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Author name code: rees
ADS astronomy entries on 2022-09-14
=author:"Rees, David E." OR =author:"Rees, D.E."

Title: A Gentle Introduction to Polarized Radiative Transfer
Authors: Rees, David E.
2009nrt..book..213R    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Non-LTE Polarized Radiative Transfer in Special Lines
Authors: Rees, David E.; Murphy, Graham A.
2009nrt..book..241R    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: C IV Vacuum Ultraviolet Fabry-Perot Interferometers for
    Transition-Region Magnetography
Authors: Gary, G. A.; West, E. A.; Rees, D. E.; Zukic, M.; Herman,
   P.; Li, J.
2006ASPC..358..181G    Altcode:
  The vacuum ultraviolet region allows remote sensing of the upper
  levels of the solar atmosphere where the magnetic field dominates
  the physics. Obtaining an imaging interferometer that observes the
  transition region is the goal of this program. This paper gives
  a summary of our instrument development program (1998-2005) for a
  high-spectral-resolution, piezoelectric tunable Vacuum Ultraviolet
  Fabry-Perot Interferometer (VUV FPI) for obtaining narrow-passband
  images, magnetograms, and Dopplergrams of the transition region emission
  line of C IV (155 nm). A VUV interferometer will allow us to observe
  the magnetic field, flows, and heating events in the mid-transition
  region. The MSFC VUV FPI has measured values of <P />FWHM ∼ 9 pm,
  FSR ∼ 62 pm, finesse ∼5.3, and transmittance ∼ 50% at 157
  nm. For the measurements, the University of Toronto's F<SUB>2</SUB>
  eximer laser was used as an appropriate proxy for C IV 155 nm. This
  has provided the first tunable interferometer with a FWHM compatible
  to VUV filter magnetograph.

Title: Multi-Line Spectro-Polarimetry of Stellar Magnetic Fields
    Using Principal Components Analysis
Authors: Semel, M.; Rees, D. E.; Ramírez Vélez, J. C.; Stift, M. J.;
   Leone, F.
2006ASPC..358..355S    Altcode:
  Zeeman-Doppler-Imaging (ZDI) is a technique for the diagnosis of stellar
  magnetic fields from observations of circularly polarized light, based
  on the weak-field approximation. <P />This approach has proved adequate
  in numerous studies of the magnetic fields of solar-type stars. To
  improve the signal-to-noise ratio, one can add the contributions of
  different lines to the polarization signature. However, this multi-line
  extension has been limited by a number of assumptions (e.g., the
  weak-field approximation). Here we present a novel approach. We created
  a database of synthetic polarized spectra for different combinations
  of magnetic-field intensities and orientations. Principal Components
  Analysis was used to compress the database, so that only few Principal
  Components are needed to represent all the calculated spectra.

Title: Dynamo processes and activity cycles of the active stars AB
    Doradus, LQ Hydrae and HR 1099
Authors: Donati, J. -F.; Collier Cameron, A.; Semel, M.; Hussain,
   G. A. J.; Petit, P.; Carter, B. D.; Marsden, S. C.; Mengel, M.;
   López Ariste, A.; Jeffers, S. V.; Rees, D. E.
2003MNRAS.345.1145D    Altcode:
  In this paper, we present new brightness and magnetic surface images of
  the young K0 dwarfs AB Doradus and LQ Hydrae, and of the K1 subgiant
  of the RS CVn system HR 1099 (=V711 Tauri), reconstructed from
  Zeeman-Doppler imaging spectropolarimetric observations collected
  at the Anglo-Australian Telescope during five observing campaigns
  (totalling 50 nights), from 1998 January to 2002 January. Along with
  the older images of the same stars (published in previous papers),
  our complete data set represents the first long-term series on temporal
  fluctuations of magnetic topologies of very active stars. <P />All of
  the magnetic images presented here indicate that large regions with
  predominantly azimuthal magnetic fields are continuously present at
  the surfaces of these stars. We take this as further evidence that the
  underlying dynamo processes that produce them are probably distributed
  throughout the entire convective zone (and not confined at its base,
  as in the Sun). We speculate that the radial and azimuthal field
  maps that we recover correspond, respectively, to the poloidal and
  toroidal components of the large-scale dynamo field. <P />We find, in
  particular, that some signatures, for instance the relative fraction
  of magnetic energy stored in the large-scale poloidal and toroidal
  field components, and the polarity of the axisymmetric component of
  the field, are variable with time, and provide potentially fruitful
  diagnostics for investigating magnetic cycles in active stars other
  than the Sun. We report here the detection of partial polarity switches
  in some of the axisymmetric field components of two of our programme
  stars (AB Dor and LQ Hya), suggesting that the dynamo operating in
  these stars may be cyclic.

