   E.; Gianotti, F.; Gillon, M.; Giro, E.; Giuranna, M.; Gomez, H.;
   Gomez-Leal, I.; Gonzalez Hernandez, J.; González Merino, B.; Graczyk,
   R.; Grassi, D.; Guardia, J.; Guio, P.; Gustin, J.; Hargrave, P.; Haigh,
   J.; Hébrard, E.; Heiter, U.; Heredero, R. L.; Herrero, E.; Hersant,
   F.; Heyrovsky, D.; Hollis, M.; Hubert, B.; Hueso, R.; Israelian, G.;
   Iro, N.; Irwin, P.; Jacquemoud, S.; Jones, G.; Jones, H.; Justtanont,
   K.; Kehoe, T.; Kerschbaum, F.; Kerins, E.; Kervella, P.; Kipping, D.;
   Koskinen, T.; Krupp, N.; Lahav, O.; Laken, B.; Lanza, N.; Lellouch,
   E.; Leto, G.; Licandro Goldaracena, J.; Lithgow-Bertelloni, C.; Liu,
   S. J.; Lo Cicero, U.; Lodieu, N.; Lognonné, P.; Lopez-Puertas,
   M.; Lopez-Valverde, M. A.; Lundgaard Rasmussen, I.; Luntzer, A.;
   Machado, P.; MacTavish, C.; Maggio, A.; Maillard, J. -P.; Magnes, W.;
   Maldonado, J.; Mall, U.; Marquette, J. -B.; Mauskopf, P.; Massi, F.;
   Maurin, A. -S.; Medvedev, A.; Michaut, C.; Miles-Paez, P.; Montalto,
   M.; Montañés Rodríguez, P.; Monteiro, M.; Montes, D.; Morais, H.;
   Morales, J. C.; Morales-Calderón, M.; Morello, G.; Moro Martín,
   A.; Moses, J.; Moya Bedon, A.; Murgas Alcaino, F.; Oliva, E.; Orton,
   G.; Palla, F.; Pancrazzi, M.; Pantin, E.; Parmentier, V.; Parviainen,
   H.; Peña Ramírez, K. Y.; Peralta, J.; Perez-Hoyos, S.; Petrov, R.;
   Pezzuto, S.; Pietrzak, R.; Pilat-Lohinger, E.; Piskunov, N.; Prinja,
   R.; Prisinzano, L.; Polichtchouk, I.; Poretti, E.; Radioti, A.; Ramos,
   A. A.; Rank-Lüftinger, T.; Read, P.; Readorn, K.; Rebolo López,
   R.; Rebordão, J.; Rengel, M.; Rezac, L.; Rocchetto, M.; Rodler, F.;
   Sánchez Béjar, V. J.; Sanchez Lavega, A.; Sanromá, E.; Santos,
   N.; Sanz Forcada, J.; Scandariato, G.; Schmider, F. -X.; Scholz,
   A.; Scuderi, S.; Sethenadh, J.; Shore, S.; Showman, A.; Sicardy, B.;
   Sitek, P.; Smith, A.; Soret, L.; Sousa, S.; Stiepen, A.; Stolarski,
   M.; Strazzulla, G.; Tabernero, H. M.; Tanga, P.; Tecsa, M.; Temple,
   J.; Terenzi, L.; Tessenyi, M.; Testi, L.; Thompson, S.; Thrastarson,
   H.; Tingley, B. W.; Trifoglio, M.; Martín Torres, J.; Tozzi, A.;
   Turrini, D.; Varley, R.; Vakili, F.; de Val-Borro, M.; Valdivieso,
   M. L.; Venot, O.; Villaver, E.; Vinatier, S.; Viti, S.; Waldmann,
   I.; Waltham, D.; Ward-Thompson, D.; Waters, R.; Watkins, C.; Watson,
   D.; Wawer, P.; Wawrzaszk, A.; White, G.; Widemann, T.; Winek, W.;
   Wiśniowski, T.; Yelle, R.; Yung, Y.; Yurchenko, S. N.
2015ExA....40..329T    Altcode: 2015ExA...tmp...67T; 2015arXiv150205747T
  The discovery of almost two thousand exoplanets has revealed an
  unexpectedly diverse planet population. We see gas giants in few-day
  orbits, whole multi-planet systems within the orbit of Mercury,
  and new populations of planets with masses between that of the Earth
  and Neptune—all unknown in the Solar System. Observations to date
  have shown that our Solar System is certainly not representative of
  the general population of planets in our Milky Way. The key science
  questions that urgently need addressing are therefore: What are
  exoplanets made of? Why are planets as they are? How do planetary
  systems work and what causes the exceptional diversity observed as
  compared to the Solar System? The EChO (Exoplanet Characterisation
  Observatory) space mission was conceived to take up the challenge to
  explain this diversity in terms of formation, evolution, internal
  structure and planet and atmospheric composition. This requires
  in-depth spectroscopic knowledge of the atmospheres of a large and
  well-defined planet sample for which precise physical, chemical and
  dynamical information can be obtained. In order to fulfil this ambitious
  scientific program, EChO was designed as a dedicated survey mission
  for transit and eclipse spectroscopy capable of observing a large,
  diverse and well-defined planet sample within its 4-year mission
  lifetime. The transit and eclipse spectroscopy method, whereby the
  signal from the star and planet are differentiated using knowledge of
  the planetary ephemerides, allows us to measure atmospheric signals
  from the planet at levels of at least 10<SUP>-4</SUP> relative to
  the star. This can only be achieved in conjunction with a carefully
  designed stable payload and satellite platform. It is also necessary
  to provide broad instantaneous wavelength coverage to detect as many
  molecular species as possible, to probe the thermal structure of the
  planetary atmospheres and to correct for the contaminating effects of
  the stellar photosphere. This requires wavelength coverage of at least
  0.55 to 11 μm with a goal of covering from 0.4 to 16 μm. Only modest
  spectral resolving power is needed, with R ~ 300 for wavelengths less
  than 5 μm and R ~ 30 for wavelengths greater than this. The transit
  spectroscopy technique means that no spatial resolution is required. A
  telescope collecting area of about 1 m<SUP>2</SUP> is sufficiently
  large to achieve the necessary spectro-photometric precision: for the
  Phase A study a 1.13 m<SUP>2</SUP> telescope, diffraction limited at 3
  μm has been adopted. Placing the satellite at L2 provides a cold and
  stable thermal environment as well as a large field of regard to allow
  efficient time-critical observation of targets randomly distributed over
  the sky. EChO has been conceived to achieve a single goal: exoplanet
  spectroscopy. The spectral coverage and signal-to-noise to be achieved
  by EChO, thanks to its high stability and dedicated design, would be
  a game changer by allowing atmospheric composition to be measured
  with unparalleled exactness: at least a factor 10 more precise and
  a factor 10 to 1000 more accurate than current observations. This
  would enable the detection of molecular abundances three orders of
  magnitude lower than currently possible and a fourfold increase from
  the handful of molecules detected to date. Combining these data with
  estimates of planetary bulk compositions from accurate measurements
  of their radii and masses would allow degeneracies associated with
  planetary interior modelling to be broken, giving unique insight
  into the interior structure and elemental abundances of these alien
  worlds. EChO would allow scientists to study exoplanets both as a
  population and as individuals. The mission can target super-Earths,
  Neptune-like, and Jupiter-like planets, in the very hot to temperate
  zones (planet temperatures of 300-3000 K) of F to M-type host stars. The
  EChO core science would be delivered by a three-tier survey. The EChO
  Chemical Census: This is a broad survey of a few-hundred exoplanets,
  which allows us to explore the spectroscopic and chemical diversity of
  the exoplanet population as a whole. The EChO Origin: This is a deep
  survey of a subsample of tens of exoplanets for which significantly
  higher signal to noise and spectral resolution spectra can be obtained
  to explain the origin of the exoplanet diversity (such as formation
  mechanisms, chemical processes, atmospheric escape). The EChO Rosetta
  Stones: This is an ultra-high accuracy survey targeting a subsample
  of select exoplanets. These will be the bright "benchmark" cases
  for which a large number of measurements would be taken to explore
  temporal variations, and to obtain two and three dimensional spatial
  information on the atmospheric conditions through eclipse-mapping
  techniques. If EChO were launched today, the exoplanets currently
  observed are sufficient to provide a large and diverse sample. The
  Chemical Census survey would consist of &gt; 160 exoplanets with a range
  of planetary sizes, temperatures, orbital parameters and stellar host
  properties. Additionally, over the next 10 years, several new ground-
  and space-based transit photometric surveys and missions will come
  on-line (e.g. NGTS, CHEOPS, TESS, PLATO), which will specifically focus
  on finding bright, nearby systems. The current rapid rate of discovery
  would allow the target list to be further optimised in the years prior
  to EChO's launch and enable the atmospheric characterisation of hundreds
  of planets.

Title: Doppler imaging of LQ Hydrae for 1998-2002
Authors: Cole, E. M.; Hackman, T.; Käpylä, M. J.; Ilyin, I.;
   Kochukhov, O.; Piskunov, N.
2015A&A...581A..69C    Altcode: 2015arXiv150403673C
  <BR /> Aims: We study the spot distribution on the surface of LQ Hya
  during the observing seasons October 1998-November 2002. We look for
  persistent active longitudes, trends in the level of spot activity
  and compare to photometric data. <BR /> Methods: We apply the Doppler
  imaging technique on photospheric spectral lines using an inversion
  code to retrieve images of the surface temperature. <BR /> Results:
  We present new temperature maps using multiple spectral lines for
  a total of 7 seasons. <BR /> Conclusions: We find no evidence for
  active longitudes persisting over multiple observing seasons. The spot
  activity appears to be concentrated to two latitude regions. Using
  the currently accepted rotation period, we find spot structures
  to show a trend in the phase-time plot, indicative of a need for
  a longer period. We conclude that the long-term activity of LQ Hya
  is more chaotic than that of some magnetically active binary stars
  analyzed with similar methods, but still with clear indications of
  an activity cycle from the photometry. <P />Based on observations
  made with the Nordic Optical Telescope, operated on the island of La
  Palma jointly by Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden, in the
  Spanish Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of the Instituto de
  Astrofisica de Canarias. Table 2 is available in electronic form at <A

Title: Using near-infrared spectroscopy for characterization of
    transiting exoplanets (Corrigendum)
Authors: Aronson, E.; Waldén, P.; Piskunov, N.
2015A&A...581C...1A    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: HLINOP: Hydrogen LINe OPacity in stellar atmospheres
Authors: Barklem, P. S.; Piskunov, N.
2015ascl.soft07008B    Altcode:
  HLINOP is a collection of codes for computing hydrogen line profiles
  and opacities in the conditions typical of stellar atmospheres. It
  includes HLINOP for approximate quick calculation of any line of
  neutral hydrogen (suitable for model atmosphere calculations),
  based on the Fortran code of Kurucz and Peterson found in <A
  It also includes HLINPROF, for detailed, accurate calculation of lower
  Balmer line profiles (suitable for detailed analysis of Balmer lines)
  and HBOP, to implement the occupation probability formalism of Daeppen,
  Anderson and Milhalas (1987) and thus account for the merging of
  bound-bound and bound-free opacity (used often as a wrapper to HLINOP
  for model atmosphere calculations).

Title: Posters: Poster #73927: High-resolution transmission
    spectroscopy of exoplanets with the ground-based instruments
Authors: Piskunov, Nikolai; Aronson, Erik
2015pthp.confE..54P    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Accurate Gravities of F, G, and K stars from High Resolution
    Spectra Without External Constraints
Authors: Brewer, John M.; Fischer, Debra A.; Basu, Sarbani; Valenti,
   Jeff A.; Piskunov, Nikolai
2015ApJ...805..126B    Altcode: 2015arXiv150307180B
  We demonstrate a new procedure to derive accurate and precise surface
  gravities from high resolution spectra without the use of external
  constraints. Our analysis utilizes Spectroscopy Made Easy with robust
  spectral line constraints and uses an iterative process to mitigate
  degeneracies in the fitting process. We adopt an updated radiative
  transfer code, a new treatment for neutral perturber broadening, a line
  list with multiple gravity constraints and separate fitting for global
  stellar properties and abundance determinations. To investigate the
  sources of temperature dependent trends in determining log {\mkern 1mu}
  g noted in previous studies, we obtained Keck HIRES spectra of 42 Kepler
  asteroseismic stars. In comparison to asteroseismically determined log
  {\mkern 1mu} g our spectroscopic analysis has a constant offset of 0.01
  dex with a rms scatter of 0.05 dex. We also analyzed 30 spectra which
  had published surface gravities determined using the a/{{R}<SUB>*</SUB>}
  technique from planetary transits and found a constant offset of 0.06
  dex and rms scatter of 0.07 dex. The two samples covered effective
  temperatures between 5000 and 6700 K with log {\mkern 1mu} g between
  3.7 and 4.6.

Title: On the Accuracy of Atmospheric Parameter Determination in
    BAFGK Stars
Authors: Ryabchikova, T.; Piskunov, N.; Shulyak, D.
2015ASPC..494..308R    Altcode:
  During the past few years, many papers determining the atmospheric
  parameters in FGK stars appeared in the literature where the accuracy
  of effective temperatures is given as 20-40 K. For main sequence
  stars within the 5 000-13 000 K temperature range, we have performed
  a comparative analysis of the parameters derived from the spectra by
  using the SME (Spectroscopy Made Easy) package and those found in the
  literature. Our sample includes standard stars Sirius, Procyon, δ
  Eri, and the Sun. Combining different spectral regions in the fitting
  procedure, we investigated an effect different atomic species have
  on the derived atmospheric parameters. The temperature difference
  may exceed 100 K depending on the spectral regions used in the SME
  procedure. It is shown that the atmospheric parameters derived with
  the SME procedure which includes wings of hydrogen lines in fitting
  agrees better with the results derived by the other methods and tools
  across a large part of the main sequence. For three stars—π Cet,
  21 Peg, and Procyon—the atmospheric parameters were also derived by
  fitting a calculated energy distribution to the observed one. We found
  a substantial difference in the parameters inferred from different sets
  and combinations of spectrophotometric observations. An intercomparison
  of our results and literature data shows that the average accuracy of
  effective temperature determination for cool stars and for the early
  B-stars is 70-85 K and 170-200 K, respectively.

Title: Stellar activity as noise in exoplanet detection - I. Methods
    and application to solar-like stars and activity cycles
Authors: Korhonen, H.; Andersen, J. M.; Piskunov, N.; Hackman, T.;
   Juncher, D.; Järvinen, S. P.; Jørgensen, U. G.
2015MNRAS.448.3038K    Altcode: 2015arXiv150100981K
  The detection of exoplanets using any method is prone to confusion
  due to the intrinsic variability of the host star. We investigate the
  effect of cool starspots on the detectability of the exoplanets around
  solar-like stars using the radial velocity method. For investigating
  this activity-caused `jitter' we calculate synthetic spectra using
  radiative transfer, known stellar atomic and molecular lines, different
  surface spot configurations and an added planetary signal. Here, the
  methods are described in detail, tested and compared to previously
  published studies. The methods are also applied to investigate the
  activity jitter in old and young solar-like stars, and over a solar-like
  activity cycles. We find that the mean full jitter amplitude obtained
  from the spot surfaces mimicking the solar activity varies during the
  cycle approximately between 1 and 9 m s<SUP>-1</SUP>. With a realistic
  observing frequency a Neptune-mass planet on a 1-yr orbit can be
  reliably recovered. On the other hand, the recovery of an Earth-mass
  planet on a similar orbit is not feasible with high significance. The
  methods developed in this study have a great potential for doing
  statistical studies of planet detectability, and also for investigating
  the effect of stellar activity on recovered planetary parameters.

Title: Magnetic field topology and chemical spot distributions in
    the extreme Ap star HD 75049
Authors: Kochukhov, O.; Rusomarov, N.; Valenti, J. A.; Stempels, H. C.;
   Snik, F.; Rodenhuis, M.; Piskunov, N.; Makaganiuk, V.; Keller, C. U.;
   Johns-Krull, C. M.
2015A&A...574A..79K    Altcode: 2014arXiv1411.7518K
  Context. Intermediate-mass, magnetic chemically peculiar (Ap) stars
  provide a unique opportunity to study the topology of stellar magnetic
  fields in detail and to investigate magnetically driven processes
  of spot formation. <BR /> Aims: Here we aim to derive the surface
  magnetic field geometry and chemical abundance distributions for the
  extraordinary Ap star HD 75049. This object hosts a surface field of
  ~30 kG, one of the strongest known for any non-degenerate star. <BR />
  Methods: We used time-series of high-resolution HARPS intensity and
  circular polarisation observations. These data were interpreted with the
  help of magnetic Doppler imaging and model atmospheres incorporating
  effects of a non-solar chemical composition and a strong magnetic
  field. <BR /> Results: Based on high-precision measurements of the
  mean magnetic field modulus, we refined the rotational period of HD
  75049 to P<SUB>rot</SUB> = 4.048267 ± 0.000036 d. We also derived
  basic stellar parameters, T<SUB>eff</SUB> = 10 250 ± 250 K and log g =
  4.3 ± 0.1. Magnetic Doppler imaging revealed that the field topology
  of HD 75049 is poloidal and dominated by a dipolar contribution with
  a peak surface field strength of 39 kG. At the same time, deviations
  from the classical axisymmetric oblique dipolar configuration are
  significant. Chemical surface maps of Si, Cr, Fe, and Nd show abundance
  contrasts of 0.5-1.4 dex, which is low compared with many other Ap
  stars. Of the chemical elements, Nd is found to be enhanced close to
  the magnetic pole, whereas Si and Cr are concentrated predominantly
  at the magnetic equator. The iron distribution shows low-contrast
  features both at the magnetic equator and the pole. <BR /> Conclusions:
  The morphology of the magnetic field and the properties of chemical
  spots in HD 75049 are qualitatively similar to those of Ap stars with
  weaker fields. Consequently, whatever mechanism forms and sustains
  global magnetic fields in intermediate-mass main-sequence stars, it
  operates in the same way over the entire observed range of magnetic
  field strengths. <P />Based on observations collected at the European
  Southern Observatory, Chile (ESO programs 084.D-0338, 085.D-0296,
  086.D-0240, 088.D-0066, 090.D-0256, 078.D-0192, 080.D-0170).

Title: Serendipitous Discovery of a Dwarf Nova in the Kepler Field
    Near the G Dwarf KIC 5438845
Authors: Brown, Alexander; Neff, James E.; Ayres, Thomas R.; Kowalski,
   Adam; Hawley, Suzanne; Berdyugina, Svetlana; Harper, Graham M.;
   Korhonen, Heidi; Piskunov, Nikolai; Saar, Steven; Walkowicz, Lucianne;
   Wells, Mark A.
2015AJ....149...67B    Altcode:
  The Kepler satellite provides a unique window into stellar temporal
  variability by observing a wide variety of stars with multi-year,
  near-continuous, high precision, optical photometric time series. While
  most Kepler targets are faint stars with poorly known physical
  properties, many unexpected discoveries should result from a long
  photometric survey of such a large area of sky. During our Kepler
  Guest Observer programs that monitored late-type stars for starspot and
  flaring variability, we discovered a previously unknown dwarf nova that
  lies within a few arcseconds of the mid-G dwarf star KIC 5438845. This
  dwarf nova underwent nine outbursts over a 4 year time span. The two
  largest outbursts lasted ∼17-18 days and show strong modulations with
  a 110.8 minute period and a declining amplitude during the outburst
  decay phase. These properties are characteristic of an SU UMa-type
  cataclysmic variable. By analogy with other dwarf nova light curves,
  we associate the 110.8 minute (1.847 hr) period with the superhump
  period, close to but slightly longer than the orbital period of the
  binary. No precursor outbursts are seen before the super-outbursts
  and the overall super-outburst morphology corresponds to Osaki &amp;
  Meyer “Case B” outbursts, which are initiated when the outer edge
  of the disk reaches the tidal truncation radius. “Case B” outbursts
  are rare within the Kepler light curves of dwarf novae. The dwarf nova
  is undergoing relatively slow mass transfer, as evidenced by the long
  intervals between outbursts, but the mass transfer rate appears to
  be steady, because the smaller “normal” outbursts show a strong
  correlation between the integrated outburst energy and the elapsed time
  since the previous outburst. At super-outburst maximum the system was
  at V ∼ 18, but in quiescence it is fainter than V ∼ 22, which will
  make any detailed quiescent follow-up of this system difficult.

Title: Stellar magnetic fields from four Stokes parameter observations
Authors: Rusomarov, N.; Kochukhov, O.; Piskunov, N.
2015IAUS..307..395R    Altcode: 2014arXiv1407.7912R
  Magnetic Doppler imaging (MDI) from observations of four Stokes
  parameters can uncover new information that is of interest to the
  evolution and structure of magnetic fields of intermediate and high-mass
  stars. Our MDI study of the chemically peculiar star HD 24712 from four
  Stokes parameter observations, obtained with the HARPSpol instrument
  at the 3.6-m ESO telescope, revealed a magnetic field with strong
  dipolar component and weak small-scale contributions. This finding
  gives evidence for the hypothesis that old Ap stars have predominantly
  dipolar magnetic fields.

Title: Three-dimensional magnetic and abundance mapping of the cool
    Ap star HD 24712. II. Two-dimensional magnetic Doppler imaging in
    all four Stokes parameters
Authors: Rusomarov, N.; Kochukhov, O.; Ryabchikova, T.; Piskunov, N.
2015A&A...573A.123R    Altcode: 2014arXiv1409.6955R
  <BR /> Aims: We present a magnetic Doppler imaging study from all Stokes
  parameters of the cool, chemically peculiar star HD 24712. This is
  the very first such analysis performed at a resolving power exceeding
  10<SUP>5</SUP>. <BR /> Methods: The analysis is performed on the basis
  of phase-resolved observations of line profiles in all four Stokes
  parameters obtained with the HARPSpol instrument attached at the 3.6
  m ESO telescope. We used the magnetic Doppler imaging code invers10,
  which allowed us to derive the magnetic field geometry and surface
  chemical abundance distributions simultaneously. <BR /> Results: We
  report magnetic maps of HD 24712 recovered from a selection of Fe
  i, Fe ii, Nd iii, and Na i lines with strong polarization signals
  in all Stokes parameters. Our magnetic maps successfully reproduce
  most of the details available from our observation data. We used
  these magnetic field maps to produce abundance distribution map of
  Ca. This new analysis shows that the surface magnetic field of HD
  24712 has a dominant dipolar component with a weak contribution from
  higher-order harmonics. The surface abundance distributions of Fe and
  Ca show enhancements near the magnetic equator with an underabundant
  patch at the visible (positive) magnetic pole; Nd is highly abundant
  around the positive magnetic pole. The Na abundance map shows a high
  overabundance around the negative magnetic pole. <BR /> Conclusions:
  Based on our investigation and similar recent magnetic mapping studies
  that used four Stokes parameters, we present tentative evidence for
  the hypothesis that Ap stars with dipole-like fields are older than
  stars with magnetic fields that have more small-scale structures. We
  find that our abundance maps are inconsistent with recent theoretical
  calculations of atomic diffusion in presence of magnetic fields. <P
  />Based on observations collected at the European Southern Observatory,
  Chile (ESO programs 084.D-0338, 085.D-0296, 086.D-0240).

Title: Methodology for measuring fundamental parameters and associated
    uncertainties for middle and cool main-sequence stars
Authors: Piskunov, N.; Ryabchikova, T.; Titarenko, A.; Pakhomov,
   Yu. V.; Nizamov, B.
2014psce.conf..130P    Altcode:
  We have performed a study of a representative group of main-sequence
  stars in the temperature range 5000-10000 K in order to test our
  methodology for determining fundamental parameters and for the
  assesment of associated uncertainties. The stars selected have
  reasonably well-established parameters. This paper presents all the
  steps of our method, from the selection of spectral intervals and
  atomic/molecular data, to the determination of effective temperatures,
  surface gravities and metallicities.

Title: Magnetic fields of Ap stars from full Stokes
    spectropolarimetric observations
Authors: Rusomarov, N.; Kochukhov, O.; Piskunov, N.
2014psce.conf..380R    Altcode: 2013arXiv1310.0664R
  Current knowledge about stellar magnetic fields relies almost entirely
  on observations of circular polarization. Few objects have been
  observed in all four Stokes parameters. The magnetic Ap star HD 24712
  (DO Eri, HR 1217) was recently observed in the Stokes IQUV parameters
  with the HARPSpol instrument at the 3.6-m ESO telescope as part of our
  project at investigating Ap stars in all four Stokes parameters. The
  resulting spectra have dense phase coverage, resolving power &gt; 10^5,
  and S/N ratio of 300-600. These are the highest quality full Stokes
  observations obtained for any star other than the Sun. We present
  preliminary results from magnetic Doppler imaging of HD 24712. This
  analysis is the first step towards obtaining detailed 3-D maps of
  magnetic fields and abundance structures for HD 24712 and for other
  Ap stars that we are currently observing with HARPSpol.

Title: Exoplanet Science with the European Extremely Large
    Telescope. The Case for Visible and Near-IR Spectroscopy at High
Authors: Udry, S.; Lovis, C.; Bouchy, F.; Collier Cameron, A.; Henning,
   T.; Mayor, M.; Pepe, F.; Piskunov, N.; Pollacco, D.; Queloz, D.;
   Quirrenbach, A.; Rauer, H.; Rebolo, R.; Santos, N. C.; Snellen, I.;
   Zerbi, F.
2014arXiv1412.1048U    Altcode:
  Exoplanet science is booming. In 20 years our knowledge has expanded
  considerably, from the first discovery of a Hot Jupiter, to the
  detection of a large population of Neptunes and super-Earths,
  to the first steps toward the characterization of exoplanet
  atmospheres. Between today and 2025, the field will evolve at an even
  faster pace with the advent of several space-based transit search
  missions, ground-based spectrographs, high-contrast imaging facilities,
  and the James Webb Space Telescope. Especially the ESA M-class PLATO
  mission will be a game changer in the field. From 2024 onwards, PLATO
  will find transiting terrestrial planets orbiting within the habitable
  zones of nearby, bright stars. These objects will require the power
  of Extremely Large Telescopes (ELTs) to be characterized further. The
  technique of ground-based high-resolution spectroscopy is establishing
  itself as a crucial pathway to measure chemical composition, atmospheric
  structure and atmospheric circulation in transiting exoplanets. A
  high-resolution spectrograph covering the visible and near-IR domains,
  mounted on the European ELT, will be able to detect molecules such as
  water vapour, carbon dioxide and oxygen in the atmospheres of habitable
  planets under favourable circumstances. E-ELT HiRES is the perfect
  ground-based match to the PLATO space mission and represents a unique
  opportunity for Europe to lead the world into the era of exploration
  of exoplanets with habitable conditions. HiRES will also be extremely
  complementary to other E-ELT planned instruments specialising in
  different kinds of planets, such as METIS and EPICS.

Title: HIRES: the high resolution spectrograph for the E-ELT
Authors: Zerbi, F. M.; Bouchy, F.; Fynbo, J.; Maiolino, R.; Piskunov,
   N.; Rebolo Lopez, R.; Santos, N.; Strassmeier, K.; Udry, S.; Vanzi,
   L.; Riva, M.; Basden, A.; Boisse, I.; Bonfils, X.; Buscher, D.; Cabral,
   A.; Dimarcantonio, P.; Di Varano, I.; Henry, D.; Monteiro, M.; Morris,
   T.; Murray, G.; Oliva, Ernesto; Parry, I.; Pepe, F.; Quirrenbach, A.;
   Rasilla, J. L.; Rees, P.; Stempels, E.; Valenziano, L.; Wells, M.;
   Wildi, F.; Origlia, L.; Allende Prieto, C.; Chiavassa, A.; Cristiani,
   S.; Figueira, P.; Gustafsson, B.; Hatzes, A.; Haehnelt, M.; Heng,
   K.; Israelian, G.; Kochukhov, O.; Lovis, C.; Marconi, A.; Martins,
   C. J. A. P.; Noterdaeme, P.; Petitjean, P.; Puzia, T.; Queloz, D.;
   Reiners, A.; Zoccali, M.
2014SPIE.9147E..23Z    Altcode:
  The current instrumentation plan for the E-ELT foresees a High
  Resolution Spectrograph conventionally indicated as HIRES. Shaped
  on the study of extra-solar planet atmospheres, Pop-III stars and
  fundamental physical constants, HIRES is intended to embed observing
  modes at high-resolution (up to R=150000) and large spectral range
  (from the blue limit to the K band) useful for a large suite of science
  cases that can exclusively be tackled by the E-ELT. We present in
  this paper the solution for HIRES envisaged by the "HIRES initiative",
  the international collaboration established in 2013 to pursue a HIRES
  on E-ELT.

Title: Magnetic fields in M-dwarfs from high-resolution infrared
Authors: Shulyak, D.; Reiners, A.; Seemann, U.; Kochukhov, O.;
   Piskunov, N.
2014IAUS..302..170S    Altcode:
  Accurate spectroscopic measurements of magnetic fields in low mass
  stars remain challenging because of their cool temperatures, strong
  line blending, and often fast rotation. This is why previous estimates
  were based either on the analysis of only a few lines or made use of
  some indirect techniques. This frequently led to noticeable scatter in
  obtained results. In this talk I will present and discuss new results
  on the determination of the intensity and geometry of the magnetic
  fields in M-dwarfs using IR observations obtained with CRIRES@VLT. The
  instrument provides unprecedented data of high resolution (R = 100
  000) which is crucial for resolving individual magnetically broadened
  molecular and atomic lines. Such an in-depth analysis based on direct
  magnetic spectral synthesis opens a possibility to deduce both field
  intensity and geometry avoiding most of the limitation and assumptions
  made in previous studies.

Title: Wavelength calibration from 1-5μm for the CRIRES+
    high-resolution spectrograph at the VLT
Authors: Seemann, U.; Anglada-Escude, G.; Baade, D.; Bristow, P.;
   Dorn, R. J.; Follert, R.; Gojak, D.; Grunhut, J.; Hatzes, A. P.;
   Heiter, U.; Ives, D. J.; Jeep, P.; Jung, Y.; Käufl, H. -U.; Kerber,
   F.; Klein, B.; Lizon, J. -L.; Lockhart, M.; Löwinger, T.; Marquart,
   T.; Oliva, E.; Paufique, J.; Piskunov, N.; Pozna, E.; Reiners, A.;
   Smette, A.; Smoker, J.; Stempels, E.; Valenti, E.
2014SPIE.9147E..5GS    Altcode:
  CRIRES at the VLT is one of the few adaptive optics enabled instruments
  that offer a resolving power of 10<SUP>5</SUP> from 1 - 5 μm. An
  instrument upgrade (CRIRES+) is proposed to implement cross-dispersion
  capabilities, spectro-polarimetry modes, a new detector mosaic, and a
  new gas absorption cell. CRIRES+ will boost the simultaneous wavelength
  coverage of the current instrument (~ γ/70 in a single-order) by a
  factor of 10 in the cross-dispersed configuration, while still retaining
  a ~&gt; 10 arcsec slit suitable for long-slit spectroscopy. CRIRES+
  dramatically enhances the instrument's observing efficiency, and
  opens new scientific opportunities. These include high-precision
  radial-velocity studies on the 3 m/s level to characterize extra-solar
  planets and their athmospheres, which demand for specialized, highly
  accurate wavelength calibration techniques. In this paper, we present a
  newly developed absorption gas-cell to enable high-precision wavelength
  calibration for CRIRES+. We also discuss the strategies and developments
  to cover the full operational spectral range (1 - 5 μµm), employing
  cathode emission lamps, Fabry-Perot etalons, and absorption gas-cells.

Title: Magnetic fields of Ap stars from full Stokes vector
    spectropolarimetric observations
Authors: Rusomarov, N.; Kochukhov, O.; Piskunov, N.
2014IAUS..302..304R    Altcode: 2013arXiv1310.0412R
  Current knowledge about stellar magnetic fields relies almost entirely
  on circular polarization observations, with very few objects having been
  observed in all four Stokes parameters. We are investigating a sample
  of Ap stars in all four Stokes parameters using the HARPSpol instrument
  at the 3.6-m ESO telescope. In the context of this project we recently
  observed the magnetic Ap star HD 24712 (DO Eri, HR 1217). The resulting
  spectra have dense phase coverage, resolving power &gt; 10<SUP>5</SUP>,
  and S/N ratio of 300-600. These are the highest quality full Stokes
  observations obtained for any star other than the Sun. Furthermore, we
  have achieved good phase coverage for HD 125248 and HD 119419. Typical
  four Stokes parameters HARPSpol spectra are shown in Fig. 1. An analysis
  of the full Stokes vector spectropolarimetric data set of HD 24712
  has been published in Rusomarov et al. (2013).

Title: Opto-mechanical design of a new cross dispersion unit for
    the CRIRES+ high resolution spectrograph for the VLT
Authors: Lizon, Jean Louis; Klein, Barbara; Oliva, Ernesto; Löwinger,
   Tom; Anglada Escude, Guillem; Baade, Dietrich; Bristow, Paul; Dorn,
   Reinhold J.; Follert, Roman; Grunhut, Jason; Hatzes, Artie; Heiter,
   Ulrike; Ives, Derek; Jung, Yves; Kerber, Florian; Lockhart, Matt;
   Marquart, Thomas; Origlia, Livia; Pasquini, Luca; Paufique, Jerome;
   Piskunov, N.; Pozna, Eszter; Reiners, Ansgar; Smette, Alain; Smoker,
   Jonathan; Seemann, Ulf; Stempels, Eric; Valenti, Elena
2014SPIE.9147E..7SL    Altcode:
  CRIRES is one of the few IR (0.92-5.2 μm) high-resolution spectrographs
  in operation at the VLT since 2006. Despite good performance it
  suffers a limitation that significantly hampers its ability: a small
  spectral coverage per exposure. The CRIRES upgrade (CRIRES+) proposes to
  transform CRIRES into a cross-dispersed spectrograph while maintaining
  the high resolution (100000) and increasing the wavelength coverage
  by a factor 10 compared to the current capabilities. A major part of
  the upgrade is the exchange of the actual cryogenic pre-disperser
  module by a new cross disperser unit. In addition to a completely
  new optical design, a number of important changes are required on key
  components and functions like the slit unit and detectors units. We will
  outline the design of these new units fitting inside a predefined and
  restricted space. The mechanical design of the new functions including
  a description and analysis will be presented. Finally we will present
  the strategy for the implementation of the changes.

Title: Concept and optical design of the cross-disperser module
    for CRIRES+
Authors: Oliva, E.; Tozzi, A.; Ferruzzi, D.; Origlia, L.; Hatzes,
   A.; Follert, R.; Löwinger, T.; Piskunov, N.; Heiter, U.; Lockhart,
   M.; Marquart, T.; Stempels, E.; Reiners, A.; Anglada-Escude, G.;
   Seemann, Ulf; Dorn, R. J.; Bristow, P.; Baade, D.; Delabre, B.; Gojak,
   D.; Grunhut, J.; Klein, Barbara; Hilker, M.; Ives, D. J.; Jung, Y.;
   Kaeufl, H. -U.; Kerber, F.; Lizon, J. L.; Pasquini, L.; Paufique,
   J.; Pozna, Eszter; Smette, A.; Smoker, J.; Valenti, E.
2014SPIE.9147E..7RO    Altcode: 2014arXiv1407.3057O
  CRIRES, the ESO high resolution infrared spectrometer, is a unique
  instrument which allows astronomers to access a parameter space which
  up to now was largely uncharted. In its current setup, it consists
  of a single-order spectrograph providing long-slit, single-order
  spectroscopy with resolving power up to R=100,000 over a quite
  narrow spectral range. This has resulted in sub-optimal efficiency
  and use of telescope time for all the scientific programs requiring
  broad spectral coverage of compact objects (e.g. chemical abundances
  of stars and intergalactic medium, search and characterization of
  extra-solar planets). To overcome these limitations, a consortium
  was set-up for upgrading CRIRES to a cross-dispersed spectrometer,
  called CRIRES+. This paper presents the updated optical design of the
  cross-dispersion module for CRIRES+. This new module can be mounted in
  place of the current pre-disperser unit. The new system yields a factor
  of &gt;10 increase in simultaneous spectral coverage and maintains a
  quite long slit (10"), ideal for observations of extended sources and
  for precise sky-background subtraction.

