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Author name code: welsch
ADS astronomy entries on 2022-09-14
author:Welsch, Brian

Title: Reconstruction of Photospheric Velocity Fields from Highly
    Corrupted Data
Authors: Rempel, Erico L.; Chertovskih, Roman; Davletshina, Kamilla
   R.; Silva, Suzana S. A.; Welsch, Brian T.; Chian, Abraham C. -L.
2022ApJ...933....2R    Altcode: 2022arXiv220509846R
  The analysis of the photospheric velocity field is essential for
  understanding plasma turbulence in the solar surface, which may be
  responsible for driving processes such as magnetic reconnection, flares,
  wave propagation, particle acceleration, and coronal heating. Currently,
  the only available methods to estimate velocities at the solar
  photosphere transverse to an observer's line of sight infer flows from
  differences in image structure in successive observations. Due to data
  noise, algorithms such as local correlation tracking may lead to a
  vector field with wide gaps where no velocity vectors are provided. In
  this paper, a novel method for image inpainting of highly corrupted data
  is proposed and applied to the restoration of horizontal velocity fields
  in the solar photosphere. The restored velocity field preserves all
  the vector field components present in the original field. The method
  shows robustness when applied to both simulated and observational data.

Title: Invited Review: Short-term Variability with the Observations
    from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) Onboard the Solar
Dynamics Observatory (SDO): Insights into Flare Magnetism
Authors: Kazachenko, Maria D.; Albelo-Corchado, Marcel F.; Tamburri,
   Cole A.; Welsch, Brian T.
2022SoPh..297...59K    Altcode:
  Continuous vector magnetic-field measurements by the Helioseismic and
  Magnetic Imager (HMI) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)
  allow us to study magnetic-field properties of many flares. Here, we
  review new observational aspects of flare magnetism described using
  SDO data, including statistical properties of magnetic-reconnection
  fluxes and their rates, magnetic fluxes of flare dimmings, and
  magnetic-field changes during flares. We summarize how these results,
  along with statistical studies of coronal mass ejections (CMEs),
  have improved our understanding of flares and the flare/CME feedback
  relationship. Finally, we highlight future directions to improve
  the current state of understanding of solar-flare magnetism using

Title: Toward Improved Understanding of Magnetic Fields Participating
in Solar Flares: Statistical Analysis of Magnetic Fields within
    Flare Ribbons
Authors: Kazachenko, Maria D.; Lynch, Benjamin J.; Savcheva, Antonia;
   Sun, Xudong; Welsch, Brian T.
2022ApJ...926...56K    Altcode: 2021arXiv211106048K
  Violent solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are magnetic
  phenomena. However, how magnetic fields reconnecting in the flare
  differ from nonflaring magnetic fields remains unclear owing to the
  lack of studies of the flare magnetic properties. Here we present a
  first statistical study of flaring (highlighted by flare ribbons) vector
  magnetic fields in the photosphere. Our systematic approach allows us to
  describe the key physical properties of solar flare magnetism, including
  distributions of magnetic flux, magnetic shear, vertical current, and
  net current over flaring versus nonflaring parts of the active region
  (AR), and compare these with flare/CME properties. Our analysis suggests
  that while flares are guided by the physical properties that scale with
  AR size, like the total amount of magnetic flux that participates in
  the reconnection process and the total current (extensive properties),
  CMEs are guided by mean properties, like the fraction of the AR magnetic
  flux that participates (intensive property), with little dependence
  on the amount of shear at the polarity inversion line (PIL) or the
  net current. We find that the nonneutralized current is proportional
  to the amount of shear at the PIL, providing direct evidence that net
  vertical currents are formed as a result of any mechanism that could
  generate magnetic shear along the PIL. We also find that eruptive
  events tend to have smaller PIL fluxes and larger magnetic shears than
  confined events. Our analysis provides a reference for more realistic
  solar and stellar flare models. The database is available online and
  can be used for future quantitative studies of flare magnetism.

Title: Data-driven, time-dependent modeling of pre-eruptive coronal
    magnetic field configuration at the periphery of NOAA AR 11726
Authors: Lumme, E.; Pomoell, J.; Price, D. J.; Kilpua, E. K. J.;
   Kazachenko, M. D.; Fisher, G. H.; Welsch, B. T.
2022A&A...658A.200L    Altcode:
  Context. Data-driven, time-dependent magnetofrictional modeling has
  proved to be an efficient tool for studying the pre-eruptive build-up
  of energy for solar eruptions, and sometimes even the ejection of
  coronal flux ropes during eruptions. However, previous modeling works
  have illustrated the sensitivity of the results on the data-driven
  boundary condition, as well as the difficulty in modeling the ejections
  with proper time scales. <BR /> Aims: We aim to study the pre- and
  post-eruptive evolution of a weak coronal mass ejection producing
  eruption at the periphery of isolated NOAA active region (AR) 11726
  using a data-driven, time-dependent magnetofrictional simulation,
  and aim to illustrate the strengths and weaknesses of our simulation
  approach. <BR /> Methods: We used state-of-the-art data processing
  and electric field inversion methods to provide the data-driven
  boundary condition for the simulation. We analyzed the field-line
  evolution, magnetic connectivity, twist, as well as the energy and
  helicity budgets in the simulation to study the pre- and post-eruptive
  magnetic field evolution of the observed eruption from AR11726. <BR />
  Results: We find the simulation to produce a pre-eruptive flux rope
  system consistent with several features in the extreme ultraviolet and
  X-ray observations of the eruption, but the simulation largely fails
  to reproduce the ejection of the flux rope. We find the flux rope
  formation to be likely driven by the photospheric vorticity at one of
  the footpoints, although reconnection at a coronal null-point may also
  feed poloidal flux to the flux rope. The accurate determination of the
  non-inductive (curl-free) component of the photospheric electric field
  boundary condition is found to be essential for producing the flux
  rope in the simulation. <BR /> Conclusions: Our results illustrate the
  applicability of the data-driven, time-dependent magnetofrictional
  simulations in modeling the pre-eruptive evolution and formation
  process of a flux rope system, but they indicate that the modeling
  output becomes problematic for the post-eruptive times. For the
  studied event, the flux rope also constituted only a small part
  of the related active region. <P />Movies are available at <A

Title: Toward Improved Understanding of Magnetic Fields Participating
in Solar Flares: Statistical Analysis of Magnetic Field within
    Flare Ribbons
Authors: Kazachenko, Maria; Lynch, Benjamin; Savcheva, Antonia;
   Welsch, Brian
2021AGUFMSH45B2378K    Altcode:
  Flares and coronal mass ejections are manifestations of magnetic
  evolution in the solar corona in which magnetic reconnection is
  believed to play key roles. While the properties of underlying,
  photospheric line-of-sight magnetic fields of active regions (ARs)
  as a whole have been analyzed in detail, properties of vector magnetic
  fields that participate in the reconnection process, highlighted by the
  flare ribbons, have not been described. Here we present a statistical
  analysis of vector magnetic field properties in 40 ARs associated with
  33 eruptive and 7 confined flares, of GOES class C9.0 and greater. For
  every event in the database, we use a HMI/SDO vector magnetogram, and
  AIA 1600A images to calculate various properties of the photospheric
  vector magnetic field within the AR, flare ribbons and the polarity
  inversion line (PIL) areas: magnetic flux, reconnection flux fraction,
  magnetic shear, vertical electric current and current neutralization. We
  find that while the peak X-ray flux has a strong correlation with
  ribbon reconnection flux, it has only moderate correlation with the
  magnetic shear within ribbon- and PIL- areas and the degree of current
  neutralization. We find a new linear relationship between the amount
  of non-neutralized current within the AR (or ribbon) and the amount of
  shear at PIL. This scaling is consistent with earlier simulations and
  case studies, of net currents being formed as a result of any mechanism
  that could generate magnetic shear along PIL: flux emergence, twisting
  or shearing motions. Finally, we find that the CME speed has a much
  stronger correlation with the reconnection flux fraction than with
  any other active region property. We also find that for a fixed peak
  X-ray flux, eruptive events tend to have smaller PIL fluxes and larger
  magnetic shears than confined events. To summarize, our observational
  analysis, supported by MHD ARMS and magnetofrictional simulations,
  suggests that flare peak X-ray fluxes and CME speeds are most strongly
  guided by the total amount of magnetic flux that participates in the
  reconnection process and the amount of the flux in the overlying field,
  than by the amount of PIL shear or AR net current.

Title: Critical Science Plan for the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope
Authors: Rast, Mark P.; Bello González, Nazaret; Bellot Rubio,
   Luis; Cao, Wenda; Cauzzi, Gianna; Deluca, Edward; de Pontieu, Bart;
   Fletcher, Lyndsay; Gibson, Sarah E.; Judge, Philip G.; Katsukawa,
   Yukio; Kazachenko, Maria D.; Khomenko, Elena; Landi, Enrico; Martínez
   Pillet, Valentín; Petrie, Gordon J. D.; Qiu, Jiong; Rachmeler,
   Laurel A.; Rempel, Matthias; Schmidt, Wolfgang; Scullion, Eamon; Sun,
   Xudong; Welsch, Brian T.; Andretta, Vincenzo; Antolin, Patrick; Ayres,
   Thomas R.; Balasubramaniam, K. S.; Ballai, Istvan; Berger, Thomas E.;
   Bradshaw, Stephen J.; Campbell, Ryan J.; Carlsson, Mats; Casini,
   Roberto; Centeno, Rebecca; Cranmer, Steven R.; Criscuoli, Serena;
   Deforest, Craig; Deng, Yuanyong; Erdélyi, Robertus; Fedun, Viktor;
   Fischer, Catherine E.; González Manrique, Sergio J.; Hahn, Michael;
   Harra, Louise; Henriques, Vasco M. J.; Hurlburt, Neal E.; Jaeggli,
   Sarah; Jafarzadeh, Shahin; Jain, Rekha; Jefferies, Stuart M.; Keys,
   Peter H.; Kowalski, Adam F.; Kuckein, Christoph; Kuhn, Jeffrey R.;
   Kuridze, David; Liu, Jiajia; Liu, Wei; Longcope, Dana; Mathioudakis,
   Mihalis; McAteer, R. T. James; McIntosh, Scott W.; McKenzie, David
   E.; Miralles, Mari Paz; Morton, Richard J.; Muglach, Karin; Nelson,
   Chris J.; Panesar, Navdeep K.; Parenti, Susanna; Parnell, Clare E.;
   Poduval, Bala; Reardon, Kevin P.; Reep, Jeffrey W.; Schad, Thomas A.;
   Schmit, Donald; Sharma, Rahul; Socas-Navarro, Hector; Srivastava,
   Abhishek K.; Sterling, Alphonse C.; Suematsu, Yoshinori; Tarr, Lucas
   A.; Tiwari, Sanjiv; Tritschler, Alexandra; Verth, Gary; Vourlidas,
   Angelos; Wang, Haimin; Wang, Yi-Ming; NSO and DKIST Project; DKIST
   Instrument Scientists; DKIST Science Working Group; DKIST Critical
   Science Plan Community
2021SoPh..296...70R    Altcode: 2020arXiv200808203R
  The National Science Foundation's Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope
  (DKIST) will revolutionize our ability to measure, understand,
  and model the basic physical processes that control the structure
  and dynamics of the Sun and its atmosphere. The first-light DKIST
  images, released publicly on 29 January 2020, only hint at the
  extraordinary capabilities that will accompany full commissioning of
  the five facility instruments. With this Critical Science Plan (CSP)
  we attempt to anticipate some of what those capabilities will enable,
  providing a snapshot of some of the scientific pursuits that the DKIST
  hopes to engage as start-of-operations nears. The work builds on the
  combined contributions of the DKIST Science Working Group (SWG) and
  CSP Community members, who generously shared their experiences, plans,
  knowledge, and dreams. Discussion is primarily focused on those issues
  to which DKIST will uniquely contribute.

Title: Oscillations observed in umbra, plage, quiet-Sun and the
    polarity inversion line of active region 11158 using Helioseismic
    Magnetic Imager/Solar Dynamics Observatory data
Authors: Norton, A. A.; Stutz, R. B.; Welsch, B. T.
2021RSPTA.37900175N    Altcode: 2021arXiv210101349N
  Using data from the Helioseismic Magnetic Imager, we report on the
  amplitudes and phase relations of oscillations in quiet-Sun, plage,
  umbra and the polarity inversion line (PIL) of an active region
  NOAA#11158. We employ Fourier, wavelet and cross-correlation spectra
  analysis. Waves with 5 min periods are observed in umbra, PIL and plage
  with common phase values of φ(v, I) = π/2, φ(v, B<SUB>los</SUB>)
  = -(π/2). In addition, φ(I, B<SUB>los</SUB>) = π in plage are
  observed. These phase values are consistent with slow standing or
  fast standing surface sausage wave modes. The line width variations,
  and their phase relations with intensity and magnetic oscillations,
  show different values within the plage and PIL regions, which may
  offer a way to further differentiate wave mode mechanics. Significant
  Doppler velocity oscillations are present along the PIL, meaning
  that plasma motion is perpendicular to the magnetic field lines, a
  signature of Alvènic waves. A time-distance diagram along a section
  of the PIL shows Eastward propagating Doppler oscillations converting
  into magnetic oscillations; the propagation speeds range between 2
  and 6 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. Lastly, a 3 min wave is observed in select
  regions of the umbra in the magnetogram data. <P />This article is
  part of the Theo Murphy meeting issue `High-resolution wave dynamics
  in the lower solar atmosphere'.

Title: The Coronal Global Evolutionary Model: Using HMI Vector
    Magnetogram and Doppler Data to Determine Coronal Magnetic Field
Authors: Kazachenko, Maria; Abbett, Bill; Liu, Yang; Fisher, George;
   Welsch, Brian; Bercik, Dave; DeRosa, Marc; Cheung, Mark; Sun, Xudong;
   Hoeksema, J. Todd; Erkka Lumme, .; Hayashi, Keiji; Lynch, Benjamin
2021cosp...43E1785K    Altcode:
  The Coronal Global Evolutionary Model (CGEM) provides data-driven
  simulations of the magnetic field in the solar corona to better
  understand the build-up of magnetic energy that leads to eruptive
  events. The CGEM project has developed six capabilities. CGEM modules
  (1) prepare time series of full-disk vector magnetic field observations
  to (2) derive the changing electric field in the solar photosphere over
  active-region scales. This local electric field is (3) incorporated
  into a surface flux transport model that reconstructs a global
  electric field that evolves magnetic flux in a consistent way. These
  electric fields drive a (4) 3D spherical magnetofrictional (SMF) model,
  either at high resolution over a restricted range of solid angles or
  at lower resolution over a global domain to determine the magnetic
  field and current density in the low corona. An SMF-generated initial
  field above an active region and the evolving electric field at the
  photosphere are used to drive (5) detailed magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)
  simulations of active regions in the low corona. SMF or MHD solutions
  are then used to compute emissivity proxies that can be compared
  with coronal observations. Finally, a lower-resolution SMF magnetic
  field is used to initialize (6) a global MHD model that is driven by
  an SMF electric field time series to simulate the outer corona and
  heliosphere, ultimately connecting Sun to Earth. As a demonstration,
  this report features results of CGEM applied to observations of the
  evolution of NOAA Active Region 11158 in 2011 February.

Title: Extended, Kilogauss Bald Patches in the Super-Flaring Solar
    Active Region 12673
Authors: Sun, Xudong; Gibson, Sarah; Welsch, Brian; Titov, Viacheslav
2021cosp...43E1730S    Altcode:
  Bald patch (BP) is a magnetic topological feature where U-shaped
  field lines turn tangent to the photosphere. When accompanied by
  shear, BPs suggest the existence of pre-eruption magnetic flux ropes
  (MFRs). Previous studies often found them in young solar active regions
  (ARs) with patchy flux emergence, or decaying ARs with weaker magnetic
  field. Here we report on a coherent, strong-field example observed
  in the super-flaring AR 12673. The central BP, located in a narrow
  delta_x000E_-spot penumbral lane, extended over 10 Mm with field
  strength above 2 kG. It formed over a period 10 hr, which featured fast
  Doppler downflow, gradual azimuth rotation, field strength reduction,
  and field gradient enhancement. It then rapidly disintegrated during
  a GOES X9 flare. Coronal field extrapolation reveals a low-lying,
  kilogauss MFR with over two turns of twist wrapped inside three
  intersecting BP separatrices (BPSs). The early-phase flare ribbons
  coincide with BPS foot prints. We discuss the BP formation mechanism
  such as flux cancellation, its stability condition, and its role in
  the eruption.

Title: The Coronal Global Evolutionary Model: Using HMI Vector
    Magnetogram and Doppler Data to Determine Coronal Magnetic Field
Authors: Hoeksema, J. Todd; Abbett, William P.; Bercik, David J.;
   Cheung, Mark C. M.; DeRosa, Marc L.; Fisher, George H.; Hayashi, Keiji;
   Kazachenko, Maria D.; Liu, Yang; Lumme, Erkka; Lynch, Benjamin J.;
   Sun, Xudong; Welsch, Brian T.
2020ApJS..250...28H    Altcode: 2020arXiv200614579H
  The Coronal Global Evolutionary Model (CGEM) provides data-driven
  simulations of the magnetic field in the solar corona to better
  understand the build-up of magnetic energy that leads to eruptive
  events. The CGEM project has developed six capabilities. CGEM modules
  (1) prepare time series of full-disk vector magnetic field observations
  to (2) derive the changing electric field in the solar photosphere over
  active-region scales. This local electric field is (3) incorporated
  into a surface flux transport model that reconstructs a global
  electric field that evolves magnetic flux in a consistent way. These
  electric fields drive a (4) 3D spherical magnetofrictional (SMF) model,
  either at high resolution over a restricted range of solid angles or
  at lower resolution over a global domain to determine the magnetic
  field and current density in the low corona. An SMF-generated initial
  field above an active region and the evolving electric field at the
  photosphere are used to drive (5) detailed magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)
  simulations of active regions in the low corona. SMF or MHD solutions
  are then used to compute emissivity proxies that can be compared
  with coronal observations. Finally, a lower-resolution SMF magnetic
  field is used to initialize (6) a global MHD model that is driven by
  an SMF electric field time series to simulate the outer corona and
  heliosphere, ultimately connecting Sun to Earth. As a demonstration,
  this report features results of CGEM applied to observations of the
  evolution of NOAA Active Region 11158 in 2011 February.

Title: The PDFI_SS Electric Field Inversion Software
Authors: Fisher, George H.; Kazachenko, Maria D.; Welsch, Brian T.;
   Sun, Xudong; Lumme, Erkka; Bercik, David J.; DeRosa, Marc L.; Cheung,
   Mark C. M.
2020ApJS..248....2F    Altcode: 2019arXiv191208301F
  We describe the PDFI_SS software library, which is designed to
  find the electric field at the Sun's photosphere from a sequence of
  vector magnetogram and Doppler velocity measurements and estimates of
  horizontal velocities obtained from local correlation tracking using the
  recently upgraded Fourier Local Correlation Tracking code. The library,
  a collection of FORTRAN subroutines, uses the "PDFI" technique described
  by Kazachenko et al., but modified for use in spherical, Plate Carrée
  geometry on a staggered grid. The domain over which solutions are found
  is a subset of the global spherical surface, defined by user-specified
  limits of colatitude and longitude. Our staggered grid approach, based
  on that of Yee, is more conservative and self-consistent compared to
  the centered, Cartesian grid used by Kazachenko et al. The library can
  be used to compute an end-to-end solution for electric fields from data
  taken by the HMI instrument aboard NASA's SDO mission. This capability
  has been incorporated into the HMI pipeline processing system operating
  at SDO's Joint Science Operations Center. The library is written in a
  general and modular way so that the calculations can be customized to
  modify or delete electric field contributions, or used with other data
  sets. Other applications include "nudging" numerical models of the solar
  atmosphere to facilitate assimilative simulations. The library includes
  an ability to compute "global" (whole-Sun) electric field solutions. The
  library also includes an ability to compute potential magnetic field
  solutions in spherical coordinates. This distribution includes a number
  of test programs that allow the user to test the software.

Title: The PDFI_SS Electric Field Inversion Software
Authors: Fisher, George H.; Kazachenko, Maria D.; Welsch, Brian T.;
   Lumme, Erkka
2020zndo...3711571F    Altcode:
  This is a copy of the PDFI_SS electric field inversion software,
  as described in arXiv 1912.08301.

Title: The FLCT local correlation tracking software
Authors: Fisher, George H.; Welsch, Brian T.
2020zndo...3711569F    Altcode:
  FLCT consists of a library of functions, written in C, for performing
  tasks associated with local correlation tracking, and the approximate
  inverse operation, the warping of an image by a two-dimensional
  displacement function. The library is written in such a way that it can
  be called easily from either C or Fortran. The software also includes
  source code for two standalone executables, flct and warp, which will
  perform the correlation tracking or warping by reading input files and
  then creating output files that can be read from other applications,
  such as IDL.

Title: Statistical Analysis of Solar Flare Ribbon Properties Using
    Observations from Solar Dynamics Observatory
Authors: Kazachenko, M.; Lynch, B. J.; Welsch, B. T.; Sun, X.
2019AGUFMSH12B..03K    Altcode:
  We extend our RibbonDB database of &gt;3000 solar flare ribbon events
  corresponding to every flare of GOES class C1.0 and greater within
  45 degrees from the disk center, from April 2010 until April 2019,
  observed by the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). For every event in
  the database, we compare GOES X-ray and SDO/EVE flare properties with
  corresponding active-region and flare-ribbon properties, including
  cumulative reconnection flux and peak reconnection flux rate. We present
  the results and discuss what could be learnt from studying typical
  and outlier flares to deepen our understanding of solar flare physics.

Title: Photospheric Flows &amp; DKIST: Resolving Both Smaller Scales
    And Open Questions
Authors: Welsch, Brian
2019AAS...23422602W    Altcode:
  The technical aim of DKIST is to resolve dynamics on spatial scales
  not yet observed - an achievement that also promises to resolve
  many important science questions. For instance, the characteristics
  of photospheric velocity fields on currently unresolved scales -
  such as the strength of vorticity present, and the lifetimes of flow
  patterns - have substantial implications for theories chromospheric
  and coronal heating. Parker long ago hypothesized that the braiding of
  flux tubes by photospheric flows might play a role in the generation of
  current sheets above the photosphere, whose dissipation should lead to
  atmospheric heating. More recently, van Ballegooijen and collaborators
  have proposed that photospheric flows evolving on time scales shorter
  than the round-trip, photosphere-to-transition-region travel time for
  Alfven waves could lead to counter-propagating waves that should induce
  turbulence and subsequent dissipative heating. Using methods like
  local correlation tracking (LCT) and feature tracking to infer flows
  in rapid-cadence, high-resolution DKIST observations of magnetized
  regions of the lower solar atmosphere should enable testing these,
  and other, coronal heating models.

Title: What is the role of flare ribbon structure on CME speeds?
Authors: Welsch, Brian; Hencheck, Michael; Kazachenko, Maria D.;
   Ginsburg, David
2019AAS...23411201W    Altcode:
  Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are the primary drivers of severe space
  weather disturbances, but remain poorly understood. Hence, efforts
  to characterize and predict their dynamics are ongoing. Many CMEs
  are associated with solar flares, and, in particular, flare ribbons,
  which are bright bands of strongly enhanced emission originating above
  magnetized areas of the photosphere. As a solar eruption progresses,
  these ribbons typically move across areas that contain fluxes of
  order 10<SUP>21</SUP> Mx or more. The rate at which the ribbons
  sweep across photospheric flux is thought to correspond to the rate
  of coronal magnetic reconnection. Previous studies found significant
  correlations between CME speeds and the total amount of flux swept by
  flare ribbons. Here, we investigate relationships between CME speeds
  and spatial moments of their source-region photospheric magnetic fields
  and flare ribbons, including spatial moments of: (i) magnetic flux in
  the source region; (ii) signed and (iii) unsigned magnetic flux within
  ribbon areas; and (iv) binary maps ribbon areas. Our sample consists of
  N = 75 CMEs in the SOHO/LASCO CME catalog that were manually associated
  with flare ribbons identified in SDO/AIA data. Vector magnetograms
  obtained by SDO/HMI were used in our calculations of source-region
  magnetic properties. We confirm prior results that correlations
  between CME speeds and total magnetic fluxes swept by flare ribbons are
  statistically significant. We also find that spatial moments of ribbon
  magnetic fields are also significantly correlated with CME speeds.

Title: Probing the Effect of Cadence on the Estimates of Photospheric
    Energy and Helicity Injections in Eruptive Active Region NOAA AR 11158
Authors: Lumme, E.; Kazachenko, M. D.; Fisher, G. H.; Welsch, B. T.;
   Pomoell, J.; Kilpua, E. K. J.
2019SoPh..294...84L    Altcode: 2019arXiv190700367L
  We study how the input-data cadence affects the photospheric energy
  and helicity injection estimates in eruptive NOAA Active Region
  11158. We sample the novel 2.25-minute vector magnetogram and
  Dopplergram data from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI)
  instrument onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) spacecraft to
  create input datasets of variable cadences ranging from 2.25 minutes
  to 24 hours. We employ state-of-the-art data processing, velocity,
  and electric-field inversion methods for deriving estimates of the
  energy and helicity injections from these datasets. We find that
  the electric-field inversion methods that reproduce the observed
  magnetic-field evolution through the use of Faraday's law are more
  stable against variable cadence: the PDFI (PTD-Doppler-FLCT-Ideal,
  where PTD refers to Poloidal-Toroidal Decomposition, and FLCT to
  Fourier Local Correlation Tracking) electric-field inversion method
  produces consistent injection estimates for cadences from 2.25 minutes
  up to two hours, implying that the photospheric processes acting on
  time scales below two hours contribute little to the injections, or
  that they are below the sensitivity of the input data and the PDFI
  method. On other hand, the electric-field estimate derived from the
  output of DAVE4VM (Differential Affine Velocity Estimator for Vector
  Magnetograms), which does not fulfill Faraday's law exactly, produces
  significant variations in the energy and helicity injection estimates
  in the 2.25 minutes - two hours cadence range. We also present a third,
  novel DAVE4VM-based electric-field estimate, which corrects the poor
  inductivity of the raw DAVE4VM estimate. This method is less sensitive
  to the changes of cadence, but it still faces significant issues for
  the lowest of considered cadences (≥ two hours). We find several
  potential problems in both PDFI- and DAVE4VM-based injection estimates
  and conclude that the quality of both should be surveyed further in
  controlled environments.

Title: Flux Accretion and Coronal Mass Ejection Dynamics
Authors: Welsch, Brian T.
2018SoPh..293..113W    Altcode: 2017arXiv170109082W
  Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are the primary drivers of severe
  space weather disturbances in the heliosphere. Models of CME dynamics
  have been proposed that do not fully include the effects of magnetic
  reconnection on the forces driving the ejection. Both observations and
  numerical modeling, however, suggest that reconnection likely plays
  a major role in most, if not all, fast CMEs. Here, we theoretically
  investigate the accretion of magnetic flux onto a rising ejection
  by reconnection involving the ejection's background field. This
  reconnection alters the magnetic structure of the ejection and its
  environment, thereby modifying the forces acting upon the ejection,
  generically increasing its upward acceleration. The modified forces,
  in turn, can more strongly drive the reconnection. This feedback
  process acts, effectively, as an instability, which we refer to as
  a reconnective instability. Our analysis implies that CME models
  that neglect the effects of reconnection cannot accurately describe
  observed CME dynamics. Our ultimate aim is to understand changes in CME
  acceleration in terms of observable properties of magnetic reconnection,
  such as the amount of reconnected flux. This flux can be estimated
  from observations of flare ribbons and photospheric magnetic fields.

Title: Using Photospheric Vector Magnetograms to Drive Coronal
    Field Models
Authors: Welsch, Brian T.; CGEM Team
2018shin.confE..89W    Altcode:
  Solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are driven by the
  release of free magnetic energy stored in electric currents in the
  coronal magnetic field. Without photospheric forcing, the large-scale
  coronal field should, in principle, maintain a nearly steady
  equilibrium. Photospheric evolution must therefore play a central
  role in driving the corona to produce flares and CMEs. Consequently,
  observations of the photospheric vector magnetic field provide crucial
  inputs for understanding this

Title: Flux Accretion and Coronal Mass Ejection Dynamics
Authors: Welsch, Brian T.
2018shin.confE.190W    Altcode:
  Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are the primary drivers of severe
  space weather disturbances in the heliosphere. Models of CME dynamics
  have been proposed that do not fully include the effects of magnetic
  reconnection on the forces driving the ejection. Both observations and
  numerical modeling, however, suggest that reconnection likely plays
  a major role in most, if not all, fast CMEs. Here, we theoretically
  investigate the accretion of magnetic flux onto a rising ejection
  by reconnection involving the ejection's background field. This
  reconnection alters the magnetic structure of the ejection and its
  environment, thereby modifying the forces acting upon the ejection,
  generically increasing its upward acceleration. The modified forces,
  in turn, can more strongly drive the reconnection. This feedback
  process acts, effectively, as an instability, which we refer to as
  a reconnective instability. Our analysis implies that CME models
  that neglect the effects of reconnection do not correctly describe
  observed CME dynamics. Our ultimate aim is to understand changes in CME
  acceleration in terms of observable properties of magnetic reconnection,
  such as the amount of reconnected flux, deduced from observations of
  flare ribbons and photospheric magnetic fields.

Title: What are the Roles of Magnetic Field and Flare Ribbon Structure
    on CME Dynamics?
Authors: Ginsburg, David E.; Welsch, Brian
2018tess.conf10420G    Altcode:
  Disturbances in the near-Earth space environment - known as space
  weather events - can impact humanity's infrastructure. Understanding
  and predicting space weather, however, remains challenging. Because
  coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are the primary driver of severe space
  weather disturbances, much work revolves around the characterization
  and prediction of their dynamics. Some CMEs are associated with solar
  flares, and, in particular, "ribbons" of strongly enhanced emission
  near the base of the corona (the Sun's outer atmosphere). Previous
  work demonstrated a statistical relationship between CME speeds and
  the strengths of their source flares. It has been proposed that
  quadrupolar magnetic regions are more unstable to eruption than
  bipolar magnetic regions. Motivated by the idea that source regions'
  magnetic structure might influence eruption dynamics, we investigate
  relationships between CME speeds and properties of their source-region
  magnetic fields and flare ribbons, including spatial moments of: (i)
  the radial photospheric flux distribution; (ii) binary maps of the
  flare ribbons; and (iii) flux-weighted maps of the flare-ribbons. We
  first worked to associate flare ribbons in an existing database with
  CMEs, by comparing the times and locations of flares as determined by
  the NOAA/GOES flare catalog with CME data taken from the SOHO/LASCO
  CME catalog. The N = 76 flare/CME associations that we made comprise
  our dataset. Magnetic field maps of CME source regions, obtained with
  the HMI satellite, were used to calculate the spatial moments that
  we analyze. We have calculated correlations between these moments
  and two measures of CME speeds, as well as single- and multivariable
  regressions of CME speeds as functions of these moments.

Title: Flux Accretion and Coronal Mass Ejection Dynamics
Authors: Welsch, Brian T.
2018tess.conf10414W    Altcode:
  Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are the primary drivers of severe
  space weather disturbances in the heliosphere. Models of CME dynamics
  have been proposed that do not fully include the effects of magnetic
  reconnection on the forces driving the ejection. Both observations and
  numerical modeling, however, suggest that reconnection likely plays
  a major role in most, if not all, fast CMEs. Here, we theoretically
  investigate the accretion of magnetic flux onto a rising ejection
  by reconnection involving the ejection's background field. This
  reconnection alters the magnetic structure of the ejection and its
  environment, thereby modifying the forces acting upon the ejection,
  generically increasing its upward acceleration. The modified forces,
  in turn, can more strongly drive the reconnection. This feedback
  process acts, effectively, as an instability, which we refer to as
  a reconnective instability. Our analysis implies that CME models
  that neglect the effects of reconnection cannot accurately describe
  observed CME dynamics. Our ultimate aim is to understand changes in CME
  acceleration in terms of observable properties of magnetic reconnection,
  such as the amount of reconnected flux, deduced from observations of
  flare ribbons and photospheric magnetic fields. &lt;hr&gt;

Title: A Database of Flare Ribbon Properties From Solar Dynamics
Observatory: Reconnection Flux
Authors: Kazachenko, Maria D.; Welsch, Brian; Lynch, Benjamin J.;
   Sun, Xudong
2017SPD....4810824K    Altcode:
  We present a database of 3137 solar flare ribbon events corresponding to
  every flare of GOES class C1.0 and greater within 45 degrees from the
  disk center, from April 2010 until April 2016, observed by the Solar
  Dynamics Observatory. For every event in the database, we compare the
  GOES peak X-ray flux with corresponding active-region and flare-ribbon
  properties. We find that while the peak X-ray flux is not correlated
  with the AR unsigned magnetic flux, it is strongly correlated with the
  flare ribbon reconnection flux, flare ribbon area, and the fraction of
  active region flux that undergoes reconnection. We find the relationship
  between the peak X-ray flux and the flare ribbon reconnection flux to
  be I_{X,peak} ~ \Phi_{ribbon}^{1.3} for flares &gt;M1 and I_{X,peak}
  ~ \Phi_{ribbon}^{1.5} over the entire flare set (&gt;C1). This scaling
  law is consistent with earlier hydrodynamic simulations of impulsively
  heated flare loops. Using the flare reconnection flux as a proxy
  for the total released flare energy E, we find that the occurrence
  frequency of flare energies follows a power-law dependence: dN/dE ~
  E^{-1.6} for E within 10^{31} to 10^{33} erg, consistent with earlier
  studies of solar and stellar flares. This database is available online
  and can be used for future quantitative studies of flares.

Title: A Database of Flare Ribbon Properties from the Solar Dynamics
    Observatory. I. Reconnection Flux
Authors: Kazachenko, Maria D.; Lynch, Benjamin J.; Welsch, Brian T.;
   Sun, Xudong
2017ApJ...845...49K    Altcode: 2017arXiv170405097K
  We present a database of 3137 solar flare ribbon events corresponding
  to every flare of GOES class C1.0 and greater within 45° from the
  central meridian, from 2010 April until 2016 April, observed by the
  Solar Dynamics Observatory. For every event in the database, we compare
  the GOES peak X-ray flux with the corresponding active region and
  flare ribbon properties. We find that while the peak X-ray flux is not
  correlated with the active region unsigned magnetic flux, it is strongly
  correlated with the flare ribbon reconnection flux, flare ribbon area,
  and the fraction of active region flux that undergoes reconnection. We
  find the relationship between the peak X-ray flux and the flare
  ribbon reconnection flux to be {I}<SUB>{{X</SUB>},{peak}}\propto {{{Φ
  }}}<SUB>{ribbon</SUB>}<SUP>1.5</SUP>. This scaling law is consistent
  with earlier hydrodynamic simulations of impulsively heated flare
  loops. Using the flare reconnection flux as a proxy for the total
  released flare energy E, we find that the occurrence frequency of
  flare energies follows a power-law dependence: {dN}/{dE}\propto
  {E}<SUP>-1.6</SUP> for {10}<SUP>31</SUP>&lt; E&lt; {10}<SUP>33</SUP>
  {erg}, consistent with earlier studies of solar and stellar flares. The
  database is available online and can be used for future quantitative
  studies of flares.

Title: Flux Accretion and Coronal Mass Ejection Dynamics
Authors: Welsch, Brian
2017SPD....4820607W    Altcode:
  Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are the primary drivers of severe
  space weather disturbances in the heliosphere. The equations of ideal
  magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) have been used to model the onset and, in
  some cases, the subsequent acceleration of ejections. Both observations
  and numerical modeling, however, suggest that magnetic reconnection
  likely plays a major role in most, if not all, fast CMEs. Here, we
  theoretically investigate the dynamical effects of accretion of magnetic
  flux onto a rising ejection by reconnection involving the ejection's
  background field. This reconnection alters the magnetic structure
  of the ejection and its environment, thereby modifying forces acting
  during the eruption, generically leading to faster acceleration of the
  CME. Our ultimate aim is to characterize changes in CME acceleration
  in terms of observable properties of magnetic reconnection, such as
  the amount of reconnected flux, deduced from observations of flare
  ribbons and photospheric magnetic fields.

Title: A Database of Flare Ribbon Properties From Solar Dynamics
Observatory: Reconnection Flux
Authors: Kazachenko, Maria D.; Welsch, Brian T.; Lynch, Benjamin;
   Sun, Xudong
2017shin.confE..35K    Altcode:
  We present a database of 3137 solar flare ribbon events corresponding to
  every flare of GOES class C1.0 and greater within 45 degrees from the
  disk center, from April 2010 until April 2016, observed by the Solar
  Dynamics Observatory. For every event in the database, we compare the
  GOES peak X-ray flux with corresponding active-region and flare-ribbon
  properties. We find that while the peak X-ray flux is not correlated
  with the AR unsigned magnetic flux, it is strongly correlated with the
  flare ribbon reconnection flux, flare ribbon area, and the fraction of
  active region flux that undergoes reconnection. We find the relationship
  between the peak X-ray flux and the flare ribbon reconnection flux
  to be I_{X,peak} Φ_{ribbon}^{1.3} for flares &gt;M1 and I_{X,peak}
  Φ_{ribbon}^{1.5} over the entire flare set (&gt;C1). This scaling
  law is consistent with earlier hydrodynamic simulations of impulsively
  heated flare loops. Using the flare reconnection flux as a proxy for the
  total released flare energy E, we find that the occurrence frequency
  of flare energies follows a power-law dependence: dN/dE E^{-1.6} for
  E within 10^{31} to 10^{33} erg, consistent with earlier studies of
  solar and stellar flares. This database is available online and can
  be used for future quantitative studies of flares.

Title: Advanced Materials Characterization of P-Rich and P-Poor
    Regions Within Single-Crystal Olivine
Authors: Hammer, J. E.; Ishii, H. A.; Bradley, J. P.; Shea, T.;
   Welsch, B.; Hellebrand, E.
2017LPI....48.2375H    Altcode:
  We are studying how P is incorporated in olivine, by resolving
  differences in the abundance and geometry of defects within P-rich
  and P-poor olivine.

Title: Magmatic Cooling History of Troctolite 76535 Constrained by
    Diffusion Modeling of Olivine and Plagioclase Compositional Zonation
Authors: Hammer, J. E.; Shea, T.; Taylor, G. J.; Hellebrand, E.;
   Welsch, B.
2017LPI....48.1274H    Altcode:
  Rapid initial crystallization of 76535 is suggested by diffusion
  modeling of olivine compositional zonation.

Title: The Roles of Reconnected Flux and Overlying Fields in CME
Authors: Deng, Minda; Welsch, Brian T.
2017SoPh..292...17D    Altcode: 2015arXiv150402905D
  Researchers have reported i) correlations of coronal mass ejection
  (CME) speeds and the total photospheric magnetic flux swept out by
  flare ribbons in flare-associated eruptive events, and, separately,
  ii) correlations of CME speeds and more rapid decay, with height,
  of magnetic fields in potential-field coronal models above eruption
  sites. Here, we compare the roles of both ribbon fluxes and the
  decay rates of overlying fields in a set of 16 eruptive events. We
  confirm previous results that higher CME speeds are associated
  with both higher ribbon fluxes and more rapidly decaying overlying
  fields. We find the association with ribbon fluxes to be weaker than
  a previous report, but stronger than the dependence on the decay rate
  of overlying fields. Since the photospheric ribbon flux is thought
  to approximate the amount of coronal magnetic flux reconnected during
  the event, the correlation of speeds with ribbon fluxes suggests that
  reconnection plays some role in accelerating CMEs. One possibility
  is that reconnected fields that wrap around the rising ejection
  produce an increased outward hoop force, thereby increasing CME
  acceleration. The correlation of CME speeds with more rapidly decaying
  overlying fields might be caused by greater downward magnetic tension
  in stronger overlying fields, which could act as a source of drag on
  rising ejections.

Title: A Database of Flare Ribbons Observed By Solar Dynamics
Authors: Kazachenko, M.; Lynch, B. J.; Welsch, B. T.
2016AGUFMSH34A..03K    Altcode:
  Flare ribbons are emission structures observed during flares in
  transition-region and in chromospheric. They typically straddle a
  polarity inversion line (PIL) of the radial magnetic field at the
  photosphere, and move apart as the flare progresses. The ribbon flux -
  the amount of unsigned photospheric magnetic flux swept out by flare
  ribbons - is thought to be related to the amount coronal magnetic
  reconnection, and hence provides a key diagnostic tool for understanding
  the physical processes at work in flares and CMEs. Previous measurements
  of the magnetic flux swept out by flare ribbons required time-consuming
  co-alignment between magnetograph and intensity data from different
  instruments, explaining why those studies only analyzed, at most,
  a few events. The launch of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager
  (HMI) and the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA), both aboard the
  Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), presented a rare opportunity to
  automatically compile a complete dataset of flare-ribbon events. Here
  we present a dataset of both flare ribbon positions and reconnection
  fluxes, as a function of time, for all C-class flares within 45 degrees
  of disk center observed by the SDO.

Title: The Circulation and Closure of Electric Currents in the
    Solar Atmosphere
Authors: Kazachenko, M.; Fisher, G. H.; Bercik, D. J.; Welsch, B. T.;
   Lynch, B. J.
2016AGUFMSH31B2579K    Altcode:
  How much information about vertical and horizontal currents
  flowing inthe solar atmosphere can we learn from a single vector
  magnetogramtaken at the photosphere? It is well-known that one
  can determine theradial current density by taking the curl of the
  magnetic fieldcomponents parallel to an idealised photospheric
  surface. Here, weinvestigate the additional information that can be
  learned abouthorizontal currents flowing in the atmosphere above
  the photosphere.In particular, we study the radially integrated
  horizontal currentdistribution, expressed as a surface current
  density. In ourformalism, this surface-current density is projected
  onto thephotospheric surface, even though it represents currents flowing
  atall heights in the atmosphere. Horizontal currents reflect twosources:
  (1) currents flowing around radial magnetic distributions;and (2)
  horizontal currents that originate as radial currents at thephotosphere,
  become horizontal above it, and return to the photosphereagain as
  radial currents. Our aim is to derive two-dimensional“maps” of how
  currents flow through the solar atmosphere that can bederived from
  vector magnetic field measurements at a single height.

Title: Deriving Potential Coronal Magnetic Fields from Vector
Authors: Welsch, Brian T.; Fisher, George H.
2016SoPh..291.1681W    Altcode: 2016SoPh..tmp..120W; 2015arXiv150308754W
  The minimum-energy configuration for the magnetic field above the solar
  photosphere is curl-free (hence, by Ampère's law, also current-free),
  so can be represented as the gradient of a scalar potential. Since
  magnetic fields are divergence free, this scalar potential obeys
  Laplace's equation, given an appropriate boundary condition (BC). With
  measurements of the full magnetic vector at the photosphere, it is
  possible to employ either Neumann or Dirichlet BCs there. Historically,
  the Neumann BC was used with available line-of-sight magnetic field
  measurements, which approximate the radial field needed for the
  Neumann BC. Since each BC fully determines the 3D vector magnetic
  field, either choice will, in general, be inconsistent with some
  aspect of the observed field on the boundary, due to the presence of
  both currents and noise in the observed field. We present a method to
  combine solutions from both Dirichlet and Neumann BCs to determine a
  hybrid, "least-squares" potential field, which minimizes the integrated
  square of the residual between the potential and actual fields. We
  also explore weighting the residuals in the fit by spatially uniform
  measurement uncertainties. This has advantages both in not overfitting
  the radial field used for the Neumann BC, and in maximizing consistency
  with the observations. We demonstrate our methods with SDO/HMI vector
  magnetic field observations of active region 11158, and find that
  residual discrepancies between the observed and potential fields
  are significant, and they are consistent with nonzero horizontal
  photospheric currents. We also analyze potential fields for two other
  active regions observed with two different vector magnetographs, and
  find that hybrid-potential fields have significantly less energy than
  the Neumann fields in every case - by more than 10<SUP>32</SUP>erg
  in some cases. This has major implications for estimates of free
  magnetic energy in coronal field models, e.g., non-linear force-free
  field extrapolations.

Title: Using Two-Ribbon Flare Data Set to Constrain Flare Properties
Authors: Kazachenko, Maria D.; Lynch, Benjamin J.; Welsch, Brian T.
2016shin.confE.118K    Altcode:
  Flare ribbons are emission structures that are frequently observed
  during flares in transition-region and chromospheric radiation. These
  typically straddle a polarity inversion line (PIL) of the radial
  magnetic field at the photosphere, and move apart as the flare
  progresses. The ribbon flux - the amount of unsigned photospheric
  magnetic flux swept out by flare ribbons - is thought to be related
  to the amount coronal magnetic reconnection, and hence provides a key
  diagnostic tool for understanding the physical processes at work in
  flares and CMEs. Previous measurements of the magnetic flux swept
  out by flare ribbons required time-consuming co-alignment between
  magnetograph and intensity data from different instruments, explaining
  why those studies only analyzed, at most, a few events. The launch
  of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) and the Atmospheric
  Imaging Assembly (AIA), both aboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory
  (SDO), presented a rare opportunity to compile a much larger sample of
  flare-ribbon events than could readily be assembled before. We created
  a dataset of 407 events of both flare ribbon positions and fluxes,
  as a function of time, for all C8.-class and greater flares within
  45 degrees of disk center observed by SDO from April 2010 till April
  2016. For this purpose, we used vector magnetograms (2D magnetic field
  maps) from HMI and UV images from AIA. A critical problem with using
  unprocessed AIA data is the existence of spurious intensities in AIA
  data associated with strong flare emission, most notably

Title: A Potential Field Model for Spherical Sub-domains
Authors: Fisher, George H.; Bercik, David; Welsch, Brian; Kazachenko,
   Maria D.; CGEM Team
2016SPD....47.0308F    Altcode:
  Potential field models are used widely in Solar Physics to
  estimate coronal magnetic field geometry and connectivity, to
  provide lower limits on magnetic energies, and to provide initial
  configurations for time-dependent models of magnetic fields in the
  solar atmosphere. Potential field models in a spherical geometry can be
  global, covering the entire Sun, or confined to localized sub-volumes
  of the sphere. Here, we focus on the latter case.We describe an
  efficient potential field model for localized spherical sub-volumes
  (wedges consisting of upper and lower limits of radius, co-latitude, and
  longitude), employing a finite-difference approach for the solution. The
  solution is derived in terms of a "poloidal" potential, which can then
  be used to find either the scalar potential or the vector potential for
  the magnetic field (if desired), as well as all three magnetic field
  components. The magnetic field components are computed on the faces of
  spherical voxels, and the finite difference grid is consistent with
  the well-known "Yee" grid. The inner spherical boundary is defined
  by radial magnetic field measurements, and at the outer radius a
  source-surface boundary condition is imposed.Potential field solutions
  on active region scales, at full HMI resolution, and with the source
  surface located a solar radius above the photosphere, can be obtained
  on a laptop computer in just a few minutes. The three-dimensional
  finite difference equations are solved using NCAR's FISHPACK elliptic
  equation solver.The potential field model was developed by the Coronal
  Global Evolutionary Model (CGEM) project, funded by the NASA and NSF
  Strategic Capabilities program. The potential field model described
  here was motivated by CGEM's need for such a model. The model will be
  released as open-source code when the model details are published.

