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Author name code: wedemeyer
ADS astronomy entries on 2022-09-14
author:"Wedemeyer-Boehm, Sven" OR author:"Wedemeyer, Sven"

Title: Propagation of transverse waves in the solar chromosphere
    probed at different heights with ALMA sub-bands
Authors: Guevara Gómez, Juan Camilo; Jafarzadeh, Shahin; Wedemeyer,
   Sven; Szydlarski, Mikolaj
2022arXiv220812070G    Altcode:
  The Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array (ALMA) has provided
  us with an excellent diagnostic tool for studies of the dynamics of
  the Solar chromosphere, albeit through a single receiver band at one
  time presently. Each ALMA band consists of four sub-bands that are
  comprised of several spectral channels. To date, however, the spectral
  domain has been neglected in favour of ensuring optimal imaging, so
  that time-series observations have been mostly limited to full-band
  data products, thereby limiting studies to a single chromospheric
  layer. Here, we report the first observations of a dynamical event
  (i.e. wave propagation) for which the ALMA Band 3 data (centred at
  3\,mm; 100\,GHz) is split into a lower and an upper sideband. In
  principle, this approach is aimed at mapping slightly different
  layers in the Solar atmosphere. The side-band data were reduced
  together with the Solar ALMA Pipeline (SoAP), resulting in time
  series of brightness-temperature maps for each side-band. Through a
  phase analysis of a magnetically quiet region, where purely acoustic
  waves are expected to dominate, the average height difference between
  the two side-bands is estimated as $73\pm16$~km. Furthermore, we
  examined the propagation of transverse waves in small-scale bright
  structures by means of wavelet phase analysis between oscillations at
  the two atmospheric heights. We find 6\% of the waves to be standing,
  while 54\% and 46\% of the remaining waves are propagating upwards and
  downwards, respectively, with absolute propagating speeds on the order
  of $\approx96$~km/s, resulting in a mean energy flux of $3800$\,W/m$^2$.

Title: EMISSA (Exploring millimetre indicators of solar-stellar
    activity). II. Towards a robust indicator of stellar activity
Authors: Mohan, A.; Wedemeyer, S.; Hauschildt, P. H.; Pandit, S.;
   Saberi, M.
2022A&A...664L...9M    Altcode: 2022arXiv220804217M
  Context. An activity indicator, which can provide a robust quantitative
  mapping between the stellar activity and the physical properties of its
  atmosphere, is important in exploring the evolution of the observed
  active phenomena across main-sequence stars of different spectral
  types. Common activity indicators do provide qualitative correlations
  with physical properties such as T<SUB>eff</SUB> and the rotation
  period, among others. However, due to the large variability in their
  values, even for a single star, defining robust quantitative mappings
  between activity and physical properties is difficult. Millimetre
  (mm) wavelengths probe the different atmospheric layers within the
  stellar chromosphere, providing a tomographic view of the atmospheric
  dynamics. <BR /> Aims: The project aims to define a robust activity
  indicator by characterising mm brightness temperature spectra
  (T<SUB>B</SUB>(ν)) of the cool main-sequence stars (T<SUB>eff</SUB>
  ∼ 5000-7000 K) compiled by Paper I in this series. The sample
  contains 13 stars, including the Sun. <BR /> Methods: We derived
  the mm T<SUB>B</SUB>(ν) spectral indices (α<SUB>mm</SUB>) for
  cool stars, including the Sun, based on observations in the 30-1000
  GHz range. The derived values for α<SUB>mm</SUB> are explored as
  a function of various physical parameters and empirical power-law
  functions were derived. We also compared α<SUB>mm</SUB> estimates
  with other activity indicators. <BR /> Results: Despite the estimation
  errors, α<SUB>mm</SUB> values could distinguish the cool stars well,
  unlike common activity indicators. The low estimation errors on the
  derived trends of α<SUB>mm</SUB> vs. physical parameters suggest
  that α<SUB>mm</SUB> could be a robust activity indicator. <BR
  /> Conclusions: We note that α<SUB>mm</SUB>, which is linked to
  chromospheric thermal stratification and activity in cool stars,
  can well distinguish and physically characterise the stars more
  robustly than common activity indicators. We emphasise the need for
  multi-frequency data across the mm band for stars, with a range of
  physical parameters and gathered at multiple epochs during their
  activity cycles. This will help to explore α<SUB>mm</SUB> in a
  statistically robust manner and to study the emergence of chromospheric
  heating on the main sequence.

Title: Characterisation of bright chromospheric and oscillating
    small-scale features observed with ALMA
Authors: Guevara Gómez, Juan Camilo; Jafarzadeh, Shahin; Wedemeyer,
2022cosp...44.2549G    Altcode:
  Small-scale chromospheric bright features exhibiting oscillations in
  brightness temperature, size and horizontal velocity were identified
  and traced in both solar ALMA observations in Bands 3 ($\sim$3
  mm) and 6 ($\sim$1.2 mm) and in a Bifrost simulation resembling
  the ALMA observation. In total, 492 and 175 features were present
  in the observations and simulation respectively. Particularly, an
  anti-correlation between brightness temperature and size is present in
  the oscillations which might imply that these features are associated
  with fast-sausage MHD modes. We have performed a wavelet analysis to
  quantify the periods of oscillation for these three quantities as
  well as the phase angles between temperature and size. The outcome
  of a statistical analysis shows that the found periods correspond
  to high frequency oscillations in photosphere and chromosphere by
  diagnostics at other wavelengths. We have also estimated the energy
  carried by these waves and discussed the results from a statistical
  point of view. Specifically, we compared the outcomes between the
  the two ALMA frequency bands as they are considered to be formed at
  distinct heights and used the simulation to discuss the context of
  the observational results.

Title: Formation of activity indicators in a 3D model atmosphere
Authors: Pandit, Sneha; Wedemeyer, Sven
2022cosp...44.2555P    Altcode:
  The Sun, being the nearest star, can be used as a reference case for
  solar-like stars due to the availability of many spatiotemporally
  resolved solar spectra. Amongst several spectral lines, some of
  the strongest chromospheric diagnostics are the Ca II H &amp; K
  lines which can be used to gauge the temperature stratification of
  the atmosphere as the line core and wings are formed in different
  regions of the solar atmosphere. Furthermore, the H$\alpha$ line
  is a tracer for the magnetic structures and its line core gives an
  estimate of the mass density. These two diagnostics together can
  provide insights into the stellar structure. The 1.5D radiation
  transfer codes RH and Multi3D are used to obtain synthetic spectra
  for the Ca II lines and the H$\alpha$ line from an enhanced network
  atmosphere model simulated with the state-of-the-art Bifrost code. The
  activity indices generated from these lines could further be used to
  compare the spectra of sun-like stars with the solar spectrum. These
  indices can shed light on the physical properties like temperature
  stratification, magnetic structures, mass density distribution in the
  stellar atmospheres. Meanwhile, brightness temperatures from ALMA
  observations provide a new complementary view on the activity and
  the thermal structure of stellar atmospheres. The synthetic Ca II and
  H$\alpha$ spectra are therefore compared to corresponding millimetre
  continuum maps. The overall aim of the presented study is to establish
  more robust solar/stellar activity indicators using ALMA observations
  in comparison with classical diagnostics.

Title: Solar/Stellar atmospheric tomography with mm - cm data:
    Initial catalogue of main sequence stars and results
Authors: Mohan, Atul; Wedemeyer, Sven; Pandit, Sneha; Saberi, Maryam;
   Hauschildt, Peter
2022cosp...44.2495M    Altcode:
  Millimeter - Centimeter (10 - 1000 GHz) bands are particularly
  sensitive to emission from various outer atmospheric layers of main
  sequence stars, with shorter wavelengths probing deeper layers. This
  makes the study of mm - cm spectra (S$_{obs}$) a unique tool to study
  the vertical atmospheric stratification of these stars as a function
  of various physical parameters. A major challenge in the field of mm
  astronomy had been the lack of a sensitive interferometer which can not
  only detect the faint $\sim$ 10 - 100 $\mu$Jy level atmospheric fluxes
  robustly from these stars, but also provide enough spatial resolution
  needed to distinguish any emission from companion stars and stellar
  disks. With the advent of the Atacama Large Millimeter/Sub-millimeter
  array, the aforementioned hurdles have been overcome to a great extent
  for at least the stars within a distance of 10\,pc.\\ In this work, we
  gathered the archival data of main sequence stars robustly detected with
  ALMA, and additionally reported 10 - 80 GHz fluxes if any, from other
  modern interferometric arrays like ATCA, JVLA etc. The data for the Sun
  were also gathered and the disk-averaged fluxes were recorded to get
  the sun-as-a-star spectrum. The resulting sample comprises of 12 main
  sequence stars plus the sun-as-a-star covering an effective temperature
  (T$_{eff}$) range of 3000 - 10000 K. We compared their observed fluxes
  against respective purely photospheric model fluxes obtained using the
  PHOENIX code (S$_{model}$) and obtained the upper atmospheric excess
  energy spectrum ($\Delta$S/S$_{model}$ = S$_{obs}$/S$_{model}$ - 1
  ). We find evidence for a stratified atmosphere which gets progressively
  hotter with height in cool stars (T$_{eff}$ &lt; 7000 K). The spectral
  index of the observed mm-cm brightness spectrum, was characterised
  for every star in the sample with sufficient data. The steepness was
  found to decrease with T$_{eff}$, possibly hinting at steeper thermal
  gradients in cooler stars. This study demonstrates the potential of mm
  - cm band diagnostics to perform atmospheric tomography in cool stars
  and that long duration light curves for these stars can be powerful
  tools for studying the dynamics across different layers. This calls
  for the need to have dedicated long duration surveys of nearby cool
  stars in mm - cm bands assisted by state of the art modelling to better
  understand the nature of atmospheric stratification and dynamics in
  cool stars as a function of stellar type.

Title: First detection of AlF line emission towards M-type AGB stars
Authors: Saberi, M.; Khouri, T.; Velilla-Prieto, L.; Fonfría, J. P.;
   Vlemmings, W. H. T.; Wedemeyer, S.
2022A&A...663A..54S    Altcode: 2022arXiv220403284S
  The nucleosynthesis production of fluorine (F) is still a matter
  of debate. Asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars are one of the main
  candidates for F production. However, their contribution to the total
  F budget is not fully known due to the lack of observations. In this
  paper, we report the detection of aluminium monofluoride (AlF) line
  emission, one of the two main carriers of F in the gas-phase in the
  outflow of evolved stars, towards five nearby oxygen-rich (M-type)
  AGB stars. We studied the Atacama large millimetre/sub-millimetre
  array (ALMA) observations of AlF (v = 0, J = 4—3, 9-8, 10-9,
  and 15-14) and (v = 1, J = 7-6) line emission towards o Ceti, and
  (v = 0, J = 7-6 and 15-14) lines towards R Leo. We also report a
  tentative detection of AlF (v = 0, J = 7-6) line in IK Tau, (v = 0,
  J = 15-14) line towards R Dor, and (v = 0, J = 7-6 and J = 15-14)
  lines in W Hya. From spatially resolved observations, we estimated
  the AlF emitting region with a radius ~11R<SUB>⋆</SUB> for o Ceti
  and ~9R<SUB>⋆</SUB> for R Leo. From population diagram analysis,
  we report the AlF column densities of ~5.8 × 10<SUP>15</SUP>
  cm<SUP>−2</SUP> and ~3 × 10<SUP>15</SUP> cm<SUP>−2</SUP>
  for o Ceti and R Leo, respectively, within these regions. For o
  Ceti, we used the C<SUP>18</SUP>O (v = 0, J = 3-2) observations to
  estimate the H<SUB>2</SUB> column density of the emitting region. We
  found a fractional abundance of f<SUB>AIF/H2</SUB> ~ (2.5 ± 1.7)
  × 10<SUP>−8</SUP>. This gives a lower limit on the F budget in
  o Ceti and is compatible with the solar F budget f<SUB>F/H2</SUB>
  = (5 ± 2) × 10<SUP>−8</SUP>. For R Leo, a fractional abundance
  f<SUB>AIF/H2</SUB> = (1.2 ± 0.5) × 10<SUP>−8</SUP> is estimated. For
  other sources, we cannot precisely determine the emitting region
  based on the available data. Assuming an emitting region with a
  radius of ~11R<SUB>⋆</SUB> and the rotational temperatures derived
  for o Ceti and R Leo, we crudely approximated the AlF column density
  to be ~(1.2−1.5) × 10<SUP>15</SUP> cm<SUP>−2</SUP> in W Hya,
  ~(2.5−3.0) × 10<SUP>14</SUP> cm<SUP>−2</SUP> in R Dor, and
  ~(0.6−1.0) × 10<SUP>16</SUP> cm<SUP>−2</SUP> in IK Tau. These
  result in fractional abundances within a range of f<SUB>AIF/H2</SUB> ~
  (0.1 − 4) × 10<SUP>−8</SUP> in W Hya, R Dor, and IK Tau.

Title: The Atacama Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope: Key
    science drivers
Authors: Ramasawmy, Joanna; Klaassen, Pamela D.; Cicone, Claudia;
   Mroczkowski, Tony K.; Chen, Chian-Chou; Cornish, Thomas; Lima da Cunha,
   Elisabete; Hatziminaoglou, Evanthia; Johnstone, Doug; Liu, Daizhong;
   Perrott, Yvette; Schimek, Alice; Stanke, Thomas; Wedemeyer, Sven
2022arXiv220703914R    Altcode:
  The Atacama Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (AtLAST) is
  a concept for a 50m class single-dish telescope that will provide
  high sensitivity, fast mapping of the (sub-)millimeter sky. Expected
  to be powered by renewable energy sources, and to be constructed
  in the Atacama desert in the 2030s, AtLAST's suite of up to six
  state-of-the-art instruments will take advantage of its large field
  of view and high throughput to deliver efficient continuum and
  spectroscopic observations of the faint, large-scale emission that
  eludes current facilities. Here we present the key science drivers
  for the telescope characteristics, and discuss constraints that the
  transformational science goals place on future instrumentation.

Title: A Genetic Algorithm to Model Solar Radio Active Regions From
    3D Magnetic Field Extrapolations
Authors: de Oliveira e Silva, Alexandre José; Selhorst, Caius Lucius;
   Costa, Joaquim E. R.; Simões, Paulo J. A.; Giménez de Castro,
   Carlos Guillermo; Wedemeyer, Sven; White, Stephen M.; Brajša, Roman;
   Valio, Adriana
2022FrASS...9.1118D    Altcode: 2022arXiv220503385S; 2022arXiv220503385J
  In recent decades our understanding of solar active regions (ARs)
  has improved substantially due to observations made with better
  angular resolution and wider spectral coverage. While prior AR
  observations have shown that these structures were always brighter
  than the quiet Sun at centimeter wavelengths, recent observations
  at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths have shown ARs with well
  defined dark umbrae. Given this new information, it is now necessary to
  update our understanding and models of the solar atmosphere in active
  regions. In this work, we present a data-constrained model of the AR
  solar atmosphere, in which we use brightness temperature measurements
  of NOAA 12470 at three radio frequencies: 17, 100 and 230 GHz. The
  observations at 17 GHz were made by the Nobeyama Radioheliograph (NoRH),
  while the observations at 100 and 230 GHz were obtained by the Atacama
  Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). Based on our model, which
  assumes that the radio emission originates from thermal free-free and
  gyroresonance processes, we calculate radio brightness temperature
  maps that can be compared with the observations. The magnetic field at
  distinct atmospheric heights was determined in our modelling process by
  force-free field extrapolation using photospheric magnetograms taken by
  the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) on board the Solar Dynamics
  Observatory (SDO). In order to determine the best plasma temperature
  and density height profiles necessary to match the observations,
  the model uses a genetic algorithm that modifies a standard quiet Sun
  atmospheric model. Our results show that the height of the transition
  region (TR) of the modelled atmosphere varies with the type of region
  being modelled: for umbrae the TR is located at 1080 ± 20 km above
  the solar surface; for penumbrae, the TR is located at 1800 ± 50 km;
  and for bright regions outside sunspots, the TR is located at 2000 ±
  100 km. With these results, we find good agreement with the observed
  AR brightness temperature maps. Our modelled AR can be used to estimate
  the emission at frequencies without observational coverage.

Title: Power distribution of oscillations in the atmosphere of a
    plage region. Joint observations with ALMA, IRIS, and SDO
Authors: Narang, Nancy; Chandrashekhar, Kalugodu; Jafarzadeh, Shahin;
   Fleck, Bernhard; Szydlarski, Mikołaj; Wedemeyer, Sven
2022A&A...661A..95N    Altcode: 2022arXiv220211547N
  Context. Joint observations of the Atacama Large
  Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA) with other solar observatories
  can provide a wealth of opportunities for understanding the coupling
  between different layers of the solar atmosphere. <BR /> Aims: We
  present a statistical analysis of the power distribution of oscillations
  in a plage region in active region NOAA AR12651, which was observed
  jointly with ALMA, the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS),
  and the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). <BR /> Methods: We employ
  coordinated ALMA Band 6 (1.25 mm) brightness temperature maps,
  IRIS slit-jaw images in the 2796 Å passband, and observations in
  six passbands (1600 Å, 304 Å, 131 Å, 171 Å, 193 Å, and 211 Å)
  from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on board SDO. We perform
  Lomb-Scargle transforms to study the distribution of oscillation power
  by means of dominant period maps and power maps. We study the spatial
  association of oscillations through the atmosphere, with a focus on
  the correlation of the power distribution of ALMA oscillations with
  others. <BR /> Results: We do not observe any significant association
  of ALMA oscillations with IRIS and AIA oscillations. While the global
  behavior of the dominant ALMA oscillations shows a similarity with
  that of the transition region and coronal passbands of AIA, the ALMA
  dominant period maps and power maps do not show any correlation with
  those from the other passbands. The spatial distribution of dominant
  periods and power in different period intervals of ALMA oscillations
  is uncorrelated with those of any other passbands. <BR /> Conclusions:
  We speculate that the non-association of ALMA oscillations with those
  of IRIS and AIA is due to significant variations in the height of
  formation of the millimeter continuum observed by ALMA. Additionally,
  the fact that ALMA directly maps the brightness temperature, in contrast
  to the intensity observations by IRIS and AIA, can result in the very
  different intrinsic nature of the ALMA oscillations compared to the
  IRIS and AIA oscillations.

Title: The Solar ALMA Science Archive (SALSA). First release, SALAT,
    and FITS header standard
Authors: Henriques, Vasco M. J.; Jafarzadeh, Shahin; Guevara Gómez,
   Juan Camilo; Eklund, Henrik; Wedemeyer, Sven; Szydlarski, Mikołaj;
   Haugan, Stein Vidar H.; Mohan, Atul
2022A&A...659A..31H    Altcode: 2021arXiv210902374H
  In December 2016, the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array
  (ALMA) carried out the first regular observations of the Sun. These
  early observations and the reduction of the respective data posed a
  challenge due to the novelty and complexity of observing the Sun with
  ALMA. The difficulties with producing science-ready, time-resolved
  imaging products in a format familiar to and usable by solar physicists
  based on the measurement sets delivered by ALMA had limited the
  availability of such data to this point. With the development of the
  Solar ALMA Pipeline, it has now become possible to routinely reduce
  such data sets. As a result, a growing number of science-ready solar
  ALMA data sets are now offered in the form of the Solar ALMA Science
  Archive (SALSA). So far, SALSA contains primarily time series of
  single-pointing interferometric images at cadences of one or two
  seconds, accompanied by the respective single-dish full-disc solar
  images. The data arrays are provided in FITS format. We also present
  the first version of a standardised header format that accommodates
  future expansions and fits within the scope of other standards
  including the ALMA Science Archive itself and SOLARNET. The headers
  include information designed to aid the reproduction of the imaging
  products from the raw data. Links to co-observations, if available,
  with a focus on those of the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph,
  are also provided. SALSA is accompanied by the Solar ALMA Library of
  Auxiliary Tools (SALAT), which contains Interactive Data Language and
  Python routines for convenient loading and a quick-look analysis of
  SALSA data. <P />Movies associated to Figs. 3 and 4 are available at <A

Title: Final Report for SAG 21: The Effect of Stellar Contamination
    on Space-based Transmission Spectroscopy
Authors: Rackham, Benjamin V.; Espinoza, Néstor; Berdyugina, Svetlana
   V.; Korhonen, Heidi; MacDonald, Ryan J.; Montet, Benjamin T.; Morris,
   Brett M.; Oshagh, Mahmoudreza; Shapiro, Alexander I.; Unruh, Yvonne C.;
   Quintana, Elisa V.; Zellem, Robert T.; Apai, Dániel; Barclay, Thomas;
   Barstow, Joanna K.; Bruno, Giovanni; Carone, Ludmila; Casewell, Sarah
   L.; Cegla, Heather M.; Criscuoli, Serena; Fischer, Catherine; Fournier,
   Damien; Giampapa, Mark S.; Giles, Helen; Iyer, Aishwarya; Kopp, Greg;
   Kostogryz, Nadiia M.; Krivova, Natalie; Mallonn, Matthias; McGruder,
   Chima; Molaverdikhani, Karan; Newton, Elisabeth R.; Panja, Mayukh;
   Peacock, Sarah; Reardon, Kevin; Roettenbacher, Rachael M.; Scandariato,
   Gaetano; Solanki, Sami; Stassun, Keivan G.; Steiner, Oskar; Stevenson,
   Kevin B.; Tregloan-Reed, Jeremy; Valio, Adriana; Wedemeyer, Sven;
   Welbanks, Luis; Yu, Jie; Alam, Munazza K.; Davenport, James R. A.;
   Deming, Drake; Dong, Chuanfei; Ducrot, Elsa; Fisher, Chloe; Gilbert,
   Emily; Kostov, Veselin; López-Morales, Mercedes; Line, Mike; Močnik,
   Teo; Mullally, Susan; Paudel, Rishi R.; Ribas, Ignasi; Valenti, Jeff A.
2022arXiv220109905R    Altcode:
  Study Analysis Group 21 (SAG21) of the Exoplanet Exploration Program
  Analysis Group (ExoPAG) was organized to study the effect of stellar
  contamination on space-based transmission spectroscopy, a method for
  studying exoplanetary atmospheres by measuring the wavelength-dependent
  radius of a planet as it transits its star. Transmission spectroscopy
  relies on a precise understanding of the spectrum of the star being
  occulted. However, stars are not homogeneous, constant light sources
  but have temporally evolving photospheres and chromospheres with
  inhomogeneities like spots, faculae, and plages. This SAG has brought
  together an interdisciplinary team of more than 100 scientists, with
  observers and theorists from the heliophysics, stellar astrophysics,
  planetary science, and exoplanetary atmosphere research communities,
  to study the current needs that can be addressed in this context to
  make the most of transit studies from current NASA facilities like
  HST and JWST. The analysis produced 14 findings, which fall into
  three Science Themes encompassing (1) how the Sun is used as our best
  laboratory to calibrate our understanding of stellar heterogeneities
  ("The Sun as the Stellar Benchmark"), (2) how stars other than the Sun
  extend our knowledge of heterogeneities ("Surface Heterogeneities of
  Other Stars") and (3) how to incorporate information gathered for the
  Sun and other stars into transit studies ("Mapping Stellar Knowledge
  to Transit Studies").

Title: The Sun at millimeter wavelengths. III. Impact of the spatial
    resolution on solar ALMA observations
Authors: Eklund, Henrik; Wedemeyer, Sven; Szydlarski, Mikołaj;
   Jafarzadeh, Shahin
2021A&A...656A..68E    Altcode: 2021arXiv210913826E
  Context. Interferometric observations of the Sun with the Atacama
  Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array (ALMA) provide valuable
  diagnostic tools for studying the small-scale dynamics of the solar
  atmosphere. <BR /> Aims: The aims are to perform estimations of the
  observability of the small-scale dynamics as a function of spatial
  resolution for regions with different characteristic magnetic field
  topology facilitate a more robust analysis of ALMA observations
  of the Sun. <BR /> Methods: A three-dimensional model of the solar
  atmosphere from the radiation-magnetohydrodynamic code Bifrost was used
  to produce high-cadence observables at millimeter and submillimeter
  wavelengths. The synthetic observables for receiver bands 3-10 were
  degraded to the angular resolution corresponding to ALMA observations
  with different configurations of the interferometric array from the
  most compact, C1, to the more extended, C7. The observability of
  the small-scale dynamics was analyzed in each case. The analysis
  was thus also performed for receiver bands and resolutions that
  are not commissioned so far for solar observations as a means for
  predicting the potential of future capabilities. <BR /> Results:
  The minimum resolution required to study the typical small spatial
  scales in the solar chromosphere depends on the characteristic
  properties of the target region. Here, a range from quiet Sun to
  enhanced network loops is considered. Limited spatial resolution
  affects the observable signatures of dynamic small-scale brightening
  events in the form of reduced brightness temperature amplitudes,
  potentially leaving them undetectable, and even shifts in the times
  at which the peaks occur of up to tens of seconds. Conversion factors
  between the observable brightness amplitude and the original amplitude
  in the fully resolved simulation are provided that can be applied to
  observational data in principle, but are subject to wavelength-dependent
  uncertainties. Predictions of the typical appearance at the different
  combinations of receiver band, array configuration, and properties of
  the target region are conducted. <BR /> Conclusions: The simulation
  results demonstrate the high scientific potential that ALMA already has
  with the currently offered capabilities for solar observations. For the
  study of small-scale dynamic events, however, the spatial resolution
  is still crucial, and wide array configurations are preferable. In
  any case, it is essential to take the effects due to limited spatial
  resolution into account in the analysis of observational data. Finally,
  the further development of observing capabilities including wider
  array configurations and advanced imaging procedures yields a high
  potential for future ALMA observations of the Sun.