Title: CRIRES+: a cross-dispersed high-resolution infrared
    spectrograph for the ESO VLT
Authors: Follert, R.; Dorn, R. J.; Oliva, E.; Lizon, J. L.; Hatzes,
   A.; Piskunov, N.; Reiners, A.; Seemann, U.; Stempels, E.; Heiter, U.;
   Marquart, T.; Lockhart, M.; Anglada-Escude, G.; Löwinger, T.; Baade,
   D.; Grunhut, J.; Bristow, P.; Klein, B.; Jung, Y.; Ives, D. J.; Kerber,
   F.; Pozna, E.; Paufique, J.; Kaeufl, H. U.; Origlia, L.; Valenti,
   E.; Gojak, D.; Hilker, M.; Pasquini, L.; Smette, A.; Smoker, J.
2014SPIE.9147E..19F    Altcode:
  High-resolution infrared spectroscopy plays an important role in
  astrophysics from the search for exoplanets to cosmology. Yet,
  many existing infrared spectrographs are limited by a rather small
  simultaneous wavelength coverage. The AO assisted CRIRES instrument,
  installed at the ESO VLT on Paranal, is one of the few IR (0.92-5.2
  μm) highresolution spectrographs in operation since 2006. However it
  has a limitation that hampers its efficient use: the wavelength range
  covered in a single exposure is limited to ~15 nanometers. The CRIRES
  Upgrade project (CRIRES+) will transform CRIRES into a cross-dispersed
  spectrograph and will also add new capabilities. By introducing
  crossdispersion elements the simultaneously covered wavelength range
  will be increased by at least a factor of 10 with respect to the
  present configuration, while the operational wavelength range will
  be preserved. For advanced wavelength calibration, new custom made
  absorption gas cells and etalons will be added. A spectro-polarimetric
  unit will allow one for the first time to record circularly polarized
  spectra at the highest spectral resolution. This will be all supported
  by a new data reduction software which will allow the community to
  take full advantage of the new capabilities of CRIRES+.

Title: Novel infrared polarimeter for the ESO CRIRES+ instrument
Authors: Lockhart, Matthew; Piskunov, Nikolai; Stempels, Eric; Escuti,
   Michael; Oliva, Ernesto; Käufl, Hans-Ulrich; Heiter, Ulrike; Marquart,
   Thomas; Anglada-Escude, Guillem; Baade, Dietrich; Bristow, Paul;
   Dorn, Reinhold J.; Follert, Roman; Gojak, Domingo; Grunhut, Jason
   H.; Hatzes, Artie; Hilker, Michael; Ives, Derek; Jung, Yves; Kerber,
   Florian; Klein, Barbara; Lizon, Jean-Louis; Löwinger, Tom; Origlia,
   Livia; Pasquini, Luca; Paufique, Jerome; Pozna, Eszter; Reiners,
   Ansgar; Seemann, Ulf; Smette, Alain; Smoker, Jonathan; Valenti, Elena
2014SPIE.9147E..8PL    Altcode:
  The CRIRES infrared spectrograph at the European Southern Observatory
  (ESO) Very Large Telescope (VLT) facility will soon receive an
  upgrade. This upgrade will include the addition of a module for
  performing highresolution spectropolarimetry. The polarimetry module
  will incorporate a novel infrared beamsplitter based on polarization
  gratings (PGs). The beamsplitter produces a pair of infrared output
  beams, with opposite circular polarizations, which are then fed into
  the spectrograph. Visible light passes through the module virtually
  unaltered and is then available for use by the CRIRES adaptive optics
  system. We present the design of the polarimetry module and measurements
  of PG behavior in the 1 to 2.7 μm wavelength range.

Title: CRIRES+: Exploring the Cold Universe at High Spectral
Authors: Dorn, R. J.; Anglada-Escude, G.; Baade, D.; Bristow, P.;
   Follert, R.; Gojak, D.; Grunhut, J.; Hatzes, A.; Heiter, U.; Hilker,
   M.; Ives, D. J.; Jung, Y.; Käufl, H. -U.; Kerber, F.; Klein, B.;
   Lizon, J. -L.; Lockhart, M.; Löwinger, T.; Marquart, T.; Oliva,
   E.; Origlia, L.; Pasquini, L.; Paufique, J.; Piskunov, N.; Pozna,
   E.; Reiners, A.; Smette, A.; Smoker, J.; Seemann, U.; Stempels, E.;
   Valenti, E.
2014Msngr.156....7D    Altcode:
  The CRIRES upgrade project, CRIRES+, transforms this VLT instrument
  into a cross-dispersed spectrograph to increase the wavelength range
  that is covered simultaneously by a factor of ten. In addition, a
  new detector focal plane array of three Hawaii 2RG detectors with a
  5.3 μm cut-off wavelength will replace the existing detectors. For
  advanced wavelength calibration, custom-made absorption gas cells
  will be added. A spectropolarimetric unit will allow circularly
  polarised spectra to be recorded. These upgraded capabilities will be
  all supported by dedicated data reduction software which will allow
  the community to take full advantage of the new capabilities offered
  by CRIRES+.

Title: Exploring the magnetic field complexity in M dwarfs at the
    boundary to full convection
Authors: Shulyak, D.; Reiners, A.; Seemann, U.; Kochukhov, O.;
   Piskunov, N.
2014A&A...563A..35S    Altcode: 2014arXiv1401.5250S
  Context. Magnetic fields play a pivotal role in the formation and
  evolution of low-mass stars, but the dynamo mechanisms generating
  these fields are poorly understood. Measuring cool star magnetism
  is a complicated task because of the complexity of cool star spectra
  and the subtle signatures of magnetic fields. <BR /> Aims: Based on
  detailed spectral synthesis, we carry out quantitative measurements
  of the strength and complexity of surface magnetic fields in the
  four well-known M dwarfs <ASTROBJ>GJ 388</ASTROBJ>, <ASTROBJ>GJ
  that populate the mass regime around the boundary between partially
  and fully convective stars. Very high-resolution (R = 100 000),
  high signal-to-noise (up to 400), near-infrared Stokes I spectra were
  obtained with CRIRES at ESO's Very Large Telescope covering regions of
  the FeH Wing-Ford transitions at 1μm and Na i lines at 2.2μm. <BR
  /> Methods: A modified version of the Molecular Zeeman Library (MZL)
  was used to compute Landé g-factors for FeH lines. We determined
  the distribution of magnetic fields by magnetic spectral synthesis
  performed with the Synmast code. We tested two different magnetic
  geometries to probe the influence of field orientation effects. <BR />
  Results: Our analysis confirms that FeH lines are excellent indicators
  of surface magnetic fields in low-mass stars of type M, particularly in
  comparison to profiles of Na i lines that are heavily affected by water
  lines and that suffer problems with continuum normalization. The field
  distributions in all four stars are characterized by three distinct
  groups of field components, and the data are consistent neither with a
  smooth distribution of different field strengths nor with one average
  field strength covering the full star. We find evidence of a subtle
  difference in the field distribution of GJ 285 compared to the other
  three targets. GJ 285 also has the highest average field of 3.5 kG
  and the strongest maximum field component of 7-7.5 kG. The maximum
  local field strengths in our sample seem to be correlated with rotation
  rate. While the average field strength is saturated, the maximum local
  field strengths in our sample show no evidence of saturation. <BR />
  Conclusions: We find no difference between the field distributions of
  partially and fully convective stars. The one star with evidence of
  field distribution different from the other three is the most active
  star (i.e. with X-ray luminosity and mean surface magnetic field)
  rotating relatively fast. A possible explanation is that rotation
  determines the distribution of surface magnetic fields, and that local
  field strengths grow with rotation even in stars in which the average
  field is already saturated. <P />Based on observations collected at the
  European Southern Observatory, Paranal, Chile (programme 385.D-0273).

Title: Doppler images of DI Piscium during 2004-2006
Authors: Lindborg, M.; Hackman, T.; Mantere, M. J.; Korhonen, H.;
   Ilyin, I.; Kochukhov, O.; Piskunov, N.
2014A&A...562A.139L    Altcode:
  is a Li-rich, rapidly rotating single K giant. We set out to study the
  spot configuration and activity level by calculating surface temperature
  maps of the star. <BR /> Methods: We apply the Doppler imaging method on
  high-resolution optical spectroscopy obtained during 2004-2006. <BR />
  Results: In July-August 2004, no clear spot structures were visible,
  but the spot coverage increased in July 2005, and cool spots emerged,
  especially at intermediate latitudes. Later on in September 2006, the
  spot coverage increased and cool spots were visible on both sides of
  the equator. However, the map of 2006 suffers from bad phase coverage,
  meaning it is not possible to draw definite conclusions on the spot
  locations during that season. <BR /> Conclusions: Compared with earlier
  Doppler maps of DI Psc and temperature maps obtained for other late-type
  stars with similar rotation rates, DI Psc seems to be in a low activity
  state especially during the observing season of July-August 2004. During
  the 2005 and 2006 observing seasons, the spot activity seen in the
  spectral line profiles and inferred from Doppler images increases,
  and the temperature contrast in our last map is more comparable to what
  was reported in an earlier study. Therefore, it can be concluded that
  the spot activity level of the star is variable over time. However,
  the present and previous Doppler images form too short a time series to
  draw conclusions about a possible activity cycle in DI Psc. <P />Based
  on observations made with the Nordic Optical Telescope, operated on
  the island of La Palma jointly by Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway,
  and Sweden in the Spanish Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of
  the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias.

Title: A Gentle Introduction to SME
Authors: Piskunov, Nikolai
2014dapb.book..287P    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Testing SME determination of stellar parameters
Authors: Ryabchikova, T. A.; Mashonkina, L. I.; Titarenko, A. R.;
   Alexeeva, S. A.; Pakhomov, Yu. V.; Piskunov, N. E.; Sitnova, T. M.;
   Nizamov, B. A.
2014IAUS..298..436R    Altcode:
  We present the results of special tests of the automatic procedure
  for atmospheric parameters determination based on spectroscopy.

Title: Three-dimensional magnetic and abundance mapping of the cool
    Ap star HD 24712 . I. Spectropolarimetric observations in all four
    Stokes parameters
Authors: Rusomarov, N.; Kochukhov, O.; Piskunov, N.; Jeffers, S. V.;
   Johns-Krull, C. M.; Keller, C. U.; Makaganiuk, V.; Rodenhuis, M.;
   Snik, F.; Stempels, H. C.; Valenti, J. A.
2013A&A...558A...8R    Altcode: 2013arXiv1306.0997R
  Context. High-resolution spectropolarimetric observations provide
  simultaneous information about stellar magnetic field topologies and
  three-dimensional distributions of chemical elements. High-quality
  spectra in the Stokes IQUV parameters are currently available for very
  few early-type magnetic chemically peculiar stars. Here we present
  analysis of a unique full Stokes vector spectropolarimetric data
  set, acquired for the cool magnetic Ap star HD 24712 with a recently
  commissioned spectropolarimeter. <BR /> Aims: The goal of our work
  is to examine the circular and linear polarization signatures inside
  spectral lines and to study variation of the stellar spectrum and
  magnetic observables as a function of rotational phase. <BR /> Methods:
  HD 24712 was observed with the HARPSpol instrument at the 3.6-m ESO
  telescope over a period of 2010-2011. We achieved full rotational phase
  coverage with 43 individual Stokes parameter observations. The resulting
  spectra have a signal-to-noise ratio of 300-600 and resolving power
  exceeding 10<SUP>5</SUP>. The multiline technique of least-squares
  deconvolution (LSD) was applied to combine information from the
  spectral lines of Fe-peak and rare earth elements. <BR /> Results: We
  used the HARPSPol spectra of HD 24712 to study the morphology of the
  Stokes profile shapes in individual spectral lines and in LSD Stokes
  profiles corresponding to different line masks. From the LSD Stokes V
  profiles we measured the longitudinal component of the magnetic field,
  ⟨B<SUB>z</SUB>⟩, with an accuracy of 5-10 G. We also determined the
  net linear polarization from the LSD Stokes Q and U profiles. Combining
  previous ⟨B<SUB>z</SUB>⟩ measurements with our data allowed us to
  determine an improved rotational period of the star, P<SUB>rot</SUB>
  = 12.45812 ± 0.00019 d. We also measured the longitudinal
  magnetic field from the cores of Hα and Hβ lines. The analysis of
  ⟨B<SUB>z</SUB>⟩ measurements showed no evidence for a significant
  radial magnetic field gradient in the atmosphere of HD 24712. We used
  our ⟨B<SUB>z</SUB>⟩ and net linear polarization measurements to
  determine parameters of the dipolar magnetic field topology. We found
  that magnetic observables can be reasonably well reproduced by the
  dipolar model, although significant discrepancies remain at certain
  rotational phases. We discovered rotational modulation of the Hα
  core and related it to a non-uniform surface distribution of rare
  earth elements. <P />Based on observations collected at the European
  Southern Observatory, Chile (ESO programs 084.D-0338, 085.D-0296,
  086.D-0240).Figure 3 and Appendix A are available in electronic form
  at <A href="http://www.aanda.org">http://www.aanda.org</A>

Title: Are there tangled magnetic fields on HgMn stars?
Authors: Kochukhov, O.; Makaganiuk, V.; Piskunov, N.; Jeffers, S. V.;
   Johns-Krull, C. M.; Keller, C. U.; Rodenhuis, M.; Snik, F.; Stempels,
   H. C.; Valenti, J. A.
2013A&A...554A..61K    Altcode: 2013arXiv1304.6717K
  Context. Several recent spectrophotometric studies failed to detect
  significant global magnetic fields in late-B HgMn chemically peculiar
  stars, but some investigations have suggested the presence of strong
  unstructured or tangled fields in these objects. <BR /> Aims: We used
  detailed spectrum synthesis analysis to search for evidence of tangled
  magnetic fields in high-quality observed spectra of eight slowly
  rotating HgMn stars and one normal late-B star. We also evaluated
  recent sporadic detections of weak longitudinal magnetic fields in
  HgMn stars based on the moment technique. <BR /> Methods: Our spectrum
  synthesis code calculated the Zeeman broadening of metal lines in HARPS
  spectra, assuming an unstructured, turbulent magnetic field. A simple
  line formation model with a homogeneous radial field distribution was
  applied to assess compatibility between previous longitudinal field
  measurements and the observed mean circular polarization signatures. <BR
  /> Results: Our analysis of the Zeeman broadening of magnetically
  sensitive spectral lines reveals no evidence of tangled magnetic fields
  in any of the studied HgMn or normal stars. We infer upper limits
  of 200-700 G for the mean magnetic field modulus - much smaller than
  the field strengths implied by studies based on differential magnetic
  line intensification and quadratic field diagnostics. The new HARPSpol
  longitudinal field measurements for the extreme HgMn star HD 65949 and
  the normal late-B star 21 Peg are consistent with zero at a precision of
  3-6 G. Re-analysis of our Stokes V spectra of the spotted HgMn star HD
  11753 shows that the recent moment technique measurements retrieved from
  the same data are incompatible with the lack of circular polarization
  signatures in the spectrum of this star. <BR /> Conclusions: We conclude
  that there is no evidence for substantial tangled magnetic fields on
  the surfaces of studied HgMn stars. We cannot independently confirm
  the presence of very strong quadratic or marginal longitudinal fields
  for these stars, so results from the moment technique are likely to be
  spurious. <P />Based on observations collected at the European Southern
  Observatory, Chile (ESO programmes 084.D-0338, 085.D-0296, 086.D-0240).

Title: Radial velocity signatures of Zeeman broadening
Authors: Reiners, A.; Shulyak, D.; Anglada-Escudé, G.; Jeffers,
   S. V.; Morin, J.; Zechmeister, M.; Kochukhov, O.; Piskunov, N.
2013A&A...552A.103R    Altcode: 2013arXiv1301.2951R
  Stellar activity signatures such as spots and plages can significantly
  limit the search for extrasolar planets. Current models of
  activity-induced radial velocity (RV) signals focus on the impact
  of temperature contrast in spots according to which they predict the
  signal to diminish toward longer wavelengths. The Zeeman effect on RV
  measurements counteracts this: the relative importance of the Zeeman
  effect on RV measurements should grow with wavelength because the
  Zeeman displacement itself grows with λ, and because a magnetic and
  cool spot contributes more to the total flux at longer wavelengths. In
  this paper, we model the impact of active regions on stellar RV
  measurements including both temperature contrast in spots and line
  broadening by the Zeeman effect. We calculate stellar line profiles
  using polarized radiative transfer models including atomic and molecular
  Zeeman splitting over large wavelength regions from 0.5 to 2.3 μm. Our
  results show that the amplitude of the RV signal caused by the Zeeman
  effect alone can be comparable to that caused by temperature contrast;
  a spot magnetic field of ~1000 G can produce a similar RV amplitude
  as a spot temperature contrast of ~1000 K. Furthermore, the RV signal
  caused by cool and magnetic spots increases with wavelength, in contrast
  to the expectation from temperature contrast alone. We also calculate
  the RV signal caused by variations in average magnetic field strength
  from one observation to the next, for example due to a magnetic cycle,
  but find it unlikely that this can significantly influence the search
  for extrasolar planets. As an example, we derive the RV amplitude
  of the active M dwarf AD Leo as a function of wavelength using data
  from the HARPS spectrograph. Across this limited wavelength range, the
  RV signal does not diminish at longer wavelengths but shows evidence
  for the opposite behavior, consistent with a strong influence of the
  Zeeman effect. We conclude that the RV signal of active stars does not
  vanish at longer wavelength but sensitively depends on the combination
  of spot temperature and magnetic field; in active low-mass stars,
  it is even likely to grow with wavelength.

Title: Multi-element Doppler imaging of the CP2 star HD 3980
Authors: Nesvacil, N.; Lüftinger, T.; Shulyak, D.; Obbrugger, M.;
   Weiss, W.; Drake, N. A.; Hubrig, S.; Ryabchikova, T.; Kochukhov, O.;
   Piskunov, N.; Polosukhina, N.
2013arXiv1303.2703N    Altcode:
  In atmospheres of magnetic main-sequence stars, the diffusion of
  chemical elements leads to a number of observed anomalies, such
  as abundance spots across the stellar surface. The aim of this
  study was to derive a detailed picture of the surface abundance
  distribution of the magnetic chemically peculiar star HD 3980. Based
  on high-resolution, phase-resolved spectroscopic observations of the
  magnetic A-type star HD 3980, the inhomogeneous surface distribution of
  13 chemical elements (Li, O, Si, Ca, Cr, Mn, Fe, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Eu,
  and Gd) has been reconstructed. The INVERS12 code was used to invert
  the rotational variability in line profiles to elemental surface
  distributions. Assuming a centered, dominantly dipolar magnetic
  field configuration, we find that Li, O, Mg, Pr, and Nd are mainly
  concentrated in the area of the magnetic poles and depleted in the
  regions around the magnetic equator. The high abundance spots of Si,
  La, Ce, Eu, and Gd are located between the magnetic poles and the
  magnetic equator. Except for La, which is clearly depleted in the
  area of the magnetic poles, no obvious correlation with the magnetic
  field has been found for these elements otherwise. Ca, Cr, and Fe
  appear enhanced along the rotational equator and the area around
  the magnetic poles. The intersection between the magnetic and the
  rotational equator constitutes an exception, especially for Ca and Cr,
  which are depleted in that region. No obvious correlation between the
  theoretically predicted abundance patterns and those determined in this
  study could be found. This can be attributed to a lack of up-to-date
  theoretical models, especially for rare earth elements.

Title: Magnetically Controlled Accretion on the Classical T Tauri
    Stars GQ Lupi and TW Hydrae
Authors: Johns-Krull, Christopher M.; Chen, Wei; Valenti, Jeff A.;
   Jeffers, Sandra V.; Piskunov, Nikolai E.; Kochukhov, Oleg; Makaganiuk,
   V.; Stempels, H. C.; Snik, Frans; Keller, Christoph; Rodenhuis, M.
2013ApJ...765...11J    Altcode: 2013arXiv1301.3182J
  We present high spectral resolution (R ≈ 108, 000) Stokes V
  polarimetry of the classical T Tauri stars (CTTSs) GQ Lup and TW Hya
  obtained with the polarimetric upgrade to the HARPS spectrometer on
  the ESO 3.6 m telescope. We present data on both photospheric lines
  and emission lines, concentrating our discussion on the polarization
  properties of the He I emission lines at 5876 Å and 6678 Å. The He
  I lines in these CTTSs contain both narrow emission cores, believed
  to come from near the accretion shock region on these stars, and broad
  emission components which may come from either a wind or the large-scale
  magnetospheric accretion flow. We detect strong polarization in the
  narrow component of the two He I emission lines in both stars. We
  observe a maximum implied field strength of 6.05 ± 0.24 kG in the
  5876 Å line of GQ Lup, making it the star with the highest field
  strength measured in this line for a CTTS. We find field strengths in
  the two He I lines that are consistent with each other, in contrast to
  what has been reported in the literature on at least one star. We do
  not detect any polarization in the broad component of the He I lines
  on these stars, strengthening the conclusion that they form over a
  substantially different volume relative to the formation region of
  the narrow component of the He I lines.

Title: DELO-Bezier Formal Solutions of the Polarized Radiative
    Transfer Equation
Authors: de la Cruz Rodríguez, J.; Piskunov, N.
2013ApJ...764...33D    Altcode: 2012arXiv1212.2737D
  We present two new accurate and efficient methods to compute the
  formal solution of the polarized radiative transfer equation. In this
  work, the source function and the absorption matrix are approximated
  using quadratic and cubic Bezier spline interpolants. These schemes
  provide second- and third-order approximations, respectively, and
  do not suffer from erratic behavior of the polynomial approximation
  (overshooting). The accuracy and the convergence of the new method are
  studied along with other popular solutions of the radiative transfer
  equation, using stellar atmospheres with strong gradients in the
  line-of-sight velocity and in the magnetic-field vector.

Title: MMT Hectochelle Spectral Variability of Active Late-type
    Stars in the Kepler Field (2013A)
Authors: Brown, Alexander; Walkowicz, Lucianne; Saar, Steven; Hawley,
   Suzanne; Kowalski, Adam; Furesz, Gabor; Piskunov, Nikolai
2013noao.prop..286B    Altcode:
  We have on-going it Kepler photometric monitoring of over 300 active
  late-type (mid-A - K) stars as part of our Cycles 1/2/3/4 Guest
  Observer (GO) programs with the aim of studying starspot evolution,
  differential rotation, activity cycles, and flares. We propose to
  use the MMT Hectochelle multiobject spectrograph to observe over
  140 of these stars to determine a range of basic physical properties
  for the stars, such as radial velocity variations due to binarity,
  chromospheric activity levels from Ca II H+K and H(alpha), projected
  rotational velocities for comparison to the rotational periods
  measured directly by it Kepler, age/youth as indicated by Li I, and
  better effective temperature and luminosity estimates. In addition,
  to provide a superior sample for statistical studies another 800 GKM
  dwarf stars showing either starspot modulation from the it Kepler
  Team's data or from our deep XMM X-ray survey will be observed using
  the unassigned fibers in each field. These measurements require the
  32,000 spectral resolution provided by Hectochelle, which is hard to
  obtain efficiently for 13-15th magnitude stars any other way.

Title: A Large Sample of Magnetically-Active Stars Observed With
Authors: Wells, Mark; Neff, J. E.; Brown, A.; Ayres, T. R.; Basri,
   G. S.; Berdyugina, S.; Harper, G.; Hawley, S. L.; Korhonen, H.;
   Kowalski, A.; Micela, G.; Piskunov, N. E.; Ramsey, L. W.; Saar, S. H.;
   Walkowicz, L. M.
2013AAS...22135415W    Altcode:
  We have observed about 325 stars in our Kepler Guest Observer
  programs (Cycles 1 through 4). For most of these targets, we are
  analyzing extremely high-precision light curves that have been
  continuously sampled every 30 minutes for up to 3 years. Our sample
  of candidate magnetically-active stars was selected primarily using
  GALEX colors. Starspots, pulsations, and variations due to eclipsing
  and contact binaries combine to produce a rich variety of light
  curves. We have developed semi-automated procedures to characterize
  this variability and thus to classify the targets and identify the
  physical mechanisms that dominate their Kepler light curves. We will
  describe these procedures and discuss the range of physical properties
  covered by our final classification scheme. We are using this Kepler
  database of variability over timescales of minutes to years to provide
  diagnostics of flares, starspot formation, evolution, migration, and
  ultimately of stellar cycles in general. This work contains results
  obtained using the NASA Kepler satellite and from the Apache Point
  Observatory, the MMT (using NOAO community access time), and the
  Hobby-Eberly Telescope. Funding is provided by NASA Kepler grants
  NNX10AC51G, NNX11AC79G, and NNX12AC85G to the University of Colorado,
  by NSF grant AST-1109695 to the College of Charleston, and by a grant
  from the South Carolina Space Grant consortium.

Title: HARPS Spectropolarimetry of the Classical T Tauri Stars GQ
    Lup and TW Hya
Authors: Johns-Krull, Christopher M.; Chen, W.; Valenti, J. A.;
   Jeffers, S. V.; Piskunov, N. E.; Kochukhov, O.; Makaganiuk, V.;
   Stempels, H. C.; Snik, F.; Keller, C.; Rodenhuis, M.
2013AAS...22125614J    Altcode:
  We present high spectral resolution Stokes V polarimetery of the
  Classical T Tauri stars (CTTSs) GQ Lup and TW Hya obtained with
  the polarimetric upgrade to the HARPS spectrometer on the ESO 3.6 m
  telescope. We present data on both photospheric lines and emission
  lines, concentrating our discussion on the polarization properties
  of the He I emission lines at 5876 A and 6678 A. The He I lines
  in both these CTTS contain both narrow emission cores, believed to
  come from near the accretion shock region on these stars, and broad
  emission components which may come from either a wind or the large
  scale magnetospheric accretion flow. We detect strong polarization in
  the narrow component of both the He I emission lines in both stars. We
  observe a maximum implied field strength of 5.8 +/- 0.3 kG in the 5876
  A line of GQ Lup, the highest field strength measured to date in this
  line for a CTTS. We find field strengths in the two He I lines that
  are consistent with each other, unlike what has been reported in the
  literature on at least one star. We do not detect any polarization in
  the broad component of the He I lines on these stars, strengthening
  the conclusion that they form over a substantially different volume
  relative the formation region of the narrow component of the He I lines.

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: Exoplanet Orbit Database (Wright+,
Authors: Wright, J. T.; Kakhouri, O.; Marcy, G. W.; Han, E.; Feng,
   Y.; Johnson, J. A.; Howard, A. W.; Fischer, D. A.; Valenti, J. A.;
   Anderson, J.; Piskunov, N.
2013yCat..61230412W    Altcode:
  We present a database of well determined orbital parameters of
  exoplanets, and their host stars' properties. This database comprises
  spectroscopic orbital elements measured for 427 planets orbiting 363
  stars from radial velocity and transit measurements as reported in
  the literature. We have also compiled fundamental transit parameters,
  stellar parameters, and the method used for the planets discovery. This
  Exoplanet Orbit Database includes all planets with robust, well measured
  orbital parameters reported in peer-reviewed articles. The Database is
  available in a searcheable, filterable, and sortable form on the Web
  at http://exoplanets.org through the Exoplanets Data Explorer Table,
  and the data can be plotted and explored through the Exoplanet Data
  Explorer Plotter. We use the Data Explorer to generate publication-ready
  plots giving three examples of the signatures of exoplanet migration
  and dynamical evolution: We illustrate the character of the apparent
  correlation between mass and period in exoplanet orbits, the different
  selection biases between radial velocity and transit surveys, and that
  the multiplanet systems show a distinct semi-major axis distribution
  from apparently singleton systems. <P />(2 data files).

Title: Young Star Populations in the Kepler Field
Authors: Brown, Alexander; Neff, J. E.; Wells, M.; Saar, S.; Furesz,
   G.; Walkowicz, L. M.; Ayres, T. R.; Basri, G. S.; Berdyugina, S.;
   Harper, G.; Hawley, S. L.; Korhonen, H.; Kowalski, A.; Micela, G.;
   Piskunov, N. E.; Ramsey, L. W.
2013AAS...22135414B    Altcode:
  The Kepler satellite is providing spectacular optical photometric
  light-curves of unprecedented precision and duration that routinely
  allow detailed studies of stellar magnetic activity on late-type stars
  that were difficult previously. Kepler provides multi-year duration
  light-curves that allow investigation of how activity phenomena --
  such as the growth, migration, and decay of star-spots, differential
  rotation, activity cycles, and flaring -- operate on a wide variety of
  single and binary stars. The 105 square degree Kepler Field contains
  tens of thousands of late-type stars showing rotational modulation due
  to star-spots with periods ranging from one day to a “solar-like”
  month. Short rotation periods and high levels of magnetic activity are
  strongly correlated. However, there are only two basic reasons why stars
  with rotation periods of a few days possess such high angular momentum
  --- either they are close binaries or they are young stars. During
  Kepler GO Cycles 1 through 4 we have been studying the Long-cadence
  (30 minute sampling) photometry of hundreds of active late-type stars
  and as an absolutely essential complement we have been obtaining high
  resolution optical spectra to understand the physical properties of
  these stars. We present results from a spectroscopic survey using the
  MMT Hectochelle multi-object echelle of 4 square degrees of the Kepler
  Field. We have discovered a significant population of young stars with
  Li I absorption indicating ages of ~100 Myr or less at a spatial density
  of at least 20 stars per square degree. Our detected young star sample
  comprises at least 80 stars and represents a dramatic advance compared
  to the previously known sample over the full Kepler Field of three
  stars in this age range. Roughly one sixth of the stars observed are
  young and a similar number short-period binaries based on 2-4 radial
  velocities. We show how the rotational properties of the stars and their
  physical properties are related. This work is based on data obtained
  with the NASA Kepler satellite and the MMT Hectochelle spectrograph
  using NOAO community access time. Support by NASA Kepler grants to the
  University of Colorado and by NSF grant to the College of Charleston.

Title: Upgrading CRIRES-VLT to cross-dispersed mode
Authors: Oliva, E.; Hatzes, A.; Piskunov, N.; Reiners, A.; Käufl,
   H. U.; Ferruzzi, D.; Tozzi, A.; Origlia, L.
2012SPIE.8446E..2NO    Altcode:
  The cryogenic high resolution IR echelle spectrograph CRIRES is the
  ESO infrared (0.95&amp;#87225.4 μm) high resolution spectrograph
  operating at the Nasmyth A focus of VLT-UT1. The instrument provides
  long-slit (31") spectroscopy with resolving power up to R=100,000
  over a quite narrow wavelengths range, about 1/70 of the central
  wavelength. Observations of compact objects (e.g. stellar photospheres)
  could be made much more efficient by implementing a cross-dispersed
  mode, which increases the simultaneous spectral coverage by an order
  of magnitude or more. This paper presents the design of a relatively
  simple system to add cross-dispersed modes to CRIRES with a minimum
  impact on the instrument optics and mechanics.

Title: “Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre” and Astrophysics:
    Level 2 Release
Authors: Doronin, M.; Dubernet, M. L.; Walton, N.; Mason, N.; Rixon,
   G.; Sidaner, P. L.; Schlemmer, S.; Piskunov, N.; Tennyson, J.; Akram,
   A.; Endres, C.; Hill, C.; Marquart, T.; Nenadovic, L.; Smith, K.;
   Vamdc Consortium
2012ASPC..461..331D    Altcode: 2012adass..21..331D
  The Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre (VAMDC, &lt;a
  href='http://www.vamdc.eu/'&gt;http://www.vamdc.eu/&lt;/a&gt;) is a
  consortium between groups involved in the generation, evaluation, and
  use of atomic and molecular data, funded by the European Union. VAMDC
  aims to build a reliable, open, flexible and interoperable e-science
  interface to existing atomic and molecular data. The project will cover
  establishing the core consortium, the development and deployment of
  the infrastructure and the development of interfaces to the existing
  atomic and molecular databases. This paper describes the organisation
  of the project and the achievements at the end of its second year.

Title: M-dwarf metallicities. A high-resolution spectroscopic study
    in the near infrared
Authors: Önehag, A.; Heiter, U.; Gustafsson, B.; Piskunov, N.; Plez,
   B.; Reiners, A.
2012A&A...542A..33O    Altcode: 2011arXiv1112.0141O
  Context. The relatively wide spread in the derived metallicities
  ([Fe/H]) of M dwarfs shows that various approaches have not yet
  converged to consistency. The presence of strong molecular features
  and incomplete line lists for the corresponding molecules have made
  determining the metallicity of M dwarfs difficult. Furthermore, the
  faint M dwarfs require long exposure times for the signal-to-noise
  ratio needed for a detailed spectroscopic abundance analysis. <BR />
  Aims: We present a high-resolution (R ~ 50 000) spectroscopic study
  of a sample of eight single M dwarfs and three wide-binary systems
  observed in the infrared J band. <BR /> Methods: The absence of large
  molecular contributions allows for a precise continuum placement. We
  derived metallicities based on the best fit of synthetic spectra to
  the observed spectra. To verify the accuracy of the applied atmospheric
  models and test our synthetic spectrum approach, three binary systems
  with a K-dwarf primary and an M-dwarf companion were observed and
  analysed along with the single M dwarfs. <BR /> Results: We obtain
  good agreement between the metallicities derived for the primaries and
  secondaries of our test binaries, thereby confirming the reliability
  of our method of analysing M dwarfs. Our metallicities agree well
  with some earlier determinations, and deviate from others. <BR />
  Conclusions: We conclude that spectroscopic abundance analysis in the J
  band is a reliable method for establishing the metallicity scale for M
  dwarfs. We recommend its application to a larger sample covering lower,
  as well as higher, metallicities. Further prospects for the method
  include abundance determinations for individual elements. <P />Based
  on data obtained at ESO-VLT, Paranal Observatory, Chile, Program ID
  082.D-0838(A) and 084.D-1042(A).Table 2 is available in electronic form
  at <A href="http://www.aanda.org">http://www.aanda.org</A>Electronic
  version of the spectra is only available at CDS via
  anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or via <A

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: 3 M dwarfs near-infrared spectra
    (Onehag+, 2012)
Authors: Onehag, A.; Heiter, U.; Gustafsson, B.; Piskunov, N.; Plez,
   B.; Reiners, A.
2012yCat..35420033O    Altcode: 2012yCat..35429033O
  The observations were carried out in service mode with the infrared
  spectrometer CRIRES at ESO-VLT. <P />In total 14 targets were observed
  during periods 82 (1st of October 2008 to 31st of March 2009) and 84
  (1st of October 2009 to 31st of March 2010). <P />(4 data files).

Title: HARPS spectropolarimetry of classical T Tauri stars
Authors: Johns-Krull, C. M.; Valenti, J. A.; Jeffers, S. V.; Piskunov,
   N. E.; Kochukhov, O.; Keller, C.; Snik, F.; Rodenhuis, M.; Makaganiuk,
   V.; Stempels, H.
2012AIPC.1429...43J    Altcode:
  We present high spectral resolution Stokes V polarimetery of the
  Classical T Tauri stars (CTTSs) GQ Lup and TW Hya obtained with
  the polarimetric upgrade to the HARPS spectrometer on the ESO 3.6 m
  telescope. We present data on both photospheric lines and emission
  lines, concentrating our discussion on the polarization properties
  of the He I emission lines at 5876 A and 6678 A. The He I lines
  in both these CTTS contain both narrow emission cores, believed to
  come from near the accretion shock region on these stars, and broad
  emission components which may come from either a wind or the large
  scale magnetospheric accretion flow. We detect strong polarization in
  the narrow component of both the He I emission lines in both stars. We
  observe a maximum implied field strength of 5.8 +/- 0.3 kG in the 5876
  A˚ line of GQ Lup, the highest field strength measured to date in
  this line for a CTTS. We find field strengths in the two He I lines
  that are consistent with each other, unlike what has been reported in
  the literature on at least one star. We do not detect any polarization
  in the broad component of the He I lines on these stars, strengthening
  the conclusion that they form over a substantially different volume
  relative the formation region of the narrow component of the He I lines.

Title: Commission 29: Stellar Spectra
Authors: Piskunov, Nikolai; Cunha, Katia; Parthasarathy, Mudumba; Aoki,
   Wako; Asplund, Martin; Bohlender, David; Carpenter, Kenneth; Melendez,
   Jorge; Rossi, Silvia; Smith, Verne; Soderblom, David; Wahlgren, Glenn
2012IAUTA..28..157P    Altcode:
  Commission 29 consists of members of the International Astronomical
  Union carrying out theoretical and observational studies of stars
  using spectroscopy, developing instrumentation for spectroscopy and
  producing and collecting data for interpretation of spectra.

