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Author name code: sukhorukov
ADS astronomy entries on 2022-09-14
author:"Sukhorukov, Andrii V." 

Title: The dependence of the gradients of oxygen and
    nitrogen-to-oxygen on stellar age in MaNGA galaxies
Authors: Zinchenko, I. A.; Vílchez, J. M.; Pérez-Montero, E.;
   Sukhorukov, A. V.; Sobolenko, M.; Duarte Puertas, S.
2021A&A...655A..58Z    Altcode: 2021arXiv210901167Z
  We derived the oxygen abundance (O/H), the nitrogen-to-oxygen (N/O)
  abundance ratio, and their corresponding radial gradients for a
  sample of 1431 galaxies from the MaNGA DR15 survey using two different
  realisations of the strong line method: empirical R calibration and
  the Bayesian model-based HII-CHI-MISTRY (HCM) code. We find that both
  abundance calculation methods reveal a correlation between the O/H
  gradient and the stellar mass of a galaxy. This relation is non-linear,
  with the steepest average gradients in the intermediate mass range
  and flatter average gradients for high- and low-mass galaxies. The
  relation between the N/O gradient and the stellar mass is, on average,
  non-linear with the steepest gradients in the intermediate mass range
  (log(M/M<SUB>⊙</SUB>)∼10), flatter gradients for high-mass galaxies,
  and the flattest gradients for low-mass galaxies. However, the general
  trend of steepening N/O gradients for higher masses, as reported in
  previous studies, remains evident. We find a dependence between the O/H
  and N/O gradients and the galaxy mean stellar age traced by the D(4000)
  index. For galaxies of lower masses, both gradients are, generally,
  steeper for intermediate values of D(4000) and flatter for low and
  high values of D(4000). Only the most massive galaxies do not show
  this correlation. We interpret this behaviour as an evolution of the
  metallicity gradients with the age of stellar population. Though the
  galaxies with a positive slope of the D(4000) radial gradient tend
  to have flatter O/H and N/O gradients, as compared to those with a
  negative D(4000) gradient.

Title: New Light on an Old Problem of the Cores of Solar Resonance
Authors: Judge, Philip G.; Kleint, Lucia; Leenaarts, Jorrit;
   Sukhorukov, Andrii V.; Vial, Jean-Claude
2020ApJ...901...32J    Altcode: 2020arXiv200801250J
  We reexamine a 50+ yr old problem of deep central reversals predicted
  for strong solar spectral lines, in contrast to the smaller reversals
  seen in observations. We examine data and calculations for the resonance
  lines of H I, Mg II, and Ca II, the self-reversed cores of which form
  in the upper chromosphere. Based on 3D simulations, as well as data for
  the Mg II lines from the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS),
  we argue that the resolution lies not in velocity fields on scales in
  either of the micro- or macroturbulent limits. Macroturbulence is ruled
  out using observations of optically thin lines formed in the upper
  chromosphere, and by showing that it would need to have unreasonably
  special properties to account for critical observations of the Mg
  II resonance lines from the IRIS mission. The power in "turbulence"
  in the upper chromosphere may therefore be substantially lower than
  earlier analyses have inferred. Instead, in 3D calculations horizontal
  radiative transfer produces smoother source functions, smoothing out
  intensity gradients in wavelength and in space. These effects increase
  in stronger lines. Our work will have consequences for understanding
  the onset of the transition region, for understanding the energy in
  motions available for heating the corona, and for the interpretation
  of polarization data in terms of the Hanle effect applied to resonance
  line profiles.