Title: EMISSA (Exploring Millimeter Indicators of Solar-Stellar
    Activity). I. The initial millimeter-centimeter main-sequence
    star sample
Authors: Mohan, A.; Wedemeyer, S.; Pandit, S.; Saberi, M.; Hauschildt,
   P. H.
2021A&A...655A.113M    Altcode: 2021arXiv211013339M
  Context. Due to their wide wavelength coverage across the millimeter
  to centimeter (mm-cm) range and their increased sensitivity, modern
  interferometric arrays facilitate observations of the thermal and
  non-thermal radiation that is emitted from different layers in the
  outer atmospheres of stars. <BR /> Aims: We study the spectral energy
  distribution (S<SUB>obs</SUB>(ν)) of main-sequence stars based on
  archival observations in the mm-cm range with the aim to study their
  atmospheric stratification as a function of stellar type. <BR />
  Methods: The main-sequence stars with significant detection in mm
  bands were identified in the ALMA Science Archive. These data were
  then complemented with spectral flux data in the extreme ultraviolet
  to cm range as compiled from various catalogues and observatory
  archives. We compared the resultant S<SUB>obs</SUB>(ν) of each star
  with a photospheric emission model (S<SUB>mod</SUB>(ν)) calculated
  with the PHOENIX code. The departures of S<SUB>obs</SUB>(ν) from
  S<SUB>mod</SUB>(ν) were quantified in terms of a spectral flux
  excess parameter (ΔS∕S<SUB>mod</SUB>) and studied as a function
  of stellar type. <BR /> Results: The initial sample consists of 12
  main-sequence stars across a broad range of spectral types from
  A1 to M3.5 and the Sun-as-a-star as reference. The stars with
  T<SUB>eff</SUB> = 3000-7000 K (F-M type) showed a systematically
  higher S<SUB>obs</SUB>(ν) than S<SUB>mod</SUB>(ν) in the mm-cm
  range. Their ΔS∕S<SUB>mod</SUB> exhibits a monotonic rise with
  decreasing frequency. The steepness of this rise is higher for cooler
  stars in the T<SUB>eff</SUB> = 3000-7000 K range, although the single
  fully convective star (T<SUB>eff</SUB> ~ 3000 K) in the sample deviates
  from this trend. Meanwhile, S<SUB>obs</SUB>(ν) of the A-type stars
  agrees with S<SUB>mod</SUB>(ν) within errors. <BR /> Conclusions:
  The systematically high ΔS∕S<SUB>mod</SUB> in F-M stars indicates
  hotter upper atmospheric layers, that is, a chromosphere and corona in
  these stars, like for the Sun. The mm-cm ΔS∕S<SUB>mod</SUB> spectrum
  offers a way to estimate the efficiency of the heating mechanisms
  across various outer atmospheric layers in main-sequence stars, and
  thereby to understand their structure and activity. We emphasise the
  need for dedicated surveys of main-sequence stars in the mm-cm range.

Title: Dynamics of small-scale dark features observed by the Atacama
    Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA)
Authors: Guevara Gómez, Juan Camilo; Wedemeyer, Sven
2021csss.confE.227G    Altcode:
  Observations of the Sun with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter
  Array (ALMA) now allow for more quantitative determination of
  temperatures in the chromosphere. ALMA observations of Quiet Sun regions
  in receiver Band 3 (3 mm; 100 GHz) exhibit small-scale features that
  resemble a mesh-like chromospheric pattern, similar to what was earlier
  detected with other chromospheric diagnostics. Tracking the features
  in time results in lifetimes, velocities and sizes, which are analysed
  within the context given by co-aligned images of the Solar Dynamics
  Observatory (SDO). Here we present a statistical analysis and compare
  the results with a 3D MHD simulation with Bifrost of an enhanced
  network which has been degraded to the ALMA spatial resolution. The
  match between observations and simulations suggests that the dark
  features are post-shock regions. The thermodynamics and kinetic
  properties derived from the ALMA observations will therefore enhance
  our understanding of the small-scale dynamics and heating of the solar
  chromosphere and its potential implications for other solar-like stars.

Title: An overall view of temperature oscillations in the solar
    chromosphere with ALMA
Authors: Jafarzadeh, S.; Wedemeyer, S.; Fleck, B.; Stangalini, M.;
   Jess, D. B.; Morton, R. J.; Szydlarski, M.; Henriques, V. M. J.; Zhu,
   X.; Wiegelmann, T.; Guevara Gómez, J. C.; Grant, S. D. T.; Chen,
   B.; Reardon, K.; White, S. M.
2021RSPTA.37900174J    Altcode: 2021RSTPA.379..174J; 2020arXiv201001918J
  By direct measurements of the gas temperature, the Atacama Large
  Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) has yielded a new diagnostic
  tool to study the solar chromosphere. Here, we present an overview
  of the brightness-temperature fluctuations from several high-quality
  and high-temporal-resolution (i.e. 1 and 2 s cadence) time series
  of images obtained during the first 2 years of solar observations
  with ALMA, in Band 3 and Band 6, centred at around 3 mm (100 GHz)
  and 1.25 mm (239 GHz), respectively. The various datasets represent
  solar regions with different levels of magnetic flux. We perform
  fast Fourier and Lomb-Scargle transforms to measure both the spatial
  structuring of dominant frequencies and the average global frequency
  distributions of the oscillations (i.e. averaged over the entire field
  of view). We find that the observed frequencies significantly vary from
  one dataset to another, which is discussed in terms of the solar regions
  captured by the observations (i.e. linked to their underlying magnetic
  topology). While the presence of enhanced power within the frequency
  range 3-5 mHz is found for the most magnetically quiescent datasets,
  lower frequencies dominate when there is significant influence from
  strong underlying magnetic field concentrations (present inside and/or
  in the immediate vicinity of the observed field of view). We discuss
  here a number of reasons which could possibly contribute to the power
  suppression at around 5.5 mHz in the ALMA observations. However,
  it remains unclear how other chromospheric diagnostics (with an
  exception of Hα line-core intensity) are unaffected by similar
  effects, i.e. they show very pronounced 3-min oscillations dominating
  the dynamics of the chromosphere, whereas only a very small fraction
  of all the pixels in the 10 ALMA datasets analysed here show peak power
  near 5.5 mHz. <P />This article is part of the Theo Murphy meeting issue
  `High-resolution wave dynamics in the lower solar atmosphere'.

Title: High-frequency oscillations in small chromospheric bright
    features observed with Atacama Large Millimetre/Submillimetre Array
Authors: Guevara Gómez, J. C.; Jafarzadeh, S.; Wedemeyer, S.;
   Szydlarski, M.; Stangalini, M.; Fleck, B.; Keys, P. H.
2021RSPTA.37900184G    Altcode: 2020arXiv200804179G
  We report detection of oscillations in brightness temperature,
  size and horizontal velocity of three small bright features in the
  chromosphere of a plage/enhanced-network region. The observations,
  which were taken with high temporal resolution (i.e. 2 s cadence)
  with the Atacama large millimetre/ submillimetre array (ALMA) in Band
  3 (centred at 3 mm; 100 GHz), exhibit three small-scale features with
  oscillatory behaviour with different, but overlapping, distributions of
  period on the order of, on average, 90 ± 22 s, 110 ± 12 s and 66 ±
  23 s, respectively. We find anti-correlations between perturbations in
  brightness, temperature and size of the three features, which suggest
  the presence of fast sausage-mode waves in these small structures. In
  addition, the detection of transverse oscillations (although with
  a larger uncertainty) may also suggest the presence of Alfvénic
  oscillations which are likely representative of kink waves. This work
  demonstrates the diagnostic potential of high-cadence observations with
  ALMA for detecting high-frequency magnetohydrodynamic waves in the
  solar chromosphere. Such waves can potentially channel a vast amount
  of energy into the outer atmosphere of the Sun. <P />This article is
  part of the Theo Murphy meeting issue `High-resolution wave dynamics
  in the lower solar atmosphere'.

Title: Characterization of shock wave signatures at millimetre
    wavelengths from Bifrost simulations
Authors: Eklund, Henrik; Wedemeyer, Sven; Snow, Ben; Jess, David B.;
   Jafarzadeh, Shahin; Grant, Samuel D. T.; Carlsson, Mats; Szydlarski,
2021RSPTA.37900185E    Altcode: 2020arXiv200805324E
  Observations at millimetre wavelengths provide a valuable tool to study
  the small-scale dynamics in the solar chromosphere. We evaluate the
  physical conditions of the atmosphere in the presence of a propagating
  shock wave and link that to the observable signatures in mm-wavelength
  radiation, providing valuable insights into the underlying physics
  of mm-wavelength observations. A realistic numerical simulation from
  the three-dimensional radiative magnetohydrodynamic code Bifrost
  is used to interpret changes in the atmosphere caused by shock wave
  propagation. High-cadence (1 s) time series of brightness temperature
  (T<SUB>b</SUB>) maps are calculated with the Advanced Radiative Transfer
  code at the wavelengths 1.309 mm and 1.204 mm, which represents opposite
  sides of spectral band 6 of the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter
  Array (ALMA). An example of shock wave propagation is presented. The
  brightness temperatures show a strong shock wave signature with large
  variation in formation height between approximately 0.7 and 1.4 Mm. The
  results demonstrate that millimetre brightness temperatures efficiently
  track upwardly propagating shock waves in the middle chromosphere. In
  addition, we show that the gradient of the brightness temperature
  between wavelengths within ALMA band 6 can potentially be used as
  a diagnostics tool in understanding the small-scale dynamics at the
  sampled layers. <P />This article is part of the Theo Murphy meeting
  issue `High-resolution wave dynamics in the lower solar atmosphere'.

Title: Dynamics of small-scale dark features observed by the Atacama
    Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA)
Authors: Guevara Gómez, Juan Camilo; Wedemeyer, Sven
2021cosp...43E.974G    Altcode:
  Solar ALMA observations exhibit small-scale features resembling the
  mesh-like chromospheric pattern that was earlier detected with other
  chromospheric diagnostics. In this work, we present a first statistical
  study of the dynamics of dark features observed using ALMA Band 3
  receivers (~3 mm; 100 GHz). By tracing the features in time, we estimate
  their lifetimes, velocities and sizes, which are analysed within the
  context given by co-aligned images of the Solar Dynamics Observatory
  (SDO). Furthermore, the results are compared with those obtained from
  applying the same method to a 3D MHD simulation with Bifrost of an
  enhanced network which has been degraded to the ALMA spatial resolution.

Title: ALMA and IRIS Observations of the Solar
    Chromosphere. II. Structure and Dynamics of Chromospheric Plages
Authors: Chintzoglou, Georgios; De Pontieu, Bart; Martínez-Sykora,
   Juan; Hansteen, Viggo; de la Cruz Rodríguez, Jaime; Szydlarski,
   Mikolaj; Jafarzadeh, Shahin; Wedemeyer, Sven; Bastian, Timothy S.;
   Sainz Dalda, Alberto
2021ApJ...906...83C    Altcode: 2020arXiv201205970C
  We propose and employ a novel empirical method for determining
  chromospheric plage regions, which seems to better isolate a plage from
  its surrounding regions than other methods commonly used. We caution
  that isolating a plage from its immediate surroundings must be done
  with care in order to successfully mitigate statistical biases that,
  for instance, can impact quantitative comparisons between different
  chromospheric observables. Using this methodology, our analysis suggests
  that λ = 1.25 mm free-free emission in plage regions observed with
  the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA)/Band6 may
  not form in the low chromosphere as previously thought, but rather
  in the upper chromospheric parts of dynamic plage features (such as
  spicules and other bright structures), i.e., near geometric heights
  of transition-region temperatures. We investigate the high degree of
  similarity between chromospheric plage features observed in ALMA/Band6
  (at 1.25 mm wavelengths) and the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph
  (IRIS)/Si IV at 1393 Å. We also show that IRIS/Mg II h and k are
  not as well correlated with ALMA/Band6 as was previously thought,
  and we discuss discrepancies with previous works. Lastly, we report
  indications of chromospheric heating due to propagating shocks supported
  by the ALMA/Band6 observations.

Title: ALMA and IRIS Observations of the Solar Chromosphere. I. An
    On-disk Type II Spicule
Authors: Chintzoglou, Georgios; De Pontieu, Bart; Martínez-Sykora,
   Juan; Hansteen, Viggo; de la Cruz Rodríguez, Jaime; Szydlarski,
   Mikolaj; Jafarzadeh, Shahin; Wedemeyer, Sven; Bastian, Timothy S.;
   Sainz Dalda, Alberto
2021ApJ...906...82C    Altcode: 2020arXiv200512717C
  We present observations of the solar chromosphere obtained
  simultaneously with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array
  (ALMA) and the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph. The observatories
  targeted a chromospheric plage region of which the spatial distribution
  (split between strongly and weakly magnetized regions) allowed the
  study of linear-like structures in isolation, free of contamination
  from background emission. Using these observations in conjunction with
  a radiative magnetohydrodynamic 2.5D model covering the upper convection
  zone all the way to the corona that considers nonequilibrium ionization
  effects, we report the detection of an on-disk chromospheric spicule
  with ALMA and confirm its multithermal nature.

Title: ALMA and IRIS Observations Highlighting the Dynamics and
    Structure of Chromospheric Plage
Authors: Chintzoglou, G.; De Pontieu, B.; Martinez-Sykora, J.;
   Hansteen, V. H.; de la Cruz Rodriguez, J.; Szydlarski, M.; Jafarzadeh,
   S.; Wedemeyer, S.; Bastian, T.; Sainz Dalda, A.
2020AGUFMSH0010009C    Altcode:
  We present observations of the solar chromosphere obtained
  simultaneously with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array
  (ALMA) and the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS). The
  observatories targeted a chromospheric plage region of which the spatial
  distribution (split between strongly and weakly magnetized regions)
  allowed the study of linear-like structures in isolation, free of
  contamination from background emission. Using these observations
  in conjunction with a radiative magnetohydrodynamic 2.5D model
  covering the upper convection zone all the way to the corona
  that considers non-equilibrium ionization effects, we report the
  detection of an on-disk chromospheric spicule with ALMA and confirm
  its multithermal nature. In addition, we discuss the strikingly high
  degree of similarity between chromospheric plage features observed
  in ALMA/Band6 and IRIS/\ion{Si}{4} (also reproduced in our model)
  suggesting that ALMA/Band6 does not observe in the low chromosphere as
  previously thought but rather observes the upper chromospheric parts
  of structures such as spicules and other bright structures above plage
  at geometric heights near transition region temperatures. We also show
  that IRIS/\ion{Mg}{2} is not as well correlated with ALMA/Band6 as was
  previously thought. For these comparisons, we propose and employ a novel
  empirical method for the determination of plage regions, which seems
  to better isolate plage from its surrounding regions as compared to
  other methods commonly used. We caution that isolating plage from its
  immediate surroundings must be done with care to mitigate statistical
  bias in quantitative comparisons between different chromospheric
  observables. Lastly, we report indications for chromospheric heating
  due to traveling shocks supported by the ALMA/Band6 observations.

Title: The Sun at millimeter wavelengths. II. Small-scale dynamic
    events in ALMA Band 3
Authors: Eklund, Henrik; Wedemeyer, Sven; Szydlarski, Mikolaj;
   Jafarzadeh, Shahin; Guevara Gómez, Juan Camilo
2020A&A...644A.152E    Altcode: 2020arXiv201006400E
  Context. Solar observations with the Atacama Large
  Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array (ALMA) facilitate studies of the
  atmosphere of the Sun at chromospheric heights at high spatial and
  temporal resolution at millimeter wavelengths. <BR /> Aims: ALMA
  intensity data at millimeter(mm)-wavelengths are used for a first
  detailed systematic assessment of the occurrence and properties of
  small-scale dynamical features in the quiet Sun. <BR /> Methods: We
  analyzed ALMA Band 3 data (∼3 mm/100 GHz) with a spatial resolution
  of ∼1.4-2.1 arcsec and a duration of ∼40 min together with SDO/HMI
  magnetograms. The temporal evolution of the mm maps is studied to
  detect pronounced dynamical features, which then are connected to
  dynamical events via a k-means clustering algorithm. We studied the
  physical properties of the resulting events and explored whether or
  not they show properties consistent with propagating shock waves. For
  this purpose, we calculated observable shock wave signatures at mm
  wavelengths from one- and three-dimensional model atmospheres. <BR />
  Results: We detect 552 dynamical events with an excess in brightness
  temperature (ΔT<SUB>b</SUB>) of at least ≥400 K. The events show a
  large variety in size up to ∼9″, amplitude ΔT<SUB>b</SUB> up to
  ∼1200 K with typical values in the range ∼450-750 K, and lifetime
  at full width at half maximum of ΔT<SUB>b</SUB> of between ∼43 and
  360 s, with typical values between ∼55 and 125 s. Furthermore, many
  of the events show signature properties suggesting that they are likely
  produced by propagating shock waves. <BR /> Conclusions: There are a
  lot of small-scale dynamic structures detected in the Band 3 data,
  even though the spatial resolution sets limitations on the size of
  events that can be detected. The number of dynamic signatures in the
  ALMA mm data is very low in areas with photospheric footpoints with
  stronger magnetic fields, which is consistent with the expectation
  for propagating shock waves.

Title: The Sun at millimeter wavelengths. I. Introduction to ALMA
    Band 3 observations
Authors: Wedemeyer, Sven; Szydlarski, Mikolaj; Jafarzadeh, Shahin;
   Eklund, Henrik; Guevara Gomez, Juan Camilo; Bastian, Tim; Fleck,
   Bernhard; de la Cruz Rodriguez, Jaime; Rodger, Andrew; Carlsson, Mats
2020A&A...635A..71W    Altcode: 2020arXiv200102185W
  Context. The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) started
  regular observations of the Sun in 2016, first offering receiver Band
  3 at wavelengths near 3 mm (100 GHz) and Band 6 at wavelengths around
  1.25 mm (239 GHz). <BR /> Aims: Here we present an initial study
  of one of the first ALMA Band 3 observations of the Sun. Our aim is
  to characterise the diagnostic potential of brightness temperatures
  measured with ALMA on the Sun. <BR /> Methods: The observation covers
  a duration of 48 min at a cadence of 2 s targeting a quiet Sun region
  at disc-centre. Corresponding time series of brightness temperature
  maps are constructed with the first version of the Solar ALMA Pipeline
  and compared to simultaneous observations with the Solar Dynamics
  Observatory (SDO). <BR /> Results: The angular resolution of the
  observations is set by the synthesised beam, an elliptical Gaussian
  that is approximately 1.4″ × 2.1″ in size. The ALMA maps exhibit
  network patches, internetwork regions, and elongated thin features
  that are connected to large-scale magnetic loops, as confirmed by a
  comparison with SDO maps. The ALMA Band 3 maps correlate best with
  the SDO/AIA 171 Å, 131 Å, and 304 Å channels in that they exhibit
  network features and, although very weak in the ALMA maps, imprints
  of large-scale loops. A group of compact magnetic loops is very
  clearly visible in ALMA Band 3. The brightness temperatures in the
  loop tops reach values of about 8000-9000 K and in extreme moments
  up to 10 000 K. <BR /> Conclusions: ALMA Band 3 interferometric
  observations from early observing cycles already reveal temperature
  differences in the solar chromosphere. The weak imprint of magnetic
  loops and the correlation with the 171, 131, and 304 SDO channels
  suggests, however, that the radiation mapped in ALMA Band 3 might
  have contributions from a wider range of atmospheric heights than
  previously assumed, but the exact formation height of Band 3 needs to
  be investigated in more detail. The absolute brightness temperature
  scale as set by total power measurements remains less certain and
  must be improved in the future. Despite these complications and the
  limited angular resolution, ALMA Band 3 observations have a large
  potential for quantitative studies of the small-scale structure and
  dynamics of the solar chromosphere. <P />Movies are available at <A

Title: The multi-thermal chromosphere. Inversions of ALMA and
    IRIS data
Authors: da Silva Santos, J. M.; de la Cruz Rodríguez, J.; Leenaarts,
   J.; Chintzoglou, G.; De Pontieu, B.; Wedemeyer, S.; Szydlarski, M.
2020A&A...634A..56D    Altcode: 2019arXiv191209886D
  Context. Numerical simulations of the solar chromosphere predict a
  diverse thermal structure with both hot and cool regions. Observations
  of plage regions in particular typically feature broader and brighter
  chromospheric lines, which suggests that they are formed in hotter
  and denser conditions than in the quiet Sun, but also implies a
  nonthermal component whose source is unclear. <BR /> Aims: We revisit
  the problem of the stratification of temperature and microturbulence
  in plage and the quiet Sun, now adding millimeter (mm) continuum
  observations provided by the Atacama Large Millimiter Array (ALMA) to
  inversions of near-ultraviolet Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph
  (IRIS) spectra as a powerful new diagnostic to disentangle the
  two parameters. We fit cool chromospheric holes and track the fast
  evolution of compact mm brightenings in the plage region. <BR />
  Methods: We use the STiC nonlocal thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE)
  inversion code to simultaneously fit real ultraviolet and mm spectra
  in order to infer the thermodynamic parameters of the plasma. <BR />
  Results: We confirm the anticipated constraining potential of ALMA
  in NLTE inversions of the solar chromosphere. We find significant
  differences between the inversion results of IRIS data alone compared to
  the results of a combination with the mm data: the IRIS+ALMA inversions
  have increased contrast and temperature range, and tend to favor lower
  values of microturbulence (∼3-6 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> in plage compared
  to ∼4-7 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> from IRIS alone) in the chromosphere. The
  average brightness temperature of the plage region at 1.25 mm is 8500
  K, but the ALMA maps also show much cooler (∼3000 K) and hotter
  (∼11 000 K) evolving features partially seen in other diagnostics. To
  explain the former, the inversions require the existence of localized
  low-temperature regions in the chromosphere where molecules such as CO
  could form. The hot features could sustain such high temperatures due to
  non-equilibrium hydrogen ionization effects in a shocked chromosphere
  - a scenario that is supported by low-frequency shock wave patterns
  found in the Mg II lines probed by IRIS.

Title: Observing the Sun with the Atacama Large
    Millimeter/submillimeter Array - from continuum to magnetic fields
Authors: Wedemeyer, Sven; Szydlarski, Mikolaj; Rodriguez, Jaime de
   la Cruz; Jafarzadeh, Shahin
2020IAUS..354...24W    Altcode:
  The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array offers regular
  observations of our Sun since 2016. After an extended period of
  further developing and optimizing the post-processing procedures,
  first scientific results are now produced. While the first observing
  cycles mostly provided mosaics and time series of continuum brightness
  temperature maps with a cadence of 1-2s, additional receiver bands and
  polarization capabilities will be offered in the future. Currently,
  polarization capabilities are offered for selected receiver bands but
  not yet for solar observing. An overview of the recent development,
  first scientific results and potential of solar magnetic field
  measurements with ALMA will be presented.

Title: Solar Astronomy with ALMA
Authors: Wedemeyer, Sven
2019asrc.confE..12W    Altcode:
  Solar observing with ALMA is offered as a non-standard mode since Cycle
  4. The requirements for such observations are different from many other
  observations with ALMA in the sense that the mapped atmospheric layers
  of the Sun evolve on very short timescales and the primary beam being
  filled with complex emission. High-cadence (snapshot) imaging is needed
  for such a dynamic target but is very challenging. The effort and time
  that went into developing the observing mode seems well justified given
  that ALMA provides a new complementary view at a part of the solar
  atmosphere that is still elusive in many aspects. The solar observing
  campaigns with ALMA are co-ordinated with a number of space-borne and
  ground-based telescopes covering the UV to IR range. Co-ordinating
  such strictly simultaneous multi-telescope observations adds another
  layer of complexity but results in rich data sets covering all layers
  of the solar atmosphere while probing different properties of the
  atmospheric gas. Since Cycle 4, the imaging procedures for solar
  ALMA observations have been significantly improved and science-ready
  data are being produced. I will give a brief overview over ALMA's
  diagnostic potential for the Sun and challenges with carrying out
  solar observations and post-processing the data. First examples for
  Band 3 and Band 6 data are presented and illustrate the dynamic nature
  of the solar atmosphere, featuring, among other things, the imprint
  of magnetic fields and propagating shock waves.

Title: Extreme Precision Radial Velocity Working Group
Authors: Gaudi, Scott; Blackwood, Gary; Howard, Andrew; Latham,
   David; Fischer, Debra; Ford, Eric; Cegla, Heather; Plavchan, Peter;
   Quirrenbach, Andreas; Burt, Jennifer; Mamajek, Eric; Beichman, Chas;
   Bender, Chad; Crass, Jonathan; Diddams, Scott; Dumusque, Xavier;
   Eastman, Jason; Fulton, BJ; Halverson, Sam; Haywood, Raphaelle;
   Hearty, Fred; Leifer, Stephanie; Loehner-Boettcher, Johannes;
   Mortier, Annelies; Reiners, Ansgar; Robertson, Paul; Roy, Arpita;
   Schwab, Christian; Seifahrt, Andreas; Szentgyorgyi, Andrew; Terrien,
   Ryan; Teske, Johanna; Thompson, Samantha; Vasisht, Gautam; Aigrain,
   Suzanne; Bedell, Megan; Bernstein, Rebecca; Blackman, Ryan; Blake,
   Cullen; Buchhave, Lars; Callas, John; Ciardi, David; Chaplain, William;
   Cisewski-Kehe, Jessi; Collier-Cameron, Andrew; Cornachione, Matthew;
   Meunier, Nadege; Ninan, Joe; O'Meara, John; Ong, Joel; Wang, Sharon;
   Wedemeyer-Boehm, Sven; Zhao, Lily; Boss, Alan; Oppenheimer, Rebecca;
   Pitman, Joe; Poyneer, Lisa; Ridgeway, Stephen
2019BAAS...51g.232G    Altcode: 2019astro2020U.232G
  NASA and NSF are jointly commissioning a community-based “Extreme
  Precision Radial Velocity (EPRV) working Group” to develop a blueprint
  for a strategy for an EPRV initiative. The purpose of this white paper
  is to describe the (EPRV) Working Group, whose primary responsibility
  is to lay out the blueprint mentioned above.