Title: Division Iv: Stars
Authors: Corbally, Christopher; D'Antona, Francesca; Spite, Monique;
   Asplund, Martin; Charbonnel, Corinne; Docobo, Jose Angel; Gray,
   Richard O.; Piskunov, Nikolai E.
2012IAUTA..28..147C    Altcode:
  This Division IV was started on a trial basis at the General Assembly
  in The Hague 1994 and was formally accepted at the Kyoto General
  Assembly in 1997. Its broad coverage of “Stars” is reflected in
  its relatively large number of Commissions and so of members (1266 in
  late 2011). Its kindred Division V, “Variable Stars”, has the same
  history of its beginning. The thinking at the time was to achieve
  some kind of balance between the number of members in each of the 12
  Divisions. Amid the current discussion of reorganizing the number of
  Divisions into a more compact form it seems advisable to make this
  numerical balance less of an issue than the rationalization of the
  scientific coverage of each Division, so providing more effective
  interaction within a particular field of astronomy. After all, every
  star is variable to a certain degree and such variability is becoming
  an ever more powerful tool to understand the characteristics of every
  kind of normal and peculiar star. So we may expect, after hearing the
  reactions of members, that in the restructuring a single Division will
  result from the current Divisions IV and V.

Title: Divisions Iv-V / Working Group ap &amp; Related Stars
Authors: Mathys, Gautier; Cunha, Margarida; Dworetsky, Michael;
   Kochukhov, Oleg; Kupka, Friedrich; LeBlanc, Francis; Monier, Richard;
   Paunzen, Ernst; Pintado, Olga; Piskunov, Nikolai; Ziznovsky, Jozef
2012IAUTA..28..203M    Altcode:
  The purpose of the Working Group on Ap and Related Stars (ApWG) is
  to promote and facilitate research about stars in the spectral type
  range from B to early F that exhibit surface chemical peculiarities
  and related phenomena. This is a very active field of research, in
  which a wide variety of new developments have taken place since 2009,
  as illustrated by the following selected highlights.

Title: Magnetism, chemical spots, and stratification in the HgMn
    star ϕ Phoenicis
Authors: Makaganiuk, V.; Kochukhov, O.; Piskunov, N.; Jeffers, S. V.;
   Johns-Krull, C. M.; Keller, C. U.; Rodenhuis, M.; Snik, F.; Stempels,
   H. C.; Valenti, J. A.
2012A&A...539A.142M    Altcode: 2011arXiv1111.6065M
  Context. Mercury-manganese (HgMn) stars have been considered as
  non-magnetic and non-variable chemically peculiar (CP) stars for a
  long time. However, recent discoveries of the variability in spectral
  line profiles have suggested an inhomogeneous surface distribution
  of chemical elements in some HgMn stars. From the studies of other
  CP stars it is known that magnetic field plays a key role in the
  formation of surface spots. All attempts to find magnetic fields in
  HgMn stars have yielded negative results. <BR /> Aims: In this study,
  we investigate the possible presence of a magnetic field in ϕ Phe
  (HD 11753) and reconstruct surface distribution of chemical elements
  that show variability in spectral lines. We also test a hypothesis
  that a magnetic field is concentrated in chemical spots and look into
  the possibility that some chemical elements are stratified with depth
  in the stellar atmosphere. <BR /> Methods: Our analysis is based on
  high-quality spectropolarimetric time-series observations, covering
  a full rotational period of the star. Spectra were obtained with the
  HARPSpol at the ESO 3.6-m telescope. To increase the sensitivity of
  the magnetic field search, we employed the least-squares deconvolution
  (LSD) technique. Using Doppler imaging code INVERS10, we reconstructed
  surface chemical distributions by utilising information from
  multiple spectral lines. The vertical stratification of chemical
  elements was calculated with the DDAFit program. <BR /> Results:
  Combining information from all suitable spectral lines, we set an
  upper limit of 4 G on the mean longitudinal magnetic field. For
  chemical spots, an upper limit on the longitudinal field varies
  between 8 and 15 G. We confirmed the variability of Y, Sr, and Ti
  and detected variability in Cr lines. Stratification analysis showed
  that Y and Ti are not concentrated in the uppermost atmospheric
  layers. <BR /> Conclusions: Our spectropolarimetric observations
  rule out the presence of a strong, globally-organised magnetic field
  in ϕ Phe. This implies an alternative mechanism of spot formation,
  which could be related to a non-equilibrium atomic diffusion. However,
  the typical time scales of the variation in stratification predicted
  by the recent time-dependent diffusion models exceed significantly
  the spot evolution time-scale reported for ϕ Phe. <P />Based on
  observations collected at the European Southern Observatory, Chile
  (ESO programme 084.D-0338). Figures 9-12 are available in electronic
  form at <A href="http://www.aanda.org">http://www.aanda.org</A>

Title: SME: Spectroscopy Made Easy
Authors: Valenti, J. A.; Piskunov, N.
2012ascl.soft02013V    Altcode:
  Spectroscopy Made Easy (SME) is IDL software and a compiled external
  library that fits an observed high-resolution stellar spectrum with a
  synthetic spectrum to determine stellar parameters. The SME external
  library is available for Mac, Linux, and Windows systems. Atomic and
  molecular line data formatted for SME may be obtained from VALD. SME can
  solve for empirical log(gf) and damping parameters, using an observed
  spectrum of a star (usually the Sun) as a constraint.

Title: Doppler images of II Pegasi for 2004-2010
Authors: Hackman, T.; Mantere, M. J.; Lindborg, M.; Ilyin, I.;
   Kochukhov, O.; Piskunov, N.; Tuominen, I.
2012A&A...538A.126H    Altcode: 2011arXiv1106.6237H
  <BR /> Aims: We study the spot activity of <ASTROBJ>II Peg</ASTROBJ>
  during the years 2004-2010 to determine long- and short-term changes in
  the magnetic activity. In a previous study, we detected a persistent
  active longitude, as well as major changes in the spot configuration
  occurring on a timescale of shorter than a year. The main objective
  of this study is to determine whether the same phenomena persist in
  the star during these six years of spectroscopic monitoring. <BR />
  Methods: The observations were collected with the high-resolution
  SOFIN spectrograph at the Nordic Optical Telescope. The temperature
  maps were calculated using a Doppler imaging code based on Tikhonov
  regularization. <BR /> Results: We present 12 new temperature maps that
  show spots distributed mainly over high and intermediate latitudes. In
  each image, 1-3 main active regions can be identified. The activity
  level of the star is clearly lower than during our previous study
  for the years 1994-2002. In contrast to the previous observations,
  we detect no clear drift of the active regions with respect to the
  rotation of the star. <BR /> Conclusions: Having shown a systematic
  longitudinal drift of the spot-generating mechanism during 1994-2002,
  the star has clearly switched to a low-activity state for 2004-2010,
  during which the spot locations appear more random over phase space. It
  could be that the star is near to a minimum of its activity cycle. <P
  />Based on observations made with the Nordic Optical Telescope, operated
  on the island of La Palma jointly by Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway,
  and Sweden, in the Spanish Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of
  the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias.

Title: M2K. II. A Triple-planet System Orbiting HIP 57274
Authors: Fischer, Debra A.; Gaidos, Eric; Howard, Andrew W.; Giguere,
   Matthew J.; Johnson, John A.; Marcy, Geoffrey W.; Wright, Jason T.;
   Valenti, Jeff A.; Piskunov, Nikolai; Clubb, Kelsey I.; Isaacson,
   Howard; Apps, Kevin; Lepine, Sebastien; Mann, Andrew; Moriarty, John;
   Brewer, John; Spronck, Julien F. P.; Schwab, Christian; Szymkowiak,
2012ApJ...745...21F    Altcode: 2011arXiv1109.2926F
  Doppler observations from Keck Observatory have revealed a triple-planet
  system orbiting the nearby K4V star, HIP 57274. The inner planet,
  HIP 57274b, is a super-Earth with Msin i = 11.6 M <SUB>⊕</SUB>
  (0.036 M <SUB>Jup</SUB>), an orbital period of 8.135 ± 0.004 days,
  and slightly eccentric orbit e = 0.19 ± 0.1. We calculate a transit
  probability of 6.5% for the inner planet. The second planet has Msin i =
  0.4 M <SUB>Jup</SUB> with an orbital period of 32.0 ± 0.02 days in a
  nearly circular orbit (e = 0.05 ± 0.03). The third planet has Msin i
  = 0.53 M <SUB>Jup</SUB> with an orbital period of 432 ± 8 days (1.18
  years) and an eccentricity e = 0.23 ± 0.03. This discovery adds to the
  number of super-Earth mass planets with M sin i &lt; 12 M <SUB>⊕</SUB>
  that have been detected with Doppler surveys. We find that 56% ± 18%
  of super-Earths are members of multi-planet systems. This is certainly
  a lower limit because of observational detectability limits, yet
  significantly higher than the fraction of Jupiter mass exoplanets, 20%
  ± 8%, that are members of Doppler-detected, multi-planet systems. <P
  />Based on observations obtained at the Keck Observatory, which is
  operated by the University of California.

Title: Multi-element Doppler imaging of the CP2 star HD 3980
Authors: Nesvacil, N.; Lüftinger, T.; Shulyak, D.; Obbrugger, M.;
   Weiss, W.; Drake, N. A.; Hubrig, S.; Ryabchikova, T.; Kochukhov, O.;
   Piskunov, N.; Polosukhina, N.
2012A&A...537A.151N    Altcode:
  Context. In atmospheres of magnetic main-sequence stars, the diffusion
  of chemical elements leads to a number of observed anomalies, such as
  abundance spots across the stellar surface. <BR /> Aims: The aim of
  this study was to derive a detailed picture of the surface abundance
  distribution of the magnetic chemically peculiar star HD 3980. <BR
  /> Methods: Based on high-resolution, phase-resolved spectroscopic
  observations of the magnetic A-type star HD 3980, the inhomogeneous
  surface distribution of 13 chemical elements (Li, O, Si, Ca, Cr, Mn,
  Fe, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Eu, and Gd) has been reconstructed. The INVERS12
  code was used to invert the rotational variability in line profiles to
  elemental surface distributions. <BR /> Results: Assuming a centered,
  dominantly dipolar magnetic field configuration, we find that Li, O,
  Mg, Pr, and Nd are mainly concentrated in the area of the magnetic
  poles and depleted in the regions around the magnetic equator. The
  high abundance spots of Si, La, Ce, Eu, and Gd are located between
  the magnetic poles and the magnetic equator. Except for La, which
  is clearly depleted in the area of the magnetic poles, no obvious
  correlation with the magnetic field has been found for these elements
  otherwise. Ca, Cr, and Fe appear enhanced along the rotational equator
  and the area around the magnetic poles. The intersection between the
  magnetic and the rotational equator constitutes an exception, especially
  for Ca and Cr, which are depleted in that region. <BR /> Conclusions:
  No obvious correlation between the theoretically predicted abundance
  patterns and those determined in this study could be found. This can
  be attributed to a lack of up-to-date theoretical models, especially
  for rare earth elements. <P />Table 1 is available in electronic form
  at <A href="http://www.aanda.org">http://www.aanda.org</A>

Title: New Insights into Stellar Magnetism from the Spectropolarimetry
    in All Four Stokes Parameters
Authors: Kochukhov, O.; Snik, F.; Piskunov, N.; Jeffers, S. V.;
   Keller, C. U.; Makaganiuk, V.; Valenti, J. A.; Johns-Krull, C. M.;
   Rodenhuis, M.; Stempels, H. C.
2011ASPC..448..245K    Altcode: 2011csss...16..245K
  Development of high-resolution spectropolarimetry has stimulated a
  major progress in our understanding of the magnetism and activity of
  late-type stars. During the last decade magnetic fields were discovered
  and mapped for various types of active stars using spectropolarimetric
  methods. However, these observations and modeling attempts are
  inherently incomplete since they are based on the interpretation of the
  stellar circular polarization alone. Taking advantage of the recently
  commissioned HARPS polarimeter, we obtained the first systematic
  observations of cool active stars in all four Stokes parameters. Here we
  report detection of the magnetically induced linear polarization in the
  RS CVn binary HR 1099 and phase-resolved full Stokes vector observations
  of varepsilon Eri. For the latter star we measured the field strength
  with the precision of ∼0.1 G over a complete rotation cycle and
  reconstructed the global field topology with the help of magnetic
  Doppler imaging. Our observations of the inactive solar-like star α
  Cen A indicate the absence of the global field stronger than 0.2 G.

Title: Rotation, magnetism and metallicity of M dwarf systems
Authors: Shulyak, D.; Seifahrt, A.; Reiners, A.; Kochukhov, O.;
   Piskunov, N.
2011MNRAS.418.2548S    Altcode: 2011MNRAS.tmp.1579S; 2011arXiv1108.3465S
  Close M dwarf binaries and higher multiples allow the investigation
  of rotational evolution and mean magnetic flux unbiased from scatter
  in inclination angle and age since the orientation of the spin axis of
  the components is most likely parallel and the individual systems are
  coeval. Systems composed of an early-type (M0.0-M4.0) and a late-type
  (M4.0-M8.0) component offer the possibility to study differences
  in rotation and magnetism between partially and fully convective
  stars. We have selected 10 of the closest dM systems to determine the
  rotation velocities and the mean magnetic field strengths based on
  spectroscopic analysis of FeH lines of Wing-Ford transitions at 1 μm
  observed with Very Large Telescope/CRIRES. We also studied the quality
  of our spectroscopic model regarding atmospheric parameters including
  metallicity. A modified version of the Molecular Zeeman Library
  (MZL) was used to compute Landég-factors for FeH lines. Magnetic
  spectral synthesis was performed with the SYNMAST code. We confirmed
  previously reported findings that less massive M dwarfs are braked less
  effectively than objects of earlier types. Strong surface magnetic
  fields were detected in primaries of four systems (GJ 852, GJ 234,
  LP 717-36 and GJ 3322), and in the secondary of the triple system GJ
  852. We also confirm strong 2-kG magnetic field in the primary of the
  triple system GJ 2005. No fields could be accurately determined in
  rapidly rotating stars with υ sin i &gt; 10 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. For
  slowly and moderately rotating stars, we find the surface magnetic
  field strength to increase with the rotational velocity υ sin i which
  is consistent with other results from studying field stars. Based on
  observations made with European Southern Observatory (ESO) Telescopes
  at the Paranal Observatories under programme ID 81.D-0189.

Title: Magnetic Fields in M-dwarfs: Quantitative Results from Detailed
    Spectral Synthesis in FeH Lines
Authors: Shulyak, D.; Reiners, A.; Wende, S.; Kochukhov, O.; Piskunov,
   N.; Seifahrt, A.
2011ASPC..448.1263S    Altcode: 2011csss...16.1263S; 2010arXiv1012.1435S
  Strong surface magnetic fields are ubiquitously found in M-dwarfs with
  mean intensities on the order of few thousand Gauss -- three orders of
  magnitude higher than the mean surface magnetic field of the Sun. These
  fields and their interaction with photospheric convection are the main
  source of stellar activity, which is of big interest to study links
  between parent stars and their planets. Moreover, the understanding of
  stellar magnetism, as well as the role of different dynamo-actions
  in particular, is impossible without explaining magnetic fields
  in M-dwarfs. Measuring magnetic field intensities and geometries
  in such cool objects, however, is strongly limited to our ability
  to simulate the Zeeman effect in molecular lines. In this work, we
  present quantitative results of modelling and analysis of the magnetic
  fields in selected M-dwarfs in FeH Wing-Ford lines and strong atomic
  lines. Some particular FeH lines are found to be the excellent probes
  of the magnetic field.

Title: Spot activity of II Peg
Authors: Hackman, T.; Mantere, M. J.; Jetsu, L.; Ilyin, I.;
   Kajatkari, P.; Kochukhov, O.; Lehtinen, J.; Lindborg, M.; Piskunov,
   N.; Tuominen, I.
2011AN....332..859H    Altcode:
  We have studied the long-term spot activity of the RS CVn star II Peg
  by means of Doppler imaging based on spectroscopy and time series
  analysis of photometry. We present 28 Doppler imaging temperature
  maps spanning the years 1994-2010, of which 14 were calculated for
  the present study. The longitudinal spot distribution, derived from
  the surface temperature maps, is compared with epochs of the light
  curve minima, derived from photometric observations. We detect a
  longitudinal drift in the major spot structure during 1995-2003. After
  this there is a clear decrease in the activity level and no clear
  drift can be seen. We conclude that the variations could be caused
  by a cyclic behaviour of the underlying magnetic dynamo. <P />Based
  on observations made with the Nordic Optical Telescope, operated on
  the island of La Palma jointly by Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway,
  and Sweden, in the Spanish Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of
  the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias.

Title: No magnetic field in the spotted HgMn star μ Leporis
Authors: Kochukhov, O.; Makaganiuk, V.; Piskunov, N.; Jeffers, S. V.;
   Johns-Krull, C. M.; Keller, C. U.; Rodenhuis, M.; Snik, F.; Stempels,
   H. C.; Valenti, J. A.
2011A&A...534L..13K    Altcode: 2011arXiv1110.0829K
  Context. Chemically peculiar stars of the mercury-manganese (HgMn)
  type represent a new class of spotted late-B stars, in which evolving
  surface chemical inhomogeneities are apparently unrelated to the
  presence of strong magnetic fields but are produced by some hitherto
  unknown astrophysical mechanism. <BR /> Aims: The goal of this study
  is to perform a detailed line profile variability analysis and carry
  out a sensitive magnetic field search for one of the brightest HgMn
  stars - μ Lep. <BR /> Methods: We acquired a set of very high-quality
  intensity and polarization spectra of μ Lep with the HARPSpol
  polarimeter. These data were analyzed with the multiline technique
  of least-squares deconvolution in order to extract information on
  the magnetic field and line profile variability. <BR /> Results:
  Our spectra show very weak but definite variability in the lines
  of Sc, all Fe-peak elements represented in the spectrum of μ Lep,
  as well as Y, Sr, and Hg. Variability might also be present in the
  lines of Si and Mg. Anomalous profile shapes of Ti ii and Y ii lines
  suggest a dominant axisymmetric distribution of these elements. At
  the same time, we found no evidence of the magnetic field in μ Lep,
  with the 3σ upper limit of only 3 G for the mean longitudinal magnetic
  field. This is the most stringent upper limit on the possible magnetic
  field derived for a spotted HgMn star. <BR /> Conclusions: The very
  weak variability detected for many elements in the spectrum μ Lep
  suggests that low-contrast chemical inhomogeneities may be common in
  HgMn stars and that they have not been recognized until now due to the
  limited precision of previous spectroscopic observations and a lack
  of time-series data. The null result of the magnetic field search
  reinforces the conclusion that formation of chemical spots in HgMn
  stars is not magnetically driven. <P />Based on observations collected
  at the European Southern Observatory, Chile (ESO programs 084.D-0338,

Title: Analyzing low signal-to-noise FUSE spectra. Confirmation of
    Lyman continuum escape from Haro 11
Authors: Leitet, E.; Bergvall, N.; Piskunov, N.; Andersson, B. -G.
2011A&A...532A.107L    Altcode: 2011arXiv1106.1178L
  Context. Galaxies are believed to be the main providers of Lyman
  continuum (LyC) photons during the early phases of the cosmic
  reionization. Little is known however, when it comes to escape fractions
  and the mechanisms behind the leakage. To learn more, one may look at
  local objects, but so far only one low-z galaxy has shown any signs of
  emitting LyC radiation. With data from the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic
  Explorer (FUSE), we previously found an absolute escape fraction of
  ionizing photons (f<SUB>esc</SUB>) of 4-10% for the blue compact galaxy
  <ASTROBJ>Haro 11</ASTROBJ>. However, using a revised version of the
  reduction pipeline on the same data set, Grimes and collaborators were
  unable to confirm this and derived an upper limit of f<SUB>esc</SUB> ≲
  2% . <BR /> Aims: We attempt to determine whether Haro 11 is emitting
  ionizing radiation to a significant level or not. We also investigate
  the performance of the reduction pipeline for faint targets such as Haro
  11, and introduce a new approach to the background subtraction. <BR />
  Methods: The final version of the reduction pipeline, CalFUSE v3.2,
  was applied to the same Haro 11 data set as the two previous authors
  used. At these faint flux levels, both FUSE and CalFUSE are pushed
  to their limits, and a detailed analysis was undertaken to monitor
  the performance of the pipeline. We show that non-simultaneous
  background estimates are insuffient when working with data of low
  signal-to-noise ratio (S/N), and a new background model was developed
  based on a direct fit to the detector response. <BR /> Results: We
  find that one has to be very careful when using CalFUSE v3.2 on low
  S/N data, and especially when dealing with sources where signal might
  originate from off-center regions. Applying the new background fit,
  a significant signal is detected in the LyC in both detector segments
  covering these wavelengths. Thus, the leakage is confirmed with a flux
  density of f<SUB>900</SUB> = 4.0 × 10<SUP>-15</SUP> erg s<SUP>-1</SUP>
  cm<SUP>-2</SUP> Å<SUP>-1</SUP> (S/N = 4.6), measured on the airglow
  free regions in the LyC for the night-only data. This corresponds
  to an absolute escape fraction of ionizing photons from Haro 11 of
  f<SUB>esc</SUB> = 3.3 ± 0.7%. We confirm these results by investigating
  the two-dimensional data, the count rates, and the residual flux in
  C ii λ1036 Å. <P />Appendix A is available in electronic form at
  <A href="http://www.aanda.org">http://www.aanda.org</A>

Title: Starspot variability and evolution from modeling Kepler
    photometry of active late-type stars
Authors: Brown, Alexander; Korhonen, Heidi; Berdyugina, Svetlana;
   Tofany, Barton; Ayres, Thomas R.; Kowalski, Adam; Hawley, Suzanne;
   Harper, Graham; Piskunov, Nikolai
2011IAUS..273...78B    Altcode:
  The Kepler satellite provides a unique opportunity to study the detailed
  optical photometric variability of late-type stars with unprecedentedly
  long (several year) continuous monitoring and sensitivity to very
  small-scale variations. We are studying a sample of over two hundred
  cool (mid-A - late-K spectral type) stars using Kepler long-cadence
  (30 minute sampling) observations. These stars show a remarkable
  range of photometric variability, but in this paper we concentrate on
  rotational modulation due to starspots and flaring. Modulation at the
  0.1% level is readily discernable. We highlight the rapid timescales
  of starspot evolution seen on solar-like stars with rotational periods
  between 2 and 7 days.

Title: VAMDC: The Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Center
Authors: Walton, N. A.; Dubernet, M. L.; Mason, N. J.; Piskunov, N.;
   Rixon, G. T.; Vamdc Consortium
2011ASPC..442...89W    Altcode: 2011adass..20...89W
  The Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Center (VAMDC) is a European
  Union funded collaboration between groups involved in the generation,
  evaluation, and use of atomic and molecular data. VAMDC aims to
  build a secure, documented, flexible and interoperable e-science
  environment-based interface to existing atomic and molecular data. The
  project will cover establishing the core consortium, the development
  and deployment of the infrastructure and the development of interfaces
  to the existing atomic and molecular databases. This paper describes
  the organization, its objectives and introduces the VAMDC level one
  service release.

Title: The search for magnetic fields in mercury-manganese stars
Authors: Makaganiuk, Vitalii; Kochukhov, Oleg; Piskunov, Nikolai;
   Jeffers, Sandra V.; Johns-Krull, Christopher M.; Keller, Christoph
   U.; Rodenhuis, Michiel; Snik, Frans; Stempels, Henricus C.; Valenti,
   Jeff A.
2011IAUS..272..202M    Altcode:
  Mercury-manganese (HgMn) stars were considered to be non-magnetic,
  showing no evidence of surface spots. However, recent investigations
  revealed that some stars in this class possess an inhomogeneous
  distribution of chemical elements on their surfaces. According to
  our current understanding, the most probable mechanism of spot
  formation involves magnetic fields. Taking the advantage of a
  newly-built polarimeter attached to the HARPS spectrometer at the
  ESO 3.6m-telescope, we performed a high-precision spectropolarimetric
  survey of a large group of HgMn stars. The main purpose of this study
  was to find out how typical it is for HgMn stars to have weak magnetic
  fields. We report no magnetic field detection for any of the studied
  objects, with a typical precision of the longitudinal field measurements
  of 10 G and down to 1 Gauss for some of the stars. We conclude that HgMn
  stars lack large-scale magnetic fields typical of spotted magnetic Ap
  stars and probably lack any fields capable of creating and sustaining
  chemical spots. Our study confirms that alongside the magnetically
  altered atomic diffusion, there must be other structure formation
  mechanism operating in the atmospheres of late-B main sequence stars.

Title: Chemical spots in the absence of magnetic field in the binary
    HgMn star 66 Eridani
Authors: Makaganiuk, V.; Kochukhov, O.; Piskunov, N.; Jeffers, S. V.;
   Johns-Krull, C. M.; Keller, C. U.; Rodenhuis, M.; Snik, F.; Stempels,
   H. C.; Valenti, J. A.
2011A&A...529A.160M    Altcode: 2011arXiv1102.4661M
  Context. According to our current understanding, a subclass of the
  upper main-sequence chemically peculiar stars, called mercury-manganese
  (HgMn), is non-magnetic. Nevertheless, chemical inhomogeneities were
  recently discovered on their surfaces. At the same time, no global
  magnetic fields stronger than 1-100 G are detected by systematic
  studies. <BR /> Aims: The goals of our study are to search for a
  magnetic field in the HgMn binary system 66 Eri and to investigate
  chemical spots on the stellar surfaces of both components. <BR />
  Methods: Our analysis is based on high-quality spectropolarimetric
  time-series observations obtained during 10 consecutive nights with
  the HARPSpol instrument at the ESO 3.6-m telescope. To increase the
  sensitivity of the magnetic field search we employed a least-squares
  deconvolution (LSD). We used spectral disentangling to measure radial
  velocities and study the line profile variability. Chemical spot
  geometry was reconstructed using multi-line Doppler imaging. <BR />
  Results: We report a non-detection of magnetic field in 66 Eri, with
  error bars 10-24 G for the longitudinal field. Circular polarization
  profiles also do not indicate any signatures of complex surface
  magnetic fields. For a simple dipolar field configuration we estimated
  an upper limit of the polar field strength to be 60-70 G. For the
  HgMn component we found variability in spectral lines of Ti, Ba,
  Y, and Sr with the rotational period equal to the orbital one. The
  surface maps of these elements reconstructed with the Doppler imaging
  technique show a relative underabundance on the hemisphere facing the
  secondary component. The contrast of chemical inhomogeneities ranges
  from 0.4 for Ti to 0.8 for Ba. <P />Based on observations collected
  at the European Southern Observatory, Chile (ESO program 084.D-0338).

Title: First Detection of Linear Polarization in the Line Profiles
    of Active Cool Stars
Authors: Kochukhov, O.; Makaganiuk, V.; Piskunov, N.; Snik, F.;
   Jeffers, S. V.; Johns-Krull, C. M.; Keller, C. U.; Rodenhuis, M.;
   Valenti, J. A.
2011ApJ...732L..19K    Altcode: 2011arXiv1103.6028K
  The application of high-resolution spectropolarimetry has led to major
  progress in understanding the magnetism and activity of late-type
  stars. During the last decade, magnetic fields have been discovered and
  mapped for many types of active cool stars using spectropolarimetric
  data. However, these observations and modeling attempts are
  fundamentally incomplete since they are based on the interpretation of
  the circular polarization alone. Taking advantage of the newly built
  HARPS polarimeter, we have obtained the first systematic observations
  of several cool active stars in all four Stokes parameters. Here we
  report the detection of magnetically induced linear polarization for
  the primary component of the very active RS CVn binary HR 1099 and
  for the moderately active K dwarf ɛ Eri. For both stars the amplitude
  of linear polarization signatures is measured to be ~10<SUP>-4</SUP>
  of the unpolarized continuum, which is approximately a factor of 10
  lower than for circular polarization. This is the first detection of
  the linear polarization in line profiles of cool active stars. Our
  observations of the inactive solar-like star α Cen A show neither
  circular nor linear polarization above the level of ~10<SUP>-5</SUP>,
  indicating the absence of a net longitudinal magnetic field stronger
  than 0.2 G. <P />Based on observations obtained at the European Southern
  Observatory (ESO programs 083.D-1000(A) and 084.D-0338(A)).

Title: Kepler Observations of Starspot Evolution, Differential
    Rotation, and Flares on Late-Type Stars
Authors: Brown, Alexander; Korhonen, H.; Berdyugina, S.; Walkowicz,
   L.; Kowalski, A.; Hawley, S.; Neff, J.; Ramsey, L.; Redman, S.; Saar,
   S.; Furesz, G.; Piskunov, N.; Harper, G.; Ayres, T.; Tofany, B.
2011AAS...21820502B    Altcode: 2011BAAS..43G20502B
  The Kepler satellite is providing spectacular optical photometric
  light-curves of unprecedented precision and duration that
  routinely allow detailed studies of stellar magnetic activity on
  late-type stars that were difficult, if not impossible, to attempt
  previously. Rotational modulation due to starspots is commonly seen
  in the Kepler light-curves of late-type stars, allowing detailed
  study of the surface distribution of their photospheric magnetic
  activity. Kepler is providing multi-year duration light-curves that
  allow us to investigate how activity phenomena -- such as the growth,
  migration, and decay of starspots, differential rotation, activity
  cycles, and flaring -- operate on single and binary stars with a
  wide range of mass and convection zone depth. <P />We present the
  first results from detailed starspot modeling using newly-developed
  light-curve inversion codes for a range of GALEX-selected stars with
  typical rotation periods of a few days, that we have observed as part of
  our 200 target Kepler Cycle 1/2 Guest Observer programs. The physical
  properties of the stars have been measured using high resolution
  optical spectroscopy, which allows the Kepler results to be placed
  within the existing framework of knowledge regarding stellar magnetic
  activity. These results demonstrate the powerful diagnostic capability
  provided by tracking starspot evolution essentially continuously for
  more than 16 months. The starspots are clearly sampling the stellar
  rotation rate at different latitudes, enabling us to measure the
  differential rotation and starspot lifetimes. As would be expected,
  stars with few day rotation show frequent flaring that is easily seen
  as "white-light" flares in Kepler light-curves. We compare the observed
  flare rates and occurrence with the starspot properties. <P />This work
  contains results obtained using the NASA Kepler satellite and from the
  Apache Point Observatory, the MMT (using NOAO community access time),
  and the Hobby-Eberly Telescope. Funding is provided by NASA Kepler
  grants NNX10AC51G and NNX11AC79G.

Title: The HARPS Polarimeter
Authors: Snik, F.; Kochukhov, O.; Piskunov, N.; Rodenhuis, M.; Jeffers,
   S.; Keller, C.; Dolgopolov, A.; Stempels, E.; Makaganiuk, V.; Valenti,
   J.; Johns-Krull, C.
2011ASPC..437..237S    Altcode: 2010arXiv1010.0397S
  We recently commissioned the polarimetric upgrade of the HARPS
  spectrograph at ESO's 3.6-m telescope at La Silla, Chile. The HARPS
  polarimeter is capable of full Stokes spectropolarimetry with large
  sensitivity and accuracy, taking advantage of the large spectral
  resolution and stability of HARPS. In this paper we present the
  instrument design and its polarimetric performance. The first HARPSpol
  observations show that it can attain a polarimetric sensitivity
  of ∼10<SUP>-5</SUP> (after addition of many lines) and that no
  significant instrumental polarization effects are present.

Title: The Exoplanet Orbit Database
Authors: Wright, J. T.; Fakhouri, O.; Marcy, G. W.; Han, E.; Feng,
   Y.; Johnson, John Asher; Howard, A. W.; Fischer, D. A.; Valenti,
   J. A.; Anderson, J.; Piskunov, N.
2011PASP..123..412W    Altcode: 2010arXiv1012.5676W
  We present a database of well-determined orbital parameters of
  exoplanets, and their host stars’ properties. This database comprises
  spectroscopic orbital elements measured for 427 planets orbiting 363
  stars from radial velocity and transit measurements as reported in
  the literature. We have also compiled fundamental transit parameters,
  stellar parameters, and the method used for the planets discovery. This
  Exoplanet Orbit Database includes all planets with robust, well measured
  orbital parameters reported in peer-reviewed articles. The database is
  available in a searchable, filterable, and sortable form online through
  the Exoplanets Data Explorer table, and the data can be plotted and
  explored through the Exoplanet Data Explorer plotter. We use the Data
  Explorer to generate publication-ready plots, giving three examples
  of the signatures of exoplanet migration and dynamical evolution:
  We illustrate the character of the apparent correlation between mass
  and period in exoplanet orbits, the different selection biases between
  radial velocity and transit surveys, and that the multiplanet systems
  show a distinct semimajor-axis distribution from apparently singleton

Title: The NASA-UC Eta-Earth Program. III. A Super-Earth Orbiting
    HD 97658 and a Neptune-mass Planet Orbiting Gl 785
Authors: Howard, Andrew W.; Johnson, John Asher; Marcy, Geoffrey W.;
   Fischer, Debra A.; Wright, Jason T.; Henry, Gregory W.; Isaacson,
   Howard; Valenti, Jeff A.; Anderson, Jay; Piskunov, Nikolai E.
2011ApJ...730...10H    Altcode: 2010arXiv1011.0414H
  We report the discovery of planets orbiting two bright, nearby early
  K dwarf stars, HD 97658 and Gl 785. These planets were detected by
  Keplerian modeling of radial velocities measured with Keck-HIRES for
  the NASA-UC Eta-Earth Survey. HD 97658 b is a close-in super-Earth
  with minimum mass Msin i = 8.2 ± 1.2 M <SUB>⊕</SUB>, orbital
  period P = 9.494 ± 0.005 days, and an orbit that is consistent with
  circular. Gl 785 b is a Neptune-mass planet with Msin i = 21.6 ± 2.0
  M <SUB>⊕</SUB>, P = 74.39 ± 0.12 days, and orbital eccentricity e =
  0.30 ± 0.09. Photometric observations with the T12 0.8 m automatic
  photometric telescope at Fairborn Observatory show that HD 97658 is
  photometrically constant at the radial velocity period to 0.09 mmag,
  supporting the existence of the planet. <P />Based on observations
  obtained at the W. M. Keck Observatory, which is operated jointly
  by the University of California and the California Institute of
  Technology. Keck time has been granted by both NASA and the University
  of California.