Title: Pattern recognition techniques and the measurement of solar
    magnetic fields
Authors: Lopez Ariste, Arturo; Rees, David E.; Socas-Navarro, Hector;
   Lites, Bruce W.
2001SPIE.4477...96L    Altcode:
  Measuring vector magnetic fields in the solar atmosphere using the
  profiles of the Stokes parameters of polarized spectral lines split
  by the Zeeman effect is known as Stokes Inversion. This inverse
  problem is usually solved by least-squares fitting of the Stokes
  profiles. However least-squares inversion is too slow for the new
  generation of solar instruments (THEMIS, SOLIS, Solar-B, ...) which will
  produce an ever-growing flood of spectral data. The solar community
  urgently requires a new approach capable of handling this information
  explosion, preferably in real-time. We have successfully applied pattern
  recognition and machine learning techniques to tackle this problem. For
  example, we have developed PCA-inversion, a database search technique
  based on Principal Component Analysis of the Stokes profiles. Search is
  fast because it is carried out in low dimensional PCA feature space,
  rather than the high dimensional space of the spectral signals. Such
  a data compression approach has been widely used for search and
  retrieval in many areas of data mining. PCA-inversion is the basis of
  a new inversion code called FATIMA (Fast Analysis Technique for the
  Inversion of Magnetic Atmospheres). Tests on data from HAO's Advanced
  Stokes Polarimeter show that FATIMA isover two orders of magnitude
  faster than least squares inversion. Initial tests on an alternative
  code (DIANNE - Direct Inversion based on Artificial Neural NEtworks)
  show great promise of achieving real-time performance. In this paper
  we present the latest achievements of FATIMA and DIANNE, two powerful
  examples of how pattern recognition techniques can revolutionize data
  analysis in astronomy.

Title: Fast inversion of spectral lines using principal component
    analysis. I. Fundamentals
Authors: Rees, D. E.; López Ariste, A.; Thatcher, J.; Semel, M.
2000A&A...355..759R    Altcode:
  This paper presents PCA inversion, a novel application of Principal
  Component Analysis to the problem of spectral line inversion,
  ie. solar/stellar atmospheric model parameter estimation from spectral
  lines. For a given type of spectral line we compute a database of
  synthetic spectral profiles using a large number of models. Inversion
  of an observed profile to obtain an atmospheric model is equivalent
  to a problem in pattern recognition, finding the nearest profile in
  the synthetic profile database. To reduce dimensionality we use the
  synthetic data as a PCA training set to decompose each synthetic (and
  observed) profile into a sum of a small number of principal components,
  or eigenprofiles. The coefficients of this decomposition can be regarded
  as elements of a low-dimensional eigenfeature vector. The eigenfeatures
  are smooth functions of model parameters, indicating that eigenfeatures
  for parameters not in the training set could be easily estimated by
  interpolation. Search for the nearest profile is fast because it is
  done in the eigenfeature vector space. We illustrate the method using
  several types of synthetic spectra: unpolarised intensity profiles of
  a line formed in a Milne-Eddington model atmosphere; unpolarised Hα
  flux profiles of a line formed in non-Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium
  in the chromosphere of a cool star; and polarised Stokes parameter
  profiles of a line split by the Zeeman effect in the presence of a
  magnetic field. We also apply PCA to a set of Stokes data observed
  in a sunspot region by the High Altitude Observatory Advanced Stokes
  Polarimeter. PCA inversion is proposed as a fast alternative to
  non-linear least squares inversion commonly used for solar magnetic
  field measurements based on such Stokes data.