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: HAT-P-26 differential transit
    photometry (von Essen+, 2019)
Authors: von Essen, C.; Wedemeyer, S.; Sosa, M. S.; Hjorth, M.;
   Parkash, V.; Freudenthal, J.; Mallonn, M.; Miculan, R. G.; Zibecchi,
   L.; Cellone, S.; Torres, A. F.
2019yCat..36280116V    Altcode:
  11 differential photometry time series of primary transit events of
  HAT-P-26b in the R band. <P />(1 data file).

Title: Multiwavelength High-resolution Observations of Chromospheric
    Swirls in the Quiet Sun
Authors: Shetye, Juie; Verwichte, Erwin; Stangalini, Marco; Judge,
   Philip G.; Doyle, J. G.; Arber, Tony; Scullion, Eamon; Wedemeyer, Sven
2019ApJ...881...83S    Altcode:
  We report observations of small-scale swirls seen in the solar
  chromosphere. They are typically 2 Mm in diameter and last around
  10 minutes. Using spectropolarimetric observations obtained by the
  CRisp Imaging Spectro-Polarimeter at the Swedish 1 m Solar Telescope,
  we identify and study a set of swirls in chromospheric Ca II 8542 Å
  and Hα lines as well as in the photospheric Fe I line. We have three
  main areas of focus. First, we compare the appearance, morphology,
  dynamics, and associated plasma parameters between the Ca II and Hα
  channels. Rotation and expansion of the chromospheric swirl pattern
  are explored using polar plots. Second, we explore the connection to
  underlying photospheric magnetic concentration (MC) dynamics. MCs are
  tracked using the SWAMIS tracking code. The swirl center and MC remain
  cospatial and share similar periods of rotation. Third, we elucidate
  the role swirls play in modifying chromospheric acoustic oscillations
  and found a temporary reduction in wave period during swirls. We use
  cross-correlation wavelets to examine the change in period and phase
  relations between different wavelengths. The physical picture that
  emerges is that a swirl is a flux tube that extends above an MC in a
  downdraft region in an intergranular lane. The rotational motion of
  the MC matches the chromospheric signatures. We could not determine
  whether a swirl is a gradual response to the photospheric motion or
  an actual propagating Alfvénic wave.

Title: Indications for transit-timing variations in the exo-Neptune
Authors: von Essen, C.; Wedemeyer, S.; Sosa, M. S.; Hjorth, M.;
   Parkash, V.; Freudenthal, J.; Mallonn, M.; Miculán, R. G.; Zibecchi,
   L.; Cellone, S.; Torres, A. F.
2019A&A...628A.116V    Altcode: 2019arXiv190406360V
  Upon its discovery, the low-density transiting Neptune HAT-P-26b showed
  a 2.1σ detection drift in its spectroscopic data, while photometric
  data showed a weak curvature in the timing residuals, the confirmation
  of which required further follow-up observations. To investigate this
  suspected variability, we observed 11 primary transits of HAT-P-26b
  between March, 2015, and July, 2018. For this, we used the 2.15 m Jorge
  Sahade Telescope placed in San Juan, Argentina, and the 1.2 m STELLA
  and the 2.5 m Nordic Optical Telescope, both located in the Canary
  Islands, Spain. To add to valuable information on the transmission
  spectrum of HAT-P-26b, we focused our observations in the R-band
  only. To contrast the observed timing variability with possible stellar
  activity, we carried out a photometric follow-up of the host star over
  three years. We carried out a global fit to the data and determined
  the individual mid-transit times focusing specifically on the light
  curves that showed complete transit coverage. Using bibliographic data
  corresponding to both ground and space-based facilities, plus our new
  characterized mid-transit times derived from parts-per-thousand precise
  photometry, we observed indications of transit timing variations
  in the system, with an amplitude of 4 min and a periodicity of 270
  epochs. The photometric and spectroscopic follow-up observations
  of this system will be continued in order to rule out any aliasing
  effects caused by poor sampling and the long-term periodicity. <P />The
  transit photometry (time, flux, error) and the long term monitoring
  in three bands are only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to <A
  ( or via <A

Title: Kepler Object of Interest Network. III. Kepler-82f: a new
    non-transiting 21 M<SUB>⊕</SUB> planet from photodynamical modelling
Authors: Freudenthal, J.; von Essen, C.; Ofir, A.; Dreizler, S.; Agol,
   E.; Wedemeyer, S.; Morris, B. M.; Becker, A. C.; Deeg, H. J.; Hoyer,
   S.; Mallonn, M.; Poppenhaeger, K.; Herrero, E.; Ribas, I.; Boumis,
   P.; Liakos, A.
2019A&A...628A.108F    Altcode: 2019arXiv190706534F
  Context. The Kepler Object of Interest Network (KOINet) is a
  multi-site network of telescopes around the globe organised for
  follow-up observations of transiting planet candidate Kepler objects of
  interest with large transit timing variations (TTVs). The main goal of
  KOINet is the completion of their TTV curves as the Kepler telescope
  stopped observing the original Kepler field in 2013. <BR /> Aims: We
  ensure a comprehensive characterisation of the investigated systems
  by analysing Kepler data combined with new ground-based transit data
  using a photodynamical model. This method is applied to the Kepler-82
  system leading to its first dynamic analysis. <BR /> Methods: In order
  to provide a coherent description of all observations simultaneously,
  we combine the numerical integration of the gravitational dynamics of
  a system over the time span of observations with a transit light curve
  model. To explore the model parameter space, this photodynamical model
  is coupled with a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. <BR /> Results:
  The Kepler-82b/c system shows sinusoidal TTVs due to their near 2:1
  resonance dynamical interaction. An additional chopping effect in
  the TTVs of Kepler-82c hints to a further planet near the 3:2 or 3:1
  resonance. We photodynamically analysed Kepler long- and short-cadence
  data and three new transit observations obtained by KOINet between 2014
  and 2018. Our result reveals a non-transiting outer planet with a mass
  of m<SUB>f</SUB> = 20.9 ± 1.0 M<SUB>⊕</SUB> near the 3:2 resonance to
  the outermost known planet, Kepler-82c. Furthermore, we determined the
  densities of planets b and c to the significantly more precise values
  ρ<SUB>b</SUB> = 0.98<SUB>-0.14</SUB><SUP>+0.10</SUP> g cm<SUP>-3</SUP>
  and ρ<SUB>c</SUB> = 0.494<SUB>-0.077</SUB><SUP>+0.066</SUP>
  g cm<SUP>-3</SUP>. <P />Ground-based photometry
  is only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to <A
  ( or via <A

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: Photometry of Kepler-82b and c
    transits (Freudenthal+, 2019)
Authors: Freudenthal, J.; von Essen, C.; Ofir, A.; Dreizler, S.; Agol,
   E.; Wedemeyer, S.; Morris, B. M.; Becker, A. C.; Deeg, H. J.; Hoyer,
   S.; Mallonn, M.; Poppenhaeger, K.; Herrero, E.; Ribas, I.; Boumis,
   P.; Liakos, A.
2019yCat..36280108F    Altcode:
  All our observations were carried out using R-band filter. We provide
  the differential photometry with varying reference stars for each
  observation together with the used detrending components. We measured
  one Kepler-82b and two Kepler-82c transits in three observations
  between 2014 and 2018. <P />(4 data files).

Title: High-cadence imaging of the Sun
Authors: Wedemeyer, Sven
2019adw..confE..47W    Altcode:
  A challenge of observing the Sun with ALMA is that the primary beam
  covers only a small region on the Sun and is therefore filled with a
  complex radiation pattern, which evolves on extremely short time scales
  of only seconds and below. Fully exploiting ALMA's possibilities
  therefore requires imaging at very high cadence. Accordingly,
  there is much potential for improving the solar observing modes
  and post-processing of data. The development study "High-cadence
  imaging of the Sun", which started in 2018, aims at developing a
  high-cadence imaging capability by employing realistic test cases based
  on state-of-the-art numerical simulations, the Solar ALMA Simulator
  tool, and a solar simulation pipeline. Comparisons between the input
  and output of the simulation pipeline will reveal how well imaging at
  high cadence performs and how to optimize it. We present an overview
  of the study and its current state.

Title: First Spectral Analysis of a Solar Plasma Eruption Using ALMA
Authors: Rodger, Andrew S.; Labrosse, Nicolas; Wedemeyer, Sven;
   Szydlarski, Mikolaj; Simões, Paulo J. A.; Fletcher, Lyndsay
2019ApJ...875..163R    Altcode: 2019arXiv190201319R
  The aim of this study is to demonstrate how the logarithmic
  millimeter continuum gradient observed using the Atacama Large
  Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) may be used to estimate optical
  thickness in the solar atmosphere. We discuss how using multiwavelength
  millimeter measurements can refine plasma analysis through knowledge
  of the absorption mechanisms. Here we use subband observations from
  the publicly available science verification (SV) data, while our
  methodology will also be applicable to regular ALMA data. The spectral
  resolving capacity of ALMA SV data is tested using the enhancement
  coincident with an X-ray bright point and from a plasmoid ejection
  event near active region NOAA12470 observed in Band 3 (84-116 GHz) on
  2015 December 17. We compute the interferometric brightness temperature
  light curve for both features at each of the four constituent subbands
  to find the logarithmic millimeter spectrum. We compared the observed
  logarithmic spectral gradient with the derived relationship with optical
  thickness for an isothermal plasma to estimate the structures’
  optical thicknesses. We conclude, within 90% confidence, that the
  stationary enhancement has an optical thickness between 0.02 ≤ τ
  ≤ 2.78, and that the moving enhancement has 0.11 ≤ τ ≤ 2.78,
  thus both lie near to the transition between optically thin and thick
  plasma at 100 GHz. From these estimates, isothermal plasmas with
  typical Band 3 background brightness temperatures would be expected
  to have electron temperatures of ∼7370-15300 K for the stationary
  enhancement and between ∼7440 and 9560 K for the moving enhancement,
  thus demonstrating the benefit of subband ALMA spectral analysis.

Title: The solar chromosphere at millimetre and ultraviolet
    wavelengths. I. Radiation temperatures and a detailed comparison
Authors: Jafarzadeh, S.; Wedemeyer, S.; Szydlarski, M.; De Pontieu,
   B.; Rezaei, R.; Carlsson, M.
2019A&A...622A.150J    Altcode: 2019arXiv190105763J
  Solar observations with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter
  Array (ALMA) provide us with direct measurements of the brightness
  temperature in the solar chromosphere. We study the temperature
  distributions obtained with ALMA Band 6 (in four sub-bands at 1.21,
  1.22, 1.29, and 1.3 mm) for various areas at, and in the vicinity of,
  a sunspot, comprising quasi-quiet and active regions with different
  amounts of underlying magnetic fields. We compare these temperatures
  with those obtained at near- and far-ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths
  (and with the line-core intensities of the optically-thin far-UV
  spectra), co-observed with the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph
  (IRIS) explorer. These include the emission peaks and cores of the Mg
  II k 279.6 nm and Mg II h 280.4 nm lines as well as the line cores
  of C II 133.4 nm, O I 135.6 nm, and Si IV 139.4 nm, sampling the
  mid-to-high chromosphere and the low transition region. Splitting the
  ALMA sub-bands resulted in an slight increase of spatial resolution in
  individual temperature maps, thus, resolving smaller-scale structures
  compared to those produced with the standard averaging routines. We
  find that the radiation temperatures have different, though somewhat
  overlapping, distributions in different wavelengths and in the various
  magnetic regions. Comparison of the ALMA temperatures with those of
  the UV diagnostics should, however, be interpreted with great caution,
  the former is formed under the local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE)
  conditions, the latter under non-LTE. The mean radiation temperature
  of the ALMA Band 6 is similar to that extracted from the IRIS C II
  line in all areas with exception of the sunspot and pores where the C
  II poses higher radiation temperatures. In all magnetic regions, the
  Mg II lines associate with the lowest mean radiation temperatures in
  our sample. These will provide constraints for future numerical models.

Title: First high-resolution look at the quiet Sun with ALMA at 3mm
Authors: Nindos, A.; Alissandrakis, C. E.; Bastian, T. S.; Patsourakos,
   S.; De Pontieu, B.; Warren, H.; Ayres, T.; Hudson, H. S.; Shimizu,
   T.; Vial, J. -C.; Wedemeyer, S.; Yurchyshyn, V.
2018A&A...619L...6N    Altcode: 2018arXiv181005223N
  We present an overview of high-resolution quiet Sun observations,
  from disk center to the limb, obtained with the Atacama Large
  millimeter and sub-millimeter Array (ALMA) at 3 mm. Seven quiet-Sun
  regions were observed at a resolution of up to 2.5″ by 4.5″. We
  produced both average and snapshot images by self-calibrating the ALMA
  visibilities and combining the interferometric images with full-disk
  solar images. The images show well the chromospheric network, which,
  based on the unique segregation method we used, is brighter than the
  average over the fields of view of the observed regions by ∼305
  K while the intranetwork is less bright by ∼280 K, with a slight
  decrease of the network/intranetwork contrast toward the limb. At 3
  mm the network is very similar to the 1600 Å images, with somewhat
  larger size. We detect, for the first time, spicular structures,
  rising up to 15″ above the limb with a width down to the image
  resolution and brightness temperature of ∼1800 K above the local
  background. No trace of spicules, either in emission or absorption,
  is found on the disk. Our results highlight the potential of ALMA for
  the study of the quiet chromosphere.

Title: Kepler Object of Interest Network. II. Photodynamical modelling
    of Kepler-9 over 8 years of transit observations
Authors: Freudenthal, J.; von Essen, C.; Dreizler, S.; Wedemeyer, S.;
   Agol, E.; Morris, B. M.; Becker, A. C.; Mallonn, M.; Hoyer, S.; Ofir,
   A.; Tal-Or, L.; Deeg, H. J.; Herrero, E.; Ribas, I.; Khalafinejad,
   S.; Hernández, J.; Rodríguez S., M. M.
2018A&A...618A..41F    Altcode: 2018arXiv180700007F
  Context. The Kepler Object of Interest Network (KOINet) is a multi-site
  network of telescopes around the globe organised to follow up transiting
  planet-candidate Kepler objects of interest (KOIs) with large transit
  timing variations (TTVs). Its main goal is to complete their TTV
  curves, as the Kepler telescope no longer observes the original
  Kepler field. <BR /> Aims: Combining Kepler and new ground-based
  transit data we improve the modelling of these systems. To this end,
  we have developed a photodynamical model, and we demonstrate its
  performance using the Kepler-9 system as an example. <BR /> Methods:
  Our comprehensive analysis combines the numerical integration of the
  system's dynamics over the time span of the observations along with
  the transit light curve model. This provides a coherent description of
  all observations simultaneously. This model is coupled with a Markov
  chain Monte Carlo algorithm, allowing for the exploration of the
  model parameter space. <BR /> Results: Applied to the Kepler-9 long
  cadence data, short cadence data, and 13 new transit observations
  collected by KOINet between the years 2014 and 2017, our modelling
  provides well constrained predictions for the next transits and the
  system's parameters. We have determined the densities of the planets
  Kepler-9b and 9c to the very precise values of ρ<SUB>b</SUB> =
  0.439 ± 0.023 g cm<SUP>-3</SUP> and ρ<SUB>c</SUB> = 0.322 ±
  0.017 g cm<SUP>-3</SUP>. Our analysis reveals that Kepler-9c will
  stop transiting in about 30 yr due to strong dynamical interactions
  between Kepler-9b and 9c, near 2:1 resonance, leading to a periodic
  change in inclination. <BR /> Conclusions: Over the next 30 years, the
  inclination of Kepler-9c (-9b) will decrease (increase) slowly. This
  should be measurable by a substantial decrease (increase) in the transit
  duration, in as soon as a few years' time. Observations that contradict
  this prediction might indicate the presence of additional objects
  in this system. If this prediction turns out to be accurate, this
  behaviour opens up a unique chance to scan the different latitudes of a
  star: high latitudes with planet c and low latitudes with planet b. <P
  />Ground-based photometry is only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp
  to <A href="http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr">http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr</A>
  (<A href="http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr"></A>) or via <A

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: KOINet. Study of exoplanet systems
    via TTVs (von Essen+, 2018)
Authors: von Essen, C.; Ofir, A.; Dreizler, S.; Agol, E.; Freudenthal,
   J.; Hernandez, J.; Wedemeyer, S.; Parkash, V.; Deeg, H. J.; Hoyer,
   S.; Morris, B. M.; Becker, A. C.; Sun, L.; Gu, S. H.; Herrero, E.;
   Tal-Or, L.; Poppenhaeger, K.; Mallonn, M.; Albrecht, S.; Khalafinejad,
   S.; Boumis, P.; Delgado-Correal, C.; Fabrycky, D. C.; Janulis, R.;
   Lalitha, S.; Liakos, A.; Mikolaitis, S.; Moyano D'Angelo, M. L.; Sokov,
   E.; Pakstiene, E.; Popov, A.; Krushinsky, V.; Ribas, I.; Rodriguez,
   M. M. S.; Rusov, S.; Sokova, I.; Tautvaisiene, G.; Wang, X.
2018yCat..36150079V    Altcode:
  All our observations were carried out using R-band filter. We
  provide the differential photometry with varying reference stars for
  each observation together with the used detrending components. We
  provide four transits of KOI-0410.01, and one transit of KOI-0902.01,
  KOI-0525.01, and KOI-0760.01, respectively. The telescope nomenclature,
  in agreement with the names of the files, is the following: <P
  />IAC0.8: IAC80 telescope (0.8m), Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias,
  Spain. ARC3.5: Apache Point Observatory (3.5 m), USA. NOT2.5: Nordic
  Optical Telescope (2.5 m), Spain. YO2.4: Yunnan Observatories (2.4 m),
  PR China. <P />(8 data files).

Title: VizieR Online Data Catalog: Photometry of Kepler-9b and c
    transits (Freudenthal+, 2018)
Authors: Freudenthal, J.; von Essen, C.; Dreizler, S.; Wedemeyer, S.;
   Agol, E.; Morris, B. M.; Becker, A. C.; Mallonn, M.; Hoyer, S.; Ofir,
   A.; Tal-Or, L.; Deeg, H. J.; Herrero, E.; Ribas, I.; Khalafinejad,
   S.; Hernandez, J.; Rodriguez, S. M. M.
2018yCat..36180041F    Altcode:
  All our observations were carried out using R-band filter. We provide
  the differential photometry with varying reference stars for each
  observation together with the used detrending components. We measured
  five Kepler-9b and four Kepler-9c transits in thirteen observations
  between 2014 and 2017. <P />(14 data files).

Title: Kepler Object of Interest Network. I. First results combining
    ground- and space-based observations of Kepler systems with transit
    timing variations
Authors: von Essen, C.; Ofir, A.; Dreizler, S.; Agol, E.; Freudenthal,
   J.; Hernández, J.; Wedemeyer, S.; Parkash, V.; Deeg, H. J.; Hoyer, S.;
   Morris, B. M.; Becker, A. C.; Sun, L.; Gu, S. H.; Herrero, E.; Tal-Or,
   L.; Poppenhaeger, K.; Mallonn, M.; Albrecht, S.; Khalafinejad, S.;
   Boumis, P.; Delgado-Correal, C.; Fabrycky, D. C.; Janulis, R.; Lalitha,
   S.; Liakos, A.; Mikolaitis, Š.; Moyano D'Angelo, M. L.; Sokov, E.;
   Pakštienė, E.; Popov, A.; Krushinsky, V.; Ribas, I.; Rodríguez S.,
   M. M.; Rusov, S.; Sokova, I.; Tautvaišienė, G.; Wang, X.
2018A&A...615A..79V    Altcode: 2018arXiv180106191V
  During its four years of photometric observations, the Kepler
  space telescope detected thousands of exoplanets and exoplanet
  candidates. One of Kepler's greatest heritages has been the confirmation
  and characterization of hundreds of multi-planet systems via transit
  timing variations (TTVs). However, there are many interesting candidate
  systems displaying TTVs on such long timescales that the existing Kepler
  observations are of insufficient length to confirm and characterize
  them by means of this technique. To continue with Kepler's unique work,
  we have organized the "Kepler Object of Interest Network" (KOINet),
  a multi-site network formed of several telescopes located throughout
  America, Europe, and Asia. The goals of KOINet are to complete the TTV
  curves of systems where Kepler did not cover the interaction timescales
  well, to dynamically prove that some candidates are true planets (or
  not), to dynamically measure the masses and bulk densities of some
  planets, to find evidence for non-transiting planets in some of the
  systems, to extend Kepler's baseline adding new data with the main
  purpose of improving current models of TTVs, and to build a platform
  that can observe almost anywhere on the northern hemisphere, at almost
  any time. KOINet has been operational since March 2014. Here we show
  some promising first results obtained from analyzing seven primary
  transits of KOI-0410.01, KOI-0525.01, KOI-0760.01, and KOI-0902.01,
  in addition to the Kepler data acquired during the first and second
  observing seasons of KOINet. While carefully choosing the targets
  we set demanding constraints on timing precision (at least 1 min)
  and photometric precision (as good as one part per thousand) that
  were achieved by means of our observing strategies and data analysis
  techniques. For KOI-0410.01, new transit data revealed a turnover
  of its TTVs. We carried out an in-depth study of the system, which is
  identified in the NASA Data Validation Report as a false positive. Among
  others, we investigated a gravitationally bound hierarchical triple
  star system and a planet-star system. While the simultaneous transit
  fitting of ground- andspace-based data allowed for a planet solution,
  we could not fully reject the three-star scenario. New data,
  already scheduled in the upcoming 2018 observing season, will set
  tighter constraints on the nature of the system. <P />Ground-based
  photometry is only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to <A
  ( or via <A

Title: Observations of the solar chromosphere with ALMA and comparison
    with theoretical models
Authors: Brajsa, Roman; Sudar, Davor; Skokic, Ivica; Benz, Arnold O.;
   Kuhar, Matej; Kobelski, Adam; Wedemeyer, Sven; White, Stephen M.;
   Ludwig, Hans-G.; Temmer, Manuela; Saar, Steven H.; Selhorst, Caius L.
2018csss.confE..37B    Altcode: 2018arXiv181207293B
  In this work we use solar observations with the ALMA radio telescope
  at the wavelength of 1.21 mm. The aim of the analysisis to improve
  understanding of the solar chromosphere, a dynamic layer in the
  solar atmosphere between the photosphere andcorona. The study has
  an observational and a modeling part. In the observational part
  full-disc solar images are analyzed.Based on a modied FAL atmospheric
  model, radiation models for various observed solar structures are
  developed. Finally, theobservational and modeling results are compared
  and discussed.

Title: First analysis of solar structures in 1.21 mm full-disc ALMA
    image of the Sun
Authors: Brajša, R.; Sudar, D.; Benz, A. O.; Skokić, I.; Bárta,
   M.; De Pontieu, B.; Kim, S.; Kobelski, A.; Kuhar, M.; Shimojo, M.;
   Wedemeyer, S.; White, S.; Yagoubov, P.; Yan, Y.
2018A&A...613A..17B    Altcode: 2017arXiv171106130B
  Context. Various solar features can be seen in emission or absorption
  on maps of the Sun in the millimetre and submillimetre wavelength
  range. The recently installed Atacama Large Millimetre/submillimetre
  Array (ALMA) is capable of observing the Sun in that wavelength range
  with an unprecedented spatial, temporal and spectral resolution. To
  interpret solar observations with ALMA, the first important step is to
  compare solar ALMA maps with simultaneous images of the Sun recorded in
  other spectral ranges. <BR /> Aims: The first aim of the present work
  is to identify different structures in the solar atmosphere seen in the
  optical, infrared, and EUV parts of the spectrum (quiet Sun, active
  regions, prominences on the disc, magnetic inversion lines, coronal
  holes and coronal bright points) in a full-disc solar ALMA image. The
  second aim is to measure the intensities (brightness temperatures) of
  those structures and to compare them with the corresponding quiet Sun
  level. <BR /> Methods: A full-disc solar image at 1.21 mm obtained on
  December 18, 2015, during a CSV-EOC campaign with ALMA is calibrated and
  compared with full-disc solar images from the same day in Hα line, in
  He I 1083 nm line core, and with various SDO images (AIA at 170 nm, 30.4
  nm, 21.1 nm, 19.3 nm, and 17.1 nm and HMI magnetogram). The brightness
  temperatures of various structures are determined by averaging over
  corresponding regions of interest in the calibrated ALMA image. <BR />
  Results: Positions of the quiet Sun, active regions, prominences on
  the disc, magnetic inversion lines, coronal holes and coronal bright
  points are identified in the ALMA image. At the wavelength of 1.21
  mm, active regions appear as bright areas (but sunspots are dark),
  while prominences on the disc and coronal holes are not discernible
  from the quiet Sun background, despite having slightly less intensity
  than surrounding quiet Sun regions. Magnetic inversion lines appear as
  large, elongated dark structures and coronal bright points correspond
  to ALMA bright points. <BR /> Conclusions: These observational results
  are in general agreement with sparse earlier measurements at similar
  wavelengths. The identification of coronal bright points represents
  the most important new result. By comparing ALMA and other maps,
  it was found that the ALMA image was oriented properly and that the
  procedure of overlaying the ALMA image with other images is accurate
  at the 5 arcsec level. The potential of ALMA for physics of the solar
  chromosphere is emphasised.

Title: Solar Observations with ALMA
Authors: Wedemeyer, Sven
2018iss..confE..38W    Altcode:
  The continuum intensity at millimeter wavelengths can serve as an
  essentially linear thermometer of the plasma in a thin layer in
  the atmosphere of the Sun, whereas the polarisation of the received
  radiation is a measure for the longitudinal magnetic field component in
  the same layer. The enormous leap in terms of spatial resolution with
  the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) now makes it
  possible to observe the intricate fine-structure of the solar atmosphere
  at sufficiently high spatial, temporal, and spectral resolution, thus
  enabling studies of a wide range of scientific topics in solar physics
  that had been inaccessible at millimeter wavelengths before. The
  radiation observed by ALMA originates mostly from the chromosphere
  - a complex and dynamic layer between the photosphere and corona,
  which plays a crucial role in the transport of energy and matter
  and, ultimately, the heating of the outer solar atmosphere. ALMA
  observations of the solar chromosphere, which are offered as a
  regular capability since 2016, therefore have the potential to make
  important contributions towards the solution of fundamental questions
  in solar physics with implications for our understanding of stars
  in general. In this presentation, I will give a short description
  of ALMA's solar observing mode, it challenges and opportunities,
  and selected science cases in combination with numerical simulations
  and coordinated observations at other wavelengths. ALMA's scientific
  potential for studying the dynamic small-scale pattern of the solar
  chromosphere is illustrated with first results from Cycle 4.