Title: HARPSpol — The New Polarimetric Mode for HARPS
Authors: Piskunov, N.; Snik, F.; Dolgopolov, A.; Kochukhov, O.;
   Rodenhuis, M.; Valenti, J.; Jeffers, S.; Makaganiuk, V.; Johns-Krull,
   C.; Stempels, E.; Keller, C.
2011Msngr.143....7P    Altcode:
  The HARPS spectrograph can now perform a full polarisation analysis
  of spectra. It has been equipped with a polarimetric unit, HARPSpol,
  which was jointly designed and produced by Uppsala, Utrecht and Rice
  Universities and by the STScI. Here we present the new instrument,
  demonstrate its polarisation capabilities and show the first scientific

Title: Doppler images of the RS CVn binary II Pegasi during the
    years 1994-2002
Authors: Lindborg, M.; Korpi, M. J.; Hackman, T.; Tuominen, I.; Ilyin,
   I.; Piskunov, N.
2011A&A...526A..44L    Altcode:
  <BR /> Aims: We publish 16 Doppler imaging temperature maps for the
  years 1994-2002 of the active RS CVn star II Peg. The six maps from
  1999-2002 are based on previously unpublished observations. Through
  Doppler imaging we want to study the spot evolution of the star and
  in particular compare this with previous results showing a cyclic
  spot behaviour and persistent, active longitudes. <BR /> Methods:
  The observations were collected with the SOFIN spectrograph at the
  Nordic Optical Telescope. The temperature maps were calculated using a
  Doppler imaging code based on Tikhonov regularization. <BR /> Results:
  During 1994-2001, our results show a consistent trend in the derived
  longitudes of the principal and secondary temperature minima over
  time such that the magnetic structure appears to rotate somewhat more
  rapidly than the orbital period of this close binary. A sudden phase
  jump in the active region occurred between the observing seasons of
  2001 and 2002. No clear trend over time is detected in the derived
  latitudes of the spots, indicating that the systematic motion could
  be related to the drift of the spot-generating mechanism rather than
  to differential rotation. The derived temperature maps are quite
  similar to the ones obtained earlier with different methods and the
  main differences occur in the spot latitudes and relative strength of
  the spot structures. <BR /> Conclusions: We observe both longitude and
  latitude shifts in the spot activity of II Peg. However, our results
  are not consistent with the periodic behaviour presented in previous
  studies. <P />Full Table 1 is only available in electronic form at the
  CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or via <A

Title: The NASA-UC Eta-Earth Program. II. A Planet Orbiting HD 156668
    with a Minimum Mass of Four Earth Masses
Authors: Howard, Andrew W.; Johnson, John Asher; Marcy, Geoffrey W.;
   Fischer, Debra A.; Wright, Jason T.; Henry, Gregory W.; Isaacson,
   Howard; Valenti, Jeff A.; Anderson, Jay; Piskunov, Nikolai E.
2011ApJ...726...73H    Altcode: 2010arXiv1003.3444H
  We report the discovery of HD 156668 b, an extrasolar planet with a
  minimum mass of M<SUB>P</SUB> sin i = 4.15 M <SUB>⊕</SUB>. This planet
  was discovered through Keplerian modeling of precise radial velocities
  from Keck-HIRES and is the second super-Earth to emerge from the NASA-UC
  Eta-Earth Survey. The best-fit orbit is consistent with circular and
  has a period of P = 4.6455 days. The Doppler semi-amplitude of this
  planet, K = 1.89 m s<SUP>-1</SUP>, is among the lowest ever detected,
  on par with the detection of GJ 581 e using HARPS. A longer period
  (P ≈ 2.3 years), low-amplitude signal of unknown origin was also
  detected in the radial velocities and was filtered out of the data
  while fitting the short-period planet. Additional data are required
  to determine if the long-period signal is due to a second planet,
  stellar activity, or another source. Photometric observations using the
  Automated Photometric Telescopes at Fairborn Observatory show that HD
  156668 (an old, quiet K3 dwarf) is photometrically constant over the
  radial velocity period to 0.1 mmag, supporting the existence of the
  planet. No transits were detected down to a photometric limit of ~3
  mmag, ruling out transiting planets dominated by extremely bloated
  atmospheres, but not precluding a transiting solid/liquid planet
  with a modest atmosphere. <P />Based on observations obtained at the
  W. M. Keck Observatory, which is operated jointly by the University
  of California and the California Institute of Technology. Keck time
  has been granted by both NASA and the University of California.

Title: The search for magnetic fields in mercury-manganese stars
Authors: Makaganiuk, V.; Kochukhov, O.; Piskunov, N.; Jeffers, S. V.;
   Johns-Krull, C. M.; Keller, C. U.; Rodenhuis, M.; Snik, F.; Stempels,
   H. C.; Valenti, J. A.
2011A&A...525A..97M    Altcode: 2010arXiv1010.3931M
  Context. A subclass of the upper main-sequence chemically peculiar
  stars, mercury-manganese (HgMn) stars were traditionally considered to
  be non-magnetic, showing no evidence of variability in their spectral
  line profiles. However, discoveries of chemical inhomogeneities on
  their surfaces imply that this assumption should be investigated. In
  particular, spectroscopic time-series of AR Aur, α And, and five other
  HgMn stars indicate the presence of chemical spots. At the same time,
  no signatures of global magnetic fields have been detected. <BR />
  Aims: We attempt to understand the physical mechanism that causes the
  formation of chemical spots in HgMn stars and gain insight into the
  potential magnetic field properties at their surfaces; we performed a
  highly sensitive search for magnetic fields for a large set of HgMn
  stars. <BR /> Methods: With the aid of a new polarimeter attached
  to the HARPS spectrometer at the ESO 3.6 m-telescope, we obtained
  high-quality circular polarization spectra of 41 single and double HgMn
  stars. Using a multi-line analysis technique on each star, we co-added
  information from hundreds of spectral lines to ensure significantly
  greater sensitivity to the presence of magnetic fields, including very
  weak fields. <BR /> Results: For the 47 individual objects studied,
  including six components of SB2 systems, we do not detect any magnetic
  fields at greater than the 3σ level. The lack of detection in the
  circular polarization profiles indicates that if strong fields are
  present on these stars, they must have complex surface topologies. For
  simple global fields, our detection limits imply upper limits to the
  fields present of 2-10 Gauss in the best cases. <BR /> Conclusions:
  We conclude that HgMn stars lack large-scale magnetic fields, which
  is typical of spotted magnetic Ap stars, of sufficient strength to
  form and sustain the chemical spots observed on HgMn stars. Our study
  confirms that in addition to magnetically altered atomic diffusion,
  there exists another differentiation mechanism operating in the
  atmospheres of late-B main sequence stars that can produce compositional
  inhomogeneities on their surfaces. <P />Based on observations collected
  at the European Southern Observatory, Chile (ESO programs 083.D-1000,
  084.D-0338, 085.D-0296).Figure 5 is only available in electronic form
  at <A href="http://www.aanda.org">http://www.aanda.org</A>

Title: Magnetic Fields of M-Dwarfs from the Molecular and Atomic
Authors: Shulyak, D.; Reiners, A.; Wende, S.; Kochukhov, O.; Piskunov,
   N.; Seifahrt, A.
2011mast.conf..280S    Altcode:
  Strong surface magnetic fields are frequently found in the spectra
  of M-dwarfs, with the mean intensities on the order of a few thousand
  Gauss - three orders of magnitude higher than the mean surface magnetic
  field of the Sun. The appearance of such fields in both partially
  and fully convective M-dwarfs provides strong constraints on the
  theoretical models of stellar magnetism. The accurate estimates of the
  magnetic field intensity and geometry in these cool objects, however,
  is strongly limited to our ability to simulate the Zeeman effect in
  molecular lines. Here we present the first quantitative results of
  modelling and analysis of the magnetic fields in selected M-dwarfs
  in FeH Wing-Ford F^4Δ-X^4Δ transitions and some strong atomic lines
  from polarised radiative transfer.

Title: New release of Vienna Atomic Line Database (VALD) and its
    integration in Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre (VAMDC)
Authors: Ryabchikova, T. A.; Pakhomov, Yu. V.; Piskunov, N. E.
2011KIzKU.153...61R    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Least-squares deconvolution of the stellar intensity and
    polarization spectra
Authors: Kochukhov, O.; Makaganiuk, V.; Piskunov, N.
2010A&A...524A...5K    Altcode: 2010arXiv1008.5115K
  Context. Least-squares deconvolution (LSD) is a powerful method of
  extracting high-precision average line profiles from the stellar
  intensity and polarization spectra. This technique is widely
  used for detection, characterization, and detailed mapping of the
  temperature, magnetic, and chemical abundance structures on the
  surfaces of stars. <BR /> Aims: Despite its common usage, the LSD
  method is poorly documented and has never been tested with realistic
  synthetic spectra. In this study we revisit the key assumptions of
  the LSD technique, clarify its numerical implementation, discuss
  possible improvements and give recommendations of how to make LSD
  results understandable and reproducible. We also address the problem
  of interpretation of the moments and shapes of the LSD profiles in
  terms of physical parameters. <BR /> Methods: We have developed an
  improved, multiprofile version of LSD (iLSD) and have extended the
  deconvolution procedure to linear polarization analysis taking into
  account anomalous Zeeman splitting of spectral lines. The iLSD method
  is applied to the theoretical Stokes parameter spectra computed
  for a wide wavelength interval containing all relevant spectral
  lines. We test various methods of interpreting the mean profiles,
  investigating how coarse approximations of the multiline technique
  translate into errors of the derived parameters. <BR /> Results: We
  find that, generally, the Stokes parameter LSD profiles do not behave
  as a real spectral line with respect to the variation of magnetic
  field and elemental abundance. This problem is especially prominent
  for the Stokes I (intensity) variation with abundance and Stokes Q
  (linear polarization) variation with magnetic field. At the same time,
  the Stokes V (circular polarization) LSD spectra closely resemble the
  profile of a properly chosen synthetic line for the magnetic field
  strength up to 1 kG. The longitudinal field estimated from the Stokes
  V LSD profile is accurate to within 10% for the field strength below
  5 kG and to within a few percent for the fields weaker than 1 kG. Our
  iLSD technique offers clear advantages over the standard LSD method
  in the individual analysis of different chemical elements. <BR />
  Conclusions: We conclude that the usual method of interpreting the
  LSD profiles by assuming that they are equivalent to a real spectral
  line gives satisfactory results only in a limited parameter range and
  thus should be applied with caution. A more trustworthy approach is
  to abandon the single-line approximation of the average profiles and
  apply LSD consistently to observations and synthetic spectra.

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: Observations of II Peg (Lindborg+,
Authors: Lindborg, M.; Korpi, M. J.; Hackman, T.; Tuominen, I.; Ilyin,
   I.; Piskunov, N.
2010yCat..35260044L    Altcode: 2010yCat..35269044L
  The observations were collected with the SOFIN spectrograph at the
  Nordic Optical Telescope. The temperature maps were calculated using
  a Doppler imaging code based on Tikhonov regularization. <P />(1
  data file).

Title: Modelling the molecular Zeeman-effect in M-dwarfs: methods
    and first results
Authors: Shulyak, D.; Reiners, A.; Wende, S.; Kochukhov, O.; Piskunov,
   N.; Seifahrt, A.
2010A&A...523A..37S    Altcode: 2010arXiv1008.2512S
  <BR /> Aims: We present first quantitative results of the surface
  magnetic field measurements in selected M-dwarfs based on detailed
  spectra synthesis conducted simultaneously in atomic and molecular
  lines of the FeH Wing-Ford F<SUP>4</SUP> Δ - X<SUP>4</SUP> Δ
  transitions. <BR /> Methods: A modified version of the Molecular Zeeman
  Library (MZL) was used to compute Landé g-factors for FeH lines in
  different Hund's cases. Magnetic spectra synthesis was performed with
  the Synmast code. <BR /> Results: We show that the implementation
  of different Hund's case for FeH states depending on their quantum
  numbers allows us to achieve a good fit to the majority of lines in
  a sunspot spectrum in an automatic regime. Strong magnetic fields are
  confirmed via the modelling of atomic and FeH lines for three M-dwarfs
  YZ CMi, EV Lac, and AD Leo, but their mean intensities are found
  to be systematically lower than previously reported. A much weaker
  field (1.7-2 kG against 2.7 kG) is required to fit FeH lines in the
  spectra of GJ 1224. <BR /> Conclusions: Our method allows us to measure
  average magnetic fields in very low-mass stars from polarized radiative
  transfer. The obtained results indicate that the fields reported in
  earlier works were probably overestimated by about 15-30%. Higher
  quality observations are needed for more definite results.

Title: The California Planet Survey. I. Four New Giant Exoplanets
Authors: Howard, Andrew W.; Johnson, John Asher; Marcy, Geoffrey W.;
   Fischer, Debra A.; Wright, Jason T.; Bernat, David; Henry, Gregory W.;
   Peek, Kathryn M. G.; Isaacson, Howard; Apps, Kevin; Endl, Michael;
   Cochran, William D.; Valenti, Jeff A.; Anderson, Jay; Piskunov,
   Nikolai E.
2010ApJ...721.1467H    Altcode: 2010arXiv1003.3488H
  We present precise Doppler measurements of four stars obtained during
  the past decade at Keck Observatory by the California Planet Survey
  (CPS). These stars, namely, HD 34445, HD 126614, HD 13931, and Gl
  179, all show evidence for a single planet in Keplerian motion. We
  also present Doppler measurements from the Hobby-Eberly Telescope
  (HET) for two of the stars, HD 34445 and Gl 179, that confirm the
  Keck detections and significantly refine the orbital parameters. These
  planets add to the statistical properties of giant planets orbiting near
  or beyond the ice line, and merit follow-up by astrometry, imaging, and
  space-borne spectroscopy. Their orbital parameters span wide ranges
  of planetary minimum mass (M sin i = 0.38-1.9 M <SUB>Jup</SUB>),
  orbital period (P = 2.87-11.5 yr), semimajor axis (a = 2.1-5.2 AU),
  and eccentricity (e = 0.02-0.41). HD 34445 b (P = 2.87 yr, M sin i =
  0.79 M <SUB>Jup</SUB>, e = 0.27) is a massive planet orbiting an old,
  G-type star. We announce a planet, HD 126614 Ab, and an M dwarf, HD
  126614 B, orbiting the metal-rich star HD 126614 (which we now refer to
  as HD 126614 A). The planet, HD 126614 Ab, has minimum mass M sin i =
  0.38 M <SUB>Jup</SUB> and orbits the stellar primary with period P =
  3.41 yr and orbital separation a = 2.3 AU. The faint M dwarf companion,
  HD 126614 B, is separated from the stellar primary by 489 mas (33 AU)
  and was discovered with direct observations using adaptive optics and
  the PHARO camera at Palomar Observatory. The stellar primary in this
  new system, HD 126614 A, has the highest measured metallicity ([Fe/H] =
  +0.56) of any known planet-bearing star. HD 13931 b (P = 11.5 yr, M sin
  i = 1.88 M <SUB>Jup</SUB>, e = 0.02) is a Jupiter analog orbiting a near
  solar twin. Gl 179 b (P = 6.3 yr, M sin i = 0.82 M <SUB>Jup</SUB>, e =
  0.21) is a massive planet orbiting a faint M dwarf. The high metallicity
  of Gl 179 is consistent with the planet-metallicity correlation among
  M dwarfs, as documented recently by Johnson &amp; Apps. <P />Based on
  observations obtained at the W. M. Keck Observatory, which is operated
  jointly by the University of California and the California Institute of
  Technology. Keck time has been granted by both NASA and the University
  of California. Two of the planets announced here are also based on
  observations obtained with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope, which is a
  joint project of the University of Texas at Austin, the Pennsylvania
  State University, Stanford University, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität
  München, and Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.

Title: VAMDC: The Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre: a Service
    Orientated Data Infrastructure for e- Research
Authors: Mason, N. J.; Dubernet, M. L.; Benson, K. M.; Bureau, J.;
   Heiter, U.; Kupka, F.; Le Sidaner, P.; Piskunov, N.; Rixon, G. T.;
   Schlemmer, S.; Shih, A.; Tennyson, J.; Walton, N.; Witherick, D. W.
2010epsc.conf..861M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Stability of spectroscopic data reduction
Authors: Piskunov, Nikolai
2010aepr.confE..42P    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: SIMPLE: a high-resolution near-infrared spectrometer for
    the E-ELT
Authors: Origlia, Livia; Oliva, Ernesto; Maiolino, Roberto; Gustafsson,
   Bengt; Piskunov, Nikolai; Kochucov, Oleg; Vanzi, Leonardo; Minniti,
   Dante; Zoccali, Manuela; Hatzes, Artie; Guenther, Eike
2010SPIE.7735E..2BO    Altcode: 2010SPIE.7735E..78O
  SIMPLE is an optimized near IR echelle spectrograph for the E-ELT
  assisted by adaptive optics. It delivers a complete 0.84-2.5μm spectrum
  in one exposure with resolution up to R=130,000, nearly diffraction
  limited pixel scale and limiting magnitudes down to JHK~20. Its most
  prominent science cases include the study of the intergalactic medium
  in the early Universe (z&gt;6) and of the atmospheres of exo-planet
  transiting nearby low mass stars.

Title: Doppler images of the RS CVn binary II Pegasi during the
    years 1994-2002
Authors: Lindborg; M.; Korpi; J., M.; Hackman; T.; Tuominen; I.;
   Ilyin; I.; Piskunov; N
2010arXiv1006.3060L    Altcode:
  We publish 16 Doppler imaging temperature maps for the years 1994-2002
  of the active RS CVn star II Peg. The six maps from 1999-2002 are
  based on previously unpublished observations. Through Doppler imaging
  we want to study the spot evolution of the star and in particular
  compare this with previous results showing a cyclic spot behaviour and
  persistent active longitudes. The observations were collected with the
  SOFIN spectrograph at the Nordic Optical Telescope. The temperature
  maps were calculated using a Doppler imaging code based on Tikhonov
  regularization. During 1994-2001, our results show a consistent trend
  in the derived longitudes of the principal and secondary temperature
  minima over time such that the magnetic structure appears to rotate
  somewhat more rapidly than the orbital period of this close binary. A
  sudden phase jump of the active region occured between the observing
  seasons of 2001 and 2002. No clear trend over time is detected in the
  derived latitudes of the spots, indicating that the systematic motion
  could be related to the drift of the spot generating mechanism rather
  than to differential rotation. The derived temperature maps are quite
  similar to the ones obtained earlier with a different methods, the main
  differences occurring in the spot latitudes and relative strength of
  the spot structures. We observe both longitude and latitude shifts in
  the spot activity of II Peg. However, our results are not consistent
  with the periodic behaviour presented in previous studies.

Title: Commission 29: Stellar Spectra
Authors: Piskunov, Nikolai; Cunha, Katia; Parthasarathy, Mudumba;
   Aoki, Wako; Asplund, Martin; Bohlender, David; Carpenter, Kenneth;
   Melendez, Jorge; Parthasarathy, Mudumba; Rossi, Silvia; Smith, Verne;
   Soderblom, David; Wahlgren, Glenn
2010IAUTB..27..193P    Altcode:
  The business meeting was attended by 23 members of the Commission. The
  meeting started at 16:00 a short report of the activities during the
  triennium 2006-2009. The focus of the activities was the sharing
  of expertise between spectroscopic techniques in various areas of
  astronomical research. In particular, the progress in instrumentation,
  detectors, data reduction, data analysis and archiving. The second
  activity was the analysis of to IAU meeting proposals followed by
  recommendations for improvements and eventually support. The sponsored
  symposia included Sponsoring symposia The Ages of Stars and The Disk
  Galaxy Evolution in the Cosmological Context. The Commission was also
  disseminating information about the Commission activities and relevant
  meetings to the Commission members. In this respect the Commission
  web page is playing a crucial role.

Title: INTER-DIVISION IV-V WORKING GROUP on Ap and Related Stars
Authors: Cunha, Margarida S.; Weiss, Werner; Dworetsky, Mike;
   Kochukhov, Oleg; Kupka, Friedrich; Leblanc, Francis; Monier, Richard;
   Paunzen, Ernst; Piskunov, Nikolai; Shibahashi, Hiromoto; Smalley,
   Barry; Ziznovsky, Jozef
2010IAUTB..27..205C    Altcode:
  The business meeting started at 11h00, in the presence of 18 members,
  with a brief summary of the activities and achievements of the Working
  group during the triennium 2006-2009.

Title: Surface temperature maps for II Peg during 1999-2002
Authors: Lindborg, M.; Korpi, M. J.; Tuominen, I.; Hackman, T.; Ilyin,
   I.; Piskunov, N.
2010IAUS..264..213L    Altcode: 2009arXiv0911.0198L
  The active RS CVn star II Peg has been spectroscopically monitored for
  almost 18 years with the SOFIN spectrograph at NOT, La Palma, Spain. In
  this paper we present five new surface temperature maps of the object
  for the years 1999 (two maps), 2001 (one map) and 2002 (two maps).

Title: Surface structure of the CoRoT CP2 target star HD 50773
Authors: Lüftinger, T.; Fröhlich, H. -E.; Weiss, W. W.; Petit, P.;
   Aurière, M.; Nesvacil, N.; Gruberbauer, M.; Shulyak, D.; Alecian,
   E.; Baglin, A.; Baudin, F.; Catala, C.; Donati, J. -F.; Kochukhov,
   O.; Michel, E.; Piskunov, N.; Roudier, T.; Samadi, R.
2010A&A...509A..43L    Altcode: 2009arXiv0911.3791L
  <BR /> Aims: We compare surface maps of the chemically peculiar
  star HD 50773 produced with a Bayesian technique and based on
  high quality CoRoT photometry with those derived from rotation
  phase resolved spectropolarimetry. The goal is to investigate the
  correlation of surface brightness with surface chemical abundance
  distribution and the stellar magnetic surface field. <BR /> Methods:
  The rotational period of the star was determined from a nearly 60
  days long continuous light curve obtained during the initial run of
  CoRoT. Using a Bayesian approach to star-spot modelling, which in this
  work is applied for the first time for the photometric mapping of a CP
  star, we derived longitudes, latitudes and radii of four different spot
  areas. Additional parameters like stellar inclination and the spot's
  intensities were also determined. The CoRoT observations triggered an
  extensive ground-based spectroscopic and spectropolarimetric observing
  campaign and enabled us to obtain 19 different high resolution spectra
  in Stokes parameters I and V with NARVAL, ESPaDOnS, and SemelPol
  spectropolarimeters. Doppler and Magnetic Doppler imaging techniques
  allowed us to derive the magnetic field geometry of the star and the
  surface abundance distributions of Mg, Si, Ca, Ti, Cr, Fe, Ni, Y, and
  Cu. <BR /> Results: We find a dominant dipolar structure of the surface
  magnetic field. The CoRoT light curve variations and abundances of
  most elements mapped are correlated with the aforementioned geometry:
  Cr, Fe, and Si are enhanced around the magnetic poles and coincide
  with the bright regions on the surface of HD 50773 as predicted by our
  light curve synthesis and confirmed by photometric imaging. <P />The
  CoRoT space mission was developed and is operated by the French space
  agency CNES, with participation of ESA's RSSD and Science Pograms,
  Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Germany, and Spain.

Title: Time-resolved photometric and spectroscopic analysis of the
    luminous Ap star HD103498
Authors: Joshi, S.; Ryabchikova, T.; Kochukhov, O.; Sachkov, M.;
   Tiwari, S. K.; Chakradhari, N. K.; Piskunov, N.
2010MNRAS.401.1299J    Altcode: 2009MNRAS.tmp.1638J; 2009arXiv0909.3906J
  We present the results of the photometric and spectroscopic monitoring
  of the luminous Ap star HD103498. The time-series photometric
  observations were carried out on 17 nights using a three-channel fast
  photometer attached to the 1.04-m optical telescope at the Aryabhatta
  Research Institute of Observational Sciences (ARIES), Nainital. The
  photometric data from five nights in 2007 show a clear signature of
  15-min periodicity. However, the follow-up observations during 2007-2009
  did not reproduce any such periodicity. To confirm the photometric
  light variations, time-series spectroscopic observations were carried
  out with the 2.56-m Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT) at La Palma on 2009
  February 2. No radial velocity variations were present in this data
  set, which is in full agreement with the photometric observations
  taken around the same date. Model atmosphere and abundance analysis
  of HD103498 show that the star is evolved from the main sequence and
  its atmospheric abundances are similar to those of two other evolved
  Ap stars, HD133792 and HD204411: large overabundances of Si, Cr and Fe
  and moderate overabundances of the rare-earth elements. These chemical
  properties and a higher effective temperature distinguish HD103498
  from any known roAp star.

Title: The Eta-Earth Survey for Low-Mass Exoplanets
Authors: Howard, Andrew; Marcy, G.; Fischer, D.; Johnson, J.; Wright,
   J.; Valenti, J.; Anderson, J.; Piskunov, N.; Isaacson, H.; Brewer,
   J.; Clubb, K.; Lin, D.; Ida, S.
2010AAS...21534806H    Altcode: 2010BAAS...42..530H
  The NASA-UC Eta-Earth Survey by the California Planet Search (CPS)
  group is a systematic search for low-mass planets ( 3-30 Earth
  masses) orbiting the nearest 230 GKM stars suitable for high-precision
  Doppler observations at Keck Observatory. These 1 m/s measurements of
  a well-defined sample of nearby stars will provide one of the first
  estimates of the fraction of stars with Earth-like planets. The talk
  will describe recently announced super-Earths and Neptune-mass planets
  from the Eta-Earth Survey, including the 9 Earth mass planet HD 7924b
  and others. These low-mass planets are extraordinarily valuable in
  their own right, as targets for transit and other follow-up studies,
  and as windows into the mechanisms of planet formation. Low mass
  planets show several emerging trends in their orbital parameters and
  in the characteristics of their host stars. For example, super-Earth
  and Neptune-mass planets preferentially orbit stars with lower mass
  (M<SUB>star</SUB> &lt; 0.8 solar masses), in contrast to the trend
  seen in higher mass planets. The survey observations are nearly
  complete, allowing us to place initial constraints on the population
  of super-Earth and Neptune-mass planets, and, using planet-formation
  theory, to extrapolate to the fraction of Earth-mass planets and 1
  year orbits.

Title: Magnetic Doppler imaging of the roAp star HD 24712
Authors: Lüftinger, T.; Kochukhov, O.; Ryabchikova, T.; Piskunov,
   N.; Weiss, W. W.; Ilyin, I.
2010A&A...509A..71L    Altcode: 2009arXiv0910.5556L
  <BR /> Aims: We present the first magnetic Doppler images of a rapidly
  oscillating Ap (roAp) star. <BR /> Methods: We deduce information about
  magnetic field geometry and abundance distributions of a number of
  chemical elements on the surface of the hitherto best studied roAp star,
  HD 24712, using the magnetic Doppler imaging (MDI) code, invers10,
  which allows us to reconstruct simultaneously and consistently the
  magnetic field geometry and elemental abundance distributions on
  a stellar surface. For this purpose we analyse time series spectra
  obtained in Stokes I and V parameters with the SOFIN polarimeter at the
  Nordic Optical Telescope and recover surface abundance structures of
  sixteen different chemical elements, respectively ions, including Mg,
  Ca, Sc, Ti, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Gd, Tb, and Dy. For
  the rare earth elements (REE) Pr and Nd separate maps were obtained
  using lines of the first and the second ionization stage. <BR />
  Results: We find and confirm a clear dipolar structure of the surface
  magnetic field and an unexpected correlation of elemental abundance
  with respect to this field: one group of elements accumulates solely
  where the positive magnetic pole is visible, whereas the other group
  avoids this region and is enhanced where the magnetic equatorial
  region dominates the visible stellar surface. We also observe relative
  shifts of abundance enhancement- or depletion regions between the
  various elements exhibiting otherwise similar behaviour. <P />Based
  on observations made with the Nordic Optical Telescope, operated on
  the island of La Palma jointly by Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway,
  and Sweden, in the Spanish Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of
  the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias.

Title: Detection of dusty plasma near the E-ring of Saturn
Authors: Wahlund, J. -E.; André, M.; Eriksson, A. I. E.; Lundberg,
   M.; Morooka, M. W.; Shafiq, M.; Averkamp, T. F.; Gurnett, D. A.;
   Hospodarsky, G. B.; Kurth, W. S.; Jacobsen, K. S.; Pedersen, A.;
   Farrell, W.; Ratynskaia, S.; Piskunov, N.
2009P&SS...57.1795W    Altcode:
  We present several independent in-situ measurements, which provide
  evidence that charged dust in the E-ring interacts collectively with
  the dense surrounding plasma disk of Saturn, i.e., form a system of
  dust-plasma interaction. The results are based on data sampled by the
  Radio and Plasma Wave Science (RPWS) investigation onboard Cassini,
  which allows for interferometry of plasma density inhomogeneities
  (δ n/ n) with two antenna elements and a Langmuir probe sensor. The
  interferometer experiment detects two ion populations; one co-rotating
  with the planetary magnetic field and another moving with near Keplerian
  speed around Saturn. The full range of RPWS measurements indicates that
  the Keplerian population consists of colder ions ( T<SUB>i</SUB>&lt;few
  eV), which would interact with the electrical potential cavities
  associated with the few volts negatively charged E-ring water-rich
  dust grains. The presence of the charged dust inhibits E× B pick-up
  of freshly ionized particles by the rotating magnetic field of Saturn,
  since the local potential gradients near the dust grains are stronger
  than the large-scale co-rotation electric field. Even so, most ions
  are eventually energised to energies above the dust potentials of a
  few volts and become part of a hotter co-rotating ion population. The
  observed results have direct relevance to the interactions occurring in
  planet forming accretion disks around young stars, since the physical
  environment is similar.

Title: Magnetic Doppler Imaging of Active Stars
Authors: Kochukhov, O.; Piskunov, N.
2009ASPC..405..539K    Altcode:
  We present a new implementation of the magnetic Doppler imaging
  technique, which aims at self-consistent temperature and magnetic
  mapping of the surface structures in cool active stars. Our magnetic
  imaging procedure is unique in its capability to model individual
  spectral features in all four Stokes parameters. We discuss performance
  and intrinsic limitations of the new magnetic Doppler imaging
  method. A special emphasis is given to the simultaneous modeling of
  the magnetically sensitive lines in the optical and infrared regions
  and to combining information from both atomic and molecular spectral
  features. These two techniques may, for the first time, give us a tool
  to study magnetic fields in the starspot interiors.

Title: The NASA-UC Eta-Earth Program. I. A Super-Earth Orbiting
    HD 7924
Authors: Howard, Andrew W.; Johnson, John Asher; Marcy, Geoffrey W.;
   Fischer, Debra A.; Wright, Jason T.; Henry, Gregory W.; Giguere,
   Matthew J.; Isaacson, Howard; Valenti, Jeff A.; Anderson, Jay;
   Piskunov, Nikolai E.
2009ApJ...696...75H    Altcode: 2009arXiv0901.4394H
  We report the discovery of the first low-mass planet to emerge from
  the NASA-UC Eta-Earth Program, a super-Earth orbiting the K0 dwarf HD
  7924. Keplerian modeling of precise Doppler radial velocities reveals
  a planet with minimum mass M<SUB>P</SUB> sin i = 9.26 M <SUB>⊕</SUB>
  in a P = 5.398 d orbit. Based on Keck-HIRES measurements from 2001 to
  2008, the planet is robustly detected with an estimated false alarm
  probability of less than 0.001. Photometric observations using the
  Automated Photometric Telescopes at Fairborn Observatory show that HD
  7924 is photometrically constant over the radial velocity period to 0.19
  mmag, supporting the existence of the planetary companion. No transits
  were detected down to a photometric limit of ~0.5 mmag, eliminating
  transiting planets with a variety of compositions. HD 7924b is one
  of only eight planets detected by the radial velocity technique with
  M<SUB>P</SUB> sin i &lt; 10 M <SUB>⊕</SUB> and as such is a member
  of an emerging family of low-mass planets that together constrain
  theories of planet formation. <P />Based on observations obtained at
  the W. M. Keck Observatory, which is operated jointly by the University
  of California and the California Institute of Technology. Keck time
  has been granted by both NASA and the University of California.

Title: Cartography of the magnetic fields and chemical spots of
    Ap stars
Authors: Silvester, James; Kochukhov, O.; Wade, G. A.; Piskunov, N.;
   Landstreet, J. D.; Bagnulo, S.
2009IAUS..259..403S    Altcode:
  We will introduce a project using Magnetic Doppler Imaging (MDI) to
  create assumption-free vector magnetic field maps and chemical surface
  structure maps of chemically peculiar A and B type (or Ap) stars. We
  are exploiting the latest generation of spectropolarimeters (NARVAL at
  the Pic du Midi observatory, and ESPaDOnS at the Canada-France-Hawaii
  telescope), to obtain high-resolution time series of Stokes IQUV spectra
  of a selection of Ap stars. The spectra have superior signal-to-noise
  ratio, resolution and wavelength coverage to those used previously. This
  combined with the ground-breaking inversion techniques introduced
  by Kochukhov et al. (2002) results in maps which represent the
  state-of-the-art in the field of stellar cartography. These maps will
  allow us to better understand the links between the magnetic field and
  the physical processes leading to the formation of chemical structures
  in the photosphere and allow us to address questions surrounding the
  detailed magnetic field geometry of Ap stars.

Title: Planet formation bursts at the borders of the dead zone in
    2D numerical simulations of circumstellar disks
Authors: Lyra, W.; Johansen, A.; Zsom, A.; Klahr, H.; Piskunov, N.
2009A&A...497..869L    Altcode: 2009arXiv0901.1638L
  Context: As accretion in protoplanetary disks is enabled by
  turbulent viscosity, the border between active and inactive (dead)
  zones constitutes a location where there is an abrupt change in
  the accretion flow. The gas accumulation that ensues triggers the
  Rossby wave instability, which in turn saturates into anticyclonic
  vortices. It has been suggested that the trapping of solids within them
  leads to a burst of planet formation on very short timescales. <BR
  />Aims: We study in the formation and evolution of the vortices
  in greater detail, focusing on the implications for the dynamics
  of embedded solid particles and planet formation. <BR />Methods:
  We performed two-dimensional global simulations of the dynamics of
  gas and solids in a non-magnetized thin protoplanetary disk with the
  Pencil code. We used multiple particle species of radius 1, 10, 30,
  and 100 cm. We computed the particles' gravitational interaction by a
  particle-mesh method, translating the particles' number density into
  surface density and computing the corresponding self-gravitational
  potential via fast Fourier transforms. The dead zone is modeled as a
  region of low viscosity. Adiabatic and locally isothermal equations of
  state are used. <BR />Results: The Rossby wave instability is triggered
  under a variety of conditions, thus making vortex formation a robust
  process. Inside the vortices, fast accumulation of solids occurs and
  the particles collapse into objects of planetary mass on timescales
  as short as five orbits. Because the drag force is size-dependent,
  aerodynamical sorting ensues within the vortical motion, and the first
  bound structures formed are composed primarily of similarly-sized
  particles. In addition to erosion due to ram pressure, we identify
  gas tides from the massive vortices as a disrupting agent of formed
  protoplanetary embryos. We find evidence that the backreaction of the
  drag force from the particles onto the gas modifies the evolution of
  the Rossby wave instability, with vortices being launched only at later
  times if this term is excluded from the momentum equation. Even though
  the gas is not initially gravitationally unstable, the vortices can
  grow to Q ≈ 1 in locally isothermal runs, which halts the inverse
  cascade of energy towards smaller wavenumbers. As a result, vortices
  in models without self-gravity tend to rapidly merge towards a m =
  2 or m =1 mode, while models with self-gravity retain dominant higher
  order modes (m = 4 or m = 3) for longer times. Non-selfgravitating
  disks thus show fewer and stronger vortices. We also estimate the
  collisional velocity history of the particles that compose the most
  massive embryo by the end of the simulation, finding that the vast
  majority of them never experienced a collision with another particle
  at speeds faster than 1 m s<SUP>-1</SUP>. This result lends further
  support to previous studies showing that vortices provide a favorable
  environment for planet formation.

Title: Magnetic Doppler imaging of II Peg
Authors: Kochukhov, Oleg; Piskunov, N.; Ilyin, I.; Tuominen, I.
2009IAUS..259..439K    Altcode:
  Rotational modulation of the intensity and polarization spectra of
  magnetic stars offers a unique possibility to reconstruct the structure
  of surface magnetic fields and to investigate their relation to cool
  starspots. We have developed a new magnetic Doppler imaging code which
  aims at self-consistent temperature and magnetic mapping of cool
  active stars. Here we present magnetic Doppler imaging analysis of
  high-resolution circular polarization observations of the active star
  II Peg. We demonstrate that a self-consistent approach to magnetic
  inversion unveils stronger magnetic fields than found previously
  through disjoint analyses of polarization and intensity observations
  of active stars.

Title: Magnetic Doppler Imaging of Active Stars
Authors: Kochukhov, O.; Piskunov, N.; Ilyin, I.; Tuominen, I.
2009AIPC.1094..720K    Altcode: 2007arXiv0712.2745K; 2009csss...15..720K
  We present a new magnetic Doppler imaging code which aims at
  self-consistent temperature and magnetic mapping of cool active
  stars. Our magnetic imaging procedure is unique in its capability
  to interpret rotational modulation of individual spectral features
  in all four Stokes parameters. We discuss performance and intrinsic
  limitations of our magnetic Doppler imaging method and present results
  of the simultaneous reconstruction of temperature spots and magnetic
  field on active star II Peg.

Title: Magnetic fields in M dwarf stars from high-resolution infrared
Authors: Kochukhov, O.; Heiter, U.; Piskunov, N.; Ryde, N.; Gustafsson,
   B.; Bagnulo, S.; Plez, B.
2009AIPC.1094..124K    Altcode: 2009csss...15..124K
  Magnetic fields play a central role in the atmospheric properties
  and variability of active M dwarfs. Information on the strength and
  structure of magnetic fields in these objects is vital for understanding
  dynamo mechanisms and magnetically-driven activity of low-mass stars,
  and for constraining theories of star formation and evolution. We have
  initiated the first systematic high-resolution survey of magnetically
  sensitive infrared spectral lines in M dwarf stars using the CRIRES
  instrument at the ESO VLT. We have completed observations for a sample
  of 35 active and inactive M dwarfs. Here we report first results of our
  project, demonstrating a clear detection of magnetic splitting of lines
  in the spectra of several M dwarfs. We assess diagnostic potential of
  different Zeeman-sensitive lines in the observed spectral region and
  apply spectrum synthesis modelling to infer magnetic field properties
  of selected M dwarfs.