Title: Spectropolarimetric observations of active stars
Authors: Donati, J. -F.; Semel, M.; Carter, B. D.; Rees, D. E.;
   Collier Cameron, A.
1997MNRAS.291..658D    Altcode:
  This paper reports the results of five years (five runs, 23 nights)
  of spectropolarimetric observations of active stars with the UCL
  Echelle Spectrograph of the Anglo-Australian Telescope. 225 circularly
  (and four linearly) polarized spectra were recorded on 28 objects
  (21 active stars and seven calibration standards) using the new
  technique of Zeeman-Doppler imaging. To extract polarization echelle
  spectra from raw frames, we developed a new dedicated automatic
  software package (called ESprit, which utilizes optimal extraction
  techniques) whose detailed description is given in the paper. For
  each recorded spectrum, we extract `mean' polarized and unpolarized
  profiles using `least-squares deconvolution', a technique similar
  to cross-correlation, which can enhance enormously the sensitivity
  of Zeeman-Doppler imaging, by up to 7.5 mag in flux with respect
  to a single average line analysis or by 4.5 mag compared with the
  older technique of Donati et al. in the particular case of a K1
  star. Magnetic field is detected unambiguously on 14 objects, namely
  the weak-line T Tauri star V410 Tau, the pre-main-sequence binary
  HD 155555, the ZAMS stars AB Dor and LQ Hya, the dwarf flare star
  CC Eri, the RS CVn systems HR 1099, EI Eri, TY Pyx, CF Tuc, SZ Psc,
  II Peg, IM Peg and IL Hya, and the FK Com star YY Men. Marginal field
  detections are also obtained for the weak-line T Tauri star HD 283572
  and the Herbig Ae star HD 104237. Except on HR 1099 and II Peg, our
  results represent the first direct field detections ever reported on
  these objects, and in particular the first direct field detection on
  as young a star as V410 Tau. Most of the magnetic signatures we detect
  on cool stars show several sign reversals throughout the line profile,
  indicating that the parent field structure is rather complex and must
  feature (as expected) many small-scale magnetic regions of different
  polarities. For all stars on which Zeeman detections are recorded
  with sufficient accuracy (namely LQ Hya, CC Eri, HR 1099, EI Eri,
  II Peg, IL Hya and YY Men), differential least-squares deconvolution
  from both the blue and the red parts of the spectral domain indicates
  that the magnetic regions we detect are mostly 500 to 1000 K cooler
  than, and sometimes at the same temperature as, but never warmer than
  the surrounding photosphere. Serendipitous results include the first
  detection (i) of small-amplitude radial velocity variations (1.3kms^-1
  peak to peak) of the Herbig Ae star HD 104237 with small enough a period
  (37.5+/-1 min) that they must be due to stellar pulsations and (ii)
  of the solar-like secondary component of the RS CVn system IL Hya.

Title: Numerical Methods in Polarized Radiative Transfer
Authors: Rees, D. E.; Geers, G.
1996SoPh..164..103R    Altcode:
  This paper looks at three aspects of numerical methods for solving
  polarized radiative transfer problems associated with spectral line
  formation in the presence of a magnetic field. First we prove "Murphy's
  law for Stokes evolution operators" which is the basis of the efficient
  algorithm used in the SPSR software package to compute the Stokes line
  depression contribution functions. Then we use a two-stream model to
  explain the efficacy of the field-free method in which the non-LTE
  line source function in a uniform magnetic field is approximated by the
  source function neglecting the magnetic field. Finally we introduce a
  totally new and computationally efficient approach to solving non-LTE
  problems based on a method of sparsely representing integral operators
  using wavelets. As an illustration, the wavelet method is used to solve
  the source function integral equation for a two-level atomic model in
  a finite atmosphere with coherent scattering, ignoring polarization.

Title: Zeeman-Doppler imaging of active stars. III. Instrumental
    and technical considerations.
Authors: Semel, M.; Donati, J. -F.; Rees, D. E.
1993A&A...278..231S    Altcode:
  An account is given of the instrumental setup and observational
  procedure that led to the qualifying of Zeeman-Doppler imaging
  and to new detections of magnetic fields on four stars HR 1099,
  sigma<SUP>2</SUP> CrB, II Peg and UX Ari.

Title: Circularly polarized spectroscopic observations of RS CVn
Authors: Donati, J. -F.; Semel, M.; Rees, D. E.
1992A&A...265..669D    Altcode:
  We applied the new technique of Zeeman-Doppler Imaging on nine active
  RS CVn binary systems. In four systems (HR 1099, sigma 2 CrB, II Peg
  and UX Ari), we detected a magnetic field on the cool active component;
  in each of them, the corresponding Stokes V signatures is found to vary
  with rotational phase. Moreover, on HR 1099, we have observational
  evidence that the magnetic structure varied significantly within
  a period of 1.3 yr. By contrast, magnetic field is repeatedly not
  detected on other stars, such as the hotter component of sigma 2 CrB,
  although these are also chromospherically very active. Our results
  suggest that the horizontal size scale of magnetic topologies may
  differ significantly among the observed stars. Large monopolar regions
  are likely present on those for which Zeeman signatures are detected;
  a more complex ordering of field lines with smaller monopolar regions
  and close bipolar groups may define the others.