Title: Three-dimensional modeling of chromospheric spectral lines
    in a simulated active region
Authors: Bjørgen, Johan P.; Leenaarts, Jorrit; Rempel, Matthias;
   Cheung, Mark C. M.; Danilovic, Sanja; de la Cruz Rodríguez, Jaime;
   Sukhorukov, Andrii V.
2019A&A...631A..33B    Altcode: 2019arXiv190601098B
  Context. Because of the complex physics that governs the formation of
  chromospheric lines, interpretation of solar chromospheric observations
  is difficult. The origin and characteristics of many chromospheric
  features are, because of this, unresolved. <BR /> Aims: We focus on
  studying two prominent features: long fibrils and flare ribbons. To
  model these features, we use a 3D magnetohydrodynamic simulation of
  an active region, which self-consistently reproduces both of these
  features. <BR /> Methods: We modeled the Hα, Mg II k, Ca II K,
  and Ca II 8542 Å lines using the 3D non-LTE radiative transfer
  code Multi3D. To obtain non-LTE electron densities, we solved the
  statistical equilibrium equations for hydrogen simultaneously with the
  charge conservation equation. We treated the Ca II K and Mg II k lines
  with partially coherent scattering. <BR /> Results: This simulation
  reproduces long fibrils that span between the opposite-polarity
  sunspots and go up to 4 Mm in height. They can be traced in all lines
  owing to density corrugation. In contrast to previous studies, Hα,
  Mg II h&amp;k, and Ca II H&amp;K are formed at similar height in this
  model. Although some of the high fibrils are also visible in the Ca II
  8542 Å line, this line tends to sample loops and shocks lower in the
  chromosphere. Magnetic field lines are aligned with the Hα fibrils,
  but the latter holds to a lesser extent for the Ca II 8542 Å line. The
  simulation shows structures in the Hα line core that look like flare
  ribbons. The emission in the ribbons is caused by a dense chromosphere
  and a transition region at high column mass. The ribbons are visible in
  all chromospheric lines, but least prominent in Ca II 8542 Å line. In
  some pixels, broad asymmetric profiles with a single emission peak
  are produced similar to the profiles observed in flare ribbons. They
  are caused by a deep onset of the chromospheric temperature rise
  and large velocity gradients. <BR /> Conclusions: The simulation
  produces long fibrils similar to what is seen in observations. It
  also produces structures similar to flare ribbons despite the lack
  of nonthermal electrons in the simulation. The latter suggests that
  thermal conduction might be a significant agent in transporting flare
  energy to the chromosphere in addition to nonthermal electrons.

Title: Diagnostics of photospheric jets of the quiet Sun atmosphere
Authors: Stodilka, M. I.; Sukhorukov, A. V.; Prysiazhnyi, A. I.
2019KFNT...35e..48S    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Diagnostics of the Quiet Sun Atmosphere's Photospheric Jets
Authors: Stodilka, M. I.; Sukhorukov, A. V.; Prysiazhnyi, A. I.
2019KPCB...35..231S    Altcode:
  From 2D-spectral observation data of a quiet region of the solar
  disk center in the Fe I λ 557.609 nm line, 3D hydrodynamic models of
  photospheric jets are built by solving the inverse radiative transfer
  problem. The obtained models describe thermodynamic parameters and the
  complete velocity field (vertical and horizontal). It is shown that the
  photospheric jets under consideration arise from the interaction of
  the surrounding environment with the field of the magnetic tube. The
  jets are located in a region of a unipolar magnetized downflow at
  the impact point of two horizontal flows, and they tend to occur at
  the edge of magnetic tubes. The observed gas velocities are subsonic
  in downflows of the jets. Energy release in the photospheric jets
  is predominantly localized in the middle photosphere layers, where
  the excess pressure is maximal. Compared with the surrounding media,
  mass density in the jets is significantly increased in the upper layers
  and slightly decreased in the lower layers of the photosphere.