Title: Exploring the Sun with ALMA
Authors: Bastian, T. S.; Bárta, M.; Brajša, R.; Chen, B.; Pontieu,
   B. D.; Gary, D. E.; Fleishman, G. D.; Hales, A. S.; Iwai, K.; Hudson,
   H.; Kim, S.; Kobelski, A.; Loukitcheva, M.; Shimojo, M.; Skokić,
   I.; Wedemeyer, S.; White, S. M.; Yan, Y.
2018Msngr.171...25B    Altcode:
  The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) Observatory
  opens a new window onto the Universe. The ability to perform continuum
  imaging and spectroscopy of astrophysical phenomena at millimetre and
  submillimetre wavelengths with unprecedented sensitivity opens up new
  avenues for the study of cosmology and the evolution of galaxies, the
  formation of stars and planets, and astrochemistry. ALMA also allows
  fundamentally new observations to be made of objects much closer
  to home, including the Sun. The Sun has long served as a touchstone
  for our understanding of astrophysical processes, from the nature of
  stellar interiors, to magnetic dynamos, non-radiative heating, stellar
  mass loss, and energetic phenomena such as solar flares. ALMA offers
  new insights into all of these processes.

Title: Impact of magnetic fields on the structure of convective
    atmospheres of red giant stars
Authors: Klevas, J.; Kučinskas, A.; Wedemeyer, S.; Ludwig, H. -G.
2018CoSka..48..280K    Altcode:
  We use 3D magnetohydrodynamic CO<SUP>5</SUP>BOLD model atmospheres
  to study the interplay between magnetic fields and convection in the
  atmospheres of red giant stars. We find that vortex-like structures
  occur prominently in stars with stronger magnetic fields and lead to
  alterations of their thermal structures.

Title: A comparison of solar ALMA observations and model based
    predictions of the brightness temperature
Authors: Brajša, R.; Kuhar, M.; Benz, A. O.; Skokić, I.; Sudar,
   D.; Wedemeyer, S.; Báarta, M.; De Pontieu, B.; Kim, S.; Kobelski,
   A.; Shimojo, M.; White, S.; Yagoubov, P.; Yan, Y.; Ludwig, H. G.;
   Temmer, M.; Saar, S. H.; Selhorst, C. L.; Beuc, R.
2018CEAB...42....1B    Altcode:
  The new facility Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) is
  capable of observing the Sun in the wavelength range from 0.3 mm to 10
  mm with an unprecedented spatial, temporal and spectral resolution. The
  first aim of the present work is to identify different structures
  in the solar atmosphere (quiet Sun, active regions, filaments on the
  disc, and coronal holes) in a full disc solar ALMA image at 1.21 mm
  obtained on December 18, 2015 during a CSV-EOC campaign. It is compared
  with full disc solar images from the same day in the Hα line (Cerro
  Tololo Observatory, NISP), and at three EUV wavelengths (30.4 nm,
  21.1 nm, 17.1 nm; a composite SDO image). Positions of the quiet Sun
  areas, active regions, filaments on the disc, and coronal holes are
  identified in the ALMA image. To interpret solar observations with ALMA
  it is important to compare the measured and calculated intensities
  of various solar structures. So, the second aim of this work is to
  calculate the intensity (brightness temperature) for those structures
  (quiet Sun, active regions, filaments on the disc, and coronal holes)
  for a broad wavelength range (from 0.3 mm to 10 mm), closely related
  to that of the ALMA, and to compare the results with available
  ALMA observations. Thermal bremsstrahlung is the dominant radiation
  mechanism for explanation of the observed phenomena. A procedure for
  calculating the brightness temperature for a given wavelength and
  model atmosphere, which integrates the radiative transfer equation
  for thermal bremsstrahlung, is used. At the wavelength of 1.21 mm
  active regions appear as bright areas, while filaments on the disc and
  coronal holes are not discernible from the quiet Sun background. The
  models generally agree with the observed results: Active regions are
  bright primarily due to higher densities, filaments can appear bright,
  dark or not at all and coronal holes cannot be easily identified.

Title: Three-dimensional hydrodynamical CO<SUP>5</SUP>BOLD model
    atmospheres of red giant stars. VI. First chromosphere model of a
    late-type giant
Authors: Wedemeyer, Sven; Kučinskas, Arūnas; Klevas, Jonas; Ludwig,
2017A&A...606A..26W    Altcode: 2017arXiv170509641W
  <BR /> Aims: Although observational data unequivocally point to
  the presence of chromospheres in red giant stars, no attempts
  have been made so far to model them using 3D hydrodynamical model
  atmospheres. We therefore compute an exploratory 3D hydrodynamical model
  atmosphere for a cool red giant in order to study the dynamical and
  thermodynamic properties of its chromosphere, as well as the influence
  of the chromosphere on its observable properties. <BR /> Methods:
  Three-dimensional radiation hydrodynamics simulations are carried out
  with the CO<SUP>5</SUP>BOLD model atmosphere code for a star with the
  atmospheric parameters (T<SUB>eff</SUB> ≈ 4010 K, log g = 1.5, [ M / H
  ] = 0.0), which are similar to those of the K-type giant star Aldebaran
  (α Tau). The computational domain extends from the upper convection
  zone into the chromosphere (7.4 ≥ log τ<SUB>Ross</SUB> ≥ - 12.8)
  and covers several granules in each horizontal direction. Using this
  model atmosphere, we compute the emergent continuum intensity maps at
  different wavelengths, spectral line profiles of Ca II K, the Ca II
  infrared triplet line at 854.2 nm, and Hα, as well as the spectral
  energy distribution (SED) of the emergent radiative flux. <BR />
  Results: The initial model quickly develops a dynamical chromosphere
  that is characterised by propagating and interacting shock waves. The
  peak temperatures in the chromospheric shock fronts reach values of
  up to 5000 K, although the shock fronts remain quite narrow. Similar
  to the Sun, the gas temperature distribution in the upper layers
  of red giant stars is composed of a cool component due to adiabatic
  cooling in the expanding post-shock regions and a hot component due
  to shock waves. For this red giant model, the hot component is a
  rather flat high-temperature tail, which nevertheless affects the
  resulting average temperatures significantly. <BR /> Conclusions:
  The simulations show that the atmospheres of red giant stars are
  dynamic and intermittent. Consequently, many observable properties
  cannot be reproduced with static 1D models, but require advanced 3D
  hydrodynamical modelling. Furthermore, including a chromosphere in the
  models might produce significant contributions to the emergent UV flux.

Title: Solar Commissioning Observations of the Sun with ALMA
Authors: White, Stephen M.; Shimojo, Masumi; Bastian, Timothy S.;
   Iwai, Kazumasa; Hales, Antonio; Brajsa, Roman; Skokic, Ivica; Kim,
   Sujin; Hudson, Hugh S.; Loukitcheva, Maria; Wedemeyer, Sven
2017SPD....4820402W    Altcode:
  PI-led science observations have commenced with the Atacama
  Large Millimeter-submillimeter Array (ALMA) following an extensive
  commissioning effort. This talk will summarize that effort and discuss
  some of the scientific results derived from the commissioning data. As
  the solar cycle declines, ALMA observations will mainly address
  chromospheric science topics. Examples of data obtained during
  commissioning, both from the interferometer and from single-dish
  observations, will be presented. The temperatures of the layers that
  ALMA is most sensitive to have been determined for the two frequency
  bands currently used for solar observations. Curious behavior in a
  sunspot umbra and an observations of a small chromospheric ejection
  will be discussed.

Title: Observing the Sun with the Atacama Large
Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA): High-Resolution Interferometric
Authors: Shimojo, M.; Bastian, T. S.; Hales, A. S.; White, S. M.;
   Iwai, K.; Hills, R. E.; Hirota, A.; Phillips, N. M.; Sawada, T.;
   Yagoubov, P.; Siringo, G.; Asayama, S.; Sugimoto, M.; Brajša, R.;
   Skokić, I.; Bárta, M.; Kim, S.; de Gregorio-Monsalvo, I.; Corder,
   S. A.; Hudson, H. S.; Wedemeyer, S.; Gary, D. E.; De Pontieu, B.;
   Loukitcheva, M.; Fleishman, G. D.; Chen, B.; Kobelski, A.; Yan, Y.
2017SoPh..292...87S    Altcode: 2017arXiv170403236S
  Observations of the Sun at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths
  offer a unique probe into the structure, dynamics, and heating of the
  chromosphere; the structure of sunspots; the formation and eruption
  of prominences and filaments; and energetic phenomena such as jets
  and flares. High-resolution observations of the Sun at millimeter and
  submillimeter wavelengths are challenging due to the intense, extended,
  low-contrast, and dynamic nature of emission from the quiet Sun,
  and the extremely intense and variable nature of emissions associated
  with energetic phenomena. The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter
  Array (ALMA) was designed with solar observations in mind. The
  requirements for solar observations are significantly different from
  observations of sidereal sources and special measures are necessary
  to successfully carry out this type of observations. We describe the
  commissioning efforts that enable the use of two frequency bands,
  the 3-mm band (Band 3) and the 1.25-mm band (Band 6), for continuum
  interferometric-imaging observations of the Sun with ALMA. Examples of
  high-resolution synthesized images obtained using the newly commissioned
  modes during the solar-commissioning campaign held in December 2015
  are presented. Although only 30 of the eventual 66 ALMA antennas
  were used for the campaign, the solar images synthesized from the
  ALMA commissioning data reveal new features of the solar atmosphere
  that demonstrate the potential power of ALMA solar observations. The
  ongoing expansion of ALMA and solar-commissioning efforts will continue
  to enable new and unique solar observing capabilities.

Title: Observing the Sun with the Atacama Large
Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA): Fast-Scan Single-Dish Mapping
Authors: White, S. M.; Iwai, K.; Phillips, N. M.; Hills, R. E.; Hirota,
   A.; Yagoubov, P.; Siringo, G.; Shimojo, M.; Bastian, T. S.; Hales,
   A. S.; Sawada, T.; Asayama, S.; Sugimoto, M.; Marson, R. G.; Kawasaki,
   W.; Muller, E.; Nakazato, T.; Sugimoto, K.; Brajša, R.; Skokić, I.;
   Bárta, M.; Kim, S.; Remijan, A. J.; de Gregorio, I.; Corder, S. A.;
   Hudson, H. S.; Loukitcheva, M.; Chen, B.; De Pontieu, B.; Fleishmann,
   G. D.; Gary, D. E.; Kobelski, A.; Wedemeyer, S.; Yan, Y.
2017SoPh..292...88W    Altcode: 2017arXiv170504766W
  The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) radio
  telescope has commenced science observations of the Sun starting
  in late 2016. Since the Sun is much larger than the field of view
  of individual ALMA dishes, the ALMA interferometer is unable to
  measure the background level of solar emission when observing the
  solar disk. The absolute temperature scale is a critical measurement
  for much of ALMA solar science, including the understanding of energy
  transfer through the solar atmosphere, the properties of prominences,
  and the study of shock heating in the chromosphere. In order to provide
  an absolute temperature scale, ALMA solar observing will take advantage
  of the remarkable fast-scanning capabilities of the ALMA 12 m dishes
  to make single-dish maps of the full Sun. This article reports on the
  results of an extensive commissioning effort to optimize the mapping
  procedure, and it describes the nature of the resulting data. Amplitude
  calibration is discussed in detail: a path that uses the two loads in
  the ALMA calibration system as well as sky measurements is described
  and applied to commissioning data. Inspection of a large number of
  single-dish datasets shows significant variation in the resulting
  temperatures, and based on the temperature distributions, we derive
  quiet-Sun values at disk center of 7300 K at λ =3 mm and 5900 K at
  λ =1.3 mm. These values have statistical uncertainties of about 100
  K, but systematic uncertainties in the temperature scale that may be
  significantly larger. Example images are presented from two periods
  with very different levels of solar activity. At a resolution of about
  25<SUP>″</SUP>, the 1.3 mm wavelength images show temperatures on
  the disk that vary over about a 2000 K range. Active regions and plages
  are among the hotter features, while a large sunspot umbra shows up as
  a depression, and filament channels are relatively cool. Prominences
  above the solar limb are a common feature of the single-dish images.

Title: Vortex flows in the solar chromosphere. I. Automatic detection
Authors: Kato, Y.; Wedemeyer, S.
2017A&A...601A.135K    Altcode: 2017arXiv170206032K
  Solar "magnetic tornadoes" are produced by rotating magnetic
  field structures that extend from the upper convection zone and
  the photosphere to the corona of the Sun. Recent studies show that
  these kinds of rotating features are an integral part of atmospheric
  dynamics and occur on a large range of spatial scales. A systematic
  statistical study of magnetic tornadoes is a necessary next step
  towards understanding their formation and their role in mass and energy
  transport in the solar atmosphere. For this purpose, we develop a
  new automatic detection method for chromospheric swirls, meaning
  the observable signature of solar tornadoes or, more generally,
  chromospheric vortex flows and rotating motions. Unlike existing
  studies that rely on visual inspections, our new method combines a line
  integral convolution (LIC) imaging technique and a scalar quantity that
  represents a vortex flow on a two-dimensional plane. We have tested two
  detection algorithms, based on the enhanced vorticity and vorticity
  strength quantities, by applying them to three-dimensional numerical
  simulations of the solar atmosphere with CO5BOLD. We conclude that
  the vorticity strength method is superior compared to the enhanced
  vorticity method in all aspects. Applying the method to a numerical
  simulation of the solar atmosphere reveals very abundant small-scale,
  short-lived chromospheric vortex flows that have not been found
  previously by visual inspection.

Title: 3D hydrodynamical COBOLD simulations of a chromosphere of a
    red giant
Authors: Klevas, J.; Wedemeyer, S.; Kučinskas, A.; Ludwig, H. -G.
2017MmSAI..88..100K    Altcode:
  We present the results of a 3D hydrodynamical simulation of a cool red
  giant star with a chromosphere. The simulation was performed using
  a 3D hydrodynamic COBOLD model atmosphere (T<SUB>eff</SUB>=4000 K,
  {log g}=1.5 cgs, [M/H]=0.0 [dex]), which was extended outwards to
  include chromospheric layers. We synthesized the spectral energy
  distribution of a model atmosphere including chromosphere and compare
  it to the spectral energy distribution of a model atmosphere without
  the chromosphere. We find that adding a model chromosphere leads to a
  significant increase of the radiative flux at wavelengths smaller than
  300 nm. The increase in the UV flux is attributed to the presence of
  shock waves, which provide additional heating in the chromosphere.

Title: Observing the Formation of Flare-driven Coronal Rain
Authors: Scullion, E.; Rouppe van der Voort, L.; Antolin, P.;
   Wedemeyer, S.; Vissers, G.; Kontar, E. P.; Gallagher, P. T.
2016ApJ...833..184S    Altcode: 2016arXiv161009255S
  Flare-driven coronal rain can manifest from rapidly cooled plasma
  condensations near coronal loop tops in thermally unstable postflare
  arcades. We detect five phases that characterize the postflare decay:
  heating, evaporation, conductive cooling dominance for ∼120 s,
  radiative/enthalpy cooling dominance for ∼4700 s, and finally
  catastrophic cooling occurring within 35-124 s, leading to rain
  strands with a periodicity of 55-70 s. We find an excellent agreement
  between the observations and model predictions of the dominant
  cooling timescales and the onset of catastrophic cooling. At the
  rain-formation site, we detect comoving, multithermal rain clumps
  that undergo catastrophic cooling from ∼1 MK to ∼22,000 K. During
  catastrophic cooling, the plasma cools at a maximum rate of 22,700
  K s<SUP>-1</SUP> in multiple loop-top sources. We calculated the
  density of the extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) plasma from the differential
  emission measure of the multithermal source employing regularized
  inversion. Assuming a pressure balance, we estimate the density of
  the chromospheric component of rain to be 9.21 × 10<SUP>11</SUP>
  ± 1.76 × 10<SUP>11</SUP> cm<SUP>-3</SUP>, which is comparable with
  quiescent coronal rain densities. With up to eight parallel strands
  in the EUV loop cross section, we calculate the mass loss rate from
  the postflare arcade to be as much as 1.98 × 10<SUP>12</SUP> ±
  4.95 × 10<SUP>11</SUP> g s<SUP>-1</SUP>. Finally, we reveal a close
  proximity between the model predictions of {10}<SUP>5.8</SUP> K and the
  observed properties between {10}<SUP>5.9</SUP> and {10}<SUP>6.2</SUP>
  K, which defines the temperature onset of catastrophic cooling. The
  close correspondence between the observations and numerical models
  suggests that indeed acoustic waves (with a sound travel time of 68 s)
  could play an important role in redistributing energy and sustaining
  the enthalpy-based radiative cooling.

Title: Lower solar atmosphere and magnetism at ultra-high spatial
Authors: Collet, Remo; Criscuoli, Serena; Ermolli, Ilaria; Fabbian,
   Damian; Guerreiro, Nuno; Haberreiter, Margit; Peck, Courtney; Pereira,
   Tiago M. D.; Rempel, Matthias; Solanki, Sami K.; Wedemeyer-Boehm, Sven
2016arXiv161202348C    Altcode:
  We present the scientific case for a future space-based telescope
  aimed at very high spatial and temporal resolution imaging of the
  solar photosphere and chromosphere. Previous missions (e.g., HINODE,
  SUNRISE) have demonstrated the power of observing the solar photosphere
  and chromosphere at high spatial resolution without contamination from
  Earth's atmosphere. We argue here that increased spatial resolution
  (from currently 70 km to 25 km in the future) and high temporal cadence
  of the observations will vastly improve our understanding of the
  physical processes controlling solar magnetism and its characteristic
  scales. This is particularly important as the Sun's magnetic field
  drives solar activity and can significantly influence the Sun-Earth
  system. At the same time a better knowledge of solar magnetism can
  greatly improve our understanding of other astrophysical objects.

Title: Phoenix Meets CO5BOLD: 3D NLTE Radiative Transfer Calculations
    For M-Dwarf Chromospheres
Authors: De Gennaro Aquino, Ivan; Hauschildt, Peter H.; Wedemeyer, Sven
2016csss.confE.149D    Altcode:
  M-dwarf atmospheres are phenomenologically so rich that is currently
  impossible to include all the physical processes in one astrophysical
  simulation code. 1D models have greatly improved our understanding
  of the radiative properties of M-dwarf photospheres and important
  achievements have been obtained in 1D and 3D magneto-hydrodynamic
  simulations. Using a snapshot from a CO5BOLD M-dwarf simulation as
  input model, we use the 3D atmosphere code PHOENIX/3D to compute the
  radiative properties of a M-dwarf photosphere-chromosphere atmosphere
  with NLTE treatment for several atomic species and background atomic
  and molecular opacities.

Title: Chromospheric and Coronal Wave Generation in a Magnetic
    Flux Sheath
Authors: Kato, Yoshiaki; Steiner, Oskar; Hansteen, Viggo; Gudiksen,
   Boris; Wedemeyer, Sven; Carlsson, Mats
2016ApJ...827....7K    Altcode: 2016arXiv160608826K
  Using radiation magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the solar
  atmospheric layers from the upper convection zone to the lower corona,
  we investigate the self-consistent excitation of slow magneto-acoustic
  body waves (slow modes) in a magnetic flux concentration. We
  find that the convective downdrafts in the close surroundings of
  a two-dimensional flux slab “pump” the plasma inside it in
  the downward direction. This action produces a downflow inside the
  flux slab, which encompasses ever higher layers, causing an upwardly
  propagating rarefaction wave. The slow mode, excited by the adiabatic
  compression of the downflow near the optical surface, travels along the
  magnetic field in the upward direction at the tube speed. It develops
  into a shock wave at chromospheric heights, where it dissipates,
  lifts the transition region, and produces an offspring in the form
  of a compressive wave that propagates further into the corona. In the
  wake of downflows and propagating shock waves, the atmosphere inside
  the flux slab in the chromosphere and higher tends to oscillate with a
  period of ν ≈ 4 mHz. We conclude that this process of “magnetic
  pumping” is a most plausible mechanism for the direct generation
  of longitudinal chromospheric and coronal compressive waves within
  magnetic flux concentrations, and it may provide an important heat
  source in the chromosphere. It may also be responsible for certain
  types of dynamic fibrils.

Title: Ssalmon - The Solar Simulations For The Atacama Large
    Millimeter Observatory Network
Authors: Wedemeyer, Sven; Ssalmon Group
2016csss.confE..84W    Altcode:
  The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) provides a new
  powerful tool for observing the solar chromosphere at high spatial,
  temporal, and spectral resolution, which will allow for addressing a
  wide range of scientific topics in solar physics. Numerical simulations
  of the solar atmosphere and modeling of instrumental effects are
  valuable tools for constraining, preparing and optimizing future
  observations with ALMA and for interpreting the results. In order
  to co-ordinate related activities, the Solar Simulations for the
  Atacama Large Millimeter Observatory Network (SSALMON) was initiated
  on September 1st, 2014, in connection with the NA- and EU-led solar
  ALMA development studies. As of April, 2015, SSALMON has grown to 83
  members from 18 countries (plus ESO and ESA). Another important goal
  of SSALMON is to promote the scientific potential of solar science
  with ALMA, which has resulted in two major publications so far. During
  2015, the SSALMON Expert Teams produced a White Paper with potential
  science cases for Cycle 4, which will be the first time regular solar
  observations will be carried out. Registration and more information
  at http://www.ssalmon.uio.no.

Title: Testing Wave Propagation Properties in the Solar Chromosphere
    with ALMA and IRIS
Authors: Fleck, Bernard; Straus, Thomas; Wedemeyer, Sven
2016SPD....47.0102F    Altcode:
  Waves and oscillations are interesting not only from the point of view
  that they can propagate energy into the chromosphere and dissipate that
  energy to produce non-radiative heating, they also carry information
  about the structure of the atmosphere in which they propagate. Since
  the late 80s there is substantial evidence that the chromospheric
  wave field is dominated by a non-propagating component, presumably
  resulting from wave reflection at the transition region. Observations
  of Doppler oscillations measured in the Ca II infrared tripet lines,
  Ca II K, and He 10830 all show vanishing phase lags (i.e. vanishing
  travel time differences) between the various lines, in particular also
  for frequencies above the cut-off frequency. Why is the apparent phase
  speed of high frequency acoustic waves in the chromosphere so high? Are
  these results misleading because of complex radiation transfer effects
  in these optically thick lines? ALMA, which acts as a linear thermometer
  of the solar chromosphere, will provide measurements of the local
  plasma conditions that should be, at least in principle, much easier
  to interpret. Multi-wavelength time series of ALMA observations of the
  temperature fluctuations of inter-network oscillations should allow
  travel time measurements between different heights as these disturbances
  propagate through the chromosphere and thus should finally settle the
  long-standing question about the propagation characteristics of high
  frequency acoustic waves in the chromosphere. We plan to combine ALMA
  mm-observations with high resolution IRIS observations in the Mg II
  h and k lines, and until ALMA observations are available, will study
  the expected signals using time series of mm-maps from 3D radiation
  hydrodynamics simulations that are being prepared within the framework
  of the Solar Simulations for the Atacama Large Millimeter Observatory
  Network (SSALMON).

Title: Solar Observations with the Atacama Large
    Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA)
Authors: Kobelski, A.; Bastian, T. S.; Bárta, M.; Brajša, R.; Chen,
   B.; De Pontieu, B.; Fleishman, G.; Gary, D.; Hales, A.; Hills, R.;
   Hudson, H.; Hurford, G.; Loukitcheva, M.; Iwai, K.; Krucker, S.;
   Shimojo, M.; Skokić, I.; Wedemeyer, S.; White, S.; Yan, Y.; ALMA
   Solar Development Team
2016ASPC..504..327K    Altcode:
  The Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA) is a
  joint North American, European, and East Asian project that opens
  the mm-sub mm wavelength part of the electromagnetic spectrum for
  general astrophysical exploration, providing high-resolution imaging
  in frequency bands currently ranging from 84 GHz to 950 GHz (300
  microns to 3 mm). It is located in the Atacama desert in northern
  Chile at an elevation of 5000 m. Despite being a general purpose
  instrument, provisions have been made to enable solar observations
  with ALMA. Radiation emitted at ALMA wavelengths originates mostly
  from the chromosphere, which plays an important role in the transport
  of matter and energy, and the in heating the outer layers of the solar
  atmosphere. Despite decades of research, the solar chromosphere remains
  a significant challenge: both to observe, owing to the complicated
  formation mechanisms of currently available diagnostics; and to
  understand, as a result of the complex nature of the structure and
  dynamics of the chromosphere. ALMA has the potential to change the
  scene substantially as it serves as a nearly linear thermometer at
  high spatial and temporal resolution, enabling us to study the complex
  interaction of magnetic fields and shock waves and yet-to-be-discovered
  dynamical processes. Moreover, ALMA will play an important role in
  the study of energetic emissions associated with solar flares at
  sub-THz frequencies.