Title: Photospheric imaging of the RS CVn system HR 1099.
Authors: Donati, J. -F.; Brown, S. F.; Semel, M.; Rees, D. E.; Dempsey,
   R. C.; Matthews, J. M.; Henry, G. W.; Hall, D. S.
1992A&A...265..682D    Altcode:
  Spectropolarimetric, spectroscopic, and photometric observations
  of the RS CVn binary system HR 1099 = V711 Tau (K1IV+G5V) were made
  from Oct. 1988 to Jan. 1991. From Doppler imaging of the unpolarized
  spectra and the corresponding data, two maximum entropy images of the
  temperature distribution of the active K1 subgiant at epochs 1988.9
  and 1990.9 were derived. Zeeman-Doppler imaging of the circularly
  polarized spectra has led to the first magnetic maps of a star other
  than the sun. The fragmentary observations made at epoch 1989.6 suggest
  that the star's magnetic field lines were emerging radially and/or
  poloidally from an equatorial warm region at that time, quite likely
  one of these reconstructed in the 1988.9 temperature image.

Title: Mapping Magnetic Fields on Rapidly Rotating Stars: Application
    to the RS CVn System HR 1099
Authors: Donati, J. -F.; Brown, S. F.; Semel, M.; Rees, D. E.
1992ASPC...26..353D    Altcode: 1992csss....7..353D
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Zeeman-Doppler imaging of solar-type and AP stars. IV. Maximum
    entropy reconstruction of 2D magnetic topologies.
Authors: Brown, S. F.; Donati, J. -F.; Rees, D. E.; Semel, M.
1991A&A...250..463B    Altcode:
  Recently Semel (1989) introduced the technique of Zeeman-Doppler Imaging
  (ZDI) which essentially consists of Doppler Imaging using the Stokes
  V (circular polarization) profile. A code which uses maximum entropy
  principles to recover the distribution of brightness, abundance, and
  magnetic fields across the surface of stars is presented. For brightness
  and abundance mappings, the code is found to produce results comparable
  to those found in the literature. The first reconstructions of magnetic
  test structures from the Stokes V parameter alone show that this
  quantity contains enough spatial information to recover spotted images
  but not dipolar ones. According to the magnetic topologies that may be
  expected in solar-type or Ap stars, it is concluded that ZDI may be well
  adapted in deriving magnetic maps of active RS CVn systems, while it
  is anticipated that the use of the two other Stokes parameters (linear
  polarizations) are needed to derive reliable results for Ap stars.

Title: Erratum - Detection of a Magnetic Region on HR:1099
Authors: Donati, J. F.; Semel, M.; Rees, D. E.; Taylor, K.; Robinson,
   R. D.
1991A&A...248..337D    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: The chromospheres of late-type stars. I. EPS Eridani as a
    test case of multiline modelling.
Authors: Thatcher, John D.; Robinson, Richard D.; Rees, David E.
1991MNRAS.250...14T    Altcode:
  A new model of the lower chromosphere of the dwarf K2 star Epsilon
  Eridani is derived by matching flux profiles of the Ca IR triplet
  lines 8498 and 8542 A H-alpha and H-beta lines and the Na D lines
  (all observed simultaneously at the AAT), and the Ca II K line. The
  coupled non-LTE equations of statistical equilibrium and radiative
  transfer are solved under the constraint of hydrostatic equilibrium
  using the Carlsson (1986) code. Within the framework of the model,
  the Na D lines are an important photospheric diagnostic, and the Ca
  IR triplet lines can be used to locate the temperature minimum. The
  computed H-alpha and H-beta depths are highly sensitive constraints
  on the transition zone gradients and base pressures allowing us to
  derive a pressure at the base of the transition zone of 0.9 dyn/cm.