Title: Revisiting Ribbon Fluxes and CME Speeds
Authors: Welsch, Brian; Kazachenko, Maria D.; Hencheck, Michael
2016SPD....47.0338W    Altcode:
  The dynamics of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) remain poorly
  understood. A previous study found that the final speeds of CMEs were
  strongly correlated with the amount of photospheric magnetic flux
  swept out by flare ribbons. The latter quantity, which we refer to as
  the ribbon flux, is thought to be directly related to the amount of
  coronal magnetic flux that reconnects during an eruption. The prior
  study, however, analyzed flare ribbons associated with a small sample
  (N=13) of relatively fast CMEs (all &gt; 600 km/s, mean speed &gt;
  1300 km/s). With the launch of the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)
  in 2010, automated co-registration of ribbon images observed in UV by
  its Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) with line-of-sight magnetograms
  observed by its Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) enabled
  compilation of a relatively large database of ribbon fluxes. Here,
  we characterize relationships between ribbon fluxes and the speeds
  (and other properties) of manually-associated CMEs in a sample of
  several dozen events.

Title: Using Two-Ribbon Flare Observations and MHD Simulations to
    Constrain Flare Properties
Authors: Kazachenko, Maria D.; Lynch, Benjamin J.; Welsch, Brian
2016SPD....47.0612K    Altcode:
  Flare ribbons are emission structures that are frequently observed
  during flares in transition-region and chromospheric radiation. These
  typically straddle a polarity inversion line (PIL) of the radial
  magnetic field at the photosphere, and move apart as the flare
  progresses. The ribbon flux - the amount of unsigned photospheric
  magnetic flux swept out by flare ribbons - is thought to be related
  to the amount coronal magnetic reconnection, and hence provides a key
  diagnostic tool for understanding the physical processes at work in
  flares and CMEs. Previous measurements of the magnetic flux swept
  out by flare ribbons required time-consuming co-alignment between
  magnetograph and intensity data from different instruments, explaining
  why those studies only analyzed, at most, a few events. The launch
  of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) and the Atmospheric
  Imaging Assembly (AIA), both aboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory
  (SDO), presented a rare opportunity to compile a much larger sample of
  flare-ribbon events than could readily be assembled before. We created
  a dataset of 363 events of both flare ribbon positions and fluxes,
  as a function of time, for all C9.-class and greater flares within
  45 degrees of disk center observed by SDO from June 2010 till April
  2015. For this purpose, we used vector magnetograms (2D magnetic field
  maps) from HMI and UV images from AIA. A critical problem with using
  unprocessed AIA data is the existence of spurious intensities in AIA
  data associated with strong flare emission, most notably "blooming"
  (spurious smearing of saturated signal into neighboring pixels, often in
  streaks). To overcome this difficulty, we have developed an algorithmic
  procedure that effectively excludes artifacts like blooming. We present
  our database and compare statistical properties of flare ribbons,
  e.g. evolutions of ribbon reconnection fluxes, reconnection flux rates
  and vertical currents with the properties from MHD simulations.

Title: Active Region Emergence and Remote Flares
Authors: Fu, Yixing; Welsch, Brian T.
2016SoPh..291..383F    Altcode: 2016SoPh..tmp...13F; 2015arXiv150406633F
  We study the effect of new emerging solar active regions on the
  large-scale magnetic environment of existing regions. We first
  present a theoretical approach to quantify the "interaction energy"
  between new and pre-existing regions as the difference between i) the
  summed magnetic energies of their individual potential fields and ii)
  the energy of their superposed potential fields. We expect that this
  interaction energy can, depending upon the relative arrangements of
  newly emerged and pre-existing magnetic flux, indicate the existence
  of "topological" free magnetic energy in the global coronal field
  that is independent of any "internal" free magnetic energy due
  to coronal electric currents flowing within the newly emerged and
  pre-existing flux systems. We then examine the interaction energy in
  two well-studied cases of flux emergence, but find that the predicted
  energetic perturbation is relatively small compared to energies released
  in large solar flares. Next, we present an observational study of the
  influence of the emergence of new active regions on flare statistics
  in pre-existing active regions, using NOAA's Solar Region Summary and
  GOES flare databases. As part of an effort to precisely determine the
  emergence time of active regions in a large event sample, we find that
  emergence in about half of these regions exhibits a two-stage behavior,
  with an initial gradual phase followed by a more rapid phase. Regarding
  flaring, we find that the emergence of new regions is associated with
  a significant increase in the occurrence rate of X- and M-class flares
  in pre-existing regions. This effect tends to be more significant
  when pre-existing and new emerging active regions are closer. Given
  the relative weakness of the interaction energy, this effect suggests
  that perturbations in the large-scale magnetic field, such as topology
  changes invoked in the "breakout" model of coronal mass ejections,
  might play a significant role in the occurrence of some flares.

Title: Data Set of Flare-Ribbon Reconnected Magnetic Fluxes: A
    Critical Tool for Understanding Solar Flares and Eruptions
Authors: Kazachenko, M.; Lynch, B. J.; Welsch, B. T.
2015AGUFMSH23D..08K    Altcode:
  Flare ribbons are emission structures that are frequently observed
  during flares in transition-region and chromospheric radiation. These
  typically straddle a polarity inversion line (PIL) of the radial
  magnetic field at the photosphere, and move apart as the flare
  progresses. The ribbon flux - the amount of unsigned photospheric
  magnetic flux swept out by flare ribbons - is thought to be related
  to the amount coronal magnetic reconnection, and hence provides a key
  diagnostic tool for understanding the physical processes at work in
  flares and CMEs. Previous measurements of the magnetic flux swept
  out by flare ribbons required time-consuming co-alignment between
  magnetograph and intensity data from different instruments, explaining
  why those studies only analyzed, at most, a few events. The launch
  of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) and the Atmospheric
  Imaging Assembly (AIA), both aboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory
  (SDO), presented a rare opportunity to compile a much larger sample of
  flare-ribbon events than could readily be assembled before. We created
  a dataset of 141 events of both flare ribbon positions and fluxes,
  as a function of time, for all C9.-class and greater flares within 45
  degrees of disk center observed by SDO from January 2013 till April
  2015. For this purpose, we used vector magnetograms (2D magnetic field
  maps) from HMI and UV images from AIA. A critical problem with using
  unprocessed AIA data is the existence of spurious intensities in AIA
  data associated with strong flare emission, most notably "blooming"
  (spurious smearing of saturated signal into neighboring pixels,
  often in streaks). To overcome this difficulty, we have developed
  an algorithmic procedure that effectively excludes artifacts like
  blooming. We present our database and compare statistical properties
  of flare ribbons, e.g. evolutions of ribbon reconnection fluxes and
  reconnection flux rates, with the properties from theoretical models.

Title: Photospheric Electric Fields and Energy Fluxes in the Eruptive
    Active Region NOAA 11158
Authors: Kazachenko, Maria D.; Fisher, George H.; Welsch, Brian T.;
   Liu, Yang; Sun, Xudong
2015ApJ...811...16K    Altcode: 2015arXiv150505974K
  How much electromagnetic energy crosses the photosphere
  in evolving solar active regions (ARs)? With the advent of
  high-cadence vector magnetic field observations, addressing this
  fundamental question has become tractable. In this paper, we apply
  the “PTD-Doppler-FLCT-Ideal” (PDFI) electric field inversion
  technique of Kazachenko et al. to a 6-day vector magnetogram and Doppler
  velocity sequence from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager on board
  the Solar Dynamics Observatory to find the electric field and Poynting
  flux evolution in NOAA 11158, which produced an X2.2 flare early on
  2011 February 15. We find photospheric electric fields ranging up to
  2 V cm<SUP>-1</SUP>. The Poynting fluxes range from [-0.6 to 2.3]
  × {10}<SUP>10</SUP> {erg} cm<SUP>-2</SUP> s<SUP>-1</SUP>, mostly
  positive, with the largest contribution to the energy budget in the
  range of [{10}<SUP>9</SUP>-{10}<SUP>10</SUP>] erg cm<SUP>-2</SUP>
  s<SUP>-1</SUP>. Integrating the instantaneous energy flux over space
  and time, we find that the total magnetic energy accumulated above the
  photosphere from the initial emergence to the moment before the X2.2
  flare to be E=10.6× {10}<SUP>32</SUP> {erg}, which is partitioned as
  2.0×10<SUP>32</SUP>erg and 8.6× {10}<SUP>32</SUP> {erg}, respectively,
  between free and potential energies. Those estimates are consistent with
  estimates from preflare nonlinear force-free field extrapolations and
  the Minimum Current Corona estimates, in spite of our very different
  approach. This study of photospheric electric fields demonstrates the
  potential of the PDFI approach for estimating Poynting fluxes and opens
  the door to more quantitative studies of the solar photosphere and more
  realistic data-driven simulations of coronal magnetic field evolution.

Title: A Data Set of Flare-Ribbon Magnetic Fluxes: A Critical Tool
    for Understanding Solar Flares &amp; Eruptions
Authors: Kazachenko, Maria D.; Lynch, Benjamin J.; Welsch, Brian T.
2015shin.confE..13K    Altcode:
  Flare Ribbons are emission structures that are frequently observed
  during flares in transition-region and chromospheric radiation. These
  typically straddle a polarity inversion line (PIL) of the radial
  magnetic field at the photosphere, and move apart as the flare
  progresses. The ribbon flux -- the amount of unsigned photospheric
  magnetic flux swept out by flare ribbons -- is thought to be related
  to the amount coronal magnetic reconnection, and hence provides a key
  diagnostic tool for understanding the physical processes at work in
  flares and CMEs. Previous measurements of the magnetic flux swept
  out by flare ribbons required time-consuming co-alignment between
  magnetograph and intensity data from different instruments, explaining
  why those studies only analyzed, at most, a few events. The launch
  of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) and the Atmospheric
  Imaging Assembly (AIA), both aboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory
  (SDO), presented a rare opportunity to compile a much larger sample of
  flare-ribbon events than could readily be assembled before. We created
  a dataset of 141 events of both flare ribbon positions and fluxes,
  as a function of time, for all C9.-class and greater flares within 45
  degrees of disk center observed by SDO from January 2013 till April
  2015. For this purpose, we used vector magnetograms (2D magnetic field
  maps) from HMI and UV images from AIA. A critical problem with using
  unprocessed AIA data is the existence of spurious intensities in AIA
  data associated with strong flare emission, most notably

Title: The Coronal Global Evolutionary Model: Using HMI Vector
    Magnetogram and Doppler Data to Model the Buildup of Free Magnetic
    Energy in the Solar Corona
Authors: Fisher, G. H.; Abbett, W. P.; Bercik, D. J.; Kazachenko,
   M. D.; Lynch, B. J.; Welsch, B. T.; Hoeksema, J. T.; Hayashi, K.;
   Liu, Y.; Norton, A. A.; Dalda, A. Sainz; Sun, X.; DeRosa, M. L.;
   Cheung, M. C. M.
2015SpWea..13..369F    Altcode: 2015arXiv150506018F
  The most violent space weather events (eruptive solar flares and
  coronal mass ejections) are driven by the release of free magnetic
  energy stored in the solar corona. Energy can build up on timescales
  of hours to days, and then may be suddenly released in the form of a
  magnetic eruption, which then propagates through interplanetary space,
  possibly impacting the Earth's space environment. Can we use the
  observed evolution of the magnetic and velocity fields in the solar
  photosphere to model the evolution of the overlying solar coronal
  field, including the storage and release of magnetic energy in such
  eruptions? The objective of CGEM, the Coronal Global Evolutionary Model,
  funded by the NASA/NSF Space Weather Modeling program, is to develop
  and evaluate such a model for the evolution of the coronal magnetic
  field. The evolving coronal magnetic field can then be used as a
  starting point for magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) models of the corona,
  which can then be used to drive models of heliospheric evolution and
  predictions of magnetic field and plasma density conditions at 1AU.

Title: Photospheric Magnetic Energy Input and the Atmospheric Response
Authors: Welsch, Brian T.
2015TESS....111105W    Altcode:
  How are the chromospheres and coronae of the Sun and
  solar-like stars heated to much higher temperatures than their
  photospheres? Understanding atmospheric heating has been a major,
  unsolved problem in solar and stellar astrophysics for many decades
  now. Convective motions at the photosphere acting on the footpoints
  of coronal magnetic fields are presumed to inject magnetic energy
  into the Sun's atmosphere, where it is later released as heat. To
  investigate this hypothesis, the upward flux of magnetic energy
  across the photosphere --- quantified by the Poynting flux --- can be
  estimated by combining photospheric vector magnetic field measurements
  with horizontal photospheric velocities inferred by local correlation
  tracking (LCT) applied to magnetogram sequences. Recently published
  estimates of the net upward Poynting flux were roughly consistent
  with the expected energy demand required for chromospheric and coronal
  heating. But how are variations in magnetic energy injected across the
  photosphere related to variations in emission in the chromosphere,
  transition region, and corona? Comparisons between the estimated
  upward transport of magnetic energy and the atmospheric response are
  an essential step toward a comprehensive understanding of the physical
  processes that drive chromospheric and coronal heating. To address this
  issue, we have begun efforts to compare variations in chromospheric,
  transition region, and coronal emission observed by IRIS and SDO/AIA
  with estimates of the photospheric Poynting flux derived from sequential
  Hinode/SOT SpectroPolarimeter and Narrowband Filter Imager magnetograms
  of plage magnetic fields in active regions. Here, we will present
  initial results of our comparisons. This work is supported by NASA
  under contract NNG09FA40C (IRIS).

Title: The Coronal Global Evolutionary Model (CGEM): Toward Routine,
    Time-Dependent, Data-Driven Modeling of the Active Corona
Authors: Welsch, Brian T.; Cheung, Mark CM; Fisher, George H.;
   Kazachenko, Maria D.; Sun, Xudong
2015TESS....131106W    Altcode:
  The Coronal Global Evolutionary Model (CGEM) is a model for the
  evolution of the magnetic field in the solar corona, driven using
  photospheric vector magnetic field and Doppler measurements by the
  HMI instrument on NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory. Over days-long
  time scales, the coronal magnetic field configuration is determined
  quasi-statically using magnetofrictional relaxation. For a configuration
  that becomes unstable and erupts or undergoes rapid evolution, we
  can use the magnetofrictional configuration as the initial state for
  MHD simulations. The model will be run in both global configurations,
  covering the entire Sun, and local configurations, designed to model
  the evolution of the corona above active regions. The model uses
  spherical coordinates to realistically treat the large-scale coronal
  geometry. The CGEM project also includes the dissemination of other
  information derivable from HMI magnetogram data, such as (i) vertical
  and horizontal Lorentz forces computed over active region domains,
  to facilitate easier comparisons of flare/CME behavior and observed
  changes of the photospheric magnetic field, and (ii) estimates of the
  photospheric electric field and Poynting flux. We describe progress
  that we have made in development of both the coronal model and its
  input data, and discuss magnetic evolution in (i) the well-studied
  NOAA AR 11158 around the time of the 2011 February 15 X2.2 flare, and
  (ii) AR 11944 around the time of the 2014 January 7 X1.2 flare.

Title: The photospheric Poynting flux and coronal heating
Authors: Welsch, Brian T.
2015PASJ...67...18W    Altcode: 2015PASJ..tmp..156W; 2014arXiv1402.4794W
  Some models of coronal heating suppose that convective motions at
  the photosphere shuffle the footpoints of coronal magnetic fields
  and thereby inject sufficient magnetic energy upward to account
  for observed coronal and chromospheric energy losses in active
  regions. Using high-resolution observations of plage magnetic fields
  made with the Solar Optical Telescope aboard the Hinode satellite,
  we investigate this idea by estimating the upward transport of
  magnetic energy-the vertical Poynting flux, S<SUB>z</SUB>-across the
  photosphere in a plage region. To do so, we combine the following:
  (i) estimates of photospheric horizontal velocities, v<SUB>h</SUB>,
  determined by local correlation tracking applied to a sequence
  of line-of-sight magnetic field maps from the Narrowband Filter
  Imager, with (ii) a vector magnetic field measurement from the
  SpectroPolarimeter. Plage fields are ideal observational targets for
  estimating energy injection by convection, because they are (i) strong
  enough to be measured with relatively small uncertainties, (ii) not
  so strong that convection is heavily suppressed (as within umbrae),
  and (iii) unipolar, so S<SUB>z</SUB> in plage is not influenced by
  mixed-polarity processes (e.g., flux emergence) unrelated to heating
  in stable, active-region fields. In this plage region, we found that
  the average S<SUB>z</SUB> varied in space, but was positive (upward)
  and sufficient to explain coronal heating, with values near (5 ± 1) ×
  10<SUP>7</SUP> erg cm<SUP>-2</SUP> s<SUP>-1</SUP>. We find the energy
  input per unit magnetic flux to be on the order of 10<SUP>5</SUP> erg
  s<SUP>-1</SUP> Mx<SUP>-1</SUP>. A comparison of intensity in a Ca II
  image co-registered with one plage magnetogram shows stronger spatial
  correlations with both total field strength and unsigned vertical field,
  |B<SUB>z</SUB>|, than either S<SUB>z</SUB> or horizontal flux density,
  B<SUB>h</SUB>. The observed Ca II brightness enhancement, however,
  probably contains a strong contribution from a near-photosphere hot-wall
  effect, which is unrelated to heating in the solar atmosphere.

Title: On the Relationship between Solar Magnetic Forces and CME
Authors: Li, Yan; Lynch, Ben; Sun, Xudong; Welsch, Brian T.; Bercik,
   David J.; Fisher, George H.
2015TESS....130219L    Altcode:
  Free magnetic energy is the energy source of solar flares and CMEs. At
  the initiation of a CME, the free magnetic energy converts to kinetic
  energy and few other types of energy. Observable magnetic field sudden
  changes have been found at the onset of flares. The Lorentz force
  around the onset of a flare have been formulated in recent studies and
  can be estimated using photospheric vector magnetic field data. It is
  proposed that outward Lorentz force impulses could be related to CME
  momenta. We analyze about 30 CMEs and their source region magnetic
  fields. The best vector magnetic field data are observed for active
  regions near the center of the solar disk. We first select CMEs that
  appear to be halo or partial halo CMEs in the LASCO images, and then
  we use STEREO SECCHI COR2 white light images to estimate CME mass
  and speed. We then estimate the Lorentz forces in the source active
  regions at the flare onset using SDO HMI photosheric vector magnetic
  field data. We report our studies and describe our analyses.This study
  is under the support of NSF grants.

Title: Sign Singularity and Flares in Solar Active Region NOAA 11158
Authors: Sorriso-Valvo, L.; De Vita, G.; Kazachenko, M. D.; Krucker,
   S.; Primavera, L.; Servidio, S.; Vecchio, A.; Welsch, B. T.; Fisher,
   G. H.; Lepreti, F.; Carbone, V.
2015ApJ...801...36S    Altcode: 2015arXiv150104279S
  Solar Active Region NOAA 11158 has hosted a number of strong flares,
  including one X2.2 event. The complexity of current density and
  current helicity are studied through cancellation analysis of their
  sign-singular measure, which features power-law scaling. Spectral
  analysis is also performed, revealing the presence of two separate
  scaling ranges with different spectral index. The time evolution of
  parameters is discussed. Sudden changes of the cancellation exponents
  at the time of large flares and the presence of correlation with
  Extreme-Ultra-Violet and X-ray flux suggest that eruption of large
  flares can be linked to the small-scale properties of the current

Title: The relationship between CME momenta and magnetic forces
Authors: Li, Y.; Lynch, B. J.; Welsch, B. T.; Bercik, D. J.
2014AGUFMSH43B4206L    Altcode:
  Free magnetic energy is the energy source of solar flares and CMEs. At
  theinitiation of a CME, the free magnetic energy converts to kinetic
  energy and few other types of energy. Observable magnetic field sudden
  changes havebeen found at the onset of flares. The Lorentz force
  around the onset of a flare have been formulated in recent studies and
  can be estimatedusing photospheric vector magnetic field data. It is
  proposed that outward Lorentz force impulses could be related to CME
  momenta. We analyze about 30 CMEs and their source region magnetic
  fields.The best vector magnetic field data are observed for active
  regions nearthe center of the solar disk. We first select CMEs that
  appear to be haloor partial halo CMEs in the LASCO images, and then
  we use STEREO SECCHI COR2white light images to estimate CME mass and
  speed. We then estimatethe Lorentz forces in the source active regions
  at the flare onset using SDO HMI photosheric vector magnetic field
  data.We report our work in progress and describe our analyses.

Title: The Photosheric Poynting Flux and Coronal Heating
Authors: Welsch, B. T.
2014AGUFMSH31C..08W    Altcode:
  Some models of coronal heating suppose that convective motions
  at thephotosphere shuffle the footpoints of coronal magnetic
  fields andthereby inject sufficient magnetic energy upward to
  account forobserved coronal and chromospheric energy losses
  in active regions.Using high-resolution observations of plage
  magnetic fields made withthe Solar Optical Telescope aboard the
  Hinode satellite, weinvestigate this idea by estimating the upward
  transport of magneticenergy --- the vertical Poynting flux, S_z ---
  across the photospherein a plage region. To do so, we combine: (i)
  estimates ofphotospheric horizontal velocities, v_h, determined by
  localcorrelation tracking applied to a sequence of line-of-sight
  magneticfield maps from the Narrowband Filter Imager, with (ii) a
  vectormagnetic field measurement from the SpectroPolarimeter. Plage
  fieldsare ideal observational targets for estimating energy
  injection byconvection, because they are: (i) strong enough to be
  measured withrelatively small uncertainties; (ii) not so strong
  that convection isheavily suppressed (as within umbrae); and (iii)
  unipolar, so S_z inplage is not influenced by mixed-polarity processes
  (e.g., fluxemergence) unrelated to heating in stable, active-region
  fields. Inthis plage region, we found that the average S_z varied
  in space, butwas positive (upward) and sufficient to explain coronal
  heating, withvalues near (5 +/- 1) x 107 erg / cm2 / s. We find the
  energy inputper unit magnetic flux to be on the order of 105 erg /
  s / Mx. Acomparison of intensity in a Ca II image co-registered
  with one plagemagnetogram shows stronger spatial correlations
  with both total fieldstrength and unsigned vertical field, |B_z|,
  than either S_z orhorizontal flux density, B_h. The observed Ca II
  brightnessenhancement, however, probably contains a strong contribution
  from anear-photosphere hot-wall effect, which is unrelated to heating
  in thesolar atmosphere.

Title: Do New Solar Active Regions Trigger Flares in Existing Regions?
Authors: Fu, Y.; Welsch, B. T.
2014AGUFMSH41B4133F    Altcode:
  We study the effect of new emerging solar active regions on the
  large-scale magnetic environment of existing regions. We first present
  a theoretical approach to quantify the "interaction energy" between
  new and pre-existing regions by identifying the part of the magnetic
  potential field energy that couples the new and old flux systems. We
  then examine this energy in two well-studied cases of flux emergence,
  but find that the predicted energetic perturbation is very small
  compared to energies released in large solar flares. Next, we present
  an observational study of the influence of the emergence new active
  regions on flare statistics in pre-existing active regions. As part of
  an effort to precisely determine the emergence time of active regions in
  a large sample, we find that emergence in about half of these regions
  exhibits a two-stage behavior, with an initial gradual phase followed
  by a more rapid phase. Preliminary results regarding flaring suggest
  that newly emerging regions trigger a marginally significant increase
  in the occurrence rate of X- and M-class flares in pre-existing regions.

Title: A Comprehensive Method of Estimating Electric Fields from
    Vector Magnetic Field and Doppler Measurements
Authors: Kazachenko, Maria D.; Fisher, George H.; Welsch, Brian T.
2014ApJ...795...17K    Altcode: 2014arXiv1404.4027K
  Photospheric electric fields, estimated from sequences of vector
  magnetic field and Doppler measurements, can be used to estimate the
  flux of magnetic energy (the Poynting flux) into the corona and as
  time-dependent boundary conditions for dynamic models of the coronal
  magnetic field. We have modified and extended an existing method to
  estimate photospheric electric fields that combines a poloidal-toroidal
  decomposition (PTD) of the evolving magnetic field vector with Doppler
  and horizontal plasma velocities. Our current, more comprehensive
  method, which we dub the "PTD-Doppler-FLCT Ideal" (PDFI) technique, can
  now incorporate Doppler velocities from non-normal viewing angles. It
  uses the FISHPACK software package to solve several two-dimensional
  Poisson equations, a faster and more robust approach than our previous
  implementations. Here, we describe systematic, quantitative tests of
  the accuracy and robustness of the PDFI technique using synthetic data
  from anelastic MHD (ANMHD) simulations, which have been used in similar
  tests in the past. We find that the PDFI method has less than 1% error
  in the total Poynting flux and a 10% error in the helicity flux rate
  at a normal viewing angle (θ = 0) and less than 25% and 10% errors,
  respectively, at large viewing angles (θ &lt; 60°). We compare our
  results with other inversion methods at zero viewing angle and find
  that our method's estimates of the fluxes of magnetic energy and
  helicity are comparable to or more accurate than other methods. We
  also discuss the limitations of the PDFI method and its uncertainties.

Title: Relationship between the photospheric Poynting flux and the
    active region luminosity
Authors: Kazachenko, Maria D.; Canfield, Richard C.; Fisher, George
   H.; Hudson, Hugh S.; Welsch, Brian
2014AAS...22412349K    Altcode:
  How does energy radiated by active regions compare with magnetic energy
  that propagates lower across the photosphere? This is a fundamental
  question for energy storage and release in active regions, yet it is
  presently poorly understood. In this work we quantify and compare
  both energy terms using SDO observations of the active region (AR)
  11520. To quantify the magnetic energy crossing the photosphere, or
  the Poynting flux, we need to know both the magnetic field vector B and
  electric field vector E as well. Our current electric field inversion
  technique, PDFI, combines the Poloidal-Toroidal-Decomposition method
  with information from Doppler measurements, Fourier local correlation
  tracking (FLCT) results, and the ideal MHD constraint, to determine
  the electric field from vector magnetic field and Doppler data. We
  apply the PDFI method to a sequence of Helioseismic and Magnetic
  Imager (HMI/SDO) vector magnetogram data, to find the electric-field
  and hence the Poynting-flux evolution in AR 11520. We find that most
  of the magnetic energy in this AR is injected in the range of $10^7$
  to $10^8$ $ergs/{cm^2 s}$, with the largest fluxes reaching $10^{10}$
  $ergs/{cm^2 s}$. Integrating over the active region this yields a
  total energy of order $10^{28}$ ergs/s. To quantify the active region
  luminosity, we use EUV Variability Experiment (EVE) and Atmospheric
  Imaging Assembly (AIA) spectrally resolved observations. We find the
  active region luminosity of order $10^{28}$ ergs/s. We compare derived
  magnetic and radiated energy fluxes on different temporal and spatial
  scales and estimate their uncertainties. We also discuss the roles
  that potential/non-potential and emerging/shearing terms play in the
  total magnetic energy budget.

Title: The Photospheric Poynting Flux and Coronal Heating
Authors: Welsch, Brian
2014AAS...22410305W    Altcode:
  Some models of coronal heating suppose that random (cf., coherent)
  convective motions at the photosphere shuffle the footpoints of coronal
  magnetic fields and thereby inject sufficient magnetic energy upward
  to account for observed coronal and chromospheric energy losses in
  active regions. Using high-resolution observations of plage magnetic
  fields made with the Solar Optical Telescope aboard the Hinode
  satellite, we observationally test this idea by estimating the upward
  transport of magnetic energy --- the vertical Poynting flux, S_z ---
  across the photosphere in a plage region. To do so, we combine: (i)
  estimates of photospheric horizontal velocities, v_h, determined by
  local correlation tracking applied to a sequence of line-of-sight
  magnetic field maps from the Narrowband Filter Imager, with (ii) a
  vector magnetic field measurement from the SpectroPolarimeter. Plage
  fields are ideal observational targets for estimating energy injection
  by convection, because they are: (i) strong enough to be measured with
  relatively small uncertainties; (ii) not so strong that convection
  is heavily suppressed (as within umbrae); and (iii) unipolar, so S_z
  in plage is not influenced by mixed-polarity processes (e.g., flux
  emergence) that cannot explain steady heating in stable, active-region
  fields. In this and a previously analyzed plage region, we found that
  the average S_z varied between the regions, but was positive (upward)
  and sufficient to explain coronal heating, with values near 2 x 10^7
  erg/ cm^2/ s. We find the energy input per unit magnetic flux to be on
  the order of a few times 10^4 erg/ s/ Mx. A comparison of intensity in
  a Ca II image co-registered with one plage magnetogram shows stronger
  spatial correlation with unsigned vertical field, |B_z|, than either
  S_z or horizontal flux density, |B_h|.

Title: Detection of Coherent Structures in Photospheric Turbulent
Authors: Chian, Abraham C. -L.; Rempel, Erico L.; Aulanier, Guillaume;
   Schmieder, Brigitte; Shadden, Shawn C.; Welsch, Brian T.; Yeates,
   Anthony R.
2014ApJ...786...51C    Altcode: 2013arXiv1312.2405C
  We study coherent structures in solar photospheric flows in a plage in
  the vicinity of the active region AR 10930 using the horizontal velocity
  data derived from Hinode/Solar Optical Telescope magnetograms. Eulerian
  and Lagrangian coherent structures (LCSs) are detected by computing
  the Q-criterion and the finite-time Lyapunov exponents of the velocity
  field, respectively. Our analysis indicates that, on average, the
  deformation Eulerian coherent structures dominate over the vortical
  Eulerian coherent structures in the plage region. We demonstrate the
  correspondence of the network of high magnetic flux concentration to the
  attracting Lagrangian coherent structures (aLCSs) in the photospheric
  velocity based on both observations and numerical simulations. In
  addition, the computation of aLCS provides a measure of the local rate
  of contraction/expansion of the flow.

Title: The coronal energy input from magnetic braiding
Authors: Yeates, A. R.; Bianchi, F.; Welsch, B. T.; Bushby, P. J.
2014A&A...564A.131Y    Altcode: 2014arXiv1403.4396Y
  We estimate the energy input into the solar corona from photospheric
  footpoint motions, using observations of a plage region by the Hinode
  Solar Optical Telescope. Assuming a perfectly ideal coronal evolution,
  two alternative lower bounds for the Poynting flux are computed based
  on field line footpoint trajectories, without requiring horizontal
  magnetic field data. When applied to the observed velocities, a bound
  based solely on displacements between the two footpoints of each
  field line is tighter than a bound based on relative twist between
  field lines. Depending on the assumed length of coronal magnetic field
  lines, the higher bound is found to be reasonably tight compared with
  a Poynting flux estimate using an available vector magnetogram. It
  is also close to the energy input required to explain conductive and
  radiative losses in the active region corona. Based on similar analysis
  of a numerical convection simulation, we suggest that observations
  with higher spatial resolution are likely to bring the bound based
  on relative twist closer to the first bound, but not to increase the
  first bound substantially. Finally, we put an approximate upper bound
  on the magnetic energy by constructing a hypothetical "unrelaxed"
  magnetic field with the correct field line connectivity.

Title: Obtaining Photospheric Electric Field Maps and Poynting
Fluxes from vector magnetograms and Doppler data: Tests and Data
    Driving Applications
Authors: Kazachenko, Maria; Fisher, George; Welsch, Brian
2014cosp...40E1439K    Altcode:
  Quantitative studies of the flow of magnetic energy through the solar
  photosphere require a knowledge of the magnetic field vector B -
  and knowledge of the electric field E as well. We have modified and
  improved the technique Fisher et al. developed in 2012, which combines
  a poloidal-toroidal decomposition (PTD) to determine contributions
  to E from Faraday's law, with additional non-inductive contributions
  arising from flux emergence near polarity inversion lines, determined
  from Doppler measurements. The new technique, which we call the
  “PTD Doppler FLCT Ideal” (or PDFI) technique, incorporates Doppler
  information from non-normal viewing angles, and adopts the faster and
  more robust FISHPACK software for solutions of the two-dimensional
  Poisson equations. We demonstrate the performance using synthetic data
  from the anelastic pseudo-spectral ANMHD simulations that were used
  in the recent comparison of velocity inversion techniques (Welsch et
  al. 2007) and the PTD inversion (Fisher et al. 2012). We find that the
  PDFI method has roughly 10% reconstruction errors (it predicts roughly
  100% of the photospheric Poynting flux and 110% of the helicity flux
  rate at normal viewing angles, consistent with Fisher et al. (2012)
  results, and 90% of Poynting flux and 110% helicity flux at theta=30
  degrees). We conclude that the PDFI method can be routinely applied
  to observed magnetic field data and, as an example, apply it to the
  6-day HMI/SDO vector magnetogram sequence centered at AR11158, where an
  X2.2 flare occurred. We discuss how our electric field maps are used to
  drive coronal magnetic field with a global evolutionary model, or CGEM,
  a collaborative effort from the UC Berkeley Space Sciences Laboratory
  (SSL), Stanford University, and Lockheed-Martin.

Title: Solar Magnetic Tracking. IV. The Death of Magnetic Features
Authors: Lamb, D. A.; Howard, T. A.; DeForest, C. E.; Parnell, C. E.;
   Welsch, B. T.
2013ApJ...774..127L    Altcode: 2013arXiv1307.4019L
  The removal of magnetic flux from the quiet-Sun photosphere is
  important for maintaining the statistical steady state of the magnetic
  field there, for determining the magnetic flux budget of the Sun,
  and for estimating the rate of energy injected into the upper solar
  atmosphere. Magnetic feature death is a measurable proxy for the
  removal of detectable flux, either by cancellation (submerging or
  rising loops, or reconnection in the photosphere) or by dispersal
  of flux. We used the SWAMIS feature tracking code to understand how
  nearly 2 × 10<SUP>4</SUP> magnetic features die in an hour-long
  sequence of Hinode/SOT/NFI magnetograms of a region of the quiet
  Sun. Of the feature deaths that remove visible magnetic flux from the
  photosphere, the vast majority do so by a process that merely disperses
  the previously detected flux so that it is too small and too weak
  to be detected, rather than completely eliminating it. The behavior
  of the ensemble average of these dispersals is not consistent with
  a model of simple planar diffusion, suggesting that the dispersal is
  constrained by the evolving photospheric velocity field. We introduce
  the concept of the partial lifetime of magnetic features, and show
  that the partial lifetime due to Cancellation of magnetic flux, 22 hr,
  is three times slower than previous measurements of the flux turnover
  time. This indicates that prior feature-based estimates of the flux
  replacement time may be too short, in contrast with the tendency
  for this quantity to decrease as resolution and instrumentation have
  improved. This suggests that dispersal of flux to smaller scales is
  more important for the replacement of magnetic fields in the quiet
  Sun than observed bipolar cancellation. We conclude that processes
  on spatial scales smaller than those visible to Hinode dominate the
  processes of flux emergence and cancellation, and therefore also the
  quantity of magnetic flux that threads the photosphere.

Title: Deriving Potential Fields from Vector Magnetograms
Authors: Welsch, Brian
2013SPD....44..118W    Altcode:
  The minimum-energy state for the magnetic field above the solar
  photosphere is current-free. Since current is proportional to the
  magnetic field's curl, the minimum energy state is curl-free, and can
  therefore be represented as the gradient of a scalar potential. In
  addition, the divergence-free condition on the magnetic field implies
  this scalar potential obeys Laplace's equation. An appropriate boundary
  condition must be specified to determine the potential. Given a
  measurement of the full magnetic vector at the photosphere, it is
  possible to employ either Neumann or Dirichlet boundary conditions
  there. Typically, the Neumann condition is applied. Since either
  condition fully specifies the three-dimensional vector magnetic field,
  either choice will, in general, be inconsistent with some aspect of the
  observed field on the boundary, due to the presence of both currents and
  noise in the observed field. We present a method to derive a potential
  field that minimizes the integrated square of the residual between
  both boundary conditions, and show one way to incorporate weighting
  by spatially uniform measurement uncertainties in the minimization. We
  demonstrate each approach using HMI vector magnetic field observations
  of AR 11158. Residual discrepancies between the observed and potential
  fields are significantly larger than empirically determined noise
  levels, and can be interpreted as evidence of horizontal photospheric
  currents. The data provide clues about properties of these currents,
  but determining their spatial distribution will require additional
  constraints, e.g., simplifying assumptions about photospheric magnetic
  structure or observational input beyond single-height magnetograms. We
  also find that the energies of potential fields computed in different
  ways are significantly different --- by nearly 1e+33 ergs in some
  cases. This has substantial implications for estimates of the free
  magnetic energy in coronal field models that is available to power
  flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs.)

Title: A Magnetic Calibration of Photospheric Doppler Velocities
Authors: Welsch, Brian T.; Fisher, George H.; Sun, Xudong
2013ApJ...765...98W    Altcode: 2012arXiv1201.2451W
  The zero point of measured photospheric Doppler shifts is uncertain
  for at least two reasons: instrumental variations (from, e.g., thermal
  drifts); and the convective blueshift, a known correlation between
  intensity and upflows. Accurate knowledge of the zero point is,
  however, useful for (1) improving estimates of the Poynting flux of
  magnetic energy across the photosphere, and (2) constraining processes
  underlying flux cancellation, the mutual apparent loss of magnetic flux
  in closely spaced, opposite-polarity magnetogram features. We present
  a method to absolutely calibrate line-of-sight (LOS) velocities in
  solar active regions (ARs) near disk center using three successive
  vector magnetograms and one Dopplergram coincident with the central
  magnetogram. It exploits the fact that Doppler shifts measured along
  polarity inversion lines (PILs) of the LOS magnetic field determine
  one component of the velocity perpendicular to the magnetic field,
  and optimizes consistency between changes in LOS flux near PILs and
  the transport of transverse magnetic flux by LOS velocities, assuming
  that ideal electric fields govern the magnetic evolution. Previous
  calibrations fitted the center-to-limb variation of Doppler velocities,
  but this approach cannot, by itself, account for residual convective
  shifts at the limb. We apply our method to vector magnetograms of AR
  11158, observed by the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager aboard the
  Solar Dynamics Observatory, and find clear evidence of offsets in
  the Doppler zero point in the range of 50-550 m s<SUP>-1</SUP>. In
  addition, we note that a simpler calibration can be determined from an
  LOS magnetogram and Dopplergram pair from the median Doppler velocity
  among all near-disk-center PIL pixels. We briefly discuss shortcomings
  in our initial implementation, and suggest ways to address these. In
  addition, as a step in our data reduction, we discuss the use of
  temporal continuity in the transverse magnetic field direction to
  correct apparently spurious fluctuations in resolution of the 180°

Title: Interpreting Magmatic Processes from Clinopyroxene in
Terrestrial Ankaramite Lavas: A Procedural Blueprint for the
Authors: Jacob, S. R.; Hammer, J. E.; Welsch, B.
2013LPI....44.3084J    Altcode: 2013LPICo1719.3084J
  We looked at clinopyroxene crystals from a Maui ankaramite lava flow
  as a possible analog to the martian nakhlites.

Title: Photospheric Drivers of Coronal Evolution
Authors: Welsch, B. T.; Kazachenko, M.; Fisher, G. H.; Cheung,
   M. C. M.; DeRosa, M. L.; CGEM Team
2013enss.confE.108W    Altcode:
  Flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are driven by the release
  of free magnetic energy stored in the coronal magnetic field. While
  this energy is stored in the corona, photospheric driving must play
  a central role in its injection, storage, and release, since magnetic
  fields present in the corona originated within the solar interior, and
  are anchored at the photosphere. Also, the corona's low diffusivity
  and high Alfven speed (compared to that at the photosphere) imply
  that the large-scale coronal field essentially maintains equilibrium
  (outside of episodic flares and CMEs!), and therefore only evolves
  due to forcing from photospheric evolution. But fundamental questions
  about each stage of this "storage and release" paradigm remain open:
  How does free magnetic energy build up in the corona? How is this energy
  stored? And what triggers its release? The unprecedented combination of
  high cadence, resolution, and duty cycle of the HMI vector magnetograph
  enables modeling coronal magnetic evolution in response to photospheric
  driving, a powerful approach to addressing these questions. I will
  discuss our efforts to use HMI vector magneotgrams of AR 11158 to derive
  time-dependent boundary conditions for a data-driven coronal magnetic
  field model. These efforts will play a key role in the planned Coronal
  Global Evolutionary Model (CGEM), a data-driven, time-dependent model of
  the global coronal field. This work is supported by NASA's Living With
  a Star program and NSF's Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences.

Title: Thermal History of Yamato 980459: Constraints from Mineralogy,
    Crystal Morphology, and Dynamic Cooling Experiments
Authors: First, E.; Hammer, J.; Welsch, B.
2013LPI....44.2943F    Altcode: 2013LPICo1719.2943F
  We seek to constrain the thermal history of Y-98 through thin section
  analysis of the meteorite and 1-atm dynamic cooling experiments on a
  synthetic equivalent.

Title: Lagrangian coherent structures in the solar magnetoconvective
Authors: Chian, A. C.; Rempel, E. L.; Welsch, B. T.; Yeates, A. R.
2012AGUFMSH51B2244C    Altcode:
  Turbulence and chaos play a fundamental role in solar convection through
  the transport of particles, energy, and momentum. Lagrangian coherent
  structures (LCS), which are material lines or surfaces that act as
  transport barriers in the plasma, provide a novel method to describe
  plasma turbulent motions (ApJL 735, L9, 2011; A&amp;A 539, A1, 2012). We
  report the detection of LCS in numerical simulation of turbulent dynamo
  and Hinode observation of turbulent flows in the solar photosphere. In
  a 3-D helical MHD dynamo simulations of an Arnold-Beltrami-Childress
  flow, two dynamo regimes, a traveling wave regime and an intermittent
  regime, are identified as the magnetic diffusivity is varied. The sharp
  contrast between the chaotic tangle of attracting and repelling LCS
  in both regimes permits a unique understanding of the impact of the
  magnetic field on the velocity field. Next, we apply the LCS method
  to study the photospheric flows derived from Hinode/SOT magnetograms
  in the NOAA active region AR 10930. It is shown that the generation of
  a network of quasi-separatrix layers in the magnetic field correspond
  to LCS in the photospheric velocity. Finally, the characteristics of
  LCS in numerical simulations and Hinode observations are compared.

Title: Evolution of the Photospheric Vector Magnetic Field in HMI Data
Authors: Welsch, B. T.; Fisher, G. H.
2012AGUFMSH13A2243W    Altcode:
  We discuss aspects of magnetic field structure and evolution in
  HMI data, including artifacts of the observation procedure and data
  reduction, and characterization of noise in the magnetic variables
  and their rates of change.

Title: Global Energetics of Thirty-eight Large Solar Eruptive Events
Authors: Emslie, A. G.; Dennis, B. R.; Shih, A. Y.; Chamberlin, P. C.;
   Mewaldt, R. A.; Moore, C. S.; Share, G. H.; Vourlidas, A.; Welsch,
   B. T.
2012ApJ...759...71E    Altcode: 2012arXiv1209.2654E
  We have evaluated the energetics of 38 solar eruptive events observed
  by a variety of spacecraft instruments between 2002 February
  and 2006 December, as accurately as the observations allow. The
  measured energetic components include: (1) the radiated energy in
  the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite 1-8 Å band,
  (2) the total energy radiated from the soft X-ray (SXR) emitting
  plasma, (3) the peak energy in the SXR-emitting plasma, (4) the
  bolometric radiated energy over the full duration of the event,
  (5) the energy in flare-accelerated electrons above 20 keV and in
  flare-accelerated ions above 1 MeV, (6) the kinetic and potential
  energies of the coronal mass ejection (CME), (7) the energy in solar
  energetic particles (SEPs) observed in interplanetary space, and
  (8) the amount of free (non-potential) magnetic energy estimated
  to be available in the pertinent active region. Major conclusions
  include: (1) the energy radiated by the SXR-emitting plasma exceeds,
  by about half an order of magnitude, the peak energy content of the
  thermal plasma that produces this radiation; (2) the energy content
  in flare-accelerated electrons and ions is sufficient to supply the
  bolometric energy radiated across all wavelengths throughout the event;
  (3) the energy contents of flare-accelerated electrons and ions are
  comparable; (4) the energy in SEPs is typically a few percent of the
  CME kinetic energy (measured in the rest frame of the solar wind);
  and (5) the available magnetic energy is sufficient to power the CME,
  the flare-accelerated particles, and the hot thermal plasma.

Title: Are Decaying Magnetic Fields Above Active Regions Related to
    Coronal Mass Ejection Onset?
Authors: Suzuki, J.; Welsch, B. T.; Li, Y.
2012ApJ...758...22S    Altcode: 2012arXiv1211.4684S
  Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are powered by magnetic energy stored
  in non-potential (current-carrying) coronal magnetic fields, with
  the pre-CME field in balance between outward magnetic pressure of the
  proto-ejecta and inward magnetic tension from overlying fields that
  confine the proto-ejecta. In studies of global potential (current-free)
  models of coronal magnetic fields—Potential Field Source Surface
  (PFSS) models—it has been reported that model field strengths above
  flare sites tend to be weaker when CMEs occur than when eruptions fail
  to occur. This suggests that potential field models might be useful
  to quantify magnetic confinement. One straightforward implication
  of this idea is that a decrease in model field strength overlying a
  possible eruption site should correspond to diminished confinement,
  implying an eruption is more likely. We have searched for such an
  effect by post facto investigation of the time evolution of model
  field strengths above a sample of 10 eruption sites. To check if the
  strengths of overlying fields were relevant only in relatively slow
  CMEs, we included both slow and fast CMEs in our sample. In most
  events we study, we find no statistically significant evolution in
  either (1) the rate of magnetic field decay with height, (2) the
  strength of overlying magnetic fields near 50 Mm, or (3) the ratio
  of fluxes at low and high altitudes (below 1.1 R <SUB>⊙</SUB>, and
  between 1.1 and 1.5 R <SUB>⊙</SUB>, respectively). We did observe a
  tendency for overlying field strengths and overlying flux to increase
  slightly, and their rates of decay with height to become slightly more
  gradual, consistent with increased confinement. The fact that CMEs occur
  regardless of whether the parameters we use to quantify confinement are
  increasing or decreasing suggests that either (1) the parameters that
  we derive from PFSS models do not accurately characterize the actual
  large-scale field in CME source regions, (2) systematic evolution in
  the large-scale magnetic environment of CME source regions is not,
  by itself, a necessary condition for CMEs to occur, or both.

Title: The evolution of the electric field and the Poynting and
    Helicity Fluxes in NOAA AR 11158
Authors: Kazachenko, Maria D.; Fisher, George H.; Welsch, Brian T.
2012shin.confE..44K    Altcode:
  The existence of systematic measurements of vector magnetic fields
  and Doppler shifts allows us to estimate electric field in the
  photosphere, by solving Faraday's law, using a Poloidal-Toroidal
  Decomposition (PTD) of the magnetic field and its partial time
  derivative, as well as incorporating information from Doppler
  shifts (Fisher et al. 2012). The method is based on solving a set
  of two-dimensional Poisson equations. We have recently modified the
  method in the following two ways. First, we improvedthe speed and
  accuracy of the Poisson equation solver using the FISHPACK elliptic
  partial differential equation software developed at NCAR, employing
  Neumann boundary conditions appropriate for zero electric fields on
  the vector-magnetogram boundary. Second, we developed a more general
  procedure which allows us to calculate electric fields from magnetic
  fields observed at non-zero viewing angles. We apply the improved
  technique to ANMHD-simulation test case with a known electric field
  and find that it yields more accurate values of Electric field,
  Poynting and helicity fluxes than before. We then apply our method to
  three-days-long HMI data-set centered on AR 11158, which produced an
  X2.2 flare. We present our first results of electric field, helicity
  and Poynting flux evolutions in AR 11158.

Title: Using Electric Fields to drive simulations of the solar
    coronal magnetic field
Authors: Fisher, George H.; Cheung, Mark; DeRosa, Marc; Kazachenko,
   Maria; Welsch, Brian; Hoeksema, Todd; Sun, Xudong
2012shin.confE..47F    Altcode:
  The availability of high-cadence vector magnetograms and Doppler flow
  information measured from the HMI instrument on SDO make it possible to
  determine the electric field at the solar photosphere. This electric
  field, in turn, can be used to drive time-dependent simulations of
  the magnetic field in the solar corona, employing the MHD equations,
  or simpler time-dependent models such as the magneto-frictional (MF)
  model. Here, we demonstrate these concepts by using electric fields
  determined from HMI data to drive a time-dependent MF model of the
  solar corona in the volume overlying the photosphere near NOAA AR 11158.

Title: New Directions for Improving Estimating Electric Fields
    from Magnetograms
Authors: Welsch, Brian T.
2012shin.confE..43W    Altcode:
  Via Faraday's law, sequences of photospheric vector magnetograms can
  be used to derive electric fields in the atmospheric layer imaged
  bythe magnetograph. These electric field estimates have applications
  for space weather prediction: they determine the Poynting flux of
  energy across the area imaged by the magnetogam, and can be used to
  drive time-dependent models of the coronal magnetic field. Tests of
  current approaches for estimating electric fields using artificial data
  from MHD simulations of photospheric magnetic evolution reveal that
  electric field estimation methods are imperfect in several respects;
  most notably, the estimated electric fields underestimated the fluxes
  of magnetic energy and helicity in some circumstances. Here, I will
  outline some speculative approaches that might improve the accuracy
  of electric field estimates.

Title: Global Energetics of Large Solar Eruptive Events
Authors: Dennis, Brian R.; Emslie, A. G.; Chamberlin, P. C.; Mewaldt,
   R. A.; Moore, C. S.; Share, G. H.; Shih, A. Y.; Vourlidas, A.;
   Welsch, B.
2012AAS...22041002D    Altcode:
  We have evaluated the energetics of the larger solar eruptive events
  recorded with a variety of spacecraft instruments between February
  2002 and December 2006. All of the energetically important components
  of the flares and of the accompanying coronal mass ejections and
  solar energetic particles have been evaluated as accurately as
  the observations allow. These components include the following:
  (1) the total energy in the high temperature plasma determined from
  the RHESSI thermal X-ray observations; (2) the total energies in
  accelerated electrons above 20 keV and ions above 1 MeV from RHESSI
  hard X-ray and gamma-ray observations, respectively; (3) the potential
  and kinetic energies of the CME from SOHO/LASCO observations; (4)
  the solar energetic particle (SEP) energy estimates from in situ
  measurements on ACE, GOES, and SOHO; (5) the total radiated energy
  from the SORCE/TSI measurements where available, and otherwise from
  the Flare Irradiance Spectral Model (FISM). The results are assimilated
  and discussed relative to the probable amount of nonpotential magnetic
  energy estimated to be available in the flaring active regions from
  MDI line-of-sight magnetograms.

Title: Global Forces in Eruptive Solar Flares: The Lorentz Force
    Acting on the Solar Atmosphere and the Solar Interior
Authors: Fisher, George H.; Bercik, D. J.; Welsch, B. T.; Hudson, H. S.
2012AAS...22020440F    Altcode:
  We compute the change in the Lorentz force integrated over the outer
  solar atmosphere implied by observed changes in vector magnetograms
  that occur during large, eruptive solar flares. This force perturbation
  should be balanced by an equal and opposite force perturbation acting
  on the solar photosphere and solar interior. The resulting expression
  for the estimated force change in the solar interior generalizes the
  earlier expression presented by Hudson, Fisher, and Welsch, providing
  horizontal as well as vertical force components, and provides a more
  accurate result for the vertical component of the perturbed force. We
  show that magnetic eruptions should result in the magnetic field at
  the photosphere becoming more horizontal, and hence should result
  in a downward (toward the solar interior) force change acting on the
  photosphere and solar interior, as recently argued from an analysis
  of magnetogram data by Wang and Liu. We suggest the existence of an
  observational relationship between the force change computed from
  changes in the vector magnetograms, the outward momentum carried by
  the ejecta from the flare, and the properties of the helioseismic
  disturbance driven by the downward force change. We use the impulse
  driven by the Lorentz-force change in the outer solar atmosphere to
  derive an upper limit to the mass of erupting plasma that can escape
  from the Sun. Finally, we compare the expected Lorentz-force change
  at the photosphere with simple estimates from flare-driven gasdynamic
  disturbances and from an estimate of the perturbed pressure from
  radiative backwarming of the photosphere in flaring conditions.

Title: Finding Electric Fields, Poynting and Helicity Fluxes from
    Vector Magnetograms
Authors: Kazachenko, Maria; Fisher, G. H.; Welsch, B. T.
2012AAS...22020210K    Altcode:
  Existence of systematic measurements of vector magnetic fields allows us
  to estimate electric field in the photosphere, using Poloidal-Toroidal
  Decomposition of the magnetic field and its partial time derivative
  (Fisher et l. 2011). The PTD method is based on solving a set of
  Poisson equations which in the past has been done using Fast Fourier
  Transform techniques. We modify the existing PTD method by improving
  the poisson solver using a package of solvers for elliptic partial
  differential equations called Fishpack. We apply the PTD with a new
  Poisson equation solver to several test cases with a known electric
  field. We find that for the ANMHD simulation test case application of
  the new poisson solver yields a more accurate values of electric field,
  Poisson and helicity fluxes than before. We further investigate the
  applicability of our method to other test cases using simulations of
  M. Cheung and Y. Fan and also HMI vector magnetograms.

Title: A First Look at Magnetic Field Data Products from SDO/HMI
Authors: Liu, Y.; Scherrer, P. H.; Hoeksema, J. T.; Schou, J.; Bai,
   T.; Beck, J. G.; Bobra, M.; Bogart, R. S.; Bush, R. I.; Couvidat,
   S.; Hayashi, K.; Kosovichev, A. G.; Larson, T. P.; Rabello-Soares,
   C.; Sun, X.; Wachter, R.; Zhao, J.; Zhao, X. P.; Duvall, T. L., Jr.;
   DeRosa, M. L.; Schrijver, C. J.; Title, A. M.; Centeno, R.; Tomczyk,
   S.; Borrero, J. M.; Norton, A. A.; Barnes, G.; Crouch, A. D.; Leka,
   K. D.; Abbett, W. P.; Fisher, G. H.; Welsch, B. T.; Muglach, K.;
   Schuck, P. W.; Wiegelmann, T.; Turmon, M.; Linker, J. A.; Mikić,
   Z.; Riley, P.; Wu, S. T.
2012ASPC..455..337L    Altcode:
  The Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI; Scherrer &amp; Schou 2011)
  is one of the three instruments aboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory
  (SDO) that was launched on February 11, 2010 from Cape Canaveral,
  Florida. The instrument began to acquire science data on March 24. The
  regular operations started on May 1. HMI measures the Doppler velocity
  and line-of-sight magnetic field in the photosphere at a cadence of
  45 seconds, and the vector magnetic field at a 135-second cadence,
  with a 4096× 4096 pixels full disk coverage. The vector magnetic
  field data is usually averaged over 720 seconds to suppress the p-modes
  and increase the signal-to-noise ratio. The spatial sampling is about
  0".5 per pixel. HMI observes the Fe i 6173 Å absorption line, which
  has a Landé factor of 2.5. These data are further used to produce
  higher level data products through the pipeline at the HMI-AIA Joint
  Science Operations Center (JSOC) - Science Data Processing (Scherrer et
  al. 2011) at Stanford University. In this paper, we briefly describe the
  data products, and demonstrate the performance of the HMI instrument. We
  conclude that the HMI is working extremely well.

Title: Global Forces in Eruptive Solar Flares: The Lorentz Force
    Acting on the Solar Atmosphere and the Solar Interior
Authors: Fisher, G. H.; Bercik, D. J.; Welsch, B. T.; Hudson, H. S.
2012SoPh..277...59F    Altcode: 2010arXiv1006.5247F; 2011SoPh..tmp..419F; 2011SoPh..tmp..415F
  We compute the change in the Lorentz force integrated over the
  outer solar atmosphere implied by observed changes in vector
  magnetograms that occur during large, eruptive solar flares. This
  force perturbation should be balanced by an equal and opposite force
  perturbation acting on the solar photosphere and solar interior. The
  resulting expression for the estimated force change in the solar
  interior generalizes the earlier expression presented by Hudson,
  Fisher, and Welsch (Astron. Soc. Pac. CS-383, 221, 2008), providing
  horizontal as well as vertical force components, and provides a more
  accurate result for the vertical component of the perturbed force. We
  show that magnetic eruptions should result in the magnetic field at
  the photosphere becoming more horizontal, and hence should result
  in a downward (toward the solar interior) force change acting on the
  photosphere and solar interior, as recently argued from an analysis
  of magnetogram data by Wang and Liu (Astrophys. J. Lett. 716, L195,
  2010). We suggest the existence of an observational relationship between
  the force change computed from changes in the vector magnetograms,
  the outward momentum carried by the ejecta from the flare, and the
  properties of the helioseismic disturbance driven by the downward
  force change. We use the impulse driven by the Lorentz-force change
  in the outer solar atmosphere to derive an upper limit to the mass of
  erupting plasma that can escape from the Sun. Finally, we compare the
  expected Lorentz-force change at the photosphere with simple estimates
  from flare-driven gasdynamic disturbances and from an estimate of the
  perturbed pressure from radiative backwarming of the photosphere in
  flaring conditions.

Title: Can We Determine Electric Fields and Poynting Fluxes from
    Vector Magnetograms and Doppler Measurements?
Authors: Fisher, G. H.; Welsch, B. T.; Abbett, W. P.
2012SoPh..277..153F    Altcode: 2011arXiv1101.4086F
  The availability of vector-magnetogram sequences with sufficient
  accuracy and cadence to estimate the temporal derivative of the magnetic
  field allows us to use Faraday's law to find an approximate solution
  for the electric field in the photosphere, using a Poloidal-Toroidal
  Decomposition (PTD) of the magnetic field and its partial time
  derivative. Without additional information, however, the electric
  field found from this technique is under-determined - Faraday's law
  provides no information about the electric field that can be derived
  from the gradient of a scalar potential. Here, we show how additional
  information in the form of line-of-sight Doppler-flow measurements,
  and motions transverse to the line-of-sight determined with ad-hoc
  methods such as local correlation tracking, can be combined with the
  PTD solutions to provide much more accurate solutions for the solar
  electric field, and therefore the Poynting flux of electromagnetic
  energy in the solar photosphere. Reliable, accurate maps of the Poynting
  flux are essential for quantitative studies of the buildup of magnetic
  energy before flares and coronal mass ejections.

Title: Electric Fields and Poynting Fluxes from Vector Magnetograms
Authors: Fisher, G. H.; Welsch, B. T.; Abbett, W. P.
2012decs.confE..75F    Altcode:
  The availability of vector-magnetogram sequences with sufficient
  accuracy and cadence to estimate the temporal derivative of the magnetic
  field allows us to use Faraday's law to find an approximate solution
  for the electric field in the photosphere, using a Poloidal-Toroidal
  Decomposition (PTD) of the magnetic field and its partial time
  derivative. Without additional information, however, the electric
  field found from this technique is under-determined - Faraday's law
  provides no information about the electric field that can be derived
  from the gradient of a scalar potential. Here, we show how additional
  information in the form of line-of-sight Doppler-flow measurements,
  and motions transverse to the line-of-sight determined with ad-hoc
  methods such as local correlation tracking, can be combined with the
  PTD solutions to provide much more accurate solutions for the solar
  electric field, and therefore the Poynting flux of electromagnetic
  energy in the solar photosphere. Reliable, accurate maps of the Poynting
  flux are essential for quantitative studies of the buildup of magnetic
  energy before flares and coronal mass ejections.

Title: Determining electric fields from vector magnetograms.
Authors: Kazachenko, M.; Fisher, G. H.; Welsch, B. T.
2012decs.confE..98K    Altcode:
  Existence of systematic measurements of vector magnetic fields allows us
  to estimate electric field in the photosphere, using Poloidal-Toroidal
  Decomposition of the magnetic field and its partial time derivative
  (Fisher et l. 2011). The PTD method is based on solving a set of
  Poisson equations which in the past has been done using Fast Fourier
  Transform techniques. We modify the existing PTD method by improving
  the poisson solver using a package of solvers for elliptic partial
  differential equations called Fishpack. We apply the PTD with a new
  Poisson equation solver to several test cases with a known electric
  field. We find that for the ANMHD simulation test case application
  of the new poisson solver yields a more accurate values of electric
  field than before. We further investigate the applicability of our
  method to other test cases using simulations of M. Cheung and Y. Fan.

Title: Decorrelation Times of Photospheric Fields and Flows
Authors: Welsch, B. T.; Kusano, K.; Yamamoto, T. T.; Muglach, K.
2012ApJ...747..130W    Altcode: 2011arXiv1110.6117W
  We use autocorrelation to investigate evolution in flow fields
  inferred by applying Fourier local correlation tracking (FLCT) to a
  sequence of high-resolution (0farcs3), high-cadence (sime 2 minute)
  line-of-sight magnetograms of NOAA active region (AR) 10930 recorded
  by the narrowband filter imager of the Solar Optical Telescope aboard
  the Hinode satellite over 2006 December 12 and 13. To baseline the
  timescales of flow evolution, we also autocorrelated the magnetograms,
  at several spatial binnings, to characterize the lifetimes of active
  region magnetic structures versus spatial scale. Autocorrelation of
  flow maps can be used to optimize tracking parameters, to understand
  tracking algorithms' susceptibility to noise, and to estimate flow
  lifetimes. Tracking parameters varied include: time interval Δt between
  magnetogram pairs tracked, spatial binning applied to the magnetograms,
  and windowing parameter σ used in FLCT. Flow structures vary over a
  range of spatial and temporal scales (including unresolved scales), so
  tracked flows represent a local average of the flow over a particular
  range of space and time. We define flow lifetime to be the flow
  decorrelation time, τ. For Δt &gt; τ, tracking results represent
  the average velocity over one or more flow lifetimes. We analyze
  lifetimes of flow components, divergences, and curls as functions
  of magnetic field strength and spatial scale. We find a significant
  trend of increasing lifetimes of flow components, divergences, and
  curls with field strength, consistent with Lorentz forces partially
  governing flows in the active photosphere, as well as strong trends
  of increasing flow lifetime and decreasing magnitudes with increases
  in both spatial scale and Δt.

Title: Lagrangian coherent structures in photospheric flows and
    their implications for coronal magnetic structure
Authors: Yeates, A. R.; Hornig, G.; Welsch, B. T.
2012A&A...539A...1Y    Altcode: 2011arXiv1110.3957Y
  <BR /> Aims: We show how the build-up of magnetic gradients in the
  Sun's corona may be inferred directly from photospheric velocity
  data. This enables computation of magnetic connectivity measures
  such as the squashing factor without recourse to magnetic field
  extrapolation. <BR /> Methods: Assuming an ideal evolution in the
  corona, and an initially uniform magnetic field, the subsequent
  field line mapping is computed by integrating trajectories of the
  (time-dependent) horizontal photospheric velocity field. The method
  is applied to a 12 h high-resolution sequence of photospheric flows
  derived from Hinode/SOT magnetograms. <BR /> Results: We find the
  generation of a network of quasi-separatrix layers in the magnetic
  field, which correspond to Lagrangian coherent structures in the
  photospheric velocity. The visual pattern of these structures arises
  primarily from the diverging part of the photospheric flow, hiding
  the effect of the rotational flow component: this is demonstrated by
  a simple analytical model of photospheric convection. We separate the
  diverging and rotational components from the observed flow and show
  qualitative agreement with purely diverging and rotational models
  respectively. Increasing the flow speeds in the model suggests that
  our observational results are likely to give a lower bound for the
  rate at which magnetic gradients are built up by real photospheric
  flows. Finally, we construct a hypothetical magnetic field with
  the inferred topology, that can be used for future investigations of
  reconnection and energy release. <P />Movies are available in electronic
  form at <A href="http://www.aanda.org">http://www.aanda.org</A>

Title: The Global Context of Solar Activity During the Whole
    Heliosphere Interval Campaign
Authors: Webb, D. F.; Cremades, H.; Sterling, A. C.; Mandrini, C. H.;
   Dasso, S.; Gibson, S. E.; Haber, D. A.; Komm, R. W.; Petrie, G. J. D.;
   McIntosh, P. S.; Welsch, B. T.; Plunkett, S. P.
2011SoPh..274...57W    Altcode:
  The Whole Heliosphere Interval (WHI) was an international observing and
  modeling effort to characterize the 3-D interconnected "heliophysical"
  system during this solar minimum, centered on Carrington Rotation
  2068, March 20 - April 16, 2008. During the latter half of the WHI
  period, the Sun presented a sunspot-free, deep solar minimum type
  face. But during the first half of CR 2068 three solar active regions
  flanked by two opposite-polarity, low-latitude coronal holes were
  present. These departures from the quiet Sun led to both eruptive
  activity and solar wind structure. Most of the eruptive activity,
  i.e., flares, filament eruptions and coronal mass ejections (CMEs),
  occurred during this first, active half of the interval. We determined
  the source locations of the CMEs and the type of associated region,
  such as active region, or quiet sun or active region prominence. To
  analyze the evolution of the events in the context of the global solar
  magnetic field and its evolution during the three rotations centered
  on CR 2068, we plotted the CME source locations onto synoptic maps of
  the photospheric magnetic field, of the magnetic and chromospheric
  structure, of the white light corona, and of helioseismological
  subsurface flows. Most of the CME sources were associated with the
  three dominant active regions on CR 2068, particularly AR 10989. Most
  of the other sources on all three CRs appear to have been associated
  with either isolated filaments or filaments in the north polar crown
  filament channel. Although calculations of the flux balance and
  helicity of the surface magnetic features did not clearly identify a
  dominance of one region over the others, helioseismological subsurface
  flows beneath these active regions did reveal a pronounced difference
  among them. These preliminary results suggest that the "twistedness"
  (i.e., vorticity and helicity) of subsurface flows and its temporal
  variation might be related to the CME productivity of active regions,
  similar to the relationship between flares and subsurface flows.

Title: Photospheric Magnetic Evolution in the WHI Active Regions
Authors: Welsch, B. T.; Christe, S.; McTiernan, J. M.
2011SoPh..274..131W    Altcode: 2011arXiv1103.2396W
  Sequences of line-of-sight (LOS) magnetograms recorded by the Michelson
  Doppler Imager are used to quantitatively characterize photospheric
  magnetic structure and evolution in three active regions that rotated
  across the Sun's disk during the Whole Heliosphere Interval (WHI),
  in an attempt to relate the photospheric magnetic properties of these
  active regions to flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Several
  approaches are used in our analysis, on scales ranging from whole
  active regions, to magnetic features, to supergranular scales, and,
  finally, to individual pixels. We calculated several parameterizations
  of magnetic structure and evolution that have previously been associated
  with flare and CME activity, including total unsigned magnetic flux,
  magnetic flux near polarity-inversion lines, amount of canceled flux,
  the "proxy Poynting flux," and helicity flux. To catalog flare events,
  we used flare lists derived from both GOES and RHESSI observations. By
  most such measures, AR 10988 should have been the most flare- and
  CME-productive active region, and AR 10989 the least. Observations,
  however, were not consistent with this expectation: ARs 10988
  and 10989 produced similar numbers of flares, and AR 10989 also
  produced a few CMEs. These results highlight present limitations
  of statistics-based flare and CME forecasting tools that rely upon
  line-of-sight photospheric magnetic data alone.

Title: Roles for Data Assimilation in Studying Solar Flares &amp; CMEs
Authors: Welsch, B. T.; Abbett, W. P.; Fisher, G. H.
2011AGUFMSH54A..05W    Altcode:
  Solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are driven by the
  sudden release of free magnetic energy stored in electric currents
  the solar corona. While there is a consensus that free energy enters
  the corona from the solar interior, there is ongoing debate about the
  physical processes primarily responsible for transporting free energy
  into the corona and / or triggering its release once there. Since
  direct measurements of the coronal vector magnetic field, necessary
  to quantify coronal currents, are currently not feasible, it is hoped
  that modeling of the coronal field can improve our understanding
  of processes that drive the corona to flare and produce CMEs. Many
  coronal modeling efforts employ spectropolarimetric observations
  of the photosphere, which can be used to infer magnetic fields and
  flows there; the model then relates these photospheric measurements
  to coronal currents. Observations of coronal emission structures
  might also usefully inform coronal field models. Here, I will discuss
  different approaches to modeling the coronal magnetic field, using
  both photospheric and other data sets, and possible roles for data

Title: Can we Determine Electric Fields and Poynting Fluxes from
    Vector Magnetograms and Doppler Measurements?
Authors: Fisher, G. H.; Welsch, B. T.; Abbett, W. P.
2011AGUFMSH33C..07F    Altcode:
  The availability of vector magnetogram sequences with sufficient
  accuracy and cadence to estimate the time derivative of the magnetic
  field allows us to use Faraday's law to find an approximate solution
  for the electric field in the photosphere, using a Poloidal-Toroidal
  Decomposition (PTD) of the magnetic field and its partial time
  derivative. Without additional information, however, the electric
  field found from this technique is under-determined -- Faraday's law
  provides no information about the electric field that can be derived the
  gradient of a scalar potential. Here, we show how additional information
  in the form of line-of-sight Doppler flow measurements, and motions
  transverse to the line-of-sight determined with ad-hoc methods such as
  local correlation tracking, can be combined with the PTD solutions to
  provide much more accurate solutions for the solar electric field,
  and therefore the Poynting flux of electromagnetic energy in the
  solar photosphere. Reliable, accurate maps of the Poynting flux are
  essential for quantitative studies of the buildup of magnetic energy
  before flares and coronal mass ejections. This work was supported by the
  NASA Heliophysics Theory Program, the NASA Living-With-a-Star Program,
  and the NSF Geosciences Directorate

Title: Decorrelation Times of Photospheric Fields and Flows
Authors: Welsch, B. T.; Kusano, K.; Yamamoto, T. T.; Fisher, G. H.
2011AGUFMSH31A1989W    Altcode:
  We use autocorrelation to investigate evolution in flow fields inferred
  by applying Fourier Local Correlation Tracking (FLCT) to a sequence
  of high-resolution (0.3”), high-cadence (≃ 2 min.) line-of-sight
  magnetograms of NOAA AR 10930 recorded by SOT/NFI aboard the Hinode
  satellite over 12-13 December 2006. To baseline the timescales of
  flow evolution, we also autocorrelated the magnetograms, at several
  spatial binnings, to characterize the lifetimes of active region
  magnetic structure as a function of spatial scale. Autocorrelation of
  flow maps can be used to optimize tracking parameters, to understand
  tracking algorithms' susceptibility to noise, and to estimate flow
  lifetimes. Tracking parameters varied include: time interval Δ t
  between magnetogram pairs tracked; spatial binning applied to the
  magnetograms; and windowing parameter σ used in FLCT. In addition, we
  tracked both boxcar-averaged and unaveraged magnetograms. Because flow
  structures are thought to vary over a range of spatial and temporal
  scales in the photospheric plasma (including unresolved scales), we
  suggest that estimated flows necessarily represent a local average of
  the flow pattern over space and time, and argue that flow decorrelation
  times should be at least as long as Δ t to meaningfully estimate
  plasma velocities. When Δ t exceeds the flow decorrelation time, then
  displacements inferred from tracking represent the average velocity
  over more than one flow lifetime. We also analyze decorrelation times
  of flow components, divergences, and curls as functions of spatial
  scale and magnetic field strength.

Title: A Snapshot of the Sun Near Solar Minimum: The Whole Heliosphere
Authors: Thompson, Barbara J.; Gibson, Sarah E.; Schroeder, Peter C.;
   Webb, David F.; Arge, Charles N.; Bisi, Mario M.; de Toma, Giuliana;
   Emery, Barbara A.; Galvin, Antoinette B.; Haber, Deborah A.; Jackson,
   Bernard V.; Jensen, Elizabeth A.; Leamon, Robert J.; Lei, Jiuhou;
   Manoharan, Periasamy K.; Mays, M. Leila; McIntosh, Patrick S.; Petrie,
   Gordon J. D.; Plunkett, Simon P.; Qian, Liying; Riley, Peter; Suess,
   Steven T.; Tokumaru, Munetoshi; Welsch, Brian T.; Woods, Thomas N.
2011SoPh..274...29T    Altcode: 2011SoPh..tmp..413T
  We present an overview of the data and models collected for the
  Whole Heliosphere Interval, an international campaign to study the
  three-dimensional solar-heliospheric-planetary connected system near
  solar minimum. The data and models correspond to solar Carrington
  Rotation 2068 (20 March - 16 April 2008) extending from below the
  solar photosphere, through interplanetary space, and down to Earth's
  mesosphere. Nearly 200 people participated in aspects of WHI studies,
  analyzing and interpreting data from nearly 100 instruments and
  models in order to elucidate the physics of fundamental heliophysical
  processes. The solar and inner heliospheric data showed structure
  consistent with the declining phase of the solar cycle. A closely
  spaced cluster of low-latitude active regions was responsible for an
  increased level of magnetic activity, while a highly warped current
  sheet dominated heliospheric structure. The geospace data revealed an
  unusually high level of activity, driven primarily by the periodic
  impingement of high-speed streams. The WHI studies traced the solar
  activity and structure into the heliosphere and geospace, and provided
  new insight into the nature of the interconnected heliophysical system
  near solar minimum.

Title: Are Decaying Magnetic Fields Above Active Regions Related to
    CME Onset?
Authors: Suzuki, J.; Welsch, B. T.; Li, Y.
2011AGUFMSH23A1938S    Altcode:
  Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are powered by magnetic energy stored in
  non-potential (current-carrying) coronal magnetic fields; the pre-CME
  field is thought to exhibit a balance between outward magnetic pressure
  of the proto-ejecta and inward magnetic tension from overlying fields
  that confine the proto-ejecta. In global potential (current-free)
  models of coronal magnetic fields --- potential field source-surface
  (PFSS) models --- above flare sites where CMEs originated, it has
  been noted that model field strengths are larger above sites where
  eruptions fail, suggesting potential field models might be useful
  to quantify magnetic confinement. One straightforward implication
  of this idea is that a decrease in model field strength overlying a
  possible eruption site should correspond to diminished confinement,
  implying an eruption is more likely. We have searched for such an
  effect by post facto investigation of the time evolution of model
  field strengths above a sample of 10 eruption sites. To check if the
  strengths of overlying fields were relevant only in relatively slow
  CMEs, we included both slow and fast CMEs in our sample.

Title: Evolution and Activity of Solar Active Regions with STEREO
    Full Sun Imaging
Authors: Li, Y.; Welsch, B. T.; Lynch, B. J.; Luhmann, J. G.; Fisher,
   G. H.
2011AGUFMSH13A1927L    Altcode:
  Solar active regions emerge from the interior of the Sun. It is believed
  that the solar dynamo at the shear layer at the bottom of the convection
  zone generates flux ropes, which emerge to the photosphere as active
  regions. The active regions emerge with stressed and concentrated
  magnetic field up to a few thousand Gauss. Following the emerging phase,
  the field evolves and decays. The decay process of active regions is
  not fully understood. Active regions usually have multiple flares and
  CMEs. Solar eruptions consume magnetic free energy in active regions
  and eject field and mass away from the Sun. Solar eruptions may play a
  role in the decay of the magnetic field in active regions. The lifetime
  of active regions range from hours to perhaps a few months. Stronger
  active regions usually live longer than the earth view pass. We had
  always a single view of the Sun before STEREO. Using the full sun
  imaging of the STEREO mission, we study a few recent active regions on
  the rise phase of solar cycle 24. When the regions are in earth view,
  we analyze HMI magnetograms for the field and energy evolution. By
  observing the total number of flares and CMEs from each region using
  STEREO coronal images, we estimate the released energy through the
  lifetime of these active regions. We discuss the implications to active
  region energy budget and active region decay.

Title: Momentum Balance in Eruptive Solar Flares: The Lorentz Force
    Acting on the Solar Atmosphere and the Solar Interior
Authors: Fisher, George H.; Bercik, David J.; Welsch, Brian T.;
   Hudson, Hugh S.
2011sdmi.confE...9F    Altcode:
  We compute the change in the Lorentz force integrated over the outer
  solar atmosphere implied by observed changes in vector magnetograms
  that occur during large, eruptive solar flares. This force perturbation
  should be balanced by an equal and opposite force perturbation acting on
  the solar photosphere and solar interior. The resulting expression for
  the estimated force change in the solar interior generalizes the earlier
  expression presented by Hudson, Fisher &amp; Welsch (2008), providing
  horizontal as well as vertical force components, and provides a more
  accurate result for the vertical component of the perturbed force. We
  show that magnetic eruptions should result in the magnetic field at
  the photosphere becoming more horizontal, and hence should result in
  a downward (towards the solar interior) force change acting on the
  photosphere and solar interior, as recently argued from an analysis
  of magnetogram data by Wang &amp; Liu. We suggest that there should
  be an observational relationship between the force change computed
  from changes in the vector magnetograms, the outward momentum carried
  by the ejecta from the flare, and the amplitude of the helioseismic
  disturbance driven by the downward force change. We use the impulse
  driven by the Lorentz force change in the outer solar atmosphere to
  derive an upper limit to the mass of erupting plasma that can escape
  from the Sun. Finally, we compare the expected Lorentz force change
  at the photosphere with simple estimates from flare-driven gasdynamic
  disturbances and from an estimate of the perturbed pressure from
  radiative backwarming of the photosphere in flaring conditions.

Title: Understanding Links Between the Interior and Atmosphere
Authors: Welsch, Brian T.
2011sdmi.confE..11W    Altcode:
  Magnetic coupling between the solar interior and atmosphere is
  responsible for many phenomena that interest solar physicists,
  including atmospheric heating, solar flares, and coronal mass ejections
  (CMEs). While all these processes release magnetic energy stored in
  the atmosphere, that energy originated within the solar interior, and
  the magnetic fields involved are also tethered to the interior. The
  precise mechanisms by which magnetic energy passes from the interior
  into the atmosphere to drive such phenomena, however, remain poorly
  understood. For instance, statistical relationships have been reported
  between solar flares and the structure and evolution of subsurface
  flows, inferred from ring diagram analysis; but we can only speculate
  about the physics underlying such relationships. In addition, we
  cannot yet say if or how processes in the atmosphere feed back into
  the interior. For instance, does most active region magnetic flux
  submerge back into the interior? Or does it escape outward into the
  atmosphere? I will discuss some open questions regarding magnetic
  coupling between the interior and atmosphere, and consider ways that
  the HMI and AIA instruments aboard SDO might be used to address such
  questions -- with input from the audience welcomed!