Title: Transiting Planets in the Galactic Bulge from SWEEPS Survey
    and Implications
Authors: Sahu, Kailash C.; Casertano, Stefano; Valenti, Jeff; Bond,
   Howard E.; Brown, Thomas M.; Smith, T. Ed; Clarkson, Will; Minniti,
   Dante; Zoccali, Manuela; Livio, Mario; Renzini, Alvio; Rich, R. M.;
   Panagia, Nino; Lubow, Stephen; Brown, Timothy; Piskunov, Nikolai
2009IAUS..253...45S    Altcode:
  The SWEEPS (Sagittarius Window Eclipsing Extrasolar Planet Search)
  program was aimed at detecting planets around stars in the Galactic
  bulge, not only to determine their physical properties, but also
  to determine whether the properties of planets found in the solar
  neighborhood, such as their frequency and the metallicity dependence,
  also hold for the planets in the Galactic bulge. We used the Hubble
  Space Telescope to monitor 180,000 F, G, K, and M dwarfs in the
  Galactic bulge continuously for 7 days in order to look for transiting
  planets. We discovered 16 candidate transiting extrasolar planets
  with periods of 0.6 to 4.2 days, including a possible new class of
  ultra-short period planets (USPPs) with P &lt; 1 day. The facts that
  (i) the coverage in the monitoring program is continuous, (ii) most
  of the stars are at a known distance (in the Galctic bulge), (iii)
  monitoring was carried out in 2 passbands, and (iv) the images have
  high spatial resolution, were crucial in minimizing and estimating the
  false positive rates. We estimate that at least 45% of the candidates
  are genuine planets. Radial velocity observations of the two brightest
  host stars further support the planetary nature of the transiting
  companions. These results suggest that the planet frequency in the
  Galactic bulge is similar to that in the solar neighborhood. They
  also suggest that higher metallicity favors planet formation even
  in the Galactic bulge. The USPPs occur only around low-mass stars
  which may suggest that close-in planets around higher-mass stars are
  irradiately evaporated, or that planets are able to migrate to and
  survive in close-in orbits only around such old and low-mass stars.

Title: Standing on the shoulders of giants. Trojan Earths and vortex
    trapping in low mass self-gravitating protoplanetary disks of gas
    and solids
Authors: Lyra, W.; Johansen, A.; Klahr, H.; Piskunov, N.
2009A&A...493.1125L    Altcode: 2008arXiv0810.3192L
  Context: Centimeter and meter-sized solid particles in protoplanetary
  disks are trapped within long-lived, high-pressure regions, creating
  opportunities for collapse into planetesimals and planetary embryos. <BR
  />Aims: We aim to study the effect of the high-pressure regions
  generated in the gaseous disks by a giant planet perturber. These
  regions consist of gas retained in tadpole orbits around the stable
  Lagrangian points as a gap is carved, and the Rossby vortices launched
  at the edges of the gap. <BR />Methods: We performed global simulations
  of the dynamics of gas and solids in a low mass non-magnetized
  self-gravitating thin protoplanetary disk. We employed the Pencil
  code to solve the Eulerian hydro equations, tracing the solids with
  a large number of Lagrangian particles, usually 100 000. To compute
  the gravitational potential of the swarm of solids, we solved the
  Poisson equation using particle-mesh methods with multiple fast Fourier
  transforms. <BR />Results: Huge particle concentrations are seen in
  the Lagrangian points of the giant planet, as well as in the vortices
  they induce at the edges of the carved gaps. For 1 cm to 10 cm radii,
  gravitational collapse occurs in the Lagrangian points in less than 200
  orbits. For 5 cm particles, a 2M<SUB>⊕</SUB> planet is formed. For 10
  cm, the final maximum collapsed mass is around 3M<SUB>⊕</SUB>. The
  collapse of the 1 cm particles is indirect, following the timescale
  of gas depletion from the tadpole orbits. Vortices are excited at the
  edges of the gap, primarily trapping particles of 30 cm radii. The
  rocky planet that is formed is as massive as 17M<SUB>⊕</SUB>,
  constituting a Super-Earth. Collapse does not occur for 40 cm
  onwards. By using multiple particle species, we find that gas drag
  modifies the streamlines in the tadpole region around the classical
  L4 and L5 points. As a result, particles of different radii have
  their stable points shifted to different locations. Collapse therefore
  takes longer and produces planets of lower mass. Three super-Earths are
  formed in the vortices, the most massive having 4.5M<SUB>⊕</SUB>. <BR
  />Conclusions: A Jupiter-mass planet can induce the formation of other
  planetary embryos at the outer edge of its gas gap. Trojan Earth-mass
  planets are readily formed; although not existing in the solar system,
  might be common in the exoplanetary zoo.

Title: Commission 29: Stellar Spectra
Authors: Parthasarathy, Mudumba; Piskunov, Nikolai E.; Sneden,
   Christopher; Carpenter, Kenneth G.; Castelli, Fiorella; Cunha, Katia;
   Eenens, Phillippe R. J.; Hubeny, Ivan; Rossi, Silvia; Takada-Hidai,
   Masahide; Wahlgren, Glenn M.; Weiss, Werner W.
2009IAUTA..27..209P    Altcode:
  The members of IAU Commission 29 Stellar Spectra are actively
  engaged in the quantitative analysis of spectra of various types
  of stars. With large and medium size telescopes equipped with high
  resolution spectrographs LTE and Non-LTE analysis of spectra of all
  types stars are being carried out. Spectra of stars in our Galaxy,
  in globular and open clusters, stars in LMC and SMC and in nearby
  galaxies are being studied. Accurate chemical composition analysis
  of various types of stars has been carried out during the past three
  years. Now the analysis of stellar spectra covers the wavelength range
  from X-ray region to IR and sub-millimeter range. Recently stellar
  spectra are being analysed using time-dependent, 3D, hydrodynamical
  model atmospheres to derive accurate stellar abundances.

Title: Inter-Division IV-V / Working Group Ap and Related Stars
Authors: Cunha, Margarida S.; Weiss, Werner W.; Dworetsky, Michael M.;
   Kochukhov, Oleg; Kupka, Friedrich; Leblanc, Francis; Monier, Richard;
   Paunzen, Ernst; Piskunov, Nikolai E.; Shibahashi, Hiromoto; Smalley,
   Barry; Ziznovsky, Jozef
2009IAUTA..27..245C    Altcode:
  The diversity of physical phenomena embraced by the study of Chemically
  Peculiar (CP) stars results in an associated research community
  with interests that are equally diverse. This fact became once more
  evident during the CP#Ap Workshop that took place in Vienna (Austria)
  in September 2007, and which gathered over 80 members of this research
  community. Besides the excellent scientific outcome of the meeting,
  during the workshop the community had the opportunity to discuss its
  organization and plans for the future. Following on those plans,
  the Working Group has submitted a proposal for a Joint Discussion
  during the IAU XXVII General Assembly, in Rio de Janeiro, which has
  meanwhile been accepted. Moreover, through an ApN newsletter forum,
  the Working Group has compiled requests from the community concerning
  atomic and related data. These requests have been put together and
  will be shared with Commission 14.

Title: Embryos grown in the dead zone. Assembling the first
    protoplanetary cores in low mass self-gravitating circumstellar
    disks of gas and solids
Authors: Lyra, W.; Johansen, A.; Klahr, H.; Piskunov, N.
2008A&A...491L..41L    Altcode: 2008arXiv0807.2622L
  Context: In the borders of the dead zones of protoplanetary disks, the
  inflow of gas produces a local density maximum that triggers the Rossby
  wave instability. The vortices that form are efficient in trapping
  solids. <BR />Aims: We aim to assess the possibility of gravitational
  collapse of the solids within the Rossby vortices. <BR />Methods:
  We perform global simulations of the dynamics of gas and solids in a
  low mass non-magnetized self-gravitating thin protoplanetary disk with
  the Pencil Code. We use multiple particle species of radius 1, 10, 30,
  and 100 cm. The dead zone is modelled as a region of low viscosity. <BR
  />Results: The Rossby vortices excited in the edges of the dead zone
  are efficient particle traps. Within 5 orbits after their appearance,
  the solids achieve critical density and undergo gravitational collapse
  into Mars sized objects. The velocity dispersions are of the order of
  10 m s<SUP>-1</SUP> for newly formed embryos, later lowering to less
  than 1 m s<SUP>-1</SUP> by drag force cooling. After 200 orbits, over
  300 gravitationally bound embryos were formed, 20 of them being more
  massive than Mars. Their mass spectrum follows a power law of index
  -2.3 ± 0.2. <P />Appendices A-C are only available in electronic form
  at http://www.aanda.org

Title: Doppler imaging
Authors: Piskunov, N.
2008PhST..133a4017P    Altcode:
  In this paper, I present a short review of the history and modern
  status of Doppler imaging techniques, highlighting their dependence
  on the knowledge of the fundamental stellar parameters, the quality
  of stellar atmospheric models and the accuracy of spectral synthesis.

Title: Vald
Authors: Obbrugger, M.; Heiter, U.; Kupka, F.; Lüftinger, T.;
   Nesvacil, N.; Piskunov, N.; Ryabchikova, T. A.; Stempels, H. C.;
   Stütz, Ch.; Weiss, W. W.
2008asvo.proc..215O    Altcode:
  VALD is a collection of atomic transition parameters and supporting
  extraction software. VALD services are available via Email (VALD-EMS)
  and the Web interface. Different kinds of requests are useful for
  several needs like abundance analysis, radial velocity measurements,
  or line identification. Since 1994, the early days of VALD, the database
  has been constantly improved and the release of VALD-3 - incorporating,
  e.g., molecular data and new line lists - is in preparation. With
  meanwhile more than 5 000 000 requests VALD developed to a much
  appreciated tool.

Title: VALD — an atomic and molecular database for astrophysics
Authors: Heiter, U.; Barklem, P.; Fossati, L.; Kildiyarova, R.;
   Kochukhov, O.; Kupka, F.; Obbrugger, M.; Piskunov, N.; Plez, B.;
   Ryabchikova, T.; Stempels, H. C.; Stütz, Ch; Weiss, W. W.
2008JPhCS.130a2011H    Altcode:
  The VALD database of atomic and molecular data aims to ensure a robust
  and consistent analysis of astrophysical spectra. We offer a convenient
  e-mail and web-based user interface to a vast collection of spectral
  line parameters for all chemical elements and in the future also for
  molecules. An international team is working on the following tasks:
  collecting line parameters from relevant theoretical and experimental
  publications, computing line parameters, evaluating the data quality by
  comparison of similar data from different sources and by comparison
  with astrophysical observations, and incorporating the data into
  VALD. A unique feature of VALD is its capability to provide the most
  comprehensive spectral line lists for specific astrophysical plasma
  conditions defined by the user.

Title: A comparative analysis of the laboratory and theoretical
    transition probabilities of the Fe-peak elements for a new release
    of VALD
Authors: Ryabchikova, T.; Kildiyarova, R.; Piskunov, N.; Heiter, U.;
   Fossati, L.; Weiss, W. W.
2008JPhCS.130a2017R    Altcode:
  We carried out a comparative analysis of the recent atomic data for
  iron-peak elements, mainly Ti, Cr and Fe, for a new release of the
  Vienna Atomic Line Database (VALD3). New data were compared with
  those available in VALD2 and were checked using high-resolution,
  high signal-to-noise spectra of sharp-lined chemically normal stars
  including the Sun, and the zero-rotation extremely Cr- and Fe-rich
  chemically peculiar star HD 133792. The observed spectrum of the latter
  star allowed for comparison with transition probability calculations
  based on the orthogonal operator technique with the Cowan code for
  Cr II and Fe II lines for lower level energies between 2 eV and
  11 eV in the wavelength region 3100 to 9000 Å. <P />In general,
  the agreement between the new experimental transition probabilities
  and those currently available in VALD2 is fairly good, which helps
  to validate the stellar abundance data derived with the VALD2 atomic
  parameters. We also found that, for a few important Ti II and Fe II
  lines in the visible spectral region, new transition probabilities
  are not consistent within their quoted accuracy. <P />In a series
  of recent works on experimental f-values for Fe II it was shown that
  calculations based on the orthogonal operator technique agree better
  with the experimental data than the Cowan code calculations and, hence,
  should have preference for stellar spectroscopy. Our analysis of the
  Ap star HD 133792 spectrum clearly demonstrates that there are quite
  a number of high-excitation Cr II and Fe II lines which are fitted
  reasonably well when using the transition probabilities calculated
  with the Cowan code. As a rule these lines have their upper energy
  levels classified differently in both methods of calculations.

Title: The upgrade of HARPS to a full-Stokes high-resolution
Authors: Snik, Frans; Jeffers, Sandra; Keller, Christoph; Piskunov,
   Nikolai; Kochukhov, Oleg; Valenti, Jeff; Johns-Krull, Christopher
2008SPIE.7014E..0OS    Altcode: 2008SPIE.7014E..22S
  We present the design of a compact module that converts the HARPS
  instrument at the 3.6-m telescope at La Silla to a full-Stokes
  high-resolution spectropolarimeter. The polarimeter will replace the
  obsolete Iodine cell inside the HARPS Cassegrain adapter. Utilizing
  the two fibers going into the spectrograph, two dual-beam systems
  can be positioned in the beam: one with a rotating superachromatic
  quarter-wave plate for circular polarimetry and one with a rotating
  superachromatic half-wave plate for linear polarimetry. A large
  polarimetric precision is ensured by the beam-exchange technique
  and a minimal amount of instrumental polarization. The polarimeter,
  in combination with the ultra-precise HARPS spectrograph, enables
  unprecedented observations of stellar magnetic fields and circumstellar
  material without compromising the successful planet-finding program.

Title: INTRODUCTION: Nobel Symposium 135: Physics of Planetary Systems
    (18 22 June 2007, Lidingö, Stockholm, Sweden)
Authors: Piskunov, Nikolai; Rickman, Hans; Gustafsson, Bengt
2008PhST..130a1001P    Altcode:
  Since the discovery of the first planet, orbiting a sun-like star
  outside of our solar system, astronomy has changed dramatically. This
  event inspired a wide spectrum of activities not just in observational
  astronomy but in all fields related to planets from star formation to
  astrobiology. The discovery itself was the result of long and systematic
  work on perfecting measuring techniques and collecting data. Once the
  required level of precision was reached news about extrasolar planets
  started to appear frequently not just in scientific journals but also in
  the general media. <P />Although fast progress is quite obvious in many
  areas related to planetary sciences for this Nobel symposium, dedicated
  to the Physics of Planetary Systems, we selected five topics where a
  number of particularly important breakthroughs happened in the last
  decade. These are: <P />detection of exoplanets planet birthplaces:
  observations and modelling planet formation evolution of planetary
  systems planet characterization. <P />We dedicated a full session,
  consisting of a few review talks and a joint discussion, to each of
  these topics. The format was a success, but what made this meeting
  so remarkable was the quality of the talks. We are very thankful to
  the world leading scientists for coming to Lidingö and making this
  symposium a truly memorable event. This book contains most of their
  contributions for you to enjoy. <P />We are very thankful to the Nobel
  Foundation for generous sponsorship which made this symposium possible.

Title: Abundance analysis and searching for nonradial pulsations in
    the atmosphere of the chemically peculiar star HD 115708
Authors: Semenko, E. A.; Sachkov, M. E.; Ryabchikova, T. A.;
   Kudryavtsev, D. O.; Piskunov, N. E.
2008AstL...34..413S    Altcode: 2008PAZh...34..455S
  We present the results of our abundance analysis for the magnetic
  chemically peculiar star HD 115708 based on high-resolution spectra. The
  atmospheric chemical composition of HD 115708 ( T <SUB>eff</SUB> =
  7550 K) is shown to be typical of cool Ap stars with a significant
  ionization disequilibrium for the first and second rare earth ions,
  which is commonly observed in the atmospheres of pulsating Ap (roAp)
  stars. Our study of the vertical distribution of elements has shown
  that Mg, Ca, Cr, and Fe concentrate in deeper atmospheric layers, with
  their abundances decreasing sharply in the upper layers. The jumps
  in abundance are 1.5 3 orders of magnitude. Silicon is distributed
  in depth almost uniformly in the atmosphere of HD 115708. The derived
  empirical Cr and Fe distributions agree qualitatively with the results
  of diffusion calculations. Since the atmospheric chemical peculiarities
  in HD 115708 correspond to roAp stars, we have performed a spectroscopic
  monitoring to find nonradial pulsations. We have been able to determine
  only an upper limit for the amplitude of the possible radial velocity
  pulsations, ∼100 m s<SUP>-1</SUP>, due to the insufficient temporal
  resolution and instability of the main stellar spectrograph (MSS)
  of the 6-m telescope.

Title: 3D atmospheric structure of the prototypical roAp star HD 24712
Authors: Lüftinger, T.; Kochukhov, O.; Ryabchikova, T.; Piskunov,
   N.; Weiss, W. W.; Ilyin, I.
2008CoSka..38..335L    Altcode:
  The first analysis of the structure of the surface magnetic field of a
  rapidly oscillating Ap (roAp) star is presented. We obtain information
  about abundance distributions of a number of chemical elements on the
  surface of the prototypical roAp star HD 24712 and about magnetic field
  geometry. Inverting rotationally modulated spectra in Stokes parameters
  I and V obtained with the SOFIN spectropolarimeter attached to the NOT,
  we recover surface abundance structures of sixteen different chemical
  elements, including Mg, Ca, Sc, Ti, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Y, La, Ce, Pr,
  Nd, Gd, Tb, and Dy. Our analysis reveal a pure dipolar structure of
  the stellar magnetic field and surprising and unexpected correlations
  of the various elemental surface abundance structures to this field
  geometry. Stratification analysis at phases of both magnetic extrema
  enable us to obtain the vertical dimension in the atmosphere of HD
  24712. High time resolved spectroscopic data and observations obtained
  with the MOST space photometer give us the possibility to compare
  (Lüftinger, 2007) our results to detailed pulsational analysis.

Title: Global magnetohydrodynamical models of turbulence in
    protoplanetary disks. I. A cylindrical potential on a Cartesian grid
    and transport of solids
Authors: Lyra, W.; Johansen, A.; Klahr, H.; Piskunov, N.
2008A&A...479..883L    Altcode: 2007arXiv0705.4090L
  Aims:We present global 3D MHD simulations of disks of gas and
  solids, aiming at developing models that can be used to study various
  scenarios of planet formation and planet-disk interaction in turbulent
  accretion disks. A second goal is to demonstrate that Cartesian
  codes are comparable to cylindrical and spherical ones in handling the
  magnetohydrodynamics of the disk simulations while offering advantages,
  such as the absence of a grid singularity, for certain applications,
  e.g., circumbinary disks and disk-jet simulations. <BR />Methods:
  We employ the Pencil Code, a 3D high-order finite-difference MHD
  code using Cartesian coordinates. We solve the equations of ideal
  MHD with a local isothermal equation of state. Planets and stars are
  treated as particles evolved with an N-body scheme. Solid boulders are
  treated as individual superparticles that couple to the gas through
  a drag force that is linear in the local relative velocity between
  gas and particle. <BR />Results: We find that Cartesian grids are
  well-suited for accretion disk problems. The disk-in-a-box models
  based on Cartesian grids presented here develop and sustain MHD
  turbulence, in good agreement with published results achieved with
  cylindrical codes. Models without an inner boundary do not show the
  spurious build-up of magnetic pressure and Reynolds stress seen in the
  models with boundaries, but the global stresses and alpha viscosities
  are similar in the two cases. We investigate the dependence of the
  magnetorotational instability on disk scale height, finding evidence
  that the turbulence generated by the magnetorotational instability
  grows with thermal pressure. The turbulent stresses depend on the
  thermal pressure obeying a power law of 0.24 ± 0.03, compatible with
  the value of 0.25 found in shearing box calculations. The ratio of
  Maxwell to Reynolds stresses decreases with increasing temperature,
  dropping from 5 to 1 when the sound speed was raised by a factor 4,
  maintaing the same field strength. We also study the dynamics of
  solid boulders in the hydromagnetic turbulence, by making use of
  10<SUP>6</SUP> Lagrangian particles embedded in the Eulerian grid. The
  effective diffusion provided by the turbulence prevents settling of
  the solids in a infinitesimally thin layer, forming instead a layer
  of solids of finite vertical thickness. The measured scale height of
  this diffusion-supported layer of solids implies turbulent vertical
  diffusion coefficients with globally averaged Schmidt numbers of 1.0 ±
  0.2 for a model with α≈10<SUP>-3</SUP> and 0.78 ± 0.06 for a model
  with α≈10<SUP>-1</SUP>. That is, the vertical turbulent diffusion
  acting on the solids phase is comparable to the turbulent viscosity
  acting on the gas phase. The average bulk density of solids in the
  turbulent flow is quite low (ρ<SUB>p</SUB> = 6.0×10<SUP>-11</SUP>
  kg m<SUP>-3</SUP>), but in the high pressure regions, significant
  overdensities are observed, where the solid-to-gas ratio reached
  values as great as 85, corresponding to 4 orders of magnitude higher
  than the initial interstellar value of 0.01.

Title: Planets in the Galactic Bulge: Results from the SWEEPS Project
Authors: Sahu, K. C.; Casertano, S.; Valenti, J.; Bond, H. E.; Brown,
   T. M.; Smith, T. E.; Clarkson, W.; Minniti, D.; Zoccali, M.; Livio,
   M.; Renzini, A.; Rich, R. M.; Panagia, N.; Lubow, S.; Brown, T.;
   Piskunov, N.
2008ASPC..398...93S    Altcode: 2007arXiv0711.4059S
  The exoplanets discovered so far have been mostly around relatively
  nearby and bright stars. As a result, the host stars are mostly (i)
  in the Galactic disk, (ii) relatively massive, and (iii) relatively
  metal rich. The aim of the SWEEPS project is to extend our knowledge
  to stars which (i) are in a different part of the Galaxy, (ii) have
  low masses, and (iii) have a large range of metallicities. To achieve
  this goal, we used the Hubble Space Telescope and its Advanced Camera
  for Surveys to look for transiting planets around F, G, K, and and M
  dwarfs in the Galactic bulge. We photometrically monitored ∼180,000
  stars in a dense stellar field in the Galactic bulge continuously for
  7 days. We discovered 16 candidate transiting extrasolar planets with
  periods of 0.6 to 4.2 days, including a new class of ultra-short period
  planets (USPPs) with P&lt;1.2 days. Radial velocity observations of
  two brightest candidates support the planetary nature. These results
  suggest that planets are equally abundant in the Galactic bulge and
  around low-mass stars (within a factor ∼2), and the metallicity
  distribution holds even for the stars in the Galactic bulge. The USPPs
  occur only around low-mass stars which suggest that close-in planets
  around higher-mass stars are either irradiately evaporated, or that
  the size of the inner disk hole decreases with decreasing mass of the
  host stars.

Title: Optimal Extraction of Echelle Spectra
Authors: Piskunov, Nikolai
2008psa..conf..129P    Altcode:
  The extraction of the echelle spectra registered with a CCD detector
  represents a big challenge because of three reasons: (1) the pixel
  sampling is often close or worse then optimal, (2) spectral orders are
  curved and tilted with respect to the CCD rows (or columns) and (3)
  every pixel contains additional noise coming from various sources as
  illustrated in Figure 1. The main goal of an optimal extraction is to
  recover as much of the science signal while minimizing the contribution
  of the noise. Here we present the Slit Function Decomposition algorithm
  which replaces the summation in a sliding window with a reconstruction
  of the slit illumination profile. The reconstruction is formulated as
  an inverse problem solved by iterations and it is robust against most
  of the systematic problems including cosmic rays and cosmetic defects.

Title: Atomic Diffusion and Mixing in Old Stars. I. Very Large
    Telescope FLAMES-UVES Observations of Stars in NGC 6397
Authors: Korn, A. J.; Grundahl, F.; Richard, O.; Mashonkina, L.;
   Barklem, P. S.; Collet, R.; Gustafsson, B.; Piskunov, N.
2007ApJ...671..402K    Altcode: 2007arXiv0709.0639K
  We present a homogeneous photometric and spectroscopic analysis of
  18 stars along the evolutionary sequence of the metal-poor globular
  cluster NGC 6397 ([Fe/H]~-2), from the main-sequence turnoff point to
  red giants below the bump. The spectroscopic stellar parameters, in
  particular stellar parameter differences between groups of stars, are
  in good agreement with broadband and Strömgren photometry calibrated
  on the infrared flux method. The spectroscopic abundance analysis
  reveals, for the first time, systematic trends of iron abundance
  with evolutionary stage. Iron is found to be 30% less abundant in the
  turnoff point stars than in the red giants. An abundance difference
  in lithium is seen between the turnoff point and warm subgiant
  stars. The impact of potential systematic errors on these abundance
  trends (stellar parameters, the hydrostatic and LTE approximations)
  is quantitatively evaluated and found not to alter our conclusions
  significantly. Trends for various elements (Li, Mg, Ca, Ti, and Fe)
  are compared with stellar structure models including the effects of
  atomic diffusion and radiative acceleration. Such models are found
  to describe the observed element-specific trends well, if extra
  (turbulent) mixing just below the convection zone is introduced. It
  is concluded that atomic diffusion and turbulent mixing are largely
  responsible for the subprimordial stellar lithium abundances of warm
  halo stars. Other consequences of atomic diffusion in old metal-poor
  stars are also discussed. <P />Based on observations carried out at
  the European Southern Observatory (ESO), Paranal, Chile, under program
  ID 075.D-0125(A).

Title: Weather in stellar atmosphere revealed by the dynamics of
    mercury clouds in α Andromedae
Authors: Kochukhov, Oleg; Adelman, Saul J.; Gulliver, Austin F.;
   Piskunov, Nikolai
2007NatPh...3..526K    Altcode: 2007arXiv0705.4469K
  The formation of long-lasting structures at the surfaces of stars
  is commonly ascribed to the action of strong magnetic fields. This
  paradigm is supported by observations of evolving cool spots in the
  Sun and active late-type stars, and stationary chemical spots in the
  early-type magnetic stars. However, results of our seven-year monitoring
  of mercury spots in non-magnetic early-type star α Andromedae show that
  the picture of magnetically driven structure formation is fundamentally
  incomplete. Using an indirect stellar-surface mapping technique, we
  construct a series of two-dimensional images of starspots and discover
  a secular evolution of the mercury cloud cover in this star. This
  remarkable structure-formation process, observed for the first time
  in any star, is plausibly attributed to a non-equilibrium, dynamical
  evolution of the heavy-element clouds created by atomic diffusion,
  and may have the same underlying physics as the weather patterns on
  terrestrial and giant planets.

Title: 3-D hydrodynamic simulations of convection in A stars
Authors: Kochukhov, O.; Freytag, B.; Piskunov, N.; Steffen, M.
2007IAUS..239...68K    Altcode: 2006astro.ph.10111K
  Broadening and asymmetry of spectral lines in slowly rotating late
  A-type stars provide evidence for high-amplitude convective motions. The
  properties of turbulence observed in the A-star atmospheres are not
  understood theoretically and contradict results of previous numerical
  simulations of convection. Here we describe an ongoing effort to
  understand the puzzling convection signatures of A stars with the
  help of 3-D hydrodynamic simulations. Our approach combines realistic
  spectrum synthesis and non-grey hydrodynamic models computed with the
  CO5BOLD code. We discuss these theoretical predictions and confront
  them with high-resolution spectra of A stars. Our models have, for
  the first time, succeeded in reproducing the observed profiles of weak
  spectral lines without introducing fudge broadening parameters.

Title: Search for the radial magnetic-field gradient in the CP star
    α <SUP>2</SUP> CVn
Authors: Romanyuk, I. I.; Panchuk, V. E.; Piskunov, N. E.; Kudryavtsev,
   D. O.
2007AstBu..62...26R    Altcode:
  The possibility of investigating the vertical structure of the
  magnetic field in chemically peculiar main-sequence stars is
  discussed. The nonuniform distribution of chemical elements over
  the surface complicates the problem substantially. The most efficient
  measurements are shown to be those of the longitudinal field components
  based on spectral lines with wavelengths longer and shorter than
  3646 Å (shortward and longward of the Balmer jump), which form at
  different optical depths in the atmosphere. Various methodological
  problems are addressed that must be overcome in order to accomplish
  the task. The brightest magnetic star α <SUP>2</SUP> CVn is observed
  with the echelle spectrometer equipped with an Uppsala CCD chip. New
  observations corroborate our previous result: the longitudinal component
  of the magnetic field B <SUB>e</SUB> of the α <SUP>2</SUP> CVn star
  increases with depth by about 30% over the atmosphere thickness scale.

Title: Commission 29: Stellar Spectra
Authors: Sneden, Christopher; Parthasarathy, M.; Castelli, Fiorella;
   Cunha, Katia; Eenens, Philippe; Friel, Eileen; Gratton, Raffaele;
   Hubeny, Ivan; Landstreet, John D.; Mathys, Gautier; Piskunov, Nikolai;
   Primas, Francesca; Takada-Hidai, Masahide; Weiss, Werner
2007IAUTA..26..203S    Altcode:
  Participants in Commission 29 study various aspects of stellar spectra
  and the information that can be extracted from spectra. The list
  of fields of interest of the Organizing Committee members suggest
  some major current research topics in this area are stellar chemical
  compositions and surface/envelope phenomena. Some of the topics of this
  commission have overlap with other commissions, such as Commission
  14 (Atomic and Molecular Data), 26 (Double and Multiple Stars),
  27 (Variable Stars), 30 (Radial Velocities), 36 (Theory of Stellar
  Atmospheres), and 37 (Star Clusters and Associations). Many Commission
  29 members are also members of these other commissions.

Title: Transiting extrasolar planetary candidates in the Galactic
Authors: Sahu, Kailash C.; Casertano, Stefano; Bond, Howard E.;
   Valenti, Jeff; Ed Smith, T.; Minniti, Dante; Zoccali, Manuela;
   Livio, Mario; Panagia, Nino; Piskunov, Nikolai; Brown, Thomas M.;
   Brown, Timothy; Renzini, Alvio; Rich, R. Michael; Clarkson, Will;
   Lubow, Stephen
2006Natur.443..534S    Altcode: 2006astro.ph.10098S
  More than 200 extrasolar planets have been discovered around relatively
  nearby stars, primarily through the Doppler line shifts owing to reflex
  motions of their host stars, and more recently through transits of
  some planets across the faces of the host stars. The detection of
  planets with the shortest known periods, 1.2-2.5 days, has mainly
  resulted from transit surveys which have generally targeted stars
  more massive than 0.75M<SUB>solar</SUB>, where M<SUB>solar</SUB>
  is the mass of the Sun. Here we report the results from a planetary
  transit search performed in a rich stellar field towards the Galactic
  bulge. We discovered 16 candidates with orbital periods between
  0.4 and 4.2 days, five of which orbit stars of masses in the range
  0.44-0.75M<SUB>solar</SUB>. In two cases, radial-velocity measurements
  support the planetary nature of the companions. Five candidates
  have orbital periods below 1.0 day, constituting a new class of
  ultra-short-period planets, which occur only around stars of less than
  0.88M<SUB>solar</SUB>. This indicates that those orbiting very close
  to more-luminous stars might be evaporatively destroyed or that jovian
  planets around stars of lower mass might migrate to smaller radii.

Title: New Abundances for Old Stars - Atomic Diffusion at Work in
    NGC 6397
Authors: Korn, A.; Grundahl, F.; Richard, O.; Barklem, P.; Mashonkina,
   L.; Collet, R.; Piskunov, N.; Gustafsson, B.
2006Msngr.125....6K    Altcode: 2006astro.ph.10077K; 2006Msngr.125...10K
  A homogeneous spectroscopic analysis of unevolved and evolved
  stars in the metal-poor globular cluster NGC 6397 with FLAMES-UVES
  reveals systematic trends of stellar surface abundances that are
  likely caused by atomic diffusion. This finding helps to understand,
  among other issues, why the lithium abundances of old halo stars are
  significantly lower than the abundance found to be produced shortly
  after the Big Bang.

Title: A probable stellar solution to the cosmological lithium
Authors: Korn, A. J.; Grundahl, F.; Richard, O.; Barklem, P. S.;
   Mashonkina, L.; Collet, R.; Piskunov, N.; Gustafsson, B.
2006Natur.442..657K    Altcode: 2006astro.ph..8201K
  The measurement of the cosmic microwave background has strongly
  constrained the cosmological parameters of the Universe. When the
  measured density of baryons (ordinary matter) is combined with
  standard Big Bang nucleosynthesis calculations, the amounts of
  hydrogen, helium and lithium produced shortly after the Big Bang can
  be predicted with unprecedented precision. The predicted primordial
  lithium abundance is a factor of two to three higher than the value
  measured in the atmospheres of old stars. With estimated errors of 10
  to 25%, this cosmological lithium discrepancy seriously challenges
  our understanding of stellar physics, Big Bang nucleosynthesis or
  both. Certain modifications to nucleosynthesis have been proposed,
  but found experimentally not to be viable. Diffusion theory, however,
  predicts atmospheric abundances of stars to vary with time, which offers
  a possible explanation of the discrepancy. Here we report spectroscopic
  observations of stars in the metal-poor globular cluster NGC6397
  that reveal trends of atmospheric abundance with evolutionary stage
  for various elements. These element-specific trends are reproduced
  by stellar-evolution models with diffusion and turbulent mixing. We
  thus conclude that diffusion is predominantly responsible for the low
  apparent stellar lithium abundance in the atmospheres of old stars by
  transporting the lithium deep into the star.

Title: Magnetic Doppler Imaging of Active Stars
Authors: Kochukhov, O.; Piskunov, N.
2006IAUJD...8E...7K    Altcode:
  Rotational modulation of the intensity and polarization spectra
  of magnetic stars offers a unique possibility to reconstruct the
  structure of surface magnetic fields and investigate their relation to
  the temperature and chemical spots in stellar atmospheres. The complex
  task of obtaining self-consistent and accurate maps of photospheric
  magnetic fields can finally be addressed with the Magnetic Doppler
  imaging technique. We present the new version of our magnetic Doppler
  imaging code which aims at temperature and magnetic mapping of cool
  active stars. Our magnetic imaging procedure is unique in its capability
  to model individual spectral features in several Stokes parameters
  simultaneously. We discuss performance and intrinsic limitations of
  our magnetic Doppler imaging method. A special emphasis is given to the
  mapping using both atomic and molecular spectral lines. The latter may,
  for the first time, give us a tool to learn about magnetic fields in
  the interior of starspots.

Title: Global 3-D solar-type star-disc dynamo systems: I. MHD modeling
Authors: von Rekowski, B.; Piskunov, N.
2006AN....327..340V    Altcode:
  We have carried out global three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic
  simulations of the star-disc interaction region around a young
  solar-type star. The magnetic field is generated and maintained
  by dynamos in the star as well as in the disc. The developing mass
  flows possess non-periodic time-variable azimuthal structure and are
  controlled by the nonaxisymmetric magnetic fields. Since the stellar
  field drives a strong stellar wind, accretion is anti-correlated with
  the stellar field strength and disc matter is spiraling onto the star at
  low latitudes, both contrary to the generally assumed accretion picture.

Title: Pinning Down Gravitational Settling
Authors: Korn, A. J.; Piskunov, N.; Grundahl, F.; Barklem, P.;
   Gustafsson, B.
2006cams.book..294K    Altcode: 2006astro.ph..8338K
  We analyse high-resolution archival UVES data of turnoff
  and subgiant stars in the nearby globular cluster NGC6397
  ([Fe/H]≈-2). Balmer-profile analyses are performed to derive
  reddening-free effective temperatures. Due to the limited S/N and
  uncertainties related to blaze removal, we find the data quality
  insufficient to exclude the existence of gravitational settling. If
  the newly derived effective temperatures are taken as a basis for an
  abundance analysis, the photospheric iron (Fe ii) abundance in the
  turnoff stars is 0.11 dex lower than in the (well-mixed) subgiants.