Title: Detection of a magnetic region of HR 1099.
Authors: Donati, J. -F.; Semel, M.; Rees, D. E.; Taylor, K.; Robinson,
   R. D.
1990A&A...232L...1D    Altcode:
  The paper reports results of a magnetic field measuring campaign on the
  active K component of the RS CVn system HR 1099, using Zeeman-Doppler
  imaging. A localized magnetic field is detected near quadrature
  (phase 0.85). Assuming this magnetic region has a circular shape, its
  longitude and latitude are, respectively, estimated to be 86 + or -
  4 deg and 5 + or - 5 deg. This equatorial region is largely monopolar,
  has a mean field strength of 985 + or - 270 G, covers 18 + or - 3
  percent of the total stellar surface and may be colocalized with a
  bright photospheric spot.

Title: Stokes Profile Analysis and Vector Magnetic Fields. II. Formal
    Numerical Solutions of the Stokes Transfer Equations
Authors: Rees, D. E.; Murphy, G. A.; Durrant, C. J.
1989ApJ...339.1093R    Altcode:
  Two numerical methods for formal integration of the Stokes transfer
  equations for line formation in a strong magnetic field were tested by
  computing Stokes profiles for a Zeeman triplet in a Milne-Eddington
  model atmosphere, and for the anomalously split Ca II K line in a
  realistic solar model. The first method is a Feautrier (1964) type
  method, in which the equations are written in second-order form and
  solved by finite-differences. The second method is a new solution
  called DELO, in which an integral equation for the Stokes vector is
  formulated in terms of the lambda operator (LO) associated with the
  diagonal elements (DE) of the absorption matrix. It is shown that the
  DELO method is faster and more accurate than the Feautrier method, and
  that both methods are more efficient than the Runge-Kutta integration

Title: Transfer and Redistribution of Polarized Light in Resonance
    Lines. I. Quantum Formulation with Collisions
Authors: Streater, A.; Cooper, J.; Rees, D. E.
1988ApJ...335..503S    Altcode:
  Equations are derived quantum mechanically for the radiative transfer
  of polarized light and statistical equilibrium governing the formation
  of resonance lines in nonhydrogenic species. Redistribution due
  to collisions is specifically included, but magnetic fields are
  neglected. The formulation accounts for excited level interference
  and optical pumping and is applicable to solar resonance lines such
  as Ca II H and K and Mg II h and k.

Title: Stokes Profile Analysis and Vector Magnetic
    Fields. IV. Synthesis and Inversion of the Chromospheric MG i B Lines
Authors: Lites, B. W.; Skumanich, A.; Rees, D. E.; Murphy, G. A.
1988ApJ...330..493L    Altcode:
  An analytic solution to the transfer equations for polarized radiation
  which allows for departures from LTE in the overall excitation of a
  chromospheric line is discussed, and a method of least-squares inversion
  is applied to profiles of Mg I b lines at 5172.7 and 5183.6 A observed
  in December 1978. An analytic form expressing the source function
  dependence on line-center optical depth leads to a generalization of
  an existing least-squares procedure which is found to be effective in
  recovering the magnetic field from simulated Stokes profiles under
  specified conditions. Reasonable magnetic field values are obtained
  if a macroturbulent profile smearing of 1-2 km/s is used and if the
  profiles are corrected for scattered light.

Title: Stokes Profile Analysis and Vector Magnetic
    Fields. III. Extended Temperature Minima of Sunspot Umbrae as Inferred
    from Stokes Profiles of MG i lambda 4571
Authors: Lites, B. W.; Skumanich, A.; Rees, D. E.; Murphy, G. A.;
   Carlsson, M.
1987ApJ...318..930L    Altcode:
  Observed Stokes profiles of Mg I 4571 A are analyzed as a diagnostic
  of the magnetic field and thermal structure at the temperature minimum
  of sunspot umbrae. Multilevel non-LTE transfer calculations of the Mg
  I-II-III excitation and ionization balance in model umbral atmospheres
  show: (1) Mg I to be far less ionized in sunspot umbrae than in the
  quiet sun, leading to greatly enhanced opacity in 4571 A, and (2) LTE
  excitation of 4571 A. Existing umbral models predict emission cores of
  the Stokes I profile due to the chromospheric temperature rise. This
  feature is not present in observed umbral profiles. Moreover, such
  an emission reversal causes similar anomalous features in the Stokes
  Q, U, V profiles, which are also not observed. Umbral atmospheres
  with extended temperature minima are suggested. Implications for
  chromospheric heating mechanisms and the utility of this line for
  solar vector magnetic field measurements are discussed.