Title: Solar Science with the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter
    Array—A New View of Our Sun
Authors: Wedemeyer, S.; Bastian, T.; Brajša, R.; Hudson, H.;
   Fleishman, G.; Loukitcheva, M.; Fleck, B.; Kontar, E. P.; De Pontieu,
   B.; Yagoubov, P.; Tiwari, S. K.; Soler, R.; Black, J. H.; Antolin,
   P.; Scullion, E.; Gunár, S.; Labrosse, N.; Ludwig, H. -G.; Benz,
   A. O.; White, S. M.; Hauschildt, P.; Doyle, J. G.; Nakariakov, V. M.;
   Ayres, T.; Heinzel, P.; Karlicky, M.; Van Doorsselaere, T.; Gary,
   D.; Alissandrakis, C. E.; Nindos, A.; Solanki, S. K.; Rouppe van
   der Voort, L.; Shimojo, M.; Kato, Y.; Zaqarashvili, T.; Perez, E.;
   Selhorst, C. L.; Barta, M.
2016SSRv..200....1W    Altcode: 2015SSRv..tmp..118W; 2015arXiv150406887W
  The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) is a new
  powerful tool for observing the Sun at high spatial, temporal, and
  spectral resolution. These capabilities can address a broad range
  of fundamental scientific questions in solar physics. The radiation
  observed by ALMA originates mostly from the chromosphere—a complex
  and dynamic region between the photosphere and corona, which plays a
  crucial role in the transport of energy and matter and, ultimately,
  the heating of the outer layers of the solar atmosphere. Based on
  first solar test observations, strategies for regular solar campaigns
  are currently being developed. State-of-the-art numerical simulations
  of the solar atmosphere and modeling of instrumental effects can help
  constrain and optimize future observing modes for ALMA. Here we present
  a short technical description of ALMA and an overview of past efforts
  and future possibilities for solar observations at submillimeter and
  millimeter wavelengths. In addition, selected numerical simulations
  and observations at other wavelengths demonstrate ALMA's scientific
  potential for studying the Sun for a large range of science cases.

Title: New Eyes on the Sun — Solar Science with ALMA
Authors: Wedemeyer, S.
2016Msngr.163...15W    Altcode:
  In Cycle 4, which starts in October 2016, the Atacama Large
  Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) will be open for regular
  observations of the Sun for the first time. ALMA’s impressive
  capabilities have the potential to revolutionise our understanding
  of our host star, with far-reaching implications for our knowledge
  about stars in general. The radiation emitted at ALMA wavelengths
  originates mostly from the chromosphere — a complex and dynamic layer
  between the photosphere and the corona that is prominent during solar
  eclipses. Despite decades of intensive research, the chromosphere is
  still elusive due to its complex nature and the resulting challenges to
  its observation. ALMA will change the scene substantially by opening up
  a new window on the Sun, promising answers to long-standing questions.

Title: Synthetic activity indicators for M-type dwarf stars
Authors: Wedemeyer, Sven; Ludwig, Hans-Günter
2016IAUS..320..303W    Altcode: 2015arXiv151106153W
  Here, we present a set of time-dependent 3D RMHD simulations of a
  M-dwarf star representative of AD Leo, which extend from the upper
  convection zone into the chromosphere. The 3D model atmospheres are
  characterized by a very dynamic and intermittent structure on small
  spatial and temporal scales and a wealth of physical processes,
  which by nature cannot be described by means of 1D static model
  atmospheres. Artificial observations of these models imply that a
  combination of complementary diagnostics such as Ca II lines and the
  continuum intensity from UV to millimeter wavelengths, probe various
  properties of the dynamics, thermal and magnetic structure of the
  photosphere and the chromosphere and thus provide measures of stellar
  activity, which can be compared to observations. The complicated
  magnetic field structure and its imprint in synthetic diagnostics may
  have important implications for the understanding and characterization
  of stellar activity and with it possibly for the evaluation of planetary
  habitability around active M-dwarf stars.

Title: ALMA Observations of the Sun in Cycle 4 and Beyond
Authors: Wedemeyer, S.; Fleck, B.; Battaglia, M.; Labrosse, N.;
   Fleishman, G.; Hudson, H.; Antolin, P.; Alissandrakis, C.; Ayres, T.;
   Ballester, J.; Bastian, T.; Black, J.; Benz, A.; Brajsa, R.; Carlsson,
   M.; Costa, J.; DePontieu, B.; Doyle, G.; Gimenez de Castro, G.;
   Gunár, S.; Harper, G.; Jafarzadeh, S.; Loukitcheva, M.; Nakariakov,
   V.; Oliver, R.; Schmieder, B.; Selhorst, C.; Shimojo, M.; Simões,
   P.; Soler, R.; Temmer, M.; Tiwari, S.; Van Doorsselaere, T.; Veronig,
   A.; White, S.; Yagoubov, P.; Zaqarashvili, T.
2016arXiv160100587W    Altcode:
  This document was created by the Solar Simulations for the Atacama
  Large Millimeter Observatory Network (SSALMON) in preparation of
  the first regular observations of the Sun with the Atacama Large
  Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), which are anticipated to start
  in ALMA Cycle 4 in October 2016. The science cases presented here
  demonstrate that a large number of scientifically highly interesting
  observations could be made already with the still limited solar
  observing modes foreseen for Cycle 4 and that ALMA has the potential
  to make important contributions to answering long-standing scientific
  questions in solar physics. With the proposal deadline for ALMA Cycle
  4 in April 2016 and the Commissioning and Science Verification campaign
  in December 2015 in sight, several of the SSALMON Expert Teams composed
  strategic documents in which they outlined potential solar observations
  that could be feasible given the anticipated technical capabilities
  in Cycle 4. These documents have been combined and supplemented
  with an analysis, resulting in recommendations for solar observing
  with ALMA in Cycle 4. In addition, the detailed science cases also
  demonstrate the scientific priorities of the solar physics community
  and which capabilities are wanted for the next observing cycles. The
  work on this White Paper effort was coordinated in close cooperation
  with the two international solar ALMA development studies led by
  T. Bastian (NRAO, USA) and R. Brajsa, (ESO). This document will be
  further updated until the beginning of Cycle 4 in October 2016. In
  particular, we plan to adjust the technical capabilities of the solar
  observing modes once finally decided and to further demonstrate the
  feasibility and scientific potential of the included science cases by
  means of numerical simulations of the solar atmosphere and corresponding
  simulated ALMA observations.

Title: Solar Simulations for the Atacama Large Millimeter Observatory
Authors: Wedemeyer, S.; Bastian, T.; Brajša, R.; Barta, M.;
   Shimojo, M.
2015ASPC..499..341W    Altcode: 2015arXiv150206379W
  The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) will
  be a valuable tool for observing the chromosphere of our Sun at
  (sub-)millimeter wavelengths at high spatial, temporal and spectral
  resolution and as such has great potential to address long-standing
  scientific questions in solar physics. In order to make the best use
  of this scientific opportunity, the Solar Simulations for the Atacama
  Large Millimeter Observatory Network has been initiated. A key goal
  of this international collaboration is to support the preparation and
  interpretation of future observations of the Sun with ALMA.

Title: ALMA's High-Cadence Imaging Capabilities for Solar Observations
Authors: Wedemeyer, S.; Parmer, A.
2015ASPC..499..343W    Altcode: 2015arXiv150203580W
  The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array offers an unprecedented
  view of our Sun at sub-/millimeter wavelengths. The high spatial,
  temporal, and spectral resolution facilitates the measurement of gas
  temperatures and magnetic fields in the solar chromosphere with high
  precision. The anticipated results will revolutionize our understanding
  of the solar atmosphere and may in particular result in major steps
  towards solving the coronal heating problem. Based on state-of-the-art
  3D radiation magnetohydrodynamic simulations, we calculate the emergent
  continuum intensity (and thus brightness temperature maps) in the
  wavelength range accessed by ALMA and simulate instrumental effects
  for different array configurations. First results show that the local
  gas temperature can be closely mapped with ALMA and that much of the
  complex small-scale chromospheric pattern can be resolved.

Title: SSALMON - The Solar Simulations for the Atacama Large
    Millimeter Observatory Network
Authors: Wedemeyer, S.; Bastian, T.; Brajša, R.; Barta, M.; Hudson,
   H.; Fleishman, G.; Loukitcheva, M.; Fleck, B.; Kontar, E.; De Pontieu,
   B.; Tiwari, S.; Kato, Y.; Soler, R.; Yagoubov, P.; Black, J. H.;
   Antolin, P.; Gunár, S.; Labrosse, N.; Benz, A. O.; Nindos, A.;
   Steffen, M.; Scullion, E.; Doyle, J. G.; Zaqarashvili, T.; Hanslmeier,
   A.; Nakariakov, V. M.; Heinzel, P.; Ayres, T.; Karlicky, M.
2015AdSpR..56.2679W    Altcode: 2015arXiv150205601W
  The Solar Simulations for the Atacama Large Millimeter Observatory
  Network (SSALMON) was initiated in 2014 in connection with two ALMA
  development studies. The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array
  (ALMA) is a powerful new tool, which can also observe the Sun at
  high spatial, temporal, and spectral resolution. The international
  SSALMONetwork aims at co-ordinating the further development of solar
  observing modes for ALMA and at promoting scientific opportunities
  for solar physics with particular focus on numerical simulations,
  which can provide important constraints for the observing modes and
  can aid the interpretation of future observations. The radiation
  detected by ALMA originates mostly in the solar chromosphere - a
  complex and dynamic layer between the photosphere and corona, which
  plays an important role in the transport of energy and matter and the
  heating of the outer layers of the solar atmosphere. Potential targets
  include active regions, prominences, quiet Sun regions, flares. Here,
  we give a brief overview over the network and potential science cases
  for future solar observations with ALMA.

Title: Fast Single-Dish Scans of the Sun Using ALMA
Authors: Phillips, N.; Hills, R.; Bastian, T.; Hudson, H.; Marson,
   R.; Wedemeyer, S.
2015ASPC..499..347P    Altcode: 2015arXiv150206122P
  We have implemented control and data-taking software that makes it
  possible to scan the beams of individual ALMA antennas to perform
  quite complex patterns while recording the signals at high rates. We
  conducted test observations of the Sun in September and December,
  2014. The data returned have excellent quality; in particular they
  allow us to characterize the noise and signal fluctuations present
  in this kind of observation. The fast-scan experiments included both
  Lissajous patterns covering rectangular areas, and “double-circle”
  patterns of the whole disk of the Sun and smaller repeated maps of
  specific disk-shaped targets. With the latter we find that we can
  achieve roughly Nyquist sampling of the Band 6 (230 GHz) beam in 60
  s over a region 300” in diameter. These maps show a peak-to-peak
  brightness-temperature range of up to 1000 K, while the time-series
  variability at any given point appears to be of order 0.5% RMS over
  times of a few minutes. We thus expect to be able to separate the
  noise contributions due to transparency fluctuations from variations in
  the Sun itself. Such timeseries have many advantages, in spite of the
  non-interferometric observations. In particular such data should make
  it possible to observe microflares in active regions and nanoflares
  in any part of the solar disk and low corona.

Title: Solar ALMA Observations - A New View of Our Host Star
Authors: Wedemeyer, S.; Bastian, T.; Brajša, R.; Barta, M.; Shimojo,
   M.; Hales, A.; Yagoubov, P.; Hudson, H.
2015ASPC..499..345W    Altcode: 2015arXiv150206397W
  ALMA provides the necessary spatial, temporal and spectral resolution to
  explore central questions in contemporary solar physics with potentially
  far-reaching implications for stellar atmospheres and plasma physics. It
  can uniquely constraint the thermal and magnetic field structure in
  the solar chromosphere with measurements that are highly complementary
  to simultaneous observations with other ground-based and space-borne
  instruments. Here, we highlight selected science cases.

Title: On the Evolution of Magnetic White Dwarfs
Authors: Tremblay, P. -E.; Fontaine, G.; Freytag, B.; Steiner, O.;
   Ludwig, H. -G.; Steffen, M.; Wedemeyer, S.; Brassard, P.
2015ApJ...812...19T    Altcode: 2015arXiv150905398T
  We present the first radiation magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the
  atmosphere of white dwarf stars. We demonstrate that convective energy
  transfer is seriously impeded by magnetic fields when the plasma-β
  parameter, the thermal-to-magnetic-pressure ratio, becomes smaller
  than unity. The critical field strength that inhibits convection
  in the photosphere of white dwarfs is in the range B = 1-50 kG,
  which is much smaller than the typical 1-1000 MG field strengths
  observed in magnetic white dwarfs, implying that these objects have
  radiative atmospheres. We have employed evolutionary models to study the
  cooling process of high-field magnetic white dwarfs, where convection
  is entirely suppressed during the full evolution (B ≳ 10 MG). We
  find that the inhibition of convection has no effect on cooling rates
  until the effective temperature (T<SUB>eff</SUB>) reaches a value of
  around 5500 K. In this regime, the standard convective sequences start
  to deviate from the ones without convection due to the convective
  coupling between the outer layers and the degenerate reservoir of
  thermal energy. Since no magnetic white dwarfs are currently known
  at the low temperatures where this coupling significantly changes the
  evolution, the effects of magnetism on cooling rates are not expected
  to be observed. This result contrasts with a recent suggestion
  that magnetic white dwarfs with T<SUB>eff</SUB> ≲ 10,000 K cool
  significantly slower than non-magnetic degenerates.

Title: The statistical properties of vortex flows in the solar
Authors: Wedemeyer, Sven; Kato, Yoshiaki; Steiner, Oskar
2015IAUGA..2256852W    Altcode:
  Rotating magnetic field structures associated with vortex flows
  on the Sun, also known as “magnetic tornadoes”, may serve
  as waveguides for MHD waves and transport mass and energy upwards
  through the atmosphere. Magnetic tornadoes may therefore potentially
  contribute to the heating of the upper atmospheric layers in quiet
  Sun regions.Magnetic tornadoes are observed over a large range
  of spatial and temporal scales in different layers in quiet Sun
  regions. However, their statistical properties such as size, lifetime,
  and rotation speed are not well understood yet because observations
  of these small-scale events are technically challenging and limited
  by the spatial and temporal resolution of current instruments. Better
  statistics based on a combination of high-resolution observations and
  state-of-the-art numerical simulations is the key to a reliable estimate
  of the energy input in the lower layers and of the energy deposition
  in the upper layers. For this purpose, we have developed a fast and
  reliable tool for the determination and visualization of the flow
  field in (observed) image sequences. This technique, which combines
  local correlation tracking (LCT) and line integral convolution (LIC),
  facilitates the detection and study of dynamic events on small scales,
  such as propagating waves. Here, we present statistical properties
  of vortex flows in different layers of the solar atmosphere and try
  to give realistic estimates of the energy flux which is potentially
  available for heating of the upper solar atmosphere

Title: The Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array: a New Asset
    for Solar and Heliospheric Physics
Authors: Bastian, Timothy S.; Barta, Miroslav; Brajsa, Roman; Chen,
   Bin; De Pontieu, Bart; Fleishman, Gregory; Gary, Dale; Hales, Antonio;
   Hills, Richard; Hudson, Hugh; Iwai, Kazamasu; Shimojo, Masumi; White,
   Stephen; Wedemeyer, Sven; Yan, Yihua
2015IAUGA..2257295B    Altcode:
  The Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA) is a joint
  North American, European, and East Asian interferometric array that
  opens the mm-submm wavelength part of the electromagnetic spectrum
  for general astrophysical exploration, providing high-resolution
  imaging in frequency bands ranging from 86 to 950 GHz. Despite being
  a general purpose instrument, provisions have been made to enable
  solar observations with ALMA. Radiation emitted at ALMA wavelengths
  originates mostly from the chromosphere, which plays an important
  role in the transport of energy and matter and the heating of the
  outer layers of the solar atmosphere. In this paper we describe
  recent efforts to ensure that ALMA can be usefully exploited by
  the scientific community to address outstanding questions in solar
  physics. We summarize activities under North American and European
  ALMA development studies, including instrument testing, calibration
  and imaging strategies, a science simulations. With the support of
  solar observations, ALMA joins next-generation groundbased instruments
  that can be used alone or in combination with other ground-based and
  space-based instruments to address outstanding questions in solar
  and heliospheric physics. Opportunities for the wider community to
  contribute to these efforts will be highlighted.

Title: Synthetic activity indicators for M-type dwarf stars
Authors: Wedemeyer, Sven; Ludwig, Hans-Günter; Hauschildt, Peter;
   De Gennaro Aquino, Ivan
2015IAUGA..2255174W    Altcode:
  Our understanding of the Sun has been substantially progressed
  owing to the advances in high-resolution observations during the
  last decades. These observations guided the development of numerical
  simulation codes for stellar atmospheres towards unprecedented levels
  of realism and complexity. Such 3D radiation magnetohydrodynamic (RMHD)
  codes can be applied and adapted to cooler stars. Here, we present a
  set of time-dependent 3D RMHD simulations for dwarf stars of spectral
  type M (representative of AD Leo). "M-dwarfs" are the most abundant
  stars in our galaxy and known to exhibit mega-flares. Comparisons
  of M-dwarf models with the Sun as fundamental reference case reveal
  differences and similarities, which lead to important insights into
  the structure and dynamics of quiescent "background" atmospheres. The
  models, which extend from the upper convection zone into the
  chromosphere, have different initial magnetic field strengths (up to
  500G) and topologies, representing regions with different activity
  levels. The 3D model atmospheres are characterized by a very dynamic
  and intermittent structure on small spatial and temporal scales,
  final field strengths reaching a few kG and a wealth of physical
  processes, which by nature cannot be described by means of 1D static
  model atmospheres.Synthetic observables, i.e. spectra and intensity
  images, are calculated by using these models as input for detailed
  radiative transfer calculations and can be combined into synthetic full
  stellar disks, thus simulating spatially unresolved observations of
  M-dwarfs. The considered diagnostics, like, e.g., Halpha, Ca II lines,
  or the continuum intensity from UV to millimeter wavelengths, sample
  various properties of the dynamics, thermal and magnetic structure
  of the photosphere and the chromosphere and thus provide measures of
  stellar activity, which can be compared to observations. The complicated
  magnetic field structure and its imprint in synthetic diagnostics may
  have important implications for the understanding and characterization
  of stellar activity and with it possibly for the evaluation of planetary
  habitability around active M-dwarf stars.

Title: SSALMON - The Solar Simulations for the Atacama Large
    Millimeter Observatory Network
Authors: Wedemeyer, Sven; Bastian, Timothy S.; Brajsa, Roman; Barta,
2015IAUGA..2257466W    Altcode:
  The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) provides
  a new powerful tool for observing the solar chromosphere at high
  spatial, temporal, and spectral resolution, which will allow for
  addressing fundamental scientific questions. Based on first solar test
  observations, observing strategies for regular solar campaigns are
  currently under development. State-of-the-art numerical simulations of
  the solar atmosphere and modeling of instrumental effects can help in
  this respect, constraining and optimizing future observing modes for
  ALMA. On September 1st, 2014, the Solar Simulations for the Atacama
  Large Millimeter Observatory Network (SSALMON) has been initiated
  with the aim to co-ordinate related activities and to promote the
  scientific potential of ALMA observations of the Sun. The network
  is connected to two currently ongoing ALMA development studies. As
  of March 18th, 57 scientists from 15 countries have joined the
  international SSALMONetwork. Among the affiliations are NRAO, ESO,
  NAOJ, the Czech ALMA ARC node at Ondrejov, ESA and many more. Since
  March 2015, we are building up expert teams, which work on specific
  tasks in preparation of future regular ALMA observations (expected to
  start in late 2016) and their interpretation. Registration and more
  information at http://www.ssalmon.uio.no.

Title: Solar ALMA observations - A revolutionizing new view at our
    host star
Authors: Wedemeyer, Sven; Brajsa, Roman; Bastian, Timothy S.; Barta,
   Miroslav; Hales, Antonio; Yagoubov, Pavel; Hudson, Hugh; Loukitcheva,
   Maria; Fleishman, Gregory
2015IAUGA..2256732W    Altcode:
  Observations of the Sun with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter
  Array (ALMA) have a large potential for revolutionizing our
  understanding of our host star with far reaching implications
  for stars in general. The radiation emitted at ALMA wavelengths
  originates mostly from the chromosphere - a complex and dynamic layer
  between the photosphere and the corona, which plays an important
  role in the transport of energy and matter and the heating of the
  outer layers of the solar atmosphere.Despite decades of intensive
  research, the chromosphere is still elusive and challenging to
  observe owing to the complicated formation mechanisms of currently
  available diagnostics. ALMA will change the scene substantially as
  it serves as a nearly linear thermometer at high spatial, temporal,
  and spectral resolution, enabling us to study the complex interaction
  of magnetic fields and shock waves and yet-to-be-discovered dynamical
  processes. Furthermore, radio recombination and molecular lines
  may have great diagnostic potential but need to be investigated
  first. These unprecedented capabilities promise important new findings
  for a large range of topics in solar physics including the structure,
  dynamics and energy balance of quiet Sun regions, active regions and
  sunspots, flares and prominences. As a part of ongoing development
  studies, an international network has been initiated, which aims at
  defining and preparing key solar science with ALMA through simulation
  studies: SSALMON -- Solar Simulations for the Atacama Large Millimeter
  Observatory Network (http://ssalmon.uio.no). Here, we give an overview
  of potential science cases.

Title: Solar Observations with the Atacama Large
    Millimeter/submillimeter Array
Authors: Wedemeyer, Sven
2015IAUGA..2252221W    Altcode:
  The interferometric Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA)
  has already demonstrated its impressive capabilities by observing a
  large variety of targets ranging from protoplanetary disks to galactic
  nuclei. ALMA is also capable of observing the Sun and has been used
  for five solar test campaigns so far. The technically challenging solar
  observing modes are currently under development and regular observations
  are expected to begin in late 2016.ALMA consists of 66 antennas located
  in the Chilean Andes at an altitude of 5000 m and is a true leap forward
  in terms of spatial resolution at millimeter wavelengths. The resolution
  of reconstructed interferometric images of the Sun is anticipated to
  be close to what current optical solar telescopes can achieve. In
  combination with the high temporal and spectral resolution, these
  new capabilities open up new parameter spaces for solar millimeter
  observations.The solar radiation at wavelengths observed by ALMA
  originates from the chromosphere, where the height of the sampled
  layer increases with selected wavelength. The continuum intensity is
  linearly correlated to the local gas temperature in the probed layer,
  which makes ALMA essentially a linear thermometer. During flares, ALMA
  can detect additional non-thermal emission contributions. Measurements
  of the polarization state facilitate the valuable determination of
  the chromospheric magnetic field. In addition, spectrally resolved
  observations of radio recombination and molecular lines may yield
  great diagnostic potential, which has yet to be investigated
  and developed.Many different scientific applications for a large
  range of targets from quiet Sun to active regions and prominences
  are possible, ranging from ultra-high cadence wave studies to flare
  observations. ALMA, in particular in combination with other ground-based
  and space-borne instruments, will certainly lead to fascinating new
  findings, which will advance our understanding of the atmosphere of
  our Sun. Here we give an overview of ALMA's capabilities and potential
  science cases.

Title: Observing the Sun with ALMA: A New Window into Solar Physics
Authors: Bastian, Timothy S.; Shimojo, Masumi; Wedemeyer-Bohm, Sven;
   ALMA North American Solar Development Team
2015AAS...22541301B    Altcode:
  The Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA) is a joint
  North American, European, and East Asian interferometric array that
  opens the mm-submm wavelength part of the electromagnetic spectrum for
  general astrophysical exploration, providing high resolution imaging
  in frequency bands. Despite being a general purpose instrument,
  provisions have been made to enable solar observations with ALMA,
  thereby offering a new window into solar physics. Radiation emitted
  at ALMA wavelengths originates mostly from the chromosphere, which
  plays an important role in the transport of energy and matter and the
  heating of the outer layers of the solar atmosphere. Despite decades
  of intensive research, an understanding of the chromosphere is still
  elusive, and challenging to observe owing to the complicated formation
  mechanisms of currently available diagnostics. ALMA will change
  the scene substantially as it serves as a nearly linear thermometer
  at high spatial, temporal, and spectral resolution, enabling us to
  study the complex interaction of magnetic fields and shock waves and
  yet-to-be-discovered dynamical processes.Moreover, ALMA will play an
  important role in the study of energetic emissions associated with
  solar flares at sub-THz frequencies.This presentations introduces
  ALMA to the solar physcis community and motivates the science that
  can be addressed by ALMA using a number of examples based on 3D MHD
  simulations. In addition, the means by which ALMA is used to acquire and
  calibrate solar observations will be discussed. Finally, we encourage
  potential users to join us in further defining and articulating the
  exciting science to be explored with this fundamentally new instrument.

Title: Unresolved Fine-scale Structure in Solar Coronal Loop-tops
Authors: Scullion, E.; Rouppe van der Voort, L.; Wedemeyer, S.;
   Antolin, P.
2014ApJ...797...36S    Altcode: 2014arXiv1409.1920S
  New and advanced space-based observing facilities continue to lower
  the resolution limit and detect solar coronal loops in greater
  detail. We continue to discover even finer substructures within
  coronal loop cross-sections, in order to understand the nature of
  the solar corona. Here, we push this lower limit further to search
  for the finest coronal loop substructures, through taking advantage
  of the resolving power of the Swedish 1 m Solar Telescope/CRisp
  Imaging Spectro-Polarimeter (CRISP), together with co-observations
  from the Solar Dynamics Observatory/Atmospheric Image Assembly
  (AIA). High-resolution imaging of the chromospheric Hα 656.28 nm
  spectral line core and wings can, under certain circumstances, allow
  one to deduce the topology of the local magnetic environment of the
  solar atmosphere where its observed. Here, we study post-flare coronal
  loops, which become filled with evaporated chromosphere that rapidly
  condenses into chromospheric clumps of plasma (detectable in Hα)
  known as a coronal rain, to investigate their fine-scale structure. We
  identify, through analysis of three data sets, large-scale catastrophic
  cooling in coronal loop-tops and the existence of multi-thermal,
  multi-stranded substructures. Many cool strands even extend fully
  intact from loop-top to footpoint. We discover that coronal loop
  fine-scale strands can appear bunched with as many as eight parallel
  strands within an AIA coronal loop cross-section. The strand number
  density versus cross-sectional width distribution, as detected by CRISP
  within AIA-defined coronal loops, most likely peaks at well below 100
  km, and currently, 69% of the substructure strands are statistically
  unresolved in AIA coronal loops.

Title: On the plasma flow inside magnetic tornadoes on the Sun
Authors: Wedemeyer, Sven; Steiner, Oskar
2014PASJ...66S..10W    Altcode: 2014PASJ..tmp...98W; 2014arXiv1406.7270W
  High-resolution observations with the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope (SST)
  and the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) reveal rotating magnetic field
  structures that extend from the solar surface into the chromosphere
  and the corona. These so-called magnetic tornadoes are primarily
  detected as rings or spirals of rotating plasma in the Ca II 854.2 nm
  line core (also known as chromospheric swirls). Detailed numerical
  simulations show that the observed chromospheric plasma motion is
  caused by the rotation of magnetic field structures, which again
  are driven by photospheric vortex flows at their footpoints. Under
  the right conditions, two vortex flow systems are stacked on top of
  each other. We refer to the lower vortex, which extends from the low
  photosphere into the convection zone, as intergranular vortex flow
  (IVF). Once a magnetic field structure is co-located with an IVF,
  the rotation is mediated into the upper atmospheric layers and an
  atmospheric vortex flow (AVF, or magnetic tornado) is generated. In
  contrast to the recent work by Shelyag et al. (2013, ApJ, 776, L4),
  we demonstrate that particle trajectories in a simulated magnetic
  tornado indeed follow spirals and argue that the properties of the
  trajectories decisively depend on the location in the atmosphere and
  the strength of the magnetic field.

Title: The Detection of Upwardly Propagating Waves Channeling Energy
    from the Chromosphere to the Low Corona
Authors: Freij, N.; Scullion, E. M.; Nelson, C. J.; Mumford, S.;
   Wedemeyer, S.; Erdélyi, R.
2014ApJ...791...61F    Altcode: 2014arXiv1408.4621F
  There have been ubiquitous observations of wave-like motions in
  the solar atmosphere for decades. Recent improvements to space- and
  ground-based observatories have allowed the focus to shift to smaller
  magnetic structures on the solar surface. In this paper, high-resolution
  ground-based data taken using the Swedish 1 m Solar Telescope is
  combined with co-spatial and co-temporal data from the Atmospheric
  Imaging Assembly (AIA) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory
  (SDO) satellite to analyze running penumbral waves (RPWs). RPWs
  have always been thought to be radial wave propagation that occurs
  within sunspots. Recent research has suggested that they are in fact
  upwardly propagating field-aligned waves (UPWs). Here, RPWs within a
  solar pore are observed for the first time and are interpreted as UPWs
  due to the lack of a penumbra that is required to support RPWs. These
  UPWs are also observed co-spatially and co-temporally within several
  SDO/AIA elemental lines that sample the transition region and low
  corona. The observed UPWs are traveling at a horizontal velocity of
  around 17 ± 0.5 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> and a minimum vertical velocity
  of 42 ± 21 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. The estimated energy of the waves is
  around 150 W m<SUP>-2</SUP>, which is on the lower bound required to
  heat the quiet-Sun corona. This is a new, yet unconsidered source of
  wave energy within the solar chromosphere and low corona.

Title: Are Giant Tornadoes the Legs of Solar Prominences?
Authors: Wedemeyer, Sven; Scullion, Eamon; Rouppe van der Voort, Luc;
   Bosnjak, Antonija; Antolin, Patrick
2013ApJ...774..123W    Altcode: 2013arXiv1306.2661W
  Observations in the 171 Å channel of the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly
  of the space-borne Solar Dynamics Observatory show tornado-like
  features in the atmosphere of the Sun. These giant tornadoes appear
  as dark, elongated, and apparently rotating structures in front of
  a brighter background. This phenomenon is thought to be produced
  by rotating magnetic field structures that extend throughout the
  atmosphere. We characterize giant tornadoes through a statistical
  analysis of properties such as spatial distribution, lifetimes,
  and sizes. A total number of 201 giant tornadoes are detected in a
  period of 25 days, suggesting that, on average, about 30 events are
  present across the whole Sun at a time close to solar maximum. Most
  tornadoes appear in groups and seem to form the legs of prominences,
  thus serving as plasma sources/sinks. Additional Hα observations with
  the Swedish 1 m Solar Telescope imply that giant tornadoes rotate as
  a structure, although they clearly exhibit a thread-like structure. We
  observe tornado groups that grow prior to the eruption of the connected
  prominence. The rotation of the tornadoes may progressively twist
  the magnetic structure of the prominence until it becomes unstable
  and erupts. Finally, we investigate the potential relation of giant
  tornadoes to other phenomena, which may also be produced by rotating
  magnetic field structures. A comparison to cyclones, magnetic tornadoes,
  and spicules implies that such events are more abundant and short-lived
  the smaller they are. This comparison might help to construct a power
  law for the effective atmospheric heating contribution as a function
  of spatial scale.

Title: Magnetic tornadoes and chromospheric swirls - Definition
    and classification
Authors: Wedemeyer, Sven; Scullion, Eamon; Steiner, Oskar; de la Cruz
   Rodriguez, Jaime; Rouppe van der Voort, L. H. M.
2013JPhCS.440a2005W    Altcode: 2013arXiv1303.0179W
  Chromospheric swirls are the observational signatures of rotating
  magnetic field structures in the solar atmosphere, also known as
  magnetic tornadoes. Swirls appear as dark rotating features in the core
  of the spectral line of singly ionized calcium at a wavelength of 854.2
  nm. This signature can be very subtle and difficult to detect given
  the dynamic changes in the solar chromosphere. Important steps towards
  a systematic and objective detection method are the compilation and
  characterization of a statistically significant sample of observed
  and simulated chromospheric swirls. Here, we provide a more exact
  definition of the chromospheric swirl phenomenon and also present a
  first morphological classification of swirls with three types: (I) Ring,
  (II) Split, (III) Spiral. We also discuss the nature of the magnetic
  field structures connected to tornadoes and the influence of limited
  spatial resolution on the appearance of their photospheric footpoints.

Title: Is the Sun Lighter than the Earth? Isotopic CO in the
    Photosphere, Viewed through the Lens of Three-dimensional Spectrum
Authors: Ayres, Thomas R.; Lyons, J. R.; Ludwig, H. -G.; Caffau, E.;
   Wedemeyer-Böhm, S.
2013ApJ...765...46A    Altcode: 2013arXiv1301.5281A
  We consider the formation of solar infrared (2-6 μm) rovibrational
  bands of carbon monoxide (CO) in CO5BOLD 3D convection models,
  with the aim of refining abundances of the heavy isotopes of carbon
  (<SUP>13</SUP>C) and oxygen (<SUP>18</SUP>O, <SUP>17</SUP>O), to
  compare with direct capture measurements of solar wind light ions
  by the Genesis Discovery Mission. We find that previous, mainly 1D,
  analyses were systematically biased toward lower isotopic ratios (e.g.,
  R <SUB>23</SUB> ≡ <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C), suggesting an
  isotopically "heavy" Sun contrary to accepted fractionation processes
  that were thought to have operated in the primitive solar nebula. The
  new 3D ratios for <SUP>13</SUP>C and <SUP>18</SUP>O are R <SUB>23</SUB>
  = 91.4 ± 1.3 (R <SUB>⊕</SUB> = 89.2) and R <SUB>68</SUB> =
  511 ± 10 (R <SUB>⊕</SUB> = 499), where the uncertainties are
  1σ and "optimistic." We also obtained R <SUB>67</SUB> = 2738 ±
  118 (R <SUB>⊕</SUB> = 2632), but we caution that the observed
  <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>17</SUP>O features are extremely weak. The new solar
  ratios for the oxygen isotopes fall between the terrestrial values and
  those reported by Genesis (R <SUB>68</SUB> = 530, R <SUB>67</SUB> =
  2798), although including both within 2σ error flags, and go in the
  direction favoring recent theories for the oxygen isotope composition
  of Ca-Al inclusions in primitive meteorites. While not a major focus
  of this work, we derive an oxygen abundance, epsilon<SUB>O</SUB> ~
  603 ± 9 ppm (relative to hydrogen; log epsilon ~ 8.78 on the H =
  12 scale). The fact that the Sun is likely lighter than the Earth,
  isotopically speaking, removes the necessity of invoking exotic
  fractionation processes during the early construction of the inner
  solar system.

Title: Isotopic CO in the Solar Photosphere, Viewed Through the Lens
    of 3D Spectrum Synthesis
Authors: Ayres, T. R.; Lyons, J. R.; Ludwig, H. -G.; Caffau, E.;
   Wedemeyer-Bohm, S.
2013LPI....44.3038A    Altcode: 2013LPICo1719.3038A
  New analyses of CO isotopologue abundances in the solar photosphere
  are now consistent with Genesis solar wind results, although ^17O
  error bars are still large.

Title: Three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations of M-dwarf
Authors: Wedemeyer, S.; Ludwig, H. -G.; Steiner, O.
2013AN....334..137W    Altcode: 2013csss...17..137W; 2012arXiv1207.2342W
  We present first results from three-dimensional radiation
  magnetohydrodynamic simulations of M-type dwarf stars with
  CO<SUP>5</SUP>BOLD. The local models include the top of the convection
  zone, the photosphere, and the chromosphere. The results are illustrated
  for models with an effective temperature of 3240 K and a gravitational
  acceleration of {log g = 4.5}, which represent analogues of AD Leo. The
  models have different initial magnetic field strengths and field
  topologies. This first generation of models demonstrates that the
  atmospheres of M dwarfs are highly dynamic and intermittent. Magnetic
  fields and propagating shock waves produce a complicated fine-structure,
  which is clearly visible in synthetic intensity maps in the core of the
  Ca II K spectral line and also at millimeter wavelengths. The dynamic
  small-scale pattern cannot be described by means of one-dimensional
  models, which has important implications for the construction of
  semi-empirical model atmospheres and thus for the interpretation
  of observations in general. Detailed three-dimensional numerical
  simulations are valuable in this respect. Furthermore, such models
  facilitate the analysis of small-scale processes, which cannot be
  observed on stars but nevertheless might be essential for understanding
  M-dwarf atmospheres and their activity. An example are so-called
  “magnetic tornadoes”, which have recently been found on the Sun and
  are presented here in M-dwarf models for the first time.

Title: The CO5BOLD analysis tool.
Authors: Wedemeyer, S.
2013MSAIS..24...96W    Altcode: 2013arXiv1301.1497W
  The interactive IDL-based CO5BOLD Analysis Tool (CAT) was developed
  to facilitate an easy and quick analysis of numerical simulation data
  produced with the 2D/3D radiation magnetohydrodynamics code CO5BOLD. The
  basic mode of operation is the display and analysis of cross-sections
  through a model either as 2D slices or 1D graphs. A wide range of
  physical quantities can be selected. Further features include the export
  of models into VAPOR format or the output of images and animations. A
  short overview including scientific analysis examples is given.

Title: Solar carbon monoxide: poster child for 3D effects .
Authors: Ayres, T. R.; Lyons, J. R.; Ludwig, H. -G.; Caffau, E.;
   Wedemeyer-Böhm, S.
2013MSAIS..24...85A    Altcode:
  Photospheric infrared (2-6 mu m) rovibrational bands of carbon
  monoxide (CO) provide a tough test for 3D convection models such as
  those calculated using CO5BOLD. The molecular formation is highly
  temperature-sensitive, and thus responds in an exaggerated way to
  thermal fluctuations in the dynamic atmosphere. CO, itself, is an
  important tracer of the oxygen abundance, a still controversial
  issue in solar physics; as well as the heavy isotopes of carbon
  (<SUP>13</SUP>C) and oxygen (<SUP>18</SUP>O, <SUP>17</SUP>O), which,
  relative to terrestrial values, are fingerprints of fractionation
  processes that operated in the primitive solar nebula. We show how 3D
  models impact the CO line formation, and add in a second constraint
  involving the near-UV Ca RIPTSIZE II line wings, which also are highly
  temperature sensitive, but in the opposite sense to the molecules. We
  find that our reference CO5BOLD snapshots appear to be slightly too
  cool on average in the outer layers of the photosphere where the CO
  absorptions and Ca RIPTSIZE II wing emissions arise. We show, further,
  that previous 1D modeling was systematically biased toward higher
  oxygen abundances and lower isotopic ratios (e.g., R<SUB>23</SUB>equiv
  <SUP>12</SUP>C/<SUP>13</SUP>C), suggesting an isotopically “heavy”
  Sun contrary to direct capture measurements of solar wind light ions
  by the Genesis Discovery Mission. New 3D ratios for the oxygen isotopes
  are much closer to those reported by Genesis, and the associated oxygen
  abundance from CO now is consistent with the recent Caffau et al. study
  of atomic oxygen. Some lingering discrepancies perhaps can be explained
  by magnetic bright points. Solar CO demonstrates graphically the wide
  gulf that can occur between a 3D analysis and 1D.

Title: Magnetic tornadoes as energy channels into the solar corona
Authors: Wedemeyer-Böhm, Sven; Scullion, Eamon; Steiner, Oskar;
   Rouppe van der Voort, Luc; de La Cruz Rodriguez, Jaime; Fedun, Viktor;
   Erdélyi, Robert
2012Natur.486..505W    Altcode:
  Heating the outer layers of the magnetically quiet solar atmosphere to
  more than one million kelvin and accelerating the solar wind requires
  an energy flux of approximately 100 to 300 watts per square metre,
  but how this energy is transferred and dissipated there is a puzzle and
  several alternative solutions have been proposed. Braiding and twisting
  of magnetic field structures, which is caused by the convective flows
  at the solar surface, was suggested as an efficient mechanism for
  atmospheric heating. Convectively driven vortex flows that harbour
  magnetic fields are observed to be abundant in the photosphere
  (the visible surface of the Sun). Recently, corresponding swirling
  motions have been discovered in the chromosphere, the atmospheric
  layer sandwiched between the photosphere and the corona. Here we
  report the imprints of these chromospheric swirls in the transition
  region and low corona, and identify them as observational signatures
  of rapidly rotating magnetic structures. These ubiquitous structures,
  which resemble super-tornadoes under solar conditions, reach from
  the convection zone into the upper solar atmosphere and provide an
  alternative mechanism for channelling energy from the lower into the
  upper solar atmosphere.

Title: Small-scale rotating magnetic flux structures as alternative
    energy channels into the low corona
Authors: Wedemeyer-Böhm; , Sven; Scullion; , Eamon; Steiner; , Oskar;
   Rouppe van der Voort, Luc; de la Cruz Rodriguez, Jaime; Erdelyi,
   Robertus; Fedun, Viktor
2012decs.confE..67W    Altcode:
  Vortex flows are frequently observed in the downflow areas in the lanes
  between granules. The magnetic field is advected and trapped by these
  flows in the low photosphere. Consequently, the rotation of a vortex
  flow is transferred to the atmospheric layers above by means of the
  magnetic flux structure. This effect results in so-called swirls, which
  are observed in the chromosphere. New simultaneous observations with
  the Swedish Solar Telescope and the Solar Dynamics Observatory reveal
  that chromospheric swirls can have a coronal counterpart. This finding
  implies that the rotating flux structure couples the layers of the solar
  atmosphere from the photosphere to the (low) corona. Three-dimensional
  numerical simulations confirm this picture and reproduce the swirl
  signature. A combined analysis of the simulations and observations
  implies that such small-scale rotating flux structures could provide
  an alternative mechanism for channeling substantial energy from the
  photosphere into the upper solar atmosphere.

Title: Simulations of stellar convection with CO5BOLD
Authors: Freytag, B.; Steffen, M.; Ludwig, H. -G.; Wedemeyer-Böhm,
   S.; Schaffenberger, W.; Steiner, O.
2012JCoPh.231..919F    Altcode: 2011arXiv1110.6844F
  High-resolution images of the solar surface show a granulation
  pattern of hot rising and cooler downward-sinking material - the
  top of the deep-reaching solar convection zone. Convection plays a
  role for the thermal structure of the solar interior and the dynamo
  acting there, for the stratification of the photosphere, where most
  of the visible light is emitted, as well as for the energy budget of
  the spectacular processes in the chromosphere and corona. Convective
  stellar atmospheres can be modeled by numerically solving the coupled
  equations of (magneto)hydrodynamics and non-local radiation transport
  in the presence of a gravity field. The CO5BOLD code described in this
  article is designed for so-called "realistic" simulations that take
  into account the detailed microphysics under the conditions in solar
  or stellar surface layers (equation-of-state and optical properties of
  the matter). These simulations indeed deserve the label "realistic"
  because they reproduce the various observables very well - with only
  minor differences between different implementations. The agreement
  with observations has improved over time and the simulations are now
  well-established and have been performed for a number of stars. Still,
  severe challenges are encountered when it comes to extending these
  simulations to include ideally the entire star or substellar object:
  the strong stratification leads to completely different conditions in
  the interior, the photosphere, and the corona. Simulations have to cover
  spatial scales from the sub-granular level to the stellar diameter and
  time scales from photospheric wave travel times to stellar rotation
  or dynamo cycle periods. Various non-equilibrium processes have to be
  taken into account. Last but not least, realistic simulations are based
  on detailed microphysics and depend on the quality of the input data,
  which can be the actual accuracy limiter. This article provides an
  overview of the physical problem and the numerical solution and the
  capabilities of CO5BOLD, illustrated with a number of applications.

Title: Non-equilibrium calcium ionisation in the solar atmosphere
Authors: Wedemeyer-Böhm, S.; Carlsson, M.
2011A&A...528A...1W    Altcode: 2011arXiv1101.2211W
  Context. The chromosphere of the Sun is a temporally and spatially
  very varying medium for which the assumption of ionisation equilibrium
  is questionable. <BR /> Aims: Our aim is to determine the dominant
  processes and timescales for the ionisation equilibrium of calcium under
  solar chromospheric conditions. <BR /> Methods: The study is based on
  numerical simulations with the RADYN code, which combines hydrodynamics
  with a detailed solution of the radiative transfer equation. The
  calculations include a detailed non-equilibrium treatment of hydrogen,
  calcium, and helium. Next to an hour long simulation sequence,
  additional simulations are produced, for which the stratification is
  slightly perturbed so that a ionisation relaxation timescale can be
  determined. The simulations are characterised by upwards propagating
  shock waves, which cause strong temperature fluctuations and variations
  of the (non-equilibrium) ionisation degree of calcium. <BR /> Results:
  The passage of a hot shock front leads to a strong net ionisation
  of Ca II, rapidly followed by net recombination. The relaxation
  timescale of the calcium ionisation state is found to be of the
  order of a few seconds at the top of the photosphere and 10 to 30 s
  in the upper chromosphere. At heights around 1 Mm, we find typical
  values around 60 s and in extreme cases up to ~150 s. Generally,
  the timescales are significantly reduced in the wakes of ubiquitous
  hot shock fronts. The timescales can be reliably determined from a
  simple analysis of the eigenvalues of the transition rate matrix. The
  timescales are dominated by the radiative recombination from Ca III
  into the metastable Ca II energy levels of the 4d <SUP>2</SUP>D
  term. These transitions depend strongly on the density of free
  electrons and therefore on the (non-equilibrium) ionisation degree of
  hydrogen, which is the main electron donor. <BR /> Conclusions: The
  ionisation/recombination timescales derived here are too long for the
  assumption of an instantaneous ionisation equilibrium to be valid and,
  on the other hand, are not long enough to warrant an assumption of a
  constant ionisation fraction. Fortunately, the ionisation degree of Ca
  ii remains small in the height range, where the cores of the H, K, and
  the infrared triplet lines are formed. We conclude that the difference
  due to a detailed treatment of Ca ionisation has only negligible impact
  on the modelling of spectral lines of Ca ii and the plasma properties
  under the conditions in the quiet solar chromosphere.

Title: CO5BOLD: COnservative COde for the COmputation of COmpressible
    COnvection in a BOx of L Dimensions with l=2,3
Authors: Freytag, Bernd; Steffen, Matthias; Wedemeyer-Böhm, Sven;
   Ludwig, Hans-Günter; Leenaarts, Jorrit; Schaffenberger, Werner;
   Allard, France; Chiavassa, Andrea; Höfner, Susanne; Kamp, Inga;
   Steiner, Oskar
2010ascl.soft11014F    Altcode:
  CO5BOLD - nickname COBOLD - is the short form of "COnservative
  COde for the COmputation of COmpressible COnvection in a BOx of L
  Dimensions with l=2,3". <P />It is used to model solar and stellar
  surface convection. For solar-type stars only a small fraction of the
  stellar surface layers are included in the computational domain. In
  the case of red supergiants the computational box contains the entire
  star. Recently, the model range has been extended to sub-stellar objects
  (brown dwarfs). <P />CO5BOLD solves the coupled non-linear equations
  of compressible hydrodynamics in an external gravity field together
  with non-local frequency-dependent radiation transport. Operator
  splitting is applied to solve the equations of hydrodynamics (including
  gravity), the radiative energy transfer (with a long-characteristics
  or a short-characteristics ray scheme), and possibly additional 3D
  (turbulent) diffusion in individual sub steps. The 3D hydrodynamics
  step is further simplified with directional splitting (usually). The 1D
  sub steps are performed with a Roe solver, accounting for an external
  gravity field and an arbitrary equation of state from a table. <P
  />The radiation transport is computed with either one of three
  modules: <P />MSrad module: It uses long characteristics. The lateral
  boundaries have to be periodic. Top and bottom can be closed or open
  ("solar module"). <P />LHDrad module: It uses long characteristics
  and is restricted to an equidistant grid and open boundaries at all
  surfaces (old "supergiant module"). <P />SHORTrad module: It uses
  short characteristics and is restricted to an equidistant grid and
  open boundaries at all surfaces (new "supergiant module"). <P />The
  code was supplemented with an (optional) MHD version [Schaffenberger
  et al. (2005)] that can treat magnetic fields. There are also modules
  for the formation and advection of dust available. The current version
  now contains the treatment of chemical reaction networks, mostly used
  for the formation of molecules [Wedemeyer-Böhm et al. (2005)], and
  hydrogen ionization [Leenaarts &amp; Wedemeyer-Böhm (2005)], too. <P
  />CO5BOLD is written in Fortran90. The parallelization is done with
  OpenMP directives.

Title: Are there variations in Earth's global mean temperature
    related to the solar activity?
Authors: Kjeldseth-Moe, Olav; Wedemeyer-Böhm, Sven
2010IAUS..264..320K    Altcode:
  We have analyzed the record of Earth's global temperature variations
  between 1850 and 2007 looking for signals of periodic variations and
  compared our results with solar activity variations in the same time
  period. Significant periods are found at 9.4, 10.6 and 20.9 years. These
  periodic variations may be caused by solar activity. However, and
  amazingly enough, we also find at least 17 other significant periodic
  variations in addition to expected variations with periods of 1 year
  and of half a year. The result is considered in terms of solar related
  forcing mechanisms. These may be variable solar heating associated
  with the small changes in solar irradiance over the solar cycle,
  or direct effects of interactions between variable magnetic fields
  carried by the solar wind and particles and fields in interplanetary
  space or in the Earth's ionosphere.

Title: Small-scale structure and dynamics of the chromospheric
    magnetic field
Authors: Wedemeyer-Böhm, S.
2010MmSAI..81..693W    Altcode: 2009arXiv0911.5639W
  Recent advances in observational performance and numerical simulations
  have revolutionised our understanding of the solar chromosphere. This
  concerns in particular the structure and dynamics on small spatial and
  temporal scales. As a result, the picture of the solar chromosphere
  changed from an idealised static and plane-parallel stratification to a
  complex compound of intermittent domains, which are dynamically coupled
  to the layers below and above. In this picture, the chromosphere in
  a stricter sense is associated with the typical fibrilar structure
  shaped by magnetic fields like it is known from images taken in
  the Halpha line core. In internetwork regions below this layer,
  there exists a domain with propagating shock waves and weak magnetic
  fields, which both probably interact with the overlying large scale
  field. The existence of such a sub-canopy domain certainly depends on
  the properties of the overlying field. Details of the structure of the
  lower atmosphere can therefore be expected to vary significantly from
  location to location. Here, high-resolution observations, which were
  obtained with the CRISP filter at the Swedish Solar Telescope, are
  used to derive qualitative constraints for the atmospheric structure
  of quiet-Sun regions.

Title: NLTE spectral synthesis based on 3D MHD convection simulations
    -understanding the role of the magnetic field in intensity variations
Authors: Haberreiter, Margit; Wedemeyer-Boehm, Sven; Rast, Mark
2010cosp...38..132H    Altcode: 2010cosp.meet..132H
  While the magnetic field is considered to be the main driver for Solar
  Spectral Irradiance (SSI) variations, the detailed physical mechanisms
  that explain this relation are not yet fully understood. In this paper
  we analyze the effect of small scale magnetic field on the intensity in
  Ca II 393.4 nm and various continuum wavelengths calculated with the
  NLTE radiative tranfer code SolMod3D. The code calculates NLTE level
  populations and line spectra based on 3D MHD simulations carried out
  with CO5BOLD. This enables us to study in great detail the effect of
  the varying small scale magnetic field on intensity variations. The
  results are important for a better understanding of the role of
  small-scale magnetic field in irradiance variations.

Title: Toward the analysis of waves in the solar atmosphere based
    on NLTE spectral synthesis from 3D MHD simulations.
Authors: Haberreiter, M.; Finsterle, W.; McIntosh, S.; Wedemeyer-Böhm,
2010MmSAI..81..782H    Altcode: 2010arXiv1001.5086H
  From the analysis of Dopplergrams in the K I 7699 Å and Na I 5890
  Å spectral lines observed with the Magneto-Optical filter at Two
  Heights (MOTH) experiment during the austral summer in 2002-03 we find
  upward traveling waves in magnetic regions. Our analysis shows that
  the dispersion relation of these waves strongly depends on whether
  the wave is detected in the low-beta or high-beta regime. Moreover,
  the observed dispersion relation does not show the expected decrease
  of the acoustic cut-off frequency for the field guided slow magnetic
  wave. Instead, we detected an increase of the travel times below the
  acoustic cut-off frequency and at the same time a decrease of the travel
  time above it. To study the formation height of the spectral lines
  employed by MOTH in greater detail we are currently in the process of
  employing 3D MHD simulations carried out with CO<SUP>5</SUP>BOLD to
  perform NLTE spectral synthesis.

Title: Recovering the line-of-sight magnetic field in the chromosphere
    from Ca II IR spectra
Authors: Wöger, F.; Wedemeyer-Böhm, S.; Uitenbroek, H.; Rimmele, T.
2010MmSAI..81..598W    Altcode: 2009arXiv0912.3467W
  We propose a method to derive the line-of-sight magnetic flux density
  from measurements in the chromospheric Ca II IR line at 854.2 nm. The
  method combines two well-understood techniques, the center-of-gravity
  and bisector method, in a single hybrid technique. The technique
  is tested with magneto-static simulations of a flux tube. We apply
  the method to observations with the Interferometric Bidimensional
  Spectrometer (IBIS) installed at the Dunn Solar Telescope of the NSO/SP
  to investigate the morphology of the lower chromosphere, with focus on
  the chromospheric counterparts to the underlying photospheric magnetic
  flux elements.

Title: Morphology and Dynamics of Photospheric and Chromospheric
    Magnetic Fields
Authors: Wöger, F.; Wedemeyer-Böhm, S.; Rimmele, T.
2009ASPC..415..319W    Altcode: 2009arXiv0912.3285W
  We use joint observations obtained with the Hinode space observatory
  and the Interferometric Bidimensional Spectrometer (IBIS) installed
  at the DST of the NSO/SP to investigate the morphology and dynamics
  of (a) non-magnetic and (b) magnetic regions in the fluctosphere. In
  inter-network regions with no significant magnetic flux contributions
  above the detection limit of IBIS, we find intensity structures with
  similar characteristics as those seen in numerical simulations by
  Wedemeyer-Böhm et al. (2008) The magnetic flux elements in the network
  are stable and seem to resemble the spatially extended counterparts
  to the underlying photospheric magnetic elements. We will explain
  some of the difficulties in deriving the magnetic field vector from
  observations of the fluctosphere.

Title: The Horizontal Magnetic Field of the Quiet Sun: Numerical
    Simulations in Comparison to Observations with Hinode
Authors: Steiner, O.; Rezaei, R.; Schlichenmaier, R.; Schaffenberger,
   W.; Wedemeyer-Böhm, S.
2009ASPC..415...67S    Altcode: 2009arXiv0904.2030S
  Three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the surface layers
  of the Sun intrinsically produce a predominantly horizontal magnetic
  field in the photosphere. This is a robust result in the sense that it
  arises from simulations with largely different initial and boundary
  conditions for the magnetic field. While the disk-center synthetic
  circular and linear polarization signals agree with measurements from
  Hinode, their center-to-limb variation sensitively depends on the
  height variation of the horizontal and the vertical field component
  and they seem to be at variance with the observed behavior.

Title: Morphology and Dynamics of the Low Solar Chromosphere
Authors: Wöger, F.; Wedemeyer-Böhm, S.; Uitenbroek, H.; Rimmele,
   T. R.
2009ApJ...706..148W    Altcode: 2009arXiv0910.1381W
  The Interferometric Bidimensional Spectrometer (IBIS) installed at
  the Dunn Solar Telescope of the NSO/SP is used to investigate the
  morphology and dynamics of the lower chromosphere and the virtually
  non-magnetic fluctosphere below. The study addresses in particular the
  structure of magnetic elements that extend into these layers. We choose
  different quiet-Sun regions inside and outside the coronal holes. In
  inter-network regions with no significant magnetic flux contributions
  above the detection limit of IBIS, we find intensity structures with the
  characteristics of a shock wave pattern. The magnetic flux elements in
  the network are long lived and seem to resemble the spatially extended
  counterparts to the underlying photospheric magnetic elements. We
  suggest a modification to common methods to derive the line-of-sight
  magnetic field strength and explain some of the difficulties in deriving
  the magnetic field vector from observations of the fluctosphere.

Title: Small-scale swirl events in the quiet Sun chromosphere
Authors: Wedemeyer-Böhm, S.; Rouppe van der Voort, L.
2009A&A...507L...9W    Altcode: 2009arXiv0910.2226W
  Context: Recent progress in instrumentation enables solar observations
  with high resolution simultaneously in the spatial, temporal, and
  spectral domains. <BR />Aims: We use such high-resolution observations
  to study small-scale structures and dynamics in the chromosphere
  of the quiet Sun. <BR />Methods: We analyse time series of spectral
  scans through the Ca ii 854.2 nm spectral line obtained with the CRISP
  instrument at the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope. The targets are quiet
  Sun regions inside coronal holes close to disc-centre. <BR />Results:
  The line core maps exhibit relatively few fibrils compared to what
  is normally observed in quiet Sun regions outside coronal holes. The
  time series show a chaotic and dynamic scene that includes spatially
  confined “swirl” events. These events feature dark and bright
  rotating patches, which can consist of arcs, spiral arms, rings or
  ring fragments. The width of the fragments typically appears to be of
  the order of only 0.2 arcsec, which is close to the effective spatial
  resolution. They exhibit Doppler shifts of -2 to -4 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>
  but sometimes up to -7 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>, indicating fast upflows. The
  diameter of a swirl is usually of the order of 2´´. At the location
  of these swirls, the line wing and wide-band maps show close groups of
  photospheric bright points that move with respect to each other. <BR
  />Conclusions: A likely explanation is that the relative motion of the
  bright points twists the associated magnetic field in the chromosphere
  above. Plasma or propagating waves may then spiral upwards guided by
  the magnetic flux structure, thereby producing the observed intensity
  signature of Doppler-shifted ring fragments. <P />The movie is only
  available in electronic form at http://www.aanda.org <P />Marie Curie
  Intra-European Fellow of the European Commission.

Title: On the continuum intensity distribution of the solar
Authors: Wedemeyer-Böhm, S.; Rouppe van der Voort, L.
2009A&A...503..225W    Altcode: 2009arXiv0905.0705W
  Context: For many years, there seemed to be significant differences
  between the continuum intensity distributions derived from observations
  and simulations of the solar photosphere. <BR />Aims: In order to
  settle the discussion on these apparent discrepancies, we present a
  detailed comparison between simulations and seeing-free observations
  that takes into account the crucial influence of instrumental image
  degradation. <BR />Methods: We use a set of images of quiet Sun
  granulation taken in the blue, green and red continuum bands of the
  Broadband Filter Imager of the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) onboard
  Hinode. The images are deconvolved with point spread functions (PSF)
  that account for non-ideal contributions due to instrumental stray-light
  and imperfections. In addition, synthetic intensity images are degraded
  with the corresponding PSFs. The results are compared with respect to
  spatial power spectra, intensity histograms, and the centre-to-limb
  variation of the intensity contrast. <BR />Results: The intensity
  distribution of SOT granulation images is broadest for the blue
  continuum at disc-centre and narrows towards the limb and for longer
  wavelengths. The distributions are relatively symmetric close to the
  limb but exhibit a growing asymmetry towards disc-centre. The intensity
  contrast, which is connected to the width of the distribution, is found
  to be (12.8 ± 0.5)%, (8.3 ± 0.4)%, and (6.2 ± 0.2)% at disc-centre
  for blue, green, and red continuum, respectively. Removing the influence
  of the PSF unveils much broader intensity distributions with a secondary
  component that is otherwise only visible as an asymmetry between
  the darker and brighter than average part of the distribution. The
  contrast values increase to (26.7 ± 1.3)%, (19.4 ± 1.4)%, and
  (16.6 ± 0.7)% for blue, green, and red continuum, respectively. The
  power spectral density of the images exhibits a pronounced peak at
  spatial scales characteristic for the granulation pattern and a steep
  decrease towards smaller scales. The observational findings like the
  absolute values and centre-to-limb variation of the intensity contrast,
  intensity histograms, and power spectral density are well matched with
  corresponding synthetic observables from three-dimensional radiation
  (magneto-)hydrodynamic simulations. <BR />Conclusions: We conclude that
  the intensity contrast of the solar continuum intensity is higher than
  usually derived from ground-based observations and is well reproduced
  by modern radiation (magneto-)hydrodynamic models. Properly accounting
  for image degradation effects is of crucial importance for comparisons
  between observations and numerical models.

Title: Coupling from the Photosphere to the Chromosphere and the
Authors: Wedemeyer-Böhm, S.; Lagg, A.; Nordlund, Å.
2009SSRv..144..317W    Altcode: 2008SSRv..tmp..171W; 2008arXiv0809.0987W
  The atmosphere of the Sun is characterized by a complex interplay of
  competing physical processes: convection, radiation, conduction, and
  magnetic fields. The most obvious imprint of the solar convection
  and its overshooting in the low atmosphere is the granulation
  pattern. Beside this dominating scale there is a more or less smooth
  distribution of spatial scales, both towards smaller and larger
  scales, making the Sun essentially a multi-scale object. Convection and
  overshooting give the photosphere its face but also act as drivers for
  the layers above, namely the chromosphere and corona. The magnetic field
  configuration effectively couples the atmospheric layers on a multitude
  of spatial scales, for instance in the form of loops that are anchored
  in the convection zone and continue through the atmosphere up into
  the chromosphere and corona. The magnetic field is also an important
  structuring agent for the small, granulation-size scales, although
  (hydrodynamic) shock waves also play an important role—especially in
  the internetwork atmosphere where mostly weak fields prevail. Based on
  recent results from observations and numerical simulations, we attempt
  to present a comprehensive picture of the atmosphere of the quiet Sun
  as a highly intermittent and dynamic system.

Title: The solar continuum intensity distribution. Settling the
    conflict between observations and simulations
Authors: Wedemeyer-Böhm, S.; Rouppe van der Voort, L.
2009MmSAI..80..635W    Altcode: 2009arXiv0908.3758W
  For many years, there seemed to be significant differences between
  the continuum intensity distributions derived from observations and
  simulations of the solar photosphere. In order to settle the discussion
  on these apparent discrepancies, we present a detailed comparison
  between simulations and seeing-free observations that takes into
  account the crucial influence of instrumental image degradation. We
  use a set of images of quiet Sun granulation taken in the blue, green
  and red continuum bands of the Broadband Filter Imager of the Solar
  Optical Telescope (SOT) onboard Hinode. The images are deconvolved with
  Point Spread Functions (PSF) that account for non-ideal contributions
  due to instrumental stray-light and imperfections. In addition,
  synthetic intensity images are degraded with the corresponding
  PSFs. The results are compared with respect to spatial power spectra,
  intensity histograms, and the centre-to-limb variation of the
  intensity contrast. The observational findings are well matched with
  corresponding synthetic observables from three-dimensional radiation
  (magneto-)hydrodynamic simulations. We conclude that the intensity
  contrast of the solar continuum intensity is higher than usually
  derived from ground-based observations and is well reproduced by
  modern numerical simulations. Properly accounting for image degradation
  effects is of crucial importance for comparisons between observations
  and numerical models. It finally settles the traditionally perceived
  conflict between observations and simulations.

Title: Coupling from the Photosphere to the Chromosphere and the
Authors: Wedemeyer-Böhm, S.; Lagg, A.; Nordlund, Å.
2009odsm.book..317W    Altcode:
  The atmosphere of the Sun is characterized by a complex interplay of
  competing physical processes: convection, radiation, conduction, and
  magnetic fields. The most obvious imprint of the solar convection
  and its overshooting in the low atmosphere is the granulation
  pattern. Beside this dominating scale there is a more or less smooth
  distribution of spatial scales, both towards smaller and larger
  scales, making the Sun essentially a multi-scale object. Convection and
  overshooting give the photosphere its face but also act as drivers for
  the layers above, namely the chromosphere and corona. The magnetic field
  configuration effectively couples the atmospheric layers on a multitude
  of spatial scales, for instance in the form of loops that are anchored
  in the convection zone and continue through the atmosphere up into
  the chromosphere and corona. The magnetic field is also an important
  structuring agent for the small, granulation-size scales, although
  (hydrodynamic) shock waves also play an important role—especially in
  the internetwork atmosphere where mostly weak fields prevail. Based on
  recent results from observations and numerical simulations, we attempt
  to present a comprehensive picture of the atmosphere of the quiet Sun
  as a highly intermittent and dynamic system.

Title: Observational Evidence for Shocks in the Solar Photosphere -
    New TESOS/VTT Results
Authors: Rybak, J.; Kucera, A.; Hanslmeier, A.; Woehl, H.;
   Wedemeyer-Boehm, S.; Steiner, O.
2008ESPM...12.2.36R    Altcode:
  High-resolution spectroscopic observations recently acquired with the
  TESOS spectrometer at the Vacuum Tower Telescope (VTT, Observatorio
  del Teide, Tenerife) are used to test predictions regarding strongly
  dynamic events in the photosphere as obtained from three-dimensional
  numerical simulations with the CO5BOLD-code. <P />Time series of
  two-dimensional maps of the Fe I 543.4 nm spectral line profile at
  different centre-to-limb positions are investigated in a statistical
  sense by comparing the distributions of individual spectral parameters
  derived from observations with the corresponding distributions
  from synthesized spectra calculated with the LINFOR3D code from
  the simulations. Appropriate degradation of the synthesized spectra
  was applied in order to take the limited spatial resolution of the
  telescope, seeing effects, and the scattered instrumental light into
  account. <P />At the actual spatial resolution of 0.5 arc sec, the
  statistics show that signatures of the photospheric dynamics, including
  the most dynamical events like occasional supersonic flows of plasma in
  the nearly horizontal direction, are very similar in both observations
  and simulations. <P />Discrepancies are found only for those spectral
  parameters (residual line intensity, Doppler line core shifts), which
  are affected by non-LTE effects, since non-LTE effects are not taken
  into account in the synthesis of the Fe I 543.4nm spectral line.

Title: The Horizontal Internetwork Magnetic Field: Numerical
    Simulations in Comparison to Observations with Hinode
Authors: Steiner, O.; Rezaei, R.; Schaffenberger, W.; Wedemeyer-Böhm,
2008ESPM...12.3.22S    Altcode:
  Observations with the Hinode space observatory led to the discovery
  of predominantly horizontal magnetic fields in the photosphere of the
  quiet internetwork region. Here we investigate realistic numerical
  simulations of the surface layers of the Sun with respect to horizontal
  magnetic fields and compute the corresponding polarimetric response
  in the Fe I 630 nm line pair. We find a local maximum in the mean
  strength of the horizontal field component at a height of around 500
  km in the photosphere, where, depending on the initial state or the
  boundary condition, it surpasses the vertical component by a factor
  of 2.0 or 5.6. From the synthesized Stokes profiles, we derive a mean
  horizontal field component that is 1.6 or 4.3 times stronger than
  the vertical component, depending on the initial state or the boundary
  condition. This is a consequence of both the intrinsically stronger flux
  density of and the larger area occupied by the horizontal fields. We
  find that convective overshooting expels horizontal fields to the upper
  photosphere, making the Poynting flux positive in the photosphere,
  whereas it is negative in the convectively unstable layer below it.

Title: Radiation hydrodynamics simulations of stellar surface
Authors: Freytag, Bernd; Steffen, Matthias; Ludwig, Hans-Guenter;
   Wedemeyer-Boehm, Sven
2008asd..soft...36F    Altcode:
  The code is used to perform radiation hydrodynamics simulations of
  the convective surface layers and the photosphere of cool stars.

Title: Point spread functions for the Solar optical telescope
    onboard Hinode
Authors: Wedemeyer-Böhm, S.
2008A&A...487..399W    Altcode: 2008arXiv0804.4536W
  Aims: We investigate the combined point spread function (PSF) of the
  Broadband Filter Imager (BFI) and the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT)
  onboard the Hinode spacecraft. <BR />Methods: Observations of the
  Mercury transit from November 2006 and the solar eclipse(s) from 2007
  are used to determine the PSFs of SOT for the blue, green, and red
  continuum channels of the BFI. For each channel, we calculate large
  grids of theoretical point spread functions by convolution of the ideal
  diffraction-limited PSF and Voigt profiles. These PSFs are applied to
  artificial images of an eclipse and a Mercury transit. The comparison
  of the resulting artificial intensity profiles across the terminator
  and the corresponding observed profiles yields a quality measure for
  each case. The optimum PSF for each observed image is indicated by the
  best fit. <BR />Results: The observed images of the Mercury transit and
  the eclipses exhibit a clear proportional relation between the residual
  intensity and the overall light level in the telescope. In addition,
  there is an anisotropic stray-light contribution. These two factors
  make it very difficult to pin down a single unique PSF that can account
  for all observational conditions. Nevertheless, the range of possible
  PSF models can be limited by using additional constraints like the
  pre-flight measurements of the Strehl ratio. <BR />Conclusions: The
  BFI/SOT operate close to the diffraction limit and have only a rather
  small stray-light contribution. The FWHM of the PSF is broadened by only
  ~1% with respect to the diffraction-limited case, while the overall
  Strehl ratio is ~0.8. In view of the large variations - best seen in
  the residual intensities of eclipse images - and the dependence on the
  overall light level and position in the FOV, a range of PSFs should
  be considered instead of a single PSF per wavelength. The individual
  PSFs of that range allow then the determination of error margins
  for the quantity under investigation. Nevertheless, the stray-light
  contributions are found to be best matched with Voigt functions with
  the parameters σ = 0.008 arcsec and γ = 0.004 arcsec, 0.005 arcsec,
  and 0.006 arcsec for the blue, green, and red continuum channels,

Title: The Horizontal Internetwork Magnetic Field: Numerical
    Simulations in Comparison to Observations with Hinode
Authors: Steiner, O.; Rezaei, R.; Schaffenberger, W.; Wedemeyer-Böhm,
2008ApJ...680L..85S    Altcode: 2008arXiv0801.4915S
  Observations with the Hinode space observatory led to the discovery
  of predominantly horizontal magnetic fields in the photosphere of the
  quiet internetwork region. Here we investigate realistic numerical
  simulations of the surface layers of the Sun with respect to horizontal
  magnetic fields and compute the corresponding polarimetric response
  in the Fe I 630 nm line pair. We find a local maximum in the mean
  strength of the horizontal field component at a height of around 500
  km in the photosphere, where, depending on the initial state or the
  boundary condition, it surpasses the vertical component by a factor
  of 2.0 or 5.6. From the synthesized Stokes profiles, we derive a mean
  horizontal field component that is 1.6 or 4.3 times stronger than
  the vertical component, depending on the initial state or the boundary
  condition. This is a consequence of both the intrinsically stronger flux
  density of and the larger area occupied by the horizontal fields. We
  find that convective overshooting expels horizontal fields to the upper
  photosphere, making the Poynting flux positive in the photosphere,
  whereas the Poynting flux is negative in the convectively unstable
  layer below it.

Title: Small-scale structure and dynamics of the lower solar
Authors: Wedemeyer-Böhm, Sven; Wöger, Friedrich
2008IAUS..247...66W    Altcode: 2007IAUS..247...66W; 2007arXiv0710.4776W
  The chromosphere of the quiet Sun is a highly intermittent and dynamic
  phenomenon. Three-dimensional radiation (magneto-)hydrodynamic
  simulations exhibit a mesh-like pattern of hot shock fronts and
  cool expanding post-shock regions in the sub-canopy part of the
  inter-network. This domain might be called “fluctosphere”. The
  pattern is produced by propagating shock waves, which are excited
  at the top of the convection zone and in the photospheric overshoot
  layer. New high-resolution observations reveal a ubiquitous small-scale
  pattern of bright structures and dark regions in-between. Although it
  qualitatively resembles the picture seen in models, more observations
  e.g. with the future ALMA are needed for thorough comparisons
  with present and future models. Quantitative comparisons demand
  for synthetic intensity maps and spectra for the three-dimensional
  (magneto-)hydrodynamic simulations. The necessary radiative transfer
  calculations, which have to take into account deviations from local
  thermodynamic equilibrium, are computationally very involved so
  that no reliable results have been produced so far. Until this task
  becomes feasible, we have to rely on careful qualitative comparisons
  of simulations and observations. Here we discuss what effects have to
  be considered for such a comparison. Nevertheless we are now on the
  verge of assembling a comprehensive picture of the solar chromosphere
  in inter-network regions as dynamic interplay of shock waves and
  structuring and guiding magnetic fields.

Title: Hinode observations reveal boundary layers of magnetic elements
    in the solar photosphere
Authors: Rezaei, R.; Steiner, O.; Wedemeyer-Böhm, S.; Schlichenmaier,
   R.; Schmidt, W.; Lites, B. W.
2007A&A...476L..33R    Altcode: 2007arXiv0711.0408R
  Aims:We study the structure of the magnetic elements in network-cell
  interiors. <BR />Methods: A quiet Sun area close to the disc centre was
  observed with the spectro-polarimeter of the Solar Optical Telescope
  on board the Hinode space mission, which yielded the best spatial
  resolution ever achieved in polarimetric data of the Fe I 630 nm line
  pair. For comparison and interpretation, we synthesize a similar data
  set from a three-dimensional magneto-hydrodynamic simulation. <BR
  />Results: We find several examples of magnetic elements, either
  roundish (tube) or elongated (sheet), which show a central area of
  negative Stokes-V area asymmetry framed or surrounded by a peripheral
  area with larger positive asymmetry. This pattern was predicted
  some eight years ago on the basis of numerical simulations. Here,
  we observationally confirm its existence for the first time. <BR
  />Conclusions: We gather convincing evidence that this pattern of
  Stokes-V area asymmetry is caused by the funnel-shaped boundary of
  magnetic elements that separates the flux concentration from the
  weak-field environment. On this basis, we conclude that electric
  current sheets induced by such magnetic boundary layers are common in
  the photosphere.

Title: Variation of the Stokes-V area asymmetry across magnetic
Authors: Rezaei, R.; Steiner, O.; Wedemeyer-Böhm, S.; Schlichenmaier,
   R.; Lites, B. W.
2007AN....328..706R    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Inter-network regions of the Sun at millimetre wavelengths
Authors: Wedemeyer-Böhm, S.; Ludwig, H. G.; Steffen, M.; Leenaarts,
   J.; Freytag, B.
2007A&A...471..977W    Altcode: 2007arXiv0705.2304W
  Aims:The continuum intensity at wavelengths around 1 mm provides an
  excellent way to probe the solar chromosphere and thus valuable input
  for the ongoing controversy on the thermal structure and the dynamics of
  this layer. The synthetic continuum intensity maps for near-millimetre
  wavelengths presented here demonstrate the potential of future
  observations of the small-scale structure and dynamics of internetwork
  regions on the Sun. <BR />Methods: The synthetic intensity/brightness
  temperature maps are calculated on basis of three-dimensional
  radiation (magneto-)hydrodynamic (MHD) simulations. The assumption
  of local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) is valid for the source
  function. The electron densities are also treated in LTE for most maps
  but also in non-LTE for a representative model snapshot. Quantities
  like intensity contrast, intensity contribution functions, spatial
  and temporal scales are analysed in dependence on wavelength and
  heliocentric angle. <BR />Results: While the millimetre continuum
  at 0.3 mm originates mainly from the upper photosphere, the longer
  wavelengths considered here map the low and middle chromosphere. The
  effective formation height increases generally with wavelength and
  also from disk-centre towards the solar limb. The average intensity
  contribution functions are usually rather broad and in some cases they
  are even double-peaked as there are contributions from hot shock waves
  and cool post-shock regions in the model chromosphere. The resulting
  shock-induced thermal structure translates to filamentary brightenings
  and fainter regions in between. Taking into account the deviations from
  ionisation equilibrium for hydrogen gives a less strong variation of
  the electron density and with it of the optical depth. The result is
  a narrower formation height range although the intensity maps still
  are characterised by a highly complex pattern. The average brightness
  temperature increases with wavelength and towards the limb although
  the wavelength-dependence is reversed for the MHD model and the NLTE
  brightness temperature maps. The relative contrast depends on wavelength
  in the same way as the average intensity but decreases towards the
  limb. The dependence of the brightness temperature distribution on
  wavelength and disk-position can be explained with the differences in
  formation height and the variation of temperature fluctuations with
  height in the model atmospheres. The related spatial and temporal
  scales of the chromospheric pattern should be accessible by future
  instruments. <BR />Conclusions: Future high-resolution millimetre
  arrays, such as the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA), will
  be capable of directly mapping the thermal structure of the solar
  chromosphere. Simultaneous observations at different wavelengths
  could be exploited for a tomography of the chromosphere, mapping its
  three-dimensional structure, and also for tracking shock waves. The
  new generation of millimetre arrays will be thus of great value for
  understanding the dynamics and structure of the solar atmosphere.

Title: Non-equilibrium Hydrogen Ionization in the Solar Atmosphere
Authors: Leenaarts, J.; Wedemeyer-Böhm, S.; Carlsson, M.; Hansteen,
   V. H.
2007ASPC..368..103L    Altcode:
  The assumption of statistical equilibrium for atomic level populations
  of hydrogen does not hold under the conditions of the chromosphere
  due to the low density and the short dynamic timescale. In order to
  calculate the hydrogen ionization balance and the electron density one
  has to solve the time-dependent rate equations. We present results
  from 2D and 3D radiation-magneto-hydrodynamics simulations of the
  solar atmosphere incorporating the time-dependent rate equations
  for hydrogen. Both the hydrogen ionization degree and the electron
  density in our models are much more constant than LTE and statistical
  equilibrium theory predict. These simulations provide multi-dimensional
  model atmospheres with realistic electron densities and hydrogen level
  populations that can be used in detailed radiative transfer modeling.

Title: Dynamic models of the sun from the convection zone to the
Authors: Wedemeyer-Böhm, Sven
2007IAUS..239...52W    Altcode: 2006astro.ph.10327W
  The chromosphere in internetwork regions of the quiet Sun was regarded
  as a static and homogeneous layer for a long time. Thanks to advances
  in observations and numerical modelling, the wave nature of these
  atmospheric regions received increasing attention during the last
  decade. Recent three-dimensional radiation magnetohydrodynamic
  simulations with CO5BOLD feature the chromosphere of internetwork
  regions as a dynamic and intermittent phenomenon. It is a direct product
  of interacting waves that form a mesh-like pattern of hot shock fronts
  and cool post-shock regions. The waves are excited self-consistently
  at the top of the convection zone. In the middle chromosphere above
  an average height of 1000 km, plasma beta gets larger than one and
  magnetic fields become more important. The model chromosphere exhibits
  a magnetic field that is much more homogeneous than in the layers
  below and evolves much faster. That includes fast propagating (MHD)
  waves. Further improvements of the simulations like time-dependent
  hydrogen ionisation are currently in progress. This class of models
  is capable of explaining apparently contradicting diagnostics such as
  carbon monoxide and UV emission at the same time.

Title: What is Heating the Quiet-Sun Chromosphere?
Authors: Wedemeyer-Böhm, S.; Steiner, O.; Bruls, J.; Rammacher, W.
2007ASPC..368...93W    Altcode: 2006astro.ph.12627W
  It is widely believed that the heating of the chromosphere in quiet-Sun
  internetwork regions is provided by dissipation of acoustic waves
  that are excited by the convective motions close to the top of
  the convection zone and in the photospheric overshoot layer. This
  view lately became challenged by observations suggesting that the
  acoustic energy flux into the chromosphere is too low, by a factor
  of at least ten. Based on a comparison of TRACE data with synthetic
  image sequences for a three-dimensional simulation extending from
  the top layers of the convection zone to the middle chromosphere,
  we come to the contradicting conclusion that the acoustic flux in the
  model provides sufficient energy for heating the solar chromosphere of
  internetwork regions. The role of a weak magnetic field and associated
  electric current sheets is also discussed.

Title: First local helioseismic experiments with CO<SUP>5</SUP>BOLD
Authors: Steiner, O.; Vigeesh, G.; Krieger, L.; Wedemeyer-Böhm, S.;
   Schaffenberger, W.; Freytag, B.
2007AN....328..323S    Altcode: 2007astro.ph..1029S
  With numerical experiments we explore the feasibility of using high
  frequency waves for probing the magnetic fields in the photosphere and
  the chromosphere of the Sun. We track a plane-parallel, monochromatic
  wave that propagates through a non-stationary, realistic atmosphere,
  from the convection-zone through the photosphere into the magnetically
  dominated chromosphere, where it gets refracted and reflected. We
  compare the wave travel time between two fixed geometrical height levels
  in the atmosphere (representing the formation height of two spectral
  lines) with the topography of the surface of equal magnetic and thermal
  energy density (the magnetic canopy or β=1 contour) and find good
  correspondence between the two. We conclude that high frequency waves
  indeed bear information on the topography of the `magnetic canopy'.

Title: Carbon monoxide in the solar atmosphere. II. Radiative cooling
    by CO lines
Authors: Wedemeyer-Böhm, S.; Steffen, M.
2007A&A...462L..31W    Altcode: 2006astro.ph.12197W
  Aims: The role of carbon monoxide as a cooling agent for the thermal
  structure of the mid-photospheric to low-chromospheric layers of the
  solar atmosphere in internetwork regions is investigated. <BR />Methods:
  The treatment of radiative cooling via spectral lines of carbon
  monoxide (CO) has been added to the radiation chemo-hydrodynamics code
  CO5BOLD. The radiation transport has now been solved in a continuum band
  with Rosseland mean opacity and an additional band with CO opacity. The
  latter is calculated as a Planck mean over the CO band between 4.4
  and 6.2 μm. The time-dependent CO number density is derived from
  the solution of a chemical reaction network. <BR />Results: The CO
  opacity indeed causes additional cooling at the fronts of propagating
  shock waves in the chromosphere. There, the time-dependent approach
  results in a higher CO number density compared to the equilibrium
  case and hence in a larger net radiative cooling rate. The average
  gas temperature stratification of the model atmosphere, however, is
  only reduced by roughly 100 K. Also the temperature fluctuations and
  the CO number density are only affected to small extent. A numerical
  experiment without dynamics shows that the CO cooling process works in
  principle and drives the atmosphere to a cool radiative equilibrium
  state. At chromospheric heights, the radiative relaxation of the
  atmosphere to a cool state takes several 1000 s. The CO cooling process
  thus would seem to be too slow compared to atmospheric dynamics to be
  responsible for the very cool temperature regions observed in the solar
  atmosphere. <BR />Conclusions: . The hydrodynamical timescales in our
  solar atmosphere model are much too short to allow for the radiative
  relaxation to a cool state, thus suppressing the potential thermal
  instability due to carbon monoxide as a cooling agent. Apparently,
  the thermal structure and dynamics of the outer model atmosphere are
  instead determined primarily by shock waves.

Title: On the fine structure of the quiet solar Ca II K atmosphere
Authors: Tritschler, A.; Schmidt, W.; Uitenbroek, H.; Wedemeyer-Böhm,
2007A&A...462..303T    Altcode: 2006astro.ph.11402T
  Aims:We investigate the morphological, dynamical, and evolutionary
  properties of the internetwork and network fine structure of the quiet
  sun at disk centre. <BR />Methods: The analysis is based on a ~6 h
  time sequence of narrow-band filtergrams centred on the inner-wing
  Ca II K2v reversal at 393.3 nm. To examine the temporal evolution of
  network and internetwork areas separately we employ a double-Gaussian
  decomposition of the mean intensity distribution. An autocorrelation
  analysis is performed to determine the respective characteristic
  time scales. In order to analyse statistical properties of the fine
  structure we apply image segmentation techniques. <BR />Results: The
  results for the internetwork are related to predictions derived from
  numerical simulations of the quiet sun. The average evolutionary time
  scale of the internetwork in our observations is 52 s. Internetwork
  grains show a tendency to appear on a mesh-like pattern with a
  mean cell size of ~4-5 arcsec. Based on this size and the spatial
  organisation of the mesh we speculate that this pattern is related to
  the existence of photospheric downdrafts as predicted by convection
  simulations. The image segmentation shows that typical sizes of both
  network and internetwork grains are in the order of 1.6 arcsec.

Title: Dynamic Hydrogen Ionization in Simulations of the Solar
Authors: Leenaarts, J.; Wedemeyer-Böhm, S.
2006ASPC..354..306L    Altcode:
  Since the assumption of statistical equilibrium does not hold under the
  conditions of the dynamical solar chromosphere, the time dependence
  of the rate equations has to be taken into account when calculating
  ionization stages of elements. We present a method based on the
  work by Sollum (1999) to calculate the dynamic hydrogen ionization
  degree and electron density in the 3-D radiation-hydrodynamics code
  CO^5BOLD. In our model chromosphere, both quantities are more constant
  over time and horizontal position than LTE theory predicts. We compare
  synthetic brightness temperature images at λ=1~mm calculated with LTE
  and time-dependent NLTE electron densities. Both formation height and
  average brightness temperature change significantly compared to LTE
  when using time-dependent electron densities.

Title: A First Three-Dimensional Model for the Carbon Monoxide
    Concentration in the Solar Atmosphere
Authors: Wedemeyer-Böhm, S.; Kamp, I.; Freytag, B.; Bruls, J.;
   Steffen, M.
2006ASPC..354..301W    Altcode:
  The time-dependent and self-consistent treatment of carbon monoxide
  (CO) has been added to the radiation chemo-hydrodynamics code
  CO5BOLD. It includes the solution of a chemical reaction network and
  the advection of the resulting particle densities with the hydrodynamic
  flow field. Here we present a first 3D simulation of the non-magnetic
  solar photosphere and low chromosphere, calculated with the upgraded
  code. In the resulting model, the highest amount of CO is located in
  the cool regions of the reversed granulation pattern in the middle
  photosphere. A large fraction of carbon is bound by CO throughout
  the chromosphere with exception of hot shock waves where the CO
  concentration is strongly reduced. The distribution of carbon monoxide
  is very inhomogeneous due to co-existing regions of hot and cool gas
  caused by the hydrodynamic flow. High-resolution observations of CO
  could thus provide important constraints for the thermal structure of
  the solar photosphere and chromosphere.

Title: Time-dependent hydrogen ionisation in 3D simulations of the
    solar chromosphere. Methods and first results
Authors: Leenaarts, J.; Wedemeyer-Böhm, S.
2006A&A...460..301L    Altcode: 2006astro.ph..8620L
  Context: .The hydrogen ionisation degree deviates substantially
  from statistical equilibrium under the conditions of the solar
  chromosphere. A realistic description of this atmospheric layer
  thus must account for time-dependent non-equilibrium effects.<BR />
  Aims: .Advancing the realism of numerical simulations of the solar
  chromosphere by improved numerical treatment of the relevant physics
  will provide more realistic models that are essential for interpretation
  of existing and future observations.<BR /> Methods: .An approximate
  method for solving the rate equations for the hydrogen populations
  was extended and implemented in the three-dimensional radiation
  (magneto-)hydrodynamics code CO^5BOLD. The method is based on a
  model atom with six energy levels and fixed radiative rates. It has
  been tested extensively in one-dimensional simulations. The extended
  method has been used to create a three-dimensional model that extends
  from the upper convection zone to the chromosphere.<BR /> Results:
  .The ionisation degree of hydrogen in our time-dependent simulation is
  comparable to the corresponding equilibrium value up to 500 km above
  optical depth unity. Above this height, the non-equilibrium ionisation
  degree is fairly constant over time and space, and tends to be at a
  value set by hot propagating shock waves. The hydrogen level populations
  and electron density are much more constant than the corresponding
  values for statistical equilibrium, too. In contrast, the equilibrium
  ionisation degree varies by more than 20 orders of magnitude between
  hot, shocked regions and cool, non-shocked regions. <BR /> Conclusions:
  .The simulation shows for the first time in 3D that the chromospheric
  hydrogen ionisation degree and electron density cannot be calculated
  in equilibrium. Our simulation can provide realistic values of those
  quantities for detailed radiative transfer computations.

Title: A New Method for Comparing Numerical Simulations with
    Spectroscopic Observations of the Solar Photosphere
Authors: Rybák, J.; Kučera, A.; Wöhl, H.; Wedemeyer-Böhm, S.;
   Steiner, O.
2006ASPC..354...77R    Altcode:
  A method for comparing high-resolution spectroscopic observations of
  the solar photosphere with numerical simulations of convection in the
  solar photosphere is presented. <P />It is based on the comparison of
  the granular continuum contrast obtained from both the observations and
  the synthetic spectra, when the latter are calculated from numerical
  simulations using a particular type of data degradation. This method
  can be used post facto when a minimum of auxiliary information on
  characteristics of the telescope/spectrograph and on seeing conditions
  is available. <P />Here, the method is applied to results of numerical
  simulations computed with the CO5BOLD code and high-resolution
  spectroscopic observations obtained with the VTT on Tenerife.

Title: Holistic MHD-Simulation from the Convection Zone to the
Authors: Schaffenberger, W.; Wedemeyer-Böhm, S.; Steiner, O.;
   Freytag, B.
2006ASPC..354..345S    Altcode:
  A three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulation of the integral
  layers from the convection zone to the chromosphere has been
  carried out. The simulation represents magnetoconvection in a quiet
  network-cell interior. The following preliminary new results are
  obtained: The chromospheric magnetic field is very dynamic with a
  continuous rearrangement of magnetic flux on a time scale of less than
  one~minute. Rapidly moving magnetic filaments (rarely exceeding 40~G)
  form in the compression zone downstream and along propagating shock
  fronts that are present throughout the chromosphere. The magnetic
  filaments rapidly move, form, and dissolve with the shock waves. Flux
  concentrations strongly expand through the photosphere into a more
  homogeneous, space filling chromospheric field. “Canopy fields”
  form on a granular scale above largely field-free granule centers
  leading to a mesh-work of current sheets in a height range between
  approximately 400 and 900~km.

Title: High Resolution Time Series of Narrowband Ca IIK Images in
    the Chromosphere
Authors: Wöger, F.; Wedemeyer-Böhm, S.; Schmidt, W.; von der
   Lühe, O.
2006ASPC..354..284W    Altcode:
  We have observed a region of quiet Sun near disk center with the Vacuum
  Tower Telescope (VTT) of the Kiepenheuer-Institut für Sonnenphysik at
  the Observatorio del Teide, Tenerife, Spain in April 2005 in several
  wavelengths. Observations were made at the Ca II K line at 393.3 nm,
  using a Lyot filter with a bandwidth of 30 ± FWHM, centered at the
  K_{2v} emission peak; at the Hα line at 656.3 nm, using a Lyot filter
  (25 ± FWHM) centered at line core, and in the G-band (430.5 nm),
  using an interference filter (1 nm FWHM). We acquired a two-hour long
  sequence of images at a cadence of ten seconds and a spatial resolution
  of about 0.3 arcsec. We present our Ca observations of excellent spatial
  resolution which show morphological structures in internetwork regions
  similar in form, size and lifetime to those present in recent numerical
  models of the solar chromosphere.

Title: Observation of a short-lived pattern in the solar chromosphere
Authors: Wöger, F.; Wedemeyer-Böhm, S.; Schmidt, W.; von der
   Lühe, O.
2006A&A...459L...9W    Altcode: 2006astro.ph..9382W
  Aims.In this work we investigate the dynamic behavior of inter-network
  regions of the solar chromosphere.<BR /> Methods: .We observed the
  chromosphere of the quiet Sun using a narrow-band Lyot filter centered
  at the Ca II K2v emission peak with a bandpass of 0.3 Å. We achieved
  a spatial resolution of on average 0.7 arcsec at a cadence of 10 s.<BR
  /> Results: .In the inter-network we find a mesh-like pattern that
  features bright grains at the vertices. The pattern has a typical
  spatial scale of 1.95 arcsec and a mean evolution time scale of 53 s
  with a standard deviation of 10 s. A comparison of our results with a
  recent three-dimensional radiation hydrodynamical model implies that
  the observed pattern is of chromospheric origin. The measured time
  scales are not compatible with those of reversed granulation in the
  photosphere although the appearance is similar. A direct comparison
  between network and inter-network structure shows that their typical
  time scales differ by at least a factor of two.<BR /> Conclusions:
  .The existence of a rapidly evolving small-scale pattern in the
  inter-network regions supports the picture of the lower chromosphere
  as a highly dynamical and intermittent phenomenon.

Title: Simulations of Magnetohydrodynamics and CO Formation from
    the Convection Zone to the Chromosphere
Authors: Wedemeyer-Böhm, S.; Schaffenberger, W.; Steiner, O.; Steffen,
   M.; Freytag, B.; Kamp, I.
2005ESASP.596E..16W    Altcode: 2005ccmf.confE..16W
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation from the Convection Zone to
    the Chromosphere
Authors: Schaffenberger, W.; Wedemeyer-Böhm, S.; Steiner, O.;
   Freytag, B.
2005ESASP.596E..65S    Altcode: 2005ccmf.confE..65S
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Carbon monoxide in the solar atmosphere. I. Numerical method
    and two-dimensional models
Authors: Wedemeyer-Böhm, S.; Kamp, I.; Bruls, J.; Freytag, B.
2005A&A...438.1043W    Altcode: 2005astro.ph..3496W
  The radiation hydrodynamic code CO5BOLD has been supplemented with
  the time-dependent treatment of chemical reaction networks. Advection
  of particle densities due to the hydrodynamic flow field is also
  included. The radiative transfer is treated frequency-independently,
  i.e. grey, so far. The upgraded code has been applied to two-dimensional
  simulations of carbon monoxide (CO) in the non-magnetic solar
  photosphere and low chromosphere. For this purpose a reaction network
  has been constructed, taking into account the reactions that are most
  important for the formation and dissociation of CO under the physical
  conditions of the solar atmosphere. The network has been strongly
  reduced to 27 reactions, involving the chemical species H, H2, C, O,
  CO, CH, OH and a representative metal. The resulting CO number density
  is highest in the cool regions of the reversed granulation pattern
  at mid-photospheric heights and decreases strongly above. There, the
  CO abundance stays close to a value of 8.3 on the usual logarithmic
  abundance scale with [H] = 12 but is reduced in hot shock waves which
  are a ubiquitous phenomenon of the model atmosphere. For comparison, the
  corresponding equilibrium densities have been calculated, based on the
  reaction network but also under the assumption of instantaneous chemical
  equilibrium by applying the Rybicki &amp; Hummer (RH) code. Owing to the
  short chemical timescales, the assumption holds for a large fraction
  of the atmosphere, in particular the photosphere. In contrast, the CO
  number density deviates strongly from the corresponding equilibrium
  value in the vicinity of chromospheric shock waves. Simulations with
  altered reaction networks clearly show that the formation channel via
  hydroxide (OH) is the most important one under the conditions of the
  solar atmosphere.

Title: The shock-patterned solar chromosphere in the light of ALMA
Authors: Wedemeyer-Böhm, S.; Ludwig, H. -G.; Steffen, M.; Freytag,
   B.; Holweger, H.
2005ESASP.560.1035W    Altcode: 2005csss...13.1035W; 2005astro.ph..9747W
  Recent three-dimensional radiation hydrodynamic simulations by Wedemeyer
  et al. (2004) suggest that the solar chromosphere is highly structured
  in space and time on scales of only 1000 km and 20-25 sec, resp.. The
  resulting pattern consists of a network of hot gas and enclosed cool
  regions which are due to the propagation and interaction of shock
  fronts. In contrast to many other diagnostics, the radio continuum at
  millimeter wavelengths is formed in LTE, and provides a rather direct
  measure of the thermal structure. It thus facilitates the comparison
  between numerical model and observation. While the involved time
  and length scales are not accessible with todays equipment for that
  wavelength range, the next generation of instruments, such as the
  Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA), will provide a big step towards
  the required resolution. Here we present results of radiative transfer
  calculations at mm and sub-mm wavelengths with emphasis on spatial
  and temporal resolution which are crucial for the ongoing discussion
  about the chromospheric temperature structure.

Title: DOT tomography of the solar atmosphere. III. Observations
    and simulations of reversed granulation
Authors: Leenaarts, J.; Wedemeyer-Böhm, S.
2005A&A...431..687L    Altcode:
  We compare high-quality image sequences from the Dutch Open
  Telescope (DOT) with synthetic image sequences obtained from 3D
  radiation-hydrodynamics simulations of the solar granulation. In
  particular, we study the subsonic brightness pattern observed in the
  wings of Ca II HK. The simulations reproduce the observed intensity
  contrast, time scales, and Fourier behaviour rather well. Most
  differences can be attributed to the resolution difference between the
  observations and the simulation and the small geometrical extent of
  the simulation. We conclude that magnetic fields play no major role
  in the formation of reversed granulation.

Title: Numerical simulation of the three-dimensional structure and
    dynamics of the non-magnetic solar chromosphere
Authors: Wedemeyer, S.; Freytag, B.; Steffen, M.; Ludwig, H. -G.;
   Holweger, H.
2004A&A...414.1121W    Altcode: 2003astro.ph.11273W
  Three-dimensional numerical simulations with CO<SUP>5</SUP>, a
  new radiation hydrodynamics code, result in a dynamic, thermally
  bifurcated model of the non-magnetic chromosphere of the quiet Sun. The
  3D model includes the middle and low chromosphere, the photosphere,
  and the top of the convection zone, where acoustic waves are excited
  by convective motions. While the waves propagate upwards, they steepen
  into shocks, dissipate, and deposit their mechanienergy as heat in
  the chromosphere. Our numerical simulations show for the first time
  a complex 3D structure of the chromospheric layers, formed by the
  interaction of shock waves. Horizontal temperature cross-sections of
  the model chromosphere exhibit a network of hot filaments and enclosed
  cool regions. The horizontal pattern evolves on short time-scales of
  the order of typically 20-25 s, and has spatial scales comparable to
  those of the underlying granulation. The resulting thermal bifurcation,
  i.e., the co-existence of cold and hot regions, provides temperatures
  high enough to produce the observed chromospheric UV emission and -
  at the same time - temperatures cold enough to allow the formation
  of molecules (e.g., carbon monoxide). Our 3D model corroborates the
  finding by \citet{carlsson94} that the chromospheric temperature rise
  of semi-empirical models does not necessarily imply an increase in
  the average gas temperature but can be explained by the presence of
  substantial spatial and temporal temperature inhomogeneities.

Title: Modelling the Chromospheric Background Pattern of the
    Non-magnetic Sun
Authors: Wedemeyer, Sven; Freytag, Bernd; Steffen, Matthias; Ludwig,
   Hans-Günter; Holweger, Hartmut
2003ANS...324R..66W    Altcode: 2003ANS...324..I07W
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Multi-dimensional radiation hydrodynamic simulations of the
    non-magnetic solar atmosphere
Authors: Wedemeyer, Sven
2003PhDT.......190W    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Acoustic Waves in the Solar Chromosphere - Numerical
    Simulations with COBOLD
Authors: Wedemeyer, S.; Freytag, B.; Steffen, M.; Ludwig, H. -G.;
   Holweger, H.
2003IAUS..210P..C1W    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: 3-D hydrodynamic simulations of the solar chromosphere
Authors: Wedemeyer, S.; Freytag, B.; Steffen, M.; Ludwig, H. -G.;
   Holweger, H.
2003AN....324..410W    Altcode:
  We present first results of three-dimensional numerical simulations
  of the non-magnetic solar chromosphere, computed with the radiation
  hydrodynamics code CO<SUP>5</SUP>BOLD. Acoustic waves which are
  excited at the top of the convection zone propagate upwards into the
  chromosphere where the waves steepen into shocks. The interaction of
  the waves leads to the formation of complex structures which evolve
  on short time scales. Consequently, the model chromosphere is highly
  dynamical, inhomogeneous, and thermally bifurcated.

Title: Statistical equilibrium and photospheric abundance of silicon
    in the Sun and in Vega
Authors: Wedemeyer, S.
2001A&A...373..998W    Altcode:
  Based on detailed non-LTE calculations, an updated determination of
  the abundance of silicon in the Sun and Vega is presented. The model
  atom includes neutral and singly ionized stages of silicon with 115
  energy levels and 84 line transitions. Non-LTE effects are found to
  be quite small in the Sun. The mean non-LTE abundance correction is
  -0.010 dex with respect to standard LTE calculations, leading to a
  solar abundance of log ɛ<SUB>NLTE</SUB> = 7.550 ± 0.056. For the
  prototype A0 V star Vega the non-LTE effects are small, too. With a
  non-LTE abundance correction of Δ log ɛ = -0.054, a silicon abundance
  of -0.599 dex with respect to the Sun. This confirms the classification
  of Vega as a mild λ Boo star

Title: Acoustic Energy Generated by Convection: 3-D Numerical
    Simulations for the Sun
Authors: Wedemeyer, Sven; Freytag, Bernd; Holweger, Hartmut; Ludwig,
   Hans-Günter; Steffen, Matthias
2001AGM....18..P01W    Altcode:
  Dissipation of acoustic waves may be an efficient heating mechanism for
  the lower and middle chromosphere of the quiet Sun. The basic idea is
  that turbulent motions at the top of the solar convection zone generate
  acoustic waves which propagate upwards and dissipate in the lower and
  middle chromosphere, transporting energy into the higher layers. But
  still the question remains if this amount of energy is sufficient to
  explain the observed temperature increase without invoking magnetic
  fields. With a new version of the COBOLD radiation hydrodynamics code
  we are able to compute 3-D models extending all the way from the upper
  convection zone to the middle chromosphere. First 3-D simulations reveal
  a complex, inhomogenous and highly dynamical structure of the lower and
  middle chromosphere which evolves on rather short timescales. On small
  spatial dimensions very cool regions are present next to a "network"
  of hotter matter. The code is being developed further to provide a
  more detailed analysis and comparison with observations.

Title: Radiation Hydrodynamics Simulations of the Solar Chromosphere
Authors: Wedemeyer, Sven; Freytag, Bernd; Steffen, Matthias; Holweger,
2000AGM....17..P01W    Altcode:
  While heating of the solar corona is commonly attributed to
  reconnection of magnetic field lines, the mechanism responsible for
  heating the chromosphere of the quiet Sun, away from active regions,
  is still under debate<SUP>1,2</SUP>. The basic question which we will
  address in this contribution i s: Can generation of acoustic waves by
  turbulent convection in photospheric and subphotospheric layers explain
  the chromospheric emission of the quiet Sun? With a new 3D radiation
  hydrodynamics code<SUP>3</SUP> we are able to compute models ex tending
  from the upper convection zone to the middle chromosphere. The code
  can handle shocks with a minimum of numerical dissipation. Therefore
  generation and propagation of acoustic waves can be investigated,
  permitting the evaluation of wave dissipation in the chromosphere in
  a physically consistent manner. We present first results and discuss
  the principal problems and future prospects.

Title: Silicon as a cosmic reference element: a reassessment of the
    solar SI abundance
Authors: Wedemeyer, Sven; Holweger, Hartmut; Steffen, Matthias
1999AGAb...15..113V    Altcode: 1999AGM....15..P53V; 1999AGM....15..P54W
  Silicon is an important reference elements for comparing various
  types of cosmic matter with the Sun. The most widely used sources
  of solar (photospheric) abundances, the compilation by Anders &amp;
  Grevesse (1989) and its updates (e.g. Grevesse &amp; Sauval 1998), are
  based on standard abundance analyses employing 1D solar models and,
  in most cases, assuming LTE. We report NLTE calculations for Si and
  a first attempt to determine the effect of horizontal temperature
  inhomogeneities associated with convection on the photospheric
  abundance of Si. We combine the result with that obtained previously
  for O and Fe (Aellig et al. 1999; Schnabel et al. 1999) and compare
  the photospheric Si/Fe, Si/O and Si/H abundance ratios with literature
  data for meteorites, the corona and solar wind, energetic particles and
  galactic B stars and H ii regions. References: Aellig M.R., Holweger H.,
  Bochsler P., et al., 1999, Solar Wind Nine, AIP Conf. Proc. Vol. 471,
  255 Anders E., Grevesse N., 1989, Geochim. Comochim. Acta 53, 197
  Grevesse N., Sauval A.J., 1998, Space Sci. Rev. 85, 161 Schnabel R.,
  Kock M., Holweger H., 1999, A&amp;A 342, 610