Title: Three-dimensional modeling of the Ca II H and K lines in the
    solar atmosphere
Authors: Bjørgen, Johan P.; Sukhorukov, Andrii V.; Leenaarts, Jorrit;
   Carlsson, Mats; de la Cruz Rodríguez, Jaime; Scharmer, Göran B.;
   Hansteen, Viggo H.
2018A&A...611A..62B    Altcode: 2017arXiv171201045B
  Context. CHROMIS, a new imaging spectrometer at the Swedish 1-m Solar
  Telescope (SST), can observe the chromosphere in the H and K lines of
  Ca II at high spatial and spectral resolution. Accurate modeling as
  well as an understanding of the formation of these lines are needed to
  interpret the SST/CHROMIS observations. Such modeling is computationally
  challenging because these lines are influenced by strong departures from
  local thermodynamic equilibrium, three-dimensional radiative transfer,
  and partially coherent resonance scattering of photons. Aim. We aim to
  model the Ca II H and K lines in 3D model atmospheres to understand
  their formation and to investigate their diagnostic potential for
  probing the chromosphere. <BR /> Methods: We model the synthetic
  spectrum of Ca II using the radiative transfer code Multi3D in three
  different radiation-magnetohydrodynamic model atmospheres computed with
  the Bifrost code. We classify synthetic intensity profiles according
  to their shapes and study how their features are related to the
  physical properties in the model atmospheres. We investigate whether
  the synthetic data reproduce the observed spatially-averaged line
  shapes, center-to-limb variation and compare this data with SST/CHROMIS
  images. <BR /> Results: The spatially-averaged synthetic line profiles
  show too low central emission peaks, and too small separation between
  the peaks. The trends of the observed center-to-limb variation of
  the profiles properties are reproduced by the models. The Ca II H and
  K line profiles provide a temperature diagnostic of the temperature
  minimum and the temperature at the formation height of the emission
  peaks. The Doppler shift of the central depression is an excellent
  probe of the velocity in the upper chromosphere.

Title: Comparison of Solar Fine Structure Observed Simultaneously
    in Lyα and Mg II h
Authors: Schmit, D.; Sukhorukov, A. V.; De Pontieu, B.; Leenaarts,
   J.; Bethge, C.; Winebarger, A.; Auchère, F.; Bando, T.; Ishikawa,
   R.; Kano, R.; Kobayashi, K.; Narukage, N.; Trujillo Bueno, J.
2017ApJ...847..141S    Altcode: 2017arXiv170900035S
  The Chromospheric Lyman Alpha Spectropolarimeter (CLASP) observed the
  Sun in H I Lyα during a suborbital rocket flight on 2015 September
  3. The Interface Region Imaging Telescope (IRIS) coordinated with the
  CLASP observations and recorded nearly simultaneous and co-spatial
  observations in the Mg II h and k lines. The Mg II h and Lyα lines
  are important transitions, energetically and diagnostically, in the
  chromosphere. The canonical solar atmosphere model predicts that these
  lines form in close proximity to each other and so we expect that the
  line profiles will exhibit similar variability. In this analysis, we
  present these coordinated observations and discuss how the two profiles
  compare over a region of quiet Sun at viewing angles that approach the
  limb. In addition to the observations, we synthesize both line profiles
  using a 3D radiation-MHD simulation. In the observations, we find that
  the peak width and the peak intensities are well correlated between the
  lines. For the simulation, we do not find the same relationship. We
  have attempted to mitigate the instrumental differences between IRIS
  and CLASP and to reproduce the instrumental factors in the synthetic
  profiles. The model indicates that formation heights of the lines
  differ in a somewhat regular fashion related to magnetic geometry. This
  variation explains to some degree the lack of correlation, observed
  and synthesized, between Mg II and Lyα. Our analysis will aid in the
  definition of future observatories that aim to link dynamics in the
  chromosphere and transition region.