Title: Synthesis and Inversion of the Chromospheric Mg I ????-Line
    Stokes Profiles
Authors: Murphy, G. A.; Rees, D. E.; Lites, B. W.; Skumanich, A.
1987BAAS...19..938M    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: A Gentle Introduction to Polarized Radiative Transfer
Authors: Rees, David E.
1987nrt..book..213R    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Non-LTE Polarized Radiative Transfer in Special Lines
Authors: Rees, David E.; Murphy, Graham A.
1987nrt..book..241R    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Extended Temperature Minima of Sunspot Umbrae
Authors: Lites, B. W.; Skumanich, A.; Rees, D. E.; Murphy, G. A.;
   Carlsson, M.
1986BAAS...18..662L    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Observational diagnostics for models of magnetic flux tubes
Authors: Ribes, E.; Rees, D. E.; Cheng, F.
1985ApJ...296..268R    Altcode:
  Dynamic models of flux tubes were used to interpret the presence of
  mass motions with large velocity gradients associated with spatially
  unresolved magnetic elements in the solar photosphere. A downflow was
  necessary in order to concentrate the magnetic field and provide a
  heating mechanism to brighten the flux tubes. There are two types of
  steady flow models: one has a moderate field strength (less than 1 kG)
  and a downflow decelerating with increasing depth and the second has
  a strong field and a downflow accelerating with increasing depth. To
  distinguish between these two field strengths, observed line profiles
  were compared to calculated line profiles. The comparison revealed that
  the main properties of the intensity line profiles and asymmetries
  of Stokes V-profiles was best explained by magnetic elements with
  moderate field strength. Further study is necessary to determine the
  reason for the redshift of the V-zero crossing point.

Title: Dynamic models of flux tubes in the interpretation of
    polarization measurements
Authors: Ribes-Nesme, E.; Rees, D. E.; Cheng, F.
1985svmf.nasa..300R    Altcode:
  Recent observations of Stokes parameter profiles indicate the
  presence of mass motions with large velocity gradients associated with
  small-scale magnetic elements. Dynamic models of flux tubes were used
  in order to interpret observations of unresolved elements. It is clear
  that the physical picture of the dynamic models will be quite different
  from the hydrostatic ones since there is a strong coupling between the
  magnetic and the velocity field. Polarization measurements have to be
  interpreted in terms of dynamic models. Two-D steady flow solutions in
  slender magnetic tubes have been worked out. It was found that the main
  properties of the intensity line profiles as well as the asymmetries
  of the V Stokes profiles can be explained best in terms of magnetic
  elements with moderate field strength.

Title: Least squares inversion of Stokes profiles in the presence
    of velocity gradients
Authors: Skumanich, A.; Rees, D. E.; Lites, B. W.
1985svmf.nasa..306S    Altcode:
  The Auer, Heasley and House Stokes inversion procedure in use at
  High Altitude Observatory is based on the analytic solution of the
  equation of transfer for polarized light where the representation of
  the thermodynamic and magnetic structure of the atmosphere is assumed
  to have a high degree of invariance, namely, a Milne-Eddington (ME)
  structure with a constant magnetic field. In the presence of invariance
  breaking gradients the resultant Stokes profiles are represented
  only approximately, if at all, by analytic forms. The accuracy of
  the inversion parameters and their significance as measures of actual
  structure are explored for the ME and the Landman-Finn sunspot models
  under the effects of velocity gradients. The resulting field parameters
  are good to a few percent and prove to be insensitive to the errors
  committed by the use of a ME-representation, but the resulting ME
  parameters yield a less precise measure of thermal structure.

Title: Least squares inversion of Stokes profiles in the presence
    of velocity gradients.
Authors: Skumanich, A.; Rees, D. E.; Lites, B. W.
1985NASCP2374..306S    Altcode:
  The authors study the performance of the least squares fit when
  applied to theoretical profiles calculated with a realistic model of a
  sunspot. The model has gradients in all physical parameters including
  magnetic and velocity fields. This numerical experiment allows one
  to assess the physical significance of the Milne-Eddington and mean
  field parameters provided by the inversion. Observed Stokes profiles
  invariably have asymmetric distortions due to velocity gradients in
  the solar atmosphere. The inversion method symmetrizes the profiles
  prior to fitting and it is important to know how this affects the
  inference on the magnetic vector.

Title: Solar CA II K resonance line polarization
Authors: Rees, D. E.; Saliba, G. J.
1983PASA....5..186R    Altcode: 1983PASAu...5..186R
  The linear polarization profiles formed by resonance scattering are
  calculated for the Ca II K line using various empirical solar atmosphere
  models in order to assess the potential value of resonance polarization
  observations for solar atmosphere diagnostics. In particular,
  intensity and polarization profiles are shown for three solar models:
  HSRA (Ginerich et al., 1971) and VALA and VALC (Vernazza et al.,
  1981). It is found that there are significant differences between
  the polarization profiles for the three models, especially near the
  core and wing maxima. These differences are encouraging evidence that
  linear polarization data may be valuable in delineating temperature
  and density models of the solar atmosphere.

Title: Non-LTE resonance line polarization with partial redistribution
Authors: Rees, D. E.; Saliba, G. J.
1982A&A...115....1R    Altcode:
  The physics of formation of non-LTE resonance line polarization
  is studied for a two-level atom. Partial redistribution effects
  are included via an approximate treatment of the case of coherent
  scattering in an atomic rest frame in which the upper atomic level is
  naturally broadened. The transfer equations are solved in finite and
  semi-infinite model atmospheres and the relevance of the solutions to
  solar observations is discussed. In particular, qualitative agreement
  is obtained with the linear polarization profiles of Ca I 4227 A,
  NaD2, and Ca II K observed by Stenflo et al. (1980). These profiles
  have maxima in the line core and the line wings, contrary to Wiehr's
  (1981) NaD2 data in which the core maximum is not observed.

Title: Coronal emission-line polarization from the statistical
    equilibrium of magnetic sublevels. II - Fe XIV 5303 A
Authors: House, L. L.; Querfeld, C. W.; Rees, D. E.
1982ApJ...255..753H    Altcode:
  Coronal magnetic fields influence the intensity and linear polarization
  of light scattered by coronal Fe XIV ions. To interpret polarization
  measurements of Fe XIV 5303 A coronal emission requires a detailed
  understanding of the dependence of the emitted Stokes vector on
  coronal magnetic field direction, electron density, and temperature
  and on height of origin. The required dependence is included in the
  solutions of statistical equilibrium for the ion which are solved
  explicitly for 34 magnetic sublevels in both the ground and four
  excited terms. The full solutions are reduced to equivalent simple
  analytic forms which clearly show the required dependence on coronal
  conditions. The analytic forms of the reduced solutions are suitable
  for routine analysis of 5303 green line polarimetric data obtained at
  Pic du Midi and from the Solar Maximum Mission Coronagraph/Polarimeter.

Title: Solar polarimetry - Observations and theories
Authors: Rees, D. E.
1982PASA....4..335R    Altcode: 1982PASAu...4..335R
  Some recent observations of polarization in solar spectral lines are
  reviewed, emphasizing their theoretical interpretation. Classical
  scattering theory is used to study the diagnostic problems which
  arise in the zero, weak, and strong field regimes. The interpretation
  of photospheric, prominence, coronal, and sunspot magnetic fields is
  addressed. Studies of the Hanle effect, measurement of the forbidden
  coronal emission line polarization, and analysis of the complete
  wavelength profiles of the four Stokes parameters of a Zeeman split
  line are emphasized.

Title: Resonance-Line Polarization - Part Six - Line Wing Transfer
    Calculations Including Excited State Interference
Authors: Auer, L. H.; Rees, D. E.; Stenflo, J. O.
1980A&A....88..302A    Altcode:
  A heuristic theory of polarized radiative transfer is developed for
  the wings of solar resonance lines. Magnetic fields are neglected. The
  theory includes quantum mechanical interference between j = ½ and
  3/2 excited states of line transitions sharing a common j = ½ ground
  state. Examples of such lines are Ca II and K, Na I D<SUB>1</SUB>
  and D<SUB>2</SUB>, and Mg II h and k. Calculations are made with the
  HSRA solar model for these lines as well as the dipole-type transition
  Ca I 4227 which is not affected by interference. The results for Ca I
  4227, Ca II H and K and Na I D<SUB>1</SUB> and D<SUB>2</SUB> compare
  very well with recent observations, lending support to our theory. The
  polarization predicted in the Mg H h and k lines is the largest of all
  indicating these lines to be prime candidates for linear polarization
  observations in the UV spectrum.

Title: Line formation in an unresolved magnetic element: a test of
    the centre of gravity method.
Authors: Rees, D. E.; Semel, M. D.
1979A&A....74....1R    Altcode:
  The problem of multidimensional LTE line formation in a magnetic
  field is solved in a model of an unresolved magnetic element imbedded
  in the solar photosphere. Horizontal and vertical variations of
  the physical parameters are included. Calculations show that, in
  circular polarization analysis, the centre of gravity displacement
  of the line profile gives a very good measurement of the longitudinal
  field averaged over the area observed. For small line weakenings the
  accuracy is probably better than 10%. Also the method is not affected
  by Zeeman saturation. A method based on centre of gravity measurements
  is proposed for inferring a 'model-independent' value of the average
  longitudinal field inside an unresolved magnetic element.

Title: Non-LTE resonance line polarization in the absence of magnetic
Authors: Rees, D. E.
1978PASJ...30..455R    Altcode:
  The transfer equations for non-LTE resonance line formation with
  polarization are solved by an integral equation technique. Magnetic
  fields and collisional depolarization are neglected and complete
  redistribution in frequency is assumed for scattering. Calculations are
  made for both finite and semi-infinite plane-parallel atmospheres. A
  detailed discussion is given of the physical effects produced in a
  variety of models. The results should provide a convenient basis for
  interpreting calculations in more realistic solar models. Key words:
  Non-LTE line formation; Resonance line; Solar models.

Title: Resonance line polarization in finite atmospheres.
Authors: Rees, D. E.
1977ROLun..12...25R    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: On Facular Models
Authors: Rees, D. E.
1974IAUS...56..177R    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: High Resolution Spectroscopy of the Disk Chromosphere. II. Time
    Sequence Observations of Ca II H and K Emissions
Authors: Wilson, P. R.; Rees, D. E.; Beckers, J. M.; Brown, D. R.
1972SoPh...25...86W    Altcode:
  Two independent sets of high resolution time series spectra of the
  CaII H and K emission obtained at the Solar Tower and at the Big
  Dome of the Sacramento Peak Observatory on September 11th, 1971 are
  reported. The evolutionary behaviour of the emission first reported
  by Wilson and Evans is confirmed but the detail of the evolution is
  found to be more complex. In one case, a doubly peaked feature showing
  some K<SUB>3</SUB> emission evolves into a single K<SUB>2</SUB> (red)
  peak with no K<SUB>3</SUB> emission. Coincidentally, a neighbouring
  doubly peaked feature evolves to a very strong blue peak. In an entirely
  independent sequence a doubly peaked feature evolves into a single red
  peak. The K<SUB>2</SUB> emission then fades completely although the
  continuum threads are still strong. Finally a strong K<SUB>2</SUB>
  blue peak appears. These developments are confirmed by intensity
  profiles obtained from the spectra.

Title: Line Transfer in the Presence of Two-Dimensional Velocity
Authors: Cannon, C. J.; Rees, D. E.
1971ApJ...169..157C    Altcode:
  Feautrier's (1964) method is generalized to solve the equation of
  radiative transfer for a spectral line in an atmosphere exhibiting
  horizontal fluctuations in all physical parameters together with
  multidimensional velocity gradients. odel two-dimensional velocity
  problems are discussed.

Title: On the Absorption Matrix in a Non-Uniform Magnetic Field
Authors: Rees, David E.
1971SoPh...16...67R    Altcode:
  Beckers (1969) and Staude (1969) give contradictory expressions for
  the absorption matrix for a normal Zeeman triplet in a non-uniform
  magnetic field. Beckers' result is shown to be the correct one.

Title: Velocity-Dependent Source Functions
Authors: Rees, David E.
1970PASA....1..384R    Altcode: 1970PASAu...1..384R
  We consider the effect of a velocity gradient on the source function
  for a spectral line formed in an atmosphere in non local thermodynamic
  equilibrium, a problem examined previously by Kulander and Hummer
  and Rybicki. A numerical method is used which extends the Feautrier

Title: Line Formation in a Magnetic Field
Authors: Rees, David E.
1969SoPh...10..268R    Altcode:
  The effect of noncoherent scattering is examined for an absorption
  line formed in a uniform magnetic field. It is shown that the
  Stokes parameters of the line radiation may be computed by using the
  line source function in the absence of a magnetic field as a first
  approximation for that in the presence of a magnetic field.