Title: Inhomogeneous distribution of mercury on the surfaces of
    rapidly rotating HgMn stars
Authors: Kochukhov, O.; Piskunov, N.; Sachkov, M.; Kudryavtsev, D.
2005A&A...439.1093K    Altcode: 2005astro.ph..5124K
  Starspots are usually associated with the action of magnetic fields
  at stellar surfaces. However, an inhomogeneous chemical distribution
  of mercury was found recently for the mercury-manganese (HgMn) star
  α And - a well-established member of a non-magnetic subclass of the
  chemically peculiar stars of the upper main sequence. In this study
  we present first results of the high-resolution survey of the Hg
  II 3984 Å resonance line in the spectra of rapidly rotating HgMn
  stars with atmospheric parameters similar to those of α And. We
  use spectrum synthesis modelling and take advantage of the Doppler
  resolution of stellar surfaces to probe the horizontal structure of
  mercury distribution. Clear signatures of spots are found in the Hg
  II 3984 Å line profiles of HR 1185 and HR 8723. Two observations of
  the latter star separated by two days give evidence for line profile
  variability. We conclude that inhomogeneous distribution of Hg is
  a common phenomenon for the rapidly rotating HgMn stars in the 13
  000-13 800 K effective temperature range independent of the stellar
  evolutionary stage. These results establish the existence of a new class
  of spectrum variable spotted B-type stars. It is suggested that the
  observed Hg inhomogeneities arise from dynamical instabilities in the
  chemical diffusion processes and are unrelated to magnetic phenomena.

Title: Cool stars in the Gaia photometric system
Authors: Heiter, U.; Piskunov, N.; Gustafsson, B.; Jordi, C.; Carrasco,
   J. M.
2005ESASP.560..635H    Altcode: 2005csss...13..635H
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Magnetic Doppler Imaging: Mathematical Basis
Authors: Piskunov, N.
2005EAS....17..245P    Altcode:
  We address important mathematical properties of solutions of the
  Magnetic Doppler Imaging problem. We show that the underlying inverse
  problem based on all 4 Stokes parameters is well-posed and thus has
  a unique solution. The only purpose of regularization is to suppress
  instabilities induced by sparse sampling of phase and/or wavelength
  when dealing with practical data. Therefore, the final solution is
  stable with respect to the initial guess and is not affected by the
  selection of a specific type of regularization.

Title: Magnetic Fields and Stellar Surface Structures
Authors: Piskunov, Nikolai
2005hris.conf..315P    Altcode:
  We discuss the use of high-resolution spectroscopy for studying
  inhomogeneities on stellar surfaces. Examples of such inhomogeneities
  include chemical and temperature spots, pulsation waves and magnetic
  fields. Presence of surface structures reflects important physical
  processes occurring in much deeper layers than can be observed and,
  therefore, they contain valuable information for theoretical modelling
  of stars.

Title: Panel discussion section B
Authors: Piskunov, N.
2004IAUS..224..115P    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Multi-element abundance Doppler imaging of the rapidly
    oscillating Ap star HR 3831
Authors: Kochukhov, O.; Drake, N. A.; Piskunov, N.; de la Reza, R.
2004A&A...424..935K    Altcode:
  We investigate magnetic field geometry and surface distribution of
  chemical elements in the rapidly oscillating Ap star HR 3831. Results
  of the model atmosphere analysis of the spectra of this star are
  combined with the Hipparcos parallax and evolutionary models to
  obtain new accurate estimates of the fundamental stellar parameters:
  T<SUB>eff</SUB>v{7650}, log L/L<SUB>⊙</SUB>=1.09, M/M<SUB>⊙</SUB>=
  1.77 and an inclination angle i=68° of the stellar axis of rotation. We
  find that the variation of the longitudinal magnetic field of HR
  3831 and the results of our analysis of the magnetic intensification
  of Fe I lines in the spectrum of this star are consistent with a
  dipolar magnetic topology with a magnetic obliquity β=87° and
  a polar strength B<SUB>p</SUB>=2.5 kG. We apply a multi-element
  abundance Doppler imaging inversion code for the analysis of the
  spectrum variability of HR 3831, and recover surface distributions
  of 17 chemical elements, including Li, C, O, Na, Mg, Si, Ca, Ti, Cr,
  Mn, Fe, Co, Ba, Y, Pr, Nd, Eu. Our study represents the most thorough
  examination of the surface chemical structure in a magnetic Ap star and
  provides important observational constraints for modelling radiative
  diffusion in magnetic stars. The exceedingly high quality of some of
  our spectroscopic data allowed us to reconstruct unprecedented details
  of abundance distributions, demonstrating a high level of complexity
  in the surface structure down to the resolution limit of the Doppler
  maps. The Doppler imaging analysis of HR 3831 forms a basis for
  subsequent detailed observational investigations and theoretical
  modelling of non-radial oscillations in this star. We discuss the
  compound effect of the chemical nonuniformities and pulsational
  velocity field on the rapid line profile variations, and assess the
  possibility of identifying pulsation modes by using spatial filtering
  produced by an inhomogeneous abundance distribution. The results of
  our study of the surface chemical structure suggest that differences
  in pulsational behaviour of lines of different ions observed for HR
  3831 are not a consequence of horizontal atmospheric inhomogeneities,
  but predominantly a depth effect. <P />Based on observations obtained
  at the European Southern Observatory, La Silla, Chile.

Title: The influence of magnetic fields on the hydrostatic structure
    of the atmospheres of chemically peculiar stars
Authors: Valyavin, G.; Kochukhov, O.; Piskunov, N.
2004A&A...420..993V    Altcode:
  We discuss the properties of atmospheres of chemically peculiar magnetic
  stars. The slow evolution of global magnetic fields leads to the
  development of an induced electric current in all conductive atmospheric
  layers. The Lorentz force, which results from the interaction between
  a magnetic field and the induced current, may change the atmospheric
  structure and provide insight into the formation and evolution of
  stellar magnetic fields. We developed a model atmosphere code that
  takes into account the Lorentz force in the equation of hydrostatic
  equilibrium, and computed a number of model atmospheres for magnetic A
  and B stars. The surface distribution of a magnetic field was assumed
  to be a dipole, slightly distorted by the induced atmospheric electric
  current. The interaction between the magnetic field and electric current
  is modelled in detail, taking into account microscopic properties
  of the stellar plasma. The presence of a significant Lorentz force
  leads to substantial modification of the atmospheric structure and
  in particular the pressure stratification, which in turn influences
  the formation of absorption spectral features, especially hydrogen
  Balmer lines. Furthermore, we find that rotational modulation of the
  disk-average parameters of a global stellar magnetic field causes
  characteristic rotational variability of hydrogen lines. With our
  model, observable effects correspond to induced electric currents of
  the order of 10<SUP>-11</SUP> cgs, which requires characteristic field
  evolution times 2-3 orders of magnitude shorter than the field decay
  time estimated for magnetic A and B stars assuming fossil dipolar field
  topology in the stellar interior. Using the computations of our model
  atmospheres we consider an observational aspect of the problem and
  attempt to interpret photometric data on the variability of hydrogen
  lines within the framework of simplest model of the evolution of global
  magnetic fields. With the hydrogen line data we find tentative support
  for the presence of a non-negligible Lorentz force in the atmospheres
  of some magnetic chemically peculiar stars.

Title: Near-Polar Starspots and Polar Dynamo Waves
Authors: Novikov, S. V.; Piskunov, N. E.; Sokoloff, D. D.
2004ARep...48..522N    Altcode:
  A possible mechanism for the formation of near-polar magnetic spots on
  some stars with convective envelopes is proposed. The mechanism is based
  on the idea that the maximum of the dynamo waves that are excited in
  thin convective shells by the dynamo mechanism is shifted appreciably
  from the maximum of the magnetic-field sources in the direction of
  motion of the dynamo wave. If there is no region of super-rotation
  near the equator for some reason (as a consequence of disruption due
  to tidal interaction with a companion in a binary system, for example)
  and the wave of stellar activity propagates toward the poles rather
  than toward the equator, this maximum will be in the near-polar regions.

Title: No magnetic field variation with pulsation phase  in the roAp
    star γ Equulei
Authors: Kochukhov, O.; Ryabchikova, T.; Piskunov, N.
2004A&A...415L..13K    Altcode: 2004astro.ph..1048K
  We present an analysis of 210 high-resolution time-resolved
  spectropolarimetric observations of the roAp star γ Equ obtained over
  three nights in August and September 2003. Radial velocity variations
  due to p-mode non-radial pulsations are clearly detected in the lines
  of rare-earth elements, in particular Pr III, Nd II and Nd III. In
  contrast, we find absolutely no evidence for the variation of the mean
  longitudinal magnetic field over the pulsation period in γ Equ at the
  level of 110-240 G which was recently reported by Leone &amp; Kurtz
  (\cite{LK03}). Our investigation of the variability of circularly
  polarized profiles of 13 Nd III lines demonstrates that, at the 3σ
  confidence level, no magnetic field variation with an amplitude above
  ≈40-60 G was present in γ Equ during our monitoring of this star.

Title: Magnetic Doppler imaging of 53 Camelopardalis  in all four
    Stokes parameters
Authors: Kochukhov, O.; Bagnulo, S.; Wade, G. A.; Sangalli, L.;
   Piskunov, N.; Landstreet, J. D.; Petit, P.; Sigut, T. A. A.
2004A&A...414..613K    Altcode:
  We present the first investigation of the structure of the
  stellar surface magnetic field using line profiles in all four
  Stokes parameters. We extract the information about the magnetic
  field geometry and abundance distributions of the chemically
  peculiar star 53 Cam by modelling time-series of high-resolution
  spectropolarimetric observations with the help of a new magnetic
  Doppler imaging code. This combination of the unique four Stokes
  parameter data and state-of-the-art magnetic imaging technique makes it
  possible to infer the stellar magnetic field topology directly from the
  rotational variability of the Stokes spectra. In the magnetic imaging
  of 53 Cam we discard the traditional multipolar assumptions about
  the structure of magnetic fields in Ap stars and explore the stellar
  magnetic topology without introducing any global a priori constraints
  on the field structure. The complex magnetic model of 53 Cam derived
  with our magnetic Doppler imaging method achieves a good fit to the
  observed intensity, circular and linear polarization profiles of strong
  magnetically sensitive Fe II spectral lines. Such an agreement between
  observations and model predictions was not possible with any earlier
  multipolar magnetic models, based on modelling Stokes I spectra and
  fitting surface averaged magnetic observables (e.g., longitudinal field,
  magnetic field modulus, etc.). Furthermore, we demonstrate that even
  the direct inversion of the four Stokes parameters of 53 Cam assuming
  a low-order multipolar magnetic geometry is incapable of achieving
  an adequate fit to our spectropolarimetric observations. Thus, as a
  main result of our investigation, we discover that the magnetic field
  topology of 53 Cam is considerably more complex than any low-order
  multipolar expansion, raising a general question about the validity of
  the multipolar assumption in the studies of magnetic field structures
  of Ap stars. In addition to the analysis of the magnetic field of 53
  Cam, we reconstruct surface abundance distributions of Si, Ca, Ti, Fe
  and Nd. These abundance maps confirm results of the previous studies
  of 53 Cam, in particular dramatic antiphase variation of Ca and Ti
  abundances. <P />Based on observations obtained with the Bernard Lyot
  telescope of the Pic du Midi Observatory and Isaac Newton Telescope
  of the La Palma Observatory.

Title: He and Si surface inhomogeneities of four Bp variable stars
Authors: Briquet, M.; Aerts, C.; Lüftinger, T.; De Cat, P.; Piskunov,
   N. E.; Scuflaire, R.
2004A&A...413..273B    Altcode:
  We present ground-based multi-colour Geneva photometry and
  high-resolution spectra of four variable B-type stars: HD 105382, HD
  131120, HD 138769 and HD 55522. All sets of data reveal monoperiodic
  stars. A comparison of moment variations of two spectral lines, one
  silicon line and one helium line, allows us to exclude the pulsation
  model as being the cause of the observed variability of the four
  stars. We therefore delete the four stars from the list of candidate
  slowly pulsating B stars. We attribute the line-profile variations to
  non-homogeneous distributions of elements on the stellar surface and we
  derive abundance maps for both elements on the stellar surface by means
  of the Doppler Imaging technique. We confirm HD 131120 to be a He-weak
  star and we classify HD 105382, HD 138769 as new He-weak stars. HD 55522
  has the solar helium abundance but the mean abundance value of He varies
  by 0.8 dex during the stellar rotation. For HD 131120 and HD 105382,
  helium is enhanced in regions of the stellar surface where silicon is
  depleted and depleted in regions where silicon is enhanced. <P />Based
  on observations obtained with the Swiss photometric telescope and ESO's
  CAT/CES telescope, both situated at La Silla, Chile. <P />Appendix A,
  Tables 1 and 2 and Figs. 9, 11, 13 are only available in electronic
  form at http://www.edpsciences.org

Title: Balmer Lines and Effective Temperatures in Cool Stars
Authors: Barklem, P. S.; Stempels, H. C.; Kochukhov, O.; Piskunov,
   N.; O'Mara, B. J.
2003csss...12.1103B    Altcode:
  Theoretical work on the self-broadening of Balmer lines by us predicts
  a large impact on model profiles, and therefore effective temperature
  determinations, particularly in metal-poor stars. We present initial
  results of the application to observations of a sample of cool dwarf
  stars. The effective temperatures determined for our sample show
  much improved agreement with the infra-red flux method results in the
  literature when compared with analysis using the previously available
  broadening theory.

Title: Probing Magnetospheric Infall onto CTTS with Time-resolved
    Veiling Measurements.
Authors: Stempels, H. C.; Piskunov, N.
2003csss...12..735S    Altcode:
  We show that time-resolved veiling measurements over a large wavelength
  range can probe individual accretion events onto Classical T Tauri
  Stars (CTTS). We demonstrate two methods of measuring veiling. Using
  these measurements, we model CTTS spectra as a superposition of two
  components representing stellar and accretion emission. The simple
  but functional method allows us to estimate the temperature of the
  accretion shock and the relative surface area of the accretion regions
  on the star. We apply this method to a series of spectra of the CTTS
  RU Lupi and present our first results.

Title: The photosphere and veiling spectrum of T Tauri stars
Authors: Stempels, H. C.; Piskunov, N.
2003A&A...408..693S    Altcode:
  Using recent high signal-to-noise and high spectral resolution (R ~ 60
  000) observations with VLT/UVES, we have analysed the photosphere and
  veiling spectrum of five T Tauri stars. With a grid of 1-dimensional
  plane-parallel hydrostatic model atmospheres from the MARCS consortium
  we have determined their atmospheric properties, calculated synthetic
  spectra and determined the spectrum of the veiling continuum. Our
  analysis of the veiling spectrum supports the view that veiling
  can be represented by a combination of continuum sources. However,
  for the most strongly accreting stars we find a broad region around
  5300 Å where the derived level of veiling is consistently higher than
  expected from continuum sources. <P />Based on observations collected
  at the European Southern Observatory, Chile (proposal 65.I-0404).

Title: Doppler Imaging of the Ap star epsilon  Ursae Majoris: Ca,
    Cr, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ti, Sr
Authors: Lueftinger, T.; Kuschnig, R.; Piskunov, N. E.; Weiss, W. W.
2003A&A...406.1033L    Altcode:
  The surface abundance structure of seven elements of the brightest
  chemically peculiar A-type star, epsilon Ursae Majoris (epsilon UMa,
  HD 112185, HR 4905) has been determined. Cr, Fe and, Mn are enhanced at
  the magnetic polar region of epsilon UMa while they avoid the magnetic
  equator. Sr seems to behave like Cr, Fe, and Mn, but is concentrated
  only at one of the two magnetic poles. Ti, in contrast, is accumulated
  at the magnetic equator and is depleted where Cr and Fe are accumulated,
  in accordance with theoretical predictions. Mg and Ca do not correlate
  with the distribution of Cr, Fe, Mn, and Sr or with Ti. The surface
  distribution of Mn, Sr, Ti, and Mg was determined for the first time
  for this star. A Doppler Imaging code was used that allows to analyse
  elements present in complex spectral line blends and thus to increase
  significantly the potential to map more elements. We compare our Cr
  and Fe distributions to already published maps. The high consistency
  of our results, based on different observations and Doppler Imaging
  codes, proves the reliability of the different methods.

Title: PEPSI spectro-polarimeter for the LBT
Authors: Strassmeier, Klaus G.; Hofmann, Axel; Woche, Manfred F.; Rice,
   John B.; Keller, Christoph U.; Piskunov, N. E.; Pallavicini, Roberto
2003SPIE.4843..180S    Altcode:
  PEPSI (Postham Echelle Polarimetric and Spectroscopic Instrument) is
  to use the unique feature of the LBT and its powerful double mirror
  configuration to provide high and extremely high spectral resolution
  full-Stokes four-vector spectra in the wavelength range 450-1100nm. For
  the given aperture of 8.4m in single mirror mode and 11.8m in double
  mirror mode, and at a spectral resolution of 40,000-300,000 as designed
  for the fiber-fed Echelle spectrograph, a polarimetric accuracy between
  10<SUP>-4</SUP> and 10<SUP>-2</SUP> can be reached for targets with
  visual magnitudes of up to 17th magnitude. A polarimetric accuracy
  better than 10<SUP>-4</SUP> can only be reached for either targets
  brighter than approximately 10th magnitude together wiht a substantial
  trade-off wiht the spectral resolution or with spectrum deconvolution
  techniques. At 10<SUP>-2</SUP>, however, we will be able to observe
  the brightest AGNs down to 17th magnitude.

Title: Round Table Summary: Radiative Transfer Problems
Authors: Piskunov, N.
2003IAUS..210..107P    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Doppler and Zeeman Doppler Imaging of roAp Stars
Authors: Lueftinger, T.; Ryabchikova, T. A.; Weiss, W. W.; Khochukhov,
   O.; Piskunov, N. E.; Kuschnig, R.; Wade, G. A.
2003ASPC..305...92L    Altcode: 2003mfob.conf...92L
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Modelling of Stellar Atmospheres
Authors: Piskunov, N.; Weiss, W. W.; Gray, D. F.
2003IAUS..210.....P    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Magnetic Doppler Imaging of Chemically Peculiar Stars
Authors: Kochukhov, O.; Piskunov, N.; Bagnulo, S.; Landstreet, J. D.;
   Sigut, T. A. A.; Petit, P.; Wade, G. A.
2003ASPC..307..549K    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Parametric Resonance and Magnetic Activity in Close Binary
Authors: Sokoloff, D.; Piskunov, N.
2003IAUS..210P.E43S    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Hydrogen Balmer Lines as Probes of Stellar Atmospheres
Authors: Barklem, P. S.; Piskunov, N.
2003IAUS..210P.E28B    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Magnetic Doppler Imaging of Early-Type Stars
Authors: Piskunov, N. E.; Kochukhov, O.
2003ASPC..305...83P    Altcode: 2003mfob.conf...83P
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Influence of the Global Magnetic Field Evolution on the
    Structure of Atmospheres of Early-Type Stars
Authors: Valyavin, G.; Kochukhov, O.; Piskunov, N.
2003IAUS..210P.A14V    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Magnetic Doppler Imaging of Solar-type Stars
Authors: Piskunov, N.; Kochukhov, O.
2003ASPC..307..539P    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Tools and Methods for Abundance Analysis
Authors: Knoglinger, P.; Nesvacil, N.; Kupka, F.; Mittermayer, P.;
   Piskunov, N.; Weiss, W. W.; Bruntt, H.
2003IAUS..210P.E66K    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Nonaxisymmetric cool spot distributions and dynamo action in
    close binaries
Authors: Moss, D.; Piskunov, N.; Sokoloff, D.
2002A&A...396..885M    Altcode:
  We investigate the nonaxisymmetric magnetic field distribution in the
  components of close binary systems, generated by a stellar dynamo with a
  nonaxisymmetric distribution of the alpha -coefficient, proportional to
  the mean helicity of the convective motions in the stellar convective
  envelope. The nonaxisymmetry of alpha is assumed to be connected with
  interaction with the binary companion, i.e. the reflection effect and
  tidal interaction. The degree of asymmetry is estimated from the known
  parameters of ER Vulpeculae, an active RS CVn-type star. We demonstrate
  that the synchronization of rotation and orbital motion of ER Vulpeculae
  due to tidal interaction is sufficient to allow nonaxisymmetric magnetic
  structures to survive in the presence of smoothing by differential
  rotation. The dynamo driven nonaxisymmetric magnetic structures
  are usually steady in the reference frame connected with the alpha
  -spot. However, we found a resonant excitation of an oscillatory,
  strongly nonaxisymmetric, configuration, driven by the joint action of
  the alpha -effect and differential rotation. The magnetic structures
  obtained are predominantly manifested on the stellar surface in
  the form of spots of radial magnetic field. Their form and size are
  similar to the form and size of cool spots observed on the surfaces
  of both components of ER Vulpeculae, and their displacements from the
  alpha -spots are comparable to that of the observed cool spots from
  the hot spots connected with the reflection effect. Possible relevant
  observations are discussed.

Title: Spectroscopy of T Tauri stars with UVES. Observations and
    analysis of RU Lup
Authors: Stempels, H. C.; Piskunov, N.
2002A&A...391..595S    Altcode:
  We present the first results of our observations of classical T
  Tauri Stars with UVES/VLT. The data consists of high signal-to-noise
  (ge 150) and high spectral resolution (R ~ 60 000) spectra. A large
  simultaneous wavelength coverage throughout most of the visible spectrum
  and comparatively short integration times allow us to study variability
  on short time-scales, using a number of diagnostics reflecting a
  wide range of physical processes. In particular we concentrate on
  the properties and geometry of the accretion process in the strongly
  accreting and highly variable CTTS RU Lup. We use the evolution of
  the level of veiling, the shapes of absorption and emission lines, and
  correlations between these diagnostics, to make new measurements of the
  fundamental stellar parameters as well as constraints on the accretion
  process and its geometry. We also derive the shortest time-scale
  of incoherent changes, which has implications for the nature of the
  accretion process in RU Lup. Based on observations collected at the
  European Southern Observatory, Chile (proposal 65.I-0404).

Title: Swing excitation and magnetic activity in close binary systems
Authors: Sokoloff, D.; Piskunov, N.
2002MNRAS.334..925S    Altcode:
  Parametric resonance between the perturbation of a stellar
  convective zone affected by a companion of a close binary system and
  non-axisymmetric dynamo modes can play an important role in close
  binary systems. This process in combination with the previously
  suggested α<SUP>2</SUP>-mechanism is probably responsible for
  strongly non-axisymmetric magnetic activity observed in several close
  binaries. The conditions required for swing excitation to occur in such
  systems are directly related to the status of rotational synchronization
  between the orbital motion and rotation of the star, which can be
  used as a tool to discover such objects. One potential candidate -
  an active RS CVn-type star ER Vulpeculae - shows indications of the
  swing excitation.

Title: Doppler Imaging of stellar magnetic fields. III. Abundance
    distribution and magnetic field geometry of alpha <SUP>2</SUP> CVn
Authors: Kochukhov, O.; Piskunov, N.; Ilyin, I.; Ilyina, S.;
   Tuominen, I.
2002A&A...389..420K    Altcode:
  We used the new magnetic Doppler Imaging code to reconstruct the
  magnetic field geometry and surface abundance distributions for the
  classical magnetic CP star alpha <SUP>2</SUP> CVn. High-resolution
  spectropolarimetric observations in the Stokes I and V parameters were
  collected with the SOFIN échelle spectrograph at the Nordic Optical
  Telescope. This superb observational material in combination with the
  advanced modelling technique allowed to achieve the first simultaneous
  self-consistent mapping of the vector magnetic field and the abundance
  distributions of six chemical elements. In recovering the stellar
  magnetic distribution no prior assumptions about the field geometry
  or strength were made. Instead, we restricted possible solutions of
  the inverse problem by means of the multipolar regularization method
  which searches for the field map close to a general non-axisymmetric
  multipolar configuration but allows departures from this geometry if
  that is required by the observational data. We found that the magnetic
  field of alpha <SUP>2</SUP> CVn/ is dominated by a dipolar component
  and has a minor quadrupole contribution. The surface distributions of
  the chemical species form symmetric patterns which closely follow the
  magnetic geometry. This discovery constitutes one of the first direct
  observational constraints on the horizontal diffusion processes acting
  in the upper envelope of a strongly magnetized stellar atmosphere. In
  addition to the extensive magnetic Doppler Imaging analysis, we derived
  new accurate estimates of the atmospheric parameters and basic physical
  properties of alpha <SUP>2</SUP> CVn/ using the energy distribution,
  hydrogen line profiles and the recent Hipparchos parallax. Based on
  observations obtained with the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT) and
  Isaac Newton Telescope (INT), La Palma, Spain.

Title: Spectropolarimetry of starspots
Authors: Piskunov, N.
2002AN....323..257P    Altcode:
  We use the simulations of Stokes profiles for active late-type stars in
  order to assess the requirements to the observations and select the best
  observing strategy for these objects. The synthetic spectropolarimetry
  was computed using models of magnetic fields distribution for several
  rotational phases throughout the activity cycle. The simulations show
  that cyclic variations of the polarization profiles are more systematic
  and easier to observe and that averaging over single rotation periods
  may be used to increase the signal-to-noise ratio.

Title: Doppler Imaging of stellar magnetic fields. II. Numerical
Authors: Kochukhov, O.; Piskunov, N.
2002A&A...388..868K    Altcode:
  We present numerical experiments designed to evaluate the performance
  of the new Magnetic Doppler Imaging (MDI) code INVERS10. Numerous test
  runs demonstrate what can be achieved with the MDI method and allow
  assessment of the systematic errors that can cause distortions of the
  maps. Our numerical experiments showed that given high-resolution
  observations in four Stokes parameters the code is capable of
  reconstructing abundance and magnetic field vector distributions
  simultaneously and without any prior assumptions about the magnetic
  field geometry. At the same time we found that in order to achieve
  reliable reconstruction using only circular polarization data it is
  necessary to impose additional constraints on the possible structure of
  the magnetic field. Numerical tests also reveal surprisingly different
  properties of the MDI maps from conventional scalar maps which we
  attribute to the complex relation between the orientation of the field
  and the polarization signal. We conclude that the information about the
  field is primarily extracted from the changes in magnetic orientation
  due to rotation rather than from the Doppler shifts critical for scalar
  Doppler Imaging maps making it possible to apply the MDI to even very
  slow rotators.

Title: New algorithms for reducing cross-dispersed echelle spectra
Authors: Piskunov, N. E.; Valenti, J. A.
2002A&A...385.1095P    Altcode:
  We describe advanced image processing algorithms, implemented in a
  data analysis package for conventional and cross-dispersed echelle
  spectra. Comparisons with results from other packages illustrate
  the outstanding quality of the new REDUCE package, particularly
  in terms of resulting noise level and treatment of CCD defects and
  cosmic ray spikes. REDUCE can be adapted relatively easily to handle
  a variety of instrument types, including spectrographs with prism or
  grating cross-dispersers, possibly fed by a fiber or image slicer,
  etc. In addition to reduced spectra, an accurate spatial profile is
  recovered, providing valuable information about the spectrograph PSF
  and simplifying scattered light corrections. Based on data obtained
  with the VLT UVES and SAAO Giraffe spectrometers.

Title: Detailed analysis of Balmer lines in cool dwarf stars
Authors: Barklem, P. S.; Stempels, H. C.; Allende Prieto, C.;
   Kochukhov, O. P.; Piskunov, N.; O'Mara, B. J.
2002A&A...385..951B    Altcode: 2002astro.ph..1537B
  An analysis of Hα and Hβ spectra in a sample of 30 cool dwarf and
  subgiant stars is presented using MARCS model atmospheres based on the
  most recent calculations of the line opacities. A detailed quantitative
  comparison of the solar flux spectra with model spectra shows that
  Balmer line profile shapes, and therefore the temperature structure
  in the line formation region, are best represented under the mixing
  length theory by any combination of a low mixing-length parameter alpha
  and a low convective structure parameter y. A slightly lower effective
  temperature is obtained for the sun than the accepted value, which we
  attribute to errors in models and line opacities. The programme stars
  span temperatures from 4800 to 7100 K and include a small number of
  population II stars. Effective temperatures have been derived using
  a quantitative fitting method with a detailed error analysis. Our
  temperatures find good agreement with those from the Infrared Flux
  Method (IRFM) near solar metallicity but show differences at low
  metallicity where the two available IRFM determinations themselves are
  in disagreement. Comparison with recent temperature determinations
  using Balmer lines by Fuhrmann (\cite{fuhrmann98, fuhrmann00}),
  who employed a different description of the wing absorption due
  to self-broadening, does not show the large differences predicted
  by Barklem et al. (\cite{bpo:hyd}). In fact, perhaps fortuitously,
  reasonable agreement is found near solar metallicity, while we find
  significantly cooler temperatures for low metallicity stars of around
  solar temperature. Based on observations collected at the Isaac Newton
  Telescope, La Palma, Spain, and McDonald Observatory, Texas, USA.

Title: Abundance stratification and pulsation in the atmosphere of
    the roAp star boldmath gamma Equulei
Authors: Ryabchikova, T.; Piskunov, N.; Kochukhov, O.; Tsymbal, V.;
   Mittermayer, P.; Weiss, W. W.
2002A&A...384..545R    Altcode:
  We present the evidence for abundance stratification in the atmosphere
  of the rapidly oscillating Ap star gamma Equ. Ca, Cr, Fe, Ba, Si,
  Na seem to be overabundant in deeper atmospheric layers, but normal
  to underabundant in the upper layers with a transition in the typical
  line forming region of -1.5&lt;log tau <SUB>5000</SUB>&lt;-0.5. This
  stratification profile agrees well with diffusion theory for Ca
  and Cr, developed for cool magnetic stars with a weak mass loss of
  {~}2.5*E<SUP>-15</SUP> M<SUB>sun</SUB> yr<SUP>-1</SUP>. Pr and Nd from
  the rare earth elements have an opposite profile. Their abundance is
  more than 6 dex higher above log tau <SUB>5000</SUB> ~ -8.0 than in
  the deeper atmospheric layers. We further discuss the implications of
  abundance stratification in the context of radial velocity amplitudes
  and phases observed by Kochukhov &amp; Ryabchikova (2001) for a
  variety of spectral lines and elements using high spectral and time
  resolved, high S/N observations. Based on observations obtained at
  the European Southern Observatory (La Silla, Chile), and the South
  African Astronomical Observatory.

Title: Spectroscopy of Rapidly Oscillating Ap Stars
Authors: Weiss, W. W.; Ryabchikova, T. A.; Savanov, I.; Piskunov, N.;
   Tsymbal, V.; Mittermayer, P.; Martinez, P.; Kochukhov, O.; Nesvacil, N.
2002ASPC..259..280W    Altcode: 2002IAUCo.185..280W; 2002rnpp.conf..280W
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Doppler Imaging of stellar magnetic fields. I. Techniques
Authors: Piskunov, N.; Kochukhov, O.
2002A&A...381..736P    Altcode:
  We describe our latest Magnetic Doppler Imaging (MDI) code capable of
  simultaneously reconstructing the magnetic field vector and chemical
  composition distribution over the stellar surface. Input data consists
  of polarization measurements in the line profiles and the reconstruction
  is performed by solving the regularized inverse problem. The code
  incorporates the latest developments in the radiative transfer, the
  optimization and parallel computing techniques. We have also developed
  a new regularization method that allows application of our MDI code to
  incomplete data sets (e.g. only intensity and circular polarization) by
  restricting possible configurations of the field. Numerical experiments
  to be presented in a forthcoming paper demonstrate what can be achieved
  with MDI and allow studying of systematic errors that can cause serious
  distortions of the maps.

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: LTE spectrum synthesis in magnetic
    atmospheres (Wade+, 2001)
Authors: Wade, G. A.; Bagnulo, S.; Kochukhov, O.; Landstreet, J. D.;
   Piskunov, N.; Stift, M. J.
2001yCat..33740265W    Altcode:
  Files table4.dat contain calculated Stokes IQUV local line profiles of
  Fe II 4923.9 shown in Fig. 4 of this paper. Profile sets are provided
  for 0.1, 5 and 20kG magnetic fields, with vector orientation ψ=40°,
  φ=0°, disc centre and eps<SUB>fe</SUB>=4.6. (3 data files).

Title: LTE spectrum synthesis in magnetic stellar atmospheres. The
    interagreement of three independent polarised radiative transfer codes
Authors: Wade, G. A.; Bagnulo, S.; Kochukhov, O.; Landstreet, J. D.;
   Piskunov, N.; Stift, M. J.
2001A&A...374..265W    Altcode:
  With the aim of establishing a benchmark for the detailed
  calculation of the polarised line profiles of magnetic stars, we
  describe an intercomparison of LTE Stokes profiles calculated using
  three independent, state-of-the-art magnetic spectrum synthesis
  codes: Cossam, Invers10 and Zeeman2. We find, upon establishing a
  homogeneous basis for the calculations (identical definitions of the
  Stokes parameters and the magnetic and stellar reference frames,
  identical input model stellar atmosphere, identical input atomic
  data, and identical chemical element abundances and magnetic field
  distributions), that local and disc-integrated Stokes IQUV profiles
  of Fe II lambda 4923.9 calculated using the three codes agree
  very well. For the illustrative case of disc-integrated profiles
  calculated for abundance log n<SUB>Fe</SUB>/n<SUB>tot</SUB>=-4.60,
  dipole magnetic field intensity B<SUB>d</SUB>=5 kG, and projected
  rotational velocity v_esin i=20 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, Stokes I profiles
  (depth ~ 40% of the continuum flux I<SUB>c</SUB>) agree to within about
  0.05% rms of I<SUB>c</SUB>, Stokes V profiles (full amplitude ~ 10%)
  to within about 0.02% rms of I<SUB>c</SUB>, and Stokes Q and U profiles
  (full amplitudes ~ 2%) at the sub-0.01% rms level. These differences
  are sufficiently small so as to allow for congruent interpretation of
  the best spectropolarimetric data available, as well as for any data
  likely to become available during the near future. This indicates that
  uncertainties in modeling Stokes profiles result overwhelmingly from
  uncertainties in input atomic and physical data, especially the state
  and structure of model stellar atmospheres.

Title: Formation of Fe X-Fe XIV coronal lines in the accretion shock
    of T Tauri stars
Authors: Lamzin, S. A.; Stempels, H. C.; Piskunov, N. E.
2001A&A...369..965L    Altcode:
  Specific intensities of the strongest Fe x-Fe xiV\ coronal lines were
  calculated in the framework of our accretion shock model (Lamzin
  \cite{Lamzin1998}). These lines are formed in a region immediately
  behind the front of the accretion shock, therefore, the gas velocity in
  the line formation region is close to 1/4 of the infall velocity. It
  appears that iron coronal lines in the optical band (e.g. [Fe x]
  6376 Å and [Fe xiV] 5304 Å) are too weak to be observed in spectra
  of T Tauri stars, but the UV lines (e.g. [Fe xi] 1467 Å and [Fe xiI]
  1349 Å) can possibly be detected. In agreement with our calculations
  we could not detect the [Fe x] 6376 Å and [Fe xiV] 5304 Å lines in
  low noise UVES spectra of RU Lup where the accretion luminosity is
  ten times larger than the bolometric luminosity of the underlying
  star. At the same time we detected the [Fe xi] 1467 Å line in a
  HST/GHRS spectrum of RY Tau which suggests that the accretion rate of
  the star in its quiescent state is ~2 10<SUP>-9</SUP> M_sun/yr. As
  a byproduct of the study we found that for RY Tau the interstellar
  extinction coefficient A_V is closer to 0.5<SUP>{</SUP>m} than to
  1.0<SUP>{</SUP>m}. For DF Tau, the observed upper limit for the flux
  of the [Fe xiI] 1349 Å line in HST/GHRS spectra is in agreement with
  an accretion rate of 2 10<SUP>-9</SUP> M_sun/yr as found by Lamzin
  et al. (\cite{Lamzin2000}). As a critical test of our calculations we
  predict that the [Fe xi] 1467 Å line in the spectrum of RU Lupi should
  be relatively strong: we expect the flux to be near 10<SUP>-15</SUP>

Title: The core-wing anomaly of cool Ap stars. Abnormal Balmer
Authors: Cowley, C. R.; Hubrig, S.; Ryabchikova, T. A.; Mathys, G.;
   Piskunov, N.; Mittermayer, P.
2001A&A...367..939C    Altcode: 2000astro.ph.12102C
  The profiles of Hα in a number of cool Ap stars are anomalous. Broad
  wings, indicative of temperatures in the range 7000-8000 K end abruptly
  in narrow cores. The widths of these cores are compatible with those
  of dwarfs with temperatures of 6000 K or lower. This profile has been
  known for Przybylski's star, but it is seen in other cool Ap stars. The
  Hβ profile in several of these stars shows a similar core-wing anomaly
  (CWA). In Przybylski's star, the CWA is probably present at higher
  Balmer members. We are unable to account for these profiles within
  the context of LTE and normal dwarf atmospheres. We conclude that
  the atmospheres of these stars are not “normal”. This is contrary
  to a notion that has long been held. Based on observations obtained
  at the European Southern Observatory, Paranal, Chile (ESO programme
  No. 65.I-0644) and the South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO).}

Title: Model Atmospheres with Individualized Abundances
Authors: Piskunov, N.; Kupka, F.
2001ApJ...547.1040P    Altcode:
  We describe a new method for computing opacity distribution functions
  (ODFs) for model atmosphere calculations. The method is tailored to
  model the atmospheres of individual stars on a modern workstation. Our
  goal is the computation of model atmospheres for stars with abundances
  significantly different from the solar or scaled solar composition
  typically used for grid calculations. As a consistency test, we show
  that the new procedure is able to reproduce the ODFs and existing model
  atmospheres for solar abundances, and we describe models for stars
  with peculiar abundances. We demonstrate that while mild chemical
  peculiarities can be well represented by scaled solar models, the
  extreme cases result in a very different atmospheric structure with no
  analogs in scaled solar grids. Such a structure influences the emerging
  spectrum as is clearly seen both in the observed flux distribution and
  in the line ratios that are much better represented by the new models.