Title: A Si I atomic model for NLTE spectropolarimetric diagnostics
    of the 10 827 Å line
Authors: Shchukina, N. G.; Sukhorukov, A. V.; Trujillo Bueno, J.
2017A&A...603A..98S    Altcode:
  <BR /> Aims: The Si I 10 827 Å line is commonly used for
  spectropolarimetric diagnostics of the solar atmosphere. First, we aim
  at quantifying the sensitivity of the Stokes profiles of this line to
  non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) effects. Second, we aim at
  facilitating NLTE diagnostics of the Si I 10 827 Å line. To this end,
  we propose the use of a relatively simple silicon model atom, which
  allows a fast and accurate computation of Stokes profiles. The NLTE
  Stokes profiles calculated using this simple model atom are very similar
  to those obtained via the use of a very comprehensive silicon model
  atom. <BR /> Methods: We investigate the impact of the NLTE effects
  on the Si I 10 827 Å line by means of multilevel radiative transfer
  calculations in a three-dimensional (3D) model atmosphere taken from a
  state-of-the-art magneto-convection simulation with small-scale dynamo
  action. We calculate the emergent Stokes profiles for this line at the
  solar disk center and for every vertical column of the 3D snapshot
  model, neglecting the effects of horizontal radiative transfer. <BR
  /> Results: We find significant departures from LTE in the Si I 10
  827 Å line, not only in the intensity but also in the linearly and
  circularly polarized profiles. At wavelengths around 0.1 Å, where
  most of the Stokes Q, U, and V peaks of the Si I 10 827 Å line occur,
  the differences between the NLTE and LTE profiles are comparable with
  the Stokes amplitudes themselves. The deviations from LTE increase
  with increasing Stokes Q, U, and V signals. Concerning the Stokes V
  profiles, the NLTE effects correlate with the magnetic field strength
  in the layers where such circular polarization signals are formed. <BR
  /> Conclusions: The NLTE effects should be taken into account when
  diagnosing the emergent Stokes I profiles as well as the Stokes Q, U,
  and V profiles of the Si I 10 827 Å line. The sixteen-level silicon
  model atom proposed here, with six radiative bound-bound transitions,
  is suitable to account for the physics of formation of the Si I 10
  827 Å line and for modeling and inverting its Stokes profiles without
  assuming LTE.

Title: Partial redistribution in 3D non-LTE radiative transfer in
    solar-atmosphere models
Authors: Sukhorukov, Andrii V.; Leenaarts, Jorrit
2017A&A...597A..46S    Altcode: 2016A&A...597A..46S; 2016arXiv160605180S
  Context. Resonance spectral lines such as H I Ly α, Mg II
  H&amp;K, and Ca II H&amp;K that form in the solar chromosphere, are
  influenced by the effects of 3D radiative transfer as well as partial
  redistribution (PRD). So far no one has modeled these lines including
  both effects simultaneously owing to the high computing demands of
  existing algorithms. Such modeling is, however, indispensable for
  accurate diagnostics of the chromosphere. <BR /> Aims: We present
  a computationally tractable method to treat PRD scattering in 3D
  model atmospheres using a 3D non-local thermodynamic equilibrium
  (non-LTE) radiative transfer code. <BR /> Methods: To make the
  method memory-friendly, we use the hybrid approximation for the
  redistribution integral. To make the method fast, we use linear
  interpolation on equidistant frequency grids. We verify our algorithm
  against computations with the RH code and analyze it for stability,
  convergence, and usefulness of acceleration using model atoms of Mg
  II with the H&amp;K lines and H I with the Ly α line treated in
  PRD. <BR /> Results: A typical 3D PRD solution can be obtained in
  a model atmosphere with 252 × 252 × 496 coordinate points in 50
  000-200 000 CPU hours, which is a factor ten slower than computations
  assuming complete redistribution. We illustrate the importance of the
  joint action of PRD and 3D effects for the Mg II H&amp;K lines for
  disk-center intensities, as well as the center-to-limb variation. <BR
  /> Conclusions: The proposed method allows for the simulation of
  PRD lines in a time series of radiation-magnetohydrodynamic models,
  in order to interpret observations of chromospheric lines at high
  spatial resolution.

Title: Impact of surface dynamo magnetic fields on the solar abundance
    of the CNO elements
Authors: Shchukina, N.; Sukhorukov, A.; Trujillo Bueno, J.
2016A&A...586A.145S    Altcode:
  Most studies of the solar metallicity, based on abundance determinations
  of the CNO elements, ignore the fact that the quiet solar photosphere
  is significantly magnetized by a small-scale magnetic field with a
  mean field strength of ~100 G. Here we quantify how this significant
  magnetization affects determinations of the abundances of these chemical
  elements. To this end, we used two three-dimensional models of the solar
  photosphere taken from a magneto-convection simulation with small-scale
  dynamo action, one virtually unmagnetized, and the other characterized
  by a mean field strength of 160 G in the low photosphere. We performed
  local thermodynamic equilibrium spectral synthesis for a large set of C
  I, N I, and O I lines to derive abundance corrections. We included the
  magnetic broadening of the lines (direct effect) and the magnetically
  induced changes of the photospheric temperature stratification (indirect
  effect). We find that these small-scale dynamo magnetic fields only
  negligibly affect the determination of the solar abundances of carbon,
  nitrogen, and oxygen.