Title: Magnetic Doppler Imaging of α CVn
Authors: Kochukhov, O.; Piskunov, N.; Ilyin, I.; Ilyina, S.;
   Tuominen, I.
2001ASPC..248..321K    Altcode: 2001mfah.conf..321K
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Chemical Stratification in Magnetic Ap Stars
Authors: Wade, G. A.; Ryabchikova, T. A.; Bagnulo, S.; Piskunov, N.
2001ASPC..248..373W    Altcode: 2001mfah.conf..373W
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Magnetic Doppler Imaging of CP Stars
Authors: Piskunov, N.
2001ASPC..248..293P    Altcode: 2001mfah.conf..293P
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Search and Modeling of Magnetic Fields on M dwarfs
(CD-ROM Directory: contribs/kochuk)
Authors: Kochukhov, O. P.; Piskunov, N. E.; Valenti, J. A.;
   Johns-Krull, C. M.
2001ASPC..223..985K    Altcode: 2001csss...11..985K
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Using FeH to Measure Magnetic Fields on Cool Stars and Brown
Dwarfs (CD-ROM Directory: contribs/valenti)
Authors: Valenti, J. A.; Johns-Krull, C. M.; Piskunov, N. E.
2001ASPC..223.1579V    Altcode: 2001csss...11.1579V
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Recent Developments of the VALD Database (CD-ROM Directory:
Authors: Stempels, H. C.; Piskunov, N.; Barklem, P. S.
2001ASPC..223..878S    Altcode: 2001csss...11..878S
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Doppler Imaging of Eclipsing Binary Systems ER Vul and TY Pyx
(CD-ROM Directory: contribs/piskunov)
Authors: Piskunov, N.; Vincent, A.; Duemmler, R.; Ilyin, I.;
   Tuominen, I.
2001ASPC..223.1285P    Altcode: 2001csss...11.1285P
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Magnetic Doppler Imaging of Chemically Peculiar Stars
Authors: Piskunov, N.; Kochukhov, O.
2001LNP...573..238P    Altcode: 2001astr.conf..238P
  We present the results of numerical experiments and real applications
  of our new Magnetic Doppler Imaging code INVERS10. The code is capable
  of simultaneously reconstructing the surface distribution of magnetic
  field vectors and one chemical element from a time sequence of line
  profiles measured in four Stokes parameters. The application of the
  code to a well studied magnetic Ap star 2 °CVn recovered a field
  distribution, resembling an oblique dipole with the strength and
  orientation consistent with those derived with other techniques.

Title: Time-Resolved Spectroscopy of the roAp Star γ Equ
Authors: Kochukhov, O.; Ryabchikova, T.; Piskunov, N.
2001ASPC..248..341K    Altcode: 2001mfah.conf..341K
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Hydrogen Line Formation in Cool Stars (CD-ROM Directory:
Authors: Barklem, P. S.; Kochukhov, O.; Piskunov, N.; O'Mara, B. J.;
   Stempels, H. C.
2001ASPC..223..766B    Altcode: 2001csss...11..766B
  No abstract at ADS

Title: New Measurements of T Tauri Magnetic Fields: Testing
    Magnetospheric Accretion
Authors: Johns-Krull, C. M.; Valenti, J. A.; Piskunov, N. E.; Saar,
   S. H.; Hatzes, A. P.
2001ASPC..248..527J    Altcode: 2001mfah.conf..527J
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Search and Modelling of Magnetic Fields on M Dwarfs
Authors: Kochukhov, O.; Piskunov, N.; Valenti, J.; Johns-Krull, C.
2001ASPC..248..219K    Altcode: 2001mfah.conf..219K
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Self-broadening in Balmer line wing formation in stellar
Authors: Barklem, P. S.; Piskunov, N.; O'Mara, B. J.
2000A&A...363.1091B    Altcode: 2000astro.ph.10022B
  Details of a theory of self-broadening of hydrogen lines are
  presented. The main features of the new theory are that the
  dispersive-inductive components of the interaction (van der Waals
  forces) have been included, and the resonance components have been
  computed by perturbation theory without the use of the multipole
  expansion. The theory is applied to lower Balmer lines and the
  theoretical and observational impact of the new broadening theory
  is examined. It is shown that this theory leads to considerable
  differences in the predicted line profiles in cool stars when compared
  with previous theories which include only resonance interactions. In
  particular, the effect is found to be very important in metal poor
  stars. The theory provides a natural explanation for the behaviour
  of effective temperatures derived from Balmer lines by others using
  a theory which includes only resonance broadening. When applied to
  Balmer lines in the solar spectrum the theory predicts an improved
  agreement between observed and computed profiles for models which
  also match limb darkening curves and rules out a model which does
  not. However significant discrepancies still remain which could be
  due to inadequacies in our theory or the atmospheric model or both.

Title: Abundance analysis of roAp stars. V. HD 166473
Authors: Gelbmann, M.; Ryabchikova, T.; Weiss, W. W.; Piskunov, N.;
   Kupka, F.; Mathys, G.
2000A&A...356..200G    Altcode:
  This fifth paper in a sequence on abundance analyses of roAp stars
  features several improvements and complements over the previous
  investigations: i. The new VALD-2 atomic data base was used which
  significantly improves the analysis of C, N, O, and rare earth
  elements (REE) and in particular includes also some doubly ionized
  REE species. ii. An individual opacity distribution function table
  was generated for a successful synthesis of photometric indices of
  this very peculiar star. iii. The influence of a (rather strong)
  magnetic field on abundance determinations is studied and presented
  for 30 elements. iv. Our investigation of 33 elements (45 ions) is
  the hitherto most complete chemical analysis of a chemically peculiar
  star, using modern tools. Similar to the four roAp stars analysed
  by us so far (alpha Cir: Kupka et al. 1996, HD 203932: Gelbmann
  et al. 1997, gamma Equ: Ryabchikova et al. 1997a, and HD 24712:
  Ryabchikova et al. 1997b) we find nearly solar abundances of Fe and
  Ni, and a definite overabundance of Cr and especially Co. Rare earth
  elements have large overabundances, whereas C and O are underabundant
  relative to the Sun. This pattern seems to be a common property of the
  chemically peculiar (CP2, Ap) stars. A new and most striking result
  is the discovery of the anomalous line strengths of the second ions
  of REE resulting in an abundance increase of up to +1.5 dex, compared
  to values obtained from lines of the first ions. This anomaly is not
  found in non-roAp and “normal” stars. Based on observations obtained
  at the European Southern Observatory (La Silla, Chile)

Title: A list of data for the broadening of metallic lines by neutral
    hydrogen collisions
Authors: Barklem, P. S.; Piskunov, N.; O'Mara, B. J.
2000A&AS..142..467B    Altcode:
  A list of data for the broadening by neutral hydrogen collisions of many
  astrophysically important spectral lines, which has been incorporated
  into the Vienna Atomic Line Database (VALD), is presented. Data for
  lines of neutral atoms are interpolated from the tabulated data of
  Anstee &amp; O'Mara (\cite{ao:sp}), Barklem &amp; O'Mara (\cite{bo:pd}),
  and Barklem et al. (\cite{bor:df}). Data for lines of singly ionised
  atoms are compiled from the calculations by Barklem &amp; O'Mara
  (\cite{bo:ion1,bo:ion2}). The list at present contains data for
  4891 lines between 2300 and 13000 Ä of elements from Li to Ni. We
  examine the statistical impact of the new theory by comparison with
  the previously available data. We also demonstrate the direct effect on
  spectral synthesis calculations. Table~1 is only available in electronic
  form at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr (
  or via anonymous ftp to ftp.astro.uu.se/pub/Spectra/barklem/hlist/

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: Broadening of metallic lines by
    H collisions (Barklem+ 2000)
Authors: Barklem, P. S.; Piskunov, N.; O'Mara, B. J.
2000yCat..41420467B    Altcode:
  File table1 is a list of theoretical data for the broadening of metallic
  lines by collisions with neutral hydrogen atoms. The list contains data
  for 4891 spectral lines between 2300 and 13000 Angstroms of elements
  from Li to Ni. (1 data file).

Title: Self broadening of hydrogen lines: initial results
Authors: Barklem, P. S.; Piskunov, N.; O'Mara, B. J.
2000A&A...355L...5B    Altcode:
  For the first time broadening by both resonance and dispersive-inductive
  interactions with H-atoms are included in the formation of Balmer lines
  in cool stars, without the use of a multipole expansion. Comparison of
  synthetic profiles with observed profiles for the Sun and two late F
  dwarfs shows that this improvement in broadening theory accounts for
  some of the problems found in previous work. It is anticipated that
  planned future developments in the theory of self broadening will lead
  to further improve ments in the modelling of cool star atmospheres.

Title: VALD-2 -- The New Vienna Atomic Line Database
Authors: Kupka, F. G.; Ryabchikova, T. A.; Piskunov, N. E.; Stempels,
   H. C.; Weiss, W. W.
2000BaltA...9..590K    Altcode: 2000OAst....9..590K
  We provide a brief outline of the concepts and facilities of the Vienna
  Atomic Line DataBase in its new version 2. A summary of contents and
  recommendations how to use the VALD-2 are given. We conclude by a few
  applications planned for future releases of VALD.

Title: Spectral and polarimetric observations of the star HD 37022
    (θ<SUP>1</SUP> Ori C)
Authors: Kudryavtsev, D. O.; Piskunov, N. E.; Romanyuk, I. I.;
   Chountonov, G. A.; Shtol', V. G.
2000mfcp.proc...64K    Altcode:
  HD 37022 (θ<SUP>1</SUP> Ori C) is a young star of spectral type O7
  V, the brightest star in the Trapezium of the Orion Nebulae (M42). It
  has a synchronous spectral variability in the optical, ultraviolet and
  X--rays regions with a period P=15.422<SUP>d</SUP>. For the explanation
  of this variability many authors suggest a magnetic rotator modulating
  the stellar wind. During 1996-97 we made a series of observations
  of θ<SUP>1</SUP> Ori C at the 6 m telescope of SAO RAS, using the
  circular polarization analyzer and hydrogen--line magnetometer, to
  make sure that a magnetic field exists in this star. In this paper we
  publish the results of measurements of the effective magnetic field
  and Stokes parameters. The value of the effective magnetic field is
  within the measurement errors and apparently not more than 500G.

Title: The new magnetic Doppler imaging code
Authors: Piskunov, N.
2000mfcp.proc...96P    Altcode:
  In this paper we describe a new Magnetic Doppler Imaging (MDI) code
  INVERS10 designed to reconstruct magnetic fields on the surfaces
  of CP stars. The code is based on a state-of-the-art radiative
  transfer solver and efficient minimization technique. It is aimed at
  multi-processor calculations. This new tool is capable of reconstructing
  the distribution of magnetic field vectors and abundance of one chemical
  element from a time sequence of four Stokes parameters, observed with
  sufficient time and spectral resolution. No assumptions about field
  geometry (e.g. multipolar, radial etc.) are necessary. In addition,
  INVERS10 is capable of simulating the observed profiles for a given
  field geometry and abundance distribution. We also show some results of
  numerical experiments and discuss future applications of the new code.

Title: The Three-dimensional Structure of the Warm Local Interstellar
    Medium. I. Methodology
Authors: Linsky, Jeffrey L.; Redfield, Seth; Wood, Brian E.; Piskunov,
2000ApJ...528..756L    Altcode:
  In this first in a series of papers, we develop a methodology for
  constructing three-dimensional models of the local interstellar
  cloud (LIC) and adjacent warm clouds in the local interstellar medium
  (LISM). Our models are based on the column density of neutral hydrogen
  gas (N<SUB>HI</SUB>) inferred primarily from measurements of the
  deuterium column density toward nearby stars obtained from the analysis
  of Hubble Space Telescope ultraviolet spectra. We also use values of
  N<SUB>HI</SUB> inferred from spectra of hot white dwarfs and B-type
  stars obtained by the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer satellite. These
  very different methods give consistent results for the three white
  dwarf stars in common. We assume that along each line of sight all
  interstellar gas moving with a speed consistent with the LIC velocity
  vector has a constant density, N<SUB>HI</SUB>=0.10 cm<SUP>-3</SUP>,
  and extends from the heliosphere to an edge determined by the value of
  N<SUB>HI</SUB> moving at this speed. A number of stars have velocities
  and/or depletions that indicate absorption by other warm clouds in
  their lines of sight. On this basis α Cen A and B and probably also
  ɛ Ind lie inside the Galactic center (G) cloud, HZ 43 and 31 Com
  lie inside what we call the north Galactic pole cloud, and β Cet is
  located inside what we call the south Galactic pole cloud. We show the
  locations of these clouds in Galactic coordinates. The Sun is located
  very close to the edge of the LIC toward the Galactic center and the
  north Galactic pole. The absence of Mg II absorption at the LIC velocity
  toward α Cen indicates that the distance to the edge of the LIC in
  this direction is &lt;=0.05 pc and the Sun should leave the LIC and
  perhaps enter the G cloud in less than 3000 yr. Comparison of LIC and
  total values of N<SUB>HI</SUB> toward pairs of stars with separations
  between 0.9d and 20° reveals a pattern of good agreement so long as
  both stars lie within 60 pc of the Sun. Thus the LIC and perhaps also
  other nearby warm clouds have shapes that are smooth on these angular
  scales. In our second paper we will therefore fit the shape of the
  LIC with a set of smooth basis functions (spherical harmonics). <P
  />Based on observations with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope,
  obtained at the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated
  by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc.,
  under NASA contract NAS5-26555.

Title: The news about Vienna Atomic Line Data Base
Authors: Piskunov, N.; Ryabchikova, T. A.; Weiss, W. W.
2000mfcp.proc..194P    Altcode:
  We describe the main changes in the “Vienna Atomic Line Data Base”
  (VALD, Piskunov et al., 1995 and Piskunov, 1996) that have been
  made since the first release in 1994. The original VALD lists have
  been complemented with critically evaluated data obtained from
  experimental measurements and theoretical calculations which are
  necessary for computing state-of-the-art line opacities in stellar
  atmospheres, as well as for spectral synthesis for high precision
  studies (e.g. abundances, radial velocities etc.). In this paper we
  present new and improved data sets for chemical elements that have
  already been included in VALD, for new elements and for additional
  higher ionized species. Software modifications allow remote users of
  VALD to specify individual extraction parameters as an alternative to
  the default settings of the VALD team and to have direct control over
  the quality ranking of line data. The new World--Wide--Web interface
  provides easy access to all new features. The support for the mirror
  site permitted opening of two additional VALD servers at Hoddard
  Space Flight Center (USA) and at Uppsala Astronomical Observatory
  (Sweden). For proper crediting of all authors of atomic data, VALD
  now includes a compilation of all publications used to any replies.

Title: Multi element Doppler imaging of AP stars. I. He, Mg, Si,
    CR and Fe surface distribution for CU Virginis
Authors: Kuschnig, R.; Ryabchikova, T. A.; Piskunov, N. E.; Weiss,
   W. W.; Gelbmann, M. J.
1999A&A...348..924K    Altcode:
  We present the distribution of helium, magnesium, silicon, chromium
  and iron on the surface of the fast rotating magnetic B9p Si star CU
  Virginis, obtained with a Doppler Imaging inversion code. A clearly
  defined helium spot coincides with the position of one magnetic
  pole whereas silicon, chromium and iron accumulate in regions where
  the magnetic field lines are dominantly horizontal in the stellar
  atmosphere. The distribution of magnesium is significantly different
  compared to the other elements. The Hdelta line varies in phase with the
  helium spot and the magnetic pole and the line profiles can be fitted
  within the observational errors with model atmospheres of constant
  {T_eff } of 12500 K, but different surface gravity. We compare our
  observations with current concepts for diffusion in magnetic chemically
  peculiar stars and find good agreement. Based on observation obtained
  at the Observatoire d'Haute-Provence.

Title: VALD-2: Progress of the Vienna Atomic Line Data Base
Authors: Kupka, F.; Piskunov, N.; Ryabchikova, T. A.; Stempels, H. C.;
   Weiss, W. W.
1999A&AS..138..119K    Altcode:
  We describe the updated version of the Vienna Atomic Line Data
  Base (VALD, \cite[Piskunov et al. 1995)]{pis95} which represents a
  considerable improvement over the first installation from 1994. The
  original line lists have been complemented with critically evaluated
  data obtained from experimental measurements and theoretical
  calculations which are necessary for computing state-of-the-art line
  opacities in stellar atmospheres, as well as for synthesizing spectra
  for high precision analyses. In this paper, we present new and improved
  data sets for neutral species and ions of Si, P, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe,
  Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Y, Zr, Ru, Xe, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy, Ho, Er,
  Tm, Yb, Lu, Re, Pt, Au, Hg, and Pb. For some species data are available
  in VALD for the first time. We explain our choice of quality rankings by
  reviewing the literature for the new data and by comparison with source
  lists included into VALD. For some cases, we produced new line data
  by weighted averaging of data from different sources with individual
  error estimates in order to increase the reliability of VALD line
  lists. Software modifications allow remote users of VALD to specify
  individual extraction parameters as an alternative to the default
  settings of the VALD team and to have direct control over the quality
  ranking of line data. A World-Wide-Web interface is described which
  provides easy access to all new features. To simplify proper crediting
  of all authors of atomic data, VALD now includes a compilation of all
  publications used in each type of reply. Finally, we briefly discuss
  the future roadmap of VALD developments, including the incorporation
  of molecular transitions and integration with external data
  bases. http://www.astro.univie.ac.at/~vald http://www.astro.uu.se/~vald

Title: Eu III identification and Eu abundance in CP stars
Authors: Ryabchikova, T.; Piskunov, N.; Savanov, I.; Kupka, F.;
   Malanushenko, V.
1999A&A...343..229R    Altcode:
  We report the first identification of the Eu iii lambda 6666.347 line
  in optical spectra of CP stars. This line is clearly present in the
  spectra of HR 4816, 73 Dra, HR 7575, beta CrB, and alpha (2) CVn,
  while it is marginally present or absent in spectra of the roAp stars
  (rapidly oscillating Ap stars, cf. Kurtz 1990) alpha Cir, gamma Equ,
  HD 203932, GZ Lib (33 Lib), and HD 24712. Careful synthetic spectrum
  calculations for the Eu ii lambda 6645.11 line taking into account
  hyperfine, isotopic, and magnetic splittings allow us to obtain more
  accurate Eu abundances in the atmospheres of 9 CP stars. In most
  cases the derived abundances are significantly lower than the previous
  results reported for some of the stars based on coarse analysis of the
  famous blue Eu ii lines. Assuming an ionization balance in the stellar
  atmospheres we give an estimate of the astrophysical oscillator strength
  log (gf)=1.18 +/- 0.14 for the Eu iii lambda 6666.347 line. This value
  is obtained without taking into account a possible hyperfine-splitting
  which is unknown for this Eu iii line. We also provide astrophysical
  gf-values for Eu iii lambda lambda 7221.838, 7225.151, and 8079.071.

Title: Study of Delta and Roper resonances excitation in light nuclei
    induced reactions
Authors: Strokovsky, E. A.; Azhgirey, L. S.; Malinina, L. V.; Piskunov,
   N. M.; Sitnik, I. M.; Boivin, M.; Hennino, T.; Kunne, R.; Kagarlis,
   M.; Radvanyi, P.; Tomasi-Gustaffson, E.; Boyard, J. -L.; Farhi,
   L.; Jourdain, J. C.; Ramstein, B.; Roy-Stephan, M.; Alkhazov, G. D.;
   Kravtsov, A. V.; Mylnikov, V. A.; Orichtchin, E. M.; Prokofiev, A. N.;
   Razmyslovich, B. V.; Tkach, I. I.; Volkov, S. S.; Zhdanov, A. A.;
   Dahl, R.; Drews, M.; Ellegaard, F. C.; Gaarde, C.; Larsen, J. S.;
   Skousen, M.; Morsch, P.; Augustiniak, W.; Zupranski, P.; Perdrisat,
   C. F.; Punjabi, V.
1999fbpp.conf..495S    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Observing Hot Stars in all Four Stokes Parameters
Authors: Eversberg, Thomas; Moffat, Anthony F. J.; Debruyne, Michael;
   Rice, John B.; Piskunov, Nikolai; Bastien, Pierre; Wehlau, William H.;
   Chesneau, Olivier
1999LNP...523..107E    Altcode: 1999IAUCo.169..107E; 1999vnss.conf..107E
  We introduce a new polarimeter unit which, mounted at the Cassegrain
  focus of any telescope and fiber-connected to a fixed CCD spectrograph,
  as able to measure all Stokes parameters I, Q, U and V photon-noise
  limited across spectral lines of bright stellar targets and other
  point sources in a quasi-simultaneous manner. We briefly outline the
  technical design of the polarimeter unit and the linear algebraic
  Mueller calculus for obtaining polarization parameters of any point
  source. In addition, practical limitations of the optical elements are
  discussed. We present first results obtained with our spectropolarimeter
  for three prototype hot-star.

Title: Stellar activity and magnetism
Authors: Piskunov, N.
1999anot.conf..204P    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Modeling magnetic fields on stars other than the Sun
Authors: Piskunov, N.
1999ASSL..243..515P    Altcode: 1999sopo.conf..515P
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The William-Wehlau Spectropolarimeter: Observing Hot Stars
    in All Four Stokes Parameters
Authors: Eversberg, Thomas; Moffat, Anthony F. J.; Debruyne, Michael;
   Rice, John B.; Piskunov, Nikolai; Bastien, Pierre; Wehlau, William H.;
   Chesneau, Olivier
1998PASP..110.1356E    Altcode:
  We introduce a new polarimeter unit, which, mounted at the Cassegrain
  focus of any telescope and fiber-connected to a fixed CCD spectrograph,
  is able to measure all Stokes parameters I, Q, U, and V across
  spectral lines of bright stellar targets and other point sources in a
  quasi-simultaneous manner. Applying standard reduction techniques for
  linearly and circularly polarized light, we are able to obtain photon
  noise-limited line polarization. We briefly outline the technical design
  of the polarimeter unit and the linear algebraic Mueller calculus for
  obtaining polarization parameters of any point source. In addition,
  practical limitations of the optical elements are outlined. We present
  first results obtained with our spectropolarimeter for four bright,
  hot-star targets. We confirm previous results for Hα in the bright
  Be star gamma Cas and find linear depolarization features across the
  emission-line complex C III/C IV (5696/5808 Å) of the WR + O binary
  gamma^2 Vel. We also find circular line polarization in the strongly
  magnetic Ap star 53 Cam across its Hα absorption line. No obvious
  line polarization features are seen across Hα in the variable O star
  theta^1 Ori C above the sigma~0.2% instrumental level.

Title: Spectral Synthesis of TiO Lines
Authors: Valenti, Jeff A.; Piskunov, Nikolai; Johns-Krull,
   Christopher M.
1998ApJ...498..851V    Altcode:
  We explore the extent to which current titanium oxide (TiO) line
  data and M dwarf model atmospheres can be used to reproduce an R =
  120,000 optical spectrum of the relatively inactive star Gliese 725B
  (M3.5 V). We find that tabulated TiO wavelengths have errors large
  enough to complicate line identification, especially for transitions
  involving higher vibrational states. We determine empirical
  wavelength corrections for 12 strong γ-bands near 6680 and 7090
  Å. For the sequence of orbital quantum numbers, J, within any one
  of these bands, our observations confirm the predicted line spacing,
  thereby validating the rotational constants for low vibrational
  levels. However, the predicted wavelengths have zero-point errors
  that differ for each overlapping band. Next, we compare observed
  and synthetic spectra near 8463 Å, where an ɛ Q<SUB>3</SUB> 0-0
  band head is expected, demonstrating that the electronic oscillator
  strength of 0.014 advocated by Jørgensen is too large by at least a
  factor of 5. This has a minor effect on the structure of theoretical
  model atmospheres. Using our empirically corrected TiO wavelengths,
  we compute a grid of synthetic spectra for Allard &amp; Hauschildt
  models spanning a range in effective temperature (T<SUB>eff</SUB>),
  surface gravity (log g), and metallicity ([M/H]). Interpolating in
  this grid of synthetic spectra, we simultaneously fit observations of
  the TiO band head region near 7088 Å and five Ti I and Fe I lines
  near 8683 Å. For Gl 725B, we find T<SUB>eff</SUB> = 3170 +/- 71 K,
  log g = 4.77 +/- 0.14, [M/H] = -0.92 +/- 0.07, and v<SUB>mac</SUB> =
  1.1 +/- 0.7 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. We show that by using both atomic and
  molecular lines as constraints, systematic uncertainties in derived
  stellar parameters can be reduced. These parameters are consistent with
  published values obtained by other means, but more stringent tests would
  be useful. In the Appendix, we tabulate wavelengths, identifications,
  relative line strengths, and other properties of the strongest band
  heads in the α, β, γ, γ', δ, ɛ, and φ electronic systems of TiO.

Title: Astronephography: the 3-D shape of the Local Interstellar Cloud
Authors: Linsky, J. L.; Piskunov, N.; Wood, B. E.
1998AAS...192.1018L    Altcode: 1998BAAS...30..830L
  GHRS spectra of 19 mostly late-type stars provide interstellar hydrogen
  and metal column densities along these lines of sight with sufficient
  resolution to resolve individual clouds. For 16 of these lines of sight
  we can infer the hydrogen column density at the projected velocity
  of the Local Interstellar Cloud (LIC). We construct a 3 dimensional
  representation of the LIC by assuming that the neutral hydrogen density
  in the cloud is the same as the highest mean density observed, about
  0.1 cm(-3) , and that the LIC extends continuously along each line of
  sight to a distance determined by the hydrogen column density and the
  assumed density. We will present our model of the LIC as an animated
  video that shows its shape from different directions. We find that
  the hydrogen column densities obtained from EUVE spectra of white
  dwarfs are in excellent agreement with the GHRS column densities for
  the stars. Also, some other nearby white dwarfs fit our LIC model
  well and are included in the model. As viewed from the North Galactic
  Pole, the LIC has an irregular shape with the Sun very near the edge
  toward the Galactic Center and very little column density in the first
  and fourth Galactic quadrants. As viewed from in the Galactic plane,
  there is more material to the south and the cloud has narrow extensions
  toward the Galactic Center and toward Galactic longitude 270 Degrees. We
  propose that the study of the structure of interstellar clouds be called
  "astronephography" based on the Greek word for cloud, "nephos". This
  work is supported by NASA grants to the University of Colorado.

Title: CP star atmospheres based on individual ODFs
Authors: Kupka, F.; Piskunov, N. E.
1998CoSka..27..228K    Altcode: 1998astro.ph..5057K
  We describe a new method for the computation of opacity distribution
  functions (ODFs) useful to calculate one-dimensional model atmospheres
  in local thermal equilibrium (LTE). The new method is fast enough to
  be applied on current workstations and allows the computation of model
  atmospheres which deviate significantly from (scaled) solar chemical
  composition. It has reproduced existing ODFs and model atmospheres
  for solar abundances. Depending on the type of chemical peculiarity
  the "individual" model atmosphere may have a structure and surface
  fluxes similar to atmospheres based on (scaled) solar abundances or
  deviate in a way that cannot be reproduced by any of the conventional
  models. Examples are given to illustrate this behavior. The availability
  of models with "individualized" abundances is crucial for abundance
  analyses and Doppler imaging of extreme CP stars.

Title: IOTA Cas: Multi-element Doppler imaging and magnetic field
Authors: Kuschnig, R.; Wade, G. A.; Hill, G. M.; Piskunov, N.
1998CoSka..27..470K    Altcode: 1998astro.ph..5243K
  In order to clarify the role of the magnetic field in generating
  abundance inhomogeneities in the atmospheres of Ap stars, we present
  new abundance Doppler images and an approximate magnetic field geometry
  for the Ap star iota Cas.

Title: Radiative transfer in Doppler Imaging
Authors: Piskunov, N.
1998CoSka..27..374P    Altcode: 1998astro.ph..5048P
  The modern Doppler Imaging (DI) technique allows the reconstruction
  of different stellar surface structures based on accurate calculation
  of spectra of specific intensity. New applications like the mapping
  of the magnetic field vector put very stringent requirements on the
  radiative transfer (RT) solver which should be accurate, fast, and
  robust against numerical errors. We describe the evaluation of three
  different algorithms for our new magnetic DI code INVERS10. We also
  show the first results of numerical experiments made with the new code.

Title: EU III identification and EU abundance in cool CP stars
Authors: Ryabchikova, T.; Piskunov, N.; Savanov, I.; Kupka, F.
1998CoSka..27..359R    Altcode: 1998astro.ph..5206R
  We report the first identification of the Eu III lambda 6666.317
  line in optical spectra of CP stars. This line is clearly present in
  the spectra of HR 4816, 73 Dra, HR 7575, and beta CrB, while it is
  marginally present or absent in spectra of the roAp stars alpha Cir,
  gamma Equ, BI Mic, 33 Lib, and HD 24712.

Title: Linear spectropolarimetry of AP stars: a new degree of
    constraint on magnetic structure
Authors: Wade, G. A.; Donati, J. -F.; Mathys, G.; Piskunov, N.
1998CoSka..27..436W    Altcode: 1998astro.ph..5069W
  We present preliminary results from a programme aimed at acquiring
  linear spectropolarimetry of magnetic A and B stars. Linear polarization
  in the spectral lines of these objects is due to the Zeeman effect,
  and should provide detailed new information regarding the structure
  of their strong magnetic fields. To illustrate the impact of these
  new data, we compare observed circular and linear polarization line
  profiles of 53 Cam with the profiles predicted by the magnetic model
  by Landstreet. Linear polarization in the spectral lines of all
  stars studied is extremely weak; in most cases, below the threshold
  of detectability even for very high SNRs. In order to overcome this
  problem, we employ the Least-Squares Deconvolution (LSD) multi-line
  analysis technique in order to extract low-noise mean line profiles
  and polarization signatures from our echelle spectra. Tests show
  that these mean signatures can be modelled as real spectral lines,
  and have the potential to lead to high-resolution maps of the magnetic
  and chemical abundance surface distributions.

Title: Multi-element Doppler imaging of kappa PSC
Authors: Piskunov, N.; Stempels, H. C.; Ryabchikova, T. A.;
   Malanushenko, V.; Savanov, I.
1998CoSka..27..482P    Altcode: 1998astro.ph..5250P
  kappa Psc (HD 220825) is a typical Chromium Ap star that happens to
  have optimal parameters for Doppler imaging (DI). Its short rotational
  period of less than 2 days, rotational velocity of approx. 40 km/s, and
  a moderate inclination of the rotational axis put modest requirements
  on spectroscopic observations. Anomalies of iron peak elements are
  clearly present, but small enough to cause significant deviations from
  model atmospheres with scaled solar abundances. We applied DI to kappa
  Psc once before, determining the distribution of Cr. However, due to
  strong blending of Fe, the image was based on two short (approx. 2 A)
  spectral intervals, dominated by Cr lines. Since the first paper we
  obtained additional spectra and developed a new code that allows to
  perform multi-element DI and thus to use larger spectral interval(s). We
  demonstrate the abilities of the new code and present new maps of Cr
  and Fe. A much larger time base allowed us to improve the rotational
  period of kappa Psc as well.

Title: A Fiber-Linked Four Stokes-Parameter Polarimeter for the
    SOFIN Spectrometer on the Nordic Optical Telescope
Authors: Pettersson, B.; Stempels, E.; Piskunov, N.
1998ASPC..152..343P    Altcode: 1998fopa.proc..343P
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Observational Constraints on the Dynamo in Flare Stars
Authors: Valenti, Jeff A.; Johns-Krull, Christopher M.; Piskunov,
1998ASPC..154.1357V    Altcode: 1998csss...10.1357V
  There is increasing evidence that the dynamo mechanism in dMe flare
  stars differs from the alphaOmega dynamo believed to operate in
  the Sun. We review existing observational constraints on the dynamo
  and then present new constraints. In particular, we show that the
  magnetic field on Gliese 729 has been constant for 1.5 years, despite
  large variations in Hα equivalent width. This has implications for
  chromospheric heating and the existence of stellar cycles in flare
  stars. We also present preliminary polarimetry of AD Leo, demonstrating
  the the field is not globally organized. We discuss these results in
  the context of existing dynamo models.

Title: INVERS10: A New Code for Magnetic Doppler Imaging
Authors: Piskunov, N.
1998ASPC..154.2029P    Altcode: 1998csss...10.2029P
  We present a new Magnetic Doppler Imaging computer code designed to
  simultaneously reconstruct both the 3D structure of magnetic fields and
  the temperature structure of active regions on the surfaces of late-type
  stars. We show results from numerical experiments and demonstrate that
  the full set Stokes parameters is needed for proper reconstruction of
  the magnetic field vector.

Title: The Vienna Atomic Line Database : Present State and Future
Authors: Ryabchikova, T. A.; Piskunov, N. E.; Kupka, F.; Weiss, W. W.
1997BaltA...6..244R    Altcode: 1997OAst....6..244R
  We describe the main structure of the Vienna Atomic Line Database,
  the tools provided for the users and the statistics of its use in
  the last two years. Our plans for future developments of the database
  are discussed.

Title: Local Interstellar Medium Properties and Deuterium Abundances
    for the Lines of Sight toward HR 1099, 31 Comae, β Ceti, and β
Authors: Piskunov, Nikolai; Wood, Brian E.; Linsky, Jeffrey L.;
   Dempsey, Robert C.; Ayres, R.
1997ApJ...474..315P    Altcode:
  We analyze Goddard High-Resolution Spectrograph data to infer the
  properties of local interstellar gas and the deuterium/hydrogen (D/H)
  ratio for lines of sight toward four nearby late-type stars--HR 1099,
  31 Comae, β Ceti, and β Cassiopeiae. The data consist of spectra
  of the hydrogen and deuterium Lyα lines, and echelle spectra of the
  Mg II h and k lines toward all stars except β Cas. Spectra of the RS
  CVn-type spectroscopic binary system HR 1099 were obtained near opposite
  quadratures to determine the intrinsic stellar emission line profile and
  the interstellar absorption separately. Multiple-velocity components
  were found toward HR 1099 and β Cet. The spectra of 31 Com and β
  Cet are particularly interesting because they sample lines of sight
  toward the north and south Galactic poles, respectively, for which H I
  and D I column densities were not previously available. <P />The north
  Galactic pole appears to be a region of low hydrogen density like the
  “interstellar tunnel” toward ɛ CMa. The temperature and turbulent
  velocities of the local interstellar medium (LISM) that we measure
  for the lines of sight toward HR 1099, 31 Com, β Cet, and β Cas are
  similar to previously measured values (T ~ 7000 K and ξ = 1.0-1.6 km
  s<SUP>-1</SUP>). The deuterium/hydrogen ratios found for these lines
  of sight are also consistent with previous measurements of other short
  lines of sight, which suggest D/H ~ 1.6 × 10<SUP>-5</SUP>. In contrast,
  the Mg abundance measured for the β Cet line of sight [implying a
  logarithmic depletion of D(Mg) = +0.30 +/- 0.15] is about 5 times larger
  than the Mg abundance previously observed toward α Cen, and about 20
  times larger than all other previous measurements for the LISM. These
  results demonstrate that metal abundances in the LISM vary greatly
  over distances of only a few parsecs. <P />Based on observations with
  the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, obtained at the Space Telescope
  Science Institute, which is operated by the Association of Universities
  for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under NASA contract NAS5-26555.

Title: Surface distribution of chromium on the CP2 star HD 220825
    (κ Psc)
Authors: Ryabchikova, T. A.; Pavlova, V. M.; Davydova, E. S.; Piskunov,
   N. E.
1996AstL...22..822R    Altcode: 1996AstL...22..821R; 1996PAZh...22..917R
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Spectroscopy made easy: A new tool for fitting observations
    with synthetic spectra.
Authors: Valenti, J. A.; Piskunov, N.
1996A&AS..118..595V    Altcode:
  We describe a new software package that may be used to determine stellar
  and atomic parameters by matching observed spectra with synthetic
  spectra generated from parameterized atmospheres. A nonlinear least
  squares algorithm is used to solve for any subset of allowed parameters,
  which include atomic data (log gf and van der Waals damping constants),
  model atmosphere specifications (T_ eff_, logg), elemental abundances,
  and radial, turbulent, and rotational velocities. LTE synthesis
  software handles discontiguous spectral intervals and complex atomic
  blends. As a demonstration, we fit 26 FeI lines in the NSO Solar Atlas
  (Kurucz et al. 1984), determining various solar and atomic parameters.

Title: The Three-Dimensional Structure of the Local Interstellar
Authors: Linsky, J. L.; Piskunov, N.; Wood, B. E.
1996AAS...188.4407L    Altcode: 1996BAAS...28..892L
  We construct the first detailed three-dimensional models of the Local
  Interstellar Cloud (LIC) and the total amount of warm gas in the
  local interstellar medium (LISM) within 10 parsecs of the Sun. These
  models are based on the amount of neutral hydrogen gas deduced (a) from
  measurements of the deuterium column density toward nearby late-type
  stars, obtained from the analysis of Hubble Space Telescope spectra,
  and (b) from the spectra of hot white dwarf stars measured with the
  Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer satellite. The two methods give consistent
  results. We find that the LIC is flattened in the Galactic plane and
  that the hydrogen column densities are very similar for stars located
  in the sky within 12(deg) , indicating the angular scale of the gas
  close to the Sun. The direction of minimum hydrogen absorption through
  the LISM is near Galactic longitude l=262(deg) and latitude b=+22(deg)
  . This work is supported by NASA Grant S-56460-D.

Title: M-Dwarfs: Molecules and Magnetic Fields
Authors: Valenti, J. A.; Johns-Krull, C. M.; Piskunov, N.
1996AAS...188.3206V    Altcode: 1996BAAS...28..867V
  At McDonald Observatory, we recently obtained echelle spectra
  (R=120,000; S/N&gt;100) of several M0V to M5V stars. Interpreting
  these spectra in detail has been challenging, but also quite
  fascinating. From an analysis standpoint, the largest perturbation from
  a solar analogy arises because of the prevalence of molecules in the
  atmosphere. Fortunately, Allard &amp; Hauschildt (1995) have constructed
  and continue to refine theoretical atmospheres, which include the
  effects of molecules. Meanwhile, Jorgensen (1994) has recently compiled
  extensive lists of molecular line data. These important contributions,
  available in an electronic format, allowed us to synthesize spectra
  using standard LTE radiative transfer techniques. By comparing these
  synthetic spectra with selected wavelength regions in our observed
  spectra, we were able to correct the electronic oscillator strength for
  the epsilon band of TiO, and also to refine the molecular constants for
  the gamma band. In addition, we hope to assess how well the theoretical
  atmospheres for various effective temperatures are able to reproduce
  observed depths of TiO lines. Active M dwarfs have relatively large
  flare luminosities and X-ray surface fluxes, implying magnetic fields
  and/or filling factors well above solar. Saar &amp; Linsky (1985)
  provided the first direct evidence for 4 kG fields covering the
  surface of an M dwarf. We recently confirmed this result by detecting
  Zeeman split sigma --components in the FeI line at 8468.40 Angstroms
  (Johns--Krull &amp; Valenti 1996). This demonstration was primarily
  empirical: the extended wings seen in the FeI line are not seen in
  spectra of inactive M dwarfs, whereas the neighboring TiO lines are
  all well matched, ruling out most nonmagnetic explanations. We also
  determined magnetic field strength and filling factor by modeling the
  ratio of active and inactive spectra, which is less sensitive to model
  uncertainties and molecular blends. We are implementing a Feautrier
  scheme to accurately synthesize spectra when both molecules and magnetic
  fields are important. We hope to have available for discussion initial
  results from a new analysis of active M dwarfs.

Title: Introduction
Authors: Lester, J. B.; Piskunov, N. E.
1996ASPC..108..159L    Altcode: 1996mass.conf..159L
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Spectroscopy Made Easy
Authors: Valenti, J. A.; Piskunov, N. E.
1996ASPC..108..175V    Altcode: 1996mass.conf..175V
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Doppler imaging of eclipsing binaries
Authors: Piskunov, N.
1996IAUS..176...45P    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Structure of VALD
Authors: Piskunov, N. E.
1996ASPC..108..307P    Altcode: 1996mass.conf..307P
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Chromosphere and Wind of zeta Aurigae
Authors: Bennett, P. D.; Brown, A.; Harper, G. M.; Piskunov, N.;
   Griffin, R. E. M.
1995AAS...18710304B    Altcode: 1995BAAS...27.1431B
  The zeta Aurigae binary systems consist of evolved supergiants which
  eclipse their early-type main sequence companions. These binaries have
  been extensively studied because of their potential for probing the
  outer atmospheric structure of the evolved late-type primary. This
  technique is extremely advantageous in the ultraviolet where the cool
  primary contributes little flux. To this end, we have undertaken an
  analysis of the chromosphere and wind of the prototype system, zeta
  Aurigae, and we graphically demonstrate the resulting model by means
  of a video presentation. Our atmospheric model of the chromosphere
  and wind of the primary star of zeta Aurigae (K4 Ib + B5 V) is based
  on Cycle 2 and recent Cycle 5 observations obtained with the Goddard
  High Resolution Spectrograph (GHRS) aboard the Hubble Space Telescope,
  and on archival IUE and optical spectra. The models were iterated
  to reproduce the observed circumstellar absorption line curves of
  growth, and individual absorption profiles, for various projected
  heights above the limb of the K supergiant. To conveniently show the
  variation of typical line profiles computed with this model, we have
  prepared a video that follows the zeta Aurigae binary system through a
  complete orbit. We display several windows showing a perspective view
  of the system from a vantage point above the orbital plane, the view
  as seen from earth (nearly edge-on, i=87.3(deg) ), and the behavior of
  absorption lines formed in the chromosphere and wind of zeta Aurigae as
  a function of orbital phase. Support for this work was provided by NASA
  through grants GO-3626-91A and GO-06069.01-94A from the Space Telescope
  Science Institute, which is operated by the Association of Universities
  for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under NASA contract NAS 5-26555.

Title: VALD: The Vienna Atomic Line Data Base.
Authors: Piskunov, N. E.; Kupka, F.; Ryabchikova, T. A.; Weiss, W. W.;
   Jeffery, C. S.
1995A&AS..112..525P    Altcode:
  The "Vienna Atomic Line Data Base" (VALD) consists of a set of
  critically evaluated lists of astrophysically important atomic
  transition parameters and supporting extraction software. VALD contains
  about 600000 entries and is one of the largest collections of accurate
  and homogeneous data for atomic transitions presently available. It
  also includes specific tools for extracting data for spectrum synthesis
  and model atmosphere calculations. The different accuracies of data
  available in the literature made it necessary to introduce a ranking
  system and to provide a flexible method for extracting the best possible
  set of atomic line parameters for a given transition from all the
  available sources. The data base is presently restricted to spectral
  lines which are relevant for stars in which the LTE approximation is
  sufficient and molecular lines do not have to be taken into account. The
  provision was made that these requirements should not restrict the
  general design of VALD and the possibility of future expansion. In
  this paper we describe the structure of VALD, the available data sets
  and specific retrieval tools. The electronic-mail interface (VALD-EMS)
  created to allow remote access to VALD is also described. Both users
  and producers of atomic data are invited to explore the database,
  and to collaborate in improving and extending its contents.

Title: The HeI surface distribution of the CP2 star CU Virginis.
Authors: Hiesberger, F.; Piskunov, N.; Bonsack, W. K.; Weiss, W. W.;
   Ryabchikova, T. A.; Kuschnig, R.
1995A&A...296..473H    Altcode:
  Based on Coude spectra obtained with the 2.24-m telescope at MKO, we
  derive a map of the surface distribution of helium for the B9pSi star
  CU Vir. The helium abundance varies by more than one order of magnitude
  over the surface of this star and is concentrated in one large spot and
  a second, less pronounced, spot. This pattern is in anti-phase to the
  silicon surface distribution and is similar to what we have found for
  ET And, which is another Si-star. We compare our observed equivalent
  width measurements and synthetic ones, which we have derived from our
  map, with previously published data and can corroborate the long-term
  stability of the spots. CU Vir is the second CP2 star, for which a
  helium surface map is available.

Title: The atmosphere of the peculiar binary system ET Andromedae.
Authors: Kuschnig, R.; Ryabchikova, T.; Piskunov, N.; Weiss, W. W.;
   Lecontel, J. M.
1995A&A...294..757K    Altcode:
  High spectral resolution, high signal-to-noise OHP spectra which
  cover the range from 4000A to 7500A were used to derive abundances
  for ET And. An extreme overabundance of silicon by nearly 100 times
  of the solar value corroborates the Si-star classification. We find
  also enhanced abundances for iron-peak and rare-earths elements,
  which is typical for this group of CP stars. The deficiency of He
  (1/30 of the solar value), and to a lesser extent of Mg and C, is
  remarkable. Based on an estimate for R/R<SUB>sun</SUB>_, derived
  from geometric arguments, and the measured interstellar Nai lines we
  conclude that ET And probably still has not evolved significantly from
  the main sequence. We present arguments, why some earlier luminosity
  determinations seem to be incorrect.

Title: The Vienna Atomic Line Data-Base
Authors: Piskunov, N. E.; Kupka, F.; Ryabchikova, T. A.; Weiss, W. W.;
   Jeffery, C. S.
1995ASPC...81..610P    Altcode: 1995lahr.conf..610P
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Ap-star mapping: He, Mg, Si, and Fe surface distributions on
    the CP2 star CU Virginis
Authors: Kuschnig, R.; Ryabchikova, T.; Piskunov, N. E.; Weiss, W. W.
1995IAUS..176P.135K    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Progress in surface imaging
Authors: Piskunov, N. E.; Rice, J. B.
1995BCrAO..91..176P    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Ap-star mapping: Fe and Cr abundance distribution on the
    surface of HD 153882
Authors: Ryabchikova, T.; Kuschnig, R.; Piskunov, N. E.; Pavlova, V.
1995IAUS..176P.132R    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Providing a Common GUI to Image Processing Tasks under pcIPS
Authors: Smirnov, O. M.; Piskunov, N. E.
1995ASPC...77..133S    Altcode: 1995adass...4..133S
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Spectrum variability of ET Andromedae: SI and He surface
Authors: Piskunov, N.; Ryabchikova, T. A.; Kuschnig, R.; Weiss, W. W.
1994A&A...291..910P    Altcode:
  ETAnd is a silicon star with a rotation period of 1.62d and the visible
  component of a binary system with an orbital period of 48.3d. We
  present abundance maps for silicon and helium, based on OHP-AURELIE
  spectra, and demonstrate that silicon and helium are concentrated in a
  belt-like structure along the magnetic equator. Surface regions with a
  silicon overabundance are correlated with helium underabundance. In the
  framework of diffusion theory, this pattern implies that a magnetic
  field configuration of ETAnd which favours the elevation of Si,
  simultaneously causes He to sink. In addition, we comment on the
  significance of Doppler mapping of CP stars for a correct abundance
  determination and on implications to pulsation mode identifications. We
  discuss our upper limit for short time-scale radial velocity variations
  of 1.4km/s, which contrasts to 4km/s, as was claimed in the literature
  with a period of 4.8^h^.

Title: The detectability of cool polar caps on late type stars.
Authors: Piskunov, N.; Wehlau, W. H.
1994A&A...289..868P    Altcode:
  From spectral line profiles the presence of a cool polar cap has been
  inferred for several late-type stars; for some other similar stars
  the absence of a cool polar cap has been suggested. In addition, it
  would be surprising if a star with a cool region at one rotational
  pole did not have a similar cool region at the other pole. To test the
  detectability of cool polar caps on late type stars we have computed
  the effect such cool spots would have on the profile of the Ca I 6439
  A. While a cool cap at the visible pole may be detected, the presence
  of another equivalent cap at the other pole cannot be detected with
  current techniques.

Title: Surface imaging of stars.
Authors: Piskunov, N.
1994JRASC..88..254P    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Astrophysical determination of optical oscillator strengths
    for TI II.
Authors: Ryabchikova, T. A.; Hill, G. M.; Landstreet, J. D.; Piskunov,
   N.; Sigut, T. A. A.
1994MNRAS.267..697R    Altcode:
  An internally consistent set of relative oscillator strengths for
  109 spectral lines of Ti II in the range 3800-5500 Å has been
  derived. These oscillator strengths have been obtained by combining
  available laboratory data and theoretical calculations with new
  astrophysical oscillator strengths determined from both published
  photographic equivalent width lists and spectral synthesis of a
  number of available Reticon spectra of several sharp-lined stars. The
  accuracy of our astrophysical oscillator strengths has been tested
  by determining astrophysical gf-values for a number of lines of Fe
  II by the same methods. The Ti II data have been normalized to the
  astrophysical oscillator strengths of Kostyk &amp; Orlova, which also
  places them essentially on the scale of Danzmann &amp; Kock, one of
  the most recent and extensive experimental data sets. It appears that
  the accuracy of the relative gf-values in our final mean list for Ti
  II is typically about 0.08 dex. The absolute normalization is believed
  to be secure to within about 0.15 dex.

Title: Simultaneous SPOT and Chromosphere Maps of FK Comae
Authors: Piskunov, N. E.; Huenemoerder, D.; Saar, S. H.
1994ASPC...64..658P    Altcode: 1994csss....8..658P
  Maps of the local T_eff and chromospheric intensity (from He I D3)
  from a surface imaging analysis of 51 echelle spectra of FK Comae show
  a complex relationship between spots and activity.

Title: Surface Imaging of Spotted Stars
Authors: Piskunov, N.
1994cpms.conf...53P    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: PC-based Astronomical Image Processing with pcIPS
Authors: Smirnov, O. M.; Piskunov, N. E.
1994ASPC...61..245S    Altcode: 1994adass...3..245S
  Modern 486-based PCs are fast enough for many serious image processing
  applications, and inexpensive enough even for amateur astronomers. Our
  pcIPS image processing system runs on these platforms and satisfies
  a broad range of data analysis needs, while providing maximum
  expandability. It supports large format 1D and 2D images in any numeric
  type, from 8-bit integer to 64-bit floating point. pcIPS includes a set
  of visualization tools as part of an intuitive graphical user interface
  that employs buttons, pop-up menus, and a mouse. It is extremely
  expandable, because all of the image processing functionality is
  provided by external modules ( applications ), with new ones constantly
  being developed. The basic application package includes ones for
  elementary arithmetics and statistics, geometric transformations, and
  import/export of various data formats (FITS, plain ASCII, Photometrics,
  binary, GIF, etc.); specialized astronomy-oriented packages will be
  demonstrated. An API lets the user create his own applications in
  C and FORTRAN. The demo will show the latest version of the system,
  as well as some of its recently-created applications. The newest of
  them is a port of the DAOPHOTII stellar photometry program, and a
  Fourier analysis package. A CCD/Echelle processing package (location
  of echelle orders, geometric correction and extraction of orders,
  flat field correction, etc.) and a Spectral package (generation of
  dispersion curve, continuum fitting, wavelength calibration, multiple
  simultaneous line profile fits) will also be shown.

Title: Progress in surface imaging.
Authors: Piskunov, N. E.; Rice, J. B.
1994IzKry..91..208P    Altcode:
  Surface imaging of stars from the profiles of spectral line became
  an important tool in modern astrophysics. It is applied for mapping
  the distribution of chemical elements on Ap stars and temperature on
  late-type stars. Magnetic field maps appear as well as high quality
  polarization observations will be available. The authors review the
  latest achievements in all components of surface imaging which resulted
  in more reliable and detailed maps.

Title: Multiepoch Magnetic Surface Images of LQ Hya
Authors: Saar, S. H.; Piskunov, N. E.; Tuominen, I.
1994ASPC...64..661S    Altcode: 1994csss....8..661S
  We study several epochs of magnetic surface images of the active single
  dwarf LQ Hya to explore the surface differential rotation (SDR) rate
  and the correlation between magnetic flux Phi_B and T_eff.

Title: Techniques for Surface Imaging of Stars
Authors: Piskunov, N. E.; Rice, J. B.
1993PASP..105.1415P    Altcode:
  Surface imaging of stars from the profiles of spectral lines, has
  become an important tool in modern astrophysics. It is presently used
  for mapping the distribution of chemical elements on Ap stars and the
  variation in temperature over the surface of late-type stars. Magnetic
  field maps will be produced as soon as high quality polarization
  observations are available. Recently imaging techniques have been
  developed for application to eclipsing binary stars. In this paper we
  review the improvements we have found to result in more reliable and
  detailed maps in all aspects of surface imaging. (SECTION: Stars)

Title: Surface imaging of eclipsing binary stars. I. Techniques.
Authors: Vincent, A.; Piskunov, N. E.; Tuominen, I.
1993A&A...278..523V    Altcode:
  Surface (Doppler) imaging techniques for mapping the temperature
  distribution of a single star are generalized to the case of an
  eclipsing spectroscopic binary. In this paper we study three main
  questions, crucial for further application of the techniques. We
  found that the method described in this paper can be successfully
  used for imaging eclipsing binary systems. The resulting map is more
  sensitive to the errors in the parameters of the system than is the
  case of a single star. Characteristic distortions of the map can be
  used as indicators for fine tuning of some of the parameters. We also
  found that a good phase coverage of the observations is most important
  for reducing the artificial equatorial symmetry, typical for the line
  profile inversion when used for high inclination binary systems.

Title: Image Processing on Your Desktop with pcIPS
Authors: Smirnov, O. M.; Piskunov, N. E.
1993IAPPP..53...16S    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: PcIPS 2.0: Powerful Multiprofile Image Processing Implemented
    On PCs
Authors: Smirnov, O. M.; Piskunov, N. E.
1993ASPC...52..259S    Altcode: 1993adass...2..259S
  No abstract at ADS

Title: A New Programming Metaphor For Image Processing Procedures
Authors: Smirnov, O. M.; Piskunov, N. E.
1993ASPC...52..208S    Altcode: 1993adass...2..208S
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Magnetic Surface Images of the BY DRA Star HD 82558
Authors: Saar, S. H.; Piskunov, N. E.; Tuominen, I.
1992ASPC...26..255S    Altcode: 1992csss....7..255S
  We present preliminary results of a new analysis method applied
  to spectra of the BY Dra star HD 82558. We invert a time series of
  unpolarized line profiles with different Lande g_eff values to derive
  both temperature and magnetic field maps of the star. We find strong
  fields (B &gt; 2 kG) near cool spots and weaker fields elsewhere,
  with &lt;B&gt; ~ 1 kG.

Title: PC-IPS: Interactive System For Astronomical Image Processing
Authors: Smirnov, O. M.; Piskunov, N. E.; Afanasyev, V. P.; Morozov,
   A. I.
1992ASPC...25..344S    Altcode: 1992adass...1..344S
  No abstract at ADS

Title: SYNTH - a code for rapid spectral synthesis
Authors: Piskunov, N. E.
1992pess.conf...92P    Altcode: 1992stma.conf...92P
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Doppler imaging of hig-latitude SPOT activity on HD 26337.
Authors: Strassmeier, K. G.; Rice, J. B.; Wehlau, W. H.; Vogt, S. S.;
   Hatzes, A. P.; Tuominen, I.; Piskunov, N. E.; Hackman, T.; Poutanen, M.
1991A&A...247..130S    Altcode:
  Three different versions of the Doppler-imaging technique are applied
  to the spotted RS CVn-type binary HD 26337 = Ei Eri. New high-resolution
  high-S/N spectroscopy was obtained along with simultaneous BV photometry
  during 1988. Images were generated independently by three separate
  groups using different versions of the Doppler-imaging technique but the
  same data. All maps from Ca I 6439 A showed a cool asymmetric spot at
  the pole or at high latitudes generally surrounding the rotation pole
  and also some smaller equatorial spots. The maps from Fe I exhibit
  detailed differences to the maps from Ca I. The equatorial features
  were found to change on short time-scales (weeks). It is inferred that
  the polar spot is short-lived (years) but changes its appearance on the
  same several-week time-scale. Simultaneous and contemporary broad-band
  photometry was found to be crucial as additional data in the mapping
  procedure and as a reliability test of the Doppler-imaging solution.

Title: The second generation automated system for spectrum processing
    in the Astronomical council of the Academy of sciences of USSR
Authors: Kulkova, L. I.; Piskunov, N. E.; Svyatoslavskij, N. L.
1991NInfo..70...56K    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The Art of Surface Imaging
Authors: Piskunov, N. E.
1991LNP...380..309P    Altcode: 1991sacs.coll..309P; 1991IAUCo.130..309P
  We intend to analyze the reliability of surface imaging of stars based
  on high resolution spectroscopy and the technique of inverse problem
  solution. Both astrophysical and mathematical aspects including
  different regularization methods are reviewed. The influence of
  the different factors on the resulting map is discussed and it is
  shown that the simultaneous use of different kinds of observational
  data (spectroscopy, photometry, polarimetry etc.) is very useful in
  providing additional constraints for the solution. The recent results
  in the surface imaging of Cp- and late-type stars show the way for
  further progress: the use of more adequate mathematical description of
  the stellar atmosphere and the simultaneous consideration of various
  surface inhomogeneities.

Title: Surface Imaging of Ei-Eridani
Authors: Hackman, T.; Piskunov, N. E.; Poutanen, M.; Strassmeier,
   K. G.; Tuominen, I.
1991LNP...380..321H    Altcode: 1991IAUCo.130..321H; 1991sacs.coll..321H
  We present maps of the temperature distribution on the spotted
  RS CVn-type binary EI Eri (HD 26337), obtained by means of the
  surface imaging technique described in the Colloquium (Piskunov,
  1991). Images were calculated for two separate lines for two epochs
  of observation. For one epoch we also calculated an image using a
  blend of several lines. The reliability of the maps is confirmed by
  comparing the simultaneous photometric observations with the light
  curves calculated from the temperature maps.

Title: Proton and triton momentum distributions from<SUP>4</SUP>He
    fragmentation at relativistic energies
Authors: Ableev, V. G.; Dshemuchadse, S. V.; Dimitrov, C.; Kobushkin,
   A. P.; Naumann, B.; Naumann, L.; Nomofilov, A. A.; Penchev, L.;
   Piskunov, N. M.; Sharov, V. I.; Sitnik, I. M.; Strokovsky, E. A.;
   Strunov, L. N.; Tesch, S.; Zaporozhets, S. A.
1990FBS.....8..137A    Altcode:
  The 0° differential cross sections of the<SUP>12</SUP>C(<SUP>4</SUP>He,
  p) and<SUP>12</SUP>C(<SUP>4</SUP>He, t) reactions have been measured at
  beam momenta of 4.52 and 2.69 GeV/ c/nucleon, respectively. The proton
  and triton momentum distributions in<SUP>4</SUP>He are extracted from
  the cross sections using a relativistic impulse approximation. Some
  theoretical models based on realistic N-N potentials are examined for
  our data.

Title: Mapping stellar surfaces from spectra of medium resolution
Authors: Piskunov, N. E.; Wehlau, W. H.
1990A&A...233..497P    Altcode:
  The use of spectra with resolutions of 6, 9, 12, and 15 km/s to
  produce maps of abundance inhomogeneities on the surfaces of stars
  is studied. It is assumed that the spectra have a high SNR, are free
  from blends, and that the inclination of the axis of rotation and
  the locations of surface features are favorable. Numerical studies of
  the Fe II 4923 A line showed that, for v sin i greater than about 30
  km/s, good maps of surface features can be expected from spectra with
  resolutions of 6 km/s or better.

Title: Surface imaging of late-type stars.
Authors: Piskunov, N. E.; Tuominen, I.; Vilhu, O.
1990A&A...230..363P    Altcode:
  The basic principles of stellar surface imaging techniques are
  discussed, and two ways of regularizing this ill-posed inverse problem
  are compared. Maximizing the information entropy means that minimum
  correlation between different points at the stellar surface should
  be expected, while the use of a Tikhonov regularization functional
  leads to the smoothest possible solution. Physical conditions in the
  stellar surface layers may favor the latter method, and the present
  simulation experiment shows that it does not produce small size,
  high contrast features below the spatial and temporal resolution of
  the data, which is typical of maximum entropy images. The technique
  is also illustrated by applying it to the FK Comae-type star HD 32918.

Title: The surface imaging of the stars.
Authors: Piskunov, N. E.
1990MmSAI..61..577P    Altcode:
  A general approach to the surface imaging of stars based on high
  resolution spectroscopy and the technique of inverse problem solution
  are formulated. Both astrophysical and mathematical aspects including
  different regularization methods are reviewed. The influence of
  the different factors on the reliability of the resulting map is
  discussed. It is shown that the simultaneous use of different kinds of
  observational data (spectroscopy, photometry, and polarimetry) might be
  very useful in providing additional constraints for the solution. The
  recent results in the surface imaging of Cp- and late-type stars show
  the way for further progress: the use of a more adequate mathematical
  description of stellar atmospheres and the simultaneous consideration
  of various surface inhomogeneities.

Title: Surface Imaging of Giant Stars and Nonlinear Dynamos
Authors: Tuominen, I.; Piskunov, N. E.; Moss, D.; Brandenburg, A.
1990ASPC....9...73T    Altcode: 1990csss....6...73T
  Recent results of photometric cycles and surface images of active
  giants are discussed in terms of nonlinear 3D mean-field dynamos. The
  existence of mixed parity solutions with periodic and quasi-periodic
  time dependence is suggestive for explaining the nonaxisymmetric
  surface patterns observed on active giant stars.

Title: Preliminary results of new observations of NGC 6888.
Authors: Bochkarev, N. G.; Lozinskaya, T. A.; Pravdikova, V. V.;
   Sitnik, T. G.; Piskunov, N. N.
1988TarOT..89..168B    Altcode:
  Einstein Observatory X-ray data and new monochromatic Fabry-Perot
  interferometric observations are presented for nebula NGC 6888 around
  the WN6 star HD 192163. Temperature and density stratification and
  large-scale asymmetry of the nebula are discussed.

Title: Abundance analysis of Hg-Mn star ϕ Herculis
Authors: Ryabchikova, T. A.; Piskunov, N. E.
1988mast.conf..124R    Altcode:
  Method and main results of abundance analysis of φ Her are presented.

Title: Abundance Analysis of the Mercury-Manganese Star Phi Herculis
Authors: Ryabchikova, T. A.; Piskunov, N. E.
1988eaa..conf...93R    Altcode:
  Contents: 1. Introduction. 2. Spectra reductions. 3. Stellar
  radial velocity and line identifications. 4. Model atmosphere
  parameters. 5. Computer code for line profiles calculation. 6. The
  determination of metal abundances and microturbulent
  velocity. 7. Conclusions.

Title: The estimation of 53 Cam magnetic field value by means of
    spectral line width analysis
Authors: Glagolevskij, Yu. V.; El'Kin, V. G.; Romanyuk, I. I.;
   Piskunov, N. E.
1988mast.conf...32G    Altcode:
  Systematical studies of 53 Cam spectral lines widening were carried
  out in order to find the possible structural features and the mean
  value of the surface magnetic field.

Title: Service programmes expanding possibilities of programming in
    FORTRAN language in OS ES
Authors: Lukin, V. Yu.; Piskunov, N. E.
1986NInfo..59...89L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: General principles of computer image processing
Authors: Lukin, V. Yu.; Mit'kin, K. N.; Piskunov, N. E.
1986NInfo..59...99L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Estimation of Stellar Surface Magnetic Fields by the Curve-Of
Authors: Riabchikova, T. A.; Piskunov, N. E.
1986ASSL..125...45R    Altcode: 1986umss.conf...45R; 1986umss.proc...45R; 1986IAUCo..90...45R
  The curve-of-growth method of estimating the stellar surface magnetic
  fields is applied to six Ap stars of different temperatures and
  one normal (or metallic-line) star, Sigma Aqr. The values of H(s)
  determined by the curve-of-growth technique are in good agreement with
  those obtained by the photometric method.

Title: An automated astronomical image processor
Authors: Grishin, M. P.; Kurbanov, S. M.; Pakhomov, S. V.; Piskunov,
   N. E.; Sviatoslavskii, N. L.
1985SvAL...11..335G    Altcode:
  The design of an automatic image processing system which is based
  on an AMD-1 microdensitometer is described. The system contains an
  optical section with a dual-beam design, a measurement unit, and a
  calibration unit. The measurement unit is composed of illuminating
  and projection microscopes, illumination and measurement diaphragms,
  and a photodetector, and the calibration unit has a light guide and
  a reference photodetector. The image scanning, which is conducted
  with a two-coordinate mechanically controlled sweep, is examined. The
  system is also capable of reproducing extracted halftone information
  on photographic film. The system has a photometric accuracy of 1-2
  percent, positional accuracy of 5 microns, and an optical density range
  of 0-4 D. The potential error factors which include scattering with the
  optics, nonlinearity, drift, and the operation speed of the electronic
  photometry channel are analyzed. The image processing system is applied
  to stellar spectra and the optical identification of radio sources.

Title: Investigation of the AP star alpha2 CVn magnetic field geometry
    from circular polarization profiles of metallic lines.
Authors: Glagolevskij, Yu. V.; Piskunov, N. E.; Khokhlova, V. L.
1985PAZh...11..371G    Altcode:
  Circular-polarization profiles of Fe II, Ti II lines are processed by
  solving the inverse problem to yield a model for the magnetic field
  geometry of the Ap star Alpha(2) CVn, allowing for the nonuniform
  distribution of elements over the stellar surface. The results are
  compared with other authors' models deduced by interpretation of
  effective-field curves.

Title: Magnetic Field Geometry of ALPHA-2-CANUM-VENATICORUM Derived
    from Circular Polarization Profiles of Metal Lines
Authors: Glagolevskii, Y. V.; Piskunov, N. E.; Khokhlova, V. L.
1985SvAL...11..154G    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The magnetic field geometry of AP stars - A solution algorithm
Authors: Piskunov, N. E.
1985PAZh...11...44P    Altcode:
  A solution algorithm is obtained for calculating the magnetic field
  geometry of an Ap star based on the circular and linear polarization of
  its spectral lines. The algorithm is based on the conjugate gradient
  of Fletcher and Reeves (1964). The magnetic field geometry of an Ap
  star with magnetic field strength in the range 2500-5000 gauss was
  calculated numerically, in order to assess the efficiency of the
  algorithm. It is shown that the computed parameters were free from
  error due to variations in rotational velocity. Some advantages of
  the present method are discussed in comparison with the conventional
  practice of interpreting effective-field curves for Ap stars.

Title: The Magnetic Field Geometry of Ap-Stars - a Solution Algorithm
Authors: Piskunov, N. E.
1985SvAL...11...18P    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Automated System for Astronomical Image Processing
Authors: Grishin, M. P.; Kurbanov, S. M.; Pakhomov, S. V.; Piskunov,
   N. E.; Svyatoslavskij, N. L.
1985PAZh...11..793G    Altcode:
  A system for astronomical image processing based on the
  microdensitometer AMD-1BC is described. Its general technical
  characteristics are given in comparison with other similar systems. The
  distortions due to the image reading device are described. Results
  of the experimental studying of the system are given. The application
  fields for the system are specified.

Title: Linear-polarization line profiles as an indicator of the
    magnetic field geometry of AP stars
Authors: Piskunov, N. E.; Khokhlova, V. L.
1984PAZh...10..449P    Altcode:
  Linear polarization profiles for normal Zeeman triplet structure of
  spectral lines where calculated in the framework of the oblique rotator
  model. It is shown that the orientation of magnetic and rotation axes
  can be uniquely derived from the observed phase variation of linear
  polarization profiles.

Title: Linear Polarization Line Profiles as an Indicator of the
    Magnetic Field Geometry of Ap-Stars
Authors: Piskunov, N. E.; Khokhlova, V. L.
1984SvAL...10..187P    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Estimate of stellar surface magnetic fields by the
    curve-of-growth method.
Authors: Ryabchikova, T. A.; Piskunov, N. E.
1984mast.conf...27R    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The study of magnetic field geometry of Ap stars by spectral
    line polarization profiles.
Authors: Piskunov, N. E.; Khokhlova, V. L.
1984mast.conf...20P    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Numerical modeling of circular-polarization profiles for
    magnetic AP stars
Authors: Piskunov, N. E.; Khokhlova, V. L.
1983PAZh....9..665P    Altcode:
  A numerical model is developed to relate an Ap star's circular
  polarization profile to its geometrical parameters at a given phase. The
  profiles are integrated over the visible surface of the star as Doppler
  shifted by the rotation of the star to obtain an approximation of the
  magnetic field structure. When the profiles of a specific spectral
  line are calculated according to a centered dipole model, the Ap star's
  rotation and nonuniformity of surface element abundances are found to
  have a significant effect on the observed field strength. Therefore,
  intensity profiles must be used with polarization profiles to define
  the star geometry and magnetic field intensity.

Title: Numerical Modeling of Circular Polarization Profiles for
    Magnetic Ap-Stars
Authors: Piskunov, N. E.; Khokhlova, V. L.
1983SvAL....9..346P    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: A Spectrogram Reducing System Based on the Microdensitometer
    MDM-6 Joyce Loebl Coupled with the Minicomputer NOVA3/12
Authors: Piskunov, N. E.; Ptitsyn, D. A.; Ryabchikova, T. A.; Khoklova,
   V. L.
1983NInfo..54...45P    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Mapping of iron and chromium on the surface of the AP star
    Epsilon Ursae Majoris
Authors: Wehlau, W.; Rice, J.; Piskunov, N. E.; Khokhlova, V. L.
1982SvAL....8...15W    Altcode: 1982PAZh....8...30W
  Epsilon Ursae Majoris (HD 112185) is one of the brightest peculiar A
  stars, and it has long been classified as Ap. In connection with an
  investigation of the surface of Epsilon UMa, high-precision profiles of
  the Fe I, Fe II, Cr I, Cr II lines in the stellar spectrum have been
  obtained with the aid of a reticon on a 1.2-m telescope. The obtained
  profiles have been employed to solve the inverse problem numerically
  by means of a method described by Goncharskii et al. (1977). The line
  profiles were recorded between March and August 1980 at 2.4-A dispersion
  with the coude spectrograph of a 1.2-A reflector. The profiles were
  recorded to better than 1 percent photometric accuracy.

Title: The procedure system for files management in OS ES
Authors: Piskunov, N. E.
1982NInfo..51..111P    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The procedure system for files menagement in OS ES
Authors: Piskunov, N. E.
1982NInfo..31..111P    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The distribution of iron and chromium over the surface of
    Epsilon UMa
Authors: Rice, J.; Wehlau, W.; Khokhlova, V. L.; Piskunov, N. E.
1981LIACo..23..265R    Altcode: 1981cpsu.conf..265R
  The distribution of Fe and Cr on the surface of Epsilon UMa has been
  determined using high precision profiles of FeI, FeII, CrI and CrII
  lines obtained with a Reticon. The mathematical methods previously
  described by Goncharski et al. (1977, 1981) have been used to derive
  maps of local equivalent width from the observational data. Both
  elements are concentrated in two large regions situated near the
  rotational equator. There is an indication that the spots for the
  neutral states are displaced in longitude from the spots for the singly
  ionized states.