Title: The impact of surface dynamo magnetic fields on the chemical
    abundance determination
Authors: Shchukina, Nataliya G.; Sukhorukov, Andrii V.; Trujillo
   Bueno, Javier
2015IAUS..305..368S    Altcode:
  The solar abundances of Fe and of the CNO elements play an important
  role in addressing a number of important issues such as the formation,
  structure, and evolution of the Sun and the solar system, the origin of
  the chemical elements, and the evolution of stars and galaxies. Despite
  the large number of papers published on this issue, debates about the
  solar abundances of these elements continue. The aim of the present
  investigation is to quantify the impact of photospheric magnetic fields
  on the determination of the solar chemical abundances. To this end,
  we used two 3D snapshot models of the quiet solar photosphere with a
  different magnetization taken from recent magneto-convection simulations
  with small-scale dynamo action. Using such 3D models we have carried
  out spectral synthesis for a large set of Fei, Ci, Ni, and Oi lines,
  in order to derive abundance corrections caused by the magnetic, Zeeman
  broadening of the intensity profiles and the magnetically induced
  changes of the photospheric temperature structure. We find that if
  the magnetism of the quiet solar photosphere is mainly produced by
  a small-scale dynamo, then its impact on the determination of the
  abundances of iron, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen is negligible.

Title: Influence of the small-scale photospheric magnetic field on
    the solar abundances of CNO-elements
Authors: Sukhorukov, A.; Shchukina, N.; Vasilyeva, I.
2014ysc..conf...35S    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: NLTE formation of the solar spectrum of silicon: Abundance
    of silicon in a three-dimensional model of the solar atmosphere
Authors: Shchukina, N. G.; Sukhorukov, A. V.
2013KPCB...29...17S    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Non-LTE Determination of the Silicon Abundance Using a
    Three-dimensional Hydrodynamical Model of the Solar Photosphere
Authors: Shchukina, N.; Sukhorukov, A.; Trujillo Bueno, J.
2012ApJ...755..176S    Altcode:
  Confrontations of spectroscopic observations with local thermodynamic
  equilibrium (LTE) spectral syntheses in a three-dimensional (3D)
  hydrodynamical model of the solar photosphere led to a downward
  revision of the photospheric and meteoritic silicon abundances. Here we
  derive the photospheric silicon abundance taking into account non-LTE
  (NLTE) effects in the same 3D model. We show that the above-mentioned
  downward revision of the silicon abundance is caused by using the LTE
  approximation in the context of 3D modeling, an experimental scale of
  oscillator strengths, and a small number of Si I lines. We demonstrate
  that no revision of the solar silicon abundance is required if NLTE
  effects are taken into account and one uses a "solar" oscillator
  strength scale and an extended list of Si I lines. The NLTE abundance
  value we find by fitting the equivalent widths of 65 Si I lines is
  A <SUP>NLTE</SUP> <SUB>Si</SUB> = 7.549 ± 0.016. This value agrees
  well with the silicon abundance that had been recommended earlier by
  Grevesse &amp; Sauval and Lodders for the solar photosphere and CI
  chondrite meteorites.

Title: NLTE formation of the solar silicon spectrum: Silicon abundance
    in one-dimensional models of the solar atmosphere
Authors: Sukhorukov, A. V.; Shchukina, N. G.
2012KPCB...28..169S    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: “Solar” oscillator strength scale and determination of the
    LTE silicon abundance in the solar atmosphere
Authors: Shchukina, N. G.; Sukhorukov, A. V.
2012KPCB...28...49S    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Solar spectrum of silicon and diagnostics of the solar
Authors: Sukhorukov, A. V.; Shchukina, N. G.
2012KPCB...28...27S    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS